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Trade Effluent (G02)
Guidance Note
Form G/02: Trade Effluent discharge notice
These notes are to assist you in completing your application form ‘G/02 Trade
Effluent Discharge Notice’ correctly and are in addition to any instructions contained
in the form.
If you have any further questions you should contact your Retailer.
The owner or occupier of the premises should complete sections 2 to 11 and Annex
1. The Retailer should complete sections 12 and 13, Section 1 may be completed by
either. The Retailer may assist the Non-Household Customer in completing the
application. Whilst the Retailer submits the form to the Wholesaler on behalf of
the Customer, it remains the Customer’s responsibility to ensure the details
are accurate.
If this application is being completed and signed by a Consultant (on behalf of a
Customer), a letter must be provided confirming they have authorisation to act on
behalf of the Customer before we can proceed with the application.
Application made to Wholesaler
Anglian Water Services (Anglian Water) are the Wholesaler for Trade Effluent
discharges to sewer in the Anglian Water region.
1. Retailer Details
Anglian Water cannot process the application without this information. This section
can be completed by the customer or the Retailer.
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2. Type of Application
This section is to determine what the application is for, be careful to tick the correct
box for the type of application you are requesting
All of the relevant questions for the application type are indicated in this section.
a) Proposed Discharge for which no consent exists
This is for a new application where no consent currently exists even if a discharge is
being made.
b) Variation to an existing Consent
This is where a consent already exists but there is a change required to the existing
conditions. (This is known as a direction/variation to the current consent).
c) Renewal of an existing consent after a Discontinuation
This is not a service Anglian Water provide as we do not suspend a consent during
a discontinuation. See also discontinuation below.
d) Change of Occupier at the consented premises
This applies where the site has a new occupier, as a consent is not transferable.
e) Change of name/occupier where Companies House registration number
This only applies where a Certificate of Incorporation can be provided, clearly
showing an audit trail on Companies House with the original consented name.
f) Discontinuation of Trade Effluent Services
This is where a discharge is suspended but not ceased. The consent will remain in
force as will the Wholesale Trade Effluent standing charge as per our Published
Scheme of Wholesale Charges.
g) Termination of Consent
This is only to be completed where the consented discharge has permanently
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3. Details of applicant to which the application relates
Anglian Water must ensure that a consent is issued in the correct name, so it is
essential that the details in this section are correct. Please tick the relevant ‘legal
3.1 Information about the organisation applying for the consent to discharge
A company or body corporate we would need the company registration
number as proof of this status. This includes charities.
Government organisation e.g. local authority.
Sole Trader Please give your full name, for example if Mr Alan Smith operates a
business called “Petrol Service Station”, the Consent would be issued as “Mr Alan
Smith trading as Petrol Service Station”.
Partnership this is a group of people carrying out a business together that is
NOT incorporated into a registered company.
3.2 Registered address and other details
If the applicant is a registered company, this will be the address on Companies
House associated with the registration number provided in the next response. If it
is not a registered company it can be a private address of the premises
3.3 Trade premises details to which application for consent applies
SPID - Service Point Identification, this will be added by your Retailer
UPRN (unique property reference number) provide if known otherwise leave
The email address provided for the primary contact for trade effluent matters will
be where sample analysis results will be sent. If this changes you should tell us so
we can keep our records up to date.
Operational Hours of the premises - these are the hours during which time the
site is contactable , not your times of discharge.
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SIC code provide if known, otherwise leave blank
3.4 Owner of premises
We have a legal duty to send a copy of the Consent/Direction to the owner of the
premises, so please provide details if the owner is not the applicant.
4. Trade Effluent discharge description
4.1 Trade conducted at the premises
This requires a description of your company’s main business activities, and may
NOT be the process producing the trade effluent.
Detailed description of the process (es) from which the Trade Effluent arises
Provide detailed description of the actual process producing the Trade Effluent. This
requires a specific description of the activity on the site that produces the effluent
discharged to the public sewer. The description should be as detailed as possible.
For example, ‘washing of vessels used to mix product’.
4.2 Trade Effluent treatment to be given on site
Provide details of any pre-treatment that the effluent may receive before being
discharged to sewer, i.e. fat trap, oil interceptor, biological treatment plant, pH
adjustment etc.
4.3 Nature composition and temperature
Chemicals stored on site
In this section, you should provide details only of any substances stored on site
which may be present in your effluent but is not normally. For chemicals being
discharged see below
Chemicals/substances to be discharged
In this section, you should provide details of any substances which may be present
Please also refer to Annex 1 “Substances Subject to Control” which provides a
detailed list of substances of interest.
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You should provide safety data sheets where available and continue on a separate
sheet if you do not have enough space on the form.
Please note that although the Water Industry Act states that that no effluent is
permitted to be discharged with a temperature greater than one hundred and ten
degrees Fahrenheit, in Anglian Water consents we will round this value up to 45
degrees centigrade for convenience.
Maximum quantity of trade effluent to be discharge in any 24 hour period
Note the volume in cubic metres (m3) and remember to include all possible sources
of effluent and rinse waters. This volume is required to assess if the sewers,
pumping stations and the water recycling centre have sufficient capacity to accept
the discharge at the volume you require.
Maximum rate at which will you will discharge
This should be in litres per second (l/s), and is again used to assess capacity in our
network, so this needs to be the highest rate that is likely to discharged at any
Periods of discharge
When is the site open and operational? Please provide all days of the week that the
site is open, e.g. Monday to Friday, or seven days a week. The hours in the day
which the site is open i.e. 08:00 to 17:00.
Method of measuring discharge flow
Is there a trade effluent meter able to directly measure the volume of trade effluent
discharged? If yes, please provide details in section 5. If no, say so.
Proposed starting date.
Note that we do not normally issue consents to discharge where there is no clear
start date planned or whose start date is some time away, for instance a year or
more. Please provide the date from which you would like to start discharging. If this
is an existing discharge, please give the date from when you started operating this
process on site. If you are unsure of an exact date, please provide an estimate.
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4.4 Time limited consents
This is only to be completed if your applications is temporary in nature, but for
greater than 6 months and with a known end date. There is a separate form
for discharges that are for less than 6 months.
5. Trade Effluent monitoring and location
5.1 Flow meter
Please provide full details of the effluent meter, you also need to include a
calibration certificate and a meter reading (with date taken) with your application.
Note: an annual calibration may be required if we are to continue to use this as
means of measuring your volume.
5.2 Additional monitoring
Please provide details of any other monitoring of the effluent which is undertaken
by the Customer, such as online or routine monitoring of pH
5.3 Sample point and drainage plan
You should describe the point from which samples representing the discharge will
be taken so that we can m o n i t o r your effluent (this should not include domestic
effluent). You must also provide a detailed drainage map, with the agreed sample
point clearly marked. You may wish to ask your Retailer for assistance with this.
5.4 Name of the street where the connection to sewer is located
Provide the street name where the sewer that your effluent discharges into is
located, the details should be visible on the map that you provide.
5.5 Is this a proposed or existing connection to the sewerage network?
Note that if you have no connection we would not normally consent such a
discharge. A trade effluent connection must be made to a public foul or combined
sewer. Please speak to your Retailer if the connection point or sewer type is not
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5.6 Is there any rainfall discharged through the Trade Effluent sample point ?
Please indicate if rainfall directly or surface water from rainfall flows through the
sample point
5.7 Surface area drainage
This only requires completing if surface water from the site forms part of the trade
effluent volume through the designated sample point.
6. Water Supply details
6.1 How is water supplied to the premises?
Please note you may select more than one box.
6.2 Private network
This is only to be completed if water is received from a private network supplier.
This does not mean when a landlord is supplying your water.
7. Water consumption information
Average water consumption through the public supply (m
This is the average supply to the whole site which may be supplied by more than
one incoming meter
Average water consumption through other supply sources
For example boreholes or abstraction from a water course.
Days worked/Seasonal closure
This information will be used to determine any domestic allowance.
Number of Full Time Equivalent employees working at the premises
This number may used to calculate the volume of water consumed for domestic
purposes, not Trade Effluent, termed ‘headcount’. If any of this information
changes, you should inform your Retailer using the appropriate form.
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Is there a staff canteen?
This may also be used to determine domestic water use. A canteen is only a place
where full cooked meals are prepared on site, NOT just hot drinks/snacks.
8. Water loss
Any water losses from site, water not returned to sewer (e.g. water into product,
evaporative losses etc.) should be recorded. These may be deducted from volumes
used to raise Wholesale charges, these volumes are called ‘Allowances’. In order for
these allowances to be given, they must be declared on the form and evidence
provided. These will be subject to agreement by the Wholesaler. You may submit a
separate sheet if you do not have enough room on the form.
9. Information relating to Health and Safety
9.1 Health and Safety considerations
A safe and reasonable access to the site and the designated sample point must be
provided at all times so that Anglian Water staff can inspect and sample the
discharge. Please make us aware of any hazards on site and what precautions our
staff must adhere to.
9.2 Control of Major Hazards (COMAH)
Indicate if the site is subject to COMAH regulations.
9.3 Environmental Agency Permit
If you hold, or are in the process of applying for an environmental permit for the
site identified (issued by the Environment Agency), please provide the details here,
including the permit number.
10. Discontinuation or termination of trade effluent consent
Anglian Water do not offer a discontinuation of a Trade Effluent Consent.
Termination is when the consented trade effluent discharge has permanently
ceased. The consent would be terminated and any new discharges would require an
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application for a new consent.
11. Declaration by the authorised signatory
The form should only be signed and dated by an appropriate person who represents
the company applying. If a signed letter of authorisation has been provided, then a
consultant or other identified authorised person may complete the forms and sign
the declaration.
12. & 13. Consent and declaration from the retailer
These sections must be completed by the Retailer.
Annex 1: Schedule of substances to be discharged / stored on site
Schedule of substances these are substances of specific interest to us and are
subject to control. You must tick any chemicals which have a reasonable potential
to be present in your effluent and if possible provide us with more information on
the concentration in your effluent discharge.
This list is not exhaustive and additional substances which are likely to be found in
the effluent discharged to public sewer should be declared.
Any substance not declared and subsequently found to be present in the discharge
may be considered unlawful.
Please note:
Completion of an application form does NOT give permission for the
proposed discharge to commence
Once Anglian Water receive the application, we will confirm receipt, and
notify you whether or not the application is materially complete within 5
days of receipt. Materially complete means we have all the information
we require to start the process. We may still need to come back to you
to clarify points or ask further information
If you require any help filling in this form please contact your Retailer