Pet Insurance
Insurance Product Information Document
Company: Animal Friends Pet Insurance Product: Lifetime £18,000 Policy
Animal Friends is an intermediary registered in the United Kingdom and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(307858). Animal Friends acts on behalf of Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe) Limited who are registered in Gibraltar Reg. No: 87598.
Registered oce: Level 3 Ocean Village Business Centre, 23 Ocean Village Promenade, Gibraltar. Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe)
Limited is authorised and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and is subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct
Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority in respect of business underwritten in the UK (No: 231635). This
Insurance Product Information Document provides a summary of the main cover and exclusions, and is not personalised to your specic
individual needs. You can nd the full information by reading your Policy Schedule and your Policy Booklet.
What is this type of insurance?
This product meets the demands and needs of someone wanting help paying vet bills for long-term and short-term treatment
until theannual policy limit is reached. Our Lifetime pet insurance policies oer cover for accidents, illnesses and conditions and
could provideongoing cover for these as long as you continue to renew your policy. This Lifetime product has an annual limit which
refreshesupon annual renewal.
What is insured?
Cover for veterinary fees for accidents, illnesses
andconditions up to the annual limit of £18,000.
This limit includes:
- complementary treatment as recommended
byyour vet up to £3,000 per policy year.
- treatment of behavioural problems as
recommended by your vet.
- cover for up to £3,000 per policy year for dental
treatments prescribed by your vet due to dental
illness or accidents as long as a dental exam has
been carried out within a year before the injury
- prescribed clinical diet to treat bladder stonesup
to £200 per policy year.
- the cost of putting your pet to sleep when
recommended by your vet up to £116.
This limit refreshes at renewal.
If your pet passes away during the policy year, we will
pay a percentage of the amount you paid or donated
for your pet up to £3,000. If you have a dog over 8
years and 1 day or a cat over 10 years and 1 day, we’ll
only cover deaths as a result of accidents.
Cover for up to £200 for the cost of cremation or
burial if your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet due to
an illness or accident.
If your pet is lost or stolen, we will pay a percentage
of the amount you paid or donated for your pet up to
£3,000 if they are not found after 45 days.
Cover for up to a maximum of £2,000,000 per policy
year if your pet accidentally injures someone or
damages their property and you are legally liable.
Cover for up to a maximum of £200 per policy year
towards the cost for advertising your lost or stolen
pet or for a reward if your pet is found and returned
Cover for up to a maximum of £1,500 per policy
year towards the cost of boarding your pet if you
unexpectedly have to spend more than 4 consecutive
Cover for emergency vet treatment if you are on
holiday in the EU with your pet up to £2,500 per
Cover for up to £2,500 per policy year if you have to
cancel or cut short your holiday because your pet
needs emergency surgery.
If you suer an injury and are hospitalised for more
than 4 consecutive days we will pay up to £100
per policy year towards the cost of a professional
What is NOT insured?
Any pre-existing condition. Any condition or accident
your pet had before you took this policy out or in the
waiting period will be considered pre-existing.
Any claim for accidents which occur in the rst 2days
of the policy.
Any claim for illness, loss, death, cremation or
cruciate ligament damage which happens in the rst
14days of your policy.
If your pet passes away, we would not be able to pay
any claim if you did not make a donation or pay to
purchase your pet.
Pets which should be registered under the Dangerous
Dogs Act 1991 and (Northern Ireland) Order 1991
or any later amendments, or any pet listed on the
excluded breed list on our website.
We won’t cover vet fees for any other animal that’s
injured or killed by your pet.
You won’t be covered if your pet injures someone or
damages their property at your workplace.
What is NOT insured? Continued…
Costs for routine, preventative, elective or
cosmetictreatments. Examples of this include
costsfor grooming, vaccinations or neutering.
Wealso don’t cover any complications that arise from
these treatments.
We won’t pay for routine crowns, polishing or
We won’t cover elective or cosmetic dentistry.
We don’t cover the treatment or removal of rst
ordeciduous teeth.
Are there any restrictions on cover?
If the vet fee limit is reached during the policy year,
nofurther treatment will be covered in that year.
Thevet fee limit will refresh each time you renew.
You must pay the excess towards claims for vet fees
once per condition per policy year.
Claims for ongoing treatments will have an excess
You must pay a £250 excess for any property
Once your dog reaches the age of 8 or your cat
reaches the age of 10, you’ll have to start paying
either 20% or 35% of the vet fees every time you
make a claim. This is known as a co-payment.
If your pet has a condition aecting a body part of
which your pet has two, this will be considered as
We will not pay for the death of any pet from illness
once a dog reaches the age of 8 years and over or
acat reaches the age of 10 years and over.
If your pet passes away, you will need to provide proof
of the amount you paid for your pet.
Any claim for cancelling or cutting short your holiday
for anyone other than the policyholder.
You will need to notify the microchip company and
your vet within 48 hours of discovering your pet has
been lost or stolen and contact us before oering
We will not pay a reward to a member of your
familyfor nding a lost pet.
We will not pay for any clinical diet treatment other
than when prescribed to treat bladder stones.
We apply a maximum limit to the amount we will pay
for some of the most commonly claimed for vet fees.
Where am I covered?
Cover is provided for claims made in the UK including,
Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Ministry of
Defence bases overseas. You can also claim for
emergency vet treatment as a result of an accident,
injury or illness that rst shows clinical signs during a
holiday within the EU. See your policy documents for
further details.
What are my obligations?
You must ensure you answer all questions honestly,
accurately and to the best of your knowledge when
applying for your policy and tellus about any change
to your circumstances.
During the policy year you must take care of your
pet including arranging and paying for treatment
recommended by your vet.
You must ensure your pet is appropriately vaccinated
in order to be able to claim for any condition
preventable by that vaccination.
You must ensure your pet is wormed regularly in order
to be able to claim for any treatment preventable by
having your pet wormed.
When making a claim you must provide a completed
claim form and agree that the full medical history
including test results may be released to us.
You must pay the premium shown on the policy
foreach policy period.
To keep your lifetime cover benets, you must renew
your policy with us and there must be no break
You must pay the xed excess and any percentage
excess (co-payment) specied in your schedule
Your pet must have had a dental exam within a year
before the date of treatment for a dental injury
When and how do I pay?
You can pay your premium as a one-o annual
payment or by monthly instalments. Payment can be
made by Direct Debit, debit card or credit card.
When does the cover start and end?
You can choose the date your cover starts. Please see
your policy schedule for your exact start and end date.
Your policy will run for 12 months from the start date.
How do I cancel the contract?
You can cancel your policy at any time by calling us on
0344 557 0300. You can also contact us by Live Chat on
our website or email
If you cancel your policy within 14 days of your policy
start date and we haven’t paid a claim, we’ll give you
a full refund.
If you cancel after 14 days of your policy start date
and we haven’t paid a claim, we’ll refund you for any
time left on your policy.
If you pay for your policy annually and cancel after 14
days and we have paid a claim in this policy year - you
wont be due a refund of any premiums.
If you pay monthly and cancel your policy after 14
days and we have paid a claim in this policy year -
you’ll need to pay the remaining premium for this
policy year.