Enabling Cognitive Smart Cities Using Big Data
and Machine Learning: Approaches and Challenges
Mehdi Mohammadi, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—The development of smart cities and their fast-paced
deployment is resulting in the generation of large quantities of
data at unprecedented rates. Unfortunately, most of the generated
data is wasted without extracting potentially useful information
and knowledge because of the lack of established mechanisms
and standards that benefit from the availability of such data.
Moreover, the high dynamical nature of smart cities calls for
new generation of machine learning approaches that are flexible
and adaptable to cope with the dynamicity of data to perform
analytics and learn from real-time data. In this article, we shed
the light on the challenge of under utilizing the big data generated
by smart cities from a machine learning perspective. Especially,
we present the phenomenon of wasting unlabeled data. We argue
that semi-supervision is a must for smart city to address this
challenge. We also propose a three-level learning framework for
smart cities that matches the hierarchical nature of big data
generated by smart cities with a goal of providing different
levels of knowledge abstractions. The proposed framework is
scalable to meet the needs of smart city services. Fundamentally,
the framework benefits from semi-supervised deep reinforcement
learning where a small amount of data that has users’ feedback
serves as labeled data while a larger amount is without such
users’ feedback serves as unlabeled data. The framework utilizes
a mix of labeled and unlabeled data to converge toward better
control policies instead of wasting the unlabeled data. This
paper also explores how deep reinforcement learning and its
shift toward semi-supervision can handle the cognitive side of
smart city services and improve their performance by providing
several use cases spanning the different domains of smart cities.
We also highlight several challenges as well as promising future
research directions for incorporating machine learning and high-
level intelligence into smart city services.
Smart cities provide services that benefit from the city-scale
deployment of sensors, actuators and smart objects [1]. Such
services are mainly driven by data and can be broadly classi-
fied as producers of data, consumers of data, or a combination
of both. For example, a parking service that deploys Message
Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker to publish the
parking lots’ availability data is considered a producer while
cars that subscribe to that broker are considered as consumers.
Cars can be producing other data for use by other smart city
components. For instance, cars use Device-to-Device (D2D)
communications to alert nearby vehicles and pedestrians of
their presence and potential traffic hazards. In a city-scale
deployment of smart services, data is generated at high rates
which presents new challenges for smart city designers and
developers. Beyond the challenges for data management of big
Mehdi Mohammadi and Ala Al-Fuqaha are with the Department of Com-
puter Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 USA.
E-mail: {mehdi.mohammadi,}
Smart City Sensors
Data Recycling
Cognitive Services
Scalable Models
Service Discovery
Efficient Sampling
Smart City Big Data
High Level Intelligence &
Smart Services
Fig. 1. Challenges of Smart Cities from a Machine Learning perspective.
data represented by 3V’s (volume, variety, and velocity), there
are other challenges from analytics and Machine Learning
(ML) perspectives (cf. Figure 1). Unfortunately, only a small
fraction of the massive smart city data is typically utilized by
smart services to improve the lives of the city’s residents. The
main culprit is the lack of a large amount of labeled data. This
calls for the need to utilize machine learning algorithms that
exploit the availability of unlabeled and labeled data in the
context of smart cities.
Analogous to the waste recycling processes and standards
in urban cities, there is a need for processes and mechanisms
for data recycling in smart cities where hundreds or thousands
of Gigabytes of data is generated per second. Data analytic
methods and machine learning algorithms should be able to
extract knowledge and useful information from data to reduce
the amount of digital waste.
Despite the recent advancements in computing and storage
technologies, most of the data analytic approaches exploit
sampling methods that are efficient in terms of time complexity
but neglect a large part of data that may contain important
patterns that are not represented by the samples. On the other
hand, through the use of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs),
datasets with millions of parameters can be considered to
extract insightful analytics.
Anecdotal data indicates that when smart city data is not
used for learning and analytics in a short-term, it is unlikely
that it would be used later. It is estimated that by 2012 only
about 0.5% of all 2.8 Zettabytes (ZB) of stored data have
been analyzed and 3% of them are labeled based on a study
arXiv:1810.04107v1 [cs.NI] 9 Oct 2018
by IDC
. This highlights the challenge of potentially wasting
hidden information in 99.5% of the generated data.
Lately, there have been active discussions on the gover-
nance, management, and storage of smart cities big data,
but there is no clear answer on how to use the enormous
amounts of collected data. Should it be directly incorporated
into analytics and machine learning activities? Or should it be
sampled? Even though in many cases sampling approximates
the solution, for smart city services where the preference
of citizens comes to play, or individual activities affect the
whole community, sampling may not be ideal. For example,
to predict anomalies in a city’s infrastructure considering all
collected data from the various sensor sources would help
to realize such services. Another example includes services
that predict criminal or discriminatory activities through social
media comments (e.g., Tweeter, Facebook, etc.). For such
services, considering a wider range of data is necessary, since
the criminal or discriminatory comments may constitute a
small portion of the whole data.
Smart city ecosystems have the following characteristics
from a machine learning perspective:
Humans need to interact with the systems to provide their
Many sensors and smart devices generate data at a high
rate. Not all the data can be reviewed by humans for
justification, but the system should learn and improve
itself from previous experiences.
They need a general, dynamic, and continuous learning
mechanism as the context of a smart city application is
not always fixed and the operating environment of smart
city applications evolves over the time.
The data generated by smart city applications is noisy or
has some degree of uncertainty.
Based on these characteristics, we believe an integration
of DNNs, Reinforcement Learning (RL), and semi-supervised
learning can address these issues and deliver complete adaptive
The need for deep learning approaches stems from the need
to extract high-level abstractions from the raw data. Each layer
of a DNN generates an abstract representation of its input
data. To get more levels of abstraction, more hidden layers of
neurons are needed.
Reinforcement learning has been studied well for control
systems and systems that need to perform autonomic actions.
In reinforcement learning, there is no output (i.e., classifi-
cation) for the training data - which is the case for many
smart city applications- instead, choosing the right actions is
rewarded. The goal of a RL system is to find an action for
each state of the system such that the total reward of the
learning agent is maximized in the long-term. On the other
hand, it is infeasible or extremely tedious for the users to
provide a reward feedback for all the training data. This issue
can be addressed through the use of semi-supervised learning
approaches where data is partially labeled.
Semi-supervised machine learning approaches are a promis-
ing method to address the scarcity of annotated data in big
data streams. Moreover, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)
approaches also have shown promising results in systems
where a reward feedback from the environment is needed to
improve the performance of the system instead of a class
label as in the case of supervised learning methods. The
combination of these techniques can help to extract the most
value from the big data generated by smart cities.
In our proposed method, we combine the strength of these
approaches for delivering semi-supervised DRL agents that
learn from the smart cities data to perform the best actions
on the environment. The proposed approach is an enabler for
cognitive smart city services since the learning agent evolves
as the conditions of the environment change, and performs
autonomic actions without human interventions.
Cognitive smart city refers to the convergence of emerging
IoT and smart city technologies, their generated big data,
and artificial intelligence techniques. Among the commercial
products that move toward cognitive frameworks, IBM Watson
offers a cognitive system with several analytic and machine
learning services that rely on dynamic learning (i.e., the
learning process is improved in future rounds based on the
feedback from previous rounds). Cognitive computing is a
term used by IBM to describe systems that can learn from
a wide range of datasets, are able to provide reasons, can
interact with humans through natural languages, and gain their
experiences in the context.
Google Now is another service for making suggestions to
the user, and bringing the most useful information to the user
at the right time and place. This system learns from the users’
past behavior and input in their Google accounts such as
Calendar, Chrome, Gmail, Search, and Youtube [2]. Its use of
natural language understanding integrated with other services
such as search engine poses it closer to the cognitive era.
Haven OnDemand
is a machine learning-centric devel-
opment platform by HP Enterprise that provides APIs for
creating cognitive services. Text analysis, speech recognition,
image analysis, indexing and search are among the APIs that
are offered to developers.
In the research community, there are several works that
propose cognitive solutions that fit the needs of IoT-based
systems. Vlacheas et al. [3] proposed a cognitive management
framework in the context of smart cities to enable smart objects
to connect to the most relevant objects and consequently
bring more value to the end user. In their framework, they
focused on the reuse of the functionality and services of
available objects through three levels including virtual objects
(VO), composite virtual objects (CVO), and service level.
The service level derives the functionality of the requested
service that is required by a stakeholder or a given application.
These functionalities are delegated to CVOs to be carried out.
The authors showed that the service execution time in their
Fig. 2. The levels of intelligence in smart cities.
proposed framework is decreased leading to lower operational
Cognitive Internet of Things (CIoT) [4] is another research
that was conducted by Wu et al. to deliver a cognitive frame-
work for IoT applications. The framework offers interactions
between five cognitive tasks including: perception-action cy-
cle, massive data analytics, semantic derivation and knowledge
discovery, intelligent decision-making, and on-demand service
provisioning. They identified two areas that are required for
objects in a cognitive environment to understand and learn,
namely: derive the semantic from analyzed data, and discover
valuable patterns and rules as knowledge.
The authors in [5] defined a cognitive framework for smart
homes based on cognitive dynamic systems and IoT. In the
core of their cognitive memory, they used a Bayesian model,
a Bayesian filter, and reinforcement learning. The Bayesian
model is placed on top of perceptor which observes the
environment. The Bayesian filter estimates the state of the
system and reinforcement learning provides the mechanism to
choose the best possible actions based on the total received
In contrast to centralized intelligence and analytics on
the cloud, the authors in [6] proposed to integrate artificial
intelligence in fog computing to facilitate smart city big data
analysis. They introduced a hierarchical fog computing model
to analyze big data for smart city applications. Using this
model, the overall performance is enhanced through reducing
the communications bandwidth by not having to transmit all
raw data to the cloud, and performing real-time analytics
due to the closeness of the fog to the source of data. They
used Hidden Markov Model (HMM) approach in their model
to support big data analysis in a smart pipeline monitoring
Table I summarizes the works in this field and shows which
levels of big data generation are covered by their intelligence
and analytics. It also indicates the position of this study relative
to these works. Compared to the aforementioned works that
bring analytics to the fog or cloud levels, our approach aims
to deploy analytic solutions on the fog and the cloud, which in
turn covers a large number of smart city applications including
time-sensitive and non-time-sensitive ones. Moreover, in order
to improve the accuracy of the analytics, the proposed ap-
proach digs into the larger body of data where data is untapped
and no labels or meta-data are provided.
In this section, we introduce the overall framework for
intelligence in smart cities. The framework offers three levels
of intelligence, namely: the level of smart city and IoT
infrastructure, fog computing, and cloud computing. Figure 2
illustrates the overall position of machine learning approaches
within the hierarchy of smart city infrastructure where each
component of the smart city system is controlled by an
intelligent software agent which is deployed in the fog or
the cloud depending on the characteristics of the required
analytics (e.g., time-sensitiveness). Consequently, raw data can
be transferred to the fog or to the cloud. The running analytics
agent then returns an appropriate action to the infrastructure
devices based on predictions (e.g., adjust traffic light timing
based on traffic congestion data from the corresponding roads).
The motivation behind this architecture is that deeper levels
of data abstraction and knowledge representation can be ob-
Related Work
ML Support level
Domain ML Algorithm Use Case
Infrastructure Fog Cloud
IBM Watson X General Various Healthcare, Crime detection
Google Now X User-centric Various Traffic, Transit
HPE Haven OnDemand X General Various Sentiment Analysis
Cognitive management
framework [3]
X X Smart city
Pattern Recognition,
Semantic Reasoning
Smart health,
Public safety,
Smart transportation
Cognitive IoT [4] X Smart city Multiagent Learning
Convenient smart home,
Real-time traffic routing
Cognitive interactive
X Smart home Reinforcement Learning Convenient smart home
Intelligence in Fog [6] X Smart city HMM Smart pipeline
Intelligent gateway [7] X IoT Rule-based Smart healthcare
Current work X X Smart city
Semi-supervised Deep
Reinforcement Learning
Energy, Water,
tained as the data travels through the smart city infrastructure.
At the highest level, a city-wide abstraction is needed to
manage the city’s resources and services on a long-term basis.
On the other hand, at the lowest level, sensors and smart
objects generated data is used to manage the resources and
services on a short-term basis. Moreover, fog-based analytics
support local actions in predefined contexts, while cloud-based
analytics are capable of covering larger geographical regions
with various contexts.
The level of IoT infrastructure is where the sensors and
resource-constrained devices percept the environment. The
resource limitation of these devices inhibits the deployment
of complex and large learning models. Instead, several shal-
low machine learning approaches, including unsupervised and
semi-supervised methods (e.g., K-Nearest Neighbors, Support
Vector Machines, etc.) can be applied in the context of these
devices to make them smart. However, to bring analytics and
intelligence closer to the source of data (e.g., end users, IoT
resource-constrained devices) there is a need to utilize modern
and advanced learning models like deep learning. A nascent
research path is to overcome the resource limitation of these
devices to allow them to utilize deeper neural network models.
In recent years, several approaches have been proposed to
compress or prune deep neural networks so that they can
be loaded into IoT resource-constrained devices, wearable
electronics, and smart phones [8]. Using such compressed
neural networks, it is possible to integrate deep reinforcement
learning with these devices.
At the fog computing level, the raw data is aggregated and
transmitted to the cloud computing level. Compressed deep
learning models, DRL, and semi-supervised methods can be
used at this level as the resources at this level have lesser
constraints compared to the IoT resources. The proposed semi-
supervised DRL approach is also applicable at this level. Also
at this level, light-weight intelligence needs to be brought to
the IoT gateways and proxies to enable the efficient realization
of horizontal integration of services in support of smart city
applications [7].
At the cloud computing level, more complex and large-scale
machine learning and data mining frameworks and algorithms
can be integrated with semantic learning and ontologies to
extract high-level insights and patterns from the collected
data. Deep learning models are highly fit at this level as they
are able to provide deeper abstractions of the data. Recent
advancements in Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technol-
ogy as well as the development of efficient neural network
parameter initialization algorithms (e.g., autoencoders), the
use of Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs), and the introduction
of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks and
their variants, help to solve the vanishing gradient problem;
therefore, allowing the realization of efficient deeper learning
Reinforcement learning aims to imitate the learning process
of humans. Through the reinforcement learning method, an
agent can sense the environment through several sensor inputs.
The agent uses these raw inputs to generalize the experience
of the system for confronting new and unknown situations.
The combination of reinforcement learning and deep neural
networks - known as Deep Reinforcement Learning - has re-
solved several limitations of reinforcement learning including
the limitation in the diversity of application domains, the need
for manual engineering features, and their poor scalability for
high-dimensional state-space domains [9].
A DRL agent observes the environment parameters, takes
actions on the environment, and receives a reward feedback for
each action. The objective of the agent is to maximize its total
future rewards. A deep neural network is used to approximate
the optimal action-value function (i.e., which action is best to
pick for a given state to maximize future rewards). Figure 3
illustrates the high-level conceptual structure of a DRL system.
In our proposed semi-supervised DRL approach, we
adapted generative deep neural networks (e.g., Variational
Autoencoder-VAE) [10] as the semi-supervised component of
Fig. 3. A conceptual structure of a deep reinforcement learning system.
the model. In our proposed model, VAE is extended to produce
the probability of each action in the system.
The proposed approach was applied in a smart campus
project as part of a smart city [11]. The objective of the semi-
supervised learning agent is to provide indoor localization
and navigation services where its reward function is defined
to be the reciprocal of the distance to the target point. The
agent learns from the fingerprints of RSSI readings of several
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) iBeacons in the environment to
take best actions (i.e., moving north, west, etc.). We had a
dataset of RSSI fingerprints in which 15% of data points were
annotated with the location details (i.e., labeled data).
Figure 4 compares the supervised and semi-supervised DRL
models. The results indicate that using the semi-supervised
DRL model that uses the combination of labeled and unlabeled
data improves the performance of the system. From the total
rewards point of view, the semi-supervised model achieves
higher rewards quickly compared to the supervised model. It
gains between 60% to 100% more rewards compared to the
supervised model gains in different number of epochs. In terms
of accuracy of localization, the semi-supervised model reaches
closer to the target point achieving an improvement between
6% to 23% compared to the accuracy of the supervised model.
The proposed semi-supervised DRL model can serve the
applications in the fog and cloud layers of a smart city since
the underlying deep neural network would be complex and
large depending on the type of application and cannot reside on
IoT resource-constrained devices. However, more investigation
is needed to bring this algorithm to IoT devices.
When we think about a smart city where the management
and control of the city’s resources is performed through
intelligent information systems, we need to consider the Food,
Energy, and Water nexus. Developing IoT-based systems to
address these concerns and the big data that stems from such
systems are critical for the optimal provisioning and efficient
utilization of the city’s resources. In addition, providing smart
solutions for transportation, healthcare, convenience, agricul-
ture, and government are the main premises of a smart city.
In this section we present smart city use cases that illustrate
Fig. 4. The performance of semi-supervised DRL model versus supervised
DRL model showing the average total rewards and the average distance to
the target over different epoch counts.
the use of semi-supervised learning to provide better services
to the city’s residents.
A. Water
California has experienced an intense drought period in
recent years. In early 2017, nearly all areas in California were
under at least abnormal drought conditions. Also, in some
areas the highest level of drought has been reported by the
U.S. Drought Monitor
(See Figure 5). Analytics of big data
from city temperature and humidity sensors, weather forecasts,
prediction of water usage and the available water resources can
help secure water for drought periods. Moreover, monitoring
the level and quality of water in creeks using crowd-sensing
data (e.g., the amount of trash, level of water, picture of trash,
etc. in IBM CreekWatch) along with data from other IoT-based
approaches such as smart water meters can help to achieve
efficient and sustainable water provisioning. In this context,
the images of trash in water can be used by a semi-supervised
DRL system to identify the type of trash automatically and
perform the required action at the location.
Using smart water meters can contribute to the fine-grained
monitoring of water consumption at the house level as well
as at the city level. Water consumption data at the house
level can be analyzed by unsupervised clustering algorithms
for abnormal and leakage detection. Imagine a scenario in
which the household is on a trip for one week. An intelligent
system based on DRL has learned that the water consumption
between 5 and 6 p.m. on weekdays is in the range of 20 ± 2
liters when the household returns back home from work.
The intelligent system also receives the location information
about the household and determines that they are far from
home at the time of the water meter reading which is on
Monday at 5 p.m. At this time, a usage of 17 liters has been
reported by the smart meter to the intelligent system. From
the previous telemetry, the intelligent system can determine
that the household is away from home and that the tap has
not been turned off firmly. The intelligent system is trained
Fig. 5. The U.S. drought level in early 2017 and the situation of California.
(Reproduced using R from U.S. Drought Monitor data from Jan 3, 2017.)
so that the best rewarding policy is to stop the flow of water
through the tap and notify the household accordingly.
This sort of intelligence has the potential of greatly impact-
ing the whole city as what happened in the case of Kalgoorlie-
Boulder, Australia where the installation of smart meters on
the water pipelines led to early detection of leaks which in
turn resulted in 12% reduction in water consumption in one
year [12].
B. Energy
Energy conservation is a daily concern for people and
energy utility service providers. Around one third of electricity
usage is consumed by the residential sector in the European
Union and the demand for energy is predicted to be double
in the next decade. Energy providers nowadays can monitor
consumers’ energy usage profile and provide suitable feedback
to decrease the high-peak power load using modern electricity
meters (i.e., smart meters) that are installed on customers’
Smart meters can also be connected to their smart home
systems to cooperate with other devices toward energy man-
agement at the level of smart home using Appliance Load
Monitoring (ALM). In this context, each electrical device is
equipped with a smart power outlet. A semi-supervised DRL
agent can observe its environment including the energy usage
profile of electrical devices, the ambient temperature, the light
intensity, and status of motion detectors to learn the best
policies to turn off devices. The duration of the off period
for the participating electrical devices can be considered as
a reward function for the agent. However, this fine-grained
level of ALM causes extra equipment cost and complex-
ity. Instead, Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) is an
alternative approach that can extract the individual devices’
usage from one aggregated electrical measurement at the
scope of the whole house. This approach needs to be trained
one time by the consumption data of individual appliances
and their events (i.e., on or off) and time-stamps. A semi-
supervised DRL agent can be utilized and integrated into this
context aiming to keep the optimal power usage by controlling
when to turn appliances on or off. Due to the presence of
many unlabeled data generated by NILM, the performance
of the semi-supervised DRL agent is better than that of the
supervised DRL agent.
The usage of smart energy in the context of smart grid has
proven its payback as in the case of smart grid in Chattanooga,
TN, using the smart grid helped in faster repairs after a severe
storm outage in July 2012. This single incident helped in
saving $1 million [13].
C. Agriculture
Agriculture activities are the main source for food produc-
tion. Monitoring the soil parameters (e.g., moisture, minerals,
etc.) powered by decision making processes, and consequently
performing corrective actions by actuators (e.g., adding water
or minerals), can lead to increased crops productivity.
Also, for producing healthy crops and efficiently growing
plants, disease recognition and remedies is paramount. Plant
disease recognition can be performed through disease recogni-
tion systems through various measurements. A viable approach
is to identify diseased plants visually using a classification
system based on images of the crops or their leaves. Farmers
can install such systems on their smart devices to identify
fruits and crops with anomalies. By combining those data
with complementary data sources, the system can recommend
remedies or pesticides to the farmers.
A. Challenges
Development of smart city applications supported by big
data analytics is subject to several challenges that need to be
addressed to achieve a reliable and accurate system. Some of
the major challenges beyond the ones introduced by the 3V’s
Integrating big and fast data analytics: In a smart city
context, there are many time-sensitive applications (e.g.,
smart vehicles) that need real-time or near real-time
analytics of the stream of data. Such applications call for
new analytic frameworks that support big data analytics
in conjunction with fast data analytics.
Preserving security and privacy: Data-driven machine
learning approaches (e.g., deep learning) can be attacked
by False Data Injection (FDI) which compromises the
validity and trustworthiness of the system. Resilience
against such attacks is a must for ML algorithms. Privacy
preservation is another important factor since a large
part of smart city data comes from individuals who
may not prefer their data to be publicly available. ML
algorithms should address these concerns to enable the
wide acceptance of smart city systems by organizations
and citizens.
On-device intelligence: Smart city applications also call
for light-weight machine learning algorithms deployable
on resource-constrained devices for hard real-time intel-
ligence. This is also inline with the security and privacy
preservation requirement since data is not transferred to
the fog or cloud.
Big dataset shortage: Development and evaluation of
smart city applications need real-world datasets which
are not readily available for many application domains.
It is required to confirm results based on simulated big
Context-awareness: Integrating contextual information
with raw data is crucial to get more value of the data and
perform faster and more accurate reasoning and actuation
[14]. For example, detecting a sleepy face in a human
pose detection system could lead to totally different
actions in the contexts of driving a car and relaxing at
In addition, there are other challenges that affect the design
of a smart city ecosystem such as integration of different
analytic frameworks, distribution of analytic operations, and
lack of comprehensive testbeds.
B. Future Directions
The conventional analytic approach for IoT is to send raw
data to the cloud for processing. However, this scheme is not
effective and scalable for smart city deployments. Decentral-
ization of data analytic computations is a new trend that aims
to bring analytics closer to the fog and IoT devices [6], [8].
Here we list several promising future research directions in
this regard.
A trained model works well when the same feature set
and distribution model forms the training and test data
sets. By changing the distribution, the trained model
needs to be rebuilt from new training data. For example,
in a radio frequency based localization application (e.g.,
WiFi, BLE), the RSSI values for the same time and posi-
tion in Android and iOS devices are different. The trained
localization model on one platform can be transferred to
the new platform without the need to collect RSSI values
for other devices. Transfer Learning is a field of research
that can help in such scenarios [15].
Integration with semantic technologies is also a need for
the development of smart city applications. The need
stems from the interaction of those systems with citizens
and the use of social media data.
Intelligent virtual objects can be used in smart city ser-
vices joint with DRL algorithms, considering each phys-
ical object has a virtual representation in the smart city
and these VOs can learn, decide, and act autonomously.
Interacting with humans in a natural way is a critical need
for the new generation of smart city systems since citizens
are the main players in smart cities. The small size of
mobile devices and wearables nowadays does not allow
space for touch screens or keyboards. Instead, automatic
speech recognition and natural language understanding is
the most convenient way of interaction with these devices.
There are many machine learning algorithms that can be uti-
lized to learn from the big data collected through a smart city’s
infrastructure. However, most traditional machine learning
techniques assume a fixed training model and a static context.
These assumptions do not apply to smart city applications
where the environment and consequently the training data
evolve over the time.
In this article, we addressed challenges and opportunities
that arise when utilizing machine learning to realize new
smart city services. These challenges include: data-recycling,
efficient sampling, and devising scalable models. We reviewed
state-of-the-art methods and approaches that embrace smart
city big data toward future cognitive smart cities. Then, a
hierarchical framework was introduced to incorporate machine
learning techniques in accord to the hierarchy of big data in
smart city. We proposed a semi-supervised deep reinforcement
learning framework to address the presented challenges and
highlighted the position of the framework in various smart city
application domains. Finally, we articulated several challenges
and trending research directions for incorporating machine
learning to realize new smart city services.
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