Datatech Accounting Software
Webinar Training
Day 2 – Payroll Setup
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Copyright 2002-2018 Davidian Business Services
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Revision Date: May 14, 2018
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Payroll Setup
This manuals covers the basics of setting up the payroll module for data entry.
The information was compiled from our Help documentation, but some items
have been simplified or edited for space reasons. If there are any questions on
items not covered in this manual, please refer to the Help documentation (F1 in
your Datatech software) for complete details.
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Federal Tax Rate File ................................................................................................................................................ 5
State Tax Rate File .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Setup Wage Types ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Miscellaneous Payroll Deductions ........................................................................................................................... 12
Worker's Comp Table .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Employee History Codes ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Overtime Rules ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Creating Sick Pay Plans ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Initial Assignment of Sick Pay Plans ....................................................................................................................... 34
Employees ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
Crews ....................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Crew Sheets ............................................................................................................................................................. 70
Crew Sheets Using an Excel Template .................................................................................................................... 72
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Federal Tax Rate File
The Federal Tax Rate Tables contain the annual table information for
calculating federal income tax deductions.
At the end of each year, Datatech sends a year end update to all customers
covered by a Software Support Agreement or under the initial warranty period.
This update includes tax rates for the upcoming year, so normally you should
not need to edit this information or manually enter it yourself. The following
window will appear when you select the Federal Tax Rate Tables option on the
Payroll Setup menu:
The tax tables contain the tax brackets for the annual wage totals. The program
uses the Pay Cycle setting on the Employee file to convert the amounts on these
tables for employees that are paid on a daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, and
semimonthly basis.
G/L Accounts
The fourth tab page has the settings used by the Payroll Journal for updating the
general ledger, and the vendor account for writing federal tax deposit checks:
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Enter the general ledger liability account used to accrue the taxes payable
for each tax. Press [F4] or click on the lookup button to get the general
ledger selection list.
If you do not have any ag employees, you may leave these account numbers
If you have both ag and regular employees, be sure that the account
numbers you use for both types are different. If the same account numbers
are used for both, then the amounts will be combined and duplicated on the
payroll tax deposit window.
Vendor For Tax Deposits
Name Key / Vendor Name
Enter the name or name key of the vendor account or the vendor name for
your federal tax deposits. Click on the lookup button or press {F4] to get a
selection list of vendors.
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State Tax Rate File
State Tax Rate File
The state tax rate file keeps track of state taxes for each year that you have
payroll records for. In addition, if your company employs workers in multiple
states, this file can keep track of different tax rates and tables for each state.
The State Tax Rate File option is found on the Payroll Setup sub-menu.
Other Taxes
The second tab page contains additional information needed to calculate state
withholding as well as the State Unemployment, Disability, and local taxes (if
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State Unemployment Insurance
SUI Rate
If your state taxes the employer for unemployment insurance, enter your
rate here. Since this may varies from employer to employer, this rate is not
included in Datatech's end-of-year tax updates. The rate should be entered
as a decimal value, not a percentage. For instance, 5.4% would be entered
as 0.054.
Training Tax
If there is an additional training tax besides the SUI rate, enter it here.
SUI Wage Limit
Enter the limit for unemployment wages for this state.
FUI Credit Reduction
When a FUI Credit Reduction rate is entered in the State Tax Rate Table,
the 940 Form will automatically mark the Credit Reduction box, calculate
the amount of credit reduction and fill out the Schedule A (Multi-State
Employer and Credit Reduction Information).
You can also have the program accrue liability for the FUI credit reduction
and if you are a labor contractor, include the FUI credit reduction rate in the
FUI tax billed to growers. These behaviors are controlled by settings in the
Program Setup window.
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G/L Numbers
Enter the general ledger liability accounts for each of these payroll taxes.
Each tax must have its own general ledger account. Press [F4] or click on
the lookup button to get a general ledger account selection list.
Not all account numbers are required. If you do not enter an account for the
ETT Payable, then any training tax accrued will be include with the SUI
amount and posted to the SUI Payable account.
If you do not have any local withholding, it is not necessary to enter an
account number. Examples of local withholding are the Worker’s Benefit
Fund tax in Oregon and the L&I tax in Washington.
The Worker’s Comp account is not required either. If you do not enter an
account number here, then the Worker’s Comp Payable account will be
used that is entered in Tools->Program Setup->General Ledger->Account
Numbers. Enter an account here only if you are a multi-state employer and
you want to accrue worker’s comp insurance separately for each state.
Name Key
Enter the vendor name key to write state tax deposit checks. (e.g. the
Employment Development Department in California, or the appropriate
agency in your state.)
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Setup Wage Types
This window is used to define different how various pay types are taxed and
handled by the program. Most users will not need to add any entries to this file.
A standard set of wage types in included when the software is installed (see
Standard Wage Type section below for a list).
Standard Wage Types
The following wage types are automatically set up for you. You should not
modify or delete these entries, but you may set up new entries.
Code Description
RH Regular Hours
OT Overtime Hours
DT Double-time Hours
SA Salary
CO Commission
BO Bonus
PW Piecework
MW Minimum Wage Payment
PO Overtime Piecework
GP Guaranteed Wage Piecework
GW Guaranteed Wage Payment
BH Base Hourly (Incentive Pay)
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IP Piecework (Incentive Pay)
HO Paid Holiday
SP Sick Pay
VA Vacation Pay
RH, OT, and DT are used for hourly wages. When employees have overtime
and/or doubletime wages, separate lines are entered with each wage type. The
program automatically multiplies the pay rate you enter by 1.5 or 2.0
respectively, for overtime and doubletime wages.
When entering piecework wages, use PW as the wage type and you will be enter
both the number of house worked and the number of pieces. The program can
then use this information in minimum wage verification calculations.
In cases where you have a base hourly pay rate plus a piecework incentive
bonus, use the BH and IP wage types together (each wage type is entered on a
separate line). By using these wage types, you can distinguish these wages from
straight hourly wages or piece rate only wages. The minimum wage verification
calculations are still done, but the wages entered under the base hourly pay type
are combined with the incentive pay wages.
The salary, commission, bonus, and paid holiday wage types should be self-
explanatory. These wage types are provided for other types of compensation
that aren't covered by hourly or piecework wages.
The sick pay and vacation pay are treated differently by the program if you are
accruing sick and/or vacation time/pay. By default the accrual is based on
wages, but you can change this to accruing by hour in the Program Setup. When
accruing wages, you should enter 1 for the Units and the amount to pay under
Rate. When accruing by hour, enter the number of hours under Units and the
employee's regular hourly pay rate in the Rate column.
When a regular check is printed for an employee, the wages or hours are added
to the employee's accrued vacation and/or sick pay totals. When a check with
the vacation and/or sick pay wages types is printed, the wages or hours are
subtracted from the accrued totals.
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Miscellaneous Payroll Deductions
The payroll system allows you to deduct non-tax items from employee
paychecks, such as deductions for tools, child support, garnishments, 401(k)
plans, etc. A deduction type must be set up for each different kind of
miscellaneous deduction you have.
The deduction type only needs to be set up once. For instance, you may have
several employees with a child support deduction, but you only need to set up
one entry in the Miscellaneous Deduction file. Then you can set up the child
support deduction on each employee account where it is needed.
To open the Miscellaneous Payroll Deduction window, go to the Payroll option
on the main menu, select Setup, then select Setup Misc Deductions:
Each deduction type is listed on a separate line.
Deduction #
In the first column enter a number from 1 to 99.
Enter a description for the deduction. This description will appear on the
payroll check entry and the employee's check stub.
If you have some employees set to print Spanish language check stubs, a
second description column can be enabled where you can enter the
description to use on Spanish language check stubs. To enable this column,
right click on the grid and select the Enable Spanish Descriptions option.
G/L #
Enter the general ledger account number to use when updating the total
deduction from employee checks. When you print the Payroll Journal and
update it to the General Ledger, this general ledger account is used. The
general ledger account may be an asset, liability, income or expense
account, depending on the nature of the deduction.
An asset account is typically used for deductions for advances or similar
situations where the employee owes the company money.
Liability accounts are normally used when the money that is withheld on
behalf of the government or another company. Amounts withheld become a
liability because you must pay them to someone else. For instance, child
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support payments withheld must be remitted to the district attorney or state;
back taxes must be paid to the state or federal governments; 401(k)
deductions must be remitted to the company that administers your
retirement plan.
If an amount withheld represents income to the employer, an income
account would be used. For instance, if an employer provides housing for
some employees, a rent deduction should be posted to an income account.
An expense account is normally used when the amounts withheld are
offsetting an expense the company has incurred. For example, a company
that pays for half of the health insurance premiums will expense the bill for
health insurance to an expense account. Amounts that are withheld from
employees paychecks are posted (as credits) to the same account, reducing
the total expense for the company.
Wage Type
For some deductions, such as 401(k) or cafeteria plans, wages that are
withheld are not subject to certain taxes. You can specify the wage type
that corresponds with the deduction in this column. (The wage type is what
tells the program which taxes the wages are not subject to.)
This checkbox will determine whether or not this deduction type is
calculated for all employees with this type. For instance, if you have a one-
time deduction for tools, you can disable the deduction by unchecking this
box after the deduction has been made. On the next checks, the Tools
deduction will not be taken out.
This specifies which column amounts for this deduction type will appear in
on the Miscellaneous Deduction Report. This setting is not currently used.
This is the heading that will appear at the top of the Miscellaneous
Deduction Report. This setting is not currently used.
Cost Center
When the Payroll Journal updates the general ledger, the credits amounts
that are posted for miscellaneous deductions normally do not have a cost
center. In some situations you may want these transactions to be assigned
to a cost center, and you can enter the cost center to use in this column.
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Worker's Comp Table
The Worker's Comp table allows you to set up multiple workers’ comp rates for
any combination of crop and job. Generally, for farming operations, each crop
may have its own rate. However, if you are able to pay a lower rate for some
jobs (for example, weeding in an orchard may have a lower rate than harvesting
in an orchard) then you can set up different rates based on the job.
In addition to setting up rates by crop, you can also set up the worker's comp
class codes and their rates, which allow the Worker's Comp Report to provide
subtotals by the class code. So if for example you have six different vineyards,
the Worker's Comp Report will not only give you a total for each vineyard, but it
will also give you a single total for all vineyard work.
If you have a non-farming operation, then you can base the worker's comp rates
only on the general ledger expense account for the employee's labor.
In addition to setting the worker's comp rates, this table is also used by the
Payroll Journal to specify the general ledger accounts to update the employer's
worker's comp expense and payroll tax expense amounts to. The Worker's
Comp Table option is on the Payroll, Setup menu. When selected, the following
window will appear:
If you are using the Farmer’s or Labor Contractor’s Office, the Workers Comp
entries will be created when you set up your Cost Centers or Fields. Before you
set those up, it is recommended that you set up the W/C Codes on the second
tab. This way, you can assign the Code to each cost center/crop that is entered.
See the Worker’s Comp Classes section below for more information on setting
up your codes.
Worker's Comp Classes
The second tab page on the Worker's Comp window allows you to enter the
class codes, descriptions, and rates for your various workers’ comp rates.
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Enter the code here. This can be up to eight letters or numbers.
Enter the description for this code here. It will print on the Worker's Comp
Report summary.
Enter the rate here. This will be used as a default when you are making
entries on the W/C Rates tab. Also, if you are changing the rate on an
existing class code, the rate will be updated on the W/C Rates table
automatically. This means that when you worker’s comp rates change; you
do not need to manually edit each line on the W/C Rates table.
Copying G/L Expense Numbers
If you’re g/l accounts are modified after cost centers/Crops have been created
and assigned to workers comp classes, to copy the general ledger account
numbers that are entered on the current line to all lines in the worker’s comp
table, press Ctrl+G.
How the Worker's Comp Table is used
This table is used to determine the worker's comp rate to apply to labor, as well
as the payroll tax expense account and worker's comp. insurance expense
account to use for accruing taxes and worker's comp.
By setting up this table correctly, you can separate ag and non-ag payroll tax
expenses, or keep separate payroll overhead expenses for different divisions of
your business (for example, keeping farming and dairy payroll expenses
The key to doing this is to set up the information in the first three columns so
that the program will use the entry that you want. In the simplest example, with
farm-only payroll, you may leave the first two columns blank on each entry, and
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simply enter the cost center in the third column. The program will select a line
to use based on the cost center entered on the payroll check.
To extend this example, suppose you have an office worker who has a different
worker's comp rate (and you want to keep the payroll overhead for office wages
separate from farm wages). In this case you should have a general ledger
expense account for office wages, and you would enter this in the first column,
and leave the job and cost center columns blank. The program will match the
office wages general ledger account entered on the check to this entry, and thus
will use it for the worker's comp rate and general ledger expense accounts.
When determine the entry in this table to use, there is a specific order that is
used to search the table. The program will use an entry from the table based on
the first entry that matches:
1. The general ledger account, job code, and cost center
2. The general ledger account and cost center
3. The job code and cost center
4. The general ledger account
5. The cost center
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Employee History Codes
The Employee History table allows you to record events for each employee
account with a series of user-definable codes to define the event. The History
table is located on the History/Benefit tab page of the Employee Setup window.
The Employee History Codes window allows you to set up the codes and
descriptions that are used on the history table. A default set of pre-defined
codes will be included on the initial installation, and you may edit, delete or add
to this list.
Find this window at Payroll->Setup->Employee History Codes, the following
window will open.
Enter a 1 or 2 character code for each entry. Codes must be unique.
Enter a description for this code. The description will appear in the drop-
down list on the Employee History grid.
Check this box if this code will be used for a rehire event. Rehire record
will result in the employee being reported on the New Hire report. In
addition, the Rehire Employee dialog window will require you to select one
of the codes marked as rehire events when recording a rehire record.
Check this box if this code will be used for any type of termination (fired,
laid off, end of season, etc.). When you use the Terminate button on the
Employee Entry window, the Terminate Employee window will list only
the codes that have the Term box checked to select the reason for
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Overtime Rules
The Overtime Rules feature allows you to enter all hourly wages using the
Regular Hours (RH) wage type, and then have the program determine which
employees should be paid overtime and/or doubletime wages. Overtime and
doubletime pay is based on limits defined for each day, the entire week or how
many days the employee has worked.
On the Daily Payroll entry
window, right click on a
line to get the popup menu
and select the Apply
Overtime Rules… option.
Then select which set of
rules you want to use from
the lookup.
Overtime rules can be applied to entries on the Daily Payroll window. After you
enter the time for all employees on a crew for the entire week, you can apply the
overtime rules to the daily payroll entries, print reports to verify totals are
correct, and then create checks.
You can set up different sets of overtime rules to apply to different groups of
employees. This is typically done when you have employees covered by
different wage orders. For instance, the rules for field workers may be different
than the rules for employees that work in a packing shed.
To use the Overtime Rules features properly, you must be familiar with the
overtime requirements set by the state and/or federal governments. If you are
not sure if your overtime rules are set up correctly, we suggest you enter test
lines in the Daily Payroll window and apply your rules. Check the results to
make sure the program has added the correct number of overtime and/or
doubletime hours.
To set up overtime rules, go to the Payroll menu and select the Utilities option.
On the Setup sub-menu, select Overtime Rules. The following window will
As you can see from the window, there are two types of rules that the program
applies: rules applied to each day and rules that apply to the entire week. For
the rules applied to the entire week, there are two types of rules: rules that are
based on the number of hours that are worked, and rules for the number of days
The rules are applied in a “bottom-up” order to each day in the pay period. If
you specify the number of days an employee must work to receive either
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overtime or doubletime wages, those rules are applied first. Otherwise, the
program will check the totals hours worked for the entire week to see if overtime
or doubletime wages should be paid. If the limit for the week has not yet been
reached, then the program checks the limits for the day to see if overtime or
doubletime should be paid.
Note: If you do not need to pay overtime or doubletime over a certain number
of hours worked in a single day, enter 99 for the number of hours for each day.
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Creating Sick Pay Plans
The first step in using our Sick Pay system is to create sick pay plans. These will
then be assigned to employees to provide the parameters for their sick pay. Each
state that requires sick pay have different standards that must be met and most of
that information will be entered when you create the Sick Pay plans. So it is very
important to enter this information accurately.
How Many Sick Pay Plans Do I Need?
For some, one plan will suffice, but others will need to create multiple plans.
You will need to define more than one plan if:
1. Some employees will use the accrual method, while others will use
the lump sum method (also known as frontloading).
1. You have different plans for different classes of employees.
2. You have different classes of employees that have different
schedules. For instance, office employees that work 8 hours per
day, and field workers that normally work 10 hours per day.
3. You have employees in multiple states.
Important Note: For employees that work in multiple states, the sick pay
plan assigned to them must cover the requirements of BOTH states.
For example, an employee works in both Oregon and Washington.
Oregon requires 1 hour per 30 hours worked, whereas Washington
requires only 1 hour per 40 hours worked. So in this case, the sick pay
plan assigned to that employee must give 1hour sick pay per 30 hours
worked because it fulfills both requirements.
So in our example above, if that employer had some employees that
worked only in Washington, some employees who worked only in
Oregon, and still other employees that worked in both, the employer
would then need to have 3 different sick pay plans. One for
Washington, one for Oregon, and one hybrid plan that would cover
requirements for both.
Sick Pay Plan Setup Window
Find the Sick Pay Plan Setup window (as seen in the screenshot) by navigating
to Payroll->Sick Pay Setup/Maintenance->Sick Pay Plan Setup.
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The example entry you see above is for a standard 8 hour per day, 40 hour per
week employee, using the accrual method.
The entries are as follows:
Plan ID
This is a unique ID for this plan. Once entered, you cannot change it. You
can use a maximum of four alphanumeric characters.
Plan Description
Enter a description of the plan, for your own use. As you can see from the
example, in the description we have identified the type of plan (accrual) and
hours worked per day.
Enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state. This is optional if you only
have employees in a single state. If you have employees that perform work
in multiple states, this entry will determine whether or not employees
accrue sick pay depending on the state in which they work.
When an employee works in one or more different states and the sick pay
plan uses the Accrual Method, the program will only accrue sick pay time
on checks that are issued in the state that matches the sick pay plan’s state.
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If you leave the State entry blank, then the program will accrue wages on
checks issued in any state.
If you do enter a state, then you can also check the Accrue Sick Pay on Out
of State Wages box to accrue wages on checks issued in any state.
Select Accrual or Lump Sum Pre-Funded for the method of determining
sick pay hours.
See the Lump Sum Method (also known as frontloading) and Accrual
Method Sections following this one for more information.
Accrual Rate
If the method is accrual, enter the accrual rate as a decimal.
Do not enter a rate if you are using the lump sum method.
See the Accrual Section immediately following this one for more
Salary Hours/Week:
This entry is used for salary employees that do not have their hours tracked
elsewhere. The program will use these hours to determine the accrued sick
pay for each week they work. But only when the employee is using a wage
type that has “Salary” as its base wage type.
Enter the number of hours they are credited for each week worked.
Normally this would be 40 hours.
If you have salaried employees that regularly work more hours per week,
you will need to set up a sick pay plan that defines their default hours per
There are states that require tracking hours for salaried employees (Oregon
and Washington). If that is the case, you would probably have your
employees set to the “Piecework” base wage type and their hours would be
entered on their payroll checks. The “Salary Hours/Week” entry is for
the Salary base wage type only.
Waiting Period to Accrue (Days)
California, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington do not allow a waiting period
to start the accrual of sick pay, so this should be left blank (0).
Waiting Period to Pay (Days)
Each state’s law allows you to have a waiting period before the employee
may begin using the sick pay. This is from the date that employment starts.
Each state determines their own waiting period. For now, most states use 90
days, but this is subject to your state’s laws.
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This entry allows the program to calculate the date on which the employee
may begin using the accrued sick pay and prevent the payment of sick pay
before that date.
Discard Sick Pay Accrual (Days after Termination)
Each state’s law provides that an employee that is laid off, then returns
within a certain time period (varies by state), must have any unused sick
pay accrual reinstated. If they return after that period of time, the accrual is
discarded. This is handled automatically during the check entry or rehire
For California and Washington, this entry should be set to 365 days
For Oregon, this entry should be set at 180 days (6 Months).
For Arizona, this entry should be set at 270 days (9 Months).
(Above suggestions are based on laws as of 1/1/18)
Maximum Sick Pay Accrual (Hours Accrued)
Each state’s law provides that an employer may cap the number of sick pay
hours accrued at a certain amount. If you wish to provide a higher cap, you
may. Enter that number here. More information can be found in the Accrual
Method section following this one.
This is required to use the accrual method. Also, do not forget to include
this in your company’s written policy.
Maximum Allowed Sick Pay per Year (Hours Used)
Each state has a different Usage Cap for sick pay. This is how many hours
an employee can USE of their sick pay. This is not the same as the Accrual
cap discussed previously. Typically, employees can accrue more time than
they can actually use in one year. If you wish to provide a higher cap, you
Sick Pay Average Rate Lookback Period
This entry controls how far back the program looks when calculating pay
rate based on the lookback method. More on this method is found below in
the Rate of Pay for Sick Pay section.
This entry will vary be by state. Some states do not use he lookback
method, others look back over a different length of time. Consult the Sick
Pay Requirements Table, online resources, or a legal professional for more
information pertaining to your state.
Sick Pay Work Gap
This entry controls the work gap allowed when fulfilling waiting periods. If
someone stops working for equal to or longer than this entry, their available
date will be pushed back by that amount of time they were not working.
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For instance, an employee has a 90 day waiting period and a 14 day work
pay gap. He works 4 weeks and then misses 20 days of work. His available
date will then be 20 days later than it was originally, or 110 days after his
start date. This is because he missed work longer than his Sick Pay Work
Had our example above only missed 13 days or less, his available date
would have remained the same. He would have been able to use his sick pay
at 90 days instead of 110.
Fixed Anniversary Dates, Starting
If you would like to use a fixed anniversary date instead of the employee’s
hire date as the anniversary date, enter the date desired in this box.
However, this date will not apply to employees hired after that date. In that
case, the employee’s hired date will be used then that date will be updated
the next time the fixed date passes.
For instance, you set Jan 1
2017 as your fixed date, but you then hire
someone on the first of July. That employee’s sick pay plan will start on
July 1
and then will roll over on Jan. 1
For more information on fixed anniversary dates, see the section entitled
Sick Pay Anniversary Update.
Also, if a fixed date is used, you may be able to prorate your sick pay plan.
For more information on this, see the Prorate Lump Sum Hours to
Anniversary Date prompt below.
Default Sick Pay Rate to Use
This dropdown menu controls the default way the program will calculate
sick pay for this plan.
More on this topic can be found in the Rate of Pay for Sick Pay section.
Print on Check Stub
This dropdown controls what information is printed on the check stub and
where it is printed. Some states require this information to be printed on
each check.
There are five different options for this: Print Accrued/Available/Paid,
Print Available, Print Available and Accrued, Print Available and Paid, and
The first four options listed (All of the ones that begin with “Print”) will
print this info below the YTD Totals on the left side of the check stub.
The Everything option will print the available, accrued, paid amounts,
anniversary date, and other plan information on the right side of the check
Prorate Lump Sum Hours to Anniversary Date
This checkbox is used in conjunction with the fixed anniversary date option.
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Check this box to prorate the paid sick pay for any employees hired after
the fixed anniversary date. This will prorate any sick pay given through the
lump sum method.
Example: You enter a fixed date of 1/1/2018 and use the lump sum method
to load everyone with 40 hours. Then you hire someone on 7/1/2018. They
will be given 20 hours of sick pay if you check the prorate box.
Accrue Sick Pay on Out of State Wages
If an employee is set up with a sick pay plan assigned to a certain state and
he will be paid sick pay on wages earned outside of that state, check this
The determining factor for payment of sick pay by state is the state for
“State Income Tax”, as entered on the employees’ check, where an
employee is a multi-state employee.
Automatically Calculate Rate for Daily Payroll
When this box is checked the program will automatically calculate and
apply the correct sick pay rate.
This completes the entries needed for a sick pay plan, and the entry can be
Lump Sum Method
All four states that require sick pay have an option for Lump Sum payments,
also known as Frontloading. This is used instead of the accrued method and
allows employers to give their workers sick pay up front, each year. When this
method is used, it will restart every year on the anniversary date.
This option is used in the program by selecting the “Lump Sum” Method option
when creating the sick pay plan. When using this option, do not put an accrual
rate, the “Max Allowed Sick Pay per Year” will tell the program how much sick
pay to give for each year. However each state has their own requirements for
using the lump sum/frontloading method. As seen in the screenshot that follows.
(Example is for a California employer.)
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However, each of the four states have their own requirements for using this
provision. Those requirements are discussed below (current as of 1/1/18).
Employers can choose to pay a lump sum of 3 days’ pay. The term “3 days”
is relative to the amount of hours an employee works. If an employee works
10 hour days then they must receive at least 30 hours of sick pay.
There is, however, a 24 hour minimum. So, if an employee works only 6
hours a day, their sick pay will still be 24 hours a year instead of only 18.
Employers can frontload their employees with at least 40 hours of sick pay.
Arizona has two different thresholds for their lump sum requirements. For
large companies (15 or more employees), the state requires 40 hours.
For small companies (14 or less employees), 24 hours are required.
27 | Page
Frontloading is allowed. However, Washington requires employers to
match how much an employee would have received if they were accruing.
This may change from employee to employee, depending on how many
hours they work.
This makes it difficult to accurately frontload the correct amount of sick
leave. For that reason, we recommend using the accrual method. Consult
your accountant or attorney for advice regarding lump sum in Washington.
Accrual Method
The accrual method is the typical method used for sick pay. Every state that
requires sick pay can use the accrual method. To use this method, select the
“Accrual” Method option when creating your sick pay plans. Then enter the
accrual rate as a decimal.
However, each state has different requirements for sick pay accrual. This refers
to both the accrual cap and the accrual rate. The accrual cap correlates to the
Maximum Sick Pay Accrual entry on the setup window. Following the
screenshot is a list of each state’s requirements.
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The accrual rate has to be, at least, 1 hour of sick pay for 30 hours worked.
This comes out to a decimal of .033334
The maximum accrual cap can be set at a minimum of 48 hours, based on
an 8 hour day (6 days).
If the sick pay plan is for 10 hour per day workers, your cap must be 60
hours (6 days @ 10 hours per day). See the sample screen above that
demonstrates this.
The accrual rate is 1 hour of sick pay for every 30 hours worked. Just like
California. This comes out to a decimal of .033334
The accrual cap can be set to a minimum of 40 hours per year.
Just like their Lump Sum method, Arizona has two different thresholds for
their Accrual Cap.
Large Companies (15 or more employees) can cap their accrual as low as 40
hours per year.
Small companies (14 employees or less) can cap it as low as 24 hours per
Washington does not allow an accrual cap. At this time, to comply with the
laws, leave this entry at zero (or blank) to ensure that there is no accrual
Usage Cap vs Accrual Cap
The previous section mentioned an accrual cap that can be used when dealing
with sick pay. As mentioned previously, this limits the amount an employee can
accrue. In other words, how many sick pay hours an employee can stock up
within one year.
There is, however, another cap that employers need to keep in mind. This is the
usage cap. (This was mentioned briefly when discussing the Sick Pay Plan
Setup window.) A usage cap limits the amount an employee can actually use
within one year. This correlates to the Maximum Allowed Sick Pay per Year
entry in the Sick Pay Plan Setup window.
So it is important to remember that the accrual cap and usage cap are two
different figures.
Many employers wonder why an employee can accrue more than they can
actually use in one year. This is done so when the next year comes around, the
employee will already have sick pay accrued that he can use right from the start.
They can then use it before needing to accrue more sick pay.
29 | Page
Each state that requires sick pay has their own standards for what this usage cap
may be. Following is a list of the current standards (as of 1/1/18) for the 4 states
with mandatory sick pay.
An employer may cap the number of sick hours that are
available for the employee to use at 24 hours, based on an 8-
hour day (3 days).
If this sick pay plan is for 10 our per day workers, your cap
must be a minimum of 30 hours (3 days @10 hours per day).
See the sample screen that follows in this section.
The Sick Pay Usage cap can be set as low as 40 hours per
Arizona has two different usage cap thresholds. Small
companies (14 employees or less) can cap the usage at 24
hours per year.
While large companies (15 or more employees) can set the cap
at 40 hours per year. So large companies must allow for more
sick pay usage.
Usage caps are not allowed in Washington, however, an
employer can require notice of approved use.
Rate of Pay for Sick Pay
Each state that requires sick pay has a different way of calculating what the rate
should be for that time. The Datatech Payroll Software has a number of different
settings that can be changed to cater to each state. This section will go over
those settings, how each state should configure these settings, and how to use
them in actually paying out employees.
Selecting Rate of Pay When Entering Batch Checks
There is a quick and easy way to select the rate of pay on each check. On the
Batch Payroll Check Entry window, you can press Ctrl+R to open the
Calculate Sick Pay Rate window, which will automatically make two
Check the “Use This Rate” box next to the rate that you want to use, then click
the Ok Button. That rate will be entered for you on the line item that you are
30 | Page
currently on. This will calculate the employee’s current rate and the average rate
for that pay period.
The Calculate Sick Pay Rate window will automatically select one of the rates
to use based on settings in the Program Setup.
Setting the Default Rate of Pay
The Default Sick Pay rate to Use (on the Sick Pay plan Setup window) setting
controls which calculation the Calculate Sick Pay Rate window will choose
Do not worry, these settings can be overridden on an individual basis when
entering the checks, using the method previously discussed.
There are four settings for the Default Sick Pay Rate to use:
Lookback Period.
The average hourly rate for the lookback period (Setting right below this
one) will be the default rate selected.
Regular Rate of Pay
The regular rate of pay for the current check will be used for the default
The higher of the two rates will be selected as the default.
The lower of the two rates will be selected as the default.
The Daily Payroll Batch Report will use these settings to automatically
calculate the sick pay rate to use when sick pay has been entered into Daily
Payroll. This means if the default rate to use is ok, there is no need to edit the
rate on the Batch Check Entry after checks have been created as before.
If you do not want the Daily Payroll Batch Report to automatically calculate
the sick pay rate for some reason, a setting on the Sick Pay Plan setup allows
you to turn this off:
31 | Page
Suggested Settings for the Four States Requiring Sick Pay:
California law permits the use of two different methods of finding the Rate
of Pay. They can use either the current rate of pay that the employee would
have made or the lookback method. Therefore any of the sick pay rate
options will work for California employers.
If using the lookback method, California uses the last 90 days as their
lookback period.
Oregon law states that employers should use the wages the employee would
have been paid, if known, for the period of time in which sick time is used;
or the weighted average of all regular rates of pay during the previous pay
So the default option should be to use the current rate. If it is not known at
the time, it can be overwritten using the Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + [R] on the
Batch Payroll Check Entry window.
The lookback period should be enough to see the last pay period.
32 | Page
Taken from the Arizona State Website: “In the absence of statutory and
judicial guidance, the Industrial Commission is proposing rules consistent
with the following methods for determining hourly wage rate:
For employees with a single hourly rate
For employees paid on the basis of a single hourly rate, an
employer is required to pay the employee the same hourly rate that the
employee would have earned for the period of time in which sick time is
used. For example, if an employee’s hourly rate is $15 per hour, the
employer is required to pay the employee $15 for each hour of earned
paid sick time.
For employees with multiple hourly rates
If known, an employer is required to pay a multi-rate employee the
actual hourly wages that the employee would have been paid for the
period of time in which sick time is used. If unknown, an employer must
pay an hourly rate equivalent to the weighted average of all hourly
rates of pay during the previous pay period.
For salaried employees
Employers must pay a salaried employee an hourly rate equal to
the employee’s total wages earned during the pay period covered by
the salary divided by the number of hours agreed to be worked in the
pay period for which the salary is intended to compensate. If a salaried
employee’s hours of work vary from work week to work week, for the
purpose of calculating the same hourly rate to be used for the payment
of earned paid sick time, the employee is presumed to work 40 hours
per workweek.
For commissioned, piece-rate, or fee-for-service employees.
Such employees’ hourly rates are determined in the following
order of priority:
1. The hourly rate of pay agreed upon by the employer and the
employee, if an hourly rate of pay was previously established.
2. The wages that the employee would have been paid, if known,
for the period of time in which earned paid sick time is used.
3. A reasonable estimation of the wages that the employee would
have been paid for the period of time in which the earned paid sick time
is used.
4. The weighted average of all hourly rates of pay during the
previous 90 days, if the employee worked regularly during the previous
90-day period.”
As you can see, Arizona has a lot of different factors going into their pay
rate. We recommend setting the default to the current rate of pay but
overriding it when need be when entering the checks.
The lookback period should be set to 90 days.
For each hour of paid sick leave used, an employee must be paid their
normal hourly compensation.
33 | Page
An employer must calculate an employee’s normal hourly compensation
using a reasonable calculation based on the hourly rate that an employee
would have earned for the time during which the employee used paid sick
An employer must apply a consistent methodology when calculating the
normal hourly rate of similarly situated employees.
The default setting for pay rate should be set to their regular rate of pay.
34 | Page
Initial Assignment of Sick Pay Plans
After creating the sick pay plans, we must assign them to employees. When a
plan is first created, there will be a large number of employees to assign to that
plan. So the program has two different windows to use when performing that
initial assignment.
Which of these two windows you use depends on whether you have already
been using Datatech software or you are starting a brand new company.
The program must assign the sick pay plans differently depending on the history
of the employee. If there is no work history entered into the program then a
different method must be used. Which is why there are two different windows.
If you have already been using our software and have history entered into the
program, use the window found at Payroll->Sick Pay Setup/Maintenance-
>Assign Sick Pay Plan to Employees, Existing Company and see the
corresponding section to follow.
If you have not been using our software or are starting a new company file, use
the window found at Payroll->Sick Pay Setup/Maintenance->Assign Sick
Pay Plan to Employees, New Company and see the corresponding section to
Assign Sick Pay Plan, Existing Company
Find this window at Payroll->Sick Pay Setup/Maintenance->Assign Sick Pay
Plan, Existing Company.
The purpose of this window is to do your initial assignment of sick pay plans.
IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT use this window to modify sick pay plans
after you have set them up and started issuing checks in the new sick pay
35 | Page
Plan ID:
Select the Plan ID that will be assigned.
The following selections determine which employees will be assigned this plan.
It is our recommendation that all employees, whether active or not, be assigned
a sick pay plan, so that if and when they are rehired, this information will
already be in place.
Any selections you make to limit the employees must all be met in order to
apply to an employee. For instance, if you check the Active Only box and the
Not Terminated box, an employee that is active, but has a date terminated in the
file will not be selected.
Therefore, make your selections carefully.
Select a department to apply the plan ID to, or ALL if all employees will be
assigned the same plan.
Active Only
Checking this box will select only employees that are active. We
recommend leaving it unchecked.
Not Terminated
Checking this box will select only employees with no termination date. We
recommend leaving it unchecked.
36 | Page
This is the date that the plan will go into effect. For the states that require
sick pay, the program will automatically enter an anniversary date based on
the state entered in the sick pay plan setup.
This date may need to be changed depending on your circumstances or
timing. However, the plan should go into effect as soon as legally required.
Current Employees Must Work Within (days)
A current employee is one that is currently working, for which the program
will calculate a Date Available. Due to variations in schedules, possible
temporary time off, or other factors, we have built in the ability to identify a
current employee by checking for a date last worked within X days of your
target date.
Enter number of days here.
Days of
Enter the date for determining a current employee here.
State for WHT
Enter the state for withholding for this plan.
Review your selections, and then if correct, click on the button labeled “Do It”.
This will then assign this plan to all employees that meet the parameters given.
How is the current employee status used?
If the employee is considered current, the program will calculate a Sick Pay
Date Available. This calculation will take into consideration whether or not the
employee has fulfilled the waiting period already.
If the employee is current, but has not fulfilled the waiting period, a Date
Available will be calculated based on the number of days remaining in the
waiting period.
If the employee is not current, a Date Available will not be entered. The Date
Available will be calculated if and when the employee returns to work.
Assign Sick Pay Plan, New Company
Find this window at Payroll->Sick Pay Setup/Maintenance->Assign Sick Pay
Plan, New Company.
The purpose of this window is to do the initial assignment of a sick pay plan.
However, this window is only for customers that are just starting their
company file. This is either because they’re brand new to Datatech or they are
starting a new file and not keeping their old records. Do not use this window if
you have already been using Datatech software and already have work history
This window operates very similar to the Assign Sick Pay Plan, Existing
Customer window. However, because there is no work history in the program
yet, you must manually enter the Date Available and Date Last Worked. This is
discussed in further detail below.
37 | Page
Plan ID:
Select the Plan ID that will be assigned.
The following selections determine which employees will be assigned this plan.
It is our recommendation that all employees, whether active or not, be assigned
a sick pay plan, so that if and when they are rehired, this information will
already be in place.
Any selections you make to limit the employees must all be met in order to
apply to an employee. For instance, if you check the Active Only box and the
Not Terminated box, an employee that is active, but has a date terminated in the
file will not be selected.
Therefore, make your selections carefully.
Select a department to apply the plan ID to, or ALL if all employees will be
assigned the same plan.
Active Only
Checking this box will select only employees that are active. We
recommend leaving it unchecked.
Not Terminated
Checking this box will select only employees with no termination date. We
recommend leaving it unchecked.
38 | Page
This is the date that the plan will go into effect. For the states that require
sick pay, the program will automatically enter an anniversary date based on
the state entered in the sick pay plan setup.
This date may need to be changed depending on your circumstances or
timing. However, the plan should go into effect as soon as legally required.
State for WHT
Enter the state for withholding for these employees.
Date Available
Set the date on which sick pay will be available. This must be manually
entered in the case of new companies because there is no work or payment
history in the program yet.
This will assign all the employees selected this availability date. However,
in some cases, this date may not be correct for all employees. If any
employees need to have a different available date, you can use the Set
Up/Edit New Sick Pay Balances window to make changes to the date
available and date last worked if need be. See that section for more detail.
Date Last Worked
Set the date that these employees have last worked. This is used along with
the date available to determine which employees can use their sick pay.
Like the Date Available entry, whatever date you enter may not necessarily
be accurate for all employees that it is assigned to. If you have employees
where this would be the case, fix the discrepancies using the Set Up/Edit
New Sick Pay Balances window. See the section with that title for more
Why Might I need to Make Adjustments to The Available
This window assigns the same available date to all employees that have been
selected. In most cases, it is quickest to assign this date to ALL of the employees
that will use this plan and then fix the ones that it won’t actually be available to
for some time.
If an employee has not actually fulfilled his waiting period, then you will want
to go back into the program and manually make those changes.
For example, if you assign a plan to start January 1
and include all current
employees, if there were employees hired in December then they would not
have finished there waiting period. So it would be beneficial to change their
available date to whenever their sick pay would actually be available.
Using the Set Up/Edit Sick Pay Balances Window to Quickly
Make Needed Changes
A window has been designed to help manually set up the available dates for
employees. Why this might be needed was discussed in the previous section.
Incases like the one mentioned earlier, there may be a large number of
employees that need to fixed. To do this, use the Set Up/Edit Sick Pay Balances
window. This is found at Payroll->Sick Pay Setup/Maintenance->Set Up/Edit
Sick Pay Balances.
39 | Page
That window displays a list of all employees. That enables you to make a large
number of edits by simply going down the list. However, for any other change,
we recommend using the normal Sick Pay Adjustment screen.
For more information on using that particular window, see the section Set
Up/Edit Sick Pay Balances in the in-program help.
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Before you can write payroll checks to a person, an employee account must be
set up for them. Selecting the Employees option on the Payroll menu will open
the following window where you can add new employees or edit the information
on existing employee accounts:
Personal Information
Account #
If you are editing an existing account enter the account number, press [F4],
or click on the look up button to get a look up list of employees.
When entering a new employee, the "Auto-Number Employees" option in
the Program Setup determines whether or not you assign the employee
account numbers yourself or whether the program will assign the next
available number.
If the "Auto-Number Employees" box is checked, you can leave the
Account # entry blank and the program will assign the next available
number automatically for you. You may also assign the account number if
desired. For example, you might want to reserve accounts 1-99 for your
crew supervisors, and number employees that do field labor starting at 100.
In this case, you would enter the first field labor employee with account #
100, and then every field labor employee after that will be automatically
numbered from that point on. If you are entering a new crew supervisor,
you can check to see what the next available account number is below 100,
and assign his account number manually.
41 | Page
If the "Auto-Number Employees" box is not checked, the Account # is a
required entry. You must enter a number for the new employee.
Name Key
The name key is used by the program to alphabetize employees. When
entering checks, you can also use the name key instead of the account
number to find employees. Because the name key can be used for finding
employee accounts, each employee’s name key must be unique.
When entering a new employee, you can leave the name key entry blank
and the program will create a name key automatically for you by taking the
first six letters of the last and first names. If an employee already exists
with the name key, the program will try using a different combination of
letters and numbers from the employee's social security account until a
unique name key is found.
You can of course enter the name key yourself. For instance, if you have
few employees, you may wish to enter the employees with a shorter name
key than the program would generate.
Social Security Number
The employee’s Social Security number must be unique. If you are entering
a new employee, and after the social security number is entered, another
employee’s name appears this number has already been entered under
another name.
To find an employee by their Social Security number, enter the number and
press [F9], press [F4], or click on the look up button to get a look up list of
Social Security numbers.
To help you keep track
of employees without
valid Social Security Numbers,
the Employee Lists Report has
an option to print a list of all
employee accounts that have
invalid social security numbers.
If an employee has not supplied you with a social security number, or has
supplied an invalid number, click on the button with the question mark just
to the right of the social security number entry. This will generate a unique,
temporary social security number for the employee account. The temporary
number will be 000-00-xxxx, where the "xxxx" is replaced with a unique
number starting at "0001". You can quickly and easily see which
employees have invalid social security numbers, since they will appear at
the beginning of any report printed in social security number order.
If you are entering a new employee the Active button should be checked.
When an employee is no longer working with the company, the employee
should be set to inactive, so you can print reports and employee lists that
have only active employees.
Last Name
The program will automatically capitalize names and addresses. Because of
the requirements for electronic file reporting, leading letters (e.g. "O",
"Mc", ect.) must not be separated from the rest of the surname by a blank
space. For example: O’CONNELL should be entered OCONNELL, and
MC DONALD should be entered as MCDONALD.
First & Middle Names
Enter the employee’s first and middle names.
Mailing Address
This field is for the address you intend to mail the employee’s check.
42 | Page
Enter the employee’s mailing, city, state and zip code. (The state should be
the two letter postal abbreviation for the state.)
Phone #
Enter the employee’s telephone number. This field is an optional entry.
Street Address
If you need to keep track of a street address for the employee, click on this
button or press [Enter] when it is selected. The following window will pop
up for you to enter the street address:
If you don't need to enter a street address, simply press [Tab] when the
street address button is selected.
Date of Birth
This is an optional entry. The date should be enter in MM/DD/YYYY
To choose the employee gender, click on the drop down menu button, and
choose either Female or Male. You can also simply press “F” or “M” to
select the gender.
Driver’s License # / Expiration Date
Enter the employee’s driver’s license number and expiration date, if
available. This entry is not required.
I9 Alien Reg. # / Expiration Date
This field is used for recording alien registration numbers. Employees with
a number will appear on the registered Alien Employee List, along with the
expiration date that you enter. Leave this blank if the employee is not a
registered alien.
Enter the date in which the employee’s registration number expires. Enter
the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Need Alien I9 Reg #
Check this box next to the Alien Reg # entry if you need an I-9 number for
this employee but you do not have it yet. An Employee List can be printed
for all employees that do not have the Alien Registration # entered yet.
Need W-4
Check this box if you have not received a W-4 for this employee yet. When
this box is checked, it will trigger the “Need W-4” message on the
employee’s check stub (assuming you have enabled messages printing on
payroll check stubs).
43 | Page
S.S. # Not Matched
Check this box if you receive a “no match” letter from the Social Security
Administration for this employee.
On Pension Plan
Check this box if the employee is on a company pension plan.
ACA Seasonal
Passport # / Expiration Date
Enter the employee’s passport # and expiration date.
The following entries will only appear if you have the H-2A Payroll option
Check this box if the employee is an H-2A worked.
Hours Offered
Enter the total number of hours offered this employee under his or her H-2A
Visa # / Expiration Date
Enter the employee’s visa # and expiration date. These entries are only
enabled for H-2A employees.
Employment Information
Crew #
This is a one to four digit user-defined number that will allow you to
segregate employees into crews or locations.
This allows you to print lists of employees and crew sheets by crew.
Type of Employee
Pay Type/Rate
To select the pay type, click on the drop down menu button, and select,
either hourly, piecework, or salary. This setting serves only as a default
when entering payroll time, which you may override. An employee may
have any combination of pay types on his or her check, for example, hourly
wages and piecework wage types may be used together on the same check
regardless of the pay type setting in the employee file.
Pay Rate
This is a numeric entry that sets the rate of pay for the employee. What you
previously entered in the pay type determines what kind of rate this is.
If this is a salaried employee, the amount you enter here is the total amount
to be paid on each paycheck.
44 | Page
If the employee is entered as hourly, the amount here will be multiplied by
the number of hours worked for the gross check amount.
If you leave the rate of pay at zero, the program allows you to enter the rate
of pay while entering the payroll check. This is necessary if you are paying
an employee more than one rate on the same check
Date Hired
Enter the date the employee was originally hired in MM/DD/YYYY format.
When a new employee is entered the hire date should be entered, so that the
employee appears on the DE-34 report. (New Hire report)
This field should not be edited for re-hires. The pay history file should be
used to record re-hires, absences, terminations, etc.
Date/Reason Terminated
In the first field the date of termination can be recorded for a quick
reference for unemployment requests. The date should be entered in the
MM/DD/YYYY format. The second field can be used to record the reason
for termination.
Not Rehireable
Check this box if the employee is not rehireable after termination.
Date of Last Raise
When an employee receives a raise in salary, you may put the date of the
raise in the employee’s file for future reference. The date should be entered
in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Note: This Information may be entered in the history file instead or in
addition to the Employee Info File.
Last Check #/Date
Every time a check is printed through the system, the program will
automatically record the check # and date here.
To see the date the employee last worked, place the mouse pointer over the
last check date. A tooltip will appear showing the last date worked on that
check. (This feature requires that the Day entry was filled in on the payroll
check for the program to determine the last date worked.)
Default Labor G/L #
This is the default General Ledger Account number to which you wish to
charge this employee’s wages on a regular basis. If you enter a number
here, it will automatically appear when entering the employee’s checks.
If you do not enter a number, you can enter a general ledger account
number while entering the employee’s checks. This item should be skipped
if the general ledger account number will vary from week to week or if
you’ll be expending this employee’s wages to more than one general ledger
account number on one check.
To set the default account number enter the general ledger number, press
[F4], or click on the look up button to get a look up menu of general ledger
account numbers.
45 | Page
Advance G/L #
This entry is used when you set up a separate general ledger account for
each employee. If you are using separate accounts, enter the general ledger
account number to which any deductions or advances will be credited for
this employee.
If you use one general ledger account number for all employees’ advances,
leave this entry blank. The general account number you use for all
employees is set up in the Program Setup.
Chk. Stub Language
You may select either English or Spanish to use for printing headings on the
payroll check stubs. (The <Undefined> setting will default to English.)
The Miscellaneous Deduction window allows you to enter Spanish
language descriptions in addition to English descriptions.
Note that this entry will not appear if you are printing checks on a dot
matrix printer. Only laser check formats support printing the check stub in
PIN/Badge #
If you use a data collection or a time clock system that uses a separate
number to track employees, enter that number here. (If you are not using of
these systems, this entry will not appear.)
W/C Class Code
Deductions Page
This tab page contains the settings for calculating federal and state tax
deductions as well as miscellaneous deductions (for advances, child support,
health insurance, garnishments, etc.)
46 | Page
Tax Information
The Tax Info group includes all the setting necessary for calculating state and
federal income taxes. (All of the entries in this group are required except the
additional withholding amounts.)
Select either Agricultural (943) or Regular (941). This setting determines
whether the employee will appear on the quarterly report (941) or the
annual report for agricultural workers (943).
Fed. Marital Status
Select either Married or Single. This is used to determine which
withholding table to use for federal income taxes.
State Marital Status
Select either Married or Single. This is used to determine which
withholding table to use for state income taxes.
Pay Cycle
Select Weekly, Daily, Biweekly, Monthly or Semimonthly.
Special Tax Status
If the employer is a sole proprietorship, and this employee is either a child
or spouse of the owner, select the Child or Spouse here. When set to Child,
SDI, FICA, and Medicare are not withheld. When set to Spouse, SDI is not
withheld. Also, the unemployment taxes (SUI and FUI for the employer)
are not calculated for both the child and spouse settings.
47 | Page
The default for this setting is "None". Note: If you do not have your
company type set to Sole Proprietorship in the Program Setup, this entry
will be disabled.
If the employee is eligible for the Earned Income Credit, select one of the
"Yes" options, either married or single. Otherwise, you should select "No".
(The default setting is No.)
State for Withholding
Enter the state for calculating state income taxes.
State Rate
For Arizona, enter the withholding rate for this employee. (This is a
percentage of the federal income tax withheld.) For other states, this entry
is disabled (the regular tax tables will be used for other states).
State For SDI/UI
Allowances, Federal / State
Enter the number of allowances claimed for both federal and state income
tax purposes from the W-4 and/or equivalent state form (e.g. the DE 4 for
To disable withholding of either federal or state income tax, enter 99 for the
number of dependents. This would be used if the employee claims
“Exempt” status on the W-4 or equivalent state form. Or if the employee
wants a fixed amount withheld for federal or state income tax, you can enter
99 for the dependents and the amount to withhold in the Additional
Withholding entries (see below).
An employee may want to claim more allowances for federal withholding
than for state withholding, for instance to account for the federal child tax
Additional Withholding, Federal / State
Enter dollar amounts for additional federal or state withholding tax.
Hire Act Employee
This checkbox was used for the New Hire Tax Credit available in 2010. It
does not have any affect after 2010.
Hire Credit Start Date
Miscellaneous Deductions
In this section you can set up deductions for advances, loans, child support,
withholding, health insurance, 125(c) and 401(k) plans, or any other non-tax
deduction. The first two entries are used for advances/loans, then ten entries are
provided for user defined miscellaneous deductions.
Advance/Loan Balance
This is the current balance of the employee's loan. Normally you don't need
to edit this, but you can manually set up a balance (for instance, if you gave
the employee cash).
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This amount will be taken out of each of the employee's checks until the
current loan balance is zero. (The loan balance is updated each time a
check for this employee is printed.)
You can override the deduction amount for advances on the check entry
User Defined Deductions
Up to ten different miscellaneous (non-tax) deductions may be set up for each
employee. These deductions may include garnishments such as child support,
health insurance, etc. Deduction types are set up under the Miscellaneous
Deductions option.
As soon as a check is entered, the miscellaneous deduction information on the
employee account is used to calculate the deductions for that check. Editing the
information on the employee account after a check has been created will not
change the deductions that have already been calculated for that check. For
instance, if you notice a deduction on a check that should not be taken, deleting
the deduction amount from the employee setup will not remove it from check as
well. The check needs to be edited through the Batch Check Entry window.
Likewise, it you add a deduction on an employee account, that deduction will
not be added to a payroll check that has already been entered. It will be
necessary to delete the check and reenter it.
Select the type of deduction. You can have up to 99 different deduction
types. Deduction types are set up in the Miscellaneous Deduction window.
Select the method to use for this deduction from one of the available
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Flat Rate. A set amount is deducted on each check. You will enter the
deduction amount in the Amount column. During check entry, you can
override the amount you have entered here if needed.
Adjust Each Check. Similar to the Flat Rate option, but the program will
remind you to adjust the amount of the deduction before you finish entering
the check.
Percent of Gross. This setting will calculate the deduction as a percentage
of the gross wages.
Percent of Net. This setting will calculate the deduction amount as a
percentage of the net wages (gross wages less tax withholdings).
Percent of Net (-Misc). This setting will calculate the deduction amount as
a percentage of the net wages less any previous miscellaneous deductions.
This can be useful in a situation where you have two child support orders,
and the second one must be calculated as a percentage of the net wages less
the first order.
Per Hour. Enter the amount to deduct per hour worked in the Amount
Percent of IRA Wages. This option will calculate the deduction based on
the total wages on the employee check that are used to calculate the
employer’s contribution to an IRA/401(k) plan. If you have some wage
types set up for mileage, meal(s) or other types of reimbursements, these
wage types will not have this setting enabled so that the employee
deduction amount calculation will not include these in the total wages.
Percent of Union Wages. This option may be used by labor contractors
with employees that may or may not work under a union. This is normally
determined by which grower(s) they are working for. A union checkbox on
the grower setup window indicates the union status for each grower. The
Calculate Union Deductions Report must be run to calculate the union
deduction amounts before checks are printed.
Custom. This option is not used at this time.
If you specify a Flat Rate for the Method, enter the amount here. If the
amount may vary from check to check, you can leave this blank, and
manually enter the amount on each check.
If you specify either a percentage of the gross or net check amounts, enter
the percentage here.
Min Amt / Max Amt
For deductions that are calculated based on a percentage, you can enter a
minimum amount and/or a maximum amount to withhold.
This entry can be used to control which weeks of the month each deduction
is taken. The pay period ending date is used to determine which week a
check falls in. An ending date from the 1st to the 7th is week one; from the
8th to the 14th is week two; from the 15th to the 21st is week three; from
the 22nd to the 28th is week four, and from the 29th to the 31st is week five.
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If this entry is blank, the deduction will be always be taken on the
employee's checks.
If you have a deduction that you want to be taken out twice a month, you
could enter "13" or "24" to take the deduction out just on those weeks. Or,
if you have a total amount for the month that needs to be deducted and you
have split it into four amounts, you can enter "1234" and the deduction will
not be taken out on checks with an ending date from the 29th to the 31st
(the fifth week).
Total to Deduct
The Total to Deduct allows you to enter the total that needs to be deducted.
This would be used for a deduction like Income Tax Garnishment that has a
total amount to be withheld.
Ded. to Date
This field will display the total amount that has been withheld for this
deduction. The program uses this amount and the Total to Deduct amount
to keep track of when to stop making deductions.
Note that this amount is not a year-to-date amount, but a total that has been
deducted since the deduction was started. The program will only keep a
total in this entry if you have entered an amount for the Total to Deduct.
Case #/Ref #
Enter the case number or reference number for a garnishment order (such as
for child support or back taxes). This
Enter the vendor account number that you need to remit withholding
amounts to. You can press [F4] or click on the lookup button to select an
account from the vendor lookup list.
If you advance wages to employees, the program can keep track of each
employee's loan balance, and a current deduction per check. This deduction will
be taken out of the employees check until the loan is paid off.
Employee Totals Page
The Totals page contains quarter to date and year to date employees for the
employee. Normally you do not need to edit these amounts; they are displayed
for your reference. In certain cases you may need to make adjustments or
corrections to these numbers, so they can be edited.
51 | Page
QTD Totals
These totals are accumulated as checks are issued each quarter. When a quarter
is closed, these totals are reset to zero for the next quarter.
YTD Totals
These totals are accumulated as checks are issued through the year. When a
year is closed, these totals are reset to zero for the next year.
Misc. Deductions YTD
These totals are accumulated as checks are issued through the year. When a
year is closed, these totals are reset to zero for the next year.
Taxable YTD Wages
The Taxable YTD Wages are accumulated as checks are issued through the
year. These amounts are calculated taxes. When certain deductions are used
that have special taxability status, the wages that are subject to taxation will
Union/Insurance Hours
If you have the Union/Insurance Hours report turned on, these house totals will
accumulate through the month. The Month #1 total is always the total for the
current month. When you have a pay period that extends into the next month,
the Month #2 accumulator will contain the hours that belong in the next month.
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When the Union/Insurance Hours report is run after the last payroll of the month
and you clear totals, the hours in the Month #2 accumulator will be moved to the
Month #1 accumulator, and the Month #2 accumulator will be cleared.
Benefits/History Page
This tab page includes settings for sick pay, vacation, 401(k) contribution, the
history file and notes entry where you can record additional information about
employees. The history file can be used for changes to the employee's account,
such as pay rate changes, dates hired, rehired, or laid off, etc.
Sick Pay/Vacation Settings
The payroll system can automatically accrue and keep track of vacation and sick
pay amounts, controlled by these settings:
Sick Pay Plan ID
If you are using sick pay plans to define the rules for accrual
Accrued Sick Pay
This is the total
YTD SP Accrued
This is the total sick pay accrued since the anniversary date.
This is the starting date for the employee’s sick pay accrual. Normally this
will be based on the date that the employee was originally hired. If an
employee is rehired after an absence, the anniversary date may change
based on the rehire date.
53 | Page
Prior YR SP Carryover
This is the amount of sick pay carried over from the prior year (if the
employee is allowed to carry over unused sick pay from prior years).
YTD Paid
This is the amount of sick pay paid to the employee for the current year
(since the anniversary date).
Date Available
This is the date that the employee will be able to start taking sick pay. The
program calculates this automatically, based on the employee’s hire/rehire
date normally. This date may be adjusted if the employee stops are restarts
working prior to the available date.
Sick Pay Rate
If you are not using a sick pay plan, enter the accrual rate for sick pay
wages/hours in this entry. Refer to the instructions for the Vacation Rate
for an explanation of how the rate is used.
Vacation Rate
The rates are either a percentage of the wages (or hours) or the number of
hours to accrue per week worked, depending on the settings you have made
on the Program Setup. For instance, to accrue two weeks of vacation pay
per year using a percentage method, you would use four percent. (4% of 50
weeks worked per year is 2 weeks of vacation pay.)
When accruing a fixed number of hours per week worked, enter the number
of hours to accrue per week here. If the employee is paid on a weekly basis
(as specified by the pay cycle) then the program will add this number to the
accrued vacation/sick pay total. If the employee is paid on a biweekly
basis, the program will multiply the number of hours by two and add that to
the accrued vacation/sick pay total.
Accrued Vacation
This is the employee’s current balance for vacation pay. If necessary, you
can override the balance if you need to (for instance, to give employees
more vacation pay). When the employee receives vacation pay, the accrued
amounts will be reduced by the wages paid.
Employer 401(k) Contributions
The payroll system can automatically keep track of the employer’s contributions
to employee 401(k) or Simple IRA accounts. The 401(k) Report can be used to
keep track of employer contributions.
Employer contributions are based on a percentage of either the gross wages
or the employee’s 401(k) deduction.
Max Contribution/Year
Enter the maximum dollar amount of the employer’s contribution. Once the
maximum amount for the year is reached, the program will stop calculating
the employer contribution.
54 | Page
YTD Contributions
This is the total of employer contributions for the current year. Each time a
payroll check is printed, the program updates this amount.
Miscellaneous Settings
Insurance Coverage Through
This date indicates how long the employee is covered by a health insurance
program. Certain reports may update this date automatically. You can also
enter a date manually here.
S.S. # No Match
This box can be checked if you have received notification that the
employee’s personal information (name, date of birth, sex) does not match
the social security number that the employee has provided you with.
Employee History
Enter the date for this change.
Enter a type code for this change. Press [F4] to get a list of codes to select
from. Codes are user definable and may be set up using the Employee
History Codes option under the Payroll->Setup submenu.
Notes/Descr/Job Title
Enter any notes for this change.
Pay Rate
If this is a pay rate change, you can enter the new rate here.
Enter the unit type for the pay rate (hourly, week, month, etc.)
Employee Notes
This is a notepad entry where you can type in any additional information
that you want to record for this employee account. An option in the
Program Setup window allows you to specify that the notes entry should be
displayed when you enter a check for the employee.
Emergency Contacts
Each employee may have its own set of emergency contact. Click on the Add
button to open a window to enter the information for each contact:
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If you need to edit or remove a contact, double click on the entry in the contact
list and the information will be displayed in the Enter Emergency Contact
window. To delete a contact, click on the Delete button at the bottom left corner
of this window.
Employee Check Profile
The Check Profile page allows you to set up line items that will be added
automatically to any check entered for this employee. For instance, you might
have a salary employee whose wages need to expense to the same cost center on
each check. By entering a profile line with the cost accounting information, you
will not need to edit each check.
In the past, this was also used for employee deductions that have a special
taxability (pre-tax) status. In most cases, this is not necessary, as the program
can automatically generate line items for pre-tax deductions.
56 | Page
You can enter a line number to determine the order of multiple check
profile lines.
You can use line numbers over 1000 to prevent these lines from being
printed on the check stub. This is normally used for line items that are
entered for pre-tax deductions.
G/L #
Enter the general ledger wage expense account here. Press [F4] or click on
the column header to open the general ledger selection list.
Job ID
If you are using the Cost Accounting module, you can enter a Job ID to use
on each line item. Press [F4] or click on the column header to select a Job
ID from the lookup.
Cost ID
If applicable, you can select a cost center for each line. Press [F4] or click
on the column header to open the cost center lookup.
If you enter a cost center, enter the crop year here also.
57 | Page
Enter the wage type code here. Press the [F4] key or click on the column
header to open the pay type lookup.
PW Hours
Enter the piecework hours here, if applicable.
Enter the units for this line item.
Enter the rate for this line item.
If you enter week numbers in this column, the program will only add the
check profile line if the week # of the check matches. The logic used for
this is the same as used to determine whether a deduction should be taken.
See the information on the Weeks entry on the Deductions tab page for
more information.
Data Entry Notes
This entry provides you with a second notes entry that can be displayed
during check entry. If notes are entered here, these notes will be displayed
to the data entry operator on the Daily Payroll or Batch Check Entry
windows instead of the notes entered on the Benefits/History tab page.
Check Stub Message
If you are using a custom check format for payroll checks and have set up a
position for messages to print on the stub, you can enter a message that is
specific to the employee here. This will be combined with any other
messages that are set up to print automatically or based on certain
Clear Message After Printing on Check
Checking this box will cause the message that you enter to be printed on the
employee’s check stub only once. It will be cleared after it is printed.
ACA Hours Worked/Day
These entries are used by the ACA Employee Count Report to provide a
standard number of hours worked for employees where you do not record
the hours worked (e.g. salary employees).
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This tab pages lists the quarterly and yearly archive records for the employee
account. This information is for reference purposes only and cannot be edited.
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Direct Deposit
The Direct Deposit tab is where you enter information for employees that have
their pay deposited directly to their bank accounts or a debit payroll card. If the
Direct Deposit option is not enabled, then this tab will be disabled.
The ACH Direct Deposit option is designed to be used with a 3
party program
such as Treasury Software to create and upload an ACH file to the bank. If you
purchase Datatech’s Direct Deposit option, Datatech will provide the Treasury
Software program.
If an employee account has anything entered for the Deposit Account #1 entry,
the program considers that employee to be a direct deposit employee and will
not print a payroll check for that employee. This means that you can still print
checks for some employees while having other employees on the direct deposit
For each employee, enter the following information:
Deposit Account #1
Enter the account number to deposit this employee’s wages to.
60 | Page
Routing Number Account #1
Enter the nine digit bank routing number (if applicable) for the first bank
account. If the direct deposit is to a payroll card, a routing number should
not be necessary.
Type of Account
Select either Checking or Savings account.
Split Method
The Direct Deposit system can split the total wages for an employee
between two different accounts. The Split Method determines how much is
allocated to each account. Select all to deposit wages into account #1 only.
Select Flat Amount to deposit a specific amount into account #1 and the
excess in account #2. Or select Percentage to deposit a specific percentage
of wages into account #1.
If you select either Flat Amount or Percentage for the Split Method, enter
either the dollar amount or the percentage that the employee wants
deposited in the first account number.
Minimum Amount, Acct #1 / Maximum Amount, Acct #1
When you select Percentage for the Split Method, you can also specify the
minimum and maximum dollar amount that the employee wants to deposit
to account #1.
Deposit Account #2
If splitting the employee’s wages between accounts, enter the second
account number to deposit wages to.
Routing Number Account #2
Enter the bank routing number (if applicable) for the second bank account.
If the direct deposit is to a payroll card, a routing number should not be
Type of Account
Select Checking or Savings account.
HSA Account #
Employees with a Health Savings Account (HSA) can have their
contributions deposited directly to their individual HSA accounts. Enter the
bank account number for the employees HAS account here.
For the HSA deduction amount to be included in the direct deposit entries
that are generated by the program, you must enter the miscellaneous
deduction number for the HSA deduction under Tools->Program Setup-
>Payroll->External Programs.
HSA Routing Number
Enter the bank routing number for the employee’s Health Savings Account.
HSA Type of Account
Select either Checking or Savings account.
61 | Page
ACH Test Generated
It is strongly recommended that you generate a test file for any new direct
deposit accounts you set up. A test file will credit each new employee’s
bank account with a penny (.01) transaction. The employee can then verify
that the deposit appears in their account.
When you set up a new employee, leave this box unchecked so that a test
will be generated. Once the test file has been generated, this box will be
checked automatically to indicate such.
If the bank account needs to be corrected, uncheck the box to test again. If
the employee changes banks, uncheck the box to test again.
NOTE: The test is not complete until an ACH file is generated and
uploaded to the bank. See the instructions for “Create Direct Deposit File”
to create a test file.
NOTE: The ACH test file option is only available if you are using the ACH
Direct Deposit option with an ACH program such as Treasury Software. If
so, the Direct Deposit option on the Program Setup screen will be set to “TS
CSV File”.
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Deleting Employees
An employee with wages or checks on file cannot be deleted form the program.
If you have issued a check to an employee and then voided the check, the
employee cannot be deleted because the checks are still on file.
If wages were paid to the wrong employee and the checks issued to this account
need to be moved to a different account, use the Move Payroll Check option.
Once all checks have been moved to another account, you may delete the
To delete an account without wages, first display the employee account
information by entering the account number or using one of the selection lists to
choose the employee. When the employee account is displayed click on the
Delete button, or press [Shift]+[F2]. The program will then confirm that you
want to delete this employee, to delete the account click on "Yes".
Terminate Employee
When an employee is terminated or laid off, several changes are typically made
to the employee’s account. The Terminate button at the bottom left corner of
the Employees window provides a shortcut for handling this. When you click
on the Terminate button on the Employee entry window, the following window
will appear for you to enter the termination info:
Date Terminated
Enter the date the employee was terminated.
Select from the available options: Fired, Medical Leave, Laid Off, or Quit.
Enter the reason the employee was terminated here.
Clear Crew
Select this option if you want to remove the employee from any Crews it is
Normally you will want to check this box so that the employee account will
be set to inactive. If for some reason you want this account to remain
active, uncheck this box.
Click on the Ok button to record the information. A record will be created in
the Employee History file, and the date terminated and reason for termination
fields will be updated on the employee account. Click on the Cancel button if
you do not want to save this information.
63 | Page
Rehire Employee
When an employee comes back to work for your company, there are typically
several changes that need to be made on the employee account. The Rehire
button provides a shortcut for making these changes. The following window
will open when you click on the Rehire button:
Date Rehired
Enter the date that the employee was rehired on. An entry will be made in
the employee history file on this date showing the employee was rehired
and the employee will appear on the next New Hire report that is printed.
Enter any additional notes here.
Crew #
Enter the crew number, if any, that the employee is assigned to.
Pay Rate
The employee’s previous rate of pay will be displayed here. You can
update this if needed.
Request ID Badge
Check this box if you want to request an ID badge for the employee.
64 | Page
Sick Pay Plan ID
Enter the Sick Pay Plan ID that will apply to the rehired employee.
Sick Pay Status
Sick Pay Anniversary
Enter the sick pay anniversary date for the rehired employee. Whether that
is a new date or returning to their old anniversary.
Sick Pay Available
Enter the date on which sick pay will be available to the employee.
Click on the Ok button to finish the rehire process. If the employee was set to
inactive, the employee’s account status will be changed to active. Click on the
Cancel button to close the window without recording the rehire information.
Right-Click Menu
You can click with the right mouse button on a blank area of the window to get
a menu with several shortcuts including options for printing reports, labels, and
entering checks.
Security Options
Using custom security options, you can disable certain sections of the employee
entry window. Create a line in the security grid for PR.EmployeeEntry, and
click on the View Settings… button to set the custom permissions:
If unchecked, the View/Edit direct deposit information will remove the Direct
Deposit tab page from the employee entry window for this user or group
completely. This allows you to prevent users from seeing the bank account
information that has been set up for direct deposit.
65 | Page
The other two boxes will disable either the Employment Information or the
Miscellaneous Deduction groups on the employee setup window. The
information will still be visible, but users will not be able to edit it.
Quick Employee Setup
An employee setup window has been streamlined for quick entry of new
employees. It only includes a minimum set of entries for the required
information for new employees. To access the Employee Quick Setup window,
right click on a blank area and select the Switch to Quick Entry Window option.
The program will remember which employee setup window you have selected
until you exit the program. That window will appear when you select the
Employees option on the main Payroll menu. To switch back the regular
employee setup window, right click on a blank area of the Employee Quick
Setup window and select the Switch to Full Entry Window option.
66 | Page
Each employee account may be assigned to a different crew number. The
Employee Crews window can be used to easily add, remove and move employee
between crews.
Select the Crews option on the Payroll menu and this window will open:
Crew ID
Each crew is assigned a number from 1 to 9999. Enter the crew number
you want to create or edit.
Add a description of the crew. If you pull up an existing crew, the
description will appear.
Supervisor Account # / Supervisor Name Key
Each crew may have a supervisor assigned to it. Enter either the account
number or name key of the crew supervisor here. The employee's first and
last names will be displayed next to the Name Key entry. Click on the
lookup button or press [F4] to get the employee lookup.
Click on this button to set up additional employees that have specific jobs
and pay rates that are different from the rest of the crew. A separate
window will open for you to enter these employees. This window also
allows you to enter a description and default Job ID for this crew. See the
section titled ‘Employee Job Titles/Pay Rates/Crew Settings” for more
67 | Page
To add an employee to the crew, enter the name key or account number, or
click on the lookup button to get a list of employees to select from. Once
you have an employee account displayed, click on the Add button to add the
employee to the list.
The following buttons will work on either a single employee account or multiple
employee accounts:
This will set the crew number of the selected employee(s) to zero, removing
them from this crew.
Move To…
Click on this button to move the employees that you have selected to a new
crew number. A window will appear for you to enter the new crew number.
Set Inactive
This will set the account status of the selected employee(s) to inactive.
They will disappear from the crew list, but they are still assigned to this
crew. (Since the account status is inactive, they will not appear on the crew
list or other reports that only list active employees.)
This option will terminate the selected employees.
Pay Rates…
Use this option to set or change the pay rate for the entire crew.
Edit Account…
Selecting this will open the employee information for the selected
Add Dept…
Add a department for the selected employees.
How to select multiple employee accounts:
Click the mouse on the account number of each employee account you want
to select. The box in the left hand column will be checked. Clicking a
second time on an employee account will deselect it. Alternatively, you can
press the space bar and use the arrow keys to select multiple employee
Once you have multiple accounts selected, the Remove, Set Inactive, and
Move buttons will operate on the selected accounts. If you have not
selected multiple accounts, this button will only operate on the highlighted
account, whether it is selected or not.
The Invert Selections button will select the accounts that are not selected,
and deselect the accounts that are selected. This is useful, for instance, if
there are 30 employees on a crew, and you need to move 25 of them to
68 | Page
another crew. Instead of selecting all 25 employees, you can select only the
five that are staying on the crew, and then click on Invert Selections. The
five will be deselected, and the other 25 will be selected. Then you can
click on the Move button to move them to the other crew.
Supervisor List
This button will print a list of all employees that are assigned to be
supervisors on crews.
Print Crew Sheets
This button will open the Crew Sheets report window. Click here for the
help page for the Crew Sheets.
Crew Sheet Type Menu
This button will save the crew to your files.
This button will clear the window of all information.
This button will delete the crew file.
Employee Job Titles/Pay Rates/Crew Settings
This window allows you to enter job titles and hourly pay rates for up to four
members of the crew. On the Crew Sheet Wizard, these pay rates will be used
instead of the pay rates specified for the entire crew. You can also enter a
description for the crew, as well as a default job code that will be used for this
The following window will open when you click on the Titles/Rates button on
the Employee Crews window:
69 | Page
Enter the account number, title, and pay rate for up to four different employees.
The job title may appear next to the employee’s name on your crew sheet.
Because there are several different crew sheet formats, some programmed for
specific customers, the crew sheet you are using may not print the titles.
Contact Datatech if you would like changes made to how your crew sheet is
At the bottom of the window, you can enter a description for the crew (this is
currently not used anywhere, so it can be entered solely for your reference) and
a job code to use as a default when entering payroll for employees on this crew.
70 | Page
Crew Sheets
Crew Sheets can be used for recording time and/or pieces worked each week.
On the Payroll menu, go to the Employee Lists sub-menu, and select Crew
Sheets. This window can also be opened from the Employee Crews window.
Note that these instructions are for the Standard Crew Sheet. Custom crew
sheets may have additional options
Payroll Ending Date
Enter the ending date for the payroll period for which you are printing the
crew sheet. This will print at the top of the crew sheets.
First Day of Week
Select the first day of the payroll period here.
Print All Crews
Check this option to print Crew Sheets for all crews. If you uncheck it, you
will be able to select a single crew to print.
Crew # to Print
Enter the crew number you wish to print, or click on the lookup button to
select a crew from the selection list.
Blank Extra Lines
The crew sheet can print extra lines for the crew supervisor to write in
additional employees, when added to the crew in the field.
71 | Page
Next Crew Sheet #
If you use crew sheet numbers, the next available crew sheet # will appear
here automatically. You may override it if you wish.
Print S.S. #
Be default, the crew sheet will print the social security number for each
employee. Uncheck this box if you do not want the social security number
to appear on the crew sheet.
The printing of the Social Security number on the crew sheet will be
governed by the S.S. # Printing setting in the Program Setup window. The
crew sheet will only print the last four digits of the social security number if
you have selected that setting. If you have selected the “Do Not Print S.S
#” setting, then the crew sheet will not print the Social Security number at
all, regardless of whether this box is checked or not.
Print Hash Total
Check this box to print a hash total (the total of all employee account
numbers) at the end of the report. This can be used during data entry to
confirm that the correct employee account numbers have been entered.
If employees are added by hand to the crew sheet, the hash total needs to be
updated with the handwritten employee account numbers before comparing
to the hash totals that appear on the daily payroll reports.
Print Order
Select either Alphabetic or Account # order.
Select the orientation the report here. Landscape mode provides more room
to write in hours/units, but prints fewer employees on the page.
Click on this button to see a preview of the report on the screen.
Print Setup
Click on this button to select a printer to use for this report. If you do not
select a printer, the report will automatically be printed to the current
default printer. To see the current printer, you can move the mouse pointer
over the button and a tool tip will appear showing the printer name and port.
Click on this button to print the report to the current printer. To see the
current printer, you can move the mouse pointer over the button and a tool
tip will appear showing the printer name and port.
Click on this button to close the window.
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Crew Sheets Using an Excel Template
One of the custom Crew Sheet options allows you to create a spreadsheet in
Excel for use as a template. The program fills in the employee, crew, and pay
period information on this template and prints out the crew sheet through Excel.
By using this setting, you can actually create several different crew sheet
To use the Excel Template option for the Crew Sheet printing, go to the
Program Setup option on the Tools menu, click on Payroll, then Settings. Under
the Payroll Settings group, select “Excel Template” as the Crew Sheet Type.
When you select the Crew Sheet option from the Employee Lists menu or click
on the Print Crew Sheets button on the Crews window, the following window
will appear:
Payroll Ending Date
Enter the ending date for the payroll period you are printing the crew sheet
First Day of Week
Select the first day of the payroll period here.
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Print All Crews
If you want to print crew sheets for all crews that are set up, check this box.
Otherwise leave it unchecked and enter the Crew # to print in the next entry.
Crew # to Print
Enter the crew number you wish to print, or click on the lookup button to
select a crew from the selection list.
Next Crew Sheet #
If you use crew sheet numbers, the next available crew sheet # will appear
here automatically. You may override it if you wish.
Check Date
If you enter a check date, the crew sheet will list only the employees that
received a check on that date under the crew # specified. If the check date
is left blank, the crew sheet will print all employees that are assigned to the
crew # specified.
(This option is only available if you are using a SQL database.)
Print Order
Select either Alphabetic or Account # order.
Activate/Inactivate # Days
This entry will be disabled unless you have enabled the Auto-Update Crew
#’s option. If the option is enabled, you can enter the number of days since
the last check date to inactivate an employee account. Once an employee
account is inactivated, the employee will no longer appear on the crew
sheet. (Note that the employee account will still be assigned to the crew
number, but simply won’t print due to the inactive status.)
For instance, if you do not want employees who have not received a check
in the last 10 days to appear on the crew sheet, enter 10 days.
Template File
Enter the full path and filename of the Excel spreadsheet to use as a
template here. Click on the button to the right to select the file from an
Open File dialog.
You can press [F12] while the cursor is in this entry to open the template
file in Excel for editing.
Test Export
Click on this button and the program will fill in the template and display the
results in Excel. If there are more employees than will fit on a single page,
additional worksheets will be added to the spreadsheet and all employees
will be listed.
# of Copies
By default, one copy of the crew sheet will be printed. You may change this
if you want multiple copies to print.
Save As Excel Filename
Instead of printing the crew sheet, you can export the crew sheet to another
Excel file. After exporting, you can make changes to the crew sheet before
printing it. If multiple pages are required to list all of the employees, a
separate worksheet will be created for each page. When printing the
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finished crew sheet, you will need to select the Print Entire Workbook
option under Excel Print Settings to print all of the worksheets.
Click on this button to Export the crew sheet to a new Excel spreadsheet.
Click on this button to see a preview of the crew sheet in Excel.
Print Setup
Click on this button to select a printer to use for this report. If you do not
select a printer, the crew sheet will automatically be printed to the current
default printer. To see the current printer, you can move the mouse pointer
over the button and a tool tip will appear showing the printer name and port.
Click on this button to print the crew sheet to the current printer. To see the
current printer, you can move the mouse pointer over the button and a tool
tip will appear showing the printer name and port.
Click on this button to close the window.
Creating a Template
The template that you create in Excel should print on a single page. The
program will look at each cell for specific field names enclosed in square
brackets and replace those field names with data from the employee file, crew,
or pay period. After replace all of the fields in the template, the program will
instruct Excel to print the spreadsheet. If there are additional employees to print
(i.e. a large crew doesn’t fit on one page) then the template will be cleared, the
additional employees will be entered into the template, and additional page that
is needed will be printed.
Any data, formatting, borders, etc. that you have set up on the template will be
printed as-is. For instance, if you enter you company name in cell A1, then it
will print in this position on all crew sheets pages. If you format a field to print
bold, then it will be printed in bold on the crew sheet.
Keep in mind as you are designing the form that you can use the Print Preview
option in Excel to preview the crew sheet to make sure it fits on a single page.
You can also use the Preview button on the Print Crew Sheets window to do a
test printout of the crew sheet. Remember though that the program will process
and preview one page at a time, so the Preview window will appear for each
page. When testing your template, it is best to use a crew with just a few
Field Names
The following fields may be used to insert general information on the crew
Inserts a date and time stamp for when the crew sheet was generated,
similar to the date/time stamp that appears at the top of reports.
Inserts the company name (useful if you have multiple companies that use
the same template files).
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The following fields may be used to insert information from the employee file
on the crew sheet:
This will insert the employee last name followed by a comma and then the
first name.
This will insert the employee last name.
This will insert the employee first name.
This will insert both the employee’s first and last name.
This will insert the employee account number.
This will insert the employee account number with asterisks appearing
before and after the account number and use the “Free 3 of 9” bar code font
for this cell, resulting in a Code 3 of 9 barcode.
This will insert the employee title that is set up on the crew record. For
supervisors, the program will automatically insert “Supervisor”. If you set
up other employees on the Titles/Rates window from the Crew setup, the
titles that you entered on that window will be printed here. Any other
employees that are assigned to the crew will not have a titled printed.
This will insert the last four digits of the employee social security number.
This will insert the employee’s PIN. The PIN is normally the unique
numeric identifier/account # used by a third party data collection system.
This will insert the employee’s badge #. The badge number is normally set
by importing it from a payroll data import file. The badge # is a six
character alpha-numeric ID.
Inserts the employee’s phone number.
Inserts the employee’s cell phone number.
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Inserts the employee’s cell phone number if one has been entered, otherwise
inserts the employee’s phone number.
This will insert the employee alien registration number.
This will insert the employee alien registration expiration date.
This will insert the employee’s pay rate.
This will insert the employee’s department
The following fields may be used to insert information from the crew record.
They would normally be used in the header section of the crew sheet.
This will insert the crew number/ID.
This will insert the crew supervisor’s name.
The program will insert the next available crew sheet number.
This will print the total of all of the employee account numbers that are
printed on the time sheet. This total may be compared to the hash total on
the Daily Payroll Entry window and Daily Payroll Reports (assuming that
all of the employees on the crew sheet have time and no additional
employees are manually added to the crew).
If some employees that are listed on the time sheet do not work, during data
entry you can subtract their account numbers from the hash total. Likewise,
if there are employees that are manually added to the crew sheet, you can
add their account numbers to the hash total.
The following fields are related to the payroll period:
This will insert the payroll period starting and ending dates in the same cell,
in the format “starting TO ending”.
This will insert the starting date for the pay period.
This will insert the ending date for the pay period.
[DAY1] … [DAY7]
This will insert the day of the week.
[DATE1] … [DATE7]
This will insert the date for each day in the pay period.
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Sample Template
The following screen shot from Excel shows a simple crew sheet template:
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This template results in the following crew sheet printout:
Notice that the formatting for various cells, including colors, borders and text
alignment, are preserved in the resulting crew sheet. The program simply
replaces the field names that it finds in the spreadsheet with the appropriate text.