This DEMOLITION CONTRACT (this "Contract" is made and entered into as of the
___ day of ________________, 20___, by and between Ranken Technical College, a
Missouri nonprofit corporation ("Owner"), and _________________________, a Missouri
_______________________ ("Contractor").
A. Owner is the owner of the real property located at 4321 and 4324 Finney
Avenue in the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, as more particularly described in Exhibit
"A" attached hereto (the "Property" or the "Site").
B. Owner has issued a certain Invitation for Bid (the "IFB"), a copy of which is
attached hereto as Exhibit "B" to this Contract, pursuant to which Owner has sought bids
for the demolition and removal of all Improvements, as defined herein, located on the
C. Contractor has submitted a proposal in response to the IFB which is
attached hereto as Exhibit "C" to this Contract and which has been accepted by Owner.
In consideration of the foregoing recitals, the covenants and agreements set forth
herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, Owner and Contractor agree as follows:
Section 1. Definitions. As used in this Contract, the following terms have the
following meanings.
1.1. "Applicable Environmental Laws" means any federal, state or local statute,
law, rule, regulation, ordinance, code, policy or rule of common law of any Governmental
Entity now in effect and in each case as amended from time to time, and any judicial or
administrative interpretation thereof, including any judicial or administrative order, consent
decree, or judgment, relating to the environment, human health or hazardous materials,
including, without limitation, CERCLA; The Hazardous Materials Transportation Act of
1994, as amended, 49 U.S.C. § 5101, et seq.; the Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act of 1976, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.; the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. §1201, et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C.
§2601, et seq.; the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401, et seq.; the Safe Drinking Water Act,
42 U.S.C. §300(f), et seq., the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as
amended, 7 U.S.C. §136, et seq., the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29
U.S.C. §651, et seq., orders, rules and regulations issued by the Missouri Department of
Natural Resources Division on Environmental Quality, and the ordinances, rules, and
permits of the City of St. Louis, and any other similar federal, state or local laws, or any
federal, state, or local laws relating to the environment or to hazardous or waste materials.
1.2. "CERCLA" means the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 9601, et seq.
1.3. "Change Directive" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.4.B.
1.4. "Change Order" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.4.A.
1.5. "Commencement Date" means _________________, 2017.
1.6. "Completion Date" means 80 calendar days following the Commencement
Date. The Completion Date may be changed only by written Change Order or written
Change Directive in accordance with this Contract.
1.7. "Contract Documents" mean this Contract and all Exhibits hereto, the IFB,
the Proposal, and any other document listed in this Contract.
1.8. "Contractor-Related Person" has the meaning set forth in Section 14.1.A.
1.9. "Contract Sum" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.1.
1.10. "Contract Time" means the period of time beginning on the
Commencement Date and ending on the Completion Date. The Contract Time shall
initially be for a period of 80 days, unless increased or decreased by written Change Order
or written Change Directive in accordance with this Contract.
1.11. "EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or any
successor agency.
1.12. "Event of Default" has the meaning set forth in Section 17.3.
1.13. "Final Completion", with respect to the Work, means that all Work,
without limitation, all grading, disposal and compaction work, has been
completed in accordance with the
Contract Documents and has been accepted by Owner.
1.14. "Governmental Authorities" means governmental agencies, units or
officials having jurisdiction over the Work.
1.15. "Governmental Entity" means any court or any federal, state, or local
legislative or administrative body or governmental municipality, department, commission,
board, bureau, agency or authority.
1.16. "Hazardous Materials" means:
A. any substance, material, or waste that is included within the
definitions of "hazardous substances", "hazardous materials", "hazardous waste",
"toxic substances", "toxic materials", "toxic waste", or words of similar import in
any Environmental Law;
B. the substances listed as hazardous substances by the United
States Department of Transportation (or any successor agency) (49 C.F.R.
172.101 and amendments thereto) or by the EPA (40 C.F.R. 302 and amendments
thereto); and
C. any substance, material, or waste that is petroleum, petroleum
related, or a petroleum by-product, asbestos or asbestos containing material, lead
or lead containing materials, polychlorinated biphenyls, flammable, explosive, or
radioactive materials, Freon gas, radon, or a pesticide, herbicide, or any other
agricultural chemical.
1.17. "Improvements" mean all buildings, structures, and other improvements,
and all equipment and other physical
components of any of the foregoing located on the
1.18. "Legal Requirements" means laws, ordinances, rules, codes, regulations,
permits, licenses and legal requirements of any kind issued by any Governmental
Authority, to the extent they apply to the Work under the laws of the state of Missouri and
as to the obligations of the Parties generally under this Contract.
1.19. "OSHA" means the United States Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, or its successor.
1.20. "Outstanding Work" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 17.8.
1.21. "Owner Indemnified Person" or "Owner Indemnified Persons" has the
meaning set forth in Section 14.1.
1.22. "Owner's Certificate of Acceptance" has the meaning ascribed to it in
Section 11.1.
1.23. "Property" or "Site" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
1.24. "Proposal" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
1.25. "Project" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.
1.26. “Subcontractor” means any person or entity under a direct contract with
Contractor to perform any
part of the Work, supply any materials to be incorporated into
the Work, or to supply any tools,
equipment or other articles or services to be used in the
1.27. "IFB" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
1.28. "Work" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.1.
Section 2. Project Description and Contract Documents.
2.1. Contract Documents. The Contract Documents are incorporated in
to this
Contract by this reference for all purposes and constitute the entire and integrated
agreement between Owner and Contractor. If anything contained in any of the Contract
Documents other than this Contract is inconsistent with this Contract, this Contract shall
2.2. Site and Project. The Work under this Contract and the
Documents is generally described as the demolition of the Improvements and the
disposal of all debris relating thereto (the Project”).
2.3. Ownership of Improvements Being Demolished. On execution of this
solely for the purpose of performance under this Contract,
all right, title and
interest in and to the Improvements shall be deemed
to be vested in Contractor, subject
to the provisions of the Contract Documents. No right, title,
property or interest in and to
the land on which the improvements stand is created, assigned,
conveyed, granted, or
transferred to Contractor, or any other persons, except only the license to enter onto the
Property to
demolish and remove the improvements in strict accordance with the Contract
Documents. If
Owner terminates this Contract in accordance with the Contract
Documents, title to the
Improvements remaining on the Site as of the date of
termination revert to and vest in Owner without
release or prejudice to claims between
the parties.
Section 3. Commencement and Completion of the Work.
3.1. Commencement and Completion Dates. Contractor shall commence the
on or before the Commencement Date and shall complete the work on or before the
Completion Date.
3.2. Timely Completion Required. Time is of the essence under this Contract.
time for completion of the Work shall not be extended except as agreed by Owner
and Contractor
by a written Change Order signed by both Owner and Contractor or by
Change Directive.
3.3. Delay. If the Project is not completed on or before the Completion Date,
in addition to all other rights and remedies Owner may have under this Contract, Contractor
shall pay to Owner the sum of $100 per day for each calendar day beyond the
Completion Date until the
Project is completed. If Contractor is delayed at any time in the
progress of the Work, for any reason other than an act of neglect by Contractor or any of
Contractor's agents, employees, consultants or Subcontractors (including, without limitation,
any act or neglect of Owner or any of Owner's agents, employees or consultants), then, in
such event, Contractor's sole remedy shall be an extension of the Contract Time. Contractor
must notify Owner in writing within 7 days after the commencement of any event for which
Contractor shall be entitled to a Contract Time extension under this Section 3.3 (it being
expressly understood that requests made subsequent to such 7 day period shall not be
eligible for extension), and any such adjustment in the Contract Time shall be memorialized
in a written Change Order.
Section 4. Work.
4.1. Work. Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, professional services,
supervision, materials, tools, accessories, equipment, permits, fees, testing, inspections,
certifications which may be necessary to properly complete the Project to the
satisfaction of
Owner and all applicable Governmental Authorities in accordance with the
Contract Documents and all Legal Requirements (the Work”). The term "Work", as used
herein, includes all demolition,
services, labor, materials, tools, machinery, equipment,
transportation, disposal, permitting,
utilities, and other facilities and services necessary for
the proper execution and completion of the
4.2. Scope of Work. The specific Work to be performed under this Contract is
generally described as follows:
The dismantling, leveling and demolition of all Improvements,
including, without limitation,
buildings, below-grade foundations,
parking areas, driveways, utility installations
owned by Owner located
on or under the Site; removal and proper disposal of all
resulting from such Work; and proper compaction and grading of the
following the removal of all improvements and debris therefrom.
The Work
expressly includes identification and remediation, removal
and proper disposal of
asbestos and polychlorinated bi-phenyls
comprising a portion of the
improvements (as opposed to any such
substances improperly released into the
4.3. Environmental Services. Any environmental consulting or engineering
forming a part of the Work shall be performed by a licensed engineer employed
by Contractor.
Such Work may include inspection and testing of possible asbestos,
polychlorinated bi-phenyls, or other Hazardous Materials, permitting for removal and
disposal work, establishing Hazardous Materials safety and
handling programs and other
related Work in accordance with all Applicable Environmental Laws.
4.4. Workmanlike Manner and Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall complete
Work in a first class, good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the terms of this
and generally accepted engineering practices adopted by firms performing
services of a similar
nature to the Work. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state
and municipal laws, codes,
ordinances, rules and regulations and other Legal Requirements
effective where the Work is to be performed.
4.5. General Requirements. Subject to additional requirements as set forth in the
Contract Documents, Contractor shall perform the following duties in
connection with the
A. Utilities. Contractor shall contact all relevant utilities to (1) ensure that
service has been disconnected; (2) to determine the location of any underground
utilities located
at the Site; and (3) to properly cap off all utilities as appropriate in
accordance with all applicable Legal Requirements.
B. Fill and Compaction. Any depressions resulting from the removal of
underground utilities, building foundations or other items shall be filled to grade with
clean fill and
compacted to 95%.
C. Grading. Following the removal of all on-grade improvements,
underground improvements and debris, Contractor shall grade all disturbed surface
D. Disposal of Hazardous Materials. Asbestos, polychlorinated bi-
and other Hazardous Materials, if any, shall be disposed of in a properly
licensed facility in
accordance with all Applicable Environmental Laws or other Legal
Requirements. Contractor shall provide Owner with a list of all disposal
facilities for
approval prior to disposing of any Hazardous Materials. Contractor shall promptly
provide all original waste manifests and other evidence of
proper disposal following
removal of any Hazardous Materials from the Site.
4.6. Salvage. Contractor shall have salvage rights to all components of the
Improvements to the Site, except only any asbestos containing materials, equipment
polychlorinated bi-phenyls or any other Hazardous Materials, which must be
disposed of as
provided for herein.
4.7. Safety. Contractor further agrees that it will, during the performance of the
take proper precautions to prevent injury or damages to persons or property,
including without
limitation providing, erecting, and maintaining all reasonable, necessary,
or required safety
devices for its employees and flagmen, erecting proper barricades and
other safeguards around
its Work, and posting danger signs and other warning devices
where warranted by the nature of
the existing condition of the Work. In any event, Contractor
shall promptly and properly
replace any safety devices provided by others or Contractor
and which are disturbed by Contractor’s operations or forces hereunder. Contractor shall
take all necessary steps to protect
and secure its Work, materials, tools, scaffolding,
equipment, buildings, trailers, and work shacks
from vandalism, theft, and fire damage
and Owner shall not be responsible for losses or
damages to such items. Contractor shall
be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and
supervising safety precautions and programs
in connection with the performance of its Work
hereunder. Contractor shall take all
reasonable precautions for the safety of and shall
provide all reasonable protection to
prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) all Contractor’s
employees on the Project and all other
persons on or near the Project Site who may be affected
by Contractor’s operations; (ii) all
the Work and all materials and equipment used in
connection with the performance of the
Work, whether on or off-site, under the care, custody, or
control of Contractor or any of
Contractor’s Subcontractors; (iii) other property at the Site
or adjacent thereto; and (iv) the
work of Owner or other separate contractors. When the use
or storage of explosives or other
hazardous materials or equipment is necessary for the execution
of the Work, Contractor
shall exercise the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under the
supervision of
properly qualified personnel and in accordance with all applicable Legal
Contractor shall properly remedy all damage or loss to any property referred to
caused in whole or in part by Contractor, any of its Subcontractors, or anyone directly
indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable and
which Contractor is responsible hereunder. The foregoing obligation is in addition to
Contractor’s indemnification obligations set forth elsewhere herein. Owner will not in any
manner be answerable or
accountable for any loss or damage that shall or may happen
to the Work or any part or parts
thereof respectively or for any of the equipment, materials
or other things used and employed in finishing and
completing the Work, or for injury to
any person or persons, either workers or the public, or for
damage to property.
Section 5. Representations and Warranties of Contractor. Contract hereby
represents and warrants to Owner and Owner's successors and assigns as follows:
5.1. Qualifications. Contractor is a
______________ duly organized, existing,
authorized to do business, and in good standing under the
laws of all jurisdictions under
which the Work is to be performed. Contractor is duly authorized to
enter into this Contract
by signature set forth herein. Contractor is skilled and experienced in the
Work to be
provided pursuant to this Contract, and is familiar with and knowledgeable about
Applicable Environmental Laws and Legal Requirements.
5.2. Site Inspected. Contractor has inspected the Site and is satisfied with the
improvements, the surface and
subsurface of the Site, available labor supplies, available
materials and supplies, and all other
matters that could, in reasonable probability, affect
the nature of and cost to perform the Work.
No adjustments shall be made to the Contract
Sum for concealed or unknown conditions except
to the extent that the same could not
have reasonably been discovered or anticipated by a
competent contractor using its best
efforts to determine the scope of the Work based upon typical
conditions in the vicinity of
the site of the Work.
5.3. Good and Workmanlike Work. Contractor will provide and complete the Work
in a good and workmanlike, first class, manner, to
the best of Contractor's art and skill, and
in accordance with the Contract Document, all Legal Requirements and all Applicable
Environmental Laws.
5.4. Licenses and Permits. Wherever
necessary, Contractor shall obtain all
licenses and permits required to perform the Work.
5.5. Work Will be Done in Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall comply with
all Applicable Environmental Laws, and all federal,
state and municipal laws, codes,
ordinances, rules, regulations and other Legal Requirements effective where the Work is to
be performed, with regard to safety, health, environment, or otherwise. Contractor, for itself
on behalf of its employees, agents, assigns and Subcontractors, agrees to comply with
all safety
directives of Owner’s personnel and representatives. Failure to follow Owner’s
safety directives
and regulations is grounds for immediate termination of this Contract
without recourse and
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract.
Section 6. Permits. Prior to conducting any physical demolition work at the
Site, Contractor shall obtain all demolition,
asbestos removal and other permits required
to perform the Work, and shall provide all required
notices to utilities and government
agencies, if any, required to perform the Work, the costs of
which are included in the
Contract Sum.
Section 7. Conducting and Supervising Work.
7.1. Contractor Soley Responsible for Means, Methods, Techniques,
Sequences and
Procedures. Contractor shall use its best skill in attention in supervising
and directing the Work
and shall have full control over and sole responsibility for the
means, methods, techniques,
sequences and procedures of the Work and shall
coordinate the Work with any other work being
done by Owner or Owner’s separate
contractors. Contractor shall be responsible for worksite
safety, but shall at all times
comply with any safety rules or programs maintained by Owner at the
Site. Contractor
shall be responsible for all acts and omissions of Contractor’s employees, agents,
Subcontractors, licensees and invitees at the jobsite or elsewhere while acting in
connection with
the Project. Neither Owner nor Owner's officers, directors, employees or
agents shall be responsible for Contractor’s (a) means, methods, or techniques; (b) safety
precautions or programs; (c) acts or
omissions; or (d) failure to carry out the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents, Applicable Environmental Laws or applicable
Legal Requirements.
7.2. Jobsite Order. Contractor shall maintain good order at the jobsite at all
times and
shall not permit unqualified personnel to work on the Project. Contractor shall
not permit the use
of drugs or alcohol by its employees or those of its Subcontractors on
the site and shall
immediately remove from the Site any such person under the influence
of drugs or alcohol.
Section 8. Subcontractors. Contractor shall supply to Owner
a list of
any Subcontractors to whom Contractor expects to perform work valued in excess of
$2,500.00. Each such subcontract shall: (a) require that such Work be performed in
accordance with
the requirements of this Contract; (b) waive all rights the Subcontractor
may have against Owner
for damages caused by fire or other casualty; (c) require the
Subcontractor to carry and maintain
liability insurance in an amount not less than those
set out in Exhibit "D" and to
furnish a certificate of such insurance naming Owner and
Owner's officers and directors as additional insureds
as set out in Exhibit "D" prior to entry
on the Site.
Section 9. Contract Sum.
9.1. Amount. For all Work required under this Contract, Owner agrees to
pay to
Contractor the fixed fee of the following amount except as modified by Change
Order or Change Directive (“Contract
Sum”): $______________________
9.2. Amount Changed Only by Change Order. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained in this Contract, it is the specific intent of Owner and of Contractor
that the
Contract Sum may not, under any circumstances, be increased, other than by
a written Change
Order signed by authorized representatives of both Owner and
Contractor or by Change Directive.
9.3. Amounts Outside of Contract Sum. Contractor agrees that it will not
perform any
work outside the scope of this Contract prior to receipt of a signed Change
Order or Change Directive from Owner. Any
such additional work performed without a
Change Order or Change Directive shall not be subject to reimbursement by
Contractor will be solely responsible for all its costs and expenses incurred in connection
with this Contract that are not specifically provided for herein or in a written Change Order
or Change Directive. This
provision is of the highest importance to Owner and Owner
would not have entered into this
Contract absent this provision.
9.4. Changes in the Work.
A. A "Change Order" is a written agreement signed by Owner and
Contractor stating their agreement upon a change in the Work, the amount of the
adjustment of the Contract Sum, if any, and the extent of the adjustment in the
Contract Time and Completion Date, if any.
B. A "Change Directive" is a written order prepared by Owner directing
a change in the Work and stating a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in the
Contract Sum or Contract Time, or both. Owner may by Change Directive, without
invalidating this Contract, order changes in the Work within the general scope of
the Contract Documents consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, with
the Contract Sum and/or Contract Time being adjusted accordingly. A Change
Directive shall be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change
C. Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execution of this
Contract, and without invalidating this Contract, by Change Order or Change
Directive, subject to the limitations stated in this Section 9.4 and elsewhere in the
Contract Documents. A Change Order shall be based upon agreement among
Owner and Contractor. A Change Directive issued by Owner may or may not be
agreed to by Contractor, however Contractor shall perform the changes in the
Work under applicable provisions of the Contract Documents, and Contractor shall
proceed promptly to perform all such changes in the Work (including, without
limitation, under a Change Directive whether or not agreed to by Contractor) even
if Contractor does not sign the Change Directive.
D. A Change Directive signed by Contractor indicates the agreement
of Contractor therewith, including adjustment in the Contract Sum and/or Contract
Time or the method for determining same. Such agreement shall be effective
immediately and shall be recorded as a Change Order.
E. No more than 10% profit and overhead will be allowed on any
change order.
Section 10. Taxes.
10.1. Sales Tax Exempt. As a tax exempt organization, Owner is not subject to
payment of sales, consumer, use and similar taxes. Contractor shall take all steps
and execute
such instruments as may be necessary to enable Owner to claim its
exemption from the State of
Sales Tax for goods, materials, fuel or other
materials incorporated, used or
consumed in the Work. All savings resulting from such
tax exemptions shall be for the sole
benefit of Owner.
10.2. Contractor Incurred Taxes. Contractor shall pay sales, consumer, use and
similar taxes which are legally enacted as of the date of this Contract and incurred
by Contractor
in the Work. Notwithstanding anything in the Contract Documents to the
contrary, the Contract
Sum includes all sales, use, consumer, and similar taxes in
effect, or announced to become
effective on or before the date of this Contract and
Contractor shall pay all such amounts directly
to the appropriate authorities.
10.3. Taxes on Contractor’s Business. Contractor shall bear and pay any and
liabilities or claims for any income taxes, profits taxes, property taxes on Contractor’s
and other personal property, stamp taxes, document taxes, excise taxes,
import taxes or duties,
surtaxes, surcharges or any other taxes or governmental charges
which any governmental
authority claiming jurisdiction over the Contract may impose,
assess or levy against Contractor on
account of or resulting from Contractor’s execution
of or performance under the Contract.
10.4. Employee Benefits. Contractor further agrees to withhold from wages,
fees or other remuneration of its agents, servants, employees, or sub-
contractors, all taxes and
contributions imposed or required by any law for any
employment insurance, pensions, old age
retirement funds or similar purposes or any
other sums required to be withheld by the laws of the
State of Missouri and to pay the
same when due to the proper authorities.
Section 11. Payment of Contract Sum.
11.1. Final Completion and Invoice. After Contractor has completed all of the
Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, Contractor shall notify Owner in
writing. When Owner is satisfied Contractor has completed the Work in accordance with
the Contract Documents, Owner shall notify Contractor of final acceptance of the Work
by issuance of an "Owner's Certificate of Acceptance" in such form determined by Owner.
Upon receipt of the Owner's Certificate of Acceptance, Contractor shall deliver to Owner
an invoice for the entire Contract Sum along with the following documents:
A. an affidavit or final waiver of lien, in such form as Owner may
request, certifying payment of its Subcontractors, laborers, suppliers and
B. releases and/or final waivers of the Subcontractors or materialmen
of Contractor of liens arising out of or in connection with performance of the Work
as Owner may request; and
C. a release by Contractor of all claims against Owner arising out of
the Contract Documents and/or performance of the Work.
11.2. Payment of Final Invoice. Owner shall pay the Contract Sum to Contractor
within 30 days after Owner's receipt of the final invoice and all of the items listed in Section
11.1, all to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner. Neither final payment nor issuance of
the Owner's Certificate of Acceptance shall affect or impair Owner's rights with respect to
any defect in or nonconforming Work or any other breach or right or remedy under the
Contract Documents.
11.3. Inspections. Prior to making the final payment required, Owner
(individually or through its architect or other consultants) shall have the right, but not the
obligation, to conduct inspections of the Work to determine the level of completion of
Work, the quality thereof and the compliance of the Work with the Contract
Documents and all applicable
codes, ordinances, regulations or other Legal
Requirements. Should Owner elect to retain a consultant for such
inspections, such
consultant shall have the authority, in the consultant’s sole discretion, to reject
nonconforming Work and to make recommendations to Owner regarding issuance or non-
issuance of the Owner's Certificate of Acceptance.
11.4. Withholding Payments. Payments may be withheld by Owner for any of
following reasons:
A. Contractor fails to correct defective or non-conforming Work;
B. Claims or liens have been filed or threatened;
C. Contractor has failed to make timely and adequate payments
Subcontractors or others;
D. Contractor has failed to carry out the Work in accordance with this
E. Owner force places insurance on behalf of Contractor in
accordance with Section 15.2;
F. Any cost or expense incurred by Owner to cancel or discharge one
or more liens as provided in Section 12;
G. All damages Owner has suffered under this Contract as provided
for in Section 17.6; and
H. The amount, if any, by which the costs incurred by Owner to
complete the Work exceed the balance of the Contract Sum at the time of
termination, and any other losses incurred as a result of Contractor's default, as
provided for in Section 17.9.
11.5. No Representation. Any payment made by Owner to Contractor shall not
thereby be deemed to represent that Owner has made an exhaustive or continuous
inspection to check the quality or quantity of the Work, or that Owner has
reviewed the means,
methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures used to perform
the Work, or that Owner has
made an examination to ascertain the purposes for which
Contractor has used the monies
previously paid to Contractor, if any, pursuant to the
Contract. No payment by Owner shall constitute an
acceptance of any Work that is
defective or otherwise not in accordance with this Contract.
Section 12. No Liens. Contractor agrees that any monies it shall receive in
payment for Work performed under this
Contract, other than the portion of such
payments being a part of Contractor’s fee for services
rendered under this Contract and
remaining after payment in full of all expenses associated with
the Work, shall be received
in trust and used to discharge its financial obligations with respect to
such Work.
Contractor further agrees that it will not file or cause to be filed any mechanic’s lien
labor performed or to be performed unless Owner. Contractor further agrees that if any
Subcontractor holding a subcontract from it or any materialman supplying materials to it
or anyone
claiming by or through it or any such Subcontractor or materialman shall file
or cause to be filed
any lien, Contractor will, upon notice from Owner, cause such lien to
be canceled and discharged
within 15 calendar days from such notice; and in the event
of Contractor’s failure to do so, Owner shall have the right to cause such lien to be
canceled and discharged, and in that event any
expense so incurred by Owner,
including the premiums upon any bond furnished for such
cancellation and discharge
and reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements, shall be paid by
Contractor, or at
the option of Owner, shall be deducted from any payment then due or thereafter
due from Owner to Contractor.
Section 13. Environmental Matters.
13.1. Notification of Presence of Hazardous Materials. Owner has notified
that it anticipates that the improvements to be demolished contains various
asbestos containing
materials, lead paint and other Hazardous Materials, including but
not limited to, transformers
and/or other electrical equipment containing polychlorinated
bi-phenyls which are located at the Site.
Contractor has represented to Owner that it has
experience in handling Hazardous Materials, has
inspected the Site for the presence of
Hazardous Materials and has included the cost of
remediation and disposal of such
Hazardous Materials in the Contract Sum.
13.2. Release Reporting.
A. Immediate Reporting Requirements. Contractor shall immediately
report a release to all appropriate agencies and to Owner in the event a release
occurs during the
performance of the Work that requires immediate reporting to
one or more federal, state or local
agencies pursuant to applicable law including
but not limited to the Emergency Planning and
Community Right-To-Know Act
of 1986, CERCLA, the Clean Water Act and the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990. The
term, immediate reportingshall mean those instances where
reporting is required
within 15 minutes of the incident such that it is not practical to contact Owner
to making such report.
B. Other Reporting Requirements. Except for releases subject to
Subsection 13.2.A above, Contractor shall promptly advise Owner in writing of
any condition
which it reasonably believes requires reporting, the appropriate
agencies that should receive
reports and the time period in which reports should
be provided. Owner shall be responsible for
making all such reports unless
otherwise agreed in writing. Contractor shall assist Owner in
preparing such
reports at the request of Owner.
C. Contractor Reporting Requirements. In the event Contractor is
specifically required by applicable federal, state or local laws, regulations or
ordinances to
independently report any release to any appropriate agency,
Contractor shall advise Owner in
writing of such requirement and shall provide
copies of all such intended reports to Owner prior to
making such reports.
Contractor shall use its best efforts to coordinate any reports it is
required to make with Owner.
13.3. Process and Compliance. In addition to other provisions of this Contract,
Contractor shall provide all engineering methods and follow all work practices required
to meet
the exposure limits as required by OSHA Standards at 29 C.F.R. §§ 1910.1001
to prevent emissions of particulate asbestos material to the outside air as required by
Regulation 40 C.F.R. Part 61, Subpart M (the "Asbestos Regulations"). Prior to the
start of work, Contractor shall provide
Owner with a copy of Contractor's asbestos
removal procedure. Contractor shall provide employees with training on Contractor's
asbestos removal
procedures and Contractor shall so indicate in writing to Owner,
immediately, any deviation
from these procedures. Contractor, when required by EPA
Regulations, shall provide the EPA
regional administrator with written notice of intention
to remove asbestos and this notice shall
include all EPA required information. This
written notice shall be sent by certified mail, return
receipt requested. Owner shall be
given a copy of this written notice and a copy of the EPA
returned receipt prior to the
start of asbestos removal. Contractor shall also provide all
notices, plans, and other
documents as required under the Asbestos Regulations and shall provide Owner with a
copy of all such notices. Contractor shall provide Owner with copies of all truck asbestos
permits, dumping receipts, monitoring test results, and any and all documentation
as may be
required by the Asbestos Regulations. Prior to the start of work, Contractor
shall provide
Owner with the names and social security numbers of all asbestos removal
employees and a
certification that employees are physically able to use respirators
without any danger to their
health and further certifying that they have received all of
the required training and medical
examinations. Contractor shall maintain a current daily
log of personnel entering the sealed
asbestos removal work area and copy Owner daily.
Contractor shall provide all personal
protective equipment, as required by OSHA
Standards 29 C.F.R. §§ 1910.1001, for
its employees. Contractor’s Asbestos Removal
Procedure shall include an established
respirator program which shall provide training
in the use of, and testing for proper face fit of,
any respirator for all asbestos removal
employees as required by OSHA Standard 29 C.F.R. §§
1910.1001 and the American
National Standards Institute “Practices For Respirator
Protection,” ANSI Z88.2-2015 and
the "American National Standard for Respiratory Protection Respirator Use Physical
Qualifications for Personnel," ANSI Z88.6-
2006. Contractor shall provide all
protective equipment to Owner’s personnel or any state or
other Governmental Authority
who may be required to inspect the work. Contractor shall provide
or make available at
its cost, medical examinations relative to exposure to asbestos as required
Standards 29 C.F.R. §§ 1910.1001. Contractor shall provide for all
personal and
environmental monitoring by a qualified person or an Industrial hygienist using the
Standards 29 C.F.R. §§ 1910.1001 methods with the samples tested by a
accredited by qualified agencies. Contractor shall retain all Project records as
required by
OSHA Standards 29 C.F.R. §§ 1910.1001 for a period of 20 years or
longer as may be
required by State or local regulations.
Section 14. Indemnification.
14.1. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law,
Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Owner and its officers, directors,
employees or agents (collectively, the "Owner Indemnified Persons", and each,
individually, an "Owner Indemnified Person" from and against:
A. all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’
and consultants’ fees, arising out of the failure, in whole or in part, directly or
indirectly, of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any material or equipment supplier,
or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them and all other persons for whom
contractor may be legally liable (collectively, the "Contractor-Related Persons",
each, individually, a “Contractor-Related Person”) to comply with Applicable
Environmental Laws; Contractor’s advising or instructing Owner in contravention
of Applicable Environmental Laws; or the release or disturbance of Hazardous
Materials by any Contractor-Related Person. Contractor hereby agrees to
indemnify, defend and hold all Owner Indemnified Persons harmless from and
against any and all costs, penalties, fines, remediation expenses, accountants’,
and attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation in the event of any allegation of
improper disposal of Hazardous Materials by any Contractor-Related Person in
connection with this Contract. This Section 14.1.A is intended to indemnify Owner
Indemnified Persons from liability even in the event of any Owner Indemnified
Person’s contributory or concurrent negligence or strict liability;
B. all claims, damages, losses, expenses, liabilities and judgments
which may be made, asserted or entered against Owner or any other Owner
Indemnified Person (including attorneys', consultants' and experts' fees), which
arise from, are incident to, grow out of or are connected with bodily injuries to any
person, (including Contractor-Related Persons), or damage to any property,
caused in whole or in part by Contractor or any other Contractor-Related Person
(except to the extent caused by the sole negligence of any Owner Indemnified
Person). Contractor hereby waives any immunity provided for by the applicable
workers compensation laws so that this indemnity may be enforced against
Contractor for any action brought against any Owner Indemnified Person by any
employee or alleged employee of Contractor;
C. any claims, damages, losses, expenses, liabilities and judgments
which may be made, asserted or entered into against any Owner Indemnified
Person based upon or arising from any actual or claimed infringement of patents,
trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, mask work rights, or copyrights with
respect to any process, product, equipment or apparatus, goods or materials
supplied by Contractor or any other Contractor-Related Person in connection with
any of their performance hereunder or the Work (except to the extent such
infringement arises solely and directly out of Contractor's compliance with Owner's
written specifications for such item of equipment or material); and
D. any and all liability imposed by reason of Contractor’s or any other
Contractor-Related Person's actual or asserted violation of laws, regulations,
ordinances, or other rules of government or any quasi-governmental body or
agency, including but not limited to, actual or alleged failure to pay taxes or other
governmental fees or charges.
14.2. Deduction from Payments to Contractor. Any loss or damage incurred by
Owner in connection with the foregoing may be deducted from compensation then due or
to become due to Contractor hereunder, which deduction shall be in addition to any other
remedies that Owner may have hereunder.
14.3. Survival. The Indemnities in this Section Section 14 shall survive the
completion of the Work or the earlier termination of this Contract.
14.4. Notification. Contractor shall promptly advise Owner in writing of
action, administrative or legal proceeding or investigation as to which this
may apply, and Contractor, at its own expense, shall assume on behalf of
the Owner-Related
Persons, and conduct with due diligence and in good faith the
defense thereof with counsel
satisfactory to the Owner-Related Persons; provided,
however, that the Owner-Related Persons
shall have the right, at their option, to be
represented therein by advisory counsel of their own
selection and at their own expense.
In the event of failure by Contractor to fully perform in
accordance with this Section 14.4,
the Owner-Related Persons, each at its option, and without
relieving Contractor of its
obligations hereunder, may so perform, but all costs and expenses so
incurred by the
Owner-Related Persons in that event shall be reimbursed by Contractor,
together with
interest on the same from the date any such expense was paid by the Owner-
Persons until reimbursed by Contractor, at the highest lawful rate of interest allowed
under applicable usury law (or if no maximum rate is applicable, at the rate of 18% per
This indemnification shall not be limited to damages, compensation or benefits
payable under
insurance policies, workers compensation acts, disability benefit acts or
other employees' benefit
14.5. Modified to Comply with Law. It is agreed with respect to any legal
limitations now or hereafter in effect and affecting the validity or enforceability of the
indemnification obligation under this Section, such legal limitations are made a part of the
indemnification obligation and shall operate to amend the indemnification obligation to the
minimum extent necessary to bring the provision into conformity with the requirements
of such
limitations, and as so modified, the indemnification obligation shall continue
in full force and
Section 15. Insurance.
15.1. General and Specifications Exhibit. Attached hereto as Exhibit " D " are
specifications for insurance and bonds to be obtained and maintained by Contractor and
insurance to be obtained and maintained by Subcontractors. The specifications are in
addition to
the requirements set out in this Section 15. In the event of any conflict between
the specification
in Exhibit "D" and the requirements set out in the below sections of this
Section 15, the
specifications in the Exhibit "D" control and amend and supersede the
conflicting requirement set out
in the below sections of Section 15. Contractor will
maintain certificates and evidence of
insurance from all Subcontractors, enumerating,
among other information, the waivers of
subrogation in favor of and additional insured
status of the Owner Indemnified Persons, as required
by the Contract Documents.
Contractor will make such certificates and evidence of insurance
available to Owner
Indemnified Persons prior to commencement of the Work and thereafter upon
The coverages and limits set forth in Exhibit "D" are minimum requirements and not a
determination as to all of the coverages and maximum limits that Contractor should
carry. The
failure of Owner to demand full compliance by Contractor or any Subcontractor
with respect
to the minimum coverages outlined in Exhibit "D" will not constitute a
waiver with respect to Contractors’ or the Subcontractors’ obligation to maintain such
coverages. Contractor hereby indemnifies Owner and all Owner Indemnified Persons
against any claims arising from Contractor’s or any Subcontractor of any tier's failure to
purchase and/or maintain the insurance coverages required by this Contract.
15.2. Forced Placed Insurance. In the event of any failure by Contractor to
with the provisions of this Section, Owner may, without in any way compromising
or waiving any
right or remedy at law or in equity, on notice to Contractor, purchase such
insurance, at
Contractor's expense, provided that Owner shall have no obligation to do
so and if Owner shall
do so, Contractor shall not be relieved of or excused from the
obligation to obtain and maintain
such insurance amounts and coverages.
15.3. Contractor’s Liability Insurance. Contractor shall purchase from and
maintain in
a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the State of
Missouri such insurance
as expressly required by the insurance requirements in the
Contract Documents and as will
protect Contractor from claims set forth below which may
arise out of or result from Contractor’s operations and completed operations under the
Contract and for which Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by
Contractor or by a
Subcontractor of any tier or by anyone directly or indirectly employed
by any of them, or by
anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable:
A. Claims under workers compensation, disability benefit and other
employee benefit acts that are applicable to the Work to be performed;
B. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational
sickness or
disease, or death of Contractor’s employees;
C. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease,
or death
of any person other than Contractor’s employees;
D. Claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability
E. Claims for damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible
including loss of use resulting therefrom;
F. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, death of a person
or property
damage arising out of ownership, maintenance or use of a motor
G. Claims for bodily injury or property damage arising out of
H. Claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable to
obligations under Section 14; and
I. Pollution liability.
15.4. Limits, Occurrence and Claims-Made Basis. The insurance required by
this Section 15 and Exhibit "D" shall be written for not less than limits of liability specified
in the Contract Documents
or required by law, whichever coverage is greater. Coverages,
whether written on an occurrence
or claims-made basis, shall be maintained without
interruption from the date of commencement of
the Work until the date of final payment
and termination of any coverage required to be
maintained after final payment, and, with
respect to Contractor’s completed operations
coverage, until the expiration of five years
from final completion. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
such coverage required hereunder
shall not be written on a claims-made basis without the
advance express written consent
of Owner, which consent may be withheld or denied in Owner’s
sole discretion, and if
consent is not obtained then the insurance is to be written on an occurrence
basis. No
deductible or self-insured retention in excess of $10,000.00 is permitted without the prior
written approval of Owner. No policy may include an endorsement restricting, limiting
excluding coverage in any manner without the prior written approval of Owner.
15.5. Policies and Certificates of Insurance. Certificates of insurance acceptable
to Owner shall be filed with Owner prior to commencement of the Work and thereafter
renewal or replacement of each required policy of insurance. The insurance policies
required by
this Section 15 and Exhibit "D" shall contain a provision that coverages
afforded under the policies
will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days’
prior written notice has been given
to Owner. An additional certificate evidencing
continuation of liability coverage, including
coverage for completed operations, shall be
submitted with Contractor's final invoice and
thereafter upon renewal or replacement of
such coverage until the expiration of the time required
by Section 15.4. Information
concerning reduction of coverage on account of revised limits or
claims paid under the
general aggregate, or both, shall be furnished by Contractor with
reasonable promptness.
Prior to commencement of Work and thereafter as requested by Owner,
Contractor shall
provide Owner with a certified true and correct copy of the insurance of
Contractor’s and
such of the Subcontractors of any tier requested by Owner. When any required
due to the attainment of a normal expiration date or renewal date shall expire,
Contractor shall supply Owner with certificates of insurance and amendatory riders or
endorsements that clearly evidence the continuation of all coverage in the same manner,
limits of
protection, and scope of coverage as was provided by the previous policy.
In the event any
renewal or replacement policy, for whatever reason obtain or required,
is written by a carrier other
than that with whom the coverage was previously placed, or
the subsequent policy differs in any
way from the previous policy, Contractor shall also
furnish Owner with a certified copy of the
renewal or replacement policy unless Owner
provides Contractor with prior written consent to
submit only a Certificate of insurance
for any such policy. All renewal and replacement policies
shall be in form and substance
satisfactory to Owner and written by carrier acceptable to Owner.
15.6. Endorsements. Contractor shall cause the commercial liability, auto and
umbrella liability coverage required by the Contract Documents to include (1) Owner
and Owner's officers and directors as additional insureds for claims caused in whole or
part by Contractor’s acts or omissions during Contractor’s operations; and (2) Owner
and Owner's officers and directors
as additional insured for claims caused in whole or in
part by Contractor’s acts or
omissions during Contractor’s completed operations. All
such liability policies carried and
maintained by Contractor must be endorsed to be
primary to any liability insurance policies
carried by the additional insureds with respect
to Contractor's operations hereunder. Waivers of
subrogation shall be provided in favor
of the additional insureds on general, auto, workers
compensation/employers, umbrella,
pollution and all other liability policies carried and maintained
by Contractor.
15.7. Bonds. Owner shall have the right to require Contractor to furnish
covering faithful performance of the Contract and payment of obligations arising
thereunder as stipulated in bidding requirements or specifically required in the Contract
Documents on the date of execution of the Contract. The payment bond shall be in the
required amount and form and issued by an issuer acceptable to Owner. The
payment bond
shall not be on an AIA bond form. Any person, firm or corporation
executing a performance or
payment bond upon Contractor’s Work under the Contract
Documents, shall be deemed to
have consented in advance to any changes in the Work
made by order of Owner; any such
changes shall in no way alter or impair the
obligations of such person, firm or corporation
executing such a bond. The amount of
the bonds shall be written to increase with Change
Orders. Contractor shall obtain and
file with Owner bonds for any increases in the Contract Sum
as may be necessary to
effectuate coverage for increases in the Contract Sum. Issuer must be
at least a Best’s
Key Rating Guide A/VII company and listed on the United States Department of
Treasury’s List of Acceptable Sureties and Reinsurers, Treasury Department Circular
570. The Contractor shall keep
the surety informed of the progress of the Work, and,
where necessary, obtain the Surety's consent to and waiver of (1) notice of changes in
the Work; (2) request for reduction of release of
retention; (3) request for final payment;
and (4) any other material required by the surety. Owner may, in Owner's sole discretion,
inform the Surety of the progress of the Work and
obtain consents as necessary to
protect Owner's rights, interest, privileges, and benefits
under and pursuant to any bond
issued in connection with the Work. For contracts over $150,000 a 5% bid bond and 100%
performance bond and payment bond are required.
15.8. Property Insurance. The risk of loss to the improvements is to be borne
Contractor and Contractor waives and releases any claims on Owner’s property
Section 16. Compliance with Law.
16.1. Covenant. Contractor agrees that it shall comply with, and shall cause all
Subcontractors, consultants, and engineers retained by Contractor to comply with
requirements of applicable law, including, without limitation, (1) any code or ordinances
of the
municipality where the Project site is located; (2) the requirements of the local board
of insurance
underwriters; (3) the provisions of any permits for the Work; (4) OSHA
rules and regulations; and (5) all Applicable
Environmental Laws and Legal
16.2. Changes in Laws. If after the date of this Contract there is a change in the
applicable to the Work (including a change in any official interpretation thereof issued
by a court
or regulatory agency) that necessitates some modification to the performance
of any Work under
this Contract, and Contractor neither had knowledge nor could
reasonably have been expected to
have knowledge of such change prior to the date of
this Contract, Contractor shall prepare a
Change Order including the
modifications required by such change in law and, upon acceptance by Owner, the
Contract Sum
shall be amended accordingly. No adjustment in the Contract Sum shall be
made in the event of
any change in law that Contractor knew of or could reasonably be
expected to have knowledge of
as of the date of this Contract.
Section 17. Termination or Suspension.
17.1. Termination for Convenience. Owner may terminate this Contract or any
portion of the Work at any time, with or without cause, by 5 days prior written notice to
Contractor provided, however, that Owner shall compensate Contractor for the verifiable
direct cost of all Work properly performed and profit earned prior to Contractor's receipt
of notice and all of Contractor's reasonable, verifiable direct costs and expenses incurred
in demobilizing following any such termination. Under no circumstances is Contractor
entitled to reimbursement for any lost profits, lost opportunity costs, productivity losses,
lost efficiencies or any other direct, indirect or consequential damage or cost occasioned
by Owner's termination for convenience.
17.2. Suspension for Convenience. Owner may suspend performance of all or
any portion of the Work at any time, with or without cause, by 10 days prior written notice
to Contractor provided, however, that as Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy with
respect thereto, Contractor shall be entitled to a Change Order in accordance with 9.4.
During any such suspension, Contractor shall protect and secure the Work in such
manner as Owner may require at Owner's expense, if such suspension is for convenience.
Unless Owner otherwise directs, Contractor shall, at Owner's expense, if such suspension
is for convenience, maintain its readiness on or near the Site to proceed with the Work
upon Owner's further instructions. Contractor shall use its best efforts to use its material,
labor and equipment in a manner that will mitigate costs associated with such a
suspension. Following a suspension, Owner may at any time give Contractor notice to
continue with the suspended Work.
17.3. Events of Default. Each of the following circumstances or events shall
constitute an "Event of Default" by the party specified at the beginning of each sub-clause
A. by either party, if: a proceeding is instituted against the party
seeking to adjudicate it as bankrupt or insolvent and such proceeding is not
dismissed within 60 days of filing; the party makes a general assignment for the
benefit of its creditors; a receiver is appointed on account of the insolvency of the
party; the party files a petition seeking to take advantage of any other applicable
laws relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, winding up or composition
or readjustment of debts; or the party is unable to pay its debts when due or as
they mature;
B. by Owner, if Owner fails to pay any undisputed amount and such
failure continues unremedied for more than 30 days after first written notice thereof
by Contractor;
C. by Contractor, if Contractor fails to perform any material obligation
under this Contract and such failure continues and/or has not been remedied,
and/or the effects of such failure have not been remedied, in each case for more
than 15 days after first written notice thereof by Owner;
D. by Contractor, if Contractor fails to fully complete the Project within
10 days or more beyond the Completion Date;
E. by Contractor, if Contractor abandons performance of the Work
and such abandonment is not cured within 7 days after first written notice thereof
by Owner;
F. by Contractor, if any Contractor-Related Person is in breach of any
Applicable Environmental Laws and such breach is not cured within 7 days after
first written notice thereof by Owner; and
G. By Contractor, if Contractor fails to obtain or maintain, in full force
and effect, any insurance or permit required to be obtained by Contractor or its
Subcontractors pursuant to this Contract and such failure is not cured within 7
days after notice thereof.
17.4. Notice of Default. Any notice of default pursuant to Section 17.3 shall be
given in accordance with Section 18.1.
17.5. Termination for Default. Upon an Event of Default by a party, the other
party may by written notice to the defaulting party, effective immediately or on such other
date as the terminating party may specify, terminate this Contract, and (except as
expressly limited in this Contract) exercise all other remedies under the Agreement, at
law or in equity with respect to such termination and the relevant Event of Default.
17.6. Owner's Right of Set Off. Owner may, at its sole discretion, set off damages
Owner has suffered under this Contract against any amounts that may be due to
Contractor by Owner under this Contract.
17.7. General Obligations. If Owner elects to terminate this Contract pursuant to
this Section 17, Contractor shall, at Owner's request and at Contractor's expense, do the
A. cease all Work, except such Work as Owner may specify in the
termination notice for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the Work already
B. terminate all subcontracts; except those to be assigned to Owner
pursuant to Section 17.7.C;
C. immediately assign to Owner title to all Work not already owned by
Company, all subcontracts and other contracts, all permits, licenses,
authorizations, approvals, patents and other Contractor required authorizations;
D. remove from the Site all machinery, tools, Hazardous Materials,
trash and debris as Owner may request.
17.8. Payment Obligations. If Owner terminates this Contract as a result of an
Event of Default with respect to Contractor pursuant to 17.5, Owner is not obligated to
make any further payments to Contractor until either (i) the Work that remained
outstanding on the date of termination (the "Outstanding Work") has been completed by
or on behalf of Owner, or (ii) Owner has decided to abandon the Project. Upon completion
of the Outstanding Work or abandonment of the Project (as the case may be), Owner
shall pay Contractor the portion of the Contract Sum applicable to all Work properly
performed in accordance with this Contract, subject to Company's right of set-off under
Section 17.9.
17.9. Owner Set Off Rights; Reimbursement by Contractor. Owner shall have
the right to deduct from the payment due to Contractor pursuant to Section 17.8 the
amount, if any, by which the costs incurred by Owner to complete the Work exceed the
balance of the Contract Sum at the time of termination, and any other losses incurred as
a result of Contractor's default. Under no circumstances is Contractor entitled to
reimbursement for any lost profits, lost opportunity costs, productivity losses, lost
efficiencies or any other direct, indirect or consequential damage or cost occasioned by
Company's termination in accordance with Section 17.5 as a result of Contractor's Event
of Default.
Section 18. Notices.
18.1. Method. Any notice to be given by either party to this Contract shall be
given in
writing and may be effected by personal delivery e-mail or sent by United
States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
If to Owner:
Ranken Technical College
Attn: David Cadle/Derek Babcock
4431 Finney Avenue
St. louis, MO 63113
If to Contractor:
18.2. Effective Date. Any notice sent in compliance with the requirements of this
Section 18
shall be deemed received on the earlier to occur of (i) the date such notice is
by the party or parties to whom such notice is addressed; (ii) three days
following the date such notice is deposited in a United States Post Office or other official
depository of the United
States mail; or (iii) if such notice is sent via e-mail, upon receipt
if received during recipient's normal business hours or at the beginning of the recipient’s
next business day after receipt if not received during the recipient’s normal business
Section 19. Miscellaneous.
19.1. Entire Contract. This Contract, including the Exhibits, contains the entire
between Owner and Contractor pertaining to the transaction contemplated by
this Contract and
fully supersedes all prior Contracts and understandings between
Owner and Contractor
pertaining to such transaction.
19.2. Conflicts. In the event there is any conflict among this Contract and the
Drawings, the provisions of this Contract shall be controlling, and in the event any
specifications, working drawings or similar project documents are not specific,
the better quality or
better quantity of work or materials shall be taken to be that specified
under this Contract.
Without in any way limiting the foregoing, Contractor covenants and
agrees that the quality of
workmanship and the quality of materials to be furnished under
this Contract shall be at least as
good as the quality of workmanship and materials
commonly used in projects for Owner or other
major industrial companies in the vicinity
of the site of the Work.
19.3. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between
Owner and Contractor affecting or relating to the subject matter or performance of this
the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party
all of the prevailing
party's reasonable expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys'
fees, accountants' fees and
court costs.
19.4. Binding Effect. This Contract shall not be binding upon either Owner or
Contractor unless and until both Owner and Contractor have executed this Contract
or any
counterpart hereof.
19.5. No Third Party Beneficiary. The provisions of this Contract and of any
documents to be executed and delivered in connection with the Project are and
will be for the
benefit of Owner and Contractor only and are not for the benefit of any third
party, and
accordingly, no third party shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this
Contract or of any
other documents to be executed and delivered in connection with the
19.6. No Assignment by Contractor. Contractor shall not sublet, assign, or
transfer this
Contract or any part thereof or any interest therein or contract any part of
the Work called for by
this Contract or permit the further subcontracting of any part thereof
without prior written notice to
Owner and without first obtaining the written consent of
Owner thereto. The Contractor
shall not subcontract any portion of the Work to any
proposed Subcontractor to whom Owner has
objection. Every such subcontract shall
require the Subcontractor to be bound by and to comply
with all the Contract Documents
and Contractor shall cause its Subcontractors to comply with all
the Contract Documents.
19.7. Rule of Construction. This Contract shall be construed without regard
to any
presumption or other rule requiring construction against the party causing this
Contract or any of
the provisions thereof to be drafted or prepared. If any words or
phrases shall have been stricken
out or otherwise eliminated, whether or not other
words or phrases have been added, this
Contract shall be construed as if the words
or phrases so stricken out or otherwise eliminated
were never included in this Contract
and no implication or inference shall be drawn from the fact
that said words or phrases
were so stricken out or otherwise eliminated.
19.8. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Missouri. Each of the parties hereby
irrevocably submits to and accepts the jurisdiction of any state or federal court sitting in
the City or County of St. Louis, Missouri, and each of the parties hereby irrevocably agrees
that any action may be heard and determined in such state or federal court.
19.9. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. In the event any legal action is taken under this
Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party
reasonable attorneys' fees, cost of suit, and all other costs reasonably related to
enforcement of its rights under this Contract as determined by a court of competent
19.10. Counterpart and Electronic Signatures. This Contract may be executed in
counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which taken together shall
constitute one and the same agreement. Signatures transmitted by facsimile or electronic
mail (via pdf or other similar digital imaging method) shall constitute original signatures
for purposes hereof.
[Signature Page Immediately Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have, through their duly authorized
representatives, executed this Demolition Contract as of the date first above written.
Ranken Technical College
[See Attached]
[See Attached]
Minimum Limits
Other Requirements
Contractor’s Pollution Legal
Liability Insurance
$5,000,000 for each occurrence
and $10,000,000 aggregate
1. Scope. Such insurance shall cover any
environmental claims, liabilities, loss or damage to the
Job Site, adjoining properties, third parties, including
property damage, bodily injury, disease or disease and
transporter liability and properties contaminated
during transportation (“Claims”) caused by pollution
conditions that arise from the operations of Contractor
and its Subcontractors of every tier. Coverage shall
include Claims arising out discharge, dispersal,
seepage, migration, release or escape of Hazardous
Materials, and cover clean-up costs. Coverage shall
apply to sudden and non-sudden pollution conditions.
2. Defense Costs. Defense, including costs and
expenses incurred in the investigation, defense, or
settlement of claims, shall be provided outside of the
limit of liability.
3. Notice. Contain a provision for 30 days’ prior
written notice by insurance carrier to Owner required
for cancellation, non-renewal, or substantial
4. Waiver of Subrogation. Include a waiver of
subrogation by insurer as to Owner, and Owner's
officers and directors.
5. If Claims Made. If coverage is written on a claims-
made basis, Contractor warrants that any retroactive
date applicable to coverage under the policy precedes
the effect date of the Contract, and that continuous
coverage will be maintained on an extended discovery
period will exercised for a period of 5 years beginning
from the time that Work under this Contract is
6. Insureds. The policy shall be endorsed to include
as an insured Owner, and Owner's officers and
Disposal Site Operator
Contract is to furnish Owner evidence of pollution
legal liability insurance maintained by the disposal
site operator for losses arising from the insured
facility accepting waste under this Contract.
Coverage certified to Owner this paragraph must be
maintained in minimum amounts of $25,000,000 per
Worker’s Compensation
Statutory Limits (if state has
no statutory limit, $1,000,000)
1. Form. No “alternative” forms of coverage will be
2. Waiver of Subrogation. Waiver of subrogation by
carrier as to claims against Owner and Owner's
officers and directors.
3. Rating. Issuer must be at least a Best’s Key Rating
Guide A/VII company.
Employer’s Liability
$1,000,000 each accident for
$1,000,000 each employee for
1. Waiver of Subrogation. Waiver of subrogation by
carrier as to claims against Owner and Owner's
officers and directors.
2. Rating. Issuer must be at least a Best’s Key Rating
Guide A/VII company.
Commercial General Liability
(Occurrence Basis)
$1,000,000 per occurrence
$2,000,000 general aggregate
$1,000,000 product-completed
operations aggregate limit
$1,000,000 personal and
advertising injury limit
$100,000 damage to
premises rented to you limit
$10,000 medical expense limit
1. Form. ISO form CG 00 01 or equivalent.
2. Insured Contracts. Coverage shall apply to but not
be limited to liability assumed by Contractor under
the Construction Documents (including the tort liability
of another assumed in a business contract).
3. Primary. This insurance shall be endorsed to
provide primary and non-contributing liability
coverage. It is the specific intent of the parties to this
Agreement that all insurance held by Owner shall be
excess, secondary and non-contributory.
4. Separation of Insureds. Separation of insured
language will not be modified.
5. Dedicated Limits. Aggregate limit of insurance (per
project) endorsement ISO CG 25 03, or equivalent.
6. Contractual Liability “Personal Injury”. The
contractual liability exclusion with respect to “personal
injury” (as defined in ISO policies) will be deleted.
7. Defense. Defense will be provided as an additional
benefit and not included within the limit of liability.
8. Duration. This insurance will be maintained in
identical form, and amount, including required
endorsements, for at least 4 years following the Date
of Final Completion.
9. Additional Insureds. Owner and Owner's officers
and directors will be listed as additional insureds on
an ISO CG 20 26 or equivalent form of endorsement.
10. Waiver of Subrogation. Endorsed to provide for
carrier’s waiver of subrogation for claims against
Owner, its Regents and employees, and Owner’s
11. Rating. Issuer must be at least a Best’s Key
Rating Guide A/VII company.
12. Prohibited Endorsements. The following
exclusions/limitations (or their equivalents) are not
(a) Contractual Liability Limitation, CG 21 39 or
its equivalent.
(b) Amendment Of Insured Contract Definition,
CG 24 26 or its equivalent.
(c) Limitation of Coverage to Designated
Premises or Project, CG 21 44.
(d) Any endorsement modifying or deleting the
exception to the Employer’s Liability
(e) Any “Insured vs. Insured” exclusion.
(f) Any type of punitive, exemplary or multiplied
damages exclusion.
Business Automobile Liability
(Occurrence Basis)
$100,000 combined single
1. Form. ISO form CA 00 01 or equivalent.
2. Scope. Includes liability arising out of operation of
owned, hired and non-owned vehicles.
3. Rating. Issuer must be at least a Best’s Key Rating
Guide A/VII company.
Umbrella Liability Insurance
(Occurrence Basis)
Limits for liability policies may
be allocated between
underlying policies and an
umbrella liability policy, subject
to the Other Requirements of
these Specifications.
1. Scope. Written on an umbrella basis in excess over
and no less broad than the liability coverages
referenced above.
2. Coverage Dates. Inception and expiration dates will
be the same as commercial general liability
3. Drop Down Coverage. Coverage must “drop
down” for exhausted aggregate limits under the
liability coverages referenced above.
4. Dedicated Limits. Aggregate limit of insurance per
location endorsement dedicating limits to the Project.
5. Rating. Issuer must be at least a Best’s Key
Rating Guide A/VII company.
Subcontractors Insurance
Unless waived by Owner in
writing in advance of a
Subcontractor’s commencing
Work, each Subcontractor of
every tier shall have liability
insurance coverage meeting the
same specifications as set out for
Contractor, including designating
on the commercial general liability
and automobile liability policies
that Owner and Owner's officers
and directors are additional
insureds by additional insured
endorsements acceptable to
Owner, and the insurers of the
liability policies shall waive rights
of subrogation against Owner and
Owner's officers and directors.