ISSN 0100-2945 DOI: http://dx.doi.org /10.1590/0100-29452019782
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Received: Janeiro 03, 2017.
Accepted : October 02, 2017.
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Cocoa propagation, technologies
for production of seedlings
George Andrade Sodré
& Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Abstract- The vegetative propagation in cacao has been used in Central America since the
beginning of the last century. However, only from the end of the century this technique has been
intensied in the state of Bahia, where vegetative propagation changes have increased the yield of
cocoa growing areas, especially those using other technologies associated with clonal seedlings.
The use of clonal garden to collect stems in nursery can reduce by 80% the space required for
maintenance of stock plants. On the other hand, the buds obtained from orthotropic and plagiotropic
shoots are used to improve the performance protocols and reduce production costs of seedlings.
Among the current and future challenges in the production of cocoa seedlings emphasizes
the somatic embryogenesis and rootstock with disease resistance. These technologies to increase
the productivity of the crop and permit Brazil return to the exporter condition of cocoa beans,
which does not occur for more than two decades.
Index terms: Theobroma cacao L, clones, grafting, nursery.
Propagação de cacaueiro e tecnologias
para produção de mudas clonais
Resumo - A propagação vegetativa em cacaueiro foi iniciada na América Central no início
do século passado. No entanto, somente no nal do século essa técnica foi intensicada no
estado da Bahia onde se vericou que mudas de propagação vegetativa elevam o rendimento
de áreas de cultivo do cacaueiro, especialmente aquelas que usam outras tecnologias
associadas às mudas clonais. O uso de jardim clonal para coletar hastes em viveiro pode
reduzir em até 80% o espaço necessário para manutenção das plantas matrizes. Por outro
lado, estacas de uma gema obtidas de ramos plagiotrópicos e ortotrópicos melhoram os
protocolos de enraizamento e reduzem custos de produção das mudas. Dentre os desaos
atuais e futuros da produção de mudas de cacaueiros destacam-se o uso da embriogênese
somática e a escolha de porta-enxertos com resistência a doenças. Essas tecnologias buscam
elevar a produtividade do cultivo e fazer o Brasil retornar a condição de exportador de
amêndoas e derivados do cacau, o que não ocorre há mais de duas décadas.
Termos para indexação: Theobroma cacao L, clones, enxertia, viveiros.
Researcher MAPA- Ceplac, Itabuna-BA, Brazil E-mail: [email protected]
(ORCID 0000-0003-0711-8637)
Researcher MAPA- Ceplac, Itabuna-BA, Brazil - E-mail: [email protected]
(ORCID 0000-0003-2963-5985)
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
In the early 20th century, when the cocoa planta-
tion initiated a stronger cycle of worldwide expansion the
cocoa planting was performed by the method called “beak
of machete.” In this form of planting, a small planting
holes were open using the machete and, after open the
fruit and the partial withdrawal of the pulp, three seeds
were sowed and covered up with soil. After germination
a seedling was cut and after12 months removed another
leaving the most vigorous to be conducted and form the
new cocoa plant (SODRÉ, 2013).
Even in the last century, during the decades of
1970 and 1980 the Brazilian producers implanted more
than 150 thousand hectares of cocoa using seminal seed-
lings in polyethylene bags, following recommendations
of Executive Comission for the Cocoa Farming Plan
CEPLAC, due to the results of research work showing
that it was possible to prepare vigorous seedlings in less
time. According to Sodré (2013), the recommendations
for preparing the seedlings of hybrid seeds included the
utilization of protected nurseries, polyethylene bags, fertil-
izers, foliar fertilization and pest control.
The vegetative propagation in cocoa has been little
disseminated in Brazil due to good productions obtained
by hybrids and varieties propagated by seeds (DIAS,
2001). However, due to sanitary problems since the 1990s,
there was a need for increased planting of cocoa Trinitar-
ians, more resistant, and x the genetic characteristics in
a short time.
It has been consensus among researchers in co-
coa plantation which would not be possible to replant
large areas of cocoa, in many countries, using a single
technology. In general, the majority of the producing
countries utilize conventional propagation (seeds and
grafting) for the rehabilitation and or to expand the plant-
ing areas. However, it is quite clear that some methods
are more preferred than others.
Although the technology of rooted cuttings is
limited to countries such as Brazil, Ecuador, Nigeria,
Philippines and Indonesia, it should highlight the use of
different methods in the same country or region as has
been observed in Brazil, for example, intensive planting
of seminal seedlings are utilized in Southern State of Pará,
where clonal planting and grafting on cocoa plants in the
eld are preferred by producers in the Southern State of
The research in genetics and plant breeding in
Brazil and in other producing countries should continue
to produce new varieties of cocoa, for attending the grow-
ing increase demand. Currently, there is already a large
demand for seedlings in Brazil in the, which clearly
indicates the need for large-scale propagation and it has
been estimated by millions of seedlings annually. Thus,
production of seedlings will be increasingly necessary.
In this context, and disease resistant clones, in addition
to techniques for production of seedlings will also be
Vegetative propagation of cocoa
According to Mooleedhar (1998), vegetative
propagation of cocoa tree was propagated with success
in Jamaica, by the budding method in 1902. Later, Pyke
(1933) developed the technique for the production of root-
ed cuttings, method that was also used by Evans(1951),
Alvim (1953), Alvim and Ovidio (1954), and Murray
(1954). Also, improvements in propagation methods were
developed by the College of Agricultural Sciences (IICA
/ OEA) in Turrialba, Costa Rica and Research Station in
Agriculture Pichilingue, Ecuador.
Other important contributions for the vegetative
propagation of cocoa were made in West African countries,
especially Ghana, by Richards (1948), Archibald (1955),
MacKelvie (1957) and Hall (1963). Evans (1953), ob-
served variation in the ability of rooting between clones
and the inuence of mineral nutrition and health of mother
plants and also pointed out that the position of the cutting
(apical or subapical) and the length are important factors in
rooting, especially because interfere on yield and quality
of the seedlings roots.
According to Leite (2006), the ability of rooting
in cocoa cuttings change with the season of the year in
which they were collected. SENA-GOMES et al. (2000)
tested types of cuttings (woody and semi-woody) in clones
resistant to the witch’s broom and the results showed that
the genotype has a strong inuence on rates of rooting
and survival of the plants. These authors also identied
clones with average rates of rooting above 70% while
others were lower than 30%.
Works performed by Sacramento et al. (2001)
and Sacramento and Faria (2003),on rooting of clones, in
mist chambers and treated with indolbutyric acid (IBA),
showed that the rates of rooting for some clones were
greater than 87%, and also observed that the beginning
of the emission of roots occurred between 20 and 30 days
after the treatment.
Rootstocks in vegetative propagation of cocoa
The rootstocks are used in many species to mini-
mize restrictive effects on the production of plants in
the eld, for example, soil compaction and infection by
pathogens from soil. In addition, the rootstock can affect
the fruit quality and plant height (Hartmann et al., 2002).
In the case of cocoa tree, it should be emphasized that the
majority of the producing countries uses as rootstock seed-
lings grown from seeds of open pollination. The rootstocks
are usually obtained from pre-germinated seeds which are
sown directly in the eld, or in polyethylene bags lled
with soil or agricultural substrate and remain for 6 to 8
months until they are grafted (Figure 1).
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
The purpose of rootstocks on seedlings in co-
coa may vary with clone and environment. For ex-
ample, experimental results in Trinidad indicated that
there was no evidence of incompatibility, caused by the
interaction rootstock / graft, as mentioned by Mooleed-
har (1998). By contrast, Cheesman (1946) has been
found that rootstocks consistently reduced the average
yield in clones ICS ( International College Selection).
In conventional cultivation during five-year Efron
et al. (2003) reported that the grafted on rootstock
with dwarsm (MJ12-226) resulted in plants with short
internodes, size of multiple stems, reduction of roots and
leaves and the vigor of the trees in the early years, how-
ever, this effect is of short duration and the grafted plants
reverted to a pattern of normal growth after some time.
Twelve families of cocoa used as rootstocks were
evaluated by Yin (2004) in Sabah, Malaysia, using three
commercial clones. The results showed that the yields on
the rootstocks pure genetic type “Scavina” were about
10% above the average of clones “Amelonado” and also
that the rootstock did not inuence the bark weight,
number of seeds per fruit and the uniformity of the trees.
The purpose of rootstock on plants in the eld was
reported by Irizarry and Goenaga (2000) in Puerto Rico.
The results indicated that, on average, only 45% of the
initial yield of cocoa was a result of grafting and the differ-
ence of 55% was attributed to genetic and environmental
factors, and possibly the degree of incompatibility root-
stock graft. The authors also added that the relationship
between the canopy and rootstock in selections of the
family TSA x SCA-12 does not favored the increase in
production in the eld, in comparison with selections of
other families.
Rootstocks can influence the rate of surviv-
al of grafted seedlings as reported by González et
al. (2003). These authors showed that rootstocks of ICS-
39, Pound-4, Pound-7, Pound-12 and Catongo from seeds,
grafted with descendants of UF-677, signicantly al-
tered the survival rates of seedlings in greenhouse. A
higher percentage of survival was recorded for rootstock
Pound-4. The authors concluded that the survival rates
of rootstocks were inuenced by several factors, includ-
ing the genotype, type of graft, practices of grafting and
environmental conditions.
Marinato et al. (2006) testing four rootstocks of
cocoa four months age, grafted with a single clone and
two methods of grafting in a greenhouse at CEPLAC in
Espírito Santo State, Brazil, found that the survival rates
of grafted plants were not inuenced by the method of
grafting. However, these authors found that the rootstock
ESFIP-02 signicantly increased in the vegetative growth
of grafts of the clone TSH-1188.
Another important effect of rootstock in cocoa
seedlings is related with the transport of nutrients. Sodré
et al. (2012) found that the combination canopy/ root-
stock interfered in the transport of nutrients from root
to shoot. The clone Salobrinho-2, grafted on a selection
of Forastero cocoa “common” used as rootstock, ac-
cumulated signicantly less N, P and K in leaves when
compared to the clones CCN-51, ICS-1, CEPEC-02 and
In the American countries it is common to
use rootstocks for control of soil borne pathogens. For
example, rootstocks of TSH 1188 and varieties of “Co-
coa” are used by Brazilian producers to control Fusarium
spp. Cocoa farmers in Colombia using the clones PA 46,
PA 121, PA 150, IMC 67, and the hybrid seeds of PA
46, to control of root rot caused by Phythopthora spp.
and Roselinia (Florez and Calderon, 2000). In Nigeria
farmers use rootstocks selected and, according to Adewale
et al. (2013) the genotype group Amazon is more used
due to resistance to diseases.
Sena Gomes and Sodré (2015) commented that in
the state of Bahia, Brazil, during the 1990s the use of root-
stocks not tested for diseases caused considerable losses of
cocoa plants. Several areas planted with rootstocks from
clones CCN-51, PH-16, PS-1319, and others from crosses
involving ICS-1, have similar risk. Recent research with
Forastero variety “cocoa jaca” showed excellent results
for resistance to Ceratocystis spp. (SILVA et al., 2010).
Rootstocks of cocoa can be propagated by seeds,
cuttings and tissue culture, as mentioned by West-
wood (1993). However, the vast majority is still ob-
tained from seeds of open pollination. This is because it
is easy and low cost to obtaining seed production areas of
the farmer himself, as well as for the preparation of semi-
nal seedlings. Although there are many studies published
on the topic rootstock, this issue is not yet well under-
stood and particularly the mechanisms involving the
physiology of the graft and the rootstock in cocoa. Thus,
long-term studies that show the purpose of rootstocks
on the agronomic performance of grafted seedlings need
to be expanded and include more eld experiments, since
the majority of reported results on this question refer to
short-term studies, conducted mainly in the greenhouse.
It is also important to investigate and deter-
mine which variables can be used to selecting rootstocks,
including dwarsm. Rootstock dwarsm can control part
of the size and shape of the plant in the eld, as well as
improve productivity. In a recent review on the subject,
Lockwood (2013) mentioned that the effect dwarsm has
attracted the attention of researchers and this is important
for two reasons: a) when associated with the improvement
of production efciency the rootstocks can maintain or
increase commercial production, b) dwarsm let’s make
crops “friendlier”, with all the fruits of a tree in easy reach
and even simplifying the management of pests.
Changes in stomatal resistance and sap ow have
been associated with the effects of force of rootstocks,
as suggested by Simons (1986). There is considerable
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
evidence, in perennial species, that the root systems have
qualitative differences in the anatomical structure of the
xylem and this may be related to the potential of the root
system of rootstock dwarsm in relation to graft, perhaps
by reducing the ow of water in the trunk as emphasized
by Beakbane and Thompson (1947). Root systems in
dwarf plants have a low xylem to and phloem ratio, while
the opposite is true for systems that promote the growth
of canopy, which have xylem tissue with more and larger
vessels (BEAKBANE; THOMPSON, 1947). The con-
sistency of this reasoning suggests that it can be used in
protocols for selecting rootstock in cocoa.
Because of the wide variation in growth, vigor and
disease resistance, rootstocks of half-sib cocoa seedlings,
especially collected in a mix of hybrid plants were not
selected, as an option to minimize overall risk. Thus, it
would be safer to obtain seeds from trusted sources, such
as seed gardens of government and or accredited private
organization seed which produce proven combinations
of hybrid seeds or selection families, especially for the
control of major diseases in certain regions.
In general, the production costs of rootstocks of
cocoa (seedlings) vary greatly between countries and in
accordance with the scale and protocol of production, cost
of labor, time in the nursery, size of plastic bags, substrates,
irrigation system, management procedures and admin-
istration. To produce rootstocks on a commercial scale,
Brazil requires certication by the Ministry of Agriculture
Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). In addition to legal
procedures of production, the seed garden administration
has to pay attention to important other aspects of produc-
tion projects, such as: synchronization between demand
and production volume, supply and quality of irrigation
water, calendar and rates of foliar fertilizers, pest and dis-
ease control, elimination of atypical and sick seedlings, as
well as quality of grafting. Table 1 shows the advantages
and restrictions on use of the graft with seminal seedlings
Budding graft
The budding graft is one of the most important
methods of propagation of plants and refers to the trans-
fer of a tissue containing a single bud plants (variety
selected) for rootstocks. In order to ensure the success of
budding the bud must be placed in contact to allow the
development of functional links between the vascular tis-
sues of the bud with the corresponding tissues of rootstock.
As discussed by Hartmann et al. (2002), the physiologi-
cal processes of recognition of cells, the formation of the
callus, as well as the differentiation of vascular tissue
and parenchyma are critical steps in the formation of the
graft. The budding technique makes use efcient of graft
material, because it needs only a single bud to graft a
rootstock, contrasting with traditional methods of grafting
that requires several buds (Figure 2).
The rst experience with grafting budding in cocoa
was held in Jamaica in 1902 (Mooleedhar, 1998). Today
it is still used in countries as: Peru, Haiti, Costa Rica,
Jamaica, Ecuador, Brazil, Malaysia, São Tomé, Nigeria,
Ghana, Ivory Coast and Indonesia. In general, the bud-
ding graft has been applied to multiply parents selected
in breeding programs and becomes very important when
the amount of material of a given clone is limited, for
example, during the introduction of the new botanical
material in quarantine.
The results of the budding in cocoa vary according
to stage of maturation of the bud, quality of rootstock,
environment and management of the process. In Ma-
laysia (LEE, 1998) obtained good rates of survival with
the use of budding in seedlings of four months of age.
However, according to Yow and Lim (1994) budding
applied to rootstocks seedlings of three months of age,
takes at least six months to produce seedlings able to go
into the eld. These authors also emphasized the high
costs to prepare and maintain grafted seedlings in plastic
bags for a long time.
Researches aiming to reduce costs of conven-
tional budding and the time that the seedlings remain
in the nursery were performed by replacing it with bud-
ding green. For example, Rosenquist (1952) and Ja-
cob (1969),tested successfully budding graft in cocoa
seedlings in cotyledons while Giesenberger and Coes-
ter (1976) describe the green bud method applied to hy-
pocotyls of from two to six weeks of age with successful
from 90 to 100%. Also compared the methods “T” and
inverted “U” noting that the latter was more suitable.
Yow and Lim (1994) made extensive studies on budding
in cocoa and reported good results for budding green
in rootstocks from two weeks of age in a nursery in Sabah.
In contrast, Are (1967) in Nigeria, compared rootstocks
of seedlings from 18 months of age and found that the
clones tested in canopy had better performance in root-
stocks older.
Techniques of grafting involving rootstocks young
(seedlings) have shown good results. For example, Ra-
madasan and Ahmad (1986) have budding below of
cotyledon with success ranging from 70 to 80%. It is
a method especially promising because there is a dras-
tic reduction in the age of the rootstock for only 10 to
20 days. These authors also emphasized that the reserves
of nutrients available in the cotyledons of rootstock would
allow earlier bud to develop making the grafts more vig-
orous. Emphasize, however, cost increase to the extent
that the grafted plants require the humidication intense
until the union of the graft.
The bud grafting was tested by CEPLAC until mid
1990 and the success rates ranged from 50 to 60%. How-
ever, this modality has not been used commercially as a
methodology of clonal propagation in Bahia or in any other
producers in Brazil. This occurred because the method
requires skill of graft and good sanitary condition and
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
nutritional of the bud. The restrictions also include the low
rate of survival, especially due to contamination before
and after budding and very slow start of seedlings. Among
the general guidelines to ensure success for seedlings pro-
duced by budding include: a) Rootstocks aged from sixteen
weeks produced better results than the rootstocks younger,
b) bud ranging in size from 1.5-2.5cm length were ideal,
c) the watering should be in the form of ne mist in order
to avoid any disturbance to the seedlings budded.
It is important to mention that the deterioration of
buds in the budding method in cocoa is caused by a
complex of fungi. A transfer of accesses of cocoa to the
quarantine station in Miami, Florida, USA, were identied
ve fungi associated with buds in cocoa as: Botryodiplodia
theobromea, Fusarium decemcellulare, Fusarium oxys-
porum, Pestalotiopsis spp, and Phomopsis spp., which
can trigger death of grafted seedlings of cocoa (Purdy,
1989). Table 2 presents advantages and restrictions on
use of budding in the production of cocoa seedlings.
Split grafting
The split grafting in cocoa refers the manner which
a branch containing several buds is inserted in a fraction
of top of the plant or laterally under the bark of rootstocks.
It can also be performed in basal shoots and branches of
young trees in the eld and in the nursery (Figure 3). The
same principle to the budding also applies to all forms of
graft, i.e., intimate contact of tissues and external protec-
tion against dehydration. The contact of tissues favors the
development of functional links of xylem tissue and
phloem of the canopy with the rootstock (HARTMANN et
al. 2002). These authors also point out that the physiologi-
cal processes of recognition of cells, the formation of the
callus, as well as the differentiation of vascular tissue
and parenchyma are critical processes for the formation
of the graft.
It is considered that there are many methods of
grafting, however, only the methodologies of commer-
cially important are discussed in this review. The split
grafting, for example, can be done both in basal stems
of cocoa adults as in rootstocks seedlings in the nursery
(5 to 8 months of age). The grafting is the most used by
producers to propagate clones in Bahia, Brazil, as well
as in other regions producing cocoa in South America,
Central America, Caribbean, West African and Asian
countries. Sena Gomes et al. (2000) Using split graft-
ing obtained rates of survival from 55 to 92%, varying with
clone, place of grafting and season of the year and found
that grafting has been more successful during the months
of september to march in years when weather conditions
typical of the region.
Some applications of the method of grafting are
not able to provide acceptable results. For example, stud-
ies in Malaysia by Ramadasan and Ahmad (1986) using
rootstocks of 2 to 4 weeks of age and side grafting showed
reduced rates of survival. The authors observed that the
connection was very difcult because the wedge tends to
slip out, due to the presence of viscous uid along the s-
sure tended to “squeeze” the graft. These results were also
reported by Giesenberger and Coester (1976), as well as
by Rosa (1998), in Bahia, Brazil, which recorded success
rates in the grafts of 3 weeks of only 35%.
The cleft side is the method in which the
graft is cut obliquely (laterally) wedge-shaped thin and
pushed down and inside the stem bark of rootstock. The
lateral grafting performed on the trunk of mature trees of
cocoa, as described by Yow and Lim (1994), was used
at the beginning of the program in clonal Bahia (Pinto,
1998; Sena Gomes et al., 2000) to replace plants with
high rates of infection by the witches’ broom disease of
witch (Moniliophthora perniciosa). The rates of survival,
however, were low when applied on the trunk (<30%),
but high (> 70%) when applied in basal shoots. The low
rate of survival made the grafting in trunks of cocoa trees
was not longer recommended in Bahia, Brazil (SENA
GOMES and SODRÉ 2015).
A variation of the conventional method of graft-
ing was used to propagate clones in Ecuador, where grafts
in wedge-shaped double-face and length similar to the
depth of the side are performed in seedlings of 3-4 months
of age, being inserted laterally and tied with a strip of
plastic. In Espírito Santo state, Brazil is common to carry
out the grafting by cleft side with two subsequent cuts the
canopy after 21 and 40 days. The rate of survival is 80%
and the average income man day is 450 grafts (Figure 4).
Grafting on canopy
It is grafting in the main branches of the canopy,
above the “jorquette”, known as a replacement of the
canopy and aims to rapidly restore the yield of cocoa trees
susceptible to diseases. Only the branches located above
the grafting point are removed by pruning, after about six
months from date of grafting, time when the clonal foliage
is partially established. The crown grafting is commer-
cially suitable for the replacement of the tree foliage and
part of branches under specic conditions and considering
the age of the tree. This method has been well accepted
by farmers in Bahia as a way to improve the production
of cocoa trees under 15 years old. On branches of the
canopy, the technique follows the same grafting protocol,
but using 2-4 branches per cocoa tree.
The technique of side grafting of canopy on
cocoa was successful in Indonesia, Malaysia and the
Philippines, with methodology described by Yow and
Lim (1994), in rehabilitation programs of plants. In Indo-
nesia, for example, plantations of cocoa that in the period
1998 - 2003, In South and Southeast Sulawesi had produc-
tivity of about 1,200 kg/ha/year in 2011 this productivity
has dropped to 120 to 240 kg/ha/year. Several factors
have been associated with this decline, especially age of
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
the tree, lack of crop management (weed control, fertil-
izing, pruning and insect pests and diseases). To overcome
the decline a government program for rehabilitation of
plants was carried out using the technology side grafting
applied in shoots of old trees, as described by Yow and
Lim (1994). The eld observations showed that the success
of side grafting reached approximately 60% of farmers.
The acceptance by farmer of the grafting in
canopy, also called “technique of salvation” is related to
the fact that the process of owering in fruit species is
not interrupted, only being reduced during the replace-
ment of the old canopy of the trees, once that occurs in a
overlapped manner with the development of new leaves
from the clonal scion (SENA GOMES; CASTRO, 1999).
This is so because parts of the former canopy (branches
and foliage) are only eliminated about six months after
grafting, and this time the leaf area of the new canopy is
already well developed. The grafting of canopy in general
takes 12 to 16 months to rebuild the new leaf area of cocoa
tree (SENA GOMES and SODRÉ, 2015).
Characteristics of the rooting in cocoa tree
The production of seedlings by rooted cuttings is a
technology universally recognized for clonal propagation
of numerous species of plants, including the cocoa. The
facilities and methods for rooting vary from simple to
highly sophisticated; however, the anatomical and physi-
ological principles involved in the process are common
to all species. For example, growth of adventitious roots
from the base of a bud sticks, in an environment of high
humidity, are developed from the pericycle (region of
vascular cylinder) at the base of the stem, just above the
cut, as shown in Figure 5 B.
The main advantage of the cuttings is that the plants
are identical in all respects to the unique individual, or
parent plant, as emphasized by Kramer and Kozlowski
(1979), and they can be planted directly without use of
rootstocks. Details of anatomy, physiology, and the envi-
ronmental factors involved in the rooting of forest species
and vegetables were discussed by Hartmann et al. (2002)
and Leakey (2004).
The production of cocoa seedlings by cutting was
described and tested in the state of Bahia for the rst time
by Fowler (1955). Recently, technical characteristics and
methodologies were also described by SENA GOMES
and CASTRO (1999), MARROCOS et al. (2005), SO-
DRÉ and MARROCOS (2009), SODRÉ (2013) and Sena
Gomes and Sodré (2015). According to HALL (1963),
clones of the “Alto Amazon” and the Trinitarian root
better than the “Amelonado”, while TOXOPEUS (1970)
emphasized seasonal differences of rooting among clones.
WOOD and LASS (1985) mentioned a list of factors that
affect the rooting of cuttings, with emphasis to genetic
type, management of nurseries, plant growth regulators,
environmental factors (temperature, light and humidity)
and means of rooting.
Hartmann et al. (1997) emphasized that in general
the cutting of the apical position of woody species, due
to the intense meristematic activity, are those that present
higher levels of rooting. When it comes to cocoa, CHEES-
MAN (1935) and EVANS (1953) observed that younger
mother plants root better. In this context, SODRÉ, (2007)
found that cuttings of cocoa from the apical positions
improve the ability of rooting of the juvenile material.
Consequently, it was observed a greater productivity per
plant matrix, increased levels of rooting, as well as reduc-
tion of cost of production of seedlings.
It is also important to mention that although the
majority of studies of the cocoa propagation have been
developed in plagiotropic branches, the methods in general
are also applicable to the orthotropic material, since there
is no evidence of real difference between the two types of
growth, as mentioned by CHEESMAN (1935).
The technology of rooting of cocoa in Brazil has
been advancing in terms of environment, facilities and
logistics. At the very beginning, sand was the basic sub-
strate for rooting of cocoa. Started with the use of using
sand as substrate for rooting (ALVIM, OVIDIO, 1954;
PYKE, 1933).Thereafter, the method was evolved to
utilization of bag and cutting planted in pots containing
a mixture of sand and organic matter and covered with
canvas of polyethylene bags (MURRAY, 1954; BURLE,
1957; MACKELVIE, 1957; LEWIS, 1960). More recently,
for the production of seedlings of type “mudão”and mini
clonal garden in pots (SODRÉ, 2013). An important
advancement for large-scale propagation of cuttings was
obtained with the rooting in plastic tubes, use of commer-
cial substrates and mist chamber equipped with fertigation
system as described by SENA GOMES et al. (2000).
The success for production of cutting in cocoa
tree is inuenced by environmental factors, among which
stand out the temperature, humidity and means of rooting.
Light intensities are generally not associated with rooting,
although cuttings with leaves can produce roots in the
darkness and the high intensity of light causes the leaf fall.
The temperature normally interferes with the quantity and
quality of callus, as well as the quality of the root system.
Considerable variation in rooting occurs among clones,
seedlings of the same clone, parts of a same plant and
places in the same nursery. ARCHIBALD (1953), sug-
gested that the photosynthetic efciency of the leaf seems
to determine the survival of the cuttings. However, as
mentioned by LEAKEY (2004), the interactions between
factors (plant, environment and management) guarantee
a good rooting.
Amoah et al. (2006),observed physiological factors
affecting the rooting in cuttings of cocoa tree. Among the
relevants, this author emphasized the importance of the
anatomical components, the nutritional status of the cut-
ting and the position in the nodal plant stock. The results
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
suggested that rooting of cuttings is marked by a well-
differentiated vascular region, high level of sugar content
and the C:Nratio.
Research conducted in Cocoa Research Institute
in Ghana (CRIG) shows that the roots were signicantly
affected by the nodal positions of the bud stick.. The best
rooting happen with material harvested in nodal posi-
tions 4-6 from the apex of 15-year-old tree and cocoa
type “Amelonado”. Report showing differences in the
performance of rooting in cuttings of cocoa in relation to
the cutting position in plant has also been published by
RAMADASAN and AHMAD (1986) that also highlighted
the diameter of internodes, lignications of the stems,
nutrients and carbohydrate content, as important criteria
for the selection of cuttings in clonal gardens.
Dimorphic characteristics of growth during the
rooting of cuttings of cocoa were recorded in Trinidad by
PYKE (1933), CHEESMAN (1935) and EVANS (1951).
Since then, the producers have recognized some negative
aspects of the plantation of cocoa rooted of plagiotropic
branches. In general, the cocoa trees from plagiotropic
branches develop a dense canopy and require repeated
pruning to form the canopy and facilitate the manage-
ment and harvesting. MILLER (2009), mentioned that
plagiotropic branches develop characteristics such as
susceptibility to lodging and moisture stress, possibly due
to the combination of formation of canopy unbalanced and
inaccurate root system development. LEE (1998) added
that the lack of taproots in plants of plagiotropic branches
is considered a disadvantage, especially during the dry sea-
son. In addition, it is well known that a system of brous
roots and shallow can limit growth in the production and
the survival of cocoa in conditions of water stress.
Murray (1961) in Trinidad and Tobago noted
root systems of plants cultivated in the eld from cut-
tings which were similar to those produced from seed.
In another study, this author veried the performance of
plants of clones ICS- 95 (cuttings) and ICS-1 x SCA-12
(seminal seedlings) cultivated in rectangular boxes of 0.5
m width and length of the base and 1,07m high, and noted
that 15 months after planting, the mean of the fresh weights
of clonal or seminal seedlings were similar, however, the
clone had a higher proportion of roots and leaves in rela-
tion to the total weight.
In the absence of a taproot in plants propagated by
cuttings, two or three adventitious roots tend to develop.
Normally, lateral roots working as “anchor roots” then
arise from those adventitious roots. It should be noted
that often the lack of taproot in rooted cuttings can stop
the growth and productivity of the plant during the dry
season, especially in shallow soils and with high levels
of aluminum, resulting in losses of crops and mortality
of trees.
It is technically important the production of rooted
plants from orthotropic shoots. This is so because the
trees from this material will develop plants in a similar
manner to a seminal plant, with the same structure of
branches(GLICENSTEIN et al., 1990). These authors
reported that the roots produced in orthotropic branch
sustain the tree making them less sensitive to water stress.
MILLER (2009) emphasized that orthotropic cuttings
require minimum demand in pruning by reducing labor
costs during the establishment in the eld. This author ar-
gues, however, why researches on orthotropic branch have
not expanded as expected. It is well know that the main
reason is the lack of material for large-scale production.
However, same studies on the subject have been published.
For instance, the production of cocoa clonal seedling
from orthotropic material, using rooting cuttings method
has been studied in Bahia (SODRÉ, 2013). Although the
results in Trinidad and Malaysia have shown similar yield
potential of clones grafted with orthotropic or plagiotropic
bud stick, technologies of dissemination using orthotropic
material must still be tested with large number of recom-
mended clones available in different countries.
Some initiatives to overcome the shortage of or-
thotropic seedlings were initiated in Ghana since 1984.
BERTRAND and AGBODJAN (1989) published meth-
odologies to increase the number of orthotropic bud stick
production, including severing the trunk of the tree and
bending branches. These authors observed a good pro-
duction of sprouts orthotropic after ve months, on both
methods cutting and bending. In the same line of work,
GLICENSTEIN et al. (1990) and MAXIMOVA and GUIL-
TINAN (2012) at Pennsylvania State University, USA
and SODRÉ (2013) in Bahia, Brazil, presented results
showing that the bending of cocoa tree branches in bow,
tying the tops to the ground in a greenhouse, produced
large number of orthotropic shoots on top and on the side
of the warped trunk (Figure 6).
Production of cocoa seedlings by cuttings in
state Bahia Brazil
In the state of Bahia, the mass propagation of
clonal Cocoa seedlings using rooted cuttings is in opera-
tion since 1999. For the rst time in the world, a unit of
cocoa propagation produced millions of rooted cuttings
using plastic tubes of 288 cm3,lled with substrates, fertil-
izer and acclimatized before planting in the eld (SENA
GOMES and SODRÉ 2015).
The production unit, known as the Biofactory
Institute of Cocoa IBC, is located 45 km north of the
Ilhéus city, Bahia and since 2000 has been propagating
cocoa clones recommended by CEPLAC. The project was
initially planned to meet the rehabilitation of 300,000 ha
of plantations of cocoa, heavily infected by the witches’
broom disease and with low productivity. Currently, the
unit has an annual capacity to provide up to near eight
million of rooted cuttings.
The CEPLAC and State University of Santa
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Cruz (UESC), ensure the scientic and technical support
for the IBC project, since the year of 2000. The project
has 20 units of rooting propagation “chambers”, measur-
ing 2,500 m
each, covered and protected laterally with
polypropylene mesh (50% of interception of light), with
automated system of irrigation. Each unit of rooting may
contain 216,000 cutting in rooting for a period of six
months (86 cutting/m
/6 months). It is important to high-
light a new initiatives projecting to increase the capacity
of each chamber to about 700,000 cutting (280 cutting/
/6 months), what will be done with the reduction of
the cutting length, utilizing smaller plastic tubes and by
using lower density substrate (Jackson Oliveira Cesar,
2013 - Personal Communication).
The rooting of cuttings is the more costly method
of production of cocoa seedlings, especially if compared
with the seminal propagation. The costs of production are
normally associated with the needs of labor and inputs and
vary widely between countries. In Table 3 are presented
the advantages and limitations of the propagation by cut-
tings in cocoa.
Minicutting in vegetative propagation of cocoa
As much as the researches on cocoa propagation
by stem cuttings are concern, types and sizes of cutting
have been investigated for more than a century. Histori-
cally, the studies began with cutting measuring 20 cm in
length and only one whole leaf (FOWLER, 1955; PYKE,
1933). More recently, GUILTINAN et al (2000) found
successful results experimenting cuttings with a single
orthotropic bud, measuring 2 cm in length, working with
somatic embryogenesis.
Considering only the length of the shoot, the term
minicutting has no practical use in studies of plant propa-
gation. Additionally the length is a variable according to
species, mother plant, nutrition and age of the branch. In
the case of cocoa, the term minicuttings was initially used
to differentiate from the standard length of the cuttings
with 16 cm,used by Cocoa Biofactory (MARROCOS;
SODRÉ, 2004).
The substitution of the conventional length of
cuttings of 16 cm by those of the minicuttings of 6 to
10 cm, has the important advantage of being using more
herbaceous material, which has intense meristematic activ-
ity, therefore, promoting a raise on the rates of successful
rooting (SODRÉ, 2007), (Figure 7 A,B). On the other
hand, cutting of smaller size increase the yield per mother
plant with means lower the costs of production. SODRÉ
(2007) compared the growth of herbaceous cuttings of 4
and 8 cm in length and concluded that there were no differ-
ences between the two lengths for the nal height and dry
mass of roots of six-month-old seedlings. Other research
was performanced in year 2016 to evaluate the rooting of
orthotropic cocoa cuttings with a single bud. This assay
required adjustment of several items, such as new root-
ing substrates, nursery, dosages of AIB and sprouting
promoters and the results indicated that this technique is
very promising, since rooting of cuttings with a single bud
produced 5 to 10 times the number of seedlings grown in
relation to the standard system of cutting length of 16 cm
(Figure 7 C,D).
To large-scale production of seedlings, the
minicuttings boosted the levels of rooting in plants and
allows, for example, the utilization of pre-rooting trays
in chambers of nebulization, and transfer them thereafter
for larger plastic tubes, between 40 and 60 days. The
adoption of the technology of pre-rooted cuttings reduces
considerably the loss of substrates, especially in clones
hard to rooting. On the other hand, this technology will
facilitate the certication of nurseries for the production
of cocoa clonal rooted seedlings, required by the Brazilian
Mitigation of risks in the production of cocoa
seedlings by cuttings and grafting
Although the results of production of seedlings are
markedly inuenced by the plant, environment and factors
of management, technology of the vegetative propaga-
tion of any kind will not improve yields of unproductive
progenies or clones as emphasized by SENA GOMES
and SODRÉ (2015). According to HARTMANN et al.,
(1997) this occurs because the genetic characteristics of
the mother or progeny plants, such as are transferred to
the plant being propagated. Therefore, eld performance
of low production, susceptibility to diseases, growth habit,
and low quality of seed, for instance, will also be transmit-
ted to new generations of plants produced by vegetative
The spread of viral diseases also represents a risk
in plants den replicated by any methods of vegetative
propagation. Diseases such as bacterial wilt and in some
cases witch broom in Latin America and the Caribbean
countries can also be disseminated via propagation mate-
rial. To minimize these risks is recommended the adoption
of sanitary eliminating any material with symptoms of
In general, among small producers, there is a trend
in propagate a single or few clones by cuttings or graft-
ing, generally the more productive. However, it should be
noted that this represents a risk due to the lack of genetic
diversity on account of new diseases. A project of clonal
propagation should include not only clones tested for each
specic region, but, also maintain high genetic diversity
for agronomic traits, such as the production, resistance
to disease, early maturity, format of the canopy, and seed
quality. This diversity in plantations of cocoa in practice
can be obtained by planting several clones as proposed
by MANDARINO and SENA GOMES (2009), but in a
monoclonal planting model.
This proposed model of planting cacao, mono-
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
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clonal planting or simply one clone per block, is now in
current use by the cocoa producers in Southern Bahia,
with self-pollinated clones only. The innovation has also
become very popular in Bahia, especially among new
planting projects which are been established on the new
cocoa planting frontier, in the semiarid regions of the far
southern of the State, as well as in the very North area of
the neighbor State of Espirito Santo. In these new planting
projects, cocoa is planted with rooted cuttings seedlings,
at full sun light and fertigated.
Experience with cocoa produced by cuttings in
Bahia Brazil
The seedlings of rooted cuttings were initially
used in Bahia to increase planting density of the areas
grafted with resistant clones to diseases. Currently, the
rooted cutting seedlings are being very important for large-
scale plantations, instead of been utilized for increase the
planting density in areas of low population density.
Project Nova Redenção, Bahia Brazil.
Experimental data of production collected in clonal
planting, located in municipality of Nova Redenção, West-
ern Region of Bahia, showed high productivity. The region
is characterized by semiarid climate, with a average annual
temperature of 26
C, precipitation of 600 mm/year, with
irregular distribution and a relative humidity under of 60%.
In this project, the cocoa rooted cuttings seedlings were
transplanted to the eld in March 2003, with temporary
shade of banana trees. The plants were maintained man-
aged with fertigation drip irrigation and pruned regularly.
According to Leite et al. (2012), the productivity of the
clone CCN-51, at 52 months after planting in the eld,
reached 2,260 kg/ha/year of dried cocoa beans, with the
excellent performance for most agronomic characteristics,
especially vigorous growth, early production and pest free.
Project Lembrance, Bahia Brazil.
The establishment of cocoa plantations, in southern
Bahia, replacing areas of papaya in decline has been suc-
cessful so far. This is the case of the Project Lembrance,
a clonal planting of initially 250 ha, established in 2007,
using partial shading of papaya and banana trees. From
the second year until today, the plants were kept in full
sunlight conditions and with winds breaks of Eucalyptus
Currently, the project Lembrance, has expanded
to 250 ha of cocoa and uses only rooted cuttings of eight
clones, managed in a semi mechanized system with chemi-
cal weeding control, spraying pesticides and pruning, as
well as the utilization of windbreaks and drip irrigation
(Figure 8). The area is located 760 km South in Bahia
State, the soils have medium texture, are at lands of low
natural fertility. In the year of 2014, the following clones
were in production: CCN-10 and CCN-51, CEPEC 2002,
2004, 2005 and 2006, CP-49, PH-16, PS-13.19 and SJ-02,
all arranged into monoclonal blocks.
The Lembrance’s project has registered yield
above 3,000 kg/ha/year of dried beans and can be con-
sidered as a reference to be replicated in large areas along
coastal regions of Southern Bahia, as well as in other
producing regions in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Clonal garden
The majority of Brazilian cocoa farmers still pro-
duce the seedlings in their own properties and, in general,
they receive vegetative material from clonal gardens
or from neighboring farmers. Normally, the amount of
grafting material obtained from the rst introduction is
sufcient to provide propagation for next generations of
grafts or to form clonal gardens of varieties.
Clonal gardens are designed for the production of
bud sticks for grafting on adult plants or on cocoa seed-
lings in nurseries. A general protocol for the production
of quality bud sticks requires an intensive management
of the nursery, including: weeding and fertilizing, pest
and disease control, wind break, pruning, irrigation and
shading control.
The spacing and the genetic material inuence
yield (number of cuttings) of the clonal garden. For ex-
ample, in Ghana, the number of bud sticks taken in a clonal
garden, established on planting spacing of 2.6 x 1.3 m,
varied from 100 to 60 per plant per year, for selections of
“Amazon cocoa”, and only 20 to 40 for the “Amelonado”
selections, as discussed by Dias (2001).
Whereas, the Cocoa Biofactory (IBC), Bahia, has
recorded production of bud sticks, in number of cutting/
per plant/ year, ranging from of 56 for the clone IP-01,
63 for Cepec 2002 and 112 for the CCN-51.The clonal
garden plants were eld planted using space of 3.0 x 3.0 m,
and the bud sticks sizes varied from 0.6 to 1.0 m.(Jackson
Oliveira Cesar, Agricultural Engineer, 2013 - Personal
Projections made by SENA GOMES and SODRÉ
(2015), for the production of bud sticks from a clonal
garden established with 3,333 plants/ha, with intensive
management of fertigation, pruning, pest and weeding,
wind break, disease and shading control, indicate produc-
tivity ranging from 300,000 to 500,000 green cuttings/ha/
year, considering 6 to 9 harvest per year.
Simple technologies for production cocoa clonal
Simple and inexpensive units of plant propagation,
designed to produce seedlings of clonal cocoa, can be used
by small farmers, anywhere. An example of this is the
propagation units utilized in Ecuador, for the production
of rooted seedlings of cloneCCN-51, in nursery planting
beds that are covered with plastic blanket, forming a high
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humidity chamber.
This type of propagation showed in Figure 9,
is quite simple and it does not require running water
or electricity, therefore it is suitable for family farming
projects, especially located in remote places. LEAKEY
et al. (1990), claim that the methods shown in Figure 9,
in addition to being low cost technology and highly ef-
fective, are less prone to problems, compared to large and
more sophisticated systems. According to LEAKEY, the
efciency of rooting in these systems is dependent on the
genotype and time of year, but average of success usually
varies from 60 to 75%.
Advanced technology for cocoa clonal
Among advanced technologies applied for cocoa
propagation, the somatic embryogenesis (ES) deserves
special attention. It is a system of tissue culture that uses
ora parts (petals and staminoids) to develop embryos
genetically identical to those of the matrix plant (Figure
10). These embryos have the advantage of growing with
both dimorphisms of tree growth, orthotropic(like a nor-
mal cocoa tree) and plagiotropic (fan like type of growth).
Despite some losses due to the production of
abnormal embryos it is theoretically possible to produce
more than 4,000 plants of secondary embryos derived from
a single ower in about a year. Somatic embryogenesis
has been developed and tested by several research insti-
tutions around the world, such as Ceplac, Brazil (Sandra
Queiroz, personal communication, 2015), Pennsylvania
State University, USA (LI et al., 1998), GUILTINAN et
al (2000), MAXIMOVA and GUILTINAN (2012), CRIG,
2003), CIRAD, Montpelier, France (ALEMANNO et
al., 1998) and CATIE, Costa Rica (SOMARRIBA et al.,
Graft One
The Research on “Grafting One technology” in
cocoa started in the year 2012, in Brazil, and preliminary
data show successful results, for the control of soil borne
pathogens, as well as on the production of reduced plant
The “Grafting One” is an adaptation of the methods
of rooting and cleft grafting which is performed at the
same time. According to SODRÉ (2013), the main advan-
tage of this method is that two different technologies are
applied in a single operation, rooting and grafting, during
the process of production of clonal seedlings.
The bud sticks size used for “Grafting One” meth-
od varies from 15 to 18 cm in length, same conventional
size utilized for rooting ( Figure 11). The concentration of
plant growth regulator (AIB) and substrates are the same
used in traditional cuttings methodology. Immediately
after grafting the rootstock, it must be transferred to the
rooting chamber, where the budded stick is treated with
rooting hormone, and kept with appropriated humidity to
avoid dehydration.
The rst shoots growth normally occurs around 30
days after the grafting, and the plants must be removed
from the rooting chamber between 60 and 90 days. At this
time, the growing plants have to be replanted to polyethyl-
ene bags, for hardening. Seedlings will be ready for eld
planting around 8 months later.
Currently, the technology “Grafting One” is in an
experimental scale. It requires special care with general
sanitation, especially the cleanup of rooting facilities
(chamber and mist system, propagation ats, benches,
plastic containers and tools). It is also necessary to keep
the graftings in a high humidity environment, equipped
with fog system, to ensure successful rooting of the bud-
ded bud stick. This method of propagation works better
for easy rooting clones.
Use of graftinglters
The cocoa seedlings produced through the “inter-
grafting technique” are obtained by inserting a small sec-
tion of a bud stick or green stem, approximately 10 cm in
length, via two graft unions, between the scion graft and
the rootstock. The double “intergrafting” may be done at
the same time, or the scion graft can be done at a separate
time, approximately 3 months later from the date of the
“intergrafting”. It should be noted that the stem diameter
of the components, rootstock, “intergrafting” and scion,
must be of similar size to ensure the success of grafting.
According do HARTMANN et al. (1997), there are
specic reasons for using interstock in propagation, most
of them related to avoidance of incompatibility of scion
and rootstock in many clonal combinations within species,
disease resistance, reduction of vegetative growth and
enhancement of reproductive growth. Westwood (1993),
mentioned that when compatibility bridge “intergrafting”
is requires, the double budding technique is the best ap-
proach to be selected, as with pear on quince, that can be
done in a single operation. In this context, it is worthwhile
to mention that the variety of cocoa, known as “jackfruit
cocoa”, has great potential for to be used as “intergraft-
ing”, due to its high resistance to the important pathogen,
Ceratocystis cacaofunesta (Figure 12), which occurs in
cocoa areas of Southern Bahia.
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Figure 1. Pre-germinated cocoa seeds (A). Transplanting seeds in polyethylene bags for later grafting (B).
Table 1. Advantages and restrictions on use of the graft with seminal seedlings in cocoa.
Seeds are free from dormancy, low cost and easy to obtain.
Simple methodology adopted by farmers.
Resistance to major diseases such wilt of Ceratocystis.
Can increase the income of some clones.
Bad in some combinations canopy/rootstock.
Seeds viability is short time “recalcitrant” .
Can reduce the performance of some clones duo to low resistance to diseases.
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Table 2. Advantages and restrictions of using budding in the production of cocoa seedlings.
Advantages Restrictions
Uses a single button to graft a rootstock; Requires highly trained grafters ;
Minimizes waste of rootstocks seedlings that can be redone
if the rst budding fails ;
The high cost of production;
Important when there is limited amount of clonal material
and also in quarantine services ;
In large part dependent on reorganization
Propagate clones that cannot be propagated by other
Variable rates de survival;
Can be used as auxiliary technique for detecting the
presence of viruses in plant material "Indexing".
The slow start after budded .
Figure 2. Stages of grafting by budding on cocoa trees. Removal of the bud (A). Inserting in rootstock (B)
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Figure 3. Split grafting in cocoa. In basal shoots (A). In basal shoots after six months (B). Preparation of the branch
(C). Grafted seedlings and protective chamber (D).
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Figure 4. Split grafting in cocoa seedlings. Preparation of the double face wedge in Ecuador (A). Seedlings after
grafting and before cut canopy in the Espírito Santo state, Brazil (B).
Figure 5. Rooting of cocoa cuttings. Rooting environment (A). Detail of the wedge and the adventitious roots (B).
Figure 6. Orthotropic seedlings in cocoa. Bending plants to produce orthotropic branches (A). Seedling
formed from orthotropic branch (B).
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Table 3. Advantages and limitations of the propagation by cuttings in cocoa trees.
Advantages Limitations
• Higher rates of multiplication .
• Easy, free from problems of incompatibility of
the graft.
• Plants which are identical in all respects to the
unique individual or parent plant .
• Propagation can be done with simple rooting and
• Is possible propagate material plagiotropic and
• Often medium to high rates of success.
• Project on a large scale requires high investments in
facilities, equipment, clonal and logistics of supply
of materials.
Demands trained workers.
Recommended for specic locations (well drained
soils and not incline) .
The lack of taproot, especially in plagiotropic branches,
can reduce productivity of plants during the dry season,
in shallow soils.
Risk of infection by pathogens of soil especially in
susceptible clones.
Figure 7. Minicutting in cocoa seedlings. Rooting in tubes (A). Seedling rooted at 50 days (B). Cutting of an orthotropic
bud root rooted in phenolic foam (C). Seedling formed by single bud (D).
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Figure 9. Technologies for production of clonal cocoa seedlings. White plastic huts (A). Shelter used in Ecuador (B).
Figure 10. Somatic embryogenesis in cocoa tree. Somatic embryos obtained from petals (A). Embryogenic seedling
in pre-acclimatization (B).
Figure 8. Lembrance project. Cocoa trees implanted with cuttings and drip irrigation (A). Production area (3,000 kg/
ha/year) after ve years (B).
Cocoa propagation, technologies for production of seedlings
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Figure 11. Seedling type “graft one”. Union of the rootstock and graft (A). Joint inserted to be rooted (B). Seedling
ready after eight months (C).
Figure 12. Cocoa seedling with graft lter. Parts of the seedling (rootstock, lter and canopy) indicated by arrows
(A). Variety resistant to the fungus Ceratocystis cacaofunesta “cocoa jackfruit” (B).
George Andrade Sodré & Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes
Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-782)
Final considerations
Even considering that the production of cocoa
seedlings in nurseries accredited is an activity incipient
in Brazilian producers. It is very likely that in a few years,
the production of seedlings is subject to legal process
of certication. The regional and national potential for
the production of clonal seedlings of cocoa can be an
attraction for new nurseries. These companies will
require production technologies increasingly efcient to
produce seedlings with quality and reduced costs.
It is important to highlight that the certication
of cocoa seedlings is a requirement of the Brazilian
Ministry of Livestock Agriculture and Supply (MAPA,
2003).The aim of certication is to ensure especially the
genetic quality and health of seedlings produced.
Among new challenges for research on the cocoa
propagation, emphasis the adoption of the technique of
clonal nurseries, because as veried by (Sodré, 2007) in
5 ha of clonal garden in nursery conditions it would be
possible to produce material for production of up to 4
million seedlings of cuttings per year. Additionally must
be added the gains with quality and overall production
costs of cocoa seedlings.
The authors are grateful to the Foundation of
Support for Research of the State of Bahia Fapesb
to support research with cocoa propagation. We also
thank the Bioversity International for permission to
publish parts of chapter 3 (Conventional Vegetative
propagation) of the publication “Supplying new cocoa
planting material to farmers: a review of propagation
methodologies”. Laliberté, B. and End, M., (editors).
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