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Introduction: Below is a sample board member and officer agreement form, also
commonly called a board roles and responsibilities document or a board member
job description. The sample below is just that, a sample. To be valuable, it must be
adapted to meet the unique needs of your organization. It is important to spent
time coming to agreement about what your organization needs from its board
members, and how board members will be held accountable to meet those
Organization (ORG’s) Board of Directors is a governing board with legal and
fiduciary responsibility to the organization. Pennsylvania law requires board
members to discharge duties: “. . . in good faith, in a manner in which he or she
reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the corporation, and with such
care, including reasonable inquiry, skill and diligence, as a person of ordinary
prudence would use under similar circumstances.” All ORG board members are
required to fulfill this legal and fiduciary obligation. The roles and responsibilities
outlined below are intended to guide each current and prospective board member,
and to provide an understanding of what is expected from the board above and
beyond the legal requirements.
NOTE: State laws vary. It is important to know the law in your state. !
I. Recognition of the mission:
Members of the Board of Directors are expected to understand and support ORG’s
mission, serve as ambassadors for ORG and lend advice and expertise to ORG’s
leadership. Board members, therefore, should be familiar with the following:
1. ORG’s mission statement, program areas and strategic plan.
2. The basic staffing and structure of ORG.
II. General Oversight:
Although the Board of Directors is not expected to make operating decisions, it
must perform certain critical oversight functions, in addition to those listed above:
1. Hire, support and annually evaluate the Executive Director
2. Recruit and acclimate members of the Board of Directors
3. Create and implement board procedures
4. Review the performance of the Board of Directors annually
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5. Ensure compliance with and periodically update the organization’s bylaws
6. Provide strategic direction, which includes regular reviews of the organization’s
mission, vision and values, and active maintenance and delivery on strategic
7. Provide oversight regarding legal contracts and concerns
8. Formulate policies
9. Advocate for and promote ORG
III. Fiscal Oversight:
The Board of Directors must provide broad fiscal oversight, including the adoption
of an annual budget, quarterly review of revenue and expenses, and review of tax
forms and audits. Board members are expected to serve in a fiduciary capacity,
utilizing their judgment and discretion for the benefit of ORG.
IV. Fundraising and development:
As a non-profit agency, fundraising and development are vital to the success of
ORG. One of the most important functions of the board is to assist and oversee
ORG’s fundraising efforts. Consistent with this, all board members are expected to
do the following:
1. Identify and evaluate prospects, cultivate and solicit gifts, actively support
development programs, and offer personal acknowledgments to donors and
2. Provide leadership, contribute ideas and actively advocate for the fundraising
and development efforts of the organization.
3. Make a financial gift of at least $X annually. At least a portion of a board
member’s financial gift should to be made within the first quarter of the fiscal
Make a personally significant financial gift to X annually. It is requested that
board members make ORG one of their top three philanthropic contributions. At
least a portion of a board member’s financial gift should to be made within the
first quarter of the fiscal year.
NOTE: The first option is more common, but many nonprofits are moving to
the second wording in order to not price out low-income people (who often
include the organizations constituency.) This wording allows the individual to
self-select an amount, but provides some guidance regarding how much is
expected. It is important that each board member give in the first quarter of
the fiscal year in order to leverage having 100% board giving for fundraising
4. Solicit the financial support of others in addition to his or her personal
5. Attend as many ORG programs and development events as possible.
Attend and bring a minimum of X guests to ORG’s annual fundraiser.
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V. Involvement in Meetings, Committees and Events:
Board members are expected to actively participate in board meetings and serve on
at least one board committee. Board Members are strongly encouraged to attend
ORG’s public events.
VI. Officers: Officers of the Board of Directors are expected to fulfill the
responsibilities of a board member, in addition to the specific responsibilities of the
officer position held.
Chair: The Board Chair is expected to provide leadership to and manage ORG’s
Board of Directors and Executive Committee, ensuring that ORG’s Board fulfills its
legal and financial obligations and individual board members fulfill their board
responsibilities. The Board Chair facilitates communication and decision-making
within the board. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Convening and facilitating board and Executive Committee meetings
2. Providing accountability regarding attendance, individual giving and other
individual board member commitments
3. Ensuring the recruitment and orientation of new board members
NOTE: It is often a board committee’s responsibility to recruit and orient new
board members. The board chair doesn’t need to do it. She or he just needs to
ensure that it happens.
4. Maintaining regular contact with the Executive Director and being available as
5. Ensuring annual evaluation of the Executive Director and board
NOTE: It is often the responsibility of board committees to facilitate annual
evaluations of the board and Executive Director. The board chair doesn’t need to
be the one to facilitate the evaluations. She or he just needs to ensure that they
Vice-Chair:! The Board Vice-Chair is expected to provide leadership to ORG’s Board
of Directors, ensuring that ORG’s Board fulfills its legal and financial obligations and
individual board members fulfill their board responsibilities. The Board Vice-Chair
serves as a member of the Executive Committee and supports the Board Chair in
his or her board leadership. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:!
1. Fulfill the roles and responsibilities of the Chair in the case of her or his inability
or absence
2. Fulfill the roles and responsibilities of the Secretary in the case of her or his
inability or absence
Secretary: The Board Secretary is expected to establish and oversee sound
practices for documentation and effective procedures for board communication. The
Board Secretary serves as a member of the Executive Committee. Specific
responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Overseeing the recording and distribution of board and Executive Committee
meeting minutes
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2. Keeping records of all official board communication (including but not limited
board meeting minutes) and official and/or legal organizational documents, such
as bylaws
3. Ensuring bylaws, articles of incorporation and other key documents are up-to-
date, and that board resolutions are integrated
4. Signing organizational documents as needed
Treasurer: The Board Treasurer is expected to provide financial oversight and
monitor the financial health of the organization. The Treasurer serves as a member
of the Executive Committee and chairs ORG’s Finance Committee. Specific
responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Overseeing, in coordination with the Executive Director:
a. The creation, presentation and monitoring of the annual budget
b. The timely and accurate completion of the organization’s tax forms and
annual audit
c. The creation and distribution of financial reports prior to board meetings
2. Presenting financial information to the board and being available for questions
3. Monitoring compliance with financial policies and procedures; suggesting
changes and new policies as needed
4. Providing regular financial oversight and alerting the Executive Committee
immediately if concerns arise
VI. Length of terms:
By agreeing to serve ORG, a member of the Board of Directors agrees to participate
in one (1) X-year term. A board member may serve X consecutive X-year terms for
a total of X years.
After serving X consecutive terms, a board member must rotate off the board for
one (1) year. During this time, they may choose to still participate in board
committees but will not be part of the formal Board of Directors. After a one-year
hiatus, the member may reapply to the board of directors.
NOTE: This section must align with your organization’s bylaws.
I understand and have read the terms of ORG’s Board of Directors and Officers
Roles and Responsibilities. I am committed to fulfilling these duties.
Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________
Increasing*the*effe c t iv e n es s * o f*mission1driven*organizations*