Forteau Quarry, Wharf and Laydown Area
Submitted to:
Department of
Environment and Conservation
P.O. Box 8700
St. John’s, NL
A1B 4J6
Submitted by:
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd
650 Water St.
P.O. Box 1083, St. John’s, NL
A1C 5M5
May 2014
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan ................................................. 1
1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................ 2
2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ...................................................................... 3
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAM .............................................. 4
4.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE UNDERTAKING ................................................. 5
4.1 Project Overview .............................................................................................. 5
5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PROCEDURES ................................. 6
5.1 Noise Generation ............................................................................................. 6
5.2 Dust Generation ............................................................................................... 6
5.3 Fuel and Hazardous Material Storage and Transfer ......................................... 7
5.4 Disposal of Solid Waste and Sewage ............................................................ 10
5.5 Equipment Use and Maintenance .................................................................. 11
5.6 Pumps and Generators .................................................................................. 11
5.7 Erosion Prevention ........................................................................................ 12
5.8 Buffer Zones .................................................................................................. 12
5.9 Vehicle Traffic ................................................................................................ 13
5.10 Working In and Around the Marine Environment ............................................ 13
5.11 Clearing of Vegetation ................................................................................... 14
5.12 Grubbing and Disposal of Related Debris ...................................................... 15
5.13 Quarrying and Aggregate Removal ................................................................ 16
5.14 Waste Rock and Overburden ......................................................................... 17
5.15 Linear Developments ..................................................................................... 17
5.16 Blasting .......................................................................................................... 18
6.0 CONTINGENCY PLANS.......................................................................... 20
6.1 Fuel and Hazardous Material Spills ................................................................ 20
6.2 Forest Fires ................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Wildlife Encounters ........................................................................................ 22
6.4 Discovery of Historic Resources .................................................................... 23
6.5 Discovery of a Species at Risk ....................................................................... 24
6.6 Migratory Birds ............................................................................................... 24
7.0 EMERGENCY CONTACTS ..................................................................... 27
Table 1.2 Emergency Contacts
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. proposes to develop a quarry, wharf and laydown area in Forteau,
Newfoundland and Labrador. The project is referred to as the ‘Forteau Quarry, Wharf and
Laydown Area’.
The undertaking was registered with the Department of Environment and Conservation in
September 2012 and a decision rendered by the Minister on July 24, 2013 releasing the project
from the Environmental Assessment process, pending successful completion of an
Environmental Protection Plan. This document is submitted in response to this requirement.
1.1 Purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan
This Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is a field-ready document describing applicable
environmental protection measures associated with activities at the Forteau Quarry, Wharf and
Laydown Area. It is intended to be a reference document for project personnel for the planning
and execution of project-specific activities, as well as a guidance document for contingency
planning. The specific purposes of the EPP are to:
Document environmental concerns and appropriate protection measures;
Provide concise and clear instructions to project personnel regarding procedures for
protecting the environment;
Provide a reference document for personnel when planning and/or conducting specific
activities and working in specific areas;
Communicate changes in the program through the revision process; and
Provide a reference to applicable legislative requirements and guidelines.
This EPP describes the procedures, responsibilities, and control actions to be taken by Bay
Bulls Properties Ltd. personnel in achieving the safe and environmentally sound completion of
the work described. The EPP is to be available to all relevant staff and subcontractors to ensure
that each is aware of their responsibilities and of the procedures to be used in the management
of this work. This will result in open communication at all levels and serve as a means to
achieve continuous improvement.
The environmental protection procedures outlined in the following subsections shall be followed,
together with those detailed in the conditions of all permits and approvals. In the case of a
conflict between these, the order of priority shall be: 1) permit/approval conditions; followed by
2) conditions outlined in the current version of the EPP. In other words: where a provision,
statement or any correspondence made under this EPP is inconsistent or conflicts with a
provision, term or condition of NL or federal legislation, policy or guidelines, the provision, term
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
or condition of NL or federal legislation, policy or guidelines shall have precedence over the
provision, statement or any correspondence made under this EPP.
An EPP is a living document and may not address all of the environmental situations that arise
on an individual project. Revisions may be made during the course of a project to reflect
unforeseen circumstances or improvements as the result of a process review.
1.2 Objectives
The main objectives of this EPP are to 1) identify proposed activities associated with the project
that could adversely affect the environment, and 2) outline measures Bay Bulls Properties
intends to implement to prevent and/or minimize environmental impacts. In addition, this EPP
Ensure environmental considerations are part of the project decision making process;
Ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and guidelines.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
It is the primary and continuing objective of Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. that, in the conduct of its
activities, it will endeavor to limit adverse effects on the physical environment through the
respectful use of our natural resources.
As part of its commitment, we will meet and exceed applicable laws, regulations, and other
requirements; we will incorporate environmental considerations into project planning and
operating practices and will promote sustainable development through pollution prevention,
waste minimization, and recycling, wherever possible. We believe that through heightened
environmental awareness and action, these objectives can be accomplished. We also believe
that excellence and continuous improvement in environmental practices are in the best interests
of all stakeholders.
This Environmental Policy reflects the commitment of Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. to ensuring that
environmental objectives, targets, and policies are communicated and adhered to by all
employees, suppliers, and sub-contractors.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
The successful implementation of an EPP is the responsibility of each employee, as well as all
partners, sub-contractors and suppliers. Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. has adopted this approach as
a corporate commitment to achieving environmental protection and will provide appropriate
resources in the form of personnel, equipment, and materials.
To facilitate implementation of the EPP, Bay Bulls Properties Ltd has established an
Environmental Management Team (EMT) within its overall project organizational structure. The
EMT is mandated to provide direction and guidance to ensure that the project is planned,
designed and constructed in a manner that is consistent with the environmental policy.
The team will be led by Pennecon Limited’s Corporate HSEQ Manager, with input from
Pennecon Limited’s Environment Manager. The HSEQ Manager will function as part of the
Project Management Team and coordinate directly with Project Management on all matters
pertaining to the implementation of all HSEQ-related plans, including the EPP.
In addition to the HSEQ Manager and Environment Manager, the EMT will include a HSE
Advisor. The HSE Advisor will be responsible for ensuring that environmental protection and
mitigation measures are properly implemented and maintained.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
4.1 Project Overview
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. is developing a wharf, quarry and laydown area in Forteau,
Newfoundland and Labrador to supply rock for the purposes of marine protection.
The project will be carried out over 3 years:
Year 1, 2014. Year 1 will focus on the mobilization of gear to site and crushing a portion of the
required rock. This will involve the excavation and removal of overburden material to enable the
development of an area suitable for setup of the crusher and associated equipment and the
drilling and blasting of the rock source, followed by crushing and stockpiling of rock. This phase
will also involve the construction of the access road to the wharf and the commencement of
marine terminal construction.
Year 2, 2015. Year 2 will focus on completing the required amount of crushing and marine
terminal construction. Equipment associated with crushing/quarrying will be demobilized upon
completion of crushing operations. Quarry rehabilitation, as per requirements of the Department
of Natural Resources and outlined in the Minerals Act, shall be completed upon finalization of
crushing operations and demobilization of equipment.
Year 3, 2016. Year 3 will see the development of the Intermediate Laydown Area initially, but
will focus on the transporting of rock from the quarry and the loading of the vessel for shipment.
Final decommissioning and rehabilitation will also occur in Year 3 and will involve demobilizing
all unsuitable structures at the wharf site and the creation of an area acceptable to the
community and the environment.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
An environmental impact is a change to the environment, positive or negative. For the purposes
of this EPP, negative impacts resulting from project activities are the primary concern. Site staff
and crew shall possess an understanding of the sensitive site components that could be
impacted as a result of the project’s activities, including, but not limited to:
Wildlife and wildlife habitat, including migratory and breeding birds,
Historic resources;
Vegetation; and
Fish and fish habitat.
5.1 Noise Generation
Project activities have the potential to generate noise from the use of heavy equipment and the
handling of various construction materials. Noise generation has the potential to disturb nearby
residents, as well as cause negative effects on wildlife in the area. It is important to note,
however, that the prevailing south-westerly wind will direct noise away from the community and
that the closest community is English Point, which is about 2.0 km northwest from the quarry
Mitigation Measures:
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. will adhere to all permits and approvals, and comply with the
relevant legislation with respect to noise;
All equipment will be fitted with standard and well-maintained noise suppression devices;
All vehicles and generators will have exhaust systems and noise abatement equipment
regularly inspected and operating properly;
All materials handling will be carried out in such a way as to avoid unnecessary
generation of noise; and
Idling of construction vehicles will be kept to a minimum.
5.2 Dust Generation
Dust generation related to construction activities may result in human health effects, as well as
negative impacts on freshwater ecosystems and vegetation. It is important to note, however,
that the prevailing south-westerly wind will also take dust away from the community and that the
closest community is English Point, which is about 2.0 km northwest from the quarry site.
Mitigation Measures:
Equipment will have the required dust and emission control filters;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Material stockpiles will be sheltered from the wind or otherwise maintained (e.g. sprayed
with water) to prevent generation of air-borne particulates and placed in locations that
consider the prevailing wind directions and locations of sensitive receptors;
Dust control will be provided for unsealed roads, construction activities and open soil
areas using water or other suitable method. Particular care will be taken to maintain dust
suppression near sensitive areas; and
A Water Use License under the Water Resources Act will be obtained if a source of
water is required for dust suppression.
5.3 Fuel and Hazardous Material Storage and Transfer
A variety of potentially hazardous materials will be used during project activities, e.g. fuel,
hydraulics, etc. The primary concern regarding the use and storage of fuel or other hazardous
materials is the uncontrolled or accidental release into the environment. Bay Bulls Properties
Ltd. recognizes the potential for negative impacts as a result of accidental releases to the
environment, including adverse effects on terrestrial and aquatic habitat and species, soil,
surface and groundwater quality, and human health and safety.
Mitigation Measures: The transportation, use and storage of fuel and other hazardous
materials is regulated by The Storage and Handling of Gasoline and Associated Products (GAP)
Regulations and Amendments, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (1992) and Dangerous
Goods Transportation Act (2006).
In addition to those conditions set forth by the above regulations, Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. will
ensure the following:
Any soil contaminated by small leaks of fuel, oil or grease from equipment will be
cleaned up and disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations, under the
provincial Environmental Protection Act (2006) and Used Oil Control Regulation (82/02).
The Used Oil Control Regulation (82/02) will be used as a guideline to the DOEC
requirements for such disposal;
Smoking will be permitted in designated areas only and not within 10 m of fuel or
hazardous material storage areas;
A complete inventory of the hazardous materials on the job site will be maintained
according to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
Regulations and will be made available to regulatory agencies upon request or in case of
any emergency;
All sub-contractors will be required to observe strict compliance with the requirements of
WHMIS regarding employee training, use, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous
materials and regarding labeling and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets, as
required by WHMIS legislation;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
All persons handling dangerous goods will show proof of certification of training in the
transportation of dangerous goods as required under the Transportation of Dangerous
Goods Act (1992) and Dangerous Goods Transportation Act (2006). Contractor staff will
be trained in the requirements of the Acts;
Tanks will be located in areas where spills, should they occur, are not likely to flow
directly to watercourses, water bodies, ditches or the ocean;
Oils, grease, gasoline, diesel or other fuels or any material deemed to be hazardous will
be stored at least 100 m from any watercourse or the ocean;
Temporary fuelling or servicing of mobile equipment will not be allowed within 30 m of
watercourses, water bodies, drainage systems or ecologically sensitive areas. For
equipment of limited mobility where the 30 m buffer zone cannot be practically achieved,
adequate drip and spill containment will be provided during the refueling operation;
Fuel and other hazardous materials storage areas and non-portable transfer lines will be
clearly marked or barricaded to protect against damage by moving vehicles. The
markers will be visible under all weather conditions. Barriers will be constructed in
compliance with the provincial Storage and Handling of Gasoline and Associated
Product Regulations (58/03);
Storage areas will be equipped with appropriate firefighting equipment;
Waste oils, lubricants and other used oil shall be retained in a tank or closed container
and will be disposed of regularly under contract with a licensed used oil collector in
accordance with the Used Oil Control Regulations (82/02);
Greasy or oily rags or other materials at risk of spontaneous combustion will be
deposited and stored in an appropriate receptacle. This material will be removed from
the work site on a regular basis and shall be disposed of in an approved existing waste
disposal facility. Removal of these materials from the job site is regulated under the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act;
All hazardous materials will be handled according to the provincial Environmental
Protection Act (2006) and disposed of in accordance with government laws and
regulations at an approved off-site hazardous waste disposal facility;
Regular inspections of hydraulic and fuel systems on machinery will be done, and leaks
shall be repaired immediately upon detection. Worn or damaged hoses, seals and
fittings will be promptly repaired or replaced.
Fuelling, routine maintenance activities, and lubrication of vehicles and mobile
equipment will occur in designated and approved locations. Fuelling and lubrication of
equipment will occur in such a manner as to minimize the possibility of contamination to
soil or water;
When fuelling equipment, operators will:
o Be in attendance for the duration of the operation;
o Use leak-free containers and reinforced rip and puncture-proof hoses and
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
o Use hoses that have a design pressure rating of at least 150% of the maximum
head of the system;
o Lock out all tank nozzle valves except the valve currently in use;
o Seal all storage container outlets except the outlet currently in use;
o Ensure drip pans, and other precautionary measures as required, are in place
prior to the start of refueling activities;
Fuel unloading facilities will be equipped with drip pans to collect hose drainage and
drips. Hoses or pipes used for fuel transfer will be equipped with properly functioning
and approved check valves, spaced to prevent backflow of fuel in the case of failures;
Any soil contaminated by small leaks of fuel, oil or grease from equipment will be
cleaned up and disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations, under the
provincial Environmental Protection Act (2006) and Used Oil Control Regulation (82/02).
The Used Oil Control Regulation (82/02) will be used as a guideline to the DOEC
requirements for such disposal;
All necessary precautions will be implemented to prevent the spillage, misplacement,
and loss of fuels and other hazardous materials used during the construction phase;
A fuel and other hazardous materials spill contingency plan, and appropriate emergency
spill equipment, will be in place on site (Section 6.1);
All spills of fuel and hazardous materials will be reported immediately to the HSE
Advisor. Any spill to the marine environment or spills of 70 L or more on land will be
reported immediately in accordance with provincial regulation;
Any spill on land regardless of size that may enter a waterbody frequented by fish will be
reported immediately to Canadian Coast Guard Environmental Emergencies: (709) 772-
2083 or 1-800-563-9089, as required by the Fisheries Act and Section 201 of Canadian
Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). All such spills will also be reported immediately to
the HSE Advisor;
Small quantities of hazardous material (drums, cans and other containers under 20 L)
will be stored in a secure location protected from weather and freezing, as well as
vehicle traffic. Where hazardous materials are to be stored outdoors, a designated area
will be established and fitted with appropriate secondary containment. If required, a
hazardous waste storage area will be constructed in compliance with all applicable
federal and provincial legislation;
Concrete additives and form release agents will be stored in approved containers and
transferred and used in a manner that avoids loss of material to the environment;
Before installing fuel storage tanks, the necessary approvals and permits under The
Storage and Handling of Gasoline and Associated Products Regulations (58/03) will be
All bulk storage of fuel products and other hazardous materials on site will be stored in
aboveground, self-dyked tanks in compliance with The Storage and Handling of
Gasoline and Associated Products Regulations (58/03);
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Tanks for fuels and other hazardous materials will be self-dyked or will be positioned
over an impervious mat, surrounded by an impervious dyke of sufficient height to
o Where a dyked area contains only one storage tank, the dyked area will retain
not less than 110% of the capacity of the tank; and
o Where a dyked area contains more than one storage tank, the dyked area will
retain not less than 110% of the capacity of the largest tank or 100% of the
capacity of the largest tank plus 10% of the aggregate capacity of all the other
tanks, whichever is greater.
All storage facilities will be located away from construction activity, with secondary
containment, and inspected on a regular basis in compliance with government laws and
regulations; and
While there is no expectation that hazardous substances used throughout the duration of
this project will be in quantities or volumes that will trigger action under the
Environmental Emergency Regulations under Section 200 of CEPA, it is important to
note that certain substances (eg. propane, gasoline, etc) are listed in Schedule 1 of
these Regulations and, therefore, should be consulted prior to bringing these substances
to site.
5.4 Disposal of Solid Waste and Sewage
Potential Impact: solid waste (e.g. domestic waste), as well as sewage must be properly
disposed of, or risk becoming a hazard to human health and safety. Improperly disposed of
waste may also attract wildlife and result in human-wildlife conflicts.
Mitigation Measures:
All activities associated with the current contract are subject to the Waste Management
Regulations, under the Environmental Protection Act;
Waste accumulated on site prior to disposal will be confined so that it does not pose an
environmental or health hazard. Waste receptacles will be installed at all active work
areas for use by workers. Waste receptacles will be bear-proof and secured to prevent
movement under severe weather conditions;
Work areas will be kept clear of debris, waste and litter to reduce the potential for
attracting wildlife and reducing potential interactions with wildlife;
Construction and demolition debris are to be covered to prevent blowing dust and debris;
No waste material will be deposited in or within 100 m of a watercourse;
Burning of waste will not be permitted;
Any vehicles carrying waste offsite will be secured to prevent windblow or other loss of
load during transportation;
Regular inspections of the work site will be undertaken to confirm it is left rubbish free at
all times;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Sewage will be handled by temporary portable toilets or washcars located around the
construction site and will comply with all health and safety regulations, the Department of
Health guidelines, the Environmental Protection Act (2006), and Environmental Control
Water and Sewage Regulations, 2003 (65/03); and
Sewage waste will be trucked off-site by a licensed waste management firm for
treatment and disposal.
5.5 Equipment Use and Maintenance
Potential Impact: environmental concerns associated with the operation and use of
construction equipment, including atmospheric emissions, noise, accidental spills and chronic
leaks, etc. Emissions, spills and direct physical disturbances as a result of equipment can
adversely affect surrounding resources.
Mitigation Measures:
Equipment delivered to the worksite will be in good operating condition and kept in
proper operating condition;
Equipment will be routinely inspected for leaks and mechanical conditions that have the
potential to result in spills of fuel, lubricating oils, or hazardous materials;
Fuelling and routine maintenance operations will be conducted in accordance with
appropriate standards and guidelines;
Equipment maintenance and fuelling activities will be performed by a qualified person at
a designated site located away from any water body or wetland;
Equipment use will be limited to approved locations;
Fuel will not be stored near generators or located adjacent to water bodies and drip pans
will be placed under equipment located near water bodies;
Spill kits will be maintained on site. Each piece of equipment will have a portable spill kit
on board. In addition, drum spill kits will be strategically located near working areas;
Equipment working in or very near the marine environment (eg. long-reach excavator for
wharf construction) shall be equipped with environmentally-friendly hydraulics as
appropriate; and
Maintenance and inspections will be documented and records stored on site.
5.6 Pumps and Generators
Potential Impact: accidental spills of fuel or lubricating oil, as well as chronic leaks, may
contaminate water bodies or surface soils.
Mitigation Measures:
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Fuel will not be stored near generators or adjacent to water bodies;
Drip pans will be placed under all generators, light plants, etc;
Hoses and connections on all equipment will be inspected daily for leaks and drips; and
All leaks and spills will be reported immediately to the HSE Advisor.
5.7 Erosion Prevention
Potential Impact: Construction activity near shorelines, as well as equipment/vehicle traffic,
have the potential to cause surface soil erosion and result in the deposition of fines into the
marine/aquatic environment, leading to negative effects on fish and fish habitats.
Mitigation Measures:
All work areas will be monitored for erosion and appropriate repair action taken as
All work will be performed in such a manner that deleterious substances including, but
not limited to, sediment, fuel, and oil do not enter water bodies adjacent to the
development site;
Siltation control structures (i.e., silt curtains, cofferdams, and/or sediment fences) will be
constructed prior to beginning any activities involving work along the shoreline or near
areas of high runoff potential. The necessary and appropriate measures will be
determined on site. Accumulated sediment will be removed from control structures to
maintain the effectiveness of the systems;
Inspections and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls will be undertaken on a
regular basis and following significant rain events; and
Construction activities will be coordinated to avoid periods of extreme precipitation and
not coincide with sensitive periods for fish as identified by DFO.
5.8 Buffer Zones
Potential Impact: erosion as a result of construction activities resulting in damage to water
quality, fish, and fish habitat.
Mitigation Measures:
As of July 1, 2013, Water Resources Management Division will no longer be issuing
permits to Alter a Body of Water under Section 48 of the Water Resources Act for work
within 15 m where the undertaking does not alter a body of freshwater (including
wetlands). However, a minimum 15 m wide undisturbed buffer along the high water mark
of all bodies of water in the area will be maintained where possible;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Temporary fuelling or servicing of mobile equipment will not be allowed within 100 m of
watercourses, water bodies, drainage systems or ecologically sensitive areas;
Stockpile laydown areas adjacent to the marine environment shall be greater than 15 m
from the high water mark; and
For equipment of limited mobility where the 100 m buffer zone cannot be practically
achieved, adequate drip and spill containment will be provided during the refueling
5.9 Vehicle Traffic
Potential Impact: proposed construction activities will be supported by vehicles ranging in size
from light trucks to heavy equipment, all of which can result in direct physical disturbances that
can impact air quality and terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Mitigation Measures:
Appropriate speed limits and road signage will be established and enforced to minimize
environmental disturbance and accidents;
Equipment and vehicles will yield the right of way to wildlife;
All project vehicles will be properly inspected and maintained in good working order,
including all exhaust systems, mufflers and any other pollution control devices;
Travel in areas outside designated work areas will not be permitted;
Dust control will be undertaken in accordance with Section 5.2; and
Site roads will be maintained as appropriate and monitored for signs of erosion;
appropriate action will be taken to repair roads as necessary.
5.10 Working In and Around the Marine Environment
Potential Impact: The main concerns arising from construction activities occurring in or near
the marine environment include noise (eg. seabird avoidance, human nuisance) and the
potential for disturbances to fish and fish habitat, (eg. fuel spill).
Mitigation Measures:
Noise mitigation measures are covered in Section 5.1 Noise Generation;
All land-based equipment will be serviced and fuelled on land at least 100 m from the
marine environment or in designated areas designed for spill containment;
Regular mechanical inspections of equipment working in or near the marine environment
will be made and repairs undertaken immediately;
As appropriate, heavy equipment in proximity to the marine environment (eg. long reach
excavator) shall be equipped with environmentally friendly hydraulics. If alternate
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
equipment if used (eg. crane equipped with clam), the suitability of environmentally
friendly products shall be reviewed and used wherever possible;
Emergency spill equipment will be available onsite, including portable spill kits on all
equipment and drum spill kits strategically located around site;
Any disturbed areas along the shoreline will be immediately stabilized to prevent
erosion. Shoreline protection will be provided as required;
Stockpile laydown areas adjacent to the marine environment shall be greater than 15 m
from the high water mark;
Boats, barges or other vessels used to support in-water works will be inspected for sea
worthiness prior to use. A daily log of inspections for sea worthiness and mechanical
soundness will be maintained for each vessel; and
Any effluent discharged into receiving waters must comply with the Environmental
Control Water and Sewage Regulations; and
On-water operations will be suspended when weather conditions exceed
vessel/equipment capabilities.
Note: For clarity and according to the Water Resources Act
states "body of water" means a surface
or subterranean source of fresh or salt water within the jurisdiction of the province, whether that
source usually contains liquid or frozen water or not, and includes water above the bed of the
sea that is within the jurisdiction of the province, a river, stream, brook, creek, watercourse,
lake, pond, spring, lagoon, ravine, gully, canal, wetland and other flowing or standing water and
the land occupied by that body of water.
5.11 Clearing of Vegetation
Potential Impact: Vegetation clearing (eg. trees and shrubs) will be required for quarry site
development, access road construction, site preparation activities for work areas and lay down
areas. Potential environmental concerns include the loss of habitat, the sedimentation of
watercourses, uncontrolled burning of slash, stockpiling vegetation in or near watercourses, and
disturbance or destruction of historic resources.
Mitigation Measures:
Clearing or removal of trees will be restricted to only those areas required;
Clearing activities will comply with the requirements of all applicable permits, including
the Permit to Burn;
Clearing will consist of cutting as close to the ground as possible, with stump heights
not exceeding 15cm, and disposing of all standing trees, as well as removing all shrubs,
debris and other perishable materials from the area;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
An excavator equipped with a mulcher, chain saws or other hand-held equipment will be
used in clearing vegetation except where alternative methods or equipment are
approved. The use of mechanical clearing methods, such as bulldozers, will not occur
except where it can be demonstrated that there is no merchantable timber, and where
the resulting terrain disturbance and erosion will not result in the loss of topsoil or the
sedimentation of nearby waterbodies. All chainsaw operators will be equipped with an
adequate fire extinguisher during the fire season, as well as shovels and axes;
Merchantable or usable timber will be removed by a local contractor;
Disposal of cleared unmerchantable timber, slashings and cuttings by burning shall be in
compliance with the Forest Fire Regulations, Environmental Code of Practice for Open
Burning, and the Permit to Burn. At no time will fires be left unattended;
Slash and any other construction material or debris will not be permitted to enter any
watercourse, and will be piled above spring flood levels for later disposal;
Cleared vegetation will be used to restore habitat where practical;
Where possible, timber will be felled inward toward the work area to avoid damaging any
standing trees; and
Employees will not destroy or disturb any features indicative of a cultural or
archaeological site. Such features will be avoided until a report has been made to the
Provincial Archaeology Office and clearance to proceed has been received.
5.12 Grubbing and Disposal of Related Debris
Potential Impact: The principal concerns associated with grubbing and disposal of related
debris are the potential adverse effects on historic resources, as well as terrestrial ecosystems
and water quality, including destruction of terrestrial habitat and potential for siltation, erosion
and run-off.
Mitigation Measures:
Grubbing of the organic vegetation mat and/or the upper soil horizons will be restricted
to the minimum area required;
The organic vegetation mat and upper soil horizon material that has been grubbed will
be spread in a manner so as to cover inactive exposed areas;
Any surplus of such material will be stored or stockpiled for site rehabilitation and
revegetation purposes. The location of the stockpiles will be recorded and accessible for
future rehabilitation purposes. Grubbed material will be buried with two feet of soil cover
to prevent erosion and loss of nutrients;
Measures will be implemented to reduce and control runoff of sediment-laden water
during grubbing, and the re-spreading and stockpiling of grubbed materials. Where
grubbed materials are re-spread or stockpiled, as many stumps and roots as possible
will be left on the ground surface to maintain soil cohesion, dissipate the energy of runoff
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
and promote natural revegetation. Erosion control measures will be implemented in
areas prone to soil loss;
Grubbing activities will adhere to buffer zone requirements;
During grubbing, care will be taken to ensure that grubbed material will not be pushed
into areas that are to be left undisturbed; and
Discovery of historic resources will be handled according to the procedures outlined in
contingency plans, Section 6.4.
5.13 Quarrying and Aggregate Removal
Potential Impact: The principle concerns for quarry development and associated aggregate
removal include the potential for impacts on aquatic systems, loss of terrestrial habitat and
historic resources, potential quarry development/reclamation plans.
Mitigation Measures:
Quarry activity shall be undertaken in compliance with quarry permits and shall comply
with all other relevant regulations;
The quarry area shall be developed in a controlled manner so as to minimize potential
environmental effects. The following protection procedures shall be implemented to
minimize disturbance and facilitate rehabilitation:
o A buffer zone of undisturbed vegetation shall be maintained between the quarry
and watercourses, waterbodies, and ecologically or historically sensitive areas;
o The quarry area, stockpile area, and limits of clearing shall be staked and/or
flagged to prevent over-extension of the development;
o The area to be excavated shall be clear cut of all vegetation prior to grubbing,
excavation, or removal of any material. Only the area necessary for production
shall be cleared;
o All stumps, organic matter and topsoil shall be stripped from the area to be
excavated and stockpiled away from uncleared areas; stockpiles shall be kept
away from the area of excavation; separate overburden piles shall be developed
where this material is present; topsoil and the underlying overburden shall not be
o Upon completion of excavation of the quarry, no cliff faces or benches shall be
left at a height of greater than 10 m. Available material left over from quarrying
and stockpiled overburden shall be used to slope to 30 degrees along the
perimeter (as per the Quarry Materials Act) and to rehabilitate the area; and
o Following sloping, the topsoil and any organic materials shall be re-spread over
the disturbed area to promote natural re-vegetation by adjacent seed sources.
In order to prevent sedimentation of waterbodies, watercourses, and ecologically
sensitive areas, sediment control measures (hay bales, silt fence, etc) shall be
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
established, if required, and cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that the retention
capacity is maintained at all times. If these measures are deemed inadequate, additional
measures, including but not limited to, a sedimentation pond, collection ditches, swales,
check dams, sumps and pumps, will be installed as needed;
The TSS content of construction-altered water that is released into a natural waterbody
shall not exceed 30 milligrams per litre;
Dust from aggregate processing, storage, and handling shall be controlled with water as
required during times when temperatures are above freezing; and
A Water Use License under the Water Resources Act will be required for the use of
water from any source for any purpose; therefore, approval from the DOEC, Water
Resources Management Division, shall be obtained prior to any water use.
5.14 Waste Rock and Overburden
Potential Impact: the principal concern associated with the placement of waste rock and
overburden is siltation of the aquatic environment, pertaining to water quality and substrate, loss
of habitat and displacement of wildlife. As well, disturbance and/or excavation of sulfide bearing
rock can release contaminants (acidic drainage and dissolved metals ARD) into the aquatic
environment. It is important to note that rock samples previously collected and assayed did not
contain sulfides and did not have acid generating potential.
Mitigation Measures:
Waste rock and overburden storage areas will be strategically located to avoid siltation
of the marine environment;
If required, collection ditches and settling ponds will be used to manage surface runoff
and any groundwater flows;
Waste rock and overburden piles will be sloped to prevent pooling of surface water;
Waste rock and overburden storage areas will be secured as appropriate; and
The stored overburden and waste rock will be used for future rehabilitation of the quarry
5.15 Linear Developments
For the purposes of this project, linear developments shall include all activities associated with
access road construction, including ditching.
Potential Impact: environmental concerns associated with linear developments include
potential sedimentation/erosion, the loss of vegetation and fish/wildlife habitat and potential
impacts to historic resources.
Mitigation Measures:
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Sedimentation control measures shall be installed as required. Accumulated sediments
shall be removed on a regular basis to ensure such systems remain effective;
Work shall not be undertaken on easily erodible materials during or immediately
following heavy rainfalls without protection measures in place;
Buffer zones shall be flagged prior to any disturbance activities;
Natural vegetation shall be left in place where possible. Rights-of-way, particularly in
areas of dense vegetation, shall be as narrow as practicable; loss of ground vegetation
shall be kept to a minimum;
Roads shall be adequately ditched so as to allow for good drainage. Where possible,
ditches shall be kept at the same gradient as the road;
Drainage from areas of exposed fill shall be controlled by grade or ditching and directed
to vegetated areas away from all watercourses and at least 30 m from a waterbody.
Surface water shall be directed away from work areas by ditching. Runoff from these
areas shall have sediment removed by filtration or other suitable methods;
In areas where natural vegetation must be removed, the topsoil layer shall be separately
stored from grubbed material for rehabilitation;
Temporary erosion control shall be applied on exposed slopes in sensitive areas
immediately following exposure of a slope;
The cutting and filling phase of road construction, and the development of other work
areas, shall be conducted as outlined in the following procedures:
o Cutting and filling shall be done only upon completion of grubbing. Where
engineering requirements do not require grubbing (e.g., within the buffer zone of
a waterbody), filling shall occur without any disturbance of the vegetation mat or
the upper soil horizons;
o Road fill shall be dry and ice free. On areas of sensitive terrain, the fill shall be
end-dumped from the established roadbed.
Road construction activities shall avoid known archaeological, historical and/or spiritual
sites and required buffers shall be respected. If any archaeological or historical sites are
encountered (known or otherwise), all work shall cease in that area until approval has
been granted by the Provincial Archaeological Officer (PAO); and
The stone fox trap that was discovered in 2012 is to be fully recorded, systematically
dismantled and removed for safe keeping, prior to any development associated with the
access road.
5.16 Blasting
Potential Impact: destruction of vegetation, noise disturbances to wildlife, and the potential
effects on fish, aquatic animals, and historic resources.
Mitigation Measures:
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
All blasting work will be conducted in compliance with the appropriate permits and/or
approvals and authorizations;
The handling, transportation, storage and use of explosives will be conducted in
compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, orders of the Newfoundland and
Labrador Department of Government Services (NLDGS) and Newfoundland and
Labrador Department of Natural Resources (NLDNR), and the Dangerous Goods
Transportation Act (2006);
All personnel will comply with site-approved safe blasting procedures;
Blasting activities will be coordinated and scheduled to minimize the number of blasts
required. In order to minimize the seismic effect, blasting patterns and procedures will be
used to reduce the shock wave and noise;
Blasting will not occur in the vicinity of fuel storage facilities;
Use of explosives will be restricted to authorized personnel who have been trained in
their use;
Explosives and auxiliary materials will be stored as stipulated in relevant legislation, in
compliance with all permits. Licensed blasters will undertake blasting;
Explosives will be used in a manner that will minimize damage or defacement of
landscape features, trees and other surrounding objects by controlling, through the best
methods possible (including time-delay blast cycles), the scatter of blasted material
beyond the limits of activity;
Historic resources and features will not be disturbed during blasting. Any historic
resource discoveries will be reported to the Department of Tourism, Culture and
Recreation, Provincial Archaeology Office (PAO). Areas that may be potentially
disturbed will be identified prior to blasting and, where necessary, charge size and
location will be adjusted; and
A pre-blast check of all artesian wells and basements of houses in English Point on the
east side of the bay will be completed prior to any blasting activity; and
Where blasting activities will take place near a water body, all blasting activities shall
follow the “Guidelines for the Use of Explosives In or Near Canadian Fisheries Waters”
(Wright and Hopky, 1999).
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Contingency plans have been developed to address accidents and unplanned incidents. These
contingency plans will be modified as required throughout the life of the project.
The following contingency plans have been developed for this project:
Fuel and Hazardous Materials Spills
Forest Fires
Wildlife Encounters
Discovery of Historic Resources
Discovery of a Species At Risk
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. supports preventative measures as the first line of defence against the
possibility of accidents.
6.1 Fuel and Hazardous Material Spills
Spills or leaks of fuel and other hazardous materials have the potential to be damaging to
vegetation, soil, surface water, groundwater, wildlife, marine organisms, historic resources and
human health and safety.
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the spill of fuel or other
hazardous materials at the site including, but not limited to, the following:
Implementing the WHMIS program throughout the site in accordance with the
Newfoundland Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations governed by the
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of Newfoundland;
Ensuring all employees involved with hazardous materials are appropriately trained; and
Ensuring fuel storage at the site is undertaken in compliance with applicable provincial
and federal regulations, codes and guidelines.
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. will lead and coordinate any field response to environmental incidents
related to their activities. It is anticipated that spilled material will be primarily fuel, lube, and
hydraulic fluid originating from equipment wear and tear and/or malfunction. Therefore, in the
event of a spill, procedures for responding to hydrocarbon spills outlined herein, shall apply:
1. Assess the situation (Safety First). Personnel shall not approach the spill area without
appropriate Personal Protective Equipment;
2. Identify priorities while considering the threat to people, property, and the environment;
3. Initiate the appropriate response actions:
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
o The individual who discovers the leak or spill shall make a reasonable attempt to
immediately stop the leakage and contain the flow, where safe to do so;
o Contact emergency personnel and request additional support if necessary;
o Reporting: spill location, type of product, estimated volume and terrain condition
at the spill site will be determined and reported immediately to Bay Bulls
Properties Ltd.’s HSE Advisor for further reporting to authorities, as appropriate;
o Initiate the containment and recovery of any free product and/or contaminated
4. Dispose of all waste material in the appropriate manner;
5. Restore the site to the satisfaction of the Project representative or governing regulatory
6. Document and investigate as required.
Reportable spills include:
A spill or leak greater than 70 litres on land;
A spill or leak on land, regardless of quantity, that has the potential to contaminate
nearby property or enter a water body or sewer; or
A spill or leak in the water, regardless of quantity.
Spills meeting the above criteria shall be reported immediately to regulatory authorities via the
Environmental Emergency Report Line at (709) 772-2083 or 1-800-563-9089.
In reaching decisions on containment and clean-up procedures, the following criteria will be
Minimize danger to persons;
Minimize pollution of watercourses;
Minimize area affected by spill;
Minimize the degree of disturbance to the area and watercourses during cleanup.
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd will take all necessary precautions to prevent a reoccurrence of the
incident and the HSE Advisor shall prepare a written report as required.
All fuel-powered equipment shall contain appropriately-sized spill kits (23 L). In addition, 45
gallon drum spill kits shall be strategically placed throughout the site and moved as required to
reflect progress along the access road. In addition, a sea-can clearly marked as “Spill Response
Equipment” shall be located in the lay down area. The contents of spill kits shall be routinely
inspected and supplies replenished as necessary.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
6.2 Forest Fires
Construction activities may increase the risk of fire in the natural environment. Fires may spread
to the surrounding area and forest. The primary concern is human health and safety, however
minimizing damage to vegetation, wildlife, and air and water quality are also priorities.
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd. shall take all necessary precautions to prevent fire hazards when
working at the site including, but not limited to, the following:
Adhering to appropriate permits, including operating permits;
Storing, handling and disposing of flammable materials and waste appropriately;;
Smoking in designated areas only;
Providing fire-fighting equipment that is in proper operating condition, in compliance with
manufacturer standards, and in sufficient quantities; and
Training project personnel, as required, in the use of appropriate fire-fighting equipment.
If a fire is encountered, the following protocol shall be followed:
The individual who discovers the fire shall sound the alarm;
Personnel trained in fire-fighting and the use of appropriate equipment shall take
immediate steps to contain or extinguish the fire;
Fires shall be reported immediately to the HSE Advisor for further reporting to the local
authorities. The following information shall be provided:
o name and telephone number
o time of detection
o size of fire
o location of fire
o weather conditions (rain, sun, wind direction and speed, etc.).
6.3 Wildlife Encounters
Wildlife encounters pose a potential risk for stress or injury to both the wildlife and site
personnel. To reduce the risk to both wildlife and humans, the following measures will be
Hunting, trapping or fishing by Project personnel is not permitted on site;
Site and working areas will be kept clean of food scraps and garbage;
Wildlife protected disposal containers will be used and will be regularly emptied and
transferred to the local landfill;
No personal pets, domestic or wild, will be allowed on the site;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
In addition to the above protection measures, the following protocol will be followed in the event
of a wildlife encounter:
Workers shall not attempt to chase, catch, divert, follow or otherwise harass wildlife by
vehicle or on foot within the project site;
Equipment and vehicles shall yield the rightofway to wildlife;
Wildlife sightings or encounters shall be reported to the HSE Advisor. All actions in
response to nuisance animals, including the use of firearms by bear monitors in the
project area, shall be the responsibility of Bay Bulls Properties Ltd;
If the nest of any bird is encountered during construction activities, work around the nest
will be immediately stopped and the HSE Advisor notified; and
Any incidents that result in the displacement or killing of wildlife shall be reported to HSE
Advisor, complete with details on the incident and the names (and contact information)
of the persons involved, for reporting as required.
6.4 Discovery of Historic Resources
Historic resource material that is disturbed, destroyed, or improperly removed from a site
represents a cultural loss of information and history that could otherwise be handled and
interpreted in an efficient and appropriate manner.
Stop all work in the immediate area of the discovery until authorized personnel (HSE
Advisor), having consulted with the Provincial Archaeologist, permit resumption of the
Report the find immediately to the HSE Advisor;
Mark the site’s visible boundaries. Personnel will not move or remove any artifacts or
associated material unless advised to do so by the Provincial Archaeology Office;
Bay Bulls Properties Ltd will report the find with the following information to the
Provincial Archaeology Office, Culture and Heritage Division, Department of Tourism,
Culture, and Recreation, St. John’s, and comply with the instruction provided:
o nature of the find;
o precise descriptive and map location and the time of the find;
o nature of the activity resulting in the find;
o identity of the person(s) making the find;
o present location of the material and any protective measures initiated for the
material and the site; and,
o extenuating circumstances.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
6.5 Discovery of a Species at Risk
The following species at risk (as listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act) may occur
within the study area: Olive-sided Flycatcher (Threatened), Common Nighthawk (Threatened)
and Red Crossbill (Rufa subspecies; Endangered). Though unlikely to be found within the
project footprint, these species may occur within the study area.
The construction and operation of the Project may affect Species at Risk and their habitat. Since
these species are extremely sensitive to habitat degradation the following measures will be put
into place to ensure that the Project does not pose a threat to their population’s survival.
The Proponent and all contractors working on-site will adhere to all stipulations set out in
the Species at Risk Act (SARA), and will be informed that it is illegal to kill, harass,
capture or harm any species listed under it; and
If a Species at Risk, as listed above or otherwise, is discovered, all work in proximity to
the location will cease and it will be reported to the HSE Advisor who will then contact
Environment Canada- Canadian Wildlife Service for further action.
6.6 Migratory Birds
Migratory birds, their eggs, nests, and young are protected under the Migratory Birds
Convention Act (MBCA). Migratory birds protected by the MBCA generally include all seabirds
except cormorants and pelicans, all waterfowl, all shorebirds, and most landbirds (birds with
principally terrestrial life cycles).
Under Section 6 of the Migratory Birds Regulations (MBR), it is forbidden to disturb, destroy or
take a nest or egg of a migratory bird or to be in possession of a live migratory bird, or its
carcass, skin, nest or egg, except under authority of a permit. It is important to note that under
the current MBR, no permits can be issued for the incidental take of migratory birds caused by
development projects or other economic activities.
Furthermore, Section 5.1 of the MBCA describes prohibitions related to deposit of substances
harmful to migratory birds:
5.1 (1) No person or vessel shall deposit a substance that is harmful to migratory birds, or
permit such a substance to be deposited, in waters or an area frequented by migratory
birds or in a place from which the substance may enter such waters or such an area.
(2) No person or vessel shall deposit a substance or permit a substance to be deposited in
any place if the substance, in combination with one or more substances, results in a
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
substance in waters or an area frequented by migratory birds or in a place from
which it may enter such waters or such an area that is harmful to migratory birds.”
The construction and operation of the project may affect Migratory Birds and their habitat. The
following measures will be put into place to ensure that the Project does not pose a threat to
migratory birds:
No one shall approach concentrations of seabirds, sea ducks or shorebirds;
All vessels shall use the main navigation channels to get to and from the site and shall
have well muffled vessels and machinery;
Additional care shall be taken to ensure that food scraps and other garbage is properly
disposed of along coastal areas to avoid attraction of potential predators;
No one shall disturb, move, or destroy migratory bird nests. If a nest or young birds are
encountered, work will cease in the immediate area of the nest. Work will not continue in
the area until the nest is no longer occupied, otherwise the work plan will be modified to
avoid nest sites;
Personal pets shall not be brought to the construction site;
Buffers will be established around known nests (species-specific, as per last paragraph),
however staff and crew shall be made aware of the possibility of undiscovered nests.
When one or more of the indicators below are noted, notifications shall be made as
appropriate. An active nest can be identified by:
o the presence of birds or eggs in a nest;
o adult birds carrying food or nesting materials to a specific location; or
o adult birds defending territory, through singing, screeching or diving.
Stockpiles shall be covered where possible, or other deterrents applied, to discourage
the nesting of migratory birds in stockpiles left unattended. If migratory birds take up
occupancy in stockpiles, industrial activities may cause disturbance to these migratory
birds and inadvertently cause the destruction of nests and eggs. Alternate measures will
then need to be taken to reduce potential for erosion, and to ensure that nests are
protected until chicks have fledged and left the area. CWS will be contacted for advice
on appropriate measures;
All precautions shall be taken to prevent fuel leaks from equipment, as described in
Section 5.3. Staff and crew are aware that under the MBR, “no person shall deposit or
permit to be deposited oil, oil wastes or any other substance harmful to migratory birds in
any waters or any area frequented by migratory birds;
Biodegradable fluids shall be considered for use in place of petroleum products
whenever possible;
Fuelling and servicing of equipment should not take place within 30 meters of
environmentally sensitive areas, including shorelines and wetlands;
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
It is anticipated at this time that nighttime activities will be limited to crushing. Therefore,
to minimize risk of incidental take of migratory birds due to human-induced light, the
following measures shall be implemented:
o The use of solid-burning or slow pulsing warning lights at night shall be avoided;
o Lighting for the safety of the employees shall be shielded to shine down and only
to where it is needed, without compromising safety; and
o The minimum number of lights possible will be used, while still ensuring the
safety of crews working at night.
If there is any noticeable change in seabird numbers or distribution at the location during
operations, EC-CWS shall be notified.
In addition to the above-mention measures, Bay Bulls Properties has contracted AMEC
Environment and Infrastructure to conduct an avian-diversity ground survey of the entire project
area prior to the commencement of any construction activity. The presence of birds will be
determined based on visual and auditory cues. Birds will be considered resident breeders if, 1)
nests are found, 2) fledgling birds are present, or 3) adults are observed delivering food to a
suspected nest site. Confirmed nest sites will be marked in the field so that a species-specific
buffer can be established (e.g. 1 5 m for song birds). Active nests will not be identified by
flagging tape at the exact location of the nest, as this will increase predation risk (some
predators learn to associate flagging tape with eggs). Markers for nests will be placed using a
consistent method that does not directly pin-point the location of the nest, e.g. flagging
consistently placed 5 m to the north of a nest. This flagging method, along with all survey
methods, will be determined by the biologist conducting the surveys and outlined in a separate
report supplied to Bay Bulls Properties upon completion of the survey.
Forteau Wharf, Quarry and Laydown EPP
Table 1.2 Emergency Contacts
Project Manager
Dave Elliot
Office: 709 334 3635
Cell: 709 682 0190
Senior Project Engineer
Dhiraj KC
Office: 709 334 3556
Cell: 709 697 3463
Crushing Manager
Gerry Adams
Office: 709 782 3403
Cell: 709 424 4220
Environmental Manager
Deidre Puddister
Office: 709 782 5012
Cell: 709 689 8086
HSEQ Manager
Mike O’Reilly
Office: 709 782 5191
Cell: 709 631 0314
NL Department of Environment
and Conservation
709 729 4211
1 800 563 6181
24 hr Environmental Emergency
709 772 2083
1 800 563 9089
24 hr Forest Fire Emergency
Department of Forest
Resources and Agrifoods Fire
1 800 898 4528
Discovery of Contaminated or
Hazardous Material
Service NL
709 729 2550
Department of Tourism, Culture
and Recreation
Provincial Archaeology Office
709 729 2462
Environment Canada
Environmental Protection
709 772 2126
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
709 772 2154
Transport Canada Emergency Centre (dangerous goods emergencies)
*666 (from celluar)
Hazardous Waste Service Providers
Crosbie Industrial Services
709 722 8212
Pardy’s Waste Management
709 368 4350
709 834 7350