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Southern Connecticut State University
Academic Year Housing Contract
The Academic Year ConnSCU Housing Contract represents a binding agreement between the
student and the University where the student is enrolled for the entire academic year
(fall/spring semester). Students who submit a Housing Application to request a Housing
Assignment will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Housing Agreement.
A. The Housing Contract is binding for the entire academic year (fall/spring semester) for
students who apply for and receive a housing assignment for the fall semester.
B. Students who apply for and receive a housing assignment after the start of the fall
semester agree to maintain residence hall occupancy from the date of their application
until the conclusion of the contract period at the end of the spring semester.
C. A student’s fall semester housing assignment will automatically roll to the spring
semester provided the student remains enrolled at the institution.
D. Students who apply for and receive a housing assignment for the spring semester agree
to maintain residence hall occupancy from the spring residence hall opening date until
the conclusion of the contract period at the end of the spring semester.
E. Students who apply for and receive a housing assignment after the start of the spring
semester agree to maintain residence hall occupancy from the date of their application
until the conclusion of the contract period at the end of the spring semester.
A. The residence halls are available for occupancy at the start of the fall and spring
semesters based on the established residence hall opening/move-in dates publicized on
the respective University and/or Housing Office calendar.
B. The residence halls will be officially closed and students must vacate during all
University breaks (i.e. Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks). Specific dates of
University breaks shall be published on the respective University and/or Housing Office
C. The Housing Contract will end at the conclusion of the spring semester on the date
publicized on the University and/or Housing Office calendar for residence halls to close.
A. Students who desire residence hall accommodations at their respective ConnSCU
University will be required to adhere to the Housing Application Process outlined by
their respective Housing/Residence Life Office to include application and Housing
Deposit payment deadlines.
B. Students who desire to receive a residence hall housing assignment will be required to
pay a non-refundable $250 Housing Deposit. Housing applications will not be processed
unless the Housing Deposit is paid.
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C. Students will only be required to pay the non-refundable $250 Housing Deposit one
time for the contract period for which they are applying.
D. Students who have paid the non-refundable $250 Housing Deposit and who have
submitted a Housing Application will be assigned to a residence hall on their respective
campus pending space availability.
E. Housing assignments will be communicated to all students who are assigned to a
residence hall prior to their arrival to the campus.
F. Whereas every effort will be made to accommodate students’ requests for specific
residence halls and roommates, there is no guarantee that students will receive their
specific request.
A. Charges and fees associated with Housing will be charged to a student’s account on a
semester basis.
A. Students who wish to cancel their Housing Contract/Assignment must do so in writing
by adhering to the Housing Withdrawal process for their respective University.
B. Students who request to cancel their Housing Contract/Assignment will automatically be
released for the following reasons:
The student is participating in an internship, co-op, study abroad, student teaching,
or other academic obligation that reduces or eliminates their need for on-campus
The student has medical reasons for cancellation that are verified by University
Health Service Staff.
The student has graduated from the University before the end of the contract
The student is academically suspended before the end of the contract period.
The student has officially withdrawn from the University.
C. Students who request a Housing Contract Cancellation for reasons other than those
noted in section B will have their Housing Cancellation request reviewed through a
process to be established by each University.
D. Students who are not approved to have their Housing Contract cancelled shall remain
responsible for the fees associated with the duration of their Housing Contract and
retain the right to occupy their assigned room.
E. Students who have their Housing Contract cancelled for the convenience of the
university will not be required to pay any housing fee associated with the contract
F. Students who have their Housing Contract cancelled for judicial/disciplinary reasons will
be responsible for paying for the duration of the semester in which their contract was
cancelled and are not entitled to a refund.
6. Housing Contract Cancellation Review Process:
A. The Vice President for Student Affairs (or Vice President to whom Residence Life
reports) at each university will establish a process to review and decide upon student
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requests to cancel their housing contract when the student does not meet any of the
conditions identified in 1B above and the student requests relief from their obligation to
pay the full academic-year housing fee.
B. Under the process, each university may define conditions under which it will waive or
refund any portion of the housing fee, with the exception of the housing deposit. In
cases where the Committee agrees to cancel the housing contract during the fall term
(or first term of occupancy), the student forfeits their housing deposit.
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Housing and Board Fee Refund Policy
n accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (Public Law 105-244), the Federal
government mandates that students receiving Title IV assistance who withdraw from all classes may only
keep the financial aid they have “earned” up to the time of withdrawal. Title IV funds that were disbursed
in excess of the earned amount must be returned by the University and/or the student to the Federal
government. This could result in the student owing funds to the University, the government, or both. The
amount of unearned aid to be returned is based on the percentage of enrollment period completed.
he refund policy below excludes the effect of the return of Title IV funds. Students receiving Federal
aid should consult with their university Bursar or Financial Aid office prior to withdrawal in order to
determine the financial impact that the return of Title IV funds will have upon the student.
Housing Deposit $250 Academic year Non-refundable
On or before April 1for returning
Students and on or before May 1 for
new students, with specific date to be
chosen by each campus. Dates will be
less than 30 days prior to the dates
shown above (April 1 and May 1).
ousing Fee (applies to Academic year contract to be Upon withdrawal from the
Students who withdraw from be paid in two installments: University, the housing refund
the University will mirror the University
Fall Term charges refund policy for tuition and
Not later than August 1 fees:
pring Term charges 100% refund, less the housing
Not later than January 2 Deposit, for withdrawal up to
and including the first day of
University-wide classes as
defined by the published
university calendar.
0% of the balance, less the
housing deposit, will be
refunded during the first week
of university-wide classes.
0% of the balance, less the
housing deposit, will be
refunded during the second
week of university-wide classes.
of the balance, less the
housing deposit, will be
refunded during the third and
fourth weeks of university-wide
o refund after the fourth week
of University-wide classes.
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Housing Fee (applies to Upon withdrawal from
students who remain enrolled University housing up to and
but withdraw from including June 30, 100% of the
university housing) housing charges, less the
housing deposit, will be
removed from the student’s
No refunds for students who
withdraw from housing on or
after July 1 (academic year) or
December 1 (spring term for
those students who plan to enter
housing for the first time in
spring), unless otherwise
approved through a review
process to be established by
each university.