one hundred and thirty-ninth annual
Spring 2024 Commencement Exercises
May 4, 2024
Graduate and Professional Schools Ceremony
Lesly Wilson James, Ph.D., ’
associate professor of occupational therapy
enoir-hyne niversity
May 11, 2024
Undergraduate Ceremony
Dietra Y. Trent, Ph.D.
xecutive irector of the hite ouse nitiative on dvancing ducational
quity, xcellence, and conomic pportunity
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blank and
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Tuskegee University History
Marked by more than a century of tradition since its founding
through the efforts of former slave Lewis Adams and former slave
owner George W. Campbell, Tuskegee University today is known
for being among the nations premier historically black colleges and
universities (HBCUs) — and for its openness to all. Its mission
remains service to people, not merely education for its own sake.
Stressing the need to educate the whole person, that is, the hand
and the heart as well as the mind, founding principal Booker T.
Washingtons new school was soon acclaimed — first by Alabama
and then by the nation — for the soundness and vigor of its
educational programs and principles.
Founded as the Tuskegee Normal School for Colored Teachers
through the passage of Alabama House Bill 165 on July 4, 1881,
Tuskegee University traces its modest beginnings to a one-
room shanty located near Butlers Chapel AME Zion Church.
Under Washingtons leadership, however, the Tuskegee Normal
and Industrial Institute (as of 1893) soon rose to national
prominence. A highly skilled organizer and fundraiser who
counseled U.S. presidents, Washington was a strong advocate
of black farmers and businesses. Student enrollment was not
limited to rural Macon County and the South, but was global in
composition. Every students educational experience combined
vocational classes with coursework toward general diplomas,
which included mathematics, English and history. To that end,
Washington recruited the best and brightest available within the
black community, including famed researcher George Washington
Carver and architect Robert R. Taylor.
Tuskegees prominence as a black school of higher learning
continued after Washingtons passing in 1915. President Robert
R. Moton actively solicited for modern buildings and equipment
to teach the trades, more comfortable faculty and student housing,
and enlarged and improved recreational, health and academic
facilities. By 1927, his efforts had helped to elevate Tuskegee’s
high school-level academics to full four-year college status with
bachelor degrees in agriculture, home economics, mechanical
industries and education. In addition, it donated land in 1923 for
the Tuskegee Veterans Administration Hospital — the first and
only one staffed by black professionals. He continued institutional
relationships with financiers such as Julius Rosenwald, which in
turn created programs for underprivileged portions of society and
the education of blacks.
Tuskegee would establish itself as a leader in veterinary medicine
education in 1944 when President Frederick D. Patterson founded
the Tuskegee Institute (as of 1937) School of Veterinary Medicine. In
the same year, he helped co-found the United Negro College Fund,
which continues today to advocate on behalf of and provide financial
support for a consortium of HBCUs — Tuskegee among them.
During the 1940s, although the rest of the world was embroiled
in war, Tuskegee continued to better opportunities for blacks
nationwide. e Infantile Paralysis Center, which opened on
Jan. 15, 1941, as part of Tuskegee Universitys John A. Andrew
Memorial Hospital, treated and served African-American patients
(especially for polio) from the southeastern states, as well as
Alabama patients with other orthopedic conditions. Further
acclaim resulted from the universitys Civilian Pilot Training
Program (which began in 1939) that eventually led to the
formation of the 99th Fighter Squadron of Tuskegee Airmen in
June 1941.
The organization of the College of Arts and Sciences, the
elimination of several vocational programs, and the development
of engineering programs marked the tenure of fourth president,
Dr. Luther H. Foster. His tenure also included the turbulent years
of the Civil Rights Movement, during which time the university
maintained an attitude of open dialogue by allowing a variety of
controversial speakers — such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm
X, Stokely Carmichael, Julian Bond and Alex Haley — to visit
campus. In 1960, Arts and Sciences Dean Charles Gomillion
filed a lawsuit leading to the groundbreaking Supreme Court
case Gomillion vs. Lightfoot concerning Tuskegee’s black citizens
who had been illegally gerrymandered out of their right to vote.
Tragically, on Jan. 3, 1966, Tuskegee freshman Samuel Younge
Jr. became the first black college student killed as a result of
his involvement in the civil rights movement. e universitys
significance in our nations history has twice been celebrated by the
U.S. Department of the Interiors National Parks Service: first, in
1966, when it became the first HBCU designated as a Registered
National Historic Landmark; and again in 1974, when it became
the nations only HBCU designated as a National Historic Site.
rough fifth president Dr. Benjamin F. Paytons participation
on the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Legacy Committee, the
university established the National Center for Bioethics in
Research and Health Care as part of the governments apology
for its participation in the “U.S. Public Health Service Study on
Syphilis” conducted at Tuskegee from 1932 to 1972. Paytons
commitment to education was further exemplified when, in 1985,
Tuskegee attained university status and began offering its first
doctoral programs in integrative biosciences, materials science
and engineering.
e decade following Paytons presidency — under the leadership
of presidents Gilbert L. Rochon and Brian L. Johnson — marked
a greater emphasis on Tuskegee’s research capacity and physical
campus through the construction of new education, science and
residential halls, as well as improvements to existing facilities. Each
also contributed significantly to broader integration of arts and
cultural programs in the growing STEAM (science, technology,
engineering, arts and mathematics) movement throughout the U.S.
On July 1, 2018, Tuskegee University marked a new leadership
milestone as Dr. Lily D. McNair began her tenure as its eighth
– and first female – president in 137 years. Currently, Tuske-
gee University is under the leadership of its ninth and second
female president, Dr. Charlotte P. Morris, who began her tenure
on August 1, 2021.
Comencement Pograme
Tuskegee University Graduate and Professional Schools Commencement Ceremony
Saturday, May Fourth
Two ousand and Twenty Four
Nine thirty o’clock in the Morning
Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
THE PROCESSIONAL…….......eme from “Pomp and Circumstance” (March No. 1) .........................Edward Elgar
THE INVOCATION ............................................................................................... Gregory S. Gray, Ph.D., M.Div.
Dean of the Chapel
THE GREETINGS ........................................................................................................Henry W. Davis III ’81, ‘83
Tuskegee University Board of Trustees
ANTHEM ....................................................... “Hold Fast to Dreams ............................................. Roland M. Carter
Tuskegee University “Golden Voices” Concert Choir
Wayne A. Barr, DMA, Director
THE INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER.............................................................. A. Deloris Alexander, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, Graduate School
THE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ................................................................... Lesly Wilson James, Ph.D., ’95
Associate Professor of Occupational erapy
Lenoir-Rhyne University
SPIRITUAL ...........................................................“Elijah Rock ................................................. arr. Moses G. Hogan
Tuskegee University “Golden Voices” Concert Choir
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ........................................................................................... Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
Mr. Fred* and Mrs. Carolyn Sippial
Dr. Mary Bell Jenkins
e Honorable Willie Mae Powell
Mr. Alfonza Menefee
THE CONFERRAL OF ACADEMIC DEGREES .......................................................... Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
S. Keith Hargrove, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Master of Science
ADMINISTERING OF GRADUATES’ ALUMNI OATH ..................................................................Lillie Lanier
President, Tuskegee National Alumni Association, Inc.
THE ALMA MATER ........................................“e Tuskegee Song .............. Paul Laurence Dunbar/N. Clark Smith
AND RESPONSE ..................................e Lord Bless You and Keep You ....................................... Peter C. Lutkin
Gregory S. Gray, Ph.D., M.Div.
Dean of the Chapel
Platform Party
President’s Cabinet and Administrative Staff Council
Comencement Pograme
Tuskegee University Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
Saturday, May Eleventh
Two ousand and Twenty Four
Nine thirty o’clock in the Morning
Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
THE PROCESSIONAL…….......eme from “Pomp and Circumstance” (March No. 1) .........................Edward Elgar
THE INVOCATION ............................................................................................... Gregory S. Gray, Ph.D., M.Div.
Dean of the Chapel
THE GREETINGS ................................................................................................................Jonathan K. Porter ’95
First Vice-Chair, Tuskegee University Board of Trustees
Diallo Patterson ‘24
Student Trustee
SELECTION ....................................................... “Clair de lune .................................................... Claude Debussy
Tuskegee University Saxophone Quartet
THE INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER .............................................................. Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
THE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ................................................................................. Dietra Y. Trent, Ph.D.
Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational
Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity
SELECTION ............................................... Fantaisie sur un thème .........................................Jules Demersseman
Tuskegee University Saxophone Ensemble
THE AWARDING OF THE HONORARY DEGREE.................................................... Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
S. Keith Hargrove, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Doctor of Humane Letters (DHL)
Litterarum humanarum doctor
Dietra Y. Trent, Ph.D.
THE CONFERRAL OF ACADEMIC DEGREES .......................................................... Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
S. Keith Hargrove, Ph.D.
Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
THE RECOGNITION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ......................................... Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
United States Navy ................................................................................................ Captain Michael Witherspoon
United States Air Force ........................................................................... Lieutenant Colonel Jason M. Newcomer
United States Army ...........................................................................................................Major Richard A. Pugh
ADMINISTERING OF GRADUATES’ ALUMNI OATH ..................................................................Lillie Lanier
President, Tuskegee National Alumni Association, Inc.
THE ALMA MATER ........................................“e Tuskegee Song .............. Paul Laurence Dunbar/N. Clark Smith
THE BENEDICTION.................................................... ......................................... Gregory S. Gray, Ph.D., M.Div.
Dean of the Chapel
Platform Party
President’s Cabinet and Administrative Staff Council
Comencement Saer
LesLy WiLson James, Ph.D., ’95
Associate Professor of Occupational erapy, Lenoir-Rhyne University
Dr. Lesly Wilson James is a tenured Associate Professor at Lenoir-Rhyne University
(LR) in the School of Occupational erapy (OT) within the College of Health
Sciences and serves as the Site Coordinator at the Center for Graduates Studies in
Columbia SC. She additionally serves as an instructor in the Lenior-Rhyne University
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Institute.
She holds a BS in OT from Tuskegee University, a MPA with a concentration in
Healthcare Administration from Troy State University, and a PhD in Organization
and Management with a specialization in Leadership from Capella University. She is a
Certified Project Management Professional with the Project Management Institute; a
CarFit Event Coordinator and Technician with the American Occupational erapy
Association; a Certified Handwriting Specialist with Learning Without Tears; and
holds a Leadership Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
She has over 25 years of experience in pediatrics, geriatrics, and community-based practice. She has authored several
book chapters, peer-review articles, and professional publications with numerous state and national level presentations.
She serves as Chair of the South Carolina Licensure Board for OT; Chair of the Occupational erapy Compact
Commission; is a Fellow of the American Occupational erapy Association and a Fellow of the National Academy of
Practice. She works collaboratively with health professionals and community volunteers to eliminate health disparities
within her community.
Comencement Saer
Dietra y. trent, Ph.D.
Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational
Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity
Dr. Dietra Y. Trent was recently appointed by President Biden to serve as the Executive
Director of the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence,
and Economic Opportunity through Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
In this capacity, she works closely with the Executive Office of the President and
the Secretary of Education to implement a government-wide approach to break
down systemic barriers to HBCUs participation in federally sponsored programs. In
partnership with HBCU leaders and advocacy groups, Dr. Trent and her team work
to promote key priorities related to advancing educational and economic opportunity
for HBCUs across the federal government.
Dr. Trent has twenty-five years of higher education and public policy experience.
Most recently, she served as Interim Vice President for Compliance, Diversity and
Ethics at George Mason University. She first joined the University in August 2019
as Interim Chief of Staff to then Interim President, Anne Holton.
In July 2016, Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed her Secretary of Education for the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Previously, she served as Deputy Secretary of Education, a position she also held during the Administration of then-
Governor Tim Kaine.
As Secretary of Education, Dr. Trent’s primary responsibility was to promote the Governors agenda to eradicate the
Achievement Gap, promote great teaching and learning, and help strengthen educational pathways to the new Virginia
Economy. As Secretary, she provided guidance to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), the Virginia
Community College System (VCCS) and e State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), as well as
Virginias 16 public colleges and universities, 23 community colleges and five higher education and research centers,
and seven state-funded arts/cultural institutions.
Prior to joining the McAuliffe Administration, Dr. Trent served as Deputy State Director for Senator Mark Warner.
Having served in former Governor’s Tim Kaine and Mark Warners offices, as well as the Office of Congressman Robert
C. “Bobby” Scott, she has a wealth of federal, state, and higher education experience.
During her time in Governor Warner’s office, Dr. Trents proudest moment was establishing and obtaining state funding
for the Minority Political Leadership Institute (MPLI), housed at Virginia Commonwealth University. MPLI is a six-
week intensive program designed to promote leadership for aspiring individuals interested in running for elected office
or assuming leadership roles in minority communities.
A native of Halifax County, Virginia, Dr. Trent earned a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice from
Hampton University, and completed her master’s and doctoral degrees in Public Administration and Policy from
Virginia Commonwealth University.
C P. M, P.D.
Dr. Charlotte P. Morris began her current tenure as Tuskegee Universitys 9th president
on August 1, 2021. Her 30-plus-year tenure at Tuskegee has included numerous
leadership and faculty appointments at the college and university levels. Her most
recent prior appointment on November 1, 2020, as interim president was her third
appointment to the universitys top post — the first having been in 2010 following
the retirement of President Benjamin F. Payton.
Morris began her tenure at Tuskegee University in 1984 as a faculty member of the
now Andrew F. Brimmer College of Business and Information Science. In 1987,
she began serving as executive associate/chief of staff to the university president and
secretary to the universitys Board of Trustees — duties she faithfully performed for
23 years. During the last eight years in that position, she also served as the director
of the universitys Title III program and as chair of the universitys Convocations
and Special Events Committee. After concluding her first appointment as interim president, Morris returned to the
Brimmer College, where she served as associate dean and professor of management — until appointed as the colleges
interim dean in 2016 upon the retirement of Dean Tejinder Sara.
Morris’ early career experience includes teaching appointments at Trenholm State Community College and Kansas State
University. Other higher education experience includes serving as program associate for planning, management, and
evaluation at Mississippi Valley State University. In 2011, she was appointed by the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools Commission on Colleges as a visiting peer review team member. She is also a member of the Board of
Trustees of the Southern Education Foundation and the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering.
A native of Kosciusko, Mississippi, Morris completed a bachelors degree in business education at Jackson State
University, a master’s degree in business administration and management at Delta State University, and a Ph.D. degree
in education and business management from Kansas State University. She has completed additional graduate-level
coursework at the Harvard University Graduate School of Educations Institute for Educational Management, higher
education administration coursework at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, and summer institutes in curriculum
development in higher education.
A resident of Montgomery, Alabama, since 1983, Morris is a Golden Life Member of the Montgomery Alumnae
Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., a member and former president of the Agnes J. Lewis Womens Club,
and a member of the Lilly Missionary Baptist Church, where she serves on the usher board, as a Sunday School
teacher, and as a member of the missions’ circle. She also holds membership in the Tuskegee Chapter of The Links,
Inc. Additionally, she holds/has held membership in the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), Beta
Gamma Sigma National Honor Society in Business, the Golden Key National Honor Society, the National Council
of Negro Women, and the American Council on Education.
Among Morris’ accolades are membership in Leadership Montgomerys Class XXIX, Tuskegee Universitys Distinguished
Administrative Staff Achievement Award, Bush Foundation Fellow, Service Award from the Charles Stewart Mott
Foundation, and inclusion in the 1992 edition of Whos Who Worldwide. Upon completion of undergraduate studies,
she received the “I Dare You” Award for leadership qualities.
Morris was married to the late Dr. William R. Morris and is the parent of one adult son.
T U B  T
Norma B. Clayton, Chair
Retired Vice President, Learning, Training
and Development
e Boeing Company
St. Louis, Missouri
Jonathan K. Porter ’95, First Vice-Chair
Senior Vice President, Customer Operations
Alabama Power Company
Birmingham, Alabama
Barron M. Witherspoon Sr., ’85 Second
Retired Senior Vice President, Industry Affairs
Procter & Gamble
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Carla C. Whitlock, ’95, Secretary
Sankofa Partners
Atlanta, Georgia
Bernard E. Anderson, Ph.D.
Whitney M. Young, Jr.
Professor Emeritus
e Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Henry W. Davis III ’81, ’83
Director of Government Affairs
State of Alabama Medicaid Agency
Montgomery, Alabama
e Honorable John H. England, Jr. ‘69
Active Retired Judge
Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Yvette Essounga, Ph.D.
Faculty Trustee, (Ex-Officio)
Associate Professor
Brimmer College of Business and
Information Science
Management Department
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, Alabama
Joseph G. Grasso, J.D.
Counselor at Law
Wiggin and Dana
New York, New York
e Honorable Erick W. Harris, J.D., ‘09
Member, Oklahoma House of Representatives
Vice President for Legal Services
United Petroleum Transports, Inc.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Byron Jones, ‘87
Movico Loop LLC
Delray Beach, Florida
Natalie D. Knight, ‘01
Alumni Trustee
Director of State and Local Government
Impact Public Affairs
Atlanta, Georgia
Eric Mackey, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Education, (Ex-officio)
State of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama
Karl Minter
Retired Captain
United Airlines
Board of Directors
Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
Ashburn, Virginia
Charlotte P. Morris, Ph.D.
President, (Ex-officio)
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, Alabama
Gregory S. Nixon, J.D. ‘85
Head of Strategic Investments, Senior Managing
Director and Senior Legal Counsel
Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.
New York, New York
John E. Page, J.D.
Senior Vice President,
Chief Corporate Social Responsibility Officer
and Chief Legal Officer
Golden State Foods Corporation.
Irvine, California
Diallo Patterson ‘24
Student Trustee
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, Alabama
H. Jerome Russell, Jr.
H. J. Russell & Company
Atlanta, Georgia
Tamika L. Tremaglio, J.D.
Former Executive Director
NBPA, CEO and Chairman of the Board of
Former Managing Partner, Deloitte LLP
Greater Washington Area Managing Principal
TA Sports Ventures
New York, New York
Chereece Warner ’08
Mechanical Integrity Supervisor
ExxonMobil Corporation
Houston, Texas
e Honorable Pebblin W. Warren ’74
State House Representative
Alabama District 82
Tuskegee, Alabama
Ray Whiteman
Stellex Capital Management
New York, New York
Materials, trimmings and sleeves
of gowns vary by discipline. Black
is the recommended color. Gowns
for bachelor’s or master’s degrees
are untrimmed. e sleeves of the
bachelor’s degree gown, which is
always worn closed, are pointed. e
master’s degree gown has oblong
sleeves that are open at the wrist. e
doctoral degree gown features velvet
facing down the front and three
bars of velvet across the bell-shaped
sleeves. e velvet trimmings may
be black or the color distinctive of
the degrees discipline. Masters and
doctoral gowns may be worn open or
As the academic costumes most
distinctive feature, hoods must be
black and made of the same material
as the gown. e hood identifies both
the degree level and the institution
conferring the degree. e length
of the hood worn for the bachelor’s
degree must be three feet; for the
master’s degree, three and one-half
feet; and for the doctoral degree,
which may have panels at the sides,
four feet. Lined with the official
colors of the college or university
conferring the degree, only the
highest degree is represented on the
hood. e color of the velvet edging
indicates the subject to which the
degree pertains and measures three
inches for the master’s degree and
five inches for the doctoral degree.
Academic Heraldry
In a tradition passed down from the
Middle Ages, academic regalia worn
during commencements symbolize
the essence of educational pageantry.
Academic dress originated during
the 12th and 13th centuries with
the establishment of European
universities. By the second half of
the 14th century, England began
defining academic dress.
e long gowns and hoods may
have been necessary for warmth in
medieval buildings. As the statutes
evolved, the traditional English
costumes were incorporated into
American colleges and universities in
the 19th century. Rapid growth of
those institutions in the United States
led to a standardized assignment
of colors for the various fields of
Representatives of major institutions
formed an intercollegiate commission
to establish a suitable academic code
of dress. e commission met at
Columbia University in 1895 and
adopted the Intercollegiate Code,
which regulates the cut, style, colors
and materials for each part of the
academic costume to be used for
bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral
levels. e code was revised in
1932 by the American Council on
Education and again by a committee
appointed by ACE in 1959. e code
was updated most recently in 1986.
e square black mortarboard is
recommended, and the material may
be cotton poplin, broadcloth, rayon
or silk to match the gown. Doctoral
degree caps may be velvet with gold
tassels. Tassels, which should be black
or the color appropriate to the subject,
should be fastened to the middle point
of the top of the cap only and lie as it
Colors indicating fields of study:
Agriculture - Maize
Arts, Letters, Humanities - White
Business - Light Brown
Economics - Copper
Education - Light Blue
Engineering - Orange
Fine Arts, including Architecture - Brown
Law - Purple
Library Science - Lemon Yellow
Music - Pink
Nursing - Apricot
Oratory - Silver Gray
Philosophy - Dark Blue
Physical Education - Sage Green
Public Health - Salmon Pink
Science - Golden Yellow
Social Science - Cream
Social Work - Citron
eology - Scarlet
Veterinary Medicine - Gray
Other colors may be seen in the
Important Terms to
alma mater - A term that may be used
when referring to Tuskegee University,
the university from which you graduated.
alumna - Use this singular term for a
female graduate.
alumnae - Use this plural term for a
group of female graduates.
alumni - Use this plural term for former
students or graduates, whether referring
to a group of males or a group consisting
of males and females. is term should
never be used in reference to a single
alumnus - Use this singular term for a
male graduate.
TNAA - Acronym for the Tuskegee
National Alumni Association, Inc.
Special Assistant to the President
Provost and Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs
Dean, College of Engineering and
Robert R. Taylor School of Architecture and Construction Science
Dean, College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences
Interim Dean, School of Education
Dean of the Chapel
Interim Dean, Graduate School
KAI KOONG, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Dean, Andrew F. Brimmer College of Business and Information Science
Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine
Dean, College of Art and Sciences
Interim Associate Vice President for Research
Interim Dean, School of Nursing and Allied Health
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning - 1st Cohort
To graduate with the distinction of cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude, a student must have been in residence for at least three semesters,
excluding the semester in which he/she qualifies for graduation, and must have completed 45 semester hours at Tuskegee University. In the calculation of
residence, two summer sessions are considered equivalent to one semester. Candidates for honors must qualify one semester prior to commencement. In
recognition of academic achievement, all honor students wear gold honor stoles or cords.
CoLLege of arts anD sCienCes
CoLLege of Veterinary meDiCine
CoLLege of agriCuLture, enVironment anD
nutrition sCienCes
Integrative Biosciences
Brown, Adrianne Paulette A ............................... Auburn, Alabama
Dissertation Title: Application of CRISPR/Cas9 to
Understand Translation Regulation of Host Susceptibility
Factors elF4E Interaction with SPFMV in Susceptible
Resistant Ipomoea batatas L. Cultivars
Major Professors: Dr. Marceline Egnin and Dr. A. Deloris Alexander
Henderson, Michael Anthony ....................Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dissertation Title: e Effect of Intrathymic Transplantation
of TNCs on Tissue Morphology and Longevity in Lupus-
Prone Mice
Major Professors: Dr. Marcia Martinez and Dr. Ebony Gilbreath
Mwazembe, Devotha. ....................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
Dissertation Title: e effect of future climate change on
selected Sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas L. (Lam) varieties and
soil ecology in Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Ramble Ankumah
Mweta, Jamila Mahamoud .................................. Tabora, Tanzania
Dissertation Title: Effect of Plant Microbial Associations
and Insect Population Dynamics On Cowpea Growth
Characteristics in Organic Production Systems
Major Professors: Dr. Franklin Quarcoo and Dr. Conrad Bonsi
Ritte, Inocent Paulin ........................................ Tuskegee, Alabama
Dissertation Title: Assessing Climate Resilience of Different
Cowpea Cutivars (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) rough
Phenotypic, Molecular and Metabolic Analyses
Major Professors: Dr. Marceline Egnin and Dr. Conrad Bonsi
Rolle, Sanchez Martino ................................ Exuma, e Bahamas
Dissertation Title: A Review of Ground Water Quality in
Alabama versus Upstate New York
Major Professor: Dr. Raymon Shange and Dr. Souleymane Fall
Smith, Brianna Alexus ........................................Palmetto, Georgia
Dissertation Title: Assessing Non-Point Source Pollution
Contamination of the Lower Tallapoosa Sub-Basin
Major Professors: Dr. Rashidah Farid-Tilghman and Dr. Lanell Ogden
CoLLege of agriCuLture, enVironment
anD nutrition sCienCes
CoLLege of arts anD sCienCes
Integrative Public Policy And Development
Asare-Baah, Lucy Mamle .................................. Tuskegee, Alabama
Dissertation Title: Estimating Food Loss Among Fruit and
Vegetable Farmers and their Willingness to Adopt Storage
Facilities for Food Loss Reduction
Major Professors: Dr. Robert Zabawa and Dr. Desmond Mortley
CoLLege of engineering
Material Science and Engineering
Harry, Richard ................................................. Tuskegee, Alabama
Dissertation Title: Development of Flexible Multiferroic
Systems for Magnetic Field Detection and Manipulation
Major Professor: Dr. Shaik Zainuddin
CoLLege of Veterinary meDiCine
Interdisciplinary Pathobiology
Woube, Yilkal Asfaw .......................................... Auburn, Alabama
Dissertation Title: Isolation Molecular Serotyping,
Epidemiology, and Biofilm formation of Non-0157 Shiga
Toxin-Producing (Escherichia coli From Beef Cow-Calf Farms
of Alabama, and Role of stx, eae, and lifA Genes on Peripheral
Blood Mononuclear Cell Cytokines
Major Professor: Dr. Woubit Abebe
CoLLege of agriCuLture, enVironment
anD nutrition sCienCes
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Ebbuah, Lydia E .................................................. Takoradi, Ghana
esis: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Key Indicators for
Exposure to Food Insecurity Within e Alabama Black Belt
Major Professor: Dr. Robert Zabawa
May 4, 2024
e listing of names and degrees to be conferred is subject to change.
Deletions and additions may be necessary to conform to the final and official records of Tuskegee University.
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
Egiebor, Obianuju Sylvia ......................................... Abuja, Nigeria
Major Professor: Dr. Robert Zabawa
Fantroy, Faith Nicole ........................................ Tuskegee, Alabama
esis: Access to Farm Credit for Black and Socially
Disadvantaged Farmers in Alabama Along the Black Belt
Major Professor: Dr. Youssouf Diabate
Gbim-Gbande, Mamnenge Benita ...........Makurdi Benue, Nigeria
esis: An Analysis of the Status of Small Producers in
Selected Alabama Black Belt And Surrounding Counties
Major Professor: Dr. David Nii Tackie
Waweru, Eunice Kabura ......................................... Nairobi, Kenya
esis: e Impact of training in Financial Basics on Small
Farm Producers Knowledge In Selected Alabama Black Belt
Major Professor: Dr. David Nii Tackie
Animal and Poultry Science
Ale, Khim Bahadur ............................................ Bharatpur, Nepal
esis: Hempseed Meal as Feed Ingredient for Intact
Male Goats: Evaluating Effects on Feed Intake, Growth
Performance, Growth Efficiency, Serum Biochemistry, Rumen
Fermentation, Rumen Papillae Morphology, and Carcass Traits
Major Professor: Dr. Nar Gurung
Blair, Dana’e J .............................................. San Diego, California
Major Professor: Dr. Clarissa Harris
Chaudhary, Santoshi ........................................Kanchanpur, Nepal
esis: Performance of Nursing Ewes and Lambs and
Immune Response of Nursing Ewes to the Natural Challenge
of Gastrointestinal Parasites While Grazing in Woodlands
with Different Supplements
Major Professor: Dr. Uma Karki
Harrison, Ayanna ................................................. Chicago, Illinois
esis: Reproductive and Progeny Performance of Pure and
Composite Breeds of Meat Goat Over Two Breeding Cycles
Major Professor: Dr. Chukwuemeka Okere
Hill, Zion D ................................................Lawrenceville, Georgia
Major Professor: Dr. Frank Abrahamsen
Johnson, Jada K ...............................................Newark, New Jersey
Major Professor: Dr. Frank Abrahamsen
Lee, Caya Alexis .................................................Norcross, Georgia
Major Professor: Dr. Chuwuemeka Okere
Mathews, Khari Joseph ..................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Frank Abrahamsen
Ollivierre-Davis, Mary-Margaret Niala. ..........Brooklyn, New York
Major Professor: Dr. Chuwuemeka Okere
Perkins, Danielle Renee. ................................Saint Louis, Missouri
Major Professor: Dr. Joseph Quansah
Peterson, Christian Shamar ............................ Corinth, Mississippi
esis: Computer-Based Detection of Estrus Behaviors in
Individually Housed Kiko Does
Major Professor: Dr. Olga Bolden-Tiller
Salisbury, Isis Sincere ....................................... Seattle, Washington
Major Professor: Dr. Olga Bolden-Tiller
Sweeting, Nolan Earnel ................................ Nassau, e Bahamas
Major Professor: Dr. Frank Abrahamsen
Tate, Dorian A ..................................................... Chicago, Illinois
esis: Effects Chelated Trace Minerals Have On the
Conception Rate of Artificially Inseminated Beef Cattle
Major Professor: Dr. Frank Abrahamsen
ompson, John’ea A ....................... North Hollywood, California
Major Professor: Dr. Janette R. Bartlett
Environmental Science -DL
Bentley, Halle Bianca. ......................................... Auburn, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Souleymane Fall
Environmental Science
Duncan, Maiya Dion. ................................Long Beach, California
esis: e Behavioral Impact of Feral Hogs on Native
Wildlife Predator Species in Tuskegee University Russell
Experimental Forest
Major Professor: Dr. Rashidah Farid-Tilghman
Hardy Jr,. Al Carlos. ............................................. Chicago, Illinois
Major Professor: Dr. Rashidah Farid-Tilghman
Smith, Ronald C ............................................... Tallassee, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Rashidah Farid-Tilghman
Walker, Darian James ....................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
esis: e Effects of Intense Trapping on the Behavioral
Movement of Feral Swine
Major Professor: Dr. Rashidah Farid-Tilghman
Food and Nutrition Sciences
Jimenez, Isabella. ............................................... Flossmoor, Illinois
esis: Evaluating the Efficiency of Different Community-
Based Events to Recruit African Americans Living in the
Alabama Black Belt for a Hypertension Prevention Study
Major Professor: Dr. Norma Dawkins
Johnson, Karmen....Indianapolis, Indiana
esis Title: Effects of Plant-Based Diet on Selected
Reproductive Hormones in African American Women
Major Professor: Dr. Adelia Bovell-Benjamin
Montgomery, Asya Sade. ..................................Hinesville, Georgia
esis: Physiochemical, Microbial and Sensory Attributes of
a Purple Hull Peas Meat Substitute
Major Professor: Dr. Norma Dawkins
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
Nyombaire, George. ......................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
esis: Conversion of Sweetpotato Starch to Syrup By Acid
Major Professor: Dr. Adelia C. Bovell-Benjamin
Plant and Soil Sciences
McGuire, Tori Elise. ............................................... Byron, Georgia
Major Professor: Dr. Desmond Mortley
CoLLege of arts anD sCienCes
Mwazembe, Irene Joseph .........................Dar es Salaaam, Tanzania
esis: Targeting Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Activation in
Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer
Major Professor: Dr. Honghe Wang
Sazib, Sazaul Morshed .................................. Noakhali, Bangladesh
esis: ‘KAISO’ Cistrome Analysis for Disparity Study in
Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer of African American
Major Professor: Dr. Clayton Yates
Siddique, Md. Abu Talha ................................. Dhaka, Bangladesh
esis: Assessment of the Role of Methyl-Binding Protein
Kaiso on Cistrome in Prostate Cancer
Major Professor: Dr. Clayton Yates
General Psychology
Heo, Da Kyoung ....................................................... Duluth, Georgia
Major Professor: Dr. Li Huang
McLaughlin, Farah M ..............................................Auburn, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Li Huang
Tibaikana, eodora M .......................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Li Huang
CoLLege of Business anD information sCienCe
Information Systems and Computer Security
Aguegboh, Ozioma Amara ............................. Glen Allen, Virginia
esis: Cloud-Base Identification of Quality Vegetables Using
Supervised Learning
Major Professor: Dr. Mohammad Rahman
Dye, Dayton D. ...............................................Park Forest, Illinois
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Fairuza, Zahin .................................................. Dhaka, Bangladesh
Major Professor: Dr. Mohammad Rahman
Gaston-Hollingsworth, Kayla Rose ............................Toledo, Ohio
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Gordon, Orianna Jonté .....................................Opelika, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Mohammad Rahman
Johnson, Lauryn M .................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Lewis, Samuel Joseph Kwamina . .....................Ellenwood, Georgia
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Mahmud, Sumaiya. .................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Mohammad Rahman
McDonald, Mariel L. ................................. Montgomery, Alabama
Major Professors: Dr. Fan Wu and Dr. Mohammad Rahman
Pointer, Kimberly A. ......................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Rajavelu, Gowri S ..............................................Tamil Nadu, India
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Taylor, Bruce E ................................................. Tuskegee, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Webster-Esho Eniola. ........................ Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
Major Professor: Dr. Fan Wu
Zhang, Yue ............................................................ Yihuang, China
Major Professor: Dr. Yasmeen Rawjifh
CoLLege of engineering
Chemical Engineering
Rezvanian, Kowsar. .................................Square, Kermanshah, Iran
esis: Optimizing Process Variables and Type in a Sweet
Potato Starch Syrup: A Response Surface Methodology
Major Professors: Dr. Shahryar Jafarinejad and Dr. Adelia C.
Electrical Engineering
Airehenbuwa, Blessing Iyobosa. ........................ Tuskegee, Alabama
esis: Development of a Novel Correlation Filter for Targets
Detection in Automatic Target Recognition (ATR)
Major Professors: Dr. Mandoye Ndoye and Dr. Jesmin Khan
Onwuvuche, Oluchi. .......................................... Auburn, Alabama
Major Professor: Dr. Ben Oni
Material Science Engineering
Ackah, Matthew Bonzu ....................Race Course Takoradi, Ghana
esis: Effect of Low Temperature Plasma Treatment on Fish
Scale Powder-Filled
Linear Low Density Polyethylene Films
Major Professor: Dr. Vijaya Rangari
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
Chandrasekhar, Gautam ........................................ Houston, Texas
esis: Effect of Low-Temperature Plasma Treatment on
Waste High-Density Polyethylene Polymer and Biochar
Major Professor: Dr. Vijaya Rangari
Scott, Khiri, A .............................................Birmingham, Alabama
esis: Morphological, Mechanical and ermal Properties
of Polypropylene Reinforce With Graphene Nanoparticles
Extracted From Waste Product
Major Professor: Dr. Shaik Zainuddin
Mechanical Engineering
Balogun, Hakeem B .............................................Lilburn, Georgia
esis: Characterization of the Flow Field of Delta Wings
With Trailing Edge Jets Using Volumetric PIV
Major Professor: Dr. Mohammad J. Khan
CoLLege of Veterinary meDiCine
Public Health
Miller, Shandrell Furness .............................Birmingham, Alabama
esis: Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical Cancer, Human
Papillomavirus (HPV), and HPV Vaccines among Women
Living in Alabamas Macon, Bullock, Lowndes, and
Barbour Counties to Reduce Health Disparities
Major Professor: Dr. Ehsan Abdalla
Rolle, Sanchez Martino ................................ Exuma, e Bahamas
esis: A Study on Water Quality Perception: A Pilot Study of
Macon County, Alabama, USA
Major Professors: Dr. Lloyd Webb and Dr. Ehsan Abdalla
CoLLege of Veterinary meDiCine
Veterinary Medicine
Ahn, Jane H** .................................................... Auburn, Alabama
Baier, Emily Victoria***................West Columbia, South Carolina
Bailey, Ginger Camille** ..................................Townsend, Georgia
Bell, Erica Christina Rose** ........................ Huntington, New York
Benton, Janelle Jatique*** .................................. Buffalo, New York
Birmingham, Paul Curtis** ................................ Auburn, Alabama
Bruce, Savanna Alexis*** ...............................Little Rock, Arkansas
Bryant, Latoya* .................................................... Chicago, Illinois
Bryson, Andreya Lee* ......................... Tuskegee Institute, Alabama
Campbell, Kelly F***......................................Scottsboro, Alabama
Coit, Nakia* .................................................. Columbia, Maryland
Cooper, Hailey Rhea**. ............................ Mullins, South Carolina
Crenshaw, Alyssa L*** ......................................Round Rock, Texas
Crook, Cydney Dwan** ..................................Missouri City, Texas
Darby, Maria-Denna Blayde*,. ......................... Hartford, Alabama
Floyd, Johnathan Eugene Davis**, ...............Easley, South Carolina
Ford, Jazmyn Ayanna* .................................. Shreveport, Louisiana
Gant, Lauryn Olivia***. ................................ Fisherville, Kentucky
Gardner, Jasmine S* ........................................... Auburn, Alabama
Gary, Erin Danise**..................................Germantown, Maryland
Gibson, Laurielle ...................................Columbia, South Carolina
Gipson, Olivia C*. ......................................... Huntsville, Alabama
Goldsberry, Caylen Jeanine*. ...............San Bernardino, California
Hampton, Sydni* . ........................................ Stockbridge, Georgia
Harris, DeJanee Sierra.,. ............North Charleston, South Carolina
Heath, Charisma N* ........................................ Villa Rica, Georgia
Hicks-Bennett, Lasha Ariana** .............. Charlotte, North Carolina
Hildebrandt, Kailey Ann** ............................ Lexington, Kentucky
Hill, Katherine Lee* .....................................omasville, Alabama
Jimison, Adriana Roschelle*. .......................Toomsuba, Mississippi
Johnson, Jade I .........................................Owings Mills, Maryland
Kenerly, Cierra* ...................................................Springfield, Ohio
Landers, Kayla R*** ....................................... Pike Road, Alabama
Lee, DeNiqua Monique* ............................... Adamsville, Alabama
Lyles, Dominique Demetria** .................................Evans, Georgia
Madison-Reed, Elsie Simone* .......................Starkville, Mississippi
Martin, Sydney Estelle* .............................. Montgomery, Alabama
Matthews, Sydney Turner** ........................ Montgomery, Alabama
McJett, Cami S* ....................................Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Meadows, Alexus B*** ....................... Spartenburg, South Carolina
Mills, Latisha N* ...................................... Gaithersburg, Maryland
Mitchell, Esontay Dianna* ................................. Auburn, Alabama
Mitchell, Terrance E** ..................................... Covington, Georgia
Moore, Monica P*** ...................................Land O’Lakes, Florida
Moore, Shyenne D ............................................ Carson, California
Muse, Kianna Carlene** ......................... Stone Mountain, Georgia
Passantino, Ashley E* ......................................... Newnan, Georgia
Peterson, DeAndrea Dekiea* ........................ Haynveville, Alabama
Prottsman, Haylie S** ..............................Penrose, North Carolina
Rogers, Chloe Chanel** ........................... Laguna Hills, California
Romero Sanchez, Salvador ................................. Auburn, Alabama
Roney, Morgan Nichole** ....................................Chester, Virginia
Rushing, Aklimiyya F** ............................Powder Springs, Georgia
Seay, Callie Madelyn*** ......................................Opelika, Alabama
Shipman, Lauren Nicole ....................................... Smyrna, Georgia
Smith, Jessica Yilma........................................ Brooklyn, New York
Smith, Kathryn Alexandria ....................................Salem, Alabama
Stroud, Danyelle M* ...........................Fort Washington, Maryland
Walton, Logan Darryan ................................... Fort Valley, Georgia
Webster, Abigail E** .............................. Newberry, South Carolina
Wilder, Tyson B**. .............................................. Decatur, Georgia
Wilson, Matoaka Lynné* .................................. Tuskegee, Alabama
Zayas-Santiago, Maria Del Mar** ...................Coamo, Puerto Rico
Veterinary Science
Johnson, Nija Renee .................................. Powder Spring, Georgia
esis: A Comparative study on B-Lactam Resistance in
Escherichia Coil Isolated From Cattle, Goats and Fish Within
Major Professor: Dr. Abdeirahman Mohamed
Turnipseed, Gabriella L ................................ Madison, Mississippi
esis: Lineage tracing and constitutively-active Protein-
Kinase A (PKA) expression in transgenic mouse models
identify Foxd1 progenitor-derived cells and their potential
role in gastric polyposis
Major Professor: Dr. Pawan Puri
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
sChooL of nursing, anD aLLieD heaLth
Occupational erapy^
Baxter, Talejah. ...........................................Power Springs, Georgia
Brisbon, Amaya J. ...................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Cooks, Niya Amani. ....................................Spanish Fort, Alabama
Davis, Shaniya A ................................................. Decatur, Georgia
Deriso, Nakhira Alaejah ................................ Fayetteville, Georgia
Dubose, Ernest Daisean. ................................Greenville, Alabama
Heath, Brandon Jamal. ........................................ Weaver, Alabama
Herrod, Blair E................................................ La Grange, Georgia
Kennedy, Tyran I. .............................................. Irondale, Alabama
Lake, Kaylin R .................................................... Helena, Alabama
McNeil, JaMyia T............................................, Tuskegee, Alabama
Ramey, Camille Alexia ........................................ St Louis, Missouri
Smith, Imani Naomi ............................................ Chicago, Illinois
Walker, Jasmine Nicole . ..................................... Auburn, Alabama
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
May 11, 2024
e listing of names and degrees to be conferred is subject to change.
Deletions and additions may be necessary to conform to the final and
official records of Tuskegee University.
roBert r. tayLor sChooL of arChiteCture anD
ConstruCtion sCienCe
Aubin, Marco* ......................................... Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Coleman, Dajah M^ ........................................... Mobile, Alabama
Goodman, Journi A** ..........................................Fulshear, Texas
Huff, Chanse Mitchell* .................................. Columbus, Georgia
Lee, Harper A^ ............................................... Hephzibah, Georgia
Mann, Simone Imami ^ ................................ Fayetteville, Georgia
Mitchell, Tyler Deshawn ................................Memphis, Tennessee
Murry, Tyra Yvette**. ........................................ Bessemer, Alabama
Revelo, Andrea Estefany Mejia***............. Fredericksburg, Virginia
Williams, Bryson ^. ............................................ Lithonia, Georgia
Construction Science and Management
Davis, Cedric C ..............................................Pike Road, Alabama
Hereford, Lauryn M., .......................................Madison, Alabama
Huskic, Arnes .................................................Jacksonville, Florida
Jones, Alexis L ............................................... Huntsville, Alabama
Jones, Kenneth Abraham ................................ Columbus, Georgia
Lowden-Monroe, PrinceWilliam E ........................ Houston, Texas
O’Neal, Latrevien V ......................................... Tallassee, Alabama
Samuels, Vernon R ......................................McDonough, Georgia
Sankey II, Dwight Toman* ........................... Compton, California
Stewart, Milkhi ................................................Madison, Alabama
Story III, Clifford ................................................ Lanett, Alabama
Webb, Jr., Keynon Q .................................................Rex, Georgia
sChooL of eDuCation
Elementary Education
Constant, Maya S*** .................................... Moundville, Alabama
Williams, Alexander James** ..........................Cartersville, Georgia
English Language Arts Education
Richardson, Derrius R ......................................Metairie, Louisiana
CoLLege of agriCuLture, enVironment
anD nutrition sCienCes
Agriculture Business
Bowles, Olivia Shavers .................................... Gainesville, Virginia
Bynum, Brianna Taliah*** ................................Greenville, Georgia
Colley, Charlye Victoria*** ................................... Lanett, Alabama
Duff, Ryan M ....................................................Cleveland, Indiana
Jeffries, Tea V ...................................................... Bowie, Maryland
Maloy, Joidan* ................................................. Tuskegee, Alabama
McPherson, Gabriella R* ................................... McCalla, Alabama
Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Asberry, Najah H ............................................Jacksonville, Florida
Barrett, Kodi Lauryn* .................................... Waterford, Michigan
Beachem, Zykearia Shanora Vanae......................Midway, Alabama
Bercey II, Gerald R....................................New Orleans, Louisiana
Birdsall-Moses, Taniah Renée ..................Florence, South Carolina
Booker, Renarda A ...........................................Elkridge, Maryland
Brock, VaSanti C ........................................... Stockbridge, Georgia
Brown, Lexi ........................................................Evergreen, Illinois
Celestine, Kayla Ariel ...............................New Orleans, Louisiana
Clark, Shayla Shicole ........................................... McKinney, Texas
Colemon-Smith, Kailyn B .................................... Chicago, Illinois
David, Taylor A .............................................. Forest Park, Georgia
Davis-Wilson, Mariah J ........................................ Atlanta, Georgia
Dupree-Crawford Ariyah ................................ Fayetteville, Georgia
Ellison, Ashia C* .............................................Newark, New Jersey
Fain, Reginald A ................................................ Newark, Delaware
Farley, Kierra Shanay-Lavender ................... Sandy Springs, Georgia
Faulkner-Taylor, Amaya Z ..............................Lancaster, California
Fleming, Savannah*** .........................Country Club Hills, Illinois
Fletcher, Angeleyah Yvette** ............................Ellenwood, Georgia
Ford, Taylor Kristina ................................Owings Mills, Maryland
Fry, Asha Adia ................................................ Lindenhurst, Illinois
Fuller, Imani Lillian ....................................Los Angeles, California
Gamble, Holly D .............................................Fort Pierce, Florida
Gordon, Eva M .................................................... Chicago, Illinois
Grant, Kayla Simone ........................................... Decatur, Georgia
Gravenor, Brandi* ...........................................Jacksonville, Florida
Green, Austen T ............................................. Accokeek, Maryland
Gresham, KiYanni LaShy’el** .............................. Mobile, Alabama
Griffin, Beyonce Angel ....................................... Decatur, Georgia
Griffiths, Gabrielle ............................................. Auburn, Alabama
Harp, Jordyn A ............................................... Fayetteville, Georgia
Harris, Jayla Alexis*** .....................................Memphis, Tennessee
Hill, Aaliyah Johneitra* ............................ Buckatunna, Mississippi
Jackson, Elise Monique. ..............................Plaquemine, Louisiana
Johnson, Ry’ana Nadae* .................................... Milford, Delaware
Law, Christian J* .............................................. Oak Forest, Illinois
Lundy, Ja’lil Jevonte ...........................................Kenner, Louisiana
Magwood, CeVante Robbi Danielle** ...........Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Mann, Nye ....................................................... San Antonio, Texas
McKithen, Anthony Demestre ........Timmonsville, South Carolina
McNeal, Kynia D ............................................Jacksonville, Florida
Ortega, Faraluz ............................................. Phenix City, Alabama
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
Owens, Tiffany S .................................................Palm Bay, Florida
Pittman, Haylisha E ..............................................Rosharon, Texas
Powell, Jordan K ................................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Primos, Neema W*** ................................... Kansas City, Missouri
Ricks, Ashawnte Ne’le ................................... Portsmouth, Virginia
Ryce, Kameryn Jaylyn*** .............................Birmingham, Alabama
Sama, Magdalane Vakuna ................................. Jonesboro, Georgia
Scott, Gloria R .............................................Little Rock, Arkansas
Shields, Donovan L ............................................St Louis, Missouri
Silburn, Sharde D ..................................... Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Smith, Keyurah A* ............................................. Pensacola, Florida
Smith, Khori Kalayne** ....................................... Mchenry, Illinois
Smith, Tamea Michelle*** ............................ Woodbridge, Virginia
Sweeting, Nolan Earnel. ................................Cary, North Carolina
Taylor, Adrionna C ....................................Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Tillery, Dejah A ................................................. Fairburn, Georgia
Watson, Madya B** ......................................... Columbus, Georgia
Weary, Sarah N ...........................................Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Williams, Kezia L ............................F’sted, St. Croix, Virgin Island
Williams, Simone M** .....................................Delran, New Jersey
Wilson, Rayne Graciela Yangapatty .....................Conyers, Georgia
Wilson, Ziria Ann ...........................................Covington, Georgia
Woods, Kayla K ..........................................Birmingham, Alabama
Yance, Eli T*** ................................................... Dothan, Alabama
Zapata, Guadalupe Casilda ................................Gadsden, Alabama
Environmental, Natural Resources and Plant Sciences
Jones-Rapier, Nayomi L* . .............................. Jonesboro, Georgia
Hawkins-Jones, Kenadee ............................Ellicott City, Maryland
Brown, Kendall Emmaea* ..................................Snellville, Georgia
Barrow, Jessica S ......................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Graves, Faith Christina ............................... Montgomery, Alabama
Overton, Kameryn Elise*** ...................................Wichita, Kansas
Food and Nutritional Sciences
Heard, Amoria N* .............................................. Lithonia, Georgia
Jones, Nevada A** ......................................... Brandon, Mississippi
Scott, Wayne Anthony ................................... El Cajon, California
Hall, Elissa Michelle ......................................... Hampton, Georgia
Johnson, Amya B ............................................... Suwanee, Georgia
Luster, Kynidi Alexandria* ........................Pleasant Grove, Georgia
Patterson, Diallo Amon ...................................... Fairburn, Georgia
Lesure, Vanessa, Joy* ............................................ Atlanta, Georgia
Lucien-Norman, Shontia Dymonique^ .....New Orleans, Louisiana
CoLLege of arts anD sCienCes
Bell, Demeah S ................................................ Roanoke, Alabama
Bradley, Antoinette Zhane ...................................Columbus, Ohio
Cager, Tajanae N .............................................Ellenwood, Georgia
Collins, Alayah Lekelle** ............................Ellicott City, Maryland
Collins, Alexis L*........................................Ellicott City, Maryland
Cotton V, Edward Purnell** .......................... Plymouth, Michigan
Crenshaw, Heaven M ........................................ Semmes, Alabama
Daniels, Tia Nichole*** ..............................Montgomery, Alabama
Ellis, Genelle P* .........................................Montgomery, Alabama
Fesser, My’zhane Lychelle ................................... Portland, Oregon
Ginyard, Maya Annise .............. Washington, District of Columbia
Green, Zoie B ............................................. Birmingham, Alabama
Hicks, Cecilia Franchelle Anne ............................ Decatur, Georgia
Hill, Gemya Sarah Anthonia .................................Senoia, Georgia
Hinton, Shardae S^ ............................................Fairburn, Georgia
Hughes, Courtney Keare ............................Birmingham, Alabama
Jones, Tahj Latrell*** ....................................... Anniston, Alabama
Joseph, Wischell*** ........................................ Columbia, Missouri
Khurram, Amarah* .............................................. Buford, Georgia
Levert, Alice L .................................................... Auburn, Alabama
Lewis, Equavon D ......................................Montgomery, Alabama
Peeples, Bryonna* .............................................Tuskegee, Alabama
Perry, Chakayla Artrice ...................................... Acworth, Georgia
Romelus, Gilbert** ...................................... Clarksville, Tennessee
Smith, Trinity A* ....................................... Boynton Beach, Florida
Stoker, Felicia Lynnae ...............................................Conroe, Texas
Tate, Derek A ......................................................... Humble, Texas
ompson, Evyn M .......................................Memphis, Tennessee
Tuck, Kalen N^ ............................................... Southside, Alabama
Ward, Nevaeh^ ....................................................Cincinnati, Ohio
Washington, Timothy E^ .......................Stone Mountain, Georgia
White, Jameria* ......................................West Palm Beach, Florida
Williams, Myles Elijah...................................... Madison, Alabama
Williams, Savannah C ..........................................Atlanta, Georgia
Wynn, Ti’mia Elyse*** .............................Pleasant Grove, Alabama
Easterling, Jr., Randall Charles ............................Benton, Arkansas
Evans, Errenous Savon ....................................Ellenwood, Georgia
Glover, Kennedy A., ................................. Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Hayes, Rhyan Kobe .............................................. Chicago, Illinois
Hollins, Jermya N., ........................................ Grovetown, Georgia
Miles, Mariah A*** ..................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Patterson, Diallo Amon* .................................... Fairburn, Georgia
Rhoades, Cecilia Breanna** ......................... Aiken, South Carolina
Rowell, Nyah Simone*** ................................ Florence, Alabama
Colbert, RaNyia L* ............................................Vallejo, California
Green, Qwanzaa Que** ........................................Orlando, Florida
Hooks, Destiny Lee-Lynette .......................... Stockbridge, Georgia
Jordan, Amanda Jennifer*** ............................. Tuskegee, Alabama
Mathis, Sionnie Renee ..............................Willingboro, New Jersey
Mitchell, Kobi A^ ...................................... McDonough, Georgia
Monroe, Drelon J ..........................................Prairieville, Louisiana
Owens, Dajha M ............................................Union City, Georgia
Parker, Kaleb JaDon ............................................Albany, Georgia
Barton, Jalen D’Andre ....................................... Tallassee, Alabama
Miller, Derrick^ ..................................... Stone Mountain, Georgia
Richardson, Derrius R ......................................Metairie, Louisiana
Williams, Alanei Jaliyah** .................Summerville, South Carolina
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning (1st Online Cohort in Liberal Studies)
Ford, Diron omas* .................................Lithia Springs, Georgia
Pinckney, Quincey K ......................... Summerville, South Carolina
Liberal Studies
Calhoun, Arianna, L* ..............................................Evans, Georgia
Edmonds, Deonne Shante’. .........................Hamden, Connecticut
Williams, DeAndre Tyron ..................................Pensacola, Florida
Liberal Studies-DL^^
Driskell, Lemuel Aaron ...................................... Dothan, Alabama
Fuller, DeAndre Montez^ ................. .........Baton Rouge, Louisiana
McKitt Myrick, Marie, Etta., ............................ Prattville, Alabama
Ray, A’loni Alexandria. ........................................Cedar Hill, Texas
Patton, Janae Yvonne* ........................................... Lansing, Kansas
Hudson, Teryon D ................................. Powder Springs, Georgia
Political Science
Calixte, Alexis Carin ..............................Royal Palm Beach, Florida
Harris, Tahzjha Alese .................................Chattanooga, Tennessee
Henry, Ryan ....................................................... Pensacola, Florida
Hines, Zoe K ...................................................... Suwanee, Georgia
Holley, Reagen Elise ................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Hood, Kennedy Imani ..................................... Mableton, Georgia
Jackson, Kennedi Grace .............................. Montgomery, Alabama
King, Ayanna Monae* .................................Birmingham, Alabama
Lowe, Imani M .......................................... Hawthorne, California
Reese, Dori Chanell ..........................................Florence, Alabama
Roper, Ahlyease M ....................................... Calumet City, Illinois
Spencer, Cyniah Renee ...................................... Fairburn, Georgia
Watson, Tyler Nichole .......................................... Chicago, Illinois
Alcena, Bianca, R***........................................Greenville, Alabama
Bailey, Elohna Evita Elise .................................. Mableton, Georgia
Bolin, Brittney* .................................................... Roanoke, Texas
Champion, Amaya Danyelle*** ............................ Atlanta, Georgia
Dees, Jeremy A** ............................................. Evergreen, Alabama
Edmonds, Madison M** ......................................Fortson, Georgia
Hampton, Johnea, F** ................................. Lakewood, California
Harris, Kai Amari** ....................................... Huntsville, Alabama
Harris, Mikylah A ..................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Hill, Morgan A .................................................. Fairburn, Georgia
Innocent, Gaelle*** ................................................ Miami, Florida
Kemmer, Jovaughn Delane. ................................. Buckeye, Arizona
Lawrence, Taylor** ............................................. Atlanta, Georgia
Loeffel, Makyla Sierra* ....................................... Auburn, Alabama
Lucas, Sadiya Sanaa* ............................................. Novi, Michigan
Malik, Mikayla, Iman*** ....................................... Houston, Texas
Manuel, Jasmine Renee ....................................St. Louis, Missouri
Maxwell, Troy Bailey*** ................................... Mableton, Georgia
McClellan, Gabrielle Celine***. .......................... Helena, Alabama
Rector, T’yauna Michelle*** ............................... Bauxite, Arkansas
Shealey, Jada S**. ..................................... Alexander City, Alabama
Stokes, Malaika Imani ........................................ Frankfort, Illinois
Sykes, Kristalynn A .....................................Birmingham, Alabama
omas, Jessica T ........................................Birmingham, Alabama
Washington, Jalen Davion ...................................... Tampa, Florida
Social Work
Bentley, Hanna Brooke ....................................... Auburn, Alabama
Brown, Kendahl*** .......................................... Villa Rica, Georgia
Washington, Mikaela Jo’Elicia* .......................... Auburn, Alabama
Blackburn-Graves, Sarai S ......................Moreno Valley, California
Bryant, Destini La’Ja. ......................................Oakland, California
Howard II, Cedric Bernard* ..................Bonney Lake, Washington
Napier, Zariah S .................................................Lake Park, Florida
anDreW f. Brimmer
CoLLege of Business anD information sCienCe
Whitehead, Jabari Jaqan** .................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Business Administration
Curry, Natasha Denise** ........................................ Hudson, Ohio
Franklin, Syreniti Jade .............................................. Desoto, Texas
Hunter, Candis C* ........................................Cottondale, Alabama
Johnson, Caelan B .................................. Stone Mountain, Georgia
Lowe, Preston I ..........................................Brentwood, Tennessee
Computer Science
Alexander, Kari O*** ........................................Tallahassee, Florida
Barrie, Alieu Atuahene ................................... Palmdale, California
Evans, Logan Monae* .......................................... Mobile, Alabama
Hall, Christian Donovan** .................................. Mobile, Alabama
Harris, Kori Symone* ................................. Center Point, Alabama
Oliver, Trevion Christopher .................................. Atlanta, Georgia
Sneed, Ari Toniyah** ..........................................Snellville, Georgia
Williams, Cameron A ....................................... Tuskegee, Alabama
Computer Science Information Systems
Grayson, Duane Ellis* .......................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Computer Science Information Technology
Cross II, Shawn Cedric. .............................Birmingham, Alabama
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
Whitehead, Jabari Jaqan** .................................... Atlanta, Georgia
B A
 C
Lewis, Shagourney Dante^.......................Montgomery, Alabama
Business Management
Allen, Kayla Sierra^ ......................................... Ellenwood, Georgia
Calhoun, Kendrick J ........................................ Tuskegee, Alabama
Dinsmore, Ronald D ........................................... Helena, Alabama
Freeman, Calvin L^ ...................................... Silver Creek, Georgia
Harper, Mya* ..................................................... Auburn, Alabama
Horne, Davon J^ .................................................. Chicago, Illinois
Jackson, Keyonnia Ty’Kerria** ......................Monroeville, Alabama
Johnson III, Tony ................................................. Apopka, Florida
McIver, Elijah Kennedy ............................. Los Angeles, California
Economics and Finance
Jones, Veronica Sade* ............................................Salem, Alabama
Lewis, Shagourney Dante*** ...................... Montgomery, Alabama
Loeffel, Makyla S* .............................................. Auburn, Alabama
Lucas, Sadiya Sanaa* ............................................. Novi, Michigan
Malik, Mikayla, Iman*** ....................................... Houston, Texas
Manuel, Jasmine Renee ....................................St. Louis, Missouri
Maxwell, Troy Bailey*** ................................... Mableton, Georgia
McClellan, Gabrielle Celine***. .......................... Helena, Alabama
Rector, T’yauna Michelle*** ............................... Bauxite, Arkansas
Shealey, Jada S**. ..................................... Alexander City, Alabama
Solomon, Mario Darrell* ........................................Dolton, Illinois
Stokes, Malaika Imani ........................................ Frankfort, Illinois
Sykes, Kristalynn A .....................................Birmingham, Alabama
omas, Jessica T ........................................Birmingham, Alabama
Washington, Jalen D .............................................. Tampa, Florida
Sales and Marketing
Brooks, Seanna E*** ................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Brown, Shayla G*** ............................................Detroit, Michigan
Chandler, Jade Lynn ....................................... Glendale, California
Collins, Camry Chenaé ................................... Ellenwood, Georgia
Douglas, Kyle ....................................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Gamble, Jalen R*................................................ Mobile, Alabama
Ligon, Joseph Christopher^ .................................Cincinnati, Ohio
McIntosh, Cameron Demeiko ............................. Mobile, Alabama
Mims, Jordan Christopher .....................Columbia, South Carolina
Webb, Shamiyah M^ .................................... Calumet City, Illinois
Williams, Emperor ...................................Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Willis, Lanyia L^ ................................................ Frankfort, Illinois
Teal, Celeste H ................................................ Columbus, Georgia
Supply Chain Management
Brock, Jr., Michael P* ..................................... Nashville, Tennessee
Edmond, Colby Hamilton .............................. Columbus, Georgia
Shannon, Olivia S* ..................................... Long Beach, California
West, Jhaelyn Vaughn................................Baton Rouge, Louisiana
CoLLege of engineering
Aerospace Science Engineering
Donehue, Jasmine L .................................... McDonough, Georgia
Escoe-Brown, Khalil ...........................................Detroit, Michigan
Johnson, Eric M* ....................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Jones, Aaliyah Stephanie Rodriguez** ........New Orleans, Louisiana
Marshall-Leverette, Lavoris D...................... Clarksville, Tennessee
Martell, Timothy A* .....................................Ephrata, Pennsylvania
Mister, Cameron, X ............................................. Belleville, Illinois
Monceaux, Matthew Duke** ................................Athens, Alabama
Roberts, Michael Ezekiel* ................................. Jonesboro, Georgia
omas, Monica N ............................................ Mobile, Alabama
Chemical Engineering
Beard, Marianna Jenae ...................................Memphis, Tennessee
Harden, Brianna Kay^................................... Mt Vernon, Alabama
Harry, Ibiada Makala .......................... Tuskegee Institute, Alabama
Higgs, Isaiah K .............................................. Appleton, Wisconsin
Hornbuckle, Albany Shaye ..........................Birmingham, Alabama
Miles, Brianna Gail^ ............................................. Selma, Alabama
Odom, Eriel K** ............................................. Gautier, Mississippi
Pasley, Shaniah Janae** ......................................Marbury, Alabama
Williams, Kalyce Iyana ..................................Camarillo, California
Computer Engineering
Coleman, Logan Allyse^ .....................................Beachwood, Ohio
Electrical Engineering
Bryant, Terry W^ ............................................Prentiss, Mississippi
Dejarnette-Crumsey, Lakaiya Kayonna** ...... Eastpointe, Michigan
Etinge, Zachary N. ..............................................Augusta, Georgia
Jackson, Princeton ......................................... Livingston, Alabama
Johnson, Destiny Imani^ ........................West Palm Beach, Florida
Mack, Jordan A^ ........................................................Frisco, Texas
Moore, Deriyan Timothy R^ ............ American Canyon, California
Stanard, Amariah C^ ............................................. Tucker, Georgia
Mechanical Engineering
Alotaibi, Abdulrahman ....................................... Auburn, Alabama
Billups, Fernando L ............................................. Mobile, Alabama
Bowen, Aaron, Fitzgerald** ........................ Montgomery, Alabama
Bradley, Jabryant Treymon .................................. Mobile, Alabama
Brooks, Cayla Robyn ......................................... League City, Texas
Brown, Lanee A .................................................... Chicago, Illinois
Bush, Koby ......................................................... Mobile, Alabama
Carter, Anaya Sanaa Kristen* ................................ Chicago, Illinois
Davis, Mariah K ...................................................Selma, Alabama
Eanochs, Jalani Ziad *** ...................................Fayette, Mississippi
Hackworth, Noah Eliyah** .................................Cincinnati, Ohio
Hamilton, Kayla Michelle* .............................. Columbus, Georgia
Honors: Cum Laude* | Magna Cum Laude** | Summa Cum Laude***|^Participants |^^Distant Learning
Howlette, Cory Christopher ................................. Atlanta, Georgia
Johnson, Corylann M.....................................Hueytown, Alabama
Kelly, Devin M** ........................................ Montgomery, Alabama
Lee II, Mark Anthony*. ....................................... Conyers, Georgia
McBryde, Alisa L ................................................. Mobile, Alabama
McDaniel, Marc C ......................................... Fayetteville, Georgia
Minley, Duane P .................................................. Atlanta, Georgia
Mitchell, Alexander George .........................Birmingham, Alabama
Pruitte, Mason Emmanuel*** .........................Memphis, Tennessee
Seay, Brandon B ...............................American Canyon, California
Sims, Chloe Alexandria* ................................... Alabaster, Alabama
Stocks, Jonathan C*** .......................... Matthews, North Carolina
omas, Isaac J* ............................................. Huntsville, Alabama
Weems II, Jevon James ..........................Moreno Valley, California
Willis, Cody Dion* .................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Yancey, Paul D .................................................... Decatur, Georgia
sChooL of nursing anD aLLieD heaLth
Health Science
Abrams, Alexzandria ........................................... Fairburn, Georgia
Austin, C’ Nya, M ........................................... Oakland, California
Banks, Aaliyah Mahogani ................................... Fairburn, Georgia
Barnett, Makayla R^ ..................................Los Angeles, California
Bates, Taylor T^ .................................................. Augusta, Georgia
Briggs, Breanna M* ........................................ Murrieta, California
Brooks, JaRon M .................................................Cincinnati, Ohio
Brown, Ashawntae Mydre ................................ San Antonio, Texas
Burney, Tamiia A ............................................... Macon, Georgia
Carson, Sanaa A* .............................................Vacaville, California
Carson, Sariah A .............................................Vacaville, California
Clarke, Jala A’nia ............................................... Decatur, Alabama
Coleman, Lauryn Sanaa ......................................Bellwood, Illinois
Curry, Lauryn Ja’nae .............................................Margate, Florida
Dickerson, Destiny Monet ................... North Palm Beach, Florida
Divinity, Drelyn D^ ...................................Chino Hills, California
Ellis, Lindsay C* ................................................ McCalla, Alabama
Ford, Deasia J*** ............................................... Americus, Georgia
Gittoes, Mikayla, Renee .................................... Carson, California
Graves, Jaelyn ...................................................Fairfield, California
Graydon, Dante K. ..............................................Conyers, Georgia
Griffin, Armani ................................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Hamilton, Arianna N .................................... Indianapolis, Indiana
Harris, Kayle J ................................................ Murrieta, California
Harvey, Deondre* ........................................Homewood, Alabama
Henderson, Meagen C ..............................................Killeen, Texas
Henderson, Raymond D ........................ Stone Mountain, Georgia
Hill, Nyell Aanisah ............................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Horton, Jakeira T^ ..................................... Montgomery, Alabama
Jackson, Jaden Amiya* ....................................... Plantation, Florida
Jackson, Linda Loretta Viola...............................Suisun, California
Jones, Raquel D .................................... North Lauderdale, Florida
Kennon, Antonio D ........................................... Lithonia, Georgia
Kenny, Carlee M* ..........................................Indianapolis, Indiana
Knight, Ashley Darnell ..........................................Macon, Georgia
Martin, Amber V ................................................Grayson, Georgia
McClendon, Mya S ........................... West Sacramento, California
Mosley, Prince J* .........................................Birmingham, Alabama
Nettles, Ryan S ................................................ Evergreen, Alabama
Njoku, Crystal Nneka ......................................Dadeville, Alabama
Ogletree, Jordan K ............................................ Lagrange, Georgia
Padi, Angelica P* ....................................... Parisippany, New Jersey
Partridge, Kayla M .............................................. Atlanta, Georgia
Phelps, Destiny, F. ................................................ Chicago, Illinois
Pippin, Asjah V** .........................................Raymond, Mississippi
Ruff, Montaya .................................................. Mableton, Georgia
Samuel, Cydni V .......................................New Orleans, Louisiana
Stoneback, Ayriana M*....................................Notasulga, Alabama
Stubbs, Nykiah B ............................................... Auburn, Alabama
ibodeaux, Makayla A. ............................New Orleans, Louisiana
ompson, Abigayle Eliza ..........................Fort Benning, Georgia
Toombs, Ciara P ........................................Power Springs, Georgia
Warren, Kaila D ..........................................Birmingham, Alabama
Willis, Alaysia Z .............................................Riverside, California
Willis, Shannon Dee** ..................................... Jonesboro, Georgia
Winston, Caneshia T^........................................... Valley, Alabama
Wright, Xavier Marcellus^ ................................. Madison, Alabama
Adams, Hatim* ......................................................... El Paso, Texas
Aikens, Daisha Anaya ........................................ . Lithonia, Georgia
Alves, Shianne N ................................................... Atlanta, Georgia
Blanco, Kayla J ...................................................Meraux, Louisiana
Brown, Aryn Shantel ........................................... Marietta, Georgia
Brown, Chadney Taylor Angelique ........................ Swansea, Illinois
Brown, Dyamond......................................... McDonough, Georgia
Debrow, Payton J* .................................... Pleasant Grove, Alabama
Dixon, Madison Sinclair* ....................................Daphne, Alabama
Hall, Jayla J .......................................................... Pinson, Alabama
Hall, Jaylia J................. .......................................Pinson, Alabama
Hayes, Tyla L* ................................................. Madison, Wisconsin
Jones, Jalyn A ..................................................... St Louis, Missouri
McElroy, Mikayla S ..................................... Birmingham, Alabama
Nelson, Kailee C ....................................... South Holland, Illinois
Nelson, Makira Denise ............................... Montgomery, Alabama
Oliver, Yazmeen T ...................................... Birmingham, Alabama
Phillips, Tiera A ...................................... Stone Mountain, Georgia
Poe, Mikeah S .......................................................Chicago, Illinois
Ruffin, Nalah F .......................................Stone Mountain, Georgia
Samuel, Jacquelyn K** ....................................Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Sanders, Erryial N ....................................... Center Point, Alabama
Shakir, Najiya C .......................................North Las Vegas, Nevada
Taylor, Myesha L ............................................... . Auburn, Alabama
Washington, Brianna K ............................... Montgomery, Alabama
May 11, 2024
uniteD states army
seConD Lieutenant
aCtiVe Duty
Alexander, Kari O’Neal*** ................................. Tallahassee, Florida
Ford, Deasia Janee*** ......... ............................... Americus, Georgia
Ford, Diron omas* ...................................Lithia Springs, Georgia
Griffin, Beyonce Angel .......................................... Decatur, Georgia
Lee II, Mark Anthony* ..........................................Conyers, Georgia
Surface Warfare – USS Lassen (DDG 82)
Homeported in Mayport, Florida
Monceaux, Matthew Duke** ................................. Athens, Alabama
Surface Warfare – USS Carl Levin (DDG 120)
Homeported in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
seConD Lieutenant
Aikens, Daisha ..................................................... Lithonia, Georgia
Surgical Nurse, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada
Coleman, Dajah M^ .............................................Mobile, Alabama
Civil Engineer, Travis Air Force Base, California
Donehue, Jasmine L ...................................... McDonough, Georgia
Pilot, Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas
Lee, Harper A^ ................................................ Hephzibah, Georgia
Combat Systems Officer, Pensacola Naval Air Station, Florida
Mister, Cameron X ................................................Belleville, Illinois
Aircraft Maintenance, Beale Air Force Base, California
Washington, Jalen D ...............................................Tampa, Florida
Nuclear and Missile Operations,
Vandenberg Space Force Base, California
Williams, DeAndre T ...........................................Pensacola, Florida
Aircraft Maintenance, Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea
About the Tuskegee National Alumni Association
Founded in 1905, the Tuskegee National Alumni Association has a diverse and rich history of bringing Tuskegee University
alumni together to support the institution, its students and each other. TNAA provides its members with access to a vast network
of professionals and offers alumni endless opportunities to connect, build relationships, and participate in and continue to learn
from the incredible Tuskegee community.
Membership in the association is available to all alumni and former students of Tuskegee University, as well as their relatives
and spouses, and current and former members of the university faculty and staff. Membership levels allow individuals to join
regionally located clubs, one of TNAAs seven affiliated professional alumni organizations, or as members-at-large.
Our Mission
To enrich the lives of alumni and involve them in Tuskegees future.
For more information, visit
aLumni oath
We, the graduates of Tuskegee University, are conscious of our obligations to be both
faithful followers and dependable leaders. Joining the thousands of Tuskegee Alumni,
we commit ourselves to be worthy sons and daughters of our Alma Mater; to realize
in ourselves high standards of integrity and competence; to fulfill in ourselves her
tradition of unselfish service to mankind; to give liberally of our time, talents and
financial support to assure her continued viability; and in the near and distant future,
we will meet lifes challenges with courage and dignity.
“e Tuskegee Song
Tuskegee, thou pride of the swift growing South
We pay thee our homage today
For the worth of thy teaching, the joy of thy care;
And the good we have known ’neath thy sway.
Oh, long-striving mother of diligent sons
And of daughters whose strength is their pride,
We will love thee forever and ever shall walk
ro’ the oncoming years at thy side.
y Hand we have held up the difficult steeps,
When painful and slow was the pace,
And onward and upward weve labored with thee
For the glory of God and our race.
e fields smile to greet us, the forests are glad,
e ring of the anvil and hoe
Have a music as thrilling and sweet as a harp
Which thou taught us to hear and to know.
Oh, mother Tuskegee, thou shinest today
As a gem in the fairest of lands;
ou gavest the Heav’n-blessed power to see
e worth of our minds and our hands.
We thank thee, we bless thee, we pray for thee years
Imploring with grateful accord,
Full fruit for thy striving, time longer to strive,
Sweet love and true labors reward.
by Paul Laurence Dunbar