!!! ! ! !
Centrioles:!Work s !o n !th e !o rg a n iza t io n !o f!th e !c ell!by!spacin g !w h e r e!t h e!nucleus!is !compare d !t o !th e !o th e r!
Centrosome+Matrix:!Helps!to!form !th e !microtub u le s!
Chromatin:!Helps!to!p ac k ag e !D N A ,!e s p ec ia lly!during!m it o sis ,!a n d !h e lps!control!which!genes!are!expressed!
Cytosol:!The!liquid!th a t!a ll!o f!th e !o r ga n e lle s!flo a t !in !in sid e !o f!t h e !ce ll!
Cytoskeleton:!The!most!common !fu n c tio n!is!to!act,!a s!t h e!name!su g g es ts ,!a !sk e let o n !fo r!t h e !ce ll!to !p r o v id e!
Interm e d ia te +fila ments:!He lp !make!up !the!cytoskeleton ,!usua lly!thicker!th an !m icrofilam e nts!
Microtubules:!Helps!form!t h e!c y to s ke le to n !f o r!s u p p o rt !o f!th e !c ell,!a s !w e ll!a s!movem e n t!of!the!cell!
Golgi+apparatus:!The!Ama zo n !s h ip p in g !c en t er !o f!p r o te in s,!t h is!a c ts !to !p a ck a g e!p r o te in s !fro m!the!ER !in to!
transport!vesicles!to !be!ca rried!to !oth er!pa rts!of!the !cell.!
Lysosomes:!Th e!R umba!o f!t h e!c e ll,!it!a ct s!t o !engulf!any !to x ic !o r!u n wanted !molecules !s o !th a t!t h e!c e ll!is!n o t !
Mitochondrion:!The!power!h o u s e,!c re a te s!a ll!o f!t h e !en e r gy !n e e d ed !f o r!the!cell!by!b r ea k in g !d o w n !g lu c o se !in t o !
!!! ! ! !
Nucleus:!Where!all!of!th e!DNA!is!housed!to !g iv e!out!instru c tio n s .!
Nucleolus:!Between !t h e!nucleus!and!the!nuclear!envelope,!it!acts!as!the!factory!for!creating!ribosomes!that!the!
rest!of!the!cell!can!use .!!
Nuclear+Envelope:!a!double !la ye r ed !memb ra n e!t h a t!p rotects!the !n u c le o lu s!a n d !t h e!n ucleus.!!
Peroxisomes:!Breaks!down!fatty!a c id s!in t o !h y d ro g e n !peroxide,!but!don’t!worry,!that!breaks!down!into!water!
Plasma+membrane:!The!shell!o f!t h e !ce ll,!p ro t ec ts !a ll!o f!th e !o r ga n e lle s!a n d !c o n trols!what !molecule s!e n te r!a n d !
Ribosomes:!Where!p ro te in s !ar e !sy n th e s ize d !in !the!cell,!crea tin g !d iffe re n t !form s!of!a m ino !acid s!tog eth er!to !
Rough+Endoplasmic+Reticulum:!Helps!rib o s o mes!bind !s o !p ro t ein s !ca n !b e !made!an d !fo lded!pro p e rly!
Smooth+Endoplasmic+Reticulum:!Break s!d own!car b o h y d ra te s,!c re a te s!lipids!that !ar e!n e e d e d !fo r!t h e !ce ll,!a n d !
*Secretion+of+Exocytosis:!toxins!and !o th e r!d e g ra d e d !p ro d u c ts !o f!t h e!c e ll!an d!released !a lo n g !th e !c ell!memb ra n e !
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