Actions Taken by
Equifax and Federal
Agencies in Response
to the 2017 Breach
Report to Congressional Requesters
August 2018
United States Government Accountability Office
United States Government Accountability Office
Highlights of GAO-18-559, a report to
congressional requesters.
August 2018
Actions Taken by Equifax and
Federal Agencies in
Response to the
2017 Breach
What GAO Found
In July 2017, Equifax system administrators discovered that attackers had gained
unauthorized access via the Internet to the online dispute portal that maintained
documents used to resolve consumer disputes (see fig.). The Equifax breach
resulted in the attackers accessing personal information of at least 145.5 million
individuals. Equifax’s investigation of the breach identified four major factors
including identification, detection, segmenting of access to databases, and data
governance that allowed the attacker to successfully gain access to its network and
extract information from databases containing personally identifiable information.
Equifax reported that it took steps to mitigate these factors and attempted to identify
and notify individuals whose information was accessed. The company’s public filings
since the breach occurred reiterate that the company took steps to improve security
and notify affected individuals.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Social Security Administration (SSA), and U.S.
Postal Service (USPS)three of the major federal customer agencies that use
Equifax’s identity verification servicesconducted assessments of the company’s
security controls, which identified a number of lower-level technical concerns that
Equifax was directed to address. The agencies also made adjustments to their
contracts with Equifax, such as modifying notification requirements for future data
breaches. In the case of IRS, one of its contracts with Equifax was terminated. The
Department of Homeland Security offered assistance in responding to the breach;
however, Equifax reportedly declined the assistance
because it had already retained
professional services from an external cybersecurity consultant. In addition, the
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and the Federal Trade Commission, which
have regulatory and enforcement authority over consumer reporting agencies (CRAs)
such as Equifax, initiated an investigation into the breach and Equifax’s response in
September 2017. The investigation is ongoing.
How Attackers Exploited Vulnerabilities in the 2017 Breach, Based on Equifax Information
View GAO-18-559. For more information,
Nick Marinos at (202) 512-9342 or
, or Michael Clements at
(202) 512
-8678 or Clem[email protected].
Why GAO Did This Study
CRAs such as Equifax assemble
information about consumers to
produce credit reports and may provide
other services, such as identity
verification to federal agencies and
other organizations. Data breaches at
Equifax and other large organizations
have highlighted the need to better
protect sensitive personal information.
GAO was asked to report on the major
breach that occurred at Equifax in
2017. This report (1) summarizes the
events regarding the breach and the
steps taken by Equifax to assess,
respond to, and recover from the
incident and (2) describes actions by
federal agencies to respond to the
breach. To do so, GAO reviewed
documents from Equifax and its
cybersecurity consultant related to the
breach and visited the Equifax data
center in Alpharetta, Georgia, to
interview officials and observe physical
security measures. GAO also reviewed
relevant public statements filed by
Equifax. Further, GAO analyzed
documents from the IRS, SSA, and
USPS, which are Equifax’s largest
federal customers for identity-proofing
services, and interviewed federal
officials related to their oversight
activities and response to the breach.
What GAO Recommends
GAO is not making recommendations
in this report. GAO plans to issue
separate reports on federal oversight
of CRAs and consumer rights
regarding the protection of personally
identifiable information collected by
such entities. A number of federal
agencies and Equifax provided
technical comments which we
incorporated as appropriate.
Page i GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Letter 1
Background 2
Attackers Exploited Vulnerabilities That Equifax Subsequently
Reported Taking Actions to Address 10
Federal Agencies Took a Variety of Actions in Response to the
Equifax Breach 21
Agency Comments and Third-Party Views 27
Appendix I Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 30
Appendix II Comments from the Social Security Administration 33
Appendix III Comments from the United States Postal Service 34
Appendix IV GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments 35
Figure 1: Analysis of How Attackers Exploited Vulnerabilities 13
Page ii GAO-18-559 Data Protection
BCFP Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CRA consumer reporting agencies
DHS Department of Homeland Security
IRS Internal Revenue Service
PII personally identifiable information
SSA Social Security Administration
USPS United States Postal Service
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United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety
without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain
copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be
necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
Page 1 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
441 G St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20548
August 30, 2018
Congressional Requesters
Recent data breaches at federal agencies, retailers, hospitals, insurance
companies, consumer reporting agencies (CRA), and other large
organizations have resulted in the potential compromise of millions of
Americanspersonally identifiable information (PII), which could lead to
identity theft and other serious consequences. Such incidents highlight
the importance of ensuring the security and privacy of PII collected and
maintained by those entities.
As one example, the breach of an Equifax online dispute portal from May
to July 2017 resulted in the compromise of records containing the PII of at
least 145.5 million consumers in the U.S. and nearly 1 million consumers
outside of the U.S. Among others, the customers of Equifaxs services
include federal agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS);
Social Security Administration (SSA); and U.S. Postal Service (USPS). In
addition, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have roles in providing oversight of
Equifax and other CRAs.
You requested that we review aspects of the 2017 Equifax breach and
the federal response. Our specific objectives were to (1) summarize the
events regarding the 2017 Equifax breach and the steps taken by the
company to assess, respond to, and recover from the incident and (2)
describe the actions that federal customers and oversight agencies took
in response to the breach.
Companies that assemble consumer credit information and sell this information are
referred to as consumer reporting agenciesby the law governing credit reports. See 15
U.S.C. § 1681a(f). These companies can also be referred to as a credit bureau,” “credit
reporting company,or a credit reporting agency.Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion
Corporation are the nations largest consumer reporting agencies.
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection was formerly known as the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The name change effort began in March 2018 and
continues to be phased in.
We were also requested to examine federal oversight of CRAs and consumer rights
regarding the protection of PII collected by CRAs, and the impact of data breaches at
CRAs on federal programs. We currently have additional audit work underway to address
these topics and plan to issue separate reports on the results of those audits.
Page 2 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
To address the first objective, we analyzed documentation generated by
Equifax and its cybersecurity consultant in response to the breach, such
as the report summarizing the results of the consultants forensic analysis
of Equifax systems. In addition, we conducted a site visit at the Equifax
data center in Alpharetta, Georgia, where we interviewed relevant
company officials and observed the organizations physical security
measures. We did not independently verify or assess Equifaxs security
controls or the steps the company took to address factors related to the
breach. We also reviewed Equifaxs relevant public filings it provided to
the public and shareholders, which included information about the data
breach and the companys efforts for remediation.
For the second objective, we analyzed documentation that described key
actions taken by federal customers and oversight agencies following the
breach. This included documentation that discussed the responses to the
breach by IRS, SSA, and USPS, as key federal customers of Equifax. In
addition, we analyzed documentation related to the oversight of Equifax
(and other CRAs) by BCFP and FTC. We also conducted interviews with
officials of these selected customer and oversight agencies to further
understand the actions they took. Appendix I discusses our objectives,
scope, and methodology in greater detail.
We conducted this performance audit from November 2017 to August
2018 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe
that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings
and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
A consumer reporting agency is a person or entity that assembles or
evaluates consumer credit information or other consumer information for
the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to others. This includes
companies that compile and store electronic files of consumer
information, which they then sell to other businesses and organizations
that use the information to assess or evaluate creditworthiness.
Furnishing of information by creditors and others to CRAs is voluntary, as
federal law generally does not require such reporting, and information
compiled on individual consumers can vary among the CRAs. A lender
uses the information provided to determine whether to offer credit to an
individual, the rate of interest to be assigned to the loan, and other terms
Page 3 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
of the contract. In addition, a growing number of entities use information
provided by CRAs to help make decisions about individualscredit
worthiness when determining eligibility for insurance, housing, or
employment, among other things. Information from CRAs can also be
used for other purposes, such as to identify potential customers with
specific characteristics for new credit card accounts.
CRAs may provide a variety of verification services to government and
private sector organizations. For example, Equifax provides income and
employment verification services using information collected from
Equifax, TransUnion, and Experianthe three major CRAsalso
leverage information they collect from organizations, such as financial
institutions, utilities, cell phone service providers, public records, and
government sources, to offer identity verification services. Other entities,
including federal agencies, use identity verification when they enroll new
applicants for benefits and services. In addition, the IRS uses identity
verification to ensure that individuals who want to access prior year tax
returns are the legitimate filers of those returns.
With regard to identity verification, CRAs typically use information they
collect to generate questions that federal agencies and other entities can
use to test applicantsknowledge of information in their credit file. These
questions and answers are typically the basis for identity proofingthe
process of comparing evidence from an individual with a trusted source of
data to verify that the individual is who they claim to be. The evidence
generally consists of information or documentation that only the legitimate
individual should know or have access to. For example, a drivers license,
passport, knowledge of recent financial transactions, and biometric
information are all considered relatively strong evidence that the
individual is who they say they are.
Although there is no commonly agreed-upon definition, the term data
breachgenerally refers to an unauthorized or unintentional exposure,
disclosure, or loss of an organizations sensitive information. This
information can include PII, such as Social Security numbers, or financial
information, such as credit card numbers.
A data breach can occur under many circumstances and for many
reasons. It can be inadvertent, such as from the loss of an electronic
device, or deliberate, such as from the theft of a device. A breach can
A Data Breach Can Have
Harmful Results
Page 4 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
also occur as a result of a cyber-based attack by a malicious individual or
group, agency insiders, foreign nation, terrorist, or other adversary. Data
breaches have occurred at all types of organizations, including private,
nonprofit, and federal and state entities.
The loss or unauthorized disclosure of information in a data breach can
lead to serious consequences and can result in substantial harm to
individuals, private sector organizations, and the federal government.
Examples of harmful results include:
loss or theft of resources, including money and intellectual property,
and identity theft;
inappropriate access to and disclosure, modification, or destruction of
sensitive information;
harm to national security;
use of computer services for unauthorized purposes or to launch an
attack on other computer systems;
damage to networks and equipment;
loss of privacy, emotional distress, or reputational harm;
loss of public confidence; and
high costs to remediate the effects of the breach.
Cyber criminals seeking access to sensitive information, such as PII,
typically use a variety of readily available software tools to carry out
attacks. These tools can be used to intercept and capture data as they
are transmitted, exploit known vulnerabilities
in commercially available
software, and facilitate e-mail phishing techniques for gaining
unauthorized access to systems and information.
Attackers often use similar techniques and tools, making it difficult to
distinguish one attacker from another. When custom-built tools are used,
an attacker may rely on unique methods or display other telltale signs that
can be used for identification; such tools are usually used when a target’s
defenses justify them. Off-the-shelf tools are usually enough to conduct a
A vulnerability is a weakness in an information system, system security procedures,
internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by an attacker.
Attackers Use a Variety of
Tools and Techniques
Page 5 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
successful attack that allows an attacker to steal data, bring systems
down, or gain further access to systems and resources.
Attackers often begin with network-scanning programs, which are used to
map the layout of a targeted network and determine the location of data
repositories that may contain information of interest.
Some scanners are
designed to scan only a single networked computer, extracting as much
data about that system as possible. Others can scan Internet addresses
across the web to identify potential targets by determining whether they
are using a version of software that is vulnerable to an attack.
Once a target has been identified, the attacker will generally attempt to
gain access to the system or network without leaving any indication of
who they are or from where they launched their attack. This is commonly
accomplished using tools that mask the attackers origin by using the
Internet address of another computer from another location. While an
investigator can sometimes use forensic tools to trace the original Internet
address, often this leads to misleading information.
Attackers use additional tools and techniques to gain unauthorized
access to systems and data on the target network and to transfer stolen
data back to the attackers own computer system. One such technique is
to leverage the access rights gained on the originally compromised
system to get further access into other servers on the network. To do this,
an attacker can use standard, off-the-shelf tools for navigating systems
and managing information that blend in with normal network activity. For
example, encryption can be used to hide the transfer of sensitive
information from one server to another or out of the network entirely. This
enables the attacker to continue probing for more repositories of
information and stealing copies of that information without being detected
by the targeted networks system administrators.
A scanner is a program that can identify active networked computers that are currently
receiving and sending computer network communication to gain reconnaissance data
about the type of operating system a computer is running (as well as the version), open
system services (e-mail, servers, etc.), and a host of other data, depending on the
capabilities of the scanning program.
Page 6 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
CRAs have been subject to federal regulation since the passage of the
Fair Credit Reporting Act in 1970.
Currently, FTC and BCFP are the two
federal agencies with primary oversight responsibilities for CRAs. FTC
was given responsibility for administratively enforcing CRAscompliance
with the Fair Credit Reporting Act at the time of enactment.
As part of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-
Frank Act), BCFP was given authority to enforce a number of federal
consumer financial laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act. BCFP
also has begun exercising supervisory authority over certain larger
participants in the credit reporting market.
FTC has authority, subject to certain exceptions, to investigate any
organization that maintains consumer data and to bring enforcement
actions for violations of laws that concern the protection of consumer
FTC also exercises enforcement authority over CRAs
through the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the related Safeguards” and
“Privacy Rules.”
The Fair Credit Reporting Act promotes the accuracy, fairness, and
privacy of information collected or used to help make decisions about
individualseligibility for credit, insurance, employment, housing, or
other benefits. CRAs that compile credit histories and other personal
information into consumer reports must adhere to the acts provisions
for ensuring the accuracy and permissible uses of such information.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires that federal financial regulators
and FTC establish standards and protections to ensure the security
Pub. L. No. 91-508, tit. VI, § 601, 84 Stat. 1114, 1127 (1970) (codified as amended at 15
U.S.C. §§ 1681-1681x).
See 15 U.S.C. § 1681s(a). Federal agencies and the states have authority to bring
injunctive actions under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as well as actions for damages for
violations of certain provisions. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as amended by the
Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, there are also private rights of action. See 15
U.S.C. §§ 1681n, 1681o, 1681s-2(c). In addition, federally supervised banks that use
consumer reports or furnish consumer report information are subject to enforcement by
their respective federal banking regulators. See 15 U.S.C. §1681s.
Certain entities, such as banks, credit unions, common carriers, and non-profit
organizations, are excluded from FTC’s authority under the Federal Trade Commission
Act. See 15 U.S.C. § 45(a)(2).
16 C.F.R. § 314.3. FTCs Safeguards Ruleimplements the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s
requirements for entities that fall under FTC jurisdiction, including check-cashing
businesses, payday lenders, and mortgage brokers.
Federal Agencies Oversee
CRA Activities, Including
Protection of Personally
Identifiable Information
FTC Has Enforcement
Authority over CRAs
Page 7 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
and confidentiality of customer information.
These standards and
protections must be implemented by companies of all sizes that are
engaged in financial activities, including Equifax and all other CRAs.
Further, the act requires financial institutions to protect the security of
customerspersonal information.
As part of its implementation of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, FTC
issued the Safeguards Rule, which requires financial institutions
develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive information
security program to keep information about a customer of a financial
institution secure and confidential. In addition to developing their own
safeguards, companies covered by the rule are responsible for
requiring their affiliates and service providers to implement and
maintain safeguards to protect customer information in their care.
In determining whether it should take enforcement action against a
company for a violation of data security provisions, FTC considers a
number of factors, including whether a companys data security measures
are commensurate with the companys size. FTC does not have
supervisory authority to examine CRAs for compliance with the Federal
Trade Commission Act; therefore, the agency typically must rely on its
enforcement authority after an incident has occurred.
Finally, FTC enforces Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act,
which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting
FTC officials told us that failing to properly protect
consumer data can be considered an unfair or deceptive act or practice.
In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Act gave BCFP enforcement authority over all
CRAs and certain other persons for violations of most provisions of the
Fair Credit Reporting Act; certain provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act; and for unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices under sections
Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, regulators must establish appropriate standards for
financial institutions relating to administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to
ensure the security and confidentiality of customer records and information; protect
against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information;
and protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information that could result in
substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer. Pub. L. No. 106-102, tit. V, § 501(b),
113 Stat. 1338, 1436 (1999) (codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. § 6801(b)).
16 C.F.R. § 314.4(d)(2).
15 U.S.C. § 45.
BCFP Has Enforcement and
Supervisory Authorities over
Page 8 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
1031 and 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
BCFP has taken enforcement
actions against CRAs for violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and
for deceptive practices.
In 2012, BCFP also extended its supervisory authority to include larger
CRAsthat is, those with more than $7 million in annual receipts from
consumer reporting activities.
BCFP staff review certain of these larger
CRAs on an ongoing basis, and BCFP staff said that their recent
examinations of CRAs have focused on compliance with Fair Credit
Reporting Act requirements related to accuracy and resolving consumer
disputes. BCFP has also examined CRAs subject to the BCFP’s
supervisory authority for compliance with other Fair Credit Reporting Act
requirements, including those related to ensuring the accuracy of
information in consumer reports, furnishing information only to those with
a permissible purpose, and compliance with the consumer dispute
For the Fair Credit Reporting Act, see Pub. L. No. 91-508, tit. VI, 84 Stat. 1114, 1128
(1970) (codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1681x). For the relevant sections of
the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, see Pub. L. No. 106-102, §§ 502-509,113 Stat. 1338, 1437-
1443 (1999) (codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. §§ 6802-6809). For the Dodd-Frank Act,
see Pub. L. No. 111-203, §§ 1031, 1036, 124 Stat 1376, 2005, 2010 (2010) (codified at 12
U.S.C. §§ 5531, 5536).
The Dodd-Frank Act gave BCFP authority to supervise nonbank larger participant[s]of
markets for consumer financial products or services, as BCFP defines by rule. See §
1024(a)(1)(B), 124 Stat. at 1987 (codified at 12 U.S.C. § 5514(a)(1)(B)). Under BCFPs
2012 rule, an entity with more than $7 million in annual receipts resulting from relevant
consumer reporting activities qualifies as a larger participant of the consumer reporting
market subject to BCFPs supervisory authority under 12 U.S.C. § 5514. SeeDefining
Larger Participants of the Consumer Reporting Market, 77 Fed. Reg. 42874 (July 20,
2012). For the purposes of calculating annual receipts,the term receiptsmeans total
incomeplus cost of goods soldas these terms are defined and reported on IRS tax
return forms. 12 C.F.R. § 1090.104(a). The term does not include net capital gains or
losses. Annual receipts are measured as the average of a CRAs most recently completed
three fiscal years, or the average receipts for the entire period the person has been in
business if it has less than three completed fiscal years. 77 Fed. Reg. at 42883.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act promotes the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of
information collected or used to help make decisions about individualseligibility for credit,
insurance, or employment, and applies to CRAs that compile credit histories and other
personal information into consumer reports. Accordingly, the act applies to CRAs,
including the three nationwide CRAs, and to any other entity that resells consumer
reports, among other persons. See 15 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1681a. In addition to examining
certain CRA’s compliance with federal consumer financial laws, including the Fair Credit
Reporting Act, BCFP has also requested information about CRAs’ compliance
management systems pursuant to Section 1024(b)(1)(B) of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Page 9 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
BCFP also has supervisory authority over some aspects of the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act. For example, BCFP examines larger CRAs for whether
they restrict the sharing and disclosure of nonpublic personal information
to third parties. BCFP does not have supervisory or enforcement authority
over the Safeguards Ruleenacted by FTC as part of the agency’s
implementation of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
Finally, BCFP has authority to examine larger CRAs for any unfair,
deceptive, or abusive acts or practices and to bring enforcement actions
against CRAs of all sizes for such acts or practices. According to BCFP
staff, in some cases, a CRA could commit an unfair, deceptive, or abusive
act or practice or violation of other applicable law in connection with its
data security practices.
We have previously made recommendations to agencies regarding the
protection of PII, and proposed Matters for Congressional Consideration
in areas where laws could be enhanced. For example, in our recent report
on data oversight at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
we recommended that the agency ensure that all third parties
that receive CMS data have clear requirements for the protection of that
data, that CMS properly oversee the implementation of those
requirements, and that the agency ensure identified issues are
remediated. Additionally, our recent report on the oversight of students
PII at the Department of Education included seven recommendations for
better protection of student PII and for improving department policies to
meet federal privacy guidelines.
All of these recommendations currently
remain open while the agencies take actions to address them.
In addition to recommendations for agencies, we have proposed two
Matters for Congressional Consideration related to data protection. In
2008, we reported that the Privacy Act
and E-Government Act of 2002
GAO, Electronic Health Information: CMS Oversight of Medicare Beneficiary Data
Security Needs Improvement, GAO-18-210 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 6, 2018).
CMS shares Medicare beneficiary data with external entities primarily for processing
Medicare claims, supporting medical research, and evaluating the performance of
Medicare service and equipment providers.
GAO, Federal Student Aid: Better Program Management and Oversight of
Postsecondary Schools Needed to Protect Student Information [Reissued on December
15, 2017], GAO-18-121 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 27, 2017).
Pub. L. No. 93-579, 88 Stat. 1896 (1974) (codified as amended at 5 U.S.C. § 552a).
GAO Has Previously
Reported on Data
Protection Issues
Page 10 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
may not adequately ensure that consumers are notified in the event of a
breach by federal agencies and that existing laws could better ensure that
consumers are aware of what PII federal agencies collect and how they
use it.
Based on this finding, we suggested that Congress consider
amending applicable laws to ensure that all PII collected by federal
agencies is protected and that its use is limited to the stated purpose of
the collection.
With regard to data collected by private entities, in 2013, we reported that
existing federal laws provide consumers with only limited protection for
data that is collected and used for marketing purposes.
we asked Congress to consider strengthening the current consumer
privacy framework to reflect the effects of changes in technology and the
marketplace while also ensuring that any limitations on data collection
and sharing do not unduly inhibit the economic and other benefits to
industry and consumers that data sharing can accord.
In March 2017, unidentified individuals discovered the presence of a
known vulnerability in software running on Equifax’s online dispute portal
that could be used to obtain access to the system. In May of that year,
attackers exploited the vulnerability and began to extract data containing
PII from Equifax’s information systems. According to Equifax, the
attackers used a number of techniques to disguise their exploit of the
Equifax systems and the database queries they conducted. On July 29,
2017, Equifax discovered the breach and reported that it took actions to
address the factors that allowed the attackers to successfully gain access
to its network. Further, the company reported that it took steps to identify,
notify, and provide support to individuals who were potentially impacted
by the breach.
Pub. L. No. 107-347, 116 Stat. 2899.
GAO, Privacy: Alternatives Exist for Enhancing Protection of Personally Identifiable
Information, GAO-08-536 (Washington, D.C.: May 19, 2008).
GAO, Information Resellers: Consumer Privacy Framework Needs to Reflect Changes
in Technology and the Marketplace, GAO-13-663 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 25, 2013).
Attackers Exploited
Vulnerabilities That
Equifax Subsequently
Reported Taking
Actions to Address
Page 11 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Equifax has stated that, on March 10, 2017, unidentified individuals
scanned the companys systems to determine if the systems were
susceptible to a specific vulnerability that the United States Computer
Emergency Readiness Team
had publicly identified just 2 days earlier.
The vulnerability involved the Apache Struts Web Framework and would
allow an attacker to execute commands on affected systems.
Equifax officials stated that, as a result of this scanning, the unidentified
individuals discovered a server housing Equifax’s online dispute portal
that was running a version of the software that contained the vulnerability.
Using software they obtained from an unknown source and that was
designed to exploit the vulnerability, the unidentified individuals
subsequently gained unauthorized access to the Equifax portal and
confirmed that they could run commands. No data was taken at this time.
According to Equifax officials, beginning on May 13, 2017, in a separate
incident following the initial unauthorized access, attackers gained access
to the online dispute portal and used a number of techniques to disguise
their activity. For example, the attackers leveraged existing encrypted
communication channels connected to the online dispute portal to send
queries and commands to other systems and to retrieve the PII residing
on the systems. The use of encryption allowed the attackers to blend in
their malicious actions with regular activity on the Equifax network and,
thus, secretly maintain a presence on that network as they launched
further attacks without being detected by Equifaxs scanning software.
Equifax officials added that, after gaining the ability to issue system-level
commands on the online dispute portal that was originally compromised,
the attackers issued queries to other databases to search for sensitive
data. This search led to a data repository containing PII, as well as
unencrypted usernames and passwords that could provide the attackers
access to several other Equifax databases. According to Equifax’s interim
Chief Security Officer, the attackers were able to leverage these
The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team is an organization within the
Department of Homeland Securitys National Protection and Programs Directorate. It is
responsible for analyzing and reducing cyber threats, vulnerabilities, disseminating cyber
threat warning information, and coordinating incident response activities.
The Apache Struts Web Framework is a commonly-used, open-source software suite for
developing web applications.
Equifaxs online dispute portal is a web-based application that allows an individual to
upload documents to research and dispute an inaccuracy in their Equifax credit report.
Attackers Identified and
Exploited Vulnerabilities to
Steal Data
Page 12 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
credentials to expand their access beyond the 3 databases associated
with the online dispute portal, to include an additional 48 unrelated
After reviewing system log files that recorded the attackers’ actions,
Equifax officials determined that the attackers then ran a series of queries
in an effort to try to extract PII from the databases they had located.
Altogether, the attackers ran approximately 9,000 queries, a portion of
which successfully returned data containing PII. As before, Equifax
officials stated that the attackers were able to disguise their presence by
blending in with regular activity on the network.
After successfully extracting PII from Equifax databases, the attackers
removed the data in small increments, using standard encrypted web
protocols to disguise the exchanges as normal network traffic. The attack
lasted for about 76 days before it was discovered. Figure 1 depicts an
analysis of how the attackers gained access into Equifax’s systems and
exploited vulnerabilities.
Page 13 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Figure 1: Analysis of How Attackers Exploited Vulnerabilities
Equifaxs assessment of the data breach began with actions it took to
identify that it was being attacked as well as subsequent actions to block
the intrusion. Equifax officials stated that, on July 29, 2017
approximately 2.5 months after the attackers began extracting sensitive
information on May 13, 2017security personnel conducting routine
checks of the operating status and configuration of IT systems detected
the intrusion on the online dispute portal.
As reported by Equifax, a network administrator conducting routine
checks of the operating status and configuration of IT systems discovered
that a misconfigured piece of equipment allowed attackers to
communicate with compromised servers and steal data without detection.
Specifically, while Equifax had installed a device to inspect network traffic
After Becoming Aware of
the Attack, Equifax Took
Steps to Block the
Page 14 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
for evidence of malicious activity, a misconfiguration allowed encrypted
traffic to pass through the network without being inspected. According to
Equifax officials, the misconfiguration was due to an expired digital
The certificate had expired about 10 months before the
breach occurred, meaning that encrypted traffic was not being inspected
throughout that period. As a result, during that period, the attacker was
able to run commands and remove stolen data over an encrypted
connection without detection.
Equifax officials stated that, after the misconfiguration was corrected by
updating the expired digital certificate and the inspection of network traffic
had restarted, the administrator recognized signs of an intrusion, such as
system commands being executed in ways that were not part of normal
operations. Equifax then blocked several Internet addresses from which
the requests were being executed to try to stop the attack.
Equifax reported that, on July 30, 2017, after its information security
department observed additional suspicious activity continuing to occur,
the online dispute portal was taken offline. The next day, the Chief
Security Officer, in coordination with internal stakeholders, informed the
Chief Executive Officer of the attack on the portal.
To further assess the scope of the breach and identify its causes, Equifax
began an investigation to identify the vulnerabilities that had been
exploited to steal PII from its systems. Concurrent with this effort,
company officials stated that they also began examining the data
repositories that had been accessed to try to determine how much data
had been taken and how many individuals were potentially impacted.
According to Equifax officials, the investigation took place between
August 2 and October 2, 2017, with the help of an external cybersecurity
Equifax officials stated that the companys investigation was facilitated by
the use of electronic logs that had not been damaged or erased by the
Equifax stated that the misconfiguration was the result of an expired digital certificate
that had not been replaced with a new certificate. Digital certificates are encrypted
electronic tokens that are used to authenticate servers and systems. Because this one
was expired, the system was unable to inspect encrypted traffic. The network
administrator replaced the expired certificate, allowing the system to resume inspection of
Equifax Identified Several
Factors That the Attacker
Exploited During the
Page 15 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
attackers on the affected systems. These logs recorded commands that
were issued by the attackers throughout the attack, such as commands to
retrieve or display the contents of data repositories. By examining the
logs, Equifax worked to reconstruct the sequence of specific actions that
the attackers had taken and, consequently, determine what specific data
had been compromised. In addition to initiating its internal investigation,
on August 2, 2017, the company notified the Federal Bureau of
Investigation of the breach.
Based on its cybersecurity consultants analysis and recommendations
following the breach, Equifax determined that several major factors had
facilitated the attackers’ ability to successfully gain access to its network
and extract information from databases containing PII. Specifically,
Equifax officials told us that key factors that led to the breach were in the
areas of identification, detection, segmentation
, and data governance:
Identification. According to Equifax officials, the Apache Struts
vulnerability was not properly identified as being present on the online
dispute portal when patches for the vulnerability were being installed
throughout the company. After receiving a notice of the vulnerability
from the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team in
March 2017, Equifax officials stated that they circulated the notice
among their systems administrators. However, the recipient list for the
notice was out-of-date and, as a result, the notice was not received by
the individuals who would have been responsible for installing the
necessary patch. In addition, Equifax officials stated that although the
company scanned the network a week after the Apache Struts
vulnerability was identified, the scan did not detect the vulnerability on
the online dispute portal.
Detection. As reported by Equifax officials, an expired digital
certificate contributed to the attackers’ ability to communicate with
compromised servers and steal data without detection. Specifically,
while Equifax had installed a tool to inspect network traffic for
evidence of malicious activity, the expired certificate prevented that
tool from performing its intended function of detecting malicious traffic.
Segmentation allows an organization to logically separate applications based on their
sensitivity level or to keep unrelated applications from communicating with each other. In
addition to allowing organizations to group applications and similar data for access by a
specific group, it also limits the access provided to those inside the organization and third-
Page 16 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
The certificate had expired before May 2017, meaning that traffic was
not being inspected throughout the breach.
Segmentation. Because individual databases were not isolated or
“segmented” from each other, the attackers were able to access
additional databases beyond the ones related to the online dispute
portal, according to Equifax officials. The lack of segmentation
allowed the attackers to gain access to additional databases
containing PII, and, in addition to an expired certificate, allowed the
attackers to successfully remove large amounts of PII without
triggering an alarm.
Data Governance. Data governance includes setting limits on access
to sensitive information, including credentials such as usernames and
passwords. According to Equifax officials, the attackers gained access
to a database that contained unencrypted credentials for accessing
additional databases, such as usernames and passwords. This
enabled the intruders to run queries on those additional databases.
In addition to these four broad categories, Equifax officials noted one
other factor that also facilitated the breach. Specifically, the lack of
restrictions on the frequency of database queries allowed the attackers to
execute approximately 9,000 such queriesmany more than would be
needed for normal operations.
According to Equifaxs public filings, including its annual 10-K filing
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission in March 2018
and its notice of 2018 annual meeting and proxy statement, following the
2017 incident, Equifax undertook a variety of remediation efforts to
address the factors identified in their investigation.
Equifax officials
responsible for coordinating the response to the incident stated that, once
the company identified how the attackers were able to gain unauthorized
access to company systems and remove sensitive data, it took measures
to address the internal factors that led to the breach. The measures were
intended to better protect the companys infrastructure from future
disruptions, compromises, or failures. We did not independently assess
Equifax’s efforts to address the identified factors.
According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, federal securities laws require
domestic companies to submit annual reports on Form 10-K that provide a comprehensive
overview of the companys business and financial condition and include audited financial
Equifax Reported Taking
Steps to Strengthen its
Cybersecurity Controls
Page 17 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Specifically, Equifax officials stated that system-level remediation
measures were implemented to address the factors that led to the breach.
For example, to work toward addressing concerns about identifying
vulnerable servers, Equifax reportedly is implementing a new
management process to identify and patch software vulnerabilities and
confirm that vulnerabilities have been addressed. Also, to help ensure
that detection of malicious activity is not hindered in the future, Equifax
officials said they have developed new policies to protect data and
applications and implemented new tools for continuous monitoring of
network traffic. Further, in an effort to improve segmentation between
devices that do not need to communicate, Equifax officials stated that
they have implemented additional controls to monitor communications at
the external boundary of the companys networks and added restrictions
on traffic between internal servers. Finally, to help address data
governance issues, the officials said they were implementing a new
security controls framework and tighter controls for accessing specific
systems, applications, and networks.
In addition to these measures, Equifax stated that they implemented a
new endpoint security tool to detect misconfigurations, evaluate potential
indications of compromise, and automatically notify system administrators
of identified vulnerabilities. Further, Equifax officials reported that the
company has implemented a new governance structure to regularly
communicate risk awareness to Equifaxs board of directors and senior
management. The new structure requires the companys Chief
Information Security Officer to report directly to the Chief Executive
Officials said this should allow for greater visibility of
cybersecurity risks at top management levels.
Prior to the 2017 data breach, the Chief Information Officer reported to the Chief
Executive Officer and the Chief Security Officer reported to the companys Chief Legal
Officer. Following the breach, Equifax created the position of Chief Information Security
Officer, who reports to the Chief Executive Officer.
Page 18 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Following the shutdown of its online dispute portal, Equifax took steps to
identify what data had been lost and the number of individuals affected so
that it could fulfill its responsibility to notify affected individuals.
develop its estimate of the number of individuals affected by the data
breach, Equifax stated that it recreated the attackers’ database queries
on a separate system that could run the queries at high speed, allowing
Equifax to generate its estimate in a relatively short period of time.
Equifax staff then worked to reconstruct queries against the data tables to
identify which queries had successfully extracted data and which
individuals were associated with that data.
However, as is commonly experienced with large breaches, Equifax faced
challenges in determining exactly how many individuals were affected.
According to Equifax officials, much of the stolen data consisted of
incomplete records without full sets of identifying information. Some data
sets included information that could be matched to more than one known
individual. Subsequently, Equifax officials stated that they compared
these data sets with information in the companys internal databases that
were not impacted by the data breach to make matches with known
For example, Equifax took partial records that did not include all fields
and ran an analysis to determine whether Social Security numbers and
names included in the records could be matched with those in Equifax’s
core credit reporting databases. In addition, Equifax performed analyses
to remove duplicates and to determine whether a person could be linked
to incomplete records based on Social Security numbers. After Equifax
completed its initial analysis of the datasets, it estimated that
approximately 143 million U.S. consumers had been affected by the
Moreover, Equifaxs initial analysis, reported on September 7, 2017,
indicated that multiple types of PII had been compromised, including
individualsnames, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and
drivers license numbers. Because many of the records were incomplete,
There is no comprehensive federal law that dictates an organizations responsibility to
notify affected individuals in the event of a data breach. However, some state laws require
the entity that has been impacted by a data breach to notify its customers and other
relevant parties about the breach in a timely fashion. Such notification is intended to allow
the affected individuals the opportunity to take steps to protect themselves from identity
theft or other misuse of personal information that may have been compromised in the
Equifax Reported Taking
Steps to Identify Affected
Page 19 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
not all of the types of PII had been compromised for all affected
In addition, Equifax determined that credit card numbers for
approximately 209,000 consumers and certain dispute documents, which
had included PII for approximately 182,000 consumers, had been
accessed. These documents contained PII associated with specific items
from dispute cases that were submitted to Equifax as evidence supporting
disputes they filed about the accuracy of their credit reports, such as
utility bills.
Equifax made two revisions over time to its estimate of affected
individuals. First, in late September 2017, Equifax determined that it had
incorrectly concluded that one of the attackers’ queries had not returned
any data. After additional analysis, including a determination that the
query had, in fact, allowed the attackers to access PII from approximately
2.5 million additional U.S. consumers, Equifax revised the number of
affected individuals from 143 million to 145.5 million on October 2, 2017.
Second, on March 1, 2018, Equifax stated that it had identified
approximately 2.4 million U.S. consumers whose names and partial
driver’s license information were stolen. The newly identified individuals
were based on names and partial drivers license information contained in
a data table that Equifax had not previously identified as including
individuals compromised in the breach. According to Equifax officials,
Equifax’s original investigation had not identified these individuals
because their names and partial driver’s license information were not
stolen together with their Social Security numbers.
To identify as many potentially affected individuals as possible, Equifax
contracted with a third-party data source that had access to a driver’s
license database and mapped the partial drivers licenses to an Equifax
database containing Social Security numbers. According to Equifax
officials, some of the individuals within this group of 2.4 million were
already included in the previous total of 145.5 million affected individuals,
while others were not. As of August 2018, Equifax had not determined
Page 20 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
exactly how many of the 2.4 million individuals were included in the
previous total of 145.5 million.
On September 7, 2017, after Equifax had determined the extent of the
breach and developed a remediation plan for potentially impacted
consumers, the company provided written notification to all U.S. state
attorneys general regarding the approximate number of potentially
affected residents in each state and its plans for consumer remediation.
The notification included steps individuals could take to determine if they
were affected by the breach and to help protect against misuse of their
personal information.
The company also issued a press release to the
public providing information about the breach and the types of PII that
had been compromised.
Further, the press release issued on September 7, 2017, stated that the
company had set up a dedicated website to help individuals determine if
their information might have been stolen in the breach. In addition,
Equifax improved the search tool it had developed to help U.S.
consumers determine if they were impacted and expanded its call center
operations. However, the website experienced several technical issues,
including excessive downtime and inaccurate data. Equifax officials
acknowledged these shortcomings and said they took measures to
address them, including improving the stability of the website and
accuracy of the information it provided.
Additionally, Equifax reported that it would provide several services to all
U.S. consumers, regardless of whether their information had been
compromised, free of charge for one year. Those services included credit
monitoring, individual copies of Equifax credit reports, notification of
changes to credit reports, a credit lock allowing individuals to prevent
Equifax officials stated that they have substantially completed the process of reaching
out to all 2.4 million identified individuals regardless of whether they previously had been
In addition to notification requirements, some states have laws requiring breached
entities to assist affected individuals in mitigating potential adverse effects, such as
identity theft. For example, some states require organizations to offer credit monitoring
services, which alert consumers when new accounts are opened using their personal
information. In addition, federal laws require CRAs to provide individuals the ability to
request fraud alerts, which require businesses to verify a consumers identity before
issuing credit, and, effective September 21, 2018, credit freezes,which restrict potential
creditors from accessing a consumers credit report.
Equifax Notified Affected
Individuals and Offered
Monitoring Services
Page 21 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
third-parties from accessing their Equifax credit report,
identity theft
insurance covering certain expenses related to the process of recovering
from identity theft, and a Social Security number monitoring service that
would scan suspicious websites for an individuals Social Security
These services were offered to consumers from September 7, 2017, until
January 31, 2018, when Equifax announced a new service called Lock &
Alert.This new service allows consumers to use their smartphone or
computer to lock and unlock their Equifax credit report. Equifax
announced that it was making this service available to all consumers at
no cost.
After Equifax announced the data breach, federal customer agencies took
a variety of actions based on their responsibilities and how the breach
affected their operations. Specifically, the agencies that were customers
of the companys services conducted independent assessments of the
companys security controls, revised their own identity proofing
processes, and made changes to their contracts with Equifax, among
other activities. Equifax did not ask the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), which is the central agency that responds to cyber incidents
across the federal government, to assist in responding to the breach.
Nevertheless, the department took the step of reminding federal agencies
of the importance of correcting the software vulnerability that led to the
breach. In addition, the oversight agencies, BCFP and FTC, began taking
actions to investigate the breach and inform the public.
A credit lockis similar to a credit freeze, but is not subject to the same regulations.
While provisions for a credit freeze varies by state, they generally allow consumers to
request a freeze on their credit report by contacting CRAs and sometimes paying a fee,
typically $5$10, to each CRA. Consumers are given a unique personal identification
number or password that they can use to temporarily lift the freeze when they are applying
for credit or employment. For more information about fraud alerts, credit freezes, and
credit monitoring, see GAO, Identity Theft Services: Services Offer Some Benefits but Are
Limited in Preventing Fraud, GAO-17-254 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 30, 2017).
Federal Agencies
Took a Variety of
Actions in Response
to the Equifax Breach
Page 22 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
IRS, SSA, and USPSlarge agencies that were major customers of
Equifax at the time of the breachassessed the potential impact of the
breach to their own operations as well as to the operations of their
consumers. For example, these agencies assessed the technical impact
of the breach on their own systems that rely on Equifax services to
determine whether the breach could have compromised the integrity of
their identity proofing processes. While there was no breach of agency
systems or information, they also sought to determine which of their
customers were directly affected by the breach, recognizing that those
individuals could be at heightened risk of identity fraud. Information
security officials we spoke to at IRS, SSA, USPS, and DHS expressed
concern about how the breached data could be used to compromise
sensitive information or fraudulently procure government services, even
from agencies that are not direct customers of Equifax.
Representatives of IRS, SSA, and USPS noted that they responded to
the breach independently of other agencies, because they said it was
unclear whether any single federal agency had responsibility for
coordinating government actions in response to a breach of this type in
the private sector. According to the three agencies, their actions included
the following:
Identified affected individuals. Due to concerns about the potential
for fraud using the stolen data, IRS and SSA both obtained from
Equifax a list of the individuals affected by the Equifax breach. The
agencies then used these lists to identify which of their own
customers were affected and to look for potential instances of identity
fraud affecting those customers.
Performed independent assessments of Equifax security
controls. According to information security officials at IRS, SSA, and
USPS, the agencies independently conducted site visits at Equifax’s
data center in Alpharetta, Georgia, where they reviewed the
companys security controls. According to SSA officials, their agency’s
review assessed compliance with the baseline set of controls required
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology for systems
determined to pose a moderate level of risk.
SSA officials stated that
they shared the results of their assessment with IRS, the Office of
Management and Budget, House Ways and Means Social Security
Subcommittee, and the Senate Committee on Finance. USPS officials
A systems security impact level is categorized as low, moderate, or high impact.
Major Federal Customers
of Equifax Took Steps to
Ensure Their Activities
Were Not Adversely
Affected by the Breach
Page 23 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
said they reviewed both physical security and cybersecurity controls
at Equifaxs data centers in Alpharetta, Georgia and St. Louis,
Missouri locations. IRS officials said they also conducted a security
assessment at Equifaxs Alpharetta data center, as well as a separate
review of physical security and cybersecurity controls at the
companys St. Louis, Missouri site. The officials of all three agencies
said that their reviews did not uncover any major new problems, but
did identify a number of lower-level technical concerns that they
required Equifax to address.
Modified contracts with Equifax. IRS and SSA made changes to
contracts they had with Equifax to require prompt notification of any
future breach, among other things. According to officials from both
agencies, Equifax did not directly notify major federal customers of the
2017 breach prior to its public announcement because its contracts
with these agencies required notification only of breaches directly
involving the systems that provided services to the federal
government. SSA officials stated that it was important to update the
agencys contract to require Equifax to promptly notify SSA of any
data breach, regardless of which of the companys systems it may
affect. IRS officials stated that a similar change was made to their
contract with Equifax for credit reporting services. The contract
change also required the company to notify IRS within one hour after
a breach is discovered, rather than within the previous time frame of
24 hours. In addition, according to the officials, cybersecurity
language in the IRSs contract was modified to ensure better
implementation and oversight of technical security controls.
Communicated with the public and affected individuals. IRS
made public announcements about the impact of the breach, noting
that the agency did not expect the breach to have any impact on
taxpayersability to securely file tax returns. SSA issued a public blog
post reminding consumers about steps they could take to protect their
Social Security numbers.
Made changes to agency identity-proofing procedures. Following
its assessment, IRS updated its internal cybersecurity contractor
requirements and controls related to incident handling. Further, upon
completing its assessment, USPS initiated discussions with the
National Institute of Standards and Technology to determine risks
associated with the knowledge-based verification questions it had
been using with Equifaxs identity-proofing service. USPS
Page 24 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
subsequently changed its process, removing certain knowledge-
based verification questions and adding a procedure whereby
customers receive a code in the mail that they can use to verify their
mailing addresses.
Canceled a short-term contract with Equifax. Before the Equifax
breach, Equifax was the incumbent contractor at IRS for taxpayer
identity and verification services.
In June 2017, prior to the discovery
of the breach, IRS began a new acquisition for these services by
issuing a request for quotations to three CRA vendors (including
Equifax and Experian) holding contracts under the federal supply
schedule. IRS selected Experian as offering the lowest-priced,
technically acceptable quotation, for issuance of a fixed-price task
order and establishment of a blanket purchase agreement.
filed a bid protest on July 5, 2017 with GAO challenging the IRS’s
evaluation of Experian’s quotation.
As described elsewhere in this
report, Equifax discovered the breach on July 29 and, after
investigating it, announced the breach on September 7. On
September 29, during GAO’s consideration of the protest, IRS
awarded Equifax a short-term, sole-source contract for $7.25 million
to cover its need for the identity and verification services during the
time frame needed to resolve the protest. IRS considered these
services “critical” that “cannot lapse.” However, following the
completion of its breach-related security assessments, IRS issued
Equifax a stop-work order to suspend its performance under the short-
term, sole-source order. GAO denied Equifax’s protest on October 16,
2017 and IRS proceeded with the task order issued to Experian for
the taxpayer identity and verification services.
In its role as the center for federal information security incident prevention
and response, DHS offers services to assist federal agencies in preparing
for potential cyber incidents, maintaining awareness of the current threat
environment, and dealing with ongoing breaches. Under a Presidential
This contract was separate from the IRS contract for credit reporting services, which
was modified to require notification within one hour.
A blanket purchase agreement is a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive
needs for supplies or services by establishing "charge accounts" with qualified sources of
GAO, Equifax Information Services, LLC, B-414907 (Washington, D.C.: October 16,
2017). GAO’s statutory bid protest function is separate from its audit mission.
DHS Offered Breach
Response Services to
Page 25 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
DHS is also responsible for assisting public- and private-
sector critical infrastructure owners and operators in preparing for,
preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering
from a cyber incident.
In September 2017, shortly after the Equifax breach was publicly
announced, DHS contacted the company to offer its professional services
related to forensic analysis and breach response. However, according to
officials at both organizations, Equifax notified DHS officials that the
company had already retained professional services from a private
cybersecurity consultant and, thus, declined assistance from DHS.
According to Equifax officials, the company informed regulators about the
data breach on September 7, 2017when the general public was
notified. FTC announced that it was investigating the Equifax breach, and
Equifax stated in its annual report that several governmental agencies,
including FTC and BCFP, were continuing to investigate events related to
the breach.
BCFP staff told us that, immediately following notification of the breach,
they participated in conference calls with Equifax to learn more about the
breach. According to the officials, their calls with Equifax focused on
ensuring consumers were provided with accurate information about the
breach and what they could do to protect themselves. Equifax officials
told us that they also informed FTC, the Securities and Exchange
Commission, various statesattorneysgeneral, and the Financial
Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 41 sets forth principles governing the federal
governments response to any cyber incident, whether involving government or private-
sector entities.
For more information, see GAO, Information Security: Agencies Need to Improve Cyber
Incident Response Practices, GAO-14-354 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 30, 2014).
Oversight Agencies
Opened Investigations and
Provided Information and
General Advice to
Page 26 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, that it had suffered a
Shortly after Equifaxs public announcement of the breach, BCFP
released a blog post on the top 10 ways that consumers could protect
themselves in the wake of the breach.
Suggestions included regularly
reviewing credit reports, checking credit card statements, and changing
passwords for all financial accounts. In addition, BCFP posted on its
website actions consumers could take to protect themselves against fraud
or identity theft, including freezing credit and placing fraud alerts.
BCFP staff told us that, while the agency posts information to its website,
it does not provide individual legal assistance to consumers.
Nevertheless, the staff said that consumers can file a complaint with
BCFP if they are experiencing issues related to a CRA. BCFP staff added
that they received a large volume of consumer complaints following the
Equifax breach. BCFP staff said they use such complaints as one factor
to prioritize future supervisory examinations, as well as investigations and
enforcement actions.
In October 2017, BCFP also began conducting targeted data security and
cybersecurity examinations. Specifically, in addition to assessing whether
the CRAs’ data security practices and policies constitute violations of
federal consumer financial law, BCFP began assessing risks to
consumers posed by potential cybersecurity lapses and to markets for
consumer financial products and services. BCFP staff said that whether
BCFP continues to conduct CRA cybersecurity examinations will depend
on whether they identify the issue as a priority through future examination
prioritization processes.
Similarly, FTC released a statement to consumers with information about
the breach, such as when it occurred and the types of data
The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center is a central resource for
cyber threat information for institutions in the financial sector. It is one of a number of
centers that was established within industry sectors identified as having critical
infrastructure in response to Presidential Decision Directive 63 (issued in 1998). Within
these centers, security specialists identify, analyze, and share information; collaborate on
threats, incidents, vulnerabilities, and best practices; and work to protect their respective
industries from cyber and physical threats. These centers also can provide risk mitigation
and alerts.
Page 27 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
The statement also included guidance on steps
consumers could take to help protect their information from being
misused. For example, FTC encouraged individuals to visit Equifax’s
website to find out whether their information may have been exposed,
provided links to obtain a free credit report, and offered other information
about credit freezes and fraud alerts.
On June 25, 2018, eight state banking regulators issued a consent order
requiring Equifax to address various data security issues. The order
included several areas of concern, including general information security,
internal audits, and board and management oversight. More specifically,
the order required Equifax, the board, or its audit committee to, among
other things:
provide a written risk assessment that identifies foreseeable threats
and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality of PII;
establish a formal and documented internal audit program that is
capable of effectively evaluating information technology controls;
improve the oversight of its information security program;
improve oversight and documentation of its critical vendors;
improve standards and controls for supporting the patch management
function; and
enhance oversight of IT operations as it relates to disaster recovery
and business continuity functions.
Under the consent order, Equifax was required to submit a list of all
remediation projects planned, in process, or implemented to the state
regulatory agencies by July 31, 2018.
We provided a draft of this report to BCFP, DHS, FTC, IRS, SSA, USPS,
and Equifax for comment. SSA and USPS provided written responses
expressing appreciation for the opportunity to review the draft report. The
SSA and USPS responses are reprinted in appendices II and III,
respectively. In addition, BCFP, DHS, FTC, IRS, SSA, USPS, and
Equifax provided technical comments orally and via email, which we have
incorporated, as appropriate.
Agency Comments
and Third-Party Views
Page 28 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce the contents of
this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 29 days from the
report date. At that time, we will send copies to the appropriate
congressional committees, Equifax, and to the Acting Director of the
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection; the Chairman of the Federal
Trade Commission; the Secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security; the Commissioners of the Internal Revenue Service and Social
Security Administration; and the Postmaster General of the United States.
In addition, the report will be available at no charge on the GAO website
at are sending copies of this report to In addition,
the report is available at no charge on the GAO website at
If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact
Nick Marinos at (202) 512-9342 or m[email protected], or Michael
Clements at (202) 512-8678 or [email protected]. Contact points for
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found
on the last page of this report. GAO staff who made major contributions to
this report are listed in appendix IV.
Sincerely yours,
Nick Marinos
Director, Cybersecurity and Data Protection Issues
Michael Clements
Director, Financial Markets and Community Investment
Page 29 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
List of Congressional Requesters
The Honorable Elizabeth Warren
Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
United States Senate
The Honorable Ron Wyden
Ranking Member
Committee on Finance
United States Senate
The Honorable Trey Gowdy
The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings
Ranking Member
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
House of Representatives
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 30 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Our objectives were to (1) summarize the events regarding the 2017
Equifax breach and the steps taken by the company to assess, respond
to, and recover from the incident and (2) describe the actions that federal
customers and oversight agencies took in response to the breach.
To address the first objective, we obtained and assessed documentation
generated in response to the breach. Specifically, we analyzed the results
of security assessments conducted by Equifax and its cybersecurity
consultant following the breach, which included information about how the
attacker gained access to Equifaxs systems and the specific
vulnerabilities that were exploited. This documentation included the report
summarizing the results of the consultants forensic analysis of Equifax
systems and the consultants recommendations to Equifax to address the
factors that led to the breach. We also reviewed Equifaxs relevant public
filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission and statements it
provided to the public and shareholders, which included information about
the data breach and the companys efforts for remediation.
Further, we conducted a site visit to the Equifax data center in Alpharetta,
Georgia, to interview knowledgeable officials, such as the interim Chief
Security Officer and other officials knowledgeable about how Equifax
stores and processes data, and observed physical security measures. In
addition, to clarify details of the breach and the steps that Equifax took,
we interviewed officials at Equifax who were responsible for coordinating
reviews conducted following the breach. Specifically, we interviewed the
interim Chief Security Officer and government relations employees, who
were responsible for coordinating Equifaxs interaction with federal
agencies in response to the incident.
We did not independently assess Equifaxs information security controls
or the steps the company took to address identified factors that
contributed to the ineffective implementation of those controls.
Specifically, the scope of our report was to report on actions taken by
Equifax and agencies in response to the breach. Consequently, the
information in this report is based on public filings and announcements as
well as information provided to us by the company. We did not reach
conclusions regarding the adequacy or efficacy of Equifaxs security
To address the second objective, we selected three major federal
agencies, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Social Security Administration
(SSA), and United States Postal Service (USPS), which were Equifaxs
largest federal customers at the time of the breach. We initially identified
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 31 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
these customer agencies by reviewing public reports following the breach
that identified federal agencies that were major Equifax customers at the
time. We also interviewed Equifax officials responsible for managing
government accounts to confirm that these three agencies were the only
large-scale federal customer agencies that interacted with Equifax
following the breach. Other federal agencies also have contracts with
Equifax for a variety of services; we did not conduct audit work for this
engagement at any other agencies because we narrowed our selection
criteria to the largest federal agencies that used Equifaxs services to
conduct their identity-proofing processes.
Subsequently, we analyzed documentation from IRS, SSA, and USPS to
describe the relevant actions these agencies took in response to the
breach, as well as documentation regarding oversight by BCFP and FTC,
which are the federal agencies with primary oversight responsibilities over
CRAs. Specifically, we reviewed relevant laws and BCFP guidance on
data security examinations. In addition, we spoke with BCFP and FTC
officials about their actions in response to the data breach and reviewed
their websites for information provided to consumers.
We also selected and reviewed contracts between Equifax and each of
the three selected agenciesIRS, SSA, and USPSto determine what
changes were made to services, such as identity-proofing solutions,
provided by Equifax to federal agencies as a result of the breach. The
contracts we reviewed were the ones identified by IRS, SSA, and USPS
as contracts with Equifax for credit reporting or identity-proofing services.
Further, we conducted interviews with agency officials at BCFP, FTC,
DHS, IRS, SSA, and USPS to determine what actions customer and
oversight agencies took in response to the breach. The officials we
interviewed were responsible for conducting their agencies’ security
assessment of Equifax at the time of the data breach. These included
officials at each agency that had a role in responding to the Equifax
breach, such as investigators at the oversight agencies and information
security officials at the federal customer agencies.
To address both objectives, and to identify how federal requirements
apply to credit reporting agencies, we analyzed relevant federal laws to
determine the responsibilities of agencies and their contractors.
Specifically, we reviewed the following laws:
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act;
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 32 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Fair Credit Reporting Act;
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act;
Privacy Act of 1974; and
E-Government Act of 2002.
We conducted this performance audit from November 2017 to August
2018 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe
that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings
and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
Appendix II: Comments from the Social
Security Administration
Page 33 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Appendix II: Comments from the Social
Security Administration
Appendix III: Comments from the United States
Postal Service
Page 34 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Appendix III: Comments from the United
States Postal Service
Appendix IV: GAO Contacts and Staff
Page 35 GAO-18-559 Data Protection
Nick Marinos, (202) 512-9342, [email protected]
Michael Clements, (202) 512-8678, [email protected]
In addition to the individuals named above, John de Ferrari and John
Forrester (assistant directors); Tina Torabi (analyst-in-charge); Bethany
Benitez, Chris Businsky, Kavita Daitnarayan, Nancy Glover, Andrea
Harvey, Thomas Johnson, David Plocher, Tovah Rom, Rachel Siegel,
and Winnie Tsen made key contributions to this report.
Appendix IV: GAO Contacts and Staff
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