Revised 01/04/24.
Intramural Table Tennis Rules & Regulaons
These Intramural Table Tennis rules are based on the general rules of table tennis with
modicaons to accommodate all skill levels in intramural compeon.
All rules listed here are in conjuncon with the Intramural Sports Parcipant Handbook. The
Intramural Sports Parcipant Handbook outlines addional rules and policies not found in this
rules supplement.
Paddles/Balls: Equipment will be provided by the Intramural Sports Sta at the game site.
Parcipants may furnish their own paddles if they choose. All personal paddles must be
approved by the Intramural Sports Sta. Balls will be provided by Intramural Sports; no other
Game Regulaons
Players: An ocial team shall consist of one (1) player for singles play and two (2) players for
doubles league. No substuons are allowed for this sport. Any roster changes must take place
before the rst scheduled match.
Game Length: A match will consist of the best two (2) out of three (3) games OR 25-minute
period (with a 5-minute warm-up). When the me limit is called, every game currently
underway should be nished. If the outcome of that game results in a e, the e-break rule
below should be used to determine a winner.
Ocial Game: In the event where a match must be terminated immediately, the match will be
considered ocial if at least one game has been completed. The score will be taken as nal as it
stood on terminaon. If the match has not yet reached one game, it is considered a cancelled
match and will not be counted toward the playo qualicaon.
Playing Area: All table tennis matches will be played in the BSC / Building 10.
Sport Specic Rules
Scoring: A game is played to 11 points, win by 2. There is no cap score per game, but the match
will be called at 25 minutes.
Service: Service should be decided by a game of rock-paper-scissors. Winner serves; loser
decides which side of the net to play on.
The ball shall be placed on the palm of the free hand, which must start at a staonary posion
and above the level of the playing surface. Service shall commence by the server projecng the
ball by hand only, without imparng spin and nearly vercally upward. As the ball is descending,
Revised 01/04/24.
it shall be struck so it touches either side of the court. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO TOUCH THE
server misses the ball altogether it is a lost point.
At the end of each game, the players shall switch sides. In the deciding game, the players will
switch sides at 5 points.
Singles: Player can serve the ball to any side of the table. The ball must hit the legal playing
Doubles: Players must serve the ball across the table over the net inside the opposite half
(box) of the table. The ball must hit the legal playing surface(s). Players must alternate hing
the balls during the rally.
Ball in Play: The ball is in play from the moment at which it is projected from the hand in service
a) It has touched one court twice consecuvely,
b) It has, except in service, touched each court alternately without having be struck by the
racket intermediately.
c) It has been struck by any player more than once consecuvely.
d) It has touched any player or anything that is worn or carried except the racket or racket
e) On the volley it comes in contact with the racket or racket hand below the wrist.
f) It touches any object other than the net or supports.
Choice of the Order of Play: The choice of ends and the right to be server or receiver in every
match shall be decided by rock/paper/scissors. The winner shall have the choice of either being
server or receiver, and the loser has the choice of which side of the table they play on.
The Order of Service: Aer two (2) points, the receiver shall become the server, and the server
the receiver, and so on aer each two (2) points unl the end of the game or the score 10-all
(10-10). For the score 10-all the service shall change aer each point unl the end of the game.
The player who served rst in a game shall be the receiver rst in the subsequent game and so
on unl the end of the match.
Denion of a Let: A let is a serve that touches the net while the ball travels across the table.
When a let is declared, the point is re-played.
a) A let is declared if the receiver is not ready to return the service and makes no aempt
to strike at the ball.
Revised 01/04/24.
b) The rally is a let if the ball becomes split or otherwise fractured in play.
c) A point is scored by the opponents if:
a. A server fails to make a good service aer 1 aempt.
b. A player fails to make a good return when it is his/her turn to do so.
c. A player, his/her racket, or anything they wear or carries, touches the net or its
supports or moves the playing surface.
d. A players free hand touches the playing surface while the ball is in play.
e. Before the ball in the play passes over the end lines or sidelines not having yet
touched the playing surface of his/her side of the table, it comes in contact with
the player or anything he/she wears or carries. (A volley)
f. A player hing the ball on the volley (without bounce on their side) or
aempng to stop the ball even if its way over the table sll constutes a point
to the opponent.
Tie-Breaker Rule: In the event of a e due to the me limit, one nal point will be played and
the winner of that point wins the set. The server will be whomever was in line to serve next.