e-Skills: Promotion of ICT Professionalism in Europe | No 290/PP/ENT/CIP/13/C/N01C011
A report prepared for the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
The European Foundational
ICT Body of Knowledge
Version 1.0
22 February 2015
Prepared for the
European Commission
DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Ref. Ares(2017)703017 - 08/02/2017
European Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge – version 1.0
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Service Contract: e-Skills: Promotion of ICT Professionalism
in Europe No 290/PP/ENT/CIP/13/C/N01C011
This service contract is carried out by Capgemini Consulting and Ernst & Young.
For more information about this paper, please contact:
European Commission, Directorate General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Unit for Key Enabling Technologies and Digital Economy
André Richier Principal Administrator
E-mail: Andre.Richier@ec.europa.eu
The project would not have been possible without the generous participation of many experts.
We are grateful for the support and contributions from the Steering Committee consisting of Mrs. Fiona
Fanning (CEPIS, Council of European Professional Informatics Societies), Mr. Andrea Parola (European e-Skills
Association), Mr. Adam Thilthorpe, (BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT), Mr. Frédéric Lau (CIGREF) and Mr.
Alessandro Musumeci (Club Dirigenti Tecnologie dell’Informazione).
We would specifically like to acknowledge the valuable insights provided by an expert panel composed of Prof.
Liz Bacon (BCS, University of Greenwich), Mrs. Clementina Marinoni (Fondazione Politecnico di Milano) Prof.
Lachlan Mackinnon (University of Greenwich) and Prof. Gunnar Wettergren (University of Stockholm).
We are also very grateful to the many professionals and stakeholders who took the time to share their views
on e-skills, ICT Knowledge Areas and requirements for ICT professionalism with us through interviews,
workshops and other meetings.
The information and views set out in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included
in this document. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held
responsible for the use which may be made of the Information contained therein.
© European Union, 2015. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU.
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
European Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge – version 1.0
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Table of Content
1 THE NEED FOR A FOUNDATIONAL ICT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE ................................................................. 5
1.1 Europe’s ambition of strengthening the ICT Profession .................................................................... 5
1.2 A ‘go-to’ reference to the requirements for the ICT professionals of tomorrow ................................ 5
1.3 Guidance for tomorrow’s ICT professional ....................................................................................... 6
1.4 Target audience and potential users ................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Design Principles ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Approach ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3 BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE FOUNDATIONAL ICT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE ................................................. 12
3.1 Introduction to Knowledge Areas .................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Introduction to cross-cutting Knowledge Areas.............................................................................. 25
4 REFERENCE TO EUROPEAN FRAMEWORKS ............................................................................................ 28
5 GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................................................. 30
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: T-Shaped Skills Model ........................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2: Taxonomy of Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge ........................................................................... 11
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1 The need for a Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge
1.1 Europe’s ambition of strengthening the ICT Profession
The European Union has been actively promoting e-skills for more than a decade, with the European
Commission establishing the European e-Skills Forum in March 2003. The purpose was to “foster an open
dialogue between all relevant stakeholders and to catalyse actions with a view to helping to narrow the e-skills
gap and to address e-skills mismatches.” This was followed in September 2007 by the Communication on e-
Skills for the 21st Century: Fostering Competitiveness, Growth and Jobs”.
This Communication addressed concerns about an increasing lack of e-skills in the European workforce leading
to a growing shortage of highly qualified ICT practitioners. This acts as a barrier to economic growth,
competitiveness and employment. The main conclusion was that industry desperately needs highly skilled ICT
practitioners and Europe needs more young people to become ICT practitioners to fulfil future increases in
demand. It made a series of recommendations for a medium-term e-skills agenda (2007-2010).
A report for the European Commission in 2012 on e-Skills and ICT Professionalism: Fostering the ICT
Profession in Europefound that in the meantime and notwithstanding of the economic crisis the number of
ICT practitioners required in Europe has continued to grow and will continue to do so.
. The demand for
employees with ICT skills is growing by around 3% a year
, while the number of ICT graduates has fallen by
10% between 2006 and 2010
; If this trend were to continue, there would be up to 900 000 unfilled ICT
practitioner vacancies in the EU by 2015
In order to foster the growth of digital jobs in Europe and to improve ICT Professionalism this study proposed
the concept of a ‘Framework for ICT professionalism’. This framework would consist of four building blocks
which are also found in other professions: a body of knowledge (BOK); a competence framework; education
and training; and a code of professional ethics.
A competence framework has already been established in the form of the European e-Competence
Framework (e-CF)
. The other building blocks are still to be defined. The present report elaborates on the
requirements for complying with the recommendation the BOK building block, i.e. establishing a “Foundational
ICT Body of Knowledge”.
1.2 A ‘go-to’ reference to the requirements for the ICT professionals of tomorrow
At the moment, there is no authoritative source within the EU that defines and organises the core knowledge
of the ICT discipline. An EU Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge is therefore needed to provide the basis for a
common understanding of the foundational knowledge an ICT professional should possess
. Having a common
way of referring to ICT knowledge, i.e. a ‘go-to’ point of reference, will facilitate communication among ICT
practitioners and provide a baseline for competency models, certification programmes, educational
programmes, and other workforce development initiatives
With this goal in mind, we defined a Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge as follows:
‘The European Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge is the base-level knowledge required to enter the ICT
profession and acts as the first point of reference for anyone interested in working in ICT’.
The ultimate objective is to create a recognised and supported Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge that:
Serves as an entry point to get into ICT for anyone contemplating a career in ICT and entering from other
professions or wanting to digitise their current job;
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Facilitates communication between and understanding of ICT professionals in Europe in whatever sector
they are active, thereby reducing risks and strengthening ICT professionalism;
Increases the supply and pool of ICT professionals and enhances the image of ICT.
The European Commission and the research team of the report ‘e-Skills: International Dimension and the
impact of globalisation’ have established cooperation with key stakeholders in other regions of the world
sharing the same goals (e.g. in the US, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Australia etc.). This initiative aims to build on and
strengthen that collaboration.
The definition of an ICT Professional is that developed in the research quoted previouslyError! Bookmark not
defined. as someone who should:
Possess a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of a relevant body of knowledge;
Demonstrate on-going commitment to professional development via an appropriate combination of
qualifications, certifications, work experience, non-formal and / or informal education;
Adhere to an agreed code of ethics / conduct and / or applicable regulatory practices; and
Through competent practice deliver value for stakeholders.
This definition, which was reviewed and widely accepted, reflects the importance of each of four building
blocks that constitute the foundations of the Framework for ICT Professionalism.
1.3 Guidance for tomorrow’s ICT professional
Information and Communication Technology is changing society. The degree to which ICT is pervasive in
aspects of our social lives and working environment is ever increasing. ICT is ultimately the 21st century tool
for the creation and implementation of specific solutions to meet customers’ needs and realise business
. We are highly dependent on ICT, and therefore on ICT professionals, in every sector from
health and aviation to finance.
Some of the key challenges for the near future are to:
Ensure that as many ICT professionals as possible have the necessary relevant knowledge, skills and
competence to deliver professional products and service in today’s digital economy;
Improve the quality of the ICT profession;
Close the ICT resource and skills gap;
Enhance growth in digital jobs in Europe;
Improve general ICT knowledge among professionals in other fields of expertise.
The nature of ICT jobs is also changing. It is no longer enough to merely be a technical expert. The industry
needs professionals with a diversity of ICT knowledge and skills
. ICT professionals are also required to
understand the business, operational and HR management aspects. Industry is looking for multidisciplinary ICT
professionals, dual thinkers (i.e. people who have a good understanding of both business and Technology) or
T-shaped persons (see below). ICT is no longer a back office support tool or one department within a company
but permeates all the layers and units of a company. ICT has moved itself to the forefront and become a key
strategic asset in everyday (professional) life. Therefore, it is no longer sufficient only to have knowledge of
one specific ICT domain.
The need for a broad IT systems viewpoint is essential, with the ability to understand the possibilities and
constraints of the various technologies and to talk a common language with the diversity of people involved.
This was expressed as a concept for the first time by David Guest in 1991
through the use of the T-shape
metaphor, which has been widely adopted since.
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The vertical line of the T represents the depth of related skills and expertise in a single field, whereas the
horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge
in areas of expertise other than one’s own. This model thus differs from another classic type: “I-shaped” with
a deep understanding of one specific discipline, but not necessarily of any other. In the current ICT
environment, employers find themselves trying to do a “Tjob with “I” people.
Figure 1: T-Shaped Skills Model
However, a professional who combines specialisation in a specific ICT domain with relevant breadth of ICT
knowledge is more easily employable and has a competitive position on the market. Given that there has in
the past been a particular focus on depth, it is necessary to look more closely at the issue of breadth of
knowledge. It is all a matter of creating the right balance between the two.
The objective is to create T-shaped persons with as much as possible the same elements in the horizontal bar.
All ICT professionals should have the same DNA. It is however often the case that ICT professionals have much
in common, but have different (job) profiles. The objective of a Body of Knowledge (BOK) is to define the
‘chromosomes’, or building blocks of the horizontal bar, in the ICT field and act as a guide to the breadth of ICT
knowledge required.
The EU Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge thus aims to provide guidance for individuals, academia and
industry, and hence contribute to developing tomorrow’s multidisciplinary ICT professionals.
1.4 Target audience and potential users
The EU Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge should provide the basis for a common understanding of the
foundational knowledge an ICT professional should possess. Given this purpose and the different relevant
stakeholders, one of the key aspects in approaching the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge is the distinction
between the target audience and the potential users.
The target audience defines for whom the Body of Knowledge has been developed. First of all, it consists of
anyone interested in working in ICT and / or in understanding how to approach the ICT profession:
Students and individuals who want to enter the ICT profession, to orient them to possible future careers;
Individuals moving to ICT from other professions, to improve their awareness of the ICT domain.
The target audience is expected to use the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge as part of an ICT
professionalism framework together with the e-CF and the European ICT Profile Family tree. Entering the ICT
profession, people should start from job profiles and move via e-competences to the Foundational ICT Body of
Knowledge to obtain an overall understanding of ICT domain and professional requirements.
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The potential users are those interested in using the Body of Knowledge as a point of reference for their own
mission. This requires looking at how the Body of Knowledge can be used by education providers and training
institutes, professional associations and the industry. A few examples of different uses of the Body of
Knowledge are provided to explain this concept:
Education providers: as a source of inspiration for curricula design and development;
Professional Associations: to promote the Body of Knowledge to their members, ICT professionals;
HR Department and Managers within industry with a need to understand the range of knowledge and the
entry level required by ICT professionals in order to improve recruiting and people development processes
(together with skills and competencies).
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2 Design principles and approach of the Foundational ICT Body
of Knowledge
2.1 Design Principles
The design principles establish the criteria for building the EU Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge and the
requirements and expectations of stakeholders as to its development and maintenance. Building on principles
and guidelines coming from existing ICT Bodies of Knowledge (i.e. ACS Body of Knowledge
and curriculum guidelines (i.e. Computer Science Curricula 2013 ACM, the IEEE Computer Society
), the
following design principles were defined:
Built on existing frameworks: the structure should be derived from existing EU frameworks (the e-
Competence Framework 3.0 and the related ICT Job Profiles);
Straightforward: it should be written in a way that is comprehensible for existing and aspiring ICT
professionals, especially young people entering or willing to enter the ICT profession;
Relevant: it should address the needs of ICT professionals and European enterprises, including SMEs, and
public administrations. The information provided to the user should be relevant to the user’s task and
Flexible: it should be able to adjust to technological change and new developments in the ICT profession,
but it should provide a robust and solid foundation;
Objective: the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge should be inclusive. It should make reference to
diplomas, certificates and training from different sources, whether these are open-source or vendor-
These design principles provide a comprehensive view of how to construct the Foundational ICT Body of
Knowledge to deliver its strategic objectives. They also ensure that the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge
will have a sound basis as they build on existing initiatives for ICT professionalism that provide the first
reference point for developing the framework.
2.2 Approach
There are a vast number of Bodies of Knowledge in the ICT field, but there are overlaps and gaps. There is
currently no global or European Body of Knowledge that is all-encompassing and which addresses all the ICT
knowledge areas required by the industry
. The landscape is very fragmented: in some cases several countries
have a national ICT Body of Knowledge adapted to their national context which determines the core
; in other cases specific organisations have drawn up a standardisation of the knowledge and skills
necessary in isolated ICT fields or standards required for certification and accreditation of curricula for
The large number of Bodies of Knowledge related to ICT can be categorised in accordance with some key
Scope: generic Bodies of Knowledge which capture a large part of the IT domain and topic-specific Bodies
of Knowledge which focus on a single IT area;
Approach: Bodies of Knowledge that view the IT domain from different perspectives that reflect the
education sectors or industry needs;
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Purpose: some Bodies of Knowledge may be intended to provide general guidance to curricula designers,
while the objective of others is to certify professionals.
Target Audience: Bodies of Knowledge which target different levels: students, practitioners or managers.
Measuring the generic Bodies of Knowledge against the criteria indicates that there is clear distinction to be
made in the approach to structuring knowledge areas. These Bodies of Knowledge either structure the content
taking an industry point of view with the future employability of students in mind or take a purely educational
point of view.
Building on the existing models, the European Foundational ICT body of Knowledge has been developed in
accordance with an approach that can be described as generic, industry-oriented and permissive:
Generic: ICT is too vast for it to be possible for any single Body of Knowledge to cover it in a reasonable
manner. However, the aim of the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge is to provide the broad knowledge
base required to enter the ICT profession;
Permissive: coupled with the point above, the permissive approach means it is enough to use or know a
sufficient part of the Body of Knowledge. This is the opposite of the exhaustive approach requiring the use
or knowledge of the entire content of the Body of Knowledge;
Industry-oriented: the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge looks at ICT job profiles and competences to
identify the knowledge required at base level. The ultimate objective is to provide the foundational
knowledge people need to approach the ICT profession in a way that meets industry needs. With this aim,
the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge includes both managerial and technical knowledge covering the
ICT business process, from planning to design to developing and managing technologies. This is in line with
the need for “dual thinkerprofiles and also reflects the logic of the ICT business processes as defined in
the e-CF: ‘Plan, Build, Run, Enable and Manage.
The structure of the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge could be described as an ‘inverted T-model’, in which
the horizontal axis shows the knowledge areas of the ICT domain running from a predominantly strategic to a
predominantly technological perspective. The vertical axis corresponds to specific knowledge and skills an
individual should develop to specialise in one domain. We can assume that any ICT professional wanting to go
into a field different from that of their existing specialisation should come down to the horizontal bar (the
base-level) and find a connection to other knowledge areas in order to expand their breadth of knowledge.
The Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge provides the base-level knowledge that ICT professionals require.
However, considering the wide range of knowledge in the ICT field, it has to be intended as a permissive
model” where every ICT professional will acquire as much breadth as possible in terms of knowledge
In addition to the dimension of ICT core knowledge defined above, the European Foundational ICT Body of
Knowledge consists of a second dimension of complementary base-level knowledge required to enter the ICT
profession. This dimension includes cross-cutting knowledge that cannot be considered purely in relation to
one ICT knowledge area but can be referred to, at different levels, in relation to all core knowledge areas, i.e.:
Legal, ethical, social and professional practices: including this knowledge in the Foundational ICT Body of
Knowledge serves to provide key reference points for everyone interested in the ICT profession, as they
are strongly linked to the definition of the ICT profession itself. Legal, ethical, social and professional
practices need to be addressed at different levels at different stages of professional development. The
very nature of professional work means that some knowledge and skills are best developed through
experience and that an understanding of complex issues, such as ethics, grows with maturity. Further
development will be provided at a full professional level through participation in certification
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Soft skills: including soft skills in the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge provides a concrete contribution
to the evolution of the ICT profession. Soft skills integrate the technical skills, providing a sound basis for
developing “dual thinker” profiles, which are oriented towards team building, collaboration, negotiation,
e-leadership, etc.
Emerging / disruptive technologies: given the fast growth in the disruptive technologies of cloud, mobile,
social and big data, which are predicted to constitute 40% of the global market and 98% of growth by
2020, and the expected creation of 4.4 million IT jobs globally to support big data base- level knowledge
should be provided to improve an understanding of these technologies and their impacts on business and
The BOK illustrated below and expanded on in the following sections presents the taxonomy of the high-level
areas of knowledge that represent the base level that starting ICT professionals should understand. These
knowledge areas are then broken down and described in further detail, including with a general definition of
the knowledge area, a detailed list foundational knowledge, reference to the e-CF, potential job profiles and
examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training opportunities.
Figure 2: Taxonomy of Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge
This Body of Knowledge aims to develop the next generation of ICT professionals, e.g. young, rounded ICT
professionals with a significant breadth of base-level knowledge of ICT that allows them to further specialise
within a particular discipline.
ICT Strategy & Governance
Business and Market of ICT
Project Management
Quality Management
Security Management
Data & Information
Network & System
Software design &
Human Computer
Operations & Service
Emerging / Disruptive Technologies
Soft Skills
Legal, Ethical, Social and Professional Practices
e-CFr eference
Potential Job
specific BOK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
profil es
Examples of
specific BOK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
profil es
Examples of
specific BOK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
profil es
Examples of
specific BOK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
profil es
Examples of
specific BOK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
profil es
Examples of
specific BOK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
Exampleso f
specific BOK’s,
cert ification
e-C Frefe re nce
Potential Job
spec ificBOK’s,
certif ication
e-C Frefe re nce
Potential Job
spec ificBOK’s,
certif ication
e-C Frefe re nce
Potential Job
spec ificBOK’s,
certif ication
Foundat ional
e-CF reference
specificB OK’s,
Foundat ional
e-CF reference
specificB OK’s,
e-CF reference
Potential Job
Examples of
specific BOK’s,
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3 Building blocks of the Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge
This Version 1.0 of the European Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge presents the taxonomy of high-level
areas of knowledge that represent the base level starting ICT professionals should understand.
3.1 Introduction to Knowledge Areas
The following section presents 12 Knowledge Areas:
ICT Strategy & Governance
Business and Market of ICT
Project Management
Security Management
Quality Management
Data and Information Management
Network and Systems Integration
Software Design and Development
Human Computer Interaction
Operations and Service Management.
Each Knowledge Area is further detailed, including a:
Definition of the Knowledge Area;
List of items required as foundational knowledge necessary under this Knowledge Area;
List of references to the e-Competence Framework (dimension 4: knowledge);
List of possible job profiles that require having an understanding of the Knowledge Area;
List of examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities.
The figures below summarise the content of each Knowledge Area.
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ICT Strategy is about understanding how information systems can be managed to the best advantage of an
organisation. In order to establish a sound business strategy, there is a need to know how information
systems contribute to the operation of the organisation, explain the range of activities involved in
information systems management, and evaluate different methods and approaches to solving information
management problems.
An ICT Governance Framework is used to identify, establish and link the mechanisms for realising the
potential of ICT. IT governance systematically involves everyone: board members, executive management,
staff, customers, communities, investors and regulators
a) Foundational knowledge required
Introduction to organisations, structures and business functions
The role of ICT within organisations and benefit realisation
Information and content management
Concept and theory of strategic planning
International standards for corporate governance of information technology (ISO 38500)
Foundations of IT value analysis and portfolio management
Foundations of risk management
Foundations of economics
Foundations of ICT strategy design
Information technology planning
IT decision-making processes
Communication systems
b) e-Competence Framework references
A1 IS and Business Strategy Alignment
A3 Business Plan Development
C4 Problem Management
E2 Project & Portfolio Management
E3 Risk Management
E7 Business Change Management
E9 IS Governance
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Business Information Manager
Business Analyst
ICT Consultant
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)
Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
Six Sigma
ISO 38500
ICT Strategy and Governance
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In essence, this is about how to fundamentally transform the way businesses consume and interact with
. It is necessary to gain insight into the business of ICT, the different applications of ICT in various sectors
and its commercial value. An understanding is needed of how ICT can be used as a resource, how business
transactions take place, and of the market principles and main components. Concepts of outsourcing,
insourcing, offshoring, nearshoring, homeshoring and supply chain management that are specific to ICT
should be highlighted in this Knowledge Area.
a) Foundational knowledge required
Concepts of business and business models
Foundations of market analysis and benchmarking
Supply chain management: overview of the main supply chain models, including sourcing & shoring
Concepts of e-procurement and e-sourcing
Distribution and delivery models
Business Process Management
b) e-Competence Framework references
A3 Business Plan Development
A7 Technology Trend Monitoring
A9 Innovating
D6 Channel Management
D7 Sales Management
D11 Needs Identification
D12 Digital Marketing
E7 Business Change Management
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Business Analyst
Project Manager
Supply Chain Manager
Business Information Manager
Account Manager
ICT Consultant
Enterprise Architect
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
BPM CBOK™ (Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge – ABPMP)
CBP (Certification Program, Certified Business Process Professional – ABPMP)
Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge (OPBOK)
Business and Market of ICT
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Every IT project needs professional business managers capable of making effective and efficient project
management decisions through the integration of specific knowledge, business understanding, and project
management techniques supported by appropriate project management software. There will be a need to
analyse both quantitative and qualitative data relating to project planning, to evaluate alternative strategies
for executing projects, to use a range of electronic and non-electronic tools to create a project plan, to
understand the people, processes and procedures around organising a project, including project contracts,
risk management and people management.
a) Foundational knowledge required
Project management principles and concepts
Project planning, monitoring and control
Cost / financial management (including budget planning, etc)
Fundamentals of econometrics
Project management methodologies and tools
Change management
b) e-Competence Framework references
A4 Product / Service Planning
C4 Problem Management
E2 Project and Portfolio Management
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Project manager
ICT Operations Manager
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
PRINCE2® Foundation, Practitioner (Projects IN Controlled Environments)
IPMA certifications (International Project Management Association)
Project Management
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The ultimate mission of the IT quality function is to add value to the organisation as a whole and, in
particular, to improve IT quality in every aspect, including applications and infrastructure. It includes both
product / service quality and process quality. The scope of application of the quality models includes
supporting specification and evaluation of software and software-intensive computer systems from
different perspectives, i.e. those associated with their acquisition, requirements, development, use,
evaluation, support, maintenance, quality assurance and control, and audit
a) Foundational knowledge required
Quality principles
Quality frameworks and ISO-9126
Software quality management (including QM systems, methodologies for QM, quality audits)
Fundamentals of quality analysis tools
Procedural documentation production
b) e-Competence Framework references
A2 Service Level Management
D2 ICT Quality Strategy Development
E5 Process Improvement
E6 ICT Quality Management
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
ICT Operations Manager
Quality Assurance Manager
Service Manager
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
ISO 9001: process quality
ISO/IEC 15504 Information technology — Process assessment
CMM (Capability Maturity Model)
CMMI Practitioner Certifications
CMMI Instructor Certifications
CMMI Appraiser Certifications (SCAMPI)
Quality Management
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Information Security Management aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of an
organisation’s information, data and IT services. It specifies requirements for the implementation of security
controls customised to the needs of individual organisations or parts thereof
a) Foundational knowledge required
Introduction to security principles and concepts
IT Security controls, plans and procedures
Computer security (including firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, malicious software,
cryptography, etc)
Network security
Computer forensics
Business continuity management (e.g. security audit)
Human behaviour / psychology
b) e-Competence Framework references
B1 Application Development
B6 Systems Engineering
C2 Change Support
C3 Service Delivery
D1 Information security strategy development
E8 Information security management
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
ICT Security Manager
ICT Operations Manager
Systems Administrator
ICT Security Specialist
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
CISM (Certified Information Security Management- ISACA)
ISM (Information Security Management – ITILv3
CREST (http://www.crest-approved.org/)
EnCASE certification (https://www.guidancesoftware.com/#)
CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)
Security Management
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In information technology, architecture plays a major role in the aspects of business modernisation, IT
transformation and software development, as well as other major initiatives within the enterprise. The
architecture level represents the scope boundary and granularity of details the architectural activity should
take into account, based on the organisation hierarchy and communication audience. It is classified in
accordance with three different categories: enterprise architecture, solution architecture and system
architecture. Each of these classifications varies in their implementation and design, depending on the
contextual business scope, organisation structure and corporate culture
. The roles described below will
only be taken by experienced professionals moving from related areas, so the underpinning foundational
knowledge builds from those other areas.
a) Foundational knowledge required
(Note: The foundation knowledge mentioned below is very high level)
Computer systems architecture
Business architecture
Data architecture
Applications architecture
Technical architecture
Enterprise architecture
b) e-Competence Framework references
A1 IS and business alignment
A5 Architecture design
A6 Application design
B1 Application development
B6 Systems engineering
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
(The roles described below will only be taken by experienced professionals moving from related areas,
so the underpinning foundational knowledge builds on those other areas).
IT Architect
Business Architect
Enterprise Architect
System Architect
System Analyst
Solutions Architect
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
EABOK (Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge- MITRE)
TOGAF ADM (Architecture Development Method The Open Group)
Business Architects Association Architect (CBA)
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Data management is the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programmes and
practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets
. An
understanding is required of how data is captured, represented, organised and retrieved from computer
files and databases
a) Foundational knowledge required
Information and data modelling
Physical file storage techniques
Database management systems (DBMS)
Document, records and content management
Reference and master data management
Integrated data management
b) e-Competence Framework references
A6 Application Design
B1 Application Development
B6 Systems Engineering
C1 User Support
D10 Information and Knowledge Management
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Business Information Manager
Systems Architect
Test Specialist
Database Administrator
Systems Administrator
Network Specialist
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
DAMA-DMBOK (Data Management BOK – DAMA International).
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Certification
Data and Information Management
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This is about designing the computer networks that organisations rely on to access, share and store
. It is necessary to understand data communications and networking fundamentals. In
addition, an insight should be gained into the process of linking different computing systems and software
applications physically or functionally
a) Foundational knowledge required
Introduction to network hardware and software
Concepts and protocols (e.g. web standards and technologies)
Network architecture
Wireless and mobile computing
Distributed systems
Introduction to computer networking
Network components and operating systems
Systems architecture
Smart systems development
System infrastructure dimensioning
Telecommunication systems
Multimedia and mobile computing components
Principles of wireless communication
Wireless networks and protocols
OSI model layers
Web technology
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP)
b) e-Competence Framework references
A1 IS and Business Strategy Alignment
A7 Technology Trends Monitoring
B1 Application Development
B2 Component Integration
B4 Solution Deployment
B6 Systems Engineering
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Network Specialist
Digital Media Specialist
ICT Consultant
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
WEBOK (Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge – IEEE)
SNABOK (System and Network Administration Body of Knowledge)
Network & Systems Integration
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This is about is the application of engineering to the design, development, and maintenance of software
It is necessary to understand how to develop or acquire software (information) systems that satisfy the
requirements of users and customers. Knowledge of methodologies and processes for developing systems is
also needed
a) Foundational knowledge required
Software elements of a computer system
Software architecture
Object-oriented design
User interface design
Software design process
Concept of developing requirements (including types and analysis techniques)
Programming languages and protocols
Iterative software development
Concept of system integration
b) e-Competence Framework references
A6 Application Design
B1 Application Development
B2 Component Integration
B4 Solution Deployment
B6 Systems Engineering
C1 User Support
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Systems Analyst
Systems Architect
Test Specialist
Systems Administrator
Network Specialist
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
SWEBOK v3.0 (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge – IEEE Computer Society)
IEEE - Certified Software Development Professional
CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry & Association)
Vendor certifications (Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, etc.)
OMG Certified UML® Professional (OCUP)
Application Services Library (ASL)
OPEN CITS (Open Group Certified IT Specialist)
Software Design and Development
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Human–computer interaction (HCI) as defined by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is “a
discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for
human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them”. It requires an understanding of the
importance of the user in developing ICT applications and systems, and involves developing a mindset that
recognises the importance of users, their work practices and organisational contexts. Topics covered could
include user-centred design methodologies, interaction design, ergonomics, accessibility standards and
cognitive psychology
a) Foundational knowledge required
Models and theories of human-computer interaction (HCI)
Interaction design basics
HCI in the software process
Modelling rich interaction
Groupware, ubiquitous computing and augmented realities
Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web
b) e-Competence Framework references
A5 Architecture design
A6 Application design
A9 Innovating
B1 Application development
B2 Component integration
D11 Needs identification
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
System Architect
Digital Media Specialist
Test Specialist
Network Specialist
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
Usability Body of Knowledge (http://www.usabilitybok.org/)
Human-Computer Interaction
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Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of
the product or service under test
. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of
the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation
Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of executing a programme or application with
the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects)
. Or software component.
a) Foundational knowledge required
Definition and concepts of structured testing
Testing principles
Testing types, methods & techniques
Life cycle testing
b) e-Competence Framework references
B2 Component Integration
B3 Testing
B4 Solution Deployment
E8 Information Security Management
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Test Specialist
Systems Administrator
Digital Media Specialist
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
OPENCITS (Open Group Certified IT Specialist)
ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board )()
TMAP (Test Management Approach) ()
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ICT Operations and Service Management deals with the ongoing operation of ICT in an organisational
context and includes frameworks for structuring the interactions of ICT technical personnel with business
customers and users
. The area is concerned with the back office” or operational concerns of the
organisation and could be referred to as “operations architecture” or “operations management”. The
objective of IT Operations and Service Management is to ensure the effective and efficient implementation
and maintenance of the ICT infrastructure in accordance with organisational rules, processes and standards.
a) Foundational knowledge required
Basic concepts of service management (including the concept of service and service level
Key principles and models
Service management processes (including design, transition, delivery and improvement of services)
Service management standards (including ISO 20000)
Contract management
b) e-Competence Framework references
A2 Service Level Management
A4 Product / Service Planning
C3 Service Delivery
C4 Problem Management
D1 Information Security Strategy Development
D2 ICT Quality Strategy Development
D8 Contract Management
D11 Needs Identification
c) Examples of Job profiles envisioned
Service Manager
Project Manager
ICT Operations Manager
Service Desk Agent
Network Specialist
Technical Specialist
Account Manager
d) Examples of specific Bodies of Knowledge, certification and training possibilities
ITIL( (Information Technology Infrastructure Library )
ASL (Application Services Library )
COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology )
Operations & Service Management
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3.2 Introduction to cross-cutting Knowledge Areas
As pointed out in the previous section, there are certain knowledge dimensions that are cross-cutting and
apply to each of the 11 Knowledge Areas described above. Every ICT professional entering the ICT domain
should have gained insight into these aspects. The three knowledge dimensions are described separately
below and are:
Soft Skills
IT Legal, Ethical, Social and Professional practices
Emerging and Disruptive Technologies.
Soft Skills
Soft skills are personal attributes that describe an individual’s ability to interact with others. Soft skills
complement hard skills to enhance an individual’s relationships, job performance and career prospects. Unlike
hard skills, which tend to be specific to a certain type of task or activity, soft skills are broadly applicable
IT organisations aim to employ individuals possessing both hard and soft skills. However, the demand for the
latter is increasing, especially for those in IT leadership roles. This demand arises because there is a perceived
“soft skills gap,” or lack of these skills, among many IT staff, as well as an increasing need to align IT with
business goals
a) Foundational Knowledge required:
Basics of written and verbal skills
Communication and relationship management
Negotiation and conflict management
Leadership and people management
Time management
b) Reference to existing Bodies of Knowledge
The ICT Profession Body of Knowledge – Australian Computer Society (ACS)
Guide to the Common Body of Knowledge for Computing and IT (CBOK) – Canadian Information
Processing Society (CIPS)
c) Reference to European e-Competence Framework 3.0::
D9 Personnel Development
E4 Relationship Management
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IT Legal, Ethical, Social and Professional practices
a) Legal, ethical, social and professional practices provide a comprehensive reference to professional
conduct. Knowledge included in this area should provide an overview of practices designed to ensure the
highest level of ethical conduct, standards of practice and integrity with respect to the ICT professional
b) Foundational Knowledge required:
History of computing and the ICT discipline
Privacy and civil liberties, intellectual property and legal issues
Contracts and liability
Fundamental ethical notions (virtues, duty, responsibility, harm, benefit, rights, respect and
Basic ethics theories
ICT-specific ethical issues
Workplace health and safety
Environmental and sustainability issues (Energy Informatics and /or Green IT)
c) Reference to existing Bodies of Knowledge and frameworks:
ACM code of ethics
IEEE code of ethics
CIPS code of ethics
Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals – Code of ethics
CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibilities
BCS LSEPI (Legal, social, ethical and professional issues)
d) Reference to European e-Competence Framework 3.0:
A1 IS and Business Strategy Alignment
A8 Sustainable Development
D8 Contract Management
D10 Information and Knowledge Management
D12 Digital Marketing
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Disruptive Technologies
A disruptive technology is one that displaces an established technology and shakes up the industry or a
ground-breaking product that creates a completely new industry
. Harvard Business School professor
Clayton M. Christensen coined the term disruptive technology. In his 1997 best-selling book, “The Innovator’s
Dilemma,” Christensen separates new technology into two categories: sustaining and disruptive. Sustaining
technology relies on incremental improvements to an already established technology. Disruptive technology
lacks refinement, often has performance problems because it is new, appeals to a limited audience, and may
not yet have a proven practical application.
a) Foundational Knowledge required:
Cloud computing
Mobile computing
Big data and analytics
Social media
Internet of things
b) Reference to existing Bodies of Knowledge and frameworks
The ICT Profession Body of Knowledge – Australian Computer Society (ACS)
SWEBOK v3.0 – Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge – IEEE Computer Society
Enterprise ITBOK Guide Framework – IEEE Computer Society
c) Reference to European e-Competence Framework 3.0:
A1 IS and Business strategy alignment
A7 Technology Trend Monitoring
A9 Innovating.
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4 Reference to European frameworks
The European Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge includes different knowledge areas of the ICT domain
ranging from a strategic to a technological perspective. Each knowledge area provides reference to the e-
Competence Framework and to possible job profiles. This function of referencing is one of the key strengths of
the model – as it allows for anyone to understand what comes next. Base-level knowledge is required to start
an ICT job, after which one has to further develop specific knowledge, competencies and skills to grow and
explore a career path.
Building on e-CF 3.0, examples of knowledge Dimension 4 has been assessed and elaborated in order to define
Knowledge Areas. The matrix below shows the link between e-CF and Knowledge Areas:
The set of job profiles listed in Knowledge Areas are derived from the European ICT Professional Profiles (CWA
16458), which have to be intended as representative ICT Profiles covering the full ICT Business process.
The process of mapping European ICT job profiles against Knowledge Areas took place in three key steps:
Step 1. Building on e-CF dimension 4 (example of knowledge), Knowledge Areas have been defined
and associated to competences dimension 2 (competences)
IS and Business Strategy Alignment
Service Level Management
Business Plan Development
Product/ Service Planning
Architecture Design
Application Design
Technology Trend Monitoring
Sustainable Development
Application Development
Component integration
Solution Deployment
System engineering
User support
Change support
Service Delivery
Problem Management
Information security strategy development
ICT quality strategy development
Channel Management
Sales Management
Contract Management
Personnel development
Information and knowledge management
Needs identification
Digital marketing
Project and Portfolio Management
Risk Management
Relationship Management
Process Improvement
ICT Quality Management
Business Change Management
Information Security Management
IS Governance
ICT Strategy & Governance X X X X X X X
Business and Market of ICT X X X X X X X X
Project Management X X X
Security Management X X X X X X
Quality Management X X X X
Architecture X X X X X
Data and Information
Network and Systems
Software Design and
Human Computer Interaction X X X X X X
Testing X X X X
Operations and Service
Soft Skills X X
IT Legal, Ethical, Social and
Professional practices
Disruptive Technologies X X X
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Step 2. Looking at ICT job profiles, required competences from e-CF have been identified
Step 3. Competences from e-CF, associated to Knowledge Areas, have been further associated to ICT
job profiles
The matrix below is the result of this process and is not intended to be exact but it provides a reference to link
Knowledge Areas within European Foundational ICT Body of Knowledge with the other European Frameworks
(e-CF and European ICT Professional Profiles)
Chief Information Officer
Business Information Manager
ICT Operations Manager
Quality Assurance Manager
ICT Security Manager
Project Manager
Service Manager
Business Analyst
Systems Analyst
Enterprise Architect
Systems Architect
Digital Media Specialist
Test Specialist
Database Administrator
Systems Administrator
Network Specialist
Technical Specialist
Service Desk Agent
Account Manager
ICT Consultant
ICT Security Specialist
ICT Strategy & Governa nce
Business and Market of ICT
Project Management
Securi ty Management
Quality Management
Data and Information Mana gement
Network and Systems Integration
Software Design and Development
Human Computer Interacti on
Operations and Service Management
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5 Glossary
The glossary needs to be aligned with the e-CF glossary which is currently under revision.
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End notes
See: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52007DC0496&from=EN
See: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/ict/files/eskills/ict_professionalism_report_en.pdf
See: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/pdf/themes/12_digital_agenda_ict.pdf
See: http://careerstalk.org/blog/2013/09/16/thinking-about-a-career-developing-apps/
See: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/pdf/themes/12_digital_agenda_ict.pdf
See: http://www.ecompetences.eu/
ICT literacy is defined as being familiar with the fundamental information technology concepts and
having the ability to utilise computers and related technology efficiently. One of the components is
computer literacy. One way of becoming computer literate is to take the European Computer Driving
Licence (http://www.ecdl.org/).
“e-Skills and ICT Professionalism: Fostering the ICT profession in Europe”;
Career Space Consortium (2001), p. 12. See: http://people.ac.upc.es/toni/papers/CurrITEng.PDF
See: http://is2.lse.ac.uk/asp/aspecis/20040092.pdf; www.ictc-ctic.ca/Outlook_2011/index_en.html
The term is now widely used and first appeared in 3The hunt is on for the Renaissance Man of
computing, in The Independent, September 17, 1991
See: http://www.acs.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/7792/The-ICT-Profession-Body-of-
See: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/swebok ;
See: http://www.acm.org/education/CS2013-final-report.pdf
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is currently drafting an Enterprise IT BOK with the
objective of creating a formal, certified, recognised and respected common source of information about
enterprise IT. This Enterprise IT BOK is to become a common yardstick for what constitutes an IT
Enterprise professional and a common IT language.
See: ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems).
See: http://www.baselinemag.com/c/a/Business-Intelligence/14-Delivery-Models-Transforming-IT/)
See Greenwich University, Project Management Undergraduate Course:
ISO/IEC 25010:2011
See: Information Security Management – ITILv3
See: http://www.isaca.org/Certification/CISM-Certified-Information-Security-
See: https://www.isc2.org/cissp/default.aspx
See: http://www.infoq.com/articles/admit-architecture-framework
See: http://www.dama-dmbok.org/
Australian Computer Society Body of Knowledge:
See: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/I/it_network_engineer.html
Gilbert Held, (2000), Understanding Data Comunications, From Fundamentals to Networking, 3rd
ACM (2007). “Computing Degrees & Careers”
Australian Computer Society Body of Knowledge:
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Australian Computer Society Body of Knowledge:
Cem Kaner, (2006), ‘Exploratory Testing’. Florida Institute of Technology, Quality Assurance Institute
Worldwide Annual Software Testing Conference, Orlando, FL, available:
See: http://cignetinc.com/services/testing-services/software-testing/
SWEBOK Guide Chapter 5
Australian Computer Society Body of Knowledge:
WhatIs.techtarget.com – http://whatis.techtarget.com/
WhatIs.techtarget.com – http://whatis.techtarget.com/