SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Supplier Code of Conduct
Table of Contents
a. Human and Labor Rights
b. Environment
c. Animal Welfare
d. Business Ethics & Integrity
e. Reporting on Breaches or Concerns
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
The Hershey Company (“Hershey”) is committed to our purpose of Making More Moments of Goodness for
our consumers today and for generations to come. For more than 125 years, we have operated with high ethical
business standards and integrity in the communities where we work and live.
This commitment began with our founder Milton Hershey, a purpose-driven businessman who believed we
could use chocolate to make more moments of goodness in the world for our consumers today and for many
generations to come. We continue to build on that legacy today through our global sustainability strategy: Our
Shared Goodness Promise.
Our Shared Goodness Promise guides how we empower the remarkable people who make and sell our
brands. It shapes how we invest in the farming communities and regions that grow our ingredients; deliver on
our commitments to consumers, customers and external stakeholders; protect the environment; and support
children, youth and communities.
Hershey recognizes that each step in our supply chain has an impact on people, communities and the planet.
As a result, we prioritize implementation of strong social, environmental and ethical business standards
throughout our supply chain. Ultimately, building a sustainable future is a shared responsibility.
To preserve the trust placed in us, we expect our suppliers across the globe to commit to and uphold the same
high standards to which we hold ourselves – standards of integrity, values and operating principles and to work
ethically and sustainably to provide great tasting, high-quality products to our consumers.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct reflects Hershey’s values and principles and describes our requirements of our
suppliers with whom we leverage a continuous improvement mindset, a collaborative approach, and a bias for
action. By working together in collaboration with industry, civil society, government, and communities, we can
have a much larger and longer lasting impact. We welcome your partnership to build more moments of shared
goodness and a bright future.
Jason Reiman, Senior Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Ocer
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
This 2023 version of our Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”) replaces our 2019 version and outlines
Hershey’s requirements and expectations with respect to responsible sourcing including our commitments
to human rights, the environment, health and safety, business ethics and the development of a diverse and
sustainable supply chain.
The Supplier Code is informed by the International Bill of Human Rights, including the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights; The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; the OECD Guidelines
for Multinational Enterprises; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and the International
Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. We operate in accordance with our endorsement of the
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and our commitment to the Ten Principles of
the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals.
We require all Suppliers to comply with this Supplier Code. “Suppliers” refers to any third party that provides
goods or services directly to Hershey for compensation including, but not limited to, our ingredient, material
and packaging Suppliers; contract manufacturers and contract packers; labor providers; logistic providers;
distributors; licensees; construction and real estate rms; maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) providers;
information systems providers; and marketing and advertising agencies, including their parent, subsidiary or
aliate entities. Suppliers, including sub-contractors or labor agencies of our Suppliers, are also required to
adhere to the Supplier Code.
The Supplier Code applies to all Suppliers’ workers, including permanent, temporary, directly or indirectly
hired contract workers through subcontractors or labor providers, foreign, or migrant workers (collectively,
Our Suppliers shall communicate this Supplier Code or equivalent requirements in a language understood
by Workers in their own operations and to their Suppliers. Suppliers must adopt adequate and ecient
management systems, polices, procedures and training and conduct human rights and environmental due
diligence to uphold the standards and requirements set forth in this Supplier Code.
We require our Suppliers to abide by all applicable national, federal, state, provincial and local laws/regulations
in the markets where they operate; however, where local laws or standards dier from this Supplier Code, the
more stringent standards and principles apply.
Hershey recognizes the size and complexity of our global supply chain spanning from manufacturers,
distributors and processers to large-scale agricultural sites, family farms and smallholders. While it is not
currently feasible for us to monitor compliance of every Supplier in our global supply chain, we leverage a
risk-based approach to assessing compliance against our Supplier Code. We also understand that some key
contributors in our extended value chain , such as smallholder farmers, may not be able to meet all of our
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
outlined requirements today. When instances of non-compliances are identied in our extended value chain,
in the spirit of continuous improvement, Hershey is committed to working with and supporting our Suppliers to
meet, remediate and whenever possible, exceed, the requirements in this Supplier Code. We also encourage
our Suppliers to participate in industry eorts to drive continuous improvement throughout their supply chain.
By Supplier acceptance to provide goods or services directly to Hershey, the Supplier acknowledges its
acceptance of the Supplier Code and intention to comply with its requirements.
Hershey is committed to respecting human rights of individuals across our supply chain. We work with our
Suppliers to encourage and promote the principles of this policy throughout their networks as well as identify
human rights risks and issues, take appropriate actions to respond to potential human rights risks, and support
and provide access to remedy.
Child Labor:
Hershey does not tolerate child labor in our supply chain. We are committed to the elimination of the “worst
forms of child labor,” as dened by ILO Convention 182. Hershey requires our Suppliers, including their labor
agents/agencies, to prevent child labor in their operations and in their supply chain and encourages our
Suppliers to participate in industry eorts aimed at the elimination of such practices wherever they exist in the
supply chain.
Forced Labor & Human Tracking:
Hershey does not tolerate forced labor or human tracking in our supply chains. Hershey requires that all labor
in its supply chain be voluntary, and that Workers are allowed freedom of movement. All forms of forced labor
• No individuals are hired under 15 years of age, or 14 years of age where local law allows,
consistent with ILO Convention No. 138, or under the legal minimum age for employment in
the country, whichever is greatest.
Any employment or utilization of Workers under the age of 18 must not interfere with
schooling or vocational education and/or expose children and young workers (between 15
and 18 years) to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous.
• In instances where child labor is identied, remedial measures appropriate for the
situation will be implemented, including removing the child or young worker from the work
and ensuring their safety.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
and human tracking are prohibited including but not limited to any form of prison, slave, bonded or forced
indentured labor.
In line with our Responsible Recruiting & Employment Policy, Hershey supports the Employer Pays Principle
and the Consumer Goods Forum’s Priority Industry Principles, and our Suppliers, including their labor agents/
agencies, are required to act in accordance with these Principles as well.
The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means
of threat or use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them is
• In advance of employment, Suppliers, including their labor agents/agencies, provide
Workers with written, accurate and understandable information in a language understood
and acknowledged by the Worker regarding the basic terms and conditions of their
employment clearly stating their rights and responsibilities as well as information on wages,
working hours, overtime, benets, leave and disciplinary procedures. Workers must receive
a copy of their employment terms and conditions. Any changes to their employment terms
and conditions are agreed in writing, in a language understood by the Worker, between
the Worker and Supplier. Verbal instead of written contracts may be acceptable only if they
create legally binding employment relationships under applicable law.
• Suppliers, including their labor agents/agencies, must not retain any personal
identication documents, travel documents, including passports, or wages of Workers
as conditions of their employment. Workers are free to leave work and terminate their
employment upon reasonable or legally required notice without penalty.
• The Employer Pays Principle: No Worker should pay for a job – the costs of recruitment
should be borne not by the Worker but rather by the employer.
Priority Industry Principles: Every Worker should have freedom of movement; no Worker
should pay for a job; and no Worker should be indebted or coerced to work.
• Suppliers associated with recruitment or hiring for Hershey or for a Supplier of Hershey
shall not require Workers to pay recruitment fees or other related fees for their employment.
Prohibited fees may include but are not limited to skills tests, medical examinations,
passport and visa processing fees, travel and lodging, background checks, language
interpretation or translation fees, legal fees and uniforms. If any such fees are found to have
been paid by Workers, the fees must be repaid by the Supplier to the Workers concerned.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
Hershey respects the rights of Workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining across its
operations and supply chain.
Hershey does not tolerate any form of discrimination in the workplace. We are committed to diversity, equity
and inclusion in the work environment and throughout our supply chain. Suppliers are required to commit to
the same principles and should pay particular attention to respecting the rights of vulnerable or marginalized
worker populations most at risk of discrimination.
Workers have the right to lawfully form, voluntarily join or not form or join trade unions or
other organizations of their choosing and collectively bargain without fear of discrimination,
retaliation, harassment or intimidation.
Workers have the right to freely elect their union or worker representative. Workers’
representatives must not be discriminated against, unfairly treated or disciplined based on
their representation activities. Representatives must have reasonable access to carry out
their functions in the workplace.
• In cases where freedom of association is restricted by local law, alternative means of
freedom of association, worker representation, and bargaining will not be obstructed
consistent with local law.
• Discrimination in the workplace that is based on the grounds of an individual’s race; color;
gender; age; national origin; religion; citizenship status; marital status; sexual orientation;
preventing Workers from engaging in, or refraining from engaging in, protected union
activity; gender identity; transgender status; physical or mental disability; protected veteran
status; genetic information; pregnancy (including childbirth and related medical conditions,
including medical conditions related to lactation); or other categories protected by national,
federal, state, provincial or local law goes against Hershey’s values and is strictly prohibited.
• Suppliers must not subject Workers or potential Workers to the use of medical tests,
including pregnancy tests or health exams in a discriminatory way. When health exams
are required by local law, the results cannot be used to dismiss Workers or otherwise
discriminate against them in a way inconsistent with applicable law.
• Hiring and employment decisions, including those relating to compensation, benets,
promotion, training and development, discipline, and termination are based solely on the
Worker’s skill, ability, experience and performance or otherwise consistent with local law.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Hershey Company is committed to promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our supply chain through
our Supplier Diversity Program. Suppliers are encouraged to adopt an inclusive procurement strategy and
increase the representation of, and expenditure with, companies owned by people of color (POC), women,
U.S. military veterans, people living with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals or other individuals that qualify as
socioeconomically disadvantaged. Quarterly reporting on diverse spend is encouraged and may be required.
Hershey does not tolerate harassment in the workplace or in our supply chain. Hershey strictly prohibits any
harassment, intimidation, criminalization or violence towards human rights defenders or anyone who shares a
human rights concern, and we require the same of our Suppliers.
Working Hours, Wages & Benets
Hershey is committed to upholding applicable laws and collective bargaining agreements regarding working
hours, wages, benets and paid leave for individuals employed throughout the supply chain. Hershey pays
employees for all hours worked. We encourage our Suppliers to work toward paying a living wage or living
income that is sucient for Workers to aord a decent standard of living for their family in line with our Living
Wage and Income Position statement.
All Workers will be treated with dignity and respect and will not be subject to a hostile
work environment consisting of threats or use of any form of unethical treatment, bullying
or intimidation, violence or corporal punishment, or other forms of physical, mental, or
sexual harassment or abuse.
• Disciplinary policies and procedures in support of these requirements are clearly dened
and communicated to all Workers. Disciplinary measures are appropriate and shall not
include physical, mental or psychological punishment. All disciplinary measures should be
fully documented.
Wages and benets are paid to the Worker on time, regularly, and in full and at least equal
to the applicable legal minimum wage and any associated statutory benets.
Working hours reflect applicable legal norms and overtime hours are paid at the legally
mandated premium or in line with the guidance provided by ILO Convention 1 (the rate of
pay for overtime shall not be less than one-and-one-quarter times the regular rate) if there
is no mandated premium.
• Deductions, deposits or withholding of wages must comply with applicable law, must not
reduce wages to below minimum legal wage, and must have express permission from the
Worker in a language they understand.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Worker Health & Safety
Hershey requires that all Workers be provided with a safe and healthy working environment.
• Deduction from wages as a disciplinary measure must not be excessive and must follow all
local legal requirements.
• Pay slips shall be provided to Workers for each pay period explaining their compensation,
including wages paid for regular and overtime hours worked (if Worker is paid hourly);
benets, bonuses and incentives; and any agreed or legally allowable deductions.
• Suppliers shall ensure that work schedules and rest periods are compliant with applicable
local legal requirements. Workers are entitled to meal and rest breaks, which, at a minimum,
must comply with local law. Work hours and schedules should not be excessive and
negatively impact employees’ health or safety. Suppliers should not use alternate forms of
labor arrangements, such as temporary labor arrangements, home-working or apprentice
schemes or other similar devices, to avoid obligations to Workers under labor or social
security laws and regulations.
• Suppliers must conduct health & safety risk assessments to identify, assess, and evaluate
potential risks to prevent, mitigate and reduce Worker’s exposure to hazards such as
occupational injury and illness, emergency situations and events, physically demanding and
repetitive tasks, and hazardous materials.
Workers have the right to refuse and report unsafe or unhealthy working conditions
regardless of role, title or responsibility without fear of retaliation.
Workers are trained on the appropriate occupational health and safety policies and
procedures, including emergency evacuation procedures, prior to employment and
then on a regular basis in language(s) understood by the Workers. Workers are provided
appropriate personal protective equipment at no cost to Workers and instructed on its
appropriate use.
• Free and potable drinking water is provided to all Workers.
All Workers should have access to safe, adequate and clean sanitation facilities that
correspond to their gender identity. Sanitation facilities should include handwashing
stations and soap. Workers must be provided reasonable access to toilets or lactation
breaks that, at a minimum, comply with applicable law.
Ventilation, light, temperature, and noise level must comply with local law requirements
and must be sucient for worker comfort.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Food Safety & Quality
Hershey is dedicated to providing safe, high-quality products and we expect our Suppliers to support this
Land Rights
Hershey is committed to following the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples
for property or land negotiations. Any supplier involved in the using, leasing, and purchasing of land shall follow
these requirements. Hershey strictly prohibits harassment, intimidation, criminalization or violence towards
human rights, environmental and land defenders.
Hershey is committed to reducing our environmental impact across our supply chain and to supporting
sustainable operational and agricultural production practices. We work with our Suppliers who are critical
• If applicable, when living accommodation is provided for Workers, either by the Supplier,
a labor agent/agency of a Supplier, or other aliate, dormitories are clean, well maintained
and in compliance with safety regulations. Workers shall have freedom of movement in and
out of the dormitories.
• Products and services delivered must meet or exceed food safety and quality standards
required by applicable law and Hershey’s stringent quality standards as outlined in our
Supplier Quality Expectations Manual.
Any concerns about product safety or quality must be reported to Hershey.
All forms of land grabbing are prohibited.
• Supplier must respect and uphold land tenure rights of individuals, Indigenous Peoples
and local communities aected by sourcing practices, supply chains and operations.
Women’s right to land ownership and tenure and access must be recognized and
Adherence to the requirements for the fulllment of respecting rights for Indigenous
Peoples and local communities to give Free, Prior and Informed Consent is required in
all engagement to seek consent for undertaking any studies, and negotiations, and/or
developments on property or land to which they hold legal, communal or customary rights,
including the use of and transfers of it.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
partners in our eorts to responsibly and sustainably source our ingredients, packaging materials and other
goods and services in a way that will help reduce negative impacts and contribute to positive impacts on air,
land, water and biodiversity.
• Suppliers must conduct ongoing environmental due diligence to identify, assess, and
evaluate potential risks to prevent, mitigate and reduce negative impacts on air, land, water
and biodiversity.
• Operations must fully comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations
including those related to air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, waste disposal,
hazardous waste, water use and wastewater, and biodiversity and protected areas.
All required environmental permits (e.g., discharge and eluent monitoring records) are
obtained, maintained and kept current and any operational, registration and reporting
requirements shall be followed.
• Operations and work across supply chains shall not contribute to deforestation or loss
of biodiversity. Suppliers of forest-risk commodities, including cocoa, palm oil, paper and
board, and soy, shall comply with Hershey’s No Deforestation Policy and must implement
their own No Deforestation Policy and commitments to protecting High Conservation
Value and High Carbon Stock areas. Suppliers will only sell ingredients and materials that
are veried deforestation and conversion-free to Hershey, based on applicable cut-o
dates indicated in our No Deforestation Policy.
Air emissions, wastewater and solid waste generated from operations are to be
characterized, monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to discharge or disposal.
Suppliers are encouraged to set GHG emission reduction goals across Scope 1, Scope 2 and
Scope 3 emissions.
• Suppliers are encouraged to actively measure, manage and disclose environmental
impacts in other areas such as non-GHG atmospheric emissions (e.g., nitrous oxides and
particulates), energy usage, water use, solid and water waste and biodiversity as well as
to set targets and implement action plans for reducing environmental impacts. Public
reporting on annual environmental performance is encouraged and may be required.
• Suppliers should reduce water consumption, especially those located in areas of high-
water stress as dened by the WRI Aqueduct Tool.
• Suppliers should practice good waste management processes, following the waste
management hierarchy.
• Suppliers producing or sourcing agricultural commodities should take appropriate steps
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Hershey is committed to improving farm animal welfare throughout our supply chain. Hershey recognizes the
internationally accepted “Five Freedoms of Animal Rights” established by the British Farm Animal Welfare
Council. We expect our suppliers of animal-derived materials to meet and communicate these expectations
throughout their supply chain.
Integrity is one of our core values and is central to what we stand for. Operating as an ethical company is
fundamental to how we build trust with all our stakeholders. Hershey is committed to conducting business
ethically and lawfully in countries where we operate across our supply chain. Our Compliance Ambassador
program is a formal network of local “Compliance Champions” to drive a speak-up culture and increase
open reporting by establishing an additional condential and neutral channel for employees to raise ethics
and compliance concerns, including concerns related to Suppliers. We conduct business with Suppliers who
demonstrate a strong commitment to ethical behavior.
• Suppliers of animal-derived materials must comply with Hershey’s Farm Animal Welfare
Position and should implement their own policy recognizing the “Five Freedoms of Animal
• Freedom from hunger and thirst - by providing ready access to fresh water and a
diet to maintain full health and vigor.
• Freedom from discomfort - by providing an appropriate environment including
shelter and a comfortable resting area.
• Freedom from fear and distress – by ensuring conditions and treatment which
avoid mental suering.
• Freedom from pain, injury, and disease – by ensuring prevention or rapid diagnosis
and treatment.
• Freedom to express normal behavior – by providing sucient space, proper
facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
to preserve soil and water quality and minimize their impacts on soil and water and are encouraged to reduce
use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers across their supply chain.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
• Suppliers conduct their business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and to
have controls in place that prohibit and detect the misuse of company assets, corruption,
bribery, improper gifts, extortion, embezzlement and even the appearance of conflicts of
• Suppliers’ business dealings should be fair, legal and honest. Suppliers must not engage in
illegal cooperation with competitors including bid rigging, price xing, market allocations,
or any other prohibited conduct that limits free and fair competition. Suppliers and business
partners will also accurately reflect their business dealings in their books and records.
• Suppliers shall abide by all applicable anti-corruption and bribery laws and regulations of
the countries in which they operate, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
and applicable international anti-corruption conventions.
• Suppliers will also accurately reflect their business dealings in their books and records.
Supplier shall comply with all applicable economic sanctions, anti-money laundering and
anti-tax evasion legislation and rules.
• Suppliers shall refrain from oering gifts and/or excessive hospitality to Hershey
employees or its designated representatives which may influence or be perceived to
influence decision making. All business courtesies extended to Hershey employees or
its designated representatives shall comply and abide by Hershey’s Gifts and Hospitality
• Suppliers and business partners with access to Hershey’s condential information should
not disclose such information to any other person without our advance written consent.
Condential information in the Supplier’s possession regarding Hershey shall not be used
to engage in or support insider trading, in violation of other laws or be used in a way that
negatively impacts Hershey. This obligation continues after our business relationship ends.
To the extent that Suppliers transports goods for Hershey into the United States, Suppliers
shall comply with the C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) security
procedures on the U.S. Customs website at (or other active website
established for such purpose by the U.S. government).
• Suppliers must comply with all applicable data privacy and protection laws and regulations
concerning the collection, use and protection of personal information when conducting
business with Hershey. Suppliers must take appropriate steps to safeguard condentiality
and privacy of personal information pursuant to applicable data privacy laws.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Grievance Mechanisms
Hershey requires Suppliers to provide grievance mechanisms, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights (UNGP) eectiveness criteria, that are transparent, responsive, anonymous,
unbiased and condential to Workers and other parties across the value chain. Suppliers are encouraged to
review their grievance mechanisms against the UNGP eectiveness criteria periodically and adjust, as needed,
for eectiveness.
Hershey values the help of Workers across our supply chain who identify and speak up in good faith about
potential violations and concerns that need to be addressed or explained.
Workers know of and have access to grievance mechanisms which allow for anonymous
reporting. Reported concerns and violations are addressed in a timely manner and follow a
clearly outlined process.
Workers who speak up in good faith are protected from retribution, retaliation and reprisal.
• Suppliers shall not prevent complainants from using other channels or procedures,
such as local law enforcement or workplace related agencies, to resolve their issue where
• Suppliers should aim to have an appropriate gender balance in the composition of their
internal grievance committee that processes complaints.
• Suppliers must notify Hershey if any concerns or violations are reported through the
grievance mechanism that are in direct violation of this Supplier Code.
Concerns can be shared condentially and anonymously via phone or web at Local toll-free phone
numbers are available selecting the location in the “Call us” section in the portal. To change the language of the portal, select the
language in the top right corner dropdown.
Violations and concerns should be reported directly to Hershey’s Concern Line
, an
independent third-party monitored service available 24/7, in more than 60 countries with
toll-free numbers available in each location. The Concern Line is available via phone and
internet to employees, suppliers and other parties; reports can be made anonymously.
Hershey does not retaliate nor permit retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith
report about any potential violation.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Examples of issues that can be raised to Hershey’s Concern Line include but are not limited to violations
against applicable law or this Supplier Code of Conduct, human rights violations, discrimination or harassment,
environmental violations or deforestation, conflicts of interest, insider trading, food safety issues, and retaliation
against anyone speaking up in good faith.
Hershey intends to work with Suppliers that share our values, and who are actively implementing action plans
that adhere to this Supplier Code. We are also committed to collaborating and working with our Suppliers on
continuous improvement.
Management Systems
Suppliers must establish adequate and eective management systems, policies, procedures, nancial
documentation, non-compliance and grievance procedure, and training programs to uphold and ensure
ongoing compliance with all applicable laws and standards, including this Supplier Code within their own
business operations and supply chain. We reserve the right to request from our Suppliers information about the
management of relevant issues outlined in the Supplier Code. For more guidance and information on strong
management systems, please refer to our Supplier Program Guidebook and Supplier Quality Expectations
Assessments and Audits
Hershey monitors compliance with this Supplier Code through our Responsible Sourcing and Human Rights
Due Diligence Programs, namely our Responsible Sourcing Supplier Program. We reserve the right to verify
compliance with this Supplier Code, at the Supplier’s own expense, through internal and external assessment
mechanisms, such as self-assessment questionnaires, announced and unannounced on-site independent third-
party audits, and worker well-being surveys. Such audits may inspect Suppliers’ facilities, operations, books and
records, and supplier-provided housing, and condential worker interviews. If non-compliances are observed, the
supplier will be required to take corrective actions within the allotted timeframes acceptable to Hershey.
If Suppliers fail to implement the corrective action plans within acceptable timeframes and do not remedy
any act of non-compliance, Hershey may, in its sole discretion and without any further obligation to Suppliers,
suspend purchases, refuse to take delivery under any purchase order and return any goods or services from
the supplier until the corrective actions have been successfully implemented, or may terminate its business
relationship with the supplier in addition to any other rights or remedies available to Hershey.
Traceability and Transparency
We also reserve the right to request that Suppliers disclose information that may pertain to geographical
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT ©The Hershey Company 2023
Management of our Supplier Code of Conduct is the responsibility of the Global Responsible Sourcing,
Procurement Team and is led by our Director of Global Responsible Sourcing who reports into the Vice
President Procurement, who reports to the Senior Vice President Chief Supply Chain Ocer. The day-to-day
management of our Responsible Sourcing Supplier Program and related due diligence programs is led by the
Global Responsible Sourcing team, in partnership with our buyers, category and relationship managers across
Procurement and Supply Chain, Licensing and The Hershey Experience. The Global Responsible Sourcing
team monitors supplier compliance to this Supplier Code, supports suppliers’ continual improvement through
corrective action plans and capacity building, and proactively identies opportunities for future due diligence.
The Global Responsible Sourcing Team works closely with our Global Sustainability & ESG Team, particularly
around sustainability eorts that include human rights and environment in our entire value chain, including our
agricultural and manufacturing supply chains. Ultimate oversight for Global Responsible Sourcing resides with
our Board of Directors and our Executive Committee (inclusive of the CEO and the CEO’s direct reports) who
are briefed at least on an annual and bi-annual basis, respectively.
location of facilities that produce any item supplied to Hershey, origin of raw materials produced within their
facilities and environmental performance indicators such as Greenhouse Gas emissions.