July 2024
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PREAMBLE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Title I - SCOPE OF APPLICATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS (Regulation 1) ............................................................................................ 6
Title II - BASIC PRINCIPLES, RIGHTS AND DUTIES ..................................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER I - INDEPENDENCE AND INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER (Regulation 2) .......................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II - INTEGRITY AND LOYALTY (Regulation 3) ............................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER III - TACT AND DISCRETION (Regulation 4).................................................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER IV - BASIC INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND RIGHTS OF ASSOCIATION (Regulation 5) ........................................................................... 13
CHAPTER V - PROTECTION OF OFFICIALS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR DUTIES (Regulation 5bis) ..................................................... 15
Title III - APPOINTMENT, SELECTION, REASSIGNMENTS, PROMOTIONS AND END OF APPOINTMENT ................................................... 16
CHAPTER I APPOINTMENT (Regulation 6) ............................................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER II SELECTION (Regulation 7) ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER III - TERMS OF APPOINTMENT (Regulation 8) ............................................................................................................................. 25
CHAPTER IV - DURATION OF APPOINTMENT (Regulation 9) ...................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER V - CATEGORIES AND GRADES, ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENTS (Regulation 10) ............................................................... 30
CHAPTER VI - EXTERNAL MOBILITY (Regulation 10bis) ............................................................................................................................... 33
Section I Loan ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Section II Secondment ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER VII - ENDS OF APPOINTMENT (Regulation 11) ............................................................................................................................ 39
CHAPTER VIII - RESIGNATION, ABANDONMENT OF FUNCTIONS AND DEATH (Regulation 12) ................................................................. 43
CHAPTER IX - AGE LIMIT (Regulation 13) .................................................................................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER X - NON-ACTIVE STATUS (Regulation 14) ................................................................................................................................... 45
Section I - Sickness ................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Section II - Addresses, etc ...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Section III - Military service or personal reasons ................................................................................................................................... 47
Section IV - Expiry of non-activity .......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Title IV SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES ................................................................................................................................................. 49
CHAPTER I - SALARY SCALES (Regulation 15) .............................................................................................................................................. 49
CHAPTER II ALLOWANCES (Regulation 16) .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Section I General provision ................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Section II Family allowances and supplements...................................................................................................................................... 55
Subsection I - Household Allowance ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Subsection II - Child’s Allowance and benefits for a handicapped child .................................................................................................................. 56
Subsection III - Dependant's Allowance .................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Subsection IV - Basic family allowance .................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Subsection V - Dependent child supplement .......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Subsection VI - Supplements for disabled or severely disabled child ...................................................................................................................... 65
Subsection VII - Supplement for disabled and dependent parent........................................................................................................................... 67
Section III - Expatriation allowance ....................................................................................................................................................... 69
Section IV Installation allowance ........................................................................................................................................................ 73
Section V Rent allowance .................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Section VI Acting allowance ................................................................................................................................................................ 78
Section VII Language allowance ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Section VIII Education allowance ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
Title V - STAFF BENEFITS AND GRANTS (Regulation 17) ......................................................................................................................... 86
CHAPTER I - BENEFITS IN CASE OF SICKNESS, MATERNITY, WORK ACCIDENT, INVALIDITY OR DEATH...................................................... 86
Section I General provisions relating to the medical and social system of the Organisation .............................................................. 86
Subsection I - Affiliation .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Subsection II - Maintenance of Entitlement ............................................................................................................................................................ 90
Subsection III - Beneficiaries under the Organisation's Medical and Social system ............................................................................................... 93
Subsection IV - Period of Cover and Exclusions ....................................................................................................................................................... 95
Subsection V - Claims, fraud and subrogation ......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Section II - Sickness and maternity....................................................................................................................................................... 100
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Subsection I - Health Care Expenses ..................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Subsection II - Maintenance of Salary in case of Sickness ..................................................................................................................................... 102
Subsection III - Special Benefits in case of Maternity or Adoption ........................................................................................................................ 104
Section III - Invalidity and death not resulting from a work accident or occupational disease ............................................................ 105
Subsection I - Invalidity Pension and Annuity ....................................................................................................................................................... 105
Subsection II - Capital Payments on Death or Invalidity ........................................................................................................................................ 106
Section IV - Work accidents and occupational disease ........................................................................................................................ 107
Subsection I - Definition ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Subsection II - Expenses for Medical Cover and Maintenance of Remuneration .................................................................................................. 108
Subsection III - Invalidity or Death ........................................................................................................................................................................ 109
Section V - Financing of the social and medical system ....................................................................................................................... 111
Section VI - Supervisory board ............................................................................................................................................................. 113
Section VII - Transitional provisions ..................................................................................................................................................... 114
Subsection I - Officials ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 114
Subsection II - Former Officials and Duly Qualified Claimants ............................................................................................................................... 117
Section VIII - Entry into force ............................................................................................................................................................... 120
CHAPTER II - PENSION SCHEME AND PROVIDENT FUND ......................................................................................................................... 121
Section I Pension Scheme .................................................................................................................................................................. 121
Section II - Provident Fund ................................................................................................................................................................... 122
CHAPTER III STATUTORY TRAVELS AND MISSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 123
Section I - Statutory travels.................................................................................................................................................................. 123
Section II - Travel Expenses .................................................................................................................................................................. 125
Section III - Excess Luggage ................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Section IV - Air Travel .......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Section V - Rail Travel .......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Section VI - Travel by private car ......................................................................................................................................................... 129
Section VII - Terminal charges ............................................................................................................................................................. 129
Section VIII - Removals......................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Section IX - Missions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 131
Section X - Daily Subsistence Allowance .............................................................................................................................................. 131
Section XI - Limitations of Reimbursements ......................................................................................................................................... 142
CHAPTER IV - ADVANCES, LOANS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE .............................................................................................................. 143
Section I Advances ............................................................................................................................................................................ 143
Section II - Loans .................................................................................................................................................................................. 144
Section III - Financial Assistance .......................................................................................................................................................... 145
Section IV - Currency Advances ............................................................................................................................................................ 145
Section V - Entertainment Allowance .................................................................................................................................................. 145
CHAPTER V - INDEMNITY FOR LOSS OF EMPLOYMENT............................................................................................................................ 146
CHAPTER VI - CLAIMS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 149
CHAPTER VII - SUBROGATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 150
Title VI - TRANSFER, PAYMENT AND ADJUSTMENT OF EMOLUMENTS ................................................................................................ 151
CHAPTER I TRANSFER AND CURRENCY OF PAYMENT OF EMOLUMENTS (Regulation 18) .................................................................... 151
CHAPTER II - ADJUSTMENT OF EMOLUMENTS (Regulation 19) ............................................................................................................... 152
Title VII - GENERAL OBLIGATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 153
CHAPTER I - WORKING CONDITIONS (Regulation 20)............................................................................................................................... 153
Section I - Working hours ..................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Section II -Overtime ............................................................................................................................................................................. 157
Section III - Night work ......................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Section IV - Public holidays .................................................................................................................................................................. 160
CHAPTER II LEAVE (Regulation 20) ........................................................................................................................................................ 161
Section I - Annual leave ........................................................................................................................................................................ 161
Section II - Home leave......................................................................................................................................................................... 162
Section III - Sick leave ........................................................................................................................................................................... 164
Subsection I - Therapeutic half-time ..................................................................................................................................................................... 165
Subsection II - Uncertified sick leave .................................................................................................................................................................... 165
Subsection III - Certified sick leave ........................................................................................................................................................................ 165
Subsection IV - Expiry of sick leave........................................................................................................................................................................ 166
Subsection V - Benefits ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 167
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Subsection VI - Medical Examination .................................................................................................................................................................... 167
Subsection VII - Dispensation from Service on Health Grounds ............................................................................................................................ 167
Section IV - Military service leave ........................................................................................................................................................ 168
Section V - Parental leave .................................................................................................................................................................... 168
Section VI - Exceptional paid leave ...................................................................................................................................................... 171
Section VII - Unpaid leave for private reasons ..................................................................................................................................... 172
Section VIII - Unpaid training leave ..................................................................................................................................................... 173
Section IX - Special leave ...................................................................................................................................................................... 174
CHAPTER III - DISCIPLINE AND CIVIL LIABILITY (Regulation 21) ................................................................................................................ 175
Section I - Procedure for disciplinary cases .......................................................................................................................................... 175
Section II - Disciplinary Measures ........................................................................................................................................................ 176
CHAPTER IV DISPUTES (Regulation 22) .................................................................................................................................................. 177
Section I - Joint Advisory Board ............................................................................................................................................................ 178
Section II - Re-evaluation Commission ................................................................................................................................................. 180
Section III - Administrative Tribunal ..................................................................................................................................................... 182
Section IV - Specialist Medical Review Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 182
CHAPTER V - REPRESENTATION OF THE STAFF (Regulation 23) ............................................................................................................... 185
Section I - Staff Association .................................................................................................................................................................. 185
Section II - Joint Consultative Committee on Staff Relations ............................................................................................................... 187
Section III - Trade Union and Professional Organisations .................................................................................................................... 188
CHAPTER VI - FINAL PROVISIONS (Regulation 24) .................................................................................................................................... 189
ANNEX II - NOTES ON THE STAFF REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 213
ANNEX VI - RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS OF THE STAFF PROVIDENT FUND OF THE ORGANISATION ..................................................... 230
ANNEX VII - RULES APPLICABLE TO OFFICIALS SERVING IN TOKYO ...................................................................................................... 241
ANNEX VIII - RULES APPLICABLE TO OFFICIALS SERVING IN WASHINGTON ........................................................................................... 242
ANNEX IX - RULES APPLICABLE TO OFFICIALS SERVING IN BONN......................................................................................................... 243
ANNEX X - PENSION SCHEME RULES ................................................................................................................................................... 244
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 245
ANNEX X bis RULES OF THE NEW PENSION SCHEME (NPS) ............................................................................................................... 327
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 327
ANNEX XII - DECISION OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUALS .............................................................. 392
ANNEX XIII - REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE CO-ORDINATION SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 403
ANNEX XIV - COVER FOR HEALTH CARE EXPENSES UNDER REGULATION 17 a) .................................................................................... 408
ANNEX XVI - DECISION OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON MEDIATION .................................................................................................. 428
ANNEX XVII - DISTINCTION BETWEEN DOCTORS ................................................................................................................................. 432
ANNEX XVIII - SPECIAL LEAVE.............................................................................................................................................................. 433
ANNEX XIX RENT ALLOWANCE ......................................................................................................................................................... 436
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ANNEX XXI - VOLUNTARY EARLY RETIREMENT STATUS FOR MAINTENANCE STAFF ............................................................................... 449
ANNEX XXII - DECISION OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYRIGHTS ....................................................... 452
ANNEX XXIII - RULES APPLICABLE TO OFFICIALS SERVING OUTSIDE THE HEADQUARTERS .................................................................... 453
ANNEX XXIV - DECISION OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON TELEWORKING.......................................................................................... 472
.............................. 487
MISCONDUCT (WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION POLICY) ..................................................................................................................... 491
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The Staff Regulations set out the fundamental conditions of service,
namely the duties and obligations as well as the basic rights of the
staff of the Organisation, as approved by the Council in conformity
with Article 11.1 of the Convention on the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development. They set forth the broad
principles of staff policy which is designed to enable officials
wherever possible to make a career within the Organisation. The
means for implementing the Regulations shall be determined by
Rules and Instructions of the Secretary- General, which will require
approval by the Council in the cases specified in the Regulations.
100/1 The Staff Instructions set out conditions of service not specified in the Staff Regulations or Rules;
they lay down certain rules of application of the Staff Regulations and Rules and procedures of staff
management and indicate certain staff policies that the Secretary-General has decided to follow.
100/2 a) In the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions, references to “officials” apply equally to
men and women except when it is clear from the context that they are intended to apply only to men or
only to women.
b) In order to promote gender equality, officials are encouraged to: i) take into account the
person’s gender when addressing or referring to him or her and; ii) use the relevant feminine or masculine
form of titles or functions where such a form exists.
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a) These Regulations shall apply to all persons employed by the
Organisation whose letter of appointment states that they are
officials of the Organisation (hereinafter “officials”).
b) Subject to approval by the Council, the Secretary-General may
adapt these Regulations in their application to any officials
serving elsewhere than at the headquarters of the Organisation.
c) These Regulations shall not apply to other categories of staff
employed by the Organisation except to the extent determined by
the Council.
Last update: January 2011
PROVISIONS (Regulation 1)
101/1 The powers vested in the Secretary-General by the provisions of Article 11.1 of the Convention on
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or by the provisions of the Staff
Regulations, Rules and Instructions, may be exercised by a Deputy Secretary-General designated by the
Secretary-General. In the exercise of such powers, the Deputy Secretary-General shall be deemed to act
on behalf of the Secretary-General. In the absence or impediment of the Secretary-General, his/her
powers may be exercised by a Deputy Secretary-General.
101/2 An official on whom powers are conferred by these Instructions with respect to specific
matters shall be deemed to act, in the exercise of such powers, on behalf of the Secretary-General.
101/2.0 In the absence or impediment of one or more of the Deputy Secretaries-General or of
another official to whom functions are conferred by the Staff Instructions, the Secretary-General may
designate another official to carry out these functions.
101/2.1 In the absence or impediment of the Executive Director, the functions conferred on him/her
by the Staff Instructions shall be carried out by the Head of Human Resource Management.
101/2.2 In the absence or impediment of the Head of Human Resource Management, the functions
conferred on him/her by the Staff Instructions shall be exercised by the official he/she has designated for
this purpose.
101/2.3 With a view to strengthening the substantive and administrative cooperation between the
International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Organisation, provided for in the Decision of the Council
establishing an IEA of the Organisation dated 15th November 1974, and with the understanding that such
cooperation shall be mutually beneficial, the Executive Director of the IEA by delegated authority from
the Secretary-General of the OECD will decide on the selection of officials assigned to the Agency, the
duration and renewal of their appointments, their promotion and their reassignment within the Agency,
as well as their requests to engage in external activities. The decisions of the IEA Executive Director on
those matters shall be taken in accordance with these Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions, as
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complemented by decisions and policies made by the Secretary-General or under his authority.
Last update: March 2024
101/2.4 A director on whom powers or functions are conferred by these Staff Regulations, Rules and
Instructions may delegate part or all of these powers or functions to the official he/she shall designate for
this purpose. In the absence or impediment of the director, the powers and functions conferred on him/her
by these Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions shall be carried out by his/her deputy or the official
he/she has designated for this purpose.
Last update: January 2011
101/2.5 In cases where an administrative structure is not headed by a director, the powers and functions
conferred on a director by these Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions shall be carried out by the Head
of that structure.
Last update: January 2011
101/3 Any requests or complaints concerning the application or interpretation of the Staff Regulations,
Rules and Instructions should be addressed to the Head of Human Resource Management.
Last update: September 99
101/4 The decision of the Secretary-General on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the
Processing of their Personal Data is annexed to, and form an integral part of these Instructions.
Last update: September 2019
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a) The duties of officials of the Organisation are international in
character. Officials are subject to the authority of the Secretary-
General, to whom they are responsible for the discharge of their
b) Officials shall carry out their duties and regulate their conduct
always bearing in mind the interests of the Organisation and the
international character of their duties.
c) Officials shall neither seek nor accept from any Member country
of the Organisation or any source external to the Organisation any
instructions. Unless authorised to do so, they shall neither seek nor
accept, any:
i. gratuity or benefit in connection with their official duties or by
reason of their status as an official of the Organisation;
ii. honorary distinction;
iii. or remuneration.
Last update: October 2002
CHARACTER (Regulation 2)
Acceptance of remuneration and other benefits from external sources
102/1 Officials are authorised to receive:
retirement pay or pensions;
honoraria for public appearances or publications which are either turned over to the
Organisation to fund activities of the official’s directorate or donated to a recognised charity;
normal and customary hospitality and protocol gifts; and
honorary distinctions awarded for work accomplished before the official’s appointment or for
work unconnected with official duties, provided the Head of Human Resource Management was
notified and did not raise any objection within fifteen days.
102/1.1 Officials shall report to the Head of Human Resource Management any protocol gift of over 100
Euros in value. When in doubt as to whether or not a gift exceeds 100 Euros in value, the official shall
also report it to the Head of Human Resource Management.
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A gift which the Organisation determines is not normal and customary shall be the property
of the Organisation. The official concerned may be permitted to purchase the gift for its full value.
102/1.3 Except for requests relating to the authorisations of external activities, which shall be
processed in accordance with the Decision of the Secretary-General on the external activities approval
procedure set out in Annex XXIX to these Regulations, any request for authorisation falling within the
scope of Regulation 2 c) beyond those set out in Instruction 102/1 shall be made in writing to the Head
of Human Resource Management(1).
Last update: March 2024
Settlement of individual disputes
102/2 In view of the independence and international character of officials’ duties, they shall settle any
individual disputes they may have with the Organisation exclusively through the internal channels
provided for in the Staff Regulations.
Last update: October 2002
1. Remuneration from a Member Government may be authorised exceptionally pursuant to Regulation 15 b).
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a) Officials shall:
i) carry out their duties in accordance with the highest
standards of integrity and loyalty;
ii) conduct themselves with objectivity and impartiality
and avoid any conflict of interest, or appearance of conflict
of interest, in the performance of their duties;
iii) carefully manage the resources of the Organisation for
which they are responsible;
iv) not use the Organisation’s resources for their own
personal benefit or for the benefit of third parties;
v) report any fraud, corruption or misuse of the
Organisation’s resources;
vi) not use their position within the Organisation, its name
or logo or any information acquired in the course of their
official duties to obtain undue benefits for themselves or
third parties, or for any other inappropriate purpose.
b) Officials shall not be subject to any form of retaliation or
prejudice as a result of disclosure in accordance with
Regulation 3 a) v) and any related instructions.
Last update: October 2002
Personal use of the Organisation’s resources
103/0 Officials must carefully manage the Organisation’s resources by always bearing in mind the
need to optimise their use with a view to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Organisation.
Last update: October 2015
103/1 The Organisation’s equipment, supplies and systems are furnished for performance of their official
functions. Nevertheless, officials may, if the need arises, make an occasional telephone call, e- mail
communication, or visit to an internet site for personal reasons while at the office. Officials are expected
to use common sense and judgement in doing so, to pay for long-distance or other toll communications,
and to comply with any rules or guidelines which the Executive Director may issue.
Avoiding conflicts of interest
103/2 Officials are to disqualify themselves from advising or acting in the course of their duties
with respect to a matter in which they or someone with whom they have a close relationship has a special
personal interest. This includes, for example, procurement of goods or services from an enterprise in
which they have a financial interest (other than a small investment in shares or securities of a widely held
company); or the recruitment, performance evaluation, or promotion of family members. In exceptional
circumstances, the official’s supervisor (director, head of service, or above) may waive this requirement
where it is in the interest of the Organisation and where, in the case of the purchase of goods and
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services, the order has been subject to competitive tendering.
103/2.1 If in doubt regarding these matters, officials should inform their supervisor.
Reporting of misconduct
In the event an official becomes aware of fraud, corruption or misuse of the Organisation’s
resources, the official must bring it to the attention of the Secretary-General either directly or
through the relevant Director or Head of Service, the Director of Internal Audit or the Executive
In the event an official becomes aware of any other type of misconduct, the official is expected
to bring it to the attention of the Secretary-General either directly or through the relevant Director
or Head of Service, the Director of Internal Audit or the Executive Director.
103/3.1 If an official considers that an allegation of fraud, corruption or misuse of the Organisation’s
resources, or of any other type of misconduct, that he/she brought to the attention of the Organisation in
accordance with Instruction 103/3, has not been properly addressed, the official must bring it to the
attention of the External Auditor and may bring it to the attention of the Council through the Permanent
Representative holding the position of Dean.
103/3.2 As provided in Regulation 3 b), officials shall not be subject to any form of retaliation or prejudice
as a result of disclosure in accordance with Regulation 3 a) v), Instruction 103/3 and any related
103/3.3 Officials should not bring frivolous or malicious charges.
Last updated: January 2014
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Officials shall:
a) carry out their official duties and conduct themselves with the tact
and discretion that the international character of their duties and the
interests of the Organisation require;
b) refrain from any act which may harm the reputation of the
Organisation or its officials;
c) refrain from seeking or holding public office, unless authorised by
the Secretary-General;
d) refrain from publicly doing, stating or publishing anything
incompatible with their duties or obligations or liable to involve the
responsibility of the Organisation;
e) make public statements concerning the Organisation or its
activities only with permission from the Organisation;
f) protect the confidentiality of sensitive, unpublished information
that has come to their attention in the course of their official duties;
g) continue to be bound by the obligation referred to in f) above after
leaving the Organisation.
Last update: October 2002
Public activities
104/1 Public activities of a political nature other than seeking or holding public office, though not covered
by Regulation 4c), shall nevertheless be subject to other provisions of the Staff Regulations, in particular,
Regulations 2a), 3a) ii) and vi), 4 a) and b). Common sense and good judgement are required. For
example, an official shall refrain from playing an active or prominent role in a non- governmental
organisation which may seek to influence public policy debates within the Organisation. Similarly, an
official shall refrain from playing a prominent role in partisan politics in a Member country which may
impair the official’s working relationship with representatives of the country concerned.
104/1.1 In line with the Organisation’s policy of transparency and public accountability and subject to
normal precautions, including non-partisanship and reserve concerning the positions taken by individual
Member countries, officials may comment in public about activities of the Organisation in respect of
which they have some responsibility. Directors and heads of service have responsibility for ensuring that
the content of such comments is compatible with the Organisation’s policies and interests, and officials
shall seek guidance from them when appropriate. Directors and heads of service may delegate this task
to heads of division.
Last update: October 2002
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a) Officials shall not be subject to any discrimination on the grounds
of racial or ethnic origin, nationality, opinions or beliefs, gender,
sexual orientation, health or disabilities (1)(2).
b) Officials are entitled to be treated with courtesy, dignity and
respect (3).
c) Officials are entitled to respect for their privacy.
d) Professionally, officials have the right to express dissenting
opinions in an appropriate fashion within the Organisation.
e) Officials are entitled to exercise the right to organise, and are in
particular free to form trade unions and staff bodies within the
Organisation and to join and become officials of such bodies.
f) All officials shall respect these rights in the course of their official
duties and in their behaviour with other officials.
Last update: January 2008
ASSOCIATION (Regulation 5)
Expression of professional opinion
105/1 An official whose professional opinion is contrary to a policy or decision of his/her immediate
superiors or of another part of the Organisation may express that dissent in a reasoned and discreet
manner within the Secretariat, including to responsible senior officials.
1. The Organisation may nevertheless grant expatriation benefits, take measures designed to ensure gender
balance or the equitable distribution of posts among nationals of Members of the Organisation, or require that
officials possess the degree of physical fitness needed for their post.
2. For the purposes of the present Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions, partnerships organising the
conditions of a marital relationship registered with a national public authority shall be considered as marriage
provided that all the conditions set out in Rule 16/0 (bis) arefulfilled.
Last update: January 2008
3. The Organisation’s policy and guidelines on combating harassment, a particularly serious violation of
the right to courtesy, dignity and respect, are set out in Annex XX of the Staff Regulations.
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105/1.1 The right to express a dissenting professional opinion shall not release officials from the
obligation to implement a lawful policy or decision, once adopted. If, having expressed their disagreement
in accordance with Instruction 105/1, officials still have serious reservations, they may ask to be given
written instructions.
105/2 Officials having access to confidential personal information concerning other officials may utilise
it only for duly authorised official purposes and must handle it with care.
105/2.1 Respect for privacy does not preclude the Organisation from acting with regard to officials whose
conduct outside the Organisation or the scope of officials’ functions impairs their ability to perform those
functions satisfactorily or which is incompatible with the status of an international civil servant. This
includes actions which could damage the Organisation’s reputation or be perceived as an abuse of the
privileges and immunities of the Organisation and its staff.
105/2.2 The electronic accounts made available to officials are intended for the performance of official
duties and not for storage of confidential personal information. The Organisation may access the content
of such accounts with the consent of the account holder or with the authorisation of or in accordance with
guidelines established by the Executive Director.
Last update: October 2002
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a) Officials shall be entitled to the Organisation’s protection in the
performance of their duties. They shall continue to enjoy such
protection after they have left the Organisation.
b) Officials enjoy certain privileges, immunities and facilities
which are granted in the interests of the Organisation and not for
the personal benefit of the individuals concerned. In particular,
they shall not excuse officials from the performance of their private
obligations or from the strict observance of law.
Last update: October 2002
Requests for assistance
105bis/1 Any request for protection pursuant to Staff Regulation 5bis)a) by an official threatened or
attacked because of actions or status as an official of the Organisation shall be submitted to the Head of
Human Resource Management. Protection may, for example, take the form of a contribution to the
expenses occasioned by the legal defence of the official’s interests or other help in this context.
Privileges and immunities
105bis/2 The right to decide whether immunities shall be claimed or waived is with the Organisation. An
official wishing to invoke immunity shall address a request to the Secretary-General through the Head of
Human Resource Management. If it was not possible to request a prior decision, an official claiming
immunity shall immediately inform the Head of Human Resource Management.
105bis/2.1 Any other difficulty arising in connection with privileges and immunities should immediately
be reported to the Head of Human Resource Management.
105bis/2.2 Officials should not seek or accept means-tested benefits to which, taking into account their
income from the Organisation, they are not entitled.
Last update: October 2002
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a) The Secretary-General shall appoint the officials of the
Organisation pursuant to Article 11 of the Convention for
Economic Co-operation and Development.
b) Unless the Council decides otherwise, only nationals of Members of
the Organisation shall be appointed as officials
Last update: March 2020
By decision of the Council, persons who are not nationals of a Member of the Organisation may be appointed as
officials only in the following programmes and services and under the following conditions:
The Secretariat of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT), now International Transport
Forum (ITF) (Council meeting of 27 May 1993, document C(93)73/FINAL): the nationals of any Member of
the ECMT/ ITF.
The Secretariat of the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) (Council meeting of 1 December 2010, documents
C(2010)165/REV1, C(2010)165/REV1/CORR1 and C/M(2010)23/PROV, Memorandum of Understanding of
8 March 2011): the nationals of any Member of the SWAC and of International Organisations which participate
in the SWAC.
The Secretariat of the Joint OECD-ITF Transport Research Centre (JTRC) (Council meeting of 26 June 2003,
document C(2003)128/FINAL): the nationals of any Member of the ECMT/ITF.
The Secretariat of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (approved by the Council under the written procedure
on 9 December 2005, documents C(2005)168 and C/M(2005)25): the nationals of any Member of the FATF.
The Secretariat of the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21), and of the
PARIS21 satellite programmes (Council meeting of 12 June 2007, documents C(2007)26/REV2 and
C/M(2007)10): the nationals of countries eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA), as set out
by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC List of ODA Recipients).
The Secretariat of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the Global
Forum) (Council meeting of 17 September 2009, document C(2009)122/FINAL): nationals of any Member of
the Global Forum.
The Secretariat of the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), hosted by the IEA
(Council meeting of 13 April 2011, documents C(2011)67/REV1 and C/M(2011)7): nationals of any Member
of the IPEEC.
The Secretariat of the Development Centre (Council meeting of 14 October 2014, documents C(2014)79 and
C/M(2014)11): nationals of any Member of the Development Centre.
The Secretariat of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) (Council meetings of 26 May 2015 and 17 May
2017, documents C(2015)32, C(2017)67, C/M(2015)12/REV1 and C/M(2017)9): nationals of Argentina, the
Russian Federation and Romania.
The Secretariat of the Task Force for the Implementation of the Environmental Action Programme for Central
and Eastern Europe (EAP Task Force) (Council meeting of 11 May 2016, documents C(2016)26/REV1 and
C/M(2016)8: nationals of countries currently participating in the EAP Task Force (Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan) and who have the required experience and knowledge of the Eastern
Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) countries.
The Secretariat of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) at the International Energy Agency (IEA) (Council
meeting of 27 September 2016, documents C(2016)126 and C/M(2016)13): nationals of non-Member countries
participating in the CEM.
The Centre for Tax Policy and Administration to perform functions related to the BEPS Project and TIWB
Initiative (Council meeting of 12 July 2017, documents C(2017)34/REV1 and C/M(2017)13): nationals of
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Associates of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS.
The Secretariat of Anti-Corruption network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) in DAF/ACD (Council
meeting of 25 May 2018, documents C(2018)85/REV2 and C/M(2018)14): nationals of non-Membercountries
participating in the ACN.
The Secretariat supporting the Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems (MAPS), (Council meeting of
11 December 2019, documents C(2019)59/REV2 and C/M(2019)17): nationals of non-OECD Member countries
eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA), as set out in the list established by the Development
Assistance Committee.
The Secretariat of the Energy Efficiency Hub (Hub) at the International Energy Agency (IEA) (Council meeting
of 5 February 2020, documents C(2020)7 and its C(2020)7/CORR1 and C/M(2020)3): nationals of non-OECD
Member countries participating in the Hub.
The Secretariat of the International Forum on Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (IFT)
(Council meeting of 14 September 2023, documents C(2023)100 and C/M(2023)12): the nationals of any
Member of the IFT.
In case a national of a non-OECD Member were to be appointed to work in one of the above-mentioned programmes or
services, he/she may not be selected for functions to be performed in any other services of the Organisation for which the
Council has not granted any exception in respect of his/her nationality.
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a) In selecting officials, the Secretary-General shall give
primary consideration to the necessity to obtain staff of the
highest standards of competence and integrity.
b) The Secretary-General shall provide, so far as possible, for
an equitable allocation of functions among the nationals of
Members of the Organisation and balanced gender
representation, in particular as regards senior management
c) Officials are required to be medically fit for the
performance of the functions assigned to them.
Last update: January 2011
The Secretary-General shall provide for a competitive standard procedure for the selection of
officials to fulfill functions within the Organisation. The Secretary-General may apply simplified
selection procedures for specific functions that are not anticipated to be required on the long term, are
likely to be best filled internally, require to be filled urgently, or that are to be filled in the
framework of an agreement with a national administration or an intergovernmental organisation.
Such standard and simplified procedures shall be specified in Instructions of the Secretary-General.
Notwithstanding paragraph a) above, the Secretary-General may fill the following functions by
direct selection:
the functions of Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff; and
in exceptional circumstances, that is to say where there is an outstanding candidate or where a very
quick decision needs to be made, other functions, including those of Executive Director and Chief
Such direct selections shall be done in respect of the principles set forth in Staff Regulation 7
Any person who has served as permanent representative or deputy permanent representative of a
Member of the Organisation shall not be employed in any capacity by the Organisation nor enter into
any contractual relationship with the Organisation, for a period of twelve months from the date of the
cessation of his/her functions.
Last update: January 2011
See C/M(2010)24, Item 283.
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For the purposes of these Regulations, Rules and Instructions, the following terms shall be
understood as follows:
Selection: decision by which a person is chosen to fulfil functions within the Organisation;
Appointment: decision by which a person is appointed as an official;
Assignment : decision by which an official is assigned to functions;
Reassignment: decision by which an official is assigned to new functions;
Promotion: decision by which an official is reassigned, pursuant to a selection procedure
or by direct reassignment, and such reassignment entails:
a higher grade within the same category or job family, or a grade in another job
family with a higher salary; or
a higher grade, as reflected in the equivalency table in the appendix to Annex V, if
moving from the category based grading structure (see Staff Rule 10/1) to the job
family based grading structure (see Staff Rule 10/1bis);
Close family member: the spouse or co-habitee of the official and any person having the
following kinship with the official or their spouse or co-habitee: ascendant, descendant,
brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece and in-law;
Executive officials: officials in grades A5 and EL1;
Senior executive officials: officials in grades A6 and A7 and EL2-3.
For the purposes of these Regulations, Rules and Instructions, where reference is made in an
Instruction to a grade in the A category, it shall be understood as including the same grade in
the L category.
107/2 Unless otherwise decided by the Secretary-General, the selection procedures shall be open to
internal and external candidates.
Last update: October 2023
Standard selection procedure
107/3 At least three weeks before the selection procedure is initiated, a vacancy notice shall be published
internally and externally. This notice shall describe the functions to be performed, the job family and
grade attached to these functions, the requirements to be met by the candidates, the documents to be
provided in support of the applications and the deadline for filing the applications.
107/4 After the expiration of the period for the filing of applications, a short list of candidates shall be
drawn up by the hiring Director in agreement with the Head of Human Resource Management. For the
selection of executive or senior executive officials, the Secretary-General shall approve any such list. For
the preparation of this list, the candidates may be asked to take a written examination and/or other tests.
Last update: October 2023
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Selection panel
107/5 All short-listed candidates shall be invited for an interview with a Selection Panel, the composition
of which shall be drawn up by the hiring Director, in agreement with the Head of Human Resource
Management. For the selection of executive or senior executive officials, the Secretary-General should
approve any such composition.
107/6 The Selection Panel shall assess the candidates and list those candidates considered as suitable for
selection for the vacant functions. All such listed candidates will be deemed to have successfully completed
the standard selection procedure and may be selected for the performance of other identical or
comparable functions.
Last update: October 2023
Selection decision
107/7 The selection decision shall be taken by the hiring Director, after consultation with the Head of
Human Resource Management; except for executive and senior executive officials, for whom the decision
shall be taken by the Secretary-General, after consultation with the hiring Director and the Head of
Human Resource Management.
107/8 Before any offer of appointment is made to a selected candidate, the hiring Directorate or Service
in consultation with the Human Resource Management Service shall check the professional references of
this candidate.
107/9 Prior to the selection decision, the relevant advisory body shall be consulted on the regularity of
the procedure.
107/10 Prior to being appointed as an official, the selected candidate must undergo a medical
examination on the basis of which the Medical Officer of the Organisation shall determine whether such
candidate satisfies the standards of medical fitness required for the exercise of the functions he will be
called upon to perform.
107/11 If the selected candidate does not accept the offer of appointment or does not meet the medical
fitness requirements, or vacates the functions for any reason within twenty-four months of the date on
which he/she took them up, such functions may be filled in accordance with Instruction 107/12.
107/12 A candidate listed as suitable for selection by a panel may be selected, within a period of twenty-
four months as from the date of this list, to fulfill other identical or comparable functions in accordance
with Instruction 107/7, without launching a new selection procedure.
Last update: October 2023
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Simplified selection procedures
107/13 The Head of Human Resource Management may, at the justified request of the hiring Director,
authorise the use of a simplified selection procedure in the following cases:
the functions require specific qualifications or experience that are less likely to be
available outside the Organisation;
an urgent staff need arises from a change in the Programme of Work and Budget, which
results in a short delivery time for a given output;
an unexpected staff movement could jeopardise the timely delivery of an output result;
a project is expected to be completed within twenty four months;
pursuant to a framework agreement with a national administration or an
intergovernmental organisation, a person from such administration or organisation is to
work for the OECD as an official for a minimum of twelve months and a maximum of
thirty-six months.
107/14 In cases falling under Instruction 107/13 a), the rules governing the standard selection
procedure shall apply, subject to the following exceptions:
the vacancy notice shall be published only internally and at least two weeks before the
initiation of the selection procedure;
may only apply those officials who have been selected pursuant to a standard selection
or who have undergone such procedure and have been considered qualified
for selection by a Selection Panel.
107/15 In cases falling under Instruction 107/13 b), c) or d), the rules governing the standard
selection procedure shall apply, subject to the following exceptions:
a description of the functions to be performed shall be submitted by the hiring Director to
the Head of Human Resource Management for approval;
the Head of Human Resource Management may decide that no vacancy notice shall be
published or that it shall be published for a shorter period than provided for under the
standard selection procedure;
Those officials in service at the time of the entry into force of this Instruction:
whose appointments resulted from a competitive selection procedure (i.e. an internal and external vacancy was
published and the advisory body was consulted on the appointment); or
who hold an open-ended appointment; or
who hold a fixed-term appointment, which is converted into an open-ended appointment within 12
months following the entry into force of this Instruction;
shall be deemed to have been selected under the standard selection procedure.
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the Head of Human Resource Management may decide that no Selection Panel shall be
convened and no advisory body shall be consulted, in which case the qualifications of
the candidates shall be assessed by the hiring Director and the Head of Human
Resource Management;
the appointment or reassignment shall be for a total period not exceeding twenty-four
months, including possible renewals.
107/16 In cases falling under Instruction 107/13 e), the rules governing the standard selection procedure
shall apply, subject to the following exceptions:
a description of the functions to be performed shall be submitted by the hiring Director to
the Head of Human Resource Management for approval;
no vacancy notice shall be published;
the Head of Human Resource Management shall request that the names and curriculum
vitae of at least three qualified candidates be submitted by the relevant national
administration or international organisation;
no Selection Panel shall be convened and no advisory body shall be consulted;
the qualifications of the candidates shall be assessed by the hiring Director and the Head
of Human Resource Management;
the appointment shall be for an initial period of at least twelve months and for a total
period not exceeding thirty-six months, including possible renewals.
Last update: January 2011
107/17 A former official whose fixed-term appointment has expired after a period of continuous
employment of at least five years within the Organisation may not be employed by the Organisation in
any capacity, or enter into a contract with the Organisation for the provision of intellectual services, for
a period of six months from the date of expiry of such appointment.
107/18 No person shall be appointed or reassigned to functions within the Organisation in which he would
have authority over, or be under the authority of, a close family member as defined in Instruction 107/1.
Last update: January 2011
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Advisory Bodies
107/19 Unless otherwise specified, where reference is made to “the relevant advisory body”, it shall
be understood as designating:
the Management Review Board for decisions concerning executive or senior executive
officials including those taken pursuant to selection procedures for such functions;
the Staff Review Board for decisions concerning other officials including those taken
pursuant to selection procedures for their functions.
a) The Management Review Board shall be composed as follows:
a Deputy Secretary-General;
the other Deputy Secretaries-General;
the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency
(IEA) or its Deputy Executive Director, for cases concerning
functions within the IEA;
the Executive Director;
the Chief of Staff;
the Head of Human Resource Management.
b) A member of the Executive Directorate shall act as Secretary to the Management Review
c) The deliberations of the Management Review Board as to the regularity of the procedure shall
be valid when four of its members, including the Chair, are considering the case. In the
absence of the Chair, he shall be replaced by the Deputy Secretary-General he has designated
to act as Chair.
d) For cases concerning functions within the IEA, the deliberations of the Management Review
Board as to the regularity of the procedure shall be valid when four of its members, including the
Chair and the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) or its Deputy
Executive Director are considering the case.
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a. The Staff Review Board shall be composed as follows:
the Executive Director;
four out of twenty officials nominated by the Secretary-General,
- two out of ten officials nominated directly by the
- two out of ten officials nominated by the Secretary-
General on the proposal by the Staff Association.
b. For each decision to be reviewed, the Chair shall select the four members to sit on the
Board, in accordance with paragraph a) above and Instruction 107/22.
c. A member of the Executive Directorate shall act as Secretary to the Staff Review Board.
d. The deliberations of the Staff Review Board as to the regularity of the procedure shall be
valid when three of its members, including the Chair and one member nominated by the
Secretary-General on the proposal by the Staff Association, are considering the case.
107/22 For the application of Instruction 107/21:
The mandate of the members shall be for two years and shall be renewable;
A member may not sit on the Staff Review Board when it is considering a decision
the Directorate or Service of which he is an official, or
an official belonging to that Directorate or Service, or
functions for which the member concerned has submitted an application.
The two first exclusions do not apply to the Executive Director.
In the absence of the Chair, he shall be replaced by a member he has designated to act as
107/23 The Boards specified in Instruction 107/19 may request any person to attend part of a meeting to
obtain any supplementary information useful for the consideration of a case. The proceedings of the
Boards shall be confidential. The Boards may deliberate either under a written procedure or in a meeting.
A meeting shall be decided at the Chair’s initiative or at the request of any member of the Board. The
advisory opinion delivered shall be adopted by a majority vote. In case of equal votes, the Chair shall
have the casting vote.
Last update: October 2023
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a) Appointments of officials shall be made by a letter of
appointment signed by the Secretary-General or the
Secretary-General’s authorised representative.
b) The letter of appointment shall determine the specific
conditions of employment and mention that the
appointment is subject to the provisions of these
Regulations, Rules and Instructions and of any other
rules which are applicable to officials, including
amendments which may be made to these Regulations,
Rules and Instructions or to the said rules, and that
disputes arising from them may only be submitted to the
Administrative Tribunal provided for in Regulation 22.
c) No official shall be entitled to any right or benefit not
derived from the letter of appointment or from these
Regulations, Rules and Instructions or other rules
applicable to officials.
Last update: February 2019
108/1 Any person selected for appointment as an official shall:
receive a letter containing an offer of appointment signed by the Secretary-General or the
Head of Human Resource Management;
have access to the Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to officials.
108/2 In addition to the information specified in Regulation 8, the letter of appointment shall specify
in particular:
the functions which the person will be called upon to perform;
the duration of the appointment and the date by which the person is to take up duties;
that the appointment is subject to the condition that the person be found, by the Medical
Officer, medically fit to perform the functions to be assigned to him/her;
that the appointment is subject to the condition that the person confirm to having read and
acknowledged the standards of conduct applicable to OECD officials, as set out in Title II to
these Regulations (Basic principles, rights and duties), and solemnly declare and promise to
carry out his or her duties in accordance with these standards;
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the duration of the probationary period and its possible extension or of the confirmation
period for senior executive officials;
that the appointment shall expire without prior notice on the date specified in the letter of
the category or job family, the grade and salary at the time of the appointment;
an estimate of the allowances to which the person may be entitled when taking up duty.
108/3 Except for provision to the contrary, the date taken into account for determining the entitlement to
allowances and benefits shall be the date when the official takes up functions.
108/4 Unless the Head of Human Resource Management decides otherwise, an official’s appointment
shall be to the first step of the grade.
108/5 Within twenty-one days of receipt of the offer of appointment, the selected candidate shall provide
to the Head of Human Resource Management written acceptance of the offer of appointment together
with the solemn declaration provided for in Staff instruction 108/2 d). Failing notification, within this
period, of the afore-mentioned acceptance and solemn declaration, the offer shall be deemed null and
108/6 If, after accepting the offer of appointment, the official is found by the Medical Officer not to
medically fit to perform the functions assigned to him/her, or fails to take up functions by the date specified
in the offer of appointment, the appointment shall be deemed null and void.
Last update: October 2023
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a) For officials other than senior executive officials
i) the appointment shall be made initially for a fixed term not
exceeding three years. In very limited circumstances and when
the Organisation’s interests so warrant, the Secretary- General
may decide that the appointment be made initially for a fixed
term not exceeding five years;
ii) the appointment shall be subject to a probationary period of up
to six months from the date of appointment, which may be
extended once for a further period not exceeding six months.
During the last month of the probationary period, the
Secretary-General shall decide whether to confirm the
appointment, to extend the probationary period or to terminate
the appointment;
iii) the fixed-term appointment may be renewed once or more,
provided that the total duration of service under such fixed-
term appointment does not exceed five years. However, such
fixed-term appointment may be renewed after a period of five
years of continuous employment in the following cases:
- in order to complete the conversion procedure referred to in
paragraph iv) below, for a further period not exceeding one
- in very limited circumstances and when the Organisation’s
interests so warrant, for a further period not exceeding three
iv) the fixed-term appointment may be converted to an open-
ended appointment, under the conditions set out in Instructions
of the Secretary-General, provided that, at the time of the
official’s initial appointment or at any time during the official’s
fixed-term appointment, the official has successfully completed
the standard selection procedure referred to in Rule 7/1 and the
related Instructions.
b) For senior executive officials:
i) the appointment shall be made initially for a fixed term not
exceeding three years;
ii) the appointment to one of these grades shall be subject to
confirmation by the Secretary-General within one year from
the date of appointment. If the Secretary-General decides not
to confirm the appointment, he/she shall terminate the
appointment, except if the official is reassigned to the functions
previously assigned to him/her or to other functions
corresponding to his/her qualifications and experience,
including at his/her previous category and grade in case the
Senior executive officials are officials in grades A6 and A7 and EL2-3
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9/1 When officials holding an open-ended appointment have been promoted to senior executive
functions and have been confirmed by the Secretary-General in these new functions, their appointment
shall be deemed to have been converted, as from the date of the reassignment, into a fixed-term
appointment governed by Regulation 9 b).
Last update: October 2023
109/1 The duration of the probationary period provided for in Regulation 9 a), which shall be no less
than three months for appointments up to one year, shall be determined by the Director concerned in
consultation with the Head of Human Resource Management.
During the last month of any probationary period, the official’s manager shall draw up a report on
the official’s competence, efficiency and conduct.
The report shall recommend that:
i) the official’s appointment be confirmed; or
ii) the official’s probationary period be extended; or
iii) the official’s appointment be terminated.
The report shall be transmitted promptly to the Head of Human Resource Management
for decision in respect of officials other than executive or senior executive officials, and
to the Secretary-General for decision in respect of executive officials.
109/3 A fixed-term appointment shall expire without prior notice on the date specified in the letter of
appointment. A fixed-term appointment may be renewed, but an official shall not be entitled to any
renewal of such appointment or to its conversion to an open-ended appointment.
109/4 Renewal of fixed-term appointments of officials other than executive or senior executive officials
shall be decided by the Head of Human Resource Management on the recommendation of the Director
concerned. Renewal of appointments of executive or senior executive officials shall be decided by the
official had been promoted;
iii) the appointment may be renewed once or several times, each
time for a fixed term not exceeding three years;
iv) the appointment cannot be converted into an open-ended
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109/5 The following provisions shall not apply to senior executive officials.
a) The conversion of officials’ fixed-term appointments to open-ended appointments shall be decided, on the
recommendation of the Director concerned, after a minimum of five years satisfactory service and if
considered to be in the long term interests of the Organisation, bearing in mind organisational
b) The above conversion shall be decided by the Secretary-General for fixed-term appointments held by
executive officials, and by the Head of Human Resource Management for fixed-term appointments held by
other officials.
Last update: October 202
30 Back to top
a) The Secretary-General shall establish a schedule of the
categories or job families, and the grades and steps for
the functions to be assigned to officials, which shall be
submitted to the Council for approval.
b) The Secretary-General shall be responsible for the
allocation of functions among officials, their reassignment
to other functions, their periodic advancement from one
step to another and their promotion.
c) The Secretary-General may second an official, with his/her
consent, to work for another institution. The Secretary-
General may also, when the interests of the Organisation
so require, lend the services of an official, with his/her
consent, to another institution.
Last update: October 2023
REASSIGNMENTS (Regulation 10)
Category based grading structure
10/1 Unless otherwise provided for in Annex V of the Staff Regulations, Officials appointed before
01/10/2023 shall be classified into four categories (“category based grading structure”): category A,
category L, category B, category C.
10/1.1 Category A shall consist of seven grades: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7.
10/1.2 Category L shall consist of five grades: LI1-LT1, LT2, LI3- LT3, LI4-LT4, L5.
10/1.3 Category B shall consist of six grades: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6.
10/1.4 Category C shall consist of six grades: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6.
Job family based grading structure
10/1bis Officials appointed after 01/10/2023 shall be classified into four job families (“job family
based grading structure”): General Administration (GA), Corporate Functions (CF), Policy Analysis
and Legal (PAL) and Executive Leadership (EL). The following grading structure shall apply:
10/1bis.1 GA job family shall consist of ten grades: GA-1, GA-2, GA-3, GA-4, GA-5, GA-6, GA-7,
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GA-8, GA-9 and GA-10.
10/1bis.2 CF job family shall consist of seven grades: CF-1, CF-2, CF-3, CF-4, CF-5, CF-6 and CF-7.
10/1bis.3 PAL job family shall consist of eight grades: PAL-1, PAL-2, PAL-3, PAL-4, PAL-5, PAL-6,
PAL-7 and PAL-8.
10/1bis.4 EL job family shall consist of three grades: EL-1, EL-2 and EL-3.
110/1 Subject to the provisions of Annex V to the Staff Regulations, transitional measures may apply to
officials referred to in Rule 10/1bis above.
Last update: October 2023
10/2 The periodic advancement of officials shall be given consideration once a year as part of the
performance evaluation process.
Last update: January 2011
110/2 Advancement of officials within their grade shall depend on their competence, efficiency and
conduct. It shall be based on an evaluation of the officials’ performance within the
framework of the annual performance management cycle.
110/2.1 The procedures for the performance management system shall be laid out in a decision of
the Secretary-General set out in Annex XXVI to these Regulations.
Last update: October 2023
10/3 Notwithstanding Rule 7/1 a), the Secretary-General may directly reassign officials to other
functions within the Organisation, either through transfers at the same grade or promotions.
Last update: January 2011
110/3.1 The reassignment of officials by transfer to functions, other than senior executive functions, shall
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be subject to confirmation by the Head of Human Resource Management within six months from the date
of the reassignment. The specific duration of the latter period shall be determined by the Head of Human
Resource Management. Until officials have been confirmed in the new functions assigned to them, they
shall have the right to return to the functions previously assigned to them or to be reassigned to functions
corresponding to their qualifications and experience.
110/3.2 The reassignment of officials by transfer to senior executive functions shall be subject to
confirmation by the Secretary-General within twelve months from the date of the reassignment. Until
officials have been confirmed in the new functions assigned to them, they shall have the right to return to
the functions previously assigned to them or to be reassigned to functions corresponding to their
qualifications and experience.
110/3.3 An official who is a close family member, as defined in Instruction 107/1, of another official or
member of the staff, shall not be assigned to the latter’s Directorate or Service without the permission of
the Secretary-General. No official shall carry out functions under the authority of a close family member.
Last update: October 2023
110/3.4 The Secretary-General may reassign an official by promotion from one grade to another only
after consulting the relevant advisory body referred to in Instruction 107/20.
110/3.5 A reassignment of an official by promotion shall be subject to confirmation in the conditions
provided for in Instructions 110/3.1 and 110/3.2.
Last update: January 2011
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a) The Secretary-General may lend the services of officials, with
their consent, to another institution.
i) The duration of the loan shall not exceed two years. However,
in exceptional cases, when it proves to be in the interests of the
Organisation, the period of loan may be renewed, upon the
decision of the Secretary-General, for a further period or
periods of not more than one year at a time.
ii) Officials on loan shall remain subject to these Regulations,
Rules and Instructions. They shall continue to enjoy the
privileges and immunities attached to their status under
Regulation 5bis. Officials on loan shall continue to qualify for
advancement in accordance with Regulation 10 b).
iii) The Secretary-General may, by means of Instructions,
adapt the working conditions of officials on loan.
iv) The receiving institution shall reimburse the Organisation
for all expenses incurred in the course of the loan or lend the
Organisation the services of officials with similar qualifications.
However, in exceptional cases, when it proves to be in the
interests of the Organisation, the Secretary-General may lend
the services of officials, with their consent, to a receiving
institution without any compensation as defined above. In such
cases, all or part of the expenses incurred during the loan shall
remain payable by the Organisation.
Last update: January 2011
Section I Loan
110bis/1 A loan agreement shall be concluded between the Organisation and the receiving
Last update: January 2011
110bis/1.1 The Secretary-General shall specify in the letter concerning the loan sent to the official:
the date on which the loan takes effect and its duration;
the various elements of remuneration together with the allowances
and benefits to which the official is entitled during the period of loan
by virtue of these Regulations.
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110bis/1.2 A copy of the agreement referred to in Instruction 110bis/1 shall be annexed to the letter
and be an integral part thereof.
110bis/1.3 The official shall notify in writing the acceptance of the conditions set out in the letter.
110bis/1.4 The official shall carry out the functions assigned to him/her under the authority of the
receiving institution.
Last update: January 2011
110bis/1.5 Subject to the provision of an annual assessment report by the receiving institution, the
official shall continue to qualify for advancement in accordance with Regulation 10 b).
Last update: January 2011
110bis/1.6 Should the official on loan be in breach of his/her obligations under the Regulations, Rules
and Instructions, the receiving institution may report the matter to the Secretary-General, and where
necessary, may ask the Secretary-General to institute disciplinary proceedings and to take part in them.
Last update: January 2011
110bis/1.7 The salary of an official on loan shall be set in accordance with the salary scale applicable to
the country in which the official on loan is working unless the Secretary-General decides, at the reasoned
request of the official, to apply the scale relating to the official’s previous dutystation.
110bis/1.8 Notwithstanding Instruction 110bis/1.7, the salary of an official on loan to a non-member
country shall be fixed in accordance with the scale set out under Rule 15/1 of these Regulations for
officials working at the headquarters of the Organisation. It shall be payable in euros and be convertible
into other currencies.
Expatriation allowance
110bis/1.9 Entitlement to the expatriation allowance and other related allowances shall be reviewed in
light of the official's new situation.
Installation allowance
Officials on loan shall not be entitled to the installation allowance.
Travel expenses
110bis/1.11 Officials on loan shall be entitled, in accordance with Rules 17/3.1 and 17/3.5 of these
Regulations, to the reimbursement of travel expenses actually incurred for the return journey between the
headquarters of the Organisation and their new station.
Last update: December 2005
110bis/1.12 However, officials on loan for a period of less than six months are not entitled to the
reimbursement of transport expenses for the persons listed under Rule 17/3.2 of these Regulations.
Last update: December 2005
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Notwithstanding Rule 17/3.1 b):
when the loan is for a duration of less than two years, the travel
expenses actually incurred when taking home leave as provided in
Rule 17/3.1 b) of these Regulations shall be reimbursed for the return
journey between the official's new station and his/her home but shall not
exceed the cost of the return journey between the official’s previous
station and his/her home.
when the loan is for a duration of two years, or the loan period is
extended beyond two years, the travel expenses actually incurred when
taking home leave as provided under Rule 17/3.1 b) of the Regulations
shall be reimbursed for the return journey between the official's new
station and his/her home.
Removal expenses
110bis/1.14 Officials on loan for duration of less than 12 months shall not be entitled to the reimbursement
of removal expenses. Officials on loan for a duration of 12 months or more shall be entitled to the
reimbursement of removal expenses up to a limit of 50% of the ceilings set out in Instruction 117/3.6.2.
Last update: December 2005
End of the loan period
110bis/1.15 Upon expiry of the loan period, officials shall return to the functions assigned applicable to
them prior to the loan or be assigned to other functions corresponding to officials’ qualifications and
experience and to their category or job family and their grade.
Last update: October 2023
110bis/1.16 Upon expiry of the loan period or of secondment following a loan, the official may be required
to remain in the service of the Organisation for a period not exceeding two years. The duration of service
required shall take into account, inter alia, the seniority and age of the official concerned and the duration
of the loan. If the official resigns from the Organisation during the loan period or before expiry of the
required period of service, the Organisation may deduct from any benefits accruing to the official or the
official’s duly qualified claimants all or part of the expenses which, under the arrangements set out in the
loan agreement and these Regulations, it has borne on behalf of that official for the purposes of the loan.
Last update: October 2002
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Section II Secondment
b) The Secretary-General may second officials, with their consent, to
work for another institution for a period not exceeding two years,
renewable for a further period or periods of not more than one year
at a time.
i) The conditions of employment of a seconded official shall be fixed
by the receiving institution. A seconded official shall receive neither
salary nor indemnities or allowances from the Organisation. A
seconded official shall not enjoy the privileges and immunities set
out under Regulation 5bis. A seconded official shall continue to
qualify for advancement in accordance with Regulation 10 b).
ii) A seconded official may be affiliated to the medical and social
system of the Organisation or be entitled to complementary cover
for health care expenses under conditions determined by
Instructions subject to payment by the official or the receiving
institution of all contributions in respect of the riskscovered.
iii) Periods of secondment shall not be counted as service giving
entitlement to benefits under the Pension Scheme. However, where
the official is reinstated within the Organisation upon expiry of the
period of secondment, all or part of the secondment periods may, on
the decision of the Secretary-General, be assimilated to periods of
service under Article 4.1.ii) of the Pension Scheme.
iv) Officials seconded for a period of two years or less shall be
entitled to be reinstated within the Organisation in the category, or
job family, and grade applicable to them prior to their secondment.
Officials seconded for a period exceeding two years may be
reinstated at their request within the Organisation by the Secretary-
General, should functions corresponding to the official’s
qualifications and experience become available.
v) If an official who has been seconded for more than two years is
not reinstated within the Organisation, the official’s appointment
shall be terminated as from the date of expiry of his/her secondment
without any period of notice or indemnity for loss of employment.
Last update: October 2023
37 Back to top
110bis/2 The Secretary-General shall specify in a letter of secondment sent to the official:
the date on which the secondment takes effect and its duration;
the conditions of secondment and, where appropriate, the medical and social
benefits to which the official shall continue to be entitled in accordance with
Regulation 10bis b) and Instruction 110bis/2.4.
110bis/2.1 The official shall provide written acceptance of the conditions set out in the letter of
110bis/2.2 The seconded official shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of travel expenses actually
incurred for the journey from the headquarters of the Organisation to the place of secondment, nor to the
reimbursement of his/her removal expenses.
110bis/2.3 Subject to provision of an annual assessment report by the receiving institution, the official
shall continue to qualify for advancement in accordance with Regulation 10b).
Last update: January 2011
a) If a seconded official so requests he/she may remain entitled to one
or other of the following benefits:
the benefits relating to the reimbursement of health care expenses
provided for under the Organisation's medical and social system;
ii) when the official has opted to remain affiliated to the French Social
Security system, the complementary cover provided for under the
Organisation's medical and social system;
iii) entitlement to the lump-sum payment on death or invalidity
provided for under the Organisation's medical and social system
except for the specific benefits payable in the event of death or
invalidity attributable to work accidents or occupational diseases.
Seconded officials may remain entitled to these benefits throughout
their secondment for a maximum total period of two years.
b) During the official’s secondment, he/she shall not be entitled to any
other benefit under the Organisation's medical and social system. In
particular, the official shall not be entitled to maintenance of his/her
remuneration in the event of sickness, maternity, work accident or
occupational disease or to the special benefits relating to maternity of
c) T
he contributions corresponding to the benefits covered, as listed in
38 Back to top
the letter of secondment in accordance with Instruction
110bis/2, shall, depending on the nature of the benefits, be
calculated in respect of the last basic salary or last
emoluments of the official at the time of his/her secondment,
and reviewed in line with his/her advancement and any
adjustments applicable to such salary or emoluments. Failure
to pay contributions shall result in the immediate and
permanent suspension of benefits.
Last update: December 2001
110bis/2.5 a) Upon expiry of their period of secondment, reinstated officials who wish, pursuant to
article 10bis b) iii), all or part of this period to be assimilated to a period of service under
article 4.1 ii) of the applicable Pension Scheme Rules (Annex X or Xbis to these
Regulations), shall inform in writing the Head of Human Resource Management within six
months from the date of their reinstatement. Prior to such request, officials could obtain
from the Human Resource Management Service details of periods of secondment to be
credited under assimilation to periods of services and the amount to be paid to the
b) The periods of secondment that may be credited shall not exceed the total duration
of the secondment.
c) When such a request seeks the partial crediting of the period of secondment, officials shall
notify the Organisation of the number of reckonable years of service they wish to be credited,
on the understanding that fractions lower than one twelfth reckonable year of service shall
not be credited.
d) Validation of periods of secondment shall be conditional upon officials paying over the
amount corresponding to the rights to be credited, which is calculated by multiplying the
product of the theoretical value of a reckonable year of service at the reinstatement date (2%
of basic annual salary) and of the actuarial coefficient corresponding to the official’s age at
this date, by the number of reckonable years of service to be validated
110bis/2.5.1 If officials’ request under Instruction 110bis/2.5 is approved, they:
are recognised, as mentioned in Article 7 of the Pension Schemes Rules, a period of service
equal to the duration of the secondment;
renounce the right to the subsequent inward transfer of the pensions rights acquired in the
Pension Scheme of the receiving institution during the corresponding period of secondment,
as defined in Article 12 paragraph 1 of the applicable Pension Scheme Rules.
Last update: September 2019
(2% of basic annual salary × actuarial coefficient corresponding to age) × reckonable years of service
39 Back to top
a) The Secretary-General may terminate the appointment of an official:
i) for unsatisfactory service;
ii) in case of disciplinary dismissal;
iii) where:
based on the Programme of work and budget of the Organisation,
the Secretary-General decides to reduce the total number of
officials assigned to a particular output or activity, or performing
a particular type of functions, or carrying a particular category or
job family and grade;
further to the redefinition of the functions, the official’s skills and
qualifications no longer match the needs of the Organisation;
the functions assigned to the official have become unnecessary or
iv) if the country of which the official is a national ceases to be a Member
of the Organisation;
v) if officials refuse to be assigned to other functions corresponding to
their qualifications and experience, at the same category or job family
and grade, or if the Organisation or officials’ work unit is transferred
to another place and officials refuse to be transferred to that place;
vi) if the official’s appointment, which was made subject to a
probationary period or a confirmation period,is not confirmed;
vii) if the official is incapacitated for service or cannot be reinstated at the
end of a period of non-activity or secondment.
b) The Secretary-General may terminate the appointment of an official
upon agreement with the official concerned.
c) In cases falling under a) i), iii), v) or vii) above:
i) the decision shall be taken after the relevant advisory body has been
consulted on the regularity of the procedure;
ii) an official shall be notified in writing, before the consultation of the
relevant advisory body, of the Secretary-General’s intention to
terminate his/her appointment, indicating the grounds for such
intended termination.
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d) In all cases falling under a) above, an official shall be notified in writing
of the Secretary-General’s decision to terminate his/her appointment,
indicating the grounds for such termination.
e) The period of notice shall be:
i) four months for an official whose appointment is terminated for the
reasons set out in a) i), iii) or iv) above. After four years of service, the
notice given in the cases covered in a) i), iii) and iv) above shall
increase by one month for each two years of service to a maximum of
ten months;
ii) one month for officials other than senior executive officials whose
appointment has not been confirmed;
iii) three months for senior executive officials whose appointment has not
been confirmed.
f) The notice period shall run:
i) in cases falling under a) i) and iii) above, from the date of notification
of the Secretary-General's intention to terminate the appointment;
ii) in cases falling under a) iv) above, from the date of notification of the
Secretary-General's decision to terminate theappointment.
g) If an official is on sick leave or on military service leave when the notice
period starts, such period shall be increased by the number of days
during which such official is actually on sick leave or on military service
leave after the starting date of the notice period.
h) In exceptional circumstances, instead of giving the notice provided for in
paragraph e) above, the Secretary-General may pay an official whose
appointment is terminated the emoluments and allowances due for the
period of notice.
i) A notice period need not be observed when the appointment is
terminated for the reasons set out in a) ii), v), vi) or vii) above.
j) When a fixed-term appointment ends at its expiry date, a notice period
need not be observed.
However, when a fixed-term appointment ends at its expiry date and the
official has been employed continuously for six years or more, a notice
period of four months shall be observed. After four years of continuous
employment, this notice period shall increase by one month for each two
years of employment to a maximum of ten months. This notice period
shall run from the notification of the letter recalling to the official the
expiry date of the official’s appointment. In exceptional circumstances,
instead of giving the notice provided for above, the Secretary-General
may pay the official the emoluments and allowances due for the period
of notice.
Last update: October 2023
41 Back to top
111/1 In cases in which the appointment is terminated pursuant to Regulation 11 a) i), iii) or vii), the
relevant advisory body must hear the official if he/she has so requested in writing within eight days of
receiving the letter informing him/her that his/her case will be examined by this body. Should the official
be physically unable to attend, the advisory body shall examine the case in the absence of the official, who
may designate another serving official to represent him/her.
111/1.1 The Head of Human Resource Management shall have the authority to terminate appointments
of officials in categories B and C.
111/1.2 Notifications relating to the termination of an official's appointment shall be made by the Head
of Human Resource Management.
Last update: January 2011
Termination in case of disciplinary dismissal
111/1.3 Prior to terminating the appointment of an official on the grounds of a disciplinary dismissal, the
Secretary-General shall obtain the opinion of the Joint Advisory Board referred to in Regulation 22, if its
consultation was requested by the official in accordance with Instruction 121/1.3.5.
111/.1.4 In cases in which an official's appointment is terminated pursuant to Regulation 11 a) ii), the
decision shall be made and notified by the Secretary-General.
Last update: January 2011
Termination pursuant to Regulation 11 a) iii)
111/1.5 In cases in which the appointment of an official is terminated pursuant to Regulation 11 a) iii):
the Organisation shall assist the official by seeking actively and spontaneously available
functions in the Organisation corresponding to the official’s qualifications and experience, and,
if this search is unsuccessful, by facilitating the official’s search for employment outside the
the Secretary-General shall, unless the official renounces thereto in writing, seek such functions
during a period of three months following the beginning of the notice;
if the Secretary-General has been unable to find such functions by the end of the search period
or has not searched for such functions because the official concerned has renounced
redeployment, the Secretary-General may then terminate the official's appointment, after
consultation with the advisory body referred to in Instruction 107/19, paying him/her the
emoluments and allowances corresponding to the balance of this period of notice.
Last update: January 2011
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Cessation of work
111/2 Any official whose appointment is terminated shall be entitled to cease work at least onemonth
before the expiry of the period of notice specified in Regulation 11 e).
111/2.1 If an official requests not to serve during all or part of the period of notice, the Secretary- General
may terminate the official’s appointment at an earlier, mutually agreed, date. In this case, the period of
notice shall end on the date agreed for the end of the appointment, and no payment in lieu of notice shall
be payable in respect of any subsequent period.
Last update: January 2011
Payment instead of notice
The emoluments and allowances payable under Regulation 11 h) and j) shall be:
the salary specified in Regulation 15;
the allowances specified in Regulation 16 a) and b);
the contributions to the Provident Fund pursuant to the Provident Fund Rules and Instructions
for those who contribute to the Fund.
Last update: January 2011
Entitlement to an indemnity for loss of employment
111/4 Entitlement to an indemnity for loss of employment shall be determined in accordance with
Rule 17/7 and following.
Last update: January 2011
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a) Any official may resign upon giving the Secretary-General notice
of at least three months. The Secretary-General may, however,
accept a shorter period of notice.
b) When an official’s unauthorised and unexplained absence exceeds
fourteen calendar days, he/she shall be considered to have resigned
from the Organisation and his/her service with the Organisation
shall be deemed to have ceased on the first day of his/her absence.
c) When an official dies in service, the official’s appointment shall be
considered as terminated on the last day of the month of his/her
Last update: January 2011
AND DEATH (Regulation 12)
112/1 Notice of resignation should be made in writing to the Head of Human Resource
During their probationary period, officials other than senior executive officials may resign upon
giving the Secretary-General notice of one month.
During their confirmation period, senior executive officials may resign upon giving the
Secretary-General notice of three months.
Last update: October 2023
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The age limit shall be sixty-seven years.
Last update: July 2024
CHAPTER IX - AGE LIMIT (Regulation 13)
113/0 The age limit shall be sixty-seven years for officials aged below sixty-three on 1 July 2024 and for
all officials appointed on or after 1 July 2024.
113/0.bis The age limit shall be sixty-five for officials appointed prior to 1 July 2024 and who have
reached the age of sixty-three on or before 1 July 2024.
113/0.ter An offer to extend the appointment of officials mentioned in instruction 113/0 bis may however
be made on a case-by-case basis for one or more period(s) up to the age limit of sixty-seven, to enable
appropriate workforce management. The decision to offer an extension of an appointment shall be
For executive and senior executive officials, by the Secretary-General, in consultation with
the hiring Director, the Head of Human Resource Management and the Head of
Programme, Budget and Financial Management;
for other officials, by the hiring Director, in consultation with the Head of Human Resource
Management and the Head of Programme, Budget and Financial Management.
The offer of extension will be presented to the corresponding official, who will need to express his/her
agreement with the extended appointment and new age limit of service.
113/0.quater Officials who have reached the age limit of service of sixty-five applicable prior to 1 July
2024 and who have ceased their functions by that date shall not be re-appointed as officials after that
date, unless their re-appointment has been specifically approved by Council before 30 June 2024.
113/1 Appointments of officials shall terminate with effect from the first day of the month following that
in which they reach the age limit applicable to them. Officials who were recruited before 24 July 1993
and who held an indefinite term appointment on 14 April 1995 shall receive, upon claiming their
retirement benefits:
4 months of emoluments and allowances for an official of category
A, L or of grade B6, B5, B4 or C6 or in the equivalent grades in the
job family based grading structure;
3 months of emoluments and allowances for an official of any other
The emoluments and allowances payable pursuant under this instruction shall be those specified in
Instruction 111/3.
Last update: July 2024
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a) Officials may be placed on non-active status:
i) for a period of not more than 32 months upon the expiry of
their sick leave provided for in Regulation 20 g);
ii) upon the expiry of their leave for military service provided
for in Regulation 20 h);
iii) for a period of not more than 24 months for personal
b) Officials on non-active status shall not be entitled to any salary
or allowances but may be granted benefits pursuant to
Regulation 17. The period spent on non-active status shall not
be considered as effective service with theOrganisation.
c) Officials in a position to resume work after a period of non-
active status as specified in paragraphs a) i) or ii) above, shall
be entitled to reinstatement in their previous category and
grade, if functions corresponding to their qualifications and
experience are available within the Organisation.
Last update: January 2011
Where officials on non-active status for reasons of sickness become fit to resume work and
cannot be reinstated in their category or job family and their grade because, after a period of
research of three months, no functions corresponding to their qualifications and experience are
available within the Organisation, or where an official is not fit for service at the end of a period
of non-active status as specified in Regulation 14 a) i), the Secretary-General shall terminate the
appointments of such officials under Regulation 11 a) vii) and shall pay them the indemnity
provided for in Rules 17/7.2 and following. Such indemnity may not be cumulated with that
provided for under Rule 17/7 for situations referred to in Regulation 11 a) iii), iv) or v) and shall
not be paid if the conditions in Rule 17/7.1 are met.
Where officials wish to resume work after a period of non-active status for reasons of military
service, but after a period of research of three months no available functions corresponding to
their qualifications and experience have been found, the Secretary-General shall terminate their
appointment without notice or indemnity.
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At least three months before the end of a period of non-active status for personal reasons, an
official, although not entitled to be reinstated, may ask to return to work. These officials shall be
authorised to apply to vacancies only published internally, and the Organisation shall assist them
by seeking available functions in the Organisation corresponding to their qualifications and
experience for three months as from their request. Should any such request be made less than
three months before the end of a period of non-active status for personal reasons, the period
during which officials shall be authorised to apply to vacancies only published internally shall
be reduced accordingly. If, at the end of this period, their application has not been accepted, the
Secretary-General shall terminate their appointment without notice or indemnity.
Last update: October 2023
The functions held by an official immediately prior to his/her being placed on non-active status
for reasons of sickness attributable to a work accident or occupational disease may not be filled
for a period exceeding the foreseeable duration of his/her incapacity, as determined by the
Medical Officer of the Organisation, and if this official becomes fit to resume work at, or before
the end of, the period of non-active status specified in Regulation 14 a) i), he/she shall be entitled
to be reassigned to the functions performed before being placed on non-active status.
If the functions are however filled and officials become fit to work before the expected end of their
incapacity, the Secretary-General shall assign them to other available functions corresponding to
their qualifications and experience and to their category or job family and grade.
If the official becomes fit to work before the end of the period of non-active status specified in
Regulation 14 a) i) and if the functions assigned to him/her immediately prior to his/her being
placed on non-active status has been affected by one of the situations referred to in Regulation
11 a) iii), iv), v), the Secretary-General may terminate his/her appointment.
Last update: October 2023
Section I - Sickness
Officials placed on non-active status for reasons of sickness pursuant to Regulation 14 a) i):
shall not be entitled to periodic advancement, paid leave, home
leave, leave for length of service or, in general, to any other
right based on length of service with the Organisation;
shall continue to pay contributions to the Pension Scheme or to
the Provident Fund;
shall be entitled to any benefits payable in accordance with
Regulation 17 a);
may be reimbursed for travel expenses relating to a right to
home leave granted for a period of 24 months' effective service
completed before they were placed on non-active status for
reasons of sickness.
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Last update: May 2001
The Organisation shall continue to pay contributions to the Provident Fund in accordance with Rule
4 of the Provident Fund Rules in respect of an official placed on non-active status for reasons of
Section II - Addresses, etc
Any official placed on non-active status shall:
leave an address where communications may reach him/her
with the Head of Human Resource Management;
inform the Head of Human Resource Management of any
changes in family status or relevant professional qualifications.
Section III - Military service or personal reasons
An official placed on non-active status for reasons of military service pursuant to Regulation 14 a)
or for personal reasons pursuant to Regulation 14 a) iii) shall not:
be entitled to periodic advancement, paid leave, home leave or
reimbursement of travel expenses relating thereto, leave for
length of service or, in general, to any other right based on
length of service with the Organisation;
contribute to the Pension Scheme or to the Provident Fund;
be entitled to the benefits provided for in Regulation 17 a).
Last update: May 2001
The Organisation shall not contribute to the Provident Fund in respect of an official on non-active
status for reasons of military service or for personal reasons, but any decisions regarding interest or
revaluation shall apply to the sum standing to his/her individual account.
Last update: May 2001
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Section IV - Expiry of non-activity
Where an official on non-active status for reasons of sickness is declared medically fit for
service by the Medical Officer of the Organisation, the Organisation shall, for a period of
three months as from the declaration of fitness, look for available functions within the
Organisation corresponding to his/her qualifications and experience, unless the official
renounces thereto in writing.
Where an official on non-active status for reasons of military service requests in writing to
return to work, the Organisation shall, for a period of three months as from the end of the
period of non-active status, look for available functions within the Organisation
corresponding to his/her qualifications and experience.
During the period of research referred to in paragraphs a) and b) above, the official shall be
placed on non-active status for personal reasons.
If functions corresponding to the qualifications and experience of the official are available
during the period of research, those functions shall be assigned immediately to him/her. If, at
the end of the period of research, no functions corresponding to the qualifications and
experience of the official are available, the Secretary-General shall terminate his/her
appointment after consulting the advisory body referred to in Regulation 11 and under the
conditions referred to in Rules 14/1 and 14/2.
Last update: January 2011
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a) The Secretary-General shall establish salary scales by
categories or job families, and grades and steps, which
shall be submitted to the Council for approval.
b) Officials may not receive any remuneration from any
Government. However, the Secretary-General may, if
in his/her opinion it is justified, permit exceptions in
the case of officials placed at the disposal of the
Organisation by any Member Government. The
Secretary-General shall keep the Council informed of
the cases or categories in respect of which such
exceptions have proved necessary and the grounds for
such exceptions. Title IV of these Regulations shall
apply to such officials only to the extent specified in
the letter of appointment.
15/1 Officials shall receive the salary as set out in one of the following tables, in accordance with
their category or job family, and their grade and step.
Last update: October 2023
115/1.1 One twelfth of the annual salary shall be payable in arrears each calendar month.
115/1.2 Salaries shall be paid on the twenty-fifth day of the month or on the last working day
preceding that day.
115/1.3 Salaries shall be payable in euros.
115/1.4 Where an official works for less than 16 days in a calendar month, he/she shall be entitled
one-thirtieth of his/her monthly salary per day worked. Where an official works for more than 15 days in
a calendar month, he/she shall be entitled to his/her monthly salary less one-thirtieth thereof per day not
worked. All Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays included in the period starting with the date of
appointment and ending with the last day of appointment shall be considered to be days worked. However,
when an official in service dies, his/her emoluments shall be maintained to the end of the current calendar
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15/2 For the purposes of these Rules, unless it is specifically otherwise stated, emoluments shall
include the salary specified in Rule 15/1, and the allowances specified in Regulation 16 a) and b).
115/2 Unless otherwise specified, all other emoluments shall be calculated and paid in the same
conditions as salaries.
Last update: December 2000
51 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (EUR)
and grade
et grade
A 7
14 791.73
15 287.21
15 782.69
16 278.17
16 773.52
17 268.87
17 764.23
A 6
13 513.26
13 886.91
14 260.56
14 634.21
15 008.10
15 381.99
15 568.94
15 942.83
16 129.78
16 503.67
16 877.57
A 5
11 433.84
11 754.35
12 074.86
12 395.37
12 715.88
13 036.39
13 356.50
13 676.61
13 836.66
14 156.77
14 316.82
14 636.93
14 796.98
15 117.09
15 437.19
A 4
9 873.44
10 130.28
10 387.12
10 643.96
10 900.80
11 157.64
11 414.73
11 671.82
11 800.37
12 057.46
12 186.01
12 443.10
12 571.65
12 828.74
13 085.84
A 3
8 496.11
8 735.72
8 975.33
9 214.94
9 454.55
9 694.16
9 933.85
10 173.54
10 293.38
10 533.07
10 652.91
10 892.60
11 012.44
11 252.13
11 491.81
A 2
6 885.66
7 070.47
7 255.28
7 440.09
7 624.90
7 809.71
7 994.34
8 178.97
8 271.28
8 455.91
8 548.22
8 732.85
8 825.16
9 009.79
9 194.41
A 1
5 388.63
5 550.70
5 712.77
5 874.84
6 036.91
6 198.98
6 361.05
6 523.12
6 604.16
6 766.23
6 847.27
7 009.34
7 090.38
7 252.45
7 414.53
L 5
10 440.95
10 649.94
10 858.92
11 276.89
11 485.88
11 694.86
12 112.83
12 321.82
12 530.80
12 948.77
13 157.76
13 366.74
13 784.71
13 993.70
14 202.68
LT4 - LI4
9 179.74
9 363.34
9 546.93
9 914.12
10 097.72
10 281.31
10 648.50
10 832.10
11 015.69
11 382.88
11 566.48
11 750.07
12 117.26
12 300.86
12 484.45
12 851.64
13 035.24
13 218.83
LT3 - LI3
8 706.73
8 880.75
9 054.77
9 402.81
9 576.83
9 750.85
10 098.89
10 272.91
10 446.93
10 794.97
10 968.99
11 143.01
11 491.05
11 665.07
11 839.09
6 998.40
7 138.43
7 278.45
7 558.50
7 698.53
7 838.55
8 118.60
8 258.63
8 398.65
8 678.70
8 818.73
8 958.75
9 238.80
9 378.83
9 518.85
LT1 - LI1
5 701.04
5 814.99
5 928.93
6 156.82
6 270.77
6 384.71
6 612.60
6 726.55
6 840.49
7 068.38
7 182.33
7 296.27
7 524.16
7 638.11
7 752.05
B 6
6 160.55
6 363.76
6 566.97
6 770.18
6 973.39
7 176.60
7 379.81
7 515.28
7 650.75
7 718.49
7 853.96
7 921.70
8 057.17
8 192.65
B 5
5 300.80
5 476.02
5 651.24
5 826.46
6 001.68
6 176.90
6 352.12
6 468.93
6 585.74
6 644.15
6 760.96
6 819.37
6 936.18
7 053.00
B 4
4 563.34
4 713.91
4 864.48
5 015.05
5 165.62
5 316.19
5 466.76
5 567.14
5 667.52
5 717.71
5 818.09
5 868.28
5 968.66
6 069.04
B 3
3 997.45
4 129.33
4 261.21
4 393.09
4 524.97
4 656.85
4 788.73
4 876.65
4 964.57
5 008.53
5 096.45
5 140.41
5 228.33
5 316.25
B 2
3 481.12
3 596.01
3 710.90
3 825.79
3 940.68
4 055.57
4 170.46
4 247.05
4 323.64
4 361.94
4 438.53
4 476.83
4 553.42
4 630.02
B 1
3 055.55
3 156.58
3 257.61
3 358.64
3 459.67
3 560.70
3 661.73
3 729.08
3 796.43
3 830.11
3 897.46
3 931.14
3 998.49
4 065.85
C 6
4 459.16
4 592.75
4 726.34
4 859.93
4 993.52
5 127.11
5 260.70
5 349.76
5 438.82
5 483.35
5 572.41
5 616.94
5 706.00
5 795.06
C 5
4 022.83
4 143.49
4 264.15
4 384.81
4 505.47
4 626.13
4 746.79
4 827.23
4 907.67
4 947.89
5 028.33
5 068.55
5 148.99
5 229.43
C 4
3 646.53
3 755.94
3 865.35
3 974.76
4 084.17
4 193.58
4 302.99
4 375.93
4 448.87
4 485.34
4 558.28
4 594.75
4 667.69
4 740.63
C 3
3 309.26
3 408.60
3 507.94
3 607.28
3 706.62
3 805.96
3 905.30
3 971.53
4 037.76
4 070.87
4 137.10
4 170.21
4 236.44
4 302.66
C 2
3 014.85
3 105.32
3 195.79
3 286.26
3 376.73
3 467.20
3 557.67
3 617.98
3 678.29
3 708.45
3 768.76
3 798.92
3 859.23
3 919.55
C 1
2 728.29
2 810.39
2 892.49
2 974.59
3 056.69
3 138.79
3 220.89
3 275.62
3 330.35
3 357.72
3 412.45
3 439.82
3 494.55
3 549.29
52 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (EUR)
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
15 376.05
15 685.11
16 000.38
16 321.99
16 650.06
16 984.73
17 154.57
17 326.12
13 645.46
13 919.74
14 199.52
14 484.94
14 776.08
15 073.08
15 223.81
15 376.05
12 109.66
12 353.06
12 601.36
12 854.64
13 113.02
13 376.59
13 510.36
13 645.46
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
10 640.30
10 854.17
11 072.34
11 294.90
11 521.92
11 753.51
11 871.05
11 989.76
9 349.24
9 537.16
9 728.85
9 924.40
10 123.88
10 327.37
10 430.65
10 534.95
7 738.74
7 894.28
8 052.96
8 214.82
8 379.94
8 548.38
8 633.86
8 720.20
6 665.76
6 799.74
6 936.41
7 075.83
7 218.06
7 363.14
7 436.77
7 511.14
5 741.55
5 856.95
5 974.68
6 094.77
6 217.27
6 342.24
6 405.66
6 469.72
5 044.88
5 146.28
5 249.72
5 355.24
5 462.88
5 572.69
5 628.41
5 684.70
4 432.75
4 521.85
4 612.74
4 705.45
4 800.03
4 896.51
4 945.48
4 994.93
3 780.34
3 856.33
3 933.84
4 012.91
4 093.57
4 175.85
4 217.61
4 259.78
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
10 225.12
10 430.65
10 640.30
10 854.17
11 072.34
11 294.90
11 407.84
11 521.92
8 984.43
9 165.02
9 349.24
9 537.16
9 728.85
9 924.40
10 023.65
10 123.88
7 436.77
7 586.25
7 738.74
7 894.28
8 052.96
8 214.82
8 296.97
8 379.94
6 534.41
6 665.76
6 799.74
6 936.41
7 075.83
7 218.06
7 290.24
7 363.14
5 741.55
5 856.95
5 974.68
6 094.77
6 217.27
6 342.24
6 405.66
6 469.72
5 044.88
5 146.28
5 249.72
5 355.24
5 462.88
5 572.69
5 628.41
5 684.70
4 432.75
4 521.85
4 612.74
4 705.45
4 800.03
4 896.51
4 945.48
4 994.93
53 Back to top
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
9 074.28
9 256.67
9 442.73
9 632.53
9 826.14
10 023.65
10 123.88
10 225.12
8 052.96
8 214.82
8 379.94
8 548.38
8 720.20
8 895.48
8 984.43
9 074.28
7 146.59
7 290.24
7 436.77
7 586.25
7 738.74
7 894.28
7 973.23
8 052.96
6 342.24
6 469.72
6 599.76
6 732.41
6 867.74
7 005.78
7 075.83
7 146.59
5 628.41
5 741.55
5 856.95
5 974.68
6 094.77
6 217.27
6 279.44
6 342.24
4 994.93
5 095.33
5 197.75
5 302.22
5 408.80
5 517.51
5 572.69
5 628.41
4 302.38
4 388.86
4 477.08
4 567.07
4 658.86
4 752.51
4 800.03
4 848.03
3 705.85
3 780.34
3 856.33
3 933.84
4 012.91
4 093.57
4 134.50
4 175.85
3 288.76
3 354.86
3 422.29
3 491.08
3 561.25
3 632.83
3 669.16
3 705.85
2 918.61
2 977.27
3 037.11
3 098.16
3 160.43
3 223.96
3 256.20
3 288.76
54 Back to top
Officials shall be entitled to the following allowances as established by
rules of the Secretary-General subject to approval by the Council:
a) family allowances;
b) an expatriation allowance;
c) an installation allowance;
d) a rent allowance;
e) where appropriate, an acting allowance;
f) an education allowance.
Last update: January 2017
Section I General provision
16/0 Notwithstanding in particular the provisions of Rules 16/1.1.3, 16/1.2.2, 16/1.3.4 b), 16/2.2.5
and 16/2.3.6, the benefits to which officials might be entitled in respect of their dependent children under
French social security legislation shall not be deducted from benefits due under these Rules.
116/0 Entitlement to allowances shall be determined at the time of appointment and shall be
reviewed periodically. To this end, officials shall provide all relevant documents to the human resources
department and a questionnaire shall be circulated for this purpose. Officials shall inform the Head of
Human Resource Management without delay of any changes in personal or professional status that may
affect their entitlement to allowances.
116/0.1 Allowances may be paid in respect of a period preceding the notification to the Head of
Human Resource Management of the facts determining entitlement, in accordance with Rule 17/8.
116/0.2 Where an official misinforms or omits to inform the Head of Human Resource Management
of any relevant fact and receives, as a result, an undue allowance, he/she shall be required to refund any
sums of money so received and shall be liable to disciplinary action.
Last update: January 2017
55 Back to top
16/0 (bis) Officials who have entered into a partnership organising the conditions of their marital
relationship registered with a national public authority shall be considered as married officials and their
partners as spouses, provided that all the following conditions are met:
neither of the partners is married or has already entered into another registered
the kinship between the partners does not preclude their marriage;
the couple as such does not legally have access to civil marriage under the legislation of
the State of which the official is a national or of the country of residence of the couple.
Last update: January 2008
116/0 (bis) Officials shall furnish the Head of Human Resource Management with proof that all the
conditions set out in Rule 16/0 (bis) are met.
116/0.1 (bis) Officials and their partners who, at the time of the entry into force of a law authorising their
access to civil marriage, were already considered as married officials and their partners as spouses under
Rule 16/0(bis) are not required to marry to continue to benefit from this status.
Last update: January 2017
Section II Family allowances and supplements
16/1 The provisions of Rules 16/1.1 to 16/1.4.1 shall apply to officials whose appointment has taken
effect before 1 January 2017.
Last update: January 2017
Subsection I - Household Allowance
16/1.1 Married officials, officials who have one or more dependants and officials entitled to the
allowance for a handicapped child shall be entitled, subject to the following provisions, to a household
allowance equal to 6 per cent of their salary subject to a minimum household allowance of 6 per cent of the
salary at grade B3 step 1.
16/1.1.1 In the case of a married official who has no dependent person and whose spouse exercises
a gainful activity:
a) if the earned income of the spouse is less than the sum of the salary of
an official of grade B3 step 1 plus the household allowance to which the
official would be entitled under Staff Rule 16/1.1, the household
allowance shall be equal to the difference between the earned income of
the spouse and that sum, but shall in no case be greater than 6 per cent
56 Back to top
of the salary of the official or, as the case may be, than 6 per cent of the
salary of an official of grade B3 step 1;
b) if the earned income of the spouse is equal to or greater than the sum of
the salary of an official of grade B3 step 1 plus the household allowance
to which the official would be entitled under Rule 16/1.1, no household
allowance shall be payable.
116/1.1.1 Officials shall furnish the Head of Human Resource Management with proof of their
entitlement to the household allowance.
116/1.1.2 Where officials become entitled to a household allowance, the allowance shall be paid for
the whole month if the entitlement occurs before the sixteenth day, and for half a month if it
occurs after the fifteenth day. Where officials lose their entitlement to a household
allowance, the allowance shall be paid for half a month if loss of entitlement occurs before
the sixteenth day, and for the whole month if it occurs after the fifteenth day.
Where two spouses are both employed by the Organisation, or where the spouse of an official is
employed by one of the organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1 and both spouses are entitled to the household
allowance, it is paid to the spouse they choose by mutual agreement, or, failing that, the spouse whose salary
is the greater.
16/1.1.3 Where an official or his/her spouse already receives a household allowance or a similar
allowance from another source, the amount so received shall be deducted from the allowance due by virtue
of Rule 16/1.1.
Subsection II - Child’s Allowance and benefits for a handicapped child
16/1.2- Officials shall be entitled to a child's allowance of 5 077.08 euros per annum in respect of each
child for whose support they are effectively responsible.
Last update: January 2024
The provisions of Instructions 116/1.1.1 and 116/1.1.2 shall apply to the child's allowance.
a) any unsalaried child, who is born to, or adopted by, or who is given a home by, an official or his/her spouse and
who is dependent on an official or his/her spouse for main and continuing support and who:
i) is under eighteen years of age or ;
ii) was born before 1 January 2032, is between eighteen and twenty- six years of age, and is receiving school or
university education or vocational training, or;
iii) was born on or after 1 January 2032, is between eighteen and twenty-two years of age, and is receiving school
or university education or vocational training shall be considered a dependent child.
b) any handicapped child, within the meaning of Rule 16/1.3.1, who is dependent on an official or his/her spouse
for main and continuing support, shall also be considered a dependent child.
Last update: January 2017
57 Back to top
116/1.2.1 During the period when a child under twenty-six years of age, or, for children born on or after
1 January 2032, under twenty-two years of age, carries out his/her compulsory national service without
remuneration, he/she shall be considered as complying with the conditions provided for in Rules 16/1.2 and
116/ To obtain payment of a dependant's allowance in respect of a child over eighteen years of age,
officials shall be required to furnish the Head of Human Resource Management, at the beginning and end of
each academic year, with proof that the child is receiving a school or university education or vocational
training, or is carrying out his compulsory national service without remuneration.
Last update: January 2017
16/1.2.2 Where an official or his/her spouse already receives from another source an allowance for the
support of a child of the same nature as the allowance due by virtue of Rule 16/1.2, such amount shall be
deducted from the latter allowance, without prejudice to the provisions of Rule 16/1.3.4 a).
16/1.3 An official with a dependent child who is handicapped within the meaning of these Rules,
whatever the age of the child, may claim the benefit of an allowance for a handicapped child and of
reimbursement of education or training expenses related to the handicap.
A child shall be deemed to be handicapped if it is established by medical
evidence that he or she is suffering from a handicap necessitating
special care, supervision, or special education or training.
Only handicaps established by medical evidence which necessitate
special care, supervision, or special education or training, not provided
free of charge, entitle to the benefits provided under Rule 16/1.3.
a) The criterion for entitlement to the benefits provided for under these
Rules shall be the serious and continuing impairment of the physical
or mental capacities.
58 Back to top
Children may be deemed to be handicapped when they suffer from:
- serious or chronic affection of the central or peripheral nervous
system, however caused, such as encephalapathies, myelopathies
or peripheral paralysis;
- serious affection of the locomotor system;
- serious affection of one or more sensory systems;
- chronic and disabling mental illness.
The above list is not exhaustive and is set out as an indication.
The amount of the allowance for a handicapped child shall be equal to
the amount of the allowance for a dependent child provided for in Rule
16/1.2 and shall be additional thereto.
An official receiving the allowance for a handicapped child is required
to declare any similar allowance which is paid to him/her, his/her spouse
or the handicapped child under a national or international scheme, in
which case such payments shall be deducted from the allowance paid
under these Rules. Should no allowance be payable in respect of a
handicapped child by the sole virtue of the provisions of this sub-
paragraph, such child shall nonetheless continue to be considered as a
dependent child within the meaning of Rule 16/1.2.
The decision granting the allowance for a handicapped child shall be
taken after consulting an advisory board which shall include at least one
medical practitioner. Such decision shall specify the period for which
the entitlement to benefits for a handicapped child is granted,
subject to review.
Last update: March 1993
116/1.3.3 The board referred to in Rule 16/1.3.3 c) shall be composed asfollows:
- the Head of Human Resource Management;
- a medical practitioner appointed by the Secretary-
- an official appointed by the Secretary-General
who has been proposed by the Staff Association;
- a member of the Human Resource Management
Deputy members are appointed by the Secretary-General under the same conditions as those applicable to
incumbent members. The duration of the mandate of both incumbent and deputy members is two years.
59 Back to top
Last update: January 2017
Subsection III - Dependant's Allowance
16/1.4 Officials are entitled to an allowance of the same amount as that of the child's allowance for any
immediate forebear related to them by blood or marriage and who they can prove is dependent on them for
main and continuing support, under the conditions fixed by the Secretary-General.
Educational or training expenses related to the handicap may only be
the subject of a claim for reimbursement on the double condition that
such expenses:
i) have been incurred in order to provide the handicapped child with
education or training specially adapted to the child’s needs and
designed to obtain the highest possible level of functional
capability, and
ii) are not of the same kind as those taken into account under Rule
16/8.2 for the purposes of education allowance.
Education or training expenses which are assessed to be reasonable
shall be reimbursed, after consulting the Board referred to in Rule
16/1.3.3 c). Within the limit of 90% of their amount, after deduction
of any payment received from any other source for the same purpose.
A person is considered a dependant of an official in the meaning of Rule
16/1.4, when the official ensures his/her main and continuing support and if
i) the official is under a legal obligation to support that person and the
support cost represents more than 15 % of the official's basic salary; or
ii) that person has a total income of less than 50 % of the basic salary of
an official of grade C1 step 1, and
the support provided represents more than 15 % of the
official's basic salary, or
the official provides that person full board and lodging in
his/her household.
In order to establish the dependant's income, all revenues shall be taken into
account. When a dependant lives with his/her spouse, his/her income shall
be considered as fulfilling the criteria set out in paragraph a) ii) above if
the total income of the couple does not exceed 85 % of the basic salary of an
official of grade C1 step 1. In such cases, only one allowance is granted to
the official in respect of the household.
60 Back to top
a) In order to establish the main and continuing support provided by the
official, the following shall be taken into account:
direct support :
the regular and continuing financial support provided by the
official to the dependant;
indirect support:
the regular and continuing payments made by the official for
the benefit of the dependant such as direct payment to an old
people's home;
the accommodation provided by the official to the dependant,
other than in the official’s household.
Last update: September 97
Where two spouses are both employed by the Organisation, or where the spouse of an official is
employed by one of the organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1, the dependant's allowance shall be paid to the
spouse they choose by mutual agreement, or, failing that, who receives the household allowance.
Last update: January 2017
16/2 The provisions of Rules 16/2.1 to 16/2.4.1 shall apply to officials whose appointment has taken
effect as of 1 January 2017.
Subsection IV - Basic family allowance
16/2.1 a) Officials who establish a family unit at the duty station with their spouse shall be entitled,
subject to the following provisions, to a basic family allowance.
b) The basic monthly amount of the basic family allowance is 423.09 euros.
c) When officials receive the expatriation allowance, the basic family allowance is equal to
two times the basic monthly amount.
Last update: January 2024
61 Back to top
116/2.1 For the purposes of Rule 16/2.1, the household actually and habitually established by officials and
their spouse is considered as a family unit.
116/2.1.0 When officials become entitled to the basic family allowance, this allowance shall be paid for the
whole month if the entitlement occurs before the sixteenth day and for half a month if it occurs
after the fifteenth day. When officials lose their entitlement to the basic family allowance, this
allowance shall be paid for half a month if loss of entitlement occurs before the sixteenth day
and for the whole month if it occurs after the fifteenth day.
16/2.1.1 a) The basic family allowance shall be paid to officials whose spouse has a monthly overall income
lower than 50% of the basic monthly salary of the scale of the duty station of a C1/1 grade
official, plus the basic amount of the basic family allowance.
b) Eligibility shall commence when officials and their spouse have established a family unit at
the duty station. It shall end when the family unit is dissolved or when the spouse ceases to
actually and habitually live with the official at the duty station.
16/2.1.2 Officials eligible for the basic family allowance shall be entitled to a basic monthly amount equal to
423.09 euros. Officials eligible for the expatriation allowance, irrespective of whether they take
up duty from within or from outside the same geographical zone of the duty station as defined
in Rule 16/2.1.3 shall be entitled to an additional monthly amount equal to 423.09 euros. In
order to ensure an equivalent allowance regardless of the country of the duty station, these
amounts shall be adjusted by the purchasing power parities applicable in the country of the duty
. These amounts are shown in the table below.
Last update: January 2024
Gross income less compulsory social and/or pension contributions.
See Appendix 3 in the Annex I bis of the Staff Rules.
62 Back to top
Amounts at 01.01.2024
With the exception of the Expatriated Child Allowance, the amounts presented in column 1 are
applicable to the Basic Family Allowance and all other allowances/supplements expressed in
absolute values listed in paragraph 3 of the 242
Basic Family
Expatriated Child
3 455.00
113 782.00
31 939.00
72 630.00
20 387.00
81 884.00
22 985.00
597 947.00
167 844.00
5 483.00
1 539.00
5 118.00
1 437.00
1 268.95
4 857.00
1 363.00
3 473.70
63 Back to top
16/2.1.3 For the purposes of Rule 16/2.1.2, four geographical zones are defined as follows: EME (Europe
and Middle East), Africa, Americas (North, Central and South America), Asia and Pacific (Far
East and Pacific countries).
16/2.1.4 a) In the case of an official whose spouse has an overall income equal to or higher than 50 % of the
basic monthly salary of the scale of the duty station of a C1/1 grade official, the amount of the
allowance payable shall be reduced. The allowance shall be equal to the difference between
50% of the basic monthly salary of the scale of the duty station of a C1/1 grade official, plus the
basic amount of the basic family allowance and the income of the spouse.
b) If the spouse’s income is equal to or higher than 50% of the basic monthly salary of the scale
of the duty station of a C1/1 grade official plus the basic amount of the basic family allowance,
no allowance shall be paid.
c) When the spouse’s income becomes equal to or higher than 50% of the basic monthly salary
of the scale of the duty station of a C1/1 grade official plus the basic amount of the basic family
allowance, the basic family allowance shall cease to be paid.
16/2.1.5 When officials are transferred to a different duty country at the initiative of the Organisation, the
Secretary-General may, in circumstances such as an exceptional organisational restructuring or
to support the accomplishment of missions critical for the Organisation, reset the period of
payment for the family unit.
116/2.1.5 For the purposes of Rule 16/2.1.5, transfers undertaken in the interest of the Organisation shall be
considered as supporting the accomplishment of missions critical for the Organisation.
Rules a) For officials who are not eligible for the expatriation allowance, the basic amount of the basic
family allowance shall be paid monthly for a period of up to five consecutive years following
the taking up of duty of officials or the time of the establishment of their family unit.
b) For officials who are eligible for the expatriation allowance and who take up duty from
within the same geographical zone of the duty station, the basic amount of the basic family
allowance and the additional amount shall be paid monthly and reduced after five years by one
fifth per year to reach zero the tenth year of a consecutive period following the official’s taking
up of duty or the moment when the family unit is established at the duty station.
c) For officials who are eligible for the expatriation allowance and who take up duty from
outside the geographical zone of the duty station, the basic amount of the basic family
allowance and the additional amount shall be paid monthly for the duration of the official’s
employment. However, if the official has the nationality of one of the countries of the
geographical zone of the duty station, the payment of the basic amount and its additional
amount shall be made in accordance with paragraph b) above.
16/2.1.7 a) When officials or their spouse already receive allowances of the same nature as the basic family
allowance due by virtue of Rule 16/2.1from another source, such amount shall be deducted
from the basic family allowance.
b) When two officials are spouses and work for the Organisation or for one of the organisations
specified in Rule 17/7.1, only one basic family allowance shall be paid to the official they
choose by mutual agreement, or, failing that, the official with the highest income, provided all
other eligibility criteria are met.
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16/2.1.8 The basic family allowance shall no longer be paid to officials when the family unit is dissolved, namely when
their spouse ceases to actually and habitually live in the household at the duty station.
Last update: January 2017
Subsection V - Dependent child supplement
a) Officials shall be entitled to an allowance entitled “dependent child supplement” for:
i) each dependent child under eighteen years of age;
ii) each dependent child aged eighteen to twenty-two years pursuing full-time studies.
Payment of the supplement shall be maintained until the end of the academic year during
which the child reaches the age of twenty-two;
iii) each child for whom they receive the supplement for disabled or severely disabled child.
b) the amount of the dependent child supplement is 423.09 euros per month.
Last update: January 2024
116/2.2 Any unsalaried child, who is born to, or adopted by, or who is given a home by officials or their
spouse and who is dependent on officials or their spouse for main and continuing support
and who:
i) is under eighteen years of age; or
ii) is between eighteen and twenty-two years of age and is receiving school or
university education or vocational training,
shall be considered a dependent child
16/2.2.1 The dependent child supplement shall continue to be granted regardless of age for children
considered to be disabled or severely disabled by virtue of Rule 16/2.3.
16/2.2.2 If the dependent child has to perform compulsory military or civil service under the
legislation of his or her country of nationality, eligibility for the supplement shall be
extended beyond the child’s 22
birthday, for a period not to exceed the duration of that
compulsory military or civil service. Payment of the supplement shall be suspended for the
duration of the military or civil service.
16/2.2.3 Officials in a single-parent family situation with one or more dependent children shall be
granted one additional dependent child supplement, the amount of which is equal to the
amount provided for in Rule 16/2.2. Only one additional supplement shall be paid,
notwithstanding the number of dependent children.
116/2.2.3 For the purposes of Rule 16/2.2.3, officials who provide the sole care for at least one
dependent child as defined in Instruction 116/2.2 shall be considered as being in a single-
parent family situation.
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16/2.2.4 a) When a child is dependent on two officials of the Organisation or of one of the
organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1, the dependent child supplement is paid to the official
they choose by mutual agreement, or, failing that, the official whose salary is the greater.
b) In case of shared or alternate custody of dependent children referred to in the previous
paragraph, the dependent child supplement shall be shared in equal parts between those
officials. Nevertheless, one of them may receive a part that is more or less than half of the
supplement, or the totality of the supplement, if this is provided by a court decision or in the
absence of such decision, if the officials so decide by mutual agreement.
16/2.2.5 When officials, their spouse or the other parent of the children already receive allowances of
the same nature as the dependent child supplement due by virtue of Rule 16/2.2 from another
source, such amount shall be deducted from the dependent child supplement.
Last update: January 2017
Subsection VI - Supplements for disabled or severely disabled child
16/2.3 a) Officials with a dependent child medically certified with a disability and necessitating special
care, supervision, or special education or training, not provided free of charge, shall be
entitled, in addition to the dependent child supplement, to an allowance entitled “supplement
for disabled child”. This supplement is granted regardless of the age of the child.
b) Officials with a dependent child medically certified with a disability:
i) who requires permanent care from a third person; or
ii) when the officials’ spouse has given up any professional occupation in order to take care of the
disabled child,
shall be entitled to an allowance entitled “supplement for severely disabled child”. This
supplement is granted regardless of the age of the child.
c) In exceptional circumstances, the Secretary-General may decide to grant the supplement for
disabled or severely disabled child to officials whose child does not fulfil the conditions
provided in Rule 16/2.2 a) at the time of the request for the supplement for disabled or
severely disabled child, but meets the criteria of the preceding paragraphs.
d) Officials entitled to the supplement for disabled child or severely disabled child may claim,
subject to certain conditions, reimbursement for education and/or training costs that are
related to the child’s disability, as referred to in paragraphs a) and b) above.
16/2.3.1 a) The supplement for disabled child shall be a basic monthly amount equal to 423.09 euros.
b) The supplement for severely disabled child shall be double that amount.
c) The two supplements shall not be paid concurrently for the same child.
Last update: January 2024
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16/2.3.2 The decision granting the supplement for disabled or severely disabled child and specifying the
period for which the entitlement is granted and any revision if necessary, shall be taken by the
Secretary-General after consulting an advisory board which shall include at least one medical
practitioner. This board shall assess the nature and severity of the disability and recommend
the period for which the entitlement to benefits for a disabled child is granted, which may be
subject to review, if necessary.
116/2.3.2 The board referred to in Rule 16/2.3.2 shall be composed as follows:
Chair - the Head of Human Resource Management;
Members - a medical practitioner appointed by the Secretary-
- an official appointed by the Secretary-General
who has been proposed by the Staff Association;
Secretary - a member of the Human Resource Management
Deputy members are appointed by the Secretary-General under the same conditions as those applicable to
incumbent members. The duration of the mandate of both incumbent and deputy members is two years.
16/2.3.3 a) The criterion for entitlement to the benefits provided for under Rule 16/2.3 shall be the
serious and continuing impairment of the physical and/or mental capacities.
b) Children may be considered disabled by the board referred to in Rule 16/2.3.2 if they
suffer from:
Serious or chronic affection of the central or peripheral nervous system however
caused: encephalopathy, myelopathy or peripheral paralysis;
Serious affection of the locomotor system;
Serious affection of one or more sensory systems;
Chronic and disabling mental illness.
c) The above list is not exhaustive and is set out as an indication.
16/2.3.4 a) Educational and/or training expenses related to the handicap may only be the subject of
a claim for reimbursement on the double condition that such expenses:
i) have been incurred in order to provide the handicapped child with education
and/or training specially adapted to the child’s needs and designed to obtain
the highest possible level of functional capability, and
ii) are not of the same kind as those taken into account under Rule 16/8.2 for
the purposes of the education allowance.
b) Education and/or training expenses which are assessed to be reasonable shall be
reimbursed, after consulting the Board referred to in Rule 16/2.3.2, within the limit of 90%
of their amount, after deduction of any payment received from any other source for the
same purpose.
Non-double payment
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16/2.3.5 Only one supplement for disabled or severely disabled child shall be granted for each
disabled or severely disabled child under the conditions set out in the present Rules.
16/2.3.6 When officials, their spouse or the other parent already receive an allowance of the same
nature as the supplements for disabled or severely disabled child due by virtue of Rule 16/2.3
from another source, such amount shall be deducted from the supplements for disabled or
severely disabled child.
16/2.3.7 a) When a disabled child medically certified with a disability is dependent on two officials
of the Organisation or of one of the organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1, the supplement
for disabled or severely disabled child is paid to the official they choose by mutual
agreement, or, failing that, the official whose salary is the greater.
b) In case of shared or alternate custody of children referred to in the previous paragraph,
the supplement for disabled or severely disabled child shall be shared in equal parts between
those officials. Nevertheless, one of them may receive a part that is more or less than half of
the supplement, or the totality of the supplement, if this is provided by a court decision or in
the absence of such decision, if the officials so decide by mutual agreement.
Last update: January 2017
Subsection VII - Supplement for disabled and dependent parent
16/2.4 a) Officials providing main and continuing support to their disabled and dependent father
and/or mother in accordance with the present Rules shall be entitled to an allowance entitled
“supplement for disabled and dependent parent”.
b) This amount of the supplement for disabled and dependent parent is 423.09 euros per
month. Only one supplement for disabled and dependent parent is granted to officials,
regardless of how many disabled and dependent parents they mayhave.
c) The supplement for disabled and dependent parent shall only be granted if an official’s
dependent mother or father:
i) is aged over 60; and
ii) has an monthly overall income
lower than 50 % of the basic monthly salary of
the scale of the parents’ country of residence of a C1/1 grade official; and
iii) is medically certified with a disability.
Last update: January 2024
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116/2.4 a) A parent is considered as a dependent parent of officials in the meaning of Rule 16/2.4
i) the support provided represents more than 15 % of the officials’ basic
salary; or
ii) the official provides that parent full board and lodging in their household.
b) For the purposes of Rule 16/2.4 a), in order to establish the main and continuing support
provided by the officials, the following shall be taken into account:
i) direct support:
-- the regular and continuing financial support provided by the official to the
ii) indirect support:
-- the regular and continuing payments made by the official for the benefit of the
dependant such as direct payment to an old people's home;
-- the accommodation provided by the official to the dependant, other than in the
official’s household.
c) For the purposes of Rule 16/2.4 c), in order to establish the parent’s income, all revenues
shall be taken into account.
116/ The decision granting the supplement for disabled and dependent parent and specifying the
period for which the entitlement is granted and any revision if necessary, shall be taken by the
Secretary-General after consulting the advisory board referred to in Rule 16/2.3.2. This board
shall assess the nature and severity of the disability and recommend the period for which the
entitlement to benefits for a disabled and dependent parent is granted, which may be subject
to review, if necessary.
16/2.4.1 When officials, the parent for whom they receive a supplement or disabled and dependent
parent, or the spouse of that parent already receive an allowance of the same nature from
another source, such amount shall be deducted from the supplement for disabled and
dependent parent due by virtue of Rule 16/2.4.
Last update: January 2017
Gross income less compulsory social and/or pension contributions.
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Section III - Expatriation allowance
Rule 16/3
a) The provisions of Rules 16/3.5 to 16/3.7 shall apply to officials whose appointment has taken effect
before 1 January 1996.
b) The provisions of Rules 16/3.8 to 16/3.11 shall apply to officials whose appointment has taken
effect after 31 December 1995 and who have been appointed before 1 January 2012.
c) The provisions of Rules 16/3.12 to 16/3.24 shall apply to officials appointed as of 1 January 2012.
Last update: January 2012
116/3.0 In order to determine whether the conditions of nationality and residence are met, in the
case of successive appointments, the expression "appointment", for the purposes of Rules 16/3.5, 16/3.7 and
16/3.8, shall mean the first appointment of an official, as an auxiliary, salaried consultant, employee or
16/3.1 The amount of the expatriation allowance shall not be less than that payable to officials in
grade B3, step 1.
16/3.2 Officials entitled to the expatriation allowance shall also receive a supplementary
expatriation allowance of 1,425.12 euros per annum in respect of each dependent child. However, officials
who are in receipt of the education allowance shall not be entitled to the supplementary allowance for
dependent children included in the expatriation allowance.
Last update: January 2024
16/3.3 The rate of the expatriation allowance applicable to an official married to another official of
the Organisation or to an official employed in the same country by one of the organisations specified in Rule
17/7.1 shall be that which is applicable to officials not entitled to the household allowance, if the spouse of
that official is likewise entitled to the expatriation allowance.
16/3.4 Officials in receipt of the expatriation allowance, who take up their duties in a country of
which they are nationals, shall cease to receive the expatriation allowance. Officials in category A, L or B
who are transferred to a country of which they are not nationals shall be entitled to the expatriation allowance.
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16/3.5 An expatriation allowance shall be paid to officials in categories A, L or B appointed before
1 January 1996 at the rate fixed in Rule 16/3.6 provided that, at the time of their appointment by the
Organisation or, if such appointment immediately follows employment in one of the organisations specified
in Rule 17/7.1, at the time of their appointment by such an organisation:
they are not nationals of the country where they carry out their duties ;
they had not been continuously resident in that country for at least three
years, no account being taken of previous service in the administration
of the country of which they are nationals or in other
international organisations.
16/3.6 The expatriation allowance due to officials in categories A, L or B shall be equal to 20 % of
their salary if they receive the household allowance, or 16 % if they do not receive it.
16/3.7 Officials in categories A, L or B who, at the time of their appointment, were nationals of the
country where they carry out their duties shall be entitled to the expatriation allowance at the rates fixed in
Rule 16/3.6 provided that at that time they had been continuously resident outside that country for at least ten
years, no account being taken of previous service in the administration of the said country or in other
international organisations.
16/3.8 An expatriation allowance shall be paid to officials in categories A, L or B appointed after
31 December 1995 at the rates fixed in Rule 16/3.9 provided that, at the time of their appointment by the
they are not nationals of the country where they carry out their duties;
they had not been continuously resident in that country for at least one
year, no account being taken of previous service in the administration
of the country of which they are nationals or in other international
1. For the official who is the spouse
of an official entitled to the expatriation allowance;
of a former official who was entitled to the expatriation
71 Back to top
iii) f a person who is not a national of the country of duty and who is
working in that country in the service of the administration of the
country of which he/she is a national or for another international
the period of residence corresponding to the length of his/her spouse's
service in the Organisation or in the national administration or in
another international Organisation shall not be considered as resident
in the country of duty for the purpose of Rule 16/3.8 b), except for the
time during which the official has had gainful employment or activity.
2. This instruction shall apply to official recruited from the date of its
publication on 1 October 1996.
16/3.9 The rate of expatriation allowance shall be set:
for officials entitled to the household allowance:
i) at 18 % of the reference salary for the first ten years of service;
ii) at 17 % of the reference salary during the eleventh year of
iii) at 16 % of the reference salary during the twelfth year of service;
iv) at 15 % of the reference salary as of the thirteenth year of service;
for officials not entitled to the household allowance:
i) at 14 % of the reference salary for the first ten years of service;
ii) at 13 % of the reference salary during the eleventh year of
iii) at 12 % of the reference salary during the twelfth year of service;
iv) at 11 % of the reference salary as of the thirteenth year of service.
16/3.10 The reference salary on the basis of which the expatriation allowance is calculated, in
accordance with Rule 16/3.9, shall be that for the first step in the grade held by the official.
16/3.11 In the event of an official being recruited by the Organisation immediately after having been
employed in the country of duty by another international organisation or by the administration or armed
forces of the country of which the official is a national, the years of service with the previous employer shall
be reckoned as years of service with the Organisation for the purposes of Rule 16/3.9.
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16/3.12 An expatriation allowance shall be paid to officials in categories A, L or B appointed as of 1 January
2012 and all officials appointed as of 1 October 2023 who, at the time of their appointment by the
a) were not nationals of the country where they carry out their duties (hereinafter duty country); and
b) had not been continuously resident in the duty country for at least one year, no account being taken
of previous service in the administration of the country of which they are nationals or in other
international Organisations; and
c) were appointed internationally from outside the Organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1 or from
outside the duty country; and
d) were appointed from outside the local commuting area of their duty station.
116/3.12.1 In order to determine whether the conditions of nationality and residence are met, in the case of
successive appointments, the expression "appointment", for the purposes of Rules 16/3.12, shall mean the
first appointment of an official, as temporary staff member or official.
16/3.13 The “local commuting area” shall be defined as a radius of 100 kilometers from the duty station.
16/3.14 In the event an official who has been entitled to the expatriation allowance is reassigned in a duty
station where he/she does not meet the eligibility criteria in respect of this duty station, the latter shall cease
to be entitled to the expatriation allowance.
In the event an official who has not been entitled to the expatriation allowance is reassigned in
a duty station where he/she meets the eligibility criteria in respect of this duty station, the latter shall be
entitled to the expatriation allowance.
16/3.16 In the event an official has been employed by one of the Organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1 and
entitled to the expatriation allowance is taking up duty with the Organisation in the same country or in
the event an official of another international Organisation or a member of the administration or armed forces
of the country of which he/she is a national is taking up duty without changing country, the provisions of Rule
16/3.12 c) and d) shall not apply.
Rate of the allowance
16/3.17 The rate of the expatriation allowance shall be set:
a) at 10 % of the reference salary for the first five years of service;
b) at 8 % of the reference salary during the sixth year of service;
c) at 6 % of the reference salary during the seventh year ofservice;
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d) at 4 % of the reference salary during the eighth year of service;
e) at 2 % of the reference salary during the ninth year of service;
f) at 0 % of the reference salary as of the tenth year of service.
16/3.18 The reference salary on the basis of which the expatriation allowance is calculated, in accordance
with Rule 16/3.17, shall be that for the first step in the grade held by the official.
16/3.19 In the event an official is appointed by the Organisation after having been employed in the duty
country by one of the Organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1, by another international Organisation or by the
administration or armed forces of which the official is a national, the years of service with such previous
employer will be taken into account for determining the rate of the expatriation allowance, in accordance
with Rule 16/3.17.
16/3.20 In the event an official is reassigned to a new duty station and meets the eligibility criteria in respect
of this duty station, the rate of the expatriation allowance shall be set at 10% in accordance with Rule 16/3.17
a) and shall then be reduced in accordance with Rule 16/3.17 b) to f).
16/3.21 In the event an official is married to another official of the Organisation or to an official employed
in the same country by one of the Organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1, and they are both entitled to the
expatriation allowance, they shall each receive an expatriation allowance at the rate corresponding to their
respective years of service, as determined in accordance with Rules 16/3.17 to 16/3.20.
Verification of eligibility
a) Where any point on the frontier of the country of which the official is a national is within a radius of
100 kilometers from the duty station, such an official shall not be entitled to the expatriation
allowance unless he/she supplies proof that he/she has established his/her actual and habitual
residence in the duty country or, exceptionally and subject to agreement by the Secretary-General,
in another country of which the official is not a national, taking account the official’s family
b) Officials receiving the expatriation allowance shall notify the Organisation of any change in their
place of residence.
c) Under special circumstances and for sound and sufficient reasons, exceptions to paragraph a) may
be made by the Secretary-General.
Related allowances
16/3.23 Officials entitled to the expatriation allowance shall also receive a supplementary
expatriation allowance of 1,425.12
per annum in respect of each dependent child. However, officials who
are in receipt of the education allowance shall not be entitled to the supplementary allowance for dependent
children included in the expatriation allowance.
16/3.24 The reduction of the rate of the expatriation allowance to 0% shall not disqualify the
official for entitlement to the education allowance, the expatriated child allowance or home leave.
Last update: January 2024
Section IV Installation allowance
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a) Officials of category A, L or B and all officials appointed as of 01/10/2023 shall receive an installation
allowance, provided that:
i) their actual and habitual residence at the time of their appointment for a fixed term not less than
one year, or their transfer for at least one year to a different duty station within the Organisation, is
distant by more than 100 kilometres from their assigned duty station; and
ii) they actually moved their actual and habitual residence in order to take up duty within a radius
of 100 kilometres from their assigned duty station.
b) The basic amount of the installation allowance shall equal one month’s salary of officials, up to ceilings
set in the following table, including for officials entitled to the expatriation allowance.
c) The basic amount of the allowance shall be adjusted by the purchasing power parity
applicable in the
country of the duty station as provided for in the following table.
d) Officials appointed for a fixed term not exceeding one year shall also be eligible for the installation
allowance if their appointment is renewed and the total duration of service under such fixed-term
appointment exceeds one year. The installation allowance shall only be paid after the completion of the
first year of service
116/4 The officials referred to in Rule 16/4 shall provide the Head of Human Resource Management with
the written justification of their actual change of residence and any supporting documents.
16/4.1 The Secretary-General may deem this Rule applicable to specially-qualified category C officials when
he/she considers that they cannot be adequately recruited locally.
116/4.1 In order to determine whether the conditions of residence are met, in the case of successive
appointments, the expression appointment, for the purposes of Rule 16/4, shall mean the first appointment
of an official, as temporary staff member or official.
Last update: October 2023
amount at 1.1.2024
The parities shall be calculated in accordance with the Appendix 2 of Annex I to these Staff Rules.
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Staff not eligible to
the expatriation
Staff eligible
to the expatriation
3 922
10 790
2 665
7 331
2 373
6 528
3 598
9 898
23 099
63 544
2 334
6 420
2 813
7 738
2 828
7 781
2 735
7 524
2 124
5 843
760 641
2 092 485
485 540
1 335 694
3 305
9 092
2 307
6 347
547 404
1 505 879
3 997 319
10 996 416
2 076
5 712
2 210
6 079
2 919
8 030
36 651
100 825
2 721
7 486
3 989
10 974
34 212
94 114
8 483
23 336
2 287
6 291
2 244
6 174
32 467
89 316
3 805
10 468
23 222
63 882
2 215
6 093
3 088
8 496
76 Back to top
16/4.2 a) Officials entitled to the installation allowance who change geographical zone in order to
settle their actual and habitual residence within a radius of 100 kilometres from their assigned
duty station shall receive a supplement to the installation allowance equal to 75% of the basic
amount of the installation allowance. The geographical zones shall be set as follows: EME
(Europe and Middle East), Africa, Americas (North, Central and South America), Asia and
Pacific (Far East and Pacific countries).
b) Officials entitled to the installation allowance as a result of their transfer for at least one
year to another assigned duty station and whose new actual and habitual residence is
therefore distant by more than 100 kilometres from their previous assigned duty station shall
receive a supplement to the installation allowance equal to 75% of the basic amount of the
installation allowance;
c) The supplements referred to in paragraphs a) and b) above shall not be granted in respect
of the same installation.
16/4.3 a) The basic amount of the installation allowance shall be increased for officials whose
dependents, within the meaning of these Staff Regulations, take up the same actual and
habitual residence. This amount shall be increased by:
i) 20 % if a spouse, partner or first dependent child take up the same actual and
habitual residence than the officials; and
ii) an additional increase of 10 % of the basic amount for any other dependent,
within the meaning of these Staff Regulations, taking up the same actual and habitual
residence than the officials.
b) The increase for dependants shall not exceed 100 % of the basic amount.
16/4.4 a) Officials who resign within the year following their appointment or their transfer to another
assigned duty station shall repay the installation allowance to the Organisation. For that
purpose, the installation allowance shall be considered as a monthly paid allowance and the
officials concerned should repay the amounts corresponding to the months to go to reach
twelve months.
b) Official shall not repay the installation allowance in case of termination of the appointment
within their first year of service or transfer, except in case of disciplinary dismissal and when
they are re-appointed after the termination of their appointments.
16/4.5 Officials in service on 31 December 2014 who are transferred to another assigned duty
station within the Organisation at any time after 1 January 2015 and before 31 December 2018 shall receive
an installation allowance in accordance with the followingrules.
16/4.5.1 An official of category A, L or B, and all officials appointed as of 01/10/2023 who, at the
time of appointment, had no residence in the Paris area, shall receive an installation allowance in accordance
with the following scale:
an official who does not receive the household allowance:
- 1/12th of annual salary;
an official who receives the household allowance and has no
dependent child or one only:
- 1/8th of annual salary;
an official who receives the household allowance and has two or
more dependent children:
- 1/6th of annual salary.
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The Secretary-General may deem this Rule applicable to specially-qualified category C staff when the
Secretary-General finds that he cannot adequately recruit such staff locally.
16/4.5.2 In calculating the allowance due to an official who receives the household allowance,
account shall be taken only of dependent persons who take up, or in the near future will take up, residence in
the Paris area.
116/4.5.2 For the purposes of Rule 16/4.5.2, no account shall be taken of persons who were not
dependent on the official or his spouse at the time of taking up duty with the Organisation.
16/4.5.3 For the purposes of Rule 16/4.5.1, the following shall be regarded as dependent persons:
husband, wife and dependent children.
16/4.5.4 An official shall be entitled to the complement of the installation allowance in accordance
with Rule 16/4.5.1 where a dependant becomes resident at the headquarters of the Organisation after the
official's appointment.
16/4.5.5 For the purposes of Rule 16/4.5.1, an official shall be deemed not to be resident at the
headquarters of the Organisation if at the time of his appointment he had no house at his disposal in Paris or
within a radius of 100 kilometres of Paris.
116/4.5.5 In the case of successive appointments, the expression "at the time of his appointment", for
the purposes of Rule 16/4.5.5, refers to the date of the first appointment of the official as a temporary staff
or official.
16/4.5.6 The provisions of Rule 16/4.5.1 shall not apply to an official appointed for a year or less.
16/4.5.7 An official whose appointment is terminated during the probationary period or who resigns
before completing two years' service shall repay to the Organisation half the installation allowance.
Last update: October 2023
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Section V Rent allowance
16/5 As of 1 January 2001, entitlement to the rent allowance shall be regulated by Rules
16/5 et seq. of the Rules, including for officials who, although already receiving this allowance,
apply for it in relation to a new dwelling place. Officials receiving a rent allowance at 1 January
2001 shall continue to receive it on the conditions applying previously and set out in Annex XIX
for as long as they rent the dwelling place for which entitlement to the allowance was established.
16/5.1 Officials whose salary is 4,157.86 EUR or less and who are not the owners, or whose
spouse is not the owner, in the Paris area, of a dwelling place which the Head of Human Resource
Management considers to be suitable for their requirements, having regard to their functions and
family status, may receive a flat-rate rent allowance of 203.54 EUR on presentation of documentary
evidence justifying the renting of such a dwelling place. This flat-rate amount shall be payable
monthly at the same time as the emoluments for the month in respect of which the allowance is due.
Last update: January 2024
16/5.2 The rent allowance is paid only if the rent is 33 per cent or less of the official’s salary.
16/5.3 For the purposes of Rule 16/5.1, rent shall mean the actual rent paid excluding all
related operational costs (heat, light, etc., and maintenance costs) for the whole surface area
mentioned in the contract of lease.
116/5.3 Applications for rent allowance should be made to the Head of Human Resource
Management, who is authorised to determine entitlement to this allowance.
116/5.3.1 Officials shall inform the Head of Human Resource Management of any change affecting
their entitlement to rent allowance (change of address, of contract of lease or of family status,
purchase of immovable property, etc.).
116/5.3.2 The Secretary-General shall review each year the amount of this allowance with reference
to the INSEE consumer price index and decide whether it should be adjusted.
Last update: 1 January 2001
Section VI Acting allowance
16/6 An official who is called upon to act for an official of a higher grade for a temporary
but continuous period shall be paid an acting allowance equal to twice the value of the first step in
his grade.
16/6.1 The allowance shall be payable in respect of the period from the first day of the
third month up to the last day of the sixth month following the date of the assignment; it may be
renewed for further periods of six months by special decision of the Secretary-General.
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116/6 The Executive Director shall determine, in the conditions specified in Rule 16/6,
the entitlement of officials to an acting allowance.
Section VII Language allowance
16/7 The language allowance specified in Rules 16/7.1 and 16/7.2 is paid only to those
officials who were receiving it at 1st November 2001 as long as they continue fulfilling the
conditions described in these Rules. The other officials are not entitled to the language allowance.
16/7.1 Officials of grade B1 or B2 who are required to use two official languages in the
course of their duties and have satisfied the Secretary-General of their proficiency in those languages
shall be entitled to a language allowance, the amount of which is fixed at the value of a step for
grade B2.
16/7.2 A language allowance may be granted to certain staff of grades C1 to C4 to take
account of their linguistic qualifications, provided that the staff in question:
are in frequent contact with persons who use English only or
French only, and
are required to use both these languages under the terms of their
job description, and
have successfully passed a special test organised by the Human
Resource Management Service in order to verify their ability to
express themselves orally in the two languages in question.
The language allowance in question shall correspond to the step increase from grade C3/1 to C3/2
in the scale applicable to the country in which the staff member concerned is serving.
Last update: 1 November 2001
116/7 Officials who have passed the standard shorthand and typing tests in one of the
official languages shall be deemed to have passed the language tests in that language.
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Section VIII Education allowance
Condition of entitlement
Officials with dependent children, within the meaning of these Rules, who regularly attend
an educational establishment on a full-time basis, may request the reimbursement of
educational costs if they are entitled to the expatriation allowance under Rule 16/3, in
respect of children in compulsory education up to completion of secondary level education,
and in respect of children at post-secondary level of education.
By way of exception, officials who are not entitled to the expatriation allowance and are
not nationals of the duty country, may request the reimbursement of educational costs,
provided they were granted an education allowance or reimbursement of the educational
costs for a dependent child who must, for imperative educational reasons, continue an
educational cycle commenced prior to the date of transfer or recruitment of the official,
provided such educational cycle is not post-secondary education and is not part of the
national educational system of the duty country. The entitlement to the education allowance
may not exceed the duration of the educational cycle.
116/8.0.1 For the purposes of the provisions on the education allowance:
i) should the official not be the parent of the dependent child, “other parent” shall mean the
parent of the child who is the official’s spouse;
ii) Full-time attendance is normally determined by the accreditation by the relevant authority
of the certification/degree provided by the educational institution upon completion of the
course/program carried out. It may include full-time online or distance learning courses.
In respect of children at post-secondary level of education where attendance is determined
by semester, any educational expenses corresponding to the semester in which a child is
not in full-time attendance shall be considered non-admissible and shall not be included
in the computation of the education allowance.
Entitlement to the education allowance shall commence on the first day of the month during
which the child begins to attend school and not earlier than the age corresponding to the
compulsory age of education of the national system followed by the school. It shall finish when
the child stops full-time studies, and not later than the end of the month in which the dependent
child supplement
stops being paid.
In cases where dependent children have to perform compulsory military or civil service under
the legislation of their country of nationality, entitlement to the education allowance shall be
extended beyond the limit laid down in paragraph a) above, for a period not exceeding the
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For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, not later than the end of the month in which this allowance stops being paid.
duration of that compulsory military or civil service. Payment of the education allowance shall
be suspended for the duration of the military or civil service.
Last update: January 2023
Modalities of payment
16/8.2 The following items of expenditure shall be taken into account when calculating the
education allowance:
school or university registration fees;
general fees for schooling and education charged by the educational establishment, with
the exception of expenses on special courses and activities that are not normally part of the child’s
basic course of studies and the cost of related equipment;
expenditure on board and lodging in cases where it is shown that during the school or
academic year, the child does not live at the official’s or either of his/her parents’ dwelling or in
accommodation located in the local commuting area of the official or either of his/her parent;
all other education-related expenditure.
116/8.2.1 For the purposes of the education allowance, “local commuting area” shall be defined
as a radius of 50 kilometres from the place where the official or either of the child’s parents live.
a) The education allowance shall take the form of a reimbursement set at 75% of the total
expenditure mentioned in Rules 16/8.2 a) and b) and, where applicable, of a lump sum for the
expenditure mentioned in Rules 16/8.2 c) and d).
The total amount of the education allowance shall be subject to the following ceilings:
If the child carries out his/her studies in the duty country, two and a half times the annual
amount of the dependent child supplement
applicable in the duty country ;
if the child carries out his/her studies in the country of which the official or the other parent
is a national and insofar as it is not the duty country, two and a half times the annual amount
of the dependent child supplement
applicable in that country ;
if the child carries out his/her studies in a country other than the duty country or the country
of which the official or the other parent is a national, two and a half times the annual amount
of the dependent child supplement
applicable in the duty country.
b) Where, for imperative educational reasons, the items of educational expenditure, as set out in
Rules 16/8.2 a) and b), are excessively high, the Secretary-General may grant, upon request from
an official and after an examination of individual cases, an increased allowance within the limit
of 75% of the total admissible expenditure and which may in no case exceed four times the
For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, two and half times this allowance in the duty country.
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For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, two and half times this allowance in that country.
For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, two and half times this allowance in the duty country.
dependent child supplement
. This increased allowance may only be granted for the education
of the children of officials receiving the expatriation allowance and up to completion of the
secondary cycle.
c) For reimbursement of the items of expenditure mentioned in Rules 16/8.2 a) and b), supporting
documentation shall be required, as indicated in Rule 16/8.5.
d) The items of expenditure referred to in Rules 16/8.2 c) and d) shall be reimbursed in the form
of a lump-sum payment, in accordance with the modalities laid down by the Secretary-General.
Subject to the ceilings laid down in Rule 16/8.3, the items of expenditure referred to in Rule 16/8.2
and shall be reimbursed on the basis of a lump sum, determined as follows:
i) the lump-sum amount for board and lodging expenditure under Rule 16/8.2 c) shall be
equivalent to the annual dependent child supplement
applicable in the duty country;
ii) the lump-sum amount for all other education-related expenditure under Rule 16/8.2 d) shall
be equivalent to one-sixth of the annual dependent child supplement
applicable in the duty
Officials receiving the education allowance are entitled to the reimbursement of the cost of
two round travels between the place of education and the duty station, per school or academic
year, for each child giving right to education allowance and carrying out his/her studies in a
country other than the duty country.
The reimbursement of travel costs for home leave shall replace that of one round travel
relating to education under paragraph a) above in the year in which home leave is taken by the
The reimbursement of travel costs mentioned above shall be made in accordance with Rule
17/3.5 b) and relevant Instructions.
116/8.4.1 The annual periods, mentioned in Rule 16/8.4, during which a child eligible for the
education allowance may make a return trip between the place of study and the official’s duty station
or the place approved for home leave are calculated from the date of appointment of the official.
The return trip between the place of education and the duty station or the place approved for home
leave shall always be assumed to start at the place where the child is carrying out his/her studies.
The reimbursement of travel cost mentioned above shall be paid as a lump sum in accordance with
83 Back to top
For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, four times this allowance.
For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, the annual amount of this allowance in the duty country.
For officials who receive the dependent child allowance, one-sixth of the annual amount of this allowance in the duty country.
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17/3.5 b) and relevant Instructions calculated on the cost of two round travels between the place of education and
the duty station, and shall not exceed the cost of two round travels between the duty station and the place approved
for home leave
116/8.4.2 No reimbursement of a child’s travel in relation to education shall be made during the
four months preceding the date when an official’s appointment is due to end. However, the cost of
travel from the place of study to the official’s permanent residence or new duty station may be
reimbursed up to the limit of the travel costs defined in Rule 17/3.1 d).
a) At the beginning of the school year, an official requesting an education allowance shall submit
a certificate of enrolment established by the educational establishment and shall inform the
Head of Human Resource Management as fully as possible on the expenditures which will be
incurred for the education of each child. At the end of the school year, the official shall provide
proof of the total expenditure during the school year in order to allow the final calculation of
the allowance, pursuant to Rule 16/8.3.
b) Where the appointment of a staff member begins or finishes during the course of the school
or academic year, the education allowance shall be payable pro rata temporis, on the basis of
1/12th for each full month of education as from the date on which the staff member took up
duty or up to the termination of appointment.
116/8.5.1 On the basis of the information supplied at the beginning of the school year, the education
allowance shall be provisionally calculated on an annual basis, and it shall be made payable
monthly at one-twelfth of the total amount from the beginning of the school year. The final amount
of the allowance shall be determined in light of the actual amount of expenditures recognised as
justified by the Head of Human Resource Management at the end of the school year.
The supplementary expatriation allowance, referred to in Rule 16/3.2, and the education
allowance shall not be paid concurrently.
No education allowance shall be paid if the total of the items of expenditure reimbursable
under Rule 16/8.2 is less than the annual amount of the supplementary expatriation allowance for
a dependent child referred to in Rule 16/3.2.
The amount of any allowances received from other sources (scholarships, study grants,
etc.) and any other reimbursement of educational costs from other sources, relating to the
education of the dependent child, shall be deducted from the education allowance. The official
shall inform the Organisation of any other allowance or reimbursement received from another
source or of any change of circumstances which affect entitlement to, or the level of
reimbursement of, educational costs.
Last update: January 2023
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Entry into force
16/8.7 These Rules shall govern the payment and administration of the education allowance as of any
school or academic year starting on or after 1 January 2023.
Periodic review
16/8.8 The ceilings set out in Rule 16/8.3 may be adjusted following an assessment of school costs,
which shall take place every three years, in accordance with the method set out by in the 276th
Report of the Co-ordination Committee on Remuneration and its Appendix, as approved by the
OECD Council and set forth in Annex I ter of these Regulations.
Last update: January 2023
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Officials shall be entitled, in accordance with Rules of the
Secretary-General, subject to approval by the Council:
a) to benefits in case of sickness, maternity, work accident,
invalidity or death;
b) to benefits under the Pension Scheme or from the Provident
c) to reimbursement of travel and removal expenses incurred in
the service of the Organisation.
(Regulation 17)
Section I General provisions relating to the medical and social
system of the Organisation
Subsection I - Affiliation
Officials shall be affiliated to the medical and social system of
the Organisation.
However, in accordance with the terms of the Administrative
Arrangement for the implementation of the Agreement between
the Government of the French Republic and the Organisation on
the social protection of members of the staff employed by the
Organisation in France, signed in Paris on 24 September 1991,
officials in service on 1 January 1993 may opt to remain affiliated
to the general French Social Security scheme in respect of cover
for sickness, maternity, invalidity, death, work accidents and
occupational diseases. Such officials shall also be entitled to
complementary benefits for health care, maintenance of salary in
the event of total temporary incapacity, benefits on the birth or
adoption of a child and capital benefits in the event of death or
invalidity, in accordance with Rule 17/1.17 et seq.
Note: The texts of the Agreement and that of the Administrative Arrangement, which came into force on
1st January 1993, are published at Appendices 1 and 2 to Annex XIV.
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Former officials not covered by a social protection scheme by
virtue of some other gainful occupation and who meet certain
conditions as to age and length of service with the Organisation
or whose service with the Organisation has been terminated for
specified reasons, may at their request be affiliated to the medical
and social system of the Organisation on conditions determined
by the Secretary-General.
Duly qualified claimants to the rights of officials who die while
in service and of former officials referred to in a) above who are
not covered by a social protection scheme by virtue of some
gainful occupation may at their request be affiliated to the medical
and social system of the Organisation on conditions
determined by the Secretary-General.
Last update: February 94
117/1.2.1 Where they are not entitled to cover for health care expenses by virtue of some gainful
occupation, the following persons shall at their request be affiliated to the Organisation's medical
and social system in respect of cover for health care expenses:
a) if they were affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social
system before the end of their employment,
former officials of the Organisation having completed at least
10 years service and who ceased work at the eligibility age
for voluntary affiliation as set out below (hereinafter
voluntary affiliation eligibility age) or after this age:
60 years, if they entered into service as officials on
of June 2014 or before that date;
63 years, if they entered into service as officials
after the 1
of June 2014 and before the 1
July 2024;
66 years, if they entered into service as officials
on or after the 1
of July 2024.
as from the voluntary affiliation eligibility age, former officials
having completed at least 10 years of service and who ceased
between 50 and 60 years, if the voluntary affiliation
eligibility age applicable to them is 60 years;
between 51 and 63 years, if the voluntary affiliation
eligibility age applicable to them is 63 years.
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between 60 and 66 years, if the voluntary affiliation
eligibility age applicable to them is 66 years.
iii) former officials of the Organisation entitled to an invalidity
pension under the Pension Scheme of the Organisation or to
an invalidity annuity by virtue of their affiliation to the
Provident Fund ;
iv) former officials of the Organisation who are not in one of
the categories referred to in sub-paragraphs i), ii), or iii)
above and whose appointment was terminated under one of
sub-paragraphs i), iii), iv), v) and vii) of Staff Regulation
11 a) and of Staff Regulation 11 b); or
v) former officials of the Organisation who are not in one of the
categories referred to in sub-paragraphs i), ii), iii) or iv)
above and who have completed at least 10 years of service
and ceased work as a result of the expiration of their fix-
term appointment:
- between 50 and 60 years if the voluntary affiliation
eligibility age applicable to them is 60 years;
- between 51 and 63 years, if the voluntary affiliation
eligibility age applicable to them is 63 years;
- between 60 and 66 years, if the voluntary affiliation
eligibility age applicable to them is 66 years.
b) duly qualified claimants, within the meaning of the Pension
Scheme Rules, to the rights
of an official who dies while in active service, if the latter
was affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social
system at the date of their death ;
ii) of a deceased former official who was, at the time of the
official’s death, affiliated to the Organisation's medical and
social system under sub-paragraph a) i), ii), iii), iv) or v) of
this Instruction.
c) surviving spouses of deceased officials or former officials
mentioned in paragraph b) not entitled to a survivor's pension
owing to the duration of their marriage.
Last update: July 2024
117/1.2.2 Save in duly established exceptional circumstances, application for affiliation shall be
submitted no later than:
a) the month following termination of their appointment in the case of former officials
referred to in paragraph a) i), iii), iv) and v) of Instruction 117/1.2.1,
b) the month following the voluntary affiliation eligibility age that is applicable to them in the
case of former officials referred to in paragraph a) ii) of the same Instruction; and
c) three months following the death of the person affiliated in the case of duly qualified
claimants and surviving spouses referred to in paragraph b) and c) of the same Instruction.
Last update: July 2024
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Where they are not entitled as at 1 January 1993 to cover for health
care expenses either under Instruction 117/1.21.1 b) or by virtue of a
gainful occupation, persons who on that date are in one of the
situations referred to in Instruction 117/1.2.1 shall at their request
be affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social system in
respect of cover for health care expenses.
The request referred to above shall be submitted, save where there
are duly established exceptional circumstances, no later than 31
March 1993, and affiliation shall take effect as from 1 January 1993.
Last update: February 94
Where, by reason of a change in their country of residence,
cessation of payment of a pension giving entitlement under a
protection scheme, or owing to some unforeseen change in their
personal or family situation outside their control, persons entitled
to complementary cover for health care expenses under
Instruction 117/1.21.1 cease to be entitled tobenefits under some
other scheme at a rate recognised as satisfactory by the
Secretary-General, such persons shall, at their request, be
affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social system in
respect of cover for health care expenses.
Save in duly established exceptional circumstances, the request
referred to above shall be submitted no later than the month
following the event giving entitlement to affiliation on the
conditions specified in paragraph a) above. Affiliation shall take
effect on the day following that when the person concerned ceases
to be entitled under the other scheme.
Persons entitled to complementary cover for health care expenses
under Instruction 117/1.21.1 b) may, at their request, be affiliated
to the Organisation's medical and social system, as defined in
Instruction 117/1.15.1 c), for cover for health care expenses,
provided they continue to be entitled to benefits under a scheme
accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary-General within the
meaning of Instruction 117/1.15.1 c). Benefits due under such
scheme must in all cases be obtained before any claim is made on
the Organisation's medical and social system and shall be
deducted from benefits payable under that system. The request
referred to above shall be made no later than 30
September 1996.
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Former officials are affiliated, at their request, to the
Organisation's medical and social system in respect of cover for
health care expenses, if they:
have completed at least 10 years of service; and
have ceased work between 50 and 60 years if the voluntary
affiliation eligibility age that is applicable to them is 60 years, or
between 51 and 63 years if the voluntary affiliation eligibility age
that is applicable to them is 63 years, or between 60 and 66 years if
the voluntary affiliation eligibility age that is applicable to them is
66 years; and
are not entitled by virtue of some new gainful occupation to cover
for health care expenses;and
agree to pay contributions equal to three times the contribution
determined by the Secretary-General under Instruction 117/1.15.1.
The former officials referred to in paragraph a) above who are
entitled through their spouse to cover for health care expenses
accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary-General may, at their
request, be affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social system
on the same terms as the former officials referred to in Instruction
117/1.15.1 c). The contribution payable by them shall in such cases
be three times that payable by officials referred to in that Instruction.
Save in duly established exceptional circumstances, the request
referred to in paragraph a) above shall be submitted no later than
the month following the cessation of work. In the case of former
officials whose entitlement is maintained under Rule 17/1.3, the
request for affiliation shall be submitted no later than the month
following the end of the period of maintenance of entitlement.
Last update: July 2024
117/1.2.6 Years of service with a Co-ordinated Organisation which are allowable under the Rules
of the Pension Scheme or Provident Fund shall be deemed to be years of service with the
Organisation for the purposes of the provisions relating to voluntary affiliation and to personal
Last update: January 96
Subsection II - Maintenance of Entitlement
17/1.3 Categories of persons who are not entitled to cover under any other social protection scheme
may be authorised under conditions determined by Instructions of the Secretary-General to retain
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the benefits of affiliation to the Organisation's medical and social system in regard to certain
categories of benefits and for a period which shall not exceed twelve months.
117/1.3.1 The following persons may, at their request, remain affiliated to the Organisation's
medical and social system for a maximum period of 12 months, as regards cover for health care
a) after ceasing to work for the Organisation, former officials who
are not entitled to cover for health care expenses by virtue of a
new gainful occupation in particular because the sickness or
pregnancy commenced prior to the date of affiliation to another
scheme, or owing to entitlement under another scheme being in
full or in part subject to some minimum waiting period.
after ceasing to work for the Organisation, former officials who
do not take up any gainful occupation and are not entitled, under
conditions accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary- General, to
cover for health care expenses in their country of residence;
officials on non-active status for personal reasons who do not
take up any gainful occupation during such period and who are
not entitled, under conditions accepted as satisfactory by the
Secretary-General, to cover for health care expenses in their
country of residence;
after their divorce, former spouses of officials affiliated to the
Organisation's Social Protection Scheme or of former officials
referred to in paragraph a) of Instruction 117/1.2.1 who had
exercised their right of voluntary affiliation prior to the divorce,
provided they are not entitled, under conditions
accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary-General, to cover for
health care expenses in their country of residence.
Last update: July 98
a) The request to remain affiliated to the Organisation's medical
and social system shall be made:
i) in the case of former officials, no later than the month following
termination of their appointment;
ii) in the case of officials on non-active status for personal
reasons, no later than the month following that in which they are
placed on non-active status;
iii) in the case of divorced former spouses, no later than the
month following notification of the divorce.
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b) Affiliation shall take effect on the day following termination of
their appointment for former officials, on the day they acquire
non-active status for officials in that status, and on the day
following notification of the divorce for divorced former
117/1.3.3 Affiliation shall cease when the persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.3.1 cease to
fulfil the conditions set out in that Instruction.
117/1.3.4 Persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.3.1 who no longer fulfil the conditions set out
in that Instruction shall immediately inform the Head of Human Resource Management thereof.
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Subsection III - Beneficiaries under the Organisation's Medical and Social system
a) The Secretary-General shall determine by Instructions the categories
of persons entitled to benefits under the Organisation's medical and social
system for each category of benefits.
b) Where a beneficiary can claim benefits under some other social
protection scheme, applications for benefits under the Organisation's system
shall be considered, in accordance with Instructions of the Secretary-General,
subject to deduction of all benefits due under the other scheme.
Last update: February 94
117/1.4.1 Beneficiaries for the purposes of the Organisation's medical and social system shall mean:
a) a regards cover for health care expenses:
i) officials affiliated under Rule 17/1.1 a), former officials or duly qualified claimants to
the rights of former officials voluntarily or personally affiliated under Rule 17/1.2;
ii) the spouse of a person affiliated, or his or her co-habitee where the person affiliated
establishes the existence of a quasi-marital relationship for at least six months;
however, former officials referred to in Instructions 117/1.2.1 a) and 117/1.2.5 can
only be beneficiaries as the spouse or co- habitee of an affiliated person provided that
they are affiliated, with regard to the cover for health care expenses, to a medical and
social system other than that of the Organisation which the Secretary-General has
recognised as being satisfactory. Should that not be the case, they must enter into a
voluntary or personal affiliation agreement in accordance with Article 17/1.2 in order
to qualify as a beneficiary under the present instruction;
iii) children and other dependents, within the meaning of the Staff Regulations, of the
person affiliated;
b) as regards maintenance of salary in the event of temporary total incapacity by reason
of sickness or maternity, serving officials or officials on non-active status owing to
c) as regards capital benefits, serving officials and officials on non- active status owing
to sickness or, in the event of death, the person or persons referred to in Rule 17/1.11
b) below;
d) as regards benefits for work accidents or occupational diseases, serving officials and
officials on non-active status owing to sickness or, in the event of death, the person
or persons referred to in Rule 17/1.14 d) below.
Last update: September 2018
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If the beneficiaries mentioned in Instruction 117/1.4.1 a) ii) and iii)
above are covered or may be covered in a personal capacity by one
or more other social protection schemes subscribed to on a
compulsory and automatic basis, benefits due under such scheme or
schemes must in all cases be obtained before any application is made
for cover under the Organisation's medical and social system and
shall be deducted from benefits provided by that system.
If health care expenses for beneficiaries are payable or reimbursable
under one or more voluntary insurance schemes, benefits received
thereunder must in all cases be declared to the Organisation and
shall be deducted from benefits due under the Organisation's
medical and social system.
However, if the spouse or the co-habitee of an official recruited to
work half-time, or of an official authorised to work half-time for
longer than six years, pursues a gainful occupation and as such is
entitled to cover for the health care expenses of himself/hersel and
his/her children, benefits due to the children in this respect must in
all cases be obtained before any application is made for cover by the
Organisation's medical and social system and shall be deducted
from benefits provided under that system.
Former officials and their beneficiaries mentioned in Instruction
117/1.4.1 a) i) above who are effectively entitled to medical cover
under another social protection scheme:
must in all cases obtain the benefits which are due under
this other scheme before making any request for cover under
the Organisation’s medical and social system, such benefits
being then deducted in their totality from those provided
under the latter system;
may nonetheless receive the benefits provided under the
Organisation’s medical and social system, under the “Global
System”, without having to obtain the benefits due under this
other scheme beforehand, provided that they submit a written
request to that effect and pay a further 4.86% in addition to
the mandatory contribution of 2.5%,
that is to say a total contribution of 7.36% of the basis as
defined in Instruction 117/1.15.1 a).
Last update: November 2015
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117/1.4.3 The person affiliated shall inform the Head of Human Resource Management of any.
other social protection scheme giving entitlement to cover for health care expenses for
himself/herself or for one of the persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.4.1 a), whether in a
personal capacity or otherwise, except as regards schemes which only provide benefits
complementary to those of the Organisation's medical and social system.
Last update: February 94
Subsection IV - Period of Cover and Exclusions
117/1.5.1 For persons voluntarily affiliated under Instruction 117/1.2.1 affiliation shall take
in the case of former officials referred to in paragraph a) i) iii)
and iv) of that Instruction on the day following termination of
their appointment;
in the case of former officials referred to in paragraph a) ii) on
the day following the voluntary affiliation eligibility age that is
applicable to them;
in the case of duly qualified claimants and surviving spouses
referred to in paragraph b) and c), on the day following the
death of the person affiliated.
Last update: June 2014
In the case of persons granted personal affiliation under
Instruction 117/1.2.5, affiliation shall take effect on the day
following termination of their appointment; however, in the case
of those whose entitlement is maintained under Rule 17/1.3,
affiliation shall take effect on the day following the end of the
period of maintenance of entitlement.
a) Subject to the provisions of Rule 17/1.12, entitlement to benefits under
the Organisation's medical and social system:
shall commence on the day of taking up duty;
shall cease on the day the official's appointment ends, without prejudice
to rights resulting from voluntary affiliation or from maintenance of
entitlement in cases
referred to in Rules 17/1.2 and 17/1.3;
shall be suspended throughout any period of non-activity for any reason
other than sickness, without prejudice to any entitlements under Rule
b) The Secretary-General shall specify by Instructions those risks not
covered under the Organisation's medical and social system.
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For former officials referred to in Instruction 117/1.2.5 b)
affiliation shall take effect on the first day of the month following
receipt by the Organisation of all supporting documents.
Last update: January 96
a) Voluntary affiliation shall be suspended for persons referred to in
paragraphs a) i), ii), iv) and v) of Instruction 117/1.2.1 who
have completed at least 10 years of service, as well as for
surviving spouses referred to in paragraph b) and c) of the same
Instruction, and for persons referred to in Instructions 117/1.2.3
and 117/1.2.4, when they take up before age 67 some new
gainful occupation giving entitlement to cover for health care
expenses, and such suspension shall continue throughout the
period of entitlement by virtue of such occupation. The
suspension terminates at age 67, or before that age once the
total duration of the suspension reaches 10 years.
b) Voluntary affiliation shall cease:
i) for any person referred to in paragraph a) above, once
the total duration of the suspension reaches 10 years or
if the person reaches age 67 and remains in gainful
occupation giving entitlement to cover for health care
ii) for persons referred to in paragraph a) iv) of Instruction
117/1.2.1 and who have completed less than 10 years of
service, for persons referred in Instructions 117/1.2.3
and 117/1.2.4, as well as for the duly qualified claimants
referred to in paragraph b) of the same Instruction,
other than surviving spouses, when they take up some
gainful occupation giving entitlement to cover for health
care expenses.
c) Persons voluntarily affiliated in accordance with Instruction
occupation shall
immediately inform the Head of Human Resource Management
d) The age referred to in paragraphs a) and b) above shall be 65:
i) for former officials whose age limit of service was 65
pursuant to Staff Regulation 13 and its related
ii) for surviving spouses of deceased officials or former
officials whose age limit of service was 65 pursuant to
Staff Regulation 13 and its related instructions.
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The personal affiliation referred to in Instruction 117/1.2.5 shall
cease on the day following the voluntary affiliation eligibility age
of the person affiliated or when this person takes up some new
gainful occupation giving entitlement to cover for health care
Former officials granted personal affiliation who take up some
new gainful occupation shall inform the Head of Human
Resource Management thereof.
Last update: July 2024
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117/1.5.5 The consequences:
of flying accidents occurring during a non-commercial flight in
an aircraft which does not hold a valid airworthiness certificate
or is flown by a pilot not holding a valid flying certificate or
licence, or during a flight on hang-gliders or during air
competitions and aerobatics, records, attempted records or
preliminary tests, acceptance tests, or parachute jumping not
resulting from an emergency on board the aircraft;
of wounds or injuries resulting from the use of motor vehicles in
racing competitions or rally,
shall not be covered by the Organisation's medical and social system in respect of health care
expenses and maintenance of salary referred to in Rules 17/1.6 and 17/1.7 below, unless the
beneficiary has taken out special insurance cover for the risks involved in such activities in respect
of such benefits and that the Organisation is subrogated to the rights of the beneficiary under such
117/1.5.6 Notwithstanding the provisions of Instruction 117/1.5.5, cover shall extend to risks
resulting from a flying accident which occurs when the beneficiary is on board a state-owned
aircraft, in particular military aircraft or aircraft manned by a military crew, provided that
conveyance by such aircraft has been officially approved by the authority responsible for the
117/1.5.7 The consequences:
of acts of war in the case of beneficiaries who are mobilised or
have volunteered for military service;
of insurrection or riots where the beneficiary, by taking part
therein, has contravened the laws in force;
shall not give entitlement to benefits under the Organisation's medical and social system.
117/1.5.8 The consequences of the conscious suicide of the person affiliated in the first two years
of service with the Organisation, or of any such attempted suicide or attempted mutilation in the
same period, shall not give entitlement to the capital benefits referred to in Rule 17/1.11.
Last update: March 93
Subsection V - Claims, fraud and subrogation
Claims by the person affiliated and the Organisation under the medical and social system of the
Organisation shall be prescribed in accordance with Rules 17/8 to 17/8.5.
Last update: October 2006
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117/ The person affiliated shall reimburse all sums unduly received. If these sums are not fully
reimbursed within a reasonable period of time, the Organisation may deduct the outstanding
amount from any sum due to the person affiliated or to the persons entitled under him/her, including
sums due in the form of pension payments.
Last update: October 2006
Last update: October 2006
117/1.5.11 In accordance with Rule 17/9, the Organisation shall be subrogated to the claims and
rights of action of the person affiliated against third parties, up to the amount of the benefits paid,
except in the case of capital benefits, which are payable concurrently with similar compensation
paid by third parties.
117/1.5.12 The person affiliated shall notify the Head of Human Resource Management of any
accident to himself/herself or another beneficiary referred to in Instruction 117/1.4.1 a), regardless
whether or not such accident was caused by a third party. The person affiliated shall, where
appropriate, provide all information necessary to identify the persons involved and their insurers
and regarding the circumstances of the accident, so as to enable the Organisation to exercise its
rights vis-à-vis any third party who may be liable.
The Organisation may decide to suspend all or some of the
benefits to a person affiliated or to one of his beneficiaries:
in the event of suspected fraud;
if a person affiliated or his/her beneficiary refuses to undergo
a medical examination.
In the event of fraud or attempted fraud, the Organisation may
decide to take one or more of the following actions:
suspension of all or some of the benefits to a personaffiliated
or one of his/her beneficiaries;
if the person affiliated is an official, application of disciplinary
measures as provided for in Rule 21;
if the person is affiliated on a voluntary or personal basis,
definitive exclusion of that person from the medical system.
In the event of fraud, the person affiliated shall in addition
reimburse the sums unduly received.
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Section II - Sickness and maternity
Subsection I - Health Care Expenses
Rule 17/1.6
Last update: January 96
The Secretary-General shall specify by Instructions what health
care expenses are covered by the Organisation's medical and
social system, together with the rates of cover, the exclusions and
the limits applicable, according to the type of benefit, or the
reason for the benefit.
The procedure for obtaining benefits shall be determined by the
In the event of sickness, maternity or accident other than those
mentioned in Rule 17/1.12, the beneficiaries listed in paragraph a) of
Instruction 117/1.4.1 shall be entitled to cover for expenses in respect
of medical attention or surgery or of treatment or prescriptions,
subject to the limits and according to the procedure laid down in
Annex XIV of these Regulations. Such cover may take the form of
direct payment, in full or in part, to the supplier or provider of
services or of reimbursement of the person affiliated.
All expenses covered by sickness or maternity insurance under the
French General Social Security Scheme shall be covered by the
medical and social system.
Beneficiaries under the Organisation's medical and social system
may freely select the practitioner or establishment of their choice
from among those authorised to give or prescribe care in the country
or countries where their expenses are covered. In countries where
chiropractors are not authorised to give or prescribe treatment,
only treatment given or prescribed by chiropractors recognised by
the Organisation's medical and social system shall be covered.
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Subject to the ceilings and other conditions set out in Annex XIV, the
rate of cover for health care expenses shall be 92.5% or 100% of the
expenses incurred. The rate shall be specified for each type of
expenditure in the tables in Annex XIV.
However, the rate of reimbursement shall be 100% when sickness and
maternity insurance of the French General Social Security Scheme
provides 100% cover for expenditure on the same type of goods or
services, except for hospitalisation in a private establishment.
Subject to application of Article 4 of Annex XIV and the other conditions
set out in Article 11 of this annex, the rate of cover for health care
expenses directly related to the handicap shall be 100% of the costs
incurred when the beneficiary is recognised as handicapped under the
legislation of his/her country of residence or is entitled to the allowance
for a handicapped child or to the supplement for disabled or severely
disabled child under Regulation 16/1.3 and 16/2.3 of the Staff
Health care expenses in respect of which a direct settlement
agreement has been concluded with a service provider shall be
covered 100%, according to the ceilings and conditions set out in Article
11 of Annex XIV.
Last update: September 2018
117/1.6.3 Exceptional health care expenses may be paid or reimbursed in the case of exceptional
forms of treatment or long-term sickness for which the applicable limits and ceilings set out in the
tables in Annex XIV are held to be inadequate after obtaining the opinion of the doctor designated
by the Organisation.
Last update: Jan 96
In cases where, in the course of a calendar year, the share of health
care expenses borne by the person affiliated in application of the rate
of cover of 92.5 % exceeds 20 % of the average monthly basis of
assessment of contributions in the calendar year, the difference shall
be reimbursed in full to the person affiliated who submits a request.
In cases where affiliation is for a period shorter than the calendar
year, the average monthly basis of assessment of contributions shall
be calculated in proportion to the period of affiliation. For persons
affiliated who are exempt from contributions, the above amount shall
be calculated with reference to Instruction 117/1.15.1
a) ii), iv) or v) as the case may be.
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In the first quarter following the calendar year in question, the
person affiliated who submits a request shall be notified by the
manager of the share of health care expenses borne by him/her in
application of the rate of cover of 92.5 %. Persons affiliated shall,
on request, also be informed by the Head of Human Resource
Management of the amount of the 20 % of the average monthly
basis of assessment of contributions.
Requests for reimbursement must be sent to the manager, together
with the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph, before
30 June of the following calendar year.
Last update: May 2010
Subsection II - Maintenance of Salary in case of Sickness
Once the sick leave referred to in Regulation 20 g) has been
exhausted, officials on non-active status for reasons of sickness shall
be entitled to maintenance of their salaries and allowances under
the following conditions:
the entirety of the salary and allowances for a maximum
period of 6 months;
50% of the salary and allowances for up to the subsequent
4 months.
However, where the temporary incapacity for work results from:
Disabling cerebrovascular accident (stroke);
Aplastic anaemia;
Chronic and progressive arterial disease (including coronary artery
disease) with clinical symptoms of ischemia;
Complicated schistosomiasis; poorly tolerated congenital heart
disease, severe heart failure and severe valve heart disease requiring surgery;
Chronic active liver diseases and cirrhosis;
Severe primary immunodeficiency requiring long term treatment,
infection with the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV];
Complicated diabetes;
Severe forms of neurological and muscular disease (including
Severe epilepsy;
Homozygous haemoglobinopathy;
Severe hypertension;
Severe chronic pulmonary insufficiency;
Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia;
Parkinson’s disease;
Hereditary metabolic disorders requiring long term specialist
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Cystic fibrosis;
Severe chronic renal disease and primary nephrotic syndrome;
Polyarteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, progressive
Severe progressive rheumatoid arthritis;
Psychosis, severe personality disorder, mental retardation;
Chronic active ulcerative colitis and progressive Crohn’s disease;
Disabling multiple sclerosis;
Progressive structural scoliosis (25° or greater) prior to spinal
Severe ankylosing spondylitis;
After-care following organ transplant;
Active tuberculosis;
Malignant tumour or malignant disease of the lymphatic or
haematopoietic system;
Complications following a serious accident,
officials shall be entitled, for a maximum period of 32 months, to
maintenance of their salary and allowances under the following
for the first 14 months, the entirety of salary and allowances;
for the following 18 months, 80% of salary and allowances.
Last update: November 2006
For the purposes of this Rule, account shall be taken of all periods of
sick leave granted under Regulation 20 g) and of non-active status
for reasons of sickness granted under Regulation 14 a) i) falling
within the 365 days preceding the date of cessation of work,
irrespective of whether such periods are, or are not, attributable to the
same illness.
Whatever their situation, officials shall not be entitled to maintenance
of their salary and allowances for a period of more than 32 months,
even when their state of health led to their being governed first by
paragraph a) then b) above, or conversely.
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Subsection III - Special Benefits in case of Maternity or Adoption
17/1.8 Officials in service who are granted maternity or adoption leave shall be entitled,
during that period, to maintenance of the entirety of their salary andallowances.
Officials shall receive a lump sum allowance on the birth or
adoption of a child.
Where the parents of the child are both officials of the Organisation,
the allowance shall only be paid once, to the parent designated by
common agreement between the two parents, or failing such
agreement, to the parent whose emoluments are lower.
117/1.9.1 The amount of the allowance referred to in Rule 17/1.9 is 1,055.63 euros at 1 January
2024 for each child born alive. The Secretary-General, upon advice of the Supervisory Board, shall
review each year the amount of this indemnity with reference to the INSEE consumer price index
and decide whether it should be adjusted. In the case of multiple births, the allowance shall be
increased by 25% for the second child born alive, by 30% for the third and by 40% for the fourth.
Last update: January 2024
Payment of salary and allowances shall be subject to compliance
with Instructions 120/4 and following. Payment of salary and
allowances may be suspended if the doctor designated by the
Organisation finds that the official is not following the treatment
and prescriptions of his/her own doctor or that the official is fit to
resume work.
The salary and allowances shall cease to be due on termination of
the appointment.
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Section III - Invalidity and death not resulting from a work accident
or occupational disease
Subsection I - Invalidity Pension and Annuity
In the event of permanent invalidity which totally prevents him/her from performing the
functions assigned to him/her, an official affiliated to the Pension Scheme shall be entitled
to a pension in accordance with the Pension Scheme Rules set out in Annexes X and X bis.
In the event of permanent invalidity assessed at two-thirds or over within the meaning of
French Social Security legislation, a serving official or an official on non-active status due
to sickness who is affiliated to the Provident Fund shall be entitled to an annuity subject to
an adjustment coefficient for life annuities fixed in accordance with French legislation.
Last update: January 2011
Last update: November 92
117/1.10.2 Annuities payable to former staff shall be subject to an adjustment coefficient
corresponding to changes in the French Social Security ceiling as at 1 January in each year. The
first adjustment shall take place on 1 January of the year following the date the annuity takes effect.
117/1.10.3 Findings of permanent invalidity giving entitlement to the annuity referred to in
paragraph b) of Rule 17/1.10 shall be made by the Medical Board referred to in Instruction
122/4.2 i), in accordance with Instructions 122/4.1 and following.
a) The annuity referred to in paragraph b) of Rule 17/1.10 shall be
equal to:
100% of emoluments where such emoluments are below the
ceiling fixed by French Social Security legislation for the
calculation of sickness insurance benefits payable in cash;
ii) 100% of emoluments up to such ceiling where the emoluments
are between 100% and 200% of that ceiling;
iii)50% of emoluments where the emoluments are more than
twice the ceiling.
b) The emoluments and ceilings to be considered shall be those
applicable on the date at which the permanent invalidity of the
official is established.
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Subsection II - Capital Payments on Death or Invalidity
117/1.11.1 Category II invalidity for the purposes of French Social Security legislation shall be
deemed to be total permanent invalidity within the meaning of Rule 17/1.11 a).
Last update: January 96
Findings of total permanent invalidity within the meaning of Rule
17/1.11 a) shall be made by the Medical Board referred to in
Instruction 122/4.2 i), in accordance with Instructions 122/4.1 and
When the Invalidity Board referred to in Article 13 of the Pension
Scheme Rules is convoked in accordance with the Pension Scheme
Rules, it may, at the request of the official or the Secretary-General,
sit as the Medical Board for the purposes of paragraph a) above.
In the event of the total permanent invalidity of an official which occurs
during a period of service or non-active status due to sickness, and
certified as having incapacitated an official for any form of work,
professional or otherwise, the official shall be entitled to payment of a
capital sum equal to three years' emoluments at the rate applying on the
date when the invalidity is established.
In the event of the death of a serving official or of an official on non-
active status due to sickness, a capital sum equal to three years'
emoluments at the rate applying on the date of death shall be paid to the
person(s) designated by the official, otherwise to the spouse, otherwise to
the dependants of the official according to the Pension Scheme Rules, or
otherwise to the person(s) designated by the Secretary-General, except
where such capital sum has already been paid under paragraph a) of this
In the event of death or total permanent invalidity in the sense and under
the conditions specified in paragraph a) above of an official affiliated to
the Provident Fund, the capital provided for under paragraphs a) and b)
above is increased to five years' emoluments at the rate applying on the
date when the invalidity is established or on the date of death.
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The capital sum referred to in Rule 17/1.11 a) shall be paid within one
month of receipt by the Head of Human Resource Management of the
finding of total permanent invalidity by the Medical Board.
The capital sum referred to in Rule 17/1.11 b) shall be paid within
one month of receipt by the Head of Human Resource Management
of documents establishing the death of the official and the entitlement
of the beneficiaries.
Section IV - Work accidents and occupational disease
Subsection I - Definition
An accident shall be deemed to be a work accident where it occurs as a result of, or in
connection with, functions performed within the Organisation and causes physical injury
to a serving official.
An accident shall also be deemed to be a work accident where it occurs:
in the course of the normal journey from home to the normal place of work or
vice versa, or
in the course of travel on duty, either during the journey to the place of mission
or at an event during the mission, or
in the course of travel for the purpose of taking up duty or following the
termination of employment, provided such travel is on routes and within the
time limits specified under the rules of the Organisation.
An occupational disease which is attributable to the performance of functions within the
Organisation shall be deemed to be a work accident.
In the event of difficulty in interpreting principles set out in paragraphs a) to c) above,
analogous reference shall be made to the French legislation applicable to work accidents
and occupational diseases, and to relevant decisions of the French courts. In particular, any
bodily injury resulting from the action of some sudden, and generally violent, outside
source shall be deemed to be an accident.
Last update: January 2011
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Last update: January 2011
Any accident referred to in paragraph a) or b) of Rule 17/1.12 shall
be notified in writing to the Head of Human Resource Management
within 48 hours.
The Secretary-General shall, following investigation and where
necessary medical examination, inform the official whether or not
the accident is recognised as a work accident, and if it is not, shall
give the reasons for such decision.
Last update: February 94
Subsection II - Expenses for Medical Cover and Maintenance of Remuneration
Health care expenses resulting from treatment of the consequences of a work accident or
occupational disease or from functional rehabilitation shall be reimbursed at 100 per cent
without any ceiling.
Officials who are obliged to cease work as a result of a work accident shall be entitled to
maintenance of the entirety of their salary and allowances and, if the officials have a
fixed-term appointment, to the renewal of their appointment until their state of health is
found to be definitely settled or, at the latest, age 67.
Last update: July 2024
A relapse following a work accident which occurs in the performance of
the functions assigned to an official or following an occupational disease
contracted as a result of such functions shall be deemed to be a work
accident or occupational disease, even when such relapse takes place
after termination of the official's appointment.
Any accident within the meaning of Rule 17/1.12 which occurs while the
official is on mission shall be deemed to be a work accident, provided
he/she had not interrupted his/her official business for some personal
reason unrelated to the functions assigned to him/her.
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Health care expenses referred to in Annex XIV to these
Regulations which are incurred as a result of treatment for a work
accident or occupational disease shall be covered 100 per cent
without any ceiling, on the terms and in accordance with the
procedures set out in that Annex. Such cover may take the form
of direct payment, in full or in part, to the supplier or provider of
services or of reimbursement of the person affiliated.
All expenses covered by insurance for work accidents and
occupational diseases under the French General Social Security
Scheme shall be covered by the medical and social system.
Officials may freely select the practitioner or establishment of
their choice from among those authorised to give or prescribe
care in the country or countries where their expenses are covered.
The age referred to in Staff Rule 17/1.13 b) shall be 65 for those officials whose age limit of
service is 65 pursuant to Staff Regulation 13 and its related instructions.
Last update: July 2024
Subsection III - Invalidity or Death
An official affiliated to the Pension Scheme, who is victim of a work
accident or who contracts an occupational disease, and is recognised to
be suffering from permanent invalidity which totally prevents him/her
from performing the functions assigned to him/her, shall be entitled, in
accordance with the Pension Scheme Rules, to an invalidity pension.
An official affiliated to the Organisation's Provident Fund, who is victim
of a work accident or who contracts an occupational disease, shall be
entitled to the invalidity annuity referred to in Rule 17/1.10 b) provided
he/she is recognised to be afflicted by permanent incapacity to work
assessed at two-thirds or more within the meaning of French Social
Security legislation.
c) In the event of permanent incapacity following a work accident or an
occupational disease,
i) where there is total permanent invalidity within the meaning of Rule
17/1.11 a), the official shall be entitled, in addition to the capital sum
referred to in that Rule:
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- if the official is affiliated to the Pension Scheme, to a capital sum
equal to two years' emoluments at the rate applying on the date the
total permanent invalidity is established;
- if the official is affiliated to the Provident Fund, to a capital sum equal
to three years' emoluments at the rate applying on the date the total
permanent invalidity is established;
where there is partial permanent incapacity which does not provide
entitlement to the benefits referred to in sub-paragraph i) above, the
official shall be entitled to a capital sum equal to the proportion,
corresponding to the degree of invalidity established, of the capital sum
to which he/she would be entitled in the event of total permanent
d) Where an official dies as the consequence of a work accident or occupational
disease, the person(s) designated by the official, otherwise the spouse,
otherwise the dependants of the official according to the Pension Scheme
Rules, or otherwise the person(s) designated by the Secretary-General,
shall be entitled to payment of a capital sum equal to the capital sum to
which the official would have been entitled in the event of total permanent
invalidity under sub-paragraph c) i) above, less any
payment previously made to the official under paragraph c) above.
Last update: January 2011
117/1.14.1 The degree of partial permanent incapacity shall be established in accordance with the
provisions of French Social Security legislation relating to permanent incapacity following a work
accident or occupational disease, including in cases of successive work accidents.
117/1.14.2 The incapacity or invalidity referred to in Rule 17/1.14 shall be established by the
Medical Board referred to in Instruction 122/4.2 i), in accordance with Instructions 122/4.1 and
117/1.14.3 The capital sum referred to in Rule 17/1.14 shall be paid within the time specified in
Instruction 117/1.11.3.
Last update: November 92
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Section V - Financing of the social and medical system
17/1.15 Officials affiliated under Rule 17/1.1 a) and former officials, or duly qualified claimants to
their rights, affiliated to the medical and social system under Rule 17/1.2 shall contribute one-third
of the cost of providing benefits under this system, except for benefits in respect of work accidents
or occupational diseases, or for maintenance of salary in the event of sickness or maternity, or for
benefits on birth or adoption of a child, as determined by Instructions of the Secretary-General.
a) The share of the cost of the Organisation's medical and social system payable under
Rule 17/1.15 by persons affiliated thereto shall take the form of a monthly
contribution fixed periodically by the Secretary-General after obtaining the opinion
of the Staff Association. The contribution shall be expressed as a percentage of
emoluments for capital benefits in the event of invalidity or death, and, for benefits
referred to in Rule 17/1.15 :
as a percentage of basic salaries for serving staff;
for persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.2.1 a) i) ii) iii), as a percentage of
the highest of the two following amounts:
-- the pension or annuity paid to the former official or, in the case of former
officials who have remained affiliated to the Provident Fund, the pension to
which they would have been entitled under the Pension Scheme rules by
virtue of all their years of service with the Organisation or with another
Co-ordinated Organisation, or
-- the pension which would be due to former officials, had they left the
Organisation at the same grade and step, at the pensionable age applicable
to them after twenty years of service;
for persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.2.1 a) iv) and v), as a percentage of
basic salary for their grade and step on the date of the end of their
for persons referred to in paragraph b) of Instruction 117/1.2.1, as a
percentage of the highest of the two following amounts:
-- any pension paid to them by the Organisation, or in the case of duly qualified
claimants to the rights of deceased officials or former officials who had
remained affiliated to the Provident Fund, the pension to which they would
have been entitled under the Pension Scheme rules; or
-- the pension which would be due to a duly qualified claimant to the rights of
a deceased former official of the same grade and step as the deceased former
official through whom their affiliation arises and who would have
left the Organisation at the pensionable age applicable to them after twenty
years of service;
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v) for persons referred to in Rule 17/1.3, as a percentage of the basic salary for their
last month of service or, in the case of divorced former spouses, of that of their
former spouse.
Recipients of an orphan's pension from the Organisation or of a pension or invalidity
annuity payable under Rule 17/1.14 and recipients of a survivor's pension from the
Organisation under Article 19.2 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall be exempt from
payment of any contribution.
Persons voluntarily affiliated under Instruction 117/1.2.1 and 117/1.2.4 c) who are
entitled in another capacity for themselves and persons claiming through them to
cover for health care expenses accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary-General,
shall be entitled to a reduction in the contribution fixed by the Secretary-General in
accordance with paragraph a) above. The reduction in the contribution shall take
effect on the first day of the month following receipt by the Secretary-General of
documents establishing that the person voluntarily affiliated and persons claiming
through him meet these conditions.
Persons voluntarily affiliated whose entitlement is suspended shall during the period
of suspension pay a lump sum contribution to be determined by the Secretary-
General in accordance with the procedure in paragraph a) above.
The contribution by officials affiliated to the Provident Fund towards the cost of
the benefits referred to under Rule 17/1.11 is equal to 5/3 of the contribution paid
by other officials towards the cost of those benefits.
Last update: July 2024
117/1.15.2 In the case of persons affiliated who receive emoluments, a pension or an annuity from
the Organisation, the monthly contribution shall be deducted therefrom by the Organisation. Other
persons affiliated shall pay the contribution before the fifteenth day of each month; their affiliation
shall be suspended where contributions are more than two months overdue and shall terminate if
the person affiliated fails to pay the arrears within one month of being served notice to do so by the
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Section VI - Supervisory board
17/1.16 A Supervisory Board shall be established to advise the Secretary-General on matters relating to
medical and social protection. The composition and rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board shall be
determined by Instructions of the Secretary-General.
a) The Supervisory Board shall consist of six members:
-- three members and three deputies appointed by the
-- three members and three deputies representing persons
affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social system as
well as the recipients of complementary benefits under Rules
17/1.17 to 17/1.22; the members and deputies are appointed
by the Staff Association taking into account the need to ensure
the representation of all persons affiliated and recipients of
complementary benefits; they include at least one member
and one deputy who are former officials or duly qualified
claimants to the rights of deceased officials or former
b) The Supervisory Board shall elect a chairman and adopt its rules
of procedure. The Secretary-General shall appoint the secretary
of the Supervisory Board.
c) The Supervisory Board shall be consulted on any amendment of
the Staff Regulations, Rules or Instructions affecting benefits
under Staff Regulation 17 a); it shall be informed of the schemes
accepted as satisfactory for the purposes of application of
Instruction 117/1.15.1 c) and 117/1.21.1 a) and b).
d) The Supervisory Board shall be kept informed of trends in the cost
of benefits under Regulation 17 a), and in particular about the
general conditions of application of Article 4 of Annex XIV,
including the main thresholds for special scrutiny under that
e) The Supervisory Board shall meet twice a year:
-- in the spring to consider, inter-alia, a report prepared by the
Head of Human Resource Management on the administration
and outturn of the system of medical and social protection in
the previous year;
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-- in the autumn, to consider, inter-alia, a report prepared by the
Head of Human Resource Management regarding
adjustments recommended for the following year, any renewal
or amendment of contracts with the insurer and manager and
probable trends in contributions. The report shall be
accompanied by relevant statistical data regarding matters
dealt within the report by the Head of Human Resource
f) The Supervisory Board shall hold an extraordinary meeting at the
request either of the Secretary-General or of one half of its
g) The Supervisory Board shall endeavour to provide the
Secretary-General with opinions reflecting consensus among its
members; when consensus cannot be reached, it shall adopt
majority opinions and set out the different positions of its
Last update: January 96
Section VII - Transitional provisions
Subsection I - Officials
Last update: January 96
Officials who opt to maintain their affiliation to the French Social
Security Scheme in respect of cover for sickness, maternity,
invalidity, death, work accidents and occupational diseases under
paragraph b) of Rule 17/1.1 shall be entitled to complementary
health care benefits, maintenance of salary and birth and adoption
benefits. They shall also be entitled to capital benefits in the event
of invalidity or death.
The provisions of Rule 17/1.5 and of the Instructions adopted by
the Secretary-General shall apply to officials referred to in
paragraph a) of this Rule.
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117/1.18.1 The procedure, rates of cover and ceilings applicable to complementary health care
benefits shall be those set out in Instructions 117/1.6.1 to 117/1.6.4.
117/1.18.2 When a beneficiary receives benefits under another complementary scheme, such
benefits shall be declared by the official and shall be deducted from benefits payable by the
Last update: February 94
In the event of sickness or maternity of an official referred to in
paragraph a) of Rule 17/1.17, or of other beneficiaries within the
meaning of the provisions applicable to the medical and social
system of the Organisation, the official shall be entitled to
payment of health care expenses corresponding to the difference
between the benefits which would be payable under Rule 17/1.6
and benefits provided under French Social Security legislation.
Benefits referred to in paragraph a) above shall only be payable
in respect of health care reimbursed under French Social Security
Officials referred to in Rule 17/1.17 a) or, in the event of death,
duly qualified claimants to their rights, shall be entitled to the
benefits provided under Rules 17/1.7 to 17/1.14 under the same
conditions as officials referred to in Rule 17/1.1 a), subject to the
conditions set out in paragraphs b) and c) below.
In no case shall total payments in respect of maintenance of salary
or capital benefits made by the Organisation and by French Social
Security exceed total salary and allowances or the total capital
sums due under these Rules, subject to the conditions below.
By derogation of paragraph a) above, officials affiliated to the
Provident Fund who opted to remain affiliated to the general
French Social Security Scheme, are not entitled to the benefits of
Rule 17/1.11 c), nor to the benefits of Rules 17/1.14 c) and d) for
officials affiliated to the Provident Fund. The terms of
paragraph b) above regarding the capital sum are not applicable
to these officials.
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117/1.19.2 Health care expenses under Rule 17/1.13 a) shall be reimbursed when covered by French
Social Security. French Social Security benefits and benefits under any other complementary
scheme shall be declared by the official and shall be deducted from benefits payable by the
The Organisation shall be automatically subrogated to the
entitlement of officials to the daily allowances paid by Social
Security which are due to them in the event of temporary total
However, where an official is entitled only to half his/her salary
and allowances under Rule 17/1.7, the daily allowances shall be
paid to the official.
Last update: December 92
Work accidents or occupational diseases shall be notified to the
Head of Human Resource Management in accordance with the
provisions of French Social Security legislation.
Work accidents and occupational diseases shall be those
accidents or diseases recognised as work accidents or
occupational diseases by French Social Security.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Instruction 117/1.14.2, in
establishing invalidity for the purposes of Rule 17/1.14 b) or
determining the degree of incapacity for the purposes of Rule
17/1.14 c) ii), the Secretary-General shall take his/her decision
on the basis of the decision taken by the competent French Social
Security body.
However, in the event of a work accident which occurs in the
course of travel following the termination of employment as
foreseen by Rule 17/1.12 b) iii), the procedures and rules of the
Organisation's medical and social system shall be applicable.
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117/1.20.1 The contribution by officials referred to in paragraph c) of Rule 17/1.20 shall be payable
monthly at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary-General, after obtaining the opinion of the Staff
Association, as a percentage of their emoluments and shall be deducted from their emoluments by
the Organisation.
Last update: November 92
Subsection II - Former Officials and Duly Qualified Claimants
17/1.21 Former officials having left the Organisation before 1st January 1993 or having opted to
remain affiliated to the French Social Security Scheme under Rule 17/1.1 b), who are covered by a
social protection scheme providing benefits at a satisfactory level by virtue of reasons other than
professional, and who meet certain conditions regarding age and length of service with the
Organisation or whose employment with the Organisation ended for specified reasons, may be
entitled, free of charge, where they so request, to complementary health care benefits under
conditions to be determined by the Secretary-General. Such entitlement may also be extended to
duly qualified claimants to the rights of such former officials, on conditions to be determined by the
Last update: November 92
Officials referred to in Rule 17/1.17 a) shall pay, by deduction
from basic salary, the employee contribution specified under
French Social Security legislation.
Officials referred to in paragraph a) above shall be entitled free-
of-charge to the benefits referred to in Rule 17/1.18, to
maintenance of salary in the event of total temporary incapacity,
to birth and adoption benefits and to benefits in respect of work
accidents and occupational diseases, under the conditions
specified in Rule 17/1.19.
Officials referred to in paragraph a) above shall contribute one-
third of the cost of capital benefits payable in respect of invalidity
or death not resulting from a work accident or occupational
disease, under conditions to be determined by the
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Former officials who opt to remain affiliated to the French
Social Security Scheme in accordance with Rule 17/1.1 b), who
are in one of the situations set out in paragraph a) of Instruction
117/1.2.1 and who are entitled other than by reason of their
occupation to benefits under a schemeproviding cover for health
care expenses at a rate accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary-
General, shall, at their request, be entitled to complementary
cover for health care expenses under Rule 17/1.18.
For the purposes of the application of this provision to former
officials affiliated to a scheme other than that of the French Social
Security, the expression "under French Social Security
legislation" in paragraph a) and b) of Rule 17/1.18 shall be
replaced by "under the scheme to which he/she is affiliated".
Former officials who have left the Organisation prior to 1
January 1993 and who, at the time of their departure, were in one
of the situations referred to in paragraphs a) i) ii) and iii) of
Instruction 117/1.2.1, as well as duly qualified claimants to their
rights, within the meaning of the Pension Scheme Rules, shall be
entitled to complementary cover for health care expenses under
Rule 17/1.18, provided they are entitled, on 1 January 1993 other
than by reason of their occupation to benefits under a scheme
providing cover for health care expenses at a rate accepted as
satisfactory by the Secretary- General.
For the purposes of the application of this provision to former
officials affiliated to a scheme other than that of the French Social
Security, the expression "under French Social Security
legislation" in paragraph a) and b) of Rule 17/1.18 shall be
replaced by "under the scheme to which he is affiliated".
The following may also, at their request, obtain cover for health
care expenses on the same terms as those set out in paragraph
duly qualified claimants, within the meaning of the Pension
Scheme Rules, to the rights of officials referred to in Rule
17/1.17 a) who die while in active service, and surviving
spouses who are not entitled to a survivor's pension owing to
the duration of their marriage;
duly qualified claimants, within the meaning of the Pension
Scheme Rules, to the rights of former officials referred to in
paragraph a) of this Instruction, and surviving spouses who
are not entitled to a survivor's pension owing to the duration
of their marriage.
Last update: January 95
119 Back to top
a) The request referred to in Instruction 117/1.21.1 shall be made,
in the case of former officials in the situations referred to in
paragraphs a) i) iii) and iv) of Instruction 117/1.2.1, no later than
the month following termination of their appointment, in the case
of former officials in the situation referred to in paragraph a) ii)
of Instruction 117/1.2.1, within the month following their sixtieth
birthday, and in the case of the duly qualified claimants referred
to in paragraph c) of Instruction 117/1.21.1, within three months
following the death of the official or former official.
The request shall be accompanied by supporting documents
establishing that the necessary conditions have been fulfilled.
Under duly established exceptional circumstances, the request
may be accepted notwithstanding the time limit set under a)
above; if so, cover shall only take effect in respect of benefits to
be paid after receipt of the request.
Last update: January 95
The entitlement referred to in Rule 17/1.21 shall be suspended in
the case of former officials who are in one of the situations
referred to in paragraph a) of Instruction 117/1.2.1 and in the
case of persons referred to in paragraph b) of the same
Instruction who are aged 50 or over at the time of the death of the
official or former official, when prior to age 60 they take up some
new gainful occupation giving entitlement to cover for health care
expenses; such suspension shall continue throughout the period
of entitlement by virtue of such new occupation.
Entitlement under Rule 17/1.21 shall cease in the case of persons
referred to in paragraph b) of Instruction 117/1.2.1 who are less
than 50 years of age at the time of the death of the official or
former official, when they take up some new gainful occupation
giving entitlement to cover for health care expenses.
Persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.21.1 who take up some
new gainful occupation shall immediately inform the Head of
Human Resource Management thereof.
Last update: February 94
117/1.21.4 The provisions of Instruction 117/1.6.4 above shall be applicable to persons referred to
in Rules 17/1.21 and 17/1.22, provided the amount specified in that Instruction is calculated by
reference to Instruction 117/1.15.1 a) ii), iv) or v), as the case may be.
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17/1.22 Former officials in service on 1
January 1993 who were affiliated to the Organisation's
medical and social system under Staff Rule 17/1.1 a) and who, before 1
January 1993 had
acquired rights to be covered under a scheme providing them during their retirement with benefits
of a satisfactory level, or duly qualified claimants to their rights when they die, may at their request
obtain entitlement under Rule 17/1.21.
Last update: July 2024
Section VIII - Entry into force
Last update: February 94
Persons referred to in Rule 17/1.22 shall be entitled to benefits
under Rule 17/1.21 on conditions to be determined by instructions
of the Secretary-General adopted pursuant to Rule 17/1.21,
provided they so request within the month following the end of
their appointment or, in the case of former officials whose
appointment ended before the age limit of service applicable to
them under Staff Regulation 13 and its related instructions, in
the month preceding said age limit of service.
However, persons who have requested entitlement to
complementary benefits in accordance with paragraph a) above
shall at their request be affiliated to the medical and social system
in respect of cover for health care expenses in accordance with
Instruction 117/1.2.1 where the benefits to which they are entitled
during their retirement cease to be considered satisfactory by the
Secretary-General, in application of
Instruction 117/1.21.1.
Rules 17/1.1 to 17/1.16 on the Organisation's medical and social
system and Rules 17/1.17 to 17/1.22 on transitional provisions
shall take effect on 1st January 1993.
Arrangements for exercise of the right of option referred to in
Rule 17/1.1 b) shall be determined by instructions of the
Secretary-General. Officials who exercise the option may
renounce it on conditions determined by instructions of the
Officials appointed as from 2 January 1993 shall be subject to the
provisions of Rules 17/1.1 to 17/1.15 on the Organisation's
medical and social system.
121 Back to top
117/1.23.1 Officials in service on 1 January 1993:
shall continue to be affiliated to the French Social Security
Scheme until 30 June 1993 unless prior to that date they apply in
writing to be affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social
system. Such application to become affiliated to the
Organisation's medical and social system shall be irrevocable
and shall entail cessation of affiliation to the French Social
Security Scheme. An application submitted before the 16th day of
the last month of the civil quarter shall take effect on the first day
of the calendar quarter following its submission and at the
earliest on 1 January 1993;
shall be affiliated to the Organisation's medical and social system
as from 1 July 1993 if by 15 June 1993 at the latest they have not
applied in writing to remain affiliated to the French
Social Security Scheme.
117/1.23.2 Officials who opt before 16 June 1993 to remain affiliated to the French Social Security
Scheme may at any time before 16 December 1993 renounce such option and request affiliation to
the Organisation's medical and social system. Renouncement of the option to remain in French
Social Security and the request for affiliation to the Organisation's medical and social system shall
be irrevocable and shall take effect on 1 January 1994.
Former officials who were still serving on 1 January 1993 and
who requested affiliation to the Organisation's medical and
social system under Instructions 117/1.23.1 and 117/1.23.2
above, but whose appointment terminated before their affiliation
could take effect, shall be affiliated to the medical and social
system in respect of cover for health care expenses under the
same conditions as persons referred to in Instruction 117/1.2.1.
The affiliation of the former officials referred to above shall
take effect on the day following the termination of their
Last update: February 94
Section I Pension Scheme
Except as provided under paragraph b), all officials, other than those whose
service began before 1st July 1974 and who have opted to maintain their
participation in the Provident Fund, shall be affiliated to the Pension Scheme
and shall be subject to the provisions of the Pension Scheme Rules and
Instructions as set out in Annex X.
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All officials who took up duty after 1 January 2002 and who
have never contributed to the Pension Scheme referred to in
paragraph a) above; or
benefited, during their last appointment with one of the organisations
referred to in Rule 17/7.1, from the provisions of Article 11 of the
scheme referred to in paragraph a) above and have not repaid the
amounts provided for under that Article,
shall be affiliated to the pension scheme and shall be subject to the provisions
of the Pension Scheme Rules and Instructions as set out in Annex X bis.
17/2.1bis The pensionable age for receiving a retirement pension referred to in Article 8 of the
Pension Scheme Rules set out in Annex X bis shall be:
for officials appointed on or after 1
July 2024, 66 years;
for officials appointed prior to 1
July 2024, the applicable age corresponding to their
situation at 1
July 2024 as provided in the table below:
Pensionable age for receiving a retirement pension
without reduction
Length of Service on
1 July 2024
Age on 1 July 2024
>0 and <5
years of service
≥5 and <10
years of service
10 or more
years of service
Last update: 1 July 2024
17/2.1ter For the purposes of Article 11 of the Pension Scheme Rules contained in Annex X, a staff
member who is re-appointed by the Organisation after having received a leaving allowance shall be
considered not to have terminated his service and must pay back this allowance if the period during
which he was not employed by the Organisation, in whatever capacity, is less than 12 months.
Last update: 1 December 2002
117/2.1.1 For the purposes of the Pension Scheme Rules set out in Annex X and X bis, the references
to the “post”, the “job” or the “duties” of a “staff member” shall be understood, for the OECD’s
officials, to be the functions assigned to an official.
Last update: January 2011
Section II - Provident Fund
17/2.2 All officials whose service began before 1st July 1974 and who have opted to maintain their
participation in the Provident Fund, shall be subject to the provisions of the Staff Provident Fund
Rules and Instructions set out in Annex VI.
17/2.2.1 All officials whose service began before 1st July 1974 and who have opted to affiliate
123 Back to top
themselves to the Pension Scheme but who have maintained a credit balance with the Provident
Fund, shall be subject to the provisions of the Staff Provident Fund Rules and Instructions with the
exception of those which govern contributions to the Fund.
Section I - Statutory travels
17/3.1 An official shall be entitled in conformity with this Rule to the reimbursement of travel
expenses actually incurred:
124 Back to top
when taking up duty, for the journey from the official’s place of
residence to the headquarters of the Organisation;
when taking home leave as provided in Regulation 20 f) for the return
journey between the headquarters of the Organisation and the
official’s home;
when transferred to any other station, for the journey from the
headquarters of the Organisation to the official’s new station;
on leaving the service of the Organisation, for the journey from the
headquarters of the Organisation to the place where the official resided
at the time of taking up duty or to the official’s new place of residence,
as the case may be, provided that the journey actually takes place and
the application for reimbursement is made within one
year of leaving the service.
17/3.2 An official who receives the household allowance, the basic family allowance or the
dependent child supplement shall be entitled, subject to Rule 20/3.3, to reimbursement of travel
expenses incurred in respect of his spouse, dependent children and, in exceptional cases determined
by the Secretary-General having regard to the composition of the family, in respect of a person in
charge of such children. For the purposes of this Rule, the spouse, dependent children and, where
applicable, the person in charge of the children, shall be deemed to be officials of the same grade as
the official concerned.
Last update: February 2017
117/3.2.1 Travel expenses may be reimbursed for a person accompanying the dependent child(ren)
of an official, as foreseen by Rule 17/3.2, on provision of justifications, in the following cases:
a) an official has no spouse [civil status is widow(er), divorced,
separated or single] and the person is accompanying:
- at least two dependent children, both of whom are less than
12 years of age, or
- a dependent child who is handicapped or disabled withinthe
meaning of the Staff Regulations; or
b) t
he spouse of an official is permanently incapacitated, at a level of
nvalidity of at least 80 per cent, and the person is accompanying at
east one dependent child less than 12 years of age; or
c) a dependent child less than 7 years of age is travelling, not in the
company of a member of the family who is at least 18 years of age,
and the accompanying person is provided by the hostess service of
the air or rail company.
Last update: February 2017
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In all cases reimbursement shall be limited to one accompanying person per authorised journey of
the official and within the cost of the travel expenses of the official for the same journey.
Except when taking home leave, an official entitled to the reimbursement provided for in
Rule 17/3.1 shall be entitled, for traveling time in excess of 24 hours, to the allowance laid down in
Rules 17/3.9 and 17/3.14.
17/3.4 Where the appointment of an official subject to a probationary period is not confirmed, the
Secretary-General shall decide whether the Organisation shall pay the travel expenses occasioned
by the termination of appointment.
Last update: January 99
Section II - Travel Expenses
The Organisation shall reimburse travel expenses incurred by an official in respect
of himself and the persons mentioned in Rule 17/3.2 who are eligible for
reimbursement according to Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1, 17/3.2 and 17/3.8, as follows:
the cost of transport, by the customary direct route and usual mode of transport
as determined by the Organisation in accordance with Instructions of the
the cost of seat reservations; and
excess luggage charges, except in the case of travel under Rule 16/8.4
(education allowance) or Rule 17/3.1 b) (home leave), in accordance with
Instructions of the Secretary-General.
In the case of travel under Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 and 17/3.2, an official or a future
official authorised to travel for the purpose of taking up duty may, instead of
being reimbursed under paragraph a) above, obtain payment for himself/herself
and, where applicable, for his/her spouse and dependent children, of a lump sum
of an amount determined in accordance with Instructions of the Secretary-General
and less than the cost of transport resulting from paragraph a) i) above.
Last update: March 93
Reimbursement options
117/3.5.1 For travel pursuant to Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 or 17/3.2, if an official, or a future official
taking up duty, has chosen to be reimbursed according to Rule 17/3.5 paragraph a), the following
conditions shall apply:
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the tickets shall be issued by the Organisation's travel agency and provided to the official
in the case of a journey under Rule 16/8.4 or Rule 17/3.1 paragraphs a), b) or c), the official
shall provide, within 30 days of completion of the journey,
the counterfoils of the tickets used showing that the authorised journey(s) has(have) been
a statement on his honour that the authorised journey(s) has(have) been made;
If the official fails to submit the documents mentioned in paragraph b) above within 30 days, the
cost of the tickets shall be deducted from official’s salary; if the official does present the documents
later, he/she will be reimbursed up to 80 per cent of that amount.
Last update: December 2005
The lump sum specified in Rule 17/3.5, paragraph b), shall be equal to
the applicable percentage as provided in paragraph c) below of a global
amount calculated as follows:
- where a direct air service exists, the price of a full economy- class
fare by the cheapest regular flight to the airport closest to the
destination; otherwise, the price of a train ticket of the highest
class available; and
- if necessary, the cost of a train ticket of the highest class available
between the town corresponding to the airport of arrival and the
town of final destination. If the cost of the train ticket is not
known, the amount shall be determined on the basis of the
allowance specified in Instruction 117/3.17.13; and
a lump sum equal to twice the amount of terminal expenses
provided for under Instruction117/3.17.1 i), for a single journey
and to four times this amount for a return journey.
The following conditions shall apply:
the official shall use the lump sum to make, or arrange for, the
authorised journey(s) using any convenient method of travel, under
his/her own responsibility;
the Organisation shall not reimburse any other transport or
additional costs, even if they are the direct consequence of
unforeseen and exceptional circumstances;
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for a journey under Rule 16/8.4. or Rule 17/3.1. paragraphs a), b)
or c) or 17/3.2, the official shall submit within 30 days of
completion of the journey(s) a statement on his/her honour that the
authorised journey(s) has(have) been made and the date(s) of
travel. If the official fails to submit the statement within this time
limit, the amount of the lump sum payment shall be deducted from
his/her salary; if the official does present the statement later, he/she
shall be reimbursed up to 80 per cent of that amount;
The official shall retain proof of the purchase of his/her travel
tickets for a period of two years from the end of the journey (s)
made. During this period, the official may be requested to produce
such proof.
Last update: May 2014
the amount of the lump sum shall be determined at the date the
official submits his/her travel application, which cannot be more
than 6 months in advance of the official's journey (or, in the case
of an education travel, of the child's journey). The amount shall be
paid to the official as early as possible thereafter;
if the official's dependent children are entitled to a reduced air or
train fare, the reduction shall be taken into account in calculating
the lump sum.
for a journey under Rule 17/3.1 a), the lump sum payment shall
only be made once the official has taken up duty.
c) The percentages applicable pursuant to paragraph a) above shall be
as follows:
75% for travel between the duty station and destinations in
zone 1;
ii) 65% for travel between the duty station and destinations in
zone 2;
iii) 55% for travel between the duty station and destinations in
zone 3.
Section III - Excess Luggage
117/3.5.3 Excess luggage shall be considered to be any luggage not carried free of charge by the
transportation companies.
117/3.5.4 Charges for luggage up to the limits specified below shall be reimbursed only when
authorisation has been obtained prior to a statutory travel provided for in Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 or
17/3.2 and on production of receipts:
when an official travels by air, the official’s excess luggage charges
and those of his/her family shall be reimbursed up to the amount of
the difference between the luggage allowance for first class and that
for economy class or equivalent;
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when an official travels by train or boat, the costs by surface orsea
transport of his personal luggage shall be reimbursed as follows:
90 kg (200 lb.) for each full-fare ticket,
45 kg (100 lb.) for each half-fare ticket,
50 kg (110 lb.) for each child who receives no luggage
allowance from the carrier.
Last update: December 2005
Section IV - Air Travel
117/3.5.5 When travel by air is authorised pursuant to Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 and 17/3.2, an official,
a future official travelling for the purposes of taking up duty, as well as the persons mentioned in
Rule 17/3.2, shall be provided by the Organisation with air tickets, giving entitlement to a seat,
under the following conditions:
wherever possible, the ticket issued shall be at a price less than the
full economy class fare for the customary direct route, provided that
it entitles the holder to a seat in economy class conditions; the
Organisation shall bear the cost of any fare increase resulting from a
change in travel dates, duly justified by the official and on grounds
duly approved by the Head of Human Resource Management;
otherwise, a full economy class air ticket for the customary direct
route shall be provided; the ticket shall be neither refundable nor
exchangeable, except for some unforeseen and exceptional event
(sickness, accident, etc.) beyond the official's control and duly
recognised as such by the Head of Human Resource Management;
the ticket shall not provide entitlement to stop-overs, except for
flights lasting more than nine hours.
Section V - Rail Travel
117/3.5.6 An official, when travel by rail is authorized pursuant to Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 or 17/3.2
shall be entitled to reimbursement of the price of a ticket of the highest class, less any fare reduction
to which he/she is entitled and which he/she must declare.
117/3.5.7 Where an official's child under four years of age is travelling by rail and, by reason
the number of people on the train, the payment of a 50 per cent fare is requested by the ticket-
collector in respect of that child, the official shall be entitled to the reimbursement of the cost
the 50 per cent fare. Payment shall be made after the event on sight of the ticket-collector's
117/3.5.8 The sleeping-car supplement shall be reimbursed for travel involving a night
journey of six hours or more.
117/3.5.9 Officials shall be entitled to the reimbursement of sleeping-car supplement as
Executive and senior executive officials: 1st-class ´single' sleepers;
129 Back to top
Other officials: ´special´ sleepers or 1st- class´single´ sleepers, or 1st-
class ´double´ sleepers.
117/3.5.10 Where several members of one family are travelling together by sleeper, the Head of
Human Resource Management may require double-berth sleepers to be used.
Last update: October 2023
Section VI - Travel by private car
117/3.5.11 The use of a private vehicle pursuant to Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 or 17/3.2 shall be authorised
only in exceptional cases where such mode of transport is indispensable. Officials so authorised
shall travel at their own risk, shall be responsible for making arrangements regarding insurance
and may not claim against the Organisation in respect of any damage caused to their vehicles.
Officials authorised to use their private vehicle shall receive payment of the kilometric allowance
provided for in Instruction 117/3.17.13.
Last update: December 2005
Section VII - Terminal charges
117/3.5.12 When travel is pursuant to Rules 16/8.4, 17/3.1 or 17/3.2, officials shall be entitled to
reimbursement of the terminal charges in accordance with Instructions 117/3.17.1 to 117/3.17.3.
The method of reimbursement shall be determined by the Head of Human Resource Management.
Last update: December 2005
Section VIII - Removals
17/3.6 Under conditions specified by the Secretary-General, the Organisation shall pay the expenses
incurred for the removal of an official's personal effects in the situations specified in Rule 17/3.1,
except for home leave.
117/3.6.1 Within the limit of a cost ceiling set for the official by the Head of Human Resource
Management, the Organisation shall pay the costs incurred for removal of the official’s personal
effects to or from the duty station and for insurance costs associated with that removal.
In exceptional cases, the Head of Human Resource Management may authorise payment, subject to
the cost ceiling set for the official, of expenses incurred for the removal and storage of all or part
of an official’s personal effects to elsewhere than the duty station, if the Head of Human Resource
Management considers that these expenses and the removal expenses for the personal effects
shipped to the duty station do not exceed the expenses that would have been paid for the removal of
all personal effects to the duty station.
The Organisation shall not pay import taxes levied on personal effects in certain countries.
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117/3.6.2 The ceilings set by the Head of Human Resource Management shall take into account the
official’s family situation at the time of the removal, and the average costs of removal and associated
insurance between the geographical zones of the destination and point of origin. The volume serving
as the basis for the calculation of the ceiling is:
for officials who receive the household allowance, the basic
family allowance, the dependent child supplement, or the
supplement for disabled and dependent parent that volume being
increased by 5m
for each child recognised as dependent within
the meaning of the Staff Regulations; and
for officials who do not receive any of the allowances
mentioned in the above paragraph.
117/3.6.3 The removal and associated insurance expenses of officials on loan to the Organisation
from another employer for a period of less than one year shall not be paid by the Organisation. For
officials on loan for a period of one year or more, removal and associated insurance expenses shall
be paid by the Organisation in an amount not exceeding 50% of the applicable cost ceiling.
Last update: February 201
17/3.7 The Organisation shall pay the removal expenses incurred by an official:
on taking up duty or on being transferred to another duty
thereafter and in any case before notice is given of the
termination of the appointment;
on leaving the service of the Organisation, if the removal
takes place within two years thereafter.
Last update: January 2001
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Section IX - Missions
17/3.8 An official traveling on duty on behalf of the Organisation under a travel order shall be
entitled to the reimbursement of travel expenses actually incurred for this purpose, as provided in
the present rules.
117/3.8.1 Instructions 117/3.8.1 to 117/3.17.16 are applicable to travels undertaken byofficials on
behalf of the Organisation in support of its work programme or other official purposes (hereinafter
referred to either as “travel on duty” or as “missions”).
117/3.8.2 Officials are entitled to the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred during
missions duly authorised by the Organisation, as set out in the following provisions.
117/3.8.3 Officials shall provide the required support vouchers to justify mission related
expenditure and, where necessary, shall obtain the authorisation in respect of items referred to in
Instruction 117/3.17.5.
117/3.8.4 If an official travels for personal reasons to the mission destination in advance and cannot
undertake the mission due to unforeseen circumstances, he/she shall reimburse the expenses
incurred by the Organisation unless the Head of Human Resource Management agrees to waive all
or part of this reimbursement.
Last update: December 2005
Section X - Daily Subsistence Allowance
17/3.9 An official traveling on duty shall be entitled to a daily subsistence allowance at
the rates expressed in the table hereunder in respect of the country or countries to be visited.
Last update: January 2024
132 Back to top
(Member states of the Co-ordinated Organisations / États membres des Organisations coordonnées)
01.01.2024 31.12.2026
2 108
42 471
290 037
133 Back to top
(Member states of the Co-ordinated Organisations / États membres des Organisations coordonnées)
01.01.2024 31.12.2026
New York
Washington ÉTATS-UNIS
New York
2 890
2 960
134 Back to top
(Other mission destinations / Autres destinations de missions)
01.01.2024 31.12.2026
135 Back to top
(Other mission destinations / Autres destinations de missions)
01.01.2024 31.12.2026
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117/3.9.1 Save in exceptional circumstances, the daily subsistence allowance provided for in Rule
17/3.9 shall be paid by bank transfer, in the currency and into a bank account used for the official’s
payroll transfers. The conversion between the currency applicable to the daily subsistence
allowance and the payroll currency shall be calculated using the Organisation’s exchange rate on
the day of submission of the mission order to the Finance Service. The allowance takes the form of
a fixed sum, calculated for various destinations, on the basis of the following breakdown:
50% accommodation
15% : lunch
15% : dinner
20% : miscellaneous
No supporting voucher shall be required for the daily subsistence allowance except hotel invoices
for accommodation.
Last update: December 2005
17/3.10 Where an official travels on duty in a country other than one of those appearing in
the table on the preceding page (*), he/she shall be entitled to a daily subsistence allowance
equivalent to the standard rate applying to the United Nations International Staff.
(*) See Table under Rule 17/3.9
Last update: April 2006
17/3.11 The number of days spent on mission shall be calculated in periods of 24 hours from the
hour of departure of the official to the hour of his/her return, it being understood that, in the case of
a journey by train or boat, the mission shall begin one hour before the time of departure of the train
or boat and, in the case of a journey by air, one hour and a half before the time of take-off. Likewise,
such missions shall end respectively one hour after the time of arrival in the station or port and one
hour and a half after landing at the airport.
No subsistence allowance shall be payable for periods of less than 4
where the period of duty is 4 hours or more but less than 8 hours, the
officials shall be entitled to one quarter of the daily allowance. The
officials shall likewise be entitled to one quarter of the daily
allowance in respect of any period of 4 hours or more and less than 8
hours in excess of any complete period of 24 hours;
where the period of duty is 8 hours or more without hotel
accommodation, the officials shall be entitled to one half of the daily
137 Back to top
allowance. The officials shall likewise be entitled to one half of the
daily allowance in respect of any period of 8 hours or more but less
than 24 hours in excess of any complete period of 24 hours;
d) where the period of duty is 8 hours or more, but less than 24 hours,
with hotel accommodation, the officials shall be entitled to the full
daily allowance.
17/3.13 This Rule has been rescinded and replaced by the new Staff Rule 17/3.17 bis below.
Last update: January 2015
17/3.14 The allowances specified in Rule 17/3.9 shall be reduced as follows:
in proportions to be determined by the Secretary-General in each
case where the official travelling on duty receives hospitality from
the Government or any other authority of the country visited;
by 15 per cent for each main meal and by 50 per cent for overnight
accommodation provided in the fare where the Organisation pays
fares for duty travel and those fares include provision for meals or
overnight accommodation, and by 50 per cent for overnight
accommodation when officials cannot produce an hotel receipt.
Last update: December 2005
17/3.15 The allowances specified in Rule 17/3.9 shall be deemed to cover all the expenses
liable to be incurred by an official traveling on duty, except expenses of the nature mentioned
hereunder, for which additional reimbursement may be claimed:
a) postal, telegraphic, internet access and use, as well as long-distance
telephone expenses incurred for official purposes;
entertainment expenses incurred by an official especially authorised
by the Secretary-General;
exceptional and unforeseen expenses incurred under force majeure in
the interest of the Organisation and resulting in disbursement out of
reasonable proportion to the allowance provided.
Last update: January 2015
17/3.16 If under certain circumstances the expenditures for accommodation (bed, breakfast and
taxes) exceed 60 per cent of the daily subsistence allowance, the Secretary-General has the
discretion to reimburse the excess amount partially or totally on presentation of vouchers and
sufficient proof that the additional expenditures were unavoidable. This reimbursement should
normally not exceed 30 per cent of the daily subsistence allowance.
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17/3.17 Special provision shall be made for travelling on duty entailing an absence of more than
two months.
Travel by Private Car: Kilometric Allowance
17/3.17 bis
a) Officials authorised to use a private car, while travelling on duty on behalf of the Organisation, shall
receive a kilometric allowance.
b) The kilometric allowance shall be calculated on the basis of the shortest usual route and at the rate
applying in the duty station country of the officials receiving the allowance irrespective of the country(ies)
where the travel takes place. If the shortest usual route followed involves special charges (such as tolls, etc.),
such charges shall be reimbursed to the officials upon submission of receipts. The rate of the allowance is
indicated in the followingtable.
c) Officials authorised to use a private car, for personal convenience, while travelling on duty on behalf
of the Organisation shall not receive any daily subsistence allowance for any period exceeding the length
of the journey corresponding to the use of the mode of transport on which the payment for travel expenses
is based and any such period shall be deducted from the officials’ annual leave.
d) Officials authorised to use a private car and to carry other officials, while travelling on duty on behalf
of the Organisation, shall receive a supplement to the kilometric allowance equal to 10 % of the rate of
the kilometric allowance for the first passenger, and 8% of the rate of the kilometric allowance for each
additional passenger.
e) The total payment to officials authorised to use a private car while travelling on duty on behalf of
the Organisation shall in no case exceed the cost which would otherwise have been incurred for the travel.
Last update: January 2015
Terminal Charges
117/3.17.1 Terminal travel expenses incurred between the initial point of departure and the airport
or railway station of departure and between the airport or railway station of the final destination
and the point of destination shall be reimbursed either on the basis of:
A flat-rate of 55 euros for each journey, or
Reasonable actual costs.
117/3.17.2 Directors shall determine the reimbursement method. Only one reimbursement option
may be chosen for each mission.
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117/3.17.3 If the actual cost” reimbursement option is chosen, officials shall provide all
supporting vouchers related to terminal charges.
Last update: December 2005
Other Items
117/3.17.4 Expenditure related to the items below is not covered by the daily subsistence allowance
and shall be reimbursed on the basis of supporting vouchers:
Vaccinations required or recommended for the country of destination;
Passport for officials, whose basic salary is less than the basic salary of an official of
grade B3 step 1, if they do not hold a valid passport at the time of the mission;
Visas required for the country of destination;
Seat reservations, if not covered in the cost of the ticket;
Excess luggage for the transport of documents or equipment required for official
117/3.17.5 Expenditure related to the items below is reimbursed on the basis of supporting vouchers
provided that the director concerned has approved the expenditure:
Photocopying and reproduction of official documents;
Interpretation and translation;
Excess luggage for personal items in case of travel over extended periods of time;
Reception cost;
Significant foreign currency commissions.
Such other item of expenditure which is directly related to the mission.
Last update: December 2005
Travel Advances and Credit Cards
117/3.17.6 The Organisation shall either make available to officials an advance of the daily
subsistence allowance prior to departure by means of a travel advance or arrange for a business
credit card, linked to a personal account, to be delivered to the official concerned (hereinafter
referred to as the “OECD credit card for missions”).
117/3.17.7 Officials based in Paris and holding a French bank account who travel often may, on
their demand and with the authorisation of their directorate, be provided with an OECD credit card
for missions. The use of such credit card and the charging of expenses thereon shall be governed
by the instructions and operating features for the use of the OECD credit card for missions.
117/3.17.8 The conditions of payment of the travel advance shall be the same as those applicable
to the payment of the daily subsistence allowance.
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Last update: December 2005
Transportation - Mode & Class of Travel
117/3.17.9 The normal mode of travel shall be:
By air to the airport closest to the destination, where there is a direct air service;
By train in other cases, as well as for journeys between the airport closest to the
destination and the destination.
However, directors may authorise the use of other appropriate means of transportation when this
is the most cost-effective, taking into account safety, time and convenience for the officials
concerned. Transportation or additional stopover costs to locations that officials may wish to visit
for personal reasons in conjunction with a mission are at the expense of the official concerned.
117/3.17.10 Directors shall determine class of travel taking into account the duration of the journey,
the length of the mission, the time difference and other elements that may influence the conditions
of travel.
Last update: December 2005
Travel by Taxi or Private Car
117/3.17.11 Officials authorised in the interests of the Organisation by the director concerned to
undertake a journey by taxi or public transport in the area of the permanent duty station shall be
entitled to reimbursement of the expenses actually incurred.
117/3.17.12 The use of a private vehicle for travel on mission or local journeys shall be authorised
only in exceptional cases where such mode of transport is indispensable. The Organisation does not
provide insurance for the vehicle or third party liability connected with the use of a private vehicle.
Officials so authorised to use their private vehicle shall ensure that their insurance legally covers
the relevant use in respect of damage to the vehicle and of a third party liability. Officials shall have
no claim against the Organisation in respect of any damage caused to their vehicles, its contents or
in respect of damages paid to a third party.
117/3.17.13 For travel outside the duty station, officials providing a personal vehicle shall be paid
a kilometric allowance, for a direct journey, at the rates indicated in the table below.
Last update: January 2015
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Amounts frozen until further notice / Montants gelés jusqu’à nouvel ordre
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117/3.17.14 Special provision for missions of more than 2 months shall be taken by the Head of
Human Resource Management according to the specific circumstances.
Last update: January 2006
Purchase of travel ticket and supporting voucher
117/3.17.15 On return from mission, officials shall provide the following documentation to
their directorate:
Paid hotel invoices
Mission report provided for under the Financial Instructions
Where transportation was not purchased through the designated travel agency of the
Organisation (ticket purchased via internet):
Proof of an e-ticket confirmation of the purchase of the ticket ;
Paid hotel invoices;
Mission report provided for under the Financial Instructions.
Last update: December 2005
Repatriation costs in case of death whilst on mission
117/3.17.16 In the event of death of an official during a mission, the Organisation shall
reimburse the cost of transport of his or her remains.
Section XI - Limitations of Reimbursements
17/3.18 An official shall not be entitled to the reimbursements provided for in Rules 17/3.1 to
17/3.17 if the expenses actually incurred are reimbursed by a Government or by any other authority,
or if such expenses can be met by virtue of a right acquired by the official before his/her
17/3.19 Travel and removal expenses incurred by an official when leaving the service of the
Organisation shall only be reimbursed up to an amount equal to the cost of the official’s return to
the place where he/she resided before taking up duty with the Organisation.
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117/3.19.1 For the purposes of Rule 17/3.19, an official who receives an expatriation allowance but
was not residing at his/her home at the time of his/her appointment may, by agreement with the
Executive Director, be entitled to the reimbursement of travel and removal expenses to his/her
17/3.20 The reimbursement of travel and removal expenses incurred on leaving the service of the
Organisation may be refused in whole or in part if an official resigns before completing 12 months'
17/3.21 The provisions of Rules 17/3.1 and 17/3.6 apply if the appointment of an official is
terminated as a result of his/her death.
117/3.21.1 The Organisation shall reimburse the cost of the transport of the remains of an official
whose appointment is terminated as a result of his death, from the place of his/her death to his/her
home, or to some other place. In this second case, the amount reimbursed, however, shall not exceed
the cost of transport from the place of the official’s permanent duty station or of mission to the place
of the official’s residence before taking up duty. Reasonable expenses for the preparation of the
remains shall also be reimbursed.
Last update: December 2005
Section I Advances
17/4.1 An official may be granted advances on his/her emoluments up to one half of his total
emoluments for the current month.
117/4.1 Advances on monthly emoluments may only be granted a maximum of three times during
any twelve-month period. The amount advanced shall be deducted by the Finance Service from the
emoluments payable for the current month. Requests for advances should be made to those Services
no later than 12 noon on the 10
of the month (or the preceding working day).
Last update: 1 January 2002
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Section II - Loans
17/4.2 Subject to the provisions of this Rule and to conditions laid down by the Secretary-
General, an official may, on furnishing satisfactory security, be granted interest-bearing loans.
17/4.2.1 On duly justified grounds, the Secretary-General may grant loans up to the amount of
four months' emoluments repayable within a period not exceeding 24 months.
17/4.2.2 An official may be granted interest-bearing loans repayable within a period not exceeding
ten years where he/she requires financial assistance to purchase a dwelling for use as his/her
personal residence or to make substantial structural alterations to such a dwelling.
Last update: January 96
117/4.2.3 The Executive Director may authorise loans at his/her discretion. The rate of interest
shall vary throughout the period of refund in relation to the financial market situation. The rate of
interest is revised each year on 1
June and 1
December by the Head of the Finance Service who
shall inform the staff by office circular.
Last update: November 2000
117/4.2.4 The part of the loan which is guaranteed by the amounts to which the borrower is entitled
under Article 11 of the Pension Rules must be repaid before the borrower has completed ten years
of service. Loans are repaid by deductions from monthly emoluments. The borrower may repay the
loan at a date earlier than that initially fixed, if he wishes. Where the appointment of a borrower is
terminated for any reason, the balance outstanding shall be deducted by the Finance Service from
the emoluments or benefits due to the official or to the official’s duly- qualified representatives. If
an official is to be placed on non-active status for reasons of military service or for personal reasons
and the Secretary-General considers that the official's loan will as a consequence no longer be
satisfactorily guaranteed, the official shall reimburse the loan or that part of it as shall be
determined by the Secretary-General before the beginning of his/her non- active status.
Last update: June 2001
117/4.2.5 The amount of any loans made to an official under Rule 17/4.2 shall not exceed the
sum of:
the amount standing to the official’s account in the Provident Fund,
the amounts to which the official is entitled under Article 11 of the
Pension Rules,
and the official’s emoluments for the period of notice applicable to
him pursuant to Regulation 11 e).
In addition, any loan granted under Rule 17/4.2.2 shall not exceed the amount of the official’s
emoluments for ten months.
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117/4.2.6 A dwelling for use by an official as his/her personal residence, for the application of Rule
17/4.2.2 of the Staff Rules, is defined as a dwelling the title-deed or lease of which is drawn up in
the name of the official and the tenure of which is held by himself/herself, his/her spouse or his/her
dependant, as defined in the Staff Rules.
117/4.2.7 An official who requests a loan under the provisions of Rule 17/4.2.2 of the Staff Rules
must produce all necessary documents to prove that the conditions provided for in this rule have
been met.
117/4.2.8 The Secretary-General may, in exceptional circumstances, authorise an official to
suspend reimbursements of a loan which has been granted to him/her under the provisions of Rule
17/4.2.1 or 17/4.2.2 of the Staff Rules. This authorisation does not alter the final repayment date,
determined when the loan was granted to the official.
Section III - Financial Assistance
17/4.3 Special financial assistance in the form of a grant or loan without interest, subject to
conditions laid down by the Secretary-General, may be given to an official in financial distress
arising out of an accident, serious or prolonged illness, or family difficulties. Such loans, of a
maximum amount of 1 143.37 EUR shall be repayable within a period not exceeding 24 months.
117/4.3 Requests for financial assistance in the form of grants or interest-free loans should be
made by memorandum addressed to a Welfare Officer. They shall be treated as confidential.
117/4.3.1 The Head of Human Resource Management may authorise grants at his/her discretion
and interest-free loans in accordance with the Financial Rules.
Last update: January 96
Section IV - Currency Advances
17/5 Where an official is travelling on duty, he/she may be granted an advance of up to 50
per cent of his/her emoluments for the period of his/her absence, in the currencies of the countries
in which he/she will be travelling.
Section V - Entertainment Allowance
17/6 Officials designated by the Secretary-General shall be entitled to claim the
reimbursement of expenses actually incurred for entertainment.
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[In accordance with the decision of the Council of 6 March 2001, the provisions marked by an
asterisk shall be prolonged until 27 February 2002. Should these rules later be changed, none
of the provisions ceasing to be applicable shall give rise to acquired rights.]
An official shall be entitled to an indemnity for loss of employment:
where his/her appointment is terminated for any one of the reasons enumerated in
Regulation 11 a) iii), to v) inclusive and 11 b); or
where his/her appointment is not renewed, except for reasons of discipline or for
unsatisfactory service, if he/she has served not less than six consecutive years with one or
more of the co-ordinated organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1.
Last update: January 2011
Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 17/7, the indemnity for loss of employment shall not be
paid to an official:
who has been offered other functions in the same grade, or comparable functions with the same or
higher salary in the Organisation;
who has been assigned to functions carrying comparable remuneration in the Council of
Europe, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the European Space Agency, the
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the Western European Union;
whose appointment is terminated pursuant to Regulation 11 a) v) if the official’s letter of
appointment provided for the possibility of his/her work unit being transferred to another
who, on the date his appointment ends, has the right to be reintegrated by his/her previous
Last update: October 2023
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17/7.2 An official appointed for a fixed term whose appointment is terminated and who has not
served for six consecutive years with one or more of the co-ordinated organisations specified in Rule
17/7.1. shall be entitled to an indemnity for loss of employment, the amount of which shall be equal
to one half of the official’s monthly emoluments multiplied by the number of months remaining up
to the expiry of the term of his/her appointment, provided that it shall in no case exceed:
- five months' emoluments in the case of an appointment for three years or less;
- eight months' emoluments in the case of an appointment for four years or for any term
between three years and four years;
- ten months'emoluments in the case of an appointment for more than four years.
Last update: January 2011
17/7.3 An official appointed for an open-ended term, or an official appointed for a fixed term who
has served not less than six consecutive years with one or more of the co-ordinated organisations
specified in Staff Rule 17/7.1., shall be entitled to an indemnity for loss of employment, the
amount of which shall be one month's emoluments for each year of service from the date the
official joined any of these organisations.
However, the amount of indemnity so calculated shall be subject to a ceiling which is set
at eighteen months.
Furthermore, the amount of indemnity shall not represent a number of months, or fractions
of months in excess of the period which the official would still have to serve before reaching the
age limit of 67 specified in Regulation 13.
Finally, such indemnity, when added to the total pension to be received on account of the
Pension Scheme until the age of 67 and to the payment instead of notice, shall not amount to more
than the emoluments the officials would have received had they remained in employment with the
Organisation in their last grade and step until such age.
117/7.3 The age referred to in Staff Rule 17/7.3 shall be 65 for those officials whose age limit of
service is 65 pursuant to Staff Regulation 13 and its related instructions.
Last update: July 2024
17/7.3bis For officials on indefinite term appointments at 16
July 1999 or who, at that date,
served for not less than ten consecutive years in one or more of the co-ordinated organisations
specified in Rule 17/7.1, the ceiling applicable to the loss of employment indemnity under 17/7.3 is
twenty-four months.
Last update: October 99
17/7.3.1 For the purposes of Rule 17/7.3, in calculating the indemnity, no account shall be taken
of any years of service:
in respect of which any indemnity for loss of employment has
already been paid;
preceding an interruption of the service with one or more of the
organisations specified in Rule 17/7.1;
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in respect of which the appointment was terminated for
disciplinary reasons.
17/7.3.2 Officials holding an indefinite term appointment when they are promoted on a fixed term
appointment as A6 or A7 shall remain entitled to the indemnity for loss of employment and notice
period applicable to indefinite term appointment holders.
Last update: October 99
17/7.3.3 In the case of termination under Regulation 11 b), the Secretary-General may pay an
indemnity to an official who waives all claims against the Organisation. The Secretary-General shall
fix the amount of such an indemnity, which shall not exceed the ceilings stipulated in Rules 17/7.2,
17/7.3 and 17/7.3 bis.
Last update: October 99
17/7.4 For the purposes of Rule 17/7, the emoluments to be taken into account for determining
the amount of the indemnity shall be:
the salary specified in Regulation 15,
any family allowances,
the handicapped child allowance or the supplement for disabled or
severaly disabled child, and
the Organisation's contribution to the Provident Fund pursuant to Rule
4 of the Provident Fund Rules for officials referred to under Rule 1
a) of the Rules
to which the official is entitled at the effective date of the termination of his/her appointment.
Last update: February 2017
117/7.4.1 The indemnities payable under Regulation 17/7 shall be calculated on a pro rata basis
to reflect periods of part-time work.
Last update: April 99
The indemnity for loss of employment shall be paid to the official
in full on the effective date of termination of his/her appointment.
[*] b)
When the official is placed on special leave, his/her entitlement
on account of indemnity for loss of employment is determined as
provided in an Annex to these Regulations.
The indemnity for loss of employment and payment instead of
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notice shall be reimbursed to the Organisation if the former
official is accorded an invalidity pension under the Pension
scheme, or for a former official affiliated to the Provident Fund,
if he/she receives an invalidity annuity under Rule 17/1.10 b). The
Organisation may deduct from the invalidity pension or annuity
the amounts paid on account of indemnity for loss of employment
and of payment instead of notice.
[*] d)
Any special leave instalments must be reimbursed to the
Organisation if the official concerned is accorded an invalidity
pension or annuity in respect of his/her service prior to the
beginning of special leave. The Organisation may deduct from the
invalidity pension or annuity the amounts paid on account of
special leave instalments.
When an official whose appointment has been terminated is
appointed to a new post in the Organisation or in another co-
ordinated organisation mentioned in Rule 17/7.1, he/she shall
reimburse the difference, if any, between the emoluments he/she
would have received had his/her appointment not been
terminated, and the amount of indemnity for loss of employment
and of payment in lieu of notice which he/she has received.
Last update: April 2000
17/7.6 An official who was in service on 1st January, 1972, shall have the right to request that the
provisions of Article 5 of the Rule by the Secretary-General of 17 December 1965, amending the
Staff Rules of the Organisation, be applied instead of the provisions of these Rules.
17/8 Claims against the Organisation for payment of salary, indemnities, allowances, benefits
or of other sums resulting from the application of the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions shall
lapse two years after the date on which the payment would have been due. However, requests for
allowances provided for in Rules 16/1.1, 16/1.2, 16/1.3, 16/2.1, 16/2.2, 16/2.3, 16/5 and 16/8, once
accepted, shall give rise to retroactive payment of the corresponding sums for no more than three
months from the date the Organisation received written notification of the facts determining
entitlement to these payments, supported by appropriate documentation.
17/8.1 A request for payment in respect of a claim against the Organisation submitted after
expiry of the period of limitation may be taken into consideration if the delay is due to exceptional
17/8.2 The limitation shall be interrupted by a claim in writing submitted before the expiry of the
period of limitation.
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17/8.3 The right of the Organisation to recover any payment made unduly shall lapse two
years following that payment.
There shall be no limitation if the information provided was inaccurate as a result of a
lack of good faith or gross negligence.
17/8.5 Recovery shall be made by deductions from the monthly or other payments due to the
person concerned, taking into account his/her social and financial situation.
Last update: February 2017
17/9 Where the incapacity or death of an official is attributable to a third party, the claims
and rights of action of the official or the duly qualified claimants to his/her rights (ayants droit)
against the third party shall vest in the Organisation within the limits of its obligations under the
Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions. However, the Organisation may waive its right to take
action pursuant to such subrogation against the third party concerned where special circumstances
justify such a waiver.
Last update: February 97
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The salaries, allowances and benefits due to an official by virtue of this
chapter, may be paid in or transferred into the currency of the country
of which the official is a national, within the limits and in the conditions
determined by rules of the Secretary-General, subject to approval by
the Council.
EMOLUMENTS (Regulation 18)
18/1 An official who is entitled to the allowance specified in Regulation 16b) shall have the
right to have not more than 50 per cent of his/her monthly emoluments transferred through the
Organisation into the currency of the country of which he/she is a national or, on good grounds, into
the currency of the country where he/she normally resided at the date of taking up duty with the
18/1.1 The allowances payable to an official or to his/her authorised representatives on the
termination of employment may be transferred in full.
18/1.2 The Secretary-General may authorise other transfers on good grounds.
18/1.3 Transfers effected under the provisions of Regulation 18 shall be made at the official rate
of exchange ruling in Paris on the date of transfer.
18/1.4 Any request to exercise the right of transfer specified in Rule 18/1 shall be made not later
than the end of month following that in respect of which the transfer is requested.
18/1.4.1 The Secretary-General may, however, where he/she considers that the grounds submitted
by an official are valid, exceptionally authorise the official to exercise the right specified in Rule
18/1 in respect of emoluments relating to the six months preceding the month in which the transfer
is requested.
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The level of the remuneration of the officials of the Organisation shall
be periodically reviewed.
19/1 The procedures for the adjustment of the emoluments specified in these rules shall be
determined by the Secretary-General, subject to approval by the Council, and published in an annex
to these rules. (See Annex I).
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Section I - Working hours
20/1 The normal working week shall be of 40 hours.
The Secretary-General may, depending on the requirements of the
transform the appointment of an official, either at his/her initiative or with
his/her agreement, from a full-time to a part-time basis;
recruit part-time officials.
At his/her request and subject to reasonable notice to the Organisation, any official
shall be entitled to work part-time when he/she has:
a dependent child under the age of three,
a child placed with him within less than three years, for adoption, until the
end of the three-year period; or
a child, spouse, recognised partner, cohabitant or ascendant whose health is
seriously deficient and necessitates the routine presence of another person,
as duly certified by a doctor, for a cumulative maximum period of three years
during his/her whole period of service within the Organisation.
a) The normal hours of work of the staff of the Organisation shall be
determined by the Secretary-General, who shall also decide on what
conditions members of the staff may be employed part-time.
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The working hours of an official working part-time shall be between 50 and 90% of the normal
working hours.
An official working part-time shall receive a salary corresponding to the ratio of his/her
working hours, determined in accordance with Rule 20/2, to the normal working hours. Subject to
the Pension Schemes and Provident Fund Rules, the official shall receive the allowances and
benefits to which he/she is entitled in the same proportion, with the exception of:
benefits paid in case of sickness, maternity, work accident, invalidity or death, as
well as the benefits and allowances for a handicapped child, which may be
received in full under the conditions laid down by Instruction of the Secretary-
General; and
benefits and allowances expressed as a percentage of salary.
Hours worked for the requirements of the service in excess of the working hours of an
official working part-time shall be considered as complementary hours provided they do not exceed
the normal working hours laid down under Rule 20/1 and are not worked on a Saturday, Sunday or
public holiday, in which case they shall be considered as overtime and subject to the provisions of
Regulation 20 b).
Complementary hours worked by:
B and C grade officials;
officials in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6;
Working part-time shall entitle them to an equivalent number of hours of
compensatory leave. Compensation for complementary hours shall be made on the
same basis as that laid down for overtime in Rule 20/1.3.2 ii) to vi).
Complementary hours and overtime worked by all officials, except those in B and C
grades and in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6, working part-time shall carry no right
to compensatory leave or compensatory payment. However, if these officials are called upon to
work complementary hours or overtime in very exceptional circumstances, especially if they are
repeatedly required to work substantially longer hours than their part-time working hours, the
Secretary-General may grant them, at his/her discretion, within the following three months,
compensatory leave which in no case should exceed the number of complementary hours or
overtime worked.
120/1 The duration of work of the officials of the Secretariat shall be 8 hours a day
Mondays to Fridays.
120/1.1 The working day shall normally begin at 9 a.m. Heads of division shall fix the
luncheon period and the end of work so that there are 8 hours of work per day.
120/1.1.0 Any time spent by a member of the staff on the activities of a body provided for
under the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions shall count as effective service.
120/1.1.1 In agreement with the Head of Human Resource Management, directors may
decide that work shall begin at a time other than 9 a.m. if shift work is required.
120/1.1.2 For shift work, depending on the needs of the service, directors may, in agreement
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with the Head of Human Resource Management, establish working days of up to 12 hours, without
the hours worked after the eighth hour entitling officials to compensation for overtime, provided
that the normal weekly working hours are not exceeded.
120/1.1.3 Unauthorised and unexplained absence shall render an official liable to disciplinary
action under Regulation 21.
Last update: October 2023
120/1.1.4 Following a period of sick leave, maternity leave or non-activity for reasons of illness,
officials may be authorised by the Head of Human Resource Management, where so advised by
their medical practioner and after a favorable opinion from the Medical Officer, to resume their
duties with a working day reduced by up to two hours for a maximum period of three months, while
receiving their full salary. Pregnant women may also be authorised to carry out their duties with a
reduction in their working day, under similar conditions, during all or part of the pregnancy
preceding maternity leave.
Last update: April 2007
For the application of Rule 20/2 a) i), the proposal to transform the appointment of an official
shall be addressed by the director or head of service to the Head of Human Resource Management
and bear the signed agreement of the official concerned. It shall detail the conditions referred to in
Instruction 120/1.2.2.
If the Head of Human Resource Management agrees with the proposal, the appointment of the
official shall be transformed into a part-time appointment. Such transformation shall not take effect
earlier than one month after the date on which the Head of Human Resource Management approved
the proposal.
An official may only take the initiative to request the transformation of his/her appointment into
a part-time appointment once he/she has completed the probationary period referred to in
Regulation 9 a) ii).
120/1.2.2 For the application of Rule 20/2 a) i), the proposal of the director or head of service shall
set out the number of working hours and the way in which such working hours would be distributed
on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis, having regard in each case to the requirements of the
service. It shall also specify the nature of the functions that would be performed as well as any
modification to the way in which the official would be called upon to perform his functions.
120/1.2.3 For the application of Rule 20/2 b), the number of working hours of officials shall be
set insofar as possible by agreement between the official and the director or head of service
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concerned. Failing such agreement, the official shall determine the number of working hours.
However, the way in which the working hours of the official working part time shall be distributed
on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis shall be established by agreement between the official
and the Head of Human Resource Management.
120/1.2.4 An official taking advantage of the provisions of Rule 20/2 b) must, before the beginning
of the period his/her part-time work, inform the Head of Human Resource Management in writing
of the date on which he/she intends to resume working full time. Unless the Head of Human Resource
Management has agreed otherwise in writing, the official may only extend this period twice, within
the limits laid down in Rule 20/2 b).
120/1.2.5 Where an official wishes to work on a full-time basis after having worked part time
pursuant to Rule 20/2 a) i), he/she shall send a written request to this effect to the Head of Human
Resource Management who shall, together with the official’s director, determine whether such
request can be accepted having regard to the requirements of the service. If so, the Head of Human
Resource Management shall transform the part-time appointment into a full-time appointment. The
decision to transform the appointment shall not take effect earlier than one month after having been
Last update: January 2011
120/1.2.6 Where an official wishes to work on a full-time basis after having worked part time
pursuant to Rule 20/2 b), he shall send a written request to this effect to the Head of Human Resource
Management who shall, together with the official’s director, determine the date on which the official
shall resume work on a full-time basis, having regard to the requirements of the service.
Last update: January 2011
120/1.2.7 Save in exceptional circumstances, as left to the discretion of the Head of Human
Resource Management, if an official who has benefited from the provisions of Rule 20/2 b) does not
resume full-time work at the end of the period applicable, he/she shall be considered to have
resigned, and his/her appointment shall be terminated without notice or indemnity.
Last update: January 2011
120/1.2.8 In the case of
B and C grade officials;
officials in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6;
working part-time, complementary hours require prior authorisation of:
directors or heads of service when these hours do not exceed one-quarter of
the official’s weekly hours;
the Head of Human Resource Management when, in exceptional cases, the
hours exceed this limit.
120/1.2.9 Officials working part-time shall be entitled to payment in full of the following benefits
and allowances:
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b) When an official is required to work overtime he/she shall be entitled
to compensation within the limits and according to the conditions
determined by rules established by the Secretary-General and approved
by the Council.
health care expenses in the event of sickness, maternity, work accident or
occupational disease, under the conditions laid down in Rules 17/1.6 and 17/1.13;
the lump sum allowance on the birth or adoption of a child provided for in Rule
the payment of a capital sum in the event of death or total permanent invalidity, under
the conditions laid down in Rules 17/1.11 and 17/1.14 c) and d), calculated on the
basis of the emoluments the official would receive had he/she been working full-time
at the same grade and step. The contribution in respect of the capital sum provided
for in Rule 17/1.11 is based on the emoluments officials would receive had they been
working full-time at the same grade and step;
if they are entitled to the benefits for handicapped child or to the supplements for
disabled or severely disabled child, the allowances and supplements provided for
under Rules16/1.2, 16/1.3, 16/2.2, 16/2.3, 16/3.2 et 16/8 ;
the reimbursement of travel and removal expenses incurred in the service of the
Organisation as provided for under Regulation 17 c);
120/1.2.10 For the purposes of calculations pursuant to Rules 16/5.1, 16/5.2 and 16/5.3 and annex
19 concerning the rent allowance, the amount of rent taken into account for an official working
part-time shall be the same as for an official working full-time.
120/1.2.11 The entitlement of an official working part-time to annual leave, home leave and
exceptional paid leave as provided for under Regulation 20 e), f) and j) shall be calculated on the
basis of the ratio of the official’s part-time working hours to the normal working hours.
120/1.2.12 For the application of Rule 20/2 b) iii), the term “recognised partner” means the partner
of an official under a contract of partnership, registered with a national public authority, organising
the conditions for their living together in the manner of a married couple, and the term “cohabitee”
means the partner of an official with whom the official proves he/she has been living in the manner
of a married couple for at least six months.
Last update: October 2023
Section II -Overtime
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20/1.3 Hours worked in excess of normal working hours, or on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday,
shall be considered as overtime provided that prior authorisation has been given by the Director or
Head of Service concerned. Hours worked, in the context of special shift work, on Saturdays or
Sundays which are not public holidays, shall be considered as normal working hours and shall not
give entitlement to compensation for overtime provided the normal weekly working hours are not
Last update: April 2003
120/1.3 Directors shall authorise overtime to be performed only where this is necessary for the
work of their directorate. They shall not require staff to work overtime on Saturdays, Sundays or
public holidays without previously obtaining authorisation from the Head of Human Resource
120/1.3.1 Shift work shall be understood as any permanent organisation of work in successive shifts
that has been given prior approval by the Head of Human Resource Management and involves
working on Saturdays or Sundays, without exceeding the normal weekly working hours.
Last update: April 2003
20/1.3.1 Overtime worked by all officials except those in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to
GA-6 shall carry no right to compensatory leave or compensatory payment. However, if these
officials are called upon to work overtime in very exceptional circumstances, especially if they are
repeatedly required to work substantially longer hours than the normal working week, the Secretary-
General may grant them, at his/her discretion, within the following three months, compensatory
leave which in no case should exceed the number of overtime hours worked.
Overtime worked by
B and C grade officials;
officials in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6;
shall entitle them to corresponding compensatory leave increased
according to rates given in the table below:
Rate of increase
first 13 hours' overtime in
the month
33 1/3 %
from 14 to 30 hours of
overtime in the month
50 %
Weekday night
from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
66 2/3 %
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Saturday, Sunday
and Public holiday
from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
66 2/3 %
from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
100 %
However, when, owing to the exigencies of the service, compensation
cannot be granted in full in the form of compensatory leave to:
B and C grade officials;
officials in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6;
they shall be entitled to a compensatory payment on the express
condition that 20% at least of the compensation takes the form of
compensatory leave. This condition may exceptionally be waived by
express decision of the Secretary- General in the case of officials who
stand in for unexpectedly absent staff members of a continuous service
unit, or of officials whose overtime working is due to the fact that their
functions require availability throughout the day, on condition that this
does not adversely affect the safety of the service or the health of the
officials concerned.
In the event of a compensatory payment, the calculation shall be based
on the staff member's basic to which he/she was entitled on the date
the overtime was performed. Such payment shall be made with the
emoluments for the next month but one after the month in which the
overtime was worked.
Subject to the provisions of paragraph ii) above, compensatory leave
shall be taken before the end of the month of March in the year
following that in which the overtime was worked.
Entitlement to compensatory leave shall terminate automatically
when the time limits laid down in paragraph iv) above have elapsed.
Directors who have authorised overtime are responsible for ensuring
that compensatory leave is granted before the expiry of the time limits
laid down in the present Rules.
Last update: October 2023
Section III - Night work
c) The Secretary-General may, as their normal working hours, require
officials to do night work. An official doing night work shall be entitled
to an allowance.
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d) The public holidays to which an official shall be entitled shall be
determined in accordance with local practice.
120/1.4 Any time worked as normal working hours between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. shall be deemed to
be night work.
Unless the Executive Director decides otherwise at the time of appointment:
B and C grade officials;
officials in the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6;
required to do night work shall be entitled, for each hour worked at night, to an allowance of 0.012
per cent of his annual salary and allowances as defined in Regulation 15.
Section IV - Public holidays
The public holidays to be observed by the Organisation shall be announced by means of
an office circular. Where the needs of the Secretariat require that officials work on a public holiday,
another day shall be fixed to be observed as a public holiday.
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CHAPTER II LEAVE (Regulation 20)
Section I - Annual leave
e) An official shall be entitled to paid annual leave at the rate of
two and a half working days for each month of service completed.
120/2 Authorisation to take annual leave shall be given by the Head of Division or higher official
supervising the official concerned.
120/2.1 The entitlement of officials to annual leave in respect of the calendar year shall be
calculated on their appointment and thereafter at the beginning of each year.
Last update: September 99
120/2.2 Annual leave shall normally be taken during the year in which it is earned or, at the latest,
before 31st March of the following year. A maximum of twenty days unused annual leave may
however be carried forward beyond the 31st March of the following year from one year to the next.
Officials having served with the Organisation for twenty or thirty years may carry forward beyond
the 31st March of the following year up to twenty five or thirty days respectively of their outstanding
leave entitlement.
Last update: December 97
120/2.3 Any official who has not taken the whole of the leave due to him/her when his/her
appointment ends or when he/she is placed on non-active status for reasons of military service or
for personal reasons, shall receive, in lieu thereof, his/her emoluments as defined in Instruction
111/3. Any official who has taken leave in advance and in excess of that due to him/her when his/her
appointment ends shall repay to the Organisation the emoluments paid for the corresponding
Last update: June 2001
120/2.4 The dates at which annual leave may be taken shall be fixed by Heads of Division after
consultation with their staff, having regard to the needs of the service and the family obligations of
the staff.
120/2.5 Any official wishing to take annual leave shall address his request to his supervisor.
Last update: September 99
120/2.6 Where, during a period of annual leave, a medical certificate is issued to an official attesting
that his sickness will last more than three consecutive days and is sent to the Head of Human
Resource Management within three working days, the corresponding days of annual leave shall be
counted as sick leave. If such an official has no further entitlement to sick leave, he/she shall be
placed on non-active status in accordance with Regulation 14.
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f) Officials who are entitled to the expatriation allowance pursuant to
Rule 16/3 shall be entitled to eight days supplementary leave, once every
two years, for the purpose of visiting their homes. Travel expenses in
respect of home leave shall be reimbursed to the officials concerned.
Section II - Home leave
120/3.0.1 One period of home leave shall accrue in respect of each entire period of twenty-four
months' service. Subject to the exigencies of work, it may be taken at any time not earlier than six
months before and not later than eighteen months after the date on which it accrues. Any home leave
not taken within eighteen months after the date on which it accrues shall be forfeited.
Last update: September 2015
120/3.0.2 Within the limits set in this Instruction, the dates at which home leave may be taken shall
be determined in the same way as for annual leave. The fact that the date of home leave is advanced
or retarded shall not affect the date when the next ensuing period of home leave accrues.
120/3.0.3 No home leave shall be granted within a period of four months before the date when the
appointment of an official is due to end. Where officials have taken home leave in advance and their
appointment terminates by resignation before the date at which home leave accrues they shall repay
the Organisation a sum corresponding to their emoluments for eight days and the amount
reimbursed by the Organisation in respect of travel.
120/3.0.4 Where the entitlement of officials to home leave is estimated at the time of appointment,
service credit towards home leave shall begin to accrue from that date: where in accordance with
the provisions of these Instructions, the entitlement of officials to home leave is established
subsequent to their appointment as a result of change of duty station, such credit shall begin to
accrue from the date of the change.
120/3.0.5 Officials may be required to take home leave in conjunction with travel on mission or
change of duty station, due regard being paid to the interest of the officials and their families.
120/3.0.6 For the purposes of Regulation 20 f), the home of officials shall be that place with which
they have the strongest ties outside the country of the permanent duty station. The Head of Human
Resource Management shall determine this place having regard to the place of residence of the
officials' family, to the place of their upbringing and to any place where they may possess property.
In case of doubt, the Head of Human Resource Management may decide, at the request of the
officials concerned, that they shall take their home leave in the capital city of the State of which they
are nationals.
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20/3.1 Where the time taken by officials to travel from their duty station to their home, and back
again, by a direct route and means approved by the Secretary-General exceeds 12 hours, it shall not
be included in the eight days of home leave granted.
20/3.2 Subject to the provisions of Rule 20/3.3, reimbursement of expenses incurred in travelling
on home leave shall be made according to the provisions of Regulation 17 c).
120/3.2 Where officials receive the household allowance, the basic family allowance or the
dependent child supplement return travel expenses shall also be borne by the Organisation in
respect of the persons specified in Rule 17/3.2, whether or not travelling in company with officials
provided that they travel within the time limit set in Instruction 120/3.0.1 and that the officials
themselves take their home leave within those time limits.
Last update: February 2017
120/3.2.1 Where officials fail to take a period of home leave within the time limits set in Instruction
120/3.0.1, they shall repay to the Organisation any travel expenses borne by the Organisation in
respect of a member or members of their household for such leave.
20/3.3 Where two spouses are both employed by the Organisation, or where the spouse of an official
is employed in the same country as the official by one of the Co-ordinated Organisations specified
in Rule 17/7.1 and both are entitled to home leave, such leave shall be granted once every two years
under the following conditions:
if both are officials of the Organisation, they may take home leave
together in either of their home leave countries, or separately in each
of their respective home leave countries. The Organisation shall bear
the expenses incurred in connection with this leave;
if the spouses are employed by different Co-ordinated Organisations,
the person who is an official of the Organisation may take home leave
in his/her home leave country or in the home leave country of his/her
spouse; the expenses incurred in connection with each
spouse's home leave shall be borne by the Organisation which employs
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g) Officials shall be entitled to paid sick leave of up to four months
during any one year of service, but not more than four consecutive
months, on producing a medical certificate recognised by the Secretary-
the dependent children of the spouses concerned shall be entitled to
home leave only once every two years and it may be taken in the home
leave country of either spouse, under the followingconditions:
if both spouses are officials of the Organisation, the Organisation
shall bear the expenses incurred in connection with such home
if the spouses are employed by different Co-ordinated
Organisations, the Co-ordinated Organisation employing the
spouse in receipt of the household allowance, or the dependent
child supplement, shall bear the expenses incurred in connection
with the children's home leave.
Last update: February 2017
Section III - Sick leave
120/4 An official obliged through sickness or accident to absent himself/herself from duty
shall inform his/her immediate superior thereof by the fastest available means.
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Subsection I - Therapeutic half-time
120/4.0 Following a period of sick leave or non-activity for reasons of illness, an official may, where
so advised by his/her medical practitioner and after a favourable opinion from the Medical Officer,
be authorised by the Head of Human Resource Management, on medical grounds, to resume his/her
duties on a part-time basis for no less than 50 % of the staff's normal working hours. The Head of
Human Resource Management shall not grant such authorisation for any one period exceeding
three months, and the total duration of therapeutic half-time to which an official is entitled shall not
exceed nine months out of any period of twelve months. The official placed on therapeutic half-time
shall be entitled to maintenance of his salary under Regulation 17/1.7 in respect of the hours not
Last update: December 2001
Subsection II - Uncertified sick leave
Where the absence of an official, owing to sickness or accident, does
not exceed three consecutive days, the official shall not be required to
produce a medical certificate unless and until his/her total uncertified
sick leave in any one calendar year exceeds nine working days; these
nine working days shall be included in the four months paid sick leave
provided for in Regulation 20 g).
However, any absence owing to a work accident and any absence
owing to sickness or accident which immediately precedes or follows
a period of annual leave under Regulation 20 e) must be justified by
a medical certificate, whatever the length of such absence.
Subsection III - Certified sick leave
An official obliged through sickness or accident to absent himself from
duty and whose absence is not covered by Instruction 120/4.1 a), shall
send the Head of Human Resource Management within 48 hours of
stopping work, save in cases of force majeure, the original of the
medical certificate prescribing work stoppage and specifying its
probable duration. An official affiliated to the French Social Security
scheme shall also send, within the same time limit, all necessary
documents to his/her Social Security centre, as required under French
law, and the employer's copy to the Head of Human Resource
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Officials on sick leave may be required to undergo a medical
examination by a doctor designated by the Organisation. Such
officials are therefore obliged to comply with their doctor's
instructions as regards the hours during which they may go out, and
to inform the Head of Human Resource Management of the address
where they may be contacted at other times, should this address not
be their domicile.
A prescription to stop work in order to follow a course of hydrotherapy
or thalassotherapy treatment shall confer entitlement to sick leave
when it has been approved by the doctor designated by the
Organisation. In the case of officials who have opted to remain
affiliated to the French Social Security scheme under Regulation
17/1.1 b), the granting of sick leave for a course of hydrotherapy shall
be subject to the approval of the Social Security's medical
officer instead of the approval referred to above.
120/4.2.1 An official who has absented himself/herself from duty for reasons of sickness or accident
and who does not produce the medical certificate required under Instruction 120/4.2 shall forfeit
annual leave entitlement equal to the number of days of uncertified absence or, if the official has
exhausted his/her entitlement to annual leave, shall forfeit his/her entitlement to salary for the same
Any official who has been absent from duty following a work accident,
or for more than thirty consecutive days owing to sickness, shall be
examined by the Medical Officer not later than the day following that
on which he resumes duty.
Any official who has been declared temporarily unfit for work by a
medical officer of the Organisation shall not resume work until he/she
has been examined and declared fit for work by a medical officer of
the Organisation.
Subsection IV - Expiry of sick leave
120/4.3 If an official is medically unfit for returning to duty on the expiry of his/her sick leave,
he/she shall be placed on non-active status in accordance with Regulation 14.
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Subsection V - Benefits
120/4.4 During sick leave, an official shall be entitled to the benefits specified in Regulation
17 a).
Subsection VI - Medical Examination
120/4.5 Any official may at any time be required to undergo a medical examination by a physician
designated by the Secretary-General and may as a consequence be required to take sick leave in
the interests of his/her health.
Subsection VII - Dispensation from Service on Health Grounds
120/4.6 When an official has been exposed or has reason to believe he/she has been exposed to
a serious infectious or contagious disease, he/she shall inform the Organisation's Medical Officer
and provide relevant documentation as required. On the advice of the Organisation's Medical
Officer, the Head of Human Resource Management may require the official not to attend the office
but to hold himself/herself at the disposal of the Organisation.
Last update: June 2003
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h) The Secretary-General may grant to an official called to serve in
the national armed forces of a Member state, unpaid military service
leave at the rate of 15 days for each year of service.
i) The Secretary-General shall provide for paid parental leave to
officials, as specified in Instructions of the Secretary-General.
Section IV - Military service leave
120/5 An official called up or recalled for service in the armed forces shall immediately inform the
Head of Human Resource Management who shall take all necessary steps, in consultation with the
Head of Division of the official concerned, to provide for military service leave.
120/5.1 If the official is unable to resume duty at the end of this leave, he/she shall be placed on
non-active status in accordance with Regulation 14.
Section V - Parental leave
120/6 a) Officials who are expectant mothers (hereinafter “expectant mothers”) shall be entitled, on
the basis of a medical certificate stating the probable date of delivery, to non- fractionnable
paid parental leave of sixteen weeks. This leave shall begin not more than six weeks before the
probable date of delivery and end ten weeks after the date of the birth.
Except for the cases referred to in paragraph c) below, expectant mothers are entitled to a
paid and non-fractionnable parental leave of twenty-six weeks, where:
they have already had two live births; or
there are at least two dependent children under age twenty already living in the
This leave shall begin not more than eight weeks before the probable date of delivery and end
eighteen weeks after the date of the birth.
Where they expect multiple children, expectant mothers are entitled to a paid and non-
fractionnable parental leave of thirty-four weeks. This leave shall begin not more than twelve
weeks before the probable date of delivery and end twenty-two weeks after the date of the birth.
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Except for the case referred to in paragraph e) below, where delivery occurs before or after
the probable date of delivery, the total period of leave shall not thereby be affected.
Where birth occurs more than six weeks before the probable date of delivery and requires
the post-natal hospitalisation of the child(ren), the mothers referred to in paragraph a) above
shall be entitled to a paid additional leave equal to the number of days running from the actual
date of birth to the beginning of the period of leave.
When, after the sixth week following delivery, the child(ren) is(are) still in hospital, mothers
referred to in paragraph a) above may come back to work and obtain on request the
postponement until the end of their child(ren)’s hospitalisation of the amount of the leave to
which they are still entitled.
120/6.1 a) Without the total duration of the leave referred to in Instruction 120/6 thereby being affected,
the parental leave prior or subsequent to the probable date of delivery may vary on the
conditions described below.
i) Expectant mothers may obtain on request an increase of the leave prior to the probable date
of delivery. Such increase is of a maximum duration of:
two weeks when they have already had two live births or they or the household
already have at least two dependent children under age twenty living in the
household ;
four weeks, where multiple children are expected.
Parental leave subsequent to the birth is then reduced accordingly.
ii) If the doctor monitoring the pregnancy gives a favorable opinion, expectant mothers may
obtain on request a reduction of the parental leave prior to the probable date of delivery. Such
reduction is of a maximum duration of three weeks. Parental leave subsequent to the birth is
then increased accordingly.
iii) If the doctor monitoring the pregnancy gives a prescription to stop work during the period
prior to the probable date of delivery and in relation to which expectant mothers have requested
a reduction of the parental leave prior to the probable date of delivery, such reduction is
annulled and their leave commences on the first day of stopping work. The period of leave
initially postponed till after the birth is reduced accordingly.
b) Expectant mothers who have been on parental leave or whose leave have been interrupted in
accordance with the paragraph f) above shall report to the Medical Officer of the Organisation
before resuming her duties. Any medically authorised extension of the foregoing parental leave
shall be regarded as sick leave under the provisions of Regulation 20 g).
120/6.2 a) Following the birth of a child or children, officials who have the legal responsibility of the child
together with the biological mother are entitled to a paid parental leave of four weeks for single
birth and six weeks for multiple births. They shall not be entitled to any additional leave.
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b) In the event of the biological mother’s death during the parental leave provided for in
Instruction 120/6, the duration of the leave provided for in paragraph a) shall be extended by
the remaining leave provided for in Instruction 120/6.
120/6.3 a) Officials who have a dependent child newly coming under their legal parental responsibility, and
who do not qualify for leave provided for under Instructions 120/6 and 120/6.2, are entitled to
paid parental leave of ten weeks with respect to this child. This parental leave shall start from
the date of the child’s arrival in thehousehold.
b) If the spouses of officials are entitled to leave of the same nature, in respect of the same
child(ren), under another social protection scheme, and their combined leave exceeds sixteen
weeks, then the leave provided for in paragraph a) shall be reduced accordingly but shall never
be less than six weeks.
c) Where two officials are spouses and are entitled to parental leave as set out in paragraph
a), the couple is entitled to sixteen weeks of paid parental leave, which may be shared within
the couple, provided each official concerned benefits from at least six weeks’ parental leave.
d) Officials who:
are entitled to the parental leave as provided for under paragraphs a) or b) above; and
already have at least two dependent children under age twenty living in the household,
are entitled to eight weeks additional paid parental leave.
e) In case of multiple dependent children newly coming under their legal parental
responsibility, officials who are entitled to parental leave as provided for under paragraphs a)
or b) above are entitled to twelve weeks additional parental leave.
120/6.4 For the purposes of Instructions 120/6.3, legal parental responsibility shall include legal parental
authority over the children and legal custody of thechildren.
120/6.5 Officials who are single-parents, i.e. officials who are solely in charge of dependent child(ren)
as defined in Instruction 116/2.2, and are entitled to a parental leave as provided for under
these instructions to Regulation 20 i) shall be entitled to an additional paid parental leave of
six weeks.
120/6.6 a) Parental leave provided for under Instructions 120/6.2, 120/6.3 and 120/6.5, including any
additional leave, should be taken within twelve months following the arrival of the child(ren)
in the household.
Parental leave provided for under Instructions 120/6.2, 120/6.3 and 120/6.5, including any
additional leave are non-fractionnable. However, if the nature and exercise of their duties and
the requested periods are compatible with organisational and efficiency-related service
requirements, officials may be authorised by the Head of Human Resource Management, upon
recommendation of their supervisor, to:
- divide their leave in a maximum of three periods in total, each not shorter than two
weeks; and/or
- take their leave on a part-time basis.
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Such authorisation shall take the form of a written agreement with the official.
Last update: January 2017
Section VI - Exceptional paid leave
120/7 Exceptional paid leave may be granted for urgent private matters or compassionate reasons,
the date and the actual number of days being determined at the discretion of the Head of Human
Resource Management.
Last update: October 2003
120/7.1 An official who has served with the Organisation for twenty or thirty years shall be entitled
to an exceptional paid leave, of three or five days respectively per annum.
120/7.2 The entitlement to the exceptional paid leave provided for in Instruction 120/7.1 becomes
due as from the date on which the official has served with the Organisation for twenty or thirty
years. However, as from the year during which the official reaches twenty or thirty years' service,
this entitlement is granted in advance on 1st January of each year and the leave is to be taken before
31st December of the same year. When the appointment of an official ends before the date on which
the official reaches twenty or thirty years' service with the Organisation, or before the anniversary
date, and when the official has already taken such exceptional paid leave, he/she shall repay to the
Organisation the emoluments paid for the corresponding period.
Last update: February 97
120/7.3 As provided in paragraph 21 of Annex XXVI to these Regulations, an official whose
performance is rated as “Outstanding Contribution” for a given performance cycle shall be entitled
to five days of exceptional paid leave.
Last update: March 2013
j) The Secretary-General may grant exceptional paid leave, up to a
maximum of eight days a year.
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k) The Secretary-General may grant unpaid leave for urgent or
private reasons.
Section VII - Unpaid leave for private reasons
20/8 During periods of unpaid leave for urgent or private reasons the official shall not receive
any remuneration from the Organisation, but these periods shall give entitlement to benefits in case
of sickness, accident, disablement or death, and to application of the rules of the Pension Scheme
or of the Provident Fund, provided the official continues to pay his/her share of the required
contributions; these contributions shall be based on the salary pertaining to the grade and step of the
120/8 An official may be requested to exhaust his/her accrued annual leave before being granted
unpaid leave for urgent or private reasons.
120/8.1 Unpaid leave for urgent or private reasons may be granted by the Executive Director, after
consultation with the superior of the official concerned, for reasons not falling within the provisions
of the Staff Regulations, Rules or Instructions. Such leave may not exceed four months.
120/8.2 Account shall be taken of periods of unpaid leave for urgent or private reasons in respect
of the accrual of service credits toward annual leave, home leave, or advancement. Such periods
shall give entitlement to sick leave and maternity leave. The official shall remain assigned to his/her
Last update: January 2011
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l) The Secretary-General may grant unpaid training leave for short-
term or long-term periods.
Section VIII - Unpaid training leave
20/9 During periods of unpaid training leave, the official shall not receive any remuneration
nor any daily subsistence allowance from the Organisation, but these periods shall be deemed to be
periods of service performed at the place where the official is carrying out his/her studies or
research, and they shall give entitlement to benefits in case of sickness, accident, disablement or
death, and to application of the rules of the Pension Scheme or of the Provident Fund, provided
the official continues to pay his/her share of the required contributions; these contributions shall be
based on the salary pertaining to the grade and step of theofficial.
20/9.1 In case of long-term unpaid training leave, the official may be required to remain in service
with the Organisation upon the expiry of such leave for a period which may not exceed two years:
this period of required service shall have a duration which shall, in particular, take account of the
number of years of service and the age of the official concerned as well as the duration of the leave
granted. Should the official voluntarily leave the service of the Organisation during the long-term
unpaid training leave or before the expiry of the required period of service, the Organisation may
withhold from any benefit due to the official or to those entitled under him/her all or part of the
financial obligations borne by the Organisation for the official in respect of such leave.
General provisions
120/9 An official may be requested to exhaust his/her accrued annual leave before being granted
unpaid training leave.
Unpaid short-term training leave
120/9.1 Unpaid leave for short-term training may be granted by the Executive Director, after
consultation with the superior of the official concerned, to enable the official to carry out advanced
study or research deemed to be in the interest of the Organisation. Such leave may not exceed two
120/9.2 Account shall be taken of periods of unpaid leave for short-term training in respect of the
accrual of service credits toward annual leave, home leave, or advancement. Such periods shall
give entitlement to sick leave and maternity leave. The official shall remain assigned to his/her
Last update: January 2011
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[*] m) The Secretary-General may place an official on special
leave as provided in an Annex to these Regulations.
Unpaid long-term training leave
120/9.3 Unpaid leave for long-term training may be granted by the Executive Director, taking into
account the justified opinion of the director concerned, to enable an official to carry out advanced
study or research deemed to be in the interest of the Organisation. Only officials having completed
at least five years' service may apply for such leave. This leave is granted for a maximum period of
one year, renewable twice.
No account shall be taken of periods of unpaid leave for long-term training in respect of
the accrual of service credits toward annual leave, home leave, or advancement. Such periods shall
not give entitlement to sick leave or maternity leave. Upon the expiry of such leave, the functions
previously assigned to the official or functions corresponding to the official’s qualifications and
experience shall be assigned to him/her.
Last update: January 2011
Section IX - Special leave
[In accordance with the decision of the Council of 6 March 2001, the provisions marked by an
asterisk shall be prolonged until 27 February 2002. Should these rules later be changed, none
of the provisions ceasing to be applicable shall give rise to acquired rights.]
Last update: March 2001
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a) The Secretary-General may take disciplinary measures against officials guilty of
serious misconduct in the course of duty or otherwise, or for knowingly making false
statements in their application for employment by the Organisation.
b) The disciplinary measures shall be reprimand, suspension without salary, or
dismissal. The forfeiture of rights accruing under Regulation 17 b) may accompany
c) Officials and former officials shall refrain from any act or activity likely to cause
moral or material prejudice to the Organisation.
d) Any violation of the basic principles, rights and duties set out in Regulations 2 to 5bis
of the Staff Regulations and corresponding instructions constitutes misconduct that
may result in disciplinary action.
e) If an official causes material damage to the Organisation wilfully or through serious
misconduct, the Organisation may deduct commensurate compensation for that
damage from any sums owed to the official, including salary, pension, allowances or
benefits under these Regulations.
Last update: October 2002
Section I - Procedure for disciplinary cases
121/1 Any action of an official in contravention of the terms of his/her appointment, of the provisions
of the Regulations, Rules or Instructions or of any applicable national law, or any omission to
perform a duty or fulfil an obligation therein prescribed, may be considered a disciplinary fault.
121/1.1 When a disciplinary situation arises and the official's superior considers that the gravity
of the official's misconduct does not require formal disciplinary action, he shall discuss the matter
with the official, first to help the official mend the situation, and second to give due warning that
failure to mend the situation will lead to disciplinary action.
121/1.2 Only the Executive Director, the Head of Human Resource Management or the immediate
superior in
- category A;
- job families other than the GA job family from grade GA-1 to GA-6;
may initiate disciplinary action against an official.
121/1.3 Where the fault of which an official is suspected is such that the appropriate disciplinary
measure would be suspension without salary or dismissal, the Secretary-General may suspend the
official on salary pending the completion of the procedure set out in this Instruction.
121/1.3.1 The initiating official shall address, through the Secretary-General, to the official
concerned, a confidential memorandum in duplicata describing the unsatisfactory conduct and
recommending the disciplinary measure to be imposed. He shall sign both copies of the
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memorandum and send them to the Head of Human Resource Management.
121/1.3.2 If the Head of Human Resource Management considers that further investigation should
be made, he/she shall consult the initiating official and, if necessary, the official concerned.
121/1.3.3 If the Head of Human Resource Management agrees to the measure recommended, he
shall transmit the memorandum to the Executive Director and the Secretary-General.
121/1.3.4 When signed by the Secretary-General, the memorandum shall be delivered by hand or
by registered post to the official concerned, who shall sign and note the date of receipt on the
duplicate copy, which the official shall return to the Head of Human ResourceManagement.
121/1.3.5 Within eight working days from the date of receipt, the official concerned may submit a
reply to the Head of Human Resource Management or request that the matter be examined by the
Joint Advisory Board specified in Regulation 22 a).
121/1.3.6 The Head of Human Resource Management or, if the official concerned has so requested,
the Joint Advisory Board specified in Regulation 22 a), shall then advise the Secretary- General
to impose the proposed disciplinary measure, or
in agreement with the initiating official, to annul the proposed
action, or
if further investigation is necessary, to suspend action.
Section II - Disciplinary Measures
121/2.1 A reprimand shall be made in writing and signed by the Secretary-General. It shall be
passed to the official concerned through the official’s responsible superiors. A copy shall be placed
on the personal file of the official.
121/2.2 Notification of suspension without salary shall be made in writing by the Secretary-
General; the responsible superiors of the official concerned shall be informed and a copy of the
memorandum of notification shall be placed on the personal file of the official.
121/2.3 Notice of dismissal as a result of disciplinary action shall state the disciplinary fault of
the official concerned and any findings of the Joint Advisory Board. It shall be signed by the
121/2.4 The decision to impose a forfeiture of rights accruing under Regulation 17 b) or any
deduction in accordance with Regulation 21, shall be taken by the Secretary-General only on the
recommendation of the Joint Advisory Board. The proportion of rights accruing under Regulation
17 b) which may be forfeited shall not exceed two-thirds of total rights accruing under that
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Advisory Bodies
a) The Secretary-General shall establish an Advisory Board
comprising a Chairman from outside the Organisation, and six other
members, three of whom shall be nominated by the Staff Association.
Unless, under a specific provision, another body is responsible for
giving its opinion in a particular field, this Board shall advise the
Secretary-General, at the request of the official concerned, on any
individual dispute arising from a decision of the Secretary-General and
which an official, former official or the duly qualified claimants to
their rights consider inequitable to themselves or contrary to the terms
of the appointment or to the provisions of these Regulations or of
applicable Rules.
b) The Secretary-General shall establish a Re-evaluation
Commission comprising a Chairman and two members nominated by
him/her. This Commission shall advise the Secretary-General, at the
request of an official, on any individual dispute arising from a decision
of the Secretary-General relating to the official’s performance
evaluation, periodic advancement or post classification and which the
official considers contrary to the terms of the appointment or to the
provisions of these Regulations or of applicable Rules. Prior referral to
this Commission is a precondition for filing an application with the
Administrative Tribunal mentioned in paragraph
c) of this Regulation.
Administrative Tribunal
c) There shall be established an Administrative Tribunal which shall
decide individual disputes arising from a decision of the Secretary-
General, which he/she has taken on his/her own authority or in
application of a decision of the Council and which officials, former
officials or the duly qualified claimants to their rights consider as
prejudicial to themselves. The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to
resolve, with due regard to vested rights, all questions regarding the
interpretation and application of these Regulations, of any applicable
Rules and of the terms of appointment. The Tribunal may annul such
decisions of the Secretary-General as are contrary to the terms of
appointment of the official concerned or the provisions of these
Regulations or to any applicable Rule. It may also order the
Organisation to redress the damage resulting from any irregularity
committed by the Secretary-General.
d) The Tribunal shall be composed of three judges and three deputies,
who shall not be members of the staff of the Organisation and shall be
appointed by the Council for a period of three years from among
persons of proven impartiality and who are jurists or otherwise highly
qualified in labour law or civil service law or in the
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Last update: April 2009
Section I - Joint Advisory Board
122/1 The advisory body referred to in Staff Regulation 22 shall be the Joint Advisory
Board, which shall be composed as follows:
-the Chairman of the Board, and his Deputy, shall be
chosen by the Secretary-General from a list of six
persons proposed by the Staff Association;
three officials appointed by the Secretary-General,
three officials designated by the Staff Association, at
least one of whom shall if possible be of the same
grade as the official concerned;
- an official of the Executive Directorate.
122/1.1 The term of office of the Chairman of the Joint Advisory Board, and of the Deputy,
shall be three years; it may be renewed.
The Chairman of the Joint Advisory Board, and the Deputy, shall receive the same fees and
indemnities as the Chairman of the Administrative Tribunal; while fulfilling their functions, the
provisions of the Regulations for temporary staff members of the Organisation shall apply to
They shall be completely independent and impartial in the exercise of their duties; they shall not
receive any instructions nor be subject to any constraint..
122/1.2 The deliberations of the Joint Advisory Board shall be valid when its Chairman, or
Deputy, and four of its members are present.
Where an official, a former official or a duly qualified claimant to the rights of an official or
former official wishes to have a dispute referred to the Joint Advisory Board, he shall submit a
request to the Secretary-General within six months of the date on which he was notified of the
decision by the Secretary-General that he is challenging.
field of labour relations at the national or international level. The
Council shall appoint the Chairman from among the judges, having
regard to their judicial experience. The members of the Tribunal shall
be of different nationalities and, overall, their selection shall ensure
that the main legal systems of the Member countries of the
Organisation are represented.
e) The other provisions relating to the Statute and operation of the
Administrative Tribunal are set out in a Council Resolution annexed to
these Regulations.
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As part of the request for referral to the Joint Advisory Board, he shall attach:
the challenged decision of the Secretary-General as mentioned in the preceding paragraph;
the main reasons for requesting the opinion of the Joint Advisory Board;
the main points on which he wishes the opinion to bear;
and if he claims to have suffered damages, the documents he deems useful to the review of his
claims in this respect.
In exceptional cases, the Secretary-General may accept a request submitted after expiry of the
time limit provided in paragraph a) above.
122/1.4 The Board shall meet within two months of the request that it be convened, or at a later
date if the official, former official or duly qualified claimant concerned soagrees.
122/1.5 The opinion of the Board is given after due hearing of the parties. The Secretary- General
and the official, former official or duly qualified claimant concerned may attend the hearings and
make oral statements. They may be aided or represented for this purpose.
The Board may summon any member of staff of the Organisation to appear before it. It may also
invite any other person to appear before it.
The Board may request the Organisation to provide it with any document the Board deems
relevant. If the holder of a confidential document regards this document as non-relevant or
including sensitive information, he shall so inform the Chair. The Chair may refer the matter to the
Secretary-General for decision. The Secretary-General will then notify the Board and the
document’s holder of his decision on the matter.
Any document submitted to the Board shall be submitted to the claimant and the Secretary-
The Chair shall take all decisions on whether to hear testimony from staff members and other
persons, and all decisions related to the submission of documents. In taking such decisions, the
Chair shall bear in mind the importance of protecting the interests of third parties.
The Chair shall take procedural decisions with a view to ensuring efficient proceedings, in light
of the issues at stake.
Meetings of the Board shall not be public. Persons attending meetings of the Board may not
disclose any information thereby acquired.
122/1.8 The Board shall make recommendations by majority vote and transmit them to the
Secretary-General within two months of the last meeting devoted to discussion of the dispute.
122/1.9 Within one month of receiving the opinion, the Secretary-General shall notify the
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official, former official or duly qualified claimant concerned of his/her decision and communicate
to him/her the opinion of the Board.
122/1.10 If the opinion of the Board comprises recommendations of a general nature, these
shall be communicated to the Staff Association.
122/1.11 Provided the official, former official, or duly qualified claimant concerned agrees, the
opinion of the Board may be consulted in the Human Resource Management Service and forwarded
to the Staff Association, after having eliminated any reference to the name of the official, former
official, or duly qualified claimant concerned and of any person mentioned therein..
Last update: April 2014
Section II - Re-evaluation Commission
The Commission shall be composed as follows:
- the Chairman shall be designated by
the Secretary-General from among
the Deputies Secretaries- General, the
Executive Director or the
of Human
Resource Management;
- the two other Members shall be
designated by the Secretary-General
from among the officials of the
The Secretary-General may establish several Re-evaluation Commissions sitting in parallel.
When designating the Members of the Commission, the Secretary-General shall ensure that
none of them has any direct hierarchical link with the official concerned.
122/2.1 Subject to the provisions of Instruction 122/2.5, the deliberations of the Commission
shall be valid only when its three Members participate in its work.
122/2.2 The Commission shall be assisted by a secretariat responsible for preparing its
work and in particular gathering together all the necessary documentation. Secretariat services
shall be provided by an official designated by the Executive Director.
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122/2.3 An official wishing to contest a decision relating to his/her performance evaluation,
periodic advancement or job classification must necessarily submit his/her claim to the Re-
evaluation Commission within two months of the written notification of the decision concerned.
122/2.4 In the official’s claim before the Commission, the official shall indicate the administrative
decision he/she is contesting and the precise reasons which led him/her to contest it. The claim
must include the documents contested together with any other items that the official considers
support his/her claim. This claim shall constitute the prior request for the purposes of Article 3a)
of the Resolution of the Council on the Statute and Operation of the Administrative Tribunal
(Annex III to these Regulations).
122/2.5 Within ten working days of receiving the claim, the Chairman of the Commission shall
examine whether it is admissible. The Chairman may declare it to be clearly inadmissible for the
following reasons:
when it does not challenge an individual decision relating to the performance evaluation,
periodic advancement or job classification of the official concerned;
when it is submitted out of time;
when it does not meet the requirements of Instruction 122/2.4.
Where the Chairman declares the claim to be clearly inadmissible, he/she shall give reasons for
his/her decision in writing. Where such is not the case, the claim shall be submitted to the
Commission for consideration.
122/2.6 The Commission shall examine the claim within one month of its being submitted or,
as soon as possible thereafter, in the event of the inability to act of the Chairman or one of the
other Members.
122/2.7 The Commission shall have access to that part of the personal files of officials dealing
with career and, in cases where the dispute relates to a decision concerning performance
evaluation or periodic advancement, to the opinions of the Management Group of the Directorate
concerned or of the Management Review Board. It may summon any person it considers might be
able to provide relevant information or expertise having regard to the subject of the dispute, and
if it does so, the claiming official shall be informed accordingly.
If he/she so wishes, the official concerned may ask to be heard by the Commission.
this case, the official may choose a member of staff to assist him/her.
122/2.9 The work of the Commission shall not be public. Any person taking part in the work of
the Commission shall be bound to keep secret any information that came to his/her knowledge in
these circumstances.
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Depending on the decision contested by the official, the Commission may propose to the
a change in the global evaluation or rating of the performance of the official concerned;
a change in the official’s job classification.
The Commission may also recommend that the Secretary-General declare the claim inadmissible
for the reasons referred to in Instruction 122/2.5 even in cases where the Chairman has not used
his/her power under this Instruction.
The Commission shall adopt its opinion by majority vote and shall, within one month following
completion of its review of the contested decision, send it to the Secretary-General.
122/2.11 Within one month of receiving the opinion, the Secretary-General shall notify his/her
decision to the official and send him/her the Commission’s opinion. This decision can only be
challenged before the Administrative Tribunal.
Last update: April 2009
Section III - Administrative Tribunal
122/3 The Secretary-General's power to reply to the prior requests submitted by officials pursuant
to Article 3 of the Resolution of the Council on the Statute and Operation of the Administrative
Tribunal may be exercised by the Executive Director, except for decisions regarding the termination
of the appointments of senior executive officials or dismissals.
122/3.1 The following may be present at public meetings of the Administrative Tribunal:
officials on authorised leave;
officials who, on account of their direct interest in the dispute that is
the subject of the meeting, have obtained a special authorisation; such
authorisations shall be issued by the Executive Director.
Last update: September 99
Section IV - Specialist Medical Review Procedure
122/4 In all cases where the Secretary-General takes a decision based on a medical opinion
and where the official concerned disputes the medical grounds thereof, the latter may, within 15
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days from receipt of the written notification of the decision, request that the medical opinion on the
basis of which the decision was taken be subject to a specialist medical review procedure.
Last update: January 92
122/4.1 When an official disputes a medical opinion, the doctor he/she designates shall consult with
the doctor designated by the Secretary-General with a view to giving a joint opinion to be
transmitted to the Secretary-General.
Where the two doctors fail to reach agreement, and at the request of the official concerned, they
shall nominate a medical specialist within 30 days from the date of contention of the medical
opinion. If the two doctors are unable to agree as to whom the medical specialist shall be, the
Secretary-General and the official concerned may request the Chairman of the Administrative
Tribunal to nominate this medical specialist: the latter, or a member of the Tribunal whom he/she
will designate, shall select the medical specialist from a list of medical specialists registered with
the Court of Appeals of Paris, or - where appropriate - from an equivalent list in another Member
country when the official concerned is in post in that country or is prevented from being present in
metropolitan France. The medical specialist is selected among specialists in the category of disease
in question, as determined by the doctors designated by the parties.
The chairman, or the member of the Tribunal whom he/she has designated, informs the [parties] of
the name of the specialist he/she intends to designate as soon as the latter has accepted such
designation. Any objection to such designation would be presented within a week. After
consideration of any such objections, the chairman, or the member of the Tribunal whom he has
designated, takes the final decision.
Last update: December 2006
122/4.2 The medical specialist, assisted as necessary by the doctors designated by the Secretary-
General and the official, shall carry out such examinations, analyses and other investigations as he
deems necessary. The medical specialist shall render his/her opinion within 30 days of his/her
in cases where the decision of the Secretary-General
places the official on non-active status for medical reasons under
Regulation 14 a) i);
refuses to allow the official to resume work at the end of a period of
non-active status for medical reasons;
refuses payment of the invalidity annuity referred to in Rule
17/1.10 b);
d) refuses payment of a capital sum in the event of permanent total
incapacity or invalidity under Rule 17/1.11;
the opinion shall be rendered by a medical board consisting of the medical
specialist, the doctor designated by the Secretary-General and the doctor
designated by the official; the board which shall be convened and chaired by
the medical specialist, shall reach its conclusions by majority decision within
45 days of the appointment of the medical specialist.
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the medical specialist may also decide on his/her own initiative, or at the
request of the official, to follow the medical board procedure as provided for
under sub-paragraph i) above in cases other than those mentioned therein.
Last update: October 2006
122/4.3 The opinion of the medical specialist or of the medical board shall relate exclusively to
the medical opinion submitted to the review procedure under Instruction 122/4.
122/4.4 The official shall bear the cost of the specialist review procedure when it confirms the
medical opinion on the basis of which the initial decision had been taken by the Secretary- General.
122/4.5 The conclusions of the medical specialist or of the medical board shall be communicated
to the Secretary-General and the official concerned. Such conclusions shall be final, except where
there is an obvious material error. The conclusions of the medical specialist may include, in the
form of a separate document, considerations and justifications of a medical nature to be disclosed
only to the doctor designated by the Secretary-General and the doctor designated by the official.
Last update: November 2007
122/4.6 The Secretary-General shall, where appropriate, take a new decision in accordance with
the conclusions reached by common agreement by the doctors designated by himself/herself and the
official or, in the event of specialist review, in accordance with the conclusions of the medical
specialist or medical board, as soon as such conclusions are brought to his/her attention. Such
decision shall be notified forthwith to the official concerned in writing. The new decision shall take
effect on the same date as the original decision which it shall cancel and replace. The decision by
the Secretary-General confirming his/her initial decision, or the new decision by the Secretary-
General shall be, where appropriate, the decision by which the Secretary-General has rejected a
prior request under the terms of Article 3 of the Resolution of the Council on the operation of the
Administrative Tribunal and can only be challenged in front of the latter.
Last update: November 2007
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The Staff Association shall represent all categories of the staff. It shall defend
their professional interests, including moral and financial aspects. It shall
cooperate in the workings of bodies whose terms of reference affect staff
interests, on conditions specified in the instruments creating such bodies, in
particular by representing the staff before or within such bodies.
The Secretary-General shall take all necessary steps to ensure constant liaison
with the Staff Association and to facilitate the carrying out of its activities.
The Staff Association may submit to the Council, through the Secretary-
General, written communications on any matter within its terms of reference.
The Staff Association may also request the Secretary-General to propose to the
Council that it hear an oral communication on such matters.
The Staff Association may be invited to present to the Executive Committee its
views on any matter within its terms of reference, and to discuss them with it in
accordance with arrangements to be agreed between the Chairman of the
Executive Committee, the Secretary-General and the Staff Association.
Last update: September 2000
Section I - Staff Association
123/1 The main objectives of the Staff Association shall be:
to protect the professional interests, including financial and non-material,
of the staff as a whole and of the different categories thereof;
to improve the material living conditions of staff and to strengthen the links
between members of staff of different nationalities;
to strengthen the links between the Organisation and the staff as a whole.
In pursuing its objectives, the Staff Association shall refrain from any activities of a political or
purely national character.
123/2 In pursuance of the main objectives defined in Regulation 23 and Instruction 123/1,
the Staff Association:
shall be consulted by the Secretary-General, in good time, on any proposed
Regulation, Rule or Instruction and on any other proposed measure of a general
and mandatory nature which would change the conditions of employment of the
staff as a whole or of a category of staff; the opinion of the Staff Association shall
be given within 30 days of being notified of the proposed text, unless a shorter or
longer period has been mutually agreed;
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may be consulted by the Secretary-General on, or draw the Secretary-General’s
attention to any other question of a general nature relating to the conditions of
employment or work of the staff or a category of staff, even when such question
applies to a particular case only;
shall nominate the staff representatives on any body where staff representation
is provided for in the constitutive instrument;
shall take part, in accordance with the decisions of the Secretary-General, in the
management and supervision of all services set up by the Organisation in the
interests of the staff;
shall co-operate with the Secretary-General in improving the collective working
and living conditions of the staff and shall submit to him/her any proposals which
it deems appropriate for this purpose.
Last update: March 93
The Secretary-General shall inform the Staff Association of the action he intends to take on any of
the proposals it has submitted to him/her.
123/3 In pursuance of its objectives, the Staff Association may create and organise any service,
subject to the agreement of the Secretary-General when such service is to make use of the resources
of the Organisation.
123/4 The Staff Association shall include all members of staff except for those who have declared
in writing that they do not wish to be members or that they wish to cancel their membership.
The Articles of Association of the Staff Association, which must comply with the provisions of the
Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions, shall be approved by the members of the Association in
accordance with the procedures laid down by the Articles.
The bodies of the Association shall be constituted in accordance with its Articles of Association and
in such a way as to ensure that they are representative. They may, for this purpose, establish
appropriate links with any trade union or professional organisations representative of the staff.
123/5 The Secretary-General shall place at the disposal of the Staff Association material resources
enabling it to carry out its activities. He/She shall, after consultation with the Staff Association,
determine the conditions under which the Association may be provided with offices and meeting
rooms and allowed to use official premises and means of communication, as well as facilities for
reproducing, displaying and distributing documents.
The Secretary-General shall likewise determine arrangements that can be made to help Staff
Association representatives in carrying out their duties, as well as the human resources to be made
available to the Association.
The fact that a person belongs to the Staff Association, participates in its activities or serves as an
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officer thereof shall not be allowed to affect adversely his/her professional situation or the course
of his/her career.
At the request of the Staff Association, the ordinary contributions of members of the Association
shall be collected by the Organisation by way of deduction from emoluments.
Last update: March 93
Section II - Joint Consultative Committee on Staff Relations
123/6 To promote co-operation between the Organisation and its staff and to provide a forum where
consultation will normally take place between the Secretary-General and the Staff Association, a
Joint Consultative Committee shall be set up.
123/6.1 The Joint Consultative Committee shall be composed as follows:
-the Secretary-General or a Deputy Secretary-General;
the officials appointed by the Secretary-General to represent the
members of staff designated by the Staff Association in such a way as to
ensure, depending on the questions to be dealt with, that all the categories of
staff concerned (officials, consultants, auxiliaries or employees) are
- an official designated by the Chairman of the Committee after consultation
with the Staff Association.
123/6.2 The Joint Consultative Committee shall meet at regular intervals, at least four times per
year, to consider all questions within the competence of the Staff Association and to advise the
Secretary-General thereon. Communications pursuant to Instruction 123/2 a) shall, wherever
possible, be made in sufficient time to allow the Joint Consultative Committee to formulate, where
appropriate, an opinion in full possession of the facts. However, the Secretary-General and Staff
Association may agree not to seek the advice of the Joint Consultative Committee on a given
123/6.3 The terms of reference of the Sub-Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions
shall be established by an Instruction of the Secretary-General set out in Annex IV. The Committee
may, with the agreement of the Secretary-General, create any other subsidiary body to assist the
performance of its duties.
Last update: December 99
123/6.4 At the request of the Staff Association, the Chairman of the Committee may consult experts
selected by him/her on the grounds of their personal qualifications, impartiality and experience,
and in consultation with the Association, with a view to assisting the Committee.
123/6.5 The conclusions of the Joint Consultative Committee shall indicate any differences of
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opinion among its members.
123/6.6 The Secretary-General shall take due account of the conclusions of the Joint Consultative
Committee when taking decisions.
Last update: March 93
Section III - Trade Union and Professional Organisations
123/7 The Secretary-General shall place at the disposal of the representative trade union and
professional organisations material facilities to enable them to conduct their activities within the
framework of the Staff Association.
123/7.1 The Secretary-General, after consultation with the Staff Association, shall determine the
conditions under which the said organisations may be provided with offices and meeting rooms and
allowed the use of official premises as well as facilities for reproducing, posting up and distributing
123/7.2 The Secretary-General shall similarly determine the conditions under which members of
such trade union and professional organisations may be granted special leave of absence,
dispensation from the exercise of their duties and special trade union training leave as well as
mission orders not entailing expense for the Organisation.
123/7.3 The Executive Director shall grant such leave of absence, dispensation from the exercise
of their duties and special leave and issue such mission orders, within the framework of the
provisions laid down by the Secretary-General. The Executive Director shall take the necessary
measures for implementing the provisions of Instruction 123/7.1.
123/8 The fact that a person belongs to a trade union or professional organisation or participates
in any trade union activities or any functions of a trade union office shall not be allowed to affect
adversely the professional situation of such a person or the course of his/her career.
123/9 The guarantees of the conduct of their activities granted to the said trade union and
professional organisations comprise certain limits which are governed by the general interest of the
Organisation and which such trade union and professional organisations undertake to observe. The
said trade union and professional organisations may not engage in any action that would be
contrary to the principles of staff representation as set forth in the Staff Regulations, Rules and
189 Back to top
a) In the application of these Regulations, service as an official of
the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation shall be
considered as service as an official of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development.
b) These Regulations may be amended by the Council, which
shall pay due regard to the rights vested in officials at the time of
the amendment.
c) These Regulations shall come into force on 30 September 1961.
190 Back to top
Article 1 Duration of validity and subsequent amendments to the rules
1.1 These rules shall determine the salary adjustment procedure for the four-year period from 1 January
2022 to 31 December 2025 and shall govern any adjustment in salaries recommended during that
period. Should any amendments subsequently be made to these rules, no provision which ceases to
apply shall give rise to vested rights.
1.2 Proposals to amend these rules as from 1 January 2026 shall be submitted for examination by the
Co-ordinating Committee on Remuneration (CCR) before 1 March 2024. In the absence of any
recommendation by the CCR, made by 30 June 2025 at the latest, either to prolong or amend these
present rules with effect from 1 January 2026, the rules, as applicable in year 2025, shall be prolonged
until 31 December 2026. Under such circumstances, in the absence of any recommendation by the
CCR, made by 30 June 2026 at the latest, either to prolong or amend these rules with effect from
1 January 2027, the present rules, as applicable in year 2026, shall be prolonged until 31 December
1.3 In the event that no consensus has been reached by 31 March 2027, the CCR Chairperson shall submit
his/her report to Governing bodies of the Co-ordinated Organisations (COs) on the different views
expressed in the CCR, outlining as far as possible the broad lines of consensus, in accordance with
Article 6 (c) of the Regulations concerning the Co-ordination system [154
CCR Report], by
30 April 2027 at the latest.
Article 2 Frequency of adjustments
2.1 Salary scales shall be adjusted annually at 1 January subject to the provisions in Articles 6 and 7.
2.2 Special adjustments may be made in accordance with the provisions in Article 8.
Article 3 Procedure
3.1 Every year, the CCR shall examine the proposals for salary adjustment submitted by the
Secretaries/Directors-General in accordance with these rules.
3.2 The CCR shall make the recommendations necessary for the application of the present rules in
accordance with sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Article 6 of the Regulations concerning the
Co-ordination system [154
CCR Report]. Recommendations concerning the adjustment of salaries
at 1 January shall be made no later than 30 September of the preceding year referred to in Article
4.1.4 below.
3.3 When presenting reports on adjustment of salaries, the Secretaries/Directors-General shall inform
their Governing bodies of the financial consequences for their respective budgets, resulting from the
191 Back to top
CCR recommendations.
3.4 For the calculation of the reference index set out in Article 4 below, the National Civil Services
(NCS) of the reference countries shall provide the International Service for Remunerations and
Pensions (ISRP) with the relevant data available at 1 April to cover the reference period referred to
in Article 4.1.3 and shall confirm this data no later than 15 July. Changes in relevant data after 15
July shall be taken into account in the next annual adjustment.
Article 4 Definitions
For the purposes of the calculations provided for in these rules:
4.1 Elements involved in the calculations aiming to ensure parallelism with NCS
4.1.1 NCS shall mean the central government of the countries retained as reference for the calculations [see
Appendix 1].
4.1.2 Remuneration for the reference NCS comprises the following elements:
basic salary;
other elements of normal remuneration [see definitions in Appendix 8].
4.1.3 Reference period shall mean the period from 1 July to 1 July preceding the 1 January annual adjustment,
except for Spain for which the reference period shall mean the calendar period 31 December to
31 December of the year preceding the end of the reference period in the other reference countries.
4.1.4 The preceding year shall mean the year preceding the 1 January annual adjustment.
4.1.5 The reference countries are the following eight member countries of the COs: Belgium, France,
Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.
4.1.6 Reference index The reference index is the calculation mechanism which aims to reflect a parallel evolution of
salaries in the COs with those of national civil servants in the reference countries. The final reference index shall result from the calculation of the weighted average of the changes
in percentage in real terms in the net remuneration of comparable grades in the NCS of the reference
countries, covering two reference periods with a weight of two-thirds for the reference period as
defined in Article 4.1.3 and a weight of one-third for the preceding reference period. The changes in
all comparable grades shall be aggregated by a weighted average across all reference countries on
the basis of COs staff numbers and in accordance with Appendix 5. Should the evolution of the
reference index be below 98.0 or above 102.0, the part beyond these thresholds shall be delayed to
either the last day of the year when the salary adjustment calculation in question would have taken
effect or the first day of the subsequent year as decided by the Governing bodies of each Co-ordinated
Organisation (CO). Comparable grades shall mean those grades of officials of NCS in the reference countries whose
functions can be matched with staff of categories A and B of the COs or the equivalent levels as set out
in a single spine [see Appendix 4].
192 Back to top Net remuneration in the NCS shall mean the simple average of net minimum and maximum salaries
obtained from gross salaries, to which have been added all of the other elements that normally make
up the remuneration of unmarried officials in the grade in question in the NCS, as defined in Article
4.1.2, after deduction of the amount of compulsory social contributions and of income tax levied by the
central authorities on unmarried officials and calculated without taking into account non-automatic
personal deductions. The effect of variations from one year to another in a specific compulsory deduction made from the
salaries of officials in the NCS, if a comparable and compulsory deduction is also made to the COs
staff’s salaries, shall be neutralised in order to avoid double-counting of these variations, in accordance
with instructions set out in Appendix 7. The ISRP will determine the ensuing effect on an ad hoc basis
with the reference countries concerned when there are changes in the salaries of civil service officials
due to a variation in compulsory social contributions. Deductions from NCS salaries for benefits not granted to staff of the CO shall not be taken into
account. A list of comparable and non-applicable compulsory deductions is attached in Appendix 6.
This list will be updated when changes occur in the NCS or in COs during the lifetime of the Salary
Adjustment Method. When necessary, it shall be attached to the CCR recommendation on the annual
scale adjustment. The weighted average of percentage changes in real terms shall mean the percentage arrived at after:
first, calculating for each comparable grade in each NCS in the reference countries, the changes in real
terms in the real net remuneration see Articles, and above by deflating the index
for the trend in net nominal salaries by the consumer price index as defined in Appendix 3;
second, calculating a specific intermediate reference index for each country of average changes in real
terms for all comparable grades aggregated by the number of COs staff across all reference countries
and in accordance with the weights defined in Appendix 5;
third, and finally, calculating the reference country weighted average of the specific intermediate reference
indices of the eight reference countries. The weight per reference country to be used shall be fixed for the duration of the method and shall
be the following: 8.6 for Belgium, 16.3 for France, 19.1 for Germany, 14.0 for Italy, 6.8 for
Luxembourg, 9.2 for the Netherlands, 11.0 for Spain and 15.0 for the United Kingdom. The above weights result from the following calculation: 50% shall be distributed proportionally
according to the contribution of each reference country to the budget of each CO for 2021, weighted
by the number of COs staff posted in each reference country. The remaining 50% will be equally
allocated among the eight reference countries.
4.1.7 Consumer price indices Consumer price indices, in addition to being used to deflate the index for the trend in net nominal
salaries in NCS of the reference countries as defined in Article 4.1.5, shall also be used to reinject
the price trend in each duty country within the Co-ordinated system to the final reference index, with
the aim to reflect the average evolution of the disposable income in NCS of the reference countries
in the adjustment of salaries of the COs. The trend in prices shall be reflected by the relevant consumer price indices as indicated in
Appendix 3.
4.2 Elements involved in the calculations aiming to ensure equivalence in purchasing power
4.2.1 Purchasing power parities
193 Back to top Purchasing power parities (PPP) are the statistical tool used to ensure that staff have an equivalent
purchasing power wherever they are posted. The PPP to be used in implementing these rules shall be those defined in Appendix 2.
4.2.2 Reference curves of purchasing power The results of the calculations of the PPP constitute the central reference of a curve called the
reference curve of purchasing power. This reference curve, which admits a range of plus or minus
2%, is obtained by applying the PPP coefficient of a country to the scale for Belgium. The modalities of application of the PPP and the purchasing power reference curves are defined in
Appendix 2.
Article 5 Annual adjustments of basic salaries
5.1 Scale for Belgium
5.1.1 Subject to the provisions of Articles 6 and 7, the basic salaries of categories A, L, B and C or the
basic salary levels as set out in a single spine, for staff posted in Belgium, shall be adjusted at 1
January following the reference period. The amount of this adjustment shall be equivalent to the
change in percentage during the reference period resulting from the product of the relevant consumer
price index as set out in Appendix 3 and the final reference index.
5.2 Scales for other countries
5.2.1 Subject to the provisions of Articles 6 and 7, the basic salaries for categories A, L, B and C or the
basic salary levels as set out in a single spine, for staff posted in the other countries, shall be adjusted
at 1 January following the reference period by the salary adjustment resulting from the product of
the final reference index referred to in Article above, and the relevant consumer price index,
corrected if necessary by the PPP as set out in Appendix 2, in order to guarantee a relative
equivalency in purchasing power between the scales of the countries concerned.
5.2.2 These percentage adjustments shall apply to basic salaries in force at 31 December of the preceding
Article 6: Exception Clause
6.1 The Secretaries/Directors-General shall provide the CCR with forecast data of real Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) as published by the OECD in June of year n.
6.2 When the reference index is above 100 and the average GDP growth rates of the eight reference
countries, weighted according to the weights set out in Article, is equal or below -3%, the
salary scales shall be adjusted as follows:
The provisions of Article 2.1 shall apply to salary scales subject to a negative annual adjustment index;
For salary scales with a positive annual adjustment index, the provisions set out in Articles 4.1.7 and
4.2 shall be applied with effect from 1 January on the basis of a reference index set at 100, while the
annual adjustment indices calculated in accordance with Article 4 in its entirety shall be applied with
effect from 1 December of the year concerned. When the implementation of this mechanism results
in a negative adjustment on 1 January, the adjustment of the salary scale(s) concerned shall be applied
with effect from 1 December.
194 Back to top
Article 7: Affordability
into force on 1
January 2017 [see
7.1 a) The Council reserves the right, if exceptional or unforeseen circumstances so warrant, to decide
that the adjustment recommended by the CCR, to be applied on 1 January of the calendar year, be awarded in
part or not at all and on the timing of any such adjustment during the calendar year.
The above-mentioned exceptional or unforeseen circumstances shall refer, but not be limited, to
the following situations, provided that they result in a budgetary impact that compromises the delivery of the
Organisation’s work programme:
i) an economic and financial crisis affecting Member countries;
ii) the withdrawal of, or payment default by, one or more Member countries;
iii) an unforeseen external event causing exceptional financial damage to the Organisation or
Member countries;
iv) an adjustment recommended by the CCR that, if applied, would cause a variation in the
budgeted total staff expenditures of such magnitude that it would significantly disrupt the
Organisation’s ability to maintain the planned quality and volume of its outputs.
7.2 Decisions under article 7.1 shall be taken in accordance with the applicable general legal principles
and after appropriate tripartite consultation.
7.3 The Council also reserves the right to determine whether any retroactive catch up or competitiveness
adjustments should be made.
Article 8: Special adjustments of salaries
8.1 Each time that a national consumer price index shows an increase over three consecutive months
within a given reference period of more than 7%, the CCR shall send a recommendation to Governing
bodies of the COs providing for a special adjustment of salaries for the scale of that country.
8.2 The special adjustment granted shall be equivalent to 7%. Any special adjustment shall take effect
the month following the first month when the threshold is exceeded.
8.3 In case of a special adjustment, the monitoring of consumer price trends shall then be reset, taking
the consumer price index of the first month during which the 7% threshold was exceeded as the basis
to further monitor inflation until the next special or annual adjustment.
8.4 Any special adjustment granted during the reference period used for the calculation of the annual
adjustment at 1 January shall be deducted from this annual adjustment.
Article 9: Flexible management of salaries
9.1 After completion of the consultation process with staff in force in each Organisation, the
Secretary/Director-General of a CO may make proposals to the Governing body of the Organisation
concerned suggesting measures concerning flexible management of salaries. Such measures shall be
implemented within the budgetary envelope decided by the Governing body of the Organisation
195 Back to top
9.2 In the event that the Governing body of a CO decides to implement flexible management of salary
scales, the salary scales as adjusted in compliance with Article 5, shall remain in force in each CO.
They shall be used as the basis for the calculation of pensions payable under the terms of the Pension
Scheme of the CO, as well as for pensions paid by any other Pension Scheme approved by the
Governing body of a CO, which provides for the same method of adjustment.
9.3 A Governing body of an Organisation may seek the opinion of the CCR on measures relating to
flexible remuneration management before introducing them. The CCR shall be kept informed of such
measures after approval by the Governing body concerned.
Article 10: Measures to apply in duty countries where small numbers of staff are assigned
10.1 Notwithstanding Article 5, in countries where fewer than fifty persons are assigned by any one CO and
where basic salary levels for B and C category staff or the equivalent levels as set out in a single spine
cause serious management difficulties, the Secretary/Director-General of the Organisation concerned
may, after consulting with the CCR and after completion of the consultation process in force in each
Organisation, propose appropriate remuneration measures to their Governing body in order to take
account of staff recruitment and retention difficulties specific to this Organisation.
Article 11: Safeguarding parallelism
Where applicable, the effects of Articles 4.1.6 and 6 shall continue to apply in full after the expiry of the
validity of the present rules governing the procedure for the adjustment of salaries set out in Article 1.
196 Back to top
National Civil Services Definition of the notion of “central government
Purchasing power parities and reference curves of purchasing power
Consumer price indices
National Civil Services Grade equivalency with the Co-ordinated Organisations
National Civil Services Weighting method to aggregate salary data from National Civil Services
National Civil Services List of comparable and non-applicable compulsory deductions
Reference index Non double-counting clause
Elements considered as making up the normal remuneration in National Civil Services
197 Back to top
The definition of “central government” in the reference countries for the purposes of the rules set out in the
Annex of the Staff Regulations is as follows:
Belgium: civil servants in the Federal Public Services
France: civil servants in the State civil service
Germany: civil servants in the Federal Ministries
Italy: civil servants of the Ministries of the Republic
Luxembourg civil servants in the State civil service
Netherlands: civil servants in Ministries and higher Councils of State
Spain: civil servants in the State general administration
United Kingdom: civil servants in the Ministry of Defence; for grades in the Senior Civil Service, data is
supplied by the Cabinet Office
198 Back to top
1. Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
1.1 Calculation of the PPP
1.1.1 The PPP referred to in Article 4.2.1 of the Annex, are adopted by the Governing bodies based on
proposals from the CCR based on the calculations by the ISRP and in co-operation with the Statistical Office
of the European Union (Eurostat) with reference to Brussels.
1.1.2 The PPP shall be calculated in accordance with the statistical methodology developed and regularly
assessed by statistical experts from the member countries of the European Union (″Article 64-65 Working
Group″ – Eurostat).
1.2 Update and aggregation of basic heading parities
1.2.1 Each basic component of the PPP shall be updated once a year in compliance with the method in force
(see article 1.2.2 below).
1.2.2 The indices to be used to update the basic heading parities shall be the detailed harmonised indices of
consumer prices (HICP), insofar as they are available. Failing that, the detailed national consumer price
indices shall be used.
1.2.3 The consumption patterns used to calculate the PPP are those that are obtained from the most recent
family budget surveys carried out by the ISRP and Eurostat. These surveys are carried out with the staff of
international organisations every five to seven years.
1.3 Reference towns
1.3.1 As a general rule the parity used for the country as a whole is that which is calculated for the capital.
1.3.2 The parities for Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Switzerland are exceptions to this
rule, since they are calculated by reference to Munich, The Hague, Reading and Geneva respectively.
1.3.3 If, after consulting the National Statistical Institute concerned, the Secretaries/Directors-General of
the CO are of the opinion that prices in another duty station in the country in question in which a
sufficient number of international civil servants is posted differ significantly from those in the reference
town, a study may be undertaken to determine whether adjustments should be made to take account of
relative price levels.
1.4 Reference curves of purchasing power
The results of the established PPP calculations constitute the central reference of the curve of purchasing
power. This reference curve to be calculated every year will be obtained by enlarging the results of the PPP
calculations by plus or minus 2%, margins believed to include any statistical error, while guaranteeing relative
equality in purchasing power between duty stations.
1.5 PPP effect on the annual salary adjustment
1.5.1 If, for a given country, the annual salary adjustment resulting from the product of the relevant
consumer price index and the final reference index falls outside the limit of a ″purchasing power reference
199 Back to top
curve″, fixed at plus or minus 2% around the results of the calculation of the adjustment of the PPP provided
for in paragraph 1.4 above, the adjustment shall be equal to the value situated at the upper or lower limit of
the reference curve.
1.5.2 Any result from the annual salary adjustment calculated on the basis of the method described in
Article 5.2 of the Annex that falls above the reference curve, shall result in a downward adjustment to the plus
2% border of the reference curve, and consequently a reduction in the results produced by this method. A
result below the reference curve shall lead to an upward adjustment to the minus 2% border of the reference
curve and consequently an increase in the result reached by the method. The starting point for calculating a
new salary adjustment (consumer price index times final reference index) shall be re-based after each
200 Back to top
The specific consumer price index series to be used shall be the following:
i) the harmonised indices of consumer prices (HICP) for all duty countries where these series are officially
ii) if not, the national consumer price indices (CPI).
The indices to be used shall measure the trend in prices during the reference period as defined in
Article 4.1.3 of Annex I to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to Officials of the
Organisation. Such indices shall be brought back to base 100 at the end date of the reference period of the
previous adjustment.
201 Back to top
1124 - 1329
Chef de service
792 - 1279
705 - 1173
Administrateur civil hors classe
667 - 1124
Administrateur civil
461 - 792
Attaché principal d'admin. centrale
500 - 806
Attaché d'admin. centrale
390 - 673
Secrétaire admin. classe exceptionnelle
392 - 587
Secrétaire admin. classe supérieure
356 - 534
Secrétaire admin. classe normale
343 - 503
Adjoint admin. principal E5/E6
332 - 473
Adjoint admin. E3/E4
330 - 382
B3 - B5
B2 - B3
B1 - B2
C3 - C5
C2 - C3
C1 - C2
NA51 - NA52
NA42 - NA43
NA24 - NA34
NA23 - NA25
NA21 - NA23
NA12 - NA13
NA11 - NA12
Pay band 3
Pay band 2
Pay band 1
scale 18
scale 17
scale 16
scale 15
scale 14
scale 13
scale 12
scale 11
scale 10
scale 9
scale 8
scale 7
scale 6
scale 5
scale 4
scale 3
scale 2
scale 1
Dirigente I fascia
Dirigente II fascia
Terza area - F7
Terza area - F6
Terza area - F5
Terza area - F4
Terza area - F3
Terza area - F2
Terza area - F1
Seconda area - F6
Seconda area - F5
Seconda area - F4
Seconda area - F3
Seconda area - F2
Seconda area - F1
455 - 647
440 - 625
410 - 560
380 - 530
360 - 485
320 - 470
290 - 425
266 - 395
242 - 362
320 - 470
290 - 425
266 - 395
242 - 362
218 - 338
203 - 311
176 - 272
Subdirector General
S.G. Adjunto
Consejero Técnico
Jefe Servicio
Jefe Seccion
Jefe Servicio
Jefe Seccion
Jefe Seccion
Jefe Negociado
Jefe Negociado
Jefe Negociado
202 Back to top
NA51 - NA52
NA42 - NA43
NA24 - NA34
Chef de service
Dirigente I fascia
Dirigente II fascia
scale 18
scale 17
scale 16
scale 15
scale 14
Subdirector General
Pay band 3
S.G. Adjunto
Pay band 2
Consejero Técnico
Pay band 1
NA23 - NA25
Administrateur civil hors c.
NA21 - NA23
Administrateur civil
NA12 - NA13
Attaché principal admin.cent.
NA11 - NA12
Attaché d'admin. centrale
Terza area - F7
Terza area - F6
Terza area - F5
Terza area - F4
Terza area - F3
Terza area - F2
Terza area - F1
scale 13
scale 12
scale 11
scale 10
Jefe Servicio
Jefe Seccion
Jefe Servicio
B3 - B5
B2 - B3
B1 - B2
C3 - C5
Secrétaire admin. classe exc.
Secrétaire admin. classe sup.
Secrétaire admin.classe n.
Adjoint admin.principal
Seconda area - F6
Seconda area - F5
Seconda area - F4
Seconda area - F3
scale 9
scale 8
scale 7
scale 6
scale 5
Jefe Seccion
Jefe Seccion
Jefe Negociado
Jefe Negociado
C2 - C3
C1 - C2
Adjoint administratif
Seconda area - F2
Seconda area - F1
scale 4
scale 3
scale 2
scale 1
Jefe Negociado
2021 Staff
203 Back to top
National Civil Services
Assurance maladie-invalidité (AMI)
Fonds des pensions (FPS)
Retenue sur pécule de vacances
Cotisation spéciale de Sécurité Sociale
Cotisation retraite calculée sur salaire de base
Cotisation retraite additionnelle calculée sur les primes
Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG)
Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale (CRDS)
Krankenversicherung (Basistarif)
Pensione contri
Fondo Credito
Opera previdenza
Caisse maladie
Caisse retraite
Assurance dépendance
OuderdomsPensioen/NabestaandenPensioen (OP/NP)
Arbeidsongeschiktheidspensioen (AOP)
ZorgVerzekeringsWet (ZVW)
Wet langdurige zorg (WLZ)
Algemene Ouderdomswet (AOW)
Mutualidad General
Derechos Pasivos (Pensions)
National Insurance Contribution (NIC)
Pension contribution
This list will be updated each year by the ISRP after consultation and validation by the reference countries.
204 Back to top
These instructions refer to Article of the Annex I to the Staff Regulations: ″The effect of variations from one year to another in a specific compulsory deduction made from
the salaries of officials in the NCS, if a comparable and compulsory deduction is also made to the CO staff’s
salaries, shall be neutralised in order to avoid double-counting of these variations, in accordance with
instructions set out in Appendix 6. The ISRP will determine the ensuing effect on an ad hoc basis with the
reference countries concerned when there are changes in the salaries of civil service officials due to a
variation in compulsory social contributions.″
1. Calculation
For the application of the non-double-counting clause provided for in Article of the Annex, the
effect of variation of the compulsory social contributions, from one year to the next, on the evolution of net
salaries, shall be measured in the NCS and in the COs.
2. Impact in the NCS
The reference index shall be calculated as defined in Article 4.1.6 in the Annex. A second index shall also
be calculated which neutralises the changes to social costs which are comparable to those in the COs. The
ratio between these two indices measures the impact of the variations to compulsory social contributions in
NCS on the trend in net salaries in the eight reference NCS.
3. Impact in the COs
An average of the compulsory social contributions in all Organisations shall be established by weighting
the average contribution rate in each Organisation by their respective number of staff. The comparison of
the trends in COs’ salaries by applying this rate, as well as with the corresponding rate for the previous
year, measures the impact of the variation in compulsory social contributions on COs’ salaries.
4. Annual correction
The comparison of the impact of the changes to comparable compulsory social contributions in the NCS
and in the COs determines the part which needs to be neutralised in the calculation of the reference index.
The reference index will be positively or negatively adjusted by the common factor between the impact in
the NCS and that of the COs.
5. Assessment after three years
At the end of each three-year period, the annual impacts of variations in compulsory social contributions in
the NCS and in the COs are cumulated. The reference index is corrected in the same way as for an annual
correction, but includes the deduction of the annual corrections already made in years 1 and 2.
205 Back to top
Basic salary
Holiday pay (pécule de vacances)
End-of-year allowance (allocation de fin d’année)
Basic salary
Basic salary
Basic salary
Year-end allowance (13
Administrative allowance (indennità di
Remuneration according to position (retribuzione
di posizione)
Basic salary
End-of-year allowance (allocation de fin d’année)
Lunch allowance (allocation repas)
Basic salary
End-of-year allowance
Holiday allowance
Basic salary
Seniority payment (trienios) (including 13
Level payment (complemento de
destino) (including 13
and 14
Specific supplement attached to a post
(complemento especifico) (including 13
and 14
Merit pay (complemento de productividad)
Basic salary
206 Back to top
Article 1: Purpose
1.1 The present Rules define the adjustment method for the monthly amounts of the
allowances/supplements of the Co-ordinated Organisations expressed in absolute value within the scope of
Co-ordination, as set out in the Regulations concerning the Co-ordination system, save where a specific
adjustment method is defined.
Article 2: Frequency of adjustments
2.1 The allowances/supplements expressed in absolute value shall be adjusted annually at 1 January, as
from the date of entry into force of these Rules.
2.2 Special adjustments may be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.
Article 3: Procedure
3.1 Dossier for reviews
3.1.1 Every year the Co-ordinating Committee on Remuneration (CCR) shall examine the proposal for
adjusting the monthly amount of the allowances/supplements expressed in absolute value submitted by the
Committee of Representatives of the Secretaries/Directors-General (CRSG) in accordance with these Rules.
3.2 Recommendations
3.2.1 The CCR shall make the recommendations necessary for the application of the present Rules in
accordance with sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Article 6 of the Regulations concerning the Co-ordination
system. Recommendations concerning the adjustment to the monthly amount of the allowances/supplements
expressed in absolute value at 1 January shall be made by 30 September of the preceding year at the latest, as
referred to in Article 4.3.
3.2.2 For the calculation of the average trend index referred to in Article 4.5 hereunder, the reference
countries shall provide the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions (ISRP) with the relevant
data as applicable on 1 July and relating to the reference period referred to in Article 4.2, and confirm this
data by 15 July at the latest. Changes in the relevant data after that date shall be taken into account in the
next adjustment.
Article 4: Definitions
For the purposes of the calculations provided for in these Rules:
4.1 The reference countries shall mean the reference countries considered as such in the
remuneration adjustment method in force;
207 Back to top
4.2 The reference period shall mean the period from 1 July to 1 July of the year preceding the annual
adjustment at 1 January;
4.3 The preceding year shall mean the year preceding the annual adjustment at 1 January;
4.4 For the reference countries, the dependent child allowance shall mean the allowances in force in
the reference countries, validated by the reference countries’ representatives and listed in Appendix 1;
4.5 The average trend index of dependent child allowances in the reference countries shall be
calculated as the weighted average of percentage changes during the reference period of the monthly
dependent child allowance amounts in the referencecountries;
4.6 The weighted average of percentage changes shall mean the percentage obtained as a result of
the following calculations:
4.6.1 first, calculating, for each reference country, the average dependent child allowance amount paid
for three dependent children;
4.6.2 second, calculating the trend index of this average amount;
4.6.3 third, and finally, calculating the weighted average of the reference country indices by giving each
reference country its respective weighting as defined in the remuneration adjustment method in force.
4.7 For the evolution of consumer prices
4.7.1 The trend in consumer price indices shall be reflected by the consumer prices indices referred to in
Appendix 2.
4.8 For the equivalency of monthly amounts, regardless of the dutycountry
4.8.1 The equivalency of monthly amounts, regardless of the duty country, shall be reflected by the
purchasing power parities applicable in the duty country as defined in Appendix 3 or by any other method of
calculating the cost-of-living differentials in force as of the adjustmentdate.
Article 5: Annual adjustment of the allowances/supplements expressed in absolute value
5.1 Amounts in Belgium
5.1.1 The monthly amounts used for the allowances/supplements expressed in absolute value in force in
Belgium shall be adjusted on 1 January following the reference period. The adjustment shall correspond to
the average trend index during the reference period, calculated in accordance with Article 4.5.
5.2 Amounts for other countries
5.2.1 For other countries, the monthly amount shall be calculated by applying, on an annual basis, to
Belgium’s monthly amount the purchasing power parities as defined in Appendix 3 or any other method of
calculating the cost-of-living differentials in force at the adjustmentdate.
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Article 6: Special adjustment of the allowances/supplements expressed in absolute value
6.1 Each time that, within the reference period, the relevant consumer price index in a country, as
defined in Article 4.7, shows an increase over three consecutive months of more than 7%, the CCR, upon
being informed by the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions (ISRP), shall send to the
Governing bodies of the Co-ordinated Organisations a recommendation providing for a special adjustment to
the monthly amounts for the allowances/supplements expressed in absolute value. The first of the three
consecutive months shall fall within the reference period.
6.2 Each time that the 7% threshold is exceeded, the special adjustment granted shall be equal to the
threshold, i.e. 7%. Special adjustments shall take effect the month following the first month in which the
threshold is exceeded.
6.3 The 7% threshold is measured as from 1 July of the beginning of the reference period or, if a
special adjustment has already been granted during this period, from the date of effect of this special
6.4 Any special adjustment granted during the reference period used for the calculation of the
adjustment at 1 January, shall be deducted from the followingadjustment.
Article 7: Date of entry into force
7.1 These Rules shall enter into force on 1 January 2017.
7.2 Should any subsequent amendments be made to these Rules, no provision which ceases to apply
shall give rise to vested rights.
Article 8: Reviewing the method
8.1 When substantial modifications are made to the dependent child allowance for a reference country
that would prevent the ISRP from calculating the average trend according to agreed and relevant statistical
standards, the method shall be reassessed at the request of the CCR, the CRSG or the CRP.
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(Data source)
Agence fédérale pour les allocations familiales /
Allocations familiales de base
Service public de la Sécurité sociale / Montants des
prestations familiales
Familienkasse der Bundesagentur für Arbeit /
Instituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale / Assegno al
nucleo familiare / Nuclei familiari con entrambi
genitori e almeno un figlio minore
Inspection générale de la Sécurité sociale /
Paramètres sociaux / Allocations familiales
Sociale Verzekeringsbank / Algemene
Kinderbijslagwet (AKW)
Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social /
Trabajadores / Prestaciones familiares
United Kingdom
GOV.UK / Child Benefit rates
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The specific consumer price index series to be used shall be the following:
i) the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the reference countries, as well as for all other
countries where these series are officially available;
ii) if not, the national Consumer Price Indices (CPI).
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This annex is implemented following the adoption by the OECD Council of the new method for the
triennial review of education allowance ceilings provided for in the 276th CCR report and its appendix
1. Scope
The three-year review shall be made for the ceilings of the Education Allowance for the 28 countries for
which salary scales are calculated.
2. Basis of the 3-year adjustment mechanism
a) The approach shall be based on the evolution of tuition fees of six categories of fee-paying
international Schools;
b) The school cycles retained shall be primary and secondary;
c) A minimum of 4 schools per school cycle per country shall be retained;
d) Tuition fees collected shall refer to the first year of each school cycle, as published on public
website of the schools in the sample, and in accordance with the levels of education set by the
International Standard Classification of Education 2011 (ISCED 2011);
e) With the new regulations governing the EDU entering into force for school and academic years
starting after 1 January 2021, the sample to be retained as the basis for the calculation of the 3-year
assessment should then reflect tuition fees collected by the International Service for Remunerations
and Pensions (ISRP) for the school year 2019-2020 (school year 2020 for countries in the Southern
f) The subsequent set of tuition fees shall be collected for the same schools and the same categories
for school year 2022-2023 (school year 2023 for countries in the Southern hemisphere). The
adjustment of EDU ceilings resulting from this first 3-year assessment shall be applicable on
1 January 2024. Succeeding assessments shall follow the same procedure.
g) Tuitions fees shall be collected online, and when not available, schools shall be contacted directly
by email by the ISRP. The ISRP shall collect data in October for countries with school or academic
cycles starting in September and in February for countries with school or academic cycles starting
in January.
3. Categories of fee-paying international Schools
a) European (CAT II)
European schools, category II fees
b) British (COBIS)
Council of British International School members or accredited schools
c) American
Schools receiving assistance from the U.S. Department of State
d) Deutsche Schule
See documents C(2022)48 and C/M(2022)16
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Schools within the Weltverband Deutscher Auslandsschulen network
e) Lycée Français
Schools in association with l'Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger (AEFE)
f) IB School
Fee-paying schools offering the International Baccalaureate
4. Criteria for the selection of schools
a) Only one school shall be retained per category and per country;
b) International schools most commonly are located in the capital cities or major economic/financial
centres of a country. Therefore for all categories, excluding those offering the International
Baccalaureate (IB schools), whenever there is more than one institution for the same category (e.g.
two British schools in a given country), the institution closest to the duty station with the major
concentration of CO staff shall be retained;
c) Whenever there are no institutions for certain categories of schools, additional IB schools may be
included in the list, with the aim to ensure a sufficiently large sample of at least eight school prices.
Iceland shall not be included in the list as most schools are publicly financed and there are not
enough fee-paying schools to be included in the sample;
d) Regarding the IB schools, bearing in mind the objectivity intended from the overall exercise, the
first institution (and for a number of countries the single one in the sample) may be located in the
capital or at another major economic/financial centre in the country if the size of the school
suggests such a choice. However, whenever additional IB schools (or a similar programme when
non-existent in a given country) are included in the sample, the institution(s) closest to the duty
station with the major concentration of a CO’s staff will be prioritised, taking into account the size
of the school rather than the number of pupils being children of the CO’s staff.
5. Application of the 3-year mechanism
a) Every three years after the new regulations governing the EDU enter into force, the average
evolution of school fees is to be compared to the evolution of the EDU ceilings based on the
Dependent Child Supplement (DCS) over the same time period. If the difference between the two
factors shows a gap equal or above 9%, the ceilings are then re-adjusted by the magnitude of such
difference; e.g. if in a given country the tuition fees show an average increase of 12% over 3 years,
while the ceilings for the EDU were adjusted through the DCS by 2% over the same period, then
the ceilings of the EDU are re-adjusted by +9.8 (1.12 ÷ 1.02 x 100).
b) The calculation of the threshold requires that more than one third of the sample (with a minimum
of 4 school prices) shows a trend in education fees equal or above 9%. The two criteria (value of
the threshold and number of schools in the sample) are cumulative (e.g. if the sample of schools in
a given country is composed of only 8 school prices, at least 4 of those prices must show a trend
equal or above 9%, and the average evolution of the tuition fees from all schools in the sample must
also total equal or above 9%).
If the criteria are not met and as result the ceilings are not re-adjusted, the 3-year evolution measured
during that assessment shall be retained for the succeeding review (e.g. if the average evolution of
tuition fees in a given country is equal to 6% between 2019-2020 and 2022-2023, that 6% trend
would be retained for the subsequent 3-year review, with the school cycle 2025-2026).
213 Back to top
In adopting the Staff Regulations, the Council:
1. NOTED that by reason of Article 11.2 of the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development and of OECD Staff Regulation 2, Member governments undertake not to give any
instructions to any person in the service of the Organisation;
2. AGREED that with regard to Regulation 15 b) of the Staff Regulations, the Secretary-General is
instructed to review the position after the introduction of new salary scales to be effected in the near future and
within not more than two years, in the light of other circumstances existing at the time, and to report to the
Council on this matter;
3. APPROVED the following interpretations:
The principle of geographic distribution set forth in Regulation 7 b) applies to senior staff,
i.e. under present practice, staff in category A and some staff in category B. It is however
understood that this in no way excludes the recruitment of officials of various nationalities
in other grades so far as this does not involve the Organisation in additional expense.
Regulation 19 refers to the detailed rules approved by the Council of the OEEC for the
periodic revision of staff remuneration [C/M(60)20, approving document C(60)163].
These rules establish the procedure and timing for reviewing the level of remuneration,
the conditions under which variations in the cost of living and the standard of living are
taken into account and the conditions under which the Secretary-General adjusts salaries
following such reviews.
The expression "vested rights" in Regulation 22 c) and 24 b) means that amendments to
the staff Regulations or Rules cannot deprive officials of any financial or other benefit
which has accrued under these texts before their amendment.
Regulation 24 a) records that there is no discontinuity as regards service where an OEEC
official remains on the staff of the OECD. This implies that, as a result of the coming into
force of the new Convention, officials will not be dismissed - and therefore not receive
any payment on dismissal (Provident Fund) - nor be reappointed - and therefore not receive
any payment on reappointment (installation allowance).
Last update: October 2002
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(Adopted on 12 December 1991)
[See Regulation 22 c), d) and e)]
Article 1
Jurisdiction of the Tribunal
a) The Administrative Tribunal of the OECD shall have jurisdiction over applications filed in the cases
provided for under the Staff Regulations, and the Regulations for Council experts and consultants, auxiliaries
or employees.
b) The Tribunal shall also have jurisdiction over applications filed by the Staff Association or a trade
union or professional organisation in respect of any act affecting them or directly prejudicing any rights
accorded to them under the Regulations, Rules and Instructions applying to the officials of the OECD, Council
experts and consultants, auxiliary staff or employees.
c) The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction over applications filed by persons who are not members of staff
of the Organisation, challenging the refusal of their application for appointment to functions governed by the
above-mentioned Regulations, where it is alleged that such refusal was the result of discrimination based on the
grounds of racial or ethnic origin, nationality, opinions or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, health or
Last update: January 2011
Article 2
Rules of Procedure
The Administrative Tribunal of the Organisation shall, subject to the provisions of this Resolution, establish
its own Rules of Procedure.
Article 3
Written Request prior to the filing of Applications
a) Subject to the provisions of Article 4 b) below, applications to the Administrative Tribunal shall not
be admissible unless the applicant has given the Secretary-General a prior written request for withdrawal or
modification of the contested decision, and the Secretary-General has rejected such request or has not replied
within a period of one month. Such prior request shall be given to the Secretary-General within two months
from the date of notification of the contested decision in the case of members of staff, the Staff Association or
trade unions or professional organisations, or within four months from the date of such notification in the case
of former members of staff or duly qualified claimants to the rights of members of staff or former members of
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b) In the case of applications referred to in Article 1 c) above, the time limit for submitting a prior written
request to the Secretary-General shall be two months from the date of the notification to the job applicant of
the rejection of his application. Such notification of rejection shall set out the terms of Articles 1
c) and 3 a), b) and c) of the present Resolution.
c) An additional period of two months for submitting such a prior written request shall be accorded to
persons resident outside metropolitan France.
d) In exceptional cases, the Secretary-General may accept a request submitted after expiry of these time
Article 4
Filing of Applications
a) Applications shall be filed with the Registry of the Tribunal within three months from the date of
notification of the rejection by the Secretary-General of the prior request or from the date of the implied refusal
of such request. However, in exceptional cases, the Administrative Tribunal may admit applications filed after
such time limit has expired.
b) If the applicant has referred the dispute to the Advisory Board or the Re-evaluation Commission, the
application shall not be submitted to the Tribunal until the applicant has received notification of the decision
of the Secretary-General taken after the opinion of the Advisory Board or the Commission. In such cases, the
time limit laid down in paragraph a) above, shall run as from the date of notification of this decision.
Last update: April 2009
c) Applications shall be in writing; they shall set out all grounds of complaint invoked by the applicant
and shall be accompanied by any documentary evidence in support thereof. When the application refers to the
intention of the applicant to submit an expanded statement in which the grounds for such application will be
amplified or supplemented, such expanded statement must be submitted at the latest one month after expiry of
the time limits for filing applications. Should this time limit not be observed, the applicant shall be deemed
to have withdrawn the application at the date of expiry of this time limit, even if the expanded statement is
produced subsequently, unless the Chairman extends the time limit or the Tribunal judges the case to be
d) Although the filing of applications shall not suspend the application of contested decisions, the
Secretary-General, during the period within which applications may be filed or while the proceedings are under
way, shall endeavour not to take any further steps which would alter the situation within the OECD to the
detriment of the applicant and would thereby render impossible the redress claimed by the latter, should the
Tribunal find the application well-founded.
Article 5
Intervention in the Proceedings by Third Parties
a) Any person entitled to file an application before the Tribunal may intervene in a case on the ground
that he/she has rights which may be affected by the Tribunal's judgment. The Tribunal shall rule on the
admissibility of such intervention. Should the Tribunal find that the principal application was well-founded,
any person who intervened in support of the submissions made therein shall have the same rights, mutatis
mutandis, as the applicant.
b) When it appears from the submissions in the application that, were they to be accepted by the
Tribunal, the judgment would adversely affect the rights of a third party, such person shall receive a copy of
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the application and be invited to participate in the proceedings. Should he/she accept such invitation and submit
comments, he/she shall be joined as party to the proceedings.
c) The Staff Association may, if requested by the applicant, submit written comments on the case before
expiry of the time limit for submission of the reply.
Article 6
Pre-hearing Procedure
a) The Rules of Procedure shall specify how and when the written comments of the parties, together
with any supporting documentary evidence, shall besubmitted.
b) The Tribunal may order any measure of investigation and may require the production of any
document which it deems useful for the consideration of applications before it. Documents so produced shall
also be communicated to the Secretary-General and theapplicant.
c) Between sessions, the Chairman or other judge designated by the Chairman for that purpose shall
make interim decisions on all measures requested of him/her.
d) Where the Chairman of the Tribunal holds that an application is clearly inadmissible or devoid of
merit, the Chairman may instruct the Registrar to take no further action on it until the next session of the
Tribunal. Such ruling shall suspend all procedural time limits. After considering the application and, where
appropriate, the opinion of the Advisory Board or the Re-evaluation Commission, the Tribunal may either
summarily dismiss the application, by unanimous decision, as being clearly inadmissible or devoid of merit,
stating the grounds therefor, or it may decide to proceed with the case in the normal way.
Last update: April 2009
Article 7
Convening of the Tribunal
a) The Tribunal shall be convened by its Chairman.
b) The Tribunal shall, as a general rule, hear cases within six months of the filing of the application.
c) In fixing the date of sessions, the Chairman may depart from the general rule laid down in paragraph
b) of this Article for the purpose, inter alia, of enabling several cases to be dealt with at one session, provided
that the period specified shall in no case exceed eightmonths.
Article 8
Composition of the Tribunal
a) In the event of the absence or inability to act of the Chairman, he/she shall be replaced by the deputy
designated by him/her. The Chair shall be taken by the judge who has served for the longest period or, in cases
of equal seniority, by the oldest judge.
b) In the event of the absence or inability to act of one of the judges, he/she shall be replaced by the
deputy designated by the Chairman.
c) In the event of the death, resignation or prolonged inability to act of the Chairman, a judge or a
deputy, a new appointment shall be made for the unexpired term.
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d) The Tribunal shall not be validly constituted unless three members arepresent.
e) The judges and deputies shall be impartial and completely independent in the exercise of their duties.
Article 9
Registry of the Tribunal
a) After consulting the Chairman of the Tribunal and the Staff Association, the Secretary-General shall
appoint the Registrar of the Tribunal and a Deputy Registrar to assist and where necessary take the place of
the Registrar.
b) In the performance of their duties, the Registrar and Deputy Registrar shall be answerable only to the
Last update: January 92
Article 10
Hearings of the Tribunal
a) The hearings of the Tribunal shall be in public unless the Tribunal decides otherwise, either on its
own initiative or at the request of one of the parties. Part or all of the hearing may be held in camera. Hearings
in any case involving matters of discipline shall be held in camera.
b) The parties to the proceedings and, in cases where it has submitted written comments in accordance
with Article 5 c), the Staff Association may attend the hearing and address the Tribunal orally in support of
submissions contained in their written statements. They may be assisted or represented for this purpose. The
Staff Association may, in all cases, nominate a representative to attend hearings before the Tribunal. The
Tribunal may authorise such representative to address them briefly.
c) Any person having attended a hearing of the Tribunal held in camera shall observe the strictest
secrecy concerning any facts that may have come to his/her knowledge or any opinions expressed in the course
of the proceedings.
d) At the request of one of the parties and with the consent of the other parties, the Chairman may direct
that the case shall proceed without an oral hearing.
e) The deliberations of the judges shall be in secret and no other person shall be present.
Article 11
a) The Tribunal shall hear any witnesses whose evidence it deems useful. Should a witness be unable to
attend the hearing of the Tribunal, the witness may be invited to reply in writing to the questions put to him/her.
Last update: January 92
b) Any member of the staff of the Organisation called as a witness shall appear before the Tribunal and
may not refuse to give the information requested. Should an a staff member fail to meet these obligations, the
Tribunal may, if it does not consider such failure justified, impose a fine of such amount as it
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shall see fit, without prejudice to any disciplinary measure by the Secretary-General. However, a witness may
refuse to give information for reasons of professional secrecy which the Tribunal accepts as justified, having
regard to the general principles of law.
Article 12
Judgments of the Tribunal
a) Judgments of the Tribunal shall be by majority vote and in writing. They shall address the grounds
relied upon by the parties and state the reasons on which theyare based.
b) Judgments shall not be subject to appeal except for purposes of rectification of error ("erreur
matérielle"), revision or interpretation.
c) Within one month from the date of notification of the annulment by the Tribunal of a decision of the
Secretary-General, the Secretary-General may, in exceptional cases, where he deems it impossible or
inadvisable to take the steps which such annulment would imply, request the Tribunal to fix instead an amount
of compensation to be paid to the applicant as redress for any injury incurred.
The Tribunal shall fix such amount after hearing the arguments of the opposing parties.
Last update: January 92
Article 13
Reimbursement of Expenses
a) The Tribunal may decide that the Organisation shall, within reasonable limits, reimburse justified
expenses incurred by the applicant.
iv) The Tribunal may also decide that the Organisation shall reimburse travel and subsistence expenses
incurred by witnesses it has heard, within the limits laid down by the Rules in force in the Organisation.
c) When making decisions under the present Article, the Tribunal shall have regard to the special
circumstances of the dispute, in particular its nature and complexity, and the amount of money involved.
Last update: January 92
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[adopted by the Tribunal on 20th January 1992]
Rule 1
a) The official languages of the Tribunal shall be English and French.
b) Applications and interventions may be submitted in English or in French. All documentary evidence
shall also be submitted in English or French together with the original version if this is not in either of these
two languages. The written comments of the Secretary-General shall be submitted in the language used by the
applicant. If so requested by a member of the Tribunal, these documents shall be accompanied by a translation
into the other official language. The Registrar of the Tribunal shall be responsible for the preparation of such
translations and shall communicate them to theparties.
c) At hearings of the Tribunal, oral comments may be made in English or French and shall, at the request
of one of the judges or one of the parties, be interpreted simultaneously into the other language.
d) Judgments shall be delivered in one of the official languages and, under the responsibility of the Registrar
of the Tribunal, translated into the other one. The only authentic text shall be the original version.
Rule 2
Filing of Applications
a) Applications for submission to the Tribunal shall be drawn up in duplicate and shall, as far as possible,
follow the models annexed to these Rules. They shall set out clearly the principal and subsidiary submissions
of the applicant.
b) Documentary evidence in support of the application shall in all cases include the contested decision
together, in cases other than those referred to in Article 4 b) of the Resolution of the Council on the Statute and
Operation of the Administrative Tribunal (hereinafter referred to as the "Resolution"), with the written request
addressed to the Secretary-General and, except where no reply has been received from him, the communication
notifying the applicant that his request has been rejected. If the original documents are not available, the
applicant shall produce certified copies thereof.
Last update: January 92
Rule 3
Pre-hearing Procedure
a) The Registrar of the Tribunal shall receive documents addressed to the Tribunal and shall carry out
the notifications provided for below. He shall open and compile the file of each case with all possible despatch
and within the prescribed time limits.
b) Applications shall be communicated tothe Secretary-General who shall make his comments thereon
in writing within two months from the date of communication of the application or, where appropriate, of the
expanded statement. Where an Advisory Board or a Re-evaluation Commission has been set up, its report shall
be attached to the comments. The comments of the Secretary-General shall be communicated to the
applicant who may within one month of such communication submit a reply inwriting.
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c) The Secretary-General may within one month from the date of communication of the reply submit
his comments in rejoinder.
d) The time limits for the pre-hearing procedure specified in this Rule shall cease to run from 15 July to
15 September. They may be extended by the Chairman of the Tribunal where he finds there are good grounds
for so doing.
e) If necessary, any measure of investigation or hearing of witnesses may, if the Tribunal so decides, be
conducted by one of its members or by any other person whom the Tribunal may designate for that purpose.
As far as possible, no evidence shall be taken under this paragraph until after the parties have been heard
thereon; a report thereon shall be made to the Tribunal in writing.
f) The Chairman of the Tribunal shall decide whether, in pursuance of Article 5 b) of the Resolution, the
application should be communicated to a third party who should be invited to participate in the proceedings. He
shall fix the time limit within which such third party may submit his comments. Should the third party accept
this invitation and submit comments within the time limit fixed, he shall become a party to the proceedings and
have the same rights, mutatis mutandis, as the applicant and the Secretary-General. His comments shall be
communicated to the applicant and to the Secretary-General.
Last update: May 2009
Rule 4
a) Any person who, in pursuance of Article 5 a) of the Resolution, wishes to intervene in a case shall
draw up an application in intervention and file it with the Registrar of the Tribunal. Submissions contained in
the intervention document shall not have any other purpose than to support the submissions of either the
applicant or the defendant.
b) Applications in intervention may be filed at any time prior to the opening of the hearing before the
c) The Registrar shall send a copy of the intervention document to the parties to the proceedings.
d) Interveners may request communication of the comments of the parties to the proceedings. The
Chairman shall decide which documents are to be communicated to interveners. However, in the cases referred
to under Article 5 b) of the Resolution of the Council, all comments of the parties shall be communicated
Rule 5
Comments of the Staff Association
a) The Staff Association may avail itself of the possibility provided for in Article 5 c) of the Resolution
by submitting its comments to the Registrar who shall send a copyto the parties.
b) The comments shall be accompanied by evidence establishing that the applicant has requested the
Association to submit comments.
c) The Registrar shall communicate to the Staff Association the documents of the written procedure
relating to the stage of the procedure preceding the filing of the reply as well as subsequent documents.
Last update: January 92
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Rule 6
Powers of the Chairman
a) As far as possible, measures shall not be taken under Article 6 of the Resolution until the parties to
the application have been heard thereon; such measures shall be the subject of a report to the Tribunal in
b) Should the applicant withdraw his application, the Chairman may accept the withdrawal without
convening the Tribunal for this purpose, provided the withdrawal is unconditional.
Rule 7
Convening of hearings
a) The date of hearings shall be decided by the Chairman after consulting the parties and the Staff
Association when the Association has submitted written comments in accordance with Article 5 c) of the
Resolution. It shall be notified by the Registrar to the judges, parties, interveners and the Staff Association as
a general rule at least 20 days in advance. A copy of the file of each case shall be sent with this notification to
each of the judges. The Chairman shall rule on any request for the hearing to be postponed.
b) As soon as the Registrar has received the comments in rejoinder or as soon as the time limit for
submitting such comments has expired, he shall inform the parties who then have one week in which to notify
him in writing of the names and description of the witnesses they wish to call, together with the reasons why
they wish to question them.
c) Unless the Chairman of the Tribunal considers that their evidence would not be useful, the witnesses
cited by the parties shall be summoned by the Registrar by any means allowing proof that the summons was
received by the addressee, as a general rule, at least two weeks before the day of the hearing. The letter of
summons shall set out the terms of Article 11 of the Resolution.
d) Any request that a witness be called made after expiry of the period referred in paragraph b) above
shall be submitted along with the grounds for the request to the Chairman of the Tribunal for decision. Those
witnesses whose evidence the Tribunal or its Chairman deems useful shall be summoned by the Registrar, if
possible in accordance with the provisions laid down in paragraph c) above.
Last update: May 93
Rule 8
a) There shall be a hearing of all parties, except where Article 10 d) of the Resolution applies, and
deliberations by the Tribunal in private, at each meeting of the Tribunal. The Tribunal may decide to sit despite
the absence of one of the parties, provided such party was duly notified of the date of the hearing.
b) The Chairman shall be responsible for the conduct of proceedings.
c) The Tribunal shall rule on any objection made with regard to its composition, before consideration
of the case before it.
d) Before hearing a witness, the Chairman shall request him to give an undertaking to reply fully and
accurately to the questions put to him. When the hearing is in camera, he shall draw his attention to the fact
that all those attending the hearing are bound to secrecy. If the witness is a member of the staff, the Chairman
shall inform him that by virtue of Article 11 b) of the Resolution, it is his duty to give any information required
of him. At the request of one of the parties, the Tribunal may decide that a recording shall be made of the
evidence given by witnesses.
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e) Where in the course of a meeting of the Tribunal, it appears that further investigation, under Rule 3
e) of these Rules, is necessary to enable it to render its judgment, the Tribunal may, if it deems it appropriate,
agree to render its judgment without holding a new meeting for that purpose. In such cases, the Registrar shall
inform the parties of the outcome of the investigation and of the time limit within which they may submit any
comments on the matter. The Tribunal shall render judgment after having received these comments or, where
appropriate, after expiry of the time limit for submitting them accorded to the parties.
Rule 9
a) Judgments of the Tribunal shall, in addition to dealing with the arguments presented by the parties
and stating the grounds for the decision, include a summary of the pre-hearing proceedings and of the hearing.
Judgments shall be signed by the Chairman and by the Registrar of the Tribunal who shall notify them to the
parties and, where appropriate, interveners, and to the Staff Association in cases where the latter has submitted
written comments on the case under Article 5 c) of the Resolution, as soon as possible after they have been
b) Judgments shall be notified to the applicant in their original version and, subsequently, in the
language of procedure chosen by the applicant if different from the language of the original version. The time
limits for appeals under Rules 10, 11 and 12 of these Rules shall not begin to run against the applicant until
notification to him in the language of procedure chosen by him.
c) Judgments shall be communicated by the Registrar to any person who so requests. However, the
Tribunal may decide that a judgment shall not be communicated until the name of the applicants or any person
mentioned therein has been deleted.
d) If the Secretary-General requests the Tribunal to fix an amount of compensation under Article 12 c)
of the Resolution, reasons must be given for the request. The request shall be communicated to the applicant
by the Registrar who shall invite him to make his views known within one month at most and to specify the
amount of compensation he claims. The request shall also be communicated to the Staff Association in order
for it to make its position known in cases where it has submitted written comments under Article 5 c) of the
Resolution. The Secretary-General shall receive communication of the comments of the applicant and, where
appropriate, of the Staff Association, and shall have one month in which to make known his position concerning
the submissions of the applicant. The Tribunal shall then fix the amount of compensation on the basis of the
written procedure, unless an oral hearing has been requested by the applicant or by the Secretary- General.
Rule 10
Appeal for rectification
When a judgment is vitiated owing to a mistake ("erreur matérielle") or an error relating to the submissions in
the application, and this error or mistake may have decisively influenced the decision of the case, one of the
parties may file an appeal for rectification with the Tribunal, within three months from the date of notification
of the judgment.
Rule 11
Appeal for revision
a) One of the parties may request the Tribunal to revise a judgment in the event of the discovery of a
fact or evidence of decisive importance which, at the time of the judgment, was unknown to the Tribunal and
to the party requesting revision.
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b) The appeal must be lodged with the Registry of the Tribunal within three months from the date of
discovery of the fact or evidence and within five years from notification of the judgment in question.
Rule 12
Appeal for interpretation
Where the operative provisions of a judgment are ambiguous or incomplete or where they are inconsistent
either with each other or with the ratio decidendi (reasons in point of law), one of the parties may, within three
months from notification of the judgment, request the Tribunal to interpret it.
Rule 13
Procedure on appeal against a judgment
In the event of an appeal requesting rectification, revision or interpretation of a judgment of the Tribunal, the
provisions of the Resolution and of these Rules shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the appeals procedure and
Last update: January 92
Rule 14
Calculation of Time Limits
a) The time limits laid down in the Resolution and Rules of Procedure shall run from midnight of the
first day of each time limit as defined in the provision concerned. Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays
shall count when calculating a time limit. However, where the last day of a time limit is a Saturday, Sunday or
official holiday at OECD Headquarters, the time limit shall be extended to include the first working day
b) Where, under the Resolution or Rules of Procedure, a time limit runs from a communication or
notification, it shall begin to run only from the date of reception of the notification or communication by the
party to whom the time limit applies.
Last update: January 92
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Appendix 1
Model Application to the Tribunal
1 Name, first name(s) and address of applicant.
2 Author, date and subject matter of the contested decision.
3. Statement of facts, including:
a) date of the prior written request addressed to the Secretary-General;
b) date of reply, or reference to absence of reply from the Secretary-General;
c) where appropriate, the date when the applicant received notification of the decision of the
Secretary-General taken after the opinion of the Advisory Board or the Re-evaluation
4. Legal grounds and arguments submitted.
5. The principal and subsidiary submissions of the application (redress sought).
6. Date and signature.
Last update: May 2009
Appendix 2
Model Application for Intervention before the Tribunal
1. Application in relation to which intervention isrequested.
2. Name, first name(s) and address of intervener.
3. Statement of reasons explaining the intervener's interest in the outcome of the dispute.
4. Legal grounds and arguments relied on.
5. Intervener's submissions (redress sought).
6. Date and signature.
Last update: January 92
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Instruction by the Secretary-General
(September 1999)
Having regard to the Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to the officials of the Organisation and in
particular Instruction 123/6.3;
1. These terms of reference cancel and replace the terms of reference of the Health and Safety Sub-
2. The Health, Safety and Working Conditions Sub-Committee is answerable to the Joint Consultative
Committee on Staff Relations.
3. The composition of the Sub-Committee is as follows:
the Executive Director or his/her representative
the doctor responsible for monitoring the health of the staff of the
the Head of Human Resource Management or his/her representative;
the Head of Facilities Management or his/her representative;
the Head of the Safety and Assistance Service or his/her representative;
the Chairman of the Staff Association;
the Staff Association’s health, safety and working conditionsdelegate;
two officials designated by the Staff Association;
an official appointed by the Executive Director
Officials whose duties include responsibility for health, safety and working conditions matters in the
Organisation shall take part in Sub-Committee meetings in an advisory capacity, as and when required. The
Sub-Committee may occasionally consult outside experts.
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4. The Sub-Committee shall have the following responsibilities:
to examine questions of health and safety arising inside the Organisation and during travel on
duty or mission;
to suggest any ways or means of reducing occupational hazards and to propose measures to
that effect;
to give its views on draft internal regulations on health, safety and workingconditions;
to give a prior opinion on major changes that would significantly affect health, safety and
working conditions;
to take account at all times of the Organisation’s objectives as regards the protection of the
5. In addition, the Sub-Committee shall appoint three of its members - a representative of the Executive
Directorate, a Staff Association representative and a doctor:
to conduct an enquiry in the event of a serious accident or serious occupational disease, i.e. one
resulting in death or apparently likely to result in permanent disability, or else revealing the
existence of a serious danger, even if the potential consequences have been avoided;
to conduct a quarterly inspection of the state of the Organisation’s premises.
6. The Sub-Committee shall meet when convened by its Chairman, at least once every quarter. It may
also be convened on good grounds at the request of at least two of itsmembers.
The agenda for the meetings, drawn up by the Chairman, shall be sent to members by the Secretary
at least one week ahead of the day arranged for the meeting.
7. Some questions may be dealt with by restricted groups of Sub-Committee members. Such restricted
groups shall meet outside plenary meetings of the HSWCSC. To ensure transparency and facilitate the overall
work of the Sub-Committee, all its members shall be informed of the holding of these meetings and may
Following restricted group meetings on one or more topics, a short summary record shall be drawn
up and distributed to all members.
8. No Sub-Committee member shall divulge any confidential information which may be brought to
his/her notice.
9. The Sub-Committee shall set such deadlines as are necessary for the implementation of its
recommendations. When these deadlines are up, if a recommendation has not been acted upon and a serious
occupational hazard is involved that demands urgent measures, the Sub-Committee can refer the matter to the
Chairman of the Joint Consultative Committee on Staff Relations with a view to having action taken.
10. The Sub-Committee shall report to the Joint Consultative Committee on Staff Relations and, if
necessary, in case of emergency, to the Secretary-General. Every year it shall present a report on its activities
and on health, safety and working conditions in the Organisation, and also a general report on the state of health
of the staff..
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Determination of the applicable grading structure
1. Officials appointed prior to 01/10/2023 shall remain classified in the category-based grading structure specified in Staff
Rule 10/1 (the “category-based grading structure”) unless they are moved to the job family-based grading structure
specified in Staff Rule 10/1bis (the “job family-based grading structure”) in application of the transitional measures
2. Officials appointed on or after 01/10/2023 shall be classified under the job family-based grading structure, subject to
paragraph 3 below.
3. Officials appointed on or after 01/10/2023 following a competitive selection procedure to functions classified
the category-based grading structure shall be given the choice to be classified in the category based-grading structure or
in the job family-based grading structure.
Transitional measures
1. These transitional measures shall apply to all officials classified in the category based-grading structure pursuant to
paragraphs 1 and 3 above.
2. Officials in the following situations shall remain in the grading structure provided for under Staff Rule 10/1 et seq. (the
“category based grading structure”):
i. direct reassignment by the Secretary-General to other functions within the Organisation, either through transfers at
the same grade or promotions, in accordance with Staff Rule 10/3;
ii. promotion from grade A2 to grade A3 for officials assigned to A2/A3 functions;
iii. temporary reassignment to other functions within the Organisation and return to the previous functions by the end
of the temporary assignment;
iv. return from:
- sick leave;
- parental leave;
- exceptional leave;
- unpaid leave for private reasons;
- unpaid short-term training leave;
- unpaid long-term training leave; and
- special leave;
v. reinstatement at the end of a loan to another institution pursuant to Staff Regulation 10bis a);
vi. reinstatement following a period of secondment to another institution of two years or less;
Classification of functions depends on the date of publication of the corresponding vacancy notice. Functions advertised prior to 01/10/2023 are
classified under the category-based grading structure. Functions advertised on or after 01/10/2023 are classified under the job family-based
grading structure.
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vii. return to previous functions or to other functions corresponding to their qualifications and experience following a
placement on non-active status for reasons of sickness pursuant to Staff Regulation 14 a) i);
viii. return to previous functions following a placement on non-active status for reasons of military service pursuant to
Staff Regulation 14 a) ii).
3. Officials in the following situations shall move to the job family-based grading structure:
i. reassignment to functions, including promotions, following a successful application to functions classified under
the job family based grading structure;
ii. reinstatement after 01/10/2023 following a period of secondment to another institution exceeding two years
pursuant to Staff Regulation 10bis b);
iii. return from placement on non-active status for personal reasons after 01/10/2023 pursuant to Staff Regulation 14 a)
4. Other situations
i. Temporary reassignment that becomes permanent
Officials who are temporarily reassigned to other functions within the Organisation, including when the reassignment
period is renewed, and for whom this temporary reassignment becomes permanent, shall remain in the category based
grading structure.
ii. Reassignment in the context of a job search under Staff Regulation 11;
Officials who are reassigned in the context of a job search under Instruction 111/1.5 shall remain classified under the
category based grading structure, except in situation of promotion either by direct reassignment or after selection for vacant
functions, in which case they shall be classified in the job family based grading structure.
iii. Return from non-active status for reasons of military service and redeployment to new, suitable and
available functions corresponding to the official’s qualifications and experience in the Organisation;
Officials who, following their placement on non-active status for reasons of military service pursuant to Staff Regulation
14 a) ii) cannot return to the functions previously assigned to them, and who are reassigned to suitable and available
functions corresponding to their qualifications and experience, shall be classified in the job family based grading structure.
iv. Cleared internal candidates
Internal candidates* who had been considered suitable for selection for vacant functions (cleared for selection under
Instructions 107/6 and 107/12) under the category based grading structure and are selected in accordance with Instruction
107/6 and 107/12 as of 01/10/2023 shall be given the choice whether to remain classified under the category based grading
structure, or to move to the job family based grading structure.
* For the purposes of these provisions, internal candidates shall include temporary staff who took up duties prior to
v. Officials who applied to vacant functions classified under the category based grading structure and are
reassigned after 01/10/2023
Officials who applied to vacant functions classified under the category based grading structure, and who are reassigned
after 01/10/2023, shall be given the choice whether to remain classified under the category based grading structure, or to
move to the job family based grading structure.
vi. Salary determination in the new grading structure
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Salary determination of officials moving from the category based grading structure to the job family based grading
structure will be done by EXD/HRM on the case by case basis taking into account:
- the equivalency table;
- the principle of maintenance of salary as established below;
- the consistency of functions with regard to the particular role in the job family based grading structure.
vii. Maintenance of salary
The salary of officials moving from the category based grading structure to equivalent or higher grade (based on the
equivalency table) in the job family based grading structure will be maintained if such move should result in a lower salary.
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a) The Staff Provident Fund of the Organisation (hereinafter called the "Fund") shall receive and administer
all payments made by the Organisation and by officials who have maintained their participation in the Fund
(hereinafter called the "participants").
b) In addition, the accounts of officials affiliated to the Pension Scheme who have maintained a credit
balance with the Fund shall continue to be administered pursuant to these Rules and Instructions with the
exception of those provisions which govern contributions to the Fund.
Contributions of participants to the Fund shall be calculated on the salary specified in Staff Rule 15/1,
increased by any cost-of-living allowance relating to it, without regard to any reduction of emoluments made
under Staff Rules 17/1.15 and 17/1.20.
A contribution equal to 7 per cent of the monthly salary and cost-of-living allowance shall be
deducted each month from the emoluments due to the participants and paid into the Fund. When the payment
of emoluments is suspended, the contribution of the participant shall be deducted from the benefits paid in
accordance with Staff Rules 17/1.15 and 17/1.20.
Last update: June 2009
A contribution equal to 14 per cent of the monthly salary and cost-of-living allowance due to the
participants shall be paid into the Fund each month by theOrganisation.
An individual account shall be held in the name of each participant. To each account there shall be
a) the contributions provided for in Rules 3 and 4;
b) the annual interest accruing on the amounts standing to the credit of the account, at an annual rate
determined in accordance with Rule 22;
c) as regards participants who, on 30th June 1957, were established members of the staff within the
meaning of the OEEC Staff Regulations in force at that date, the amounts defined in Article 1 of the
Regulation by the Secretary-General of 29 June 1957, in connection with the establish- ment of the
Staff Provident Fund; and
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d) as regards participants who were appointed before 31st December 1960 as established members of
the staff of the Organisation within the meaning of the OEEC Staff Regulations in force at that date,
and who were in service on 1st January 1972, or who, following the termination of their appointment
on attaining the age limit after 31st December 1963, were benefiting on 1st January 1972 from the
provisions of Rule 6 b) i), the amounts determined under the conditions provided for in the Regulation
by the Secretary-General of 22nd March 1972, concerning the adjustment of Provident Fund balances
(pursuant to the Resolution of the Council of 21st December 1971).
5/1 For the purpose of Rule 5 the following shall be assimilated to the amounts defined in paragraph c) of
that Rule:
amounts received from a provident fund of another Co-ordinated Organisation by a
participant in such a fund; and
amounts which have been paid pursuant to the provisions of Rule 6 a) to an official who is
subsequently reappointed and who wishes to repay them to his individual account.
5/2 An official wishing to avail himself/herself of Instruction 5/1 i) must, within a period of three months as
from the date of appointment, address an application to the Human Resource Management Service together
with documents establishing the amount to be paid. The payment of this amount must be made within a period
which may not exceed three months as from thedate of application.
5/3 The reconstitution of the account in the Fund pursuant to Instruction 5/1 ii) may take effect on the date of
reappointment of the official concerned, who should address an application to the Human Resource
Management Service together with documents establishing the amount to be repaid. The corresponding
reconstitution of the account must be made within a period which may not exceed three years as from the date
of application.
a) On the termination of his/her appointment, a participant shall receive from the Fund:
if the participant has been appointed for an indefinite term after 31st December 1971, and
his/her appointment terminated pursuant to Staff Regulation 11 a) i), v) or 11 b) or he/she
on the completion of less than one year's service, the amount of contributions the applicant
has made pursuant to Rule 3 increased by interest at the rate of 3.5 per cent per annum;
on the completion of more than one and less than five years' service, the amount of
contributions the applicant has made pursuant to Rule 3 increased by compound interest
at the rate of 3.5 per cent per annum and, for each year of service after the first, one month
and a half of the salary provided for in Rule 15/1, increased by any cost-of-living
allowance relating to it, to which the applicant is entitled on the date of the notification of
the termination of his/her appointment or on the effective date of his/her resignation;
Last update: December 99
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all the amounts standing to the applicant’sindividual account in the Fund:
- if the appointment of an official is terminated before he/she has completed five
years' service because he/she is incapacitated for service on health grounds;
- in all other cases not specified above.
b) The payment provided for in this Rule shall, however, be deferred at the request of the person
in the event of the termination of his appointment on attaining the age limit;
when the person concerned is dismissed on account of permanent incapacity or
during the period of his/her appointment as a full-time consultant if that appointment takes
effect on the date of his/her resignation from, or the termination of, his/her appointment
as an official;
either until the end of the calendar year during which the appointment is terminated, or
for a period of six months as from the date of termination of the appointment, in the event
of resignation or termination of this appointment by virtue of Staff Regulation 11 a) iii).
Last update: December 99
c) The provisions of Rules 5 b), 8, 9, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 28 shall apply to the persons benefiting
from the provisions of paragraph b) above.
If a participant is dismissed for disciplinary reasons, the Secretary-General may deprive the
participant of the whole or part of the payments made in his/her respect by the Organisation. In such cases, any
sum not paid to the participant shall be credited to the budget of the Organisation.
In the event of the death of a participant, the amounts standing to the participant’s individual account
shall be paid to his qualified representatives (ayants droit).
8/1 The qualified representatives (ayants droit) or their duly appointed delegate shall inform the Organisation
of the desired method of payment of the amounts standing to the individual account of the deceased participant.
a) When a participant to the Fund dies, the amounts standing to the pârticipant’s individual account have
to be requested by his/her qualified representatives (ayants droit) within the delays provided by Staff
Rule 17/8; failing to do so, the claim lapses. The period of limitation begins to run from the date of
b) The amounts corresponding to a lapsed claim remain credited as assets of the Fund and may be used
by the Secretary-General for the management of the Fund.
Last update: June 2009
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Benefits under the Fund shall be transferable into the currency of the country of which the participant
entitled to them is a national. The Secretary-General may authorise the transfer of benefits into another currency
on good grounds. Transfers shall be made at the rate of exchange ruling in Paris at the date on which they are
The benefits provided for in Rule 6 shall be paid on the first day of the month following either that
in which the appointment of the participant comes to an end, or that during which the person concerned ceases
to take advantage of Rule 6 b).
10/1 A participant shall be considered as having ceased to take advantage of the provisions of Rule 6
b) i) ii) or iii) four months after having asked to cease taking advantage of the provisions of that Rule.
The participant shall benefit from interest and revaluations taking effect before the day on which
he/she ceases to take advantage of the provisions of Rule 6 b), irrespective of the date when they
were decided upon.
Except as otherwise provided in Rule 7, the benefits due either to a participant or a person benefiting
from the provisions of Rule 6 b) or to his/her qualified representatives shall be equal to the total amount
standing to the credit of his/her individual account, plus the interest due in respect of the period which runs
from the first day of the calendar year to the last day of the month preceding that in which the appointment of
the participant is terminated or that during which the person benefiting from the provisions of Rule 6 b) ceases
to take advantage of those provisions.
The persons benefiting from the provisions of Rule 6 b) may withdraw, at six-monthly intervals, and
subject to four months' notice, all or part of the amount standing to their individual accounts. However, if the
amount standing to the individual account of such persons is less than Frs 5 000, such amount shall be paid to
them automatically. The amounts so withdrawn from their individual accounts or paid to them shall bear
interest calculated as provided for in Rule 26.
Last update: June 92
All moneys deposited with banks, all securities and investments and all other assets which are the
property of the Fund shall be deposited, acquired and held in the name of the Organisation.
The assets of the Fund shall not be merged with the other assets of the Organisation and shall be
separately administered and accounted for.
An Advisory Committee shall advise the Secretary-General on the administration of the Fund. The
Committee shall consist of six members:
- two members appointed by the Council,
- two members appointed by the Secretary-General, and
- two members elected by secret ballot, as laid down in an instruction by the Secretary-
General to represent the participants.
15/1 Participants shall elect by secret ballot, under the same provisions as for the election of members,
two deputy members who shall participate without voting rights in the Advisory
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Committee's proceedings; a majority of the members may decide on holding a meeting at which the
deputy members are not present.
The members of the Advisory Committee shall serve for a term of two years and may be re-
The Advisory Committee shall elect its chairman and shall determine its own procedure.
The Secretary-General shall appoint a secretary to the Advisory Committee.
Last update: June 92
The Secretary-General shall, after consultation with the Investment Committee, decide on the
investment of the assets of the Fund. The Secretary-General shall consult the Advisory Committee on general
investment policy. The recommendations of the Investment Committee shall be made known to the Advisory
19/1 The Secretary-General shall appoint a manager for the Fund who will be empowered to
countersign Fund transactions with an authorised official from the Finance Service. The choice of
the manager shall be made after prior consultation with the Advisory Committee.
The Investment Committee shall consist of three members chosen for their special experience in
investment. They shall have the status of consultants of the Organisation and shall be appointed by the
Secretary-General, after consultation with the Advisory Committee, for an initial period of three years.
The expenses incurred by the Secretary-General in connection with the investment of the assets of
the Fund, and, in particular, those enumerated in the Secretary-General's Rules on Accounting Procedure and
those arising out of the application of Rule 20 shall be borne by the Fund.
a) On the proposal of the Secretary-General, the Council shall determine the rate of interest to be credited
to the accounts having regard to the yield on the investmentsmade.
b) A special Reserve Account for retired staff shall be opened in the books of the Fund which account
shall be credited with:
Last update: June 92
the amounts representing the difference between the amounts standing to the credit of the individual
accounts, including interest to the date of termination, of officials whose appointments are
terminated as provided for in Rule 6 a) i) and the amounts paid to them pursuant to that Rule;
interest credited annually to the Special Reserve Account calculated pursuant to the provisions of
Rules 23 to 25, 27 and 28.
On the proposal of the Secretary-General, the Council shall determine, account being taken of the amount of
the Special Reserve Account, a supplementary rate of interest to be credited to the accounts of persons
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benefiting from the provisions of Rule 6 b) i) and ii), the total amount so credited being charged against the
balance on the special Reserve Account at 31st December of each year.
The amounts standing to the credit of the individual accounts shall bear interest from the first day
of the month following that in which the relevant payment is received by the Fund.
Any deduction from the Fund under Rules 12 and 29 shall cease to bear interest from the beginning
of the month in which it is made.
On 1st January of each year the individual accounts shall be credited with annual interest.
On termination of the service of a participant or when a person benefiting from the provisions of
Rule 6 b) ceases to take advantage of those provisions, the interest to be credited in respect of the period which
runs from the first day of the calendar year to the last day of the month preceding either that in which The
participant’s appointment is terminated or that during which the person benefiting from the provisions of Rule
6 b) ceases to take advantage of those provisions, shall be calculated at a rate fixed by the Secretary- General.
This rate shall not be higher than the rate of annual interest fixed for the last financial year in respect of which
the accounts of the Fund were closed.
Each year, and if the Secretary-General considers it necessary, before the end of each month, the
Secretary-General shall value the assets of the Fund and decide whether the amounts standing to the credit of
the individual accounts ought to be revalued. If the Secretary-General decides that they ought to be revalued
he/she shall determine the coefficient to be applied to them.
27/1 The Advisory Committee shall periodically review unrealised capital gains and losses and submit
recommendations to the Secretary-General for appropriate revaluation of the amounts standing to
participants' individual accounts, in particular so as to enable the participant to determine the annual
revaluation provided for under Article 27, the coefficient for which shall be based on the valuation of
assets at 31st December.
Where it is decided to revalue the individual accounts, such revaluation shall have effect as from the
first day of the month following that in which the decision is made.
Participants shall be entitled to have refunded to them by deduction from the amount standing to
their individual account in the Fund the cost to themof:
a) voluntary affiliation to old age insurance under the French Social Security Scheme orunder
their national scheme of Social Security;
b) in the case of national civil servants seconded to the Organisation, affiliation to the pension
scheme in operation in their civil services of origin; and
c) affiliation to the voluntary insurance for death or disablement taken out by the Secretary-
General on behalf of the staff.
Deductions from individual accounts under Rule 29 shall be made on production of documentary
evidence of payments made by the participant or by the Organisation on his/her behalf.
Last update: June 92
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30/1 Officials who have ceased to take advantage of the provisions of Rule 29 a) and b), may
reconstitute their accounts in the Fund; they should address an application to the Head of Human
Resource Management together with documents establishing the amount to repay; the corresponding
reconstitution of the account must be made in a period which may not exceed three years from the
date of application. However, no reconstitution may be made after the expiry of the participant's
Last update: September 99
Besides deductions authorised under Rule 29 participants may, in accordance with conditions laid
down by the Secretary-General by means of instructions, have deducted the whole or part of the amount
standing to their individual account in the Fund, for the purpose of acquiring a dwelling destined for their
personal residence or in order to make substantial structural alterations to such adwelling.
The Secretary-General shall, by means of instructions, set the conditions and the period, which may
not exceed 15 years, in accordance with which participants must reconstitute the amounts standing to their
individual account which have been deducted by virtue of Rule 31.
32/1 An official wishing to make application to withdraw money from the Fund pursuant to Rule 31
should use the special form provided and forward it to the Provident Fund Section of the Treasury
and General Accounting Division of the Finance Service, together with all documents relevant to the
intended transaction.
32/2 Authorisation to withdraw should be granted only in respect of a dwelling in the area in which
the official is employed by the Organisation, except where he is 55 years of age or more or has
completed at least 15 years' service in the Organisation.
Last update: June 92
32/3 Authorisation to withdraw shall be granted by the Executive Director with the Consultative
Board, having regard, inter alia:
a) in the case of purchase, to the details of the proposed transaction and, in particular,
the sum of money involved, the locality of the property, alternative credit facilities and
the official's ability to make regular repayments;
b) in the case of structural alteration to a dwelling of which the official is already the
owner, to the nature and extent of the modifications proposed and the effect on the
value of the dwelling.
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32/4 The Consultative Board shall be composed as follows:
- the Financial Controller;
the Head of Human Resource management,
the Head of Finance Service,
the Director of Legal Affairs,
a member and a deputy member nominated by the Staff
32/5 The sum of any withdrawals from an official's account and any loans made to the official under
Staff Rule 17/4.2 shall not exceed at any time the sum of the amount standing to the credit of his/her
account in the Fund and the amounts to which the official is entitled under Article 11 of the Pension
Scheme Rules and of his/her emoluments for the period of notice applicable to him/her pursuant to
Staff Regulation 11 c).
Last update: December 99
32/6 An official who is authorised to make a withdrawal pursuant to Rule 31 will be required to take
out death or disablement insurance or to provide adequate surety for an amount at least equal to that
of the withdrawal. However, where the official has neither a spouse nor a dependent child, the
Executive Director may waive this condition.
Last update: June 92
32/7 Repayments to reconstitute an official's account may be deducted from monthly emoluments.
However, the total amount to be reconstituted shall exclude sums paid or payable in accordance with
Article 44.3 ii) of the Pension Scheme Rules. The date at which the repayments shall commence shall
be decided by the Executive Director on the advice of the Consultative Board having regard to any
outstanding loans granted to the official and shall commence not later than five years after the date
on which the withdrawal is made. At his/her option an official may reconstitute his/her account at
an earlier date than that initially fixed.
32/8 In the event of the sale or of transfer of ownership in the dwelling in respect of which a withdrawal
from the official’s account in the Fund has been made, the official shall apply the proceeds in the first
place to reconstituting his account in the Fund. The official shall furnish the Head of Human Resource
Management with all relevant particulars of the transaction and shall make the necessary
arrangements with the Head of Finance Service for the reconstitution of his/her Fund account.
The accounts referred to under Rule 1 b) may be closed at any time on the request of officials to
withdraw the balance therein where such officials have been credited, under the Pension Scheme, with their
full period of service as officials before 1st July 1974.
33/1 The withdrawal of the amounts standing to an account which a participant requests to be closed
pursuant to Rule 33 shall be subject to the same notice as that provided under Rule 12.
Last update: June 92
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(concerning Elections of the Provident Fund Advisory
Committee of the Organisation)
Having regard to the Staff Regulations and Rules of the Organisation;
Having regard to the Rules of the Staff Provident Fund of the Organisation;
1. The Instruction of the Secretary-General of 13th September, 2007 concerning the elections of the Provident Fund
Advisory Committee [SGD(2007)1] is repealed and replaced with effect from 23 October 2019 by the provisions set out
in paragraph 2 of this Instruction.
2. Elections of Provident Fund Advisory Committee:
Article 1
Date of elections
The election of the members of the Provident Fund Advisory Committee representing the participants shall be
held every two years, during the period of four months preceding the expiry of the term of office of the retiring members.
The Secretary-General shall determine the date of each election.
Article 2
Electors: Eligibility
1. Former officials who have an account open in their name in the Provident Fund pursuant to Article 6 b) i) or ii)
of the Rules of the Staff Provident Fund shall be entitled to vote for election.
2. Officials, former officials referred to in paragraph 1 above and those receiving a retirement pension from the
Organisation shall be eligible to be candidates for election.
Article 3
1. Any candidate for office as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Provident Fund shall, not later than six
weeks before the date of the elections, give notice of his/her candidature to the Supervisory Committee provided for in
Article 5. The Secretary-General shall determine the time limit for giving notice of candidature.
2. Each candidate may, along with the notice of candidature, provide to the Supervisory Committee a statement
regarding investment policy, of a maximum of one page.
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Article 4
1. Each elector shall vote for four persons chosen from the list of candidates established by the Supervisory
2. The two persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected members of the Advisory Committee of
the Fund.
3. The two persons receiving the next highest number of votes shall be elected alternate members.
4. In the event of two persons obtaining an equal number of votes the person having the longer service with the
Organisation shall be elected.
5. Electors may vote by proxy, but no elector may exercise the proxy of more than three other electors.
6. Electors may vote by correspondence.
Article 5
Supervisory Committee
1. The election shall be held under the supervision of a Committee consisting of:
i) the Director of the Budget and Finance Service or an official nominated by him, as Chairman,
ii) an official appointed by the Secretary-General,
iii) an official designated by the Staff Association.
2. The Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
3. The Committee shall:
a) publish a list of the electors no later than two months before the date of the election, and invite participants
who so wish to give notice of their candidature;
b) receive candidatures and publish them within five days after the expiry of the time-limit determined for giving
notice of candidature;
c) determine the time and place of the ballot;
d) establish rules for the operation of the ballot and the form of the ballot papers;
e) determine the conditions under which voting by proxy or by correspondence shall be admitted;
f) distribute the list of candidates, the statements of candidates, the ballot papers and the ballot envelopes, no
later than five weeks before the date of the election;
g) preside over the counting of votes, decide on the validity of ballot papers, draw up a report and notify the
results to the electors not later than eight days after the elections;
h) take any appropriate action to provide adequate material conditions for the ballot and safeguard its freedom
and secrecy.
4. All notices and communications by the Supervisory Committee shall be issued simultaneously in both official
languages and, for purposes of calculating time periods, shall be considered issued on the date available to the electors
in both languages.
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Article 6
Complaints Committee
Any complaint relating to an election shall be submitted to the Secretary-General, no later than eight days from
the publication of the results, for decision by a Committee consisting of a member of the Legal Director or an official
designated by him, as Chairman, an official appointed by the Secretary-General, and an official designated by the Staff
Association, who are not members of the Supervisory Committee.
Article 7
Replacement of Representatives of the Participants
The alternate member having received the largest number of votes shall replace the representative of the
Participants for the remainder of his/her term of office, if this member:
a) resigns from office;
b) has been the subject of a disciplinary sanction of suspension without salary or dismissal;
c) leaves the Organisation without benefiting from the provisions of Article 6 b) i) or ii) of the Rules of the Staff
Provident Fund;
d) no longer benefits from these provisions;
e) is appointed manager, representative of the Secretary-General, or Secretary of the Committee;
f) is unable to carry out his/her mandate or dies.
If two members are called upon to be replaced, new elections shall be organised within four months and the
alternate members shall replace the two members for the period remaining until the results of the elections are known.
Last update: October 2019
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Please refer to Annex XXIII.
Last update: May 2003
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Please refer to Annex XXIII.
Last update: May 2003
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Please refer to Annex XXIII.
Last update: May 2003
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ANNEX X - PENSION SCHEME RULES .................................................................................................................................................. 244
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 245
CHAPTER I - GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 247
Article 1 - Scope .................................................................................................................................................................................. 247
Article 2 - Deferred entitlement .......................................................................................................................................................... 248
Article 3 - Definition of salary ............................................................................................................................................................. 249
Article 4 - Definition of service conferring entitlement to benefits ..................................................................................................... 249
Article 5 - Calculation of service conferring entitlement to benefits ................................................................................................... 251
Article 6 - Reckonable years of service ................................................................................................................................................ 256
Article 6bis - Part-time service - effects on the calculation of entitlement .......................................................................................... 257
CHAPTER II - RETIREMENT PENSION AND LEAVING ALLOWANCE ....................................................................................................... 258
Section 1 - RETIREMENT PENSION .......................................................................................................................................................... 258
Article 7 - Conditions of entitlement ................................................................................................................................................... 258
Article 8 - Age of entitlement, deferred pension and early pension ................................................................................................... 259
Article 9 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................... 260
Article 10 - Rate of pension ................................................................................................................................................................. 261
Section 2 - LEAVING ALLOWANCE ........................................................................................................................................................... 261
Article 11 Leaving allowance ........................................................................................................................................................... 261
Section 3 - INWARD AND OUTWARD TRANSFER OF PENSION RIGHTS ................................................................................................... 263
Article 12 Inward and outward transfer of pension rights ............................................................................................................... 263
CHAPTER III - INVALIDITY PENSION .................................................................................................................................................... 268
Article 13 Conditions of entitlement - Invalidity board .................................................................................................................... 268
Article 14 Rate of pension ................................................................................................................................................................ 272
Article 15 Earnings rule .................................................................................................................................................................... 273
Article 16 Medical examination Termination of pension ............................................................................................................... 273
Article 17 Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................ 274
CHAPTER IV - SURVIVOR'S AND REVERSION PENSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 276
Article 18 Conditions of entitlement ................................................................................................................................................ 276
Article 19 Rate of pension ................................................................................................................................................................ 277
Article 20 Reduction for difference in age ........................................................................................................................................ 278
Article 21 Remarriage ...................................................................................................................................................................... 278
Article 22 Rights of a former spouse ................................................................................................................................................ 279
Article 23 Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................ 280
Article 24 Incapacitated widower .................................................................................................................................................... 280
CHAPTER V - ORPHAN'S PENSION AND DEPENDANT'S PENSION ........................................................................................................ 281
Article 25 Rate of orphan’s pension ................................................................................................................................................. 281
Article 25bis Rate of pension for other dependants ......................................................................................................................... 282
Article 26 Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................ 282
Article 27 Beneficiaries of more than one category ......................................................................................................................... 283
CHAPTER VI - FAMILY ALLOWANCES .................................................................................................................................................. 286
Article 28 General Provisions ............................................................................................................................................................ 286
CHAPTER VII - CEILING ON BENEFITS .................................................................................................................................................. 288
Article 29 Ceiling on benefits for surviving spouse, former spouse(s), orphans and/or dependants ............................................... 288
CHAPTER VIII - PROVISIONAL PENSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 290
Article 30 Conditions of entitlement ................................................................................................................................................ 290
CHAPTER IX - DETERMINATION OF THE AMOUNTS OF BENEFITS ........................................................................................................ 290
Section 1 - ASSESSMENT OF ENTITLEMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 290
Article 31 Organisation responsible for the assessment ................................................................................................................... 290
Article 32 No double entitlement ..................................................................................................................................................... 291
Article 33 Basis of calculation .......................................................................................................................................................... 293
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Article 34 Re-assessment cancellation .......................................................................................................................................... 294
Article 35 Requirement of evidence - forfeiture of rights................................................................................................................. 295
Section 2 - ADJUSTMENT OF BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................................... 296
Article 36 Adjustment of benefits .................................................................................................................................................... 296
Section 3 - PAYMENT OF BENEFITS ......................................................................................................................................................... 297
Article 37 Mode of payment ............................................................................................................................................................ 297
Article 38 Sums owed to the organisation ....................................................................................................................................... 299
Article 39 Right of subrogation ........................................................................................................................................................ 299
CHAPTER X - FINANCING THE PENSION SCHEME ................................................................................................................................ 299
Article 40 Charge on budgets........................................................................................................................................................... 299
Article 41 Staff member’s contribution - costing the scheme .......................................................................................................... 300
CHAPTER XI - PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ADJUSTMENT OF PENSIONS ......................................................................................... 301
Article 42 - Pensions which are subject to national tax legislation ..................................................................................................... 301
JANUARY 1973 ............................................................................ 305
Article 43 - Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................ 305
Article 44 - Pension with credit for past service .................................................................................................................................. 306
Article 45 - Pension without credit for past service ............................................................................................................................ 313
Article 46 - Bonus for service after the age of sixty ............................................................................................................................ 313
Article 47 - Compensation for loss of previous pension rights ............................................................................................................ 315
Article 48 - Provident Fund ................................................................................................................................................................. 319
Section 2 - STAFF WHOSE SERVICE TERMINATED BEFORE lst JANUARY 1973 ........................................................................................ 320
Article 49 - Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................ 320
Section 3 - HARDSHIP ALLOWANCE ........................................................................................................................................................ 321
Article 50 - Hardship Allowance .......................................................................................................................................................... 321
CHAPTER XIII - FINAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 322
Article 51 Co-ordination ................................................................................................................................................................... 322
Article 52 Detailed implementation ................................................................................................................................................. 323
Article 53 Entry into force ................................................................................................................................................................ 323
APPENDIX 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 324
APPENDIX 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 326
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(Revision at 1
December 2002(*))
Article 1 - Scope
1. The Pension Scheme established by these Rules applies to staff holding indefinite-term or definite or
fixed-term appointments in:
the Council of Europe,
the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites(EUMETSAT)
the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF),
the European Space Agency (ESA) [ex-European Organisation for the Development and
Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers (ELDO) and the European Space Research
Organisation (ESRO)],
the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO),
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and
the Western European Union (WEU).
who are not affiliated to any other
scheme set
up by one
of these
after 31
December 2000.
2. This scheme shall not apply to other categories of personnel defined in each Organisation, such as
experts, consultants, temporary staff, auxiliary staff, employees and personnel hired under local labour
3. In these Rules, the term “Organisation” refers to that Organisation listed in paragraph 1 above which
employs the staff members to whom these Rules apply, and the term “staff member”(**) means the staff
referred to in paragraph 1 above.
Last update: July 2012
1.2- Non-permanent Staff
Each Organisation shall precisely define what categories of staff are referred to in paragraph 2 of
Article 1 of the Rules, that is to say, what categories of staff do not rank as permanent staff eligible
for benefits under the Pension Scheme.
(*) Revised provisions only apply to benefits not yet assessed on 1
In the present Regulations, the term "staff members" and "beneficiaries" apply equally to men and women.
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Article 2 - Deferred entitlement
1. Where the medical examination which every staff member has to undergo as part of the appointment
process (and the possible consequences of which have been duly notified to him before his appointment) shows
him to be suffering from an illness or disablement, the Organisation may decide that, as regards risks arising
from an illness or disablement existing before he took up his duties, the said staff member shall not be entitled
to the invalidity or death benefits provided for in these Rules until the expiry of a period not exceeding five
years from the date when he entered the service of the Organisation. If a staff member leaves an Organisation
and takes up employment in another Organisation within a period of not more than six months, the time spent
in the service of the first Organisation shall be deducted from this five- year period.
2.1 /1 - Medical examination
The Organisation shall inform the staff member in writing of the application of a period of deferred
entitlement and of its duration, which may be from one to sixty months. The Medical Consultant of
the Organisation shall inform him in writing of the nature of the illness or disablement which justified
the application of the deferment period.
/2 - Definition of entitlements during the deferment period
If the staff member concerned leaves the Organisation during the deferment period, the
leaving allowance shall be paid to him and the years of service completed during the
deferment period shall be taken into account.
In the event of either permanent total invalidity or death resulting from a cause which
justified the deferment period in course:
should such an event occur before the staff member has fulfilled the condition
provided for in Article 7, the staff member or the beneficiaries shall be entitled to a
lump sum, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 11;
should such an event occur after the staff member has fulfilled the condition provided
for in Article 7
and if this condition was fulfilled during the deferment period, the staff member or the
beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum calculated in accordance with the
provisions of Article 11, in respect of the reckonable years of service credited within
the meaning of Article 6;
and if this condition was fulfilled prior to the deferment period, the staff member or
the beneficiaries shall be entitled to both a lump sum calculated in accordance with
the provisions of Article 11, in respect of the reckonable years of service completed
during the deferment period, and the benefits to which they would have been entitled
before the staff member’s appointment.
Last update: May 2005
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In the event of either permanent total invalidity or death resulting from either an accident
at work, or an illness or disablement other than that which justified the deferment period, and
which occurred after commencement of duties, the staff member or the beneficiaries shall be
entitled to the benefits provided by the Pension Scheme for such events.
Article 3 - Definition of salary
Unless otherwise specified, for the purposes of these Rules, salary shall be the monthly basic salary of the staff
member, according to the scales in force in the Organisations listed in Article 1 at the time when the pension
is assessed, and updated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36.
Last update: January 2020
Article 4 - Definition of service conferring entitlement to benefits
1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 5 and 41, paragraph 1, entitlement to benefit under these Rules
shall be determined by the total of the periods served in the Organisations listed in Article 1:
Last update: January 2005
i) as a staff member;
ii) in any other capacity prior to appointment as a staff member, provided any periods so served
were not separated by breaks of more than one year.
2. In addition to the total of the periods of service thus calculated, a staff member may request, on
termination of service, that periods of service corresponding to certain statutory indemnities be taken into
account, in particular payment in lieu of notice, for loss of employment and for leave not taken, under the
provisions laid down by Instruction (*
3. Periods of part-time service shall be taken into consideration in calculating entitlement to benefit
under these Rules provided they correspond to at least half-time work as defined by the provisions laid down
by Instruction.
4. The periods referred to in Article 16, paragraph 3, shall also be taken into consideration.
/1 - Service counting for entitlement
Service counting for entitlement shall consist of the following:
any periods of service completed on behalf of a Co-ordinated Organisation by a staff
member before the Staff Regulations or the Provident Scheme came into effect; such
service must have been completed under an appointment issued by the Organisation or by
the provisional Committee or Secretariat from which the Organisation emanated;
any periods of service completed as a staff member;
any periods of sick leave or temporary incapacity in respect of which benefits have
(*) Unless otherwise provided, the term "provisions laid down by Instruction" refers, throughout these
Rules, to the implementation provisions in Article 52 of the Pension Rules.
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been paid; the staff member concerned shall be required to have paid his personal
contribution to the Pension Scheme as calculated on the amounts so received; such
periods shall be counted without any reduction;
any periods of unpaid leave, if such periods are not taken into account by a new
employer for the purposes of a pension scheme; the crediting of periods of unpaid leave
equal to or less than two months shall be dependent on payment, for these periods, of the
staff member’s personal contribution to the Pension Scheme; the crediting of periods of
unpaid leave beyond two months and up to a maximum of the four months following, shall
be dependent on payment by the staff member, for these periods, of a contribution equal
to three times his personal contribution to the Pension Scheme;
any periods of secondment, by the Organisation, should the staff member be reinstated
; the detailed rules for the crediting of such periods shall be laid down in the regulations
applicable to staff.
Last update: September 2019
4.1 /2 - Service completed in another capacity before appointment as a permanent staff member
Periods of service referred to in Article 4.1 ii) may be taken into account in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 5, if
the following conditions are fulfilled:
i) such periods must have been prior to the appointment as a staff member.
ii) such service must have been completed in the full-time or at least half-time employment(*
) of the Organisation, or of more than oneOrganisation mentioned in Article 1.
Such employment must have been remunerated according to periods of time and not by the
job or piece, being service performed on the premises and under the control and to the
instructions of the Organisation, according to its hours of work.
The staff member must have received all his emoluments for the service mentioned in the above
sub-paragraph directly from the Organisation.
iii) any such periods completed in the service of the same Organisation, or of more than one
Organisation mentioned in Article 1, must not have been broken for more than 12 consecutive
iv) in accordance with the provisions of Instruction 6.2, periods so to be taken into account
must be of a minimum of thirty days; periods of part-time work, equal to or more than half
time, shall be taken into account as a proportion of full time. The periods thus validated must
total at least 30 days of full time.
"Employment" is used in the general sense: this applies in particular to the English text, bearing in
mind OECD "employees".
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4.2 Crediting of periods of service corresponding to indemnities
A staff member may request, on termination of service, the crediting of periods of service
corresponding to:
v)compensatory payments in respect of leave not taken ;
vi)compensatory payments in lieu of notice;
vii) indemnity for loss of employment.
Such periods of service shall be credited subject to payment by the staff member of the personal contribution
to the pension scheme or Provident Fund in respect of all these amounts and insofar as the periods on which
the calculation was based are not taken into account by a new employer for the purposes of a pension
scheme of a Co-ordinated Organisation.
Only periods of service below the statutory age limit may however be taken into account for the
calculation of benefits provided for in these Rules.
Last update: January 2020
- Definition of half-time service
A staff member shall be considered as working half-time, within the meaning of Article 4, paragraph
3, when the number of his working hours, calculated on a monthly basis, is equal to half the number
of full-time working hours.
Article 5 - Calculation of service conferring entitlement to benefits
1. Where a staff member appointed by the Organisation has previously served with one of the
Organisations listed in Article 1
, his entitlement to benefits under the terms of Article 4 shall be conditional
upon his paying over to the Organisation which re-appoints him the amounts paid to him on leaving his previous
i) pursuant to Article 11;
ii) in respect of his Provident Fund holding, within the limits stated in Article 44, paragraph 2,
plus compound interest on such amounts at 4% per annum from the date when the staff member received
them until the date when they are paid over in accordance with this paragraph.
Should the staff member fail to pay over the amounts in question, reckonable years of service shall
count only as from the new appointment.
2. Where a staff member appointed by the Organisation was previously drawing a retirement pension
in respect of service with one of the Organisations listed in Article 1, payment of that pension shall cease.
If the staff member refunds to the Organisation offering him a new appointment the pension
payments he has received, the provisions of Article 4 shall apply on cessation of his new appointment.
If he does not make this refund, the years of service for which credit was acquired in the employment
that originally entitled him to payment of the discontinued retirement pension shall be taken into account in
the calculation of the retirement pension due on cessation of his new employment by reference to the
salary for his last grading in such previous employment; moreover, that part of the final pension figure shall be
abated by 5 per cent for each whole year during which the staff member drew the initial pension before the age
of 60.
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3. Where a staff member ceases his functions at a grade and step lower than that which he had previously
held in the Organisation or in a previous Organisation, his entitlement to benefits under these Rules shall be
determined by taking into account the total of his reckonable years of service and the benefits shall be calculated
on the basis of the salary for the highest grading held by him. However, a reduction shall be made in the number
of years of service to be credited to him in respect of time served at a lower grade or step after having held the
grade by reference to which benefits are calculated; this reduction shall be proportionate to the difference
between the said gradings.
4. For the implementation of paragraphs 2 and 3 above, salaries shall be taken into account in
accordance with the scales in force when the final pension assessment ismade.
Insofar as the Scheme set up by the present Rules is made applicable to staff members of the European
Union Institute for Security Studies and Satellite Centre, Agencies of the European Union and previously of
the WEU, a Member organisation of Co-ordination from the outset, such staff members shall benefit from the
provisions of the present Article and of the other provisions of the Rules referring to Article 1.
Last update: November 2005
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5. The crediting of the periods referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1 ii) shall be conditional on:
i) the staff member submitting an application to that effect no later than six months after
confirmation of his appointment as a staff member; the application shall specify the periods of
service with which the staff member wishes to be credited;
ii) the Organisation giving its agreement;
iii) the staff member paying, for each month of service with which he is to be credited, the
contribution provided for in Article 41 of the Rules, of his first monthly salary as a staff member.
- Service completed in a Co-ordinated Organisation as a staff member
Application for any service referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, to be
taken into account must be made no later than six months after confirmation of the new
appointment, or before the expiry of the option period prescribed in Article 44 or 49.
Where, pursuant to Article 11, the staff member received a leaving allowance at the
end of his previous appointment, then pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 1, no partial
crediting of such service shall be allowed; accordingly, the staff member concerned shall
be required either to refund such leaving allowance in full or to forgo the right to have the
corresponding service credited.
Save where Article 44, paragraph 3, applies, the provisions of sub-paragraph ii) above
shall also apply to any amounts which the staff member concerned had previously received
in respect of a holding in the Provident Fund on leaving an Organisation, within the limit
of the cost of crediting past service specified in Article 44, paragraph 2.
Should the staff member fail to make a full refund immediately, he may be authorised
to make such refund, at the latest, as from the expiry of the period referred to in sub-
paragraph i) above, by monthly deductions of not less than 20 per cent of the amount of
salary, as defined in Article 3, received at the time of beginning such refunds; compound
interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum shall be applied to the amount outstanding,
until the refund has been made in full.
If at the date on which any benefit under the Pension Scheme is payable, such refunds
have not been completed, the balance still due shall be repaid in its entirety, except where
Article 44, paragraph 3 applies, through deduction from the benefits to be paid, including
those payable to persons entitled under the staff member. The Organisation may authorise
payment by instalments, in which case compound interest at the rate of 4 per cent per
annum shall be applied to the amount outstanding, until the refund has been made in full.
In the event of incapacity, death or termination of the service of the staff member
concerned, any amount still remaining unpaid shall be set off against the capital sums due
to him or to the persons entitled under him, in accordance with the provisions of
Instruction 38.1, and the balance still due shall be deducted in accordance with the
provisions of sub-paragraph v) above.
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In the event of the termination of his service without any payment of leaving allowance
or pension, the staff member concerned may request time not exceeding twenty-four
months in which to make up all or part of any refund then still outstanding, subject to the
provisions of sub-paragraph v).
5.5 - Crediting of service completed before appointment as a staff member
Application to be credited with service completed before appointment as a staff member
must be made within six months after confirmation of the said appointment or before the
expiry of the option period prescribed in Article 44 or 49 in the case of staff members
whose service began before the commencement of the said option period.
Persons entitled under a deceased staff member may not apply in his place for service
to which this Instruction applies to be credited, with the exception of persons entitled to
avail themselves of the Transitional Arrangements and to whom Articles 43, paragraph 3
and 44, paragraph 4 apply.
Service shall be credited subject to payment of the contribution referred to in Article
41 as calculated on the basis of the first monthly salary as a staff member and multiplied
by the number of months of service in respect of which rights are credited, a pro rata
deduction being made, where appropriate, for part-time service. First monthly salary here
means the salary corresponding to full-time employment in the grade and step of the staff
member, whether he be recruited on a full-time or a part-time basis. Such payment may
be made by instalments in the form of monthly deductions from emoluments, commencing
not later than the end of the relevant period referred to in sub- paragraph i) above and
spread over a period not exceeding the duration of the previous service so credited.
Interest at 4 per cent per annum shall be due in respect of any part of the payments which
is deferred beyond such period at the request of the staff member.
If, at the date on which any benefit under the Pension Scheme is awarded, such payments
have not been completed, the balance still due shall be deducted from the benefits to be
paid, where necessary by instalments.
On making his application to credit such service as aforesaid, the staff member shall
be required to consent to the Organisation's having first claim on any capital sums payable
in the event of his death or invalidity or of the termination of his service, to the extent of
any amounts then still outstanding in respect of crediting such service.
In the event of the termination of his service, the staff member or persons entitled under
him may request time not exceeding twelve months in which to make up any amount then
still outstanding, subject to the provisions of sub-paragraphs iii) and iv) above.
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- Non-refund of previous pension payments
Example illustrating the application of Article 5, paragraph 2, last sub-paragraph of the Rules:
(i) First pension paid from age 52 to 54:
T ' x
reduced pursuant to
Article 8.4 of the Rules
(T' = salary used as basis of calculation)
(20 reckonable years of service at 2%)
(ii) Second period paid from age 54 to age 60:
T" x
(T" = salary used as basis of calculation at age 60)
(6 reckonable years of service at 2%) / leaving
Total Pension
90  12 
T 'x
T" x
100 100
i.e. 0.4T’ – 0.04 T’ + 0.12T”
In the final calculation of the total pension, the pension between brackets
T' x
100 100
has now been reduced pursuant to Art. 5.2, not Art. 8.4 of the Rules; the amount as stated in i)
above is reduced to 90%
i.e. 10%
- Termination of service at a lower grade
For the implementation of Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Rules, the calculation shall be made as illustrated below:
On previous termination of service (or at highest point in career before downgrading): 10
years' service, grading on departure, A5/5 = theoretical final salary: 100 = T'
i.e. 10 years' reckonable service.
On final termination of service:
10 years served in second period,
grading on departure, A4/5 = theoretical final salary: 75 = T"
the reckonable service in respect of the second period will thus be reduced in the ratio:
T '
i.e. 7.5 reckonable years.
T ' 100
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Total: 10 + 7. 5 = 17. 5 years' reckonable service.
Total pension will be calculated on the basis of:
T' = 100 x 17. 5 reckonable years of service.
Article 6 - Reckonable years of service
1. The benefits provided for under these Rules shall be calculated by reference to reckonable years of
service consisting of:
i) service calculated in accordance with Articles 4 and 5;
ii) service credited in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 1.
2. Incomplete years of reckonable service shall be taken into account on the basis of one-twelfth of a
year for each whole month of service. For benefit calculation purposes the period remaining shall be treated as
a whole month if it is equal to or more than 15 days.
However, the period remaining shall not be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the 10 years’
service required for entitlement to the retirement pension provided for in Article 7.
3. In the case of part-time work:
i) reckonable years of service shall be calculated in accordance with the ratio between the
working hours corresponding to part-time service and the official number of hours for full-
time work in the Organisation;
ii) however, reckonable years of service shall not be reduced when the staff member authorised
to work part-time has contributed to the pension scheme on the basis of full-time work, by
paying, in addition to his personal contribution to the Pension Scheme for the part
corresponding to his part-time work, a contribution equal to three times the rate of contribution
mentioned in Article 41, paragraph 4, on the difference in salary between his part-time work
and the corresponding full-time work, under the provisions laid down by Instruction.
6.2 - Fractions of a month
Any fraction of less than thirty days remaining after aggregating periods of service shall be treated as a whole
month if it is equal to or more than fifteen days and disregarded if it is less than fifteen days.
6.3 Non reduction of reckonable years of service
A staff member authorised to work part-time may request to contribute to the Pension Scheme on the basis of
full-time work, provided that these periods are not taken into account by another employer for the purposes of
a pension scheme and the amount of the supplementary contribution referred to in Article 6, paragraph 3
ii) is paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 41, paragraph 2. The staff member should make his
request not later than the eighth day following the beginning of the period for which he is authorised to work
part-time. This request shall be final, unless an exceptional derogation is granted by the Secretary / Director
General upon receipt of a duly justified request from the staff member.
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Article 6bis - Part-time service - effects on the calculation of entitlement
1. Where at the time of termination of his service an official was working part-time, the salary taken
into account in calculating his pension entitlement shall be that payable for full-time work at his grade and step
as provided in these Rules.
2. However, when an official terminating his service in the circumstances described in paragraph 1
above had been recruited to serve on a part-time basis, or authorised to work part-time for an indefinite period
or for a fixed-term renewable by tacit agreement and if the provisions of Article 6, paragraph 3 ii) are not
applied, the rate of the invalidity pension provided for in Article 14, paragraph 2, and the minimum and
maximum amounts that apply, shall be set in accordance with the provisions laid down by Instruction.
6 bis.2/1 - Benefit payable to a staff member who has only worked part time
For the purposes of calculating the benefit payable under Article 6 bis, paragraph 2, to a
staff member who has only worked part time, the following shall be reduced by an amount
corresponding to the ratio between the number of hours actually worked and the official
number of hours for full-time work:
the maximum rate of retirement pension provided for under Article 10, paragraph
2 and the maximum amount of retirement pension provided for under Article 10,
paragraph 3;
the rate of invalidity pension under Article 14, paragraph 2, and the minimum
amount of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14, paragraph 4;
the maximum amount of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14,
paragraph 4, and the salary referred to in Article 15;
the minimum amounts of survivor's or reversion pension provided for under
Article 19, paragraph 3;
the minimum amounts of orphan's pension provided for the first beneficiary under
Article 25, paragraphs 3 and 4, as well as the increases provided for under Article 25,
paragraphs 3 and 4, for orphans in respect of the second and every further beneficiary;
the amount of the dependant’s pension provided for under Article 25bis,
paragraph 2;
the ceiling for benefits payable to survivors and orphans as defined in Article 29.
However, when a staff member was recruited by the Organisation for part-time
service, after having worked full time for one of the Organisations listed in Article 1,
he shall be subject to the provisions of Instruction 6bis.2/2 provided he pays over, if
appropriate, the sums specified in Article 5, paragraph 1 or Article 5, paragraph 2, as
the case may be.
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6 bis.2/2 - Benefit payable to a staff member who, at the time of termination of his service, is working
part time for an indefinite period or for a fixed period renewable by tacit agreement, having
previously worked full time
For the purposes of calculating the benefit payable under Article 6bis, paragraph 2 to a
staff member authorised to work part time for an indefinite period or for a fixed period
renewable by tacit agreement, the following shall be reduced in accordance with the ratio
between the number of hours actually worked and the official number of hours for full-time
the rate of invalidity pension under Article 14, paragraph 2, as well as the
minimum amount of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14, paragraph 4,
and, for those periods of part-time service, the maximum amount of invalidity pension
provided for under Article 14, paragraph 4;
the minimum amounts of survivor's or reversion pension provided for under
Article 19, paragraph 3;
the minimum amounts of orphan's pension provided for the first beneficiary under
Article 25, paragraphs 3 and 4, as well as the increases provided for under Article 25,
paragraphs 3 and 4 for the second and every further beneficiary of an orphan's
the amount of the dependant’s pension provided for under Article 25bis,
paragraph 2.
However, when a staff member fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 7 at the date
from which he is authorised to work part time for an indefinite period or for a fixed period
renewable by tacit agreement, the benefit resulting from application of the provisions of
sub-paragraph i) above, may not be less than that to which he or his authorised
representatives would have been entitled had he ceased working for the Organisation at
that date for a reason other than invalidity or death.
Article 7 - Conditions of entitlement
1. A staff member who has completed ten or more years' service, within the meaning of Article 4, in
one or more of the Organisations listed in Article 1, shall be entitled to a retirement pension.
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/1 - Service for the purposes of Article 4
For the purposes of Article 4, service as a staff member in one or more of the Organisations referred to in
Article 1 shall be:
- periods served prior to 1 July 1974, which have been credited, and for which the corresponding
cost has been paid, under Article 44;
- periods served after 1 July 1974, in respect of which the staff member's contributions to the
Pension Scheme have been paid in accordance with Article 5, paragraphs 1 i) and 5;
- periods referred to in Article 16, paragraph 3, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4.
7.1/2 - Part-time service
Without prejudice to Article 6, paragraph 3 i), periods of part-time service shall be considered periods of
full-time service within the meaning of Article 7.
Article 8 - Age of entitlement, deferred pension and early pension
1. A staff member shall become eligible for a retirement pension at the age of 60.
2. Pension rights shall continue to accrue to a staff member continuing to be employed after pensionable
age, but his pension shall not exceed the maximum amount laid down in Article 10, paragraph 2.
3. If a staff member ceases his functions before pensionable age, payment of his retirement pension
shall be deferred until he reaches that age.
4. However, a staff member who retires before pensionable age may request early payment of his
pension provided he is at least 50 years old.
In such a case, the amount of the retirement pension shall be reduced by reference to the age of the
staff member when payment of his pension begins, as shown in the table below.
Age when payment of
pension begins
Ratio of pension on early
retirement to pension at 60
Last update: September 2020
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8.4 - Method of reducing pension - Early pension
Early retirement pension shall be calculated as follows:
if the pension that would be due with no reduction at age 60 is lower than the minimum rate
prescribed in Article 10, paragraph 3, it shall be brought up to that minimum rate and the
reduction provided for in Article 8, paragraph 4 shall then be applied to it;
if the pension that would be due with no reduction at age 60 is higher than the aforesaid
minimum rate, the reduction shall be applied to it even if the result is lower than that minimum.
The reductions provided for in Article 8, paragraph 4 shall be applied by reference to
whole years, no account being taken of months.
Family allowances shall be paid and calculated in accordance with the provisions of the
Instructions of Article 28.
Under the conditions laid down in Article 8 and in this Instruction, an early pension may
be requested at any time between age 50 and 60, once the staff member's service has
terminated. Such requests must be in writing, and dated.
Subject to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 2, payments shall begin, irrevocably, on
the first of the month following the date on which the request was made.
Article 9 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. Entitlement to payment of a retirement pension shall commence on the first day of the month
following that in which the person concerned became eligible for payment of the pension and requested it.
Except in cases of force majeure, such request shall not have a retroactive effect.
2. Entitlement shall cease at the end of the month in which the person receiving the pension dies.
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Article 10 - Rate of pension
1. The amount of the retirement pension shall be, per reckonable year of service within the meaning of
Article 6, 2% of the salary corresponding to the last grade held by the staff member for not less than one year
before cessation of his appointment and the last step held in that grade.
2. The maximum rate of the pension shall be 70% of this salary, subject to the provisions of paragraph
3 below.
3. The amount of the retirement pension shall not be less than 4% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, per
reckonable year of service credited pursuant to Article 6; it may not, however, exceed the staff member's last
salary as defined in Article 3.
10.3/1 - Part-time service
The minimum rate of the retirement pension shall be calculated on reckonable years' service, to be taken into
account where applicable in fractions corresponding to any part-time service in accordance with Article 6,
paragraph 3 i); this minimum shall therefore be equal to 4% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, per reckonable
year of service thus credited.
10.3/2 Termination of service at a lower grade
In cases where Article 5, paragraph 3 is applied, the minimum rate of the retirement pension shall be equal to
4% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, per reckonable year of service, without any reduction.
Article 11 Leaving allowance
1. A staff member whose service terminates otherwise than by reason of death or invalidity and who is
not entitled to a retirement pension nor to the benefit of the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 2, shall be
entitled on leaving to a payment of:
the aggregate amount deducted from his salary in respect of his pension contribution, together
with compound interest at the rate of 4% per annum;
an allowance equal to one month and a half of his last salary multiplied by the number of
reckonable years of service credited within the meaning of Article 6(*);
one-third of the amounts paid to the Organisation under the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 1,
together with compound interest at the rate of 4% per annum. Should, however, the whole of these
amounts have to be refunded to his previous employer, the reckonable years of service
corresponding to those amounts shall be disregarded in the calculation of the leaving allowance.
2. Termination of service shall be defined by each Organisation (**).
(*) Refer to Article 33, paragraph 7.
(**) See OECD Staff rule 17/2.1 ter.
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11.1 /1 - Refund of personal contributions
For the purpose of the refund of any personal contributions which at the time of their
payment were calculated on the basis of a scale other than that of the last country of service,
the amounts involved shall be converted at the rate of exchange applicable in the Organisation
at the date of the refund.
However, the staff member may request that the said personal contributions be refunded in
the currency or currencies of the above-mentioned scale.
The refund of the said contributions shall be calculated at the rate of 4% per annum up to
the last day of the month preceding the actual payment.
11.1 /2 - Staff member whose service terminates at the end of a period of unpaid leave
When final termination of service occurs at the end of a period of unpaid leave during which no contributions
were made to the Pension Scheme, the amounts stipulated in Article 11 shall, notwithstanding Instruction 11.1/1
ii), be calculated on the basis of rights acquired and salary at the date of commencement of that period, without
any subsequent adjustment or interest.
Last update: November 2006
11.2 Compulsory repayment of the leaving allowance
A staff member who has received a leaving allowance as provided in Article 11, paragraph 1, but whose service
has not terminated according to Article 11, paragraph 2, shall repay the whole leaving allowance received upon
his previous appointment, in accordance with the provisions laid down in instruction 5.1 sub-paragraphs iv) to
vii). The time limit for application set out in instruction 5.1 i) shall not apply.
Last update: January 2020
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Article 12 Inward and outward transfer of pension rights
1. A staff member who enters the service of the Organisation after leaving the service ofa government
administration or national organisation, or international organisation not listed in Article 1, paragraph 1 or
a firm, may arrange for payment to the Organisation in accordance with the provisions laid down by Instruction,
of any amounts corresponding to the retirement pension rights accrued under the pension scheme to which he
was previously affiliated in so far as that scheme allows such a transfer.
In such cases, the Organisation shall determine, by reference to the provisions laid down by Instruction, the
number of years of reckonable service with which the staff member shall be credited under its own pension
2. A staff member who leaves the service of the Organisation to enter the service of a government
administration or national organisation, or international organisation, not listed in Article 1, paragraph 1, which
has entered into an agreement (*) with the Organisation, shall be entitled to transfer to the pension fund of that
administration or organisation:
either the actuarial equivalent of his retirement pension rights accrued under these Rules, such
equivalent being calculated in accordance with the provisions laid down by Instruction;
or, in the absence of such rights, the amounts provided under Article 11.
3. If, as a result of a staff member's transfer from one Organisation listed in Article 1 to another, the
leaving allowance is paid by an Organisation other than that which received the amounts referred to in
paragraph 1 above, Article 11, paragraph 1 iii) shall apply as if the Organisation responsible for paying the
leaving allowance had received the amounts referred to.
(*) The list of Organisations/administrations who have signed an agreement for transferring pension rights
with the OECD:
The World Trade Organization (WTO) (entry into force07.06.2002);
The European Patent Office (EPO) (entry into force 17.06.2005);
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) (entry into force 01.01.2007);
The European Central Bank (ECB) (entry into force 01.01.2007);
Greece (entry into force 11.12.2007);
The European Union (entry into force 01.11.2008);
The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) (entry into force
Belgium (entry into force 01.12.2009);
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (entry into force 01.06.2012);
Netherlands (entry into force 06.03.2012);
European Investment Bank (entry into force 01.11.2015).
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12.1 - Inward transfer of previously accrued rights
Previous periods of affiliation to a pension scheme
Reckonable years of service shall be credited pursuant to Article 12,
paragraph 1, subject to the conditions set out in this Instruction, in respect
of a period of affiliation to the last pension scheme prior to appointment in
the Organisation. Such affiliation may cover periods served in several
administrations, organisations or firms, on condition that all these rights
have been taken into account by the pension scheme of the last
administration, organisation or firm before appointment in the
An amount shall be taken into account under this Instruction only if it has
been certified by the previous pension scheme as being the amount of the
actuarial equivalent of retirement pension rights or a capital payment in
respect of rights to a pension or rights under a provident scheme (excluding
compensation for dismissal or a leaving gratuity), and it must represent the
total amounts paid to the staff member by the previous pension scheme in
question. The "total amounts paid" shall be taken to mean the amounts
representing the total rights transferable to the Organisation. Staff members
shall not be entitled to transfer only part of their accrued rights where that
part is not equal to the transferable maximum.
Amounts taken into account
For the purpose of calculating the reckonable years of service credited under
Article 12, paragraph 1, the amounts indicated in sub-paragraph i)
b) above shall be taken into account, as calculated by the previous pension
scheme - as a capital sum, and with interest where applicable - as at the date
on which they are paid to the Organisation
; any conversion into the
currency of the salary paid by the Organisation shall be made at the rate of
exchange in force on that date
Calculation of reckonable years of service
The number of reckonable years of service to be credited under Article 12,
paragraph 1, shall be calculated on the basis of the table annexed to this
Instruction, by dividing the amounts taken into account under sub-paragraph
ii) above by the coefficient corresponding to the age of the staff member as at
the date of payments of the amounts, and then by dividing the resultant amount
by the theoretical value of a reckonable year of service (2% of the annual basic
salary per reckonable year of service), established on the basis of the salary
corresponding to the staff member's grade and step as at the date of payment of
the amounts.
Maximum number of reckonable years of service
Taking such reckonable years of service into account shall not have the effect of
bringing the total pension up to more than the maximum rates prescribed in
Article 10.
The accrued rights are invariably rights which are not yet due or the actuarial equivalent thereof.
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Time limits for application and revocation
Failing any special provisions in a reciprocal transfer agreement entered into
by the Organisation, application for the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph
ii) above to be taken into account by the Organisation shall be made in writing:
either within 6 months from the date of notification of confirmation of
appointment after the probationary period;
or within twelve months from the date on which the previous pension scheme
allowed such transfers;
as a transitional measure by 31.12.1978 in the case of staff in post before
The application to transfer pension rights may be revoked by the staff member
at any time before the payments provided for in sub-paragraph ii) above have
been made in accordance with sub-paragraph vi) below.
The application to transfer pension rights shall be null and void if thepayments
provided for in sub-paragraph ii) above have not been made at the time of the
staff member’s termination of service.
Time limit for payment
Payment of the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph ii) above shall be made:
within three months after the expiry of the time limit prescribed in sub-
paragraph v) above, if the person concerned has actually received such amounts
from his previous employer;
on receipt of such amounts from the previous employer in other cases.
Payment to the Organisation shall be made in the currency -or its equivalent
value at the rate of exchange in force on the date of actual payment to the
Organisation -in which the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph ii) above have
been or will effectively be paid by the previous pension scheme.
Outward transfer to a subsequent pension scheme
Pursuant to Articles 11, paragraph 1 iii), and 12, paragraphs 2 and 3, the
amounts paid to the Organisation under this Instruction and later refunded
wholly or partly to a staff member who has not completed at least 10 years of
service within the meaning of Article 4, shall be increased from the time of their
payment to the Organisation by compound interest of 4% a year to be paid by
the Organisation responsible for paying the leaving allowance.
Last update: November 2010
(*) This request shall be submitted before the request for the payment of a pension.
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12.2 - Transfer of pension rights to an outside scheme
viii) Time limit for application
Application for transfer of pension rights under Article 12, paragraph 2
must be made by the staff member to the Organisation in which his service
has terminated, within six months after his definitive appointment by the new
administration or organisation referred to in Article 12, paragraph2.
If the Organisation is unable to conclude with the new administration or
organisation referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2, an agreement for such
transfer on terms which it considers satisfactory, it shall confine itself to
making immediate payment of the amounts referred to in Article 11,
paragraph 1, or to immediate or deferred payment of a retirementpension.
ix) Conditions as to transfer
The amounts referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2 may be transferred only to
the pension fund of the administration or organisation referred to in Article 12,
paragraph 2, that is to say, to the statutory or contractual pension scheme in
force in that administration or organisation.
x) Calculation of amounts to be transferred
The actuarial equivalent of the retirement pension rights referred to in Article
12, paragraph 2 shall be calculated on the basis of the table annexed to this
Instruction, the annual pension acquired in the Organisation (2% of the annual
basic salary per reckonable year of service), established on the basis of the
salary scale in force at the date on which the staff member ceases his functions
- being multiplied by the coefficient corresponding to the age of the staff member
at that date.
Last update: January 2020
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ANNEX TO INSTRUCTIONS 12.1 iii) AND 12.2 iii)
Table established on the basis of the assumptions used to determine the cost of the scheme at 31 December 2019.
Last update: September 2020
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Article 13 Conditions of entitlement - Invalidity board
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 2, an invalidity pension shall be payable to a staff member who
is under the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations and who, at any time during the period in which
pension rights are accruing to him, is recognised by the Invalidity Board defined below to be suffering from
permanent invalidity which totally prevents him from performing his job or any duties proposed to him by the
Organisation corresponding to his experience and qualifications.
2. The Invalidity Board shall consist of three medical practitioners, the first two being appointed by the
Organisation and the staff member, respectively, and the third one selected jointly by the first two. Cases shall
be submitted to it by the Organisation either on its own initiative or at the request of the staff member
13/1 - Transitional arrangements
Staff members who were already receiving invalidity benefit in respect of total permanent incapacity
and who have subsequently opted to join the Pension Scheme under Article 44 or 49, shall not be
required to undergo a further examination by the Invalidity Board under Article 13, but shall submit
to the medical examinations referred to in Article 16.
13/2 - Period of non-activity
The invalidity pension shall not be payable if it results from an illness or accident occurring
during unpaid leave or a period of non-active status which did not give rise to contributions
to the Pension Scheme (leave for personal reasons, militaryservice).
On the other hand, it shall be payable if the events mentioned above occur during a period
of non-active status which follows a period of sick leave, and during which the staff member
is in receipt of an allowance for temporary incapacity; in such event, he shall continue to pay
contributions to the Pension Scheme in accordance with Instruction 4.1/1 iii). The same
shall apply to any periods of unpaid leave provided for under Instruction 4.1/1 iv).
Last update: November 2006
13/3 - Invalidity Board
Tasks of the Invalidity Board
Subject to the provisions of Article 2, the tasks of the Invalidity Board are:
to ascertain whether a staff member is suffering from invalidity within the meaning of
Article 13, paragraph 1.
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when an incident is recognised by the Organisation as falling within the scope of Article
14, paragraph 2 (work accident, occupational disease or public-spirited act), to decide to
what extent the staff member's invalidity is the result thereof ;
to decide whether, following an examination under Article 16, the former staff member no
longer fulfils the conditions for entitlement to an invalidity pension.
Secretariat of the Invalidity Board
The Organisation shall appoint a staff member as secretary of the Invalidity Board.
Secretariat services may also be provided by the Organisation's medical adviser, who shall
be given any administrative assistance he requires.
Convocation and composition of the Invalidity Board
When the Invalidity Board is to be convened at the staff member's request, the request
shall be addressed to the Head of Personnel
responsible for him: it must include his formal
application to be declared a permanent total invalid, and give the name of the medical
practitioner who is to represent the staff member on the Invalidity Board. The request may be
accompanied by a medical file, under separate confidential cover, for the attention of the
Organisation's medical adviser.
Upon receipt of this request the Head of Personnel shall forward it to the Organisation's
medical adviser with a request to contact the medical practitioner nominated by the staff
member. The staff member must ask his medical practitioner to forward to the Organisation's
medical adviser all medical evidence in support of his application.
Within 30 calendar days following receipt of the staff member's request, the Head of Personnel
shall inform the medical practitioner nominated by the staff member of the name of the
medical practitioner who will represent the Organisation on the Invalidity Board.
When the Invalidity Board is to be convened at the request of the Organisation, the Head
of Personnel shall notify the staff member accordingly and ask him to make his observations,
if any, and to nominate a medical practitioner to represent him on the Board, within 30
calendar days following receipt of the said notification.
This notification shall also state the name of the medical practitioner who will represent the
Organisation on the Invalidity Board.
The Head of Personnel shall ask the staff member to forward all medical documents
concerning him to the medical practitioner representing the Organisation.
(*) For the OECD, the titles "Head of Personnel" and "Personnel Division" contained in this annex refer
respectively to "Head of Human Resource Management" and "Human Resource Management
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If one of the parties has not nominated a medical practitioner to represent it on the
Invalidity Board within the prescribed time - limit, the other party shall ask the Chairman of
the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal of the Organisation to appoint such a medical
practitioner as soon as possible. He may, for this purpose, consult a list drawn upby:
-- a national judicial body, or
-- the Medical Council, or
-- failing this, another national body of the staff member's duty station or home country.
The third medical practitioner shall be selected by the other two within 30 calendar days
at the most following notification of their names to the parties; failing agreement on this
nomination within the prescribed time, the Chairman of the Appeals Board/ Administrative
Tribunal shall nominate, at the request of either party, this third medical practitioner in
accordance with the procedure set out in the above sub-paragraph.
Last update: November 2007
Meeting of the Invalidity Board
The Invalidity Board shall meet at the latest within 60 calendar days following the appointment of
the third medical practitioner.
The Invalidity Board shall have at its disposal:
an administrative file submitted by the Head of Personnel containing, in particular, an indication of the post
occupied by the staff member in the Organisation together with a description of his duties and of any duties
proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to his experience and qualifications, so that the Board can
give its opinion as to whether the staff member is incapable of carrying out those duties. This file shall also
specify whether the application to be declared an invalid is likely to fall within the scope of Article 14, paragraph
Before being forwarded to the Invalidity Board, the foregoing particulars shall be
communicated to the staff member by the Head of Personnel for his written comments, if any,
to be sent by him to the Personnel Division within 15 calendar days following their receipt.
a medical file containing the report presented by the medical representative of the party -
the Organisation or the staff member - that has asked for the Board to be convened, and, if
appropriate, the medical report presented by the other party, as well as any reports or
certificates from the staff member's medical practitioner or from practitioners whom the
parties have consulted. This medical file shall also contain details of the length of absences of
the staff member concerned which have provided grounds for the Board to be convened, as
well as the nature of the disability on which the Board is asked to give aruling.
All these reports, documents and certificates must be communicated to the three medical
The proceedings of the Invalidity Board shall be secret. The Board may ask to hear the staff
member concerned. It may also ask him to undergo an additional medical examination by a
medical practitioner appointed by the Board.
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The cost of the meeting of the Invalidity Board shall be met by the Organisation.
The Organisation shall bear the fees and the travel expenses - the latter calculated according to
the rules applicable to staff members - of the medical practitioner representing the staff member
only when this practitioner lives in the country of the staff member's last duty station, his home
country if he is living there at the time of the establishment of the lasting nature of his disability,
or in the country of residence of the former staff member concerned.
The findings of the Invalidity Board shall be determined by a majority vote. They shall be final
except in the case of obvious factual errors.
Last update: November 2007
Findings under Article 13, paragraph 1 or Article 14, paragraph 2
The findings of the Invalidity Board shall state:
- whether or not the staff member suffers from permanent invalidity which totally prevents him
from performing his duties or any duties proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to
his experience and qualifications.
- whether the invalidity results from an incident recognised by the Organisation as falling within
the scope of Article 14, paragraph 2 (work accident, occupational disease or public- spirited act)
- the date on which the disability became lasting; this date may be prior to the date of the meeting
of the Invalidity Board.
Findings under Article 16
Where the Board meets under Article 16, the findings of the Board shall state:
whether the former staff member is incapable of performing the duties attaching to his former
post or any duties proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to his experience and
qualifications; or,
whether it has been found that the former staff member is no longer an invalid.
13/4 - Decision of the Secretary/Director-General
Decision under Article 13, paragraph 1, or Article 14, paragraph 2
In accordance with the findings of the Invalidity Board and without prejudice to the competence
of the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal, the Secretary/Director-General of the
Organisation shall decide either:
to grant to the staff member concerned an invalidity pension under Article 13, paragraph 1, or
Article 14, paragraph 2; this decision shall specify the date on which the pension takes effect; or,
not to recognise the staff member as an invalid within the meaning of the Rules.
Last update: November 2007
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Decision under Article 16
In accordance with the findings of the Invalidity Board and without prejudice to the competence
of the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal, the Secretary/Director-General of the
Organisation shall decide either: a) to continue payment of the invalidity pension to the former
staff member; or
b) no longer to recognise the staff member as an invalid within the meaning of the Rules and to
terminate such payment, at a date which may not be prior to the meeting of the Board, in
accordance with the conditions provided for in Instruction 16/3.
Last update: November 2007
Obvious factual error
In the event of an obvious factual error, the Secretary/ Director-General shall again refer the
case to the Invalidity Board.
Notification of the decision of the Secretary/Director-General
Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the findings of the Invalidity Board, the
Secretary/Director-General shall notify his decision in writing, together with the findings of the
Invalidity Board, to the staff member or former staff member.
Article 14 Rate of pension
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 3, the invalidity pension shall be equal to the
retirement pension to which the staff member would have been entitled at the age limit laid down in the Staff
Regulations if he had continued to serve until that age and without the need for a minimum of ten years' service
under Article 7.
2. However, where the invalidity arises from an accident in the course of the performance of his duties,
from an occupational disease, from a public-spirited act or from risking his life to save another human being,
the invalidity pension shall be 70 per cent of salary. In the event of invalidity resulting from a cause other than
these, the invalidity pension provided for in this paragraph may not be less than the invalidity pension which
would be payable under paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The salary used as a basis for the calculation of the invalidity pension referred to in paragraphs 1 and
2 above shall be the salary for the grade and step held by the staff member in accordance with the scales in force
at the date laid down in Article 17, paragraph 1.
4. The invalidity pension shall not be less than 120 per cent of the salary for grade C1, step 1, but may
not be more than the last salary, such salaries being those which appear in the scales in force at the date laid
down in Article 17, paragraph 1, subject to any adjustments provided for under Article 36.
5. In the case of invalidity deliberately brought about by the staff member, the Organisation shall decide
whether he should receive an invalidity pension or only a retirement pension or a leaving allowance, depending
on his length of effective service.
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14.1 - Part-time Service
Where a staff member working part time is found to be suffering from invalidity and the provisions of Article
6, paragraph 3 ii) are not applied, the period subsequent to the date on which he is recognised as unfit for
service shall, for the purposes of calculating the invalidity pension provided for under Article 14, paragraph
1, be counted as a period of part-time work in the cases referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 6bis.
14.2 - Work accident and occupational disease
For the purposes of Article 14, paragraph 2, reference shall be made to the Rules applicable in the
Organisation for the definition of the risks of work accident and occupational disease.
Article 15 Earnings rule
1. Where a person in receipt of an invalidity pension is nevertheless gainfully employed, this pension
shall be reduced by the amount by which his pension together with the remuneration he receives for the said
employment exceeds the salary for the highest step in the grade he held at the time of his recognition as unfit
for service.
2. This reduction shall apply only up to the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations.
15.1 - Double entitlement to an invalidity pension and other income
By gainful employment under Article 15 is meant any employment outside the Co-
ordinated Organisations, as well as employment pursued therein, including as temporary,
auxiliary or local official personnel or as an "employee", and also as an expert in receipt of
A person in receipt of an invalidity pension shall immediately notify the organisation which
pays the pension of any gainful, non-occasional employment; in addition, he shall inform that
organisation of the total amount of remuneration he received during the preceding calendar
year, the reduction referred to in Article 15 thus being calculated on a monthly basis.
Express mention of this obligation shall be made in the decision notifying the award of an
invalidity pension.
Last update: December 2012
Article 16 Medical examination Termination of pension
1. While a person drawing an invalidity pension is still under the age limit laid down in the Staff
Regulations, the Organisation may have him medically examined periodically to ascertain that he still satisfies
the conditions for entitlement to such pension, in particular having regard to any new duties corresponding to
his experience and qualifications which may have been proposed to him by the Organisation.
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2. When a person drawing an invalidity pension who has not reached the said age limit ceases to satisfy
the conditions for entitlement to the invalidity pension, the Organisation shall terminate that pension.
3. The time during which the person concerned has drawn his invalidity pension shall then be reckoned,
without payment of back contributions, for the calculation of the leaving allowance or retirement pension, as
the case may be.
16/1 - Suspension of Invalidity Pension
If the recipient of an invalidity pension fails to submit to medical examination as prescribed by the
Organisation, payment of the invalidity pension may be suspended.
16/2 - Medical Examination and new Invalidity Board
The periodical medical examinations required under Article 16 shall normally take place at the place
of residence of the person concerned, unless the Organisation requires otherwise or it is
impracticable to have the person concerned examined at his place of residence.
Such examinations shall be carried out by a medical practitioner chosen by the Organisation; the
latter shall bear the cost thereof, including travelling expenses of the person concerned if exceeding
50 km from his home Should the medical practitioner chosen by the Organisation report that the staff
member no longer satisfies the conditions of entitlement to an invalidity pension, notably having
regard to any new duties proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to his experience and
qualifications, an Invalidity Board shall be convened in accordance with the provisions of Article 13
and its implementing Instructions.
16/3 - Cessation of Entitlement to an Invalidity Pension
Where the Invalidity Board, in application of Article 16, paragraph 2, declares that the person
concerned who is still under the age limit has ceased to satisfy the conditions of entitlement to an
invalidity pension, the payment of that pension shall be terminated; if the person concerned does not
resume work in the Organisation, he shall receive either a leaving allowance based on his years of
service and years of invalidity where the total is less than 10 years, or a deferred or early retirement
16/4 - Re-entitlement to an Invalidity Pension
Where the person concerned is entitled to a deferred or early pension and subsequently suffers a
relapse, while still under the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations, resulting from the same
condition as that which had entitled him to the previous invalidity pension, the Invalidity Board,
convened at the staff member’s request in accordance with instruction 13/3, shall declare that he once
again effectively fulfils the conditions required under Article 13, paragraph 1, insofar as he is not
receiving for that same condition an invalidity benefit or pension borne by another scheme.
Last update: November 2007
Article 17 Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. Entitlement to an invalidity pension shall commence on the first day of the month following the date
of the beginning of the invalidity as recognised by the Invalidity Board.
2. Subject to application of Article 16, paragraph 2:
i) the invalidity pension payable under Article 14, paragraph 2 shall be paid for life;
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ii) in other cases, entitlement to an invalidity pension shall terminate:
either at the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations;
or at the end of the month in which the recipient of such a pension dies.
Where the invalidity pension terminates because the person concerned has reached the age limit laid down in
the Staff Regulations, he shall, notwithstanding the ten-year minimum requirement provided for in Article 7,
be entitled to a retirement pension calculated as follows:
reckonable years of service shall be calculated as if he had remained in service until the age limit laid down in the
Staff Regulations;
the reference salary shall be that of his grade and step at the time of his being recognised an invalid, updated in
accordance with Article 36.
3. Invalidity pensions assessed before December 1
, 2002, whatever the cause of the invalidity, shall be
paid for life.
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Article 18 Conditions of entitlement
1. The surviving spouse* of a staff member who died in service shall be entitled to a survivor's pension,
provided they had been married to each other for at least one year at the time of the staff member’s death,
unless the death resulted either from disablement or illness contracted in the performance of his duties, or from
an accident.
2. A reversion pension shall be payable to the survivingspouse:
i) of a former staff member drawing an invalidity pension, if they were married to each other for at
least one year at the time of his being recognised an invalid; this condition of anteriority shall not apply
if the marriage had existed for at least five years at the time of his death, or if the death resulted either
from disablement or illness contracted in the performance of his duties, or from an accident;
ii) of a former staff member drawing a retirement pension, if they had been married to each other for
at least one year at the time when the former staff member’s appointment ceased; this condition of
anteriority shall not apply if the marriage had existed for at least five years at the time of the former staff
member’s death; or
iii) of a former staff member entitled to a deferred pension, if they had been married to each other for
at least one year at the time when the former staff member’s appointment ceased; this condition of
anteriority shall not apply if the marriage had existed for at least five years at the time of his death.
3. The above-prescribed conditions of anteriority or minimum duration of marriage shall not apply where
there are one or more children of the marriage or of a marriage of the staff member contracted prior to the
cessation of his appointment, inasmuch as the non-remarried surviving spouse is providing for their needs; in
such case, the survivor's or reversion pension shall be payable under the derogation provided for in the present
paragraph, for so long as the children are actually being so provided for.
When they are no longer being so provided for, the survivor's or reversion pension shall nonetheless
continue to be payable for so long as the surviving spouse does not have an income of his own from the exercise
of any occupation, or from any retirement pension or other survivor's or reversion pension, equal to at least the
amount of the survivor's or reversion pension from the Organisation.
4. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall be subject to the provisions of Article 2.
Last update: December 2012
Wherever it occurs in these Rules, the expression “surviving spouse” applies indifferently to the wife or husband of the
deceased staff member.
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18.1 - Staff Member dying during leave granted for personal reasons
When a staff member who has completed at least 10 years’ service within the meaning of
Article 4 dies during a period of leave in respect of which no contributions were made to the
Pension Scheme, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to:
the survivor's pension under Article 19, paragraph 1 ii), the minimum and maximum
amounts of such pension being in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of the same Article;
and, where appropriate, the benefits specified in Article 28.
In addition, any orphans and/or dependants shall be entitled to the benefits specified in
Articles 25 and 25bis.
Where the deceased staff member had not completed ten years of service conferring
entitlement, as defined in Article 4, the amounts provided for in Article 11 shall be paid to his
estate; such amounts shall be calculated on the basis of rights acquired and salary at the date
of termination of the period in respect of which contributions to the Pension Scheme were
payable, without any subsequent adjustment or interest.
Last update: November 2006
Article 19 Rate of pension
1. The survivor’s or reversion pensions shall be 60% of:
i) the retirement pension that would have been payable to the staff member, had he not died in
service, on the basis of his reckonable service credited up to the time of his death, without the
need for a minimum of ten years’ service under the provisions of Article 7;
ii) the deferred retirement pension that would have been paid to the former staff member at the age
of sixty;
iii) the invalidity pension, updated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36, that was actually
being paid to the staff member at the time of his death, no account being taken of reductions under
Article 15;
iv) the retirement pension, updated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36, that was actually
being paid to the staff member at the time of his death, no account being taken of any reductions
under Article 8, paragraph 4.
2. Where a staff member has died as a result of an accident in the course of the performance of his
duties, from an occupational disease, from a public-spirited act or from risking his life to save another human
being, the survivor's pension shall be 60 per cent of the invalidity pension to which the staff member would
have been entitled under Article 14, paragraph 2 had he survived.
3. The survivor's or reversion pension shall not be less than 35 per cent of the staff member's last salary;
nor shall it be less than the salary for Grade C1, step 1. Said pensions shall be updated in accordance with the
provisions of Article 36.
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4. However, the reversion pension shall not exceed the amount of the former staff member’s own
pension in the cases covered by paragraph 1 ii), iii) and iv) above, nor the amount of the pension to which the
former staff member would have been entitled had he reached the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations
at the time of his death.
Last update: November 2006
Article 20 Reduction for difference in age
1. Where the difference in age between the deceased staff member or former staff member and his
younger surviving spouse and/or former spouse, less the length of time they have been married, is more than
ten years, the survivor's or reversion pension, calculated in accordance with the preceding provisions, shall be
subject to a reduction, per year of difference, amounting to:
1 % for the years between 10 and 20;
2 % for the years 20 up to but not including 25;
3 % for the years 25 up to but not including 30;
4 % for the years 30 up to but not including 35;
5 % for the years from 35 upwards.
20.1 Calculation of the reduction for difference in age
The result in years of the difference in age between the deceased staff member or former staff member and his
younger surviving spouse and/or former spouse, less the length of time they have been married, shall be
rounded down to the nearest whole number.
The initial 1 % reduction shall apply for a period of 9 years following 10 complete years, i.e. from the eleventh
to the nineteenth year inclusive, as illustrated in the example below:
Difference in age: 29 years and 6 months;
Length of marriage: 8 years and 7 months;
Duration taken into account for the calculation of the reduction: 20 years and 11 months, rounded down to 20 years.
Calculation of the reduction:
1 % for the years between 10 and 20 = 9 x 1 % = 9 % ;
2 % for the years 20 up to but not including 25 = 1 x 2 % = 2 % ;
Reduction = 9 % + 2 % = 11 %.
Last update: January 2020
Article 21 Remarriage
1. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall cease on remarriage. The surviving spouse or ex-
spouse shall be entitled to immediate payment of a capital sum equal to twice the annual amount of the pension,
if there are no dependent children to whom the provisions of Article 25, paragraph 4 apply.
2. The capital sum paid to the ex-spouse shall not be more than the amount to which he could still be
entitled under Article 22, paragraph 1.
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Last update: December 2012
21.1 Payment of the capital sum
The capital sum provided for under Article 21, paragraph 1 shall be calculated with reference to the
basic salary scale applicable at the date of remarriage, and paid to the recipient.
Article 22 Rights of a former spouse
1. The non-remarried former spouse of a staff member or former staff member shall, on the latter's death,
be entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension, provided that and for as long as the staff member or former staff
member was, at the time of his death and by virtue of a court decision which had become final and binding,
under an obligation to pay maintenance or compensation to the former spouse in a personal capacity; but the
survivor's or reversion pension shall not exceed the amount of suchpayment.
This entitlement shall not arise if the former spouse remarried before the staff member or former staff member
died. If remarriage takes place after the staff member's or former staff member’s death and while the conditions
laid down in the sub-paragraph above are still fulfilled, the provisions of Article 21 shall apply.
2. Where a staff member or former staff member dies leaving both a spouse entitled to a survivor's or
reversion pension and a non-remarried former spouse fulfilling the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 above,
the whole of the survivor's or reversion pension shall be divided between the before-mentioned persons in
proportion to the duration of their marriages.
The amount to which a non-remarried former spouse is entitled shall however not be more than the amount of
the maintenance or compensation payable at the time of the death of the staff member or former staff member.
3. Where one of the persons entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension renounces his share, ceases to
satisfy the conditions for entitlement or forfeits his rights under Article 35, or where the amount of his pension
has been restricted under the terms of the second sub-paragraph of paragraph 2 above, his share shall accrue to
the share of the other person, except where pension rights revert to orphans, as provided under Article 25,
paragraph 3, last sub-paragraph. In such a case, the restriction laid down in the second sub- paragraph 2 above
shall apply.
4. Reductions in respect of difference in age as provided for in Article 20 shall be applied separately to
survivors' and reversion pensions calculated in accordance with the present Article.
Last update: January 2020
22.1 Rights of a non-remarried former spouse
The maintenance or compensation payments referred to in Article 22, paragraph 1 shall,
where appropriate, be converted into the currency of the scale applicable to the country of the
staff member's or former staff member's last posting or, in cases to which Article 33,
paragraph 2 applies, of the scale for which an option has been exercised by the former staff
member prior to his decease, by applying the rate of exchange used in the relevant
Organisation at the date the latter’s pension was assessed;
the maintenance or compensation payments referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph
shall be subject to the same adjustments as those actually applied to the basic salary
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corresponding to the grade and step used to calculate the survivor's or reversion pension
provided for under Article 19.
Failing a final and binding court decision, the non-remarried former spouse shall be
entitled to a survivor’s or reversion pension by virtue of an officially registered settlement in
force between the former spouses.
Last update: January 2020
Article 23 Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall commence from the first day of the month
following that in which the staff member or former staff member died. If the salary of a staff member who died
in service continues to be paid to a surviving spouse or former spouse, directly and in full, under the Staff
Regulations and Rules of the Organisation, payment of the pension shall be deferred accordingly.
2. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall cease at the end of the month in which the
recipient of the pension dies or ceases to satisfy the conditions for entitlement to that pension.
Article 24 Incapacitated widower
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Article 25 Rate of orphan’s pension
1. Where a staff member or former staff member drawing a retirement or invalidity pension or entitled
to a deferred pension dies, his children shall be entitled to an orphan’s pension if they fulfil the conditions laid
down in paragraph 2.
2. The legitimate, natural or adopted children of a staff member or former staff member who has died
shall be entitled to an orphan’s pension:
i) When the deceased or his household provided their main and continuing support at the time of
death; and
ii) When they satisfy the conditions of age, education or handicap required for the granting of the
allowance for a dependent child.
The legitimate or natural children of a deceased staff member or former staff member who were
born not more than 300 days after his death shall also be entitled to an orphan’s pension.
3. Where there are one or more persons entitled to a survivor’s or reversion pension, the amount of the
orphan’s pension shall correspond to the higher of the following amounts:
i) 40% of the survivor's or reversion pension, no account being taken of reductions pursuant to
Article 20; or
ii) 50% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, according to the scale in force when the former staff
member's pension was assessed, this amount being updated in accordance with the provisions of
Article 36, or, if he was not drawing a retirement or invalidity pension, according to the scale in
force at the time of death.
The orphan’s pension shall be increased, in respect of the second and every further beneficiary, by
an amount equal to the allowance for a dependent child.
The orphan’s pension shall be brought up to the level provided for in paragraph 4 in the event of
the beneficiaries of a survivor’s or reversion pension remarrying or losing the right to that pension.
4. Where there are no beneficiaries of a survivor’s or reversion pension, the orphan’s pension shall
correspond to the higher of the following amounts:
i) 80% of the survivor’s or reversion pension, no account being taken of reductions pursuant to Article
20; or
ii) 100% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, according to the scale in force when the former staff
member’s pension was assessed, this amount being updated in accordance with the provisions of
Article 36, or, if he was not drawing a retirement or invalidity pension, according to the scale in
force at the time of death.
The orphan’s pension shall be increased, in respect of the second and every further beneficiary, by
an amount equal to twice the allowance for a dependent child.
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5. The total amount of the orphan’s pension shall be divided equally among all the orphans.
25.3 - Rate of pension for orphans dependent on a non-remarried former spouse
Subject, where appropriate, to the provisions of Instructions 27.1/1 and 27.1/2, the provisions of
Article 25, paragraph 3 shall apply where a staff member or former staff member dies leaving a non-
remarried former spouse entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension under Article 22. In such a case,
the orphan's pension shall be fixed without having regard to the reductions provided for in Articles
20 and 22.
25.4 - Rate of pension for orphans belonging to another family group
Subject to the provisions of Instructions 27/1.1 and 27/2.1, the provisions of Article 25, paragraph 4
shall also apply where a staff member or former staff member dies leaving a surviving spouse or
former spouse on one side and orphans belonging to another family group on the other side.
Article 25bis Rate of pension for other dependants
1. Where a staff member or former staff member drawing a retirement or invalidity pension or entitled
to a deferred pension dies, the persons (including children not fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 25)
recognised as satisfying the conditions for the granting of the allowance for a dependent child or dependent
person under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the Organisation shall be entitled to a dependant's pension.
2. The pension paid to each dependant shall be equal to the lowest of the following amounts:
i) the amount, as recognised by the Organisation, of the support provided to that person by the
staff member or former staff member at the time of his death;
ii) twice the amount of the dependant’s allowance in force in the Organisation when the former
staff member’s pension was assessed, this amount being updated in accordance with the
provisions of Article 36, or, if he was not receiving a retirement or invalidity pension, according
to the scale in force at the time of death; or
iii) where an orphan’s pension is paid, the amount of each orphan’s share pursuant to Article 25,
paragraph 5.
25 bis.2 Pension adjustment
The amount of the dependant’s pension referred to in this Article shall be subject to the same
adjustments as those effectively applied to calculate the orphan’s pension provided for under Article
Article 26 Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. The pensions provided for under Articles 25 and 25bis shall be payable as from the first day of the
month following that in which the staff member or former staff member died. If the salary of a staff member
who died in service continues to be paid to a surviving spouse or former spouse, directly and in full, under the
Staff Regulations and Rules of the Organisation, payment of the pensions shall be deferred accordingly.
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2. The pensions under Articles 25 and 25bis shall cease to be payable at the end of the month in which
the child or other dependant ceases to satisfy the conditions for entitlement to the allowance for a dependent
child or dependent person under the Staff Rules and Regulations of the Organisation.
Last update: December 2012
Article 27 Beneficiaries of more than one category
1. Where a staff member or former staff member leaves a spouse or former spouse, on the one hand, and
children or dependent persons, on the other, with entitlement to a pension, the total pension, calculated as if
for a surviving spouse having all these persons dependent on him, shall be apportioned among the various
categories of beneficiaries in proportion to the pensions which would have been payable to each category if
treated separately.
2. Where there are children or dependent persons from different family groups, with entitlement to a
pension, the total pension, calculated as though all were from the same family group, shall be apportioned
among the various categories of beneficiaries in proportion to the pensions which would have been payable to
each category if treated separately.
27.0 Beneficiaries of more than one category - General provisions
In cases of coexistent pension entitlements of a spouse, former spouse(s), children and/or
dependants, the “total pension” referred to in Article 27, paragraphs 1 and 2 is defined in
Instructions 27.1/1 i) and 27.2/1 i) respectively. It shall be apportioned as follows:
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse, and
former spouse(s)
with no dependent children and/or dependants, the pension shall be apportioned in
accordance with the provisions of Article 22.
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse or former spouse(s), on the one hand, and
children and/or dependants, on the other,
belonging to different family groups, the pension shall be apportioned in accordance with the
provisions of Instruction 27.1/1.
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse or former spouse(s) with children and/or dependants, on the one hand, and
orphans and/or dependent persons, on the other
belonging to different family groups, the pension shall be apportioned in accordance with the
provisions of Instruction 27.1/2.
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27.1 /1 Coexistence of beneficiaries, without children or dependants, entitled to a survivor's or reversion
pension on the one hand, and of orphans and/or dependants on the other, belonging to different family
In this case, the total pension referred to in Article 27, paragraph 1 shall be calculated as
if all beneficiaries of the deceased staff member or former staff member formed part of a single
family group. This total pension shall comprise:
a survivor's or reversion pension as would be payable to a surviving spouse of the deceased
staff member or former staff member in accordance with Article 19 only;
orphans' pensions calculated as if all orphans of the deceased staff member or former staff
member belonged to the family group entitled to the survivor's or reversion pension mentioned
dependants’ pensions calculated theoretically as orphans’ pensions before application of
the provisions of Article 25bis, paragraph 2.
In accordance with Article 25, paragraph 3 ii), only one minimum orphan's pension (50% of
C1/1) shall be taken into account in this calculation.
The total pension shall be apportioned among:
the surviving spouse or non-remarried former spouse(s) and
orphans and/or dependants,
in proportion to the amounts which would have been payable directly to each of these family
groups considered separately, after application of Articles 20 and 22 for the survivor's or
reversion pension, Article 25 for orphans’ pensions, and Article 25bis for dependants’
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse, and
former spouse(s)
one of whom at least has children and/or dependants, the pension shall be apportioned in
accordance with the provisions of Article 22 for survivors’ and reversion pensions, and of
Instruction 27.2/1 for orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions.
If the beneficiaries are:
persons entitled to orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions belonging to different
family groups, the pension shall be apportioned in accordance with the provisions of
Instruction 27.2/1.
Where, when Instructions 27.1/1, 27.1/2, 27.2/1 are applicable, one of the family groups is
affected by a change in situation, the individual entitlement within the other family group shall
remain calculated in accordance with the initial apportionment of benefits.
Last update: December 2012
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If the amounts so apportioned exceed the pensions to which the beneficiaries would have
been entitled if they had been considered separately, including, for dependants’ pensions, after
application of Article 25bis, any such excess amounts shall not be payable.
The minimum amounts laid down for survivors' and reversion pensions and for orphans'
and/or dependants' pensions shall no longer apply to the shares actually attributed.
/2 Coexistence of beneficiaries entitled to a survivor’s or reversion pension with children and/or
dependants on the one hand, and of orphans and/or dependants belonging to another family group on
the other.
In this case, the total pension, calculated in accordance with Instruction 27.1/1 i), shall be
apportioned among:
the surviving spouse or former spouse (s) and the children and/or dependants thereof and
the children and/or dependants belonging to another family group,
in proportion to the amounts which would have been payable directly to each of these family
groups considered separately, after application of Articles 20 and 22 for the survivor's or
reversion pension, Article 25 for orphans’ pensions, and Article 25bis for dependants'
Within the group consisting of a surviving spouse or former spouse(s) and orphans and/or
dependants, the share going to that group shall be apportioned, for the purpose of calculating
the individual entitlement of each member as mentioned above, in proportion to the survivor’s
or reversion pension on the one hand, and the orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions on the
If the amounts so apportioned exceed the pensions to which the beneficiaries would have
been entitled if they had been considered separately, including after application of Article
25bis, any such excess amounts shall not be payable.
The minimum amounts laid down for survivors' and reversion pensions and for orphans'
and/or dependants' pensions shall no longer apply to the shares actually attributed.
/1 Coexistence of beneficiaries entitled to orphans' and/or dependants' pensions belonging to
different family groups
In this case, the total pension referred to in Article 27, paragraph 2 shall be calculated
as if all the persons entitled to an orphan's pension and/or dependant's pension formed
part of a single family group. Before apportionment, dependants shall be treated in theory
as orphans. This total pension shall comprise:
a single orphan's pension calculated, as the case may be, in accordance with the
provisions of Article 25, paragraph 3 i) if there are one or more persons entitled to a
survivor's or reversion pension, or of Article 25, paragraph 4 i) where there are no such
orphans' pensions equal to the dependent child allowance where there are one or more
persons entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension, or to double that allowance where
there are no such persons.
This total pension shall be apportioned among the different family groups in proportion to
the pensions which would have been payable directly to each of these family groups
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considered separately.
Within each family group, the share going to that group shall be divided equally among
the beneficiaries before application of Article 25bis, where applicable.
The minimum amounts laid down shall no longer apply to the shares actually attributed.
Article 28 General Provisions
1. Household allowance, children's or dependants' allowance and handicapped child allowance, paid to the
staff members of the Organisation as family allowances, are granted and adjusted according to the modalities
and conditions of entitlement provided for under the Staff Regulations and Rules and under the present Rules :
i) to the recipient of a retirement pension as from the age of 60;
ii) to the recipient of an invalidity pension;
iii) to the recipient of a survivor's or reversion pension, in respect of the sole beneficiaries who were or
would have been recognised as a dependant of the staff member or the former staff member if he had not
2. The double entitlement regulations apply to any allowance of a same nature, regardless of its name.
3. a) The household allowance shall be calculated by reference to the pension of the recipient.
b) Where the recipient of a survivor’s or reversion pension is a staff member of one of the
Organisations listed in Article 1 or is in receipt of a pension assessed by any of these organisations, only
one household allowance shall be granted.
c) Where the spouse of a person entitled to a pension referred to in paragraph 1 is a staff member of
one of the Organisations listed in Article 1 or is in receipt of a pension assessed by any of these
organisations, the household allowance shall only be paid to one of the spouses.
d) Where the spouse of the recipient of a pension referred to in paragraph 1 is entitled, under another
scheme, to an allowance of a same nature than the household allowance, only the difference between the
amount of the allowance under the present scheme and that of the allowance received by the spouse
under the other scheme shall be paid to the recipient of the pension.
4. Where the recipient of a pension referred to in paragraph 1, or his household or the beneficiary
concerned, is entitled to allowances referred to in paragraph 1 and also, under another scheme and for the same
person, to a children's or dependants' allowance, or a handicapped child allowance of a same nature than those
referred to in paragraph 1, the Organisation shall only pay the difference between the amount of the
allowances granted under the present scheme and that of the allowances received under the other scheme.
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5. The deduction of family allowances received under another scheme, referred to in Article 28, paragraphs
3 and 4, shall be automatic, save where the recipient produces evidence that the above-mentioned scheme
makes a deduction of the amounts received under the present scheme.
6. The amount of the allowance for a child or other dependant payable to the recipient of a survivor’s or
reversion pension shall be twice the normal amount.
7. Entitlement to the allowances provided for in this Article shall cease at the end of the month in which
the conditions for entitlement to those allowances under the Staff Rules and Regulations of the Organisation
are no longer satisfied.
8. The education allowance is granted according to the modalities and conditions of entitlement provided
for under the Staff Regulations and Rules and under the present Rules:
i) to the recipients of pensions assessed before 1 January 2030:
a. to the recipient of a retirement pension as from the age of 60;
b. to the recipient of an invalidity pension;
c. to the recipient of a survivor's or reversion pension, in respect of the sole beneficiaries who were
or would have been recognised as a dependant of the staff member or the former staff member if
he had not died;
ii) to the recipients of pensions assessed from 1 January 2030:
a. to the recipient of a survivor's pension, in respect of the sole beneficiaries who were or would
have been recognised as a dependant of the staff member if he had not died;
b. to the recipient of an orphan’s pension where there is no recipient of a survivor’s pension in the
family group to which he belongs.
Last update: January 2020
28.1 Entitlement
Entitlement to family allowances when pension benefits are being paid shall be subject to the conditions
relating to the attribution of such allowances, in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the
28.1/1 - Early pension
Family allowances shall not be paid before the age of 60 to the recipient of an early pension; in such
a case, at the age of 60, the household allowance shall be calculated on the basis of the reduced
pension, subject to the minimum prescribed by the relevant Staff Regulations and Rules; the other
family allowances of fixed amount shall be granted without any reduction.
28.1/2 - Monthly payment
Family allowances shall be paid per whole month starting from the 1st of the month following that in
which the entitlement has arisen and until the end of the month during which the entitlement ceases.
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28.8 - Education allowance
Entitlement to the education allowance shall be maintained for children dependent on
a former staff member provided that the recipient of a retirement or invalidity pension --
or the recipient of a survivor's or a reversion pension -- has never ceased residing in the
country of the last posting since termination of service and in as much as he continues to
reside in that country.
In the event of the death of a staff member or of the recipient of a retirement or
invalidity pension, without any survivor's or reversion pension being awarded, or in the
event of the death of the recipient of a survivor's or reversion pension, any education
allowance which was being paid at the time of the death shall continue to be paid
unchanged in its amount, for as long as the child concerned meets the conditions to be
considered a dependent child under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the Organisation.
Last update: January 2020
28.3 - Household allowance
The household allowance to which the recipient of a pension is entitled shall be calculated on the basis of
his pension, but shall not be less than the minimum laid down in the scales in force in the Organisations
listed in Article 1, save where the allowance is reduced on the basis of the income of the spouse.
Article 29 Ceiling on benefits for surviving spouse, former spouse(s),
orphans and/or dependants
1. Where a staff member dies, the total amount payable in respect of survivor's, orphan's and dependant's
pensions and of family allowances shall not exceed the maximum of the retirement pension referred to in
Article 10, paragraphs 2 and 3, together with the family allowances to which the deceased staff member was
entitled. In any event, this total shall not exceed the last salary received by the staff member together with the
family allowances to which he wasentitled.
2. Where a former staff member drawing a retirement pension dies, the total amount payable in respect
of reversion, orphan’s and dependant’s pensions and of family allowances shall not exceed the amount of the
pension and family allowances received by the former staffmember.
3. Where a former staff member entitled to a deferred or invalidity pension dies, the total amount payable
in respect of reversion, orphan’s and dependant’s pensions and of family allowances shall not exceed the
amount of the retirement pension and family allowances he would have received if he had reached the statutory
age limit at the time of his death.
4. The amounts payable in respect of survivor's, reversion, orphan's and dependant's pensions shall,
where applicable, be reduced in proportion to the share of eachbeneficiary.
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29/1 - Ceiling on benefits payable to a surviving spouse, former spouse, orphans and/or dependants (*)
i) Save where Article 10, paragraph 3 applies, the maximum of the retirement pension referred to in
Article 29, paragraph 1 shall be 70 per cent of the salary defined in Article 10, paragraph 1, as
adjusted in accordance with the provisions of Article 36; the same adjustments shall be applied to the
family allowances referred to in Article 29, as well as to retirement pensions, deferred or not, and to
the invalidity pensions referred to in Article 29, paragraphs 2 and 3.
i) The ceilings stipulated in Article 29 shall be reviewed whenever changes are made to the basis
for calculating the benefits due.
i) For the purposes of applying the instructions of this Article, account shall be taken of
deductions actually made in respect of allowances received from anothersource.
29.3/1 - Ceiling in the event of the death of a person entitled to a deferred retirement pension or who was
drawing an early retirement pension
Where a deceased former staff member was entitled to a deferred retirement pension or was drawing
an early retirement pension, the family allowances to which he would have been entitled at age 60,
but which were not paid, shall nevertheless be taken into account in calculating the ceiling referred
to in Article 29.
29.3 /2 - Ceiling in the event of the death of a person drawing an invalidity pension under Article 14, paragraph 2
In the event of the death of a former staff member drawing an invalidity pension under Article 14,
paragraph 2, the ceiling to be applied shall be the amount of the pension and allowances he was
receiving at the time of his death.
29.4 /1 - Amount of the reduction applicable to survivors’, reversion, orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions
The reduction shall be applied to survivors', reversion, orphans' and/or dependants' pensions. The
reduction shall be apportioned among the beneficiaries in proportion to the benefits payable in
application of the provisions of Chapter IV (Survivor's and Reversion Pensions) and Chapter V
(Orphan's Pension and Dependant's Pension).
(*) The entitlements which might have been granted prior to lst November 1988 shall bemaintained.
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29.4/2 - Statutory minimum amounts
The minimum amounts laid down shall not apply to survivors', reversion, orphans' and/or dependants' pensions
reduced in accordance with the provisions of Article 29.
Article 30 Conditions of entitlement
1. Where a staff member or former staff member entitled to a retirement or invalidity pension has been
missing for more than one year in circumstances justifying a presumption of death, the persons entitled under
him may provisionally be awarded a survivor's, reversion, orphan's or dependant’s pension, as appropriate.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 above shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons recognised as
dependants of a person in receipt of a survivor’s or reversion pension, who has been missing for more than one
3. Provisional pensions under paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be converted into definitive pensions when
the death of the staff member, former staff member, spouse or former spouse has been established officially or
when that person has been declared missing by a final Courtdecision.
30.3 - Forfeiture of rights
The time limits laid down by Article 35, paragraphs 2 and 3 shall run from the date of the Court decision declaring
him to be missing, referred to in Article 30, paragraph 3.
Article 31 Organisation responsible for the assessment
1. The assessment of entitlement to the benefits payable under these Rules shall be made by the
Organisation, with the assistance of the International Service for Remuneration and Pensions, also responsible
for such part of the work as can becentralised.
2. A detailed statement of the assessment shall be communicated to the staff member or the persons
entitled under him after approval by the Organisation on the advice of the Pensions Administrative Committee
of the Co-ordinated Organisations (CAPOC) referred to in Article 51.
3. Until this approval has been given, pensions shall be paid on a provisional basis.
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31.2 - Pension Statement
On the termination of service of a staff member, the Organisation shall draw up a statement of his pension rights
on the form provided for this purpose.
When a staff member enters the service of another Co-ordinated Organisation, he shall hand
over the form provided for this purpose.
The Organisation making the assessment of entitlement to benefits must take account of all
reckonable years of service which have been credited including, where applicable, service in
more than one of the Co-ordinated Organisations.
Article 32 No double entitlement
1. Without prejudice to the application of Articles 4 and 5, the following may not be paid concurrently out
of the budgets of one or more of the Organisations listed in Article 1:
i) a retirement and an invalidity pension as provided for in these Rules or under the Rules of the New
Pension Scheme or of the Defined Benefit Funded Pension Scheme
ii) a retirement or invalidity pension and a loss-of-employment indemnity not paid as a lump sum ;
iii) two retirement pensions
2. Recipients of a retirement or invalidity pension under the present Rules may not be granted the status of
staff member in the meaning of Article 1. The modalities for double entitlement to a retirement pension and
any other remuneration paid by a Co-ordinated Organisation shall be defined by each Organisation.
3. Where they are due to the same cause, there can be no double entitlement to benefits under the present
Rules and annuities under a scheme distinct from the Pension Scheme and financed by an Organisation listed
in Article 1.
Last update: December 2012
32.1 - Double entitlement as regards retirement or invalidity pensions
In view in particular of the rules contained in Article 5, paragraph 2, two retirement pensions under these Rules
may not be paid by two Organisations listed in Article1.
Double entitlement to a retirement and invalidity pension, granted under the present Rules,
under the Rules of the New Pension Scheme or under the Rules of the Defined Benefit Funded
Pension Scheme, shall be forbidden ; in calculating an invalidity pension granted under
Article 14, paragraph 1, the abatements prescribed in Article 5, paragraph 2 shall be applied
in cases where retirement pension payments previously received have not been refunded.
1 Except for long term consultants of the ECMWF.
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Double entitlement to a retirement or invalidity pension and to an indemnity for loss of employment
paid month by month on the basis of the salary being received by the staff member at the time of leaving
shall be prohibited.
Last update: December 2012
- Double entitlement to benefits granted under schemes distinct from the Pension Scheme
Where they are due to the same cause, the annuities or pensions for permanent invalidity or granted in the event
of the death of a staff member or former staff member to the spouse and/or former spouse, orphans and/or dependants
under a scheme distinct from the Pension Scheme shall be deducted from the amount of the relevant pensions due and
calculated under the present Rules, if they were financed wholly or in part by an Organisation listed in Article 1.
The preceding provisions shall not relieve staff members of their financial obligations to credit past
services which derive from Articles 44 and 49.
Last update: December 2012
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Article 33 Basis of calculation
1. Pensions provided for in the Rules shall be calculated by reference to the salary defined in Article 3
and to the scales applicable to the country of the staff member's lastposting.
2. However, if the former staff member settles subsequently:
i) in a Member country of one of the Co-ordinated Organisations of which he is a national, or
ii) in a Member country of one of the Co-ordinated Organisations of which his spouse is a
national; or
iii) in a country where he has served at least five years in one of the Organisations listed in
Article 1,
he may opt for the scale applicable to that country.
The option shall apply to only one of the countries referred to in this paragraph, and shall be irrevocable except
where paragraph 3 below is applicable.
3. On the death of his spouse, a former staff member who settles in the country of which he is a national,
or of which such deceased spouse was a national, may opt for the scale applicable in that country.
The same option shall be open to the surviving spouse or former spouse of a former staff member and to
orphans who have lost both parents.
4. These options, available under paragraphs 2 and 3, shall be irrevocable.
5. If the staff member, spouse, former spouse or orphan opts for the scale of a country referred to in
paragraph 2, but there is no scale approved by the Organisation for that country, the scale applicable to the
country in which the Organisation responsible for paying his pension has its headquarters shall be applied
temporarily until a scale had been adopted for the country chosen.
6. The amount of the pension based on the scale chosen shall be calculated in accordance with Article
7. The provisions of paragraph 2 above do not apply to the benefits under Article 11. However, a staff
member who settles in a country of which he is a national may have the leaving allowance provided for in
Article 11 ii) calculated in accordance with the scale for that country, provided such a scale has been approved
by the Organisation at the time of his departure.
33/1 - Proof of residence
Within the meaning of Article 33, the settlement of a pensioner refers to his principal and effective residence,
with the transfer of the permanent and usual centre of his interests and the will to confer stability to such a
The option is granted as from the month following the date on which the pensioner proves, to the
satisfaction of the Organisation, that he has his principal and effective residence in the country in
question. The Organisation may in particular request:
a recent certificate of residence;
a certificate of removal from the population registry of the former place of residence;
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a copy of a recent invoice (water, gas, electricity, fixed telephone) established after the date of
the removal and for the name and address of the person concerned;
a copy of the rent contract or of the purchasing deed of the residence;
a copy of the removal invoice;
evidence of being subject to property or residencetax;
or any other evidence it deems relevant.
Last update: December 2012
33/2 - Alteration due to the exercise of an option
Where, in application of Article 33, benefits under the Pension Scheme are to be calculated on the basis of a
scale other than that which was in force at the time when the right to the benefits arose, then the amount of
such benefits must, for the purpose of their payment as from the exercise of the option concerned, be
recalculated on the basis of the new scale, in accordance with the provisions of Article 36, paragraph 5.
33.3 /1 - Option in caseswhere there are beneficiaries belonging to different family groups
Where an option is exercised by a surviving spouse or by children both of whose parents
are deceased, and there are other beneficiaries, benefits shall be apportioned in accordance
with the provisions of Article 22 or Article 27, as the case may be, and with the Instructions
thereto, on the basis of the scale applicable to the country of the staff member's or former staff
member's last posting or, in cases to which Article 33, paragraph 2 applies, the scales for
which an option has been exercised by the former staff member prior to his decease;
the share of benefit apportioned to each beneficiary of the option shall be expressed as a
percentage of the basic salary for the grade and step used in calculating the theoretical
survivor's or reversion pension;
the share apportioned to the beneficiary of the option referred to in Article 33, paragraph
3 shall be equal to the basic salary corresponding to the grade and step referred to in sub-
paragraph ii) of the scale applicable in the country chosen, multiplied by the percentage
referred to in the same sub-paragraph.
33.3/2 - Transitional arrangements
If the persons entitled under a staff member who has died before having exercised his right of option
choose the Pension Scheme under Articles 43 and 44 of the Rules, the scale - other than that of the
last country of service - for which they opt pursuant to Article 33 of the Rules shall be irrevocably
applicable. However, where the surviving spouse dies after having exercised the said irrevocable
option, the orphans may in their turn exercise a joint option which shall also be irrevocable.
33.5 - Calculation following approval of a new scale
In cases where Article 33, paragraph 5 is applied, benefits are calculated under the new scale as
from the date of its entry into force, with no retroactive effect.
Article 34 Re-assessment cancellation
1. Benefits may be re-assessed at any time in the event of error or omission of any kind. Any undue
payments must be reimbursed; they may be deducted from the benefits payable to the person concerned or to
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the persons entitled under him or from the amounts due to his estate. The reimbursement may be spread over
a period.
2. Benefits shall be subject to modification or cancellation if their award was contrary to the provisions
of these Rules.
Article 35 Requirement of evidence - forfeiture of rights
1. Persons who are eligible for benefits under these Rules shall inform the Organisation or the
International Service for Remuneration and Pensions of any facts which may affect their entitlement to benefits
and to furnish such supporting evidence as may be required of them.
Should they fail to comply with these obligations, they may be deprived of the right to benefits under
this Scheme; save in exceptional circumstances, they shall refund any sums received to which they were not
2. Where the surviving spouse, orphans or other dependants of a deceased staff member or former staff
member fail to apply for their pension within twelve months from the date of his death, payment of the benefits
under these Rules may, at the discretion of the Organisation, be deferred until the first day of the month
following that in which they make their application.
3. Where a staff member's or former staff member’s former spouse referred to in Article 22 fails to apply
for a pension within twelve months from the date of his death, the former spouse's rights may, at the discretion
of the Organisation, be wholly forfeited.
35.1/1 - Statement by staff member or persons entitled under him
Subject to the provisions of Instruction 30.3, the recipient of any benefit under the Pension Scheme Rules
shall be required to fill out and sign the form to verify continuing entitlement which is sent to him every year.
35.1/2 - Refund of amounts incorrectly received
All amounts incorrectly received shall be refunded pursuant to Articles 34 and 35, in the manner
prescribed in the Rules and Regulations applicable to staff serving in the Organisation, without
prejudice to the special provisions laid down for implementing Article 42 with regard to taxation.
35.1/3 - Obligation on claimants to make themselves known
In the absence of a statement provided for under Instruction 35.1/1, it is the responsibility of persons
entitled under a deceased staff member or former staff member to notify their existence to the
Organisation which they consider to be liable for the payment to them of benefits under the Pension
Scheme, except for those cases where notification is the responsibility of the Organisation under
Article 43, paragraphs 2 iii) and 3 ii).
35.1/4 - Notifying beneficiaries
The Organisation shall then inform the beneficiaries concerned of the benefits which they may claim
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Article 36 Adjustment of benefits
1. The Organisation shall adjust pensions, every year, in accordance with the revaluation coefficients based on
the consumer price index for the country of the scale used to calculate each pension.
It shall also adjust them in the course of the year, for any given country, when prices in that country show an
increase of at least 6%.
2. At regular intervals, the Secretary General shall establish a comparison of the difference between increases
in salary and increases in pensions, and may, where appropriate, propose measures to reduce it.
3. When the beneficiary of a pension dies, any reversion, orphan’s and/or dependant’s pensions that may be
due shall be calculated as follows:
i) The pension(s) shall be calculated:
with reference to the scale in force on 31 December 2019 if the deceased pensioner’s entitlement was assessed
prior to 1 January 2020;
with reference to the scale in force at the date on which the deceased former staff member’s pension was
assessed if such entitlement was assessed from 1 January 2020.
ii) Said scale shall be updated, as from that date, by application of the pensions revaluation coefficients for
the country in question.
4. If the beneficiary of an invalidity pension, which was not awarded under Article 14, paragraph 2 reaches the
age limit laid down in the Staff Rules and Regulations, his invalidity pension shall be converted, in accordance
with Article 17, paragraph 2, to a retirement pension calculated using the following method:
i) The pension shall be calculated:
with reference to the scale in force on 31 December 2019 if the invalidity pension was assessed prior to 1
January 2020;
with reference to the scale in force at the date on which the invalidity pension was assessed if such pension
was assessed from 1 January 2020.
ii) Said scale shall be updated, as from that date, by application of the pensions revaluation coefficients for
the country in question.
5. If the beneficiary of a pension exercises one of the options under Article 33, the following calculation shall
be made:
i) The pension shall be recalculated:
with reference to the scale in force on 31 December 2019 for the country selected if the pension was assessed
prior to 1 January 2020;
with reference to the scale in force at the date of its assessment for the country selected if the pension was
assessed from 1 January 2020.
ii) Said scale shall be updated, as from that date, by application of the pensions revaluation coefficients for
the country in question.
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36.1/1 - Notifying beneficiaries
Adjustments to pensions currently being paid shall be notified in writing to the beneficiaries of such pensions,
either by the Organisation or, as instructed by it, by the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions.
36.1/2 - Consumer price indices
Consumer price trends shall be monitored with reference to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP),
or where these series are not available, the national Consumer Price Indices (CPI) used in the salary
adjustment procedure in force in the Organisation. The annual adjustment index shall be the evolution in
consumer prices between 1st January of the year of the annual adjustment and 1st January of the previous
year, less any special adjustment granted during this period.
36.1/3 Date of effect of the annual adjustment
The effective date of the annual adjustment shall be 1st January.
36.1/4 Special adjustment in the event of price evolution of at least 6% during the year
Whenever the 6 % inflation threshold is exceeded, the special adjustment applied to pensions shall be equal to
the change in consumer prices between the month in which the previous adjustment took effect and the month
in which the special adjustment threshold is exceeded. Any special adjustment shall take effect in the month
following the month in which the threshold was exceeded. The monitoring of consumer price trends shall then
be reset, taking the consumer price index of the month during which the high inflation threshold was reached
as the basis to further monitor inflation until the next special or annual adjustment.
36.1/5 Procedure for granting the special adjustment
Any special adjustment is granted provisionally until PACCO’s issuance of a technical opinion recommending,
where applicable, the definitive granting of this special adjustment. PACCO’s technical opinion is
communicated to the CRSG for information.
Last update: December 2020
Article 37 Mode of payment
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 11 and unless otherwise provided under these Rules, pensions,
family allowances and provisions for tax adjustments shall be paid monthly in arrears.
2. These amounts shall be paid by the Organisation, or by the International Service for Remuneration
and Pensions if it has been empowered to do so.
3. Benefits shall be paid in the currency used in their calculation in accordance with Article 33.
4. Benefits shall be paid to the recipient by bank transfer to an account either in the country of the scale
used to calculate these benefits, or in the country where the recipient resides.
By way of derogation and for the purpose of the annual adjustment of pensions on 1 January 2021, as well as for any
special adjustment until that date as referred to in Implementing Instruction 36.1/4, consumer prices trends shall be
monitored as from 1 July 2019.
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37.1 - Date of Payment
Pensions, family allowances and provisions for tax adjustments shall be paid in arrears on the last working
day but two of the month to which they relate.
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Article 38 Sums owed to the organisation
1. Any sum owed by a staff member, former staff member or pensioner to any of the Organisations
listed in Article 1 at the date when the benefits are payable under these Rules shall be deducted from the amount
of these benefits or from the benefits payable to those entitled under him. The deduction may be spread over a
38.1 - Buying back rights - Credit for past service
Any amounts remaining due on the death, recognition of invalidity or termination of service of a staff
member, in respect of pension rights bought back under Article 5 or credited under Articles 44 and 49, shall
constitute a debt owed to the Organisation by the staff member or the persons entitled under him or the
Payment to the Organisation of any amounts thus owing shall be made pursuant to the special
condition agreed to by the staff member at the time of his application to buy back or to be credited
with pension rights; this condition shall give the Organisation a preferential right to deduct such
amounts from the capital sums due at the time of death or recognition of invalidity, orof termination
of service, where appropriate, under the conditions provided for in Instructions 5.1 and 5.5.
Article 39 Right of subrogation
1. Where a staff member's invalidity or death is attributable to a third party, the award of the benefits
provided for in these Rules shall in principle be made subject to the beneficiary assigning to the Organisation
his claims against such third party, up to the amount of such benefits.
2. However, the Organisation may waive its right to take action pursuant to such subrogation against
the third party concerned where special circumstances justify such awaiver.
Article 40 Charge on budgets
1. Benefits paid under this Pension Scheme shall be charged to the budgets of the Organisation
responsible for the assessment of these benefits pursuant to Article 31.
2. The Member States of the Organisation jointly guarantee the payment of thebenefits.
3. In the event of a merger, reconstitution or other transformation or in the event of dissolution of the
Organisation, the Council or any ad hoc body set up, where required in one of the aforementioned cases, shall
take the necessary measures to ensure uninterrupted payment of the Pension Scheme benefits until the cessation
of entitlement of the last beneficiary.
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4. Should a country, being a Member or ex-Member of the Organisation, fail to comply with its
obligations under this Article, the other countries shall meet the cost thereof in proportion to their contribution
to the budget of the Organisation as fixed annually from and after the said country's default.
Article 41 Staff member’s contribution - costing the scheme
1. Staff members shall contribute to the Pension Scheme.
2. The staff members' contribution to the Pension Scheme shall be calculated as a percentage of their
salaries and shall be deducted monthly.
3. The rate of the staff contribution shall be set so as to represent the cost, in the long term, of one- third
of the benefits provided under these Rules.
4. The rate of the staff contribution shall be 11.8%.
Last update: January 2020
5. An actuarial study shall be carried out every five years for all the Organisations, using the method
described in Annex. In accordance with the result of that study, the staff contribution rate shall automatically
be adjusted, with effect from the fifth anniversary of the preceding adjustment, the rate being rounded to the
nearest first decimal.
However, in the event of exceptional circumstances, the Co-ordinating Committee on Remuneration (CCR)
could recommend that the date of that study, and of any adjustment of the contribution rate resulting therefrom,
be advanced.
In such a case, the normal 5-year interval between two studies and any adjustment of contributions resulting
therefrom shall begin as from the date of that supplementary study except for a new application of the
provisions of the preceding sub-paragraph.
6. Contributions properly deducted shall not be recoverable. Contributions improperly deducted shall
confer no rights to pension benefits; they shall be refunded at the request of the staff member concerned or
those entitled under him without interest.
41.1/1 - Sickness
The staff members' contribution to the Pension Scheme shall be paid during sick leave and during periods of
temporary incapacity following such leave if the staff member concerned continues to receive an allowance
equal to the whole or part of his emoluments. This contribution shall be calculated in relation to the portion of
the allowances corresponding to salary, but reckonable years of service shall be counted at the full rate, subject
to the provisions applicable in the event of temporary incapacity during a period of part-time service.
41.1/2 - Leave for personal reasons
A staff member may not pay pension contributions during periods of leave for personal reasons of more than
six months' duration, and during such periods the staff member shall not acquire any pension rights.
However, the persons entitled under him shall be entitled to receive benefits under the conditions set out in
Instruction 18.1.
Last update: November 2006
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Article 42 - Pensions which are subject to national tax legislation
1. The recipient of a pension under these Rules shall be entitled to the adjustment applying to the
Member Country of the Organisation in which the pension and adjustment relating thereto are chargeable to
income tax under the tax legislation in force in that country.
2. The adjustment shall equal 50 per cent of the amount by which the recipient's pension would
theoretically need to be increased, were the balance remaining after deduction of the amount of national income
tax or taxes on the total to correspond to the amount of the pension calculated in accordance with these Rules.
For such purpose, there shall be drawn up, for each Member country, in accordance with the Implementing
Instructions referred to in paragraph 6, tables of equivalence specifying, for each amount of pension, the
amount of the adjustment to be added thereto. The said tables shall determine the rights of the recipients.
3. In calculating the theoretical amount of income tax or taxes referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article,
account shall be taken only of the provisions of tax legislation and regulations affecting the basis of liability
and the amount of income tax or taxes for all pensioner-taxpayers in the country concerned.
Pensioners without spouse or dependants shall be deemed to be in the position of a pensioner without
entitlement to any tax reliefs or allowances for family responsibilities, all other recipients being deemed to be
pensioners enjoying the tax reliefs and allowances of a person who is married without children.
No account shall be taken:
of individual factors related to the personal circumstances or private means of a particular
of income other than that arising under these Rules,
of the income of the spouse or dependents of the pensioner.
On the other hand, account shall, in particular, be taken of circumstances arising in the course of the year as a
result of:
a change in civil status or settlement in another place of residence with a different taxation
commencement or cessation of payment of the pension.
4. The Organisation shall supply the Member Countries concerned with the names, forenames and full
address of pensioners and the total amount of the pension and adjustment.
5. The recipient of an adjustment as specified in this Article shall be required to inform the
Organisation of his full address and of any subsequent changetherein.
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Such recipient shall produce evidence of his pension and the relative adjustment having been declared or taxed;
should he fail to comply with this obligation, he shall be deprived of the right to this adjustment and shall
refund any amounts unduly received in this respect.
6. The other procedures for calculating the adjustment and, in particular, those necessitated by the
special features of certain national tax laws, and the procedure for payment of the adjustment shall be laid down
in the Implementing Instructions established in accordance with the tax legislation of Member Countries.
Notwithstanding Article 52, the implementing provisions referred to in this paragraph shall require approval
by the Councils of the organisations listed in Article 1.1.
42/1 - Scope and calculation of the adjustment
Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall apply only if the pension and the adjustment relating to
it are subject to taxes on income levied in a Member Country of the Organisation. The family
allowances provided for in Article 28 of the Pension Rules shall be assimilated to pensions in
determining the tax adjustment in so far as similar allowances are taxable under the national tax
legislation of the Member country.
The adjustment referred to in Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall be determined on
the basis of the legal provisions relating to taxes on income in force in the Member country in
which the pensioner is legally subject to such taxation. It shall be established in respect of
pensions paid during the tax period as determined in that country.
Where the pension of a person entitled to the adjustment is paid in a currency other than that
of the country in which such person is subject to taxes on income, the adjustment shall be
determined on the basis of the pension converted into the currency of that country. Such
conversion shall be effected at the rate obtained on the official exchange market.
Where the amounts paid during any tax period include arrears of pension relating to any
previous period, the adjustment shall be determined or recalculated, as the case may be, with
due regard to the tax treatment applicable to such arrears.
42/2 - Establishment of tables of equivalence for payment of the adjustment
1 . Tables of equivalence for payment of the adjustment shall be established for each tax year by
the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions, hereinafter referred to as 'the Service'.
2. The tax authorities of Member countries shall provide the Service, at its request, with the
details of legislation and regulations necessary for establishing the tables. The tables shall be checked
and confirmed by the tax authorities of the Member country concerned. In the event of disagreement
between such authorities and the Service on the content of the tables, the Secretaries- General and
the Coordinating Committee shall consider the matter on the basis of Article 42 of the Pension Scheme
Rules and of these Implementing Instructions.
3. Provisional tables of equivalence shall be drawn up prior to the commencement of the period
to which they refer. They shall show, for rounded pension figures and in respect of each Member
country, an amount equivalent to 90 per cent of the monthly adjustment calculated according to the
distinctions contained in Article 42.3 of the Pension Scheme Rules and on the basis of the tax
legislation in force at the time of drawing up the tables.
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4. The provisional tables shall be revised whenever amendments to tax legislation involve a
change in the amount of the adjustment. The Secretaries-General and the Coordinating Committee
may however decide by mutual agreement to dispense with the up-dating of tables in cases where the
balance of gain or loss is minimal.
5. As soon as the authorities in Member countries have finally adopted the tax legislation
applicable to income for the period covered by the provisional tables, these latter shall be replaced
by final tables establishing the rights of recipients in accordance with Article 42.2 of the Pension
Scheme Rules. These final tables shall show the amount of the adjustment for the whole of the period
which they cover, as well as the monthly amount of the adjustment.
6. The provisional and final tables of equivalence shall be accompanied by all such information
as is necessary for their use. Such information shall include:
the rules to be observed in cases where changes in family status, dependants or permanent
address (domicile) of the person entitled to the adjustment may affect the amount of the
adjustment which the person concerned may claim;
the names and addresses of the tax authorities to which the Organisations supply the
information specified in Article 42.4 of the Pension Scheme Rules;
the evidence to be supplied by persons entitled to the adjustment as proof of the declaration
for tax purposes, or the taxation, of their pension and the adjustment relating thereto;
the dates for making such declarations and for paying the tax in those Member countries
which have been authorised to avail themselves of the provisions of Instruction 42/3,
paragraph 2 below.
42/3 - Method of payment of the adjustment
The adjustment shall be paid by monthly instalments by way of advance at the same time as
the pension and in an amount corresponding to that appearing in the provisional tables of equivalence
referred to in Instruction 42/2, paragraph 3 above. The amounts of pension, arrears of pension and
adjustment shall be shown separately on the instrument of payment issued to the recipient.
At the request of a country, the Secretaries-General and the Coordinating Committee may, by
mutual agreement, decide that by way of exception to paragraph 1, there shall be a time lag in
payment of the monthly instalments of the adjustment relating to that country, provided however that
payment of the whole of the monthly instalments shall be finalised before the ultimate date for payment
of the tax to which they refer.
As soon as the final tables of equivalence are available, the total amount of the monthly
instalments paid in respect of the tax period shall be compared to the final amount of the adjustment
due for the whole of that period. Any excess or shortfall shall be rectified but so however that the
amount involved shall not be taken into account in determining the adjustment in respect of the
following tax year.
The adjustments shall be paid in the currency of the country in which the recipient is subject
to taxes on income.
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42/4 - Information to be supplied to Member countries by the Organisation
The particulars specified in Article 42/4 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall consist of the
a personal particulars form giving the name and forenames, full address and, where
applicable, the residence for tax purposes (domicile fiscal) of the pensioner, the total
amount of pension paid for the period constituting the tax year, the final amount of the
adjustment arrived at for such period, and the amount of arrears of pension, identifying
the year to which such arrears relate;
a master list reproducing for each country, the information contained in the personal
particulars form.
The particulars listed in paragraph 1 of this Instruction shall be supplied to the tax authorities
of the country in which the persons concerned are subject to taxes on income. A copy of the personal
particulars form shall be sent to the pensioner and a copy of the master list shall be sent to the
Representative of the country in question to the Organisation.
The obligations specified in this Instruction shall be complied with at the time of the
rectification referred to in Instruction 42/3, paragraph 3 above.
42/5 - Evidence of payment of tax
The tax authorities referred to in Instruction 42/2, paragraph 6 above shall inform the Service of the
evidence by which, in accordance with Article 42.5 of the Pension Scheme Rules, recipients of the
adjustment may establish that their pension and the relevant adjustment have been declared for tax
purposes or have been taxed.
42/6 - Financing the adjustment
The cost of the adjustment provided for in Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall be
borne by the country in which the recipient thereof is subject to taxes on income for the period
Expenditure arising under paragraph 1 of this Instruction shall be the subject of a separate
budget which shall be drawn up at the same time as the other budgets of the Organisation. Final
settlement of the contributions to this separate budget shall be made at the end of the period to which
it relates.
42/7 - Transitional measures
Arrears of pension relating to tax periods prior to the approval of the Pension Scheme Rules
by the Council shall be treated as contributions towards the purchase of pension rights to the extent
that they are set off against capital due for the crediting of the pensioner's past service.
The effect of this provision on the amount of the adjustment shall be determined by the tax
authorities mentioned in Instruction 42/2, paragraph 6 above, in collaboration with the Service.
42/8 - Date of effect
These Implementing Instructions shall take effect on the date of entry into force of the Pension Scheme
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Article 43 - Scope
Permanent staff serving on lst July 1974, must, within the period referred to in paragraph 4 i) of this
Article, state in writing which one of the options referred to in Articles 44, 45 and 48 they wish to select. Staff
failing to make their choice within that period shall be deemed to have chosen the option under Article 44 and
to elect to be credited with past service for the periods referred to in paragraph 2 of that same Article.
This choice shall be irrevocable both for the staff member and for persons entitled under him.
i) Should a staff member who was serving on 1st July 1974 become incapacitated without having
made the choice referred to in this Article, his choice will in future be limited to Articles 44 and 48.
ii) Should a staff member who was serving on 1st July 1974 die without having made the choice
referred to in this Article, his spouse or, in the event of the latter's death, his orphans or other
dependants, may only make the choices referred to in sub-paragraph i) above.
iii) The choice in favour of Article 44 or 48 must, in any event, be made by the staff member, or
the persons entitled under him, within the period referred to in paragraph 4 i) of this Article, or, in the
event of death of the staff member or his spouse, six months after the date on which the Organisation
has notified the new scheme to the persons entitled underthem.
In the cases dealt with in this paragraph 2, if the choice is not made within the time limit laid down, the staff
member or the persons entitled under him shall be deemed to have made the choice covered by Article 48.
i) Staff who have left the Organisation between 1st January 1973 and 1st July 1974 may also opt
for the Pension Scheme under the terms of Article 44 provided they make an application to this effect
within the period referred to in paragraph 4 i) of this Article.
ii) Should a staff member to whom this paragraph applies die without having opted for Article
44, the persons entitled under him may exercise such option not later than six months after the date on
which they have been notified of the new scheme by the Organisation.
i) The option period provided for in this Article shall end in each of the Organisations listed in
Article 1.1 one year after final approval of these Rules has been given by the Council of the said
Organisation, save in the cases referred to in paragraphs 2 iii) and 3 ii) of this Article.
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ii) The options provided for under this Section of the Rules shall take effect on 1st July 1974;
however, the option referred to in paragraph 3 above shall take effect on the date of the award of the
benefits under the Pension Scheme, but not earlier than 1st January 1973.
43/1 - Time for exercising options and statement of the position of each staff member
The time limits laid down in Articles 43 and 44 of the Rules shall begin to run from the date fixed by the Council
of the Organisation at the time of the approval of the Pension Scheme Rules.
A statement of the position of each staff member, to be established provisionally as at [1st
January 1978] (*), shall show as at that date:
the actual amount of the staff member's holding in the Provident Fund;
the amount of contributions paid after 1st July 1974, such contributions being the property
of the Organisation, with the actual yield thereon, save where the option under Article 48
of the Rules is exercised;
the amount due in accordance with the provisions implementing Article 44 of the Rules,
should the person concerned opt to be credited with all service completed as a permanent
staff member prior to 1st July 1974, or prior to termination of service if this occurred before
1st July 1974.
The options provided for in Article 43 of the Rules shall be exercised in the Organisation
where the staff member is actually serving before the end of the transitional period; if the staff
member has transferred from one Organisation to another between 1st July 1973 and the end
of the option period, and any break in service does not exceed six months, the said staff
member shall be entitled to the same options.
43/2 - Option exercisable by widow
In application of Article 43.2 ii) and 3 ii) of the Rules, the right to exercise an option shall be
accorded only to the widow of the deceased staff member, to the exclusion of any former wife.
However, where the deceased staff member has left neither a widow nor any orphans but an
unremarried former wife to whom he was paying maintenance, such ex-wife may exercise the option
provided for in Article 43.2 ii) of the Rules.
Article 44 - Pension with credit for past service
A staff member to whom this Section of the Rules applies and who has chosen the option provided
for by this Article shall be bound by the terms of the Pension Scheme, and be credited with any periods served
by him before 1st July 1974 in one or more of the Organisations listed in Article 1.
(*) Date varying according to Organisations.
307 Back to top
A staff member credited with past service under paragraph I shall surrender his holding in the
Provident Fund.
for the period prior to the setting-up of the Provident Fund, the staff member shall retain the
difference between a) the amounts contributed by the Organisation plus their yield up to the date when
the option referred to in Article 43.4 ii) takes effect, and b) the aforesaid amounts plus compound
interest at 4 per cent per annum up to the aforesaiddate;
for the period between the setting-up of the Provident Fund and the date when the option
referred to in Article 43.4 ii) takes effect, the staff member shall retain such part of his holding as
exceeds 21 per cent of the salaries paid to him during this period plus compound interest at 4 per cent
per annum on the said amount of 21 per cent up to the aforesaiddate;
notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraphs i) and ii) above, a staff member may not
retain that part of his Provident Fund holding which corresponds to any interest-bonuses granted in
certain Organisations.
The cost of crediting past service under this paragraph shall be determined in nominal terms in the
currency of the country or countries of service where the salaries used as a basis for the calculation of
contributions were actually paid, the necessary conversions into the currency ultimately used for
keeping the individual accounts being effected on the basis of exchange rates in use for Provident Fund
operations on the date when the option takes effect. In cases where the Provident Fund holding paid
over to a staff member when he left is refunded, the cost of crediting past service may be paid directly
in the currency (or currencies) in which the contributions were payable.
The crediting of past service in the manner prescribed in this paragraph shall be irrevocable and must include
all periods of service covered by this paragraph.
Where a staff member has exercised his right to make withdrawals from his Provident Fund
holding and where, in consequence, the amount standing to his credit is less than the amount he would
have surrendered under paragraph 2 if he had not made withdrawals, service prior to 1st July 1974
shall only be credited in the proportion these two amounts bear to each other.
This provision shall not apply where a staff member has, within the period referred to in Article
43.4 i), undertaken to repay the difference between the two amounts plus compound interest at the rate
of 4 per cent per annum as from that date.
If the staff member makes only partial repayment, past service shall only be credited in the proportion
referred to in the first sub-paragraph above.
Should a staff member become incapacitated or die without having made the choice referred to
in this Article, the figure of 70 per cent referred to in Article 14.2 as well as the minimum pensions
referred to in Articles 14.4 and 19.3 shall be reduced according to the ratio between:
the total number of years of service that would have been reckonable -up to the age limit laid down
in the Staff Regulations, in the event of invalidity - allowing for the reductions referred to in this
paragraph, and
308 Back to top
the total number of years of service that would have been credited if the staff member had entirely
repaid the withdrawals made from his Provident Fund holding.
Repayments provided for in this paragraph must be made within the time limit laid down in
the Instructions for the implementation of these Rules.
A staff member may also, within the period referred to in Article 43.4 i), ask to be credited with
service completed before his appointment as a permanent staff member, in accordance with Article 5.5.
A staff member to whom this Article applies and who leaves the Organisation at the age limit laid
down in the Staff Regulations after having completed less than the ten years required under Article 7 shall be
entitled to opt for a grant calculated in accordance with Article 11 or for a proportionately reduced pension
calculated in accordance with Article 10.
44/1 - Credit for past service where there have been no withdrawals
A staff member who chooses the option specified in Article 44 of the Rules and who has not made any
withdrawals affecting the amount required for crediting past service must elect to be credited with all periods
of service referred to in the said Article.
44/2 - Staff who left the Organisation between 1st January 1973 and 1st July 1974
If such staff members opt for Article 44 of the Rules, the cost of crediting their past service shall be calculated
as stated in Article 44/3 below, but as at the date of actual termination of their service.
Where a pension is due to the staff member - or to any persons entitled under him - on
termination of service, the above-mentioned cost of crediting past service shall be deducted
from the arrears of pension. Any balance remaining outstanding shall be deducted from the
staff member's holding in the Provident Fund or failing this, shall be repaid before any
payment of pension.
In the case of a deferred pension, the cost of crediting past service referred to in
paragraph i) shall be repaid within twenty-four months from the end of the option period, and
at a rate of compound interest of 4 per cent per annum from the date of termination of service
up to the date when such repayment is completed.
The above-mentioned amounts shall be refunded in the currency of the last country of
service at the rate in force for Provident Fund operations on the first day of the month
following the termination of service; however, the staff member concerned may make the
refunds directly in the currency of the country where the remuneration was paid, in respect of
the crediting of the relevant pension rights.
44/2bis - Staff leaving the Organisation after 1st July 1974
Staff serving before 1st July 1974, and having left the Organisation after that date,
shall be entitled to exercise the option on the terms laid down in Articles 43 and 44 of the
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In the case of such staff members, or of pensions entitled under them, Instructions
44/2 ii) and iii) and 44/3 shall be applicable, but the cost of crediting past service to be taken
into account shall be determined as at lst July 1974.
They shall in addition be liable to pay over the 21 per cent contributions paid after 1st
July 1974, with the actual yield thereon up to the date of repayment. Such repayment must be
made not later than the end of the option period, save where Article 48 of the Rules applies.
44/3 - Cost of crediting past service for staff serving at the time when the option is exercised
Contributions paid from 1st July 1974
A staff member or any person entitled under him who opts for Article 44 or Article 45 of the
Rules shall be liable to pay over the contributions paid after 1st July 1974, with the actual
yield thereon in the Provident Fund of the Organisation; such amount is to be paid over not
later than the end of the option period.
Cost of crediting service prior to lst July 1974
Such cost, as determined in accordance with Article 44.2 of the Rules, shall not be greater
than the Provident Fund holding to which the person concerned would have been entitled if
he had not made any withdrawals.
Subject to this limit, the calculation of the amount of Provident Fund holding which must be
surrendered to the Organisation in respect of the crediting of past service shall be made at
the rate of compound interest of 4 per cent per annum from the date of actual payment of the
contributions until 1st July 1974; if the contributions were in fact calculated at the time on the
basis of salaries corresponding to countries of service other than the country of service on 1st
July 1974, they shall be calculated separately, with compound interest at the rate of 4 per cent
per annum up to 1st July 1974, in the respective currencies of the said other countries, and
then converted into the currency of the country of service on 1st July 1974, at the rate of
exchange in force on that date for operations of the Provident Fund. The total of such costs of
crediting past service corresponding to different countries of service shall determine the
amount due at 1st July 1974, in order to have such past service credited.
ii) Reconstitution of the cost of crediting past service
Where a staff member has exercised his right to make withdrawals from his Provident Fund
before 1st July 1974, and the amount standing to his credit in his individual account at that
date is less than the cost of crediting past service as calculated at 1st July 1974, he may refund
the difference between the two amounts, with compound interest on such difference at the rate
of 4 per cent per annum, accruing from 1st July 1974, over a maximum period of five years
from the end of the option period, provided, however, that such refund may not continue
beyond the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations.
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Where a staff member has exercised his right to make withdrawals from his Provident Fund
after 1st July 1974, and the amount standing to his credit in his individual account is less than
the cost of crediting past service as calculated at 1st July 1974, plus the actual yield of the
Fund thereon up to the date of the withdrawal, he may refund the difference between the said
two amounts over a maximum period of five years from the end of the option period, such
refund not continuing however beyond the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations, with
compound interest at 4 per cent per annum accruing from the date of the withdrawal.
The same provisions shall apply where the staff member had received his Provident Fund
holding on leaving a previous Organisation.
Refunds made after lst July 1974
Such refunds are to be taken into account on the successive dates on which they are made, for
the purpose of:
reconstituting, in priority, the contributions referred to in paragraph i),
reducing the amount to be refunded in respect of the cost of crediting past service
referred to in paragraph iii).
Such refunds, within the limits of the amounts due under paragraphs i) and iii) above, shall
increase for the benefit of the Organisation, at the rate of the actual yield on the Provident
Credit balance
If the statement referred to in Instruction 43/1 ii) shows that the staff member's Provident
Fund holding is greater than the total of the amounts due pursuant to the preceding
paragraphs of this Instruction, the staff member may, in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Rules of the Provident Fund of the Organisation, either:
have his credit balance paid to him within such time as is compatible with the
management of the Fund, or
leave such balance invested with the other Provident Fund holdings.
Until such time as it is withdrawn by him, the staff member's credit balance shall be subject
to the fluctuations of the Provident Fund of the Organisation, all risks of gain or loss being
borne solely by the staff member or any persons entitled under him.
Partial credit for past service
If a staff member who has availed himself of the facilities provided for in paragraph iii) above
for refunding the amounts identified in that paragraph has not succeeded in refunding the
total of such amounts on the expiry of the period prescribed in that paragraph, his past service
completed prior to 1st July 1974 shall be credited only in proportion to the amount of capital
actually paid over for the purpose of crediting such service.
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Reduction of minimum pensions
In the cases provided for in Article 44.3 iii) of the Rules, the calculation of the reductions shall
be made in accordance with the example annexed hereto, if the staff member became
incapacitated or died before exercising the option specified in Article 44 and if the service
completed by him before 1st July 1974, in the Organisation responsible for paying the
invalidity or survivor's pension - and in any other previous Coordinated Organisation - has
not been fully credited at the time when the above-mentioned pension is awarded.
However, no reduction in the minimum pensions referred to in this paragraph shall be made
if the staff member or persons entitled under him pay the sums remaining due in respect of
credit for past service before the payment of pension benefits.
44/4 - Refund of amounts due in respect of the cost of crediting past service
Refunds due as mentioned in Instruction 44/3 iii) for the purpose of reconstituting the
cost of crediting past service shall be made in equal monthly instalments within a maximum
period of five years.
They may not, except with the consent of the person concerned, exceed 20 per cent of his basic
salary for the first month following the Decision of the Council approving the Pension Scheme
Rules; they shall, however, be at least 10 per cent of such salary.
In the event of the staff member becoming incapacitated or dying, any amounts still
remaining due in respect of credit for past service shall be deducted from the capital amounts
payable to the staff member concerned or the persons entitled under him, in accordance with
the provisions of Instruction 38.1.
However, any amounts due under Instruction 44/3 i) shall be deducted in priority from such
capital amounts, or failing this, from the pension benefits.
A staff member who, when exercising his option under the Transitional Arrangements,
requests that years of service completed in one or more Coordinated Organisations be taken
into account shall be required to pay over to the Organisation in which he is serving at the
time of exercising his option the cost of crediting the above- mentioned years of service, as
calculated according to the rules applicable to the previous Organisation or Organisations;
if any refunds in respect of such years of service are due from the staff member concerned,
such amounts shall be paid to the Organisation in which the option was exercised, in
accordance with the terms of paragraph i) above.
However, if the staff member concerned is entitled to any arrears of pension, such
arrears shall be set off against the refunds due in respect of credit for past service(*), and the
rate of compound interest of 4 per cent per annum shall not be taken into account during the
period running from the date on which the pension takes effect up to the date of actual award
of the arrears of pension. Any balance remaining due in respect of credit for past service shall
be repaid before any payment of pension.
(*) The cost of validation covers all amounts due by entitled persons at the date of accrual of the right to a
312 Back to top
Example of calculation of a reduction
Past service: 10 years up to 1st July 1974
Cost of crediting past service at 1 July 1974
45 734.71 EUR
Holding in Provident Fund at the date of
exercising the option (no account being taken
of interest from 1st July 1974)
15 244.90 EUR
Actual capital refunds at pension time (within
time limit prescribed by Article 44.4)
7 622.45 EUR
Amount actually paid in respect of credit for
past service
15 244.90 + 7 622.45
22 867.35 EUR
Reduction of reckonable years of service
1.52 x 22 867.35 = 5 years instead of
45 734.71
10 years
Reckonable years of service remaining to be
acquired from lst July 1974, up to age 65,
including bonus after age 60: 11 years
Reckonable years of service acquired at age
) thus automatically affecting the minimum
)retirement pension (article 10.3)
instead of
5 + 11 = 16
10 + 11 = 21
Assumption of default in making full refund of amounts withdrawn from contributions paid after
1st July 1974: nil credit for past service.
Reduction of the rate of 70% (art. 14.2)
In the event of the staff member becoming
incapacitated or dying before exercising the
option, and in the event of default of payment of
full cost of credit for past service, either on the
part of the staff member or of the person or
persons entitled to a survivor's pension (widow-
Reduction of minimum pensions (Art. 14.4)
Reduction of minimum pensions (Art 19.3)
313 Back to top
Article 45 - Pension without credit for past service
1. A staff member to whom this Section of the Rules applies and who has chosen the option provided
for by this Article shall be bound by the terms of the Pension Scheme but shall in derogation of Article 5.1.
ii) irrevocably renounce the right to be credited with service prior to 1st July 1974 in one or more of the
Organisations listed in Article 1.1.
2. If he leaves the Organisation without completing ten years' service subsequent to 1st July 1974 he
shall receive a leaving allowance as provided for in Article 11 in respect of his service subsequent to that date.
3. If he leaves the Organisation after completing ten or more years' service subsequent to 1st July 1974
he shall, subject to the conditions laid down in Chapter II, be entitled to a retirement pension for his service
subsequent to that date. In the calculation of the minimum retirement pension provided under Article
10.3 only the years served after the afore-mentioned date shall be taken into account.
4. If he becomes incapacitated or dies while serving, the provisions of Chapters III to VI shall be applied
as appropriate.
Article 46 - Bonus for service after the age of sixty
1. A staff member to whom this Section of the Rules applies, who has chosen one of the options given
in Articles 44 and 45, and who has continued to serve beyond the age of sixty, shall, in respect of each year
completed after that age, be entitled to an increase in pension corresponding to 5 per cent of the reckonable
years of service credited to him at the age of sixty, but
the increase granted in respect of each year served after the age of sixty shall not exceed 2 per
cent of the salary defined in Article 10.1, and
his total pension shall not exceed 70 per cent of the salary so defined.
2. Within the same limit, pension rights shall continue to accrue as provided for in Article 10.1.
3. This Article shall, in the case covered by Article 14.1, apply only in respect of actual service after the
age of sixty.
46/1 - Calculation of bonus
The bonus provided for in Article 46 of the Rules shall be calculated by reference to the reckonable years of
service acquired at the end of the month in which the staff member attained his sixtieth year:
even if on that date they number less than ten years;
full months of service being counted as twelfths of a reckonable year of service;
account being taken, where appropriate, of reckonable years of service up to the age of
60 years for the purpose of Articles 14.1 and 16.2 of the Rules.
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Subject to the ceilings specified in Article 46.1 of the Rules, the bonus percentage ascertained
as above shall be added to the normal rate of pension entitlement, namely, 2 per cent, which is allotted
for each year of service, or for each fraction amounting to at least one-twelfth of a year, completed
after the age of 60 years.
Examples of calculations
Reckonable years of service at
age 60:
12, i.e. rate of pension = 24 %
Bonus per year from age 60 to
Total pension entitlement peryear
from age 60 to 65:
Reckonable years of service at
age 60:
20 years and 6 months, i.e. rate of
pension = 41 %
Bonus per year from age 60 to
2.05% reduced to 2%
Total pension entitlement peryear
from age 60 to 65:
2 + 2 = 4 %
e.g. if the staff member leaves at
age 62 years and 6 months:
41 + 8 + 2 = 51 %
Reckonable years of service at
age 60:
25, i.e. rate of pension = 50 %
Annual bonus reduced to
maximum of 2 %
Total pension entitlement peryear
from age 60 to 65:
2 + 2 = 4 %
Reckonable years of service at
age 60:
30, i.e. rate of pension = 60 %
Bonus per year from age 60 to
3 % reduced to 2 %
Total pension entitlement peryear
from age 60 to 65:
2 + 2 = 4 %
Maximum of 70 % at 62.5 years.
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Article 47 - Compensation for loss of previous pension rights
A staff member to whom this Section of the Rules applies may receive compensation by way of reckonable
years of service under the conditions and within the limits laid down in the provisions implementing the Rules
if he establishes that, by reason of having joined the Pension Scheme of the Organisation, he has been obliged
to forfeit all or part of any pensions rights that may have accrued to him previously in his country of origin,
without being able to obtain the actuarial equivalent of such rights.
47/1 - Conditions of entitlement
The compensation referred to in Article 47 of the Rules shall be awarded if the staff member satisfies all the
following conditions:
that he has lost, in whole or in part, the pension rights corresponding to periods of
service immediately preceding his appointment by the Organisation, or by another
Organisation listed in Article 1.1 of the Rules in the case of a change from one of such
Organisations to the present one;
that the earlier pension scheme has not made a payment of the actuarial equivalent or
of a capital commutation representing the full value of the aforesaid right, e.g. under Article
12.1 of the Rules;
ii) that the staff member pays over to the Organisation a fraction of any amounts he may
receive from the earlier pension scheme, although not representing the full actuarial value of
the rights lost; such fraction shall be calculated according to the ratio between the number of
reckonable years lost and the number of reckonable years allotted as compensation under this
that, under the earlier scheme, it is impossible to retain the full benefit of previous
rights, e.g. by contributing to such scheme on a voluntary basis or by way of secondment
rather than resignation;
that he elects to be credited in full for all service with the Organisations listed in
Article 1.1, in accordance with Articles 4, 5 and 44 of the Rules;
that he continues to serve in the said Organisations until the age limit laid down in the
Staff Regulations, save in case of death or loss of employment.
47/2 - Calculation of compensation
Compensation by way of reckonable years of service shall be calculated by applying to the past
reckonable years which have been recognised as lost the coefficients and maxima appearing in the
annexed table, established by reference to age at the time of the appointment referred to in paragraph
1 i) above. Such compensation may not exceed:
the number of years of actual service which it will be possible for the staff member to
complete up to the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations;
half the number of years of service which, upon his attaining the age limit laid down in the
Staff Regulations, would still have been required for him to complete 35 reckonable years
of service.
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47/3 - Time limit for applying
Applications for compensation must be submitted before the end of the option period.
47/4 - Repayments of amounts received for previous rights
Any repayment due under Instruction 47/1 iii) must be made before the end of the
option period or as soon as the relevant amounts are paid by the previous pensionscheme.
If, instead of the actuarial equivalent of the previous pension rights, the staff member
concerned has received any payments in satisfaction of such rights, he shall refund to the
Organisation a fraction of such payments equal to the ratio between the number of reckonable
years of service awarded as compensation under Article 47 of the Rules and the number of
reckonable years which he has had to relinquish under the previousscheme.
Failing such repayment within two months of the payment made in satisfaction of such rights,
or of the application for compensation, no compensation shall be awarded under Article 47
of the Rules.
In the case of total or partial refusal to award the above compensation on the
termination of service of a staff member, any amounts repaid under this Instruction shall be
refunded to the staff member, where necessary in proportion to the compensation awarded.
(EEC Examples - Article 107)
I. Lost IMF pension rights (years of pensionable service)
Date of birth: 12.9.1918
Date of statutory affiliation to EEC Scheme: 1.9.1958
Age at date of EEC affiliation: 39 years, 11 months, 19 days
Impossibility for official to complete maximum years of pensionable service in EEC by age 65
Affiliation to international organisation Fund before EEC affiliation: from 8.1.1948 to 31.7.1958
Non-payment of full actuarial equivalent of rights acquired according to 5. above, but part payment:
44 554.44 EUR
Impossibility established of preserving or acquiring pension rights in previous scheme
Period lost in previous scheme: from 8.1.1948 to 31.7.1958, i.e. 10 years, 6 months, 23 days
Calculation of EEC compensation for 10 years and 6 months lost (23 days = fraction of month not
qualifying for compensation)
317 Back to top
- Coefficient according t
age (39 years) at affiliation to EEC scheme:
0.6587 per year lost
0.0548 per month lost
- Compensation for 10 years lost:
10 years x 0.6587 = 6.587 years 6 years
0.587 years x 360 days = 211.320 days 7 months
1 day
- Compensation for 6 mo
nths lost:
6 months x 0.0548 = 0.3288 months
0.328 months x 36
days = 118.3680 days 3 months
28 days
Total compensation
6 years
10 months
29 days
Maximum according to age at affiliation and number of EEC years of pensionable service up to
retirement age (50 %):
65 years - 39 years, 11 months, 19 days
25 years
12 days
35 years of pensionable service -25 years, 12
days =
Repayment to EEC of part of amounts referred to under 6. (44 554.44 EUR)
Fraction to be refunded: 44 554.44 x 47.17 % = 21 015.55 EUR
318 Back to top
II. Lost Federal Republic of Germany pension rights
(Years of pensionable service)
Date of birth: 14.12.1902
Date of statutory affiliation to EEC Scheme: 25.2.1958
Age and date of EEC affiliation: 55 years, 2 months, 11 days
lmpossibility for official to complete maximum years of pensionable service in EECby
age 65
Federal Republic of Germany rights acquired before EEC affiliation: from 1.1.1928 to
24.2.1958, i.e. 75 %
Non payment of actuarial equivalent of previous rights
Reduction of rights acquired prior to EEC:
2.14% per year from 7th year at EEC, i.e.:
9 full years at EEC - 6 years = 3 years
(Federal Republic of Germany rights being thus reduced
from 75 % to 68.58 % = 2.14 % x 3)
Calculation of EEC compensation corresponding to age 55 (date of EEC affiliation)
0.8984 per year lost, i.e.:
3 years x 0.8984 = 2 years, 8 months, 10 days
Maximum according to age at affiliation and number of EEC years of pensionable
service to retirement age: not applicable in the particular case.
319 Back to top
Age on Appointment
Compensation coefficients applicable
to years losts
to months lost
Years M
Article 48 - Provident Fund
1. A staff member to whom this section of the Rules applies may opt to remain in the Organisation's
Provident Fund Scheme instead of receiving the benefits provided for in these Rules, where his contractual
situation requires that such an option be given to him.
2. In derogation of Article 5.1 ii), he shall thus irrevocably renounce the right to be credited with service
prior to 1st July 1974 in one or more of the Organisations listed in Article 1.1.
320 Back to top
48/1 - Limited nature of the option
A staff member whose contract is terminated after he has chosen the option specified in Article 48 of
the Rules and who, after leaving the Organisation, is then re-appointed by the same or another Co-
ordinated Organisation, shall be subject to the Pension Scheme from the commencement of this new
Article 49 - Scope
1. As a transitional measure, the provisions of these Rules shall, if so requested by them, apply to:
i) former staff members, with not less than ten years' service who left the Organisation at the age
of sixty or more, and their widows, incapacitated widowers and orphaned children,
ii) the widows, incapacitated widowers and orphaned children of staff members who died while
iii) staff members permanently incapacitated while serving, and their widows, incapacitated
widowers and orphans, when the events referred to in i), ii) and iii) occurred before 1st January 1973.
2. These beneficiaries shall, however, refund to the Organisation responsible for payment of the benefits
the Provident Fund holding due to the staff member at the time of his departure, death or recognition as unfit
for service. This refund shall include non-reimbursed withdrawals under the conditions laid down in Article
This refund shall be limited to the amount of contributions paid by the staff member and by the Organisation,
plus compound interest at 4 per cent per annum, such refund shall be abated, where applicable, by an amount
calculated by means of the following fraction:
- Numerator: the difference between the age of the staff member on lst January 1973 and his age at
the time of departure, death or recognition as unfit for service.
- Denominator: the difference between 80 and the age of the staff member at the time of departure,
death or recognition as unfit for service.
3. The request referred to in paragraph 1 above must be made within the period referred to in Article
43.4 i), failing which the right to do so shall lapse. The benefits under this Article shall be granted with effect
from 1st January 1973.
4. Benefits under this Article shall be calculated by reference to the staff member's grading when he left
the service before 1st January 1973 but on the basis of the corresponding scales in force on 1st January 1973,
subsequently adjusted in accordance with Article 36.
5. Staff to whomthis Article applies shall not benefit under the provisions of Article 46.
321 Back to top
49/1 - Abatement showing a positive balance
When the abatement under Article 49.2 of the Rules is greater than 100 per cent, such excess shall
not be paid to the beneficiary.
49/2 - Special case of staff members re-appointed in an auxiliary or temporary capacity
The abatement shall be calculated in a manner specified in Article 49.2 of the Rules if the former staff
member concerned is granted a retirement pension with effect from 1st January 1973 in accordance
with paragraph 3 of that Article.
49/3 - Procedure for refund of Provident Fund holdings
i) The amounts refundable under Article 49.2 of the Rules shall be calculated at 4 per
cent per annum compound interest up to 1st January 1973; they shall then be abated as
prescribed in Article 49.2 of the Rules. If the refunds actually made constitute only part of the
above-mentioned amounts, the pension rights and minimum pensions shall be reduced
proportionately, in accordance with the rule laid down in Article 44.3 of the Rules.
ii) The amounts referred to in the preceding paragraph may include, before any
abatement is applied, withdrawals previously made by the staff member concerned from his
Provident Fund holdings in order to maintain his rights under a national retirement pension
scheme or to finance dealings in real estate. The refund of such withdrawals may be partial,
in which case the pension rights and minimum pensions shall be reduced in accordance with
the rule laid down in Article 44.3 of the Rules, in the ratio existing, after abatement, between
the amounts partly refunded (Provident Fund plus withdrawals) and the same amounts were
they to be refunded in full.
iii) The amounts payable for the crediting of past service thus determined shall be
refunded at the time when payment of the corresponding pensions commences.
If the sums due in respect of arrears of pensions enduring at 1st January 1973, fall short of
the amount to be paid for the crediting of past service, the balance remaining due must be
paid by the staff member concerned as soon as the pensions are effectively paid, where
necessary by deduction from holdings remaining in the Provident Fund, or failing this, in
monthly instalments with interest at the interest rate of 4 per cent per annum from the
commencement of actual payment of pension and within a maximum period of 12 months.
Article 50 - Hardship Allowance
1. As an exceptional measure, where a staff member governed by the transitional arrangements is - or
the persons claiming under him are - unable to make the refunds required under Article 44 or Article 49, he -
or they - may, if the Secretary-General considers this justified in the light of his - or their - overall income, be
granted a hardship allowance. This allowance shall not exceed the amount of the minimum pension provided
for in the Rules in respect of each category of beneficiary.
322 Back to top
A hardship allowance may also be granted on grounds of low level of income to the widowers of female staff
members who died before 1st January 1979. In this case any pension granted as the case may be to the children
or other dependants shall be reduced to the amount laid down in Article 25.2.
2. The hardship allowance may only be granted as from the first day of the month following that in
which the application is made, and in any event not earlier than 1st July 1974; it may not, however, be granted
to a former staff member before he has reached the age of sixty, unless he is incapacitated.
3. Detailed application of this Article will be governed by the Instructions referred to in Article 52.
50/1 - Other income taken into account
The Secretary-General of the Organisation shall decide, after consulting the Staff
Association, unless the person concerned objects to such consultation, whether a hardship
allowance is justified having regard to the impossibility of the staff member or those entitled
under him to refunding the amounts referred to in Instructions 44 or 49, taking account of
their income or assets in the form of capital or real estate which could be realised to make the
refunds in question.
In any event, the hardship allowance shall be reduced to the extent that the former
staff member required to make refunds (or the persons entitled under him) is in receipt of
taxable income exceeding the salary for Grade C 1, Step 1 for the country where he resides,
or the last country in which he served if the country of residence is not a Member of one of
the Co-ordinated Organisations mentioned in Article 1.1 of the Rules.
50/2 - References to the Pension Scheme Rules
The hardship allowance shall not constitute a right for a former staff member or for any other
beneficiaries; subject to this proviso, the following provisions of the Pension Scheme Rules shall
apply to it: Articles 3, 7, 9.2, 10.3, 14.3 and 14.4, 15, 16, 17.2, 18, 19.3 and 19.4, 21 (first
sentence), 22.1, 23 to 29, 31, 33 to 40 and 42.
Article 51 Co-ordination
1. These Rules must be applied in a uniform manner by the different Organisations listed in Article 1.
To this end, the Secretaries/Directors-General of those Organisations shall consult among themselves in order
to carry out the appropriate co-ordination.
323 Back to top
51.1 /1 - Administrative Committee on Pensions
The Standing Committee of Secretaries-General has set up the Administrative Committee on Pensions
of the Co-ordinated Organisations (CAPOC) so as to have at its disposal a body which can effectively
ensure that the provisions of the Pension Scheme Rules are uniformly applied (document
CCG/W(74)43 of 27 December 1974, paragraph 1).
/2 - Forms
A standard form is used for determining the position regarding each staff member's reckonable
years of service for pension purposes at a particular date, viz.:
either on leaving the Organisation or on the assessment of a benefit; or
on changing from one Organisation to another.
This form recapitulates the regulatory provisions to be consulted on such occasions.
Article 52 Detailed implementation
1. Instructions for the implementation of these Rules shall be drawn up by the Secretary/Director-
General of the Organisation.
52.1 - Date of issue
The implementing Instructions shall be issued by the Secretary/Director-General on a proposal by
the Committee of Representatives of the Secretaries-General (CRSG) of the Co-ordinated
Organisations after consultation of the Committee of Staff Representatives (CRP).
They shall be updated periodically.
Article 53 Entry into force
1. These Rules shall enter into force on 1st July 1974.
53.1 - Date of entry into force of the Implementing Instructions
The implementing Instructions shall enter into force on the date as laid down by the
Secretary/Director-General of the Organisation.
324 Back to top
to officials recruited to work half-time
and to officials authorised to work half-time
for an indefinite duration
Subject to the special provisions set out herein, the Pension Scheme Rules shall apply to
officials recruited to work half-time and to officials authorised to work half-time for an indefinite
duration in accordance with Annex X to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions.
The special provisions applying to the officials referred to in Instruction X.1 above, who are
working half-time at the date of entitlement to benefits under the Pension Scheme, shall be as follows:
The following shall be reduced by half:
the maximum rate of the retirement pension under Article 10.2 of the Pension
Scheme Rules, and the ceiling on the retirement pension under Article 10.3;
the rate of the invalidity pension as specified in Article 14.2 and the minimum
amount of the invalidity pension as defined in Article 14.4;
the ceiling on the invalidity pension under Article 14.4 and the salary referred to
in Article 15;
the minimum amounts for the survivor's pension under Article 19.3; the minimum
amounts for the orphan's or dependant's pension for the primary beneficiary
under Articles 25.2 and 25.3, and the increases under Articles 25.2 and 25.3 for
the second and every further beneficiary of an orphan's or dependant's pension;
the orphan's pension under Article 25.4;
the ceiling on benefits payable to survivors and orphans under Article 29;
Last update: January 90
periods of half-time service by officials referred to in Instruction X.1 above shall be deemed to be periods of actual
service within the meaning of Article 7 of the Pension Scheme Rules;
for the purposes of Article 14.1 any period subsequent to cessation of work shall be treated
as a period of half-time work.
The provisions in Instruction X.2 a) i), iii) and vii) above shall not apply to officials
recruited to work full-time but subsequently authorised to work half-time for an indefinite
325 Back to top
Where the official satisfies the conditions prescribed in Article 7 of the Pension Scheme
Rules on the date from which he is authorised to work half-time for an indefinite duration, benefits
in accordance with Instruction X.2 above shall not be less than those to which the official or
claimants to his rights would have been entitled if he had ceased to work for the Organisation at
that date for any reason other than invalidity or death.
Where an official is appointed by the Organisation to work half-time after having worked full-
time for one of the Organisations listed in Article 1 of the Pension Scheme Rules, he shall be subject
to the provisions of Instruction X.3 above, provided he pays over as appropriatethe amounts specified
in Article 5.1 or 5.2 of the Pension Scheme Rules, as the case maybe.
326 Back to top
Periodicity: At least every 5 years
1. Calculation, as at the effective date of the study for all the organisations, of the rate of contribution
payable by staff in order to finance one-third of benefits provided under the Scheme, establishing the present
value of future entitlements and salaries.
2. Projections of annual amounts of future entitlements will be calculated, on the one hand, for the
overall population of staff members at the date of the study and, on the other hand, for the population of staff
members who will be recruited by the Co-ordinated Organisations in the years to come. Projections of salaries
for these populations will also be established year by year. Each of these amounts will be discounted to present
3. Combining these results will make it possible to determine the rate of contribution needed to finance
one-third of benefits provided under the Scheme.
Demographic assumptions
4. The demographic assumptions are derived from detailed demographic studies for each of the Co-
ordinated Organisations. These studies examine past experience over a period of fifteen years in tranches of
five years so as to identify trends; they also take account of available forecasts regarding future numbers of
5. The rates obtained are adjusted so as to eliminate distortions resulting from insufficient data in certain
Economic assumptions
6. The discounting process is based on observed rates of return on long-term bonds issued in the
reference countries, as from the date when they become a referencecountry.
7. A discount rate net of inflation shall be used. It shall be equal to the arithmetical average of average
real rates observed over the thirty years preceding the date when the actuarial study is conducted.
8. The average real rate for a given past year is obtained from the real rates in each country, calculated
as the quotient of the rate of gross return on bonds by the corresponding rate of inflation, as shown by the
national consumer price index. The average is obtained by weighting the real rate in each country by the number
of serving staff in that country at the effective date of the study.
Salary increase assumptions
9. The salary increase assumptions are derived for each organisation from an analysis of the past
experience over a period of 15 years in tranches of five years so as to identify trends. They also take account
of available forecasts in that respect.
Last update: January 2020
327 Back to top
ANNEX X bis RULES OF THE NEW PENSION SCHEME (NPS) .............................................................................................................. 327
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 327
CHAPTER I - GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 329
Article 1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................ 329
Article 2 - Deferred entitlement ......................................................................................................................................................... 329
Article 3 - Definition of salary ............................................................................................................................................................ 330
Article 4 - Definition of service conferring entitlement to benefits .................................................................................................... 331
Article 5 - Calculation of service conferring entitlement to benefits
................................................................................................ 334
Article 6 - Reckonable years of service ............................................................................................................................................... 337
Article 6bis -Part-time service - effects on the calculation of entitlement ......................................................................................... 338
CHAPTER II - RETIREMENT PENSION AND LEAVING ALLOWANCE ...................................................................................................... 340
Section 1 - RETIREMENT PENSION ......................................................................................................................................................... 340
Article 7 - Conditions of entitlement .................................................................................................................................................. 340
Article 8 - Age of entitlement, deferred or early pension................................................................................................................... 342
Article 9 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement .................................................................................................................. 344
Article 10 - Rate of pension ................................................................................................................................................................ 344
Section 2 - LEAVING ALLOWANCE .......................................................................................................................................................... 345
Article 11 - Leaving allowance ........................................................................................................................................................... 345
Section 3 - INWARD AND OUTWARD TRANSFER OF PENSION RIGHTS .................................................................................................. 347
Article 12 - Inward and outward transfer of pension rights .............................................................................................................. 347
CHAPTER III - INVALIDITY PENSION .................................................................................................................................................... 352
Article 13 - Conditions of entitlement - Invalidity board .................................................................................................................... 352
Article 14 - Rate of pension ................................................................................................................................................................ 356
Article 15 - Concurrent earnings ........................................................................................................................................................ 357
Article 16 - Medical examination - termination of pension ............................................................................................................... 357
Article 17 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................ 359
CHAPTER IV - SURVIVOR'S AND REVERSION PENSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 360
Article 18 - Conditions of entitlement ................................................................................................................................................ 360
Article 19 - Rate of pension ................................................................................................................................................................ 361
Article 20 - Reduction for difference in age ....................................................................................................................................... 362
Article 21 Remarriage ..................................................................................................................................................................... 363
Article 22 - Rights of a former spouse ................................................................................................................................................ 363
Article 23 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................ 364
CHAPTER V - ORPHAN'S OR DEPENDANT'S PENSION .......................................................................................................................... 364
Article 24 - Rate of orphan's pension ................................................................................................................................................. 364
Article 25 - Rate of pension for other dependants ............................................................................................................................. 366
Article 26 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement ................................................................................................................ 366
Article 27 - Beneficiaries of more than one category ......................................................................................................................... 366
CHAPTER VI - FAMILY ALLOWANCES .................................................................................................................................................. 370
Article 28 Provisions applicable to staff members appointed before 1 January 2017 .................................................................... 370
Article 28bis Provisions applicable to staff members appointed as of 1 January 2017 ................................................................... 371
CHAPTER VII CEILING ON BENEFITS .................................................................................................................................................... 373
Article 29 Ceiling on benefits ........................................................................................................................................................... 373
CHAPTER VIII - PROVISIONAL PENSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 374
Article 30 - Conditions of entitlement ................................................................................................................................................ 374
328 Back to top
CHAPTER IX - DETERMINATION OF THE AMOUNTS OF BENEFITS ....................................................................................................... 375
Section 1 - ASSESSMENT OF ENTITLEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 375
Article 31 - Organisation responsible for the assessment .................................................................................................................. 375
Article 32 - No double entitlement ..................................................................................................................................................... 375
Article 33 - Basis of calculation .......................................................................................................................................................... 376
Article 34 - Re-assessment cancellation .......................................................................................................................................... 378
Article 35 - Requirement of evidence - forfeiture of rights ................................................................................................................ 379
Section 2 - ADJUSTMENT OF PENSIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 379
Article 36 - Adjustment of pensions ................................................................................................................................................... 379
Section 3 - PAYMENT OF BENEFITS ........................................................................................................................................................ 381
Article 37 - Mode of payment ............................................................................................................................................................ 381
Article 38 - Sums owed to the organisation ....................................................................................................................................... 382
Article 39 - Right of subrogation ........................................................................................................................................................ 382
CHAPTER X - FINANCING THE PENSION SCHEME ................................................................................................................................ 383
Article 40 - Charge on budgets .......................................................................................................................................................... 383
Article 41 - Staff member's contribution - costing the scheme .......................................................................................................... 383
CHAPTER XI - PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ADJUSTMENT OF PENSIONS ......................................................................................... 385
Article 42 - Pensions which are subject to national tax legislation .................................................................................................... 385
CHAPTER XII - FINAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 389
Article 43 Pensions administrative committee of the co-ordinated organisations (PACCO) ........................................................... 389
Article 44 Detailed implementation ................................................................................................................................................ 389
Article 45 Entry into force ............................................................................................................................................................... 389
APPENDIX 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 390
329 Back to top
Article 1 Scope
1. The pension scheme established by these Rules, hereinafter referred to as the “New Pension Scheme”
(NPS), applies to staff members who:
took up duty on or after the 1
of January 2002;
have never contributed to the Pension Scheme of the co-ordinated organisations set up by the
adoption of the 94
Report of the CCG by the governing bodies of these Organisations; and
hold indefinite term or definite or fixed-term appointments in the Organisation.
2. A staff member who, during his last appointment with a co-ordinated organisation, benefited from
the provisions of Article 11 of the scheme set up by the adoption of the 94
Report of the CCG and who has
not repaid the amounts provided for under that Article, shall be deemed to have relinquished entitlement to
benefit from the said scheme and shall irrevocably be affiliated to the NPS.
3. The NPS shall not apply to other categories of personnel defined in the Organisation, such as Experts,
Consultants, Temporary Staff, Auxiliary Staff, Employees and personnel hired under local labour legislation,
4. In these Rules, the term “Organisation” refers to the OECD, the term “other Organisation” means any
other co-ordinated organisation having adopted the NPS and the term “staff member” means the staff referred
to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
Last update: July 2024
Article 2 - Deferred entitlement
1. Where the medical examination which every staff member has to undergo as part of the appointment
process (and the consequences of which will have duly been expounded to him before his appointment) shows
him to be suffering from an illness or disablement, the Organisation may decide that, as regards risks arising
from an illness or disablement existing before he took up his duties, the said staff member shall not be entitled
to the invalidity or death benefits provided for in these Rules until the expiry of a period not exceeding five
years from the date of his appointment. If a staff member leaves an organisation which has adopted the NPS
and, within a period of not more than six months, enters the service of another organisation which has also
adopted the NPS, the time spent in the service of the first organisation shall be deducted from the period of
deferred entitlement.
330 Back to top
2.1 /1 - Medical examination
The Organisation shall inform the staff member in writing of the application of a period of deferred
entitlement and of its duration, which may be from one to sixty months. The Medical Consultant of
the Organisation shall inform him in writing of the nature of the illness or disablement which justified
the application of the deferment period.
/2 - Definition of entitlements during the deferment period
If the staff member concerned leaves the Organisation during the deferment period, the
leaving allowance shall be paid to him and the years of service completed during the
deferment period shall be taken into account.
In the event of either permanent total invalidity or death resulting from a cause which
justified the deferment period in course:
should such an event occur before the staff member has fulfilled the condition
provided for in Article 7, the staff member or the beneficiaries shall be
entitled to a lump sum, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article
should such an event occur after the staff member has fulfilled the condition
provided for in Article 7
and if this condition was fulfilled during the deferment period, the staff member
or the beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum calculated in accordance with
the provisions of Article 11, in respect of the reckonable years of service credited
within the meaning of Article 6;
and if this condition was fulfilled prior to the deferment period, the staff member
or the beneficiaries shall be entitled to both a lump sum calculated in accordance
with the provisions of Article 11, in respect of the reckonable years of service
completed during the deferment period, and the benefits to which they would have
been entitled before the staff member’s appointment.
Last update: May 2005
In the event of either permanent total invalidity or death resulting from either an accident
at work, or an illness or disablement other than that which justified the deferment period, and
which occurred after commencement of duties, the staff member or the beneficiaries shall be
entitled to the benefits provided by the Pension Scheme for such events.
Article 3 - Definition of salary
1. Unless otherwise specified, for the purposes of these Rules, salary shall be the monthly basic salary
of the staff member, according to the scales in force in the Organisation at the time when the pension is assessed,
and updated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36.
331 Back to top
Article 4 - Definition of service conferring entitlement to benefits
1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 5 and 41, paragraph 1, entitlement to benefit under these Rules
shall be determined by the total of the periods actually served in the Organisation or in another Organisation:
i) as a staff member;
ii) in any other capacity prior to appointment as a staff member, provided any periods so served
were not separated by breaks of more than one year.
Last update: January 2005
2. In addition to the total of the periods of service thus calculated, a staff member may request, on
termination of service, that periods of service corresponding to certain statutory indemnities be taken into
account, in particular payment in lieu of notice, for loss of employment, and for leave not taken, under the
provisions laid down by Instruction (*).
3. Periods of part-time service shall be taken into consideration in calculating entitlement to benefit
under these Rules provided they correspond to at least half-time work as defined by the provisions laid down
by Instruction.
4. The periods referred to in Article 16, paragraph 3 shall also be taken into consideration.
5. The period of affiliation to the pension scheme of an international organisation, and for which a staff
member has benefited from an inward transfer of pension rights, shall be taken into account in
calculating entitlement to benefit under these Rules, under the provisions laid down by Instruction.
Last update: September 2020
(*) Unless otherwise specified, the term "provisions laid down by Instruction" refers, throughout these
Rules, to the implementation provisions in Article 44.
332 Back to top
/1 - Service counting for entitlement
Service counting for entitlement shall consist of the following:
any periods of service completed on behalf of a Co-ordinated Organisation by a staff
member before the Staff Regulations or the Provident Scheme came into effect; such
service must have been completed under an appointment issued by the Organisation or by
the provisional Committee or Secretariat from which the Organisation emanated;
any periods of service completed as a staff member;
any periods of sick leave or temporary incapacity in respect of which benefits have
been paid; the staff member concerned shall be required to have paid his personal
contribution to the Pension Scheme as calculated on the amounts so received; such periods
shall be counted without any reduction;
any periods of unpaid leave, if such periods are not taken into account by a new
employer for the purposes of a pension scheme; the crediting of periods of unpaid leave
equal to or less than two months shall be dependent on payment, for these periods, of the
staff member’s personal contribution to the Pension Scheme; the crediting of periods of
unpaid leave beyond two months and up to a maximum of the four months following, shall
be dependent on payment by the staff member, for these periods, of a contribution equal
to two and a half times his personal contribution to the Pension Scheme;
any periods of secondment by the Organisation, should the staff member be reinstated
; the detailed rules for the crediting of such periods shall be laid down in the regulations
applicable to staff.
Last update: September 2019
4.1 /2 - Service completed in another capacity before appointment as a permanent staff member
Periods of service referred to in Article 4.1 ii) may be taken into account in accordance with
Article 5, paragraph 5, if the following conditions are fulfilled:
i) such periods must have been prior to the appointment as a staff member of the
Organisation or of another Organisation mentioned in Article 1.
ii) such service must have been completed in the full-time or at least half-time
) of the Organisation, or of another Organisation mentioned in Article 1.
Such employment must have been remunerated according to periods of time and not by
the job or piece, being service performed on the premises and under the control and to the
instructions of the Organisation, according to its hours of work.
(*) "Employment" is used in the general sense: this applies in particular to the English text, bearing in mind
OECD "employees".
333 Back to top
The staff member must have received all his emoluments for the service mentioned in the
above sub-paragraph directly from the Organisation.
iii) any such periods completed in the service of the same Organisation, or of more than
one Organisation mentioned in Article 1, must not have been broken for more than 12
consecutive months.
iv) in accordance with the provisions of Instruction 6.2, periods so to be taken into
account must be of a minimum of thirty days; periods of part-time work, equal to or more
than half time, shall be taken into account as a proportion of full time. The periods thus
validated must total at least 30 days of full time.
4.2 Crediting of reckonable years of service corresponding to indemnities
A staff member may request, on cessation of work, the crediting of reckonable years of service
corresponding to:
i) compensatory payments in respect of leave not taken ;
ii) compensatory payments in lieu of notice;
iii) indemnity for loss of employment.
Such reckonable years of service shall be credited subject to payment by the staff member of the personal
contribution to the pension scheme or Provident Fund in respect of all these amounts and insofar as the periods
on which the calculation was based are not taken into account by a new employer for the purposes of a pension
scheme of a Co-ordinated Organisation.
Only reckonable years of service corresponding to periods below the statutory age limit may however be
taken into account for the calculation of benefits provided for in these Rules.
Last update: November 2008
- Definition of half-time service
A staff member shall be considered as working half-time, within the meaning of Article 4, paragraph
3, when the number of his working hours, calculated on a monthly basis, is equal to half the number
of full-time working hours.
4.2 - Recognition of the period of affiliation in the pension scheme of an international organisation
i) The period of affiliation to the pension scheme of an international organisation shall be recognised
on the basis of the period certified by this scheme but shall not exceed the reckonable years of service
credited pursuant to Article 12, paragraph 1.
ii) Such recognition shall become effective upon expiry of a five year period from the date of taking
up duty as a staff member.
Last update: September 2020
334 Back to top
Article 5 - Calculation of service conferring entitlement to benefits
1. Where staff members appointed by the Organisation have previously served with the Organisation
or another Organisation
, their entitlement to benefits under the terms of Article 4 shall be conditional upon
their paying over to the Organisation which re-appoints them the amounts paid to them on leaving their
previous service pursuant to Article 11 plus compound interest on such amounts at 4 % per annum from the
date when the staff members received them until the date they are paid over in accordance with this
paragraph. Should the staff members fail to pay over the amounts in question, reckonable service shall count
only as from the new appointment.
2. Where staff members appointed by the Organisation were previously drawing a retirement pension in
respect of service with another Organisation, payment of that pension shall cease.
If the staff members refund to the Organisation offering them a new appointment the pension payments they
have received, the provisions of Article 4 shall apply on cessation of their new appointment.
If they do not make this refund, the years of service for which credit was acquired in the employment that
originally entitled them to payment of the discontinued retirement pension shall be taken into account in the
calculation of the retirement pension due on cessation of their new employment by reference to the salary for
their last grading in such previous employment; moreover, that part of the final pension figure shall be abated
by 5 per cent for each whole year during which the staff members drew the initial pension before the
pensionable age applicable to them
3. Where a staff member ceases his functions at a grade and step lower than that which he had previously
held in the Organisation or in another Organisation, his entitlement to benefits under these Rules shall be
determined by taking into account the total of his reckonable years of service and the benefits shall be calculated
on the basis of the salary for the highest grading held by him. However, a reduction shall be made in the number
of years of service to be credited to him in respect of time served at a lower grade and step after having held
the grade by reference to which benefits are calculated; this reduction shall be proportionate to the difference
between the said gradings.
4. For the implementation of paragraphs 2 and 3 above, salaries shall be taken into account in
accordance with the scales in force when the final pension assessment ismade.
5. The crediting of the periods referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1 ii) shall be conditional on:
i) the staff member submitting an application to that effect no later than six months after
confirmation of his appointment as a staff member; the application shall specify the periods of
service with which the staff member wishes to be credited;
ii) the Organisation giving its agreement;
iii) the staff member paying, for each month of service with which he is to be credited, the
contribution provided for in Article 41, calculated on the basis of his first monthly salary upon
affiliation to the scheme.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall only apply inasmuch as another Organisation has adopted the NPS.
Insofar as the Scheme set up by the present Rules is made applicable to staff members of the European Union
Institute for Security Studies and Satellite Centre, Agencies of the European Union and previously of the WEU,
a Member Organisation of Co-ordination from the outset, such staff members shall benefit from the
provisions of the present Article and of the other provisions of the Rules referring to Article 1 paragraph 4.
As defined in Staff Rule 17/2.1 bis.
Last update: July 2024
335 Back to top
- Service completed as a staff member
Application for any service referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, to be
taken into account must be made no later than six months after confirmation of the new
Where, pursuant to Article 11, the staff member received a leaving allowance at the
end of his previous appointment, then pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 1, no partial
crediting of such service shall be allowed; accordingly, the staff member concerned shall
be required either to refund such leaving allowance in full or to forgo the right to have the
corresponding service credited.
Should the staff member fail to make a full refund immediately, he may be authorised
to make such refund, at the latest, as from the expiry of the period referred to in sub-
paragraph i) above, by monthly deductions of not less than 20 per cent of the basic monthly
salary received at the time of beginning such refunds; compound interest at the rate of 4
per cent per annum shall be applied to the amount outstanding, until the refund has been
made in full.
If at the date on which any benefit under the Pension Scheme is payable, such refunds
have not been completed, the balance still due shall be repaid in its entirety through
deduction from the benefits to be paid, including those payable to persons entitled under
the staff member. The Organisation may authorise payment by instalments, in which case
compound interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum shall be applied to the amount
outstanding, until the refund has been made in full.
In the event of incapacity, death or termination of the service of the staff member
concerned, any amount still remaining unpaid shall be set off against the capitalsums
due to him or to the persons entitled under him, in accordance with the provisions of
Instruction 38.1, and the balance still due shall be deducted in accordance with the
provisions of sub-paragraph iv) above.
In the event of the termination of his service without any payment of leaving allowance
or pension, the staff member concerned may request time not exceeding twenty-four
months in which to make up all or part of any refund then still outstanding, subject to the
provisions of sub-paragraph iv).
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- Non-refund of previous pension payments
Example illustrating the application of Article 5, paragraph 2, last sub-paragraph :
(i) First pension paid from age 60 to 62:
(T' = salary used as basis of calculation)
(20 reckonable years of service at 2%)
T' x
reduced pursuant to
Article 8.4
(ii) Second period paid from age 62 to 66:
(T" = salary used as basis of calculation at age 66)
(4 reckonable years of service at 2%) / leaving
T " x
Total Pension
(i)+ (ii)=
) ×
i.e. 0.4T’ 0.04 T’ + 0.08T”
(iii) In the final calculation of the total pension, the pension between brackets
T' x
has now been reduced pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 2, not Article 8, paragraph 4; the pension as
stated in (i) above is reduced to 90%
i.e. 10%
- Termination of service at a lower grade
For the implementation of Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Rules, the calculation shall be made as illustrated
On previous termination of service (or at highest point in career before downgrading):
10 years' service, grading on departure,A5/5 = theoretical final salary: 100 = T'
i.e. 10 years' reckonable service.
On final termination of service:
10 years served in second period,
grading on departure, A4/5 = theoretical final salary: 75 = T"
the reckonable service in respect of the second period will thus be reduced in the ratio:
T '
i.e. 7.5 reckonable years.
T ' 100
Total: 10 + 7. 5 = 17. 5 years' reckonable service.
Total pension will be calculated on the basis of:
T' = 100 x 17. 5 reckonable years of service.
Last update: July 2024
337 Back to top
- Crediting of service completed before appointment as a staff member
Application to be credited with service completed before appointment as a staff member
must be made no later than six months after confirmation of the said appointment.
Persons entitled under a deceased staff member may not apply in his place for service
to which this Instruction applies to be credited.
Service shall be credited subject to payment of the contribution referred to in Article
41 as calculated on the basis of the first monthly salary upon affiliation to the scheme and
multiplied by the number of months of service in respect of which rights are credited, a
pro rata deduction being made, where appropriate, for part-time service. First monthly
salary here means the salary corresponding to full-time employment in the grade and step
of the staff member, whether he be recruited on a full-time or a part-time basis. Such
payment may be made by instalments in the form of monthly deductions from emoluments,
commencing not later than the end of the relevant period referred to in sub- paragraph i)
above and spread over a period not exceeding the duration of the previous service so
Interest at 4 per cent per annum shall be due in respect of any part of the payments which
is deferred beyond such period at the request of the staff member.
If, at the date on which any benefit under the NPS is awarded, such payments have not
been completed, the balance still due shall be deducted from the benefits to be paid, where
necessary by instalments.
On making his application to credit such service as aforesaid, the staff member shall
be required to consent to the Organisation's having first claim on any capital sums payable
in the event of his death or invalidity or of the termination of his service, to the extent of
any amounts then still outstanding in respect of crediting such service.
In the event of the termination of his service, the staff member or persons entitled under
him may request time not exceeding twelve months in which to make up any amount then
still outstanding, subject to the provisions of sub-paragraphs iii) and iv) above.
Article 6 - Reckonable years of service
1. The benefits provided for under these Rules shall be calculated by reference to reckonable years of
service consisting of:
i) service calculated in accordance with Articles 4 and 5;
ii) service credited in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 1.
2. Incomplete years of reckonable service shall be taken into account on the basis of one-twelfth of a
year for each whole month of service. For benefit calculation purposes the period remaining shall be treated as
a whole month if it is equal to or more than 15 days.
However, the period remaining shall not be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the 10 years’
service required for entitlement to the retirement pension provided for in Article 7.
3. In the case of part-time work:
i) reckonable years of service shall be calculated in accordance with the ratio between the
338 Back to top
working hours corresponding to part-time service and the official number of hours for full-
time work in the Organisation;
ii) however, reckonable years of service shall not be reduced when the staff member authorised
to work part-time has contributed to the NPS on the basis of full-time work, by paying, in
addition to his personal contribution to the NPS for the part corresponding to his part-time
work, a contribution equal to two and a half times the rate of contribution mentioned in Article
41, paragraph 3, on the difference in salary between his part-time work and the corresponding
full-time work, under the provisions laid down byInstruction.
6.2 - Fractions of a month
Any fraction of less than thirty days remaining after aggregating periods of service shall be treated as a whole
month if it is equal to or more than fifteen days and disregarded if it is less than fifteen days.
6.3 Non reduction of reckonable years of service
A staff member authorised to work part-time may request to contribute to the NPS on the basis of full-time
work, provided that these periods are not taken into account by another employer for the purposes of a pension
scheme and the amount of the supplementary contribution referred to in Article 6, paragraph 3 ii) is paid in
accordance with the provisions of Article 41, paragraph 2. The staff member should make his request not later
than the eighth day following the beginning of the period for which he is authorised to work part- time. This
request shall be final, unless an exceptional derogation is granted by the Secretary / Director General upon
receipt of a duly justified request from the staff member.
Article 6bis -Part-time service - effects on the calculation of entitlement
1. Where at the time of termination of his service an official was working part-time, the salary taken
into account in calculating his pension entitlement shall be that payable for full-time work at his grade and step
as provided in these Rules.
2. However, when an official terminating his service in the circumstances described in paragraph 1
above had been recruited to serve on a part-time basis, or authorised to work part-time for an indefinite period
or for a fixed-term renewable by tacit agreement and if the provisions of Article 6, paragraph 3 ii) are
339 Back to top
not applied, the rate of the invalidity pension provided for in Article 14, paragraph 2, and the minimum and
maximum amounts that apply, shall be set in accordance with the provisions laid down by Instruction.
6 bis.2/1 - Benefit payable to a staff member who has only worked part time
For the purposes of calculating the benefit payable under Article 6 bis, paragraph 2, to
a staff member who has only worked part time, the following shall be reduced by an
amount corresponding to the ratio between the number of hours actually worked and the
official number of hours for full-time work:
the maximum rate of retirement pension provided for under Article 10,
paragraph 2 and the maximum amount of retirement pension provided for
under Article 10, paragraph 3;
the rate of invalidity pension under Article 14, paragraph 2, and the
minimum amount of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14,
paragraph 4;
the maximum amount of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14,
paragraph 4, and the salary referred to in Article 15;
the minimum amounts of survivor's pension provided for under Article 19,
paragraph 3;
the amount of the reversion pension provided for under Article 19,
paragraphs 4 and 5
the minimum amounts of orphan's pension provided for the first
beneficiary under Article 24, paragraphs 3 and 4, as well as the increases
provided for under Article 24, paragraphs 3 and 4, for orphans in respect of
the second and every further beneficiary;
the amount of the dependant’s pension provided for under Article 25,
paragraph 2;
the ceiling for benefits payable to survivors and orphans as defined in
Article 29.
However, when a staff member was recruited by the Organisation for part-time service,
after having worked full time for one of the Organisations referred to in Article 1,
paragraph 4, he shall be subject to the provisions of Instruction 6bis.2/2 provided he pays
over, if appropriate, the sums specified in Article 5, paragraph 1 or Article 5, paragraph
2, as the case may be.
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6 bis.2/2 - Benefit payable to a staff member who, at the time of termination of his service, is working
part time for an indefinite period or for a fixed period renewable by tacit agreement, having previously
worked full time
For the purposes of calculating the benefit payable under Article 6bis, paragraph 2 to
a staff member authorised to work part time for an indefinite period or for a fixed period
renewable by tacit agreement, the following shall be reduced in accordance with the ratio
between the number of hours actually worked and the official number of hours for full-
time work:
the rate of invalidity pension under Article 14, paragraph 2, as well as the
minimum amount of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14,
paragraph 4, and, for those periods of part-time service, the maximum amount
of invalidity pension provided for under Article 14, paragraph 4;
the minimum amounts of survivor's pension provided for under Article 19,
paragraph 3;
the amount of the reversion pension provided for under Article 19,
paragraphs 4 and 5;
the minimum amounts of orphan's pension provided for the first
beneficiary under Article 24, paragraphs 3 and 4, as well as the increases
provided for under Article 24, paragraphs 3 and 4 for the second and every
further beneficiary of an orphan's pension;
the amount of the dependant’s pension provided for under Article 25,
paragraph 2.
However, when a staff member fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 7 at the date
from which he is authorised to work part time for an indefinite period or for a fixed period
renewable by tacit agreement, the benefit resulting from application of the provisions of
sub-paragraph i) above, may not be less than that to which he or his authorised
representatives would have been entitled had he ceased working for the Organisation at
that date for a reason other than invalidity or death.
Article 7 - Conditions of entitlement
1. A staff member who has completed ten or more years' service, within the meaning of Article 4, in the
Organisation and, where applicable, in other Organisations, shall be entitled to a retirement pension.
2. For the implementation of the condition of length of service referred to in paragraph 1 above, periods
of service in respect of which contributions to the Defined Benefit Funded Pension Scheme of the ECMWF or
the Third Pension Scheme of the Council of Europe have been paid and for which the staff member has
341 Back to top
benefited from an inward transfer of pension rights, under the provisions laid down in Article 12, paragraph 1
and its implementing instructions, shall also be taken into account.
/1 - Service for the purposes of Article 4
For the purposes of Article 4, service as a staff member in one or more of the Organisations referred to in
Article 1, paragraph 4, shall be:
- periods served in respect of which the staff member's contributions to the NPS have been paid in
accordance with Article 5, paragraphs 1 and 5;
- periods referred to in Article 16, paragraph 3, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4.
7.1/2 - Part-time service
Without prejudice to Article 6, paragraph 3 i), periods of part-time service shall be considered periods of
full-time service within the meaning of Article 7.
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Article 8 - Age of entitlement, deferred or early pension
1. A staff member shall become eligible for a retirement pension at the age laid down by the
2. Pension rights shall continue to accrue to staff members continuing to be employed after pensionable
age, but their pension shall not exceed the maximum amount laid down in Article 10, paragraph 2.
3. Where staff members cease their functions before reaching the pensionable age applicable to them,
payment of their retirement pension shall be deferred until they reach that age.
4. However, staff members may request early payment of their pension before they reach the
pensionable age applicable to them, as detailed below:
- staff members appointed on or after 1
July 2024 may request early payment of their pension as
from age 60;
- - staff members appointed prior to 1
July 2024 may request early payment of their pension as from
the applicable age corresponding to their situation at 1
July 2024, as set out in the table below:
When staff members request early payment of their pension, the amount of their retirement pension shall be
affected by reduction coefficients. This reduced amount shall correspond to a proportion of the pension the
staff members would have received had their pension been assessed on the applicable pensionable age, as
determined in the table below:
See Staff Rule 17/2.1 bis.
Minimum age for drawing an early pension
Length of
Service on
1 July
Age on
1 July 2024
>0 and <5
years of service
≥5 and <10
years of service
10 or more
years of service
50 57
40 49
343 Back to top
Age when
assessing the
early payment
of the pension
Staff Member’s Applicable Pensionable Age
Ratio between the amount of the early payment of the pension and
the amount of the pension at the pensionable age
Last update: July 2024
An actuarial study of the reduction coefficients used in this table, based in particular on the relevant
data from the study provided for in Article 41 on the contribution rate of staff members, shall be carried out at
the same intervals as this latter study.
5. Where the Organisation terminates the appointment of staff members, the reduction coefficient
applicable to early payment of their pension shall be 3% a year between the age of 60 and the pensionable
age applicable to them. However, this provision does not apply when the Organisation terminated the
appointment as a result of disciplinary action or for unsatisfactory service.
Last update: July 2024
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8.4 - Method of reducing pension - Early pension
Early retirement pension shall be calculated as follows:
if the pension that would be due with no reduction at the applicable pensionable
age is lower than the minimum rate prescribed in Article 10, paragraph 3, it
shall be brought up to that minimum rate and the reduction provided for in
Article 8, paragraphs 4 and 5, shall then be applied to it;
if the pension that would be due with no reduction at the applicable
pensionable age is higher than the aforesaid minimum rate, the reduction
shall be applied to it even if the result is lower than that minimum.
The reductions provided for in Article 8, paragraphs 4 and 5, shall be applied by
reference to whole years, no account being taken of months.
Family allowances shall be paid and calculated in accordance with the provisions of
the Instructions of Articles 28 and 28bis.
Staff members whose service has ceased before they have reached the pensionable
age applicable to them may request an early pension under the conditions laid down in
Article 8 and in this Instruction. Such requests must be in writing and dated.
Subject to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 2, payments shall begin,
irrevocably, on the first of the month following the date on which the request was made.
Last update: July 2024
Article 9 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. Entitlement to payment of a retirement pension shall commence on the first day of the month
following that in which the person concerned became eligible for payment of the pension and requested it.
Except in cases of force majeure, such request shall not have a retroactive effect.
2. Entitlement shall cease at the end of the month in which the pensioner dies.
Article 10 - Rate of pension
1. The amount of the retirement pension shall be, per reckonable year of service within the meaning of
Article 6, 2 % of the salary corresponding to the last grade held by the staff member for not less than one year
before cessation of his appointment and the last step held in that grade.
2. The maximum rate of the pension shall be 70 % of this salary, subject to the provisions of paragraph
3 below.
3. The amount of the retirement pension shall not be less than 4 % of the salary for grade C1, step 1,
per reckonable year of service credited pursuant to Article 6; it may not, however, exceed the staff member's
last salary as defined in Article 3.
345 Back to top
10.3/1 - Part-time service
The minimum rate of the retirement pension shall be calculated on reckonable years' service, to be taken into
account where applicable in fractions corresponding to any part-time service in accordance with Article 6,
paragraph 3 i); this minimum shall therefore be equal to 4% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, per reckonable
year of service thus credited.
10.3/2 Termination of service at a lower grade
In cases where Article 5, paragraph 3 is applied, the minimum rate of the retirement pension shall be equal to
4% of the salary for grade C1, step 1, per reckonable year of service, without any reduction.
Article 11 - Leaving allowance
1. A staff member whose service ceases otherwise than by reason of death or invalidity and who is not
entitled to a retirement pension nor to the benefit of the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 2, shall be entitled
on leaving to payment of an amount equal to 2.25 times his rate of contribution as applied to his last annual
salary, multiplied by the number of reckonable years of service credited within the meaning of Article 6,
paragraph 1, i)
2. The reckonable years of service credited in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 1 shall not be taken
into account for the calculation of the leaving allowance but shall give rise to the payment of an actuarial
equivalent calculated in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, unless the amounts initially transferred are
refunded to the pension scheme concerned.
3. A staff member who is re-appointed by the Organisation after having received a leaving allowance
must pay it back if the period during which he was not employed by the Organisation, in whatever capacity, is
less than 12 months.
11.1/1 - Last annual salary
“Last annual salary” shall be construed to mean the salary, as defined in Article 3, corresponding to the
official’s last grade and step, according to the scales in force at the time his service terminates, multiplied by
11.1/2 Rate of contribution
In the case the rate of contribution is reviewed over the periods of service for which contributions to the pension
scheme were paid pursuant to Article 4, the coefficient of 2.25 mentioned in Article 11.1 is applied to the
successive contribution rates, prorata temporis.
Last update: December 2009
11.1 /3 - Staff member whose service terminates at the end of a period of unpaidleave
When final termination of service occurs at the end of a period of unpaid leave during which no contributions
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were made to the NPS, the amounts stipulated in Article 11 shall, notwithstanding Instruction 11.1/1, be
calculated on the basis of rights acquired and salary at the date of commencement of that period, without any
subsequent adjustment or interest.
Last update: November 2006
11.1 Compulsory repayment of the leaving allowance
A staff member who has received a leaving allowance as provided in Article 11, paragraph 1, but whose service
has not terminated according to Article 11, paragraph 3, shall repay the whole leaving allowance received
upon his previous appointment, in accordance with the provisions laid down in instruction 5.1 sub-paragraphs
iv) to vi). The time limit for application set out in instruction 5.1 i) shall not apply.
Last update: November 2007
See Article 33, paragraph 7.
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Article 12 - Inward and outward transfer of pension rights
1. A staff member who enters the service of the Organisation after leaving the service of a government
administration or national organisation, or international organisation not referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4,
or a firm, may arrange for payment to the Organisation in accordance with the provisions laid down by
Instruction, of any amounts corresponding to the retirement pension rights accrued under the pension scheme
to which he was previously affiliated and under any international organisation pension scheme to which he had
been affiliated in so far as those schemes allow such transfers.
In such cases, the Organisation shall determine, by reference to the provisions laid down by Instruction, the
number of years of reckonable service with which he shall be credited under the present scheme.
2. A staff member who leaves the service of the Organisation to enter the service of a government
administration or national organisation, or international organisation, not referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4,
which has entered into an agreement (*) with the Organisation, shall be entitled to transfer to the pension fund
of that administration or organisation:
either the actuarial equivalent of his retirement pension rights accrued under these Rules, such
equivalent being calculated in accordance with the provisions laid down by Instruction;
or, in the absence of such rights, the amounts provided under Article 11.
(*) The list of Organisations/administrations who have signed an agreement for transferring pension rights with the OECD:
The World Trade Organization (WTO) (entry into force 07.06.2002);
The European Patent Office (EPO) (entry into force 17.06.2005);
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) (entry into force 01.01.2007);
The European Central Bank (ECB) (entry into force 01.01.2007);
Greece (entry into force 11.12.2007);
The European Union (entry into force 01.11.2008);
The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) (entry into force
Belgium (entry into force 01.12.2009);
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (entry into force 01.06.2012);
Netherlands (entry into force 06.03.2012);
European Investment Bank (entry into force 01.11.2015).
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12.1 - Inward transfer of previously accrued rights
Previous periods of affiliation to a pension scheme
Reckonable years of service shall be credited pursuant to Article 12,
paragraph 1, subject to the conditions set out in this Instruction, in respect
of a period of affiliation to the last pension scheme prior to appointment in
the Organisation or to any pension scheme of an international organisation,
in so far as those schemes allow such a transfer. Such affiliation may cover
periods served in several administrations, organisations or firms, on
condition that all these rights have been taken into account by the pension
scheme of the last administration, organisation or firm before appointment
in the Organisation.
An amount shall be taken into account under this Instruction only if it has
been certified by the previous pension scheme as being the amount of the
actuarial equivalent of retirement pension rights or a capital payment in
respect of rights to a pension or rights under a provident scheme (excluding
compensation for dismissal or a leaving gratuity), and it must represent the
total amounts paid to the staff member by the previous pension scheme in
question. The "total amounts paid" shall be taken to mean the amounts
representing the total rights transferable to the Organisation. Staff members
shall not be entitled to transfer only part of their accrued rights where that
part is not equal to the transferable maximum.
Amounts taken into account
For the purpose of calculating the reckonable years of service credited under
Article 12, paragraph 1, the amounts indicated in sub-paragraph i)
b) above shall be taken into account, as calculated by the previous pension
scheme - as a capital sum, and with interest where applicable - as at the date
on which they are paid to the Organisation
; any conversion into the
currency of the salary paid by the Organisation shall be made at the rate of
exchange in force on that date.
Calculation of reckonable years of service
The number of reckonable years of service to be credited under Article 12,
paragraph 1, shall be calculated on the basis of the table annexed to this
Instruction, by dividing the amounts taken into account under sub-
paragraph ii) above by the coefficient corresponding to the age of the staff
member as at the date of payments of the amounts, and then by dividing the
resultant amount by the theoretical value of a reckonable year of service (2%
of the annual basic salary), established on the basis of the salary
corresponding to the staff member's grade and step as at the date of payment
of the amounts.
The accrued rights are invariably rights which are not yet due or the actuarial equivalent thereof.
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Maximum number of reckonable years of service
Taking such reckonable years of service into account shall not have the effect of
bringing the total pension up to more than the maximum rates prescribed in
Article 10.
Time limits for application and revocation
Failing any special provisions in a reciprocal transfer agreement entered into
by the Organisation, application for the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph
ii) above to be taken into account by the Organisation shall be made in writing:
either within 6 months from the date of notification of confirmation of
appointment after the probationary period;
or within twelve months from the date on which the previous pension scheme
allowed such transfers.
The application to transfer pension rights may be revoked by the staff member
at any time before the payments provided for in sub-paragraph ii) above have
been made in accordance with sub-paragraph vi) below.
The application to transfer pension rights shall be null and void if thepayments
provided for in sub-paragraph ii) above have not been made at the time of the
staff member’s termination of service.
Time limit for payment
Payment of the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph ii) above shall be made:
within three months after the expiry of the time limit prescribed in sub-
paragraph v) above, if the person concerned has actually received such amounts
from his previous employer;
on receipt of such amounts from the previous employer in other cases.
Payment to the Organisation shall be made in the currency -or its equivalent
value at the rate of exchange in force on the date of actual payment to the
Organisation -in which the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph ii) above have
been or will effectively be paid by the previous pension scheme.
Last update: November 2010
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12.2. - Transfer of pension rights to an outside scheme
Time limit for application
Application for transfer of pension rights under Article 12, paragraph 2 must
be made by the staff member to the Organisation in which his service has
terminated, within six months after his definitive appointment by the new
administration or organisation referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2.
If the Organisation is unable to conclude with the new administration or
organisation referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2, an agreement for such
transfer on terms which it considers satisfactory, it shall confine itself to making
immediate payment of the amounts referred to in Article 11, paragraph 1, or to
immediate or deferred payment of a retirement pension.
Conditions as to transfer
The amounts referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2 may be transferred only to
the pension fund of the administration or organisation referred to in Article 12,
paragraph 2, that is to say, to the statutory or contractual pension scheme in
force in that administration or organisation.
Calculation of amounts to be transferred
The actuarial equivalent of the retirement pension rights referred to in Article
12, paragraph 2 shall be calculated on the basis of the table annexed to this
Instruction, the annual pension acquired in the Organisation (2% of the annual
basic salary per reckonable year of service), established on the basis of the
salary scale in force at the date on which the staff member ceases his functions
- being multiplied by the coefficient corresponding to the age of the staff member
at that date.
Last update: October 2003
351 Back to top
ANNEX TO INSTRUCTIONS 12.1 iii) AND 12.2 iii)
Coefficient when
the applicable
pensionable age
is 63
Coefficient when
the applicable
pensionable age
is 64
Coefficient when
the applicable
pensionable age
is 65
Coefficient when
the applicable
pensionable age
is 66
Table established on the basis of the assumptions used to determine the cost of the scheme at 1
July 2024.
Last update: July 2024
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Article 13 - Conditions of entitlement - Invalidity board
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 2, an invalidity pension shall be payable to a staff member who
is under the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations and who, at any time during the period in which
pension rights are accruing to him, is recognised by the Invalidity Board defined below to be suffering from
permanent invalidity which totally prevents him from performing his job or any duties corresponding to his
experience and qualifications which may have been proposed to him by the Organisation.
2. The Invalidity Board shall consist of three medical practitioners, the first two being appointed by the
Organisation and the staff member, respectively, and the third one selected jointly by the first two. Cases shall
be submitted to it by the Organisation either on its own initiative or at the request of the staff member
13/1 - Period of non-activity
The invalidity pension shall not be payable if it results from an illness or accident
occurring during unpaid leave or a period of non-active status which did not give rise to
contributions to the NPS (leave for personal reasons, military service).
On the other hand, it shall be payable if the events mentioned above occur during a
period of non-active status which follows a period of sick leave, and during which the staff
member is in receipt of an allowance for temporary incapacity; in such event, he shall
continue to pay contributions to the NPS in accordance with Instruction 4.1/1 ii). The same
shall apply to any periods of unpaid leave provided for under Instruction 4.1/1 iii).
Last update: November 2006
13/2 - Invalidity Board
Tasks of the Invalidity Board
Subject to the provisions of Article 2, the tasks of the Invalidity Board are:
to ascertain whether a staff member is suffering from invalidity within the
meaning of Article 13, paragraph 1.
when an incident is recognised by the Organisation as falling within the
scope of Article 14, paragraph 2 (work accident, occupational disease or
public-spirited act), to decide to what extent the staff member's invalidity is the
result thereof ;
to decide whether, following an examination under Article 16, the former
staff member no longer fulfils the conditions for entitlement to an invalidity
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Secretariat of the Invalidity Board
The Organisation shall appoint a staff member as secretary of the Invalidity Board.
Secretariat services may also be provided by the Organisation's medical adviser, who
shall be given any administrative assistance he requires.
Convocation and composition of the Invalidity Board
When the Invalidity Board is to be convened at the staff member's request, the request
shall be addressed to the Head of Personnel (
) responsible for him : it must include his
formal application to be declared a permanent total invalid, and give the name of the
medical practitioner who is to represent his interests on the Invalidity Board. The request
may be accompanied by a medical file, under separate confidential cover, for the attention
of the Organisation's medical adviser.
Upon receipt of this request the Head of Personnel shall forward it to the Organisation's
medical adviser with a request to contact the medical practitioner nominated by the staff
member. The staff member must ask his medical practitioner to forward to the
Organisation's medical adviser all medical evidence in support of his application.
Within 30 calendar days following receipt of the staff member's request, the Head of
Personnel shall inform the medical practitioner nominated by the staff member of the
name of the medical practitioner who will represent the Organisation on the Invalidity
When the Invalidity Board is to be convened at the request of the Organisation, the
Head of Personnel shall notify the staff member accordingly and ask him to make his
observations, if any, and to nominate a medical practitioner to represent him on the Board,
within 30 calendar days following receipt of the said notification.
This notification shall also state the name of the medical practitioner who will represent
the Organisation on the Invalidity Board.
The Head of Personnel shall ask the staff member to forward all medical documents
concerning him to the medical practitioner representing the Organisation.
If one of the parties has not nominated a medical practitioner to represent it on the
Invalidity Board within the prescribed time - limit, the other party shall ask the Chairman
of the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal of the Organisation to appoint such a
medical practitioner as soon as possible. He may, for this purpose, consult a list drawn
up by:
-- a national judicial body, or
-- the Medical Council, or
-- failing this, another national body of the staff member's duty station or
home country.
(*) For the OECD, the titles "Head of Personnel" and "Personnel Division" contained in this annex refer
respectively to "Head of Human Resource Management" and "Human Resource Management Service".
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The third medical practitioner shall be selected by the other two within 30 calendar
days at the most following notification of their names to the parties; failing agreement on
this nomination within the prescribed time, the Chairman of the Appeals Board/
Administrative Tribunal shall nominate, at the request of either party, this third medical
practitioner in accordance with the procedure set out in the abovesub-paragraph.
Last update: November 2007
Meeting of the Invalidity Board
The Invalidity Board shall meet at the latest within 60 calendar days following the
appointment of the third medical practitioner.
The Invalidity Board shall have at its disposal:
an administrative file submitted by the Head of Personnel containing, in
particular, an indication of the post occupied by the staff member in the
Organisation together with a description of his duties and of any duties
proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to his experience and
qualifications, so that the Board can give its opinion as to whether the staff
member is incapable of carrying out those duties. This file shall also specify
whether the application to be declared an invalid is likely to fall within the
scope of Article 14, paragraph 2.
Before being forwarded to the Invalidity Board, the foregoing particulars shall
be communicated to the staff member by the Head of Personnel for his written
comments, if any, to be sent by him to the Personnel Division within 15
calendar days following their receipt.
a medical file containing the report presented by the medical
representative of the party - the Organisation or the staff member - that has
asked for the Board to be convened, and, if appropriate, the medical report
presented by the other party, as well as any reports or certificates from the
staff member's medical practitioner or from practitioners whom the parties
have consulted. This medical file shall also contain details of the length of
absences of the staff member concerned which have provided grounds for the
Board to be convened, as well as the nature of the disability on which the Board
is asked to give a ruling.
All these reports, documents and certificates must be communicated to the
three medical practitioners.
The proceedings of the Invalidity Board shall be secret. The Board may ask to hear the
staff member concerned. It may also ask him to undergo an additional medical
examination by a medical practitioner appointed by the Board.
The cost of the meeting of the Invalidity Board shall be met by the Organisation.
The Organisation shall bear the fees and the travel expenses - the latter calculated
according to the rules applicable to staff members - of the medical practitioner
representing the staff member only when this practitioner lives in the country of the staff
member's last duty station, his home country if he is living there at the time of the
establishment of the lasting nature of his disability, or in the country of residence of the
former staff member concerned.
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The findings of the Invalidity Board shall be determined by a majority vote. They shall
be final except in the case of obvious factual errors and without prejudice to the
competence of the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal.
Findings under Article 13, paragraph 1 or Article 14, paragraph 2
The findings of the Invalidity Board shall state:
- whether or not the staff member suffers from permanent invalidity which totally
prevents him from performing his duties or any duties proposed to him by the
Organisation corresponding to his experience and qualifications.
- whether the invalidity results from an incident recognised by the Organisation as
falling within the scope of Article 14, paragraph 2 (work accident, occupational
disease or public-spirited act) ;
- the date on which the disability became lasting; this date may be prior to the date of
the meeting of the Invalidity Board.
Findings under Article 16
Where the Board meets under Article 16, the findings of the Board shall state:
- whether the former staff member is incapable of performing the duties attaching to
his former post or any duties proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to
his experience and qualifications; or,
- whether it has been found that the former staff member is no longer an invalid.
13/3 - Decision of the Secretary/Director-General
Decision under Article 13, paragraph 1, or Article 14, paragraph 2
In accordance with the findings of the Invalidity Board and without prejudice to the
competence of the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal, the Secretary/Director-
General of the Organisation shall decide either:
to grant to the staff member concerned an invalidity pension under Article
13, paragraph 1, or Article 14, paragraph 2; this decision shall specify the date
on which the pension takes effect; or,
not to recognise the staff member as an invalid within the meaning of the
Last update: November 2007
Decision under Article 16
In accordance with the findings of the Invalidity Board and without prejudice to the
competence of the Appeals Board / Administrative Tribunal, the Secretary/Director-
General of the Organisation shall decide either:
to continue payment of the invalidity pension to the former staff member; or
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no longer to recognise the staff member as an invalid within the meaning of
the Rules and to terminate such payment, at a date which may not be prior to
the meeting of the Board, in accordance with the conditions provided for in
Instruction 16/3.
Last update: November 2007
Obvious factual error
In the event of an obvious factual error, the Secretary/ Director-General shall again
refer the case to the Invalidity Board.
Notification of the decision of the Secretary/Director-General
Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the findings of the Invalidity Board, the
Secretary/Director-General shall notify his decision in writing, together with the findings
of the Invalidity Board, to the staff member or former staff member.
Article 14 - Rate of pension
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 3, the invalidity pension shall be equal to the
retirement pension to which the staff member would have been entitled at the age limit laid down in the Staff
Regulations if he had continued to serve until that age, the requirement for a minimum of ten years' service
under Article 7 not being applicable.
2. However, where the invalidity arises from an accident in the course of the performance of his duties,
from an occupational disease, from a public-spirited act or from risking his life to save another human being,
the invalidity pension shall be 70 per cent of salary. In the event of invalidity resulting from a cause other than
these, the invalidity pension provided for in this paragraph may not be less than the invalidity pension which
would be payable under paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The salary used as a basis for the calculation of the invalidity pension referred to in paragraphs 1 and
2 above shall be the salary for the grade and step held by the staff member in accordance with the scales in force
at the date laid down in Article 17, paragraph 1.
4. The invalidity pension shall not be less than 120 per cent of the salary for grade C1, step 1, but may
not be more than the last salary, such salaries being those which appear in the scales in force at the date laid
down in Article 17, paragraph 1, subject to any adjustments provided for under Article 36.
5. In the case of invalidity deliberately brought about by the staff member, the Organisation shall decide
whether he should receive an invalidity pension or only a retirement pension or a leaving allowance, depending
on his length of effective service.
14.1 - Part-time Service
Where a staff member working part time is found to be suffering from invalidity and the provisions of Article
6, paragraph 3 ii) are not applied, the period subsequent to the date on which he is recognised as unfit for
service shall, for the purposes of calculating the invalidity pension provided for under Article 14, paragraph
1, be counted as a period of part-time work in the cases referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 6bis.
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14.2 - Work accident and occupational disease
For the purposes of Article 14, paragraph 2, reference shall be made to the Rules applicable in the
Organisation for the definition of the risks of work accident and occupational disease.
Article 15 - Concurrent earnings
1. Where a person in receipt of an invalidity pension is nevertheless gainfully employed, this pension
shall be reduced by the amount by which his pension together with the remuneration he receives for the said
employment exceeds the salary for the highest step in the grade he held at the time of his being recognised an
2. This reduction shall apply only up to the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations.
15.1 - Double entitlement to an invalidity pension and other income
By gainful employment under Article 15 is meant any employment outside the Co-
ordinated Organisations, as well as employment pursued therein, including as temporary,
auxiliary or local official personnel or as an "employee", and also as an expert in receipt of
A person in receipt of an invalidity pension shall immediately notify the organisation which
pays the pension of any gainful, non-occasional employment; in addition, he shall inform that
organisation of the total amount of remuneration he received during the preceding calendar
year, the reduction referred to in Article 15 thus being calculated on a monthly basis.
Express mention of this obligation shall be made in the decision notifying the award of an
invalidity pension.
Last update: December 2012
Article 16 - Medical examination - termination of pension
1. While a person receiving an invalidity pension is still under the age limit laid down in the Staff
Regulations, the Organisation may have him medically examined periodically to ascertain that he still satisfies
the conditions for entitlement to such pension, in particular having regard to any new duties corresponding to
his experience and qualifications which may have been proposed to him by the Organisation.
2. When a person receiving an invalidity pension who has not reached the said age limit ceases to satisfy
the conditions for entitlement to the invalidity pension, the Organisation shall terminate that pension.
3. The time during which the person concerned has received his invalidity pension shall then be
reckoned, without payment of back contributions, for the calculation of the leaving allowance or retirement
pension, as the case may be.
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16/1 - Suspension of Invalidity Pension
If the recipient of an invalidity pension fails to submit to medical examination as prescribed by the
Organisation, payment of the invalidity pension may be suspended.
16/2 - Medical Examination and new Invalidity Board
The periodical medical examinations required under Article 16 shall normally take place at the place
of residence of the person concerned, unless the Organisation requires otherwise or it is
impracticable to have the person concerned examined at his place of residence.
Such examinations shall be carried out by a medical practitioner chosen by the Organisation; the
latter shall bear the cost thereof, including travelling expenses of the person concerned if exceeding
50 km from his home Should the medical practitioner chosen by the Organisation report that the staff
member no longer satisfies the conditions of entitlement to an invalidity pension, notably having
regard to any new duties proposed to him by the Organisation corresponding to his experience and
qualifications, an Invalidity Board shall be convened in accordance with the provisions of Article 13
and its implementing Instructions.
16/3 - Cessation of Entitlement to an Invalidity Pension
Where the Invalidity Board, in application of Article 16, paragraph 2, declares that the person
concerned who is still under the age limit has ceased to satisfy the conditions of entitlement to an
invalidity pension, the payment of that pension shall be terminated; if the person concerned does not
resume work in the Organisation, he shall receive either a leaving allowance based on his years of
service and years of invalidity where the total is less than 10 years, or a deferred or early retirement
16/4 - Re-entitlement to an Invalidity Pension
Where the person concerned is entitled to a deferred or early pension and subsequently suffers a
relapse, while still under the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations, resulting from the same
condition as that which had entitled him to the previous invalidity pension, the Invalidity Board,
convened at the staff member’s request in accordance with instruction 13/2, shall declare that he once
again effectively fulfils the conditions required under Article 13, paragraph 1, insofar as he is not
receiving for that same condition an invalidity benefit or pension borne by another scheme.
Last update: November 2007
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Article 17 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. Entitlement to an invalidity pension shall commence on the first day of the month following the
date of the beginning of the invalidity as recognised by the Invalidity Board.
2. Subject to application of Article 16, paragraph 2:
i) the invalidity pension payable under Article 14, paragraph 2 shall be paid for life;
ii) in other cases, entitlement to an invalidity pension shall terminate:
either at the age limit laid down in the Staff Regulations
or at the end of the month in which the recipient of such a pension dies.
Where the invalidity pension terminates because the person concerned has reached the age limit laid down in
the Staff Regulations, he shall, notwithstanding the ten-year minimum requirement provided for in Article 7,
be entitled to a retirement pension calculated as follows:
reckonable years of service shall be calculated as if he had remained in service until the age limit
laid down in the Staff Regulations;
the reference salary shall be that of his grade and step at the time of his being recognised an invalid,
updated in accordance with Article 36.
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Article 18 - Conditions of entitlement
1. The surviving spouse* of a staff member who died in service shall be entitled to a survivor's pension,
provided they had been married to each other for at least one year at the time of the staff member’s death,
unless the death resulted either from disablement or illness contracted in the performance of his duties, or from
an accident.
2. A reversion pension shall be payable to the surviving spouse:
i) of a former staff member drawing an invalidity pension, if they were married to each other for at
least one year at the time of his being recognised an invalid; this condition of anteriority shall not apply
if the marriage had existed for at least five years at the time of his death, or if the death resulted either
from disablement or illness contracted in the performance of his duties, or from an accident;
ii) of a former staff member drawing a retirement pension, if they had been married to each other for
at least one year at the time when the former staff member’s appointment ceased; this condition of
anteriority shall not apply if the marriage had existed for at least five years at the time of the former staff
member’s death; or
iii) of a former staff member entitled to a deferred pension, if they had been married to each other for
at least one year at the time when the former staff member’s appointment ceased; this condition of
anteriority shall not apply if the marriage had existed for at least five years at the time of his death.
3. The above-prescribed conditions of anteriority or minimum duration of marriage shall not apply where
there are one or more children of the marriage or of a marriage of the staff member contracted prior to the
cessation of his appointment, inasmuch as the non-remarried surviving spouse is providing for their needs; in
such case, the survivor's or reversion pension shall be payable under the derogation provided for in the present
paragraph, for so long as the children are actually being so provided for.
When they are no longer being so provided for, the survivor's or reversion pension shall nonetheless
continue to be payable for so long as the surviving spouse does not have an income of his own from the exercise
of any occupation, or from any retirement pension or other survivor's or reversion pension, equal to at least the
amount of the survivor's or reversion pension from the Organisation.
4. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall be subject to the provisions of Article 2.
Last update: December 2012.
18.1 - Staff Member dying during Leave granted for Personal Reasons
When a staff member who has completed at least 10 years’ service within the meaning
of Article 4 dies during a period of leave in respect of which no contributions were made
to the NPS, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to:
Wherever it occurs in these Rules, the expression “surviving spouse” applies indifferently to the wife or husband of
the deceased staff member.
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the survivor's pension under Article 19, paragraph 1, the minimum and maximum
amounts of such pension being in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of the same Article;
and, where appropriate, the benefits specified in Articles 28 and 28bis.
In addition, any orphans and/or dependants shall be entitled to the benefits specified in
Articles 24 and 25.
Where the deceased staff member had not completed ten years of service conferring
entitlement, as defined in Article 4, the amounts provided for in Article 11 shall be paid to
his estate; such amounts shall be calculated on the basis of rights acquired and salary at
the date of termination of the period in respect of which contributions to the NPS were
payable, without any subsequent adjustment or interest.
Last update: February 2019
Article 19 - Rate of pension
1. The survivor’s pension shall be 60 % of the retirement pension that would have been payable to the
staff member, had he not died in service, on the basis of his reckonable years of service credited up to the time
of his death, the requirement for a minimum of ten years of service under the provisions of Article 7 not being
2. Where a staff member has died as the result of an accident in the course of the performance of his
duties, from an occupational disease, from a public-spirited act or from risking his life to save another human
being, the survivor's pension shall be 60 per cent of the invalidity pension to which the staff member would
have been entitled, had he survived, under Article 14, paragraph 2.
3. The survivor's pension shall not be less than 35 per cent of the staff member's last salary; nor shall it
be less than 100 % of the salary for Grade C1, step 1.
4. When the former staff member was receiving a pension at the time of his death, the amount of the
reversion pension shall correspond to the highest of the following amounts:
60 % of the retirement or invalidity pension to which the former staff member was entitled at the
time of the assessment of his pension, no account being taken of any reductions resulting from
the application of Article 8, paragraph 4 or Article 15;
35 % of the former staff member’s last salary at the time of the assessment of his pension; or
100 % of the salary for grade C1, step 1, under the scale in force at the time of the assessment
of his pension.
These amounts shall be updated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36.
5. When former staff members were not receiving a pension at the time of their death, the amount of the
reversion pension shall correspond to the highest of the following amounts:
60 % of the retirement pension to which the former staff members would have been entitled had
he reached the pensionable age at the time of their death;
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35 % of the former staff members last salary corresponding to their last grade and step, under
the scale in force at the time of their death; or
100 % of the salary for grade C1, step 1, under the scale in force at the time of the former staff
members’ death.
6. The amount of the reversion pension shall not exceed:
i. that of the retirement pension former staff member were receiving,
ii. that of the retirement pension the former staff members would have received if they had reached
the pensionable age, if they were entitled to a deferred pension,
iii. that of the pension former staff members would have been entitled to had they reached the statutory
age limit if they were entitled to an invalidity pension.
Last update: July 2024
Article 20 - Reduction for difference in age
1. Where the difference in age between the deceased staff member or former staff member and his
younger surviving spouse and/or former spouse, minus the length of time they have been married, is more than
ten years, the survivor's or reversion pension, calculated in accordance with the preceding provisions, shall be
subject to a reduction, per year of difference, amounting to:
1 % for the years between ten and twenty;
2 % for the years twenty up to but not including twenty-five;
3 % for the years twenty-five up to but not including thirty;
4 % for the years thirty up to but not including thirty-five;
5 % for the years from thirty-five upwards.
20.1 Calculation of the reduction for difference in age
The result in years of the difference in age between the deceased staff member or former staff member and his younger
surviving spouse and/or former spouse, less the length of time they have been married, shall be rounded down to the
nearest whole number.
The initial 1 % reduction shall apply for a period of 9 years following 10 complete years, i.e. from the eleventh to the
nineteenth year inclusive, as illustrated in the example below:
Difference in age: 29 years and 6 months;
Length of marriage: 8 years and 7 months;
Duration taken into account for the calculation of the reduction: 20 years and 11 months, rounded down to 20 years.
Calculation of the reduction:
1 % for the years between 10 and 20 = 9 x 1 % = 9 % ;
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2 % for the years 20 up to but not including 25 = 1 x 2 % = 2 % ;
Reduction = 9 % + 2 % = 11 %.
Last update: September 2020
Article 21 Remarriage
1. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall cease on remarriage. The surviving spouse or ex-
spouse shall be entitled to immediate payment of a capital sum equal to twice the annual amount of the pension,
if there are no dependent children to whom the provisions of Article 25, paragraph 4 apply.
2. The capital sum paid to the ex-spouse shall not be more than the amount to which he could still be
entitled under Article 22, paragraph 1.
Last update: December 2012
21.1 Payment of the capital sum
The capital sum provided for under Article 21, paragraph 1 shall be calculated with reference to the amount
of the pension at the date of remarriage, and paid to the recipient.
Article 22 - Rights of a former spouse
1. The non-remarried former spouse of a staff member or former staff member shall, on the latter's death,
be entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension, provided that and for as long as the staff member or former staff
member was, at the time of his death and by virtue of a court decision which had become final and binding,
under an obligation to pay maintenance or compensation to the former spouse in a personal capacity; but the
survivor's or reversion pension shall not exceed the amount of suchpayment.
This entitlement shall not arise if the former spouse remarried before the staff member or former staff member
died. If remarriage takes place after the staff member's or former staff member’s death and while the conditions
laid down in the sub-paragraph above are still fulfilled, the provisions of Article 21 shall apply.
2. Where a staff member or former staff member dies leaving both a spouse entitled to a survivor's or
reversion pension and a non-remarried former spouse fulfilling the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 above,
the whole of the survivor's or reversion pension shall be divided between the before-mentioned persons in
proportion to the duration of their marriages.
The amount to which a non-remarried former spouse is entitled shall however not be more than the amount of
the maintenance or compensation payable at the time of the death of the staff member or former staff member.
3. Where one of the persons entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension renounces his share, ceases to
satisfy the conditions for entitlement or forfeits his rights under Article 35, or where the amount of his pension
has been restricted under the terms of the second sub-paragraph of paragraph 2 above, his share shall accrue to
the share of the other person, except where pension rights revert to orphans, as provided under Article 24,
paragraph 3, last sub-paragraph. In such a case, the restriction laid down in the second sub- paragraph 2 above
shall apply.
4. Reductions in respect of difference in age as provided for in Article 20 shall be applied separately to
survivors' and reversion pensions calculated in accordance with the present Article.
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22.1 Rights of a non-remarried former spouse
The maintenance or compensation payments referred to in Article 22, paragraph 1 shall,
where appropriate, be converted into the currency of the scale applicable to the country of the
staff member's or former staff member's last posting or, in cases to which Article 33,
paragraph 2 applies, of the scale for which an option has been exercised by the former staff
member prior to his decease, by applying the rate of exchange used in the relevant
Organisation at the date of decease of the latter;
the maintenance or compensation payments referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph
shall be subject to the same adjustments as those actually applied to the basic salary
corresponding to the grade and step used to calculate the survivor's or reversion pension
provided for under Article 19.
Failing a final and binding court decision, the non-remarried former spouse shall be
entitled to a survivor’s or reversion pension by virtue of an officially registered settlement in
force between the former spouses.
Last update: September 2020
Article 23 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement
1. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall commence from the first day of the month
following that in which the staff member or former staff member died. If the salary of a staff member who died
in service continues to be paid to a surviving spouse or former spouse, directly and in full, under the Staff
Regulations and Rules of the Organisation, payment of the pension of the person concerned shall be deferred
2. Entitlement to a survivor's or reversion pension shall cease at the end of the month in which the
recipient of the pension dies or ceases to satisfy the conditions for entitlement to that pension.
Article 24 - Rate of orphan's pension
1. Where a staff member or former staff member receiving a retirement or invalidity pension or entitled
to a deferred pension dies, his children shall be entitled to an orphan’s pension if they fulfil the conditions laid
down in paragraph 2.
2. The legitimate, natural or adopted children of a staff member or former staff member who has died
shall be entitled to an orphan’s pension:
i) when the deceased or his household provided their main and continuing support at the time of
death; and
ii) when they satisfy the conditions of age, education or handicap required for the granting of the
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child’s allowance or the supplement for dependent child, under the rules applicable to the
staff member or former staff member who has died.
The legitimate or natural children of a deceased staff member or former staff member who were
born not more than 300 days after his death shall also be entitled to an orphan’s pension.
Where there are one or more persons entitled to a survivor’s or reversion pension, the amount of
the orphan’s pension shall correspond to the higher of the following amounts:
iii) 40 % of the survivor’s or reversion pension, no account being taken of reductions pursuant to
Article 20; or
iv) 50 % of the salary for grade C1, step 1, according to the scale in force when the former staff
member’s pension was assessed, this amount being updated in accordance with the provisions
of Article 36, or, if he was not receiving a retirement or invalidity pension, according to the
scale in force at the time ofdeath.
The orphan’s pension shall be increased, in respect of the second and every further beneficiary, by
an amount equal to the allowance for a dependent child or to the supplement for dependent child, under the
rules applicable to the staff member or former staff member who has died.
The orphan’s pension shall be brought up to the level provided for in paragraph 4 in the event of
the beneficiaries of a survivor’s or reversion pension remarrying or losing their right to that pension.
3. Where there are no beneficiaries of a survivor’s or reversion pension, the orphan’s pension shall
correspond to the higher of the following amounts:
i) 80 % of the survivor’s or reversion pension, no account being taken of reductions pursuant to
Article 20; or
ii) 100 % of the salary for grade C1, step 1, according to the scale in force when the former staff
member’s pension was assessed, this amount being updated in accordance with the provisions
of Article 36, or, if he was not receiving a retirement or invalidity pension, according to the
scale in force at the time ofdeath.
The orphan’s pension shall be increased, in respect of the second and every further beneficiary, by
an amount equal to twice the allowance for a dependent child or the supplement for dependent child, under the
rules applicable to the staff member or former staff member who hasdied.
4. The total amount of the orphan’s pension shall be divided equally among all the orphans.
24.3 - Rate of pension for orphans dependent on a non-remarried former spouse
Subject, where appropriate, to the provisions of Instructions 27.1/1 and 27.2/1, the provisions of Article 24,
paragraph 3 shall apply where a staff member or former staff member dies leaving a non-remarried former
spouse entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension under Article 22. In such a case, the orphan's pension shall
be fixed without having regard to the reductions provided for in Articles 20 and 22.
24.4 - Rate of pension for orphans belonging to another familygroup
Subject to the provisions of Instructions 27/1.1 and 27.2/1, the provisions of Article 24, paragraph 4 shall
also apply where a staff member or former staff member dies leaving a surviving spouse or former spouse on
one side and orphans belonging to another family group on the other side.
Last update: February 2019
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Article 25 - Rate of pension for other dependants
1. Where a staff member or former staff member receiving a retirement or invalidity pension or entitled
to a deferred pension dies, the persons (including children not fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 24)
recognised as satisfying the conditions for the granting of the child’s or dependant’s allowance, or supplement
for dependent child or disabled and dependent parent, under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the Organisation
shall be entitled to a dependant’s pension.
2. The pension paid to each dependant shall be equal to the lowest of the following amounts:
i) the amount, as recognised by the Organisation, of the support provided to that person by the
staff member or former staff member at the time of his death;
ii) twice the amount of the dependant’s allowance or the supplement for disabled and dependent
parent, under the rules applicable to the staff member or former staff member who has died,
in force in the Organisation when the former staff member’s pension was assessed, this
amount being updated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36, or, if he was not
receiving a retirement or invalidity pension, according to the scale in force at the time of
death; or
iii) where an orphan’s pension is paid, the amount of each orphan’s share pursuant to Article 24,
paragraph 5.
25.2 Pension adjustment
The amount of the dependant’s pension referred to in this Article shall be subject to the same adjustments as
those effectively applied to calculate the orphan’s pension provided for under Article 24.
Article 26 - Commencement and cessation of entitlement
11. The pensions provided for under Articles 24 and 25 shall be payable as from the first day of the month
following that in which the staff member or former staff member died. If the salary of a staff member who died
in service continues to be paid to a surviving spouse or former spouse, directly and in full, under the Staff
Regulations and Rules of the Organisation, payment of the pensions shall be deferred accordingly.
2. The pensions under Articles 24 and 25 shall cease to be payable at the end of the month in which
the child or other dependent ceases to satisfy the conditions for entitlement to the allowance for a dependent
child or dependent person, or to the supplement for dependent child or disabled and dependent parent, under the
Staff Rules and Regulations of the Organisation.
Last update: February 2019
Article 27 - Beneficiaries of more than one category
1. Where a staff member or former staff member leaves a spouse or former spouse, on the one hand, and
children or dependent persons, on the other, with entitlement to a pension, the total pension, calculated as if
for a surviving spouse having all these persons dependent on him, shall be apportioned among the various
categories of persons concerned in proportion to the pensions which would have been payable to each category
if treated separately.
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2. Where there are children or dependent persons from different family groups, with entitlement to a
pension, the total pension, calculated as though all were from the same family group, shall be apportioned
among the various categories of beneficiaries in proportion to the pensions which would have been payable to
each category if treated separately.
27.0 Beneficiaries of more than one category - General provisions
In cases of coexistent pension entitlements of a spouse, former spouse(s), children and/or
dependants, the “total pension” referred to in Article 27, paragraphs 1 and 2 is defined in
Instructions 27.1/1 i) and 27.2/1 i) respectively. It shall be apportioned as follows:
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse, and
former spouse(s)
with no dependent children and/or dependants, the pension shall be apportioned in
accordance with the provisions of Article 22.
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse or former spouse(s), on the one hand, and
children and/or dependants, on the other,
belonging to different family groups, the pension shall be apportioned in accordance with the
provisions of Instruction 27.1/1.
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse or former spouse(s) with children and/or dependants, on the one hand, and
orphans and/or dependent persons, on the other
belonging to different family groups, the pension shall be apportioned in accordance with the
provisions of Instruction 27.1/2.
If the beneficiaries are:
the spouse, and
former spouse(s)
one of whom at least has children and/or dependants, the pension shall be apportioned in
accordance with the provisions of Article 22 for survivors’ and reversion pensions, and of
Instruction 27.2/1 for orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions.
If the beneficiaries are:
persons entitled to orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions belonging to different
family groups, the pension shall be apportioned in accordance with the provisions of
Instruction 27.2/1.
Where, when Instructions 27.1/1, 27.1/2, 27.2/1 are applicable, one of the family groups is
affected by a change in situation, the individual entitlement within the other family group shall
remain calculated in accordance with the initial apportionment of benefits.
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27.1 /1 Coexistence of beneficiaries, without children or dependants, entitled to a survivor's or reversion
pension on the one hand, and of orphans and/or dependants on the other, belonging to different family
In this case, the total pension referred to in Article 27, paragraph 1 shall be calculated
as if all beneficiaries of the deceased staff member or former staff member formed part of
a single family group. This total pension shall comprise:
a survivor's or reversion pension as would be payable to a surviving spouse
of the deceased staff member or former staff member in accordance with
Article 19 only;
orphans' pensions calculated as if all orphans of the deceased staff member
or former staff member belonged to the family group entitled to the survivor's
or reversion pension mentioned above;
dependants’ pensions calculated theoretically as orphans’ pensions before
application of the provisions of Article 25, paragraph 2.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 3 ii), only one minimum orphan's pension (50%
of C1/1) shall be taken into account in this calculation.
The total pension shall be apportionedamong:
the surviving spouse or non-remarried former spouse(s) and
orphans and/or dependants,
in proportion to the amounts which would have been payable directly to each of these
family groups considered separately, after application of Articles 20 and 22 for the
survivor's or reversion pension, Article 24 for orphans’ pensions, and Article 25 for
dependants’ pensions.
If the amounts so apportioned exceed the pensions to which the beneficiaries would
have been entitled if they had been considered separately, including, for dependants’
pensions, after application of Article 25, any such excess amounts shall not be payable.
The minimum amounts laid down for survivors' and reversion pensions and for
orphans' and/or dependants' pensions shall no longer apply to the shares actually
/2 Coexistence of beneficiaries entitled to a survivor’s or reversion pension with children and/or
dependants on the one hand, and of orphans and/or dependants belonging to another family group on
the other.
In this case, the total pension, calculated in accordance with Instruction 27.1/1 i), shall
be apportioned among:
the surviving spouse or former spouse(s) and the children and/or dependants
thereof and
the children and/or dependants belonging to another family group,
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in proportion to the amounts which would have been payable directly to each of these
family groups considered separately, after application of Articles 20 and 22 for the
survivor's or reversion pension, Article 24 for orphans’ pensions, and Article 25 for
dependants' pensions.
Within the group consisting of a surviving spouse or former spouse(s) and orphans
and/or dependants, the share going to that group shall be apportioned, for the purpose of
calculating the individual entitlement of each member as mentioned above, in proportion
to the survivor’s or reversion pension on the one hand, and the orphans’ and/or
dependants’ pensions on the other.
If the amounts so apportioned exceed the pensions to which the beneficiaries would
have been entitled if they had been considered separately, including after application of
Article 25, any such excess amounts shall not be payable.
The minimum amounts laid down for survivors' and reversion pensions and for
orphans' and/or dependants' pensions shall no longer apply to the shares actually
/1 Coexistence of beneficiaries entitled to orphans' and/or dependants' pensions belonging to
different family groups
In this case, the total pension referred to in Article 27, paragraph 2 shall be calculated
as if all the persons entitled to an orphan's pension and/or dependant's pension formed
part of a single family group. Before apportionment, dependants shall be treated in theory
as orphans. This total pension shall comprise:
a single orphan's pension calculated, as the case may be, in accordance with
the provisions of Article 24, paragraph 3 i) if there are one or more persons
entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension, or of Article 24, paragraph 4 i)
where there are no such persons;
orphans' pensions equal to the dependent child allowance or to the
supplement for dependent child, under the rules applicable to the staff member
or former staff member who has died, where there are one or more persons
entitled to a survivor's or reversion pension, or to double that allowance or
supplement where there are no such persons.
This total pension shall be apportioned among the different family groups in
proportion to the pensions which would have been payable directly to each of these family
groups considered separately.
Within each family group, the share going to that group shall be divided equally
among the beneficiaries before application of Article 25, where applicable.
The minimum amounts laid down shall no longer apply to the shares actually
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Article 28 Provisions applicable to staff members appointed before 1
January 2017
1. The following persons, who have taken up duties as officials before 1 January 2017
, shall be entitled to
the household allowance, children's or dependents’ allowance, handicapped child allowance and education
allowance which are paid to officials of the Organisation appointed before 1 January 2017 as family allowances
under the same modalities, eligibility criteria and adjustment methods:
i) the recipient of a retirement pension as from the age of 60;
ii) the recipient of an invalidity pension;
iii) the recipient of a survivor's or reversion pension, in respect of the sole beneficiaries who were or
would have been recognised as depending on the staff member or the former staff member if he had not
2. The double entitlement regulations apply to any allowance of a same nature, regardless of its name.
3. a) The household allowance shall be calculated by reference to the pension of the recipient.
b) Where the recipient of a survivor’s or reversion pension is a staff member of one of the
Organisations listed in Article 1 or is in receipt of a pension assessed by any of these organisations, only
one household allowance shall be granted.
c) Where the spouse of a person entitled to a pension referred to in paragraph 1 is a staff member of
one of the Organisations listed in Article 1 or is in receipt of a pension assessed by any of these
organisations, the household allowance shall only be paid to one of the spouses.
d) Where the spouse of the recipient of a pension referred to in paragraph 1 is entitled, under another
scheme, to an allowance of a same nature than the household allowance, only the difference between the
amount of the allowance under the present scheme and that of the allowance received by the spouse
under the other scheme shall be paid to the recipient of the pension.
4. Where the recipient of a pension referred to in paragraph 1, or his household or the beneficiary
concerned, is entitled to allowances referred to in paragraph 1 and also, under another scheme and for the same
person, to a children's or dependants' allowance, or a handicapped child allowance of a same nature than those
referred to in paragraph 1, the Organisation shall only pay the difference between the amount of the allowances
granted under the present scheme and that of the allowances received under the other scheme.
5. The deduction of family allowances received under another scheme, referred to in Article 28, paragraphs
3 and 4, shall be automatic, save where the recipient produces evidence that the above-mentioned scheme
makes a deduction of the amounts received under the present scheme.
6. The amount of the allowance for a child or other dependant payable to the recipient of a survivor’s or
reversion pension shall be twice the normal amount.
7. Entitlement to the allowances provided for in this Article shall cease at the end of the month in which
the conditions for entitlement to those allowances under the Staff Rules and Regulations of the Organisation
are no longer satisfied.
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28.1 - Entitlement
Entitlement to family allowances when pension benefits are being paid shall be subject to the conditions
relating to the attribution of such allowances, in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the
Organisation applicable to officials appointed before 1 January 2017.
28.1/1 - Early pension
Family allowances shall not be paid before the age of 60 to the recipient of an early pension; in such a case,
at the age of 60, the household allowance shall be calculated on the basis of the reduced pension, subject to
the minimum prescribed by the relevant Staff Regulations and Rules; the other family allowances of fixed
amount shall be granted without any reduction.
28.1 /2 - Monthly payment
Family allowances shall be paid per whole month starting from the 1st of the month following that in which
the entitlement has arisen and until the end of the month during which the entitlement ceases.
28.1 /3 - Education allowance
Entitlement to the education allowance shall be maintained for children dependent on a former
staff member provided that the recipient of a retirement or invalidity pension -- or the recipient of
a survivor's or a reversion pension -- has never ceased residing in the country of the last posting
since termination of service and in as much as he continues to reside in that country.
In the event of the death of a staff member or of the recipient of a retirement or invalidity
pension, without any survivor's or reversion pension being awarded, or in the event of the death
of the recipient of a survivor's or reversion pension, any education allowance which was being
paid at the time of the death shall continue to be paid unchanged in its amount, until the expiry
of the current school or academic year.
Last update: February 2019
28.3 - Household allowance
The household allowance to which the recipient of a pension is entitled shall be calculated on the basis of his
pension, but shall not be less than the minimum laid down in the scales in force in the Organisations listed in
Article 1, save where the allowance is reduced on the basis of the income of the spouse.
Article 28bis Provisions applicable to staff members appointed as of 1
January 2017
1. The following persons, who have taken up duties as officials as of 1 January 2017
, shall be entitled to
the dependent child supplement, the supplements for disabled or severely disabled child and disabled and
dependent parent, and the education allowance which are paid to officials of the Organisation appointed as of
1 January 2017 as family allowances, under the same modalities, eligibility criteria and adjustment methods:
the recipient of a retirement pension as from the age of 60;
the recipient of an invalidity pension;
the recipient of a survivor's or reversion pension, in respect of the sole beneficiaries who were or would
have been recognised as a dependant of the staff member or the former staff member if he had not died.
2. The double entitlement regulations apply to any allowance of a same nature, regardless of its name.
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3. Where the recipient of a pension referred to in paragraph 1, or the beneficiary concerned is entitled to
allowances referred to in paragraph 1 and also, under another scheme and for the same person, to the dependent
child supplement and the supplements for disabled or severely disabled child and for disabled and dependent
parent of a same nature than those referred to in paragraph 1, the Organisation shall only pay the difference
between the amount of the allowances granted under the present scheme and that of the allowances received
under the other scheme.
4. The deduction of family allowances received under another scheme, referred to in Article 28bis,
paragraph 3, shall be automatic, save where the recipient produces evidence that the above-mentioned scheme
makes a deduction of the amounts received under the present scheme.
5. The amount of the dependent child supplement (with exception of the additional supplement granted to
single-parent families) and the supplements for disabled or severely disabled child and for disabled and
dependent parent payable to the recipient of a survivor’s or reversion pension shall be twice the normal amount.
6. Entitlement to the allowances provided for in this Article shall cease at the end of the month in which
the conditions for entitlement to those allowances under the Staff Rules and Regulations of the Organisation
are no longer satisfied.
28bis.1 - Entitlement
Entitlement to family allowances when pension benefits are being paid shall be subject to the conditions
relating to the attribution of such allowances, in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the
Organisation applicable to officials appointed as of 1 January 2017.
28bis.1/1 - Early pension
Family allowances shall not be paid before the age of 60 to the recipient of an early pension.
28bis.1/2 - Monthly payment
Family allowances shall be paid per whole month starting from the 1
of the month following that in which
the entitlement has arisen and until the end of the month during which the entitlement ceases.
28bis.1/3 - Education allowance
Entitlement to the education allowance shall be maintained for children dependent on a
former staff member, provided that the recipient of a retirement or invalidity pension or the
recipient of a survivors or a reversion pension has never ceased residing in the country of the
last posting since termination of service and inasmuch as he continues to reside in that country.
In the event of the death of a staff member or of the recipient of a retirement or invalidity
pension, without any survivors or reversion pension being awarded, or in the event of the death of
the recipient of a survivors or reversion pension, any education allowance which was being paid
at the time of the death shall continue to be paid unchanged in its amount, until the expiry of the
current school or academic year.
Last update: February 2019
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Article 29 Ceiling on benefits
1. Where a staff member dies, the total amount payable in respect of survivor’s, orphan’s and
dependant’s pensions and of family allowances shall not exceed the maximum of the retirement pension
referred to in Article 10, paragraphs 2 and 3, together with the family allowances to which the deceased staff
member was entitled. In any event, this total shall not exceed the last salary received by the staff member
together with the family allowances to which he wasentitled.
2. Where a former staff member receiving a retirement pension dies, the total amount payable in respect
of reversion, orphan’s and dependant’s pensions and of family allowances shall not exceed the amount of the
pension and family allowances received by the former staffmember.
3. Where a former staff member entitled to a deferred or invalidity pension dies, the total amount payable
in respect of reversion, orphan’s and dependant’s pensions and of family allowances shall not exceed the
amount of the retirement pension and family allowances he would have received if he had reached the statutory
age limit at the time of his death.
4. The amounts payable in respect of survivor’s, reversion, orphan’s and dependant’s pensions shall,
where applicable, be reduced in proportion to the share of eachbeneficiary.
29/1 - Ceiling on benefits payable to a surviving spouse, former spouse, orphans and/or dependants
Save where Article 10, paragraph 3 applies, the maximum of the retirement pension
referred to in Article 29, paragraph 1 shall be 70 per cent of the salary defined in Article
10, paragraph 1 as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of Article 36; the same
adjustments shall be applied to the family allowances referred to in Article 29, as well as
to retirement pensions, deferred or not, and to the invalidity pensions referred to in Article
29, paragraphs 2 and 3.
The ceilings stipulated in Article 29 shall be reviewed whenever changes are made to
the basis for calculating the benefits due.
For the purposes of applying the instructions of this Article, account shall be taken of
deductions actually made in respect of allowances received from anothersource.
29.3/1 - Ceiling in the event of the death of a person entitled to a deferred retirement pension or who was
drawing an early retirement pension
Where a deceased former staff member was entitled to a deferred retirement pension or was
drawing an early retirement pension, the family allowances to which he would have been entitled
at age 60, but which were not paid, shall nevertheless be taken into account in calculating the
ceiling referred to in Article 29.
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29.3 /2 - Ceiling in the event of the death of a person drawing an invalidity pension under Article 14, paragraph 2
In the event of the death of a former staff member drawing an invalidity pension under Article
14, paragraph 2, the ceiling to be applied shall be the amount of the pension and
allowances he was receiving at the time of his death.
29.4 /1 - Amount of the reduction applicable to survivors’, reversion, orphans’ and/or dependants’ pensions
The reduction shall be applied to survivors', reversion, orphans' and/or dependants' pensions.
The reduction shall be apportioned among the beneficiaries in proportion to the benefits payable
in application of the provisions of Chapter IV (Survivor's and Reversion Pensions) and Chapter
V (Orphan's Pension and Dependant's Pension).
29.4/2 - Statutory minimum amounts
The minimum amounts laid down shall not apply to survivors', reversion, orphans' and/or
dependants' pensions reduced in accordance with the provisions of Article 29.
Article 30 - Conditions of entitlement
1. Where a staff member, or former staff member entitled to a retirement or invalidity pension has been
missing for more than one year in circumstances justifying a presumption of death, the persons entitled under
him may provisionally be awarded a survivor's, reversion, orphan's or dependant’s pension, as appropriate.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 above shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons recognised as
dependants of a person in receipt of a survivor’s or reversion pension, who has been missing for more than one
3. Provisional pensions under paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be converted into definitive pensions when
the death of the staff member, former staff member, spouse or former spouse has been established officially or
when that person has been declared missing by a final Court decision.
30.3 - Forfeiture of rights
The time limits laid down by Article 35, paragraphs 2 and 3 shall run from the date of the Court
decision declaring him to be missing, referred to in Article 30, paragraph 3.
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Article 31 - Organisation responsible for the assessment
1. The assessment of the benefits payable under these Rules shall be made by the Organisation with
the assistance of the International Service for Remuneration and Pensions.
2. A detailed statement of the assessment shall be communicated to the staff member or the persons
entitled under him after approval by the Organisation on the advice of the Pensions Administrative Committee
of the Co-ordinated Organisations (PACCO) referred to in Article 43, paragraph 1.
3. Until this approval has been given, pensions shall be paid on a provisional basis.
31.2 - Pension Statement
On the termination of service of a staff member, the Organisation shall draw up a
statement of his pension rights on the form provided for this purpose.
When a staff member enters the service of another Organisation, he shall hand over the
form provided for this purpose.
The Organisation making the assessment of entitlement to benefits must take account
of all reckonable years of service which have been credited including, where applicable,
service in more than one of the Organisations referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4.
Article 32 - No double entitlement
1. Without prejudice to the application of Articles 4 and 5, the following may not be paid concurrently out
of the budgets of one or more of the Organisations listed in Article 1:
i) a retirement and an invalidity pension as provided for in these Rules or under the Rules of the New
Pension Scheme or of the Defined Benefit Funded Pension Scheme
ii) a retirement or invalidity pension and a loss-of-employment indemnity not paid as a lump sum ;
iii) two retirement pensions
2. Recipients of a retirement or invalidity pension under the present Rules may not be granted the status of
staff member in the meaning of Article 1. The modalities for double entitlement to a retirement pension and
any other remuneration paid by a Co-ordinated Organisation shall be defined by each Organisation.
3. Where they are due to the same cause, there can be no double entitlement to benefits under the present
Rules and annuities under a scheme distinct from the Pension Scheme and financed by an Organisation listed
in Article 1.
Last update: December 2012
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1 Except for long term consultants of the ECMWF.
32.1 - Double entitlement as regards retirement or invalidity pensions
In view in particular of the rules contained in Article 5, paragraph 2, two retirement
pensions under these Rules may not be paid by two Organisations listed in Article 1.
Double entitlement to a retirement and invalidity pension, granted under the present Rules,
under the Rules of the New Pension Scheme or under the Rules of the Defined Benefit Funded
Pension Scheme, shall be forbidden ; in calculating an invalidity pension granted under
Article 14, paragraph 1, the abatements prescribed in Article 5, paragraph 2 shall be applied
in cases where retirement pension payments previously received have not been refunded.
Double entitlement to a retirement or invalidity pension and to an indemnity for loss of
employment paid month by month on the basis of the salary being received by the staff
member at the time of leaving shall be prohibited.
Last update: December 2012
32.2 - Double entitlement to benefits granted under schemes distinct from the Pension Scheme
Where they are due to the same cause, the annuities or pensions for permanent invalidity or granted
in the event of the death of a staff member or former staff member to the spouse and/or former spouse,
orphans and/or dependants under a scheme distinct from the Pension Scheme shall be deducted from
the amount of the relevant pensions due and calculated under the present Rules, if they were financed
wholly or in part by the Organisation or another Organisation mentioned in Article 1.
The preceding provisions shall not relieve staff members of their financial obligations to credit past
services which derive from Articles 44 and 49.
Last update: December 2012
Article 33 - Basis of calculation
1. Pensions provided for under the NPS shall be calculated at the time of their assessment by reference
to the salary defined in Article 3 and to the scales applicable to the country of the staff member's or former staff
member’s last posting.
2. However, if the former staff member settles subsequently:
i) in a Member country of the Organisation or of another Organisation of which he is a national, or
ii) in a Member country of the Organisation or of another Organisation of which his spouse is a
national; or
iii) in a country where he has served the Organisation or another Organisation for at least five years,
he may opt for the scale applicable to the country in question. The option shall apply to only one of
the countries referred to in this paragraph, and shall be irrevocable, except where paragraph 3 below is
3. On the death of his spouse, a former staff member who settles in the country of which he is a national,
or of which such deceased spouse was a national, may opt for the scale applicable in that country.
The same option shall be open to the surviving spouse or former spouse of a former staff member
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and to orphans who have lost both parents.
4. These options, available under paragraphs 2 and 3, shall be irrevocable.
5. If the staff member, spouse, former spouse or orphan opts for the scale of a country referred to in
paragraph 2, but there is no scale approved by the Organisation for that country, the scale applicable to the
country in which the Organisation responsible for paying his pension has its headquarters shall be applied
temporarily until a scale has been adopted for the country chosen.
6. The amount of the pension based on the scale chosen shall be calculated in accordance with Article
7. The provisions of paragraph 2 above do not apply to the benefits under Article 11. However, a staff
member who settles in a country of which he is a national may have the leaving allowance provided for in
Article 11 calculated in accordance with the scale for that country, provided such a scale was approved by the
Organisation at the time of his departure.
33/1 - Proof of residence
Within the meaning of Article 33, the settlement of a pensioner refers to his principal and effective
residence, with the transfer of the permanent and usual centre of his interests and the will to confer
stability to such a residence.
The option is granted as from the month following the date on which the pensioner proves, to the
satisfaction of the Organisation, that he has his principal and effective residence in the country in
question. The Organisation may in particular request:
a recent certificate of residence;
a certificate of removal from the population registry of the former place of residence;
a copy of a recent invoice (water, gas, electricity, fixed telephone) established after the date of
the removal and for the name and address of the person concerned;
a copy of the rent contract or of the purchasing deed of the residence;
a copy of the removal invoice;
evidence of being subject to property or residencetax;
or any other evidence it deems relevant.
Last update: December 2012
33/2 - Alteration due to the exercise of an option
Where, in application of Article 33, benefits under the NPS are to be calculated on the basis of a
scale other than that which was in force at the time when the right to the benefits arose, then the
amount of such benefits must, for the purpose of their payment as from the exercise of the option
concerned, be recalculated on the basis of the new scale, in accordance with the provisions of
Article 36, paragraph 5.
33.3 - Option in cases where there are beneficiaries belonging to different family groups
Where an option is exercised by a surviving spouse or by children both of whose parents
are deceased, and there are other beneficiaries, benefits shall be apportioned in
accordance with the provisions of Article 22 or Article 27, as the case may be, and with
the Instructions thereto, on the basis of the scale applicable to the country of the staff
member's or former staff member's last posting or, in cases to which Article 33, paragraph
2 applies, the scales for which an option has been exercised by the former staff member
prior to his decease;
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the share of benefit apportioned to each beneficiary of the option shall be expressed as
a percentage of the basic salary for the grade and step used in calculating the theoretical
survivor's or reversion pension;
the share apportioned to the beneficiary of the option referred to in Article 33,
paragraph 3 shall be equal to the basic salary corresponding to the grade and step
referred to in sub-paragraph ii) of the scale applicable in the country chosen, multiplied
by the percentage referred to in the same sub-paragraph.
33.5 - Calculation following approval of a new scale
In cases where Article 33, paragraph 5 is applied, benefits are calculated under the new scale
as from the date of its entry into force, with no retroactive effect.
Article 34 - Re-assessment cancellation
1. The benefits provided for under the NPS may be re-assessed at any time in the event of error or
omission of any kind. Any undue payments must be reimbursed. They may be deducted from the benefits
payable to the person concerned or to the persons entitled under him or from the amounts due to his estate. The
reimbursement may be spread over a period.
2. Benefits shall be subject to modification or cancellation if their award was contrary to the provisions
of these Rules.
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Article 35 - Requirement of evidence - forfeiture of rights
1. Persons who are eligible for benefits under these Rules shall notify the Organisation or the
International Service for Remuneration and Pensions of any facts which may affect their entitlement to benefits
and to furnish such supporting evidence as may be required of them.
Should they fail to comply with these obligations, they may be deprived of the right to benefits under
this Scheme; save in exceptional circumstances, they shall refund any sums received to which they were not
2. Where the surviving spouse, orphans or other dependants of a deceased staff member or former staff
member fail to apply for their pension within twelve months from the date of his death, payment of the benefits
under these Rules may, at the discretion of the Organisation, be postponed until the first day of the month
following that in which they make their application.
3. Where a staff member's or former staff member’s former spouse referred to in Article 22 fails to apply
for her pension within twelve months from the date of his death, his rights may, at the discretion of the
Organisation, be wholly forfeited.
35.1/1 - Statement by staff member or persons entitled under him
Subject to the provisions of Instruction 30.3, the recipient of any benefit under the Pension Scheme
Rules shall be required to fill out and sign the form to verify continuing entitlement which is sent to
him every year.
35.1/2 - Refund of amounts incorrectly received
All amounts incorrectly received shall be refunded pursuant to Articles 34 and 35, in the manner
prescribed in the Rules and Regulations applicable to staff serving in the Organisation, without
prejudice to the special provisions laid down for implementing Article 42 with regard to taxation.
35.1/3 - Obligation on claimants to make themselves known
In the absence of a statement provided for under Instruction 35.1/1, it is the responsibility of persons
entitled under a deceased staff member or former staff member to notify their existence to the
Organisation which they consider to be liable for the payment to them of benefits under the NPS.
35.1/4 - Notifying beneficiaries
The Organisation shall then inform the beneficiaries concerned of the benefits which they may claim
Article 36 - Adjustment of pensions
1. The Organisation shall adjust pensions, every year, in accordance with the revaluation coefficients
based on the consumer price index for the country of the scale used to calculate each pension.
It shall also adjust them in the course of the year, for any given country, when prices in that country
show an increase of at least 6 %.
2. At regular intervals, the Secretary General shall establish a comparison of the difference between
increases in salary and increases in pensions, and may, where appropriate, propose measures to reduce it.
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3. When the beneficiary of a pension dies, and reversion, orphan’s and/or dependant’s pensions that
may be due shall be calculated as follows:
the pension(s) shall be calculated with reference to the scale in force at the date on which the deceased
former staff member’s pension was assessed;
said scale shall be updated, as from that date, by application of the pensions revaluation coefficients
for the country in question.
4. If the beneficiary of an invalidity pension, which was not awarded under Article 14, paragraph 2
reaches the age limit laid down in the Staff Rules and Regulations, his invalidity pension shall be converted,
in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 2, to a retirement pension calculated using the method referred to in
paragraph 3 above.
the pension shall be calculated with reference to the scale in force at the date of the assessment of the
invalidity pension;
said scale shall be updated, as from that date, by application of the pensions revaluation coefficients
for the country in question.
5. If the beneficiary of a pension exercises one of the options under Article 33, the following
calculation shall be made:
the pension shall be recalculated with reference to the scale in force at the date of its assessment for
the country selected;
Said scale shall be updated, as from that date, by application of the pensions revaluation
coefficients for the country in question.
36.1/1 - Notifying beneficiaries
Adjustments to pensions currently being paid shall be notified in writing to the beneficiaries of such pensions,
either by the Organisation or, as instructed by it, by the International Service for Remunerations and
36.1/2 - Consumer price indices
Consumer price trends shall be monitored with reference to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
(HICP), or where these series are not available, the national Consumer Price Indices (CPI) used in the salary
adjustment procedure in force in the Organisation. The annual adjustment index shall be the evolution in
consumer prices between 1st January of the year of the annual adjustment and 1st January of the previous
year, less any special adjustment granted during this period.
36.1/3 Date of effect of the annual adjustment
The effective date of the annual adjustment shall be 1st January.
By way of derogation and for the purpose of the annual adjustment of pensions on 1 January 2021, as well as for any special adjustment
until that date as referred to in Implementing Instruction 36.1/4, consumer prices trends shall be monitored as from 1 July 2019.
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36.1/4 Special adjustment in the event of price evolution of at least 6% during the year
Whenever the 6 % inflation threshold is exceeded, the special adjustment applied to pensions shall be equal
to the change in consumer prices between the month in which the previous adjustment took effect and the
month in which the special adjustment threshold is exceeded. Any special adjustment shall take effect in the
month following the month in which the threshold was exceeded. The monitoring of consumer price trends
shall then be reset, taking the consumer price index of the month during which the high inflation threshold
was reached as the basis to further monitor inflation until the next special or annual adjustment.
36.1/5 Procedure for granting the special adjustment
Any special adjustment is granted provisionally until PACCO’s issuance of a technical opinion
recommending, where applicable, the definitive granting of this special adjustment
Last update: December 2020
Article 37 - Mode of payment
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 11 and unless otherwise provided under these Rules, pensions,
family allowances and provisions for tax adjustments shall be paid monthly in arrears.
2. These amounts shall be paid by the Organisation, or by the International Service for Remuneration
and Pensions if it has been empowered to do so.
3. Benefits shall be paid in the currency used in their calculation in accordance with Article 33.
4. Benefits shall be paid to the recipient by bank transfer to an account in the country whose scale was
used for calculating these benefits, or in the country in which he resides.
37.1 - Date of Payment
Pensions, family allowances and provisions for tax adjustments shall be paid in arrears on the last
working day but two of the month to which they relate.
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Article 38 - Sums owed to the organisation
1. Any sum owed by a staff member, former staff member or pensioner to the Organisation which pays
the pension at the date when the benefits are payable under these Rules shall be deducted from the amount of
these benefits or from the benefits payable to those entitled under him. The deduction may be spread over a
38.1 - Buying back rights - Credit for past service
Any amounts remaining due on the death, recognition of invalidity or termination of service of a
staff member, in respect of pension rights bought back under Article 5, shall constitute a debt
owed to the Organisation by the staff member or the persons entitled under him or the estate.
Payment to the Organisation of any amounts thus owing shall be made pursuant to the special
condition agreed to by the staff member at the time of his application to buy back or to be credited
with pension rights; this condition shall give the Organisation a preferential right to deduct such
amounts from the capital sums due at the time of death or recognition of invalidity, or of
termination of service, where appropriate, under the conditions provided for in Instructions 5.1
and 5.4
Article 39 - Right of subrogation
1. Where a staff member's invalidity or death is attributable to a third party, the award of the benefits
provided for in these Rules shall in principle be made subject to the beneficiary assigning to the Organisation
his claims against such third party, up to the amount of such benefits.
2. However, the Organisation may waive its right to take action pursuant to such subrogation against
the third party concerned where special circumstances justify such awaiver.
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Article 40 - Charge on budgets
1. Benefits paid under this Pension Scheme shall be charged to the budgets of the organisation
responsible for the assessment of these benefits pursuant to Article 31.
2. The Member States of the Organisation jointly guarantee the payment of thebenefits.
3. In the event of a merger, reconstitution or other transformation or in the event of dissolution of the
Organisation, the Council or any ad hoc body set up, where required in one of the aforementioned cases, shall
take the necessary measures to ensure uninterrupted payment of the Pension Scheme benefits until the cessation
of entitlement of the last beneficiary.
4. Should a country, being a Member or ex-Member of the Organisation, fail to comply with its
obligations under this Article, the other countries shall meet the cost thereof in proportion to their contribution
to the budget of the Organisation as fixed annually from and after the said country's default
Article 41 - Staff member's contribution - costing the scheme
1. Staff members shall contribute to the NPS.
2. The staff members' contribution shall be calculated as a percentage of their salaries and shall be
deducted monthly.
3. The rate of the staff contribution shall be set so as to represent the cost, in the long term, of 40% of
the benefits provided under these Rules. This rate shall be reviewed every five years on the basis of an
actuarial study, the procedures for which are appended hereto. The staff contribution rate shall be adjusted,
with effect from the fifth anniversary of the preceding adjustment, the rate being rounded to the nearest first
4. Contributions properly deducted shall not be recoverable. Contributions improperly deducted shall
confer no rights to pension benefits; they shall be refunded at the request of the staff member concerned or
those entitled under them without interest.
Last update: July 2024
41.1/1 - Sickness
The staff members' contribution to the NPS shall be paid during sick leave and during periods of temporary
incapacity following such leave if the staff member concerned continues to receive an allowance equal to the
whole or part of his emoluments. This contribution shall be calculated in relation to the portion of the
allowances corresponding to salary, but reckonable years of service shall be counted at the full rate, subject
to the provisions applicable in the event of temporary incapacity during a period of part-time service.
41.1/2 - Leave for personal reasons
A staff member may not contribute to the NPS during periods of leave for personal reasons of more than six
months' duration, and during such periods the staff member shall not acquire any pension rights. However,
the persons entitled under him shall be entitled to receive benefits under the conditions set out in Instruction
Last update: November 2006
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Council has decided that for the period 1 July 2024 - 31 December 2024, this rate shall be reduced from the previously applicable rate of
11.8 % to 11.4%. The rate of the staff contribution as of 1 January 2025 will be fixed by Council on the basis of the result of the five-year
actuarial study.
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Article 42 - Pensions which are subject to national tax legislation
1. The recipient of a pension under these Rules shall be entitled to the adjustment applying to the
Member Country of the Organisation in which the pension and adjustment relating thereto are chargeable to
income tax under the tax legislation in force in that country.
2. The adjustment shall equal 50 per cent of the amount by which the recipient's pension would
theoretically need to be increased, were the balance remaining after deduction of the amount of national income
tax or taxes on the total to correspond to the amount of the pension calculated in accordance with these Rules.
For such purpose, there shall be drawn up, for each Member country, in accordance with the
Implementing Instructions referred to in paragraph 6, tables of equivalence specifying, for each amount of
pension, the amount of the adjustment to be added thereto. The said tables shall determine the rights of the
3. In calculating the theoretical amount of income tax or taxes referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article,
account shall be taken only of the provisions of tax legislation and regulations affecting the basis of liability
and the amount of income tax or taxes for all pensioner-taxpayers in the country concerned.
4. Pensioners without spouse or dependants shall be deemed to be in the position of a pensioner without
entitlement to any tax reliefs or allowances for family responsibilities, all other recipients being deemed to be
pensioners enjoying the tax reliefs and allowances of a person who is married without children.
No account shall be taken:
of individual factors related to the personal circumstances or private means of a particular
of income other than that arising under these Rules,
of the income of the spouse or dependants of the pensioner.
On the other hand, account shall, in particular, be taken of circumstances arising in the course of the year as a
result of:
a change in civil status or settlement in another place of residence with a different taxation system,
commencement or cessation of payment of the pension.
5. The Organisation shall supply the Member Countries concerned with the names, forenames and full
address of pensioners and the total amount of the pension and adjustment.
6. The recipient of an adjustment as specified in this Article shall be required to inform the Organisation
of his full address and of any subsequent changetherein.
Such recipient shall produce evidence of his pension and the relative adjustment having been declared
or taxed; should he fail to comply with this obligation, he shall be deprived of the right to this
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adjustment and shall refund any amounts unduly received in this respect.
7. The other procedures for calculating the adjustment and, in particular, those necessitated by the
special features of certain national tax laws, and the procedure for payment of the adjustment shall be laid down
in the Implementing Instructions established in accordance with the tax legislation of Member Countries.
42/1 - Scope and calculation of the adjustment
1. Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall apply only if the pension and the adjustment relating
to it are subject to taxes on income levied in a Member Country of the Organisation. The family allowances
provided for in Articles 28 and 28bis of the Pension Rules shall be assimilated to pensions in determining the
tax adjustment in so far as similar allowances are taxable under the national tax legislation of the Member
2. The adjustment referred to in Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall be determined on the basis
of the legal provisions relating to taxes on income in force in the Member country in which the pensioner is
legally subject to such taxation. It shall be established in respect of pensions paid during the tax period as
determined in that country.
3. Where the pension of a person entitled to the adjustment is paid in a currency other than that of the
country in which such person is subject to taxes on income, the adjustment shall be determined on the basis of
the pension converted into the currency of that country. Such conversion shall be effected at the rate obtained
on the official exchange market.
4. Where the amounts paid during any tax period include arrears of pension relating to any previous
period, the adjustment shall be determined or recalculated, as the case may be, with due regard to the tax
treatment applicable to such arrears.
42/2 - Establishment of tables of equivalence for payment of the adjustment
1. Tables of equivalence for payment of the adjustment shall be established for each tax year by the
International Service for Remunerations and Pensions, hereinafter referred to as 'the Service'.
2. The tax authorities of Member countries shall provide the Service, at its request, with the details of
legislation and regulations necessary for establishing the tables. The tables shall be checked and confirmed by
the tax authorities of the Member country concerned. In the event of disagreement between such authorities and
the Service on the content of the tables, the Secretaries-General and the Co-ordinating Committee shall
consider the matter on the basis of Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules and of these Implementing
3. Provisional tables of equivalence shall be drawn up prior to the commencement of the period to
which they refer. They shall show, for rounded pension figures and in respect of each Member country, an
amount equivalent to 90 per cent of the monthly adjustment calculated according to the distinctions contained
in Article 42.3 of the Pension Scheme Rules and on the basis of the tax legislation in force at the time of drawing
up the tables.
4. The provisional tables shall be revised whenever amendments to tax legislation involve a change in
the amount of the adjustment. The Secretaries-General and the Co-ordinating Committee may however decide
by mutual agreement to dispense with the up-dating of tables in cases where the balance of gain or loss is
5. As soon as the authorities in Member countries have finally adopted the tax legislation applicable to
income for the period covered by the provisional tables, these latter shall be replaced by final tables
establishing the rights of recipients in accordance with Article 42.2 of the Pension Scheme Rules. These final
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tables shall show the amount of the adjustment for the whole of the period which they cover, as well as the
monthly amount of the adjustment.
6. The provisional and final tables of equivalence shall be accompanied by all such information as is
necessary for their use. Such information shall include:
- the rules to be observed in cases where changes in family status, dependants or permanent address
(domicile) of the person entitled to the adjustment may affect the amount of the adjustment which the
person concerned may claim;
- the names and addresses of the tax authorities to which the Organisations supply the information
specified in Article 42.4 of the Pension Scheme Rules;
- the evidence to be supplied by persons entitled to the adjustment as proof of the declaration for tax
purposes, or the taxation, of their pension and the adjustment relating thereto;
- the dates for making such declarations and for paying the tax in those Member countries which have
been authorised to avail themselves of the provisions of Instruction 42/3, paragraph 2 below.
42/3 - Method of payment of the adjustment
1. The adjustment shall be paid by monthly instalments by way of advance at the same time as the
pension and in an amount corresponding to that appearing in the provisional tables of equivalence referred to
in Instruction 42/2, paragraph 3 above. The amounts of pension, arrears of pension and adjustment shall be
shown separately on the instrument of payment issued to therecipient.
2. At the request of a country, the Secretaries-General and the Co-ordinating Committee may, by mutual
agreement, decide that by way of exception to paragraph 1, there shall be a time lag in payment of the monthly
instalments of the adjustment relating to that country, provided however that payment of the whole of the
monthly instalments shall be finalised before the ultimate date for payment of the tax to which they refer.
3. As soon as the final tables of equivalence are available, the total amount of the monthly instalments
paid in respect of the tax period shall be compared to the final amount of the adjustment due for the whole of
that period. Any excess or shortfall shall be rectified but so however that the amount involved shall not be taken
into account in determining the adjustment in respect of the following tax year.
4. The adjustments shall be paid in the currency of the country in which the recipient is subject to taxes
on income.
42/4 - Information to be supplied to Member countries by the Organisation
1. The particulars specified in Article 42/4 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall consist of the following:
a) a personal particulars form giving the name and forenames, full address and, where applicable, the
residence for tax purposes (domicile fiscal) of the pensioner, the total amount of pension paid for the
period constituting the tax year, the final amount of the adjustment arrived at for such period, and the
amount of arrears of pension, identifying the year to which such arrears relate;
b) a master list reproducing for each country, the information contained in the personal particulars
2. The particulars listed in paragraph 1 of this Instruction shall be supplied to the tax authorities of the
country in which the persons concerned are subject to taxes on income. A copy of the personal particulars form
shall be sent to the pensioner and a copy of the master list shall be sent to the Representative of the country in
question to the Organisation.
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3. The obligations specified in this Instruction shall be complied with at the time of the rectification
referred to in Instruction 42/3, paragraph 3 above.
42/5 - Evidence of payment of tax
The tax authorities referred to in Instruction 42/2, paragraph 6 above shall inform the Service of the
evidence by which, in accordance with Article 42, paragraph 5 of the Pension Scheme Rules,
recipients of the adjustment may establish that their pension and the relevant adjustment have been
declared for tax purposes or have been taxed.
42/6 - Financing the adjustment
1. The cost of the adjustment provided for in Article 42 of the Pension Scheme Rules shall be borne by
the country in which the recipient thereof is subject to taxes on income for the period considered.
2. Expenditure arising under paragraph 1 of this Instruction shall be the subject of a separate budget
which shall be drawn up at the same time as the other budgets of the Organisation. Final settlement of the
contributions to this separate budget shall be made at the end of the period to which it relates.
42/7 - Date of effect
These Implementing Instructions shall take effect on the date of entry into force of the Pension Scheme
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Article 43 Pensions administrative committee of the co-ordinated
organisations (PACCO)
1. The Pensions Administrative Committee of the co-ordinated organisations, created by the Standing
Committee of Secretaries-General, shall give technical opinions and, where necessary, ensure appropriate co-
ordination between the Organisation and the other Organisations.
43.1 - Forms
A standard form is used for determining the position regarding each staff member's reckonable
years of service for pension purposes at a particular date, viz.:
either on leaving the Organisation or on the assessment of a benefit; or
on changing from one Organisation to another.
This form recapitulates the regulatory provisions to be consulted on such occasions.
Article 44 Detailed implementation
1. Instructions for the implementation of these Rules shall be drawn up by the Secretary-General of the
Organisation after an opinion of the Pensions Administrative Committee of the co-ordinated organisations.
Article 45 Entry into force
1. These Rules shall enter into force on 1
January 2002.
45.1 - Date of entry into force of the Implementing Instructions
The implementing Instructions shall enter into force on the date as laid down by the Secretary-
General of the Organisation.
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1. Calculation, as at the effective date of the study, for the OECD, of the rate of contribution payable
by staff to finance 40% of benefits provided under the Scheme, establishing the present value of future
entitlements and salaries.
2. Projections of annual amounts of future entitlements will be calculated, on the one hand, for staff
affiliated at the date of the study to the NPS and to any other scheme implemented after the establishment of
the NPS and, on the other hand, for the population of staff who will be recruited in the years to come.
Projections of salaries for these populations will also be established year by year. Each of these amounts will
be projected over a period of 80 years and discounted to present worth.
3. Combining these results will make it possible to determine the rate of contribution needed to finance
40% of benefits provided under the Scheme.
Demographic and salary-related assumptions
4. The demographic assumptions are derived from detailed demographic studies for each of the Co-
ordinated Organisations which have adopted the NPS. These studies examine past experience over a period
of 15 years, where the information is available, and also take account of available forecasts regarding future
staff numbers.
5. The assumptions relating to salaries are based on detailed observation of the past, over a period of
15 years, where the information is available, and also take account of practices and forecasts available in this
Economic assumptions
6. The discounting process is based on observed rates of return on long-term government bonds issued
in the reference countries, as from the date when they become a reference country.
7. A discount rate net of inflation shall be used. It shall be equal to the arithmetical average of average
real rates observed over the thirty years preceding the date when the actuarial study is conducted.
8. The average real rate for a given past year is obtained from the real rates in each country, calculated
as the quotient of the rate of gross return on bonds by the corresponding rate of inflation, as shown by the
national consumer price index. The average is obtained by weighting the real rate in each country by the
number of serving staff in that country at the effective date of the study.
Last update : July 2024
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This text has been deleted
Please refer to Annex XXIII.
Last update: May 2003
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Article 1 PURPOSE
1.1 This Decision sets out the rules relating to the protection of data subjects, including staff members of the
Organisation, with regard to the processing of their personal data by the Organisation or on its behalf.
1.2 The Organisation is responsible for the processing of personal data of data subjects by or on behalf of the
Organisation, in accordance with this Decision.
1.3 Directors shall ensure that the processing of personal data under their responsibility complies with this
Decision, whether the Organisation acts as a controller or a processor.
For the purposes of this Decision:
a) AI system means a machine-based system that is capable of influencing the environment by producing an
outcome (prediction, recommendation, or decision) for a given set of objectives;
b) controllermeans the Organisation, when it determines alone or jointly with others, the purposes and
means of the processing;
c) consent means any freely given, unambiguous, specific and informed indication by data subjects
signifying agreement to the processing of their personal data;
d) director shall refer to directors, heads of programmes, or other staff members to whom the
SecretaryGeneral has conferred the responsibility for and executive authority over a programme of work.
This term also includes the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, the Secretary-General
of the International Transport Forum, as well as other heads of programmes hosted by the Organisation;
e) personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (“data subject”);
f) personal data breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss,
alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, theft of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise
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g) processingmeans any operation which is performed on personal data, whether or not by automated
h) processormeans a natural or legal person that processes personal data on behalf of the Organisation.
The Organisation shall be considered a processor when it processes personal data on behalf of other natural
or legal persons and, in such a case, all obligations of processors under this Decision shall be respected by
the Organisation.
i) staff members means the officials, the temporary staff members and any other persons employed by the
j) special categories of personal datameans i) personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership; ii) genetic data and biometric data for
the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual; iii) personal data concerning an individual’s health, sex
life or sexual orientation; or iv) personal data concerning criminal convictions or allegations.
a) This Decision applies to processing by or on behalf of the Organisation.
b) This Decision does not apply to the processing by the Organisation of personal data of staff members, which are used
solely for administrative purposes within the Organisation, and contain no significant risk to privacy in this context.
c) Following consultation with the Data Protection Officer, the Organisation may restrict the application of articles 4.3,
5 and 6.4 of this Decision when this is necessary and proportionate to:
i) prevent, investigate, detect or sanction staff misconduct, in accordance with the Staff Regulations and
Code of Conduct;
ii) safeguard the safety or security of the data subject or others, or the security of the Organisation’s
premises or its functioning;
iii) exercise or defend legal claims or respond to a request from the OECD Administrative Tribunal acting
in its judicial capacity;
iv) safeguard important objectives of general public interest of a Member of the Organisation or non-
Member country where the personal data at issue have been transferred by that country to the
Such restrictions shall be lifted as soon as the circumstances that justify them no longer apply.
4.1 Processing
Personal Data shall be:
a) processed in a fair and transparent manner and for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes for the fulfilment
of the Organisation’s mission and programme of work;
b) adequate, relevant, accurate, reasonably kept up to date, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for
which the personal data are processed;
c) processed in a manner that ensures their appropriate security, including against any personal data breach,
using appropriate technical or organisational measures;
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d) kept in a form that permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which
the personal data are processed.
4.2 Special categories of personal data
a) Processing of special categories of personal data is only permitted if:
i) Data subjects have given consent to the processing of such personal data or made such personal data
manifestly public;
ii) the processing is necessary for employment with the Organisation, to safeguard the safety or
security of the data subject or others, or the security of the Organisation’s premises or its functioning
or in relation to medical or social protection under the Organisation’s Staff Regulations or under
national schemes (including for health expenses coverage or the payment of family or social benefits);
iii) The processing is necessary to exercise or defend legal claims or respond to a request from the
OECD Administrative Tribunal acting in its judicial capacity.
iv) the processing is necessary for scientific, historical or economic research purposes, statistical
purposes, archiving purposes, policy formulation and implementation and is not intended to have any
impact, direct or indirect, on the data subject; or
v) the processing is based on an agreement under international law or a binding decision of the OECD
Council or another competent body
b) In the cases mentioned in paragraph a) above, processing shall be proportionate to the purpose and appropriate
safeguards of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subjects, including in particular security
measures consistent with this Decision, shall be taken by the controller.
4.3 Processing using an AI system
When the processing involves the use of an AI system to produce an outcome that affects data subjects, the
controller shall provide data subjects with plain and easy-to-understand information on the factors and the logic
that serve as the basis for the outcome. Data subjects adversely affected by an outcome involving an AI system
have the right to challenge the outcome with the controller, in particular on grounds of inaccuracy or bias.
5.1 Transparency and Information
a) The controller shall provide information on the processing and its purpose(s) to the data subjects, as well as
any amendment made to such processing, which shall be set out in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily
accessible form and made available through appropriate means.
b) The information shall include:
i) contact details of the controller;
ii) contact details of the Data Protection Officer;
iii) contact details of the Data Protection Commissioner;
iv) purposes of the processing;
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v) the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data;
vi) where applicable, the fact that the controller intends to transfer personal data outside the
vii) the period for which the personal data will be stored, or if that is not possible, the reasons why no
such period is fixed;
viii) any external storage location; and
ix) the existence of the right to request access, rectification, erasure, object to processing of personal
data and to submit claims.
c) Paragraphs a) and b) above shall not apply if the provision of such information proves impossible, would
involve a disproportionate effort, or is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the
objectives of the processing. In such cases, the controller takes appropriate measures to protect the data subjects’
rights and freedoms and legitimate interests.
5.2 Right of access
a) Data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether their personal data are
being processed, and, where that is the case, to have access to these.
b) One copy of the requesting data subject’s personal data undergoing processing shall be made available to
him/her, free of charge. Where the data subject makes the request by electronic means, the information shall be
provided in a commonly used electronic form.
c) The right to obtain the copy referred to above shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
5.3 Right to rectification and erasure
a) Data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller the rectification or completion of inaccurate personal
data concerning them.
b) Data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of their personal data where:
i) such data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were processed;
ii) their Personal Data have been processed in contradiction with this Decision;
iii) the data subject withdraws the consent on which the processing is based.
c) Paragraph b) above does not apply to the extent that processing is necessary for:
i) scientific, historical or economic research purposes, statistical purposes, archiving purposes or policy
formulation and implementation, in so far as the erasure is likely to render impossible or seriously impair
the achievement of the objectives of that processing;
ii) exercising or protecting the rights of freedom of expression and information;
iii) reasons of public interest in the area of public health and security.
5.4 Right to object
Data subjects have the right to object to the processing of their personal data on the grounds that such
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processing is not necessary for the performance of tasks carried out in the exercise of the Organisation’s
mission and programme of work. The controller shall consider the objection, and if well-founded shall cease
to process the personal data.
6.1 Accountability
a) The controller shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that processing
is performed in accordance with the requirements of this Decision, and be able to demonstrate that this is the
b) The controller and, where applicable, the processors, shall maintain a record of any processing under their
responsibility. Such record shall include information related to the processing activities as set out in article 5.1
6.2 Prior consultations and data protection risk assessment
a) Prior to a new or amended processing, the controller shall carry out a risk assessment of the impact of the envisaged
processing on the protection of personal data (data protection risk assessment) and inform the Data Protection Of.
b) Where a data protection risk assessment indicates that the processing may result in a high risk for the
protection of personal data, the controller shall consult the Data Protection Officer. When so consulted, the
Data Protection Officer provides written advice to the controller, including on safeguards that could be usefully
implemented to reduce the risk. If the Data Protection Officer considers that, even with the implementation of
the safeguards, the processing would result in a high risk for the protection of personal data, he/she may decide
to suspend the processing pending a decision by the Data Protection Commissione.
6.3 Data Protection by Design
a) The controller shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures that are designed to
implement this Decision, both at the time of the determination of the means for processing and that of the
processing itself. For that purpose, they shall take into account the data protection risk assessment, the state of
the art, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, as well as the
likelihood and severity of the risks to rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of data subjects posed by the
b) The controller shall also implement appropriate technical and organisational measures for ensuring that, by
default, only personal data necessary for each specific purpose of the processing are actually processed.
6.4 Personal data breach
a) The controller and, where applicable, processors, shall notify the Data Protection Officer of any personal
data breach as soon as possible after its discovery.
b) The notification, which shall be in writing, shall include the facts relating to the personal data breach, its
likely effects and the remedial action taken or planned. Where the notification occurs more than 72 hours after
the discovery, the reasons for delay shall be provided as well.
c) Where the personal data breach is likely to adversely affect data subjects, the controller shall notify the Data
Protection Commissioner without undue delay, as well as affected data subjects unless this would involve
disproportionate effort.
6.5 Transfers of personal data outside the Organisation
397 Back to top
a) Personal data may be transferred outside the Organisation under the conditions set out in this article and
following consultation with the Data Protection Officer. Any onward transfers shall be subject to the same
conditions, and only permitted for purposes that are compatible with the purpose for which the personal
data were initially transferred.
b) Prior to the transfer, the controllershall ensure that the recipient of the personal data commits to safeguards
that ensure a level of protection in line with this Decision, including, in particular, effective data subject
rights and legal remedies. Such safeguards shall be proportionate to the risks to data subjects presented by
the transfer, taking into account the nature of the data and the purpose and context of the processing;
c) Safeguards pursuant to paragraph b) above may result from:
i) contractual clauses or provisions inserted in other written arrangements;
ii) a decision of the OECD Council or another competent body that is binding upon the recipient of
the personal data and the controller;
iii) other mechanisms as may be established in specific rules adopted under article 10(b) of this
d) In the absence of safeguards pursuant to paragraph (b) above, the transfer of personal data outside the
Organisation is only permitted where one of the following applies:
i) data subjects have given their consent to the transfer, having been informed of the transfer and the
related risks;
ii) the transfer is necessary to safeguard the safety or security of the data subject or other persons, or
the security of the Organisation’s premises or its functioning;
iii) the transfer is necessary for the exercise or defence of legal claims or to respond to a request from
the OECD Administrative Tribunal acting in its judicial capacity.
6.6 Processors
The controller shall ensure that processors (and any subprocessors) provide guarantees to the Organisation on
the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures aimed at ensuring that the processing
will meet the requirements of this Decision. Such guarantees shall be provided through contractual clauses or
provisions inserted in other written arrangements between the controller and the processor. The engagement of
subprocessors by the processor is subject to prior written authorisation by the controller.
7.1 The Data Protection Officer is an expert with knowledge of data protection regulations, policies and
practices, who shall be appointed as an official by the Secretary-General.
7.2 a) The Data Protection Officer reports directly to the Secretary-General. He/she performs his/her duties
in a fully neutral manner and in full independence.
b) As required, the Data Protection Officer shall consult with the Office of the Secretary-General and
the Office of the Executive Director on matters relating to his/her functions as set out in article 7.4 below.
7.3 The Data Protection Officer shall protect information of a confidential nature that has come to his/her
knowledge in the performance of his/her functions.
7.4 The Data Protection Officer shall perform the following responsibilities, inter alia, he/she shall:
398 Back to top
a) provide information and advice to the controller and, where applicable, processors, regarding this
b) promote awareness among staff members regarding their responsibilities in relation to the
protection of personal data and provide for their training in this respect;
c) provide information and advice to data subjects regarding all issues related to the processing of
their personal data and the exercise of their rights under this Decision;
d) take measures to ensure compliance with this Decision;
e) on his/her own initiative or on request, verify any processing;
f) decide on the temporary suspension of a processing in case of high risks for the protection of
personal data and immediately inform the Data Protection Commissioner of any such decision;
g) provide the Data Protection Commissioner with: i) his/her views on any data subjects’ claims
alleging breach of this Decision; ii) relevant documents and/or information on the claim, personal data
and/or processing concerned;
h) cooperate with the Data Protection Commissioner and act as his/her contact point on issues relating
to processing.
7.5 The Secretary-General may appoint a Deputy Data Protection Officer, who shall perform, under the
same conditions, the responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer in the event of his/her absence.
8.1 Mandate
a) The Data Protection Commissioner shall ensure and enforce the application of this Decision, in order to
protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of data subjects in relation to the processing.
b) The Data Protection Commissioner is appointed by the Secretary-General, among persons having expert
knowledge of data protection regulations, policies and practices and a recognised professional experience of
personal data protection matters acquired at national or international level.
c) The Data Protection Commissioner shall be appointed for a fixed term of five (5) years, which may be
renewed only once for the same duration. However, in order to ensure that a Data Protection Commissioner is
always in office, the term of an incumbent Data Protection Commissioner may exceptionally be extended in
case of delay in the nomination of a successor to this office. The period covered by such extension(s) shall not
exceed a total period of twelve (12) months. The Data Protection Commissioner may only be dismissed by the
Secretary-General if he or she no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his or her duties
or if he or she is guilty of serious misconduct.
d) Any person who has served as Data Protection Commissioner shall not be employed in any capacity by the
Organisation nor enter into any contractual relationship with the Organisation for a period of twelve (12)
months from the date of the cessation of his/her mandate.
e) The detailed terms and conditions for the performance of the Data Protection Commissioner’s duties are
laid down by the Secretary-General and shall prohibit the Commissioner from engaging in other tasks and
duties that create a conflict of interest.
f) The Data Protection Commissioner performs his/her mandate independently and in a fully neutral manner.
399 Back to top
The Data Protection Commissioner shall neither seek nor take instructions from anyone. He/she shall have the
resources necessary to exercise the mandate effectively and may inform the Secretary-General of any
difficulties encountered.
g) In the performance of his/her mandate, the Data Protection Commissioner shall enjoy the same privileges
and immunities as those accorded to experts on mission by virtue of the additional protocols to the Convention
on the OECD. In particular, he/she may not be subject to any constraints, nor be compelled to be a witness in
procedures carried out outside the Organisation, with regard to events or documents which have come to his/her
knowledge in the performance of his/her mandate.
8.2 Responsibilities
The Data Protection Commissioner shall primarily:
a) provide advice on the optimal implementation of this Decision, taking account of new developments and
challenges and best international practice;
b) investigate and review, with the assistance of the Data Protection Officer, the claims submitted to him/her
alleging breach of this Decision and submit his/her final conclusions to the Secretary-General;
c) notify the controller and, where applicable, the processors, of an infringement of this Decision;
d) communicate to the Secretary-General, as necessary, general comments aimed at ensuring the protection of
personal data;
e) submit an annual activity report to the Secretary-General. This report shall provide an overview of the state
of data protection within the Organisation, including relevant initiatives to raise awareness and implement the
requirements of this Decision. The report shall also summarise any claims submitted to the Data Protection
Commissioner during the year and their results, without identifying the data subject(s) concerned. This report
shall be shared with all staff members and posted on the Organisation’s intranet and internet.
8.3 Powers
8.3.1 The Data Protection Commissioner shall have the following investigative powers:
a) to order the controller,
and, where applicable, the
processors, to provide any
information he/she requires for
the performance of his/her
b) to carry out investigations related to any processing;
c) to obtain from the
controller and, where applicable,
the processors, access to: i) all
personal data and to all
information available to them;
and ii) their premises and devices
necessary for the performance of
his/her mandate.
8.3.2 The Data Protection Commissioner shall have the following corrective powers:
400 Back to top
a) to order the controller and, where applicable, the processors, to:
i) comply with the data subjects’ rights pursuant to this Decision;
ii) bring processing into compliance with this Decision;
iii) communicate a personal data breach to the data subjects concerned, and where the data subjects
are staff members, to the Head of Human Resources Management;
401 Back to top
iv) rectify or erase personal data or restrict processing and notify such actions to recipients to whom
the personal data have been disclosed.
b) to decide to lift or maintain the suspension of the processing decided by the Data Protection Officer in
accordance with article 7.4 f) above and immediately informs the Data Protection Officer and the controller of
any such decision;
c) to impose a limitation, including a ban, on the processing of certain personal data.
9.1 When investigating claims submitted by data subjects, the Data Protection Commissioner shall invite
the controller and, where applicable, the processors, and the data subjects concerned, to express written views
on the claims and the relevant facts and to provide evidence or views on evidence already at hand.
9.2 After reviewing the claim, the evidence and any written comments submitted by the controller, and
where applicable, the processors, and the data subjects concerned, the Data Protection Commissioner may
order or impose the measures set out in article 8.3.2 above.
9.3 The reasoned conclusions of the Data Protection Commissioner are communicated to the Secretary-
General within two months of the submission of the claim. These conclusions are binding and final, except
where there is an obvious material error.
9.4 The Secretary-General shall take a decision in accordance with the conclusions of the Data Protection
Commissioner and notify it, together with the conclusions of the Data Protection Commissioner, to the
claiming individual, the Coordinators, and, where applicable, Processors, and the Data Protection Officer. A
copy of this decision is sent to the Data Protection Commissioner.
9.5 The decision of the Secretary-General may only be challenged before the Administrative Tribunal by
staff members and claimants to their rights, as well as persons applying for appointment in the Organisation,
in accordance with Staff Regulation 22 and Annex III to the Staff Regulations applicable to officials.
9.6 To challenge the decision of the Secretary-General, data subjects who are not staff members, claimants
to their rights or persons applying for appointment in the Organisation must, within four months from the date
of notification of the contested decision, submit a written request to the Secretary-General for withdrawal or
modification of the contested decision. If the Secretary-General denies such request or does not reply within a
period of three months (implied denial of such request), data subjects may file a notice of arbitration in
accordance with article 9.7 of this Decision.
9.7 Any dispute or claim arising out of a decision of the Secretary-General notified to data subjects who are
not staff members, claimants to their rights or persons applying for appointment in the Organisation shall be
settled by final and binding arbitration in accordance with the 2012 Arbitration Rules of the Permanent Court
of Arbitration (PCA). The number of arbitrators shall be one (1). The appointing authority shall be the
Secretary-General of the PCA. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English. The place
of arbitration shall be Paris (France).The law applicable to this arbitration shall be the provisions of this
Decision. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both the Organisation and the claimant.
9.8 Notice of arbitration given under article 9.7 must be filed with the Organisation and the International
Bureau of the PCA within six months from the date of notification of the denial by the Secretary-General of
the written request submitted in accordance with article 9.6 above or from the date of the implied denial of
such request, whichever occurs first.
a) This Decision, which replaces the Decisions of July 1992, September 2001, September 2005 and May 2019,
402 Back to top
shall be published on the Organisation’s Intranet and Internet sites and shall enter into force when so published.
b) The Secretary-General may adopt specific rules and/or guidelines on any matter related to this Decision,
following consultation with the Data Protection Commissioner and the Data Protection Officer. All references
to ‘this Decision” shall be deemed to include such rules and guidelines.
c) This Decision shall be reviewed at least every five (5) years after entry into force and may be amended at
any time.
* * *
403 Back to top
Article 1
a) The object of the co-ordination system is to provide recommendations to the Governing bodies of the
Co-ordinated Organisations, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, concerning:
(i) Basic salary scales, and the method of their adjustment, for all categories of staff and for all
countries where there are active staff or recipients of a pension;
(ii) Co-ordinated Pension Scheme Rules;
(iii) The object, the amount and the method of adjustment of
-- expatriation allowance
-- installation allowance
-- household allowance
-- basic family allowance
-- dependent child allowance
-- dependent child supplement
-- handicapped child’s allowance
-- supplements for disabled or severely disabled child
-- dependent person’s allowance
-- supplement for disabled and dependent parent
-- expatriated child’s allowance
-- education allowance
-- daily subsistence allowance
-- kilometric allowance
b) According to the procedure referred to in Article 6, recommendations to the Governing bodies are made
by the Co-ordinating Committee on Remuneration (CCR), to the extent possible in conjunction with the Committee
of Representatives of Secretaries/Directors-General (CRSG) and after consultation with the Committee of Staff
Representatives (CRP). Where divergent conditions exist in different Co-ordinated Organisations,
recommendations on allowances and supplements may take the form of frameworks applicable to all the
Organisations, within which each Organisation shall have the flexibility to adopt implementing provisions to meet
its specific needs. The CCR shall be kept informed of these provisions.
c) According to the procedure referred to in Article 6, the CCR shall give its advisory opinion on any
question falling within its mandate asked by the Governing body of any Co-ordinated Organisation.
The order has been reviewed to follow a more logical order.
404 Back to top
Article 2
a) Each member State of one of the Co-ordinated Organisations may nominate one representative to the
CCR who may be assisted by alternate delegates and advisers.
b) The CCR shall elect its Chairperson by consensus for a three year mandate extendible on a yearly basis,
after consultation with the CRSG and after being informed of the views of the CRP.
c) The Chairperson of the CCR shall act as the impartial Chairperson of the whole co-ordination process
and shall look after its harmonious, rapid and efficient functioning.
d) The Chairperson shall be assisted by one Vice-Chairperson/Legal adviser elected every two years
by the CCR.
e) The CCR may designate one of its members to act as its spokesperson.
Article 3
a) The Secretary/Director-General of each Co-ordinated Organisation shall appoint one representative to
the CRSG who may be assisted by alternate delegates and advisers.
b) The Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons of the CRSG shall be designated according to the
procedures established by the CRSG.
c) The Chairperson of the CRSG shall act as its spokesperson.
d) The Secretaries/Directors-General may meet as the Committee of Secretaries/Directors-General (CSG).
e) The CRP shall be given the prior possibility to outline to the CRSG any subjects related to remuneration
policy which they consider should be raised at the sessions of the CSG.
Article 4
a) The representative statutory body of the staff of each Co-ordinated Organisation and the Association of
Pensioned Staff of the Co-ordinated Organisations and of their Dependants (AAPOCAD) may appoint one delegate
to the CRP as well as the alternate delegates and advisers who may accompany him/her.
(b) The Chairperson and his/her two CRP Vice-Chairpersons shall be designated according to the procedure
established by the CRP.
(c) The Chairperson of the CRP shall act as its spokesperson.
405 Back to top
Article 5
a) The CCR shall adopt a detailed work programme, the draft of which is drawn up by its Chairperson in
consultation with the CRSG and the CRP, of all items to be discussed in the next calendar year. This approved
work programme shall include the timetable for considering all items mentioned therein. The Secretaries/Directors-
General shall submit, each with his/her own comments if appropriate, the CCR work programme to the Governing
body of each Co-ordinated Organisation for information and possiblesuggestions.
b) The CRSG, after consultation with the CRP, may make proposals relating to matters which fall within
the competence of the CCR as defined in Article 1 above, and present them to the CCR accompanied by any
comments and views of theCRP.
c) Any member of the CCR may make proposals to the CCR. After appropriate consultations, the
Chairperson of the CCR shall decide which proposals have broad support amongst member States and therefore
shall be brought forward for discussion in the joint meetings.
Article 6
a) Recommendations, in the form of reports, shall be made by the CCR by consensus and, to the extent
possible, in conjunction with the CRSG. The CRP shall be consulted on the draft reports with a view to considering
its position.
b) If no agreement can be reached between the CCR and the CRSG after two meetings following the
submission of the proposal, the CCR will issue a report which will reflect the reasons for disagreement and set out
dissenting opinions of the CRSG and comments of the CRP. However, discussions concerning the remuneration
adjustment method may take longer and could require threemeetings.
c) If no agreement can be reached among the CCR delegates after two meetings following the submission
of the proposal, the Chairperson of the CCR shall draft a report in which he/she shall set out the positions that
have the largest support of the CCR. Dissenting opinions of CCR delegates as well as the opinion of the CRSG
and comments of the CRP shall be set out in the body of the report.
d) Proposals by the CRSG which are considered non-controversial by the Chairperson of the CCR may be
submitted to the CCR through a written procedure. In this case, recommendations shall be considered as accepted
by the CCR if no objection has been brought to the attention of the Chairperson of the CCR. Normally any such
objection should be brought to his/her attention within three weeks of the notification of the recommendations to
the members of the CCR, or before such other deadline as may be set by the Chairperson of the CCR which should
be not less than five working days.
e) Advisory opinions of the CCR shall be made by consensus after consultation of the CRSG and the CRP
representatives from the Organisation(s) concerned. In case the subject in question is specifically related to one
or more Organisations, the CCR delegations whose country is not a member of the Organisation(s) concerned will
exercise due restraint in discussions on the adoption of the opinion. If no agreement can be reached among the
CCR delegations after two meetings following submission of the request for an opinion, the Chairperson of the
CCR shall draft a report in which he/she shall set out the advisory opinion which has the largest support in the
CCR. Dissenting opinions provided in writing shall be annexed to the report.
406 Back to top
Article 7
a) Where discussions on a specific subject have reached an impasse between the CCR and at least one of
the other parties, the CCR, CRSG and CRP may establish, as needed, a concertation group to progress on the
subject in question. The concertation group will not have decision making powers and will not override the
prerogatives of the CCR. It shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the CCR. The results of the concertation groups
deliberations shall be presented to the three Committees of co-ordination for discussion before a CCR
recommendation is formulated. The working modalities of the concertation group, designed to clarify its mandate
and working procedures, shall be set out in the internal rules of procedure.
b) The CCR, the CRSG and the CRP may meet together, separately or any two together in formal or
informal sessions. The Chairperson of the CCR shall act as Chairperson whenever the CCR meets with the CRSG
or with the CRP.
Article 8
a) The Chairperson of the CCR shall notify the Secretaries/Directors-General of all reports,
recommendations and advisory opinions. The Secretaries/Directors-General shall transmit these reports,
recommendations or advisory opinions, to the Governing body of their Organisations, as soon as possible.
b) The Governing body of each Co-ordinated Organisation shall decide on the reports, recommendations
and advisory opinions made to it by the CCR.
c) The Secretary/Director-General of each Organisation shall be responsible for the implementation of the
Article 9
a) The Governing bodies of the Co-ordinated Organisations may, after having sought the advice of the
CCR, accept unanimously that other international organisations participate in the system of co-ordination as
members or observers.
b) An international organisation may only become a member of the co-ordination system upon approval by
its Governing body of the decisions concerning co-ordination then in force.
407 Back to top
c) When an international organisation has been admitted to participate in the system of co-ordination as an
observer, the agenda, minutes and documents of the CCR, CRSG and CRP shall be provided respectively to its
member countries, Secretary or Director-General and representative statutory body of its staff. Their
representatives shall attend as observers the meetings of the CCR, CRSG and CRP.
d) The Governing body of any Co-ordinated Organisation may decide to terminate the application of these
Regulations to that Organisation by giving one calendar year’s notice to that effect. It will transmit such a decision
to the other Co-ordinated Organisations. In such instance, these Regulations will remain applicable as far as the
other Co-ordinated Organisations areconcerned.
Article 10
These amendments shall enter into force when approved by the Governing bodies of the six Co-ordinated
Organisations (*). On such date, the Regulations concerning the co-ordination system dated 8 July 2004 shall be
complemented with the present Addendum. After three years of operation of the system, these Regulations may
be reviewed by the Governing bodies of the Co-ordinated Organisations.
(*) 5 December 2016.
408 Back to top
Article 1
This Annex lays down arrangements and procedures for payment or reimbursement of health care expenses by
the Organisation's medical and social system in accordance with Instructions 117/1.6.1 and 117/1.13.1. It shall
apply to the officials and beneficiaries referred to in Rules 17/1.17, 17/1.21 and 17/1.22 in accordance with
Article 10 below.
Cover for health care expenses
Article 2
a) The health care expenses payable or reimbursable by the Organisation's medical and social system
under Rules 17/1.6 and 17/1.13 shall be those set out in the tables in Article 11 below which describe the
thirteen categories of expenditure covered and specify, where appropriate, any ceilings on reimbursement or
special conditions attached to such cover.
b) Cases in which health care expenses are only payable or reimbursable subject to prior approval are
specified in the tables in Article 11.
c) Plastic surgery and treatment associated with medical research not included in the standard lists of
treatment which the practitioners are authorised to undertake shall only be covered subject to the favourable
opinion of a doctor designated by the Organisation.
Last update: January 95
d) Medecines for which reimbursement is made include all substances or compounds recognised as
having curative or preventive properties with regard to human illnesses, whether medicinal or magistral,
allopathic or homeopathic, provided they have been lawfully prescribed by a doctor and invoiced by the person
who lawfully supplied them. Reimbursement will also be made, on the same conditions, for vaccines, medical
and surgical and orthopaedic equipment and accessories, bandages, disinfectants, hospital and home
sterilisation, reagents, and tests.
Article 3
a) Health care expenses shall be paid or reimbursed:
i) in the case of a person affiliated, when they are incurred in his country of residence or, in
the case of a person affiliated under Rules 17/1.2 or 17/1.3 or his or her spouse, co- habitee
or dependant entitled under Instruction 117/1.4.1 ii) or iii), in the country where the
Organisation has its headquarters.
409 Back to top
ii) in the case of the other beneficiaries referred to in Instruction 117/1.4.1 a), when they are
incurred in his country of residence or in the country of residence of the affiliated person
through whom he is a beneficiary.
b) Health care expenses incurred in countries other than those mentioned in paragraph a) above shall
only be reimbursable in the event of sudden illness or medically attested emergency, or, after prior
agreement by the doctor designated by the Organisation, for medical or family reasons. However, health
care expenses incurred in the country of origin of the person affiliated may be reimbursed without prior
agreement, within an annual limit of 229 EUR per beneficiary. The country of origin is the country where
the person affiliated is authorised his/her home leave or, alternatively, the country of his/her nationality.
Last update: October 2006
c) Applicable ceilings and conditions of reimbursement shall be those set by the tables in Article 11
for the country where treatment is given.
d) However, even when the conditions set out in paragraphs a) and b) above are not fulfilled, health
care expenses incurred outside the country of residence of the person affiliated or of the beneficiary other
than the person affiliated shall be covered up to the basis of reimbursement ("base de remboursement")
under the sickness, maternity, work accidents and vocational diseases insurance of the French General
Social Security Scheme.
Last update: September 2018
Article 4
Any request for payment or reimbursement of health care expenses not subject to any ceiling per
consultation or item of treatment shall be the subject of special scrutiny, where the expenses involved
appear manifestly excessive having regard to the charges habitually made for the same type of treatment
in the country where it is given. Following such scrutiny, payment or reimbursement may be limited,
provided the person affiliated is given advance notice thereof and is informed of the reasons for such
limitation. In the case of treatment subject to prior approval, any limitation of cover shall be specified at
the time approval is issued.
Payment and reimbursement procedure
Article 5
Requests for reimbursement shall be sent to the manager designated by the Secretary-General, together with
all necessary forms and supporting documents. In the case of countries whose legislation requires the
production of the price labels of medecines for which reimbursement is made, these labels must, except in
circumstances deemed exceptional by the Head of Human Resource Management, be included with claims for
Article 6
When the tables in Article 11 provide for direct payment of health care expenses to providers, the request shall
be made by the health care establishment to the manager in designated by the Secretary General. The manager
shall make direct payment, in full or in part, to the provider accordance with the tables in Article
11. Expenses which are not paid directly by the manager, notably non-reimbursable expenses, shall be paid
directly by the person affiliated to the provider.
410 Back to top
Article 7
When treatment giving rise to health care expenses is covered subject to prior approval, application for approval
shall be sent to the manager designated by the Secretary-General together with all necessary forms and
supporting documents. The manager shall reply to the person affiliated in writing within 15 days.
Last update: January 96
Article 8
Where the beneficiary obtains partial reimbursement of health care expenses under one or more other social
protection schemes, the original notification of payment form shall be attached to the request for reimbursement
by the Organisation's medical and social system.
Article 9
Decisions taken by the manager in the performance of his duties shall be made by delegation from the
Secretary-General and may be contested according to the Rules and Instructions under Staff Regulation 22.
Transitional provisions
Article 10
a) Officials referred to in Rule 17/1.17 and persons referred to in Rules 17/1.21 and 17/1.22 shall be
entitled to payment or reimbursement of their health care expenses within the limits specified in the tables in
Article 11, subject to deduction of the share of such expenses paid or reimbursed by French Social Security or,
in the case of persons referred to in Rules 17/1.21 and 17/1.22, by the scheme providing them with primary
cover, and of any benefits received under another complementaryscheme.
b) The rates, ceilings and conditions of cover for the health care expenses of persons referred to in
paragraph a) above shall be those applicable under the medical and social system, provided such expenses are
covered by French Social Security or, in the case of persons referred to in Rule 17/1.21 and 17/1.22 who are
not affiliated to the French scheme, by the scheme providing them with primary cover. Approvals or cover
provided by the primary scheme shall replace the approval required under Article 2 b) above.
c) Requests for payment or reimbursement of health care expenses by persons referred to in paragraph
a) above shall be accompanied by the original of the notification of benefits from French Social Security or
other primary or complementary scheme and shall be sent to the manager designated by the Secretary- General
in accordance with the procedure and conditions specified in Articles 5 to 9 above.
Last update: November 92
411 Back to top
Nature of Reimbursable Services
and Items (1)
Rate of
of Costs
Incurred (2)
Reimbursement ceilings
Special Requirements
or Modalities
countries Other
and Countries
1/ General practitioners:
home visits
2/ Specialists
(including psychiatrists)
3/ Hospital and university
4/ Supplements for travel
expenses and holidays
5/ Psychotherapy and
similar treatment (notprovided
by a psychiatrist) (4)
6/ Osteopaths, Chiropractors
92.5 %
61 € per act 92 € per act
68 € per act 122 per act
92€ per act 153 per act
183 per act 229 per act
23 per act 23 per act
1525 2668
per year/per beneficiary
54 per act 54 per act
Up to 25 sessions per quarter
92.5 %
92.5 %
92.5 %
92.5 %
92.5 %
92.5 %
Yes (13)
2000 2500
per year /per beneficiary
per beneficiary
for the full length of the
officials contract
per appliance
per beneficiary per year with
per tooth per year with
Prosthesis per year
Implant per year
If treatment to be provided in
any one year exceeds 1525
For all appliances required for
one treatment
(*) 100 % for a child if the first
agreement is given before
the age of 16
With justification
With justification
1/ Treatment and care
(including check-ups,
prophylactic care and
periodontal treatment)
92.5 %
2/ Orthodontics
(including consultations, pre-
treatment assessment and
92.5 % (*)
3/ Removable prosthesis
(including all acts relating
to the supply and fitting of
a single prosthesis)
92.5 %
4/ Prosthesis and related implants
- Prosthesis
- Implant
92.5 %
412 Back to top
Nature of Reimbursable Services
and Items (1)
Rate of
of Costs
Incurred (2)
Reimbursement ceilings
countries Other
and Countries
Special Requirements
or Modalities
On prescription
1/ Electrotherapy
100 %
Direct payment
in full or in part
2/ Dialysis
100 %
may be made
to the
3/ Chemotherapy
100 %
4/ Radiotherapy
100 %
On prescription
(*) 100% for a child under
the age of 16
1/ Nurses
92.5 %
2/ Masseurs and physiotherapists
92.5 %
Yes (5)
3/ Speech therapists
92.5 % (*)
Yes (5)
and orthoptists
4/ Chiropodists and podologists
92.5 %
Yes (5)
5/ Private nurses for
less that 8 hours/day
92.5 %
per day
per day
Yes (6)
6/ Private nurses for
92.5 %
Yes (6)
8 to 24 hours/day
per day
per day
7/ Occupational therapists
92.5 %
Yes (5)
8/ Psychomotor specialists
92.5 %
Yes (5)
9/ Travel expenses of
92.5 %
medical aides
per act
per act
Medicines, vaccines
92.5 %
On prescription (7)
92.5 %
92.5 %
1/ X-ray examinations
2/ X-ray treatment
3/ Echograph examination
4/ Body scanning
On prescription
5/ Nuclear magnetic resonance
On prescription
413 Back to top
Nature of Reimbursable Services
and Items (1)
Rate of
of Costs
Incurred (2)
Reimbursement ceilings
Special Requirements
or Modalities
1/ Glasses or lenses
2/ Frames or lens application
On prescription
92.5 %
See scale of reimbursement for
eye glasses and lenses setting
the maximum amount of
expenses covered (8)
- 1 pair of glasses or
1 pair of lenses per year
Per beneficiary (4). When
discardable lenses are
prescribed, the ceiling is
382 € per year.
- a 2
pair per year (4):
for children underthe
age of 16
for beneficiaries over the
age of 16, subject to prior
agreement, or in the event of
breakage of glasses or
damage to lenses, on an
honour statement of the
person affiliated
92.5 %
145 168
per beneficiary per beneficiary
1 frame per 2 calendaryears
no limit for children under the
age of 16, on prescription
according to the child’s
morphological development
(up to the ceiling)
92.5 %
On prescription
Except when the equipment or
repairs cost less than 229 €
414 Back to top
Nature of Reimbursable Services
and Items (1)
Rate of
of Costs
Incurred (2)
Reimbursement ceilings
countries Other
and Countries
Special Requirements
or Modalities
Including all care and services
connected with surgery and
hospitalisation, even for a period
of less than 24 hours and home
Direct payment in full or
in part may be made to
the hospital
For the Insured who depend solely on the Organisation’s medical and social system.
Prior agreement and estimates are mandatory, regardless of the establishment.
For the Insured who have a basic medical coverage with another social protection system and are covered in
complement by the Organisation.
Estimates and prior agreements are mandatory in all establishments “non conventions”.
Estimates are compulsory in the private clinic “conventionnées” and for the private sector “Assistance Publique de Paris” hospitals
1/ Establishments :
Public (9)
- Private (10)
Private room supplement
Accompanying a child
under the age of 12
2/ Geriatric establishments
providing medical care
(medium and long term stays)
Public (9)
3/ Specialised medical
establishments other than
geriatric establishments
(psychiatric clinics, rehabilitation
centres, convalescent homes)
Public (9)
100 %
(**) (**)
(**) (**)
153 153
per day per day
77 77
per day per day
229 344
per day for a medium term stay
54 69
per day for a long term stay (care)
(**) (**)
(**) (**)
(**) (**)
As from the sixth month
92.5 %
92.5 %
100 %
100 %
92.5 %
100 %
92.5 %
415 Back to top
Nature of Reimbursable Services
and Items (1)
Rate of
of Costs
Incurred (2)
Reimbursement ceilings
Special Requirements
countries Other
and Countries
or Modalities
1/ Pre-and post-natal
consultations (including
midwifery and infantcheck-ups)
Medical imagery
Echograph examination
Laboratory analysis
2/ Hospitalisation
100 % (*)
See Section I
(*) In the cases provided for
by the French Social
100 % (*)
Security Scheme
100 %
After the third echograph
examination during pregnancy
100 % (*)
reimbursement on prescription
100 %
100 % or 92.5 %
Same rates, ceiling and
conditions as those for
hospitalisation in the case of
Without hospitalisation (*)
With hospitalisation
for more than 24 hours
(**) (**)
On prescription
92.5 %
Except in an emergency and
in the case of persons
recognized as having a long
illness requiring expensive
treatment (see: Inst.
(*) for using a specialised
service in a hospital or
care centre
100 %
(**) (**)
If it is an emergency for an
appropriate establishment
close to the patient home
In other cases
Medical and paramedical fees
Other care / stays
Travel expenses
Accompanying a child
under the age of 12
Travel expenses
92.5 %
Same ceilings and
Yes (11)
On prescription
conditions as those
92.5 %
laid down in the tables
corresponding to these
92.5 %
115 € per week
92.5 %
92.5 %
115 € per week
416 Back to top
Nature of Reimbursable Services
and Items (1)
Rate of
of Costs
Incurred (2)
Reimbursement ceilings
Special Requirements
countries Other
and Countries
or Modalities
Care directly related to the
handicap and board and lodgingin
medical establishments providing
such care
Equipment and prosthesis directly
related to the handicap
(including repairs)
Travel expenses directly related to
the handicap (as laid down under
the French Social Security)
All other services and goods
directly related to thehandicap
reimbursable in accordance
with the preceding tables
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
(**) (**)
(**) (**)
(**) (**)
Direct payment in full or
in part possible
Except if the amount of the
equipment or repair is lower
than € 229
Cover provided only for
equipment and prostheses
covered by the nomenclature of
French Social Security
Cover for the handicapped
person and, if necessary, for
someone accompanying
Outside France: same
principle or application of local
Same conditions as for
non handicapped
417 Back to top
Definition of reimbursable items - see Instructions 117/1.6.1 (sickness, maternity) and 117/1.13.1 (work
Amendments of rates see Instructions 117/1.6.2 (sickness, maternity) and 117/1.13.1 a) (work accidents).
No ceilings see Instructions 117/1.6.3 (sickness, maternity) and 117/1.13.1 (work accidents).
Notwithstanding Instruction 117/1.6.1.b.
Prior agreement is needed:
if more than 6 acts are prescribed in the same given prescription. The first 6 acts may nonetheless be
carried out without waiting for prior agreement.
if the total number of sessions undertaken in a given calendar year is more than 20, regardless of the
number of new sessions prescribed in the prescription in question
However, prior agreement is not required if the persons concerned by the occupational therapists and
psychomotor specialists’ medical care are children or adults with disabilities.
Prior Agreement is necessary when the number of days prescribed is higher than seven. Nursing may be
provided for the first seven days without waiting for the agreement.
See definition in Article 2) d) of Annex XIV.
The scale of reimbursement for eye glasses and lenses can be consulted on the intranet site or obtained from
In France, public establishments include « établissements conventionnés », outside France those applying
rates set by the public authorities or negotiated with the main medical cover scheme.
A supplement of 7.5 % of the rate applicable in “Assistance Publique de Paris” hospitals may be paid in cases
where the French Social Security Scheme reimburses 100 % of the expenses, at the request of the person affiliated who
must justify that hospitalisation in a private establishment was warranted under the circumstances.
Agreement is also valid for sick leave.
Reminder: provisions applicable to - persons giving entitlement to the allowances for a handicapped child or to
the supplements for disabled and severely disabled child; - staff members and spouses recognised as handicapped by
the legislation in their country of residence (see Instruction 117/1.6.2 c).
Prior agreement is needed if the total number of sessions undertaken in a given calendar year is more than
In the case of an emergency, depending on circumstances, the prior agreement and/or estimate should be sent
within the 10 days following admission.
In order to ensure the good functioning of the reimbursement system of health care expenses, “European
countries and assimilated” means the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan.
If two appliances are required (upper and lower), the ceiling will be multiplied by two.
(**) Subject to the provisions of Article 4 of Annex XIV
Last update: January 2023
418 Back to top
Appendix 1 to Annex XIV
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic
and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
on the Social Protection of Members of the Staff employed by that Organisation in France
The Government of the French Republic, of the one part, and
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, on the other part,
HAVING REGARD to the Agreement of 5th March 1959 between France and the Organisation for
European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) on the application of French Social Security legislation to the
staff of that Organisation,
HAVING REGARD to the exchange of letters of 26th January 1966 between France and the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development supplementing the Agreement of 5th March 1959 on the
application of French Social Security legislation to the staff of that Organisation,
WHEREAS the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has established a Pension
Scheme for the benefit of its staff which came into force on 1st July 1974,
DESIROUS of replacing the above-mentioned Agreement of 5th March 1959 and of altering the situation
of members of the staff of the Organisation in regard to French Social Security legislation, taking account
of changes both to that legislation and to the social protection provided by the Organisation for members
of its staff,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Insofar as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (hereinafter referred to as the
"Organisation") sets up, for all or part of its staff, an autonomous social protection scheme or joins the
social protection system of some other international organisation in respect of all or part of the risks assured
by French Social Security, those members of the staff who benefit from such scheme and the Organisation
itself shall be exempt from compliance with the French Social Security scheme in respect of such risks
and from payment of the corresponding compulsory contributions, on the terms laid down by an
Administrative Arrangement signed by the French Authorities and the Secretary-General of the
Last update: May 93
419 Back to top
Article 2
Insofar as, pursuant to Article 1 of this Agreement, all or part of the staff of the Organisation and the
Organisation itself, as employer of such staff, are not subject to French legislation in regard to family
benefits, the dependent children of the staff members concerned shall only give rise to entitlements, under
this Agreement, to family benefits and advantages provided by the Organisation's scheme.
Article 3
OECD officials in service at the time of entry into force of the Administrative Arrangement and entitled to
join an autonomous social protection scheme covering sickness, maternity, invalidity, death, work
accidents and occupational diseases, may choose to decline to join such scheme in respect of such risks
and to opt, on the terms specified in the Administrative Arrangement, to remain in the French Social
Security scheme in respect of all such risks.
Article 4
Members of the staff of the Organisation who, in respect of all or part of the risks assured by French Social
Security, are not entitled to benefits under an autonomous social protection scheme of the Organisation,
shall be subject to French legislation on the terms specified in the Administrative Arrangement.
Article 5
1. The Organisation shall, as employer of the staff mentioned in Articles 3 and 4 of this Agreement, be
subject to French Social Security legislation, except for its rules relating to verification and disputes.
Last update: May 93
2. The Organisation shall also deduct, from the remuneration of staff members referred to in Article 4 of
this Agreement and who are not exempt from tax on emoluments paid by the Organisation, contributions
other than Social Security contributions which are based on such remuneration and chargeable to them
under French legislation and which are allocated to fund the French Social Security from which those staff
members benefit.
3. The methods for and possible difficulties in determining the tax base and collecting contributions shall
be settled in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Arrangement.
Article 6
The competent French Authorities and the Secretary-General of the Organisation shall consult with each
other on steps to be taken in the event of substantial changes to French Social Security legislation or
regulations on the one hand, or to the Organisation's social protection scheme and benefits thereunder on
the other.
420 Back to top
Article 7
1. The details of and difficulties in the implementation of this Agreement or the Administrative
Arrangement shall be settled directly between the competent French Authorities and the Secretary- General
of the Organisation.
2. Where a difficulty cannot be settled in this way, the dispute shall be resolved by common agreement
through diplomatic channels or, in default of such agreement, by arbitration in accordance with the
procedure agreed by the Parties in the Administrative Arrangement.
Article 8
1. This Agreement repeals and replaces the Agreement of 5th March 1959 between France and the
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation on the application of French Social Security legislation
to the staff of that Organisation and the exchange of letters of 26th January 1966 between France and the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development supplementing the Agreement of 5th March
1959 on the application of French Social Security legislation to the staff of the said Organisation.
Last update: May 93
2. This Agreement shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of its coming into force. It shall be
deemed to be renewed from year to year, unless notice of termination is given three months before the end
of each period.
3. The two Parties shall notify each other of completion of their internal procedures necessary for approval
of this Agreement, the date of entry into force of which shall be fixed by exchange of letters(*).
Done in two copies in Paris on 24th September 1991, in English and French, both texts being equally
For the Government of the French Republic
For the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
Jean-Claude PAYE
Head of the Permanent Delegation of France
of the Organisation for Economic
to the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
Co-operation and Development
(*) This Agreement came into force on 1st January 1993.
421 Back to top
Appendix 2 to Annex XIV
Administrative Arrangement
for the Implementation of the Agreement
between the Government of the French Republic
and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
on the Social Protection of Members of the Staff
employed by that Organisation in France
The French Authorities represented by Mr Jacques LE CHARTIER DE SEDOUY, Ambassador, Head of
the Permanent Delegation of France to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, of
the one part,
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development represented by Mr Jean-Claude PAYE,
Secretary-General, of the other part,
Having regard to the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development on the social protection of members of the staff employed by
that Organisation in France (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"),
Have agreed as follows :
General provisions
Article 1
a) Officials of the OECD shall be excluded from all French Social Security legislation as from entry into
force of this Administrative Arrangement. They shall be entitled to benefits provided by the Organisation.
Last update: May 93
b) Auxiliary staff of the OECD shall be subject to all French Social Security legislation and shall be
affiliated to the general French Social Security scheme.
c) Salaried consultants of the OECD shall be subject to French Social Security legislation and
affiliated to the general French Social Security scheme as regards:
i) irrespective of the length of their appointment:
- cover for sickness, maternity, invalidity and death;
- cover for work accidents and occupational diseases;
422 Back to top
ii) when the total length of their service with the Organisation exceeds three months within
any period of twelve consecutive months:
- surviving spouse benefits and old age insurance.
d) Employees of the OECD:
i) shall be subject to all French Social Security legislation and shall be affiliated to the
general French Social Security scheme;
ii) shall be affiliated to a complementary pension scheme;
iii) shall be subject to French legislation on unemployment insurance.
Article 2
In accordance with Article 3 of the Agreement and notwithstanding Article 1 a) of this Administrative
Arrangement, officials of the Organisation in service with the OECD at the time this Administrative
Arrangement takes effect may, prior to the said Arrangement's taking effect, apply to remain affiliated to
the general French Social Security scheme in respect of cover for sickness, maternity, invalidity, death,
work accidents and occupational diseases. Officials who exercise this option may subsequently renounce
it, for the future, provided they are admitted to the Organisation's social protection system. Such
renunciation shall be irrevocable.
Last update: May 93
Cover for sickness, maternity and death
Article 3
a) Persons who cease to pursue a gainful occupation which is subject to a French sickness- maternity-
death insurance scheme to take up service as an official of the Organisation shall be entitled to the benefits
in kind and in cash in respect of sickness-maternity-death provided by the Organisation's social protection
scheme from the time they take up theirduties.
b) In the case of officials who leave the Organisation to take up a gainful occupation which is subject to a
French sickness-maternity-death insurance scheme and who thus become entitled to benefits under that
scheme, account shall be taken, as necessary, of periods of service with the Organisation in respect of
conditions relating to probationary periods and duration of registration required by French legislation for
entitlement to benefits in kind and in cash under the sickness-maternity-death insurance scheme.
Old age insurance
Article 4
In cases where the periods of service of officials of OECD completed on their leaving the Organisation do
not entitle them to benefits in the form of a pension, these officials may apply to buy back pension rights
under the French old age insurance scheme for the period of service with the Organisation in respect of
which no voluntary contributions were paid for old age insurance, in accordance with the French legislation
applicable at the time such application is submitted.
423 Back to top
Family benefits
Article 5
In accordance with French Social Security legislation, differential allowances shall be paid in
respect of the dependent children of officials of the Organisation by the "caisse d'allocations familiales"
competent for the area concerned, on the conditions set out below.
Last update: May 93
The benefits provided by the Organisation and taken into account in determining entitlement to
differential allowances shall be as follows:
- the household allowance;
- the dependent child allowance;
- the rent allowance;
- the allowance for a handicapped child;
- the allowance for the birth of a child.
The overall family benefits under French Social Security legislation shall be taken into account in
determining entitlement to differential allowances.
An official of the Organisation shall be entitled to the differential allowance where, for any quarter
of a calendar year, the global amount of benefits due in respect of such period under the French legislation
for all his or her dependent children within the meaning of that legislation is greater than the global amount
of benefits paid in respect of such period by the Organisation for the same children. The allowance shall be
equal to the difference between the two amounts being compared.
i) To establish entitlement to the differential allowance, the applicant shall provide evidence of
the amount of family benefits paid by the OECD and of salaries paid by the Organisation.
ii) In calculating the amount of the possible differential allowance, the competent French
Authorities shall determine the amount of family benefits pursuant to the general granting
conditions provided for under French legislation.
Article 6
a) The Organisation shall deduct at source Social Security contributions payable by employers and
employees under French legislation in respect of cover for which its employees are affiliated to the general
French Social Security scheme under this Arrangement. Contributions of officials referred to in Article 3
of the Agreement shall be based on the emoluments from which pension contributions are deducted, and
those of other members of the staff referred to in Article 4 of the Agreement shall be based on total
remuneration paid to them, in accordance with the provisions of French legislation applicable to employees
affiliated to the general French Social Security scheme.
424 Back to top
b) The Organisation shall, pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 5 of the Agreement, deduct at
source the "contribution sociale généralisée", in accordance with the rules laid down by French legislation,
on remuneration payable to the auxiliary staff, salaried consultants and employees referred to in Article 1
Article 7
The Secretary-General of the Organisation shall make available to inspectors from the "Unions pour le
Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d'Allocations Familiales" - URSSAF - on their written
request, documents necessary for the calculation of Social Security contributions. Verifications shall be
subject to the provisions of Supplementary Protocol No. 2 to the Convention on the OECD of 14th
December 1960 on the privileges and immunities granted to the Organisation, in particular in France. Such
verifications may only relate to documents listed in the Annex to this Administrative Arrangement, and
only to facts subject to verification and may only concern persons subject, in respect of the cover in
question, to the French Social Security scheme in application of the Agreement and of this Administrative
Final clauses
Article 8
The arbitration procedure provided for under Article 7 of the Agreement shall be operated according to the
following provisions: the Arbitration Tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators, one of whom shall
be designated by the Government of the French Republic, one by the Secretary-General of the
Organisation, and the third one by the two first arbitrators or, failing an agreement on their part to such
designation, by the President of the International Court of Justice.
Article 9
When persons affected by this Administrative Arrangement or those who derive rights to benefits through
them take up residence outside France, old age or invalidity pensions and annuity payments in respect of
work accidents in accordance with French Social Security legislation or under the Organisation's scheme
shall be settled, paid and shall continue to be paid in their new country of residence.
Article 10
At the request of the French Authorities or of the Secretary-General of the Organisation, the Parties shall
from time to time review the conditions under which the Agreement and Administrative Arrangement are
being implemented.
Last update: May 93
425 Back to top
Article 11
This Administrative Arrangement shall be concluded for the duration of the Agreement and shall take
effect on the same date(*).
Done in two copies in Paris on 24th September 1991, in English and French, both texts being equally
For the Government of the French Republic
For the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
Jean-Claude PAYE
Head of the Permanent Delegation of France
of the Organisation for Economic
to the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
Co-operation and Development
(*) This Administrative Arrangement came into force on 1st January 1993.
Last update: May 93
426 Back to top
Annex to Appendix 2
Documents relating to the three previous years
to be submitted in case of control by the "Unions pour le Recouvrement
des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d'Allocations Familiales"
- Payroll
- Copies of payslips
- Copies of summary statements of contributions
- Copies of annual statements of social data
- Notifications of rates of work accidents
Last update: May 93
427 Back to top
Having regard to Staff Rule 17/1.15 and Staff Instruction 117/1.15.1;
Having regard to Staff Rule 17/1.20 c) and Staff Instruction 117/1.20.1;
After consultation of the Staff Association;
Considering that the cost of cover for health care expenses in case of sickness and maternity includes the
cost of insurance including the funding of the reserve for smoothing out trends in contributions to be borne
by the Organisation and affiliates, as well as management costs of health care reimbursements;
The contributions of affiliates to the Medical and Social System of the Organisation are set at the
following rates which are applicable as from 1st January 2006:
a) for the cover of health care expenses in the event of sickness or maternity for affiliates to the
"Global System" (Staff Rule 17/1.6):
- 2.5 % of the basis as defined in Instruction 117/1.15.1 a);
- 1.51 % of the basis as defined in Instruction 117/1.15.1 a) for former officials who are
affiliated voluntarily and who are entitled in another capacity to cover for health care
expenses which provides a cover and a level of payment or reimbursement accepted as
satisfactory, [under Instruction 117/1.15.1 c)];
- 7.5 % of the basis as defined in Instruction 117/1.15.1 a) for affiliates under Instruction
117/1.2.5 ("personal affiliation");
b) for capital payments for death or invalidity:
- 0.45 % of emoluments for serving staff affiliated to the Pension Scheme;
- 0.70 % of emoluments for serving staff affiliated exclusively to the Provident Fund;
c) for the affiliates whose voluntary affiliation is suspended under Instruction 117/1.5.3: a lump
sum contribution of 15.98 EUR a month during the period ofsuspension.
Last update: October 2006
428 Back to top
Article 1 General
The following provisions shall apply to mediation within the Organisation. The aim of mediation is to
facilitate the amicable settlement of individual disputes and relational conflicts.
Article 2 Appointment
The Secretary-General shall appoint one or two Mediators, on the recommendation of the Executive Director
and after consultation with the Staff Association. The following provisions shall apply to the Mediators.
Article 3 Mandate
a) The Mediator shall examine requests for intervention submitted to him/her by either staff members,
former staff members or the duly qualified claimants to their rights, or the Head of Human Resource
Management, with a view to resolving, insofar as possible and at source ifpossible:
i) individual disputes that staff members, former staff members or the duly qualified claimants to
their rights may have with the services of the Organisation (except for disputes relating to periodical
adjustments of remuneration, allowances and pensions) and;
ii) relational conflicts that staff members might have, in the performance of their duties, with their
supervisors or other staff members;
b) The Mediator shall communicate to the Secretary-General, the Executive Director and the Head of Human
Resources, each time it is necessary, general comments aimed at facilitating the prevention or settlement of
the disputes or conflicts mentioned above;
c) The Mediators shall submit an annual activity report to the Secretary-General. This report is circulated to
all staff members of the Organisation. It shall not permit the identification of the names of the persons who
asked the Mediators to intervene or who took part in the mediation process.
Article 4 Appointment procedure
No later than one month before the appointment of the Mediators and after consultation with the Staff
Association, the Executive Director shall draw up a list containing the names of at least four persons, for
submission to the Secretary-General.
Article 5 Conditions of appointment
a) The persons referred to in paragraph a) of Article 4 above must have been trained in, or have recognised
professional experience of, the amicable settlement of disputes between employers and employees and
relational conflicts within a company or a national or international administration. They must speak both
official languages of the Organisation.
b) Anyone who is employed or has been employed by the Organisation may not be appointed as Mediator.
429 Back to top
c) Without prejudice to Article 6 below, anyone who has held a mandate as Mediator within the Organisation
may not be appointed as Mediator within a period of three years of the end of his/her mandate or cessation of
Article 6 Duration and renewal of the term of office
The term of office of the Mediator shall be two years; this term shall be renewable once for a period of three
years, after consultation with the Staff Association. However, the term of office of the Mediator may be
extended pending the appointment of a successor to an incumbent Mediator.
Article 7 Conditions for the performance of duties
In the performance of his duties, the Mediator shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those enjoyed
by experts on mission by virtue of additional protocol No 2 to the OECD Convention. All particular conditions
for the performance of the Mediator's duties, completing the provisions in the present Decision, are laid down
by the Secretary-General.
Article 8 Independence and neutrality
The Mediator shall perform his/her duties in full independence and in a fully neutral manner. He may neither
seek nor receive instructions. He/she may not be subject to any constraints, nor may he be compelled to bear
witness, in procedures carried out either inside or outside the Organisation, with regard to events or documents
which have come to his/her knowledge in the performance of his duties.
Article 9 Professional secrecy of the mediation process
The Mediator shall maintain the professional secrecy of the events and documents which have come to his/her
knowledge in the performance of his/her duties. In particular, he/she may not divulge without the consent of
the person who requested his/her intervention either the identity of that person or the information that person
conveyed to him/her. The only exception to these rules shall be in the event of serious and imminent harm for
one or more persons. (…)
Article 10 Confidentiality of documents
The Mediator shall ensure the confidentiality of the documents he/she has received and personal notes he has
taken in the course of his/her intervention missions; he/she shall keep them in a secure location. These
documents and notes shall be destroyed by the Mediator upon completion of the mission to which they relate
or, at the latest, at the end of his/her term of office.
Article 11 Mediators’ Secretariat
An official of the Organisation shall be designated to provide the Mediators with secretariat services and to
provide the assistance required. Articles 8, 9 and 10 above shall apply mutatis mutandis to that official in the
performance of his/her duties, it being understood that he/she may receive instructions from the Mediators.
Article 12 Referral
a) Any matters falling within the scope of the Mediator’s mandate may be referred to the Mediator at any time.
b) However, the Mediator may no longer be asked to intervene, or if he/she has been asked to intervene, may
take no further action, with regard to:
430 Back to top
i) an individual dispute relating to performance evaluation, periodic advancement or the job
classification of an official if an application has been made to the Re-evaluation Commission provided
for in Regulation 22 until such time as the said Commission has delivered an opinion;
ii) an individual dispute relating to the specialist medical review procedure provided for in the
Instructions to Regulation 22;
iii) a relational conflict relating to events subject to an investigation within the meaning of Annex
XXV to the Staff Regulations or to a disciplinary procedure within the meaning of Regulation 21 and
its related Instructions; the person who has asked the Mediator to intervene, if that person is aware that
this investigation or procedure is under way, shall inform the Mediator accordingly.
c) The request for intervention of the Mediator shall not have the effect of suspending or interrupting the time
limits for lodging an appeal, as provided for in Regulation 22 and in Annex III to the Staff Regulations. The
Mediator shall draw the attention of those requesting his/her intervention to the present provision, as and when
Article 13 Refusal to intervene or end of intervention
The Mediator may decline any request to intervene he/she may receive, or may end his/her intervention at any
time. He/she shall recuse himself/herself in the event of a conflict of interest.
Article 14 Impediment or recusation
In cases where the Mediator is prevented from intervening or recuses himself/herself, the mediation shall be
performed, where applicable, by the other Mediator. In the event that a second Mediator has not been appointed,
or should the other Mediator also find himself/herself in such a situation, the Secretary-General, after
consultation with the Staff Association, shall appoint an ad hoc Mediator who meets the conditions set out in
Article 5 above.
Article 15 Lack of decision-making or supervisory powers
The Mediator shall have no decision-making or supervisory powers.
Article 16 Means of action
a) The Mediator shall endeavour to help find a solution to the individual disputes or relational conflicts referred
to him/her, through the use of any means within the Organisation he/she feels are appropriate: interviews,
confrontations, recommendations, etc.
b) In the performance of his/her duties, the Mediator shall have access to personnel files of all staff members
and to all documents he/she deems useful to consult. If copies of documents taken from these personnel files
are handed over to the Mediator, the latter may under no circumstances divulge their contents or send copies
to the person who has requested his/her intervention nor to any other staff member who has not been
authorised, by virtue of his/her duties, to consult such files. However, the Mediator may inform the person who
has requested his/her intervention of the opinion he/she formed on reading those documents.
c) The Mediator may organise meetings inside the Organisation.
d) In the event of settlement of a relational conflict referred to him/her, the Mediator may, subject to the
agreement of the staff members concerned, set down this settlement in a confidential document that he/she may
give to them.
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e) In the event of settlement of an individual dispute referred to him/her, the Mediator shall set down this
settlement in a document that he/she shall submit for approval to the Organisation and to the staff member or
former staff member or the duly qualified claimants to this latter’s rights.
Article 17 Informing the Secretary-General
The Mediators may inform the Secretary-General of the difficulties encountered in the performance of their
Article 18 Participation in the mediation process
a) Staff members shall provide the Mediator, at the latter’s request, with all documents and information which
the Mediator deems useful to perform his/her duties and shall provide all the necessary assistance to allow the
Mediator to successfully carry out his/hermission.
b) Any staff member interviewed by the Mediator shall not to divulge the information and documents which
have come to his/her knowledge in the course of the mediation. The only exception to these rules shall be in
the event of serious and imminent harm to one or more persons. Any disclosure of information obtained by a
staff member during the mediation process shall be subject to disciplinarymeasures.
c) Any staff member interviewed by the Mediator in the course of the mediation process may neither seek nor
receive instructions. He/she may not be subject to any constraints nor may he/she be compelled to bear witness,
in procedures carried out either inside or outside the Organisation, with regard to events or documents which
have come to his/her knowledge in the course of the mediationprocess.
d) Any third party outside the Organisation interviewed by the Mediator is under the obligation not to divulge
the information and documents which have come to his knowledge in the course of the mediation. The only
exception to these rules shall be in the event of serious and imminent harm to one or more persons. Before
being interviewed, the third party shall be reminded of his obligation by the Mediator and shall confirm his
agreement in writing.
Article 19 Informing the person who requested the Mediator’s intervention
In the course of or, at the latest, at the end of each mission which followed a request for intervention, the
Mediator shall inform the person asking for his/her intervention of the outcome of the steps he/she has taken.
He/she may not disclose any further information without the express permission of the person from whom
he/she received this information.
432 Back to top
Having regard to Regulation 17 a) of the Staff Regulations;
Having consulted the Staff Association;
Whereas the term "doctor" is used in the Staff Regulations to cover a variety of situations and it is desirable
to specify that the doctors referred to in certain provisions are designated by the manager or the insurer of
the medical and social system, on behalf of the Secretary-General,
"The doctors referred to in Instructions 117/1.6.3, 117/1.7.1 a), 120/4.2 b) and c), 122/4.1 et seq. and in
Articles 2 c) and 3 b) of Annex XIV are doctors, other than those of the Organisation, designated by the
manager or the insurer of the medical and social system on behalf of the Secretary-General".
Last update: June 97
433 Back to top
[In accordance with the decision of the Council of 6 March 2001, the provisions marked by an
asterisk shall be prolonged until 27 February 2002. Should these rules later be changed, none
of the provisions ceasing to be applicable shall give rise to acquired rights.]
Last update: March 2001
Scope of application and general provisions
1. Upon notification of the intention of the Secretary-General to terminate their appointment
pursuant to Staff Regulation 11 a) iii), the following officials may be placed by the Secretary-
General, at their request, on special leave:
a. officials with indefinite term appointments;
b. officials with fixed-term appointments who have served no less than ten consecutive years
with one or more of the co-ordinated organisations specifiedin Staff Rule 17/7.1.
1. bis a. When an official asks that the Secretary-General place him/her on special leave, the competent
advisory body under Staff Regulation 6 shall be consulted if the official so requests in
writing as part of his/her petition to be placed on special leave. The decision of the
Secretary-General to place the official on special leave may not be taken until after this body
has expressed its opinion.
b. The competent advisory body shall be consulted after expiry of the three-month period referred
to in Instruction 111/1.7, or earlier if the official has chosen not to be redeployed in the
Organisation. The official must be heard by this body, if he has so requested, within eight
days of receiving the letter informing him/her of the date on which his/her case is to be
submitted to it for consideration. Should he be physically unable to attend, the advisory body
shall take its decision in the absence of the official, who may designate another serving
official to represent him/her.
2. Special leave shall take effect on the date fixed by the Secretary-General and shall not exceed 5
3. Officials on special leave shall not be entitled to any leave, allowance benefit, indemnity or
payment on account of the period of special leave other than those specifically provided for in
this Annex.
4. Officials on special leave shall receive in equal monthly instalments the amount of the indemnity
to which they would have been entitled on account of loss of employment. Such amount shall
be calculated on the basis of the scale of salaries applicable in the country in which the official
was serving prior to the beginning of the special leave.
5. Accrued annual leave and the indemnity instead of notice owing to the official at the time of
beginning special leave may be added to the amount of the indemnity mentioned in the previous
paragraph and paid in the same way.
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At the date special leave begins, officials may credit for the Pension Scheme the periods
corresponding to the amount calculated in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 above, within the
limits set by instruction 4.1/1 ii) and v) of the Pension Scheme. Their personal contribution is
deducted from the amount on which the monthly instalments are based. Officials affiliated to the
Provident Fund may credit such periods to their individual account in the same conditions
and within the same limits.
The instalments shall be adjusted at the beginning of each financial year by applying to them
the average interest rate obtained by the Organisation on its short-term investments during the
previous year.
Unless otherwise stipulated, officials on special leave remain subject to the rights and
obligations of officials of the Organisation.
Last update: April 2000
Social protection
Officials on special leave shall not benefit, on account of such leave, from the provisions of Staff
Regulations 17 a) and b) concerning medical and social cover and affiliation to the Pension
Scheme and the Provident Fund. However, at their request, they shall be entitled to cover for
health care expenses by the medical and social system of the Organisation, provided that they
pay a contribution determined by the Secretary-General under Staff Rule 17/1.15. Such request
shall be made no later than the month that follows the beginning of the special leave. Officials
on special leave affiliated to the French Social Security scheme shall remain affiliated to this
scheme, provided that they pay the applicable contribution, and shall continue to be entitled to
complementary health care benefits.
Officials on special leave affiliated to the medical and social system of the Organisation in
respect of cover for health care expenses shall pay a monthly contribution expressed as a
percentage of the highest of the two following amounts:
a) the monthly instalment paid to the official on account of specialleave; or
b) the pension which would be due to a former official of the same grade and step, and who
leaves the Organisation at the age of 60 after 20 years' service.
For the application of Instruction 117/1.2.1 a) iv) concerning voluntary affiliation to the medical
and social system of the Organisation in respect of cover for health care expenses, former
officials whose appointments ended following the expiry of special leave shall be assimilated to
former officials whose appointments were terminated under Staff Regulation 11 a) iii).
Officials on special leave may apply for financial assistance in case of financial distress arising
out of an accident, serious or prolonged illness or family difficulties as provided for under Staff
Rule 17.4/3.
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Travel and Removal Expenses
At any time after the beginning of special leave, officials on special leave may claim
reimbursement of their travel and removal expenses for return to the place of their residence at
the time of taking up duty, in accordance with the conditions applicable to the reimbursement
of travel and removal expenses incurred on leaving the service of the Organisation.
If an official on special leave is transferred to a post in the Organisation, the Secretary-General
may grant him/her such financial assistance as he/she deems appropriate in respect of the official's
cost of returning to his/her duty station if by virtue of the immigration or labour law in the
country of the official's duty station prior to special leave, the official could not obtain
remunerated employment in that country. Such financial assistance may not exceed the travel
and removal expenses that may be reimbursed to officials taking up duty.
End of appointment and of special leave
13. Except in cases of transfer to a post in the Organisation, the appointment of an official on special
leave shall expire at the end of that leave.
14. The period of special leave shall expire:
a. on the date agreed upon at the beginning of special leave;
b. on the date the official resigns, claims his/her retirement benefits, reaches the age limit or
on the death of the official;
c. on the date the official takes up employment in the Organisation or with another employer
or exercises a remunerated professional activity: or
d. on the date of termination of the appointment of the official for disciplinary reasons.
15. Officials on special leave may resign by giving written notice of no less than 30 days to the
16. Subject to paragraph 17 below, an official on special leave or, in case of death, the duly qualified
claimants to his/her rights, shall receive at the end of special leave a lump sum representing the
difference between the sums to which he/she would have been entitled under Staff Regulation 11
a) iii), adjusted in accordance with paragraph 7 above, and those that have been paid to him/her
during special leave.
17. When special leave ends as a result of a transfer to a post in the Organisation, the lump sum
referred to above and the total sums paid during special leave, shall not amount to more than the
emoluments the official concerned would have earned at his/her last grade and step during the
period of his special leave. If, at the time of transfer, the sums already paid on account of special
leave exceed the emoluments the official concerned would have earned at his/her last grade and
step during special leave, the official shall reimburse the Organisation for the excess amount.
Last update: February 97
436 Back to top
The provisions of the present Annex shall apply to officials in receipt of a rent allowance at 1 January 2001 for
as long as they rent the dwelling place for which entitlement to the allowance was established.
1. Officials of grade A1, A2, LI1-LT1 or LT2, or of category B or C, who are not the owners, or whose
spouse is not the owner, in the Paris area, of a dwelling place which the Secretary-General considers to be
suitable for their requirements, having regard to their functions and family status, and who rent a dwelling place
considered suitable for their requirements, may receive a rent allowance. The rent allowance may not be granted
to married officials who do not receive the household allowance.
An official, who fulfils the conditions laid down in this Annex and who is the owner of a dwelling
place in the Paris area which he/she does not occupy, may only be granted the rent allowance after
deduction of the rent which he/she receives or should normally receive according to the market price
for the dwelling place of which he/she is the owner.
2. The rent allowance is paid only if the rent exceeds a fraction of the emoluments which varies
according to the official’s grade as follows:
- Category C, grades B1, B2, B3, B4: 15 per cent
- Grades B5, B6: 20 per cent
- Grades A1, A2, LI1-LT1, LT2: 22 per cent
3. In this Annex, rent shall mean the actual rent paid excluding all related operational costs (heat, light,
etc., and maintenance costs).
4. In this Annex, emoluments shall be the salary as defined in Rule 15/1, increased, where appropriate,
by household, expatriation and language allowances, less compulsory contributions made to French Social
Security or to the Medical and Social System of the Organisation, Pension Scheme or Provident Fund, and for
death or total permanent invalidity benefits.
5. The rent allowance of an official shall be a percentage of the difference between his rent and the
fraction of his emoluments as specified in this Annex. This percentage shall vary, according to his family status,
as follows:
- officials who do not receive the household allowance and officials who receive the household
allowance with no dependant: 50 per cent;
- officials with one dependant: 55 per cent;
- officials with two or more dependants: 60 per cent.
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6. The rent allowance may not, in any case, exceed:
- 10 per cent of the official’s emoluments, in the case of an official of category C, or of grade B1,
B2, B3 or B4;
- 5 per cent of the official’s emoluments, in the case of an official of grade B5, B6, A1, A2, LI1-LT1
or LT2.
Applications for rent allowance should be made to the Head of Human Resource Management, who is
authorised to determine entitlement to this allowance and to fix, in each case and on the basis of
documentary evidence, the amount of allowance due in application of this Annex.
The rent allowance shall be payable monthly at the same time as the emoluments for the month in
respect of which it is due.
Officials shall inform the Head of Human Resource Management of any change affecting their
entitlement to rent allowance.
Last update: 1 January 2001
438 Back to top
1. Staff are expected to treat their colleagues and all other persons with dignity, courtesy and respect, and to refrain
from verbal or physical abuse and any form of harassment. The OECD is committed to promoting a work
environment that is free of personal harassment, sexual harassment (collectively referred to herein as
“harassment”) and abuse of authority, as well as addressing any form of inappropriate behaviour that is
inconsistent with the expected standards of conduct for an official of the Organisation. Accordingly, the purpose
of this Policy is to promote a positive and harmonious work environment that is free from harassment, to prescribe
measures to deter inappropriate behaviour and prevent it from escalating into harassment, and to provide various
means for resolving staff concerns about inappropriate behaviour in or in connection with the work environment.
Standards of Behaviour
2. All OECD staff and persons engaged by or with the OECD shall treat one another, whether supervisors, peers or
subordinates, in a professional manner, with courtesy, dignity and respect, and without harassment, or physical,
psychological or verbal abuse. Any form of harassment constitutes misconduct and may result in the imposition
of disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with Regulation 21.
Multi-Cultural Context
3. In an international and multi-cultural work environment like the OECD, all staff should be aware that their own
cultural norms and values may not be shared by colleagues, and they should therefore be sensitive to
misunderstandings or disagreements based on those differences. At the same time, these differences do not
excuse inappropriate behavior or harassment. Within the context of this international and multi-cultural work
environment, all staff members are expected to observe the highest possible standards of behaviour and shall treat
others with courtesy, dignity and respect.
Policy Overview
4. This Policy has the following components: (i) it prohibits harassment and other inappropriate behaviour that is
offensive or may create an atmosphere of hostility or intimidation in the work environment (Part I); (ii) it
establishes procedures, both informal and formal, to assist staff in finding effective ways to deal with behaviour
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they find inappropriate and resolve their concerns (Part II); and (iii) it prescribes the respective roles and
responsibilities within the Organisation in preventing and addressing such behaviours and in maintaining a
respectful work environment (Part III).
5. All OECD staff and all other persons engaged by or with the OECD, regardless of the type or duration of their
engagement with the Organisation and the location where they are called upon to work, are covered by the Policy
as provided herein.
6. Everyone working for the OECD (whether directly or indirectly), including persons on secondment, staff on loan
from other organisations and interns as well as personnel of external contractors performing services for the
OECD are protected under this Policy. Conversely, the obligation to treat others, including any person who has
a professional interaction with the Organisation, with courtesy, dignity and respect, applies to all of these
categories as well.
7. If the accused person
is not employed directly by the OECD, the matter will be addressed under the OECD’s
contract with the accused person’s employer or referred to that external party or other responsible organisation
to address under their own employment rules. When circumstances warrant, external parties may be excluded
from OECD premises on this basis.
8. The Policy also applies to prohibited conduct that occurs outside the duty station (for example, during missions,
conferences or other settings in which individuals may find themselves in connection with their OECD work),
and/or outside working hours.
9. Special care needs to be taken on missions, where mission members often work closely together for extended
periods away from home. Taking advantage of this forced proximity to press unwelcome attention on another
person could constitute harassment and mission members should avoid all forms of behavior that could constitute,
or be interpreted as, harassment.
Concepts, definitions and examples
10. Personal harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority may take various forms, and therefore a single
all-encompassing definition is not possible. However, for purposes of this Policy, the following definitions and
For purposes of this Policy, the “complainant” is the aggrieved person who alleges that he/she has been at the receiving end of
harassment, abuse of authority or other inappropriate behaviour as defined under this Policy.
For purposes of this Policy, the “accused person” is the person identified by the complainant as allegedly having engaged in
harassment, abuse of authority or other inappropriate behaviour as defined under this Policy.
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examples may be useful to identify and categorize these types of inappropriate behaviour, which generally refer
to any unwelcome or offensive conduct that has had, or might reasonably be expected to have, the effect of:
Offending, humiliating, embarrassing or intimidating another person(s); or
Creating an intimidating or hostile work environment and/or unreasonably interfering with the other
person(s)’s ability to carry out their functions for or at the OECD.
11. Harassment is not defined by the intention of the offender, but rather by the impact of his/her behaviour on the
recipient. If a specific action could reasonably be perceived as offensive, humiliating or intimidating, that action
may be regarded as harassment, whether or not such harm was deliberate. Therefore, in their interactions with
others, staff should always consider how their behaviour could be perceived by others and avoid behaviour that
may create an atmosphere of hostility or intimidation.
12. Harassment may take various forms, through words (spoken or written), gestures or actions. Harassment
normally implies persistent or repetitive events rather than a single or isolated occurrence. However, a one-off
incident might be considered as harassment if it is serious enough in itself.
Personal harassment
13. “Personal harassment” generally refers to any unwelcome and unwanted conduct that might reasonably be
expected or perceived to create a hostile work environment and/or demeans, belittles or humiliates an individual,
in violation of the right to dignity at work. Harassment may occur in a range of situations, for example:
- from a superior to a subordinate
- from a subordinate to a superior
- from a colleague to a peer, a supplier, etc.
- through scapegoating of an individual by a group (“mobbing”)
14. Personal harassment normally involves repeated behaviour or a pattern of behaviour, although it may also take
the form of an accumulation of incidents, even if each incident, taken in isolation and out of context, would not
be regarded as harassment. Examples of behaviours that may constitute personal harassment include, without
(i) Intimidating behaviour, including threats, shouting, or abusive language or gestures
(ii) Offensive comments (especially in public), undue pressure, antagonism, or refusal to communicate
(iii) Repeatedly humiliating, ridiculing, mimicking or belittling someone, particularly if in front of
(iv) Offensive jokes, sarcasm, gossip or ridicule
(v) Repeatedly ignoring or excluding someone from meetings and professional activities without a valid
business reason; talking across them or not listening to them
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(vi) Racial or sexual epithets, slurs and negative stereotyping of an individual or group, directly or
(vii) Display of images or written materials that are offensive, obscene or otherwise create a hostile
work environment
(viii) Derogatory or otherwise discriminatory remarks about such personal characteristics as racial
or ethnic origin, nationality, opinions or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, health or disabilities
Sexual harassment
15. “Sexual harassment” is any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or be
perceived to cause offense or humiliation to another, when such conduct interferes with work, creates an
intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, or is made a condition of employment or career
opportunities. Sexual harassment may be verbal (e.g., suggestive innuendoes, jokes of a sexual nature), physical
(e.g., unwanted physical contact), or visual (e.g., displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures), as
exemplified in the non-exhaustive list below under paragraph 17. Anyone, regardless of their gender or sexual
orientation, can be either targets or the offenders who engage in sexual harassment.
16. Sexual harassment is particularly egregious when it takes the form of direct or implied threats or promises that
submission to sexual advances will be a condition of favorable career treatment. This type of harassment occurs
when demands of a sexual nature are accompanied either by the promise of a reward for acquiescence or threats
of detrimental action for refusal. This situation typically arises when a more senior person takes improper
advantage of his/her rank or status to try to elicit sexual favours from a subordinate; if so, such behaviour would
also constitute an abuse of authority (see below).
17. In addition to situations involving an abuse of authority, a wide range of other types of behaviour may also
constitute sexual harassment, depending on the circumstances in which they occur. Examples of behaviours that
may constitute sexual harassment include, without limitation:
(i) The repetition of suggestive comments or innuendos of a sexual nature that, even if minor in
themselves, gain in offensiveness as they accumulate
(ii) The exhibition of materials of a sexually oriented nature in the workplace or in a work-related setting
(iii) The use of crude or obscene language or gestures, or the telling of risqué or obscene jokes or stories
(iv) Repeated and/or exaggerated comments about a colleague's personal appearance, or about his/her
physical features
(v) Invitations to social activities or "dates" if they persist after the recipient has made clear that they
are not welcome
(vi) Unwarranted, intrusive or persistent questioning about a person’s private life
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(vii) Direct propositions of a sexual nature, including any link between acceptance of such
propositions and conditions of employment, promotion, professional development, etc.
(viii) Deliberate and unwelcome physical contact, or unnecessarily close physical proximity
Abuse of authority
18. When harassment is committed by an official who is in a position to influence the career or employment
conditions of the target of the harassment (for example, through recruitment, assignment, contract renewal,
performance evaluation or promotion), it may also constitute an abuse of authority, which elevates the seriousness
of the potential misconduct. Possible examples of behaviours that may constitute an abuse of authority include,
without limitation:
(i) sexual harassment by a supervisor or person in a position to impact the target’s employment status
or career
(ii) Requesting staff to do personal favours or errands outside the context of the workplace or the target’s
work functions
(iii) Pressuring staff to distort facts or break the rules
Behaviours not constituting harassment
19. The usual performance by staff members of their functions and duties, including the discharge of managerial and
supervisory responsibilities, does not in itself constitute harassment. The taking or implementation of difficult
decisions on work-related issues that could be the subject of disagreement, such as assignments or performance
assessment, which might include comments indicating areas in need of improvement, or that might include
directions that work be completed to an appropriate standard or within a prescribed timeframe, are a normal part
of those responsibilities.
Reasonable actions of this nature are not acts of harassment or an abuse of authority,
unless they are carried out in a manner that is reasonably perceived as demeaning, humiliating or otherwise in
violation of the right to be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect.
20. Although various forms of behaviour related to interpersonal conflict in the work environment, such as the
occasional raised voice or sarcastic remark, do not necessarily constitute harassment, they are inappropriate and
should be avoided, because they undermine professional dignity and can be damaging to the work environment.
Moreover, such behaviour may escalate and become harassment if not promptly addressed and stopped.
Therefore, if a situation has made staff feel uncomfortable, insulted or isolated, they are strongly encouraged to
approach the accused person, either directly or with assistance from the resources noted below, and make their
concerns known, even when the behaviour does not rise to the level of harassment. By virtue of their position,
If there is a disagreement between staff and their manager relating to performance evaluation, periodic advancement or post
classification which cannot be resolved, such matters should be referred to the Re-evaluation Commission as provided
under Regulation 22.
443 Back to top
managers have a key role in establishing and maintaining a positive and harmonious working environment,
including respectful treatment by and towards others.
21. Close personal relationships of a consensual nature between staff members do not, in themselves, constitute
sexual harassment. However, such relationships between supervisors and subordinates or other situations where
one of the staff in the relationship is in a position to influence the career prospects of the other create the risk of
an actual or apparent conflict of interest. Such relationships should therefore be disclosed to Human Resources
Management (HRM) so that they may take appropriate action in order to prevent or mitigate any conflict of
interest (e.g., through reassignment).
22. If possible, it is best to deal with inappropriate behaviour by discouraging it at an early stage by speaking up to
the offender. Offenders may not realise the impact that their behaviour had on others, and may discontinue once
this is brought to their attention.
23. However, in the event that the behaviour continues, or if the complainant is not comfortable approaching the
offender on his/her own, there are both informal and formal channels available for raising concerns and resolving
the problem. Under the informal channels, the parties themselves attempt to resolve the concerns about the
behaviour in question, which may involve the support or assistance of third parties. Under the formal channels,
the Organisation applies its internal procedures to establish the facts following a report of behaviour and, if
appropriate, imposes corrective measures to remedy the situation.
24. There are various resources available to advise staff and inform them of their options, so that they may choose
the course of action with which they are most comfortable. In this manner, staff may consider such factors as the
severity of the behaviour in question and the desired outcome in deciding what course of action to take. The
Organisation is prepared to provide support with respect to each of these options, bearing in mind that they have
different consequences in terms of what the process entails and the possible outcome(s).
25. Regardless of the option chosen by staff, the response to concerns about harassment will protect the privacy of
those involved and ensure confidentiality to the maximum extent possible. However, if the complainant is
unwilling to have his/her identity and concerns made known to the accused person, either directly or by a third
party, this will limit the various means for dealing effectively with the matter.
Informal channels
If staff members are unsure whether and when to disclose a close personal relationship, they may seek advice and guidance
from the Head of Ethics on a strictly confidential basis.
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26. The objective of informal resolution is to settle any concerns over allegedly offensive or unwelcome conduct as
soon as possible in a fair, constructive and respectful manner, through open communication and cooperation.
Staff members are encouraged to participate in informal means of resolution and make good faith efforts to
address and resolve the problem before it continues or escalates.
27. Although the authority or status of the persons involved or other considerations can make direct discussions
difficult, staff who believe they are the target of harassment are encouraged to try and resolve the matter
informally by raising it directly with the accused person. However, if staff feel unable to do so, or if the behaviour
persists after they have raised it, they may consult any of the resources provided by the Organisation. The
complainant may choose whatever resource he/she is most comfortable in approaching. Regardless of the
resource(s) selected by the affected person, these third parties are expected to act with complete neutrality towards
both the complainant and the accused person. These resources are also available to those who are alleged to have
engaged in harassment.
28. In addition to their manager or supervisor, staff may consult with one or more of the following persons to discuss
the situation and the options for dealing with it:
The HRM Business Partner for their directorate or Head of Client Services Group
The Mediation Service
The Staff Association
The Social Advisers
The Medical Service
The Head of Ethics
Formal channels
29. Staff who consider themselves to be the target of harassment, sexual harassment or abuse of authority may submit
a written report of alleged misconduct to the Secretary-General either directly or through the relevant Director or
Head of Service, the Director of Internal Audit, the Head of HRM or the Executive Director. Complainants are
strongly encouraged, but not required, to provide information concerning the name and functions of the accused
person; the nature, location and dates of any incident(s) or behaviour(s) on which the report is based; the names
of potential witnesses, if any, to the incidents or behaviours in question; any documentation in support of the
report, such as emails, photos, or medical reports; and the outcome or remedies that the complainant seeks.
30. A written report of harassment normally triggers a sequential process to determine whether the allegations are
well-founded which, if so, could lead to disciplinary action, as follows:
Affected individuals may prefer and are encouraged to discuss their situation with the Head of Ethics, who can offer confidential
advice/assistance by explaining the applicable legal framework, the options available and indicate resources available
for support purposes.
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(i) Preliminary assessment by the Head of HRM to ascertain whether information that is brought to
his/her attention concerns conduct that, if confirmed, might constitute a breach of the internal rules
of the Organisation. If so, the matter may proceed to a full fact-finding investigation; if so
(ii) The investigation itself in accordance with Annex XXV (Investigation Procedure); and
(iii) Assuming the fact-finding investigation establishes the allegations in question, a disciplinary process,
as provided in Regulation 21.
31. Following preliminary assessment of the written report of harassment, the Head of HRM will provide a
written response to the complainant to inform him/her of the decision that has been taken with regards to
opening an investigation and of any other decisions taken concerning the matter.
32. Consistent with Annex XXV, anonymous reports may be allowed.
However, the anonymity of a report may
render the initiation or completion of an investigation or disciplinary process more difficult, and may hinder the
Organisation’s ability to take action on the case.
33. Although there is no time limit on initiating a formal process, complainants are encouraged to initiate the formal
process without unnecessary delay, both to protect themselves and to maximize the chances of relevant
information and evidence, including witness testimony, being available.
34. All staff who are aware of measures that have been taken or are underway to address alleged inappropriate
conduct shall respect the sensitivity and confidentiality of the matter. In such cases, staff must refrain from
discussing the matter or otherwise sharing information or documentation among themselves or with anyone who
does not have a ‘need to know’ in order to perform their official duties in connection with this Policy. Every
effort must be made to preserve the dignity, rights and self-respect of the parties to the matter. Any person heard
as part of an investigation shall be bound by confidentiality.
Ongoing follow-up and support after resolution of a report
35. After a report about harassment has been resolved, the situation will be closely monitored to ensure that all
persons involved in the report make the transition to their normal duties as smoothly and quickly as possible.
Managers will also monitor their work units to ensure that there is no potential for a repetition or resumption of
improper behaviour.
In accordance with Annex XXV, anonymous reports may only be allowed on an exceptional basis when sufficiently convincing
evidence corroborates the allegations made or when the allegations concern a risk of physical harm to an individual or
a financial risk to the Organisation or possible serious prejudice to the image or interests of the Organisation.
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Protection against retaliation
36. Any retaliation or threat of retaliation against individuals reporting any type of misconduct under this Policy, or
participating in the investigation of such reports (for example, as witnesses), will be deemed serious
misconduct, and will lead to disciplinary action.
At the same time, any accusation or report shown to be
made in bad faith will also be considered serious misconduct and will be treated in the same manner.
37. The Secretary-General shall:
(i) Foster a climate of mutual respect and act as a role model by demonstrating the highest standards
of personal conduct
(ii) Hold all supervisory staff who report to him or her accountable for compliance with this Policy as
part of the assessment of their performance
(iii) Ensure that mechanisms to informally resolve workplace conflicts are available and that concerns
or reports about improper workplace behaviours are taken seriously and are responded to promptly
and diligently
(iv) Appoint persons, as listed above under paragraph 28, to be available to provide advice and
assistance to staff members who believe they have been subjected to harassment, have been accused
of harassment, have witnessed harassment, or need advice regarding harassment issues
(v) Take appropriate action to maintain the safety and well-being of relevant parties and to protect the
interests and reputation of the Organisation including, where necessary, taking disciplinary or
administrative measures to deal with violations of the Policy
38. The Human Resource Management (HRM) shall:
(i) Maintain strictly confidential records on allegations of harassment and the actions taken to address
(ii) In conjunction with the Head of Ethics
, monitor the effectiveness of this Policy in its implementation
and report periodically to senior management on harassment reports and related matters
(iii) Ensure that there are informal channels to provide appropriate support, assistance and counselling
available to staff before, during and after the resolution of harassment-related concerns
(iv) In situations where staff submit a formal report of harassment or other improper behaviour, conduct
an initial review to determine whether to refer the report for a full investigation in accordance with
Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations, as appropriate
See Annex XXVIII to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions.
See Annex XXVII to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions.
447 Back to top
(v) Where warranted, take appropriate disciplinary or other measures with respect to staff who have
been found to have engaged in harassment, sexual harassment and/or abuse of authority, as well as
appropriate action with respect to non-staff personnel who have engaged in such behaviour (e.g., as
provided under a vendor contract)
(vi) Once a report is resolved, monitor the situation to ensure that all parties resume their normal duties
as smoothly and quickly as possible, and that the offensive behaviour is not repeated
39. Managers at all levels have a key role and bear special responsibility for preventing and addressing any
occurrence of harassment. Accordingly, managers shall:
(i) Set a positive example and demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour
(ii) Foster a harmonious working environment where all staff are treated with dignity and respect and
ensure that no one feels threatened or intimidated in the workplace
(iii) Make themselves available to those who wish to raise concerns in confidence, and deal with those
concerns promptly and effectively
(iv) Pay attention to signs of a deteriorating work atmosphere, and take steps to promptly resolve
problems in a sensitive manner
(v) Act promptly and effectively to stop any form of harassment, and ensure that potentially offensive
material is not displayed or circulated in the work place
(vi) Undertake and complete any mandatory training requirements on preventing and dealing with
harassment, familiarise themselves with this policy and related policies and procedures, and ensure
that their subordinates do so as well
40. All staff, regardless of their grade and contract status, share responsibility for preventing harassment and
maintaining a harmonious work environment. Accordingly, staff and others who work for or are engaged by
OECD shall:
(i) Demonstrate tolerance, sensitivity and respect for diversity in their interactions with others
(ii) Ensure that they do not engage in, encourage others to engage in, or condone inappropriate
behaviour or harassment
(iii) Undertake any mandatory training requirements on preventing and dealing with harassment and
familiarise themselves with this policy and related policies and procedures
(iv) Offer support to those concerned if they observe that a colleague may be subject to harassing
behaviour. In addition, staff members who become aware of harassment are expected to bring it to
the attention of the Secretary-General either directly or through the relevant Director or Head of
Service, the Director of Internal Audit, the Head of HRM or the Executive Director.
448 Back to top
(v) Fully cooperate with those responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct, and fully respect
the confidentiality of the process.
Last update: October 2021
449 Back to top
Scope of application and general provisions
1. The present voluntary early retirement scheme shall apply exclusively to officials assigned to
maintenance duties when they file the request referred to in Article 2 and whose name has been placed on the
exhaustive list drawn up by the Head of Human Resource Management. The Head of Human Resource
Management may include on this list officials who have been assigned to maintenance duties since at least 1
October 1994.
2. The Head of Human Resource Management may place on voluntary early retirement status, at their
own request, officials who:
- have been placed on the list referred to in Article 1;
- are over 50 and under 60 years of age; and
- have a degree of partial permanent incapacity recognised by the Organisation’s Medical Board
resulting from a disease caused by exposure toasbestos.
3. Voluntary early retirement status shall take effect on the date set by the Head of Human Resource
Management and no later than the first day of the second month following the official’s request, without
prejudice to the provisions of Article 8 below. The Organisation may assign another official to the functions
held by the official immediately prior to being placed on voluntary early retirement status.
Last update: January 2011
4. Officials placed on voluntary early retirement status may not claim leave, indemnities, allowances,
benefits or payments other than those specifically provided for in this annex. Moreover, they shall not exercise
a gainful occupation outside the Organisation.
5. Subject to Article 4, officials placed on voluntary early retirement status shall remain subject to the
rights and obligations of officials of the Organisation.
Remuneration during the period of voluntary early retirement
6. Officials placed on voluntary early retirement status shall receive a monthly allowance equivalent to
the amount of the retirement pension to which they would have been entitled at age 60 if they had continued
working until that age. This allowance shall be adjusted at the same date and rate as the salaries of serving staff.
7. Officials placed on voluntary early retirement status shall be eligible for the provisions on the
household allowance, child’s allowance, dependant’s allowance and benefits for a handicapped child.
450 Back to top
8. Officials must have exhausted their accrued entitlement to annual leave before their voluntary early
retirement status takes effect.
Medical and social protection
9. Officals placed on voluntary early retirement status shall be entitled, during their period of voluntary
early retirement, to cover for health care expenses under the Organisation’s medical and social system and to
death and invalidity protection, subject to payment of a contribution set by the Secretary- General in accordance
with Rule 17/1.15 of the Staff Rules. Officials placed on voluntary early retirement status who are affiliated
to the French Social Security scheme shall continue to be affiliated to this scheme, subject to payment of the
applicable contribution, and to be eligible for supplementary health care benefits.
9/1 Officials placed on voluntary early retirement status affiliated to the Organisation’s medical and social
system for cover of heath care expenses shall pay a monthly contribution expressed as a percentage of the
monthly allowance paid to the official under voluntary early retirement status. The percentage applicable shall
be the same as that set for serving staff.
9/2 Officials placed on voluntary early retirement status affiliated to the Organisation’s medical and social
system for death and invalidity insurance shall pay a monthly contribution expressed as a percentage of the
- the salary corresponding to the official’s last grade and step before being placed on voluntary early
retirement status, adjusted in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Staff Regulations, and
- the household, child’s and dependant’s allowances paid to the official during the period of
voluntary early retirement.
The percentage applicable shall be the same as that set for serving staff.
9/3 For application of Instruction 117/1.2.1 a) iv) concerning the voluntary affiliation to the Organisation’s
medical and social system in respect of cover for heath care expenses, former officials whose appointment has
terminated at the expiry of a period of voluntary early retirement shall be assimilated to former officials whose
appointment has terminated under one of the conditions provided for under Regulation 11 a) iii) of the Staff
9/4 For application of Rules 17/1.10 to 17/1.14 concerning protection in the event of death or invalidity,
officials placed on voluntary early retirement status shall still be considered to be assigned to the functions to
which they were assigned immediately prior to the beginning of their voluntary early retirement.
Last update: January 2011
Maintenance of affiliation to the Organisation’s pension scheme or provident fund
10. During the period of voluntary early retirement, officials shall continue to be affiliated, as serving
officials, to the pension scheme or provident fund, subject to payment of a contribution expressed as a
percentage of the official’s salary at his last grade and step periodically adjusted in accordance with Regulation
19 of the Staff Regulations. The percentage applicable shall be the same as that set for serving staff.
10/1 For application of Article 13 of the Pension Scheme Rules on the invalidity pension, officials placed on
voluntary early retirement status are still considered to hold the post to which they were assigned immediately
prior to the beginning of their voluntary earlyretirement.
451 Back to top
Travel and removal expenses
11. An official placed on voluntary early retirement status may, at any time after this status has taken
effect, request the reimbursement of his/her travel and removal expenses in order to return to the place where
the official resided at the time of taking up duty, under the conditions applicable for the reimbursement of travel
and removal expenses incurred when leaving theservice.
Termination of appointment and of voluntary early retirement status
12. The appointment of an official placed on voluntary early retirement status shall terminate upon expiry
of this status.
13. Voluntary early retirement status shall expire:
- on the last day of the month following the date on which the official reaches the age of 60;
- on the date on which the official is paid an invalidity pension orannuity;
- on the date on which the official resigns, takes up his/her retirement pension or dies; or
- on the date of termination of the official’s appointment on disciplinary grounds.
452 Back to top
Further changes to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions were published on 14 October 2002 (Basic
principles, rights and duties, discipline and civil liability, policy to prevent and combat harassment). As part of
this modification of the Staff Manual, it has been decided to move the rules relating to the intellectual property
rights on any work produced by an official in the performance of his/her duties and incorporate them,
unchanged, in the provisions concerning the terms of appointment, which are themselves currently the subject
of a comprehensive review by the Executive Committee.
Consequently, pending a final decision by the Council and in order to avoid any regulatory vacuum on this
point in the meantime, the Secretary-General has decided that the current rules on intellectual property within
the Organisation should continue to apply, namely:
1. All rights, including copyright and patent rights, in any work produced by an official as part of his/her
official duties are vested in or assigned to the Organisation, unless such rights are waived by the Secretary-
General in favour of the official concerned.
2. Requests for authorisation to publish or make use of any work, as specified in paragraph 1, above,
should be made to the Secretary-General by the official concerned through his supervisor. The latter shall
inform the Head of Human Resources Management.
Should you have any questions about these rules relating to intellectual property rights, please contact Human
Resource Management.
453 Back to top
Article 1
The Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to officials of the Organisation shall apply to officials
serving outside the headquarters of the Organisation except as otherwise provided hereinafter.
Article 2
Salary and allowances
a) The salary provided for under Staff Rule 15/1 and the allowances provided for under Staff Regulation
16 a) and d) shall be those shown in the tables annexed hereto. These salaries and allowances shall be laid
down and payable in the currency of the duty country. The other provisions relating to salaries and allowances
shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to officials serving outside theheadquarters.
b) In the absence of a salary table or a table of allowances for the country in which an official is serving,
these shall be established using the relevant table applicable to officials serving at the headquarters of the
Organisation. These salaries and allowances shall be established in euros and payable, unless otherwise decided
by the Secretary-General, in the currency of the dutycountry.
Last update : January 2011
Article 3
Installation allowance
The installation allowance specified in Staff Rule 16/4 shall be payable to any official who, at the
time of posting outside the headquarters, was not resident in the duty city. The other provisions relating to the
installation allowance shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to officials serving outside the headquarters.
Article 4
Medical and social cover
In derogation to Staff Regulation 17 a) and Staff Rule 17/1.1, the Secretary-General shall determine the system
of medical and social protection in case of sickness, maternity, work accident, invalidity or death of officials
serving outside the headquarters.
454 Back to top
a) Officials serving in the Tokyo Centre shall be affiliated to the national health insurance system. Such
officials shall also be entitled to complementary benefits for health care, maintenance of salary in the event of
total temporary incapacity, benefits on the birth or adoption of a child and capital benefits in the event of
invalidity or death on the same conditions, mutatis mutandis, as those provided for under Rules 17/1.17 to
b) Officials serving in the Berlin, Washington and Mexico City Centres and in Central and Eastern
European countries shall be affiliated to the Organisation's whole social and medical system established under
Regulation 17 a) and Rule 17/7.1 of the Staff Regulations.
c) No official may be assigned to work elsewhere than in the Centres or countries mentioned above
unless the Secretary-General has first laid down a medical and social protection scheme which will apply to
him/her during such posting, and unless he/she has informed the official concerned in writing.
Last update: May 2003
455 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (EUR) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (EUR)
and grade
Catégorie et
14 698.98
15 191.82
15 684.66
16 177.50
16 670.27
17 163.04
17 655.80
13 427.67
13 799.41
14 171.15
14 542.89
14 914.53
15 286.17
15 471.99
15 843.63
16 029.45
16 401.09
16 772.73
11 361.92
11 680.29
11 998.66
12 317.03
12 635.40
12 953.77
13 272.07
13 590.37
13 749.52
14 067.82
14 226.97
14 545.27
14 704.42
15 022.72
15 341.02
9 810.73
10 066.24
10 321.75
10 577.26
10 832.77
11 088.28
11 343.89
11 599.50
11 727.31
11 982.92
12 110.73
12 366.34
12 494.15
12 749.76
13 005.38
8 443.34
8 681.58
8 919.82
9 158.06
9 396.30
9 634.54
9 872.73
10 110.92
10 230.01
10 468.20
10 587.29
10 825.48
10 944.57
11 182.76
11 420.94
6 843.71
7 027.57
7 211.43
7 395.29
7 579.15
7 763.01
7 946.85
8 130.69
8 222.61
8 406.45
8 498.37
8 682.21
8 774.13
8 957.97
9 141.81
5 356.85
5 518.23
5 679.61
5 840.99
6 002.37
6 163.75
6 325.12
6 486.49
6 567.18
6 728.55
6 809.24
6 970.61
7 051.30
7 212.67
7 374.05
L 5
10 374.60
10 582.13
10 789.66
11 204.72
11 412.25
11 619.78
12 034.84
12 242.37
12 449.90
12 864.96
13 072.49
13 280.02
13 695.08
13 902.61
14 110.14
LT4 - LI4
9 121.62
9 304.05
9 486.48
9 851.34
10 033.77
10 216.20
10 581.06
10 763.49
10 945.92
11 310.78
11 493.21
11 675.64
12 040.50
12 222.93
12 405.36
12 770.22
12 952.65
13 135.08
LT3 - LI3
8 651.33
8 824.37
8 997.41
9 343.49
9 516.53
9 689.57
10 035.65
10 208.69
10 381.73
10 727.81
10 900.85
11 073.89
11 419.97
11 593.01
11 766.05
6 953.98
7 093.10
7 232.21
7 510.44
7 649.56
7 788.67
8 066.90
8 206.02
8 345.13
8 623.36
8 762.48
8 901.59
9 179.82
9 318.94
9 458.05
LT1 - LI1
5 665.91
5 779.26
5 892.60
6 119.29
6 232.64
6 345.98
6 572.67
6 686.02
6 799.36
7 026.05
7 139.40
7 252.74
7 479.43
7 592.78
7 706.12
7 117.72
7 352.51
7 587.30
7 822.09
8 056.88
8 291.67
8 526.46
8 682.99
8 839.52
8 917.78
9 074.31
9 152.57
9 309.10
9 465.62
6 171.25
6 374.96
6 578.67
6 782.38
6 986.09
7 189.80
7 393.51
7 529.32
7 665.13
7 733.03
7 868.84
7 936.74
8 072.55
8 208.35
5 363.58
5 540.56
5 717.54
5 894.52
6 071.50
6 248.48
6 425.46
6 543.45
6 661.44
6 720.43
6 838.42
6 897.41
7 015.40
7 133.38
4 689.44
4 844.29
4 999.14
5 153.99
5 308.84
5 463.69
5 618.54
5 721.77
5 825.00
5 876.62
5 979.85
6 031.47
6 134.70
6 237.94
4 124.78
4 260.81
4 396.84
4 532.87
4 668.90
4 804.93
4 940.96
5 031.65
5 122.34
5 167.68
5 258.37
5 303.71
5 394.40
5 485.08
3 664.51
3 785.46
3 906.41
4 027.36
4 148.31
4 269.26
4 390.21
4 470.84
4 551.47
4 591.79
4 672.42
4 712.74
4 793.37
4 874.01
5 127.12
5 280.96
5 434.80
5 588.64
5 742.48
5 896.32
6 050.16
6 152.72
6 255.28
6 306.56
6 409.12
6 460.40
6 562.96
6 665.52
4 570.00
4 707.15
4 844.30
4 981.45
5 118.60
5 255.75
5 392.90
5 484.33
5 575.76
5 621.48
5 712.91
5 758.63
5 850.06
5 941.50
4 167.40
4 292.47
4 417.54
4 542.61
4 667.68
4 792.75
4 917.82
5 001.20
5 084.58
5 126.27
5 209.65
5 251.34
5 334.72
5 418.10
3 793.98
3 907.84
4 021.70
4 135.56
4 249.42
4 363.28
4 477.14
4 553.05
4 628.96
4 666.91
4 742.82
4 780.77
4 856.68
4 932.58
3 517.49
3 623.11
3 728.73
3 834.35
3 939.97
4 045.59
4 151.21
4 221.62
4 292.03
4 327.24
4 397.65
4 432.86
4 503.27
4 573.69
3 286.07
3 384.63
3 483.19
3 581.75
3 680.31
3 778.87
3 877.43
3 943.14
4 008.85
4 041.70
4 107.41
4 140.26
4 205.97
4 271.67
456 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
14 670.43
14 965.30
15 266.11
15 572.95
15 885.97
16 205.28
16 367.33
16 531.01
13 019.26
13 280.95
13 547.89
13 820.21
14 097.99
14 381.36
14 525.18
14 670.43
11 553.93
11 786.17
12 023.07
12 264.73
12 511.25
12 762.73
12 890.36
13 019.26
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
10 152.01
10 356.06
10 564.22
10 776.56
10 993.17
11 214.13
11 326.27
11 439.54
8 920.19
9 099.49
9 282.39
9 468.96
9 659.29
9 853.44
9 951.97
10 051.49
7 383.60
7 532.01
7 683.40
7 837.84
7 995.38
8 156.08
8 237.65
8 320.02
6 359.86
6 487.69
6 618.09
6 751.12
6 886.81
7 025.24
7 095.49
7 166.45
5 478.06
5 588.17
5 700.49
5 815.07
5 931.95
6 051.19
6 111.70
6 172.81
4 813.37
4 910.12
5 008.81
5 109.49
5 212.19
5 316.95
5 370.12
5 423.82
4 229.32
4 314.33
4 401.05
4 489.51
4 579.75
4 671.81
4 718.52
4 765.71
3 606.86
3 679.36
3 753.31
3 828.75
3 905.71
3 984.22
4 024.06
4 064.30
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
9 755.88
9 951.97
10 152.01
10 356.06
10 564.22
10 776.56
10 884.33
10 993.17
8 572.13
8 744.43
8 920.19
9 099.49
9 282.39
9 468.96
9 563.65
9 659.29
7 095.49
7 238.11
7 383.60
7 532.01
7 683.40
7 837.84
7 916.22
7 995.38
6 234.54
6 359.86
6 487.69
6 618.09
6 751.12
6 886.81
6 955.68
7 025.24
5 478.06
5 588.17
5 700.49
5 815.07
5 931.95
6 051.19
6 111.70
6 172.81
4 813.37
4 910.12
5 008.81
5 109.49
5 212.19
5 316.95
5 370.12
5 423.82
4 229.32
4 314.33
4 401.05
4 489.51
4 579.75
4 671.81
4 718.52
4 765.71
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
8 657.85
8 831.87
9 009.39
9 190.48
9 375.21
9 563.65
9 659.29
9 755.88
7 683.40
7 837.84
7 995.38
8 156.08
8 320.02
8 487.25
8 572.13
8 657.85
6 818.63
6 955.68
7 095.49
7 238.11
7 383.60
7 532.01
7 607.33
7 683.40
6 051.19
6 172.81
6 296.89
6 423.46
6 552.57
6 684.27
6 751.12
6 818.63
5 370.12
5 478.06
5 588.17
5 700.49
5 815.07
5 931.95
5 991.27
6 051.19
4 765.71
4 861.50
4 959.22
5 058.90
5 160.58
5 264.31
5 316.95
5 370.12
4 104.94
4 187.45
4 271.62
4 357.48
4 445.06
4 534.41
4 579.75
4 625.55
3 535.79
3 606.86
3 679.36
3 753.31
3 828.75
3 905.71
3 944.77
3 984.22
3 137.83
3 200.90
3 265.24
3 330.87
3 397.82
3 466.12
3 500.78
3 535.79
2 784.67
2 840.64
2 897.74
2 955.98
3 015.40
3 076.01
3 106.77
3 137.83
457 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (USD) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (USD)
et grade
16 362.33
16 910.65
17 458.97
18 007.29
18 555.74
19 104.19
19 652.65
14 950.09
15 363.83
15 777.57
16 191.31
16 605.14
17 018.97
17 225.88
17 639.71
17 846.62
18 260.45
18 674.27
12 652.18
13 006.47
13 360.76
13 715.05
14 069.34
14 423.63
14 777.79
15 131.95
15 309.03
15 663.19
15 840.27
16 194.43
16 371.51
16 725.67
17 079.83
10 920.37
11 205.39
11 490.41
11 775.43
12 060.45
12 345.47
12 630.14
12 914.81
13 057.15
13 341.82
13 484.16
13 768.83
13 911.17
14 195.84
14 480.52
9 403.16
9 668.08
9 933.00
10 197.92
10 462.84
10 727.76
10 992.65
11 257.54
11 389.99
11 654.88
11 787.33
12 052.22
12 184.67
12 449.56
12 714.46
7 619.63
7 824.48
8 029.33
8 234.18
8 439.03
8 643.88
8 848.52
9 053.16
9 155.48
9 360.12
9 462.44
9 667.08
9 769.40
9 974.04
10 178.68
5 962.38
6 141.92
6 321.46
6 501.00
6 680.54
6 860.08
7 039.62
7 219.16
7 308.93
7 488.47
7 578.24
7 757.78
7 847.55
8 027.09
8 206.63
L 5
11 551.94
11 782.87
12 013.79
12 475.64
12 706.57
12 937.49
13 399.34
13 630.27
13 861.19
14 323.04
14 553.97
14 784.89
15 246.74
15 477.67
15 708.59
LT4 - LI4
10 159.50
10 362.58
10 565.66
10 971.82
11 174.90
11 377.98
11 784.14
11 987.22
12 190.30
12 596.46
12 799.54
13 002.62
13 408.78
13 611.86
13 814.94
14 221.10
14 424.18
14 627.26
LT3 - LI3
9 628.39
9 820.89
10 013.39
10 398.39
10 590.89
10 783.39
11 168.39
11 360.89
11 553.39
11 938.39
12 130.89
12 323.39
12 708.39
12 900.89
13 093.39
7 744.41
7 899.18
8 053.95
8 363.49
8 518.26
8 673.03
8 982.57
9 137.34
9 292.11
9 601.65
9 756.42
9 911.19
10 220.73
10 375.50
10 530.27
LT1 - LI1
6 306.26
6 432.41
6 558.56
6 810.86
6 937.01
7 063.16
7 315.46
7 441.61
7 567.76
7 820.06
7 946.21
8 072.36
8 324.66
8 450.81
8 576.96
7 537.43
7 786.10
8 034.77
8 283.44
8 532.11
8 780.78
9 029.45
9 195.23
9 361.01
9 443.90
9 609.68
9 692.57
9 858.35
10 024.13
6 510.21
6 724.96
6 939.71
7 154.46
7 369.21
7 583.96
7 798.71
7 941.88
8 085.05
8 156.63
8 299.80
8 371.38
8 514.55
8 657.71
5 624.53
5 810.19
5 995.85
6 181.51
6 367.17
6 552.83
6 738.49
6 862.26
6 986.03
7 047.92
7 171.69
7 233.58
7 357.35
7 481.13
4 767.78
4 925.13
5 082.48
5 239.83
5 397.18
5 554.53
5 711.88
5 816.78
5 921.68
5 974.13
6 079.03
6 131.48
6 236.38
6 341.28
4 102.77
4 238.22
4 373.67
4 509.12
4 644.57
4 780.02
4 915.47
5 005.77
5 096.07
5 141.22
5 231.52
5 276.67
5 366.97
5 457.27
3 564.04
3 681.98
3 799.92
3 917.86
4 035.80
4 153.74
4 271.68
4 350.31
4 428.94
4 468.25
4 546.88
4 586.19
4 664.82
4 743.44
6 243.92
6 431.26
6 618.60
6 805.94
6 993.28
7 180.62
7 367.96
7 492.85
7 617.74
7 680.19
7 805.08
7 867.53
7 992.42
8 117.32
5 431.28
5 594.12
5 756.96
5 919.80
6 082.64
6 245.48
6 408.32
6 516.88
6 625.44
6 679.72
6 788.28
6 842.56
6 951.12
7 059.68
4 655.16
4 794.72
4 934.28
5 073.84
5 213.40
5 352.96
5 492.52
5 585.56
5 678.60
5 725.12
5 818.16
5 864.68
5 957.72
6 050.76
3 982.52
4 101.99
4 221.46
4 340.93
4 460.40
4 579.87
4 699.34
4 778.99
4 858.64
4 898.46
4 978.11
5 017.93
5 097.58
5 177.22
3 460.53
3 564.31
3 668.09
3 771.87
3 875.65
3 979.43
4 083.21
4 152.40
4 221.59
4 256.18
4 325.37
4 359.96
4 429.15
4 498.33
3 022.29
3 112.83
3 203.37
3 293.91
3 384.45
3 474.99
3 565.53
3 625.89
3 686.25
3 716.43
3 776.79
3 806.97
3 867.33
3 927.69
458 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
16 403.12
16 732.82
17 069.15
17 412.24
17 762.22
18 119.25
18 300.44
18 483.44
14 556.93
14 849.53
15 148.00
15 452.48
15 763.07
16 079.91
16 240.71
16 403.12
12 918.54
13 178.20
13 443.08
13 713.29
13 988.93
14 270.10
14 412.81
14 556.93
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
11 351.04
11 579.19
11 811.93
12 049.35
12 291.55
12 538.61
12 663.99
12 790.63
9 973.73
10 174.20
10 378.71
10 587.32
10 800.12
11 017.20
11 127.38
11 238.65
8 255.66
8 421.59
8 590.87
8 763.55
8 939.69
9 119.38
9 210.57
9 302.68
7 111.00
7 253.94
7 399.74
7 548.47
7 700.20
7 854.97
7 933.52
8 012.86
6 125.06
6 248.17
6 373.76
6 501.87
6 632.56
6 765.88
6 833.54
6 901.87
5 381.86
5 490.04
5 600.39
5 712.95
5 827.78
5 944.92
6 004.37
6 064.42
4 728.84
4 823.89
4 920.85
5 019.76
5 120.66
5 223.58
5 275.82
5 328.58
4 032.86
4 113.92
4 196.61
4 280.96
4 367.00
4 454.78
4 499.33
4 544.32
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
10 908.12
11 127.38
11 351.04
11 579.19
11 811.93
12 049.35
12 169.85
12 291.55
9 584.56
9 777.21
9 973.73
10 174.20
10 378.71
10 587.32
10 693.19
10 800.12
7 933.52
8 092.99
8 255.66
8 421.59
8 590.87
8 763.55
8 851.18
8 939.69
6 970.89
7 111.00
7 253.94
7 399.74
7 548.47
7 700.20
7 777.20
7 854.97
6 125.06
6 248.17
6 373.76
6 501.87
6 632.56
6 765.88
6 833.54
6 901.87
5 381.86
5 490.04
5 600.39
5 712.95
5 827.78
5 944.92
6 004.37
6 064.42
4 728.84
4 823.89
4 920.85
5 019.76
5 120.66
5 223.58
5 275.82
5 328.58
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
9 680.41
9 874.98
10 073.47
10 275.95
10 482.49
10 693.19
10 800.12
10 908.12
8 590.87
8 763.55
8 939.69
9 119.38
9 302.68
9 489.66
9 584.56
9 680.41
7 623.96
7 777.20
7 933.52
8 092.99
8 255.66
8 421.59
8 505.81
8 590.87
6 765.88
6 901.87
7 040.60
7 182.11
7 326.48
7 473.74
7 548.47
7 623.96
6 004.37
6 125.06
6 248.17
6 373.76
6 501.87
6 632.56
6 698.89
6 765.88
5 328.58
5 435.68
5 544.94
5 656.39
5 770.08
5 886.06
5 944.92
6 004.37
4 589.77
4 682.02
4 776.13
4 872.13
4 970.06
5 069.96
5 120.66
5 171.86
3 953.39
4 032.86
4 113.92
4 196.61
4 280.96
4 367.00
4 410.67
4 454.78
3 508.44
3 578.95
3 650.89
3 724.27
3 799.13
3 875.49
3 914.25
3 953.39
3 113.56
3 176.14
3 239.98
3 305.10
3 371.54
3 439.30
3 473.70
3 508.44
459 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (EUR) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (EUR)
and grade
et grade
11 907.50
12 306.42
12 705.34
13 104.26
13 503.01
13 901.76
14 300.50
10 876.90
11 177.82
11 478.74
11 779.66
12 080.61
12 381.56
12 532.03
12 832.98
12 983.45
13 284.40
13 585.34
9 203.97
9 461.59
9 719.21
9 976.83
10 234.45
10 492.07
10 749.67
11 007.27
11 136.07
11 393.67
11 522.47
11 780.07
11 908.87
12 166.47
12 424.07
7 947.47
8 154.42
8 361.37
8 568.32
8 775.27
8 982.22
9 189.06
9 395.90
9 499.32
9 706.16
9 809.58
10 016.42
10 119.84
10 326.68
10 533.52
6 839.08
7 031.70
7 224.32
7 416.94
7 609.56
7 802.18
7 994.79
8 187.40
8 283.70
8 476.31
8 572.61
8 765.22
8 861.52
9 054.13
9 246.73
5 543.32
5 692.08
5 840.84
5 989.60
6 138.36
6 287.12
6 435.85
6 584.58
6 658.94
6 807.67
6 882.03
7 030.76
7 105.12
7 253.85
7 402.57
4 337.91
4 468.49
4 599.07
4 729.65
4 860.23
4 990.81
5 121.40
5 251.99
5 317.29
5 447.88
5 513.18
5 643.77
5 709.07
5 839.66
5 970.26
L 5
8 404.62
8 572.72
8 740.81
9 077.00
9 245.10
9 413.19
9 749.38
9 917.48
10 085.57
10 421.76
10 589.86
10 757.95
11 094.14
11 262.24
11 430.33
LT4 - LI4
7 390.35
7 538.16
7 685.97
7 981.59
8 129.40
8 277.21
8 572.83
8 720.64
8 868.45
9 164.07
9 311.88
9 459.69
9 755.31
9 903.12
10 050.93
10 346.55
10 494.36
10 642.17
LT3 - LI3
7 008.76
7 148.91
7 289.05
7 569.34
7 709.49
7 849.63
8 129.92
8 270.07
8 410.21
8 690.50
8 830.65
8 970.79
9 251.08
9 391.23
9 531.37
5 633.68
5 746.43
5 859.17
6 084.66
6 197.41
6 310.15
6 535.64
6 648.39
6 761.13
6 986.62
7 099.37
7 212.11
7 437.60
7 550.35
7 663.09
LT1 - LI1
4 589.80
4 681.59
4 773.38
4 956.96
5 048.75
5 140.54
5 324.12
5 415.91
5 507.70
5 691.28
5 783.07
5 874.86
6 058.44
6 150.23
6 242.02
4 983.20
5 147.61
5 312.02
5 476.43
5 640.84
5 805.25
5 969.66
6 079.27
6 188.88
6 243.68
6 353.29
6 408.09
6 517.70
6 627.30
4 311.19
4 453.53
4 595.87
4 738.21
4 880.55
5 022.89
5 165.23
5 260.12
5 355.01
5 402.46
5 497.35
5 544.80
5 639.69
5 734.59
3 780.70
3 905.45
4 030.20
4 154.95
4 279.70
4 404.45
4 529.20
4 612.37
4 695.54
4 737.12
4 820.29
4 861.87
4 945.04
5 028.20
3 374.01
3 485.26
3 596.51
3 707.76
3 819.01
3 930.26
4 041.51
4 115.68
4 189.85
4 226.93
4 301.10
4 338.18
4 412.35
4 486.51
3 029.48
3 129.43
3 229.38
3 329.33
3 429.28
3 529.23
3 629.18
3 695.81
3 762.44
3 795.76
3 862.39
3 895.71
3 962.34
4 028.98
2 762.00
2 853.12
2 944.24
3 035.36
3 126.48
3 217.60
3 308.72
3 369.47
3 430.22
3 460.59
3 521.34
3 551.71
3 612.46
3 673.20
3 552.51
3 659.06
3 765.61
3 872.16
3 978.71
4 085.26
4 191.81
4 262.84
4 333.87
4 369.39
4 440.42
4 475.94
4 546.97
4 618.01
3 268.04
3 366.07
3 464.10
3 562.13
3 660.16
3 758.19
3 856.22
3 921.57
3 986.92
4 019.60
4 084.95
4 117.63
4 182.98
4 248.34
3 029.48
3 120.41
3 211.34
3 302.27
3 393.20
3 484.13
3 575.06
3 635.68
3 696.30
3 726.61
3 787.23
3 817.54
3 878.16
3 938.78
2 811.66
2 895.95
2 980.24
3 064.53
3 148.82
3 233.11
3 317.40
3 373.59
3 429.78
3 457.88
3 514.07
3 542.17
3 598.36
3 654.56
2 619.78
2 698.39
2 777.00
2 855.61
2 934.22
3 012.83
3 091.44
3 143.85
3 196.26
3 222.46
3 274.87
3 301.07
3 353.48
3 405.88
2 431.56
2 504.47
2 577.38
2 650.29
2 723.20
2 796.11
2 869.02
2 917.63
2 966.24
2 990.54
3 039.15
3 063.45
3 112.06
3 160.66
460 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
12 547.13
12 799.33
13 056.60
13 319.03
13 586.75
13 859.84
13 998.44
14 138.42
11 134.94
11 358.75
11 587.07
11 819.97
12 057.55
12 299.90
12 422.90
12 547.13
9 881.70
10 080.32
10 282.93
10 489.62
10 700.46
10 915.54
11 024.69
11 134.94
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
8 682.68
8 857.20
9 035.23
9 216.84
9 402.09
9 591.08
9 686.99
9 783.86
7 629.14
7 782.49
7 938.92
8 098.49
8 261.27
8 427.32
8 511.59
8 596.71
6 314.95
6 441.88
6 571.36
6 703.44
6 838.18
6 975.63
7 045.39
7 115.84
5 439.38
5 548.71
5 660.24
5 774.01
5 890.06
6 008.45
6 068.54
6 129.22
4 685.20
4 779.38
4 875.44
4 973.44
5 073.40
5 175.38
5 227.13
5 279.40
4 116.71
4 199.46
4 283.87
4 369.97
4 457.81
4 547.41
4 592.89
4 638.82
3 617.20
3 689.91
3 764.07
3 839.73
3 916.91
3 995.64
4 035.60
4 075.95
3 084.83
3 146.83
3 210.08
3 274.61
3 340.43
3 407.57
3 441.64
3 476.06
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
8 343.88
8 511.59
8 682.68
8 857.20
9 035.23
9 216.84
9 309.00
9 402.09
7 331.46
7 478.82
7 629.14
7 782.49
7 938.92
8 098.49
8 179.47
8 261.27
6 068.54
6 190.52
6 314.95
6 441.88
6 571.36
6 703.44
6 770.48
6 838.18
5 332.20
5 439.38
5 548.71
5 660.24
5 774.01
5 890.06
5 948.96
6 008.45
4 685.20
4 779.38
4 875.44
4 973.44
5 073.40
5 175.38
5 227.13
5 279.40
4 116.71
4 199.46
4 283.87
4 369.97
4 457.81
4 547.41
4 592.89
4 638.82
3 617.20
3 689.91
3 764.07
3 839.73
3 916.91
3 995.64
4 035.60
4 075.95
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
7 404.77
7 553.61
7 705.43
7 860.31
8 018.31
8 179.47
8 261.27
8 343.88
6 571.36
6 703.44
6 838.18
6 975.63
7 115.84
7 258.87
7 331.46
7 404.77
5 831.75
5 948.96
6 068.54
6 190.52
6 314.95
6 441.88
6 506.30
6 571.36
5 175.38
5 279.40
5 385.52
5 493.77
5 604.19
5 716.84
5 774.01
5 831.75
4 592.89
4 685.20
4 779.38
4 875.44
4 973.44
5 073.40
5 124.14
5 175.38
4 075.95
4 157.88
4 241.45
4 326.71
4 413.67
4 502.39
4 547.41
4 592.89
3 510.82
3 581.39
3 653.37
3 726.81
3 801.72
3 878.13
3 916.91
3 956.08
3 024.04
3 084.83
3 146.83
3 210.08
3 274.61
3 340.43
3 373.83
3 407.57
2 683.68
2 737.63
2 792.65
2 848.79
2 906.05
2 964.46
2 994.10
3 024.04
2 381.63
2 429.50
2 478.34
2 528.15
2 578.97
2 630.81
2 657.11
2 683.68
461 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (JPY) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (JPY)
and grade
Catégorie et
2 813 666
2 907 863
3 002 060
3 096 257
3 190 452
3 284 647
3 378 841
2 569 836
2 640 919
2 712 002
2 783 085
2 854 169
2 925 253
2 960 795
3 031 879
3 067 421
3 138 505
3 209 589
2 175 220
2 236 074
2 296 928
2 357 782
2 418 636
2 479 490
2 540 345
2 601 200
2 631 627
2 692 482
2 722 909
2 783 764
2 814 191
2 875 046
2 935 900
1 877 826
1 926 731
1 975 636
2 024 541
2 073 446
2 122 351
2 171 264
2 220 177
2 244 634
2 293 547
2 318 004
2 366 917
2 391 374
2 440 287
2 489 201
1 616 621
1 662 171
1 707 721
1 753 271
1 798 821
1 844 371
1 889 912
1 935 453
1 958 223
2 003 764
2 026 534
2 072 075
2 094 845
2 140 386
2 185 926
1 310 595
1 345 756
1 380 917
1 416 078
1 451 239
1 486 400
1 521 576
1 556 752
1 574 340
1 609 516
1 627 104
1 662 280
1 679 868
1 715 044
1 750 220
1 024 434
1 055 260
1 086 086
1 116 912
1 147 738
1 178 564
1 209 389
1 240 214
1 255 626
1 286 451
1 301 863
1 332 688
1 348 100
1 378 925
1 409 749
L 5
1 986 277
2 025 993
2 065 708
2 145 139
2 184 855
2 224 570
2 304 001
2 343 717
2 383 432
2 462 863
2 502 579
2 542 294
2 621 725
2 661 441
2 701 156
LT4 - LI4
1 746 633
1 781 568
1 816 503
1 886 373
1 921 308
1 956 243
2 026 113
2 061 048
2 095 983
2 165 853
2 200 788
2 235 723
2 305 593
2 340 528
2 375 463
2 445 333
2 480 268
2 515 203
LT3 - LI3
1 655 558
1 688 669
1 721 780
1 788 002
1 821 113
1 854 224
1 920 446
1 953 557
1 986 668
2 052 890
2 086 001
2 119 112
2 185 334
2 218 445
2 251 556
1 331 241
1 357 853
1 384 465
1 437 689
1 464 301
1 490 913
1 544 137
1 570 749
1 597 361
1 650 585
1 677 197
1 703 809
1 757 033
1 783 645
1 810 257
LT1 - LI1
1 083 888
1 105 573
1 127 257
1 170 626
1 192 311
1 213 995
1 257 364
1 279 049
1 300 733
1 344 102
1 365 787
1 387 471
1 430 840
1 452 525
1 474 209
1 083 496
1 119 246
1 154 996
1 190 746
1 226 496
1 262 246
1 297 996
1 321 829
1 345 662
1 357 579
1 381 412
1 393 329
1 417 162
1 440 996
947 863
979 130
1 010 397
1 041 664
1 072 931
1 104 198
1 135 465
1 156 310
1 177 155
1 187 577
1 208 422
1 218 844
1 239 689
1 260 533
828 434
855 769
883 104
910 439
937 774
965 109
992 444
1 010 667
1 028 890
1 038 002
1 056 225
1 065 337
1 083 560
1 101 784
724 422
748 335
772 248
796 161
820 074
843 987
867 900
883 842
899 784
907 755
923 697
931 668
947 610
963 552
633 866
654 787
675 708
696 629
717 550
738 471
759 392
773 339
787 286
794 260
808 207
815 181
829 128
843 076
555 076
573 385
591 694
610 003
628 312
646 621
664 930
677 136
689 342
695 445
707 651
713 754
725 960
738 166
818 762
843 328
867 894
892 460
917 026
941 592
966 158
982 535
998 912
1 007 101
1 023 478
1 031 667
1 048 044
1 064 422
721 938
743 589
765 240
786 891
808 542
830 193
851 844
866 278
880 712
887 929
902 363
909 580
924 014
938 448
641 056
660 290
679 524
698 758
717 992
737 226
756 460
769 283
782 106
788 517
801 340
807 751
820 574
833 396
568 797
585 851
602 905
619 959
637 013
654 067
671 121
682 490
693 859
699 544
710 913
716 598
727 967
739 337
505 029
520 174
535 319
550 464
565 609
580 754
595 899
605 996
616 093
621 141
631 238
636 286
646 383
656 479
447 928
461 361
474 794
488 227
501 660
515 093
528 526
537 481
546 436
550 914
559 869
564 347
573 302
582 258
462 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
2 892 010
2 950 140
3 009 437
3 069 927
3 131 633
3 194 578
3 226 524
3 258 789
2 566 512
2 618 099
2 670 723
2 724 404
2 779 165
2 835 026
2 863 376
2 892 010
2 277 649
2 323 430
2 370 131
2 417 771
2 466 368
2 515 942
2 541 101
2 566 512
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
2 001 285
2 041 511
2 082 545
2 124 405
2 167 105
2 210 664
2 232 771
2 255 098
1 758 454
1 793 799
1 829 855
1 866 635
1 904 154
1 942 428
1 961 852
1 981 470
1 455 543
1 484 799
1 514 644
1 545 088
1 576 144
1 607 825
1 623 903
1 640 142
1 253 731
1 278 931
1 304 638
1 330 861
1 357 611
1 384 899
1 398 748
1 412 736
1 079 901
1 101 607
1 123 749
1 146 336
1 169 378
1 192 882
1 204 811
1 216 859
948 868
967 941
987 396
1 007 243
1 027 488
1 048 141
1 058 622
1 069 209
833 735
850 493
867 588
885 027
902 816
920 962
930 172
939 474
711 027
725 319
739 898
754 770
769 940
785 416
793 270
801 203
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
1 923 196
1 961 852
2 001 285
2 041 511
2 082 545
2 124 405
2 145 649
2 167 105
1 689 840
1 723 806
1 758 454
1 793 799
1 829 855
1 866 635
1 885 301
1 904 154
1 398 748
1 426 863
1 455 543
1 484 799
1 514 644
1 545 088
1 560 539
1 576 144
1 229 028
1 253 731
1 278 931
1 304 638
1 330 861
1 357 611
1 371 187
1 384 899
1 079 901
1 101 607
1 123 749
1 146 336
1 169 378
1 192 882
1 204 811
1 216 859
948 868
967 941
987 396
1 007 243
1 027 488
1 048 141
1 058 622
1 069 209
833 735
850 493
867 588
885 027
902 816
920 962
930 172
939 474
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
1 706 739
1 741 044
1 776 039
1 811 737
1 848 153
1 885 301
1 904 154
1 923 196
1 514 644
1 545 088
1 576 144
1 607 825
1 640 142
1 673 109
1 689 840
1 706 739
1 344 169
1 371 187
1 398 748
1 426 863
1 455 543
1 484 799
1 499 647
1 514 644
1 192 882
1 216 859
1 241 318
1 266 268
1 291 720
1 317 684
1 330 861
1 344 169
1 058 622
1 079 901
1 101 607
1 123 749
1 146 336
1 169 378
1 181 071
1 192 882
939 474
958 357
977 620
997 270
1 017 315
1 037 763
1 048 141
1 058 622
809 215
825 480
842 072
858 998
876 264
893 877
902 816
911 844
697 017
711 027
725 319
739 898
754 770
769 940
777 640
785 416
618 567
631 000
643 683
656 622
669 820
683 283
690 116
697 017
548 947
559 981
571 236
582 718
594 431
606 379
612 443
618 567
463 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (MXN) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (MXN)
and grade
et grade
232 325
240 099
247 873
255 647
263 429
271 211
278 993
212 248
218 121
223 994
229 867
235 737
241 607
244 542
250 412
253 347
259 217
265 087
179 591
184 619
189 647
194 675
199 703
204 731
209 760
214 789
217 304
222 333
224 848
229 877
232 392
237 421
242 451
155 080
159 119
163 158
167 197
171 236
175 275
179 314
183 353
185 373
189 412
191 432
195 471
197 491
201 530
205 570
133 440
137 194
140 948
144 702
148 456
152 210
155 973
159 736
161 617
165 380
167 261
171 024
172 905
176 668
180 430
108 147
111 056
113 965
116 874
119 783
122 692
125 600
128 508
129 962
132 870
134 324
137 232
138 686
141 594
144 502
84 636
87 187
89 738
92 289
94 840
97 391
99 942
102 493
103 768
106 319
107 594
110 145
111 420
113 971
116 521
L 5
163 996
167 272
170 548
177 100
180 376
183 652
190 204
193 480
196 756
203 308
206 584
209 860
216 412
219 688
222 964
LT4 - LI4
144 194
147 079
149 963
155 732
158 617
161 501
167 270
170 155
173 039
178 808
181 693
184 577
190 346
193 231
196 115
201 884
204 769
207 653
LT3 - LI3
136 756
139 490
142 224
147 692
150 426
153 160
158 628
161 362
164 096
169 564
172 298
175 032
180 500
183 234
185 968
109 919
112 117
114 314
118 709
120 907
123 104
127 499
129 697
131 894
136 289
138 487
140 684
145 079
147 277
149 474
LT1 - LI1
89 541
91 331
93 120
96 699
98 489
100 278
103 857
105 647
107 436
111 015
112 805
114 594
118 173
119 963
121 752
78 317
80 905
83 493
86 081
88 669
91 257
93 845
95 570
97 295
98 158
99 883
100 746
102 471
104 197
68 089
70 340
72 591
74 842
77 093
79 344
81 595
83 096
84 597
85 347
86 848
87 598
89 099
90 599
59 146
61 099
63 052
65 005
66 958
68 911
70 864
72 166
73 468
74 119
75 421
76 072
77 374
78 676
51 773
53 481
55 189
56 897
58 605
60 313
62 021
63 160
64 299
64 868
66 007
66 576
67 715
68 853
45 584
47 088
48 592
50 096
51 600
53 104
54 608
55 611
56 614
57 115
58 118
58 619
59 622
60 624
40 387
41 721
43 055
44 389
45 723
47 057
48 391
49 280
50 169
50 614
51 503
51 948
52 837
53 727
59 146
60 919
62 692
64 465
66 238
68 011
69 784
70 966
72 148
72 739
73 921
74 512
75 694
76 876
51 773
53 324
54 875
56 426
57 977
59 528
61 079
62 113
63 147
63 664
64 698
65 215
66 249
67 283
45 584
46 956
48 328
49 700
51 072
52 444
53 816
54 731
55 646
56 103
57 018
57 475
58 390
59 304
40 387
41 595
42 803
44 011
45 219
46 427
47 635
48 440
49 245
49 648
50 453
50 856
51 661
52 467
35 704
36 778
37 852
38 926
40 000
41 074
42 148
42 864
43 580
43 938
44 654
45 012
45 728
46 444
31 531
32 480
33 429
34 378
35 327
36 276
37 225
37 858
38 491
38 807
39 440
39 756
40 389
41 021
464 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
232 817
237 496
242 270
247 140
252 107
257 174
259 746
262 344
206 613
210 766
215 002
219 324
223 732
228 229
230 512
232 817
183 359
187 044
190 804
194 639
198 551
202 542
204 567
206 613
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
161 110
164 349
167 652
171 022
174 459
177 966
179 746
181 543
141 562
144 407
147 310
150 270
153 291
156 372
157 936
159 515
117 176
119 531
121 934
124 385
126 885
129 435
130 730
132 037
100 930
102 958
105 028
107 139
109 292
111 489
112 604
113 730
86 936
88 683
90 466
92 284
94 139
96 031
96 991
97 961
76 387
77 923
79 489
81 086
82 716
84 379
85 223
86 075
67 119
68 468
69 844
71 248
72 680
74 141
74 882
75 631
57 240
58 391
59 564
60 762
61 983
63 229
63 861
64 500
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
154 824
157 936
161 110
164 349
167 652
171 022
172 732
174 459
136 038
138 772
141 562
144 407
147 310
150 270
151 773
153 291
112 604
114 867
117 176
119 531
121 934
124 385
125 629
126 885
98 941
100 930
102 958
105 028
107 139
109 292
110 385
111 489
86 936
88 683
90 466
92 284
94 139
96 031
96 991
97 961
76 387
77 923
79 489
81 086
82 716
84 379
85 223
86 075
67 119
68 468
69 844
71 248
72 680
74 141
74 882
75 631
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
137 398
140 160
142 977
145 851
148 783
151 773
153 291
154 824
121 934
124 385
126 885
129 435
132 037
134 691
136 038
137 398
108 210
110 385
112 604
114 867
117 176
119 531
120 727
121 934
96 031
97 961
99 930
101 939
103 988
106 078
107 139
108 210
85 223
86 936
88 683
90 466
92 284
94 139
95 080
96 031
75 631
77 151
78 702
80 284
81 897
83 543
84 379
85 223
65 145
66 454
67 790
69 152
70 542
71 960
72 680
73 407
56 112
57 240
58 391
59 564
60 762
61 983
62 603
63 229
49 797
50 798
51 819
52 860
53 923
55 007
55 557
56 112
44 192
45 080
45 986
46 911
47 854
48 816
49 304
49 797
465 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (EUR) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (EUR)
e et grade
10 487.82
10 839.03
11 190.24
11 541.45
11 892.66
12 243.87
12 595.09
9 581.05
9 846.01
10 110.97
10 375.93
10 640.97
10 906.01
11 038.53
11 303.57
11 436.09
11 701.13
11 966.17
8 107.34
8 334.25
8 561.16
8 788.07
9 014.98
9 241.89
9 468.81
9 695.73
9 809.19
10 036.11
10 149.57
10 376.49
10 489.95
10 716.87
10 943.79
7 000.90
7 183.09
7 365.28
7 547.47
7 729.66
7 911.85
8 094.10
8 276.35
8 367.47
8 549.72
8 640.84
8 823.09
8 914.21
9 096.46
9 278.70
6 024.39
6 193.99
6 363.59
6 533.19
6 702.79
6 872.39
7 041.99
7 211.59
7 296.39
7 465.99
7 550.79
7 720.39
7 805.19
7 974.79
8 144.39
4 882.48
5 013.45
5 144.42
5 275.39
5 406.36
5 537.33
5 668.34
5 799.35
5 864.86
5 995.87
6 061.38
6 192.39
6 257.90
6 388.91
6 519.93
3 820.98
3 935.92
4 050.86
4 165.80
4 280.74
4 395.68
4 510.63
4 625.58
4 683.06
4 798.01
4 855.49
4 970.44
5 027.92
5 142.87
5 257.83
L 5
7 402.38
7 550.41
7 698.44
7 994.50
8 142.53
8 290.56
8 586.62
8 734.65
8 882.68
9 178.74
9 326.77
9 474.80
9 770.86
9 918.89
10 066.92
LT4 - LI4
6 509.03
6 639.22
6 769.41
7 029.79
7 159.98
7 290.17
7 550.55
7 680.74
7 810.93
8 071.31
8 201.50
8 331.69
8 592.07
8 722.26
8 852.45
9 112.83
9 243.02
9 373.21
LT3 - LI3
6 173.21
6 296.66
6 420.11
6 667.01
6 790.46
6 913.91
7 160.81
7 284.26
7 407.71
7 654.61
7 778.06
7 901.51
8 148.41
8 271.86
8 395.31
4 962.04
5 061.27
5 160.49
5 358.94
5 458.17
5 557.39
5 755.84
5 855.07
5 954.29
6 152.74
6 251.97
6 351.19
6 549.64
6 648.87
6 748.09
LT1 - LI1
4 042.19
4 122.99
4 203.78
4 365.37
4 446.17
4 526.96
4 688.55
4 769.35
4 850.14
5 011.73
5 092.53
5 173.32
5 334.91
5 415.71
5 496.50
3 485.15
3 600.09
3 715.03
3 829.97
3 944.91
4 059.85
4 174.79
4 251.42
4 328.05
4 366.36
4 442.99
4 481.30
4 557.93
4 634.55
2 947.49
3 044.76
3 142.03
3 239.30
3 336.57
3 433.84
3 531.11
3 595.96
3 660.81
3 693.23
3 758.08
3 790.50
3 855.35
3 920.19
2 497.88
2 580.29
2 662.70
2 745.11
2 827.52
2 909.93
2 992.34
3 047.28
3 102.22
3 129.69
3 184.63
3 212.10
3 267.04
3 321.98
2 198.02
2 270.53
2 343.04
2 415.55
2 488.06
2 560.57
2 633.08
2 681.42
2 729.76
2 753.93
2 802.27
2 826.44
2 874.78
2 923.12
1 872.96
1 934.76
1 996.56
2 058.36
2 120.16
2 181.96
2 243.76
2 284.96
2 326.16
2 346.76
2 387.96
2 408.56
2 449.76
2 490.96
1 594.24
1 646.87
1 699.50
1 752.13
1 804.76
1 857.39
1 910.02
1 945.11
1 980.20
1 997.74
2 032.83
2 050.37
2 085.46
2 120.54
2 440.77
2 513.98
2 587.19
2 660.40
2 733.61
2 806.82
2 880.03
2 928.84
2 977.65
3 002.05
3 050.86
3 075.26
3 124.07
3 172.87
2 149.42
2 213.87
2 278.32
2 342.77
2 407.22
2 471.67
2 536.12
2 579.09
2 622.06
2 643.54
2 686.51
2 707.99
2 750.96
2 793.92
1 916.13
1 973.63
2 031.13
2 088.63
2 146.13
2 203.63
2 261.13
2 299.46
2 337.79
2 356.96
2 395.29
2 414.46
2 452.79
2 491.13
1 717.86
1 769.38
1 820.90
1 872.42
1 923.94
1 975.46
2 026.98
2 061.33
2 095.68
2 112.85
2 147.20
2 164.37
2 198.72
2 233.06
1 541.61
1 587.85
1 634.09
1 680.33
1 726.57
1 772.81
1 819.05
1 849.88
1 880.71
1 896.12
1 926.95
1 942.36
1 973.19
2 004.01
1 376.63
1 417.95
1 459.27
1 500.59
1 541.91
1 583.23
1 624.55
1 652.10
1 679.65
1 693.42
1 720.97
1 734.74
1 762.29
1 789.83
466 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
9 996.77
10 197.71
10 402.68
10 611.78
10 825.07
11 042.66
11 153.08
11 264.61
8 871.63
9 049.95
9 231.85
9 417.41
9 606.70
9 799.80
9 897.80
9 996.77
7 873.12
8 031.37
8 192.80
8 357.48
8 525.46
8 696.82
8 783.79
8 871.63
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
6 917.82
7 056.86
7 198.71
7 343.40
7 491.00
7 641.57
7 717.99
7 795.17
6 078.43
6 200.60
6 325.23
6 452.37
6 582.06
6 714.36
6 781.51
6 849.32
5 031.36
5 132.49
5 235.65
5 340.89
5 448.24
5 557.75
5 613.32
5 669.46
4 333.76
4 420.86
4 509.72
4 600.37
4 692.84
4 787.16
4 835.03
4 883.38
3 732.88
3 807.91
3 884.45
3 962.53
4 042.17
4 123.42
4 164.65
4 206.30
3 279.94
3 345.87
3 413.12
3 481.72
3 551.71
3 623.09
3 659.33
3 695.92
2 881.96
2 939.89
2 998.98
3 059.26
3 120.75
3 183.48
3 215.31
3 247.47
2 457.80
2 507.20
2 557.59
2 609.00
2 661.44
2 714.94
2 742.09
2 769.51
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
6 647.89
6 781.51
6 917.82
7 056.86
7 198.71
7 343.40
7 416.84
7 491.00
5 841.25
5 958.66
6 078.43
6 200.60
6 325.23
6 452.37
6 516.90
6 582.06
4 835.03
4 932.22
5 031.36
5 132.49
5 235.65
5 340.89
5 394.29
5 448.24
4 248.36
4 333.76
4 420.86
4 509.72
4 600.37
4 692.84
4 739.76
4 787.16
3 732.88
3 807.91
3 884.45
3 962.53
4 042.17
4 123.42
4 164.65
4 206.30
3 279.94
3 345.87
3 413.12
3 481.72
3 551.71
3 623.09
3 659.33
3 695.92
2 881.96
2 939.89
2 998.98
3 059.26
3 120.75
3 183.48
3 215.31
3 247.47
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
5 899.66
6 018.24
6 139.21
6 262.61
6 388.49
6 516.90
6 582.06
6 647.89
5 235.65
5 340.89
5 448.24
5 557.75
5 669.46
5 783.41
5 841.25
5 899.66
4 646.37
4 739.76
4 835.03
4 932.22
5 031.36
5 132.49
5 183.81
5 235.65
4 123.42
4 206.30
4 290.85
4 377.09
4 465.07
4 554.82
4 600.37
4 646.37
3 659.33
3 732.88
3 807.91
3 884.45
3 962.53
4 042.17
4 082.59
4 123.42
3 247.47
3 312.74
3 379.33
3 447.25
3 516.54
3 587.22
3 623.09
3 659.33
2 797.20
2 853.43
2 910.78
2 969.29
3 028.97
3 089.85
3 120.75
3 151.96
2 409.37
2 457.80
2 507.20
2 557.59
2 609.00
2 661.44
2 688.06
2 714.94
2 138.19
2 181.17
2 225.01
2 269.73
2 315.36
2 361.90
2 385.51
2 409.37
1 897.54
1 935.68
1 974.59
2 014.27
2 054.76
2 096.06
2 117.02
2 138.19
467 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (EUR) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (EUR)
and grade
et grade
11 460.24
11 844.07
12 227.90
12 611.73
12 995.56
13 379.39
13 763.23
10 469.20
10 758.90
11 048.60
11 338.30
11 627.96
11 917.62
12 062.45
12 352.11
12 496.94
12 786.60
13 076.26
8 858.63
9 106.51
9 354.39
9 602.27
9 850.15
10 098.03
10 346.02
10 594.01
10 718.00
10 965.99
11 089.98
11 337.97
11 461.96
11 709.95
11 957.93
7 649.31
7 848.31
8 047.31
8 246.31
8 445.31
8 644.31
8 843.46
9 042.61
9 142.19
9 341.34
9 440.92
9 640.07
9 739.65
9 938.80
10 137.96
6 582.92
6 768.26
6 953.60
7 138.94
7 324.28
7 509.62
7 695.00
7 880.38
7 973.07
8 158.45
8 251.14
8 436.52
8 529.21
8 714.59
8 899.97
5 335.13
5 478.20
5 621.27
5 764.34
5 907.41
6 050.48
6 193.61
6 336.74
6 408.31
6 551.44
6 623.01
6 766.14
6 837.71
6 980.84
7 123.98
4 175.27
4 300.94
4 426.61
4 552.28
4 677.95
4 803.62
4 929.29
5 054.96
5 117.80
5 243.47
5 306.31
5 431.98
5 494.82
5 620.49
5 746.17
L 5
8 089.85
8 251.62
8 413.38
8 736.91
8 898.68
9 060.44
9 383.97
9 545.74
9 707.50
10 031.03
10 192.80
10 354.56
10 678.09
10 839.86
11 001.62
LT4 - LI4
7 112.14
7 254.41
7 396.67
7 681.20
7 823.47
7 965.73
8 250.26
8 392.53
8 534.79
8 819.32
8 961.59
9 103.85
9 388.38
9 530.65
9 672.91
9 957.44
10 099.71
10 241.97
LT3 - LI3
6 745.45
6 880.39
7 015.33
7 285.21
7 420.15
7 555.09
7 824.97
7 959.91
8 094.85
8 364.73
8 499.67
8 634.61
8 904.49
9 039.43
9 174.37
5 422.26
5 530.71
5 639.15
5 856.04
5 964.49
6 072.93
6 289.82
6 398.27
6 506.71
6 723.60
6 832.05
6 940.49
7 157.38
7 265.83
7 374.27
LT1 - LI1
4 417.14
4 505.49
4 593.83
4 770.52
4 858.87
4 947.21
5 123.90
5 212.25
5 300.59
5 477.28
5 565.63
5 653.97
5 830.66
5 919.01
6 007.35
3 698.65
3 820.67
3 942.69
4 064.71
4 186.73
4 308.75
4 430.77
4 512.12
4 593.47
4 634.14
4 715.49
4 756.16
4 837.51
4 918.85
3 316.21
3 425.66
3 535.11
3 644.56
3 754.01
3 863.46
3 972.91
4 045.88
4 118.85
4 155.33
4 228.30
4 264.78
4 337.75
4 410.71
2 933.78
3 030.50
3 127.22
3 223.94
3 320.66
3 417.38
3 514.10
3 578.58
3 643.06
3 675.30
3 739.78
3 772.02
3 836.50
3 900.98
2 731.19
2 821.32
2 911.45
3 001.58
3 091.71
3 181.84
3 271.97
3 332.06
3 392.15
3 422.19
3 482.28
3 512.32
3 572.41
3 632.49
2 321.27
2 397.83
2 474.39
2 550.95
2 627.51
2 704.07
2 780.63
2 831.67
2 882.71
2 908.23
2 959.27
2 984.79
3 035.83
3 086.87
1 912.14
1 975.26
2 038.38
2 101.50
2 164.62
2 227.74
2 290.86
2 332.94
2 375.02
2 396.06
2 438.14
2 459.18
2 501.26
2 543.34
2 693.48
2 774.37
2 855.26
2 936.15
3 017.04
3 097.93
3 178.82
3 232.75
3 286.68
3 313.64
3 367.57
3 394.53
3 448.46
3 502.38
2 437.49
2 510.61
2 583.73
2 656.85
2 729.97
2 803.09
2 876.21
2 924.96
2 973.71
2 998.08
3 046.83
3 071.20
3 119.95
3 168.69
2 212.88
2 279.30
2 345.72
2 412.14
2 478.56
2 544.98
2 611.40
2 655.68
2 699.96
2 722.10
2 766.38
2 788.52
2 832.80
2 877.08
2 000.83
2 060.84
2 120.85
2 180.86
2 240.87
2 300.88
2 360.89
2 400.90
2 440.91
2 460.91
2 500.92
2 520.92
2 560.93
2 600.93
1 810.05
1 864.33
1 918.61
1 972.89
2 027.17
2 081.45
2 135.73
2 171.92
2 208.11
2 226.20
2 262.39
2 280.48
2 316.67
2 352.85
1 633.37
1 682.36
1 731.35
1 780.34
1 829.33
1 878.32
1 927.31
1 959.97
1 992.63
2 008.96
2 041.62
2 057.95
2 090.61
2 123.27
468 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
11 439.64
11 669.58
11 904.14
12 143.41
12 387.50
12 636.48
12 762.85
12 890.48
10 152.10
10 356.16
10 564.32
10 776.66
10 993.27
11 214.24
11 326.38
11 439.64
9 009.48
9 190.57
9 375.30
9 563.74
9 755.97
9 952.07
10 051.59
10 152.10
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
7 916.29
8 075.41
8 237.72
8 403.30
8 572.21
8 744.51
8 831.95
8 920.27
6 955.75
7 095.56
7 238.18
7 383.67
7 532.08
7 683.47
7 760.31
7 837.91
5 757.55
5 873.28
5 991.33
6 111.76
6 234.60
6 359.92
6 423.52
6 487.75
4 959.26
5 058.94
5 160.63
5 264.36
5 370.17
5 478.11
5 532.89
5 588.22
4 271.66
4 357.52
4 445.10
4 534.45
4 625.59
4 718.57
4 765.75
4 813.41
3 753.35
3 828.79
3 905.75
3 984.25
4 064.34
4 146.03
4 187.49
4 229.36
3 297.93
3 364.21
3 431.83
3 500.81
3 571.18
3 642.96
3 679.39
3 716.18
2 812.54
2 869.07
2 926.74
2 985.57
3 045.58
3 106.79
3 137.86
3 169.24
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
7 607.40
7 760.31
7 916.29
8 075.41
8 237.72
8 403.30
8 487.33
8 572.21
6 684.34
6 818.69
6 955.75
7 095.56
7 238.18
7 383.67
7 457.50
7 532.08
5 532.89
5 644.10
5 757.55
5 873.28
5 991.33
6 111.76
6 172.87
6 234.60
4 861.55
4 959.26
5 058.94
5 160.63
5 264.36
5 370.17
5 423.87
5 478.11
4 271.66
4 357.52
4 445.10
4 534.45
4 625.59
4 718.57
4 765.75
4 813.41
3 753.35
3 828.79
3 905.75
3 984.25
4 064.34
4 146.03
4 187.49
4 229.36
3 297.93
3 364.21
3 431.83
3 500.81
3 571.18
3 642.96
3 679.39
3 716.18
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
6 751.18
6 886.88
7 025.31
7 166.51
7 310.56
7 457.50
7 532.08
7 607.40
5 991.33
6 111.76
6 234.60
6 359.92
6 487.75
6 618.16
6 684.34
6 751.18
5 317.00
5 423.87
5 532.89
5 644.10
5 757.55
5 873.28
5 932.01
5 991.33
4 718.57
4 813.41
4 910.16
5 008.86
5 109.53
5 212.24
5 264.36
5 317.00
4 187.49
4 271.66
4 357.52
4 445.10
4 534.45
4 625.59
4 671.85
4 718.57
3 716.18
3 790.88
3 867.08
3 944.80
4 024.10
4 104.98
4 146.03
4 187.49
3 200.93
3 265.27
3 330.90
3 397.86
3 466.15
3 535.82
3 571.18
3 606.89
2 757.12
2 812.54
2 869.07
2 926.74
2 985.57
3 045.58
3 076.03
3 106.79
2 446.81
2 495.99
2 546.16
2 597.33
2 649.54
2 702.80
2 729.82
2 757.12
2 171.42
2 215.06
2 259.58
2 305.00
2 351.33
2 398.59
2 422.58
2 446.81
469 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 01/01/2024 (TRL) - Traitement mensuel à compter du 01/01/2024 (TRL)
and grade
et grade
84 365.96
86 726.82
89 087.68
91 448.54
93 809.40
96 170.26
98 531.18
100 892.10
102 072.56
104 433.48
105 613.94
107 974.86
109 155.32
111 516.24
113 877.16
72 854.29
74 750.74
76 647.19
78 543.64
80 440.09
82 336.54
84 232.92
86 129.30
87 077.49
88 973.87
89 922.06
91 818.44
92 766.63
94 663.01
96 559.39
62 688.25
64 453.82
66 219.39
67 984.96
69 750.53
71 516.10
73 281.85
75 047.60
75 930.47
77 696.22
78 579.09
80 344.84
81 227.71
82 993.46
84 759.20
50 805.21
52 168.27
53 531.33
54 894.39
56 257.45
57 620.51
58 983.53
60 346.55
61 028.06
62 391.08
63 072.59
64 435.61
65 117.12
66 480.14
67 843.16
39 765.90
40 963.01
42 160.12
43 357.23
44 554.34
45 751.45
46 948.54
48 145.63
48 744.17
49 941.26
50 539.80
51 736.89
52 335.43
53 532.52
54 729.60
L 5
77 040.54
78 581.36
80 122.17
83 203.80
84 744.62
86 285.43
89 367.06
90 907.88
92 448.69
95 530.32
97 071.14
98 611.95
101 693.58
103 234.40
104 775.21
LT4 - LI4
67 734.23
69 088.91
70 443.59
73 152.95
74 507.63
75 862.31
78 571.67
79 926.35
81 281.03
83 990.39
85 345.07
86 699.75
89 409.11
90 763.79
92 118.47
94 827.83
96 182.51
97 537.19
LT3 - LI3
64 238.63
65 523.34
66 808.04
69 377.45
70 662.16
71 946.86
74 516.27
75 800.98
77 085.68
79 655.09
80 939.80
82 224.50
84 793.91
86 078.62
87 363.32
51 640.20
52 672.95
53 705.70
55 771.20
56 803.95
57 836.70
59 902.20
60 934.95
61 967.70
64 033.20
65 065.95
66 098.70
68 164.20
69 196.95
70 229.70
LT1 - LI1
42 067.23
42 908.51
43 749.78
45 432.33
46 273.61
47 114.88
48 797.43
49 638.71
50 479.98
52 162.53
53 003.81
53 845.08
55 527.63
56 368.91
57 210.18
43 897.82
45 346.56
46 795.30
48 244.04
49 692.78
51 141.52
52 590.26
53 556.09
54 521.92
55 004.83
55 970.66
56 453.57
57 419.40
58 385.22
36 477.23
37 680.92
38 884.61
40 088.30
41 291.99
42 495.68
43 699.37
44 501.83
45 304.29
45 705.52
46 507.98
46 909.21
47 711.67
48 514.13
30 604.50
31 614.23
32 623.96
33 633.69
34 643.42
35 653.15
36 662.88
37 336.03
38 009.18
38 345.76
39 018.91
39 355.49
40 028.64
40 701.80
27 055.16
27 947.95
28 840.74
29 733.53
30 626.32
31 519.11
32 411.90
33 007.09
33 602.28
33 899.88
34 495.07
34 792.67
35 387.86
35 983.06
23 190.47
23 955.77
24 721.07
25 486.37
26 251.67
27 016.97
27 782.27
28 292.47
28 802.67
29 057.77
29 567.97
29 823.07
30 333.27
30 843.47
19 969.19
20 628.19
21 287.19
21 946.19
22 605.19
23 264.19
23 923.19
24 362.52
24 801.85
25 021.52
25 460.85
25 680.52
26 119.85
26 559.19
27 054.26
27 866.07
28 677.88
29 489.69
30 301.50
31 113.31
31 925.12
32 466.33
33 007.54
33 278.14
33 819.35
34 089.95
34 631.16
35 172.36
23 231.15
23 928.12
24 625.09
25 322.06
26 019.03
26 716.00
27 412.97
27 877.62
28 342.27
28 574.59
29 039.24
29 271.56
29 736.21
30 200.85
20 734.17
21 356.24
21 978.31
22 600.38
23 222.45
23 844.52
24 466.59
24 881.30
25 296.01
25 503.37
25 918.08
26 125.44
26 540.15
26 954.87
18 754.75
19 317.23
19 879.71
20 442.19
21 004.67
21 567.15
22 129.63
22 504.62
22 879.61
23 067.10
23 442.09
23 629.58
24 004.57
24 379.55
17 074.09
17 586.27
18 098.45
18 610.63
19 122.81
19 634.99
20 147.17
20 488.62
20 830.07
21 000.80
21 342.25
21 512.98
21 854.43
22 195.89
15 597.92
16 065.89
16 533.86
17 001.83
17 469.80
17 937.77
18 405.74
18 717.72
19 029.70
19 185.69
19 497.67
19 653.66
19 965.64
20 277.62
470 Back to top
Monthly salary scale as from 1 January 2024 - OECD
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
64 877.57
66 181.61
67 511.86
68 868.85
70 253.11
71 665.20
72 381.85
73 105.67
57 575.55
58 732.82
59 913.35
61 117.61
62 346.07
63 599.23
64 235.22
64 877.57
51 095.38
52 122.40
53 170.06
54 238.77
55 328.97
56 441.09
57 005.50
57 575.55
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
44 895.60
45 798.00
46 718.54
47 657.58
48 615.50
49 592.67
50 088.60
50 589.48
39 448.08
40 240.99
41 049.83
41 874.93
42 716.62
43 575.22
44 010.98
44 451.09
32 652.75
33 309.07
33 978.59
34 661.55
35 358.25
36 068.95
36 429.64
36 793.94
28 125.43
28 690.75
29 267.44
29 855.71
30 455.81
31 067.97
31 378.65
31 692.44
24 225.83
24 712.76
25 209.49
25 716.20
26 233.10
26 760.38
27 027.99
27 298.27
21 286.33
21 714.18
22 150.64
22 595.86
23 050.04
23 513.35
23 748.48
23 985.97
18 703.50
19 079.44
19 462.94
19 854.14
20 253.21
20 660.30
20 866.90
21 075.57
15 950.74
16 271.35
16 598.41
16 932.03
17 272.37
17 619.54
17 795.74
17 973.70
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
43 143.79
44 010.98
44 895.60
45 798.00
46 718.54
47 657.58
48 134.16
48 615.50
37 908.83
38 670.80
39 448.08
40 240.99
41 049.83
41 874.93
42 293.68
42 716.62
31 378.65
32 009.36
32 652.75
33 309.07
33 978.59
34 661.55
35 008.17
35 358.25
27 571.25
28 125.43
28 690.75
29 267.44
29 855.71
30 455.81
30 760.37
31 067.97
24 225.83
24 712.76
25 209.49
25 716.20
26 233.10
26 760.38
27 027.99
27 298.27
21 286.33
21 714.18
22 150.64
22 595.86
23 050.04
23 513.35
23 748.48
23 985.97
18 703.50
19 079.44
19 462.94
19 854.14
20 253.21
20 660.30
20 866.90
21 075.57
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
38 287.92
39 057.51
39 842.56
40 643.40
41 460.33
42 293.68
42 716.62
43 143.79
33 978.59
34 661.55
35 358.25
36 068.95
36 793.94
37 533.50
37 908.83
38 287.92
30 154.27
30 760.37
31 378.65
32 009.36
32 652.75
33 309.07
33 642.16
33 978.59
26 760.38
27 298.27
27 846.96
28 406.69
28 977.66
29 560.11
29 855.71
30 154.27
23 748.48
24 225.83
24 712.76
25 209.49
25 716.20
26 233.10
26 495.43
26 760.38
21 075.57
21 499.19
21 931.32
22 372.14
22 821.82
23 280.54
23 513.35
23 748.48
18 153.43
18 518.32
18 890.53
19 270.23
19 657.57
20 052.68
20 253.21
20 455.74
15 636.45
15 950.74
16 271.35
16 598.41
16 932.03
17 272.37
17 445.09
17 619.54
13 876.55
14 155.47
14 440.00
14 730.24
15 026.32
15 328.35
15 481.63
15 636.45
12 314.74
12 562.26
12 814.77
13 072.34
13 335.10
13 603.13
13 739.16
13 876.55
471 Back to top
Children or Other Dependants’Allowance (1) and Supplement for Expatriated
Children (2)/ Supplement for dependent child or disabled and dependent
parent (1)
United States
(1) Irrespective of the grade of the official, the amount of this allowance is to be paid per month per
child or other dependant.
(2) Officials entitled to expatriation allowance with dependent children who do not get an
education allowance are entitled to this additional monthly flat amount per child.
4 465.40 EUR
226.64 EUR
3 452.01 EUR
191.14 EUR
732 625 JPY
46 605 JPY
53 616.74 MXN
1 602.11 MXN
4 764.95 USD
225.93 USD
5 476 972 KRW
276 672 KRW
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General principles
1. Teleworking is a way of performing duties outside the premises of the Organisation, with the help of
information and communication technologies. Performing duties whilst on mission is not considered
to be teleworking.
2. Teleworking seeks to foster a better work/life balance for officials.
3. At the officials’ request, this way of performing duties may be authorised by the Organisation, at its
discretion and in accordance with the conditions set out in thisdecision.
4. Officials may only be authorised to telework if:
the nature and exercise of their duties permit teleworking;
the requested teleworking is compatible with organisational and efficiency-related service
requirements ;
the requested teleworking is compatible with the accomplishment of assigned annual
performance objectives.
5. Under exceptional circumstances that threaten the continuity and efficiency of the service, officials
may be required to telework by the Secretary-General, the Executive Director or the Head of Human
Resource Management, provided that they have the appropriate logistical and technical means.
Provisions applicable
6. The Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to officials of the Organisation (hereinafter referred
to as the Staff Regulations) shall remain fully applicable to officials authorised or required to telework.
The following provisions shall also apply to them with regards to teleworking.
Forms of teleworking
7. There are two forms of teleworking:
Regular teleworking, which is based on a regular frequency of teleworking days
determined in advance for a pre-defined duration;
Occasional teleworking, which is of irregular frequency and responds to punctual
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8. The choice concerning the form of teleworking, i.e. whether occasional or regular, depends on the
intended frequency and duration and is decided by the officials’ supervisors, Directors, Heads of
Programme or Heads of Service, and, when applicable, the Head of Human Resource Management, in
accordance with paragraphs 10 to 14 below.
Teleworking location
9. a) Occasional and regular teleworking shall be performed in the duty country, at the location the
officials declare to the Organisation.
b) In exceptional circumstances, officials may also perform occasional and regular teleworking outside
the duty country, in accordance with paragraphs 24 to 28 below. Temporary staff members shall not
perform occasional or regular teleworking outside the duty country, unless authorised by the Secretary-
Conditions of authorisation
10. Officials wishing to telework shall submit a request to that effect in writing to their supervisors,
specifying the intended form, duration and country of performance of teleworking. Officials wishing
to telework outside the duty country are required to sign and submit, along with their request, the
written acknowledgment specified in paragraph 28 below.
11. Occasional teleworking shall be authorised by the officials’ supervisors.
12. Regular teleworking shall be authorised by the Directors, Heads of Programme or Heads of Service, on
the recommendation of the supervisors, who shall inform the Head of Human Resource Management.
13. However, regular teleworking performed outside the duty country must be authorised by the Head of
Human Resource Management, on the recommendation of the supervisors and in agreement with the
Directors, Heads of Programme or Heads of Service concerned.
14. The decision to reject a teleworking request is justified and notified to officials.
Form of authorisation
Occasional teleworking
15. Occasional teleworking shall be authorised in writing by the officials’ supervisors. This authorisation
is granted by email and then logged and validated in the IT system used to manage working hours.
When occasional teleworking is performed outside the duty country, the authorisation shall be sent to
the Head of Human Resource Management for information along with the written acknowledgment
specified in paragraph 28 below.
Regular teleworking
16. Regular teleworking shall be authorised by means of a written convention signed by the officials and
their supervisors, Directors, Heads of Programme or Heads of Service, for a maximum duration of 12
months. A copy of this convention shall be sent to the Human Resource Management Service for
information, along with the written acknowledgment specified in paragraph 28 below, where
17. The signature of a teleworking convention confirms acceptance of the teleworking conditions, most
notably the specific requirements with regards to the presence of the officials on the premises of the
Organisation and communication channels while teleworking.
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18. The teleworking convention shall indicate:
the days and hours of teleworking;
the days to be worked at the Organisation's premises;
the teleworking location;
the specific conditions required by the Organisation;
where appropriate, the equipment made available to officials by the Organisation;
the dates of entry into force and termination of the convention.
19. a) The teleworking convention is confirmed at the end of a probationary period. This probationary
period starts as of the date of entry into force of the convention for a duration of:
fifteen calendar days when the teleworking duration set out in the convention is less than
or equal to three months;
thirty calendar days when the teleworking duration set out in the convention is more than
three months.
b) The teleworking convention may be amended during the probationary period in accordance with
paragraph 21 below.
20. Upon expiration, the convention may be renewed in accordance with paragraphs 10 to 14 above,
provided that the conditions referred to in paragraph 4 above are fulfilled.
21. The convention may be amended at the request of officials and their supervisors, Directors, Heads of
Programme or Heads of Service, subject to a specific written agreement and a notice period to officials
fifteen calendar days when the teleworking duration set out in the convention is less than
or equal to three months;
thirty calendar days when the teleworking duration set out in the convention is more than
three months.
22. The supervisors, Directors, Heads of Programme or Heads of Service may terminate the teleworking
convention, at any time, if:
the conditions referred to in paragraph 4 above are no longermet;
a significant fall in the officials’ performance is observed as a result of teleworking;
the officials concerned fail to respect this decision or the teleworking convention .
The officials may also terminate the convention and, in that case, should inform their supervisors,
Directors, Heads of Programme or Heads of the Service.
23. The termination of a teleworking convention is subject to a notice period of:
fifteen calendar days when the teleworking duration set out in the convention is less than
or equal to three months;
thirty calendar days when the teleworking duration set out in the convention is more than
three months.
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Specific conditions concerning teleworking performed outside the duty country
24. Teleworking outside the duty country shall be performed in the territory of Member countries of the
Organisation or in any other country in which the Organisation enjoys the privileges and immunities
required to fulfil its mission.
25. Regular or occasional teleworking outside the duty country shall normally not exceed a limit of 80
working days per calendar year. Regular teleworking is subject to a teleworking convention set out in
paragraphs 16 to 23 above.
26. The following conditions shall apply to teleworking outside the duty country:
the applicable salary scale shall remain that of the duty country, and monthly emoluments
shall continue to be paid in that country. Subject to the provisions of Staff Regulation 18
and the related Staff Rules, the cost of transferring emoluments to the teleworking location
outside the duty country shall be borne exclusively by the officials;
officials’ entitlement to the expatriation allowance and other related allowances shall
continue to be determined with reference to their duty country;
for the purposes of the payment of health costs by the Organisation’s system, the country
of residence referred to in Article 3 a) of Annex XIV of the Staff Regulations shall remain
the duty country and not the country of the teleworking location.
27. Where officials can justify exceptional circumstances, they may be authorised to perform regular or
occasional teleworking outside the duty country in excess of the limit of 80 working days per calendar
year. Such authorisation may be granted at the discretion of the officials’ Directors, Heads of
Programme or Heads of Service, following prior consultation with the Head of the Human Resources
Department. The following specific conditions shall apply to teleworking outside the duty country in
excess of 80 working days per calendar year:
officials bear sole responsibility for all additional liabilities, including but not limited to
those of a fiscal or social contribution nature, resulting from their teleworking abroad in
excess of the limit of 80 working days per calendar year;
officials’ entitlement to the expatriation allowance and other related allowances, where
applicable, is suspended for the period of teleworking abroad in excess of the limit of 80
working days per calendar year; and
officials can be required at the discretion of the Organisation, at any time, and at their own
costs, to return to the duty country with reasonable notice.
28. All officials wishing to telework outside the duty country shall sign a written acknowledgment in which
they recognise that specific conditions shall apply in the event they exceed the limit of 80 working
days per calendar year, under the conditions set out in paragraph 27 above.
Interests of the service warranting the presence of officials on the premises of the Organisation
29. Where the interests of service so require, and notwithstanding the provisions set out in the relevant
teleworking authorisations and conventions, officials may exceptionally be required by their
supervisors to be present on the premises of the Organisation or on any other designated premises, on
days where they are scheduled to telework.
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Working duration and hours of work
30. The duration and hours of work of officials authorised to telework shall be laid down in accordance
with Staff Regulation 20 a) and the related Instructions, in particular Instruction 120/1.1. These
durations and hours of work should be logged and validated in the IT systems used to manage working
31. For teleworking outside the duty country, hours of work shall be set in such a way as to minimise, as
far as possible, the effects of any time difference between the teleworking location and the officials’
duty country.
Teleworking for health reasons
32. When returning to work after sick leave or after being placed on non-active status for reasons of
sickness, officials may complete a part or the totality of their working time through teleworking, on the
sole recommendation of the Organisation’s Medical Officer and after consultation with the
supervisors, Directors, Heads of Programme or Heads of Service, provided that the conditions referred
to in paragraph 4 above are met.
33. Teleworking for health reasons is a specific form of regular teleworking. The provisions regarding
regular teleworking shall fully apply to teleworking for health reasons. However, the duration of
teleworking for health reasons may not exceed nine months in any twelve-month period. The
convention for teleworking for health reasons may only be amended after consultation with the
Organisation’s Medical Officer.
Statutory travel and missions
34. In the event of statutory travel or missions as provided for in Staff Rule 17/3.1 et seq., teleworking
officials may be authorised to start their journey from their teleworking location. Such authorisation
shall be given by the Head of Human Resource Management, in case of statutory travel, and by the
officials’ supervisors, in case of missions. In such cases, the expenses incurred shall be paid in advance
or reimbursed insofar as they do not exceed the expenses that would have been applicable, had the
journey started from the headquarters of the Organisation.
35. No other travel between the teleworking location and the premises of the Organisation shall be
reimbursed by the Organisation.
Work accident
36. Within the context of teleworking, any accident which officials prove had occurred at the teleworking
location, during teleworking hours, and as a result or in connection with the functions performed, shall
be considered a work accident.
Last update: April 2021
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Opening of an investigation and scope of application
1. The Head of Human Resource Management may decide to open an investigation when information is
brought to his attention regarding conduct that might, if it were confirmed, constitute a breach of the
internal rules of the Organisation. Save in exceptional circumstances, the decision to open an
investigation shall be taken within 30 days of the date when any such information is received.
2. The purpose of the investigation is to establish the factual basis of the allegations. It is distinct from
the disciplinary procedure although once it has been completed it may enable the Organisation to
determine whether or not there are grounds for initiating disciplinaryaction.
3. The Head of Human Resource Management shall act on the basis of information reported by persons
identified by name. However, anonymous reports may be allowed on an exceptional basis when
sufficiently convincing evidence corroborates the allegations made or when the allegations concern a
risk of physical harm to an individual or a financial risk to the Organisation or possible serious
prejudice to the image or interests of the Organisation. The decision to open an investigation on the
basis of an anonymous report shall be taken by the Executive Director, after the Head of Human
Resource Management has submitted the matter to him together with the available evidence.
4. This Decision shall not cover the following situations:
- administrative verifications, particularly those carried out in connection with the appointment and the
determination of the various statutory entitlements and allowances;
- situations in which the conduct that might constitute a breach of the internal rules of the Organisation
has already been established and for which disciplinary action can therefore be initiated immediately.
5. Furthermore, this Decision shall not restrict the respective prerogatives of:
- the internal and external auditors of the Organisation in the performance of their duties.
- the Secretary-General, if he considers that it is necessary to involve the national police and judicial
General provisions
6. The investigation shall be confidential. Any disclosure of information obtained during the investigation
shall be liable to disciplinary action.
7. Any retaliation or threat of retaliation against individuals reporting conduct to the Organisation leading
to the opening of an investigation, or against individuals participating in the investigation (for example,
as witnesses), will be considered a violation of acceptable standards of conduct and will result in
disciplinary action. At the same time, any accusation, complaint or testimony shown to have been made
in bad faith will also be considered a violation of acceptable standards of conduct and will be treated
in the same manner.
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8. In conducting this procedure, the Head of Human Resource Management and the Executive Director
shall, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Staff Regulations applicable to Officials of the
Organisation, avoid any conflict of interest or appearance thereof. If there is any doubt in this regard,
the officials concerned shall refer the matter to the Secretary-General, who shall decide, if appropriate,
to appoint a replacement. However, the fact that the investigation concerns one of the services of the
Executive Directorate, including the Human Resource Management Service, shall not in itself
constitute a conflict of interest or appearance thereof. This shall also apply to cases in which one of the
services of the Executive Directorate, including the Human Resource Management Service, may have
given advice for managing a situation directly or indirectly related to the subject of the investigation.
9. All individuals participating in any way in the investigation shall be considered as acting in the
performance of their duties.
Appointment of the investigator and terms of reference
10. The Head of Human Resource Management, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall appoint
a person from inside or outside the Organisation to conduct the investigation. Depending on the
complexity of the allegations, the Head of Human Resource Management may also appoint several
investigators and assign other individuals to provide assistance to the investigator(s).
11. The investigator’s task shall be to gather all the information necessary to establish the factual basis of
the allegations, in compliance with the adversarial principle. The investigator shall be independent and
shall perform his/her tasks in line with the principles of confidentiality and impartiality. The
investigator shall also comply with the principles established by the Computerised Information and
Privacy Commission.
12. The requirements mentioned in Paragraph 8 of this Decision regarding conflict of interest or the
appearance thereof, shall also apply to the investigator. If there is any doubt in this regard, the
investigator shall refer the matter to the Head of Human Resource Management who shall decide, if
appropriate and after consultation with the Executive Director, to appoint a replacement. However, the
fact that the investigator, if he/she is from within the Organisation, belongs to a service that may have
provided advice for managing a situation directly or indirectly related to the subject of the
investigation, shall not in itself constitute a conflict of interest or appearance thereof.
13. If a conflict of interest or an appearance thereof arises during an investigation and as a result a new
investigator is appointed, the information gathered up to that point shall be handed over immediately
to the new investigator. The new investigator shall decide, in the light of the information available to
him/her and of the nature and seriousness of the conflict of interest or appearance thereof, whether to
continue the investigation on the basis of the information already gathered or to begin the investigation
again in relation to some or all of thisinformation.
14. If an investigator is unable to continue the investigation for some other reason, the Head of Human
Resource Management, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall appoint another investigator
to whom the information gathered up to that point shall be handed over immediately. The new
investigator shall decide on the most appropriate manner of continuing the investigation.
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The powers of the investigator
15. In carrying out his/her mission, the investigator may directly ask any staff member to meet with him/her
in order to answer any questions relating to the facts the investigator is seeking to establish. The person
concerned may not refuse to do so without a valid reason and must disclose all the information in
his/her possession that may be relevant to the investigation. If difficulties arise regarding the reasons
given for refusing to answer the investigator’s questions, the matter shall be brought to the attention of
the Secretary-General who shall decide whether the reasons given are justified.
Individuals from outside the Organisation may also be asked to answer questions.
16. A record shall be kept of these meetings either in a summary form (compte-rendu, i.e. a report
summarising the investigator’s conversations with the persons questioned), or a more complete form
(proces-verbal, i.e. a detailed report on the investigator’s questions and the individual’s answers).
These reports shall be signed by the persons questioned, who may, if they sowish, add any comments
they consider useful. If the person questioned refuses to sign, this fact shall be recorded.
17. If needed for the investigation, the investigator may require the Organisation to produce documents
relevant to the facts he/she is seeking to establish and have access to all the premises of the
Organisation. The investigator may also, for the same purpose, have access to the individual electronic
accounts of officials in compliance with the guidelines laid down in this field by the Executive
18. Exceptionally, access to records or documents or to the premises of the Organisation may be deemed
to be sensitive by the Organisation, particularly when this might interfere with its smooth operation or
be detrimental to it. In such cases, access will be subject to the authorisation of the Secretary- General
who will decide on a case-by-case basis in line with the subject and nature of the request. If access is
not granted, the decision shall state the reason why. Where appropriate, the sensitive record or
document may be forwarded to the investigator after deleting paragraphs or passages that are not
relevant to the investigation under way.
The rights of individuals implicated by the investigation
19. A staff member suspected of being involved in conduct that if confirmed might constitute a breach of
the internal rules of the Organisation shall be notified of this fact. Such notification shall be sent at a
time considered to be appropriate by the investigator, but in no case may conclusions confirming the
involvement of a staff member of the Organisation in such conduct be drawn at the end of the
investigation without the person concerned being given an opportunity to express himself/herself with
regard to the allegations concerning him/her as well as to any evidence against him/her.
End of the investigation and report
20. The investigator shall prepare a report on the investigation containing conclusions regarding the factual
basis of the allegations and any breach of the internal rules of the Organisation. The report shall be
strictly confidential.
21. The investigator shall submit his/her report to the Head of Human Resource Management within three
months of the date of his/her appointment, unless the investigator shows that there are special
circumstances requiring an additional period of time and the Head of Human Resource Management
gives his/her approval. If there is more than one investigator, a collective report shall be submitted and
the deadline for submission of the report shall be calculated as from the appointment of the first
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Action taken following the investigation report
22. The Head of Human Resource Management shall send a copy of the report to the Executive Director.
In consultation with the latter and in the light of the investigation report, the Head of Human Resource
Management may decide to initiate disciplinary action against the person implicated. The measures
specified by the Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to Officials of the Organisation in the
field of discipline, and the similar statutory and regulatory provisions applicable to the other categories
of staff, shall then beimplemented.
23. If, after examination of the investigation report, no action is taken, the case shall be considered closed.
24. In all cases, any staff member(s) concerned by Paragraph 19 of this Decision as well as any person(s)
having reported potential misconduct to the Head of Human Resource Management and directly
concerned by the case shall be informed of the conclusions of the investigation and of any subsequent
action taken.
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I. Annual performance evaluation
1. The performance of officials shall be evaluated as part of the annual performance management cycle
corresponding to the calendar year preceding the evaluation. This evaluation is based on the achievement of
individual objectives set in advance, within the framework of the official’s job description.
2. Performance rating decisions for officials shall be taken by Directors for officials up to and including
grade A6 and for officials in the job families GA, PAL, CF as well as in grades EL-1 and EL-2. Performance
rating decisions shall be taken by the Secretary-General for officials of grade A7 and for officials at grade EL-
. For the purposes of the present Decision, and unless otherwise specified, the term “Director” shall be taken
to include Directors, Heads of Programme and Heads of Service; the term “manager” shall be taken to include
the Secretary-General, Directors, Heads of Programme and Heads of Service to whom officials report directly,
and the term “Directorate” shall be taken to include Directorates, Programmes and Services.
3. An electronic form relating to performance management (hereinafter the “performance management
form”) shall be made available to all officials by the Human Resource Management Service, and shall constitute
the sole medium in which the setting of objectives, global evaluation and rating of performance shall be entered.
A. Setting of objectives
4. At the beginning of the annual performance management cycle and in the framework of the officials
job description, managers shall organise individual meetings with officials to discuss and set detailed objectives
which contribute to the implementation of the Organisation’s programme of work.
5. For Directors, in addition to the performance targets relative to the implementation of the
Organisation’s programme of work, the Secretary-General shall set specific organisational objectives that will
also be integrated into their end-of-cycle evaluations.
6. As part of the global performance evaluation, managers shall take into account officials’ contributions
to increasing value for money in the Organisation.
7. In addition to the annual performance evaluation, managers shall provide informal support to officials
throughout the year and regularly provide them with an evaluation of their performance concerning both the
exercise of their functions and the achievement of their objectives.
8. Managers are encouraged to make a mid-term review in order to facilitate the follow-up of the set
objectives and inform officials under their supervision of progress made in the exercise of their functions, to
enable them to achieve their objectives. This is so that prior to the end-of-cycle evaluation, work
In cases where there is a particular hierarchical structure, the Head of Human Resource Management shall identify the decision-taking
authority and the corresponding actors so as to enable implementation of the performance management system.
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accomplished can be recognised and any areas in which improvements need to be made can be identified, along
with possible remedial solutions.
9. A mid-term review shall take place when managers consider that, on the basis of the ongoing
performance during the year, the global performance of officials under their supervision risks being rated
unsatisfactory or improvement needed at the end of the year. This review is preceded by a meeting between
the officials and their manager(s), a written record of which shall be included in the performance management
10. During the annual performance management cycle, objectives may be adjusted in line with the regular
evaluations and mid-term reviews referred to in paragraphs 8 to 9 above, or in the event of a change affecting
the working hours, job or priorities set to the officials. These adjustments are included in the performance
management form.
B. Global performance evaluation and rating proposal
11. At the end of the annual performance management cycle and in accordance with a schedule established
every year by the Secretary-General, managers shall prepare a global evaluation of officials relating to the
achievement of their set objectives within the framework of the officials’ job description. For officials of grades
A7 and EL-3, the global evaluation and rating proposal for performance shall be established by the Secretary-
General, after consultation, where necessary, with the Deputy Secretary-Generals who supervise the relevant
output areas
12. If, during the annual performance management cycle, officials have worked in more than one
Directorate, the Head of Human Resource Management shall determine the manager responsible for collecting
the comments of all the managers having had knowledge of the officials’ performance during the cycle and for
making the global performance evaluation.
13. Officials shall have ten calendar days from the notification of the global evaluation by their manager
in which to add, if they so wish, their comments on the performance management form. This period may be
extended by the Human Resource Management service at the justified request of the official.
14. The global performance evaluations, any comments of the officials, and the rating proposals for
performance established by the managers are communicated to the Directors so that they can implement the
collective review procedure described in the following paragraphs.
15. The collective review shall be carried out by the Management Review Group (MRG) of the Directorate
concerned, for officials up to and including grade A6 and for officials in the job families GA, PAL, CF as well
as in grades EL-1 and EL-2; and by the Senior Management Review Group, for officials of grades A7, EL-3
The purpose of the Management Groups is to assist the Directors and the Secretary- General in their decisions
relating to the global evaluation and rating of the performance of officials.
16. Directors shall determine the composition of the Management Review Groups within their
Directorates. Nevertheless, Management Review Groups must include at least the Director, his or her
Deputy/Deputies if any, the Heads of Division of his/her Directorate and a member of the Human Resource
Management Service appointed by the Head of Human Resource Management.
17. The Senior Management Review Group must include the Secretary-General, who acts as Chair, the
Deputy Secretaries-General, the Chief of Staff of the Secretary-General and the Head of Human Resource
Management. However, when the Board reviews the global performance evaluation and rating proposal.
The Secretary-General shall prepare the global evaluation and a rating proposal for any officials below grades A7 and
EL-3 who directly report to him/her.
For the Economics Department (ECO), the Chief Economist is in charge of preparing the global evaluation and rating
proposals submitted to the Secretary-General for officials of grades A7, EL-3 in this Department.
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established by the Secretary-General for his Chief of Staff, the official in question does not sit on the Board.
Furthermore, the Head of Human Resource Management does not sit on the Board when the latter reviews the
global evaluation and proposed performance rating established by the Secretary-General for the Executive
II. Performance rating, link to advancement and date of effect
A. Performance rating
18. Following the collective review, the Secretary-General or the Directors, as appropriate, shall decide on
the performance ratings of officials, taking into account the global evaluation of their performance as prepared
by their managers. This rating shall determine the advancement of the officials in their grades.
19. The ratings which may be attributed to an official’s performance are asfollows:
Outstanding performance:
The official has achieved all the set objectives, adjusted where appropriate, and his or her contribution has
significantly exceeded expectations on several occasions; and has had a significant positive impact on one or
more processes or outputs.
Excellent performance :
The official has achieved all the set objectives, adjusted where appropriate, and his or her contribution has
exceeded expectations on one occasion or several occasions.
Successful performance:
The official has achieved at a maximum all the set objectives, adjusted where appropriate, or at a minimum
achieved most of these objectives and taken all reasonable measures to achieve the remaining objectives.
Improvement needed:
The official has not achieved most of the set objectives, adjusted where appropriate, and has not taken all
reasonable measures to achieve them.
Unsatisfactory performance:
The official has not achieved the set objectives, adjusted where appropriate, and has not taken all reasonable
measures to achieve them.
20. Officials shall be notified of the performance rating decided by the Secretary-General or the Directors
and may add comments to their performance management form. The performance management form shall then
be put into the officials’ personal files.
21. Except in exceptional circumstances, the performance of managers or Directors cannot be rated above
Improvement needed if they have not made the global evaluations and/or performance ratings for which they
are responsible.
B. Link to advancement
22. Advancement on the salary scale shall correspond to the granting of one step. This shall require a
performance rating of “Successful performance”, “Excellent performance” or “Outstanding performance”.
23. If an official’s performance is rated as “Outstanding performance”, the official shall be granted,
besides the step referred to in paragraph 22 above, one additional step, or five days of exceptional paid leave
set out in Regulation 20 j) of the Staff Regulations. The decision on which of the two forms of award to grant
shall be taken by the Secretary-General, where appropriate, or by the Director concerned after
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consultation with the Head of Human Resource Management. If exceptional paid leave is granted, it can be
taken in the current leave cycle or paid, at the choice of the officials. In the event that the top step of the
official’s grade has been reached, the official shall be granted five days of exceptional paid leave set out in
Regulation 20 j) of the Staff Regulations, which can be taken in the current leave cycle or paid, at the choice
of the official.
24. If an official’s performance is twice rated as Outstanding performance over three consecutive annual
performance cycles, besides the step referred to in paragraph 22 above, the official shall be granted one
additional step for at least one of those three cycles. In the event that the top step of the official’s grade has
been reached, the official shall be granted five days of exceptional paid leave set out in Regulation 20 j) of the
Staff Regulations, which can be taken in the current leave cycle or paid, at the choice of the official.
25. If an official’s performance is rated as “Excellent performance”, the official shall be granted, besides
the step referred to in paragraph 22 above, two days of exceptional paid leave set out in Regulation 20 j) of the
Staff Regulations. If exceptional paid leave is granted, it must be taken in the current leave cycle, and cannot
be paid.
26. When an official’s performance is rated as Improvement needed”, advancement shall be postponed
for six months.
27. When an official’s performance is rated as Unsatisfactory performance”, no step shall be granted and,
if it is not already the case, a Performance Improvement Plan shall be implemented pursuant to paragraphs 33
to 37 below.
C. Date of effect of the advancement
28. The advancement shall take effect on 1 May of the year following the annual performance management
cycle. Should the advancement be postponed, it shall take effect on 1 November of the year following the
annual performance management cycle.
D. First annual performance evaluation and advancement of new officials
29. The first annual performance evaluation and advancement of officials shall be regulated as follows:
i. officials entering into service between 1 January and 30 June shall be included in the current annual
performance management cycle. The global evaluation and rating of their performance shall be carried
out for the first time at the end of this cycle in relation to their performance since taking up duty;
ii. officials entering into service between 1 July and 31 December shall be included in the annual
management cycle for the year following that in which they took up their duties. The global evaluation
and rating of their performance shall be carried out for the first time at the end of this cycle in relation
to their performance since taking upduty.
E. Absences of more than six months during the cycle
30. Officials who, at the end of the annual performance management cycle have totalled more than six
months’ absence for one or more than one of the following reasons shall not be eligible for periodic
i. sick leave;
In the event that these reasons result in absence totaling less than six months but which, when cumulated with other
reasons for absence provided for in the present Regulations, result in absence totaling more than six months,
the officials in question shall not be eligible for periodic advancement.
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ii. non-active status for reasons of illness;
iii. non-active status for personal reasons or military service;
iv. unpaid long-term training leave;
v. end of appointment.
31. If officials are not eligible for periodic advancement under paragraph 30, the Secretary-General, where
appropriate, the Directors and the managers do not undertake a global evaluation and rating of performance in
the context of the annual performance management cycle. Officials’ managers may, nevertheless, provide them
with an evaluation of their performance as often as they see fit, and, during an end-of-cycle interview, review
the individual objectives which may have been set and their achievement during the period(s) when the officials
were present. During these interviews, observations by managers and any comments by officials are recorded
in a document that shall be put into the officials’ personal files.
III. Dispute settlement
32. If, at the end of the annual performance evaluation process, officials wish to contest the decision
relating to their global evaluation, performance rating or advancement, they shall make use of the procedures
for dispute settlement set out in Regulation 22 of the Staff Regulations
IV. Performance Improvement Plan
33. A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) shall be implemented at the end of the performance
management cycle for officials whose global performance is rated as Unsatisfactory performance”.
Furthermore, when, during the performance management cycle, the Secretary-General, where appropriate, or
the Directors consider that the performance of officials risks being judged unsatisfactory at the end of the
annual cycle unless substantial improvement is made and following the mid-term review mentioned in
paragraphs 8 and 9 above, they may implement a PIP using the same procedures. After consultation with the
Head of Human Resource Management, the PIP is implemented for a period of six months, subject to the
extension referred to in paragraph 37.
34. When a decision to implement a PIP is taken, the official shall be informed in writing by his or her
manager. The official shall be informed that failure to improve his or her performance with respect to the
objectives set in the PIP may result in the termination of their appointment pursuant to Regulation 11 a) i) of
the Staff Regulations. The official shall also receive the PIP form indicating the areas in which the official’s
performance must be improved and the objectives laid down in this context. The PIP form shall be signed by
the Secretary-General, where appropriate, or the Director and manager of the official, and a representative of
the Human Resource Management Service. The official is given a copy of the form and he or she is asked to
sign it after having read, in order to acknowledge receipt. Signing the form does not mean that the official
consents to it. The refusal of the official to sign the form has no effect on the proper conduct of the proceedings.
The manager shall determine in conjunction with Human Resources Management, as far as practicable after
obtaining the opinion of the official, the means which can be implemented to help the official improve his or
her performance.
Staff Regulation 22 provides that “The Secretary-General shall establish a Re-evaluation Commission comprising a
Chairman and two members nominated by him. This Commission shall advise the Secretary-General, at the
request of an official, on any individual dispute arising from a decision of the Secretary-General relating to the
official’s performance evaluation, periodic advancement or post classification and which the official considers
contrary to the terms of the appointment or to the provisions of these Regulations or of applicable Rules. Prior
referral to this Commission is a precondition for filing an application with the Administrative Tribunal
mentioned in paragraph c) of this Regulation.”.
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35. During the PIP, a monthly meeting shall take place with the official, during which the manager takes
stock of the official’s progress. The manager shall make written comments on these meetings which shall be
put in the PIP form. The official may also add comments within eight working days. The Human Resources
Management Service shall be regularly informed of the results achieved by the official and the evolution of the
36. At the end of the PIP, the manager shall communicate to the official the PIP form containing the
evaluation of his or her performance. The official is invited to sign the form to acknowledge receipt and may
add comments to the form within ten working days. Signing the form does not mean that the official consents
to it. The refusal of the official to sign the form has no effect on the proper conduct of the proceedings. The
PIP form is then sent to the Head of Human Resource Management and shall be put into the official’s personal
37. If, in the evaluation referred to in paragraph 36, it is judgedthat:
a) The performance of the official becomes satisfactory; objectives are set for the rest of the evaluation
cycle, in accordance with paragraph 4 above;
b) The performance of the official is still unsatisfactory but capable of improvement, the manager may,
in agreement with the Head of Human Resource Management, extend the PIP for a further three month
period on the conditions set out in paragraphs 34 to 35. If at the end of the extension, the evaluation
concludes that:
i. the performance of the official becomes satisfactory, objectives are set for the rest of the
evaluation cycle, in accordance with paragraph 4 above;
ii. the performance of the official is still unsatisfactory, the Secretary-General may terminate
the official’s appointment pursuant to article 11 a) i) of the Staff Regulations.
The maximum duration of a PIP cannot exceed nine months except the Secretary-General decides
otherwise in exceptional circumstances.
Last update: October 2023
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Article 1 General
1.1 This Decision sets out the role and the functions of the Ethics Officer within the Organisation.
1.2 The Organisation is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. These are set out in Title II of
the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to officials
, complemented by decisions made by the
Secretary-General or under his or her authority. The Code of Conduct for OECD officials contributes to
disseminating those standards and to enhancing their understanding and compliance.
1.3 The role of the Ethics Officer is to foster an environment within the Organisation that is conducive to
integrity, openness and effectiveness at all levels. In this connection, the Ethics Officer is to advise the Secretary-
General and all staff members on the ethical standards of the Organisation, and to help staff members better
understand, apply, and take ownership of, these ethical standards in the performance of their functions.
Article 2 Appointment and reporting
2.1 The Ethics Officer shall be appointed by the Secretary-General, for a period of five years. This
appointment may be renewed once, for a period of three years.
2.2 The Ethics Officer shall report directly to the Secretary-General.
Article 3 Functions
The Ethics Officer shall carry out the following functions:
a) provide advice and guidance to staff members on any questions regarding ethical standards. The
advisory role of the Ethics Officer does not, however, replace the need to obtain appropriate
approvals, as applicable and when required under the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions
applicable to officials;
b) provide information on the Organisation’s ethical standards and promote awareness of these
standards across the Organisation, including through communication and training;
c) advise the Head of Human Resource Management and the Secretary-General on the approvals
given to staff members with respect to:
The title of the person holding the function may vary over time.
Temporary staff members, staff on loan to the Organisation, and interns are to abide by the same standards of conduct as
officials. Therefore, for the purpose of this Decision, the reference to “staff members” shall be understood as also
including temporary staff members, staff on loan to the Organisation and interns.
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(i) external activities, giving particular emphasis to the need to avoid conflicts of interest or
perception thereof;
(ii) any gratuity or benefit received in connection with official duties; and
(iii) honorary distinctions.
d) perform the role and functions provided for in the Decision of the Secretary-General on the
Policy on Protection Against Retaliation for Reporting Misconduct (Whistleblower Protection
e) monitor the effectiveness of the ethics framework and propose to the Head of Human Resource
Management and to the Secretary-General amendments to this framework, where and as
necessary, so as to ensure that this framework remains sound, fit for purpose in light of the
nature and activities of the Organisation and in line with best practices; and
f) issue an annual report to the Secretary-General, who will make it available to all staff members
and present it to the Council.
Article 4 Independence and impartiality
In the performance of his or her functions, the Ethics Officer shall be independent from all stakeholders and
provide impartial advice.
Article 5 Confidentiality
5.1 The Ethics Officer shall treat all requests and all information confined to him or her as strictly
5.2 There might be cases, however, where the Ethics Officer may have to disclose information provided to
him or her. These cases shall be limited to the following situations:
a) the persons raising the concern have given their consent to disclose information;
b) there is a risk of imminent danger or harm towards individuals or the Organisation’s
image and reputation; or
c) such information is requested in the context of an internal investigation
, an internal
audit, proceedings before the OECD Administrative Tribunal or a request from a judicial
authority of a Member country in the case where the Secretary-General agreed to
comply with such a request.
In the above situations, the Ethics Officer shall make every effort to protect the identity of the person raising the
Article 6 Protection for acting on the basis of an advice given by the Ethics Officer
See Annex XXVIII Decision of the Secretary-General on the Policy on Protection Against Retaliation for Reporting
Misconduct (Whistleblower Protection Policy).
Investigation opened in accordance with the Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations Applicable to Officials of the
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6.1 The fact, for a staff member, to act on an advice provided by the Ethics Officer on a prospective action
and/or activity provides the protection specified in paragraph 6.2.
6.2 A staff member will not suffer adverse actions or consequences from the Organisation if he or she acts
on the basis of advice given by the Ethics Officer, provided that:
a) the advice of the Ethics Officer was provided following complete and accurate disclosure by the staff
member of information related to the relevant material facts; and
b) the advice from the Ethics Officer was given for prospective action and/or activity of a staff member.
6.3 The Ethics Officer shall periodically apprise the Head of Human Resource Management and the Director
for Legal Affairs of the positions taken as to the application or interpretation of the rules touching upon a question
of general interest, without disclosing the identities of the individuals involved.
Article 7 Reporting misconduct and conflict resolution
7.1 Staff members can report any type of misconduct through the mechanisms and channels established by
the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to officials
. These mechanisms and channels continue
to be relevant and the Ethics Officer does not replace them (with the exception of the role and functions attributed
to the Ethics Officer with regard to the Decision of the Secretary-General on the Policy on Protection Against
Retaliation for Reporting Misconduct (Whistleblower Protection Policy
)). In the scope of his or her advisory
function, the Ethics Officer may nonetheless:
a) direct staff members wishing to report misconduct to the channels provided for in the Staff Regulations,
Rules and Instructions applicable to officials; or
b) draw the attention of the Head of Human Resources Management, the Executive Director or the
Secretary-General to a reported breach, provided that the staff member has given his or her consent to
that effect or that there is a risk of imminent danger or harm towards individuals or the Organisation’s
image and reputation.
7.2 Similarly, the existing mechanisms relating to the resolution of disputes with the Organisation (Staff
Regulation 22 Applicable to Officials of the Organisation), the mediation of interpersonal conflicts (Annex XVI
to the Staff Regulations Applicable to Officials of the Organisation), and the handling of investigations within
the Organisation (Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations Applicable to Officials of the Organisation), are not
affected in any way by the role and functions of the Ethics Officer.
Article 8 Coordination
To ensure consistency of his or her advice, the Ethics Officer shall seek the views of the Head of Human Resource
Management and the Director for Legal Affairs, as appropriate, in novel situations or when the interpretation or
application of the OECD’s regulations and rules, including this Decision, requires clarification.
Article 9 Recusal and conflict of interest
In the performance of his or her role and functions, the Ethics Officer shall avoid any conflict of interest or
See Instruction 103/3 and related instructions of the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions Applicable to Officials of the
See Annex XXVIII Decision of the Secretary-General on the Policy on Protection Against Retaliation for Reporting
Misconduct (Whistleblower Protection Policy).
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appearance thereof. If such a situation arises in relation to a particular case, the Ethics Officer shall recuse himself
or herself by referring the matter to the Secretary-General who shall appoint an ad hoc replacement on the case
concerned. If the Ethics Officer has doubts about a potential conflict of interest or appearance thereof, he or she
refer shall refer the matter to the Secretary-General, who may appoint an ad hoc replacement.
Article 10 Cooperation with the Ethics Officer
Staff members are urged to cooperate with the Ethics Officer in the performance of his or her functions.
Article 11 Employment restrictions
11.1 The Ethics Officer may not apply or be selected for any other functions in the Organisation, during his
or her appointment.
11.2 After the cessation of his or her functions, the Ethics Officer shall not be employed in any capacity by
the Organisation nor enter into any contractual relationship with the Organisation for a period of twenty-four
months from the date of cessation of his or her functions.
11.3 The above conditions shall be specified in the Ethics Officer’s appointment letter.
Last update: March 2020
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It is incumbent on all staff members
to abide by the standards of conduct set out in the Staff Regulations, Rules
and Instructions applicable to them, and decisions made by the Secretary-General or under his or her authority.
These standards are further illustrated in the Code of Conduct to foster their effective observance.
The Organisation is committed to preventing and deterring misconduct, as misconduct undermines the
Organisation’s ability to carry out its mission effectively and may harm its image and reputation.
This Policy describes the mechanisms for reporting misconduct and the related measures to protect against
retaliation targeting staff members who have reported misconduct or have cooperated with an investigation or
audit, as further detailed below.
Reporting misconduct
1. Misconduct is a violation of the basic principles, rights and duties applicable to staff members as set out in
Title II to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions Applicable to Officials of the Organisation
Misconduct should be reported in accordance with the principles set out in Staff Instruction 103/3 of the
Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions Applicable to Officials of the Organisation, as recalled below:
(a) in the event staff members become aware of fraud, corruption or misuse of the Organisation’s resources,
staff members must bring it to the attention of the Secretary-General either directly or through the
relevant Director or Head of Service, the Director of Internal Audit or the Executive Director;
(b) in the event staff members become aware of any other type of misconduct, staff members are expected
to bring it to the attention of the Secretary-General either directly or through the relevant Director or
Head of Service, the Director of Internal Audit or the Executive Director.
2. If staff members consider that the reports mentioned in paragraphs 1 (a) and (b) above have not been properly
addressed, staff members must bring it to the attention of the External Auditor and may bring it to the
attention of the Council through the Permanent Representative holding the position of Dean.
Temporary staff members, staff on loan to the Organisation, and interns are to abide by the same standards of conduct as
officials. Therefore, for the purpose of this Decision, the reference to “staff members” shall be understood as
including also temporary staff members, staff on loan to the Organisation and interns.
See Staff Regulations 2 to 5bis Applicable to Officials of the Organisation.
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3. Misconduct may give rise to disciplinary action, in accordance with Staff Regulation 21 applicable to
officials of the Organisation.
Protection against retaliation
Protected activities
4. Staff members shall not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of engaging in one of the following
protected activities:
(a) reporting any type of misconduct;
(b) cooperating with an internal investigation procedure (for example, as witnesses);
(c) cooperating with an audit carried out by the Organisation’s Internal or External Audit;
(d) cooperating in a procedure before the Administrative Tribunal as set out in the Regulation 22 of the
Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions Applicable to Officials of the Organisation (for example, as
witnesses); or
(e) cooperating with the judicial authorities of a Member country, following the authorisation of the
Definition of retaliation
5. Any direct or indirect adverse action taken against, or prejudice suffered by, a staff member as a result of
him or her engaging in a protected activity is to be considered retaliation.
6. Retaliation may take the form of intimidation, threat, reprisal, harassment, discrimination, or other action
that adversely affects the employment conditions of a staff member, e.g. decisions pertaining to
advancement, promotion, or the appointment.
7. For the purposes of this Policy, the term “retaliation” shall be understood to include threats of retaliation,
when this latter term is not explicitly used for ease of reading.
8. Any retaliation against staff members will be deemed serious misconduct, and will lead to disciplinary
9. Staff members are under a duty to not bring frivolous or malicious charges. Doing so will be deemed serious
misconduct which will lead to disciplinary action.
Reporting retaliation: general provisions
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10. Staff members who have reasonable ground to believe they are the object of retaliation should report the
matter to the Ethics Officer no longer than six months after the most recent act of retaliation has occurred.
They should submit all relevant information and documentation in support of their allegations.
11. When receiving allegations of retaliation from a staff member (hereafter, the “reporting person”), the Ethics
Officer will assess as a first step if anti-retaliation measures should be put in place prior to investigating
complaints of retaliation. Following consultation with the reporting person, such measures may include
engaging with the supervisor(s) of the reporting person to ensure monitoring of the reporting person’s
workplace conditions.
12. Staff members who consider that individual decisions are retaliatory may submit to the Secretary-General
prior written requests for withdrawal or modification of those decisions, in accordance with Staff Regulation
22 applicable to officials of the Organisation and Article 3 of the OECD Administrative Tribunal’s Statute
(Annex III to the Staff Regulations Applicable to Officials of the Organisation). Time limits for submitting
those prior written requests are not suspended or waived as a result of reporting retaliation to the Ethics
. However, when the Ethics Officer determines that retaliation did occur, he or she may recommend
that such time limits be suspended or waived by the Secretary-General, as part of the recommendation (see
paragraph 30 below).
Investigating complaints of retaliation
13. The Ethics Officer shall make a preliminary review of the allegations and supporting information and
documentation, with a view to determining whether there is a prima facie case of retaliation.
14. There is a prima facie case of retaliation when the Ethics Officer has determined that:
(a) the reporting person engaged in a protected activity, as set out in paragraph 4 above, and
(b) there is prima facie evidence that the protected activity may have caused the alleged retaliation.
15. At the stage of the preliminary review, the Ethics Officer shall not reveal the identity of the reporting person
to any third party and shall maintain the confidentiality of all communications received in relation to the
16. There might be cases, however, where the Ethics Officer may have to disclose information provided to him
or her. These cases shall be limited to the following situations:
(a) the reporting persons have given consent to disclose information;
(b) there is a risk of imminent danger or harm towards individuals or the Organisation’s image and
reputation; or
These time limits are set out in Article 3 of Annex III to the Staff Regulations applicable to officials of the Organisation
(prior written requests to the Secretary-General).
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(c) such information is requested in the context of an internal investigation
, an internal audit,
proceedings before the OECD Administrative Tribunal or a request from a judicial authority of a
Member country in the case where the Secretary-General agreed to comply with such a request.
In the above situations, the Ethics Officer shall make every effort to protect the identity of the reporting
17. The Ethics Officer shall seek to complete the preliminary review within 30 days of receiving all information
requested from the reporting person or third parties.
18. The Ethics Officer shall inform the reporting person of the determination made following the preliminary
19. When the Ethics Officer determines there is a prima facie case of retaliation, he or she shall notify the Head
of Human Resource Management who shall open an investigation, in accordance with Annex XXV to the
Staff Regulations [Investigation procedure within the Organisation]. The Head of Human Resource
Management will open such investigation within 30 days following the notification from the Ethics Officer.
20. The determination by the Ethics Officer that there is a prima facie case of retaliation does not prejudge the
conclusion of whether retaliation did occur or not. Such conclusion may only be drawn after an investigation
carried out in accordance with Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations has taken place.
21. When there is no prima facie case of retaliation, the Ethics Officer shall decide to close the matter and notify
the reporting person.
22. When deciding to close the matter, the Ethics Officer may consider, however, that the concerns brought by
the reporting person raise interpersonal, performance or managerial issues. In this case, and following
consultation with the reporting person, the Ethics Officer may refer the matter to the Head of Human
Resource Management with some recommendations.
Interim protection measures
23. Following the opening of an investigation in accordance with Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations, and for
purposes of protecting the reporting person or any other staff members, interim measures may be decided by
the Head of Human Resource Management, on the recommendation of the Ethics Officer. Those measures
can be decided with respect either to the reporting person or to other staff members.
24. Interim measures include, inter alia:
(a) suspension of the implementation of the allegedly retaliatory decision or action;
(b) adjustment of the working conditions, such as the setup of teleworking or flexible working hours
arrangements, change of office or workstation or reassignment to another unit; or
(c) release from service with pay.
Investigation opened in accordance with Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations, Rules and Instructions Applicable to
Officials of the Organisation.
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The measures of adjustment of the working conditions or release from service with pay are precautionary
and should in no way be interpreted as disciplinary sanctions or as prejudging any decision with respect to
the staff members subjected to such measures.
Determination upon completion of the investigation
25. For the purposes of this Policy and notwithstanding the provisions of Annex XXV to the Staff Regulations,
the investigator shall submit the report to the Ethics Officer. Such report shall be submitted within three
months of the date of his or her appointment, unless the investigator shows that there are special
circumstances requiring an additional period of time and the Ethics Officer, after consultation with the Head
of Human Resource Management, gave his or her approval. The Ethics Officer shall provide a copy of the
investigation report to the Head of Human Resource Management, for information.
26. Upon receipt of the investigation report, the Ethics Officer shall determine whether retaliation did occur.
27. The Ethics Officer shall determine whether the elements of the investigation report demonstrate that the
alleged retaliatory action(s), taken or envisaged, would have been taken absent the staff member’s engaging
in a protected activity. If, in the opinion of the Ethics Officer, demonstration of such elements is not
sufficiently made, the Ethics Officer determines that retaliation did occur.
28. The Ethics Officer shall inform the reporting person of the determination made on the occurrence of
29. When the determination is made that retaliation did not occur, the Ethics Officer shall decide to close the
matter. In making this decision, the Ethics Officer may consider, however, that the concerns brought by the
reporting person raise interpersonal, performance or managerial issues. In this case, the Ethics Officer may
refer the matter to the Head of Human Resource Management, with some recommendations.
30. When the determination is made that retaliation did occur, the Ethics Officer shall refer the matter to the
Head of Human Resource Management, with recommendations aiming at offering relief to the reporting
person and preventing any further retaliation.
31. The Head of Human Resource Management, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall decide on
any follow-up actions deemed appropriate, including the opening of a disciplinary action with regard to staff
members having engaged in retaliation, in accordance with Staff Regulation 21 of the Staff Regulations
Applicable to Officials of the Organisation.
32. Any decisions made under this Policy can be contested in accordance with Staff Regulation 22 and Annex
III to the Staff Regulations Applicable to Officials of the Organisation.
Last update: March 2020
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Article 1 General
1. This Decision sets out the procedure for the approval of External Activities (as such term is defined in
paragraph 4 below) within the Organisation (herein, theProcedure”).
2. The Organisation recognises that officials
have a unique set of skills, knowledge and experience,
developed over the course of their careers. As such, officials may wish to undertake External Activities for
professional or personal development, or other reasons, subject to the terms and conditions of this
3. Officials shall not engage in External Activities without the formal approval of the Organisation, except as
provided herein.
Article 2 Definition of External Activities
4. External Activities refer to activities conducted by officials outside the Organisation (i) for professional
or personal development; and/or (ii) that officials may wish to undertake, in addition to, or outside of, their
official duties for the Organisation.
5. An External Activity is distinguishable from the duties performed by officials for the Organisation in
accordance with their job description, under the direction and supervision of their line management, and in
accordance with the Organisation’s Programme of Work and Budget.
6. Organisational approval, as set out in this Decision, is not ordinarily required where officials are engaging
in activities undertaken at the direction of their line management, as part of their official duties for the
Organisation, in accordance with the Organisation’s Programme of Work and Budget.
7. Organisational approval, as set out in this Procedure, is also not ordinarily required where officials wish to
engage, outside of working hours, in unremunerated, voluntary, community-based activities undertaken
for a cultural, religious, charitable, social or other similar entity, provided such activities:
i) are compatible with their obligations as officials of the Organisation, as set out in the Staff
Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to Officials of the Organisation (herein “the Staff
Regulations”), and any other relevant policy;
Further guidance on the operation of the approval process is set out in the Guidance Note on the External Activities
Approval Process (herein, the “Guidance Note”).
Temporary staff members, staff on loan to the Organisation, and interns are to abide by the same standards of conduct as
officials. Therefore, while referring to “officials”, this Decision shall equally apply to all temporary staff members,
staff on loan to the Organisation and interns.
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ii) do not interfere with their duties for the Organisation; and,
iii) do not pose a reputational risk to the Organisation or otherwise negatively impact the Organisation’s
public standing or its relationship with the Member countries or other relevant stakeholders.
Examples of activities that also do not fall under the definition of an External Activity include, but are not
limited to, “grass-roots” activities such as sports, personal hobbies, non-remunerated activities that are
primarily artistic and/or creative in nature, such as painting, dancing, craft making or choir singing.
Article 3 Approval Process
8. Officials shall request Organisational approval to engage in an External Activity by completing and
submitting the External Activity Form (herein the Form”) to the Organisation for review, assessment and,
if appropriate, approval.
Role of Line Manager
9. The Form requesting approval to engage in an External Activity should be sent, in the first instance, to the
line manager
for review and assessment. Following such an assessment, the line manager should be
satisfied that the proposed activity, should it be approved by the Organisation, would be compatible, and
would not interfere, with the OECD duties of the official concerned. When assessing the proposed External
Activity, the line manager must take into account the Assessment Criteria set out at paragraphs 17-18
below. If the line manager is satisfied that the request meets the criteria for approval as set out in this
Decision, the line manager should endorse the request in the Form, which should then be submitted for
further Organisational approval.
Role of the Relevant Approver
10. For the purposes of this Procedure, the Relevant Approver is as follows:
(i) For all officials, except executive and senior executive officials
, the relevant Director or, where
the relevant functional unit of the Organisation is not headed by a Director, the relevant Head of
Programme or Service.
(ii) For executive officials and senior executive officials
, the Secretary-General
For the purposes of this Procedure and the Guidance Note, the term line managershall mean a person in the official’s
line management who shall be, at a minimum, the Head of Unit or, where relevant, a more senior line manager.
Where the Request is submitted by an official at grade A5/A6, or at grade EL1/EL2 who reports to a Director, the
endorsement should be provided by the relevant Director before submission to the Secretary-General who shall
be the Relevant Approver in such cases. Where the official is at grade A7 or EL3, or the official is at grade A6 or
EL2 and does not report to a Director, the endorsement should be provided by the relevant Deputy Secretary-
General before submission to the Secretary-General for approval.
Officials at grade A5 or EL1 and above.
See footnote 4 above.
For executive and senior executive officials assigned to the International Energy Agency (“IEA”), the Relevant Approver
is the Executive Director of the IEA, who before deciding on the Request, must refer the Request to the Head of
HRM, who in turn must seek the advice, as relevant, of the Head of Ethics (for matters in paragraph 18(a) to (g)
below, and/ or the Director for Legal Affairs, for matters in paragraph 18 (h) below. The advice provided to the
Executive Director of the IEA shall be shared by the Head of HRM with the Secretary-General, the Chief of Staff
and Deputy Chief of Staff. The Executive Director of the IEA shall share the decision on the Request with the
Secretary-General. The Secretary-General is the Relevant Approver for any external activity requested by the
Executive Director of the IEA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the proposed external activity involves
election or appointment to public office, such requests must be, consistent with Regulation 4(c) of the Staff
Regulations, Rules and Instructions Applicable to Officials of the Organisation, approved by the Secretary-
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11. The Secretary-General may delegate in writing to another senior official the authority to approve requests
for an External Activity.
12. Except for requests from Directors (or other officials at grade A7 or EL3) and other direct reports of the
Secretary-General (which are simply signed by the requesting official), where the Secretary-General is the
Relevant Approver, the request must be endorsed in the Form by both the relevant line manager and the
relevant Director or, where the relevant functional unit of the Organisation is not headed by a Director, by
the relevant Head of Programme or Service. All requests to engage in an External Activity for which the
Secretary-General is the Relevant Approver, including those involving the External Activity described in
paragraph 18(g), must be submitted for approval via the Head of Human Resource Management (“HRM”).
Role of the Head of Human Resource Management and the Head of Ethics
13. Head of Human Resource Management The Head of HRM shall administer all requests where the
Secretary-General is the Relevant Approver and, together with the Head of Ethics, advise the Secretary-
General on such requests. The Head of HRM shall communicate the outcome of the Secretary-General’s
decision on such requests to the requesting official and, as relevant, their Director or the Head of
Programme or Service.
14. Other than as specified in paragraphs 12 and 16, all requests to engage in External Activities that involve
one or more of the elements listed in paragraph 18 below, must receive the written “no-objection” of the
Head of HRM prior to being approved by the Relevant Approver. When considering such requests, the
Head of HRM shall seek the advice of the Head of Ethics and/or the Director for Legal Affairs, as
15. Head of Ethics The Head of Ethics provides advice and guidance to officials on questions regarding
ethical standards, including External Activities, in accordance with Article 3 a) of Annex XXVII to the
Staff Regulations
. As detailed in paragraphs 13-14 above, the Head of Ethics shall also advise the Head
of HRM and the Secretary-General on External Activity requests in accordance with Article 3 c) i) of
Annex XXVII to the Staff Regulations.
16. Where the Head of HRM requests approval to engage in an External Activity, the Head of Ethics and the
Director for Legal Affairs shall provide advice to the Secretary-General on such request. Where the Head
of Ethics requests approval to engage in an External Activity, the Head of HRM and the Director for Legal
Affairs shall provide advice to the Secretary-General on such request.
Assessment Criteria
17. In determining whether an External Activity may be approved, the Relevant Approver, as well as all line
managers when endorsing the request on the Form, must always bear in mind the interests of the
Organisation and the international character of the official’s duties for the Organisation. As part of their
assessment, the Relevant Approver must seek and obtain all information that allows them to make a well-
informed decision. When assessing the request, the Relevant Approver shall assess, inter alia, whether the
proposed activity:
a) is compatible with the duties of the official concerned and their obligations as an official of the
Decision of the Secretary-General on the role and functions of the Ethics Officer.
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b) is compatible with the business needs of the Directorate, Programme or Service of the official
concerned and does not negatively impact the delivery of the Programme of Work and Budget of the
relevant Directorate, Programme or Service;
c) does not pose a reputational risk to the Organisation or otherwise negatively impact the
Organisation’s public standing or its relationship with the Member countries or other relevant
18. Requests to engage in External Activities that involve one or more of the elements listed in (a) (f) and
(h) below
require the Relevant Approver to follow the procedure described in paragraph 14 above.
Requests to engage in an External Activity that involves holding of a public office must follow a procedure
described in paragraph 12 above.
a) Alternative Employment where the External Activity involves alternative employment, i.e.,
employment with a third party outside the Organisation, or involves a business activity to be carried
out in a personal capacity by the official in question.
b) Significant Remuneration where the annual remuneration or other form of revenue generated
from the External Activity is at a level that is significant or disproportionate when compared to the
official’s annual remuneration.
c) Reputational Risk where the proposed External Activity could be considered controversial or
involves an entity or an industry which has previously been, or is currently, involved in controversy.
d) Conflict of Interest where the proposed External Activity significantly overlaps with the duties
that the official in question performs at the Organisation, whereby such overlap may give rise to an
actual or potential conflict of interest or a perception thereof.
e) Executive Functions where the proposed External Activity involves that the official concerned
undertakes duties which may entail legal or other forms of liability.
f) Political Activity where the proposed External Activity involves political activities that go beyond
ordinary membership and/or “grass-roots” activities in a political party established and existing
under applicable law.
Please read the Guidance Note for a detailed explanation of each element. Officials holding a part-time appointment with
the Organisation may, where appropriate, be exceptionally authorised by the Head of HRM to engage in another
regular and remunerated activity.
Alternative employment may be authorised by the Relevant Approver for interns (and no other category of official) where,
other than paragraphs 18(a) (alternative employment) and 18(b) (significant remuneration see also footnote 11
below), the proposed External Activity is compliant with all other Assessment Criteria specified in
paragraphs 17 and 18 above.
Remuneration in excess of 25 per cent of the OECD salary may be authorised by the Relevant Approvers for interns (and
no other category of officials) where the proposed remuneration is not excessive in the reasonable judgement of
the Relevant Approver and where, other than paragraph 18 (a) (alternative employment), the proposed External
Activity is compliant with all other Assessment Criteria specified in paragraphs 17 and 18 above.
Guidance on managing potential remuneration or other benefits when assessing a request for approval to engage in external
activities is set out in the Guidance Note.
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g) Holding of Public Office where the proposed external activity involves election or appointment
to public office
, such requests must be, consistent with Staff Regulation 4(c), approved by the
h) Privileges and Immunities where a request to engage in an External Activity may impact either
the privileges and immunities of the official proposing to engage in the External Activity, and/or
those of the Organisation.
Article 5 Disclosure Obligation
19. Where officials have engaged in an External Activity without prior approval, in accordance with this
Decision, they shall, without delay, inform their line manager of the situation and seek approval in
accordance with this Decision. The line manager must, without delay, inform the Relevant Approver, the
Head of HRM and the Head of Ethics about the situation.
20. In the event of a material change in the nature of an approved External Activity, the officials concerned
must promptly disclose such a change and, where so requested, seek a new approval for such modified
External Activity.
21. Officials who do not seek approval to engage in External Activities in accordance with this Procedure, fail
to disclose a material change to the nature of an External Activity in which they have been approved to
engage, fail to file an annual declaration of the External Activities in which they are engaging, or otherwise
breach the terms of the Organisation’s approval of an External Activity, may be liable to disciplinary action
in accordance with Staff Regulation 21.
Article 6 Record Keeping
22. The Organisation shall maintain appropriate confidential records of External Activity approvals and
External Activity declarations of officials, in accordance with Annex XII to the Staff Regulations
. Such
records shall be maintained and managed by the Directorate, Programme or Service where the official who
requested approval to engage in the External Activity exercises their official OECD duties.
Last update: March 2024
For the purposes of the Procedure, Public Office” means any public office of a political character and / or any political
party position of responsibility, the holding of which may interfere or conflict with official’s duties or their status
at the Organisation.
Decision of the Secretary-General on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of their Personal Data.