Topic Kinder §112.2 1st §112.3 2nd §112.4 3rd §112.5 4th §112.6 5th §112.7 6th §112.26 7th §112.27 8th §112.28 Biology §112.42 IPC §112.44 Chemistry §112.43 Physics §112.45 Earth Systems §112.49
Environmental Science
Aquatic Science §112.47 Astronomy §112.48
Phy.5.F calculate the effect
of forces on objects,
including tension, friction,
normal, gravity, centripetal,
and applied forces, using
free body diagrams and the
relationship between force
and acceleration as
represented by Newton's
second law of motion;
Phy.6.B identify and
describe examples of
electric and magnetic forces
and fields in everyday life
such as generators, motors,
and transformers;
Phy.6.A use scientific
notation and predict how
the magnitude of the
electric force between two
objects depends on their
charges and the dista nce
between their centers using
Coulomb's law;
1.7A explain how
pushes and pulls can
start, stop, or change
the speed or direction
of an object's motion;
6.7.B calculate the net
force on an object in a
horizontal or vertical
direction using
diagrams and
determine if the forces
are balanced or
8.7.A calculate and
analyze how the
acceleration of an
object is dependent
upon the net force
acting on the object
and the mass of the
object using Newton's
Second Law of Motion;
Phy.5.E explain and apply
the concepts of equilibrium
and inertia as represented
by Newton's first law of
motion using relevant real
world examples such as
rockets, satellites, and
automobile safety devices;
1.7.B plan and conduct
a descriptive
investigation that
predicts how pushes
and pulls can start,
stop, or change the
speed or direction of
an object's motion.
6.7.C identify
simultaneous force
pairs that are equal in
magnitude and
opposite in direction
that result from the
interactions between
objects using Newton's
Third Law of Motion.
8.7.B investigate and
describe how
Newton's three laws
of motion act
simultaneously within
systems such as in
vehicle restraints,
sports activities,
amusement park rides,
Earth's tectonic
activities, and rocket
Phy.5.G illustrate and
analyze the simultaneous
forces between two objects
as represented in Newton's
third law of motion using
free body diagrams and in
an experimental design
7.7.B distinguish
between speed and
velocity in linear
motion in terms of
displacement, and
IPC.5.A investigate,
analyze, and model
motion in terms of
position, velocity,
acceleration, and time
using tables, graphs,
and mathematical
Phy.5.C describe and analyze
motion in one dimension
using equations with the
concepts of distance,
displacement, speed
velocity, fr ames of
reference, and acceleration;
7.7.A calculate
average speed using
distance and time
measurements from
Phy.5.B define scalar and
vector quantities related to
one and twodimensional
motion and combine vectors
using both graphical vector
addition and the
Pythagorean theorem;
Physics K12 Vertical Alignment
Li Mi
Balanced and
Force Interactions
K.7.A The student is
expected to describe
and predict how a
magnet interacts with
various materials and
how magnets can be
used to push or pull.
3.7.A demonstrate and
describe forces acting on
an object in contact or at
a distance, including
magnetism, gravity, and
pushes and pulls;
4.7.A The student is
expected to plan and
conduct descriptive
investigations to
explore the patterns of
forces such as gravity,
friction, or magnetism
in contact or at a
distance on an object.
5.7.B design a simple
investigation that tests
the effect of force on an
object in a system such as
a car on a ramp or a
balloon rocket on a
6.7.A identify and
explain how forces act
on objects, including
gravity, friction,
magnetism, applied
forces, and normal
forces, using real
world applications;
2.7.B plan and
conduct a descriptive
investigation to
demonstrate how the
strength of a push
and pull changes an
object's motion.
3.7.B plan and conduct a
descriptive investigation
to demonstrate and
explain how position and
motion can be chang ed
by pushing and pulling
objects such as swings,
balls, and wagons.
5.7.A investigate and
explain how equal and
unequal forces acting on
an object cause patterns
of motion and transfer of
energy; and
7.7.D analyze the
effect of balanced
and unbalanced
forces on the state of
motion of an object
using Newton's First
Law of Motion.
IPC.5.B analyze data to
explain the
relationship between
mass and acceleration
in terms of the net
force on an object in
one dimension using
force diagrams, tables,
and graphs;
IPC.5.D describe the
nature of the four
fundamental forces:
electromagnetic; the
strong and weak
nuclear forces,
including fission and
fusion; and mass
energy equivalency;
3.8.B plan and conduct
investigations that
demonstrate how the
speed of an object is
related to its mechanical
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7.7.C measure,
record, and interpret
an object's motion
using distancetime
Phy.5.A analyze different
types of motion by
generating and interpreting
position versus time,
velocity versus time, and
acceleration versus time
using hand graphing and real
time technology such as
motion detectors,
photogates, or digital
Phy.5.D describe and
analyze acceleration in
uniform circular and
horizontal projectile motion
in two dimensions using
2.7.A explain how
objects push on each
other and may change
shape when they
touch or collide;
IPC.5.C apply the
concepts of
momentum and
impulse to design,
evaluate, and refine a
device to minimize the
net force on objects
during collisions such
as those that occur
during vehicular
accidents, sports
activities, or the
dropping of personal
electronic devices;
Phy.7.D calculate and
describe the impulse and
momentum of objects in
physical systems such as
automobile safety features,
athletics, and rockets; and
Phy.7.E analyze the
conservation of momentum
qualitatively in inelastic and
elastic collisions in one
dimension using models,
diagrams, and simulations.
Work & Power
Phy.7.A calculate and
explain work and power in
one dimension and identify
when work is and is not
being done by or on a
Newton's Law of
7.9.B describe how
gravity governs
motion within Earth’s
solar system;
IPC.5.E construct and
communicate an
explanation based on
evidence for how
changes in mass,
charge, and distance
affect the strength of
gravitational and
electrical forces
between two objects.
Phy.5.H describe and
calculate, using scientific
notation, how the
magnitude of force between
two objects depends on
their masses and the
distance between their
centers, and predict the
effects on objects in linear
and orbiting systems using
Newton's law of universal
Astro.11.A relate
Newton's law of universal
gravitation and Kepler's
laws of planetary motion
to the formation and
motion of the planets and
their satellites;
K.8.A communicate
the idea that objects
can only be seen
when a light source is
present and compare
the effects of
different amounts of
light on the
appearance of
3.8.A identify everyday
examples of energy,
including light, sound,
thermal, and mechanical;
5.8.C demonstrate and
explain how light travels
in a straight line and can
be reflected, refracted, or
IPC.7.D explain how
electrons can
transition from a high
energy level to a low
energy state, emitting
photons at different
frequencies for
different energy
Phy.8.G describe and predict
image formation as a
consequence of reflection
from a plane mirror and
refraction through a thin
convex lens.
K.8.B demonstrate
and explain that light
travels through some
objects and is blocked
by other objects,
creating shadows.
Phy.9.C compare and
explain how superposition
of quantum states is related
to the waveparticle duality
nature of light;
Phy.8.E compare the
different applications of the
electromagnetic spectrum,
including radio telescopes,
microwaves, and xrays;
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Phy.8.F investigate the
emission spectra produced
by various atoms and
explain the relationship to
the electromagnetic
Phy.9.A describe the
photoelectric effect and
emission spectra produced
by various atoms and how
both are explained by the
photon model for light;
2.8.A demonstrate
and explain that
sound is made by
vibrating matter and
that vibrations can be
caused by a variety of
means, including
3.8.A identify everyday
examples of energy,
including light, sound,
thermal, and mechanical;
2.8.B explain how
different levels of
sound are used in
everyday life such as
a whisper in a
classroom or a fire
alarm; and
2.8.C design and build
a device using tools
and materials that
uses sound to solve
the problem of
communicating over a
Kinetic Energy
3.8.A identify everyday
examples of energy,
including light, sound,
thermal, and mechanical;
7.8.C explain the
relationship between
temperature and the
kinetic energy of the
particles within a
Phy.7.B investigate and
calculate mechanical,
kinetic, and potential energy
of a system;
Transfer of Energy
4.8.A investigate and
identify the transfer of
energy by objects in
motion, waves in water,
and sound;
5.8.A investigate and
describe the
transformation of energy
in systems such as energy
in a flashlight battery that
changes from chemical
energy to electrical
energy to light energy;
6.8.B describe how
energy is conserved
through transfers and
transformations in
systems such as
electrical circuits, food
webs, amusement
park rides, or
photosynthesis; and
7.8.A investigate
methods of thermal
energy transfer into
and out of systems,
including conduction,
convection, and
8.8.B explain the use
of electromagnetic
waves in applications
such as radiation
therapy, wireless
technologies, fiber
IPC.6.D investigate and
demonstrate the
movement of thermal
energy through solids,
liquids, and gases by
conduction, and
radiation such as
weather, living, and
mechanical systems;
Chem.13.B investigate the
process of heat transfer
using calorimetry;
Phy.7.C apply the concept of
conservation of energy using
the workenergy theorem,
energy diagrams, and energy
transformation equations,
including transformations
between kinetic, potential,
and thermal energy;
Earth.8.A evaluate heat
transfer through Earth's
systems by convection and
conduction and include its
role in plate tectonics and
Env.7.D identify and describe how
energy is used, transformed, and
conserved as it flows through
6.8.C explain how
energy is transferred
through transverse
and longitudinal
IPC.6.E plan and
conduct an
investigation to
evaluate the transfer
of energy or
information through
different materials by
different types of
waves such as wireless
signals, ultraviolet
radiation, and
Chem.13.D perform
calculations involving heat,
mass, temperature change,
and specific heat
Phy.8.A examine and
describe simple harmonic
motion such as masses on
springs and pendulums and
wave energy propagation in
various types of media such
as surface waves on a body
of water and pulses in ropes;
Env.5.B explain the cycling of
water, phosphorus, carbon,
silicon, and nitrogen through
ecosystems, including sinks, and
the human interactions that alter
these cycles using tools such as
IPC.6.C plan and
conduct an
investigation to
provide evidence that
energy is conserved
within a closed
Env.7.B relate biogeochemical
cycles to the flow of energy in
ecosystems, including energy
sinks such as oil, natural gas, and
coal deposits
Env.7.C explain the flow of heat
energy in an ecosystem, including
conduction, convection, and
radiation; and
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4.8.C demonstrate and
describe how electrical
energy travels in a
closed path that can
produce light and
thermal energy.
5.8B demonstrate that
electrical energy in
complete circuits can be
transformed into motion,
light, sound, or thermal
energy and identify the
requirements for a
functioning electrical
IPC.6.A design and
construct series and
parallel circuits that
model realworld
circuits such as in
home wiring,
automobile wiring,
and simple electrical
devices to evaluate
the transfer of
electrical energy;
Phy.6.D analyze, design, and
construct series and parallel
circuits using schematics and
materials such as switches,
wires, resistors, lightbulbs,
batteries, voltmeters, and
4.8.B identify IPC.6.B design, Phy.6.E calculate current
conductors and evaluate, and refine a through, potential
insulators of thermal device that generates difference across, resistance
and electrical energy; electrical energy of, and power used by
and through the
interaction of electric
charges and magnetic
electric circuit elements
connected in both series and
parallel circuits using Ohm's
Potential Energy
6.8.A compare and
contrast gravitational,
elastic, and chemical
potential energies
with kinetic energy;
Phy.7.B investigate and
calculate mechanical,
kinetic, and potential energy
of a system;
Characteristics of
8.8.A compare the
characteristics of
amplitude, frequency,
and wavelength in
transverse waves,
including the
IPC.6.F construct and
communicate an
explanation for how
wave interference,
reflection, and
refraction are used in
technology such as
communication, and
scientific research;
Chem.6.C investigate the
mathematical relationship
between energy,
frequency, and wavelength
of light using the
electromagnetic spectrum
and relate it to the
quantization of energy in
the emission spectrum;
Phy.8.B compare the
characteristics of transverse
and longitudinal waves,
including electromagnetic
and sound waves;
8.8.B explain the use
of electromagnetic
waves in applications
such as radiation
therapy, wireless
technologies, fiber
IPC.7.E explain how
atomic energy levels
and emission spectra
present evidence for
the wave particle
Phy.8.C investigate and
analyze characteristics of
waves, including velocity,
frequency, amplitude, and
wavelength, and calculate
using the relationships
between wave speed,
frequency, and wavelength;
Phy.8.D investigate
behaviors of waves,
including reflection,
refraction, diffraction,
interference, standing wave,
the Doppler effect and
polarization and
superposition; and
Phy.9.B investigate Malus's
Law and describe examples
of applications of wave
polarization, including 3D
movie glasses and LCD
computer screens;
3.8.A identify everyday
examples of energy,
including light, sound,
thermal, and mechanical;
7.8.B investigate how
thermal energy
moves in a
predictable pattern
from warmer to
cooler until all
substances within the
system reach thermal
Chem.13.A explain
everyday examples that
illustrate the four laws of
Chem.10.A describe the
postulates of the kinetic
molecular theory;
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Quantum Physics
Phy.9.D give examples of
applications of quantum
phenomena, including the
Heisenberg uncertainty
principle, quantum
computing, and
Conservation of
Phy.6.C investigate and
describe conservation of
charge during the processes
of induction, conduction,
and polarization using
different materials such as
electroscopes, balloons,
rods, fur, silk, and Van de
Graaf generators;
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