Employee Theft Policy
DFW Oil and Energy, LLC and it’s subsidiaries (The Company) values all employees and their property,
and expects that employees in turn value the company and its assets. The Company promotes an
organizational environment and culture that requires honesty and ethical behavior and encourages the
prevention of fraud and theft by raising awareness of the need for high standards of personal and
professional conduct. Fraudulent and dishonest behaviors are NOT tolerated. It is The Company policy to
promptly investigate any possibility of fraudulent or related dishonest activities against the Company
and, when appropriate, to pursue legal remedies available under the law. The Company will tolerate no
employee theft, or stealing of any kind, including fraudulent timecard reporting. That includes theft of
money, information, products, inventory, tools or any item, information or idea that belongs to the
company or to an employee, customer or business partner of the company.
As such, The Company expect all incidents of employee theft to be reported immediately to your
supervisor or HR Manager, along with any data or information you have observed or obtained. We
further retain the right to use video cameras and audio recording methods as well as software to
identify and detect employee theft.
Employees at all levels are responsible for exercising due diligence and control to prevent, detect and
report acts of fraud. Those who fail to carry out these responsibilities will be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including termination of employment.
Any act of fraud, theft, illegal acts, or misconduct ascertained upon investigation, or pursuant to a
criminal conviction, or through written acknowledgment by the employee(s) concerned, shall result in
the appropriate disciplinary and legal actions against the employee(s) and/or entities, to include the
possibility of termination of employment, restitution and/or forwarding information to the appropriate
authorities for criminal prosecution. The repayment of losses will be sought in all cases and the
Company will normally expect to recover all costs in addition to the recovery of losses.
Below are examples of types of theft to illustrate prohibited behaviors:
Employees may not take money; customer credit card numbers or company checks without
prior authorization and documentation.
Employees may not take products without payment, such as inventory, including samples, or
broken/returned items or any company equipment or supplies.
Employees may not give away products or services without prior approval. This includes not
giving freebies to friends and family, taking home samples without prior approval, or giving free
repairs to anyone without documentation and payment.
Employees caught breaking any state or federal law, including employee theft of private or company
property or falsifying timekeeping records will be terminated with no warning given.
In addition, a police report will be filed, as well as a potential lawsuit against the employee with a
request for restitution of funds or products, inventory or assets. The company will deduct from the
employees’ final paycheck to cover the replacement cost of a shortage due to theft by employee.
To prevent employees from false accusations, The Company will investigate all claims of theft or
employee stealing and discipline any employee for making a false accusation.
I understand that there are surveillance cameras throughout the location and will be used to
corroborate the theft to police.
Evidenced by my signature below, I understand and agree to the above policy.
________________________ _____________ ___________________________
Employee Printed Name Date Employee Signature
Política de Robo de Empleados
DFW Oil and Energy, LLC y sus subsidiarias valoran a todos los empleados y sus propiedades, y esperan
que los empleados a su vez valoren la compañía y sus activos. Por lo tanto, no toleraremos ningún robo
de empleados o robo de ningún tipo, incluidos los informes fraudulentos de tarjetas de tiempo. Eso
incluye el robo de dinero, información, productos, inventario, herramientas o cualquier artículo,
información o idea que pertenezca a la empresa o a un empleado, cliente o socio comercial de la
Como tal, esperamos que todos los incidentes de robo de empleados se informen inmediatamente a su
supervisor o gerente de recursos humanos, junto con cualquier dato o información que haya observado
u obtenido. Además, nos reservamos el derecho de utilizar cámaras de video y métodos de grabación de
audio, así como software para identificar y detectar el robo de empleados.
A continuación se presentan ejemplos de robo tipificado para ilustrar comportamientos prohibidos:
Los empleados no pueden tomar dinero, números de tarjetas de crédito de clientes o cheques
de la compañía sin autorización previa y documentación.
Los empleados no pueden tomar productos sin pago, como inventario, incluyendo muestras, o
artículos rotos / devueltos o cualquier equipo o suministro de la compañía.
Los empleados no pueden regalar productos o servicios sin aprobación previa. Esto incluye no
dar regalos a amigos y familiares, llevar muestras a casa sin aprobación previa o dar
reparaciones gratuitas a nadie sin documentación y pago.
Los empleados sorprendidos infringiendo cualquier ley estatal o federal, incluido el robo de empleados o
la propiedad privada o de la empresa o la falsificación de registros de cronometraje serán despedidos sin
previo aviso.
Además, se puede presentar un informe policial, así como una posible demanda contra el empleado con
una solicitud de restitución de fondos o productos, inventario o activos. DFW Oil & Energy LLC y
cualquiera de sus subsidiarias pueden y lo harán, deducir legalmente del cheque de pago final de los
empleados para cubrir el costo de reemplazo de una escasez debido al robo por parte del empleado.
Para evitar que los empleados hagan acusaciones falsas, investigaremos todos los reclamos de robo o
robo de empleados, y disciplinaremos a cualquier empleado por hacer una acusación falsa.
Evidenciado por mi firma a continuación, entiendo y acepto la política anterior.
________________________ _____________ ___________________________
Nombre Impreso de Empleado Fecha Firma de Empleado