Sta Guidance
March 18, 2019
Implementation of Critical Audit Matters: The Basics
Requirements for auditors to communicate critical audit matters (CAMs) in the auditors
report will phase in starting in 2019, based on the PCAOB’s new standard, AS 3101,
The Auditor’s Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor Expresses an
Unqualified Opinion. The determination of CAMs is principles-based and depends on
the facts and circumstances of each audit.
The Board adopted these changes to inform investors and other financial statement
users about significant matters in the audit and how they were addressed. This
document provides a high-level overview of the CAM requirements based on PCAOB
Release No. 2017-001.
What is a CAM?
What’s included?
What is a CAM?
Communication of CAMs
Required Introductory
Documentation of CAMs
Engagement Quality
Interactions with the
Audit Committee and
CAM Interaction with
Explanatory and
Emphasis Paragraphs
When are CAM
requirements eective?
Audits of large accelerated
filers: Fiscal years ending on or
aer June 30, 2019.
Audits of all other companies to
which the requirements apply:
Fiscal years ending on or aer
December 15, 2020.
A CAM is defined as any matter arising from the audit of the financial statements
that was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit
committee and that:
Relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial
statements; and
Involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor judgment.
Matters communicated or required to be communicated to the
audit committee
CAMs are drawn from matters required to be communicated to the audit committee—even
if not actually communicated—and matters actually communicated—even if not required.
The standard does not exclude any required audit committee communications from
the source of CAMs.
Relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the
financial statements
A CAM is required to relate to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial
statements. A CAM may relate to a component of a material account or disclosure and
does not necessarily need to correspond to the entire account or disclosure in the
financial statements.
This guidance was prepared by PCAOB sta to help firms when implementing CAM requirements. This sta guidance document sets forth the stas views on issues
related to the implementation of the rules and standards of the PCAOB. It does not constitute rules of the Board, nor has it been approved by the Board. It supplements
PCAOB Release No. 2017-001, The Auditor’s Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor Expresses an Unqualified Opinion
and Related Amendments to PCAOB Standards (June 1, 2017).
Implementation of Critical Audit Matters: The Basics
Sta Guidance
March 18, 2019
A CAM may not necessarily relate to a single account or disclosure, but could have a
pervasive eect on the financial statements if it relates to many accounts or disclosures.
A matter that does not relate to a material account or disclosure cannot be a CAM.
Involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor
The standard provides a list of factors for the auditor to take into account when determining
whether a matter involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor judgment:
The auditor’s assessment of the risks of material misstatement, including significant risks
The degree of auditor judgment related to areas in the financial statements that
involved the application of significant judgment or estimation by management,
including estimates with significant measurement uncertainty
The nature and timing of significant unusual transactions and the extent of audit
eort and judgment related to these transactions
The degree of auditor subjectivity in applying audit procedures to address the
matter or in evaluating the results of those procedures
The nature and extent of audit eort required to address the matter, including
the extent of specialized skill or knowledge needed or the nature of consultations
outside the engagement team regarding the matter
The nature of audit evidence obtained regarding the matter
The auditor should also take into account other factors specific to the audit.
Communication of CAMs
Identify the CAM
For each CAM communicated in the auditors report, the auditor is required to identify
the CAM.
Describe the principal considerations that led the auditor to
determine that the matter is a CAM
The description of the principal considerations should be specific to the circumstances
and provide a clear, concise, and understandable discussion of why the matter involved
When communicating CAMs in the auditors report, the auditor is required to
include introductory language in the “Critical Audit Matters” section of the
auditor’s report.
For each CAM communicated in the auditors report, the auditor must:
Identify the CAM;
Describe the principal considerations that led the auditor to determine that
the matter is a CAM;
Describe how the CAM was addressed in the audit; and
Refer to the relevant financial statement accounts or disclosures that relate
to the CAM.
Which audits do not
require CAMs?
CAMs are not required for audits of:
_ Brokers and dealers
_ Registered investment
companies other than business
development companies
_ Employee stock purchase,
savings, and similar plans
_ Emerging growth companies
Auditors may early adopt CAM
requirements or apply them
voluntarily to audits for which they
are not required.
Implementation of Critical Audit Matters: The Basics
Sta Guidance
March 18, 2019
especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor judgment. The communication
should be tailored to the audit to avoid standardized language and to reflect the
specific circumstances of the matter.
Describe how the CAM was addressed in the audit
In describing how the CAM was addressed in the audit, the auditor may describe any, or
a combination, of the following:
The auditor’s response or approach that was most relevant to the matter
A brief overview of the audit procedures performed
An indication of the outcome of the audit procedures
Key observations with respect to the matter
When describing CAMs in the auditors report, the auditor is not expected to provide
information about the company that has not been made publicly available by the
company unless such information is necessary to describe the principal considerations
that led the auditor to determine that a matter is a CAM or how the matter was
addressed in the audit.
If the auditor chooses to describe audit procedures, the descriptions are expected to
be at a level that investors and other financial statement users would understand. In
addition, the objective is to provide a useful summary, not to detail every aspect of how
the matter was addressed in the audit.
Limiting the use of highly technical accounting and auditing terms in the description
of CAMs, particularly if the auditor chooses to describe audit procedures, may help
financial statement users better understand these matters in relation to the audit of the
financial statements.
Language that could be viewed as disclaiming, qualifying, restricting, or minimizing
the auditor’s responsibility for the CAMs or the auditors opinion on the financial
statements is not appropriate and may not be used. The language used to
communicate a CAM should not imply that the auditor is providing a separate opinion
on the CAM or on the accounts or disclosures to which they relate.
Refer to the relevant financial statement accounts or
disclosures that relate to the CAM
For each CAM communicated in the auditors report, the auditor is required to refer to
the relevant financial statement accounts or disclosures.
Required Introductory Language
The CAM section of the auditors report is required to be titled “Critical Audit Matters.
When communicating CAMs in the auditors report, the following introductory language
is required to be included:
The critical audit matters communicated below are matters arising from the
current period audit of the financial statements that were communicated or
required to be communicated to the audit committee and that: (1) relate to
accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements and (2)
Which audit period is
covered by CAMs?
The standard requires that CAMs
only be communicated for the
current audit period.
When the current period’s financial
statements are presented on a
comparative basis with those of one
or more prior periods, the auditor
may communicate CAMs relating
to a prior period. This may be
appropriate, for example, when:
The prior period’s financial
statements are made public
for the first time, such as in an
initial public oering.
Issuing an auditor’s report on
the prior periods financial
statements because the pre-
viously issued auditor’s report
could no longer be relied upon.
Implementation of Critical Audit Matters: The Basics
Sta Guidance
March 18, 2019
involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The
communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on
the financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating
the critical audit matters below, providing separate opinions on the critical audit
matters or on the accounts or disclosures to which they relate.
If the auditor communicates CAMs for prior periods, the introductory language should
be modified to indicate the periods to which the CAMs relate.
If the auditor determines that there are no CAMs, the following language is required:
Critical audit matters are matters arising from the current period audit of the
financial statements that were communicated or required to be communicated to
the audit committee and that: (1) relate to accounts or disclosures that are material
to the financial statements and (2) involved our especially challenging, subjective,
or complex judgments. We determined that there are no critical audit matters.
Documentation of CAMs
Consistent with the requirements of AS 1215, Audit Documentation, the audit
documentation is required to be in suicient detail to enable an experienced
auditor, having no previous connection with the engagement, to understand the
determinations made to comply with the provisions of AS 3101.
For matters determined to be CAMs, the description in the auditors report (which,
among other things, must describe the principal considerations that led the
auditor to determine that a matter was a CAM) will generally suice as documentation.
For matters determined not to be CAMs, the amount of documentation required could
vary with the circumstances. A single sentence may be suicient, for instance, when
the auditor’s documentation prepared in the course of the audit includes suicient
detail about why the matter did not involve especially challenging, subjective, or
complex auditor judgment. Other matters may require more extensive
Engagement Quality Reviewer (EQR)
The objective of the EQR is to perform an evaluation of the significant judgments made
by the engagement team and the related conclusions reached in forming the overall
conclusion on the engagement and in preparing the engagement report.
Can an audit have no
The determination of CAMs is based
on the facts and circumstances
of each audit. It is expected that,
in most audits to which the CAM
requirements apply, the auditor
will determine at least one CAM.
However, there also may be audits
in which the auditor determines
there are no CAMs.
For each matter arising from the audit of the financial statements that:
(1) Was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit
committee; and
(2) Relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial
the auditor must document whether or not the matter was determined to be
a CAM (i.e., involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor
judgment) and the basis for such determination.
Implementation of Critical Audit Matters: The Basics
Sta Guidance
March 18, 2019
The EQR is required to evaluate the engagement team’s determination,
communication, and documentation of CAMs (see paragraph .10j of AS 1220,
Engagement Quality Review). The documentation requirements for CAMs will facilitate
review by the EQR.
Interactions with the Audit Committee and
Any matter that will be communicated as a CAM should already have been discussed
with the audit committee, and the auditor is required to provide a dra of the auditors
report to the audit committee and discuss the dra with them (see paragraph .21 of AS
1301, Communications with Audit Committees).
As the auditor determines how best to comply with the communication requirements,
the auditor could discuss with management and the audit committee the treatment of
any sensitive information.
CAM Interaction with Explanatory and
Emphasis Paragraphs
CAMs and explanatory paragraphs
CAMs are not a substitute for required explanatory paragraphs. There are circumstances
in which the auditor is required to add explanatory language to the auditor’s report,
such as when there is substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as
a going concern or a restatement of previously issued financial statements, among
others. There could be situations in which a matter meets the definition of a CAM and
also requires an explanatory paragraph, such as going concern.
For these situations, both the explanatory paragraph and the required communication
regarding the CAM would be provided, by either:
Including the required communications for a CAM in the explanatory paragraph,
with a cross-reference in the CAM section to the explanatory paragraph, or
Including both the explanatory paragraph and the CAM communication separately
in the auditors report, with a cross-reference between the two sections. When both
an explanatory paragraph and a CAM communication are provided, the CAM
description should not include conditional language that would not be
permissible in the explanatory paragraph (see footnote 5 of AS 2415, Consideration
of an Entity’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern).
CAMs and emphasis paragraphs
If a matter that the auditor considers emphasizing meets the definition of a CAM, the
auditor would provide the information required for a CAM, and would not be expected
to include an emphasis paragraph in the auditors report.
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