Instructor: Ms. Patrice Vassell Room: 818
Email: patrice.vassell@fortbendisd.com Phone: 281-634-6380
Conference Days/Times BY APPOINTMENT:
2nd period: 9:57-10:47am (M/F) and 9:45-10:30am (W)
Individual Supplies
Computer with Internet (Optional)
Headphones or Ear Buds (Optional)
Composition/Spiral Notebook
Glue/Clear Tape
Black or Blue Ink Pens
Pencils/Color Pencils
Pink Pearl Eraser
Classroom Supply
Wide Rule Notebook Filler Paper
Glue (especially glue stick) or Clear Tape
Please have individual supplies as soon
as possible, but all supplies by 8/19/22.
Period 1: ELA AAC
Period 2: PLC/Conference
Period 3: ELA
Period 4: ELA
Period 5: ELA AAC
Period 6: ELA
Period 7: ELA
The objectives are to strengthen reading fluency, comprehension and writing skills by reviewing literary genres and
techniques. This will enable the student to transfer such learning to other subject areas, as well as, to real-world
situations and be better prepared for high school, college, and a career.
Students will practice and improve reading skills by, but are not limited to: Reading Fluency; Vocabulary
Development; Comprehension of Literary Text; Theme and Genre, Poetry, Drama, Fiction, Nonfiction, Sensory
Language, Informational Text of Culture and History; Expository Procedural, and Media Literacy. We will spend a
considerable amount of time on class discussions that will deepen their literacy comprehension.
Students will practice and improve their writing skills but are not limited to: Writing Process of Literary,
Expository, Procedural, Persuasive Texts, with Oral and Written Conventions, Capitalization, and Punctuation,
Spelling, Synthesizing, Organizing and Presenting Ideas in Listening and Speaking. Students will progress through
the writing process as they plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish their own type of writing.
Students will be encouraged to use prior knowledge and critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret what has
been read. The textbook along with supplemental reading sources will provide the students with multiple
opportunities to improve their critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Integrating cooperative learning experiences will provide the opportunity for development of communication
skills, problem solving, and interpersonal relationships.
Stay focused.
Have a growth mindset…Daily!
Come to class prepared and
on time.
Complete ALL classroom and
homework assignments.
Respect and be courtesy
towards your peers and
teachers is a must. Any
disruptive or rude behavior will
not be tolerated…PERIOD!!!
Weighted Grades:
Major Grades: Test/Projects 50%
Daily Grades: Quizzes/Notebook/Classwork 50%
I do not offer extra credit, however late and make-up work will
be considered on a case by case basis.
Term 1 Grading Period (August 9 – October 6, 2023)
Progress Report 1 (August 9 August 25)
Progress Report 2 (August 28 September 15)
Leading to the end of 1st Nine Weeks (September 18 -October 6)
Term 2 Grading Period (October 11 December 15, 2023)
Progress Report 3 (October 11 October 27)
Progress Report 4 (October 30November 17)
Leading to the end of 2nd Nine Weeks/Semester 1 Grading Period
(November 27 December 15)
Term 3 Grading Period (January 4 – March 8, 2024)
Progress Report 5 January 4 – January 24
Progress Report 6 January 26 February 14
Leading to the end of 3rd Nine Weeks (February 16March 8)
Term 4 Grading Period (March 18May 23, 2024)
Progress Report 7 (March 18April 8)
Progress Report 8 (April 9 – April 26)
Leading to the end of 4th Nine Weeks/Semester 2 Grading Period (May 1
May 23)
Students will be allowed to submit
late work. There will be a 10-point
reduction on the grade for each day
the assignment is late.
It is the student’s responsibility to ask
the teacher for make-up work
immediately upon returning to school
from an absence. Generally, one day
for each day of excused absence will
be provided for the make-up work. If a
test was scheduled before the student
was absent, then the student may be
required to take the test the day
he/she returns.
Homework is due on the dates
assigned. Writing all assignments down
will enable you to keep track of
upcoming assignments. This will also
ensure communication between
teacher and parent(s).
Projects follow the same policy as
homework. We will have several
projects this year. All of them will be
assigned with adequate time to
complete. Please do not wait
until the
last minute.
Do not use any electronic devices during class times.
Do not answer your phone during class time, send or check
text messages during class.
Headphones may be used during computer labs, but should
be put away during class times.
Do not bring food or drinks in class. It is too distracting and
disrespectful to classmates who are hungry or who lose
concentration when someone is chewing or slurping.
Plagiarism. If any portion of your essay is copied from another
student or a published work you will receive a grade of zero. It
is easy to figure out. So, don’t do it. Learn to communicate
your own great ideas.
Begins Here…
Please return this information sheet to Ms. Vassell, by Friday, August 18, 2023.
Printed Student Name: _______________________________________________________
Printed Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________
Class Period: _________
We have reviewed the course syllabus and classroom for 6th Grade Language
Arts and Reading.
Student Signature ____________________________________________________________
Date _____________________________
Contact numbers where parent/guardian can be reached:
___________________________ Primary
__________________________ Alternate
Parent Email Address 1: ______________________________________
Parent Email Address 2:_______________________________________