EU-Pakistan 5-year Engagement Plan
1. This Engagement Plan is guided by the EU-Pakistan Summit Joint Statements of
17 June 2009 and 04 June 2010. These are appended and form an integral part of
the Engagement Plan.
2. The aim of this 5-year Engagement Plan, as stated in the Joint Statement of the
second EU-Pakistan Summit, is to build a strategic relationship by forging a
partnership for peace and development rooted in shared values, principles and
3. The EU-Pakistan engagement is to be based on the principles of the UN Charter.
International norms and law, principles of mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual
interest must underpin this cooperative approach.
4. Building inter alia on the Cooperation Agreement between the European Union
and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Partnership and Development, the
Engagement Plan should progressively expand, and raise the level of the EU-
Pakistan relationship. The Strategic Dialogue would cover issues relating to
security, democracy, human rights, good governance and socio-economic
development, trade and investment, energy and sectoral cooperation.
5. The EU and Pakistan are already committed to work together in the context of the
group of "Friends of Democratic Pakistan" (FoDP), and to implement the
conclusions of FoDP meetings, including the Ministerial chaired jointly by
Pakistan and the EU in Brussels in October 2010.
6. Elements of the five year Engagement Plan are as follows:
1. Strategic/Political
7. Regular Strategic Dialogue between the EU High Representative for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, to be complemented by
dialogue at the level of Additional Secretary/Political Director and at appropriate level in
each of the sectors referred to in the Engagement Plan.
8. The two sides are committed to broaden the scope of the Joint Commission,
supported by its Sub-Groups, so that it covers all aspects of the strategic dialogue.
9. EU and Pakistan agreed to forge regular institutional links, including at the
highest level subject to mutual agreement.
2. Security
10. Comprehensive cooperation in areas related to stability and security, in particular
counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics and the fight against organized crime, is a key
objective for EU and Pakistan. In the coming years, they will use the Engagement Plan as
a basis for dialogue on matters relating to peace and security, including global and
regional issues. With this cooperation in view, sectoral dialogues will be established in
the following areas:
Counterterrorism, Transnational organized crime and counter narcotics including
aspects of the rule of law.
Disarmament and non-proliferation.
3. Democracy, Governance, Human Rights and Socio-Economic Development.
11. The EU and Pakistan will use their institutional contacts to strengthen cooperation
and exchange expertise on the functioning of civilian democratic bodies and safeguarding
fundamental human rights and opposing extremist intolerance. They therefore agree to
build on and expand existing cooperation on:
Enhanced Parliamentary exchanges; exchange of best practices and collaboration
between relevant think-tanks to strengthen democracy, women’s empowerment
and good governance.
Support for capacity building of public national and provincial institutions,
including those dealing with judicial, electoral, police, human rights and socio-
economic development, including macro-economic reform, issues.
Dialogue on human rights and on the ratification and effective implementation of
international conventions in this field.
4. Trade and Investment
12. Cooperation, in particular through the Joint Commission and its sub-group and the
Trade Dedicated Dialogue, will concentrate on:
Consideration of Pakistan's eligibility to benefit from the EU’s GSP+ as from
2014, on the basis of the EU’s GSP+ regulation.
Working towards a comprehensive framework to enhance trade, including EU-
Pakistan comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, covering. inter alia, goods,
services and investment.
Improved trade facilitation including simplification and modernization of customs
controls; implementation of WTO codes incorporating those relevant to quality
standards; and IPR including geographical indications.
Promoting a conducive environment for investment.
Encouraging public-private partnerships and business-to-business dialogue and
corporate sector Joint Ventures.
Considering possibilities for transfer of technology, especially related to industrial
and agricultural applications.
5. Energy
13. Support for implementation of the "Integrated Energy Sector Recovery Report
and Plan" as developed by the FoDP Energy Task Force including the promotion of a
regulatory framework which encourages investments.
14. Encourage promotion of cooperation, especially corporate sector Joint Ventures in
the energy sector including hydro-electric power, thermal and renewable.
15. Examine the conditions which would allow technology transfer, especially as
regards clean coal and coal gasification and renewable energy.
6. Sectoral cooperation
16. Cooperation in the field of aid effectiveness, through the Joint Commission and
its sub group on development.
17. Cooperation on the Malakand Development Strategy within the framework of the
group of "Friends of Democratic Pakistan", including implementation of the Post Crisis
Needs Assessment (PCNA).
18. Cooperation on migration issues, including exchange of information and
implementation of relevant agreements, and implementation of the EU-Pakistan
Readmission Agreement.
19. Encourage cultural cooperation between Pakistani and EU museums, cultural
organizations and exchange of cultural troupes and performers/artists.
20. Encourage development of Vocational/Technical training and educational
contacts and opportunities as well as facilitating links between academia and universities.
21. Pakistan’s participation in the EU Higher Education Fellowship programme,
Erasmus Mundus, and academic exchange programmes of EU members states.
22. Enhance cooperation in agriculture through specific projects, including
modernization of agro-based industry, expansion of storage facilities, research and
23. Enhance cooperation on integrated water management for flood protection, food
security and environmental protection.
24. Encourage collaboration between health professionals, including on combating
contagious and communicable diseases as well as population welfare and family needs.
Stimulate EU-Pakistan cooperation through participation by Pakistani researchers in EU
projects under EU Framework Programmes and strengthen the sources of local
information and advice for interested Pakistani researchers.
25. Continue the linking of the Pakistani research and education community to the
Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) and to GEANT in Europe.