Terms and conditions
Rules about coming to
the theatre
Coming to the theatre
If you buy a ticket to come to the
theatre, it means you agree to our
terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions are rules and
things you agree to.
If you do not follow the rules, we
might ask you to leave.
The cost of your ticket includes some
extra things. We call these things
The fees help us to run the theatre.
Changing a show
Sometimes we might have to make
changes to a show. We might have
change the time or date when the
change the place where the show
is on
cancel the show
Sometimes, we have to make changes
just before the show starts.
You must check the website often for
any updates.
Changing the date of the
If we change the date, we will offer
you another ticket.
This ticket will be for the same show
on a new date.
We will not charge you any extra
If you cannot come on the new date,
you can ask for your money back.
You must ask us more than 48 hours
before the new date.
If you ask us after this, we cannot give
you your money back.
If a show is cancelled
If a show or event is cancelled, we will
give you your money back. The
money will go back onto the card you
paid with.
Swapping your ticket
If you booked to see a show but you
cannot come, let us know.
We might be able to swap your ticket
for a new date.
We will only try to do this if:
you want to see the same show
you ask us 7 days or more before
the show
there are going to be 4 or more
performances of the show
there are spaces on the new date
We cannot swap your ticket for a
different show or event.
We might charge you extra money to
swap your ticket.
If we swap your ticket, we will cancel
your old ticket. We will not give you
any money back for it.
Selling your ticket
If you cannot come to a show, we
might be able to sell your ticket for
We can only do this if all the other
tickets for the show have been sold.
If we sell your ticket, we will give you
the money back into your bank
We will not give you any money back
for the fees.
If we can’t sell your ticket, you won’t
get any money back.
You are not allowed to sell your ticket:
for more money than you paid for
to a company who will sell your
ticket again for more money
If this happens, we might cancel the
The person who buys your ticket will
not be allowed to see the show.
How you will get your
We will email your tickets to you.
You will get the email within 2 hours
of booking your tickets.
If you do not get the email, you can:
phone us on:
020 8365 4343
Contact us online:
When you come to the theatre, show
us the tickets on your phone.
If you lose your email or you do not
have a phone, let us know.
We will print out the tickets for you.
We might charge you extra for this.
You can only pick up these tickets on
the day of the show.
You pick up your tickets from the box
Box office
When you pick up your tickets, we will
need to see:
the bank card you used to buy the
some proof that you are who you
say you are. This might be your
passport or your driving licence
We cannot print out tickets if you did
not buy them from us.
Information about your
Booking your ticket
When you book your tickets, you must
read our website very carefully.
You must make sure you are booking
the right:
time and date
number of spaces
If you make a mistake, we might not
be able to put it right.
We only sell a certain amount of
tickets for each show.
Once we have sold them all, we
cannot offer any more.
More about changes to a show
We might have to make some
changes to a show. Things like:
changing which actors and
actresses are in the show
changing how long the show will
We might also need to change where
you sit in the theatre.
We do not need to tell you about
these things before the show.
We do not have to give you any
money back or swap your tickets.
Ticket offers
Sometimes, we might change the cost
of tickets. Or we might have a special
offer on.
You can only use 1 special offer when
you book tickets.
You cannot use a special offer on
tickets you have already booked.
Who can come to the
You must be aged 14 or older to come
to our theatre.
Some of our events are standing only.
You must be aged 16 or older to come
to these events.
We might ask to see some proof of a
child’s age.
We have some shows that are for
children and families.
Children aged 14 or younger must
have an adult with them at all times.
Children younger than 1 year can
come for free. They must sit on your
If you have any questions about
bringing your child to the theatre,
contact us.
Rules about coming to the
Being on time
The entrance to the theatre is in the
East Court.
If you are late for the show, we might
not let you in. If this happens, we
cannot give you your money back.
Using your phone
You must not use your mobile phone
during the show.
You must not take photos or record
the show. If you do, we might ask you
to leave.
Recording a show
Sometimes we make a video of a
show or event. We might record you
as a member of the audience.
If you do not want to be filmed, let
the Visitor Services Team know.
Some of our shows use flashing lights,
loud noises and smoke effects.
Loud music
Some music shows have very loud
Listening to too much loud music can
affect your hearing. Earplugs can help
to protect your ears.
If you want to use some earplugs, ask
the Visitor Services Team.
Food and drink
You must not bring any food or drinks
into the theatre.
We might ask to check your bags and
pockets before we let you in.
This is to make sure you are not
bringing anything dangerous to the
We have a list of things you cannot
bring with you on page XXX.
You must not bring any big bags or
backpacks to the theatre.
We do not have room to store bags
during the show.
People who behave in a bad or
rude way
Sometimes, we might need to ask
people to leave the theatre. This
might be because they:
are drunk or have taken drugs
are being rude or behaving in a
way that upsets or harms other
people. This includes on social
media, phone or email
have not got proof to show how
old they are
If we ask you to leave, we will not give
you your money back.
Some people who come to the theatre
need to bring medicines. You must
bring any medicines in the packet or
Dressing up
For some of our shows, you can come
in fancy dress.
You must not wear anything that
might upset other people. Things like
scary or rude clothes or football shirts.
If you cannot come to the show
because you have COVID-19, let us
We might be able to give you your
money back.
We might ask to see proof of your
COVID test.
Who is responsible for
We will do our best to keep you safe
when you come to the theatre.
You must follow any safety
instructions from our staff.
You must look after your own things.
We are not responsible if:
you bring something to the
theatre and you lose it
something you bring to the
theatre gets damaged or broken
We want you to have a good time at
the theatre.
But we know that sometimes, things
can go wrong. You might not be
happy with the service you get from
You can complain if you want to.
Complain is when you tell us you are
not happy.
You must complain within 7 days of
the show or event.
Email us at:
Things you cannot bring to
the theatre:
anything that could be used as a
fake weapons
food and drink
cigarettes that you are planning to
heavy necklaces and bracelets
anything that is made of glass
a laser pen
a megaphone or an air horn
spray cans
animals. Guide dogs are allowed
hi vis jackets
a big camera or video camera
a bicycle
chairs and stools
Contact us details?
Visitor Services Team