Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
The SCCS adopted this pre-consultation opinion at its 13
plenary meeting
of 13-14 December 2011
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
About the Scientific Committees
Three independent non-food Scientific Committees provide the Commission with the
scientific advice it needs when preparing policy and proposals relating to consumer safety,
public health and the environment. The Committees also draw the Commission's attention
to the new or emerging problems which may pose an actual or potential threat.
They are: the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS), the Scientific Committee
on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and
Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) and are made up of external experts.
In addition, the Commission relies upon the work of the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Centre for Disease prevention
and Control (ECDC) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
The Committee shall provide opinions on questions concerning all types of health and safety
risks (notably chemical, biological, mechanical and other physical risks) of non-food
consumer products (for example: cosmetic products and their ingredients, toys, textiles,
clothing, personal care and household products such as detergents, etc.) and services (for
example: tattooing, artificial sun tanning, etc.).
Scientific Committee members
Jürgen Angerer, Ulrike Bernauer, Claire Chambers, Qasim Chaudhry, Gisela Degen, Elsa
Nielsen, Thomas Platzek, Suresh Chandra Rastogi, Vera Rogiers, Christophe Rousselle, Tore
Sanner, Jan van Benthem, Jacqueline van Engelen, Maria Pilar Vinardell, Rosemary Waring,
Ian R. White
European Commission
Health & Consumers
Directorate D: Health Systems and Products
Unit D5 - Risk Assessment
Office: B232 B-1049 Brussels
© European Union, 2011
ISSN 1831- ISBN 978-92-79-
Doi:10.2773/ ND-
The opinions of the Scientific Committees present the views of the independent scientists
who are members of the committees. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the
European Commission. The opinions are published by the European Commission in their
original language only.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Dr. C. Chambers
Dr. Q. Chaudry
Dr. S.C. Rastogi
Dr. I.R. White (chairman)
External experts
Dr. A. Börje University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. J. D. Johansen Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. A-T. Karlberg University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. C. Lidén Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Dr. D.W. Roberts Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Prof. W. Uter (rapporteur) Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU), Erlangen,
Keywords: SCCS, scientific opinion, labelling, fragrance allergens, directive 76/768/ECC
Opinion to be cited as: SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety), opinion on
fragrance allergens in cosmetic products, 13-14 December 2011
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table of contents
Table of contents .....................................................................................................4
1. Background ......................................................................................................9
2. Terms of reference........................................................................................... 10
3. Introduction.................................................................................................... 11
4. Clinical aspects of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients..................................... 12
4.1. Spectrum of reactions.............................................................................. 12
4.1.1. Allergic contact dermatitis .................................................................. 12
4.1.2. Irritant reactions (including contact urticaria) ........................................ 14
4.1.3. Pigmentary anomalies........................................................................ 14
4.1.4. Photo-reactions................................................................................. 14
4.1.5. General/respiratory ........................................................................... 14
4.2. Epidemiology of fragrance allergy .............................................................. 15
4.2.1. Substances used for screening of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients . 15
4.2.2. Clinical epidemiology ......................................................................... 16
4.2.3. Population-based epidemiology ........................................................... 22
4.3. Consumer products as a cause of fragrance contact sensitisation and allergic
contact dermatitis ............................................................................................... 24
4.3.1. Clinical relevance .............................................................................. 24
4.3.2. Elicitation with clinical symptoms/signs, current and past........................ 24
4.3.3. Elicitation in diagnostic patch tests without clinical history....................... 27
4.4. Socio-economic impact of contact allergy.................................................... 28
4.4.1. Health related quality of life................................................................ 28
4.4.2. Occupational restrictions .................................................................... 28
4.4.3. Costs to health care/health economics ................................................. 28
4.5. Allergen avoidance .................................................................................. 29
4.5.1. Primary prevention: limiting or eliminating exposure to allergens in the
population 29
4.5.2. Secondary prevention: avoiding re-exposure to (a) specific sensitiser(s) in
clinically diagnosed individuals........................................................................... 29
4.6. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 31
5. Activation of weak or non-sensitising substances into sensitisers - prehaptens and
prohaptens............................................................................................................ 32
5.1. Prehaptens............................................................................................. 32
5.2. Prohaptens............................................................................................. 36
5.3. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 37
6. Retrieval of evidence and classification of fragrance substances.............................. 39
6.1. Retrieval of evidence ............................................................................... 39
6.1.1. Search strategy for clinical data .......................................................... 39
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Collection of experimental (LLNA) data................................................. 39
6.2. Grading of evidence................................................................................. 40
6.2.1. Quality of a clinical study.................................................................... 40
6.2.2. Quality of an experimental study ......................................................... 40
6.2.3. Quality of “other” evidence ................................................................. 41
6.3. Aggregating evidence for a final conclusion ................................................. 41
6.3.1. Established contact allergen in humans ................................................ 41
6.3.2. Established contact allergen in animals................................................. 41
6.3.3. Likely contact allergen, if human, animal and other evidence is considered 41
6.3.4. Possible contact allergen, if human, animal and other evidence is considered
6.4. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 42
7. Reported fragrance allergens from the clinical perspective ..................................... 43
7.1. Tabular summary of evaluated individual fragrance chemicals........................ 43
7.2. Tabular summary of evaluated natural extracts/essential oils ........................ 50
7.3. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 54
8. Animal data .................................................................................................... 55
8.1. Predictive tests and sensitising potency categories....................................... 55
8.1.1. LLNA data ........................................................................................ 55
8.1.2. LLNA data on oxidised fragrance substances ......................................... 58
8.2. Methodological considerations ................................................................... 59
8.3. Summary of animal data by LLNA.............................................................. 60
8.4. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 61
9. Structure activity relationships (SAR): grouping of substances based on expert
judgement ............................................................................................................ 63
9.1. General results ....................................................................................... 67
9.2. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 68
10. Exposure ..................................................................................................... 69
10.1. Concentrations and quantities used............................................................ 69
10.2. Global exposure (household and occupational exposures) ............................. 78
10.3. Exposures related to particular anatomical sites........................................... 81
10.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 83
11. Dose-response relationships and thresholds ...................................................... 84
11.1. Induction ............................................................................................... 84
11.2. Elicitation............................................................................................... 85
11.2.1. General considerations....................................................................... 85
11.2.2. Studies on specific fragrance ingredients .............................................. 87
11.3. Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC)................................ 95
11.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 96
12. Data gaps and research needed ...................................................................... 98
12.1. Clinical and epidemiological research ......................................................... 98
12.2. Non-human studies ................................................................................. 98
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Opinion...................................................................................................... 100
13.1. Question 1 ........................................................................................... 101
Conclusions - Question 1 ................................................................................ 109
13.2. Question 2 ........................................................................................... 110
Conclusions - Question 2 ................................................................................ 111
13.3. Question 3 ........................................................................................... 112
Conclusions - Question 3 ................................................................................ 114
List of abbreviations ............................................................................................. 116
References .......................................................................................................... 118
Annex I: Clinical evidence regarding sensitisation to individual fragrance chemicals and to
natural extracts
Annex II:
Lymph node assay (LLNA) data on 59 fragrance substances, based on a summary
report submitted by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc. (RIFM, 2009)
Annex III: Tabular summary of dose-elicitation studies in sensitised patients
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Contact allergy to fragrance ingredients may develop following skin contact with a sufficient
amount of these substances, often through the use of cosmetic products. Contact allergy is
an altered specific reactivity in the immune system, which entails recognition of the
fragrance allergen(s) in question by immune cells. Contact allergy, which per se is a latent
condition, i.e. without visible signs or symptoms, persists lifelong. Upon each re-exposure to
sufficient amounts of the allergen(s) eczema develops (allergic contact dermatitis), which
typically will involve the face, the armpits and/or the hand(s). The disease can be severe
and generalised, with a significant impairment of quality of life and potential consequences
for fitness for work.
Around 16 % of eczema patients in the European population are sensitised to fragrance
ingredients. From studies performed on sectors of the population it can be estimated that
the frequency of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients in the general population in Europe
is 1-3%. The overall trend of fragrance allergy has been stable during the last 10 years, as
some causes of fragrance allergy have decreased and others increased.
Most individuals with contact allergy to fragrance ingredients are aware that they cannot
tolerate scented products on their skin and are often able to specifically name product
categories that initiated their disease. In this context colognes, eau de toilette, deodorants
and lotions are named significantly more often by fragrance allergic eczema patients than
by patients without fragrance contact allergy.
Commercially available fragrances and other scented cosmetic products can provoke allergic
contact dermatitis under patch test as well as simulated use conditions.
Appropriate diagnostic procedures and patient information are cornerstones in secondary
prevention of contact allergy. The SCCNFP identified in 1999 a set of 26 fragrance allergens
with a well-recognised potential to cause allergy, for which information should be provided
to consumers about their presence in cosmetic products.
This listing has shown to be important in the clinical management of patients who are
allergic to one or more of these 26 fragrance chemicals. Listing of the 26 fragrances has
also been shown to be beneficial for patients with contact allergy to one or more of the
fragrance chemicals, because these are identified on the ingredient listings of cosmetic
products, and can thus be avoided.
The present opinion updates the SCCNFP opinion with a systematic and critical review of the
scientific literature to identify fragrance allergens, including natural extracts, relevant to
consumers. Clinical, epidemiological and experimental studies were evaluated, as well as
modelling studies performed, to establish lists of (i) established fragrance allergens, (ii)
likely fragrance allergens and (iii) possible fragrance allergens.
The studies since the SCCNFP Opinion on fragrance allergy in consumers confirm that the
fragrance allergens identified by SCCNFP in 1999 are still relevant fragrance allergens for
consumers from their exposure to cosmetic products. The review of the clinical and
experimental data published since then shows that many more fragrance substances have
been shown to be sensitisers in humans. Based on the clinical experience alone, 82
substances can be classified as established contact allergens in humans, 54 single chemicals
and 28 natural extracts. Of these, 12 chemicals and 8 natural extracts were found to pose a
high risk of sensitisation to the consumer, considering the high number of reported cases.
In particular one ingredient stood out, hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde,
having been the cause of more than 1500 reported cases since the 1999 opinion.
Moreover, animal experiments indicate that additional fragrance substances can be
expected to be contact allergens in humans, although human evidence is currently lacking.
Additionally, limited in vivo evidence together with Structure-Activity Relationship analysis
suggests that other fragrance ingredients may be a cause of concern with regard to their
potential of causing contact allergy in humans.
The review also lists fragrance substances that can act as prehaptens or prohaptens,
forming new or more potent allergens by air oxidation and/or metabolic activation. Such
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
activation processes are of concern as they increase the risk of sensitisation and also the
risk for cross reactivity between fragrance substances. In addition to known prehapten
fragrance substances, the SCCS performed SAR analyses to identify fragrance substances
with structural alerts that indicate that they are possible prehaptens. While in the case of
prohaptens the possibility of becoming activated is inherent to the molecule and cannot be
avoided, the activation of prehaptens can be prevented by appropriate measures.
The SCCS examined available elicitation dose-response data to decide whether safe
thresholds can be established for the fragrance allergens of concern, i.e. those found to
pose a high risk of sensitisation to consumers. The SCCS considers that thresholds based on
elicitation levels in sensitised individuals will be sufficiently low to protect both the majority
of sensitised individuals as well as most of the non-sensitised consumers from developing
contact allergy. As data from human dose elicitation experiments are very limited in several
respects, no levels that could be considered safe for the majority of contact allergic
consumers could be established for individual substances. The studies available, however,
indicate that a general level of exposure of up to 0.8 µg/cm² (0.01% in cosmetic products)
may be tolerated by most consumers, including these with contact allergy to fragrance
allergens. The SCCS is of the opinion that this level of exposure (up to 0.01%) would suffice
to prevent elicitation for the majority of allergic individuals, unless there is experimental or
clinical substance-specific data allowing the derivation of individual thresholds.
It was not possible to provide a safe threshold for natural extracts of concern, as no specific
investigations exist and the model providing the general threshold (0.01%) has been based
on individual chemicals only. However the SCCS considers that the maximum use
concentration applies to the identified chemicals both if added as chemicals or as an
identified constituent of a natural ingredient. This will also reduce the risk of sensitisation
and elicitation from natural extracts.
The suggested general threshold, although limiting the problem of fragrance allergy in the
consumer significantly, would not preclude that the most sensitive segment of the
population may react upon exposure to these levels and does not remove the necessity for
providing information to the consumer concerning the presence of the listed fragrance
substance in cosmetics.
In the case of hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, the SCCP had recommended
limiting the concentration in cosmetics to 200 ppm. Recent voluntary restrictions
(recommendations to lower use concentrations, at least for some product types, to the level
recommended by the SCCS in 2003) are not reflected in available evidence and are
considered insufficient. The SCCS considers that the number of cases of HICC allergy
documented over the last decade is exceptionally high and that continued exposure to HICC
by the consumer is not considered safe, even at concentrations as low as 200 ppm.
Therefore, HICC should not be used in consumer products in order to prevent further cases
of contact allergy to HICC and to limit the consequences to those who already have become
The SCCP concluded in 2004 that chloroatranol and atranol, the main allergenic constituents
of Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea, should not be present in products for the
consumer. The persistently high frequency of contact allergy to Evernia prunastri and
Evernia furfuracea noted in eczema patients does point to a persisting problem with
exposure to the allergenic constituents. The SCCS is of the opinion that the presence of the
two constituents, chloroatranol and atranol, in cosmetic products are not safe.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
1. Background
As a result of the public consultation on perfumery materials, which ended on 27 January
2007, there were further requests and information on important and/or frequently used
allergens other than those proposed for regulation, such as farnesol, citral, linalool and
hydroxyisohexyl-3-cyclohexenecarboxaldehyde. These substances were not part of the
consultation, but they all belong to the 26 fragrance substances which should be labelled
when present in cosmetic products under certain conditions.
The 26 fragrance substances were introduced into annex III of the Cosmetics Directive by
the 7
amendment (2003/15/EC) on the basis of the SCCNFP draft opinion
(SCCNFP/0017/98) published on 30 September 1999 for public consultation and the final
opinion adopted by the SCCNFP during the plenary session of 8 December 1999.
Thirteen of the allergenic fragrance substances listed in this opinion have been frequently
reported as well-recognised contact allergens in consumers and are thus of most concern;
11 others are less well documented. See the lists below from the opinion.
List A: Fragrance chemicals, which according to existing knowledge, are most frequently
reported and well-recognised consumer allergens.
Common name CAS number
Amyl cinnamal 122-40-7
Amylcinnamyl alcohol 101-85-9
Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6
Benzyl salicylate 118-58-1
Cinnamyl alcohol 104-54-1
Cinnamal 104-55-2
Citral 5392-40-5
Coumarin 91-64-5
Eugenol 97-53-0
Geraniol 106-24-1
Hydroxycitronellal 107-75-5
Hydroxymethylpentyl-cyclohexenecarboxaldehyde 31906-04-4
Isoeugenol 97-54-1
List B: Fragrance chemicals, which are less frequently reported and thus less documented
as consumer allergens.
Common name CAS number
Anisyl alcohol 105-13-5
Benzyl benzoate 120-51-4
Benzyl cinnamate 103-41-3
Citronellol 106-22-9
Farnesol 4602-84-0
Hexyl cinnamaldehyde 101-86-0
Lilial 80-54-6
d-Limonene 5989-27-5
Linalool 78-70-6
Methyl heptine carbonate 111-12-6
3-Methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-buten-2-one 127-51-5
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Furthermore, two fragrances (natural mixtures) were added
Common name CAS number
Oak moss 90028-68-5
Tree moss 90028-67-4
At the time there were insufficient scientific data to allow for the determination of dose-
response relationships and/or thresholds for these allergens. Nevertheless, in a pragmatic
administrative decision the limits of 0.01 and 0.001% were set, for rinse-off and leave-on
products respectively.
Scientific information of both a general and a specific nature has been submitted to DG
ENTR in order to ask the SCCS for a revision of the 26 fragrances with respect to further
restrictions and possible even delisting. A separate request has already been made for
hydroxycitronellal, isoeugenol and the content of peroxides in limonene.
2. Terms of reference
1. Does the SCCS still consider that the fragrance allergens currently listed in Annex III,
entries 67-92, for labelling purposes represent those fragrance ingredients that the
consumer needs to be made aware of when present in cosmetic products?
2. Can the SCCS establish any threshold for their safe use based on the available
scientific data?
3. Can the SCCS identify substances where processes (e.g. metabolism, oxidation and
hydrolysis) may lead to cross-reactivity and new allergens which are relevant for the
protection of the consumer?
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
3. Introduction
Fragrance ingredients
Fragrance and flavour substances are organic compounds with characteristic, usually
pleasant, odours. They are ubiquitously used in perfumes and other perfumed cosmetic
products, but also in detergents, fabric softeners, and other household products where
fragrance may be used to mask unpleasant odours from raw materials. Flavourings are used
in foods, beverages, and dental products. Fragrance substances are also used in
aromatherapy and may be present in herbal products, and used as topical medicaments for
their antiseptic properties.
Contact allergy to fragrance ingredients occurs when an individual has been exposed, on the
skin, to a suffcient degree of fragrance contact allergens. Contact allergy is a life-long,
specifically altered reactivity in the immune system. This means that once contact allergy is
developed, cells in the immune system will be present which can recognise and react
towards the allergen. As a consequence, symptoms, i.e. allergic contact dermatitis, may
occur upon re-exposure to the fragrance allergen(s) in question. Allergic contact dermatitis
is an inflammatory skin disease characterised by erythema, swelling and vesicles in the
acute phase. If exposure continues it may develop into a chronic condition with scaling and
painful fissures of the skin. Allergic contact dermatitis to fragrance ingredients is most often
caused by cosmetic products and usually involves the face and/or hands. It may affect
fitness for work and the quality of life of the individual.
Fragrance contact allergy has long been recognised as a frequent and potentially disabeling
problem. Prevention is possible as it is an environmetal disease and if the environment is
modified (e.g. by reduced use concentrations of allergens), the disease frequency and
severity will decrease. Ingredient information is a cornerstone in the prevention of allergic
contact dermatitis, as knowledge about the allergens which a patient has been exposed to is
crucial for including the right substances in the allergy test, and for subsequent information
on avoidance of re-exposure. However, the labelling rules in the Cosmetics Directive
76/768/EEC stipulated that perfume and aromatic compositions and their raw materials
shall be referred to by the word “perfume” or “aroma”, rather than being labelled
individually. This is the reason why the SCCNFP in their opinion SCCNFP/0017/98 (1)
identified 26 fragrance allergens for which information should be provided to consumers
concerning their presence in cosmetic products. This was implemented in the Cosmetics
Directive as individual ingredient labelling of the 26 fragrance allergens (Annex III, entries
67-92). However, safe use concentrations of these fragrances in cosmetic products had not
yet been determined and much new evidence concerning fragrance allergy has been
published since the 1999 opinion. The present request to review the list of recognised
fragrance allergens which the consumer needs to be made aware of, to indicate thresholds
for their safe use and to consider possible modification of allergens by metabolism and
autoxidation, required a thorough review of all relevant scientific data. This includes both
published scientific literature as well as unpublished scientific information on fragrances
from the industry. The International Fragrance Association (IFRA), as representative of the
fragrance industry, was contacted to provide relevant unpublished scientific data on
fragrance ingredients. This information, together with the up-to-date published scientific
literature, has been critically reviewed for the present SCCS opinion. The relevant data gaps
are identified and recommendations for research addressing these gaps are made.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
4. Clinical aspects of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients
4.1. Spectrum of reactions
Adverse reactions to fragrances in perfumes and in fragranced cosmetic products include
allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, photosensitivity, immediate contact
reactions (contact urticaria), and pigmented contact dermatitis. Airborne and connubial
contact dermatitis occurs.
4.1.1. Allergic contact dermatitis
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) depends primarily on the activation of allergen-specific T-
cells. In allergic contact dermatitis, a distinction is made between induction (sensitisation)
and elicitation phases. A useful review is available (2).
The induction phase includes the events following initial contact with the allergen and is
complete when the individual is sensitised and capable of giving a positive allergic contact
dermatitis reaction.
The elicitation phase begins upon re-exposure to the allergen (challenge) and results in
clinical manifestation of allergic contact dermatitis.
The entire process of the induction phase requires ca. 10 days to several weeks, whereas an
elicitation phase reaction develops within 1–2 days.
Most contact allergens are small, chemically reactive compounds. As these compounds are
too small to be directly immunogenic, they act as haptens; i.e. they react with higher
molecular weight epidermal and/or dermal biomolecules to form immunogenic adducts. It is
usually considered that the biomolecules involved are free or membrane bound proteins,
which react via nucleophilic thiol, amino, and hydroxyl groups.
Dendritic cells (DCs) and the local tissue microenvironment are crucial factors in the
development of ACD. Langerhans cells (LCs), as epidermal DCs, and dermal DCs are pivotal
for the sensitisation and the elicitation phases of ACD. During sensitisation, DCs react with
the immunogenic complexes by interaction with neighbouring
keratinocytes, migration to
the local draining lymph nodes and the priming of naïve T-cells. These reactions are
mediated by inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and adhesion
molecules. Antigen specific
effector T-cells are then recruited into the skin upon contact with
the same hapten
(elicitation). Following their recruitment these T-cells are activated by antigen-presenting
skin cells, including LCs, dermal DCs and keratinocytes, and macrophages.
Although most allergens can form hapten–carrier complexes directly, some need activation,
e.g. by enzyme-induced metabolic conversion or abiotic oxidation. Such compounds are
termed prohaptens and prehaptens, respectively, and are discussed in more detail in
chapter 5. Well known examples of prehaptens and prohaptens are limonene and eugenol.
Reduced enzyme activity in certain individuals, related to genetic enzyme polymorphisms,
may give an increased or reduced risk of sensitisation to prohaptens (that need enzymatic
activation) in certain individuals or populations.
Once sensitised, individuals can develop allergic contact dermatitis upon re-exposure to the
contact allergen. Positive patch test reactions mimic this process of allergen-specific skin
hyper-sensitivity. Skin contact induces an inflammatory reaction that is maximal within 2–3
days and, without further allergen supply, then declines.
Overview of clinical features
Perfumes and deodorants are the most frequent sources of sensitisation to fragrance
ingredients in women, while aftershave products and deodorants are most often responsible
in men (3). Thereafter, eczema may appear or be worsened by contact with other
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
fragranced products such as cosmetics, toiletries, household products, industrial contacts
and flavourings.
Contact allergy to a particular product or chemical is established by means of diagnostic
patch testing. When patients with suspected allergic cosmetic dermatitis are investigated,
fragrances are identified as the most frequent allergens, not only in perfumes, after-shaves
and deodorants, but also in other cosmetic products. Evaluation of perfume allergy may be
difficult; a perfume compound may consist of ten to > 300 basic components selected from
about 2500 materials.
Between 6 and 14% of patients routinely tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis
react to a standard indicator of fragrance allergy, the Fragrance Mix (4), see also chapter
4.2.2. When tested with ten popular perfumes, 6.9% of female eczema patients proved to
be allergic to them (5) and 3.2–4.2% were allergic to fragrances from perfumes present in
various cosmetic products (6). The finding of a positive reaction to the Fragrance Mix should
be followed by a search for its relevance, i.e. is fragrance allergy the cause of the patient’s
current or previous complaints, or does it at least contribute to it? Between 50 and 65% of
all positive patch test reactions to the mix are relevant. Sometimes, correlation with the
clinical picture is lacking and many patients appear to tolerate perfumes and fragranced
products without problems (7). This may be explained by: a) irritant (false-positive) patch
test reactions to the mix; b) the absence of relevant allergens in those products; and c) the
concentration being too low to elicit clinically visible allergic contact reactions. Depending on
the degree of sensitivity and exposure, the severity of dermatitis may range from mild to
severe with dissemination (8) [pp 158–170].
Clinical studies have shown a highly significant association between reporting a history of
visible skin symptoms from using scented products and a positive patch test to the
Fragrance Mix (9). Provocation studies with perfumes and deodorants have also shown that
fragrance-mix-positive eczema patients often react to use-tests with the products.
Subsequent chemical analysis of such products has detected significant amounts of one or
more Fragrance Mix ingredients, confirming the relevance of positive patch tests to the
Fragrance Mix in these patients (5, 10).
Contact sensitisation may be the primary cause of hand eczema, or may be a complication
of irritant or atopic hand eczema. The number of positive patch tests has been reported to
correlate with the duration of hand eczema, indicating that long-standing hand eczema may
often be complicated by sensitisation (11). The most common contact allergies in patients
with hand eczema are metals, the Fragrance Mix, Myroxylon pereirae, and colophonium
Fragrance allergy may be a relevant problem in patients with hand eczema; perfumes are
present in consumer products to which their hands are exposed (13). A significant
relationship between hand eczema and fragrance contact allergy has been found in some
studies based on patients investigated for contact allergy (14). However, hand eczema is a
multi-factorial disease and the clinical significance of fragrance contact allergy in (severe)
chronic hand eczema may not be clear. A review on the subject has been published (15).
Bilateral axillary dermatitis may be caused by perfume in deodorants and, if the reaction is
severe, it may spread down the arms and to other areas of the body (8) [pp 158–170]. In
individuals who consulted a dermatologist, a history of such first-time symptoms was
significantly related to the later diagnosis of perfume allergy (9).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Facial eczema is an important manifestation of fragrance allergy from the use of cosmetic
products (16). In men, aftershave products can cause an eczematous eruption of the beard
area and the adjacent part of the neck (8) [pp 158–170], and men using wet shaving as
opposed to dry have been shown to have an increased risk of 2.9 of being fragrance allergic
4.1.2. Irritant reactions (including contact urticaria)
Irritant effects of some individual fragrance ingredients, e.g. citral (18, 19), are known.
Irritant contact dermatitis from perfumes is believed to be common, but there are no
exisiting investigations to substantiate this (7). Many more people complain about
intolerance or rashes to perfumes/perfumed products than are shown to be allergic by
testing (9). This may be due to irritant effects or inadequate diagnostic procedures.
Fragrances may cause a dose-related contact urticaria of the non-immunological type
(irritant contact urticaria). Cinnamal, cinnamic alcohol, and Myroxylon pereirae are well
recognised causes of contact urticaria, but others, including menthol, vanillin and
benzaldehyde have also been reported (20). The reactions to Myroxylon pereirae may be
due to cinnamates (21).
A relationship to delayed contact hypersensitivity was suggested (22), but no significant
difference was found between a fragrance-allergic group and a control group in the
frequency of immediate reactions to fragrance ingredients (20), in keeping with a non-
immunological basis for the reactions seen.
4.1.3. Pigmentary anomalies
The term “pigmented cosmetic dermatitis” was introduced in 1973 for what had previously
been known as melanosis faciei feminae when the mechanism (type IV allergy) and
causative allergens were clarified (23). It refers to increased pigmentation, usually on the
face/neck, often following sub-clinical contact dermatitis. Many cosmetic ingredients were
patch tested at non-irritant concentrations and statistical evaluation showed that a number
of fragrance ingredients were associated: jasmine absolute, ylang-ylang oil, cananga oil,
benzyl salicylate, hydroxycitronellal, sandalwood oil, artificial sandalwood, geraniol,
geranium oil (24).
4.1.4. Photo-reactions
Musk ambrette produced a considerable number of allergic photocontact reactions (in which
UV-light is required) in the 1970s (25) and was later banned from use in the EU. Nowadays,
photoallergic contact dermatitis is uncommon (26). Furocoumarins (psoralens) in some
plant-derived fragrance ingredients caused phototoxic reactions with erythema followed by
hyperpigmentation resulting in Berloque dermatitis (8) [pp 417–432]. There are now limits
for the amount of furoumarins in fragrance products. Phototoxic reactions still occur but are
rare (27).
4.1.5. General/respiratory
Fragrances are volatile and therefore, in addition to skin exposure, a perfume also exposes
the eyes and naso-respiratory tract. It is estimated that 2–4% of the adult population is
affected by respiratory or eye symptoms by such an exposure (28). It is known that
exposure to fragrances may exacerbate pre-existing asthma (29). Asthma-like symptoms
can be provoked by sensory mechanisms (30). In an epidemiological investigation, a
significant association was found between respiratory complaints related to fragrances and
contact allergy to fragrance ingredients, in addition to hand eczema, which were
independent risk factors in a multivariate analysis (31).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
4.2. Epidemiology of fragrance allergy
4.2.1. Substances used for screening of contact allergy to
fragrance ingredients
A fragrance formula may consist of ten to 300 or more different ingredients. The CosIng
database lists 2587 ingredients used for perfuming
, as well as several other materials
classified as odour “masking” agents, which is equivalent with regard to allergy. A mixture
of seven fragrance chemicals and one natural extract, which have been identified as major
fragrance allergens in the past (32), are used for diagnosing contact allergy to fragrance
ingredients (Table 4-1). This mixture is called the Fragrance Mix (FM I) and is included in
the standard patch test tray containing the most common allergens in Europe.
Table 4-1: Ingredients of Fragrance Mix I (FM I; 8% allergens in petrolatum).
Single constituent: INCI name (common name) Conc. (%)
Amyl cinnamal (alpha-amyl cinnamal) 1
Cinnamyl alcohol (cinnamic alcohol) 1
Cinnamal (cinnamic aldehyde) 1
Eugenol 1
Geraniol 1
Hydroxycitronellal 1
Isoeugenol 1
Oak moss absolute (a natural extract; INCI: Evernia prunastri) 1
Sorbitan sesquioleate (added as an emulsifier) 5
Note: All single allergens of the above, when used for breakdown testing, are also in petrolatum.
However, due to the introduction of new fragrance ingredients (with allergenic potential),
the above Fragrance Mix I was deemed not to be sufficient for the diagnosis of fragrance
allergy. Thus, Fragrance Mix II was devised to supplement Fragrance Mix I in a European
multicentre study (33, 34). Since then, FM II has been included in the European baseline
series. Table 4-2 lists the ingredients of FM II. In addition to being tested in FM II,
hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) is also tested separately at 5% test
concentration in the baseline series (35).
1, last
accessed 2009-10-14.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 4-2: Ingredients of Fragrance Mix II (FM II; 14% allergens in petrolatum).
Single constituent: INCI name (common name) Conc. (%)
Citronellol 0.5
Citral 1
Coumarin 2.5
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) 2.5
Farnesol 2.5
Alpha-hexyl-cinnamal 5
Note: All single allergens of the above, when used for breakdown testing, are also in petrolatum.
Patch test results in patients and in population samples with these two screening mixes, and
single allergens, will be presented and discussed in the following two sections.
4.2.2. Clinical epidemiology
For a number of reasons the bulk of the evidence regarding the frequency of contact allergy
to fragrance ingredients relies on clinical data, i.e. the history, clinical presentation and test
results of patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis – in general, and
not specifically due to fragrance ingredients. The frequency of contact allergy to fragrance
ingredients (or other contact allergies, for that matter) cannot be related to the population
directly, as it is derived from a subgroup (of patients) selected for specific morbidity.
Nevertheless, these data can be examined epidemiologically assuming a largely similar
selection process: (i) across time in a given department; and (ii) between departments at
any point of time. If the notion of similarity, and thus direct comparability, does not appear
valid, adjustment or standardisation techniques can be employed to account for differences,
e.g. the average age of patients in a time series on a (fragrance) allergen with age-
associated risk of sensitisation. In this situation, changes in the age composition of the
patients tested may confound a time trend. A distinction must be made between patch
testing “consecutive” patients, i.e. all patients who are patch tested for suspected contact
sensitisation, and “aimed” patch testing, i.e. application of allergens only in the subset of
patients in whom exposure to the particular allergens of the applied “special series” is
suspected. For any given allergen, the latter “aimed” approach will usually yield higher
sensitisation prevalences than the testing of not-further-selected “consecutive” patients.
Thus, information on the inclusion of an allergen either in a baseline series (tested in
virtually all patients) or in a special series (applied in an aimed fashion) must be considered
and is given in the following tables, where available in the cited references.
Notwithstanding the potential pitfalls of clinical data, they have proven useful in identifying
emerging trends or persisting problems, and also in evaluating the effect of preventive
action – either regarding the entire population, or subgroups thereof, such as certain
occupations. Regarding the fragrance mixes (FM I and FM II) mentioned above, evidence
regarding sensitisation frequencies published since 1999 will be outlined below, thus
supplementing the data presented in the SCCNFP opinion on Fragrance Allergy in 1999 (1).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Fragrance Mix I (“Larsen Mix”)
Table 4-3: Results with screening agents for contact allergy to fragrance ingredients reported since
1999 in patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis in Europe: Fragrance Mix “I”
(see Table 4-1). If not given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the
absolute numbers by the SCCS (
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive
(95% CI)
Sweden (36) Consecutive
2000 3790 6.9
Hungary (37) 1998-1999 3604 8.2
Czech Republic (38) 1997-2001 12058 5.8
Ljubljana, Slovenia
1989-1998 6129 5.9
Germany (40) Consecutive IVDK
1996-2002 59298 11.3
Germany (41) Consecutive IVDK
2005-2008 36961 7.3
Vienna, Austria (16) Consecutive
patients of one
1997-2000 2660 9.1
Netherlands (42)
(fragrance allergy
295 5.8
The Netherlands
1825 10.6
The Netherlands
Patients (cosmetic
allergy suspected)
1994-1998 757 14.8
Leuven, Belgium
1990-2005 10128 9.1
Coimbra, Portugal
2600 10.9
Sheffield, UK (47) Consecutive
1994-1995 744 11.4
St. John’s, London,
UK (48)
1980-2004 34072 7.7
Denmark (49)
1985-2007 16173 7.2
ESSCA (50) Consecutive
2002-2003 9663 7.1
ESSCA (51) Consecutive
2004 9941 7.6
ESSCA (52) Consecutive
2005-2006 18542 7.0
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 4-4: Results with screening agents for contact allergy to fragrance ingredients reported since
1999 in patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis in non-European countries:
Fragrance Mix “I” (see Table 4-1). If not given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was
calculated from the absolute numbers by the SCCS (
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive
(95% CI)
South Korea (53) Consecutive
422 9.7
Lahore, Pakistan
2 years prior to
350 7.7
Manipal, India (55) Dermatitis
1989-1998 1780 3.1
Tel Aviv, Israel
(56) Consecutive
1999-2000 943 8.5
Tel Aviv, Israel (57) Consecutive
1998-2004 2156
Tehran, Iran (58) Consecutive
2002-2004 250 4.0
Ankara, Turkey
1992-2004 1038 2.1
Beijing, China (60) Consecutive
2000-2003 378 15.9
USA (Canada) (61) Probably
2003 1603 5.9
NACDG 2009 (US
and Canada) (62)
2005-2006 4439 11.5
Note: $ Possibly included in (57).
Beyond the studies discussed above, regarding a time trend of sensitisation to FM I, a
significant increase of positive results to FM I until 1998, and a significant drop thereafter
has been noted in the IVDK study covering 1996 to 2002 (40). A similar drop from 1999 to
2007 has been observed in female, but not male patients from Copenhagen (49). In
accordance with these findings, the prevalence of positive reactions to FM I doubled, or
thereabouts, from 1989-1993 to 1994-1998 in Ljubljana, Slovenia (39).
Within Europe, a comparison between different countries and clinical departments is
possible. An EECDRG study covering 1996-2000 found 9.7% positives to FM I (range: 5.0–
12.6% in ten departments from seven European countries (63). A different European study,
covering 10/1997-10/1998, found 11.3% (95% CI: 9.9–12.9%) positive reactions to FM 1
in 1,855 patients; the variation between centres was marked: Gentofte 8.2% vs. Leuven
23.0% as extremes (64). In the first study of the European Surveillance System on Contact
Allergies (ESSCA), covering 2002 and 2003, 9663 patients were patch tested with FM I,
overall yielding 7.1% positive reactions with marked variation between participating
departments. In Dortmund, Germany, the minimum frequency of 3.7% was noted, while in
Lahti, Finland, the highest prevalence, namely 10.4%, was found (50). Subsequently, in the
year 2004, the overall prevalence was 7.6%, i.e. largely unchanged (51). In the most
recent study by ESSCA, based on 2005/2006 PT data across Europe, significant differences
were again noted, this time on the aggregated level of European regions, with FM I
sensitisation being the least frequent in the Southern countries (4.8% [95% CI: 3.9–5.5%]
age- and sex-standardised prevalence) vs. 7.7% (95% CI: 7.0–8.4%) in the central
European departments, with the Finnish, Polish and Lithuanian departments (5.7% [95%
CI: 4.6 – 6.8%]) and the UK network (6.8% [95% CI: 6.3 – 7.3%]) in an intermediate
position (52).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Fragrance Mix II
Table 4-5: Results with screening agents for contact allergy to fragrance ingredients reported since
1999 in patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis: Fragrance Mix “II” (see Table
4-2). The FM II was only conceived in 2005, so results are still sparse). If not given in the publication,
the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the absolute numbers by the SCCS (
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive
(95% CI)
EU (33) Six clinical depts. 10/2002-
1701 2.9
Germany (65) IVDK patients 01/2005-
35633 4.9
Netherlands (42)
Patients (fragrance
allergy suspected)
227 9.3
Leuven, Belgium
2005 only 335 2.1
Denmark (66) on
behalf of the
DCDG, 2010
2005-2008 12302 4.5
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC)
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) has been the most frequently
reported chemical causing fragrance allergy since the 1999 opinion on fragrance allergy. In
total, reports of about 1500 cases have been published in the scientific literature (see
section 7.1).
HICC was recognised as an allergen in 1995 (67) and later included in the new perfume
mixture, Fragrance Mix II (68), which is routinely used for the diagnosis of perfume allergy,
see above. Furthermore, it is recommended to test separately with HICC, because it is a
very frequent allergen (35) and detects relevant fragrance sensitisation which would
otherwise have been missed (69). In the studies performed in European dermatology
clinics, 0.5-2.7% of eczema patients have been found to be allergic to HICC with the
highest frequency in central Europe (52). For further details see Table 4-6.
Table 4-6: Results with fragrance contact allergy screening agents reported since 1999 in patients
patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis: HICC (5% pet. if not stated otherwise). If not
given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the absolute numbers by the
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive
(95% CI)
Lithuania (70) Consecutive
816 0.9
Spain (69) Consecutive
852 0.8
Germany (CH, AT)
3245 1.9
Germany (CH, AT)
21325 2.4
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive
(95% CI)
Germany (CH, AT)
35582 2.3
Belgium (45) Consecutive
2002-2005 2901 2.1
Denmark (66) Consecutive
2005-2008 12302 2.4
South Korea (53) Consecutive
422 1.7
USA, Canada (61) Probably
2003 1603 0.4
Myroxylon pereirae (Balsam of Peru)
Myroxylon pereirae is a balm obtained from a Central American tree. It is used as a
screening substance for fragrance allergy in Europe and other geographical areas. Although
the crude balm is not used in Europe in cosmetics, extracts and distillates are used (73).
This natural mixture has been employed as screening agent in the baseline series for many
decades. Hence, a wealth of data is available; Table 4-7 summarises results of the past 10
Table 4-7: Results with fragrance contact allergy screening agents reported since 1999 in patients
patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis: Myroxylon pereirae resin (Balsam of Peru)
(25% pet.). If not given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the
absolute numbers by the SCCS (
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested
Crude % positive
(95% CI)
Tel Aviv, Israel (56)
1999-2000 943 6.6
South Korea (53) Consecutive
04/2002 –
422 7.3
Tel Aviv, Israel (57) Consecutive
1998-2004 2156 3.6
Manipal, India (55) Dermatitis patients 1989-1998 1780 1.0
(0.5 – 1.5)
Tehran, Iran (58) Consecutive
2002-2004 250 2.4
Sevilla, Spain (74) Consecutive
2002-2004 863 5.8
Ankara, Turkey (59) Consecutive
1992-2004 1038 2.1
Vienna, Austria (16) Consecutive
patients of one
1997-2000 2660 5.4
Czech Republic (38) Consecutive
1997-2001 12058 7.3
Denmark (49)
1985-2007 16173 3.9
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested
Crude % positive
(95% CI)
Sweden (36) Consecutive
2000 3790 6.5
Nine European
countries (50)
2002-2003 9672 6.1
Germany, three
Swiss and one
Austrian Dept. (41)
2005-2008 36919 8.0
Ten depts. From
seven EU countries
1996-2000 26210 6.0
USA (Canada) (61) Probably
2003 1603 6.6
NACDG 2009 (62) Consecutive
2005-2006 4449 11.9
Oil of turpentine
This natural extract is not tested in all baseline series. It is considered as a minor screening
allergen for fragrance contact allergy. Moreover, oil of turpentine is used as a raw material
in perfumery (see Annex I). Table 4-8 summarises results of the past 10 years with patch
testing of consecutive patients.
Table 4-8: Results with fragrance contact allergy screening agents reported since 1999 in patients
patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis: Oil of turpentine (10% pet.) patients patch
tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis. If not given in the publication, the confidence interval
(CI) was calculated from the absolute numbers by the SCCS (
Country Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive
(95% CI)
Lisbon, Portugal
(75); virtually no
1979-1983 4316 2.3
Birmingham, UK
Potters with
occup. hand
6 months; prior
to 1996
24 14/4 pos. to
(IVDK) (77)
1992-1995 27658 0.47
(IVDK) (40)
1996-2002 59478 Annual prevalence 1.6
to 4.4%
Germany (78)
1998 1141 1.2% (on population
Europe (ESSCA)
2002/03 3767 1.6%
(IVDK) (41)
2005-2008 37163 1.8%
An “overall burden” of fragrance contact allergy, in terms of the prevalence of contact
allergy to at least one of the up-to-five screening allergens present in the baseline series
(FM I, FM II, HICC, Myroxylon pereirae, oil of turpentine) has not been given in the
published studies. A re-analysis of data from the two published studies of the IVDK (41,
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
65), covering central Europe from 2005 to 2008 (Germany, Austria and Switzerland),
yielded an estimate of such overall prevalence of 16.2% (95% CI: 15.8-16.6%) (IVDK
technical report, 2011-11-18).
4.2.3. Population-based epidemiology
In principle, the examination of a representative sample of the population is the most valid
approach for estimating disease frequency, as there is no systematic selection process.
However, in practice, participation of much less than 70% of those approached introduces
the possibility of self-selection and thus of biased morbidity (or risk) estimates. Moreover,
the resources needed prohibit regular, e.g. yearly, patch test studies in a sample of several
thousand persons. For these reasons few studies exist (see Table 4-9).
A Swedish study of hand eczema in an industrial city showed that among 1,087 individuals
recruited from the general population with symptoms of present or previous hand eczema,
5.8% were positive to the Fragrance Mix (79). In Denmark, Fragrance Mix sensitivity was
found in 1.1% (0.3-2.1%) of 567 persons drawn as a sample from the general Danish
population; only nickel sensitivity was more prevalent (80). In Italy, female patients with
hand eczema caused by contact with detergents were patch tested. Of 1100 women, 3.1%
reacted to Fragrance Mix I (81). A control group of 619 female patients with no eczema
disease were also patch tested; 1.3% were positive to the Fragrance Mix (81). On the other
hand, in a sample of 593 healthy Italian recruits, only three positive reactions (0.50%) to
FM I were observed (82). Among Danish school children, 14-15 years of age, fragrance
contact allergy was detected in 1.8% by patch testing with Fragrance Mix I (83). A study of
85 American student nurses showed that 15 (17.6%) had a positive reaction to Fragrance
Mix I; 12 of the individuals also had a positive history of contact dermatitis (84). In this
study the concentration of Fragrance Mix I was 16% as opposed to the currently
recommended concentration of 8% and the study included only young females. Both of
these factors may have contributed to the high prevalence of fragrance sensitivity found.
In 1990, 1998 and 2006, samples of the Danish adult population living in the Copenhagen
area were patch tested with the European baseline series. In total 4299 individuals aged 18-
69 years (18-41 years only in 1998) completed a pre-mailed questionnaire and were patch
tested with FM I and Myroxylon pereirae (80, 85, 86). In 1990, 1.1% were found positive to
FM I and in 2006, 1.6% were positive, which means no general change. However, when the
age group of 18-41 years was analysed, the prevalence of FM I sensitisation followed an
inverted V-pattern among women, i.e. an increase from 0.7% in 1990 to 3.9% in 1998,
followed by a decrease to 2.3% in 2006. The participation rate varied in the three samples
from 71.5% in 1990 to 52.4% in 1998, and to 43.7% in 2006 (80, 85, 86).
Contact sensitisation to FM I is strongly age related, with the relative risk more than
doubling in the older age groups, compared to younger PT patients. This has been found in
both bivariate (87) and adjusted multifactorial analyses (88). Hence, in older samples of the
population, the prevalence of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients in general, and to FM I
in particular, can be expected to be higher than in younger samples. From this background,
the strikingly high prevalence observed in the MONICA/KORA allergy study in Augsburg,
Germany (see Table 4-9) (78), may be explained, together with some residual confounding
from the rather complex sampling process.
Table 4-9: Results from patch testing with Fragrance Mix I in different population based groups.
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested % positive
(95% CI)
Italy (81) Females without
Not given 619 1.3
Italy (82) Male recruits Not given 593 0.50
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested % positive
(95% CI)
Denmark (80) Population sample
adults,15-69 years
1990-91 567 1.1
Denmark (83) School children 12-
16 years old
1995/96 717 1.8
Denmark (80, 85) Population sample
adults, 18-41 years
Jan-Nov 1998 414 2.7
Denmark (86) Population sample
adults, 18-69 years
June 2006–May
3460 1.6
Norway (89) Population sample
adults,18-69 years.
(Results reported in
1994 (90) 1236 1.8
Germany (78) Subgroup of
MONICA sample,
age 25-74
1994/95 1141 11.4
USA (84) Student nurses,
1980 85 17.6*
Sweden (79) Population
sampleadults, age
20-65 years
reporting hand
1983-84 1087 5.8*
Note: * Testing performed with Fragrance Mix I, containing 16% allergens; the currently used
Fragrance Mix I contains 8% allergens (see above).
Table 4-10: Results from patch testing with other fragrance allergens in different population based
groups. If not given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the absolute
numbers by the SCCS (
Population Year(s)
No. tested % positive
(95% CI)
sample (via
age 18-55
Evernia prunastri,
Myroxylon pereirae
2545 Positive to at
least one of
three allergens:
Subgroup of
MONICA sample,
age 25-74
Myroxylon pereirae 1141 2.4
Population sample,
age 18-69
Myroxylon pereirae 567
Note: * Myroxylon pereirae is a balm obtained from a Central American tree. It is used as a
screening substance for fragrance allergy in Europe and other geographical areas. Although the crude
balm is not used in Europe in cosmetics, extracts and distillates are used (73).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
4.3. Consumer products as a cause of fragrance contact sensitisation and
allergic contact dermatitis
4.3.1. Clinical relevance
Clinical relevance is a concept used to describe the significance of a positive (allergic) patch
test reaction for an individual patient: a reaction is deemed relevant if contact allergy to the
substance is associated with previous or current episodes of allergic contact dermatitis.
Thereby, the evaluation of clincial relevance links past exposure to morbidity. For the
evaluation of relevance, past or recent exposure(s) to the allergen need to be identified in
the patient's history. The success of this process generally depends on:
The patient's understanding and awareness;
The dermatologist's knowledge concerning exposures;
Ingredient labelling; and
Information about the actual chemical composition of the implicated product.
As these requirements may be met to a varying extent, the validity of relevance information
as reported in clinical studies may also be variable. However, information on clinical
relevance is important, in principle, because the proportion of currently relevant
sensitisations reflects the amount of current exposure and resulting disease state, which
may increase or decrease with time. In this way, current relevance also reflects the direct
burden of a fragrance contact allergy to the individual and indirectly to society. Further
important aspects of the evaluation of clinical relevance as a final step of patch testing have
been discussed (92-95).
Generally, clinical relevance is categorised as “current”, “previous” or “unknown”. Further
differentiation has been introduced by adding information on:
Occupational versus non-occupational causation; and
The level of certainty of the relevance statement, e.g. as “certain”, “probable”,
In some cases, clinical relevance may not be established due to:
Immunological cross-reactivity with an individual allergen, diagnosed or not;
Active sensitisation by the patch testing;
Contact sensitisation not caused by the substance, but by a contaminating
constituent; or
Failure to test with a true hapten (e.g. haptens formed from prehaptens on exposure
to air, see chapter 5).
It should be noted that this statement on clinical relevance refers to the past history of a
patient. This implies that a lack of, or unknown, clinical relevance does not make future
allergen avoidance unnecessary.
In the context of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients, a number of alternative concepts
of relevance have been used, for example:
A history of intolerance to perfume or to perfumed products;
A history of intolerance to perfume actually containing the allergen diagnosed;
Detection of the culprit allergen in a perfume previously used.
4.3.2. Elicitation with clinical symptoms/signs, current and past
In case reports or small series, the clinical relevance of positive patch test reactions is
usually well established and presented in detail. Moreover, a number of large-scale clinical
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
studies on contact allergy to fragrance ingredients have reported results on clinical
relevance, which will be presented and discussed in this section. The studies can be
subdivided into those which focus on medical history, patch testing with consumer products
or detection of specific allergens in consumer products used by patients.
Medical history
A series of studies conducted in the 1990s showed that most individuals with contact allergy
to fragrance ingredients were aware that they could not tolerate fragranced products on
their skin and were able to specifically name product categories that initiated their disease
(9). In this context, colognes, deodorants and lotions were named significantly more often
by fragrance allergic dermatitis patients than by patients without fragrance contact allergy
(3). These studies are described in the SCCNFP opinion on fragrance allergy of 1999 (1).
Newer studies are outlined below.
NACDG 2009 study (62)
The definition of “present” clinical relevance in this North American network study was
strict, requiring:
A positive use or patch test with the suspected item(s) for “definite” relevance; and
Verification of the presence of the allergen in known skin contactants, and consistent
clinical presentation for “probable”.
If these conditions were not met, but skin contact to items generally containing the item
was likely, “possible” was used.
Regarding fragrance allergens, the proportions were as described in Table 4-11.
Table 4-11: Extract from ((62) Table 3) regarding the proportion of patients with “present clinical
relevance” (see text) and “past clinical relevance” (criteria not given).
Current relevance (%)
Definite Probable
relevance (%)
4449 11.9 1.3 33 53 2.7
FM I 4439 11.5 2.0 29.4 54.3 4.3
Cinnamal 4435 3.1 1.5 33.8 50 2.9
Ylang-Ylang oil 4434 1.5 4.6 10.8 73.8 1.5
Jasmine absolute 4447 1.1 0 24.5 67.3 6.1
Frosch 2002 (a) study (64)
In this study, 1,855 consecutive patients were patch tested with FM I and a series of a
further 14 fragrance chemicals. Prior to the test, the history of adverse reactions to
fragrances was classified as “certain” (6.6%), “probable” (8.0%), “questionable” (9.2%) or
“none” (76.1%) (see (68)).
Frosch 2002 (b) study (96)
A series of 18 essential oils or components thereof, together with FM I, was assessed in
1,606 consecutive patients. Similar to the above study, the proportions of patients with a
“certain” or “probable” history (or otherwise) and positive reactions to either FM I or the
special series, or both, were cross-tabulated. Of note, 53.7% of patients with positive
reactions to FM I only, had no history. Similarly 54.2% of patients with positive reactions
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
only to one of the essential oils had no history. However, in cases of reactivity to both FM I
and one of the essential oils, the proportion of patients with no history was only 36.5%.
Frosch 2005 study (33)
The diagnostic properties of FM I and the new FM II were evaluated in 1,701 consecutive
patients patch tested in six European centres. Contrasting a “certain” (found in 8.7% of
patients) with “no history” (75.3% of patients), the sensitivity of FM I was 25.2%, and the
positive predictive value (PPV) 45.1%. In comparison, the sensitivity of FM II at 14%
concentration was 13.5% and the PPV was 55.6%. The combination of the two mixes was
important, as more patients with a “certain” history, but also independently from history,
reacted to just one of the mixes rather than to both.
Danish Contact Dermatitis Group 2005-2008 (66)
In 12302 consecutive patients patch tested in seven dermatology clinics and three
university hospitals, 10.6% were positive to one or more of the fragrance allergy markers
(FM I, FM II, Myroxylon pereirae or hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC)).
Clinical relevance covered current and/or past relevance based on: 1) medical history; 2)
results of patch and/or use tests; 3) ingredient labelling: or 4) chemical analysis. Clinical
relevance was found in 71.0% of cases positive to FM I, 72.2% of those positive to FM II
and 76.7% of those positive to HICC. These proportions were higher than the average for
other cosmetic allergens such as preservatives and hair dyes, which gave relevant reactions
in about 50% of those positive, as did Myroxylon pereirae. Myroxylon pereirae itself is not
used in cosmetics as it is banned, but sensitisation may be caused by exposures to related
substances and thus relevance may be difficult to determine.
Cosmetic products
Fragrance formulae from cosmetic products
Popular fine fragrances (5), as well as toilet soaps, shampoos, lotions, deodorants, and
aftershaves have been shown to provoke allergic contact dermatitis in patients when used
for patch testing (5, 6, 97, 98). Moreover, commercially available fragrance formulae and
dilutions of individual fragrance allergens were potent elicitors of allergic contact dermatitis
under simulated use conditions (10, 99, 100).
More recently, deodorants spiked with the fragrance allergens cinnamal, hydroxycitronellal
and HICC, respectively, in realistic in-use concentrations were shown to elicit allergic
contact dermatitis in 89-100% of the fragrance allergic individuals tested (101-103). In
87.5% of HICC sensitised individuals the use of a cream (and in 82.8% the use of an
ethanol solution) spiked with HICC provoked dermatitis (104). These studies are discussed
in more detail in chapter 11 on quantitative aspects. Other new studies are mentioned
IVDK “own perfumes” study (105)
A different perspective on clinical relevance is provided by assessing the proportion of
positive reactions to the FM I or single fragrance allergens in patients who had not tolerated
certain perfumed products, such as deodorants and aftershaves and who were patch test
positive to these cosmetics. The following two tables are taken from this publication.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 4-12: Extract from ((105) Table 2) on the frequency of positive reactions to fragrance allergens
in patients with vs. without positive patch test reaction to their own deodorant.
Deodorant positive (n=66)
Deodorant negative
Fragrance allergen Conc.
n (test)
% pos. (95% CI)
n (test) % pos. (95% CI)
Fragrance Mix I 8 61 38.0 (24.1-51.9) 805 15.0 (12.5-17.5)
Myroxylon pereirae 25 60 22.9 (12.7-33.1) 806 9.1 (7.2-11.0)
Hydroxycitronellal 1 33 6.5 (0.7-12.3) 204 4.3 (1.5-7.1)
Isoeugenol 1 33 6.5 (0.7-12.3) 204 7.2 (3.6-10.8)
Cinnamal 1 29 11.3 (0-24.1) 133 1.1 (0-2.7)
Geraniol 1 29 8.3 (0-20.4) 141 0 (0-2.1)
Of the 66 patients with a positive patch test reaction to their own deodorant, most had
positive reactions to one or more fragrance allergens. This was much more prevalent than
those patients in whom no positive reaction to their deodorant was observed. This
observation supports the notion that the respective fragrance allergens are important in
contact allergy to fragrance ingredients caused by deodorants, supporting data regarding
exposure (chapter 10.1).
Table 4-13: Extract from ((105) Table 2) on the frequency of positive reactions to fragrance allergens
in patients with vs. without positive patch test reaction to their own aftershave, eau de toilette or
Product positive (n=63) Product negative (n=819) Fragrance allergen Conc.
n (test)
% pos. (95% CI)
n (test) % pos. (95% CI)
Fragrance Mix I 8 56 57.1 (46.2-68.1) 764 13.9 (11.4-16.4)
Myroxylon pereirae 25 56 13.9 (7.3-20.4) 766 8.8 (6.8-10.7)
HICC 5 20 58.3 (37.5-79.0) 310 1.3 (0-2.7)
Evernia prunastri 1 28 22.1 (7.0-37.2) 153 8.8 (4.2-13.4)
Hydroxycitronellal 1 33 6.5 (0.7-12.3) 204 4.3 (1.5-7.1)
Cananga odorata
(ylang-ylang oil)
10 7 16.3 (2.0-30.5) 43 5.0 (0-11.3)
Similar results were obtained from the subgroup of patients with a positive reaction to their
eau de toilette, aftershave (hydroalcohol solutions) or perfumes (Table 4-13). However,
notable differences were: (i) the greater relative importance of Evernia prunastri (Oak moss
absolute); and (ii) generally an extremely high proportion of positive reactions to various
other fragrance ingredients.
4.3.3. Elicitation in diagnostic patch tests without clinical history
In a variable proportion of patients, a positive patch test reaction does not correlate with
recent or past episodes of presumptive allergic contact dermatitis. Apart from particular
circumstances, such as cross-reactivity or reactivity to contaminants outlined above, there
are several possible explanations for this:
The patch test reaction was a false-positive (irritant).
There was erroneous recall/interpretation of the patient's history (false-negative).
Lack of knowledge concerning exposures.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
If the patient is weakly sensitised (e.g. by a low induction dose), the occlusive
exposure during patch testing may have been the only exposure above the individual
elicitation threshold capable of eliciting an unequivocal allergic contact reaction. In
this situation, clinical relevance would be classified as “unknown”. Nevertheless,
there is an alteration of the immune status of the individual.
Sometimes, a repeated open application or provocative use test is employed to mimic
“normal” exposure to the allergen. A positive reaction to such a use-related test confirms
actual sensitisation. Moreover, the positive result supports the necessity of future allergen
avoidance. Apart from the risk of developing allergic contact dermatitis in the future,
sensitisation means an alteration of the immune status of the individual.
4.4. Socio-economic impact of contact allergy
4.4.1. Health related quality of life
Skin diseases in general are known to affect quality of life significantly (106); this also
applies to eczema, where most studies concern atopic dermatitis and hand eczema patients
(107, 108). Hand eczema has a poor prognosis and may affect the self-image, limit social
activities and lead to occupational restrictions (108, 109). The quality of life in hand eczema
patients with fragrance contact allergy is affected in a similar degree as patients with other
contact allergies (110).
In a questionnaire study of 117 patients recently diagnosed with contact allergy to
fragrance ingredients, most presented with hand or facial eczema. In response to the
question if and how fragrance allergy had affected their life situation, 67.5% replied that
they often had to take special precautions, 47.0% replied that they were often bothered by
eczema and itch, 17.1% said that they had had to take sick leave due to their fragrance
contact allergy and 45.3% felt that fragrance contact allergy had significantly influenced
their daily living (111).
4.4.2. Occupational restrictions
Contact allergy is known to influence severity and prognosis of hand eczema (112, 113)
including risk of sick leave (110). Fragrance contact allergy is mostly of a non-occupational
origin (88) related to the personal use of scented cosmetics, but may have secondary
occupational consequences. This may be due to exposure to fragrance ingredients also in
the work place or because hand eczema has developed. Hand eczema itself may make it
impossible to remain in the trade even if protective equipment is used. In young people,
fragrance allergy may limit the choice of occupations, as it will be difficult to work as a
hairdresser, cosmetologist or in other occupations with a significant skin exposure to
fragranced products.
4.4.3. Costs to health care/health economics
In a population based study of 3,460 individuals, contact allergy to FM I was found in 1.6%;
logistic regression analyses showed that medical consultation due to cosmetic dermatitis
(OR 3.37, 95% CI 1.83-6.20) and cosmetic dermatitis within the past 12 months (OR 3.53,
CI 2.02-6.17) were significantly associated with sensitisation to FM I (86). Further, as
mentioned above, fragrance allergy may lead to sick leave (111). No specific cost estimates
for fragrance allergy exist, but the yearly total costs of contact dermatitis in Western Europe
was estimated to be 5.2 billion Euro in 1997. Prices were based on the Allergy White Paper
(1997) and on results of investigations and extrapolations of known data for Western
Europe (114). Fragrance allergy is the second most frequent cause of contact allergy after
nickel allergy and is seen in every 10
patient investigated for contact allergy. Even a
modest reduction in nickel allergy has been estimated to have the value of 12 million
Euro/year/million people in Denmark (Environmental Project Nr. 929, 2004;, last
accessed 2011-11-13). The costs are likely to differ in other countries, some with higher
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
expenses and some with lower costs. These estimates show that the cost of contact allergy
in the population may be considerable.
4.5. Allergen avoidance
Generally, “allergen avoidance” can be regarded as having two aspects: (i) primary
prevention of the acquisition of contact allergy achieved by avoiding or limiting exposure of
the general population, or certain parts of it, to allergens; and (ii) secondary prevention in
terms of avoiding (re-)elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis in sensitised individuals.
4.5.1. Primary prevention: limiting or eliminating exposure to
allergens in the population
The main aim of public health is the primary prevention of disease in populations. Allergic
contact dermatitis (to fragrances) has the potential to have a significant impact on quality of
life, including effects on fitness for work (chapter 4.4). Moreover, it is a common
phenomenon and therefore a reduction of exposure to potential (fragrance) allergens must
be an objective of effective Public Health measures.
Means of limiting or eliminating exposure to fragrance allergens include the following:
Prohibition by regulatory measures or other means.
Restriction by regulatory measures or other means of the maximum permissible
concentration of a substance, or a critical component of natural mixtures, possibly
according to different uses and product types, respectively.
Substitution with suitable, but less or non-allergenic compounds. Substitution by a
component which is chemically different, but effectively not different in terms of
allergenicity or cross-reactivity, is not adequate (e.g. an ester) (chapter 5).
Formulating the fragrance with the aim of limiting or eliminating those substances
for which a sensitising potential has been shown. One difficulty with this approach is
that sometimes no sensitisation data exist for those components of a fragrance
formula which are used to replace a “known sensitiser”.
Deliberate avoidance of the use of fragrances where they are not essential to the
function of a finished product, but used merely to add to its appeal. Examples could
include most cosmetics, topical medicaments, detergents etc., but obviously not
perfumes, eau de toilette and other products used for their scent.
Information, e.g. labelling so that the consumer may make an informed choice to
avoid exposure to a particular ingredient.
4.5.2. Secondary prevention: avoiding re-exposure to (a) specific
sensitiser(s) in clinically diagnosed individuals
In clinical dermatology, avoidance of re-exposure to an allergen is central to the care of
sensitised patients. Contact sensitisation, as a latent condition, persists life-long, and
therefore allergen avoidance is the only means of avoiding potentially severe and/or
handicapping disease, which affects quality of life and may affect fitness for work, i.e.
allergic contact dermatitis.
In this context, the valid diagnosis of sensitisation, by patch testing (95) with standardised
materials, is a prerequisite of successful allergen avoidance.
In the case of fragrances, a history clearly indicative of “fragrance dermatitis” but in which
patch testing with commercially available test preparations is negative, most probably
reflects a shortcoming of the patch test procedure, namely, a false-negative investigation.
An important cause is inadequate information on the presence of fragrance substances
present in cosmetic products (and consumer products in general). This means that patients
cannot be tested for relevant substances.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
A false-negative investigation can also be due to a number of other reasons: (i) non-
adherence to scientific recommendations (95) or guidelines (e.g. (115)); (ii) sub-optimal
patch test concentration; or (iii) use of non-oxidised material if oxidised material is the true
In an “ideal” case, from the point of view of successful patient management, the test
procedure identifies all the allergen(s) to which the patient has developed contact allergy,
according to the information on the culprit product(s) brought in by the patient. Such
contact sensitisation is termed “clinically relevant” (62), and the need for allergen avoidance
in the future is unequivocally evident in these cases. However, not infrequently, clinical
relevance of an allergic patch test reaction cannot be ascertained for various reasons, which
may be beyond control by the clinician (see chapter 4.3). Nevertheless, future elicitation of
allergic contact dermatitis by sufficient contact with the identified “non-relevant” allergen
may be expected. Hence, the patient will need to avoid the respective substance(s).
In a less “ideal” case, only part of the fragrance allergens having caused allergic contact
dermatitis are identified (and can subsequently be avoided), while another part remains
unidentified, for instance because it is: (i) not labelled on the product; and/or (ii) not
available for routine diagnostic patch testing (special investigations such as chemical
analysis of the culprit product, and break-down patch testing of its individual components,
are performed rarely). Such “residual” undetermined sensitisation will hamper the success
of secondary prevention of allergic contact dermatitis due to fragrances.
The above consideration raises the question for the patient of how to identify fragrance
chemicals in cosmetics and other products coming into contact with the skin, such as
detergents and household products, topical medicaments, products used professionally (e.g.
by hairdressers, beauticians, masseurs, aromatherapists), and in other industrially used
categories of products (7) (see also chapter 9). In this regard, the labelling with “perfume”
or “contains fragrances” does not provide sufficient information. Moreover, such general
labelling has two main disadvantages:
It does not aid the identification of past exposure to specific agents when planning a
patch test and later, when interpreting possible positive patch test results regarding
clinical relevance.
The diagnosis of allergic contact sensitisation to unidentified fragrance allergens will
lead to unnecessary avoidance of other fragrance substances to which the patient is
not sensitised, which are, however, included under the label “perfume”.
Furthermore, the attribute “fragrance-free” may be misleading, as it merely states that no
substance was added to the product to give it a scent, assuming it is used correctly at all.
Nevertheless, fragrance substances used for other purposes, e.g. as preservatives, may
expose the “fragrance allergic” patient to the allergen even in a “fragrance free” product
(116). However, in terms of cosmetic ingredient labelling, such other uses are less
problematic, as each ingredient not used as a fragrance component must be labelled. Also
the use of natural products (essential oils) as preservatives must be considered in this
Ingredient labelling of 26 individual fragrance ingredients, identified as allergens in humans,
was introduced for cosmetics in 2005. The intention was to provide a tool for clinicians for
optimizing the investigation of patients with suspected fragrance allergy, as well as for
fragrance allergic patients for avoiding products containing substances they have been
shown to be allergic to. Both these aims are objectives of secondary prevention and seem
to have been well accepted. In a study of fragrance allergic patients and their utilisation of
ingredient labelling (111), most responded that they used the ingredient labelling (86.3%)
and of those who used it, the majority (65.3%) found it helpful (111). Most allergic patients
used the ingredient labelling (83.2%) to find out if the product was scented, while 35.6%
also looked for specific ingredients. Many (84.9%) found that a clearer labelling, e.g. easier
names and a larger font size, would increase their benefit.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
4.6. Conclusions
Contact allergy to fragrances is relatively common, affecting 1 to 3% of the general
population, based on limited testing with eight common fragrance allergens and about 16 %
of patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis. Fragrance contact allergy
is mostly non-occupational and related to the personal use of cosmetic products.
Allergic contact dermatitis can be severe and widespread, with a significant impairment of
quality of life and potential consequences for fitness for work. Thus, prevention of contact
sensitisation to fragrances, both in terms of primary prevention (avoiding sensitisation) and
secondary prevention (avoiding relapses of allergic contact dermatitis in those already
sensitised), is an important objective of public health risk management measures.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
5. Activation of weak or non-sensitising substances into sensitisers -
prehaptens and prohaptens
Fragrance allergens act as haptens, i.e. low molecular weight chemicals that are
immunogenic only when attached to a carrier protein. However, not all sensitising fragrance
chemicals are directly reactive, but require previous activation.
A prehapten is a chemical that itself is non- or low-sensitising, but that is transformed into a
hapten outside the skin by simple chemical transformation (air oxidation, photoactivation)
and without the requirement of specific enzymatic systems.
A prohapten is a chemical that itself is non- or low-sensitising but that is transformed into a
hapten in the skin (bioactivation) usually via enzyme catalysis.
It is not always possible to know whether a particular allergen that is not directly reactive
acts as a prehapten or as a prohapten, or both, because air oxidation and bioactivation can
often give the same product (geraniol is an example).
Some chemicals might act by all three pathways. One example is geranial (an isomer of
citral) which is a hapten itself with a moderate sensitisation potency, but can be activated to
more potent sensitisers via air oxidation (autoxidation) thus acting as a prehapten and also
via bioactivation (metabolic activation) thus acting as a prohapten (117).
Increased understanding of the importance of activation through interaction with the
environment that turns non-sensitising compounds into sensitisers has made it important to
distinguish between prehaptens and prohaptens. This distinction facilitates discussions by
emphasizing the differences in activation mechanisms between the two types of compounds
requiring activation to become haptens. It is important to note that prehapten activation, in
contrast to bioactivation, can be prevented to a certain extent by avoidance of air exposure
during the handling and storage of the chemicals. This concerns the most prominent
haptens formed by autoxidation i.e. the hydroperoxides. In bioactivation, hydroperoxides
have not been identified as metabolites, but other allergenic oxidation products (in
particular aldehydes and epoxides) have been identified as being formed by both activation
routes depending on the structure of the compound. One thoroughly studied example is
geraniol which forms the aldehyde geranial, epoxy-geraniol, and also epoxy-geranial via
both pathways of activation (autoxidation and metabolic oxidation) (118, 119). When
haptens are formed by both pathways, the impact on the sensitisation potency depends on
the degree of autoxidation in relation to the amount of metabolic oxidation.
Human data on established prehaptens are presented in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. In Table
5-1 the results from patch testing with air exposed samples of the prehaptens are given.
Table 5-2 shows the results from testing with the prehaptens themselves without intended
air exposure. In addition to the data given in this chapter, animal data (LLNA) on the pure
prehaptens or after controlled air exposure are given in Table 8-2. Possible pro- and
prehaptens are identified by SAR analyses in chapter 9.
5.1. Prehaptens
Autoxidation is a free radical chain reaction in which hydrogen atom abstraction in
combination with addition of oxygen forms peroxyl radicals. The reaction shows selectivity
for positions where stable radicals can be formed. So far, all fragrance substances that have
been investigated with regard to the influence of autoxidation on the allergenic potential,
including identification of formed oxidation products, have oxidisable allylic positions that
are able to form hydroperoxides and/or hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidation products
upon air exposure. Once the hydroperoxides have been formed outside the skin they form
specific antigens and act as skin sensitisers (120). Secondary oxidation products such as
aldehydes and epoxides can also be allergenic, thus further increasing the sensitisation
potency of the autoxidation mixture (121). The process of photoactivation may also play a
role, but further research is required to establish whether this activation route is currently
underestimated in importance due to insufficient knowledge of the true haptens in this
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Most terpenes with oxidisable allylic positions can be expected to autoxidise on air exposure
due to their inherent properties. Depending on the stability of the oxidation products that
are formed, a difference in the sensitisation potency of the oxidised terpenes can be seen.
Oxidation products of commonly used fragrance terpenes (limonene, linalool, geraniol,
linalyl acetate) have been identified as potent sensitisers in predictive animal tests (118,
122-127) (see chapter 8). This is also demonstrated for alpha-terpinene and citronellol (AT
Karlberg, personal communication 2011). The oxidised fragrance terpenes limonene, linalool
and linalyl acetate have been tested in consecutive dermatitis patients and give frequent
allergic contact reactions (128-133). Details are given in Table 5-1
In contrast, the non-oxidised compounds rarely cause allergic reactions (41-43, 64, 67, 72,
96, 134-136), for details see Table 5-2. Not all oxidised fragrance substances are strong
sensitisers, e.g. caryophyllene is readily oxidised but has a low sensitisation potency after
autoxidation (137). This is supported by clinical studies showing oxidised caryophyllene to
be a less frequent allergen compared to oxidised limonene and oxidised linalool (131).
As oxidised and non-oxidised fragrance terpenes were not patch tested simultaneously in
the same patients, the results are presented in two separate tables (Table 5-1 and Table
Table 5-1: Contact allergic reactions to the autoxidised fragrance substances limonene, linalool,
caryophyllene, myrcene and linalyl acetate in consecutive dermatitis patients.
INCI name CAS no Test conc.
n Positive/n
tested (%)
5 18/703 (2.6%)
3 28/1172 (1.6%)
D-Limonene (ox.) 5989-27-5
2 3/362 (0.83%)
§ (128)
D-Limonene (ox.) 5989-27-5 3 63/2273 (2.8%)
variation between
centres: 0.3-6.5%
§ (129)
D-Limonene (ox.) 49/1812 (2.3%)
L-Limonene (ox.) 36/1812 (2.0%)
D – and/or L- Limonene
63/2411 (2.6%)
§ (132)
Linalool (ox.) 78-70-6 2 20/1511 (1.3%)
variation between
centres: 0.4-2.7%
Caryophyllene (ox.) 88-44-5 3.9 2/1511 (0.1%)
Myrcene (ox.) 123-35-3 3 1/1511 (0.1%)
§ (131)
2 14/1693 (0.83%)
4 67/2075 (3.2%)
6 91/1725 (5.3%)
Linalool (ox.) 78-70-6
11 72/1004 (7.2%)
§ (133)
Linalool (ox.) 78-70-6 3 11/483 (2.3%) (138)
Linalyl acetate (ox.) 115-95-7 6 13/1217 (1.1%) (139)
Notes: § Bicentric or multicentre studies.
(ox.) Oxidised.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 5-2: Contact allergic reactions to limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate and caryophyllene in
consecutive dermatitis patient. Please observe that several studies have been performed using the
test substances without reporting the autoxidation status but it has been intended to be low. For
precise information see the original references.
n Positive/n tested
Limonene 0/1200 (134)
Limonene 3/2396 (0.1%) § (72)
DL-Limonene 11/1241 (0.88%) § (41)
Limonene 0/320 (42)
138-86-3 2
3/2396 (0.1%) § (72)
30 0/179 (136)
20 3/1825 (0.2%) § (43)
10 2/320 (0.6%) (42)
10 4/792 (0.5%) (135)
5 and 1 0/100 (67)
10 7/2401 (0.3%) § (72) Linalool, “stabilised” *
10 2/985 (0.2%) § (41)
1, 5 0/100 (67) Linalyl acetate 115-95-7
10 4/1855 (0.2%) § (64)
beta-Caryophyllene 87-44-5 5 10/1606 (0.6%) § (96)
Notes: § Bicentric or multicentre studies.
(ox.) Oxidised.
* Stabilised: according to the manufacturer contained additional substances aimed at limiting
Due to the complexity of scented products, which are mixtures of many different fragrance
substances, there are at present no published data identifying the presence of individual
hydroperoxides in cosmetic products containing the above fragrance terpenes. However,
clinical studies show a clear connection between contact allergy to oxidised limonene and
oxidised linalool, and contact allergy to other markers of fragrance contact allergy (128-
133); see Table 5-3.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 5-3: Concomitant reactions to fragrance markers: Fragrance Mix I and II (FM I, FM II),
Myroxylon pereire (MP) and to colophonium (coloph.) in the baseline series in patients with positive or
negative patch test reactions to oxidised fragrance substances.
Pos. to FM I Pos. to MP Pos. to
Total number
of pos. and/or
neg. reactions
n % n % n %
Pos.: 49 20 41 12 24 12 24 Reactions to ox.
D- limonene
and/or limonene
Neg.: 2751 223 8.1 142
5.2 131 4.8
Pos.: 60 22 37 11 18 13 22 Reactions to ox.
D- limonene
and/or limonene
Neg.: 729 141 19 71 9.7 58 8
Pos. to ox. D-
limonene: 41
14 34 11 27 11 27
Neg. to ox. D-
limonene: 1771
113 6.4 91 5.1 62 3.5
Pos. to ox. L-
limonene: 36
11 31 12 33 9 25
Reactions to ox.
D- limonene
and/or ox. L-
Neg. to ox. L-
limonene: 1776
116 6.5 80 4.5 64 3.6
Pos. to any of
the tested ox.
subst.: 31
12 39 6 31 12 39
Reactions to any
of ox. linalool,
Neg. to any of
the tested ox.
subst: 1480
93 6 63 4 46 3
Pos. to FM
Pos. to
Pos. to
Pos. to
n % n % n % n %
Pos. at test conc.
4%: 30
8 26.7
5 16.7
10 33.3 5 16.7
Pos. at test conc.
6%: 55
12 21.8
8 14.5
11 20 8 14.5
Pos. at test conc.
11%: 72
14 19.4
9 12.5
14 19.4 9 12.5
Total pos. at any
test conc:
n.g. n.g.
n.g n.g.
Reactions to ox.
Total neg. at any
test conc:
56 6.0 29 3.1 45 4.8 24 2.6
Notes: * Bicentric or multicentre studies.
n.g. Not given.
(ox.) Oxidised.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Linalool and linalyl acetate are the main components of lavender oil. They autoxidise on air
exposure also when present in the essential oil, and form the same oxidation products
found in previous studies of the pure synthetic terpenes. Experimental sensitisation studies
showed that air exposure of lavender oil increased the sensitisation potency. Patch test
results in dermatitis patients showed a connection between positive reactions to oxidised
linalool, linalyl acetate and lavender oil (140).
It should be noted that activation of substances via air oxidation results in various haptens
that might be the same or cross-reacting with other haptens (allergens). The main allergens
after air oxidation of linalool and linalyl acetate are the hydroperoxides. If linalyl acetate is
chemically hydrolysed outside the skin it can thereafter be oxidised to the same haptens as
seen for linalool. A corresponding example is citronellol and citronellyl acetate. In clincal
studies, concomitant reactions to oxidised linalool and oxidised linalyl acetate have been
observed (139, 140)
. Whether these reactions depend on cross-reactivity or are due to
exposure to both fragrance substances cannot be elucidated as both have an allergenic
effect themselves.
For prehaptens, the activation outside the body can be prevented to a certain extent. This is
possible by measures during handling and storage of the ingredients and the final product
to avoid air exposure and/or by the addition of suitable antioxidants. Prevention of
autoxidation using antioxidants needs thorough investigation, as the autoxidation rate
depends not only on the compound itself, but also its purity (141). Furthermore, it should
be noted that most antioxidants exert their function by being activated instead of the
compound that they protect, thus suggesting that they too could act as prehapten skin
sensitisers. This is a risk to be considered given that antioxidants are now frequently used
at increased concentrations in scented products due to a growing awareness of the problem
of autoxidation.
5.2. Prohaptens
Compounds that are bioactivated in the skin and thereby form haptens are referred to as
prohaptens. The human skin expresses enzyme systems that are able to metabolise
xenobiotics (142), modifying their chemical structure to increase hydrophilicity and allow
elimination from the body. Xenobiotic metabolism can be divided into two phases: phase I
and phase II. Phase I transformations are known as activation or functionalisation reactions,
which normally introduce or unmask hydrophilic functional groups. If the metabolites are
sufficiently polar at this point they will be eliminated. However, many phase I products have
to undergo subsequent phase II transformations, i.e. conjugation to make them sufficiently
water soluble to be eliminated. Although the purpose of xenobiotic metabolism is
detoxification, it can also convert relatively harmless compounds into reactive species.
Cutaneous enzymes that catalyse phase I transformations include the cytochrome P450
mixed-function oxidase system, alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases, monoamine
oxidases, flavin-containing monooxygenases and hydrolytic enzymes. Acyltransferases,
glutathione S-transferases, UDP-glucuronosyltransferases and sulfotransferases are
examples of phase II enzymes that have been shown to be present in human skin (142).
These enzymes are known to catalyse both activating and deactivating biotransformations
(143), but the influence of the reactions on the allergenic activity of skin sensitisers has not
been studied in detail.
Skin sensitising prohaptens can be recognised and grouped into chemical classes based on
knowledge of xenobiotic bioactivation reactions, clinical observations and/or in vivo and in
vitro studies of sensitisation potential and chemical reactivity. Few mechanistic
investigations of prohaptens have so far been published. Investigations that are important
for the bioactivation of fragrance substances are studies on alkenes, e.g. alpha- terpinene
(144-146), the allylic primary alcohols geraniol (119) cinnamyl alcohol (147-151), eugenol
and isoeugenol (152).
In order to be able to predict the sensitisation potency of prohaptens, steps of bioactivation
have to be included in the predictive tests where intrinsic bioactivating systems are lacking.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
So far, no such predictive non-animal methods have been developed that take account of
When bioactivation occurs, the risk of cross-reactivity also needs to be be considered.
Cross-reactivity between certain aldehydes and their corresponding alcohols, e.g. cinnamal
- cinnamyl alcohol and geranial - geraniol, due to the metabolic oxidation of the alcohols to
the aldehydes in the skin is demonstrated (119, 147-151).
When using derivatives of a fragrance substance, it must be taken into account that the
derivative could be metabolically transformed in the skin into the parent or cross-reacting
compounds. A prominent example of such bioactivation is the hydrolysis of esters by
esterases to the corresponding original alcohols. The metabolic product obtained can act as
a hapten or a prohapten in exactly the same way as the non-esterified parent compound.
Isoeugenol and its derivatives are an important example for this mechanism from which
general conclusions may be drawn. As the use of isoeugenol in fragranced products needs
to be indicated on the ingredients list, this important fragrance material may be replaced in
fragrance formulations by derivatives with a similar scent. In a study it was shown that
several EDP/EDT/aftershave lotions contained high levels of isoeugenyl acetate and
isoeugenol methyl ether (Table 5-4) (153). Isoeugenyl acetate will be hydrolysed by
esterases in the skin to generate isoeugenol. The situation may be similar for eugenyl
acetate and geranyl acetate, which might be used in fragrance formulations instead of
eugenol and geraniol, respectively.
Table 5-4: Mean and median content of isoeugenol and its derivatives in the 29 perfume products.
Products containing
the fragrance
Content (ppm)
Fragrance compound
No. % Range Mean SD Median
Isoeugenol 16 55 27-203 71 54 45
Isoeugenyl acetate 10 34 20-4689 985 1570 166
Isoeugenyl methyl ether 13 45 65-1755 360 442.3 222
5.3. Conclusions
Many fragrance substances can act as prehaptens or prohaptens, forming potent
allergens by abiotic and/or metabolic activation. Activation can thus increase the risk
of sensitisation.
Fragrance substances of clinical importance known to be prehaptens and to form
sensitising compounds by air oxidation are limonene, linalool, and linalyl acetate.
Fragrance substances of clinical importance known to be prohaptens and to form
sensitising compounds by metabolic transformation are cinnamyl alcohol, eugenol,
isoeugenol and isoeugenol acetate.
Fragrance substances of clinical importance with published data known to be both
prehaptens and prohaptens and to form sensitising compounds by air oxidation
(prehaptens) and by metabolic transformation are geraniol and alpha-terpinene.
A fragrance substance that sensitises without activation, but forms more potent
sensitising compounds by air oxidation and also by metabolic transformation is
geranial (one isomer of citral).
In the case of prehaptens, it is possible to prevent activation outside the body to a
certain extent by different measures, e.g. prevention of air exposure during handling
and storage of the ingredients and the final product, and by the addition of suitable
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
antioxidants. When antioxidants are used, care should be taken that they will not be
activated themselves and thereby form new sensitisers.
It should be noted that the possibility to reduce the sensitisation potency by
preventing air oxidation is also important for a direct acting hapten or prohapten, if a
further activation by air oxidation to more allergenic compounds has been shown.
In the case of prohaptens, the possibility to become activated is inherent to the
molecule and activation cannot be avoided by extrinsic measures. Activation
processes increase the risk for cross-reactivity between fragrance substances. Cross-
reactivity has been shown for certain alcohols and their corresponding aldehydes, i.e.
between geraniol and geranial (citral) and between cinnamyl alcohol and cinnamal.
Cross-reactivity is also expected between ester derivatives and their parent alcohols,
as the esters will be hydrolysed by esterases in the skin. Esters of important contact
allergens that can be activated by hydrolysis in the skin are isoeugenol acetate,
eugenyl acetate and geranyl acetate all of which are known to be used as fragrance
Further experimental and clinical research in the area of abiotic and/or metabolic
activation of fragrance substances is clearly needed to increase the safety for the
consumer. Compounds suspected to act as prehaptens and/or prohaptens should be
considered as allergens, unless it could be demonstrated that they do not become
activated by one of the described pathways.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
6. Retrieval of evidence and classification of fragrance substances
For a systematic review, a structured approach of identifying, grading and aggregating
available information should be used. Regarding the classification of substances as
allergens, a number of approaches have been suggested (154-156). The categorisation of
skin sensitisers according to sensitising potency has also been proposed (157). For this
opinion, these discussions were extended to reconcile different perspectives and to arrive at
a strategy that is both consistent and applicable in practice.
6.1. Retrieval of evidence
A systematic search strategy was employed for the retrieval of clinical data, as outlined
below. Experimental data are often not published hence the exact definition of the scope
considered for the review is necessary and is given below. Additional LLNA data were
reviewed, if identified by the search strategy, e.g. in chapter 8.1.2 and, as “additional
information”, in Annex I of this opinion. This supplemental evidence was, however, not
considered for the final categorisation in Table 13-2.
6.1.1. Search strategy for clinical data
Method of literature search:
1. Manual search of the issues of the journal “Contact Dermatitis” up to March 2010 (for
the 26 “annex substances” from 1999 to October 2010), identifying all studies with
fragrance substances.
2. PubMed search of CAS number identified in the previous opinion, reviews and already
identified clincial studies, respectively, and manual screening of identified publications
(narrowed for the last 10 years for the 26 “annex substances”), if necessary narrowing
the search results by adding “dermatitis” or “allergy”. For example, for citral: 5392-40-
5 AND (dermatitis or allergy),
translated into
"5392-40-5"[EC/RN Number] AND
("dermatitis"[MeSH Terms] OR "dermatitis"[All Fields])
("hypersensitivity"[MeSH Terms] OR "hypersensitivity"[All Fields] OR "allergy"[All
Fields] OR "allergy and immunology"[MeSH Terms] OR ("allergy"[All Fields] AND
"immunology"[All Fields]) OR "allergy and immunology"[All Fields])
3. Manual search of all RIFM reviews published in supplement issues of “Food and
Chemical Toxicology
” in the past 20 years. In case of the least evidence on human
sensitisation the substances were preliminarily selected and further research initiated.
4. Consideration of the most important (“top 100”) fragrance compounds in terms of
volumes used (disregarding functional additives such as solvents) as supplied by the
International Fragrance Association IFRA (personal communication 2010).
5. Consideration of fragrance compounds ranking 101 to 200 on the list of use volumes, if
they were classified as skin sensitisers (R 43).
6.1.2. Collection of experimental (LLNA) data
The SCCS requested the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) to submit data on
animal tests performed with fragrance substances, by the local lymph node assay (LLNA) in
mice, guinea pig maximisation test (GPMT) and Buehler test, to be presented in a structured
format. In response, industry submitted first a poster (158) and later a report consisting of
Food and Chemical Toxicology, Elsevier Ltd.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
LLNA protocol summaries on the 59 fragrance substances in the poster (159). No guinea pig
studies were submitted. The SCCS has reviewed and analysed the report and the
publications quoted in the report. A summary is given in chapter 8 and full data are given in
Annex II. EC3 values on some additional fragrance substances in two published reviews
(160, 161) have also been considered. Additional EC3 values may be available in the
scientific literature and there may also be other unpublished data.
6.2. Grading of evidence
Assembled evidence has to be graded in two steps: (i) the quality of each single study, and
(ii) the strength of evidence underlying the eventual classification as an allergen. Generally,
studies (published or not) which are eligible for consideration will contribute to the final
overall judgement to different degrees.
Positive human data, if sufficiently demonstrated (point (i) below), will always
over rule experimental (animal), in vitro or in silico data of similar internal
validity, as they provide direct evidence on allergenicity in humans.
Small study groups will contribute less precise information than larger studies of
otherwise similar quality. As a minimum requirement, the size of the study
groups and the numbers of events must be stated in the reports.
The following subsections will address special aspects of clinical and experimental studies,
6.2.1. Quality of a clinical study
Two major types of clinical studies must be distinguished because they provide a different
scope of information:
(i) Case reports or small case series, focusing on patients with positive (test) reactions
to the target substance, sometimes including a set of non-exposed, possibly non-
diseased “control patients”; these should present a concise summary of all relevant
aspects of the patient's history, diagnostic procedures and possibly further
(ii) Clinical series in which results of a group of patients patch tested with the target
substance, often combined with other substances, are presented. In the latter type
of report, usually only a minority of patients tested show a positive reaction to the
test substance. This implies that the majority of patients can be used to illustrate the
proportion of irritant, doubtful and negative reactions. The degree of detail on the
patients' histories is usually limited in such studies, compared to case reports.
Some of the basic quality criteria in clinical patch testing which should be considered are:
Adherence to international patch test guidelines (94, 95).
Material(s) tested should be characterised.
Total number of patients tested must be given.
Patient selection should be described.
Relevance may be demonstrated either on a case-by-case basis, following pertinent
guidelines, or in terms of a significant epidemiological association between
sensitisation and exposure or valid markers of exposure.
6.2.2. Quality of an experimental study
International guidelines such as the pertinent OECD guidelines for testing sensitisation have
been developed and adopted. Experimental studies following these guidelines are
considered as valid. However, a vast number of non-guideline studies are available and
should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
6.2.3. Quality of “other” evidence
Supporting evidence besides human and animal (experimental) data comprises in vitro test
systems, in chemico experiments and structure activity relationships (SARs).
SAR analysis has at present no formal regulatory validation for skin sensitisation,
nevertheless it may provide useful indicative information on sensitising potential when no or
limited clinical or animal data are available.
SAR studies must consider a possible formation of haptens (allergens) from compounds able
to act as prehaptens by, e.g. autoxidation outside the body as well as metabolic activation
in the skin of compounds able to act as prohaptens (121, 162).
6.3. Aggregating evidence for a final conclusion
The criteria listed below are followed as a flow chart to arrive at a conclusion. This implies
that if classification into one category is achieved, subsequent categories need not be
considered. Based on the above criteria, fragrance substances were selected to be included
in the present opinion if classified in one of the categories defined below.
6.3.1. Established contact allergen in humans
To qualify as an established contact allergen, the SCCS considers that at least one of the
following two criteria must be met:
At least two clinical series fulfilling the quality criteria from two different centres with
cases of sensitisation, or at least three separate clinical series from different centres
if a study, or studies, do not meet all quality criteria. ( sufficient human evidence
Case reports from at least two independent centres describing more than two
patients altogether in whom clinically relevant contact sensitisation had
unequivocally been proven ( sufficient human evidence present)
At least one clinical series fulfilling the quality criteria, together with at least one
case report of clinically relevant contact sensitisation ( sufficient human evidence
Experimentally induced sensitisation (e.g. unequivocally positive human
maximisation tests/repeated insult patch test)
( sufficient human evidence
6.3.2. Established contact allergen in animals
To qualify as an established contact allergen, the following criterion must be met:
At least one positive result in an animal study carried out according to accepted
guidelines, providing unequivocal evidence of a sensitisation potential ( sufficient
animal evidence present).
6.3.3. Likely contact allergen, if human, animal and other evidence
is considered
To qualify as an likely contact allergen, if classification as “established …” is not applicable,
at least two of the following criteria must be met:
Individual cases of allergic patch test reactions not fulfilling the requirements for
sufficient evidence ( limited human evidence present)
It should be noted that the SCCS considers such tests unethical (163).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
A positive result in at least one non-guideline animal study, which should be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis ( limited animal evidence present)
Other evidence, e.g. results from in chemico experiments or in vitro tests or from
structure-activity considerations based on sufficiently valid results for closely related
compounds ( other evidence present).
6.3.4. Possible contact allergen, if human, animal and other
evidence is considered
To qualify as a posible contact allergen, if classification as “established …” or as “likely …
contact allergen is not applicable, at least one of the following criteria must be met:
Individual cases of allergic patch test reactions not fulfilling the requirements for
sufficient evidence ( limited human evidence present)
A positive result in at least one non-guideline animal study, which should be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis ( limited animal evidence present)
Other evidence, e.g. results from in chemico experiments or in vitro tests or from
structure-activity considerations based on sufficiently valid results for closely related
compounds ( other evidence present).
6.4. Conclusions
The present opinion includes (i) a well-defined search strategy for retrieving pertinent
evidence; (ii) a definition of criteria used to evaluate available evidence; and, finally (iii) a
set of rules to categorise the substances with regard to the relevant toxicological endpoint,
i.e. sensitisation in man, based on the evidence.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
7. Reported fragrance allergens from the clinical perspective
In this chapter, clinical evidence regarding sensitisation to individual fragrance chemicals
and to natural extracts (essential oils) is tabulated. In this report “single chemicals” refers
to chemicals of natural or synthetic origin whose chemical identity is fully known. The term
“natural extracts” refers to plant or animal derived mixtures of natural chemicals, for
example lavender oil, whose composition may be variable and may or may not have been
fully or partly established. Full information, including possible synonyms, structural formulas
(in the case of single chemicals only), a short summary of available evidence and further
information, e.g. on regulatory status, is presented in Annex I.
7.1. Tabular summary of evaluated individual fragrance chemicals
Regarding nomenclature, INCI names are used wherever possible. If an INCI name is not
available, the perfuming name as listed by CosIng is used. Detailed information on the
publications identified and considered for this report can be found in Annex I. Several
substances are currently banned from the use in cosmetic products by Annex II of the
Cosmetics Directive, based on concerns regarding one or more toxicological endpoints.
While available clinical evidence regarding this set of substances is listed in Annex I, these
substances have not been further evaluated and are thus not included in this chapter.
In this section, a tabular overview on the classification of substances considered is
presented in four tables listing:
1. Established contact allergens in humans ( sufficient human evidence present).
2. Substances with positive human data, which are, however, not sufficient to
categorise as “established contact allergen in humans” ( limited human evidence
3. Substances with negative human data, i.e. patch tests of patients with suspected
contact allergy to fragrance ingredients which yielded negative results.
4. Substances eligible for inclusion (see beginning of chapter 6) for which no human
data are available.
A critical point in understanding this scheme is that there is publication bias in reporting
allergens. This is due to the fact that once a substance has been reported and accepted as a
contact allergen in humans, further reports are less likely to be published unless they are
part of a epidemiological survey or when there is a novel source of exposure. Moreover, the
number of patients displaying positive test reactions obviously not only depends on the
underlying prevalence of sensitisation, but also on how often a substance is patch tested.
This implies that inclusion of an allergen or allergen mixture in the baseline patch test series
(as for Fragrance Mix I and II, Myroxylon pereirae and HICC, and partly also other
substances/mixtures) will yield the maximum possible number of cases. In contrast, patch
testing in “special” series, e.g. as a break-down of single constituents of the respective mix
in case of a positive reaction to the latter, or with application only in the case of strongly
suspected fragrance intolerance, will mostly result in higher relative numbers than testing
the same compound consecutively, but also in lower absolute numbers.
In Table 7-1, the single substances are listed with a semi-quantification of their impact
which were categorised as established contact allergens in humans according to the criteria
given in chapter 6.3.
Established contact allergens in humans, according to the criteria outlined at the beginning
of this chapter, were grossly categorised according to the number of patients tested and the
number of patients reacting positively, based on the publications considered. The following
categories were used:
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
+ Up to 10 positive test reactions reported
++ 11 to 100
+++ 101 to 1000
++++ > 1000
If a test allergen has been tested in less than 1,000 patients, “r.t.” (rarely tested) is added
in the following tables.
Table 7-1: Established contact allergens in humans (summary of evaluation as detailed in chapter
6.3). More detailed information forming the basis of this evaluation can be found in Annex I of this
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment:
see text
ACETYLCEDRENE 32388-55-9 +
AMYL CINNAMAL 122-40-7 +
trans-ANETHOLE 4180-23-8 + (r.t.)
) 80-54-6 ++
CAMPHOR 76-22-2 / 464-49-3 + (r.t.)
beta-CARYOPHYLLENE (ox.) 87-44-5 Non-ox.: +, ox.: +
CARVONE 99-49-0 / 6485-40-1
/ 2244-16-8
+ (r.t.)
CINNAMAL 104-55-2 +++
CITRAL 5392-40-5 +++
CITRONELLOL 106-22-9 / 1117-61-
9 / 7540-51-4
COUMARIN 91-64-5 +++
23696-85-7 + (r.t.)
43052-87-5 /
23726-92-3 +
76/768/EEC Annex III, part 1
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment:
see text
57378-68-4 +
151-05-3 +
EUGENOL 97-53-0 +++
FARNESOL 4602-84-0 +++
GERANIOL 106-24-1 +++
HEXADECANOLACTONE 109-29-5 + (r.t.)
HEXYL CINNAMAL 101-86-0 ++
31906-04-4 /
ISOEUGENOL 97-54-1 +++
alpha-ISOMETHYL IONONE 127-51-5 ++
(DL)-LIMONENE 138-86-3 ++ (non-ox.);
+++ (ox.)
LINALOOL 78-70-6 ++ (non-ox.)
+++ (ox.)
MENTHOL 1490-04-6 / 89-78-1
/ 2216-51-5
92-48-8 ++ (photo-allergy)
METHYL 2-OCTYNOATE 111-12-6 ++
67801-20-1 ++ (r.t.)
alpha-PINENE and beta-PINENE 80-56-8 and 127-
91-3, resp.
PROPYLIDENE PHTHALIDE 17369-59-4 + (r.t.)
alpha-SANTALOL and beta-SANTALOL 115-71-9 and 77-
42-9, resp.
SCLAREOL 515-03-7 +
TERPINEOL (mixture of isomers) 8000-41-7
alpha-TERPINEOL 10482-56-1 / 98-55-
Terpinolene 586-62-9 +
76/768/EEC Annex III, part 1
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment:
see text
54464-57-2 /
54464-59-4 /
68155-66-8 /
TRIMETHYL-BENZENEPROPANOL (Majantol) 103694-68-4 ++
VANILLIN 121-33-5 ++
In Table 7-2, those substances are listed which gave rise to a few reported cases of contact
sensitisation only, or where results have been reported from just one clinical department.
Thus, the level of evidence, regarding human data, must be regarded as limited, according
to the definitions given in chapter 6.3.
Table 7-2: Fragrance substances with positive human data, which are, however, not sufficient to
categorise as “established contact allergen in humans”. More detailed information forming the basis of
this evaluation can be found in Annex I of this opinion.
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
Comment Ref.
AMBRETTOLIDE 7779-50-2 3.4% positive
reactions in 178
CARVACROL 499-75-2 2 of 28 patients (Meynadier,
after (165))
CUMINALDEHYDE 122-03-2 3 of 179 patients
CYCLOHEXYL ACETATE 622-45-7 0.5% positive of 218
selected patients
CYCLOPENTADECANONE 502-72-7 3 of 178 patients
trans-trans-delta-DAMASCONE 71048-82-3 1 positive HRIPT
(2/15 with 1%)
116-26-7 1 positive HRIPT (5 of
reactions isomer
mixture in 178
ETHYLENE DODECANEDIOATE 54982-83-1 2 / 218 positive PT
ETHYL VANILLIN 121-32-4 1 occupational case (169)
HELIOTROPINE 120-57-0 6 / 1606 consecutive
patients positive
HYDROXYCITRONELLOL 107-74-4 6.0% positive PT
reactions in 218
ISOAMYL SALICYLATE 87-20-7 1 positive in 179
patients, possibly
“excited back
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
Comment Ref.
0 / 95 in another
study with <= 1/10
of above test conc.
ISOLONGIFOLENEKETONE 33407-62-4 1 / 178 patients (164)
METHOXYCITRONELLAL 3613-30-7 Positive PT data of
unknown validity by
Nakayama et al. in
22/137 patients.
METHOXYTRIMETHYLHEPTANOL 41890-92-0 0.9% positive PT (166)
METHYL p-ANISATE 121-98-2 1 / 182 patients
METHYL CINNAMATE 103-26-4 6 / 142 patients
METHYL DIHYDROJASMONATE 24851-98-7 3 / 1606 patients
0 / 100
METHYLIONANTHEME 55599-63-8 1 case (173)
5-METHYL-alpha-IONONE 79-69-6 5 / 1606 (96)
METHYL OCTINE CARBONATE 111-80-8 1 case (174)
MYRCENE 123-35-3 1 / 1511 positive to
oxidized myrcene
MYRTENOL 515-00-4 2 HRIPTs with 1 pos.
NEROL 106-25-2 6.0% positive (166)
Nerolidol (isomer not specified) 7212-44-4 Few, unconfirmed
pos. cases according
to RIFM review
NOPYL ACETATE 128-51-8 2 / 179 positive,
possibly “excited
back syndrome”
PHENETHYL ALCOHOL 60-12-8 1 / 179;
0 / 100
PHENYLACETALDEHYDE 122-78-1 1.1% of 182 positive.
1 case
PHENYLPROPANOL 122-97-4 2 / 218 (166).
PHYTOL 150-86-7 1 case in human
max. test
RHODINOL 6812-78-8 Several pos. HRIPTs,
clinical data of
uncertain validity
trans-ROSE KETONE-5 39872-57-6 2 / 22 pos. HRIPT (180)
For a number of substances negative patch tests results were obtained, usually in rather
small patient samples (max. 313 patients). For some of these substances exposure is
substantial, according to data submitted from IFRA. It should be noted that a negative
result does not rule out a notable sensitisation prevalence, as the study size has to be larger
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
than, e.g. n=298 to yield a 95% CI which excludes a prevalence of 1% and larger than
n=597 to exclude a prevalence of 0.5%.
Table 7-3: Fragrance substances with negative human data, i.e. patch tests of patients with
suspected contact allergy to fragrance ingredients which yielded negative results.
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Results /
21145-77-7 0 / 313
patients in 2
AMYLCYCLOPENTANONE 4819-67-4 0 / 178 (164)
BENZYL ACETATE 140-11-4 0 / 100
patients in 1
centre observed
patients in 2
4-tert.-Butylcyclohexyl acetate 32210-23-4 0 / 107
patients in 1
centre observed
93939-86-7 0 / 178 (164)
54830-99-8 0 / 313
patients in 2
HEXYL SALICYLATE 6259-76-3 0 / 218
“top 100”
substance and
classified as R43
HIBISCOLIDE 6707-60-4 0 / 178 (164)
alpha-IONONE 127-41-3 0 / 205 (67)
beta-IONONE 79-77-6 0 / 205
“top 100”
ISOBORNYL ACETATE 125-12-2 0 / 107
“top 100”
“top 100”
METHYL IONONE (mixture of isomers) 1335-46-2 0 / 100
“top 100”
OXALIDE 1725-01-5 0 / 178 (164)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Results /
TERPINEOL ACETATE (Isomer mixture) 8007-35-0 0 / 106
“top 100”
alpha-TERPINYL ACETATE 80-26-2 0 / 179 (136)
70788-30-6 0 / 178 (164)
For yet another subset of substances, no human data were publicly available. However,
exposure to these substances is important as they are used in high volumes (this being the
sole criterion for inclusion in this list) and, therefore their hazard with regard to contact
sensitisation should be examined.
Table 7-4: Fragrance substances lacking human data and used in high volumes according to industry
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming name according to
CAS number
p-tert. -Butyldihydrocinnamaldehyde 18127-01-0
DECANAL 112-31-2
3,7-DIMETHYL-1,6-NONADIEN-3-OL 10339-55-6
2-ETHYL-4-(2,2,3-TRIMETHYL-3-CYCLOPENTEN-1-YL)-2-BUTEN-1-OL 28219-61-6
IONONE isomeric mixture 8013-90-9
Longifolene 475-20-7
Annex III, part 1
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming name according to
CAS number
Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3
gamma-UNDECALACTONE 104-67-6
VERDYL ACETATE 2500-83-6/ 5413-60-
7.2. Tabular summary of evaluated natural extracts/essential oils
Natural raw materials in terms of extracts are used in the fragrance and flavour industry for
various reasons. Most importantly, several naturally occurring mixtures have a very
complex composition and sensory nature which cannot (fully) be achieved by synthetic the
demand for perfumes based on natural materials is considerable (182).
The three main methods used to concentrate plant fragrance substances; distillation,
mechanical separation (“pressing”), and solvent extraction, yield very different extracts.
Essential oils are obtained by water steam, water, ethanol, or water/ethanol distillation.
Essence oils are essential oils that separate from the aqueous phase in the distillation
receiver during the distillative concentration of fruit, usually citrus, juices. Citrus peel oils,
apart from distilled lime oil, are prepared in a special way by pressing the peel to release
mostly volatile substances from the pericarp in small oil glands, mostly highly volatile
terpene hydrocarbons. However, they also contain small amounts of non-volatile
compounds such as dyes, waxes and furocoumarines. The method of solvent extraction is
generally applied in the separation of heat-labile materials or if an essential oil can only be
obtained in very low yield, e.g. from blossoms. It is also used if the non-volatile components
are desired for their fixative properties, e.g. in the preparation of resinoids from exudates.
The most important extracts are termed: (i) concretes, an extract of fresh plant material
with nonpolar solvents, containing not only volatile, but also a large proportion of non-
volatile substances such as waxes; and (ii) absolutes, which are prepared by taking up
concretes in ethanol; compounds that precipitate on cooling are removed by filtration,
yielding a wax-free residue called absolute. Resinoids, used for their fixative properties, are
prepared by extracting plant exudates with alcohols or nonpolar solvents. The products are
usually highly viscous and thus sometimes diluted, e.g. with phthalates or benzyl benzoate.
Oleoresins are concentrates prepared from spices by solvent extraction (182).
Regarding clinical data in terms of contact allergy to fragrance ingredients, the main focus
of case reports or clinical studies on essential oils and natural extracts, respectively, is on
general dermatological patients with complaints related to use of cosmetics etc. However,
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
series of cases with occupational exposure to essential oils with occupational allergic contact
dermatitis have also been reported (e.g. masseurs, physiotherapists (183, 184),
aromatherapists (185-189), beauticians performing massages (190). For further details,
e.g. PT results with various essential oils, see the original case reports.
In this section, a tabular overview on the classification of substances considered is
presented in three tables listing:
1. Extracts identified as established contact allergens in humans( sufficient human
evidence present).
2. Extracts with positive human data, which are, however, not sufficient to categorise
as established contact allergen in humans ( limited human evidence present).
3. Extracts with negative human data, i.e. patch tests of patients with suspected
contact allergy to fragrance ingredients which yielded negative results.
In Table 7-5, essential oils with sufficient human evidence to categorise these as established
contact allergens in humans are presented.
Table 7-5: Natural extracts classified as established contact allergens in humans (summary of
evaluation as detailed in chapter 6.3). More detailed information forming the basis of this evaluation
can be found in Annex I of this opinion.
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming
name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment:
see text
CANANGA ODORATA and Ylang-ylang oil 83863-30-3; 8006-81-3 +++
CEDRUS ATLANTICA BARK OIL 92201-55-3; 8000-27-9 ++
++ (r.t.)
8016-38-4; 72968-50-4 ++
84929-31-7 ++
97766-30-8; 8028-48-6 ++
89998-14-1; 8007-02-1;
EUCALYPTUS SPP. LEAF OIL 92502-70-0; 8000-48-4 ++
(Tree moss)
90028-67-4 +++
90028-68-5 +++
JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 8000-27-9; 85085-41-2 ++
LAURUS NOBILIS 8002-41-3; 8007-48-5;
76/768/EEC Annex III, part 1
76/768/EEC Annex III, part 1
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming
name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment:
see text
LAVANDULA HYBRIDA 91722-69-9 + (r.t.)
MENTHA PIPERITA 8006-90-4; 84082-70-2 ++
MENTHA SPICATA 84696-51-5 ++
8007-00-9; ++++
NARCISSUS SPP. diverse ++
PELARGONIUM GRAVEOLENS 90082-51-2; 8000-46-2 ++
Pinus mugo/ pumila
90082-72-7; 97676-05-6 ++
POGOSTEMON CABLIN 8014-09-3; 84238-39-1 ++
SANTALUM ALBUM 84787-70-2; 8006-87-9 +++
8006-64-2; 9005-90-7;
Verbena absolute (Lippia citriodora Kunth.)
8024-12-2 ++
Notes: r.t. Rarely tested.
Table 7-6 lists a number of essential oils, mostly tested in just one clinical department, and
thus, or for other reasons, not satisfying the criteria for being categorised as established
contact allergen in humans (i.e. limited human evidence present).
Table 7-6: Natural extracts with positive human data, which are, however, not sufficient to categorise
as “established contact allergen in humans”. More detailed information forming the basis of this
evaluation can be found in Annex I of this opinion.
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment Ref.
ACORUS CALAMUS ROOT OIL 84775-39-3 n=7 pos.
reactions to
1976/1986 found
3 / 3 positive
(191, 192).
CITRUS AURANTIUM AMARA LEAF OIL 72968-50-4 Several cases in
2 series from 1
(191, 192).
CITRUS TANGERINA 223748-44-5 1 case (193)
Several cases in
2 series from 1
(191, 192).
ILLICIUM VERUM FRUIT OIL 84650-59-9 Cases of active (194)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
CAS number Comment Ref.
34% consecutive
patients pos. to
LAVANDULA SPICA 97722-12-8 Several cases in
2 series from 1
(191, 192).
LITSEA CUBEBA 90063-59-5 Several cases in
2 series from 1
(191, 192).
PELARGONIUM ROSEUM 90082-55-6 2.1% pos. of
1483 patients
ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS 84604-14-8 3 cases in 2
series from 1
(191, 192).
SALVIA spp. Diverse Several cases in
2 series from 1
(191, 192).
TAGETES PATULA 91722-29-1 1 case
THYMUS spp. 84929-51-1 4 / 84 pos (191)
1 / 200 and 9 /
86 pos.
(191, 192)
The last table is an indicative list of natural extracts which lack published human data, but
which are of interest: (i) as high-volume exposure; (ii) due to published positive animal
experiments; or (iii) because they contain well-known (established) contact allergens.
Table 7-7: Indicative list illustrating natural extracts containing established human allergens or
having R43-lable or positive LLNA, lacking published human data.
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to
CAS number Comment
CITRUS PARADISI PEEL OIL 8016-20-4 high volume substance, classified as
84649-81-0 Pos. LLNA study by RIFM: EC3 value
9.6% (196).
MENTHA ARVENSIS 68917-18-0 high volume, classified as R43
OCIMUM BASILICUM 84775-71-3 Pos. LLNA study by RIFM: EC3 value
< 2.5% (196).
PIMENTA RACEMOSA 85085-61-6 Contains, among other substances,
the established contact allergen
eugenol (42-56%)
SANTALUM SPICATA 8024-35-9 Contains, among other substances,
the established contact allergens
santalols (75%) and farnesol (10%)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
7.3. Conclusions
According to the criteria described in chapter 6.3 a total of 54 individual chemicals and
28 natural extracts (essential oils) can be categorised as established contact allergens
in humans, including all currently regulated substances.
Of the 54 individual chemicals which are established contact allergens in humans, 12
are considered to be of special concern due to the high number of reported cases, (>
100, i.e. category +++ or ++++ in Table 7-1). These are further considered in chapter
5 (limonene and linalool) and the remainder in chapter 11. In particular one ingredient
stands out, hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, having been the cause of
more than 1,500 reported cases since the 1999 opinion (see also chapter 4.2.1, chapter
11.3 and Annex I).
For an additional 33 individual chemicals (Table 7-2) and 14 natural extracts (Table
7-6), positive patch test results have been reported. However, they do not qualify for
the above category, i.e.only limited human evidence is present.
For a number of fragrance substances (n=18, Table 7-3) patch testing did not yield
positive results. However, numbers of patients tested are generally too small to rule out
the existence of clinical contact sensitisation with sufficient confidence.
No clinical evidence has been identified for 39 individual chemicals that have been
reported to be frequently used (Table 7-4).
For the substances (and, if possible, also for the main constituents of the natural
mixtures) with limited or no human evidence, additional animal data and/or SAR
considerations are taken into account. Aggregated data for these substances are
presented in chapter 13.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
8. Animal data
8.1. Predictive tests and sensitising potency categories
The animal test methods used in harmonised classification of substances, according to their
potential to cause skin sensitisation, are the guinea pig maximisation test (GPMT), the
Buehler test
and the local lymph node assay (LLNA)
. These methods are used in hazard
identification and risk assessment for regulatory purposes under REACH
. For registration in
REACH, the LLNA is the preferred method for measuring skin sensitisation potential in
animals, and justification for the use of other methods needs to be provided. According to
the directives on classification and labelling
, substances and preparations meeting positive
criteria in these tests shall be classified as sensitising and assigned the symbol “Xi” and the
risk phrase “R43: May cause sensitisation by skin contact”; or, according to the recent
regulation on classification, labelling and packaging (CLP
) “H317: May cause an allergic
skin reaction”.
As yet, there is no validated in vitro test method accepted for skin sensitisation. Therefore,
for cosmetic ingredients the LLNA, the GPMT and the Buehler test have also been used in
risk assessment for regulatory purposes.
Positive results from the OECD guideline animal tests mentioned above which are sufficient
to classify a substance as a skin sensitiser (R43) are:
GPMT; at least 30% of the animals have a positive response.
Buehler test; at least 15% of the animals have a positive response.
LLNA; at least a 3-fold increase in lymph node cell proliferative activity is induced,
compared to vehicle-treated controls (stimulation index SI 3). For positive LLNAs,
an EC3 value is calculated which gives the estimated concentration of a chemical
necessary to give a 3-fold increase in proliferative activity compared to vehicle-
treated controls.
Further categorisation of substances classified with R43 into three groups according to
allergen potency (extreme, strong and moderate) has been proposed by a European
Commission expert group on skin sensitisation (157, 197). Such categorisation is based on
EC3 values in the LLNA, on intradermal induction concentration in the GPMT, and topical
induction concentration in the Buehler test. The potency categories and their default
concentration values based on EC3 values in the LLNA as defined in (157): extreme
sensitiser (EC3 value 0.2); strong sensitiser (EC3 > 0.2 - 2); and moderate sensitiser
(EC3 value > 2). When LLNA EC3 values are available from more than one study, the lowest
value should normally be used. Where multiple animal data sets lead to different
categorisation of the same substance, the higher potency category should apply (157, 197).
The potency categorisation of substances based on the LLNA is applied by the SCCP in risk
assessment of cosmetic ingredients, particularly hair dye substances (198).
8.1.1. LLNA data
The SCCS requested the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) to submit data on
animal tests performed with fragrance substances, by the local lymph node assay (LLNA) in
mice, the guinea pig maximisation test (GPMT) and the Buehler test, and presented in a
structured format. In response, IFRA submitted first a poster (158) and later a report
OECD Guideline for testing of chemicals. Guideline 406: Skin Sensitisation. OECD, Adopted 12 May 1981,
updated 17th July 1992.
OECD Guideline for testing of chemicals. Guideline 429: Skin Sensitisation: Local Lymph Node Assay. OECD,
Adopted 22 July 2010.
Council Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 of 30 May 2008 laying down test methods pursuant to Regulation (EC) No
1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).
Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC.
Regulation No. 1272/2008.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
consisting of LLNA protocol summaries on the 59 fragrance substances in the poster (159).
No guinea pig studies were submitted. The SCCS has reviewed and analysed the report and
the publications quoted in the report.
Table 8-1 displays the EC3 values for fragrance substances in the report submitted by
industry (159). EC3 values for some additional fragrance substances in two published
reviews (160, 161) have also been included in Table 8-1. Table 8-2 presents LLNA results
for oxidised substances. Full data are given in Annex II. Table 8-3 summarises the
distribution of fragrance substances, by potency category, according to EC3 values.
Additional EC3 values may be available in the scientific literature. Many more animal
experiments may have been performed, but have not been published.
Table 8-1: Summary of local lymph node assay (LLNA) data on 66 fragrance substances, based on a
report submitted by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc. (RIFM, 2009 (159)) and in
published reviews by Gerberick et al. 2005 (160) and Kern et al. 2010 (161), respectively. EC3 values
(% and M) are given. The order of substances is by decreasing sensitisation potency as assessed by
LLNA EC3 values (lowest EC3 value indicating highest potency).
EC3 value
Substance CAS no.
% M
Hexyl salicylate 6259-76-3 0.18 0.008 (159, 161)
Cinnamal 104-55-2 0.2 0.015 (159)
Methyl 2-octynoate 111-12-6 <0.5 <0.032
(159, 161)
Isoeugenol 97-54-1 0.54 0.033 (159)
Citral 5392-40-5 1.2 0.079 (159)
2-Hexylidene cyclopentanone 17373-89-6 2.4 0.14 (159)
Methyl octine carbonate 111-80-8 2.5 0.15 (159)
Peru balsam absolute 8007-00-9 2.5 n/a (159)
trans-2-Hexenal 6728-26-3 2.6 0.26 (159)
Benzyl Salicylate 118-58-1 2.9 0.23 (159, 161)
Butylphenyl methylpropional (BMHCA) 80-54-6 2.9 0.14 (159)
Phenylacetaldehyde 122-78-1 3 0.25 (159, 160)
Allyl phenoxyacetate 7493-74-5 3.1 0.16 (159)
Benzylideneacetone 122-57-6 3.7 0.25 (160)
3-Propylidenephthalide 17369-59-4 3.7 0.21 (159, 160)
Evernia prunastri extract oak moss 90028-68-5 3.9 n/a (159)
Balsam oil, Peru (Myroxylon pereirae
8007-00-9 4 n/a (159)
Farnesol 4602-84-0 4.1 0.18 (159)
p-t-Butyl-dihydrocinnamaldehyde 18127-01-0 4.3 0.23 (159)
α-Methyl cinnamic aldehyde 101-39-3 4.5 0.31 (159, 160)
Eugenol 97-53-0 5.3 0.32 (159)
Hexyl cinnamal 101-86-0 5.3 0.25 (159)
Dihydrocoumarin 119-84-6 5.6 0.38 (160)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
EC3 value Substance CAS no.
% M
Geraniol 106-24-1 5.6 0.36 (159)
Carvone 6485-40-1 5.7 0.38 (159)
Diethyl maleate 141-05-9 5.8 0.34 (160)
2-Methoxy-4-methylphenol 93-51-6 5.8 0.42 (159, 160)
Anise alcohol 105-13-5 5.9 0.43 (159, 161)
Jasmine absolute (Grandiflorum) 8022-96-6 5.9 N/a (159)
Dibenzyl ether 103-50-4 6.3 0.32 (159)
Cananga odorata leaf/flower oil ylang
ylang “extra”
8006-81-3 6.8 N/a (159)
Isocyclocitral 1335-66-6 7.3 0.48 (159)
116-26-7 7.5 0.50 (160)
Amyl cinnamal 122-40-7 7.6 0.38 (159)
Perillaldehyde p-Mentha-1,8-dien-7-al 2111-75-3 8.1 0.54 (159, 160)
6658-48-6 9.5 0.46 (159)
d-Limonene* 5989-27-5 <10 <0.73 (159)
Methylundecanal 110-41-8 10 0.54 (160)
Acetylcedrene 32388-55-9 13.9 0.57 (161)
Methylenedioxyphenyl methylpropanal 1205-17-0 16.4 0.85 (159, 161)
Benzyl benzoate 120-51-4 17 0.80 (160)
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene
31906-04-4 17.1 0.81 (159, 160)
Benzyl cinnamate 103-41-3 18.4 0.77 (159, 161)
Hydroxycitronellal 107-75-5 19.3 1.12 (159)
Cinnamyl alcohol 104-54-1 21 1.57 (160)
α-iso-Methylionone 127-51-5 21.8 1.06 (159, 161)
Cyklamen aldehyde 103-95-7 22 1.64 (160)
4-Methoxy-α-methyl benzenpropanal 5462-06-6 23.6 1.32 (159)
Amyl cinnamyl alcohol 101-85-9 ~25 ~1.22 (159, 161)
acetyloctahydronaphthalenes (OTNE)
54464-57-2 25.1 1.07 (159)
Ethyl acrylate 140-88-5 28 2.8 (160)
Linalool* 78-70-6 30 1.94 (160)
Trimethylbenzenepropanol Majantol 103694-68-4
30 ~1.68 (159)
Jasminum Sambac Flower
91770-14-8 35.4 N/a (159)
Citronellol 106-22-9 43.5 2.78 (159, 161)
No EC3 value was established; higher concentrations should also have been tested
6-Methyl-3,5-heptadien-2-one 1604-28-0 >5 >0.40 (159)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
EC3 value Substance CAS no.
% M
Camellia sinensis leaf tea leaf absolute 84650-60-2 >5 N/a (159)
Cinnamyl nitrile 1885-38-7 >10 >0.77 (159)
Menthadiene-7-methyl formate 68683-20-5 >10 >0.51 (159)
Evernia furfuracea extract tree moss
90028-67-4 >20 N/a (159)
Isocyclogeraniol 68527-77-5 >25 >1.62 (159)
1-Octen-3-yl acetate 2442-10-6 >30 >1.76 (159)
Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 >50 >4.62 (159)
Coumarin 91-64-5 >50 >3.42 (159)
Vanillin 121-33-5 >50 >3.3 (159)
No EC3 value calculated
Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 - (160)
Notes: * Material with low levels of oxidation according to (159)
n/a: Not applicable (mixture of compounds).
M: EC3 based on molar concentration
8.1.2. LLNA data on oxidised fragrance substances
For fragrance substances that can autoxidise upon air exposure, it is also important to
investigate the sensitisation potency after air exposure. The oxidised compounds are
clinically relevant as they represent what the consumers could come in contact with from
perfumes and fragranced products. In Table 8-2 the LLNA data for some of the most
commonly used fragrance substances, pure and after autoxidation, are presented. The EC3
values obtained for the pure substances are 5-10 times higher compared to those obtained
for the same substances after air exposure. The experimental air exposure simulated air
exposure that can take place during normal handling and storage. In the production
process, some perfumes are “matured” aerobically, stirring included. During this process,
some fragrance substances may be oxidised. It should be noted that, although only a few
substances capable of oxidation have so far been investigated, structural alerts indicating
possible autoxidation are common among the fragrance substances listed in this document
(see chapter 9). It is important to further investigate this issue for increased understanding
of the associated risk.
Table 8-2: Local lymph node assay (LLNA) data on four fragrance substances and one essential oil
before and after air exposure, comparing the sensitisation potency of the pure (not oxidised)
substance with the potency of the oxidised.
Substance CAS no. Doses % (w/v)
vehicle: A:OO
EC3 value (%
D-Limonene (ox. 10 w) 5989-27-5 1, 5, 25 3.0
D-Limonene (pure) 5989-27-5 25, 50, 100 30
Linalool (ox. 10 w) 78-70-6 5, 10, 25 9.4
Linalool (ox. 45 w) 78-70-6 2.5, 10, 25 4.8
Linalool (pure) 78-70-6 25, 50, 100 46.2
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Substance CAS no. Doses % (w/v)
vehicle: A:OO
EC3 value (%
Linalyl acetate (ox. 10 w) 115-95-7 0.5, 10, 40 3.6
Linalyl acetate (pure) 115-95-7 10, 30, 100 25
Geraniol (ox. 10 w) 106-24-1 1, 3, 6, 10, 20 4.4
Geraniol (ox. 45 w) 106-24-1 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 10 5.8
Geraniol (pure) 106-24-1 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 22.4
Lavender oil (ox. 10 w) 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 11
Lavender oil (ox. 45 w) 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 4.4
Lavender oil (not ox.) 5, 25, 100 36
Notes: Pure: Purified before testing as most commercially available fragrance substances are not
Not ox.: Not purified but used as it was delivered as this is a complex mixture and not a
specific substance.
Ox. x w: Oxidised by air exposure during x weeks.
* Acetone:olive oil.
8.2. Methodological considerations
EC3 mean values
In the submitted poster (158) and the report by IFRA (159), the LLNA weighted mean EC3
values (µg/cm
) are presented. The SCCS considers it is misleading to present EC3 values
as mean values from tests performed with different vehicles. It is generally agreed that the
lowest EC3 value should be used if there is more than one study fulfilling the OECD
guideline requirements (157, 197), and these have been introduced into Table 8-1. The EC3
values in the reviews by Gerberick et al. and Kern et al. (160, 161) were based on single
representative experiments with a vehicle described in the OECD guideline 429 (see above),
and preferably with acetone:olive oil. EC3 mean values, as in the submission by IFRA, were
not presented in these two reviews.
The most frequently used vehicle in the submission by IFRA (159) was ethanol:diethyl
phthalate (1:3), followed by acetone:olive oil (4:1). In some experiments, antioxidants
were mixed with ethanol:diethyl phthalate. The vehicle was not reported in some of the
references, and no rationale for using vehicles other than those recommended was given in
the report (159). According to the OECD guideline 429 (see above), the recommended
vehicles are acetone:olive oil (4:1), N,N-dimethylformamide, methyl ethyl ketone,
propylene glycol, and dimethyl sulphoxide, but others may be used if sufficient scientific
rationale is provided. It is well known that a difference in the EC3 value can be obtained for
the same substance depending on which vehicle is used in the LLNA. Thus as an additional
control, supplementary to the guideline based LLNA control, a clinically relevant solvent or
the commercial formulation in which the test substance is marketed may be used.
Number of doses and animals
According to the OECD guideline 429 (see above), a minimum of three concentrations
should be tested. The number of consecutive doses used in the reported data, was generally
five, sometimes three and in few experiments two. The SCCS considers that too few
concentrations were tested in four studies in which only two concentrations were used.
Lower concentrations than those tested should have been used in experiments with five
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
fragrance substances, in which the EC3 value could not be determined. Higher
concentrations than those tested should also have been used in experiments with 12
substances, in which the EC3 value could not be determined.
The number of animals per dose group was generally four plus a non-exposed control
group, sometimes five, and in few experiments six; the minimum according to the OECD
guideline being four.
Units for concentrations
In the submission by IFRA (159) the EC3 values are given in weight per area unit (µg/cm
The SCCS considers that the EC3 values (%) are the values of primary interest in
communicating risk assessment, as EU legislation, OECD guideline 429 and scientific
literature refer to EC3 values (%). However, the SCCS recommends that molar (M) EC3
values should be considered, as they give the concentration based on the molecular weight
of substances. They have thus been calculated and introduced into Table 8-1.
EC3 values (%) overestimate the intrinsic molecular sensitisation potency for low molecular
weight compounds while compounds with a high molecular weight are underestimated.
Regarding the differences in molecular weight between the studied fragrance substances, a
variation is seen if the ranking list of the sensitisation potency is based on EC3 (%) or EC3
(M) since some substances have a molecular weight twice as high as others.
From comparisons in Table 8-1, we notice that, e.g. hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene
carboxaldehyde (HICC) has an EC3 value of 17.1 %, or 0.81 M when the calculation
includes its molecular weight, while for trans-2-hexenal the corresponding values are 2.6%
and 0.26 M. The example shows that comparing the sensitisation potency between these
two substances using the EC3 values in % exaggerates the sensitisation potency of trans-2-
hexenal compared to that of HICC. When using the EC3 values in molar concentrations the
difference is not so pronounced.
8.3. Summary of animal data by LLNA
The distribution of sensitising potency of fragrance substances compared to other
substances, (e.g. biocides, dyes, plastic materials) taken from three references (159-161)
as assessed by EC3 values in the LLNA, is shown in Figure 8-1 and Table 8-3.
The median EC3 value of fragrance substances (5.9%) is similar to other substances tested
(5.5%). However, very few fragrance substances have low EC3 values ( 2).
Substances with an EC3 value 2 may be categorised as strong or extreme sensitisers.
Such potent sensitisers are comparatively rare among fragrance substances assessed in the
LLNA. Nevertheless, fragrances are important allergens in humans, which points to repeated
skin exposure to less potent sensitisers as a factor strongly determining sensitisation risk.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Figure 8-1: The distribution of fragrance chemicals and a variety of other chemicals (e.g. biocides,
dyes, plastic materials), taken from the three references (159-161), are depicted as boxplots on a
logarithmic scale. The bottom of the box denotes the 1
quartile (25% percentile), the thick line in the
box the median, and the top of the box the 3
quartile (75% percentile). Outliers, i.e. below the 25%
and above the 75% percentiles, are shown as whiskers. Beyond the 1.5-fold interquartile range, single
values are shown as circles instead of whiskers. The difference in distribution is not significant
(Wilcoxon test: p=0.061).
Note: EC3 values for the five oxidised fragrances additionally examined (Table 8-2) range from 3.0 to
4.8 (median 4.4) and are lower by a factor of around 7 than EC3 values of the respective non-oxidised
Table 8-3: Summary of EC3 values for fragrance substances in Table 8-1 and for other substances,
all taken from the three references (159-161). The EC3 value intervals for potency categorisation
(157, 197) were used for comparison of fragrances substances vs other substances.
Fragrance substances Other substances EC3 value interval
no. % no. %
0.2 2 3% 28 11%
> 0.2 - 2 3 4% 38 15%
> 2 50 71% 127 49%
No EC3 value established * 10 14% 0 0%
No EC3 value calculated (NC) 5 7% 69 26%
All substances 70 262
Note: * Substances should have been tested also at higher concentrations.
8.4. Conclusions
In the event that human data are lacking, the LLNA provides important
information on skin sensitising potential and potency.
Animal data on fragrance substances submitted by IFRA (159) and assessed in
this opinion were generated exclusively by LLNA. Other guideline methods are,
however, also available.
The vast majority of the submitted (159) and additional (160, 161) fragrance
substances tested by the LLNA are skin sensitisers.
Several studies in the IFRA report (159) were of insufficient quality, not following
the OECD guideline.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Fragrance substances that can be predicted to autoxidise upon air exposure
should also be tested after air exposure, as oxidation may significantly increase
their sensitising potency.
It can be concluded that the skin sensitising potency, as assessed by the LLNA, is
only one of several factors that are of importance for sensitisation to fragrance
substances. This is illustrated by the fact that only a small fraction of sensitising
fragrance substances can be categorised as an extreme allergen based on LLNA
test results. Therefore, doses from repeated deposition onto skin must be
considered a driving force of sensitisation risk.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
9. Structure activity relationships (SAR): grouping of substances based on
expert judgement
Whether or not a particular chemical will be a sensitiser, and how potent it will be if it is a
sensitiser, depends on its ability, either directly or after activation, to react with appropriate
proteins in the skin. The ability to predict sensitisation potency, or lack of it, depends on
being able to predict reactivity to skin proteins. This is the basis of SAR analysis for skin
sensitisation. The prediction can often be made based on the chemical structure,
recognising structural features (referred to as structural alerts) that are associated with
reactivity. Examples of structural alerts are aliphatic aldehydes (alerting to the possibility of
sensitisation via a Schiff base reaction with protein amino groups), and α,β-unsaturated
carbonyl groups, C=C-CO- (alerting to the possibility of sensitisation via Michael addition of
protein thiol groups). Major mechanistic reactivity domains have been discussed in detail by
Aptula and Roberts (200). Prediction of the sensitisation potential of compounds that can
act via abiotic or metabolic activation (pre- or prohaptens) is more complex compared to
that of compounds that act as direct haptens without any activation. The autoxidation
patterns can differ due to differences in the stability of the intermediates formed, e.g. it has
been shown that autoxidation of the structural isomers linalool and geraniol results in
different major haptens/allergens. Moreover, the complexity of the prediction increases
further for those compounds that can act both as pre- and prohaptens. In such cases, the
impact on the sensitisation potency depends on the degree of abiotic activation (e.g.
autoxidation) in relation to the metabolic activation. See also chapter 5.
These structural alerts can be applied by computerized expert systems, i.e. in silico or by
estimations made by organic chemists (in cerebro) using their experience. When an organic
chemist looks at a chemical structure, they recognise parts of the structure that they can
associate with reactivity, the type of reactivity (i.e. assign the reaction mechanistic
domain), and other features of the molecular structure that will affect the reactivity
positively or negatively. Human experts should be aware of the complexities, and how
structural modification can alter the reactivity associated with structural alerts, etc.
Importantly, they can also recognise where there are unfamiliar structural features whose
effects they cannot confidently predict. In such cases they can call for experimental
chemistry work (in chemico) to be done to ascertain the presence or nature of, and degree
of reactivity. In chemico methods include organic chemistry experimentation to identify
chemical reaction products from oxidation and/or reaction with model nucleophiles,
identification of mechanisms of reaction. In so called in chemico reactivity methods, the
ability of a specific chemical to react with selected peptides is determined so as to predict
the sensitisation potential of the chemical under investigation (201, 202). To make in
chemico reactivity methods able to predict the activity of prohaptens, the addition of
horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide oxidation system has been tested to model
the enzymatic oxidation in the skin (203, 204).
Although computerized expert systems are derived from input by human experts, they are
less well able to capture the subtleties of structure reactivity relationships, and they
sometimes fail to detect aspects of chemistry that are obvious to organic chemists. Human
experts should be aware of the complexities, as well as how structural modification can alter
the reactivity associated with structural alerts, etc. The SAR evaluation made in this section
summarised in Table 9-3 and Table 9-4 is based on in cerebro alerts applied by organic
Depending on the type of reactivity (the reaction mechanistic domain), it is sometimes
possible to make a quantitative prediction of potency in the LLNA, which can be used to
predict potency in humans relative to related known human sensitisers. These predictions
use quantitiative mechanistic models (QMMs) based on reactivity expressed quantitatively
by model parameters, and sometimes in combination with hydrophobicity. For example,
potency of aliphatic aldehydes and ketones (the Schiff base domain) in the LLNA is modelled
by a combination of reactivity and hydrophobicity (205), whereas the LLNA potency of
DNCB analogues (the S
Ar domain) is well modelled by reactivity alone (206).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
QMMs aiming not only to predict the potential to be a sensitiser but also to predict the
potency, promise to be a useful tool in non-animal based risk assessment for skin
sensitisation. However, in the field of fragrance substances there are major gaps in our
present ability to apply QSAR/QMM. This is largely because many of the fragrance
substances of interest have the potential to act via abiotic or metabolic activation (pre-
and/or prohaptens, see chapter 5), i.e. they themselves are only weak or non-sensitisers,
but have the potential to be activated to form more potent sensitisers. Resulting
sensitisation potency will depend on the extent of activation and the nature of the resulting
products. We can apply SAR analysis to identify these plausible possibilities, but QSAR
modelling for these cases is not yet developed. However, much progress has been made in
identifying structural alerts for the various activation mechanisms that have been
recognised. This is reviewed by Karlberg et al. (121).
Chemicals with no structural alerts for direct reactivity, or for known activation mechanisms,
and no unfamiliar structural features that might be associated with as yet unidentified
activation mechanisms, can be predicted to be non-sensitising. Chemicals that do have
alerts for reactivity (direct or via activation) are not necessarily sensitisers – they may be
insufficiently reactive and/or insufficiently hydrophobic.
Substances meeting the inclusion criteria (see chapter 6), for which, however, no
categorisation as established contact allergen in humans or established contact allergen in
animals was possible, have been assessed for structural alerts. The results are presented in
four tables (Table 9-1 to Table 9-4) based on the prediction made for the actual substance.
The following SAR assessments have been used:
Predicted sensitiser; structural alerts (Table 9-1).
Possible sensitiser; structural alerts (Table 9-2).
Predicted non-sensitiser (NS); no obvious structural alerts (Table 9-3).
Not predictable due to insufficient/conflicting data (Table 9-4).
Table 9-1: Predicted sensitisers.
Substance (INCI) name CAS number Structural alerts
18127-01-0 Schiff base
Citronellal 106-23-0 Schiff base and possible prehapten
Citronellyl nitrile 51566-62-2 Possible prehapten
Decanal 112-31-2 Schiff base
3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-nonadien-3-ol 10339-55-6 Prehapten
Geranyl acetate 105-87-3 Prehapten and prohapten
Isoamyl salicylate 87-20-7 Acyltranfer agent
Methyl cinnamate 103-26-4 Michael acceptor
Methylundecanal 110-41-8 Schiff base
Myrcene 123-35-3 Prehapten
Nerol 106-25-2 Prehapten and prohapten
Nerolidol (isomer not specified) 7212-44-4 Possible prehapten
Oxacyclohexadecenone 34902-57-3 Michael acceptor
Phenethyl salicylate 87-22-9 Acyltransfer agent
trans-Rose ketone-5 39872-57-6 Michael acceptor and possible prehapten
Note: § Classified as R43.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 9-2: Possible sensitisers.
Substance (INCI) name CAS number Structural alerts
Ambrettolide 7779-50-2 Possible prehapten
Amylcyclopentanone 4819-67-4 Schiff base; the combination of reactivity
and hydrophobicity may be enough to
confer sensitisation
Benzyl acetate 140-11-4 Prohapten via hydrolysis leading to benzyl
Carvacrol 499-75-2 Possible prehapten
Cuminaldehyde 122-03-2 Schiff base and possible prehapten
10461-98-0 Possible Michael acceptor
Cyclopentadecanone 502-72-7 Schiff base; the combination of reactivity
and hydrophobicity may be enough to
confer sensitisation
trans-beta-Damascone 23726-91-2 Possible Michael acceptor
trans-trans-delta-Damascone 71048-82-3 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
gamma-Damascone 35087-49-1 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
Dihydromyrcenol 18479-58-8 Possible prehapten
116-26-7 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
prehapten and possible prohapten
carboxaldehyde §
68039-49-6 Schiff base and possible prehapten
68737-61-1 Schiff base and possible prehapten
93939-86-7 Possible prehapten
19-61-6 Possible prehapten
Ethyl vanillin 121-32-4 Complex
Heliotropine 120-57-0 Possible prohapten
methano-1H-inden-5(or 6)-yl
54830-99-8 Possible prehapten
68912-13-0 Possible prehapten
Ionone isomeric mixture 8013-90-9 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
alpha-Ionone 127-41-3 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
beta-Ionone 79-77-6 Possible Michael acceptor
Isobergamate 68683-20-5 Possible prehapten
Isolongifoleneketone 33407-62-4 Schiff base; the combination of reactivity
and hydrophobicity may be enough to
confer sensitisation
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Substance (INCI) name CAS number Structural alerts
475-20-7 Possible prehapten
Methoxycitronellal 3613-30-7 Schiff base
Methyl decenol 81782-77-6 Possible prehapten
Methyl ionone (mixture of
1335-46-2 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
Methylionantheme 55599-63-8 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
5-Methyl-alpha-ionone 79-69-6 Possible Michael acceptor and possible
Myrtenol 515-00-4 Possible prehapten
Nopyl acetate 128-51-8 Possible prehapten
Phytol 150-86-7 Possible prehapten and/or prohapten
Rhodinol 6812-78-8 Possible prehapten
Terpineol acetate (isomer
8007-35-0 Possible prehapten
alpha-Terpinyl acetate 80-26-2 Possible prehapten
Tricyclodecenyl propionate 17511-60-3 Possible prehapten
Verdyl acetate 2500-83-6/
Possible prehapten
Classified as R43.
Table 9-3: Predicted non-sensitisers with no obvious structural alerts.
Substance (INCI) name CAS number Structural alerts
Benzyl acetone 2550-26-7 Schiff base; the combination of reactivity
and hydrophobicity may not be enough to
confer sensitisation
2-tert.-Butylcyclohexyl acetate 88-41-5
4-tert.-Butylcyclohexyl acetate 32210-23-4
Cyclohexyl acetate 622-45-7
Diphenyl ether 101-84-8
Ethyl 2-methylbutyrate 7452-79-1
Ethylene dodecanioate 54982-83-1
Ethylene brassylate 105-95-3
Eucalyptol 470-82-6
Hexyl acetate 142-92-7
Hibiscolide 6707-60-4
Hydroxycitronellol 107-74-4 However, dehydration followed by
autoxidation could give sensitising
Isoamyl acetate 123-92-2
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Substance (INCI) name CAS number Structural alerts
Isobornyl acetate 125-12-2
Methoxytrimethylheptanol 41890-92-0
Methyl p-anisate 121-98-2
Methyl anthranilate 134-20-3
Methylbenzyl acetate 93-92-5
Methyl dihydrojasmonate 24851-98-7 Schiff base; the combination of reactivity
and hydrophobicity may not be enough to
confer sensitisation
Oxalide 1725-01-5
Pentadecalactone 106-02-5
Phenethyl acetate 103-45-7
Phenethyl alcohol 60-12-8
Phenoxyethyl isobutyrate 103-60-6
Phenylisohexanol 55066-48-3
Phenylpropanol 122-97-4
Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3
Trimethylhexyl acetate 58430-94-7
gamma-Undecalactone 104-67-6
Table 9-4: Not predictable.
Substance (INCI) name CAS number Structural alerts
Anisaldehyde 123-11-5 Due to insufficient /conflicting data;
structural similarities to benzaldehyde
suggest certain activity in man
Trichloromethyl phenyl carbinyl
90-17-5 Due to insufficient /conflicting data
Methyl beta-naphthyl ether 93-04-9 Due to insufficient /conflicting data
9.1. General results
From this work with the included SAR predictions, the following observations can be made.
SAR prediction is a useful tool for estimation of the sensitisation potential of those
compounds that lack human and animal data as the skin sensitisation potential is
closely connected to chemical reactivity.
For substances for which sufficient experimental/clinical evidence is missing, SAR
analyses have been performed to predict a probable or possible risk of allergenic
(sensitising) effect. These predictions are based on chemical reactivity and the
recognition of structural features in a substance that are in common with the
structural features that have been shown to cause sensitisation from other
substances. In cases where the SAR analysis indicates a sensitisation potential, the
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
substance should be investigated further to confirm or reject the conclusion drawn
from the SAR analysis.
Prediction of the sensitisation potential of compounds that can act via abiotic or
metabolic activation (pre- or prohaptens) becomes more complex compared to that
of compounds that act as direct haptens without any activation.
The complexity of the prediction increases further for those compounds that can act
both as prehaptens and prohaptens.
Prediction of the sensitisation potential of compounds that can act as prehaptens is
further complicated by the fact that the autoxidation patterns can differ due to
differences in the stability of the intermediates formed, e.g. it has been shown that
autoxidation of the structural isomers of linalool and geraniol results in different
major haptens/allergens.
9.2. Conclusions
Applying only mechanism-based QSAR (QMM) as a tool in non-animal based risk
assessment for skin sensitisation is of limited value for fragrance substances. This is
due to major information gaps in the present model when addressing substances
that act via abiotic or metabolic activation, and the high incidence of such substances
in fragrances.
Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) models should be further
developed, combining, as appropriate, information from in silico, in chemico and in
vitro methods.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
10. Exposure
Exposure to fragrance chemicals and other potential allergens is most commonly by direct
skin contact. Exposures to fragrance chemicals occur from:
Personal cosmetic use;
Detergents and other household products;
Occupation, i.e. personal hygiene, manufacturing ingredient(s), product in work
process, plant materials;
Secondary exposure from another individual (e.g. spouse, child);
Oral intake;
Airborne exposure.
Factors that are important for both the induction and elicitation of contact allergy are:
Dose per unit area;
Vehicle effects including penetration enhancers;
Presence of skin irritants;
Presence of other allergens (combination effects);
Duration of skin exposure;
Frequency of applications;
Anatomical sites of exposure;
Condition of the skin (barrier function impairment, pre-existing inflammation);
Occlusion (e.g. in flexures, under clothing and personal protective equipment).
Fragrance mix ingredients are commonly present in cosmetic formulations (68, 207-209).
Cosmetics based on natural ingredients may contain fragrance allergens at a higher
concentration than other cosmetic products (210). The clinical significance of exposure to
natural extracts is difficult to determine as there is often “hidden and variable” exposure to
important and potent allergens in natural products.
10.1. Concentrations and quantities used
Consumers are exposed in daily life to fragrance chemicals from a large variety of products,
such as cosmetics, toys, detergents and other cleaning products, etc. The fragrance
exposure may be via dermal and/or inhalation route. With respect toTerms of Reference
to the SCCS, only dermal exposure from cosmetics is addressed in this opinion. As
cosmetics are the perfumed products most commonly used in daily life, potential fragrance
allergens identified by the use of cosmetics also represent the exposures of these chemicals
from other product categories. In recent years, it has become a trend to add fragrance
chemicals to many other types of consumer products, such as children’s toys, toilet paper
and nappies, which may contribute significantly to the fragrance exposure of the consumer
by the dermal route.
Factors for the fragrance exposure assessment by the dermal route require knowledge on:
Product types (categorisation of scented products) used by the consumer.
Market survey (impression of the qualitative and quantitative contents of different
allergens in consumer products).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Hydrolysis, metabolism or oxidation of a fragrance material, which may generate a
potential skin allergen.
Chemicals in the product matrix, which may significantly enhance or reduce dermal
absorption of a fragrance material.
Fragrance materials, both defined chemical substances and natural mixtures of chemicals
(essential oils), are used in all types of cosmetic products: perfumes, eau de cologne, eau
de perfume (EDP), and eau de toilette (EDT), aftershave lotion, deodorants, skin care
products, skin cleansers, make-up cosmetics, hair care products, and oral care products,
etc. However, some unscented cosmetic products have also reached the market in the last
decade. Products containing the highest concentration of fragrance chemicals are perfumes,
followed by eau de cologne, eau de perfume (EDP) and eau de toilette (EDT).
Concentrations of fragrance chemicals in deodorant products are lower than those in
EDT/EDP products, but still significant. Aftershave products also contain relatively high
amounts of fragrance chemicals. Other cosmetic products contain relatively low amounts,
0.1-1% of perfume oil, compared to up to 30% perfume oils in EDT/EDP (211). The
perfume oils are mixtures of 20 to over 200 synthetic fragrance chemicals or natural
fragrance materials (essential oils), selected from over 3,000 fragrance materials (211).
Perfume oil of the same composition is used in different concentrations in the formulation of
various cosmetic products within a brand of cosmetics. For the exposure assessment, levels
of fragrance chemicals in cosmetics containing significant amounts of fragrance materials
(i.e. EDP/EDT/aftershave/deodorant) should be selected. It may not be possible to
detect/measure the amounts of all fragrance chemicals when present in highly diluted form
in a cosmetic product such as skin care products, make-up cosmetics etc. On the other
hand, if a fragrance is evaluated safe for use when present in significant amounts in a
product, it will also be safe for use in other products. Also the analysis of trend of the use of
individual fragrance materials should be based on monitoring their contents in fine perfumes
and deodorants.
Ninety of the 100 fragrance materials used in annual volumes > 175 tons in perfume
formulations are fragrances and the remaining ten are used for other functions such as
solvents, antioxidants, and skin penetration enhancers (for example isopropyl myristate),
etc. (IFRA, personal communication 2010).
Among the 26 fragrances currently requiring individual labelling, amyl cinnamal, benzyl
benzoate, benzyl salicylate, butyl phenyl methyl propional, citral, citronellol, coumarin,
eugenol, geraniol, hexyl cinnamal, hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxyaldehyde (HICC),
alpha-isomethyl ionone, and linalool are used in volumes greater than 175 ton. α-
Amylcinnamyl alcohol, anisyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, benzyl cinnamate, cinnamal, cinnamyl
alcohol, farnesol, hydroxycitronellal, isoeugenol, d-limonene, methyl-2-octynoate, oak moss
(Evernia prunastri), tree moss (Evernia furfuracea) are used in volumes less than 175 ton.
According to the information from the fragrance industry, 80% of the total fragrance
chemical volume is used in cosmetics and 20% in household products.
Since the implementation of the regulation of labelling of 26 fragrance substances in
cosmetic products, qualitative information on fragrance exposure from cosmetics is provided
in some market surveys performed on cosmetics (Table 10-1, (212)) and (Table 10-2,
(213)) and on consumer products including cosmetics (Table 10-3, (214); Table 10-4,
(114); and Figure 10-1, (104)). Thus, the implementation of the regulation of fragrance
allergens in detergents (Directive 648/2004/EC), similar to that for cosmetics, has also
added to the knowledge of fragrance exposure to the consumer. These market surveys
revealed that fragrance ingredients which are potent allergens and frequently cause
allergies in consumers are used as ingredients in consumer products including cosmetics.
The results of these surveys further revealed that limonene and linalool were the most
commonly used fragrance chemicals in cosmetics, while anisyl alcohol, cinnamal, α-
amylcinnamyl alcohol, oak moss and tree moss were the least used fragrance ingredients in
cosmetics and other consumer products. In general, the most potent allergens were also the
most infrequently used ingredients. Prior to the regulation of the 26 allergens, analysis of
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
21 selected fragrance chemicals in deodorants also revealed additional 66 potential
allergens in these products on the basis of structure activity relationship (215).
Table 10-1: Presence in children's cosmetics of the 26 fragrance substances that are required to be
labelled in cosmetics (212).
Fragrance substance
INCI name CAS number
% Products labelled to
contain the fragrance
Amyl cinnamal 122-40-7 8.2
alpha-Amylcinnamyl alcohol 101-85-9 2.9
Anise alcohol 105-13-5 0
Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 9.6
Benzyl benzoate 120-51-4 9.1
Benzyl cinnamate 103-41-3 2.9
Benzyl salicylate 118-58-1 9.6
Butyl phenyl methyl propional 80-54-6 7.7
Cinnamal 104-55-2 1
Cinnamyl alcohol 104-54-1 6.7
Citral 5392-40-5 8.2
Citronellol 106-22-9 10.5
Coumarin 91-64-5 4.8
Eugenol 97-53-0 7.2
Farnesol 4602-84-0 2.9
Geraniol 106-24-1 12
Hexyl cinnamal 101-86-0 10.1
Hydroxycitronellal 107-75-5 6.3
cyclohexene carboxyaldehyde
31906-04-4 5.8
Isoeugenol 97-54-1 0.5
Alpha-isomethyl ionone 127-51-5 5.8
d-Limonene 5989-27-5 23.1
Linalool 78-70-6 21.6
Methyl-2-octynoate 111-12-6 0
Evernia prunastri/oak moss 90028-68-5 0
Evernia furfuracea/tree moss 90028-67-4 0
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 10-2: Usage trends in deodorants of fragrance chemicals that are required to be labelled in cosmetics.
Fragrance substance 88 products investigated in 2007 (213) 70 products investigated in
1998 (216)
Content in 23 selected
Content in all 70 products
INCI name CAS number
% Products
labelled to
contain the
% Products
found to
contain the
Range(ppm) % Products
found to
contain the
Range (ppm)
Amyl cinnamal
10.2 17 2.3-165 31 1-617
alpha-amyl cinnamyl alcohol 101-85-9 - - - n.a. n.a.
Anise alcohol 105-13-5 2.3 9 1, 51 n.a. n.a.
Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 17.1 26 32-166 76 1-629*
Benzyl benzoate 120-51-4 25.0 48 3-4054 71 1-1075
Benzyl cinnamate 103-41-3 3.4 9 74, 143 n.a. n.a.
Benzyl salicylate 118-58-1 39.8 48 136-5279 49 1-18758
Butyl phenyl methyl propional 80-54-6 48.9 70 1-5455 51 1-3732
1.1 4 5 17 1-424
Cinnamyl alcohol
12.5 48 2-503 39 6-1169
26.1 44 39-554 n.a. n.a.
65.9 91 1-5848 81 1-5585
33.0 52 3.8-1255 57 1-1411
27.3 30 1-514 57 1-2355
14.8 39 9-1791 n.a. n.a.
48.9 87 1-399 76 1-1178
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Fragrance substance 88 products investigated in 2007 (213) 70 products investigated in
1998 (216)
Content in 23 selected
Content in all 70 products
INCI name CAS number
% Products
labelled to
contain the
% Products
found to
contain the
Range(ppm) % Products
found to
contain the
Range (ppm)
Hexyl cinnamal
33.0 48 1-4434 71 2-1684
27.3 70 1-1746 50 1-1023
33.0 74 1-4431 53 1-1874
9.1 35 1-138 29 1-458
Alpha-isomethyl ionone 127-51-5 46.6 65 6-2588 61 1-2765
53.4 70 1022-11386 n.a. n.a.
53.4 96 8-3447 97 9-1927
1.1 - - n.a. n.a.
Evernia prunastri/oak moss
4.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Evernia furfuracea/tree moss
2.3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Notes: HICC Hydroxyisohexyl-3-cyclohexene carboxyaldehyde.
- Fragrance not detected in any product.
n.a. Not analysed.
* Benzyl alcohol could not be determined in 49% of the products due to interference.
The most common fragrance allergens are contained in the two mixtures, which are used for diagnosing fragrance allergy, called Fragrance Mix I (
) and
Fragrance Mix II (
), besides the oxidation product of terpens (), and tree moss extract are common allergens. Methyl-2-octynoate is an extreme, but
rare allergen.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 10-3: Frequency of occurrence in consumer products of the 26 fragrance allergens that are
required to be labelled in cosmetics and detergents (214).
Table 10-4: Frequency in 516 consumer products of the 26 fragrance substances that are required
to be labelled in cosmetics* (114).
Fragrance substance INCI name % Product
containing the
D-Limonene 48.3
Linalool 35.8
Butyl phenyl methyl propional 24.8
Geraniol 22.1
Alpha-isomethyl ionone 21.7
Hexyl cinnamal 21.3
Citonellol 21.1
Benzyl salicylate 18.6
Coumarin 17.0
Eugenol 15.7
Benzyl alcohol 15.3
Benzyl benzoate 14.7
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Fragrance substance INCI name % Product
containing the
Citral 11.6
Hydroxycitronellal 10.8
Amyl Cinnamal 7.9
Anise alcohol 7.0
Cinnamyl alcohol 6.4
Farnesol 3.9
Isoeugenol 3.1
Cinnamal 2.5
Benzyl cinnamate 2.3
Amylcinnamyl alcohol 1.9
Methyl-2-octynoate 1.0
Evernia prunastri/oak moss 0.8
Evernia furfuracea/tree moss 0.4
Note: * Consumer Products: Cosmetics and household products with labelling of the 26 fragrance
allergens. The content of these fragrances was confirmed by chemical analysis.
Figure 10-1: Frequency of occurrence in 3,000 consumer products of the 26 fragrance allergens
that are required to be labelled in cosmetics and detergents (CVUA Karlsruhe, Germany,
2006/2007), according to (104).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Contents of fragrance substances determined in cosmetic products have been described
in several studies, both before and after the regulation of the 26 fragrance allergens. The
studies prior to the regulation of the 26 fragrance allergens included many, but not all of
these 26 allergens. On the other hand, these studies included some other possible
fragrance allergens. The quantitative analysis of fragrance substances has been
performed in prestige perfumes (5, 153, 217-219), deodorants (213, 216), children’s
cosmetics and cosmetic toys (114, 212, 220), products marketed as natural cosmetics
(210) and in cosmetics used by patients with contact allergy to fragranced products (33,
68). Quantitative analyses have revealed that the consumer is exposed to most, but not
all of the 26 fragrance allergens from the use of cosmetics. However, when fragrance
exposure from other consumer products, for example detergents and other household
products is also taken into consideration (Table 10-3, Table 10-4, Figure 10-1), (104,
114, 214, 221), exposure to all of the 26 allergens is foreseeable in daily life. Although
from the data available, the exposure to α-amylcinnamyl alcohol, cinnamal, methyl-2-
octynoate, Evernia prunastri (oak moss) and tree moss may appear to be low, these are
very strong allergens.
The changes in the use of fragrance chemicals in cosmetic formulations, during last 12
years, i.e. before and after the regulation of the 26 fragrance allergens, is reflected in the
studies concerning contents of fragrances substances in popular perfumes (5, 217). As
described in Table 10-5, the content of FM I allergens in prestige perfumes was
significantly reduced from 1996 to 2003. Whether this is also the case for the perfumes
sold as natural cosmetics (Table 10-6) has not yet been investigated.
Table 10-5: Concentration of Fragrance Mix I ingredients in five prestige perfumes before and
after the regulation of the 26 fragrance allergens.
INCI name
Concentration in the perfumes
before regulation (5)
Concentration in the perfumes
after regulation (217)
In no. of
Range %
Mean %
In no. of
Range %
Mean %
Geraniol* 5 0.072-
0.340 5 0.090-
Cinnamal 2 0.002-
0.002 0 - -
5 0.222-
0.615 5 0.015-
4 0.068-
0.147 0 - -
Eugenol 5 0.032-
0.337 2 0.001,
Isoeugenol 3 0.026-
0.119 2 0.001,
Amyl cinnamal 1 0.019 0.019 0 - -
Note: * Due to interference by linalyl acetate, concentration of geraniol+linalyl acetate is
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 10-6: Concentrations of Fragrance Mix I ingredients, hexyl cinnamal and coumarin in 22
perfumes marketed as natural cosmetics investigated in 1996.
Fragrance In no. of
Concentration % (w/w)
Geraniol 14 1.191*
Cinnamal 3 0.089, 0.109, 2.101
Hydroxycitronellal 5 0.135-6.044
Cinnamyl alcohol 8 0.035-2.289
Eugenol 2 0.027, 0.139
Isoeugenol 8 0.194-3.039
Amyl cinnamal 9 0.105-7.706
Coumarin 11 0.046-6.043
Note: * Quantification was performed in one sample only, due to interference by a very large
amount of linalyl acetate in other samples.
The trend in the use of most of the fragrance allergens in deodorants before and after
their regulation is reflected by the two studies performed by Rastogi et al. (213, 216).
The results of these studies cannot be directly compared, because the study from 1998
included randomly selected deodorants, while selection of the deodorants for the 2007
study was based on the labelling of the presence of known strong fragrance allergens in
these products. The number of products analysed in the 1998 study were three times
more than those analysed in 2007, but not all of the 26 fragrance allergens were
analysed in the 1997 study. However, an indication of the change in the use of the
fragrance allergens during 1998-2007 may be obtained by reviewing the results of these
two studies. Among the 17 common fragrance substances studied in the two studies, the
frequency of use of 16 of these substances in deodorants was reduced in 2007 compared
to that in 1998 (Table 10-2). The frequency of use of butyl phenyl methyl propional in
deodorants appeared to be unchanged. The contents of benzyl alcohol, benzyl salicylate,
cinnamal, cinnamyl alcohol, eugenol, geraniol, isoeugenol and linalool were found to be
lower in the deodorants analysed in 2007 compared to those in 1998. Citronellol,
coumarin and alpha-isomethylionone contents in the deodorants were similar in both
studies, but concentrations of benzyl benzoate, butyl phenyl methyl propional, hexyl
cinnamal, hydroxyisohexyl-3-cyclohexene carboxyaldehyde and linalool were much
higher in deodorants in 2007 compared to those in 1998. This analysis of trend of use of
fragrance allergens in cosmetic products indicates that the regulated fragrance allergens
are used less frequently, but exposures from some of the regulated fragrance allergens
may be much higher compared to those before regulation.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 10-7: Atranol and chloroatranol content in eau de toilette/eau de perfume, investigated in
2004 and in 2007.
2007 Study 2004 Study
No. of samples 22 17
Atranol present in no. of samples 15 (68%) 12 (70%)
Atranol content ppb (ng/ml) ppb (ng/ml)
Range n.d.-880 n.d.-791
Mean±SD 157±249 97±224
Median 47 20
Chloroatranol present in no. of samples 9 (41%)* 14 (82%)
Atranol content ppb (ng/ml) Ppb (ng/ml)
Range 0.9-208 1-175
Mean±SD 63±73 36±51
Median 22 10
Notes: n.d. Not detected.
*P <0.05 (chi-square test).
SD: Standard deviation.
Atranol (CAS no. 526-37-4) and chloroatranol (CAS no. 57074-21-2), constituents of oak
moss and tree moss have been shown to be very potent fragrance allergens (222, 223).
The EC Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) recommended that atranol
and chloroatranol should not be present in cosmetic products (224). Two other commonly
used fragrance chemicals, isoeugenol (225) and hydroxyisohexyl-3-cyclohexene
carboxyaldehyde (HICC) (68), have also been shown to be important contact allergens.
The contents of atranol, chloroatranol, isoeugenol and hydroxyisohexyl-3-cyclohexene
carboxyaldehyde in fine fragrances was determined for the exposure assessment of these
fragrances (218). The results revealed that isoeugenol was present in 56%, HICC in
72%, atranol in 59%, and chloroatranol in 36% of the 22 eau de toilette/eau de parfum
products. The concentrations of isoeugenol were, in all products, below 0.02% which is
the maximum concentration recommended by the fragrance industry. HICC reached a
maximum concentration of 0.2%, which is 10-fold higher than the maximum tolerable
concentration considered safe by the EC Scientific Committee (226). The concentrations
of atranol and chloroatranol in the products investigated in 2007 were comparable to
those found in similar products in 2004 (Table 10-7, (218, 219). A significant decrease in
the frequency of the presence of chloroatranol in the products was found in 2007 (Table
10.2. Global exposure (household and occupational exposures)
Fragrances are used in cosmetics that the consumer applies to themself, as described in
the previous section. In addition, exposure to fragrance substances is possible by a
number of other exposure routes briefly outlined in this section.
Topical pharmaceutical products
In a study from Belgium, 370 of the 3,280 topical products marketed in Belgium have
been found to contain one or more of 66 fragrance substances (227). This publication
also contains a description of causative fragrance allergens in 127 patients reacting to 48
specific topical products. In a broader sense, exposure of the patient by extracts used in
aromatherapy falls in this category as well.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Childrens products and toys
Children’s products may contain fragrance allergens and high levels may be present
(220). It has been stated that children may become sensitised to fragrance chemicals
used by their mothers (228).
Washed fabrics have been reported to contain fragrances (229). Odour-neutralising
agents are sometimes used for shoe insoles. In one case, an insole containing cinnamon,
has been reported to lead to plantar vesicular contact dermatitis due to contact
sensitisation to FM I and, in the breakdown, to cinnamal and cinnamyl alcohol (230).
Cleaning agents and other household products
Contact dermatitis from geraniol in washing-up liquid has been reported (231). Terpenes
are used as solvents and cleansing agents (e.g. limonene) (232) and have been reported
as cause of hand dermatitits (233, 234). In an analysis of 59 household products the
most common fragrance allergens were limonene (78%), linalool (61%) and citronellol
(47%) (235). In a review of 301 cosmetic and detergent consumer products in Sweden,
in half of the cosmetics and one-third of the detergents, one or more of the 26
fragrances requiring labelling were identified (236). In the UK, a review of 300 consumer
products showed that linalool and limonene were present in 63% of products. Dental
products contained on average 1.1 fragrance substances that are presently required to
be labelled and women’s perfumes contained 12 of these fragrance substances (Table
4-1 and Table 4-3) (214).
The dermal hand transfer of three fragrance materials (cinnamic aldehyde, d-limonene
and eugenol) from scented candles was determined in ten subjects (i.e. 20 hands) after
grasping scented candles for five consecutive 20 second exposures/grasps. The total
mean residues of cinnamal and eugenol transferred per grasp from the candles to the
hands were 0.255 µg/cm(2) and 0.279 µg/cm(2), respectively (237).
Food causing cheilitis or bullous stomatitis (e.g. due to cinnamal (238)) or lichen planus-
like lesions (e.g. due to cinnamal (239)) or contact gingivitis (e.g. due to eugenol (240))
has been reported. Moreover, food containing fragrance allergens, e.g. citrus oil terpenes
(241) may cause allergic contact dermatitis by handling this food.
Occupational exposure
In a number of occupations, contact allergy to fragrances is more common than in
others, including geriatric nurses, masseurs and physiotherapists, metal furnace
operators and potters/glass makers, according to a multifactorial analysis (88).
Moreover, hairdressers, beauty therapists and aroma therapists are examples of
occupations where there is occupational exposure to fragrance-containing cosmetic and
other products. Cleaners are exposed to fragrance-containing household products (e.g.
detergents). Cooks and bakers are exposed to flavour chemicals and spices. Healthcare
workers are also at risk of acquiring fragrance contact allergy. “Odour maskers” may
contain important fragrance allergens (87, 88, 242-244). Occupational exposure and
occupational ACD to fragrances have been described in perfume bottlers (245). Industrial
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
use of a powder masking the vinyl smell of car seats, containing cinnamal, causing
occupational ACD has been reported (244).
A number of fragrance chemicals are also used as biocides (see Commission Regulation
(EC) No 1451/2007 of 4 December 2007 on the second phase of the 10-year work
programme referred to in Article 16(2) of Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market, published
11.12.2007 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 325/3 –L325/65), see Table 10-8
Table 10-8: Parts of Annex I to (EC) No 1451/2007 (see above): “Active substances identified as
Biocide EINECS CAS number Biocidal product
Linalool 201-134-4 78-70-6 19
Geraniol 203-377-1 106-24-1 18, 19
Benzyl benzoate 204-402-9 120-51-4 2, 18
Eugenol 202-589-1 97-53-0 Not given
Farnesol 225-004-1 4602-84-0 Not given
227-813-5 5989-27-5 12
Citriodiol/mixture of
cis- and trans-p-
menthane-3,8 diol
255-953-7 42822-86-6 1, 2, 19
Citral 226-394-6 5392-40-5 Not given
Margosa ext. 283-644-7 84696-25-3 18, 19
Pine ext. 304-455-9 94266-48-5 10
310-127-6 natural oil Not given
cinerariaefolium, ext.
289-699-3 89997-63-7 18
Citrus oils (main
component: limonene)
several various
Clove oil (main
component: eugenol
(83.8 %),
caryophyllene (12.4
/ 8000-34-8
Product groups(According to Biocide Directive 98/8/EC)
1 Human hygiene biocidal products
2 Private area and public health area disinfectants and other biocidal products
3 Veterinary hygiene biocidal products
10 Masonry preservatives
12 Slimicides
18 Insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods
19 Repellents and attractants
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
The above illustrates that the consumer is exposed to fragrance substances from a wide
variety of cosmetic products, other consumer products, pharmaceuticals and occupational
All these exposures are of importance in the context of contact allergy as it is not the
source of exposure that is critical for both induction and elicitation, but the cumulative
dose per unit area.
10.3. Exposures related to particular anatomical sites
Contact allergy to fragrances most often causes dermatitis of the hands, face and axillae.
Axillary involvement has been shown to be statistically related to fragrance allergy (9). It
is recognised that the axillary skin is a problematic area as it is moist, occluded and is
easily irritated. Moreover, facial eczema is a common manifestation of fragrance allergy
(3, 45). There is an association between fragrance allergy and hand eczema or
aggravation of hand eczema (13-15). Vehicles may influence elicitation capacity of an
allergen and the presence of detergents (surfactants) as in hand cleaning products may
increase the clinical response by a factor of 4-6 (246). Men using wet shaving as opposed
to electric razors have an increased risk of being fragrance allergic (17), most likely due
to microtraumata and to the presence of surface active substances in shaving foam.
In use tests, the upper arm has been shown to be more sensitive than the forehead and
lower arm (247). The axillae, neck and face are more sensitive than the upper arms (10).
The threshold of elicitation may vary depending on the volatility of the substance (248).
A cumulative effect of exposures occurs so that repeating exposures cause elicitation in
more individuals (249).
Patients appear to become sensitised to fragrances primarily from deodorants and
perfumes and to a lesser extent from other cosmetic types (72). Allergic contact
dermatitis may develop where a perfume has been applied (behind ears, neck, upper
chest, antecubital fossae, wrists and the axillae bilaterally (250). Following this, eczema
may appear, or be worsened by, the use of a variety of product types including other
cosmetics, household products, industrial products and flavours.
The association between contact allergy to fragrance ingredients and certain anatomical
sites, which mirrors exposure to fragrance-containing products on these anatomical sites,
has been described in several publications (251, 252), see above. However, due to the
potential confounding effect of other factors, at least on some anatomical sites, an
adjusted analysis will provide a more valid impression of the association between certain
anatomical sites and contact allergy to fragrance ingredients. As an adjusted,
multifactorial analysis relies on: (i) a substantial number of observations (patients
tested); and (ii) an outcome prevalence not too close to 0%, such an approach has,
hitherto, been limited to FM I.
In a paper published 2001, data from the IVDK in terms of patch test reactions to FM I
and relevant clinical and demographic information of the patients tested (n=57,779) was
studied by Poisson regression analysis (88). Risk was quantified by the prevalence ratio,
which can be interpreted as an estimate of relative risk, i.e. the factor by which the risk
of being sensitised to FM I (in this example) is to be multiplied (RR > 1: elevated risk; or
RR < 1: reduced risk) if a certain “risk factor” is present, compared to those patients in
whom this risk factor is not present (the reference category) (general aspects of such
analyses are discussed in (253)). In the analysis, potential risk factors and confounders,
respectively, including occupation, year of patch testing (to address a possible time
trend), sex, age, past or current atopic dermatitis, in addition to anatomical site. The
relevant part of Table 3 of (88) is reproduced below.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 10-9: Result of a Poisson regression analysis of patients tested with the Fragrance Mix
between January 1992 and December 1998, considering two alternative outcomes – part I: non-
occupational factors
Compared to the trunk, which was arbitrarily chosen as the reference category, all other
anatomical sites are associated with an increased risk of being sensitised to FM I
(significantly if the lower limit of 95% CI is > 1). Most evidently, dermatitis of the
axilla(e) is strongly associated with contact allergy to FM I, presumably due to the
application of deodorants. Furthermore, the part of the table shown above illustrates a
strong, positive age gradient, i.e. the older patients are, the more likely they are to be
sensitised to FM I, the risk being almost double when comparing the oldest with the
youngest age group. This observation is in concordance with a bivariate (unadjusted)
association between age and contact allergy to FM I found in another study (87). This
association is presumably the result of life long exposures and cumulative risk.
In a similar analysis of Myroxylon pereirae resin, published in 2002 (254): (i) an even
stronger age gradient; and (ii) no particular association to axillary dermatitis (included in
the “other” category) was found (Table 10-10).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 10-10: Association between selected risk factors and positive patch test to
Myroxylon pereirae resin. For full model see (254). Risk quantified with the prevalence
ratio (PR) with accompanying 95% confidence interval (CI).
Factor PR 95% CI
Atopic dermatitis, past or
1.02 (0.95-1.10)
Female sex 1.13 (1.06-1.20)
Trunk 1.00 (reference)
Hand or Arm 1.03 (0.94-1.12)
Foot or Leg 1.76 (1.61-1.92)
Head or Neck 0.94 (0.86-1.03)
“Other” site 0.72 (0.64-0.81)
Missing site 1.07 (0.97-1.19)
30 years and younger 1.00 (reference)
31 to 44 1.92 (1.73-2.12)
45 to 58 2.87 (2.61-3.16)
58 or older 3.85 (3.49-4.25)
10.4. Conclusion
There are various modes of exposure to fragrances, including not only products used for
their scent, such as perfumes and eau de toilette, after shaves, and deodorants, but also
types of products where scent is an added feature, such as other cosmetic categories
(including wipes), topical pharmaceuticals, household products, and products
encountered in the occupational setting.
Consumer exposure can change over time, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Different routes of exposure are reflected by certain anatomical sites affected:
deodorants are associated with axillary dermatitis, the axillary skin being particularly
vulnerable to sensitisation due to occlusion, maceration and irritation. However, while
sensitisation and initial disease may follow a distinct pattern, later less specific
exposures, e.g. via hand creams, cleaning lotions etc. may be sufficient to cause allergic
contact dermatitis.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
11. Dose-response relationships and thresholds
The dose-response relationship between exposure to contact allergens and induction of
allergy, i.e. sensitisation, is well established in animal models and by experiments in
healthy volunteers (255). It seems that not only the dose per unit area of allergen, but
also the number of exposures, i.e. the accumulated dose, is of importance for the risk of
induction of contact allergy (256). The induction of contact allergy is an immunological
process (type IV-allergy), which is without any clinical symptoms. In the case of
continued exposure or re-exposure with a sufficient dose of allergen, elicitation will occur.
Elicitation is an inflammatory response (eczema) with clinical symptoms of erythema,
induration and in some cases vesicles. Studies of the elicitation response are normally
done in patients with an allergy to the substance in question. Different provocation
models exist (see chapter 11.2.1). Elicitation experiments in healthy human volunteers
following the induction have only rarely been performed (257, 258) and may be
considered a less valid model than patient studies. The reason is that following
experimental induction, the level of sensitivity may not be at the same level as in a real
life situation and that individuals who have actually acquired the disease are a more
relevant endpoint to study.
Knowledge of the dose-response relationship provides an opportunity to establish levels
of exposure which are safe for the majority of individuals. In the following chapter, the
use of different data and models for the establishment of such safe levels in relation to
fragrance ingredients are explored. The focus will be on those chemicals, which have
been identified in chapter 7.1 as established contact allergens in humans and which have
already given rise to a significant number of published cases (category 3 or more):
cinnamal, cinnamyl alcohol, citral, coumarin, eugenol, farnesol, geraniol,
hydroxycitronellal, isoeugenol. Limonene and linalool are considered in chapter 5 as their
ability to cause sensitisation depends on air oxidation, and hydroxyisohexyl 3-
cyclohexene carboxaldehyde is considered in chapter 4.2.2 and 11.4.
11.1. Induction
A model for dermal sensitisation quantitative risk assessment (QRA) has been developed
and implemented by the fragrance industry. This model relies on thresholds, no effect or
low-effect levels, established in healthy human volunteers and/or in animal experiments,
mainly the local lymph node assay (LLNA) (see chapter 8.1). A set of safety factors are
applied for inter-individual differences, for vehicle effects and for use considerations,
stated to give rise to a safety margin from 10 to 1000 (259). In this way, a so-called
“acceptable exposure level” is derived. The exposure to an allergen in different types of
products should be below this level. The restrictions, which have been introduced by the
fragrance industry based on the QRA model, are given in
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 11-1 for some important product categories.
The IFRA guidelines give concentration limits for 11 product categories
, last accessed 2011-11-02), three of which
are mentioned in
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 11-1. These three products have the lowest concentrations except for lip products,
which give a slightly lower concentration limit.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 11-1: Current IFRA restrictions based on induction experiments.
IFRA guideline
Fragrance chemicals
Hand cream
Cinnamal 0.02 0.05 0.05
Cinnamyl alcohol 0.1 0.4 0.4
Citral 0.05 0.3 0.6
Coumarin 0.13 0.8 1.6
Eugenol 0.2 0.5 0.5
Farnesol 0.11 0.6 1.2
Geraniol 0.4 2.8 5.3
0.2 1.0 1.0
0.01 0.02 0.02
Notes: 1) Exposure per mg/cm
/day is based on 8.5 mg/cm
/day for deodorants, 2.2 for perfumes and 4.2
for hand creams as it is these exposure levels that are used by the IFRA.
2) Cosmetic Directive Annex III: Hydroxycitronellal restricted to 1% in all products and isoeugenol
to 0.02% in all products.
The SCCP evaluated this methodology (260) as well as its application to three model
fragrance substances.
It was, among other things, concluded that:
“The data provided show that the application of the dermal sensitisation QRA approach
would allow increased exposures to allergens already known to cause allergic contact
dermatitis in consumers. The model has not been validated and no strategy of
validation has been suggested. There is no confidence that the levels of skin sensitisers
identified by the dermal sensitisation QRA are safe for the consumer.”
and that:
“Identification of safe levels of exposure to existing substances known to cause allergic
contact dermatitis in the consumer should be based on clinical data and/or elicitation
low-effect levels. Currently, these are the only methods which have proven efficient in
reducing/preventing existing problems of sensitisation/allergic contact dermatitis in the
11.2. Elicitation
11.2.1. General considerations
A response in terms of elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis by application of the
(suspected) allergen under standardised conditions is the outcome of interest of the
routine diagnostic procedure for suspected contact allergy, the patch test. While the
patch test procedure is largely standardised, exposure conditions are not comparable to
actual exposures occurring in the daily life or working environment of the patient, which
often involve long-term, repeated and low-dose contact with the allergen. Here,
procedures such as the repeated open application test (ROAT) or provocative use test are
often used, because they much better reflect actual exposure and can be used, for
instance, to validate the current clinical relevance of a positive PT reaction.
Generally, exposure of a sensitised patient to a set of graded doses (quantity/area) of
the suspected allergen, i.e. threshold testing, will allow not only quantitative diagnosis of
the presence or absence of specific contact sensitisation but will additionally provide
evidence on the intensity (degree) of sensitisation. This may have important individual
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
consequences in terms of everyday or occupational exposures being capable (or not) of
eliciting allergic contact dermatitis. However, beyond the individual perspective, clinical
dose-response data collected from sensitised individuals provide a valuable estimate of
the usual doses/unit area resulting in a positive, allergic response in a certain proportion
of sensitised persons, e.g. 10, 50 or 90%. Maximum concentration levels can be derived,
which are safe in terms of eliciting allergic reactions in only a defined low percentage of
sensitised persons. As such data will always be based on small samples, the precision of
the estimate should be considered, and therefore results are preferably given with
confidence intervals.
A statistically significant relationship between threshold concentrations in the ROAT and
patch test has been found, on analysing results from different allergens (see Table 11-2)
(261), but the dose of allergen per unit area per application needed to elicit a reaction in
the two study methods is not the same. A translation factor between the two methods
has been suggested for non-volatile substances: EDxx(ROAT)=0.0296 *EDxx(patch test)
based on testing nickel and methyldibromo glutaronitrile (261). Based on this the
eliciting dose per application in an open test is 33 times lower than in the patch test. In
practice it means that the cumulative dose in a ROAT (in µg/cm²) in two weeks with two
applications per day (total 28 applications) will be almost identical to the eliciting patch
test dose (in µg/cm
) for a given number of responders (see Figure 11-1). For a given
cut-off point the elicitation dose determined by patch testing will be higher than
determined by ROATs.
Table 11-2: Spearman’s rank correlation between the threshold concentration in the patch test
and the repeated open application test for three allergens.
Figure 11-1: The fitted dose-response curve for patch test (solid line) is seen to be displaced to
the right compared to the observed response from repeated open applications of the same allergen
(HICC). It means that a smaller dose per application is needed to elicit a response than by one
single occluded application as in the patch test.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
In the translation between methods, evaporation needs to be taken into consideration for
volatile substances. The experience, based on a study of the fragrance ingredient HICC
and using the results from the literature on isoeugenol, is that if the same equation is
used as for non-volatile substances, the response in the ROAT will be overestimated by a
factor 3 to 4. Thus, the translation factor would be 0.1060 instead of 0.0296, but this
needs to be confirmed by other fragrance allergens. This implies that for the fragrance
ingredients tested, the eliciting dose per application in a ROAT was 9.4 times lower than
the patch test compared to a 33 times lower dose for non-volatile substances (261). This
needs to be confirmed by studying other fragrance allergens. Thus, according to these
experiments, the dose (µg/cm
) eliciting a response in threshold patch testing will be at
most 33 times higher than established in the ROAT if an identical vehicle is used.
Volatility effects in skin sensitisation
The potency of volatile skin sensitisers can be underestimated, to an extent depending
on how rapidly it evaporates, by assays such as the LLNA in which the test substance is
applied topically to exposed healthy skin without occlusion. Such sensitisers present a
greater sensitisation risk to consumers when the skin is occluded by clothing and/or
compromised, than when healthy non-occluded skin is exposed.
Volatility at physiological temperature, say 40˚C, is represented by the vapour pressure
at that temperature. This is related to the boiling point T
by the Clapeyron-Clausius
equation, which can be written (262):
Log (p
) = - (T
– 40)Tr/2.303RT
Where p is in atmospheres, T
is in ˚C, R is the gas constant, Tr is the Trouton constant
(also defined as the molar entropy of vaporisation, and equal to 22 cal.deg
for many
organic compounds) and T is physiological temperature in degrees absolute (= 313 for
It has been shown, in experiments where evaporation from a glass slide is measured
under simulated LLNA conditions, that 2-hexenal (T
= 146-149˚C, p
= 17 mmHg)
evaporates rapidly, less than 20% remaining after 5 minutes, whereas with cinnamal (T
= 248˚C, p
= 0.5 mmHg), more than 90% remains after 1 hour (263). In agreement
with these findings, cinnamal fits a QSAR relating LLNA EC3 to reactivity, whereas the
EC3 for 2-hexenal is higher (lower potency) than predicted from its reactivity.
The above is only a partial rationalisation, since different solubilities in different vehicles
will influence the tendency to evaporate, according to Henry's law.
11.2.2. Studies on specific fragrance ingredients
Studies concerning chloroatranol/atranol, cinnamal, hydroxycitronellal, hydroxyisohexyl
3-cyclohexenecarboxaldehyde and isoeugenol have been identified. These are
summarised in Annex III.
Overview of results
In four studies dummy deodorants spiked with a single fragrance allergen in realistic use
concentrations have been used to study elicitation responses, unscented deodorants were
used as control products in paired designs. The deodorants were used by patients
sensitised to the fragrance allergen in question as well as a healthy control group
(without fragrance allergy) (95-97, 243). Between 76 and 100% of the sensitised
individuals reacted to the deodorants spiked with allergen, isoeugenol, cinnamal,
hydroxycitronellal and hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, and none of the
controls (Table 11-4).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 11-3: Overview of results of deodorant provocation investigations with different allergens.
Frequency in % of test groups, which reacted at different doses of allergen applied in a roll-on
deodorant in the axilla, is given in the table.
Isoeugenol Cinnamal
Hydroxycitronellal HICC
Dose in ppm in
0 0 0 0 0 0
63 23
100 11
200 69 64
320 25 55 57
600 85
630 76
1000 75 88 71
1800 100
3200 100 100
No. test persons 13 8 9 7 14
No. of control
10 20 7 10
% control persons,
who reacted
0 0 0 0
according to study
should be:
< 63 ppm <100 ppm <320 ppm < 200
Reference (264) (102) (103) (101)
Note: HICC hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde.
Eleven studies concerning dose-response results of the five allergens listed above were
identified, including the above mentioned studies of deodorants. An overview of the
results of the studies concerning thresholds is given in Table 11-4. In Annex III the
details of each study are given.
Table 11-4: Overview of threshold results from clinical studies.
“Observed” means that the proportion was actually observed in the study while “estimated” means
that the value is derived from a fitted curve, i.e. is interpolated.
In ethanol 92 % positive 0.025 μg/cm
observed (223)
In ethanol 100% positive 0.125 μg/cm
observed (223)
ED10% 0.0004 μg/cm
estimated (223)
ED50% 0.0045 μg/cm
estimated (223)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
In ethanol no effect 0.02% observed (100)
In ethanol 44 % positive 0.1% observed (100)
In ethanol 72 % positive 0.8% observed (100)
Deodorant matrix 11% positive 0.26 μg/cm
(0.01%) observed (102)
Deodorant matrix 41% positive 0.84 μg/cm
(0.032%) observed (102)
Deodorant matrix 82% positive 2.63 μg/cm
(0.1%) observed (102)
ED50% 96 μg/cm
estimated (100)
No effect level 0.4 μg/cm
(0.01%) observed (100)
No effect level NG (0.002%) observed (102)
In a cream base ED10% 4.9 μg/cm
interpolated (104)
In a perfume (ethanol) ED10% 1.2 μg/cm
interpolated (104)
In ethanol 61% positive 15.3 μg/cm
(3.4-22.2) observed (209)
In ethanol 89% positive 126.2 μg/cm
observed (209)
In ethanol/water no response 0.0357 μg/cm
observed (248)
In ethanol/water ED10% 0.064 μg/cm
estimated (248)
In deodorant matrix between 64% to
100% positive
0.79 μg/cm
(median) observed (101)
ED10% (95% CI) 0.662 μg/cm
estimated (248)
ED10% 0.75 μg/cm
estimated (101)
ED10% 0.9 μg/cm
29 (7-69) ppm estimated (209)
ED50% (95% CI) 11.1 μg/cm
(3.41- 33.1) estimated (248)
ED50% (95% CI) 18.3 μg/cm
(3.41- 33.1) estimated (101)
ED50% (95% CI) 20 μg/cm
662 (350-1250)
estimated (209)
No effect level <0.0022 μg/cm
observed (248)
Deodorant matrix 57 % positive 0.94 μg/cm
(0.032%) observed (103)
Deodorant matrix 71 % positive 2.94 μg/cm
(0.1%) observed (103)
Deodorant matrix 100 % positive 9.40 μg/cm
(0.32%) observed (103)
No effect level <0.00012 % (=0.036
)* (*calculated)
observed (103)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
in ethanol 63% positive 5.6 μg/cm
observed (99)
in ethanol 42% positive 2.2 μg/cm
observed (249)
in ethanol 67% positive 9.0 μg/cm
observed (249)
Deodorant matrix 23 % positive 0.167 μg/cm
observed (264)
Deodorant matrix 69 % positive 0.53 μg/cm
observed (264)
Deodorant matrix 77 % positive 1.67 μg/cm
observed (264)
ED50% (in petrolatum) 32 μg/cm
estimated (99)
No effect (in ethanol) <0.0005% (0.15 μg/cm
) observed (249)
No effect (in petrolatum) <0.4 μg/cm
observed (99)
Summary of results for specific fragrance ingredients
Chloroatranol (constituent of Evernia prunastri)
In ROAT a dose of 0.025 μg/cm
to 0.125 μg/cm
in ethanol elicited reactions in 92% to
100% of sensitised subjects.
In patch testing the ED10% was 0.0004 μg/cm
In ROAT a dose of 0.26 μg/cm
gave a response in 11% when applied as deodorant in
the axilla and 82% responded to 2.63 μg/cm
The ED50 in patch testing was 96 μg/cm
In ROAT a dose of 0.0357 μg/cm
gave no response, while the dose that elicited a
reaction in 10% of the sensitised test group (in ethanol) ranged from 0.064 μg/cm
1.2 μg/cm
. The dose in a cream base was 4.9 μg/cm
In ROAT a dose of 15.3 μg/cm
to 126.2 μg/cm
in ethanol elicited reactions in 61% to
89% of sensitised subjects.
The ED10 in patch testing ranged from 0.66-0.9 μg/cm
In ROAT a dose of 0.94 μg/cm
gave a response in 57% when applied in a deodorant in
the axilla and 100% responded to 9.40 μg/cm
The no-effect level in patch testing was below 0.036 μg/cm
In ROAT a dose of 2.2 μg/cm
a response in 42% and 9.0 μg/cm
in 67%, when applied
in ethanol on the arm. With a deodorant applied to the skin of the axillary, a dose of
0.167 μg/cm
caused a response in 23% and 77% reacted to 1.67 μg/cm
The ED50 in patch testing was 32 μg/cm
The no-effect in patch testing was below 0.15 μg/cm
Elicitation levels have been studied for cinnamal, isoeugenol and hydroxycitronellal which
are established contact allergens in humans and which already have given rise to a
significant number of cases (> 100, see chapter 7). Further HICC has been studied
extensively, but is considered in a separate section (chapter 11.3) of this opinion. It is
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
however not possible to derive a safe threshold directly from the data of cinnamal,
isoeugenol and hydroxycitronellal. The main reasons are that many of the test subjects
reacted to all the tested doses in ROAT, which is a simulation of every day exposures.
Thus it was not possible to determine the dose only eliciting responses in a few, e.g. 10%
of the subjects and that only a limited number of exposure scenarios were studied.
The studies have covered few product types: hydro-alcoholic products, e.g. perfumes and
deodorant roll-on matrix. The vehicle is one of many factors which influence the
thresholds of allergic reactions. Also the presence of irritants and other allergens can
influence the elicitation level. This means that the currently available studies do not
cover all the relevant exposure scenarios. However, taking into account that dose-
response investigations in sensitised patients are very complex to perform, it is not likely
that much more data will become available in the near future. It is therefore necessary to
exploit the full pool of elicitation data, also covering chemicals other than fragrance
ingredients, to derive a more general threshold which could be used when no or
insufficient data exist to set a specific threshold for a substance of concern.
General thresholds
The methodology of the different experiments has varied to some extent as different
anatomical sites of exposure have been employed, different vehicles, exposure periods
and cut-off points. The reason is that the studies have been performed to investigate
various clinical and scientific aspects of allergic contact reactions and not for formal
regulatory requirements. Some studies are small and for this reason the precision of the
estimates of thresholds is limited. In spite of this, the results of the various experiments
are reasonably uniform, except for chloroatranol which had very low threshold reactions,
and show that low concentrations may elicit allergic reactions.
The reasonably uniform data generated on the above fragrance ingredients are in
agreement with a recent “meta-analysis” of dose-response data of different allergens,
incorporating some of the same studies as mentioned above, but also other allergens,
such as preservatives and metals. The ED10 at patch testing varied by a factor of 7 from
the lowest to the highest value and the median was 0.82 µg/cm
if the three outliers
formaldehyde (1997), nickel (1999) and methyldibromo glutaronitrile (2004) were left
out and 0.84 µg/cm
if included (see Table 11-6 and Figure 11-2 below: (265)). An
explanation of these results could be that thresholds in elicitation is less dependent on
the antigenic properties of the individual substance (inherent potency) than thresholds of
induction and more on the level of sensitivity of the individual, i.e. the level of T-cell
clones able to recognise the antigen, which is not present in naïve not-sensitised,
individuals. This seems plausible, based on both the recent clinical evidence (265) and
guinea pig QSAR evidence (266). It provides the basis for a general approach in
establishing safe thresholds for substances of concern.
The consequences of a limit of 0.8 µg/cm
for the product types most important for
fragrance allergy are calculated below.
The calculation is based on:
- The generally safe exposure level, which is the median ED10 value (the dose
which will elicit allergic contact dermatitis in 10% of sensitised eczema patients)
under patch test conditions: 0.8 μg/cm
- Exposure doses and exposure areas from SCCS notes of guidance 7
(267) [Tables 2 and 3] and Technical dossier Quantitative Risk Assessment from
RIFM (259).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Safe concentration in product = (Generally safe exposure level (0.8 μg/cm
exposure to product (μg/cm
/day)) x 100 (for %).
Table 11-5: Concentration limits in different product types based on 0.8 μg/cm
allergen as a
'generally safe exposure level', if specific dose-response data are unavailable.
level (g)
(Table 3
skin surface
) (Table
in grams
in μg (1g=
μg )
limit in
product % in
exposure) x
Body lotion 7.82 g 15,670 cm
0.000499 499 0.16%
Face cream 1.54 g 565 cm
0.002725 2725 0.03%
Hand cream 2.16 g 860 0.002511 2511 0.03%
aerosol spray
ethanol based
1.43 g 200 cm
0.007150 7150 0.01%
not given ? 0.00221
2210 0.04%
Note: 1) 2.21 mg/cm
/day from Technical dossier Quantitative Risk Assessment.
The estimated daily use of the various product categories in Table 11-5 are based on the
SCCS Notes of Guidance (see above), except for perfume, for which no value is given.
This value is taken from the Technical Dossier on Quantitative Risk Assessment from
Generally the estimated use of different products is higher in the IFRA/RIFM assessments
than in SCCS Notes of Guidance.
Table 11-6: Overview of dose-response studies and thresholds for eight allergens, after (265).
ED10 patch test values from each of the 16 selected studies with 95 % confidence intervals with
the allergens chromium (268), MCI/MI (Kathon ™ CG) (269), nickel (270), methyldibromo
glutaronitrile (MDBGN) (271), hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) (101, 209,
248), isoeugenol (249, 264) and formaldehyde (272). The shaded values were considered as
Study Number of patients ED
) 95 % interval
MCI/MI 12 1.05 0.17–2.27
Formaldehyde 20 20.1 4.09–43.9
Nickel 1997 24 1.58 0.32–4.04
Nickel 1998 19 0.8 0.078–2.59
Nickel 1999 26 7.49 2.42–14.5
Nickel 2005 13 0.74 0.066–2.38
Nickel 2007 20 0.82 0.13–2.37
Cobalt 2005 11 0.44 0.033–1.3
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Study Number of patients ED
) 95 % interval
Chromium 17 1.04 0.0033–5.55
Isoeugenol 2001 24 1.48 0.22–4.74
Isoeugenol 2005 13 0.23 0.0073–1.32
HICC 2003 18 0.85 0.062–3.26
HICC 2007 14 1.17 0.043–5.05
HICC 2009 17 0.66 0.052–2.35
MDBGN 2004 19 0.025 0.00021–0.19
MDBGN 2008 18 0.50 0.052–1.69
Note: The ED10 value is the concentration which elicits an allergic reaction in 10% of a group of
sensitised individuals under patch test conditions.
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Applied concentration (µg/cm
with 95 % confidence limits
MCI/MI 1989
Nickel 1999
Nickel 1998
Nickel 2007
Formaldehyde 1997
Nickel 1997
Nickel 2005
Cobalt 2005
Chromium 2001
Isoeugenol 2001
Isoeugenol 2005
HICC 2003
HICC 2007
HICC 2009
MDBGN 2004
MDBGN 2008
Figure 11-2: The threshold data with 95% confidence intervals from Table 11-6 presented
graphically, after (265).
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Figure 11-3: The fitted dose-response curves from the studies in Table 11-6, which are the basis
for estimation of the ED10 value, after (265).
The meta-analysis above has shown that the median elicitation dose by patch testing for
10% of sensitised individuals was 0.8 µg/cm
. In the model data for the fragrance
substances isoeugenol and HICC was included. The two studies on isoeugenol and the
three studies on HICC gave an average ED10 value of 0.85 µg/cm
and 0.89 µg/cm
with a range 0.23-1.48. This means that even if the model was used for these
substances individually the result would be very similar to the general threshold value.
The data from cinnamal and hydroxycitronellal studies was not incorporated in the model
because: (i) serial dilution patch testing was done in petrolatum for cinnamal, making the
dosing less exact; (ii) and only seven patients participated in the hydroxycitronellal
study, while a criteria for inclusion in the model was ten participants (265).
According to the above calculations, a limit of 0.8 µg/cm
for the product types of most
importance for fragrance allergy corresponds to concentrations of 100 to 400 ppm (0.01-
0.04%) for deodorants, perfume spray, hand and face lotions. For body lotion the
general threshold was 0.16%. However, it does not seem meaningful in the context of
contact allergy to distinguish between different types of creams, as a body cream would
be applied with the hands and the relevant parameter in contact allergy is dose per area
skin and not total dose.
A general threshold would have to take into consideration the uncertainties in
quantification of exposure and safe thresholds as well as the possibilities of aggregate
exposures and exposure to chemically similar substances. Therefore in setting one
general threshold the product category carrying the highest risk of sensitisation and
elicitation, which is deodorants, was chosen to drive the generation of the threshold. This
means that a threshold of 0.8 µg/cm
is equal to 0.01% or 100 ppm (see Table
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 11-1 and the related text), the lowest of the threshold values derived.
The general threshold is indicative of a safe level for the majority of sensitised
individuals, but does not preclude that the most sensitive subset of the population may
react upon exposure to the allergen. These levels are based on patch tests and take no
account of anatomical sites of exposure, frequency of exposure or vehicle effects.
Therefore, any limitations in exposures are not substitutes for providing information to
the consumer about the presence of a substance in a product as a certain fraction of
sensitised individuals will still need to avoid specific exposures.
Based on experience, limitations in exposure based on elicitation thresholds will, apart
from helping the sensitised consumer, also significantly reduce the risk of induction. This
is the case for nickel allergy, where the restrictions in the EU nickel directive are based
on elicitation threshold, leading to a significant reduction in new cases of sensitisation in
young women (273) and in a reduction in morbidity, i.e. elicitation (274). Another
example is restriction of chromium VI in cement (275).
It is not possible to provide a safe threshold for natural extracts of concern, as no specific
investigations exist, and the model providing the general use concentration limit (0.01%)
has been based on chemicals only.
The SCCP concluded in 2004 that Chloroatranol and atranol, the main allergenic
constituents of Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea, should not be present in
consumer products because they are extremly potent allergens (224). The persistently
high frequency of contact allergy to Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea noted in
eczema patients does point to a persisting problem with exposure to the allergenic
11.3. Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC)
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) has been the most frequently
reported individual fragrance chemical causing allergy since the 1999 opinion on
fragrance allergy. In total, reports of about 1500 cases have been published in the
scientific literature (see chapter 7.1 and Annex I to this opinion), while the second most
frequently reported individual chemical was cinnamal with around 350 published cases.
Only a minority of the cases seen by clinicians is published and only a (small) proportion
of those with allergic contact dermatitis seeks or has the possibility to seek medical
Natural extracts such as Myroxylon pereirae and turpentine (oil) have been more
frequently reported, but while HICC is a synthetic fragrance chemical, where the only
source of exposure is fragrances, the natural extracts are used in many other contexts
than fragrances/cosmetics.
Of patients tested by the Danish monitoring network of dermatologists 2.4% were found
to be allergic to HICC in 2005-2008 (with no decreasing trend from 2003 to 2007 (276))
(for more studies see chapter 4.2.2); in 70% of the cases the reaction was of current
relevance, i.e. causing disease (66). This is in agreement with the results of a recent
German study with HICC, where 48 out of 51 patients (94.1%) with a positive patch test
reaction to HICC also reacted in a repeated open application test, simulating normal use
conditions of cosmetics containing HICC (104). In a Danish study 69% of 14 HICC
allergic individuals developed allergic contact dermatitis from use of cosmetics containing
HICC in realistic amounts (101).
On the basis of the high frequency of allergy to HICC, in 2003 the Scientific Committee
on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products (SCCNFP) recommended 0.02% (200 ppm)
as maximum amount of HICC in cosmetic products (277). This has not been
implemented and no restrictions apply in the Cosmetic Directive.
The fragrance industry, via the International Fragrance Association (IFRA), has its own
safety guidelines. Up until 2003 HICC was used without any restriction; in 2003 a limit of
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
1.5% HICC in any kind of product was introduced. In 2008 this was changed according to
the new risk assessment model (QRA) applied by the fragrance industry to different
levels in 11 different product types derived from the QRA (see11.1). Limits from 0.11%
in lip products to 1.5% in hair styling products were set. In 2009 a further lowering was
made of the limits by industry with the following reasoning: “The industry firmly believes
and continues to support thresholds based on induction rather than elicitation. However,
given the exceptional situation in Europe, the fragrance industry elected to take further
restrictive action on this material” (278). An overview of the IFRA restrictions is given in
the table below.
Table 11-7: Restriction for HICC independent of the QRA according to (278).
Product type that
drives the
exposure level
2003–2008 (%)
IFRA Standard
July 2008 (%)
IFRA Standard
July 2009 (%)
Category 1 Lip products 1.5 0.11 0.02
Category 2 Deodorants/
1.5 0.15 0.02
Category 3 Hydroalcoholics for
shaved skin
1.5 0.60 0.2
Category 4 Hydroalcoholics for
unshaved skin
1.5 1.5 0.2
Category 5 Hand cream 1.5 1.0 0.2
Category 6 Mouthwash 1.5 1.5
Not applicableכ
Category 7 Intimate wipes 1.5 0.3 0.02
Category 8 Hair styling aids 1.5 1.5 0.2
Category 9 Rinse-off hair
1.5 1.5% 0.2%
Category 10 Hard surface
1.5 1.5% 0.2%
Category 11 Incidental or non-
skin contact
15 Not restricted Not restricted
Note: HICC Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde.
QRA Quantitative risk assessment.
* Not applicable because HICC is not approved for flavour use.
11.4. Conclusion
A dose-response relationship between exposure to contact allergens and induction
of allergy (sensitisation) as well as elicitation is well established. This means that
in principle, thresholds can be identified which are safe for the consumer.
A model for dermal sensitisation quantitative risk assessment has been developed
(QRA) and implemented by the fragrance industry. This model relies on
thresholds, no effect or low-effect levels, established in healthy human volunteers
and/or in animal experiments. The SCCP has previously reviewed this
methodology and concluded that: “There is no confidence that the levels of skin
sensitisers identified by the dermal sensitisation QRA are safe for the consumer.”
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Elicitation data can provide thresholds indicative for the safe use of those
substances which have already caused significant problems in the consumer. In
this context, “safe use” means that the thresholds will protect the majority of
consumers from allergic contact dermatitis, but does not preclude that the most
sensitive subset of the population may react upon exposure to the allergen.
Furthermore, based on experience from intervention studies, such thresholds will
also be sufficiently low to protect (most of) the non-sensitised consumers from
developing contact allergy.
Elicitation levels have been studied specifically for the three fragrance chemicals
cinnamal, hydroxycitronellal and isoeugenol. These studies, however, are not
adequate to derive safe thresholds for the individual substances directly from the
In the absence of adequate substance specific data it is possible to use a general
threshold. Based on a statistical analysis of the available data in the scientific
literature, a threshold of 0.8 µg/cm
was derived. This corresponds to 0.01% (100
ppm) limit in cosmetic products indicative for safe use.
It is not possible to provide a safe threshold for natural extracts of concern, as no
specific investigations exist and the model providing the general threshold
(0.01%) has been based on individual chemicals only. However the maximum use
concentration applies to the identified chemicals both if added as chemicals or as
an identified constituent of a natural ingredient. This will also reduce the risk of
sensitisation and elicitation from natural extracts.
For substances for which there are no clinical data of concern, models such as the
dermal sensitisation QRA approach may, after refinement and validation, be used
to suggest a safe level of exposure prior to incorporation into products. However,
aggregated exposures must be incorporated in the dermal sensitisation QRA
HICC has for more than 10 years been recognized as an important allergen with
more cases documented in the scientific literature than for any other fragrance
chemical in this period. HICC has been shown to be a significant cause of disease
as many of those with contact allergy to HICC had also reactions to cosmetics,
which contained or were likely to contain HICC. Since 2003 attempts have been
made by the fragrance industry to contain the outbreak of HICC allergy, but with
no convincing success so far. Recent voluntary restrictions (recommendations to
lower use concentrations, at least for some product types, to the level
recommended by the SCCS in 2003) are not reflected in available evidence and
are considered insufficient. The SCCS considers that the number of cases of HICC
allergy documented over the last decade is exceptionally high and that continued
exposure to HICC by the consumer is not considered safe, even at concentrations
as low as 200 ppm. Therefore, HICC should not be used in consumer products in
order to prevent further cases of contact allergy to HICC and to limit the
consequences to those who already have become sensitized.
The SCCP concluded in 2004 that chloroatranol and atranol, the main allergenic
constituents of Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea, should not be present in
consumer products because they are extremly potent allergens. The persistently
high frequency of contact allergy to Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea
noted in eczema patients does point to a persisting problem with exposure to the
allergenic constituents.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
12. Data gaps and research needed
In the course of working on this opinion, the following points are highlighted as important
data gaps, ordered by research area:
12.1. Clinical and epidemiological research
Clinical data on more fragrance substances are needed to assess more fully the
epidemiology of fragrance contact allergy and pin-point the culprit substances for
induction and elicitation of contact allergy in man.
Data from a broader range of EU countries on the clinical and epidemiological
picture of fragrance contact allergy is needed, as difference in exposure and use
habits are expected across Europe.
A co-ordinated strategy for data collection should be developed.
Very little is known about susceptible groups of the population, e.g. up 10% of the
European population carry mutations, which impairs the skin barrier and which
seem to increase the risk of fragrance allergy. Data are needed to qualify and
quantify the increase in risk of susceptible groups in order to provide a better
protection of all consumers.
Aberrant enzyme activity in certain individuals, often related to genetic enzyme
polymorphisms, may give an increased or reduced risk of sensitisation to
prohaptens (that need enzymatic activation) in certain individuals or populations.
More research into the role of relevant traits is needed.
Dose-response data from clinical studies are available for only a few allergens. To
establish individual safe levels such data are required for all established allergens
of concern and covering an appropriate range of product types. This would also
consolidate the basis of the use of a general threshold for safe use of fragrance
Data on human exposure to fragrances from the use of different product
categories is very scarce and therefore does not provide an optimal basis of risk
assessment, e.g. exposure data on use for perfume/eau de cologne are lacking.
Most experimental studies are done on individual fragrance ingredients, while
exposure to allergens in cosmetic products is usually to mixtures of allergens. The
risk of sensitisation and elicitation may depend on the mixture of substances, but
very few studies on this exist. It is necessary to improve the knowledge base on
cocktail effects on sensitisation/elicitation to improve the basis of risk assessment
and management.
Screening in dermatitis patients should be performed with air exposed samples of
such fragrance substances that in experimental studies have been demonstrated
to act as prehaptens, i.e. autoxidise and form oxidation mixtures containing
allergenic oxidation products.
Patch testing should if possible, be performed with the isolated true haptens
formed from prehaptens and prohaptens to increase the possibility to diagnose
allergy from these type of substances.
There is a need for more experimental research to further establish the impact of
the behaviour of fragrance substances when applied on the skin (including factors
such as volatility, autoxidation, skin penetration, reactivity in skin and
Non-human studies
Several studies in the industry submission (159) were of insufficient quality, not
following the OECD guidelines.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
In some cases it was found that either very few concentrations points had been
used in LLNAs, or concentrations were insufficient for achieving a 3-fold increase
of the SI.
A sufficient number of doses (concentrations) should be applied in LLNAs (at least
5) so that interpolation (for deriving an EC3 value) can rely on more than two or
three actual data points to be more reliable. SCCS therefore suggests a change in
the OECD guideline 429. (It is important to remember that the production of
unreliable data is a waste of animals.) Moreover, the maximum concentration
should be high enough to achieve a > 3-fold increase in SI, as far as this is
possible with the substance/vehicle combination chosen.
Data on experimental results are often not published, but available only on file in
the companies having performed the tests. Access to such results would be
important for the scientific community, e.g. in the context of REACH, or
independently, either to the public domain, or to a Public Trustee.
The OECD guideline 429 recommends several vehicles. It is well known that a
difference in the EC3 value can be obtained for the same substance depending on
which vehicle is used in the LLNA. Thus, as an additional control, supplementary
to the guideline based LLNA control, a clinically relevant solvent or the commercial
formulation in which the test substance is marketed may be used.
As long as no validated in vitro method exists, more research is needed. Until one
or more method(s) have been decided to fulfil the requirements for substituting in
vivo testing, the in vivo testing for prediction of skin sensitisation has to be used.
Applying only mechanism-based QSAR (QMM) as a tool in non-animal based risk
assessment for skin sensitisation is of limited value for fragrance substances. This
is due to major information gaps in the present model when addressing
substances that act via abiotic or metabolic activation, and the high incidence of
such substances in fragrances. Therefore, further experimental and clinical
research in the area of abiotic and/or metabolic activation of fragrance substances
is needed to increase the safety for the consumer, i.e. experimental studies which
include air oxidation and bioactivation.
Further experimental investigations of the sensitisation potential of fragrance
substances are needed to determine the impact of the volatility of the substance
as well as the effect of the vehicle on skin penetration/absorption and reactivity.
From a clinical perspective it is important for the individual who is sensitised to
one fragrance substance to know if they must also avoid other fragrance
substances that can cause allergic contact dermatitis due to cross-reactivity with
the original sensitiser. Prediction of risks for cross-reactivity requires sound
application of theoretical principles in combination with well-designed
experimental studies. This is a field that has not been studied very much so far
and needs to be focused on much more in the future.
Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) models should be further
developed, combining, as appropriate, information from in silico, in chemico and
in vitro methods as possible. Prediction of different activation pathways should be
Effect estimates such as proportions of sensitised humans or animals, or mean
stimulation indices, EC3 values and other derivations should ideally be
accompanied by an interval estimate (confidence interval) to address precision
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
13. Opinion
Contact allergy to fragrances is a common, significant and relevant problem in Europe.
The studies since the SCCNFP opinion on fragrance allergy in consumers in 1999
(SCCNFP/0017/98) (SCCNFP 1999) have confirmed that the 26 fragrance allergens,
identified by the SCCNFP, are still relevant fragrance allergens for consumers because of
their exposure from cosmetic products. Additional exposure to many of these 26
fragrance allergens also occurs from the use of other consumer products, such as
detergents, toys, etc. Some of these fragrance substances are also used as
The overall trend of fragrance contact allergy appears to have been stable for the last 10
years, as some causes of fragrance allergy have decreased and others increased. From
the few population-based studies, it can be estimated that the frequency of contact
allergy to fragrance ingredients in the general population in Europe is 1-3%. This is
based on the limited testing with eight common fragrance allergens (FM I) out of the
approximately 2500 fragrance ingredients listed in CosIng and indicative of the
substances that may be present in fragrance compounds. However, the real prevalence
of contact allergy to fragrance substances may be higher if the testing were to be
performed with the full spectrum of fragrance allergens, including oxidised substances,
where relevant.
Among eczema patients in the European population, around 16% are sensitised to
fragrance ingredients. The disease can be severe and generalised, with a significant
impairment of quality of life and potential consequences for fitness for work.
Contact sensitisation, and its clinical manifestation, allergic contact dermatitis, can be
prevented if the exposure to known contact allergens is reduced or abolished (primary
prevention). Experiences so far, have indicated that not all substances that later turned
out to be significant contact allergens after human exposure, were predicted by
experimental studies, e.g. the preservative methyldibromo glutaronitrile and the
fragrance chemical HICC. Thus, a significant exposure of the population may occur before
a substance is established as an important contact allergen in man.
Elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis occurs when a consumer sensitised to a certain
substance is re-exposed to the substance in question. Prevention at this stage, termed
secondary prevention, can be achieved if use of the allergen in products is eliminated or
reduced to a tolerable level (general prevention), or if the patients succeed in avoiding all
sources of exposure (individual prevention). Ingredient listing of individual fragrance
allergens has been shown to be an important tool to enable consumers with an identified
allergy to reduce/avoid relevant exposures. Moreover, ingredient listing is also of great
importance to ensure that an adequate diagnosis of fragrance contact allergy can be
made without undue delay. If the information given on the presence of fragrance
allergens is incomplete, diagnosis of fragrance contact allergy may be missed.
The SCCNFP, in its 1999 opinion, identified 26 fragrance allergens for which information
should be provided to consumers concerning their presence in cosmetic products. This
was implemented in the European Cosmetics legislation (280) as ingredient labelling of
these 26 fragrance substances (Annex III, entries 67-92). However, safe use
concentrations for these substances in cosmetic products have not yet been determined
and much new evidence concerning fragrance allergy has been published since 1999. The
present opinion updates the SCCNFP opinion with a systematic and critical review of the
scientific literature up to October 2010. This review addresses the issue of contact allergy
to fragrance substances, including natural extracts and updates the list of fragrance
allergens relevant to consumers. Clinical, epidemiological and experimental studies were
evaluated, as well as modelling studies performed, to establish lists of: (i) established
fragrance allergens; (ii) likely fragrance allergens; and (iii) possible fragrance allergens.
The review also includes fragrances, which on modification by oxidation or by enzyme
mediated processes, can produce allergens. Available dose-response data have been
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
examined to answer whether safe thresholds can be established for the most frequent
fragrance allergens.
13.1. Question 1
Does the SCCS still consider that the fragrance allergens currently listed in
Annex III, entries 67-92, for labelling purposes represent those fragrance
ingredients that the consumer needs to be made aware of when present in
cosmetic products?
In order to answer this question, the SCCS has used clinical and epidemiological data to
identify known fragrance allergens. These were categorised as established contact
allergens in humans (see Table 13-1).
Where sufficient animal evidence was present, these substances were categorised as
established contact allergens in animals (Table 13-2). For a number of other fragrance
substances, combinations of limited clinical data together with SAR considerations have
been applied to indicate likely fragrance allergens in man (Table 13-3). Finally, SAR has
also been applied to substances that lack human data to identify fragrances that have
the structural potential to be contact allergens. Substances with insufficient human data
were also considered as possible fragrance allergens. For these further tests
(experimental/clinical data) are required (Table 13-4).
Table 13-1: Established contact allergens in humans.
For categorisation of importance (+ to ++++) see chapter 7.1. Allergens of special concern are
substances where between 100 and 1,000 cases (+++) and more than 1,000 (++++) have been
published. These are set in bold. Fragrance substances identified as allergens in the 1999 opinion
of SCCNFP (1) are marked with an asterisk.
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human evidence:
see text
Individual chemicals
ACETYLCEDRENE 32388-55-9 +
AMYL CINNAMAL* 122-40-7 +
trans-ANETHOLE 4180-23-8 + (r.t.)
ANISE ALCOHOL* 105-13-5 +
BENZYL ALCOHOL* 100-51-6 +
BENZYL BENZOATE* 120-51-4 ++
CAMPHOR 76-22-2 / 464-
+ (r.t.)
beta-CARYOPHYLLENE (ox.) 87-44-5 Non-ox.: +,
ox.: +
CARVONE 99-49-0 / 6485-
40-1 / 2244-16-
+ (r.t.)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human evidence:
see text
CINNAMAL* 104-55-2 +++
CINNAMYL ALCOHOL* 104-54-1 +++
CITRAL* 5392-40-5 +++
CITRONELLOL* 106-22-9 /
1117-61-9 /
COUMARIN* 91-64-5 +++
23696-85-7 + (r.t.)
alpha-DAMASCONE (TMCHB) 43052-87-5 /
cis-beta-DAMASCONE 23726-92-3 +
delta-DAMASCONE 57378-68-4 +
EUGENOL* 97-53-0 +++
FARNESOL* 4602-84-0 ++ - +++
GERANIOL* 106-24-1 +++
HEXADECANOLACTONE 109-29-5 + (r.t.)
HEXYL CINNAMAL* 101-86-0 ++
31906-04-4 /
ISOEUGENOL* 97-54-1 +++
alpha-ISOMETHYL IONONE* 127-51-5 ++
(DL)-LIMONENE* 138-86-3 ++ (non-ox.);
+++ (ox.)
LINALOOL* 78-70-6 ++ (non-ox.)
+++ (ox.)
LINALYL ACETATE 115-95-7 + (non-ox.)
++ (ox.)
MENTHOL 1490-04-6 / 89-
78-1 / 2216-51-
6-METHYL COUMARIN 92-48-8 ++
METHYL 2-OCTYNOATE* 111-12-6 ++
67801-20-1 ++ (r.t.)
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human evidence:
see text
alpha-PINENE and beta-PINENE 80-56-8 and
127-91-3, resp.
PROPYLIDENE PHTHALIDE 17369-59-4 + (r.t.)
alpha-SANTALOL and beta-SANTALOL 115-71-9 and
77-42-9, resp.
SCLAREOL 515-03-7 +
TERPINEOL (mixture of isomers) 8000-41-7 +
alpha-TERPINEOL 10482-56-1 /
Terpinolene 586-62-9 +
54464-59-4 /
68155-66-8 /
TRIMETHYL-BENZENEPROPANOL (Majantol) 103694-68-4 ++
VANILLIN 121-33-5 ++
Natural extracts
CANANGA ODORATA and Ylang-ylang oil 83863-30-3;
++ (r.t.)
EVERNIA PRUNASTRI* 90028-68-5 +++
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human evidence:
see text
LAVANDULA HYBRIDA 91722-69-9 + (r.t.)
MENTHA SPICATA 84696-51-5 ++
MYROXYLON PEREIRAE 8007-00-9; ++++
NARCISSUS SPP. diverse ++
Pinus mugo 90082-72-7;
SANTALUM ALBUM 84787-70-2;
TURPENTINE (oil) 8006-64-2;
Verbena absolute (Lippia citriodora Kunth.) 8024-12-2 ++
Table 13-2: Fragrance substances categorised as established contact allergens in animals.
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
see text
EC 3 value
(min; %)
Individual chemicals
Allyl phenoxyacetate 7493-74-5 none 3.1
p-tert. -Butyldihydrocinnamaldehyde 18127-01-0 none 4.3
Cinnamyl nitrile 1885-38-7 none > 10
CYCLAMEN ALDEHYDE 103-95-7 none 22
Dibenzyl ether 103-50-4 none 6.3
116-26-7 limited 7.5
trans-2-Hexenal 6728-26-3 none 2.6
2-Hexylidene cyclopentanone 17373-89-6 none 2.4
HEXYL SALICYLATE 6259-76-3 negative 0.18
p-Isobutyl-α-methyl hydrocinnamaldehdye 6658-48-6 none 9.5
Isocyclocitral 1335-66-6 none 7.3
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
see text
EC 3 value
(min; %)
Isocyclogeraniol 68527-77-5 none > 25
α-Methyl cinnamic aldehyde 101-39-3 none 4.5
1205-17-0 none 16.4
6-Methyl-3,5-heptadien-2-one 1604-28-0 none > 5
METHYLUNDECANAL 110-41-8 none 10
2-Methoxy-4-methylphenol 93-51-6 none 5.8
4-Methoxy-α-methyl benzenpropanal 5462-06-6 none 23.6
METHYL OCTINE CARBONATE 111-80-8 limited 2.5
1-Octen-3-yl acetate 2442-10-6 none > 30
Perillaldehyde p-Mentha-1,8-dien-7-al 2111-75-3 none 8.1
PHENYLACETALDEHYDE 122-78-1 limited 3
Natural extracts
Camellia sinensis leaf Tea Leaf Absolute 84650-60-2 none > 5
Jasminum Sambac Flower CERA / Extract /
91770-14-8 none 35.4
Table 13-3: Fragrance substances categorised as likely contact allergens by combination of
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
see text
EC 3 value
(min; %)
AMBRETTOLIDE 7779-50-2 limited none +
CARVACROL 499-75-2 limited none +
CUMINALDEHYDE 122-03-2 limited none +
CYCLOPENTADECANONE 502-72-7 limited none +
trans-trans-delta-DAMASCONE 71048-82-3 limited none +
ETHYL VANILLIN 121-32-4 limited none +
HELIOTROPINE 120-57-0 limited none +
ISOAMYL SALICYLATE 87-20-7 limited none ++
ISOLONGIFOLENEKETONE 33407-62-4 limited none +
METHOXYCITRONELLAL 3613-30-7 limited none +
METHYL CINNAMATE 103-26-4 limited none ++
METHYL EUGENOL 93-15-2 limited none ++
METHYLIONANTHEME 55599-63-8 limited none +
5-METHYL-alpha-IONONE 79-69-6 limited none +
MYRCENE 123-35-3 limited none ++
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none exists,
perfuming name according to CosIng)
see text
EC 3 value
(min; %)
MYRTENOL 515-00-4 limited none +
NEROL 106-25-2 limited none ++
Nerolidol (isomer not specified) 7212-44-4 limited none ++
NOPYL ACETATE 128-51-8 limited none +
PHYTOL 150-86-7 limited none +
RHODINOL 6812-78-8 limited none +
trans-ROSE KETONE-5 39872-57-6 limited none ++
Table 13-4: Fragrance substances categorised as possible contact allergens.
INCI name (or, if none
exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human
see text
EC 3
Individual chemicals
CYCLOHEXYL ACETATE 622-45-7 limited none 0
ETHYLENE DODECANEDIOATE 54982-83-1 limited none 0
HYDROXYCITRONELLOL 107-74-4 limited none 0
41890-92-0 limited none 0
METHYL p-ANISATE 121-98-2 limited none 0
METHYL DIHYDROJASMONATE 24851-98-7 limited none 0
PHENETHYL ALCOHOL 60-12-8 limited none 0
PHENYLPROPANOL 122-97-4 limited none 0
AMYLCYCLOPENTANONE 4819-67-4 negative none +
BENZYL ACETATE 140-11-4 negative none +
93939-86-7 negative none +
54830-99-8 negative none +
alpha-IONONE 127-41-3 negative none +
beta-IONONE 79-77-6 negative none +
METHYL IONONE (mixture of
1335-46-2 negative none +
8007-35-0 negative none +
alpha-TERPINYL ACETATE 80-26-2 negative none +
CITRONELLYL NITRILE 51566-62-2 none none ++
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none
exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human
see text
EC 3
10461-98-0 none none +
DECANAL 112-31-2 none none ++
DIHYDROMYRCENOL 18479-58-8 none none +
68039-49-6 none none +
10339-55-6 none none ++
28219-61-6 none none +
GERANYL ACETATE 105-87-3 none none ++
68912-13-0 none none +
IONONE isomeric mixture 8013-90-9 none none +
ISOBERGAMATE 68683-20-5 none none +
Longifolene 475-20-7 none none +
METHYL DECENOL 81782-77-6 none none +
17511-60-3 none none +
OXACYCLOHEXADECENONE 34902-57-3 none none ++
VERDYL ACETATE 2500-83-6/ 5413-60-5 none none +
trans-beta-Damascone 23726-91-2 none none +
gamma-Damascone 35087-49-1 none none +
Citronellal 106-23-0 none none ++
Phenethyl salicylate 87-22-9 none none ++
Natural extracts
ACORUS CALAMUS ROOT OIL 84775-39-3 Limited none
CEDRUS DEODARA WOOD OIL 91771-47-0 Limited none
72968-50-4 Limited none
CITRUS TANGERINA … 223748-44-5 Limited none
89998-15-2; 91771-61-8 Limited none
ILLICIUM VERUM FRUIT OIL 84650-59-9 Limited none
LAVANDULA SPICA 97722-12-8 Limited none
LITSEA CUBEBA 90063-59-5 Limited none
PELARGONIUM ROSEUM 90082-55-6 Limited none
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
INCI name (or, if none
exists, perfuming name
according to CosIng)
CAS number Human
see text
EC 3
SALVIA spp. Diverse Limited none
TAGETES PATULA 91722-29-1 Limited none
THYMUS spp. 84929-51-1 Limited none
VETIVERIA ZIZANOIDES 8016-96-4; 84238-29-9 Limited none
Regarding the above categorisation of fragrance substances, the following aspects need
to be considered when interpreting an outcome other than established contact allergen in
If human evidence is negative, there is still a potential sensitisation risk, as in this
set of substances the number of (consecutive) patients tested was low, i.e. up to
a few hundred.
If EC3 values are given as higher (>) than a certain value, an exact EC3 could not
be established, as the substance had been tested in too low concentration(s).
Two single substances; 2,4-dimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxaldehyde (CAS no.
68039-49-6) and longifolene (CAS no. 475-20-7), and two natural extracts Citrus
paradisi (CAS no. 8016-20-4) and Mentha arvensis (CAS no. 68917-18-0) were
classified as R43, according to the submission by IFRA. The evidence on which
this classification was based was not available to the SCCS, so the validity of
classification cannot be assessed. Nevertheless, following a precautionary
approach, the four substances/substance mixtures should be treated as likely
contact allergens.
For SAR, the categories of prediction are: non-sensitiser (0); possible-sensitiser
(+); predicted sensitiser (++); and not predictable (n.p.). (For details see Table
9-3 and Table 9-4). SAR predictions are only considered when human and animal
data are limited or missing.
Several substances are currently banned from the use in cosmetic products by
Annex II of the Cosmetics Directive, based on concerns regarding one or more
toxicological endpoints. While available clinical evidence regarding this set of
substances is listed in Annex I to this opinion, these substances have not further
been evaluated.
Fragrance ingredients listed in Table 13-1 clearly have caused disease in man, and based
on the clinical experience alone, these 82 substances were classified as established
contact allergens in humans, 54 individual chemicals and 28 natural extracts (mixtures of
chemicals), including all 26 fragrance allergens identified by SCCNFP in 1999. Of those,
12 chemicals and eight natural extracts are considered of special concern as they have
given rise to at least 100 reported cases (listed in Table 13-5). These substances pose a
particularly high risk of sensitisation to the consumer and are further considered in the
answer of question 2. One substance, hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde
(HICC), was shown to be the cause of allergic contact dermatitis in more than 1500
reported cases since 1999. The number of cases is only those reported in scientific
publications, and therefore the actual number of cases is severely under-estimated.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
Table 13-5: Established fragrance contact allergens of special concern (single chemicals only).
Cinnamyl Alcohol
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC)
Limonene (oxidised)
Linalool (oxidised)
The established contact allergens in animals (Table 13-2) and the likely contact
allergens, identified based on a combination of limited evidence from man together with
positive SAR predictions (Table 13-3), are predicted to cause disease in man given
sufficient exposure.
Information on the presence of all the substances given in Table 13-1, Table 13-2 and
Table 13-3 in cosmetic products is important in order to enable aimed testing of patients
with contact dermatitis and to diagnose fragrance allergy without delay. Further, this
information is important to the sensitised consumer as it will enable them to avoid
cosmetic products, which they may not tolerate.
Substances given in Table 13-4 are possible contact allergens and further data are
required to judge if these are contact allergens in humans and give rise to contact allergy
in consumers.
Conclusions - Question 1
The studies since the SCCNFP Opinion on fragrance allergy in consumers (1) have
confirmed that the fragrance allergens currently listed in Annex III, entries 67-92 are still
relevant fragrance allergens for the consumers from their exposure to cosmetic products.
The review of the clinical and experimental data shows that many more fragrance
substances than those identified in the SCCNFP opinion of 1999 have been shown to be
sensitisers in humans. A comprehensive list of established contact allergens in humans is
given in Table 13-1.
Moreover, animal experiments indicate that additional fragrance substances can be
expected to be contact allergens in humans, although human evidence is currently
Additionally, limited human and/or animal evidence together with structure activity
relationship analysis suggests that other fragrance ingredients may be a cause of concern
with regard to their potential of causing contact allergy in humans.
Ingredient listing is important in clinical practice for the management of patients who are
allergic to one or more of the listed fragrance chemicals. It is also important for the
patients in order to avoid future exposure to fragrance contact allergens which they may
not tolerate.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
The SCCS considers that those substances itemised in Table 13-1, Table 13-2 and Table
13-3 represent those fragrance ingredients that the consumer should be made aware of
when present in cosmetic products.
Substances known to be transformed (e.g. hydrolysis of esters) to known contact
allergens should be treated as equivalent to these known contact allergens. Important
indicative, but not exhaustive, examples include isoeugenol and its esters, geraniol and
its esters, eugenol and its esters, and linalool and its esters.
Substances known to be transformed (e.g. by oxidation either via air oxidation or via
bioactivation) to known contact allergens should be treated as equivalent to these known
contact allergens. Important indicative examples include limonene, linalool, linalyl
acetate, geraniol, geranial, alpha-terpinene, eugenol, isoeugenol and cinnamyl alcohol.
13.2. Question 2
Can the SCCS establish any threshold for their safe use based on the available
scientific data?
Dose-response relationships exist between exposure to contact allergens and the
proportion of consumers who will become sensitised to an allergen (i.e. induction), as
well as the proportion who will suffer from allergic contact dermatitis (elicitation). For a
number of recognised contact allergens in man, dose-elicitation studies on sensitised
individuals are available. These studies indicate that it is in principle possible to derive
exposure levels that the majority of sensitised individuals will tolerate. The SCCS
considers that thresholds based on elicitation levels in sensitised individuals will be
sufficiently low to protect both sensitised individuals as well as most of the non-sensitised
consumers from developing contact allergy and limit the risk of induction.
Among the established chemical fragrance allergens, 12 were identified as posing a high
risk of sensitisation to the consumer (Table 13-5), i.e. more than 100 reported cases. For
these substances, limitation of exposure would help to protect sensitised consumers from
developing allergic contact dermatitis.
Dose-response studies have been performed with only four of these fragrance substances
(HICC, isoeugenol, cinnamal and hydroxycitronellal). In addition, such a study has also
been performed on chloroatranol, a potent allergen in Evernia prunastri and Evernia
furfuracea. These studies, however, are not adequate to derive safe thresholds for the
individual substances directly from the data.
If no such data are available, for substances posing a high risk to the consumer (like the
12 listed in Table 13-5), the use of a general threshold may be considered. A threshold of
0.8 µg/cm
has been derived
based on a statistical analysis of the available data in the
scientific literature, including two fragrance allergens. This corresponds to 0.01% (100
ppm) limit in cosmetic products indicative for safe use. This approximation may hold for
weak to strong allergens. However, some strong and extreme sensitisers may require
lower individual thresholds. As an example, chloroatranol, present in the natural product
Evernia prunastri and in Evernia furfuracea, has been shown to have an elicitation
threshold of 0.0004 µg/cm
under experimental conditions similar to those yielding above
results. On the other hand, for very weak sensitisers, this generic threshold may be too
In cases where specific data of sufficient quality on threshold levels for a particular
allergen are available, these data should be used to set an individual safe threshold.
However, when such quality data are not available and a substance has been identified to
pose a high risk of sensitisation to the consumer, the general threshold limit (100 ppm in
cosmetic products) can be applied.
The model providing the general threshold of 100 ppm has been based on single
substances only and no general safe level for the natural extracts of concern can be
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
identified, but the maximum use concentration applies to the identified fragrance
allergens also when present in the natural extract.
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) has been the most frequently
reported chemical causing fragrance allergy since the 1999 opinion on fragrance allergy.
In total, reports of more than 1500 cases have been published in the scientific literature
(see chapter 7.1 and Annex I), which will severely underestimate the actual prevalence
in the population. HICC has been shown to be a significant cause of disease as many of
those with contact allergy to HICC had also reactions to cosmetics, which contained or
were likely to contain HICC. The SCCP concluded in 2003 that 200 ppm of HICC would be
tolerated by the majority of sensitised individuals and this level of exposure would have a
low potential to induce sensitisation (226). Since 2003 attempts have been made by the
fragrance industry to contain the outbreak of HICC allergy, but with no convincing
success so far. Recent voluntary restrictions (recommendations to lower use
concentrations, at least for some product types, to the level recommended by the SCCS
in 2003) are not reflected in available evidence and are considered insufficient. The SCCS
considers that the number of cases of HICC allergy documented over the last decade is
exceptionally high and that continued exposure to HICC by the consumer is not
considered safe, even at concentrations as low as 200 ppm. Chloroatranol and atranol
are the main allergenic components of Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea. The
SCCS concluded in 2004 (224) that these should not be present in cosmetic products,
due to their exceptionally high sensitisation potential). Attempts to effectively reduce the
content of these compounds in “oak moss abs.” (281) have largely failed to reduce
contact allergy to Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea and the data presented in this
opinion show that the number of cases remains high.
Conclusions - Question 2
There are two components to the safety of fragrance ingredients in terms of contact
allergy. First, the need to eliminate or reduce induction of contact allergy (primary
prevention), which, when it occurs, is life long. Secondly, the need to eliminate or reduce
elicitation reactions (secondary prevention) on the skin of those individuals who are
already sensitised.Human dose elicitation experiments have hithereto been performed
only for a very small number of substances. It is unlikely that more of these studies will
be performed due to experimental and subject recruitment difficulties.
For individual substances, no levels that could be considered safe for the majority of
consumers could be established from the available data.
The dose elicitation studies available indicate that a general level of exposure of up to 0.8
(0.01%) may be tolerated by most consumers with contact allergy to fragrance
allergens. The SCCS considers that this level of exposure could be efficient in limiting
elicitation unless there is substance specific data, either experimental or clinical, to the
Such a thresholds based on elicitation levels in sensitised individuals will be sufficiently
low to protect both sensitised individuals as well as most of the non-sensitised
consumers from developing contact allergy.
The SCCS is of the opinion that for substances idendified as posing a high risk to the
consumer and for which no individual thresholds could be derived (Table 13-5), the
general threshold of 0.01% would limit the problem of fragrance allergy in the consumer
It was not possible to provide a safe threshold for natural extracts of concern, as no
specific investigations exist and the model providing the general threshold (0.01%) has
been based on individual chemicals only. However the SCCS considers that the maximum
use concentration applies to the above identified fragrance allergens also when present
in the natural extract. This will also reduce the risk of sensitisation and elicitation from
natural extracts.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
It is important to stress that this general threshold, although limiting the problem, does
not preclude that the most sensitive segment of the population may react upon exposure
to these levels. Hence, this threshold does not remove the necessity for providing
information to the consumer concerning the presence of the fragrance substance in
In the case of hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, in 2003 the SCCP
suggested that levels of up to 200 ppm would be tolerated by the majority of sensitised
individuals. Recent voluntary restrictions (recommendations to lower use concentrations,
at least for some product types, to the level recommended by the SCCS in 2003) are not
reflected in available evidence and are considered insufficient. The SCCS considers that
the number of cases of HICC allergy documented over the last decade is exceptionally
high and that continued exposure to HICC by the consumer is not considered safe, even
at concentrations as low as 200 ppm. Therefore, HICC should not be used in consumer
products in order to prevent further cases of contact allergy to HICC and to limit the
consequences to those who already have become sensitized. The SCCP concluded in
2004 that chloroatranol and atranol, the main allergenic constituents of Evernia prunastri
and Evernia furfuracea, should not be present in products for the consumer. The
persistently high frequency of contact allergy to Evernia prunastri and Evernia furfuracea
noted in eczema patients does point to a persisting problem with exposure to allergenic
constituents. The SCCS is of the opinion that the presence of the two constituents,
chloroatranol and atranol, in cosmetic products are not safe.
13.3. Question 3
Can the SCCS identify substances where processes (e.g. metabolism, oxidation
and hydrolysis) may lead to cross-reactivity and new allergens which are
relevant for the protection of the consumer?
Many fragrance substances can act as prehaptens or prohaptens, forming potent
allergens by abiotic and/or metabolic activation, and thus increasing the risk of
Experimental and clinical studies have shown that there are fragrance substances that
act as prehaptens, i.e. their sensisitation potency is markedly increased by air exposure
due to oxidation (autoxidation). Non/low-sensitising compounds are thereby transformed
into potent sensitisers.
Limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, alpha-terpinene and geraniol have all been identified
as prehaptens. These fragrance substances are common in scented cosmetics as well as
in household products. The clinical studies show that the exposure to allergens formed
due to autoxidation causes significant contact allergy in consumers. Patch testing with
oxidised limonene and oxidised linalool shows that these substances rank among the
most common contact allergens.
In the SAR analyses performed in this work by the SCCS, fragrance compounds with
structural alerts that indicate that they are possible prehaptens have been identified
(Table 9-1, Table 9-2). In such cases further thorough investigations are needed. It is
also important to investigate the stability of the primary oxidation products (the
hydroperoxides) formed from various structures of fragrance compounds. The stability of
these compounds can have great impact on the sensitisation potency of the oxidised
compound as they are strong sensitisers. However, the secondary oxidation products
(aldehydes and epoxides) can also be important sensitisers depending on the overall
structure of the compound as was demonstrated for oxidised geraniol.
Air oxidation of prehaptens can be prevented to a certain extent by measures during
handling and storage of the ingredients and final products to avoid air exposure, and/or
by addition of suitable antioxidants. The autoxidation rate depends not only on the
compound itself, but also on its purity. The prevention of autoxidation using antioxidants
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
needs thorough investigation because antioxidants can exert their function by being
activated instead of the compound that they protect and might act themselves as skin
sensitisers after oxidation. This is the case for alpha-terpinene which is described as the
antioxidant in tea tree oil (Rudbäck J, Karlberg A-T et al, Chem Res Toxicol,
manuscript submitted). As antioxidants are now frequently used at elevated concentrations
in scented products due to a growing awareness of the problem of autoxidation, there is
a risk that sensitisation caused by the antioxidants will rise. One of the most used
antioxidants is butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) which is considered a minimal risk for
sensitisation in the concentrations used but nevertheless, with increased concentrations
and usage, the risk of sensitisation could increase.
It should be noted that, to decrease the risk for sensitisation in the population, the
possibility to reduce the sensitisation potency by preventing autoxidation is important
also for a direct acting hapten or prohapten, if a further activation by air oxidation to
more allergenic compounds has been shown.
Based on the clinical data, oxidised limonene and oxidised linalool are allergens of high
concern (Table 13-5) which pose a high risk of sensitisation to the consumer. For these
substances the presence of the oxidised fraction represented by the peroxide content
should not be higher than 10 ppm. Alternatively, the suggested general threshold
dose/area of 0.8 µg/cm
(100 ppm in cosmetic products) could be applicable to the total
oxidised fraction, i.e. not only peroxides but also secondary oxidation products such as
aldehydes and epoxides.
Compounds that are bioactivated by metabolising enzymes to haptens are referred to as
prohaptens. Established prohaptens of clinical importance are cinnamyl alcohol, geranial,
geraniol, eugenol, isoeugenol and alpha-terpinene.
Table 13-6: Known prehaptens and prohaptens.
Activation by air
Cinnamyl alcohol x
Eugenol x
Eugenyl acetate x x
Geranial x x
Geraniol x x
Geranyl acetate x x x
Isoeugenol x
Isoeugenol acetate x x
Limonene x
Linalool x
Linalyl acetate x
alpha-terpinene. x x
When bioactivation occurs, the risk of cross-reactivity should be considered. An increased
complexity in the cross-reactivity pattern is obtained when a compound could act both as
a prehapten and a prophapten.
In case derivatives of a fragrance substance are used, it must be taken into account that
the derivative could be transformed into the parent or a cross-reacting compound. For
such derivatives the same rules as for the corresponding parents should apply, unless the
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
stability of the derivative has been demonstrated. In particular, hydrolysis of esters to
the corresponding alcohols can cause cross-reactions. Acetate esters of eugenol,
isoeugenol and geraniol are frequently used in cosmetics.
To be able to predict the sensitisation potency of prohaptens, steps of bioactivation have
to be included in the predictive tests.
Activation of individual compounds to various haptens increases the risks of cross-
reactivity between chemicals and also causes difficulties in prediction of these risks.
Prediction of risks requires sound application of theoretical principles in combination with
well designed experimental studies. Based on the acquired knowledge, qualified
suggestions using structure activity relationship (SAR) regarding many fragrance
substances have been made (Table 9-1 to Table 9-3). However, as the stability of formed
oxidation products (mainly hydroperoxides) is important for the sensitisation potency,
the SAR hypothesis must be followed by experimental investigations for the actual
Conclusions - Question 3
Many fragrance substances can act as prehaptens or prohaptens, forming potent
allergens by abiotic and/or metabolic activation. Activation can thus increase the risk of
sensitisation. Fragrances with published data showing the formation of sensitising
compounds by autoxidation, bioactivation or both are the following (see also Table 13-6).
Fragrance substances of clinical importance known to be prehaptens and to form
sensitising compounds by air oxidation are limonene, linalool, and linalyl acetate.
Fragrance substances of clinical importance known to be prohaptens and to form
sensitising compounds by metabolic transformation are cinnamyl alcohol, eugenol,
isoeugenol and isoeugenyl acetate.
Fragrance substances of clinical importance with published data known to be both
prehaptens and prohaptens and to form sensitising compounds by air oxidation
(prehaptens) and by metabolic transformation are geraniol and alpha -terpinene.
A fragrance substance that sensitises without activation but forms more potent
sensitising compounds by air oxidation and also by metabolic transformation is geranial
(one isomer of citral).
In the case of prehaptens, it is possible to prevent activation outside the body to a
certain extent by different measures, e.g. prevention of air exposure during handling and
storage of the ingredients and the final product and by the addition of suitable
antioxidants. When antioxidants are used, care should be taken that they will not be
activated themselves and thereby form new sensitisers.
The possibility to reduce the sensitisation potency by preventing air oxidation is
important also for a direct acting hapten or prohapten, if a further activation by air
oxidation to more allergenic compounds has been shown.
In the case of prohaptens, the possibility to become activated is inherent to the molecule
and activation cannot be avoided by extrinsic measures. Activation processes increase
the risk for cross-reactivity between fragrance substances. Cross-reactivity has been
shown for certain alcohols and their corresponding aldehydes, i.e. between geraniol and
geranial (citral) and between cinnamyl alcohol and cinnamal.
Cross-reactivity is also expected between ester derivatives and their parent alcohols, as
the esters will be hydrolysed by esterases in the skin. Esters of important contact
allergens that can be activated by hydrolysis in the skin are isoeugenyl acetate, eugenyl
acetate and geranyl acetate which all are known to be used as fragrance ingredients.
The substances presented above are based on current knowledge and should be seen as
indicative and illustrative of the general problem. As substances with structural alerts for
acting as pro- and or prehaptens are quite common among the fragrance substances
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
listed (see Tables 9-1 and 9-2), the possibility for activation to generate new potent
allergens should be considered.
The SCCS is of the opinion that substances known to be transformed to known contact
allergens should be treated as equivalent to these contact allergens, i.e the same
restrictions and other regulatory requirements should apply.
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
List of abbreviations
ACD Allergic contact dermatitis
alc. Alcohol (as vehicle)
CI Confidence interval
CLP Classification, labelling and packaging
coloph. Colophonium
DCs Dendritic cells
EC European Commission
ESSCA European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies
EDT Eau de toilette
EDP Eau de perfume
EU European Union
FM Fragrance mix
GC Gas chromatography
GPMT Guinea pig maximisation test
HICC Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde
HRIPT Human repeat insult patch test
IFRA International Fragrance Association (
IVDK Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (
INCI International Nomenclature on Cosmetic Ingredients
LCs Langerhans cells
LLNA Local lymph node assay
MPR Myroxylon pereirae resin
NACDG North American Contact Dermatitis Group
OECD Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development
pet. Petrolatum (as vehicle)
ppm parts per million (1000 ppm = 1%)
PPV Positive predictive value
PR Prevalence ratio
PT(ed)(ing) Patch test(ed) (ing)
QMM Quantitative mechanistic model
QRA Quantitative risk assessment
(Q)SAR (Quantitative) structure activity relationship
REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals
RIFM Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (
ROAT Repeated open application test
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
SC Single constituents (of one of the fragrance mixes)
SCCS Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
SCCNFP Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products
SCCP Scientific Committe on Consumer Products
UK United Kingdom
US(A) United States (of America)
UV Ultraviolet
Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products
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