AFDO Food Emergency
Regulator Pocket Guide
3rd Edition
May 2018
Table of Contents
Preface 3
Purpose 3
er 4
Acknowledgements 4
Glossary 5
Emergency Planning 5
Safety 5
Communication 6
Training 6
Equipment/Supplies 9
Imminent Health Hazard 10
Natural Disasters 11
Emergency Response 12
Disrupted Electrical Service 12
Planning 12
Assessment 13
Business Continuity 15
Recovery 22
Interrupted Water Supply 23
Planning 23
ssessment 24
iness Continuity 26
Recovery 29
Contaminated Water Supply (Boil Water Advisory) 31
Planning 31
Assessment 32
Business Continuity 34
Recovery 37
Interrupted Gas Service 39
Planning 39
Assessment 40
Business Continuity 42
Recovery 43
Table of Contents (Continued)
Sewage Backup 44
ng 44
nt 45
Business Continuity 47
Recovery 48
Flooding 50
Planning 50
nt 51
Business Continuity 53
Recovery 54
Fire 56
Planning 56
Assessment 57
usiness Continuity 59
Recovery 59
Pest Infestation 61
Planning 61
Assessment 62
usiness Continuity 63
Recovery 64
Food Transport Accident 66
Planning 66
Assessment 67
Business Continuity 68
Recovery 70
Food Product Salvage Guide 72
The Planning “P “ Back Cov
Food Safety Consequence of Disasters Matrix Back Cov
From farm to fork, the food supply chain is vulnerable to potential disasters
or emergencies that could impact the safety of food and food products used,
sold, or served. Recovery involves necessary steps for food businesses to
resume normal operations, thus serving the public by ensuring availability
of valuable resources. In 2018, the Association of Food and Drug Officials
(AFDO) Food Protection and Defense Committee developed this guide to
assist Regulators in planning for and responding to disasters or
This guide was extensively reformatted and replaces the 2011 AFDO Food
Emergency Pocket Guide. The foodborne outbreaks and weapons of mass
destruction sections were omitted because they were outside the scope of
the guide and other resources (i.e. CIFOR, RRT Best Practices Manual, IAFP)
are available that describe those responses.
To align regulatory and industry responses, this guide is consistent with the
Emergency Action Plan for Retail Establishments content and layout. AFDO
recognizes the extensive work done by the Conference of Food Protection’s
Emergency Preparedness/Preparedness and Response/Action Plan
Committees of Councils II (20042008) and III (2012-2014).
This guide is intended to aid Food Regulatory programs and addresses
some common or unique situations that may require emergency responses
by Food Regulators in the field.
This guide references the 2017 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food
Code and is consistent with the FDA Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to
provide uniform regulatory framework with the understanding that each
state, local, or tribal agency’s statutory authority may vary. For facilities
under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and
Inspection Service (FSIS) jurisdiction, this guide is consistent with the
guidance in FSIS Directive 5500.2, Significant Incident Response, other
applicable agency directives and Title 9 Chapter III of the Code of Federal
This guide and its tools, tables, or c
harts are not binding requirements. The
information provided herein is based on professional experience and
practical considerations as assembled by selected experts within the AFDO
membership. Compliance and enforcement will remain within the
interpretations and decisions of state, local, and tribal authorities.
AFDO published the
Food Emergency Regulator Pocket
Guide in 2004.
Beginning in 2017, an AFDO Food Protection and Defense sub-committee
led the
revising this 3
edition. The members
of this group are:
er Bonsky, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
April Hunt, JD, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Mark S. Miklos, CP-FS, National Restaurant Association
Jennifer Pierquet, MPH, Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
Brandon Sauceda, MPH, Georgia Department of Agriculture
Hannah Szegedy, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Todd Rossow, CP-FS, Publix Super Markets, Inc.
The Committee is grateful to the following organizations and agencies for
r assistance in updating and enhancing this guide:
ican Gas Association
Boulder County Public Health Department
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
National Restaurant Association
North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
United States Department of Agriculture
AFDO also appreciates the assistance of all those who reviewed this guide.
AFDO Association of Food and Drug Officials
lcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
EMI – Emergency Management Institute
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations
FC 2017 FDA Food Code
FSIS (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service
HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
ICS – Incident Command System
NIMS – National Incident Management System
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PIC Person in Charge
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RRTRapid Response Teams
TCS Time/Temperature Control for Safety
T/T Time and Temperature
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
Emergency Planning
All hazards, emergen
cies, and disasters, whether natural or manmade,
accidental or intentional, have potential to cause adverse health and safety
implications for large segments of human and animal populations. Disasters
may include hurricanes, flooding, tornados, or storm events that can result
in an emergency, such as extended loss of power, interruption in water
service, or fire. To mitigate the effects of such incidents, regulators must
possess the knowledge, resources, and capabilities necessary to prevent,
prepare for, rapidly respond to, and assist in recovery from all hazards. This
is accomplished through planning and preparation, as Aristotle famously
stated, “Well Begun is Half Done”.
During all responses, safety of regulators and the public is the primary
objective. If regulators are operating under the Incident Command System
(ICS) structure, the Safety Officer will address safety hazards and mitigation
strategies. Otherwise, field staff and supervisors must address hazards that
staff may experience, including a combination of chemical, biological,
physical, ergonomic, mental health, and stress hazards. In instances when
personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to ensure safety during an
emergency response, then equipment must meet industry and safety
standards and be properly calibrated and “fitted” to the regulator prior to
the event. A safety note is included in each response section of this guide.
Effective communication during responses enhances the accuracy and
efficiency with which we respond, however during emergencies, clear and
timely communication between regulators and other key personnel can be a
challenge. Field staff must know to contact their supervisor when made
aware of an emergency and to report their status. During emergencies,
regulators may be affected by phone outages or overloaded cellular systems
and may be unable to communicate with their office. These circumstances
necessitate a preestablished Agency Communication Plan.
Agency Communication Plan Considerations:
Identify internal and external respon
se and regulatory partners at federal,
state, local, and tribal levels. Include law enforcement contacts for
intentional food contamination or if tampering is s uspected. To report
suspicious activity, call 855-TELL-FBI or 855-835-5324.
Maintain current and readily available contact information for business
hours and after-hours. Identify backup contacts.
Establish procedures and ca
ll-trees for notifying response personnel.
Identify meeting locations for f
ield staff for times when phone or e-mail
communication cannot be made.
Establish phone numbers, for the p
ublic or industry, separate from
internal department communication phone numbers.
Identify staff to handle excessive calls from
the public or field.
Review and update the plan at l
east annually.
ng is crucial in preparing field staff to respond effectively, therefore,
this section provides best practices and recommended training strategies
that may enhance an Agency Training Plan. Regulators must consult their
agency training officer to ensure state and federal training standards are
met. After completing agency training, regulators should complete
continuing education in emergency response courses and the Incident
Command System (ICS) courses sponsored by Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA).
Minimum Recommended Online ICS Courses for Responders:
ICS 100 Introduction to the I
ncident Command System
ICS 200 ICS fo
r Single Resources a nd Initial Action Incidents
ICS 700 Nat
ional Incident Management System, an Introduction
ICS 800 Nat
ional Response Framework, an Introduction
Regulators that serve in a leadership role and/or as ICS Command and
General Staff should complete the following:
Recommended Classroom ICS Courses:
ICS 300 Intermediate ICS
for Expanding
ICS 400 Adv
Command and General Staff
All-Hazards Position
ecific Courses (Operations
Section Chief,
Section Chief, etc.)
The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) within FEMA provides online
National Incident Management System (NIMS) courses free of charge and a
schedule of classroom courses at,
. Regulators
may consider attending FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness -
Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response to advance their
y Response Training Considerations:
Initial orientation of new
Formal classroom and
b training in food
inspection, sampling,
investigation, traceback, ICS, safety, and other
foodborne outbreak
and technical inspection procedures
as identified.
from past
responses, after-action reports, and debriefs.
Mentoring of
ponders by
experienced senior member.
Team-oriented training with
l, state, and local
Planning “P”
Strategic response planning lends itself to more efficient use of resources,
useful strategies and tactics, improved safety, lower response costs, and
increased overall response effectiveness. The Planning “P” guides the
planning process during ICS responses, but it is also recommended as a tool
to assist in planning for other responses, especially those involving multiple
facilities, jurisdictions, or agencies.
Figure 1 Planning “P”
Having proper supplies during an emergency will allow for a more efficient
and equipped field staff. The following list provides some items that should
be available to field regulators during food emergencies.
Recommended Responder Equipment:
Disaster policies an
d protocols
Emergency contact lists
Credentials and ide
Inspection/investigation, seizure/embargo, chain of cu
stody forms
Laptop, tablet, camera, mobile phone with in
ternet access and charger
Flashlight with extra batteries
Thermometers an
alog and digital, infrared if available
Specimen collection kit
s (food, water, clinical)
Tamper resistant labeling ta
pe or duct tape
Mult-iuse tool or
pocket knife
Activity reports or log b
ook (ICS214)
Equipment su
pply requisitions and logs
Note pad, pens, pencils, permanent ma
Personal Protective Equipment (P
PE): Helmet or head gear, coveralls,
boots, nitrile gloves, dust particulate masks, safety goggles, and hearing
Drinking water
Cash (for personal meals and other expenses)
Anti-bacterial and a
lcohol wipes
First aid kit
astic garbage ba
Sanitizer concentration testing ki
Backup batteries for electronics
Imminent Health Hazard
The 2017 FDA Food Code defines Imminent Health Hazard as “a significant
or danger to health that is considered to exist when there is evidence
sufficient to show that a product, practice, circumstance, or event creates a
situation that requires immediate correction or cessation of operation to
prevent injury based on:
(1) The number of potential injuries, and
(2) The nature, severity, and duration of the anticipated injury. “
Cease Operation and Reporting (FC
(A) Excep
t as specified in ¶ (B) and (C) of this section, a permit holder shall
immediately discontinue operations and notify the regulatory authority if
an imminent health hazard may exist because of an emergency such as a
fire, flood, extended interruption of electrical or water service, sewage
backup, misuse of poisonous or toxic materials, onset of an apparent
foodborne illness outbreak, gross insanitary occurrence or condition, or
other circumstance that may endanger public health.
(B) A permit holder need not discontinue operations in an area of an establishment
that is unaffected by the imminent health hazard.
(C) Considering the nature of the potential hazard involved and the complexity of
the corrective action needed, the regulatory authority may agree to continuing
operations in the event of an extended interruption of electrical or water service if:
(1) A written emergency operating plan has been approved;
(2) Immediate corrective action is taken to eliminate, prevent, or control any
food safety risk and imminent health hazard associated with the electrical or
water service interruption; and
(3) The regulatory authority is informed upon implementation of the written
emergency operating plan.
Resumption of Operations (FC
If operations are discontinued as specified in Food Code § 8-404.11 or
otherwise according to law, the permit holder shall obtain approval from
the regulatory authority before resuming operations.
Natural Disasters
Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floodi
ng, or tornadoes, can strike
without warning and Regulatory Agencies must be ready to respond
according to the needs of the community. This guide describes response
actions that can be applied to many natural disasters. To provide further
direction on natural disaster responses, this guide offers a disaster risk
assessment tool. The Food Safety Consequences of Disasters Matrix lists
high level consequences for a variety of natural disasters and corresponding
risk aggregated from a survey of State Rapid Response Teams (RRTs), as
supported by FDA. Each box is labeled with a number and color that
corresponds to the risk key. The matrix may give agencies a sense of what
natural disasters to prepare for based on the likelihood of severe
consequences. Agencies may consider customizing the matrix as a
preparedness exercise. Note: Color coding in the chart below is to help regulators
visualize increasing risk and does not coordinate with color coding in this Guide.
Figure 2 Food Safety Consequences of Disasters Matrix (also on back cover)
Emergency Response
Disrupted Electrical Service
During a sustained interruption of electrical service, a Food Safety Regulator
response needs to ascertain the extent of the outage and assess food safety handling
practices at affected facilities. Brief interruptions that do not impact food safety may
not require a regulatory response. However, if there is a large scale or extended loss
of power, regulators will respond to determine if an Imminent Health Hazard exists.
Regulatory Agencies should consider the following factors when planning responses
to major power outages, and prior to assigning responders.
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
Firm not
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk Highest Risk
Disruptions in electrical service, or extended power outages are one of the
most common emergencies that impact food establishments. Power outages
may be short, lasting only a few minutes or hours, but in some cases, the
power loss may continue for several days. Pre-incident planning between
regulators and industry helps ensure firms are prepared and therefore,
considered lower risk. Regulators should encourage facilities to develop
emergency action plans for electrical interruptions that include specific
details for how the firm will maintain food safety, how and where
temperatures will be taken, frequency for monitoring, and how the
temperatures will be recorded. Food Regulators may review or pre-approve
an emergency plan to ensure it addresses issues and decisions the firm will
have to make and minimizes uncertainty when a power outage occurs.
Disruption of Electrical Service Facility Plan Considerations:
Identify primary decision maker, Person in Charge (PIC) (FC 2-101.11).
Contact power company to determine expected duration of outage.
Obtain equipment and
supplies such as generators, alternate lighting
(may need locality approval), refrigerated trucks, totes to store food, plastic
to wrap food, dry ice, etc.
Provide a first aid kit with necessary items.
Plan for safe operations during the outage, including:
o identify food departments that
l remain open,
o sell only s
table foods, bottled water, non-food items, or
o close completely.
Maintain or minimize temperature loss (FC 3-501.16):
Identify which refrigerated cases to protect with insulated
covers, or tarps.
Identify which refrigerated product to transfer to refrigerated trailers,
freezers, or offsite storage.
Assign extra employees to
cover or move all food products.
Use dry ice.
Routinely monitor and record temperatures for refrigeration units, freezer
units, and product during storage
and transport (FC 2-103.11 (I)) with an
approved thermometer (FC 4-203.11).
Identify action levels for disposing of
Time/Temperature Control for
Safety (TCS)
foods due to
improper temperatures (FC
o Provide dumpster or compactor for
large disposal
o Contract company for disposal beyond current capacity.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and f
ocus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
cy response assessments during a disruption of electrical service
determine whether PICs are ensuring safe operations, especially that TCS
foods are safe to hold, sell, or serve. These assessments consider how the
nature of the power outage and anticipated duration may impact the firm’s
ability to manage food safety. If Regulators identify unsafe operations, the
unsafe foods are removed from commerce and cease operations orders are
issued in accordance with state or local law or Food Code (FC 8-404.11).
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The nature and scope of an outage will determine the type and complexity
of regulatory authority response. Power outages can be placed into one of
three broad categories:
Short term or
Does not disrupt community infr
ffects one facility or limited a
rt duration-less
than four hours
egulator resp
onds to facility notifications or
consumer complaint
Large area; no
disruption of
May be of unknown duration
ffect multiple facilities in an ar
egulators conduct extensive coordinat
ponse based on ris
rge ar
disruption of
Longer anticipated duration due to storms,
floods, fires and earthquak
egulators condu
ct extensive coordinated
ponse based on ris
ay need alternate communication metho
have to asses
s other emergency categories
(i.e. water interruption) concurrentl
Regulator s
afety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note:
Never enter an area or perform any job task that will result
in injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check with the
Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine safety of the
site. If the building is
standing, find out when it will be safe to enter and
attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive, approval from the fire
department or city building inspector may be required prior to entering the
building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate th
e chance of injury. Wear protective clothing, i.e.
helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, etc. and use a flashlight as
appropriate. Look for damaged ceilings and roof supports, weak floors, and
downed power lines. If electrical service is still on in th
e building, be
watchful for loose or exposed wiring. Consider having the firm contact the
power company or local authorities to shut
-off the power. If there are
concerns about in
-facility safety, then contact supervisor or Safety Officer
Food Safety Considerations
During a power outage, the primary concern for the Regulatory Authority is
to quickly assess the operation (or many operations), to verify the following:
1. No imminent health hazard is present. (FC 8-404.1
2. PIC is ensuring that the firm
is safely operating during the power
interruption, especially that TCS foods are being handled, stored, or
displayed properly. (FC 2-103.11).
If eit
her of the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of
the establishment or limit operations until they are safely resumed.
However, if the impact is not too severe, then continued operation may be
approved, pending initial and continued demonstration of food safety
practices. If the firm is operational, then the firm’s emergency operational
system and equipment impacted by the power outage will have to be
assessed, focusing on the following:
1. TCS foods in the event of a loss of refrigeration, hot-holding, or cooking
equipment. (FC 3-501).
2. Temperatures of refrigerated units which are most vulnerable to cold
temperature loss, such as open or upright cases.
3. Functionality of water heaters, lighting, refrigeration systems, ice
makers, food/beverage dispensing systems, cooking/heating equipment,
dish washing machines, sensor-activated handwashing sinks, hand
dryers and other equipment/systems (food processing or food service
related equipment) that will most likely be inoperative unless other
power sources are available.
Business Continuity
If an affected firm intends to continue operations throughout an outage, and
they do not have a pre-approved emergency action plan to follow, then the
Regulator must verify that the firm is able to demonstrate safe practices. In
most cases, this is accomplished by following temporary emergency
procedures that have been approved by the Regulatory Authority during an
Emergency Procedures:
Refrigeration Equipment
If the firm wants to continue holding, or selling TCS food, then the PIC must
demonstrate that the following criteria will be met. During the assessment,
verify that the firm has and will continue to:
1. Record the starting time of the power outage.
2. Routinely monitor and record temperatures of equipment and TCS food
from the start of the outage, using an appropriate thermometer (FC 2-
103.11 (I), 3-501, 4-302.12).
3. Refrain from placing hot foods into limited capacity cold holding units.
4. Maintain temperatures by any combination of the following:
a. Keep refrigeration equipment doors closed.
b. Use insulated covers, cardboard, plastic or equivalent for open retail
cases without doors.
c. Use tape and signs to alert staff to keep walk-in coolers closed
and/or seal display case doors to prevent customers from opening
d. Relocate TCS product from cases that cannot maintain safe
temperatures to walk-in coolers, freezers, or refrigerated trucks.
e. Use gel, ice packs or dry ice.
If dry ice is used, safety precautions must be followed due of
possible potential build-up of Carbon Dioxide gas and Oxygen
Cold Holding TCS Food
Guidelines have been developed specifically for cold holding TCS food
ng a power outage that affects refrigeration temperatures. Time and
temperature (T/T) recommendations and disposition criteria presented in
Chart 1 are based on science to ensure the safety of TCS food and were
accepted at the 2012 Conference for Food Protection. Important facts about
T/T combination Chart 1.
1. The T/T
combinations are based on conservative assumptions about
pathogen growth and represent a wide margin of safety.
2. Some TCS foods have an even greater margin of safety because they
have protective characteristics such as low pH and/or water activity. As
a regulator, be prepared to provide appropriate disposition criteria for
these types of TCS foods.
3. If a facility intends to use Chart 1 for managing TCS foods during a
power outage it must have a written plan prepared in advance,
maintained at the facility and available upon request.
4. If TCS food does not exceed the T/T combinations in Chart 1 it is treated
as if the deviation never occurred; the sell-by or use-by date is
5. TCS foods are safe to sell/serve beyond the maximum time if they are
back to 41°F (5°C) within the maximum time frame (see examples).
6. There are two ways to monitor the time:
a. A firm can “start the clock” for monitoring time based on when the
power went out, or
b. A firm can “start the clock” when the food reaches 41°F (5°C)
provided they have been checking the food temperature in
accordance with their written plan.
Note: This chart is intended for use as part of an emergency plan and not for day-to-
day operations. See previous page and following examples for usage assistance.
Examples of Cold Holding T/T Monitoring and Disposition of TCS Food
during a Power Outage
The following are examples of monitoring TCS food during a power outage
based on Chart 1, Procedures for Handling Refrigerated TCS Food During a
Power Outage. Note that the location, date, time, temperature, and disposition are
recorded on the monitoring chart below. These types of examples can be discussed
with the firm prior to an incident, so firms know what is expected of them.
In Example #1 the establishment is using the time of the power outage as the
start time for monitoring.
Example #1: In this example, the temperature of TCS food exceeds 41°F but
never exceeds 45°F during 15 hours from the start of the power outage. The
TCS food is back to 41°F in 15 hours from
the start of the power outage. The
-by date and/or shelf life does not change.
Date & Time (Temp was
(Elapsed Time):
Temp (°F)
Cooler #2
10/1/17-10:00 PM outage
Sell or Hold
12:00 PM-(2 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
10/2/17- 2:00 AM-(4 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
4:00 AM-(6 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
6:00 AM-(8 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
8:00 AM-(10 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
10:00 AM-(12 hrs.)-power
Sell or Hold
12:00 AM-(14 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
1:00 PM-(15 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
Total Time
15 hours
Max temp
45°F, temp at
15 hrs. is
Food can be
cooked, sold,
served or held
until the sell
In Example #2 the establishment is using the food temperature to determine
the start time.
Example #2: In this example, the food temperature is monitored from the
beginning of the power outage, but the time starts when the food reaches 41°F.
The temperature of TCS food exceeds 41°F but never exceeds 45°F during the
next 15 hours. The TCS food is back to 41°F within 15 hours from the “start
time.” The sell-by date and/or shelf life does not change.
Date & Time (Temp was
- (Elapsed Time):
Temp (°F)
Cooler #2
10/1/17-10:00 PM-outage starts
Sell or Hold
12:00 PM
Sell or Hold
10/2/17- 2:00 AM-Start the
Sell or Hold
4:00 AM-(2 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
6:00 AM-(4 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
8:00 AM-(6 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
10:00 AM-(8 hrs.)-power
Sell or Hold
12:00 AM-(10 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
2:00 PM-(12 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
4:00 PM-(14 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
5:00 PM-(15 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
Total Time
above 41°F
15 hours
Max temp
45°F, temp
at 15 hrs. is
Food can be
cooked, sold,
served or held
until the sell
In Example #3 the establishment is using the food temperature to determine
the start time.
Example #3: In this example, the food temperature is monitored from the
beginning of the power outage, but the time starts when the food exceeds 41°F.
The temperature of TCS food exceeds 41°F but never exceeds 50°F during nine
hours from the start of the power outage
. The TCS food is not back to 41°F
within nine hours from the time monitoring started so it must be cooked or
Date & Time (Temp was
(Elapsed Time):
Temp (°F)
Cooler #2
10/1/17-7:00 AM outage started
Sell or Hold
8:00 AM
Sell or Hold
9:00 AM-start the clock
Sell or Hold
11:00 AM-(2 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
1:00 PM-(4 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
3:00 PM-(6 hrs.)-power restored
Sell or Hold
5:00 PM-(8 hrs.)
Sell or Hold
6:00 PM-(9 hrs.)
Cook or
Total Time
9 hours
Max temp 45°F,
temp at 15 hrs.
is 41°F
Cook or
*most localities do not allow
during outages*
Restrict operations to procedures that can
be safely conducted using
available or alternative lighting.
If the firm wants to continue holding,
preparing, or selling exposed foods, then verify that the firm has and will
continue to
provide appropriate lighting for intended operations or obtain
alternative lighting source for food related tasks such
as food preparation,
food handling, cleaning equipment and utensils,
and cleaning the premises
(FC 6-303.11).
If sufficient natural light is available, limit operations to
daylight hours.
TCS Foods
During an electrical disruption, order to the firm to discontinue cooking
ions unless all cooking practices in place are safe. Instruct the firm to
discard TCS foods that were in the cooking or re-heating process but did not
a safe final temperature. Without ventilation, limit the cooking
operation. Although unlikely, if the firm wants to continue cooking food
during the outage, the Regulator
must assess the firm’s ability
1. Connect cooking equipment to an alternative power source.
2. Continue to perform safe cooking operations (FC 3-401).
3. Attain or maintain proper temperature controls and associated hot
holding temperatures, food handling, and equipment cleaning.
4. Ensure ventilation system can remove cooking smoke, steam, grease
laden air, etc. (FC 4-301.14). Consider contacting the Fire Marshal to
assess ventilation.
Hot Holding TCS Food
Order the firm to cease hot-hold
ing TCS unless it can be done safely (FC 3-
501.16). If the firm desires to continue holding hot food, then during the
assessment they must demonstrate that they can do following:
1. Docume
nt the time that the power outage begins.
2. If power return
s within two hours, rapidly reheat TCS food to 165°F
for 15 seconds within an additional two hours. The time the food is
between the 41ºF and 135°F should not exceed two hours. (FC 3-403.11).
If power is not restored within two hours, the firm discards TCS
foods within four hours from the time of outage unless kept above
135°F. (FC 3-501.19).
3. Use alter
nate heat source such as “canned heat” and monitor
temperatures hourly to ensure product remains above 135°F. *Fire
Marshal may be contacted for approval of “canned heat”.
Instruct firm to discontinue operations that generate soiled utensils/
tableware if they unable to properly wash and sanitize. If the firm wants to
keep holding, preparing, or selling exposed food, verify that the firm will
continue to:
1. Use single service tableware.
2. Use the three-com
partment sink for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing if
hot water can be provided (FC 4-501.17, 4-501.18, 4-501.19).
3. Use san
itizing chemicals at required minimum temperature or above as
stated in the Food Code for that class of sanitizers. If a lower
temperature is listed on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
registered Sanitizer instructions for use, then temperatures lower than
those stated in the Food Code may be used. (FC 4-501.111, 4-501.114).
Water and Sewage:
See “Interruption of Water Service” chapter in this guide. If sewage ejector
pumps are inoperable discontinue operations.
Recovery Following an Electrical Disruption (FC 8-404.12).
Regulatory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Prior to
lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety processes affected
by the outage can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Verify the firm has documented date and time power was restored.
Equipment and facilities must be operational, including: lighting,
refrigeration, hot holding, ventilation, water supply, sewage pumps,
water heaters, toilet facilities, warewashing machines and handwashing
Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment may need to be cleaned
and sanitized before use. Remember to check such things as ice
machines where water from melted ice may have accumulated
Food Salvage or Disposition (See Food Product Salvage Guide):
Refrigerated Non-TCS food:
Provide guidance about loss of quality;
however, only seize or
force disposal
of foods for food
related reasons. Examine for signs of damaged package integrity or
spoilage. Non-TCS food may be suitable for selling, serving or
donating to other organizations such as food banks or shelters.
Refrigerated TCS Food:
T/T procedures described in Chart 1 of this
guide are approved if the firm has written plans with
so order disposal
of affected food
items if
T/T were not monitored
or if the firm
cannot demonstrate proper T/T and temperatures may
have exceeded 41°F. Note: be prepared to make salvage decisions
regarding foods identified in the firm's plan as TCS foods that do not
support pathogen growth.
Frozen Food: may b
e salvaged if packages show no evidence of
damage such as weeping, stains, physical deterioration, or
Contract company for disposal beyond current capacity.
Interrupted Water Supply
Note: This section reviews procedures for loss of water service. Procedures for boil
er advisory” can be found in the Contaminated Water Supply section of this
During a sustained interruption of the water supply, a Food Regulator response
needs to ascertain the extent of the interruption and assess food safety handling
practices at affected facilities. Limited interruptions that do not impact food safety
may not require a regulatory response. However, if there is a large-scale water
service interruption, regulators will respond to determine if an Imminent Health
Hazard exists. Regulatory Agencies should consider the following factors when
planning responses to large scale water supply interruptions, and prior to assigning
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are backup or temporary systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
During a large-scale response to an interruption of water service, the regulatory
agency will likely need to prioritize efforts based on highest risk. The example below
shows risk on an increasing scale:
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk Highest Risk
er service may
be interrupted due to damaged
supply lines, water main
breaks, or other. The interruption may
be short, lasting only a few hours,
but in some cases, the interruption may continue for multiple days. Pre-
incident planning between
regulators and industry helps ensure firms are
prepared and therefore, considered lower risk. Regulators should encourage
facilities to develop emergency action plans for interruptions that includes
specific details for how the firm will maintain food safety,
how water can
obtained to support continued operation during an interruption, or how to
limit operations. Food Regulators may review or pre-approve an emergency
plan to ensure it addresses issues and decisions the firm
will have to make
and minimizes uncertainty
a water supply interruption occurs.
Disruption of Water Supply-Facility Plan Considerations:
Prepare an “emergency menu” including recipes for foods that require
little to no water and the number of servings/or people that can be
List equipment that uses water and develop a
plan for each
Provide a first aid kit with n
ecessary items.
Determine amount of water needed to operate equipment, sinks, and
are emergency menu items.
Identify available alternate water sources (FC 5-104.12):
o Include contact information, address, directions, and equipment/
supplies needed to
obtain alternate commercial, private,
or public
water supplies, and points where containers can
be filled with
potable water.
o Develop business
agreements with
bottled water supplier, licensed
drinking water hauler, or ice suppliers.
Keep contact information for
plumber, well-contractor, utility
company, water supplier, ice supplier, etc.
Maintain an inventory of emergency items:
o bottled water, suitable containers for hauling or storing water,
o disposable gloves and hand sanitizer,
o single-service and single-use utensils and similar articles.
Develop a contingency plan for toilets.
Food establishments using a private water source, Type II or Type III
non-community water supply (such as a well), must plan to follow
disinfection and sampling requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act
as found in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 141 and 142.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
focus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
y response assessments during water supply disruption will
evaluate how the nature of the water supply interruption and anticipated
duration may impact the firm’s ability to manage food safety (FC 5-101.11,
5-103.11, 5-103.12). If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease operations
orders are issued in accordance with state or local law or Food Code (FC 8-
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The nature and scope of the water supply interruption will determine the
type and complexity of regulatory authority response. Water interruptions
can be placed into one of three broad categories:
Short term or
Does not disrupt community
one facility or limited area
hort duration-less than four hours
to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
area; no
disruption of
be of unknown duration
Affect multiple facilities
conduct extensive coordinated
response based on risk
Large area;
ruption of
Longer anticipated duration due to storms,
floods, fires
and earthquakes
nduct extensive coordinated
response based on risk
need alternate communication methods
May have to
other emergency categories
(i.e. power interruption)
Regulator safety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note: Never enter an area or perform any job task that will
result in injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. Find out when it will be safe to enter the building and
attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive, approval from the
fire department or city building inspector may
be required prior to
entering the building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots,
etc. use a flashlight
appropriate, and carry a personal supply of bottled water. If there are
concerns about in-facility safety, then contact supervisor or
Safety Officer
Food Safety Considerations
During an interruption to the water supply, the primary concern for the
Regulatory Authority is to quickly assess the operation (or many
operations), to verify the following:
1. No imminent health hazard is present. (FC 8-404.11)
2. PIC
is ensuring that safe operating conditions exist during the water
ce interruption (FC 2-103.11).
If either o
f the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of
the establishment or limit operations until they are safely resumed.
However, if the impact is not too severe, then continued operation may be
approved, pending initial and continued demonstration of food safety
practices. If the firm is operational, then complete the assessment, focusing
on systems, procedures, and equipment that are dependent on the
availability of water:
1. Drinking water, water as a food ingredient, ice makers, beverage
mixing/dispensing machines and approved water sources.
2. Sinks (handwashing, prep, etc.), warewashing equipment, toilets, and
other equipment that depend on water.
3. Cleaning and sanitizing systems.
4. Functionality of systems that require water, but which may not use
potable or drinking quality water such as heating/air conditioning
equipment and cooling systems.
Business Continuity
If an affected firm intends to continue operations during a water supply
interruption, and they do not have a pre-approved emergency action plan to
follow, then the Regulator must verify that the firm is able to demonstrate
safe practices. In most cases, this is accomplished by following temporary
emergency procedures that have been approved by the Regulatory
Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Approved Water Sources
During an assessment, verify that the firm has an alternative, approved
er source available. (FC 5-104.12). Examples include:
1. Comm
ercially bottled water:
a. Large water bottles used for water dispenser units. Some dispenser
units have lever type faucets for hot or cold water (if electricity is
b. Individual retail sized containers of bottled water.
2. Municipal or approved water source delivered via:
a. Tanker truck,
b. Water buffalo style tank that is pulled by a motor vehicle,
c. Approved portable water containers,
d. Covered sanitized bulk containers, or
e. Other approved sanitary means of transporting water.
3. Water hauled from an approved public water supply in a covered, food-
grade container that has been cleaned and sanitized.
4. Approved water supply from a neighboring location using approved
sanitary hose(s) and fittings.
5. Fire system water when approved, as this water is not usually potable
and may require additional treatment prior to use.
Water as a Food Ingredient
If a firm is unable to provide a safe, alternate water supply, then restrict the
menu or food preparation to items that don’t require water. Firms must
demonstrate how safe water will be provided, stored, and dispensed from
and approved alternative water source if using water as an ingredient:
1. Only approve com
mercially manufactured ice. (FC 3-202.16)
2. Issu
e cease operations orders for automated, post-mix fountain drink
dispensers, auto-fill coffee makers, instant hot water dispensers, juice
and tea dispensers.
If a firm is unable to provide operational or alternative handwashing
facilities, then issue orders to cease food preparation and limit operations to
pre-packaged foods only. If the firm wants to continue operations, then
verify that sufficient alternative handwashing facilities or approved
substitutions for pre-packaged food operations are provided (FC 5-203.11, 5-
204.11, 5-205.11) as detailed below:
1. Alternative ha
ndwashing facility is typically a “gravity flow”
handwashing set-up using potable water (i.e. commercially bottled
water) in a clean, sanitized container with a continuous-flow type spigot
allowing water to flow over hands into a catch bucket or directly above
a functioning drain.
a. Dispensable hand soap, disposable towels, and a waste receptacle
t be provided at designated handwash stations;
b. The catch bucket must be emptied into an operational drain such as
a janitor sink or toilet. Hands must be washed after emptying the
catch bucket and before returning to food handling operations; and,
c. Even if previously approved, limit the operations to suspend bare
hand contact with ready-to-eat foods.
2. Acceptable temporary handwashing substitutes may be approved when
ly prepackaged foods are provided. The following must also be
followed if handwash facilities are unavailable in the immediate area
where the prepackaged food is handled:
a. Appro
ved hand antiseptics or chemically treated towelettes must be
used for cleaning hands; and
b. An operational handwash sink, or alternative handwash facility
must be provided for use in the immediate area of a toilet facility.
3. A handwash sin
k that is backing up or not draining properly must not
be used and must be posted, labeled, or otherwise identified to prevent
its use until draining issues are resolved.
Toilet Facilities
If operational toilets are not accessible to employees during hours of
operation throughout the duration of the interruption,
then issue
an order to
cease operation until they are available. (FC 5-203.12). If the firm wants to
continue operations
and the toilet facilities are not
due to a lack
of water for flushing, their continued use may
be approved provided there
1. No sewage backup; and
2. An alternate supply of water that can be dumped into the toilet to
facilitate flushing.
The use of portable mobile toilet facilities or alternate toilet facilities may
also be approved provided they meet the following:
1. Signage is posted at not-operational toilets to prevent further use.
2. Toilet facilities are:
a. Conveniently located and accessible (i.e. within 200 feet of the food
establishment’s entrance);
b. Properly ventilated, maintained, and serviced in a manner that will
not contaminate food or create a nuisance; and
c. Equipped with adequate alternative (i.e. “gravity flow”)
handwashing facilities in the immediate vicinity of the toilet(s).
Dishwashing- Cleaning/Sanitizing Equipment, Utensils, Tableware
Issue orders to limit or discontinue operations if the firm is unable to
demonstrate proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures to ensure food
safety (FC 2-103.11). If a firm wants to continue operations and can follow
established procedures to wash, rinse, a nd sanitize, then approve operations
1. Require single service/use articles or utensils usage (FC 4-502.1
2. Use alternate approved wat
er (as listed above) for cleaning equipment,
utensils, tableware, and surfaces that contact food (FC 5-104.12).
3. Provide appropriate water volume, quantity, and temperature (FC 5-
103.11, 5-103.12) for cleaning and sanitizing. Water temperature must be
at minimum temperature or above those stated in the Food Code for the
class of sanitizer (i.e. Quaternary Ammonia at 75°F), unless otherwise
stated on the EPA registered label (FC 4-501.114).
4. Disco
ntinue operations as inventories of clean equipment, utensils, and
tableware are exhausted.
Cleaning the Facility
Issue orders to cease operations if lack of facility cleanliness could
jeopardize food safety (FC 6-501.12), however, alternative water supply may
be approved for general cleaning of the physical facilities.
Recovery Following an Interruption of Water Supply (FC 8-404.12)
Regulatory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Prior to
lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety processes affected
by the water supply interruption can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Verify the firm documented date and time water was restored.
Equipment and facilities must be operational.
Cleaning tools and equipment must be cleaned and sanitized prior to
Flush pipes, faucets, and drinking fountains
(FC 5-101.12), following the
directions from the water municipality or, as general guidance, run cold
water faucets for at least five minutes.
Flush, clean and sanitize post-mix beverage dispensers, glass washers,
ice machines,
spray misters, coffee/tea urns, dishwashers,
or other items
with waterline connections following manufacturer instruction (FC 5-
o Ice M
achine - example of a written cleaning and sanitizing:
Flush the water line to the machine inlet.
Close valve on water line and disconnect water line from the
Open valve, run wa
ter through for 10-15 minutes, dispose of
the water, and close the valve.
Reconnect the water line to the machine inlet, open the valve,
and flush the water lines in the machine.
Replace filters on equipment if not designed to be cleaned in
Turn o
n the machine.
Throw away the first three batches of ice from the machine.
Clean and san
itize all parts and surfaces that contact water and
ice, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
rnatively contact cleaning service provider to back into service
Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
Drain reservoirs in tall buildings.
Change out all water filters.
Contaminated Water Supply (Boil Water Advisory)
During a contamination of the water supply, a Food Safety Regulator response
needs to ascertain the extent of the contamination and assess food safety handling
practices at affected facilities. During a contaminated water incident, regulators
will respond to determine if an Imminent Health Hazard exists. For a large-scale
response to a boil water advisory, the Regulatory Agency will likely need to
prioritize efforts based on highest risk. Regulatory Agencies should consider the
following factors when planning responses to major water contamination issues,
and prior to assigning responders.
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
5. Does the municipality rely on other organizations such as EPA or local
Department of Environmental Quality for assuring the safety of non-
community water supplies?
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
emergency plan
emergency plan
o emergency
Lowest Risk
Highest Risk
Boil w
ater notices are typically issued when an unexpected condition has
caused a potential for biological contamination of a public water system,
due to loss of pressure in the distribution system, loss of disinfection, or
from other events such as water line breaks, treatment disruptions, power
outages or floods. The contamination event may be short, lasting only a few
hours, but in some cases, the event may continue for multiple days.
Regulators should encourage facilities to develop a plan for an onsite water
supply that exceeds maximum contaminant levels. Food Regulators may
review or pre-approve an emergency plan to ensure it addresses issues and
decisions the firm will have to make and minimizes uncertainty when water
supply contamination occurs.
Contaminated Water Supply-Facility Plan Considerations:
Prepare an emergency menu including recipes for foods that require
little to no water and the number o f servings/or people that can be
List equipment that uses water and develop a plan for each piece.
Provide a first aid kit with necessary items.
Determine amount of water needed to operate equipment, sinks, and
prepare emergency menu items.
Identify available alternate water sources (FC 5-104.12):
o Include contact information, address, directions, and equipment/
lies needed to
obtain alternate commercial, private, or public
water supplies, and points where containers can
be filled with
potable water.
o Develop business
agreements with
bottled water supplier, licensed
drinking water hauler, or ice suppliers.
Keep contact information for a plumber, well-contractor, utility
company, water supplier, ice supplier, etc.
Maintain an inventory of emergency items:
Bottled water, suitable containers for hauling or storing water.
o Disposable gloves and hand sanitizer for use after washing hands
with alternative water sources.
Single-service and single-use utensils and similar articles.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and focus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
cy response assessments during a boil water advisory will evaluate
how the nature of the water supply contamination and anticipated duration
may impact the firm’s ability to manage food safety (FC 5-101.11, 5-102.11,
5-103.11, 5-103.12). If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease operations
orders are issued in accordance with state or local law or Food Code (FC 8-
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The na
ture and scope of the contaminated water supply will determine the
type and complexity of regulatory authority response. Boil watery
advisories can be placed into one of three broad categories:
Short Term or
Does not disrupt community
ted area
to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
Large a
rea; no
disruption of
of unknown duration
Affect multiple facilities
t extensive coordinated
response based on risk
Large ar
disruption of
Longer anticipated duration due to storms,
floods, fires
and earthquakes
ct extensive coordinated
response based on risk
May have to
other emergency categories
gulator safet
y is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note: Never ent
er an area or perform any job task that will
result in injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. If the building is standing, find out when it will be safe
to enter and attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive,
approval from the fire department or city building inspector may
required prior to entering the building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, use a flashlight
appropriate, and carry a personal supply of bottled water. If there are
concerns about in-facility safety, then contact supervisor or
Safety Officer
Food Safety C
During a contaminated water supply event or boil water advisory, the
primary concern for the Regulatory Authority is to quickly assess the
operation (or many operations), to verify the following:
1. No imminent health hazard is present. (FC 8-404.11).
2. PI
C is ensuring that safe operating conditions exist during the water
amination event (FC 2-103.11).
If either of the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of
the establishment or limit operations until they are safely resumed.
However, if the impact is not too severe, then continued operation may be
approved, pending initial and continued demonstration of food safety
practices. If the firm is operational, then the firm’s emergency operational
system and equipment impacted by the water supply contamination will
have to be assessed, focusing on systems, procedures, and equipment that
are dependent on the availability of water:
1. Drinking water, water as a food ingredient, ice makers, beverage
mixing/dispensing machines and approved water sources.
2. Sinks (handwash, food preparation, etc.), warewash equipment, toilets,
and other equipment that depend on water.
3. Cleaning and sanitizing systems.
4. Functionality of systems that require water, but which may not use
potable or drinking quality water such as heating/air conditioning
equipment and cooling systems.
Business Continuity
If an affected firm intends to continue operations throughout a boil water
advisory, and they do not have a pre-approved emergency action plan to
follow, then the Regulator must verify that the firm is able to demonstrate
safe practices. In most cases, this is accomplished by following temporary
emergency procedures that have been approved by the Regulatory
Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Approved Water Sources:
During an assessment, verify that the firm has an alternative, approved
water source available. (FC 5-104.12). Examples include:
1. Boiled water: water that has been boiled and maintained at a rolling boil
for at least one minute.
a. Chemical disinfection is generally not an option because of the lack
of onsite equipment for testing chemical residuals.
b. Note: Boiling water is not a permissible alternative to chemical
contamination in water (i.e. heavy metals in water).
2. Commercially bottled water:
a. Large water bottles used for water dispenser units. Some dispenser
units have lever type faucets for hot or cold water (if electricity is
b. Individual retail sized containers of bottled water.
3. Municipal or approved water source delivered via:
a. Tanker truck,
b. Water buffalo style tank that is pulled by a motor vehicle,
c. Approved portable water containers,
d. Covered sanitized bulk containers, or
e. Other approved sanitary means of transporting water.
4. Water hauled from an approved public water supply in a covered, food-
grade container that has been cleaned and sanitized.
5. Approved water supply from a neighboring location using approved
sanitary hose(s) and fittings.
6. Fire system water when approved, as this water is not usually potable
and may require additional treatment prior to use.
Water as a Food Ingredient
If a firm is unable to provide a safe, alternate water supply, then restrict the
menu or food preparation to items that don’t require water. Firms must
demonstrate how safe water will be provided, stored, and dispensed from
and approved alternative water source if using water as an ingredient:
1. Only approve com
mercially manufactured ice. (FC 3-202.16).
2. Issu
e cease operations orders for automated, post-mix fountain drink
dispensers, auto-fill coffee makers, instant hot water dispensers, juice
and tea dispensers, etc., since they do not sufficiently heat/boil water to
make it safe to drink.
3. Approve food preparation using potable water from an approved
source as described above, also verify that the firm will:
a. Immediately discontinue preparing food with potentially
taminated water (FC 5-101.11).
b. Discard ready-to-eat f
ood that may have been prepared with or may
have contacted contaminated water (FC 3-701.11).
c. Discard RTE food items stored with ice or displayed on ice that
could have been made from contaminated water (3-701.11).
Water in Food Processing
Washing or soaking fresh produce must include being able to sanitize sink
with potable water first, and then washing fresh produce with water from
an approved source. If the firm is unable to ensure this, then limit the
operation to only allow:
1. Use of pre-washed packaged produce, or
2. Use of frozen or canned fruits and vegetables.
Use of spray misting units for produce should be limited and turned off
during boil water advisories. Spray bottles may be approved if filled with
an approved water source, properly labeled, and cleaned and sanitized.
Thawing frozen foods under running water is not an acceptable procedure
under boil water advisory, only approve thawing procedures as follows [FC
3-501.13 (A) or (C)]:
1. Under refrigeration, or
2. As part of the cooking process if the food that is frozen is:
a. Cooked as specified under 3-401
.11(A) or (B) or 3-401.12, or
b. Thaw
ed in a microwave oven and immediately transferred to
conventional cooking equipment, with no interruption in the
If a firm is unable to provide approved water source for handwashing
facilities, then issue orders to cease food preparation and limit operations to
pre-packaged foods only. If the firm wants to continue operations, then
verify that sufficient water source has been provided as detailed below:
1. Use water from an approved source.
2. Alternative handwashing facility is typically a “gravity flow”
handwashing set-up using potable water (i.e. commercially bottled
water) in a clean, sanitized container with a continuous-flow type spigot
allowing water to flow over hands into a catch bucket or directly above
a functioning drain.
a. Dispensable hand soap, disposable towels, and a waste receptacle
must be provided at designated handwash stations;
b. The catch bucket must be emptied into a drain such as a janitor sink
or toilet. Hands must be washed after emptying the catch bucket
and before returning to food handling operations; and,
c. Even if previously approved, limit the operations to suspend bare
hand contact with ready-to-eat foods.
3. Acceptable temporary handwashing substitutes may be approved when
only prepackaged foods are provided. The following must also be
followed if handwash facilities are unavailable in the immediate area
where the prepackaged food is handled:
a. Approved hand antiseptics or chemically treated towelettes must be
used for cleaning hands; and
b. An operational handwash sink or alternative handwashing facility
must be provided for use in the immediate area of a toilet facility.
4. A handwashing sink with non-potable water must be identified to
prevent its use.
Dishwashing- Cleaning/Sanitizing Equipment, Utensils, Tableware
Issue orders to limit or discontinue operations if the firm is unable to
demonstrate proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures to ensure food
safety (FC 2-103.11). If the firm wants to continue operations and can follow
approved procedures to wash, rinse, and sanitize, then approve operations
1. Require single service/use articles or u
tensils usage (FC 4-502.12).
2. Use an alternate approved water (as
listed above) for cleaning
equipment, utensils, tableware, and surfaces that may contact food (FC
3. Use of
non-potable water for warewashing and sanitizing will be
assessed based on the reason for the boil water advisory. Sanitizers may
not be effective against eliminating parasites, toxins, and viruses that
could be present in contaminated water.
a. Before approving automatic warewashing machine usage with non-
potable water, consider if the water temperature, cleaning agents,
and/or heat cycle are sufficient to clean and sanitize utensils and
tableware. (FC 4-501).
b. If approving three-compartment sink with non-potable water usage,
then ensure sanitizer concentration and contact time are sufficient to
clean and sanitize utensils and tableware.
c. If the firm uses an automatic chemical dispensing system,
recommend manually mixing of chemicals following
manufacturer’s instruction.
Cleaning the Facility
Issue orders to cease operations if facility cleanliness could jeopardize food
safety (FC 6-501.12), however, alternative water supply may be approved
for general cleaning of the physical facilities.
Recovery Following an Interruption of Water Supply (FC 8-404.12)
Regulatory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Prior to
lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety processes affected
by the water supply contamination can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Verify the firm documented date and time when the water advisory
was lifted, or testing deemed water safe for use.
Assure that cleaning a
nd sanitizing
such as dishwashing
machines, three compartment sinks
are clean and sanitized.
The firm must flush pipes, faucets,
and drinking fountains (FC 5-
101.12), following the directions from the water municipality
or, as
general guidance, run cold water
faucets for at least five minutes.
The firm must follow manufacturer’s instructions to flush, clean and
sanitize equipment with waterline connections such as post-mix
beverage dispensers, spray
misters, coffee or tea urns, ice machines,
glass washers, dishwashers, etc. (FC 5-101.12).
o Ice Machine-exa
mple of a
written cleaning and sanitizing:
h the water line to the machine inlet.
Close valve on water line and disconnect water line from the
valve, run
water through for 10-15 minutes, dispose
the water, and close the valve.
Reconnect the water line to
the machine inlet, open the valve,
and flush the water lines in the machine.
Replace filters
on equipment if not designed to be cleaned in
Turn o
n the machine.
Throw away the first three batches of ice from the machine.
Clean and
itize all parts and surfaces that contact
water and
ice, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
rnatively contact cleaning service provider to back into service
Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces utensils and equipment.
Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
Drain reservoirs in tall buildings.
Change out all water filters.
Type II or Type III non-community water supply (such as a well) follow
Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements (40 CFR 141 and 142).
Interrupted Gas Service
Gas outages can occur within gas distribution systems for many reasons, including
damage from excavation, fires, floods, pressure equipment malfunction, etc. During
an interruption of gas service, a Food Regulator response may need to ascertain the
extent of the interruption and assess food safety handling practices at affected
facilities. Regulatory Agencies should consider the following factors when planning
responses to major gas outages, and prior to assigning responders
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
Regulated natural gas utilities typically have an emergency plan for restoration on
large-scale outages. These plans will vary by individual gas utility and by
individual State requirements, and typically incorporate a process for locking-off
affected services and for restoring services after repairs have been made. During a
large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize efforts based
on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk Highest Risk
If a f
irm uses gas service, regulators should encourage them to develop or
follow an emergency plan for a gas service interruption that includes
specific details about the decisions firms will have to make if there is an
interruption in gas service, including how gas can be obtained to support
continued operation or how to limit operations to ensure a safety.
Regulators may consider reviewing or pre-approving a facility plan to
ensure it addresses necessary actions the firm must take prior, during, and
after gas service interruption.
Interruption of Gas Supply-Facility Plan Considerations:
Review gas emergency procedures provided by the local gas company
including procedures for relighting appliances after service is restored.
Maintain contact information for plumber and local gas utility
Determine all the equipment in the facility that uses
natural gas
assess its impact to restaurant operations. The most common gas
appliances are stoves, ovens, water heaters, and furnaces.
Provide a first aid kit with necessary items.
Where applicable, determine if water heaters are securely anchored to a
wall to prevent them from shifting or falling during an earthquake.
If a water heater is elevated, determine if the platform will withstand
the weight of the water heater if it moves during an earthquake.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and f
ocus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
Assessments during a gas service interruption or events that may possibly
cause a related gas service interruption, will evaluate how the nature of the
interruption and anticipated duration may impact the firm’s ability to
manage food safety. If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease
operations orders are issued in accordance with state or local law or Food
Code (FC 8-404.11).
Short term or
Does not disrupt community
one facility or limited area
Short duration-less than four hours
to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
Large a
disruption of
Longer anticipated duration due to storms,
ods, fires
and earthquakes
conduct extensive coordinated
response based on risk
need alternate communication methods
May have to
other emergency categories
(i.e. power interruption)
Regulator safety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note: Never enter an area or perform any job task that will
result in injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. If the building is standing, find
out when it will be safe
to enter and attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive,
approval from the fire department or city building inspector may
required prior to entering the building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, etc. and use a flashlight as
appropriate. Look for damaged ceilings and roof supports, weak floors,
and downed power lines. If gas service is still
on in the building, consider
having the firm contact the gas company to shut-off the gas.
If there are
concerns about in-facility safety, contact supervisor or Safety Officer
Food Safety and Personal Safety Considerations
During an interruption to the gas supply, the
concern for the
Regulatory Authority is to
quickly assess the operation to verify that no
imminent health hazard is present,
(FC 8-404.11).
that cannot be
demonstrated, then order closure of the establishment
or limit operations
safety is
If a gas leak is suspected, there are special criteria to be aware of to protect
Responder safety. If the impact is not too severe, then continued operation
may be approved, pending initial and continued demonstration of food
safety practices. If the firm is operational, then the firm’s emergency
operational system and equipment impacted by the gas outage will have to
be assessed, focusing on the following:
1. Entering an occ
upied Facility
a. If a
n odor of rotten eggs or sulfur is encountered upon entering an
occupied facility, instruct the facility operator to check all gas
appliances to ensure the pilot lights are burning and that there are no
open, un-lit burners.
b. If an actual gas leak is found, then advise the facility operator to shut
off the gas supply to all appliances and that an unsafe condition may
exist and recommend they call the gas utility to turn off the gas
c. If all pilot lights are burning and there are no open, un-lit burners,
there may be a gas leak in the appliances, appliance connections, or
building piping. Advise the facility operator to shut off the gas supply
to all appliances and that an unsafe condition may exist and
recommend they call the gas utility to turn off the gas supply.
d. If there is no gas supply to the gas appliances, advice the facility
operator to call the gas utility to re-establish service.
2. Entering a previously unoccupied faci
lity (due to mandatory evacuation
or curfew) with the operator.
If an odor of rotten eggs or sulfur is encountered upon entering an un-
occupied facility you should immediately vacate the premises. Call 911
but DO NOT CALL from inside the facility; make certain you place the
call outside and well away f rom the building
Business Continuity
If an affected firm intends to continue operations during a gas service
interruption, and they do not have a pre-approved emergency action plan to
follow, then the Regulator must verify that the firm is able to demonstrate
safe practices. In most cases, this is accomplished by following temporary
emergency procedures that have been approved by the Regulatory
Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Equipment and Facilities:
If any conditions exist that could be unsafe, do not continue the inspection
until repairs have been made. Assess indirect impact on business from non-
cooking appliances (i.e. HVAC or water heater). Consider handwashing and
dish washing, and other requirements detailed in this guide. Evaluate
whether alternate cooking/heating appliances (i.e. electric) are available to
support continued operation.
Operating Plan:
If any
ist that could be unsafe, do not continue the inspection
until repairs have been made.
Check to see if the facility has an approved
emergency operating plan. Determine whether continued business
operation without natural gas would conflict with applicable ordinances
and/or food safety.
Recovery Following a Gas Service Interruption (FC 8-404.12)
Regulatory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Prior to
lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety processes can
resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Restoration of affected customers is typically prioritized in a gas
emergency plan according to criticality.
o An example of this prioritization might include hospitals, nursing
homes, schools, large apartment buildings, large businesses, smaller
businesses, and residential customers.
o There may be t
imes, however, when the location of the damage
does not allow for this restoration process.
o Accessibility of facilities will determine the speed of restoration by
the gas utility.
Restoring a large-scale gas outage requires a controlled and systematic
approach that involves identification and isolation (locking) of all
affected services, repair of the damage, purging of the repaired
distribution system, and then turn-on, relighting, and
safety checks of
all affected services and meters one-by-one.
o Depending upon the size of the outage, this can
ome a very
time-consuming process.
Sewage Backup
During a sewage bac
kup event, (overflow of sewage from equipment or plumbing
fixtures) a Food Safety Regulator response needs to ascertain the extent of the
problem and assess food safety handling practices at affected facilities. If there is
sewage backup in the food facility, preparation, or storage areas, regulators will
respond to determine if an Imminent Health Hazard exists. Regulatory Agencies
should consider the following factors when planning responses to flood events, and
prior to assigning responders.
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
5. The Food Code defines sewage as “liquid waste that contains animal or
vegetable matter in suspension or solution and may also include liquids
containing chemicals in solution.” Clear water waste (i.e. ice bin/machine
drainage, condensation from refrigeration, and air conditioning equipment) is
not sewage.
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk
ators should encourage the facility to develop or follow emergency
action plans for a sewage backup event that includes specific details about
decisions the firm will have to make if there is a sewage backup. Consider
alternative operations, how to limit operations to ensure safety, when to
discontinue operations, and cleaning and sanitizing. Food safety regulators
may consider reviewing or pre-approving a facility plan to ensure that is
addresses the necessary actions ta firm must take prior, during, or after a
sewage backup.
Sewage Backup-Facility Plan Considerations:
Establish cleanup procedures with calculations for solutions. (Reference:
FC Annex 3, 2-501.11 Clean-up of Vomiting and Diarrheal Events).
a plumber, pumping
service, cleaning
company, sewer company, and local regulatory authority.
Identify equipment/supplies needed for addressing sewage backup.
Provide a first aid kit with necessary items.
shut-off valves,
back-siphonage preventers, and water supply
Consider a
schematic to identify
the waste drainage system
identify drains and equipment that may be impacted by plumbing line
stoppages. Note: Usually the lowest opening in the system will overflow or
backup first.
cleaning/sanitizing supplies, disposable gloves, hand soap,
hand sanitizer, disinfectants, and emergency personal protective
Develop a contingency plan for toilets and wastewater disposal.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and focus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
Assessments during a sewage backup will ev
aluate how the nature of the
backup and anticipated duration may impact the firm’s ability to manage
food safety. If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease operations orders
are issued in accordance with state or local law or Food Code (FC 8-404.11).
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The nature and scope of the sewage backup will determine the type and
complexity of regulatory authority response. Sewage backup events may fit
into one of two categories:
Short term or
Does not disrupt community infrastructure
ffects one piece of equipment (i.e. toilet o
hort duration-less than four hour
Regulator responds to facility notifications or
consumer complaint
large area;
distruption of
Longer du
ration due to damage,
storms, floods,
ires, or earthquak
ffects multiple pieces of equipment, multipl
reas, or a large area of the facilit
Regulators may conduct an extensive
coordinated response based on risk or respon
o facility notifications or consumer complaint
ay also have to assess other emergenc
Regulator sa
fety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note:
Never ent
er an area or perform any job task that will
injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. If the building is standing, find
out when it will be safe
to enter and attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive,
approval from the fire department or city building inspector may
required prior to entering the building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
i.e. helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, etc. and use a flashlight a
appropriate. Look for damaged ceilings and roof supports, weak floors,
nd downed power lines. If there are concerns
about in-facility safet
then contact supervisor or Safety Officer IMMEDIATELY
Food Safety Considerations
During a sewage backup event, the primary concern for the Regulatory
Authority is to quickly assess the operation to verify the following:
1. No imminent health hazard is present. (FC 8-4
2. PIC is ensuring that safe operating conditions exist during the sew
backup event (FC 2-103.11).
3. No fo
od and/or food equipment and surfaces are exposed to sewage.
If any of the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of the
establishment or limit operations until they are safely resumed. In rare
cases, if the impact is not too severe, continued operation may be approved
pending initial and continued demonstration of food safety practices. If the
firm is operational, then the emergency operational system and equipment
impacted by the backup will have to be assessed, focusing on the following
1. Specific areas where food, equipment, or employees could potentially
contact sewage.
2. Handwashing, warewashing, cleaning and sanitizing procedures
during and after the event.
Business Continuity
For c
ontinuous or widespread sewage backup in the establishment from a
floor drain, toilet, sink or other appliance(s), regulators must issue a cease
operation notice. (FC 8-401.11). In rare instances when a firm intends to
continue operations during a limited backup, the Regulator must verify the
firm can demonstrate safe practices and follow temporary emergency
procedures that have been approved by the Regulatory Authority during an
Emergency Procedures:
Limited Affected Operations and Areas:
During an assessment, verify that the firm is following general guidelines
when sewage from equipment directly connected to the plumbing system is
either slow to drain, does not drain, or backs up:
1. Discard all food exposed to contamination.
2. Remove the affected equipment/fixture from service and label it to
prevent additional uses.
3. Remove the obstruction or call a service company.
4. Close-down and segregate the affected site to keep foot traffic away from
areas that are flooded or wet from sewage.
5. Demonstrate proper handwashing and equipment washing by using
other sinks, appliances, or fixtures that are properly operating that are
not in the affected area.
6. Provide toilets in the establishment that are properly operating that are
not in the affected area.
Corrective Actions to Eliminate the Backup.
In the case of plugged drain lines, the permit holder should consider
contacting a service company to find and remove the obstruction and
replace worn or damaged plumbing as needed.
If onsite sewage disposal system is malfunctioning, firms should contact:
1. Local health department for permit requirements.
2. Sewage pumping contractor to pump the septic tank and haul away
sewage to an approved disposal site until repairs can be made.
3. Sewage disposal system installation contractor to arrange for repairs.
Recovery Following a Sewage Backup (FC 8-404.12)
Regulatory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Follow
disinfectant use instructions listed on the EPA registered label. Note:
Disinfectants for use during vomiting and diarrheal events (i.e. norovirus) would
be suitable for these situations. (FC Annex 3, 2-501.11 Clean-up of Vomiting and
Diarrheal Events) and adherence to OSHA rules for handling detergents,
sanitizers, and other chemicals used in the cleaning process. Prior to lifting the
cease operation order, verify that food safety processes affected by the
sewage backup can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Verify the firm documented date and time the backup was cleared.
Remove standing sewage water immediately and prior to starting
clean-up procedures and discard cleaning equipment or tools that
cannot be disinfected.
Use disinfectants suitable for vomiting and diarrheal events or use
chlorine solution at 1000 to
5000 parts per million
(525 tablespoons of
household bleach [5.25%] per
gallon of water).
Disinfect floors, walls and other affected areas.
Remove and replace wall and insulation materials that are susceptible
to mold.
Prevent employee traffic
affected areas
unless they
footwear and protective clothing.
Require double handwashing instantly
after handling
materials and before engaging in any food prep:
o Clean hands and exposed portions of arms using hand soap
(vigorously rub
surfaces of lathered hands and arms
together for at least 20
seconds), thoroughly rinse with clean water, and repeat.
Use a
disposable towel to dry hands and to turn off the water.
o Follow with a hand antiseptic.
o Clean and disinfect faucets and
other areas near the handsink to
prevent transferring contamination to food handlers.
Clean and disinfect contaminated utensils, equipment,
surfaces first, rinse, sanitize, and allow to air dry
prior to
Discard linens or uniforms contaminated
by sewage
or use an
laundry service that
the items.
(FC 4-801.11).
Destroy and dispose of unsalvageable food and single service items.
If an onsite sewage disposal system has overflowed, contact a sewage
pumping contractor to pump exposed sewage (as
well as the septic
tank) and disinfect affected areas.
Alternative measure: Hire a janitorial service with expertise
in cleaning food
establishments exposed to sewage backups.
During a flooding event, a Fo
od Regulator response needs to ascertain the extent of
the damage and assess food safety handling practices at affected facilities. Minor
water intrusions near doors will likely not require a regulatory response. However,
if there is flood water in the food facility, preparation, or storage areas, regulators
will respond to determine if an Imminent Health Hazard exists. Regulatory
Agencies should consider the following factors when planning responses to flood
events, and prior to assigning responders.
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk Highest Risk
s, big or small, may greatly impact a food operation. The amount and
depth of flood water can vary greatly, and drainage systems may not be
able to handle the excess volume of water for an extended time. The cause
of the flood, such as heavy rain over a period of days, hurricane, or a water
line leak will determine the impact on the facility and how long the flooding
continues. The flood event may be short or continue for multiple days, but
recovery will take longer. Regulators should encourage facilities to develop
a plan for a flooding events. Food Regulators may review or pre-approve an
emergency plan to ensure it addresses issues and decisions the firm will
have to make and minimizes uncertainty when a flood occurs.
Flood Event Facility Plan Considerations
Maintain current emergency contacts, such as repair companies and
service providers, cleaning/sanitizing company, and local regulatory
Monitor National Weather Service and National
Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
to determine potential tidal crests and
estimated times of
high tide or rivers cresting.
Develop a plan to move food items and packaging materials to an
alternate location to avoid contact with flood water.
Identify equipment/supplies needed to handle a flood incident
Provide a first aid kit with necessary items.
Identify emergency cut-off valves,
back-siphonage preventers, and
water supply lines.
If possible, have a drainage schematic that identifies how
the waste drainage system is designed to help identify drains and equipment
that may be impacted by a flood.
Maintain an inventory of cleaning/sanitizing supplies, disposable
gloves, hand soaps, hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and emergency
personal protective equipment.
Establish and follow written procedures for responding. The firm
should calculate chlorine solutions prior to an emergency and test
surface compatibility with
prior to use.
Follow OSHA rules for handling
detergents, sanitizers, disinfectants, and other chemicals used in the cleaning
EPA mold remediation:
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and focus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
y response assessments during or after a flood event will evaluate
how the nature of the flood and anticipated duration may impact the firm’s
ability to manage food safety. If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease
operations orders are issued in accordance with state or local law or Food
Code (FC 8-404.11).
Scope, and Duration
The nature and scope of the flood event will determine the type and
complexity of regulatory authority response. Note: If flooding is the result of
sewage backup or sewage drainage failure, refer to Sewage Backup in this Guide.
Floods may also impact other systems such as electrical power and the
safety of the water supply. Flood events can usually be placed into one of
three broad categories:
term or
Does not disrupt community inf
Affects a single facility
Short duration-less than four hours
Regulator responds to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
alized area;
no disruption of
May be of unknown duration
fects multiple pieces of equipment or
localized area in a facility (i.e. a bathroom or the
meat department)
Regulator responds to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
Large a
disruption of
Longer anticipated duration due to storms,
ods, fires and earthquakes
Affects a larger area or the entire facility
Regulators conduct extensive coordinated
response based on risk
May need alternate communication methods
May have to assess other emergency categories
r safety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note: Never en
ter an area or perform any job task that will
result in injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. If the building is standing, find out when it will be safe
to enter and attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive,
approval from the fire department or city building inspector may be
required prior to entering the building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
i.e. helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, etc. and use a flashlight as
appropriate. Look for damaged ceilings and roof supports, weak floors,
and downed power lines. If gas or electrical service is still
on in the
building, consider having the firm contact the company(s) to shut-off the
services. If there are concerns about in-facility safety, then contact
supervisor or Safety Officer IMMEDIATELY.
Food Safety Considerations
During a flood, the primary concern for the Regulatory Authority is to
quickly assess the operation, to verify the following:
1. No imminent health hazard is present. (FC 8-404.
2. PIC is ensuring safe operation conditions during and after the flood
ency event (FC 2-103.11).
3. No f
ood and/or food equipment, surfaces, employees and/or customers
are exposed to flood water or health and safety hazards.
If the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of the firm or
limit operations until they are safely resumed. However, if the impact is not
too severe, then continued operation may be approved, pending initial and
continued demonstration of food safety practices. If the firm is operational,
then the firm’s emergency operational system and equipment impacted by
the flood will have to be assessed, focusing on the following:
1. Temporary or alternative procedures utilized to ensure food safety or to
meet other applicable requirements, including:
a. Employee health and hygiene practices
b. Food handling or preparation practices
c. Utensils and equipment sanitation
d. Linen use and laundering
e. Single service/use item use
f. Other disrupted systems, such as electrical, potable water supply,
sewage drainage, and waste disposal as discussed in this guide.
2. Address food, packaging materials, equipment, surfaces, and supplies,
at are no longer safe to use or sell, including special removal
procedures of nonfood hazardous waste items affected by flood waters
such as batteries, fluorescent lights, and chemicals.
Business Continuity
When f
looding impacts a facility and is not isolated or contained,
discontinue operations. If an affected firm intends to continue operations
during or immediately after a flood, and they do not have a pre-approved
emergency action plan to follow, then the Regulator must verify that the
firm is able to demonstrate safe practices. In most cases, this is accomplished
by following temporary emergency procedures that have been approved by
the Regulatory Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Isolated or Minor Flooding
When flo
od water is isolated, unaffected areas of the establishment may
remain open while repairs or recovery take place if firm completes the
1. Isolate affected area and prevent traffic from flooded area to other areas.
2. Discard all contaminated food, packaging materials, and utensils.
3. Remove affected equipment from service.
4. All equipment, utensils, and environmental surfaces in contact with
d water must be cleaned and disinfected prior to being used or
placed back into use and service. Follow disinfectant use instructions
listed on EPA registered label, or the procedure approved by local
authorities. Note: Disinfectants identified by the food establishment for use
during vomiting and diarrheal events (i.e. norovirus) would be suitable for
these situations. Reference: Supplement to the FC Annex 3, 2-501.11 Clean-up
of Vomiting and Diarrheal Events.
5. When fo
od contact surfaces are affected, clean and disinfect
contaminated areas first and then follow with a rinse and sanitize prior
to use.
6. Food, packaging materials, utensils, equipment, clean linens, and single
service/use items not affected by flood water can be used.
sive Flooding
Flooding due t
o the overflow of a body of water, poor surface drainage, a
major break in a water line, a weather emergency, etc. can affect food,
packaging materials, utensils, equipment, linens, and single service/use
items. Refer to sections of this guide for additional information on
secondary impact due to flooding, i.e. electrical outage, interrupted water
supply, contamination water supply, etc. for more detailed information.
Recovery Following a Flood Event (FC 8-404.12)
Regulatory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Follow local
requirements and disinfectant use instructions listed on the EPA registered
label. Prior to lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety
processes affected by the flood can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Contact building department to determine if the building is safe and
oved for occupancy.
Clean and disinfect contaminated utensils, equipment, and affected
ces first, rinse, sanitize, and allow to air dry prior to use.
Identify foods, utensils, linens, and single service items for salvage or
disposal. Segregate hazardous from non-hazardous material before
disposal. (See Food Product Salvage Guide).
Require double handwashing instantly after ha
ndling contaminated
materials and before engaging in any food prep:
o Clean hands and exposed portions of arms using hand soap
igorously rub surfaces of lathered hands and arms together for at least
20 seconds), thoroughly rinse with clean water, and repeat.
o Use a
disposable towel to dry hands and to turn off the water.
o Follow with a hand antiseptic.
o Clean and disinfect faucets an
d other areas near the hand sink to
prevent transferring contamination to food handlers.
Remove standing wa
ter prior to starting clean-up procedures,
including standing water under refrigeration or electrical conduits.
ard cleaning equipment or tools that cannot be disinfected.
Disinfect floors, walls and other affected areas. Remove and replace
ll and insulation materials that are susceptible to mold.
an and disinfect walk-in cooler/freezer if it has:
o Quarry tile floor with si
x-inch sealed coving, and water did not rise
above the coving.
o Cooler walls that sit directly on the floor with intact caulk seal
o Unacceptable seal at f
loor/wall juncture of a free-standing cooler,
then disassemble, clean, and disinfect the panels.
o An aluminum base that sit directly on the floor, then raise it, wash,
and disinfect underneath.
Provide replacements for coolers or freezers as described:
o Damaged panels (i.e. h
oles or cuts) where flood water rose above
the damage, must be replaced.
o Coolers with permeable wood flooring needs to replace the floor.
If the well was covered by flood water, it must be treated and tested
rior to use. Provide acceptable test results or alternative water supply.
If the septic tank system was flooded, contact the local health
department for an evaluation before use.
Alternative m
easure: Hire a janitorial service having expertise in cleaning food
establishments exposed to flooding.
After a larger scale fire, a Fo
od Regulator response needs to ascertain the extent of
the fire and assess food safety and food handling practices at affected facilities. A fire
in a food establishment that is small and confined, does not contaminate food, and
has been extinguished using a simple device such as a hand-held fire extinguisher,
wet towel, pan lid, etc. is considered non-reportable and may not require a
regulatory response. However, if the fire creates long term water or electric service
interruption, regulators will likely need to respond to determine if an Imminent
Health Hazard exists. Regulatory Agencies should consider the following factors
when planning responses, and prior to assigning responders
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
Firm not
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk Highest Risk
A fire a
ffecting a food facility may be of short duration, but the recovery
may continue for multiple days. Regulators should encourage firms to
develop a plan for fire events. Food Regulators may review or pre-approve
an emergency plan to ensure it addresses issues and decisions the firm will
have to make and minimizes uncertainty when a fire occurs.
Fire -Facility Plan Considerations:
Maintain current emergency contacts such as fire department, service
providers, cleaning/sanitizing company, and local regulatory authority.
Develop an emergency evacuation plan for employees and customers.
Provide a response or first
aid kit which contains
necessary items and
appropriate clothing.
Assess what food, facilities, and equipment can be salvaged after a fire.
Identify equipment/supplies needed to respond to a fire and follow-up.
Identify electrical connections that may have to be disconnected.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and focus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
y response assessments after a fire will evaluate how the nature of
the fire and anticipated duration may impact the firm’s ability to manage
food safety and determine what areas, systems, equipment, food, and
packaging may be impacted by the fire. In addition to fire and smoke
damage, also consider the impact of water, foam, and other processes used
to fight the fire such as use of high pressure fire suppression devices (i.e.
ventilation hood fire suppression system or professional fire department
equipment). If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease operations
orders are issued in accordance with s tate or local law or Food Code (FC 8-
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The na
ture and scope of the fire will determine the type and complexity of
regulatory authority response. Fires can be placed into one of three broad
rt term or
s not disrupt community infr
Affects one piece of equipment or a single area
Short duration
Regulator responds to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
alized area;
no di
sruption of
May b
e of unknown duration
ects multiple pieces
of equipment
localized area
in a facility
(i.e. stockroom or meat
to facility notifications or
consumer complaints
Large area;
disruption of
Affects a larger area
the entire facility
conduct extensive coordinated
response based on risk
need alternate communication methods
May have to
other emergency categories
(i.e. electrical power or flooding)
Regulator safety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note: Never enter an area or perform any job task that will
result in injury or illness. Upon arrival at an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. If the building is standing, find out when it will be safe
to enter and attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive,
approval from the fire department or city building inspector may be
required prior to entering the building or area.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
i.e. helmet, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, etc. and use a flashlight a
appropriate. Look for damaged ceilings and roof supports, weak floors,
nd downed power lines. If gas or electrical service is still on in th
uilding, consider having the firm contact the company(s) to shut-off th
ervices. If there are concerns about in-facility safety, then contac
upervisor or Safety Officer IMMEDIATELY
Safety Considerations
fire, the primary concern for the Regulatory Authority is to quickly
assess the operation, to verify the following:
1. N
o imminent health hazard is present. (FC 8-404.1
2. P
IC is ensuring safe operation conditions during and after the fire even
FC 2-103.
3. N
o food and/or food equipment, surfaces, employees and/or custom
re exposed to health and safety hazards
f the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of the facility
or limit operations until they are safely resumed. However, if the impact is
not too severe, then continued operation may be approved, pending initial
and continued demonstration of food safety practices. If the firm is
operational, then the firm’s emergency operational system and equipment
impacted by the flood will have to be assessed, focusing on the following:
1. A
ddress food, packaging materials, equipment, surfaces, and suppli
hat have been affected by smoke and fire
emporary or alternative procedures used to meet food safety or oth
pplicable requirements
ployee health and hygiene practices
ood handling or preparation practices
tensils and equipment sanitation
d. Linen use and laundering,
e. Food and packaging materials and single service/use item use,
f. Equipment and supplies,
g. Building integrity and site access, and
h. Other systems that may be disrupted such as electrical power.
Business Continuity
If an affected firm intends to continue operations immediately after a fire,
and they do not have a pre-approved emergency action plan to follow, then
the Regulator must verify that the firm is able to demonstrate safe practices
during or immediately following a fire or smoke damage. In most cases, this
is accomplished by following temporary emergency procedures that have
been approved by the Regulatory Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Affected Operations afte
r a Confined or Limited Fire
If the fire is confined to a small area or a single piece of equipment, and the
fire can be extinguished with a simple fire-fighting device (i.e. hand-held
extinguisher), extensive clean-up may not be required. Unaffected areas of
the establishment may remain open while clean-up and minor repairs are
made. All exposed food at the time of the event is discarded.
Extensive Fire Damage
If a fire c
auses extensive damage to equipment and the facility’s structure,
or if smoke has had a major impact on food and packaging, then the
Regulator must issue cease operation orders. All exposed food and some
packaged food exposed to the fire, smoke, and chemicals must be assessed
for disposal. See the Food Product Salvage Guide.
If th
ere is
flooding caused by fire suppression after fire department
ention, then refer to the flooding
section of this
Guide for additional
on operation and recovery.
Recovery Following a Fire Event (FC 8-404.12)
tory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Prior to
lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety processes affected
by the fire or smoke can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Contact local building department or other appropriate agencies to
ine if the building is safe and approved for occupancy.
Identify foods, utensils, linens, and single service items that may not
be s
alvaged and ensure proper disposal. (See Food Product Salvage
ate hazardous from non-hazardous material before disposal.
Employee Safety and Protection Items and Procedures:
o Rubber boots that can be w
ashed and disinfected. Protective
clothing such as coveralls or disposable outer garments,
respirator, boots, and eye protection.
o Don’t allow employee access to affected areas
til area safety is
determined. Prohibit employee traffic between
affected areas
other areas
without removing footwear and protective clothing.
o Follow OSHA rules for handling detergents, sanitizers, disinfectants,
d other chemicals used in the cleaning process or in response to the
ning procedures:
o All areas affected by the fire, including those affected by
and water, must be
cleaned and sanitized.
o All affected food products, packaging
materials, equipment,
utensils, linens, and single service/use items must
be cleaned and
sanitized or removed from the premises as necessary.
o Smoke and its resulting damage may have to be removed by a
fessional restoration company
and/or the use of air purifiers,
ozone generators, ionizers, or other equipment specifically used
for this purpose.
Pest Infestation
During an emerge
ncy, (i.e. natural disasters, flooding, fire, etc.), pest concerns are
likely to increase (rodents, flies, displaced wildlife, etc.…), especially if operational
sanitation and exclusion measures are impacted. A Food Regulator response needs
to ascertain the infestation and assess food safety handling practices at affected
facilities. If there is a large scale or extended emergency, regulators will respond to
determine if an Imminent Health Hazard exists and must be prepared to address
associated pest infestation. Regulatory Agencies should consider the following
factors when planning responses, and prior to assigning responders.
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
emergency plan
emergency plan
No emergency
Lowest Risk
Highest Risk
A disas
ter that causes increased pest activity or infestation may be short,
lasting only a few hours, but recovery may continue for multiple days.
Regulators should encourage facilities to develop a plan for emergency
events that also address possible pest infestation or intrusion. Food
Regulators may review or pre-approve an emergency plan to ensure it
addresses issues and decisions the firm will have to make and minimizes
uncertainty when a disaster occurs.
Pest Infestation or Invasion -Facili
ty Plan Considerations:
Maintain current contacts for local area animal control and local fish
and wildlife agency that would assistant with wildlife mitigation or
Plan for the evacuation of employees and customers.
Provide a response or first aid
which contains necessary items and
appropriate clothing to protect those responding.
Plan for removal of excess
or accumulated garbage or unsaleable food
which may become a pest attractant.
If a firm has a plan to address the above issues, classify them as lower risk
and focus response efforts on higher risk firms lacking a plan.
Emergency response assessments that include pest infestation or intrusion
evaluate how the nature of the pest activity and anticipated duration may
impact the firm’s ability to manage food safety, determine what areas,
systems, equipment, food, and packaging may be impacted by the pests or
wildlife. If Regulators identify unsafe operations, cease operations orders
are issued in accordance with state or local law or Food Code (FC 8-404.11).
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The nature and scope of the incident will determine the type and complexity
of regulatory authority response. The circumstances will have to be assessed
on a case-by-case basis.
Safety Note: Never enter an area or perform any job task that will
injury or illness. Upon arrival at
an emergency or disaster, check
with the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine
safety of the site. If the building is standing, find
out when it will be safe
to enter and attempt to contact the owner. If damage is extensive,
approval from the fire department or city building inspector may
required prior to entering the building or area. Since insects, pest, and
wildlife can be relocated to areas under assessment, use caution before
entering a space (use flashlights, as needed).
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Wear protective clothing,
, coveralls, safety goggles, boots, etc., and dress to protect from
displaced animals such
as snakes, ants, and mosquitos. Bring a flashlight,
insect repellent, snake bite kit, and antihistamine (such as Benadryl).
there are concerns
about in-facility safety, then contact
supervisor or
Safety Officer IMMEDIATELY.
Food Safety Considerations
During a p
est infestation or intrusion, primary concern for the Regulatory
Authority is to quickly assess the operation to verify the following:
1. No imminent health h
azard is present. (FC 8-404.11)
2. PIC is ensuring that the firm is safely operating during the infest
ation or
invasion. (FC 2-103.11).
If either of the above items cannot be demonstrated, then order closure of
the establishment or limit operations until they are safely resumed.
However, if the impact is not too severe, then continued operation may be
approved, pending initial and continued demonstration of food safety
practices. If the firm is operational, then the firm’s emergency operational
system and equipment impacted by the infestation or invasion will have to
be assessed, focusing on the following:
1. Safety of human resources.
2. Breaches of the facility that are contributing to pest entry.
3. Conditions present that attract and/or sustain pest populations, provide
additional pest harborage from damaged structures, accumulated area
debris, fallen trees, branches, and other material. Be aware of wildlife
movement, insects, and other pests, and prepare accordingly.
4. Sources of standing water should be reviewed and addressed to help
prevent an increase in mosquito population.
5. Reviewing the facility plan, including locations of bait stations to help
the business ensure adequate protection remains intact.
Business Continuity
If an affected firm intends to continue operations throughout a pest
infestation or intrusion, and they do not have a pre-approved emergency
action plan to follow, then the Regulator must verify that the firm is able to
demonstrate safe practices. In most cases, this is accomplished by following
temporary emergency procedures that have been approved by the
Regulatory Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Identify Entry Points or Harborage Areas
Secure the building, including ceilings, walls, wall flashing, doors,
windows, and screens that have become compromised and allow for the
entry of pests, displaced wildlife, and insects. Waste water and material can
be forced into facility and bring unwanted pests. Remove conditions that
attract and/or sustain pest populations, provide additional pest harborage
from damaged structures, accumulated area debris, fallen trees, branches,
and other material. Be aware of wildlife movement, insects (i.e. cockroaches,
ants, flies), and other pests (i.e. rodents), and prepare accordingly. Address
sources of standing water to help prevent an increase in mosquito
Cleaning and Sanitation
Maintain adequate sanitation frequencies and p
rocedures for equipment,
utensils, facilities, linens, etc., to minimize contamination, pest attraction
and population expansion.
Review Pest Control Findings
Replace damaged/missing pest control devices, equipment, or products.
Consider additional control tactics in response to enhanced pest activity.
The pest control provider may need to apply residual spray to keep the fly
population down.
Waste Management
Food waste must be removed quickly and placed into open top dumpsters
or other similar containment devices. If dumpsters are not available, place
food waste into sturdy, sealed garbage bags to be stored away from the
facility. Also remove accumulation of garbage that may occur due to power
loss, flood water exposure, fire, or etc. that leave food no longer suitable for
Recovery Following a Pest I
nfestation or Intrusion (FC 8-404.12)
atory agents must authorize the re-opening of a firm if a cease
operation order was issued due to an imminent health hazard. Prior to
lifting the cease operation order, verify that food safety processes affected
by pests can resume safely.
Recovery Considerations
Identify a corrective action plan that defines roles and responsibilities
or both the food establishment and pest control provider), and
timelines for temporary and long-term corrections.
Identify foods, utensils, linens, and single service items that may not
be s
alvaged and ensure proper disposal. (See Food Product Salvage
Any salvageable food products, packaging materials, equipment,
ensils, linens, and single service/use items must be cleaned and
sanitized or removed from the premises as necessary.
oyee Safety and Protection Items and Procedures:
o Rubber boots that can be w
ashed and disinfected. Protective
clothing such as coveralls or disposable outer garments, boots,
and eye protection.
All areas affected by the pest or wildlife must be cleaned and
During recovery
and repair efforts there may
be accumulated food
waste, trees, branches, and building material debris.
Firms should
a plan for quick removal to an approved location, if this cannot
be done quickly, then the firm must plan to effectively address
rodent control, insects, and other occasional invaders.
Food Transport Accident
Truck accidents or rollovers can cause significant damage to the food products being
transported. After a food transport vehicle accident, a Food Regulator response
needs to assess food safety and food handling practices for the food on the affected
vehicle. Minor or single truck accidents will not usually require interface with law
enforcement or a regulatory response. However, if there is multi-vehicle or major
accident, the regulator may respond to determine if an Imminent Health is present.
Regulators may be called afterwards and directed to a different location to assess the
condition of the food product(s). Regulatory Agencies should consider the following
factors when planning responses, and prior to assigning responders
1. Has there been an evacuation or other order that would require the public
(including regulators) to leave the area?
2. Can Responders safely travel to facilities and safely conduct assessments?
3. Are alternative procedures or backup communication systems available?
4. Is there a set of assessment questions that all responders should be asking?
During a large-scale response, a regulatory agency will likely need to prioritize
efforts based on risk. The example below shows risk on an increasing scale:
Vehicle affected;
emergency plan
or nonTCS food
Vehicle affected;
plan or unknown
food type
Vehicle affected;
No emergency
plan or TCS
Lowest Risk Highest Risk
Food tra
nsport accidents or rollovers are spontaneous events that may not
occur often in your jurisdiction. Regulators should develop a response plan
for accidents to addresses issues and decisions the Regulatory Agency will
have to make and minimizes uncertainty when an accident response is
necessary. Pre-incident planning between regulators and law enforcement
help to ensure damaged product is appropriately reconditioned, destroyed,
or cleared for sale or production.
Transport Accidents- Regulatory Agency Plan Considerations:
Maintain contacts and relationships with law enforcement, Federal
Railroad Commission and National Transportation Safety Board,
Department of Transportation, animal control,
wrecker companies, and
local area landfills.
Meet with
law enforcement to
seek assistance
in creating a process or
procedure for truck accidents or rollovers.
Ensure Responders have proper safety equipment and response
Identify necessary documents for collection, such as truck wreck form
(i.e. possible inspection report form), law enforcement/fire department
investigation report, bill
lading, manifest, weigh tickets from the
Photo Evidence
pertinent to the response, including trailer tag
number, truck tag number, damaged trailer, refrigeration unit
temperature display window, trucking company information (usually
on the door of the truck), potentially adulterated food.
During an emergency response, Regulators ma
y have to assess the impact of
a transport vehicle accident or roll-over, to determine what areas, systems,
equipment, food, and packaging may have food safety issues. If Regulators
identify unsafe operations, cease operations orders are issued in accordance
with state or local law or Food Code (FC 8-404.11).
Nature, Scope, and Duration
The n
ature and scope of the accident will determine the type and
complexity of regulatory authority response. The circumstances will have to
be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Once the accident is assessed for the
type of product involved, decisions can be made on the appropriate
emergency response actions. Truck investigations may take several days to
complete. Supporting documentation may not be immediately available or
product may remain under hold/embargo from sale pending a decision
from an insurance company or pending a decision from the manufacturer.
Regulator safety is priority no matter the incident size, nature, or scope.
Safety Note: Never enter an area or perform any job task that will
result in injury or illness, and Inspectors should avoid working the scene
of the incident if possible. If required on scene, upon arrival, check with
the Fire Chief, Police Officer, or Incident Commander to determine safety
of the site, as approval may be required prior to approaching the scene.
Never approach
a wreck or fire scene until
the area is declared safe.
Exercise care to eliminate the chance of injury. Responders may carry,
work boots, state truck seals, identification, and appropriate paperwork.
Use emergency flashers when parked at the scene of an accident. Wear
reflective vests. Be aware of traffic, wreckers, front-end loaders, fuel
spillage, etc. Be aware of possible high conflict situations if the driver is
agitated by the accident and uncooperative. If there are concerns about
safety, then contact supervisor or Safety Officer IMMEDIATELY.
Food Safety Considerations
a food vehicle accident, the primary concern for the Regulatory
Authority is to quickly assess the situation to verify that no imminent health
hazard is present. (FC 8-404.11). If this cannot be demonstrated, then seize
or condemn all food products involved.
However, if
the impact is not too severe, then continued transportation may
be approved, pending initial and continued demonstration of food safety
practices. If the truck intends to resume transport, then the emergency
operational system and equipment impacted by the accident will have to be
assessed, focusing on the following:
1. T
he condition of the trailer and its ability to maintain temperatu
otential contamination or damaged to the food beverage load
r milk products, consider leaking, broken trailer seal, potential cros
contamination, and the hauler’s last inspection report.
r live animals of any kind, consider animal size and jurisdiction
usiness Continuity
If an affected transportation vehicle or company intends to continue
operations after an accident, and they do not have a pre-approved
emergency action plan to follow, then the Regulator must verify that the
firm is able to demonstrate safe practices. In most cases, this is accomplished
by following temporary emergency procedures that have been approved by
the Regulatory Authority during an assessment.
Emergency Procedures:
Trailer Condition- Intact
If a trailer remains completely intact, there are no issues with refrigeration/
freezer units, and the trailer can be hooked to another tractor and removed,
this can proceed without responder involvement at the scene. If the trailer
security seals have not been broken, do not break the seals to examine the
load. From the Bill of Lading, obtain information as to where the load is
heading and who is responsible for the product.
If the trailer remains intact, but cannot be moved c
ausing product to be off-
loaded to another trailer:
1. Expose
d food or TCS food offloading should occur with a Regulator
present if possible. Do not try to take temperatures, sort food, or
otherwise inspect foods unless necessary to clear roadways. If first
responders moved products that spilled or otherwise became
potentially contaminated, prior to the Regulator’s arrival, segregate for
later inspection and disposition.
2. Pre-packaged, non-TCS offloading can begin prior to Regulator arrival.
r Condition- Partially Intact
If the t
railer is basically intact, but open to the elements or other activities
occurring with respect to the security of the scene, such as firefighting or
washing of debris, then instruct the transporter to protect the food by
closing trailer doors or otherwise covering the trailer and gathering spilled
products to a secure location that is protected from contamination by these
activities. These measures will also generally provide a longer time frame
before temperature abuse of refrigerated or frozen foods become an issue.
The trans
porter should contact the 24-hour emergency hotline number.
Railroads have teams of full-time personnel and environmental, industrial
hygiene, hazmat, and medical consultants and contractors whose primary
focus is hazmat safety and emergency response.
USDA Product
Do not break a USDA seal unless necessary, as this will require the product
to be returned to a USDA facility for reinspection. If product destination is a
USDA plant, USDA should be notified of product condition and supporting
pendent Truckers
In ma
ny truck accident cases, the driver is not a part of the company that
owns the food products. Independent drivers may only own the truck
involved in the accident and getting the truck back on the road will be
important to their livelihood. Consider moving food to another location for
assessment or disposition, so the driver can recover the truck in a shorter
amount of time.
Regulatory agents must authorize the release of food place under seizure or
embargo due to an imminent health hazard. Regulatory authorities may
also have to approve the vehicle’s return to regular operations.
Recovery Considerations
A truck may not be able to get back on the road until law
orcement approves the release of the truck. Consider the condition
and cleanliness of the truck and the ability to have the truck cleaned
and sanitized.
For milk tankers, co
nfirm that the facility that the trucking company
uses to clean milk contact surfaces (or milk products) is licensed or
permitted either as part of a milk plant, receiving station, or transfer
station, or a stand-alone milk tank truck cleaning facility. Regulators
will also need to verify what types of milk products the milk tank
truck hauls.
There are certain products specified in the Pasteurized
Milk Ordinance that must
be transported in milk tank trucks
dedicated to hauling pasteurized products.
duct Salvage or Disposition:
o Wholesome or undamaged foods may be allowed to re-enter
commerce. Food product may or may not go back on the same
truck involved in
o Unsalvageable food product must
withheld form sale. Seek
voluntary destruction. An identified wrecker company may
responsible for destruction.
o Potentially adulterated product due must be
thheld from sale
until a decision is made regarding disposition. These products
be loaded onto a new truck
for sorting to determine whether
product will be disposed of, sent onto sale, or reconditioned.
o Remember insurance adjusters may
be present
and have
authority to make decisions on behalf of the manufacturer or the
Food Product Salvage Guide
Disposal of Adult
erated Food:
If food is determined to be adulterated and therefore must be discarded, the
regulatory authority must verify that the firm is completing the following as
1. Document the type and amount of food being discarded.
2. Segregate adulterated food prior to disposition.
a. Place food in a designated condemned food storage area away from
food preparation, other food, and equipment storage.
b. Secure food in covered refuse containers to prevent the food from
being put back into stock rotation or from being served, sold, or
further processed.
c. Assure the food cannot accidentally contaminate wholesome food.
d. Clearly label or mark as “NOT FOR SALE.”
e. Refrigerated food may be temporarily stored in a refrigerated
location separate from other food (Note: Refrigerated units must be
thoroughly washed and disinfected after the contaminated food is
3. Disposal should be witnessed by the Regulator and done in accordance
with s
tate and local waste disposal regulations in a licensed landfill.
Note, landfills should be contacted to ensure acceptance of the waste.
Disposal of Hazar
dous Waste:
If items are determined to be hazardous waste and therefore must be
discarded, the regulatory authority must verify that the firm is completing
the following as instructed:
1. Consider the following actions if it is determined that hazardous waste
such a
s batteries, fluorescent lights, chemicals, etc. must be discarded:
a. Place ha
zardous waste to be discarded in a designated condemned
hazmat storage area away from contaminated foods to be discarded.
b. The hazmat area should be away from food preparation, other food,
and equipment storage areas.
2. Secure hazardous waste in covered refuse containers or by other means
in a des
ignated area to prevent it from being put back into stock rotation
or from being used or sold.
All haz
ardous waste is to be disposed of in accordance with state and local
waste disposal regulations in a licensed landfill or approved facility. Local
landfills should be contacted prior to delivery to ensure acceptance of the
In some cases, if the quantities of food involved are large (i.e., a
supermarket or a food warehouse) it may be feasible to attempt salvage for
either human or animal consumption. The items must either be destroyed or
moved to an approved location that has reconditioning capability. Such
movement should be coordinated with state officials and/or FDA.
Food Salvage Assessme
nt Guide:
The fo
llowing is a guide for handling specific food items due to specific
emergency events and based on the severity of the exposure or damage.
Depending on the type of damage, product affected by a pest infestation,
transport vehicle accident, or other disasters may fall into one of the
categories below.
Food Product
TCS foods at >41°F for less
than 4 hours
Must be iced or moved to a properly
functioning refrigerator unit.
TCS food >41°F for more
than 4 hours
Chart 1
See Chart 1 in this guide for salvage
(hold, sell, serve) or discard options.
Frozen foods that
remained frozen and did
not thaw.
Verify food packages show no
evidence of damage such as
weeping, stains, physical
deterioration, or evaporation.
Frozen foods that partially
thawed, but
under 41°F.
Must be moved to a properly
refrigerator and cooked
Verify that packages
show no evidence of damage such as
weeping, stains, physical
deterioration, or evaporation.
Non-TCS food that has
Can be sold, further processed,
cooked, or donated. Appropriate
notice should be provided.
Improperly cooled or hot
held foods.
Food in the 41°F-135°F range can
produce dangerous pathogens and
Food Product
Exposed or open foods,
bulk foods; fresh produce,
meat, poultry, fish, and
Contaminants can be absorbed by
exposed, fresh food items.
Foods, liquids or beverages
in crown
-capped bottles,
-tab tops, corks, or
screw caps, crimped
-cap, pop-top
When either submerged or splashed
with contaminated water or flood
water, these are not cleanable
under/around caps.
returned for deposits or recycling must
be drained.
Foods packaged in paper,
cardboard, cloth,
permeable material, soft
plastic, or fiber.
Even if the contents seem dry, these
are an i
nadequate barrier to
contaminated water or flood,
especially if submerged.
Hermetically sealed
Even if submerged or splashed,
(cans, pouches).
wash, rinse, sanitize
, dry, relabel
with all required information and
Leaking, dented, rusty, or
bulging hermetically
sealed containers (cans,
Possible pathogenic bacteria that can
produce deadly toxins.
Alcoholic Beverages
(closed with cork, screw
top, twist
-top, crimped
Check with Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
(ATF) regarding alcohol tax
reimbursement (large volumes).
Cans that have been tossed
about and are far from
their normal storage spot
Possibility of pinholes or seam
Food in glass jars,
including unopened jars
with waxed paper, foil,
cellophane, or cloth covers
Inadequate barrier to contaminated
or flooding, especially if
Items with damaged labels
Packages without all required
labeling information cannot be sold
Foods with cardboard seals
Inadequate barrier to contaminated
water or flooding.
Food Product
Foods in metal cans or
rigid plastic; or
ermetically sealed
containers (cans, pouches).
If able to wash, rinse, sanitize, dry,
relabel with all required information
and codes.
Alcoholic beverages
Check with (ATF) regarding alcohol
tax reimbursement (large volumes).
Exposed foods, bulk foods,
fresh produce, meat,
poultry, fish, and eggs
Contaminants can be absorbed by
exposed, fresh food
Foods packaged in paper,
cardboard, cloth,
permeable material, soft
plastic, or fiber.
Even if the contents seem dry, these
are an i
nadequate barrier to sewage.
Foods with cardboard
Inadequate barrier to sewage.
Food in glass jars,
including unopened jars
with wax paper, foil,
cellophane, or cloth covers
Inadequate barrier to sewage
Foods, liquids, or
beverages in crown
, or containers with
-tab tops, corks, or
screw caps
Inadequate barrier to sewage
Cans that are dented,
leaking, bulging, or rusted
Possible pathogenic bacteria that can
produce deadly toxins.
Items with damaged labels
Packages without all required
labeling information cannot be sold
Food Product
Hermetically sealed
containers (cans, pouches)
with no heat damage.
If heat and water damage was
minimal, canned goods can be
; clean the exterior surfaces
and move to suitable storage areas.
Leaking, dented, rusty, or
sealed containers (cans,
Possible presence of pathogenic
bacteria that can produce deadly
Packaged foods in closed
coolers or freezers.
Some food may be salvage, if
in a case, or walk-
in freezer
or cooler,
no extended electrical
, based on severity of
heat, fire, smoke, and water. Prompt
removal of items.
Exposed or open foods,
bulk foods; fresh or dried
produce; fresh or frozen
meat, poultry, and fish;
and eggs produce.
Discard If subjected to excessive heat, fire,
smoke, or water damage, no attempt
to salvage such products can be
permitted due to vulnerable
Food or single services
items in bags, paper, cloth,
cardboard, or another
penetrable package.
Any open food or food in penetrable
packaging can be contaminated.
Food in plastic container
If packaging can be cleaned without
contaminating contents.
Food with water, heat,
heavy smoke, or toxic
fumes damage.
Safety and quality are compromised.
Alcoholic beverages
Check with (ATF) regarding alcohol
tax reimbursement (large volumes).
Items with damaged labels
Packages without all required
labeling information cannot be sold
Dairy products
No attempt to salvage if subjected to
excessive heat, fire, smoke, or water,
FIRE (continued)
Food Product Action Explanation/Instruction
Canned soft drinks:
May be salvaged if not been subjected to
excessive heat or fire.
Must be cleaned
and sanitized, if necessary. If the cans
have been subjected to excessive heat or
are deemed unable to be cleaned, the
contents must be destroyed.
Bottled soft drinks: TBD Unless protected by a plastic outer wrap
or in bottles with sealed screw-on lids,
soft drinks in glass bottles are very
difficult to salvage. Soft drinks in plastic
bottles that have been subjected to
excessive heat, fire, or smoke, not
salvageable. Bottle contents must be
drained before returning the containers for
Products in glass with
metal screw
-type or
metal slip covers
If subjected to excessive heat, fire, or
smoke, this type of container is very
difficult to clean or disinfect due
exposure of the threaded closure.
The Planning “P “
Food Safety Consequence of Disasters Matrix