This brochure, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.1/2014/8/Rev.1, recommends
reconciliations of the differences between the International Driving
Permit categories in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the
corresponding definition for the same symbol in the EU Driving Licence
Directive (2006/126/EC of 20 December 2006)
As a result of the discrepancies in the Driving Permit/Licence Categories between the
1968 Convention on Road Traffic (Convention) and the EU Driving Licence Directive,
(2006/126/EC of 20 December 2006 (3
Directive)), governments issuing or associations
empowered to issue International Driving Permits (IDPs) have faced difficulties in the
interpretation of the EU categories and the appropriate corresponding United Nations
category code to be recorded in the IDP.
Whilst the discrepancies cannot be
resolved in the immediate future, it is
important that guidance be provided
to the governments and associations
issuing IDPs to the holders of EU
driving licences that have been
issued in accordance with the 3
This document will help ensure that
IDPs are issued in a consistent
manner by all governments and
associations, and will help to avoid
the inconsistencies arising from
governments and associations
drawing their own conclusions
regarding the appropriate category
code to be assigned.
This document also provides
direction on how to complete the
‘Restrictive Conditions of Use’
designated space. In addition to the
restrictions (if relevant) listed in the
Convention such as “Must wear corrective lenses”, “Valid only for driving vehicle No. …”,
“Vehicle must be equipped to be driven by a one-legged person” being stated, the
restrictions on IDP listed on page 4 of this brochure (see last column of Table titled
“Recommended reconciliations of the IDP categories in the 1968 Convention on Road
Traffic and the licence categories defined in EU Directive 2006/126/EC”) are to be stated
in the designated space.
This is because certain EU definitions of a particular licence category are more restrictive
than the definition of the corresponding driving permit category in the Convention. For
example, EU licence category B1 permits only quadricycles to be driven by the holder of
a B1 driving licence, whilst the Convention allows tricycles and quadricycles to be driven
by the holder of a B1 driving permit. Accordingly, the IDP issued to the holder of a B1
driving licence issued in the EU should state “No Tricycles” as a Restrictive Condition of
Recommended reconciliations of the IDP categories in the 1968
Convention on Road Traffic and the licence categories defined in
EU Directive 2006/126/EC
Category or subcategory
on EU licence
Category or subcategory
on IDP (1968 Convention)
Restriction(s) on IDP
and B1
Design speed ≤ 45 km/h
and B1
- Power/weight ≤ 0,1 kW/kg
- Tricycles ≤ 15 kW
- No quadricycles
- Power ≤ 35 kW
- Power/weight ≤ 0.2 kW/kg
- Not derived from a vehicle of more than double its power.
and B1
No quadricycles
No tricycles
No tricycles
B with Code 96
- Combined permissible maximum mass 4,250 kg
- No tricycles
Maximum authorized mass of the trailer or semi-trailer ≤ 3,500 kg
C1E and BE
Combined permissible maximum mass ≤ 12,000 kg
Length ≤ 8 m
Drawing vehicle length ≤ 8 m
Red colour - aspects included in the 1968 Convention that were omitted or changed in the EU 3rd Directive.
Blue colour - aspects included in the EU 3rd Directive that do not appear in or differ from the 1968 Convention.
Green colour - highlights the symbol and restrictive conditions of use in combination with the appropriate Category from the
1968 Convention to be recorded in the IDP.
Orange colour - highlights when more than one Category from the 1968 Convention is to be recorded in the IDP.
Contracting Parties outside the European Economic Area (EEA) will restrict categories A and A1 to two-wheeled vehicles
Contracting Parties outside the EU will only allow trailers of which the permissible maximum mass does not exceed the
unladen mass of the tractor vehicle and restrict this driving authorisation to a combined permissible maximum mass of the
vehicles so coupled up to 12,000 kg.
Appropriate IDP category for categories of vehicles in paragraph 8
of Annex 6 of the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic
1968 Convention on Road
Traffic Definition
(28 March 2006
EU 3
Directive Definition
(Directive 2006/126/EC of
20 December 2006)
Category and
Recorded in IDP
Information for
holders of EU
driving licences
issued as of
19 Jan 2013
Motorcycles, with or without a sidecar
and motor tricycles with a maximum
design speed of more than 45 km/h
and power exceeding 15kW.
and B1
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
19 January 2013:
No Quadricycles
Category A on IDP
is restricted to two
wheeled vehicles
Motor vehicles, other than
those in category A, having a
permissible maximum mass
not exceeding 3,500kg and
not more than eight seats in
addition to the driver’s seat;
or motor vehicles of category
B coupled to a trailer the
permissible maximum mass
of which does not exceed
750kg; or motor vehicles of
category B coupled to a
trailer the permissible
maximum mass of which
exceeds 750kg but does
not exceed the unladen
mass of the motor vehicle,
where the combined
permissible maximum
mass of the vehicles so
coupled does not exceed
Motor Vehicles with a maximum
authorised mass not exceeding
3,500kg and designed and
constructed for the carriage of no
more than eight passengers in
addition to the driver; motor vehicles in
this category may be combined with a
trailer having a maximum authorised
mass which does not exceed 750kg.
Without prejudice to the provisions
of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, motor vehicles
in this category may be combined
with a trailer with a maximum
authorised mass exceeding 750kg
provided that the maximum
authorised mass of this
combination does not exceed
4,250kg. In case such a combination
exceeds 3.500kg this combination
shall only be driven, after training
has been completed or a test of
skills and behaviour has been
passed by the driver.
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
19 January 2013:
No Tricycles
Category B on IDP
is restricted to
motor vehicles
coupled to trailers
the permissible
maximum mass of
which exceeds
mass of the tractor
vehicle and
maximum mass
3,500kg only.
See note on page 4 regarding coloured text.
Since the European Agreement supplementing the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic makes provision for three-wheeled vehicles whose unladen mass
does not exceed 400kg to be treated as motorcycles by the parties thereto, Contracting parties outside the European Economic Area (EEA) will restrict this
driving authorisation to two wheeled vehicles only.
Member States may also require both such training and the passing of a test of skills and behaviour. Member States shall indicate the entitlement to drive
such a combination on the driving licence by means of the relevant Community code.
Since the European Agreement supplementing the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic does not make provision for the definition in the 3
Contracting Parties outside the EU will only allow trailers of which the permissible maximum mass does not exceed the unladen mass of the motor vehicle
and restrict this driving authorisation to a combined permissible maximum mass of the vehicles so coupled up to 3,500kg. Furthermore, EU driving Licences
issued as of 19 January 2013 are not valid for driving tricycles.
Appropriate IDP category for categories of vehicles in paragraph 8
of Annex 6 of the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic (continued)
1968 Convention on Road
Traffic Definition
(28 March 2006
EU 3
Directive Definition
(Directive 2006/126/EC of
20 December 2006)
Category and
Recorded in IDP
Information for
holders of EU
driving licences
issued as of
19 Jan 2013
code 96
Motor vehicles, other than
those in category A, having a
permissible maximum mass
not exceeding 3,500kg and
not more than eight seats in
addition to the driver’s seat;
or motor vehicles of category
B coupled to a trailer the
permissible maximum mass
of which does not exceed
750kg; or motor vehicles of
category B coupled to a
trailer the permissible
maximum mass of which
exceeds 750kg but does
not exceed the unladen
mass of the motor vehicle,
where the combined
permissible maximum
mass of the vehicles so
coupled does not exceed
Motor vehicles with a maximum
authorised mass not exceeding
3,500kg and designed and
constructed for the carriage of no
more than eight passengers in
addition to the driver; motor vehicles in
this category may be combined with a
trailer having a maximum authorised
mass which does not exceed 750kg.
Without prejudice to the provisions
of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, motor vehicles
in this category may be combined
with a trailer with a maximum
authorised mass exceeding 750kg
provided that the maximum
authorised mass of this
combination does not exceed
4,250kg. In case such a combination
exceeds 3.500kg this combination
shall only be driven, after training
has been completed or a test of
skills and behaviour has been
passed by the driver.
Restrictive conditions
of use for EU driving
19 January 2013:
maximum mass
4,250 kg
No Tricycles
Category B on IDP
is restricted to
motor vehicles
coupled to trailers
maximum mass
the unladen mass
of the tractor
vehicle and
maximum mass
3,500kg only.
Motor vehicles, other than
those in category D, having a
permissible maximum mass
exceeding 3,500kg; or motor
vehicles of category C
coupled to a trailer the
permissible maximum mass
of which does not exceed
Motor vehicles other than those in
categories D1 or D, whose maximum
authorised mass is over 3,500kg and
which are designed and constructed
for the carriage of no more than
eight passengers in addition to the
driver; motor vehicles in this category
may be combined with a trailer having
a maximum authorised mass which
Motor vehicles used for the
carriage of passengers and
having more than eight
seats in addition to the
driver’s seat; or motor
vehicles of category D
coupled to a trailer the
permissible maximum mass
of which does not exceed
Motor vehicles designed and
constructed for the carriage of more
than eight passengers in addition to
the driver; motor vehicles in this
category may be combined with a
trailer having a maximum authorised
mass which does not exceed 750kg
See note on page 4 regarding coloured text.
Member States may also require both such training and the passing of a test of skills and behaviour. Member States shall indicate the entitlement to
drive such a combination on the driving licence by means of the relevant Community code.
Appropriate IDP category for categories of vehicles in paragraph 8
of Annex 6 of the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic (continued)
1968 Convention on Road
Traffic Definition
(28 March 2006 amendment)
EU 3
Directive Definition
(Directive 2006/126/EC of
20 December 2006)
Category and
Recorded in IDP
Information for
holders of EU
driving licences
issued as of
19 Jan 2013
Motor vehicles of category B
coupled to a trailer the
permissible maximum mass of
which exceeds 750kg and
exceeds the unladen mass of
the motor vehicle; or motor
vehicles of category B
coupled to a trailer the
permissible maximum mass of
which exceeds 750kg, where
the combined permissible
maximum mass of the
vehicles so coupled exceeds
Without prejudice to the provisions of
type approval rules for the vehicles
concerned, combinations of vehicles
consisting of a motor vehicle in category
B and a trailer or semi-trailer where the
maximum authorised mass of the trailer
or semi-trailer does not exceed
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
licences issued as of
19 January 2013:
authorised mass of
the trailer or semi-
trailer ≤ 3,500kg
Motor vehicles of category C
coupled to a trailer whose
permissible maximum mass
exceeds 750kg.
Without prejudice to the provisions of
type approval rules for the vehicles
concerned, combinations of vehicles
where the tractor vehicle in Category C
above and its trailer or semi-trailer has
a maximum authorised mass exceeding
Motor vehicles of category D
coupled to a trailer whose
permissible maximum mass
exceeds 750kg.
Without prejudice to the provisions of
type-approval rules for the vehicles
concerned, combinations of vehicles
where the tractor vehicle is in category
D and its trailer has a maximum
authorised mass of over 750kg.
See note on page 4 regarding coloured text.
Appropriate IDP category for subcategories of vehicles in
paragraph 9 of Annex 6 of the Convention (see note on page 4 regarding coloured text)
1968 Convention on Road
Traffic Definition
(28 March 2006
EU 3
Directive Definition
(Directive 2006/126/EC of
20 December 2006)
Category and
Recorded in IDP
Information for
holders of EU
driving licences
issued as of
19 Jan 2013
Two-wheel and three-wheel vehicles
with a maximum design speed of not
more than 45km/h and light
and B1
Restrictive condition
of use:
Design speed
≤ 45 km/h
Category A1 on
IDP is restricted to
two wheeled
vehicles only.
Motorcycles with a cubic
capacity not exceeding
125cm3 and a power not
exceeding 11kW (light
Motorcycles with a cylinder capacity
not exceeding 125cm3, of a power not
exceeding 11kW and with a
power/weight ratio not exceeding
0.1kW/kg, with or without a sidecar;
and motor tricycles with a power
not exceeding 15kW.
and B1
Restrictive conditions
of use for EU driving
licences issued as of
19 January 2013:
0,1 kW/kg
Tricycles ≤ 15 kW
No quadricycles
Category A1 on
IDP is restricted to
two wheeled
vehicles only.
Motorcycles with or without a sidecar
of a power not exceeding 35kW and
with a power/weight ratio not
exceeding 0.2kW/kg and not derived
from a vehicle of more than double its
Restrictive conditions
of use:
Power ≤ 35 kW
0,2 kW/kg
Not derived from a
vehicle of more
than double its
Motor tricycles and
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
19 January 2013:
No Tricycles
Motor vehicles, with the
exception of those in
category D, the permissible
maximum mass of which
exceeds 3,500kg but does
not exceed 7,500kg; or
motor vehicles of
subcategory C1 coupled to a
trailer, the permissible
maximum mass of which
Motor vehicles other than those in
Category D and whose maximum
authorised mass is over 3,500kg but
not more than 7,500kg; designed and
constructed for the carriage of no
more than eight passengers in
addition to the driver; motor vehicles
in this category may be combined with
a trailer having a maximum authorised
mass which does not exceed 750kg.
Contracting Parties outside the EEA will restrict this driving authorisation to two wheeled vehicles only.
Ibid (footnote 7).
Appropriate IDP category for subcategories of vehicles in
paragraph 9 of Annex 6 of the Convention (continued)
1968 Convention on Road
Traffic Definition
(28 March 2006
EU 3
Directive Definition
(Directive 2006/126/EC of
20 December 2006)
Category and
Recorded in IDP
Information for
holders of EU
driving licences
issued as of
19 Jan 2013
Motor vehicles used for
the carriage of passengers
and having more than 8
seats in addition to the
driver’s seat but not more
than 16 seats in addition to
the driver’s seat; or motor
vehicles of subcategory D1
coupled to a trailer, the
permissible maximum
mass of which does not
exceed 750kg.
Motor vehicles designed and
constructed for the carriage of no more
than 16 passengers in addition to the
driver and with a maximum length not
exceeding 8m; motor vehicles in this
category may be combined with a
trailer having a maximum authorised
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
licences issued as of
19 January 2013:
Length ≤ 8 m
Motor vehicles of
subcategory C1 coupled to
a trailer the permissible
maximum mass of which
exceeds 750kg but does
not exceed the unladen
mass of the motor vehicle,
where the combined
permissible maximum
mass of the vehicles so
coupled does not exceed
Without prejudice to the provisions of
type approval rules for the vehicles
concerned, combinations of vehicles in
category C1 above combined with a
trailer having a maximum authorised
mass exceeding 750kg provided that
the maximum authorised mass of the
combination does not exceed
12,000kg. Without prejudice to the
provisions of type approval rules for
the vehicles concerned, combinations
of vehicles where the tractor vehicle is
in Category B and its trailer has an
authorised mass of over 3,500kg
provided that the authorised mass of
the combination does not exceed
C1E and BE
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
licences issued as of
19 January 2013
(relating to IDP
category BE):
maximum mass
Category C1E on
IDP is restricted to
tractor vehicles from
category C1 only
and trailers of which
the permissible
maximum mass
does not exceed the
unladen mass of the
tractor vehicle.
Category BE on IDP
allows tractor
vehicles from
category B, but the
authorised mass of
the combination has
to be restricted to
12,000kg in
accordance with the
EU category C1E
Motor vehicles of
subcategory D1 coupled to
a trailer, not used for the
carriage of persons, the
permissible maximum
mass of which exceeds
750kg but does not exceed
the unladen mass of the
motor vehicle, where the
combined permissible
maximum mass of the
vehicles so coupled does
not exceed 12,000kg.
Without prejudice to type approval
rules, motor vehicles in category D1
above combined with a trailer having a
maximum authorised mass exceeding
Restrictive condition
of use for EU driving
19 January 2013:
Drawing vehicle
length ≤ 8 m
Category D1E on
IDP is restricted to
motor vehicles
coupled to trailers
of which
maximum mass
does not exceed
the unladen mass
of the tractor
vehicle and
maximum mass
Contracting Parties outside the EU will only allow trailers of which the permissible maximum mass does not exceed the unladen mass of the tractor
vehicle and restrict this driving authorisation to a combined permissible maximum mass of the vehicles so coupled up to 12,000 kg.