Compendium of Residential Care and Assisted Living Regulations and Policy: 2015 Edition
Licensure Terms
Assisted Living Facilities
General Approach
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) licenses several
types of assisted living facilities (ALFs): assisted living apartments (single-occupancy),
residential care apartments (double-occupancy), and residential care non-apartments. A
person establishing or operating a facility that is not required to be licensed may not use
the term "assisted living" in referring to the facility or the services provided. The ALF
statute requires careful monitoring to detect and report unlicensed facilities.
A facility's licensure type--A or B--is based on residents’ capability to evacuate the
facility. Any facility that advertises, markets, or otherwise promotes itself as providing
specialized care for persons with Alzheimer's disease or other disorders must be
certified as such and have a Type B license.
Adult foster care (AFC) provides a 24-hour living arrangement with supervision in
an adult foster home for people who are unable to live independently in their own
homes because of physical, mental, or emotional limitations. Providers and residents
must live in the same household and share a common living area. With the exception of
family members, no more than three adults may live in the foster home unless it is
licensed as a Type C ALF, which is a four-bed facility that must have an active contract
with the Department to provide AFC services before it can be licensed. A provider
wishing to serve more than four individuals must obtain a DADS Type A ALF license.
Separate rules apply to adult foster homes and Type C facilities, which are not included
in this profile, but a link to the provisions can found at the end.
This profile includes summaries of selected regulatory provisions for Type A and
Type B ALFs. The complete regulations are online at the links provided at the end.
Assisted living facility means an establishment that furnishes, in one or more
facilities, food and shelter to four or more persons who are unrelated to the proprietor
and provides personal care services, supervision or direct administration of
medications, and other permitted services.
Resident Agreements
Facilities must have a written admission agreement with each resident that
includes information about the services to be provided and their cost.
Disclosure Provisions
The facility must have written policies regarding aging in place, admission criteria,
services provided, charges, refunds, the normal 24-hour staffing pattern, residents’
responsibilities and privileges, and other rules and regulations. Before admitting a
resident, facility staff must explain and provide a copy of the disclosure statement to the
resident, family, or responsible party and must also provide a copy of the Resident Bill
of Rights.
An ALF that provides brain injury rehabilitation services must attach to its
disclosure statement a specific statement that licensure as an ALF does not indicate
state review, approval, or endorsement of the facility's rehabilitative services. The facility
must document receipt of the disclosure statement.
If the facility provides services and supplies that could be covered Medicare
benefits, the facility must disclose this information to the resident.
Facilities that provide care to residents with Alzheimer's disease or other
dementias are required to disclose the services they provide using a DADS disclosure
form, which includes the pre-admission and admission processes, discharge and
transfer, planning and implementation of care, change in condition issues, staffing and
staff training in dementia care, and the physical environment. The facility must give the
required DADS disclosure statement to any individual seeking information about the
facility's care or treatment of residents with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. The
disclosure statement must be updated and submitted to the Department as needed to
reflect changes in special services for residents. Prior to admitting a resident to the
facility, staff must discuss and explain the information in the disclosure statement with
the family or responsible party.
Admission and Retention Policy
In a Type A ALF, a resident must be mentally and physically capable of evacuating
the facility unassisted in the event of an emergency and capable of following directions,
and must not require routine attendance during sleeping hours.
In a Type B ALF, a resident may require staff assistance to evacuate the facility,
be incapable of following directions under emergency conditions, require attendance
during sleeping hours, and may not be permanently bedfast but may require assistance
in transferring to and from bed.
All residents must be appropriate for the facility licensure type when admitted. After
admission, if the resident’s condition changes, the resident may no longer be
appropriate for the facility’s license, and if so, the facility is not required to retain them.
The regulations list some general characteristics of residents in an ALF, including
residents who: (1) exhibit symptoms of mental or emotional disturbance, but are not
considered at risk of imminent harm to self or others; (2) need assistance with mobility,
bathing, dressing, and grooming; (3) need reminders to encourage toilet routine and
prevent incontinence; (4) need assistance with medication, supervision of self-
medication, or administration of medication; or (5) are incontinent without pressure
A facility must not admit or retain a resident whose needs cannot be met by the
facility or who cannot secure the necessary services from an outside resource. As part
of the facility's general supervision and oversight of the physical and mental well-being
of its residents, the facility remains responsible for all care provided in the facility. If the
individual is appropriate for placement in a facility, then the decision that additional
services are necessary and can be secured is the responsibility of facility management
with written concurrence of the resident, resident's attending physician, or legal
If the Department or an ALF determines that a resident is inappropriately placed in
the facility, or if a resident experiences a change of condition, but continues to meet the
facility evacuation criteria, as long as the facility is willing the resident may be retained if
certain conditions are met, including: (1) a physician describes the resident's medical
conditions and related nursing needs, ambulatory and transfer abilities, and mental
status, and states that the resident is appropriately placed; and (2) the resident or a
legal representative desires retention in the facility.
If the DADS surveyor or an ALF determines that a resident is inappropriately
placed because the resident no longer meets the evacuation criteria, a facility may
request that the resident remain at the facility by obtaining an evacuation waiver and
providing a detailed emergency plan that explains how the facility will meet the
evacuation needs of the resident, which includes provisions for a sufficient number of
trained staff on all shifts to move all residents to a place of safety. The facility must meet
the previously listed conditions and submit additional information.
ALFs provide personal care, including assistance with activities of daily living
(ADLs); general supervision or oversight of the physical and mental well-being of a
person who needs assistance to maintain a private and independent residence in the
facility or who needs assistance to manage his or her personal life; and supervision or
direct administration of medications. The facility must also provide an activity and/or
social program for residents at least weekly.
An ALF may provide skilled nursing services for limited purposes: (1) coordinating
resident care with an outside home and community support services agency or health
care professional; (2) providing or delegating personal care services and medication
administration; (3) assessing residents to determine required services; and
(4) delivering, for a period not to exceed 30 days, temporary skilled nursing services for
a minor illness, injury or emergency.
Facilities that provide care to residents with Alzheimer's disease or other
dementias must encourage socialization, cognitive awareness, self-expression, and
physical activity in a planned and structured activities program. Activities must be
individualized, based upon the resident assessment, and appropriate for each resident's
abilities. Residents must be encouraged, but never forced, to participate in activities.
Residents who choose not to participate in a large group activity must be offered at
least one small group or one-on-one activity per day. A health care professional may
coordinate the provision of services to a resident within the professional's scope of
practice authorized by the Texas Health and Safety Code, however, a facility must not
provide ongoing services to a resident that are comparable to the services available in a
licensed nursing facility.
Service Planning
Within 14 days of admission, the facility must conduct a comprehensive
assessment and complete an individualized service plan (ISP). The comprehensive
assessment must be completed by the appropriate staff and documented on a form
developed by the facility.
Facilities that provide care to residents with Alzheimer's disease or other
dementias must establish procedures, such as an application process, interviews, and
home visits, to ensure that prospective residents are appropriate and their needs can be
met. Within 14 days of admission, the facility must comprehensively assess the resident
and develop an ISP. The service plan must address the residents’ individual needs,
preferences, and strengths and be designed to help the resident maintain the highest
possible level of physical, cognitive, and social functioning. The service plan must be
updated annually and upon a significant change in condition.
Third-Party Providers
A resident may contract with a licensed home and community support services
agency or with an independent health professional to have health care services
delivered at the facility.
Medication Provisions
Residents who self-administer their own medications and keep them locked in their
room must be counseled at least once a month by facility staff to ascertain if they
continue to be capable of self-administering their medications/treatments and if security
of medications can continue to be maintained.
Supervision of a resident's medication regimen by facility staff may be provided to
residents who are incapable of self-administering without assistance. Supervision
includes and is limited to: reminders to take medications at the prescribed time, opening
containers or packages and replacing lids, pouring prescribed dosage according to the
resident’s medication profile record, returning medications to the proper locked areas,
obtaining medications from a pharmacy, and listing the medication taken on a resident's
medication profile record.
Residents who choose not to or cannot self-administer medication must have
medication administered by a person who: (1) holds a current license to administer
medication; (2) holds a current medication aide permit (this person must function under
the direct supervision of a licensed nurse on duty or on call); or (3) is an employee of
the facility to whom the administration of medication has been delegated by a registered
nurse who has trained them to administer medications or verified their training,
according to rules in the state’s Nursing Practice Act.
Food Service and Dietary Provisions
Facilities must provide at least three balanced and nutritious meals or the
equivalent per day. The meals must be served daily, at regular times, with no more than
a 16-hour span between a substantial evening meal and breakfast the following
morning. All exceptions must be specifically approved by the Department. Menus must
be prepared to provide a balanced and nutritious diet, such as that recommended by
the National Food and Nutrition Board.
Therapeutic diets as ordered by the resident's physician must be provided
according to the service plan. Therapeutic diets that cannot customarily be prepared by
a layperson must be calculated by a qualified dietician. Therapeutic diets that can
customarily be prepared by a person in a family setting may be served by the ALF.
Staffing Requirements
Type of Staff. Each facility must have a manager who is on duty 40 hours per
week and may manage only one facility, except for managers of small Type A facilities,
who may have responsibility for no more than 16 residents in no more than four
facilities. The managers of small Type A facilities must be available by telephone or
pager when conducting facility business off-site. An employee competent and
authorized to act in the absence of the manager must be designated in writing. An
attendant (direct care staff person) must be in the facility at all times when residents are
present. Attendants are not precluded from performing other functions as required by
the ALF.
Staff Ratios. No minimum ratios. A facility must develop and implement staffing
policies that require staffing ratios based upon residents’ needs as identified in their
ISPs. A facility must have sufficient staff to: (1) maintain order, safety, and cleanliness;
(2) assist with medication regimens; (3) prepare and serve meals that meet
requirements; (4) assist with laundry; (5) ensure that each resident receives the kind
and amount of supervision and care required to meet his/her basic needs; and
(6) ensure safe evacuation of the facility in the event of an emergency.
In Type A facilities night shift staff in a small facility must be immediately available
and in a large facility, they must be immediately available and awake. In Type B
facilities, night shift staff must be immediately available and awake, regardless of the
number of licensed beds.
Training Requirements
All managers must complete a 24-hour course which must include information on
the assisted living standards; resident characteristics (including dementia); resident
assessment; skills for working with residents; basic principles of management; food and
nutrition services; federal laws, such as the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), Civil
Rights Act of 1991, the Rehabilitation Act of 1993, Family and Medical Leave Act of
1993, and the Fair Housing Act, with an emphasis on the ADA’s accessibility
requirements; community resources; ethics; and financial management.
All managers must have 12 hours of annual continuing education in at least two of
the following areas: resident and provider rights and responsibilities, abuse/neglect, and
confidentiality; principles of management; skills for working with residents, families, and
other professional providers; resident characteristics and needs; community resources;
accounting and budgeting; basic emergency first-aid; and federal laws as listed above.
All staff must receive 4 hours of orientation before assuming any job
responsibilities, covering topics at a minimum: reporting abuse and neglect,
confidentiality of resident information, universal precautions, conditions that require
notification to the manager, resident rights, and emergency and evacuation procedures.
Attendants (direct care staff) must also complete 16 hours of on-the-job training
and supervision on a range of topics, including: (1) providing assistance with ADLs;
(2) resident health conditions and how they affect the provision of tasks; (3) safety
measures to prevent injury and accidents; (4) emergency first-aid procedures and
actions to take when a resident falls, suffers a laceration, or experiences a sudden
change in physical and/or mental status; (5) behavior management, for example,
prevention of aggressive behavior and de-escalation techniques, practices to decrease
the frequency of the use of restraint, and alternatives to restraints; and (6) fall
Attendants must complete 6 hours of education annually, including 1 hour on fall
prevention and 1 hour on behavior management, as described above, and a range of
other topics suggested by the regulations, including: (1) promoting resident dignity,
independence, individuality, privacy, and choice; (2) resident rights and principles of
self-determination; (3) communication techniques for working with residents with
hearing, visual, or cognitive impairment; (4) communicating with families and other
persons interested in the resident; (5) common physical, psychological, social, and
emotional conditions and how these conditions affect residents' care; (6) essential facts
about common physical and mental disorders, for example, arthritis, cancer, dementia,
depression, heart and lung diseases, sensory problems, or stroke; (7) cardiopulmonary
resuscitation; (8) common medications and side effects, including psychotropic
medications, when appropriate; (9) understanding mental illness; (10) conflict resolution
and de-escalation techniques; and (11) information regarding community resources.
Subject matter must address the unique needs of the facility.
Facilities that employ licensed nurses, certified nurse aides, or certified medication
aides must provide annual in-service training, appropriate to their job responsibilities, on
one or more of several suggested topics, including: (1) communication techniques and
skills useful when providing geriatric care (e.g., skills for communicating with the hearing
impaired, visually impaired and cognitively impaired; therapeutic touch; recognizing
communication that indicates psychological abuse); (2) assessment and interventions
related to the common physical and psychological changes of aging for each body
system; (3) geriatric pharmacology, including treatment for pain management, food and
drug interactions, and sleep disorders; (4) common emergencies of geriatric residents
and how to prevent them (e.g., falls, choking on food or medicines, injuries from
restraint use); (5) how to recognize sudden changes in physical condition, such as
stroke or heart attack, and obtain emergency treatment; (6) common mental disorders
with related nursing implications; and (7) ethical and legal issues regarding advance
directives, abuse and neglect, guardianship, and confidentiality.
Provisions for Apartments and Private Units
The licensing rules do not require private units but some types of facilities provide
them. In facilities that do not provide private units, a maximum of four people may share
a room, and not more than 50 percent of the beds in a facility may be in rooms with
more than two residents. One toilet and one sink are required for every six residents
and one tub or shower for every ten residents. A minimum of one toilet, sink, and
bathing unit must be provided on each sleeping floor accessible to residents of that
The Medicaid STAR+PLUS home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver
program pays for services in three types of settings: single-occupancy assisted living
apartments, residential care apartments, and residential care non-apartment settings.
An assisted living apartment setting is an apartment for single-occupancy that is a
private space with individual living and sleeping areas, a kitchen, a bathroom, and
adequate storage space. Double-occupancy units may be provided if requested.
Residential care apartments are units with two bedrooms, each with a single
occupant, with a shared kitchen and bathroom. Kitchens must be equipped with a sink,
refrigerator, cooking appliance (stove, microwave, built-in surface unit) that can be
removed or disconnected, and space for food preparation.
A residential care non-apartment setting is defined as a licensed ALF with 16 or
fewer beds, with living units that do not meet the definition of either an assisted living
apartment or a residential care apartment. Most have dual-occupancy rooms but some
have rooms with up to four residents.
Provisions for Serving Persons with Dementia
Dementia Care Staff. Facilities must have a manager or supervisor. Facilities
with 17 or more residents must have an activity director 20 hours a week. Smaller
facilities may designate a person to plan and implement activities.
A facility must employ sufficient staff to provide services for and meet the needs of
its residents with dementia. In large facilities or units with 17 or more residents, two staff
members must be immediately available whenever residents are present.
Dementia Staff Training. All staff in Alzheimer’s facilities must receive 4 hours of
dementia-specific orientation prior to assuming job responsibilities, providing basic
information about the causes, progression, and management of dementia.
Direct care staff must receive 16 hours of on-the-job supervision and training within
the first 16 hours of employment following orientation. Training must cover providing
assistance with ADLs; emergency and evacuation procedures specific to the dementia
population; behavior management, including prevention of aggressive behavior and de-
escalation techniques; and fall prevention.
Direct care staff must complete12 hours annually of in-service, competency-based
training regarding Alzheimer’s disease, 1 hour of which must address behavior
management, as described above. Additional suggested topics include: (1) assessing
resident capabilities and developing and implementing service plans; (2) promoting
resident dignity, independence, individuality, privacy and choice; (3) planning and
facilitating activities appropriate for the dementia resident; (4) communicating with
families and other persons interested in the resident; (5) resident rights and principles of
self-determination; (6) care of elderly persons with physical, cognitive, behavioral and
social disabilities; (7) medical and social needs of the residents; (8) common
psychotropic medications and side effects; and (9) local community resources.
Managers or supervisors and activity directors or their designees must annually
complete 6 hours of continuing education regarding dementia care.
Dementia Facility Requirements. A monitoring station must be provided within
the dementia care unit as well as access to at least two approved exits remote from
each other. The outdoor area of at least 800 square feet must be provided in at least
one contiguous space. This area must be connected to, be a part of, be controlled by,
and be directly accessible from the facility. Locking devices may be used on control
doors provided criteria specifically stated in the rules are met for their use.
Background Checks
An ALF must keep current and complete personnel records on facility employees
for review by DADS staff, including documentation that the facility performed a criminal
history check (offenses which preclude employment are listed in statute), an annual
employee misconduct registry check, and an annual nurse aide registry check.
Inspection and Monitoring
To be licensed, a facility must pass an on-site life safety code inspection and a
separate on-site health inspection. Licenses are renewed every 2 years, for which an
on-site inspection is required, which must include observation of the care of a resident.
The Department developed a training program to provide specialized training to
DADS employees who inspect ALFs. The training emphasizes the distinction between
an ALF and a nursing facility.
Public Financing
A Medicaid 1115 demonstration managed care waiver program--called
STAR+PLUS--which includes the STAR+PLUS HCBS waiver program, covers services
in licensed ALFs (and AFC homes) that contract with the resident’s managed care
organization to provide the HCBS waiver services. Under the waiver program, facilities
may contract to provide services in two distinct types of living arrangements: assisted
living apartments and assisted living non-apartment settings. In addition, the Medicaid
Community-Based Alternatives 1915(c) Waiver program pays for assisted living and
AFC services, although not all ALFs offer waiver services.
Room and Board Policy
Providers may not charge Medicaid waiver program participants more for room
and board than the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit of $733 (in
2015) minus a personal needs allowance of $85. The state does not provide a
supplement for SSI recipients in ALFs.
Family supplementation is allowed for amenities not included in the room and
board rate.
Location of Licensing, Certification, or Other Requirements
Texas Statutes, Health and Safety Code, Title 4, Subtitle B, Chapter 247: Assisted Living
Facilities. The chapter is cited as the Assisted Living Facility Licensing Act.
Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 92: Licensing Standards for Assisted Living
Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 48, Subchapter K: Minimum Standards for
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Website: Adult Foster Care.
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Website: How to Become an Adult Foster
Care Provider with links to regulations.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission, STAR+PLUS Handbook Revision: 14-3.
[September 2, 2014]
Information Sources
Dotty Acosta
Assisted Living Facility and Adult Day Care Program Specialist
Regulatory Services
Department of Aging and Disability Services
Becky Hubik
Long-Term Services and Supports Policy
Center for Policy and Innovation
Department of Aging and Disability Services
Michelle Erwin
Program Management
Medicaid/CHIP Program Operations
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Files Available for This Report
Executive Summary http://aspe.hhs.gov/execsum/compendium-residential-care-and-
HTML http://aspe.hhs.gov/basic-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
PDF http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
[NOTE: These profiles are available in the full HTML and PDF versions, as well as each state
available as a separate PDF listed below.]
Alaska http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Arizona http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Arkansas http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Colorado http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Connecticut http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
District of Columbia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Georgia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Illinois http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Indiana http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Iowa http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Kentucky http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Maryland http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Massachusetts http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Michigan http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Minnesota http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Mississippi http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Missouri http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Montana http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Nevada http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New Hampshire http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New Jersey http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New Mexico http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New York http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
North Carolina http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
North Dakota http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Oklahoma http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Oregon http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Texas http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Virginia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Washington http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
West Virginia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Wisconsin http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Wyoming http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-