No use of any alcohol or drugs.
Consequence: Will be grounded for one week. Grounding consist of: staying
home, no friends as guest, no phone calls (loss of phone), etc.. Punishment will
increase one week for each subsequent offense (i.e. if teen is caught using
substances a second time, punishment will be for two weeks, etc.)
Privilege: Will be allowed to continue going out with friends.
Going Out – to include in the neighborhood or leaving the neighborhood.
1. Permission from parents before going out.
2. Where he will be.
3. Who he will be with.
4. Reachable by phone
5. Change of plans means a phone call to parents
6. Must come in and make sure we know you are home.
Consequence: Will not be allowed to go out for 2 days. Punishment will
increase by one day for each subsequent offense.
Privilege: Will be allowed to continue going out with friends.
Curfew – away from home.
Will be expected to be home (alone) by 10:00 p.m. on school nights (Sunday-
Thursday) and 11:00 p.m. on non-school nights (Friday-Saturday). The 11:00
p.m. curfew will be in effect for summertime (out of school). Special permission to
stay out later must be done in advance (24 hours). Do not call asking to stay out
later, will result in consequence.
Consequence: Will be expected to come home twice as early as was late for
one week. (if 30 minutes late, then curfew will be one hour earlier for the next
Privilege: Maintain current curfew and gain trust (potentially allow a later curfew
from time to time).
Leaving house after curfew (sneaking out).
Consquence: Will not be allowed to go out for 1 week or have friends over.
Privilege: Will be allowed to continue to go out with friends and potential to stay
out later on special occasions.
Overnight guests need advance approval (advance does not mean an hour
before, 24 hours minimum).
Advance approval needed to stay overnight at a friend’s house (minimum 24
Approval needed to have guest over (if not overnight, one hour advance is
No guests are allowed at the house (in or out) if a parent is not home.
No girls in bedrooms(any).
No food or drinks upstairs or in living room.
Curfew applies to guest same as above.
Guest over restricted to 3 days and/or nights (total – must all be one day) per
week. No guest allowed on Sundays (day or night).
Consequence: Loose privilege to have friends over for remainder of week.
Privilege: Continue to have friends over.
Cleaning up.
Clean up after yourself, and friends, around the house when you leave a room,
pool, etc.. Example, dishes used, pool toys, pool equipment, towels, trash, etc.
This is to be done prior to leaving the area not “later”. Good rule of thumb –
Leave it the way you found it!
Consequence: Loose privilege to have friends over for one day and/or use of
pool, watch tv, play video games, use of kitchen. Each subsequent offense
consequence will be increased by one additional day.
Privilege: Continue to have friends over and use pool, tv, video games etc.
Golf Cart Use.
The golf cart may be used if driven respectfully. Only to be driven on road or golf
course, not off road, etc.. It must be returned in the condition and parking spot it
was taken from immediately upon return and plugged.
Consequence: Discontinued use of golf cart.
Privilege: Use of golf cart.
Respect others and their rules.
When parents are not home and other adults are placed in charge you must
adhere to their request to include the rules/responsibilities in this contract.
Consequence: Will be required to stay away from home when parents are not
there. Example, at work, with grandparents at their house, etc..
Privilege: Able to be at home in own room/bed when parents not home.
Cell Phone Use.
Cell phone use should be done during a reasonable time of the day/night.
Excessive late night cell phone use (staying up late 2 a.m. or later for more than
2 nights in a row) will not be acceptable. Using cell phone for inappropriate
conversations, verbal, texting, etc. will not be acceptable.
Consequence: Excessive late night use – cell phone will be turned off for 2
days. Each subsequent offense will be increased by one day. Inappropriate use
of cell phone – cell phone will be turned off for 1 week. Each subsequent offense
will be increased by one week.
Privilege: Continued use of cell phone.
When given an answer.
When given an answer do not continue to ask over and over.
Consequence: You will be given one warning. If question is asked again you
will lose that privilege next time. Each time the question is repeated the loss of
privilege will be multiplied.
Privilege: Potential increase of privileges over time.
Daily Responsibilities
-No clothes on floor. They need to be put away in dirty clothes hamper.
-No messes on floor (trash, towels, clothes, etc).
-No mess left on bathroom/kitchen counter/sink.
-Clean kitchen, dishes, etc. as asked.
Consequence: All privileges are suspended until complete. If it becomes a
recurring offense then privileges may be suspended for a day or more and/or
extra chores.
Privilege: All privileges kept in place.
Weekly Responsibilities
-Responsible for taking out trash cans to curb side on Thursday evening. This
needs to be completed no later than 9:00 p.m..
-Responsible for bringing in trash cans on Friday morning.
Consequence: This needs to be something that you remember to do. If
forgotten and trash is not picked up then you will lose privileges on Monday. If for
some reason you cannot get it done you need to ask someone else to do it for
that week.
Privilege: All privileges kept in place.
-Must be respectful to all family members at all times.
-Display a good attitude when asked to perform a task at home or school.
-Respect others property
-Do not interrupt others when talking
There is no privilege for personal behavior. These are not optional.
Parents reserve the right to be parents and will at times request extra duties to
be performed. These will sometimes be rewarded with extra privileges.
This is a contract for the purpose of explaining both our responsibilities and some
of our family expectations. It is a document that will be occasionally reviewed
and updated. This contract only covers the most basic responsibilities and is in
no way all inclusive of our expectations or your responsibilities.
There are places in the contract that the term “privileges” has been used.
Privileges is defined as anything that is not necessary. When you lose “all
privileges” it means no tv, phone, computer (except for homework), friends,
music, and going out, etc.. There are times in the contract you only lose a
specific privilege.
Some of the categories on the contract only spell out consequences and not
rewards. This is because the “Reward” is the ability to keep the privileges.
Rewards and Privileges include many things like our trust, spending the night
out, having friends spend the night with you, paying for an occasional movie,
taking you places, buying you things etc..
This contract is designed to make your life easier and help you learn basic
responsibility and organizational skills. And is a direct response for your requests
for us to be more intentional on our expectations. By signing this contract you
are agreeing and understand your responsibilities as well as understanding the
consequences for not fulfilling your responsibility.
Parent ___________________ ______________Teen