Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 1
August 2018
A100 - A399 Funding - Budgetary Resources Other Than Collections
A102 To record an anticipated appropriation.
Comment: For receipt of appropriation, see USSGL TC-A104.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A104 To record the enactment of appropriations.
Comment: If appropriations were anticipated, credit USSGL account 412000. For anticipated
appropriations, see USSGL TC-A102. Use USSGL account 462000 for
appropriations exempt from apportionment. This transaction is not recorded by
special or non-revolving trust funds unless amounts are appropriated from the
General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury Appropriation Warrant.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411100 Debt Liquidation Appropriations
Debit 411200 Liquidation of Deficiency - Appropriations
Debit 411500 Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Debit 411600 Debt Forgiveness Appropriation
Debit 411700 Loan Administrative Expense Appropriation
Debit 411800 Reestimated Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Debit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A108 To record authority that was temporarily reduced and subsequently reclassified as a closing entry in
the previous year.
Comment: Refer to Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for the definition of
reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and
sequestrations. If the reduction is classified as a sequester amount, record only if the
Office of Management and Budget has determined that the amount becomes
available for obligation in the subsequent fiscal year.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reduction
Budgetary Entry
Debit 438400 Temporary Reduction/Cancellation Returned by Appropriation
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 2
August 2018
A110 To record in the gaining fund the reappropriation of authority from an expired losing fund to an
unexpired gaining fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A112 for the expired losing fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415000 Reappropriations - Transfers-In
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A112 To record in the losing fund the reappropriation of authority from an expired losing fund to an
unexpired gaining fund
Comment: See USSGL TC-A110 for gaining funds. Special and trust funds receiving
appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of
unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 439000 Reappropriations - Transfers-Out
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A114 To record an anticipated appropriation expenditure transfer from a trust fund to a general fund.
Comment: In exceptional cases, this transaction may be recorded for an anticipated expenditure
transfer to a trust fund account, for example, where the recipient account is a
Limitation on Administrative Expenses trust fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transactions for SF 133 Appropriated Trust Fund
Expenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 421500 Anticipated Expenditure Transfers from Trust Funds
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A116 To record budgetary authority apportioned by the Office of Management and Budget and available
for allotment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 3
August 2018
A118 To record anticipated resources apportioned but not available for use until they are realized for
anticipated resources in programs subject to apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 459000 Apportionments - Anticipated Resources - Programs Subject to
Proprietary Entry
A119 To record anticipated resources in programs exempt from apportionment.
Comment: USSGL account 469000 is used as a funds control mechanism.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 469000 Anticipated Resources - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A120 To record the allotment of authority.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Proprietary Entry
A122 To record the realization of previously anticipated and apportioned authority for programs subject
to apportionment.
Comment: USSGL transactions that reference this transaction: A186, A212, A706, A708,
B126, C106, C109, C114, C116, C124, C130, C132, C136, C148, C152, C154,
C182, C412, C416, C602, C606, C612, C614, C616, C618, C626, C640, C650,
D108, D110, and D134. USSGL transactions that reference a reversal of this
transaction: A712, C604, C608, and C620.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 459000 Apportionments - Anticipated Resources - Programs Subject to
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 4
August 2018
A123 To record the realization of previously anticipated authority for programs exempt from
Comment: USSGL transactions that reference this transaction: A186, A212, A706, B126,
C106, C109, C116, C124, C130, C132, C136, C148, C152, C154, C182, C412,
C416, C602, C606, C612, C614, C616, C618, C626, C640, D108, D110, and D134.
USSGL transactions that reference a reversal for this transaction: A712, C604,
C608, and C620.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 469000 Anticipated Resources - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A124 To withdraw recoveries of prior-year obligations and/or nonexpenditure transfers derived from
special or non-revolving trust fund receipts (made available from previously precluded amounts).
This account should be used in Treasury accounts that have/had outstanding balances in USSGL
account 439700.
Comment: The balance in USSGL account 439701 should be reflected as part of the end-of
year balance on Schedule N: Special and Trust Fund Receipts Schedule of the
Budget of the United States Government. Trust and special funds whose authority is
limited to the current year obligations will record this transaction at yearend as a
preclosing adjusting entry.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439701 Appropriations Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Prior-
Proprietary Entry
A125 To record a reduction in authority for advance funding made available in the previous year.
Reference: USSGL Implementation guidance; USSGL Advance Funding Scenario
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Proprietary Entry
A126 To record amounts specifically withheld from apportionment by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB).
Comment: Reverse this transaction when authority is released.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 443000 Unapportioned Authority - OMB Deferral
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 5
August 2018
A127 To record budget authority (that is appropriated receipts) temporarily precluded from obligation.
Comment: The balance in USSGL accounts 439700 and 439800 should be reflected as part of
the end-of-year balance on Schedule N: Schedule on Unavailable Collections of the
Budget of the United States Government. Trust and special funds whose authority is
limited to the current year obligations will record this transaction at yearend as a
preclosing adjusting entry.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Authority Temporarily Precluded From
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
A128 To record authority temporarily unavailable pursuant to public law.
Comment: Reverse this transaction if authority becomes available. Refer to F126 for related
preclosing entry.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439500 Authority Unavailable for Obligation Pursuant to Public Law -
Proprietary Entry
A129 To record spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily precluded from obligation.
Comment: The balance in USSGL accounts 439700 and 439800 should be reflected as part of
the end-of-year balance on Schedule N: Schedule on Unavailable Collections of the
Budget of the United States Government. Trust and special funds whose authority is
limited to the current year obligations will record this transaction at yearend as a
preclosing adjusting entry.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Authority Temporarily Precluded From
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 6
August 2018
A130 To record authority, in a trust or special fund Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol, temporarily
unavailable as a result of a refund collected or recovery of a prior-year obligation that is
unavailable for obligation and is to be reclassified as "Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon
Collection" at yearend.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A139 for trust or special fund refunds or recoveries that are to be
reclassified as "Receipts and Appropriations Temporarily Precluded From
Obligation" at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust or Special Fund Guidance on Refunds of
Prior-Year Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439600 Special and Trust Fund Refunds and Recoveries Temporarily
Unavailable - Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection
Proprietary Entry
A131 To record a permanent reduction of borrowing or contract authority.
Comment: Refer to Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for the definition of
Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and sequestrations.
With USSGL account 439200, use Authority Type Code attribute "B" to record
reductions of borrowing authority or Authority Type Code attribute "C" to record
reductions to contract authority. There is no effect on USSGL account 101000, Fund
Balance With Treasury, when borrowing authority or contract authority is reduced.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Permanent Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 7
August 2018
A132 To record a permanent reduction of unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Credit USSGL account 299000 if fund withdrawal does not occur simultaneously.
For withdrawal of funds, see USSGL TC-A141. Refer to Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A-11 for the definition of reductions. Reductions include
rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and sequestrations. Special and trust funds
receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or
transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the 310000
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Permanent Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
A133 To record budget authority permanently reduced in a special or trust expenditure Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol funded by a special or trust unavailable receipt account.
Comment: Refer to Office of Management and Budget Circular A-11 for the definition of
reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and
sequestrations. Note: To return fund balance to the related special and trust
unavailable receipt account, also post USSGL TC-A185.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Permanent Reductions - Unavailable Receipt
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 574500 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 8
August 2018
A134 To record appropriated receipts permanently reduced and canceled by legislative action in special
and trust Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols.
Comment: Refer to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-11 for the
definition of reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions,
and sequestrations. This transaction applies to a permanent reduction and
cancellation. Fund balance must be returned to a miscellaneous receipt account
designated by OMB on an SF 1151, Nonexpenditure Transfer, coded as a capital
transfer. Credit USSGL account 299000 if withdrawal of funds does not occur
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Permanent Reductions - Unavailable Receipt
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
A135 To record budget authority temporarily reduced by legislative action. This transaction may be used
in special and trust Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols that are designated by Treasury as
available for investment, or in revolving funds, or for reductions of spending authority from
offsetting collections if deemed appropriate by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
and/or specific legislative action.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A422 to adjust the receivable if USSGL account 416600 was
previously established. Also post USSGL TC-518 to adjust the receivable if USSGL
account 412600 was previously established. When reducing spending authority from
offsetting collections, include Authority Type Code attribute "S" to ensure proper
flow OMB Schedule P. Refer to OMB Circular No. A-11 for the definition of
reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 438200 Temporary Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 438300 Temporary Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 9
August 2018
A136 To record rescission and withdrawal of funds for balances previously recorded as pending
Comment: Credit USSGL account 299000 if fund withdrawal does not occur simultaneously.
Special and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S.
Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 442000 Unapportioned Authority - Pending Rescission
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
A137 To record unobligated balances withheld from availability pending congressional action or
Presidential rescission proposal.
Comment: Reverse this transaction when there is a release of authority previously unavailable
pending rescissions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 442000 Unapportioned Authority - Pending Rescission
Proprietary Entry
A138 To record estimated recoveries of prior-year unpaid obligations.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 463000 Funds Not Available for Commitment/Obligation
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 10
August 2018
A139 To record authority, in a trust or special fund Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol, temporarily
unavailable as a result of a refund collected or recovery of a prior-year obligation that is
unavailable for obligation and is to be reclassified as "Receipts and Appropriations Temporarily
Precluded From Obligation" at yearend.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A130 for trust or special fund refunds or recoveries that are to be
reclassified as "Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection" at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust or Special Fund Guidance on Refunds of
Prior-Year Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439900 Special and Trust Fund Refunds and Recoveries Temporarily
Unavailable - Receipts and Appropriations Temporarily Precluded
From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
A140 To record anticipated collections including refunds from prior- year amounts that were obligated
and outlayed in unexpired Treasury Account Symbol (TAS).
Comment: See USSGL TC A118 for anticipated resources apportioned but not available for use
until they are realized. Refunds that were obligated and outlayed from the prior year
in a Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) that has not expired or canceled should use
this transaction. This transaction is also applicable to credit card rebates.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Debit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Debit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 463000 Funds Not Available for Commitment/Obligation
Proprietary Entry
A141 To record the withdrawal of funds for reductions of unexpended appropriations previously
recorded when the fund withdrawal did not simultaneously occur.
Comment: For permanent reductions of unexpended appropriations, see USSGL TC-A132. For
temporary reductions, see USSGL TC-A189.Refer to Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A-11 for the definition of reductions. Reductions include
rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and sequestrations.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 11
August 2018
A142 To record anticipated nonexpenditure transfers to a General Fund Receipt Account.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A143 to record anticipated capital transfers to a General Fund
Receipt Account.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Credit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
A143 To record anticipated capital transfers to a General Fund Receipt Account.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A142 to record anticipated nonexpenditure transfers without a
proprietary transaction. Reverse USSGL TC-B425 if a contingent liability was
previously recorded.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Credit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576600 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Capital
Credit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
A145 To record offsetting collections permanently reduced and canceled by legislative action in
revolving Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols.
Comment: Refer to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-11 for the
definition of reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions,
and sequestrations. This transaction applies to a permanent reduction. Fund balance
must be returned to a miscellaneous receipt account designated by OMB on an SF
1151, Nonexpenditure Transfer, coded as a capital transfer. Credit USSGL account
299000 if withdrawal of funds does not occur simultaneously.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Permanent Reductions - Unavailable Receipt
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Credit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 12
August 2018
A146 To record subsidy disbursed by the program fund not previously accrued.
Comment: Applicable to both direct and guaranteed loans. If funded by a direct appropriation,
also post USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A148 To record decreases to indefinite borrowing authority.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"; Credit Reform Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 414300 Current-Year Decreases to Indefinite Borrowing Authority Realized
Proprietary Entry
A152 To record indefinite or definite borrowing authority.
Comment: To cover reductions of indefinite borrowing authority, see USSGL TC-A148.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 414100 Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A154 To record the realization of borrowing authority that was previously estimated.
Comment: When borrowing authority is estimated, the actual borrowing authority is realized
based on the amount obligated. Also post USSGL TC-B306.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Borrowing Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 414100 Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized
Credit 404200 Estimated Indefinite Borrowing Authority
Proprietary Entry
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Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 13
August 2018
A155 To record an appropriation to liquidate obligations initially incurred against the authority to borrow
when the borrowing authority was not exercised.
Comment: The transaction is based on an appropriation or authorizing language that allows the
agency to have this type of activity.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Borrowing Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Credit 414000 Substitution of Borrowing Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A156 To record the drawing of cash to fund borrowing authority from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service or
the Federal Financing Bank. This includes non-credit reform borrowings to repay interest
(capitalized loan interest).
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide, Non-
Credit Reform Borrowings From Treasury With Capitalized Interest
Budgetary Entry
Debit 414800 Resources Realized From Borrowing Authority
Credit 414500 Borrowing Authority Converted to Cash
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 251100 Capitalized Loan Interest Payable - Non-Credit Reform
Credit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
A157 To record a nonexpenditure nonallocation transfer-in between two trust funds of an appropriation
to liquidate contract authority, representing contract authority previously transferred.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A161 for recording the contract authority previously
transferred and establishing the receivable of funds. The previously transferred
contract authority (USSGL account 415300, Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation) is not reduced until closing.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority -
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 415400 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Non-Allocation -
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
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III AT - 14
August 2018
A158 To record actual reductions to borrowing authority previously anticipated.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A164 for anticipated reductions to borrowing authority.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 404400 Anticipated Reductions to Borrowing Authority
Credit 414300 Current-Year Decreases to Indefinite Borrowing Authority Realized
Proprietary Entry
A159 To record the amount of borrowing authority that was substituted with offsetting collections when
the borrowing was not exercised.
Comment: The transaction is based on an appropriation or authorizing language that allows
such activity and is used in conjunction with USSGL TC-C110.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Borrowing Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 404400 Anticipated Reductions to Borrowing Authority
Credit 414000 Substitution of Borrowing Authority
Proprietary Entry
A160 To record a nonexpenditure nonallocation transfer-out between two trust funds of an appropriation
to liquidate contract authority, representing contract authority previously transferred.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A163 for recording the contract authority previously
transferred and establishing the payable of funds. The previously transferred
contract authority (USSGL account 415300, Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation) is not reduced until closing.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415400 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Non-Allocation -
Credit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A161 To record the transfer-in of contract authority from one nonallocation trust fund account to another,
prior to the actual transfer of liquidating authority and fund balance, based upon legislative
guidance. This transaction may only be recorded by the Department of Transportation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415300 Transfers of Contract Authority - Non-Allocation
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 15
August 2018
A162 To record an estimate of indefinite borrowing authority to cover obligations for the current year.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 404200 Estimated Indefinite Borrowing Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A163 To record the transfer-out of contract authority from one nonallocation trust fund account to
another, prior to the actual transfer of liquidating authority and fund balance, based upon legislative
guidance. This transaction may only be recorded by the Department of Transportation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 415300 Transfers of Contract Authority - Non-Allocation
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A164 To record anticipated reductions to borrowing authority.
Comment: The borrowing authority was previously recorded as unapportioned.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 404400 Anticipated Reductions to Borrowing Authority
Proprietary Entry
A165 To record the return (transfer-out) of contract authority from one nonallocation trust fund account
back to the originating nonallocation trust fund account. This transaction may only be recorded by
the Department of Transportation.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A161 for the original contract authority transferred and
receivable previously established.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 415300 Transfers of Contract Authority - Non-Allocation
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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A166 To record definite and indefinite contract authority based on legislation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413100 Current-Year Contract Authority Realized
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A167 To record the return (transfer-in) of contract authority from one nonallocation trust fund account
back to the originating nonallocation trust fund account. This transaction may only be recorded by
the Department of Transportation.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A163 for the original contract authority transferred and payable
previously established.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415300 Transfers of Contract Authority - Non-Allocation
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A168 To record the realization of contract authority that was previously anticipated.
Comment: When contract authority is estimated, the actual contract authority is realized based
on the amount obligated. Also post USSGL TC-B306.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413100 Current-Year Contract Authority Realized
Credit 403200 Estimated Indefinite Contract Authority
Proprietary Entry
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A169 To record the portion of an appropriation to liquidate obligations incurred against contract
authority that is no longer required.
Comment: The transaction is based on an appropriation or authorizing language that allows the
agency to have this type of activity. This is the portion of funded contract authority
that is withdrawn. Special and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General
Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may
record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413500 Contract Authority Liquidated
Credit 413000 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority Withdrawn
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A170 To record the warrant liquidating contract authority.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Liquidated by Appropriation
From the General Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413800 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority
Credit 413500 Contract Authority Liquidated
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A171 To record an appropriation to liquidate contract authority that is supported by a nonexpenditure
transfer of funds from a Treasury-Managed Trust Fund Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide: Appropriations
To Liquidate Contract Authority - Funded by Nonexpenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413800 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority
Credit 413500 Contract Authority Liquidated
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A172 To record anticipated actual reductions to contract authority.
Comment: If contract authority was not anticipated, see USSGL TC-A174.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 403400 Anticipated Adjustments to Contract Authority
Credit 413300 Decreases to Indefinite Contract Authority
Proprietary Entry
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A173 To record an appropriation to liquidate contract authority that is not yet supported by a
nonexpenditure transfer of funds from a Treasury-Managed Trust Fund Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide: Appropriations
To Liquidate Contract Authority - Funded by Nonexpenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Credit 413600 Contract Authority To Be Liquidated by Trust Funds
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A174 To record an unanticipated actual decrease to indefinite contract authority.
Comment: For the reduction of unobligated balances for indefinite contract authority, record the
yearend preclosing USSGL TC-F112.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 413300 Decreases to Indefinite Contract Authority
Proprietary Entry
A175 To record a nonexpenditure transfer-in of funds from a Treasury-Managed Trust Fund Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) that liquidates a previously established receivable for contract
Comment: See USSGL TC-A173 for the appropriation to liquidate contract authority that is not
yet supported by a nonexpenditure transfer of funds.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide: Appropriations
To Liquidate Contract Authority - Funded by Nonexpenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413600 Contract Authority To Be Liquidated by Trust Funds
Debit 413800 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority
Credit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Credit 413500 Contract Authority Liquidated
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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A176 To record the anticipated indefinite contract authority to cover anticipated obligations for the
current year.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 403200 Estimated Indefinite Contract Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A177 To record the transfer-in of contract authority from a parent account to a recipient account based
upon an approved letter. The nonexpenditure allocation transfer of funds has not yet been
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide; Transfers of
Contract Authority
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413700 Transfers of Contract Authority - Allocation
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A178 To record anticipated adjustments/decreases to contract authority.
Comment: Reverse this transaction to increase the anticipated adjustments/reductions to
contract authority during the year.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 403400 Anticipated Adjustments to Contract Authority
Proprietary Entry
A179 To record the transfer-out of contract authority from a parent account to a recipient account based
upon an approved letter. The nonexpenditure allocation transfer of funds has not yet been
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide; Transfers of
Contract Authority
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 413700 Transfers of Contract Authority - Allocation
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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A180 To record a nonexpenditure allocation transfer-out from a parent account to a recipient account
representing contract authority previously transferred.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A177 for recording the contract authority previously
transferred and establishing the receivable of funds.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide; Transfers of
Contract Authority
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415500 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Allocation -
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A181 To record a nonexpenditure allocation transfer-in from a parent account to a recipient account
representing contract authority previously transferred.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A179 for recording the contract authority previously
transferred and establishing the payable of funds.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Accounting Guide; Transfers of
Contract Authority
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 415500 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Allocation -
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A183 To record in the receipt account the amount of appropriated receipts from an agency's unavailable
receipt account to an expenditure account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Unavailable Special Fund Receipt Account
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 574500 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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A184 To record the amount of appropriated receipts from an agency's unavailable receipt account to an
expenditure account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Unavailable Special Fund Receipt Account
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411300 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Unavailable Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 574000 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred In
A185 To record in a special or trust unavailable receipt Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS), an
amount that was temporarily reduced in an associated special or trust expenditure TAFS. Or to
record in a miscellaneous receipt account, an amount that was permanently reduced and cancelled
in an associated special or trust expenditure TAFS.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A133 in the related special or trust expenditure TAFS.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 574000 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred In
A186 To record revenue to available non-revolving trust funds and special funds, in which the revenue is
immediately available for obligation.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Credit 564000 Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
Credit 565000 Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
Credit 580000 Tax Revenue Collected - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
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A187 To record the liquidation of contract authority for collections against reimbursable customer orders
that were substituted for contract authority and have now been earned.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413200 Substitution of Contract Authority
Credit 413500 Contract Authority Liquidated
Proprietary Entry
A188 To record revenue to available non-revolving trust funds and special funds, in which the revenue is
not immediately available for obligation upon collection. A credit to USSGL account 439400 acts
as a contra-resource account. However, these receipts may be available for investment.
Comment: When receipts become available for obligation, see USSGL TC-A190. See TCs
C454 and C458 for daily inflation or deflation of Treasury Inflation Protected
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Receipts Not Available for Obligation Upon
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Credit 580000 Tax Revenue Collected - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 580100 Tax Revenue Collected - Individual
Credit 580200 Tax Revenue Collected - Corporate
Credit 580300 Tax Revenue Collected - Unemployment
Credit 580400 Tax Revenue Collected - Excise
Credit 580500 Tax Revenue Collected - Estate and Gift
Credit 580600 Tax Revenue Collected - Customs
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
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A189 To record a temporary reduction of new budgetary resources and fund balance in a trust or special
fund expenditure account that was funded by an unavailable receipt account.
Comment: Post an increase in fund balance in the associated unavailable receipt account.
Unlike reductions in available special and trust funds, there is no automatic
appropriation of this authority in the following year. Treasury processes a warrant
reducing fund balance in the expenditure account and increasing fund balance in the
associated unavailable receipt account. Also post USSGL TC-A185 in the
unavailable special or trust fund receipt account. Credit USSGL account 299000 if
fund withdrawal does not occur simultaneously. For withdrawal of funds, see
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 438700 Temporary Reduction of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts,
New Budget Authority
Credit 438800 Temporary Reduction of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts,
Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 574500 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
A190 To record receipts in available trust funds and special funds that become available for obligation
after not being available for obligation when originally collected. A debit to USSGL account
439400 provides new budget authority.
Comment: When receipts are originally collected, see USSGL TC-A188.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Receipts Not Available for Obligation Upon
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
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A192 To record authority made available from receipt or appropriation balances previously precluded
from obligation.
Comment: This transaction is recorded upon legislation making the authority available, or in
conjunction with obligations incurred when current-year receipts are not enough to
cover current-year obligations. See USSGL TC-A127 for the original entry that
precluded the obligation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Authority Temporarily Precluded From
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415700 Authority Made Available From Receipt or Appropriation Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A194 To record authority made available from offsetting collection balances previously precluded from
Comment: This transaction is recorded upon legislation making the authority available, or in
conjunction with obligations incurred when current-year receipts are not enough to
cover current-year obligations. See USSGL TC-A129 for the original entry that
precluded the obligation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Authority Temporarily Precluded From
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415800 Authority Made Available From Offsetting Collection Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
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A195 To record the collection of revenue for non-revolving trust and special funds that were previously
Comment: See USSGL TC-C422 or TC-C418 for accrual entry and USSGL TC-A186 if not
accrued. See TCs C454 and C458 for daily inflation or deflation of Treasury
Inflation Protected Securities.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
A196 To record the annualized level of an appropriation provided under a continuing resolution.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A197 to record the Fund Balance With Treasury under the
terms of the continuing resolution.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriations Provided by a Continuing
Resolution Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411100 Debt Liquidation Appropriations
Debit 411200 Liquidation of Deficiency - Appropriations
Debit 411500 Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Debit 411600 Debt Forgiveness Appropriation
Debit 411700 Loan Administrative Expense Appropriation
Debit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
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A197 To record Fund Balance With Treasury under a continuing resolution as determined by the Office
of Management and Budget's automatic apportionment bulletin.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A196 to record the appropriation provided under the
continuing resolution. This transaction also may be used to record additional funding
provided under a revised or extended continuing resolution. Under revisions or
extensions of continuing resolutions, reverse USSGL TC-A128.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriations Provided by a Continuing
Resolution Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 109000 Fund Balance With Treasury While Awaiting a Warrant
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A198 To record Fund Balance With Treasury and adjust the Fund Balance With Treasury Under a
Continuing Resolution to zero upon the enactment of an appropriation and receipt of a Treasury
Appropriation Warrant.
Comment: This transaction is to be used by agencies under a continuing resolution that have
received notice that their appropriation bills have been passed and that have received
a Treasury Appropriation Warrant. Reverse USSGL TC-A128.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriations Provided by a Continuing
Resolution Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 109000 Fund Balance With Treasury While Awaiting a Warrant
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A199 To record an adjustment to the annualized level of an appropriation when the enacted level is less
than the proposed annual level (based on a continuing resolution).
Comment: Reverse this transaction when the enacted level is above the proposed annualized
level. Also post USSGL TC-A198.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriations Provided by a Continuing
Resolution Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 411100 Debt Liquidation Appropriations
Credit 411200 Liquidation of Deficiency - Appropriations
Credit 411500 Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Credit 411600 Debt Forgiveness Appropriation
Credit 411700 Loan Administrative Expense Appropriation
Credit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Proprietary Entry
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A200 To record the cancellation of outstanding debt where there is not an appropriation warrant
Reference: Debt Forgiveness Appropriation Versus No Appropriation Scenario
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411601 Debt Forgiveness - Cancellation of Debt Adjustment
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
A202 To record in the financing account an appropriation received for a positive modification adjustment
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A204 and TC-B134.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412500 Loan Modification Adjustment Transfer Appropriation
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
A204 To record positive modifications for subsidy cost and adjustment transfers related to Direct Loans
in the financing account.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
A206 To record positive modifications for subsidy cost and adjustment transfers to Direct Loans and
Loan Guarantee liabilities in the program account.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
A208 To record negative modifications for subsidy cost and adjustment transfers related to Direct Loans
and Loan Guarantee liabilities in the program account.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
Credit 719000 Other Gains
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A210 To record a transfer-out of financing sources and fund balance from Custodial Statement
collections via the Statement of Transactions (224).
Comment: See USSGL TC-C142.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Custodial
Collection Transfer to a Different Intragovernmental Treasury Account Symbol
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599800 Custodial Collections Transferred Out to a Treasury Account Symbol
Other Than the General Fund of the U.S. Government
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A212 To record the financing sources transferred in to a special or nonrevolving trust fund from a
General Fund receipt account.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Custodial
Collection Transfer to a Different Intragovernmental Treasury Account Symbol
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 599700 Financing Sources Transferred In From Custodial Statement
A213 To record the amount of anticipated offsetting collections or offsetting receipts used to reduce the
appropriation derived from the General Fund of the U.S. Government while waiting for the
appropriation warrant to be adjusted.
Comment: See Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for additional guidance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriation Reduced by Offsetting Collections
or Offsetting Receipts
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 405000 Anticipated Reductions to Appropriations by Offsetting Collections
or Receipts
Proprietary Entry
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A214 To withdraw recoveries of prior-year obligations and/or nonexpenditure transfers derived from
special or non-revolving trust fund receipts (made available for obligation after only being
available for investment purposes). This account should be used in Treasury accounts that have/had
outstanding balances in USSGL account 439400.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439401 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Prior-Year
Proprietary Entry
A215 To withdraw recoveries of prior-year obligations and/or nonexpenditure transfers derived from
spending authority from offsetting collections (made available from previously precluded
amounts). This account should be used in Treasury accounts that have/had outstanding balances in
USSGL account 439800.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439801 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
A216 To withdraw recoveries of prior-year obligations derived from repayable advances and to be used
for repayment of the repayable advance. This account should be used in Treasury accounts that
have/had outstanding balances in USSGL account 415900.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 415901 Repayment of Repayable Advances - Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
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A250 To record interest received for a non-Bureau of the Fiscal Service security held outside of Treasury
in a special or non-revolving trust fund.
Comment: An agency must have specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or
non-Bureau of the Fiscal Service security. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by
the public in a non-TGA are returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. See
Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and
Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional
guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
A251 To record interest received for a non-Bureau of the Fiscal Service security held outside of Treasury
in a revolving or revolving trust fund.
Comment: An agency must have specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or
non-Bureau of the Fiscal Service security. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by
the public in a non-TGA are returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. See
Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and
Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional
guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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A400 - A699 Funding - Authority Transfers
A402 To record amounts anticipated by a receiving allocation Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol for
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416500 Allocations of Authority - Anticipated From Invested Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A404 To record a transfer-out of unobligated unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer of
noninvested amounts not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure
Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended
Comment: Trust funds do not record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series, except for amounts
appropriated directly from the General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury
Appropriation Warrant. Special funds receiving direct appropriations from the
General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers from other Federal funds may
record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partners must use USSGL
TC-A448. Refer to the conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the
beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A406 To record a transfer-out of unobligated unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer of
noninvested amounts not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure
Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A450. Refer to the conventions and
limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A408 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-in of unexpired unobligated balances to an expired Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol, where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A412. Refer to conventions and limitations
listed on the coversheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419200 Balance Transfers - Unexpired to Expired
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
A410 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-in of unexpired unobligated balances to an expired Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol, where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A414. Refer to conventions and limitations
listed on the coversheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419200 Balance Transfers - Unexpired to Expired
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A412 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-out of unexpired unobligated balances to an expired
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol, where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A408. Refer to conventions and limitations
listed on the coversheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 419200 Balance Transfers - Unexpired to Expired
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A414 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-out of unexpired unobligated balances to an expired
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol, where the source of the transfer is derived from
appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A410. Refer to conventions and limitations
listed on the coversheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 419200 Balance Transfers - Unexpired to Expired
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A416 To record realized authority to be transferred in to a receiving allocation Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS), where the parent TAFS maintains invested balances, prior to the SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization request.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A426.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested
Credit 416500 Allocations of Authority - Anticipated From Invested Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A420 To record an actual nonexpenditure transfer-in to an allocation Treasury Appropriation Fund
Symbol, where the parent maintains invested balances via an SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer
Comment: Record a credit to USSGL accounts 416600 and 133000 if the budget authority has
been realized before the actual transfer of funds. Transfer partner must use USSGL
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416700 Allocations of Realized Authority - Transferred From Invested
Credit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From
Invested Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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August 2018
A422 To record the adjustment in an allocation Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol for the amount
receivable from invested balances when the budget authority is temporarily reduced.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A135 to record the budget authority temporarily reduced.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416800 Allocations of Realized Authority Reclassified - Authority To Be
Transferred From Invested Balances - Temporary Reduction
Credit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From
Invested Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A424 To adjust the payable due for amounts previously appropriated to the allocation Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) from the parent TAFS that maintains invested balances as a
result of an enacted temporary reduction.
Comment: Refer to Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for the definition of
Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and sequestrations. Post
this transaction in the allocation TAFS. The allocation TAFS simultaneously posts
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested
Credit 416800 Allocations of Realized Authority Reclassified - Authority To Be
Transferred From Invested Balances - Temporary Reduction
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
A426 To record realized authority to be transferred out to a receiving allocation Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol, where the parent maintains invested balances, prior to the SF 1151: Nonexpenditure
Transfer Authorization request.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A416.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From
Invested Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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August 2018
A430 To record an actual nonexpenditure transfer-out to an allocation Treasury Appropriation Fund
Symbol, where the parent maintains invested balances via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer
Comment: Record a debit to USSGL accounts 416600 and 215000 if the budget authority has
been realized prior to the actual transfer of funds. Transfer partner must use USSGL
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 416700 Allocations of Realized Authority - Transferred From Invested
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A432 To record in the receiving agency the return (transfer-out) to the parent agency of unobligated
expired authority and funds from an allocation transfer, accomplished via SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from
unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Trust funds do not record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series except for amounts
appropriated directly from the General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury
Appropriation Warrant. Special funds receiving appropriations from the General
Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers from other Federal funds may record
USSGL accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-
A436. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning
of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A434 To record in the receiving agency the return (transfer-out) to the parent agency of unobligated
expired authority and funds from an allocation transfer, accomplished via SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from
appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A438. Refer to conventions and limitations
listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A436 To record in the parent agency the receipt (transfer-in) of unobligated expired authority and funds
from allocation transfer, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where
the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Trust funds do not record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series except for amounts
appropriated directly from the General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury
Appropriation Warrant. Special funds receiving appropriations from the General
Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers from other Federal funds may record
USSGL accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-
A432. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning
of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
A438 To record in the parent agency the receipt (transfer-in) of unobligated expired authority and funds
from an allocation transfer, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization,
where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A434. Refer to conventions and limitations
listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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August 2018
A440 To record in the receiving agency the return (transfer-out) to the parent agency of unobligated
unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer not previously anticipated, accomplished
via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived
from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A444. Trust funds do not record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series, except for amounts appropriated from the General
Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury Appropriation Warrant. Special funds
receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or
transfers from other Federal funds may record USSGL accounts in the 310000
series. Record USSGL account 133000 if the receivable was previously established.
Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A442 To record in the receiving agency the return (transfer-out) to the parent agency of unobligated
unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer not previously anticipated, accomplished
via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived
from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A446. Record USSGL account 133000 if the
receivable was previously established. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on
the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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August 2018
A444 To record in the parent agency the return (transfer-in) from the receiving agency of unobligated
unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer not previously anticipated, accomplished
via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived
from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A440. Trust funds do not record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series, except for amounts appropriated directly from the
General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury Appropriation Warrant. Special
funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government
and/or transfers from other Federal funds may record USSGL accounts in the
310000 series. Record USSGL account 215000 if the payable was previously
established. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the
beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
A446 To record in the parent agency the return (transfer-in) from the receiving agency of unobligated
unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer not previously anticipated, accomplished
via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived
from appropriated receipts.
Comment: The transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A442 to record the receiving agency
returning the authority and funds to this parent agency. Record USSGL account
215000 if the payable was previously established. Refer to conventions and
limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
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III AT - 39
August 2018
A448 To record a transfer-in of unobligated unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer of
noninvested amounts not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure
Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended
Comment: Trust funds do not record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series, except for amounts
appropriated from the General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury
Appropriation Warrant. Special funds receiving appropriations from the General
Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers from other Federal funds may record
USSGL accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-
A404. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning
of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
A450 To record a transfer-in of unobligated unexpired authority and funds from an allocation transfer of
noninvested amounts not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure
Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partners must use TC-A406. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on
the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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III AT - 40
August 2018
A452 To record in the receiving agency the return (transfer-out) to the parent agency of unobligated
expired authority and funds from an allocation transfer, accomplished via SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from
appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A454. Record USSGL account 133000 if the
receivable was previously established. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on
the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A454 To record in the parent agency the return (transfer-in) from the receiving agency of unobligated
expired authority and funds from an allocation transfer, accomplished via SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where the source of the transfer is derived from
appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A452. Record USSGL account 215000 if the
payable was
previously established. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet
at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A456 To record the transfer out of expired unobligated expenditure transfers receivable.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for SSA Limitation on
Administrative Expenses Trust Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 419900 Transfer of Expired Expenditure Transfers - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
Credit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
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III AT - 41
August 2018
A458 To record the transfer in of expired unobligated expenditure transfers receivable.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for SSA Limitation on
Administrative Expenses Trust Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419900 Transfer of Expired Expenditure Transfers - Receivable
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
A460 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-in of expired unobligated balances to an unexpired Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS), where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended
Comment: Balances are transferred as a result of authority to extend the period of availability of
the expired balances, but does not meet the definition of a reappropriation. Special
and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S.
Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A464. Refer
to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Extensions of Availability Other Than
Reappropriations - Expired TAFS to Unexpired TAFS
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419100 Balance Transfers - Extension of Availability Other Than
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
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Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 42
August 2018
A462 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-in of expired unobligated balances to an unexpired Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS), where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated
Comment: Balances are transferred as a result of authority to extend the period of availability of
the expired balances, but does not meet the definition of a reappropriation. Transfer
partners must use USSGL TC-A466. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on
the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Extensions of Availability Other Than
Reappropriations - Expired TAFS to Unexpired TAFS
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419100 Balance Transfers - Extension of Availability Other Than
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A464 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-out of expired unobligated balances to an unexpired
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS), where the source of the transfer is derived from
unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Balances are transferred as a result of authority to extend the period of availability of
the expired balances, but does not meet the definition of a reappropriation. Special
and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S.
Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partners must use USSGL TC-A460. Refer
to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Extensions of Availability Other Than
Reappropriations - Expired TAFS to Unexpired TAFS
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 419100 Balance Transfers - Extension of Availability Other Than
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 43
August 2018
A466 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-out of expired unobligated balances to an unexpired
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS), where the source of the transfer is derived from
appropriated receipts.
Comment: Balances are transferred as a result of authority to extend the period of availability of
the expired balance but does not meet the definition of a reappropriation. Transfer
partners must use USSGL TC-A462. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on
the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Extensions of Availability Other Than
Reappropriations - Expired TAFS to Unexpired TAFS
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 419100 Balance Transfers - Extension of Availability Other Than
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A467 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-in of expired unobligated balances from another expired
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol.
Comment: Record a credit to USSGL account 310200 if the source of the transfer is derived
from unexpended appropriations. Record a credit to USSGL account 575500 if the
source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts. Transfer partners must
use USSGL TC-A469. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the coversheet
at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419600 Balance Transfers-In - Expired to Expired
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A468 To record in the receiving agency the anticipated transfer-in of current-year authority or prior-year
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
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III AT - 44
August 2018
A469 To record the nonexpenditure transfer-out of expired unobligated balances to another expired
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol.
Comment: Record a debit to USSGL account 310300 if the source of the transfer is derived
from unexpended appropriations. Record a debit to USSGL account 576500 if the
source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts. Transfer partners must
use USSGL TC-A467. Refer to conventions and limitations listed on the coversheet
at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 419700 Balance Transfers-Out - Expired to Expired
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A470 To record in the transferring agency the transfer-out of current-year authority or prior-year balances
that were previously anticipated.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Proprietary Entry
A472 To record in the receiving agency the transfer-in of current-year authority or prior-year balances
previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where
the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Special and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S.
Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A476. Refer to
conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Debit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Credit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
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August 2018
A474 To record in the receiving agency the transfer-in of current-year authority or prior-year balances
previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where
the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Trust and special funds credit USSGL account 575500 to transfer appropriated
receipts. Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A478. Refer to conventions and
limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Debit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Credit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A476 To record in the transferring agency the transfer-out of current-year authority or prior-year balances
previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where
the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Special and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S.
Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series. Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A472. Refer to
conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Credit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A478 To record in the transferring agency the transfer-out of current-year authority or prior-year balances
previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization, where
the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Trust and special funds debit USSGL account 576500 to transfer appropriated
receipts. Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A474. Refer to conventions and
limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this section.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Credit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A480 To record in the receiving agency the transfer-in of current-year authority or prior-year balances
not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization,
where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: This includes the transfer of USSGL accounts 445000 and 462000. Special and trust
funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government
and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the
310000 series.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
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August 2018
A482 To record in the receiving agency the transfer-in of current-year authority or prior-year balances
not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization,
where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: This includes the transfer of USSGL accounts 445000 and 462000. When
appropriate, use in conjunction with USSGL TCs- A508, A492R, A542, and A546.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Debit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A484 To record in the transferring agency the transfer-out of current-year authority or prior-year balances
not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization,
where the source of the transfer is derived from unexpended appropriations.
Comment: Transfer of USSGL accounts 445000 and 462000. Special and trust funds receiving
appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of
unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A486 To record in the transferring agency the transfer-out of current-year authority or prior-year balances
not previously anticipated, accomplished via SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization,
where the source of the transfer is derived from appropriated receipts.
Comment: Transfer of USSGL accounts 445000 and 462000. When appropriate, use in
conjunction with USSGL TCs- A488, A492, A540 and A544.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A488 To record in the transferring agency the actual nonexpenditure transfer-out of current-year or prior-
year authority with unpaid undelivered orders for trust or special funds or obligations supported by
spending authority from offsetting collections.
Comment: See notes at the beginning of this Section. Transfer of USSGL account 480100.
When appropriate, use in conjunction with USSGL TCs-A486, A492, A540, and
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 483100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A490 To record in the transferring agency the actual nonexpenditure transfer-out of current-year or prior-
year authority with unpaid undelivered orders for general fund appropriations.
Comment: This includes transfers from the general fund to a special fund. Transfer of USSGL
account 480100. Special and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General
Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may
record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 483100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A492 To record in the transferring agency the actual transfer-out of current-year or prior-year authority
with unpaid expended authority and related accounts payable.
Comment: When appropriate use in conjunction with USSGL TCs-A486, A488, A540 and
A544. Reverse this transaction for the receiving entity. When appropriate, use in
conjunction with USSGL TCs-A482, A508, A542, and A546.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Authority for Undelivered Orders
Budgetary Entry
Debit 493100 Delivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A494 To record in the transferring agency the actual transfers-out during the fiscal year of authority with
prepaid/advanced undelivered orders from current or prior years for general fund appropriations.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A496 for the receiving agency. Transfer of USSGL account
480200. This is not a nonexpenditure transfer. Special and trust funds receiving
appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of
unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Authority for Undelivered Orders;
Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 483200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
A496 To record in the receiving agency the actual transfers-in during the fiscal year of authority with
prepaid/advanced undelivered orders from current or prior years for general fund appropriations.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A494 for the transferring agency. Transfer of USSGL account
480200. This is not a nonexpenditure transfer. Special and trust funds receiving
appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of
unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Authority for Undelivered Orders;
Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 483200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced
Proprietary Entry
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
A498 To record a Federal fund receivable for an expenditure transfer from a trust fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A114 for the anticipation and USSGL TC-A502 for collection of
the receivable. Use USSGL account 421500 if the transfer was previously
anticipated. Use USSGL account 445000 or 462000 if the transfer was not
previously anticipated. In exceptional cases, this transaction may be recorded for an
expenditure transfer receivable in a trust fund account, for example, where the
recipient account is a Limitation on Administrative Expenses trust fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 422500 Expenditure Transfers From Trust Funds - Receivable
Credit 421500 Anticipated Expenditure Transfers from Trust Funds
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
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August 2018
A499 To record the adjustment of a Federal fund receivable for a previously established expenditure
transfer receivable, where a corresponding temporary reduction or cancellation is to be recorded in
a trust fund payable Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Comment: See USSGL TC-A498 for the original establishment of the receivable. For
reductions, see USSGL TC-A135 and TC-A500R for the reduction and adjustment
to the corresponding payable in the trust fund TAFS. For cancellations, also post
USSGL TC-D120 if canceling prior-year obligated balances. For cancellations, see
USSGL TC-D110 budgetary entry and TC-F123 for the cancellation and adjustment
to the corresponding payable in the trust fund TAFS. Record USSGL account
465000 in expired TAFS only.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Reductions of Expenditure Transfers
Receivable/Payable; Cancellations of Expenditure Transfers Receivable/Payable
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 422500 Expenditure Transfers From Trust Funds - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
A500 To record in a trust fund a payable for an expenditure transfer-out to a Federal fund relating to
nonexchange transactions.
Comment: If a reduction occurs, reverse this transaction and also post USSGL TC-A135.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Credit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
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August 2018
A501 To record accrual of old IMF Quota Payments to General Fund Receipt Accounts.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
A502 To record the actual Federal fund collection resulting from an expenditure transfer from a trust
fund, that was previously established as a receivable.
Comment: In exceptional cases, this transaction may be recorded for a trust fund collection
resulting from an expenditure transfer from a Federal fund account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425500 Expenditure Transfers from Trust Funds - Collected
Credit 422500 Expenditure Transfers From Trust Funds - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
A504 To record in a trust fund the outlay and reduction of the payable for an expenditure transfer out to a
Federal fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A500 for the establishment of USSGL account 215500.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Funds Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A506 To record in the receiving agency the actual nonexpenditure transfer-in of current-year or prior-
year authority with unpaid undelivered orders for general fund appropriations.
Comment: Transfer of USSGL account 480100. Special and trust funds receiving
appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S. Government and/or transfers of
unexpended appropriations may record USSGL accounts in the 310000 series. Refer
to conventions and limitations listed on the cover sheet at the beginning of this
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 483100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
A508 To record in the receiving agency the actual nonexpenditure transfer-in of current-year or prior-
year authority with unpaid undelivered orders for trust or special funds or obligations supported by
spending authority from offsetting collections.
Comment: See notes at the beginning of this Section. Transfer of USSGL account 480100.
When appropriate, use in conjunction with USSGL TCs-A482, A492R, A542, and
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 483100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A510 To record in a trust fund expenditure transfers-in from a Federal fund relating to nonexchange
Comment: For payments received from a Federal fund (i.e., exchange transactions) that is
defined in the budget as expenditure transfers, see USSGL TC-C190.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
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August 2018
A511 To record the refunds collected from prior fiscal year obligations that were outlayed in the
Treasury Forfeiture Fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guidance: Guide for Basic Accounting and Reporting
Treasury Forfeiture Fund Effective Fiscal Year 2015.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
A512 To record in a trust fund expenditure transfers-out to a Federal fund relating to nonexchange
Comment: For payments made to a Federal fund (that is exchange transactions) that are defined
in the budget as expenditure transfers, see USSGL TC-B138.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A513 To record the return of funds (i.e., derived from special fund receipts) received in a prior fiscal year
from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund as an obligation and outlay in the current fiscal year.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guidance: Guide for Basic Accounting and Reporting
Treasury Forfeiture Fund Effective Fiscal Year 2015.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A514 To record in an agency's general fund an expenditure transfer-out to a trust fund or general fund (if
directed by public law) relating to nonexchange and exchange transactions.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B134. Use USSGL account 576000 for nonexchange
expenditure transfers.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A516 To record a receivable for amounts appropriated from a specific invested Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) to an agency expenditure account, prior to the nonexpenditure
(nonallocation) transfer of funds. This amount is specified in the agency's appropriation or
authorization act.
Comment: This transaction is reported as an appropriation in the Budget of the United States
Government for the agency TAFS, rather than as a transfer. Transfer partner must
use USSGL TC-A520.
Reference: Trust Fund Accounting Guide; Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers for Specific
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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August 2018
A518 To record the adjustment in a non-allocation Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) when
the budget authority is temporarily reduced.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A135 to record the budget authority temporarily reduced.
Credit USSGL accounts 101000 and 412800 only if a receivable was not previously
established. Refer to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-
11 for the definition of reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board
reductions, and sequestrations. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service simultaneously
posts USSGL TC-A522 in the Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412300 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Receivable - Temporary Reduction
Credit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Credit 412800 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-In
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A519 To record the adjustment of the receivable in a Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) when
the budget authority is cancelled.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-F123 to record the cancellation of budget authority. The
Bureau of the Fiscal Service simultaneously posts USSGL TC-A523 in the
Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions; Cancellations - Available
Trust or Special Funds With Invested Relationships
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412100 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Receivable - Cancellation
Credit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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August 2018
A520 To record a payable for amounts appropriated from a specific invested Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) to an agency expenditure account, prior to the nonexpenditure
(nonallocation) transfer of funds. This amount is specified in the agency's appropriation or
authorization act.
Comment: Transfer partner must use USSGL TC-A516.
Reference: Trust Fund Accounting Guide; Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers for Specific
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 412700 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Payable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A522 To record the adjustment in the specific invested Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS)
that results from a temporary reduction in the Agency Trust Fund Expenditure TAFS.
Comment: Debit USSGL accounts 101000 and 412900 only if a payable was not previously
established. USSGL account 417200 may only be debited when recording a
sequesterable amount in the TAFS where the sequestration is applied. Refer to
Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for the definition of
reductions. Reductions include rescissions, across-the-board reductions, and
sequestrations. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service posts this transaction in the
Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS and the agency simultaneously posts USSGL
TC-A518 in the Agency Trust Fund Expenditure TAFS.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412700 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Payable
Debit 412900 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-Out
Debit 417200 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Payable
Credit 412400 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Payable - Temporary Reduction/Cancellation
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
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August 2018
A523 To record the adjustment in the specific invested Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS)
that results from a cancellation in the Agency Trust Fund Expenditure TAFS.
Comment: The Bureau of the Fiscal Service posts this transaction in the Treasury-Managed
Trust Fund TAFS and the agency simultaneously posts USSGL TC-A519 in the
Agency Trust Fund Expenditure TAFS.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Cancellations - Available Trust or Special Funds
With Invested Relationships
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412700 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Payable
Credit 412400 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Payable - Temporary Reduction/Cancellation
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
A524 To record a nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-in of funds from a specific invested Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) to an agency expenditure account for amounts previously
appropriated and recorded as receivables.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A516 for establishing the receivable. Transfer partner must use
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund guidance: Trust Fund Appropriation
Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412800 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-In
Credit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A526 To record a nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-out of funds from a specific invested Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) to an agency expenditure account for amounts previously
appropriated and recorded as payables.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A520 for establishing the payable. Transfer partner must use
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund guidance: Trust Fund Appropriation
Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412700 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Payable
Credit 412900 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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A528 To record a nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-in of funds from a specific invested Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) to an agency expenditure account. This amount is specified in
the agency's appropriation or authorization act.
Comment: This transaction is reported as an appropriation in the Budget of the United States
Government for the agency TAFS, rather than as a transfer. Transfer partner must
use USSGL TC-A530.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund guidance: Trust Fund Appropriation
Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412800 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-In
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A530 To record a nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-out of funds from a specific invested Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) to an agency expenditure account. This amount is specified in
the agency's appropriation or authorization act.
Comment: Reverse this transaction in the invested TAFS when the recipient TAFS cancels and
returns the fund balance to the invested TAFS. Transfer partner must use USSGL
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund guidance: Trust Fund Appropriation
Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 412900 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A531 To record a nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-in of funds to a specific invested Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) from a receiving TAFS that is canceling and returning
unobligated balances.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Cancellations Available Trust or Special Funds
With Invested Relationships
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412900 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-Out
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
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A532 To record the receivable for amounts to be transferred in of unrealized nonexpenditure
(nonallocation) appropriation transfers between two trust funds or two Federal funds (as defined by
the Office of Management and Budget), where there is investment authority involved.
Comment: For cash management purposes, the funds remain invested until needed for
disbursement. This occurs prior to the request for SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer
Authorization, and is only permissible under specific circumstances. Use USSGL
account 416000 if the transfer was previously anticipated
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust and Special Fund Guidance on
Nonexpenditure Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417100 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Receivable
Credit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
A534 To record the payable for amounts to be transferred out of unrealized nonexpenditure
(nonallocation) appropriation transfers between two trust funds or two Federal funds (as defined by
the Office of Management and Budget), where there is investment authority involved.
Comment: For cash management purposes, the funds remain invested until needed for
disbursement. This occurs prior to the request for SF 1151: Nonexpenditure Transfer
Authorization, and is only permissible under specific circumstances.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust and Special Fund Guidance on
Nonexpenditure Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 417200 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Payable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
A536 To record the actual nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-in of funds via SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization that reduces previously established USSGL 417100 "Non-
Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances-Receivable."
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A532 for the establishment of the receivable.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust and Special Fund Guidance on
Nonexpenditure Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417300 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Transferred
Credit 417100 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
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August 2018
A538 To record the actual nonexpenditure (nonallocation) transfer-out of funds via SF 1151:
Nonexpenditure Transfer Authorization that reduces previously established USSGL 417200 "Non-
Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances-Payable."
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-A534 for the establishment of the payable.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust and Special Fund Guidance on
Nonexpenditure Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417200 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Payable
Credit 417300 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Transferred
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A540 To record in the transferring agency the nonexpenditure transfer-out of budgetary resources
Comment: Transfer of USSGL accounts 412600, 416600, 417100, 422500, 425100, and
428700 respectively. When appropriate use in conjunction with USSGL TCs-A486,
A488, A492, and A544.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of
Receivable of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 408100 Amounts Appropriated From a Specific Treasury-Managed Trust
Fund TAFS - Receivable - Transferred
Credit 408200 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From
Invested Balances - Transferred
Credit 408300 Transfers - Current-Year Authority - Receivable - Transferred
Credit 423200 Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Receivable -
Credit 423300 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable -
Credit 423400 Other Federal Receivables - Transferred
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
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A542 To record in the receiving agency the nonexpenditure transfer-in of budgetary resources receivable.
Comment: Transfer or USSGL accounts 412600, 416600, 417100, 422500, 425100, and
428700 respectively. When appropriate, use in conjunction with USSGL TCs-A482,
A492R, A508, and A546.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of
Receivable of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 408100 Amounts Appropriated From a Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Fund
TAFS - Receivable - Transferred
Debit 408200 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested
Balances - Transferred
Debit 408300 Transfers - Current-Year Authority - Receivable - Transferred
Debit 423200 Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Receivable -
Debit 423300 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable - Transferred
Debit 423400 Other Federal Receivables - Transferred
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
A544 To record in the transferring agency the nonexpenditure transfer-out of unfilled customer orders
without advance.
Comment: Transfer of USSGL account 422100. When appropriate use in conjunction with
USSGL TCs-A486, A488, A492, and A540.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 423000 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance - Transferred
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
A546 To record in the receiving agency the nonexpenditure transfer-in of unfilled customer orders
without advance.
Comment: Transfer or USSGL account 422100. When appropriate, use in conjunction with
USSGL TCs-A482, A492R, A508, and A542.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423000 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance - Transferred
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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A548 To record in the transferring agency the actual transfers-out during the fiscal year of authority with
prepaid/advanced undelivered orders from current or prior years for trust or special funds or
obligations supported by spending authority from offsetting collections.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A550 for the receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of USSGL Account 480200
Budgetary Entry
Debit 483200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 573000 Financing Sources Transferred Out Without Reimbursement
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
A550 To record in the receiving agency the actual transfers-in during the fiscal year of authority with
prepaid/advanced undelivered orders from current or prior years for trust or special funds or
obligations supported by spending authority from offsetting collections.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A548 for the transferring agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of USSGL Account 480200
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 483200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced
Proprietary Entry
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 572000 Financing Sources Transferred In Without Reimbursement
A552 To record in the transferring agency the transfer-out of unfilled customer orders with advance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 423100 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance - Transferred
Proprietary Entry
A554 To record in the receiving agency the actual transfer-in unfilled customer orders with advance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423100 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance - Transferred
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Proprietary Entry
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A700 - A799 Funding - Reimbursables and Other Income
A702 To record anticipated reimbursements.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A118; anticipated reimbursements are not available for allotment
until the realized order is received.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
A704 To record in the performing agency a reimbursable agreement that was not previously anticipated.
Comment: Budgetary resources were provided by Contract Authority. Do not post the
proprietary entry for reimbursable agreements without advances (only post the
budgetary entry for reimbursable agreements without advances).
Budgetary Entry
Debit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Debit 422200 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance
Credit 413200 Substitution of Contract Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
A706 To record in the performing agency a reimbursable agreement without an advance that was
previously anticipated.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TCA123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. See Federal and non-Federal exceptions as defined in Office of
Management and Budget Circular No. A-11.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Reimbursable Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Credit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Proprietary Entry
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A708 To record the collection of revenue earned in the performing agency for a reimbursable agreement
without an advance that was previously anticipated.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned.
See Federal and non-Federal exceptions as defined in Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A-11.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority from Offsetting
Collection with Obligations Scenario
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Credit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
A710 To record earned revenue in the performing agency related to a reimbursable agreement or other
Comment: See USSGL TC-C182
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Reimbursable Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Credit 422200 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance
Credit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
A712 To record the refund of an advance to the ordering entity for the completion of a prior-year
reimbursable order.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D120 if the amount was previously obligated. Also post
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Year Advances or Other Offsetting
Collections Refunded in the Current Year as Obligations and Outlays.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
A714 To record revenue earned in the performing agency for goods or services performed on a
reimbursable order without an advance.
Comment: The ordering agency uses USSGL TC-B406.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Reimbursable Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
A715 To record funded FECA revenue by the Department of Labor.
Comment: None
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance, Federal Employees' Compensation Act (Workers'
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
B100 - B299 Disbursements and Payables - Payments/Purchases
B102 To record payment of payroll.
Comment: For amounts paid by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Due to
reconciliation of interagency expenses and revenues, agencies must first record all
direct costs to the USSGL account 600000 series and then offset those amounts
using USSGL account 661000 (see USSGL TC-D514), when the costs are
capitalized to the appropriate type asset accounts. Note: Agency systems may
accumulate payroll in USSGL account 610000 during the year and distribute those
costs to the various accounts at yearend. Also, for employment benefits such as
pension, health, and life insurance, see USSGL TCs-B604, E104, and E106.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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B103 To record a disbursement of pension benefit payments.
Comment: Also requires the reclassification of expenses from unfunded to funded.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 5, "Accounting for
Liabilities of the Federal Government"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B104 To record in a loan guarantee financing account a disbursement to a third party, where no asset is
received. This transaction, for example, includes payments of default claims and interest
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C428, which establishes the loan receivable after default.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B105 To record the subsidy expense in the program fund that is paid to the financing fund when the loan
is disbursed.
Comment: Agencies must use all the USSGL accounts indicated in this transaction. Each debit
and credit must be in the same amount. If funded by a direct appropriation, also post
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 217000 Subsidy Payable to the Financing Account
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
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B106 To record subsidy disbursement from the program account to the financing account not previously
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B107 To record payment and disbursement of funds not previously accrued.
Comment: If for an amount paid by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B108 To record a loss in the imprest fund.
Comment: If a loss is expected to be restored, also post USSGL TC C414 to record a refund
receivable from Non-Federal sources for expenses that do not create budgetary
resources until collected for expenses not requiring budgetary resources. If funded
by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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B109 To record payment of interest not previously accrued.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. See USSGL TC-
B418 for accrued interest.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 631000 Interest Expenses on Borrowing From the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
and/or the Federal Financing Bank
Debit 632000 Interest Expenses on Securities
Debit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B110 To record a confirmed disbursement schedule previously accrued. For nonfiduciary deposit funds,
omit Budgetary Entry. See USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Funds with
Investment Authority and Clearing Accounts.
Comment: Clearing from unpaid to paid.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 212000 Disbursements in Transit
Debit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Debit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Debit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Debit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Debit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B112 To record accrued interest paid.
Comment: See USSGL TC-B418 for the accrued liability.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Debit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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B113 To record capitalized loan interest paid on Federal Financing Bank (FFB) non-credit reform loans
borrowed from Treasury.
Comment: This transaction is recorded by FFB only. See USSGL TC-B440 for the capitalized
loan interest liability.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 251100 Capitalized Loan Interest Payable - Non-Credit Reform
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B114 To record disbursement for liens on collateral acquired from defaulted loans guaranteed after 1992.
Comment: This transaction is applicable to guaranteed loans.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
Debit 291000 Prior Liens Outstanding on Acquired Collateral
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B116 To record disbursement without a lien on collateral acquired from defaulted loans guaranteed after
Comment: This transaction is applicable to guaranteed loans.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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B118 To record a tax refund funded by directly reducing offsetting collections paid by the collecting
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, see USSGL TC-B416.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue
and Other Financing Sources"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 426700 Other Actual Governmental-Type Collections From Non-Federal
Proprietary Entry
Debit 589000 Tax Revenue Refunds - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 589100 Tax Revenue Refunds - Individual
Debit 589200 Tax Revenue Refunds - Corporate
Debit 589300 Tax Revenue Refunds - Unemployment
Debit 589400 Tax Revenue Refunds - Excise
Debit 589500 Tax Revenue Refunds - Estate and Gift
Debit 589600 Tax Revenue Refunds - Customs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B119 To record the actual capital transfer to repay a portion of a capital investment (usually an
appropriation to a revolving fund).
Comment: See USSGL TC-B136 for capital transfers from liquidating accounts.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Changes Related to Capital Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Debit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Credit 415100 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government, Current-Year Authority
Credit 415200 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government, Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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B120 To record principal repayments to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and the Federal Financing Bank
via nonexpenditure transfers that were previously anticipated. For example, this transaction
includes repayments of principal and repayments due to modifications of credit reform loans.
Comment: If not anticipated, see USSGL TC-B121. See USSGL TC-A142 for nonexpenditure
transfers that were previously anticipated. If repayment is a result of a debt
forgiveness appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Debit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Credit 414200 Actual Repayment of Borrowing Authority Converted to Cash
Credit 414600 Actual Repayments of Debt, Current-Year Authority
Credit 414700 Actual Repayments of Debt, Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B121 To record principal repayments at par value to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and the Federal
Financing Bank that were not previously anticipated. For example, this transaction includes
repayments of principal, repayments due to modifications of credit reform loans, and repayments
of capitalized loan interest from non-credit reform loans.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B135 if a gain results from an early repayment for non-credit
reform loans. Also post USSGL TC-B137 if a loss results from an early repayment
for non-credit reform loans. See USSGL TC-B131 for principal repayments with a
gain or loss as a result of FFB early repayments, or modifications of credit reform
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Non-Credit Reform Borrowings From Treasury
With Capitalized Interest
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 414200 Actual Repayment of Borrowing Authority Converted to Cash
Credit 414600 Actual Repayments of Debt, Current-Year Authority
Credit 414700 Actual Repayments of Debt, Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 251100 Capitalized Loan Interest Payable - Non-Credit Reform
Debit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 72
August 2018
B122 To record repayments of other debt.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B134 if funded by a direct appropriation. This transaction is
applicable to redemptions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 259000 Other Debt
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B123 To record in the issuing entity, the sale of Federal securities at par value.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 253000 Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and Special
Financing Authority
B124 To record the purchase of Federal securities acquired at par value by a Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC- B132 for securities acquired at par value by nonfiduciary deposit
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B125 To record in the issuing entity, the sale of Federal securities acquired at a premium.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 253000 Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and Special
Financing Authority
Credit 253200 Premium on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General
and Special Financing Authority
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 73
August 2018
B126 To record the purchase of Federal securities acquired at a premium by a Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Special and trust funds use USSGL account 411400. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if
authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if
authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Use
Budgetary entries for the amount of the premium. Also post USSGL TC-B129 if
accrued interest is purchased. Fiduciary deposit funds would not record the
budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-B165 for securities acquired at a premium by
nonfiduciary deposit funds.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Debit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Debit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B127 To record in the issuing entity, the sale of Federal securities at a discount.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 253100 Discount on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and
Special Financing Authority
Credit 253000 Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and Special
Financing Authority
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 74
August 2018
B128 To record the purchase of Federal securities acquired at a discount by a Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B129 if accrued interest is purchased. Fiduciary deposit funds
would not record the budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-B166 for securities acquired
at a discount by nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
B129 To record the purchase of accrued interest on Federal securities by a Treasury Appropriation Fund
Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Fiduciary deposit funds would not record the budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-B133
for purchase of accrued interest on securities by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Debit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Debit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 75
August 2018
B130 To record a lien paid before personal property is sold.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B131 To record principal repayments to Treasury or the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), excluding most
non-credit reform loans, resulting in a gain or loss, that were not previously anticipated. For
example, this transaction includes repayments of principal for FFB borrowings from Treasury and
repayments due to modifications of credit reform loans.
Comment: Gains and losses typically result from early repayment. See USSGL TC-B121 for
principal repayments at par value, including non-credit reform loans.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 414600 Actual Repayments of Debt, Current-Year Authority
Credit 414700 Actual Repayments of Debt, Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Debit 721200 Losses on Disposition of Borrowings
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 711200 Gains on Disposition of Borrowings
B132 To record the purchase of Federal securities acquired at par value by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B133 To record the purchase of accrued interest on Federal securities by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 76
August 2018
B134 To record appropriations used this fiscal year.
Comment: This transaction does not stand alone. Only record this transaction in Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbols (TAFS) that receive amounts appropriated from the
General Fund of the U.S. Government via Treasury Appropriation Warrant, or that
receive allocation transfers from general fund appropriated TAFS. USSGL
transactions that reference this transaction: A146, A514, B102, B105, B106, B107,
B109, B118, B122, B130, B202, B402, B404, B406, B412, B418, B428, B430,
B436, B438, B604, C408, D106, D107, D114, D126, D132, D134, E102, E104,
E106, E108, E109, E204, and E412. USSGL transactions that reference a reversal
for this transaction: C132, C134, C136, C137, C138, C139, D102, D108, D110,
F148 and F128.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriations Used
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310700 Unexpended Appropriations - Used
Credit 570000 Expended Appropriations
B135 To record the gain on principal repayments to Treasury for non-credit reform loans. For example,
this transaction may result from prepayments and early repayments of loans.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B121 for the principal portion of the repayment. See USSGL
TC-B131 for Federal Financing Bank principal repayments resulting in a gain or
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Non-Credit Reform Borrowings From Treasury
With Capitalized Interest
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 711200 Gains on Disposition of Borrowings
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 77
August 2018
B136 To record in the liquidating account the actual capital transfer of excess cash to the general fund of
the U.S. Government.
Comment: See Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for further instruction on
the payment hierarchy. See USSGL TC-B119 for capital transfers not related to
liquidating accounts. See USSGL TC-C196 for miscellaneous receipt account
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Liquidating Account Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Debit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Credit 415100 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government, Current-Year Authority
Credit 415200 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government, Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B137 To record the loss on principal repayments to Treasury for non-credit reform loans. For example,
this transaction may result from prepayments and early repayments of loans.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B121 for the principal portion of the repayment. See USSGL
TC-B131 for Federal Financing Bank principal repayments resulting in a gain or
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Non-Credit Reform Borrowings From Treasury
With Capitalized Interest
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 721200 Losses on Disposition of Borrowings
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 78
August 2018
B138 To record in trust fund payments made to a Federal fund relating to exchange transactions.
Comment: These payments are defined as expenditure transfers in the budget. See USSGL TC-
A512 for nonexchange expenditure transfers-out.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B139 To record actual capital transfers to a General Fund Receipt Account that were not previously
Comment: If previously anticipated, see USSGL B136.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance: Capital Transfers Scenario
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 415100 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government, Current-Year Authority
Credit 415200 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government, Prior-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576600 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Capital
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B140 To record the purchase of foreign currency by a disbursing officer.
Comment: This entry should be made by agencies that have their own disbursing authority.
Agencies that do not have their own disbursing authority, see USSGL
implementation guidance "Accounting for Purchased Foreign Currency," which can
be acquired on the USSGL Website. Agencies that have foreign currency account
symbols in the X7000 series, refer to USSGL TCs-C192, C194, C440, D576, and
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance "Accounting for Purchased Foreign Currency"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 119000 Other Cash
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 79
August 2018
B141 To record the request from IMF to purchase Special Drawing Rights.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
B142 To record the disbursement of foreign currency by a disbursing officer on behalf of the operating
Comment: This entry should be made by agencies that have their own disbursing authority. At
the time of the foreign currency disbursement, the disbursing officer will charge the
appropriation of the operating fund that requested the disbursement, (see USSGL
TC-B110 and the USSGL implementation guidance "Accounting for Purchased
Foreign Currency"), which can be acquired on the USSGL Website. Agencies that
do not have their own disbursing authority also may refer to the implementation
guidance mentioned above. Agencies that have foreign currency account symbols in
the X7000 series, refer to USSGL TCs-C192, C194, C440, D576, and D578.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance "Accounting for Purchased Foreign Currency"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
B143 To record the reinvestment of daily inflation of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B144 To record the purchase of cash equivalents.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Debit 138400 Interest Receivable - Foreign Currency Denominated Assets
Credit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 80
August 2018
B146 To record a foreign currency rate intervention.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only. Credit USSGL account 167000 if long-
term investments are used for interventions.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Credit 167000 Foreign Investments
B150 To record a disbursement (not an outlay) from fund balance with Treasury in a Treasury General
Account (TGA) to funds held by the public in a non-TGA.
Comment: To return funds held by the public in a non-TGA to fund balance with treasury in a
TGA, reverse B150. This transaction does not apply to deposit fund Treasury
Account Symbols (TAS). Use USSGL TC- C108 for Deposit Fund TAS. An agency
must have specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal
Service security. See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400
Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S.
Treasury for additional guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224)
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B152 To record a purchase of a non-Bureau of the Fiscal Service security at par from funds held by the
public in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If this purchase is an immediate reinvestment of the proceeds of a sale of non-Fiscal
Service securities purchased with funds held by the public in a non-TGA, record a
budgetary entry equal to only the gain from that sale. Also post USSGL TC-G124 to
record activity for current-year purchases of other assets not recorded as Property,
Plant and Equipment. An agency must have specific legislative authority to hold
monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal Service security. See Treasury Financial
Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and
Investments Held Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional guidance, such as
Statement of Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 81
August 2018
B153 To record the purchase of non-federal securities by the Exchange Stabilization Fund at a
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 167000 Foreign Investments
Debit 167200 Premium on Foreign Investments
Credit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Credit 167100 Discount on Foreign Investments
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
B154 To record an operating expense or program cost from funds in a non-Treasury General Account
(TGA) which results in an outlay.
Comment: An agency must have specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or
non-Bureau of the Fiscal Service security. See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume
I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and Investments Held
Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional guidance, such as Statement of
Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
B160 To record the purchase of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit
Reform Act, acquired at par value.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B129 if accrued interest is purchased.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Debit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 82
August 2018
B162 To record the purchase of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit
Reform Act, acquired at a premium.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TCA123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. Use budgetary entries for the amount of the premium. Also
post USSGL TC-B129 if accrued interest is purchased.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Debit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Debit 164700 Premium on Securities Accounted for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B163 To record the purchase of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit
Reform Act, acquired at a discount.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B129 if accrued interest is purchased.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Debit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 164600 Discount on Securities Account for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
B165 To record the purchase of Federal securities acquired at a premium by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B133 if accrued interest is purchased.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 83
August 2018
B166 To record the purchase of Federal securities acquired at a discount by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B133 if accrued interest is purchased.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
B200 To record the initial receipt of preferred stock and/or common stock warrants as consideration for
entering into a liquidity agreement with Government Sponsored Enterprises and/or beneficial
interest in a Credit Facility Trust in a Treasury General Fund Receipt Account.
Comment: Also Post USSGL TC-C147. Post this transaction to record the liquidity payment
and markup of liquidity preference in a Treasury General Fund Receipt Account.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 165000 Preferred Stock in Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 165200 Common Stock Warrants in Federal Government Sponsored
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
B202 To record the liquidity payment and markup of liquidity preference from the prior year in the
program account.
Comment: Also Post USSGL TC-B134
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 292200 Contingent Liabilities - Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 84
August 2018
B210 To record the payment of remuneration.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only. Due to the unique budgetary reporting by
the Exchange Stabilization Fund, no outlay is reported.
Reference: Other Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 633800 Remuneration Interest
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
B300 - B399 Disbursements and Payables - Commitments/Undelivered Orders/Expended Authority -
B302 To record a commitment of unobligated amounts in programs subject to apportionment.
Comment: To decrease the commitment, reverse this transaction.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
B304 To record a commitment of unobligated balances in programs exempt from apportionment.
Comment: To decrease the commitment, reverse this transaction.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
B306 To record current-year undelivered orders without an advance.
Comment: To decrease obligation in the current year, reverse this transaction.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
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Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 85
August 2018
B308 To record current-year undelivered orders with an advance.
Comment: See USSGL TC-B604 for the expense.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 480200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Proprietary Entry
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
B309 To record current-year undelivered orders with an advance using a U.S. Debit Card.
Comment: See USSGL TC-B604 for the expense.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; U.S. Debit Card Program
Budgetary Entry
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Credit 480200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Proprietary Entry
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 112500 U.S. Debit Card Funds
B310 To record a current-year undelivered order without an advance where the commitment is more than
the undelivered order for commitments in programs subject to apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
B312 To record a current-year undelivered order without an advance where the commitment is more than
the undelivered order for commitments in programs exempt from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Part 1
Fiscal Year 2018 Reporting
Section III
U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 86
August 2018
B314 To record a current-year undelivered order without an advance where the commitment is less than
the undelivered order for commitments in programs subject to apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Credit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
B316 To record a current-year undelivered order without an advance where the commitment is less than
the undelivered order for commitments in programs exempt from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
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B400 - B599 Disbursements and Payables - Payables/Accrued Liabilities
B402 To record the delivery of goods or services and to accrue a liability.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Assume a title has
been passed when the goods are received. Also post USSGL TCs G120, G122, and
G124 to track purchases. For payroll and benefits, see USSGL TC-E102. For "in-
process type" accounts and assisted acquisition situations, see USSGL TC-D514.
Due to the reconciliation of interagency expenses and revenues, agencies first must
record all direct costs to a USSGL account 600000 expense series account and then
offset those amounts using USSGL account 661000 when the costs are capitalized to
the appropriate type asset account. For other payroll related transactions, see
USSGL TCs-E104 through E117. Record USSGL account 219000 for grants
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 615000 Expensed Asset
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Credit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Credit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
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B403 To record accounts payable in a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
B404 To record a downward adjustment of a current-year unpaid undelivered order.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
B405 To record accounts payable in a nonfiduciary deposit fund for administrative fees paid to another
federal entity. This transaction is recorded only when an agency has the authority to charge an
administrative fee to be paid by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
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B406 To record the delivery of goods and services in the same year the order was placed and to accrue a
liability. The current-year expended authority is more than the original obligation.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post TC-B134. For payroll and benefits, see
USSGL TC-E102. Assume a title has been passed when the goods are received.
Also post USSGL TCs G120, G122, and G124 to track purchases. For "in-process
type" accounts and assisted acquisition situations, see USSGL TC-D514. Due to the
reconciliation of interagency expenses and revenues, agencies must first record all
direct costs to a USSGL account 600000 expense series account and then offset
those amounts using USSGL account 661000 when the costs are capitalized to the
appropriate type asset account. For other payroll related transactions, see USSGL
TCs-E104 through E117.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
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B407 To record a contra expense in a nonfiduciary deposit fund for administrative fees paid to another
federal entity. This transaction is recorded only when an agency has the authority to charge an
administrative fee to be paid by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 679500 Contra Expense-Non-Fiduciary Deposit Fund Intragovernmental
Administrative Fees
B408 To reclassify payable schedules for disbursements to "in-transit" until the payment schedule is
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Debit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Debit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Debit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Debit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
Credit 212000 Disbursements in Transit
B410 To record advances and prepayments "in transit" until disbursements are confirmed.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 212000 Disbursements in Transit
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B412 To record an obligation and accounts payable in an unexpired appropriation for a valid bill related
to a canceled appropriation.
Comment: This transaction is simultaneously posted with USSGL TC-D145. Also post USSGL
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Canceled Payables
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
B416 To record the collecting agency's estimated accrued tax refunds payable and related interest funded
by a direct appropriation.
Comment: This activity is not related to USSGL TC-B118. Also post USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue
and Other Financing Sources"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 589000 Tax Revenue Refunds - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 589100 Tax Revenue Refunds - Individual
Debit 589200 Tax Revenue Refunds - Corporate
Debit 589300 Tax Revenue Refunds - Unemployment
Debit 589400 Tax Revenue Refunds - Excise
Debit 589500 Tax Revenue Refunds - Estate and Gift
Debit 589600 Tax Revenue Refunds - Customs
Debit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
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B418 To record the accrual of interest expenses incurred, not yet paid.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Reverse accruals at
the beginning of the next fiscal year.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 631000 Interest Expenses on Borrowing From the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
and/or the Federal Financing Bank
Debit 632000 Interest Expenses on Securities
Debit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Credit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
B420 To record the liability for cost to be funded in the future.
Comment: Reverse accruals at the beginning of the next accounting period. See USSGL TC-
B402 to record currently funded capital lease liability.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
Credit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 217000 Subsidy Payable to the Financing Account
Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 222000 Unfunded Leave
Credit 229000 Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability
Credit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Credit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Credit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Credit 266000 Actuarial Liabilities for Federal Insurance and Guarantee Programs
Credit 267000 Actuarial Liabilities for Treasury-Managed Benefit Programs
Credit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
B422 To record the unfunded FECA liability and unfunded unemployment liability.
Comment: Unfunded FECA liability and unfunded unemployment for Federal employees
should be reversed when the funding is received.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 685000 Employer Contributions to Employee Benefit Programs Not Requiring
Current-Year Budget Authority (Unobligated)
Credit 222500 Unfunded FECA Liability
Credit 229000 Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability
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B424 To record a contingent liability.
Comment: Record USSGL account 6790 when pending litigation related to the Treasury
Judgment Fund is not required to be paid back by the agency. Reverse this entry
when realization indicates no contingent liability.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 5, "Accounting for
Liabilities of the Federal Government", as amended by FASAB SFFAS No. 12,
"Recognition of Contingent Liabilities Arising from Litigation".
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Debit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 292000 Contingent Liabilities
Credit 292200 Contingent Liabilities - Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
B425 To record a contingent liability related to capital transfer.
Comment: Refer to FASAB SFFAS No. 5, "Accounting for Liabilities of the Federal
Government," for discussion of contingent liabilities. See USSGL TC-A142 to
record anticipated nonexpenditure payments to the General Fund of U.S.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Changes Related to Capital Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 579200 Financing Sources To Be Transferred Out - Contingent Liability
Credit 292300 Contingent Liability for Capital Transfers
B426 To record an increase in actuarial liabilities for benefit plans.
Comment: Reverse this entry for a decrease.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FECA Liability
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 760000 Changes in Actuarial Liability
Credit 265000 Actuarial FECA Liability
Credit 266000 Actuarial Liabilities for Federal Insurance and Guarantee Programs
Credit 267000 Actuarial Liabilities for Treasury-Managed Benefit Programs
Credit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
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B428 To record the payable to borrowers from sales of foreclosed property with recourse.
Comment: Excess of sales proceeds over cost to the Federal Government is paid to borrowers.
If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL Implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
B430 To record the inventory purchased for a resale under historical cost (title was passed).
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Also post USSGL
TC G122 to track purchases.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
B432 To record the fair market value of real and intangible forfeited property.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
B434 To record an unclaimed and abandoned item that has met the statutory and/or regulatory
requirements for forfeiture.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
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B436 To record the funded portion of cleanup costs that was previously estimated.
Comment: If the cleanup cost is part of an ongoing operation, then the liability associated with
the cleanup should be reported as accounts payable. Also post USSGL TC-B134 for
appropriations used.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Environmental Cleanup Cost Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
B438 To record capital lease liability.
Comment: If capital lease is with a non-Federal entity, the agency must have sufficient
budgetary resources up front to cover the present value of the lease payments
discounted using Treasury interest rates. Also post USSGL TC-B134 if funded by a
direct appropriation. Also post USSGL TC-G122 to track purchases.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
B440 To record capitalized loan interest payable on Federal Financing Bank (FFB) non-credit reform
loans borrowed from Treasury for interest payable amounts previously accrued.
Comment: This transaction is recorded by FFB only. See USSGL TC-B418 for the initial
accrual and USSGL TC-B113 for the payment of the accrual.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 251100 Capitalized Loan Interest Payable - Non-Credit Reform
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B444 To record the IMF annual Special Drawing Right assessment accrual.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
B446 To record the IMF Annual Assessment.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
B600 - B699 Disbursements and Payables - Advances and Prepayments
B602 To record revenue received in advance.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
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B604 To record the current-year expended authority where the undelivered order was prepaid or
advanced. The current-year authority is the same as the original order.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A710 to see the reimbursable authority and USSGL TC-B308 for
the original prepayment. If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-
B134. Also post USSGL TCs G120, G122, and G124 to track purchases.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
B606 To record current-year expended authority using a U.S. Debit Card.
Comment: This transaction is used when an agency issues a U.S. Debit Card to a recipient as a
reimbursement or entitlement.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; U.S. Debit Card Program
Budgetary Entry
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 112500 U.S. Debit Card Funds
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B610 To reduce an unfilled customer order with advance from a prior-year reimbursable while
maintaining a resource to support the obligation and outlay.
Comment: The amount in USSGL account 422200 not supported by obligations must be zero
on the preclosing trial balance when the TAFS is expiring.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Year Advances or Other Offsetting
Collections Refunded in the Current Year as Obligations and Outlays.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425300 Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance - Refunds Paid
Credit 422200 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance
Proprietary Entry
C100 - C399 Collections and Receivables - Receipts
C101 To record the transfer of recognized subsidy from the program fund to the financing fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
C102 To record service in kind provided by non-Federal sources.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 561000 Donated Revenue - Non-Financial Resources
C103 To record the collection of subsidy costs in the financing account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427100 Actual Program Fund Subsidy Collected
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
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C106 To record the collection of reestimated subsidy in the financing account.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. Also post TC-A120 to record allotment of authority not
previously anticipated.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427100 Actual Program Fund Subsidy Collected
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
C107 To record the receipt of previously anticipated collections for loans related to the Troubled Asset
Relief Program.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C108 for unidentified collections. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if
authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if
authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426000 Actual Collections of Governmental-Type Fees
Debit 426100 Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees
Debit 426200 Actual Collections of Loan Principal
Debit 426300 Actual Collections of Loan Interest
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Debit 426700 Other Actual Governmental-Type Collections From Non-Federal
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Debit 427600 Actual Collections From Financing Fund
Debit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
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C108 To record collections in nonfiduciary deposit funds.
Comment: This entry is for the initial and subsequent collections from non-federal sources into
a nonfiduciary deposit fund. This entry should not be used for collections of interest
on Treasury securities. For accrual and collection of interest on Treasury securities,
see TC-C418, TC-E205 and TC-C156.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 113500 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Non-Budgetary
Debit 119000 Other Cash
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
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C109 To record the receipt of previously anticipated collections.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C108 for unidentified collections. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if
authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if
authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. See
USSGL TCs-A710, A712, A714, and C186 for reimbursable agreement
transactions. See USSGL TC-C156 for the collection of interest receivable from
securities held by a nonfiduciary deposit fund. Fiduciary deposit funds would not
record a budgetary entry. See TCs C453 and C457 for daily inflation or deflation of
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426000 Actual Collections of Governmental-Type Fees
Debit 426100 Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees
Debit 426200 Actual Collections of Loan Principal
Debit 426300 Actual Collections of Loan Interest
Debit 426400 Actual Collections of Rent
Debit 426500 Actual Collections From Sale of Foreclosed Property
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Debit 426700 Other Actual Governmental-Type Collections From Non-Federal
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Debit 427600 Actual Collections From Financing Fund
Debit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 550000 Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
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Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C110 To reclassify collections to liquidate prior-year deficiency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Spending Authority From Offsetting Collections
Applied to Liquidate a Deficiency
Budgetary Entry
Debit 421200 Liquidation of Deficiency - Offsetting Collections
Credit 426000 Actual Collections of Governmental-Type Fees
Credit 426100 Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees
Credit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 426700 Other Actual Governmental-Type Collections From Non-Federal
Credit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Proprietary Entry
C111 To record collections in clearing account Treasury Account Symbols (TAS).
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 241000 Liability for Clearing Accounts
C112 To record the collection of a refund of an advance or prepayment in the same year as the original
Comment: See USSGL TC-B308 for application of an advance. This transaction is also
applicable to credit card rebates.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
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C113 To record receipt of coupon payment and interest collection on non-federal securities.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Debit 167000 Foreign Investments
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
C114 To record unearned revenue collected in advance and deposited to a trust or special fund receipt
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC- A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
C115 To record interest payments received from ESF foreign currency investments for Time Deposits,
Overnight Deposits, and Reverse Repurchase Agreements.
Comment: For the Department of the Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Credit 138400 Interest Receivable - Foreign Currency Denominated Assets
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C116 To record in the financing fund unearned fees collected for undisbursed loans.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426100 Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
C117 To record in the financing fund fees collected when loans are disbursed.
Comment: Fees are earned by loan guarantees when the third party disburses.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426100 Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
C118 To record in the financing fund fees earned when loans are disbursed.
Comment: For loan guarantees and direct loans, fees are earned when the third party disburses.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
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C119 To record the receipt of remuneration.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 579000 Other Financing Sources
C120 To record the maturity of Federal securities acquired at par value by a Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109, or TC-C140 to record the collection of interest
received on the maturity. See USSGL TC-C121 to record the maturity of securities
acquired at par value by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
C121 To record the maturity of Federal securities acquired at par value by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C156 to record the collection of interest received on the maturity.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
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C122 To record the maturity of Federal securities acquired at a premium by a Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Prior to maturity, an entry is made to complete the amortization of a premium. See
USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109, or TC-C140 to record the collection of interest
received on the maturity. See USSGL TC-C123 for securities acquired at a premium
by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
C123 To record the maturity of Federal securities acquired at a premium by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C156 to record the collection of interest received on the maturity.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
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C124 To record the maturity of Federal securities acquired at a discount by a Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Prior to maturity, an entry is made to complete the amortization of a discount. The
budgetary entry shows the purchase discount is realized as a budgetary resource
when the security matures. Special and trust funds use USSGL account 411400. If
budgetary resources were previously anticipated, revolving funds credit USSGL
account 407000 and special and trust funds credit USSGL account 412000. Also
post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or
USSGL TCA123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from
apportionment. Fiduciary deposit funds would not record the budgetary entry. See
USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109, or TC-C140 to record the collection of interest
received on the maturity. See USSGL TC-C128 to record the maturity of a U.S.
Treasury Zero Coupon Bond issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. See USSGL
TC-C125 for securities acquired at a discount by nonfiduciary deposit fund that
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
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C125 To record the maturity of Federal securities acquired at a discount in a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C156 to record the collection of interest received on the maturity.
See USSGL TC-C128 to record the maturity of a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond
issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
C126 To record maturity and reversing interest accrual for Exchange Stabilization Fund investments.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Credit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 138400 Interest Receivable - Foreign Currency Denominated Assets
Credit 167000 Foreign Investments
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C127 To record the maturity of non-federal Exchange Stabilization Fund securities (long-term bonds)
sold at PAR and receive a coupon payment.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 167000 Foreign Investments
C128 To record the maturity of a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond by a Treasury Appropriation Fund
Symbol (TAFS)
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the Bureau
of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
C130 To record the collection of a refund of an advance or prepayment that results in a downward
adjustment to a prior- year obligation.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. This transaction is also applicable to credit card rebates.
Reference: For refunds receivable, see the USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and
Downward Adjustments to Expired Appropriations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 487200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Prepaid/Advanced Undelivered
Orders - Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
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C132 To record the refunds collected, a downward adjustment to prior- year paid delivered orders, for
assets purchased and expenses incurred in a prior year that create budgetary resources. These
refunds were not previously accrued as receivables.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TCA123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. Reverse USSGL TC-B134 for direct appropriations. Reverse
USSGL TCs G120, G122, and G124 to track purchases. This transaction is also
applicable to credit card rebates.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
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C134 To record the refunds collected (not previously accrued as receivables) for assets purchased and
expenses incurred in the current year.
Comment: Reverse USSGL TC-B134 for direct appropriations. Reverse USSGL TCs G120,
G122, and G124 to adjust tracked purchases. This transaction is also applicable to
credit card rebates.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
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C136 To record the collection of receivables for assets purchased or expenses incurred in a prior year that
create budgetary resources when collected.
Comment: USSGL TC-C414 records the refund receivable. Reverse USSGL TC-B134 for
direct appropriations. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously
anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously
anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Reverse USSGL TCs G120,
G122, and G124 to adjust tracked purchases. Also post USSGL TC-D582 to
reclassify the reduction of an expense from unfunded to funded.
Reference: For refunds receivable, see the USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and
Downward Adjustments to Expired Appropriations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
C137 To record the restitution of the imprest fund loss.
Comment: Reverse USSGL TC-B134 for direct appropriations.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 729000 Other Losses
C138 To record the collection of refunds receivable for assets purchased or expenses incurred in the
current year that create budgetary resources when collected.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C414 for the accrued receivable. Reverse USSGL TC-B134 for
direct appropriations and USSGL TCs G120, G122, and G124 to adjust tracked
purchases. Also post USSGL TC-D582 to reclassify the reduction of an expense
from unfunded to funded. This transaction is also applicable to credit card rebates.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
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August 2018
C139 To record the deduction of an employee's pay for reimbursement of Federal Employees Health
Benefits paid by the employer while the employee was in a leave without pay status.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D582 to reclassify the reduction of expenses from unfunded
to funded. Reverse USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL guidance; Federal Employee Health Benefit/Leave Without Pay Status.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
C140 To record the collection of receivables from Federal sources.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Debit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 428300 Interest Receivable From Treasury
Credit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
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C141 To record a collection of non-Federal revenue reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or
on the custodial footnote that is deposited into a General Fund receipt account.
Comment: Also post USSGLs TC-C142 and TC-C143. See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing
adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue
and Other Financing Sources"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Credit 580000 Tax Revenue Collected - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 580100 Tax Revenue Collected - Individual
Credit 580200 Tax Revenue Collected - Corporate
Credit 580300 Tax Revenue Collected - Unemployment
Credit 580400 Tax Revenue Collected - Excise
Credit 580500 Tax Revenue Collected - Estate and Gift
Credit 580600 Tax Revenue Collected - Customs
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
Credit 592300 Valuation Change in Investments - Beneficial Interest in Trust
C142 To record a contra-revenue in the amount of revenue collected for others and to establish a
custodial liability.
Comment: To record revenue, see USSGL TC-C141. To reduce the custodial liability for
amounts transferred out, see USSGL TC-A210.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599000 Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
Credit 298000 Custodial Liability
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C143 To record the collection of receivables of custodial revenue from a non-Federal source that is
deposited to a miscellaneous receipt account.
Comment: If a collection is reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or the custodial
footnote, also post USSGL TCs-D584 and D586 (if related to tax revenue); If a
collection is not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity nor on the custodial
footnote, also post USSGL TC-D585; If a collection was not previously accrued, see
USSGL TCs-C141 or C147; See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry
recorded at yearend.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
C144 To record undeposited collections.
Comment: Reverse entry upon disposition of undeposited collections.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 111000 Undeposited Collections
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
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C145 To record the collection of revenue or other financing sources that were not previously accrued into
a General Fund receipt account. These collections are not reported on the Statement of Custodial
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C147. For the transfer-in of nonbudgetary fund balance to
other Federal entities without reimbursements, see USSGL TC-C155. For custodial
collections reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial
footnote, see USSGL TC-C141. See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting
entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 531400 Dividend Income Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 579000 Other Financing Sources
Credit 579500 Seigniorage
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C146 To record the collection of previously accrued receivables in a Treasury general fund receipt
Comment: Also post D585. For collection of custodial receivables in a Treasury general fund
receipt account, see USSGL TC C-143.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 134400 Interest Receivable on Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
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C147 To record an offset for amounts collected for others and to establish a liability for non-entity assets
that are not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial footnote.
Comment: To record contra-custodial revenue reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity
or on the custodial footnote and to establish custodial liability, see transaction
USSGL TC-C142. See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded
at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599300 Offset to Non-Entity Collections - Statement of Changes in Net
Credit 298500 Liability for Non-Entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity
C148 To record the payback of a bridge loan.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
C149 To record the collection of loans receivable by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and deposit directly
into a Treasury Account Symbol that does not have budget authority.
Comment: Also post USSGL F124 and/or F125 to close USSGL account 298500. Record
USSGL account 721200 when there is a loss on the repayment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 721200 Losses on Disposition of Borrowings
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
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C150 To record the receipt of other cash and noncash monetary assets.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C108.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113500 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Non-Budgetary
Debit 119000 Other Cash
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Debit 119500 Other Monetary Assets
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
C151 To record the collection of capitalized loan interest receivable by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
and deposit directly into a Treasury Account Symbol that does not have budget authority.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C444 for the establishment of the capitalized loan interest
receivable. Also post USSGL F124 to close USSGL account 298500.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 135100 Capitalized Loan Interest Receivable - Non-Credit Reform
C152 To record loans receivable resulting from repayable advances.
Comment: This transaction is only available for use by the Department of Treasury.
Reference: Unemployment Trust Fund (UTF) Repayable Advances and Non-Repayable
Advances Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 298500 Liability for Non-Entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity
C153 To record the collection of loans receivable, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act, by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and deposit directly into a Treasury
Account Symbol that does not have budget authority.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-F124 and/or TC-F125 to close USSGL account 298500.
Record USSGL account 721200 when there is a loss on the repayment.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 721200 Losses on Disposition of Borrowings
Credit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
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C154 To record the collections of unaccrued interest on loans from non-Federal sources.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426300 Actual Collections of Loan Interest
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
C155 To record the transfer-in of nonbudgetary fund balance to other Federal entities without
Comment: See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 577500 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred In
C156 To record the collection of interest receivable from securities held by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: For federal investments such as Treasury securities, interest revenue and contra
revenue, should be recorded with TC-C418 and TC-E205. For investments in non-
federal securities, interest should be accrued with TC-C417.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
C157 To record the capitalization of interest on Exchange Stabilization Fund foreign currency
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Credit 138400 Interest Receivable - Foreign Currency Denominated Assets
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C158 To record cash donations collected in an expenditure account, as allowed by law.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C402 for cash donations. See TC-C192 for foreign currency
donations that are not budgetary resources. See USSGL TC-A186 for revenue to
available trust and special funds.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
C161 To record an adjustment to loans and interest receivable based on acquired collateral property
without recourse.
Comment: Use only for pre-Credit Reform.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide for Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
C162 To record an adjustment to loans and interest receivable based on acquired collateral property with
Comment: This transaction does not include bad debt.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide for Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
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C163 To record an adjustment to loans and interest receivable based on acquired collateral property
without recourse.
Comment: Use only for post-Credit Reform.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide for Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
C164 To record non-cash assets donated by the public.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 561000 Donated Revenue - Non-Financial Resources
C166 To record a monetary instrument, including undeposited seized cash.
Comment: When seized cash is deposited, see USSGL TC-D586.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
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C170 To record the reclassification of seized monetary instruments from undeposited (recorded in
USSGL account 153100) to deposited.
Comment: Agencies must use all the USSGL accounts indicated in transaction. Each debit and
credit must be in the same amount.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB #3, Accounting for Inventory and
Related Property
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 153200 Seized Cash Deposited
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
C172 To record a revenue for forfeited cash deposited to the forfeiture fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 564000 Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
C174 To record undeposited cash that was forfeited.
Comment: Reverse USSGL TC-C166.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 111000 Undeposited Collections
Credit 564000 Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
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C176 To record cash deposited after forfeiture.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 111000 Undeposited Collections
C178 To record the transfer of the title of an asset to the Federal Government for a settlement of tax
liability from the taxpayer.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
C180 To record satisfaction of a loan by surrender of a borrower's title to collateral of commodity.
Comment: Commodities are valued at net realizable value. The difference between the
commodities received and the outstanding loan is charged to the allowance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
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C182 To record a collection of an advance for an unfilled customer order.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TCA123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. Record USSGL account 421000 if unfilled customer orders
were previously anticipated.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Year Advances or Other Offsetting
Collections Refunded in the Current Year as Obligations and Outlays
Budgetary Entry
Debit 422200 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance
Credit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
C185 To record the collection of FECA receivables by the Department of Labor.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Credit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
C186 To record the collection of receivables in the performing agency for reimbursable services.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Reimbursable Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Credit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
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C188 To record the collection of revenue into unavailable special fund receipt accounts.
Comment: See USSGL TCs-A183 and A184 for appropriation of receipts from an unavailable
special fund receipt account to a special fund expenditure account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Unavailable Special Fund Receipt Account
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C190 To record in trust fund payments received from a Federal fund relating to exchange transactions.
Comment: These payments are defined as expenditure transfers in the budget. See USSGL TC-
A510 for nonexchange expenditure transfers-in.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
C192 To record the acquisition of foreign currency in the foreign currency account symbol (X7000
Comment: Agencies that have foreign currency account symbols (X7000 series) will make this
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for X7000 Accounts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
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C194 To record reclaimed (repaid) foreign currency into the foreign currency account symbol (X7000
series) by a disbursing officer.
Comment: Agencies that have foreign currency account symbols (X7000 series) will make this
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for X7000 Accounts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
C196 To record a capital transfer received in a General Fund Receipt Account.
Comment: When a receivable was previously set up, credit USSGL account 1925. When no
receivable was previously set up, credit USSGL account 5756 and also post USSGL
TC-C147; See USSGL TC-E516 for previously recorded receivables.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Capital Transfers Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 192500 Capital Transfers Receivable
Credit 575600 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Capital
C200 To record the maturity of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit
Reform Act, acquired at par value.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
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C202 To record the maturity of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit
Reform Act, acquired at a premium.
Comment: At maturity an entry is made to complete the amortization of a premium. Refer to
USSGL TC-E121 for the amortization transaction.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164700 Premium on Securities Accounted for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
C204 To record the maturity of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit
Reform Act, acquired at a discount.
Comment: At maturity an entry is made to complete the amortization of a discount. Refer to
USSGL TC-E121 for the amortization transaction. The budgetary entry shows the
purchase discount is realized as a budgetary resource when the security matures.
Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 164600 Discount on Securities Account for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
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C205 To record the amount of actual offsetting collections or offsetting receipts used to reduce the
appropriation derived from the General Fund of the U.S. Government.
Comment: See Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11 for additional guidance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriation Reduced by Offsetting Collections
or Offsetting Receipts
Budgetary Entry
Debit 405000 Anticipated Reductions to Appropriations by Offsetting Collections or
Credit 424000 Appropriations Reduced by Offsetting Collections or Receipts -
Proprietary Entry
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C400 - C599 Collections and Receivables - Receivables/Accrued Revenue
C402 To record an accrual of revenue reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial
footnote that is collected by an agency to be deposited directly into a General Fund receipt account.
In addition, to record administrative fees earned for administering a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C404. For amounts deposited into a General Fund receipt
account but not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial
footnote, see USSGL TC-C420. See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting
entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Miscellaneous Receipts; General Fund Receipt
Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Credit 582000 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 582100 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Individual
Credit 582200 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Corporate
Credit 582300 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Unemployment
Credit 582400 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Excise
Credit 582500 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Estate and Gift
Credit 582600 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Customs
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C403 To record a receivable for Old IMF Quota Payments.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only. Also post C405.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
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C404 To record contra-revenue in the amount of revenue accrued and establish a custodial liability.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C402.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599100 Accrued Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
Credit 298000 Custodial Liability
C405 To record offset for the amount accrued in a General Fund receipt account and to establish a
liability for non-entity assets that are not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the
custodial footnote.
Comment: To record accrued contra revenue that is reported on the Statement of Custodial
Activity or on the custodial footnote and to establish custodial liability, see
transaction USSGL TC-C404. See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting
entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599400 Offset to Non-Entity Accrued Collections - Statement of Changes in
Net Position
Credit 298500 Liability for Non-Entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity
C406 To record receivables for amounts advanced from the financing fund or liquidating fund to cover
escrow funds.
Comment: Applicable to guaranteed loans
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
C408 To record in the financing fund the disbursement of direct loans.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B134 if funded by a direct appropriation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Debit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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C409 To record the reclassification of interest capitalized on a loan.
Reference: Direct Loan Credit Reform Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
C412 To record accrued receivables for modified direct loans moving from the liquidating fund to the
financing fund account.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 428500 Receivable From the Liquidating Fund
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
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C414 To record refund receivables, a downward adjustment to prior-year paid delivered orders, from
Non-Federal sources for assets or expenses that do not create budgetary resources until collected.
Comment: USSGL TC-C136 records the collection. USSGL account 679000 includes, but is
not limited to, vendor overpayments and benefit overpayments. This transaction is
also applicable to credit card rebates.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
C415 To record a receivable for new IMF Quota Payments under Credit Reform.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
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C416 To record accrued revenue from Federal sources other than for reimbursables, non-revolving trust
and special funds, custodial activity and interest on Treasury securities.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 428300 Interest Receivable From Treasury
Debit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C417 To record interest receivable on non-federal securities held by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: This entry is only for interest receivable on non-federal securities held by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund. For accruals of interest receivable on federal securities
such as U.S. Treasury securities, see TC-C418.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
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C418 To record interest receivable on securities held by Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Also recorded for federal securities held by nonfiduciary deposit funds.
Comment: For federal securities held by nonfiduciary deposit funds also record TC - E205.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
C419 To record accrual of interest receivable on non-federal securities with a bond premium.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 167200 Premium on Foreign Investments
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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August 2018
C420 To record accrued revenue or other financing sources without budgetary impact.
Comment: Receivables from non-Federal sources are not budgetary resources until collected.
This transaction should be used if you have a receivable recorded from a transaction
with nonfiduciary deposit funds. For Federal and non-Federal receivables reported
in a General Fund receipt account, also post USSGL TC-C405. See USSGL TC-
F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: OMB Circular No. A-11, the Budget totals exclude amounts from deposit fund
transactions because the funds are not owned by the Government. Therefore, the
budget records transactions between deposit funds and budgetary accounts as
transactions with public. Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting
Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Debit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 138400 Interest Receivable - Foreign Currency Denominated Assets
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 550000 Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Credit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Credit 577500 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred In
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C421 To accrue unfunded FECA revenue from Federal source by the Department of Labor.
Comment: None
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Employees' Compensation Act (Workers'
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 132100 Unfunded FECA Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 540500 Unfunded FECA Benefit Revenue
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August 2018
C422 To record accrued revenue from Federal or non-Federal sources for non-revolving trust funds and
special funds.
Comment: These are not budgetary resources until collected.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Unavailable Special Fund Receipt Account
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Debit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Credit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Credit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Credit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 550000 Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Credit 582000 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 582100 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Individual
Credit 582200 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Corporate
Credit 582300 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Unemployment
Credit 582400 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Excise
Credit 582500 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Estate and Gift
Credit 582600 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Customs
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C423 To record accrual of interest receivable on non-federal securities with a bond discount.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 167100 Discount on Foreign Investments
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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August 2018
C424 To record establishment of current-period earnings on income received in advance.
Comment: See USSGL TC-B602 for collection entry.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Credit 550000 Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
C425 To record accounts receivable in a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
C426 To record earned revenue in a trust or special fund Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol that was
previously collected in advance.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C114 for collection entry.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
C428 To record loans and interest receivable from non-Federal sources for defaulted guaranteed loans.
Do not consider as a budgetary resource until collected.
Comment: Applicable to activity for guaranteed loans.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
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August 2018
C430 To record an old motor vehicle that was traded in for a new motor vehicle using the direct method.
Comment: This entry is to show a trade-in only. An entry for indirect cost is not included. This
is the way the Department of Defense accounts for repairable items involving trade-
ins. Accounts receivable represents the cash amount the vehicle procurer will
receive from the customer. Inventory held for repair represents the value of an asset
after it is repaired (value of a similar new asset). Other financing source represents
fair market value of the old vehicle. Other financing source was used instead of
revenue from goods sold due to a trade-in, which is not a budgetary resource.
Inventory allowance represents the estimated repair cost of the damaged vehicle.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Credit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 579000 Other Financing Sources
C431 To record the issuance of a bridge loan.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
C432 To record loans other than credit reform.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
C433 To record loans receivable from non-Federal sources for loans related to Troubled Assets Relief
Program. Do not consider as a budgetary resource until collected.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
C434 To record interest receivable from non-Federal sources for loans related to Troubled Assets Relief
Program. Do not consider as a budgetary resource until collected.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled
Assets Relief Program
C435 To record the accrual of interest revenue associated with USSGL account 298500 that is to be
collected by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and deposited directly into a Treasury Account
Symbol that does not have budget authority.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C437 for the liability for non-entity assets not reported on the
Statement of Custodial Activity.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
C436 To record the accrual of Troubled Asset Relief Program interest revenue associated with USSGL
account 298500 that is to be collected by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and deposited directly
into a Treasury Account Symbol that does not have budget authority.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
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August 2018
C437 To record the portion of the liability for non-entity assets not reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity related to the accrual of interest revenue that is to be collected by the Bureau of
the Fiscal Service and deposited directly into a Treasury Account Symbol that does not have
budget authority.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C435 for the accrual of the interest revenue associated with
USSGL account 298500.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 750000 Distribution of Income - Dividend
Credit 298500 Liability for Non-Entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity
C438 To record subsidy receivable and the related interest, in the financing account, for an upward
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
C440 To record unfunded (borrowed) foreign currency from the Foreign Currency Account Symbol
(X7000 series) by a disbursing officer.
Comment: Agencies that have foreign currency account symbols (X7000 series) will make this
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for X7000 Accounts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
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August 2018
C444 To record capitalized loan interest receivable on non-credit reform loans for interest receivable
amounts previously accrued.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-C435 for the initial accrual and USSGL TC-C149 for the
collection of the accrual.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135100 Capitalized Loan Interest Receivable - Non-Credit Reform
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
C446 To record the reclassification of interest capitalized on a loan related to Troubled Asset Relief
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
C450 To record the accrual of daily inflation earned on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities in
revolving funds, non-revolving trust funds, and special funds.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
C452 To record receipt of previously accrued daily inflation on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities to
non-revolving trust funds and special funds, in which the receipt is immediately available for
obligation upon collection.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC B143.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
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III AT - 142
August 2018
C453 To record receipt of previously accrued daily inflation on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities to
revolving funds, in which the offsetting collection is immediately available for obligation once
credited to the expenditure TAFS.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC B143. If budgetary resources were previously anticipated,
credit USSGL account 407000.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
C454 To record receipt of previously accrued daily inflation on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities to
non-revolving trust funds and special funds, in which the receipt is not immediately available for
obligation upon collection.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC B143.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
C455 To record the accrual of daily deflation earned on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities in
revolving funds, non-revolving trust funds, and special funds.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
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August 2018
C456 To record receipt of previously accrued daily deflation on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities to
non-revolving trust funds and special funds, in which the receipt is immediately available for
obligation upon collection.
Comment: Also post reversal of USSGL TC-B143.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
C457 To record receipt of previously accrued daily deflation on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities to
revolving funds, in which the offsetting collection is immediately available for obligation once
credited to the expenditure TAFS.
Comment: Also post reversal of USSGL TC B143. If budgetary resources were previously
anticipated, debit USSGL account 407000.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
C458 To record receipt of previously accrued daily deflation on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities to
non-revolving trust funds and special funds, in which the receipt is not immediately available for
obligation upon collection.
Comment: Also post reversal of USSGL TC B143.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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C600 - C799 Collections and Receivables - Asset Sale and Disposition (Gains and Losses)
C600 To record the sale of non-federal securities (long-term bonds) by the Exchange Stabilization Fund
at a premium
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 167000 Foreign Investments
Credit 167200 Premium on Foreign Investments
C601 To record the sale of non-federal securities (long-term bonds) by the Exchange Stabilization Fund
at a discount.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120900 Uninvested Foreign Currency
Debit 167100 Discount on Foreign Investments
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 167000 Foreign Investments
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August 2018
C602 To record the sale of Federal securities purchased at a premium and sold at a premium by a
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund. The sale may
result in a gain or a loss.
Comment: Prior to making an entry for the sale, make an entry to amortize the premium to the
point of sale. The budgetary entry is recorded for the premium on the sale. Special
and trust funds use USSGL account 411400. If budgetary resources were previously
anticipated, revolving funds credit USSGL account 407000 and special and trust
funds credit USSGL account 412000. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was
previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Fiduciary deposit
funds would not record the budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109 or TC-
C140 to record the collection of interest received on the sale. See USSGL TC-C603
or TC-C619 for sale of securities purchased at a premium and sold at a gain or loss
by a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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August 2018
C603 To record the redemption of Federal securities purchased at a premium and sold at a premium by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund when the redemption results in a gain.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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August 2018
C604 To record the sale of Federal securities purchased at a premium and sold at a discount by a
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund. The sale
results in a loss.
Comment: Prior to the sale, make an entry to amortize the premium to the point of sale. The
budgetary entry is recorded for the discount on the sale. Special and trust funds use
USSGL account 411400. If budgetary resources were previously anticipated,
revolving funds debit USSGL account 407000 and special and trust funds debit
USSGL account 412000. Reverse USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously
anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously
anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Fiduciary deposit funds would
not record the budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109, and TC-C140 to
record the collection of interest received on the sale. See USSGL TC-C605 for the
sale of securities purchased at a premium and sold at a discount by a nonfiduciary
deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Debit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Debit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-Year
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
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August 2018
C605 To record the redemption of Federal securities purchased at a premium and sold at a discount by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund prior to maturity when the sale results in a loss.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Debit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
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August 2018
C606 To record the sale of Federal securities purchased at a discount and sold at a premium by a
Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund. The sale
results in a gain.
Comment: Prior to the sale, an entry is made to amortize the discount to the point of sale. The
budgetary entry is recorded for the purchase discount plus the premium on the sale.
Special and trust funds use USSGL account 411400. If budgetary resources were
previously anticipated, revolving funds credit USSGL account 407000 and special
and trust funds credit USSGL account 412000. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if
authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Fiduciary deposit
funds would not record the budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109 or TC-
C140 to record the collection of interest received on the sale. See USSGL TC-C607
for the sale of securities acquired at a discount by nonfiduciary deposit fund that
result in a gain.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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August 2018
C607 To record the redemption of Federal securities purchased at a discount and sold at a premium by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund when the redemption results in a gain.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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C608 To record the sale of Federal securities purchased at a discount and sold at a discount by a Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund. The sale may result in
a gain or a loss.
Comment: Prior to the sale, an entry is made to amortize the discount to the point of sale. The
budgetary entry is recorded for the purchase discount less the discount on the sale. If
the discount on the sale is greater than the purchase discount, the budgetary entry
will be reversed. Special and trust funds use USSGL account 411400. If budgetary
resources were previously anticipated, revolving funds debit USSGL account
407000 and special and trust funds debit USSGL account 412000. Reverse USSGL
TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-
A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from
apportionment. Fiduciary deposit funds would not record the budgetary entry. See
USSGL TC-A195, TC-C109 or TC-C140 to record the collection of interest
received on the sale. See USSGL TC-C618 to record the sale prior to maturity of
investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds. See USSGL TC-C611 or TC-
C621 for the sale of securities purchased at a discount and sold at a gain or loss by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments in Treasury and Agency Securities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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C609 To record amounts owed to a Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) for excess of the
GSE's liabilities over its assets.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 165000 Preferred Stock in Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 165100 Market Adjustment - Senior Preferred Stock in Federal Government
Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 165200 Common Stock Warrants in Federal Government Sponsored
Credit 165300 Market Adjustment - Common Stock Warrants in Federal
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
C610 To record the sale or disposition of personal property collected for replacement property.
Comment: Sales proceeds on disposed personal property collected for a replacement property
will have no budgetary entry until the obligation is subsequently incurred for the
replacement property. In most cases, the proceeds will only be available for
acquisition of the replacement property in the fiscal year that the old property was
sold, then for 1 fiscal year thereafter. This entry may not be applicable to some
agencies that have specific language in their legislation that allows them to keep the
proceeds beyond 2 years. See USSGL implementation guidance, "Disposition of
Personal Property" on the USSGL Website. Also review CFR 41, chapter 101 and
GAO's Policy and Procedure Manual, dated May 1993, pages 7.5-8.9.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
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C611 To record the redemption of Federal securities purchased at a discount and sold at a discount by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund when the redemption results in a loss.
Comment: Use this entry to also record the sale of U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund. A nonfiduciary deposit fund should not have net position.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Debit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
C612 To record the loss (or gain) from sale of foreclosed property without recourse.
Comment: Applicable to guaranteed loans. Credit USSGL account 139900 if there is a gain.
Any gain or loss is borne by the Federal Government. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if
authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if
authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426500 Actual Collections From Sale of Foreclosed Property
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
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C613 To record general property, plant and equipment permanently removed or partially impaired, but
not yet disposed.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guidance: FASAB FFATR No. 14 and FASAB SFFAS
No. 44, "Accounting for the Disposal of General Property, Plant and Equipment"
and "Accounting for Impairment of General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Remaining in Use".
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Debit 184900 Allowance for Depletion
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 199500 General Property, Plant, and Equipment Permanently Removed but
Not Yet Disposed
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Debit 729200 Other Losses From Impairment of Assets
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 719000 Other Gains
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C614 To record the gain on property sold with recourse.
Comment: Excess of costs over sales proceeds are billed to the borrower. Also post USSGL
TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-
A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide for Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426500 Actual Collections From Sale of Foreclosed Property
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
C615 To record the disposition of general property, plant and equipment that was permanently removed.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guidance; FASAB Technical Release 14: "Implementation
Guidance on the Accounting for the Disposal of General Property, Plant, &
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 199500 General Property, Plant, and Equipment Permanently Removed but
Not Yet Disposed
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
C616 To record the loss on loan receivable from the borrower on a sale with recourse.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426500 Actual Collections From Sale of Foreclosed Property
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
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C618 To record the sale prior to maturity of investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds issued by
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service to a Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a
nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: The budgetary entry is the amount of the gain on sale, which would be reversed if a
loss is realized. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated
and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in
programs exempt from apportionment. Fiduciary deposit funds would not record the
budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-C611 to record the sale prior to maturity of
investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service to a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the Bureau
of the Fiscal Service
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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C619 To record the redemption of Federal securities purchased at a premium and sold at a premium by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund prior to maturity when the redemption results in a loss
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
C621 To record the redemption of Federal securities purchased at a discount and sold at a discount by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund when the redemption results in a gain.
Comment: Use this entry to also record the sale of U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds by a
nonfiduciary deposit fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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C622 To record the sale prior to maturity of investments in securities (other than those issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at a discount and sold for a gain or loss by the special or
non-revolving trust fund.
Comment: The budgetary entry is the amount of a gain on the sale, which would be reversed if
a loss was realized.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 169000 Other Investments
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
C624 To record the sale prior to maturity of investments in securities (other than those issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par or premium and sold for a gain or loss by the special
or non-revolving trust fund.
Comment: The budgetary entry is the amount of a gain on the sale, which would be reversed if
a loss was realized.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 169000 Other Investments
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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C626 To record cash collected from a loss or a gain from the sale of excess, obsolete, and unserviceable
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned
or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt
from apportionment. This transaction assumes that budgetary resource is recognized
for the proceeds of a sale.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Personal Property
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Credit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
C628 To record cash collected from a loss or a gain from the sale of foreclosed property.
Comment: Use only for pre-Credit Reform. This transaction assumes that budgetary resource is
recognized for the proceeds of a sale.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide for Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426500 Actual Collections From Sale of Foreclosed Property
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
C630 To record the sale of stockpile materials.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 590000 Other Revenue
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C632 To record stockpile materials sold at a gain.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
C634 To record stockpile materials sold at a loss.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
C636 To record the collection of sale proceeds from forfeited personal property sold.
Comment: Reverse USSGL TC-B432.
Reference: For special fund transaction, see USSGL implementation guidance; Receipts Not
Available for Obligation Upon Collection. For seized assets, see USSGL
implementation guidance; Accounting for Inventory and Related Property
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 565000 Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
C638 To record the sale of forfeited property.
Comment: Includes activity for forfeited property sold that had a third-party lien in which the
buyer pays the lien holder.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property", as amended by FASAB SFFAS No. 7,
"Accounting for Revenue and Other Financing Sources and Concepts for
Reconciling Budgetary and Financial Accounting".
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
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C640 To record the proceeds from commodities sold.
Comment: For cost of goods sold, see USSGL TC-E408. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if
authority was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if
authority was previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
C642 To record a loss on the sale of commodities.
Comment: For cost of goods sold, if there is no loss involved, see USSGL TC-E408.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
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C644 To record a receivable from a non-Federal entity for the sale or disposition of assets other than
personal properties and investments.
Comment: For cost of goods sold, see USSGL TC-E408.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
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C646 To record the sale or disposition of assets other than personal properties and investments.
Comment: If a receivable had been previously established, see USSGL TC-C647.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Debit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
C647 To record the liquidation of receivables from other Federal entity for the sale or disposition of
assets other personal properties and investments.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C648 for the establishment of the receivable.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
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C648 To record a receivable from another Federal entity for the sale or disposition of assets other than
personal properties and investments.
Comment: For the liquidation of the receivable, see USSGL TC-C647.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
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C650 To record accounts receivable and accrue revenue from another Federal entity that was previously
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was previously anticipated and apportioned.
See Federal and non-Federal exceptions as defined in Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A-11.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority from Offsetting
Collection with Obligations Scenario
Budgetary Entry
Debit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Credit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Credit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
C702 To record the sale of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit Reform
Act, purchased at a premium. The sale results in a gain.
Comment: At the time of sale, make an entry to amortize the premium to the point of sale. See
USSGL TC-E121 for amortization entry. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority
was previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164700 Premium on Securities Accounted for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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C704 To record the sale of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit Reform
Act, purchased at a premium. The sale results in a loss.
Comment: At the time of sale, make an entry to amortize the premium to the point of sale. See
USSGL TC-E121 for amortization entry. Reverse USSGL TC-A122 if authority was
previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164700 Premium on Securities Accounted for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
C706 To record the sale of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit Reform
Act, purchased at a discount. The sale results in a gain.
Comment: At the time of sale, an entry is made to amortize the discount to the point of sale. See
USSGL TC-E121 for amortization entry. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority
was previously anticipated and apportioned or TC-A123 if authority was previously
anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 164600 Discount on Securities Account for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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C708 To record the sale of securities, accounted for under the provisions of the Federal Credit Reform
Act, purchased at a discount. The sale results in a loss.
Comment: At the time of sale, an entry is made to amortize the discount to the point of sale. See
USSGL TC-E121 for amortization entry. Reverse USSGL TC-A122 if authority was
previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 164600 Discount on Securities Account for Under the Provisions of the
Federal Credit Reform Act
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 164200 Preferred Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Credit 164400 Common Stock Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
C750 To record, in a special or non-revolving trust fund, a redemption of securities (other than those
issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par and sold without a gain or loss where
funds remain in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If the proceeds of this sale are immediately reinvested, do not record a budgetary
entry. If the proceeds of this sale are not immediately reinvested, record a budgetary
entry equal to the proceeds. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by the public in a
non-TGA are returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. An agency must
have specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal
Service security. See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400
Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S.
Treasury for additional guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224)
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
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C751 To record, in a revolving or revolving trust fund, a redemption of securities (other than those issued
by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par and sold without a gain or loss where funds
remain in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If the proceeds of this sale are immediately reinvested, do not record a budgetary
entry. If the proceeds of this sale are not immediately reinvested, record a budgetary
entry equal to the proceeds. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by the public in a
non-TGA are returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. An agency must
have specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal
Service security. See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400
Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S.
Treasury for additional guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224)
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
C752 To record, in a special or non-revolving trust fund, the sale prior to maturity of investments in
securities (other than those issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par and sold
for a gain. Funds remain held by the public in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If the proceeds are immediately reinvested, record a budgetary entry equal to only
the gain. If the proceeds are not immediately reinvested, record a budgetary entry
equal to the proceeds. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by the public in a non-
TGA are returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. An agency must have
specific legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal Service
security. See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400
Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S.
Treasury for additional guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224)
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
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C753 To record, in a revolving or revolving trust fund, the sale prior to maturity of investments in
securities (other than those issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par and sold
for a gain. Funds remain held by the public in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If the proceeds are immediately reinvested, record a budgetary entry in USSGL
account 425200 equal to only the gain. If the proceeds are not immediately
reinvested, record a budgetary entry in USSGL account 425200 equal to the gain
and also a budgetary entry in USSGL account 497200 equal to the par value. See
USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by the public in a non-TGA are returned to fund
balance with Treasury in a TGA. An agency must have specific legislative authority
to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal Service security. See Treasury Financial
Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and Reporting on Cash and
Investments Held Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional guidance, such as
Statement of Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
C754 To record, in a special or non-revolving trust fund, the sale prior to maturity of investments in
securities (other than those issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par and sold
for a loss. Funds remain held by the public in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If the proceeds are immediately reinvested, do not record a budgetary entry. If the
proceeds are not immediately reinvested, record a budgetary entry equal to the
proceeds. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by the public in a non-TGA are
returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. An agency must have specific
legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal Service security.
See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and
Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional
guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
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C755 To record, in a revolving or revolving trust fund, the sale prior to maturity of investments in
securities (other than those issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) purchased at par and sold
for a loss. Funds remain held by the public in a non-Treasury General Account (TGA).
Comment: If the proceeds are immediately reinvested, do not record the budgetary entry. If the
proceeds are not immediately reinvested record a budgetary entry equal to the
proceeds. See USSGL TC- B150 if funds held by the public in a non-TGA are
returned to fund balance with Treasury in a TGA. An agency must have specific
legislative authority to hold monies in a non-TGA or non-Fiscal Service security.
See Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3400 Accounting for and
Reporting on Cash and Investments Held Outside of the U.S. Treasury for additional
guidance, such as Statement of Transactions (224) transactions.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Debit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
C780 To record the Bureau of the Fiscal Service's redemption of debt and related budgetary offset.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 437000 Offset to Appropriation Realized for Redemption of Treasury
Proprietary Entry
Debit 253000 Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and Special
Financing Authority
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
C784 To record the monthly redemption, investment and interest with the Bureau of the Fiscal Service.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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D100 - D299 Adjustments/Writeoffs/Reclassification - Upward and Downward Adjustments
D102 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year unpaid delivered orders and to reduce the liability
when the adjustment is not recorded as a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000 or
740100). The authority has expired.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. Reverse USSGL TC-B134
for direct appropriations. For a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000 or
740100), see USSGL TC's D306, D308, D310, and D312.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Debit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Debit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Debit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Debit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Debit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Debit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Debit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Debit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Debit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
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Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
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D106 To record an upward adjustment of prior-year unpaid delivered orders and to accrue additional
liability when the adjustment is not recorded as a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000
or 740100). The authority has expired.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. If funded by a direct
appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. For a prior-period adjustment (USSGL
account 740000 or 740100), see USSGL TCs D306, D308, D310, and D312.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide; Prior-
Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 498100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Credit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Credit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Credit 221100 Withholdings Payable
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Credit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Credit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Credit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
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August 2018
D107 To record an upward adjustment of prior-year unpaid delivered orders and to accrue additional
liability when the adjustment is not recorded as a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000
or 740100). The authority has not expired.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. If funded by a direct
appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. For a prior-period adjustment (USSGL
account 740000 or 740100), see USSGL TCs D306, D308, D310, and D312. When
anticipated accounts are not used, debit USSGL account 445000; if funds are
exempt from apportionment, debit USSGL account 462000.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide; Prior-
Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 498100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Credit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Credit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
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Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Credit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Credit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Credit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Credit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
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August 2018
D108 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year paid delivered orders and to collect a refund when
the adjustment is not recorded as a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000 or 740100).
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. The offset to all downward
adjustments to undelivered orders is anticipated recoveries. If such a transaction
causes an abnormal credit balance, approval by the Office of Management and
Budget for use of resources is required. If anticipated accounts are not used, credit
USSGL account 445000 or 462000. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was
previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Reverse USSGL
TC-B134 for direct appropriations. For a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account
740000 or 740100), see USSGL TCs D306, D308, D310, and D312.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide; Prior-
Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
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D110 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year unpaid delivered orders and to reduce the related
liability when the adjustment is not recorded as a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000
or 740100). The authority has not expired.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. The offset to all downward
adjustments to undelivered orders is anticipated recoveries. If such a transaction
causes an abnormal credit balance, approval by the Office of Management and
Budget for use of resources is required. If anticipated accounts are not used, credit
USSGL account 445000 or 462000. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if authority was
previously anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if authority was
previously anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. Reverse USSGL
TC-B134 for direct appropriations. For a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account
740000 or 740100), see USSGL TCs D306, D308, D310, and D312.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide; Prior-
Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Debit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Debit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Debit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Debit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Debit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Debit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Debit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Debit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Debit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
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Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
D112 To record a reclassification of unfunded liability to funded liability in the financing account.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D113.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
D113 To record the reclassification reestimated subsidy expense from unfunded to funded.
Comment: Reclassification should be recorded in the year following the accrual of the
downward reestimate.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Basic Accounting and Reporting for Direct Loan
Programs Without Collateral in Federal Credit Programs
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
Credit 619900 Adjustment to Subsidy Expense
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D114 To record an upward adjustment of prior-year unpaid undelivered orders when the adjustment is
not recorded as a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000 or 740100).
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. The goods, services, or
invoices have not been received. If funded by a direct appropriation, also post
USSGL TC-B134. See USSGL TC-B402 when needed to establish a payable and to
reflect it as delivered. For a prior-period adjustment (USSGL account 740000 or
740100), see USSGL TCs D306, D308, D310, and D312.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 488100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders -
Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
D120 To record a downward adjustment to unpaid prior-year undelivered orders.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. The goods, services, or
invoices have not been received. Record USSGL account 465000 if the authority has
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and Downward Adjustments to Expired
Budgetary Entry
Debit 487100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Undelivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
D122 To record an upward adjustment to prepaid/advanced prior-year undelivered orders.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. The invoice has been paid,
but goods and services have not been received. Record USSGL account 465000 if
the authority has expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and Downward Adjustments to Expired
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 488200 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders -
Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Proprietary Entry
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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D126 To record an upward adjustment to prior-year paid delivered orders.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later. A corrected invoice was
received and paid for goods and services previously received and paid. Also post
USSGL TC-B134. Record USSGL account 465000 if the authority has expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and Downward Adjustments to Expired
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 498200 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
D128 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year paid delivered orders with no refund collected.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and Downward Adjustments to Expired
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
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D130 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year prepaid/advanced undelivered orders with no
refund collected.
Comment: The prepaid invoice was for more than the corrected invoice. Goods and services
have not been received.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Upward and Downward Adjustments to Expired
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
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D134 To record the delivery of goods and services ordered in a prior year and accrue a liability.
Expended authority is less than the original obligation and the authority is not expired.
Comment: The offset to downward adjustments to undelivered orders is anticipated recoveries.
If such a transaction causes an abnormal credit balance, the Office of Management
and Budget's approval for use of resources is required. When anticipated accounts
are not used, credit USSGL account 445000 or credit USSGL account 462000 if
funds are exempt from apportionment. Also post USSGL TC-B134 if funded by a
direct appropriation. Also post USSGL TC-A122 if recoveries were previously
anticipated and apportioned or USSGL TC-A123 if recoveries were previously
anticipated in programs exempt from apportionment. The payroll and related benefit
liabilities in this transaction are only for work-in-process. For other payroll-related
transactions, see USSGL TCs-E104 through E117. Also post USSGL TCs G120,
G122, and G124 to track purchases.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; USSGL Budgetary Accounting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Debit 487100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Undelivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
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Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Credit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Credit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Credit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Credit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Credit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Credit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
D136 To record the amount of unfunded indefinite contract authority that is withdrawn due to recoveries
of prior-year obligations.
Comment: Also Post USSGL TC-D120.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 413400 Contract Authority Withdrawn
Proprietary Entry
D138 To record the amount of indefinite borrowing authority that is withdrawn due to recoveries of
prior-year obligations.
Comment: Also Post USSGL TC-D120.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Borrowing Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 414400 Borrowing Authority Withdrawn
Proprietary Entry
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D140 To record an upward adjustment to prior-year unpaid delivered orders for the change in allocation
of budgetary resources between certain trust fund and agency general fund Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Comment: This transaction is to be used only by the specific TAFS identified in the USSGL
scenario identified in the transaction origin.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Adjustments for Change in Prior-Year Allocation
of Budgetary Resources (Social Security Administration and Department of Health
and Human Services related TAFS only)
Budgetary Entry
Debit 432000 Adjustments for Changes in Prior-Year Allocations of Budgetary
Credit 498100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Credit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
D141 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year unpaid delivered orders pertaining to cancellations
of authority in an invested Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-F123 for the cancellation of authority.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Cancellations of Expenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Credit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
D142 To record a downward adjustment to prior-year unpaid delivered orders for the change in allocation
of budgetary resources between certain trust fund and agency general fund Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Comment: This transaction is to be used only by the specific TAFS identified in the USSGL
scenario identified in the transaction origin.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Adjustments for Change in Prior-Year Allocation
of Budgetary Resources (Social Security Administration and Department of Health
and Human Services related TAFS only).
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 432000 Adjustments for Changes in Prior-Year Allocations of Budgetary
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Credit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
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D144 To record an upward adjustment to prior-year balances in budgetary receivable USSGL account
4225 "Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Receivable" for the change in allocation
of budgetary resources between certain trust fund and agency general fund Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Comment: Reverse this transaction for a downward adjustment. This transaction is to be used
only by the specific TAFS identified in the USSGL scenario identified in the
transaction origin.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Adjustments for Change in Prior-Year Allocation
of Budgetary Resources (Social Security Administration and Department of Health
and Human Services related TAFS only)
Budgetary Entry
Debit 422500 Expenditure Transfers From Trust Funds - Receivable
Credit 432000 Adjustments for Changes in Prior-Year Allocations of Budgetary
Proprietary Entry
Debit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Credit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
D145 To record in the canceled appropriation the removal of the canceled payable upon receipt of a valid
bill. The budgetary entry reduces the balance of authority that remained upon cancellation.
Comment: Simultaneously post USSGL TC-B412 in an unexpired appropriation that is
available for the same purpose as the closed account. See Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A-11 for additional guidance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Canceled Payables
Budgetary Entry
Debit 435000 Canceled Authority
Credit 420800 Adjustment to Total Resources - Disposition of Canceled Payables
Proprietary Entry
Debit 296000 Accounts Payable From Canceled Appropriations
Credit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
D146 To record an accrual of downward reestimate for loan subsidies in the program fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-D147. Transactions USSGL TC-D146 and TC-D147 should be
done simultaneously in both the credit reform program and financing accounts. See
USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Basic Accounting and Reporting for Direct Loan
Programs Without Collateral in Federal Credit Programs; General Fund Receipt
Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
Credit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
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D147 To adjust the loan guarantee liability and direct loan allowance for downward reestimate of subsidy
expense in the financing account.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D146. Transactions USSGL TC-D146 and TC-D147 should
be done simultaneously in both the credit reform program and financing accounts.
See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Debit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Credit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
D148 To accrue the transfer-out of a downward reestimate to a General Fund receipt account.
Comment: The actual transfer of cash should be made the year following the accrual. See
USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Basic Accounting and Reporting for Direct Loan
Programs Without Collateral in Federal Credit Programs; General Fund Receipt
Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 577600 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred Out
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
D149 To record negative subsidy disbursement in the financing fund.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D150 for the program account and TC-E509 for the financing
account to record the transfer to the General Fund Receipt Account.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
D150 To adjust program fund for negative subsidy disbursement from the financing fund.
Comment: See USSGL TC-D149. Transactions USSGL TC-D149 and TC-D150 should be
done simultaneously in both the credit reform program and financing fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
Credit 619900 Adjustment to Subsidy Expense
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D300 - D399 Adjustments/Writeoffs/Reclassification - Prior-Period Adjustments
D302 To record appropriations used for a prior period that was a result of a change in accounting
Comment: Special and trust funds receiving appropriations from the General Fund of the U.S.
Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310900 Unexpended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 570900 Expended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Changes in Accounting Principles
D304 To record appropriations used for a prior period that was a result of a correction of an error.
Comment: Special and trust funds receiving direct appropriations from the General Fund of the
U.S. Government and/or transfers of unexpended appropriations may record USSGL
accounts in the 310000 series.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310500 Unexpended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors - Years Preceding the Prior-Year
Debit 310800 Unexpended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors
Credit 570500 Expended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors - Years Preceding the Prior-Year
Credit 570800 Expended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors
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D306 To record a prior-period adjustment that reduces the value of a prior-year asset.
Comment: If the downward adjustment is due to corrections of errors, debit USSGL account
740000. For prior-period adjustments due to changes in accounting principles debit
USSGL account 740100. For prior-period adjustments due to corrections of errors in
years preceding the prior year, debit USSGL account 740500. Also Post: USSGL
TC-D302 if the prior period adjustment due to changes in accounting principle is
associated with direct appropriations. USSGL TC-D304 for a prior-period
adjustment due to corrections of errors that requires restatement, and associated with
a direct appropriation. USSGL TC-D102 (budgetary entry only) if the adjustment
has a downward budgetary impact to prior-year unpaid delivered orders-obligations,
recoveries and the appropriation has expired. USSGL TC-D108 (budgetary entry
only) if the adjustment has a downward budgetary impact on prior-year paid
delivered orders-obligations, refunds collected. USSGL TC-D110 (budgetary entry
only) if the adjustment has a downward budgetary impact to prior-year unpaid
delivered orders-obligations, recoveries, and has not expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Debit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Debit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
Debit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise
Debit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Debit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Debit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets
Relief Program
Debit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Debit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Debit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the Bureau
of the Fiscal Service
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
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Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Debit 184900 Allowance for Depletion
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Debit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Debit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 111000 Undeposited Collections
Credit 112000 Imprest Funds
Credit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 119000 Other Cash
Credit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 119500 Other Monetary Assets
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Credit 151400 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Repair
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Credit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
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Credit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
Credit 153200 Seized Cash Deposited
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 169000 Other Investments
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 192300 Contingent Receivable for Capital Transfers
Credit 192500 Capital Transfers Receivable
Credit 199000 Other Assets
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D308 To record a prior-period adjustment that reduces the value of a liability.
Comment: If the downward adjustment is due to corrections of errors, credit USSGL account
740000. For prior-period adjustments due to changes in accounting principles credit
USSGL account 740100. For prior-period adjustments due to corrections of errors in
years preceding the prior year, credit USSGL account 740500. Also Post: USSGL
TC-D302 if the prior period adjustment due to changes in accounting principle is
associated with direct appropriations. USSGL TC-D304 for a prior-period
adjustment due to corrections of errors that requires restatement, and associated with
a direct appropriation. USSGL TC-D102 (budgetary entry only) if the adjustment
has a downward budgetary impact to prior-year unpaid delivered orders -
obligations, recoveries and the appropriation has expired. USSGL TC-D108
(budgetary entry only) if the adjustment has a downward budgetary impact on prior-
year paid delivered orders - obligations, and refunds collected. USSGL TC-D110
(budgetary entry only) if the adjustment has a downward budgetary impact to prior-
year unpaid delivered orders - obligations, recoveries, and has not expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 212000 Disbursements in Transit
Debit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Debit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Debit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Debit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Debit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 217000 Subsidy Payable to the Financing Account
Debit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Debit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Debit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Debit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Debit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Debit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Debit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Debit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Debit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Debit 222000 Unfunded Leave
Debit 222500 Unfunded FECA Liability
Debit 229000 Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability
Debit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Debit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Debit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Debit 253000 Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and Special
Financing Authority
Debit 253200 Premium on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and
Special Financing Authority
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Account Transactions
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August 2018
Debit 253300 Amortization of Discount on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies
Under General and Special Financing Authority
Debit 254000 Participation Certificates
Debit 259000 Other Debt
Debit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Debit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Debit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Debit 265000 Actuarial FECA Liability
Debit 266000 Actuarial Liabilities for Federal Insurance and Guarantee Programs
Debit 267000 Actuarial Liabilities for Treasury-Managed Benefit Programs
Debit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
Debit 291000 Prior Liens Outstanding on Acquired Collateral
Debit 292000 Contingent Liabilities
Debit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
Debit 296000 Accounts Payable From Canceled Appropriations
Debit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
Debit 298000 Custodial Liability
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
Credit 253100 Discount on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General
and Special Financing Authority
Credit 253400 Amortization of Premium on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies
Under General and Special Financing Authority
Credit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Credit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
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D310 To record a prior-period adjustment that increases the value of a prior-year asset.
Comment: If the upward adjustment is due to corrections of errors, credit USSGL account
740000. For prior-period adjustments due to changes in accounting principles credit
USSGL account 740100. For prior-period adjustments due to corrections of errors in
years preceding the prior year, credit USSGL account 740500. If the prior period
adjustment due to changes in accounting principle is associated with direct
appropriations, reverse USSGL TC-D302. For a prior period adjustment due to
corrections of errors, reverse USSGL TC-D304. Also Post: USSGL TC-D106
(budgetary entry only) if the adjustment has an upward budgetary impact on prior-
year unpaid delivered orders-obligations, and the authority has expired. USSGL TC-
D114 (budgetary entry only) if the adjustment has an upward budgetary impact on
prior year undelivered orders when the bill is more than the original undelivered
order, and the authority has expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 111000 Undeposited Collections
Debit 112000 Imprest Funds
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Debit 119000 Other Cash
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Debit 119500 Other Monetary Assets
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Debit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Debit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Debit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Debit 151400 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Repair
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
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Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Debit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
Debit 153200 Seized Cash Deposited
Debit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Debit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 169000 Other Investments
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 192300 Contingent Receivable for Capital Transfers
Debit 192500 Capital Transfers Receivable
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Credit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise
Credit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
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Credit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled
Assets Relief Program
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Credit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Credit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Credit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
Credit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Credit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Credit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Credit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Credit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Credit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Credit 184900 Allowance for Depletion
Credit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Credit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Credit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
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August 2018
D312 To record a prior-period adjustment that increases the value of a prior-year liability.
Comment: If the upward adjustment is due to corrections of errors, debit USSGL account
740000. For prior-period adjustments due to changes in accounting principles debit
USSGL account 740100. For prior-period adjustments due to corrections of errors in
the years preceding the prior year, debit USSGL account 740500. If the prior period
adjustment due to changes in accounting principle is associated with direct
appropriations, reverse USSGL TC-D302. For a prior-period adjustment due to
corrections of errors, reverse USSGL TC-D304. Also Post: USSGL TC-D106
(budgetary entry only) if the adjustment has an upward budgetary impact on prior-
year unpaid delivered orders - obligations, refunds collected and the authority has
expired. USSGL TC-D114 (budgetary entry only) if the adjustment has an upward
budgetary impact on prior year undelivered orders when the bill is more than the
original undelivered order, and the authority has expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Prior-Period Adjustments
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 253100 Discount on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and
Special Financing Authority
Debit 253400 Amortization of Premium on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies
Under General and Special Financing Authority
Debit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Debit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Debit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 211200 Accounts Payable for Federal Government Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 212000 Disbursements in Transit
Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 214100 Accrued Interest Payable - Loans
Credit 214200 Accrued Interest Payable - Debt
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Credit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 217000 Subsidy Payable to the Financing Account
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Credit 221100 Withholdings Payable
Credit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
Credit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Credit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 222000 Unfunded Leave
Credit 222500 Unfunded FECA Liability
Credit 229000 Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability
Credit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Credit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Credit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
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August 2018
Credit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Credit 253000 Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General and Special
Financing Authority
Credit 253200 Premium on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies Under General
and Special Financing Authority
Credit 253300 Amortization of Discount on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies
Under General and Special Financing Authority
Credit 254000 Participation Certificates
Credit 259000 Other Debt
Credit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Credit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Credit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Credit 265000 Actuarial FECA Liability
Credit 266000 Actuarial Liabilities for Federal Insurance and Guarantee Programs
Credit 267000 Actuarial Liabilities for Treasury-Managed Benefit Programs
Credit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
Credit 291000 Prior Liens Outstanding on Acquired Collateral
Credit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
Credit 296000 Accounts Payable From Canceled Appropriations
Credit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
Credit 298000 Custodial Liability
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
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August 2018
D400 - D499 Adjustments/Writeoffs/Reclassification - Writeoffs
D402 To record an allowance for a reduction in exchange revenue due to noncredit losses such as returns,
allowances, and price redeterminations from non-Federal sources when realization is not probable
(less likely than not).
Comment: For reduction in exchange revenue due to credit losses, see USSGL TC-D404.
Reverse this transaction when collected.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue
and Other Financing Sources." For more information, see paragraph 41 of FASAB
SFFAS No. 7.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 510900 Contra Revenue for Goods Sold
Debit 520900 Contra Revenue for Services Provided
Debit 531500 Contra Revenue for Dividend Income Accounted for Under the
Provisions of the Federal Credit Reform Act
Debit 531700 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Debit 531900 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Other
Debit 532900 Contra Revenue for Administrative Fees
Debit 540900 Contra Revenue for Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Debit 550900 Contra Revenue for Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Debit 560900 Contra Revenue for Donations - Financial Resources
Debit 561900 Contra Donated Revenue - Nonfinancial Resources
Debit 564900 Contra Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
Debit 565900 Contra Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
Debit 583000 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 583100 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Individual
Debit 583200 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Corporate
Debit 583300 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Unemployment
Debit 583400 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Excise
Debit 583500 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Estate and Gift
Debit 583600 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Customs
Debit 590900 Contra Revenue for Other Revenue
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Credit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled
Assets Relief Program
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August 2018
D404 To record the estimated allowance for bad debts related to non-credit-reform receivables.
Comment: This transaction should be used when a realization of revenue is not probable due to
credit losses, see paragraph 40, SFFAS 7. For losses other than credit losses, see TC
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 4, "Managerial Cost
Accounting Concepts and Standards"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 672000 Bad Debt Expense
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Credit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise
Credit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
D405 To record the estimated allowance for bad debts related to non-credit-reform receivables in a
nonfiduciary deposit fund. Deposit funds do not recognize net gains or losses
Comment: This TC illustrates an estimated allowance for bad debts relating to accounts
receivable from non-federal entities. Allowance for Bad Debts generally should not
be recorded for intragovernmental accounts receivable.
Reference: SFFAS 7, Revenue and Other Financing Sources, paragraph 239, and USSGL
Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Funds with Investment Authority and
Clearing Accounts.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
D406 To record the writeoff of penalties and fines receivable.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise
Debit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
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August 2018
D407 To record the writeoff of administrative fees receivable.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Debit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
D408 To record the writeoff of accounts receivable.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
D410 To record the writeoff of taxes receivable.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Miscellaneous Receipts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Credit 132500 Taxes Receivable
D412 To record the writeoff of loans receivable for loans made before fiscal 1992.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
D413 To writeoff loans receivable related to Troubled Assets Relief Program.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
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III AT - 202
August 2018
D414 To record the writeoff of loans receivable and interest receivable for credit reform loans made after
fiscal 1991.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
D415 To record the writeoff of interest receivable related to Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets
Relief Program
Credit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
D416 To record the writeoff of interest receivable.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
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August 2018
D418 To record the writeoff of assets other than investments.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
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August 2018
D420 To record the accrued estimated uncollectible exchange revenue due to credit losses with related
costs incurred and collected for others in a General Fund receipt account.
Comment: Reverse USSGL TC-C405 to adjust USSGL account 298500, "Liability for Non-
entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity." This activity
will not be reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or the custodial footnote.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue and Other Financing Sources and
Concepts for Reconciling Budgetary and Financial Accounting," Paragraph No. 40.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 672000 Bad Debt Expense
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise
Credit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
D422 To record the reduction of custodial liability by the amount of estimated uncollectible exchange
revenue with virtually no costs collected for others in a General Fund receipt account.
Comment: This activity is reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial
Reference: For more information on exchange revenue with virtually no costs, see paragraphs
45, 140, and 146, SFFAS No. 7.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 298000 Custodial Liability
Credit 599100 Accrued Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
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August 2018
D424 To record in a General Fund receipt account, the accrued estimated uncollectible nonexchange
revenue and exchange revenue with virtually no cost reported on the Statement of Custodial
Activity or on the custodial footnote.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D422. See USSGL TC-D420 for other than revenue reported
on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial footnote.
Reference: For more information on exchange revenue with virtually no cost, see paragraphs
45, 140, and 146 and for more information on uncollectible nonexchange revenue,
see paragraph 56 of FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue and Other
Financing Sources and Concepts for Reconciling Budgetary and Financial
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 531500 Contra Revenue for Dividend Income Accounted for Under the
Provisions of the Federal Credit Reform Act
Debit 531700 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Debit 531900 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Other
Debit 532400 Contra Revenue for Penalties and Fines
Debit 532900 Contra Revenue for Administrative Fees
Debit 583000 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 583100 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Individual
Debit 583200 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Corporate
Debit 583300 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Unemployment
Debit 583400 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Excise
Debit 583500 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Estate and Gift
Debit 583600 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Customs
Debit 590900 Contra Revenue for Other Revenue
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Credit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise
Credit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled
Assets Relief Program
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August 2018
D426 To record an adjustment to loans receivable based on acquired collateral property.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
Credit 291000 Prior Liens Outstanding on Acquired Collateral
D428 To record an adjustment for actual loss of inventory.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Credit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
D430 To record an adjustment for actual loss of forfeited property.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
D432 To record an adjustment for actual loss of commodities that was disposed but not sold.
Comment: For the actual loss on commodities from sales, see USSGL TC C642.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
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August 2018
D434 To record assets purchased to store environmental waste from past operations at net book value of
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Environmental Cleanup Cost Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
Credit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
D436 To record a refund of offsetting collections, other than advances, that were collected in a prior-
Comment: See USSGL TC-A712 for refunds of advances. See USSGL TC-D438 for refunds of
trust or special fund receipts.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 510900 Contra Revenue for Goods Sold
Debit 520900 Contra Revenue for Services Provided
Debit 531700 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Debit 531900 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Other
Debit 532400 Contra Revenue for Penalties and Fines
Debit 532900 Contra Revenue for Administrative Fees
Debit 540900 Contra Revenue for Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Debit 550900 Contra Revenue for Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Debit 560900 Contra Revenue for Donations - Financial Resources
Debit 561900 Contra Donated Revenue - Nonfinancial Resources
Debit 590900 Contra Revenue for Other Revenue
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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D438 To record a refund of trust or special fund receipts that was received in a prior-year.
Comment: See USSGL TC-A712 for refunds of advances. See USSGL TC-D436 for refunds of
offsetting collections, other than advances.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Proprietary Entry
Debit 531700 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Debit 531900 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Other
Debit 532400 Contra Revenue for Penalties and Fines
Debit 532900 Contra Revenue for Administrative Fees
Debit 540900 Contra Revenue for Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Debit 550900 Contra Revenue for Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Debit 560900 Contra Revenue for Donations - Financial Resources
Debit 561900 Contra Donated Revenue - Nonfinancial Resources
Debit 583000 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 583100 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Individual
Debit 583200 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Corporate
Debit 583300 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Unemployment
Debit 583400 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Excise
Debit 583500 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Estate and Gift
Debit 583600 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Customs
Debit 590900 Contra Revenue for Other Revenue
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
D500 - D799 Adjustments/Writeoffs/Reclassification - Reclassification/Revaluation
D502 To establish or record an increase to Imprest Funds or U.S. Debit Card Funds.
Comment: Reverse when funds are returned to fund balance with Treasury. See Treasury
Financial Manual Part 4--Chapter 3000 Third-Party Draft Procedures for Imprest
Fund Disbursing Activities
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 112000 Imprest Funds
Debit 112500 U.S. Debit Card Funds
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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D503 To record valuation increase in Government Sponsored Enterprise Preferred and/or Common Stock
and/or Beneficial Interest Trust at the end of year.
Comment: Also Post USSGL TC-C147. Reverse transaction for decreases
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 165100 Market Adjustment - Senior Preferred Stock in Federal Government
Sponsored Enterprise
Debit 165300 Market Adjustment - Common Stock Warrants in Federal Government
Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 592200 Valuation Change in Investments for Federal Government
Sponsored Enterprise
Credit 592300 Valuation Change in Investments - Beneficial Interest in Trust
D504 To record clearing of the prior-year imprest fund from an annual-year Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS) at the beginning of the next fiscal year.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 112000 Imprest Funds
D506 To record disbursements from nonfiduciary deposit funds. This includes return of escrow amounts
and erroneous receipts and disbursing escrow monies to pay bills, taxes, and insurance.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 113500 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Non-Budgetary
Credit 119000 Other Cash
Credit 153200 Seized Cash Deposited
D507 To record the classification of amounts from clearing accounts to the appropriate Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS).
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 241000 Liability for Clearing Accounts
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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D508 To record the reclassification of expended balances held back from contractors from accounts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 213000 Contract Holdbacks
D510 To record the transfer of construction-in-progress to capitalized assets or expenses.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
D512 To record the realization that contractor-developed software-in-development is in production.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
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D514 To record the reclassification of expenses to asset accounts.
Comment: Due to the reconciliation of interagency expenses and revenues, agencies must first
record all direct costs to the USSGL account 600000, "Expenses" series and then
offset those amounts using the USSGL account 661000, "Cost Capitalization
Offset," when the costs are subsequently capitalized to the appropriate "in process"
asset account or part of an Assisted Acquisition with another Federal Agency
resulting in the recording of an asset. Also post USSGL TC G120, G122, or G124 if
using this entry to post to a finished asset account.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 660000 Applied Overhead
Credit 661000 Cost Capitalization Offset
D516 To record the raw materials used to produce goods.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
D518 To record the revaluation of foreclosed property.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Guide to Basic Accounting and Reporting for
Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit Reform Programs (Appendix 1)
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
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D520 To record completed inventory items.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
D522 To record the reclassification of inventory held for sale that meets management's criteria for future
Comment: Reverse entry when assets become saleable.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
D523 To record the reclassification of damaged, irreparable inventory held for sale.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
D524 To record damaged inventory items that need repair.
Comment: Reverse this entry when repairs are completed.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
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D526 To record the turn-in of a broken part from operating materials and supplies held for repair.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-D530.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151400 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Repair
Credit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
D528 To record the revaluation of a turned-in broken part from operating materials and supplies held for
repair based on estimated repair costs.
Comment: Reverse this entry when the repaired broken part is returned to stock as a serviceable
item. See USSGL TC-D526.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Operating Materials and Supplies
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
D530 To record a repaired broken part that has been returned to stock as a serviceable item.
Comment: Use the original value of the part when it was turned in for repair (before the
revaluation of the part based on the estimated repair cost). See USSGL TCs-D526
and D528.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151400 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Repair
D532 To record prior-period adjustments for transitions to the allowance method for estimated repair
costs not previously recorded.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
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D534 To record damaged inventory, using the direct method, items that need repair.
Comment: Inventory held for repair is valued the same as a serviceable item less estimated
repair costs.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
D536 To record prior-year adjustments for transitions to the direct method for estimated repair costs not
previously recorded.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
D538 To record issuance of a new motor vehicle to the customer. The cost of goods sold represents the
cost of the new vehicle. Upon sale, adjust inventory allowance to reduce the previously unrealized
holding gains/losses.
Comment: This entry is a part of how the Department of Defense accounts for its repairable
items involving trade-ins.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
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D540 To record a gain when inventory is revalued at the end of the period, using the latest acquisition
Comment: Reverse this transaction if there is a loss upon revaluation using the latest acquisition
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
D542 To record the classification of operating materials and supplies held for use that were damaged and
cannot be consumed in operations. This entry also applies to excess or obsolete operating materials
and supplies when the net realizable value is less than the book value.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
D544 To record the reclassification of operating materials and supplies that meet management's criteria
for future use.
Comment: Reverse this entry when ready to use.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
D545 To record completed Operating Materials and Supplies items that were in development.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
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D546 To reclassify excess or reserved assets to assets held for use.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
D548 To record an unexpected permanent decline in the value of stockpile materials. This entry also
applies to record stockpile material at net realizable value due to damage.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
D550 To record a permanent decline in value of stockpile materials that is unusual, infrequent, and
material in dollar amount.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 730000 Extraordinary Items
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
D552 To reclassify stockpile materials authorized to be sold.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
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D554 To record the forfeiture of a seized monetary instrument.
Comment: See USSGL TC-D555 for the disposal of seized monetary instruments.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 564000 Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
Credit 565000 Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
D555 To record a removal of a seized monetary instrument.
Comment: See USSGL TC-D554 to record the forfeiture of seized monetary instruments.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
D556 To record the conversion to cash for a forfeited monetary instrument.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 111000 Undeposited Collections
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
D558 To record forfeited personal property placed into official use.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
Debit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 565000 Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
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D560 To record forfeited personal property placed into official use at the end of the year and not
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 175000 Equipment
Credit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
D562 To record forfeited personal property authorized to be distributed/donated to another entity.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
Debit 232000 Other Deferred Revenue
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
D564 To record an adjustment to the net realizable value of commodities.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
D566 To record inventory that has been lost and deemed immaterial.
Comment: Reverse this entry for immaterial inventory that has been found.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
D568 To record inventory that has been lost and deemed material.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
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D569 To record inventory that has been found and deemed material.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 719000 Other Gains
D570 To record a gain on change in long-term assumptions related to federal pensions, Other Retirement
Benefits or Other Post Employment Benefits, including veteran's compensation.
Reference: Gains and Losses on Pensions, Other Retirement Benefits or Other Post
Employment Benefits Assumption Changes Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Debit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Debit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Debit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
Credit 717100 Gains on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions - From Experience
Credit 727100 Gains on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions
D571 To record a loss on change in long-term assumptions related to federal pensions, Other Retirement
Benefits or Other Post Employment Benefits, including veteran's compensation.
Reference: Gains and Losses on Pensions, Other Retirement Benefits or Other Post
Employment Benefits Assumption Scenario.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 717200 Losses on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions - From Experience
Debit 727200 Losses on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions
Credit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Credit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Credit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Credit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
D572 To record a loss from the revaluation of foreign currency at the end of an accounting period.
Comment: Agencies that have foreign currency account symbols in the X7000 series refer to
USSGL TCs-C192, C194, C440, D576, and D578.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for Purchased Foreign Currency
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
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D573 To record a loss due to foreign exchange rate changes on Exchange Stabilization Fund assets.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Credit 167900 Foreign Exchange Rate Revalue Adjustments - Investments
D574 To record a gain from the revaluation of foreign currency at the end of an accounting period.
Comment: Agencies that have foreign currency account symbols in the X7000 series refer to
USSGL TCs-C192, C194, C440, D576, and D578.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for Purchased Foreign Currency
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 719000 Other Gains
D575 To record a realized gain due to foreign exchange rate changes on Exchange Stabilization Fund
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Debit 167900 Foreign Exchange Rate Revalue Adjustments - Investments
Credit 719000 Other Gains
D576 To record a loss resulting from the revaluation of foreign currency in the Foreign Currency
Account Symbol (X7000 series) at the end of an accounting period.
Comment: Agencies that have Foreign Currency Account Symbol (X7000 series) will make
this entry.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for X7000 Accounts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
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D578 To record a gain resulting from the revaluation of foreign currency in the Foreign Currency
Account Symbol (X7000 series) at the end of an accounting period.
Comment: Agencies that have Foreign Currency Account Symbol (X7000 series) will make
this entry.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for X7000 Accounts
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 719000 Other Gains
D579 To record the accumulated unrealized gain or loss on financial stability and foreign currency
investments on a monthly basis.
Comment: This account captures Exchange Stabilization Fund valuation activity. Reverse this
transaction for a loss.
Reference: SFFAS 7, "Accounting for Revenue and Other Financing Sources" Paragraph 238
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 592100 Valuation Change in Investments - Exchange Stabilization Fund
D580 To record the interest accruals on loan guarantee liabilities and the present value of loans.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Federal Credit Reform Program Basic
Accounting and Reporting Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Credit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
D581 To reclassify a contingent receivable related to a capital transfer receivable in a Treasury general
fund receipt account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Capital Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 192500 Capital Transfers Receivable
Credit 192300 Contingent Receivable for Capital Transfers
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D582 To record the reclassification of a reduction of an expense from unfunded to funded due to
collection of a refund receivable.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
D584 To reclassify the offset from the revenue accrued to the revenue collected for others that is reported
on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the custodial footnote.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599000 Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
Credit 599100 Accrued Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
D585 To reclassify the offset from the revenue or other financing sources accrued to revenue or other
financing sources collected for others that is not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or
on the custodial footnote.
Comment: To reclassify revenue offset reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on
the custodial footnote from accrued to collected, see USSGL TC-D584. See USSGL
TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 599300 Offset to Non-Entity Collections - Statement of Changes in Net
Credit 599400 Offset to Non-Entity Accrued Collections - Statement of Changes in
Net Position
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D586 To reclassify tax revenue from accrued to collected.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 582000 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 582100 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Individual
Debit 582200 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Corporate
Debit 582300 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Unemployment
Debit 582400 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Excise
Debit 582500 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Estate and Gift
Debit 582600 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Customs
Credit 580000 Tax Revenue Collected - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 580100 Tax Revenue Collected - Individual
Credit 580200 Tax Revenue Collected - Corporate
Credit 580300 Tax Revenue Collected - Unemployment
Credit 580400 Tax Revenue Collected - Excise
Credit 580500 Tax Revenue Collected - Estate and Gift
Credit 580600 Tax Revenue Collected - Customs
D588 To record the movement of seized cash from a nonfiduciary deposit fund to a special receipt
account upon forfeiture.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
Credit 153200 Seized Cash Deposited
D589 To record the market value adjustment between the amortized cost and the current market value of
investments. In accordance with Federal accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) SFFAS
No. 5, "Accounting for Liabilities of the Federal Government," paragraph 50, do not use this
transaction for market adjustments for fixed value securities.
Comment: For an unrealized gain, USSGL 1618 would be a debit.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Investments Not Held to Maturity
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 728000 Unrealized Losses
Credit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Credit 718000 Unrealized Gains
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D591 To record the monetization of SDR certificates.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 219200 Special Drawing Right (SDR) Certificates Issued to Federal Reserve
D592 To record fair value adjustments (unrealized gain) of Exchange Stabilization Fund investments.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 167900 Foreign Exchange Rate Revalue Adjustments - Investments
Credit 718100 Unrealized Gain - Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
D594 To record fair value (unrealized loss) of Exchange Stabilization Fund investments.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 728100 Unrealized Losses - Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Credit 167900 Foreign Exchange Rate Revalue Adjustments - Investments
D595 To record allocations on Special Drawing Rights.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 219300 Allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
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August 2018
D600 To record the reclassification of Exchange Stabilization Fund investment.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120500 Foreign Currency Denominated Equivalent Assets
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 167000 Foreign Investments
Debit 167200 Premium on Foreign Investments
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 167100 Discount on Foreign Investments
D601 To record reclassification of Exchange Stabilization Fund foreign currency rate adjustment.
Comment: For the Department of the Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 167900 Foreign Exchange Rate Revalue Adjustments - Investments
Credit 167000 Foreign Investments
D602 To record an IMF Quota increase due to a new agreement for Special Drawing Rights.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
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D603 To record the reclassification of rate adjustment for Fixed rate investment with the Bank of
International Settlement.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 167900 Foreign Exchange Rate Revalue Adjustments - Investments
D604 To record the realized gains from the revaluation to US dollar for Special Drawing Rights
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 719000 Other Gains
D606 To record the realized loss from the revaluation to US dollar for Special Drawing Rights Holdings.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 429500 Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
D608 To record the realized loss from the revaluation to US dollars for Special Drawing Right
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 219300 Allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
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D610 To record the realized gain from the revaluation to US dollars for Special Drawing Right
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 219300 Allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
Credit 719000 Other Gains
D612 To record SDR interest and charges accrual with a net effect of an unrealized gain.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 498100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134400 Interest Receivable on Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
Debit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Debit 729100 Losses for Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Accrued Interest and
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 719100 Gains for Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Accrued Interest and
D614 To record SDR interest and charges accrual with a net effect of an unrealized loss.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Credit 498100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Proprietary Entry
Debit 134400 Interest Receivable on Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
Debit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Debit 729100 Losses for Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Accrued Interest and
Credit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 719100 Gains for Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Accrued Interest and
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D616 To record the tru up of Special Drawing right interest accrual and charges for the Quarter.
Comment: For the Department of Treasury use only.
Reference: Other USSGL Guidance: Accounting and Reporting Exchange Stabilization Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 426800 Interest Collected From Foreign Securities and Special Drawing
Rights (SDR)
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 463500 Funds Not Available - Adjustments to the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF)
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Debit 214000 Accrued Interest Payable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134400 Interest Receivable on Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
D620 To record the amount of appropriation derived from the General Fund of the U.S. Government or
offsetting collections previously sequestered in the unexpired phase but unavailable for obligation
in the subsequent fiscal year that must be made available for cancellation.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 438500 Temporary Sequester Returned for Cancellation
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
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E100 - E399 Accruals/Nonbudgetary Transfers Other Than Disbursements and Collections -
Accrual, Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
E102 To record the accrued payroll at the end of the accounting period for unpaid estimated costs
incurred. This includes funded expenses such as payroll and grantee expenses.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Reverse accruals at
the beginning of the next accounting period. See USSGL TC-E104 for benefit
expenses. Due to the reconciliation of interagency expenses and revenues, agencies
must first record all direct costs to a USSGL account 600000 expense series account
and then offset those amounts using the USSGL account 661000 when the costs are
capitalized to the appropriate "in-process type" account.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 219100 Employee Health Care Liability Incurred but Not Reported
Credit 221000 Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave
Credit 221100 Withholdings Payable
E104 To record the accrued benefit at the end of the accounting period for unpaid estimated costs
incurred. This entry is recorded by the employer agency.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Reverse accruals at
the beginning of the next accounting period.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 221300 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable
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E106 To record the accrued benefits at the end of the accounting period for unpaid estimated costs
incurred. This entry is recorded by the benefit administering agency.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Reverse accruals at
the beginning of the next accounting period.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Debit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 216000 Entitlement Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 221500 Other Post Employment Benefits Due and Payable
Credit 221600 Pension Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
Credit 221700 Benefit Premiums Payable to Carriers
Credit 221800 Life Insurance Benefits Due and Payable to Beneficiaries
E108 To record the accrued liabilities other than payroll and benefits at the end of the accounting period
for unpaid estimated costs incurred.
Comment: If funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134. Reverse accruals at
the beginning of the next accounting period.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 219000 Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations
E109 To record the actual repair costs to inventory, using the allowance method, that were lower than
previously estimated.
Comment: In addition to this transaction, reverse USSGL TC-E410 when the actual costs are
lower or greater than the estimate. If funded by a direct appropriation, also post
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
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E110 To record an adjustment for under-applied overhead deemed immaterial.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS Nos. 4 and 7, "Managerial Cost
Accounting Concepts and Standards" and "Accounting for Revenue and Other
Financing Sources"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 660000 Applied Overhead
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
E112 To record an adjustment for over-applied overhead deemed immaterial.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS Nos. 3 and 4, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property" and "Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 660000 Applied Overhead
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
E113 To record the amortization of the discount on a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond in a Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) other than a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Fiduciary deposit funds would not record the budgetary entry. See USSGL TC-E119
for amortization of a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service in a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special Fund
Debit 429000 Amortization of Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Credit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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August 2018
E114 To record adjustments for under-applied overhead and to prorate the difference between the actual
and applied, if the amount is material.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS Nos. 3 and 4, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property" and "Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Debit 660000 Applied Overhead
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
E115 To record the amortization of the discount on non-federal securities in a nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Reverse this entry for amortization of a premium. For amortization of the discount
on a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service to
a nonfiduciary deposit fund, see USSGL TC-E119. A nonfiduciary deposit fund
should not have net position. Also record TC-E205 so that there will not be an
impact on net position.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
E116 To record adjustments for over-applied overhead and to prorate the difference between the actual
and applied, if the amount is material.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 4, "Managerial Cost
Accounting Concepts and Standards"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 660000 Applied Overhead
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
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E117 To record the amortization of the discount on Federal securities that does not affect budgetary
resources in a Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS). Also recorded for federal securities
held by nonfiduciary deposit funds
Comment: Reverse this entry for amortization of a premium. For amortization of the discount
on a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service,
see USSGL TC-E113. See USSGL TC-E115 for amortization of the discount on
non-federal securities in a nonfiduciary deposit fund. If federal securities held by
nonfiduciary deposit funds also record TC-E205.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
E118 To record amortization of subsidy for loans.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Direct Loan Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 531300 Interest Revenue - Subsidy Amortization
E119 To record the amortization of the discount on a U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service in nonfiduciary deposit fund. Also record TC-E205 so that there will
not be an impact on net position.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
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E120 To record depreciation, amortization, and depletion expense on assets other than investments.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
Credit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Credit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Credit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Credit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Credit 184900 Allowance for Depletion
Credit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
E121 To record the amortization of the discount on securities, accounted for under the Credit Reform
Act, that does not affect budgetary resources.
Comment: Reverse this entry for amortization of a premium.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
E122 To record accrued and compounded interest on the liability of loan guarantees.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Credit Reform Guarantee Loan Case Study
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 634000 Interest Expense Accrued on the Liability for Loan Guarantees
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
E124 To record in the issuing entity, the amortization of discount on securities held by a nonfiduciary
deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 632000 Interest Expenses on Securities
Credit 253300 Amortization of Discount on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies
Under General and Special Financing Authority
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August 2018
E126 To record in the issuing entity, the amortization of premium on securities held by a nonfiduciary
deposit fund.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 253400 Amortization of Premium on Securities Issued by Federal Agencies
Under General and Special Financing Authority
Credit 632000 Interest Expenses on Securities
E204 To record the reduction of partially canceled authority for the amount of an outstanding payable for
a valid bill related to a canceled appropriation.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-B134 to record the appropriation used to pay the outstanding
payable and TC-B412 to record an obligation and accounts payable for a valid bill
related to the canceled appropriation.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for Partial Cancellation - No-Year
TAFS With "Definite Authority"
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 809100 Partial or Early Cancellation of Authority
Credit 809200 Offset for Partial or Early Cancellation of Authority
E205 To record the amortization of the discount on Federal securities or interest receivable in a
nonfiduciary deposit fund.
Comment: Reverse this entry for amortization of a premium. For amortization of a discount on
U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bond issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service to a
nonfiduciary deposit fund see TC-E119. A nonfiduciary deposit fund should not
have net position. Also record TC-C418 or TC-E117 so that there will not be an
impact on net position.
Reference: USSGL Implementation Guide: Nonfiduciary Deposit Fund with Investment
Authority and Clearing Account Guidance
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 240000 Liability for Non-Fiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited
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August 2018
E400 - E499 Accruals/Nonbudgetary Transfers Other Than Disbursements and Collections -
Accumulated and Allocated Costs Not in Categories Above
E402 To record the imputed costs and related imputed financing sources.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 7, "Accounting for Revenue
and Other Financing Sources"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 673000 Imputed Costs
Credit 578000 Imputed Financing Sources
E404 To record the application of overhead expenses to work-in-process.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 660000 Applied Overhead
Credit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
E406 To record inventory used for operations.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
E408 To record cost of goods sold.
Comment: To record sales proceeds, see USSGL TCs-A714 and C186.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
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E410 To record the estimated repair costs for an item using the allowance method.
Comment: See USSGL TC-D534 for direct method.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property", paragraph 32
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
E412 To record actual repair costs using the direct method.
Comment: See USSGL TC-E414 to capitalize repairs up to the serviceable value of the item. If
funded by a direct appropriation, also post USSGL TC-B134.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 211000 Accounts Payable
E414 To capitalize previously expensed repair costs up to the serviceable value of the inventory item
using the direct method.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
E416 To record stockpile materials issued for use under the consumption method.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
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E418 To record a lien of real and intangible forfeited property in the allowance account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
E500 - E799 Accruals/Nonbudgetary Transfers Other Than Disbursements and Collections -
Transfers Without Budgetary Impact
E502 To record the loss on disposition of assets resulting from the transfer of ownership of general
property, plant, and equipment (land, buildings, equipment, and other) to non-Federal entities.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS Nos. 6 and 8, "Accounting for
Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E)" and "Supplementary Stewardship
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
E504 To record distributed personal property.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
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August 2018
E506 To record a commodity transferred to another Federal agency.
Comment: Upon transfer of the commodity, the carrying amount of the commodity held for
other purposes shall be removed from the commodity's asset account and reported as
an expense.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 240
August 2018
E508 To record the transfer-out of nonbudgetary or non-Federal accounts receivable to other Federal
entities without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E510, E512, and E514.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Debit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Debit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
Debit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise
Debit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Debit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Debit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets
Relief Program
Debit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Debit 577600 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred Out
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Credit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
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August 2018
E509 To record the transfer-out of nonbudgetary fund balances to other Federal entities without
Comment: See USSGL TC-F124 for the preclosing adjusting entry recorded at yearend.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 577600 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 242
August 2018
E510 To record the transfer-out of inventory items and general property, plant, and equipment to other
Federal entities without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E508, E512, and E514.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Debit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Debit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Debit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
Debit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Debit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Debit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
Debit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Debit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Debit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Debit 184900 Allowance for Depletion
Debit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Debit 573000 Financing Sources Transferred Out Without Reimbursement
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Credit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Credit 151400 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Repair
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Credit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Credit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Credit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Credit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Credit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Credit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
Credit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Credit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
Credit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Credit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Credit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Credit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Credit 159100 Other Related Property
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
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Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
E512 To record the transfer-out of investments to other Federal entities without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E508, E510, and E514.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the Bureau
of the Fiscal Service
Debit 573000 Financing Sources Transferred Out Without Reimbursement
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 169000 Other Investments
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 244
August 2018
E514 To record the transfer-out of accounts payable to other Federal entities without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E508, E510, and E512.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Debit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Debit 217000 Subsidy Payable to the Financing Account
Debit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Debit 222000 Unfunded Leave
Debit 222500 Unfunded FECA Liability
Debit 229000 Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability
Debit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Debit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Debit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Debit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Debit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Debit 265000 Actuarial FECA Liability
Debit 266000 Actuarial Liabilities for Federal Insurance and Guarantee Programs
Debit 267000 Actuarial Liabilities for Treasury-Managed Benefit Programs
Debit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
Debit 291000 Prior Liens Outstanding on Acquired Collateral
Debit 292000 Contingent Liabilities
Debit 292300 Contingent Liability for Capital Transfers
Debit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
Debit 296000 Accounts Payable From Canceled Appropriations
Debit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
Debit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Debit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
Credit 573000 Financing Sources Transferred Out Without Reimbursement
E516 To record a capital transfer receivable in a General Fund Receipt Account.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Capital Transfers.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 192300 Contingent Receivable for Capital Transfers
Credit 575600 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Capital
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 245
August 2018
E602 To record inventory or operating materials and supplies acquired through exchange of
nonmonetary assets.
Comment: An entity receiving assets of greater value than those exchanged recognizes a gain
and an entity receiving assets of lesser value recognizes a loss.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; FASAB SFFAS No. 3, "Accounting for
Inventory and Related Property"
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Debit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Credit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Credit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Credit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
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August 2018
E604 To record the transfer-in of nonbudgetary or non-Federal accounts receivable from others without
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E606, E608, and E610.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Debit 132500 Taxes Receivable
Debit 133000 Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Debit 133500 Expenditure Transfers Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Debit 138000 Loans Receivable - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Debit 138100 Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 131900 Allowance for Loss on Accounts Receivable
Credit 132900 Allowance for Loss on Taxes Receivable
Credit 134500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134600 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134700 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise
Credit 134800 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135900 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable
Credit 136500 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136700 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 136800 Allowance for Loss on Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137500 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137700 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Not
Otherwise Classified
Credit 137800 Allowance for Loss on Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 138500 Allowance for Loss on Interest Receivable - Loans - Troubled
Assets Relief Program
Credit 138900 Allowance for Subsidy - Loans - Troubled Assets Relief Program
Credit 139900 Allowance for Subsidy
Credit 577500 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred In
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 247
August 2018
E606 To record the transfer-in of inventory items and general property, plant, and equipment from others
without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E604, E608, and E610.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 151100 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Use
Debit 151200 Operating Materials and Supplies Held in Reserve for Future Use
Debit 151300 Operating Materials and Supplies - Excess, Obsolete, and
Debit 151400 Operating Materials and Supplies Held for Repair
Debit 151600 Operating Materials and Supplies in Development
Debit 152100 Inventory Purchased for Resale
Debit 152200 Inventory Held in Reserve for Future Sale
Debit 152300 Inventory Held for Repair
Debit 152400 Inventory - Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable
Debit 152500 Inventory - Raw Materials
Debit 152600 Inventory - Work-in-Process
Debit 152700 Inventory - Finished Goods
Debit 153100 Seized Monetary Instruments
Debit 154100 Forfeited Property Held for Sale
Debit 154200 Forfeited Property Held for Donation or Use
Debit 155100 Foreclosed Property
Debit 156100 Commodities Held Under Price Support and Stabilization Support
Debit 157100 Stockpile Materials Held in Reserve
Debit 157200 Stockpile Materials Held for Sale
Debit 159100 Other Related Property
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 151900 Operating Materials and Supplies - Allowance
Credit 152900 Inventory - Allowance
Credit 154900 Forfeited Property - Allowance
Credit 155900 Foreclosed Property - Allowance
Credit 156900 Commodities - Allowance
Credit 159900 Other Related Property - Allowance
Credit 171900 Accumulated Depreciation on Improvements to Land
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August 2018
Credit 173900 Accumulated Depreciation on Buildings, Improvements, and
Credit 174900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175900 Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment
Credit 181900 Accumulated Depreciation on Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182900 Accumulated Amortization on Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183900 Accumulated Amortization on Internal-Use Software
Credit 184900 Allowance for Depletion
Credit 189900 Accumulated Depreciation on Other General Property, Plant, and
Credit 572000 Financing Sources Transferred In Without Reimbursement
E608 To record the transfer-in of investments from others without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E604, E606, and E610.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 169000 Other Investments
Credit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Credit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 572000 Financing Sources Transferred In Without Reimbursement
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
Bulletin No. 2018-08
III AT - 249
August 2018
E610 To record the transfer-in of accounts payable from others without reimbursement.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TCs-E604, E606, and E608.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations; Transfer of Current-Year Authority; Transfer of
Prior-Year Balances; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500; Transfer of Receivable
of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 572000 Financing Sources Transferred In Without Reimbursement
Credit 215000 Payable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances
Credit 215500 Expenditure Transfers Payable
Credit 217000 Subsidy Payable to the Financing Account
Credit 218000 Loan Guarantee Liability
Credit 222000 Unfunded Leave
Credit 222500 Unfunded FECA Liability
Credit 229000 Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability
Credit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Credit 251000 Principal Payable to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 252000 Principal Payable to the Federal Financing Bank
Credit 261000 Actuarial Pension Liability
Credit 262000 Actuarial Health Insurance Liability
Credit 263000 Actuarial Life Insurance Liability
Credit 265000 Actuarial FECA Liability
Credit 266000 Actuarial Liabilities for Federal Insurance and Guarantee Programs
Credit 267000 Actuarial Liabilities for Treasury-Managed Benefit Programs
Credit 269000 Other Actuarial Liabilities
Credit 291000 Prior Liens Outstanding on Acquired Collateral
Credit 292000 Contingent Liabilities
Credit 292300 Contingent Liability for Capital Transfers
Credit 294000 Capital Lease Liability
Credit 296000 Accounts Payable From Canceled Appropriations
Credit 297000 Liability for Capital Transfers
Credit 299000 Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
Credit 299500 Estimated Cleanup Cost Liability
F100 - F299 Yearend - Preclosing Entries
F104 To record adjustments for anticipated nonexpenditure transfers not realized.
Comment: Balances in anticipated accounts must be zero at yearend.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 416000 Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 416500 Allocations of Authority - Anticipated From Invested Balances
Credit 418000 Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 418300 Anticipated Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative
Change of Purpose
Proprietary Entry
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August 2018
F106 To record the reductions of resources to match obligations in permanent indefinite funds.
Comment: To record as an adjusting entry before preparing the preclosing trial balance. Do not
process this transaction with USSGL TC-F108 unless indefinite authority needs
further adjusting.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 439100 Adjustments to Indefinite Appropriations
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
F107 To record an increase of resources to match obligations in permanent indefinite funds.
Comment: To record as an adjusting entry before preparing the preclosing trial balance.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439100 Adjustments to Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 451000 Apportionments
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
F108 To record the reduction of permanent indefinite resources when a warrant is received.
Comment: Do not process this transaction unless indefinite authority needs further adjusting.
Reverse entry for an increase.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 411100 Debt Liquidation Appropriations
Credit 411800 Reestimated Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Credit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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August 2018
F109 To record the removal of unfilled customer orders without advance in excess of obligations.
Comment: For expiring accounts only. To record as an adjusting entry before preparing the
preclosing trial balance.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
F110 To record the removal of unfilled customer orders with advance and to return advance in excess of
Comment: For expiring accounts only. To record as an adjusting entry before preparing the
preclosing trial balance.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 422200 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance
Proprietary Entry
Debit 231000 Liability for Advances and Prepayments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
F111 To record in the ordering fund the reduction to undelivered orders so that the balance equals
obligations in the performing fund for the related unfilled customer orders.
Comment: Process when both Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols are expiring. This
transaction complies with the Economy Act and Office of Management and Budget
Circular No. A-11, Section 20 (2004).
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Economy Act Scenario (December 2004)
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
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August 2018
F112 To record adjustments for anticipated resources not realized.
Comment: Balance in the anticipated accounts must be zero at yearend.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 405000 Anticipated Reductions to Appropriations by Offsetting Collections or
Debit 413100 Current-Year Contract Authority Realized
Debit 414100 Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 459000 Apportionments - Anticipated Resources - Programs Subject to
Debit 469000 Anticipated Resources - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 403200 Estimated Indefinite Contract Authority
Credit 404200 Estimated Indefinite Borrowing Authority
Credit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Credit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Credit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Credit 421500 Anticipated Expenditure Transfers from Trust Funds
Credit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
F113 To record the reduction of unobligated balances for indefinite contract or indefinite borrowing
authority at yearend.
Comment: Unobligated balances for indefinite contract or borrowing authority must be zero at
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Contract Authority Case Studies
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Credit 413300 Decreases to Indefinite Contract Authority
Credit 414300 Current-Year Decreases to Indefinite Borrowing Authority Realized
Proprietary Entry
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August 2018
F114 To record adjustments for anticipated reductions not realized.
Comment: Balances are reduced to zero.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 403400 Anticipated Adjustments to Contract Authority
Debit 404400 Anticipated Reductions to Borrowing Authority
Debit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Debit 404800 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Prior-Year Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
F116 To record adjustments for resources realized in excess of those anticipated.
Comment: Adjust abnormal balances to zero. May impact other budgetary status accounts.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 406000 Anticipated Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Debit 407000 Anticipated Collections From Federal Sources
Debit 412000 Anticipated Indefinite Appropriations
Debit 421000 Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income
Debit 421500 Anticipated Expenditure Transfers from Trust Funds
Debit 431000 Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
F118 To record adjustments for reductions to resources in excess of those anticipated.
Comment: Adjust abnormal balances to zero.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 403400 Anticipated Adjustments to Contract Authority
Credit 404400 Anticipated Reductions to Borrowing Authority
Credit 404700 Anticipated Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Current-Year Authority
Proprietary Entry
F120 To record the cancellation of expired authority and withdraw funds.
Comment: Use only at the end of the 5th year after the authority expires.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 435000 Canceled Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Debit 591900 Revenue and Other Financing Sources - Cancellations
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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F121 To record the amount of unobligated appropriated receipts in a trust or special fund expenditure
account that is canceled and returned to the originating invested trust of special fund from which
the amount was originally derived. The amounts are to be returned via SF 1151: Non expenditure
Transfer Authorization.
Comment: Use USSGL account 465000 if the authority is expired.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Cancellations - Available Trust or Special Funds
With Invested Relationships
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 435600 Cancellation of Appropriation From Invested Balances
Proprietary Entry
Debit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
F122 To record the cancellation of authority not previously expired and to withdraw funds.
Comment: Authority canceled early by administrative action.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 435100 Partial or Early Cancellation of Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Debit 591900 Revenue and Other Financing Sources - Cancellations
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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F123 To record the amount of unobligated appropriated receipts in a trust or special fund expenditure
account represented as a receivable from or payable in an invested trust of special fund that is
canceled. There is no movement of fund balance.
Comment: Use USSGL account 465000 if the authority is expired. Also post USSGL TC-A519
if receivable account USSGL 412600 needs to be adjusted, or post USSGL TC-
D141 if a payable needs to be adjusted.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Cancellations - Available Trust or Special Funds
With Invested Relationships; Cancellations of Expenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 435700 Cancellation of Appropriated Amounts Receivable From Invested
Trust or Special Funds
Proprietary Entry
F124 To record the closing of General Fund receipt accounts associated with fund balance at yearend.
Comment: See USSGL TC-C142 and TC-C147 for the original transaction.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; General Fund Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 298000 Custodial Liability
Debit 298500 Liability for Non-Entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
F125 To record the closing of General Fund receipt accounts associated with USSGL account 750000 at
Comment: See USSGL TC-C437 for the original transaction.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Disposition of Borrowings With Capitalized
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 298500 Liability for Non-Entity Assets Not Reported on the Statement of
Custodial Activity
Credit 750000 Distribution of Income - Dividend
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F126 To record an adjustment to authority temporarily unavailable for Treasury Appropriation Fund
Symbols that do not have a Schedule N (Schedule on Unavailable Collections) in the President's
Budget and do not report authority precluded from obligation on the Program and Financing
Schedule P.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Authority Temporarily Precluded From
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439500 Authority Unavailable for Obligation Pursuant to Public Law -
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
F128 To record the cancellation of a valid obligation and account payable in the "canceling
Comment: Reverse USSGL TC-B134. Also post USSGL TC-F120 or TC-F122 to cancel the
expired authority and withdraw fund balance. See USSGL TC-F130 to reestablish a
canceled accounts payable in the canceled appropriation. Credit USSGL account
445000 only for partial cancellations. See Office of Management and Budget
Circular No. A-11 for additional guidance.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Canceled Payables
Budgetary Entry
Debit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
Debit 211000 Accounts Payable
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
F130 To reinstate the valid account payable in the canceled appropriation for financial statement
Comment: Post this transaction concurrently with USSGL TC-F128. Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-11 requires agencies to maintain proper general
ledger control for obligations to prevent both overpayment and over-obligation
related to canceled appropriations, and that anti-deficiency provisions continue to
apply to canceled appropriations. See OMB Circular No. A-11 for additional
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Canceled Payables
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
Credit 296000 Accounts Payable From Canceled Appropriations
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F132 To record the reduction of receipt and appropriation balances previously precluded from obligation
by the amount that was needed in the current year to cover obligations. Record this entry as
preclosing when the total amount of current-year receipts is greater than the amount needed to
cover current-year obligations.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-F354 if the total amount of current-year receipts is not enough
to cover current- year obligations.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide: Trust Funds With Balances
Precluded From Obligation
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Credit 415700 Authority Made Available From Receipt or Appropriation Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
F134 To record the reduction of offsetting collections balances previously precluded from obligation by
the amount that was needed in the current year to cover obligations. Record this entry as preclosing
when the total amount of current-year collections is greater than the amount needed to cover
current-year obligations.
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-F356 if the total amount of current-year receipts is not enough
to cover current- year obligations.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide: Trust Funds With Balances
Precluded From Obligation
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Credit 415800 Authority Made Available From Offsetting Collection Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
F144 To record the cancellation of a receivable for reimbursable activity.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-C420 in a General Fund receipt account. To record as an
adjusting entry before preparing the preclosing trial balance, post this transaction
prior to posting USSGL TC-F120, which cancels expired authority.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Expired and Canceled Authority; General Fund
Receipt Account Guide
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
Debit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Debit 590000 Other Revenue
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
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F146 To record the cancellation of expired balances in the expenditure account and return amounts to the
associated unavailable receipt account. A Treasury warrant is required.
Comment: Record as an adjusting entry before preparing the preclosing trial balance.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Credit 435500 Cancellation of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts
Proprietary Entry
Debit 574500 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
F147 To reclassify the portion of unobligated available balances to unobligated unavailable in a no-year
Treasury account where the amount is no longer available for obligation since the purposes for
which the appropriation was enacted has been carried out.
Comment: This USSGL account remains open at year end. See Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A-11 for additional guidance.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 436000 Appropriation Purpose Fulfilled - Balance Not Available
Proprietary Entry
F148 To record the reduction of an appropriation with offsetting collections. This transaction is
accomplished with a negative appropriation warrant request submitted to Treasury.
Comment: This TC must occur before year end. Also reverse TC-B134 for the direct
appropriations used.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Appropriation Reduced by Offsetting Collections
or Offsetting Receipts
Budgetary Entry
Debit 424000 Appropriations Reduced by Offsetting Collections or Receipts -
Credit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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F300 - F499 Yearend - Closing Entries
F301 To reclassify the balance of partially canceled authority to memorandum accounts.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-F390 to record the closing of canceled authority for partial
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for Partial Cancellation - No-Year
TAFS With "Definite Authority"
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 809200 Offset for Partial or Early Cancellation of Authority
Credit 809100 Partial or Early Cancellation of Authority
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F302 To record the consolidation of actual net-funded resources and reductions for withdrawn funds.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412900 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-Out
Debit 413000 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority Withdrawn
Debit 414200 Actual Repayment of Borrowing Authority Converted to Cash
Debit 414600 Actual Repayments of Debt, Current-Year Authority
Debit 414700 Actual Repayments of Debt, Prior-Year Balances
Debit 415100 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government,
Current-Year Authority
Debit 415200 Actual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the U.S. Government,
Prior-Year Balances
Debit 415900 Repayment of Repayable Advances - Current-Year Authority
Debit 415901 Repayment of Repayable Advances - Prior-Year Balances
Debit 419700 Balance Transfers-Out - Expired to Expired
Debit 420100 Total Actual Resources - Collected
Debit 420800 Adjustment to Total Resources - Disposition of Canceled Payables
Debit 435500 Cancellation of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts
Debit 435600 Cancellation of Appropriation From Invested Balances
Debit 437000 Offset to Appropriation Realized for Redemption of Treasury
Debit 438700 Temporary Reduction of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts,
New Budget Authority
Debit 438800 Temporary Reduction of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts,
Prior-Year Balances
Debit 439000 Reappropriations - Transfers-Out
Debit 439100 Adjustments to Indefinite Appropriations
Debit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Debit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 411100 Debt Liquidation Appropriations
Credit 411200 Liquidation of Deficiency - Appropriations
Credit 411300 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Unavailable Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Credit 411400 Appropriated Receipts Derived From Available Trust or Special
Fund Receipts
Credit 411500 Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Credit 411600 Debt Forgiveness Appropriation
Credit 411601 Debt Forgiveness - Cancellation of Debt Adjustment
Credit 411700 Loan Administrative Expense Appropriation
Credit 411800 Reestimated Loan Subsidy Appropriation
Credit 411900 Other Appropriations Realized
Credit 412500 Loan Modification Adjustment Transfer Appropriation
Credit 412800 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Transfers-In
Credit 413800 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority
Credit 414800 Resources Realized From Borrowing Authority
Credit 415000 Reappropriations - Transfers-In
Credit 416700 Allocations of Realized Authority - Transferred From Invested
Credit 417000 Transfers - Current-Year Authority
Credit 417300 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Transferred
Credit 417500 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Credit 417600 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances
Credit 419000 Transfers - Prior-Year Balances
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Credit 419100 Balance Transfers - Extension of Availability Other Than
Credit 419200 Balance Transfers - Unexpired to Expired
Credit 419300 Balance Transfers - Unobligated Balances - Legislative Change of
Credit 419500 Transfer of Obligated Balances
Credit 419600 Balance Transfers-In - Expired to Expired
Credit 420100 Total Actual Resources - Collected
Credit 421200 Liquidation of Deficiency - Offsetting Collections
Credit 425200 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected
Credit 425300 Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance - Refunds Paid
Credit 425500 Expenditure Transfers from Trust Funds - Collected
Credit 426000 Actual Collections of Governmental-Type Fees
Credit 426100 Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees
Credit 426200 Actual Collections of Loan Principal
Credit 426300 Actual Collections of Loan Interest
Credit 426400 Actual Collections of Rent
Credit 426500 Actual Collections From Sale of Foreclosed Property
Credit 426600 Other Actual Business-Type Collections From Non-Federal Sources
Credit 426700 Other Actual Governmental-Type Collections From Non-Federal
Credit 427100 Actual Program Fund Subsidy Collected
Credit 427300 Interest Collected From Treasury
Credit 427500 Actual Collections From Liquidating Fund
Credit 427600 Actual Collections From Financing Fund
Credit 427700 Other Actual Collections - Federal
Credit 429000 Amortization of Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Proprietary Entry
F304 To record the closing of fiscal-year contract authority.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413200 Substitution of Contract Authority
Debit 413300 Decreases to Indefinite Contract Authority
Debit 413400 Contract Authority Withdrawn
Debit 413500 Contract Authority Liquidated
Debit 413900 Contract Authority Carried Forward
Debit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Debit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 413100 Current-Year Contract Authority Realized
Credit 413900 Contract Authority Carried Forward
Proprietary Entry
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F305 To record the closing of appropriations to liquidate contract authority - transferred.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Transfers of Contract Authority -
Nonallocation Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415300 Transfers of Contract Authority - Non-Allocation
Credit 415400 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Non-Allocation -
Proprietary Entry
F306 To record the closing of fiscal-year borrowing authority.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 414000 Substitution of Borrowing Authority
Debit 414300 Current-Year Decreases to Indefinite Borrowing Authority Realized
Debit 414400 Borrowing Authority Withdrawn
Debit 414500 Borrowing Authority Converted to Cash
Debit 414900 Borrowing Authority Carried Forward
Debit 439200 Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority
Debit 439300 Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 414100 Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized
Credit 414900 Borrowing Authority Carried Forward
Proprietary Entry
F308 To record the closing of unobligated balances in programs subject to apportionment to
unapportioned authority for unexpired multi-year and no-year funds.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 442000 Unapportioned Authority - Pending Rescission
Debit 443000 Unapportioned Authority - OMB Deferral
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 463000 Funds Not Available for Commitment/Obligation
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
F310 To record the closing of unobligated balances in programs exempt from apportionment to
unapportioned authority for unexpired multi-year and no-year funds.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Proprietary Entry
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F312 To record the closing of unobligated balances to expiring authority.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 442000 Unapportioned Authority - Pending Rescission
Debit 443000 Unapportioned Authority - OMB Deferral
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Debit 451000 Apportionments
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Debit 462000 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment
Debit 463000 Funds Not Available for Commitment/Obligation
Debit 470000 Commitments - Programs Subject to Apportionment
Debit 472000 Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment
Credit 465000 Allotments - Expired Authority
Proprietary Entry
F314 To record the closing of paid delivered orders to total actual resources.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Credit 420100 Total Actual Resources - Collected
Proprietary Entry
F316 To record the closing of authority other than offsetting collections made available from balances
previously precluded from obligation to authority temporarily precluded from obligation.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F318 for authority from offsetting collections.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Credit 415700 Authority Made Available From Receipt or Appropriation Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
F317 To record closing of unobligated balances of appropriations derived from special or trust fund
receipts as temporarily precluded from obligation.
Comment: For this situation, the appropriation was available for obligation in the previous
fiscal year but is not part of an obligation limitation in the subsequent fiscal year.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439701 Appropriations Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Prior-Year
Credit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
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F318 To record the closing of authority from offsetting collections made available from balances
previously precluded from obligation to authority temporarily precluded from obligation.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F316 for authority other than offsetting collections.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Credit 415800 Authority Made Available From Offsetting Collection Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
F320 To record the closing of upward adjustments to delivered orders - obligations, paid.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F314 for closing of paid delivered orders. Prior-year adjustments
are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 498200 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
F322 To record the closing of downward adjustments to delivered orders - obligations, paid.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F314 for closing of paid delivered orders. Prior-year adjustments
are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Credit 497200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Refunds Collected
Proprietary Entry
F324 To record the closing of upward adjustments and transfers to delivered orders - obligations, unpaid.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 493100 Delivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Debit 498100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations,
Credit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
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F325 To record the closing of downward adjustments and transfers to delivered orders - obligations,
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 490100 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 493100 Delivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Credit 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Proprietary Entry
F326 To record the closing of upward adjustments and transfers to undelivered orders - obligations
prepaid and advanced.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 483200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced
Debit 488200 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders - Obligations,
Credit 480200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Proprietary Entry
F328 To record the closing of downward adjustments and transfers to undelivered orders - obligations
prepaid and advanced.
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced
Credit 483200 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced
Credit 487200 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Prepaid/Advanced
Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Refunds Collected
Proprietary Entry
F330 To record the closing of upward adjustments and transfers to undelivered orders - obligations,
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 483100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Debit 488100 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders - Obligations,
Credit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Proprietary Entry
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F332 To record the closing of downward adjustments and transfers to undelivered orders - obligations,
Comment: Prior-year adjustments are used only in year 2 and later.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 480100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid
Credit 483100 Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid
Credit 487100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Undelivered Orders -
Obligations, Recoveries
Proprietary Entry
F334 To record the closing of adjustments for changes in prior-year allocations of budgetary resources to
the appropriate status account.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 432000 Adjustments for Changes in Prior-Year Allocations of Budgetary
Debit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Debit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Credit 432000 Adjustments for Changes in Prior-Year Allocations of Budgetary
Credit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Credit 445000 Unapportioned Authority
Proprietary Entry
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F336 To record the closing of revenue, expense, and other financing source accounts to cumulative
results of operations.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 331000 Cumulative Results of Operations
Debit 510000 Revenue From Goods Sold
Debit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Debit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Debit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Debit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Debit 531300 Interest Revenue - Subsidy Amortization
Debit 531400 Dividend Income Accounted for Under the Provisions of the Federal
Credit Reform Act
Debit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Debit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Debit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Debit 540500 Unfunded FECA Benefit Revenue
Debit 550000 Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Debit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Debit 561000 Donated Revenue - Non-Financial Resources
Debit 564000 Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
Debit 565000 Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
Debit 570000 Expended Appropriations
Debit 570500 Expended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors - Years Preceding the Prior-Year
Debit 570800 Expended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors
Debit 570900 Expended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes
in Accounting Principles
Debit 572000 Financing Sources Transferred In Without Reimbursement
Debit 574000 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred In
Debit 575000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In
Debit 575500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Other
Debit 575600 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-In - Capital Transfers
Debit 577500 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred In
Debit 578000 Imputed Financing Sources
Debit 579000 Other Financing Sources
Debit 579100 Adjustment to Financing Sources - Credit Reform
Debit 579500 Seigniorage
Debit 580000 Tax Revenue Collected - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 580100 Tax Revenue Collected - Individual
Debit 580200 Tax Revenue Collected - Corporate
Debit 580300 Tax Revenue Collected - Unemployment
Debit 580400 Tax Revenue Collected - Excise
Debit 580500 Tax Revenue Collected - Estate and Gift
Debit 580600 Tax Revenue Collected - Customs
Debit 582000 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 582100 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Individual
Debit 582200 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Corporate
Debit 582300 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Unemployment
Debit 582400 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Excise
Debit 582500 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Estate and Gift
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Debit 582600 Tax Revenue Accrual Adjustment - Customs
Debit 590000 Other Revenue
Debit 592100 Valuation Change in Investments - Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)
Debit 592200 Valuation Change in Investments for Federal Government Sponsored
Debit 592300 Valuation Change in Investments - Beneficial Interest in Trust
Debit 599700 Financing Sources Transferred In From Custodial Statement
Debit 619000 Contra Bad Debt Expense - Incurred for Others
Debit 619900 Adjustment to Subsidy Expense
Debit 660000 Applied Overhead
Debit 661000 Cost Capitalization Offset
Debit 679500 Contra Expense-Non-Fiduciary Deposit Fund Intragovernmental
Administrative Fees
Credit 331000 Cumulative Results of Operations
Credit 510900 Contra Revenue for Goods Sold
Credit 520900 Contra Revenue for Services Provided
Credit 531500 Contra Revenue for Dividend Income Accounted for Under the
Provisions of the Federal Credit Reform Act
Credit 531700 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable
Credit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531900 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 532400 Contra Revenue for Penalties and Fines
Credit 532900 Contra Revenue for Administrative Fees
Credit 540600 Contra Revenue for Unfunded FECA Benefit Revenue
Credit 540900 Contra Revenue for Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 550900 Contra Revenue for Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Credit 560900 Contra Revenue for Donations - Financial Resources
Credit 561900 Contra Donated Revenue - Nonfinancial Resources
Credit 564900 Contra Forfeiture Revenue - Cash and Cash Equivalents
Credit 565900 Contra Forfeiture Revenue - Forfeitures of Property
Credit 573000 Financing Sources Transferred Out Without Reimbursement
Credit 574500 Appropriated Dedicated Collections Transferred Out
Credit 576000 Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out
Credit 576500 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Other
Credit 576600 Non-Expenditure Financing Sources - Transfers-Out - Capital
Credit 577600 Non-Budgetary Financing Sources Transferred Out
Credit 579200 Financing Sources To Be Transferred Out - Contingent Liability
Credit 583000 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 583100 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Individual
Credit 583200 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Corporate
Credit 583300 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Unemployment
Credit 583400 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Excise
Credit 583500 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Estate and Gift
Credit 583600 Contra Revenue for Taxes - Customs
Credit 589000 Tax Revenue Refunds - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 589100 Tax Revenue Refunds - Individual
Credit 589200 Tax Revenue Refunds - Corporate
Credit 589300 Tax Revenue Refunds - Unemployment
Credit 589400 Tax Revenue Refunds - Excise
Credit 589500 Tax Revenue Refunds - Estate and Gift
Credit 589600 Tax Revenue Refunds - Customs
Credit 590900 Contra Revenue for Other Revenue
Credit 591900 Revenue and Other Financing Sources - Cancellations
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Credit 599000 Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
Credit 599100 Accrued Collections for Others - Statement of Custodial Activity
Credit 599300 Offset to Non-Entity Collections - Statement of Changes in Net
Credit 599400 Offset to Non-Entity Accrued Collections - Statement of Changes in
Net Position
Credit 599800 Custodial Collections Transferred Out to a Treasury Account
Symbol Other Than the General Fund of the U.S. Government
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 615000 Expensed Asset
Credit 631000 Interest Expenses on Borrowing From the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service and/or the Federal Financing Bank
Credit 632000 Interest Expenses on Securities
Credit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Credit 634000 Interest Expense Accrued on the Liability for Loan Guarantees
Credit 640000 Benefit Expense
Credit 650000 Cost of Goods Sold
Credit 671000 Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion
Credit 672000 Bad Debt Expense
Credit 673000 Imputed Costs
Credit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
Credit 685000 Employer Contributions to Employee Benefit Programs Not
Requiring Current-Year Budget Authority (Unobligated)
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
F338 To record the closing of gains and miscellaneous items into cumulative results of operations.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
Debit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
Debit 711200 Gains on Disposition of Borrowings
Debit 717100 Gains on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions - From Experience
Debit 718000 Unrealized Gains
Debit 719000 Other Gains
Debit 727100 Gains on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions
Debit 730000 Extraordinary Items
Debit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Debit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Debit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
Debit 760000 Changes in Actuarial Liability
Credit 331000 Cumulative Results of Operations
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F340 To record the closing of losses and miscellaneous items into cumulative results of operations.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 331000 Cumulative Results of Operations
Credit 717200 Losses on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions - From Experience
Credit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 721200 Losses on Disposition of Borrowings
Credit 727200 Losses on Changes in Long-Term Assumptions
Credit 728000 Unrealized Losses
Credit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 729200 Other Losses From Impairment of Assets
Credit 730000 Extraordinary Items
Credit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Credit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
Credit 750000 Distribution of Income - Dividend
Credit 760000 Changes in Actuarial Liability
F342 To record closing of fiscal-year activity to unexpended appropriations.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310000 Unexpended Appropriations - Cumulative
Debit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
Debit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
Credit 310000 Unexpended Appropriations - Cumulative
Credit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 310500 Unexpended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors - Years Preceding the Prior-Year
Credit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 310700 Unexpended Appropriations - Used
Credit 310800 Unexpended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Corrections of Errors
Credit 310900 Unexpended Appropriations - Prior-Period Adjustments Due to
Changes in Accounting Principles
F344 To record the closing of used authority of guaranteed loan level upon completion of guaranteed
loan programs.
Comment: Used to track guaranteed loan level.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 804000 Guaranteed Loan Level - Used Authority
Credit 801000 Guaranteed Loan Level
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F346 To record the closing of apportioned authority of guaranteed loan level into unused authority.
Comment: Prior-year balance of unused authority.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 802000 Guaranteed Loan Level - Apportioned
Credit 804500 Guaranteed Loan Level - Unused Authority
F348 To record the closing of guaranteed loans new disbursements by lenders into the cumulative
Comment: Tracks outstanding principal of third-party lenders reported in the footnotes of the
Office of Management and Budget Form and Content financial statements.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 805300 Guaranteed Loan New Disbursements by Lender
Credit 807000 Guaranteed Loan Cumulative Disbursements by Lenders
F350 To record the closing of guaranteed loans new collections by lenders into the cumulative
Comment: Tracks outstanding principal of third-party lenders reported in the footnotes of the
Office of Management and Budget Form and Content financial statements.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 807000 Guaranteed Loan Cumulative Disbursements by Lenders
Credit 806500 Guaranteed Loan Collections, Defaults, and Adjustments
F352 To record the closing of all unused guaranteed loan authority no longer available for use.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 804500 Guaranteed Loan Level - Unused Authority
Credit 801000 Guaranteed Loan Level
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F354 To record the reduction of receipt and appropriation balances previously precluded from obligation
by the amount that was needed in the current year to cover obligations. Record this entry as post-
closing when the total amount of current-year receipts is not enough to cover current-year
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-F132 if the total amount of current-year collections is greater
than the amount needed to cover current-year obligations.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Credit 415700 Authority Made Available From Receipt or Appropriation Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
F356 To record the reduction of offsetting collections balances previously precluded from obligation by
the amount that was needed in the current year to cover obligations. Record this entry as post-
closing when the total amount of current-year collections is not enough to cover current-year
Comment: Refer to USSGL TC-F134 if the total amount of current-year collections is greater
than the amount needed to cover current-year obligations.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust Fund Guide; Trust Funds With Balances
Precluded From Obligation
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Credit 415800 Authority Made Available From Offsetting Collection Balances
Previously Precluded From Obligation
Proprietary Entry
F358 To record the closing of special and trust fund refunds and recoveries temporarily unavailable into
receipts and appropriations temporarily precluded from obligation.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F359 for the closing of special and trust fund refunds and
recoveries that are to be reclassified as "Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust or special fund guidance on refunds and
recoveries of prior-year obligations.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439900 Special and Trust Fund Refunds and Recoveries Temporarily
Unavailable - Receipts and Appropriations Temporarily Precluded
From Obligation
Credit 439700 Appropriations, Borrowing Authority and Contract Authority
Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Current-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
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F359 To record the closing of special and trust fund refunds and recoveries temporarily unavailable into
receipts unavailable for obligation upon collection.
Comment: See USSGL TC-F358 for the closing of special and trust fund refunds and
recoveries that are to be reclassified as "Receipts and Appropriations Temporarily
Precluded From Obligation."
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Trust or special fund guidance on refunds and
recoveries of prior-year obligations.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439600 Special and Trust Fund Refunds and Recoveries Temporarily
Unavailable - Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Proprietary Entry
F360 To reclassify a temporary reduction/cancellation at yearend.
Comment: Use the appropriate Authority Type Code attribute (e.g., P, S, B, C, D) and
Reduction Type Code Attribute (e.g., ATB, SEQ, OTR) when recording temporary
reductions. Record a debit to USSGL 412400 to reclassify a reduction/cancellation
in an invested Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS). If the reduction is
classified as a sequester amount, record USSGL TC A108 only if the Office of
Management and Budget has determined that the amount becomes available for
obligation in the subsequent fiscal year.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412400 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Payable - Temporary Reduction/Cancellation
Debit 438200 Temporary Reduction - New Budget Authority
Debit 438300 Temporary Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 438400 Temporary Reduction/Cancellation Returned by Appropriation
Proprietary Entry
F362 To reclassify a reduction in an allocation special or trust Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol
(TAFS), designated by Treasury as available for investment where the parent is invested.
Comment: Only use this transaction with invested special and trust TAFS designated by
Treasury as available for investment where there is a parent and allocation
relationship. The parent TAFS simultaneously posts USSGL TC-F364.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 438200 Temporary Reduction - New Budget Authority
Debit 438300 Temporary Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 416800 Allocations of Realized Authority Reclassified - Authority To Be
Transferred From Invested Balances - Temporary Reduction
Proprietary Entry
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F364 To reclassify a reduction recorded in an invested parent special or trust Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS), designated by Treasury as available for investment.
Comment: Only use this transaction with invested special and trust TAFS designated by
Treasury as available for investment where there is a parent and allocation
relationship. The allocation TAFS simultaneously posts USSGL TC-F362.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 416800 Allocations of Realized Authority Reclassified - Authority To Be
Transferred From Invested Balances - Temporary Reduction
Credit 438400 Temporary Reduction/Cancellation Returned by Appropriation
Proprietary Entry
F366 To reclassify a reduction recorded in an agency special or trust expenditure Treasury Appropriation
Fund Symbol (TAFS), where the corresponding TAFS is invested.
Comment: Use this transaction only with specific invested TAFS. For Treasury-Managed Trust
Funds, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service simultaneously posts USSGL TC-F368.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 438200 Temporary Reduction - New Budget Authority
Debit 438300 Temporary Reduction - Prior-Year Balances
Credit 412300 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Receivable - Temporary Reduction
Proprietary Entry
F368 To reclassify a reduction recorded in a specific invested Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol
Comment: Only use this transaction with specific invested special and trust TAFS. The agency
TAFS simultaneously posts USSGL TC-F366.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Temporary Reductions
Budgetary Entry
Debit 412400 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Payable - Temporary Reduction/Cancellation
Credit 438400 Temporary Reduction/Cancellation Returned by Appropriation
Proprietary Entry
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F369 To reclassify cancellations of appropriated amounts receivable from invested trust or special funds
into the appropriate USSGL account.
Comment: Record USSGL account 412100 if previously recorded as a debit in conjunction
with USSGL TC-A519. Record USSGL account 438400 if the Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) received a cancellation of amounts payable
from invested trust or special fund balances.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Cancellations - Available Trust or Special Funds
With Invested Relationships; Cancellations of Expenditure Transfers
Budgetary Entry
Debit 435700 Cancellation of Appropriated Amounts Receivable From Invested
Trust or Special Funds
Credit 412100 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS Reclassified -
Receivable - Cancellation
Credit 438400 Temporary Reduction/Cancellation Returned by Appropriation
Proprietary Entry
F370 To record the closing of memorandum accounts for purchases.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Memorandum Accounts for Current-Year Asset
Activity - Purchases
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 880100 Offset for Purchases of Assets
Credit 880200 Purchases of Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 880300 Purchases of Inventory and Related Property
Credit 880400 Purchases of Assets - Other
F372 To record the closing of transferred expired authority to appropriation trust fund expenditure
Comment: Reverse this transaction for the receiving entity.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for SSA Limitation on
Administrative Expenses Trust Fund
Budgetary Entry
Debit 419900 Transfer of Expired Expenditure Transfers - Receivable
Credit 422500 Expenditure Transfers From Trust Funds - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
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F374 To record the closing of USSGL account 408100 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Receivable of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 408100 Amounts Appropriated From a Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Fund
TAFS - Receivable - Transferred
Credit 412600 Amounts Appropriated From Specific Invested TAFS - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
F376 To record the closing of USSGL account 408200 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Receivable of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 408200 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested
Balances - Transferred
Credit 416600 Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From
Invested Balances
Proprietary Entry
F378 To record the closing of USSGL account 408300 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Receivable of Invested Balances
Budgetary Entry
Debit 408300 Transfers - Current-Year Authority - Receivable - Transferred
Credit 417100 Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
F380 To record the closing of USSGL account 423000 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423000 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance - Transferred
Credit 422100 Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance
Proprietary Entry
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F382 To record the closing of USSGL account 423100 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423100 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance - Transferred
Credit 422200 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance
Proprietary Entry
F384 To record the closing of USSGL account 423200 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of USSGL Account 422500
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423200 Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Receivable -
Credit 422500 Expenditure Transfers From Trust Funds - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
F386 To record the closing of USSGL account 423300 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423300 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable - Transferred
Credit 425100 Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable
Proprietary Entry
F388 To record the closing of USSGL account 423400 back to the original budgetary resource
Comment: Reverse this transaction for receiving agency.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Transfer of Spending Authority From Offsetting
Collections With Obligations
Budgetary Entry
Debit 423400 Other Federal Receivables - Transferred
Credit 428700 Other Federal Receivables
Proprietary Entry
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F390 To record the closing of canceled authority for partial cancellations.
Comment: Also post USSGL TC-F301 to reclassify the balance of partially canceled authority
to memorandum accounts.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Accounting for Partial Cancellation - No-Year
TAFS With "Definite Authority"
Budgetary Entry
Debit 435100 Partial or Early Cancellation of Authority
Credit 420100 Total Actual Resources - Collected
Proprietary Entry
F392 To record the closing of appropriations to liquidate contract authority - allocation account in the
allocation Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 415500 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Allocation -
Credit 413700 Transfers of Contract Authority - Allocation
Proprietary Entry
F393 To record the closing of appropriations to liquidate contract authority - allocation account in the
parent Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 413700 Transfers of Contract Authority - Allocation
Credit 415500 Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority - Allocation -
Proprietary Entry
F394 To record closing of unavailable obligations of appropriations derived from special or trust fund
receipts as temporarily precluded from obligation.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439401 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Prior-Year
Credit 439400 Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection - Current-
Year Authority
Proprietary Entry
F395 To record closing of offsetting collections of appropriations derived from spending authority as
temporarily precluded from obligation.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 439801 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation - Prior-
Year Balances
Credit 439800 Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded From Obligation -
Current-Year Balances
Proprietary Entry
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G100 - G299 Memorandum Entries - All Memorandum Entries (Excluding Closing Memorandum
G102 To record guaranteed loan level submitted on the SF 132: Apportionment and Reapportionment
Schedule, for the Office of Management and Budget approval.
Comment: Applicable to activity for guaranteed loans.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 801000 Guaranteed Loan Level
Credit 801500 Guaranteed Loan Level - Unapportioned
G104 To record initial receipt of the guaranteed loan level as shown on an approved apportionment
schedule, SF 132: Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule.
Comment: Applicable to activity for guaranteed loans.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 801500 Guaranteed Loan Level - Unapportioned
Credit 802000 Guaranteed Loan Level - Apportioned
G106 To record the binding contracts entered into by private lenders.
Comment: Applicable to activity for guaranteed loans.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 802000 Guaranteed Loan Level - Apportioned
Credit 804000 Guaranteed Loan Level - Used Authority
G108 To record the disbursement of a loan.
Comment: Applicable to activity for guaranteed loans.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 805000 Guaranteed Loan Principal Outstanding
Credit 805300 Guaranteed Loan New Disbursements by Lender
G110 To record principal reduction due to repayment, default or adjustment.
Comment: Applicable to activity for guaranteed loans.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 806500 Guaranteed Loan Collections, Defaults, and Adjustments
Credit 805000 Guaranteed Loan Principal Outstanding
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G120 To record activity for current-year purchases of property, plant, and equipment.
Comment: USSGL transactions that reference this transaction: USSGL TCs-B402, B404, B406,
B430, B438, B604, C132, C134, C136, C138, C414, D132, D134, D514 and G124.
Reference: USSGL implementation guidance; Memorandum Accounts for Current-Year Asset
Activity - Purchases
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 880200 Purchases of Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 880100 Offset for Purchases of Assets
G122 To record activity for current-year purchases of inventory and related property.
Comment: USSGL transactions that reference this transaction: USSGL TCs-B402, B404, B406,
B430, B438, B604, C132, C134, C136, C138, C414, D132, D134, D514 and G124.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 880300 Purchases of Inventory and Related Property
Credit 880100 Offset for Purchases of Assets
G124 To record activity for current-year purchases of other assets not recorded as Property, Plant and
Equipment (USSGL TC-G120), or Inventory and Related Property (USSGL TC-G122).
Comment: USSGL transactions that reference this transaction: USSGL TCs-B152, B402, B404,
B406, B438, B604, C132, C134, C136, C138, C414, D132, D134, and D514.
Budgetary Entry
Memorandum Entry
Debit 880400 Purchases of Assets - Other
Credit 880100 Offset for Purchases of Assets
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H100 - H799 Other Specialized Transaction Entries - Other
H100 To record equity contributions to increase fiduciary net assets.
Comment: Equity contributions directly increase beneficiaries' equity. This transaction is
similar to the private sector's contributed capital.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No. 31
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Debit 113500 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Non-Budgetary
Debit 119000 Other Cash
Debit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Debit 119500 Other Monetary Assets
Debit 120000 Foreign Currency
Debit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Debit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Debit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Debit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Debit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Debit 135000 Loans Receivable
Debit 135100 Capitalized Loan Interest Receivable - Non-Credit Reform
Debit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Debit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Debit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Debit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Debit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Debit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Debit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Debit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Debit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 169000 Other Investments
Debit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Debit 171200 Improvements to Land
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Debit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Debit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Debit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Debit 175000 Equipment
Debit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Debit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Debit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Debit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Debit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Debit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Debit 199000 Other Assets
Credit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 341000 Contributions to Fiduciary Net Assets
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H200 To record equity withdrawals or distributions of fiduciary net assets.
Comment: Withdrawals and disbursements are equity distributions to or on behalf of
beneficiaries. This transaction is similar to the private sector's capital distributions.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No. 31
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 161100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Debit 162100 Discount on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Debit 163100 Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the Bureau
of the Fiscal Service
Debit 342000 Withdrawals or Distributions of Fiduciary Net Assets
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 113000 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Budgetary
Credit 113500 Funds Held Outside of Treasury - Non-Budgetary
Credit 119000 Other Cash
Credit 119400 Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Assets - Holdings of Special
Drawing Rights (SDR)
Credit 119500 Other Monetary Assets
Credit 120000 Foreign Currency
Credit 131000 Accounts Receivable
Credit 132000 Funded Employment Benefit Contributions Receivable
Credit 134000 Interest Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 134100 Interest Receivable - Loans
Credit 134200 Interest Receivable - Investments
Credit 134300 Interest Receivable - Taxes
Credit 135000 Loans Receivable
Credit 135100 Capitalized Loan Interest Receivable - Non-Credit Reform
Credit 136000 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 136100 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Loans
Credit 136300 Penalties and Fines Receivable - Taxes
Credit 137000 Administrative Fees Receivable - Not Otherwise Classified
Credit 137100 Administrative Fees Receivable - Loans
Credit 137300 Administrative Fees Receivable - Taxes
Credit 141000 Advances and Prepayments
Credit 161000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161200 Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the
Fiscal Service
Credit 161300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on U.S. Treasury Securities
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 161800 Market Adjustment - Investments
Credit 162000 Investments in Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service Securities
Credit 162200 Premium on Securities Other Than the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 162300 Amortization of Discount and Premium on Securities Other Than
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service Securities
Credit 163000 Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds Issued by the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
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August 2018
Credit 163300 Amortization of Discount on U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds
Issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Credit 169000 Other Investments
Credit 171100 Land and Land Rights
Credit 171200 Improvements to Land
Credit 172000 Construction-in-Progress
Credit 173000 Buildings, Improvements, and Renovations
Credit 174000 Other Structures and Facilities
Credit 175000 Equipment
Credit 181000 Assets Under Capital Lease
Credit 182000 Leasehold Improvements
Credit 183000 Internal-Use Software
Credit 183200 Internal-Use Software in Development
Credit 184000 Other Natural Resources
Credit 189000 Other General Property, Plant, and Equipment
Credit 199000 Other Assets
H300 To record the closing of fiduciary outflows and miscellaneous items into fiduciary net assets.
Comment: Agencies should record revenues, expenses, gains, and losses related to fiduciary
activities using USSGL Section III, transaction codes A through F, before the flow
accounts are closed into fiduciary net assets.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No. 31
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 340000 Fiduciary Net Assets
Credit 610000 Operating Expenses/Program Costs
Credit 631000 Interest Expenses on Borrowing From the Bureau of the Fiscal
Service and/or the Federal Financing Bank
Credit 632000 Interest Expenses on Securities
Credit 633000 Other Interest Expenses
Credit 679000 Other Expenses Not Requiring Budgetary Resources
Credit 680000 Future Funded Expenses
Credit 685000 Employer Contributions to Employee Benefit Programs Not
Requiring Current-Year Budget Authority (Unobligated)
Credit 690000 Non-Production Costs
Credit 721000 Losses on Disposition of Assets - Other
Credit 721100 Losses on Disposition of Investments
Credit 721200 Losses on Disposition of Borrowings
Credit 728000 Unrealized Losses
Credit 729000 Other Losses
Credit 729200 Other Losses From Impairment of Assets
Credit 730000 Extraordinary Items
Credit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Credit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Credit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
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Bulletin No. 2018-08
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August 2018
H301 To record the closing of fiduciary inflows and miscellaneous items into fiduciary net assets.
Comment: Agencies should record revenues, expenses, gains, and losses related to fiduciary
activities using USSGL Section III, transaction codes A through F, before the flow
accounts are closed into fiduciary net assets.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No.31
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 520000 Revenue From Services Provided
Debit 531000 Interest Revenue - Other
Debit 531100 Interest Revenue - Investments
Debit 531200 Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable/Uninvested Funds
Debit 532000 Penalties and Fines Revenue
Debit 532500 Administrative Fees Revenue
Debit 540000 Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Debit 550000 Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Debit 560000 Donated Revenue - Financial Resources
Debit 561000 Donated Revenue - Non-Financial Resources
Debit 590000 Other Revenue
Debit 711000 Gains on Disposition of Assets - Other
Debit 711100 Gains on Disposition of Investments
Debit 711200 Gains on Disposition of Borrowings
Debit 718000 Unrealized Gains
Debit 719000 Other Gains
Debit 730000 Extraordinary Items
Debit 740000 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors
Debit 740100 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Changes in Accounting Principles
Debit 740500 Prior-Period Adjustments Due to Corrections of Errors -Years
Preceding the Prior-Year
Credit 340000 Fiduciary Net Assets
Credit 520900 Contra Revenue for Services Provided
Credit 531700 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Loans Receivable
Credit 531800 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Investments
Credit 531900 Contra Revenue for Interest Revenue - Other
Credit 532400 Contra Revenue for Penalties and Fines
Credit 532900 Contra Revenue for Administrative Fees
Credit 540900 Contra Revenue for Funded Benefit Program Revenue
Credit 550900 Contra Revenue for Insurance and Guarantee Premium Revenue
Credit 560900 Contra Revenue for Donations - Financial Resources
Credit 561900 Contra Donated Revenue - Nonfinancial Resources
Credit 590900 Contra Revenue for Other Revenue
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August 2018
H310 To close equity contributions to fiduciary net assets.
Comment: Equity contributions must be closed to fiduciary net assets. Fiduciary inflows or
outflows, recorded in agency systems as fiduciary, are closed using H300 or H301.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No. 31
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 341000 Contributions to Fiduciary Net Assets
Credit 340000 Fiduciary Net Assets
H312 To close equity withdrawals or disbursements to fiduciary net assets.
Comment: Equity withdrawals or distributions must be closed to fiduciary net assets. Fiduciary
inflows or outflows, recorded in agency systems as fiduciary, are closed using H300
or H301.
Reference: FASAB SFFAS No. 31
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 340000 Fiduciary Net Assets
Credit 342000 Withdrawals or Distributions of Fiduciary Net Assets
H400 To record warrant for Quota increase in the International Monetary Fund assets.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411991 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund -
Reserve Tranche
Debit 411992 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund - Letter
of Credit
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
H402 To record the present value payment in the International Monetary Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 461000 Allotments - Realized Resources
Credit 490200 Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729090 Losses on International Monetary Fund Assets
Credit 119306 International Monetary Fund - Receivable/Payable Currency
Valuation Adjustment
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August 2018
H406 To record a Maintenance of Value Adjustment (increase), International Monetary Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411990 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
H410 To record an increase of the Letter of Credit for the International Monetary Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119309 International Monetary Fund - Currency Holdings
Credit 119305 International Monetary Fund - Letter of Credit
H412 To record a decrease to the Letter of Credit that is moved to FRBNY Number 1 account.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119305 International Monetary Fund - Letter of Credit
Debit 119333 International Monetary Fund - Reserve Position
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 119309 International Monetary Fund - Currency Holdings
H420 To record the transfer-out of unobligated unexpired authority for the International Monetary Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Credit 417590 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Accounts - International Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
H422 To record the transfer-in of unobligated unexpired authority for the International Monetary Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417590 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Accounts - International Monetary Fund
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
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August 2018
H424 To record a decrease for the maintenance of value adjustment and transfer the excess.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Debit 462091 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund - New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB)
Credit 417690 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310300 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-Out
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
H426 To record the transfer in of the excess funds due to the maintenance of value decrease adjustment.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417690 Allocation Transfers of Prior-Year Balances - International Monetary
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310200 Unexpended Appropriations - Transfers-In
H428 To record the return to the excess funds due to the maintenance of value decrease adjustment as a
partial cancellation.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Credit 435190 Partial Cancellation of Authority - International Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 310600 Unexpended Appropriations - Adjustments
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
H430 To record payment vouchers.
Comment: Reverse this TC for amendments.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119305 International Monetary Fund - Letter of Credit
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
H432 To record a decrease to the Reserve Position.
Comment: Reverse this TC for an increase.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119309 International Monetary Fund - Currency Holdings
Credit 119333 International Monetary Fund - Reserve Position
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August 2018
H434 To record a decrease in Currency.
Comment: Reverse this TC for an increase.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119307 International Monetary Fund - Dollar Deposits With the IMF
Credit 119090 Other Cash - International Monetary Fund
H436 To record a decrease in the Quota due to CVA.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119306 International Monetary Fund - Receivable/Payable Currency Valuation
Credit 119309 International Monetary Fund - Currency Holdings
H438 To record a gain in the Quota.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429590 Adjustments to the International Monetary Fund
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119309 International Monetary Fund - Currency Holdings
Credit 719090 Gains on International Monetary Fund Assets
H440 To record a loss in the Quota.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Credit 429590 Adjustments to the International Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729090 Losses on International Monetary Fund Assets
Credit 119309 International Monetary Fund - Currency Holdings
H442 To record the issuance of a new loan to International Monetary Fund
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135090 Loans Receivable - International Monetary Fund
Credit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
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U.S. Standard General Ledger
Account Transactions
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August 2018
H444 To record the repayment on the loan.
Comment: Debit USSGL account 135990 if the exchange rate is different from when the loan
was issued as the amount of cash received was lower than when the loan was issued.
Credit USSGL account 135990 if the exchange rate is different from when the loan
was issues as the amount of cash received was higher than when the loan was issued.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Debit 135990 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable - International Monetary
Credit 135090 Loans Receivable - International Monetary Fund
H446 To record in the FX rate change for loans (decrease in allowance/gain).
Budgetary Entry
Debit 429590 Adjustments to the International Monetary Fund
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 135990 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable - International Monetary
Credit 719090 Gains on International Monetary Fund Assets
H448 To record warrant for FX rate change.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 411994 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund -
Exchange Rate Changes (NAB)
Credit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 101000 Fund Balance With Treasury
Credit 310100 Unexpended Appropriations - Appropriations Received
H449 To record in the FX rate change for loans (increase in allowance/loss).
Budgetary Entry
Debit 462090 Unobligated Funds Exempt From Apportionment - International
Monetary Fund
Credit 429590 Adjustments to the International Monetary Fund
Proprietary Entry
Debit 729090 Losses on International Monetary Fund Assets
Credit 135990 Allowance for Loss on Loans Receivable - International Monetary
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Account Transactions
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III AT - 291
August 2018
H450 To record the Letter of Credit for Maintenance of Value due to International Monetary Fund.
Budgetary Entry
Proprietary Entry
Debit 119306 International Monetary Fund - Receivable/Payable Currency Valuation
Credit 119305 International Monetary Fund - Letter of Credit
H480 To record the consolidation of actual net-funded resources and reductions for withdrawn funds.
Budgetary Entry
Debit 417590 Allocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested
Accounts - International Monetary Fund
Debit 420190 Total Actual Resources - Collected - International Monetary Fund
Credit 411990 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund
Credit 411991 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund -
Reserve Tranche
Credit 411992 Other Appropriations Realized - International Monetary Fund -
Letter of Credit