Bartlett, IL
Bartlett’s BFA Program Stats
# of Local Bicycle Friendly Businesses: 1
# of Local Bicycle Friendly Universities: 0
# of Local League Cycling Instructors: 1
Illinois’s Bicycle Friendly State Ranking: #15
Community Profile
Population: 41,105
Area: 15.91 square miles
Population Density: 2583.6 people/square mile
Land Classification:
Poverty Rate: 3.6%*
Median Household Income: $114,121*
Percent of the Population that Speaks a
Language Other Than English at Home: 29.1%*
Percent with Disability: 8%*
Percent of Households with No Vehicle Available: 3.1%*
Key Outcomes
Overall Commuter Ridership: 0%
Male Commuter Ridership: 0%
Female Commuter Ridership: 0%
(Bicycle Mode Share among commuters, according to the Census
Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate.)
Bicycle Mode Share: Unknown
(Reported by applicant)
Annual Average Bicyclist Crashes in last 5 years:
Crash Data Not Collected
Annual Average Bicyclist Fatalities in last 5 years: 0
(Crashes and Fatalities both reported by applicant)
Fall 2023 BFC Public Survey Response Summary for Bartlett, IL
Bartlett’s Bike Links
Bike Network Map, if available:
Bike Plan, if available:
How satisfied are you with how this community is designed
for making bike riding safe? (n = 80)
Is it safe or dangerous to ride a bicycle in your
neighborhood, or does it depend? (n = 81)
What is the number one change you would most like to see the local government make in this community for bicyclists? (n = 81)
1. More bike paths (44.4%)
2. More bike lanes (17.3%)
3. Improve markings and signage that direct people to safe bike routes (12.4%)
Very Satisfied (15.0%)
Somewhat Satisfied (33.8%)
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied (16.3%)
Somewhat Dissatisfied (26.3%)
Very Dissatisfied (8.8%)
Award: Honorable Mention | Fall 2023
Award History:
First-time applicant.
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Initial Level
Safe (32.10%)
It Depends (58.02%)
Dangerous (9.88%)
The 5 Es Category Scores
Max Score
this round
Engineering 32.30% 79.3%
Education 17.42% 76.3%
Encouragement 11.05% 87.5%
Evaluation & Planning 19.32% 78.0%
Equity & Accessibility 4.60% 70.5%
Scores are determined by points earned in each ‘E’ Category, weighted against comparable communities
in the Fall 2023 BFC round. See pages 2-3 for your full subcategory points in each Category.
Bartlett earned 32.30% of the points available in the Engineering Category. Below is the breakdown of points that Bartlett earned in
each subcategory of the Engineering section compared to the total points available in that respective subcategory from the Fall 2022
BFC application.
Engineering Subcategories
Bartlett’s Subcategory Points
in Engineering
Policies and Design Standards for the Built Environment 11.9 / 38 pts
End-of-Trip Facilities 8.3 / 41 pts
Bicycle Network 11.7 / 126 pts
Network Maintenance 18.8 / 32 pts
Bicycle Access to Public Transportation 6.3 / 22 pts
Bike Sharing 0 / 25 pts
Other Bicycle-Related Amenities 0 / 6 pts
Regional Coordination 16.7 / 16 pts
Overall Engineering Score: 32.30% of available points
About this Report Card
The following scores are based on the online application submitted by Bartlett in the Fall 2023 Bicycle
Friendly Community (BFC) submission round. These scores reflect a combination of automatically-gener-
ated points earned through the online application, as well as judge-assigned points and bonus points given
by BFC reviewers.
The League updated its Bicycle Friendly Community application and awards criteria in 2022, after nearly a
year of research, focus groups, interviews, listening sessions, and other outreach. The updated application
includes a new section on Equity and Accessibility, and other changes throughout. As such, this Bicycle
Friendly Community Report card is a beta version as we refine our new scoring system and develop a
greater understanding of how to convey new information.
All Fall 2023 BFC Report Cards (including this one) will be republished with updated scores if there are
significant changes to the points system after the next round of BFC applications. To learn more about the
BFC application and awards criteria, please visit
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Bartlett earned a weighted score of 32.30% in the Engineering Category. Below is the full breakdown of points
that Bartlett earned in each subcategory within the Engineering section, compared to the total points available in
that subcategory from the Fall 2023 BFC application.
Engineering Subcategories
Bartlett’s Subcategory Points in
Policies and Design Standards for the Built Environment 11.9 / 41 pts
End-of-Trip Facilities 8.3 / 44 pts
Bicycle Network 11.7 / 128 pts
Network Maintenance 18.8 / 32 pts
Bicycle Access to Public Transportation 6.3 / 23 pts
Bike Sharing 0 / 24 pts
Other Bicycle-Related Amenities 0 / 6 pts
Regional Coordination 16.7 / 23 pts
Bartlett earned a weighted score of 17.42% in the Education Category. Below is the full breakdown of points that
Bartlett earned in each subcategory of the Education section, compared to the total points available in that subcat-
egory from the Fall 2023 BFC application.
Education Subcategories
Bartlett’s Subcategory Points in
Youth Bicycle Education 0.3 / 68 pts
Adult Bicycle Education 18 / 47 pts
Motorist Education 1 / 28 pts
Bicycle Safety Education Resources 3.2 / 16 pts
Inclusive Education 0 / 26 pts
Education Bonus Points 0.3 / 7 pts
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Bartlett earned a weighted score of 4.60% in the Equity & Accessibility Category. Below is the full breakdown of
points that Bartlett earned in each subcategory of the Equity & Accessibility section, compared to the total points
available in that subcategory from the Fall 2023 BFC application.
Equity & Accessibility Subcategories
Bartlett’s Subcategory Points in
Equity & Accessibility
Equity & Accessibility Staffing, Committees, & Partnerships 0 / 24 pts
Equity Data Collection & Goals 0.2 / 27 pts
Equity & Accessibility Policies & Plans 1 / 21 pts
Equity & Accessibility in Engineering 2.3 / 44 pts
Equity & Accessibility in Education 0 / 52 pts
Equity & Accessibility in Encouragement 0.5 / 42 pts
Equity & Accessibility in Evaluation & Planning 3.8 / 51 pts
Equity & Accessibility Bonus Points 0 / 9 pts
Bartlett earned a weighted score of 11.05% in the Encouragement Category. Below is the full breakdown of
points that Bartlett earned in each subcategory of the Encouragement section section, compared to the total
points available in that subcategory from the Fall 2023 BFC application.
Encouragement Subcategories
Bartlett’s Subcategory Points in
Encouragement Policies, Programs and Partnerships 0 / 17 pts
Route-Finding Support 2.7 / 10 pts
Bicycle Culture and Promotion 10.4 / 91 pts
Access To Bicycle Equipment and Repair Services 2 / 35 pts
Reducing Work-Related/Fleet VMT 0 / 11 pts
Encouragement Bonus Points 0 / 7 pts
Bartlett earned a weighted score of 19.32% in the Evaluation & Planning Category. Below is the full breakdown
of points that Bartlett earned in each subcategory of the Evaluation & Planning section, compared to the total
points available in that subcategory from the Fall 2023 BFC application.
Evaluation & Planning Subcategories
Bartlett’s Subcategory Points in
Evaluation & Planning
Staffing And Committees 5.4 / 35 pts
Public Engagement for Bicycle Planning 2 / 35 pts
Planning, Funding, And Implementation 11.4 / 46 pts
Evaluating The Bicycle Network 0 / 25 pts
Evaluating Ridership -0.3 / 20 pts
Evaluating & Improving Safety Outcomes 9.7 / 42 pts
Evaluation & Planning Bonus Points 0.8 / 15 pts
To maintain and improve on Bartlett’s Honorable Mention status and earn a Bicycle Friendly Community award
designation in the future, BFC Reviewers recommend…
Continue to expand and improve Bartletts low-stress on-road bike network and ensure that your community follows
a bicycle facility selection criteria that increases separation and protection of bicyclists based on levels of motor ve-
hicle speed and volume, to maximize safety and comfort for bicyclists of all ages and abilities. Identify gaps and add
new facilities that complete and expand the bicycle network, and work to upgrade existing facilities, such as by con-
verting bike lanes into protected bike lanes, and upgrading roads with sharrows into dedicated bicycle boulevards.
Update your Complete Streets Policy, as recommended in the Bartlett & Streamwood Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
Post your community’s Complete Streets Policy Resolution on your website to increase transparency and account-
Continue to increase the amount of high quality bicycle parking throughout the community. Adopt a bike parking
ordinance for new and existing buildings that specifies the amount and location of secure, convenient bike parking
available. Develop community-wide Bicycle Parking Standards that adhere to current APBP guidelines. (See www.
Bicycle safety education should be a routine part of education for students of all ages, and schools and the sur-
rounding neighborhoods should be particularly safe and convenient for biking and walking. Work with local bicycle
groups and interested parents to create Safe Routes to School programming and on-bike learning opportunities at
all K-12 schools. Providing bicycles in schools for on-bike education is strongly encouraged to ensure that all stu-
dents can learn to safely ride a bicycle regardless of the availability of a bicycle in their household.
Increase the number of local League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) in your community, either by hosting an LCI seminar
or sponsoring a Village staffer or local bike advocate to attend an existing seminar elsewhere. Having several active
instructors in the area will enable you to expand cycling education for youth and adults, recruit more knowledgeable
cycling ambassadors, deliver Bicycle Friendly Driver education to motorists, and have experts available to assist in
encouragement programs. Visit for more information.
Develop education and encouragement outreach methods and programs that specifically target families, women,
seniors, low-income, and non-English speaking communities, in addition to general non-targeted outreach and media
campaigns that discuss current and new bicycle facilities, safe driver and bicyclist behavior, and events related to
walking and biking.
Work with Bartlett’s Economic Development Division and Chamber of Commerce to create an incentive program for
businesses to provide standard bike parking, and to develop workplace bicycling programs for their employees. Use
the framework of the Bicycle Friendly Business program to engage with more local businesses, agencies, and orga-
nizations to promote cycling to their employees and customers. Village Hall or other public buildings could apply to
the BFB program as an employer to lead by example among other local employers.
Congratulations on celebrating Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day as a community. Expand your celebrations
throughout National Bike Month (May) every year by creating more community-wide signature events, such as an
Annual Ride with the Village Board or President or an open streets event. A signature annual event can be a catalyst
for the creation of a culture that supports bicycling. Signature events can be based around iconic infrastructure or
architecture, locally important businesses or celebrities, or other existing cultural touchstones. Offer more educa-
tional opportunities for children and adults throughout National Bike Month as well. A Bike Month Proclamation
by the Village President may be a great place to start. See the Leagues Bike Month resources for more ideas and
Establish a local challenge or team within the national Drive Less Bike More challenge. Using an online tracking
platform, the Drive Less Bike More challenge encourages new and seasoned bicyclists to trade in short car trips for
biking trips, and helps to change behavior over time. Learn more at:
Increase the amount of staff time spent on improving conditions for people who bike and walk, either by creating a
new dedicated position or expanding the responsibilities of current staff. Ensure that this position is well supported
with training and professional development opportunities to stay up-to-speed on the latest best practices and safety
guidelines for bicycle planning, outreach, and infrastructure.
Bartlett, IL
Award: Honorable Mention | Fall 2023 | Award History: First-time applicant.
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Guide to this BFC Report Card:
League of American Bicyclists:
Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) Program:
Resources for Building a Bicycle Friendly Community:
About the BFC Application Process:
The Five E's:
The BFC Ideabook and Map:
The League’s Benchmarking Project on Biking & Walking Data and Reports:
Bicycle Friendly State Rankings and Report Cards:
Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) Program:
Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) Program:
Smart Cycling Education Program:
National Bike Month Resources:
Advocacy Reports and Resources from the League:
Federal Funding Resources from the League:
Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding Opportunities from U.S. DOT Transit, Safety, and Highway Funds:
U.S. DOT Navigator:
Bartlett, IL
Award: Honorable Mention | Fall 2023 | Award History: First-time applicant.
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Congratulations on adopting the 2022 Bartlett & Streamwood Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan! This plan will be a
blueprint for improvements and has many great recommendations for a more connected network of safe and com-
fortable bicycle facilities, as well as stronger ordinances and programming to further institutionalize the Village’s
commitment to improve for your most vulnerable roadway users, including bicyclists and pedestrians.
Develop new tools or systems to continually engage citizens in the bicycle planning process. The engagement that
took place during the development of your bike plan is commendable and should be continued throughout the
prioritization and implementation processes of the plan going forward. See the International Association for Public
Participation’s Spectrum of Public Participation for more information and resources.
Create an ongoing bicycle count program that utilizes several methods of data collection to create an understanding
of current bicyclists and the effects of new facilities on bicycling in Bartlett. Automated bicycle counters provide
long-term data on bicycle use at fixed points in a community and mobile counters can provide periodic or before/
after data related to a change in your community’s road or bicycle network. Observational counts and surveys can
supplement automated data in order to collect demographic information and examine social equity goals.
Be sure to collect and track bike crash data. Collecting data is an important step to addressing bike safety. Data
about crashes should be used to identify where projects can resolve or mitigate safety issues.
Consider what other local community groups exist in Bartlett who may be good potential partners to reach new
audiences and build on existing bike education, encouragement, and engagement efforts. Question F4 on the BFC
application provides a wealth of suggested community partners for you to consider, beyond the existing bike clubs
and organizations that are already active in this space.