Guided Learning in Hand Therapy: A Student Workbook
Ethan Fahrney, OTD
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Anatomy and Physiology 5
Kinesiology 20
Diagnoses of the Upper Limb 25
Evaluation and Assessment 38
Therapeutic Interventions 48
Suggested Readings 54
References 55
I would like to extend my gratitude to Karol Spraggs-Young and Nathan Short for
their guidance during the creation of this project. I would also like to thank and
acknowledge Carlos A. Suárez-Quian for giving me permission to include his
anatomy images in this workbook. This project is dedicated to the members of the
Huntington University Hand and Orthopedic Interest Club.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Mark Zavoyna, Manager of the
Anatomical Donor Program at Georgetown University Medical Center for his
outstanding work preparing the cadavers used in this workbook and to the
cadaveric donors for their generous gift.
Many of the following images in this text were first published in All-in-One
Anatomy Exam Review
Image-Based Questions & Answers. Volume 1. Back and Upper Limb by Carlos A.
Suárez-Quian & Joel A. Vilensky
“Hand therapy is the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper limb, which includes the hand, wrist,
elbow and shoulder girdle. It is the merging of occupational and physical therapy theory and practice that
combines comprehensive knowledge of the structure of the upper limb with function and activity. Using
specialized skills in assessment, planning and treatment, hand therapists provide therapeutic intervention to
prevent dysfunction, restore function and/or reverse the progression of pathology of the upper limb in order
to enhance an individual’s ability to execute tasks and to participate fully in life situations.”
The current
prerequisites to becoming a Certified Hand Therapist include three years of practice as a licensed occupational
therapist or physical therapist, a minimum of 4,000 hours of direct care to patients with upper extremity
conditions, and a qualifying score on the Hand Therapy Certification Examination.
Specialty practice in hand therapy necessitates advanced training beyond that of an entry-level
clinician. Many of the clinical concepts and principles applied in hand therapy practice extend beyond the
formal educational standards of occupational therapy and physical therapy entry-level programs. Six
competencies for hand therapy have been outlined to include: Clinical judgment/clinical reasoning, scientific
knowledge, technical skills, interpersonal and communication, professionalism, and resource management.
One study has identified areas in which clinicians feel students should be proficient before a formal clinical
rotation with a certified hand therapist. Anatomy and physiology, diagnoses of the upper limb, evaluation and
assessment, and therapeutic interventions were rated most highly regarding the level of knowledge students
should possess before clinical rotations.
The purpose of this text is to address some of the barriers that have been outlined in the literature.
supplementing the current education provided in entry-level occupational therapy and physical therapy
programs with student-driven, multimodal learning strategies focused on reinforcing relevant upper extremity
content; students will be better prepared to enter clinical rotations in hand therapy. The contents of this
workbook narrow the focus of the user to basic principles, common conditions, and general treatment
interventions as they prepare for a clinical placement in hand therapy. This text is not comprehensive by any
means and should serve as a starting point for independent study.
The user of this text should plan on engaging in learning activities that involve critical reasoning,
memorization, and experiential learning. Research has begun to establish a consensus for content inclusion in
entry-level therapy education related to hand therapy.
You may feel confident that the specific content areas
included in this resource were identified by clinicians as being highly relevant. Find a partner, stay engaged in
the learning experience, and reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as you navigate through this text. Keep
in mind that skill and knowledge acquisition occur at different rates for everyone. To encourage the user to
identify reliable sources, there is no answer key provided for The Student Workbook. However, throughout
this text you will find suggested readings and resources that will point you down the path to finding the
information you will need.
Anatomy and Physiology
The human hand and upper extremity give us the power to interact with and manipulate
our environment. Much like a mechanic must know the parts and pieces of a combustion
engine, it is necessary for a hand therapist to understand the parts and pieces of the upper
extremity. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, and bones come together to
compose the machine that allows us to make art and heal the sick. Dysfunction in one link of
the chain can lead to a breakdown of the machine and a subsequent decrease of engagement
in purposeful activities. The study of human anatomy and physiology provides a foundation for
the work of a hand therapist and informs decision making throughout the rehabilitative
process. The fundamental knowledge in this section will provide you with a sturdy platform
from which to build your understanding of the complex topics related to the upper extremity.
Learning Objectives
1. The student will be able to identify clinically significant anatomical landmarks of the
upper extremity
2. The student will be able to able to accurately depict the structure of brachial plexus
3. The student will be able to accurately plot the course of the peripheral nerves of the
upper extremity
4. The student will be able to identify potential nerve compression sites of the upper
5. The student will develop increased proficiency with the identification of upper extremity
muscles, their attachments, and actions.
Skeletal Anatomy
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Label the following structures:
Label the
following structures or landmarks
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Identify the structures shown to the left:
A. ________________________
B. ________________________
C. ________________________
D. ________________________
E. ________________________
F. ________________________
G. ________________________
H. ________________________
Identify the structures shown to the left
A. ________________________
B. ________________________
C. ________________________
D. ________________________
E. ________________________
F. ________________________
G. ________________________
H. ________________________
I. ________________________
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Useful Links: (Upper Limb: Surface Anatomy & Osteology) (Bones of the Upper Extremity) (TeachMeAnatomy) (Learning the Carpal Bones)
Identify the carpal bones
Muscles of the Upper Quarter
Complete the following chart:
Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Action Notes
Abductor digiti
pollicis brevis
pollicis longus
Biceps brachii
Extensor carpi
radialis brevis
Extensor carpi
radialis longus
Extensor carpi
Extensor digiti
Extensor indicis
Extensor pollicis
Extensor pollicis
Flexor carpi
Flexor carpi
Flexor digiti
Flexor pollicis
Flexor pollicis
Latissimus dorsi
Lumbricals (1
and 2
Lumbricals (3
and 4
Opponens digiti
Palmaris brevis
Palmaris longus
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Pronator teres
Teres major
Teres minor
Triceps brachii
A. Go to and complete the activity on yourself
What did you learn?
B. Go to and complete the activity on yourself
What did you learn?
Use the enhanced cadaver images to identify structures of the upper quarter:
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Identify the structures shown
to the left:
A. ______________________
B. ______________________
C. ______________________
Identify the structures shown
to the left:
A. ______________________
B. ______________________
C. ______________________
D. ______________________
E. _______________________
Adapted from Yokochi C, Rohen JW, & Weinreb EL. (1989). Photographic anatomy of the human body. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin
Adapted from Yokochi C, Rohen JW, & Weinreb EL. (1989). Photographic anatomy of the human body. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin
Identify the muscles of the volar shoulder
and upper arm shown to the left:
the muscles and soft tissue structures
of the volar forearm shown to the left:
Adapted from Yokochi C, Rohen JW, & Weinreb EL. (1989). Photographic anatomy of the human body. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Label the following structures:
E. __________________________________
the contents of each dorsal
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
Adapted with permission. ©Carlos A. Suárez-Quian, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Draw and label the brachial plexus
Identify the vascular and
neural structures:
List the muscles innervated by each peripheral nerve in their order of innervation from proximal to distal.
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Radial nerve
Suggested Activities:
1. Using non-toxic markers, plot the courses of the branches of the brachial plexus from the shoulder to
the hand. Palpate and label following anatomical landmarks along the nerve pathways.
a. Clavicle
b. Acromion process
c. Radial tunnel
d. Cubital fossa
e. Cubital tunnel
f. Carpal tunnel
g. Guyon canal
2. Using non-toxic markers, label the following landmarks on your partner:
a. Distal digital crease
b. Middle digital crease
c. Proximal digital crease
d. Distal palmar crease
e. Proximal palmar crease
f. Thenar crease
g. Distal wrist crease
h. Proximal wrist crease
Physiology of Wound Healing
Type of Wound
Wound Color:
Goals of Wound Care:
Timetable for Wound Healing
Phase of wound healing
When does it begin and
What is happening?
Factors that
wound healing:
Timetable for Fracture Healing
Phase of bone healing
When does it begin and
What is happening?
Factors that affect bone
Classification of Nerve Injury
Seddon’s Staging
Staging (1978)
Brief Anatomical
Usual Cause of
Nerve Injury
Level I: Nerve
Level II:
Level III:
Regeneration may
not occur at
original end
Level IV: Neuroma
in continuity
Level V: Complete
nerve transection
Useful links: (Resource for Regional Anatomy)
musculoskeletal/session-15-overview-of-upper-limb/lablink (University of Michigan Anatomy)
musculoskeletal/session-17-shoulder-and-brachial-plexus/lablink (University of Michigan Anatomy)
musculoskeletal/session-19-wrist-hand-and-foot/lablink (University of Michigan Anatomy)
neuroanatomy/session-13-brachial-plexus-subclavian-vessels-scalene-muscles/lablink (University of Michigan Anatomy) (University of Michigan Anatomy) (Phil Schatz Anatomy Resource) (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) (Nabil Ebraheim YouTube Channel) (The Anatomy Guy Cadaver Dissection Videos)
We must first examine how our anatomy and physiology enable engagement in
purposeful activity in the context of the upper extremity to further our understanding of the
interaction of humans and the physical world. Purposeful movement results from the
summation of muscular contractions, tendon excursions, ligamentous stability,
proprioception, and sensory feedback. A compromise of any of these components can result in
functional deficits that impact the quality of life and independence. It is critical for hand
therapists to understand normal functional movement patterns as a foundation to better
comprehend the impact of dysfunctional anatomy and physiology on activity engagement.
Completing this section will enhance your understanding of applied anatomy and kinesiology
in the context of the upper extremity.
Learning Objectives
1. The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of the principles and terminology of
kinesiology and movement analysis
2. The student will be able to use activity analysis to identify the anatomy and
biomechanics involved in performing purposeful activities
3. The student will be able to describe the broad relationship joint dysfunctional and the
performance of purposeful activities
Define osteokinematics: _____________________________________________________________________________
Define arthrokinematics: _____________________________________________________________________________
Which planes of motion do the following osteokinematic movements occur in?
Shoulder flexion/extension_____________________________________________________________________
Shoulder horizontal adduction___________________________________________________________________
Shoulder internal/external rotation_______________________________________________________________
Elbow flexion/extension________________________________________________________________________
Forearm pronation/supination___________________________________________________________________
Wrist flexion/extension________________________________________________________________________
Wrist radial/ulnar deviation_____________________________________________________________________
Finger flexion/extension________________________________________________________________________
Explain the convex-concave rule
Identify whether the following joints are convex-concave or concave-convex
Glenohumeral _______________________________________________________________________________
Midcarpal ___________________________________________________________________________________
Thumb carpometacarpal_______________________________________________________________________
Dart thrower’s motion is a combination which osteokinematic wrist movements?
A. Wrist flexion / radial deviation and wrist extension / ulnar deviation
B. Wrist extension / radial deviation and wrist flexion / ulnar deviation
C. Wrist pronation / radial deviation and wrist supination / ulnar deviation
D. Wrist supination / wrist flexion and wrist pronation / wrist extension
Useful Links: (Osteokinematics) (Arthrokinematics) (Concave-Convex Rule) (Levers and Mechanical Advantage) (KinesiologyKris)
Activity Analysis
For the following examples, explain the osteokinematics of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. Also list the major
muscles involved in completing the task.
Opening a jar of pickles
Brushing your hair
Hammering a nail
Casting a fishing pole
Playing the guitar
Suggested activities:
To simulate joint stiffness, wrap the PIP joints of your index and long fingers using a self-adherent compression
wrap. Engage in your morning or evening routine with your fingers wrapped to gain a better understanding of
the difficulties that patients with PIP joint experience when performing self-care.
Attempt one-handed shoe tying techniques and take notes of the individual joint motions required to complete
the task.
Place your dominant hand in a sock to prevent use while you complete your morning self-care routine. Reflect
on the activities that were easier to complete with your non-dominant hand than you expected and which were
more difficult.
Useful Links: (Opening a Jar) (Sautéing Vegetables in a Pan) (Brushing Hair) (Hammering Nails) (Casting a Fishing Pole) (Person Playing Guitar)
Diagnoses of the Upper Limb
Understanding the underlying disease processes of common diagnoses of the
upper extremity will provide the foundation for accurate evaluation, clinical
decision-making, and treatment interventions. This section will serve as a review
of common conditions that you will encounter in the hand therapy clinic. When
completing this section, keep in mind the impact of comorbidities, lifestyle factors,
and behavior on the healing process.
Learning Objectives
The student will develop a basic understanding of the underlying
pathology associated with common upper extremity conditions
The student will develop a basic understanding of the impact of upper
extremity disorders and precautions on engagement in purposeful
The student will increase their understanding of operative and non-
operative procedures used in the management of upper extremity
Distal Radius Fracture
The term reduction, in the context of fracture management, refers to which of the following?
A. Fracture plating
B. Alignment of bony fragments
C. Compression fracture
D. Placement of pins
List some advantages of plate fixation compared to external fixation in the management of distal radius fractures:
Describe the fracture patterns of the following distal radius fractures:
Colles’: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Smith’s: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Why is it important to maintain active motion of the fingers and hand while the wrist is immobilized for fracture healing?
Explain the pathological joint changes associated with osteoarthritis: __________________________________________
List 3 risk factors for developing osteoarthritis:
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by:
A. Autoimmune processes
B. Overuse
C. Heavy metal exposure
D. Viral infection
Identify the following joint positions of swan neck deformity:
MCP: _______________________________________________________________________________________
PIP: ________________________________________________________________________________________
DIP: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Identify the following joint positions of boutonniere deformity:
MCP: _______________________________________________________________________________________
PIP: ________________________________________________________________________________________
DIP: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Practice the following joint protection techniques
1. Use the heel of your hand to open and close a jar
2. Stir a pot while holding the utensil with a cylindrical grasp and your wrist in neutral
3. Lift your cup of coffee with both hands
4. Cut vegetables while holding the knife like a dagger to avoid ulnar stress on MCPs
Nerve Compression
Cubital tunnel syndrome is a compression of the ______________ nerve at the _________________.
A. Median nerve; elbow
B. Ulnar nerve; wrist
C. Ulnar nerve; elbow
D. Median nerve; wrist
What is double crush syndrome? _______________________________________________________________________
Identify the structures within the carpal tunnel ___________________________________________________________
Which muscles are most likely to be affected by carpal tunnel syndrome? ______________________________________
In which elbow position is the ulnar nerve under the most compression? ________________________________
Radial nerve palsy can result in the total loss of which active motion?
A. Wrist flexion
B. Elbow flexion
C. Wrist extension
D. Thumb opposition
Saturday night palsy is typically an example of which class of nerve injury?
A. Neuropraxia
B. Axonotmesis
C. Neurotmesis
Management of edema could include all the following except:
A. Elevation
B. Compression
C. Position the limb in the dependent position
D. Manual therapy
How does active motion mobilize lymph fluid and reduce edema?
What is the effect of chronic edema on scar tissue formation following injury?
What is a contraindication for using a volumeter to measure edema following an acute injury?
How does lymphedema differ from edema that occurs following an injury?
Metacarpal Fractures
A fracture of the 5
metacarpal neck is known as:
A. Boxer’s fracture
B. Monteggia fracture
C. Essex-Lopresti fracture
D. Salter-Harris
Describe the purpose of buddy strapping during the rehabilitation of metacarpal fractures:
Identify 3 surgical fixation techniques that are used in the treatment of metacarpal fractures:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe the functional implications of rotated or scissoring digits:
When molding a custom orthosis, why might the therapist immobilize the digits adjacent to the fractured metacarpal?
A. To provide additional stability
B. The adjacent metacarpal is probably fractured as well
C. To provide additional cosmesis
D. Immobilizing the adjacent digit is not a common practice
Tennis elbow is associated with pathological changes of which tendon?
A. Extensor digitorum
B. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
C. Extensor carpi ulnaris
D. Flexor digitorum superficialis
DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis involves which of the following structures?
A. Zone 1 of the extensor tendon
B. First dorsal interosseus
C. Extensor pollicis longus and tendon sheath
D. Abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and tendon sheath
Intersection syndrome involves which anatomical structures?
Why would elbow extension increase pain when performing grip testing for a patient with lateral epicondylitis?
Hawkins-Kennedy and Neer tests are sensitive to which shoulder pathology?
A. Frozen shoulder
B. Rotator cuff tear
C. SLAP lesion
D. Subacromial impingement
Describe the RICE protocol:
R. _________________________________________________________________________________________
I. __________________________________________________________________________________________
E. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Acute Tendon Injuries
List the contents and boundaries of the following flexor tendon zones:
Zone 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 3: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 4: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 5: _____________________________________________________________________________________
List the contents and boundaries of the following flexor tendon zones:
Zone 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 3: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 4: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 5: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 6: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 7: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Zone 8: _____________________________________________________________________________________
“No man’s land” is described as which flexor tendon zone?
A. Zone 1
B. Zone 2
C. Zone 3
D. Zone 4
A flexor tendon injury that results in lost tendon material and is repaired under tension may result in an active flexion
lag and is known as the Quadriga effect. Why does this occur?
“Mallet finger” is an injury to which extensor tendon zone?
A. Zone 1
B. Zone 3
C. Zone 5
D. Zone 7
Dupuytren’s Disease
Explain the pathological changes the occur in the hand of a person with Dupuytren’s disease
People with an ancestry from which geographic area appear to have a genetic predisposition to Duputren’s contracture?
What are the major functional implications for a person the has developed Dupuytren’s contracture?
Describe the following medical procedures:
Fasciectomy: ________________________________________________________________________________
Collagenase injection and manipulation: __________________________________________________________
Needle fasciotomy: ___________________________________________________________________________
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Name the 3 most common compression sites of the brachial plexus
What are common symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome that would rule out other shoulder pathologies?
How do postural compromise and ergonomic factors relate to the development of thoracic outlet syndrome?
1. Using a website or program like, identify and perform exercises that target the compression
sites of thoracic outlet syndrome. Also, identify and perform proximal nerve gliding exercises.
2. Special tests for thoracic outlet syndrome tend to have a high incidence of false positive results in healthy
Perform Adson’s and Wright’s tests with a partner. Consider the anatomical and physiological
factors that could lead to a false positive result.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Describe the classifications of CRPS:
Class 1
Class 2
List the major signs and symptoms of CRPS:
Define allodynia:
Mirror visual feedback primarily promotes _____________________ in the treatment of CRPS.
A. Tendon gliding
B. Somatosensory cortex reorganization
C. Muscle hypertrophy
D. Stress loading
What are the components of stress loading?
Trigger Finger
Describe the underlying pathology associated with trigger finger
Which annular pulley is most commonly involved in trigger finger?
What systemic medical condition is commonly associated with increased risk for trigger finger?
List the stages and symptoms associated with each stage of trigger finger?
Why does forceful gripping increase triggering symptoms?
Describe the surgical intervention for trigger finger:
Useful Links: (Distal Radius Fracture) (Distal Radius ORIF with T-plate: WARNING GRAPHIC) (Basal Joint Arthritis) (Rheumatoid Arthritis Animation) (Rheumatoid Arthritis) (Carpal Tunnel) (Carpal Tunnel Surgery: WARNING GRAPHIC) (Metacarpal Fracture) (1st Extensor Compartment Release: WARNING GRAPHIC) (FDP Tendon Repair: WARNING GRAPHIC) (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Surgical Correction: WARNING GRAPHIC) (Dupuytren’s Release: WARNING GRAPHIC) (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) (Trigger Finger Injection)
Evaluation and Assessment
To develop a safe and appropriate treatment plan, it is essential for the
therapist to have a thorough understanding of the physical, social, and
psychological factors associated with injury and recovery. Hand therapists are
required to make clinical decisions based on the results of evaluation and
assessment. The ability to perform an informative evaluation is dependent on the
therapist’s ability to assess the physical structures involved, the quality of
movement, and the underlying pathology. The behavioral influence of social and
psychological factors may also have an impact on healing and patient compliance.
The evaluation process helps illustrate the many variables that can affect patient
outcomes, positively or negatively. The purpose of this section is to introduce
some of the terminology and assessment tools commonly used in clinical practice.
Developing comfort with measurement and assessment tools will promote
confidence and self-efficacy during the clinical learning experience.
Learning Objectives:
The student will improve their understanding of the selection and purpose
of basic evaluation techniques
The student will gain exposure to basic evaluation techniques through
engagement in hands-on learning activities
The student will be introduced to common terminology and
documentation necessary for accurate evaluation and assessment
Match the following statements with the appropriate section of a SOAP note.
S= Subjective O= Objective A= Assessment P= Plan
___ Negative Froment’s Sign
___ Pt states they were able to tie their shoes over the weekend
___ Pt rates pain 10/10
___ Pt states they were independent with all ADLs prior to injury
___ Pt states they have been unable to complete components of dressing and meal preparation since the time of their
___ Pt reports burning pain that extends into the hand.
___ Pt states the pain is located at the base of her thumb
___ Pt reports he would like to return to work without restrictions
___ Right wrist extension AROM 10 degrees
___ Pt presents with good rehab potential
___ Continue therapy 1 time per week for 4 weeks
___ Pt’s major limiting factors include intrinsic tightness, scar sensitivity, and edema.
___ progress to gentle strengthening activities next visit
___ R grip strength 74# L grip strength 21#
___ QuickDASH score 50%
___ Pt demonstrates diminished protective sensation in the ulnar distribution of the L hand and fingers
Define the following commonly used abbreviations
RUE, LUE____________________________________________________________________________________
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5____________________________________________________________________________
TH, IF, LF, RF, SF______________________________________________________________________________
P1, P2, P3___________________________________________________________________________________
IR, ER_______________________________________________________________________________________
FLEX, EXT____________________________________________________________________________________
EX FIX______________________________________________________________________________________
With a partner, determine the active range of motion for each movement
Shoulder flexion/extension_______________________________________________________________
Shoulder horizontal adduction____________________________________________________________
Shoulder internal/external rotation________________________________________________________
Elbow flexion/extension_________________________________________________________________
Forearm pronation/supination____________________________________________________________
Wrist flexion/extension__________________________________________________________________
Wrist radial/ulnar deviation______________________________________________________________
Finger flexion/extension_________________________________________________________________
Palpate the following bony landmarks
Acromion end
Sternal end
Medial border
Inferior angle
Acromion process
Spine of scapula
Infraspinous fossa
Supraspinous fossa
Subscapular fossa
Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle
Intertubercular groove
Deltoid tuberosity
Medial epicondyle
Lateral epicondyle
Olecranon process
Ulnar shaft
Ulnar head
Ulnar styloid
Radial head
Radial shaft
Radial styloid
Lister’s tubercle
Palpate the following muscles with a partner
Upper trapezius
Moving your fingers laterally from the base of the skull to the clavicle, notice the contraction of the
upper trapezius as your partner extends their neck.
Middle trapezius
With your partner in the prone position, have them abduct their arm in the scapular plane and retract
their scapula. Notice the active contraction of the middle trapezius between the spinous processes of
the thoracic region and the medial border of the scapula.
Lower trapezius
Palpate the spinous process of T12 on your partner. Move your fingers in the direction of the inferior
angle of the scapula as your partner actively holds their arm in the scapular plane.
Levator scapulae
With your partner in the prone position, place their hand in the small of their back. Place your fingers on the
muscle belly just above superior to the superior angle of the scapula. Have your partner actively shrug their
shoulder while you move your fingers in the direction of the upper cervical spine.
Have your partner place their hand in the small of their back. Place your fingers on the medial border of the
scapula. Notice the contraction of the rhomboids as your partner lifts their hand off of the small of their back.
Pectoralis major
The pectoralis major can be easily observed and palpated. The inferior fibers form the anterior boundary of the
axilla. Position your partner lying supine with their arm abducted to 90 degrees. Muscle contraction can be
palpated as your partner perform horizon adduction against resistance.
Pectoralis minor
Have your partner relax their pectoralis major by placing their hand in the small of their back. Place your fingers
just below your partner’s coracoid process and notice how the tendon of pectoralis minor becomes taut as your
partner lifts their hand off the small of their back.
Latissimus dorsi
With your partner in prone, palpate the broad and think band of muscle that extends from the ribs to the
humerus. To elicit a contraction, have you partner internally rotate against resistance.
Serratus anterior
Position your partner in prone on a mat table. Have them make a fist and flex their shoulder to 90 degrees with
their elbow straight. Have your partner protract their scapula by reaching toward the ceiling while you exert a
downward pressure on their fist. You will be able to feel the contraction of serratus anterior on the lateral
aspect of the rib cage.
This muscle can be difficult to palpate due to its location deep to trapezius. With your partner seated or
standing, locate the spine of the scapula and place your fingers just superiorly. Have your partner quickly abduct
the arm in a short arc of motion. You will be able to feel the brief contraction of supraspinatus in the first 15
degrees of abduction.
Have your partner lie prone on a mat table with their arm hanging, relaxed over the edge. Palpate the spine of
the scapula then place your palpating fingers just inferior to the spine. Have your partner then abduct their
shoulder to 90 degrees and bend their elbow to 90 degrees. Instruct your partner to bring the back of their hand
toward the ceiling by rotating their shoulder (external rotation). You will notice the muscle contracting under
your fingers as your partner completes this motion.
Teres minor
Have your partner lie prone on a mat table with their arm hanging, relaxed over the edge. Palpate the spine of
the scapula then place your palpating fingers inferior to the spine. Have your partner then abduct their shoulder
to 90 degrees and bend their elbow to 90 degrees. Instruct your partner to bring the back of their hand toward
the ceiling by rotating their shoulder (external rotation). The muscle contracting just inferior to the spine of the
scapula is the infraspinatus. The teres minor is a few centimeters inferior to the infraspinatus.
Teres major
The teres major is the posterior margin of the axilla and a contraction of this muscle can be palpated with
resisted shoulder adduction. Position your partner seated with their shoulder abducted to 90 degrees. Position
yourself dorsally to your partner and locate the posterior border of the axilla. Apply an oppositional force as
your partner adducts their humerus.
Anterior deltoid
Begin with your partner seated or standing with their shoulder abducted to 90 degrees and elbow
extended. Place your palpating fingers on the anterior surface of the shoulder. Have your partner
horizontally adduct their humerus while you apply an oppositional force to the distal humerus. Notice
the contraction of the anterior deltoid under your fingers with this motion.
Middle deltoid
Have your partner start with their arm relaxed at their side and elbow flexed to 90 degrees while seated
or standing. Place your palpating fingers on the lateral aspect of the shoulder. Instruct your partner to
abduct their humerus while you apply a gentle oppositional force to their distal humerus.
Posterior deltoid
Begin with your partner seated or standing with their shoulder flexed to 90 degrees and elbow
extended. Place your palpating fingers on the posterior surface of the shoulder. Have your partner
horizontally abduct their humerus while you apply an oppositional force to the distal humerus. Notice
the contraction of the posterior deltoid under your fingers with this motion.
The brachialis can be palpated medially or laterally and deep to the biceps brachii. A contraction can be felt
during resisted elbow flexion with the palpating fingers placed on the distal anterolateral humerus.
Biceps brachii
The distal tendon of the biceps brachii can be palpated with the elbow flexed and forearm supinated. Notice the
contraction of the biceps brachii on the anterior humerus as your partner alternates between pronation and
Have your partner flex their elbow and place their wrist in the neutral position with their thumb pointing toward
the ceiling. Place your palpating fingers on the just proximal to the lateral epicondyle while your partner flexes
their elbow against resistance. Have your partner alternate between contraction and relaxation as your trace
the muscle belly toward the radial styloid with your fingers.
Pronator teres
With your partner’s elbow flexed and forearm in the neutral position, place your palpating just distal to the
medial epicondyle. Have your partner actively pronate their forearm while maintaining a flexed elbow. Notice
the force of contraction of the pronator teres as your partner pronates their forearm at various degrees of
elbow extension. The median nerve courses just deep to the superficial head of the pronator teres and nerve
compression may occur here.
Position your partner in supine with their humerus and elbow flexed to 90 degree. Place your thumb on your
partner’s olecranon process and your long finger on your partner’s lateral epicondyle. With your index finger
placed on the fleshy space between the olecranon process and lateral epicondyle, have your partner initiate
elbow extension and notice the contraction of anconeus.
Have your partner lying supine on a mat table or sitting in a chair. With your partner’s arm flexed to 90 degrees,
place your palpating fingers on the posterior aspect of their humerus. Instruct your partner to extend their
elbow as you apply an oppositional force to the forearm. Repeat this process until you can identify the medial,
lateral, and long heads of the triceps.
Flexor carpi ulnaris
FCU can be palpate just proximal to the pisiform bone on the medial aspect of the volar surface of the forearm.
Place your palpating fingers just proximal to your partners pisiform bone and have them perform ulnar deviation
against resistance.
Flexor carpi radialis
FCR is located superficially on the volar forearm and inserts radially into the carpus. The tendon of FCR can be
palpated by placing your palpating fingers just radial to the palmaris longus tendon and proximal to the wrist
crease. As your partner performs wrist flexion against resistance FCR tendon will pop out against your fingertips.
Palmaris longus
This muscle is not present in all individuals. You may be able to observe the palmaris longus tendon by having
your partner make a tight fist and flexed their wrist against resistance.
Flexor digitorum superficialis
FDS can be palpated on the volar surface of the forearm deep to FCR and palmaris longus. Have you partner
begin in the platform position (table top) with the MCP joints flexed at 90° and the IP joints in full extension.
Then have your partner transition to a straight fist (flat fist) with the MCP and PIP joints flexed to 90°. Place your
palpating fingers on the volar forearm and you will feel FDS contract as your partner alternates between the
platform and straight fist positions.
Flexor digitorum profundus
Have your partner prop their arm on a table with their elbow bent to 90° and wrist in neutral. Place your
palpating fingers on the proximal third of the medial ulnar shaft. Have your partner alternate between full finger
extension and hook fist and you will notice a contraction of FDP
Flexor pollicis longus
The muscle belly of FPL can be palpated on the volar surface of the distal radius. Place your palpating fingers on
the radius a few inches proximal to the wrist crease. You will feel a muscle contraction as your partner flexes
their thumb.
Abductor pollicis longus
Place your palpating fingers on the dorsal aspect of the distal third of the radius. You will feel a muscle
contraction as your partner actively abducts their thumb.
Extensor pollicis brevis
Place your palpating fingers on the dorsal aspect of the distal third of the radius. You will feel a muscle
contraction as your partner actively extends their thumb.
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Contraction of ECRL can be palpated by placing your fingers on the proximal third for the dorsal forearm. Have
your partner make a composite fist and extend their wrist against resistance.
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Contraction of ECRB can be palpated by placing your fingers on the proximal third for the dorsal forearm. Have
your partner make a composite fist and extend their wrist against resistance.
Extensor pollicis longus
This muscle can be difficult to palpate because it is deep to the extensor digitorum. Place your palpating fingers
over the distal two-thirds of the dorsal forearm between the radius and ulna. Have your partner alternate
between thumb flexion and extension.
Extensor digitorum
Place your palpating fingers on the on the proximal two-thirds for the dorsal forearm. Position your partner with
their elbow straight, wrist in neutral, and a composite fist. Have your partner alternate between a full fist and a
hook fist to isolate a contraction of extensor digitorum.
Extensor indicis proprius
This muscle can be difficult to palpate due to its size and location deep to the tendons of extensor digitorum.
Place your palpating fingers just proximal to the DRUJ and have your partner alternate between full flexion and
extensor of their index finger (all other digits should remain fully flexed) to elicit a contraction of EIP.
Extensor digiti minimi
Contraction of EDM and be palpated by placing your fingers on the ulnar side of the proximal two-thirds of the
forearm. Have your partner make a tight fist with their arm pronated and elbow extended. Instruct your partner
to alternate between flexion and extension of their small finger while their other digits remain fully flexed.
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Place your palpating fingers on the dorsal aspect of the proximal portion of the ulnar shaft. Have your partner
perform ulnar deviation against resistance to cause a contraction of ECU.
Abductor digiti minimi
Place your palpating fingers along the ulnar aspect of the fifth metacarpal and ask your partner to abduct their
Flexor digiti minimi
Place your palpating fingers along the volar surface of the fifth metacarpal and instruct your partner to flex the
MCP joint of their small finger. You will feel a contraction of the FDM in the hypothenar eminence.
The palmar and dorsal interossei lie between the metacarpals and are difficult to palpate except for the first
dorsal interosseus. Place your palpating fingers along the radial aspect of the second metacarpal, dorsally. Have
your partner abduct their index finger and observe the contraction of FDI.
Adductor pollicis
Place your palpating fingers along the volar aspect of the second metacarpal, directly over the distal portion of
the thenar crease. Instruct your partner to perform a lateral (key) pinch to elicit a contraction of adductor
Flexor pollicis brevis
Contraction of FPB can be felt when the thumb flexes across the palm and the palpating fingers are placed on
the thenar eminence, just radial to the thenar crease.
Abductor pollicis brevis
Contraction of APB can be felt when the palpating fingers are placed over the center of the thenar eminence.
Instruct your partner to perform thumb abduction against resistance to elicit a contraction.
Opponens pollicis
Opponens pollicis lies deep to APB and can be palpated during firm pulp-to-pulp opposition to the index and
long fingers. To feel the contraction, place your palpating fingers over the center of the thenar eminence.
Match the appropriate interpretation to the following monofilament markings:
1. 1.65-2.83 _______ A. Diminished light touch
2. 3.22-3.61 _______ B. Untestable
3. 3.84-4.31 _______ C. Normal
4. 4.56-6.65 _______ D. Diminished protective sensation
5. >6.65 _______ E. Loss of protective sensation
Which of the following is not a direct test of peripheral sensory nerve function?
A. Purdue Pegboard Test
B. 2-Point Discrimination
C. Nerve Conduction Velocity
D. Vibration Testing
List 3 screening tools or special tests that test for dysfunction of the following structures
Median nerve________________________________________________________________________________
Ulnar nerve__________________________________________________________________________________
Radial nerve_________________________________________________________________________________
List 5-10 behavioral, psychological, or social barriers that may have an impact on healing and treatment compliance
Useful Links: (Shoulder palpation) (Elbow palpation) (Wrist and hand palpation) (Upper extremity muscle evaluation) (Grip and pinch testing) (Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Test)
Therapeutic Interventions
To ensure adherence to the ethical principle of beneficence when delivering
hand therapy services, it is essential to develop competence when selecting and
delivering interventions. Client-centered interventions should be selected
following an in-depth evaluation of the anatomical structures involved, functional
impairments, and tissue pathology/healing. A lack of understanding of the
underlying biological and mechanical processes involved with upper extremity
rehabilitation could result in a therapist unintendedly violating the principle of
nonmaleficence by selecting an intervention that leads to new or further injury.
While students are not expected to demonstrate the clinical reasoning skills of an
experienced therapist, an introduction to therapeutic interventions will provide an
opportunity to explore advanced topics earlier in the clinical education experience.
Learning objectives
The student will develop familiarity with common treatment interventions
for various conditions
The student will build upon their skills in reasoning and critical appraisal
relating to the selection of various interventions
The student will enhance understanding of exercise prescription to address
strength and range of motion deficits
The student will increase their familiarity with custom orthoses and their
appropriate uses.
Identify the structures targeted during each position of the “Basic 5 tendon glides”
Define the following terms
Isometric exercise ___________________________________________________________________________________
Isotonic exercise ____________________________________________________________________________________
: __________________
Hook Fist: ______________________
Full Fist: ________________________
Straight Fist: ____________________
Platform: _______________________
Eccentric exercise ___________________________________________________________________________________
Rank the safe progression of strengthening exercises (1=first, 2=second, 3=third)
____ Eccentric exercise
____ Isotonic exercise
____ Isometric exercise
Identify 5 fine motor ADL tasks that can be addressed during treatment in the clinic:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
Describe the importance of each step of graded motor imagery
1. Left/right discrimination: ______________________________________________________________________
2. Explicit motor imagery: _______________________________________________________________________
3. Mirror therapy: ______________________________________________________________________________
How do edema mobilization and trigger point release differ regarding depth, pressure, and stroke?
The goals of scar massage include all the following, except ___________________.
A. Reduce adhesions
B. Increase tissue mobility
C. Promote hypersensitivity
D. Improve appearance
What is joint mobilization:
Describe the open pack and close pack positions for the following joints:
Open packed: ________________________________________________________________________________
Closed packed: _______________________________________________________________________________
Open packed: ________________________________________________________________________________
Closed packed: _______________________________________________________________________________
Open packed: ________________________________________________________________________________
Closed packed: _______________________________________________________________________________
MCP joints
Open packed: ________________________________________________________________________________
Closed packed: _______________________________________________________________________________
IP joints
Open packed: ________________________________________________________________________________
Closed packed: _______________________________________________________________________________
The primary goal of joint mobilization is to restore ______________________.
A. Joint innervation
B. Tenodesis
C. Accessory joint movements
D. Muscle tissue length
Match the correct description to the corresponding Maitland’s Grade of Mobilization
_______ Grade I
_______ Grade II
_______ Grade IV
_______ Grade V
A. Small-amplitude, rhythmic oscillations are performed to the limit of the available motion and to tissue
B. Small-amplitude, rhythmic oscillations are performed at the beginning of the range.
C. A small-amplitude, high velocity thrust technique is performed to stretch adhesions to the limit of the available
D. Large-amplitude, rhythmic oscillations are performed within the range below tissue resistance, not reaching the
anatomic limit.
E. Large-amplitude, rhythmic oscillations are performed to the limit of the available motion and into tissue
A P-1 blocking orthosis is used limit tendon excursion in the management of which condition?
A. Flexor tendon injury
B. Tennis elbow
C. Trigger finger
D. MCP osteoarthritis
A ring orthosis may be used to limited which motion in the management of swan neck deformity?
A. CMC hyperextension
B. DIP extension
C. PIP flexion
D. PIP hyperextension
When placed in 0° of wrist extension, a wrist cock-up/gauntlet orthosis reduces tension on the _____________ when
managing carpal tunnel syndrome.
A. Median nerve
B. Ulnar nerve
C. Dorsal compartment
D. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
A thumb spica orthosis may be used in the treatment of the following conditions, except:
A. Gamekeeper’s thumb
B. CMC arthroplasty
C. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
D. Dupuytren’s contracture of D4
An ulnar gutter orthosis is commonly used in the management of which fracture?
A. Colles’ fracture
B. Boxers fracture
C. Greenstick fracture
D. Monteggia fracture
When creating a resting hand orthosis in the “intrinsic-plus position,” the wrist should be placed in which position?
A. 30° extension
B. 0° extension
C. 20° radial deviation
D. 10° flexion
To limit excessive force application to the repair site following flexor tendon reconstruction, an otherwise healthy
patient should be fitted with which type of custom orthosis?
A. Volar blocking orthosis
B. Wrist gauntlet
C. Dorsal blocking orthosis
D. Fiberglass cast
Useful Links: (Basic Tendon Gliding) (Muscle Contraction Types) (Joint Mobilization)
Suggested Readings
Brand PW. The mind and spirit in hand therapy. J Hand Ther. 1988;1:145-7
Glasgow C, Tooth LR, Fleming J. Mobilizing the stiff hand: Combining theory and evidence to improve clinical
outcomes. J Hand Ther. 2010;4:392-401
Duncan RM. Basic principles of splinting the hand. Phys Ther 1989;69:1104-1116
Ghasemi-Rad M, Nosair E, Vegh A, et al. A handy review of carpal tunnel syndrome: From anatomy to diagnosis
and treatment. World J Radiol. 2014;6(6):284–300. doi:10.4329/wjr.v6.i6.284
LaStayo PC, Winters KM, Hardy M. Fracture healing: Bone healing, fracture management, and current concepts
related to the hand. J Hand Ther. 2003;2:81-93
Dagum AB. Peripheral nerve regeneration, repair, and grafting. J Hand Ther. 1998;2:111-7
Brody LT. Effective therapeutic exercise prescription: The right exercise at the right dose. J Hand Ther.
Hartzell TL, Rubinstein R, Herman M. Therapeutic modalities: An updated review for the hand surgeon. J Hand
Surg. 2012;3:597-621
Walbruch B, Kalliainen L. The optimization of peripheral nerve recovery using cortical reorganization techniques:
A retrospective study of wrist level nerve repairs. J Hand Ther. 2015;4:341-6
Villeco JP. Edema: A silent but important factor. J Hand Ther. 2012;2:153-62.
Additional Resources
The American Society of Hand Therapists (
Student membership provides access to the Journal of Hand Therapy, webinars, and other educational
o First-year student membership costs $30 (2019)
Free resource developed by a hand surgeon Charles Eaton, MD
Contains anatomy content, images of conditions, surgical descriptions, and therapy protocols
A free learning and collaboration community designed for physicians
Includes content on anatomy, basic science, pathology, shoulder, elbow, and hand
Developed by Judy Colditz, OTR/L, CHT, FAOTA
Free educational resources including articles, book chapters, videos, and “clinical pearls”
1. Dimick MP, Caro CM, Kasch MC, et al. Practice Analysis Study of Hand Therapy. J Hand Ther. 2009;22:361-376
2. Hand Therapy Certification Committee. Who is a certified hand therapist (CHT)?
information/the-cht-credential/who-is-a-cht. Accessed April 19, 2019.
3. Kasch MC, Greenberg S, Muenzen PM. Competencies in hand therapy. J Hand Ther. 2003;16:49-58.
4. Short N, Sample S, Murphy M, Austin B, Glass J. Barriers and solutions to fieldwork education in hand therapy. J Hand
Ther. 2018;31:308-314.
5. Erickson M, Faeth J, Gaston B, et al. Hand therapy content for entry-level physical therapist education: A consensus-
based study. J Phys Ther Ed. 2017;31(2):79-89.
6. Hooper TL, Denton J, McGalliard MK, et al. Thoracic outlet syndrome: a controversial clinical condition. Part 1:
anatomy, and clinical examination/diagnosis. J Man Manip Ther. 2010;2:74-83
7. Nord KM, Kapoor P, Fisher J, et al. False positive rate of thoracic outlet syndrome diagnostic maneuvers. Electromyogr
Clin Neurophysiol. 2008;2:67-74