Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
507 Mailer Services
1.0 Treatment of Mail
1.1 Nondelivery of Mail
Mail can be undeliverable for these reasons:
a. No postage.
b. Counterfeit postage (see 604.8.4).
c. Incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address.
d. Addressee not at address (unknown, moved, or deceased).
e. Mail unclaimed.
f. Mail refused by the addressee at time of delivery.
g. Mail refused by the addressee after delivery when permitted.
h. Minimum criteria for mailability not met.
1.2 USPS Address Adjustments
1.2.1 Types of Adjustments
Mail can be undeliverable because of USPS adjustments, such as the following:
a. Renumbering of houses.
b. Renaming of streets.
c. Conversion from rural-style addresses (rural route and box number or
highway contract route and box number) to city-style addresses (house
number and street name).
d. Realignment of rural or highway contract routes.
e. Conversion from rural or highway contract service to city delivery service.
f. Consolidation of routes.
1.0 Treatment of Mail
2.0 Forwarding
3.0 Hold For Pickup
4.0 Address Correction Services
5.0 Package Intercept
6.0 Requesting Withdrawal and Disposal of a Mailing
7.0 Pickup on Demand Service
8.0 Address Management System
9.0 Address Sequencing Services
10.0 Informed Visibility
11.0 USPS Tracking Plus Service
12.0 USPS Label Delivery Service
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
g. Consolidation of Post Offices or adjustment of delivery districts.
1.2.2 Charges
For 3 years after the date when the new address information appears in Address
Information System (AIS) products, a mailer who regularly sends bulk mailings
into an area affected by USPS adjustments is not charged for requested
corrections to galley lists when such corrections relate to those adjustments.
1.2.3 Disposal
Mail that is undeliverable because of USPS adjustments is redirected and
delivered to the destination without an additional postage charge as follows:
a. For an adjustment under 1.2.1athrough1.2.1c, for 1 year from the date when
the new address appears in the AIS bimonthly products released in
February, April, June, August, October, and December.
b. For an adjustment under 1.2.1d through 1.2.1g, for 1 year from the end of
the month in which the adjustment occurs.
c. For mail bearing the simplified address “Postal Customer,” “Residential
Customer,” “Rural Route Box Holder,” “Highway Contract Route Box
Holder,” or “Post Office Box Holder,” for 90 days or until the next June 30,
whichever is later.
1.2.4 Records
Records of address changes caused by USPS adjustments are kept by the local
Post Office for 3 years.
1.3 Directory Service
USPS letter carrier offices provide directory service for the types of mail listed
below that have an insufficient address or cannot be delivered at the address
given (USPS does not compile a directory of any kind):
a. Mail with extra services (certified, COD [excluding COD Hold For Pickup
mailpieces], registered).
b. Foreign, except circulars. (Foreign mail received in quantities with
letter-class postage but the general characteristics of circular mail is not
given directory service.)
c. Mail from overseas Armed Forces.
d. Parcels mailed at any Package Services or Parcel Select price.
e. Perishable matter.
f. Official USPS mail.
g. Priority Mail Express 1-Day Service.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.4 Basic Treatment
1.4.1 General
Mail that is undeliverable as addressed is forwarded, returned to the sender, or
treated as dead mail, as authorized for the particular class of mail.
Undeliverable-as-addressed mail is endorsed by USPS with the reason for
nondelivery as shown in Exhibit 1.4.1. All nonmailable pieces are returned to the
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
Exhibit 1.4.1 USPS Endorsements for Mail Undeliverable as Addressed
Attempted—Not Known Delivery attempted, addressee not known at place of address.
Box Closed—No Order* Post office box closed for nonpayment of rent.
Deceased Used only when known that addressee is deceased and mail is not properly deliverable to
another person. This endorsement must be made personally by delivery employee and
under no circumstance may it be rubber-stamped. Mail addressed in care of another is
marked to show which person is deceased.
Delivery Suspended to Commercial Mail
Receiving Agency
Failure to comply with 508.1.8.1 through 508.1.8.4.
Illegible* Address not readable.
In Dispute* Mail returned to sender by order of chief field counsel (or under 508.1.0 and 508.2.0)
because of dispute about right to delivery of mail and cannot be determined which
disputing party has better right to mail.
Insufficient Address* Mail without number, street, box number, route number, or geographical section of city or
city and state omitted and correct address not known.
Moved, Left No Address Addressee moved and filed no change-of-address order.
No Mail Receptacle* Addressee failed to provide a receptacle for receipt of mail.
No Such Number* Addressed to nonexistent number and correct number not known.
No Such Office in State* Addressed to nonexistent Post Office.
No Such Street* Addressed to nonexistent street and correct street not known.
Not Deliverable as Addressed—
Unable to Forward
Mail undeliverable at address given; no change-of-address order on file; forwarding order
Outside Delivery Limits* Addressed to location outside delivery limits of Post Office of address. Hold mail for
out-of-bounds customers in general delivery for specified period unless addressee filed
Refused* Addressee refused to accept mail or pay postage charges on it.
Returned for Better Address
Mail of local origin incompletely addressed for distribution or delivery.
Returned for Postage Mail without postage or indication that postage fell off.
Returned to Sender, Mailpiece Contains
Nonmailable Contents.
Mail returned to sender due to contents that are nonmailable.
Returned to Sender Due to Addressee’s
Violation of Postal False Representation
and Lottery Law
Mail returned to sender under false representation order and lottery order.
Returned to Sender Due to Addressee’s
Violation of Postal False Representation
Mail returned to sender under false representation order.
* Alternative addressing formats may not be used on the following: Priority Mail Express pieces; mail with any extra service listed in
602.3.1.2e.; mail sent with any ancillary service endorsement, except as allowed in 1.5.1b; and mail sent to any overseas military Post
Office. When an alternative addressing format is used on Periodicals pieces, the publisher is notified of nondelivery only for those reasons
marked with an asterisk (*).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.4.2 Official Mail
Official mail is treated the same as mail for the general public. All fees and
services must be paid or collected on delivery of mail or address correction
1.4.3 Mailer Endorsement
A mailer endorsement is used to request forwarding, return, or address
correction service. This endorsement (and other marking) must be prepared
under 102 or 202. The endorsements authorized for each class of mail and the
required wording are listed in the charts according to class of mail.
1.4.4 Order
The information in the charts in this unit is associated with a customer’s change-
of-address order. Information on temporary changes of address is not provided.
1.4.5 Extra Services
Mail with extra services is treated according to the charts for each class of mail in
1.5, except that:
a. Undeliverable-as-addressed Certified Mail is treated as First-Class Mail and
USPS Ground Advantage – Retail.
b. All insured First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage Retail, USPS Ground
Advantage – Commercial, and Priority Mail pieces are forwarded and
returned at no additional charge. All insured USPS Marketing Mail, Package
Services, and Parcel Select pieces are forwarded or returned.
c. All Registered Mail items are treated as registered while they are being
forwarded or returned.
1.4.6 Metered Pieces
Mail paid by postage meter that does not have a delivery address and a return
address is returned to the Post Office of mailing. The reason for nondelivery is
attached but the address correction fee is not charged. The piece is returned to
the meter licensee upon payment of the applicable return postage.
Returned to Sender Due to
Addressee’s Violation of Postal Lottery
Mail returned to sender under lottery order
Temporarily Away* Addressee temporarily away and period for holding mail expired.
Unclaimed* Addressee abandoned or failed to call for mail.
Undeliverable as Addressed, Missing
PMB or # Sign
Failure to comply with 508.1.8.3d.
Vacant* House, apartment, office, or building not occupied. (Use only if mail addressed
* Alternative addressing formats may not be used on the following: Priority Mail Express pieces; mail with any extra service listed in
602.3.1.2e.; mail sent with any ancillary service endorsement, except as allowed in 1.5.1b; and mail sent to any overseas military Post
Office. When an alternative addressing format is used on Periodicals pieces, the publisher is notified of nondelivery only for those reasons
marked with an asterisk (*).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.5 Treatment for Ancillary Services by Class of Mail
1.5.1 First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, USPS Ground
Advantage – Commercial, and Priority Mail
Undeliverable-as-addressed First-Class Mail (including postcards), USPS
Ground Advantage Retail, USPS Ground Advantage Commercial, and Priority
Mail pieces are treated under Exhibit 1.5.1 with these additional conditions:
a. First-Class Mail and Priority Mail cards and unregistered letters that do not
appear to contain merchandise and do not bear “Return Service
Requested” or “Change Service Requested” (Option 1 only) may be
forwarded to international addresses.
b. Alternative addressing formats under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with
any extra service or mail with any ancillary service endorsement except
Change Service Requested (Option 1). Only if the address is incorrect or
incomplete or the mail is undeliverable for another reason as shown in
Exhibit 1.4.1, undeliverable First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage –
Retail, USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial, or Priority Mail pieces with
any alternative addressing format are returned with the reason for
nondelivery attached; however, if such mail is endorsed “Change Service
Requested,” the piece is disposed of and an ACS record is provided for the
same reasons.
c. The Priority Mail portion of a Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipment
receives the forwarding, return, and address correction services described
in Exhibit 1.5.1. The mail enclosed within the Priority Mail Open and
Distribute shipment receives the services appropriate for its class.
d. First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, USPS Ground
Advantage – Commercial, or Priority Mail pieces bearing USPS Marketing
Mail markings and endorsements under 202 and 244.5.1 for letters, flats,
and parcels receive forwarding, return, and address-correction services for
USPS Marketing Mail under 1.5.3.
e. [1-21-24]"Change Service Requested" is not permitted for the following:
1. [1-21-24]Priority Mail, other than Priority Mail containing perishable
matter under 601.8.0 (except for live animals).
2. [1-21-24]First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage - Retail, USPS
Ground Advantage - Commercial, or Priority Mail pieces containing
hazardous materials under 601.8.0.
3. [1-21-24]First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage - Retail, USPS
Ground Advantage - Commercial or Priority Mail pieces with an extra
service other than USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation.
4. [1-21-24]First-Class Mail pieces containing Ballot Mail under 703.8.0.
f. Address Change Service under 4.0 is available for First-Class Mail, USPS
Ground Advantage – Retail, USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial, and
Priority Mail pieces with the ACS participant code for an authorized ACS
participant and a valid ancillary service endorsement. Mailers participating in
OneCode ACS under 4.2.6 may print an Intelligent Mail barcode on
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
First-Class Mail automation letters instead of a participant code and
endorsement. The only endorsements permitted on First-Class Mail, USPS
Ground Advantage – Retail, USPS Ground Advantage –Commercial and
Priority Mail valid ACS pieces are “Address Service Requested,” “Change
Service Requested,” or “Electronic Service Requested” subject to the
1. “Address Service Requested” (Option 1) is valid for use on all
mailpieces, including ACS participating pieces. “Address Service
Requested” (Option 2) is valid for use only on ACS participating pieces.
2. “Change Service Requested” (Options 1 and 2) are valid for use only on
ACS participating pieces.
3. The words “Option 1” or “Option 2” must not be part of the “Address
Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested” endorsement on
4. Participating ACS mailers are limited to selecting only one of the two
options available for “Address Service Requested” and one of the two
options available for “Change Service Requested.” The option(s)
selected along with the mailer's ACS participant code will be
programmed at the CFS unit to facilitate processing of valid ACS pieces
within the conditions that apply to ACS.
Exhibit 1.5.1 Treatment of Undeliverable First-Class Mail, USPS Ground
Advantage – Retail, USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial and Priority Mail
No Endorsement In all cases: Same treatment as “Forwarding Service Requested.”
In all cases: Mailpiece is directed to a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) or Postal Automated
Redirection System (PARS) site for processing. “Address Service Requested” and “Change Service Requested”
handling instructions and options are required to be predefined within the ACS mailer profile data. OneCode ACS
mailers are also required to insert this service request through a valid service type code in an Intelligent Mail
barcode. The service type code in the Intelligent Mail barcode will take precedence over the instructions in the
mailer account profile.
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address
provided (address correction fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (no charge).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge); separate notice of reason for
nondelivery provided (address correction fee charged).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address
provided (address correction fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (no charge); separate
notice of new address provided (address correction fee charged).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge);
separate notice of reason for nondelivery provided (address correction fee charged).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (no charge).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
“Return Service
OPTION 1 In all cases (regardless of whether a change-of-address order is on file):
Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached (in either case, no
“Return Service
OPTION 2 In all cases (regardless of whether a change-of-address order is on file):
Piece returned with new address or reason for non-delivery attached and separate ACS notice
of new address provided. Address correction fee charged. For First-Class Mail letters or flats,
request must be made via the correct Service Type ID (STID) embedded in the Intelligent Mail
barcode on the mailpiece.
In all cases (regardless of whether a change-of-address order is on file):
Separate notice of new address or reason for nondelivery provided (in either case, address
correction fee charged); piece disposed of by USPS.
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of reason for nondelivery provided (address
correction fee charged).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address
provided (address correction fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of new address
provided (address correction fee charged).
After month 18: Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of reason for nondelivery
provided (address correction fee charged).
1 AND 2)
The following restrictions apply:
(1) This endorsement is limited to use on valid mailpieces bearing a proper ACS participant
code and only for: (a) Priority Mail containing perishable matter (other than live animals) and the
marking "Perishable" and; (b) First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage - Retail, and USPS
Ground Advantage Service - Commercial (excluding hazardous materials).
(2) USPS Tracking and Signature Confirmation are the only extra services permitted with this
(3) This endorsement is not valid for Ballot Mail under 703.8.0.
Return Service
OPTION 1 If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
If permanent change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached (in either case, no
If temporary change-of-address order on file:
Piece forwarded to temporary address (no charge); no separate notice of temporary address
Return Service
OPTION 2 Request must be made via the correct STID embedded in the Intelligent Mail barcode on the
mailpiece for First-Class Mail letters or flats.
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge) and separate ACS notice
provided. Address correction fee charged.
If permanent change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached and separate ACS notice
of new address provided. Address correction fee charged.
If temporary change-of-address order on file:
Piece forwarded to temporary address (no charge) with no notice to the mailer.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.5.2 Periodicals
Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Periodicals publications (including
publications pending Periodicals authorization) are treated as described in
Exhibit 1.5.2, with these additional conditions:
a. Periodicals matter is forwarded only to domestic addresses.
b. Publications with an alternative addressing format as noted under
602.3.0are delivered to the address when possible. Forwarding service is not
provided for such mail.
c. Address correction service is mandatory for all Periodicals publications,
except when publishers use alternative addressing and an IMb with proper STID.
Except as provided for Full-Service under
4.2.2d and 705.23.5.2, an address
correction service fee must be paid for each notice issued.
d. Address correction service is provided for the first issue after 60days for all
publications, unless copies are to be returned at the publisher’s request.
ACS participants may receive the change notice before day 60, if so
requested. Copies received after the address correction notice is mailed are
disposed of by the USPS. When copies of the publication cannot be
forwarded, the address correction notice is prepared for the first
undeliverable issue of the publication received.
e. The publisher may request the return of copies of undelivered Periodicals by
printing the endorsement “Address Service Requested” on the envelopes or
wrappers, or on one of the outside covers of unwrapped copies,
immediately preceded by the sender’s name, address, and ZIP Code. This
endorsement obligates the publisher to pay return postage. For each
returned piece, the mailer is charged the single-piece First-Class Mail or
USPS Ground Advantage – Retail price for the weight and shape of the
piece, and the letter-size nonmachinable surcharge if applicable. When the
address correction is provided incidental to the return of the piece, there is
no charge for the correction.
f. A publisher may request a refund of the fees paid for duplicate address
correction notices on PS Forms 3579 provided by USPS if the customer
submitted a change-of-address order and the first and duplicate notices are
provided electronically via ACS or on printed copy by a Computerized
Forwarding System (CFS) unit. The refund request must be supported by
documentation showing the number of duplicate notices received. USPS
does not process refunds for duplicate notices if the original and duplicate
notices are not provided both by ACS or both by CFS.
1. Valid for all pieces, including Address Change Service (ACS) participating pieces subject to 507.4.0.
2. Valid only for ACS participating pieces subject to 507.4.0 other than pieces containing hazardous materials.
3. Does not meet Move Update requirement.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
Exhibit 1.5.2 Address Service Requested
1.5.3 USPS Marketing Mail
[1-21-24] Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) USPS Marketing Mail pieces are
treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.3, with these additional conditions:
a. [1-21-24] USPS Marketing Mail pieces are forwarded only to domestic
b. [1-21-24] The exceptional address format under 602.3.0 may not be used on
mail with any ancillary service endorsement or mail with any extra service
(except as allowed for Marketing parcels with USPS Tracking service).
c. [1-21-24] The endorsement "Change Service Requested" is not permitted
for the following:
1. [1-21-24] Mailpieces containing hazardous materials under 601.8.0.
Mailpieces containing hazardous materials must bear the endorsement
"Address Service Requested," "Forwarding Service Requested," or
"Return Service Requested."
2. [1-21-24] Mailpieces containing Ballot Mail under 703.8.0.
d. [1-21-24] USPS Marketing Mail pieces may be forwarded or returned at the
appropriate Media Mail or Library Mail price if the content of the mail
qualifies as Media Mail or Library Mail under 173 or 273 and the mail is
marked "Media Mail" or "Library Mail" directly below the ancillary service
No Endorsement
1. Valid for all pieces, including Address Change Service (ACS) participating pieces.
If no change-of-address order on file:
Separate notice of reason for nondelivery provided (address correction fee charged); piece
disposed of by USPS.
If change-of-address order on file:
First 60 days: Piece forwarded (no charge).
After 60-day period: Separate notice of new address or reason for nondelivery provided (in
either case, address correction fee charged); piece disposed of by USPS.
“Electronic Service
In all cases: Mailpiece is directed to a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) or Postal
Automated Redirection System (PARS) site for processing. Handling instructions and options are
required to be predefined within the ACS mailer profile data. OneCode ACS mailers are also
required to insert this service request through a valid service type code in an Intelligent Mail
barcode. The service type code in the Intelligent Mail barcode will take precedence over the
instructions in the mailer account profile.
“Address Service
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only return postage charged at First-Class
Mail or USPS Ground Advantage — Retail single-piece price or Priority Mail single-piece price, as
appropriate for weight of piece).
If change-of-address order on file:
First 60 days: Piece forwarded (no charge).
After 60-day period: Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached (in
either case, only return postage charged at First-Class Mail or USPS Ground Advantage –
Retail single-piece price as appropriate for weight of piece).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
e. [1-21-24] If a USPS Marketing Mail piece, including any attachment to that
piece, is not opened by the addressee and the piece is endorsed "Address
Service Requested," "Forwarding Service Requested," or "Return Service
Requested," the addressee may refuse delivery of the piece and have it
returned to the sender without affixing postage. If a USPS Marketing Mail
piece, or any attachment to that piece, is opened by the addressee, the
addressee must affix the required postage to return the piece to the sender,
except for Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) pieces under 505.5.2.1.
f. [1-21-24] USPS Marketing Mail pieces with bulk insurance must be
endorsed "Address Service Requested," "Forwarding Service Requested,"
or "Return Service Requested." USPS Marketing Mail pieces, except for
Marketing parcels, with USPS Tracking must be endorsed "Address Service
Requested," "Forwarding Service Requested," "Return Service Requested,"
or "Change Service Requested".
g. USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight pieces with bulk
insurance must be endorsed “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding
Service Requested,” or “Return Service Requested.” USPS Marketing Mail
pieces, except for Marketing parcels, with USPS Tracking must be endorsed
“Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” “Return
Service Requested,” or “Change Service Requested.”
h. When a large volume of identical-weight pieces originates from a single
mailer and is endorsed “Return Service Requested,” USPS may weigh a
sample of at least 25 pieces and divide that weight by the number of pieces
to determine the weight of a single piece. After the per-piece weight is
determined, all the pieces are weighed in bulk and divided by the per-piece
weight to determine the total number of pieces. Calculate the return postage
using these numbers.
i. The mailer of a returned piece endorsed “Return Service Requested” is
charged the applicable single-piece First-Class Mail or USPS Ground
Advantage – Retail price for the weight and shape of the piece, and the
nonmachinable surcharge if applicable.
j. Mail sent as BPRS under 505.5.0 is returned at the BPRS per piece fee if the
endorsement includes “— BPRS” as shown in Exhibit 1.5.3.
k. Customized MarketMail under 705.1.0 is not eligible to use ancillary service
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
Exhibit 1.5.3 Treatment of Undeliverable USPS Marketing Mail
No Endorsement
In all cases:
Piece disposed of by USPS.
[1-21-24] USPS Marketing Mail pieces containing hazardous materials must bear a permissible (see
In all cases: Mailpiece is directed to a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) or Postal Automated
Redirection System (PARS) site for processing. “Address Service Requested”, “Return Service Requested”, and
“Change Service Requested” handling instructions are predefined within the ACS mailer profile data. OneCode
ACS mailers are also required to insert this service request through a valid service type ID in an Intelligent Mail
barcode. The service type ID in the Intelligent Mail barcode will take precedence over the instructions in the
mailer account profile.
“Address Service
(Does not include Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return participants)
“Address Service
OPTION 1 If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address
provided. Address correction fee charged.
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (only weighted fee
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee
“Address Service
OPTION 2 If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged at applicable
First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail single-piece price for the weight of the
piece. Separate notice provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer at
the applicable First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail single-piece price
for the weight of the piece. Separate notice of new address provided. (Electronic ACS
fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached and separate ACS
notice of new address provided. Weighted fee
charged for return of piece and address
correction fee charged.
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached and separate ACS
notice of reason for nondelivery provided. Weighted fee
charged for return of piece and
address correction fee charged.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
“Address Service
(Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return participants via ACS only)
“Address Service
Shipper Paid
Return Option 1
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged as follows: at
applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece
price for the weight of the piece.
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address
provided. Address correction fee charged.
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (only weighted fee
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee
“Address Service
Shipper Paid
Return Option 2
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged as follows: at
applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece
price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice provided (electronic ACS fee is charged).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer as
follows: at applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority
Mail single-piece price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice of new address
provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (postage charged as
above: “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided (electronic
ACS fee charged).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (postage charged
as above: “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided (electronic
ACS fee charged).
“Address Service
Shipper Paid
Return Option 3
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged at the applicable
First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail single-piece price for the weight of the
piece. Separate notice provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer at
the applicable First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail single-piece price
for the weight of the piece. Separate notice of new address provided. (Electronic ACS
fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached; return postage is
charged to the mailer at the applicable First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage –
Retail single-piece price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice of new address
provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery; return postage is charged to
the mailer at the applicable First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail
single-piece price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice of reason for nondelivery
provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
“Address Service
(BPRS participants only)
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only Bulk Parcel Return Service fee charged).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge to addressee); separate ACS notice of new address
provided. (ACS address correction fee and forwarding postage are charged at First-Class Mail, or USPS
Ground Advantage – Retail, single-piece price as appropriate for weight of piece, via mailer’s ACS
participant code.)
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (only Bulk Parcel Return Service fee
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only Bulk Parcel Return Service fee
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (only weighted fee
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee
“Return Service
(Except for BPRS participants)
OPTION 1 Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached. In either case, only
return postage is charged at First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail
single-piece price, as appropriate for the weight of the piece.
“Return Service
OPTION 2 (Available via ACS only)
Request must be made via the correct STID embedded in the Intelligent Mail barcode on
the mailpiece for USPS Marketing Mail letters or flats.
In all cases (regardless of whether a change-of-address order is on file):
Piece returned with new address or reason for non-delivery attached and separate ACS
notice of reason for nondelivery provided. In either case, both the address correction fee is
charged, and return postage is charged at First-Class Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage –
Retail single-piece price, as appropriate for the weight of the piece.
“Return Service
(For BPRS participants only)
In all cases:
Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached (in either case, only Bulk Parcel Return
Service fee charged).
“Change Service
OPTION 1 [1-21-24] (Valid for all pieces, including ACS participating pieces)
If no change-of-address order on file, or if change-of-address order is on file:
Notice of new address or reason for non-delivery provided (address correction fee charged);
piece disposed of by USPS.
The following restrictions apply:
(1) USPS Tracking is the only extra services permitted with this endorsement.
[1-21-24] (2) This endorsement is not permitted for USPS Marketing Mail pieces containing
hazardous materials.
[1-21-24] (3) This endorsement is not valid for Ballot Mail under 703.8.0.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.5.4 Package Services, and Parcel Select
[1-21-24] Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Package Services, and Parcel
Select mailpieces are treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.4, with these additional
a. Package Services and Parcel Select mail is forwarded only to domestic
b. Except for Bound Printed Matter pieces including USPS Tracking, the
exceptional address format under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with any
ancillary service endorsement or mail with any extra service (see 263.3.4).
Forwarding service is not provided for such mail. Undeliverable Parcel
Select, Media Mail, and Library Mail with this address format are returned
“Change Service
1, 4
OPTION 2 [1-21-24] (Available via ACS only; for USPS Marketing Mail [all shapes])
If no change-of-address order on file:
Reason for non-delivery provided to mailer (electronic ACS fee charged); piece disposed of
by USPS.
If change-of-address order on file:
[1-21-24] Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded; postage due charged to the mailer at
the applicable Forwarding fee based on the mailpiece shape for USPS Marketing Mail;
separate notice of new address provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of new address
provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
After month 18: Treatment same as noted under “If no change-of-address order on file”.
The following restrictions apply:
(1) USPS Tracking is the only extra services permitted with this endorsement.
(2) This endorsement is not permitted for USPS Marketing Mail pieces containing hazardous
(3) [1-21-24] This endorsement is not valid for Ballot Mail under 703.8.0.
“Change Service
(Shipper Paid Forwarding participants via ACS only)
If no change-of-address order on file:
Reason for nondelivery provided to mailer (electronic ACS fee charged); piece disposed of by USPS.
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded; postage due charged to the mailer at the applicable First-Class
Mail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Retail single-piece price for the weight of the piece; separate notice of
new address provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of new address provided (electronic
ACS fee charged).
After month 18: Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of reason for nondelivery provided (electronic
ACS fee charged).
The following restrictions apply:
(1) USPS Tracking is the only extra service permitted with this endorsement.
(2) This endorsement is not permitted for USPS Marketing Mail pieces containing hazardous materials.
1. Not valid for pieces containing hazardous materials.
2. [1-21-24] The weighted (per piece) fee is the First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage - Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece price and any
nonmachinable surcharge (see 133.1.0), multiplied by 2.472, rounding any fractions to the next whole cent.
3. Does not meet the Move Update requirement.
4. Not valid for pieces containing hazardous materials. Valid for all other pieces, including ACS participating pieces.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
with the reason for nondelivery attached only if the address is incorrect or
incomplete, or the mail is undeliverable for another address-related reason.
Undeliverable Bound Printed Matter with this address format is disposed of
by USPS.
c. The endorsement “Change Service Requested” is not permitted for Package
Services or Parcel Select mailpieces containing hazardous materials under
d. If a Package Services (except for unendorsed Bound Printed Matter) or
Parcel Select mailpiece and any attachment are not opened by the
addressee, the addressee may refuse delivery of the piece and have it
returned to the sender without affixing postage. Pieces endorsed “Change
Service Requested” are not returned to the sender. If a Package Services or
Parcel Select piece or any attachment to that piece is opened by the
addressee, the addressee must affix the applicable postage to return the
piece to the sender.
e. An undeliverable Package Services (except for unendorsed Bound Printed
Matter) or a Parcel Select mailpiece that bears postage with a postage
evidencing imprint and that has an illegible (or no) return address is returned
to the meter licensee or PC Postage customer upon payment of the return
postage. The reason for nondelivery is attached, with no address correction
fee. All Package Services (except unendorsed Bound Printed Matter) and
Parcel Select pieces must have a legible return address.
f. Bound Printed Matter with no ancillary service endorsement and with an
extra service other than USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation service is
treated as though endorsed “Forwarding Service Requested.”
Exhibit 1.5.4 Treatment of Undeliverable Package Services and Parcel
No Endorsement In all cases:
Same treatment as “Forwarding Service Requested.”*
*Exception: USPS disposes of Bound Printed Matter (BPM) flat-sized pieces with no mailer
endorsement that does not have an eligible extra service, and BPM parcels with USPS Tracking,
Signature Confirmation, or Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery, but with no other eligible
extra service.
“Electronic Service
In all cases: Mailpiece is directed to a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) or Postal
Automated Redirection System (PARS) site for processing. “Address Service Requested,”
“Return Service Requested,” and “Change Service Requested” handling instructions are
predefined within the ACS mailer profile data. OneCode ACS mailers are also required to insert
this service request through a valid service type ID in an Intelligent Mail barcode. The service type
ID in the Intelligent Mail barcode will take precedence over the instructions in the mailer account
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
“Address Service
(Except for Shipper Paid Forwarding participants)
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece is returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only return postage charged) as follows:
Parcel Select: at the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional
service fee.
Package Services: at the appropriate single-piece price for the specific class of mail.
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Package Services forwarded postage due at the single-piece price
for the class of mail. Parcel Select forwarded as postage due to addressee at the USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional service fee. In both cases,
separate notice of new address is provided. (Address correction fee is charged.) If
addressee refuses to pay postage due, piece is returned with reason for nondelivery
attached and postage charged as follows:
a. Parcel Select: at the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional
service fee.
b. Package Services: at the single-piece price for the class of mail.
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (postage charged as
noted in items a and b under “Months 1 through 12.”)
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (postage charged as
noted in items a and b under “Months 1 through 12.”)
“Address Service
Shipper Paid
Option 1
(Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return participants via ACS only)
If no change-of-address order on file:
Parcel returned with reason for nondelivery attached. Postage due is charged at the applicable
Package Services single-piece price or the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus
the additional service fee.
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Parcel forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer at the
applicable Package Services single-piece price or the USPS Ground Advantage –
Commercial price plus the ACS and Shipper Paid Forward/Return additional service fee.
Separate notice of new address provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Parcel returned with new address attached; (postage due charged
as above: see “If no change-of-address order on file”).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; (postage due charged
as above: see “If no change-of-address order on file”).
“Address Service
Shipper Paid
Option 2
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; Postage due charged as follows: at the
applicable USPS Retail Ground or Package Services single-piece price or the Parcel Select
Ground price plus the additional service fee. Separate notice provided (electronic ACS fee is
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Parcel forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer as
follows; at the applicable USPS Retail Ground or Package Services single-piece price or the
Parcel Select Ground price plus the ACS & Shipper Paid Forward/Return additional service
fee. Separate notice of new address provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Parcel returned with new address attached (postage charged as
above: see “If no vchange-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided (electronic
ACS fee charged).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (postage charged as
above: see “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided (electronic
ACS fee charged).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
“Address Service
Shipper Paid
Option 3
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached. Return postage is charged to the mailer at
the Package Services single-piece price, or the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price
plus the ACS and Shipper Paid Forward/Return additional service fee. Separate notice provided.
(Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Parcel forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer at the
Package Services single-piece price or the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price
plus the ACS and Shipper Paid Forward/Return additional service fee. Separate notice of
new address provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Parcel returned with new address attached; return postage is
charged to mailer as above: see “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice
provided (electronic ACS fee is charged).
After month 18: Parcel returned with reason for nondelivery; return postage is charged to
mailer as above: see “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided
(electronic ACS fee is charged).
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; return postage charged at the applicable
Package Services single-piece price or the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus
the additional service fee.
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Package Services forwarded postage due at the single-piece price
for the class of mail. Parcel Select forwarded as postage due to the addressee at the USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional service fee. If the addressee
refuses to pay postage due, the piece is returned with reason for nondelivery attached;
postage charged at the applicable Package Services single-piece price or the USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional service fee.
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (postage charged as
noted under “Months 1 through 12.")
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (postage charged as
noted under “If no change-of-address order on file.”)
“Return Service
Option 1 In all cases (regardless of whether a change-of-address order is on file):
Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached. In either case, only return
postage is charged and as follows: at the Package Services single-piece price or the USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional service fee.
“Return Service
Option 2 (Available via ACS only)
In all cases (regardless of whether a change-of-address order is on file):
Piece returned with new address or reason for non-delivery attached; return postage is charged
at the applicable Package Services single-piece price or the USPS Ground Advantage –
Commercial price plus the additional service fee. Separate ACS notice of reason for nondelivery
provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged).
“Change Service
Option 1 (Valid for all pieces, including ACS participating pieces)
If no change-of-address order on file, or if change-of-address order is on file:
Notice of new address or reason for non-delivery provided (address correction charged): piece
disposed of by USPS.
The following restrictions apply:
(1) USPS Tracking and Signature Confirmation are the only extra services permitted with this
(2) This endorsement is not permitted for Package Services containing hazardous materials.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.5.5 Priority Mail Express
Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Priority Mail Express is treated as described
in Exhibit 1.5.5, with these additional conditions:
a. Priority Mail Express is forwarded only to domestic addresses.
b. Directory service is provided for Priority Mail Express that cannot be
delivered because of an incorrect or incomplete address.
c. The Priority Mail Express portion of a Priority Mail Express Open and
Distribute shipment receives the forwarding, return, and address correction
services described in Exhibit 1.5.5. The mail enclosed within the Open and
Distribute shipment receives the services appropriate for its class.
d. Undeliverable or unclaimed Priority Mail Express is held by the USPS for
5 calendar days before it is returned to the sender at no additional postage,
unless either of the following applies:
1. The mail is refused before the end of the 5 calendar days.
“Change Service
Option 2 (Available via ACS only; for Bound Printed Matter flats only)
If no change-of-address order on file:
Reason for non-delivery provided to mailer (electronic ACS fee charged); piece disposed of by
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded; postage due charged to the mailer at applicable
Forwarding Fee based on the piece shape (flat); separate notice of new address provided
(electronic ACS fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Piece disposed of by USPS; separate notice of new address
provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
After month 18: Treatment same as noted under “If no change-of-address order on file”.
“Change Service
(For Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return participants via ACS only)
If no change-of-address order on file:
Reason for nondelivery provided (electronic ACS fee charged); parcel disposed of by USPS.
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Parcel forwarded; postage due charged to the mailer at the Package
Services single-piece price for the specific class of mail or the USPS Ground Advantage –
Commercial price plus the ACS and Shipper Paid Forward/Return additional service fee;
separate notice of new address provided. (Electronic ACS fee is charged.)
Months 13 through 18: Parcel disposed of by USPS; separate notice of new address
provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
After month 18: Parcel disposed of by USPS; separate notice or reason for nondelivery is
provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
The following restrictions apply:
(1) USPS Tracking and Signature Confirmation services are the only extra services permitted with
this endorsement.
(2) This endorsement is not permitted for Package Services containing hazardous materials.
1. Does not meet the Move Update Requirement.
2. Does not meet the Move Update Requirement.
3. Not valid for pieces containing hazardous materials. Valid for all other pieces, including ACS participating pieces.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
2. The mail is not refused and the sender has specified in the return
address a longer holding period (not to exceed 30 days). The sender
may also place an instruction above the return address, subject to
102.4.0 or 202.4.0, directing the return of undeliverable mail after fewer
than 5 calendar days.
Exhibit 1.5.5 Treatment of Undeliverable Priority Mail Express
1.6 Attachments and Enclosures
1.6.1 Periodicals
Undeliverable Periodicals (including publications pending Periodicals
authorization) with a nonincidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure are
returned at the single-piece First-Class Mail price for the weight and shape of
the piece, and the nonmachinable surcharge if applicable, or USPS Ground
Advantage – Retail price for the weight and destination of the piece. The weight
of the attachment or enclosure is not included when computing the charges for
return of the mailpiece. Undeliverable Periodicals (including publications
pending Periodicals authorization) with an incidental First-Class Mail attachment
or enclosure are treated as dead mail unless endorsed “Address Service
1.6.2 USPS Marketing Mail
Undeliverable, unendorsed USPS Marketing Mail with a nonincidental
First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is returned at the single-piece
First-Class Mail price for the weight and shape of the piece or USPS Ground
Advantage – Retail price for the weight and destination of the piece. The weight
of the First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is not included when computing
No endorsement In all cases:
Same as USPS treatment for “Forwarding Service Requested.”
“Address Service
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address provided
(address correction fee charged).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (no charge).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
“Forwarding Service
If no change-of-address order on file:
Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
If change-of-address order on file:
Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge).
Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (no charge).
After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge).
“Return Service
In all cases:
Piece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached (in either case, no charge).
“Change Service
Not available for Priority Mail Express.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
the charges for return of the mailpiece. Undeliverable, unendorsed USPS
Marketing Mail with an incidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is
treated as dead mail.
1.6.3 Package Services and Parcel Select
Undeliverable, unendorsed mailpieces with a First-Class Mail attachment or
enclosure are forwarded or returned as follows:
a. Parcel Select at the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the
additional service fee.
b. Package Services at the single-piece price for the specific class of mail.
c. For both types of host pieces, if the attachment or enclosure is a
nonincidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure, the weight of the
attachment or enclosure is not included when computing charges.
1.7 Mixed Classes
1.7.1 Combination With First-Class Mail
Combination mailings of First-Class Mail with USPS Marketing Mail or Package
Services are provided the forwarding and return service of USPS Marketing Mail,
as appropriate:
a. An undeliverable combination mailpiece, including a piece that cannot be
forwarded, one part of which is First-Class Mail (other than an incidental
First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure), must be returned to the sender,
subject to the charge for return according to its class. The weight of the
First-Class Mail piece is not included when computing the charge for return
of the Periodicals, USPS Marketing Mail, or Package Services part.
b. Items with incidental First-Class Mail enclosures or attachments are returned
according to the class of the host piece.
c. An undeliverable combination mailpiece that is not returnable to the sender,
of which one part is First-Class Mail, is given the treatment that applies to
the class of the other part.
1.7.2 Other Combinations
Pieces of Periodicals, USPS Marketing Mail, Package Services, or Parcel Select
with other classes of mail attached or enclosed (other than incidental First-Class
Mail attachments or enclosures) must be forwarded under standards for the host
piece. Neither the enclosures nor the host piece are provided the forwarding
service of First-Class Mail.
1.7.3 Host Piece
Any undeliverable combination mailpiece that does not include First-Class Mail
matter is given the treatment applicable to the host piece.
1.7.4 Parcel
Mailers of combination parcels containing Media Mail and Bound Printed Matter
are charged postage at the USPS Ground Advantage – Retail price to forward or
return the parcel.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.8 Returning Mail
1.8.1 Nonmailable
Nonmailable matter is returned to the sender immediately.
1.8.2 Refused Mail
Returnable mail is returned if refused by the addressee.
1.8.3 Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, USPS Ground
Advantage – Retail, and USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial
Mailpieces sent as Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, USPS
Ground Advantage – Retail, or USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial mail that
cannot be delivered as addressed or forwarded to a new address, unless
otherwise requested by the sender, are returned to the sender at no additional
charge. Excluding pieces containing live animals, USPS disposes of the
a. Priority Mail pieces with a valid Address Change Service (ACS) participant
code marked “Perishable” and endorsed “Change Service Requested.”
b. First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, or USPS Ground
Advantage – Commercial pieces with a valid ACS participant code and
endorsed “Change Service Requested.”
1.8.4 Other Classes
Other returnable mail is treated as appropriate for the class of mail and the
sender’s instructions except as noted below.
1.8.5 Extra Services
If a return receipt is attached to a certified, collect on delivery (COD), numbered
insured, registered, or Priority Mail Express piece to be returned, the reason for
nondelivery is shown on the face of the piece. The receipt stays attached to the
piece and is returned to the sender. Registered Mail is returned through the
registry system. The sender must sign a delivery receipt for returned Priority Mail
Express, Registered Mail, COD articles, Adult Signature services, and mail
insured for more than $500. Returned Priority Mail Express (when waiver of
signature is requested by the sender), Certified Mail, and mail with Signature
Confirmation may be returned to the sender without obtaining a signature when
those mailpieces are returned as undeliverable.
1.8.6 No Sender Instructions
Mail without a specific address or instructions from the sender is held:
a. For 5 days if for delivery by rural or highway contract route carrier.
b. For 10 days if for general delivery at an office with city carrier service. If the
addressee notifies the postmaster of a delay in claiming the mail, the
postmaster may hold such mail up to 30 days.
c. For 15 days if for general delivery at an office without city carrier service.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Treatment of Mail
1.8.7 Post Office Box
Deliverable mail addressed to a Post Office box is not returned until after the box
is declared vacant, except for certified, collect on delivery (COD), insured,
registered, postage due, Adult Signature and perishable mail.
1.8.8 Franked Mail
Unclaimed franked mail from a Member of Congress is returned to the origin
Post Office (if known) or the Washington, DC, Post Office.
1.9 Dead Mail
1.9.1 Basic Information
Dead mail is matter deposited in the mail that is undeliverable and cannot be
returned to the sender. A reasonable effort is made to match articles found loose
in the mail with the envelope or wrapper and to return or forward the articles. The
disposition of dead mail items is as follows:
a. Nonmail matter (e.g., wallets and bank deposits) found in collection boxes or
at other points within USPS jurisdiction is returned postage due at the
single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority Mail price for keys and identification
devices that is applicable based on the weight of the matter.
b. Undeliverable, unendorsed USPS Marketing Mail, printed matter, circulars,
newspapers, magazines, and other publications, and unidentified articles
that have no value are disposed of as waste.
c. Undeliverable articles of $25 or more in value are treated as dead mail.
d. Dead letters are opened at mail recovery centers to determine the name and
address of the addressee or sender to permit delivery or return.
e. Except for unendorsed USPS Marketing Mail, the following types of
undeliverable mail that cannot be returned because of an incorrect,
incomplete, illegible, or missing return address are opened and examined to
identify the sender or addressee:
1. USPS Marketing Mail;
2. Package Services; and
3. Insured First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, or USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial pieces containing USPS Marketing
Mail, or Package Services enclosures.
f. Dead parcels are opened at the Mail Recovery Center (see 608.8.0 for
address) to determine name and address of the addressee or sender to
permit delivery or return. Dead parcels returned to the sender or delivered to
the addressee are priced postage due at the zone price from the dead parcel
branch. If parcels are endorsed to show that they are USPS property, or that
the sender refused to pay postage due on return as undelivered, the parcels
are considered USPS property.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Forwarding
1.9.2 USPS Policy and Procedures
The Postal Operations Manual contains USPS policy and procedures for
handling and disposing of dead mail (including through sale at auction or by
donation to institutions).
1.9.3 Customer Inquiry
A customer may inquire about missing mail items listed under 1.9.1 as follows:
a. Contact the local Post Office to initiate a MRC Search form.
b. Use the Missing Mail online application available to registered
customers to complete a search request.Access to the application is
available on under Help>Find Missing Mail.
2.0 Forwarding
2.1 Change-of-Address Order
2.1.1 Normal Time Limit
Records of change-of-address orders are kept by Post Offices for forwarding
and address correction purposes, as follows:
a. A record of permanent change-of-address orders is kept by Post Offices for
18 months, from the end of the month when the change takes effect.
Generally, forwarding is available for the first 12 months. (See 1.5, 1.6, and
1.7 for additional information.)
b. A record of change-of-address orders from general delivery to a permanent
local address without a time limit is kept 6 months.
c. A record of change-of-address orders to other than a permanent local
address is kept 30 days.
2.1.2 Extended Mail Forwarding Service
Customers may extend a permanent change-of-address order for up to an
additional 18 months of forwarding by purchasing Extended Mail Forwarding
service at a Post Office, or online through the Change of Address Application
(Mover’s Guide) on Extended Mail Forwarding service may be
purchased in six-month increments, or for an additional 6, 12, or 18 months, or
any combination, not to exceed 18 months. See Notice 123—Price List.
2.1.3 Temporary Forwarding
Customers temporarily moving away may have mail forwarded for a specific
period of time, not to exceed 12 months (364 total consecutive days). The Postal
Service provides temporary forwarding service for a period of 2 weeks to 6
months (15 to 185 days) in response to an initial temporary change-of-address
order. Customers may extend the temporary forwarding period up to a maximum
of 12 months (364 days), by filing a second change-of-address order to begin on
the first day of the second 6-month period (the 186th day), and expiring on the
desired date, up to and including the last day of the second 6-month period
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Additional Services: Forwarding
(364th day). Every temporary change-of-address order must specify both
beginning and end dates. See 2.1.6 for temporary business bulk forwarding
2.1.4 Methods of Filing
Except under 2.1.6, customers may use one of the following methods to file a
change-of-address order with the Post Office:
a. Mail or present PS Form 3575 to any Post Office, or as the Postal Service
otherwise directs. Customers must provide an acceptable primary form of
identification as specified under 608.10.2 and 608.10.3 when presenting PS
Form 3575 at the Post Office.
b. Use Internet Change of Address (ICOA) at
Customers using the ICOA method must:
1. Pass device-reputation authentication verification. If not, a mobile
phone number verification may be required, and a One-Time Passcode
or verification link will be texted to the customer’s cell phone.
2. Provide a valid credit card number for identity verification. The
customer’s credit card is charged a credit card authentication fee (see
Notice 123—Price List). If online identity verification is not successful,
the customer will be directed to a Post Office authorized to verify the
customer‘s identity in person.
2.1.5 Restricted or Prohibited Use
A change-of-address order cannot be filed or is restricted for the following:
a. Individuals may not file a change-of-address request for someone other than
themselves, or for a business, without authorization (i.e., notarized letter or
letter on company letterhead) showing they are an authorized agent of the
person(s) or business that is moving.
b. An addressee (e.g., an individual, business entity, or other organization) may
not file a change-of-address order for mail originally addressed to the
addressee at an organization, business, place of employment, or other
affiliation. The organization or business may change the address (but not the
addressee’s name) on a mailpiece to redirect it to the addressee. Barcodes
on redirected mailpieces should be obliterated to facilitate automation
c. Individuals may not file a change-of-address order for mail originally
addressed to the individuals at Department of State ZIP Code 20521.
Additionally, individuals may not file a change-of-address order to have mail
forwarded to Department of State ZIP Code 20521.
d. Individuals may file a change-of-address order for mail addressed to or from
Department of State ZIP Code 20189 only under the following conditions:
1. The change-of-address order is submitted through the Internet Change
of Address (ICOA) entry under 2.1.4b. All other change-of-address
methods are prohibited.
2. Only “Individual” orders are permitted.
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Additional Services: Forwarding
3. Only “Permanent” orders are permitted.
2.1.6 Temporary Business Bulk Forwarding
Businesses meeting the applicable standards in 2.1.3 may submit a bulk request
(10 or more locations) to temporarily forward mail. For additional information,
businesses may contact a Postal Service field account representative, strategic
account manager, or the business service network. As confirmation, the Postal
Service will return the bulk request to the customer and include confirmation
codes and a unique customer number that will be stored with the file. If changes
are necessary to the ending date, business customers may make changes at with their confirmation code and new ZIP Code.
2.2 Forwardable Mail
2.2.1 Classes
Forwarding is available for all classes of mail, subject to the corresponding
conditions described in 1.0.
2.2.2 Reforwarding
The address (but not the name) may be changed and the mail reforwarded as
many times as necessary to reach the addressee.
2.2.3 Discontinued Post Office
All Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage
– Retail, USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial, Periodicals, and Package
Services pieces addressed to a discontinued Post Office may be forwarded
without added charge to a Post Office that the addressee designates as more
convenient than the Post Office to which USPS ordered the mail sent.
2.2.4 Rural Delivery
When rural delivery service is established or changed, a customer of any Post
Office receiving mail from the rural carrier of another Post Office may have the
following types of mailpieces forwarded to the latter Post Office for delivery
without added charge, if the customer files a written request with the postmaster
at the former Post Office:
a. Priority Mail Express;
b. Priority Mail;
c. First-Class Mail;
d. USPS Ground Advantage – Retail;
e. USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial;
f. Periodicals; and
g. Package Services.
2.2.5 Converted Service
Mail addressed to Post Office, rural, or highway contract route boxholders is
delivered to customers residing in the affected area until June 30 following
establishment of, or conversion to, city delivery service or for 90 days, whichever
is later.
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Additional Services: Forwarding
2.2.6 Mail for Military Personnel
All Priority Mail Express, First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail,
USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial, Periodicals, and Package Services
mailpieces addressed to persons in the U.S. Armed Forces (including civilian
employees) serving where U.S. mail service operates are forwarded at no added
charge when the change of address is caused by official orders.
2.2.7 Mail Addressed to CMRA Customers
Mail addressed to an addressee at a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA)
is not forwarded through the USPS. The CMRA customer may make special
arrangements for the CMRA operator to remail the mail with payment of new
postage. A CMRA must accept and remail mail to former customers for at least
6 months after termination of the agency relationship. After the 6-month period,
the CMRA may refuse mail addressed to a former customer.
2.3 Postage for Forwarding
2.3.1 Origin
Forwarding postage is computed by using the forwarding office as the origin
2.3.2 Priority Mail Express
Priority Mail Express is forwarded without charge.
2.3.3 Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, and
USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial
Priority Mail, First-Class Mail (including postcards), USPS Ground Advantage –
Retail, and USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial mailpieces are forwarded
without charge when postage is fully prepaid by the sender.
2.3.4 Periodicals
Periodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals
authorization) are forwarded without charge for 60 days when postage is fully
prepaid by the sender.
2.3.5 USPS Marketing Mail
[1-21-24] When forwarding service is provided, generally the mailer of USPS
Marketing Mail is subject to paying additional postage: the USPS Marketing Mail
weighted fee on all returns. Under Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return (under 4.2.9),
mailers of USPS Marketing Mail parcels have an option of paying forwarding
postage on those parcels, or return postage if undeliverable, at the applicable
single-piece First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage - Retail, or Priority Mail
price, instead of the addressee paying postage-due charges.
2.3.6 Package Services, and Parcel Select
[1-21-24] Package Services and Parcel Select pieces are subject to the
collection of additional postage at the applicable price for forwarding: Parcel
Select at the USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial price plus the additional
service fee, and Package Services at the single-piece price for the specific class
of mail. The addressee may refuse any piece of Package Services or Parcel
Select that has been forwarded. Shipper Paid Forwarding, under provisions in
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Hold For Pickup
4.2.9, provides mailers of Package Services and Parcel Select parcels an option
of paying forwarding postage on those parcels, or return postage if
undeliverable, instead of the addressee paying postage due charges.
2.3.7 Extra Services
Certified, collect on delivery (COD) (excluding COD Hold For Pickup mailpieces),
USPS Tracking, insured, registered, Signature Confirmation, and Adult Signature
mail is forwarded to a domestic address only without additional extra service
fees, subject to the applicable postage charge.
3.0 Hold For Pickup
3.1 Fees and Postage
3.1.1 Postage Payment Methods
Hold For Pickup service is available for the products listed under 3.2.2, when
postage is paid using any one of the following methods:
a. Click-N-Ship.
b. Registered end-users of USPS-approved PC Postage products.
c. Permit imprint.
d. USPS-approved Information-Based Indicia (IBI) postage meters when also
using an authorized Hold For Pickup label.
e. A mailer’s Enterprise Payment System (EPS) account when used with a
Package Intercept request.
f. Accepted payment methods at retail Post Office locations (for COD Hold For
Pickup only).
3.2 Basic Information
3.2.1 Description
Hold For Pickup service is available at the time of mailing for mailers meeting the
standards in 3.0, and allows mailpieces to be held at a designated Post Office
location for pick up by a specified addressee or designee. The addressee or
designee must provide an acceptable primary form of identification as specified
under 608.10.3. When the destination Post Office has the addressee’s contact
information, an email or text notice is sent that a package is available for pickup.
This service provides the shipper with tracking information, including the date
and time that the addressee took possession of the item. If the item has not
been picked up within 5 days (3 days for Priority Mail Express), the Post Office
makes a second notification attempt, and returns the item to the sender if not
picked up within 15 days (5 days for Priority Mail Express).
3.2.2 Basic Eligibility
[1-21-24] Hold For Pickup service is available at retail Post Office locations for
Priority Mail Express presented under 113.4.2 or 113.4.3, with or without COD
service; Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, Library Mail, and Media Mail, with COD
service; and for Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage
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Additional Services: Hold For Pickup
– Retail, using USPS Click-N-Ship. It is also available with commercial mailings
of Priority Mail Express presented under 213.4.2 or 213.4.3, Priority Mail, USPS
Ground Advantage - Commercial, and Bound Printed Matter parcels, when:
a. Mailpieces bear an applicable Priority Mail Express label (under 115.2.1 or
215.2.1) or Hold For Pickup label with an Intelligent Mail package barcode
(meeting the technical standards under 204.2.0 and in Publication 199), as
b. For electronic option, mailers establish an electronic link with USPS to
exchange acceptance and delivery data. If the electronic option is requested
for Hold For Pickup service for all of the pieces in the mailing and the mailing
consists of pieces of identical weight, then postage may be paid by any
method in 3.1.1. If the pieces are not of identical weight, then either the
exact postage must be affixed to each piece or postage must be paid with
permit imprint using eVS (705.2.6).
3.2.3 Additional Eligibility Standards
Parcels must meet these additional physical requirements:
a. The surface area of the address side of the parcel must be large enough to
completely and legibly contain the delivery address, return address,
postage, markings, endorsements, and extra service labels.
b. [1-21-24] If the mailpiece is a machinable parcel under 201.7.0 and is no
greater than 3/4 inch thick, the contents must be prepared in a container that
is constructed of strong, rigid fiberboard or similar material or in a container
that becomes rigid after the contents are enclosed and the container is
secured. The parcel must be able to maintain its shape, integrity, and rigidity
throughout processing and handling without collapsing into a letter-size or
flat-size piece.
3.2.4 Ineligible Matter
Hold For Pickup service is not available for the following:
a. Commercial mailings of First-Class Mail letter-size and flat-size pieces.
b. Mail addressed to APO/FPO and DPO destinations.
c. Priority Mail Express items containing cremated remains.
3.2.5 Extra Services
Hold For Pickup service may be combined with Package Intercept (under
507.5.0) or any of the following extra services (meeting the applicable standards
under 503):
a. USPS Tracking.
b. Insured mail.
c. Signature Confirmation.
d. Adult Signature Required and Adult Signature Restricted Delivery.
e. COD.
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Additional Services: Address Correction Services
3.3 Preparation Definitions and Instructions
Except for Priority Mail Express Hold For Pickup with or without COD service —
and First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, Library Mail, and Media
Mail, all with COD service and presented at retail Post Office locations — mailers
(or their agents) when using Hold For Pickup service must prepare mailpieces
with the “Hold For Pickup” label as follows:
a. Exchange electronic files with USPS through an approved file transfer
protocol to notify the addressee when a parcel is available for pickup or to
notify the mailer that items are available to be picked up as “return to
b. Affix an address label that has been approved by the National Customer
Support Center (NCSC) (see 608.8.1 for address), and includes the name
and domestic address of the mailer, the name of the addressee and the
designated Hold For Pickup Post Office address.
c. In addition to the markings defined in 3.0, address labels on a Hold For Pickup
mailpiece must meet the technical standards in the Parcel Labeling Guide
available on PostalPro at
4.0 Address Correction Services
4.1 Address Correction Service
4.1.1 Address Correction Service Fee
See Notice 123—Price List.
4.1.2 Purpose
If mail cannot be delivered as addressed, address correction service allows the
sender on request, using the appropriate ancillary service endorsement under
1.0, to obtain the addressee’s new (forwarding) address (if the addressee filed a
change-of-address order with the USPS) or the reason for nondelivery. Address
corrections and notices are not provided for customers who file a temporary
change of address or for individuals at a business address (see 2.1). Address
correction service is available alone or in combination with forwarding and return
4.1.3 Invalid Endorsement
Any obsolete ancillary service endorsement or similar sender endorsement not
shown in 1.0 is considered invalid. Material bearing invalid or conflicting ancillary
service endorsements will not be accepted for mailing. If discovered in the
mailstream, pieces bearing an invalid ancillary service endorsement or
conflicting endorsements are treated as unendorsed mail. Exception:
Undeliverable Media Mail, Library Mail, and Parcel Select pieces that bear invalid
or conflicting ancillary service endorsements are treated as if endorsed
“Forwarding Service Requested.”
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Additional Services: Address Correction Services
4.1.4 Periodicals
Address correction service is provided automatically for all Periodicals
publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) and
begins 60 days after the effective date of the addressee’s change of address.
Address corrections are provided as separate notices or, at the mailer’s request,
on the returned pieces.
4.1.5 Other Classes
When possible, “on-piece” address correction is provided for Priority Mail
Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial, USPS Marketing Mail, Package Services, and
Parcel Select pieces. If the piece cannot be forwarded, it is returned with new
address information or reason for nondelivery attached. When separate
corrections are necessary, Form 3547 is mailed to the sender with the address
correction fee charged and the mail is forwarded. This service is not available for
mailpieces to be delivered by military personnel at any military installation,
including APOs and FPOs.
4.1.6 Fee and Return Postage
Unless excepted, the applicable fee for address correction service is charged for
each separate notification of address correction or the reason for nondelivery.
When “on-piece” address correction is provided, no address correction fee is
charged but return postage can be charged, depending on mail class.
4.2 Address Change Service (ACS)
4.2.1 Description
Address Change Service (ACS) is an automated or electronic process providing
mailers with notices of address correction or reason for nondelivery. ACS is
designed to reduce the volume of manual notifications provided for valid
participating ACS mailpieces, but it does not completely eliminate manual
notifications. Mailers must keep their address records in electronic format and
mark or encode their mailpieces with the correct ACS symbology under 4.2 and
the correct ancillary service endorsement under 1.5 to obtain address
corrections. See 4.2.6 for an option to use OneCode ACS with an Intelligent Mail
barcode for letters and flats in First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and USPS Marketing
Mail. To obtain nondelivery information under 1.4.1, mailers must use an ACS
keyline or an Intelligent Mail barcode on mailpieces. Mailers also can use
traditional ACS, along with Shipper Paid Forwarding under 4.2.9, to pay
forwarding postage on most USPS Marketing Mail and Package Services pieces.
Mailers can find additional information about traditional ACS and OneCode ACS
in Publication 8, ACS Product Information Guide.
4.2.2 Service Options
ACS offers five levels of service, as follows:
a. An automated option for letters and flat-size mailpieces bearing an
Intelligent Mail barcode, mailed as First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail,
and Periodicals, with electronic notices processed using Intelligent Mail
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Correction Services
technology (see 4.2.6). Only automated First-Class Mail and USPS
Marketing Mail letters qualify for automated address correction prices when
using the Intelligent Mail barcode (see 4.1.1).
b. An electronic option for notices processed electronically, except automated
notices under 4.2.2a.
c. A default manual process for notices generated manually.
d. A Full-Service option available for mailings of First-Class Mail automation
cards, letters, and flats; USPS Marketing Mail automation letters and flats;
USPS Marketing Mail Carrier Route, High Density, and Saturation letters;
Periodicals Outside County barcoded or Carrier Route letters and flats;
Periodicals In-County automation or Carrier Route letters and flats; and
Bound Printed Matter Presorted, non-DDU barcoded flats. Mailers who
present at least 95 percent of their eligible First-Class Mail and USPS
Marketing Mail volume as Full Service in a calendar month would receive
electronic address correction notices for their qualifying Basic automation
and non-automation First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail pieces at no
charge for pieces eligible for the Full Service Intelligent Mail option as
described in 705.23.0. The Basic automation and non-automation
First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail mailpieces must:
1. Bear a unique IMb printed on the mailpiece;
2. Include a Full Service or OneCode ACS STID in the IMb;
3. Include the unique IMb in eDoc;
4. Be sent by an eDoc submitter:
a. Providing accurate Mail Owner identification in eDoc, and;
b. Maintaining 95 percent Full Service compliance to remain eligible
for this service and undergo periodic Postal Service re-evaluation.
e. Green & Secure: Mailpieces using a STID for ACS Change Service
Requested, with or without Secure Destruction, will not be subject to
assessment under Move Update Verification, using the Address Quality
Census Measurement and Assessment Process under 602.5.3. Details are
available in Publication 685, Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for
Letters and Flats, available at
4.2.3 Participant Code and Mailer ID
Participant codes or Mailer IDs are used on ACS mailpieces as follows:
a. Traditional Address Change Service (ACS) human-readable participant
codes are provided to authorized mailers by the National Customer Support
Center (NCSC) (see 608.8.0 for address). A participant code consists of
seven alpha characters, aligned left, and must be preceded by a single
pound sign (#) delimiter on the top or OEL line of the address block.
Additional information for using the human-readable option is available in
Publication 8, ACS Product Information Guide.
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Additional Services: Address Correction Services
b. When using Intelligent Mail barcodes, mailers can participate in the
OneCode ACS option of ACS (see 4.2.6 for restrictions). The NCSC provides
the numeric OneCode ACS Mailer ID, the equivalent of a participant code, to
authorized mailers using an Intelligent Mail barcode (see 204.1.2). As part of
the application process, a Mailer ID is assigned to identify the participant, or
mailers can choose to register one or more of their existing Mailer IDs for use
with OneCode ACS. Mailers must incorporate the Mailer ID in the Mailer
Identifier field, the unique mailpiece identifier in the Serial Number field, and
the appropriate service in the Service Type Identifier field of the Intelligent
Mail barcode according to Specification USPS B-3200. Customers can
access the Intelligent Mail barcode specification available on PostalPro at
4.2.4 Basic Standards for All ACS Mailpieces
Mailers preparing ACS mailpieces must meet these specifications:
a. When using a window envelope, maintain a clearance between the top line
of the address block and the top edge of the address window of at least
1/25 inch. This clearance must be maintained during the insert’s range of
movement in the envelope.
b. When using an address label, maintain a clearance between the top line of
the address block and the top edge of the address label of at least 1/25 inch.
4.2.5 Additional Standards—When Using Human-Readable ACS
Participant Codes
Mailers must use human-readable ACS participant codes according to the
following specifications:
a. Print and place the ancillary service endorsement according to the
requirements in 102.4.0 and 1.5.
b. Print the ancillary service endorsement and the participant code in a
non-narrow variant of Helvetica or Arial sans serif font in the range of
10 to 12 points.
c. Use equal line spacing in the address block, including the participant code
line and mailer keyline.
d. When placing the participant code in an optional endorsement line (OEL),
the participant code must occupy the first eight positions in the left part of
the OEL and be formatted as indicated in
e. When placing the participant code in the address block, place it on the top
line. The address block information may be on an insert in a window, on an
address label, or preprinted on the mailpiece.
f. Mailers preprinting the participant code on an envelope (rather than printing
it in the address block or on a label) must meet the conditions in 4.2.4 in
addition to the following:
1. The participant code must be left-justified with the address block, with
a tolerance of 1/4 inch left or right. Place the participant code not more
than two line spaces above the top line of the address block (using the
same line spacing size as used in the address block).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Correction Services
2. When using a mailer keyline, place it in the top line of the address block
(but below the preprinted participant code).
3. OELs are prohibited when a mailer keyline is used.
g. If using delivery point barcodes in the address block, mailers must place
them in one of the following positions:
1. When using a mailer keyline, place the barcode between the top line of
the address information and the mailer keyline.
2. When not using a mailer keyline, place the barcode between the top
line of the address information and the participant code.
3. Below the City-State-ZIP Code line.
4. Above the participant code and OEL, except when placing the
participant code under 4.2.5f.
4.2.6 Additional Standards—When Using Intelligent Mail Barcodes
Mailers may access OneCode ACS using an Intelligent Mail barcode, which
contains a valid Service Type Identifier indicating the ancillary service requested;
a numeric Mailer ID; and the Serial Number, a unique numeric mailpiece identifier
(Keyline equivalent). This option is available for letters and flat-size pieces mailed
as First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail, and Periodicals. Address Service,
Change Service, and Return Service Ancillary Services are available for letters
and flat-sized mailpieces mailed as First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail, and
Bound Printed Matter (BPM), by choosing the appropriate ACS Service Type
Identifier in the Intelligent Mail barcode. USPS Marketing Mail and Bound Printed
Matter pieces with ACS that include an Intelligent Mail barcode require using a
printed-on-piece endorsement. ACS mailers are encouraged to use the
“Electronic Service Requested” text endorsement. Other printed endorsements
are not required to request ancillary services in conjunction with an Intelligent
Mail barcode used on First-Class Mail or Periodicals mailpieces, and their use
may produce unintended results. Full-Service and Seamless Acceptance mailers
who desire separate address corrections using Address Service and Change
Service ancillary services must request ACS and will receive the ACS notices
through Full Service. See 705.23.5.2 for additional standards. For other mailers,
to receive requested ACS information, mailers must notify the NCSC, ACS
Department in Memphis, Tennessee, in writing, seven days before mailing to
establish a method for ACS notice fulfillment and to arrange for payment of
electronic or automated address correction fees. Mailpieces must meet the
following specifications:
a. Letter-size mailpieces must be automation-compatible.
b. Flat-size mailpieces may be mailed at nonautomation or automation prices.
c. If using a window envelope, maintain a clearance between the leftmost and
rightmost bars and any printing or window edge of at least 0.125 (1/8) inch,
and maintain a clearance between the Intelligent Mail barcode and the top
and bottom window edges of at least 0.040 (1/25) inch. These clearances
must be maintained during the insert's range of movement in the envelope.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Correction Services
d. The Intelligent Mail barcode must contain an 11-digit delivery point code that
correctly corresponds to the delivery address.
e. The Intelligent Mail barcode must meet the technical specifications as
described in 204.1.2 and USPS Specification USPS-B-3200.
4.2.7 Periodicals
Address correction by ACS is provided based on the mailer profile option chosen
by participating Periodicals publications (including publications pending
Periodicals authorization).
4.2.8 Address Correction Service Fee
ACS fees would be assessed as follows:
a. The applicable fee for address correction is charged for each separate
notification of address correction or the reason for nondelivery provided,
unless an exception applies.
b. Once the ACS fee charges have been invoiced, any unpaid fees for the prior
invoice cycle (month) would be assessed an annual administrative fee of 10
percent for the overdue amount.
c. Mailers who present at least 95 percent of their eligible First-Class Mail and
USPS Marketing Mail volume as Full Service in a calendar month would
receive electronic address correction notices for their qualifying Basic
automation and non-automation First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail
pieces, as specified in 4.2.2. The electronic address correction notices are
charged at the applicable Full Service address correction fee for all future
billing cycles.
4.2.9 Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return
[1-21-24] Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return is an ACS fulfillment vehicle which
allows mailers of USPS Marketing Mail, Package Services and Parcel Select
parcels to pay forwarding and/or return charges via approved ACS participant
code(s) when used with "Address Service Requested" or "Change Service
Requested" endorsements. For information about Shipper Paid
Forwarding/Return, contact the National Customer Support Center (see 608.8.0
for address). Mailers opting to pay forwarding/return charges through a (postage
due) advance deposit account must pay an annual account maintenance fee
(See Notice 123—Price List).
4.3 Sender Instruction
4.3.1 Mail Not Forwarded
The following types of mail are not forwarded:
a. Mail addressed to “Occupant” or “Postal Customer.”
b. Mail with exceptional address format.
c. Mail showing specific instructions of the sender (e.g., “Return Service
Requested” or “Change Service Requested”).
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Package Intercept
d. Perishable items not marked to abandon that cannot be delivered before
spoiling, or day-old poultry that cannot be delivered within 72 hours after
hatching. These items are returned to the sender immediately, if the return
can be made before spoilage or within the 72-hour period.
4.3.2 Extra Services
A change-of-address order to a domestic address covers Certified Mail, COD
(excluding COD Hold For Pickup mailpieces), Insured, Registered Mail, Signature
Confirmation, and Adult Signature services mail unless the sender gives other
instructions. This mail is treated as follows:
a. COD mail is not forwarded to overseas military Post Offices.
b. Ordinary and insured parcels marked with the mailer’s instructions are
treated following instructions, such as: “Do not forward or return. If not
accepted within _____ days, treat as abandoned. Notify mailer of
c. COD mail will be handled as requested when marked under 503.9.0.
4.3.3 Priority Mail Express Pouch
USPS opens an undeliverable-as-addressed Priority Mail Express pouch to find
a delivery address on any envelope or article inside. USPS does not open the
wrappers or envelopes or break the seals of any Priority Mail Express article in
the pouch. If no address information is found, the pouch is treated as dead mail.
Priority Mail Express is held no more than 5 calendar days unless the sender sets
a shorter period.
4.3.4 Holding Mail
At the sender’s request, the delivery Post Office holds mail, other than
Registered Mail, Insured, Certified Mail, COD, Adult Signature, and Signature
Confirmation, for no fewer than 3 days or more than 30 days. A specific retention
time of not less than 3 or more than 30 days, if requested, must be included by
the sender in the return address on the mailpiece (e.g., “Return in 30 days to”
followed by sender’s return address).
5.0 Package Intercept
5.1 Description of Service
5.1.1 Basic Standards
Package Intercept service provides a method for customers to authorize
redirection of any mailable domestic mailpiece with a tracking barcode under
5.1.2, unless otherwise ineligible under 5.1.3. Only the sender or authorized
representative can request Package Intercept. If the item is found and redirected
to the sender, to a new delivery address, or to a Post Office as Hold For Pickup,
the Package Intercept fee is collected and the item is subject to additional
postage charged under 5.2. Package Intercept requests are active for 7 business
days from the date of the request. Interception of eligible mailpieces is not
guaranteed. Requests must be made as provided under 5.4.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Package Intercept
5.1.2 Eligibility
Except under 5.1.3, Package Intercept service is available for Priority Mail
Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, USPS
Ground Advantage – Commercial, Parcel Select, Bound Printed Matter, Media
Mail, or Library Mail mailpieces with a tracking barcode (excluding COD Hold For
Pickup mailpieces), addressed to, from, or between domestic destinations
(608.2.0) that do not require a customs declarations label, and measuring not
more than 108 inches in length and girth combined. Package Intercept, redirect
to sender option only, is available for eligible matter mailed using Registered Mail
5.1.3 Ineligible
Package Intercept is not available for:
a. Mailpieces sent to or from International destinations.
b. Mailpieces sent to or from APO/FPO/DPO destinations (703.2.0).
c. Domestic mailpieces requiring a customs declarations label (see 608.2.4).
d. Mailpieces that indicate surface-only transportation, such as Label 127,
“Surface Mail Only,” or that bear other hazardous materials markings, such
as “Limited Quantity,” “Consumer Commodity” or “ORM-D.”
e. Mailpieces that do not contain a tracking barcode (including those for extra
f. Redirecting matter mailed using Registered Mail service to a new delivery
address, or to a Post Office as Hold For Pickup.
5.2 Postage and Fees
Customers must pay a nonrefundable per-piece fee once USPS successfully
intercepts the mailpiece. Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail,
USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, and USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial
pieces being redirected to the sender are not relabeled or subject to additional
postage. Intercepted Parcel Select, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail or Library
Mail pieces that are redirected to the sender, and all intercepted mailpieces that
are redirected to a new delivery address or a Post Office as Hold For Pickup
(3.0), are relabeled and handled as a new Priority Mail piece. Priority Mail
commercial prices are charged for the new Priority Mail piece from the location
where intercepted to the new destination based on the dimensions, weight, and
zone of the piece or the flat-rate price, if applicable, along with any applicable
extra services fees. Postage and fee payments are as follows:
a. For retail customers, the Package Intercept fee may be paid by credit or
debit card at Payment of any applicable postage and fees
for the new mailpiece will be charged at the time of the intercept when
possible, or otherwise will be collected from the recipient as postage due
upon delivery.
b. For commercial customers, payment of the Package Intercept fee and any
applicable postage and fees for the new mailpiece must be processed
through the mailer’s Enterprise Payment System (EPS) account.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Recall of Mail
5.3 Adding Extra Services
Customers may request, and pay additional postage under 5.2, for extra
services on the new Priority Mail piece being redirected to a new address or a
Post Office for Hold For Pickup. Extra services may not be added to items being
redirected to the sender. The relabeled item will be assigned a new Intelligent
Mail package barcode (IMpb) applicable to the extra service purchased. All
available USPS scans for the extra service will be available to the customer at no
charge. Only the following extra services may be added:
a. Adult Signature Required.
b. Adult Signature Restricted Delivery.
c. Insurance (if the original shipment included insurance and only for the
original value stated).
d. Signature Confirmation.
5.4 Request for Intercept
Retail customers may register and make their request at to have
their package intercepted. Commercial customers may register and make their
request at Packages designated for redirection to a
new address provided by the mailer that are undeliverable as addressed will be
returned to sender as provided in 2.0.
6.0 Requesting Withdrawal and Disposal of a Mailing
6.1 Request Process
6.1.1 Mail Without Scheduled Delivery Date
The mailer may request the USPS to withdraw and dispose of mail without a
scheduled delivery date before its delivery if:
a. The mailing contains at least 200 pieces.
b. The mailer gives the USPS a written and signed request, describing the mail
by size, color, weight, identifying markings, number of pieces, class of mail,
and type of postage payment. The request must include the authorization to
withdraw and dispose of the mail.
c. The mailer sends the request to the postmaster of the accepting Post Office
(if the mailing has been deposited but not accepted) or to the postmaster of
each destination office (if the mailing has been accepted).
6.1.2 Mail With Scheduled Delivery Date
The mailer may request the USPS to withdraw and dispose of mail with a
scheduled delivery date (time-dated) before its delivery if:
a. The mailing contains at least 200 pieces.
b. The mailer entered the mailing early enough so that delivery can be
expected on or before the scheduled delivery date.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Pickup on Demand Service
c. The mailer sends the request to the postmaster of the accepting Post Office
(if the mailing has been deposited but not accepted) or, if the mailing has
been accepted, the mailer either:
1. Attaches a facing slip to each bundle of mail showing the company
name, person to contact, telephone number (where collect calls are
accepted), and the scheduled delivery date after which the mailer does
not want the mail delivered. The mailer also authorizes the withdrawal
but not the disposal of the mail.
2. Sends a written request to the postmasters of destination Post Offices
before depositing the mail, stating that time-dated mail is to be received
at their offices and describing the mail by size, color, weight, identifying
markings, number of pieces, class of mail, and type of postage
payment. The mailer also authorizes the withdrawal and disposal of
time-dated mail if received after the scheduled dates.
6.1.3 No Guarantee
The USPS does not guarantee success in preventing delivery of all pieces in a
withdrawn mailing.
6.1.4 Mail Disposal
Disposal of mail at the mailer’s request creates no obligation of the USPS to
refund postage. The mailer must pay all expenses that the USPS incurred in
disposing of the mail.
7.0 Pickup on Demand Service
7.1 Postage and Fees
7.1.1 Postage
The correct amount of postage must be affixed to each piece except for the
a. A Priority Mail Express label paid with a USPS Returns label affixed (under
b. Pieces with a Parcel Return Service permit label affixed (under 505.4.0); and
c. Manifest mailings paid by permit imprint indicia approved by the manager of
Business Acceptance Performance (MBAP).
7.1.2 Fee
The Pickup on Demand fee is listed in Notice 123—Price List. A customer is
charged the required fee for each time Pickup on Demand service is provided,
regardless of the number of pieces or combination of classes of mail, and for
additional trips to pick up exceptional volume of which the serving Post Office
was not notified. The Pickup on Demand fee must be paid online at, or for USPS Connect Local through USPS Click-N-Ship.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Pickup on Demand Service
7.1.3 Fee Not Charged
The customer is not charged for:
a. A scheduled Pickup on Demand that is canceled under the cancellation
b. A package pickup that occurs as part of a regularly scheduled delivery or
collection stop.
c. A Pickup on Demand when the item bears a USPS Returns service label that
indicates that the permit holder will pay for Pickup on Demand service.
d. A minimum of seven pieces of the eligible types of mailpieces in 7.2.1 from a
customer who has an authorized signed agreement (PS Form 5543) with the
local Post Office. This agreement must be completed and signed in advance
of any pickup request made under this standard.
7.2 Basic Standards
7.2.1 Availability
Pickup on Demand service is available for certain domestic and international
mail meeting all applicable eligibility and preparation standards. Incidental
amounts of other postage-affixed, full-price mail also may be collected when
Pickup on Demand service is provided for:
a. Priority Mail Express.
b. Priority Mail.
c. USPS Ground Advantage – Retail.
d. USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial.
e. USPS Connect Local.
f. Package Services parcels.
g. Global Express Guaranteed.
h. Priority Mail Express International.
i. Priority Mail International.
j. First-Class Package International Service.
7.2.2 Stamped Pieces over 10 Ounces or More than One Half-Inch in
Mailpieces bearing only postage stamps as postage payment and that weigh
more than 10 ounces, or measure more than one half-inch in thickness, cannot
be picked up by letter carriers and must be presented to an employee at a retail
service counter at a Post Office location.
7.2.3 Extra Services
As applicable, the only Postal Service extra services that may be used with
pieces that are picked up include:
a. Certified Mail.
b. USPS Tracking.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Pickup on Demand Service
c. Adult Signature (not allowed for certain items under 503.8.0).
d. Insurance.
e. Signature Confirmation.
f. Return receipt.
7.2.4 Volume
There are no limits on the number of pieces that may be picked up. USPS may
defer pickup or make multiple pickups at no additional charge to the customer if
the volume to be picked up exceeds available vehicle capacity. USPS may
establish plant load service if warranted.
7.2.5 Service Changes
USPS may suspend or refuse Pickup on Demand service due to exceptional or
unsafe situations (e.g., hazardous weather or road conditions, facility
emergencies on customer or USPS property, unforeseen employee or vehicle
shortages, or unsafe or inadequate mailer facilities).
7.2.6 Requesting Pickup on Demand Service
A customer may request Pickup on Demand service and schedule a pickup at, or for USPS Connect Local through USPS Click-N-Ship.
Pickup on Demand service allows a customer to have pickup on a specific date
within a two-hour timeframe. Customers may schedule Pickup on Demand
service up to one year in advance, or for USPS Connect Local up to three days in
advance. A same-day request for pickup must be made before 5:00 a.m. local
time on the requested day.
7.3 Scheduled Service
7.3.1 Availability
Pickup on Demand service is available from Post Offices with city delivery and
from other Post Offices where the customer’s address is within the servicing area
of that Post Office.
7.3.2 Service Agreement
A customer requesting scheduled Pickup on Demand service must enter into a
service agreement as follows:
a. Use PS Form 5542, Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement, to
specify the time, place, day or date, frequency of service, and approximate
volume per pickup.
b. The terms of the service agreement may be amended with the consent and
approval of both parties.
7.3.3 Service hours
Scheduled Pickup on Demand service may be requested during the regular
business hours of the serving Post Office. Scheduled Pickup on Demand service
begins the day after the service agreement is finalized and continues until the
service agreement's stated end date or termination.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Mailing List Services
7.3.4 Customer Changes
The customer must notify the serving Post Office at least 24 hours before a
scheduled pickup if the pickup is to be canceled or the volume of mail to be
picked up is more than 20% higher than the volume specified in the service
agreement. The customer may terminate scheduled Pickup on Demand service,
effective 24 hours after the USPS receives customer’s written notice of
termination at the serving Post Office. The customer must pay all fees for Pickup
on Demand service provided before termination of service. Customers should
make notifications of change to their requests through the
Pickup on Demand application, or for USPS Connect Local through USPS
7.3.5 USPS Changes
The USPS may terminate Pickup on Demand service, effective 24 hours after the
customer receives written notice of termination from the serving Post Office.
Termination is based upon the customer's failure to pay postage and fees or to
meet the standards for Pickup on Demand service in 7.0. The customer may
appeal this termination of services to the manager, Post Office Operations, but
must pay for all fees for Pickup on Demand service provided during the appeal
8.0 Address Management System
8.1 Address Management System Products and Fees
For Address Management System (AMS) products and fees, see Notice 123—
Price List.
8.1.1 Carrier Route Information System
The official city delivery scheme, “Carrier Route Information System,” is available
to mailers.
8.1.2 Address Changes to Election Boards and Voter Registration
For the designated fee, USPS provides address changes to election boards and
voter registration commissions.
8.2 Election Boards and Voter Registration Commissions
8.2.1 General
Election boards or voter registration commissions may use the “Return Service
Requested” endorsement and/or the National Change of Address Linkage
System (NCOA
) to maintain current address lists.
8.2.2 Fee Assessment
The fee for address changes provided to election boards and voter registration
commissions is assessed for each PS Form 3575 submitted. The fee is collected
on a per-card basis regardless of the number of changes made on the card and
whether the change concerns a person on the board or commission’s list of
registrants. USPS may supply facsimiles of the forms or copies of the
information they contain at no additional fee.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Mailing List Services
8.2.3 Procedure
Election boards or voter registration commissions using permanent registration
information may obtain residential change-of-address information from PS
Forms 3575 as follows:
a. An authorized official of the board or commission must sign and submit to
the manager, Address Management Systems (district), a written request that
lists the Post Offices for which change-of-address information is desired.
b. If the request is approved, an agreement must be obtained from and signed
by an authorized official of the board or commission detailing the terms
under which the change-of-address information is to be released.
c. The board or commission receives the requested information from the
postmasters of the listed Post Offices and pays those postmasters the
applicable fees.
8.2.4 Lists
In providing services, the USPS does not compile any mailing list, including an
occupant list. All corrections are marked on the list submitted by the customer.
8.2.5 Prohibitions
Persons other than USPS employees may not copy, or record by any means,
names or addresses from carrier cases. Labels, wrappers, envelopes, stamped
cards, or postcards indicating one-time use are not accepted as mailing lists.
8.3 Fee Assessment
8.3.1 Corrections
The fee for correcting name and address lists or occupant lists is assessed for
each name or street address on the list. Individual apartments are considered
separate addresses. The minimum fee in 8.1 applies to lists with fewer than
30 names or addresses. For assessing the fee, the USPS considers a list to be all
the addresses sent at one time to the appropriate postal facility.
8.3.2 Rural Route Consolidation
No fee is charged for correcting name and address lists or occupant lists where
rural routes are consolidated or changed to another Post Office, or where rural
route and box number addresses are changed to city-style addresses. The lists
must contain only names and/or addresses of persons residing on the routes
involved, and the lists must be submitted for correction during the time when the
local Post Office is required to keep the address conversion information.
8.3.3 Cards
The fee for sorting mailing lists on cards by 5-digit ZIP Code is assessed per
1,000 addresses or fraction thereof.
8.3.4 Election Board and Voter Commissions
The fee for address changes provided to election boards and voter registration
commissions is assessed for each Form 3575 submitted. The fee is collected on
a per card basis regardless of the number of changes made on the card and
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Mailing List Services
whether the change concerns a person on the board’s or commission’s list of
registrants. Instead of the actual forms, the USPS may supply facsimiles of the
forms or copies of the information they contain at no additional fee.
8.3.5 Payment
The Post Office providing the correction service annotates the total fee due on
the outside of the package containing the corrected cards or lists. Payment must
be made to the postal installation to which the list was submitted. Payment must
be in cash or by check or money order made payable to the postmaster.
Payment for correcting a list submitted by a federal agency or a person
authorized to send matter as official mail may be made under the official mail
reimbursement program. Payment may be made when the list is submitted or
when the corrected list is delivered.
8.3.6 Time Limit
The USPS corrects and returns a mailing list to the owner within 15 workdays
after receipt. This time limit does not apply to mailing lists received for correction
between November 16 and January 1; they are returned as soon as possible.
8.4 Name and Address List Correction
8.4.1 Preparation
If addresses are submitted in list form, the list must be typewritten, printed, or
computer-prepared and in sheet form, with enough space between or next to
each address to permit entry of corrections. The list owner’s name must appear
in the upper left corner of each page or sheet. Lists must be separated by Post
Office. A separate list must be presented for each carrier route served by a Post
Office with 190 or more revenue units. Each Post Office can advise customers in
this regard.
8.4.2 Card Size
If the addresses are submitted on cards, the cards must be about the size (3-1/2
by 5-1/2 inches) and quality of a stamped card; data processing cards are
acceptable. Information on the cards must be typewritten, printed, or
computer-prepared, having only one name and address per card, and with
enough space to permit entry of corrections. The list owner’s name must appear
in the upper left corner of each card. Lists (groups of cards) must be separated
by individual Post Office.
8.4.3 Submission
The customer must submit the address cards or mailing lists to the district
manager of Address Management Systems for addresses within the district. (The
address of each district may be found on the Address Management Systems
Locator tool available on PostalPro at Unless
directed otherwise by the district, the customer must address the submission as
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Mailing List Services
8.4.4 Postage
Cards or lists may be mailed by their owners to the designated district, but the
list owner must prepay the postage for such items at the applicable price. The
submitted items are returned free of postage.
8.4.5 Elements Corrected
USPS employees:
a. Cross off names to which mail cannot be delivered or forwarded.
b. Correct initials and/or last names when the name apparently is known to the
owner of the list.
c. Correct the house, rural, or Post Office box number; correct the last line
(Post Office name, state abbreviation, and 5-digit ZIP Code); and, in
multiple-unit buildings, add apartment, suite, or room numbers if known by
the USPS employee.
d. Correct spelling of street names, suffixes, and placement of directionals to
conform to the Carrier Route File scheme.
e. Provide new addresses, including ZIP Codes, for customers who have
moved and filed permanent forwarding orders that are still active, and for
addresses, if known, that are undeliverable because of USPS adjustments.
f. Mark an “X” in the upper right corner of the card or next to each entry on the
sheet where no change is necessary.
8.4.6 No Additions
In making list corrections, USPS employees do not add a new name or address
to a card or list.
8.5 Occupant Lists
8.5.1 Submission
Customers must submit occupant lists of street addresses in the same way as
for name and address corrections. Customers must not submit lists that include
more than 110% of the possible deliveries for a specific 5-digit ZIP Code delivery
8.5.2 Elements Corrected
USPS employees:
a. Provide new addresses, if known, for addresses that are undeliverable
because of USPS adjustments.
b. Correct last lines (Post Office names, state abbreviations, and 5-digit ZIP
Codes), spelling of street names, suffixes, and placement of directionals to
conform to the Carrier Route File scheme.
c. Cross off numbers representing incorrect or nonexistent street addresses,
but do not change or add numbers.
d. Indicate business addresses with a “B” in the upper right corner of the card,
or opposite the street number as printed on the sheet, as applicable.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Mailing List Services
e. Indicate rural route addresses with an “R” in the upper right corner of the
card, or opposite the street number as printed on the sheet, as applicable.
f. Enter the number of separate family units opposite addresses of
multiple-unit dwellings.
g. Mark an “X” in the upper right corner of the card or next to each entry on the
sheet where no change is necessary.
h. Group the corrected cards or sheets by carrier route for return to the list
8.6 Sortation of Lists on Cards by 5-Digit ZIP Code
8.6.1 Coding
The customer must code mailing lists by 5-digit ZIP Code for single 5-digit ZIP
Code Post Offices.
8.6.2 Preparation
To allow the USPS to sort a mailing list to 5-digit ZIP Codes, a mailing list of
addresses only for multi-ZIP Code Post Offices must be prepared on cards
about the size (3-1/2 by 5-1/2 inches) and quality of a stamped card; data
processing cards are acceptable. Only one address may appear on each card.
The owner must separate the cards by Post Office of address and submit each
group to the district manager of Address Management Systems serving that
Post Office. The list owner must wrap mailing lists (cards) for mailing when
practicable. The owner’s name and address must appear on the outside of the
wrap or container.
8.6.3 USPS Sortation
USPS employees sort cards by 5-digit ZIP Code and securely package them
with a facing slip marked “All for ZIP Code Area (00000).” ZIP Codes are not
written on individual cards.
8.7 Election Boards and Voter Registration Commissions
8.7.1 General
Election boards or voter registration commissions may use the “Return Service
Requested” endorsement and/or the National Change of Address Linkage
System (NCOA
) to maintain current address lists.
8.7.2 Procedure
Election boards or voter registration commissions using permanent registration
also may obtain residential change-of-address information from Forms 3575:
a. An authorized official of the board or commission must sign and submit to
the manager, address management systems (district), a written request that
lists the Post Offices for which change-of-address information is desired.
b. If the request is approved, an agreement must be obtained from and signed
by an authorized official of the board or commission detailing the terms
under which the change-of-address information is to be released.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Sequencing Services
c. The board or commission receives the requested information from the
postmasters of the listed Post Offices and pays those postmasters the
applicable fees.
9.0 Address Sequencing Services
9.1 Address Sequencing Service Fees
See Notice 123—Price List.
9.2 Service Levels
The USPS provides the following levels of manual or electronic address
sequencing service for city carrier routes, rural routes, highway contract routes,
and Post Office box sections:
a. Sequencing of address cards or electronic address files.
b. Sequencing of address cards or electronic address files, plus inserting only
blank cards for missing addresses or missing sequence numbers for the
addresses missing from the electronic files.
c. Sequencing of address cards or electronic address files, plus inserting cards
with addresses for missing or new addresses, or inserting addresses into
electronic files for missing or new addresses.
d. For address cards or electronic files, if qualification is met, the USPS will
provide seeded addresses to the list owners for inclusion in their address
files for file protection.
e. If a request for sequencing contains a seeded address, the owner of the
seeded address will be notified within 30 days of detection. If all known
possibilities of fraud cannot be ruled out, the request will be denied and the
Postal Inspection Service will be notified.
9.3 Card Preparation and Submission
9.3.1 Color, Size, and Quantity
When submitting cards, all address cards must be made of white or buff-colored
card stock and of an identical size (5 to 8-5/16 inches long and 2-1/4 to
4-1/4 inches high). Blank cards for missing and/or new addresses must be of the
same size as the submitted address cards but of a different color. A customer
must provide enough blank cards to equal at least 10% of the number of address
cards submitted.
9.3.2 Limitation
The customer must not submit address cards or an address file in excess of
110% of the possible deliveries for a specific 5-digit ZIP Code delivery area.
Customers requesting the service level in 9.2c will be allowed three attempts to
qualify a ZIP Code for the service within a 12-month period. Failure to qualify
within three attempts within 12 months will result in a suspension of 1 year for
any additional attempts to qualify the ZIP Code.
9.3.3 Addressing Format
Addressing format is specific to the media being used.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Sequencing Services
a. Card Processing. Cards must be faced in the same direction and bear only
one address each. The customer’s current address information must be
computer-generated, typed, or printed along the top of the card. The
address must be within 1 inch from the top edge of the card in about the
same location on each card submitted. Each card must include a complete
address, but the ZIP Code is optional. Street designators may be
abbreviated as shown in Publication 28, Postal Addressing Standards.
When sequence cards are used to obtain address sequencing information
for Post Office boxes, the box section number must be substituted for the
carrier route number (if shown).
b. Electronic Processing. The customer must submit address files on
electronic media, as described by USPS. Call the National Customer
Support Center at 1-800-331-5747 for a copy of the required format.
9.3.4 Header Cards
When submitting address cards, customers must provide carrier route header
cards prepared with standard 80-column computer card stock (or another size
as described in 9.3.1). The header cards must be typed, computer-generated, or
printed by the customer. A route header card of the same size as the address
cards must be placed in front of the cards for each route. All columns must be
provided on the header cards, regardless of the service level requested. Column
headings may be abbreviated. Examples of the required format for the route
header card can be obtained from the National Customer Support Center (see
608.8.0for address).
9.3.5 Delivery Unit Summary
A Delivery Unit Summary must be typed, computer-generated, or printed and
provided by the customer for card processing. A printed copy or electronic file
will be acceptable for address file submissions. When submitting address cards,
an original and two copies must be submitted for each 5-digit ZIP Code. When
submitting an address file, an original and two copies of a printed form or one
electronic file must be submitted for each 5-digit ZIP Code. This form, used by
the USPS to provide summary information to the customer, is necessary for
calculating total charges for the service level provided. For address card
submissions, the original is returned to the customer with the cards as the
customer’s bill. For electronic address file submissions, a computer-generated
Delivery Unit Summary is returned as the customer's bill. Upon receipt of
payment, the ZIP Code will be qualified for Computerized Delivery Sequence
(CDS), and product fulfillment will begin. Examples of the required printed or
electronic format of the Delivery Unit Summary can be obtained from the
National Customer Support Center (see 608.8.0 for address).
9.3.6 5-Digit ZIP Codes
When submitting address cards, the cards for each 5-digit ZIP Code must be
placed in separate containers, each with an envelope affixed containing a
packing list and Delivery Unit Summary sheets for that 5-digit ZIP Code. For
each 5-digit ZIP Code, the customer must also show the number of containers
submitted on the Delivery Unit Summary and number those containers
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Sequencing Services
sequentially (e.g., “1 of 3,” “2 of 3,” and “3 of 3”). If there is more than one
container for the 5-digit ZIP Code, the Delivery Unit Summary must be affixed to
the first container.
9.3.7 Submitting Cards or Electronic Files
The designated place for submission of addresses for sequencing depends on
the type of media used.
a. Card Processing. The customer must submit the containers of address
cards to the district manager of Address Management Systems for carrier
routes within the corresponding district. (Exception: Address cards only for
addresses in the city where the customer is located may be submitted to the
postmaster of that city.) Unless directed otherwise, the customer must
address containers of address cards to:
b. Electronic Processing. The customer must submit address files on electronic
media to:
MEMPHIS TN 38188-1001
9.3.8 Postage
Containers of cards mailed to the Post Office must have postage paid at the
applicable price. Address files can be mailed at the appropriate price or be
electronically transmitted, as determined by the USPS, to the National Customer
Support Center. They are returned to the customer free of postage.
9.3.9 USPS Sequencing
Unsequenced address cards received at Post Offices or unsequenced address
files received at the National Customer Support Center will be arranged in
sequence of carrier route delivery without charge. Cards with incorrect or
undeliverable addresses are removed from carrier route bundles, bundled
separately, and returned to the customer. When address files are submitted,
incorrect or undeliverable addresses are removed from the original file and
returned as a separate file.
9.3.10 USPS Time Limits and Billing
The Post Office or the National Customer Support Center, whichever performs
the service, returns the cards or address file and the bill for applicable charges to
the customer within 15 working days after receiving a properly prepared request
for address sequencing. This time limit does not apply to cards received between
November 16 and January 1; they are returned as soon as possible.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Sequencing Services
9.3.11 Seasonal Addresses
Under all service levels, correct addresses subject to seasonal occupancy, but
which do not indicate seasonal treatment, will be identified with an “S” on cards
or a flag on address files. If the address is included in a series, such as those
used for apartment buildings, trailer parks, and seasonal delivery areas in
general, the appropriate “seasonal” indicator box is checked on the card or
flagged on the address file. When correct address cards or address files that are
not subject to seasonal occupancy but that include seasonal treatment notations
are submitted, the seasonal indicator is marked out on cards or left blank on
address files. For cards, a rubber band is placed around the card to identify it
before it is put in carrier route sequence order in the returned deck of cards. No
charge is assessed for this service.
9.4 Sequencing Cards With Blanks for Missing Addresses or Sequencing
Address Files With Missing Sequence Numbers
USPS employees at Post Offices (for cards) or the National Customer Support
Center (for address files) arrange unsequenced addresses in sequence of carrier
route delivery without charge, remove incorrect or undeliverable addresses, and,
if cards, package separately for return to the customer, and insert a blank card or
missing sequence number for address files for each existing address that is not
included in the customer’s cards or address file. (If several addresses in a series
are missing, a single blank card is inserted for the series showing the number of
missing addresses, or for address files a series of missing sequence numbers
will be omitted identifying the number of missing addresses.)
9.5 Sequencing With Address Cards or Address File Sequencing With
Addresses Added for Missing and New Addresses
9.5.1 USPS Sequencing
USPS employees at Post Offices (for cards) or the National Customer Support
Center (for address files) arrange unsequenced addresses in sequence of carrier
route delivery without charge, remove incorrect or undeliverable addresses, and,
if cards, package separately for return to the customer or, if an address file,
return as a separate file, and add new or missing addresses (including rural
address conversions to city delivery) for each existing address that is not
included in the customer’s cards or address file.
9.5.2 Separate Address Groups
Separate groups of address cards must be submitted for the addresses in each
5-digit ZIP Code delivery area: city carrier (residential addresses only); city
carrier (business addresses only); city carrier (combination of residential and
business addresses); rural and highway contract route addresses; or Post Office
box addresses (whether business, residential, or a combination). If submitting an
electronic address file, a single file meeting the same requirements is
acceptable. Each group must be accompanied by a statement showing:
a. Types of addresses (residential, business, or a combination).
b. Number of addresses on the cards or in the address file.
c. Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the list owner or agent.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Sequencing Services
9.5.3 Post Office Boxes
Within a 5-digit ZIP Code, Post Office box addresses must be placed in separate
groups from city carrier, rural, and highway contract route addresses and
separately identified on the customer’s statement.
9.5.4 Address Percentage
For the 5-digit ZIP Code, the mailing list that the cards or address file represents
must contain 90% of all possible residential or business city carrier addresses in
the respective address group, 90% of all city carrier addresses in a combination
residential/business address group, or 90% of all possible deliveries in
rural/highway contract route and Post Office box groups.
9.5.5 Calculating Percentage
In calculating the total number of addresses within a 5-digit ZIP Code, each
apartment unit in an apartment building or each office in an office building that is
a deliverable address is treated as a separate address.
9.5.6 Resubmitting Cards or Address File
Customers must monitor community growth and determine when address cards
or address files need to be submitted for resequencing to maintain the 90%
eligibility level of address coverage. Such a determination is not supplied by the
USPS. See 509.1.0for information on obtaining delivery statistics.
9.6 Service Charges
9.6.1 Basic Service
For sequencing of address cards or address files, the fee in 9.1is charged for
each address card or address that is removed because of an incorrect or
undeliverable address. All cards removed are packaged separately and returned
to the customer.
9.6.2 Blanks for Missing Addresses
For sequencing of address cards or address files with total possible deliveries
shown, the fee in 9.1 is charged for each address card or address that is
removed because it is incorrect or undeliverable. No charge is assessed for the
insertion of blank cards or missing sequence numbers (for address files) showing
the range of missing addresses in a submitted list.
9.6.3 Missing or New Addresses
For sequencing of address cards or address files with missing or new addresses
added, the fee in 9.2 is charged for each address card or address that is
removed because it is incorrect or undeliverable, and for each address (possible
delivery) that is added to the customer’s list. For apartment or office buildings
with a series of addresses for which the USPS provides a range of addresses,
the charge is for each address (possible delivery) in the range or series.
9.6.4 Customer’s Bill
For all services, the original of the Delivery Unit Summary is returned to the
customer after completion by USPS employees and serves as the customer’s
bill. The customer must submit payment for the amount due to the local Post
Office or as instructed.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Address Sequencing Services
9.6.5 Free Services
These services are provided at no charge for all three levels of service:
a. If the customer includes a rural address (box number) in a deck of cards or
address file submitted for sequencing, and a street address is assigned to
that box number so it can be served on a city delivery route, a correct
address card or address is included at no charge.
b. The USPS attempts, but does not guarantee, to make simple corrections to
addresses (e.g., obvious spelling errors) that can be identified as a specific
delivery address and are not undeliverable as addressed or nonexistent.
Corrections are noted on the cards placed in proper carrier route sequence
in the returned cards and identified by a rubber band around the card.
9.7 Submitting Properly Sequenced Mailings
9.7.1 Customer Responsibility
The customer must ensure that mailings are prepared in correct carrier route
delivery sequence and resequence cards or an address file when necessary. The
USPS does not provide list-sequencing service for mailings not prepared in
correct carrier route delivery sequence if the customer is so notified but fails to
take corrective action.
9.7.2 Changes
When delivery changes affect delivery sequence but do not cause scheme
changes, card customers will be notified in writing and must then submit cards
for the affected routes or the complete ZIP Code for resequencing.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) customers will automatically receive an
updated electronic file from the USPS.
9.7.3 Out-of-Sequence Mailing
If a mailing is found to be out of sequence, the customer is informed in writing
both of the error and that, unless the situation is corrected, the USPS will not
provide carrier route sequencing service. If the customer does not take
corrective action, the USPS gives written notice that the customer is no longer
allowed to submit address cards to the Post Office or address files to the
National Customer Support Center for sequencing. Within 30 days, the customer
may file a written appeal with the postmaster who gave notice.
9.7.4 Reinstatement
Generally, a customer denied address card or address file sequencing service for
a specific ZIP Code may not submit address cards (to the Post Office) or
address files (to the National Customer Support Center) for sequencing where
that sequencing service was terminated for 1 year after the effective date of
termination. After that time, the customer is again authorized to submit the ZIP
Code address cards (to the Post Office) or address files (to the National
Customer Support Center) for sequencing. At any time during the year after
termination of service, the customer may renew the submission if the postmaster
(for address cards) or the National Customer Support Center (for address files) is
convinced that the customer has taken all necessary action to correct the past
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Informed Visability
10.0 Informed Visibility
10.1 Basic Standards
10.1.1 Description
Informed Visibility (IV) provides a mailer with data electronically collected from the
scanning of barcoded mailpieces as they pass through automated mail
processing operations. Scanned data can include the postal facility where such
pieces are processed, the postal operation used to process the pieces, the date
and time when the pieces are processed, and the numeric equivalent of a
barcode(s) that helps to identify the specific pieces. This service does not provide
a delivery scan or proof of delivery and not every piece is guaranteed such data or
complete data. IV is available for automation-compatible letter-size and
automation-compatible flat-size mail meeting the physical characteristics and
standards in 10.0. Participation in IV service is available at no charge without a
subscription. Requirements include:
a. Use of an IMb on mailpieces entered as part of a full-service mailing under
b. Use of a Mailer Identifier that has been registered (through the Business
Customer Gateway, accessible on to receive scan data.
c. Verification by the Postal Service that the IMb as printed meets all applicable
postal standards.
10.2 Barcodes
10.2.1 General Barcode Requirements
Each piece in a mailing that is intended to generate IV information must bear an
Intelligent Mail barcode under 10.2.2. Mailers must apply Intelligent Mail
barcodes under 204.1.0 and the following standards:
a. Reply pieces must meet the following standards:
1. For Business Reply Mail, the piece must bear a barcode that
corresponds to the subscriber’s Business Reply Mail ZIP+4 codes
assigned by USPS under 505.1.0.
2. For other reply mail, the piece must bear a barcode that correctly
corresponds to the delivery address.
b. Outgoing pieces must bear an Intelligent Mail barcode that correctly
corresponds to the delivery address.
10.2.2 Intelligent Mail Barcode Requirements
To obtain IV, mailers must apply Intelligent Mail barcodes on letter-size pieces or
on flat-size pieces meeting automation-compatibility standards in 201.3.0
(letters) or 201.6.0 (flats). The following standards apply:
a. Intelligent Mail barcodes must meet the barcode and format standards in
204.1.0 and in Specification USPS-B-3200 at
b. Place barcodes on letters and flats according to 202.5.0.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Informed Visability
11.0 USPS Tracking Plus Service
11.1 Description
USPS Tracking Plus service allows customers to request that the Postal Service
retain scan data, or scan and signature data for their packages, beyond the Postal
Service’s standard data retention period, for up to 10 years for a fee (see Notice
123—Price List). Customers may request USPS Tracking Plus service online at or through a Shipping Services file.
11.2 Scan Data Retention
USPS Tracking Plus service is available for scan data retention on mailpieces
shipped via the following products:
a. Priority Mail Express.
b. Priority Mail.
c. First-Class Mail (letters and flats) with a purchased trackable extra service.
d. USPS Ground Advantage.
e. Parcel Select.
f. Library Mail and Media Mail.
g. Bound Printed Matter.
h. USPS Marketing Mail and Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail parcels with
purchased USPS Tracking and Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail parcels with
a trackable extra service.
11.3 Scan and Signature Data Retention
USPS Tracking Plus service is available for Scan and Signature Retention on
applicable products listed in 11.2. Except for Priority Mail Express, the customer
must have purchased an underlying signature service (e.g., Signature
Confirmation service, Adult Signature service).
12.0 USPS Label Delivery Service
12.1 Description
USPS Label Delivery Service provides customers with an option to have the
Postal Service print and deliver their domestic outbound and return mailing
labels for a fee per label at a Post Office where available. USPS Label Delivery
Service is not available for Air or Army Post Office/Diplomatic Post Office/Fleet
Post Office (APO/FPO/DPO) addresses. Customers requesting USPS Label
Delivery Service will be provided tracking information.
12.2 Eligibility
USPS Label Delivery Service is available for the following:
a. Retail and Commercial Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail.
b. USPS Ground Advantage – Retail.
c. USPS Ground Advantage – Commercial.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Informed Visability
d. USPS Returns Service.
12.3 Extra Services
No extra services are available with labels requested through USPS Label
Delivery Service.
12.4 Requesting USPS Label Delivery Service
A customer may request USPS Label Delivery Service at
12.5 Fee
The USPS Label Delivery Service fee is listed in Notice 123—Price List.
Domestic Mail Manual • Updated 7-14-24
Additional Services: Informed Visability