Number of matching projects: 3,038
Totalling: £1,601,314,299/ €20,690,716
Programme: EQUAL
Number of matching projects:54
Totalling: £19,065,019
Fund: ESF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 54
Totalling: £19,065,019
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
1 B
All Wales Ethnic Minority
Curiad Calon Cymru £58,052 56253 19/01/2006 £116,994
This DP addresses Theme B. Its fundamental purpose is the improvement of the economic situation of black and minority ethnic communities
throughout Wales. Its Objectives are to: · Deliver focused activities to BME members to empower them to gain and retain sustained employment
and make and active contribution to the Welsh economy, · Empower community organisations to overcome inequalities, and · Fill gaps in BME
labour market intelligence. Activities will be thematically clustered and deal with the main hurdles to equality faced by BME people in Wales,
including: · Women: childcare, patriarchy, skills, language, racism · New arrivals: language, skills/qualification conversion · Isolated families:
remoteness of rural areas and valleys, support networks · Young people and men: transition to work, access to skills and learning opportunities,
role models, coping with racism at work, gaining/ keeping jobs The DP is representative of the target groups. It includes BME organisations
(AWEMA), women's groups (MEWN Swansea), volunteer organisations (BVSNW, SOVA), training institutions (Bridgend College), refugee support
bodies (Welsh Refugee Council) and policy makers (Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)). An open management process will assure fair and
equal partnership working. Innovation will be in the development of new methods/ approaches, training, and qualification through national and
transnational activities. An Equal Opportunities Action Plan (EOPAP) covering all aspects from design, development, implementation and
management will ensure that this is considered throughout. Transnational co-operation will add value to national activities through exchanges
(physical and experiences), conferences and collaborative working. Inclusion of beneficiaries, community and voluntary organisations in the DP
design, development, delivery, management and evaluation will lead to empowerment. Mainstreaming will occur horizontally and vertically
through the partners, their extended networks the TNG and ETNG. Action 1 includes consultation and research; setting up DP systems;
production of the DPA and EOPAP; and development of the TCA and MPA. Action 2 will implement activities set out in the DPA and TCA. Action 3
will be mainstreaming. Target audiences include community groups, employers, policy makers.
1 A Antur Teifi Capacitate £25,167 56260 19/01/2006 £50,335
This project has been prepared in the light of recent governmental deliberations regarding the need to support Incapacity Benefit Claims (IBCs)
back into the workforce. In the Government Green Paper "Pathways to Work" it has been decided to give the issue a high priority and has
outlined the need for piloting and innovation on how IBCs are dealt with. The Project promoters are fully aware of the work currently being
proposed by Jobcentre Plus in Objective 1 in Wales and of the Pathways pilot at Bridgend in dealing with the issues. Essentially, the Capacitate
Project will work in West Wales and focus in Action 1 on research into the current infrastructure of the support network, the services available to
support IBCs and developing innovative actions for delivery in Action 2. In Action 1 the partners will: Map the existing support infrastructure
Research the problem Offer innovative solutions for Action 2 Influence policy at a strategic level The effect will be to move West Wales ahead
more quickly than what would have happened otherwise in this field and support for IBCs will happen much faster than what is planned at
present. Actions within the project will: Involve the following stakeholders as subjects of the research and within the DP: · Policy makers and
strategic enablers (Jobcentre Plus, NHS, Local Authorities, other e.g. MPs and MEPs, the disabilities Rights Commission) · Providers of services
(Mencap, Eich Dewis Chi, Shaw Trust, Local Authority provision etc.) · Incapacity Benefit Claimants (empowerment issues, the findings of the
research, additional feedback) · Individual Employers and employer organisations · The community
1 A Antur Teifi Capacitate £189,195 57223 19/01/2006 £378,390
The DP is a strategic group of stageholder organisations, working towards a common target under Theme A to improve access to the labour
market and empowerment of a large percentage of the population of Carmarthenshire. Adhering to teh key principles of Equal and the DP's equal
opportunities policy we will carry out innovative activities both nationally and transnationally and disseminate the successes of teh DP for
1 A Antur Teifi Capacitate 3 £31,496 57550 17/12/2007 £62,992
The aims of Action III of the Capacitate project will be to: review the impact of the innovative elements piloted within the projects; disseminate
and share information on the project's achievements with stakeholders and interested parties; and actively promote and facilitate adoption of the
outcomes to delivery organisations and decision makers with a view to mainstreaming. The Objectives will be to: * Carry out research based
thematic networking with the DP and relevant policy makers through discussion on the project outcomes; and identifying and mainstreaming
messages flagged up by the DP and policy makers. * Disseminate the pilot results through: information and awareness raising activities;
publishing the final outcomes of the DP's work; organisation of conferences, seminars and events. * Mainstreaming the project outcomes by:
meeting with policy makers; designing, delivering and supporting implementation strategies; and capacity building for future services based on
the pilot. The activities employed in order to achieve the aims and objectives will be: Attendance at key conferences and events and where
possible offering to speak and provide information. * Organisation of awareness raising events and seminars with potential mainstreaming
audiences. Events along with other EQUAL partner in Wales will be organised in order to disseminate policy and decision makers in Cardiff,
London and Brussels. * Seminars to share good practice. An event will be organised in Carmarthenshire for practitioners supporting IBCs in
order that they can learn best practice from the project that will support their future delivery content. * Research to examine the impact of the
project on its target audience and produce a final report of the project. This will be carried out with the support of DPs and key decision makers
in order that the final report is given "ownership" by all stakeholders and that its content becomes pertinent to the needs of its client group. *
Production of a printed report and project summary based on the research work above. Also, updating the website so that it becomes fully
accessible as an exemplar and ensuring the completeness of the database therein so that its use by practitioners will continue after the project
has ended. The site will also serve as a portal linking other key information websites in accordance to the identified need of the client group. *
Study visits by the DP to similar projects in the UK in order that additional knowledge from other areas and other activities can feed into the final
report and mainstreaming proposals. * Proposing a future service in Wales based on the outcomes, evaluation and further research.
1 B AWEMA Curiad Calon Cymru £366,208 57559 14/09/2007 £732,567
Black and minority ethnic (BME) people represent 2.1% of the Welsh population but 1.7% of the workforce, with only 56.3% of those of working
age in employment compared to 69.6% of white people (NC-ELWa Baseline data and intelligence 2003 refresh, April 2004). Disadvantages
experienced by BMEs include 'employment/unemployment rates; earning levels; progression/occupational attainment in the workplace; and
levels of self-employment'. The most important factors are 'education and skills, the ability to access employment opportunities and
discrimination in the workplace' (Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market, March 2003, p13). The target groups for this DP are BME individuals
and communities, including women, people with disabilities, young and older workers, economic migrants, refugees, and those facing social
exclusion, eg. through isolation. The project has a all Wales focus and will operate under Theme B. The main MP partners are the All Wales
Ethnic Minority Association (AWEMA), Black Association of Women Step Out (BAWSO), Black Environment Network (BEN), Cardiff Race Equality
First, Cardiff and the Vale Coalition of Disabled People (CVCDP) Minority Ethnic Womens Network (MEWN) Swansea, North Wales Equality
Network (NWREN), Scarman Trust, South East Wales Racial Equality Council (SEWREC), Supporting Others through Volunteer Action (SOVA),
University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), Valleys Race Equality Council (VALREC) and the Welsh Refugee Council, Community groups involved
are the Swansea African Caribbean Society, Bangladeshi Welfare Association - Cardiff, Black Heritage Association Cymru, Filipino Association of
South West Wales, Somali Community of Cardiff, Swansea Chinese Community Co-op Centre and Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers. Thus the MP is
representative of the target groups. The MP's overall aim is to disseminate how activities have been developed to improve the employment
prospects of black and ethnic minorities (BME's) and migrants through combating racism and xenophobia in the Welsh society. Its strategic
objectives are to: i) improve the situation of BME women especially young women in the labour market, ii) support the inclusion of European
economic migrants, contract workers and refugees, iii) combat the isolation of isolated households and individuals, iv) enable BME young men
and other individuals to gain and progress in employment, and v) empower BME communities. Under Action 3, the DP will carry out a range of
activities, including disseminating our new research together with the innovative training, work experience, mentoring and support provision,
awareness raising, networking and new working arrangements that have been developed. We shall co-operate across a series of Action 2
Development Partnerships to jointly present findings covering all the DP communities demonstrating how the impact of activities has currency
across all the segmented disadvantaged groups with which each DP works. The main outputs will be a series of Seminars and workshops run by
the individual Partners leading to a Conference timetable for November 2007 at which Conference Publications will be launched detailing the
work at Partner and Development Partnership level. Mainstreaming opportunities will occur horizontally and vertically through the partners, their
extended networks (which include the Welsh Assembly Government, Jobcentre Plus), the TNG and ETNG to influence policy and strategy
1 B AWEMA Curiad Calon Cymru A2 £2,156,336 57305 19/01/2006 £4,312,673
Black and minority ethnic (BME) people represent 2.1% of the Welsh population but 1.7% of the workforce, with only 56.3% of those of working
age in employment compared to 69.6% of white people (NC-ELWA Baseline data and intelligence 2003 refresh, April 2004). Disadvantages
experienced by BMEs include "employment/unemployment rates; earning levels; progression/occupational attainment in the workplace; and
levels of self-employment". The most important factors are "education and skills, the ability to access employment opportunities and
discrimination in the workplace" (Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market, March 2003, p13). The target groups for this DP are BME individuals
and communities, including women, people with disabilities, young and older workers, economic migrants, refugees, and those facing social
exclusion, e.g. through isolation. The project has an all-Wales focus. The main DP partners are the All Wales Ethnic Minority Association
(AWEMA), Black Association of Women Step Out (BAWSO), Black Environment Network (BEN), CEED (Charity) Ltd., Minority Ethnic Womens
Network (MEWN) Swansea, Scarman Trust, South Wast Wales Racial Equality Council (SEWREC), Supporting Others through Volunteer Action
(SOVA), Swansea College, University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), Valleys Race Equality Council (VALREC) and the Welsh Refugee Council.
Community groups involved are the African Caribbean Society, Banladeshi Welfare Association, Black Heritage Association Cymru, Filipino
Association, Somali Advice Centre, Swansea Chinese Community Co-op Centre and Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Support Group. Thus the DP is
representative of the target groups. The DP will contribute to the Equal Theme B by helping BME individuals and communities to combat
discrimination through empowerment. It will achieve this through activities designed to address the barriers to employment faced by BMEs (as
set out above), so that they are able to gain sustainable employment and progress along their chosen career path. Equal opportunities,
empowerment and partnership-working are key drivers for this DP, its leading principle being equality of opportunity and embracing diversity by
fighting discrimination through empowerment. Innovation, transnational co-operation and mainstreaming are also incorporated into DP activities
as described below. The DP's overall aim is to improve the employment prospects of black and ethnic minorities (BMEs) and migrants through
combating racism and xenophobia in the Welsh society. Its strategic objectives are to: i) improve the situation of BME women in the labour
market, ii) support the inclusion of European economic migrants, contact workers and refugees, iii) combat the isolation of isolated households
and individuals, iv) enable BME individuals to gain and progress in employment, and v) empower BME communities. Under Action 2, the DP will
carry out a range of activities, including carrying out new research, developing innovative training, work experience, mentoring and support
provision, awareness raising, networking and encouraging new working arrangements. At the transnational level, activities will include exchange
of information and the import/export/adoption of new approaches through thematic workshops, working groups, study visits and case studies;
exchange of beneficiaries, trainers and staff including study visits and training the trainer. The main outputs include a BME childcare social
enterprise; new ESOL provision for orientation and employment; incubation and drop-in centre; new working arrangements between BME
community groups and voluntary/statutory/employer organisations; physical and virtual networks; a database of skills, training and employer
information; and an anti-discrimination package and good practice guides on combating discrimination. Mainstreaming opportunities will occur
horizontally and vertically through the partners, their extended networks (which include the Welsh Assembly Government, Jobcentre Plus), the
TNG and the ETNG to influence policy and strategy development.
3 E Bangor University Gwlad £573,285 57225 24/05/2006 £1,146,570
The GWLAD DP works within the adaptability thematic field of EQUAL. This involves promoting lifelong learning andinclusive work practices
which encourage recruiting and retaining people suffering discrimination and inequality in the labour market. The GWLAD DP consists of
education providers, community agencies, voluntary agencies and employers and is led by the Department of Lifelong Learning, University of
Wales, Bangor. The aim of the GWLAD DP is to explore and provide opportunities for target groups to gain access to education and training in
rural areas of North Wales. The GWLAD DP will achieve this aim by developing and teasting innovative and empowering approaches to lifelong
learning in rural areas.
3 E Bangor University GWLAD A3 £109,127 57555 14/09/2007 £218,254
LLAIS (Lessons Learned and Ideas Shared) GWLAD The work of the GWLAD DP has responded directly to many of the Welsh Assembly
Government's plans for lifelong learning and inclusive work practices e.g. one of the objectives of the Skills and Employment Action Plan (2002)
is to "help more people overcome barriers to work and training, develop skills and obtain sustainable employment". Objective 1 of the GWLAD
DP responds directly to ICT for Learning programme by researching and trying out innovative have also responded to DELLS' objectives of
promoting lifelong learning and the four themes of sustainability, equal opportunities, bilingualism and social inclusion. The mainstreaming
process will take place: - Vertically aiming at influencing national policy (and respond to policy gaps) by producing evidence of innovation and
good practice to transfer key messages in a useable form to policy makers such as Wales Assembly Government, Dysg, Lifelong Learning
Partnerships, Job Centre Plus and other learning and service delivery providers. - Horizontally aiming at the DP, partner organisations, other DP's
within Wales and UK, TNG's and agencies and groups with similar interests and will focus on practical lessons learned. The collaborative work
within the DP and with other partner organisations will enable us to develop a shared approach to the themes of equality, diversity and
discrimination and have a greater impact on national policies and mainstreaming powers.
3 E Bangor University GWLAD £62,082 56213 19/01/2006 £135,237
The Partnership is drawn from organisations and agencies that have experience in working with community groups and individuals. The
Partnership reflects a wide range of expertise including working with marginalised groups and also experience of community education. The
partners will be made up of organisations interested in contributing to a work programme designed to tackle the issues of barriers to
training/advice and guidance/ education in rural areas. By using a participatory approach the DP will ensure that the programme benefits those
who suffer from the main forms of discrimination (based on sex, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation).
The objectives of the Partnership will be to utilise a collaborative approach to explore access to training/education opportunities in rural areas
experiencing multiple levels of deprivation. The DP will work with its partners in rural areas of Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire.
Each of the partners will bring specific expertise and in some cases experience of local interventions. The objectives address directly the common
to different types of discrimination and inequality and respond to Pillar Three of EQUAL - Adaptability - Theme E "Promoting lifelong learning and
inclusive work practices which encourage recruiting and retaining people suffering discrimination and inequality in the labour market" and also
responds to the strategic objectives of Theme E "to test innovative approaches to attract non-traditional learners to improve their basic and new
skills". The objectives also respond to key priorities in the WAG programme for developing Wales as a 'Learning Country' in devising new
approaches to bring more people into learning and in piloting new approaches and progression to community based vocational learning and in
piloting new approaches and progression to community based vocational learning to help the economically inactive into work.
3 F BTC Group Ltd Engaging Diversity Development Partnership A3 £30,000 57557 14/09/2007 £60,000
The Mainstreaming Partnership will disseminate and mainstream the results, conclusions, guidance and best practice, that have resulted from the
Engaging Diversity Development Partnership Action 2 Programme. The overall aim of the Mainstreaming Partnership is to create a centre of
excellence for the use of ICT to raise awareness, tackle discrimination, promote equality, and share best practice. This Mainstreaming Partnership
will address the cross-cutting themes of innovation, empowerment, equal opportunities, the use of ICT, work life balance and environmental
sustainability. There are four key objectives to the Mainstreaming Partnership. 1. To vertically mainstream the results and conclusions to
policymakers in Wales. This includes policymakers at an organisational level and policymakers at a national lever. This also includes bodies
whose advice may be taken into account during policy formulation, such as the Welsh Language Board, Stonewall Cymru and the new
Commission for Human Rights. 2. To horizontally mainstream the results conclusions and best practice to practitioners in organisations across
Wales. 3. To create a single online learning module containing all the conclusions, research, guidance and best practice from the DP, to be
available on an open access web site. 4. To develop an open access e-community for practitioners across the UK to disseminate research
conclusions from the DP and to encourage discussion and the sharing of ideas. The Mainstreaming Partnership is needed as recent surveys
suggest unwitting and unknowing discrimination of disadvantaged groups still exists in the workplace. Recent changes to legislation affecting
most equality and diversity strands, are still not fully understood by those at work. The Mainstreaming Partnership will provide solutions and
guidance on implementation, that will enable large numbers of people at work to receive awareness training in diversity issues, and to engage in
a process of sharing best practice. The Mainstreaming Partnership is clearly focused on increasing adaptability of those in work, particularly in
relation to the effect of their working practices on equality and diversity issues. The Mainstreaming Partnership is comprised of partners from the
Engaging Diversity Action 2 Development Partnership including Local Authorities, NHS Trusts and NGO's. Included as partners are some of the
target organisations for mainstreaming including the Welsh Local Government Association. To achieve this the Mainstreaming Partnership will
host two conferences, one in North Wales and one in South Wales. It will arrange a series of briefing seminars aimed at managers and
policymakers from target organisations. To enable widespread horizontal mainstreaming the Mainstreaming Partnership will develop an e-learning
module containing research conclusions at practical guidance, as well as an open access e-community the continuing sharing of ideas, case
studies and best practice amongst a wide group of practitioners.
3 F BTC Group Ltd Engaging Diversity Development Partnership £777,510 57218 19/01/2006 £1,555,020
The purpose of the 'Engaging Diversity' DP is to develop and provide an innovative, updateable internet based e-learning approach suitable to
reach large numbers of people from public and non-public sector organisations at work, quickly and effectively. The approach will involve
e-learning modules and e-communities of practice that focus, engage and inform across a range of diversity issues in support of recent
government legislation. The e-learning process will affect attitudes and understanding of the beneficiaries, raise awareness and encourage
positive conduct, enhance collaboration between local and transnational communities, provide empowerment and sharing of best practice, which
will reduce discrimination in the workplace towards disadvantaged groups.
3 F BTC Group Ltd Engaging Diversity Partnership £56,865 56236 19/01/2006 £115,947
The Development Partnership seeks to harness cutting edge web-enabled ICT solutions to deliver the following: · An extensive and extended
community of interest that can collaborate and share knowledge resources in order to further develop best practice in the field of developing
equality of opportunity within the Welsh Labour market · A suite of bilingual awareness raising modules that can be rapidly and flexibly
deployed. Designed to roll-out training to a large number of people, building on the start already made with the Race Module · Enabling
representatives of groups vulnerable to discrimination as well as employers to share in the development and evaluation of the resources
produced. · E-learning materials that are culturally contextualised and operate on the affective domain of learning in addition to the cognitive
4 H Chwarae Teg Cytgord £56,234 57212 19/01/2006 £112,469
The DP will be established to examine the reasons for the existing gender pay gap in Wales, this will include collating published research and
information, undertaking new research and developing models of good practice. The findings will be published in a document that will include a
toolkit and guidelines for the target audience of employers, training and education providers, policy makers, women and lone parents. The
document will be launched in a seminar and disseminated as widely as possible, UK and Europe wide. Our trans-national partners will focus on
pro-activity in correlation to the DP's work programme to ensure complimentarity.
4 H Chwarae Teg CYTGORD £14,509 56197 19/01/2006 £31,597
1. Rationale: the Development Partnership will be established due to evidence suggesting that the gender pay gap remains an issue in the
economic development in Wales. In addition lack of opportunities and career choices for women and men lone parents continues to be a barrier
for economic prosperity. 2. Aims and Objectives: the aims and objectives of the DP will be to explore some of the reasons behind the gender pay
gap and collate all known research and information from partner organisations to enable a holistic overview in Wales. It will also, explore and
record self-employment opportunities for lone parents as a viable option in the labour market. 3. Methods: the work will be undertaken by
collating information and best practice, co-ordinating the recording of all relevant information and publishing and disseminating the findings. 4.
Partners- Chwarae Teg will be the lead partner- Other key partners will be: Equal Opportunities Commission; Wales TUC; WDA; the Fawcett
Society; the University of Wales Bangor. Fair Play Scotland Other advisory bodies may include - the Welsh Language Board, MEWN Cymru, Age
Concern; Disability Wales and the Commission for Racial Equality. 5. Outputs - the main output of the project will be a good practice guide for
policy makers, employers, training and education providers and other equality organisations. 6. Beneficiaries - the overall beneficiaries of the
project will be women, lone parents, young people and women who may be doubly disadvantaged and socially excluded. It is hoped that the
guide will empower these groups by creating better opportunities, choices and financial gain in the labour market. 7. Transnational partners -
may be Basque region of Spain or Scandinavia who have commonalties and models of good practice in gender mainstreaming and Work life
1 A
Innovate Trust
Equals Shares for All £1,130,653 57219 19/01/2006 £2,261,306
The Equal Shares for All partnership will remove barriers to employment for people with learning disabilities; implement preventative measure to
address the needs of 'at-risk' groups such as those who may leave mainstream education early due to learning difficulties and potential
unemployed. Employers and employment services will be influenced, students with learning difficulties mentored, personal development plans
implemented and employment opportunities created. Participation in policy making will be improved, methods for the prevention of bullying
developed, employment opportunities and access to canal network will be identified. Personal and Social skills for employment will be developed
and pilot videos created by people with learning disabilities.
1 A
Innovate Trust
EQUAL SHARES FOR ALL £135,639 56249 19/01/2006 £271,387
LEAD PARTNER Innovate Trust, which has over twelve year's experience of running ESF projects. THE OTHER PARTNERS · Council for Education in
World Citizenship - Cymru.(CEWC) · All Wales People First · Bridgend People First · Vision 21 · British Waterways · People Enabling Co-operative
Ltd This Partnership will identify, research and trial innovative solutions from across Europe with people in Wales who are socially excluded,
Particularly: · People with disabilities · Young people at risk of being unemployed · People at risk of becoming homeless This is because of the
high number of people with disabilities without jobs, young people leaving school without qualifications and people at risk of homelessness. The
aim is to empower beneficiaries to become recognised as valued citizens of the community. ACTION 1 ACTIVITIES We will develop and build the
capacity of the Development Partnership in order to design and plan a Work Programme for Action 2 based on the identified needs of the
beneficiaries at the heart of the process. We will agree specific areas of work to suit each partner's skills. ACTION2 ACTIVITIES · Promote
citizenship and trial innovative methods of learning. · Provide personal development for those at risk of becoming socially excluded. · Provide
interventions in schools to prevent bullying of people with learning disabilities. · Influence employers on the value of employing people with
disabilities. · Develop innovative approaches for providing access to employment in the countryside. · Explore new ways of making the transition
from school into employment for young people. Use videos to promote social enterprise. ACTION 3 ACTIVITIES · Influence Government policy
using our own expert base from the Development Partnership. · Continue to mainstream the lessons learnt from this project into all levels of
Government from local to European · Make the results of the project available to a wide audience including key professionals and managers. ·
Publish the results of the project via the internet and professional media.
1 A
Innovate Trust
Equal Shares for All A3 £226,130 57552 20/12/2007 £452,261
Positive solutions have been developed to help people with learning disabilities overcome the various barriers to employment. Activities in Action
2 has addressed the causes of disempowerment such as bullying, learning difficulties, lack of consultation, lack of employment opportunities and
negative attitudes; as well as the effects like low educational attainment, low self-esteem, dropout from education, lack of participation and
unemployment. Action 3 will focus on disseminating and mainstreaming the good practice developed in Action 2. The DP's mainstreaming
partnership will seek to influence policy makers and instigate strategic change on a local, regional, national and European level. The strategy will
also focus on the vertical dissemination / mainstreaming of products / practices to other support organisations and service providers. The need
for the MPA is supported by the high numbers of PWLD who are unemployed, school leavers without qualifications and people at risk of
homelessness. The need is also evident in current policy areas / strategic frameworks Wales - A Better Country, DEIN Business Plans, A Learning
Country 2006, WAVE and Convergence and Competitiveness funding. The MPA contributes to Theme A. The project has developed innovative
solutions to help people with learning disabilities overcome barriers to employment. Positive solutions have been developed to assist people with
learning disabilities over the various barriers to employment. Activities have addressed the causes of disempowerment such as bullying, learning
difficulties, lack of consultation, lack of employment opportunities and negative attitudes; as well as the effects like low educational attainment,
low self-esteem, dropout from education, lack of participation and unemployment. The MPA will focus on disseminating and mainstreaming
products developed in Action 2. As an example Bridgend People First will disseminate their findings from their Anti Bullying project. They will
encourage other service providers to deliver similar activities. British Waterways will seek to mainstream the accessibility audits developed in
Action 2 - allowing other waterways to benefit from their work. CEWC will disseminate the teaching materials developed in Action 2 to LEA's and
WAG's Education Unit. All Wales People First will disseminate their Guidance Handbook on Participation - encouraging wider participation of
people with learning disabilities in decision making; at a local and national level. Innovate Trust and Vision 21 will disseminate DVD's, produced
by project beneficiaries, and encourage other service providers to develop similar training opportunities.
1 A
National Probation Service
South Wales
Unlocking Potential £11,901 56247 19/01/2006 £23,802
The DP core partners will be HMP Service, National Probation Service, WDA Employment Services, Careers Wales, UNLOCK, representative from
employers organisations, Trade Unions, Chamber of Commerce, Summit Skills and CITB. The DP will address Pillar One - Employability, Theme A
- Helping People who have difficulty in being integrated or reintegrated into a labour market. The application will cover all of Wales. The DP will
increase the number of ex-offenders who find work, by helping employers to understand the economic and social arguments for equality and
diversity in the workplace and proving employers with practical support to develop and implement effective equalities policies. The DP will
increase employer's awareness of the barriers faced by ex-offenders and the significance of employment in reducing re-offending rates. The DP
will research examples of best practice in the UK and other member states, and test these to influence policy in Wales, UK and other Member
states. The rationale behind the application is the correlation between re-offending rates and unemployment for ex-offenders when it is known
that one of the most significant factors is preventing re-offending is employment. The DP will create a new partnership working with better links
with employers. The DP supports the EO agenda by increasing the awareness of barriers and developing strategies to overcome them, learning
from best practice in other member states and piloting with ex-offenders to empower ex-offenders to find work. Action 1 - Brings together a
Focus group to research the attitudes and barriers with employers, identify good practice in UK, identify transnational partners. Action 2 - Test
work with employers to demonstrate to social and economic argument of employing ex-offenders in Wales and EU. Action 3 - Inform WAG,
Employment services of the effective strategies for convincing employers to employ ex-offenders, which may lead to increase uptake in New Deal
for Ex-offenders.
1 A
National Probation Service
South Wales
Unlocking Potential £178,600 57220 19/01/2006 £357,200
The Unlocking Potential DP will work with a snall group of prolific offenders to demonstrate to employers that by diversifying their recruitment
strategies to include ex-offenders that this can have a positive impact on their business. Our DP's overall aim is to work with employers. We will
increase the number of employers who address ex-offenders in their recruitment policy. Increasing awareness of the social and economic
argument for employing ex-offenders is a priority for Unlocking Potential. We will also increase the number of SME that will offer work placement
to NEW Deal and engage with a range of employers and attempt to break down the barriers that exist in employing an ex-offender. Out DP will
highlight the employability of suiably trained and qualified ex-offenders will be highlighted to employers.
3 E Niace Dysgu Cymru Valuing Learning - Strengthening Communities £445,750 57215 19/01/2006 £891,501
The DP is a Theme E consortium of voluntary organisation, addressing voluntary sector support for learning by individuals from marginalised
groups, including; - Men and women, in black and minority ethnic communities - People 50+ - Disaffected young people - Women with mental
health difficulties - Men and women on low incomes We will work in communities to establkish innovative workable models for informal learning
to be recognised as a basis for progression, and link to the national qualification framework. We aim to work transationally to develop
customised learning programmes, in community organisations, and associated accreditation and recognition, within national frameworks.
3 E Niace Dysgu Cymru Valuing Learning - Strengthening Communities £67,011 56250 19/01/2006 £135,377
The partnership is a consortium of voluntary organisations, all members of the Voluntary Sector Training Providers Forum in Cardiff: Voluntary
Action Cardiff, WEA South Wales, South Riverside Community Development Centre, Fairbridge Cymru and Women's Workshop, working with
NIACE Dysgu Cymru. It is a local Theme E application, addressing wider participation in learning by individuals from hard to reach and
vulnerable groups. It is innovative in addressing recognition and accreditation of informal learning and potential links to the national qualification
framework. We will develop the capacity of community and voluntary organisations to enable informal learning to be recognised and serve as a
platform for progression to accredited learning pathways, and enhanced employability. We will address ways of strengthening the infrastructure
of the voluntary sector to optimise its educational role with marginalised groups. We will involve representatives of targeted groups, in planning,
management, delivery and evaluation, with equal opportunities and empowerment of individuals intrinsic to all activities. Action 2 includes:
Learner- centred work with groups, individuals, learning providers and others to establish workable models for recognition of informal learning. ·
Men and women, in black and minority ethnic communities · People 50+ · Disaffected young people · Women with mental health difficulties ·
Men and women on low incomes Involving public, private and voluntary organisations, in delivery, including partners we seek to influence,
including Wales Assembly Government, ELWa and ACCAC (responsible for the Credit and Qualification Framework for Wales). Sharing with
transnational partners methods of developing customised learning programmes, in community organisations, and accrediting individuals'
achievement, within a national credit and qualification framework. Evaluating the wider implications and applicability of outcomes. In Action 3,
we will disseminate best practice within all appropriate sectors, and aim to influence policy and practice at all levels in Wales, UK and EU.
3 F OAKE Europe Ltd Asaph £2,629,984 57216 19/01/2006 £5,564,315
Only about 16% of the 1.2 million people who work in Wales receive work-based learning. This is despite the fact that many surveys have shown
that the Welsh skills base is relatively low. Nearly 50% of the Welsh workforce is qualified below the level of NVQ3 and Wales has been said to
be a low skills trap that needs innovative solutions to resolve the problem. ASAPH will innovate the use of ICTs to provide skills and training
opportunities to people who, although in work, experience exclusion from training opportunities because of their work and social situations.
Shiftworkers, part time workers, people with childcare responsibilities, disabled people, and employees in micro companies are often denied
training opportunities available to others.
3 F OAKE Europe Ltd ASAPH A3 £8,287 57554 14/09/2007 £16,574
During Action 2 the ASAPH project is investigating innovative ways of helping to retain and upskill workers who face disadvantage at work as a
result of their working situation. Such disadvantage can arise because of personal circumstances and/or organisational constraints. This Action 3
proposal is designed to take the outputs and lessons learned during Action 2 (including from the transnational network that has been developed)
and apply them to a wider audience, disseminating and mainstreaming them at appropriate points into organisational culture and national policy
developments. Three coordinated approaches will be taken to develop these objectives: - a sequence of newsletters and briefing materials, in
both hard copy and electronic formats, designed to highlight specific actions and outputs from Action 2. Feeding into: - workshops and briefing
sessions generated by individual partners for specially targeted audiences, specific to the nterest and applications of particular partners
Culminating in: - a cross-partner event to present the overall outcomes from Action 2 to a range of stakeholders from employer and employee
organisations and national/European policy makers.
3 F OAKE Europe Ltd ASAPH £42,216 56210 19/01/2006 £84,539
The central focus of the ASAPH Partnership is to generate the innovative use of ICTs to provide skills and training opportunities to current
employees, in particular to improve access to training for people in employment who do not have existing capabilities or opportunities to gain
additional skills. By highlighting categories of employees currently disadvantaged in Wales and using ICTs to deliver innovative and equal
training opportunities the work fits closely with Theme F The DP involves a range of partners from across Wales with experience and expertise to
ensure that these aims are realised. It comprises local authorities, NGOs, consultancies, Training providers, and large manufacturers, all of whom
have a strong interest in helping to ensure that people can balance their life between work and home. The Partnership will be innovative through
novel approaches to the use of ICTs to target training opportunities of employees who are currently disadvantaged at work. The outcomes will
ensure that employers develop and maintain a culture of social responsibility with their employees and the society in which they operate. The
ASAPH DP will use a 'Team Wales approach' to support the development of a cohesive partnership between SMEs, relevant training and service
providers to respond to the identified needs of individuals to overcome barriers they face due to dependant/ child care responsibilities, age, low
level of skills, access to ICT, geographical ward deprivation, etc. the DP will also be extremely innovative in relation to the extent and nature of
its dissemination and mainstreaming activities. The impact of the Partnership will extend beyond the partner organisations into national and
transnational policy arenas and will impact positively on a range of policies identified as being crucial to the development of Wales.
2 D
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Equals Partnership A3 £130,687 57551 14/09/2007 £263,057
Powys Equals Partnership Equal Theme "D" will embed each of the activities listed below, mainstreaming the principles developed in Action 2
with each activity serving as an exemplar to demonstrate the validity of the findings and to influence policy and practice within the target
audiences. The Lead Partner, as in Action 2, is PAVO. The other partners are:- Arcady, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority, Cae Post,
Disability Powys, Enterprise Development Agency Ltd, Mid Powys Mind, Pont Hafren, Powys Drugs and Alcohol Council, Powys Mental Health
Alliance, Powys County Council, Prospectus and Siawns Teg. 1. Social Enterprise To embed social enterprise, we will support strategic networks,
to work towards - starting their enterprises and providing employment for people excluded from the labour market. A Community Interest
Company with capacity to manage significant Countywide contracts. A horticultural co-operative, based on the results of the Seedbed Project and
Countdown Garden. Through the learning associated with Acknowledged Lived Experience, a Training Consortium will develop that can deliver
high quality training across Wales and beyond. 2. Responsible Employment This pilot scheme in developed in Action 2 will continue to embed the
principles of RE in Action 3. We will also develop a potentially Wales and UK wide Responsible Employment Scheme in the public, private and
third sectors, improving the network of employment opportunities, attempting to match the needs of the person with opportunities for work. In
support of this we have developed a Recruitment Toolkit that embeds the principles of responsible Employment and this will be launched at a
National Conference in November 2007. 3. ALE During Action 2 we have seen increased understanding of the issues associated with the
acknowledgement of experiences of disadvantage, disability or stigma and the use of these acknowledged skills as competencies within the
workplace. We have demonstrated the advantages of employing people who acknowledge their lived experience and tested a recruitment and
selection procedure in both third sector and statutory bodies that includes employees, to guide them through best practice in recruitment,
selection and employment. These toolkits will be launched at the Responsible Employment National Conference under the banner of 'Putting the
ALE in Wales'. 4. Integrated Working Whole Community working is vital in maximising target audiences for social enterprises and minimising
duplication of deliver. We will promote and monitor the benefits of this approach and support the development of a strategic network to underpin
a social enterprise that aims to work with the 'whole community'. 5. Partnership Working At the conference in November we will disseminate a
guide on how to work within an large and inclusive partnership drawn from experience in Action 2. This could usefully inform the delivery of
future European Funding through partnership working.
2 D
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Equals Partnership £605,958 57226 19/01/2006 £1,219,724
Powys Equal Partnership includes 13 organisations, mainly from the third sector, who aim to build capacity to research, develop and mainstream:
- Sustainable models of social enterprise - Integrated approaches to service delivery that address economies of scale in rural communities - The
creation of opportunities for people with lived experience that give hope to others and challenge attitudes that perpetuate stigma and
discrimination. The DP wants to work with Transnational Partners in Slavakia to investigate the merits of different approaches to social enterprise
and to involve beneficiaries in developing training and support materials.
2 D
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Equals Partnership £35,374 56245 26/04/2006 £76,166
Powys Equals Partnership (P=P) has come together to foster involvement of beneficiaries, at 3 stages in the pathway back to work. Beneficiaries
will be involved in commissioning and monitoring pilots in the rural social economy/ enterprise sectors of Powys. P=P recognises the value base
of these organisations to create opportunities for disadvantaged groups. The partners have experience however of barriers associated with, for
example funding criteria that reinforces stigma; organisations that find it difficult to include people from disadvantaged groups; and employment
practices that do not directly benefit beneficiaries. The Pilots will address: 1. The capacity of organisations to work creatively to tackle the needs
of more than one beneficiary group and to resolve economies of scale and issues of rurality, particular to Powys, and that will have relevance to
other rural communities, e.g. training in a rural context 2. The development of a culture of 'hope that enables beneficiaries, who have been out
of work for a long period, to be supported to begin with the journey back to involvement in their communities and social enterprise. e.g. creating
timebanks to reward involvement. 3. The accessibility of organisations at the stage when beneficiaries are looking for support in building their
skills, confidence and self-esteem. E.g. Volunteering 4. The development of new employment opportunities for beneficiaries. E.g. employment
within the sector. 5. The partnership will model its own development on the principals of beneficiary participation. The work of P=P also has
relevance to organisations in the public and private sectors who may currently be declined o create opportunities for beneficiaries. The results
will be disseminated widely.
1 A Prime Cymru PACES £35,481 56185 19/01/2006 £70,962
PACES has beeen developed by Prime Cymru and Age Concern Cymru. PACES will address the significant problem that people aged 50 plus suffer
from age related discrimination in the labour market. In Wales alone some 250,000 people aged between 50 & 65 years are economically
inactive. A significant proportion of these wish to re-enter the labour market. This is a growing European wide problem. There are a number of
major barriers to people over 50 in Wales and elsewhere accessing work. These include discrimination, and also misperceptions about what older
workers can contribute to employers' operations. This problem is compounded by the fact that most employers in Wales are SME's. PACES will *
provide innovative advice and assistance to employers thinking about recruitment, in order to encourage them to consider older workers *
provide advice and assistance to economically inactive older people who need help to find a routeway back into the labour market, particularly
aiming to assist people not registered with the Job Service The project addresses the theme of employability and is a regional initiative. Our
objectives are * in phase 1 to refine our understanding of the problem and our response * in phase 2 to break new ground by overcoming
barriers within SME's to the recruitment of older workers and to assist them in the recruitment of older workers in the UK and in other EU
countries * to provide innovative methods of advice and guidance to people over 50 to help them find paid employment or voluntary work with
paid employment prospects * to establish new good practice guidelines for recruitment, training and retention of older workers for dissemination
in phase 3 to employers and public bodies.
3 E Remploy Limited HEALTHY MINDS AT WORK £74,091 56270 19/01/2006 £148,886
The biggest barriers to the employment of individuals with mental health issues are those caused by discrimination and stigmatisation, rather
than the effect of mental ill health per se. This project will effectively draw together all the separate initiatives from initiatives from several
government departments. By joining together those suffering from mental illness, local authorities, health boards, and a range of public, private
and voluntary organisations, a rapid, comprehensive service designed to prevent job loss and its accompanying ill health will be provided. Our
aim is to provide a comprehensive programme of support for employees and beneficiaries and looking, not only at retention but also prevention.
Our target audience is: · People who have experience of mental distress who are under pressure in the workplace. Who are experiencing
pressures in the workplace that put their mental health at risk. Or may be experiencing pressures outside the workplace that impact on the ability
to carry out their work. Objectives · To promote the value of early intervention in the treatment of mental health problems as the best means of
stimulating recovery. · To fully utilise the existing expertise in mental health services in partnership with the dynamic involvement of mental
health service users. · Through the academic monitoring and evaluation of this initiative, the aim will be to spread 'best practice' throughout
Wales, and to disseminate the findings across the UK and Europe. The partnership reflects all the organisations that have been engaged in this
activity but hitherto, have operated in isolation. This initiative is unique in bringing together all the agencies necessary to provide a seamless
service · The Depression Alliance Cymru · The Manic Depression Fellowship Wales. · Work life Partnerships Ltd. · REMPLOY · UNISON · Teachers
Support Cymru · AWETU
3 E Remploy Limited Healthy Minds at Work £3,185,379 57222 19/01/2006 £6,505,264
HM@W aims to combat discrimination in the workplace and to improve the job retention for people with mental health problems. HM@W will
conduct a Wales based job retention pilot, establish a Centre of Excellence for Mental Health, deliver new training and support for individual
beneficiaries, groups and for employer partner organisations and carry out transnational work across 4 work streams; Policy & Standards,
Empowerment/Self Management, Cross structural cooperation and Prevention. Through the academic monitoring and evaluation of this initiative,
the aim will be to spread 'best practice' throughout Wales, and to disseminate the findings across the UK and Europe.
1 A The 3Gs Development Trust North Merthyr Tydfil Regeneration Partnership £401,447 57227 19/01/2006 £802,894
The polarisation of employment opportunity between prosperous and disadvantaged communities is a primary cause of social exclusion. The
North Merthyr Tydfil Regeneration Partnership aims to identify and address the factors that cause a lack of employability among residents of
electoral wards, which have been dubbed the "sickness capital of Europe", where economic inactivity is endemic. A series of action research
programmes will be developed to engage people in soft entry learning and self-development and their participation used to identify the
underlying barriers preventing them from developing the attitudes, qualifications, skills to ensure their employability in the new labour market.
1 A The 3Gs Development Trust North Merthyr Tydfil Regeneration Partnership £91,504 57483 31/10/2006 £183,008
To ensure that the lessons learned from the action research - in relations to the identification of the underlying causes of a lack of employability
among the hardest to reach and how thse are best addressed are (a) articulated to the government/statutory agencies responsible for tackling
social exclusion and economic inactivity (b) taken into account by these organisations in the design and implementation of learning, job
preparation and support programmes for residents of our most disadvantaged communities and (c) incorporated within future community
regeneration strategies. This will include understanding the barriers to employability such as impact of ill-health, lack of qualifications, skills and
confidence/motivation to learn as well as practical interventions to enable residents to overcome these barriers to overcome dependency and
become co-responsible for their own health and well-being. This fits precisely with the Employability theme as the whole focus of mainstreaming
activity is concerned with furthering understanding of the employability needs of socially excluded people and how these needs are best met.
1 A The 3Gs Development Trust North Merthyr Tydfil Regeneration Scheme £59,760 56214 19/01/2006 £121,535
Partners - The 3Gs Development trust; Barnardos; Cardiff University; Dowlais Forum; Jobcentre Plus; Merthyr Tydfil CBC; Merthyr Tydfil LHB;
North Glamorgan NHS Trust; Working Links Ltd. Employability: All socially excluded residents of Dowlais, Gurnos and Penydarren. Addresses
CAUSES of social exclusion by enabling beneficiaries overcome multiple disadvantages preventing them becoming economically active. A cycle of
deprivation exists - no jobs, no hope, low expectations, poor qualifications, low levels of accredited skills, high levels of economic inactivity and
health inequalities. Aims to break cycle by identifying root causes of individual exclusion via Whole Family perspective and devising innovative
programmes through a "residents driven" approach resulting in: residents gaining the skills to become economically active as well as
empowered, co-responsible, economically and socially active citizens AND service providers becoming genuinely customer driven. Partnership
enhanced through multi-agency work devising/piloting new and joined-up support programmes. Conventional regeneration and job training
schemes fail to reach the hardest to reach or help. The primary cause being the short term, low-cost "schemes driven" nature of these
programmes, resulting in a marginal impact on the CAUSES of social exclusion, third generation worklessness and endemic "scheme sickness".
Action 1 - Establish Management Board; recruit core staff; complete preparatory work; secure match funding. Action 2 - Design and piloting
innovative interventions in collaboration with residents, some dissemination/mainstreaming. Action 3 - Refining networking and dissemination
and mainstreaming via WAG, DWP nationally; NHS, Jobcentre Plus and Employment Action Team policy managers locally.
2 D University of Gloucestershire EQUIPE Wales A3 £78,684 57293 19/01/2006 £172,939
EQUIPE is a partnership of organisations primarily providing services for children and young people, and organisations working in the social
enterprise sector. Funded under Strand D of the EQUAL programme. EQUIPE drives forward the creation of new, sustainable social enterprises to
address the nationally identified need for increased services for children and young people (especially in childcare). EQUIPE will work with the
frameworks and structures of the established sectors dealing with these services to mainstream creation of sustainable social/community
enterprises based on innovative solutions identified during Action 2. It will do this with support from organisations already providing advice and
guidance to the sector and the social economy and use its network of established partners working at the neighbourhood level to engage with
communities, strengthen infrastructure for providing services in the sector and disseminate transferable models of good practice. Social
enterprises providing services for children and young people meet community needs: they enable parents who are restricted by childcare
responsibilities to develop careers and produce people whose lives are enhanced by their participation in these enterprises. This benefits both the
individuals and their whole community. EQUIPE seeks to exploit this, and disseminate its pilot results to policy audiences at the local, regional
and national levels including in Wales through Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs.
1 A
University of Wales College
Equinex £1,151,410 57229 24/05/2006 £2,302,820
The Equinex development partnership agreement has been developed to innovatively address some of the inequalities faced by disadvantaged
people when they are trying to access employment, training and educational opportunities. It also attempts to address their difficulties in
sustaining those opportunities. It focuses particularly on people who have been unemployed for a considerable time and people with disabilities
including people with autistic spectrum disorders, sensory disabilities and learning disabilities. It also seeks to work with employers to find out
what difficulties they have employing people from the target groups. Then it seeks to address those difficulties by developing, piloting and
evaluating the outcomes of innovative solutions. The results of all the research and activity will be used to influence poligy at local, regional and
national/european levels. Mainstreaming some of the successful activities and outcomes will also be attempted at various levels.
1 A
University of Wales College
EQUINEX £40,908 56265 19/01/2006 £81,816
The aim of the DP is to develop policie/practices that enhance participation and encourage through extensice partnership actions to ensure a
seamless progression into education, training and work, so that the initiative can be sustained and mainstreamed.
1 A
University of Wales College
EQUINEX A3 £162,428 57553 14/09/2007 £324,857
The Equinex mainstreaming partnership agreement is a statement of how the Equinex partners will attempt to mainstream the outcomes of the
Equinex Development Partnership work in Action 2. The mainstreaming partnership agreement is an essential part of the work of the Equinex
Development Partnership in that it will provide a workplan to effectively disseminate and potentially mainstream the work of the partnership
which has been developed in Action 2 and will also attempt to identify ways in which the partnership itself can move forward. In this way the
valuable work that has been developed and the findings from the research undertaken will not be lost. The target audiences for the MPA are those
people and organisations who are able to influence policy at a local, regional, national or European level and practitioners who can benefit from
hearing about the work of the DP. Equinex will disseminate to various audiences for awareness, understanding and for action. The MPA has been
developed with the help of all partners in Equinex who were asked at several workshop sessions to identify how they would like their work on
the project to be disseminated. The core team from the lead partner, University of Wales, Newport took this information and formed the workplan
for approval. The lead partner will organise and arrange most of the mainstreaming events on behalf of the partnership. Equinex is funded under
Theme A, Employment. The MPA will ensure that the messages from Equinex are taken forward to relevant policymakers concerned with this
theme. Equinex will disseminate to various audiences under 4 themes which have been identified as important in the work it has done
throughout Action 2. They are Partnership Transnational Working. Mainstreaming will be attempted in a variety of ways through from personal
contact with policymakers through to major final dissemination conference. Workshops, reports, publications and presentations will be used to
get the message across of what worked during Action 2 and what aspects of the work deserve further development or mainstreaming. Equinex
will also carry out additional research in Action 3 to further examine issues brought up during Action 2. Finally Equinex will produce a variety of
final dissemination documents which will be circulated and published widely to relevant audiences.
3 F University of Wales Lampeter e-mentoring for equality in employment (e3DP) £86,094 56208 19/01/2006 £172,188
The e3DP will support people working in rural and social enterprises to develop their capacity to manage change and meet learning needs
brought by technology and changing work practices. This is a key challenge in the rural economy of mid and west Wales, which needs new
approaches to support and accreditation in the workplace. It supports innovative, collaborative learning models to address the strategic
objectives of Theme F making use of ICT to improve access to skills for adaptability in local rural enterprises. The DP will research, develop, pilot
and disseminate an e-portfolio (such as e-mentoring, e-coaching and e-empowerment) that will aid employability and promote inclusive work
practices. It will train mentors and build capacity in partners including UW Lampeter, Sgript, Cavo, Prime Cymru. It will pilot European Credit
Transfer Scheme accreditation for continuing personal and professional development in the workplace for managers, employers and target
employee groups: older workers, people with physical impairment and women. Results will be promoted to policy-makers and decision-makers
in Wales and Europe. Transnational ideas and influences will be disseminated through the EARALL network, in which Wales is a founder member.
The DP supports EQUAL through innovative collaborative learning models with partners to address equality actions, making use of ICT to improve
access to skills for adaptability in rural enterprises and target equality based actions and accreditation. Action 1 will develop national and
transnational workplan agreements. Action 2 workpackages containing equality and empowerment aspects with innovative techniques like e
mentoring. It will pair individuals in the workplace with mentors from partners trained and aided by technology models plus content to support
them. Innovative is at process and product level, using technology to support digital collaboration, producing innovatory materials and
facilitating ECTS accreditation of workbased learning for mainstreaming. Action 3 will disseminate, mainstream and influence.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cyfenter2 Development Partnership £17,539 56212 19/01/2006 £35,793
PARTNERSHIP Cyfenter2 is Pan-Wales and brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience of enterprise support from the WDA, Welsh
Assembly Government, and equality and enterprise support practitioners from private, public, educational and voluntary sector organisations
(particularly those representing women, lone parents, young people, over 50s, ethnic minorities, refugees, disabled people and Welsh speakers).
This partnership has already shown that it can work well together in Cyfenter1. EQUAL The partnership is based on the principals of Equal: 1.
Innovative - new work, new partnership, and new ways of working 2. Empowering - giving a voice to emerging SMEs 3. Equal opportunities and
discrimination - ensuring equality and diversity is the prime drive 4. Mainstreaming and dissemination - accessing those who can effect change
with appropriate, timely and targeted information 5. Adding value through transnational co-operation - exchange of best practice, joint working,
and bringing a wider perspective to our work. Cyfenter2 is a partnership of equals. Members are empowered through effective ways of working,
active participation from all partners and innovative actions (e.g. Theatre Forum Cymru that identifies and resolves problems through theatre).
THEME C The primary Objective of the Cyfenter2 DP will be to deliver a programme of action-based research that will, through the use of
questionnaires, in depth interviews, case studies, and focus groups, draw on the experiences of individuals who are now considering starting - or
have recently started - a business in Wales and are now looking to mainstream business support agencies for support and training and
establishing a viable and sustainable business with the potential for growth. RATIONALE The research findings from Cyfenter1 have shown the
need to consider a wide range of issues that may be impacting on the long term viability of m any of these businesses because of any additional,
and sometimes multiple barriers being experienced due to gender, race, disability, language or age. Action 1: Re-establish and re-focus
Partnership. Prepare detailed work plans for actions 2 & 3. Establish a transnational partnership Action 2: Conduct a programme of action
research, which is lead by qualitative research and supported by quantitative and secondary research. Publish research findings. Action 3:
identify appropriate audience. Mainstream and disseminate research findings through targeted methodologies.
4 H WAG - DEIN (WDA) CWLWM £70,337 56206 19/01/2006 £159,093
CWLWM partners - WDA, Clybiau Plant Cymru, Play Wales, Cardiff County Council, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, Wales Pre-school Playgroups
Association. Addresses Theme H, targeting activities on reducing the gender pay gap and desegregating the childcare sector. Sectoral with
pan-Wales remit Principal objectives Create high quality, accessible affordable childcare in Wales provided by qualified providers from profession
equally accessible to men and women in the appropriate language. Ensure that childcare adequately funded by appropriate methodologies and
providers adequately paid. Encourage and support entrepreneurship in individuals and communities in childcare Create sectoral forum for
childcare to access strategy/policy makers and encourage sectoral economic development. ACCORD created for same reasons, which drive EQUAL
support, ACCORD will not happen. DP determined to maximise opportunity. ACCORD based on innovative partnership of organisations with
shared focus and shared ethos- determined to seek new, innovative solutions for problems of sector - equal opportunities primary driver in -
welcome opportunity to learn and exchange best practice with other member states - DP convinced that empowering sector critical for
development - determined to maximise impact of work through dissemination and mainstreaming. ACTION 1 - confirming partnership, defining
relationships/tasks, agreeing systems, recruiting transnational partners, defining transnational work, securing funding for Actions 2 and 3.
ACTION 2 - 8 major actions - different aspects of childcare sector and disseminating and mainstreaming - sector - wide including practitioners,
funders, trainers, decision makers, strategists and policy-makers as well as stakeholders such as businesses - includes entrepreneurs and third
sector start-ups. ACTION 3 - ensure results disseminated to right audiences in right way to maximise impact and involvement and achieve
ultimate objectives of the Partnership.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cyfenter A3/2 £70,000 55931 19/01/2006 £140,000
Action 3 Dissemination and Mainstreaming of Cyfenter research findings. Part 2
1 A WAG - DEIN (WDA) Development Employability Equality Partnership (DEEP) A3 £69,244 55935 24/05/2006 £138,488
DEEP's Mainstreaming Partnership consists of voluntary, public and private sector organisations and higher education institutions with expertise
in equality mainstreaming and dissemination of project outcomes. It will seek new partners with dissemination expertise, including media
organisations such as the BBC. Working under Theme A of Employability, DEEP will vertically mainstream its findings through EU, National and
Regional Politicians and intermediary organisations (for example the Welsh Local Government Association). DEEP will horizontally mainstream
through its peers, partners, other Development Partnerships and employers. DEEP envisages mainstreaming equality in employability by utilising
the action research reports in the three key areas of: Achieving Diversity Self Identity Valuing Volunteering Activities that DEEP will undertake to
do this are: Joint work with the other Welsh DP's (Cyfenter & Cyfartal) at a series of seminars to take place in North & South Wales, Westminster
and Brussels Dissemination event at European Parliament Production of various dissemination materials, for example, a book, DVD/CD ROM, as
well as dissemination pack detailing the programme and outcomes so far. Develop a database containing information on dissemination channels,
partnership contacts and policy contacts, to be used for reaching DEEP's target audiences. The Mainstreaming Partnership is essential in order for
the DEEP partners and beneficiaries to bring together all their experience and lessons learned, and to use these to highlight good practice within
employment policy.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) CYFENTER Development Partnership £24,311 55635 19/01/2006 £97,247
Cyfenter Development Partnership will represent the interests of under-represented entrepreneurs in Wales comprising national organisations,
equality and enterprise support organisations representing the interests of Women, disabled people, ethnic minorities and those in rural areas.
Cyfenter builds upon the existing Under-Represented Groups partnership, which has been leading a major Objective1 programme as part of the
National Business Birth Rate strand within the Entrepreneurship Action Plan that delivers start-up support to excluded entrepreneurs. EQUAL
principles lie at the heart of Cyfenter's purpose: to identify and implement innovative policies within mainstream enterprise support so as to
actively empower disadvantaged groups to access support. Identifying and strategically selecting transnational partners with experience of
developing and implementing integrated enterprise support strategies foe excluded groups will be a key aspect of Cyfenter's activity. Cyfenter's
main objective will be to undertake action-based research to influence and develop mainstream policy within pre-start and enterprise support for
entrepreneurs who have not been assisted by the public sector to the levels one would expect. Impact will be experienced in two main ways-
first, enterprise support will be better tailored to the needs of all groups establishing enterprises and secondly, the proportion of excluded
entrepreneurs accessing support incerases. Activities in Action 1 are based on developing a strong partnership, a needs analysis exercise,
researching and strategically selecting transnational partners to support activities that will lead to an inclusive mainstream enterprise support
strategy in Wales Activities in Action 2 will include action-based research, transnational exchanges and discussion facilitation, innovative
enterprise support projects, targeted support for specific excluded groups, and actively encourage change within mainstream enterprise support
policy and strategy. The focus will be on benchmarking activities in Wales with emaples from Europe and developing policy recommendations for
public policy consideration in Wales to ensure equality throughout the Assembly's drive to create and entrepreneurial Wales.
1 A WAG - DEIN (WDA) Development Employability Equality Partnership (DEEP) £450,000 55934 19/01/2006 £900,000
Led by the Welsh Development Agency, the Development Employability Equality Partnership (DEEP) itself is innovative being composed primarily
of voluntary organisations, including Chwarae Teg, Disability Wales, Age Concern, Oxfam Cymru, Scope, and others representing tyhe target
groups which it aims to empower. Other members of the Partnership include Jobcentre Plus, Higher Educational Institutions, Swansea and Cardiff,
the Welsh Consumer Council and Careers Service Wales. The principal objective of DEEP is context oriented innovation: the mainstreaming of
equal opportunities into the policy making process affecting employability in Wales. (Theme A EQUAL, regional). the DEEP Partnership will focus
on the integration / reintegration of excluded groups of people into employability. Primarily, DEEP will work on issues relating to gender, race,
older workers and all those covred by the Disability Discrimination Act, and other socially excluded groups of people. DEEP will work to empower
these excluded groups of people through; Process innovations, including development of new approaches, materials and technology for training
technical/communication support workers and Equal Opportunities changeAgents. DEEP will support work with all relevant excluded groups of
people, finding new ways to develop skills, confidence and deal with self-identification. Social diversity and the recognition of differences must
be addressed. DEEP will promote policies that positively encourage and enable participation by excluded sectors. our aim is to change attitudes
towards physical, institutional and attitudianl barriers to employability. Impacts will be measured and mainstreamed in Wales and Europe. During
Action 2, DEEP will design action research into three areas of employability, Project 1 - Self Identity This project will focus on the personal
barriers that exist to employment and the retention of employment by excluded groups of people. Project 2 - Valuing Volunteering This project
will focus on the cultural, geographical and social values of volunteering in Wales, and the aspect of volunteering leading to /from employment.
Project 3 - Achieving Diversity This project will focus on employer practices in developing and monitoring diversity at all levels. The intended
outcome is to affect policy at a Regional, National and European level, on equality and equal opportunities issues surrounding employability.
Other innovations and outputs could include development of non-stereotyping careers packs, new qualifications, and new roles for equality
agents. Transnationality The DEEP Partnership has identified two transnational partners for Action 2 at this current stage. Westmeath Equal
Development Partnership (Ireland) Work aspects include joint development and multi agency approach to mainstreaming equality into policy at
all levels. The Opportunita Diritti Eguaglianza Abilitza (ODEA) (Italy) Work aspects include parallel working, exchange of information tools and
skills, focusing on the developmant pf policy around the integration and retention of excluded groups of people in employment. The WDA
provides advice to the Equality, European and Economic Development Committees of the NAtional Assembly for Wales, and provides access to
regional policy makers and employers' networks. Through these main channels the partnership will be monitored and evaluated, in accordance
with DEEP's Equal Op;ortunities Policy. All activities will be disseminated at all appropriate levels as decided by the partnership, and ESF funding
will be acknowledged.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cyfenter 2 (Action 3) £75,000 57482 27/07/2007 £150,000
The aim of the Cyfenter 2 Mainstreaming Partnership Agreement is to influence the development of business support policies and practices (at a
regional, national and European level) which are client focused and respond to the prinicple of diversity, through a programme of action
research. "The purpose of (action) research and discourse is not just to describe, understand and explain the world - but also to change it"
Coglan and Brannick (2001). The additional aim of the Cyfenter 2 MPA is not only to disseminate the primary research findings of the Cyfenter 2
DP but to also emphasise the research findings of the longitudinal study that will highlight the distance travelled by URG's in enterprise in the
past 12 - 18 months when growing and sustaining their business. This is a critical study that will inform mainstream business support and policy
makers as to how business support have developed and responded to diversity within their support policies and practices. Tackling social
exclusion by encouraging enterprise in the wider community is a high priority for not only the Welsh Assembly Government (Enterpreneurship
Action Plan for Wales 2000 and Entrepreneurship Action Plan Review 2002-03) but also for theh UK Government policy agenda (A Comprehensive
Strategy for Start-ups - Encouraging a more dynamic start-up market - a strategic framework and action plan 2003) and a wider European
perspective (Entrepreneurship Green Paper 2003). The Cyfenter 2 work with under represented groups in enterprise that are growing and
sustaining their business (women, disabled people, minority ethnic groups, lone parents, 18-30 and 50+) which are specifically mentioned in
Theme C as groups who need additional targeted support to establish in enterprise. The Primary objectives of Cyfenter mainstreaming strategy
are outlined below however it is not out intention to exclude other activity that may present itself as an opportunity to be reactive and responsive
to policy target audiences or agendas.
Development Employability Equality Partnership (DEEP)
Action 1
£34,769 56445 19/01/2006 £77,266
Led by the Welsh Development Agency, Development Employability Equality Partnership (DEEP) itself is innovative being composed primarily of
voluntary organisations representing the target groups we aim to empower. Other members include the Employment Service, HEIs, ELWA, Welsh
Language Board and Careers Service Wales. the principal objective of DEEP is context orientated innovation: the mainstreaming of equal
opportunities into the policy making process affecting employability in Wales. (Theme A, regional.) The WDA provides advice to the Equality,
European and Economic Development Committees of the National Assembly for Wales, and provides access to regional policy makers and
employers' networks. Primarily, DEEP will work on issues relating to gender, race older workers and all those covered by the DDA. During Action
1, DEEP will strategically select transnational partners, one able to provide good practice examples and one seeking to learn about equality
mainstreaming in employment. Management and Development Project plans will be finalised. During action 2 objectives include work with
employers to inform and support activities to change recruitment/retention policies and practices for disadvantaged people. Action research will
demonstrate the effectiveness of equality mainstreaming re employability. transnationality will take place at all levels in all projects. process
innovations include development of new approaches, materials and technology for training technical/communication support workers and equal
opportunities change agents. DEEP will support work with all relevant disadvantaged groups, finding new ways to develop skills, confidence and
deal with self-identification. Goal-orientated innovations include development of non-stereotyping careers packs and new qualifications. Social
diversity and the recognition of differences must be addressed. DEEP will promote policies that positively encourage and enable participation by
disadvanteged sectors. Our aim is to change attitudes towards physical, institutional and attitudinal barriers to employability. Ipmacts will be
measured and mainstreamed in Wales and Europe.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cyfenter 2 £313,875 57217 19/01/2006 £627,750
Cyfenter 2 is a pan-Wales partnership and brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience of enterprise support form the WDA, Welsh
Assembly Government, and equality and enterprise support practitioners. Cyfenter 2 DP will conduct a programme of Action Based Research to
identify the issues now being experienced by new under-represented entrepreneurs and provide an evidence base to inform the development of
mainstream business support policies and practices. Cyfenter 2 will use the following methods to expand on the research conducted during
Cyfenter 1: 1. Longitudinal study of approximately 1,000 individuals 2. Primary research with a further 3,000 individuals at quantative post-start
stage 3. Regional focus groups in eight venues across Wales 4. 100 in-depth longitudinal study 5. Secondary research 6. 20-30 case studies 7.
Specialised Surgeries The impact of Cyfenter 2 will be experienced in two ways - firstly, mainstream business support will be better tailored to
the needs of all groups looking to grow and sustain their business, and secondly, the proportion of under-represented entrepreneurs successfully
growing and sustaining their business will increase.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cyfenter £450,000 57294 19/01/2006 £923,952
The Cyfenter Development Partnership will represent policy makers such as they Welsh Development Agency (as lead body) and the National
Assembly, as well as experienced practitioners who represent the interests of particular groups of entrepreneurs in Wales - women, lone parents,
young people, over 50's, ethnic minorities, refugees, disabled people and Welsh speakers. For the first time in Wales, the Cyfenter Development
Partnership will bring together enterprise policy-makers and the equalities and enterprise practitioners to actively engage in discussion about
mainstream enterprise support and excluded entrepreneurs. The aim of the Cyfenter DP is to influence and develop mainstream business support
policies and practices within pre-start and enterprise support for excluded groups of entrepreneurs which will enable them to start up new
enterprises. To achieve this aim the Cyfenter partnership have identified as their objectives four thematic areas for action based research: ·
Appropriate finance being made available to under represented groups of entrepreneurs. · Sustainability/growth of businesses being set up
within these target groups. · Benefit/grant dependency for these under-represented groups during the establishment of their business. · Design
for diversity - looking at the stereotypical image of an entrepreneur which is currently being portrayed. Impact will be experienced in two main
ways - first, enterprise support will be better tailored to the needs of all groups establishing enterprises and secondly, the proportion of excluded
entrepreneurs accessing support will increase. To support this action based research the Cyfenter DP will: · Represent the interests of under-
represented entrepreneurs in Wales comprising national organisations, equality and enterprise support organisations representing the interests of
women, disabled people, ethnic minorities and those in rural areas. · Bring policy makers and practitioners together to identify and implement
innovative policies within enterprise so as to actively empower disadvantaged groups to access support. · Identify and work with transnational
partners to exchange good practice, jointly develop policies and develop common European solutions. · Work towards developing an inclusive
enterprise support policy across Wales. It further expected that members of the DP will: 1. Contribute to the strategic direction and development
of the project, engaging in project decision making processes. 2. Identify innovative policy development opportunities and actively engage in
developing these areas. 3. Contribute to and/or oversee project activities, including monitoring project progress against objectives. 4. Attend
monthly DP meetings and participate (on a voluntary basis) in transnational visits and working groups. 5. Provide specific target group expertise
and draw upon relevant experiences. 6. Implement the principals of Cyfenter Equal Opportunities Policy. 7. Encourage participation and empower
groups suffering from discrimination and inequality to participate and benefit in the project. By facilitating national and transnational
development within this field it is anticipated that innovative policies can be put in place where enterprise support is more relevant and
appropriate for all excluded groups in society and will lead to an increase in the proportion of excluded groups accessing enterprise support. The
Development Partnership is seen to be the main vehicle for the delivery of EQUAL and an effective, inclusive partnership is identified as a key
factor in promoting empowerment throughout the project.
2 C WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cyfenter A3/1 £12,536 57295 19/01/2006 £25,073
The proportions of SME's which are owned by under represented entrepreneurs - women, Welsh speakers, black and ethnic minority groups,
refugees, lone parents, people aged 50 plus, disabled people and young people aged 18-30 are much lower in Wales that their relatives presence
across society as a whole. Mainstream business support services available seem to respond less well to their specific needs. The aim of the
Cyfenter Mainstream Partnership will be to influence the development of mainstream policies and practices which are truly client focused and
respond to the principle of diversity - both reaching and supporting a wider range of potential entrepreneurs - through networking,
mainstreaming and dissemination to business support agencies and policy makers at a regional, UK and European level. To achieve this aim the
Cyfenter research will seek to bring together: · enterprise policy-makers; · mainstream business support agencies; · individuals who are
considering starting a business, as well as those currently starting, running or growing a business; to actively engage in discussion about the
needs, issues and drivers for excluded entrepreneurs - with the aim of creating a business environment in Wales where support and
encouragement is available for all in their quest to start up, sustain and grow their businesses and recognises that most potential entrepreneurs
from under represented groups have further to travel along the pathway to self employment before they are ready to start up in business.
4 H Welsh Assembly Government Cwlwm £1,447,358 57224 19/01/2006 £2,894,716
Cwlwm is a ground-breaking, sectoral partnership of key national organisations and grassroots practitioners working together for the first time to
give a co-ordinated voice to the childcare and play sector and support a high quality, integrated childcare service for the children and families of
Wales. Equal opportunity is the primary driver in our coming together and we welcome the opportunity to learn and exchange best practice with
other member states as well as between members of the DP. We are convinced that empowering the childcare sector and building capacity is
critical for the sector's successful development. We will develop and test innovative strategies to raise the profile of the sector and draw new
workers into the workforce.
4 H Welsh Assembly Government CWLWM £223,150 57524 31/10/2006 £446,300
CWLWM is a pan Wales partnership of childcare and play organisations including the Children Strategy Division of the Welsh Assembly
Government, Play Wales, Clybiau Plant Cymru, Cardiff City Council, Communities That Care and Wales PPA. Our principal objectives are to help
create high quality, accessible, affordable childcare in Wales provided by qualified staff from a profession equally accessible to men and women.
In Action 2, CWLWM is working towards these objectives by; *designing, testing and implementing new training and accreditation models for
childcare, targeting pre-school and out-of-school providers, accessible and appropriate for both men and women, meeting the needs of potential
and current childcare workers *researching alternative methods of funding the childcare sector *researching ways of encouraging new workers
into the sector and design, development and testing of strategies to support this *designing, developing and implementing targeted support for
childcare start-ups in the community and voluntary sector and business advisors working with the sector. Our purpose in Action 3 is to ensure
our achievements towards these objectives are disseminated and mainstreamed across Wales both vertically to policymakers and national
childcare and play organisations and horizontally to practitioners and local support organisations for the sector. CWLWM was originally created in
response to the findings of a report (2003) by the Fusion Partnership on behalf of WAG and WDA. Key findings were; 1) The childcare sector is
significantly under funded - CWLWM will report on innovative research into innovative and sustainable funding methods. 2) Whilst worth c.£1m
per week the sector lacks an entrepreneurial culture - CWLWM is producing resources to support individual and third-sector start-ups. 3) There is
a lack of adequate funding for training - CWLWM is designing and testing new methodologies for training delivery and accreditation. 4) There is
perceived inequality of provision - CWLWM will report on how it is increasing childcare provision including through medium of Welsh and
community languages. 5) Childcare providers do not perceive themselves to be businesses - CWLWM is researching, designing and testing a new
community business toolkit. 6) Low pay is a key problem - CWLWM is working towards raising funding and pay in sector. 7) Engagement of
stakeholders is key - CWLWM is adding value to Genesis Wales and other projects, including the private sector, and supporting the creation of a
Childcare 'Forum'. Having produced the research reports and developed these resources for workforce development, CWLWM must now, ensure
maximum awareness and take up within government and the childcare and play sector through a targeted mainstreaming strategy, using partners'
networks and links to local and central government and through 10 local workshops and one high level, international event. CWLWM addresses
theme H by focussing on the Childcare and Play sector to overcome barriers of access to employment and training for women and other excluded
groups, including minority language groups and men in a gender imbalanced sector. In Action 3 CWLWM will publicise and promote its Action 2
research and disseminate best practice methods for increasing access to sustainable and affordable quality childcare. Lack of childcare is a
significant barrier to women's equality in the workforce and widening access to qualifications and training will help to combat low pay as well as
combating job segregation and gender stereotyping by giving both men and women wider career choices. Workers in the sector will be
empowered through the support CWLWM will provide in Action 3 to have a co-ordinated voice to influence strategy and policy, overcoming
exclusion, promoting equality of esteem for the sector and for the bi-lingual culture of Wales. MPs potential for mainstreaming equal
opportunities outcomes through its links with policy makers and grassroots practitioners is significant. It has to do with increased gender balance
in the sector, appreciation of the value of diversity and opening up the profession to those who may in the past have been excluded. The project's
mainstreaming of equal opportunities is targeted at changing attitudes to childcare among those working in the sector and attitudes to childcare
among those with responsibilities for funding policy in childcare by offering robust research on the effectiveness of current and alternative
models and recommending models which increase accessibility and choice.
3 E Womens Workshop Valuing Learning Strengthening Communities £51,584 57563 20/12/2007 £103,171
The Valuing Learning - Stregthening Communities (VL-SC) Mainstreaming Partnership aims to mainstream and disseminate the lessons of its
work completed in Action 2. VL - SC is a Theme 3E DP and its work under Action 2 covered two main areas 1) Piloting recruitment, retention and
recording systems to increase the participation in learning of individuals from hard to reach groups including women with mental health issues,
young people, older people and people from a black or minority ethnic background. 2) Capacity building within teh community and voluntary
sector organisations in Cardiff and responding to identified training needs e.g. Development of a Community Work Skills course in partnership
with the University of Glamorgan They key objective of this MPA is to now disseminate the work and inform future approaches adopted in teh
planning and delivery of lifelong learning and advice for individuals across the many sectors. It is acknowledged within nearly all Welsh
Assembly strategic documents that skills and qualifications of working age adults in Wales are still too low; that quality of FE and work based
learning is variable and that flexible but quality provision is essential to engage with those not presently in learning or work. This partnership
will be promoting a flexible but quality approach to learning that can be adopted or further developed by organisations across the sectors. The
main target audiences will be those concerned with learning in its broadest sense from both the statutory, private and voluntary sectors. The
main target audiences will be DELLS, DELLS providers, FE Colleges, WCVA, Chamber of Commerce, County Voluntary Councils, Careers Wales,
Job Centre Plus and smaller voluntary or community organisations The partnership organisations include:- Women's Workshop (lead partner)
Voluntary Action Cardiff WEA South Wales South Riverside Community Development Centre The main outputs will be:- * A report on the
resources and tools developed under Action 2. The report will detail the resources developed to a) access and retain in learning the target groups
specified under Action 2 b) the tools developed to recognise and record a learner's initial experiences of learning and c) their progress and
achievement in informal learning. * A website to hold all resources developed under Action 2 and those completed in Action 3. * One
dissemination event targeted at private and statutory sector organisations engaged in learning, education, training, advice or guidance. * One
dissemination event targeted at voluntray sector organisations engaged in learning, education, training, advice or guidance The partnership will
participate in the WEFO showcase event in October 2007
1 A
Wrexham County Borough
North East Wales EQUAL Cyfartal Partnership £225,000 57296 19/01/2006 £450,000
EQUAL - CYFARTAL aims to test support mechanisms to help individual facing all forms of discrimination, within our geographically targeted local
authority areas. By addressing leading principles of EQUAL (thematic approach, innovation, equal opportunities, trans-national co-operation,
mainstreaming and empowerment), it is hoped that the new structures put in place within our project will allow out target groups to benefit first
hand from any impact or benefits arising from the changing attitudes and perceptions of our policy makers, decision makers and local employers.
The membership of the working group/technical advice will ensure that the target groups identified to date will receive expert advice and support
throughout the development of possible innovative and creative projects. The full involvement of the target groups will deliver the outcomes
required, such as higher levels of confidence, levels of skills and sense of inclusion for those currently excluded.
1 A
Wrexham County Borough
North East Wales Equal CYFARTAL Partnership £8,874 55634 19/01/2006 £21,698
The north East Wales DP core partners include: Wrexham CBC; Flintshire CC; Denbighshire CC; Yale, Deeside, Llandrillo and Welsh Colleges;
ELWa; Careers Wales; AVOW; Chwarae Teg; Wales TUC; Stepping Stones. the Partnership will be guided bu EQUAL's leading principals. the DP
will seek out innovative projects that empower people and communities to take greater control of their future regardless of race, sex, ability, or
other discriminating factors. The Partnership will be fully inclusive, and be guided by Partnership members Chwarae Teg, in ensuring equal
opportunities best practice. The Partnership will work with transnational partners who're carrying out similar/complementary activities, seeking
innovation, ensuring that best practice is disseminated and mainstreamed to policy makers. this regional DP will address Theme A, Employability.
the main purpose is the testing of support mechanisms to help groups and individuals facing all forms of dicrimination. the main impact will be
promoting equality in the work place. the regional geographical focus will allow the development of a coherent programme and a cohesive
partnership based around the urban areas of North East Wales. The rationale for the DP is that Social Deprivation and Exclusion within our urban
areas dramatically affects any prospects for their economic development and growth. the groups the DP seeks to help include, but are not limited
to, disabled, ethnic minorities, women, lone-parents, socially excluded, disadvantaged and non-traditional groups (non-traditional groups within
the context of education, employment and training). within Action 1, the DP plans to develop the implemention plan of projects for Action 2, a
Developmant Partnership Agreement (DPA), and a Transnational Co-operation Agreement (TCA). Action 2 activities will be focused on seeking to
address the wider issues that restrict access to employment, with the outcomes shared with the intention of mainstreaming into public policy.
Number of matching projects:101
Totalling: €20,690,716
Fund: ERDF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 101
Totalling: €20,690,716
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
2 1
An Taisce - The National
Trust for Ireland
Clean Coasts €115,564 54140 22/09/2003 €154,411
See details under lead partner (54178)
2 1
An Taisce - The National
Trust for Ireland
Clean Coasts-Phase 2 €451,121 56237 22/03/2005 €794,695
See Welsh lead 56235
2 1
An Taisce - The National
Trust for Ireland
Combined Coastal Biodiversity Management and Awareness
€35,032 56733 25/11/2004 €46,711
Phase 1 of a project to pilot innovative ways of restoring and managing the environment of the coastlines of Ireland and Wales. To pro-actively
manage priority coastal landscapes to encourage bio-diversity and, at the same time, raise awareness of this work and promote enjoyment of
these areas. Methods include reintroducing traditional management practices of grazing, cutting and burning, facilitating local involvement in
management and increasing awareness of local bio-diversity.
2 2 Arts Council of Ireland
The Cultural and Economic Impact of cinema in Ireland and
€41,000 54182 22/09/2003 €82,000
See project description entered for the lead sponsor. Ref no 54162.
1 3
Balbriggan Enterprise
Development Group Ltd
Enterprise Training and Development Telecentre €246,000 54792 09/02/2004 €553,500
See details on lead partner file (54791)
1 3
Blanchardstown Institute of
Partners Collaborating in Training for Individuals with
Specific Learning Disabilities (PACTS)
€303,893 55120 16/06/2004 €416,159
The project will aim to focus on developing linkages beetween Wales and Ireland to build expertise and encourage the transfer of know how
through joint collaboration. The aim of the project is to empower individuals who are increasingly disenfranchised in an increasing numerate and
literate socierty. The project in specific will aim to; Raise awareness of specific learning dificulties. Develop, design and provide a assessement
and profiling system. Develop, design and provide support and remediation services. Develop, design and provide methodologies to support the
empowerment of people with specific learning dificulties. Develop and impliment staff trainning facilities. Evaluate the utility of systems.
Disseminate the learning from this project. Ensure the project activaties are mainstreamed.
2 2 Carlow County Council The Cultural Xchange €155,792 55465 21/06/2004 €225,934
See Welsh lead file 55466.
1 2
Carlow LEADER Rural
Development Company Ltd
WIND - Wales Ireland Network for Craft Designers €198,840 57488 03/10/2006 €397,680
The overall joint aim of the WIND initiative is to develop a commercially viable and sustainable craft design sector which will create and promote
a clear association of design excellence with rural craft enterprises and which will result in employment creation/sustaining for rural craft workers
in both regions.
2 2
Castlecomer Demesne
Company Ltd
Heritage Landscapes €63,750 57026 04/11/2005 €123,500
See Welsh lead
1 3 Celtic Enterprises Ireland Ltd Celtic Enterprises Phase 2 €84,299 57006 25/10/2005 €123,258
See Welsh lead
1 3 Celtic Enterprises Ireland Ltd Celtic Enterprises €415,211 54163 22/09/2003 €594,195
See details under lead partner (54165). Also see Ireland Expenditure 2006 (56734)
2 2
Dalkey Irish Heritage Town
DALKEY - ISLE OF ANGLESEY: SHARING A CULTURE €313,577 54782 26/03/2004 €418,103
See Welsh Lead file (54781)
1 2 Delta Centre RURAL €77,320 57486 01/12/2006 €154,640
See Welsh Lead File 57484
2 1
Department of
Communications, Marine &
PREDICTIVE IRISH SEA MODELS - PRISM €404,224 54761 09/02/2004 €619,577
See details on Lead Partner File (54757)
3 1
Department of Finance
Ireland/Wales Interreg IIIA - Development Officer for
€251,255 55399 21/11/2003 €335,008
To promote, develop and co-ordinate the Ireland/Wales INTERREG IIIA programme in the Irish eligible are (In conjunction with the Development
Officers in Wales)
3 1
Department of Finance
2005-2006 Irish Development Officer €162,579 56839 31/08/2005 €259,929
This application is for technical assistance for the Interreg IIIA Irish Development officer. The development officer will work closely with the
Development officers in North West and South West Wales in developing these partnerships and projects, on the Interreg IIIA programme. The
development officer will also work closely with Measure leaders and relevant Government Departments to ensure that aims and objectives of the
Programmes/policies and that double funding for projects is avioided. The role of the development officer will be to liase with the Joint Technical
Secretariat as required. The roles also include promoting and assist in the administration of the recently approved WIN project in conjunction
with the Partners. The development officer also has involvement with the twinning programme for the INTERREG unit of the Polish Ministry fro
the Economy and Labour.
3 1
Department of Finance
Travel & Subsistence and meeting costs PMC/SC's €3,776 56818 25/01/2005 €5,035
See Welsh lead
2 2 Dublin City Council Celtic Tri €117,175 55105 25/11/2004 €167,949
See 55104 Welsh Lead
1 3 Dublin City University 3D or FIONTAR €233,796 54543 24/11/2003 €325,701
See Welsh lead file REF 54544
1 4 Dublin City University Fiontar Tearmai Unedig (FTU) €438,710 55439 17/08/2004 €707,668
See Welsh lead file 55440
1 3
Dublin Institute of
An Evaluation of the demand for computer networking
education in post secondary institutes
€22,560 54545 22/09/2003 €30,080
This project aims to: 1. Research current delivery levels of ICT education. 2. Assess and report on the need for a peripatetic service enabling the
teaching of computer networking. 3. To identify suitable strategies for the delivery of the service. The project will serve as the Training Needs
Analysis phase to the intended follow on project, which will address the implementaion of such a service.
1 3
Dublin Institute of
BUSNAS An Evaluation of the needs of food businesses for
on -line training
€31,089 54565 19/09/2003 €41,452
see Welsh Lead - 54566
2 2
Dublin Institute of
ParNetourism. €75,584 55087 26/03/2004 €100,779
This project aims to identify and critically analyse tourism cooperatives, partnerships and networks in the Wexford, Carlow,Pembrokshire and
Camarthenshire regions of Ireland and Wales.By examining best practice in other industries, using qualative and quantative research methods
and through extensive consultation with the industry, researchers will aim to identify issues critical to the success of these networks. The
research findings and recommendations will be used to develop a best practice manual and training pack for the establishment and sustainability
of effective networks in the tourism sector in Ireland and Wales. The partners will disseminate their research findings and train product providers
in the rgions on how to establish strong, effective and sustainable networks. This wil in turn help them to increase visitor numbers to their
1 3 Dun Laoghaire Institute Artslinc (Phase 2) €78,943 54191 22/09/2003 €113,743
Artslinc's joint aim is to maintain, improve and provide continuity to a sucessful and innovative Wales - Ireland training network that was
established embryonically by earlier Interreg network funding. As a development the project will establish an e-learning resource and contact
point to provide information and knowledge regarding cross-border arts empowerment work to a wide range of organisations and individuals in
Wales and Ireland. The project will respond to government initiatives and policy on social inclusion within rural economies. The project will work
with partners to organise innovative training/ mentoring, and provide evaluation services. Artslinc will work with partners to provide models of
best practice to address specific needs in Wales and Ireland, promoting arts activities that address issues of social inclusion in our communities.
The project will establish, maintain, and improve IT data resources and access. The group will organise/participate in conferences, debates, and
2 2 Dun Laoghaire LINK
Holy head-Dun Laoghaire Voluntary Community Action
€23,574 56674 08/12/2004 €41,634
See Welsh lead
2 2
East Coast & Midlands
Celtic Tourism - Achieving Excellence €233,055 56961 21/10/2005 €383,372
See Welsh lead
1 2
Eastern Regional Fisheries
Celtic Copper Heritage €171,499 56964 23/01/2006 €296,820
The project intends to harness the historical Copper Mining Heritage in the cross border area as a means of generating positive economic, social,
cultural and environmental impacts in areas in decline. The project objectives will be acheived by development of joint ventures between the
partners in order to focus on utilising local copper history and heritage (which is directly associated with the natural environment) to regenerate
a deprived and peripheral rural community.
2 1 Enterprise Ireland CZMnet Coastal Zone Management network €29,161 54513 22/09/2003 €38,882
The EUs European Strategy for Integrated Coastal Management aims 'to promote a collaborative appraoch to planning and management of the
coastal zone within a philosophy of governance by partnership with civil society'. This also includes collaboration between national and trans-
national agencies and the services of the Commission itself in order to harmonise the overall approach. This collaboration is the aim of the
CZMnet. Key people in the planning and implementation process of CZM have neen identified in the INTERREG areas of Ireland and Wales. These
now wish to avail of the opportunity to set up a network where the existing individual approaches can be discussed and compared. By sharing
knowledge, problems can be encoutered by others. The ultimate beneficiary being the coastal environment and a more unified approach to CZM.
1 3
FAS (Foras Aiseanna
The Ireland/Wales Step Up Programme €249,751 57017 16/01/2006 €717,002
See Welsh Lead 57009
2 1 Fingal County Council Living Coasts - Living Seas €129,070 57000 21/10/2005 €239,424
See Welsh Lead 56999
1 3 Fingal County Council Joint Education Development Initiative (JEDI) €221,516 55122 26/03/2004 €295,355
The project aims to impliment strategies, which identify and engage socially and economically excluded young people, early school leavers and
to facilitate progression of informal and formal learning opportunities. The project aims to do this through multi agency intergration and the
development of a joint curriculum.
1 2 Freshford 2020 Ltd
SCOPE - Sustainable Communities Opportunities for
Partnership and Enterprise
€130,337 54560 22/09/2003 €173,783
See Welsh lead file Ref 54561.
2 2 Garter Lane Arts Centre Artswave (formerly Celtic Connections) €487,521 54151 22/09/2003 €650,028
See details under lead partner (54156)
2 2 Garter Lane Arts Centre Inter Art €280,115 57004 20/01/2006 €560,230
The project will bring together the tourism and cultural sectors with a particular focus on arts festivals and events with the clear aim of
developing partnerships to mutual benefit and to a standard of excellence in the cross border area. This will be done by developing programmes
of events to ensure maximum public appeal, providing training and skills development for tourist and cultural SMEs and improving the marketing
and promotional side of festivals in the region as a whole. InterArt will be based on the vast experience of the 'Artswave' partners, and will, in a
unique way, bring the sectors together and give practitioners and business people a greater respect and understanding and therefore interest in
each other's businesses. Participating artists and organisations will benefit from the knowledge derived from the cultural exchange, and gain a
deeper understanding of the differences and the similarities, with many long term relationships being built. The exchanges add value to the local
economy in the off peak seasons, enabling the SMEs that are engaged to stay open longer and increase their viability.
1 1 Get Tallaght Working Ltd WISELINK €232,198 54539 22/09/2003 €316,340
The aim of this project is to promote joint business development activities and enhance the competitiveness of social economy initiatives in
Ireland and Wales. There are four main aims of this project:- 1. A training programme for managers of social economy enterprises and for
support agency staff who act as their mentors. 2. A "how to" guide for support staff and start-up social economy enterprises. 3. An interactive CD
- ROM - based on the "how to" guide. 4. A website to facilitate co-operation and joint marketing initiatives between enterprises in Ireland and
1 2
Gorey Courtown Forest Park
CARRP-Courtown/Aberdyfi Rural Regeneration Project €110,219 56978 15/11/2005 €181,120
The project is primarily a feasibility study into the building of marinas in two rural seaside towns in Courtown and Aberdyfi. The aim is to use
these potential facilities to provide an innovative way of attracting tourists to both areas. The project will focus on two key aspects, the technical
assessment of whether building a marina in each location is feasible followed by a socio-economic assessment of the potential impact on both
1 1
Institute of Technology
CELT-NET Computer-aided Engineering Learning and
Technology transfer Network
€245,838 56300 23/03/2005 €436,431
See Welsh lead
1 1
Institute of Technology,
JOMAR Joint Overseas Marketing and Recruitment €186,287 54551 22/09/2003 €248,385
See Welsh lead file Ref 54552
1 1
Institute of Technology,
WINNOVATE €160,900 54803 02/12/2003 €249,200
See details under Lead Partner (54802)
1 3
Institute of Technology,
Inter-SEED- Science Education and Economic Development €128,646 55454 30/07/2004 €220,009
See Welsh lead file 55455.
1 2
Irish Cattle and Sheep
Farmers' Association
TERRACELT €166,211 55474 16/06/2004 €269,688
See welsh lead file 55475
1 4
Irish Centre for Distance
Edu. Research & Applicat
Wales Ireland Regional E Business Development (WIRED) €141,814 54567 25/10/2005 €258,797
The project aim is to develop an understanding in the SME sector, of the opportunities created by modern communications technologies, such as
e-commerce, networking and m-commerce (including WAP technologies). This project proposes a unique three-tired solution to these problems:
1. Residential weekend seminars. 2. High quality distance education materials for anytime, anyplace training. 3. E-Learning on the World Wide
Web, so that participants actually use the technologies they are receiving skills about.
1 1 Irish Exporters Association TRUE Marketing €506,078 54569 22/09/2003 €770,000
See Welsh lead file Ref 54570
1 4 Irish Exporters Association Irish Sea Southern Corridor ICT Project - "I-SEA.COM" €354,742 55108 16/06/2004 €509,800
The main of this project is to raise the use of ICT in the broad maritime community on both sides of the Irish sea through identification of the
e-business service, needs and levels of usage and skills. Also the development and deployment of relevant web based solutions and personnel
1 2 Irish Exporters Association Development Programme for the Horticulture Industry €246,117 56955 11/11/2005 €471,774
The project aims to identify & develop opportunities within rural communities of Wales & S.E Ireland through co-operative efforts between both
Welsh & Irish partners, taking into account of how the cluster concept can permit small-scale producers access increasingly centralised markets.
The main objective is to create sustainable on-farm employment in areas where small family farms are no longer able to provide economic
support by means of traditional farming methods and to sustain and economically develop the existing horticultural businesses in the region.
This project will seek to identify value added economic activity, which has a proven record of success and where the factors underpinning that
success can be transferred to areas of need.
1 2 Irish Exporters Association Celtic Recipes for Rural Business Success €181,550 57007 18/01/2006 €357,326
SAee Welsh Lead 57005
1 2 Irish Farmers Association AGRI - net WORKS €529,650 54146 22/09/2003 €706,200
See details under lead partner (54152).
1 1
Irish Fashion Industry
Generating Activity Through International Networking
€268,060 54184 22/09/2003 €371,060
This project targets small clothing manufacturing companies who are committed to growth, wishing to develop their capacity & create a
consumer orientation within their companies. Companies will typically employ less than 20 people and often carry out CMT activities in addition
to developing their own brand. The proposal will facilitate cross border co-operation between 12 SME's & the entrepreneurial nurturing of24
graduates/"would be" entrepreneurs in an innovative initiative to provide them with the know how & business acumen as a result of direct
partnership with the participating SME's through placement, mentoring & direct assistance. The project will build upon good practice from a
previously funded project - "WIN Fashion" which provided marketing & branding business development support & basic technology awareness
raising for 6 Irish & 6 Welsh SME's.
1 1
Irish Fashion Industry
Fashion from Fabric €258,970 54177 22/09/2003 €364,570
The aim of the project is to provide small to medium clothing & textile companies in Ireland & Wales with a proactive programme aimed to tackle
the deficiencies in fabric awareness & fabric sourcing. The 24 month programme encompasses all aspects of textiles from their composition &
characteristics to where & how to source & purchase various types of fabric. The methodology employed incorporates individual mentoring, one
to one counselling and a series of modular workshops. The programme intends to involve companies that have recognised the need for
development but have not yet had the resources to do so. The programme will finish with the development of an online information service.
1 1
Irish Federation of Marine
Irish Sea Marine Sector Marketing and Business
Development Programme
€276,649 56319 30/03/2005 €474,000
This project represents the first phase of a marine leisure market underpinned by collaboration in joint marketing, joint product development and
joint training to achieve a rapidly developing infrastructure of facilities, services, skills and innovative businesses across both the Irish Sea.
Through the joint objectives and the strategic programme as described in the INTERREG implementation plan both organisations and their
partners wish to collaborate to collectively grow the marine leisure sector in a planned way that exploits respective strengths and begins to
exploit the full potential for creating an inter-regional Irish Sea marine market for the first time. The project will become the focal point for all
future strategic planning in the sector working with agencies, government and local authorities, leading to a long term Irish Sea Marine
Industries Strategy encouraging full participation as employees, entrepreneurs and water sports enthusiasts and competitors.
2 2 JFK Trust Celtic Maritime Connections €171,062 56987 30/09/2005 €291,416
The main objective of the project is to address the issue of 'corridor tourism' where not enough people stay in the region and has three distinct
elements. The first one is to further upgrade the Dunbrody ship to a coastal sailing capability. The other two elements are to involve
Pembrokeshire College's Marine Engineering Facility in the upgrading of the ship and then to sail the ship between New Ross and Milford Haven
and promote events designed to attract tourists around this.
1 1 Kildare County Council Rhyl/Athy Regeneration Project €473,958 54179 22/09/2003 €707,880
See details under lead partner (54141).
2 2 Kilkenny County Council CELTIC GARDENS €49,221 54767 29/09/2003 €65,628
See details on Lead Partner File (54766)
1 3 KWCD Partnership
€324,202 54768 14/04/2004 €540,770
See lead partner file for details (54763)
2 2
Leinster Re-Enactment
DEVELOPING THE CYNAN/MARSHALL CONNECTIONS €224,802 54497 22/09/2003 €299,737
See Welsh Lead file 54499
2 1 Marine Institute
Methods of Assessment of Trophic Status in the Irish Sea
€477,546 55125 14/09/2004 €636,730
See Welsh Lead File ref 55124
2 1 Marine Institute Irish Sea Marine Aggregates Initiative -IMAGIN €480,138 56342 09/02/2005 €786,553
The overall aim of the IMAGIN project is to facilitate the evolution of a strategic framework within which development and exploitation of marine
aggregate resources from the Irish Sea may be sustainably managed with minimum risk of impact on marine and coastal environments,
ecosystems and other marine users. To achieve this, the project will bring together a trans-national partnership of industry and academic
interests in order to deliver a set of detailed recommondations and accompanying notes that will provide a structured framework of strategic
information and guidance for regulators and potential developers in all key aspects of future marine extractive activities in the Southern Irish
Sea. Such a set of recommondations can only be delivered by filling the gap in relation to the lack of baseline information on available aggregate
resources and by providing this in a regional sea context. There are two key aspects to the project: 1. The undertaking of scientific studies to
evaluate available agregate resources and ascertain where they may best be exploited with the minimum of disturbance to the environment and
human activities. 2. The development of a marine database and advanced geographic information system to i) manage and present pertinent
spatial information ii) inform stakeholders and scientists, iii) act as an operational tool to facilitate the management of future regulatory
1 2
Meath Community
Partnership Company
People + €162,322 54558 22/09/2003 €216,430
The aim of the project is to target members of the public left behind due to a digital divide, in particular those on low income and opportunity.
The project seeks to provide training, skill enhancement through which income earning opportunities can be realised. Another aim is the
provision of a website designed for use by persons willing to provide skills, labour and equipment to meet local and cross-border needs.
3 2 Mid- East Regional Authority WIN-Wales Ireland Networking €38,280 55857 26/04/2004 €57,420
See Welsh lead file 55859
1 2 Muintir na Tire E-VOLVE €147,832 57485 05/12/2006 €295,664
The project aims to improve accessibility and reduce marginalisation through introducing ICT to both communities and key organisations in the
voluntary and care sectors. Voluntary and care community organisations increasingly need to interact with the principle state service providers
for the purpose of service cohesion and funding. This interaction is a burden on voluntary organisations that can be addressed by better
collaboration at an organisational and technology level. Information and communication technologies (ICT) can help address these issues,
however most voluntary groups in rural communities do not have the skills or resources needed to specify and adopt these now available
1 2
National Parks and Wildlife
Integrated Constructed Wetlands: A viable option for
effluent treatment, sustainable rural development and job
€161,710 55495 25/06/2004 €299,660
See Welsh lead file 55496.
2 1
National University of
Ireland, Galway
The use of ferries to observe water quality of the Irish Sea €167,400 54189 22/09/2003 €223,201
See details under lead partner (54170)
1 1
National University of
Ireland, Galway
Programme for increased utilization of Optoelectronics
technologies in Eastern Ireland/Western Wales (Phase 2)
€305,925 54190 22/09/2003 €407,900
This project aims to increase the use of optoelectronic technologies in selected participating companies thereby increasing sales, exports,
competitiveness, profitability and sustainable employment. Also to optimise the use of existing expertise and facilities through fostering
co-operative links between companies. Familiarisation programmes will help companies to absorb & utilise the new technologies. The project will
also identify and specify projects for participating companies to implement, increase awareness in the industry of the use & value of the
technologies in products & services and to establish cross border co-operative networks for the pooling of technological resources & the
development of inter company relationships.
1 2
National University of
Ireland, Maynooth
Sustainable Management of Forest Insect Pests €231,527 55118 20/05/2004 €389,906
This project seeks to develop an enviromentally sound means of controlling a major forest pest based on targeted and intergrated biological
control and forest management, directly leading to a reduction in chemical pesticide usage. The underlying principle of usage of indigenous
natural enimies to control forest pests is well recognised as the best enviromental paractice in most situations.
1 3 Northside Partnership Ltd Reaching Out & Beating Unemployment Statistics Together €190,340 56201 15/03/2005 €263,560
The core objective of the proposed project is to develop an innovative joint programme between Northside Partnership in Dublin and Agoriad in
Wales that will combine pre-placement training, work experiance and on the job training in community businesses in both Ireland and Wales,
that will enable individuals most distant from the labour market to experiance a new way of gaining the skills and experiance they require to
become employed and economically independent. The project will also aim to develop a training programme that will provide staff from
Jobcentre Plus in Wales and Northside Partnership/Local Employment Service with the opportunity of jointly developing new approaches to
working with the long-term unemployment and socially excluded. Another aspect of the initiative will be to exchange models of best practice
between the four socially economy/community businesses that will be involved in the project (Agoriad, Working Links, WCVA and Speedpak)
2 2 Ogras Two Countires- One Age €152,205 55483 24/01/2005 €269,491
See Welsh lead file 55448.
2 2 Sculpture At Kells Sculpture on Site €92,502 55441 23/09/2004 €144,232
The aim of this project is to organise an exciting and innovative high quality, high profile contemporary sculpture event featuring Irish and Welsh
artists of International standard. The event will exhibit this work in Kells Priory and Strata Florida Abbey, which will be organised and produced
by the two local communities working together.
1 2
Slaney Anglers Development
Association Limited
Celtic Rivers Trust Partnership €251,780 55485 05/07/2004 €409,200
See Welsh lead file 55446.
1 1
TEAGASC Agriculture and
food development authority
Development of a range of innovative, high quality, value
added, speciality meat & cheese products
€220,875 56296 26/04/2005 €425,183
See Welsh lead 56294
2 2
Temple Bar Cultural Trust
Cultural Co-operation and Touring €531,091 54149 22/09/2003 €1,013,332
See details under lead partner (54192)
2 2
The Craft Potters Society of
Feile Clai €163,881 56322 07/01/2005 €300,322
See Welsh lead
1 2 Third Age Centre Limited
Involving rural populations in improving their health and
well being
€35,120 54563 22/09/2003 €47,070
See Welsh lead file Ref 54564.
1 4 Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
€281,673 54785 24/11/2003 €375,566
See details on lead partner file (54769)
2 1 Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
HABMAP- HABitat Mapping for conservation and
management of the Southern Irish Sea
€276,706 55443 17/08/2004 €416,942
See Welsh lead file 55444.
2 1 University College Cork
Technological and Scientific Development of Mussel
Hatchery Techniques in Ireland and Wales
€172,749 54774 24/11/2003 €265,651
See details on Lead Partner File (54773)
3 2 University College Cork
MAPTURE - Mapping Designated Areas (Natura 2000 sites)
in the Irish Sea INTERREG Region
€26,370 54883 29/09/2003 €35,160
To provide a user-friendly. Internet-based database on Natura 2000 sites within the Ireland/Wales INTERREG-III Area
2 1 University College Cork
Coastal Communities Network- towards Integrated Coastal
Management (ICM) CoCoNet
€32,130 54537 22/09/2003 €42,840
The objective of the project is to establish a network to promote Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) in the INTERREG III area and to identify
future INTERREG III area projects. This project aims to develop a network of community stakeholders with an interest in sustainable
management of their local coastal resources. Stakeholders could include national and regional authorities, local community interest groups
(fisherman, tourist operators, fish farmers, conservationists, property developers, shipping operators, sailors, coastal rescue teams, teachers,
etc) The benefits of such a network will include: improved awareness of local ICM issues, increased understanding of marine and coastal
environments in the INTERREG III area, opportunities to learn from experiences of other proactive stakeholder groups and experts. Three
workshops will be organised to bring interested stakeholders together. The planned workshops will determine the level of interest and examine
opportunities for future projects.
2 1 University College Cork
ShellfishAquaculture in the Irish Sea - detection and
prevention of diseases in c,gigas
€246,158 54154 22/09/2003 €332,781
See project description shown for main sponsor. Ref No 54169.
2 1 University College Cork
Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys Coriacea) in the Irish
Sea- Populations, origins and behaviour
€102,606 54504 22/09/2003 €140,737
See description from Welsh lead 54505
2 1 University College Dublin
Sustainable management of near shore water quality
aquaculture, recreation & tourism
€329,740 54188 22/09/2003 €442,964
See details under lead partner (54167)
1 4 University College Dublin
On-line Welsh/Irish Dictionary & Phrasebooks - CELT
€137,112 55100 16/06/2004 €195,433
Aims are to; -Create a on-line Irish Welsh phrase book with audio features. -To create an interactive on line bi-lingual dictionary. -To use the new
speech technology tools created in the anticipated WISPR Interreg project to generate the audio files for the dictionaries.
1 4 University College Dublin North West Wales- Eastern Ireland Air Bridge €66,546 55434 15/07/2004 €107,118
Irish non-lead file, see Welsh lead file 55429.
1 3 University College Dublin TourismNet- Tourism Learning Network €405,402 55452 04/10/2004 €684,777
The TourismNET project aims to develop the Tourism Industry through the provision of key networking and learning opportunities to business
practitioners. This is a pilot project which will be developed and delivered jointly by UCD and UWB with a view to rolling out the TourismNET
model in other regions in the future.
1 1 University College Dublin PSP Toolkit for SME'S €317,593 56291 10/01/2005 €491,502
The PSP Toolkit for SME's project will combine the strengths of UCD's Law Faculty European Business Law specialists and Trinity College's
Enterprise Unit to deliver informative and practical guidance & advice, through use of innovative media (website & DVD) and appropriate case
studies, to assist SME's within the INTERREG region to improve their competivitivness and long term sustainability through moe informed
engagement with public purchasers. Currenlty, on acccount of knowledge and transparency barriers, the SME sector is experiencing considerable
difficulties navigating through the maze of complicated procurement rules. Likewise the public sector purchaser, is affected as the widest possible
range of suppliers are either not available or not known due to the procurement rules. Likewise the public sector purchaser, is affected as the
widest possible range of suppliers are either not available or not known due to the procurement rules becoming technically opaque.
Consequently, the taxpayer is not getting best value for money, and the SME sector is losing competitiveness on account of the knowledge
barrier. This project aims to reconcile these complementary needs by enabling the SME to interpret and navigate through the procurement rules,
and see their utilisation as a business opportunity, rather than a business barrier. Additionally, the DVD will enable employees in SME's to acquire
an optional qualification in procurement studies from University College Dublin and Trinity College by way of online examination.
2 2
Waterford & Suir Valley
Railway Company Ltd
Celtic Railways €201,503 54535 22/09/2003 €279,361
Waterford and Suir Valley Railway Company and Llanberis Lake Railway have joined forces to share expertise in various disciplines in order to
promote the historical railway link between South East Ireland and Wales and to develop and ensure the sustainability of quality tourism
products, which will provide employment and considerably enhance the area in which they are being developed. This is to be achieved by
Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising campaigns, systems to monitor marketing and PR activities, developing a Friends membership group
in both the areas, sharing expertise and achieving environmental sustainability
1 1
Waterford Chamber Of
Environment Awareness and Waste Reduction Programme €145,515 54775 21/11/2003 €211,152
This project aims to provide a support service to SME's and micro-businesses in sectors not currently targeted by environmental awareness and
waste reduction programmes. With the main objective to be getting SME's to address waste reduction by increasing levels of prevention,
minimisation, reuse and recycling. This project is seen as a potential launch-pad by the Agencies for more widespread improvement in good
environmental practice and in sharing information about best practice between Ireland and Wales. They look to achieve this by providing a forum
where businesses from the two regions can explore best practices, and knowledge to reduce the negative impact business has on the
environment. The work towards this project will be done in conjunction with REPAK in Ireland and Arena Network in Wales. Advisors within this
Network will provide; a one to one advisory service, Co-ordinate events that would facilitate sharing of information and solutions between
businesses, Increase knowledge and skills levels within businesses in Waterford & Pembrokeshire to establish, manage and monitor waste
management systems. Also enable SME's to be certified under the 'Green Dragon' programme. Both the Irish and Welsh partners will host
seminars/workshops, they aim to hold at least two per annum depending on demand. They will consist of cross border themes and will cover the
following sectors: - Updates on legislation and the expected consequences to business. - Best practice employed by the relevant sector - Case
studies presented by businesses themselves.
1 1
Waterford City County
Enterprise Board
Celtic Enterprise & Business Support Network €153,788 54133 22/09/2003 €205,051
See details under lead partner (54134).
1 2 Waterford County Council ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT BUREAU €236,312 54660 22/09/2003 €337,000
The project aims to establish two Energy Management & Development Bureaus, one in Waterford and one in Carmarthenshire. The objectives of
the two Bureaus will be: a) promote the conservation of energy. b) development of renewable energy technologies in the local authority areas.
The target audience will be i) the local authorities ii) SME's iii) citizens. The project will also contribute towards a reduction of emissions to the
atmosphere caused by the use of fossil fuels. The energy bureaus will be co-ordinated by a steering committee and will co-operate and work
together, sharing transnational advice and experience to contribute to environmental improvement and the sustainable development of the
economies in both areas.
2 2 Waterford County Council Visit-Net €287,912 55418 27/11/2003 €444,800
See Lead File.
1 1 Waterford County Council Developing Local SME'S Through Sustainable Procurement €134,894 56285 29/04/2005 €218,700
See Welsh Lead 56283
1 2 Waterford County Council Celtic Community Finance €237,240 56663 08/11/2004 €316,320
See Welsh Lead file
1 2 Waterford County Council WIRHEP-Wales & Ireland Rural Hydrogen Energy Project €25,000 56997 10/04/2006 €50,000
See Welsh Lead
1 1
Waterford Institute of
FEIW-Female Entrepreneurship Ireland/Wales €236,076 56965 04/11/2005 €461,804
The project focuses on the development of female entrepreneurship in the INTERREG area. This will involve the carrying out of research into this
topic, the creation of networks between female entrepreneurs and academics in both regions and the provision of targeted training programmes.
All of this is with a view to increasing the number of female entrepreneurs in the INTERREG area.
1 1
Waterford Institute of
SWINGS (Separations, Wales and Ireland - Novel Generation
€357,748 57035 06/01/2006 €691,241
The project is a two phased scheme in which the first strand investigates separation, extraction and purification of materials using scientific
techniques in order to support the regional development of pharmaceutical/environmental centres. This phase will establish Separation Science
networks in the cross-border region to identify key separation techniques and educational and technological gaps with a view to exploit
opportunities in the cross-border regions in the future. The second phase will involve the provision of training in novel separation techniques in
order to support future regional development. This phase integrates the sharing of expertise through good practice and also training of graduates
in techniques helping young provide sustainable development. Cluster co-operation in the industry will be explored to increase potential
development of emerging technologies in the area. Project results are disseminated through conferences, posters and documented in scientific
1 2
Waterford Institute of
Content & Access for Rural People €95,484 57509 31/07/2006 €134,468
See Irish lead ref 55488.
2 2
Waterford Institute of
Maratime Heratige Programme €310,152 55099 27/04/2004 €438,745
See Welsh Lead file 55098
2 2
Waterford Institute of
Tourism Wales & Ireland Green and Sustainable (TWIGS) €254,322 55089 16/04/2004 €339,096
This project aims to; -Facilitate the collaboration of agencies and communities in relevant INTERREG areas. -Achieve synergy in the development
of quality green tourism. -Develop best practice in the development of authentic rural tourism. -To engage local communities in the development
of quality green tourism. -Commission Market Research. -Form a action plan for green tourism. -To encourage tourism services to partake in
green tourism and create action plans for the development of green tourism.
3 2
Welsh European Funding
Ireland/Wales INTERREG IIIA 2000-2006 Programme:
Information & Publicity (2005)
€23,251 57167 11/05/2005 €31,002
The aim of the project is to promote a positive image of the Ireland/Wales INTERREG IIIA Programme in both countries together with information
on the use of Structural Funds. The objectives are to: *Promote funding opportunities offered by the European Union through Structural Funds by
providing clear information about the INTERREG Programme in Ireland and Wales *To disseminate best practice *To promote the achievements of
the Programme *To aid transparency of the operation of the INTERREG Programme
1 3 Wexford Area Partnership
Developing Equal Opportunies for People with a Disability in
€52,987 56312 17/02/2005 €70,651
The joint aims of the "Developing Equal Opportunities for People with a Disability in Ireland and Wales" project is to strengthen the capacity of
groups of people with a disability to address and influence factors maintaining exclusion and to promote a more positive and realistic image of
disability. To also highlight barriers to take up of education, training and employment opportunities, social and recreational activities. The project
aims to increase equality of opportunity for people with a disability in relation to social and economic participation-in close co-operation with
relevant service providers and locally based industries, employers and trade unions. These aims and objectives are aimed to be acheived through
the identification of a profile of people in each local area, taking into account gender, age, type of disability etc. Assesments will be a
requirement of people with a disability in relation to education, training and employment, taking into account requirements for part time, full
time,supportive employment and adaptive technologies.
1 4 Wexford County Council Southern Corrridor Variable Message Ferry Signage €194,224 56259 24/01/2005 €300,000
See Welsh lead 56256
1 2 Wicklow Uplands Council Ltd THE CELTIC COUNTRYSIDE PARTNERSHIP €25,186 54153 22/09/2003 €33,582
See details under lead partner (54155).
Number of matching projects:106
Totalling: £19,629,992
Fund: ERDF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 106
Totalling: £19,629,992
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
1 2 Aberdyfi Partnership Ltd CARRP-Courtown/Aberdyfi Rural Regeneration Project £95,937 56977 15/11/2005 £129,795
See Irish lead
1 1 Aberystwyth University FEIW-Female Entrepreneurship Ireland/Wales £126,738 56966 04/11/2005 £168,984
See Irish lead
2 1 Aberystwyth University
Sustainable management of near shore water quality for
aquaculture, recreation and tourism
£302,645 54167 22/09/2003 £440,249
This project aims to: 1. increase knowledge and understanding of the marine and coastal ecosystems and wider environment in order to underpin
strategic planning for sustainable development; 2. undertake specific innovative actions in two estuaries to improve the quality of the coastal and
marine environment for the benefit of people, the economy and wildlife; and 3. encourage community participation in the development,
management and monitoring of marine and coastal environments in the INTERREG IIIA area.
2 2 Aberystwyth University Cultural Co-operation and Touring (cct) £470,401 54192 22/09/2003 £668,116
CCT will offer grants and practical assistance for professional touring and presentation of theatre, dance, music, literature, cross-artform, media
and visual arts product by companies and artists in the region. The project will incorporate a tour by a professional company or artist, to build
audiences and establish and strengthen links and networks, a "go and see" visit programme for venue managers, directors or marketing
personnel to promote artistic and business relationships, organising network events for professionals and facilitating a co-production to be
performed in both Wales and Ireland. A database will complement project development, aimed at providing relevant information for companies,
artists and presenters. The project is aimed at directly assisting cultural networking between the two countries.
1 2 Aberystwyth University Celtic Rivers Trust Partnership £240,100 55446 05/07/2004 £321,700
The aims of this project is to develop the capacity of communities in South East Ireland and West Wales to maintain the habitats of rivers, lakes
and wetlands and so safeguard their contribution to improved health, well-being and outdoor recreation, as well as environmental education and
the rural employment that depends on these assets.
1 2 Aberystwyth University
Integrated Constructed Wetlands: A viable option for
effluent treatment, sustainable rural development and job
£154,249 55496 25/06/2004 £207,649
This project aims to proactively address the range of environmental and socio-economic challenges to the rural populations of Wales and Ireland,
and in particular has impacted adversely on water quality. This project aims to proactively address these challenges through joint implementation
of an integrated Wales/ Ireland initiative with Integrated Constructed Wetlands. It will lead to improved water quality through the use of the
ICW's to treat effluent in a fully environmentally sustainable and cost effective way.
1 3 Agoriad Cyfyngedig Reaching Out & Beating Unemployment Statistics Together £148,415 56203 15/03/2005 £197,888
See lrish lead file
1 2 Agoriad Cyfyngedig
RURAL (Redressing Under-representation through Re-skilling
and Active Liaison)
£92,673 57484 01/12/2006 £123,564
To promote the abilities of disabled people and encourage responsible inclusitivity and diversity amongst rural community businesses. To provide
a loacl disability resource for rural communities, employers and employees. To provide specific industry targeted re-skilling to disabled
beneficiaries in order to achieve their economic integration in their local communities. To exchange best practice and to disseminate this to the
rural community,
1 2 Antur Cwm Taf ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT BUREAU £156,937 54659 22/09/2003 £209,250
1 2 Antur Teifi People + £72,783 54559 22/09/2003 £97,045
See Irish lead file ref 54558
1 2 Antur Teifi CELTIC COMMUNITY FINANCE £272,703 54157 22/09/2003 £363,604
The project aims to target the local communities within Ceredigion and Moynalty to create a sustainable Credit Union to provide financial services
for the local community. It also aims to promote credit union formation and membership across the area's communities, through a structured
transference of knowledge and skills by each partner to achieve an integrated approach to the positive development of economic, social and
environmental issues within the local and programme area communities, develop within the project a bilingual provision and service in Wales
and Ireland, create a project, which is a sustainable endurable and robust and which will continue after the end of the projects INTERREG
support, provide financial assistance to socially excluded individuals, and provide financial and business development advice to sole traders,
partnerships and new start-ups. The project also aims to promote rural health and well being and encourage social inclusion and rural
sustainability through project actions, co-operate with public, private and voluntary organisations to optimise collective action to develop
sustainable communities, develop membership structure in St Mary Credit Union, Moynalty, to identify, develop and disseminate models of best
practice into Credit Union movement, to promote innovation in terms of marketing and service delivery and to explore new areas of business and
products to best serve the needs of members.
2 2 Antur Teifi Visit-Net £227,454 54786 24/11/2003 £303,273
Following the success of cross border trading projects with South East Ireland, the opportunities given to SME's in West Wales, it has become
evident that hand-on support for the tourism and hospitality industries can benefit these regions and increase visitor numbers and expenditure.
This would allow businesses the opportunity to exchange and share information, best practise and would encourage the linkage and networking
between tourism and hospitality businesses. The problems that face both Carmarthenshire and Waterford are very similar and although the areas
are not particularly well known as tourism destinations, both regions are rich in natural heritage together with significant cultural, artistic and
culinary assets. The project will enable best practice with respect to the development and marketing of these varying assets to be related to best
practice in each region and exchanged. The Interreg project will focus on using ICT wherever possible, building on products and services and
creating considerable synergy between the tourism products and services of Carmarthenshire and Waterford. Working with the 'grass roots' trade,
the project would ensure that the tourism products and services maximise their potential as well as producing a network of tourism related
businesses. The project will provide a platform upon which future cross border activities can develop alongside future business links and will
also use both conventional and electronic communications systems to achieve its objectives.
1 2 Antur Teifi AGRI - net WORKS £346,967 54152 22/09/2003 £462,623
To support rural communities of West Wales and South East Ireland by developing a unique programme of conventions, events and seminars
aimed at rural/ agricultural business development in order to encourage networking and exchange of best practice between the regions, this will
include the development of networking groups who will work with other rural communities outside the joint region and disseminate findings to
encourage a more environmentally sustainable community. This project would provide a platform upon which cross border networking
opportunities may develop, alongside potential future business links and clusters.
1 1 Arena Network
£178,974 54798 21/11/2003 £238,699
See details under lead partner (54775)
1 3 Artslinc ( Wales ) Artslinc (Phase 2) £50,663 54160 22/09/2003 £95,185
See details under Irish Lead (54191)
2 1 Bangor University
Shellfish Aquaculture in the Irish Sea - detection and
prevention of diseases in C. gigas
£270,567 54169 22/09/2003 £360,756
JOINT AIMS AND OBJECTIVES AIMS To determine the potential environmental (biotic and abiotic) and biological (physiological, immunological
aand genetic) factors leading to mass summer mortality of the oyster, C. gigas and thus allow potential outbreaks of this disease to be predicted
and possibly prevented in Wales and Ireland. SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. To assess the importance of pathogenic bacteria and viruses as
causative agents of summer mortalities in oysters. 2. To compare resistance to stress and disease, immunocompetence and genetics between
oysters cultured in Ireland and Wales. 3. To assess the influence of environmental factors on disease outbreaks in cultured C.gigas populations.
4. To develop a method for predicting disease outbreaks and thus assessing suitability of site for C.gigas culture. 5. To develop gene probes
allowing rapid detection of bacteria associated with disease in C.gigas. OUTCOMES 1. The generation of cross border links and technology
transfer between interdisciplinary groups of scientists in Wales and Ireland. 2. An understanding of the influence of diverse factors on outbreaks
of summer mortality in cultured C.gigas. 3. A method for predicting outbreaks of disease and assessing suitability of sites for C.gigas culture
thus safeguarding the current oyster culture industry and enabling future expansion to take place in those areas most suitable for culture. 4.
Support for the C.gigas culture industry in terms of providing early warnings of potential disease outbreaks and assessing the likely resistance of
animals to disease.
2 1 Bangor University The use of ferries to observe water quality of the Irish sea £235,815 54170 22/09/2003 £314,421
This project aims * to calibrate measurements from autonomous optical instruments against water quality parameters at sea from research
vessels. * To install and commission the optical instruments on the Dublin Holyhead ferry. * To acquire a long time series of water quality
perameters between Holyhead and Dublin from these instruments. * To identify seasonal and other variations in these parameters. * To
disseminate the measurements and conclusions of the study via a project website, and to place the final dataset in the hands of data centres in
the UK and Ireland. * To ascertain the feasibility of using these methods for long term water quality monitoring in Irish sea waters
1 4 Bangor University
£221,097 54769 24/11/2003 £294,797
This project aims to research and develop common standards for speech technology for the Welsh and Irish languages. To identify modular
components needed to produce software tools for Welsh and Irish speech synthesis incorporating maximum reusability and dovetailing with
further research projects in speech technology. Also to create annotated speech corpora for Welsh and Irish as first major modular components
needed for all Welsh and Irish speech communications technology tools. To work towards a freely distributable and unlicensed speech synthesis
ICT tool for the Welsh and Irish languages. This project will include representatives of user groups and of SMEs in a continuous cycle of
consultation and training from the start of the project. It will include identifying current popular English language speech applications and
systems amongst users, and development trends for the foreseeable future, and training companies to adapt generic speech applications to their
specific products. Focus groups, workshops and training of end-users, publicity and discussions with language educationalists, organisations
working with disabled people and other interested groups, and discussions with and training for businesses in the private sector will be carried
out by both the Irish and Welsh partners.
2 1 Bangor University PREDICTIVE IRISH SEA MODELS - PRISM £324,922 54757 09/02/2004 £433,230
Climate change and its potential impact on the coastline of the Irish Sea is a problem of high urgency that confronts both Ireland and Wales. This
project will help to solve such problems by taking modelling skills and products developed within the academic and research communities and
making them available to a wider user community through the use of web based interfaces. The project will be wide-ranging and will cover: - the
impact of increased storminess and rising sea levels on beach stability - the development of web sites that will show detailed tidal maps, wave
conditions, and coastal wind forecasts to promote tourism and leisure activities - Simulations of nearshore sediment transport and pollutant
dispersion - Storm surge forecasts - the development of web sites that will allow the regulatory authorities to make 'what if' calculations on the
impact of controlled releases into coastal waters. On receipt of contract, it is intended to issue a press release announcing the project and
outlining details. All meetings will be fully documented and then circulated to interested parties. A final report will be produced and a further
press release issued.
1 4 Bangor University
On-line Welsh/Irish Dictionary & Phrasebooks - CELT
£95,490 55101 16/06/2004 £127,320
See Irish Lead file 55100
2 1 Bangor University
Methods of assessment of Trophic Status in the Irish Sea
£335,459 55124 14/09/2004 £447,281
The primary aim of the proposed project is to develop new strategies and techniques which will facilitate end-user implementation of the Water
Framework Directive (WFD) in the Irish Sea. It focuses on the development, testing, and impelementation by end-users of new sampling and
analytical techniques to facilitate comprehensive asssessments of trophic status in the Irish Sea. The Project can be broken down into two main
objectives: To develop, evaluate and implement new techniques suitable for end-user assessment of primary productivity and its controls. To use
new techniques, along with supporting parameters, in parts of the Irish Sea that are exposed to varying amounts of human impacts and differing
environmental conditions to make and assessment of trophic status. xxx
1 3 Bangor University TourismNet- Tourism Learning Network £196,152 55453 04/10/2004 £261,537
See Irish Lead
2 1 Bangor University
Technological and Scientific Development of Mussel
Hatchery Techniques in Ireland and Wales
£240,796 55432 09/02/2004 £379,693
See Welsh Details.
1 4 Bangor University North West Wales-Eastern Ireland Air Bridge £84,843 55429 15/07/2004 £121,204
The project "North West Wales -Eastern Ireland Air Bridge" will undertake a joint investigation as to how an "air bridge" to Eastern Ireland, from
a commercial airport in North West Wales, will impact on the social and economic development of the communities of Eastern Ireland and North
West Wales. The project acts as a template for the evaluation and assessment of strategic air links between smaller centres and more peripheral
regions on one hand with medium and larger air transport hubs, outside of the main European super hubs of London, Paris, Amsterdam and
1 3 Cam Ymlaen
£334,115 54763 14/04/2004 £446,164
This project will jointly develop and implement an innovative, multifaceted programme that will lead to increased and enhanced community
involvement of long term/socially excluded individuals, who may have mental health problems. The aim is to facilitate and support people to
return to mainstream education/training and where appropriate, ultimately to integrated employment. The project will develop and deliver
prevocational training programmes designed to address the consequences of long term unemployment and attendant mental health problems.
The final product will be an amalgamation of specialist input drawn from both agencies. A major proactive mental health awareness campaign
will target learning institutions and employers to counteract the negative images and stereotypes that attach to mental health problems in the
community generally. An up to date presentation material (AV materials and brochures) will be developed to support the delivery of presentations
and awareness workshops. Mental health awareness presentations and staff training will be delivered to all agencies involved in this project. To
achieve this objective, the project will establish a cross-border steering committee to oversee it's implementation. There will be proposed
cultural/information exchanges which will provide an enriched learning experience for participants from both sides (thirty people from each side
will travel per year). Careful monitoring and evaluation systems will be incoporated in the project from the outset.
2 1 Cardiff University
Coastal Communities Network - towards integrated Coastal
Management(ICM) CoCoNet
£34,588 54538 22/09/2003 £46,118
See description on Irish Lead 54537
1 1 Cardiff University
SWINGS - (Separations, Wales and Ireland - Novel
Generation Science)
£215,318 57036 06/01/2006 £287,309
See Irish Lead 57035
1 3 Careers Wales West Celtic Enterprises Phase 2 £51,616 57008 25/10/2005 £68,822
The Celtic Enterprise Phase 2 project is and Enterprise Education initiative which links enterprise education in South East Ireland and West Wales
and builds on the key objectives of the Phase 1 project as follows: · To strengthen the Enterprise Education and cultural link between S.E.Ireland
and West Wales · To continue to provide a forum for cross fertilisation of enterprise education ideas, including bench marking and exchange
expertise · To broaden the horizons of teachers and students in relation to European business and cultural affairs · To place the respective
economies of both regions into a broader European context for teachers and students · To challenge the common perception of entrepreneurship
and to nurture an entrepreneurial ethos within the classroom, education establishments and in the workplace. · To develop in students the
enterprise skills needed to be successful in the rapidly changing work environment · To encourage future international trading links between the
two regions · To complement and support other enterprise education initiatives e.g. the Entrepreneurship Action Plan for Wales (WDA) · To
develop a strong entrepreneurial culture in both regions, driving future economic prosperity through a higher number of successful indigenous
business start ups and job opportunities · To develop a successful enterprise education model for other EU countries
1 3 Careers Wales West Celtic Enterprises £259,729 54165 22/09/2003 £354,233
Celtic Enterprise is an Enterprise Education initiative, which links enterpirse education in South East Ireland and Wales. This initiative will
pioneer an exciting new model of Enterprise Education for Ireland, Wales and indeed Europe as a whole. Under the guidance of the Joint
Management Group, Celtic Enterprises aims to connect enterprise education initiatives in both regions in order to enrich existing provision. It will
include new initiatives such as a Certified Teacher Enterprise Development Programmes, and establishing new structures for student Enterprise
Career Guidance. The project will provide a programme for cross fertilisation of enterprise education ideas, including bench marking and
exchange of expertise, broaden the horizons of techers and students in relation to European Business and cultural affairs, challenge the common
perception of entrepreneurship and to nurture an entrepreneurial ethos within the classroom, education establishments and in the workplace. The
project will also encourage future international trading links between the two regions, complement and support other enterprise education
initiatives, and develop a sucessful enterprise education model for other EU countries.
1 1 Carmarthenshire College Generating Activity through International Networking (GAIN) £267,847 54148 22/09/2003 £357,130
See details under lead partner (54184).
1 3 Carmarthenshire College 3D / FIONTAR TEANGA £235,086 54544 24/11/2003 £313,449
The project will provide an opportunity to "up skill" lecturers and trainers in the cross border area. The result will be a workforce better equipped
to deliver education and training in Welsh, Irish and bilingually.The project will identify and address joint training needs of the wider community
and SME base. The use of new technologies will be an integral part of the delivery of the project. It will also utilise E-learning, ICT and video
conferencing to share good practice across the borders.
2 1
Carmarthenshire County
CZMnet Coastal Zone Management Network £17,550 54515 22/09/2003 £24,100
See Irish Lead 54513
3 1
Carmarthenshire County
Interreg Development Officer £120,955 54375 22/09/2003 £161,274
The West Wales European Centre forms part of the Chief Executive`s Department within Carmarthenshire County Council. It`s remit is to
promote European awareness throughout Wales. It is also a member of the EU Carrefour and Euro Desk Networks. Key roles include: - managing
Objective 1 Programme in Carmarthenshire - supporting local organisations in West Wales with regard to European funding bids, and - promoting
greater inter-regional activity.
3 1
Carmarthenshire County
Interreg Development Officer (South West Wales) T.A
Funding for 2004-2006
£181,772 55519 31/08/2004 £242,363
The West Wales European Centre forms part of the Chief Executive's Department within Carmarthenshire County Council. It's remit is to promote
European awareness throughout Wales. It is also a member of the EU Carrefour and Euro Desk Networks. Key roles include: -Managing Objective
1 programme in Carmarthenshire. -Supporting local organisations in West Wales with regard to European funding bids. -Promoting greater inter-
regional activity.
1 1
Carmarthenshire County
Celtic Enterprise & Business Support Network £95,625 54134 22/09/2003 £127,500
To establish an "Enterprise & Business Support Network" between SE Ireland & SW Wales. The Network will comprise of Business Support
organisations, who have a role in developing & supporting new businesses & SME's in the region. The Network will have 2 main roles: 1. To
exchange & develop best practice between the partners. 2. To facilitate & develop joint projects between the regions. This will be achieved by
holding a series of thematic seminars. Indicative topics include: Market Opportunities; Environmental Performance; Rural Business Development;
ICT; Enterprise; Cluster Development; Business Start-ups.
1 2
Carmarthenshire County
WIRHEP-Wales & Ireland Rural Hydrogen Energy Project £92,882 56998 10/04/2006 £132,602
The Wales and Ireland Rural Hydrogen Energy Project (WIRHEP) will deliver a new and highly innovative cross-border project, with huge
potential for rural diversification. The project builds on the existing strong partnership between Carmarthenshire Energy and Waterford Energy
Bureau and will deliver a cross-border co-operation in a highly promising field, which has huge potential for the rural communities and
economies of Wales and Ireland. There is nothing of this nature yet in existence. The project is highly innovative and will delver the first ever
cross-border partnership on hydrogen energy between Wales and Ireland.
1 1
Carmarthenshire County
Developing Local SME'S Through Sustainable Procurement £151,542 56283 29/04/2005 £202,056
The aim of the Developing Local SME's Through Sustainable Procurement project is to research the potential for the development of a local
sustainanble supply chain and economic regeneration for both the Irish and Welsh counites, which delivers improved services but also supports
development of local SME's in each county. The final report will be used as a guideline for the other Local Authorities in Ireland and Wales. The
intention of the project is to set out the barriers- financial, legislative, administrative-which local authorities will meet when pursuing a
sustainable local procurement agenda, to set out ways and methods for overcoming these obstacles and to recommend the changes necessary to
poliy-makers which will allow a local green procurement policy to be implemented. The project will examine what changes need to be made to
competitiveness rules and regulations which will enable the market place to favour sustainable goods, without fear of legal challenge. The
project aim is to create an innovative strategic transferable model for sustainable local sourcing, which delivers the following: -Increased value
adding local employment -Environmentally sustainable products and services -Cost reduction or cost neutral measures for local supply
1 1 Coleg Menai
Celt-Net Computer-aided Engineering Learning and
Technology transfer Network
£217,594 56299 23/03/2005 £299,413
The overall aim of the Celt-Net project is to develop a cross border support service and technology transfer network for the application of
Computer-Aided Engineering to product innovation, design and prototype. This aim will be realised by achieving the following objectives: -
Identifying and assisting innovative product development in order to assist the growth of businesses and entrepreneurs in the border regions. -
Facilitating access to the modern manufacturing systems and expertise of the two institutions of Coleg Menai and Institute of Technology, Tallaght
for design, virtial prototyping, rapid prototyping and prototype manufacture. -Creating a cross-border network for information exchange, learning
and technology transfer in modern computer based product design and manufacturing techniques. -Exploring the potential for further
collaborative cross-border research and development projects that innovative products and modern manufacturing techniques. -Developing
e-learning and web based support material for the application of Computer-Aided Engineering principles in innovation, product design and
1 1 Coleg Menai
Development of a range of innovative, high quality, value
added, speciality meat & cheese products
£152,318 56294 26/04/2005 £203,093
The aims of this project are to identify and develop a number of innovative, high quality, value-added, speciality meat and dairy products,
including continental-type fermented products. The projects' focus is to support the further growth and expansion of the food processing sector
in North West Wales and Eastern Counties of Ireland by facilitating the development of new speciality products and process technologies, within
the meat and dairy sectors. The project would address the deficiency of exclusively imported products from continental Europe, and the lack of
technical knowledge in the UK regarding the manufacturing processes, by developing a small number of key meat products and the
accompanying processing methodology, using the expertise of both partners and inputs from experienced consultants and meat processors, in
order to enable SME's in the region to avail of the exciting potential of such speciality products in an adventurous and convenience driven
market. This project will be bring together the facilities and expertise within the Food Technology Centre in Llangefni, NFC in Dublin and DPRC at
Moorepark with the knowledge and ideas of local businesses to research and develop new innovative, speciality, continental-type meat and dairy
products which the market desires.
1 3 Coleg Menai
BUSNAS- An evaluation of the needs of food businesses for
on line training
£30,109 54566 22/09/2003 £40,146
To identify and address the joint training and skills needs of employers on both sides of the border, and to meet the challenges and explore the
opportunites that new technology presents to education, training and Human Resources Development. Specifically it will evaluate the need for
on-line learning among food businesses in the selcted area; determine the needs of the respondents with regards to course content; and
establish the resources available to them to make use of on-line training.
1 3
Conwy County Borough
Joint Education Development Initiative (JEDI) £128,054 55123 26/03/2004 £171,907
see file 55122 Irish lead file
2 1
Countryside Council for
HABMAP- Habitat mapping for conservation and
management of the Southern Irish Sea
£309,286 55444 17/08/2004 £412,383
The aim of this project is to produce working habitat maps of the seabed of the Southern Irish Sea. The habitat maps will be used by coastal
managers (conservation and fisheries) but also aims to disseminate the results to a wider audience (including eduactional facilities and industry)
through the production of a CD and website.
1 2
Countryside Council for
THE CELTIC COUNTRYSIDE PARTNERSHIP £41,776 54155 22/09/2003 £55,702
This is a pilot project to develop an innovative Irish/Welsh model facilitating the participation of rural communities in integrated environmental,
social, cultural & economic development. The project will promote sustainable development through twinning of communities and their relevant
public authorities, statutory & other agencies in the INTERREG area. The project will build on the successful North America/UK Countryside
exchange programme which annually organises exchanges of experienced professionals to help local people/agencies adapt to change.
Innovative aspects include the participation of key individuals within the communities to create new partnerships, The project will explore how
public authorities can facilitae and support the participation of local actors through the whole management process.
2 2 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Celtic Tri £155,725 55104 25/11/2004 £212,739
The project aims to deliver joint initiatives and shared pilot studies in the provision of family heratige support services, and will create services
in common. The project will also explore the existing genealogical and cultural connections between the two countries in a series of joint
2 2 Cyngor Gwynedd Council CELTIC GARDENS £70,348 54766 29/09/2003 £93,798
The aim of this project is to establish and promote a genuine relationship between two similar public ornamental woodland park landscapes, with
benefits of training, professional development and exchange of expertise, the sharing of pilot projects and joint marketing; and encourage the
wider twinning of the park-gate communities and local schools in the two areas. Also to undertake active research into cross-border markets for
both sites and promote joint marketing initiatives, building on site similarities and common interests, thus increasing the sites' contribution to
the visitor activity of the respective areas; To provide better interpretation in a variety of forms, learning from best practice between partners, to
inform, engage and enrich the experience of visitors, and foster the understanding of the public of environmental issues generally in an
enjoyable and unconscious manner; To provide joint educational and informational off-site website content, to extend or enrich visitor
experience, assist marketing and the preparation of educational visits, and provide maximum accessibility to the resources of both sites; To
establish common standards for monitoring success against targets, plan for future developments and secure ongoing project management by
regular virtual and physical meetings of partners. Regular e-mail contact will be kept, and management/monitoring meeting every 4 months.
2 1 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Living Coasts - Living Seas £113,475 56999 21/10/2005 £151,300
The aim of this project is to raise the awareness of the marine and coastal environments of the Counties Fingal, Meath, Wicklow and the marine
environment of "Penllyn a'r Sarnau" Special Area of Conservation. The prime objectives will be:- To simulate an interest and greater
understanding within the coastal community of the coastal and marine environment; To engender a sense of pride and ownership in the coastal
and marine candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas amongst local people; and To encourage activities which are
sympathetic to the aims of the candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Area
1 1 Denbighshire County Council RHYL/ATHY REGENERATION PROJECT £338,085 54141 22/09/2003 £450,780
This project is to encourage the regeneration of business & enterprise in the towns of Rhyl & Athy, both of which have similar problems in terms
of high unemployment & deprivation. The 2 towns have a clear awareness of their problems - developing research/action plans identifying
problems & solutions. Resources to support intervention by a public/private partnership regenerating enterprise activity through provision of
business support, establishment of resources & actions targeted specifically to improve business start up & survival espeicially in the community
enterprise sector. Through engaging with companies & social enterprises in the 2 towns the project will - reduce unemplyment, engage young
people the inactive and minority groups in the local economy, create an innovative business environment and promote effective collaboration &
co-operationn among businesses & enterprises in the areas where there can be mutual benefits.
1 2 Deudraeth Cyf CARP- Content and Access for Rural People £98,488 55489 23/09/2004 £131,318
See Irish lead file 55488.
1 2 Deudraeth Cyf E-VOLVE £132,000 57487 05/12/2006 £176,000
See Irish Lead File 57485
1 3 Dyscovery Trust
Partners Collaborating in Training for Individuals with
Specific Learning Disabilities (PACTS)
£256,084 55121 16/06/2004 £341,446
1 2 Farmers Union of Wales TERRACELT £235,450 55475 16/06/2004 £321,750
TERRACELT is an exciting and innovative development designed to provide a comprehensive service for the agricultural service and the
agricultural and the rural communities in Wales and Ireland by using the latest techniques in information technology.
1 2
Fforwm Creft Cymru (The
Craft Forum)
WIND - Wales Ireland Network for Craft Designers £151,687 57497 01/11/2006 £202,250
Please see Irish Lead file 57488
1 2 Forestry Commission Wales Sustsainable Management of Forest Insect Pests £194,112 55975 20/05/2004 £431,363
See Lead File: Ref: 55118
2 1 Geoscience Wales Limited Irish Sea Marine Aggregates Initiative-IMAGIN £240,184 56343 09/02/2005 £320,246
See Irish Lead
1 2 Gwynedd Local Health Board
Involving rural populations in improving their health and
well being
£23,030 54564 22/09/2003 £32,966
The projects aims are to demonstrate alternative methodologies and techniques for involving rural populations in improving their own health and
influencing the development of the health care services provided for them. To establish the best sustainable methods for both informing the
public and involving them in primary health care developments in ways that are community focused.
2 2 Harlech Medieval Society DEVELOPING THE CYNAN/MARSHALL CONNECTIONS £142,815 54499 22/09/2003 £190,420
The aim of the partnership between Leinster Re enactment Society and Harlech medieval Society is to publicise and celebrate the ancient links
between the peoples of Wales and Ireland. Through the medium of re-enactments the two societies propose to create an awareness of the shared
history of Ireland and Wales in the INTERREG area and beyond. The objectives are to develop a financially self sustaining programme of
historical re-enactments and outputs that will lead to increased tourism and communication between Ireland and Wales.
2 2 Holyhead LINK
Holyhead-Dun Laoghaire Voluntary Community action
£16,911 56675 08/12/2004 £22,548
To be added
1 3 ICT Enterprise Centre Enterprise Training and Development Telecentre £165,000 54791 09/02/2004 £395,822
The joint aim of this project is to foster, support and facilitate the development of an entrepreneurial environment through the provision of
education and training as well as the development of individual skills. Furthermore the project will support the resulting micro-enterprises with
active support, advice, and assistance as well as actively marketing the resulting skills database. The project will provide both Irish and Welsh
residents with new learning and training opportunities through cross-border linkages. It will facilitate a faster solution in the development of core
training skills. The project will develop an on-line training using information resource in addition to direct training to enable beneficiaries to
access training materials/course information remotely. The resource would link into other resources available both locally and nationally to
provide a full support service. A virtual "Chat Room" will be delivered where trainees will have the ability to contact their peers as well as access
tutors and mentors. This objective will be achieved through joint seminars, staff exchanges and ongoing communication via video conferencing
and email between the two partner organisations.
2 2 International Potters Camp Feile Clai £186,709 56324 07/01/2005 £248,957
The Feile Clai project will create a new partnership between Irish and Welsh cermicists, which will promote exchanges of best practice, joint
developments of the sector and it's market base and establish the basis for the future co-operation and development. The project will provide
completely additonal activety to that which is already being undertaken by the two partners of International Potters Camp and The Craft Potters
Society of Ireland. The project is innovative in proposing active co-operation between the two groups, a partnership that has not taken place in
this sector before. It is also innovative in proposing a practical, bottom-up approach to economic development in the sector, involving
ceramicists themselves in devising new ways of cross-border co-operation for mutual advantage and combined development. This project will
develop the actuality and the brand of Celtic Cermaics, which will provide a platform for future co-operative develpopment. The ceramics festival
in Aberystwyth currently attracts 1000 visitors to the area from around the globe. The project proposes an extension to this festival as well as the
creation of new events both in Wales and Ireland. The activity which exclusively forms part of the project include: -Exchange ideas and models
for running effective festivals in the different locations through 3 visits to Ireland and 3 to Wales by Welsh and Irish Feile Clai project staff.
-Create an Irish festival similar to the Welsh one. The Irish CPSI Festival is essentially a new venture. CPSI has run a workshop every year but
this will represent a significant expansion to those held previously. -Create a combined "Established Irish and Welsh Makers Exhibition" that
features established makers of both partner countries and runs alongside both festivals. - Create a further ongoing exhibition scheme for
emerging ceramicists in the shape of an "Emerging Makers Exhibition" The first of these exhibitions will be staged in Ireland during the Irish
festival in 2006. -Work directly with 10 emerging makers (8 from Wales,2 from Ireland and vice versa) by setting up the "Emerging Makers
Exhibition" together and give a Welsh and Irish award to two of the participants.
2 1 Keep Wales Tidy Clean Coasts Phase 2 £743,731 56235 22/03/2005 £1,000,819
The aim of the Clean Coasts project is to improve the value of the coastlines of Wales and Ireland though sustained community action. This will
restore the aesthetic appeal and increase the amenity and economic value to both the local community and visitors alike. The aim is to get true
community engagement in beach management as expressly recommended by the Steering Committee. The second phase of the project will build
on lessons learned from phase 1 and focus on more joint working between the 2 countries partners. It will also enable both partners to extend
the work into new geographical areas and social groups. It will achieve this by: 1. Involving local communities in beach management by
providing a vehicle for practical engagement. The project will establish, support and promote community group action, which focuses on
practical environmental improvement works along both coastlines. The project will provide training for groups of people to equip them with the
necessary skills and experiences, and assist in any practical way to ensure communities can protect and improve their respective coastlines. 2.
Running an environmental award scheme for rural beaches- The Green Coast Award (GCA) The aim of the Green Coast award is to recognise
beaches of high environmental quality. To achieve the award, beaches must attain Guidance water quality and have effective and appropriate
management, to ensure the protection of the natural environement. The Green Coast Award is a symbol of excellence. It aims to acknowledge,
promote and protect the environment of rural beaches. It places strong emphasis on community and environmental activities. 3. Setting up
coastal partnerships between Wales and Ireland The project will endeavour to build alliances between community groups in Wales and Ireland
and also to facilitate networking between coastal local authorities and other statutory organisations to ensure joint solutions are found to joint
2 1 Keep Wales Tidy Clean Coasts £317,739 54178 22/09/2003 £475,338
The aim of the Clean Coasts project is to improvethe value of the coastlines of Wales and Ireland to restore the aesthetic appeal and increase the
amenity and economic value to the community and visitors. It will achieve this by; 1. Running an environmental award scheme for rural beaches
2. Involving local communities in beach management 3. Raising awareness to the problems of waste in marine environement.
1 1 Menter a Busnes TRUE Marketing £388,500 54570 22/09/2003 £518,000
The joint aim of the project is to offer practical, bespoke support in sales and marketing to the speciality food and drink sector throughout the
INTERREG area in Wales and Ireland and to foster a "sales and marketing mindset" in the sector.The targeted market will be the UK.
1 2 Menter a Busnes Celtic Recipes for Rural Business Success £187,500 57005 18/01/2006 £250,000
The project will identify, develop and share best practice in rural micro businesses and SMEs taking in the food and drink sector as a model to
analyse. The aim is to study a range of small successful rural based food businesses in Ireland and Wales and understand on a practical level
how they achieved success. The project will be led and implemented by practitioners from the sector leading to development materials produced
in order for more structured learning/dissemination of best practice.
2 2 Milford Haven Port Authority Celtic Maritime Connections £172,306 56988 30/09/2005 £229,743
See Irish Lead 56987
2 2 Milford Haven Port Authority Maritime Heratige Programme £227,808 55098 27/04/2004 £310,043
The primary objective of this project is to promote community development through the promotion of the joint maritime heritage of the regions
bordering St George's Channel, through the regeneration of traditional boat-building and seamanship skills and the development of the
associated cultural, historical and environmental interestes and activities. This project will encompass the provision of training in traditional boat
building and seamanship skills through the construction and operation of replica 18th Century warship longboats, commonly known as gigs;
Community involvement and fulfilment, in all aspects of traditional seamanship in inshore waters, with the emphasis on participation by, and
development of, young people, the disadvantaged and the disabled; and The revival of associated cultural, historical and environmental interests
and activities. The continuous core activity of this programme, to underpin all other aspects, is to be the joint creation and operation of Atlantic
Challange gigs for community use. This projects will create an innovative and unique community asset which will provide an effective, rewarding
and enjoyable means of by which people can achieve fulfilment and develop their potential.
2 1 National Trust Wales
Combined Coastal Biodiversity Management and Awareness
£205,465 56731 25/11/2004 £273,956
1 1
North Wales Watersports
Irish Marine Sector Marketing & Business Development
£239,276 56337 30/03/2005 £319,035
See Irish Lead
1 3
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Developing Equal Opportunities for People with a Disability £33,552 56311 17/02/2005 £44,736
See Irish lead
2 2
Pembrokeshire Business
Inter Art £307,540 57003 20/01/2006 £410,054
See Irish lead
2 2
Pembrokeshire Business
Artswave (formerly Celtic Connections) £310,648 54156 22/09/2003 £425,838
Celtic Connections aims to raise the profile of each nation through the presentationand promotion of both their contemporary and traditional art
forms through performances, exhibitions, workshops, seminars etc. To develop the appropriate cultural networks and develop the potential of
cultural tourism with emphasis on the shoulder and off-season periods. To promote and market same, both within each country, and to the wider
European and American markets. To further establish, over a wider area, the development of specialist festivals. To commission a series of new
art works that reflect both nations, including the use of the Welsh and Irish languages.
1 1 Pembrokeshire College JOMAR -Joint Overseas Marketing and Recruitment £184,360 54552 22/09/2003 £248,637
The aim of the project is to "Promote Education Internationally" The internationalisation of its activities in undergraduate programmes, research
and development and collaborative projects that will provide cultural and economic opportunities for the college and its catchment area. One of
its main aims is to "Increase the volume and quality of overseas activity through marketing and student support initiatives and development of an
international student centre".
1 4
Pembrokeshire County
I-SEA.COM £255,194 55109 16/06/2004 £352,364
See Irish Lead File 55108
2 2
Pembrokeshire County
The Cultural Xchange £94,238 55466 21/06/2004 £126,816
This project is based upon creating a cultural database, an educational resource pack, a life long learning information source and a "book of
answers to questions people have not thought of yet". Using the latest ICT hardware and techniques, the project is about accessing and
preserving, for both current and future use, digital records of many elements of the history and culture of the counties of Pembrokeshire and
1 4
Pembrokeshire County
Southern Corridor Variable Message Ferry Signage £230,377 56256 24/01/2005 £307,170
The aim of the Southern Corridor Variable Message Ferry Signage project is to improve tourism and travel information for travellers using the
Southern Corridor to move between Wales and Ireland. This project will benefit all such road travellers, but will be a particular help to those who
may need to make travel plan adjustments due to altered ferry crossing times. The ferry sign on the Welsh side will resolve confusion for those
unclear to which ports (Pembroke Dock or Fishguard) they are booked to depart from and will provide up to date information. This will enable
improved journey planning and during journey adjustments in response to ferry delays avoiding early arrivals and long waiting at ports to the
benefit of both travellers and local businesses. On both sides the signs will be positioned on the approach to the Ferry Ports. The signs will be
Variable Message Sign (VMS). The Variable Message Sign have been developed to satisfy a desire for greater flexibility in displaying information.
The ferry signs will provide up to the minute information about ferry crossings. They will help to improve journey times and will reduce driver
stress. The Pembrokeshire ports of Fishguard and Pembroke Dock and Wexford's port of Rosslare Europort have seen their functions growing as
trading links between Ireland, Britain and the European mainland strengthen and currently over 1 million passengers annually pass through the
1 3
Pembrokeshire Darwin
Science Festival
Inter-SEED Science Education and Economic Developement £131,478 55455 30/07/2004 £175,306
The aims of this project is to address the skills depicted in science and technology and to reverse the downturn in enrolement on science and
technology courses. It also aims to improve the quality of post-graduate research leading to enhanced potential for sustainable economic
development. These objectives will be obtained by the two organisations The Institute of Technology Carlow, and The Pembrokeshire Darwin
Science Festival. The Institute of Technology Carlow believes that its future lies in the internationalisation of its activities in undergraduate
programmes, research and development of the Institute catchment area. The Pembrokeshire Darwin Science Festival is organised on behalf of the
Darwin Centre for Biology and Medicine in order to promote public promote public engagement with science. Together these organisations plan
to plant the seed of excitement and curiosity in science and technology that will lead to a greater awakening in the minds of individuals,
communities, enterprise sectors, entrepreneurs and SME's in both communities.
2 2 Pentir Pumlumon Cyf Heritage Landscapes £97,500 57025 04/11/2005 £130,000
The project aims to develop Castlecomer Demesne in Kilkenny and the Hafod Estate in Ceredigion as prime destinations for cultural and heritage
tourism, offering visitors a range of specialist attractions, tours and activities. This intiative aims to achieve development in the cross-border area
that is sustainable economically, socially and environmentally by; widening and improving tourism provision and increasing visitor numbers,
taking advantage of cross-border cultural affinities including designed historic landscapes of former great estates, mining history and industrial
archaeology, forestry and other rural pursuits. The objective is to improve the areas competitiveness; to raise awareness of the areas; to widen
the tourist season beyond the peak summer months; and to create jobs in the tourism and service sector.
2 2 Planed TWIGS £182,621 55086 16/04/2004 £243,495
See Irish Lead File 55089
2 2
Sgrin, Media Agency for
The Cultural and Economic impact of cinema in Ireland and
£35,000 54162 22/09/2003 £50,000
JOINT AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The cinema is an essential economic component in a modern dynamic economy addressing both direct
employment and quality of life issues, from an economic and cultural perspective. The aim of this project is to conduct a detailed Cinema Audit
in West Wales and Eastern Ireland (Interreg zones), whilst aslo examining the potential for learning from each other, and for setting up initiatives
between the two regions. Particular attention will be given to structural and equipment standards looking at new media applications and access.
The Audit will become an invaluable tool for any economic regeneration exercise/plan and should prove useful following the introduction of the
new Disability Discrimination Acts both in the UK (2004) and Ireland.
2 2
Strata Florida Development
Sculpture on site £85,505 55442 23/09/2004 £114,007
See Irish lead file 55441.
1 3
Swansea Institute of Higher
An Evaluation of the demand for computer networking
education in post secondary institutes
£7,140 54546 22/09/2003 £9,520
See Irish lead file Ref 54545.
2 1 Swansea University
Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Irish Sea
- Populations, Origin and Behaviour
£147,175 54505 22/09/2003 £225,755
To provide a better understanding of critically endangered Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) foraging within the Irish Sea by assessing
their numbers and recording their migration routes. Through this understanding, and by training local communities to promote sustainable
management of Leatherback turtles in the Irish Sea and wealth creation for local communities, through local ecotourism industries.
1 2
The Amlwch Industrial
Heriatge Trust (AIHT)
Celtic Copper Heritage £275,430 57010 23/01/2006 £387,930
See Irish Lead 56964
2 2 The Attractions of Snowdonia Celtic Tourism - Achieving Excellence £426,776 56960 04/11/2005 £569,035
To promote the natural and man made facets within the areas of Snowdonia and County Wicklow. By using economies of scale and cost effective
marketing the cross border partnership aims to work collaboratively to maximise impact and thereby increase visitor numbers to the areas. This
is to be achieved by a structured marketing campaign aimed at the following key markets: Short Break; Niche Markets; Group/Travel trade
business; and Overseas Markets.
2 2 The Attractions of Snowdonia Celtic Railways £61,348 54536 22/09/2003 £82,375
See Irish lead file 54535
2 2 Trinity College ParNetourism £62,081 55088 26/03/2004 £82,930
See Irish Lead File 55087
1 1 Trinity College PSP Toolkit for SME'S £252,748 56293 10/01/2005 £336,998
See Irish lead
1 1
University of Wales Institute
WINNOVATE £170,000 54802 02/12/2003 £231,938
The Product Development in reference to this project is the design, engineering, prototyping, testing and manufacture of products within a well
defined specification and aimed at a specific market. This project aims to: - create innovation and market diversification through Product
Development among manufacturing SME's in South-East Ireland and West Wales. - Also raise awareness of opportunities amongst manufacturing
SME's. - Build on findings within both regions. - Identify and facilitate opportunities for addressing common Product Development and market
diversification issues. - Develop a range of sustainable Product Development practices suitable for manufacturing SMEs in two demographically
similar regions of Ireland and Wales. - A pilot study for further such product development programmes. This is to be achieved by recruiting 40
manufacturing SMEs (20 Irish & 20 Welsh) who will make up 4 sets of workshops following live case studies. A report will be created on the
development and innovation opportunities in the two areas (Irish/Welsh) They will practically demonstrate and showcase a range of practices to
enhance the innovation capability (dependant of needs) these may include; Consultancy, Design for the environment, and Information
Communication Technology.
1 4 University of Wales Lampeter Fiontar Tearmai Unedig (FTU) £366,022 55440 17/08/2004 £488,030
The aim of this project is to bring leading linguistic expertise from Wales and Ireland working jointly together to develop and provide ICT based
language applications that will help bring communications into the digital age for a range of professionals, SME's, learners and communities that
live in the cross-border area. It will provide easy access to on-line Irish-English and Welsh -English dictionary, grammar and other sources that
are simple to use yet authoritative.
2 2 Urdd Gobaith Cymru Two Countries- One age £183,174 55448 24/01/2005 £244,234
The aim of this project is to establish a joint cross-border initiative which focuses upon the cultural co-operation between youth agencies in
Ireland and Wales. Links will be fostered to create networks and study visits where experiance and good practice will be exchanged on aspects of
youth work. The project further aims to encourage youth people to gain skills in youth work, through their own personal development, and will
establish links between youth organisations on many levels.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Programme for increased utilization of Optoelectronics
technologies in Eastern Ireland/Western Wales
£300,100 54172 22/09/2003 £600,275
See details under lead partner (54190).
1 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) The Ireland/ Wales Step Up Programme £327,323 57009 16/01/2006 £1,077,323
The project will develop a cross border initiative to test new ways of engaging employed individuals in training and learning activities,
particularly those who traditionally are less likely to participate in such activity. The project will draw heavily on the lessons learned from the
recent Llanelli Leaning Workers Pilot project (LLWP), supported by the Interreg Programme, set up to test whether the provision of free training
increases the take up of qualifications and improves skills in the workforce. The evaluation of the LLWP project highlights that it has been
successful in overcoming barriers and increasing the participation of non traditional learners, especially those in the 35-49 age group and those
who had left school at or before age 16. The Step-Up Programme will extend the benefits of the LLWP project to further geographical areas
within the Interreg region. It will deliver free qualifications and units towards qualifications up to and including NVQ level 3, as well as short
courses and the recognition and accreditation of current skills. Joint ELWa/FAS evaluation will highlight best practice to inform future mainstream
programmes that are responsive to the needs of both individuals and employers.
1 1 Wales Co-operative Centre WISELINK £81,896 54540 22/09/2003 £110,740
See Irish lead file Ref 54539
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government The Llanelli Learning Worker Pilot Project (LWP) £750,000 56754 07/12/2004 £1,504,045
Phase 1 to pilot and test whether the provision of free learning (to the learner) up to Level III increases the take up of these qualifications and
improve skills in the workforce.
1 1
Welsh Clothing & Textile
Fashion From Fabric £168,400 54145 22/09/2003 £237,150
The aim of the project is to provide small to medium clothing & textile companies in Ireland & Wales with a proactive programme aimed to tackle
the deficiencies in fabric awareness & fabric sourcing. The 24 month programme encompasses all aspects of textiles from their composition &
characteristics to where & how to source & purchase various types of fabric. The methodology employed incorporates individual mentoring, one
to one counselling and a series of modular workshops. The programme intends to involve companies that have recognised the need for
development but have not yet had the resources to do so. The programme will finish with the development of an online information service.
1 2 Welsh College of Horticulture Development Programme for the Horticulture Industry £319,407 56959 11/11/2005 £425,878
See Irish lead
3 2
Welsh European Funding
Ireland/Wales INTERREG IIIA 2000-2006 Programme:
Information & Publicity (Wales)
£23,193 57169 11/05/2005 £30,924
The aim of the project is to promote a positive image of the Ireland/Wales INTERREG IIIA Programme in both countries together with information
on the use of Structural Funds. The objectives are to: *Promote funding opportunities offered by the European Union through Structural Funds by
providing clear information about the INTERREG Programme in Ireland and Wales *To disseminate best practice *To promote the achievements of
the Programme *To aid transparency of the operation of the INTERREG Programme
3 2
Welsh European Funding
Mid Term Evaluation Update Technical Assistance £39,525 57352 10/01/2006 £52,700
The Mid Term Evaluation is to provide information, which can help European Regional Policy, to increase its added value and improve its method
of working
3 1
Welsh European Funding
Travel & Subsistence & meeting costs PMC/SC's £17,406 56819 25/01/2005 £23,208
The project will enable WEFO to suport the travel and subsistence costs incurred by members in attending Programme Monitoring Committee and
Priority 1 and Priority 2 Steering Committee meetings. The project will also provide the means by which WEFO can support costs in relation to
the organisation and hosting of meetings of the montioring and Steering Committees.
3 2
Welsh European Funding
Ireland Wales INTERREG IIIA Community Initiative
£39,000 57544 23/01/2007 £52,000
The central aim of this project is to deliver the ex ante evaluation for the next Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme in 2007.
3 2
Welsh European Funding
Technical Assistance - Mid Term Evaluation £47,775 55358 03/12/2003 £63,700
To provide assistance to the Mid Term Evaluation of the INTERREG III programme in Ireland and Wales
1 4 Welsh IT Association Wales Ireland Regional E Business Development (WIRED) £131,400 54568 25/10/2005 £183,900
See Irish lead file Ref 54567
1 2 West Wales ECO Centre
SCOPE Sustainable Communities Opportunity for Partnership
and Enterprise
£66,024 54561 22/09/2003 £88,033
This project has three key phases. Phase One: Capacity building (This application) Phase Two: Construction (separate capital funding application)
Phase Three: Eco Tourism Development (Interreg application circa 2005) Phase one aims to facilitate rural regeneration and reduce community
Eco footprints, through the implementation and support for a community owned and operated Green House Anaerobic Digester (Ireland) and a
small wind farm (Wales) with community benefits.
2 2 Ynys Mon County Council DALKEY - ISLE OF ANGLESEY: SHARING A CULTURE £218,254 54781 26/03/2004 £291,006
Dalkey Irish Heritage Town Company and the Isle of Anglesey County Council's Museums and Culture Service aim to promote a better
understanding of both regions' archaeological and creative elements. Their histories demonstrate an array of shared cultures, historic roots and
current artistic themes as well as a strong desire to present and celebrate this archaeological heritage in a variety of ways. This joint project aims
to deliver a better understanding of cross-regional archaeology, culture and language by providing tours and visits to key sites in the Dalkey and
Anglesey areas, workshops aimed at exploring the Irish-Welsh language and art residencies. The specific objectives of this are to increase visitor
numbers to both centres, to make general improvements in the exchanges between both communities, to extend the scope of the tours and to
make it all a more user friendly experience. The aim is also to develop the role of the Anglesey County Museums, Culture Service and Dalkey
Irish Heritage Town Company and to encourage greater participation and understanding of Anglesey and Dalkey's past through the exchange of
audiences and practitioners.
3 1 Ynys Mon County Council Interreg Development Officer (North West Wales) 2004-06 £152,998 55526 26/01/2004 £203,998
This project aims to support the development of the Interreg programme locally in North Wales and facilitate the growth of cross-border working
as a sustainable, variable and mutually beneficial method of working. The employment of a North Wales Interreg Development Officer and
Administrative Assistant will give advice to local groups wishing to develop projects. The Officer will also work with those organisations
requiring more in depth assistance to develop thier projects and their applications for Interreg funding.
3 2 Ynys Mon County Council WIN-Wales Ireland Networking £35,400 55859 26/04/2004 £47,200
Since the commencement of INTERREG III A in 2002, potential applicants have enquired about the availablility of a similar scheme to provide
financial assistance to travel in order to find and forge partnerships. The aim of the application is to introduce encouragement of Wales-Ireland
networking and partnership building (WIN). The new scheme shall be set up to encourage and incentivise the formation of partners that lead to
the submission of INTERREG IIIA applications. The project WIN will provide for approximately six organised networking events over the three
years throughout the duration of the project. The WIN project has two components of travel and substistance for partnership forming leading to
application and also measure specific networking.
3 1 Ynys Mon County Council Interreg Development Team £129,014 54168 22/09/2003 £172,252
The Interreg Programme as an European Community Initiative is aimed at grass roots organisations, often without experience of European
Funding and who experience a lack of resources. In these circumstances the Interreg programme and the ethos of cross-border working could
not establish itself independently. The project aims to support the development of the Interreg programme locally in North West Wales and
facilitate the growth of cross-border working as a sustainable, viable and mutually beneficial method of working.
Programme: LEADER+
Number of matching projects:112
Totalling: £10,266,256
Fund: EAGGF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 112
Totalling: £10,266,256
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
1 5 Adventa Adventa - Management of LAG £96,425 55702 02/07/2004 £203,000
The purpose of this project is to provide management and administration services for the Adventa LEADER+ programme. The project is designed
to deliver Action 1 Measure 5 of the LEADER+ SPD through the provision of funding for administrative and operational costs. The project
objectives are as follows: Employment of Programme Manager and Programme Co-ordinator Management of the LAG. ICT Development
Monitoring and evaluation.
1 2 Adventa Adventa Project Officer's Salaries £244,033 55703 02/07/2004 £513,755
The project is designed to deliver Action 1 Measure 2 of the LEADER+ SPD by providing support resources that will: * Increase the number,
strength and viability of micro and small businesses. * Allow businesses to gain access to new markets locally, nationally and internationally. *
Encourage more businesses to benefit from co-operating in collective actions. * Increase income generated from adding value to local products.
2 1 Adventa Adventa - Woodland Revival £176,082 55753 07/03/2005 £370,700
The project will encourage the LAGs to develop complementary innovative techniques to add value to the timber industry in the two LEADER+
areas of Monmouthshire and Conwy whilst satisfying a growing demand for local timber from indigenous manufacturing businesses. The project
seeks to address the issues of diminishing traditional/basic skills through bringing together complementary skills and know-how through the
provision of training facilities. The project aims to add value to the timber products currently being produced in the LEADER+ areas through the
provision of facilities for manufacturing, adding value to current marketing activities, researching potential new markets and encouraging new
product development.
1 2 Adventa Adventa Green Tourism Co-operative £75,311 56155 31/08/2004 £158,550
To add value to Monmouthshire's existing tourism through increased awareness of the diversity of tourism activities available. Also to lengthen
the tourist season with a view to generating sustainable employment opportunities. This project replaces a previous submission that had the
project number 55689.
1 2 Adventa Monmouthshire - a Living History £47,975 56158 05/08/2004 £101,000
1. Identifying villages/communities, with a historical offer, that will add value to Monmouthshire's tourism. 2. Using circular trails to recount
each village/community history. 3. Production of interpretation panels/leaflets for each trail. 4. Undertaking a promotional campaign in order to
raise awareness of the trails. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55691.
1 2 Adventa Adventa Food Forum £26,656 56159 02/08/2004 £56,117
To identify consumer needs and address the barriers to food production, thus raising awareness of the benefits of local food procurement and
stimulating the rural economy. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55686.
1 2 Adventa Adventa - Back to Basics £41,756 56172 15/07/2004 £87,908
The purpose of the project is to develop and promote initiatives that will raise awareness of healthy locally procured food. Activities will include:
*Development and promotion of work based CSA schemes. *A recipe/food publication *A marketing skills training programme for stall holders of
local food *Local cooking skills events for children and young women *Development of a community walks/exercise programme *Development
of a series of interpreted walking trails This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55687.
1 2 Adventa Adventa - Arts and Crafts Showcase £28,975 56173 31/08/2004 £61,000
This project is designed to add value to Monmouthshire's existing tourism offer and high quality environment, through increasing awareness of
the diversity of tourism activities available, attracting key target markets and encouraging longer visitor stays. It is anticipated that these
activities will culminate in succeeding to lengthen the tourism season thus generating more sustainable and higher quality employment
opportunities for the under employed. The aims and objectives of this project are as follows: * To enable Monmouthshire arts and crafts
businesses to access key target markets innovatively. * To facilitate multi sector working and joint promotional activities * To develop market
focused products that celebrate the strong arts and crafts culture of the county * To raise the profile and status of artists and crafts people in the
county so that youngsters perceive the creative sector as a valid career option. * To explore the potential for developing and piloting
accreditation schemes for the sector. * To add value to the visitor experience through development of interpretative materials at key arts and
crafts venues. * To make use of new technologies in product development and promotion. This project replaces a previous submission that had
the project number 55690.
1 2 Adventa Adventa - Food Links £33,843 56174 15/07/2004 £71,250
The purpose of this project is to develop direct linkages between food producers and tourism providers to raise awareness of healthy locally
procured food and rejuvenate the local economy. Activities will include: * Development of a series of promotional events to improve direct
procurement links between food producers and tourism providers * Development of a programme of showcase exhibitions promoting local
produce * A marketing campaign to promote the events * Attendance at trade events promoting the Food Links concept and message outside the
mainstream programmes. * To facilitate the process of applying for Protected Designation of Origin within Monmouthshire This project replaces a
previous submission that had the project number 55688.
1 6 Adventa Adventa - Publicity and Promotion £9,856 56176 02/08/2004 £20,750
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of LEADER+ and the Adventa Programme. The project is designed to provide funding for
publicity and promotional activities. The project objectives are: * To promote awareness of Adventa and the LEADER+ approach * To generate
interest and involvement in Adventa's activities and events * To promote a participatory approach to rural development This project replaces a
previous submission that had the project number 55693.
1 2 Adventa Monmouthshire Specialist Foods £131,352 54468 14/10/2002 £275,950
This project is designed to capitalise on Monmouthshire's natural assets to improve opportunities in specialist food based products and markets.
There is particular emphasis on red meat as the most common product on Monmouthshire farms. The project will concentrate on adding value to
specialist food products by improving specific elements of design, production, distribution and sales techniques.
1 2 Adventa Developing Monmouthshire as a "Foodie Destination" £108,896 54469 14/10/2002 £228,773
This project is designed to improve partnership working, joint marketing, product and promotional opportunities with a view to increase visitor
numbers to Monmouthshire with a specific interest in good food. This will be done with a series of project based activities, which will include a
promotional strategy for keeping visitors informed of local developments in order to encourage a high degree of return visits in the future.
1 2 Adventa The Monmouthshire Green Tourism Company £126,480 54473 14/10/2002 £266,274
This project will act as an umbrella under which green tourism products and services can be developed and promoted. The term "green tourism"
encompasses both the natural and cultural environment, whilst seeking to maximise community benefits and enhance environmental protection.
1 4 Adventa Acquisitionof Skills £37,069 54477 14/10/2002 £77,875
This project is specifically designed to develop the LEADER+ programme in Monmouthshire through feasibility studies, community consultation
and consultation with partners. This project will allow Adventa staff and its Partnership Board to acquire an understanding of the programme and
to raise awareness about it.
1 5 Adventa Administration and Management £72,250 54478 14/10/2002 £151,785
This project is related to the management and administration of Adventa as outlined in the Programme Complement. The priority will be to train
Adventa staff and its Partnership Board in the skills necessary to implement the programme effectively and efficiently.
1 6 Adventa Publicity and Promotion of Adventa £7,997 54479 14/10/2002 £16,800
As Adventa is a completely new venue in Monmouthshire, it will be crucial to ensure that members of the public are aware of it's existence, and
its aims and objectives. This project will target funding from Action 1 Measure 6 at a programme of awareness, raising and promotional activities
for Adventa.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd The Clwydian Farm Experience £26,656 54454 14/10/2002 £56,000
The "Clwydian farm Experience" is intended to create an entirely new and innovative concept in farm holidays. The overall aim is to create a new
network of farms, able to provide visitors with a refreshing insight into the agriculture industry by involving a complete cross-section of
production methods for local economic benefit.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Bwyd Clwyd £119,000 54455 14/10/2002 £250,000
The overall aim of Bwyd Clwyd is to achieve the piloting of premium branded products with an environmentally positive image. Bwyd Clwyd will
provide a test bed to facilitate and support the development and marketing of new "green" food products.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Coetir Clwyd £31,653 54456 14/10/2002 £66,500
Coetir Clwyd will seek to assist small enterprises to explore new and innovative methods of exploiting and marketing wood products. Coetir
Clwyd will provide support for local groups of farmers, timber processing industries and wood end-users to explore new methods of making the
best use of the woodland resources for economic benefit.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Industrial Footprints/Heritage Alive £88,536 54445 15/10/2002 £186,000
Archaeological, Architectural and Industrial Heritage is a clear development opportunity that has been identified in the Cadwyn Clwyd area. This
project will initially assess the market potential of developing a niche tourism product encompassing these three elements of Heritage which will
increase visitor numbers to the area benefiting local businesses and resulting in an economic improvement.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Clwyd Cultural Enterprise £96,152 54446 14/10/2002 £202,000
Cadwyn Clwyd's area has a wealth of cultural enterprises which have not been fully and sympathetically exploited. The concentration of cultural
enterprises that exist together with the potential for local business to participate is significant. The LAG will seek to give this support and
develop innovative pilot s to network and promote these enterprises ensuring a branding of Cadwyn Clwyd as a centre of excellence in cultural
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Growing Green Tourism £59,501 54447 14/10/2002 £125,000
The focus of this project will be the development of Green Tourism Networks based around Loggerheads and the Nant Alyn (currently being
assessed to ascertain its suitability for SAC status), the Dee Estuary Coastal Area, with a web of attractions throughout the Cadwyn Clwyd area
focusing on the above hubs.
1 4 Cadwyn Clwyd Acquisition of Skills £2,856 54448 14/10/2002 £6,000
This project will focus on acquisition of skills in the Cadwyn Clwyd area where the LEADER methodology was never previously applied. The LAG
will work with both sectoral and geographical communities to appraise skills and requirements of the area concerned.
1 5 Cadwyn Clwyd Technical Support £79,554 54449 14/10/2002 £167,125
This project covers the central administration and operational costs of implementing the LEADER+ Programme within the Cadwyn Clwyd area.
1 6 Cadwyn Clwyd LEADER+ Publicity £8,090 54450 14/10/2002 £17,000
Cadwyn Clwyd LEADER+ publicity will provide a platform for all publicity on the Programme. In order to ensure that local people are aware of
the LEADER+ Programme and the impact on the area. Publicity regarding LEADER+ is essential.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd The Clwydian Eco Farm £19,753 54452 14/10/2002 £41,500
The Clwydian Eco Farm will comprise a number of innovative sustainable pilots aimed at improving the environmental sustainability of local
land-based industries.
1 5 Cadwyn Clwyd Technical Support £112,500 56160 05/07/2004 £225,000
This project covers the central administration and operational costs of implementing the LEADER+ Programme within Cadwyn Clwyd. The project
will support a Manager and Administrative/Financial Officer, office costs and staff training. It will deliver the following aims of (a) Enhanced
awareness of the LEADER+ methodology amongst LAG decision makers. (b) Better trained staff This project replaces a previous submission that
had the project number 55716.
1 6 Cadwyn Clwyd Publicity Phase 2 £10,000 56161 23/07/2004 £20,000
This project will provide a platform for all publicity on the LEADER+ Programme. The project will continue to ensure maximum awareness and
impact of LEADER+ within the local community, programme partners and stakeholders. It will achieve the following aims: 1. Enhanced
awareness of LAG activities at a local level. 2. Increased involvement by a broader section of the community. 3. Enhanced awareness of the
LEADER+ Programme in the rural area This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55717.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Clwyd Culture & Heritage £178,599 56162 23/07/2004 £376,000
Culture and heritage focuses on developing a niche tourism product for the area by exploiting the area's wealth of culture and its heritage. The
flagship project under Phase 2 will consist of developing and marketing the area around the historic figure Owain Glyndwr. Supporting projects
and actions will culminate in a series of integrated pilots focused on heritage and cultural features, routes and figureheads. The project will
deliver the following aims: 1. A distinctive local countryside, landscapes with cultural and architectural features protected and enhanced. 2.
Enhanced resources for tourists This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55906.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Bwyd Clwyd (2) £188,338 56163 23/07/2004 £396,500
Bwyd Clwyd will be further developed under Phase 2 through the piloting of an integrative approach of linking food with tourism and the
environment. The Bwyd Clwyd flagship project will entail supporting the development of new and innovative products which will culminate in
showcasing Bwyd Clwyd products on a collective basis. Supporting projects and actions will entail support for micro businesses in the area to
further develop and enhance their products through collective aims. The project will deliver the following aims: (a) Enhanced use of local
products (b) Better appreciation of local resources This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55708.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Coetir Clwyd £61,750 56164 23/07/2004 £130,000
Phase 1 of Coetir Clwyd focused on added value and collective actions which has provided assistance for the woodland sector within the Cadwyn
Clwyd area. Phase 2 will focus on exemplar projects which will pilot new elements within the sector. The exemplar projects will make best use of
woodland resources in the area. The project will deliver the following aims- 1. Enhanced use of local products 2. Better appreciation of local
products 3. Enhanced resources for tourists This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55711.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Clwydian Farm Experience & Growing Green Tourism £118,750 56165 23/07/2004 £250,000
Phase 2 will provide an essential extension to actions piloted under phase 1. Phase 2 will pilot small-scale collective agri-tourism and green
tourism enterprises, through the development and formation of networks of this project. Research also will be undertaken into innovative
agri-tourism and green tourism initiatives within other EU rural areas and appropriate projects will be piloted within the Cadwyn Clwyd area. The
project will deliver the following aims: 1. Enhanced resources for tourists 2. Better appreciation of local resources This project replaces a
previous submission that had the project number 55905.
1 3 Cadwyn Clwyd Clwydian Eco Farm £48,687 56156 23/07/2004 £102,500
To continue phase 1 of the project by implementing it on commercial farms in the area. It will also explore on-farm diversification through the
exploitation of natural assets and resources for energy. The project will achieve the aims of enhanced use of local products and better
appreciation of local resources. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55710.
2 1 Cadwyn Clwyd Woodland Revival £80,750 57477 27/02/2007 £170,000
To promote a heritage-led approach to the sustainable use of the ancient semi-natural woodland resource, through access and interpretation
across a range of public awareness methods. In tandem, the heritage significance will be used to brand and market ancient woodland products,
thereby facilitating innovation in developing and marketing. To achieve this, Woodland Revival will provide a co-ordinating focus, working closely
with statutory and other partners in the woodland sector.
2 1 Cadwyn Clwyd Traditional Building Skills £86,307 57330 22/02/2006 £181,700
The project aims to test whether raising awareness and basic vocational training amongst building contractors, agents, architects, property
owners and others working on historic buildings will lead to a greater demand for further vocational training in traditional building skills and
hence a greater supply of such skills to conserve buildings in North East Wales.
2 2 Cadwyn Clwyd Making Best Use of Natural and Cultural Resources £171,000 57331 22/02/2006 £360,000
Cadwyn Clwyd's Action 2 Measure 2 project will operate within the framework of its WAG approved LEADER+ Local Development Strategy. The
focus of its Action 2 Measure 2 project will be based in the theme of making best use of the natural and cultural resources of the Clwydian range
and its contiguous territories. This will be undertaken on a pilot basis with other EU LAGs.
1 5
Conwy County Borough
Conwy LAG Management Costs £9,284 57564 19/02/2008 £19,547
The project will provide all management and associated support functions necessary for the delivery of LEADER+ projects in Conwy. The lead
body will now be Conwy County Borough Council, following the demise of Conwy Energy Agency. The project will include:- 1. Programme
management 2. Financial and administrative support 3. Administrative costs (rent & rates, heat & light, phone etc) 4. LAG secretariat support
3 1
Department for the
LEADER+ Network £163,460 55037 22/08/2003 £326,921
Provision of the UK LEADER+ Network. Payment to DEFRA as contract managers of the service provided by LRDP Ltd.
1 2 Glasu Country Store £143,767 54474 14/10/2002 £302,031
Country Store will be the development of non-food products. Glasu will work with organisations such as IGER on the potential of local temperate
plants. Following initial discussions with farmers in Powys, the use of herbs will be a priority. Other ideas relate to the use of bluebells, evening
primrose and nettles. Not all the products will be plant related but it will include wool, sheepskin and wood products.
1 5 Glasu Administration & Management £68,299 54475 09/10/2002 £143,486
This project represents the core administration and management of Glasu LEADER+ Local Action Group.
1 6 Glasu Publicity & Promotion £6,188 54476 18/10/2002 £13,000
Marketing and promotion of the Glasu LEADER+ Projects.
1 2 Glasu New Harvest £176,654 54471 14/10/2002 £371,122
As part of the laboratory, Glasu intends to pilot Community Supported Agricultural Schemes as a way of stimulating local supply. Glasu has
designed this project to be complementary with the Agri Food Partnership and Powys Food Links
1 2 Glasu Energy from Waste £158,761 54472 14/10/2002 £333,533
This project will concentrate on testing out the potential for creating new products from waste. Strands of this project will include energy from
waste wood, cardboard, vegetable oil and farm waste.
2 1 Glasu Developing the Wool and Sheepskin Industry in Powys £96,778 57161 03/10/2005 £217,011
The project will build upon the natural asset base of wool and the sheepskin sectors in the three LEADER+ areas of Antrim, Powys and Cumbria
through a programme of co-ordinated and complementary, innovative activity. The co-operative element of the project will include 3 main
elements: 1) Establishment of a three county partnership through developing and delivering a training programme; 2) Development of a best
practice preservation protocol for wool on sheepskins; 3) To establish a Noble Archive of Sheepskins, Leather and Wool Textiles.
2 1 Glasu Developing Local Provenance Tree Nurseries in Powys £103,959 56845 09/02/2005 £218,860
The co-operative element of the project will include 4 main elements: 1. Establishment of a two county partnership through a co-operative
discussion board and steering committee. 2. Production of a comparative analysis study. 3. Production of a final report hi-lighting lessons learnt
for both areas. 4. End of project conference to disseminate findings.
1 5 Glasu Administration and Management £114,940 56346 24/09/2004 £229,881
Administration and Management is considered to be an essential tool in facilitating the achievement of the Glasu Programme. The staff under the
Administration and Management team will be involved in site visits and project discussions, particularly in the early stages, but it will be in a
more of a managerial capacity, rather than practical project work. The Administration and Management team will be identifying and organising
the training needs to of themselves and the Project Officers in relation to their work. This project replaces a previous submission that had the
project number 55566.
1 6 Glasu Publicity and Promotion £5,226 56347 24/09/2004 £11,000
The publicity and promotion of Glasu and the LEADER+ programme is important in that although the vast majority of the work happens within
Powys, because it is the location that Glasu seeks to support, the economic interests of Powys businesses do not stop at the Powys borders and
therefore, neither should the promotion of Glasu. This promotion of Glasu will also include the publication and promotion of the results of the
projects, including pan - European promotion. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55574.
1 2 Glasu Country Store £196,650 56348 24/09/2004 £414,000
The purpose of the Country Store project is to add value to the local natural products through the further testing of innovative ideas relating to
the non-food sector within the Glasu Leader+ area. The result of this laboratory approach will be a series of industries based on the sustainable
use of the natural resources of Powys. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55570.
1 2 Glasu Energy and Waste £223,598 56349 24/09/2004 £470,732
The purpose of the Energy and Waste Project is to add value to the local products through further testing of innovative ideas relating to both
energy and waste sectors within the Glasu Leader+ area. The result of this laboratory approach will be a series of industries based on the
sustainable use of the natural resources of Powys. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55573.
1 2 Glasu New Harvest £188,576 56350 24/09/2004 £397,002
The aims of the New Harvest Project are to add value to the local food produce of Powys through the testing of innovative ideas relating to
producing, processing and distributing food products in the Glasu Leader+ area. The project will also seek to encourage and develop the capacity
of producers involved in food processing and manufacturing. Glasu will act as a laboratory resource in facilitating trials and research and by
providing assistance to food producers and processors. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55572.
2 2 Menter Mon Integrated Walking Packages - Anglesey and Wicklow £90,012 57431 19/10/2006 £189,500
The project aims to focus on developing the walking and recreation tourism product on Anglesey and in County Wicklow, through the integration
of marketing and the exchange of expertise. It will also aim to secure community and business participation in the project work in both areas,
thus promoting sustainability.
1 2 Menter Mon Monability 16+ £24,000 54444 14/10/2002 £50,000
This is a multifaceted project which seeks to identify, nurture and provide practical investment into the island's economic future by forgoing
meaningful and sustainable links between the island's ablest year 12 and 13 students and the island's economy. This will involve working with
students who are either studying subjects which have a high economic relevance, or who express an ambition to run a business or work in the
private sector.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Bauhaus Design Workshops £69,600 54453 14/10/2002 £145,000
This project aims to kindle economic renaissance on Anglesey by drawing upon baseline information provided by the Mona Bauhaus Study and
tapping into wealth of specialists knowledge and experience. A series of weekend symposiums will create conditions conducive to creativity,
inventiveness, imagination and inspiration.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Bauhaus Major Study £19,200 54451 14/10/2002 £48,000
Mona Bauhaus Study will examine 1. Detailed assessment of the island's non food manufacturing base, providing data on products which are
currently being manufactured on the island. 2. Detailed assessment of the island's resource base in terms of raw materials which can be utilised
for added value purposes and harnessed for new product development e.g. aluminium, timber, seaweed as three diverse but indicative examples
of the range of raw materials to be examined 3. Detailed evaluation of the island's manufacturing capacity within the private sector. 4. A
systematic and wide ranging identification of new added value products, their market potential and the means by which they could be
manufactured, including an examination of their economic viability.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Products Prototyping Fund £114,581 54458 14/10/2002 £238,711
This project is a direct progression from project Mona Bauhaus Design Workshop whose task is the generation of ideas and design concepts. This
then takes those ideas and converts them to prototypes.
1 2 Menter Mon Cig Eidion A Chig Oen Mona £36,240 54459 14/10/2002 £75,500
This project will work with existing farm producer groups, local abattoirs and butchers to generate a range of value added meat products based
upon Ynys Mon's overwhelmingly prevalent agricultural primary products, beef and lamb.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Agricultural Innovation £81,098 54460 09/10/2002 £168,954
This project will provide the means for working with individual farming families or with groups of farmers to test the viability of new or
alternative crops, or of substantial changes to agricultural practice.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Food Product Development Fund £109,004 54462 14/10/2002 £342,779
This project provides a flexible innovation fund for use as a sponsor of and advocate for the development of new food products within a common
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Heritage Buildings Pilot £83,242 54463 14/10/2002 £268,523
The project will work on buildings which can meet a set of stringent selection criteria related to heritage value, jobs creation, tourism linkages,
private sector cash inputs, public accessibility, sustainable aftercare and management.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Heritage Interpretation £115,359 54464 14/10/2002 £240,332
This project is designed to improve the experience of visiting Ynys Mon and to add value to those factors which differentiate it from other rural
areas, factors which are currently hidden and undervalued.
1 5 Menter Mon Management and admin of LEADER + LAG £112,752 54440 14/10/2002 £234,900
Menter Mon will operate the LEADER + programme in Ynys Mon on behalf of its partnership constituted Board of Directors. This project will
reimburse the Company for management and administration costs associated with the implementation of LEADER+
1 2 Menter Mon Design for Economic Development £3,840 54442 14/10/2002 £8,000
This is the first of three projects designed to create a new generation of Anglesey branded three dimensional products. The emphasis will be on
design which reflects the island's heritage and imagery, and using materials relevant to the island's character.
2 1 Menter Mon Mona Food Product Development £175,750 56170 23/03/2005 £370,000
To assess and test responses to agri-food developments by different LEADER+ groups in Wales, in partnership with the Rural Conwy Local Action
Group. The co-operative element will involve:- 1. Discussion board and steering committee 2. Development study and comparative analysis 3.
Area specific and shared actions 4. Dissemination of information The area specific element will involve the development of the food product base
on Ynys Mon, in order to achieve a sustainable, value added economy. It will also aim to increase the number of microbusinesses operating in
the food sector and to develop a common Mona branding for new and existing products.
1 5 Menter Mon Management and Administration of LEADER+ LAG £101,570 55732 02/08/2004 £213,830
Menter Mon will continue to operate the LEADER+ programme in Ynys Mon on behalf of its partnership constituted Board of Directors. The
project will reimburse the company for management and administration costs associated with the implementation of LEADER+. Menter Mon is an
independent, non distributory limited company which has an annual turnover of 1.5 million (Jan - Dec 2002), operates up to 8 strategic
programmes and 70 projects in any given year. It has extensive experience of fiscal propriety and meeting demands that accompany guardianship
of public funders. It has systems and procedures in place which marshal expenditure and the monitoring of outputs. The company is extensively
audited once a year, as is individual project expenditure for the purposes of European claims. A Finance and Administration manager is
responsible, with the Managing Director, for implementation of these procedures. Menter Mon employs forty five staff members and has it's own
payroll system. This project will contribute to the salaries of the Managing Director, the Finance and Administration Manager and the finance
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Heritage Interpretation £142,500 55733 02/08/2004 £300,000
This project is designed to improve the experience of visiting Ynys Mon and to add value to those factors which differentiate it from other rural
areas, factors which are currently hidden and undervalued. Through a series of interpretation and renovation actions, Menter Mon intends to
improve greatly the manner by which the island's history, culture and environment is presented and interpreted to its own communities and to a
more discerning tourist. The Mona Antiqua Study (Ian Parkin Jan 2003) performed an important role during phase 1 of LEADER+ and will
continue to do so in the second phase. It provided a comprehensive regional interpretative strategy for Ynys Mon and made informed
recommendations aimed at enhancing visitor resource through the provision of interpretation, signage and infrastructure works. Phase 1 of the
LEADER+ programme responded to many of the recommendations, however further work is needed to realise the island's full potential. Actions
will include improving the amenity provision and accessibility of locations which represent the island's heritage product to which we wish to add
value. Having established a template for panels in phase 1, Menter Mon will continue to develop the network of interpretation points in suitable
locations and with the agreement of statutory partners. Collaborative projects between hospitality and tourism operators in a given area where
heritage factors can have value added to them will also continue to be supported. This project is not prescriptive. It will work closely with local
communities in order to bring them into the process of interpreting the island, working towards a situation where local people participate in
events and play a more active role in tourism than has previously been the case. The aims and objectives of the project are as follows: To add
value to the island's cultural, natural and built environmental heritage product To consult with the island's tourism community in pursuit of the
above aim To contribute towards the harnessing of cultural, natural and built environmental heritage To provide means of improving visitor
amenity and access to historical sites and building To begin the important work of adding value to Ynys Mon's geological, archaeological and
natural environment heritage which forms a unique and greatly undervalued resource.
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Bauhaus Product Development £251,750 55735 02/08/2004 £530,000
Having completed the Major Study and Design Workshops in the first phase, the second phase of the Mona Bauhaus Project will (a) establish a
route to market for the products developed in phase 1, (b) expand the product ranges developed in phase 1 and (c) prototype products already
identified, but not previously selected, in the design workshops. The main aims and objectives of the project are as follows: To address the
pressing need to expand the island's product range and to rejuvenate its small scale manufacturing sector which has all but disappeared To
provide the private sector in developing new products To promote co-operation between designers, producers and the marketplace in order to
create a range of branded products embodying the island's raw materials, natural resources, manufacturing capacity, its imagery and heritage To
improve the island's positioning in the marketplace To harness the island's raw materials in order to add value to them To market test new
products and progress them to the marketplace To establish new enterprises within existing businesses, business partnerships and new
1 2 Menter Mon Mona Agri Innovation £118,750 55736 02/08/2004 £250,000
The first phase allowed farmers to develop confidence in growing new crops. However, the second phase will encourage farmers to adopt a more
adventurous approach and grow more innovative crops. Many of the crops could be used to complement and add value to other LEADER+
projects e.g linseed as animal feed to produce Omega 3 rich meat, and borage as oil for the Bauhaus cosmetics. Extensive use will also be made
of a study by the University of Wales, Bangor, commissioned in phase 1 that identified viable innovative crops with commercial potential. Farmers
will be invited to grow these crops and will be provided with the necessary husbandry support. They will also be provided with assistance to
identify and access markets. The aims and objectives of the project will remain and are as follows: To provide positive and productive help to
farming families in times when investment for change is difficult to achieve from private sources alone To promote new and alternative
agricultural practice, based upon innovative approaches and new markets To provide informed advice and practical support to farmers wishing to
experiment with new ideas, in a manner that is not financially detrimental to them To add value to the agricultural land resource in Ynys Mon,
seeking new ways of exploiting land for income generation To provide direct help for agricultural change at the most challenging stage - the
beginning The promotion of production to fulfil local supply networks
1 2 Menter Mon Monability 16+ £47,500 55737 02/08/2004 £120,000
This project is aimed at providing those who are interested in, or motivated to contribute to, the economic development of their home area with
new resources and the focussed application of existing business support measures. The main aims and objectives of the project are as follows:
To improve the link between the island's investment in education and future economic returns from that investment To raise economic literacy
levels among students in year 12 of secondary education To retain the link between talented young people and the island's economic
development To confer onto our own young people the effort and investment offered through mainstream business support interventions To
introduce business ideas and the economic environment at an earlier stage of young people's careers To secure the participation of the private
sector on the island to this important project Within the unifying LEADER+ theme for Ynys Mon, this project seeks to add value to the island's
most important human resource - its ablest young people
1 6 Menter Mon Publicity and Promotion £5,700 55879 02/08/2004 £12,000
To raise awareness of the impact of LEADER+ on Ynys Mon. It will provide general information on LAG activities at local level and encourage an
increased awareness by a broader section of the community.
1 3 Northern Marches Cymru Project Officers £111,752 56183 07/09/2004 £235,303
To employ the team of officers, who will develop and deliver the other LEADER+ projects (with the exclusion of administration and
management). This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55725.
1 5 Northern Marches Cymru Management & Administration £89,395 56166 07/09/2004 £188,203
To ensure the programme is administered to the appropriate standard, to oversee programme delivery and to manage the staff and other
resources of the programme. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55723.
1 1 Northern Marches Cymru Village Halls Strategy £168,621 56167 07/09/2004 £355,000
To provide options for community buildings, in order for them to become more sustainable and reflect community need. It will also support and
encourage local exemplar projects to demonstrate innovation and sustainability to the rest of the sector. This project replaces a previous
submission that had the project number 55720.
1 6 Northern Marches Cymru Information Dissemination £9,445 56168 07/09/2004 £20,000
To promote the LEADER+ programme, its approach and its successes. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number
1 3 Northern Marches Cymru Historic Villages £254,558 56177 21/10/2004 £578,869
The three objectives of this project are as follows:- 1. To contribute towards the strength of rural communities 2. To contribute towards the rural
economy 3. To create new visitor opportunities and increase the opportunities for visitors to understand more about the area. This project
replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55722.
1 3 Northern Marches Cymru Development of Special Interest Sites £106,703 54482 09/10/2002 £266,121
The Northern Marches - Cymru LAG area contains a rich diversity of sites with natural, heritage and cultural interest, many of which lie under-
developed, hidden, unmanaged or neglected. This project will seek to identify those sites which have the greatest potential to attract the interest
of the general public and contribute to the development of new tourism products in the area.
1 3 Northern Marches Cymru Developing New Sustainable Tourism Opportunities £161,070 54483 14/10/2002 £364,529
The Northern Marches- Cymru LAG area contains a rich mix of natural, historical and cultural resources as well as an extensive network of
waterways, footpaths, bridle-ways and cycle-ways. The interpretation of these sites through the use of guided walks is planned to provide an
enjoyable experience, which raises people's awareness and appreciation of the countryside and the processes which shape it.
1 5 Northern Marches Cymru Administation and Management £68,341 54484 14/10/2002 £144,032
This project covers three main aspects, the core management costs, staff training and Partnership Board member training of The Northern
Marches LEADER+ Group.
1 6 Northern Marches Cymru Information Dissemination £16,503 54485 14/10/2002 £34,672
Northern Marches publicity project. This will take the form of a series of public meetings in each of the ward areas, developing a website,
promotional work in specialist publications, production of newsletters/updates etc.
2 1 Northern Marches Cymru Rural Bus Tours £48,901 56447 08/06/2005 £102,950
The aim of this project is to support small - scale community based tourism. In order to achieve this, it is proposed to develop and launch a
programme of bus tours with live commentary on board by qualified guides, which would be developed to enable individuals or groups to travel
from Chester to the rural areas of Wrexham, Cheshire, and Shropshire. The project would pilot the creation of new routes and test the potential
market for developing tours which combine lesser- known places with well known popular destinations.
2 2 Northern Marches Cymru Transnational Community Buildings £11,918 57329 30/03/2006 £25,090
The project will provide encouragement and support to the managers (voluntary or paid) of community buildings in each of the partner areas. It
will provide support to help them to manage their buildings as effectively as possible, but more specifically it will provide support geared
towards helping them to develop new enterprising to sustain the buildings.
2 2 Planed
Supporting Entrepreneurship Development in Rural
£99,620 57259 07/12/2005 £209,728
To develop and identify good practice in engaging the local business community, in order to create a culture of enterprise. The project aims to
deliver increased economic activity and to contribute to retaining and regaining young and skilled people in the partner areas.
2 2 Planed
Involving Communities in Developing Community Based
Local Tourism
£58,296 57260 20/12/2005 £122,729
The project will build on, and enhance, the cultural and heritage identity of the participating areas, enabling local people to celebrate their pride
of place and sympathetically develop appropriate aspects into a niche tourism opportunity.
2 1 Planed
Making a positive impact on the local economy - a
professional approach to organising festivals and events
£535,656 56414 22/10/2004 £1,127,696
To maximise the local economic benefit that well-planned, organised and promoted festivals and events make in rural areas and to demonstrate
the value of local events as economic and social drivers.
1 1 Planed Plugging the Leaks £69,972 54436 14/10/2002 £146,938
This project will take people's awareness of the social and environmental qualities of local communities into a third dimension, by showing how
local economies work. Local people in their communities will be assisted to examine how money leaks out of their local economy and how more
money can be retained in the local area by purchasing and supplying more goods and services locally.
1 1 Planed Economic Gardening £51,221 54437 14/10/2002 £107,562
Evolving from the mapping of local economic processes under "Plugging the Leaks" will be a further theme of " Economic Gardening" Community
assets will be strengthened, and people will be helped to gain new skills and perspectives to identify how by adding value to local initiatives we
can economically benefit.
1 5 Planed Management and Training £43,970 54425 14/10/2002 £92,334
This project will include the project management administrative and operational/core costs, together with monitoring of projects and evaluation.
In addition the training and development of LAG staff and Board Members.
1 6 Planed Publicity and Promotion £13,928 54426 14/10/2002 £29,250
To ensure that local people are aware of the LEADER+ Programme and the impact to their area, it is vital that the activities are well publicised
and promoted.
1 3 Planed Economic Gardening Implementations £86,822 54427 14/10/2002 £182,323
Evolving from the "Economic Gardening" under Action 1 Measure 1 will be the next stage which is the implementation of projects, that have been
identified and formed part of the Community Entrepreneurship Action Plans. These could assist in the achievement of a better appreciation of
local resources and development of the economic potential of culture, traditions and language.
1 1 Planed Pembrokeshire Enterprise Network £8,442 54428 09/10/2002 £17,724
The Pembrokeshire Enterprise network will consist of all local and regional organisations that are involved or interested in supporting enterprise
activity in Pembrokeshire. It will help to rationalise and make more effective the support for entrepreneurship development, and the
establishment of the network will support and facilitate the process of collaboration between the large number of organisations whose activities
have an impact on entrepreneurship.
1 1 Planed Community Entrepreneurship Action Plans £34,173 54434 14/10/2002 £71,763
PLANED will pilot the development of Area Community Entrepreneurship Action Plans, and which will be produced and continually updated by
integrating every local need, opportunity and resource - social, cultural, environmental, economic - to identify enterprise opportunities.
1 1 Planed Creating a Community Culture of Entrepreneurship £568,500 55745 23/07/2004 £1,196,843
The project aims to embed a culture of entrepreneurship in local communities throughout Pembrokeshire, which will underpin the sustainable,
long-term development of the County. It will focus on developing and implementing an innovative methodology, which aims to create
enterprising communities and to achieve a cultural and attitudinal change amongst local people living and working in rural areas.
1 5 Planed LAG Mangagement and Training £75,730 55746 07/07/2004 £159,432
The purpose of the project is to: Ensure the effective management and implementation of the PLANED LEADER+ Business Plan through the
provision of core costs Ensure that all Local Action Group members have an increased awareness of the LEADER methodology and are therefore
better able to contribute to the effective management, strategic direction and implementation of the Measure 1 project, creating a Community
Culture of Entrepreneurship Provide training opportunities for staff employed by the Local Action Group so that they develop the appropriate
skills sets to effectively support local people in the development and implementation of Area Entrepreneurship Action Plans
1 6 Planed LAG Publicity and Promotion £10,877 55747 26/07/2004 £22,900
The activities of the LAG will be publicised using a wide range of media including: Placing regular editorial and advertisements in the local press
(including Papurau Bro) Interviews on local radio/television Interactive website with bulletin boards and discussion groups E-mail groups
Presentations to Community Forums/Associations; Community/Town Councils, community groups etc Attending exhibitions with display boards
and promotional literature (folders/leaflets) Poster campaigns Mailings using the PLANED database (Dewin) Awareness raising events Newsletters
2 2
Rural Conwy Local Action
Forest Wood Energy Chain for the production of Biomass for
Energy Production
£81,943 55767 23/07/2004 £172,512
This is a proposal for a co-operative Action2 LEADER+ project between Rural Conwy Local Action Group and its two Italian Partners - Gal Prealpi
E Dolomiti, Grupo Desarollo Rural Sierra Morena Cordobesa. The lead partner will be the Gal Prealpi E Dolomiti. The aim of the project is to
investigate and develop the forest wood energy chain for the production of biomass for energy production. The project will address the following
specific objectives in line with the work of its partners: To develop transnational and regional co-operation to increase the knowledge about the
use of forest resources in the partners' areas. This work will be guided by the lead partners. To assess the technical and economical sustainability
of the forest chain of the rural territories involved in the project. Given recent developments in Conwy, the project here will assess the role of
Energy Agencies in facilitating technical and economic developments. To experiment new and innovative forestry utilisation models and
technologies. This will concentrate in Conwy on the logistical co-ordination and extraction of currently under-utilised timber resources that will
utilise innovative and appropriate technological responses.
1 6
Rural Conwy Local Action
Publicity £5,700 56178 03/09/2004 £12,000
To deliver a publicity strategy for the Rural Conwy LEADER+ Programme including *Creating awareness *Encouraging support for the projects
*Promoting customer interest and sales This will be delivered by the following means *Pinpoint target key message recipients per project
*Disseminate appropriate news stories via the media and internal channels *Generate news stories to promote specific opportunities *Integrate
the synergy opportunities between the projects where appropriate *Deliver a programme of year round news *Co-ordinate and integrate with
WDA PR This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55729.
1 5
Rural Conwy Local Action
Management £128,250 56179 03/09/2004 £270,000
To deliver a management mechanism for the Phase 2 Programme. To include: * Programme Manager *Finance and Personnel Officer *Grant
Development Support *Professional Development/ Support costs *Project Costs This project replaces a previous submission that had the project
number 55727.
1 3
Rural Conwy Local Action
Green Man Phase 2 £106,875 56180 03/09/2004 £225,000
This will be the second phase of the LEADER+ Green Man project. It will draw on the experience learned during this initial phase to identify
options for more focused and cost effective implementation of the project aims. The delivery mechanism will be a more sophisticated realisation
of a public/private partnership approach to localised woodland management. The project will also maintain and further develop the Green Man
craft marketing and management mechanism as an out source for timber processing. The project will also integrate with existing land
management and sustainable education packages to develop a sophisticated package incorporating a physical mill facility and a proposed tree
nursery development. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55726.
1 3
Rural Conwy Local Action
Rural Conwy Energy Development Strategy £130,625 56181 07/09/2004 £275,000
This co-ordinated project will have 3 elements: 1. To determine the potential for renewable energy generation within Rural Conwy and implement
renewable energy projects in Rural Conwy. 2. To raise awareness amongst schoolchildren, teachers, decision makers, local people and the
general public of the benefits of increased energy efficiency and energy generation from renewable sources. 3. To deliver an integrated package
for improving energy efficiency in rural communities and assess options for renewable energy development at a technical level for community
benefit. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55728.
1 3
Rural Conwy Local Action
Rural Resource Management Development Strategy £331,869 56182 20/06/2006 £817,410
The project will be split into 2 project structures: 1. Wild and Seasonal Harvesting - To research and pilto the potential for creating new
agricultural and seasonal employment by exploiting currently under utilised natural resources. 2. Innovative Approaches to Land Use - Pilot
projects to identify better use of land management practises. This project replaces a previous submission that had the project number 55731.
2 1
Rural Conwy Local Action
Rural Conwy Agri Food Development Strategy £138,700 56169 24/11/2005 £292,000
To assist and test various responses to agri-food developments by different LEADER+ groups in Wales, in partnership with Menter Mon. The
co-operative element of the project will involve:- 1. Discussion board and steering committee 2. Development study and comparative analysis 3.
Area specific and shared actions 4. Dissemination of information The area specific element will involve the co-ordination of a structure for local
manufacturers (including the setting up of a local produce market in Llanrwst), developing an umbrella brand for local producers and the
promotion of healthy eating options using local produce.
1 3
Rural Conwy Local Action
Woodlands and Water £65,360 54489 14/10/2002 £144,637
The project will focus on the further promotion, development and conservation of the woodlands and water resources in rural Conwy.
1 3
Rural Conwy Local Action
Conwy Energy Circle £113,040 54490 14/10/2002 £262,883
The project will focus on energy issues within rural communities in Conwy and facilitate small communities to maximise their own potential to
generate and conserve energy.
1 2
Rural Conwy Local Action
Ffisig Nain £59,282 54491 14/10/2002 £137,864
This project will focus on the alternate health sector on the rural Conwy. The area is home to a number of health related businesses, particularly
in the complementary health field, e.g homeopaths, herbalists, material arts and aroma therapists, and therefore lends itself to development of a
business cluster within this field.
1 5
Rural Conwy Local Action
Administration & Management £39,223 54492 14/10/2002 £81,715
This project deals with the administration of rural Conwy
1 6
Rural Conwy Local Action
Publicity £8,200 54493 14/10/2002 £17,083
This project deals with the publicity of rural Conwy
4 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) LEADER+ Technical Assistance £30,920 55032 18/12/2003 £61,840
This project will partially fund the Welsh Development Agencies role as facilitators for the LEADER+ Programme in Wales.
4 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Rural Community Regeneration Performance Framework £18,995 56199 01/10/2004 £37,990
The objectives of the project are: 1) To create a reporting framework for Leader+, which focuses on the results and achievements of Leader+
project activities by creating an impact trail in order to demonstrate their genuine effect on rural development. 2) To develop an electronic
version of the framework which will facilitate local level entry of achievements and provide prompts for LAGs to seek evidence of long-term
4 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) LEADER+ Technical Assistance Phase 2 £41,363 57351 30/03/2006 £82,726
To provide technical assistance and training to the LEADER+ LAGs, thereby improving their delivery of projects funded via Actions 1 and 2 of the
programme. This project is a continuation of Phase 1, which had the project number 55032.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Leader+ Network Welsh Desk Officer £13,844 56431 17/12/2004 £27,688
The new contract agreement in place enables the WDA to deliver the functions of the UK Leader+ Network in Wales and will ensure that the aims
of the Measure are fulfilled. WDA will act as a main point of contact for Leader+ Local Action Groups and liase closely with LRDP on all UK
network issues. Along side this the WDA will manage the delivery of UK Network Country meetings in Wales and provide regular progress reports
to the Assembly and LRDP for inclusion in the overall report for the UK.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Welsh Desk Officer £9,052 57443 11/07/2006 £44,613
To deliver the functions of the UK LEADER+ network in Wales, and act as a main point of contact for LAGs. The project will also be used to
deliver the UK Country Meetings in Wales.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
LEADER + Mid Term Evaluattion £22,556 55029 24/09/2003 £45,112
To assist in the mid term evaluation of the LEADER + programme, that must be undertaken by an independent body.
4 1
Welsh European Funding
Leader+ Technical Assistance for partnership members
Travel and Subsistence costs
£4,069 55003 14/10/2003 £8,138
The project will enable WEFO to support the T&S costs incurred in attending Programme Monitoring Committee meetings by the private and
voluntary sector members and advisors on the LEADER+ Programme Monitoring Committee.
Programme: Objective 1
Number of matching projects:1,755
Totalling: £1,356,090,212
Fund: EAGGF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 126
Totalling: £90,984,749
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
5 4
Regeneration Company
Regeneration of Old Mill, Abergwyngregyn £131,204 55944 29/11/2004 £316,611
This project aims to encourage the involvement of local people in the regeneration of their community by refurbishing and existing, dilapidated,
historical building - the Old Mill. The Old Mill is within the centre of Abergwyngregyn and will provide a multifunctional community asset, which
will address local needs and offer new opportunities for social inclusion.
5 4 Antur Cwm Taf Tywys - Arts in the Valley £68,350 54394 04/07/2003 £170,950
The aim of this project is to raise the profile of the Tywi Valley by enabling its rich and diverse population of artists, both professional and
voluntary, to attract audiences and participants. Through the programming and promotion of arts events this project will bring economic benefit
to the area and help safeguard its unique character.
5 4 Antur Penllyn Rural Life and Sculpture Centre (phase 1) £900,000 56869 10/07/2006 £2,307,240
The aim of the project is to create a venue which will allow all sectors of the community to participate in the economic and social development of
the area. The first phase of the project will concentrate on renovating the existing buildings to create a centre which will offer visitors a unique
cultural experience celebrating the Welsh language, heritage and contemporary rural life.
5 4 Antur Teifi (NST) Rhwydwaith Papurau Bro Cymru £256,835 56705 28/04/2005 £513,670
To establish a network for the Welsh language community newspapers ("papurau bro") within the Objective 1 area. This will include the
following:- 1. An intranet-type private website, for use by the editors and journalists of the community newspapers. 2. A handbook, which will
guide new editors and journalists through the production process. 3. Regional workshops for volunteers, together with discussion forums.
5 4 Antur Teifi Rural Innovation Network Cluster £236,437 55190 09/07/2004 £452,875
To provide a framework and support for new ventures in Carmarthenshire. It will bring people from different sectors together to work on new
ideas. It will help with the research and development for new business ideas; identifying sectors and opportunities, identifying resources,
assessing their potential and practicality, trialing and test marketing and continuing to test. It will arange activites for different groups to
5 2 Bangor University Tyfiant Coed Phase 2 £311,264 55791 03/03/2005 £622,529
The project will include technology transfer, skills development and business development. Technology transfer- new techniques will be
introduced which facilitate continuous cover forestry (CCF). A network of demonstration plots throughout Wales will be linked together on an
interactive website. Skills development - online CCF distant learning courses will be available on the Internet and field training courses on
management demonstration sites. Business development - the skills developed to enable forestry contractors to act more successfully on the
5 3 Bangor University Tyfiant Coed £159,258 52729 27/03/2002 £419,101
The Tyfiant coed Project is to preparing a forest growth model under CCF, which will demonstrate to woodland managers the commercial
techniques of CCF, and help them to implement it. Tyfiant Coed will be the tool that proves CCF can work.
5 4
Black Mountain Insulation
(NST) Ochre Wool Natural Insulation Manufacturing and
Natural Fibre Research Facility at Rhyl
£752,016 57360 11/07/2006 £2,148,618
Ochre's objective is to establish a profitable manufacturing base in the UK and to become the dominant provider of wool insulation products in
the UK and Ireland. Once established locally, Ochre will then grow rapidly to become a leading player in Europe, North America and oter
territories. The aims of the project are to 1. Purchase and install the necessary plant and equipment and to commence production. 2. Recruit
personnel to manage and operate the factory. 3. Expand Ochre's sales and marketing team and customer support activities to drive sales in the
UK and Ireland. 4. Meet Ochre's working Capital needs until production commences and for a further 12-18 months after.
5 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Trefil Village Enhancements £86,800 56656 16/03/2005 £223,560
The project seeks to develop the village of Trefil, near Tredegar. Trefil is a relatively isolated community of about 300 people, situated on the
access route to Trefil Quarry. The project is a response to a community workshop held in January 2004, designed to establish the needs of the
5 7
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Blaenau Gwent Biodiversity Action Project £77,345 55193 30/01/2004 £237,859
The project will support the work and administration of the Blaenau Gwent Local Biodiversity Action Plan partnership including a local grant fund
to encourage landowners, community groups and schools to undertake small-scale practical biodiversity projects.
5 4
Bridgend County Borough
Cefn Cribwr Industrial Heritage £79,000 56660 23/03/2005 £197,000
The project intends to establish Cefn Cribwr as a key industrial heritage attraction, recreation and education service, building on previous
conservation efforts and safeguarding a local community facility. It is envisaged that links with other nearby attractions will be strengthened,
with the facility responded to pressure from visitors and schools to ensure ongoing safe access.
5 4 Caban Cyf Snowdonia Art & Design Centre £355,098 55008 30/10/2003 £781,553
Cyngor Gwynedd acquired the site of the old Brynrefail school and they, together with the WDA, secured funding for the construction of a
purpose- built centre with planning consents for light industrial use. The building works are due for completion in June/July 2003. Caban Cyf.
will lease this building and manage the site to provide the following facilities: 10-12 work units, a high quality cafe/restaurant, a retail outlet, a
business support facility,a vareity of arts/bisiness facilities available to the local community, a multi-purpose room to host meetings, conferences
and educational classes, and exhibition space. A major philosophy behind the project is the belief that the future success of the concept lies in
integrating traditionally disunited facets of the community with economic development. These include the arts, crafts, business enterprise,
technology, tourism, culture, agriculture and environment.
5 4 Cadwyn Clwyd Denbighshire Rural Network £150,000 55274 18/02/2004 £300,000
This project will support community-led and bottom-up actions to create an integrated network focused on rural villages in Denbighshire with the
overall aim of enhancing the local economy. This innovative project will enable local communities to sympathetically exploit their natural
environment and heritage with the aim of achieving productivity and viability. The project will be implemented on a community level with four
area-based Community Action Groups operating at the grass-root level in the Dee Valley, Hiraethog, Clwydian Range and the Vale of Clwyd. The
project will focus on: >facilitating access to services >ensuring protection and conservation of the rural heritage >encouraging tourist and craft
5 7
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Common Sustainable Management £87,105 55150 22/01/2004 £181,710
Caerphilly Common and mountain is a very important area of 'rural wedge' of the county from recreational, landscape and biodiversity points of
view which is not being managed at present. This project aims to build on the findings of a study undertaken which identified 6 primary elements
of intervention:- Agriculture - To bring parts of the common back to agricultural use Recreation - To develop the recreational use of the common
in a co-ordinated fashion, building upon high levels of usage. Ecology - To protect and enhance both species and habitats identified within the
Species Action Plan and Local Biodiversity Action Plan through sensitive management. Anti-social behaviour - To reduce this, particularly in terms
of litter reduction Landscape - To manage key sites Voluntary sector - The active involvement of a large volunteer base through the Caerphilly
Woodlands Trust.
5 7
Caerphilly County Borough
Tir Cyffredin i Bobl Gyffredin £139,136 55860 23/11/2004 £278,272
The aim of this project is to provide active management for ten areas of common land that are under pressure from a variety of different issues.
These commons are an important feature of the countryside in terms of landscape, biodiversity, agriculture and public recreation value. This is
being threatened by lack of management and anti - social behaviour. These issues need to be addressed to safeguard and enhance the commons
as rural assets.
5 7
Caerphilly County Borough
Beefing Up Aberbargoed's Butterflies £184,514 55856 23/05/2005 £382,828
This project will protect and enhance the Aberbargoed Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC), which is
the most important nature conservation site in Caerphilly county borough and is of national and European significance. The site is a key habitat
for the Marsh Fritillary Butterfly, a UK and European protected species, and for its purple moorgrass and rush pasture, a habitat of UK and
European importance, and therefore the project will contribute to both the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and Natura 2000 series as advocated by
priority 5 Measure 7.
5 7
Caerphilly County Borough
Control Of Invasive Plant Species £82,278 55850 28/04/2005 £165,957
The purpose of this project is essentially environmental protection. The project seeks to address the issue of invasive plant species and in
particular control the incidence of colonisation onto agricultural land. This would be done through a series of treatment projects and educational
initiatives, led by a dedicated officer. The species targeted would be Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Ragwort and possibly Giant
Hogweed with the emphasis being on Japanese Knotweed as this is the species that is generally causing the most immediate and potential
problems within the County Borough.
5 4
Caerphilly County Borough
Cwmcarn Rural Heritage Links £93,000 55068 15/01/2004 £186,000
The project is a cohesive package of improvements that have been proposed by the Cwmcarn Tenants and Residents Association as part of an
on-going partnership working in the village involving a variety of agencies and sections of Caerphilly County Borough Council. This community
capacity Building will be acheived through the conservation and reinforcement of local heritage and culture. The project will provide the means
to encourage visitors into the village and will improve the potential economic links between the local community and the forest drive site. The
quality of recreational opportunities will be improved for both local people and visitors, adding value to the forest drive attraction.
5 7
Caerphilly County Borough
Renovation and Management of Countryside Boundaries £213,000 54816 05/08/2003 £426,000
Caerphilly CBC commissioned a study to assess traditional boundaries in the area. The study shows that due to a lack of management many
hedges and dry stone walls are in need of restoration to return them to functional use, improve their appearance for both visitors and local
people and to promote biodiversity. The project will build on the findings of the study by renovating the boundaries that have been identified as
having the greatest potential benefit. It will create/renovate approximately 10 Kms of traditional boundary using existing local styles to reinforce
the landscape heritage.
5 7
Caerphilly County Borough
CAERPHILLY COMMON STUDY £6,000 52803 27/03/2002 £12,000
The project is for a study to be undertaken into management of Caerphilly Mountain into management of the common and surrounding lands to
ascertain the best way forward for agriculture, leisure use and biodiversity protection and enhancement.
5 2 Cardiff University
Biomass Crops Knowledge Transfer Project - Field to
£280,326 57362 06/06/2006 £373,768
This project aims, via demonstrations, open days, and written media, to transfer knowledge about the husbandry of biomass crops from the field
to farmer, based on both this project and one and a half decades of our research.
5 4
Carmarthenshire County
Sustainability in Practice £60,000 53695 28/03/2002 £122,671
The project relates to the appointment of a "Sustainability Officer" and aims to accelerate the building of a sustainable way of life in
Carmarthenshire. This post will be based with Carmarthenshire County Council. The project aims to provide guidance on integrating sustainable
development and to appraise policies, plans and activities of community groups and SMEs to ensure that they reflect appropriate sustainability
principles. Research tasks will be undertaken and information obtained as required in support of the Forum for the Future Local and Regional
5 4
Carmarthenshire County
Phase 1 Rural Services & Thematic Fund £525,000 54121 09/09/2002 £1,219,706
Within the framework of the 'sustainable village model', a framework and action plan produced by Grwp Cefn Gwlad, this project aims to : 1. add
value to and develop basic services 2. enhance villages by developing locally owned and identified unique themes 3. initate, support and
financially contribute to the development of rural services and thematic projects in non-priority 3 wards in Carmarthenshire.
5 4
Carmarthenshire County
PARTNERSHIP FOR COMMUNITY ACTION (PACT) £900,000 55796 04/10/2004 £3,299,900
The aim of the project is to deliver a Community Action Fund (CAF) for community groups and organisations within the P5 areas of
Carmarthenshire. It will add value to existing structures to provide a simplified way for communities to get involved in developing and delivering
their projects that address the economic, social and environmental problems.
5 4 Ceredigion County Council Ysbryd y Mwynwyr - Spirit of the Miners £149,000 56449 25/11/2004 £464,000
This project sets out to use the considerable legacy of metal mining in the Ceredigion Uplands as a theme for regeneration - resulting in renewed
awareness and pride in the history of the area, its landscapes and built heritage - and giving the opportunity of increased prosperity gained from
tourism. A dedicated Project Officer will have the responsability of working with local communities & businesses, developing potential projects
within the mining heritage brand concept.
5 7 City and County of Swansea CAPITALISING SWANSEA'S NATURAL ASSETS £320,800 52838 24/09/2002 £641,601
The main beneficiaries are:- Local communities will benefit from an improved quality of life, with consequential indirect benefits from sustained
or increases from tourism in the area. All members of all wards Environmental planning and implementation will be made available to all
members of the community. Informed recreation and enjoyment of the countryside, involvement in practical conservation work, Environmental
skills training and awareness and for sustainable tourism initiatives. This initiative will promote the sustainable management and public
enjoyment of Swansea's natural environment, with a wealth of wildlife habitats and attractive landscapes which make it special place for local
people and visitors to the area. The project aims to protect and enhance the environmental assets of the country.
5 4
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Rural Key Fund £200,877 54029 11/09/2002 £401,754
The project will establish and administer a Rural Key Fund offering grants for community led schemes focussing on improving access to and
range of services, enhancing the physical environment of villages and expanding the range of employment opportunities.
5 7
Conwy County Borough
Biodiversity Action Plan (phase 1) £31,310 52593 27/03/2002 £62,620
The main beneficiaries are:- Farmers and landowners. Local environment. Everyone living, working and providing employment in Conwy. Local
communities environment. The project has three principle aims: - The project aims to sustain and enhance Conwy's biodiversity, on farms and
elsewhere, through a series of practical projects. In order to achieve this aim successfully, two secondary aims will support the main aim. - The
first is to improve awareness of biodiversity issues among farmers and landowners and within local communities. - The second is to improve the
knowledge base of Conwy's biodiversity in order to help focus priorities for such action.
5 7
Conwy County Borough
Biodiversity and Landscape Grant for Conwy £68,250 52598 27/03/2002 £311,500
The main beneficiaries are:- Farmers and landowners Local environment Grants will be awarded for individual small-scale projects, the purpose
of which is to improve the management of targeted landscape features and natural habitats. Such targets will include hedgerows, dry stone
walls, degraded riparian habitats, removal of alien and invasive species and the planting of small groups of native trees, as well as management
of those sights identified as Wildlife sites or as a priority within Conwy Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
5 7
Conwy County Borough
Hiraethog Dev and Mgt Project £9,000 52600 27/03/2002 £18,000
The project seeks to develop a strategy for the Hiraethog area which will address the local issues of biodiversity, landscape, waste management,
sustainable energy and access in the context of agricultural diversification and green tourism. The project is in effect a phase 1 of the overall
scheme. Phase 2 will compromise the implementation of the strategy and Action Plan, for which further funding will be sought.
5 3
Conwy County Borough
Coed Conwy (phase 1) £14,001 52699 27/03/2002 £39,000
The project involves the development of a database for all broadleaved and mixed woodlands in Conwy, linked to GIS. The analysis of this will
used to strengthen the links between woodland management and timber use through promoting and supporting local timber initiatives /
co-operatives, particularly through development and support of storage and processing facilities. A pilot scheme, collating data for three
communities within Conwy, has already been completed, and was part-funded by LEADER II. This proposal seeks to extend the survey to the
whole of Conwy area, complete the analysis of the data, and produce firm recommendations in the form of an action plan for implementation. A
project officer will be appointed.
5 7
Conwy County Borough
Conwy LBAP Implementation Scheme £160,000 55272 07/10/2004 £320,000
The aims of the project are to support the implementation of the Objective 1 funded feasibility study A Biodiversity Action Plan for Conwy. The
project will support the work and administration of the LBAP partnership including the implementation of practical biodiversity projects. Projects
will be based on the contribution they make to the objectives and targets set in the Conwy LBAP. The project will target action identified in
individual habitat and species action plans, especially where these occur on local Wildlife Sites or Local Nature Reserves, as well as cross -
cutting action such as awareness raising and accessibility to biodiversity. It is not a grant project.
5 7
Conwy County Borough
Biodiversity and Landscape Grant for Conwy (Stage 2) £180,000 55297 07/10/2004 £360,000
The project will continue the work of the Objective 1 funded project Biodiversity and Landscape Grant for Conwy for a further three years. The
aim of the project is to complement Tir Gofal with a system of grant aid to farmers and other landowners within Conwy County Borough
(excluding Snowdonia National Park). Grants will be awarded for individual small-scale projects, the purpose of which is to improve the
management of targeted landscape features and natural habitats. Such targets will include hedgerows, dry stone walls, degraded riparian
habitats, removal of alien and invasive species and the planting of small groups of native trees. The project received an enhancement in October
2007 (£15,000 EAGGF, £30,000 TPC), enabling it to fund a further 20 projects from its reserve list.
5 4
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Rural Development Centre £366,916 55528 19/01/2005 £862,733
The main aim of the project is to provide the resources to further develop and promote the rural economy of Conwy County. The Rural
Development Centre will provide a facility for the provision and coordination of a range of business support, training providers and information
sources for the rural community in one place. It will provide an opportunity for often disconnected, rural businesses to come together and
develop their business directly through using the centre for activities such as marketing, promotion, meetings and events. It will also provide an
opportunity to promote and demonstrate innovation and the use of latest technology to the rural community and provide and coordinate training
and learning opportunities in response to local needs The project will also result in the redevelopment of a now derelict brick built cinema
building in a prominent location in Llanrwst. .
5 4
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Rural Key Fund - Phase II £150,000 55515 19/04/2004 £300,000
The Key Fund will continue to support community led projects which fall within the following three themes: 1. Improving access to basic and
mainstream services. To include: Community shops, child and elder care initiatives, community transport schemes, education & training, business
advice, promotion of entrepreneurial activity, ICT initiatives, youth based activities. 2. Renovation and development of villages and the protection
and conservation of rural heritage and culture. 3. Development of tourism and craft based activities to enhance contribution to local economy.
5 7
Conwy County Borough
Hiraethog Conservation and Landscape Project £318,205 55041 19/12/2003 £636,410
The aim of the project is to effectively enhance and promote the natural assets of the Hiraethog area, and to support the development of the local
economy in doing so. The project will: Enhance the landscape quality of the area through a grant scheme aimed at renovation of prominent
traditional farm buildings Enhance the biodiversity of the area through schemes aimed at improving the quality of breeding habitat for Black
Grouse and Lapwing Interpret and raise awareness of countryside and environmental issues in the area, specifically through the employment of
an education ranger, including advice and assistance to educational and specialist interest groups visiting the area Promote the area and its
assets (including the facilities and infrastructure to be developed under the parallel 5.8 project) through the production of both a promotional
website and a promotional brochure for the area.
5 4 Corris Caverns Limited Corris Craft Centre Development £148,296 55527 21/05/2004 £402,417
The aim of the project is to diversify the economic base in Corris and aid economic regeneration in this small rural community by developing
additional craft workshops at Corris Craft Centre, by improving the community facilities and historic interpretation at the Craft Centre. The project
will generate 7 FTE jobs, provide high quality premises for 4 new craft businesses and improve the quality of the visitor experience in the wider
Corris community by the interpretation of the slate mining history of the area. It will provide better car parking for the developing Slate Path
network, for the proposed community cycle route and for events in the village and at the Corris Railway.
5 7
Countryside Council for
Nature Reserves Work £1,155,276 55410 02/12/2003 £2,397,573
The project aims to improve the management of countryside access, protect the environment and promote enjoyment and interest of the public in
the Welsh countryside. The project will promote and be an example of environmental best practice in countryside management, promoting
sustainable development with respect to resoucres used, local sourcing of labour and goods etc. The activities will take place at Nature Reserves,
all of which are SSSI's and many are SAC's.
5 7
Countryside Council for
Project Phoenix - Landscape and Nature Conservation in the
21st Century
£1,399,049 55833 01/12/2004 £3,181,140
This project will be an example of environmental best practice in management of the countryside. It will consist of land management, access
management and resource management projects and will promote energy efficiency and conservation measures as well as pollution and waste
management measures. The project will promote sustainability with respect to resource use and local sourcing of labour.
5 7
Countryside Council for
Waliau Cerrig Sych £487,319 56640 25/11/2004 £974,641
The project will fund the creation and restoration of 54km of dry stone walls on Tir Gofal farms in the Objective 1 Area contributing directly to
the target for 1,000 km of traditional boundary created or restored.
5 4 Curiad Caron Cwm Brefi Electrification Project £139,023 54341 02/12/2002 £294,823
The project aims to secure a sustainable future for a rural and peripheral community by providing mains electricity where none exists at present.
The project will deliver the basic service of electricity to a community of eleven properties in the valley of Cwm Brefi. The aims and objectives
are the modernisation of the Cwm Brefi community through the supply of electricity, enabling the valley's population to take advantage of the
access to ICTcreating the potential for existing small businesses to expand and the encouragement for new ones to start, particularly in the
tourism and craft sectors.
5 4 Cwmni Gwynant Cyf CAPEL BETHANIA NANTGWYNANT £136,031 55375 19/02/2004 £276,813
This project will develop a disused building for use by new sustainable small businesses, in order to extend economic and social opportunities
for the rural community of Nant Gwynant and the surrounding area in Snowdonia. The project will include the provision of : > bilingual
information about the area, its produce and services > a community meeting place > office space > improved services for open-air enthusiasts -
meeting place, refreshment point & information centre > ICT facilities
5 4 Cwmni Siamas Cyf
Ty Siamas - Centre for Cultural Tourism and Music
Enterprises [Phase1]
£435,589 55847 20/11/2005 £1,244,542
The aim of this project is to establish and maintain a Centre to promote and present Welsh Traditional music to local inhabitants, to visitors to
the area, to Wales and to the wider world.
5 7 Cymad Cadw'r Lliw Yn Llyn £247,501 55005 06/01/2004 £497,142
Cadw'r lLiw yn Llyn is a project with the aim of protecting important wildlife on the Llyn Peninsula and of raising awareness, interest and creating
opportunities for the enjoyment and understanding of these habitats as essential components of the landscape.
5 7 Cymad Prosiect Amgylcheddol Uwchgwyrfai £180,583 54966 06/01/2004 £363,366
Environmental Project to add value to Common Land and add natural resources against wildlife, agriculture, education, tourism and leisure.
5 7 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Natur Gwynedd Implementation Project £360,835 55830 28/02/2005 £799,345
The project will specifically deliver actions that meet objectives and targets that have been set out in Natur Gwynedd and agreed by the LBAP
Partnership. In so doing, it will enhance the area's natural environment and landscapes, which are acknowledged in Regional and Local Strategies
as being a key resource and a vital economic asset to this part of North West Wales. Overall, the project will contribute to the long term
economic viability of Gwynedd.
5 4 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Cronfa Wledig £450,000 55786 19/10/2004 £900,000
The main purpose of the Gwynedd Rural Fund will be to develop the capacity of community groups and enterprises to access mainstream funding
and gain access to Objective 1 assistance. Communities will be given the opportunity to develop community economic projects that will increase
local confidence and capacity, enhance local economies, improve local environments and pride and increase employability.
5 4 Denbighshire County Council Plas Newydd MAIDS Project £29,800 55360 24/11/2004 £74,500
This project will restore Plas Newydd which is a grade II listed building set in historic landscape owned by Denbighshire County Council. It will
enchance this important visitor attraction, improve facilities. creating a studio and showcase for craft and artistic work and a venue for events.
5 7 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Countryside Grant Scheme - Phase II £105,000 55345 17/01/2005 £405,000
The scheme will create a more biologically diverse countryside by restoring a range of habitats. Priority will be given to those habitats and
species within the Denbighshire Local Biodivesity Action Plan (LBAP). It will benefit both farmers and the wider community by conserving and
enhancing the countryside and by providing opportunities for farmers to acquire skills and knowledge. This project which follows on from similar
Objective 5b and Objective 1 funded schemes will grant aid farmers and landowners to undertake restoration and wildlife conservation projects.
It will safeguard existing jobs in the rural skills sector and create new job opportunities.
5 4 Denbighshire County Council
ENCHANT - Enhancing Nant Clwyd House To Advance Niche
£213,582 55340 02/06/2004 £754,973
The aim of this project is to create a new visitor attraction in Ruthin. It involves the conversion of Nant Clwyd House, which is a grade 1 town
house dating from medieval, Tudor and Stuart periods lying within the important conversation area of Ruthin as well as improvements to its
garden. The attraction will be an interpretation scheme, utilising Ruthin's rich cultural, historical and architectural heritage as a means of
increasing visitor numbers and spend and contributing towards economic growth. The building is currently unused and is owned by the local
authority. The project will involve the refurbishment of the building with appropriate materials and new mechanical and electrical systems in
order for this historic building to be brought into productive use. Consideration will need to be given to ensure that these modern features will
be absorbed into the historic and architectural fabric of the building.
5 7 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Countryside Grant Scheme £59,435 52666 27/03/2002 £238,870
Financials beneficiaries:- farmers/landowners, small businesses Denbighshire has a diverse and attractive countryside. Much of this is farmland
characterised by a wide variety of traditional landscape and conservation features, most notably small broadleaved woodlands, hedges and
hedgerow trees filed ponds, scrub and unimproved grassland. This project will grant aid farmers and landowners to undertake such landscape
and wildlife conservation projects. Is also intends to complement other countryside management grant schemes. In particular it aims to assist
those projects which fall through the nets of other schemes e.g. the planting of individual hedgerow and parkland trees on areas up to 0.25
hectare. The scheme will be managed by Denbighshire County Council in Ruthin. Advice and guidance will be from specialist countryside
management staff most notably the Principal Countryside Officer and the County Ecologist.
5 4 Denbighshire County Council
DAPPER-Denbigh And Prestatyn Project Encouraging
£144,000 53571 20/03/2002 £288,000
The project will enable partnerships of SMEs in the two rural communities of Denbigh and Prestatyn and their hinterlands to identify market
opportunities which will support sustainable development and to implement strategies accordingly. Specifically, this will involve the appointment
of a champion in each community who will assist the partnerships to undertake market research, implement joint promotional activities and
events, provide equipment to produce quality supporting literature, work to remove obstacles to economic growth and facilitate programmes for
the conservation of the built environment. ICT will be used widely to provide information about activities and services which are of particular
benefit to peripheral communities and disadvantaged groups. Research into the provision of CCTV with appropriate technical support will be
undertaken to assist in the economic regeneration of the communities and to ensure personal safety.
5 4
Eastern Valley Housing
Church View Re-Development, Blaenavon £110,000 54233 13/12/2002 £428,521
Aim is to create a "one-stop-shop" for the voluintary sector in North Torfaen
5 3 Forestry Commission The Meirionnydd Oakwoods Habitat Management Project £1,111,673 55510 31/03/2004 £2,240,974
The Aim of the project is to combine a healthy, well-managed environment with economic productivity and viability by managing the special,
unique and threatened character of Meirionnydd's internationally important oakwoods sustainable for the benefit of the public, the local economy,
biodiversity, and the landscape. The principal objectives of the project and actions to be taken are to: * To protect and enhance the
environmental assets of Meirionnydd * To maintain and improve the biodiversity value of these woodland, many of which are potential Natura
2000 sites * To involve local communities in the long-term management of their local woods * Create potential for sustainable long-term
employment for local people * To improve public access in order to raise awareness, to increase enjoyment of the natural and cultural heritage of
the region and ecology generally * To enhance the public's understanding and appreciation of the value of these woodland and the habitats
within them * To provide increased opportunities for wildlife watching, including provision of such amenities as a bird hide, public open days for
explaining bat and dormice habitats and management, and demonstrations of lime kiln operation
5 3 Forestry Commission Cydcoed - Woods For All - Phase 2 £4,210,077 54301 30/01/2003 £13,696,964
Cydcoed is a grant programme that gives 100% funding to help people make better use of woodlands for jobs, economic regeneration, social
inclusion, recreation and conservation. The project will give grants to local community groups to cover actual costs associated with the delivery
of new projects defined by contracts between the Forestry Commission and the local group. Cyd coed project officers will work with local
community groups and other partners to produce bids for funding and to deliver the projects as defined.
5 3 Forestry Commission Shelterwoods £198,560 52730 27/03/2002 £822,026
This project aims to encourage the creation of new woodlands on farms, specially designed to complement agriculture by providing shelter from
wind. These shelterwoods would also be designed to improve the landscape as well as provide valuable habitats and important links between
fragments of remaining woodlands.
5 3 Forestry Commission Cyd Coed £1,714,500 52732 27/03/2002 £4,573,500
Cyd Coed is a grant scheme that has two key areas; communities that are recognised by the Welsh Assembly's Index of Multiple Deprivation as
being the most deprived in Wales, and communities where population has no access to community green space for relaxation and exercise. The
themes of the grant scheme are to provide green woodland space for communities, making green woodland space more accessible for
communities and community involvement in sustainable development around woodlands. Financial beneficiaries:- disadvantaged communities.
5 3 Forestry Commission Managing the Assembly Forest Estate for Public Benefit £3,331,183 55445 04/12/2003 £7,864,958
This project is about the delivery of public benefits on the Assembly forest estate, which is managed by Forest Management Agency (FMA). The
projects described in this application are outside the core area of works undertaken by the FMA. This project is about the conservation,
recreation, heritage and community projects and works undertaken by the Agency as it seeks to deliver the objectives of the Assembly Wales
Woodland Strategy.
5 3 Forestry Commission
Reclaiming our forgotten inheritance - the race to save
Wales's hidden woodland treasures
£1,059,586 55637 11/04/2005 £2,370,267
This project will achieve a decisive step forward by restoring Planted Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) in the private and public sectors. A new
partnership comprising the Forestry Commission Wales (FCW), Coed Cadw (the Woodland Trust) and the Forestry and Timber Association (FTA)
have developed the project. It will change the character of these 70 woods and the direction of their future development away from
unsustainable densely shaded plantations with degraded conservation value, towards more diverse and attractive mixed woodland of high
conservation value and with the potential for some sustainable timber production.
5 3 Forestry Commission Better Woodlands for Wales £464,858 55946 11/04/2005 £1,167,397
Better Woodlands for Wales will grant-aid the preparation of long-term Management Plans for privately-owned woodland, thus providing a new
and innovative approach for supporting effective woodland management. Management plans will assess the unique qualities, needs and
opportunities of each woodland, identifying the range of management needs and map out a medium and long-term timetable for their delivery.
5 7 Forestry Commission South Wales Valleys Forest Improvements Phase 2 £400,000 54989 12/01/2004 £1,154,945
The aim of the project is to enhance the Forest and woodland resources in the South Wales valleys through a programme of environmental
improvements and improved access facilities to provide greater benefits to local people and visitors especially in relation to informal recreation,
health, community safety and tourism.
5 7 Forestry Commission Wales South Wales Valleys Forest Improvements £120,000 54316 24/09/2002 £352,500
Environmental improvements on sites in Industrial South Wales and a former industrial site in Carmarthenshire. The improvements will include:
Landscaping, thinning of trees and removal of undergrowth, planting and seeding Improving accessibility by improved signage and entrance
roads, improvements to paths and access roads by drainage measures and surfacing, including some suitable access for all Clearing up of burnt
cars and flytipped material Preventative measures to stop future vehicle trespass through construction of bunds and erection of fencing that fits
sympathetically into the landscape Installation of site furniture, fencing and signage The overall benefits will be environmental, social and
5 2
Forestry Contracting
WALES FORESTRY FUTURE £317,600 53815 27/03/2002 £793,979
This project aims to assist 100 small and medium forestry-contracting enterprises to increase their business competitiveness and become a more
sustainable part of the rural economy.
5 7
Gelligaer and Merthyr
Commoners Association
Sustainable Management for Gelligaer & Merthyr Common £110,445 55862 25/05/2005 £220,890
This comprehensive management aims to enhance and protect the common in the following areas: Landscape - the common covers a large and
prominent part of the landscape and the project will improve its visual quality. Biodiversity - the project will include measures that aim to
directly enhance and safeguard a variety of habitats and species that are found on the common. Agricultural viability - the common is an
important grazing resource and a number of activities will be undertaken that will benefit local farming as a whole. Animal welfare - the project
aims to address a number of key issues that are detrimental to the safety and welfare of livestock on the common. Public access and enjoyment -
the project aims to add value to the important function of open-air recreation that the common provides. Historical and archaeological features -
all activities will take account of the aim to preserve and protect such features.
5 4 Gower Heritage Centre Woollen Mill Project £100,000 56833 31/03/2006 £350,000
The aim of the project is to revive the craft of the traditional weaving, using the existing Workshops and facilities at the Gower Heritage Centre,
together with the restoration of some unique weaving equipment that was rescued by the City & County from an ancient Woollen Mill known as
the Abbey Woollen Mill that was originally based in Neath and was closed down in 1974.
5 4
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Caerphilly Key Fund for Rural Communities £189,000 56593 23/08/2005 £378,000
This Key fund proposal will complement the Key fund for Community Planning funded out of Priority 3 Measue 3 and the Caerphilly Rural
regeneration Key fund that is being submitted under Priority 5 Measure 6. The project will support capital and revenue-funded projects from the
nine spatially targeted communities in accordance with State Aid regulations. The project will involve: - Provision of a fund for bids by
locally-based groups helping to develop the community plan (often with the support of GAVO's 'LASTING' development officers) enabling them to
develop their ideas and take community developed initiatives forward. - Three bidding rounds per annum, with awards determined jointly by
5 5 Hybu Cig Cymru The Welsh Beef Quality Improvement Project £1,346,420 56615 10/08/2005 £2,240,300
The main aim of this project is to equip participating farmers with the necessary skills to utilise best practice in improving animal welfare and
hygiene and breeding improvement to optimise their efficiency leading to improved meat quality. The Welsh Beef Quality Improvement Project
will be open to eligible pedigree and commercial beef breeders. Those selected to participate will commit to completing a bespoke training
programme covering both animal health management and breed improvement.
5 2 LANTRA Sector Skills Council Farming Connect - Skills Development £790,630 54721 20/10/2003 £1,054,175
The aim of the project is to provide up-skilling and re-skilling for farming families, and those with direct links to the agricultural sector, through
local delivery or distance learning, in response to needs identified in the SkillCheck element of the Farming Connect Business Review process. To
provide training needs analysis and up-skilling for farming families and those with direct links to the agricultural sector, who are not involved in
the Farming Connect Review process. The project will undertake or draw on training needs. Individuals will then be directed to a range of
potential providers, and receive support of up to 50% of the costs of that training.
5 4
Llangyfelach Parish Parochial
Church Council
Llangyfelach Church Hall £52,798 55839 31/10/2005 £104,000
The aim of the project is to enhance the facilities and physical environment of the Church Hall in Llangyfelach. It will encourage the widest
possible participation in Community activities, and provide additional facilities, particularly to develop use of the Hall by youth organisations.
The hall is currently used by several community groups such as the Womens Institute, Brownies, Youth club, Welsh Medium Playgroup and an
aromatherapy group. The University of Wales, Swansea use it for Welsh language classes.
5 7 Menter Mon Moncynefin 2 £568,541 55047 24/09/2003 £1,137,082
To extend Moncynefin 1 into a Phase 2, projects will focus on BAP habitats identified in the Anglesey CC Biodiversity Action Plan. The objective
will be to combine habitat enhancements and species conservation with access to a well conserved natural environment
5 4 Menter Mon MONWLEDIG £699,996 53275 25/03/2002 £1,886,496
1.Interventions to improve and integrate village based services to the community 2.The thematic branding and marketing of rural villages. 3. A
programme of village environmental enhancements linked to heritage and tourism amenity development. 4. Actions to promote niche, eco and
cultural tourism in the deeper rural areas. 5.The establishment of Intermediate Labour Markets to return economic activity to rural villages and
diversify employment prospects. 6. The provisions of language services to rural businesses and communities.
5 7 Menter Mon Moncynefin £413,549 52979 27/03/2002 £827,099
1. The development of an integrated network of community based and managed public access. 2. A range of habitat enhancement and restoration
projects. 3. Conservation of 3 UK Biodiversity Action Plan Species. 4. A range of natural environment interpretation action.
5 4
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr Tydfil Rural Key Fund £380,695 55378 28/10/2004 £761,394
The Merthyr Tydfil rural key fund will provide a flexible and accessible grant fund to community groups/ enterprises and voluntary organisations
wihtin the spatially targeted wards of Bedlinog, Plymouth and vaynor. The main objectives of the fund are : Renovation and development of
villages and the protection and conservation of the rural heritage and culture. Encouragement fro tourist and craft activities. To enhance
community-led basic services as well as community-led renovation and development of the local villages/settlements,
5 4
Narberth & District
Community & Sports
Bloomfield House Commuity Centre £123,000 55164 01/12/2003 £351,000
Mordenising, upgrading and extending centre, improve current services and life long learning opportunities and provide creche facility.
5 4
National Museums and
Galleries of Wales
Museum of the Welsh Woollen Industry Redevelopment -
Regeneration through Heritage
£350,000 53853 22/04/2002 £1,765,747
To redevelop a site of overwhelming importance to the cultural and industrial heritage of Carmarthenshire and Wales, increasing tourism and
providing a valuable economic driver for an isolated rural community. *Project Application received 02 January 2002
5 7 National Trust Wales
Nantgwynant Integrated Land Management Project - Phase
£2,220,226 53857 27/03/2002 £3,984,138
This project aims to control invasive species, provide landscape restoration, footpath creation and enhancement, provide a sustainable means of
controlling Rhododendron Ponticum in the long term, and sustain and create jobs within the environmental and tourism sectors.
5 7 National Trust Wales Nantgwynant Phase 1 £160,335 52731 27/03/2002 £348,169
Control of invasive species, archaeological survey to identify important archaeological and cultural historical sites in the area, countryside
enhancement, controlling grazing regimes in the sensitive upland area, undertaking preparatory work to establish a much needed short and long
term volunteer base within redundant buildings.
5 7 National Trust Wales Pembrokeshire's Environmental Heritage £100,323 55166 05/01/2004 £200,645
The project will enable improved management of the land owned by the National Trust in Pembrokeshire to help conserve endangered species
and habitats.
5 4 National Trust Wales Ganllwyd Village Regeneration £121,712 55203 30/12/2003 £243,424
Although a small village, Ganllwyd has a resourceful, energetic and enthusiastic community and the Village Hall, which is owned by the National
Trust and leased to the community, is the hub of the village. However the Hall has fallen into disrepair and the community has approached the
National Trust for help to restore the Hall.
5 7 National Trust Wales
Safeguarding Dinefwr Park's Unique Environmental
£2,925,696 55842 30/12/2004 £5,549,976
Dinefwr Park is hugely important for its biodiversity. It functions as a refuge for communities that have disappeared from the surrounding
intensively farmed landscape and therefore has a significance that extends beyond the boundaries of the property. This project will proactively
manage all the land within Dinefwr Park to sustain and encourage biodiversity, with particular emphasis on reversing the pressures of modern
farming methods on the newly acquired 91 hectares of Dynevor Home Farm.
5 7 National Trust Wales Bodnant Garden Environmental Improvement £868,642 55799 02/02/2005 £1,737,285
The purpose of the project is as follows: * To reduce pollution and siltation in local watercourses, including the Afon Hiraethlyn, caused by
agricultural water run - off, thereby improving natural habitats and consequent biodiversity. * Improve visitor facilities within the garden, which
is a key tourist attraction, thereby lengthening visitor stay and encouraging return visits. * Contribute to and strengthen the local economy. *
Meet local and regional strategies.
5 4 National Trust Wales Ysbyty Ifan Mill Project £231,282 54350 24/09/2002 £311,376
To restore a redundant building in the village - - restore the interior of a GRADE II listed building - convert the ground floor of the Mill into a NT
visitor centre with person counter - provide interpretation/exhibition - bi-lingual leaflets - raise awareness of tourist fascilities in the area - first
floor - display cabinets for wedding servies offered by Cwlwm - Market Cwlwm's servies through the world wide web - bring broad band network
to a rural area - encourage local businesses
5 4 National Trust Wales Aberdulais Falls Regeneration £797,898 56647 16/02/2005 £1,307,898
The project exactly meets the aim of Priority 5 and Measure 4 by helping secure a sustainable future for the community of Aberdulais and
surrounding communities through investing in the infrastructure of Aberdulais Falls, a key element of the social and industrial heritage of the
5 4
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire Community Buildings Fund. £507,680 55888 23/09/2004 £1,015,360
The purpose of the project is to establish a grant scheme to allow community groups and organisations to apply for funding to upgrade and
develop facilities at community buildings in Pembrokeshire. The project will renovate and develope community builings/facilities to accommodate
"basic services for the rural economy and population".
5 4
Pembrokeshire County
Pembroke Dock Heritage Lottery Grant Support £43,038 52835 20/05/2002 £86,076
The employment of a Project Officer who will be responsible for the implementation of the Townscape Heritage Initative for Haverfordwest town.
The Project Officer will promote the scheme in the community and respond to all grant queries - a total of £6 million is available for regeneration
through Conservation.
5 4
Pembrokeshire County
STEPASIDE HERITAGE PARK £154,396 53846 02/12/2002 £458,036
The aim of the project is to enhance an existing Heritage Visitor Site by preserving one of the most important heritage sites in Pembrokeshire,
allowing visitors to experience this aspect of Pembrokeshire,s industrial history. The project will improve the safety of the Ancient Monuments on
the site and provide information and interpretation for visitors. The enhancement at Stepaside Heritage Park will include development of a cycle
route to the Pembrokeshire Coast at Amroath and will link to the National Cycle Network.This will also provide a route for walkers, wheelchair
users and families with pushchairs.
5 4 Planed Supporting Communities £204,781 55251 18/12/2003 £479,982
The project aims to harness and develop the wealth of community skills, konwledge and ideas availablel in every rural community, thereby
building on the natural strengths of local people, enhancing their cultural and social way of life and the local environment through the
development of strategies and projects that address local needs.
5 4 Planed Bro Beca £29,830 54731 14/08/2003 £59,660
This project will fund two new part time posts, namely a Community Tourism Officer and a Development Officer, based in Narberth. The Officers
will: - assist in the development and interpretation of 'Rebecca' through engaging rural communities in historical research leading to local
heritage interpretation trails, etc. - stimulate economic activities through Rebecca associated community events, ferstivals, re-enactments - to
celebrate the culture, historic and archaelogical heritage. - identify and develop new walking/cycling trails, on the Rebecca theme and linked in to
theGreenways Initative -encourage new and safeguard existing guesthouses, tearooms, pubs, etc.
5 4 Planed
Shaping our Futures - Community Action for Sustainable
£150,000 56896 05/10/2005 £544,717
The project aims to assist communities implement projects identified through community action plans meeting Welsh Assembly Government,
Environment Wales and other sustainability criteria.
5 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Community Regeneration Fund - Rural Development £230,031 55382 18/04/2005 £460,062
The project will assist local rural communities and businesses in the spatially Targeted areas of measure 4 to contribute to the sustainable future
of their local communities. The project will operate as a Key Fund providing a mix of capital and revenue grants to community groups and SMEs
who have innovative and creative ideas in termsof raising economic activity rates through the development and adaptation of their local rural
communities. The fund will operate on an open bidding process with application being assessed against set criteria in line with the requirements
of the RCT Economic Regeneration Startegy supported by the requirements for the operation of EU Structural Funds
5 4
Rhossili Village Hall
RHOSSILI VILLAGE HALL EXTENSION £147,803 55838 20/03/2005 £295,606
The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable and maintainable venue which is welcoming, safe and user-friendly, accessible to all members
of the community, which can be self-sustaining over the next 50 years.
5 7 RSPB Cymru Aren't Welsh Birds Brilliant £2,085,404 54893 14/08/2003 £3,327,292
The project aims to conserve seven endangered bird species of Wales. They are Black Grouse and choughand 5 farmland bird species
-Yellowhammer, Tree Sparrow, Lapwing, Bullfinch, Grey Partridge. The project will also, where appropriate, support conservation action for
principal biodiversity and/or red/amber listed species.
5 7 RSPB Cymru RSPB Reserves Restoration and Recovery Project £90,730 52725 27/03/2002 £181,566
To improve the biodiversity of nine important sites for nature conservation with particular reference to priority and threatened species.
5 7 RSPB Cymru Chough Habitat Restoration Project £118,718 52728 27/03/2002 £242,143
The main aim is to stabilise the numbers of chough population in Wales currently 180 pairs and from there increase the population to around 200
pairs across c19 sites in the Objective 1 area.
5 4
Seiont, Gwyrfai & Llyfni
Anglers Society
MELIN Y CIM RURAL ENTERPRISE PILOT £102,754 54240 17/10/2002 £346,168
The project involves the renovation of the former mill 'Melin y Cim' located on the river Llyfni. The aim of the project is to improve the area's
tourism product, attract new markets to the area and create new employment opportunities. The renovation will provide much needed facilities
includes provision of a new tourism facility, overnight accomodation, meeting room and recreational area. The project will also help local
businesses to identify new opportunities and to take advantage of new markets.
5 7 Shared Earth Trust Ceredigion Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme £99,873 54294 25/11/2002 £208,069
The aim of the project is to help protect and sustain the natural environment across Ceredigion by enhancing biodiversity and the sustainable use
of its land and natural resources over pockets of land outside mainstream farming and excluded from national grant aid and environmental
advisory schemes. This will be obtained by plan and implementation biodiversity restoration over a network of 150 individual sites covering at
least 400 ha of primarily non-agricultural land in Ceredigion, as a first phase, 3 year project.
5 3 Small Woods Association Coed Lleol £92,872 54313 13/11/2002 £232,621
Two year programme to transfer highly successful proven Local Woods to Wales to restore the links between local communities and their local
woods. Produce a Local Woods Guide, Local Woods Experience Days, Regional Magazine, National Wood Festival.
5 7
Snowdonia National Park
Uplands Footpaths Partnership Erosion Control and Access
in Eryri
£3,214,299 53856 27/03/2002 £5,558,033
The project aims to promote sustainable management of the natural environment, and encourage a greater degree of integration in land use. This
project aims to improve and enhance visitor access to footpaths within Eryri which are suffering from severe erosion.
5 7
Snowdonia National Park
Rhaglen Rheoli Tir Eryri (Snowdonia Land Management
£2,564,500 54906 15/09/2003 £5,050,736
The project will be structured to deliver improvements in the natural environment, by assisting landowners to meet and undertake the objectives
and purposes of various environmental land based strategies and designations that are within the project area.
5 7
Snowdonia National Park
Eryri Landscape & Features (2000-2004) £854,204 56598 19/11/2004 £1,708,408
The purpose of the programme is to offer capital grant aid within the project area to promote improvements in the landscape, heritage,
biodiversity and access opportunities within the area and thus promoting National Park purposes. The programme will deliver the aims of the
priority and measure, by contributing significantly to "protection and enhancement" of Snowdonia's special qualities.
5 4 SPAN Arts Ltd Span Development Project £36,041 54144 04/10/2002 £76,479
To develop and deliver a series of cultural workshops and arts projects within Pembrokeshire, promoting local economic development, an
improvement in local cultural activity and increase the skills base.
5 4 SPARC Support & Development of Quality Niche Tourism £60,843 52839 22/04/2002 £121,687
The employment of Officer(s) to develop and encourage new opportunities for sustainable. all year round, heritage and inclusive quality tourism
in Pembrokeshire.
5 4 SPARC Supporting Communities £154,068 52841 10/06/2002 £308,137
Capacity building within communities leading to specific projects with a village hall upgrade and heritage focus.
5 4
Swansea & Brecon Diocesan
Trust - Llewellyn Hall
Llewelyn Hall, Penllergaer £169,439 56834 17/06/2005 £440,037
To replace an existing building that is outdated and in poor condition and to construct a new, safe purpose-built unit which will provide and
sustain a community facility for the village of Penllergaer and surrounding areas. To improve the quality of life of local people from all age
groups, in particular, those who are socially and economically disadvantaged. It will continue to provide a meeting place and facilities for a wide
range of community activities eg Welsh learing, pre-school playgroups (Meithrin), Life-long learning, youth groups, recreation facilities, senior
citizens, Tenovus etc.
5 4 The Template Foundation Waunifor Educational Holidays and Creativity Centre £112,110 55133 06/02/2004 £351,898
To construct a multi purpose centre to be used for events, concerts and courses by the local community
5 3
Torfaen County Borough
TORFAEN COMMUNITY WOODLANDS £131,985 52823 27/03/2002 £337,213
The main beneficiaries are:- Vocational placements for people on woodland management programmes Unemployed in communities. Women
involved in woodland management programmes and in the forestry industry. Development for the whole of Torfaen as it develops woodlands into
community resources on a Country wide basis. To bring woodlands of Torfaen into active, sustainable management, ensuring they reach their
potential in delivering economic environment and social outputs. The project will employ a co-ordinating officer and new deal supervisor to
provide vocation placements for local unemployed and educate them in best practices in woodland management. Scheme supports woodland
based and woodland related business by developing supply chain relationships and promoting local added value initiatives for timber products
and creating additional local employment. Encourages use of wood for heat and power by creating markets for low value forest products,
promoting clean, green energy.
5 4 Urdd Gobaith Cymru Llangrannog Heritage Centre £424,590 53866 02/09/2002 £1,459,442
The aim is to renovate a disused farmhouse and out houses located at the main entrance of the Urdd's Gwersyll in Llangrannog into a
contemporary and sustainable Heritage Centre along with associated ancillary works such as landscaping and car parking. The project forms part
of a phased re-development of Gwersyll yr Urdd in LLangrannog as an all-weather, year round facility.
5 4 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
(NST) Farming Connect Farm Business Development Plans
Phase 2
£1,282,722 55052 19/11/2003 £2,946,450
The overall aim of Farming Connect is to assist the farming industry in Wales by working with farm businesses to improve farm profitability, and
in turn help secure the long term viability of the family farming unit. This project seeks to build on phase I of Farming Connect by providing a
comprehensive package of advice and support for farm businesses to enable them to assess evaluate and plan a future strategy for the business.
The advice in this project is driven mainly through a consultancy programme, offering up to 5 days of support for businesses to enable them to
effectively plan the farming business, and evaluate the full potential for the business through a range of connected support schemes. This
includes environmental management schemes, specialist technical advice and information programmes, cost management programmes, capital
grants programmes, mainstream business support programmes where appropriate, etc. As well as the generic business support programme
delivered through the Farm Business Development Plan, this project offers an additional 1-day technical advice package, to enable farmers to
access specialist advice pertaining to the area of the business requiring specific attention.
5 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Farming Connect £2,037,100 53434 27/03/2002 £4,074,200
Main Beneficiaries:- Farm Enterprises Members of farming families Employees of farm enterprises The rural economy surrounding the farming
families The overall aim of the project is to provide a resource base that contributes towards the development of Farming Connect that aims to
develop a co-ordinated access service to relevant training, advice and information related to the farm business. The service will also provide
access to a farm investment grant mechanism that allows for farm improvement and diversification of activities.
5 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) TIMBER £232,435 53515 27/03/2002 £1,206,259
Main beneficiaries include:- SMEs working in the processing sectors of the timber industry; research & development arms of acade,oc & trade
institutions; indirectly support the rural communities. This project aims to stabilise and stimulate growth in the timber processing sector in the
Objective 1 area. Direct support will take the form of:- - Business/technical diagnostic reviews; - Grant aid for equipment or specialist
expertise/services; - Networking events & workshops. Provide support primarily to individual businesses, not sectors or groups.
5 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Farming Connect Knowledge Transfer Phase 2 £3,698,400 55017 29/09/2003 £4,931,200
To manage a farmer-centred service in Wales that provides a co-ordinated access to lifelong learning opportunities, advice and information
offered by the public and private sector provide farmers in Wales. Access to a capital and revenue grant mechanism linked to business planning
advice to enable investment that contributes towards long term business viability through new technology or new ventures.
5 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Farming Connect Knowledge Transfer Projects Fund £771,099 56132 15/08/2005 £1,028,132
The purpose of the project is to provide targeted resources for the development and delivery of specific activities aimed at improving the
capability of farm businesses to adapt to the changing needs of the agricultural industry, and the evolving market and support climate within
which it currently operates.
5 4 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
(NST) Farming Connect - Farm Business Development Plans
Phase 1
£1,398,500 55230 23/03/2004 £2,797,000
This project seeks to provide a comprehensive package of advice and support for farm businesses to enable them to assess, evaluate and plan a
future strategy for the business. The advice in this project is driven mainly through a consultancy programme, offering up to 5 days of support
for businesses to enable them to effectively plan the farming business, and evaluate the full potential for the business through a range of
connected support schemes. This includes environmental management schemes, specialist technical advice and information programmes, cost
management programmes, capital grant programmes, mainstream business support programmes where appropriate etc. As well as the generic
business support programme delivered through the FBDP, this project offers an additional 1 day technical advice package, to enable farmers to
access specialist advice pertaining to the area of the business requiring specific attention.
5 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Farming Connect Projects Fund £458,403 56635 30/11/2004 £611,204
The purpose of the project is to provide targeted resources for the development and delivery of specific activities aimed at improving the
capability of farm businesses to adapt to the changing needs of the agricultural industry, and the evolving market and support climate within
which it currently operates. The project will be central to the delivery of the programme complement for Priority 5 Measure 2, and is linked
closely to the delivery of Farming Connect, targeting three key areas of market led production, and improved business efficiency in a changing
operating environment.
5 4 WAG - DEIN (WTB)
(NST) Farm Tourism Diversification to support Farming
Connect (Farm Tourism Grant)
£900,000 54603 20/03/2003 £4,200,000
The project will provide holistic support for farm tourism including provision of financial assistance for development of farm facilities linked to
specialist advice (including advice on cross cutting themes) and marketing. The project will be eligible for farm enterprises newly diversifying
into tourism, whilst it is also open to those who wish to upgrade their existing facilities. All forms of farm tourism will be eligible under this
scheme although principally accommodation and visitor attractions. This project will be linked to Farming Connect network and will complement
the assistance from ARAD via Farm Enterprise Grants (FEG) and Farm Innovation Grants (FIG).
5 4 Wales Rural Forum (NST) The Rural Resource £201,022 55112 08/11/2004 £402,043
The project will draw together all the networks of information and providing a knowledge management facility for integrating policy and practice.
5 4 Welsh Assembly Government (NST) Environmental Opportunities Review £800,000 55006 11/11/2003 £1,600,000
This application has been designed to support the environmental elements of the Farming Connect Initiative in Wales. This scheme will enable
farmers to access a variety of environmental supporting advice to be delivered by ecological consultants after an on-farm inspection. It will
enable farmers to access information to assist in improving the management of specific biodiversity habitats, landscape and archaeology on the
farm, which will enable protection and enhancement and also facilitate public enjoyment of the countryside.
5 1 Welsh Assembly Government Processing and Marketing Grants Scheme Phase 2 £10,689,579 54990 19/08/2003 £53,447,898
The scheme will provide a complete package of support for the Agri Food sector consisting of a series of components aiming to develop the
processing capacity of agricultural products within Objective 1 area of Wales. The project will aim to stimulate investment, improvement and
rationalisation from farm to plate.
5 4 Welsh Assembly Government
(NST) Agri-Food Development Scheme = Non-Agricultural
Based Development
£933,750 54855 06/01/2004 £5,013,422
This project will fund the Farm Enterprise Grant component, which will help farmers to diversify into a wide range of agricultural activities away
from primary production and thereby help them generate alternative sources of income. Grants are available up to 45% of the total costs with a
minimum grant award of £450. The maximum grant award would be £75,000.
5 5 Welsh Assembly Government
Agri Food Development Scheme Capital Grants (FIG and
FEG) Phase 2
£2,164,000 55362 02/03/2004 £11,618,789
The purpose of the project remains unchanged from the first phase - the improvement of farm business viability; improving the quality of the
farm environment; and developing expertise in farm business management and technical husbandry skills (through a combination of training,
business developments, and grants). Increasing income generation and wealth retention - the use of grants will assist farm businesses to
increase their competitiveness and to become more viable enterprises. The development of the primary producer sector will contribute to the
whole of the food chain's economic productivity and viability.
5 1 Welsh Assembly Government Agri-food Development Scheme £8,087,728 52844 27/03/2002 £40,438,642
The scheme will provide a complete package of support for the Agri Food sector consisting of a series of components aiming to develop the
processing capacity of agricultural products within Objective 1 area of Wales. The project will aim to stimulate investment, improvement and
rationalisation from farm to plate.
5 5 Welsh Assembly Government Agri Food Development Scheme £4,410,000 53693 27/03/2002 £23,677,852
An integrated scheme of development for the Agri food sector. Farm Improvement Grant - help farmers to adopt best practice, improve animal
welfare, hygiene and product quality and to enhance, protect, and maintain the environment of the farm. Farm Enterprise Grant - help farmers to
diversify into a wide range of activities and thereby help them generate alternative sources of income.
5 7 Welsh Assembly Government Wales Catchment Sensitive Farming Demonstration Project £425,785 57105 12/10/2005 £1,559,253
The project aims to develop, test and evaluate a strategy for mobilising farming communities within the selected catchments to adopt catchment
sensitive farming practices to improve the health of local water bodies. The lessons learned will assist the development of targeted measures
within Wales to improve water quality to meet new standards arising from EC Water Framework Directive. The project involves evaluation of
existing farm practices, advice on fertiliser and manure management, financial assistance for farm capital works, demonstration and promotion of
good practices plus water quality monitoring, catchment modelling and independent project evaluation. In doing so it will provide employment,
encourage land managers to adopt conservation measures and create buffer zones along watercourses.
5 4
Welsh Lamb & Beef
Promotions Ltd
(NST) Improving the Health and Welfare of Farmed Animals £1,010,261 56699 20/09/2005 £2,055,261
The project aims to raise the standard of animal health and welfare on Welsh farms, through the development and use of animal health plans in a
partnership approach between farmers, veterinary surgeons and the Farm Assured Welsh Livestock scheme.
5 7 Woodland Trust
Restoration and sustainable management of degraded
ancient woodlands
£249,607 52726 27/03/2002 £650,872
The overall aim is to achieve the restoration of degraded ancient woodlands throughout the objective 1 area and thereby generate economic
activity, expand employment, produce sustainable certified timber, and reverses the decline of the habitats and species effected.
5 7 Ynys Mon County Council Anglesey Landscape Improvement Grant 2003-2006 £71,500 54875 23/09/2003 £215,000
To contribute to the sustainable management, amenity and biodiversity of the Anglesey Landscape, by *Improving the landscape, biodiversity
and agricultural value of Anglesey hedgerows and traditional boundaries *Improving the sustainability and amenity of planted landscape
features, small woodlands and traditional orchards *Improving the traceability of local provenance plants on Anglesey *Improving the
mechanical management of hedgerows on Anglesey
Fund: ERDF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 931
Totalling: £817,470,543
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
3 3 Aber Valley YMCA Aber Valley YMCA Community Development £429,365 52922 22/03/2002 £640,055
The project aims to provide a community facility for the residents of Abertridwr and Senghenydd which directly contributes to the economic,
social and environmental regeneration of the Aber Valley ward. This facility will be an extension of the existing YMCA building and will comprise
a multi purpose hall with storage and changing facilities. The YMCA will expand its comprehensive programme of activities to address the
problems faced by the community it serves. The extension of facilities will free the space for a greater focus on the development of education
and training provision in the locality and will create an additional 1025 sq metres of floor space
4 4 Aberdare College ENHANCED CNC TRAINING/WORKSHOP FACILITY £36,472 52774 02/04/2002 £75,590
To provide local employers and industries with a new Computer Numerical Control (CNC) trainimng facility. The project will comprise
Refurbishing/upgrading of CNC laboratory/workshop, Mew advanced CNC machinery (lathe/mill0 and latest development high powered IT
equipment and support software.
3 3
Aberfan & Merthyr Vale Youth
& Community Project
Community led action in Ynysowen £603,642 53777 15/05/2002 £901,245
The project seeks to establish and all-embracing community enterprise that will build upon the community regeneration initiatives that have
already been developed. It will provide IT training, Transport for employment,community education, youth work and creche facilities.
3 3
Aberfan & Merthyr Vale Youth
& Community Project
Out of School Childcare Provision £93,949 52981 22/03/2002 £136,741
The Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Youth and Community Project are seeking to establish and out of school provision in the Merthyr Vale Electoral
Division. The out of school provision aims to: *provide parents and carers of the Ynysowen area with a facility , which will enable them to take
paid employment or undertake training for employment while providing the young people with a sare environment to stay *motivate young
people by providing them with facilities in the interest of social and informed education for recreation and leisure time activities
3 4
Aberfan & Merthyr Vale Youth
& Community Project
Supporting the Social Economy in Ynysowen £703,381 56867 30/06/2005 £1,391,456
The project will build on the developments of the Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Youth and Community Project establishing itself as a sustainable
community enterprise within the Merthyr Tydfil area. The project includes a local Community Transport scheme, Healthy Living Centre, Childcare
provision, and will also develop e community and youth work provision.
5 6
Aberglasney Restoration
Aberglasney Mansion Restoration £296,000 55181 11/11/2003 £1,160,860
To restore Aberglasney Mansion and provide an additional indoor facility to the existing Aberglasney gardens. This will enable Aberglasney to
attract tourists all year round and promote out of season economic activity in the area.
3 3
Abergynolwyn Village Hall
Management Committee
Abergynolwyn Community Centre £451,743 55660 06/09/2004 £735,979
This project is to provide a new community centre on an existing site. The ward in which Abergynolwyn lies - Corris Mawddwy - is recognised as
one of the most deprived in Gwynedd. This community centre which replaces the existing one will meet the demands of the community. It will
provide services and facilities for everyone in the community. Its training and other courses will increase skills and employability within the
community. Through the cafe and part-time post office it will provide direct employment. The centre will also serve as an outlet for locally
produced crafts and other services.
3 3
Abertillery Sculpture Garden
Abertillery Sculpture Garden Project £70,700 53896 22/04/2002 £101,000
The project will result in a sterile and under used space at the Community Education / Community Theatre and Comprehensive School, Abertillery
being transformed into an outside covered performance area with lighting and sound system.
2 3 Aberystwyth University Centre of Excellence for Visualisation in Wales £4,106,452 55323 05/01/2005 £9,897,498
The Centre of Excellence for Visualisation will provide an innovative, world-class virtual reality environment which will be used by SMEs across
the Objective 1 region to enhance their competiveness and profitability. Its prime functions are to help Welsh SMEs to solve complex problems
and create new products through the versatile imaging of complex information. The Centre of Excellence, which will be based at the University of
Wales, Aberystwyth, will be equipped with "state-of-the-art" high level visualisation equipment, driven by high performance computing engines -
a Reality Theatre, Immersadesks and a unique, fully-immersive "Hemispherium" - housed in a purpose-designed building which will include
extensive micro-incubation areas for both spin-out and other newly-emerging high tech companies. The Centre's facilities will also link to smaller
workstations particularly suited for use by SMEs and will provide a highly creative working environment. The Centre of Excellence project directly
addresses the need for Objective 1 SMEs to embrace new, leading-edge technologies which will significantly improve their competitiveness, and
to stimulate SMEs to invest in innovation in order to develop new products, processes and services. For many Welsh SMEs, the rapidly-
developing knowledge-based global economy has led to enormous changes in business processes and the way in which they organise their work,
and has placed increasing emphasis on the need to innovate and remain competitive. In particular, the new on-line market place is driving
companies to provide solution-led services and products designed to meet a customer's unique and immediate requirements. Markets are getting
smarter, more informed, and faster. Therefore, Welsh SMEs must be helped to become more adaptive and to be able to anticipate and implement
change more rapidly, in order to gain a competitive edge. Those that are the most innovative in their use of technology and adapt their business
processes and products to meet customers' changing requirements and specifications will be the winners, and this will in turn boost the Welsh
GDP. It is therefore becoming vital for many companies to be able to rapidly communicate their ideas and designs to customers in an easily
understood manner. Advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), especially via high performance computer facilities capable
of processing vast amounts of data in real time, can provide a solution to this - Visualisation. Seeing is believing, and is the most intuitive route
to decision making and assessing the impact of changes. The new Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are ideal for a wide range of visualisation
applications, for providing a new way of quickly identifying solutions to complex problems, and for designing new products without expensive
and time-consuming prototyping. They allow customers to visualise a new design, permit high-resolution "walk-through" animations, and enable
users to interact in real time with the model. Virtual reality also has a key role to play in training by creating a more interactive learning
experience, and is particularly useful in many industries where training may have to be undertaken in a hazardous environment or where
equipment downtime must be minimised. One further major issue for SMEs is knowledge management. The growing use of ICT has meant that
most organisations now have to store and process vast amounts of data, both for their own internal processes and to communicate with
customers, suppliers, etc. Turning these huge amounts of information into useable knowledge and ideas requires a totally different approach to
using technology, and the medium best suited to translating data into readily-understood information is visualisation. Visualisation/VR, therefore,
is a rapidly maturing technology that within a few years will become an essential tool for competitive enterprise in many different fields, such as
biotechnology, computer games and simulation software, the development of new materials, pharmaceuticals, geophysical exploration and
environmental studies, renewable energy generation, architecture, engineering design, manufacturing and fabrication, museums and galleries,
heritage tourist sites, etc. The problem for most Welsh SMEs, however, is that the costs of modern VR installations currently prohibit individual,
direct investment. In addition, it is still a comparatively new technology, and the skills required to make effective use of the facilities are in very
short supply. Consequently, whilst many companies can see the need for visualisation technology to provide them with a competitive advantage,
both now and increasingly in the future, they are reluctant to invest in the equipment and skills needed. At the same time, VR technologies are
developing exponentially, and if Welsh SMEs are unable to access and use these facilities, they are in danger of losing their competitive edge to
larger, global companies who have already invested in visualisation technology. Continued overleaf/ Continued/ These are the drivers behind the
proposal to establish the Centre of Excellence, which will be run by a team of expert technical and commercial staff. The team will provide
visualisation facilities for SMEs and public sector organisations throughout Objective 1 Wales, plus familiarisation sessions in visualisation
technologies for SMEs, consultancy in the optimum use of these technologies, provision of appropriate software, and an incubation facility to
encourage the growth of new enterprises. The high-level visualisation equipment at the Centre of Excellence will complement, but differ
significantly from, the medium level VR facilities at UW Cardiff and UW Swansea, and planned for the Digital Technium. Medium level VR
facilities require only moderate HPC facilities, and allow only 1 or 2 observers to visualise an object or an environment in three dimensions. The
Centre's high-level visualisation technology, however, will enable groups of users (potentially up to 10 or 20) to enter into and interact with a
simulated product or environment on a multi-dimensional level and even at a multi-sensory level (e.g. touch). This will allow them to manipulate
and adjust multiple variables and data, and visualise the results in real time with a high degree of realism and accuracy. This "human interface"
is where the Centre will be different from other visualisation facilities in Wales. The other main differentiating factor is that the Centre will focus
on developing the technology for use by SMEs and other organisations, via the application of the Centre's high-level equipment. SME users will
be helped to carry out commercial solution applications, e.g. to model solutions to complex problems without impacting on actual systems or
equipment, to analyse the impact of any changes on specific processes or structures, or to design new products without the need for extensive
prototyping. In addition, the Centre will focus on developing the technology on a multi-platform level, so that there is an easier interface
between the high-level computing facilities in the Centre and the users' own computer facilities, allowing results and images to be distributed
widely. This means that SMEs will have a choice of working at the Centre to produce new designs, prototypes, solutions, processes, etc, or using
their own facilities to work on the project, albeit at a more simple level. The Centre of Excellence will be based in a purpose-built facility located
on the University campus, initially covering 1,800m2 but with scope for expansion to 2,500m2 at a later date. Although based on campus, the
project has been structured to ensure that the Centre will be managed as a separate venture - a centre for Third Mission visualisation and ICT
activities exploiting university Second Mission programmes. The activities undertaken by the Centre will focus primarily on commercial (revenue-
generating) projects in support of Objective 1 SMEs. Some technology development will also be essential to ensure that the Centre is innovative
and remains at the forefront of visualisation technology, producing jobs and companies at the forefront of this new technology. The Centre's
activities will include: ط Visualisation Consulting: The scope of this work will cover technical consulting for Welsh SMEs, i.e. the provision of
expert advice on visualisation technology and all related hardware and software for companies wishing to find out more about the technology or
to develop their own systems, and solution consulting, which will focus on solving specific issues or complex problems within industry, e.g.
modelling process streams, materials and three-dimensional objects (buildings, molecules etc.). Typical projects could include 3-D modelling of
the impact of mine waste management on watercourses and modelling of changes to land use (e.g. the development of on-shore and off-shore
wind-farms). The Centre will also undertake commercially-orientated project work (e.g. to develop and licence a specific 'product' or application)
which is sponsored by an external client. ط Technology Transfer: The Centre will work with Objective 1 SMEs to enable them to become more
familiar with visualisation as a technique and also to help them use visualisation as an enabling tool. This will include short familiarisation
sessions for companies and also help for SMEs to develop specific training packages/products for their clients where visualisation is used to
simulate certain environments and tasks where direct experience of the task is not feasible due to its nature (e.g. rare events, hazardous
environment, etc.). ط Facility: The Centre's visualisation equipment and high performance computing facility will be made available to SME users
from the Objective 1 area. The market research and case studies undertaken to date has already stimulated considerable interest from SMEs,
from different sectors, in the potential use of the Centre's facilities to help them develop innovative new products for their businesses. ط
Incubation services: Space will be allocated for start-up companies to gain access to the equipment and staff. Such companies would be from the
emerging technology sector and have innovative ideas to sell to the market place, and it is anticipated that the service will encourage University
"spin-out" companies to be formed. Continued overleaf/ Continued/ ط Innovation: In order to remain at the cutting edge of visualisation,
developing innovative, practical applications of the technology will be an integral part of the Centre's use, and developing and licensing new
products for SMEs will be an important ingredient of the Centre's activities. To deliver these services, the Centre of Excellence will be a project of
considerable scale and importance. The initial start up will require investment of c.£2.95m for the visualisation and ancillary equipment plus
c.£4.49m for the building/land, and c.£2.34m for the project support staff and other running costs. The financial model for the project shows
that break-even is expected in year 5, and that even with the on-going expenditure needed to maintain the visualisation equipment at the
leading-edge of innovation and technology, the Centre represents a viable long-term business proposition. A project of this scale will have a
substantial positive impact on the region, both in terms of the economic benefits represented by the creation of new jobs, enhanced turnover
amongst existing Objective 1 SMEs and the birth of new high tech companies, but also with regard to the raising of the regions' skill base and its
overall technological profile. The demand for the technologies and services to be made available to Welsh SMEs via the project has been
assessed by undertaking a benchmarking study, a market research survey which formed part of a detailed Scoping and Feasibility Study,
interviews and sector-specific case studies/scenario-building exercises. The Centre of Excellence has been taken forward by a Steering Group,
and has been designed to be a long-term, self-sustaining commercial venture. This project is an application for Objective 1 ERDF funding to
pump-prime the first three years of the Centre's development, and is essential to recruit the technical support staff needed to encourage and
assist SMEs to use and exploit the technologies, to contribute to the construction of a high quality, business-friendly building to house the
visualisation/VR equipment, with technology transfer and incubation facilities, and to add the Hemispherium, which would be unique in the UK.
Without the Centre and its commercially-orientated supporting staff, the impact that the visualisation equipment could make in transferring
knowledge to, and thereby increase the competitiveness of, Welsh SMEs, would be severely limited. The project will be directed by a Board of
Directors representing all stakeholders, with the Chairperson elected by the members. By the end of the 3-year period covered by the Objective 1
project, the Centre itself will create up to 211 new high value jobs across the Objective 1 region, and safeguard a further 411 jobs. These figures
are directly related to the Centre's activities and take no account of the indirect economic benefits that the Centre will generate. Likewise, the
project will encourage the development of around 70 new high tech/knowledge-based sector companies, many of whom will be spin-out
developments or will make extensive use of the Centre's incubation facilities. By the nature of the project, these results are likely to increase
significantly over the longer-term. With investment in R&D currently standing at 0.6% in Wales compared to 2.6% in England, there is a clear
need for projects which are focused on stimulating Welsh SMEs to invest in research and innovation in order to develop new products, processes
and services, and to work more closely with Higher Education Institutions to derive added value from their research work. The Centre of
Excellence project directly addresses this need and will become one of the most advanced Visualisation Centres in the UK, with a world-leading
facility in the way that its prime function is to address the diverse needs of SMEs. The Centre of Excellence project is fully consistent with the
objectives and priorities of the Wales Regional Technology Plan and the Innovation and R&D Partnership's Action Plan. It also has full support
from a range of partner organisations, e.g. the Techniums, CETICs, other UW colleges and departments, IGER, the National Library, the National
Botanic Garden, etc, all of whom have indicated that the Centre's activities would complement, support and enhance their own commercially-
orientated work. In addition, the strong associations already in place with the global companies offering visualisation and HPC equipment will
enable strategic alliances to be formed to allow Welsh SMEs to gain access to the rapid advances in technology.
2 2 Aberystwyth University SwyddfAgored - Welsh Software Localization £155,650 55329 27/07/2004 £320,599
AIMS & PURPOSE The rationale included in the SPD under Priority 2 clearly emphasises the importance of ICT and its potential for breaking down
physical barriers that isolate businesses and the need to increase access to ICT as a means to tackle peripherality, especially in rural
communities. Barriers to access also include language barriers and this project will translate the open source office suite software OpenOffice to
Welsh and combine it back to back with the already existing English version so as to offer a choice of screen languages without exiting the
programme. An existing Welsh spell-checker will be integrated with the Welsh office suite. OpenOffice is a well-established programme
developed by Sun Microsystems which holds 30% of the market in Germany and is gaining ground in the UK and elsewhere. It exists in over 20
language-versions including, to our knowledge two European minority languages. Translation of open source software is the most cost-effective
way, and very often the only way, for minority languages to acquire office software (see Mercator Centre report to the European Parliament; The aim of the project is to stimulate demand and usage of ICT technologies
through the removal of the language barrier and the creation of a Welsh language option for Welsh speakers and those wishing to interact with
ICT through the medium of Welsh. IMPLEMENTATION The project is labour intensive and will be carried out mainly at the Mercator Centre,
Department of Theatre, Film and Television, University of Wales Aberystwyth but with some input from Canolfan Bedwyr at University of Wales
Bangor. The work will be carried out under the direction of a Project Manager (working on a fee basis approximating to half-time) who will write
the job descriptions, liaise with outside partners and the monitoring group, lead the launch and publicity effort, and coordinate the following five
strands of the project within the time framework. 1 All technical aspects will be in the hands of a full time software engineer with the exception
that the programming needed to switch between the Welsh/English versions will be commissioned externally. 2 The translation will be carried out
by a large number of free-lance translators (perhaps as many as ten) managed by a full-time translation coordinator who will review and
standardize the translations. The bulk of the work on strands 1 and 2 will be done in year 1, though as the result of trialing in year 2 some extra
programming and revision of the translation may need doing in year 2. New features may be added to OpenOffice while the project is running,
and within time constraints we shall update to the last possible moment. 3 Trialing by SMEs willing to test the software will be coordinated by
the software engineer in year 2. This will involve a programme of visits and telephone support for the trialers. 4 The translation coordinator will
write the Welsh manual in year 2 and see it through the press. 5 Launch and publicity will be led by the Project Manager but the preparatory
work will have ben done throughout year 2. Great emphasis is placed on getting the software out to users. There will be a half-time post in
administrative support for the project. We shall pay a terminology expert on a consultancy basis. (see Background)
1 3 Aberystwyth University Ceredigion Tourism Quality Initiative £286,500 54730 08/12/2003 £612,067
The aim of the Ceredigion Tourism Quality Initiative is to deliver a high quality provision of advice and support relating to initiatives in tourism
quality to 856 tourism related SME's in Ceredigion.
4 4 Aberystwyth University Sci - by Bus £239,984 56360 31/01/2005 £533,296
The aim of this project is to raise the awareness of the importance of science in society. The project aims to generate interest in science and
increase the uptake of science based learning opportunities for adults in rural areas of Ceredigion through the provision of a mobile facility. The
'bus' will be equipped as a laboratory, exhibition space and classroom.
6 4
Amgen Cymru (Cynon Valley
Waste Disposal) Co Ltd
Bryn Pica Landfill Site £510,000 55892 17/09/2004 £1,900,000
To develop a recycling and composting facility at the Bryn Pica landfill waste disposal site. The recycling facility will be designed to accept
industrial and commercial waste arisings. The composting facility will be able to process suitable waste arisings from municipal and commercial
waste streams.
3 3
Amlwch War Memorial
Refurbishment of the Annex Building of the Amlwch
Memorial Hall
£129,609 55897 21/07/2004 £182,273
The project is the 2nd phase of the Memorial Hall's improvement programme. Improving the building (Annex part of the Hall) will provide a multi
purpose resource space for the provision of facilities that will house a range of community support activities. These will include training and
learning, a creche facility, a meeting room for community groups; and to host informal capacity building events.
3 2 Amman Valley Enterprise AVE Regeneration Scheme £173,708 53270 20/03/2002 £238,414
The overall aim of this project is to help community groups in the project area develop and implement plans for the economic, social and
environmental regeneration of the area. It will build community capacity in the area through support, advice and grass roots community
development work so that partnership and joint working can empower the community to deliver.
5 6
Anglesey Agricultural Society
NW Wales Events & Exhibition Arena £226,800 54722 07/07/2003 £540,000
The project will develop a new and multi purpose facility to attract Events and Exhibitions and other activities to North Wesr Wales. It aims to
develop a large indoor contemporary facility capable of drawing new events and exhibitions to the area and to develop substantial community
facility capable of holding 1200 persons (seated) Objectives- To enhance and increase the use of one of the existing units on the Anglesey
Showground, considered by locals and independent consultants to be under utilised. Develop a venue capable of attracting top quality events to
this corner of Wales. Develop the showground as a major facility for events and exhibitions:concerts, trade and craft shows, large meetings /
conferences and dramas. Create a new and modern Centre for North West Wales to comliment similar facilities in Llandudno and Llangollen.
Develop an all year round programme of events in order to sustain full time employment Attract additional visitors to the Island and encourage
them to stay overnight in local accommodation. Provide an additional centre for the new "wet weather" facilities in the area. To safeguard/create
22 jobs.
5 6 Antur Teifi Producer Support Service Phase 2 - Finding new markets £147,000 55855 16/12/2004 £259,126
Building on the success of the Phase 1 initiative, the project will support the sustainable economic development of the product sector (food, craft
and local culture) in Ceredigion. The project will provide support and advice to SMEs through a range of activities to identify new markets, create
cross-sectoral networks, develop local supply chains and develop innovative ways to promote local products.
5 6 Antur Teifi Producer Support Service (Food and Craft) £211,678 52584 19/03/2002 £423,356
The project involves offering specialist support and assistance for local food and craft producers and diversified farm operations in Ceredigion as
well as co-ordinating networking activities and event organisation.
4 4 Antur Teifi MOBILE ICT TRAINING UNIT £364,766 52834 08/04/2002 £755,994
The project will provide innovative ICT based training from a mobile unit targeted specifically at the agricultural sector. This would include
farming families and their employees, as well as related agricultural businesses and providers to the sector including contractors; machinery
retailers and engineers; merchants; feed companies; etc. Training woud not only be delivered to these sub-sectors, but would also be provided
through a variety of community based groups.
2 2 Antur Teifi CARMARTHENSHIRE TOURNET £443,622 52832 13/06/2002 £887,244
To improve the quality, professionalism, competitiveness and innovativeness of services and businesses within the tourism, hospitality and
cultural industries in Carmarthenshire. This is to be facilitated by the use of ICT in business co-operation and marketing of relevant local
products and services.
3 3 Antur Teifi LLANDYSUL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT £52,819 53704 21/03/2002 £106,639
The aim of this project is to create a sustainable partnership involving public, community and voluntary groups to design and implement
long-term capacity building programmes for the regeneration of the area. A community needs study will be undertaken to identify local needs
and support the development of community based projects. This project was incepted by a group of residents who were concerned at the
economic and social decline of their community over recent years.
1 3 Antur Teifi Carmarthenshire TradeNet £228,825 54286 01/07/2003 £465,661
This project aims to create more and better business and employment oppourtunities in the country. Objectives: To write a joint business plan for
the TradeNet Networking Project and to bid for objective 1 funding. To facilitate SME creation and growth through improving the quality, content
and variety of networking oppoutunites foe SMEs in Wales. To develop a partnership of networking organisations that have a shared view of how
to enhance and increase the effectiveness of their work. To create new networking oppourtunities where no activity currently exists. To avoid
duplication. To co-ordinate and manage the funds obtained in order to ensure best value and their targeted use. To provide additional funding
and support to new and existing networking organisations so that they can improve their effectiveness. To provide 'downstream' support through
existing business support services and provide new services where identified. To set up a co-ordinating infastructure that would support the
project and individual organisational needs where applicable. To ensure that an ongoing mechanism of reasearch, feedback, idea generation and
evaluation is in place.
5 6 Antur Teifi Development of 'Papurau Bro ' - Welsh Community Papers £189,961 54199 30/10/2002 £452,289
Aim is to build close links between 5 existing monthly Welsh Language Community Newspapers in Carmarthenshire and to ensure the sustainable
development of those newspapers. The project will specifically target the issue of linguistic exclusion. Project will provide a professional basis
for developing media interaction between the various Welsh speaking communities.The 5 newspapers are currently being run on a purely
voluntary basis with very limited resources. This project will recruit dedicated full time staff to co-ordinate the developments. The staff will
consist of a Senior Editor, Youth/Women's Editor, Recreation/Disabilities Editor, Advertising & Marketing Officer and a Secretary. A 15% increase
in both readership and volunteers is anticipated each year. The core volunteer team will be involved in editorial, design, print and distribution of
the monthly publication which will help increase the skills base of local people in rural communities.
3 3 Antur Teifi Prosiect Papurau Bro Dwyrain Sir Gaerfyrddin £123,862 56943 27/04/2005 £170,000
The purpose of this new project is to provide a service to two Welsh language community newspapers in Carmarthenshire, Glo Man in the
Amman Valley and Sosbanelli in the Llanelli area. Specifically, the project will employ a development officer who will be responsible for
developing the voluntary run papurau bro, extending the volunteer base and strengthening social, community and economic roles.
3 4 Antur Teifi Prosiect Papurau Bro Ceredigion a Sir Benfro £325,458 57068 29/03/2006 £501,707
This project will establish community enterprises through the sustainable development of 7 existing Welsh language community newspapers
(providing a community information service) in Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire. The project also aims to establish a new community paper in the
Pembroke Dock area. The project will work with groups of volunteers, providing editorial, structural and marketing advice.
3 4 Antur Waunfawr Antur Werdd £79,987 54036 09/07/2002 £212,601
Cynllun ailgylchu ac ailddefnyddion dodrefn wedi'i leoli yn ward Peblig yw Antur Werdd, a fydd yn diogelu 8 swydd ac ar yr un pryd yn gwarchod
yr amgylchedd lleol. Antur Waunfawr Ailgylchu fydd yn rhedeg y prosiect newydd, busnes cymunedol sy'n bodoli'n barod sydd eisioes yn cynnig
gwasanaethau ailgylchu cymunedol ac ailgylchu deunydd swyddfa yn yr ardal. Nodir y nodau a'r amcanion isod: Darparu cyfleoedd gwaith a
hyfforddiant i bobl dan anfantais mewn diwydiant newydd sy'n tyfu. Sefydlu'r rhwydwaith mewnol ar gyfer busnes cynaladwy i ailddefnyddio ac
ailgylchu dodrefn nad oes ei angen yng Ngwynedd.
3 4 Antur Waunfawr WARWS WERDD £518,325 54936 30/07/2003 £910,282
The aim of this project is to build a Green Warehouse that is environmentally friendly centre to serve the people of Gwynedd. The project will
create a viable business that will collect, select, repair, and sell and distribute re-cycled goods and provide work and training for underpriviliged
people. The Green Warehouse will be located on the Cibyn Industrial Estate ( Welsh Development Agency Site) at Cwm Cadnant in the Peblig
1 3 Arena Network Green Dragon Environmental Support for SME's £2,080,916 55137 26/02/2004 £4,488,216
The aim of the project is to support businesses within the Objective 1 region to improve their competitiveness and potential for growth as a
result of implementating Green Dragon environmental management systems or other recognised EMSs.
2 3 Arena Network Environmental Innovation and Competitiveness £1,530,194 52706 26/03/2002 £3,185,080
This is a strategic and co-ordinated programme to provide the driving force to encourage business to improve their environmental performance.
3 4 Arts Factory Going for Growth £279,008 54053 15/07/2002 £549,008
The project will enhance existing Arts Factory Community enterprises such as Environmental design, Graphic design and Managed Workspace.
These enterprises have reached capacity with current resources. Unmet market needs have been identified in the business plan and the
organisation is seeking to grow these existing enterprises. The project will support the creation of new Arts Factory community enterprises to
operate in new markets- energy efficiency, recycling, consultation/market research, renewable energy and additional managed workspace. The
main aim of the project is to respond to increasing buisness opportunities in Rhondda Cynon Taff, gear up the Graphic Design enterprise to
respond immediately to broad band challenge and offer a wider range of learning oportunities for local people. The project will also invest in the
development of new Arts Factory community enterprises. Going for Growth will meet the strategic aims of the Objective 1 Programme through
the creation of high quality jobs in diversified innovative nad knowledge driven economy, building sustainable communities, building a dynamic
and comptetitive business sector as well as providing a skilled adaptable work force. The project will complement Better Wales, Winning Wales
and Cymru Ar Lein strategic frameworks.
3 4 Arts Factory Parc 21 Feasibility Study £30,000 54679 21/01/2003 £55,000
This is a feasibility study to investigate the options and related costs for the redevelopment of Highfield Industrial Estate in the List 2 ward of
Maerdy. This Estate was previously in the ownership of the local authority and is semi-derelict. The vision for this Estate is that the applicant will
bring it back into community ownership and redevelop the whole site providing industrial/commercial premises for other community enterprises.
This site would then be known as 'Parc 21'. The vision also includes the possible use of some floorspace for training activities (related to the
development of the social enterprises and more general community training) and possibly linking the site to renewable energy plans for the area
as well as visitor opportunities. ICT links - including broadband access - will be explored as part of the study.
3 4 Arts Factory Going For Growth Phase 2 £200,396 55695 22/12/2004 £308,385
The project is intended to grow the capacity of Arts Factory Environmental Design SErvice to provide more services to community based
partnerships. The project will undertake environmental design projects in partnership with community based organisations that will enhance local
space and involve local people and groups in the regeneration of their areas. The project will undertake a wider range of environmental design
projects using new forms and materials and will create an annual Art Camp to respond to the need for skilled community arts practitioners in the
area. The project will also extend the range of consultation techniques available for staff and volunteers engaged in environmental design
3 3 Arts Factory Building Community Assets £286,000 56661 22/12/2004 £440,000
It is envisaged that the project will provide facilities in the Rhondda enabling participation in a range of community led activity, support local
people in taking on unpaid volunteering roles, deliver a range of services and advice to local people, and run festivals, open days and fayres.
2 5 Awel Aman Tawe Awel Aman Tawe Community Wind Farm £94,072 53948 18/09/2002 £180,201
Research into developing a community-led wind farm and energy efficiency project in the Upper Amman/Swansea Valley area.
1 5
B & P Industrial
Developments Limited
Goat Mill Road (East) Industrial park £307,813 54753 10/09/2003 £1,198,709
The project will provide 3 single storey industrial units totalling 5,130m2 on a brownfield site at Goatmill Rd. The buildings will be constructed
in accordance with BRESC|U or similar standards and a BREEAM assessment will be undertaken.
4 4 Bangor University N. W. Wales Management Developent Centre £6,404,606 54809 18/07/2003 £12,809,210
The aim of this £12.81 million capital project is to create a flagship, state-of-the-art Management Development Centre (MDC) as part of an
expansion to the School for Business and Regional Development (SBARD). The MDC will enhance SBARD's capacity to serve the higher level
learning and management development needs of students, businesses and organisations in North West Wales. This will be achieved through the
innovative use of a unique and self-sustaining set of resources in the form of historically unique Grade II listed buildings, allied with premier
teaching facilities and a high technology audio visual/telecommunication infrastructure. The MDC will give North West Wales a learning facility
for business and management education that will rank with the best in Europe. Building on the reputation and location of the University of Wales
Bangor and the academic status of SBARD, the project will be located within the University campus in the City of Bangor.
2 3 Bangor University Sharing the Vision £654,121 55882 03/11/2004 £1,438,331
The project will establish in North West Wales an 'Applications, Innovation and Research Facility in Molecular Modelling and Visualisation' to
catalyse adoption by the regional high tech materials and molecular science based business and scientific research communities of this 21st
century technology. The envisaged resource will provide virtual reality capability in Chemistry driven by a high performance computer cluster.
The facility will provide North West Wales with a first class regional centre, technical support and consultancy to enable the high tech molecular
business and academic communities to embrace the opportunities offered by this technology without the need for prohibitive investment by
individual businesses.
2 3 Bangor University
Participatory R&D of Best Practic Agronomy for Hemp and
Flax in North West Wales
£463,936 52740 01/08/2002 £939,781
The main aims of the project are: - · To link academic scientists with industrial and land based businesses in order to promote innovation and
enhance technology transfer in the emerging area of biofibre production and processing. More to be added
2 3 Bangor University Opto-electronics Material Unit £659,795 52708 26/03/2002 £1,319,590
This project constitutes part of Phase 2 of a Programme to develop the opto-electronics sector in Wales. Phase 1 has been submitted as a
Fast-track project under Priority 2 measure 3. The aim is to establish an opto-electronics materials unit that will provide R&D support for the
opto-electronics cluster and a Regional Analytical Facility for North Wales chemical companies generally. The materials synthesis and analysis
facility will assist to continuously generate new, high technology business and quality jobs and play a major role in sustaining and growing the
existing cluster cohort of Welsh optronics companies. There are tow key inter-related elements: - A thin film deposition research unit A state of
the art analytical facility.
2 3 Bangor University Materials Chemistry Support for the Opto-electronics Sector £304,096 56588 25/07/2005 £570,002
The "Opto-electronics Materials Unit" (57208) project completed in 2003 established new world class analytical and materials facilities to support
the growth of the opto-electronics sector in the region. Substantial support was provided by the project director to the development of the OpTIC
Technium as originally the project was intended to develop 'in phase' with the Technium. The facility only opened this year after the completion
of the "Opto-electronics Materials Unit" project. The opportunity now exists, for modest funding, for the materials chemistry facility at UWB to
provide added value to the business incubation and technology activities in the Technium and to the Opto-electronics cluster and contribute to
the attractiveness of the Technium as a destination for embryonic businesses. Assistance can be provided over a wide range of analytical
services, materials support and technical advice as both an attractor for new opto-electronic business and to assist robust growth across the
2 3 Bangor University
The Welsh Institute for Sustainable Environments - WISE
£4,782,675 56589 04/04/2006 £8,563,705
The project aims to create high value-added business in the environmental goods and services sector, based on a Wales-wide excellence in pure
and applied environmentally sustainable R&TD. To make the facilities, infrastructure, and capacity within HE in this sector are available to the
private sector in Wales. To ensure long-term uplift in the environmental goods and services sector by implanting the culture and infrastructure for
technology transfer from a strong research base to innovative businesses. This Joint Objective One application beween the Universities of Bangor,
Swansea and Aberystwyth will enable the development of the commercial and applied work of each institution to come to fruition. In so doing, it
will (a) provide technical and research capacity to existing industry in Wales, greatly increasing the ability of Wales to attract new international
investment into research and product development, paving the way to the creation of new applications for commercial and business spinout, (b)
change the culture of SMEs in the sector so they embrace research partnership and knowledge transfer, and (c) increase the IPR held in Wales.
This project will integrate closely with the new Environmental Research Hub for Wales, assisting in bringing together research providers (the
universities, CEH and IGER) and users (Welsh Assembly Government, CCW, EAW, FCW) to define and work on Wales' environmental priorities,
and to lever more research money into Wales from the UK, EU and internationally.
1 2 Bangor University
Synnwyr Busnes - Business Sense - Sustainable
Development for SMEs
£559,386 57333 04/01/2006 £1,138,585
S4S will offer a comprehensive package of support to SMEs to maximise competitiveness and future prospects. A new business tool will be
employed - a sustainability appraisal toolkit - that enables companies to see where they stand in relation to contributing towards SD, help
identify savings and cost avoidance opportunities, help develop and implement sustainability strategies which will enhance future business
opportunities whilst contributing to the sustainability of the region. the broad objective of the objective one programme for the west wales and
the valleys area is to raise economic prosperity and the quality of life in the area by encouraging growth of GDP per head, growth in employment
and increase in economic activity. this must depend on addressing social, economic and environmental problems and opportunities. all three
elements are covered by the sustainable development appraisal toolkit developed as part of the SCEnE project.
3 3
Barmouth Community
Barmouth Comunity Centre and Dragon Theatre £243,897 54624 28/01/2003 £375,427
Barmouth Community Centre and Dragon Theatre is an important facility within Barmouth as it provides a venue for numerous and diverse
community activities and has become the social and cultural centre of this costal town. 24 voluntary groups use the centre as well as local
schools, theatrical groups and choirs performing in the Theatre. Annex 1 includes a list of those who use the facilities at present as well as
letters and declarations of support for the project. In order to sustain continued and increased use of the Centre and Theatre the community has
recognised the need to improve resources and enhance present provisions. Objective 1 funding is essential in enabling the group to implement
their project in response to these needs by providing a new video/cinema facility as well as a high quality community room equipped to
accommodate a variety of activities such as conferences, dances, lectures and plays. Improvements to the theatre will allow a full programme of
bilingual cultural evants, including plays and concerts as well as providing an excellent venue for cinema and video shows - which will be of
particular interest to local young people
3 3 Barnardos Cymru The Integrated Family Centre - Blaenau Ffestiniog £383,973 55685 13/07/2004 £737,000
To create an integrated family centre offering full-time child-care and a call in centre that also has facilites for agencies offering therapies for
children with behavioural problems and those dealing with health promotion. The centre will be a place for families to have opportunities for
learning and to receive advice. The centre aims to be a one-stop shop for child care services, and to become a centre of excellence for training
child care providers in the area.
2 2
Better Business Wales
(holdings) Limited
Opportunity Wales Advance (OWA) £7,824,050 55255 19/04/2004 £15,700,562
This application for 'Opportunity Wales Advance', Phase 2 of the Opportunity Wales initiative, builds on the foundation of Opportunity Wales
Phase 1, which has achieved the following as at 30 June 2003: · Provided "face to face/hands hands-on" eCommerce advice and support to 3610
businesses · Raised awareness of eCommerce amongst more than 35,000 SMEs in the Objective 1 area · Published in excess of 90 local/sector
exemplar case studies · Built a network of 15 community and sector based eCommerce advisory teams including 91 highly trained advisers ·
Created 3 regionally based Satellite eCommerce Innovation Centres at Bangor, Llandrillo and Milford Haven successfully transferring leading edge
eCommerce knowledge and skills into the Objective 1 Area · Conducted the most significant piece of market research into the state of
eCommerce in Wales (State of the Nation Report published 8 July 2003) · Created the highly successful Opportunity Wales/Cyfle Cymru Web site
to support SMEs, business advisers and local communities (recently short-listed in the National Government Web site awards) · Facilitated
efficient and easy-to-access communication through the provision of a state of the art multi media Contact Centre with advanced Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) facilities. OWA will continue to improve on these results until the programme end date of 31 March 2004. The
new requirement - and therefore aim - for an enhanced Opportunity Wales project is driven by the need to take businesses further up the
eCommerce ladder in order to exploit their potential for greater economic prosperity. It is recognised that the demand for eCommerce support
from businesses starting their journey on the eCommerce ladder will remain and therefore OWA will build on the strong foundation of OWP1 for
this type of business. The focus of OWA, however, will be on activities to encourage businesses to adopt appropriate advanced eCommerce
applications. The project's mission can be summarised as: "to target, motivate and support SMEs within the Objective 1 Area in achieving greater
economic prosperity through pragmatic advancement along the eCommerce ladder ". The key implementation activities for OWA include: · a team
of advanced level eCommerce advisers - additional to the existing service proposition of two stage advice and implementation support provided
by local and sector networks of trusted advisers (that all advisers are/will be Ateb/TMB accredited). · targeting of key sectors and high growth
potential businesses through analysis of ongoing State of The Nation Research, OWA Marketing Strategy and Contact Centre Activity · targeting of
business with the potential and commitment to migrate to the mid/high end of the eCommerce ladder · the creation of advanced eCommerce user
exemplar case studies · specialist advice regarding the use of new eCommerce technologies including Broadband in order to stimulate demand ·
a focus on Business2Business and Business2Government expertise and support · testing of new eCommerce scenarios · enhanced Centre of
Excellence, Web Site and Contact Centre service propositions As a result the Objective 1 Area, through the achievement of OWA objectives, will
have an SME community which: · embraces eCommerce as "the way to do business" · demands more advanced eCommerce technologies
including Broadband access · includes a large cluster of sophisticated users who can demonstrate the benefits of advanced eCommerce · can
access leading edge eCommerce expertise This leaves a sustainable position once Objective 1 support comes to an end. The existing high
demand for the OPW1 service and the need to support businesses through both early and advanced stages of eCommerce leads to the conclusion
that the above will not happen without a further 3 year project.
2 2
Better Business Wales
(holdings) Limited
Opportunity Wales £7,318,000 52572 01/08/2002 £14,645,000
BetterBusinessWales (BBW) will provide proactive hands-on assistance through quality eCommerce business advice and easily accessible
implementation support thus facilitating the realisation of tangible eCommerce benefits by SMEs. In turn, this will stimulate economic growth in
the Objective 1 area of Wales. This holistic and co-ordinated package of initiatives will assist SMEs to: Understand the benefits of eCommerce,
pro-actively and confidently plan the introduction of appropriate eCommerce within their business Access client Aid
2 3 Bic Eryri Expansion of BIC services £465,755 52739 26/03/2002 £1,763,321
To set up a new Business Innovation centre with the intention of providing support for new product development
3 2
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Community Development Co-ordinator £58,344 53745 25/03/2002 £82,078
To employ a Community Development Co-ordinator for Nantyglo to prepare a community local action plan and help establish and service the
Nantyglo Community Partnership Board.
3 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Community Enterprise Grants £73,920 52905 25/03/2002 £231,000
A capital fund to be used to assist community enterprises with start-up development costs relating to buildings, equipment, feasibility studies,
project development etc.
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Roseyeyworth North Business Park (Phase 1), Abertillery £620,538 53872 20/02/2003 £2,525,047
Rose Heyworth Business Park The project is to develop a reclaimed (brownfield) plateau of 2.7 hectares (gross) in extent for the first phase of
construction of 4 industial units.
3 3
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Community Link - Cwmcelyn, Glanystruth and Blaina £95,617 53805 25/03/2002 £136,595
The project is to replace a footbridge across Cwmcelyn Pond (the previous footbridge having been demolished by the County Borough Council
because it was dangerous) to link the communities of Cwmcelyn, Glanystruth and Blaina. The footbridge will provide a safer route to school for
children and parents attending Cwncelyn Infant and Nursery School and Blaina Junior School. A safer journey to Cwmcelyn Chapel and to the
newly regenerated heart of Blaina. The project is being developed by the Council with through regular meetings / consultation with a range of
residents and local agencies. The residents of Cwmcelyn have formed a tenants and residents association (Friends of Cwmcelyn) as part of a
campaign to regenerate the village and replace the footbridge. The local community has come together to improve the area of Cwmcelyn, in
particular to make environmental improvements to the pond and make it a place where the community can enjoy and use its natural beauty. The
plan is to put a path around the pond, place litter bins, plant heather and other shrubs and put benches and tables in the picnic area. The project
has developed from a single issue into the catalyst that will help to increase self esteem and community capacity and to increase confidence
amongst local people so that they feel more able to identify, develop and access future opportunities for a range of regeneration initiatives.
Nantyglo and Blina Town Council has submitted a petition of 265 names in support of a replacement footbridge. Numerous letters of support
from local residents and school children. The construction of the footbridge will be carried out by a suitable contractor to a design
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Llanhilleth Area Regeneration Scheme - Phase B £179,211 53844 24/01/2003 £1,006,115
The construction of six new small industrial units on the Llanhilleth Industrial Estate together with associated entrance road and parking area.
Part of the application is to contribute to the construction of a new junction on the A467 which will remove the present barrier to economic
growth of the exisiting units. The new access is vital to ensure that the potential of the increased Llanhilleth units is realised. The proposal forms
part of a four part proposal in the regeneration of the village of Llanhilleth. Other components are the construction of a combined Institute and
School (Phase A), the formation of a village square and associated infrastructure (Phase C) and infrastructure and environmental improvements
(Phase D). The aims and objectives of the project are To encourage business development - by supporting the development of the enterprise
culture To provide sites and premises to support the formation and growth of existing indigenous enterprises and to attract new investment into
the area To provide direct access to the strategic infrastructure
7 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Technical assistance £375,000 53848 02/08/2002 £750,000
To provide a secretariat service for the Blaenau Gwent Objective 1 Partnership Management Board
3 2
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Arts in the Community- Blaenau Gwent £168,709 54287 06/01/2003 £328,610
The project aims to encourage groups and organisations, by providing skills and resources to develop, support and implement cultural and arts
activities, to participate and become socially engaged. The objective is to build confidence and skills of excluded people and groups through
personal development, informal learning and training activities.
4 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Rassau Integrated Childcare Centre of Excellence £164,050 54319 14/08/2003 £340,000
This phase of the project will fund the creation of a 'fit for purpose' integrated childcare centre enhancing an exisiting building within Rassau.
The project will provide:a childcare unit; a playgroup unit; an adult learing unit; and an after school club.
1 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Local Financial Support for SMEs £247,500 52603 26/03/2002 £1,445,000
The project invlolves 2 schemes ( Economic Development Grant and Industrial Improvement Area Grant). The EDG scheme involves making 50%
grants available to enterprises employing less than 50 people in the manufacturing sector, to assist in purcahse of capital equipment or
create/safeguard jobs. The IIA grant is aimed at providing direct assistance to SMEs on the older industrial estates to improve, extend or modify
premises or to improve amenities of the site and aid operations.
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Waun-y-Pound Industrial Estate Phase 1 £223,238 52658 25/03/2002 £778,096
The project will reuse an undeveloped brownfield area of land on the Waun-y-Pound Industrial Estate and enhance the existing site with strategic
landscaping. The site comprises a former colliery workings and tips and is sloping slightly from North to South. The Council owns the land.
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Plateau A Victoria Industrial Units Ebbw Vale £725,667 52659 25/03/2002 £1,783,744
The construction of 2 x 1,250 m2 industrial units on a plateau at Victoria, Ebbw Vale providing accomodation for expanding SME's and SME's
attracted to the Objective 1 area.
1 2
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Enterprise Support Officers (x3) £110,880 52693 26/03/2002 £250,386
Appointment of the three Enterprise Support Officers who will be given specific responsibility to encourage and support business start-ups and
the expansion and further development of existing small businesses.
3 2
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Community Heritage Development Project £40,932 53578 25/03/2002 £74,736
The aim of this project is to encourage the participation of the community in cultural/heritage awareness, as a tool to raise confidence and
capacity of the community. The objectives of the project are to:- 1) Work with existing community based heritage/cultural groups to develop
their capacity to encourage wider community engagement and participation in the area,s heritage. 2) Assists individuals to develop
heritage/cultural activities, which can lead to wider community involvement. 3) Provide co-ordination between the group to assist in promoting
co-operation and the exchange of ideas and good practices in developing locally based heritage initiatives. 4) Develop in partnership with
organisations/communities a Community Heritage Strategy. 5) Explore the use of ICT with the community groups to promote projects and assist
in disseminating best practice through the development of a Blaenau Gwent Community Heriatge Web site.
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Barleyfield Industrial Units - Phase 2 £448,115 53597 25/03/2002 £1,161,125
The Project is Phase 2 of the development at Barleyfield Industrial Estate, Brynmawr an underused area of brownfield land. The project will
develop a further 0.7 ha and construct 5 industrial units.
7 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
ERDF - Technical Assistance £86,137 53510 02/08/2002 £172,275
The project involves a team of 4 and supporting infrastructure, including computers capable of downloading Objective 1 information and
disseminating Objective 1 information by e-mail. It also includes activities relating to the Council's role as Lead Body i.e. sserving the wider
3 2
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Ebbw Vale Development Trust Funding of Manager £79,678 52947 25/03/2002 £112,792
The project will frimly establish and embed a community regeration organisation for Ebbw Vale which will be an integral partner in Ebbw Fawr
Action, thge local regeneration partnership. It will be community led, community driven and evelove through a process of lcoal consulation. The
aim is to focus on deprived communities to improve the quality of life and involve people in the regeneration process. The project will certainly
impact on economic activity by providing a route through which the social excluded and others can become involved in a community
development, voluteering and training to enter the labout market, perhaps initially in a community enterprise
4 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
The Learning Network in Blaenau Gwent £1,680,949 55321 02/04/2004 £3,912,947
The Learning Network project seeks to provide an integrated network of learning activity centres across the unitary authority area. To provide
access to learning opportunities from basic literacy up to degree standard with training tailored to the needs of local employers.
4 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
The Learning Network - Pilot LAC - Brynteg £156,812 55172 15/12/2003 £325,000
The project is to upgrade the Brynteg Centre to create a centre of excellence offering the following: upgraded ICT facilities Upgraded creche
facility with additional places Additional teaching areas After school club provision Improved facilities for youth provision To ensure a wide range
of potential students. The project objectives are to provide access to lifelong learning, employment opportunities, and high quality childcare.
Forms part of a much larger scheme (The Learning Network) which is endeavouring to provide an integrated network of learing activities across
five unitary authority areas.
1 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Industrial Improvement Area (IIA) Grants, Phase 3 £266,250 55155 06/02/2004 £1,032,500
The proposal is to provide a grant scheme, up to a maximum of £30,000 per scheme, to help Blaenau Gwent based SME's to improve, extend,
modify premises and also to improve the amenities of the sites on which they are located. The project will award grants to SME's within the
boundaries of pre declared Industrial Improvement Areas, themselves defined as part of the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978.
6 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Cwm Regeneration Scheme £130,151 55651 06/05/2004 £363,551
The purpose of the project is to add value to a current infrastructure project, the Cwm Reneration Scheme, by opening up a key intermodal site,
through the provision of an enhanced road interchange. The enhanced junction, a roundabout instead of a ghost island T junction, will provide
the proper standard of acess to a key strategic employment site, Marine Colliery, Cwm. A rail freight facility is also being considered for the
Marine Colliery site, which would require the best possible standards. It will also provide for an equal designation for Cwm village aswell, which
is important to ensure that Cwm does not become a bypassed village, which would threaten the economic vitality of Cwm village centre and it's
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Waun-y-Pond Industrial Estate New Units Phase 1 £1,329,500 54665 20/09/2004 £3,500,000
This project is to re-profile 3 parcels of land and construct 1 x 660m2 and 1 x 1540 m2 industrial units on the first parcel (of 1.3 ha). The
second parcel (1.6 ha) and third parcel (2.7 ha) will be developed as a future project accommodating 9 further units totalling 12,920 m2 of
industrial floor space.
1 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Nurturing Competitive Enterprise in Blaenau Gwent £105,031 54644 10/06/2003 £409,473
The aim of the project is to stimulate, assist and encourge SMEs to develop, diversify and grow.
3 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Social Enterprise Development Officer £72,665 54534 31/01/2003 £117,424
Identify opportunities within the local economy that may be suited to the development of social economy initiatives, To develop an overarching
social economy support network that will enable the impact of social enterprises to become geographically wider, publicising and marketing the
concept of social enterprise throughout Blaenau Gwent and to assit community first local partnership and development trusts in the development
of community/social enterprise. Preparing feasibility studies and business plans for community social enterprise and to assess those prepaed by
1 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Local Financial Support for SME's Part Two £110,000 54510 09/12/2002 £420,000
Involves a grant scheme aimed at assisting existing firms to create or safeguard jobs. It involves making 50% grants available of up tp £30,000
to SME's on the older industrial estates ( declared Industrial Improvement Areas) to improve, extends or modify premises and to improve the
amenieties of sites.
3 3
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Llanhilleth Area Regeneration Scheme - Phase A £1,103,164 54417 03/02/2004 £7,501,860
The project is part of the wider Llanhilleth Area Regeneration (flagship) Scheme to breathe life and give opportunity to this socially and
economically deprived community. At its core is the construction od a new 300 place primary School and the conversion of the Grade II listed
former Colliery Workmen's Institute for community use. ERDF funding is primarily for the Institute. To provide: a centre for lifelong learning;
spaces for community groups; a cyber cafe; a Healthy Living Centre base; an all weather recreational area and changing rooms.
4 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Valleys Information Technology and Communication Centre £1,394,425 54387 22/07/2003 £2,890,000
The project is a flagship development to build a business focussed training centre in Tredegar. The aim being to promote high level ICT
knowledge generation and skills development, which will benefit employers and the community throughout Blaenau Gwent and its surrounding
1 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Local Financial Support for SME's Part 2 EDG Element £137,500 54517 24/01/2003 £525,000
Grant scheme aimed at assisting firms and start-ups to create or safeguarded jobs. It involves 50% grants available of up to £5000 (normally) to
enterprises in the manifacturing (and related sectors) to assist firms to purchase capital equipment and either create or safeguard jobs.
6 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
TIGER - Ebbw Valley Railway £7,500,000 54438 30/10/2003 £28,583,544
To reopen the current freight railway line between the South Wales mainline and Ebbw Vale to passenger services. The proposed infrastructure
comprises of a new 9 mile/15KM double track loop from a new station at Risca to Aberbeeg junction. Additionally, work would be required to
upgrade the existing track to passenger standards/speeds, and new colour light signalling would be installed at Park Junction. Six new stations
would be constructed at Rogerstone, Risca, Crosskeys, Newbridge, Llanhilleth and Ebbw Vale Parkway. Four of these stations are located on the
loop and would need twin platforms.
2 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Blaenau Gwent Community Broadband Network - P2M5 £458,326 54443 03/04/2003 £1,233,584
This project aims to provide an authority wide network of broadband links which will enable Internet traffic to be carried from all parts of the
authority through a central point of presence and out of the borough.
3 3
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Six Bells Community Link £296,772 55060 07/10/2004 £790,000
The creation of a community link and substantial environmental iomprovements within the village of Six Bells. The link will begin at Alexandra
Road, which is an arterial route through six bells. The link will consist of a bridge over the Ebbw River, with a series of ramps/walkways suitable
for disabled access.
3 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
The Social Enterprise Support Programme - Phase 2 £149,023 57047 03/01/2006 £340,668
The project is designed to carry forward the momentum of social enterprise development in Blaenau Gwent, providing a natural succession to
The Social Enterprise Support Programme. It will enable the start-up of new social enterprises and will assist existing enterprises in forging new
initiatives, throughout the local communities of Blaenau Gwent.
3 3
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Llanhilleth Institute Manager £184,209 57075 06/10/2005 £295,983
It is envisaged that the project will fund a manager for the Llanhilleth Miners Institute over a three year period, key to the sustainable use of the
refurbished institute.
3 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
The Social Enterprise Support Programme £92,796 56865 01/08/2005 £230,995
The project is intended to be a pre-matched grant fund that will provide financial assistance to enable the start-up of new social enterprises and
to assist existing social enterprises to form new initiatives.
6 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Tredegar Cycle Network £295,112 56611 14/12/2005 £824,337
The Tredegar Cycle Network project will complete a key section of the strategic Heads of the Valleys Cycle route. The National Cycle network
currently provides around 7,000 miles of cycling and walking routes throughout the U.K of which 950 miles is in Wales. The Walking and Cycling
Strategy for Wales, published in December 2003, targets National Cycle Route 46 for completion by the end of 2005, between Brynmawr and
Merthyr. The implementation of the Tredegar Cycle Network will substantially contribute to this target, bring back into profitable use the Grade II
listed Nine Arches Viaduct, create many local links to routes in and around Tredegar town, and offer tourism, business and health opportunities
for residents and visitors alike.
3 2
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Winchestown Family Centre £209,173 56673 21/01/2005 £313,852
The Winchestown Family Centre is a multi-agency funded project designed to support the needs of the community. The Centre has been
operating from the site for the last 18 months, with Phase II designed to include a community-based learning suite complete with computer
access, two meeting rooms and an activity room.
1 5
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Rhoseheyworth North Business Park (Phase 2) £996,000 56295 16/05/2005 £2,495,000
The project is the construction of 4 industrial units at Rhoseheyworth on a site of low ecological value. Its purpose is to encourage new
investment into the area and strengthen the economic base of the local area.
6 4
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Ebbw Vale Tin Plate Works Reclamation/Rehabilitation £3,300,921 56241 23/05/2006 £8,252,305
The project will lead to the reclamation/rehabilitation of 80 hectares of derelict/contaminated land. The project is a key component of the
Regeneration Programme for the Five Counties (and for Blaenau Gwent) prepared following the CORUS closure (Appendix A), and a prerequsite
for key elements of the Objective One Local Strategy i.e. The Learning Campus (Appendix B). It is also a key component of the Council's
Economic Development Strategy 2004 (Appendix C). Reclamation of derelict and contaminated land is a key component of the WDA's Corporate
Plan 2004-7 (Appendix D). Ensuring adequate provision of quality sites, premises and infrastructure in the right places as a component of 'A
Winning Wales (Appendix E ). The Wales Spatial Plan contains support for the implementation of the recommendations of the Five Counties
Regeneration Report (Appendix F).
2 5
Bluestone Mansford Estate
Bluestone Renewable Energy Support Project £665,000 56552 24/04/2007 £1,900,000
This project will complement the aim of the main Bluestone Holiday Village. The project includes capital expenditure for solar water heating
panels to appropriately orientated chalet roofs, a bio-fuel (bio-diesel) generator for on-site supply to lodges and other facilities, associated
building works to house the generator and electricity infrastructure to the public network for power supply and site back up.
6 4
BP D'Arcy Developments
New D'Arcy Business Centre - Remediation Works £300,779 55646 16/09/2005 £829,248
The former Llandarcy Refinery Site, which is over 1,300 acres in area, is to be transformed into an Urban Village comprimising new homes and
over 65,000m2 of employment and supporting facilities. The development will be high quality inclusive and sustainable, facilitating regeneration
of the area and strengthening the economy of the region. The mixed use development is designed for people to live, work and enjoy some
leisure time within the area. It will provide significant employment and new homes along with other commercial and community facilities. It will
improve the environment in the area and provide employment and high quality sites for new business and industry or relocation sites for existing
businesses. Extensive remediation, earthworks and infrastructure are necessary to provide access and services and these will be incorporated in a
phased manner over a period of around 30 years. This element of the project aims to remediate a total of 2.5 ha of contaminated land on the
Llandarcy site as a pre-requisite for the development of the new D'Arcy Business Centre & Britannic Office Village. The area to be decontaminated
is detailed on figure 1. Specifically the project will decontaminate 2.5Ha of land that is subject to moderate to severe petroleum hydrocarbon
pollution. Remediation of hydrocarbon contamination will be achieced by biotreatment of the soils, with reuse of the soils as part of the
development.* The project will cover both statutory and non-statutory remediation works. However, Objective 1 funding is only required to
finance part of the non-statutory remediation. BP, as current owner of the site, will bear the cost of all statutory remediation works. Additional
remeditaion work - over and above statutory requirements - is necessary on order to creat a safe, clean and high-quality environment required
for the development of Llandarcy to go forward successfully. The final outcome will be the bringing forward of 2.5Ha prime employment land,
which in turn will enable the development of the new D'Arcy Business Centre and Britannic Office Village. This will provide close to 5,498m2 of
high quality office and industrial/workshop accommodation for new and existing local SME's. This project also fits into the broader strategic
context of the Llandarcy Urban Village project, as construction of the new Business Centre will allow for the demolition of inadequate premises
and thus open up additional portions of the Llandarcy site for major redevelopment while increasing the visibility and accessibility if business in
the site. *this approach is put forward on the basis of existing analysis of the contamination conditions.
3 2 BPP Development Trust Action Resource Centre (The ARC) Manager £73,777 56385 05/01/2005 £102,468
The Trust is established to promote fro public benefit the urban regeneration of areas of social and economic deprivation, in particular, the areas
of Blaenymaes, Portmead and Penplas, Swansea. In so doing, the Trust manages a local venue called the 'Action Resource Centre' or 'ARC'.
1 5 Brawdy Business Park St. David's House Re-development £189,280 54354 27/02/2004 £474,031
Project will convert an existing builidng to create 4,180m2 of industrial use space and 472m2 for small office/studio accommodation. Project will
also include the improvement of access to the business park.
3 3
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Community Grant Scheme - Phase 2 £200,000 54500 24/03/2003 £285,715
This scheme is intended to provide additional resources to the exisiting grant scheme which targets the community and voluntary sector in the
targeted areas. It will be used to support existing and new groups by giving start up groups grants of up to £20,000 and also support for 2 year
projects up to £20,000. The previous project has been 100% over-subscribed.
3 2
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Community Capacity Building - Phase 2 £184,969 54498 24/03/2003 £282,236
The aim of the project is to continue to build the capacity and confidence of these communities in order to develop and sustain community led
action and in trun economic regeneration. The previous project has now been running for 15 months during which a lot has been learnt and
improvements will be made on the running of this project.
3 2
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Community Capacity Building £106,088 53073 27/03/2002 £153,751
The aim of the project is to build the capacity and confidence of targeted communities, to develop community led action and economic
regeneration. The project will provide advice and support to maximise economic and social activity, along with revenue generation. This will be
made possible through the provision of a Development officer, funding advice and volunteering opportunities.
3 3
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Community Grant Sceme £100,000 53776 27/03/2002 £142,858
The scheme will provide a grant scheme for the community and voluntary sector in the targeted areas within Bridgend County Borough Council.
It will support existing and new groups in the following ways- § Start up grants for new groups (limited to a maximum in total of £20,000) §
Support for 2-year projects limited to a maximum of £20,000 per bid. This will support the regeneration of communities by enabling local people
to develop community-led delivered projects This fund will compliment the skills development and capacity building already taking place in the
area as well as providing a stepping stone to enable local people to become engaged in activities and local projects which will increase skills and
knowledge and therefore provide a bridge into employment. The provision of larger grants to existing groups will enable the development of a
range of skills including an element of capacity building such as: § Financial management § Managing staff § Developing business plans (to
sustain the activities) § Writing funding bids But the main focus is to enable local organisations and groups to access monies for their projects
and activities, and to support them through the employment of project staff to manage the project.
3 3
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
BAVO Community Grant Scheme - Phase 3 £300,000 56843 31/01/2005 £428,571
The project is designed to provide small and large grants to voluntary organisations and community groups within the priority 3 community
economic regeneration areas. The aim of the project is to continue to build the capacity and confidences of these communities in order to
develop and sustain community led action, and in turn economic regeneration.
3 3
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Blackmill Capacity Building Project £90,477 56937 03/03/2005 £129,253
To provide targeted development support to communities within Blackmill ward as identified through the bridgend Local Action plan under
Priority 3 of the Objective 1 Programme. The aim of the project is to continue to build teh capacity and confidence of these communities in order
to develop and sustain community led action and in turn economic regeneration.
3 3
Bridgend Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Caerau Capacity Building Project £90,477 56938 03/03/2005 £129,253
The project will provide targeted development support to communities within Caerau ward as identified through the Bridgend local action plan
under Priority 3 of the Objective 1 programme. the aim of teh project is to continue to develop and sustain community led action and in turn
economic regeneration.
4 4 Bridgend College
Upgrading and Developing the Training Facilities at Pencoed
£932,400 52648 27/03/2002 £1,942,500
The aim of the project is to restore the main college building. A new two-storey extension is required to build 15 new classrooms and additional
support facilities. These developments would also allow the college to diversify into other areas of training and development. The college would
also provide an ideal location for the requirements of the Farm Innovation Service and an access centre for those with learning difficulties/
4 4
Bridgend County Borough
Lifelong Learning Centre (Sarn) £150,357 52637 27/03/2002 £359,748
The centre will be a drop-in centre for a wide range of community development initiatives that will all help to tackle social exclusion across all
ages in the Sarn area (initially) and wider field in the county boroughs. The existing community centre will be expanded and an outreach worker
employed. Activities within the centre will encourage lifelong learning through access to the people's network and IT skills as well as information
and guidance for socially excluded individuals.
1 1
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Business Support Framework £315,500 52609 26/07/2002 £1,178,358
The project is an integrated grant scheme to support the development of SMEs and community businesses. The project will provide grant support
to SMEs/ community businesses who are unable to obtain grant or loan finance through any other source.
1 2
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Enterprise Support Programme - Local Economy
Action Programme
£263,637 53304 01/08/2002 £529,052
It is designed to complement the Bridgend Business Support Framework (BSF), an integrated grant scheme to support the development of SMEs
and Community Businesses in the County Borough. The BSF was approved as the Bridgend Partnerships 'Fast Track' Objective 1 bid. Together the
BSF and the local economy Action Project make up the Bridgend Enterprise Support Programme (BESP); an integrated financial and development
support package.
7 1
Bridgend County Borough
Technical assistance £327,757 53836 02/08/2002 £945,946
To provide a secretariat function for the Bridgend Objective 1 partnership.
7 1
Bridgend County Borough
BRIDGEND CBC - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE £87,317 53688 02/08/2002 £174,634
The project involves the team within the authority to provide technical and administrative support to the Bridgend County Borough Objective 1
Local Partnership.
1 1
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Business Support Framework £315,500 54678 06/03/2003 £1,381,000
The objective of the Bridgend Business Support Framework is to increase the competitiveness and employment potential of the SME sector in line
with Bridgend's local Objective 1 strategy.
5 6
Bridgend County Borough
Rural Economy Action Project £815,000 55683 19/11/2004 £1,940,476
The setting up and management of a grant scheme to support the strategic and sustainable regeneration of Bridgend's rural communities
1 1
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Business Support Framework - Extension of
£354,400 55969 14/09/2004 £2,100,000
The project will extend the scope of the Economic Development Units current Obj 1 Grant Scheme, the Bridgend Business Support Framework
(BBSF). The current BBSF is a targeted grant fund directed at certain sectors of the economy and supporting certain kinds of business activity.
Grant support is largely focussed on the manufacturing sector and on services to manufacture with the scheme being restricted to specified
business activities. While the scheme has proved extremely effective in supporting qualifying SMEs the Economic Development Unit, other
Businesses Support Organisations and reps of the small business sector in Bridgend recognise that such a product led has proved somewhat
flexible in meeting all the business development needs of all SMEs in the county borough. This project will extend the scope of the BBSF by
complementing the current prescriptive product led approach with a more client driven business needs approach. Such additionality will allow a
more strategic approach to meeting the longer-term development support of the individual SMEs. It will ensure that the financial support
available meets the needs of individual business rather than just the needs of the wider economy. Qualifying SMEs/ social enterprises will be able
to apply for grant support for any eligible activity within the Obj 1 Programme, rather than the more restrictive categories of funding provided for
in current grant schemes. This will allow beneficiary companies to adopt a more holistic approach to their development as well as providing
Business Development Agencies with a more powerful and integrated range of financial support mechanisms for companies they are advising.
The objective of the extension of the BBSF is to increase the competitiveness and employment potential of the SME sector in line with Bridgends
local Obj 1 strategy It will achieve this through the provision of a customer led flexible grant scheme to SME/community businesses unable to
access finance through any other sources for viable and sustainable business projects. The BBSF will be operated to ensure that it complements
rather than duplicates other schemes of financial assistance available from other sources including the Assembly Investment Grant. The BBSF will
also support the equal opportunity, environmental sustainability and IT objectives of the Bridgend Obj 1 Partnership. The more flexible customer
led approach of the project will have particular relevance in meeting the business start up/business development needs of under represented
entrepreneurs and developing social enterprises in Bridgends more deprived communities. The BBSF is part of a wider Bridgend Business support
network encompassing partners such as the EDU s local economy action project, the WDA and Business in Focus, the Wales Co-op Centre and
others. SMEs in receipt of grant support will also be able to access business advice and development support across this range of agencies.
3 3
Bridgend County Borough
Garw Valley Regeneration Officer £155,540 55237 18/03/2004 £207,387
The appointment of a regeneration officer to take forward physical regeneration projects in the 4 wards of the Garw Valley- Blaengarw,
Pontycymer, betws and Llangeinor
6 1
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Valleys Gateway £617,002 55361 28/06/2004 £1,821,762
The primary aim of this project is to increase the employment opportunities available within the county borough and ensure that these new and
existing opportunities are accessible to all residents of Bridgend but especially focusing on the more deprived and peripheral communities. The
project will provide linkages between Bridgend's more deprived and peripheral northern Valleys Communities and the existing and future
employment and training opportunities that are clustered around the M4 corridor and to the south of the county borough. This will include
facilitating access to key sites such as Brocastle, Waterton, Llanilid, Bocam Park and Bridgend Industrial Estate. It will also improve the
opportunity of those residing in the northern valleys to access training at the Bridgend and Pencoed Colleges.
3 3
Bridgend County Borough
Garw Valley Regeneration Fund £978,600 56874 30/03/2005 £1,400,000
It is envisaged that the project will provide a key fund to support physical regeneration activity in four of Bridgend's priority 3 targeted wards,
Blaengarw, Llangeinor, Pontycymer and Betws, which make up the Garw Valley. A significant proportion of the physical environment and services
reflect the level of deprivation experienced in the area.
3 3
Bridgend County Borough
Caerau Regneration Officer £100,952 56875 24/06/2005 £144,217
The project intends to employ a dedicated person to drive forward the physical regeneration projects identified by the Communities First
partnership of Caerau. The officer will work with the Partnership, in particular its Environment Sub Group, to develop these projects, which will
contribute to the long-term physical regeneration of Caerau.
6 3
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Town Centre Regeneration £2,950,750 57263 09/09/2005 £5,364,999
The project is intended to deliver an integrated and sustainable economic, social and physical regeneration of Bridgend Town Centre to derive
far-reaching benefits to the Town Centre and the deprived hinterland communities throughout the County.
3 4
Bright Red Dot Foundation
Ltd T/A Community Action
Building the Social Economy £57,301 52884 29/04/2002 £88,333
The project is the first stage in developing the partnership and has a clear and broad aim to undertake the process of developing and promoting
the social economy. The project will employ one full time project co-ordinator to: undertake an analysis of the social economy in Wales;b uild on
the activities of CERP; look at partnership working arrangements; and use case studies as examples of best practice.
5 8 British Waterways
Creation of Open Waterspace for Leisure and Recreation:
£633,622 54424 25/04/2003 £1,628,622
The overall aim of the project is to promote sustainable tourism through the integration of the management of the Llangollen canal and its
environs to the benefit of the economic and social well being of the area.
1 5
Broadlands Industrial Park
Broadlands Industrial Park £201,055 56269 06/06/2005 £648,787
To create quality speculative business premises located at Nine Wells, St Davids. Comprising 11 units totalling 532 square meters suitable for use
as offices and for light industrial purposes.
6 4 Bryn Compost Ltd SE Wales Regional Compost Demonstration Facility £466,744 56220 25/07/2005 £1,333,555
establishment initially of a 'Beacon' project to encourage similar investment, and in the medium long term, a viable waste recycling
business.Immediate job creation will result in 4 full time skilled staff, and 2 medium term staff engaged in research and market development.
The site and its employee catchment will be within the West Wales and the Valleys area. Stimuli for other facilities throughout Wales are to be
expected, with similar job and business creation opportunities. Expenditure is proposed on the capital works for an in-vessel compost system of
20,000tpa capacity and associated facilities, to be built on a primarily brown field site at Gelligaer, Caerphilly. To date no other facilities exist, or
are being proposed, to provide this service in S E Wales on a similar scale.The project will be an example of a private/ public sector initiative to
provide recycling infrastructure and development of the market for resultant compost mediums to the benefit of Wales as a whole. The project
will impact on the following national strategies: - EU Framework Directive on Waste EU Landfill Directive The National Waste Strategy for Wales
3 2
Bryncynon Community
Revival Strategy LTD.
SPICED For Life £864,494 54911 22/07/2003 £1,186,569
The aim of the project is to encourage the participation of local people in delivering the community led healthy living programme which was set
following a community consultation undertaken in 1998 and a healthy living consultation undertaken in 2001. The activities are intended to build
the capacity of individuals. The key activities of the project will be: creating opportunities for volunteering; developing and training volunteers to
embed skills in the community; working with volunteers to develop a range of activities and projects; developing the membership of the
organisation especially the 16 -25 age group; provision of childcare facilities to enable parents to take part in activities to develop their
confidence; working with individuals/community groups to identify community enterprise opportunities; and promoting a healthy diet and
lifestyle. The project will employ 7 new staff and safeguard the employment of 7 others and these will be used to lead the activities outlined
above through the implementation of the health living agenda for the area. The project includes volunteering contributions and the staff
employed by the project will work with those volunteers to build their capacity to deliver the project. [NB this project was originally submitted as
a P3 M3 bid and registered as 54677]
3 3
Bryncynon Community
Revival Strategy LTD.
Bryncynon Healthy Living Centre Project £244,362 57079 29/07/2005 £889,695
The project intends to refurbish a derelict church and employ staff to resource it, promote and support families that nurture, inspire and guide
members to live healthy and fulfilled lives. The project will develop the capacity of individuals' with chronic health problems and will assist
young people to achieve their potential, to improve quality of life and encourage individuals back into training and back into work.
3 3 BTCV Penlan Environmental Forum £303,333 57061 07/09/2005 £433,333
This project is designed to engage with the residents of the Penlan community via the medium of improving their environmental spaces. Through
community consultation 11 sites have been identified as eyesores. The aim of the project is to transform these sites via community
environmental projects. These projects will form the blueprint for a range of training and skills development for the volunteers. The project will
also build the capacity of Penlan Environmental Forum to enable it to become sustainable.
3 2 BTCV Community Environmental Action Phase 2 £1,271,940 55506 05/04/2004 £1,745,732
The project is to enable communities to take effective action at a local level to address environmental problems, which hold back community and
economic regeneration in deprived areas. The project will support and empower individuals and groups in the most disadvantaged wards to
identify environmental concerns within their neighbourhoods and devise and implement strategies to deal with them. Community project officers,
supported by existing BTCV staff and volunteers, will deliver a communit support service that includes: - an advice service, in person and via
website and helpline; - practical help and skill sharing on designing, funding and implementing projects; - green gym development and
leadership; - insurance and technical support - facilitating self-supporting networks of Environmentors and groups.
3 2 BTCV Community Environmental Action £351,433 52881 26/03/2002 £486,841
The overall aim of the project is to support and empower individuals and groups, in the most deprived wards in the region to identify
environmental concerns within their neighbourhoods and devise and implement strategies to deal with them.
3 2
Bush & Park Residents &
Tenants Association
Llanion Youth Project £32,888 54501 15/03/2003 £45,644
The aim of the project is to involve the young people of Llanion Ward in organised activities, initially as a youth crime reduction, healthy living
and soft skills development. To encourage young people to become more closely involved in the regeneration of the ward and to encourage them
to be active within the labour market. The project will employ two part-time youth workers to deliver organised youth activity on the estate.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Management Information Systems - Phase 2 £76,881 55540 16/09/2004 £156,453
Poor financial management due to a lack of control on expenditure and cash is a well-researched reason for poor performance in Small to
Medium Sized Enterprises. Equally, poor accountancy systems can hamper the prospects of businesses with growth potential through the owner's
inability to make reasonably accurate cash flow forecasts. This project aims to support small firms in Neath & Port Talbot (NPT) through the
installation (or improvement) of management information systems (MIS) which are usually software based accountancy packages - or software
which feed into accountancy packages. The deliverer works alongside the client and guides him or her through every aspect that needs attention
to deliver a fully-working IT based financial measurement system. The intention is that the clients learn by being involved in the set up or
correction of the software system so that they can do it themselves in the future This is an application to renew an existing Objective One
project, which has proved highly successful. BCNPT currently use sub-contracted personnel to deliver the existing project however, by changing
the delivery format we intend to increase the number of client projects and reduce the associated management time required to monitor the
scheme, source clients, and deal with the clerical requirements. In Phase II therefore, BCNPT intend to recruit and employ an experienced and
appropriately skilled person to work full time on the scheme. The key innovative aspect is that we believe this scheme to be the only one of its
kind in Wales. Priority 1, Measure 3's theme is to 'Develop Competitive SMEs'. It highlights the help needed by SMEs to address the capacities of
owner/managers by inducing a culture change in the business. The provision of MIS improves the ability of management to steer the business
successfully using 'trustworthy', up to date information. The business owner's task is to ensure that the correct information is entered into the
package whilst the financial software does all the calculation work of producing meaningful figures. An MIS system also releases personnel for
other work in the business and promotes cultural movement in the firm by improving awareness of the 'real time' measurements of financial
performance. MIS data facilitates risk assessment and, as a valuable management tool, supports a stronger competitive edge. Additionally, an
MIS scheme can provide accurate customer purchasing information giving managers a greater understanding of their end-user markets and
facilitating the entry to new market sectors.
2 2
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Diagnosis and Advice on SME ICT Strategies - Phase 2 £82,705 55553 08/07/2004 £166,289
The ICT Strategist scheme offers hands-on help to SMEs, (predominantly micro-businesses) in the Neath Port Talbot area, covering all aspects of
ICT. It complements the activities of other Regional ICT initiatives by offering direct help in situations where other providers are unable to
operate due to contractual constraints. Key aspects are: Free at all times One stop - not first stop Rapid response Low tech/small firm focus SMEs
are often unaware of how they can better use their existing business IT facilities, or how the acquisition of a PC can aid their success. This
project aims to give un-biased, practical help to SMEs on their ICT systems, and provide advice on the necessary software and hardware. A short
written general analysis of the business precedes the ICT related work to ensure the most appropriate, cost efficient advice is given. Business
Connect Neath Port Talbot (BCNPT) promote and host the project. The objectives of the project are to raise the business efficiency of small firms
through the improved use of electronic media for storage, computation and communication. Attention is paid to the environmental effects of such
interventions in terms of community benefit and cost savings. The scheme endeavours to embrace the diversity of the area in all its forms, a
particular focus is on micro firms as a more vulnerable, disadvantaged group in an attempt to improve survival rates.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Aftercare Support for Young Established SMEs in Neath Port
Talbot ('Follow on')
£93,746 55655 08/09/2004 £193,626
The proposed project's overall objective is to provide an element of support to local SMEs aged between one and approximately four years old,
located within the County Borough of Neath Port Talbot. The business support available to the SME with regard to the project, will contribute
towards enhancing the survival and growth rate of the business during its early stages. Companies House records the fact that a large number of
businesses fail during the early years. This project seeks to invest resources which are appropriate, to assist businesses during this vulnerable
period. The proposed project will allow businesses to become more competitive and to improve turnover and profitability, by providing 'hands
on' advice and guidance on a large number of business issues. These aims will be achieved through accomplishing the objectives of assisting the
business to be more efficient and effective. Direct assistance will be given with writing business plans, monitoring performance against plan
and/or developing alternative strategies in the light of business performance. This mode of contact will ensure the on-going relationship.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Human Resource Service to SMEs ('follow on') £46,966 55648 16/09/2004 £96,373
The small business Owner/manager has to fulfil many roles in the business including the management, organisation and efficient utilisation of
human resources. However, they are frequently unaware of their general responsibilities as employers, and of the requirements of national and
European legislation with which they must comply. This project will advise SMEs of their responsibilities and assist them to develop personnel
procedures specific to their individual needs. Matters would typically include recruitment, contracts of employment, payroll, legislation such as
equal opportunities, dismissal and grievance procedures, staff development e.g. Investors in people, skills, training etc. An experienced HR
consultant will be recruited to provide very much a 'hand on' service. Experience has shown that owner/managers are nervous of legislation and
cannot afford some of the consultancy currently provided. Frequently, a 'head in the sand' attitude is prevalent amongst SMEs given the fear and
expense factors that surround HR issues. This existing project, which has been in great demand, now seeks further sanction to proceed in an
improved mode.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Microbusiness Retail Service £41,927 52741 22/03/2002 £85,321
Provision of quality business support for small retail businesses in Neath Port Talbot through quality retail consultancy.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Personnel and Human Resource Service to SMEs £35,709 52742 22/03/2002 £72,668
Provide advise to small business managers on the management organisation and efficient utilisation of human resources. The project will
improve the ability of the SME to correctly and efficiently recruit, engage, administer and where necessary release its employers.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Marketing Assistant £47,177 52638 01/08/2002 £98,447
The employment of a full time marketing assistant to expand the marketing advice service offered by Business Connect Neath Port Talbot. The
project will improve the competitiveness of new and established businesses by offering support and advice on all elements of marketing.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Introducing and Supporting Management Information
£58,623 52632 22/03/2002 £117,851
The support of small firms through the installation - or improved implementation of tailored management information systems to provide the
financial information necessary to make informed business decisions.
2 2
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Diagnosis and Advice on SME ICT £55,947 52634 11/06/2002 £114,945
The project will provide independent practical help for the business owner/manager to establish relevant information, advice and communication
systems through ICT.
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Intertrading/Contract Network £72,668 52636 29/07/2003 £161,430
Setting up and maintenance of a database of local businesses providing supplier and purchasing information to engender local opportunities for
1 3
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Aftercare Support for Young Established SMEs in Neath Port
£75,430 52630 24/09/2002 £158,083
Provision of a mentoring service for young established SMEs in Neath Port Talbot to provide advice and guidance and support the business in
meeting its objectives. The service will be provided by business mentors who will each establish a client portfolio gaining an understanding of
the operation of each business.
1 1
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Promotional Grant £61,085 52642 04/04/2002 £174,836
Extension of the WDA funded promotional grant administered by Business Connect Port Talbot. The grant will enable small businesses to receive
funding to pay for improved promotional materials, websites or signage to improve their image and presentation to their customers. Grant is
50% of costs to a maximum of £500. Funding will extend the current pilot scheme to include new and established businesses employing less
than 50 people.
1 2
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Growing Young Entrepreneurs £148,732 52645 26/03/2002 £306,618
The project will build on current provision available to the 18-30 age group. Support will be tailored to young entrepreneurs developing business
skills and self-confidence through increased support from Business Connect accessed through its network of support contacts. Entrepreneurs will
be encouraged and supported to seek out and develop new opportunities for their business.
1 2
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Microbusiness Retail and Local Service Provision ('follow
£36,901 57297 21/09/2005 £75,856
This scheme will enhance the turnover and profitability of small retail outlets, including sub post offices, community businesses and service
providers mainly in valley locations through the provision of advice delivered by an acknowledged consultant. Premises layout and stock
merchandising are proven methods of reducing shop lifting and increasing sales. Proper and careful sourcing of goods, their attractive display
and correct mark-up application and stock turnover are all elements, which will further increase profitability, Competitiveness and the likelihood
of employment of staff. Additionally, the provision of guidance with respect to hygiene, sale of goods act legislation and selling techniques will
assist business growth. One of the outcomes of the project is expected to be the prevention of boarded up premises, which have the knock on
effect of degrading the environment for other business entities and an adverse effect on the quality of life for the community. As part of the local
economic regeneration strategy the tourism activity plays an important part. Visitor numbers can only be encouraged when attractive, busy
communities are in evidence and are more likely to spend money in the area. Conversely, of course, visitors faced with boarded up, derelict and
inactive communities would certainly not return their first visit could be guaranteed to be of the shortest duration.
1 2
Business Connect - Neath
Port Talbot
Youth Enterprise Scheme £174,687 56583 02/03/2005 £349,374
The scheme will provide additional one to one, free specialist advice and assistance to young people aged 18-30, to encourage and enable
business start-ups. Hands on practical assistance such as business planning, market research, rasing finance, financial forecasting and ongoing
monitoring and advice will be provided to each client on an individual basis. The service will be unique to the young clientele in that what it
offers is over and above that provided by general New Business Start services. The scheme will work alongside other bodies such as the WDA,
Business eye, Careers Wales, Young Enterprise and Brrker Cymru and will enhance and complement schemes such as GBAS, the New Business
Starts (NBS) programme and those operated by the Prince's Trust and Potentia, to offer young people a full programme of assistance from
business concept through to trading.
1 2 Business in Focus Ltd Women Into Business £55,575 52641 26/03/2002 £111,150
The Women into Business project will be an ambitious and long-term project, managed by Business in Focus, which will promote, drive and
assist women in the Bridgend area to develop their business skills, enter or re-enter the workplace and start up new businesses. The women into
business programme will create a package of support for those women from start up to growth during their first 3 years of trading.
1 2 Business in Focus Ltd WOMEN IN BUSINESS £55,575 52788 26/03/2002 £111,150
The project, managed by Business in Focus, will promote and assist women in the Rhondda Cynon Taff are to develop their business skills, enter
or re-enter the workplace and start up new businesses
1 3 Business in Focus Ltd Total Business Resource Programme £356,643 54365 07/07/2003 £738,905
This project is designed to continue that holistic business support approach from the beginning of the third year of trading to the end of the fifth
year of trading to ensure that SMEs do not find themselves left in a support vacuum.
1 2 Business in Focus Ltd Women Into Business Phase 2 £178,080 54866 08/12/2003 £356,160
This is the second phase of a successful Objective 1 funded project designed to encourage women into self-employment and to directly improve
entrepreneurship activity. As such it directly meets the objectives of Priority 1 Measure 2 as set out in the Single Programme Document, which is
further reinforced by the strategies of the Business Assets Strategic Partnership and Entrepreneurship Regional Partnership. The new project will:
I. Extend the geographic coverage of programmes to more centres throughout the area. II. Provide additional courses on weekends to meet a
demand identified during Phase 1. III. Provide (on-going) additional support to clients supported in Phase 1 who have started their business,
existing female business owners/managers and participants on Phase 2 who commence trading. The cost of employing the Women into Business
Manager and Administrative Assistant, who will oversee the management of the programme, will initially be shared by existing Objective 2
projects for the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Partnerships. The costs of these two posts will be appointed during the period January 2003 to
31st July 2002, which covers the timescale of the Objective 2 projects. Courses will be undertaken in Treforest, Pyle and Maesteg as under the
first phase and also in Tondu, Aberdare and Tonypandy. The first programme forecasted to undertake 12 courses in the combined Bridgend and
Rhondda/Cynon /Taff are. In total 17 courses will have been completed in the Objective 1 area by the end of December 2002, with, as at 31st
July 2002, 126 participants attending day 1 of the seven day programme (out of 145 individuals booked on the courses). It is anticipated that a
further 40 participants will attend the remaining 4 courses from 10th September to 31st December 2002. This project is seeking to undertake 27
programmes. As at the 31st July 2002,65% of the participants are receiving either pre-start support from the mainstream business support
programmes. The new programme will include the ' Enterprise Training for Women' module developed during Phase 1, including; - Introduction
and Business Ideas Generation - Feasibility if the Business Idea - Effective Business Communication - Marketing and Sales Preparation - Getting
Sales and Customers Care - Business Technology - Financial Aspects of Running your own Business - Business Planning and Monitoring the
Business. All of these modules are led by leading sub-contracted business advisors/trainers who are retained on the Business in Focus Approved
Suppliers list. The client evaluation report for each sub-contractor has been excellent and samples are provided as supporting information.
Following discussions with participants on the first programme the agency is also looking to introduce additional modules designed to enhance
the empowerment of women. This has been designed to increase the participants: - Effective Presentation skills - Influencing skills - Decision
making capabilities - Understanding of Ethics and relationships at work.
3 2 Business in the Community Business Brokers Programme £859,426 54683 07/07/2003 £1,313,363
The project will create a team of 9 business brokers who will work on a localised basis across the 15 local partnership areas and will draw on
best pracrice to maximise private/community sector partnership in the spatially targeted areas. The business brokers will deliver: localised
Company Connection networks partnering of senior and middle private sector managers with comm sector managers private sector champions
professional and technical advice employee volunteering joint private/community sector partnership ventures.
2 2
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Bisnet Project (2) £210,000 54676 19/06/2003 £420,000
Second part of a project which aims to provide ICT advice/assistance to over 300 SMEs, stimulating the adoption of full e-commerce by 60 local
SMEs and raising the awareness of ICTs around 300 SME employees. Bisnet will also collaborate with national ICT programmes such as
Opportunity Wales and Wales SME employees.
1 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Business Forum Development Programme £26,111 54690 12/09/2003 £194,704
The project promotes entrepreneurship, trading and growth among local SMEs, and supports new businesses. It does this by developing effective
networks and by utilising peer support and the experience of local entrepreneurs.
3 3
Caerphilly County Borough
New Tredegar 'TRENT' Resource Centre £770,000 54702 19/08/2003 £4,164,217
This capital project will provide a 1,000sq.m. resouce centre which will be a community-run asset. It will provide a focal point for community-led
regeneration in New Tredegar. The centre's aims are to:- -ensure that local residents have opportunities to be centrally involved in the local
regeneration strategy. -empower the Communities First Partnership to determine and develope a range of uses and services that meets local
priorities. -create a sustainable, community run asset. -offer flexibility, so that a range of community based and community serving organisations
can opperate from the centre over time, overseen by a management committee drawn from the Local Partnership.
1 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Fiancial Support for Business 2003- 05 £862,000 54652 19/05/2003 £3,346,500
The project will provide a package of small grants for local entrepreneurs and indigenous/inward investing SMEs at key stages of their formation
and growth.
1 5
Caerphilly County Borough
£860,000 54377 11/09/2002 £2,150,000
Construction of the Tredomen Business Development and Technology Centre and the necessary infrastructure which aims to provide high quality
premises for up to 20 new technology based businesses; provide a co-ordinated business development and technology support in the building;
provide a central location for the county borough's BisNET ICT Advice and Demonstration Centre; and to act as a catalyst for the development of
3 4
Caerphilly County Borough
Credit Union Development Project £235,347 54373 22/01/2003 £363,193
The aims and objectives of the project are to promote and develope the United Credit Unions of Caerphilly county borough by providing the
additional resouces necessary to increase the awareness and therefore the membership levels, to offer a wider service to those living or working
in the common bond areas and to guarentee long term sustainability. The project will offer a genuine opportunity for local people to become
directly involved in and make a real difference to the quality of life in thier community. The project will employ an administrative officer, based at
the Tredomen Council Offices, who will facilitate and make links between the credit unions and the local and regional strategies to maximise the
benefits of credit union developments within the county borough and encourage the sharing of expertise, experience and best practice. Support
workers will be employed and assigned to the credit unions to assist with the day to day running which will anable the management groups to
concentrate on policy issues such as the expansion of the service.
4 4
Caerphilly County Borough
Llancaiach Fawr - Education and Lifelong Learning Centre £241,677 54374 08/07/2003 £546,681
The Centre will provide flexible learning space accommodation that will incorporate dedicated ICT equipment providing tailored interactive
learning packages. The facility will provide up to 3 classrooms, capable of taking 30 - 35 participants each in a building totalling 289 sqm. The
proposal will build on the existing facility and provide greater opportunities for the disabled to participate as well as providing greater
opportunities for neighbouring rural and isolated areas. The facility will provide courses such as basic literacy, numericy and IT skills. Women
returners and long term unemployed will be encouraged to participate. Courses in Welsh will be delivered if the demand is sufficient.
1 5
Caerphilly County Borough
Incubator Units, New Tredegar. £745,644 54330 29/10/2003 £2,375,110
The project involves construction of two sets of incubator units of 800sq.m. each. The units form part of an integrated strategy for regeneration
of the area, developed via joint work between agencies and the local community over the last two and a half years. The aims of the project are:
-To bring land previously associated with industrail activity back into productive use in an attractive way. -To provide a supportive environment
that encourages local start-up enterprises. -To encourage local entrepreneurship -To help tackle high levels of 'non-employment' (unemployment
and low economic activity rates) Objectives are: -To provide350m of access road to enable developement. -To develope 1,600sq.m. of flexibe
workspace in two incubator units of 800m each, sub-devided into units of 50-200sq.m. -Provide a landscaped plateau of 0.6ha -To achieve
occupancy levels of at least 85% after 3 years. -To create up to 150 jobs between 2005 and 2010 (based on full capacity; 128 if 85% capacity)
6 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Improving sustainable transport links in New Tredegar £569,000 55053 07/01/2004 £2,079,400
The project involves constructing and establishing a network of cycle/pedestrian community routes (including work on two accessible bridges)
and encouraging and allowing their use to make sustainable and integrated transport an essential part of the major economic regeneration
strategy that is developing in New Tredegar - the ninth most deprived ward in the whole of Wales and the most deprived ward in Caerphilly
County Borough.
1 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Financial Support for Business 3 (2005-7) £850,500 56084 21/10/2004 £2,430,000
This project fits the aims and objectives detailed within this measure. The project will meet the strategic aims of the Single Programming
Document (SPD) in the following ways: - The project will help to encourage and develop alternative forms of employment in an area, which has
traditionally relied upon the former primary industries of coal and steel, thereby helping to diversify the local economy - It will help improve the
competitiveness of SMEs by investing in new plant and equipment - It will help encourage self-employment and develop small firms. Investment
in new capital equipment will result in more efficient and environmental benefits in terms of resources utilisation and reducing pollution. The
appraisal of grant applications will require businesses to demonstrate that they operate an equal opportunities policy, promote sustainable
business development and will look favourably upon those projects of an innovative nature The Business Start-up Grant element of the project
will help promote and encourage self-employment as a realistic and effective means of combating unemployment The grants offered will address
issues for SMEs, as described in the SPD, especially the following: - Access to investment capital - Access to a "…broad range of grants…" -
Inability to expand beyond initial scale of business - Support for innovative projects, which are not eligible for loan finance - Sustainable
business development.
5 6
Caerphilly County Borough
Mid Valleys Rural Village Strategy £231,000 55952 21/04/2005 £550,000
This project will assist in the creation of sustainable and prosperous rural communities in the mid valleys corridor of Caerphilly County Borough.
The project will focus on maximising the potential of the existing National Cycle Route 47 that runs through the heart of the mid valleys corridor.
It will develop the potential of those local villages and attractions en route to those using the cycle route. The 3 key aims of the project are: 1.
To develop the economic prosperity of villages located along National Cycle Route No 49 through the creation and safeguarding of retail, service
sector and hospitality related businesses. 2. To enhance the relationship between tourism facilities and local villages by developing the cycle
route as a link, again to help aid the vitality of village centres. 3. To develop the tourism draw of this area of Caerphilly County Borough thereby
attracting investment and consumer spend currently associated with other parts of the County.
5 8
Caerphilly County Borough
Penallta Community Park Fishing Lakes and Wildlife
£218,097 55523 31/08/2004 £523,240
The project seeks to create a new linear angling facility comprised of three high quality lakes within the Penallta Country Park. Two of these
would provide for a variety of coarse fishing types including silver fish and more specialist species. The project aims to capitalise on the
excellent off road access and existing infrastructure that is available both to and on the site. The project would be implemented through two
primary contracts, the first being engineering for the development of the angling facility and drainage elements, the second being for the softer
landscaping works. The Council has wide experience of running such contracts.
5 8
Caerphilly County Borough
Environmental Integration of Markham Colliery £176,372 55521 31/08/2004 £375,500
This project aims to progress the findings of the North Sirhowy Valley design study, which was part funded by the EU. This two year investigation
into the environmental and landscape driven regeneration of the Argoed ward involved a wide partnership of community representatives and
organisations working in the area. The design study proposes the long-term development of a regionally significant landscape park centered on
the site of the former Markham Colliery. The new facility will aim to improve the local environment in order to increase the range and quality of
sustainable recreation for local people and visitors so as to generate economic benefits for the local community through tourism.
3 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Supp. Com. Projects in the North Sirhowy Valley £230,622 55207 07/06/2004 £523,000
This first phase project comes as a result of the ERDF funded, community driven, North Sirhowy Valley design study, which is a comprehensive
strategy for the social and economic regeneration of this Communities First area. A separately funded Ranger will carry forward the plan, which
will involve 5 local community groups carrying out a package of 5 environmental improvement schemes. Activities include creation of community
open spaces, informal access and footpaths that will provide safe meeting and recreation areas. Two community engagement studies will be
carried out to address central issues that have arisen from the design study. A Transport study will address poor access to the employment
opportunities available at Oakdale and Pen-y-fan, which currently acts as a barrier to growth. Also a Cultural study will investigate the historic
landscape, culture and tourism potential of the North Sirhowy Valley.
1 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Community Enterprise Fund 2003-06 £31,235 55151 26/05/2004 £124,940
The main purpose of the fund is to assist people, particularly those living in disadvantaged communities in County Borough, in creating viable
and sustainable community enterprises which can generate employment opportunities and provide training and services for community as a
6 1
Caerphilly County Borough
SEWTA Sub Regional Objective 1 Action Plan £10,340,830 55178 06/09/2005 £28,985,000
The emphasis of SEWTA is to fully implement the Rhymney Valley line track and signalling improvements, make substantial inroads into the
implementation of the Taff Vale North track and signalling improvements and start the first phase of the Maesteg Line track and signalling
1 5
Caerphilly County Borough
Tredomen Business Park Phase 3 £1,098,000 55322 18/03/2004 £3,591,385
The project will build on the success of the first two phases of the development of Tredomen Business Park. The aim of this project is to develop
a 'gateway building', totalling 2,015 sqm of modular business space. The building will be on 3 storeys and sub divided into self contained units
on each storey, for R & D, high tecnology or knowledge-based businesses.
1 5
Caerphilly County Borough
INDUSTRIAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME £107,407 52766 22/03/2002 £268,518
The project aims to undertake a comprehensive improvement scheme to the Council's 296 industrial units, to a high environmental standard,
thus enhancing the quality of the premises in the eyes of SMEs. By improving the environmental standard, it is anticipated to generate further
private sector investment, and deter existing businesses to relocate to alternative areas.
1 1
Caerphilly County Borough
FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS £188,250 52751 22/03/2002 £1,851,750
Package of small grants for local entrepreneurs and indigenous/inward investment SMEs at key stages of their formation and growth. Priority to
be given to investment in new technology; introduction of new products and processes that enhance environmental quality; application from
disadvantaged groups encouraged and given priority. Support comprises: full-time start-up businesses; expansion of existing businesses;
existing indigenous SMEs; and support for large scale expansion projects.
1 1
Caerphilly County Borough
COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE FUND £30,000 52754 22/03/2002 £90,000
The main purpose of the fund is to assist people, particularly those living in disadvantaged communities, in creating viable and sustainable
community enterprises which can provide services to the community and generatte employment opportunitiesl Within the Community Enterprise
Fund are four different types of grant: Feasibility grants - normally up to £3,000; Capital grants - for up to £10,000; Management grants -
normally up to £15,000; and Traininng grants - for up to £2,000.
1 2
Caerphilly County Borough
BUSINESS CONNECT (CAERPHILLY) CENTRE £75,058 52760 22/03/2002 £150,117
The project involves the operation, development and expansion of a Business Connect Centre for the County Borough. The Centre is currently
located in local authority premises. It is anticipated that in mid/late 2001 it will relocate to a purpose built business development and technology
centre at Ystrad Mynach, which is the subject of a "fast-track" bid for Obj 1 support.
3 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Northern Sirhowy Valley Development Study £13,500 52912 20/03/2002 £24,000
The project will employ consultants to undertake a feasibility study of the Upper Sirhowy Valley - approximately 1600 hectares.
7 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Technical Asistance £100,000 53830 02/08/2002 £261,456
To provide a Secretariat service for the Caerphilly Objective 1 Local Partnership.
6 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Oakdale advance Business Premises - Phase 2 £819,500 54296 18/12/2002 £2,360,247
This project is a Phase 2 of a series of phased developements on Oakdale Business Park in Caerphilly County Borough to create a total of
150,000 sq ft of quality industrial premises. This proposal seeks to develope a further 4,600sqm of modular industrial floorspace, consisting of 2
x semi-detached units of 2,300sqm. Each un it is to be divided into 2 units of 1,150 sqm, with the possibility of combining them to one unit of
2,300sqm. The Oakdale strategic employment site is situated in the heart of the county borough and is on the site of the former Oakdale colliery.
Following major land reclamation, at a cost of £10m, 68 hectares of development land has been created withinn a 162 hectare site. The benefits
of developing the strategic employment site of Oakdale are sub-regional in nature, extending across the SPD area. Significantly, the site is within
the travel to work distance of communities with some of the highest levels of unemployment and lowest economic activity rates in the country.
This includes the Northern part of Caerphilly county borough itself, but also parts of the neighbouring county boroughs of Blaenau Gwent,
Torfaen, Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda, Cynon, Taff.
1 5
Caerphilly County Borough
Tredomen Innovative and Technology Centre £1,098,075 54297 24/01/2003 £2,750,000
The project aims to construct a 2,500 sq. m innovation and technology centre to provide high quality premises for between 15 and 20 technology
based businesses, focusing on high tech/ICT/technology based growth businesses, which could create 80 - 100 new jobs. The project will be
linked to both the local college and university to provide serviced accommodation for R & D based businesses spinning out of local academia and
also local businesses. The building will be constructed to a high tech design, with equal access for all parts of society, using the most modern,
environmentally friendly technologies and techniques, in line with the wider concept of a sustainable urban village. It will be within five minutes
walking distance of Ystrad Mynach railway station and is on the Pontypridd to Ystrad Mynach bus route. The site is also well served by cycleways
and footpath links. This will help to encourage sustainable transport initiatives and development.
7 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Technical Assistance £196,660 53992 02/08/2002 £587,924
To Provide secretariate function for Caerphilly Objective 1 Partnership Management Board
5 6
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Rural Awareness Events Programme £56,700 56636 20/05/2005 £135,000
The project aims to promote and encourage the number of visitors to Caerphillys countryside, to increase economic benefits to targeted areas
through the encouragement of local tourism and to provide awareness raising with regard to countryside and wider environmental issues. The
project will promote a package of four events per annum throughout the rural areas of the County Borough. The scheme aims to support a series
of rural events to help promote local attractions, businesses and products. The project also aims to raise awareness and appreciation of the rural
heritage and the environmental assets of the area.
5 6
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Rural Access Network £217,872 56637 18/11/2005 £550,000
The project will build on a number of well established walking and cycling routes throughout the county borough by developing links to nearby
rural communities and promoting the benefit of these links to users of the routes. In addition, a new package of routes will be developed that
will take advantage of environmental and heritage points of interest to encourage walkers to visit rural communities to generate additional spend.
Rural Communities and SMEs will be integral to the project and the network will be marketed collectively.
5 6
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Rural Regeneration Key Fund £237,678 56638 22/12/2005 £600,000
This project will focus on supporting the rural economy through a fund for rural businesses, communities and groups. The fund will ensure that
regeneration projects being carried out have been identified and developed by communities/ businesses themselves as needed and appropriate to
their area. The project will involve: - Provision of a fund for bids by the local business community and groups helping to deliver the community
plan through local regeneration, enabling them to develop their ideas and take initiatives forward. - A dedicated officer to encourage and
facilitate the uptake of grants by the rural SME community and business groups, including the establishment of business partnerships. - The fund
will operate through regular bidding rounds with awards determined by a representative panel, including CCBC and GAVO.
5 6
Caerphilly County Borough
Cwmcarn Forest Development Project £332,624 56639 09/09/2005 £1,686,368
The projects overall aim is to realise the potential of Cwmcarn Forest Drive and Nantcarn Valley as an outdoor 'adventure' location where the
facilities and community combine to make it one of the most exhilarating and enjoyable destinations and visitor experiences in the UK. The
maximisation of the tourism potential will have an economic impact on the local community and SMEs in the area of the Nantcarn Valley as part
of a 5 year Development Programme. This is the first phase and comprises the following: - The employment of a project Manager to oversee the
implementation of the Development Programme. - Enhancement of the existing visitor centre. - Rural landscape improvements and development
which will lead to an increase in the capacity of the site to deliver events and cater of additional visitors.
1 5
Caerphilly County Borough
Woodfieldside Workshops £952,968 56280 01/03/2005 £2,386,000
To develop a cluster of small workshop units on a site adjacent to the new Sirhowy Enterprise Way. The gross floorspace of the development willl
be 2,208 square meters, subdivided into 15 units of 98 square meters, 6 units of 100 square meters and 1 of 138 square meters.
6 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Oakdale Business Park Strategic Development £3,508,740 56273 08/07/2005 £9,419,435
A mixed develoment portfolio is planned ranging from Industrial units to a high spec innovation centre; Oakdale Business Park Phase 3 - six
units of 475 sq.m. Cherry Treee cottage Innovation Centre - two -storey 950 sq.m.- self contained suites for high technology , knowledge based
businessess,accommodation for R&D Oakdale Office Pavillions - 3 two -storey office blocks(3,325 sq.m.) of- high quality office space - focal
point on entering Business Park
4 4
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Learning Network £829,078 56370 05/04/2005 £1,858,920
A network of community learning centres that will provide access to learning opportunities, from basic literacy up to degree standards with
training tailored to the needs of local employees.
7 1
Caerphilly County Borough
CAERPHILLY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2005 - 2008 £315,162 57266 02/11/2005 £450,231
To continue the work of the Secretariat to the Caerphilly Objective 1 Partnership and provide additional aftercare and monitoring support to
project applicants.
3 3
Caerphilly County Borough
The Winding House - New facilities and services for the
£1,328,003 56859 19/01/2006 £2,728,091
The project is designed to stimulate the social and economic regeneration of the deprived ex-mining town of New Tredegar. It will do this by
involving its excluded and marginalised local communities in a wide range of inclusive and engaging cultural activities as a step towards future
economic engagement.
3 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Visioning for Deprived Caerphilly Communities £115,500 56941 07/04/2005 £231,000
To enable local community partnerships within all of the priority 3 spatially targetted wards of Caerphilly to undertake public consultation on the
content of their local action plans.
2 2 Canllaw Online Cyf CREDU - Digital Youth Wales £11,917,228 55700 09/09/2004 £24,015,228
CREDU is an innovative programme specifically targeting young people across Wales and providing them with opportunities not currently
available. CREDU will: Establish 82 Digilabs, giving young people access to state-of-the-art technology. Provide training for Youth Workers to
become Digilab facilitators. Facilitate young peoples' use of technology through a programme of active participation. Build the skills and self
confidence necessary to promote and develop a workforce for future employment. Provide advice, support and assistance in obtaining
employment and setting up small businesses. Help young people develop plans for further education. Exploit links into the local business
community to enhance employment opportunities. Exploit links into National / International ICT companies to enhance employment
opportunities. Provide work experience placements with ICT companies Create: 500+ new ICT jobs, 100 community based ICT exemplars, 100
new hi-tech businesses. Provide general basic ICT skills training for 20,000 young people.
3 3 Canolfan Hanes Uwchgwyrfai Uwchgwyrfai History Centre £64,167 56407 02/09/2004 £90,811
This retrospective application is to fund the purchase of 2 historic buildings (Grade 11, CADW) namely the Chapel House and School House in
the Village of Clynnog Fawr in Arfon, which is in an area of Outstanding Beauty as well as one of the richest areas in Wales in terms of History.
The Buildings will be of assistance in keeping the younger generation in their home area and speaking Welsh and a means for the local
community to act both sustainabley and cost effectively for the future.
3 3 Canolfan Hanes Uwchgwyrfai Uwchgwyrfai History Centre Phase 2 £306,012 56550 09/06/2005 £509,930
To restore and adapt two historic buildings to establish a History Centre which will be an educational, historical and community facility for the
local population and visitors.
2 3 Cardiff University Geoenvironmental Research Park (Phase 2) £2,979,406 56362 05/05/2006 £5,827,116
The purpose of this second phase project will be to create additional companies create additional jobs and to significantly increase the turn-over
in supported companies in Objective 1 Wales who work in the field of the environment and sustainability. To achieve this, the project will
undertake a programme of research, development and demonstration projects in support of the cluster of companies that has developed around
the GRP. The project will liaise with the Sustainable Technologies Technium at the Baglan Energy Park, and will offer assistance to companies
incubating in the Technium, as well as creating additional companies that will be based in the Technium, and elsewhere. The project will also
develop field research facilities on at least one permanent site and several temporary satellite sites. The project will: o Nurture and expand the
companies created under the GRP Phase 1 project through R&D and commercial support o Create further companies in the Environment and
Sustainability Sector o Assist specific companies identified under GRP Phase 1 (and others yet to be identified), with R&D to enable them to
diversify their products o Help companies in Objective 1 Wales to establish an R&D culture within their own organisations. o Develop key
concepts identified under Phase 2 o Form strategic partnerships with proposed EcoParks, whereby their R&D needs can be fulfilled by the GRP
team o GRP team members to liaise with the new Sustainable Technologies Technium at Baglan Energy Park. o Create a further satellite GRP at
Llysfasi, North Wales, and to establish a permanent Field Research Facility (FRF) on a satellite site in Wales. o Introduce new technologies and/or
adaptation of established technologies for application in geoenvironmental engineering and waste management, in particular biological and
microbial technologies.
2 2 Cardiff University Venturing Wales £905,332 57187 05/06/2006 £1,832,286
The Venturing Wales project will set up a collaborative ICT platform for SMEs in the automotive supply sector in the Objective One area in Wales
that will enable them to build a successful Virtual Enterprise Network (VEN). Having achieved the critical mass of a large organisation and at the
same time maintained the flexibility and responsiveness of an SME, they will be able to bid as a team and compete with large Tier 1 suppliers in
the global market place for automotive components. The project initially will start with a pilot VEN of demonstrator companies which will aim to
validate the principles and establish the best practices of working together through using advanced ICT. Eventually, a larger group of SMEs, an
extended VEN, will grow around the pilot VEN and will demonstrate to the contract manufacturing sector in the Objective One area the viability of
this novel approach. It combines the skills, expertise, and resources that can help all contract manufacturing companies in the Objective One
Area to reduce their vulnerability and to maintain a competitive position.
2 3 Cardiff University SUPERMAN Phase 2 £2,505,348 55696 26/10/2004 £4,696,060
The project is specifically targeted at manufacturing, and covers the most important components of manufacturing likely to show future growth.
These are telecommunications, medical / Biomedical engineering, industrial automation, aerospace, automotive industry, and environmental
monitoring. The thrust of the programme is to assist SMEs in applying innovative and advanced manufacturing technology. The project will
complement the various existing and future technology transfer and exploitation programmes, centres of excellence programme, and the DTI
Manufacturing Advisory Service. Synergy between the project and these activities will be maximised. The project will also strengthen links with
other organisations and individuals such as, Business Connect, know how Wales and Technology Counsellors. The project will promote
continuing improvement, and encourage companies to be forward thinking, focussed on acquiring new skills, ideas and technologies, and to
access and be a part of the information society. It will continue the work of the SUPERMAN project, and enable the MEC to maintain its
international reputation as a centre of manufacturing excellence.
2 5 Cardiff University
Gas Turbine Combustion Research and Test Centre for
Traditional and Sustainable Technologies
£3,897,000 56189 04/04/2006 £7,438,000
The project is to relocate a unique Combustion Test and Research Centre ("CTC") to Neath Port Talbot from its current location in England. The
successful establishment of this centre will contribute towards the project applicant's aim of developing Wales into a global showcase for
sustainable energy innovation. QinetiQ plc, who currently own the equipment, have taken the decision to close the facility and unless an
alternative suitable site can be identified, the facility will be decommissioned. It is proposed that the equipment is donated to Cardiff University
and a contractual relationship established between the two organisations to secure the CTC and enable further sustainable energy research and
development work to be undertaken in Wales. QinetiQ chose Cardiff as its prospective partner after consultation and consideration of a range of
English universities and multi-national companies.
2 3 Cardiff University
A Land Regeneration Industrial Waste Management and
Sustainable Development Network
£235,779 53998 19/09/2002 £471,558
This project will extend and develop the highly successful "Land Regeneration Network" (LRN) currently operating in Wales, to include new
membership and new activities.
2 5 Cardiff University Alternative Crop Research for Eco-Energy (ACRE) - Wales £817,609 54216 14/08/2003 £1,507,116
To trial biomass crops new and indigenous to Wales and explore the potential environmental improvements. The improvements are invisaged to
be heavy metal removal and conversion of sewage/slurry waste to energy by applying it to enhanced growth biomass crops. The aim of the
project is to contribute to the goal of making Wales a global showcase for clean energy.
2 3 Cardiff University Geoenvironmental Research Park £2,506,714 53766 11/06/2002 £5,013,428
This project is aimed at creating a Geoenvironmental Research Park (GRP) on a former industrial site in the Wales Objective 1 area, which has
been identified as a suitable location for the GRP and will be used to carry out a range of Geoenvironmental field experiments. In addition to
creating a facility to carry out front line research, the GRP will have the potential to create a number of high technology SMEs working in the
broad field of Environment and Sustainability. The GRP will work towards programs of research, application and development for problems
dealing with environmental sustainability.
2 3 Cardiff University
Supporting Innovation Product Engineering and Responsive
Manufacture (SUPERMAN)
£5,330,982 52718 20/03/2002 £10,661,964
Help to generate a culture of technological innovation for companies
5 6
Carmarthen Town Festivals £196,152 56645 24/02/2005 £571,667
The project is intended to promote and enhance the tourism potential of Carmarthen through the promotion and provision of a number of
festivals within the town. The main aim of the scheme is to establish, promote and sustain a number of town centre tourism activities within the
commercial, arts and leisure sectors of Carmarthenshire which will generate interest in the community for the community and attract and
increase visitor to the town from local, regional and national levels.
5 6 Carmarthenshire College Construction Technology & Development Support Centre £199,398 56899 06/07/2006 £884,464
The proposed project will establish a Construction Technology & Development Centre on the Ammanford Campus of Coleg Sir Gar. The centre will
provide development support and knowledge to construction industry SMEs. It will provide guidance on emerging technologies and related issues
within the industry. It will offer the necessary advice, guidance and support which is not currently available to them.
4 4 Carmarthenshire College Gelli Aur Sub Regional Rural Training Centre of Excellence £1,475,446 53828 22/04/2002 £3,381,867
The construction of a new rural training centre and residential facility at Gelli Aur Farm. The new facilities within project will further develop Gelli
Aur site as a centre of excellence. Research undertaken has shown that the current facility of Gelli Aur Mansion House no longer adequately fulfils
its purpose and does not meet the training needs of the rural industry in Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.
4 4 Carmarthenshire College New Opportunities Resource Centre £115,015 52810 26/03/2002 £274,427
The project will provide an innovative land based training resource to extend access to learning for disadvantaged, disaffected and disabled
groups which will promote preventive and active employment measures, social inclusion, widen access to learning and support lifelong learning
throughout the Objective One Region.
4 4 Carmarthenshire College
An Education Resource for the New Millennium Phase One
(Project Development and Resource Planning)
£27,386 52818 26/03/2002 £56,761
The project aim is to establish functionally appropriate training infrastructure to support the changing agricultural training requirements in West
Wales building on the successful development of the Gelli Aur farm diversification and Technology Centre
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
CARMARTHENSHIRE - COMMUNITY CHEST PROGRAMME £448,436 52820 26/03/2002 £1,632,365
To establish a grant aid programme on a challenge principle, to provide financial support to capital projects undertaken by: Community groups;
voluntary organisations; Community & Town Councils and by organisations from the private sector. The Community Chest programme is a
horizontal bid with an application under both Priority 3 and Priority 5 for a Countywide coverage of grant support. The grant scheme will offer a
grant rate of up to 80% (50% maximum - private sector organisations) to eligible projects.
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
£214,200 52787 28/03/2002 £510,000
To sustain the development of the partnerhsip created through Area Fora, including public, voluntary and community groups, and to develop a
Community Capacity Building Programme to aid the implementation of the key issues document Area Plans for People and their Environments
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
MCP- PARK CENTRE £404,000 52858 06/09/2002 £2,104,563
7 1
Carmarthenshire County
Technical Assistance £161,796 53850 02/08/2002 £355,663
To provide a secretariat service to the Carmarthenshire Objective 1 Partnership Management Board.
6 1
Carmarthenshire County
Western Access Route to the Strategic Sites (Burry Port
Southern Distributor Road)
£1,790,000 54241 21/08/2003 £5,141,592
The project is the improvement to the road network south of Burry Port (facilitating the movement of people and goods) with the aim of creating
an "economic corridor".
6 1
Carmarthenshire County
Eastern Access Route to the Strategic Sites (Morfa Cross to
Berwick Park Link)
£2,291,000 54242 22/08/2003 £7,540,220
The construction of a new highway link from Morfa Cross roundabout on the llanelli Costal Road to Berwick Park roundabout on the A484. It is
envisaged that this new road willopen up key development land and provide an intergrated link to other sites.
5 8
Carmarthenshire County
Mynydd Mawr Woodland Park Development Programme £217,484 54232 24/09/2002 £463,028
The project aims to improve countryside access, protect and manage the environment of the Woodland Park and promote the enjoyment,
awareness and interest of the public. Enhance visitor experience through visitor management and interpretation, and enhance opportunities for
visitors to enjoy wildlife. Enhance opportunities for walking, riding and cycling. Sustain and enhance the economic benefits of recreation to the
economy of the County. The proposed scheme has 3 main elements: *Improved access to all areas of the site ownership for walkers, riders and
cyclists *Creation and improvement of habitat biodiversity *Base infrastructure for future additional facilities based upon the wildlife and natural
resources of the Park and adjoining areas.
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Promotion of Community Businesses in Rural
£170,100 54074 02/09/2002 £485,000
To provide a grant scheme to improve the rural economy by supporting the establishment of new community businesses, development of existing
community businesses and providing employment opportunities in rural areas. Support in the form of feasibility and community capital grants as
well as business support (advice/information). Project will be administered via the Rural Business Development Centre at Nant-Y-Ci, Carmarthen
to compliment other services provided from this location.
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Strategic Towns and Villages Initiative £950,000 54075 03/09/2002 £5,861,000
To provide a grant scheme to assist in the creation of sustainable and prosperous rural communities in the following ways: To process priority
projects identified for each strategic town within the Council's Unitary Development Plan and supply a Town Improvement Grant for the
commercial core of each town. Appoint 3 Project Officers and support facilities to administer the 3 year development programme. To provide a
grant to assist in the conversion of rural buildings to business use.
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Sites & Premises for Rural Growth Centres £450,000 54090 13/01/2003 £3,080,277
The aim of the project is to deliver employment sites and premises in target key rural settlements, creating synergy with local business support
measures to create jobs and support added value enterprises.
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Rural Services & Thematic Fund £525,000 54120 09/09/2002 £1,249,706
In 2001 Grwp Cefn Gwlad undertook an analysis of needs and opportunities facing rural Carmarthenshire to ensure that the allocated Priority 5
funding to the area was used effectively. The outcome was the production of an action plan - 'Sustainable Village model' - from this framework
this project aims to: 1. Add value to and develop basic services for rural communities 2. Enhance villages by developing locally owned and
identified unique themes. 3. Initate, support and financially contribute to the development of rural services and thematic projects in non-priority
3 wards in Carmarthenshire.
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Rural Business Development Centre Carmarthen £458,351 52597 20/03/2002 £1,118,286
To construct and operate a sustainable Regional Business Development Centre for land based rural businesses in the new mart site, Nant-Y-Ci,
7 1
Carmarthenshire County
ERDF Technical Assistance £100,000 53508 02/08/2002 £206,065
The project aims to support efficient management and implementation of the Objective 1 Programme wiithin Carmarthenshire through the
provision of a secretariat resource.
1 1
Carmarthenshire County
Business promotion and Marketing Support £89,687 53646 26/04/2002 £264,255
The aim of the project is to raise the profile of products and services offered by businesses in Carmarthenshire to increase the turnover of
Carmarthenshire businesses and assist them to gain access into new markets. Financial assistance will be available fort he production of high
quality marketing products, which will contribute to the growth of businesses wthin the County. This service is entirely new to the county and
offers busineese a unique opportunity to develop new markets and increase turnover. Assistance will be available via Business Connect to assist
companies in the preparationof a marketing plan businesses will be able to apply for a grant towards the costs of Marketing their business.
Eligible costs may include Literature/Brochures Point of sale promotion Improved product Packaging Livery/Vehicle Signwriting Exhibition Costs
Display/Graphics Software/CD ROM etc
3 3
Carmarthenshire County
Carmarthenshire Community Chest Programme £1,719,806 52974 20/03/2002 £2,697,238
To establish a grant aid proramme to provide financial support to capital projects undertaken by Community Groups, Voluntary Organisations,
community and Town Councils and by organisations from the private sector. The Community Chest Programme is a horizontal bid with an
application under both Priority3 and Priority5. It is expected that130 net additional jobs will be created bt this project and that 65 net jobs will
be safeguarded. It is anticipated that 135 community groups/voluntary orfanisations will be assisted through the projects with135 community led
projects supported. .
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Llyn Llech Owain Country Park Improvement Programme £320,133 56146 02/11/2004 £681,576
The main aims of this project are to develop and enhance Llyn Llech Owain as a key visitor attraction for walkers, cyclists and horseriders within
Carmarthenshire and surrounding area and to promote the enjoyment, awareness and interest of the Park to the local community. This project
will add value to the current facilities by enhancing the visitor experience by offering environmental education opportunities, visitor management
and interpretation, and provide new opportunities for visitors to enjoy wildlife.
3 4
Carmarthenshire County
Hidden Dragon £1,386,116 56134 22/12/2004 £2,298,594
The purpose of this project will be to create and develop sustainable community enterprises within the most deprived wards of Carmarthen,
adopting a partnership approach which will include experts within the social economy sector. The project aims to build upon the success of the
'Create Enterprise' Objective 1 funded programme delivered by Foothold Community Specialists, and will use their experience to develop and
improve the help which can be accessed by target groups and enterprises to engender a sustainable and vibrant economy centered around
empowered communities.
1 5
Carmarthenshire County
Carmarthenshire Sites and Premises £2,512,000 55202 20/08/2004 £24,191,000
The aim of the project is to develop key sites and premises at key locations across the county - Crosshands, Llanelli (North), Carmarthen and
Ammanford. The project will create opportunities for SMEs and thus create jobs and provide added value in identified areas of Carmarthenshire.
The project will involve the following activities: *Infrastructure creating fully serviced sites *Acquisition of land for development purposes
*Provision of serviced employment sites *Premises for existing and new businesses *Conversion of existing buildings
5 8
Carmarthenshire County
Teifi/ Tywi/ Carmarthen Coast Strategic Trails £258,333 55524 12/07/2004 £559,409
The project aims are as follows: 1) To significantly improve countryside access on 212km of longer- distance routes for walkers and promote the
enjoyment, awareness and interest of the public. 2) To enhance visitor experience through environmental education, visitor management and
interpretation, and provide new opportunities for visitors to enjoy wildlife. 3) To sustain and enhance economic benefits of recreation to the
economy of the County.
3 3
Carmarthenshire County
Partnership for Community Action (PACT) £3,028,263 55555 04/10/2004 £5,555,399
The aim of this project is to deliver a Community action Fund (CAF) for comunity groups and organisations within the P3 areas of
Carmarthenshire. It will add value to existing structures to provide a simplified way for communities to get involved in developing and delivering
their projects that address the economic, social and environmental problems.
5 8
Carmarthenshire County
Brechfa Forest Mountain Bike Initiative - Phase 1 £240,311 54865 24/08/2004 £511,750
This project will enable a current untapped natural resource to be a catalyst for the long-term social, environmental and economical regeneration
of Brechfa and surrounding areas. The aims of the project will be to: · Develop three high quality dedicated mountain biking trails totalling up to
45km which, together with existing forest track will provide approximately 90k of routes, suitable for all standards of mountain biking · Assist in
developing business competitiveness by providing opportunities for expansion of retail, accommodation and cycle related businesses through the
marketing of an additional tourist attraction distinctive to Carmarthenshire · Development of improved cultural heritage interpretation and way
marking This project will strengthen the local economy through support for local business and the extension of the visitor season. Brechfa Forest
will help create a high quality visitor experience and to promote health through access to the woodland area for all communities.
1 1
Carmarthenshire County
Business Support Grant Scheme £1,252,844 54481 03/07/2003 £3,477,750
The main aim of the project is to increase the business birth rate in Carmarthenshire and the competitiiveness of new and existing businesses in
the area.
3 3
Carmarthenshire County
Llwynhendy Intergrated Children's Centre £276,744 57070 17/11/2005 £822,076
The aim of the project is to provide and deliver a bilingual intergrated network of services for children and their families from a centre based on
the infant/primary school campus in Llwynhendy. This will be achieved by the construction of an intergrated children's centre, which will provide
wrap around childcare provision along with a accessible venue for parents to undertake training sessions such as parenting support, as well as
enabling them to access training opportunities.
7 1
Carmarthenshire County
Carmarthenshire CC Technical Assistance 2002 - 2008 £260,788 57239 21/07/2005 £422,617
To provide a secretariat service to the Carmarthenshire Objective 1 Partnership Management Board and provide aftercare support for approved
5 6
Carmarthenshire County
Redevelopment of Castle House, Carmarthen £76,390 56648 06/07/2005 £243,000
The aim of this project is to create a dual purpose facility at Carmarthen House for cultural and educational acitivities.
6 4
Carmarthenshire County
Old Castle Works - Remediation £565,055 56619 11/08/2005 £1,427,637
The aim of this project is to undertake a programme of reclamation works at the Old Castle Works Site in Llanelli. The site has been identified as
containing a number of contaminants which are prohibiting the development of the site. The proposed activity would remediate a currently
contaminated site, opening the area up for future economic and social development.
6 3
Carmarthenshire County
Building a Sustainable Llanelli, People, Business,
£2,364,048 56246 14/03/2005 £6,097,539
Regeneration of Llanelli Town Centre - three key elements; Key environmental enhancements Grant assistance to local businesses - Urban
Conversation Grants Town Centre Improvement Grants The aim of this project is to drive the regeneration of Llanelli town centre through a
coordinated approach of actions which will lead to the creation of a sustainable and prosperous town.
1 5
Carmarthenshire County
Physical Grants for Growth £1,145,086 56268 22/06/2005 £3,247,367
The aim of this project is to assist the physical and economic regeneration of the county through a co-ordinated approach of actions to assist the
private sector, which will lead to the creation of both sustainable employment and wealth within the area.
6 3
Carmarthenshire County
Delta Lakes £1,040,000 56421 14/03/2005 £3,893,128
The Delta Lakes project forms part of the package for sustainable development at the designated Objective 1 South Llanelli and Pembrey
Peninsula Strategic Site (SLAPP). The purpose of the development is to provide Delta Lakes as a fully serviced site to facilitate large-scale
development, which will widen the range of employment opportunities within the area to fulfil its criteria under Priority 6 Measure 3.
6 3
Carmarthenshire County
Dyfatty Park, Burry Port £2,270,000 56422 27/01/2005 £5,002,615
The Dyfatty Park project forms part of the package for sustainable development at the designated Objective 1 South Llanelli and Pembrey
Peninsula (SLAPP) Strategic Site. This project is to create a key employment site for the development of strategic job opportunities. The
proposals will afford both inward and expanding local businesses the opportunity to operate within a prime business location incorporating 21
acres of brownfield land with the capacity to accommodate up to 360 new jobs.
2 3
Carmarthenshire Recycling
Research Centre Ltd
Environmental Recycling Initiative £528,386 53909 13/06/2002 £997,144
The core aim of developing a recycling Research Centre in Llanelli is to create a facility for the South West region to devlop innovative solutions
to recycling waste.
3 3
Carmarthenshire Tourist
COMMUNITY INFORMATION SYSTEMS £178,942 55759 22/07/2004 £253,245
The project will support the aims of Priority 3 Measure 3 in that it will provide a new community service for the P3 communities of
Carmarthenshire, in the form of dedicated individual websites for each community. The websites will be housed within a Carmarthenshire-wide
internet communications system which will give each community the ownership and control of their site.
1 3
Carmarthenshire Tourist
Carmarthenshire Tourism Network Development £457,768 55610 28/06/2004 £931,559
Aim: To support the growth of the tourism and hospitality industry within Carmarthenshire through a coordinated and focused business support
service. The project will enhance the services provided by the Carmarthenshire Tourist Association (CTA) to assist businesses to become more
competitive through the provision of customer led products and services that will assist in their future success. By working with the grass roots
businesses, the CTA will deliver actions needed by the sector to ensure their profitability, growth and sustainability both individually and
collectively. Driven by the private sector the project will include the following key activities: - To provide the tourism and hospitality industry
with an organisation which it owns and directs and that can participate in the multi agency partnership delivery of the tourism. Representing the
fragmented tourism groups in the county to produce one voice for the industry and to provide a conduit through which other agencies can
operate, thus ensuring improved understanding of local, national and international issues - To conduct market research to establish a baseline to
benchmark the success of tourism within the County - To increase the level of cooperation to collectively address issues facing the industries e.g.
to improve visitor occupancy in off peak periods - To collectively identify new market opportunities and niche markets and to develop innovative
packaging of tourism products that will add value to existing activity. - To develop a trade and visitor database for the County that can be used to
negotiate collaborative deals such as group purchasing and group visitor packs. Activities - To provide information/advice and assistance to 12
new and 650 existing SME's. The project will target as many trade representatives as possible across all sectors of industry with connections to
tourism. There are a total 900 businesses operating within the tourism and hospitality industries within the County (Source: STEAM). The project
will provide advice and assistance to the CTA's existing 359 members. Through targeted promotional material, the objective of the project is to
increase the service to 650 businesses.
3 2
CBAT The Arts &
Regeneration Agency
G.A.Ps Project and Connecting Communities £39,483 56473 07/09/2004 £52,644
In September 2000 CBAT was engaged by the WDA and Blaenau Gwent CBC to help develop the Brynmawr Town Centre Urban Design Strategy
and again to help with phase 2 of the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Design strategy. Highlighted in these strategies was the need to engage socially
disadvantaged communities to lead within public artwork programmes to positively influence the regeneration schemes. Artists and teams of
artists were invited to enter applications for a carefully structured community based artworks programme for Winchestown (connecting
communities) and Ebbw Vale (GAPs Project). Projects were designed which involved local communities within the urban regeneration scheme
within Blaenau Gwent. Public Artworks Programmes supported the inclusion of community led regeneration through public artworks to secure a
sense of ownership by the community. Artists have worked closely with selected community groups to devise a programme of targeted
workshops and collaborate with other artists to execute a work programme. The final proposals for works to be implemented will be developed
as a result of this process.
3 3 CeiDev Ltd New Quay Regeneration Project 1 £164,833 54340 20/12/2002 £334,619
The New Quay Community Sea-Skills Training Centre will provide an inclusive facility offering a greater access to a diverse range of training and
recreation activities for the community. The overall aim of the project is the creation of a sustainable community-led resource focusing on the
provision of a range of sea-skills training opportunities as a catalyst to the overall regeneration of New Quay. Courses will include sea safety,
environmental awareness, lifeguarding, coastal navigation, kayak training, first aid and physical health and well being.
5 8 Ceredigion County Council The Ystwyth Trail £625,000 54405 14/01/2003 £1,411,139
The project will create a 34 km route for pedestrians, horses, bicycles and disabled users. The scheme also includes the upgrading 19 km of
existing bridleways, which will form circular routes from the main trail for walkers and riders.
1 1 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Marketing Grant £73,500 54650 02/06/2003 £300,000
The aim of the project is to provide SMEs in Ceredigion with grant assistance to promote their business through undertaking a
marketing/promotional project, leading to increased business turnover and profitability.
4 4 Ceredigion County Council
Ceredigion Traditional and New Construction Skills (TANCS)
£92,640 54998 21/08/2003 £192,000
The project involves the development 175 sq.m. of an area within an existing building to provide a training bay, a lecture room and display area.
The aim of the project is to deliver traditional construction skills and to provide training and development in new construction methods. Project
will target Plumbing Skills to NVQ Level 3, develop awareness of new eco-friendly and sustainable construction methods, encourage enterprise
and innovation and promote the use of ICT in the industry.
5 6 Ceredigion County Council Tregaron Townscape Heritage Scheme £240,051 55848 16/07/2004 £615,874
This project is a grant scheme which will enhance and restore the historic buildings of Tregaron. The aim of the project is to sustain the future
economy of the town by restoring pride and confidence, encouraging the business sector to invest in the town and enhancing its appeal to the
tourist market.
5 6 Ceredigion County Council Recreating Pride in Cardigan £805,217 55853 23/09/2004 £2,800,727
This project is a grant scheme which aims to improve the built environment of Cardigan town centre and stimulate business turnover. The
scheme will provide grants to individual businesses in the town for the improvement of frontages to Heritage standard so as to create an
attractive Heritage Townscape.
5 6 Ceredigion County Council Cardigan Castle - Unlocking the Potential £44,000 55841 21/07/2004 £112,966
This project is part of a scheme to bring Cardigan Castle back into a state where it can be opened to the public through long term restoration.
The project will address structural problems and halt further decay by carrying out specialist studies and surveys. The project also includes the
transfer of the building to a Building Preservation Trust and promotion of the potential of the site for local businesses by holding workshops.
2 3 Ceredigion County Council
Additional Research and Development Services and
Facilities for Local Food Businesses
£1,510,857 55911 21/10/2004 £2,893,976
This project aims to ensure that food sector businesses in the Objective 1 region can become more competitive and introduce methods to support
innovation, develop new products and commercialise research and development. The project will be delivered from 2 dedicated centres ;- - The
Food Centre Wales, Horeb in West Wales, and; - The Food Technology Centre at Llangefni, North Wales. This will ensure that the whole of the
West Wales and Valleys Objective 1 area can access all the facilities and services to be offered It will provide a comprehensive support service
available to all companies in the sector within the Objective 1 region. This will deliver the following New Product Development (At both centres,
Food Centre Wales and the Food Technology Centre.) This will provide advice and technical support to new and existing companies for innovative
new food products. Both Centres are equipped to develop new products and to assist all SME's in Objective 1 region to expand product range in
the food sector. Collaborative Development Projects (At both centres). Where companies require the use of facilities to pilot new innovative
products they will be able to utilise the qualified technologists at either centre. Assist in meeting the demands of the market. (At both centres)
Qualified technologists will provide advice and support to local companies to enable them to meet the requirements of major market players.
Analysing Food Products (At the Food Technology Centre) The establishment of an analytical food laboratory and sensory evaluation facility will
enable the development of analysing the compositional data of food. This will assist in a better understanding of processing technology and
techniques. There are no food analysing laboratories meeting accreditation standards in the north and west Wales parts of the Objective 1 region.
It will construct additional technical support facilities at the Llangefni site, mainly as an extension to the existing building. This will provide a
laboratory, preparation room, seminar room, office and pallet store, amounting to 237m² and adaptation of 25 m² space within existing building
to form a test kitchen.
1 1 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Business Grants 2 £179,000 55993 13/10/2004 £836,861
The project is to be a competitive grant scheme which will focus on the award of grants to SMEs for eligible capital investment, with the aim of
creating new permanent jobs and strengthening the local economy by stimulating private sector investment. The project will create more than 50
new jobs and safeguard a further 75 existing jobs, levering in £530,000 of private sector investment. It is anticipated that the project will
primarily be utilised for business developments schemes, with 18 existing SMEs accessing support, but that it will also instigate the creation of 7
new SMEs, 2 of which will be owned by women/people from ethnic minorities/people with disabilities. An important aim of the Local Strategy
relates to the development and expansion of existing business grants to address local business needs. The project will assist in achieving this
aim by stimulating private sector investment through offering a competitive grant scheme that will strengthen the local economy and create new
jobs (Strategic Objective 1 Theme 1). The project also gives effect to the National Assembly's Review of Business Support which specifies that
Local Authorities should focus upon the provision of smaller grant schemes to local businesses. The Council's Economic Developments and
Tourism service endeavours to "…improve and broaden the economic base of the country to create a stronger, more diverse and vibrant local
economy capable of generating self-sustaining growth which offers secure and quality employment to all local people. The service aims to ensure
the improvement and well being of people of Ceredigion by creating opportunities for the local economy to develop for business to prosper." The
Council, as part of its Corporate Strategy 2004-2007, aims to Promote Improved Economic Activity in the County by encouraging new businesses
and by supporting existing businesses. This project directly addresses and contributes towards meeting this aim. The project encourages a
comprehensive management support programme by ensuring entrance to the scheme via recognised business advisers working in Ceredigion.
This will ensure that the businesses seeking grant support for business expansion projects are given holistic support to the business at the same
time. Referrals to supporting business schemes, such as specific ICT/eCommerce support from either the WDA ICT Support Centre Service or
Opportunity Wales, will be made by the business adviser when appropriate. Ceredigion County Council works closely with a number of
partnership organisations, such as The Prince's Trust - Cymru, Finance Wales, the Wales Tourist Board, Chwarae Teg etc. and mutual referrals to
and from the Business Centre are ongoing to ensure that businesses receive the best possible level of support and guidance at all times. The
Business Advisers will provide a mentoring service during the development of the application and ensure all potential issues are addressed. The
Business Adviser will also be on hand to ensure that the implementation of the project is optimised and will be able to assist the business
throughout the growth process.
5 8 Ceredigion County Council
Teifi Estuary Tourism and Development Management
£1,108,004 55212 12/10/2004 £2,549,000
The aim of the project is to begin putting in place measures to achieve better management, to develop an attraction which will encourage more
tourists to visit, to market the attraction and environmental interest in the estuary specifically for the Teifi Estuary and to include the castle as
that develops. This will be put into effect through 3 objectives.
7 1 Ceredigion County Council
Technical Assistance for the Ceredigion Local Partnership
Management Board
£207,419 53827 02/08/2002 £414,921
To provide effective management of the Objective 1 Programme.
2 3 Ceredigion County Council
Research and development services to the Welsh agri-food
£808,430 52736 26/03/2002 £1,488,000
This project is the combined approach from Wales' 2 food technology centres in the Objective 1 region : Food Centre Wales at Horeb, Ceredigion
and Coleg Menai, Llangefni. This project will ensure that the comprehensive technical facilities and support urgently needed for an innovative
Welsh agri-food industry to grow will be provided across the entire region.
4 4 Ceredigion County Council BIG ( BYD I GEREDIGION) £251,605 53746 26/03/2002 £524,181
The project's purpose is to enhance IT provision available to the public within the County. The project will fund a Libraries Officer, IT Facilitator,
Clerical Officer and other posts. Any member of the public will be able to make use of the IT resources and training at the level that they prefer.
There will be a clear course of progression which allows individuals to remain at the venue of their choice whilst they increase their IT skills to
achieve recognised and certified qualifications.
3 3 Ceredigion County Council Future Communities £174,000 54054 26/07/2002 £474,000
This grant scheme will concentrate on the implementation of regeneration activities by voluntary groups throughout Ceredigion, particularly
groups representing disadvantaged or marginalised communities, through offering capital and revenue funds to finance the implementation of
small scale projects. The aim of this project is to enable voluntary groups to widen participation in the task of sustainable regeneration work in
Ceredigion. The project will build on the success of the existing 'Growing Communities' grant scheme. A dedicated project officer will be
responsible for acting in a mentoring role to assist grant recipients in achieving their targets as part of an integrated monitoring system.
1 1 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Small Firm's Start Up Grant £117,000 54653 25/02/2003 £480,000
The aim of the project is to provide SMEs in Ceredigion with an enhanced Start-up Grant assistance to that which is currenlty available.
7 1 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Technical Assistance 2000-2001 £100,000 53156 02/08/2002 £232,958
Technical assistance for lead body.
5 8 Ceredigion County Council Cardigan Bay/ Ceredigion Coast Path £234,943 52604 19/03/2002 £501,622
The project comprises an integrated approach to the development of a Cardigan Bay/ Ceredigion Coast Path. This strategic route will provide an
important link in the wider network of strategic routes in Wales, in particular linking with the Pembrokeshire Coast National Trail and the
Glyndwr's Way National Trail. The coast path could itself merit consideration as a national Trail in the longer term. The Project will improve the
quality of experience offered to visitors through improvements to rights of way and associated measures. Improve tourist infrastructure through
the provision of a strategic facility that will benefit tourist direct as well as other activities.
5 6 Ceredigion County Council Support for Local Economic Development in Ceredigion £129,800 52546 20/03/2002 £303,000
This pathfinder project will provide a comprehensive and inclusive delegated grant support scheme that will target key areas of economic
development.. The key aims of this project are to: - Organise a high profile launch that will kick-start the Objective 1 programme in Ceredigion;
Encourage a rapid take up of funds prior to the approval of the Local Action Plan, thus allowing exemplar projects to proceed without delay;
Develop the soft infrastructure for rural economic development; Provide business and community support to encourage diversification and
sustainable economic activity; Enhance opportunities to overcome specific barriers to economic development faced by rural communities.
1 1 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Business Grants £87,500 52557 19/03/2002 £350,000
This is an investment Aid grant to be administered by Ceredigion County Council. The focus of the scheme is to award grants to SME's for those
eligible capital investments which will lead to new permanent jobs. After detailed assessment and subject to companies meeting the required
eligibility criteria, the maximum grant rate to be awarded will be 50% for small firms and 42.5% for medium sized firms. The amount of grant
awarded will however be limited to £8,500 perjob created.
1 5 Ceredigion County Council Food Incubator Units at Food Centre Wales. £368,080 56321 08/10/2004 £920,200
The purpose of this project is to provide purpose built high quality food incubator units. The project will develop 0.4 hectare of land to construct
4 incubator units extending to 150 sq meters each. The units will support private starter food companies in the development of their businesses
in a safe environment and provide opportunities to develop new innovative food products.
7 1 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Regeneration Partnership Aftercare Service £462,064 57249 13/07/2005 £626,797
Undertake programme management functions delegated to Local Partnerships by WEFO and to provide aftercare support for approved projects in
the Ceridigion area.
6 4
Ceredigion Recycling and
Furniture Team (CRAFT)
Dim Pen y Daith (Not the end of the line) £1,461,918 55258 12/02/2004 £2,696,768
Dim Pen Y daith will provide premises for CRAFT, Ceredigion's third sector furniture recyclers, enabling expansion in the range and volume of
waste reclamation within the county. CRAFT is a practical organisation that tackles poverty, protects the environment and encourages social
inclusion and cohesion.
1 2 Charter Solutions Raising the Marketing Game £186,969 57203 04/11/2005 £486,400
This project provides facilitators to work with companies to help their management and staff teams identify the key actions that they need to take
to make significant improvements to personal and organisational performance.
3 3 Churches In Action Youth Cafe/I.T. Centre Bargoed £94,473 52948 20/03/2002 £219,464
The project will provide a Youth Centre (by means of an Internet Cafe) in Bargoed to assist disadvantaged youth of the area. Training will be
provided for the young unemployed in IT skills and use of the Internet. There will also be volunteering opportunities in order to acquire retail or
advisory skills. The project will include a Cafe and IT facility to enable young people to access a full range of services.
1 2 Chwarae Teg Women's Enterprise Wales £936,594 52544 22/03/2002 £1,873,188
The Entrepreneurship Action Plan for Wales aims to support the creation of 43,000 new business start-ups between 2000 and 2006.
1 2 Chwarae Teg Women's Enterprise Wales (phase II) £658,980 54838 15/07/2003 £1,317,960
This is the second phase of a successful Objective 1 funded project designed to support women into self-employment. The overall strategic aims
of the Women's Enterprise Wales project (phase 2) remains similar to the original aims, i.e. - to improve the quality, quantity and survival rates
of new businesses established by female entrepreneurs - through the provision of pre-business start-up support aimed at removing barriers and
resolving issues, leading to smooth transition to the mainstream business support providers; - to identify and promote best practice in support of
female entrepreneurs, in partnership with the mainstream - through development of best practice approaches and accessible services, with the
mainstream, that will meet the needs fo this target groupover the longer term and in sustainable manner; - to pursue innovative and practical
research into effective support methods for female entrepreneurs (small scale to supplement extensive work carried out in phase 1).
1 3 CITB Construct Wales £749,764 55537 12/08/2004 £1,525,771
The purpose of the project is to improve the performance and competitiveness of construction industry SMEs through the application of improved
business practices and standards. The project will address the key recommendations of the Egan Report to drive up quality within the industry
focussing on an integrated product process, elimination of waste and increasing value for the customer. The project will undertake the following
key activities: ط Awareness raising within the industry sector of the need to drive up quality. The Rethinking Construction Centre will be the focal
point for the provision of this activity. A detailed database of the industry will be developed and this will be an essential tool for providing
information relating specifically to industry issues and forming the basis for awareness raising and improving standards. It will also identify the
spread and location of sectors within the industry including specialisms, strengths and weaknesses. This will assist all parties in their aim to
assist the industry with future development. A series of events will also be arranged as part of this awareness raising process. This will involve
seminars, workshops and providing exemplars within the sector. Such events will focus on issues directly relating to the industry identified as
needs by the participants. This element of the project will ensure access to the widest possible number of SMEs working within the sector. ط
Facilitating links between the industry and existing business support organisations. It is recognised that currently very few construction industry
SMEs are accessing existing general and specialist business support. Through this project, links will be established with the Gateway and the
deliverers of business support and, via this industry support mechanism, construction SMEs will be referred as appropriate to existing
mainstream support to assist in their development. This project will offer industry information and specialist support and will ensure full
integration with existing support mechanisms. ط Undertaking benchmarking to track industry improvements. In order to ascertain improvements
within the industry, a benchmarking exercise will be undertaken within SMEs involved. Baseline data will be collated and systematically tracked
as awareness raising and access to existing business support is gained. Within these SMEs, taster sessions of the process improvement
programme will also be undertaken. ط Developing best practice development models. Crucial to the awareness-raising element of the project is
the development of best practice development models and exemplars used to highlight to the industry the benefits of undertaking the proposed
activities. ط Delivery of a support programme to directly facilitate company development focussing on supply chain improvements. This activity
will be achieved through the proven Source Wales methodology of working with supply chain networks and adopting and transferring these
techniques to the construction industry. Core elements will include awareness raising seminars, Construction Development Networks,
Benchmarking and Competitiveness Forums additional to the above activity. A total of 90 businesses will be recruited through a variety of
activities including the awareness raising activities to participate in this in-depth support. Following this a total of 8 seminars, each addressing
key issues relating to the process will be held. Capitalising on previous programme experience, issues such as identifying business opportunities,
developing long-term customer relationships, improving product/service quality, sustainability and competitiveness will be covered. In depth
support will then be delivered in two forms: Construction Network Groups: These networks will offer a mechanism to construction clients to
develop their supply chain with an in depth support mechanism, which will assist in improving the competitiveness of the companies. It is
anticipated that each network will have client/core companies and circa 10 SMEs receiving support. Such SMEs will have the ability to develop
management and staff to implement any changes that may be proposed. The networks will focus on addressing detailed process and
documentation issues. Generally lasting up to six months or the duration of a construction contract, the work undertaken would consist of
detailed workshops, networking opportunities and up to 5 days of in-company facilitation to support the implementation of change. Each of the 5
half day workshops will allow the businesses participating to learn about best practice, network with others and also benefit from core client
company input. The general content could include: key account management, teamworking, logistics and waste elimination, project management,
environment, quality and H & S or others as may be identified by the client/core companies or SMEs involved. Construction Competitiveness
Forums: These will be for companies who have a full understanding of legislation and best practice requirements and are at the leading edge of
the change process. The forum would be designed to inform the companies of further developments within this field, ensure they retain/obtain
competitive advantage, safeguard existing employment and, where appropriate, assist with increase staff requirement. Where appropriate,
companies will be informed of key areas of assistance within this field. This, in a number of cases, will take the form of referrals to existing
programmes or directly to the in-depth network support programme. General awareness raising and benchmarking activities will be undertaken
by the consortium of partners but primarily by the Rethinking Construction Centre. Staffing will comprise a Project Manager, a Marketing
Co-ordinator and Admin Support. Operating across Wales their costs will be appropriately apportioned. The specialist in-depth support element
of the project will be managed by the WDA Source Wales team with consultants being used to support delivery. A full time Manager and
Administration support will be engaged to manage the consultancy contract. CITB will provide EU project management expertise.
5 6 City and County of Swansea Infra/Enviro/Building Improvements at Pontarddulais £140,000 55342 15/06/2004 £560,000
The scheme will provide grant aid for SME's to Improve their properties; allow large areas of vacant land within curtilages to come into beneficial
use; undertake environmental improvements and create better vehicluar access to premises.
3 3 City and County of Swansea Pentre Menter Gorseinon Enterprise Village £227,995 55282 15/10/2004 £341,493
Pentre Menter will extend access to learning by building an innovative an sustainable centrre in the ward of Gorseinon east to develop high
quality and specialist training facilities to meet the training needs of the area. To provide a stimulus for business enterprise, including four start
up business units, conference facilities and a central management service. To provide a central resource, including creche and community
meeting facilities, for the growing community of Gorseinon an to be a model for community empowerment.
4 4 City and County of Swansea Pentre Menter Gorseinon Enterprise Village £1,891,812 55283 15/10/2004 £4,124,979
Pentre Mentre will extend access to learning by building an innovative and sustainable centre in the ward of Gorseinon east to develop high
quality and specialist training facilities to meet the training needs of the area. To provide a stamulus for business enterprise, including four start
up business units, conference facilities and a central manangment service. To provide central resource, including creche and community meeting
facilities, for the growing community of Gorseinon and to be a model for community empowerment.
5 8 City and County of Swansea Swansea Promenade Infrastructure Network (SPIN) £231,753 55209 05/04/2004 £503,811
The aim of the project is to enhance the visitor enjoyment of Swansea Bay promenade by providing an exciting, safe, innovative information trail
with associated infrastructure works from St Helen's Rugby Ground to Mumbles Head, including the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) at
5 6 City and County of Swansea Borfa House and Rhossili Activity Centres £399,366 55175 15/12/2003 £956,864
To upgrade and refurbish the accomodation in Borfa House and Rhossili Activity Centres. These will be used to provide accomodation and
activities to groups to promote healthy living and personal development.
1 1 City and County of Swansea Grants in Industrial Improvement/Renewal Areas - Phase 2 £180,000 55673 01/11/2004 £720,000
Industrial Improvement/Renewal Area Grants- Provision of grant aid by the Council to SME's for the improvement and extension of
industrial/business premesis and their curtilages in the County's designated Industrial Improvement/Renewal Areas. The scheme will: aid job
creation and retention; improve the environment within the estates; ensure buildings remain in beneficial use and assist in allowing vacant
buildings to become occupied; stimulate private sector investment.
3 3 City and County of Swansea Forge Fach Resource Building £1,079,271 54850 03/03/2004 £1,812,000
A need for a multi purpose community resource building has been identified, following a number of public meetings as well as local consultation.
The facility will encourage the participation of local people in a wide range of community facilities that will promote training and up-skilling to
improve the GDP of the area. It will also promote economic activity by providing a structure within which ideas can be supported and developed.
6 1 City and County of Swansea Swansea Strategic Waterfront - City Centre Link £774,250 54907 22/08/2003 £2,324,250
The aim of the project is to create a sustainable access link between the Priority 6 Measure 3 Swansea Waterfront Development location and the
public transport interchange facilities of the City Centre (bus and rail) as part of an overall integrated transport approach. The project also aims
to promote pedestrian and cycle access rather than vehicle movement, between the activities and services of the City Centre and the 6.3 projects
of Port Tawe and the National Waterfront Museum Swansea project.
4 4 City and County of Swansea Swansea Vale Resource Centre £954,829 54824 01/12/2003 £1,989,229
The aim of the project is to enable physically disabled people, aged 16 - 65 to gain, or in some cases regain their independance in order to
identify and pursue personal, vocational and training goals.
6 1 City and County of Swansea
Swansea Strategic Waterfront Express Bus Route and
Gyratory Port Tawe/Easter Approach
£960,000 54905 21/08/2003 £5,759,343
The project seeks to link Fabian Way Park and Ride site to the City Centre via a dedicated bus route. It will also serve to create a sustainable
transport/cycle route from the eastern approaches linked to the express bus route. The scheme will also address traffic congestion issues by
introducing a new gratory system incorparating the two existing river bridges.
6 2 City and County of Swansea North Swansea - Strategic Energy Initiative £701,172 54944 29/07/2004 £2,340,000
The project will provide 2 primary transformers which will transform high voltage electricity available in the over head power supply into low
voltage electricity necessary to allow energising of major employment sites along the M4 corridor.
1 1 City and County of Swansea Business Support Grant £1,534,500 54645 24/07/2003 £5,059,717
The project will enable financial support to be given to eligible and viable small and medium sized business (SMEs) to ensure business survival,
growth abd diversification.
1 1 City and County of Swansea Developing Competitive SME's £287,752 53599 20/03/2002 £587,250
Provide Management and financial assitance to SMEs in marketing and other business areas through an enhanced Personal Business Adviser
Service and the provision of a business marketing grant service.
3 2 City and County of Swansea Partnership Steering Group £86,153 52959 25/03/2002 £118,922
The project is to support the development of an independent "umbrella organisation" which can act as a credible and effective partnership
organisation in relation to public sector and other agencies in the development of local strategies for sustainable economic development. The
project will provide the reserves to enable our exisiting voluntary steering group to take the project forward. This steerin group also receives
support from the Newid Community Development Project.
3 4 City and County of Swansea Communities Mean Business £352,361 52960 25/03/2002 £543,180
An enabling project that will aim to stimulate and develop social economic activity and thereby foster local economic development in Swansea's
most deprived communities
1 1 City and County of Swansea Grants in Industrial Improvements/Renewal Areas £180,000 53077 29/04/2002 £683,000
Provision of grant aid for the improvement and extension of industrial/business premises and their curtilages in Swansea County's designated
industrial improvement/renewal areas. The scheme will aid job creation and retention, improve the environment within the estates, ensure
buildings remain in beneficial use and assist in allowing vacant buildings to become occupied, stimulate private sector investment
3 3 City and County of Swansea The Hill Young People's Project £78,238 52966 13/05/2002 £113,388
The aim of the project is to help young people express and value their worth by utilising and working with existing programmes i.e Youth Access,
Princes' Trust. The project will enable young people to develop skills such as team building, group and committee working, facilitation,
presentation, management, self-esteem, basic skills, the importance of healthy living, equal opportunities and social/life skills.
3 2 City and County of Swansea People In Communities Capacity Building £144,580 52967 25/03/2002 £198,435
The project supports the establishment of community led initiatives and groups to service the area - Penderry ward, Blaenaymaes/Porthead
/Penplas. This work will have direct economic social and environmental impacts.
3 3 City and County of Swansea People in Communities - Community Resource Centre £65,483 52968 25/03/2002 £96,173
This project will renovate a building into a Community Resource Centre housing an Employment Resource Unit; a Youth Information & Advice
Unit; and a Community Teashop (non-profit making); including Networked PCs & Printers and CCTV. The Employment Resource Unit will offer
career development advice, recruit for Swansea's Intermediate Labour Market scheme, and link participants directly with the job training
opportunities on offer in the County. The Lifelong Learning Centre will offer the opportunity for personal development through a wide range of
adult education courses laid on in response to specific local demand. The Youth Information & Advice Unit will offer young people a wide range
of advice, counselling , advocacy and representation services, provided by a variety of visiting specialist agencies. These agencies will also
provide older adults with the same range of services. The Youth work based at the Centre will have fully trained professional staff to offer generic
and outreach youth work to target age group, with emphasis on the disaffected. The tea shop will be run on a voluntary basis by memebers of
the local community. It will serve light refreshments to Centre users and staff, creating opportunities for a future training operation. The Centre's
Management Committee will include local resident users of the Cetnre. The youth work will create opportunities for a 'youth management
committee' to be established by young people, who will have an input into the management of the youth services and the Centre as a whole.
1 5 City and County of Swansea Gorseinon-Property Development Grants £222,800 55213 15/06/2004 £1,114,000
To provide grant aid to developers towards the construction of business floorspace an land at Garngoch ( and possibly the former Bryngwyn steel
works). The WDA will adminster the scheme in partnership with the City and Council of Swansea and the Gorseinon Development Trust.
3 2 City and County of Swansea The Swansea Communities Partnership Unit £353,975 54205 10/06/2002 £565,643
The Swansea Communites Partnership Unit will make a major contribution to the transformation of the economy in Swansea and ultimately
Wales. It will contribute to the promotion of a high quality of life for all members of the community, particularly among local partnerships and
communities by spreading the benefits of the programme, which in turn will form the basis of a skilled, adaptable and most importantly
enterprising workforce.
1 5 City and County of Swansea
Players Industrial Estate, Clydach -
Infrastructure/Environmental Improvements
£200,000 54052 03/10/2002 £500,000
The aim of the project is to upgrade the sub standard infrastructure and environment in the industrial estate. To pump prime private sector
investment in existing buildings and create the opportunity for the future development of 2.5ha of vacant land.
7 1 City and County of Swansea City & County of Swansea - ERDF Technical Assistance £80,548 53690 02/08/2002 £161,096
The project involves providing a facilitation and secretariat resource for the Swansea Partnership .
6 1 City and County of Swansea
£1,514,000 52857 01/11/2002 £4,770,000
The project is seen as an overall concept for improving all-mode access to Swansea City Centre and the facilities that it provides. It will provide
improved facilities for inter-modal changes between rail, bus, taxi, private vehicles, cycling and pedestrians.
1 5 City and County of Swansea
£100,000 52843 25/03/2002 £250,000
Infrastructure/environmental works in conjunction with the WDA to allow 25 ha of vacant industrial land which is partially serviced to be brought
forward for industrial development. The works will concentrate on bringing the existing site roads, drainage and street lighting to adoptable
standards, environmental enhancement of approaches to the site and structured landscaping within the site, surface water drainage issues;
ensuring the availability of all necessary utilities
1 5 City and County of Swansea SWANSEA VALE INFRASTRUCTURE AND LANDSCAPING £1,042,000 52833 26/07/2002 £2,605,000
The project seeks to create 42ha of new employment land plus support facilities. This development will make approximately 30 sites available for
high quality business, creating over 3000 jobs.
1 3 City and County of Swansea SWANSEA BUSINESS INTERACTIVE £81,503 52830 14/11/2002 £169,377
Extension of the Buisness Connect service via an interactive 24 hour web site.
7 1 City and County of Swansea Technical assistance £357,766 53847 02/08/2002 £715,533
To provide a secretariat service for the Swansea Objective 1 Partnership Management Board
7 1 City and County of Swansea Technical Assistance Swansea Local Partnership £188,736 57246 29/07/2005 £251,651
To provide a secretariat service for the Swansea Objective 1 Partnership Management Board. To provide aftercare support for approved projects in
3 4 City and County of Swansea Communities Mean Business ( Phase II ) £297,459 57044 14/10/2005 £464,780
The aim of the project is to work with and develop the social enterprise sector. It has just undergone an independent evaluation, which confirmed
the original aims are still just as relevent today. Phase II of the project will maximise its strenghts and move away from areas which are
perceived to duplicate the services of other providers. The overall project aim remains as an enabling project that will aim to stimulate and
develop social economic activity and thereby foster local economic development in Swansea's most deprived communities.
3 3 City and County of Swansea Community Partnerships Regeneration Initiative £111,197 57042 06/03/2006 £305,893
The Community Partnerships Regeneration Initiative Team (CPRI) - Area Based element will employ two people to strengthen the delivery of
community regeneration in Swansea's priority 3 areas. Each will be a resource available to people in Swansea's communities in need, able to
tailor appropriate advice, assistance and capacity building activities as the participation of local people increases and as they develop their
partnerships, community activities and community asset base. The Strategic Partnership element will create a Strategic Community Team, the key
outcome of which will be a community regeneration strategy for Swansea charting development forward over the next few years and focusing on
wider regeneration rather than an individual 'project-based' approach.
3 3 City and County of Swansea Youth Support Centre - 47 The Kingsway £319,991 56910 08/11/2005 £438,235
To refurbish the top two floors of Info Nation, 47 The Kingsway, Swansea, to provide a range of multi purpose rooms and facilities, providing a
'one stop shop' of information, advice and support and training for young people. The facilities and services will create space in which activities
will be developed to provide support and training experiences for young people. The facilities will provide young people with the skills,
knowledge and confidence to make an active and effective contribution to the local and national economy.
3 4 City and County of Swansea 'CREATE Solutions' Employment Resource Agency £137,755 56907 27/06/2005 £275,510
The purpose of the project is to provide a base for the creation and development of a range of supported employment projects to assist adults
suffering serious mental illness to access vocational support and training to gain new, or regain previous, skills and confidence to enable them to
seek employment. The employment projects all have the potential for self-sustainability and to add greater diversity to the social economy
through development as either co-operatives or social firms.
6 1 City and County of Swansea
Swansea Strategic Waterfront - City Centre Westway
£1,045,000 56309 23/03/2006 £3,900,000
The aim of the project is the comprehensive upgrade and extension of the City Centre's Westway transport corridor including highway works
(particularly bus prioritisation), public realm and environmental enhancements and improvements to the bus station. This integrated project will
include: · the comprehensive redevelopment of the Quadrant bus station; · environmental and highway improvements to Westway in particular to
facilitate bus prioritisation and to address pedestrian/vehicular conflicts; · extension of Westway through to Mansel Street and consequent works
to Christina Street and Kingsway to extend the City Centre transport box to the north and to facilitate improved bus movement.
6 3 City and County of Swansea Swansea Strategic Waterfront - City Centre Core £1,400,000 56244 09/12/2005 £3,500,000
Comprehensive upgrading of public realm and properties within the City centre core area to complement significant physical development
schemes within the city centre. Comprehensive streetscape/public realm ehancements; Building facade improvements.
3 3 City and County of Swansea Swansea's Children's Centre £656,600 56453 13/01/2005 £938,000
To provide opportunities for local people to return to work by providing the necessary infrastructure such as childcare, training, education,
advice, capacity building opportunities, health services and an adventure play facility.
6 1 City and County of Swansea
Central Gorseinon Regeneration: Bus Station
£145,072 56561 17/11/2005 £531,372
The aim of the project is to remodel the existing bus station in central Gorseinon, to provide a safe and functional public transport interchange
facility which seeks to apply the principles of best practice in design to foster greater patronage by new and existing users.
4 4 Clwb Mesen Integrated Early Years Centre and Community Facility £37,152 54805 22/05/2003 £77,000
Project involved the construction of a Community Centre to include an adult's training/ meeting room and Early Years' childcare facility. The aim
of the project is to provide a new bilingual learning facility to provide access to informal learning for adults, targeting specifically those who are
reluctant to attend formal learning centres for various reasons within the local area of Ammanford. It will provide parents with the means to
return to the labour market through Basic Skills training in Literacy, Numeracy, Welsh, ICT with progression routes to formal learning centres.
6 3 Cofton (Wales) Limited Llanilid Film Studios and Business Park Infrastructure £1,400,001 56307 23/08/2006 £8,421,346
The project represents phase 1 of a wider infrastructure project for a proposed development near Llanhilid in Rhondda Cynon Taff. The project
will construct a junction with, and link road from, the A473 near Llanhilid together with a foul sewer and pumping station. This project and its
subsequent phases support the future development of a Film Studio Complex, Leisure Complex Development, a film Academy and associated
development in the form of a business park including, Office Accommodation, Warehousing and Light Industrial Buildings and a Hotel/Conference
4 4 Coleg Gwent ICT It - The College Network £188,429 54012 12/08/2002 £392,561
The project will provide broadband infrastructure at (and between) four campus sites; Ebbw Vale, Crosskeys, Pontypool and the outreach Learn -
IT Centre in Cwmbran.
4 4 Coleg Gwent Centre for Construction Science £1,091,459 54284 12/05/2003 £2,485,027
The project will provide a building for the delivery of the constuction curriculum. The centre will enable the delivery of vocational skills in the
construction and construction related industries.
4 4 Coleg Gwent Pontypool Support for Learning £1,304,472 54285 08/07/2003 £2,935,283
The project aims to contruct a new two story building at Coleg Gwent's Pontypool Campus, comprising: a learning resource centre; four
classrooms equipped with ILT facilities; video conferencing room; key and basic skills rooms; and careers office. The building will be positioned
at the front of the Campus thus providing a new main entrance.
4 4 Coleg LLysfasi
£266,466 53116 20/03/2002 £555,140
This project is specifically intended to provide the facilities to support 'Life Long Learning with a 'centre of excellence' focused on the needs of
the rural economy at a time when strong support for rural people is critical to assist the adaptations necessary to improve the rural economy.
This project will: . develop appropriate facilities for the effective delivery of training to assist individuals and businesses in the land-based
industry to face the challenges of severe economic decline. . extend the availability of learning opportunities in this peripheral rural area.
.facilitate training and support in new techniques improved efficiency and innovation to assist economic regeneration in rural areas. . provide ICT
supported learning and ICT based flexible learning opportunities to support the development of extended access to learning in the rural area. .
form a focus of rural regeneration in a training 'centre of excellence' for the land based sector. . co-ordinate training for the industry to assist in
the stabilisation of the rural economy. . provide exemplary facilities to support the development of best practice within the industry . provide
suitable facilities to deliver high quality and appropriate training to assist individuals and businesses in the land-based economy to respond,
adapt, diversify and manage efficiently and effectively. . provide facilities with appropriate access for disabled people. . provide training and
exemplary demonstration facilities by adaptation of existing buildings, the development of teaching rooms, practical facilities and ancilliary
supporting services under an existing recently built large modern roofed building, adaptation ofexisting buidings and a small amount of new
building provision. . be managed under the direction of an experience and well qualified estates manager with the support of clearly designated
specialist staff. .be undertaken within an agreed timescale with regular monitoring and fulfilment of all statutory requirements.
4 4 Coleg Meirion -Dwyfor
£718,000 54720 27/06/2003 £1,527,764
The project entails establishing EMTEC a unique , innovative and specialised training centre located at the Hafan Marina, Pwllheli. Serving the
marine industry in North Wales in terms of training and research and development and innovation, EMTEC will excel in ensuring best practice,
developing a highly skilled and productive workforce and stimu;ating the development of new technologies, products and services and
encouraging the establishment of new Marine businesses. EMTEC will be an asset to the region and will raise the profile of the College and the
Marina development. It is an integral part of the wider regeneration of Gwynedd and will serve as a catalyst in contributing to raising the area's
GDP. One direct post will be created, and 50 indirect jobs created as a result of the project.
4 4 Coleg Meirion -Dwyfor CEGIN (Catering Excellence Gets INnovative) £287,973 56367 01/02/2005 £1,104,991
The project entails establishing an unique, innovative and specialised training centre located at the Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor's main campus at
Dolgellau. Serving the catering and hospitality sector in south Gwynedd in terms of training, research and development and innovation, CEGIN
will excel in ensuring best practice. It will develop a highly skilled and productive workforce whilst stimulating the development of new, skilled
labour, and encouraging entrepreneurship. It will also establish new, high quality businesses in the hospitality sector.
4 4 Coleg Menai Ehangu / Extend £292,721 56365 18/10/2004 £607,305
The primary aim of the project is to extend college provision to outreach centres, to improve open learning facilities at outreach college sites and
enable new methods of flexible learning to be employed to overcome some of the barriers that socially or geographically disadvantaged adults in
Gwynedd and Anglesey encounter in accessing learning. An improved and extended ICT infrastructure is central to the project and will include
enhanced high speed communication links to college outreach centres, upgrade information technology equipment, wireless networking and
video conferencing facilities in two locations.
4 4 Coleg Menai Engineering For the Future £737,628 54620 07/03/2003 £1,536,725
The aim of the project is to provide two state of the art centres for developing technology transfer and training at the college's Bangor and
Llangefni sites to support SME's within the area and encourage new companies to the locality.
4 4 Coleg Menai Caernarfon Lifelong Learning Centre £373,237 52599 19/03/2002 £753,237
The New Lifelong Learning Centre in Caernarfon would be located within a new building to be built on a gap site on Castle Square in the centre
of the town. The centre would offer a wide range of courses within 9 teaching rooms, 3 of which would be IT centres with high speed links to the
Internet. This project is considered fundamental to ensure that the wider Caernarfon area can take early and full advantage of employment
generating projects that will arise from Objective 1 funding over the next 7 years.
4 4 Coleg Menai Peripatetic Outreach Programme - Mobile Unit £31,020 52717 20/03/2002 £64,625
This project is part of the Peripatetic Outreach Programme in the Communities submitted by the WEA for which fastrack ESF has been approved.
4 4 Coleg Menai Childcare & Care services Training Centre £674,000 54038 09/08/2002 £1,349,780
The project is the building by Coleg Menai of a new specialised Child and Care services training centre by the college's campus at Pengraig,
Llangefni to safguard and enhance the long term provision of child and health care training on the site. The project will provide nine classrooms,
two IT rooms and staff accommodation. The building will accomodate students following Child and Care services related courses who are
currently housed in ten short life mobile type classrooms and a block of four teaching rooms located within 1950's HORSA type building. The
majority of this accommodation is likely to be unusable within 3 years putting the provision at risk. All the present accommodation is categorised
as D or C (RICS definitions) and will be replaced with category A accommodation. The new buildings would address the accommodation needs
for training students in the Care Sector. This new learning centre will link a creche facility which is currently in its planning stage. The creche will
provide training opportunities for students as well as child-care provision for young parents wishing to return to a learning environment on the
campus. When combined, both developments will make a significant contribution to increasing child care provision on the Island which has been
recognised as a constraint to employment.
4 4 Coleg Morgannwg ABERDARE COLLEGE LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE £154,322 52778 25/03/2002 £319,840
Provision of a learning resource centre at Aberdare College which will include an ICT learning centre consisting 40 multimedia workstations,
additional CT classroom modern library/resource centree and student relaxation centre.
4 4 Coleg Morgannwg Nantgarw Learning and Technology Centre £1,813,876 56380 03/02/2005 £3,804,532
A centre to promote lifelong learning in Science and Technology, enabling beneficiaries to acquire work-related skills needed in strategic
industrial sectors.
3 3 Coleg Morgannwg
Llwynypia Community Centre (Community, Arts and
Regeneration Centre)
£272,000 57024 24/08/2005 £4,618,011
The project involves the development of a Community Arts and Regeneration Centre in Llwynapia. The centre will comprise of a modest new
building and conversion/refurbishment of the existing facilities at the Rhondda Campus of Coleg Morgannwg. The intention of the facility is to
increase community participation and engagement , by providing creative spaces for people to meet and learn and find enjoyment through
participation in arts, cultural and recreational and informal and formal Iifelong learning.
5 8 Constitution Hill Ltd Consitution Hill £200,000 53286 19/03/2002 £444,000
Constitution Hill is at the end of the Promenade at Aberystwyth. It is 400ft high and has panoramic views over Cardigan Bay with coastal walks to
Clarach and Borth along a coastline which is a triple SSSI. The aim of the project is to: * Making the site totally accessible to all including
wheelchair users to enable them to move from the Promenade up the hill to the coastal footpath * Building a new visitor centre with an area to
display local welsh crafts. * Provide interpretation areas to inform the public about the environment of the hill and the bay. * Complete the
interior of the renovation of the grade II listed bottom Station * Improve the summit signage, landscaping, benches etc. * Preserve 4 jobs on the
site and create 10 others full time. The project is self sustaining and aims to preserve and manage visitor enjoyment of this environmental asset
for years to come.
1 3 Control 2K Limited E-Business Systems for the Manufacturing Sector £339,157 55278 30/03/2004 £690,341
This Project is a 'hands on' approach to E-business systems aimed at small and medium companies. the primary objective is to show these
companies, modern day requirements for networked systems, shop floor access to 'live' data collection and a chance to compete in an ever
increasing web-lead economy. the knowledge will include hardware and software awareness. The project will start with a local target group
within Bridgend with an eventual aim to reach national organisations within its duration. The project looks at the immediate requirements of
manufacturing companies to link shop-floor production systems to their central database, enabling live production data to be accessed for
commercial advantage.
6 3
Conwy County Borough
North Wales Theatre and Conference Centre Enhancement
£4,824,003 55253 20/06/2005 £12,009,850
The aim of this project is to position the North Wales Theatre and Conference Centre as the key exhibition and conference venue in Wales by
developing existing facilities to provide enhanced opportunities for business and cultural tourism.
5 6
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Rural Development Centre £796,791 55529 19/01/2005 £1,979,776
The main aim of the project is to provide the resources to further develop and promote the rural economy of Conwy County. The project will
provide a facility for the provision and coordination of a range of business support, training providers and information sources for the rural
community in one place. It will provide an opportunity for often disconnected, rural businesses to come together and develop their businesses
directly through using the centre for activities such as marketing, promotion, meetings and events. It will also provide an opportunity to promote
and demonstrate innovation and the use of latest technology to the rural community and coordinate training and learning opportunities in
response to local needs. The project will also result in the redevelopment of a now derelict beick built cinema building in a prominent location in
5 6
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Coastal Key Fund - Phase II £108,646 55514 19/04/2004 £258,620
The aim of this project is to continue to promote economic growth in the coastal towns within the county of Conwy by supporting locally
developed and led initiatives to improve access to mainstream services, improving opportunities for young people, supporting community and
cultural enterprises and developing community services to increase access to training and creation of jobs. In Phase 1, projects included Arts and
Crafts recycling through the Trash and Carry scheme, community transport with the acquisition of a coach-built bus to cater for all sectors of the
community through the Supporting People initiative and a variety of improvements to community facilities and services. The Key Fund will
continue to identify and develop similar innovative projects in Phase 2. The project will establish and administer a Coastal Key Fund offering a
range of capital grants for schemes within the above categories. The Key Fund will operate in the following coastal towns and adjacent areas:
Llandudno, Colwyn Bay, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, Kinmel Bay and Towyn.
3 3
Conwy County Borough
Quarry Villages Community Development Key Fund £394,196 55516 19/04/2004 £563,862
This project is to continue to provide flexible and accessible support for community groups within the Priority 3 area. The project aims to
identify, develop and financially assist projects that will deliver sustainable economic regeneration. The project will support the Quarry Villages
Partnership in working with both new and existing groups in the area to build their capacity, identify their priorities, and deliver services at a
local level. The Conwy Key Fund is designed to empower local communities to develop relevant projects at grass roots level.
6 4
Conwy County Borough
NW Wales Regional Compost Demonstration Facility £910,000 56211 25/06/2007 £2,600,000
The project aims to provide environmental infrastructure, as identified by regional waste plans, necessary for Wales to achieve its waste
diversion targets. Under this remit, the investment will provide long-term job opportunities by the establishment initially of a 'Beacon' project to
encourage similar investment, and in the medium long term, a viable waste recycling business.Immediate job creation will result in 8 full time
skilled staff, and 2 medium term staff engaged in research and market development. The site and its employee catchment will be within the North
West Wales area. Stimuli for other facilities throughout Wales are to be expected, with similar job and business creation opportunities.
Expenditure is proposed on the capital works for an in-vessel and open windrow compost system and associated facilities, to be built on a brown
field site at Gofer Landfill, Abergele. To date no other facilities exist, or are being proposed, to provide this service in N W Wales on a similar
scale.The project will be an example of a public sector initiative to provide recycling infrastructure and development of the market for resultant
compost mediums to the benefit of Wales as a whole.
1 1
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Business Development Grant £344,077 54642 06/08/2003 £1,011,993
The primary aim of the project is to provide a flexible public sector grant funding mechanism, in line with State Aid approvals under the UK local
Authority Scheme and the SME block exemption.
5 8
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Estuary Strategic Route £2,725,098 54811 17/05/2004 £7,231,667
The project aims to create an environmentally appropriate transport route around the beautiful Conwy Estuary to enhance visitor management
and provide a safe sustainable transport route for local people whilst protecting the sensitive natural environment, which is a Natura 2000 site.
50 new jobs will be created.
5 8
Conwy County Borough
Hiraethog Access Development Project £73,603 55040 27/01/2005 £156,603
The aim of the project is to develop and promote access opportunities for walkers and cyclists in the Hiraethog area, to diversify and benefit
economy. The project will create one walking/cycling trail, which will be way marked and promoted/interpreted by means of leaflets. A launch
event will be held on completion of the trail.
1 3
Conwy County Borough
Manufactures Support Scheme £106,500 52664 19/03/2002 £398,000
The project will seek to provide grant assistance to eligible SME's from the manufacturing industry. The project's prime objective will be the
strengthening of the manufaturing and technology base of these sites. key factors will be, the future compettiveness and lonevity of the business,
in turn safeguarding the local employment base within the county.
1 1
Conwy County Borough
Business Development Grant £300,900 52665 19/03/2002 £1,501,800
The project will seek to provide a capital grant scheme to assist all eligible SME's from all sectors eg: manufacturing,Industrial, Distribution,
Technology, Arts/craftm, service sectors.Targeted at all SME's the project will be particularly focused at those employing less than 40
peoplewithin the county.
5 6
Conwy County Borough
Great Orme Tramway £992,122 52671 20/03/2002 £4,167,319
The principal objectives of the project is:- - To ensure that the tramway is completley restored, taking full account of its unique historic
characteristics, thus enabling it to function at full capacity to attract and cater for increased numbers of visitors with improved facilities and
services. - To enhance itspotential as amajor tourist attraction being part of Llandudno's cultural and historic heritage, creating added value via
spin-off in relation to other attractions, businesses and job creation in the town.
5 8
Conwy County Borough
Great Orme Developemnt and Management project £141,000 52675 20/03/2002 £300,000
The project will comprise of:- - A new interpretation scheme for the interior of the country park visitor centre based on consultant's proposals
currently being developed. - A themed piece of public art within the vicinity - A new adventure playground linked to the country park visitor
centre. - Extension of the new county park image to the whole of the great orme utilising the design guide being developed examples developed
under the 5b programme. - Continuation of landscape / environmental improvements - Initial implementation of the Archaeological Management
Plan currently being developed by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust - Implementation of grazing management proposals for conservation and
farming benefits.
1 5
Conwy County Borough
New York Enterprise Centre Penmaenmawr £145,467 52547 19/03/2002 £387,298
Total Restoration of derelict property and its return to economic use for employment and community benefit. To preserve 4 historic quarrymen
cottages of stone and slate construction as a symbol of the towns history and heritage via their full restoration. To sympathetically fit out the
internal aspects of three cottages to provide office/hi tech accomogation on two floors. To convert the ground floor of the fourth cottage, to
provide a community museum for educational school trips, preservation of town heritage and tourism. To provide on the first floor of the fourth
cottage a drop in, "one stop shop" for Business Connect Conwy. To serve the west of the County (Project summary attached).
1 5
Conwy County Borough
Extension of Tir llwyd Enterprise Park (phase 1) £2,472,305 52629 26/03/2002 £6,180,765
The first phase will provide on site infrastructure to allow the development of 15ha industrial land together with a road connection to link the
existing 2 sites thereby cretaing an autonomous estate. This will immedaitley provide 12 plots varying insize from 0.3 ha to 2.1 ha for lease or
sale to businesses. This phase will also include the implementation of substantial structural landscaping within the area subject to subsequent
phases, and will include screening to nearby residential property and open countryside.
7 1
Conwy County Borough
ERDF Technical Assistance £100,000 53506 02/08/2002 £200,051
The application is submitted by Conwy CBC as nominated lead body of the Conwy Economic Development and Regeneration Partnership. The aim
is to provide effective administration, implementation and delivery of the Objective ! Programme in Conwy.
7 1
Conwy County Borough
Technical Assistance £375,000 53823 02/08/2002 £751,350
To provide a secretariat service to the Conwy Objective 1 Partnership.
5 6
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Coastal Key Fund £148,055 54028 11/09/2002 £352,511
The project aims to promote economic growth in the coastal towns within the county of Conwy and support locally developed and led initiatives
by: * Raising the participation of community and cultural enterprises within the mainstream economy. * Support for businesses in the community
sector and social economy including networking and marketing opportunities. * Promote cultural and linguistic, identify as a valuable source of
economic activity by supporting tourism initiatives which include the promotion of local products and places. The project will establish and
administer a Coastal Key Fund offering capital grants for community led schemes within the above categories.
3 3
Conwy County Borough
Conwy Quarry Villages Community Development Key Fund £148,181 54058 11/09/2002 £211,961
To provide flexible and accessible support for community groups within the P 3 area, by identifying, developing and financially assisting
community led projects that will deliver sustainable economic regeneration in the Conwy area. The project will support the Quarry Villages
Partnership by working with both new and existing groups in the area to build their capacity, identify their priorities, and deliver services at a
local level. It will establish and administer a community key fund offering a range of capital and revenue grants for community schemes which
will be focusing on tackling barriers to employment, providing and improving access to community and mainstream services and supporting
physical and environmental improvements.
7 1
Conwy County Borough
Technical Assistance £367,495 57236 05/08/2005 £489,994
To provide a secretariat service to the Conwy Objective 1 Partnership. To provide aftercare support to approved projects
5 6
Conwy County Borough
Colwyn Bay Waterfront Strategy Facility Improvements £99,950 56652 27/06/2005 £199,900
The aim of the project is to improve an existing slipway facility and create a new slipway for powered watersports at Colwyn Bay. Improved
facilities will boost tourism in Colwyn Bay and Rhos on Sea through increased visitor numbers not only those participating but also spectators.
1 5 Cotton Projects Units 16 - 18 Withybush Industrial Estate, Haverfordwest £119,902 56276 09/11/2005 £397,056
This project will create high quality speculative business premises located at Withybush Industrial Estate Pembrokeshire, comprising 3 units
totalling 551.8 square metres suitable for use as offices and for light industrial purposes.
1 5 Court Vale Developments Ltd Johnston Business Park £173,600 56310 22/03/2005 £569,935
Project will create quality speculative business premises located at Johnston, Pembrokeshire. Five units will be built totalling 320 square meters
of floorspace, suitable for use as light industrial, storage and distribution and office purposes.
3 4
Creation Community
Development Limited
Garw Valley Food Developments £60,537 57050 17/05/2005 £93,320
The project is intended to initiate a Rural Regeneration Programme, which will employ a Food Development Manager responsible for the delivery
of the Regeneration Programme, and accountable to the applicant.
3 3
Cwmaman Public Hall and
Institute Social Club Ltd
Cwmaman Public Hall & Institute Social Club Ltd £439,122 56815 10/01/2005 £646,544
The project will provide a framework of community usage that will lead to the sustainable future for a community owned asset and group. The
project will meet local need by providing a sustainable community run service by establishing a healthy living awareness centre to tackle local
health inequalities and help remove barriers to employment. The project will develop a community led project that wilkl use Comunity Cultural
activity to brewak down barriers to participation for socially excluded groups and create opportunities for employment through increased
3 3 Cwmni Caban Gerlan Cyf. Caban Gerlan £274,582 55403 01/02/2005 £493,078
The Caban Gerlan building was originally used as a primary school that closed in 1975 and following its closure the residents of Gerlan came
together to form a committee enabling the community to purchase the building and create a centre that would become the heart of the
community. Since 1975 'Caban Gerlan' has become an integral part of community life in the village and provides a focus for all community
activities servicing a wide rural area.The building however is now unable to adequately support and realise the increased needs recognised by
the community. Caban Gerlan has no suitable disabled access for its users and certain basic services need upgrading. This project will respond to
these needs and enable the regeneration of a deprived community. The Caban Gerlan scheme is a community led project that has been developed
over a number of years in response to the area's needs and existing opportunities. Objective 1 funding is essential to enable this community
based company to implement their Project in response to local needs.It involves the establishment of a community enterprise that would upgrade
existing community facilities, creating new community services and employment through the development of a bunk house that would provide
adequate affordable accommodation to visiting groups and families to the Ogwen Valley.
3 2
Cwmni Clydach Development
CRAIGFELEN DEVELOPMENT WORKER £65,150 53161 25/03/2002 £97,450
The project is for funding towards a capacity building development worker with associated accommodation and administrative costs. The
Development Worker will investigate the needs for a community resource centre to provide education, training and employment opportunities for
the residents of Craigfelen. The Development Worker will engage residents to find out what services and provisions they want from agencies and
service providers. These activities could include newsletters, forums, discussion groups, workshops and one-to-one meetings with target groups.
3 3
Cwmni Cydweithredol Tafarn
y Fic
Tafarn y Fic £401,120 55009 12/11/2003 £659,079
The purpose of the project is to develop a community resource which will support and promote the development of the village of Llithfaen and
the community of Pistyll. The project will lead to job creation, lifelong learning and create a meeting centre as well as training rooms for the
local community and organisations. It will achieve this by erecting a new extension at the back of the local public house known as "Tafarn y Fic"
which will create and accomodate community rooms. In addition to this the project will provide IT equipment as well as providing revenue to
employ a manager a part time caretaker and funds for marketing and overheads. Pistyll is listed among the most deprived wards in the Objective
1 area and the project will create facilities which will provide better access to education, training and work opportunities and strengthen business
conditions for a number of businesses in the community.
6 2 Cwmni Gwynt Teg Cyf Clwstwr Gwynt Moelogan £366,000 52601 20/03/2002 £2,558,000
A farmer co-operative venture (the first of its kind in the UK) to develop a wind power station, using two 1.3Mw/h turbines, producing enough
energy for 2,500 local homes.
3 4 Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch Arad Goch: Canolfan, Adnoddau a Chyfleoedd Newydd £574,703 56898 08/07/2005 £2,951,727
The project will enable Theatr Arad Goch to purchase suitable buildings to strengthen and expand the organisation's activities. The aim of the
project is to create a unique and purpose built centre which will provide a focus on Welsh arts related activities. It will provide suitable resources
and work spaces for individual artists and groups. The project will also encourage young people to get involved and work closely with
professional artists.
1 5 Cwmnni Adwy Cyf Adwy Cyf: Phase 11a £177,953 54466 25/04/2003 £358,133
During the past three years Adwy Cyf- a community managed not for profit company established by Gwynedd Council - has developed disused
and dilapitated buildings creating business units in Gwynedd's deprived Peris, Ogwen, Nantlle, Ffestiniog and Corris slate valleys: contributing to
the continued economic viablility of the areas and enhancing the environment of their commercial centres. Adwy Cyf Phase 11a will build upon
the company's successs by adapting and upgrading more disused and dilapidated properties in the slate valleys to meet the needs of modern
businesses and/or developing additional business units through new build.
5 6 Cwmnni Adwy Cyf Adwy Cyf: Phase 11b £210,049 54467 16/04/2003 £690,837
The Slate Valleys Initiative, formed in 1997, presented a bid to the Welsh Office Capital Challenge Fund to implement 6 projects to address the
needs of the communities and to achieve sustainable economic regeneration in the valleys. Adwy Cyf, a community-managed not for profit
company established by Gwynedd Council as one of these projects has over the last 3 years developed 10 disused and dilapidated builings,
creating 30 business units in Gwynedd's deprived slate valleys. This project will provide resources to improve the environment of commercial
centres in Gwynedd's deprived slate valleys and facilitate the development of businesses located in Adwy Cyf's premises.
5 6 Cymad Croeso Cymraeg mewn Busnes £109,720 54358 25/11/2002 £260,896
The aim of the project is to encourage businesses to add value to their services by using and giving prominence to Welsh, its culture and
heritage. In order to ensure that young people are able to stay within our communities we shall work on a local level to support young people in
enterprise. Statistics in the past have identified that Welsh speakers choose not to contribute economically and to work within the traditional
industries which are now suffering severe recession. (ie agriculture). Menter Iaith Gwynedd will encourage businesses to use Welsh as a
competitive resource "unique selling point". During the time-scale of this project our intention is to work closely within the loacal community to
spread the message that there is commercial benefit to be gained by using Welsh.
3 3 Cymad Cwlwm Iaith-Ymlaen ar Gymraeg yn y Gymuned £242,333 54359 25/11/2002 £342,896
The aim of the project is to employ staff (2.5 full time equivalent) to expand the existing work of Menter Iaith Gwynedd and ofer opportunities to
add value to existing provision within the most disadvantaged communities in Gwynedd The project has been drawn up to ensure that it is a
community that leads the whole activity. The districts of Dwyfor, Meirionydd and Arfon will establish local steering committees which will be
members of the community. The employed staff will: Help people to make the most of their bilingual skills Introduce cultural and leisure
activities in Welsh into communities Help voluntary organisations to prepare bilingual material Establish networks for people who wish to use
Welsh Equip young people with confidence to create opportunities to use Welsh and ensure that they maintain their bilingual skills. Extend the
grant for bilingual signs Offer help and advice to SMEs to extend their use of Welsh
2 5 Cymad Mae'r rhod yn troi £1,193,793 55314 14/04/2005 £3,416,881
The aim of the scheme is to establish a development fund which will provide the means to support landowners in the development of
hydroelectric power schemes in Gwynedd in a way consistent with the natural environment and sustainable. Specifically, this will be achieved
through initial ("pump priming") financial support for new schemes, as well as through the provision of assistance and support for potential
producers to research the concept on their land. Hydro-energy technology is now well established, but a project such as this is necessary to
promote the use of this technology and develop the hydro-energy "industry" by encouraging landowners to discover the relevant opportunities. A
key element of Cymad's medium-term strategy is to build on the experience gained from this project, and further widen the industry, within
Gwynedd initially, and further afield in the long term. We have already discussed the principle of establishing an alternative energy agency in
Gwynedd, and Cymad envisages an important role for this project in preparing for the realisation of that aim.
3 3 Cymad Amgylchedd Gwynedd £157,865 56361 02/09/2004 £223,415
The aim of Amgylchedd Gwynedd is to contribute to sustainable development by supporting and encouraging voluntary activity to safeguard and
improve the environment of Wales. This will be achieved by: 1) Officer support to community groups to help design and develop projects and
apply for funding, 2) Registering groups/projects, a process which assesses the long term environmental sustainability of the plan, 3) Grants, to
include start-up grants, pre-project grants, training grants, project grants and management grants.
4 4 Cymdeithas Caer Las Cyf Connect - Capacity Building Project £14,400 52822 15/05/2002 £30,000
The project will fund the costs of upgrading Connect Project Community Premises at Customs House in Swansea. This will enable the expansion
of use of premises resulting in: An improvement in the quality and diversity of adult education and training programmes which can be made at
the Connect Project - a learning "community" for vulnerable adults Access to improved facilities to the community at large Improved access for
disabled persons
3 3
Cymdeithas Cymunedol
Ystrad Meurig Community
Canolfan Cymunedol Edward Richard Community Centre £356,199 55367 30/03/2004 £537,903
Restoration of the Edward Richard School into a fully functional community centre. The centre will provide a suitable place for meetings and
activities for local community groups.
3 2 Cymdeithas Tai Eryri YMESTYN CYNHWYSEDD-CAERNARFON £156,944 54415 22/11/2002 £222,410
Nod y prosiect yma ydi sefydlu partneriaeth cynrychiadol rhwng trigolion ac asiantaethau lleol. Mi fydd yn helpu cydlynu gweithredu cymunedol
yn wardiau mwyaf difreintiedig Caernarfon a sicrhau fod pobl ifanc yr ardal yn cyfranogi i'r strwythyrau yma. The aim of this project is to
establish a representative partnership between local residents and agencies. This will help to integrate community actions and services in the
most disadvantaged wards in Caernarfon and ensure that youth in the area are able to participate.
3 3
Cyngor Cymuned
Canolfan Datblygu Cymuned a Menter Trawsfynydd £206,427 54739 15/05/2003 £479,094
The aim of the project is to empower the community of Trawsfynydd to lead and implement the efforts to regenerate the village, improve
confidence and create new opportunities to withstand economic decline and emigration from the are in the wake of the closure of the atomic
power station and the recession in the agricultural industry. Objectives:- To nurture support and maintain a spirit of enterprise and communal
collaboration in the Trawsfynydd area Enable the community do develop, establish and take ovnership of a sustainsable economic enterprise. To
provide and maintain a communal asset as a focus for implementing the village development plan, and as a means of supporting villagers in
implementing economic, environmental and social projects. To conjoin the human resources, heritage and culture of the community as a basis
for creating new work opporuunities and enterprises within the village. To support and promote a wider partnership between the community and
public authorities and agencies, in regeneration the village. To alleviate the effects of remoteness by providing and operating a Gateway to
services, information and advice for residents, movements and businesses in the village, thereby overcoming the impediments to economic and
social inclusion in this fringe area. Provide IT resources which will provide the residents of Trawsfynydd with easy access to new technology and
links to suport services provided by the agencies delivering the IT agenda in Wales. To support the efforts of local bodies to provide a range of
social and environmental opportunities, and help to make them sustainable. Initiate and support the establishment and development of local
community enterprise and businesses, thereby creating new networking opportuinties, and help to make them sustainable. Create new jobs in the
area. Make further improvements to the environment in the village centre by restoring an empty strategic building to economic use.
1 1 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Gwynedd Business Development Package - Phase II £811,500 54700 16/12/2002 £3,028,890
The development of new SMEs and the srengthening of existing SMEs offers the greatest potential to increase the area's productivity levels and
create employment opportunities. Developing a strong indigenous SME sector, based around high value adding sectors, is a high priority within
Gwynedd Objective 1 Local Action Plan. It is realised in the Plan that the regeneration of the Gwynedd economy, as in most areas within West
Wales and the Valleys, is dependant upon a diverse range of dynamic, innovative SMEs.
2 3 Cyngor Gwynedd Council MAAG - The Gwynedd Agri-Innovation Initiative (Phase 1) £1,222,505 54675 14/08/2003 £2,578,980
Gwynedd Council is committed to seeking new directions for key economic sectors. Agriculture has always been a cornerstone of the Gwynedd
economy and accounts for the main source of income and income spend in its most rural areas. In order to adapt to ever changing economic
circumstances new directions are needed for the sector; new horizons, technologies and products which can be accepted by farming business as
agri-related but not in the traditional stock-rearing fields.
3 3 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Gwynedd Key Fund £570,000 54602 06/02/2003 £1,050,000
This project has been developed by the Gwynedd Regeneration Team to encourage the regeneration of peripheral and deprived areas through
community led action. The project will address difficulties faced by community groups in deprived areas seeking access to funds to support
regeneration projects. The Key Fund will target the most disadvantaged communities in Gwynedd and provide direct support to socially and
economically deprived communities to implement action that helps remove barriers to participation and community regeneration.
5 6 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Black Sheds Development, Aberdyfi £550,000 55706 11/11/2004 £1,463,106
The Project proposes to replace the existing dilapidated "Black Sheds" building in the village of Aberdyfi with a specifically designed building that
will provide appropriate local facilities to safeguard existing employment, create additional employment opportunities and support the
sustainable economic development of the area. The Project will: -develop new facilities associated with a quality outdoor activity centre to attract
increased numbers of visitors to the area -safeguard existing employment currently under threat -create new employment opportunities within a
rural area -create appropriate conditions for small SME's to set up in the area -to improve the environment and image of Aberdyfi harbour
7 1 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Gwynedd CC - ERDF Technical Assistance £37,016 53689 02/08/2002 £74,033
The project will provide a variety of functions to support the Lead Body e.g. secretariat, facilitate project development, policy development
support and publicity functions.
7 1 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Technical Assistance £311,527 53831 02/08/2002 £777,174
To provide a secretariat function for the Gwynedd Objective 1 Partnership
4 4 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Blaenau Ffestiniog Lifelong Learning Centre £400,559 52612 19/03/2002 £830,170
The project will build a new lifelong learning centre to include an IT room for tutorials, lecture room, flexible training room, reference and loan
libraries, and interview rooms. The building will include a wide range of IT and communication facilities. All facilities will be available for hire by
training providers at a cost, for formal courses. Use by individual and long distance learners will be encouraged, to take advantage of the latest
technology through the Internet, video conferencing etc. The centre will form part of a network across Gwynedd, with some sites having already
been opened.
1 1 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Business Development Package £731,500 52556 19/03/2002 £1,463,000
Establishing a comprehensive Business Development package for SME's, targeted at important and high value sectors within the economy, is an
effective way of utilising public resources to promote the competitivness of the SME sector in Gwynedd area. The business Development Package
will directly address the barriers to growth and will ensure greater access to a greater range of financial support for new and existing SME's. It
will also address the ability of firms to innovate and develop beyond their existing markets.
5 6 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Gwynedd Events Commission £960,000 53446 19/03/2002 £4,102,376
The Gwynedd Events Commission has been conceived as a groundbreaking and unique initiative that will seek to build upon the current success
and maximise the benefits to the local economy fron staging major events in the area. The commission will be established by utilising European
funds to add value to private sector investment due to take place in the area over the next three financial years. The Commissions main aim will
be to strengthen the appeal of the area as a location for staging prestige events and to maximise the economic benefit for local communities
throughout Gwynedd. The objectives of the Events Commission will be to Ensure the maximum local benefit from events held in Gwynedd.
Promote Gwynedd as a premiere events location Facilitate the development and staging of major events in the area. The Commission will also
co-ordinate a financial package that will assist in attracting events with a European profile to Gwynedd and help improve facilities for staging
events in the area. The commission will also assist major indigenous events to build upon their success and continue to grow. Particular
emphasis will be placed on working with and attracting events that have the potential to extend the tourist season, a crucial issue for most rural
parts of the county.
5 8 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Gwynedd Sustainable Angling Initiative £203,253 53301 19/03/2002 £432,659
The aim of the Gwynedd Sustainable Angling Initiative is to optimise the economic, environmental and social benefits to local communities from
developing the sustainable use of fisheries in Gwynedd through restoring and improving the fisheries resource and angling facilities and by
promoting quality angling opportunities for anglers. The main aim of the project is to introduce an extensive programme of river habitat
improvements to maximise in-stream productivity, and to ensure that fisheries in Gwynedd are healthy, productive and biologically diverse thus
providing a valuable, sustainable natural resource used by the local community and visitors.
6 4 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Gwynedd Waste Diversion Infrastructure Project £713,369 56632 04/01/2006 £2,196,915
Gwynedd is a large primarily rural county of some 254,000 hectares in size with a population of some 120,000 residing in some 57,000
dwellings. This sets very challenging issues for the Council in terms of providing cost effective services and providing equality of access to such
services. It is within this context that this project has been developed that will result in a direct increase of 9,288 tonnes of waste being recycled
per annum and a further 9,082 tonnes being composted on annual basis following completion of the project.
3 4
Cynon Valley Crime
Prevention Association
C.R.E.A.T.E Community Regeneration Enterprise and The
Community Phase 2
£406,286 57078 26/09/2005 £640,918
The project is intended to support the development of a social enterprise in Cynon Valley, which is aimed to enhance regeneration and job
creation through the reduction of crime.
3 4
Cynon Valley Crime
Prevention Association
C.R.E.A.T.E. Community Regeneration Enterprise and the
£156,831 54097 02/10/2002 £374,489
The project will form part of a Community Development Action Plan for the Communities First Areas. It will further develop a community
Business Strategy and provide a centralised support organisation to develop ideas and strategies. The communities will become advisors of a
user group which will include a Partnership with Tenants and Residence Association, Neighbourhood Watches, Old Age Pensioners Association,
Ethnic and Single Parent Groups. Also, any other vulnerable group which would provide networking for the most efficient delivery of the service.
It is aimed to reduce domestic burglary over the project by 30%, repeat victims of domestic burglary by 80%. It is also aimed to reduce the fear
of crime in the community, which will be monitored through questionnaires. The project will develop business and support existing social
economy organisations to improve the long term sustainability of the communities. It will stimulate and rekindle local initiatives, it will encurage
entreprenuership and promote employability of local people as well as the promotion of equal opportunities.
3 3 Cyrenians Cymru Cyf. St Matthews Community Resouce Centre £529,567 55113 16/03/2004 £767,489
To develop a community resource centre for socially excluded people in one of the most deprived parts of Swansea City Centre. To assist socially
excluded people overcome barriers to employment and life long learning.
3 4 Cyrenians Cymru Cyf.
RESaREC - The Cyrenians Resettlement, Recycling and
Training Social Enterprise
£404,962 56908 15/06/2005 £623,029
The purpose of the project is to develop the pilot scheme so that it can eventually become a sustainable social enterprise providing both
employment and training for people who come mainly from Swansea's most deprived areas, which includes Hafod the project base. The
'RESaREC' resettlement and recycling scheme was set up by Cyrenians Cymru to collect usable furniture and other household items from donors.
These items will be passed on to people of all age groups who have been homeless or living in temporary accommodation and who are moving
into unfurnished homes of their own.
2 3
Darwin Centre for Biology
and Medicine
The Darwin Feasibility Study Stages 1 and 2 £54,330 52755 03/10/2002 £102,500
The studies are to be undertaken in support of a project to develop a major Pembrokeshire based interactive, international science centre, to be
known as the Darwin Centre, currently envisaged to occupy a prime waterside location alongside the Milford Marina and to be an operational
base wherein to develop three key activities: Research and development, particularly in the maritime bio-sciences Education and the Public
Understanding of Science and Health Sabbatical and visitor facilities, supporting high quality tourism
5 6
Darwin Centre for Biology
and Medicine
The Pembrokeshire Darwin Science Festival £29,400 52743 25/03/2002 £70,000
The Festival stages a variety of activities in Pembrokeshire. These included science, as well as cultural, artistic and religious themes. The bid is to
enable the team to take the Festival forward forward in 2001, building its activities into the wider medium term objective to establish a
permanent presence for the Darwin Science in Pembrokeshire. The Festival will thus support, and through its activities help to fund the Centre's
wider ambitions to develop facilities for research and innovation, as well as sabbatical centres to attract high quality international tourism and
extend the season.
1 1 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Financial Support Programme for SME's £268,948 52848 19/03/2002 £1,317,892
This phased project will provide financial assistance to address the development needs of indigenous SME's across all sectors of the local
economy. It will provide financial support through a range of individual grant packages to SME's, designed to encourage new businesses
ventures, assist existing business expansion and development, create employment, encourage innovation and enhance local business efficiency
and competitiveness.
1 5 Denbighshire County Council
Denbighshire Stratigic Industrial Sites Development
Project, Phase II
£790,442 52849 26/03/2002 £1,976,105
The Denbighshire Strategic Industrial Site Development Project Phase II is a proactive, phased, strategic industrial development located at three
key sites Gas Works Lane, Prestatyn, and London Road, Corwen.It will involve the creation of 12,200sq ft industrial unit space along the
following lines. Prestatyn 5,000sq ft (2x2500sq ft units) Corwen 7,500sq ft (1x1500sq ft and 3x2000sq ft units) The project is to be developed
on former brownfield sites.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council Denbigh Showcase Regeneration Project £216,000 52850 20/03/2002 £550,000
The perpose of the project is to bring into productive use the town centre building to provide a showcase facility to assist in the socio-economic
regeneration of the town of Denbigh and its rural hinterlands. The facility will be multi faceted and will include the expansion of a farmers
market, workshops/showcase for local produced wares. The main aim of the project is to provide a town centre location for the Rural business
Support Officer proposed within the Denbighshire Business Support Project Phase I, (applied under P1 M3) whose remit will be to promote
economic development in this rural market town by enabling interaction between firms, helping rural enterprise tack information gaps and
facilitating access to economic regeneration mainstrem sevices such as Business Connect.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Rural Key Fund £182,798 52851 20/03/2002 £435,204
This is a partnership application made by Denbighshire County Council on behalf of the Council, Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council and the
Cadwyn Leader II group to establish a fund to support community led initiatives that seek to enhance the strength, capacity and quality of life
within rural communities in Denbighshire.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council Rhuddlan Visitor Enhancement Programme £245,000 52852 20/03/2002 £692,951
This project aims to encourage further tourism in this medieval village, part of which is within a conservation area, and will also ecourage the
development of a local growth node, creating a competitive opportunity for a village badly affected by out of town develpments. The project will
improve the physical environment in Rhuddlan, promoting tourism and serving as a catalyst for further private investment.
3 3 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Community Key Fund £376,026 52887 20/03/2002 £572,513
The project will establish a fund to enable capital grants to be awarded to community led projects that seek to enhance the quality of life and
strengthen capacity within communities in the denbighshire Priority 3 area. Successful applicants to the fund will aim to encourage the
participation of local people in activities that improve their local socio-economic circumstances. Eligible activities will include those listed under
Priority 3 Measure 3 including physical; environmental, cultural, social and economic actions that seek to support beneficiaries in achieving
greater levels of social and economic engagement.The project will link with and support projects being progressed by Llandillo College and
WCVA to establish revenue based capacity building funds. The specific objectives of the project are: 1 To support regeneration of the most
deprived communities in Denbighshire by enabling community led action in accordance with the eligible activities outlined under Priority 3
Measure 3 (West Wales & Valleys Objective 1 Programme Complement, 2000 - 2006. 2. To Ensure an easy access scheme with simple application
procedures. 3. To effectively market the scheme in partnership with appropriate agencies. 4. To provide advice and assistance to groups on
aspects of application to the fund, proejct management, monitoring, evaluation and sources of finance. The fund will operate two main levels of
grant: 1 Key Priority Projets - Projects which tackle the underlying causes of deprivation are dfundamental to a community's regeneration needs
and from which further activity will be developed.(grant rate maximum 100% of eligible costs, proportion of fund allocated 50%) 2. Essential
Mainstream Projects - Projects which deliver essential mainstream services and which encourage community economic regeneration(Grant rate
maximum 75% of eligible costs, Proportion of fund allocated 50%) A parallel application is for a proportion of the capital costs of the fund
together with resources necessary to ensure its efficient operation and marketing. A parallel application is being made for the remaining costs to
the Local Regeneration Fund.
3 2 Denbighshire County Council Creating Partnerships to Empower Communities £121,888 53788 07/01/2003 £164,713
The primary aim of the Creating Partnerships to Empower Communities project is to reduce social exclusion and to increase community safety in
the Priority 3 spatially targeted areas of Denbighshire. The project will directly serve to encourage and develope bottom up strategies and a
series of projects with the goal of reducing social exclusion and empowering and making safer communities which will become engaged in
identifying ways in which their communities i.e. those communities in greatest need with thin the county of Denbighshire. This need is felt most
acutely in West Rhyl which has been identified as the most deprived ward in the whole of Wales. This will be achieved through the collaborative
efforts of Denbighshire County Council/Rhyl Community Agency/Rhyl West and South West Community Strategy who all have identified the need
to provide additional resources to assist in the socio-economic regeneration of the aforementioned communities. Similarly, this project has been
highlighted as a priority project by the Denbighshire Objective 1 Partnership to assist in alleviating the socio-economic conditions that currently
prevail in the targeted communities. This will be achieved by the developement of a new community safety and regeneration team employing 1
FTEs community worker and support staff and staff time contracted from S.T.A.R.S. in Denbighshire to work specifically on community safety
initiatives to work within the SPD's priority 3 targeted areas.
7 1 Denbighshire County Council Facilitating Objective 1 in Denbighshire Phase II £375,000 53974 02/08/2002 £750,000
To act as a Lead Body for the DenbighshireObjective 1 Local Partnership Management Board.
6 3 Denbighshire County Council Cefndy Economic Dynamo Project Phase VI £672,370 54243 20/08/2003 £1,680,925
A proactive and targeted strategic development on a site designated for employment development in the Denbighshire Priority 3 targetted area. It
will involve the construction of 1,600 msq of industrial floor space and the creation of 4 new units. The project has been designated as the top
priority development in the NW Wales P6 M3 strategy (A55 East). The most significant aim of the project is to stimulate indigenous SME growth.
This will be acheived by providing much needed industrial units to enable companies who have outgrown their existing premises to relocate and
7 1 Denbighshire County Council ERDF Technical Assistance £100,000 53505 02/08/2002 £200,000
The bid seeks EU funding to develop a support team for the Denbighshire Local Objective 1 Partnership which will be responsible for the
development and monitoring of the county's Local Action Plan.
1 5 Denbighshire County Council
Denbighshire Strategic Industrial Sites Development
Project Phase 1 (FASTRACK)
£699,040 52545 20/03/2002 £1,747,600
The Denbighshire Strategic Industrial Sites Development Project is a proactive, phased, strategic industrial development located at three key sites
- Wood Road Rhyl, Kings Ave Prestatyn, and Lon Parcwr Ruthin. It will involve the creation of 17,200sq ft of industrial unit space along the
following lines:- Ruthin 8,000 sq ft (2x2,200 sq ft & 1x3,600sq ft units), Prestatyn 6,000sq ft (2x 1500sq ft & 1x3,000sq ft units), Rhyl 3,200 sq
ft (4x 800sq ft units). The project is to be developed on former brown field sites where some development work has previously been undertaken.
The environment will be improved and sustainable economic opportunities created. The most significant aim of the project is to stimulate
indigenous SME growth. The project will assist in encouraging inward investment. The project also responds to another strategic objective in that
it will provide a catalyst for further economic development in the country and help diversify its economy, specifically in the towns of Ruthin, Rhyl
and Prestatyn and their hinterlands. Perhaps the most important objective of the Denbighshire Strategic Industrial Sites Development Project will
be to provide quality and sustainable employment opportunities for the country's workforce and help raise the GDP beyond its very low status. It
will also assist in combating the area's considerable social exclusion problems which are especially acute in West Rhyl, which has the highest
level of deprivation in Wales.
1 3 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Tourism Promotion & Development Project £498,770 52700 02/04/2002 £1,204,173
The project seeks to develop and enhance these brands through a new co-ordinated, promotion and development campaign, this will bring aded
value to the current marketing facilities by increasing the volume and value to the current marketing facilities by increasing the volume and value
of tourism within Denbighshire and thus support private sector investment and viability in the local tourism area. The project will be
implemented and led by Denbighshire County Councils tourism unit in collaboration with the National and Regional tourism bodies and the
private sector. The promotion and development campaign involves a project co-ordinator and will aim to raise the profile of the county in the UK
and overseas markets. This will stimulate interest and act as as catalyst to the local tourism economy. The project is intended to grow tourism
SMEs and tourism employment through Marketing enhancement ; research into new and niche markets; Promotion and development; Improve
distribution; Overseas promotion; Improved PR.
1 3 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Business Support Project £653,063 52697 20/03/2002 £1,386,871
The project is a phased project providing a business advice service for eligible SMEs micro businesses and start ups within Denbighshire. This
project will be provided by Denbighshire County Council Economic development Unit and also its Library and Information Service in partnership
with Clwydfro Enterprise Agency and will complement the Business Connect Plus regional project. The project will facilitate access to business
and enterprise support. Encourage Management Expertise and innovation Stimulate the survival rate and expansion of businesses through the
maximisation of competitiveness and expansion of markets. Provide opportunities for IT and telematics development and improve quality control
systems. Facilitate networking opportunities for SMEs Foster an enterprise culture to bolster the local economy Generate new employment
opportunities. The project is located in part in the most socially disadvantaged ward in Wales and in whole will directly benefit areas of social
disadvantage. The project will attempt to couteract this degeneration through researching businesses/sectors identified as possessing growth
potential, focusing on rural business development and business support specific to the tourist sector.
1 5 Denbighshire County Council FFORDDLAS ENTERPRISE CENTRE £261,320 53545 04/07/2002 £688,697
The Fforddlas Enterprise Centre is a proactive and targeted strategic development on a brownfield site designated for employment development
in the Denbighshire Priority 3 target area. The project will create employment opportunities ,improve the local environment and bring into
productive economic use some 513 sq.m/5,520sq. ft of currently redundant property alongside 6 newly constructed units offering some 479sq.m
/5,156 sq ft of additional employment space. Redundant property brought back into use will comprise of 2x256sq m/2,760sq ft large business
expansion units. Additional employment space created by the project will comprise of 2x68.5sq m/737sq ft expansion units and 4x85.5sq.m
/920sq. ft expansion units. The most significant aim of the project is to stimulate indigenous SME growth. Equally important the project will
assist in encouraging inward investment. The project will provide a catalyst for further economic development and assist in the diversification of
the economic base away from the traditional low paid seasonal employment structure in the target area.
3 4 Denbighshire County Council FFORCE-Fforddlas Community Enterprise £211,415 53568 04/07/2002 £424,831
The project is a unique proactive and targeted project that aims to support the creation and expansion of opportunities in the social economy. It
will enable the involvement of local people in providing community enterprise solutions to problems of social exclusion and will create
employment and learning opportunity. The project is located on a brownfield site in Rhyl SW and will improve the local environment whilst
bringing back into productive economic use some 497 sq. m (5,350 sq. ft.) of currently redundant property. The project forms part of a
combined approach to supporting the formation and growth of a more diverse range of indigenous enterprise within Denbighshire, alongside a
related development seeking support from Priority 1 measure 5. The total combined development will create some 1,489 sq. m (16,027 sq. ft) of
employment and human resource space by bringing into productive use a derelict former depot/civic amenity site. A range of fully accessible
starter and expansion units will be provided alongside the provision of shared administrative office and employee development space. The
project has been developed in response to an identified demand for suitable low cost community enterprise employment and development space
and will support community activity to improve the local skills base, create employment and provide services of social, economic and
environmental significance. The project is located within the Denbighshire Priority 3 target area and will serve a community that is recognised as
living in the most severely deprived electoral wards in Wales.
5 8 Denbighshire County Council
DUNE-Denbighshire's Unique Natural Environment
Enhancement Project.
£164,800 53569 20/03/2002 £351,387
The project will provide a fast track route into accessing Objective 1 resources for target groups, which include community groups, tourism
providers, local environmental associations, specialist groups (such as angling clubs canoeists, ramblers and other recreational groups) and the
private sector. Its main aim will be to promote the sustainable management and enhancement of the natural environment in the coastal and
riverine habitats of Denbighshire Funds. Funds will be available in the form of grants and the scheme will support eligible projects such as
improving access to the coast and river environments, promoting environmental recreation, alleviating flooding, providing environmental
interpretation facilities and other general habitat improvements. The project will improve the physical environment of these areas, promote
tourism and serve as a catalyst for further private investment. It will increase Denbighshire's tourism potential by responding to the emergence
of special interest sectors and niche markets such as rural, green and activity based tourism.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council A Jewel in Ruthin's Crown £190,000 54726 20/08/2003 £710,000
This project will develop a new business centre targeting new start-up and micro businesses and a community facility in the centre of the town.
The scheme will involve the conversion of "Crown House", a semi derelict building, totalling 550 m sq. The new facility will provide a business
advice centre, micro units for new businesses, cyber-cafe and training facility serving the town and its rural hinterlands. The development aims
at harnessing, enhancing and nurturing the wealth of community skills, knowledge and ideas and directly engaging the community in the local
1 3 Denbighshire County Council
Denbighshire Tourism Promotion & Development Project
Phase 2
£672,260 54903 16/01/2004 £1,530,048
The Denbighshire Tourism Promotion & Development Project phase II is the second stage of a development which aims at regenerating
Denbighshire's tourist related economy. Phase I made considerable inroads in achieving this goal but in order to complete the process additional
resources are required to support and strengthen the local tourism industry which is vital to Denbighshire's local economy: tourism is the second
most important contributor to the county's economic wellbeing. Phase 1 started the process of assisting tourist businesses. It is anticipated that
by the end of the Phase 1, 100 jobs will be created and 4,000 jobs safeguarded and additional visitor spend brought into local economy leading
to increase private sector confidence and investment. Phase 2 will build upon the lessons learnt and the strengths identified by the experiences of
Phase 1, and endeavour to take advantage of emergent new markets and new routes to market. Phase 2 is intended to respond to identified local
needs, voiced through the experience of Phase 1, in order to build a sustainable, successful tourism industry. This phase 2 bid thus targets
resources to fulfil local needs but with solutions that are flexible and can be local, regional, national and international as appropriate. This Phase
2 bid covers the whole of Denbighshire and tackles both marketing areas of coast and rural Denbighshire. Phase 1 identified 6 main areas of
work:- 1. Marketing enhancement 2. New and niche markets 3. Promotion & development of the shoulder season 4. Improve distribution 5.
Overseas promotion 6. Improved PR Phase 1 took into account the Wales Tourist Board's activities and avoided duplication. Phase 1 had the
support of the Wales Tourist Board and in Phase 2 this support is maintained and enhanced by the support of the North Wales Regional Tourism
Partnership. The six areas of work above remain important to us but we intend to take into account changes in the marketplace and embrace new
ways of tackling the problems of the tourism industry. The industry is a fiercely competitive one in a fast moving market place. During Phase 1 it
endured the events of September 11th, the ravages of Foot & mouth disease, the vagaries of the volatile financial climate and foreign
competition. All of these factors undermine business confidence in the industry and contribute to under investment in terms of facilities, and
marketing. The Wales Tourist Board and the Regional Tourism Partnerships have strategies to combat this on a national and regional scale but
Denbighshire's bid aims to tackle issues facing the tourism SMEs at a local level. Phase 2 is focused on identified local needs recognised during
Phase 1. It is also a proven fact that in business marketing cannot stand still. Those firms that in time of recession or difficulty cut their
marketing activities are much slower to recover when the business climate improves. Continued and innovative marketing is a key to SME
success. Phase 2 thus will support the local tourism industry in the following ways:- 1. Marketing enhancement: the Foot & Mouth crisis made it
increasingly clear that marketing through the use of ICT was particularly important and although we have made progress in this field we see this
as still important in Phase 2. We wish to improve and extend the IT provision that allows us to data capture and deliver promotional messages to
our customers. We wish to investigate the possibility of devising and delivering short message service (SMS), campaigns. In Phase 1 we
undertook a pilot SMS campaign and wish to pursue this innovative route to market further. We also wish to explore and adopt where appropriate
the new technology to guide visitors around parts of the county. We would like to further improve our existing web sites. In addition we would
like to provide a 'Enjoy Medieval Denbighshire' web site. This would build upon the success of the 'Enjoy Medieval Denbighshire' project, which
was an Article, 10 supported project and we wish to explore the possibility of new technology to give it wider access. We also wish to explore
further accessible means to promotion e.g the use of audio guides, we also wish to purchase PowerPoint equipment and training so that we can
present the area in up to date ICT format. We need to enhance the basic level of marketing normally undertaken e.g. by increasing print runs,
advertising spend and reprinting/updating/ producing new material as appropriate. Whilst Phase 1 went some way towards plugging gaps in
provision of marketing material, in phase 2 as well as continuing this work we intend to commission more information on our consumers by e.g
commissioning conversation research and visitor surveys. 2. Niche Markets: progress has been made in promoting niche markets such as
heritage based tourism and we wish to continue this in other ways and address areas and markets we have not previously been able to tackle.
Activity tourism has been identified by the WTB as a growth niche market. The Local Authority has sought assist and improve infrastructure in
projects concerning for example Ancient Monuments and heritage assets, canal based tourism, walking & cycling routes, as well as access to the
countryside in its varied forms, and in this bid we would aspire to assisting with the marketing of such projects to maximise benefit to local
tourism SMEs and raise the profile of the area in the appropriate markets. Phase 1 allowed us to take our first venture into the Group Travel
market and whilst we still see this as a viable market to develop in terms of niche interests rather than mass cheap coach holiday, it is a difficult
market to attack. We intend to work with our fellow Local Authorities in N Wales and the Regional Tourism Partnership to further promote
Denbighshire for Groups. 3. Promotion & Development: Phase 1 identified promotion of projects and events to encourage short breaks as a
strength and as confidence building for the industry, and without further objective one funding we will not be able to build on this success. We
wish to explore the possibility of pilot TV/radio advertising and support promotion/fulfillment campaigns. 4. Improved distribution: The IT
provision referred to in 1, above will assist us in maintaining and developing distribution of marketing materials and raising the profile of
tourism. The increased amount of promotional material produced in Phase 1 must be maintained and distributed to maintain momentum and
visibility in the marketplace. In order for us to penetrate markets in the UK and abroad phase 2 funding is necessary. Tourist Information Centers
already play a large part in disseminating of information and literature and it is envisaged that where appropriate their role as promoters of local
distinctiveness may be enhanced by e.g. acting as showcases for local produce 5. The proximity of Manchester and Liverpool Airports to the area
has been identified both as a threat - the availability of cheap flights out of the area has grown during the project's lifetime - and as an
opportunity to cater more for the needs of overseas consumers. Phase 1 went some way towards addressing the issue by providing foreign
language based web pages but as yet there is no provision for foreign visitors when they reach the area. It is intended therefore to research and
where appropriate provide foreign language tourism material for the area. Links have been kindled with Ireland, Galicia, France and Sweden to
exchange information and good practice and it is intended to develop overseas partnership working farther. 6. Improved PR: PR is a time
consuming activity and difficult to quantify however the best benefits come by building long term trust with the media and in Phase 2 we wish to
safeguard the investment made in Phase 1 by continuing to work with the media and come up with innovative and intriguing PR projects.
Increased activity will necessitate the formation of a new post of Marketing Assistant In order to achieve these activities we intend to work
closely with colleagues in the industry and with other agencies such as the Wales Tourist Board, RTP and WDA as well as neighbouring
Authorities to ensure there is no duplication of effort but a strength and versatility responsive to market and consumer needs.
1 1 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Financial Support Programme for SME's £535,946 54830 10/09/2003 £1,787,042
This project will continue to provide grant aid through a flexible package of financial support designed to meet the need of SME.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council Ruthin and Llangollen, Yes! [RALLY] £84,000 55751 03/02/2005 £200,000
This project will enable the arrest of economic decline in Ruthin and LLangollen, two communities that have in the past suffered from
peripherality and under- promotion of what they have to offer, not only visitors but local residents. It will enable mature partnerships of SME's in
two rural communities to identify market opportunities, which will support their furture sustainable development and to implement strategies
accordingly. Specifically, this will involve the appointment of a businesss champion in each community who willl assist the partnerships to
undertake market research, implement joint promotional activities. provide expertise to produce quality supporting literature, and work to
remove obstacles to economic growth by for example improving community participation and access to services for disadvantaged groups, and
work with programmes for the conservation of the built efnvironment.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council Royal Pavilion Arts Centre £237,341 55359 27/06/2005 £577,755
The aim of the project is to develop a full annual programme of events, concerts, and workshops by emphasising and developing the
international flavour of the Eisteddfod. This vibrant arts centre will have as part of its output an imaginative community programme and,
importantly, it will employ artists and crafts people in residence. By extending the international flavour of the Eisteddfod into a year round
activity the Royal Pavilion becomes an utterly distinctive venue in Wales serving not only the nation but also the whole of the UK's North West.
2 1 Denbighshire County Council
Video Conferencing & E-learning in Denbighshire
Community Learning Centres (Capital)
£253,662 55242 20/12/2005 £594,056
The overall project will develop seven community learning centres to provide greater opportunities for 16+ learners in major towns in
Denbighshire. Three other ERDF and ESF applications have been made to support this project this ERDF projects ' primary objective is to
stimulate and support the demandof ICT in the county.
5 6 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Rural Key Fund 2 £186,895 55198 13/04/2004 £444,989
This is a partnership application made by Denbighshire County Council on behalf of the Council and Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council and
constitutes a Phase 2 bid to continue the Denbighshire Rural Key Fund to enable Capital and Revenue grants to be awarded for community led
initiatives that seek to enhance the strength, capacity and quality of life within rural communities in Denbighshire. The fund will operate outside
the spatially targeted Priority 3 area, supporting activities eligible under P5 M6 which have a specific emphasis on community benefit including
support and advicefor community organisations and enterprises; community environmental initiatives; community transport, dependant and
childcare facilities; local festivals and cultural initiatives; ICT Initiatives; capacity building measures. This second phase application is being
made to include an element of revenue funding which is to be granted only if it relates directly to the eligible capital project and is required to
promote or 'kick start' the project.
4 4 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Community Learning Centres £653,961 55199 31/10/2005 £1,706,133
This project will develop five community learning centres to provide greater opportunities for 16+ learners frfom major towns in Denbighshire.
The primary aim is to stimulate and support the demand for ICT in the county. The Learning Centres are to be built or refurbished in locations at:
Rhyl High School, Prestatyn High School, Denbigh High Schooil, Corwen Library, Ysgol Dinas Bran Llangollen
3 3 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Community Key Fund Phase 2 £544,271 55200 12/01/2004 £828,419
This is a partnership project between Denbighshire County Council & Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council. It constitutes a Key Fund to
enable Capital and Revenue grants to be awarded to community led projects within the Denbighshire Priority 3 area. The fund will encourage the
participation of local people in activities that improve their local socio-economic circumstances. Eligible activities will include physical;
environmental; cultural; social & economic actions that seek to support beneficiaries in acheiving greater levels of social & eceonomic
2 2 Denbighshire County Council
Video Conferencing & E - learning in Denbighshire
Community Learning Centres
£171,271 55236 20/12/2005 £341,926
The overall project will develop seven community learning centres to provide greater opportunities for 16+ learners in all major towns in
Denbighshire. Two other ERDF and an ESF application have been made to support this project This ERDF projects' primary objective is to
stimulate and support the demand of ICT in the county. It will: · Provide the revenue costs for the upgraded to the Learning network in
Denbighshire to enable connection to Cymru ar Lein' · Video conferencing in all 7 High Schools within Denbighshire · e-learning access at all:
High Schools, Denbighshire Libraries, primary schools, and existing community ICT learning centres Corwen Learning Centre Coleg Llandrillo
Coleg Llysfasi Coleg Yale · Develop and implement a managed bi-lingual virtual learning environment and infrastructure · Develop e-learning
courses to support the teaching of minority bilingual subjects. These materials will be developed jointly by the partner colleges, Denbighshire
Life Long Learning Directorate and High Schools, funding will be used to develop, pedagogy models, learning objects, software infrastructure
and learning environments. · Lease charges for ICT resources to support e-learning · Provide a Project Manager · It's anticipated that 5% of
courses will be delivered via e-learning by 2005 The centres will build on the broadband communications infrastructure within Denbighshire,
providing access to high quality e-learning and video conferencing systems. The bid under this measure is for communication links revenue and
the development of e learning. The existing infrastructure will not support video conferencing to the Welsh Video Conferencing standards. The
seven new learning centres will be the only centres to be supported by ERDF funding, to reach the Welsh Video Conferencing standards. There is
a severe shortage of high quality e learning in Welsh, particularly in vocational subjects. This project will address this by pooling the expertise of
the partners to develop specific courses that are appropriate for delivery via e learning and meet learner and local needs. It will allow businesses
to access courses and support form colleges and remote access to Business Connect Centres in Denbighshire New models for the use of video
conferencing will be developed to support remote teaching, mentoring, and guidance on wider issues. It will take full advantage of the 'Cymru ar
Lein' initiative will allow video conferencing and access to e learning from anywhere in Wales. The use of video streaming will allow learners to
view a synopsis of lessons they have missed and aid revision at times that are suitable to them. It will provide greater collaboration between
partners, training and support for participating tutors, works and managers This overarching project will support a suite of four applications
under Priority 2 Measure 1, Priority 4 Measure 3 and Priority 4 Measure 4 to enhance the present provision offered by various partners for post
-16 continuing education, by developing new models for Community Learning Centres at seven sites in Denbighshire. Six of the centres will be
located on High School sites and at a separate centre in Corwen. A key element in the regeneration of urban and rural communities in the county
is to offer people the opportunity to develop new skills in their community. The utilisation in this project of new ICT in the form of high quality
video conferencing and e-learning are fundamental in addressing issues of ruralality, bilingualism and greater choice for learners in all areas of
Denbighshire. As part of a strategy to develop learning in Wales, WAG and ELWa are to provide resources from the Learning Challenge Fund to
part fund the cost of developing community learning centres in this county. This project will complete the funding for this WAG approved
strategy. Dolen Dysg Dinbych (Denbighshire CCET) has offered unequivocal support for this project as it meets many local objectives. To achieve
this, the project will develop seven community-learning centres in Denbighshire to provide greater opportunities for 16+ learners in all major
towns in Denbighshire. The FE sectors support for out-of-school provision will enable them to bring in new learners, new courses and new
thinking whist using the 'new' resources of school premises to the full, outside the normal hours of the school day. These centres will link via
broadband to satellite centres in communities in Denbighshire. Building on existing collaboration between providers to deliver new more varied
learning opportunities for all 16+ students (sixth formers) and adults of communities. Also wider 16-19 curriculum. At the centres, learners will
have the opportunity to use computers, which will be used to access e-learning materials from all the learning centres and colleges. Emphasis on
new provision and new learners will lead to an expansion of FE provision outside their own traditional centres, to include what we now call
schools, but which now must be re-branded as Community Learning Resource Centres. The premises will become satellites of FE colleges. This
ensures that duplication and competition are not an issue. The emphasis is on using what buildings we have to expand learning opportunities for
everyone in line with ELWa's corporate strategy, and promotes equal opportunities for ALL communities within Denbighshire. The centres will
encourage families to learn together, NOF programmes will continue to support under 16's, and this programme will support parents/guardians.
Many of the e-learning courses will be designed to allow families to continue learning at home, in the local primary schools or via the Peoples
Networks in Denbighshire's libraries. The project will promote bilingual courses through video conferencing in widely dispersed locations.
Development of a managed learning environment and e-learning materials to support aspects of learning and provide complete courses in Welsh
and English.
6 3 Denbighshire County Council Rhyl Going Forward Phase Ia £2,549,960 56916 24/05/2005 £5,946,933
An integrated regeneration project involving 2 landmark developments which will serve as a precursor to future large-scale public and private
sector investments. The two developmenst are environmental improvements to the Drift Park and improvements to the Marine Quarter (Foryd
6 3 Denbighshire County Council
Henry Stree)
£374,579 57094 24/05/2005 £1,544,017
The objectives of this project are: to contribute towards fulfilling the Rhyl Going Forward Strategy objective of regenerating the town's economy;
provide a landmark development in the most deprived street in the most deprived ward in Wales which will create quality employment
opportunities and serve as a catalyst for further developments; diversify the town's brittle economy through the provision of new units to attract
SMEs into the area.
1 5 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Strategic Industrial Sites Project Phase III £388,044 56658 27/07/2005 £970,109
This project is a vital component of a proactive, phased, strategic industrial development programme whose aim is to diversify the county's
economic growth.
3 2
Denbighshire Voluntary
Services council
£33,451 53261 04/07/2002 £58,451
This project is part of a phased development of new and existing community resources in Central and upper Denbigh. I t has been conceived as a
whole system approach. The project is an action research proposal to run within a community led development in Denbigh. The Eiranfa
Association has brought together statutary agencies and voluntary and community organisations within the town.The management committee has
evolved a vision for the long term development of sustainable community resources whichwill support social, economic and cultural
developments within the sector. It is operating across three sites a) youth project, a family project and the community resources project which
are all voluntary/community sector led and is developing close links with Heulfre School and its community involvement programme. By
operating in this way it is more able to respond to the needs of the different target populations and can be more flexible, it is also aiming to be
more integrated and avoid duplication by bringing together the principal parties to develop services together. It is promoting a whole systems
approach within this small geographic community. The research will address the following: To use this project within a small town to evaluate
the implications of a whole system approach to community development. To determine the reasons why the partners became involved with the
project. To establish the reasons for any change in the membership of the partnership over the period of the research To determine if the project
has any effect on the increase in the involvement of the community in policy development To determine if there is any change in the way which
policy is developed as a result of the project. To identify indicators for measuring successful involvement within the community. To consider the
sucess of such an approach on the determinants of health and socio-economuc indicators within the project area..
2 1 Deudraeth Cyf The Digital Vale £698,106 54353 28/02/2003 £1,871,097
A project that aims to provide Broadband Internet access to 1500 homes and businesses in the Blanau Ffestiniog, Ffestiniog, Maentwrog,
Penrhydeudraeth, Talsarnau, Harlech and Porthmadoc areas. This is achived by utilising unlicensed radio technology (802.11b), which is used by
numerous organisations in the UK, Europe and the USA. The project will use the technology to offer cost effective, fast, "always on" internet
access to residents and businesses.
3 3 DIOCESE OF ST THOMAS St Stephen's Community Resource Centre. £385,700 56157 21/03/2005 £551,000
This project will refurbish and redesign St Stephen's church to provide a first class Community Resource facility. We feel that all members of the
community should have access to first class facilities and training opportunities within their community to equip and enable them to better cope
with the demands of life, engendering a greater sense of self confidence and hope, and employment as a consequence. St Stephen's Community
Resource Centre will provide such a community facility and working with our partners will seek to address these issues.
3 4 Dragon Savers Credit Union Credit Union Social Economy Programme Phase 1 £115,083 55769 04/09/2007 £179,118
The project will provide and extend access to affordable financial services in targeted and Communities First areas which have been identified as
socially and financially deprived. It will also provide access to affordable financial protection services in the same areas. The project will enable
the provision of training opportunities to members, volunteers and staff and the wider community to increase their skills and knowledge in such
areas as: Customer care, Computer skills, Money Management as well as specific skills such as Collection Point skills, Money Laundering
Legislation etc.
2 5 Dulas Ltd
Ceredigion Woodfuel Heat Supply Company - Dulas Wood
£71,106 55049 09/08/2004 £203,161
The project aims to establish up to 15 woodfuel heating installations throughout the county of Ceredigion. In total, the installations will have an
installed capacity of about 8.6 MW (indicative) of thermal capacity, supplying over 40,000MWh of heat per annum. The ESCO will design, install
and own the end user woodfuel facility. It will co-ordinate the supply, processing and delivery of the woodfuel to individual installations and then
retail the resultant heat to customers.
3 2
Ebbw Fach Development
Community Research for Community Action £111,064 52893 26/03/2002 £211,047
This is an extensive research project, which will implement a system of social auditing, alongside intensive community development work, aimed
at building the confidence and ability of communities to shape, control and enhance their own future. Focused on lower end of Ebbw Fach Valley
linked with other intiatives acitivated by Ebbw Fach Development Trust, the Local Authority and Glamorgan and Gwent Housing Association. This
research will not be used by the Ebbw Fach Development Trust only. NOTE: Project sponsor entered entered Liquidation. Partial de commitment.
3 4
Ebbw Vale and District
Development Trust
REPLAY Blaenau Gwent Play Resource Centre £90,411 55015 18/11/2005 £258,240
The project will run an outreach programme which takes the services that Replay offers out to the most isolated and deprived communities in
Bleanau Gwent. The Project will enable the work already being carried out at Replay to be expanded and enhanced as well as tthe following new
aspects. These are; A Mobile Scrap Service which will involve going out to venues in the comunity to enable groups, who would otherwise be
unable to gain access to a wide range of materials for creative projects. It will also hold new art and craft materials, as well as having an
information bank with creative play ideas and news. In tandem with the mobile service, workshops will be offered at community venues in a
range of subjects relating to material reuse and recycling, creative play and art and craft. A Outreach Officer, Project officer, Project Assistant and
Administrator will be employed.
3 3
Ebbw Vale and District
Development Trust
Ebbw Vale Info Shop £266,653 54719 24/05/2004 £405,463
The bid is to part fund the Trust Manager, Deputy Manager, and fully fund a Project Officer and Administrative Assistant to deliver the activities of
the Trust and Info Shop "a one stop shop" project. The Trust has secured premises in Ebbw Vale town centre on a 5 year lease (from March
2002). The building has been transformed into the Info shop. The venue provides a centre for public and voluntary organisations to provide
advice in a central location, provides a friendly welcoming point of contact for local people and community groups to access information relating
to: Employment and career opportunities; Legal advice and benefits; Opportunities for training courses and skill development; opportunity for
developingh community groups and community led projects and programmes.
3 4
Ebbw Vale and District
Development Trust
Ebbw Vale Info Shop Building Purchase £98,350 55301 01/04/2005 £187,000
To purchase and secure the expansion of the Info Shop premises, which provides services and information to the community via the pressence of
voluntary and community services in Ebbw Vale town.
3 2 Ebenezer Baptist Church Employment of Youth and Community Worker £51,025 53854 30/05/2002 £72,212
Employment of a full time community worker based at Ebenezer Baptist Chapel, Abertillery Town Centre to work with young people to facilitate
their personal, social and educational development.
3 3 Ebenezer Baptist Church Employment of Youth and Community Worker Phase 2 £39,064 57074 09/02/2006 £55,285
The project is intended to continue to employ a Youth and Community Worker, working from the Ebenezer Chapel Abertillery. The Worker will
operate within the wards of Abertillery and Cwmtillery, which are recognised as being socially and economically disadvantaged.
4 4 Elite SEA Ltd "JOB SHOP" £144,997 52871 22/03/2002 £266,132
2 5 EnergyTech Ltd Solar City £619,700 56553 20/01/2006 £1,185,800
This project aims to increase the uptake of Solar Hot Water (SHW) systems in and around the city of Swansea. One of the primary objectives of
the project will be to foster local economic development by creating a demand for solar heating goods and services.
6 4 Environment Agency Wales Objective One Flood Defence 'Umbrella' Bid £5,000,000 56363 15/03/2005 £14,239,297
The Objective 1 area of Wales has frequently suffered from serious flooding, both tidal and fluvial, which has exacerbated the social and
economic deprivation within the area. The Environment Agency expect climate change to lead to increased flooding in the future, this could lead
to further serious deprivation within Wales. Many communities within the Objective 1 area suffer from low house prices, high insurance costs and
low confidence as a result of flooding.
7 3 Environment Agency Wales Technical Assistance - Environmental Sustainability Officer £52,762 56426 19/08/2004 £105,524
The overall aim of this project is to raise the awareness of Environmental Sustainability and encourage its integration as one of the three cross
cutting themes into projects being supported by the Objective 1 programme. This is essential if the environmental objectives of the programme
are to be acheived. It will acheive the aim of this priority by ensuring the efficient management of the entire Objective 1 programme as regards
environmental sustainability. It will therefore act to ensure that awareness and consideration of environmental sustainability is integrated into all
programme activities and that its results are acheived and reported. This position is therefore paramount to acheiving the objectives of this
particular cross cutting theme and will ensure that projects that utilise European structural funding demonstrate a capacity for environmental
7 3 Environment Agency Wales Technical Assistance - Environmental Sustainability Officer £28,831 57409 19/04/2006 £57,663
Aim is to raise the awareness of Environmental Sustainability and encourage its integration as one of the three cross cutting themes into projects
being supported by the Objective 1 programme.
5 8 Environment Agency Wales Neath Habitat Restoration Project £91,887 53905 28/05/2002 £224,387
The main areas of the project are: * The improvement of the riparian and in-river habitats of the Neath catchment in order to benefit aquatic and
riparian eco-systems * Enhancement of the economic value of the Neath fishery for the benefit of local communities * Enhanced awareness of
local biodiversity amongst the community and visitors.
5 8 Environment Agency Wales Treforest Weir Fish Pass £144,184 53907 28/05/2002 £313,446
The main aim of this project is to construct a fish pass at Treforest Weir which will enable migratory fish (predominantly salmon and sea trout) to
enter the mid reaches of the Taff, Rhondda and Cynon valleys.
6 4 Environment Agency Wales Llandovery Flood Alleviation Scheme £470,839 53943 02/07/2002 £1,358,200
The aim of the project is to promote economic and social regeneration through the development of environmental infrastructure improvements
that will reduce flood risk for the population of Llandovery.
7 3 Environment Agency Wales Technical Assistance - Environmental Sustainability Officer £48,900 55307 28/10/2003 £97,800
Aim of the project is to raise awareness of Environmental Sustainability and encourage its intergration as one of the 3 cross cutting themes into
projects supported by the Objective 1 programme. This is essential if the environmental objectives of the proramme are to be achieved.
6 4 Environment Agency Wales Afon Rhyd-hir Flood Alleviation Scheme £485,000 55225 11/12/2003 £1,389,000
The aim and objective of this project is to promote and enhance social and economic regeneration through the development of environmental
infrastructure improvements that will reduce flood risk for the population of Pwllheli. Project implementation will result in safeguarding of a
vulnerable community and ensure that the tidal defences offer a 1 in 300-year level of protection.
6 4 Environment Agency Wales Protecting Wales with Improved Flood Forecasting £524,780 54947 04/12/2003 £1,996,133
The objective of the proposed project is to deliver the three main recommendations of the Feasibility Study in order to achieve the published
target levels of service.
5 8 Environment Agency Wales
Fishing Wales - Sustainable Development of Inland
£2,427,965 54439 05/02/2003 £5,183,456
This project will involve the delivery of significant sustainable levels of environmental and subsequently economic activity throughout the
objective 1 area making use of enhancing Wales' fishery resource. The key areas of work for work for the project being: * Habitat Restoration
and Improvement * The project aims to restore and improve damaged riparian and in-river habitats on over 175km of river throughout the
Objective 1 area. * Tourism Promotion * The project will attract a minimum of 890 additional river game anglers to the Objective 1 area in
addition to coarse, sea and still-water game anglers. * Fishing Infrastructure Improvements * The project aims to support improvements at a
minimum of 30 inland fisheries. Such improvements will include signage, angling platforms and access easements.
5 6
Eryri-Bywiol Cyf, Snowdonia
Active Ltd
Eryri-Bywiol, Snowdonia-Active £73,782 55663 21/06/2004 £183,330
Project will employ four part time staff and will: - Use industry professionals to assist in capacity building the outdoor activity industry in
N.W.Wales - Develop a support resource for the outdoor activity industry - Develop an information resource to assist the visitor
6 1 Ffestiniog Railway Company
Completion of the Welsh Highland Railway re-construction
between Caernarfon and Porthmadog
£3,728,735 54888 26/08/2004 £10,766,430
The Welsh Highland Railway is a development by the Ffestiniog Railway Company to construct 25 miles of highly scenic narrow gauge railway
through the Snowdonia National Park.
2 2
Fforwm Creft Cymru (The
Craft Forum)
ECCO (e-Commerce for Craft Organisations) £171,615 54681 14/08/2003 £342,000
The ECCO project will 1. Create a web portal for the Craft Sector in West Wales and the Valleys. 2. Create full e-commerce facilities for 220 craft
sector SMEs. Such facilities are regarded currently as outside the budget of individual SME's. 3. Support 220 SME's in creating and maintaining
their own sub-sites through trained on-site distance adivsors. Craft sector SME's have already identified this as a real need which is not currently
bing met. 4. Increase wages in the craft sector by enabling markers to charge higher prices in wider markets. 5. Demonstrate the effectiveness of
e-commerce for SME's by providing a transferable model of co-operative marketing and selling through the Internet. 6. Create a web portal whcih
will be self-financing in year 4 through fees on e-commerce sales.
1 3 Finance Wales PLC Xenos Business Angels - the untapped potential £523,128 55291 23/06/2004 £1,311,608
The Xenos Business Angels Network is a business introduction service that matches private investors with companies that require growth funding
in return for an equity share in their businesses. The aim of the network is to provide specialist support targeted at increasing private sector
equity investment and facilitating more opportunities for SMEs to access to high-calibre individuals who can provide management guidance and
advice. The network is unique in that it addresses a market failure in the business support market that can not be served through other mediums
of support.
1 1 Finance Wales PLC
Phase I Finance Wales - Renewable Energy Management
Support Programme
£180,956 52573 27/03/2002 £361,912
The initiative has been developed by the Finance Wales Partnership and is part of the development of an Enterprise Fund for Wales. Finance
Wales - the Wales Regional Development Fund - is taking forward the principle of "Money with Management". This approach has the support of
the Assembly and is reflected in a range of Funds and Management support programmes (MSPs) proposed in the Finance Wales Regional Action
1 1 Finance Wales PLC Small Loan Fund - Phase 1 (Interim) £251,730 56387 23/11/2004 £510,091
1 1 Finance Wales PLC Wales Spinout Programme £967,486 56389 23/11/2004 £2,569,724
Priority 1 Measure 1 aims to generate wealth and employment for the region by developing and supporting the growth of Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) throughout the Objective 1 area. The Wales Spinout Programme (the Project) delivers the aims of the priority
and measure by stimulating and supporting the creation of businesses in the context of the higher education sector in the Objective 1 area. The
Project enables start-ups with the ability and drive to grow and be successful to access funding, that would otherwise not be available, along
with relevant support. The Project provides funding to start up SMEs as part of a package of measures to support them in their early stages of
growth. This financial support is in the form of recycling funding up to £25,000. The support provided by the Project is in the form of:
professional business counselling and mentoring provided by a Spinout Manager; technical assistance from the HEI; rent-free space to start up
businesses within the HEI; specialised consultancy services to support management and marketing; basic market research to assist in providing
market intelligence; and a series of measures to stimulate demand amongst potential entrepreneurs. The Project is managed by a Spinout
Programme Manager base in Finance Wales and dedicated staff within higher education institutions (HEIs). The HEIs are responsible for the local
delivery of the Programme. The Programme was developed following targeted research and widespread consultation under the auspices of the
Wales Regional Technology Plan. Integral to the success of the Project is the management support activities provided by Spinout Managers who
are employed by the HEIs. The Spinout Manager's are experienced advisors whose remit is to identify potential opportunities and work closely
with individuals to help them establish and growth companies and to provide continuing mentoring support. Due to the strength of general
management experience, the Spinout Managers are able to discuss all aspects of the business and are not constrained by any particular
discipline. Higher Education Institutions contain significant potential for creating high quality businesses - demonstrated by the limited number
of examples of business creation in this context within Objective 1 but more importantly from the significant successes from other regions within
the UK. When the Spinout Programme was established there were no other dedicated programmes to exploit this potential within Wales. The
Project encourages the competitiveness of SMEs which has been identified in the SPD as being vital to prosperity and economic growth of the
region. As the emphasis of the Project is to create new businesses and encourage their development, it directly contributes to growth in new
sectors that the SPD aims to achieve. The mentoring and management support provided by the Project addresses the issue referred to in the SPD
that skill levels among managers and employees are often low, by imparting a wealth of knowledge and experience within a business
environment. Once the funding provided to the SME is paid back, the funds are recycled, this allows the Project to contribute to sustainability
and can continue to assist businesses in the area over a longer term. In summary, the project addresses the following issues identified in the
SPD and Programme Complement: · Lack of investment capital; · Lack of access to targeted range of grants and loans; · Inability to expand
beyond initial scale of business. · Support for innovative enterprises or projects; and · Incomplete and inexperienced management teams
3 4 Finance Wales PLC Community Loan Fund Phase 1 £142,957 56393 07/09/2004 £220,375
The project provides loans to support a wide variety of not-for-profit enterprises in the social economy across Wales that have not been able to
secure funding from elsewhere. The aim of the project is to raise economic activity within disadvantaged communities and contribute to wealth
creation. This will lead to an increase in skills and employability to improve conditions and encourage sustainable growth in both employment
and income among enterprises within the social economy. The loans encourage community/social enterprises to become less grant dependent
and more self-sufficient by allowing them to plan for the future. It also enables enterprises to create financial track records that will allow them
to access a wider range of funding from the private sector in the longer term.
1 1 Finance Wales PLC Wales Spinout Programme Phase 2 £931,927 57307 17/11/2005 £1,863,856
The Aim of Priority 1 Measure 1 is to "ensure that SMEs with the ability and drive to grow and be successful, including community-based
businesses, have access to appropriate finance from the earliest stages of a business idea through the expansion of a viable business". This
project assists business start-ups emanating for the Higher Education Sector with the drive and ability to grow which helps to develop a stronger
enterprise culture for the Objective 1 region. By providing support and guidance via experienced Spinout Managers, who nurture the companies
for up to two years, the project ensures the right package of support measures to companies in their early stages of growth and helps overcome
barriers to new business formation. This allows the project to be truly customer-led, and encourages entrepreneurial activity within the HEI
sector. The Aim of Priority 1 Measure 1 is to "ensure that SMEs with the ability and drive to grow and be successful, including community-based
businesses, have access to appropriate finance from the earliest stages of a business idea through the expansion of a viable business". This
project assists business start-ups emanating for the Higher Education Sector with the drive and ability to grow which helps to develop a stronger
enterprise culture for the Objective 1 region. By providing support and guidance via experienced Spinout Managers, who nurture the companies
for up to two years, the project ensures the right package of support measures to companies in their early stages of growth and helps overcome
barriers to new business formation. This allows the project to be truly customer-led, and encourages entrepreneurial activity within the HEI
sector. As one of the first integrated support schemes, Spinout has contributed to cultural changes within the HEI environment through the
integration of the spinout managers within the structure of the HEI whilst still retaining the commercial approach relevant to support the creation
of new businesses. They have also found that potential entrepreneurs value an initial discussion of their proposal which is either suitable for the
spinout project or can be referred to other schemes which may be more suitable. The support provided by the Project is in the form of:
professional business counselling and mentoring provided by a Spinout Manager; technical assistance from the HEI; rent-free space to start up
businesses within the HEI; specialised consultancy services to support management and marketing; recycling funding up to £25,000, basic
market research to assist in providing market intelligence; and a series of measures to stimulate demand amongst potential entrepreneurs. The
Project is managed by a Spinout Programme Manager in Finance Wales and dedicated staff within higher education institutions (HEIs) which
underpins the integrated nature of the totality of the support package. The HEIs through their spinout managers are responsible for the local
delivery of the Programme. The Programme was developed following targeted research and widespread consultation under the auspices of the
Wales Regional Technology Plan and contributes to the outputs of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan for business start ups. . The success of the
project in its initial phase now means that all HEIs in Wales participate. Integral to the success of the Project is the high quality management
support activities provided by Spinout Managers who are employed by the HEIs. The Spinout Manager's are experienced and bring the
commercial reality into the process of building new businesses and whose remit is to identify potential opportunities, encourage
entrepreneurship, and work closely with individuals to help them establish and growth companies and to provide continuing mentoring support.
Due to the strength of general and commercial management experience, the Spinout Managers are able to discuss all aspects of the business and
are not constrained by any particular discipline. Higher Education Institutions contain significant potential for creating high quality businesses -
demonstrated by the level of new business creation in this context within Objective 1 which contributed to raising the profile of new HEI business
starts in Wales. The Project encourages the competitiveness of SMEs which has been identified in the SPD as being vital to prosperity and
economic growth of the region. As the emphasis of the Project is to encourage entrepreneurship, create new businesses, and support their
development, it directly contributes to growth in new sectors that the SPD aims to achieve. The mentoring and management support provided by
the Project addresses the issue referred to in the SPD that skill levels among managers and employees are often low, by imparting a wealth of
knowledge and experience within a business environment. It builds on the existing best practice of spinout activity throughout Europe with its
network and links such as UNISPIN and GLOBALSTART. The presence of the recycling funding ensures robust business plans are a given and that
strong monitoring and repayment of funding builds in a sustainability element as a natural outcome of the project. To-date the default of
participating businesses is around 10% which is extremely low in the start up business environment and reflects the value of the combination of
good quality integrated support in this field.
2 5 First Hydro Renewables Ltd Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farm - Phase 1 £313,000 53810 10/06/2002 £1,640,000
This project will test the feasibility of establishing an offshore wind farm at Rhyl Flats, around 8 kilometres offshore from Rhyl. If established,
this would comprise around 30 turbines generating between 60 and 100MW of clean energy which would be connected to the Manweb
distribution network, thus helping meet the Programme's target of increasing to 5 % the share of the region's energy produced from renewables
by 2008. The completed wind farm would be likely to generate output equivalent to 1.5% of Welsh electricity demand.
3 4
Foothold Community
Community Enterprise Development £942,484 54231 18/10/2002 £1,481,894
Address issue of low number of Community Enterprises in Carmarthenshire by advising, assisting and supporting the creation of new viable and
sustainable Community Enterprises.
3 3
Foothold Community
Community Development Key Fund (Llanelli Area) £800,165 52962 23/05/2002 £1,190,207
This project forms a holistic approach to Community Development in the project area and wil lbe delivered in conjunction to its sister application
under Measure 2 of Priority Three. The overall aims of these two combined projects is to help community groups in the area develop and
implement plans for the Economic, Social and & Environmental Regeneration of the area. Aiming tpo promote the economic regeneration of
socially disadvantaged communities it will offer direct support for community led and community managed initiatives and projects including
social, economic, cultural, and environmental actions. This will be achieved by the delivery of a key fund which will enable community
organisations to access funding and mentoring support for this key project in a simple, efficient and effective manner. **This project has been
granted a 2 year extension to ensure successful delivery. No additional ERDF funds have been requested.
3 2
Foothold Community
LLANELLI AREA COMMUNITY ACTION £608,931 52963 26/03/2002 £840,064
The overall aim of this project is to help community groups in the area develop and implement plans for the economic social and environmental
regeneration of the area. It will build community capacity in the area through support, advice and grass root community development work so
that partnership and joint working can empower the community to deliver. It will achieve this through a partnership of three local Community
Facilitators offering a co-ordinated, resourced service to existing groups as well as creating new ones in areas which do not have local
community organisations.
3 2
Foothold Community
LAG 3 £1,073,607 55741 13/07/2004 £1,491,121
The intention of this project is to support, encourage, advise and assist individuals, and groups to engage in community action, in order to
maximise community involvement and collaboration. This will be undertaken through using a range of community development approaches and
techniques which will build confidence and skills, and identify and prioritize issues for collective action. In turn this will raise community
awareness, broaden community participation and lead to the implementation of plans for regenerating local communities to bring about positive
3 2
Foothold Community
LAG Community Action 2 £261,502 54518 18/12/2002 £361,502
Project will deliver a programme of Community Development and related Capacity Building activities within P3 wards in Carmarthenshire. Aim is
to increase local knowledge and empower communities to create and manage new projects aimed at increasing /improving the social, economic
and environmental quality of life for local people.
3 3
Foothold Community
Llwynhendy Residents and Services Organisation £45,800 56942 13/02/2006 £63,300
The idea of Residents Services Organisation is drawn from a range of existing enterprises, such as community businesses, resident caretaking
and tenant management. The intention of this project is to undertake capacity building work to set up a Resident Service Organisation in the
ward of Llwynhendy.
3 4 Foothold Crochan LTD. Commmunity Enterprises for a Sustainable Future £132,632 54526 14/01/2003 £331,580
Project aims to establish and support the development and creation of 4 Community Enterprises focusing on the reuse of reclaimed and recycled
materials. Project aims to promote the environmental agenda and offer social, economic and environmental benefits to the community.
3 4 Foothold Crochan LTD. Creating Wealth From Waste £541,708 55914 25/02/2005 £818,208
This new project is born of the successful delivery of preparatory work carried out by Foothold Crochan over a 12-15 month period and part
funded by ERDF. The overall objective of the preparatory project was to prepare for the establishment of 4 community enterprises focusing on the
reuse of reclaimed and recycled materials and the promotion of the environment agenda. This project will create two new enterprises and provide
ongoing support to two existing enterprises. It will also create 3 new jobs and safeguard another 9 jobs.
1 3
Foothold Youth Enterprise
Intertrade Plus £500,402 54357 28/04/2004 £981,181
The project will build on the first phase of Intertradading within the County which was successfully delivered by Foothold in partnership with
Carmarthenshire County Council. It aims to develop further competitive advantages to the SME's in the County by increasing the level of
intertrading locally, linking the initiative firmly with other local projects from neighbouring authorities and feeding into South Wales on a
pan-Wales basis. The project aims to totally engage the Business Sector in the County through the County Chamber/FSB alliance with aspects of
local delivery undertaken by the business representative organisations themselves. The first phase of intertrading has demonstrated the need but
has also shown the areas which need further development and this is reflected in the proposal.
2 5 Forestry Commission Wood Energy Business Scheme £3,974,027 54949 11/02/2004 £5,436,628
This is a "path-finding" project. Its prime aim is to establish a sustainable and renewable wood heat industry within the Objective 1 West Wales
& The Valleys area and the Powys Objectve 2 area, based on low-grade softwood and hardwood and clean co-products from sawmills and other
timber processing businesses.
7 1 Forestry Commission Technical Assistance £340,890 53832 02/08/2002 £681,781
To provide a secretariat function for the Forestry, Countryside and Coastal Management Regional Partnership.
7 1 Forestry Commission Forestry Commission - ERDF Technical Assistance £41,292 53705 02/08/2002 £82,585
Technical Assistance will enable the Forestry Commission as lead body to the Forestry, Countryside and Coastal Management Regional
Partnership, deliver the key roles identified by WEFO.
5 8 Forestry Commission Wales Nant Yr Arian Sustainable Development Project £334,786 54553 20/05/2003 £757,849
The project will create a sustainable built visitor centre together with the appropriate site infrastructure e.g. roads, paths and landscaping etc. In
addition, a specially landscaped subterranean Red Kite viewing hide and access path will be provided to cater for wildlife and conservation
enthusiasts. Facilities with separate access to meet the need of the increasing numbers of Mountain Bikers will be built into the visitor centre. A
"Theatre-in-the-forest" and workshops will be created adjacent to the visitor centre.
5 8 Forestry Commission Wales Coed Y Brenin Forest Park Sustainable Tourism Project £654,000 55201 29/04/2004 £1,721,890
The project will create a sustainable built visitor centre of 440 sq m for the current 84,000 annual visitors and projected increases of at least
20% within two years of opening. Together with appropriate infrastructure (roads, paths all ability trails, vehicle parking) at Dolgefeiliau on a
new and carefully chosen site to the east of the A470 main trunk road. Alongside these developments will be the upgrading of sections of
mountain bike trails and jump spots. In addition, two Forest Park gateways will be developed.
1 5 Galeri Caernarfon Cyf Creative Enterprise Centre Caernarfon £361,648 54267 24/09/2002 £904,122
The project seeks to create a new focus for clusters in the creative endeavour, media and multi-media industries and to provide a focus for
community arts development and the development of indigenous talent and skills in these fields. It will do this through the erection of a new
building which has already received full planning permission to provide some 2500 sq metres of new space overall on a brownfield site which
will include the followingelements: 450 seat auditorium two large rehearsal studies exhibition gallery, meeting rooms and workspace units for
hire. Around 40% of this total floorspace will be dedicated to the provision of 30 new enterprise units and to the production facilities required by
tenant enterprises. The enterprise units production facilities and 'network hub' role of the buiding will be a key tool in talent development in the
region as well as bringing direct, new, high added value jobs, and generate indirect jobs through the development of spin-off enterprise and
service providers and the effects of the Centre's overal activity in the local economy. The entreprise
5 6 Galeri Caernarfon Cyf Creative Enterprise Centre Caernarfon £942,618 54268 24/09/2002 £4,093,407
The project will create a new focus for creative endeavour, media and multimedia industries, community development and talent and skills
development in Caernarfon. The new building on the Victoria Dock will be home to a significant number of enterprises in this strategically
important creative industries sector in the region, providing a focal point and catalyst for the development of the clusters in media, and the
cultural industries in North West Wales The integration of economic, cultural, community and skills development into one building project will
provide a focus for the continuing strengthening of local communities, local economic confidence and capacity and the attraction and retention of
tourist visitors. The building which has already received both full planning approval and critical acclaim for its design, will provide just over
2,500 sq metres of space overall. The building will centre on a 420 seat flexible auditorium/production studio which will be available for
proffessional cultural events, film production use by media and performing arts companies, adult education, use by schools and colleges and for
the widest range of community activity. Two substantial rehearsal spaces, four tuition rooms and space for offices and library will enable the
building to become home to key cultural and educational agencies in the region, principally William Mathias Trust, Cwmni FranWen, Dawns i
Bawb and Theatr Bara Caws. All of these companies are committed to education work and the development of talent among the young people of
the region.
3 3 Garnsychan Partnership CAST £174,940 53729 10/09/2002 £269,490
CAST provides a framework of locally developed and initiated projects to combat the environmental decay of the Garndiffaith area. The project,
which will be led by the Garnsychan partnership, will employ an environmental artist and provide a community fund for the undertaking of the
environmental improvements. The environmental project teams will comprise mostly of local volunteers from the local community and will be
assisted in managing the projects by the Garnsychan Partnership's new Project Manager employed through a successful People in Communities
bid. The project is part of the regeneration of mid-Torfaen which aims to secure the future of the area. It focuses on improvements to the
environment as a vehicle for engaging the community and community groups increasing confidence and self-esteem. The people engaged in the
improvements will be gaining work experience and developing skills. In effect the scheme is providing training, improving the environment and
increasing the confidence of the community supporting the social regeneration of the area. The consequent improvement to the environment will
make the area more attractive to businesses leading to economic regeneration this in turn will help to slowdown the outward migration of young
people from the area. A community animateur will work with the environmental artist to encourage individuals and groups within the community
to become involved in regenerating the local environment, the project will provide the funding to undertake the improvements (through grants).
The group will be required to plan their projects detailing the outcomes and impacts of their work before they receive any funding and they will
be accountable for any funding received.
3 2 Garnsychan Partnership Garnsychan 'Reach Out' Project £159,852 56423 24/01/2005 £284,402
Reach Out will engage excluded groups within the Priority 3 target area in the ward of Abersychan, Torfaen, and support their involvement in
community activities relating to culture, health and theenvironment. The project will employ a Young People's Co-ordinator, a Health and Well
Being Officer and Community Finance Officer. The Young People's Coordinator will engage young people aged 14-25, working alongside
community groups to support young people's involvement in the Health and Well Being Action Plan, specifically addressing the fear of crime and
crime as it relates to young people. The Health and Well Being Officer will be responsible for writing and developing the Health and Well Being
Action Plan in partnership with local agencies, including health professinals, to engage excluded groups, primarily women with low self esteem,
to develop activities that lead to improvements in the quality of life of local people and support community regeneration. The Community Finance
Officer will develop the finances of the Garnsychan Partnership, local groups and support the project steering group, providing advice and
support on financial systems, grant monitoring, annual accounts, charitable and company status.
3 3 Gellideg Foundation Group Raising Aspirations and Fulfilling Potential £855,763 56866 12/05/2005 £1,362,766
The project intends to tackle the issue of deprivation on the Gellideg estate, recognising the inter-related issues that affect the most
marginalised; poor health, low skills and educational levels, and low self-esteem. The project will provide an healthy living facility and creche,
renovate a block of flats (for community/training uses) and carry out environmental improvement projects on the estate. These
facilities/activities will help involve and empower local people to take control of their own development in a community based learning
environment through hands on experience to develop basic and practical skills.
3 3 Gellideg Foundation Group Engendering Change on Gellideg £497,605 53708 02/04/2002 £721,170
The project will improve the physical environment of Gellideg by cerating a recreational facility. It will provide a drop-in for ICT training;
establish an information and advice centre; set up a carers drop-in and provide a creche for those accessing training; transfrom wasteland into
recreational area for tennis , football etc
1 3 Geoscience Wales Limited
Geoscience Wales Cluster Development and Marketing
£425,095 55653 11/06/2004 £882,749
The project is a private sector cluster-based development project focussing on the geoscience products and technical consultancy services sector
in North West Wales. Origin of the Project Geoscience SMEs based in Conwy approached Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) in 1999 in order
to explore the possibility of creating an Objective 1 partnership. The Geoscience Cluster was duly formed and it has since been sustained by
exploratory funding from CCBC and the WDA. Geoscience Wales Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was created as the vehicle for the
Cluster's commercial aspirations and to manage the funds received. Sponsors The Cluster has an active Membership of some 20 companies and
individuals. It also has a number of Affiliated larger organisations that are not eligible for Membership, including Bangor University and
Robertson Research. Aims of the Project The primary aim of this project is to foster the growth of the earth sciences-based SME sector in North
West Wales by establishing a shared resource for its development, particularly for collective marketing and promotion, nationally and
internationally. Implementation of the Project The project will be implemented by Geoscience Wales Limited (GWL), a not-for-profit company
limited by guarantee and registered in Wales in April 2002, for the benefit of its Members. Membership of GWL is restricted to North Wales-based
SMEs working in the geosciences and currently comprises 20 companies, partnerships and sole traders. The project expects to facilitate an
increase in the number of Members both by encouraging existing SMEs to join and by providing an environment in which new SMEs are
encouraged to set up. Work Required to Achieve the Aims of the Project The aims of the project will be achieved through the following strands of
work: · Co-ordinate and promote the delivery of geoscience services by utilising the collective experience and expertise of Associates of
Geoscience Wales Ltd (GWL); · Stimulate the growth, competitiveness and profitability of the Members of GWL; · Market the group collectively
and raise the profile of the GWL brand: locally, nationally and internationally; · Facilitate the sharing of market intelligence amongst Associates
of the group; · Provide information, advice and support on appropriate financial, manufacturing and marketing activities that could offer
opportunities and/or enhance the performance and profitability of Associates; · Develop new products and services based on the shared skills of
the group, in particular capitalising on opportunities arising from applications of new technologies; · Facilitate opportunities for Continuing
Professional Development and cross-fertilisation of ideas in niche sub-disciplines, including holding regular networking meetings; · Develop and
present technical training courses to outside companies and organisations, where these can raise the awareness of new technologies, and hence
provide product opportunities for GWL; · Provide a central co-ordinated focus for potential clients to make contact with Associates; · Act on
behalf of the Associates collectively on subjects relevant to their business operation and to discuss such subjects with third parties; · Lease with
the appropriate organisations for the benefit of Associates and to lobby for Associates' interests on industry-specific standardisation bodies and
committees; · Provide opportunities for Associates to collaborate on projects and secure new projects previously beyond the scope and resources
of the individual collaborative partners.
3 3
Gilfach Goch Community
Gilfach Goch Community Association £361,301 53809 06/08/2002 £894,300
The Gilfach Goch Community Association has been active in in Gilfach Goch through establishing a range of activities which meet the aims and
objectives of the organisation which ar to encourage the participation of community members in in the support of community led initiatives
which provide economic, social, cultural and environment opportunities for themselvesand other community members. The project is currently
providing a varied programme of activities for all ages within the community which addresses the needs of the community identified in surveys
that have been undertaken. These include: Youth clubs, junior clubs, intermediate clubs, drama and clubs, study club, play scheme, special
events, arts development initiatives and support for other voluntary organisations with arts based projects, community development initiatives,
volunteering development support and a varied programme for training opportunities. The main aim of the project is to research the underlying
causes of socio-economic problems currently faced by inhabitants of the valleys and widen access to mainstream activities. These objectives will
be achieved by the employment of a partnership co-ordinator.
3 4
Gilfach Goch Community
Phase 3 Social Enterprise Initiative £616,629 57054 25/07/2005 £1,169,744
The project is intended to be the third phase of the Gilfach Goch Community Associations' programme, and will focus on the development of
community businesses. The first Community Business will be the Community Cafe that will provide opportunity for skills development and on the
job training. The project will also run two Pilot projects to establish the feasibility of sustainability. The first pilot project will be a textile
recycling project that will sell unwanted school uniforms and sports kits within the community. The second pilot project will see the Association
work in partnership with Newydd Housing in order yo provide a Grounds Maintenance project.
3 3
Glamorgan & Gwent Housing
Community Worker Llanhilleth & Six Bells £69,867 56940 09/03/2005 £106,214
This project will continue to employ a community development worker working from a community house based in Arael Street, Six Bells. To build
the capacity of local people and support the development of community led initiatives.
3 2
Glamorgan & Gwent Housing
Community Development Worker for Llanhilleth and Six
£51,847 53580 25/03/2002 £78,819
The aim of the project is to develop community capacity and self-esteem amongst communities, to ensure that local people play a central role in
regeneration. This will be realised through the employment of the Community Development Worker who will work in partnership with other
agencies and individuals. An essential role for this worker will be to work with local residents and agencies, to ensure that aspirations identified
by them (through research carried out by the Ebbw Fach Development Trust - Objective 1 bid, "Community Research for Community Action"), are
carried through to reality. The Two bids are complementary to each others aims and objectives, as work undertaken by Ebbw fach Development
Trust will promote community action and regeneration that is community led, through active participation and volunteering. The objectives of the
project are: To play an active role in community capacity building, by supporting residents and interest groups as appropriate, through advice,
information and training. To form partnerships in the area, to work together to tackle poor health as well as social and economic deprivation. To
promote positive opportunities for children and young people in the area. Fully engaging local people to ensure that they are aware of the range
of regeneration opportunities in the area.
5 6 Glynllifon Ltd
Glynllifon Mansion: Residential Management and Training
£805,622 56887 24/08/2006 £2,908,382
The aim of the project is to renovate and refurbish Glynllifon Mansion, a Grade 1 listed building dating back to the 19th Century, as a very high
quality, high standard residential management and training centre that will not only result in creating direct employment opportunities but will
also function as a catalyst for further SME development, attracting larger businesses from within and outside the area and attracting visitors and
3 2
Glyntaff Tenants & Residents
Glyntaff Community Development Project £160,403 53691 26/03/2002 £246,403
The aim of the project is to establish a volunteer neighbourhood management committee to ensure a co-ordinated approach to community
initiatives. The management team will utilise existing resources and develop new opportunities for residents, to have maximum choice and
opportunity, to access employment and training and provide support and information for this to be achieved. Specific objectives will include;
implementation of neighbourhood compact agreement; establish creche facilities; establish a volunteer management committee; provide
information and advice.
3 4
Glyntaff Tenants & Residents
Community Estate Maintenance Project £70,676 52941 25/04/2002 £165,276
The aim is to develop and sustain a local community business employing local labour. Fundamentally a responsive ground's maintenance service,
of a housing association estate.
3 4
Glyntaff Tenants & Residents
Community Estate Maintenance Project (Phase 2) £204,637 54684 21/02/2003 £379,143
Phase 1 of this project was funded by Objective 1 under the September 2000 bidding round, which is due to finish. The first phase established
the social business creating a grounds maintenance service and enabled it to take advantage of a contract to maintain Glyntaff Estate. Phase 2
develops the existing ground maintenance service, safeguarding the existing jobs and creates new jobs that will provide a window cleaning
service, handyman service and a gardening service. It will enable the project to become self sustaining by the end of the period.
3 2
Glyntaff Tenants & Residents
GTFM Access Radio Project £309,929 54808 24/04/2003 £434,790
The project builds on the existing community access radio pilot project. It creates important volunteer opportunites that will raise self esteem,
build confidence and provide employment opportunities. The project operates in a deprived ward of RCT - Llan - on the Glyntaff Housing Estate.
4 4 Gorseinon College ICT Infrastructure Upgrade £327,888 52684 20/03/2002 £683,100
The project will enable the college to provide local residents and companies with access to the highest standard of ICt facilities. It will provide
networked facilities to all outreach centres operated by the college and the development, implementation and maintenance of the college
4 4 Gorseinon College
Art, Cultural Industries and Technology Centre of
£1,101,063 52688 30/07/2002 £2,304,882
Creation of a State of the Art Centre of Excellence to support growth employment areas of Cultural Industries, Design and Music Technologies,
Printing, Graphics, Media and Tourism. To provide facilities for initial and ongoing support, training and business advice to people wishing to
take up employment or undertake further training in these industries.
1 5 Groundwork Bridgend Tondu Park - Phase 2 £100,000 52657 26/07/2002 £500,500
The project will create a new strategic employment site that will act as a focal point for stimulating and developing SME growth and inward
investment in an area of need. The project will act to pump private sector involvement in what is currently brownfield site by providing high
quality premises. The vision for Tondu park is to create a venue for events, activities and facilities based around small-scale tourist ventures. It
will also provide significant employment and training opportunities.
2 5 Groundwork Bridgend
Wales Bio-Centre - Phase 1 - Biomass Boiler Demonstration
£4,431 52652 07/10/2002 £9,429
The Wales Bio-Centre Project is complimentary to the Valleys Forest Bio-Cluster Project, the primary aim of which is to recycle the stream of
waste products from manufacturing businesses in the Valleys Forest area of South Wales. The project will in particular minimise waste and
stimulate energy conservation in all sectors.
3 4 Groundwork Bridgend Bridgend Valleys Intermediate Labour Market Initiative £101,549 53072 27/03/2002 £292,264
The project focuses on creating a social firm that will engage with excluded individuals living in deprived communities. The project wil enhance
the employability of such individuals. The social firm will gradually build its capacity to employ up to 16 people. The business of the ILM will be
developed to realise innovative opportunities within the environmental goods and services sector. The project aims to:assist long term
unemployed back to work; to undertake programmes of work that contribute to regeneration of the environment; and stimulate growth of new
'green' businesses and social enterprises
2 3 Groundwork Bridgend The Wales Bio-Fuel Centre £229,562 53778 17/09/2002 £433,220
The Wales Bio-Centre project will develop the market for solid biofuel pellets, primarily in Wales and latterly in the rest of the UK. Biofuel pellets,
made from 100% pure mass (such as wood) are the new, renewable-energy competitors in a well-established Welsh and UK energy market
dominated by fossil fuels, such as oil, gas and LPG. In order to compete in these markets, a significant investment will need to happen to
transfer new technologies not only to equipment suppliers and installers but also to fuel-producers. Investment will also be neccessary in the
marketing of new products and services to customers to general "market-pull" for the applicances and biofuels. As a result of this investment, a
sufficiently-large "domestic" market of biofuel appliances will be established and this will then encourage new-product development and generate
further opportunities for innovation, research and development. The Wales Bio-Centre project will lead the market for solid biofuels in Wales,
providing innovative heating solutions and services to customers who would otherwise not invest in clean energy sector technology. The aim of
the project is to create an environment that supports innovatin in the renewable energy sector and that will act as a catalyst to develop peoducts
with global demand and which will help to improve Wales' competiveness in this fast growing global marketplace. The project aims to develop a
cantre of excellence in Wlaes for small-scale (under 1000kw) biomass technologies for use in space heating and providing opportunities for
education and research and development. Its strategic objectives are: * To research, develop and commercialise best practice in the conversion
of - Biomass wastes into solid biofuel pellets - Solid fuel biofuel pellets into renewable and clean energy including testing of a range of
appliances * To stimulate demand by offering innovative products and services * To provide training opportunities Businesses will be encouraged
to install biomass (a carbon neutral fuel) heating to improve environmental performance. Bridgend CBC, WDA, Business in Focus and the
Chamber of Commmerce Bridgend were consulted about the project. Passat Energi of Denmark will be the technology partner. There would be
collaboration with research institutions inc. British Biogen, the British Standards Insitiute, the Danish Technological Institute and the Pellet
Institute (USA). Biofuel pellets will be produced at the Biocentre utitilising clean wood that companies in the Bridgend area would otherwise pay
for it to be disposed of to a landfill. At peak capacity 10,000 tonnes of wood per annum would be used saving £250,000 in disposal costs.
3 3 Groundwork Bridgend
Betws and the Garw Valley Healthy Living Initiative - Phase
£251,755 54024 03/07/2003 £415,755
This project is to build on the wide range of services already available and to utilise the Betws Centre more effectively. This project has four key
aims which are; to improve health and well bing, to address the wider issues under pinning the main health issues, to improve the access to and
standarts of healthy living activities, to monitor and evaluate the impact of the initiative. Better use needs to be made of the existing
accommodation by refurbishment of the Community Centre and the grant is required to enable this to go ahead. This wil be; provision of access
to the whole centre for all abiliites, provision of new reception area and information facility regarding healthy living services in Betws and the
Garw Valley, expansion of the accommodation available to the computer facility, development of the lin between the computer facility and the
existing library, provision of accommodation for training/adult education activity, expansion of the accommodation and facilities available for
organisations with an interest in health related matters, expand the accommodation available as office space for centre management.
3 4
Groundwork Bridgend &
Neath Port Talbot
Bridgend Valleys Intermediate Labour Market Initiative/Pilot
Project - Phase 2
£178,103 54487 16/06/2003 £294,385
This project is a continuation of a Phase 1 project which was designed to create a new social enterprise that engaged with excluded individuals in
deprived communities within northern wards of CBCB.
3 3
Groundwork Bridgend &
Neath Port Talbot
Environmental Action Programme £419,190 56446 22/04/2005 £607,520
The main purpose of the project is to provide a means of co-ordinating and facilitating the delivery of community-led/centred landscaping
projects which, whilst helping improve the appearance of the local physical environment, also addresses local social and economic problems. It
also maximises the effectiveness of all partners through co-ordinating their input and engaging with those partners best suited to assist in the
implementation of each component stage of each individual project. This negates duplication and ensures the communities receive joined-up
method of working. By engaging with those difficult-to-reach members of the community and motivating them and providing them with new
skills, their prospects for future employment and their general health and well-being, are also improved.
3 3
Groundwork Bridgend &
Neath Port Talbot
Positive Energy Programme £154,472 56554 12/01/2005 £310,952
The intention of the project is to employ a dedicated Community Officer and Renewable Energy Officer to work with local people over a three
year period, developing and delivering energy related activities including workshops and events that link directly to Communities First action
plans and V2C's regeneration strategy.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly Community Spaces £501,666 56872 30/03/2005 £716,666
It is intended that Community Spaces will use named sites of public open green space in Caerphilly County Borough to engage local communities
in environmental regeneration. This land-based program will operate in Parc Penallta, Cefn Fforest Ecopark and Upper Sirhowy Valley - sites of
local and regional importance.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly
Crosskeys & Pontywaun Environmental Regeneration
£692,650 56857 24/06/2005 £989,500
The project aims to identify and implement opportunities, with significant community participation, for improving the environmental and social
quality of life in Crosskeys and Pontywaun.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly On the Ground £590,633 56858 30/03/2005 £835,880
It is intended that the project will encourage local people to implement local environmental improvements, and through participation, increase
skills and employability.
3 4 Groundwork Caerphilly Community Furniture Enterprise £258,606 54727 16/05/2003 £398,653
The aim of the project is to increase and expand its collections and suppleies of unwanted household goods, reusable furniture, electrical
appliances, all other waste items, undertaking repairs and renovation as appropriate and redistribute them to increasing numbers of families,
individuals and community groups on means tested benefit or low income, specifically targeting List 1 and 2 wards made up of 17 deprived
wards with a population of 48,569. This will be acheived by providing outreach sales and events within each ward, extending collection services
and enhanging repairs and renovations. The community Furniture Enterprise will be able to offer increased waste minimisation services that are
locally based to householdsers and businesses that retain and recycle wealth within communities. In addition The CFE will increase its economic
activities by linking its services with local employment needs in terms of manufacturing and commercial, increasing the employability of local
people and placements from disadvantaged backgrounds including unemployed, lone parents, disaffected youth, people with special needs and
inactive due to ill health or disability. Those who have traditionally been excluded from local employment opportunities, by creating opportunities
for participation in the activities, workshops and delivery of the CFE services.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly Sustainable Communities Phase 2 £468,749 56196 22/12/2004 £667,000
The primary aim of the project is to contribute to the economic regeneration of targeted 'Areas of Concentrated Social Exclusion' through
community-led physical and intellectual environmental action. The project will enable local communities to participate in the regeneration of their
local area through the development and implementation of a wide range of practical environmental activities based on priority deprived
Caerphilly County Borough Council owned housing areas. Each of these activities will be centred around the development and implementation of
physical environmental projects drawn from environmental regeneration strategies, some of which were completed as part of the Phase 1 ERDF
project and some have been initiated subsequently and are in the process of being developed. The project will include the employment of 2
officers working within the targeted estates, whose sole job will be to work with local communities to implement the project.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly Aber Valley Community Regeneration Strategy £138,125 54223 04/11/2002 £203,125
The project is an 'umbrella' project which is part of a co-ordinated programme of sustainable regeneration in the Aber Valley. The planned
actions are a result of the community planning process. Briefly the project will complete a range of improvement and enhancement works to:
entrances and public areas within the former Windsor Colliery; a community wildlife and nature conservation area at Cwm-yr-Aber; works linked
to the Aber valley cycle route; Kingsbury Place recreation area; and Senghenydd Youth Drop in centre Outdoor Garden.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly
Gelligaer and Gilfach Bargoed Heart of the Communities
£127,500 54224 03/10/2002 £187,500
The project is made up of 2 elements of work that have been previously identified in community planning processes which consist of general
improvement works to degraded village centres. The works include public artwork initiatives, improved access to community facilities (especially
for disabled residents) and general safety improvements in order to reduce the fear of crime.
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly Community Environmental Networks £263,413 52918 13/06/2002 £387,900
This project is a wide ranging package of community led environmental actions (addressing the underlying causes of local economic, social and
environmental problems in 15 communities); making physical and cultural improvements to 13 local sites (providing openings for future
community economic development); widening access to mainstream services in 2 communities; and supporting 22 community participation
initiatives. The individual elements of the package will be managed through the sponsor who will add value to those elements by providing
technical expertise and project management experience
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly Parc Penallta - Development of Community Park £410,215 52909 22/03/2002 £603,257
Parc Penallta is a partnership project between the local community, Groundwork Caerphilly and Carphilly C.B.C. regenerating 180 hectares of
derelict land to create new community facilities as a catalyst for the social, economic, environmental and cultural regeneration of the
communitites surrounding the former Penallta Colliery. This flagship project has to date commenced the transformation of the former tip site into
a major regional resource and community asset and the first phase works and initial infrastructure have been supported by the Millennium
Commission and Rechar II Programmes This proposed project aims to further develop the Community Park as a regionally important attraction
for visitors and resource for local people. This will be achieved through a major community led development programme with the aims of
continuing to regenerate the former colliery tip site through the development of new community facilities, the provision of recreational and
educational activities, additional physical environmental improvements, a range of community development initiatives focusing on participation
events, festivals and a programme of practical training events. The three year project will undertake environmental improvements/artworks and
associated capital costs of £410,974 and staffing/consultancy/admin and associated revenue costs of £490,359
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly Sustainable Estates and Mining Villages £436,000 52911 22/03/2002 £641,176
The project will build upon Groundwork's established community led regeneration programmes within priority Estates and Mining Villages within
the Priority 3 qualifying wards in partnership with Caerphilly County Borough Council Housing Dept, statutory and non statutory agencies and
service providers and local residents. The process of implementation of the project is as follows: To set up a local community partnership and
management structure within each priority estate and mining village through which the: * action plan can be developed and implemented * work
with each community to identify and/or elect community, inter agency and other statutory and non statutory service providers representatives to
sit on the local partnership * to facilitiate local active participation in developing and implementing programmes - through surveys, events and
launches, volunteering, aftercare and networking * facilitate programmes of physical environmental improvements within each priority area in
accordance with the existing community led regeneration strategies * facilitate a programme of social activity within each priority area * facilitate
a programme of environmental education and training * identify and target local employment opportunities * to successfully integrate and link
the deprived estates into the wider area both socially and physically * to achieve a special focus on working with young people and the
unemployed on the estate. For this purpose Groundwork Caerphilly will be engaging a Youth Development Worker to work half-time on this
3 3 Groundwork Caerphilly
Penallta Community Resource, Cutural and Enterprise
Centre Development Project
£57,072 52915 20/03/2002 £83,930
Groundwork Caerphilly in partnership with the Penallta Community Forum and the Phoenix Trust intends to develop the former Bath House
Building at Penallta Colliery into a Community Resource, Cultural and Enterprise Centre as a major new community facility for the area. The
application is for support for the following: *Carrying out a detailed appraisal of community facilities to establish the need for developing the
existing listed 2* former bath house building at Penallta Colliery into a Community Resource, Cultural and Enterprise Centre creating a focus for
the regeneration of the area *Carrying out a detailed assessment of the building structure *Assessing the potential for community businesses
*Examine the opportunities to develop the site as a best practice example for environmental, education and community development issues
*Producing detailed proposals and design drawings The project will include the appointment of an officer to develop the project
3 2
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
The Greencare Path to Community Centred Sustainable
Development and Empowerment
£100,000 52934 25/03/2002 £263,100
Greencasre is a process which helps local community groups to become fully sustainable by providing a range of workshops, training events and
practical advice which cover all the necessary skills to enable them to take on practical environmental improvements through working in
partnership with the public, private and voluntary secotrs. The project will equip Groundwork Rhondda Cynon Taff to work with communities in
targeted Socail Exclusion areas in RCT to develop in Partnership with RCT CBC which is contrbuting £30,000 to the three year Programme.
3 2
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Fernhill Strategy Partnership and Capacity Building £335,000 52924 28/02/2002 £517,300
A new Community Strategy Group was established in February 2000 and the focus is now on drawing in Project and Staff resources for Youth
Projects and Community Groups, developing an Environmental Action Assessment and Plan for the Estate and intergrating with the Housing
Department's commitment to providing housing renewal, environment and estate wardening. The project scop integrates these following
elements: *Capacity building through a training and participation activities calender to draw in community members. *Engagement and
participation in activities which achieve community led environmental works. *Partnership development *Training and support for Community
Groups participation *Support the employment of staff with in various groups *Carry on the Participatory Appraisal process which identifies
needs and priorities for local people and undertake the plans for the built environment improvement to the Community Centre Block. *Support
for networking of good practice and co-operation, with linkage, to other Youth Internet Cafe Projects, exchanges through the Wales Association
of Youth Clubs, networking through federations, Greencare groups
3 2
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
The Greencare Path to Community Centred Sustainable
Development and Empowerment
£209,000 52889 26/03/2002 £320,800
The project is designed to assist local communites to achieve empowerment and sustainability through the delivery of a series of capacity
building strategies.This will include workshops, training events and practical advice which will cover all skills necessary to enable them to take
on practical environmental improvements in partnership with public, private and voluntary sectors. The key aim is to develop awareness, skills
and enthusiam of individuals and promotion of volunteering in the community.
3 4
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Green Social Economy Feasibility Study and Piot for Cefn
£42,165 52936 25/03/2002 £70,400
A pilot scheme and feasibility study for social businesses in the community of Cefn Pennar. Providing a resource for the community and
developing potential for social businesses . Offering guidance, support and business advice. Providing an officer to lead this development.
3 3
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Gurnos and Galon Uchaf Community and Physical
Regeneration Programme
£540,000 54147 08/05/2003 £1,402,800
The project will improve existing and provide new community facilities by extending the Galon Uchaf Community centre and renovating a number
of Clover Rd and Honeysuckle flats for community use. This will provide a resource centre for youth work and training and family support
services at Galon Uchaf. At New Gurnos empty flats will be upgraded to provide community facilities run by local groups e.g a Community
Resource Centre and a Youth Activity, Culture and Training Centre. The project also involves environmental works including the development of a
Central Community Piazza, improvements to disabled access to Clover Rd and Honeysuckle centres and a community garden walling project.
Community Participation and Skill sharing will help ensure sustainability of the Programme through the key Youth and Community Groups and
wider Community support and belief in the Regeneration Project. This is a joint Project of the 3G's Development Trust and Groundwork.
3 3
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Fernhill is Flying £739,725 55668 22/06/2005 £1,404,368
1 5
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Merthyr Sustainable Business Park £140,000 55222 21/09/2005 £350,000
The project will undertake environmental works to the Merthyr Business Park. The project will include the following elements: security and
lighting; signage and legibility; safe and secure access & movement networks; links to community and facilities including public transport. The
project will help build confidence and encourage private investment by existing businesses.
3 3
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Greencare Network Stage 2 £500,000 55494 19/05/2005 £747,100
This project builds on the success of the first phase capacity building project that was submitted under p3m2. The project seeks to undertake
physical and practical achievements, upskilling and jobs within the spatially targeted areas of Merthyr.The project will develop a local skills base
for people to be ready to take up employment opportunities, through them participating in pratical and environmental projects.
5 8
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Cysyllyu a Gwmpas - Loops and Links £319,000 54729 04/07/2003 £741,000
Packages. The project will establish a Green Routeway Network of Loops and Links for walkers, riders and cyclists by identifying suitable existing
access which link to the 4 major routes. The selected routes would then be keyed into the land map computer records, to produce a user friendly
visual overview and detailed route specific maps for each Loop and Link.
5 8
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Parc Taf Bargoed-Pobl a LLefyd £315,000 54634 19/08/2003 £725,000
The project will undertake: * The development of a management plan * Provide the resources and skills to support the community in the
development and the delivery and quality of all aspects of the project * Conservation, biodiiversity and environmental works piloting a number of
approaches to the problems of compaction of surfaces which is a problem in any weather and the resultant drainage issues which can be severe
in the extremely wet winter weather * Sustainable management of the surface water * Art feature shower using recycled principles of the
recreation users of the lakes and rivers * Conservation of the river and lakes habitats * Improvement for safer access for disabled and vulnerable
people to facilities in the park area *Improve the quality of the recreation areas and the safety of shared use areas by introducing fencing
appropriate for the protection for all * Bilingual and pictorial interpretation events and information material for the promotion of the role of
sustainable development and innovation in the natural environment and to inform and enhance the quality of the visitor experience
3 3
Groundwork Merthyr &
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Greencare RCT Network Stage 2 - Priority 3 Communities in
£500,000 56394 25/04/2005 £792,300
This phase 2 project is one of practical and physical acheivements,up skilling and job creation. Three Project Delivery teams will be placed in 3
Clusters within Rhondda Cynon Taff. One in the "Cynon Valley", one in "Rhondda Fach" and one in "Rhondda Fawr". A number of Trainee
positions will be available within the teams and volunteer opportunities will be available in order that people from the local communities can
develop skills. The practical and visual improvements will ensure that the areas do not slip into deprivation in the short term and will build
capactiy and provide communities with sense of ownership.
3 4 Groundwork Wales
People Places Prosperity II - Building Sustainable
£523,160 57080 31/10/2005 £768,505
It is intended that the project will build on the success of Phase one of the People Places Prosperity project.
1 1 Groundwork Wales Green Dragon Environmental Grants £989,794 55136 23/02/2004 £2,739,794
The project will provide grant support to SMEs within the Objective 1 area, to encourage them to invest in cleaner technology or to reduce or
eliminate their environmental impacts linked to the implementation of a recognised Environmental Management System. It will result in
quantifiable benefits to the environment through a reduction in the number of pollution incidences, reduced use of natural resources, a reduction
in the amount of waste going to landfill and greater awareness by businesses of the impacts of their activities. It will improve the
competitiveness of businesses through cost savings by reduced material and energy use, reduction in waste production and disposal costs and
allow businesses to benefit from the market advantage of demonstrating sound environmental management practices.
3 2 Groundwork Wales People Places & Prosperity £519,000 52874 29/04/2002 £751,000
The purpose of the project is to build on the professional skills and experience of Grounwork to work with as many deprived communities as
possible to ensure their central role in regeneration initiatives and development and build their capacity to undertake projects that will combat
social exclusion and improve the quality of life. The project will improve the dessemination of Best Practise between the Trusts, partner
organisations and local community groups. The project will aid in capacity building of local groups through practical regeneration project
development and implementation.
3 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
And Support Team Involving Neighbourhood Groups)
£366,178 52794 22/03/2002 £549,267
The project is designed to assist community groups to take part in and influence the innovatinve community planning process underway in
Caerphilly County Borough. The project will provide a liaison and support team of five facilitators and a volunteering support unit. The project
aims to encourage, enable and empower local community groups to help direct local regeneration efforts and develop this to the point where
communities have sufficient capacity and drive to do this unassisted. The objectives are: *to provide a focal point for local community groups in
the Priority 3 areas falling within each of seven community plan areas in the county borough - helping them to develop their ideas, tie them into
emerging community plans, identify resources and ensure liaison with partnership agencies operating in the area as appropriate *to provide
quality control for community projects being developed, ensuring adequate project assessment (including sustainability issues), management
capability, co-ordination with other initiatives and overall monitoring of community-led development and regeneration activities *to promote and
support volunteering as a central part of the stategy for sustainability *to explain and support development of innovative local initiatives such as
Local Economic Trading Systems, Time Banks and social enterprise
3 3
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Caerphilly County Borough "Key" Fund for Community
£954,893 54222 25/09/2002 £2,308,050
This will enable community and voluntary sector organisations to bid for funding for intitaives they have developed as part of the community
planning process. The scheme will operate across the local authority but Objective 1 monies will be used only in the spatially targeted areas. The
fund has 4 main aims: build the capacity of organisations to participate in the community planning process; ensure that projects have been
identified by the communities in support of their regenartion; provide a fund for groups to bid into to support the development of their
community plans; and ensure equitable distribution across the authority while recognising the specific needs of Priority 3 areas.
3 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Blaenau Gwent Capacity Building Project £101,568 54213 02/01/2003 £141,065
The project will provide one worker who will aim to provide: - networking opportunities through forums - individual and group support for
voluntary sector - funding advice, information re charitable status, constitutions and finance - Signposting to service providers and training
opportunities - Encourage greater community involvement in decision making process re service provision and community planning.
3 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
LASTING Community Benefits Scheme Phase 2 £566,965 55499 08/03/2004 £809,950
The purpose of the 'LASTING' scheme is to encourage, enable and empower local community and voluntary groups to help direct local
regeneration and community planning efforts, developing this to the point where communities have the capacity and drive to do this unassisted.
Through the employment of 7 development officers and 2 administrative staff the project will support participation of community and voluntary
groups in community partnerships, encouraging people to become involved in their communities and building self-esteem.
3 3
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Voluntary and Community Sector Action Fund £335,000 56864 11/07/2005 £500,000
The aim of the project is to provide a grant that will enable voluntary and community organisations to apply for funding to take forward
community led projects that assist in the regeneration of deprived areas.
3 3 Hanes Llandoch The St.Dogmaels Coach House Project £281,086 56672 10/05/2006 £691,478
The project will develop a currently redundant Coach House into a Visitor Centre and a focus for Community Action.
5 6
Haverfordwest Chamber of
Haverfordwest Town Centre Partnership £28,960 53547 25/03/2002 £68,960
The Partnership aims to strengthen the towns role as the County Town; offer a comprehensive range of shops, offices, leisure and cultural
facilities; develop the town as a visitor centre and tourist base for the wider area; enhance the visual aspect of the town and maintain the Town
Centre as a major employment area.
1 5 Insight Investment Site Green 3 Bridgend Industrial Estate Development £1,574,065 53602 30/01/2004 £4,254,231
Development of a 1.67 ha site to provide industrial type floor space including office space for SME's. The proposal will construct 6064 sq m of
floor space
2 5
Institute of Grassland and
Environmental Research
Development of Sustainable heat and power fuelled by
Biomass from short rotation coppice in Wales
£772,700 55263 30/03/2004 £1,397,816
The project seeks to demonstrate and monitor production from short rotation coppice willow as the raw material for a sustainable and renewable
energy from biomass industry across Wales appropriate to its unique landscape and agriculture, cultural heritage and tourism industry. The
potential area for SRC in Wales is 1,010,600 ha (Grade 3 and 4 land), giving a theoretical energy generation potential of 3000MW. The SAC
report estimated that 10% of grade 4 land could produce over 500,000t per annum (8odt/ha), enough for 5 power stations similar in the size to
that proposed for Newbridge-on-Wye. It is estimated (AEA review, 2001) that biomass could provide over 40% of total renewable energy by
2010, creating 1000 new jobs.
1 5
Felinfach Site, Swansea West Industrial Park £1,509,437 56277 07/07/2006 £4,360,437
To develop a range of new, modern industrial buildings close to Junction 47, M4 for local SMEs seeking additional floorspace to expand and
grow. Project will aqcuire 6 acres of land at Felinfach Site and build up to 7 industrial units, totalling 10,000 square meters of floorspace.
6 2
J.W. Greaves and Sons
Llechwedd Hydro Project £195,947 55656 09/03/2006 £709,422
The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable renewable energy and water management scheme, whilst providing employment and economic
opportunities in a recognised deprived rural area of North West Wales. The envisaged scheme involves replacing two existing D/C power units
with new modern hydropower A/C plants. The project also includes upgrading the water management system and key infrastructure
improvements in order to maximise the energy resource; and to provide connection to the National grid. When complete the project will achieve
a power output of approximately 2,400MW hours of renewable energy electricity per annum, which will be exported to the National grid - directly
making a significant contribution to the renewable energy target for the Region and the Objective 1 Programme.
1 5 KEARNS AGENCY LIMITED Prosiect Adfywio Abernedd £181,160 56286 01/12/2004 £517,600
To upgrade an existing unused building to provide 15 incubator units for a broad range of small start up companies. The accommodation will
also provide fully integrated reception area, telecommunications, access to Broadband, office and meeting rooms. 1,063 square meters of
floorspace will be made available.
3 3 Keep Wales Tidy
Pride in Our Communities - Combating flytipping through
£77,458 57043 25/07/2005 £157,458
The project will work with communities to provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to combat the problem of flytipping. It will raise
awareness of the issue surrounding illegal waste disposal and help communities to identify, remove and prevent further flytipping and undertake
environmental improvements in their local area.
3 2 Keep Wales Tidy
Pride in Our Communities, Combating flytipping through
£62,902 55674 13/09/2004 £154,902
The project will work with communities to provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to combat the problem of flytipping. It will raise
awareness of the issue surrounding illegal waste disposal and help communities to identify, remove and prevent further flytipping and undertake
enviromental improvements in their local area.
3 3 Kidwelly Town Council
Feasibility Study-Kidwelly community/visitor recreation and
economic facilities (Glan yrAfon)
£13,600 52970 26/03/2002 £20,000
The aim of this project is to carry out a high feasibility study (includuing site investigations and the preperation of an environmental apprisal,
land-use plan, designs and businessplan) concerning the regeneration of a brown -field and low-grade site in the centre of Kidwelly for the
community and visitor recreatioal and econimic purposes. The site known as Glan-yr Afon, extends to approximately 25 acres and includes a
derelict factory site, former domestic land-fill site and lagoons containing low-grade industrial waste. The site has been highlighted in the
bottom-up "Strategy for Kidwelly -Environment &Community", commissioned by Carmarthenshire County Council, as being of key importance in
achieving community-based economic regeneration for the town. A range of potential land-use options have been suggested for the site but,
principally due to the previous activities carried out there and its strategic location in the centre of the town, it is necessary to carry out a
detailed study on what remedial works might be needed and what would be the optimum mix of land uses to meet community economic
regeneration objectives There wil lalso be a particular emphasis on ensuring that the proposals contribute to social and economic opportunities
for disadvantaged young people, women and the long term unemployed in Kidwelly. Key community and ecomomic regeneration objectives to be
examined by the study are: . the importance of making provision for new job creation through the development of small-scale business units on
the derelict factory site, based around eco-friendly craft /culture workshops and community enterprise opportunities (e.g. childcare : internet
cafe/training resources) .use of the former tip and lagoons for new community recreation uses such as community woodland ,wildlife walks,
keep-fit assault course trails and youth facilities. .promoting a greater local multiplier effect within the community from existing and new tourism
opportunities . investigation of foot-bridge/cycle-bridge over river linking to Sustrans route and providing safer, environment- friendly, access to
school and community facilities includind train station.
6 4 Las Waste Ltd Facility of the Recycling and Composting of MSW £780,000 56603 16/09/2005 £2,260,000
The project effectively commenced in 2001 when LAS saw an opportunity presented by WAG and Local Authority waste strategies to undertake
trials with both Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion designed to extract materials from existing waste streams for recycling and composting; utilising
survival bags contained in normal collection vehicles. LAS undertook the construction of a pilot facility to remove and process a range of
4 4 Linden Church Trust Connected/Red Cafe £49,658 54292 29/11/2002 £102,918
This application is for the renovation and equipping of 644 Mumbles Road, including doubling the ground floor space of the current cafe and
building a new training room as a development of existing facilities of Red Cafe in 646 Mumbles Road under Priority 4 Measure 4
4 4 Llandrillo College Denbigh learning Centre £792,511 52701 20/03/2002 £1,666,484
The specific aim of the project is to extend access to learning by upgrading teaching and learner support within the town of Denbigh. It is the 1st
phase of the Conwy and Denbighshire Learning Network development within Denbighshire and is key to the realisation of the aim of the overall
Network to create learning opportunities sustained through a partnership culture where everybody has equal access and support to enable him or
her to fulfil their full potential. The project will involve equipping and staffing of a recently refurbished town centre to provide 11,000 sq feet of
training and learning facilities on four floors. The centre will utilise an historic empty property adjacent to the recently renovated Town Hall. The
project is seen as a direct response to the lifelong Learning agenda and the National Assembly's vision for Human Resource development and as
such will provide sustainable provision in an area where there are limited facilities. low levels of participation in education and training and high
levels of economic and social deprivation.
4 4 Llandrillo College Abergele Learning Centre £1,057,733 52615 20/03/2002 £2,220,575
The project aims to extend access to learning by upgrading teaching and learner support to the Abergele, Kinmel Bay and Towyn area. The
project area represents the first phase of Conwy and Denbughshire Learning Networl development within Conwy and is Key to the realisation of
the aim of the overall netwrok to create learning opportunities sustained through a partenrship culture where everybody has equal access and
support to enable him or her to fulfil their full potential. the project will involve building extension and adaptation of premisies adjacent to the
main school campus in the middle of Abergele to provide 20,000sq ft of training and learning facilities. Grant is also sought to equip and staff
the centre.
4 4 Llandrillo College Engineering and Manufacturing Partnership Centre £521,885 54527 08/07/2003 £1,110,860
The aim of the project is to develop a centre of expertise which will modernise the operational base and ensure excellence in the engineering and
manufacturing sector. The project is a key element within an overall engineering strategy for Central North Wales, whichalso includes a gas
training centre (operational), Automotive centre (under development, KEF funded) and a Marine centre (research stage). The project will enable
the beginning of a planned review of existing equipment, the purchase of new equipment and the redevelopment of existing buildings. ERDG
grant will also be used to employ a dedicated Engineering Liaison officer to work both with schools and industry. The project will enable the
College to update engineering/manufacturing provision at the Rhos site and to engage specialist staff.
4 4 Llandrillo College Skills for Life Network £259,789 56371 10/02/2005 £538,423
This project will upgrade teaching and learning facilities by developing and equiping two Skills for Life Centres within the existing Learning
Network sites at Rhos and Llandudno. An integral part of the project will be the development of new learning materials, particularly aimed at
those lacking basic and essential skills. Delivery will be flexible and will be centred around the individual needs of the learner. The Internet will
be exploited as a basic skills learning resource and a potential solution for discouraged learners.
3 3 Llandysul Family Centre Llandysul Family Centre Expansion £120,521 56900 08/04/2005 £203,692
Llandysul Family Cente is located on the Beeches housing estate. This project will extend and enhance the existing facilities, provision and
services of the Family Centre which is a vital resource for the local community. The refurbishment and extension will provide larger improved
premises allowing the venue to be used for a wide range of initiatives such as outreach worker, training opportunities, workshops, ICT courses,
childcare activities and careers advice.
3 4
Llanelli & District Credit
Union Ltd
SAVER'S Friend - Llanelli & District Credit Union £72,089 54093 01/10/2002 £180,674
This project will support the expansion and development of the existing Credit Union scheme operating within targeted wards of Llanelli. By
providing the local community with an alternative route for accessing finance it aims to increase the number of households with savings, working
towards reducing poverty and social exclusion within the socially underprivileged groups and communities.
3 3
Llangefni Town council
Afon Cefni Riverside Development £165,670 56878 02/06/2005 £236,671
The aim of the project is to enhance and improve the River Cefni environment, both ecologically and aesthetically, and its long term objective is
the regeneration of the market town of Llangefni. It will provide a lower level riverside walk aswell as the provision of benches, grassed areas
and tree planting which will improve the appearance of the town's main car park.
4 4
Llynfi Valley 16-25 Project
Basic Skills Centre for Youth Training and Employment £142,720 54502 28/07/2003 £295,796
The aim of the project is to enhance the employment opportunities of disaffected and socially excluded young people within the Lynfi Valley by
providing them with the basic social, literacy, numeracy and other basic skills required to access further education and/ or an expanding local
labour market. It is the intention to achieve this by establishing a basic skills centre at the Llynfi Valley premises in the centre of Maesteg.
1 5 Macob Projects Ltd Land of Junction 35 M4, Bridgend £584,377 54207 20/08/2002 £3,115,215
Development of site, including installation of water meadows, , groundlevels, flood defences, access improvements, utilities and
telecommunciations networks
5 6 Madoc Yacht Club Pontoon Development Porthmadog - Phases 1 & 2 £56,700 55837 09/01/2006 £135,188
This project will provide easily accessible pontoon moorings for local and visiting boats. The project aims to provide 38 pontoon berths to enable
a substantial increase in the number of visitor boats to Porthmadog, benefiting the local economy. The development would also cater for boats
offering sea trips for tourists.
3 3
Maenclochog Community Hall
Maenclochog Community Hall £348,000 57053 08/11/2005 £498,000
The overall aim of the proposed project is to further the social, welfare, cultural and educational life of the local residents by providing a hall and
land with appropriate facilities for hire where a wide range of events can take place.
3 2 Mantell Gwynedd Gwynedd Community Key Fund £206,131 54528 12/03/2003 £306,131
The project will set up a Community Key Fund with a support worker to assist voluntary and community groups to develop new capacity building
projects. The proposed support will promote the involvement of local people in the regeneration of the most deprived communities in Gwynedd.
Particular attention will be given to groups that have historically been excluded and have had few opportunities to participate in community
activities. Main objectives: To support capacity building activities To support the development and implementation of local regeneration To ensure
effective joint working between agencies and community groups, through the development of successful partnerships. These will be achieved by:
Th availability of a fund to extend the capacity building and skills development work already taking place in the area as well as ensuring the
sustainability of community led regeneration initiatives, by widening participation of local groups and equipping them with the increased ability
and confidence to further community activities and initiatives. It will encourage local people to develop ideas and run events that will increase
their skills and knowledge and, as a result provide a significant step towards employment. Giving support for the development of partnerships
that include local people in identifying needs and priorities within their communities, by providing funds and advice for the runnung of
partnerships and their activities. Providing resources through the key fund to develop and implement community strategies led by local
groups,bringing in the support of public and private agencies with the aim of achieving improved joint working. Resources will be provided to
enable local smaller community organisations and partnerships to employ their own project staff where necessary.
3 3 Medrwn n Mongallwn II £137,005 57089 11/04/2005 £190,285
The aim of the project is to develop a community key fund which will simplify the funding process for the voluntary and community sector and
volunteering initiatives linked to regeneration measures.
3 2 Medrwn n Mongallwn £53,280 56392 02/09/2004 £74,000
This project was appraised and approved retrospectively by WEFO. The project aims to develop a holistic package of measures linked closely to a
coherent and realistic strategy to enable individuals and communities to participate and contribute to the social and economic regeneration of
isolated rural areas and marginalised estates. It encourages and supports the fullest co-operation of all relevant agencies in the development of
regeneration partnerships.
5 6 Meithrinfa Meirion Cyf. Meithrinfa Meirion, Brithdir £133,843 55640 22/02/2005 £268,308
The aim of the project is to develop a nursery in the village of Brithdir, near Dolgellau. The project will renovate the Brithdir Chapel which is
derelict and develop it to provide childcare for children between 3 months and 8 years old. It will offer after school care provision as well as
normal care services.
1 2 Menter a Busnes Cwlwm Busnes Virtual Link £77,340 52551 22/03/2002 £154,680
The Project will Create an innovative and proactive virtual networking facility for Welsh speaking business people by way of an on-line business
support service. A dedicated Cwlwm Busnes website will be established that will offer a complete range of facilities, services and benefits that
will include:- * Marketing advice and guidance * Business to Business advertising *Inter trading opportunities *Networking Opportunities *
Mentoring for new and developing businesses * Comprehensive business directory * partner search and evaluation functions * Situations Vacant
* New opportunities notice board
1 2 Menter a Busnes TROSI - CONVERTING IDEAS INTO REALITY £172,589 57138 30/09/2005 £345,178
The purpose of the project is to provide a proactive approach, working with the private sector, to identify, develop and implement a number of
new products and/or services where the Welsh language/culture is of added economic benefit.
3 4 Menter Bro Dinefwr Cyfieithwyr Cymunedol/Community Translators £245,465 57072 17/10/2005 £382,049
The proposal builds upon Phase 1 of the Community Translators project which involved the development of a "network" of community businesses
in the Priority 3 area to encourage bi-lingual provision within Carmarthenshire. This project will further develop the translation services created
as part of Phase 1 to work primarily with community groups, voluntary organisations and community development agencies to enable them to
extend their bilingual provision through the use of written and simultaneous translation services.
5 6 Menter Bro Dinefwr Diwylliant Byw £130,000 56644 14/04/2005 £260,000
The aim of the project is to support and encourage sustainable economic development in rural parts of Carmarthenshire by organising festivals
and other social events to promote and add value to the unique richness of Welsh products and places.
3 3 Menter Cwm Gwendraeth Dolen Lechyd/Health Link £94,936 56884 04/05/2005 £134,357
The purpose of the project is to tackle health inequalities within the Gwendraeth Valley by developing a holistic approach to improving the health
and wellbeing of the people of the area through innovative means of disseminating information on all aspects of adopting a healthy lifestyle.
3 3 Menter Cwm Gwendraeth GWENDRAETH COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE £29,679 53720 20/03/2002 £51,679
This project will appoint a full-time co-ordinator and part-time caretaker based in the newly renovated Community Resource Centre in
Pontyberem. The overall aim of the project is to provide access to training, information and services and to further promote community
participation. The co-ordinator will assist in the promotion of social/educational training, the targeting of disadvantaged groups living in rural
communities and the recruitment and training of volunteers. Aims of the project are to: Encourage people to play a greater part in the
development of their communities. Provide facilities for social/educational training, recreational and leisure time activities. Target the
disadvantaged groups living in rural communities e.g. people with disabilities, single parents, poorly educated people. Recruit and train
volunteers, particularly from disadvantaged groups to be involved in these activities.
1 2 Menter Iaith Developing the Welsh Language Economy £109,000 52868 26/03/2002 £218,000
5 6 Menter Iaith Dinbych The Welsh Advantage £15,701 53864 10/09/2002 £37,387
The main aim of the project is to promote cultural and linguistic identity as a valuable source of economic activity in Denbighshire. To implement
the project, Menter Iaith will employ an officer for Denbighshire who will be the point of contact for all Welsh language issues within local
businesses. The officer will deliver information on grant sschemes available for bilingual materials and signage, assist with grant applications,
help businesses with short translations and offer a scheme where translations can be provided by local translation companies. The officer will
also organise Welsh in the workplace classes through co-operating with local Welsh for Adult centres and organise seminars that will raise
awareness of the benefit of using the Welsh language as a marketing tool for businesses. The project will seek to produce a welsh language pack
outlining all relevant information and guidelines. It will also produce other bilingual materials useful for shops/businesses. It will promote the
Welsh First schemes in some towns within the county. (This project will finance marketing materials for the "Welsh First" scheme - a scheme to
encourage shop assistants in traditional Welsh speaking areas to use Welsh first in their conversations and for shoppers alike to greet in Welsh
first). The officer appointed will act as a point of contact within the Business Connect network and for businesses that seek guidance on the use
of the Welsh language within their business. The project will add to and enhance the provision of Menter Iaith as a Welsh in business one stop
shop for Denbighshire.
5 6 Menter Iaith Dinbych The Welsh Advantage - Phase 2 £21,829 56642 13/07/2005 £51,977
The main aim of this project is to build on the Welsh Advantage Project Phase 1, which promotes the Welsh language and bilingualism in
businesses throughout Denbighshire. Phase 2 will continue to add the unique Welsh flavour of rural Denbighshire. Through extolling the virtues
of the County's rich cultural heritage and impacting upon visual promotional material the project will enhance the quality of the County's local
3 3 Menter Mon MONASED £910,000 56441 11/01/2005 £1,300,000
The aim of this project is to provide a CAPITAL KEY FUND for P3 M3 in Ynys Mon. This key fund will be directed towards the redevelopment of
community owned buildings for new socio economic purposes as intended within the measure. A key fund allows easier accessibility to
development funds for community groups and partnerships. It also provides a dedicated support mechanism for such groups, helping them
secure eligibility and auditable record keeping. MONASED is presented in response to increasing demand from community partnerships for capital
funds to adapt and modify community owned assets so that they can be put to new and improved socio economic use.
3 4 Menter Mon MONWEITHRED £615,582 54237 20/11/2002 £948,948
The aim of the project is to develop new businesses and encourage employment within social and community enterprises by providing advice,
finance, and the means by which deprived communities can formulate and manage their own solutions to local socio economic problems. The
project will establish sustainable New commuity enterprises to act as engines for the provision of local services and employment creation. To
establish a grant fund to support and extend existing community enterprises and to improve and adapt buildings to act as premises for such
enterprises. Each enterprise will have two aims: To create sustainability employment and to restore and extend community services in the
targeted area. Monweithred will work closely with othe local projects in Priority 3 to provide a progression route from capacity building projects
in 3.1 and 3.2 to actual developments and employment opportunities.
3 3 Menter Mon MONADFYW £1,065,975 54119 21/11/2002 £1,525,000
The primary aim of thr project is to provide the means by which community led initiatives for social and community economic development can
flourish in order to tackle the underlying issues which prevent sustainable economic development in the spatially targeted areas of Ynys Mon. The
objectives are to work through voluntary and community organisations in the targeted areas using a system of community consultations to
establish an infrastructure for regenerating the environment, community buildings resource, community based services and a range of
opportunities for extending the role which community centres play in the local economy. The improvement of buildings, environs and facilities
within the community, based upon existing infrastructure, which will provide multi purpose resource space for the provision of facilities for a
range of community actions,including arts,cultural and environmental, child and dependent care and the provision of links to the shaping of the
local environment, community development and workspaces for micro business start ups. This will also include the provision of support for
physical and environmental improvements e.g public art initiatives, Local Agenda 21 initiatives etc. which prove beneficial in terms of
motivational participation, improved employment prospects and economic relevance. The improvement of community and mainstream services
which contribute to the greater involvement of excluded sections of the population where such services are carried out by organisations in the
voluntary sector To harness local energy and aspirations in making community centres more useful to the communities they serve, with the
accent on community economic development. The development of multi purpose Community Centres, including the improvement and adaptation
of derelict environs. In some cases the degree of capital expenditure to create optimum conditions will be minor. In other cases where the
existing community resource is derelict and underused, greater capital expenditure will be required. An important feature of the project centres
on its determination to involve socially, excluded individuals and young people especially in the shaping of improved community buidings and
environs. With a network of community buidings, well distributed through the targeted area, optimum conditions will have been generated to
establish an innovative range of services to benefit the socially excluded and reassimmilate them into the social and economic mainstream.
5 8 Menter Mon Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path £669,925 54051 24/09/2002 £1,627,498
To create a strategic long-distance walking route of quality that will be known as the "Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path". The project aims: *To
create a strategic long-distance walking route that exhibits a high quality infrastructure linking into both new and enhanced visitor facilities, the
wider community and an integrated transport network *To integrate the planning and management of access along the coastal zone
5 8 Menter Mon MONAMGYLCHEDD £411,476 52978 25/03/2002 £875,485
This project consists of two actions which are designed to improve opportunities for recreational use of the countryside and to harness economic
opportunities therefrom. These actions are: * Establishment of Anglesey's first off road cycleway, called Lon Las cefni, connecting Llangefni,
through the Cefni river basin / Malltraeth Marsh SSSI to the Newboruogh Dune. * The establishment of a new bridleways on the island on or near
the coast most of which is within the Anglesey areas of Outstanding Beauty, and support for improved access to existing rights of way. * The
establishment of an integrated transport linkage to coastal footpath areas on the Island, improving access to areas for coastal walking and the
links therein.
5 6 Menter Mon MONYMLAEN £692,000 55819 01/06/2004 £1,384,000
To provide funds for the regeneration of rural areas in Ynys Mon. This project will fund revenue and capital actions in local communities based
upon the needs of locally based community and business partnerships. Beyond the core actions of capacity building among community and
business groups, it will operate as a KEY FUND for the delivery of local regeneration activity, providing a substantial resource for the delivery of
P5M6 actions into the market towns and rural areas of Ynys Mon.
5 6 Mentrau Iaith Myrddin Community Translators £122,986 53435 20/03/2002 £312,024
The project involves setting up a newtork of community businesses in the north and west of Carmarthenshire by appointing two full-time
translators to work primarily with community groups, voluntary organisations and community development agencies to enable them to extend
their bilingual provision through the use of written and simultaneous translation services. Increasing the community's capacity to function
bilingually is important as it provides a choice of language use for both Welsh and English language speakers. Providing choice encourages social
inclusion and breaks down linguistic barriers that have traditionally, in formal domains, discriminated against first language Welsh Speakers. The
main aims of the proejct are To set up a network of social enterprises to work in the communities covered by Carmarthenshire County Councils
three area fora. To employ a team of full time translators to work in the communities designated by the local authority's area fora in the north
and west of the county. To develop a support team of part time translators to meet the predicted increase in demand for both written and
translation work ove the coming years in the voluntary, private and public sector. To assist community groups, voluntary organisations area fora
and public service providers to extend their bilingual provision. The project would work closely with the three mentrau iaith are active in the
north and west of the county in order to utilise their expertise in the field of community language planning and access their extensive data-base
of local contacts and voluntary groups.
3 4 Mentrau Iaith Myrddin Community Translators £265,837 53436 28/03/2002 £429,000
The project invloves setting up a network of community businesses in the Priority 3 area by appointing three full time translators to work
primarily with community groups, voluntary organisations and community agencies to enable them to extend their bilingual provision through
the use of written and simultaneous translation services. Increasing the community's capacity to function bilingually is important as it provides a
choice of language use for both Welsh and English language speakers. providing choice encourages social inclusion and breaks down lingustic
barriers that have traditionally, in formal domains discriminated against first language Welsh speakers. The language act 1993 is based on this
principle and clearly states that in the conduct of public business the english and welsh languages should be treated on the basis of equality. The
project would work closely with the three mentrau iaith that are active in the Priority 3 area in order to utilise their expertise in the field of
community language planning and access their extensive data base of local contacts and voluntary groups.
3 4
Merthyr Institute For the
Blue Print for the Future £1,562,347 55963 10/01/2005 £2,599,855
The project aims to encourage the participation of individuals who are marginalized by their disability in providing them with opportunities that
will enable them to enter the employment market. This will be achieved by expanding a community led social enterprise which provides sheltered
employment opportunities. The project involves relocating an existing facility to a new site that will enable MTIB to increase its capacity and
services so that it is able to deliver to a disadvantaged client base in South East Wales. This will improve the long term sustainability as a social
enterprise catering for the needs of disabled people in the region.
5 6
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Trevithick 2004 Celebrations £258,375 55757 24/06/2004 £615,178
The project is part of a wider programme of celebrations throughout Merthyr Tydfil County Borough to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the
world's first steam train journey, which ran from Merthyr Tydfil to Abercynon. The main purpose of this bid is to take elements of the festival into
two of the most deprived wards of the County Borough. In addition the project will create a routeway which will bring benefit to the community.
4 4
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Valleys Information and Technology Centre £943,662 55305 09/02/2006 £2,041,884
The main aim of the project is to provide a business focused training centre to raise local skill levels, aspirations and use of ICT in local
businesses across the VAlleys area. Five core functions of the Valleys Information and Technology Centre (VITC) have been identified: 1. A focus
for the delivery of intermediate to high level ICT training. 2. Provide an ICT demonstration facility for SMEs. 3. Proactive brokerage of ICT
training solutions. 4. Co-ordination of ICT Education. 5. Provide a gateway to E learning and E Governance. The VITC will be linked with the
Merthyr Tydfil Business Centre (a P1 M5 application) and the Merthyr Tydfil Lifelong Learning Campus.
1 5
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr Tydfil Business Centre (Lifelong Learning Centre
Phase 1)
£1,015,384 55402 15/03/2006 £2,901,099
The project will provide a business incubation centre with managed flexible workspace for SMEs together with on-site business support. It is
linked closely with the Valley's Information Technolgy and Communication Centre which will be located in the same facility. The Business Centre
will provide 12x500sq ft and 8x1000sq ft units and will include permanent and temporary hot desk facilities for business support agencies and
meeting facilities..
3 3
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr Tydfil Voluntary Sector Key Fund £350,001 54625 20/05/2003 £500,000
The Merthyr Tydfil Voluntary Sector Key Fund project will provide a flexible and accessible local grant fund. It will support the development of
community groups and voluntary sector organisations by providing funding to establish new social and community led initiatives and develop
new community provision in the spatially targeted communities.
3 4
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Cyfarthfa Enterprises - A Social Economy Trading Model £285,100 54269 31/03/2003 £854,162
The project will provide funding to continue and strengthen the central core services of Cyfarthfa Enterprises by employing a manager,
administrator and outreach co-ordinator; and fund staff in the horticulture and contracting arms of the social firm. The staff will help supervise
and support the development and training needs of local people in the Priority 3 areas of Merthyr identified to take part in the project. THe
support to these individuals will be provided in a work based environment and builds on other more structured training that is offered in the
7 1
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr Tydfil Action Partners Secretariat £53,825 53760 02/08/2002 £107,650
The aim is to facilitate the implementation of the Local Action Plan for creation of a Partnership Secretariat, which will provide administrative and
technical Partnership.
7 1
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Technical Assistance - Merthyr Action Partnership
£340,670 53821 02/08/2002 £681,339
The project aims to provide efficient and effective management , and implementation of the Objective 1 programme for the communities and
businesses of the Merthyr Tydfil County Borough.
1 1
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr Tydfil Business Support Package £609,167 53860 06/02/2003 £3,346,930
The aim of this project is to increasethe start-up rate, growth and survival of SME's in Merthyr Tydfil and to ensure future competitiveness of the
SME base of the area. The key objectives of the Business Support Package are related to supporting indigenous business, which are a vital source
of local employment, local sourcing and local supplying and provide a framework for the local economy.
6 3
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr Tydfil Town Centre Regeneration Project £2,074,671 56252 15/06/2005 £3,155,671
The purpose of the project is to focus regeneration activity within the Town Centre of Merthyr Tydfil but it will also support the wider
regeneration of the County Borough as well neighbouring areas which are also designated with Objective one status. The project is intended to
have a significant effect on Merthyr Tydfil and includes a range of economically based town centre regeneration initiatives including property
improvements, streetscape and signage works. The focus of the project is on improving those prominent and frequently used places within the
6 1
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
''Pendarren Tramroad'' Walking & Cycle Path £190,589 56613 24/04/2006 £532,375
The purpose of the project is to construct a 15.2km walking and cycling trail from Merthyr Tydfil to Abercynon, and thereby: - create a series of
safe links to public transport. - develop the network of existing paths in the area, ie the Taff Trail, Groundwork's Objective One-funded Loops and
Links project, the Celtic trail. - encourage local people to rely less on cars for short journeys. - encourage local people to start walking and
cycling for pleasure. - develop rural tourism in villages along the Trail
3 4
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Growing Social Enterprise £370,615 56679 09/05/2005 £571,509
The aim of this project is to create a vibrant, successful and sustanable social enterprise sector in the County Borough, though creating a
signposting and bespoke development service which will act as a catalyst in the growth of this important sector. This project will support social
enterprises, emerging social enterprises and community organisations seeking to develop their community business ideas and trading activities
through the provision of advice, development support and where appropriate a sign posting service to business support providers and
organisations providing specific technical assistance.
3 3 Merthyr Tydfil Heritage Trust Ynysfach Engine House Community Facility £253,702 57081 28/11/2006 £365,192
The is intended to build on and sustain previous restoration work on the Ynysfach Engine House, encouraging community participation in order
to ensure a long term sustainable future for the building. The project is a community based project led by Merthyr Tydfil Heritage Trust,
supported by HERIAN and Merthyr CBC. The projects aims to work with and encourage the participation of local people in community, cultural
and lifelong learning activities. A Community Heritage Co-ordinator will be employed to cultivate local participation, create volunteering
opportunities and new educational and life long learning facilities and opportunities.
2 5 Milford Energy Ltd CHP PLANT £4,991,922 55500 07/04/2004 £16,639,740
The project proposes to upgrade an existing redundant CHP plant on the Petroplus site at Waterston, Milford Haven, to bring it back to economic
use, by integrating it with the LNG regasification plant. The required upgrade will improve its efficiency and environmental performance. The LNG
terminal will have a significant requirement for both electricity and low-grade process heating. By integration of the energy requirements for the
LNG terminal with heat that would be rejected from the CHP plant it is possible to drastically improve the thermal efficiency of operation of the
CHP plant. The increase in efficiency of the two plants would significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the integrated plant.
1 5 Milford Haven Port Authority Western Sunderland Hangar, Pembroke Dock. £480,463 54598 08/12/2005 £1,414,750
The project will allow a Grade II listed building, a former RAF B- type seaplance hangar dating from 1934/35, to be used by SME's.
1 5 Milford Haven Port Authority East Sunderland Hangar, Pembroke Dock £379,754 54599 24/02/2004 £951,051
The project allows for a Grade II listed building, a former RAF B-type seaplane hangar dating from 1934/35, to be used by SME's.
1 5 Milford Haven Port Authority Sunderland House - Internal Works £134,662 54600 20/10/2003 £337,246
The aim of the project is to develop Sunderland House, a semi-derelict listed building within the Royal Dockyard, Pembroke Dock, into modern
office accommodation.
5 8 Milford Haven Port Authority Pembrokeshire Marine Heritage Phase 1 £63,213 52793 26/03/2002 £163,099
The Pembrokeshire Islands candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) is recognition that the maritime wildlife in the area is of European
Importance. The Project Officer acts as the main focal point for all SAC matters. The main duty of the Project Officer is to c-ordinate the
production of the final management document. The Project Officer is also responsible for preparing interpretative material, providing secretarial
support to the Relevant Authorities Group, and identifying additional funding sources to support the work of the RAG.
5 8 Milford Haven Port Authority Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum £142,600 52748 20/03/2002 £301,800
The project will aim to: Develop its capacity to act as a catalyst for integrated coastal zone management by identifying and developing the
network of all those interested and involved in the coast and establishing/servicing communication links amongst that network. Act as a focus for
the development of a practical and evolving context for integrated coastal zone management in Pembrokeshire. Establish a baseline for the
subsequent monitoring of social, economic and environmental health of the coastal zone. Facilitate, through pooling of resources and expertise,
the development of a research and monitoring programme of the resource base. Act as a focus for the development of a vision and strategy for
the coast of Pembrokeshire.
1 5 Milford Haven Port Authority Business Park, Havens Head, Milford Dock £1,445,216 52784 20/03/2002 £3,800,000
Construction of 3,210 sq metres of Business Park accommodation designed to encourage and attract ICT companies, including training
businesses, to complete the existing estate in response to increasing commercial interest and shortage of this type of development. Also included
is the completion of access roads, pavings, utility services and associated landscaping appropriate to the development.
1 5 Milford Haven Port Authority Pier House, Pembroke Dock £169,512 56262 20/03/2006 £526,000
The modernisation and refurbishment of Pier House, a Grade II Listed Building, to create commercial office accommodation for SMEs. Project
includes upgrading the building's roof, external walls and windows and also internal re-decoration and fitting out.
2 1 MLL Telecom Ltd
Improvement to the local broadband coverage
Infrastructure in Mid and West Wales
£373,100 54934 24/10/2003 £1,000,000
The project will improve the broadband coverage in mid and west Wales by using the already implemented MARAN high speed wireless backbone
network procured by Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys Councils as a nucleus to build from. MLL Telecom aims to secure improvements to
the existing ICT Network over the programme period and beyond in areas where private investment would not be sufficient to ensure ubiquity of
3 3
MORLO- Morawelon &
London Road Regeneration
London Road Community & Youth Centre. £431,356 55372 19/04/2004 £739,106
The project involves the purchase and adaptation of a prominent vacant former chapel building on London Road to create a new and high-profile
community and youth centre for the area. This will result in the provision of : A community cybercafe. Offices for community support
agencies/voluntary bodies. A soundproofed youth music room. A community/youth multi-purpose room A large community activities room.
Supporting facilities ie toilets ,hall, lift, disabled ramp. The centre reflects the needs of the community as identified in community consultations,
and has been designed to complement and not duplicate existing provision in the area. It is anticipated that events and courses will be held
within the centre to meet the various needs of the local community, which are likely to cover issues such as training, employment and benefits
advice, health, crime and community action. The centre is also expected to become a base for various Communities First activities.
4 4 Mountain Ash YMCA Tecno-Cycle Training Centre £116,861 53802 27/03/2002 £243,410
Mountain Ash YMCA is seeking to convert and develop the disused part of the builfing formerly used as a Library into a computer maintenance
training and a generic further education training centre. The project is designed to establish the old library building in Duffryn road as a new
"Tecno-Cycle" computer maintenance training centre as well as being able to offer a wide range of earning opportunities through further
4 4 Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin
Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin Integrated Training & Childcare
£892,345 54857 07/08/2003 £3,126,845
To develop and build a state of the art specialist integrated childcare and training centre in Aberystwyth which will provide practical on the
ground bilingual training facilities for childcarers and SMEs whilst at the same time boosting childcare provision available in the Aberystwyth
area. This Centre of Excellence will provide training for community based early years care and education workers in a bilingual setting, work
experience and student placements, facilities for adult training in areas such as Welsh, social skills, management skills, parenting skills. Office
space will be used by Chwarae Teg and Children in Wales.
3 3 Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin
Canolfan Integredig Gofal Plant a Hyfforddiant Blynddoedd
Cynnar Llangefni
£1,379,323 57051 21/03/2006 £2,582,150
This project is centred around the building of an Integrated Childcare and Early Years Training Centre in Llangefni. The project will deliver quality
childcare and training through the medium of the Welsh language, and increase the capacity of local childcare service provision. The provision of
such facilities within the community will satisfy an identified urgent need for local childcare and remove barriers to training and the labour
market to afford wider economic and social benefit.
3 3 Mydroilyn Village Hall Mydroilyn Village Hall £105,290 56894 24/06/2005 £210,580
Renovation and extension of the village hall, providing improved facilities for the benefit of the whole community. Facilities will include areas for
recreational and leisure activities such as meetings, classes and lectures and an information point for issues such as community safety, local
events and environmental issues.
5 8 National Trust Wales Llanerchaeron Phase 4 £683,285 54406 06/02/2003 £1,453,553
Project will build on work achieved in first 3 phases of this project. To focus on the management and enhancement of important environmental
aspects of the Llanerchaeron Estate. To encourage recreational opportunities linked to the environment.
5 6 National Trust Wales Craflwyn Hall £270,626 55581 17/05/2004 £884,374
The Craflwyn Hall complex will provide: A suite of conference rooms and seminar rooms Multi use workshops for training Office units Year round
tourism initiatives A national centre of excellence for volunteering
6 3
National Waterfront Museum
National Waterfront Museum Swansea £3,716,237 54329 14/11/2002 £28,275,965
The National Waterfront Museum Swansea is a new National Museum for Wales, whose principal objective is 'to tell the story of Wales, the
world's first industrial nation, to the present day and into the future'. It replaces the former Wales Industrial & Maritime Museum (Cardiff) and
the existing Swansea Maritime and Industrial Museum. As well as the gallery and exhibition spaces there will be education workshops, library,
reading room, cafe and kitchen, museum shop, eating area and cloakroom for groups and back of house offices, workshops and storage area.
5 6
Neath and Tennant Canals
Preservation Society
Restoration Tyn yr Heol lock, Tonna £108,200 56171 06/10/2004 £242,961
This project will restore Tyn yr Heol Lock & promote the area as a focal point for visitors & the local community. It will result in the opening of
the Neath Canal to navigation above Tonna and the enhancement of the Celtic Trail and other towpath routes, all of which provide opportunity for
healthy outdoor recreational activity. The work will include, provision of new lock gates & sluices and repair & consolidatin of lock walls &
associated masonry, also upgrading the exterior of the adjacent historic Lock House.
6 4 Neath Canal Navigation Restoration of the Polluted Sections of the Neath Canal £1,076,854 54958 22/08/2003 £2,692,136
The aim of this project is to restore the 7km stretch of the Neath Canal, between Tonna and Abergarwed, which has become very heavily
contaminated due to a ferruginous discharge into the canal from a minewater adit.
5 6 Neath Canal Navigation
Restoration of Ynysbwllog Aqueduct and Three Locks
Between Abergarwed and Tonna
£500,000 56650 23/03/2005 £2,093,740
The project will secure navigation of a 9km section of the Neath Canal from Bridge Street in Neath town centre, to Abergarwed, south of
Resolven, in the Vale of Neath. It will also preserve and enhance the canal as a regional environmental, leisure and tourist asset.
4 4 Neath Port Talbot College Electronic Learning Centre for Technology & Humanities £2,860,936 53803 13/09/2002 £6,229,400
To build, on a brownfield site at the Neath campus, a Centre of Excellence for the teaching of Technology and Humanities
4 4 Neath Port Talbot College Childcare Facilities at NPTC £194,077 53804 02/07/2002 £418,317
To build a new creche area of 325m2 at the Neath campus to accommodate 45 toddlers and 18 babies and an extension of the present creche on
the Afan campus.
3 2
Neath Port Talbot Council for
Voluntary Organisation Support Unit £397,992 55325 02/07/2004 £553,493
Neath Port Talbot CVS aims to establish a Voluntary Organisation Support Unit to meet the development needs of local and community
organisations and Communities First Partnerships.All Communities First Partnership areas are Priority 3 Wards in Neath Port Talbot. Main areas of
support advice on organisational management and development issues ensure that voluntary organisations and community groups operate legally
and efficiently consultancy service on feasobility of new projects/services advice on funding opportunities and developing funding strategies
advice on employment and human resource issues
1 1
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Neath Port Talbot Business Development Grant Phase 2. £405,000 55177 26/08/2004 £900,000
The Neath Port Talbot Business Development Grant Phase 2 builds on the experience of Phase 1 of the project, which has proved to be very
successful in assisting in the development and growth of SME's within Neath Port Talbot.
5 8
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Afan Forest Park Tourism Development £70,500 55530 15/06/2004 £176,250
To further expand the potential of the Afan Forest Park. Development of footpaths and management of localised areas of the forest and the
development of a unique open air amphitheatre for performing arts.
6 1
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Port Talbot Industrial Estate and Docks Access £5,302,000 55654 06/05/2004 £18,341,000
This project comprises a new 1.1 km dual carriageway in Port Talbot, which links the town to a potential development area adjacent to Docks via
the Port Talbot Industrial Estate. The works include roundabouts that provide direct access into the Estate development areas. It will precede the
next phase, which will enable access to the Deep Water Harbour (DWH) and complete the link to M4 junction 38. The Neath Port Talbot Objective
1 Partnership endorsed the outline proposals on 23rd October 2003. The works will include extensive landscaping and special provision for
cyclists. The scheme will provide a much improved road link with the railway station. The project forms the first phase of a 9.3km vital
infrastructure and access link with associated works between M4 junction 38 and junction 41/42. Further phases of the scheme will provide
additional capacity on Afan Way to accommodate traffic from Baglan Energy Park, Baglan Industrial Park and Aberavon Seafront. The link to the
DWH will pass south of the Corus plant with links to the under-used wharves in the docks, which have excellent development potential.
6 1
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Port Talbot Regeneration - Westside Access Infrastructure £5,700,000 55881 06/06/2005 £22,283,500
This project will provide an additional carriageway to Afan Way (A4241) in Port Talbot, increasing the capacity of the link. There will be
roundabouts and a junction providing direct access into the development areas. The works are shown in the attached plans. The scheme form the
second phase of a larger scheme, which will eventually enable access to the Deep Water Harbour (DWH) and complete the link to M4 junction 38.
It will establish a quality 'gateway' into Port Talbot; increase employment opportunities, relieve an access 'bottleneck' into West Wales and
beyond and enable environmental and safety improvements to be implemented in the town. So, the scheme provides access to development
areas and a sub regional link to the core network whilst overcoming capacity restraint on the local network, which precludes development of
Baglan Energy Park and other prestige development sites in the area.
3 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Neath Port Talbot Urban 1 Capital Key Fund £756,000 56207 20/10/2004 £1,080,000
The project seeks to establish and operate a community sector capital key fund for Prioity 3 - eligible wards within Neath Port Talbot. The key
fund will enable relatively small and under-resourced community sector bodies to more easily access ready-matched Objective 1 funds for capital
projects and will realise an additional £1.65 million in capital assets for the community sector in the County Borough through a match with some
of the Authority's LRF allocation.
5 6
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Neath Port Talbot Rural Capital Key Fund £226,800 56232 20/10/2004 £540,000
Project seeks to establish and operate a community sector capital key fund for Priority 5 eligible wards within NPT. The KF will enable small and
under-resourced community sector bodies to more easily access ready-matched objective 1 funds for capital projects and will realise an
additional £1.65 m in capital aaets for the community sector in the County Borough through a match with some of the LA's LRF allocation.
Project will remove a resources and skills barrier. Encourage and support local people in developing sustainable enterprises and activities relating
to employability and skills development.
2 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Baglan Sustainable Technologies Technuim £2,203,811 54658 27/01/2004 £8,659,119
The project is a partnership between Neath Port Talbot CBC, Welsh Development Agency, University of Wales Swansea and BP. This project will
create a Sustainable Technologies Technium on the Baglan Energy Park providing R&D and Innovation business support services within incubator
accommodation for growth companies in specific terget sectors. The project involves the construction of a high quality Technium building
together with the provision of the necessary development and support staff and services to facilitate the location of commercial R&D activites
within the Objective 1 area.
7 1
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Technical Assistance £375,000 53833 02/08/2002 £750,000
To provide a secretariat function for the Neath-Port Talbot Objective 1 Partnership
1 5
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Expansion of Infrastructure and Accommodation - Gurnos
Industrial Estate
£290,021 54257 11/12/2002 £725,052
The aims of this project are to create additional employment and improve the levels of disposable income in the Upper Swansea Valley by means
of an enhanced provision of industrial accommodation and industrial infrastructure at the Gurnos Industrial Estate.
1 5
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Providing Sites and Premises for SME's Phase 2 -
Sandfields Young Business Centre
£388,304 54060 13/09/2002 £970,762
The project aims to undertake a Phase 2 extension to the Sandfields Young Business Centre to provide additional accommodation to meet the
needs of SME's. In particular those that have been established and nurtured in the Young Business Centre as well as those seeking suitable
accommodation in the County Borough.
1 1
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Neath Port Talbot Econominc Development Grant £300,000 53441 15/05/2002 £900,000
The Neath Port Talbot Business Development Grant Phase II builds on the experience of Phase I of the project, which has proved to be very
successful in assisting in the development and growth of SMEs within Neath Port Talbot (for Phase 1 outputs/achievements to date, see Appendix
1). The provision of adequate funding for viable start-ups, existing businesses and small relocation projects, the creation of new jobs, helping to
diversify the local economy and improving accessibility to funding by the local community are the main objectives of the project. This will be
achieved through the provision of a package of funding aimed at both start-up businesses and indigenous companies employing up to 75 people.
The project will be delivered through the following framework: Business Start Up Grant: to assist individuals starting a new business within the
County Borough of Neath Port Talbot. The project will pay successful applicants £60 per fortnight, in arrears, for a period covering 52 weeks from
the confirmed start date. A bonus payment of £300 will be paid at the end of the 56th week of trading, if the applicant demonstrates that the
business is operational and solvent. The project is intended for people who are unemployed; under the threat of redundancy; returning to the
labour market or those intending to follow the self-employment route. All applicants participate in an intensive four-day Business Planning
Course and attend seminars that aim to give practical help in day-to-day business tasks such as marketing, bookkeeping, etc. Applicants are
monitored at intervals throughout the first year of trading to ensure the business remains viable. Business Development Grant: a maximum of
£5,000 to support viable capital investment projects. Available to both start-ups and indigenous companies employing up to 75 people. A
detailed description of the project is attached in Appendix 2. The project has been developed through the experience gained by the Economic
Development Unit, and in particular, through Business Connect Neath Port Talbot, our key partner in implementing Phase 1 of the project. To
date, the project has demonstrated that it has not only helped generate wealth and employment but has: · Addressed a gap in current provision,
i.e. lack of support for new business starts and smaller funding packages (less than £5,000). · Improved the competitiveness of business and the
creation of new businesses through a co-ordinated and focused business support, advice and training package through Business Connect Neath
Port Talbot. · Encouraged the development of an enterprise culture.
1 5
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Glynneath Workshops £20,000 52617 26/07/2002 £65,000
The project will provide *high standard upgrades to existing block of 6 units at the Glynneath Business Park (280 sq metres) *increased security
to the perimeter through the construction of a 2.4 metre high galvanised palisade fence and access gates *highway improvements to the
Business Park access road .
1 5
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Baglan Energy Park Phase 1 - Provision of an Energy
Efficient Advance Business Unit
£1,294,417 52610 25/03/2002 £3,767,705
Construction of a high quality energy efficient advance business unit on phase 1 of the Baglan Energy Park. The unit that will generate private
investment and employment and provide floorspace of 4,525 sqm situated on a prominent site of 3.8Ha within the Park.
5 6
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
The Redevelopment of Margam Park & Castle £1,371,083 56651 05/12/2005 £5,251,827
The redevelopment of Margam Park and Castle will support the development of the economy of the ward, partnership area and region through the
development of a significant sustainable tourism attraction, building on the historic and culturally important landscape, environment and
buildings. In ensuring the sustainability of operation, access and economic activity at Margam, the project will also protect and enhance one of
the most significant environmental assets of the region.
6 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Neath Town Centre - Launchpad for Regeneration £2,551,408 56258 02/01/2006 £8,493,063
Project to promote regeneration of Neath town centre; Townscape Improvements Street Frontages - Extension of Commercial Property Grant for
improvement of business premises. Heritage - creation of quiet public space around St. Thomas' Church Business Support - grant for developers
to redevelop former Liberal club for office space and former Bluebell Inn for a new hotel. Project will include creation of new public spaces hard
and soft landscaping traffic management street furniture grants for upgrading town centre business premises and heritage conservation.
4 4
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Margam Park Heritage Training Centre £300,000 56401 16/11/2005 £1,033,227
The project seeks to develop a post 16 training centre offering vocational, educational and training skills in heritage and conservation skills. The
centre will provide employable skills and experience to an area of higher than average unemployment. There is a shortage of such skills in the
market place generally and there is a marked lack of such training in Wales.
3 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
New Learning Network - Community Learning Plans £665,575 56939 13/10/2005 £914,252
The project will commission and develop detailed, holistic Community Learning Plans for 17 of the most marginalised wards in Neath Port Talbot.
These areas have high indices of multiple deprivation and all but four of them are designated Communities First areas. The purpose of the plans
is to improve the co-ordinated planning and delivery of learning activities and to increasingly improve the scope and responsiveness of
community based learning for those who are socially excluded and disengaged from the learning process.
3 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Resolven Integrated Childrens's Centre £1,221,875 56883 09/09/2005 £1,770,833
Project will contribute towards phase 2 of Neath port Talbot Integrated Childrens Centres Strategy, 2003, by establishing an ICC within the ward
of Resolven - Resolven ICC will bring together a range of integrated services that support children and their families needs including ;
childcare,family support,health promotion, open access play, educational opportunities and community training.
2 2 New Media Magic Ltd. Streaming Wales £463,699 52679 26/03/2002 £930,773
To imprve the competiveness of West Wales and the Valleys through the acquistion and use of cutting edge ICT and media knowledge and the
latest global techonlogies, to encourage a) tourism, b)inward investment, c)marketing capabilites of SME's.
3 3
Noddfa Chapel Community
Project Ltd
Volunteer for Success £89,474 54226 18/02/2003 £128,183
The project will promote the economic regeneration of Caerau by supporting the existing Noddfa Chapel Community Project and Bethel Chapel
Steering Group. The local volunteers have taken this community group as far as their abilities can take it and now feel that they need to employ a
co-ordinator to support and increase the potential of the local excluded people. The co-ordinator will do this by directing the group on how to
obtain grants, assistance to their own small projects. One local project recently started is a catering business, but it needs a business plan to
enable it to develop further.
6 3
North Wales Business
Technology Park Ltd
North Wales Business Technology Park £1,141,292 53990 20/11/2002 £2,881,452
The project, for which grant application is being requested, will be implemented in a single stage, creating the infrastructure for the whole site,
including improved access to the A547 link to the A55, all broadband piping, all general landscaping together with detailed landscaping for phase
one buildings.
7 3
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
North West Wales Private Sector Co-ordinator £40,000 53790 02/08/2002 £80,000
The project aims to provide a focal point for the private sector, especially SMEs, accross North West Wales to ensure as fulla participation as
possible, thereby helping in "developing a strong indigenous SME sector based aaround high value added sectors".
7 3
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Private Sector Facilitators £514,050 54488 03/03/2003 £1,028,100
To provide Private Sector Facilitators throughout the Objective 1 area.
7 3
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Additional Resource to Project Providers £220,695 57353 10/02/2006 £441,390
This new proposal will: Provide additional resources to Project providers to * Help the deliver results * Help increase project spending * Help
avoid de-commitment and potentia N+2 problems Support (WEFO) preparations for future schemes and programmes
5 6
North Wales Tourism
North West Wales Events Commission £1,222,500 55845 31/01/2005 £4,075,000
This project is a natural progression of a pilot project run by the Gwynedd Events Commission. The Commission's main aim is to strengthen the
appeal of the region as a location for staging major prestige events and to maximise the economic benefits for local SMEs and communities
throughout the region.
3 3
Sandfields Aberavon)
STRIDES(Sandfields Training Resource Initiative for
Developing Employment Skills)
£850,559 56885 08/09/2005 £1,273,089
STRIDES will create a community practical skill resource over three sites within the densely populated area of Sandfiels East and West i) engage
with those furhterest from employment ii) provide progression routes to employment iii) create a new creche facility to enable STRIDES to
engage with parents - participate in training/employment/community action.
Pembrokeshire Community Minibus Sharing Scheme
Development Project
£116,846 57045 18/11/2005 £221,674
This project will develop the community minibus sharing scheme in Pembrokeshire, whereby community minibuses are made available for use by
other community groups in their downtime. This will be achieved by acquiring one additional accessible minibus, implementing a system to
enable the sharing of information about vehicle availability, and developing the capacity to deliver driver training to the standard required of
groups hiring minibuses, through the scheme.
3 3 Pafiliwn Cyf Pantyfedwen Pavilion - A Catalyst for Regeneration £1,365,878 55204 16/02/2004 £3,230,659
To renovate the Pavilion in Pontrhydfendigaid, creating a 'new' venue for a wide range of events that will act as a catalyst for the regeneration of
the village and the wider P3 area of Ceredigion. The project will provide direct employment and will create spin off benefits through attracting a
significant number of visitors to the pavilion and village. Community action will drive forward this innovative approach to reversing the area's
economic decline, using the natural strengths of the area - its cultural diversity and environmental beauty.
2 2
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
1-2-3 to ICT - Acheivable steps to community involvement
in ICT
£160,918 55224 18/12/2003 £324,472
This project will build on a successful phase 1 project which supported 100 voluntary organisations and community groups in Pembrokeshire to
establish a web presence and created an exemplar County Voluntary Council website. This follow-on project will develop and support the
implementation of a portfolio of innovative on-line communication solutions including : 1 The development of a web based infrastructure to
enable effective communications online within and across groups. The infrastructure will incorporate a county wide communications hub
managed by PAVS which will provide information and image sharing, discussions groups, multiple event diaries, e-mail updates etc. Groups will
be offered an invitation to join the hub via e-mail, along with support and advice on obtaining e-mail accounts and internet access. This will be
the first stage in the 1-2-3 development process. 2 The provision of support groups in setting up their own on-line communities separate from,
but connecting into, the county wide hub. The development and oversight of this radial network will allow flexibility and scaleability according to
individual community needs. 3 The development and provision of short content creation workshops. The project will work with local providers
with specific guidance on creating websites accessible to all, incorporating best practise approaches and relevant legislation. This will support
those grouped in the more advanced stages from the previous projects. A research programme will run in parrallel to the development
programme. This will evaluate emerging ICT solutions in the light of developments within the voluntary and community sector, supporting
initiatives such as the promotion of a culture of social enterprise.
2 2
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Voluntary Sector IT Project £184,672 52763 01/08/2002 £392,003
The project will provide PAVS with the equipment to allow it to develop ICT and act as an exemplar to a netwotk of voluntary groups operating in
a periphal and rural area. The project will enable PAVS to: establish its own presence on the web, develop and maintain a portal to other relevant
sites locally and nationally, develop an online library of use of the voluntary sector, market the PAVS web server to the voluntary sector and
establish web sites for 100 local voluntary organisations.
3 3
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Pembrokeshire Keyfund £238,249 54076 10/09/2002 £433,180
The project aims to establish a Keyfund grant scheme in partnership with the spatially targeted wards to promote economic regeneration, support
community led activities, encourage use of existing facilities by various initatives i.e. arts, cultural and recreational.
1 3
Pembrokeshire Business
BusiNet (Pembrokeshire) £364,809 52608 14/11/2002 £797,745
The aim of BusiNet is to improve and grow the SME infrastructure in West Wales through supporting effective physical business networking,
encouraging networked business developements, maximising the involvment of SME representation and developing intertrading. The project will
ensure the widest involvement of services provided through the Business Connect Network. The project will inject resources and activities into
existing networks and networking events to ensure they can operate more effectively, provided enhanced value for members and enable inter-
network activities to take place thus eliminating duplication of activities. Resulting from such networking activities, business will also encourage
intertrading by providing the Business Connect service "Contract Shop" which has proven extremely effective in North Wales.
1 3
Pembrokeshire Business
Developing the Oil & Gas Supply Industry in Pembrokeshire £385,956 55161 20/07/2004 £785,422
The project meets the aims and objectives of the National Economic Development Strategy by developing the competitiveness of a number of
businesses in a specialist area with the potential for growth and diversification. The project links with the OB 1 SPD & Programme Complement
through supporting the growth of competitive SMEs. It will assist with raising GDP in the OB1 region closer to the level of the UK and Europe
raising the performance of less well off regions of Wales The project will fit with Strategic Theme 1 of the Business Services Regional Strategy,
provide high quality expertise to SMEs to improve their productivity, enabling them to become more competitive, exploit new jobs, safeguard
those that exist and accelerate company growth The project has also taken into account a number of strategic reports produced by the DTI with
regards to sustainability through diversity for the oil and gas supplies industry and also exploiting opportunities for environmental related
1 3
Pembrokeshire Business
Identification & Development of New Tourism Products &
Packages in Pembrokeshire
£148,653 55324 26/05/2004 £302,509
The project aims to assist micro and small businesses working within the tourism industry in Pembrokeshire to become more competitive by
developing a collective approach to build a more sustainable future. This project is driven by the private sector and their needs as identified
through focus groups and working in liaison with the public sector. The project focuses on developing a solid tourism base The project adopts an
innovative approach by working with the trade and other agencies to identify client need and aims to develop products and packages from this
research in liaison with the Regional Tourism Partnership and Pembrokeshire County Council. Pembrokeshire Tourism aims to design & assemble
these packages/products and deliver to the client, with the assistance of the other agencies involved. The emphasis is very much on 'what the
client needs, the client gets'
1 3
Pembrokeshire Business
Market Oppourtunity Development £449,369 54332 16/07/2003 £914,466
The aim of this project is to assist the competitiveness, growth and increased turnover of SME's in Pembrokeshire. This will be achieved by
ensuring SME's are able to access information, advice and assistance and skills to identify and act upon new opportunities through effective
market research and the development and implementation of marketing strategies to icrease market share and access new markets.
3 4
Pembrokeshire Business
Social Enterprise Business Support Services (SEBSS) £235,360 57067 15/12/2005 £362,818
The project aims to develop new businesses within the Social Economy through working with potential clients up to and through the business
planning process and beyond. Encourage sustainable growth in employment and income amongst businesses that operate within the social
economy, provide specialist business advice for social economy organisations that increase employment or provide economic benefitsby
assisiting social enterprises to grow and improve through the development of focused business plans and mentoring from personnel with the
knowledge to ensure social enterprise clients can run viable businesses which are suitable in the long term.
1 2
Pembrokeshire Business
Pembrokeshire B2B - Fostering Business Growth Through
£54,187 57308 10/11/2005 £130,008
The project will directly assist in the strategic aims of Objective 1 i.e. supporting a proactive, customer led business support service, assisting in
the development of employment growth and increased economic activity through developing a more competitive SME sector. A Winning Wales
The project involves a partnership combination of public, private, academic and voluntary sectors as identified in the 'Team Wales' approach, and
creates local business networking opportunities. The projects supports businesses by supporting new and existing growth sectors and clusters By
ensuring that the support available meets the needs of businesses. The project fits with the local Strategic Objective C: delivering Economic
Growth Based on Local Need , by supporting local businesses to exploit opportunities, improving competitiveness and broadening the county's
economic base. Pembrokeshire B2B seeks to build on the relationships already established to ensure that local companies have the best
opportunites to win business in the public & private sectors, working with both public and private sector companies to highlight future
5 6
Pembrokeshire Coast
National Park Authority
Pembrokeshire Landscape Gallery - St Davids £1,611,592 56909 10/07/2006 £3,270,506
The purpose of the project is to create, through an expansion and development of the existing National Park Visitor Centre - St Davids, a new
visitor attraction and cultural facility for the permanent exhibition of a selection of Graham Sutherland's paintings together with temporary
exhibitions of the work of contemporary artist, educational facilities and a cafe.
4 4 Pembrokeshire College The M Learning Project £206,809 56376 07/02/2005 £428,854
The aim of this project is to explore new approaches to open learning which maximises the use of new technology, for young people who are
outside mainstream education and training and are exposed to social exclusion.
4 4 Pembrokeshire College
Improving SME and Community Access to ICT and Wider
£44,824 52631 26/03/2002 £92,900
The aim of this project is to faciiltate access to ICT training for SMEs, particularly micro businesses, and those in Pembrokeshire who are unable
to access the facilities at the College sites. This will be achieved through the purchase of a vehicle which will be furnished as a mobile
classroom, the adaption of the College's trailer as a second mobile classroom and the purchase of the 9 laptop computers.
4 4 Pembrokeshire College Enhancing Technology Based Training Courses £41,538 52589 20/05/2002 £88,530
The aim of this project is to upgrade the learning resources used in the technology based training courses, thereby providing the 250+ students
who choose to follow these programmes with state of the art equipment with which to learn and train.
4 4 Pembrokeshire College
Development of the HNC in computer Aided Design for
Internet Delivery
£114,964 52713 26/03/2002 £244,100
The aim of the project is to develop the HNC Computer Aided Design (CAD) course currently run at Pembrokeshire College into an interactive
learning programme through the Internet.
4 4 Pembrokeshire College Phase 2 Pembrokeshire Technology Innovation Centre £496,038 54281 20/01/2003 £1,028,060
The aim of this project is to furbish a newly built innovation centre (Phase 1) with state of the art digital equipment and software and provide the
appropriate staff resources required to support the various training, education, technical support and consultancy initatives undertaken in the
new Centre.
4 4 Pembrokeshire College
Creation of the Pembrokeshire Technology Innovation
£768,000 52812 20/03/2002 £2,096,871
The project aims to create a Pembrokeshire Technology Innovation Centre to be based on the College's campus in Haverfordwest. To provide a
resource hub for the research, training and development needs of the local industry. To support the growing demand for higher education and
training in technology and stimulate higher value activity through the broad range of technology based HE level courses. The Innovation Centre
will house the following areas: 6 Business Innovation Units and Support Services 6 Workshops 4 CAD/IT suites and 2 Studios 4 Tutorial and
Lecture rooms. The facilities available to the firms who lease the Business Innovation Units will include Education & training and consultancy to
enable firms to achieve and sustain competitive advantage by implementing appropriate operational processes and information technology
solutions for their business. Advice on marketing an business structures. Secretarial service. ICT facilities Access to incentive and support
programmes. Technical Support. Preparation of the project brief will involve all potential users of the centre. On approval the construction
process will be design and build to a detailed specification.
2 2
Pembrokeshire County
E-Comm Support Centre £93,575 52801 20/03/2002 £187,150
This project is to provide the management support and running costs of the E-Comm centre at Cleddau Reach, to allow it to operate effectively
and provide a support service to SMEs using ICT. The E-Comm centre will provide 75 training places for employers and employees needing to
develop IT skills with specific focus on e-commerce and customer contact skills.
3 2
Pembrokeshire County
Tackling Social Exclusion in Bush and Park Estate £13,053 53710 20/03/2002 £24,910
The project will appoint a Development Worker to assist the steering group at Bush & Park Estate, Pembroke Dock, to formulate an overarching
community strategic plan. This capacity building will encourage the community to identify what action residents can take to address community
environmental concerns, such as poor housing and litter (including litter of substance abuse).
5 6
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire Marine Leisure Facilities: Phase 1 £149,303 53748 27/05/2002 £356,162
1st phase of 3 phase comprehensive scheme to enhance marine leisure facilities around the coastline as outlined in the 'Pembrokeshire Economic
Framework Strategy and Vision' document. Aim of project is to encourage water-borne tourists to visit small coastal villages in Pembrokeshire.
Phase 1 concerns the provision of improved landing stages in the Milford Haven waterway, replacing existing ones which are at the end of their
useful life. Project will contribute to lengthening the tourist season for coastal villages in rural Pembrokeshire.
7 3
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire SME Study 2001 £4,160 53739 02/08/2002 £8,320
The Pembrokeshire Partnership Management Boaard has determined that Technical Assistance support is required to carry out studies of
Pembrokeshire SMEs in order to inform the Local Strategy.The results of the study will also be made available to other partnerships whose work
may impact on the Pembrokeshire economy.
6 3
Pembrokeshire County
ICT Business Premises and Infrastructure, Cleddau Bridge,
Pembroke Dock
£1,034,677 53862 25/03/2002 £2,770,220
The aim of the project is to provide business premises for ICT based businesses, together with associated site infrastructure. The objective is to
provide major employment opportunities in high technology businesses in an area of high unemployment and serious social and economic
7 1
Pembrokeshire County
Technical Assistance £374,998 53835 07/07/2003 £750,000
To provide a secretariat function for the Pembrokeshire Objective 1 partnership.
1 1
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire Business Support Fund £247,584 52605 20/03/2002 £2,475,837
This project will establish a Pembrokeshire Business Support Fund, which will aim to provide financial assistance to the County's SMEs under a
range of grant schemes. The schemes are: Business Expansion & Regeneration Support - covering projects between £5,000 up to £60,000 and to
include renovation of conservation of buildings, new build and the purchase of equipment and machinery. Marketing Support - covering projects
up to £10,000 and to include support for improvement of marketing products, identifying market gaps, and marketing. Collaborative projects
from business consortia would be particularly welcomed. Technology and Innovation Support - covering projects up to £60,000 and including
ICT, web design, e-commerce, legal costs, patent costs, design drawings, feasibility studies, licensing costs and trailing or product testing.
Business Start-up Support - covering projects up to £60,000 for new businesses wishing to start trading, and to include support for equipment,
machinery and marketing. Training and mentoring will be an important criterion. Loan Fund - soft loans up to £20,000 Small Firm Wage Subsidy
1 5
Pembrokeshire County
Advanced Build Premises - Pembrokeshire £1,610,000 52620 20/03/2002 £4,025,000
The project will provide advanced build industrial units at a number of key industrial sites in Pembrokeshire in response to an acute shortage of
industrial premises. The types of units are as follows: small units ITC related, adjoining the "E" Commerce Training Centre at Pembroke Dock
industrial units to meet general needs at Pembroke Dock industrial units to meet general needs at Haverfordwest This will be provided with
supporting car park provision, service connections and landscaping.
7 1
Pembrokeshire County
ERDF Technical Assistance £82,295 53526 02/08/2002 £164,589
The application is to support the work of the Pembrokeshire Partnership Management Board (PPMB) during the years 2000 & 2001. The PPMB is
the local partnership reponsible for preparing the Objective 1 Local Action Plan for Pembrokeshire. Its Lead Body is Pembrokeshire County
Council who also provides the Secretariat for the Board.
5 8
Pembrokeshire County
Green Seas Beach Infrastructure £1,665,088 54362 08/04/2003 £3,626,051
To improve beach infrastructure in line with the Green Sea Development Strategy. The project aims to enable beaches to meet and improve upon
Blue Flag or Green Coast Award criteria.
2 5
Pembrokeshire County
Preseli Community Biomass Project £55,761 54393 14/03/2003 £102,787
The project involves the installation os sustainable carbon neutral heating to a rural community. This will be achieved by installing biomass
pellett boilers in the community centre / Secondary School, Leisure Centre and the Primary School. The aim is to provide 70% of the site's
heating requirements from a carbon neutral fuel and research potential for further similar projects.
4 4
Pembrokeshire County
Monkton Priory Community Learning Centre £251,931 55035 05/11/2003 £714,079
The aim of the project is to provide a community learning centre in Pembroke Monkton, which will provide access to learning opportunities aimed
at increasing local people's employability. The project will take the form of a community/extended school and will include access to ICT facilities,
basic literacy and numeracy, parenting skills and preparation to re-enter the labour market. Childcare will also be provided. The Learning Centre
will be a valuable resource for improving skills development and employability amongst the gypsy community.
1 1
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire SME support grant scheme £600,734 55152 16/01/2004 £2,361,375
This project will provide financial assistance of up to 50% of eligible project costs to SMEs in Pembrokeshire that are wanting to start up or grow
through a structured fixed asset acquisition plan or through strategic marketing and promotional activity. The project aims to assist SMEs to
obtain the necessary assets/facilities to enable their projects to become successful by reducing the financial risk to the business and by enabling
the required purchases to take place over a much shorter period. In this way the project is expected to positively contribute to raising GDP/head
in Pembrokeshire and facilitate employment growth within the county.
3 3
Pembrokeshire County
Bush Youth Centre £212,106 55504 02/03/2004 £406,488
The aim of this project is to develop an under-used, uninviting and drab Council owned building into a modern Youth Centre to service the wards
of Pembroke Dock Llanion and Pembroke Dock Central. The project is a response to a need clearly identified by the community for youth
provision and complements the approved Objective 1 'LLanion Youth Project'.
5 6
Pembrokeshire County
The Popworks, Fishguard. £155,956 55885 25/07/2005 £413,895
The aim of the project is to restore, refurbish and extend a former County Council building known locally as "The Popworks" to provide
accommodation for the Point youth project and other provision for young people. The Point youth project is currently accommodated in an
interim building elsewhere in Fishguard.
5 6
Pembrokeshire County
Fishguard Cultural and Community Centre. £320,120 55887 22/12/2005 £1,296,092
The project aims to develop an under-used building in the centre of Fishguard into a busy tourist attraction - providing a permanent home for the
Last Invasion Tapestry and a Community Centre - allowing the community to develop activities, improve local skills and develop more events that
will contribute to the local economic development of the town.
6 3
Pembrokeshire County
PEMBROKESHIRE TECHNIUM DEVELOPMENT £4,203,000 55961 31/03/2005 £11,455,194
The aim of this project is to construct a high specification Technium building at Cleddau Reach, Pembroke Dock. This is to accommodate facilities
for academia and dynamic high growth SMEs (primarily those working in fields related to power and energy) and to faciliate knowledge creation
between the two.
3 2
Pembrokeshire County
St Dogmaels Community Development Officer. £26,348 55922 27/07/2004 £37,640
The project will appoint a Community Development Manager who will provide hands on support and will identify and access funding for key
projects and potential community enterprises to benefit the villages of St Dogmaels, Moylegrove and Nevern and other smaller communities, all
of which lie within the St Dogmaels ward. The appointment of a community based officer will help to maximise opportunities for regeneration via
social, economic and environmental initiatives. The officer will work on the basis of recent community appraisals and action plans.
4 4
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire e-learning Portal £135,959 56379 09/02/2005 £327,894
The aim of this project is to establish the Portal for adult education across a wide range of subject areas, providing a variety of learning tools and
resources in ways peronalised to the learner. The target groups expected to benefit from this project will include those from geographically
disadvantaged communities in Pembrokeshire, and those who are socially excluded.
2 3
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire Technium Facilitation £697,520 56455 04/04/2005 £1,393,020
The aim of this project is to construct a high specification Technium building at Cleddau Reach, Pembroke Dock. This is to accommodate facilities
for academia and dynamic high growth SMEs (primarily those working in fields related to power and energy) and to facilitate knowledge creation
between the two. There is also a likelihood that academia - business links in the aquaculture sector will be forged at the Pembrokeshire
3 2
Pembrokeshire County
Monkton SHARP Project (Retrospective) £19,976 56373 01/09/2004 £27,631
Community development and capcity building work carried out in the Pembroke Monkton ward. A collaboration between community, statutory and
academic partners to develop and evaluate a healthy living approach to community development. The approach focuses on the needs of
communities as effectiveness for participants, targetted groups and the wider community
7 1
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire County Council Technical Assistance 2005 -
£349,209 57267 23/09/2005 £490,339
To provide secretariat services to the Pembrokeshire Partnership Management Board, the Pembrokeshire local partnership for Objective 1. To
provide aftercare support to approved project sin the Pembrokeshire area.
7 3
Pembrokeshire County
PEMBROKESHIRE SME SURVEY 2005 £7,175 57110 06/05/2005 £14,350
The purpose of hte project is to carry out a survey of SMEs in Pembrokeshire. This data will be used primarily by the Pembrokeshire Partnership
Management Board in order to better manage and evaluate the progress of the Objective 1 Programme in Pembrokeshire. The data is also
required in order to compare the results with those of the previous survey of SMEs carried out in 2003.
3 4 Pembrokeshire Frame Limited FRAME 'Bridging the Gap' £81,808 55981 28/10/2004 £212,244
The delivery of this project will address the second aim of the Priority 3 Measure 4, by allowing sustainable growth in employment and income to
take place, in an established social economy business. Pembrokeshire FRAME Ltd (FRAME) is a social business that provides therapeutic work and
training opportunities to individuals recovering from, or suffering long term ill health or having a learning disability.
3 3 Penrhys Partnership Trust A Sustainable Penrhys Village £314,010 53812 06/08/2002 £832,854
Since 1991 Penrhys Partnership has developed an integrated programme of community regeneration activities. The purpose of this project now is
to consolidate and build upon these achievements. The first phase is to employ new staff to develop, co-ordinate and deliver the 'Penrhys Action
Plan', whilst safeguarding existing staff and programmes. The programme has been developed following consultation with employers, community
education, local schools and high tenant participation. This project will be run in conjunction with Communities First project and is Revenue only.
3 3
Penygraig and District Boys
and Girls Club
Focus £469,800 56428 04/04/2005 £701,817
The project is designed to provide a modern refurbished, fully accessible building at Penygraig, Williamstown, Rhondda Cynon Taf, from which a
wide range of community provisions (including learning, training and employment opportunities) will be available.
3 3 People and Work Unit Communities Can Build It Too £478,358 56456 30/11/2004 £692,758
The Build It project began in 2002. To date, it has focused developing construction skills and experience, with the intention of participants using
their new qualifications to benefit the local community. The Communities Can Build It Too project intends to direct the beneficiaries of the Build
It project into applying their skills to specifically help local community-led organisations, including improving their buildings and spaces so that
they better meet local needs, and with project staff acting as role models.
3 3
Phoenix Community
Development Trust Ltd
Phoenix Centre Facilities £162,722 56479 26/11/2004 £232,461
The aim of this project is to promote community activity and ensure that the Phoenix Centre plays an active and major role in supporting the
regeneration agenda for the area by providing flexible supported venues for meetings, training, special events and shared space and information
resource, where agencies and the community can work together for the benefit of the area of Townhill & Mayhill.
3 4
Phoenix Community
Development Trust Ltd
Phoenix Business Development Project £35,055 56927 12/03/2007 £54,000
The aim of this project is to provide a robust business/financial development and management resource to the CDT to ensure the future
sustainability of the CDT as a social enterprise, which can co-ordinate and progress community economic regeneration activity in the
Townhill/Mayhill area.
3 3
Phoenix Community
Development Trust Ltd
Phoenix Community Development Trust £320,248 53550 26/03/2002 £457,497
Engagement of paid staff to help the voluntary management board in the running of the Phoenix Centre
5 6 Planed Sustainable Rural Tourism £62,000 55351 04/05/2004 £147,620
This project will provide resources for assistance to local people to come together to identify opportunities for tourism based on the
environment, culture and heritage of Pembrokeshire; product and market research studies to assess the potential and feasibility of new
opportunities for rural tourism development and support for new and existing interest based networks to enable effective implementation of
sustainable rural tourism opportunities.
3 2 Planed Maenclochog Community Support Worker £50,084 55011 29/09/2003 £75,584
The project will appoint a Community Support Worker who will assist the communities within the Ward to develop and implement community led
sustainable actions that have been identified in Local Action Plans. The Community Support Worker will also provide support through community
forums/groups to ensure that all members of the Community are actively involved and participating.
1 2 ProMo Cymru Ltd ProMo - Young Entrepreneurs in Culture Industries £286,195 54218 15/11/2002 £575,557
ProMo will provide a tailored package of mentoring support, business planing advice and development services to individuals or groups wishing
to develop thier cultural ideascthroughthe creation of small businesses.
3 3
Pwyllgor Institiwt Corris
Institute Committee
Corris Institute Regeneration £291,245 56466 16/03/2005 £418,790
The purpose of the project is to renovate the Corris Institute, a listed building that has fallen into disrepair, as the focus of involvement and use.
It meets all 3 identified aims of Priority 3, Measure 3: improvement of existing community services; provision of advice and support to tackle
crime; improve community and mainstream services which contribute to the greater involvement in community life of excluded sections;
community environmental enhancement project.
3 3 Pwyllgor Neuadd Goffa Sarn Extension to Sarn Mellteyrn Memorial Hall £106,233 56889 01/06/2005 £173,385
to follow
3 3
Rhondda Community
Business Initiative
Community Regeneration Grid - Phase 2 £338,808 56870 25/02/2005 £575,198
The project intends to build on phase 1 of the Community Regeneration Grid, including the improving and developing three Boys & Girls Clubs,
helping to create a new Environmental Initiatives Centre, and providing support for the development of several environmental, cultural and
recreational activities, leading towards further community enterprise developments.
3 2
Rhondda Community
Business Initiative
Rhondda Community Development Association £351,043 53915 26/03/2002 £586,783
This is a plan phased over 3 years which will develop 4 ICT linked Neighbourhood Regeneration Centres in the wards of Pentre, Llwynypia, Ystrad
and Tonypandy. The centres will be open to the public for a minimum of 20 hours per week and wil provide a community regeneration
infrastructure by developing, supporting and catalysing community regeneration processes.
3 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
CREDIT UNION CONSOLIDATION PROGRAMME £68,000 53950 04/10/2002 £126,295
This project will enable Rhondda Community Credit Union to Purchase and refurbish a property located in Treorchy to provide an Administration
Headquarters for Rhondda Community Credit Union, the Rhondda Cynon Taff Forum of Credit Unions together with the capacity for meetin g the
requirements of current merger proposals. The project will enable Rhondda Community Credit Union to move from their current leased premises
that are prone to flooding and currently suffering from an influx of raw sewage. The identified property will provide enhanced office
accommodation for the credit unions general manager, administration officer together with credit union nad community volunteers. The property
is ideally located for serving the needs of current and fiture members residing in the spatially targeted areas of the credit unions geographical
common bond. The property will be refurbished to meet the needs of credit union volunteers and members in terms of meeting rooms, training
facilities, disabled access, reception area, interview rooms and access to information. A consultation document is currently being prepared
regarding the merger of all RCT Credit Unions that will result in one credit union to serve the whole area. The identified property has the capacity
to deal with the administrative and IT requirements associated with the merger proposals. It is understood that the property is based in Treorchy
which is not a spatially targeted area within Rhondda Cynon Taff. WEFO have been consulted on this issue and have agreed that the project can
be submitted on the basis of the costs being apportioned based on the membership of those who live in the spatially targeted areas.
7 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Technical Assistance £375,000 53837 06/05/2003 £750,000
To provide a secretariat function for the Rhondda Cynon Taff Objective 1 partnership.
3 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Community Voluntary Action Fund £350,000 52937 25/03/2002 £500,000
Part of an RCT fund toalling £4.5m - ERDF to be £2.25m, to despense funds throughout RCT to voluntary sector and community groups. The fund
has been piloted for one year within Rhondda Cynon Taff and has proved to have been very beneficial to those groups and organisations who
have been successful in securing grant support.
3 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Trebanog Regeneration Strategy £389,500 52939 25/03/2002 £734,028
This project will meet the strategic aims by developing and supporting a community actions and participation. The programme will build the
capacity of individuals and community groups. The project will facilitate and support the delivery of services at a local level and therefore make
them more acessible. A community resource base will be created which will offer access to information and services. A multidisciplinary team
will encourage and support community led action.
3 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Facilities for the Future Penyrenglyn Project £548,385 52943 20/03/2002 £794,761
The project is submitted by Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council on behalf of Treherbert and District Regeneration Partnership, which
includes representatives from the tenants, voluntary groups active ;in the community and statutory organisations working in the area. This
application has two purposes one to develop new weekend activities and increase the activities and services available to the people of this
exceedingly deprived community. Secondly it is to complete the internal conversion, upgrade the centre and to provide exterior improvements
and facilities for use by the whole community.
3 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Credit Union Strategic Growth Programme £66,476 52945 25/03/2002 £126,476
To employ administrative officers and general managers at five credit unions located within RCT. The aim of which is: to promote and develop
credit union financial services to residents throughout the targeted areas; to promote capacity building within communites; and to increase
demand of providing a professional and efficient service. To employ 10 staff
1 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
S M YMLAEN £1,418,750 52586 27/03/2002 £5,587,500
A co-ordinated series of measures which will greatly contribute to the economic, environmental social fabric of RCT. The scheme will focus on
the key areas of SME growth and development needs through promoting, new methods of trade and commerce and encourage environmental
efficiency, to ensure future competitiveness of the SME base of the area.
7 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
ERDF Technical Assistance £100,000 53525 02/08/2002 £200,000
The application is seeking technical assistance towards the secretariat resource for the RCT Local Action Plan Partnership. Progress has been
made towards forging the Strategic Renewal partnership and a robust and integrated system of administration and joint working has been
established. However, the bulk of this work is being developed and facilitated by officers of RCT and this limited resource is streched to capacity.
5 6
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
CREDIT UNION RURAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY £34,000 53603 27/03/2002 £90,952
Promotion of credit union services in isolated rural communities
3 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Community Voluntary Action Fund £350,000 53339 25/03/2002 £546,875
The Community Voluntary Action Fund, is, as described, a Fund that will be made available to voluntary and community groups operating in
Rhondda Cynin Taff. The Fund has been piloted for two years within Rhondda Cynon Taff, and has proved to have been very benecial to those
groups and organisations who have been successful in securing grant support. The application seeks to enhance the Fund by targeting the most
disadvantaged areas, as identified by the Local Strategic Renewal Partnership as being eligible for Priority 3. The Fund willl operate across two
Measure 3 and 4 suporting projects that meet the objectives of these measures as below: Encourage the participation of local people in a wide
range of community activities Address the causes of local social or environmental problems Improve the local physical and cultural environment
Increase access to services in marginalised communities Support community enterprises and initiatives which promote cultural activities and
community participation Develop and support community business Encourage sustainable growth in employment and income amongst community
business Increase community access to alternative finance The Fund will operate as follows: Applications being submitted to the local authority
Applications checked for eligibilty in accordance with criteria Applications are then assessed by the multi-disciplinary team who trhen make
recommendations for approval All applicants ar then informed of the decision, whether successful or not Successful applicants are then
"allocated" to co-ordinating officers within the authority for on-going support and assistance Successful applicants are also montored and
evaluated in relation to their projected outcomes
4 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Coffee and Craft Shop in Talbot Green £174,574 54728 23/09/2003 £375,834
The project will provide a learning facility in the form of a commercial enterprise. It will provide the infrastructure and support to expose people
with learning disabilities to real work situations and real employment and increase the chances of gaining long term employment. The project
will act as a pilot which if successful can be rolled out in other areas of RCT. The consortium established to develop a strategic approach and
develop learning opportunities for people with learning disabilities in the RCT area will oversee and support the project.
3 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Community Regeneration Fund (3.3) £476,106 54748 07/11/2003 £833,228
The Community Voluntary Action Fund is grant scheme available to voluntary and community groups operating in Rhondda Cynon Taff, who
would otherwise have difficulty accessing Objective 1 funds. This project seeks to conitnue the succesful phase 1 of the project which secured
Objective 1 funds in August 2001. The fund operates across both measure 3 and 4. The objectives of this project are to: Encourage the
participation of local people in a wide range of community activities Address the causes of local and social or environmental problems Improve
the local physical and cultural environment Increase access to services in marginalised communities Support Community enterprises and
initiatives which promiote cultural activities and community participation.
3 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Community Regeneration Fund £296,231 54749 29/10/2003 £486,662
The project is a second phase grant scheme open to voluntary and community groups operating in the spatially targeted areas of Rhondda Cynon
Taff, who would otherwise have difficulty accessing objective 1 funds. Projects seeking grants must meet one of the objectives below: Develop
and support community businesses Encourage sustainable growth in employment and income amongst community businesses Increase
community access to alternative finance
1 5
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
PORTH PLAZA - PREMISES FOR SMEs £393,178 54336 23/05/2003 £1,018,368
The project provides 279m2 of floorspace of flexible accommodation, for the establishment and development of businesses in the media and
communications sector. The extension is being sited on a derelict retail site and is therefore re-development of a brownfield site. It will be an
architecturally striking building and will provide ICT infrastructure suitable for the target users. The Local Authority (as applicant) will be
responsible for the new facility but it will subsequently be leased back to Avanti Media Group. There will be client support on offer in the building
and the premises will be fully serviced. Avanti plc will run the facility making full use of the partnership approach that has been reflected in the
development of the project to date. A section of floorspace (380m2) will be set aside for childcare provision although the management of this
provision is not included in this bid. This bid is dependent on a second bid: together they form a wider scheme for this building. The remainder
will provide a variety of learning opportunities (using media techniques) to deliver a progressing scale of skills. The provision of SME premises
will enable entrepreneurship opportunities in the media and communications sector to be provided as a natural progression from the learning
activities and, in this respect, the scheme is innovative in its approach. The costs associated with this project are an apportionment of the overall
building costs (broadly based on the usage of space) and this application represents approx 30% of the total costs.
4 4
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
PORTH PLAZA - LEARNING CAFة £891,019 54337 23/05/2003 £1,909,255
The project provides approx 1,200m2 floorspace providing a Learning Zone, a learning environment Café and administrative space (to support
these activities) through the redevelopment of a derelict building with high quality ICT infrastructure adjacent to the Pop Factory in Porth. Its aim
is to attract those disengaged from existing learning opportunities. Ownership of the refurbished building is with the sponsor and will
subsequently leased to the training providers. This bid is a conjoint application under Priority 1 Measure 5 for SME units within the premises
enabling entrepreneurship opportunities in the media and communications sector. These activities are to be provided as a natural progression
from the learning activities and are an integral component of the overall scheme. In this respect, the approach is innovative but means that
neither bid can proceed independently. The Learning Zone will comprise of 20 networked kiosks which will make available digital media training
materials alongside staff support and interactive capabilities. The Learning Environment Café is a starting point for informal learning. It will
provide an education and training environment aimed at learners at all levels where disengaged youth can be re-engaged in the learning process
based around the areas of digital media and pop music. The learning outcomes currently agreed will be accredited through Pontypridd College
and include Key Skills at Level 1, entry level qualifications (Level 0) in Media Studies, entry level credits for some Skillset qualifications (the
national vocational training body for the media industry) and some entry level life skills such as First Aid, Health and Safety etc. The costs
associated with this project are an apportionment of the overall build costs (broadly based on the usage of space) and this application represents
approx 70% of the total costs.
1 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
S M Ymlaen - Phase 2 £259,233 54623 16/07/2003 £1,024,639
The projects aim is to focus on the growth of SMEs throughout Rhonnda Cynon Taff, through promoting new technology, new methods of trade
and commerce. It also aimes to promote environmental efficiency and to ensure fututure competitiveness of the SME base of the area.
5 6
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Community Regeneration Fund - Rural Development £156,508 55380 18/04/2005 £372,637
The project will assist local rural communities and businesses in the spatially Targeted areas of measure 6 to contribute to the sustainable future
of their local communities. The project will operate as a Key Fund providing a mix of capital and revenue grants to community groups and SMEs
who have innovative and creative ideas in termsof raising economic activity rates through the development and adaptation of their local rural
communities. The fund will operate on an open bidding process with application being assessed against set criteria in line with the requirements
of the RCT Economic Regeneration Startegy supported by the requirements for the operation of EU Structural Funds
2 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Virtual Communities Programme £783,000 55670 02/08/2004 £3,200,000
This provides the Capital element of the Virtual Communities Programme. The project intends to provide broadband connectivity to all
communities in Rhondda, Cynon, Taff, with onward broadband access to the Internet via a dedicated "Community" 100mb Point of Presence
(POP). Access will be via 1,000 networked community access points, a pilot scheme of access via interactive digital TV and 53 public access
terminals. Content and services provided will include 12 local Community portals, an Area Regeneration Partnerships extranet, RCTv - a dedicated
television channel for Rhondda, Cynon, Taff, a further 3 Community of Interest portals and syndicated and non-syndicated content. Portal tools
will be provided including Homepage wizards, self publishing, registration, and management information
2 2
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Virtual Communities Programme (Supporting Measure) £471,484 55671 02/08/2004 £1,063,000
This provides the Revenue element of the Virtual Communities Programme. The project intends to provide broadband connectivity to all
communities in Rhondda, Cynon, Taff, with onward broadband access to the Internet via a dedicated "Community" 100mb Point of Presence
(POP). Access will be via 1,000 networked community access points, a pilot scheme of access via interactive digital TV and 53 public access
terminals. Content and services provided will include 12 local Community portals, an Area Regeneration Partnerships extranet, RCTv - a dedicated
television channel for Rhondda, Cynon, Taff, a further 3 Community of Interest portals and syndicated and non-syndicated content. Portal tools
will be provided including Homepage wizards, self publishing, registration, and management information
3 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Creative Communities £469,811 57076 19/10/2005 £679,811
It is intended that Creative Communities will be a strategic capacity building programme of arts and cultural activity within the Priority 3 areas of
Rhondda Cynon Taf, engaging people in rebuilding communities through the arts.
6 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Mountain Ash Regeneration Strategy £930,000 56301 05/04/2005 £1,500,000
AS part of the £20m Mountain Ash Regeneration Strategy, this project will provide; Environmental enhancements in the main shopping street To
support to local businesses to renovate the facades of their buildings The creation of a town centre community riverside park.
3 3
Rhondda Housing
Action for Change £157,452 55883 17/01/2005 £228,048
This project will be based in Llanharry and will help residents develop initatives for all ages within a marginalised community with a view to
fostering the aqcuisition of key skills amongst residents, imrpvoing the environmnet and devloping employment opportunities.
3 2
Rhondda Housing
Opportunity, Self Reliance and Growth £233,702 54902 21/07/2003 £320,755
This is the second phase of a highly successful project. The project will develop opportunities in disadvantaged, marginalised communities with a
view to capacity building within the community and enabling tenants of the Accociation to participate in the wider Partnerships. The project will
safeguard the posts of a Community Development Worker and Youth Worker and also run a mobile ICT training suite on board a playbus which
will allow parents to learn while children are on board being supervised by qualified staff and volunteers. Various other activities will be run in
partnership with other agenicies and organisations at different locations. The project will seek to support parents through parenting support,
promotion of early learning opportunities for positive play and volunteering. The project will increase community involvement in planning
community initiatives and engaging with local regeneration partnerships including Communities First. It will promote access to services and work
between generations to break down stigma and mistrust.
3 2
Rhondda Housing
Working Together - Rhondda Housing Association £98,537 52926 27/03/2002 £201,249
The project will support local groups of tenants to identify activities and actions that can take place on their estates which strengthen the
capacity of individuals and groups to build skills, confidence and capacity to develop sustainable future plans and programmes. Rhondda Housing
Association provides essential housing services to local people in housing need - the vast majority of whom are not economically active - and
recognises that its tenants face major problems of exclusion. Local people will be invloved with planning and running a package of capacity
building activities on Rhondda Housing Association estates in the area. These activities could include - *advice and information sessions
*community development training *information and technology basic skills courses *support for lone parents *creche facilities *play workshops
*helath promotion sessions
2 3
Royal National Eisteddfod of
Support for the science and innovation section of the
National Eisteddfod of Wales
£59,500 52710 01/08/2002 £119,500
Development of a small science section as a vehicle for promoting innovation throughout Wales but especially amongst young people
4 4 RTTM Ltd Summers Day Nursery £236,088 52689 25/03/2002 £579,056
Renovation of existing building (Brown Fields site) to be used a creche facility serving community and industries of mid-Torfaen. Project involves
direct employment of qualified staff who will also act as trainers for local people on child care courses at local college. Principal aim to provide
affordable child care enabling residants to obtain employment, training or self employment thus addressing social exclusion, encouraging new
economic activity within mid-Torfaen.
1 3 SA Partners Creating Lean Enterprises £1,292,873 54889 10/09/2003 £2,631,000
The project aims to increase the sustainable competitiveness of SMEs in the Objective 1 region through the introduction of Lean Thinking
1 2 SA Partners Good to Great £1,079,995 57143 08/12/2005 £2,108,229
'Good to Great' is an innovative business improvement programme designed to deliver high impact business growth that will out perform the
market. It is a combined precess improvement and leadership programme designed for SME's and delivered across Objective 1 area. It will
enable participating companies to drive through best practice process improvement techniques using leaders and managers from all employee
levels to produce sustainable business result.
3 3 Safer Merthyr Tydfil Community Development via Neighbourhood Wardens £621,004 56888 26/07/2005 £892,096
Neighbourhood Wardens will provide a visible, uniformed prescence in the community. They will improve the quality of life in the most deprived
neighbourhoods by increasing community confidence and reducing the fear of crime. Wardens will be based in Community Safety Advice Centres
in each of the nine Communities First wards where residents can access community safety advice and equipment. The centres will also act as an
additional community resource by providing partner agencies with an outreach base, eg Victim Support, Shopmobility, South Wales Police, Credit
Union. Wardens will act as enablers not enforcers. The project will build capacity within the 9 Communities First areas by creating employment
and training opportunites, increasing community confidence and community involvement. 10 additional wardens will be recruited locally.
2 3 Sarvari Research Trust
Development of a Research Based Seed Potato Production
Industry in North Wales
£349,303 55768 05/01/2005 £999,882
The Project will establish a new Seed Potato Production Industry in North Wales harnessing the output from the R&D programme of the Research
Trust. The Research Trust will assess and refine new organic seed potato varieties, licensed from Hungary, selecting those with the greatest
commercial potential for micropropogation and commercial seed production. It is envisaged that at least 10 new potato varieties will be tested
annually with one or two being prepared for National Listing (IP protection) and commercialisation. The project will establish a new network of
Seed Potato Producers in North Wales providing high quality seed stock to the growing organic movement in Europe. Following this initial phase
a separate marketing and supply company will be established in North Wales to service commercial markets. In pursuing these objectives the
Project will undertake a rigorous research programme to determine the basis of the natural disease resistance within the Sلrpo varieties.
5 6
Saundersfoot Harbour
Environmental Impact Study Saundersfoot £10,480 53768 13/11/2002 £25,000
Undertake environmental impact analysis into main proposal to impound the tidal harbour so as to maintain a permanent depth of water to
address serious silting problems and increase mooring capacity by 50%, so increasing business and activity around the harbour.
5 6
Saundersfoot Harbour
Hydraulic Modelling of Harbour Saundersfoot £20,960 53769 13/11/2002 £50,000
Undertake a hydraulic modelling of the harbour to understand the consequences of the proposal to impound the tidal harbour so as to maintain a
permanent depth of water and increase mooring capacity by 50%, so increasing business and activity around the harbour.
2 2 SCT (UK) Ltd WASP 1 £1,935,424 54293 26/11/2002 £3,942,964
The specific aims and activities covered by this project application are to provide and implement all hardware, software and infrastructure that is
requores to implement the project and fund the benficiary companies invloved for the project lifetime.
3 4 Seren Cyf Cylch yr Efail £376,891 56873 28/11/2005 £645,083
To establish a craft and recycling interpretation centre in blaenau ffestiniog, which will generate new job opportuniities for carers and people
with learning difficulties.
1 2
Sirius Business
Transformation Team
Sirius Business Transformation Process £232,625 57206 11/10/2005 £452,000
The purpose of this project is directly aligned to the 10 year economic development strategy of the Welsh Assembly Government.
5 6 Slebech Park Ltd Slebech Park Conference and Interpretation Centre £1,026,410 53546 18/08/2003 £3,961,189
The construction of an Interpretation Centre, to provide accomodation and state of the art conference and training facilities.
3 4 Small World Theatre Ltd Canolfan Byd Bychan £855,060 57060 13/09/2005 £1,268,583
This project will create a purpose built centre of excellence for social inclusion/community arts activities on the Theatr Mwldan site. The project
will provide a range of community and educational facilities for amateur drama groups, community groups, educational bodies and artists. Small
World Theatre will use the new facilities to develop and deliver workshops and projects within Priority 3 communities.
5 6
Snowdonia National Park
Snowdon Summit £4,216,000 56653 06/01/2006 £8,138,000
The project involves the demolition of the existing building and replacing it with a new building designed by the project-winning architects,
Furneaux Stewart. The new summit building has been designed to have minimal environmental impact and to provide a visitor experience
commensurate with the unique and special qualities of its location.
1 3 SPARC Inclusive Tourism For All £14,147 54219 14/11/2002 £29,400
This project will provide 'inclusivity audit' , together with high quality business advice and support for 50 tourism SME's.
5 8 SPARC Countryside For All Greenways Infrastructure £63,335 54050 24/09/2002 £134,042
The project will promote the sustainable development of environmental resources and improve the quality of environmental recreation through
the development of a new phase of "Greenways" infrastructure across Pembrokeshire in order to stimulate the rural economy and increase social
well-being. This will be done by enhancing the opportunities for walking, cycling, and countryside access for all by developing new strategic
routes linked to an enhanced public transport infrastructure. The production and distribution of accessible route guidance/interpretation material
will also form part of the project.
1 1 SPARC Inclusive Tourism For All - Small Grant Scheme £26,781 52775 20/05/2002 £76,518
This project aims to develop further opportunities through"Inclusive Tourism For All", which is linked to and dependent upon, a further bid into
Objective 1 for a grant package which will enable participants in the training course to implement their action plans. This project aims are: To
improve the economic sustantability of 60 small tourism SMEs in Pembrokeshire, in the first three years of the programme To raise awareness of
the real needs of people with disabilities and the potential benefits this "market" offers to businesses To enable Pembrokeshire to provide a more
inclusive holiday offer Innovative tourism marketing opportunity
1 1 SPARC Environmental Tourism For All Small Grant Scheme £26,781 52768 26/03/2002 £76,517
The main aim of the project is to assist in "greening" a network of tourism businesses in pembrokeshire to improve their economic and
environmental sustainability in addition to contributing to the overall improvement of the environment. Objectives include "Greening" a network
of tourism businesses in Pembrokeshire to improve their economic and environmental sustainabilty to develop an innovative tourism marketing
opportunity raise awareness of the benefits of "green" tourism to business encourage existing businesses to undergo a "green" audit encourage
businesses to adopt and implement action plans to work towards a "greener" future to provide a grant to assist in the implementation of the
Action Plan support and advise on grant applications made to implement action plans support the "green" network of businesses to facilitate a
network of green tourism businesses in association with the development of a new tourism opportunity
Integrated Quality Management of Tourism Destinations:
£22,475 52746 25/03/2002 £47,575
The main purpose of the project is to assist in supporting the County Council in working towards "Green Destination" status, The project
objectives are: To fund Pembrokeshire Community Regeneration Initiative To establish an Environmental Destination Management Group To
appoint an Environmental Destination Manager Their role shall be to apply the Green Globe 21 framework
5 8 SPARC Pembrokeshire Greenways Promotion £65,441 54744 09/06/2003 £138,500
To promote recreational access to all into the Pembrokeshire countryside using sustainable models of transport, specifically walking, cycling, bus
and train travel. The project will accommodate those with disabilities. This application links to the SPARC/PLANED Objective 1 bids supporting
the development of "Quality Niche Tourism" (5.4) and "Countryside For All - Greenways Infrastructure" (5.8).
5 6 St Davids Cathedral The Cloisters Project £415,368 55288 18/08/2004 £1,950,801
The Cloisters Project will re-create the 14th century Cloisters, demolished in the 17th century, which used to link the Cathedral with St Mary's
Hall. The new Cloisters will be built on the footprint of the original Cloisters, and like the original, the West and East Cloisters will be of two
storeys. The new Cloisters will not only provide some 100m2 of additional space in the upper storeys but will, by restoring the link between the
Cathedral and St Mary's Hall, make underused space in St Mary's Hall accesseble.
3 3 St Joseph's Church in Wales
St. Joseph's Heritage & Environmental Community
Resource Centre
£478,861 56886 12/12/2005 £690,823
It is intended that the premises of the St. Joseph's Church in Wales, Cwmaman, will be turned over for community usage. Although the facility
will still benefit from the active support of the remaining congregation, its primary usage will be for community benefit. It will be a flexible
spatial facility, with scope for functions including education, culture and tourism.
3 3
St. Johns Community Hall
Management Committee
Pride in Our Community - Phase 2 £41,855 55977 29/10/2004 £59,235
The project is intended to sustain the continued employment of an experienced, fully commited Community Development Worker who will
organise, administer and oversee the utilisation of St John's Community Hall to its full potential for the benifit of the people of Pembroke Dock
Central & llanion Wards focussing upon maintaining & developing initiatives to meet identified needs including the support of women, youth,
ethnic minorities, people with poor health, disabilities and persons of disadvantaged circumstances..
3 3
St. Johns Community Hall
Management Committee
Pride in our Community £25,679 54707 06/12/2002 £36,341
The employment of a Community Development Worker to organise, administer and oversee the utilisation of St. John's Community Hall to its full
potential, with particular emphasis on developing initatives to support women, young people, ethnic minorities and people with poor health and
disabilities. The Community Development Worker will promote the development and growth of local community groups through partnerships and
best community practice.
6 1 Stena Line Ports Ltd Expansion of Port of Holyhead £3,500,000 53959 13/11/2002 £12,300,028
The construction of a new two-tier access ramp and associated infrastructure in Holyhead Port to increase the capacity of the Port and therfore
allow the deployment of new, much larger, Ro-Pax ferries on the route to Holyhead - Dublin.
6 1 Sustrans
Completion of the Celtic Trail - National Cycle Network
Routes 4 & 47
£2,064,385 55413 18/06/2004 £9,140,704
Project Description The project is to complete the second phase of the Celtic Trail, a way-marked cycle route running 377 miles across South and
West Wales between Fishguard and Chepstow as shown on the attached plans. The trail comprises Routes 4 and 47 of the UK National Cycle
Network (NCN). Its first phase was completed in June 2000 and opened as part of the first 5,000 miles of the NCN. The Celtic Trail is one of the
six flagship projects that were funded under the former ERDF Objective 2 Programme for Industrial South Wales. Match funding was provided
through the Welsh Office Capital Challenge scheme, Sustrans' Millennium Commission grant and other sources such as the WDA and the Wales
Tourist Board. The Celtic Trail is already an established strategic transport facility that has provided the framework for the development of new
connecting cycle routes in many of the communities through which it passes. It includes links to public transport interchanges, places of
employment, schools and other local amenities and, therefore, has a very important everyday transport function. It is also a major strategic
tourism facility that attracts tourist visitors from all parts of the UK and overseas.
3 3
Swansea & Brecon Diocesan
Board F.S.R
St Stephen's Development Workers Project £94,328 57069 09/09/2005 £134,755
Once St Stephen's community resource facility is completed this project will provide the support staff necessary to deliver the training and
community support services for all the community. The project will employ a full time worker, a part time outreach worker and a part time
childcare provider. As well as service provision the staff will ensure the smooth running of the centre.
4 4 Swansea College Multi-Media as an Innovative Tool for Learning £40,085 52696 02/05/2002 £100,213
To provide a coherent focus and aid transitional development for potential and practising Designers to engage in New Media and Digital
Technology and address the skills shortage in this area. The project will assist in widening the access to learning accommodating the necessity
for outreach facilities within the locality offering specific methods of delivery.
4 4 Swansea College National Culinary Centre for Wales £201,647 52602 26/03/2002 £515,929
The project will be part of a phased approach and will seek to create two centres of excellence for the training and support of those involved in
the preparation presentation and servicing of food in the hospitality industry in Wales.
4 4 Swansea College Meeting the Demands of Learning Opportunities £69,921 52655 02/05/2002 £174,803
The project will provide innovative delivery techniques and ICT developments to enhance access to learning facilitating the delivery of vocational
and key skills in the Swansea area. It will assist in widening the access to learning accommodating the service within the locality at a variety of
community and outreach centres which are situated in the peripheral sites in Swansea or on the Colleges main campus.
3 3 Swansea CVS Swansea P3 Community Action Fund £201,188 53534 25/03/2002 £291,513
to provide an easily accessible, flexible local grant fund which will support the development of voluntary and community groups.
3 3 Swansea CVS Better Swansea Compact Development Fund (BSCDF) £733,500 56826 04/05/2005 £1,047,857
The purpose of the Better Swansea Compact Development Fund is to provide a grant scheme to support the development of voluntary and
community groups in the City & County of Swansea, particularly those focusing on community economic regeneration and social inclusion.
2 3
Swansea Institute of Higher
Creative Industtries Research and Innovation Centre
£1,626,285 56578 26/07/2005 £3,318,950
Through co-operation with private and public organisations, Swansea Institute of Higher Education (SIHE) will develop a dynamic and
sustainable Creative Industries Research and Innovation Centre to exploit research at SIHE and encourage high level R&D, innovation and
business success in film, video, new media, design, publishing, visual art, applied art, craft, photography and illustration. CIRIC will be a state of
the art R&D facility in a refurbished and extended building on the Dynevor School site, Alexandra Road, Swansea. CIRIC with be equipped with
the latest technology to support the region's Creative Industries sector. The project will energise a cluster of new and existing SME's by fostering
R&D partnerships for the creation of high quality contemporary products, processes and services.
1 2
Swansea Institute of Higher
The Achievable Access Project £292,470 57264 13/09/2005 £597,000
This unique and innovative project is a logical progression from the existing Enable Wales, Removing Barriers in Tourism project utilising
knowledge and experiences gained to provide tourism businesses in Wales with in depth and practical advice on growing their businesses
through attracting and satisfying this relatively new market.
1 3
Swansea Institute of Higher
Tourism for all £258,586 53755 15/07/2002 £526,223
The project will connect the Tourism industry in Swansea with an untapped market by working with Tourism service providers and disabled
groups to identify and understand factors influencing or preventing the disabled from taking holidays or short breaks. Specifically the services
and support offerd to businesses through this proposal would provide the essential externality in areas of operations that SME owner/managers
are often unable to access without such additional support. A key aspect of this will be the research into "best practise" elsewhere in the world,
which will faciliate alternative view points and approaches when considering the suitability of the facilities and support services presently
4 4
Swansea Institute of Higher
Sony Centre for innovation in Photography and Video £1,576,820 55277 05/05/2004 £3,218,000
The Sony Centre for Innovation in Photography and Video (SCIPV) aims to provide state of the art facilities in photography and video in a
refurbished and extended building of approximately 1000 sq metres on the Dynevor School site. This project will meet the objectives of Priority
and Measure by upgrading learner support facilities (a specialised ICT centre) for SME's and community groups. Provision will be flexible and will
create a foundation for life-long learning through community accessibility and other outreach activities. It has strategic importance through the
integration of education services, community development and business development thus improving the supply of skilled employees and
6 1
Swansea Institute of Higher
Swansea Bay Sustainable Travel £36,750 55798 04/08/2004 £105,000
The Swansea Bay Alternative Travel Forum consists of the City and Council of Swansea, Swansea College, Swansea NHS Trust, Swansea Institute
of Higher Education and the University of Wales, Swansea and various travel groups such as Wheelrights, Sustrans and First Cymru. The Forum
promotes the awareness and uptake of sustainable travel options within its organisations, which contain altogether in excess of 60,000 people;
staff, students, patients and visitors. It published the first sustainable travel leaflet in Wales in 2000, is the first Welsh public private car sharing
consortium and is seen as a role model in effective travel planning and partnership-working. The central local planning authority is Swansea. The
main organisations involved are: City and Council of Swansea, Swansea College, Swansea NHS Trust (Singleton Hospital), Swansea Institute of
Higher Education and the University of Wales, Swansea.
2 3 Swansea University
Aquaculture in Wales - University of Wales, Swansea ( this
project links to Project Ref 52737- WDA Aquaculture)
£1,197,867 54996 19/06/2003 £2,401,898
Aqualculture Innovation -the development of an ecologically sound and sustainable aquaculture industry for Wales. The project aims to initiate
the strategic development of integrated commercial fish and shellfish production units, linked to aquphonic and hydroponic horticultural
production and the creation of both fresh and saline wetland habitats which have ecological waste removal and tourism potential.
2 3 Swansea University DIPLE Printing Technology £1,104,492 55051 05/07/2004 £2,070,277
This project will aim to match companies to growth areas identified by the Printing and Coating Forum Strategic Summit. The 5 technological
areas forecast to grow are: Digital Technology and Colour Control, Industrial Printing, Packaging, Lean Manufacturing and Environmental
Improvement. An integral part of the project is the development of strategic marketing support with the target companies in order for them to
realise their full potential. Support will be given to companies to address marketing issues and help them identify markets and invest time in
marketing and business planning. The level of support given will be tailored to the needs of the company.
4 4 Swansea University Connecting Communities Cymru £1,148,409 53906 13/09/2002 £2,380,123
To provide a South Wales Wide network for community based education that meets the needs of communities requiring access to ICT based
training. The network will enable 12 established community centres located in the most deprived areas in Objective 1. It will present new ICT
assisted learning opportunities in isolated communities working closely with the Community University of the Valleys (CUV) Partnership.
2 3 Swansea University Digital Technium £4,436,955 54018 01/08/2002 £9,703,700
This project will create a Digital Technium and will form an integral part of the emerging network of Techniums across the South West Wales
region. The Digital Technium will be linked to Technium 1(the hub of the network) and will be active exclusively in digital technology supporting
the ongoing growth of that economic sector in Wales.
2 3 Swansea University IP Wales (Phase 1) £1,065,021 53611 13/06/2002 £2,132,411
IP Wales will identify and support SMEs in the Region that are in need of assistance with the protection of their IP. The project will: - ¨
Encourage small and medium sized enterprises pan Objective 1 Region to generate and protect their intellectual property (IP) ¨ Support the SME
in this process ¨ Offer financial assistance to offset initial costs ¨ Encourage and assist the SME in exploiting existing support mechanisms to
maximise the commercial benefit of the IP to the business and to the regional economy.
2 3 Swansea University
Pembrey : A Centre of Excellence in Performance
£1,065,879 52719 11/06/2002 £1,961,860
This first phase is the development of the project and is exclusively revenue in nature. This phase will facilitate the human and physical
resources necessary to design and plan in detail
2 3 Swansea University Institute of Life Science £6,000,000 56574 24/08/2005 £17,009,000
The Institute of Life Science (ILS) is a key part of the strategy intended to make Swansea and the region the home for a vibrant and dynamic life
science cluster. The ILS will co-locate in the one integrated high quality environment a range of world-class multi disciplinary research and
development activities. These activities will have direct relevance to the health-care sector. However, new innovations in the sector are
increasingly multi-disciplinary in nature. The ILS will create an environment where 'the whole is greater than the sum of the parts' and will
deliver further impetus to the knowledge economy in the region and nation. The Institute of Life Science (ILS) is a partnership between Swansea
University, the WDA and the Swansea NHS Health Trust. In addition to these three core partners a number of public and private sector
organisations have contributed to the development of the initiative and they and others will continue to participate in a range of projects to be
undertaken at ILS. The Institute of Life Science (ILS) has the following aims: 1. to co-locate a number of life-science related research centres of
excellence in the one high-quality multi disciplinary research environment, 2. to establish a business support structure with the goal of ensuring
that the project delivers maximum benefits to the knowledge in the region and Wales as a whole, 3. to construct an 'incubator' for micro-
companies within the Institute and establish a seamless link between that incubator and the wider Technium network, 4. to ensure that the
project becomes self-sustaining within a three year period and establish the appropriate special purpose vehicle to deliver that sustainability
while protecting the mission.
2 3 Swansea University Institute of Advanced Telecommunications - IAT £5,233,000 56584 10/11/2005 £11,234,000
IAT will be a Swansea based world class hub for telecommunications, long and short term R&D, technology transfer, postgraduate training and
spin-off activities unique in Wales and the UK to the benefit of the local and national economy
3 2 Sylfaen Cymunedol Cyf. Sylfaen Wledig £225,288 54092 04/11/2002 £309,207
The aim of the project is to build capacity of the disadvantaged via the community based actions to reduce social deprivation. This will be
achieved by increasing capacity and skill levels to enable (through community partnerships) to participate and influence activities which affect
their lives. The objectives are to provide consistent and regular support for community groups to identify social, economic and environmental
needs and develop the confidence to find local solutions Provide consistent and regular support for young people to identify social, economic and
environmental needs and develop the confidence to find local solutions. Provide accredited training for community groups in community
development skills which include community profiling, community needs analysis, implementing change ensuring that all work is underpinned by
equal opportunities and an awareness of the environment in which they live. Also training in the development of support networks and
information gathering across wards and geographical areas through the use if ICT: Provide accredited training for young people in capacity
building and community development skills and develop their confidence and ensure that they have the opportunity to take part in local decision-
making. Provide support and advice for agencies on including community groups and young people in their day to day work and provide
opportunities to work together. Create local partnership structures between voluntary and statutory agencies, the private sector, community
groups and young people which are based on equality, mutual respect and inclusion and whose role is to facilitate the development of the work
of the community group and young people by providing specialist support, resources, worker time and the capacity to attract funding. Establish
strong working relationships with disadvantaged groups (both of interest and geographical) to alleviate poverty and create equality of
3 2 Symud Ymlaen Llangeler Community Initiative £114,368 55501 03/03/2004 £171,053
The aim of the project is to employ a full time development officer and part-time administration officer for the Llangeler area, who will facilitate
voluntary and community groups within the Llangeler area to fully participate in commuity partnership and local community initiatives. This will
be achieved through the development officer undertaking the following actions: · will provide the local community with a dedicated community
development officer and base within the community · will create a single point of contact for information and help for community groups and to
provide a focal point for a range of projects that will support both community and economic regeneration and a centre for the parish of Llangeler
· will assist community groups to co-ordinate, resource and action the community needs as identified in a number of local consultations, such as
the APPLES and the Teifi Area Community Appraisal. · will assist in building the capacity of local groups and will aid the process of both
economic and community regeneration and support the process of capacity building within the parish· · To put in place the essential building
blocks to raise economic activity and job creation within the parish by supporting and encouraging the development of community enterprises· ·
To deliver 'hard' targets in terms community led services and 'soft' targets in terms of empowering and enabling of local people to sustain their
own communities.· · To assist the community to help tackle their own problems and find local solutions· · Encourage partnership working
between local groups and organisations and minimize any duplication of resource allocation and effort· · To add value to existing structures, eg:
the Teifi area facilitator, to provide a simplified way for communities to get involved in developing and delivering their projects · · To create a
sustainable partnership involving voluntary, public, private groups for the purpose of developing and implementing action for community
regeneration ·
3 3
Taff Ely Crime Prevention
ReCTify - Community Employment, Safety and
Regeneration Scheme
£346,763 54698 03/02/2003 £834,171
The project is a mechanism whereby individuals and groups in the community can work with established partnership organisations (such as
neighbourhood watch schemes) to identify community improvement measures which will specifically identify crime prevention measures both in
terms of practical activities and wider community actions and strategies. The project includes an element of capacity building within the
community and this project can be seen as a stepping stone to the possible development of the organisation in the future to providing a service
as a community enterprise. In the short term, the project will engage local people in a variety of practical community safety measures. For
example, the project includes capital monies for safety lighting (ie that which is outside the scope of statutory provision) and other physical
crime prevention measures for individuals and their environment. It will enable to community as a whole to address the fear of crime as
disincentive to employment and investment in the area. The project will employ 4 posts delivering advice, promoting the scheme, developing the
organisation and undertaking the practical measures.
5 6 Taliesin Trust Ltd TY NEWYDD WALES £375,000 55417 14/10/2004 £2,305,754
This project aims to sustain and develop Ty Newydd as a quality resedential writers centre as a national resource which sustains local businesses
within the supply chain throughout the year. Specifically this project will improve existing buildings as well as provide new build at Ty Newydd,
including providing accommodation for the disabled as well as for course tutors.It will also open up the centre to a wider client base with a new
heritage element. These improvements are vital to the long-term sustainability of the centre as well as to the sustainability of other local
businesses.The project will also increase niche tourism and wider investment in the local economy generally. This application forms phase 1 of a
two phase project ( the 2nd phase will include a new build to provide further access and facilities for disabled people as well as an innovative
new build extension to the centre of high environmental standards). However this phase of the project is able to stand alone and can deliver
distinct outputs in terms of jobs and the economy.
3 2
Telecentre and Business
School Ltd
Community Action Development and Regneration for
Employment (CADRE)
£110,928 54244 06/03/2003 £152,247
Develops an existing community enterprise & training organisation - Telecentre and Business School Ltd (TABS) into an ability to be involved
with wider economic and social regeneration. The project will employ a Community Projects Officer and Administrator to develop links with Area
Regeneration Partnerships. The project appears to intend to undertake a measure of training as part of its activtiies.
3 4 Telynau Teifi Telynau Teifi £871,527 55241 17/12/2003 £1,894,898
The formation of a non-profit community business to manufacture concert and celtic harps in the Llandysul area. Project will acquire suitable
premises and employ and train local people in the necessary skills of high quality batch production harp making.
5 6 Tenby Events Management Tenby Town Partnership & De Valance Trust £165,113 55050 27/07/2004 £518,342
The Partnership would act as a forum for the co-ordination and development of a programme of events, as an important part of the 'offer' to
visitors and hence the economy of the town. The project also includes the support of the De Valence Trust who will be responsible for the
development and management of the De Valance Pavilion - a theatre and community building.
1 2
The Bridge Marine Science
Business Group
the Bridge Marine Science Buisness Group £348,140 57204 09/05/2006 £741,306
The purpose of the project is to develop competitive SME's in North Wales, raise the profile of the area for marine science excellence and halt
thw economic migration of talented marine scientists away from North West Wales.
3 4
The Coalfields Regeneration
Coalfields Social Enterprise Development Grant Scheme £921,023 56427 15/03/2005 £1,419,795
The purpose of the project is to provide a grants and support package for the emerging social economy in the coalfields areas of Wales. This will
be a one-stop option that will offer new and developing social buisnesses a range of support mechanisms that can be tailored to meet the needs
of individual applicants.
1 5 THE ETHOS GROUP LIMITED ETHOS £2,589,137 56287 04/07/2006 £7,397,535
The ETHOS building will provide new, modern, well-equiped, high quality office space with access to the latest ICT. This project will provide
4,477 square meters of floorspace for 10-12 indigenous SMEs and conference facilities.
2 3
The National Botanic Garden
of Wales
Cambrian Ventures - Revenue £278,431 52767 20/03/2002 £520,820
This proposal constitutes the revenue element of the first phase of the innovative Science Centre development at the National Botanical Garden of
Wales (NBGW). The first phase - capital was subject to a successful ISW 97-99 application for the construction of 12 specialised incubator units
for 48 science entrepreneurs in the fields of technology and environmental technology. Revenue funding is now sought to support the capital bid.
3 4 The Rhoserchan Project Purchase of New Premises for Rhoserchan £550,000 57059 19/10/2005 £1,118,200
The project will enable this social enterprise to purchase new premises to continue and develop its services in helping socially excluded and
economically inactive people back into employment opportunities. The Rhoserchan Project is a residential centre which primarily assists people in
drug rehabilitation, focusing on employment, education and training opportunities. The project will contibute to the overall economic
development of the region by relying on local suppliers and services, as well as by employing local people wherever possible.
2 3
The Wales Environment Trust
Business and the Environment: Market Development for
Secondary Materials in Welsh Manufacturing.
£618,000 52815 26/03/2002 £1,315,000
This project will: - · Stimulate the development of markets for added value products manufactured from recyclates; · Help overcome the barriers
to the use of recyclates as feedstock to the manufacturing process; · Identify profitable reprocessing technologies which may be considered
innovative in Wales but which are tried and tested on other parts of the world and will assist SMEs with their adoption; · Stimulate the use of
secondary materials in Welsh manufacturing in ways that are appropriate to the area and that are sustainable for the SMEs.
1 3
The Wales Environment Trust
Creating Welsh Markets for Recyclate, CWMre £1,070,585 55678 10/06/2004 £2,458,294
The aim of the project is to provide a specialist business support service which will proactively engage SMEs and enable them, by creating and
demonstrating markets for their products and services, to capitalise on the commercial opportunities of using recyclate as feedstock in new
technologies and manufacturing processes. The support will be long-term and comprehensive: from increasing awareness and attitudinal change,
through identifying the technologies and technology transfer to specialist business support including assistance with future, new product
marketing. The key objectives are to: - identify commercial opportunities in the waste technology business sector - help start-ups and existing
companies take advantage of the opportunities - provide comprehensive 'specialist' business support from technology transfer to marketing of
the products.
5 6 Theatr Mwldan Theatr Mwldan Development Projects £1,619,522 52668 21/03/2002 £7,697,446
The project is the physical development of Theatr Mwldan and renovation of disused farm building to create a high quality creative and media
industries growth node or cluster. This will ensure the creation of a new, local, rural economic development centre to encourage diversification
and growth in new markets with new skills and products.
2 2
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Community Portal £95,102 52628 13/06/2002 £195,400
The project will provide a community portal and infrastructure which will serve all wards within Torfaen and also has the potential to support the
development of other regional/national portals and positions Torfaen on the map as part of an all Wales network. The primary objective of the
project is to develop a practical, inclusive and holistic approach that will energise, encourage and empower the communities and commercial
interests of Torfaen by providing a focus, stimulus and capabilty for personal, commity and business development through effective use of ICT
1 5
Torfaen County Borough
Gilchrist Thomas Industrial Units Blaenavon £695,272 52623 22/04/2002 £1,755,737
The project will develop a 0.87 hectare site on the gilchrist Thomas Industrial Estate in Blaenavon for employment use. The development will
comprise a range of 4 starter units and 13 growth business units ranging from 50 sq metre to 200 sq metre in three blocks. The blocks will be
designed to allow maximum flexibility of internal layouts to meet growing business requirements
1 3
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Business Support Unit £155,990 52591 16/04/2002 £342,681
The project aims to provide a proactive impartial and independent support service to assist business start-up, growth and diversification. The
project will develop a business support unit providing a single contact point for customers. The unit will draw on existing staff and will provide a
comprehensive range of advice and support at every stage of business development and growth.
1 1
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Business Support Unit (Grants) £311,071 52596 25/03/2002 £2,103,392
The project will develop a business support unit providing a single contact point for customers. The unit will draw on the exisiting staff in
Torfaen CBC economic development department and Newport and Gwent Enterprise. It will provide a comprehensive range of advice and support
at every stage of business development and growth. The advice and support will focus on those areas identified in the recent research
undertaken on business support needs.
7 1
Torfaen County Borough
ERDF - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE £100,000 53612 02/08/2002 £200,758
To allow Torfaen CBC to undertake secretariat function on behalf of the Local Partnership.
7 1
Torfaen County Borough
Technical Assistance £375,000 53822 02/08/2002 £762,956
The Lead Body will provide the secretariat function for the Torfaen Objective 1 Partnership
1 1
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Business Support Unit: Grant Scheme £311,071 54376 13/01/2003 £2,046,247
The provision of proactive impsrtisl snd independent grant support service to assist business start up, growth and diversification - To supply
financial support to viable business start up and to existing SMEs to ensure survival growth and diversification. - To provide a comprehensive
and impartial advice service to local businesses. - To provide support programmes to enable the birth, growth and diversification of businesses. -
To promote activities aimed at women to improve the number of companies beign created by women. The business support unit will provide
financial support by way of grants to assist companies start up, grow and diversify.
5 6
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Rural Key Fund £332,000 55811 08/09/2004 £790,476
The project will establish a fund to enbale capital and revenue grants to be awarded to community-led economic regeneration projects that seek
to enhance the quality of life and strengthen economic capacity within rural communities in Torfaen. Successful applicants to the fund will be
organisations that are undertaking activities that improve the economic circumstances of their community.
6 1
Torfaen County Borough
Cwmbran Interchange £1,087,425 55790 10/11/2004 £3,037,500
The aim of the project is to significantly increase the use of public transport in the Cwmbran area and to reduce growth in traffic levels and
congestion on the main road corridors The proposed actions of the project are divided into four main categories: 1. Passenger Facility
Improvements · Provision of a new station building incorporating a ticket office, toilet, passenger waiting area · A new waiting are on the
southbound platform 2 2. On Site Interchange Improvements · A formal taxi and 'kiss and ride' set down and pick up area in front of the station ·
Creation of a bus interchange facility · Additional CCTV cameras · New secure cycle parking · Additional park and ride capacity · Improved
information and signage giving passengers details of all available modes of transport 3. Sustainable Access Interchange Improvements · New
signed pedestrian and cycle routes to the town centre and adjacent residential and employment areas · A quality bus network that will improve
the local bus networks to the east and west of Cwmbran 4. Bus Service · Extension and revision of existing urban routes within Cwmbran to
serve the station
3 3
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Community Key Fund £580,682 55903 09/02/2005 £821,797
This project will estbalish a fund to enable capital and revenue grants to be awarded to comunity led projects that seek to enhance the quality of
life and strengthen capacity within communties in the Torfaen P 3 and Communities First areas. Successful applicants to the fund will encourage
paticpation of local people in activites that imporve thier socio-economic circumstances.
1 1
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Local Business Support Grants Scheme £281,250 56080 01/11/2004 £1,565,357
The project is a 2 year continuation of the Council's successful local grant scheme. The current scheme will create 300 jobs levering £1 million of
private sector investment. The business grant support service offers impartial, proactive help to assist business start ups, growth and
diversification in Torfaen. The scheme fills an important niche in the wider public and business support offering and meets proven need. The
rationale of priority 1 describes the importance to the regions economy of the development of competitive SME's - their expansion will improve
the prospects of economic growth. The low rates of self employment in the valleys are also highlighted. The rationale call for the development of
a greater range of financial support for new and existing firms, Measure 1 of priority 1 develops this theme to ensure that SME's have access to
appropriate finance to enable them to grow into successful and viable businesses. The project will contribute to the delivery of the aims and
targets of the priority and measure through the provision of business grants by the Councils Economic Development Business Team. Activities to
be supported will include business planning, capital investment and marketing, investment in ICT and environmental technologies. The Grants
will be delivered to SME's, both start up and existing and there will also be a focus on business finance for women and community enterprises.
The grants will create new businesses, new jobs, increased turnover and improved use of ICT.
5 8
Torfaen County Borough
Informal Recreation - Sustainable Opportunities £301,053 55000 01/12/2003 £640,948
The aim of the project is to identify, develop and promote opportunities for visitors and local people to enjoy the countryside in Torfaen through
informal recreation activities, in a sustainable manner.
1 5
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Innovation Centre £1,740,528 54750 15/07/2004 £4,351,320
The project consturcts a high quality Innovation centre that will provide incubator units and facilities for Buiness Advisory services. 1.3 HA of
land will be developed and 2,550 sq m of premsies constructed. This will create 300 jobs over 3 years.
2 2
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Community Portal Phase II £361,897 54682 19/05/2003 £721,198
This project is intended to be funded by two measures (P2M1 and P2M2) and each application should be considered taking into account the
'sister' application. Overall the project has been developed directly from the outputs of the year 1 pilot. The aim of the project is to ensure that
Torfaen exploits the potential of ICT to deliver sustainable improvements in economic and social prosperity to achieve a better quality of life for
its citizens. The project will directly increase the awareness, understanding, adoption and integrated use of ICT across the area and in so doing
drive up the demand for ICt services in turn stimulate its supply.
2 1
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Community Portal Phase II £332,193 54656 19/05/2003 £915,565
This project is intended to be funded by two measures (P2M1) and (P2M2) an each application should be cnsidered taking into account the
'sister' application. Overall the project has been developed directly from the outputs of the year 1 pilot. The aim of the project is to enusre that
Torfaen has the appropriate infrastructure to exploit the potential of ICT and deliver sustainable improvements in economic and social prosperity
to achieve a better quality of life for its citizens.
1 5
Torfaen County Borough
Gilchrist Thomas Phase II £659,008 54328 12/05/2003 £1,650,408
Development of 0.34 hectare brownfield site on the Gilchrist Thomas Industrial Estate in Blaenavon for employment purposes
1 2
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Innovation Centre Support Services £81,029 57255 07/09/2005 £672,861
The project has been created to significantly improve the lives of Torfaen residents by the development of an Innovation centre and the creation
of a vibrant entrepreneurial culture. A Local Entrepreneurship Action Plan based upon gaps identified in the mainstream business support services
will be created and implemented via partnership working.
4 4
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Learning Network £78,087 56378 11/03/2005 £161,838
The purpose of this project is to improve the learning systems within the County Borough by widening access to both guidance and particiaption
in lifelong learning. Consequently, more people will develop the vocational and transferable skills they need to improve their employablioty. This
will be achived by creating a network of multi-agency Satellite Learning centres, progress of which will be monitored and supported through
links with wither established, or soon to be established Learning Action centres (LAC's)
5 6
Torfaen County Borough
Blaenavon Marketing £100,057 56646 07/06/2005 £255,900
Events driven programme to market the area of Blaenarfon as a tourist attraction.
4 4
Tourism Training Forum
Training Through Interactive Television for the Tourism
£60,320 52813 11/06/2003 £134,044
The project is a pilot for a potentially much bigger piece of work that aims to provide a much more extensive and sophisticated range of learning
opportunities for SME business development using the medium of interactive television
5 6 Trac Mon Limited TRAC Project £1,359,647 55420 16/03/2006 £4,038,566
The aim of the project is the development of a dynamic, competitive ,innovative and world-class motorsport facility which makes full use of
modern technology.
3 3 Tredegar Development Trust Catapult Community Resource Centre £232,036 55228 16/01/2004 £392,036
The aim of the project is to renovate the Catapult building to promote and support the participation and development of local people and
community groups in a wide range of community-led initiatives. It will run concurrently with an ESF project that will fund the revenue needed for
the staff. The building is to provide dedicated facilities, such as consultancy rooms for advice workers (eg Help the Aged, Mental Health groups),
informal learning provision in music, art and IT, and training providers and ELWa will facilitate the delivery of HE and FE courses through the
centre. As well as these facilities it is intended to build upon their job support service to enable people to generate quality CVs, search for job
vacancies and complete application forms.
3 4 Tredegar Development Trust
serving the community-development of businesses in the
social economy
£106,362 53692 20/12/2002 £163,962
this project offers the third way of dealing with job creation/protection by providing services and human resources development opportunities
not usually associated with the traditional business activity.
3 3 Tredegar Development Trust Building Powerful Communities £300,084 57134 09/06/2005 £411,864
The project is intended to build on past successes of the Trust and strengthen it's structure and capacity to deliver better services and improved
2 3 TWI Ltd
TWI Technology Centre (Wales) - a Centre of Excellence in
NDE and Asset Management
£2,718,657 55010 12/11/2003 £5,494,729
TWI Technology Centre (Wales) will consist of expert staff and laboratory facilities specialising in Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) and asset
management, both of which are key to safe operation and innovation across all industry sectors. TWI Technology Cente (Wales) will become
TWI's main centre for NDE and asset management expertise. It will be equipped with technologies that are not duplicated elsewhere in TWI, and
will recruit staff locally who will become world- class experts in applying these technologies across all industrial sectors. Innovative research will
be undertaken in the Centre and in co-operation with Welsh Universities, and a technology transfer programme will be run to help Objective 1
area SMEs adopt new technologies from both the Centre and TWI's wider portfolio. What is the aim of the project? To establish a world class
centre of expertise in Non-Destruction Examination and asset management in Wales. NDE and asset management technologies are essential for
the design, construction and efficient operation of structures from aircraft to process plant, as well as the range of mass and specialist production
industries such as automotive, electrical and electronic, optoelectronic and consumer goods. Linkage will also be provided to the joining and
materials expertise available in the TWI group of companies What precisely will the project do and deliver to achieve this aim? TWI Technology
Centre (Wales) will provide benefit to businesses in the Objective 1 area through the development and introduction of new innovations,
technology transfer, skills development and participation in the activities in the technology centre, ECM2 in Port Talbot (Note: it is anticipated
that a separate application Objective 1 application will be made for ESF support for the training element) The project involves three innovative
programmes of activity: * NDE application - developing and applying the techniques needed by modern industry as products and industrial
demand evolve * Asset management - combining engineering, financial, economic and management disciplines in new and innovative ways to
ensure the most cost-effective operation of plant * Technology Transfer - supporting manufacturing industry with access to the latest and most
appropriate techniques in NDE, asset management, joining and materials by internet based knowledge supply, face to face consultancy, best
practice technology support and technical feasibility studies. The project will be implemented in four simultaneous phases: · An infra-structure
sub-project will fund the capital and revenue costs of setting up and operating TWI Technology Centre (Wales) in the ECM2 facility in Port Talbot.
Included in this part of the project will be the purchase of state of the art NDE equipment. · The three innovative programmes of activity
discussed above. During the start of the implementation of the project, significant senior management expertise from TWI Ltd will be available to
the project to ensure certainty of success.
2 3 TWI Ltd NDT Validation Centre £488,014 56587 01/02/2006 £1,663,014
This project will build on the existing activities of TWI Wales at ECM2 in the Objective 1 area to establish a Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
Validation Centre for industries using pressure equipment (e.g. oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation) or safety-critical engineering
components (e.g. aerospace, automotive), manufactured from metals, polymers and composites. In particular, the new Centre will form part of
the UK's National Composites Network, and will be part-funded by the DTI as a Centre of Excellence under that scheme. The Centre will work
with Welsh Universities and wider networks of expertise to set limits to safe operation of NDT. It will engage with industry (LEs and SMEs) to
revise testing methods, procedures and management practice, and will also liaise with regulators to ensure standards are modified in line with
best practice. The major impact of the project on Welsh industry will be a step-change in the scope of TWI Wales' existing remit, bringing not
only increased jobs to the ECM2 Centre, but also an enhanced opportunity for safe operation and industrial innovation that will benefit Welsh
industry in general. The new Centre will become recognised nationally and internationally as a Centre of Excellence in its own right.
3 4 Ty Tawe Society Ty Tawe Phase 2 £166,938 57265 06/11/2005 £245,497
The aim of the project is to build an extension to the Ty Tawe Community Centre. The main aim of the organisation is to promote the Welsh
culture and language. This project will provide more meeting rooms for community groups; improved teaching facilities for Adult Education
classes; additional office space for Mentrau Iaith community enterprises and an expanded community bookshop and cafe facility.
3 2 Ty Tawe Society Welsh In The Community £82,945 55974 11/01/2005 £115,202
The aim of the project is to give guidance and practical support to Swansea's deprived communities to enable them to improve their capacity. It
will promote and facilitate opportunities to learn and use Welsh in these communities in order to improve skills, strengthen identity and build
confidence. It will also work with the marginalised Welsh community of interest in the 9 deprived wards in Swansea to enable individuals to
become socially engaged and improve their language and communication skills. The project also aims to enable community partnerships to work
bilingually in order to combat social exclusion. Furthermore, it will work to increase community involvement between Welsh speakers and ethnic
minorities to further mutal understanding and cooperation.
3 3 Ty Tawe Society Regional officer, Swansea Language Initiaitve £72,633 53533 25/03/2002 £105,265
This project is designed to promote the use of Welsh in the Swansea area. The inititaive will put a particular emphasis on providing young people
who have studied Welsh as a second language during schooling with an opportunity to enhance their linguistic skills, thereby facilitating
employment in a bilingual work setting.
6 4 Tyregenics Ltd Tyregenics - South Wales Material Recovery from Tyres £1,370,452 56630 28/09/2006 £4,270,452
The purpose of the project is to provide infrastructure and equipment required to divert 30,000tonnes of waste tyres from landfill, and by the
recovery of material from them, convert the tyres to recyclates.
1 5 UK Steel Enterprise Ltd Ebbw Vale Innovation Centre £1,104,064 54103 04/10/2002 £2,765,000
The construction of a new build Innovation Centre at Victoria, Ebbw Vale. The building will comprise of a 2,880 sq metre Centre incorporating
office, studio and workspace.
1 3 UK Woodchain Ltd
AXIS - Integrated Supply of Timber and Wood Products in
Social Housing / Construction form Objective 1 Wales
£233,900 54981 04/02/2004 £475,900
The aim of the project is to develop new and existing timber products for supply to the social housing construction markets utilising Welsh
timber. To date, these markets have been beyond the scope of SMEs in Wales with current product specifications excluding or severely reducing
the opportunities to use local timber, coupled with an inability of local timber producers to compete purely on price with imported timber. The
project follows on from the Pren Cymru /WERU study in 2002/2003 to evaluate the potential for Welsh timber in construction. Products or
product groups identified as having potential will be developed to manufacture, in association with recognised research organisations,
particularly Schools of Architecture and Engineering in Cardiff, and TRADA and BRE. The project will facilitate relationships with the market place
and industry to allow Welsh businesses to produce these products to meet a pre-identified demand. The emphasis is on practical demonstration.
For this, AXIS will use evidence from the Pren Cymru/WERU study (2002) which points to almost zero use of indigenous wood products in a key
market - social housing construction - despite the commitment of procurement managers in that sector to sourcing Welsh products. Designs for
three new, value-added products identified in the study will be prototyped by the core SMEs, through membership of Woodchain Wales, and
actively assessed by the observer SMEs. Such products will provide a superior solution for the client and are in turn likely to provide increased
margins and opportunities for the industry in the longer term. The project will: ? Work closely with the market place in specifying such products.
? Utilising the expertise of Cardiff University Engineering Department, provide industry relevant specifications to allow Welsh timber, which is not
of an appropriate standard for current specifications, to be used in such products. ? Act as a facilitator between OEMs (Welsh based companies
who possess or are able to develop the manufacturing procurement infrastructure to meet the needs of the market place) and the market place to
ensure that products are manufactured to meet market demands. This naturally will have positive impacts upon the supply chain from
sub-contractors through to timber growers. 220 small businesses in the wood chain, which operate in Objective 1 areas of Wales, will benefit
through this project. It will establish a joint capacity to win supply contracts which typically are too large for individual SMEs, in order to
maximise the use of indigenous labour and materials and put greater value-addition into the economy. Experts will lead the 220 SMEs through
the different processes involved, both individually and in groups, and will steer the development of benchmarking to establish key performance
indicators which are meaningful to SMEs and to customer groups. A 'core' of 20 SMEs will participate through membership of Woodchain Wales
over 26 months, in a programme to develop their capacity to work effectively in supply chains, providing three indigenous, value-adding
products, where the demand is currently not met from local resources. A further 200 SMEs will participate actively over the same period as
observers and assessors so that the processes demonstrated in the 'core' group programme are transferred incrementally, building an extensive
supply chain capacity for indigenous wood products. The purpose of AXIS is to establish better, sustainable connections between the
market-place and SMEs working with Welsh timber. The initiative will build these connections through a combination of direct measures: the
practice of product development processes in SMEs to facilitate innovation; the implementation of process management to develop manufacturing
efficiency and quality; and the introduction of collaborative ('integrated') supply procedures across SME groups. The 220 SMEs will be grouped
geographically and according to their specialisms: timber supply, processing and manufacture. This will create the supply and demonstration
framework in which AXIS can apply the three measures. The arrangement emphasises the level of active, deliberate collaboration required of
supply chains in competitive market-places: demand-side organisations are also involved as partners in the initiative, linking specification,
design and supply functions in a single, comprehensive process as modelled by Rethinking Construction - the key document for developing
efficiency in the UK construction sector. The initiative specifically progresses from prototyping and process development to the full-scale
manufacture of products for the social housing construction market in Wales. In doing so, it provides a practical, measurable demonstration to
SMEs and customer groups of the economic value of procurement from indigenous sources, an aspect which will be verified by WERU through
continuous monitoring and multiplier-effect modelling. Attention will also be paid to verifying that AXIS does not cause any commercial
displacement: the supply of products will be in volumes greater than any individual SME can currently achieve and will be to a market currently
beyond the reach of indigenous businesses, and where there is a demand-supply gap.
2 5 University of Glamorgan
A Sustainable Energy Supply for Wales: Towards the
Hydrogen Economy
£208,000 54206 18/10/2002 £416,000
The project will research the social, economic and technical implications of moving to a hydrogen fuel economy in the region and deliver a
framework through which this can be acheived.
4 4 University of Glamorgan
£2,526,199 52769 25/03/2002 £6,078,141
The creation of a centre of excellence and new technologies block at the University of Glamorgan specifically targeting the ICT revolution.
1 2 University of Glamorgan GTi 2 £322,396 53627 26/03/2002 £644,792
The Glamorgan Teleworking intiative (GTi) was succesful under P3M1 of the ISW Objective 2 Programme(WEPE 52261). The sponsore os aiming
to expand GTi over the next five years into a Wales-wide project, with satelitte offices linked to HE Institutions and FE Colleges across the
region. The first part of this is GTI phase 2 which will expand the project at a number of levels, building on the existing good practice, and
introducing new layers of support, and including the developments of a GTi Information Office, to promote and market the facility to users and
potential clients for outsourcing.
2 3 University of Glamorgan Help2Wales £1,138,515 53582 13/06/2002 £2,277,030
This application will build on the progress of Help Wales by strengthening the partnership between the SME community, HEIs and public sector
businesses through delivering consultancy projects to help SMEs develop new products, exploit new technology and explore new markets by: -
meeting the needs of SMEs through subsidised HEI consultancy services; provide a highly accessible and responsive service; be simple to
operate; integrate with other businesses services both locally and nationally;
1 2 University of Glamorgan GTi Plus £268,935 57146 22/12/2005 £629,239
The GTi+ Project is designed to encourage and support the genesis, growth and survival of new entrepreneurial ventures in the South Wales
Valleys through the process of business incubation. Business incubation is internationally recognised as a key factor in the survival and
sustainability of new businesses, and as such, is a major contributor to economic regeneration. The project seeks to promote and accelerate real
growth in new businesses through the provision of a high quality business incubation environment and support services. The project will create a
cluster of new businesses with growth potential and seek to accelerate their financial growth to maximise the short to medium term impact on
the local and regional economy. GTi+ will build on a proven value for money method of incubation. Hotdesking for 'early stage' (new) businesses
provides the space and services needed at the 'pre-incubation' stage. In addition, it will include provision of a follow-on 'warm-desking'
environment with additional key services. This is an innovative approach to the transitional stage into financial growth and growing
independence, at a time when traditionally many new businesses fail. The introduction of a fee structure at the transition stage reflects the
moving of the new businesses into a more commercially realistic mode of operation, supported by the availability of a GTi Sales Co-ordinator
and in-company private sector mentoring. Entrepreneurs accessing the University's business incubation support process will be encouraged to
acquire ICT skills. Modules of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) will be offered to entrepreneurs to improve their levels of IT
competence. This will provide a solid basis for a professional approach to IT and also, in cases where the entrepreneur may decide to go back
into employment, create a more skilled workforce to benefit employers in the area. This also recognises that entrepreneurs who leave the
incubation facility do so with a tangible qualification to for the time spent. The project will continue to link with the objectives of Priority 1
Measure 2 as follows: ? Supporting the raising of awareness of entrepreneurship and the promotion of more positive attitudes towards
entrepreneurship - The GTi+ Project will contribute toward the raising of awareness of entrepreneurship through its recruitment and PR activity
targeted at students and graduates. The current GTi project has sought, within the limits of the existing budget, to promote examples of
successful graduate start-ups through a range of activities and media, in particular the production of the GTi video showcases the work of the
project through the voices of the incubating businesses and supporters of the project, and is widely used to demonstrate entrepreneurship
succeeding in a supported environment. ? Activities to support the creation of new businesses - The core objective of the GTi + Project is to
support the creation of sustainable, indigenous new businesses in the heart of the South Wales Valleys. The current GTi incubator in three years
of operation has supported a number of new entrepreneurs to develop business ideas, 'test the water' in a supportive environment. ? Supporting
a range of pre-development entrepreneurial activities, including those for young people within and outside the education system - The GTi+
Project will offer support to new entrepreneurs, including young people within and outside the education system, from the point of absolute
start-up. New business incubation is a process as well as provision of physical facilities, and a programme of seminars covering key business
issues will be hosted by GTi using private sector partners such as PKF, as well as in collaboration with Business in Focus and Venture Wales. ?
Activities to develop social and community and public sector entrepreneurship - The GTi+ Project recognises the major economic contribution to
the regeneration of communities in the South Wales Valleys and will actively seek to work with local agencies, in particular Local Authorities to
offer the facilities of the incubator to social and community businesses. The project links with the following strategies: - A Winning Wales which
encourages entrepreneurship by improving the climate for enterprise and offering better support for new and growing businesses. - Rhondda
Cynon Taff's Strategic Renewal Partnership document "Working for all our Futures" (2004) where one of the key objectives is "to produce strong,
sustainable, locally based and developed SMEs, supported by increased start-up growth and survival rates. - Entrepreneurship Action Plan (2003)
which aims to raise awareness of the benefits of entrepreneurship, to ensure more business start-ups and encourage existing business to go for
3 4
University of Wales College
Wales Institute for Community Currencies 2 (WICC2) £377,325 57073 21/03/2006 £581,664
The Wales Institute for Community Currencies 2 is intended to build on the foundations of the first Institute for Community Currencies by
continuing to support community organisations in developing Community Time Banks. It is envisaged that it will monitor and evaluate Time
Banks' effectiveness and disseminate the results to practitioners and policy makers. The Institute will offer advice and hands on support to
organisations in the Valleys to develop time banks.
3 4
University of Wales College
Institute for Community Currencies (ICC) £394,085 54389 31/03/2003 £607,500
To establish a new Institute for Community Currencies with a team of 5 fulltime workers based in the Eastern and Western Valleys, who will
support the establishment of a minimum of 16 pilot Community Time Banks in 6 local authority areas.
2 3 University of Wales Lampeter
Research, Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise : RICE
£219,603 52561 22/03/2002 £524,587
The project aims to enhance the Innovation and R&D technology by knowledge transfer and commercialisation of the knowledge base. It will
provide support for transfer of knowledge, technology and learning. The university has a longstanding reputation for the provision of support and
expertise in technology and knowledge transfer, with an emphasis on the performance improvement that this can make to firms and to enable
them to remain competitive, in changing markets produced by globalisation. The project will develop an innovation, creativity and enterprise
centre that will bring resources together for both SME's and business support services, to advise and promote best practice, help develop new
business creation and new company start-ups, new market development and promote these themes in the region and within the institution.
5 6 Urdd Gobaith Cymru CANOLFAN CROESO GLANLLYN £206,000 54073 22/07/2002 £796,424
The aim of the project is to construct a two-storey 514m building at the entrance of the Urdd's Glanllyn site and to create a new entrance, in
response to the need to identified by Llanuwchllyn Community Council Primary functions Visitor interpretation facility - to include up to date
multi-media packages for interpretation purposes Educational space, conference space and multi purpose workspace - Glanllyn has developed to
become the principal provider of educational field courses in Geography and Environmental Science. In addition it is a regular venue for
conferences, meetings and video-conferencing for external organisations This will significantly improve and increase through development of the
new facility. The centre will house sophisticated ICT which will be available for educational purposes. Security - all access to the centre will be
controlled at this point- there is a weakness at present that visitors may access without the knowledge of the staff. The secondary functions are:
administration centre for Glanllyn and North Wales Urdd activities accommodation- the buiding will house 6 bedrooms with space for 28 aadults,
12 months of the year.
5 6 Urdd Gobaith Cymru Marketing Urdd Gobaith Cymru Eisteddfod £11,340 54801 08/04/2003 £27,000
Project aim : to increase the number of visitors and participants in the Urdd Gobaith Cymru National Eisteddfod at Margam Park, 26 to 31 May
3 4 Vale of Clwyd Mind SPARKS ENTERPRISES £615,366 56860 04/07/2005 £1,045,495
The aim of this project is to build on and develop further the achievements of the project 'Working towards Employment.' It is intended to
develop existing fledgling enterprises emplying people with long term disabilities (enduring mental health problems and their residual effects. It
will work alongside other like-minded groups and individuals in a collaborative and holistic manner in the community of Rhyl and its environs.
3 2
Valleys Furniture Recycling
T/A toogoodtowaste
Increased Reuse & Recycling through Community Action £341,772 54953 09/06/2003 £500,139
The project aims to develop a partnership of Community Groups where the applicant will facilitate the sharing of business planning, maximising
their potential to develop services which complement the work of other partners. This will in turn meet identified needs, involve increased
numbers of people through community activity and reduce the duplication of activities. The project will also support community partnerships by
helping them to deliver community based 'Roadshows'. These will help community groups remove barriers to participation. These roadshows will
include displays of reusable affordable furniture & household items within community based facilities. They will also include awareness raising
information on environmental issues and involve other services, which provide community benefits. Participation in these Community Roadshow
events, will raise self esteem, enable local people to improve their homes, promote reuse and raise awareness of environmental issues.
3 4 Valleys Kids Securing the Future £291,915 54703 17/07/2003 £450,000
To follow
4 4 Valleys Kids
£53,500 52772 25/03/2002 £111,000
The project will extending Community Access to Technology, Access to Learning, Developing quality learning and guidance opportunities,
Childcare provision and a co-ordinated approach to social exclusion.
3 3 Valleys Kids Building for the Future Penygraig community Project £1,208,197 52928 27/03/2002 £3,365,853
The resource centre will provide a variety of activities which encourage people who would not normally get involved to take part in the provision
of a range of services from childcare to computer training, from a motor project to cultural activities.
3 4 Valleys Kids Making a Difference £148,362 52935 25/03/2002 £228,709
The project will establish a district business and training centre for the area offering support for existing businesses and stimulating growth of
new sustainable community businesses. A One Stop shop will be created offering support and advice on the development of new social
3 3 Valleys Kids Bridging the Void £339,155 57049 06/06/2005 £485,200
The project is intended to focus on economic regeneration through the engagement of disaffected adults and young people amongst a culture of
low expectation.
1 3 Venture Wales BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND RECOVERY PROGRAMME £398,434 52764 22/03/2002 £885,409
This project encompasses an integrated service to assist SMEs and is designed to deliver a program of co-ordinated and focussed business
support, advice and training. The aim is to equip assisted SMEs for recovery (improving survival rates), consolidation (safeguard employment)
and growth (creating employment).
1 2 Venture Wales BUSINESS START UP AND SURVIVAL PROGRAMME £79,478 52757 22/03/2002 £158,956
This project encompasses an integrated service to start up SMEs and is designed to deliver a programme of co-ordinated and focused pre and
post (up to 2 years after start up date) business support, advice and training.
1 2 Venture Wales BUSINESS START UP AND SURVIVAL PROGRAMME £79,478 52745 22/03/2002 £158,956
Provision of an integrated service for SMEs designed to deliver a programme of focussed pre and post start up business support, advice and
1 2 Venture Wales Business Start Up and Survival Programme £79,478 52661 22/03/2002 £158,956
To improve SME growth rate in the area by removal of barriers to new business formation
1 2 Venture Wales Business Start-up & Survival Programme £79,478 52674 22/03/2002 £158,956
The project encompasses an integrated service to start up SMEs and is designed to deliver a programme of co-ordinated and focused pre and
post (up to 2 years after start up date) business support, advice and training
1 5 Venture Wales Valleys Business Development Centre £575,840 54470 15/08/2003 £1,497,100
Construction of a 2 storey building on 0.466 ha of land on a brownfield site at Navigation Park in Abercynon. This building will provide 1702 sq
meteres of accommodation and will accommodate 75 jobs.
3 3 View (Dove) Workshop Ltd DOVE Workshop Development £326,915 54506 13/03/2003 £466,355
To renovate and further develop Banwen Community Centre, which will include improved access for the disabled, an improvement to the physical
structure of the day nursery and create a cafe facility by extending an existing kitchen.
3 2
Voluntary Action Merthyr
Community capacity Building Team Phase 2 £304,388 55238 23/03/2004 £417,872
Under this phase 2 bid the project will continue to develop the provision of its targeted capacity building development support to the spatially
targeted areas of Merthyr. The aim of the project is to further build the capacity and confidence of these communities in order to develop and
sustain community led action and in turn economic regeneration. The project will offer: management, development and support Fund raising
advice, assistance and support Professional marketing consultancy service. These services will build capacity of organisations to develop their
own marketing expertise and increased participation by volunteer community members.
3 2
Voluntary Action Merthyr
Community Capacity Building Team £287,937 52890 25/03/2002 £395,192
The project aims to build the capacity of local organisations, thus regenerating their local community. This includes access to training and
development, building strong partnerships, and developing access and use of ICT. The project team consists of staff to offer advice and guidance
in all areas.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Aquaculture in Wales (AqWa) - Project is linked to 54996
(Uni Wales AqWa bid)
£47,811 52737 27/11/2002 £95,737
Aquaculture Innovation - the development of an ecologically sound and sustainable aquaculture industry for Wales. This project aims to initiate
the strategic development of integrated commercial fish and shellfish production units, linked to aquaponic and hydroponic horticultural
production and the creation of both frsh and saline wetland habitats, which have both ecological, waste removal and tourism potential.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Centres of Expertise for technology & Industrial
Collaboration (CETICs)
£1,776,750 52765 11/06/2002 £3,553,500
The proposed project addresses two strategically important areas: - The provision of a comprehensive innovation and technology support
infrastructure for businesses The increased competitiveness through improved linkages between academia and industry.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) ACCELERATE WALES £2,394,641 52800 22/03/2002 £6,778,649
The aim of the project is to promote within automotive component suppliers, best practice methods of working together as an extended
enterprise (Supply-Chain), as well as assisting companies to implement 'Lean Thinking' and a full range of workplace 'Tools and Techniques'
within their own sites
2 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Mobile ICT Awareness - Raising Campaign £657,862 53859 13/06/2002 £2,011,800
This project is concerned primarily with ICT demand stimulation and the promotion of applications and services. It will focus on stimulating
demand for ICT by raising awareness of the information society and its applications on a number of fronts and for a range of targets
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Winning Business £304,176 53756 07/11/2002 £619,000
The projects aims to produce both short/medium terms gains, generally thriugh the acquisition by participants of new business, and also to
embed the sales and marketing process and methodogies within a business to ensure self-sustaining development. A highly successfuk Winning
Business pilot project has been run by the WDA, with 20 participant companies together gaining £7M of new business and recruiting over 100
staff during the period of their participation. This bid seeks Objective 1 funding both the make the project more available to companies within
the assisted area and also to develop and deliver a 'second tier' of the project to futher enhance the benefits that companies can obtain.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Business birth Rate Strategy Enhancing Business Start Up
£6,399,316 53945 14/02/2003 £12,873,455
The focus of this project is a more dynamic and diverse portfolio of start up support, which has the capacity to be tailored to the specific,
diagnosed needs of the particular clients. Futhermore it recognises the various degrees and formats of support that may be required by different
forms of business and individuals. Implementation will be through the means of an open tender, which whilst requiring distinct qualitative
reporting frameworks would allow successful; tenders to provide more flexible diverse and client led support to a greater number of potential
start ups Taking three scenarios this support might take the following forms- Prospective businesses with a projected turnover of less that
requiring VAT registration Prospective businessess with a projected turnover of greater than VAT threshold but less than 1 million in year two
Prospective businessess with a projected turnover of greater than 1 million in year two The project also recognises that such scenarios are not
always mutually exclusive. An enterprise which has initally restricted development horizons may find itself able to develop rapidly in a changed
commercial environment. Such enterprises would not be precluded for recieving appropriate and proportionate support/advice in their changed
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) OpTIC Fit Out and Revenue £5,491,468 54055 21/05/2003 £15,567,839
The aim is to establish an Opto0electronics technology and Incubation Centre known as OpTIc as a powerful engine in the Welsh economy.
OpTIC will continuosly generate new, highly technology business and quality jobs and play a major role in sustaining and growing the exixsting
Welsh Opto-electronics companies in North West Wales
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) OpTIC Capital Build £2,627,720 54056 14/11/2002 £7,089,495
The aim is to establish an Opto-electronics Technology and Incubation Centre known as OpTIC as a powerful engine for growth in the Welsh
economy .
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Technium II £3,252,257 54057 01/08/2002 £6,629,477
To manage the design of the Technium II facility to match the needs of tenants emerging from Technium Phase I and similar companies that may
wish to locate to the region.To project manage the construction of Technium II and implemention of specialist features such as IT, necessary for
companies in this sector of the economy.It also aims to implement the support infrastructure necessary for companies to make the transition
from Technium I to Technium II in a seamless manner and to manage the support of an ICT network for Technium I, Technium II and the
emerging Technium network.
3 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) COMMUNITY REGENERATION TOOL-KIT £259,256 54030 01/11/2002 £370,366
The Community Regeneration Toolkit is a programme to support the sustainable development of communities in rural Ceredigion. Activities will
include land reclamation, environmental improvement, urban regeneration, community capacity building and business support activities
pioneered in the successful Market Town and Small Towns and Villages initiative. The project aims to provide a tailored and flexible means of
support for local Priority 3 communities within Ceredigion. Its objective is to encourage wider networking between communities to address
peripherality, regeneration and diversification as well as provision of services.
7 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Technical Assistance - Fisheries and Aquaculture
£193,405 53962 16/08/2002 £386,810
To act as a Lead Body for the Fisheries sub-group of the Objective 1 Agri-Food Partnership.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Centre for Advanced Software Technology-Software Cluster
£8,477,315 54214 20/03/2003 £17,524,319
The project aims to establish a Centre for Advanced Software Technology and Incubation Facility (CAST) at Parc Menai, Bangor, which will
optimise the benefits to the North, West Wales economy of the niche international computing specialisms of the University of Wales
Bangor.CAST's dynamic high tech culture will support and encourage North West Wales SME's to produce innovative, high value added products
for international markets, thus resulting in the creation and growth of high quality jobs and wealth in the region.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Oakdale Advance Business Premises - Phase 2a £819,500 54254 14/11/2002 £2,200,000
This project is one phase of a series at Oakdale Business Park that will create quality industrial premises. This phase (2A) comprises the
development of 2 x 2.300 sqm of quality speculative production premises. The premises will be a single unit capable of occupation as either 2x
2300 sqm units or 1 x 4600 sqm individual unit. The site layout will be capable of accommodating a 100% expansion through a 4,600 sqm
extension to the proposed unit although this project does not include for its construction. The Oakdale Business Park is located on the former
Oakdale Colliery which closed in 1989 with the loss of 1000 jobs. The project aims to build on the creation of quality jobs that has already taken
place at the Business Park by providing additional new units to stimulate opportunities for follow up investment and establishing a cluster of
high-tech industries in the area.
2 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Wales smE-Business 2 £787,230 54295 11/04/2003 £2,115,640
The Wales smE-Business 2 programme will build upon the first smE-business programme in transforming the competitiveness of SMEs through
the exploitation of ICT.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Aberporth Technology Park Phase 1 £1,623,582 54278 27/08/2003 £4,686,828
The aim of this project is to develop a physical centre, Aberporth Technology Park, in south Ceredigion for technology based businesses,
particularly those having synergy with the aviation and defence spin-out sector. This will comprise a serviced site with advanced units within an
environment which already provides a range of specialist technologies and other facilities, including training, air transport, R&D and broadband
capability. The Phase 1 project will provide 6 Ha (15 acres) of serviced land, including a broadband capability, primarily for private sector
development. 2150m2 of high specification advance business premises suitable for R&D and high margin manufacturing will also be developed to
'pump-prime' private sector development. These will be constructed to a high environmental standard, comprising: (i) 500 m2 technology
business unit with high quality office specification accommodation (ii) 1000m2 high specification R&D facility based on a single storey building
(iii) 650 m2 high specification flexible design light industrial unit (high margin technology products)
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Brocastle Strategic Site Phase 1 £613,173 54280 02/01/2003 £2,181,923
The overall purpose of this project is to provide the infrastructure for the new strategic site of 52.6 hectares at Bridgend. This will act as a focal
point for cluster development and for stimulating growth and inward investment. This phase 1 of the project comprises of primary infrastructure
works to access, service and landscape the site ready for development.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Finance Wales Loans Fund £11,130,000 52618 01/08/2002 £24,733,000
The Finance Wales Loan fund will provide affordable loan finance not otherwise available, targeted at various groups of SMEs, to complement
existing sources of finance. Clients of the funds will also be required to make use of appropriate management support programmes.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Finance Wales Equity Fund £9,225,000 52607 01/08/2002 £20,500,000
The Finance Wales Equity Project ("the Project") will provide affordable equity and mezzanine finance not otherwise available, targeted at various
groups of SMEs, to complement existing sources of finance. Clients of the funds will also be required to make use of management support
programmes. Equity will be provided to viable SMEs, located in the Objective 1 area that have not been able to fund appropriate fianance
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Opto-Electronics Sector Champion £210,000 52555 01/08/2002 £554,500
It has been recognised that there was an existing cluster of small and large companies, particularly in the North of the Country operating in the
field of Opto-electronics or Optronics related sectors. Further investigation identified that the local community also had a recognised body of
knowledge and expertise in Optronics and related fields. This project builds on this by providing the following: - · Sector Champion ·
Administration · Establishment of an academic chair in Opto-electronics Pilot incubator facility
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Support Programmes for Under-represented groups £3,108,000 52553 13/08/2002 £6,216,000
To increase the number of people from under-represented groups considering and starting new businesses, by providing additional services to
encourage participation and to reduce barriers to business start-up. This will include disabled, ethnic minorities, lone parents, third age, Welsh
speakers and young people.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Promoting an Entrepreneurial Culture £4,925,000 52549 26/03/2002 £10,943,695
To increase the likelihood of more people developing new entrepreneurial activities of all kinds (starting a business, working in more
entrepreneurial ways within large Private and Public sector organisations, investing in more enterprising ways in Wales SMEs, developing
community enterprises, returning to Wales to establish enterprises etc) by generating more positive attitudes and perceptions towards
entrepreneurship within Wales.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) The Enterprise Factory £871,750 52550 20/03/2002 £1,743,500
The objective is to increase the number of people who: Feel more confident about taking entrepreneurial action; seriously consider and
investigate setting up a business, especially in higher value activity; get invloved in other entrepreneurial activity ( for examplr entrepreneurship
in the Private and Public sectors, community entrepreneurship, private entrepreneurial investment, etc) By involving 1,500 people after 3 years in
meaningful entrepreneurial development (that they would not have experienced otherwise) in 600 new beuinesses.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Business Connect Plus (North West Wales) £5,210,056 52579 15/07/2002 £10,602,476
This project seeks to build upon the existing Business connect framework by establishing and implementing "added value" activities to the
current regime in North West Wales, meeting current market gaps in the provision of business support in the area. In association with anglesey,
Conwy and Denbigh council, the Development Agency and the Training and Enterprise Councils use Objective 1 money to substantially improve
the assistance available to businesses through ensuring more core resources so that business centres would be open in the evenings and on
weekends, and that business advisors would have more time to spend with individual businesses, better control over standards, 12 hours
bi-lingual drop in centre, increased resources available to develop supply networks, cluster. distribution of goods, contract shops and similar, this
on the basis of North West Wales.
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Speculative Development Programme for North West Wales
- Phase 1
£2,864,000 52565 26/03/2002 £7,160,000
The main aim of the project is to provide suitable industrial and commercial floorspace across the four counties of North West Wales to cater for
the short/medium term property requirements of new and existing SMEs.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Technology Exploitation Programme 2000 £6,001,107 52721 01/08/2002 £12,881,474
Will build upon and integrate three highly successful ERDF supported pilot projects
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SA1 Swansea Waterfront - Office Development £1,079,986 55235 07/06/2004 £5,095,269
SA1 Swansea Waterfront is proposed as a mixed - use development within a high quality urban design setting. It will provide highly attractive,
water front sites for knowledge based development, essential to the city's prosperity with good links to the city centre and wider transport
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Promoting an Entrepreneurial Culture Phase 2 £4,953,627 55206 21/10/2004 £10,120,734
The Phase 2 of the project will build on the achievements, expertise gained, and the lessons learned in Phase 1. By generating more positive
attitudes and perceptions towards entrepreneurship in Wales, the project aim to increase the likelihood of more people developing new
entrepreneurial activities of all kind.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Local Supplier Development £1,042,776 55160 19/04/2004 £2,122,053
The aim of the project is to develop and deliver cohesive support to facilitate inter-trading activity and provide practical assistance to SMEs in
securing both public and private sector contracts. The service will be delivered throughout the Programme area with a focus on local delivery
mechanisms. The project builds upon the success of regional initiatives such as Contract Shop and the Public Sector Local Supply Chain Initiative
which originated in North Wales. Taking best practice from both these initiatives, Objective 1 funding will be utilised to secure a consistent,
added value service throughout the Programme area. By providing dedicated resources to this activity, a more pro-active facilitation role will be
developed to improve the quality of the service being provided with resulting improved benefits for the SMEs.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) General Business Advisory Services £2,179,885 55244 12/05/2004 £4,436,071
The aim of this project is to provide a unified, consistent and quality service for the delivery of general business advisory support. Offering a
flexible response to client need, based on local understanding, this project will improve clarity for businesses by presenting a single, flexible
approach which replaces the current multiple products, and will assist businesses to access and utilise other business support from the private,
public and voluntary sector. Whilst promoted as a single 'product', the support will be tiered with a focus on appropriate support linked to the
resulting impact on the business.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Aberporth Technology Park Phase 1B £666,666 55341 27/05/2004 £1,808,685
To further develop and enhance the Phase 1 site and accelerate development of Aberporth Technology Park. Project will provide: 1x 1000 sq.m
flexible design office unit 1x 1000 sq.m high specification flexible design light industrial unit Project will also provide road infrastructure to
extend into the future Phase 2 site.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) PARC MENAI TECHNOLOGY UNITS (PLOT 7) £744,734 55319 26/11/2003 £1,999,286
The purpose of the project is to provide sustainable development accommodation at plot 7, to cater for the short/medium term property
requirements of new and existing SMEs, particularly those operating in the knowledge based activities of information technology, computer
software, innovation and research and development. The project comprises of two buildings subdivided to provide a total of 7 habitable units
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) BRYN CEFNI PHASE II- UNITS 8&9 £840,513 55320 26/11/2003 £2,104,967
Parc Bryn Cefni is a key growth employment site on the Isle of Anglesey. The project will provide two detached factory units with steel framed
structures with car parking facilities for 48 cars.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Centres of Excellence for Technology & Industrial
Collaboration - Phase ii (CETIC 2)
£1,786,250 55949 31/08/2004 £3,572,501
A Centre of Excellence for Technology and Industrial Collaboration (CETIC) is an accredited unit comprising one or more academic research
groups based in one or more Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Wales. The CETIC award denotes the provision of a quality and timely service
to industry and commerce. CETIC II will be a multidisciplinary network of accredited CETICs possessing extensive industry-relevant expertise in
science, engineering and technology. As universities have traditionally collaborated with large companies, working with SMEs being regarded as
too costly and time consuming, the CETIC II Programme is crucial in allowing academic expertise, know-how and specialised facilities to be
made available to SMEs in Objective 1 Areas of Wales. As such CETICs can assist in areas of collaborative research, technology and knowledge
transfer, technical problem solving and testing. It will assist SMEs (pan-sector) develop products, processes and services that are innovative and
will give a competitive edge in the global market place. It will provide support for the much needed link between SMEs and academia
(commercial manager) and access to key academic expertise and facilities that many SMEs do not have in-house. This will have the benefit of
SMEs becoming more competitive, more profitable, having an increased turnover and potential to create highly skilled jobs. To enable CETICs to
undertake this often time intensive work, support is requested for commercial managers, technical assistants and promotional activities at
individual CETICs together with overall Programme Management at the WDA.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Parc Bryn Cegin, Bangor, Gwynedd £3,550,500 56233 04/03/2005 £9,532,000
The purpose of this project is to enhance the provision of employment sites in North West Wales Objective 1 Area and specifically in Gwynedd by
delivering the necessary off and on site infrastructure required to facilitate the development of 36 ha of land known as Parc Bryn Cegin.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Ty Mawr, Holyhead - Infrastructure & Site Development £4,151,640 56230 30/03/2006 £11,145,342
The proposal is for a 40.47 ha development of mixed Commercial and Employment Development which will bring forward sufficient quantity and
quality of land to provide " start-up ", growth and long term opportunities for indigenous and inward investors.
7 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
South East Wales Economic Forum Objective 1
Development Project
£60,000 55680 16/03/2004 £151,800
The project will complement and add value to the existing technical assistance strategies for Objective 1 operating in the South Wales Valleys
area comprising the six local partnership areas of: Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taff and Torfaen. It will
do this by the employment of an Objective 1 Development Officer who will develop innovative projects, identify and transfer good practice and
encourage joint working across the area. The project will develop closer partnership working between the members of the SEWEF to maximise
the benefits of the Objective 1 Programme for the South Wales Valleys area.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Auto Technium £4,606,000 54533 29/10/2003 £8,574,000
Second phase of a project that was approved in February 2001. This phase aims to support the first phase to develop a Centre of Excellence in
Performance Engineering in Carmarthenshire. The phase will facilitate the human and physical resources necessary to design and plan in detail: *
The Technology Centre that will materialise during the project as a whole * The Advanced Engineering and R&D facilities to be commissioned *
The extension of facilities necessary to enable the expansion of motorsport activity in Pembrey * The Training and Education provision to be
offered at Pembrey in collaberation with HE and FE providers.
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Tywyn Business Park & Bala Enterprise Park £461,366 54673 20/05/2003 £1,244,000
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises for SMEs in the Meirionnydd area. By accommodating business through
advanced premises the units will contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The project will
construct two speculative mixed use premises of 300sqm on land owned by the WDA at Tywyn Business Park, and two 500sqm units at Bala
Enterprise Park. These units aim to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous andinward investors involved with added
value and knowlegde based industries. The design elements of theseunits will reflect the potential tenant's business and professional image,
being located within an area ofhigh environmental quality. The development will have an external waste area and adequate parking facilities. It
will also be landscaped to the highest specifications, already evidenced on both business parks. The project is to be an environmental exemplar
project, fitting in with local surroundings as unobtrusievly as possible by using indigenous species for landscaping purposes fir instance. This
project aims to diversify and widen the economic base of the area through providing business premises for SME'S in high growth sectors. The
project will be implemented by the WDA Mid Division Construction team. The design elements of the units will be daveloped in conjunction with
local planning authority. The WDA will market the units during the construction stages to potential occupiers, and negotiate tenancies/leases with
eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the suitability of the tenant.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Supporting Innovation and R&TD by Environmental Goods
and Services Business
£671,810 54618 16/05/2003 £1,602,103
The project aims to consolidate support through drawing together all the stages of the innovation and R&TD process from having the right idea
through to development, demonstration and finally getting to market.
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Tredegar Business Park Phase Two £1,227,000 54441 29/11/2004 £3,134,000
The project involves the construction of 2,762 M2 of business floorspace on a reclaimed plateau. The aim is to provide four modern business
units which can accommodate major inward investment, or an expansion project for an SME already located in the Objective one area.
2 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Low Carbon Partnership £2,765,538 54403 06/03/2003 £6,948,589
The project aims to make Welsh businesses in the Objective One area more competitive by delivering energy costs savings of the order of
£27.5M over a ten year period and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 286,000 tonnes over the same timescale. This will be achieved by
providing energy efficiency advice to 1000 SMEs, performing a detailed energy audit at 400 and installing energy efficient, low carbon
equipment, low carbon equipment at 200 of these businesses. This will be achieved at zero initial capital cost to the SMEs including modern
energy efficiency lighting , compressors, heat recovery equipment, waste to heat schemes, refrigeration control and variable speed drives etc.
However any clean technology which emerges during the lifetime of the project can potentially be considered for support. It is hopped that a
number of technologies which are not currently commercial attractive to SMEs such as micro CHP units or PV solar cells, can be introduced as
part of this program in path finding , demonstration projects, helping make Wales a showcase for clean energy technologies.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Welsh New Business Start-Up Programme for High Growth
£1,380,787 54363 16/05/2003 £2,761,574
The project will provide customised, specialist professional advice, e.g. legal, marketing, IPR, financial, to individual entrepreneurs or teams of
entrepreneurs seeking to establish new high growth SMEs with a turnover of £1 million plus within two years, in objetive 1 area. The project will
give Wales a clear focus in the area of support for high growth starts. This project is one of a number of strategically linked applications
submitted as part of the implementation of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan. It has been developed to provide a focused programme for high
growth business start-ups coordinated by the WDA.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Phase 2 (Zones B & C) Port Tawe Innovation Village £1,862,500 54960 24/09/2003 £5,435,345
The aim of the project is to develop the second phase of infrastucture provision for the Port Tawe Innovation Village.The village will be a fully
integrated mixed-use development with a focus on quality,added-value employment and knowledged-based businesses.It has the potential to be
a flagship waterfront development providing a strategic site of international standard.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Potentia £2,939,633 55039 27/05/2004 £5,879,265
Potentia aims to increase the proportions of six key target groups establishing their own businesses in Wales and accessing mainstream business
support services. Potentia is a pre-enterprise start up programme to support groups that are traditionally under-represented from both enterprise
and enterprise support to consider and establish their own business. These groups are disabled people, black and ethnic minorities, lone parents,
young people under 30, people over 50 and Welsh speakers.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Accelerate Wales OEM Cluster £461,388 55031 28/06/2004 £1,786,422
The aim of the project is to promote within automotive component suppliers, best practice methods of management, product development and
manufacture with particular emphasis on achieving customer focus
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Taste of Enterprise 2. £892,633 55141 26/02/2004 £1,785,266
The Taste Of Enterprise project aims to encourage the creation of new entrepreneurs enabling them to test out their business idea within a
controlled environment. It has a clear strategic focus of providing supportive environment for test trading activities that bridge a significant gap
between, on the one hand, the need to change attitudes towards entreprenuership in Wales and, on the other, the need to deliver mainstream
business support. This gap is a major barrier to converting potential entrepreneurs into successful long-term businesses.
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Advance Business Units Parc Teifi £271,200 54737 28/04/2003 £678,000
This project will provide high quality business premises that will create employment opportunities in South Ceredigion. 3 speculative mixed use
premises will be constructed at Parc Teifi Business Park - 2x250sqm units and 1x 300sqm unit. These units aim to provide flexible, high quality
business space for both indigenous and inward investors involved with added value based business sectors. The development will include
adequate parking facilities and will be landscaped to the highest specifications.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Knowledge Exploitation Fund (KEF) Commercial
Exploitation Phase 2
£5,940,000 54877 06/10/2003 £11,950,000
Phase 2 of this project proposes to introduce the KEF Patent & Proof of Concept Initiative(PPoC). This will encompassall of of the activities under
Strand 4 'Commercial Exploitation ' (except institutional IPR audits), which must be carried out separately to inform the PPoC scheme of it's IP
ownership and stage of development towards being a commercially viable idea/product. This is a new area of funding determined as a
development gap, identified by phase 1 of this project.
6 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Eastside Energy Infrastructure Development £652,532 54900 04/11/2003 £2,175,108
The aim of the project is to provide the required energy infrastructure to enable the Port Tawe development to proceed. The development will
occupy an area of 40 hectares of former dockland, with the potential of creating up to 2000 new jobs. Port Tawe is proposed to become Wales'
premier commercial waterfront and is viewed as a key element in establishing Swansea as a 'Waterfront City'. With the aim of building upon the
success of the Technuim project, the development will be a magnet to new investment and jobs for Swansea and a catalyst for the regeneration
of the City's docklands.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Aberystwyth Technium £790,564 54887 24/02/2004 £1,696,271
The aim of the project is to provide a specialist business incubation facility, or 'Technium,' which will offer carefully targetted business support
and mentoring to high growth rate, knowledge-based businesses and pre-businesses on a time-limited basis. High quality facilities, including
high bandwidth, office and technical equipment and administration and technician support will be provided as part of the Technium project.The
project will establish a central Technium 'hub' on the Marina in Aberystwyth.
6 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Fabian Way Gateway £1,718,000 54904 29/09/2003 £6,627,517
The aim of the project is to construct a primary gateway leading from Fabian Way into the Port Tawe Development. The development will occupy
an area of 40 hectares of former dockland, with the potential of creating up to 2000 new jobs. Port Tawe is proposed to become Wales' premier
waterfront and is viewed as a key element in establishing Swansea as a 'Waterfront City'. With the aim of building upon the success of
theTechnium project, the development will be a magnet to new investment and jobs for Swansea and a catalyst for the regeneration of the City's
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Phase 2 of the Redevelopment of the Former Hotpoint Site,
Llandudno Junction
£560,895 54860 30/07/2003 £5,773,487
The aim of the project is to enhance the provision of employment sites in Conwy County Borough by delivering the necessary off and on site
infrastructure required to facilitate the redevelopment of 8 Ha of brownfield land. This land is divided into 3 plots and has been derelict for over
10 years following the closure of the Hotpoint factory. This site has been allocated as a North West Wales Strategic employment site by the BASP
and the Regional Infrastructure Partnership and is located within the A55 East Strategic site cluster.
3 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Tool-Kit II £215,250 56944 07/06/2005 £403,526
This project aims to deliver the key elements of the WDA Mid Wales region's Community Regeneration Tool-Kit proposals across the Ceredigion
priority 3 areas. The project aims to build capacity within the communities to develop their own strategies and implement projects which
regenerate their localities. The project aims to build on the previous Objective 1 application, and introduce new community groups and
partnerships in areas which are beginning the process of regeneration, as well as continued support for established groups.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Accelerate Wales - Supplier Development Network £183,170 57152 13/06/2006 £1,008,473
The project will utilise the experience gained from the origianl Accelerate programme, this will include the Champions from the AWP who had
previously been funded and developed.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SPECIALIST SUPPORT £1,468,558 57135 10/08/2005 £2,937,116
The aim of the project is to assist, through extremely flexible, client-centred specialist support, those SMEs that have the potential to contribute
to the economic development goals in Wales.
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) WDA South West Region SME PDG Fund £2,995,779 57301 10/10/2005 £8,625,914
The project will renovate and develop business space and provide premises including specialist workshops for a full range of SMEs. To provide
direct support to encourage private sector provision of new sites and premises and upgrading existing property.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SMART R&D £1,998,175 56577 16/06/2005 £3,996,351
The aim of the scheme is to encourage and support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to undertake innovative research and
technological development with commercial potential in order to stimulate growth, strengthen competitiveness and boost employment in the
Objective One areas of Wales, in line with the aim of Priority 2 Measure 3. The scheme will also encourage industry collaborations with other
industrial partners and with research base organisations (higher and further education institutes and private research organisations) in carrying
out industrial research and pre-competitive development activities.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Growing the Environmental Good and Services Sector £900,600 56369 23/11/2004 £2,573,000
The aim of the project is to help environmental goods and services businesses throughout the Objective 1 area to prosper and take full
advantage of the opportunities available in this growth market. The project will provide a flexible grant scheme to facilitate this aim, enhancing
the trading opportunities and potential of the recipient business. SMEs, including community-based businesses will be eligible for assistance
from the earliest stage of a business idea through to expansion of a viable and well established business.
1 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Welsh Development Agency SME Property Development
Grant Fund
£7,693,348 56358 07/10/2004 £32,581,804
The project will offer property development grants in support of business space projects, which create employment opportunities. The project
development grant will close the gap between development costs and the open market value of the property on completion and occupation.
6 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Welsh Development Agency Strategic Property
Development Grant Fund
£4,077,984 56354 18/11/2005 £22,390,983
The WDA will offer property development grants (PDGs) in support of business space projects, which create employment opportunities. This fund
will be available to private sector developers and owner-occupiers. The project will address the limited availability of suitable premises for
modern businesses.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) General Support for Business (GSB) £7,875,918 57430 29/03/2006 £15,751,837
Aims The aim of the programme is to provide high quality advice and support to potential, new and existing SMEs in Wales through a consistent,
flexible, comprehensive offering available throughout the lifecycle of the business. The service has been developed from best practice gained
through delivery of the GBAS and NBS programmes and is an amalgamation of the key characteristics of both. It aims to provide relevant support
to address individual needs whether pre-start, for sustainability or for businesses seeking to generate significant growth. An essential element of
the service is the close working relationship that has been developed with ELWa. This will ensure that all clients are able to access the full suite
of ELWa products and services, for holistic development of the company. The major advantage of the new single service is that it will allow a
greater level of consistency for clients through this integrated mechanism. It will also offer the client flexibility of maintaining relationships with
their advisor through pre-start to post-start, or as they develop and grow, to change the type and nature of support they receive (subject to
tendering arrangements). The service is unique in that businesses throughout their life cycle can now access all the general support they require
through a single consistent framework. The support offered can be split into the following key areas: - Individual skills diagnostic, pre-start one
to one and personal development support - Modular workshops - Post-start one to one, business review and ongoing / strategic development
support. Links to aims of Objective Priority 1 Measure 2 The NBS programme to date has delivered support to help in excess of 3,000 businesses
per annum to start, with a survival rate of circa 76% after two years of trading. Since approval in May 2004, GBAS has supported circa 3,500
businesses. This integrated service seeks to address core requirements as outlined in 'A Winning Wales II' and the Objective 1 SPD, in terms of
entrepreneurship and competitiveness. The objectives of 'A Winning Wales' and EAP have indicated that there has been a significant deficit in the
degree and nature of advisory support available to potential new business starts. This is particularly evident in those businesses considered to
have growth potential. The NBS evaluation undertaken at the end of 2004, illustrated that although the NBS provision had delivered major
benefits both in terms of quality of provision and sustainability, there was a need for adjustment and refocusing of the provision. The need to
reflect the growth potential of the business in the type and amount of support delivered was identified, with a more structured approach required
for companies not anticipated to reach VAT threshold. Similarly the current GBAS provision reflects the perceived growth potential of the
business in the type and nature of support provided. Recent data from Beaufort Research (June 2005, Business Start Ups in Wales - Phase 2
URG) show marked shifts in the objectives of younger (<5yrs) enterprises, compared with three years ago, which underpins the necessity to
adjust the nature of provision. Three quarters of respondents anticipated growth over the next 3-5 years, compared with only 57% in Phase 1
research, and four out of five see their venture as long term (10yrs>) and seek to structure themselves accordingly. Respondents also evidence
greater openness in seeking support from the private and public sector and have a greater appetite for feeding back their views on the nature,
scope and timeliness of the service provided. The provision proposed under this project reflects these changes and is considered to be a
fundamental building block in the delivery of business support throughout Wales. Through this mechanism, creation, sustainability and growth
will be promoted and access to a wide range of specialist services from the public, private and voluntary sector will be facilitated and managed.
This service is considered essential in terms of developing tomorrow's stock of businesses and potential growth of existing enterprises.
Resources will be used to identify and then support those businesses with potential to become Account Managed businesses or Knowledge Bank
clients. Project Objectives - To provide a single, consistent framework for the provision of general, flexible support to potential, new and existing
businesses in Wales. - To ensure clarity and ease of access for the user through a single delivery mechanism within a quality controlled
framework - To improve the quality of delivery of business support in Wales through continual professional development for contracted providers
and effective monitoring and evaluation frameworks. - To provide appropriate levels of intervention, targeting support to meet growth potential
through a consistent assessment at all stages throughout the business lifecycle. - Where appropriate deliver support through interactive
mechanisms such as workshops and on-line provision, available for both pre and post start clients. - Provide timely reviews, diagnostics and
appraisals including learning needs analysis for potential and existing businesses to determine needs, growth potential and survivability. - To
increase the start-up and survival rates of businesses in Wales and to increase the take of support by SMEs in Wales. - Through the service to
ensure a longer term relationship with businesses considered to have growth potential to help move them up the value chain and / or expand
their business. - To make appropriate referrals to a broader spectrum of support within the public, private and voluntary sectors, assisting clients
to access and utilise other business support and networks that are available.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Phase 2 Integrated Support for Tourism SMEs £5,440,000 54643 10/09/2003 £15,100,000
The aim of the project is to develop a more co-ordinated delivery of tourism business support to tourism SMEs that is flexible and focused on
improving competitiveness through the adoption of more effective business practices.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Integrated Business Support for Tourism SMEs - Phase III £3,549,000 55948 24/08/2004 £10,569,333
The project will provide integrated financial assistance plus specialist tourism advice to tourism SMEs in West Wales & the Valleys. This will
provide a more holistic solution to assist tourism SMEs in responding to structural changes in their markets, (notably the shift from long holidays
to short breaks, niche markets, special interest, activities etc). The project will deliver a more flexible scheme and focus on improving
competitiveness through the adoption of more effective business practices. A key gateway to the project is via WTB quality advisors who
undertake annual quality inspections of c.4000 tourism SMEs in West Wales & Valleys. Their role in addition to advice on "star" grading has been
expanded to give initial business advice and to signpost tourism SMEs to more specialist tourism advice or financial assistance where appropriate
and this is a key component of the project. This is Phase 3 of an earlier Objective 1 funded project. Ongoing monitoring of this phase indicates
that the financial assistance scheme has been particularly successful in terms of commitment and spend and in achieving anticipated outputs of
gross new/safeguarded jobs and increasing turnover in assisted SMEs. Phase 2 has been very successful in delivering assistance to SMEs. To
date, approximately 43 projects have been supported, creating over 500 full time jobs in West Wales and the Valleys. A total capital project cost
of £30 million has been generated to date through private sector contribution matched with the ERDF grant. The project meets the overall aim of
Priority 1 of the SPD as it will "generate wealth and employment for the region by supporting the growth of the SME sector" (SPD, p175), and
will "improve the competitiveness of business and the creation of new businesses through the provision of co-ordinated and focussed business
support, advice and training". (SPD, p10). Within Priority 1, the project addresses the aims of Measure 1, as it will improve the survival rate of
businesses. The project agrees with the rationale of this Measure, as it will allow "SMEs easier expansion by providing access to debt and equity
capital". (SPD, p245), and will provide tourism SMEs with the ability and drive to establish successful businesses, access appropriate finance to
develop and improve on new and existing business ventures. The project specifically meets the aims of Measure 1, as it will: ? address market
failure in financial support and mechanisms required to create new SMEs and develop existing ones. ? improve competitiveness of business and
the creation of new businesses through the provision of co-ordinated and focussed business support, advice and training and an improved
survival rate of business. Tourism in the region is small and the industry is fragmented and access to funding for capital investment is
particularly limited. This project will provide grant aid to facilitate quality improvements for SMEs. Viable tourism SMEs would benefit from an
increased supply of finance, which they would otherwise be unable to obtain from other commercial services or loan funds. This would be
provided by way of grants available from WTB's Section 4 grant scheme that would enable tourism SMEs to address problems/grow their
business. The grants are available on a discretionary basis. The level of grant is linked firmly to employment creation but the over-riding criteria
will be 'minimum necessary grant'. This project relates to number of local and regional development strategies such as the National Economic
Development Strategy "A Winning Wales", " Wales A Better Country" and other Local Partnership Action Plans throughout West Wales and the
Valleys. The Wales Tourist Board is the statutory body for the development of tourism in Wales. As such, it is directly tasked with delivering the
Welsh Assembly Government policies and priorities for tourism. Our targets are passed down from the Welsh Assembly Government through an
annual remit letter. This letter reflects the overall targets and priorities outlined in the above strategies. This project will be a key deliverer for
these targets. The project agrees with two of its priorities, namely; ? Supporting businesses - by improving support and business advice ?
Establishing Wales in the World - by implementing 'Achieving Our Potential - A National Tourism Strategy for Wales" The project agrees with the
Vision of the Regional Tourism Strategy, as it will contribute "to the economic, social, cultural and environmental well being of West Wales and
the Valleys." (Regional Tourism Strategy; p3). It will help "to generate wealth and employment for the region by supporting the growth of the
SME sector." (Regional Tourism Strategy, p3) Specifically it can be linked to 4.2 of the strategic objective 2 of the Regional Tourism strategy as it
will "improve the quality of the product to meet the changing needs of the visitor" (p6). The project also agrees with Strategic objective 2 as
"increased levels of investment in tourism facilities" is mentioned as a Performance Measure for this Objective (p16).
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Promoting Wales to the World £14,500,000 55910 30/07/2004 £25,885,100
Promoting Wales to the World seeks to build on the work undertaken by the Tourism promotion and marketing project, which is anticipated to
end in June 2004. The current project has assisted some 600 SMEs directly and over 3000 indirectly whilst generating just under 2000 gross new
jobs to date. The project will aim to ensure and continue the success and competitiveness of the tourism sector in Objective 1 area. This will
involve demand generation of Welsh tourism products as well as the creation of appropriate platforms and leads for businesses to convert this
demand into revenue. "Promoting Wales to the World" will focus on the strengths of the previous project and thus will be better placed to take
advantage of recent research into key tourism growth products. This will improve the focus on tourism SMEs growth potential in order to
maximise outputs. Work on cross cutting themes will be improved by improving the linkages and direction of tourism SMEs to other initiatives/
organisations (some Objective 1-funded) such as Arena Network (Green Dragon); Opportunity Wales; "Sense of Place", the WDA/ Chwarae Teg
SME Equality Project and the VisitWales e-commerce initiative. This project relates to number of local and regional development strategies such
as the National Economic Development Strategy "A Winning Wales", "Better Wales and the Objective 1 Programme for West Wales and the
Valleys. The Wales Tourist Board is the statutory body for the development of tourism in Wales. As such, it is directly tasked with delivering the
Welsh Assembly Government policies and priorities for tourism. Our targets are passed down from the Welsh Assembly Government through an
annual remit letter. This letter reflects the overall targets and priorities outlined in the above strategies. This project will be a key deliverer for
these targets. The project agrees with two of its priorities, namely; - Supporting businesses - by improving support and business advice -
"Establishing Wales in the World" priority by "developing Wales as a location attractive to both business and to tourism, and a more concerted
effort to enhance Wales's image overseas". The project meets the overall aims of the Objective 1 Programme, specifically Priority 1 of the SPD as
it will "generate wealth an employment for the region by supporting the growth of the SME sector" (SPD, p175) and "improve the
competitiveness of business and the creation of new businesses through the provision of co-ordinated and focussed business support, advice and
training". (SPD, p10). The project specifically addresses the strategic aims of Priority 1 Measure 3 of the Objective 1 Programme by " supporting
a proactive, customer-led high quality businesses, assisting businesses individually or collectively to improve their turnover and profitability and
enabling them to employ more people" and "by generating wealth and employment for the region by supporting the growth of SME sector". The
tourism context for the project is in Action 31 of "Achieving Our Potential", the Assembly approved strategy for the industry, which has been
incorporated within the Regional Tourism Strategy for the Objective 1 area. The project also agrees with the Vision of the Regional Tourism
Strategy, as it will contribute "to the economic, social, cultural and environmental well being of West Wales and the Valleys." (Regional Tourism
Strategy; p3)
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Phase 2 Integrated Support for Tourism SMEs £1,134,000 55357 26/11/2003 £3,150,000
The aim of the project is to develop a more co-ordinated delivery of tourism business support to tourism SMEs that is flexible and focussed on
improving competitiveness through the adoption of more effective business practices. The project will provide integrated financial assistance plus
specialist tourism advice to tourism SMEs. A key gateway to the project is via WTB quality advisors who undertake annual quality inspections of
c.4000 tourism SMEs in West Wales & Valleys. Their role in addition to advice on "star" grading has been expanded to give initial business advice
and to signpost tourism SMEs to more specialist tourism advice or financial assistance where appropriate and this is a key component of the
project. This is Phase 2 of an earlier Objective 1 funded project. Phase 1 has been very successful in delivering assistance to SMEs. Ongoing
monitoring of this phase indicates that the financial assistance scheme has been particularly successful in terms of commitment and spend and in
achieving anticipated outputs of gross new/safeguarded jobs and increasing turnover in assisted SMEs. Phase 2 will build on the strengths of
Phase 1 but will be better placed to take advantage of recent research into key tourism growth products (e.g. golf, business tourism, cycling,
activities). This will improve the focus on tourism SMEs growth potential in order to maximise outputs. There will also be an emphasis on
improving the outputs achieved within Valleys local partnerships through SME seminars and improved linkages with South Wales Valleys Heritage
Initiative ("Herian"). Work on cross cutting themes will be improved via improving the linkages and direction of tourism SMEs to other
initiatives/ organisations (some Obj 1-funded) such as Arena Network (Green Dragon); Opportunity Wales; "Sense of Place", the WDA/ Chwarae
Teg SME Equality Project and the VisitWales e-commerce initiative.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Tourism Promotion and Marketing £10,702,692 52578 28/03/2002 £21,780,000
This project will deliver key marketing and promotional aspects of "Achieving our Potential" (Tourism Strategy for Wales) the Assembly approved
strategy for tourism.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Integrated Business Support for Tourism SMEs £6,300,000 52554 11/09/2002 £13,029,873
The aim is to develop a more co-ordinated delivery of tourism business support to the industry, particularly SMEs which is flexible and focussed
on improving on competitiveness through the adoption of more effective business practices. The project will provide integrated financial
assistance plus specialist tourism advice to tourism SMEs.
2 2 WAG - DEIN (WTB) E-Tourism Destination £311,291 54212 14/11/2002 £635,030
This project has been developed to stimulate awareness and demand of the potential offered by ICT and to support tourism SMEs, in particular,in
exploiting the benefits of e-trading and e-marketing.This demand will be stimulated through encouraging the use of the Wales Destination
Management System as an effective distribution system to enable tourism SME's to get their project to market and to facilitate booking of Welsh
holiday products via the internet. The Destination Management System has been developed as a sepatate programme (funded by the National
Assembly for Wales) and will be used to increase the awareness of ICT of tourism SME's. Support will also be available to the tourism SME's.
4 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) The Welsh Learning Network £2,636,380 52563 27/03/2002 £5,487,843
The Welsh Learning Network will provide an information communications technology (ICT) infrastructure linking further education institutions
(FEIs) and higher education institutions (HEIs) throughout West Wales and the Valleys to increase the use of information learning technology
(ILT) in the curriculum and in management.
£4,503,600 52712 01/08/2002 £8,340,000
The aim of the Knowledge Exploitation Fund (KEF) commercialisation project is the effective exploitation of knowledge, research and
development within Further and Higher Education (FE and HE) for the benefit of the Objective 1 economy.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Developing Social Economy Entrepreneurs £86,199 52552 26/03/2002 £172,397
The project aims to develop entepreneurs within the social economy through co-operatively structured businesses. The project has two key aims.
First to work with the many exisitng businesses assisting them to realise and develop enterpreneurial activity through businesses in the social
economy. This will include a specific emphasis on risk management. Second, entrepreneurial activity will be supported in the development of
new businesses in the social economy.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Community Regeneration through Co-operatives £69,619 52566 26/03/2002 £139,238
This project will deliver a pcakage of business support for existing and potential co-operative enterprises to encourage joint marketing, business
growth and increased participation. To develop "Team Gwynedd" establishing joint partnerships within Gwynedd Regeneration Team to ensure
seamless support is delivered to the client at all levels.
1 1 Wales Co-operative Centre Succession Fund Facilitator £156,057 52567 27/03/2002 £316,225
This initiative has been developed by the Finance Wales Partnership and is part of the development of an Enterprise fund for Wales. The Initiative
is a support mechanism for the activities of Finance Wales, which seeks to establish equity and loan capital for SMEs in Wales.
1 1 Wales Co-operative Centre Retaining Wealth Through Credit Union Development £2,062,701 52569 22/03/2002 £2,750,270
The Project will implement the all Wales Credit Union Strategy throughout the Objective 1 areas of Wales through a partnership involving the
Wales Co-operative Centre, the Association of British Credit Unions Ltd (ABCUL) and the Credit Unions in Wales. It will: · Set up a Credit Union
Development Fund aimed at building the capacity of credit unions in Wales to ensure that they become self-sustaining. · Provide development
support to the credit unions through the development and implementation of a marketing strategy aimed at increasing membership and numbers
of active volunteers. · Promote the concept of credit unions throughout the Objective 1 areas of Wales. · Provide an effective means of credit
union participation, consultation and networking. Facilitating the creation of an effective representation structure in Wales.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Developing Enterprise Through Co-operatives £37,831 52625 26/03/2002 £75,662
The project has two key aims: to work with the exisiting businesses assisting them to realise and develop entrepreneurial activity through the
development of new and existing viable businesses in the social economy; and to provide a bespoke business support service for newly
established and existing businesses that are attempting to identify new opportunities to add value to existing products and services. The project
will work with partner organisations thorugh the active co-ordination of the economic development dept of CCBC.
3 4 Wales Co-operative Centre Credit Union Development and Support in Bridgend £31,408 52644 27/03/2002 £48,416
The overall aim of the project is to build strong, self-sustaining credit unions by providing development support for Bridgend County and Llynfi
Valley Credit Unions. The project will concentrate on membership and volunteer recruitment in the targeted communities, providing access to
alternative finance, particularly for those excluded from mainstream financial services.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre DEVELOPING ENTERPRISE THROUGH CO-OPERATIVES £69,722 52749 22/03/2002 £139,444
To develop the social economy business within the county, regenerating communities and developing entrepreneurship within the small business
sector. The Centre will work with existing businesses assisting in their development through Joint Partner Working Arrangements, Co-operative
Business Support and Evaluation and Dissemination.
3 4 Wales Co-operative Centre Credit Union Development and Support in Blaenau Gwent £96,063 52916 15/05/2002 £148,086
This project will recruit a credit union officer to cover the area of Blaenau Gwent. The remit will be - *identify, cultivate and recruit 15 to 20
individuals with key skills to form a steering group/management committee. Provide training and support to this steering group and subsequent
management committee. *to work towards the launch and registration of a new credit union for the area of Blaenau Gwent. Extend training to
the new credit union and to focus services on marketing activities and membership growth. Link with local employers to develop mechanisms for
direct deductions from earnings fro both savers and borrowers. *develop added value services for the credit union. These could include working
with schools, colleges and community groups to deliver financial literacy and debt management packages. Small business loans, retail schemes
and direct debit utility schemes.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Co-operative Business Support £1,115,503 55313 06/01/2004 £2,271,180
The project will encourage the development of a thriving co-operative sector in Wales through the creation of 120 new start co-operative's, the
expansion of 100 existing co-operatives and the involvement of 500 potential new entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs acting as volunteers within
the new and existing co-ops. It will capitalise on the growing opportunities the sector faces in areas such as public procurement, rural services,
financial services, employee ownership and community regeneration. The project reflects the aims of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan for Wales
in that it will promote and develop social entrepreneurs in co-operatives throughout Wales as part of Key Action 4 of the Plan. Considerable
opportunities exist for co-operative businesses and through them, social entrepreneurs, to provide alternative solutions to existing problems. To
develop the social economy in this way as the Action Plan describes, social entrepreneurs need encouragement, by learning from others on what
could be achieved and support in terms of practical assistance and business advice - both of which this project provides. By supporting the
creation of a vibrant social economy in Wales, the three headline objectives of the Obj1 programme will benefit - an increase in GDP, increased
employment and increased economic activity. Co-operatives encourage economically inactive to become employees within new businesses that
generate wealth. For example, credit unions often recruit volunteers who are unemployed but through training and involvement with the credit
union have secured employment with other organisations. Securing businesses through a succession, businesses are maintained, jobs secured
and with the proper support experience has proved they survive and expand and therefore increases GDP and creating new jobs within the
safeguarded businesses.
1 1 Wales Co-operative Centre Retaining Wealth through Credit Unions - Phase 2 £740,250 54651 12/12/2003 £1,500,000
The current credit union grant fund in the Objective 1 area has allocated grants of over £1m to 20 credit unions and has proved to be a key
element in the success of the development of credit unions to date. Most of the credit unions have used the grant assistance through this project
to acquire premises and employ staff, both recognised internationally as essential for sustainable growth. In the majority cases, these
components have been in place for less than a year and have already resulted in significant growth. A need for a phase 2 fund has now been
recognised in order to ensure that credit unions can become sustainable and achieve their objectives of providing affordable, community based
financial services for all. In other cases the capacity has been developed to an extent where the credit union could enhance it's operation further
and provide even greater benefits to the community it serves through further grant pump priming. The next phase of need has been identified as
follows: - Transitional funding -a number of credit unions have employed staff and acquired premises through the current grant funding. At the
end of the current project, these resources will have been in place for between 18 months and 2 years only. Significant growth is already taking
and place in terms of membership, shares and assets, but, in some cases, the credit unions will require continued support before their new
capacity is fully self sustainable. - Second stage development - in some cases, credit unions have been in an early stage of development and not
in a position to access funding during the current project. They would now be ready to become employers and acquire premises as others have,
thus enabling them to grow and reach more and more people within their communities. Because the structure of the grant fund is in place, they
would be able to implement their growth strategies for a full 3 year period and would expect to be self-sustainable at the end of this period. -
New Development - there are still a few areas in Wales which have no credit union facility, but development work is currently underway to
establish credit unions in areas such as Blaenau Gwent and Ceredigion. These credit union study groups will need start up finance to ensure that
they can move towards sustainable over the next few years. - Added value projects - a number of credit unions will have sufficient capacity and
ambition to consider established projects, which would bring additional benefits to their members and the communities in which they are based.
These would need a local level as well as support from the national project. In addition to the credit union grant fund, it is proposed that a credit
union bursary fund is established to enable credit unions to buy in services collectively or allocate funding to individuals. These services will be
aimed at developing the skills anexperience of credit unions and their key volunteer directors to make most effective use of the grant funding. -
Buying in services - credit unions are organised into regional forums known internationally as Chapters. Credit unions may benefit from
collectively bringing in specialist expertise from other parts of the UK or the International credit union movement to help Welsh credit unions to
grow and develop. This could take a number of forms: organising seminars or conferences; accessing new technology and financial tools or
building links with other sectors within Wales. - Individual bursaries - funds would be made available for individuals to undertake activities
which directly enhanced their credit union management abilities. This would include study visits to other credit unions and would particularly
focus on the transfer of best practice from outside Wales. The main grant fund will continue to be managed by the Wales Co-operative Centre
with decisions on grant awards being made by a grant board made up of representation from credit unions in Wales and ABCUL. This phase 2
project does not, however, seek resources for a comprehensive management support programme as was the case in the current project. This
support will be provided through other related projects which look at credit unions as part of the wider social economy. The Bursary funds would
be managed by the Chapters themselves with administrative support provided by the Wales Co-operative Centre.
6 4
Wales Council for Voluntary
STRATEGIC RECYCLING SCHEME - CAPITAL FUND £8,395,892 55234 20/05/2004 £28,537,127
The aim of the project is to set up a key fund that will enable ambitious and innovative projects to thrive. To finance projects that aim high and
deal with the difficult material flows - to go where other funding would not. It will encourage and reward community organisations, local
authorities and private industry that seek to work in partnership for community benefit. It will finance a Country-wide "Action Research" project
to achieve increased waste diversion rates on a scale significant enough to exceed or make a major impact on the targets for waste reduction,
re-use and recycling that are set out in the Wales Waste Strategy and the EU Landfill Directive. SRS will be a pre-matched fund enabling ease of
access to all groups - particularly community-based organisations that have been toiling in the recycling field for over a decade. Whilst the
spending is essentially in the public arena, because it is local authorities that have responsibility for finding out what the new contracts should
look like beyond 2006, there is no reason why the other stakeholders, private and community sector, should not play a full part in the "Action
Research" process. Once the experiment is complete, has been evaluated and discussed, the nature of best practice to deliver the new service will
be better understood and the whole service issue can be open to best value competition using better drawn contract specifications.
3 3
Wales Council for Voluntary
Morfa Hall Voluntary Sector Centre £1,163,975 56143 04/01/2005 £1,722,365
The purpose of this project is to create a unique Voluntary Sector Centre in North Wales. The centre will be situated in Rhyl and will enable
greater participation by the local communities and enable WCVA to enhance its current contribution to the growing demands of the Voluntary
Sector at all levels and ensure the needs and involvment of the communities at local level are fully appreciated and met.
3 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Local Voluntary Action Capacity Building - Phase 2 £2,355,603 55666 16/04/2004 £3,233,054
This is a consortium project with 13 County Voluntary Councils (CVCs) taking part. The project will fund 13 (FT equivalent) development workers
and managerial, financial and administrative support. This second phase of funding will build on the previous project to establish and develop a
team within each CVC to work with groups tackling social exclusion. The project aims to equip community groups and organisations with the
skills, tools, confidence and back up resources to develop and sustain services and assistance to benefit the socially excluded in their local areas.
This will stimulate community regeneration, tackle social exclusion, build self esteem and encourage healthier lifestyles.
3 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Building Community Capacity for Local voluntary action £1,270,055 52880 27/03/2002 £1,743,145
The purpose of the project is to enable the county voluntary councils (CVC's) working accross Objective 1 programme area to: * equip people
and community organisations with the skills, tools and confidence and back-up resources to develop and sustain equal partnerships with public
and sustain equal partnerships with public and private agencies in their areas * provide a catalyst for community-centered development
7 1
Wales Council for Voluntary
WCVA - Community Economic Regeneration Plan £257,536 53816 02/08/2002 £515,075
To provide a secretariat role for the Community Economic Regeneration Regional Partnership.
7 1
Wales Council for Voluntary
ERDF Technical Assistance £79,597 53509 02/08/2002 £159,195
The aim of the application is to provide the resources to develop, promote ad facilitate a Community Economic Regeneration plan as agreed by
the Objective 1 Programme Monitoring Committee.
7 1
Wales Council for Voluntary
Voluntary Sector Support Unit £346,576 53278 02/08/2002 £770,168
The aim of the project is to build on WCVA's experience and expertise and develop an all Wales Voluntary Support Unit in order to make the
process as accessible to the voluntary sector as possible and ensure that the sector contiues to play the fullest part in the implementation of the
Structural Funds Programmes to enable the delivery of sustainable economic growth for Wales.
3 3
Wales Council for Voluntary
Community's First Trust Fund (Retrospective) £4,620,151 56391 03/09/2004 £6,416,879
The project aims to equip community groups and organisations with the skills, tools, confidence and back-up resources to develop and sustain
services and assistance to benefit the socially excluded in local areas. It aims to stimulate community regeneration, tackle social exclusion, build
self-esteem and encourage healthier lifestyles. The project provides a pre-matched key fund to allow voluntary and community organisations
simple and rapid access to support. The purpose of the the Fund is to build social capital through small grants to a large number of small
community led organisations. The project will fund activity that involves local people, through small community organisations, that benefits their
community. The activities must provide some measure of economic, environmental, social or cultural benefit for people living in a Community
First area.
2 2 WASP IT WASP (Phase 2) £6,157,290 55794 16/09/2004 £13,912,899
This is the second phase continuation of the original 'WASP' project. As in the first phase, this application under the ERDF will be linked with a
further ESF application to constitute 'the project'. In its simplest form, the project will build upon the success of the first phase by extending its
central data centre that deploys, manages, and remotely hosts software applications to be run on a managed hardware infrastructure located at
benificiary organisations site. Alongside this, the project will provide communication links between the sites, a specialist team of consultants to
ensure successful implementation, extensive individual user training and 24/7 support desk facility.
6 2 Wave Dragon Wales Ltd Wave Dragon - Wave Energy Power Plant £755,020 57348 10/05/2006 £3,240,800
The Wave Dragon project is to produce a feasibility study to test the practicalities of the Wave Dragon unit. Once this is completed it will allow
construction, testing, monitoring and refining a novel renewable wave energy technology at a full scale in a marine environment with the aim of
commencing fully commerial developments on the project site, elsewhere around the coast of Wales and worldwide.
2 2 Welsh Assembly Government Regional Innovative Broadband Support (RIBS) Project £4,500,139 57284 13/01/2006 £13,433,355
The Regional Innovative Broadband Support (RIBS) project has been designed to ensure the provision of first generation broadband to any home
or business site that cannot access a broadband service under normal market conditions. The project's two main objectives are: § Complete
deployment of first generation broadband to the 35 exchange areas (of which 21 lie within the Objective 1 area) that are currently deemed
unviable by the incumbent telecoms operator; § Gap filling to areas that will remain without access to broadband due to either topography
and/or economics. (Broadband blackspots) Through a fair and open procurement process, the RIBS project will seek to let a contract that will
successfully procure a provider to deliver first-generation broadband services to areas that currently do not have any prospects of broadband
provision. The successful provider will be required to make available the equivalent of affordable (cost comparable with urban areas of Wales)
first-generation broadband services on wholesale terms to other service providers and offer a retail Internet service provider (ISP) service to
2 2 Welsh Assembly Government Fibrespeed - Open Access Networks for Wales £5,182,524 57189 05/06/2006 £10,515,849
The FibreSpeed project will deliver by July 2008 the following key objectives: - create a supportive environment to enhance the take up of
generic ICT and Ecommerce activities; - stimulate demand by building local exemplars to demonstrate the benefits of ICT and develop clusters of
key activities around concentrations of expertise in key sectors; - provide support for the exploitation of opportunities and e-commerce and other
innovative ICT applications using technologies to benefit local communities and businesses. To support the roll-out of known best practice and
build effective business information networks; - support innovative actions to increase access to ICT in rural areas for communities and
businesses; - increase effective coverage of ICTs in areas with limited market provision and upgrade and develop infrastructure in areas that
would otherwise be neglected FibreSpeed will directly address these targets through ensuring the availability and affordability of advanced
broadband services (10Mbps symmetric and above) for SMEs and other businesses, initially targeting those businesses located on business
parks, and hightech start-up facilities in North Wales through the development and utilisation of a publicly owned passive backbone
infrastructure. FibreSpeed is aimed at meeting the demands of high-bandwidth users (supporting a minimum of 10 Mbit/s), enabling end user
prices to be set that are on a par with the most competitive parts of the UK, namely London and the South East of England. The Welsh Assembly
Government wishes, through an OJEU tender procedure, to facilitate the provision of high speed broadband services to SMEs and other business
throughout the Objective 1, 2 and 3 designated areas within Wales via a publicly owned broadband infrastructure The FibreSpeed project will
deliver direct benefits to all of the 15 Objective 1 local authority areas when fully complete - this Project Plan specifically relates to Phase 1 of
the project and focuses on the 4 Objective 1 areas in North Wales; Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire.
2 2 Welsh Assembly Government Communities@One £3,986,661 57175 23/08/2005 £7,944,723
This project seeks to achieve 'digital inclusion', which is social inclusion through the use of technology, in the most deprived areas of Wales. It
aims to break down social, economic and educational barriers to the exploitation of ICT across targeted communities, in a bottom-up and flexible
programme of local activities. This project will create a team of community brokers, working with existing community practitioners in
Communities First areas throughout the Objective 1 area. These community brokers will: · work with local stakeholders to enhance and
encourage the use of ICT by community groups and individuals. · work with local organisations to identify projects, which will be submitted for
funding by a central grant fund. In addition, this project will use local ICT specialists who will be funded through the project to provide support
to community based ICT and, in so doing, the project will foster the development of social enterprises and SMEs within the targeted areas.
2 2 Welsh Assembly Government SMe-Engage Programme £434,386 57179 28/09/2005 £879,147
SMe-Engage is aimed at ensuring that SMEs in the Objective 1 area are equipped and motivated to benefit from the e-procurement processes
increasingly used by public bodies. The main focus will be on boosting SMEs' trading with Welsh public sector organisations by boosting their
capacity and capabilities to use e-procurement systems. To ensure that SMEs are motivated to invest in e-procurement capacity and capabilities,
an additional focus of the project will be on supporting interoperability and increasing the use of e-procurement by the public bodies, notably the
unitary authorities, in Wales. The project will: Expand the SME base by increasing their sales from the public sector; Foster an innovation culture
in SMEs by encouraging them to re-think their internal business processes; Diversify the local economic base by using e-procurement to win a
greater share of public sector spend; Stimulate increased demand for ICTs by demonstrating the benefits of e-procurement processes.
1 2 Welsh Assembly Government ExportAssist £6,027,000 57038 06/06/2005 £12,729,500
ExportAssist Phase II will continue and extend the existing and highly successful International Trade Development Programme. The programme
will enable SME's to compete in international markets, generate new business and create additional wealth for the Objective 1 area. Specifically it
will: 1. Prepare SME's for international trading; 2. Enable SME's to win additional business; 3. Identify suitable in-market opportunities and
partners for SME's; 4. Link SME's into overseas customers; 5. Enable SME's to market and promote themselves in overseas markets. The
programme is fully aligned to the Welsh Assembly Government's international trade vision, namely "to increase the prosperity of the people of
Wales by developing a culture of internationalisation within the business community of Wales, thereby developing new opportunitys in the global
market". The programme fully complements the Assembly's National Economic Developing Strategy which highlights the need to "find smarter
ways of connecting Wales to international business opportunities"nand the Assembly's strategic plan ( "to build an
advanced, competitve and more diverse economy, with a dynamic small and medium enterproise sector", leading to an increse in the number of
new exporters. The strategic aims and objectives of Wales Trade International are consistant with the SPD in that they are focused on growing
the SME base in Wales through developing the marketability of Welsh companies and products overseas. This programme is a specific initiative
aimed at companies that are new or inexperienced at exporting. A range of support mechanisms have, therfore, been designed to introduce the
necessary skills and attributes required by these companies to become "internationalised" in their business operations. The programme will lead
to both employment and GDP growth and increased economic activity. This programme supports the Programme Complement.
3 2 Welsh Assembly Government Communities First £9,227,600 56374 14/09/2004 £12,664,837
This retrospective project brings together the aims of the Communities First programme and Priority 3 of the Objective 1 programme to combat
socail exclusion, by targeting local community-based activity. This project is a capacity building programme which has run from April 2001 -
March 2004. This is the first phase of the programme and the second phase is now proceeding. This project focuses on building the capacity of
people from all backgrounds within communities to encourage participation through partnerships in local regeneration initiatives.. Communities
First Co-ordinators and other community development staff are employed by grant recipients such as local authorities and voluntary sector
organisations to develop Communities First partnerships and support the partnerships in developing capacity building and action plans.
7 3 Welsh Assembly Government WEFO Grants Project £2,899,703 57432 13/07/2006 £6,779,155
To consolidate disparate working practices across funds, reducing confusion among applicant beneficiaries, it will deliver improved targeting of
programme budgets, it will ensure that all processes, procedures and the system will fully comply with Commission compliance requirements, it
will better enable beneficiaries to conduct their business with WEFO, in the medium of Welsh and it will greatly improve access to structural
2 5 Welsh Assembly Government The National Welsh Energy R&D Centre (WERC) £3,558,700 56188 31/07/2006 £5,931,217
The aim of this project is to build upon a long track record of achievement and recognition across a range of sustainable energy disciplines (see
ANNEX 1), to provide a co-ordinated, strategic, inter-disciplinary approach to the generation and appraisal of a broad range of sustainable energy
solutions (systems, products or processes), contributing significantly towards national sustainable energy targets, generating significant inward
investment to Wales, whilst developing Wales into a global showcase for sustainable energy innovation. The authors represent 4 established
WDA Centres of Excellence in energy intensive disciplines, namely those in 'Energy, Waste and Environment (CETIC in 'Energy' and recognised by
the WDA for its Excellence in Energy research for 15 years previously), 'Built Environment', 'Magnetics' and 'Manufacturing'. The aims of the
programme will be facilitated through the establishment of a Welsh Energy Research Centre (WERC) - including a large-scale Sustainable Energy
Demonstration Centre (SEDC) at WDA/ECM2 (Port Talbot). WERC proposes to utilise its diverse range of facilities and expertise to undertake
demonstration projects to optimise opportunities for net financial benefit in Welsh objective 1 regions. Working closely with the various
stakeholders (industrial, public bodies, SMEs) and monitored through an experienced cross-sector steering committee, the project will enable
WERC to promote and market its activities and projects on an international dimension.
6 1 Welsh Assembly Government A465 Dualling - Tredegar to Dowlais Top £8,300,000 55284 26/11/2003 £28,143,000
The policies underlying the Trunk Road Forward Programme 2002 (TRFP) (Annex 2) are set out in the Transport Framework for Wales, published
in November 2001 (Annex 3). The TRFP has been drawn up in line with the Welsh Assembly Government's scheme for Sustainable Development,
taking social economic conditions in Wales through increased efficiency and accessibility, whilst endeavouring to minimise adverse environmental
effects. The A465 trunk road links south and west wales to the Midlands and the North of England. The improvement to dual carriageway
standard is needed to upgrade the quality of service in this strategic route, to imrpove the safety of the road, ease traffic congestion, and assist
in the economic regeneration of the area, in particular the eastern valleys and the industrial estates in the vicinity of the Heads of the Valleys
road, whilst ensurin that these objectives are pursused with proper regard for the environment.
6 1 Welsh Assembly Government A470 Dolwyddelan to Pont yr Afanc Improvment £5,000,000 55286 26/11/2003 £17,035,427
The A470 trunk road links North and South Wales and is a vital corridor for accessibility to and from Mid Wales, connecting large parts of the
Objective 1 area and the main transport corridors that is passes through. The project is an on-line improvement to single carriageway standard
consisting of widening the existing road, easing of sharp bends thus enabling long or wide vehicles to travel in opposite directions without
having the difficulty of passing each other.
1 1 Welsh Assembly Government REGIONAL SELECTIVE ASSISTANCE GRANTS £7,314,271 55350 26/11/2003 £29,362,792
To provide financial support for SMEs wishing to expand and develop, and so create and safeguard employment, in the Objective 1 area. The
scheme provides higher levels of support than grant schemes operated by local authorities - minimum grant level is £5,000.- and therefore this
scheme complements rather than duplicates other grant provision. The grant criteria include assessment of additionality (that the projects
wouldn't go ahead without the funding) and viability. Grants are the minimum necessary for the project to proceed. These will ensure that the
scheme addresses market failure. The scheme helps to deliver the strategies set out in A Winning Wales and the Business Support Strategy. More
details are provided in the project plan.
2 1 Welsh Assembly Government Regional Innovative Broadband Support Programme £16,107 55013 12/11/2003 £43,173
The project will deliver a significant change in the "broadband map" of Wales. It will improve access to high bandwidth connectivity (broadband
infrastructure) in deprived and peripheral areas of Wales. This in turn will help to deliver the overall aims of the Objective One Programme and
the Welsh Assembly Government's Cymru Ar-lein initiative.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government International Trade Development Programme £4,150,970 53648 09/07/2002 £8,542,200
The project is aimed at small to medium sized enterprises based in the Objective 1 area of Wales who are either first time exporters or looking to
develop new international markets. It is an intitiative that will exclusively address international trade as a means of company development. It will
raise awareness of international trade as a business option; provide one-to-one international business support to fully prepare companies for
internationl markets including the preparation of international business support to fully prepare companies for international markets including the
preparation of international development strategies, identification of overseas markets/customers; and a programme of overseas trade visits
made up of companies exclusively from the Objective 1 area. Companies in the Objective 1 area who participate will receive dedicated, tailor-
made export support.
1 3
Welsh Clothing & Textile
Textile Support Initiative £407,803 55154 30/03/2004 £877,795
The project aims to develop a centre of excellence at Glynllifon Park ,Gwynedd to act as a focal point for raising the profile of, and encouraging
growth in, the clothing industry in Wales. The project will address the problems that are restricting growth and development within SMEs and
micro businesses and for design graduates in the clothing and textile industry and so encourage sustainable turnover growth within the
companies The centre will also provide new businesses (particularly design graduates) with support and specialist mentoring through the early
days of developing their own business within a working environment therefore encouraging these talented young people to stay in Wales to
develop their business. The project is industry-led, having been developed by the Welsh Clothing and Textile Association (WCTA) in response to
members' views on what the industry needed in order to develop. It will however offer assistance to members and non-members of the WCTA
alike. The project will provide a centre of excellence for the clothing and textile industry. The centre will allow specialist support and shared
services to be provided to local SMEs. It will also provide effective networking opportunities and allow the expertise already present in local
companies to be shared widely - particularly with small and new companies. Not all of the services described in this plan require or are eligible
for public funding. The project will link closely with the mainstream business support agencies to ensure that companies have effective access to
generic as well as industry-specific support services.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Maximising the publicity and promotion of the European
Structural Funds
£329,081 55511 22/01/2004 £658,163
To fully maximise the oppurtunities to publicise and promote the European Structural Funds throughout the Objective 1 West Wales and the
Valleys area.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Objective 1 Mid Term Evaluations £122,900 54964 29/10/2003 £245,800
To raise awareness of Objective 1
7 1
Welsh European Funding
Reimbursement of T&S costs for partnership members
(Objective 1)
£25,500 54723 04/03/2003 £51,000
To enable WEFO to support the T&S costs incurred in attending partnership meetings by the private and voluntary sector members and advisors
on the Programme Monitoring Committee.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Customer Attitude Survery £8,030 57426 28/08/2007 £16,060
To record the views of applicants on the applicatino and appraisal process.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Objective 1 Mid Term Evaluation Update £65,154 57402 08/02/2008 £130,308
To provide an update to the Mid Term Evaluation for the Objective 1 Programme as required by the European Commission.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Customer Attitude Survery (2006) £9,000 57521 28/08/2007 £18,000
Survey of applicants for Obj 1 funding, recording views on the application process and appraisal.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Good Practice in Structural Fund Project Management £34,850 56533 03/11/2004 £69,700
The good Practice in Structural Fund Management project will carry out case study research with Objective 1 funded projects that demonstrate
aspects of good practice, with a view to promoting the adoption of good practice in current and future projects. WEFO has undertaken a
procurement procedure to appoint independent researchers to carry out the case study. The succesful contractor will be expected to: 1. Identify
the principles and processes of good project management in the context of Structural Fund (SF) projects. 2. Validate these principles and
processes with partnerships and focus groups of WEFO staff and project managers. 3. Select a sample of approximately forty Objective 1 projects
that demonstrate good practice. 4. Gather information from these projects on their project management WEFO has undertaken a procurement
procedure and appointed 'Old Bell 3 Economic Development and European Services' to carry out the study as independent researchers.
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Structural Funds Cross Cutting Themes Reseach Project
(Obj 1)
£32,000 57228 08/06/2005 £64,000
Project objective is to commission and secure delivery of a research exercise which will examine the process model and impact of the three cross
cutting themes of Equal Opportunities, Environmental Sustainability and Information Communication Technology, which must be applied across
all projects in receipt of EU Structural Funds in Wales. The project will: 1. make an assessment of whether the intergration of the cross cutting
themes has made a contribution to the programmes' social and economic objectives and if so, to estimate the extent of the contribution; 2.
determine how well a sample of prjects have integrated the Cross Cutting Themes of Equal Opportunities, Environmental Sustainability and ICT
3. determine the strengths and weaknesses of the processes used to integrate the CCts into the current programmes, and to identify good
practice that could be taken forward to the next round of Structural Funds in Wales (2007-2013)
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Technical Assistance - Private Sector Unit Secondees £175,000 57346 23/12/2005 £350,000
to ensure the private sector was fully involved in making the structural funds programmes work for Wales
7 3
Welsh European Funding
Post 2006 Workstreams (Obj 1 ERDF) £6,750 57347 13/03/2006 £13,500
The projet will aim to: 1. Identify key lessons to be learned from current Structural Funds programmes 2000 - 2006 2. Examine activity including
processes and systems across the main funds i.e. ESF and ERDF 3. provide strategic advice and ideas to WEFO for any future programme plans
6 4 Welsh Water
Carmarthenshire Industrial Infrastructure, Capacity
Expansion - Cross Hands
£1,071,020 56601 24/02/2006 £3,166,577
The project achieves this through delivering an expansion to the existing sewage treatment works; an expansion that is not currently scheduled
to be built and is not funded through "normal" sources. It is additional capacity which will be added onto the existing Cross Hands sewage
treatment works in Carmarthenshire in order to accommodate additional industrial and associated domestic effluent from the ambitious proposals
to develop a new industrial park in this area. These ambitious plans are being led by Carmarthenshire County Council and the Welsh
Development Agency.
6 3 Westair Properties Limited Silent Stages £2,400,000 57166 18/07/2005 £9,303,000
The construction of 4 Silent Stages and associated facilities for TV production.
2 5 Western Bio Energy Ltd Western Log - Biomass Power Plant £9,350,000 55391 10/11/2005 £34,437,416
The project will install, commission and operate a state-of-the-art, advanced combustion 10 MW biomass power plant in the Neath Port Talbot
local authority area. The site will cover approximately 2 hectares, consisting of the power plant, wood chipping and storage facilities and vehicle
manouvering areas.
2 3 William Battle Associates SME's Innovation Support Programme £294,740 53709 20/06/2002 £604,740
The project will deliver mentoring programmes for technology based businesses, and knowledge and technology transfer programmes. The
project will also nurture the growth of companies in new technology sectors.
1 3 Ymlaen Ceredigion
Developing competitive SME's sustainable development
training and advice
£16,000 52559 19/03/2002 £32,000
To provide a series of workshops, semiars, and training programmes that will enable organisations and businesses to understand the
requirements of sustainable development. To provide a means for organisations to consider change pathways towards sustainability. To provide
an on site service to organisations to discuss their requirements for sustainability.
1 1 Ynys Mon County Council Monfenter £432,000 52548 21/03/2002 £3,092,000
A wide-ranging grant package to address the development needs od local SME's across all sectors.The project is designed to encouage new
business ventures, create employment, encourage innovation and make local businesses more competitive. Emphasis will be placed on adding
valueto current grant and finance initiatives and plugging gaps of need at a local level with the economyof Anglesey. - Target Obj 1 funds directly
into private sector developments. - Provide grant assistance for business growth at all levels and across all sectors,according to need and against
criteria based upon flexibility, accessibility, equal opportunities and qualitative/quantitative targets. - Reduce current barriers to growth. - Create
employment on a substantive scale linked to start up support, innovation, high technology, knowledge based business activity, business
expansion and new product development/export/marketing activity. - Encourage developement of new enterprises. - Encourage women into
business - Support establishment of community based business and joint ventures - Encourage efficient use of energy and improvements in
environmental standards - Support initiatives to direct appropraite firms seeking investment to locate on Anglesey. - Assist business to improve
the fabric of their property - Assist businesses to improve the efficency of their operations through purchase of more efficient capital equipment
and ICT investment. - Provision of sufficient administartive assistance to run the schemes.
1 5 Ynys Mon County Council Mon Safle (phase 1) £733,000 52582 20/03/2002 £1,871,000
Aimed at providing suitable sites for attracting SME's to locate on Anglesey, to create employment in the high technology and service sectors,
currently under-represented locally. Another objective is to assist businesses with their sites and premises needs, and of helping them to
overcome existing problems or constarints.The project has 5 different strands :- sites & premises support services, project developemnt study,
serviced sites for SME's, Industrial units and rural workshop for SME's, office units for SME's.
7 1 Ynys Mon County Council MEDRA (technical assistance) £100,000 52583 02/08/2002 £218,708
The project aims to develop a support team for the Anglesey Local Objective 1 Partenrship which will be responsible for the development and
monitoring of the Local Action Plan for the Island.
7 1 Ynys Mon County Council Technical assistance £375,000 53834 10/09/2002 £1,013,837
To provide a secretariat function for the Anglesey Objective 1 partnership.
1 3 Ynys Mon County Council Anglesey Tourism Development and Marketing Project £110,800 55370 10/06/2004 £398,368
The overall aim of the project is 'to develop a common brand for the Island and deliver enhanced and co-ordinated promotion and marketing
campaigns to improve and add value to the Island's tourism sector'. To ensure this aim is achieved the objectives of the project are to:- ·
Develop and enhance a common brand for the Island; · Co-ordinate and deliver new marketing and promotional campaigns; · Raise the profile of
Anglesey as a visitor destination; · Liaise with relevant communities, businesses and organisations to ensure local benefits and opportunities are
maximised; and · Create new employment opportunities within the tourism and related service sectors. In October 2001, the Isle of Anglesey
County Council's Economic Development Unit commissioned a study to identify how the marketing and image of the Island could be enhanced to
maximise economic benefits. Paver Downs Associates were awarded the contract, and their completed Report (published in June 2002) specifies
that the 'Anglesey brand is very much fragmented'. Despite being one of the Island's most important sectors, providing employment for over
2,600 individuals and generating approximately £101 million annually (based upon 2001/2002 Annual Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity
Monitor produced by Global Solutions (UK) Ltd), the Island is still not capitalising fully from the natural environment and its position as a
popular visitor destination. The report identified a need to enhance the Island's marketing activities to improve the Island's image. The Tourism
Team within the Economic Development Unit will work in partnership with local groups, businesses, the community, and relevant organisations to
create a unified image and brand for Anglesey. This will be publicised widely, marketed and developed through a targeted campaign that will
include: · Participate in WTB research studies into new and niche markets to identify new opportunities (e.g. windsurfing, sailing, general marine
leisure activities, walking etc.) that will inform the process of developing new promotional literature and suitable branding before undertaking a
targeted marketing and promotions campaign to attract more new visitors to the Island and ensure return visits; · Promotion and development -
Undertaking direct marketing activities whilst advising, directing, and supporting individual businesses and groups to ensure the activities
undertaken are co-ordinated within a common brand to create a unified common image. This combined approach will ensure the related
businesses are incorporated into one marketing package that will considerably raise their profile and ensure they reach potential markets and
customers which are currently beyond their ability to influence (because of the costs associated with marketing and distribution); · Improved
distribution of marketing material - At present much of the available literature material (i.e. leaflets; brochures etc.) is only available once the
visitor has arrived on the Island. It is therefore essential to improve not only the range of material, but also to widen the overall circulation.
Distribution will be enhanced within the UK and Ireland by ensuring brochures are available within every Tourist Information Centre (at present
they themselves request copies) through the purchasing of mailing list rights. It is also anticipated that overseas distribution will also be
improved (in conjunction with the WTB's overseas campaigns). This will substantially enhance the ability of the incorporated businesses to reach
and influence potential new customers; · Overseas promotional activities - Ensure enhanced participation in WTB overseas schemes (e.g.
TRAMOR); whilst enabling the Island's tourism related businesses to have a presence at International trade events. This is an area where they are
currently under-represented, thus minimising their ability to create an International profile for both themselves and the Island. The unified brand
and image will again be vital if the desired positive impacts are going to be created; · Improved PR - Produce and implement a PR action plan to
ensure a continued flow of regular press bulletins and promotional campaigns are undertaken to raise the overall profile of improved and
successful tourism related businesses. The targeted PR action plan will be implemented in a manner that will concentrate efforts on particular
target groups (i.e. wind related sports visitors during the winter months, walkers during spring/summer etc.), thus supporting the likelihood of
creating and sustaining a year-round visitor destination. The activities which will be undertaken as part of the campaign will substantially raise
the profile of the Island's tourism related businesses at home and overseas to raise and improve the Island's profile, whilst generating additional
interest in the area that will lead to increased visitor numbers. This will positively impact upon the local economy (across the Island), through
the creation of a prominent and highly visible visitor destination area. The 'Anglesey Tourism Development and Marketing' project will be
managed and administrated by the County Council's Economic Development Unit. The Unit's Tourism Team will have daily interaction with the
sector's business community, representatives from the Marketing Area Partnership, Anglesey Tourism Association, Anglesey Tourism Partnership,
and WTB. This will ensure the approach is fully co-ordinated, whilst meeting the needs of businesses. The Marketing and Image working-group
(consisting of public and private sector representation) is finalising the production of a long term Tourism Action Plan for the Island which will
guide and inform future activities (please refer to Annex A). This innovative approach on Anglesey towards supporting and assisting businesses
within the tourism (and support sectors) by concentrating on marketing and promotion will lead to increased turnover, and the creation of new
employment opportunities. The project will, for the first time, enable the public sector to facilitate the undertaking of professional, co-ordinated,
and multi-layered marketing and promotional campaigns to raise the profile and improve the image of Anglesey as a visitor destination area.
2 1 Ynys Mon County Council Anglesey Connected £453,421 54716 26/03/2003 £1,295,487
Integrate the existing patchwork of networks which exist on the Island into one sustainable infrastructure (that will provide enhanced low-cost
high bandwidth access to on-line services). This will be achieved by providing wireless technology broad band infrastructure access to ICT
learning centres, communities and individuals from a single point of presence. Once operational, it is planned that a second phase will be
developed to ensure the local business community makes full use of modern communication technologies.
6 1 Ynys Mon County Council The Celtic Gateway £2,077,337 54976 26/01/2004 £8,603,843
The Celtic Gateway is an integrated strategic transport and urban regeneration scheme for Holyead.
6 3 Ynys Mon County Council PENRHOS/TY MAWR (phase 1) £1,318,296 54995 23/02/2004 £3,540,900
The aim of the project is to extend and improve the provision of industrial sites and premises at the Penrhos industrial estate in Holyhead. The
site is located within the A55 Strategic site cluster. The project is Phase one of the Ty Mawr/Penrhos strategic site development.
1 1 Ynys Mon County Council Anglesey Business Development Fund £620,240 54649 07/01/2004 £2,724,300
This project is designed to encourage new business ventures, create employment, encourage innovation and make local business more
competitive. The project will provide the following grants: -Private Sector Leverage -Financial Support Packages -Promotions & Marketing Grants
-Project Planning & Development -Private Sector Leverage.
7 1 Ynys Mon County Council Isle of Anglesey CC Tech Assistance 2002 - 2008 £403,490 57237 18/08/2005 £795,170
To provide a secretariat function for the Anglessey Objective 1 partnership. To provide aftercare functions including identifying, developing and
providing aftercare support to approved projects; ensuring intergration with local, national and regional strategies; monitoring and evaluation of
how teh funding is having an impact locally and reporting to the Anglesey Economic Regen Partnership; Identifying best practice; promotion of
good practice case studies; conducting visits to sponsors; pro active customer care approach; maintain follow up visits and problems signposted
to WEFO; provide appropriate guidance documents; assisting projects with technical support.
6 3 Ynys Mon County Council Holyhead Town Centre Regeneration £2,500,000 56239 28/06/2005 £4,861,782
The objective of the project is the physical and economic regeneration of Holyhead Town Centre.
3 3
Ystalyfera Health and Well
Being Centre
Ystalyfera Health and Well Being Centre £375,000 56880 12/06/2006 £500,000
Purpose of the project is to complete Phase 2 which is the refurbishment of the centre - centre is set up to meet the identified need of reducing
the health inequalities that exist primarily within the ward of Ystalyfera.It is anticpated that the level of benefit claimants will reduce with more
people being able to access employment,increase training opportunities which will enable local residents to become more active citizens within
their community.
4 4 Ystrad Mynach College Taking Technology Forward £1,060,519 54004 19/06/2002 £2,480,253
The project is a re-build of a 50 year old teaching block to turn it into a modern centre for teaching in electronic product assembly, process
control engineering, manufacture and construction. The age of the current building makes it no longer fit for purpose and it does not comply with
the environmental and access standards required today. The age of much of the machinery makes it outdated and students are unable to take
part in many current industrial activities. The College is therefore prevented from introducing many of the techniques and practices that are
required by the large number of organisations that they work with e.g. robotics, mechatronics, flexible manufacturing systems, hydraulics etc.
The College has to turn away students due to the lack of accommodation and businesses due to the lack of up-to-date equipment. The project
will be implemented over an eighteen-month duration to enable the existing technology block to continue to function and minimise disruption to
students. The majority of the costs relate to construction but approximately £300k is included for non-mobile equipment needed to effect the
upgrade in course technology required. At the completion of the project the College will have a modern facility capable of contributing to the
social and economic regeneration of Caerphilly.
6 4 YUASA Battery UK Ltd YUASA (Battery) Water Recycling Project £35,000 54039 14/11/2002 £100,000
Proposed treatment/recycling plant for the treatment of effluent waste stream, raising it to a quality for reuse in specific area of process. Effluent
discharge to sewer will also be of a consistently lower volume and of lower levels of contaminent.
Fund: ESF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 654
Totalling: £432,070,726
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
4 2
Aberdare Boys
Comprehensive School
FRESHSTART £345,345 54266 12/08/2002 £595,635
This project aims to re-motivate and engage young people in years 9, 10 and 11 who are dis-enfranchised from mainstream education,by
providing them with an altnative curriculum delivered in partnership with local organisations.
4 1 Aberdare College Skills Training To Improve Emp. £173,786 53273 26/03/2002 £476,189
This project will improve employability and increase labour market participation levels within RCT via an integrated training and support package,
which will assist bemeficiaries into new emplyment opportunities. Activities will include flexible vocation training, key skills, job search and work
experience, motivational skills training and physica/financial support where required.
4 2 Aberdare College Skills Training and Guidance £466,628 53119 27/03/2002 £1,071,891
The project is a partnership between Aberdare and Pontypridd Colleges and aims to bring potentially disaffected/socially excluded people into
training, increasing their skills and confidence to assist them into employment.
4 2
Aberdare Town Centre
Chequers Youth Facility £172,411 53929 27/03/2002 £397,755
The project will enable all individuals to access and benefit from enhanced opportunities for lifelong learning and cultural enrichment and one of
the aims is that all learners will be encouraged to make an active contribution to promoting the social and economic well-being of their
4 3 Aberystwyth University West Wales Summer University 2 £63,980 53319 26/03/2002 £156,083
The West Wales Summer University is a partnership initiative and supportive residential university experience for young people within the region
who have underachieved educationally due to disability and/or social and economic disadvantage and aims to enable participants to access and
successfully complete a programme of Higher Education.
4 2 Aberystwyth University West Wales Summer University 3 £280,526 54807 16/07/2003 £474,111
The project will provide an intensive, residential Summer School for Disadvantaged young people enabling them to develop core skills in
communication, ICT and research and to aacquire skills and knowledge in specific academic disciplines supported by a full social and personal
development programme.
3 1 Aberystwyth University Dysgu Gyda'n Gilydd £261,033 56863 05/05/2005 £456,875
The project aims to stimulate a positive attitude to learning and develop confidence amongst the hardest to reach groups in the Ceredigion
(Priority 3) Uplands area to enable beneficiaries to gain the skills and knowledge they require to access further learning and employment.
4 2 Aberystwyth University Expanding Horizons £90,990 57332 21/02/2006 £264,497
The project provides an intensive, residential Easter school for under-achieving young people enabling them to develop basic skills in order that
they can achieve minimum skill levels. The scheme is supported by a full social and personal development programme to enhance generic skills,
confidence and promote social inclusion.
4 3 Acom Business Services Ltd Acoms e-learning centre £325,750 53215 26/03/2002 £863,962
The development of a learning centre equipped to meetthe demands of lifelong learning for individuals and SMEs, which promotes the availability
of access to innovative learning opportunities, through the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC), so that people develop
their knowledge and skills and improve their employability.
4 3 Adastra Education Ltd Web-base interactive multimedia £570,599 55539 21/04/2005 £1,152,493
Enhancing skills acquisition through web-based interactive multimedia. Project will cover two areas: technical and process design and testing,
upskilling of college ICT staff and students in the use of SMIL programming; and content creation and piloting in a variety of secnarios,
enhancing coaching and practical skills training on an individual basis.
4 2 Adref Ltd The ASPIRE Project £194,093 55024 18/11/2003 £328,027
The Projects aim is to encourage and assist homeless people to access and participate in education, training and employment. Thus developing
their confidence and belief in their own self worth, promoting their equality of opportunity and social inclusion and helping them breakout of the
vicious circle of homelessness and poverty.
4 3 Age Concern Morgannwg ACM Lifeline Learning Project £35,834 53212 26/03/2002 £82,473
The project will provide tuition in ICTskills for people 50+ in community localtions which will include homes, schools, colleges and community
centres. It will enable participants to access information through technology and provide opportybities for Lifetime Learning and skills
4 3 Age Concern Morgannwg Lifetime Learning Project £26,106 53492 26/03/2002 £59,142
This project will provide tuition for men and women aged 50+ at community locations including homes, schools, colleges and community based
centres. It will enable participants to access information through communication technology and provide opportunities for Lifelong Learning and
skills development.
4 2 Agoriad Cyfyngedig Ynys Mon Disability Project £61,024 53248 27/03/2002 £135,638
To provide a service to help disadvantaged/disabled people on Yny Mon, train and prepare for employment, education/training and voluntary
work with support measures in place to assist with retaining the activity. All beneficiaries will have access to advice, guidance and support
throughout the life of the project.
3 1
Amlwch Regeneration
Community step-ladder training £194,396 55896 17/12/2004 £307,727
Creating a programme for the provision of basic training to engage with the disaffected and utilise training as the driver to raise skills and
capacity, leading to participation in community based activities and ultimately full employment.
4 1
Amlwch Town Council /
Cyngor Tref Amlwch
Amlwch Skills Centre £126,294 56507 09/06/2005 £222,136
The aim of the project is to facilitiate the needs of individuals that are disaffected/at risk of disaffection, have extremely low skills levels and who
need additional personal support. The project aims to adopt a 'roll on, roll off' policy subject to progression onto mainstream provision.
4 3 Amman Valley Enterprise The Learning Journey £111,092 56775 22/09/2005 £255,895
An integrated centre for Lifelong Learning will be established, which will contribute to the development of an inclusive society where everyone
has the choice to fulfil their widening access and participation to learning opportunities by providing training programmes which are innovative,
flexible, relevant and learner led.
4 3 Antur Dwyryd Llyn Gwynedd Skills Shop £217,029 54948 16/07/2003 £438,000
The project aims to develop and enhance the work undertaken by Gwynedd Skills Shop since 1998 to help more individuals and businesses
throughtout the county to acquire and develop better skills, thus helping them to contribute towards raising the region's GDP by extending the
project's networks and accessibility
4 1 Antur Dwyryd Llyn Young Footballers Academy £829,036 54433 07/01/2003 £1,405,876
The project is a National Pilot Programme, which seeks to introduce the National Trainee/ Modern Apprenticeship Scheme into Welsh Football
using the lessons learnt from the English, Dutch and Scottish equivalents and support 92 beneficiaries to find work, using the motivation hook of
football to engage with and increase employability.
4 1 Antur Dwyryd Llyn Gwynedd Skills Shop £171,244 53149 26/03/2002 £342,489
To help with a low skills base identify and deal with barriers preventing them from developing their skills - these being lack of information.
contacts, confidence, negative attitudes and financial obstacles. It acts as a bridge between the individuals' aspirations and the organisation best
suited to fulfil his/her needs.
4 3 Arena Network Confidence in Learning II(a) £360,400 54194 27/05/2002 £736,000
To provide ICT and environmental training on an "outreach" basis to 400 low skilled SME(75%) workforce by taking laptops to the place of work.
To train200 unemployed in Environmental Awareness. To train 300 employees as internalEnvironmentalauditors to NVQ level4 standard. To
introduce 100 organisations to liP.
4 5 Bangor University Womens studies £22,804 54072 27/01/2003 £36,783
To provide individuals with higher level skills, with a viewto improving their employability within a variety of sectors in the Objective 1 area.
2 4 Bangor University Chemical Skil Indstry & Environ £274,578 54079 16/07/2002 £567,428
The project aims to provide individuals with higher level research, key skills and modern chemical laboratory skills with a view to improving their
1 4 Bangor University Ecological skills £318,905 54122 16/07/2002 £720,854
The project aims to provide opportunities for individuals to develop specialist ecological skills and research skills with a view to improving their
1 4 Bangor University Countryside Management £101,663 54124 16/07/2002 £229,800
The project aims to provide opportunities for individuals to develop higher level skills in countryside management with a view to improving their
1 4 Bangor University Training for Land Based Sector £356,448 54125 16/07/2002 £805,716
The project aims to provide opportunities for beneficiaries to develop higher level skills to include information technology and information
management, developing project proposals and project management skills,monitoring and evaluation, research methodology, economics,
investment appraisal, antrepreneurial skills, management planning and career planning skills. Also provided will be key skills training.
2 4 Bangor University Applied Marine Environmental Sc. £360,423 54127 16/07/2002 £744,831
To provide individuals with the skills required to support and develop a knowledge based, high value sector with strong growth potential
(environmental development & management, aquaculture, coastal zone management & monitoring, offshore survey). Includes applied science
training reinforced by ICT, communicatin, self management, research & presentation skills.
2 4 Bangor University Workplace Science and Technology £132,831 53113 26/03/2002 £279,178
To develop and deliver higher level training in science and technology in the workplace using interactive computer links. Required training will be
identified in discussion with companies. Initially existing full-time modules in materials and environment chemistry will be used. Credits may be
accumulated towards Certificates, Diplomas or Masters qualifications.
2 4 Bangor University Advanced Tech for Software SMEs £94,128 53138 27/03/2002 £231,819
The Project will provide "on tap" ad-hoc advice and customised t raining in advanced software technology for people working/seeking to work in
SMEs with growth potential in the IT/Software sector. Support will be centred in incubation/cluster development sites but will also be accessible
remotely via an extranet facility.
1 4 Bangor University E-MBAs for SMESs £550,384 53192 27/03/2002 £1,626,343
The "E-MBA for SMEs" project will develop a seies of multi-mode delivery postgraduate programmes that will specificelly address menegement
skill shortages within SMEs in Wales, with a particular emphasis in three important sector of the economy eithin the Objective 1 region of Wales -
toutism, hospitality, heritage.
1 4 Bangor University Exercise and Health Promotion £220,237 55870 11/10/2005 £505,245
Future Skills Wales confirms that occupational growth is likely to be concentrated in areas including health & leisure and in occupations including
sports, leisure & personal service. The project provides opportunities for individuals to develop higher level skills in sport, health and exercise
science for the benefit of the economy.
1 4 Bangor University High Level Skills - Land Based £578,398 55612 03/02/2005 £1,307,408
Develops higher level skills including ICT, information management, proposal development & management skills, monitoring and evalution,
research methodology, economics, investment appraisal, enterpreneurial skills, management planning and career planning skills. Develops key
skills e.g. presentation, communication, team working etc. combined with specialist skills required to develop an innovative land-based sector.
4 5 Bangor University Women's Studies Continuation £60,470 55761 18/10/2004 £93,897
To provide individuals with higher-level skills to improve their employability within a variety of sectors. The provision is particularly relevant for
women working in jobs below their qualification level e.g. clerical, or bar-work, who can use the additional qualification of an MA to move into
higher level jobs.
1 4 Bangor University Sustainable Environment Mgt £591,401 55593 18/10/2004 £1,336,807
To provide individuals with higher level specialist environment management skills, research & key skills with a view to improving their
1 4 Bangor University Countryside Management Skills £321,476 55596 18/10/2004 £726,667
The project aims to provide opportunities for individuals to develop higher level skills in countryside management with a view to improving their
2 4 Bangor University Chemical Skills Industry & Environmnt £730,193 55600 18/10/2004 £1,508,968
The project aims to provide individuals with higher level research skills, key skills and modern chemical laboratory skills with a view to
improving their employability.
2 4 Bangor University Appld Marine Environ. Sciences £839,855 55604 18/10/2004 £1,735,595
To provide individuals with specific, generic & key skills required to support and develop a knowledge based, high value sector with strong
growth potential (environmental development & management, aquaculture, coastal zone management & monitoring, offshore survey).
2 4 Bangor University Developing Research Skills £2,055,511 55188 14/07/2004 £4,247,800
To provide a research training environment to enable individuals to develop the skill to contribute to research as professionals. The project will
also increase the research capacity of SMEs, encourage them to undertake research and recruit researchers. It will also support the development
of key technology clusters in the region.
1 4 Bangor University Education by Distance Learning £160,165 56902 02/09/2005 £371,652
This project will provide higher (postgraduate) level education in forestry by distance learning, to support the future development of the rapidly
changing forestry sector in Wales and increase its contribution to total Welsh GDP and employment.
2 4 Bangor University Research Skills - Training £2,790,890 57039 28/10/2005 £5,581,782
Delivers research training in three Universities to prepare individuals to contribute to research as professionals. By linking each individual project
to a company, it increases the research capacity of SMEs, encourages them to undertake research and recruit researchers and supports the
development of key technology clusters in the region.
2 4 Bangor University Technology CPD for SME Managers £70,141 57462 30/11/2006 £144,944
The project will seek to produce a step change in the application of advanced analytical technology in objective 1 companies through CPD
training of senior amnagers. It will involve a series of intensive short courses covering e.g. trace analysis, surface analysis, sustainable materials
and clean energy.
2 4 Bangor University Higher Level Skills Informatics £175,234 57463 30/11/2006 £362,127
The project aims to deliver higher level skills training, for individuals unable to access this provision due to financial constraints, in growth areas
in the objective area to include nanotechnology and microfabrication, computing and internet systems, broadband mobile and multimedia
2 4 Bangor University Higher Level Biotech Skills £121,236 57464 30/11/2006 £250,538
The project provides an advanced theoretical background and advanced training in the practical skills involved in the study and promotion of
Molecular Plant Breeding anf related Biotechnology to individuals unable to participate in high level training due to financial constraints.
4 2
Barford Education & Training
Alternative Curriculum £1,121,237 57120 18/11/2005 £1,897,059
The project provides vocational training & qualifications in trade skill areas that will engage year 10 & 11 and post 16 pupils who are totally or
partially excluded from mainstream education into a learning culture. Skills areas available include: Bricklaying, Plastering, Motor Vehicle/Cycle
Mechanics, Welding, Fabrication and Mechanical Engineering
4 2
Barford Education & Training
Alternative Curriculum Project £844,861 55326 19/02/2004 £1,429,336
This project will provide vocational training/qualifications in various trade skill areas that will engage year 10 and 11 pupils who are totally or
partially excluded from mainstream education back into a learning culture. The skills areas available will incude: Bricklaying, plastering, motor
vehicle/cycle mechanics, welding, fabrication and mechanical engineering.
4 1 Basic Skills Agency Sector Led Basic Skills £345,199 56149 30/11/2006 £582,448
To increase the capacity of the employment sector to address the shortfall in basic skills amongst employed people within the workplace.
4 2 Basic Skills Agency Basic Skills into the Community £180,512 53146 26/03/2002 £408,385
To help prevent those with poor basic skills being further exposed to social exclusion via the development of a community-led and
community-based strategy.
4 6 Basic Skills Agency Spotlight on Wales £73,237 54236 19/11/2002 £147,258
The project will provide Wales with bilingual Basic Skills Observatory for teachers, trainers, project managers and policymakers. It will provide
comprehensive data, research, good practice accounts and detailed regional/local information. Its web-based polling facility will gather
up-to-date appreciation of the basic skills aspect of current and anticipated skills needs.
4 3
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Key Skills for Adults £51,662 53237 26/03/2002 £114,309
The project will provide the area with a co-ordinating team who will provide strategic leadership for all Basic and Key Skills work in the County
4 6
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Blaenau Gwent Training Study £19,731 53242 27/03/2002 £39,462
The Training Study will engage consultants to undertake a thorough review of existing training provision in Blaenau Gwent in the light of future
needs, opportunities and technological advancements, It will make recommindations on basic skills and vocational training and lifelong learning
opportunities provided by all the providers in Blaenau Gwent.
4 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Wheels to Work £27,063 53415 26/03/2002 £55,063
The project is aimed at assising unemployed people into work by providing transport solutions to overcome barriers to their employment
opportunities. The project covers the areas of Blaenau Gwent, Merthyr Tydfil and Caerphilly and is built on a partnership between the
Employment Service, Working Links and Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
4 3
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Adult Key & Basic Skills 2 £202,148 54978 26/07/2004 £415,647
The project will provide Blaenau Gwent with a co-ordinating team that will provide strategic leadership for all basic and key skills within the
County Borough. The project will play a pivotal role in developing basic and key skills within the emerging Learning Network.
4 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
JobMatch £3,068,074 55063 07/10/2003 £5,184,309
JobMatch will provide a structured programme of support to people who are unemployed or economically inactive and who are ineligible for
support through other mainstream provision, giving them an approproate pathway to employment. Outreach support through community workers
will hook people from the most deprived communities of Blaenau Gwent.
4 1
Blaenau Gwent County
Borough Council
Lift to Work £64,701 56505 21/02/2006 £117,638
This project provides support to those recovering from a mental health illness, to enable them to access Education and Training opportunities,
rediscover existing skills, gain new skills and provide support and guidance to enter open paid employment and to sustain this.
4 3
Blaenllechau Community
Community Life Long Learning £50,739 53477 20/11/2002 £106,239
During the period 1999-2000 over 50 people in the community of Blaenllechau received trainin g and support as as result of the ESF funding
given to BCR. These included Directors. paid staff and volunteers with the main purpose of delivering support of the end-users of its' various
4 1 Bridgend College Labour Market Skills for TRAs £40,983 53629 27/03/2002 £73,928
The project will be a pilot initiative to develop Basic Skills in Literacy and Numeracy, leading on to Basic skills in Information Techology in the
second year. The project will provide essential life skills to Bridgend Valley Residents which will improve thier skills. confidence and their
potential in life.
4 3 Bridgend College Training the Land Based Sector £149,430 53216 26/03/2002 £578,452
The project will provide a wide rane of educational and training needs for the land based sector on a flexible and innivative basis using the most
up to date techniques and technologies. Areas of study will include Agriculture, Countryside Management including Environment, Engineering and
4 1 Bridgend College Virtual Business Skills £88,687 56508 21/04/2005 £150,317
The aim of the project is to run a virtual business within an existing worldwide network which silhouettes a real company to give beneficiaries
practical skills and knowledge to enable them to be fully equipped to enter the labour market. This will compliment existing work placements
undertaken in local companies.
1 4 Bridgend College The Excelsior Project £350,498 57248 19/01/2006 £804,080
This is an innovative collaborative project incorporating Bridgend College, Ystrad Mynach College and UWIC. The project will work with
Companies across South Wales (Objective 1 areas) and will undertake a Skills Audit, produce a Skills Development Plan and provide training in
relevant accredited qualifications and softer skills from levels 2-5.
3 1
Bridgend County Borough
Learning Brokers Bridgend £294,588 57461 31/10/2006 £456,969
Increase the self-esteem and confidence of axcluded people so they engage in learning opportunities in their communities. Provide motivational
support for individuals to complete basic skills courses enabling them to progress to participation in training and employment opportunities.
Extend existing provision supporting parenting and basic skills
4 2
Bridgend County Borough
Bridgend Youth Focus £2,688,637 53595 05/09/2002 £4,831,301
Bridgend Youth Focus is a multi-agency partnership offering young people at seious risk of social exclusion opportunities to lead valued social
and economic roles within their own communities. Their enhanced personal development and improved self-advocacy is achieved through
cohesive interlinked health, welfare, education, training and personal support programme.
4 2 British Dyslexia Association Prosiect Llwyddiant £1,176,736 55257 29/10/2004 £1,988,739
This project aims to identify those who have been disenfranchised within the workplace due to specific learning difficulties and related problems,
and provide support and training, including literacy skills, that they may find employment appropriate to their true abilities.
1 4 British Wool Marketing Board Sheep Shearing Jobs in Wales £237,726 56855 06/07/2005 £538,159
350 beneficiaries (200 SME's) who require skill updating and who are involved in sheep production, living in ESF 1 regions of Wales, can access
workplace training, that removes course fees barriers, includes advice/guidance; training needs analysis, vocational skills (NVQ), relating to
sheep shearing and production, plus introductory core skill modules.
3 1
Bryncynon Community
Revival Strategy LTD.
Community Action Training £47,596 53280 27/03/2002 £78,031
Bryncynon Communtity Revival Strategy will use this funding to combat the impact of long-term unemployment in our community. The funding
will help build the internal capacity of the organisation and increase participation in informal and formal learning opportunities amongst young
people. women and long-term unemployed.
1 4 BTC Group Ltd The Learning £195,300 53988 07/01/2003 £450,000
To use an interactive learning website to provide accessible, innovative management training to SMEs and entrepreneurs throughout North Wales.
This web based learning network will enable SMEs to share experience, learn together and obtain on-line coaching based on real business issues.
4 1 BTCV Sustainability Skills for Wales £150,263 54087 26/11/2002 £253,911
This project will improve the employability of 60 long-term unemployed and economically inactive young people and adults in targeted Objective
One areas. Inactivity and social exclusion will be addressed via a programme of certificated training, work experience, mentoring and vocational
guidance, whilst simultaneously improving local environments through exciting project activities.
4 3 BTCV BTCV Staff Development Project £26,643 53230 26/03/2002 £53,825
BTCV Cymru's Staff Development Project will improve our internal capacity by increasing the knowledge and skills of its staff in West Wales and
the Valleys. This will improve BTCV Cymru's ability to engage, support , develop and train excluded groups.
4 1 BTCV Skills for a sustainable Wales £175,727 53110 27/03/2002 £302,976
Skills for a sustainable Wale will improve the employability, particularly of the low-skilled by providing basic, key, generic and sector-specific
skills, through an integrated progreamme of training, work experience and guidance, which simultaneously enhances the local environment.
4 1 BTCV BEST 2004 £287,463 55957 22/09/2005 £486,463
The project will improve the employability of 108 economically inactive people in Swansea, Blaenau Gwent and Bangor. It provides training and
work-experience via volunteer action to improve local environments. Participants will gain in confidence and self-esteem, with documented
progression and opportunities for qualifications, whilst benefiting local communities and habitats.
4 5
Building Services Training
Aquatec £506,261 54742 29/10/2004 £787,108
British Plumbing Employers Council are sponsoring this project as the first fast track training programme specifically aimed at women (who are
underrepresented) and men with caring reponsibilities. Plumbing is experiencing massive recruitment and skills shortages. The project will pilot
a fast, flexible model which will halve the traditional training time.
1 4
Building Services Training
Upskilling Plumbing SME (UPS) £299,568 54743 29/10/2004 £678,759
UPS is a fast track training project to icrease competitiveness of business, encourage business start up and entrepreneurshop by raising skills
levels and supporting businesses in the plumbing sector in Caerphilly.
4 3 Business Connect Swansea Swansea Skills Service £1,418,239 53167 26/03/2002 £3,088,720
A County-wide facility for co-ordinating, tutor training and delivering basic, key and generic skills to adults and young people through public,
private and voluntary sector organisations in a variety of locations across the City and County of Swansea including campus-based, workplace
and outreach.
4 3 Cadwyn Clwyd New Directions £20,534 53233 26/03/2002 £43,321
Targeting isolated rural areas and reaching areas suffering from social exclusion. It will engage involve and support people to make informed
choices about their future. Encouraging the development of a community learning network. Initiating new provision, researching alternative
methods of involving people in learning.
4 2 Caer Las Cymru Community Links £210,335 57162 04/10/2005 £356,501
To provide community-based activities to increase skills and employabiity working strategically and in partnership with statutory and voluntary
sector partners targeting groups excluded and marginalised from the labour market. The project includes a capacity building element.
4 1
Caerphilly County Borough
Pathway to Employment 3 £93,878 56506 25/07/2005 £179,470
The project enables those recovering form mental illness to retain employment, education and vocational opportunities through structured work
activity, relevant training, rediscovery of exisiting skills and counselling regarding appropriate work. The project has expertise in vocational
guidance and contacts with local employers offering work and experience.
4 3
Caerphilly County Borough
Caerphilly Learning Network £160,989 56716 06/07/2005 £444,105
The Caerphlily Learning Network will support the development of a culture of lifelong learning in Caerphilly County Borough; increase and widen
participation in learning; raise skill levels and improve beneficiaries opportunities for skilled employment. The Learning Network will provide
learning opportunities in easily accessible non threatening environments.
4 2
Caerphilly County Borough
Pathway to Employment £31,767 53256 26/03/2002 £70,595
The project will enable the rehabilitation of those recovering from mental illness to retain employment or return to the workplace through
structured work acitivity, the rediscovery of skill and counselling regarding appropriate worl. The project has an existing bank of local employers
who currently offer work and work experience.
4 2
Caerphilly County Borough
Pathway to Employment £48,723 54019 12/08/2002 £120,938
The project will enable those recovering from mental illness to retain employment or return to the workplace through structured work activity,
relevant training, the rediscovery of exisitng skills and counselling regarding appropriate work. The project has expertise in vocational guidiance
and contacts with local employers offering work and work experience.
4 3 Caerphilly Library Service Gateways to Learning £623,721 56114 06/07/2005 £1,268,206
'Gateways to learning' offers learners opportunities to develop new skills and increase their employability. Learners will be able to access
learning materials from academic and public libraries via linked catalogues. Local people will be able to access learning opportunities in libraries
and supported to improve their core skills including information literacy.
4 2 Cam Ymlaen Mental Health Works £313,284 55144 18/11/2003 £529,288
"Mental Health Works" will reintegrate by means of unemployment, people with severe mental health problems who are economically inactive
and socially excluded. The project will consolidate and further develop existing effective, durable interagency working partnerships involving
Health, Social Services, Employment Services / Jobcentre Plus, local FE College and Cam Ymlaen.
4 1 Cam Ymlaen cam ymlaen £203,131 53385 26/03/2002 £365,774
Cam Ymlaen will reintegrate people recently unemployed and long-term unemployed individuals who are economically inactive and may have
mental health problems. The project will develop effectivem durable interagency working partnerships involving Health, Social Services local
colleges and the Employment Services.
4 1 Cam Ymlaen Phoenix £400,252 56515 16/03/2005 £678,274
This project will reintiegrate socially excluded, unermployed individuals who may have mental health problems, individualised support will be
provided to facilitate and maintain employment in the open labour market. The project is based on effective interagency partnership working in
1 4 Cardiff Business School Sustaining Profitable Growth £223,265 57085 25/07/2005 £560,189
An 18 month strategic development programme to upskill SME owner/managers for strategic leadership, who have identified that growth and
sustainability depend on communicating their vision to employees. They will develop skills to transfer knowledge and develop staff in the
organisation whilst making necessary changes to entrepreneurial culture, attitudes and profitability.
1 4 Cardiff Business School Sustaining Profitable Growth £310,023 53975 12/05/2003 £886,606
This project builds on an existing ERDF leadership development project. It provides a unique learning environment for the next generation of
business leaders in Wales. The programme will contribute to the strategic growth of participating organisations. Tangible outputs include
sustaining business performance and creating & safe guarding jobs.
4 3 Cardiff University SPICE II (Bridgend) £46,034 53946 26/03/2002 £93,836
SPICE II (Bridgend) (Strategic Project for In Company Education & Training) follows on from one of three measures (NEAT, WAVE and SPICE)
previously approved in 1999, for the support of human resource development for individuals employed in the tourism industry in Bridgend,
which are co-ordinated in partnership between UWIC and ELWa.
4 3 Cardiff University SPICE II (Rhondda Cynon Taff) £56,800 53442 26/03/2002 £114,740
SPICE II RCT (Strategic Project for In-Company Education & Training) follows on from one of three measures (NEAT, WAVE & SPICE) previously
approved in 1999, for the support on human resource development for individuals employed in the trouism industry in RCT, which are
co-ordinated in partnership between UWIC and ELWa.
4 1
Careers Service Association
of Wales
Parc pris inmates into work ob1 £56,617 54063 25/07/2002 £102,226
An enhanced guildence service to those moving towards or already in long tern employment at parc prison, Bridgend. Careers Wales currently
has just one officer. The project supports a more comprehensive age range including over 21's to be supported. The project supports clients from
objective 1 at Parc.
4 2 Careers Wales Enhanced Youth Gateway Phase 4 £2,463,920 56049 22/09/2005 £7,888,154
The project will build on and further enhance the existing Careers Wales 'flagship' Youth Gateway project. It provides support for young people
aged 14-25 to realise their potential within the social inclusion agenda of Wales. This project will particularly target young people not in
education, employment or training (NEETS).
4 3 Careers Wales Association Careers Wales Obj 1 On Line £434,944 56111 21/02/2006 £1,141,717
Careers Wales On Line is an innovative and unique web based development delivering careers, advice, guidance and information through the use
of technology. The project, with ESF support, will build on the recent successful pilot phase by widening access and availability to lifelong career
planning tools for all ages.
4 2 Careers Wales Association Enhanced Youth Gateway Phase 3 £2,424,922 54938 16/12/2003 £7,877,982
The project will build on and further enhance the existing Careers Wales 'flagship' Youth Gateway project. It provides support for young people
aged 14 - 25 to realise their potential within the social inclusion agenda of Wales.
4 3 Careers Wales Association Marketing Careers Wales O1 £49,839 54112 18/11/2002 £110,755
Careers Wales has undertaken responsibility for an all Wales all Age guidance service,incorporating Learndirect, EBL/workplacements for young
people, Adult Guidance and Youth Gateway as well as schools based guidance this project seeks to help ensure that the new service is
understood and used by Obj 1 clients.
4 2 Careers Wales Association Youth Gateway Obj 1 Fasttk PhII £2,620,354 53486 27/03/2002 £7,920,234
Phase II of a successful fasttrack bid - "Youth Gateway" seeking to continue the good work undertaken hoping to retain newly recruited staff.
This seeks to reach young people in school, college, training, employed or unemployed, most at risk of dissaffection, before they permanantly
drop out or underachieve
4 3 Careers Wales Association Enhanced FE guidamce CSAW Obj. 1 £838,591 53219 26/03/2002 £1,699,582
Driven by the six Objective 1 Careers Conpanies under Careers Wales branding, this is a strategic project seeking to enhance the access to and
quality of careers service products within the broad area of further education. Adults or part time learners who have not easily accessed careers
guidance will particularly benefit.
4 2 Careers Wales Association CSAW Special needs Obj. 1 2000 £334,742 53220 27/03/2002 £863,286
Delivered by the six Careers Companies in the programme area, this is a strategic project seeking to enhance the special needs sservices within
the mainstream careers service offered to young people preparing for work. Many of the disabled and disadvantaged set out in the SPD will
benefit from this provision.
4 2 Careers Wales Association Youth Gateway £1,371,636 53163 26/03/2002 £3,386,659
In 1999 this applicant attracted Objective 3 capacity funding for the 8 Careers Cos in Wales, to June 2000. Several seminars were organised. The
project helped a better uknderstanding of ESF Policy Fields ect. Now the Careers Service is able to better undertand and apply for other EU
4 3
Carmarthen Community
Carms Learning Network £860,147 54657 05/03/2003 £1,852,215
To create a networked approach to support a creation of a lifelong learning culture in Carmarthenshire through the proactive partnership working
of public, private and voluntary sector organisations which will facilitate improved planning and delivery systems and structures for the benefit of
the people of Carmarthenshire.
1 4 Carmarthenshire College Social Care SMEs Consortium £344,255 54751 16/07/2003 £789,995
THe proposal will meet Priority 1, Measure 4 of the SPD in tha it seeks to increase the competitiveness of 60 SME's in the social care sector in
Carmarthenshire by raising the skills levels amongst their workforce, enhancing adaptability, promoting management developoment and
networking and clustering.
4 2
Carmarthenshire County
Newidydd £349,055 57194 08/11/2005 £541,541
The project will enable Carmarthenshire people who have been economically inactive for a long time to gain the skills needed by local
employees. The focus will be upon people who face multiple barriers which prevent them from improving their skills and gaining work.
4 3
Carmarthenshire County
Learning Network #2 £931,172 56776 19/08/2005 £1,879,257
To consolidate and further develop a strategic network supporting a Lifelong Learning culture in Carmarthenshire through partnership working of
public, private and voluntary sectors to improve planning and delivery of learning opportunities for the benefit of the people of Carmarthenshire.
4 2
Carmarthenshire County
Youth First £1,173,065 57429 08/08/2006 £2,000,708
The purpose of this project is to engage, motivate and challenge young disadvantaged people through a range of innovative, flexible yet tailored
packages of activities and programmes to further their personal development and enable them to play a full part in society.
4 2 Ceredigion County Council Cadwynau Ceredigion Phase II £179,373 56034 20/01/2005 £311,373
The project aims to provide work related training, vocational guidance and work experience over a two year period for up to 31 adults with mild
to moderate learning disabilities, and up to 15 adults with severe and/or complex or challenging needs.
4 2 Ceredigion County Council Cadwynau Ceredigion £155,779 53954 19/11/2002 £272,924
The project aims to provide work related training, vocational guidance and work experience for a three year period for up to 60 beneficiaries
(aged 16 and over) with learning difficulties and disabilites resident in Ceredigion. In addition it will secure and maintain a range of employment
opportunities, paid and unpaid.
7 4 Chwarae Teg Chwarae Teg MEOW (Mainstreaming EO in Wales) £30,446 55636 07/04/2004 £60,892
Chwarae teg is a Wales-wide women's economic development organisation and registered charity. Chwarae Teg had offices in the Objective 1
region. The offices in North and West Wales have delivered the activities, supported by the regional administration and thefinancialdirector and
staff at HQ in Cardiff. The activities have helped to develop best practice to enable the mainstreaming of equal opportunities across the
management and operation of the programme and funded projects, both as a vertical and horizontal cross cutting theme, in line with the
requirements of WAG and Europeon Commission.
4 5 Chwarae Teg Ready SET Go £369,617 55679 01/07/2004 £573,943
This project will work with 100 employers and 50 teachers and careers officers and colleges to support 300 women from West Wales and the
valleys into jobs, education and training in Science, Engineering and Technology, sectors where they are currently under-represented.
3 1 CIL de Gwynedd Second Chance £111,427 53303 26/03/2002 £203,923
Continuing the capacity build of the Centre. Networking with agencies providing a wide range of accessilble accredited training and work
experience opportunities. Supporting individuals into accessible training and work experience through information advice lines, out reach clinics,
disability access/awareness groups, integrated accessible transport and facilitating a Direct Payment pilot scheme.
4 3 CITB Workforce Deveopment £555,664 53234 27/03/2002 £1,398,631
This project will serve to upskill the construction industry workforce in Wales by developing and using portal technology and mobile centres. A
total of 1000 Construction Skills Certification Cards and 700 NVQs will be issued. Access to training and assessment will also become available
through partnership arrangements with builders merchants.
1 4 CITB Workbased Recording £204,030 53956 27/03/2002 £466,750
The project responds to a change in the Construction Industry NVQ system, by preparing workers in SMEs to implement new workbased
recording and assessment procedures linked to NVQs across the Objective 1 area. This will facilitate increases in the number of demonstrably
competent construction workers.
1 4 CITB Qualifying the Workforce £622,064 56953 27/07/2005 £1,406,564
The aim is to increase the number of construction workers achieving NVQs and raise awareness of health and safety through the testing needed
to achieve Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) cards. This will be carried out through on-site assessment and training identifying
beneficiaries skills gaps and how they can be filled.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Swansea Apprenticeship Project2 £565,323 57141 08/06/2006 £954,937
The project aims to provide help and support to enable individuals in Swansea Priority 3 areas to realise their full potential in fields of work with
skills shortages: ie Construction and Care to facilitate access to Modern Apprenticeships; enabling beneficiaries to particiapte in the labour
4 2 City and County of Swansea Swansea Community Chaplaincy £202,769 57142 21/02/2006 £343,677
Support for offenders prior to release from prison to prevent re-offending by forming a bridge between the prison, prisoners and the local
community by sustaining help and assistance to offenders (and their family/friends where appropriate). motivating individuals to find
employment training, tackle range of problems eg drugs, alcohol.
4 3 City and County of Swansea Swansea Skills Partnership £1,664,309 56740 06/07/2005 £3,384,850
This project will focus on training referral agencies, organisations, tutors, managers and staff in basic skills awareness, screening and initial
assesment, teacher training and guidance to complement the successful Swansea Skills Service projects.
4 1 City and County of Swansea Partnership for Employment 3 £754,049 56513 19/08/2005 £1,282,887
The aim of this project is to provide an innovative and collaborative approach to meeting the additional support needs of people with learning
disability, physical disability or mental ill-health, with the aim of assisting them to re-integrate into the labour market.
1 4 City and County of Swansea eMarketing Centre of Excellence £102,750 56471 27/07/2005 £262,741
The eMarketing Centre of Excellence will deliver eMarketing support for for SNEs based in the Swansea area. The project seeks to develop
eMarketing champions. These champions will provode practical advice on everyday eMarketing issues and develop the future business direction
by accessing the lates research and available support for eMarketing issues.
2 4 City and County of Swansea eMCOE NPT £52,623 57455 24/07/2006 £131,211
The Neath Port Talbot eMarketing Centre of Excellence project will develop the principles of advanced eMarketing the functionality that lies behind
the successful development of an online business. SME's will receive training on the innovative use of advanced eMarketing technology, including
direct access to latest research on eMarketing techniques.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Arts for Us £346,961 54115 07/01/2003 £586,976
THis Project will undertake Community arts projcts regenerating people and places; help those in deprived areas believe in themselves and what
they can do as individuals and as a community; create self confident communities that are better equipped to make economic and social
4 3 City and County of Swansea Swansea Skills Service II £1,473,542 54085 23/10/2002 £2,976,862
This is a continuation for the County-wide facility for co-ordinating, tutor training and delivering basic, key and generic skills to adults and young
people through public, private and voluntary sector organisations in a variety of locations across the City and County of Swansea including
centre-based, workplace and outreach.
4 1 City and County of Swansea Swansea (city wide) ILM 2 £1,997,111 54086 28/06/2002 £3,375,497
The purpose of the Swansea ( City Wide ) ILM 2 is to provide quality training with up to 12 months paid employment to a group of severely
disadvantaged unemployed people. Training Covers a wide range of occupations raising self-esteem and employability. The local community,
Voluntary Sector and other agencies are involved.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Swansea Youth Activities 2 £3,487,582 53977 20/11/2002 £6,147,945
A programme designed to address the needs of disaffected young people and prepare them for active participation in employment and
community life. It if part of the development of a coherent youth strategy across Swansea with voluntary, private and public sector organisations,
building upon work piloted in year 1, 2000-01.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Disability Coordinator £38,634 53966 28/06/2002 £76,915
to provide advice, support and guidance to disabled individuals & groups, special needs units and fe institutions. To develop quality,
self-sustainable activities to help raise self-esteem and build self-confidence. To identify, recruit and train volunteers, instructors and tutors to
improve skills and increase employment opportunties.
4 3 City and County of Swansea Partnership Additional Learning £718,182 56737 19/08/2005 £1,450,328
Partnership for Additional Learning is an innovative, collaborative approach to services for people with additional learning needs in the City and
County of Swansea. Bringing together services in education and social care to promote participation in lifelong learning it enables a fully
integrated pathway of beneficiary provision to be developed.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Partnership for Employment £397,186 53384 26/03/2002 £679,844
To widen and increase participation by adults with learning difficulties, physical disabilities or mental health needs in education, training and
work experience to enhance access to the labour market.
4 1 City and County of Swansea Swansea (City Wide) ILM £1,189,721 53111 26/03/2002 £2,010,347
The prime purpose of the Swansea (City Wide) ILM is to provide high quality training with up to 12 months paid employment to a group of
disadvantaged, unemployed people. They cover a wide range of occupations, thereby raising their self esteem and employability. The local
community and other agencies will be involved.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Swansea Youth Activities £1,447,723 53126 26/03/2002 £3,705,398
A programme designed to address the needs of disaffected young people and prepare them for active participation in employment and
community life. It will develop a coherent strategy across Swansea with a range of voluntary, private and public sector organisations, with a
professional development and support network and quality assurance systems.
4 1 City and County of Swansea Swansea ILM Partnership £3,912,143 55908 17/08/2004 £6,617,304
Swansea ILM Partnership will provide quality partnerships with up 9 months paid employment for a group of severely disadvantaged unemployed
people. Training will cover a wide range of occupational routes. The main emphasis will be securing permanent employment for beneficiaries.
Partners include the voluntary, private and public sectors.
4 1 City and County of Swansea Employment Pathways £1,520,262 55979 02/09/2005 £2,568,879
The underlying theme of the project is to assist and support young people who are economically inactive, unemployed or at risk of becoming
unemployed, and young people who need help to make a successful transition into the labour market through an innovative and co-ordinated
referral service incorporating the Learning Pathway Strategy.
4 2 City and County of Swansea Foundation Learning Pathways £1,000,001 55915 17/02/2005 £1,694,917
Foundation Learning Pathways (Swnsea) will encompass a multi-agency approach providing a cohesive programme of support for disaffected and
disengaged young people aged between 14 - 19 that would prepare them for active particiaption in education, training, employment and
community life. It is an integral part of the Youth Support Services.
4 3 City and County of Swansea Training Pathways Swansea £547,014 56153 20/01/2005 £1,105,075
This project is aimed at widening participation in the Professional Youth Network to provide recognised youth work-related training to people in
communities, staff in voluntary organisations and young people aged 16-25 to enhance skills, comfidence and effectiveness in working with
young people in the city & County of Swansea.
4 1 City and County of Swansea Swansea Apprenticeship Project £1,324,994 55379 15/12/2003 £2,245,752
The purpose of this Project is to help and support Modern Apprentices realise their full potential in the areas in Swansea identified with skills
shortages: i.e. Construction, Care and Youth Work. Thw Project will include enhanced support for Beneficiaries, Employers and Training
4 2 City and County of Swansea Partnership for Employment 2 £1,255,276 54982 03/11/2003 £2,138,059
The aim of this project is to provide an innovative and collaborative approach to meeting the additional learning needs of people with learning
disability, physical disability or mental ill-health, many of whom need to "develop personal effectiveness to counter chronically low self-esteem
and lack of motivation".
4 5
Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids
The Kids' Club Project £3,690,236 56827 08/11/2005 £5,732,432
After discussions with the Welsh Assembly Government and WEFO, it was agreed that Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs [CPCKC] would submit this
bid alongside the main Welsh Assembly Government childcare application so that CPCKC could focus on childcare provided in out-of-school
childcare clubs. The proposed project complements the Welsh Assembly Government bid and is an integral part of the government’s national
strategy to develop additional childcare places and support the sustainability of childcare generally which are key to increasing employment and
the economic health of Wales. It will not duplicate the Welsh Assembly Government project. A formal system for regular communication between
this project and the Welsh Assembly Government project team will be established to ensure for consultation and exchange of information and
experience. Informal consultations have already taken place. The overarching goal of The Kids’ Clubs Project is to contribute to the building of a
sustainable childcare sector which can grow to meet demand while maintaining quality. The professional infrastructure for childcare clubs, to
which this project will contribute significantly, will allow for quality progression which will, in turn, attract parents and give them the confidence
and peace of mind they require in order to work or train successfully. Currently, 1089 out-of-school childcare clubs in local communities provide
affordable places for more than 17,000 children aged 4-14. Most clubs are located in schools or community centres close to schools. Clubs are
registered with the Care Standards Inspectorate in Wales and meet the standards required by the Inspectorate for childcare. Parents register their
children to attend and arrangements for delivery and collection of children is agreed between staff and parents. Childcare is available in kids’
clubs before school in breakfast clubs, after school, and during school holidays in holiday clubs. Some clubs also have wrap-around care for
nursery children who attend school either in the morning or afternoon and need care for the whole day. The Kids’ Clubs Project outcomes will
directly address general objectives set out in the Wales European Funding Office Programme Complement as well as those relating specifically to
Measure 4.5. More affordable, sustainable childcare places will be created to support an increase in participation of parents, especially mothers,
in the labour market and in training courses. The Single Programming Document [SPD] outlines the Objective One strategy for supporting
government policy to improve the opportunities for women to participate equally in the labour market. That equal participation is hindered by
low wages and poverty; so childcare, education and training are too often unaffordable. For those who can afford care, there is insufficient
childcare provision. And, for women entrepreneurs, start-up funding is lacking. The Kids’ Clubs Project will include several of the activities
identified in the SPD under the measure: childcare initiatives, support for childcare entrepreneurs, training programmes designed to address
barriers to access and learning, and training aimed at reluctant learners who are part-time childcare workers. A ‘Key Fund’ will be established to
fund new clubs/places, the continuation of vulnerable clubs, assisted places, one-to-one support for children with special needs, and pilot
projects. Pilot projects will include clubs which address issues such as care for older children and cultural/ethnic sensitivity. In order to support
the development and sustainability of more childcare places, groups will be encouraged and assisted to develop childcare club businesses; to
manage childcare clubs using new kinds of models such as community businesses, school-run clubs or consortium-managed ones; and to trial
innovative practices which have proved successful elsewhere. Another objective of the Programme Complement is to increase the number of
women starting-up businesses. As a result of the project, more women will create childcare businesses. More childcare workers are needed to
meet current and future demand. Two courses will interest prospective childcare workers and provide an entry-level foundation for playwork and
childcare. A companion pre-study pack will focus on self-motivation and study skills, using out-of-school childcare and playwork as the context.
Guidance meetings with new and prospective students will discuss training options available through the project and elsewhere and help students
to create a personal training plan. Another course is aimed at lunchtime supervisors in schools who are a potential group from which to draw in
new childcare workers. Lunchtime supervision is also a logical career extension prospect for childcare workers. People from these courses, as
well as current childcare workers, can then progress through the project training programme which has been designed to train new workers as
well as to improve the skills and qualifications of childcare workers. The programme includes Underpinning Knowledge Courses [e.g., First Aid,
Managing Positive Behaviour] and the recognized qualifications of Certificate in Playwork and Diploma in Playwork. Business Skills Elements will
be delivered through courses and a mentoring scheme. Different delivery methods will be used to meet various needs and address barriers. Other
Programme Complement goals – to improve skills and qualifications, to increase those with management and higher level training, and to
improve ICT skills – will be supported by this training programme. Positive outcomes for women will include: more women remaining in work,
returning to or seeking work, or training as a result of affordable childcare; increased income, improved self-esteem, and greater potential for
career and salary progression. For childcare workers, likely positive outcomes are: increased skills from basic learning to management, increased
numbers of women starting their own businesses, improved salary potential as sector gains reputation and workers become better skilled. In
conclusion, the project will: train new childcare workers to meet the demand for childcare; improve the skills and qualifications of existing
childcare workers; address barriers to training experienced by a significant number of childcare workers and prospective workers; offer
successful and effective learning experiences which will promote a positive attitude to lifelong learning; provide new childcare places and
support existing provision which is vulnerable; and, finally, inform future development, quality and sustainability by establishing, evaluating and
documenting successful, innovative practices in childcare delivery.
4 5
Clydach Vale Community
Total-Day Childcare £72,837 53241 27/03/2002 £212,555
All-day childcare for all ages including babies (6 months) to run along side the present social revices registered playgroup in a self contained
4 1 Coleg Gwent Construction Summer School £28,738 54250 02/04/2003 £48,713
The project will provide taster courses during the summer of the various crafts in the construction industry to enable young people considering a
career in the sector to make informed choices.
4 2 Coleg Gwent Alternative Vocational Curriculum £25,891 54378 03/07/2003 £43,884
To actively engage young people who are at risk of disaffection from the education system in the Islwyn area. To provide young people with the
experience of success in education, raise their self esteem and confidence, which will encourage their further engagement in learning to ensure
their effective participation in economic life.
4 2 Coleg Gwent Alternative Curriculum £60,715 54065 28/06/2002 £102,909
The project will provide alternative curriculum options for 12-16 year olds in Blaenau Gwent. The curriculum offered will have a vocational bias,
providing a broader base for those whose need is not met through the mainstream GCSE route.
4 2 Coleg Gwent The VOP project £334,130 55062 19/09/2003 £565,931
To provide young people with the experience of success in education and ensure that their maximum potential is reached, which will encourage
their future engagement in learning to promote their effective participation in economic life.
4 3 Coleg Gwent Saturday Classes £66,592 54834 13/06/2003 £140,794
The project will provide short courses to be held on a Saturday in a range of subjects and venues across Caerphilly (principally the former Islwyn
area), aimed at attracting those people who do not currently access training or learning options and encourage progression to further learning.
4 3 Coleg Gwent The Design Experience £33,468 54571 15/04/2003 £67,615
Through the popular theme of DIY and interior design, the project seeks to attract new learners to learn essential skills, including basic and key
skills,art and design, multiskills and technology and health and safety.
4 1 Coleg Gwent Learning to Succeed & Progress £231,461 55157 23/01/2004 £392,308
Provide a range of activities and mechanisms to support new, potential & those in post-16 learning demonstrating signs of at risk of leaving
education/ It aims to retain their engagement & encourage them to become economically active. It will provide essential skills e.g. confidence,
motivation, team working, as well as vocational tasters.
1 4 Coleg Gwent Welsh Rugby Learning Industry £1,620,027 56145 16/03/2005 £3,661,694
The project will establish an all-Wales strategy, policy and template to underpin and establish training and quality standards in this developing
growth industry in Wales.
4 2
Coleg Harlech WEA (North
POP 2 £1,771,293 54661 03/11/2003 £2,993,568
The project aims to build on the successful strategies of the current project for engaging hard to reach learners who are currently excluded or at
risk of social exclusion. The project has been extremely successful in employing innovative ways of engaging learners from across the identified
Objective 1 areas.
1 4
Coleg Harlech WEA (North
Sgiliau 2 £720,247 53725 26/03/2002 £1,628,115
Sgiliau 2 aims to promote the Information Society in northwest Wales and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship by developing ICT
knowledge and skills amongst managers, traininers and employees of SMEs.
4 2
Coleg Harlech WEA (North
Outreach in the communities £620,244 53166 26/03/2002 £1,127,715
Targeting isolated rural areas and reaching aresa suffering from social exclusion. It will engage, involve and support people to make informed
choices about their future. Encouraging the development of a community learning network. Initiating new providion, reseaching alternative
methods of involving people in learning.
4 3
Coleg Harlech WEA (North
Stepping Stones - Y Cam Gorau £1,345,895 56706 25/05/2005 £2,716,237
The partnership in NW Wales will develop a totally inclusive approach to lifelong learning to provide progression routes covering levels from pre-
entry to qualifications at level 2 and beyond, underpinned by a support mechanism of basic skills, advice and guidance and assistance for those
with learning disabilities. It will include curriculum development.
3 1
Coleg Harlech WEA (North
Cymunedau Mon Communities £114,780 56544 02/09/2005 £178,080
A programme of short and accredited courses for community groups and those assisting communities to develop skills in community
development, project development / management, preparing applications, claims / audit procedures, and managing & developing community &
voluntary organisation, thus enabling them to gain skills required to meet their community needs.
4 1 Coleg Morgannwg Basic Skills for Ad (Outreach) £884,726 55831 17/08/2004 £1,524,442
This project supports the integration into the labour market of long-term unemployed, economically inactive adults through the provision of Basic
kills Programmes in outreach venues. Basic skills training will also be available to adults in work who lack basic skills.
4 1 Coleg Morgannwg Path into Train & Emp Yng Per £1,956,173 55832 03/08/2004 £3,502,362
This partnership project aims to improve pathways into employment by developing young person's confidence, self-esteem and motivation. In
addition, activities to promote the development of soft & transferable skills are intedrated with vocational training relevant to LMI indicators,
trainee needs & career aspirations.
4 3 Coleg Sir Gar Onwards and Upwards £1,174,068 56677 06/07/2005 £2,368,985
This is a partnership between Coleg Sir Gar and Pembrokeshire College to provide additional support and opportunities for students who are at
risk of dropping out of FE programmes and achieve their ambitions and for encouraging the take up of higher level opportunities via the
development of an innovative support programme.
1 4 Coleg Sir Gar SME Solutions £137,681 56913 21/02/2006 £311,214
This project will increase the competitiveness, productivity and profitability of 300 SME's across key sector businesses in Carmarthenshire by
removing the barriers that prevent SME's fully engaging with workforce development. The project will address skills development and training
needs by providing a variety of support mechanisms and bespoke training provision.
4 1 Community Music Wales Complete Control Music 04 £445,121 56516 11/05/2005 £770,207
Complete Control music is a community based vocational training intiative which will improve the employability of musicians, providing practical
training in recording, releasing music, live performance and associated skills, including marketiing and entrepreneurship. it provides basic
training, guidance and support at entry level to music and the cultural indistries.
4 2 Community Music Wales Community Music Tutor Training £50,586 54879 23/09/2003 £122,163
The Community Music Tutor Training project, will build Community Music Wales and other organisations capacity to engage with and address the
needs of disadvantaged and disaffected young people through community music activity. It will combat exclusion by enabling young people to
develop transferable skills and aids employability.
4 1 Community Music Wales Complete Control Music £214,203 53981 25/07/2002 £387,215
Complete Control Music is a community based vocational training initiative, which will improve the employability of musicians, providing
practical training in recording and releasing music, live performance and associated skills, including marketing, publicity and entrepreneurship. It
also provides intensive counselling, guidance and support at entry level to music and the cultural industries.
4 2
Community Service
Changing Lives £103,433 53972 20/11/2002 £179,258
This project will provide a volunteer befriending scheme that will offer real opportunities to disabled people. It will provide a raft of participative
activities to enhance social and employability skills within individuals own communities.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT training : SME key staff £254,483 54064 19/11/2002 £575,318
A business - related ICT 25 day training course - 1 - day a week (offering ECDL qualification) is run for Bridgend and Eastern Valleys SME
principals. Business Help Agencies from ELWa, Business Connect & WDA, academia etc. address the course and entrepreneurship and personal
development modules are also given.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT Training - SME prinicipals £266,093 53250 02/04/2002 £611,816
A business-related ICT 25 day training course will be run for SME principals from the Objective 1 Vallelys region over one or two days a week.
Modules on entrepreneurship will be given,plus information in other relatee ESF programmes. Business Help agencies eg TECs, Business
Connects and WDA will also address the couse.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT training for SME principles £527,176 53200 26/03/2002 £1,209,009
A business-related ICT 25-day training course will be run for SME principles over one or two days a week. Modules on entrepeneurship will also
be given, as will information on other related ESFans University provrammes. Business Help agencies such as TECs, Business Connects, WDA will
also address the course.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd Raising bus.skills-SME prncpls £111,044 55042 30/04/2004 £251,232
Each training course lasts for ten days (1 day per week) and is aimed at SME principals and will raise beneficiary competence levels in business-
related skills. Specialists from ELWa, FE, HE, The Business Centre Swansea, WWCC, WDA etc. as well as Computeraid tutors - will adress the
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT Training for SME Principals £411,342 54596 15/04/2003 £933,251
A business related ICT 25 day training course will be run for SME principals over one or two days a week. Modules on entrepreneurship will also
be given, as well as information on other related ESF and University programmes. Business Help agencies such as TECs, Business Connects,
WDFA, will also address the course.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT Training : SME Key Staff £272,610 54349 03/07/2003 £619,568
A business related ICT 25-day training course - 1 day a week (offering ECDL qualification) is run for West Wales and Western Valleys SME
principals. Business Help agencies from ELWa, Business Connect and WDA, academia etc. address the course and entrepreneurship and personal
development modules are also given.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT training SME principals 3 £341,400 56433 08/12/2004 £771,874
A business-related ICT 25 day training course will be run for SME principals on a one or two day-a-week basis. Business help agencies will
address the course and the concept of entrepreneurship will be further inculcated. Other learning opportunities in Fe, HE, Learndirect etc. will
also be highlighted.
1 4 Computeraid Ltd ICT Training in VITCC for SMEs £254,592 57243 11/07/2007 £576,000
An ICT and Business Skills training opportunity will be run on a one-day-a-week basis for SME principals. Training will take place at the Valleys
Information Technology Communication Centre. Business agencies will address the beneficiaries on the services they can offer them. Other
learning opportunities with HE, FE, Learndirect etc will be highlighted.
4 3
Conwy County Borough
People's Network Support £505,112 54732 15/04/2003 £1,023,971
The project will deliver ICT training, basic and key skills support and individual assessment and guidance support through a dedicated team of
multi skilled IT facilitators working in libraries across Conwy and Denbighshire. The project will add value to the NOF funded Peoples Network
4 6 Council of Welsh TECs Future Skills Wales 2000 £71,127 53112 26/03/2002 £158,062
Strategic research studies and highly focused dissemination activities which continue to inform individuals and organisations throughout the
objective one area of the current and future skills required by the economy of Wales at a national and local level and to evaluate previous
research work under the Future Skills Wales banner.
4 1 CRED Ltd Unlock Cymru (Ver 2) £86,430 53973 24/07/2002 £158,621
A multi-agency local initiative for ex-offenders and prisoners coming to the end ofcustodial sentence at Parc Prison, Bridgend, which aims to help
ex-offenders to find and hold on to employment in teh Bridgend area, by offering professional and peer group support.
4 2 CRED Ltd Resettlement Women Ex-offenders £122,220 56035 08/12/2004 £207,150
The project is a multi-agency initiative for women ex-offenders coming to the end of a custodial sentence which aims to help ex-offenders find
and hold onto employment by offering professional and peer group support.
3 1 CRED Ltd Peer Support of women offenders £177,279 57451 14/11/2006 £274,980
The project will train women ex-offenders to become peer support mentors for women ex-offenders released from custody in England to help
them re-intergrate into their community.
4 2 Crest Co-operative Ltd Crest Community Composting £43,176 53136 27/03/2002 £97,116
The project will provide formal and informal training opportunities and work experience that will lead to confidence building and improve
employability for individuals, in particular young disaffected, socially excluded and disablid people. This innovative integrated approach will
focus on community composting as the means of delivery.
4 2 Crest Co-operative Ltd Skills for Life Two £50,788 53148 27/03/2002 £112,372
This prject will provide formal training opportunities and work experience that will lead to confidence building and improve wmployability for
individuals, in particular young dissaffected, socially excluded and disabled people. This innovative integrated approach will focus on working in
a metalwork community enterprise as its medium of delivery.
4 1
Cwmbran Centre for Young
SAVY £1,171,610 56529 15/08/2005 £2,016,842
To directly address unemployment, ecoomic inactivity and low skills by engaging socially excluded/economically inactive young people, focusing
on 16-25 age group in learning and training activities tailored to meet their needs and employability. The project will also work closely with
training/recruitment agencies, careers, employers and other relevant agencies.
1 4 Cyfle Cyf Skills Wales Fund 2002-04 (1) £33,992 53969 19/11/2002 £82,667
The Skills Wales Fund provides individuals working inthe Welsh film, television and interactive media industry with financial assistance to
support their career development and training needs. The project will allow 90 beneficiaries to access quality training opportunities, specific to
their individual needs, at a time which suits their working schedules.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Film & TV New Entrants 2002-03 £158,930 53970 11/07/2002 £269,374
This project is the only specialised. full time, vocational training scheme for new entrants into the Welsh film and television industry. It will
provide its 18 beneficiaries with the necessary vocational skills and the relevant Skillset NVQ at level 3 to progress to sustainable employment in
a wealth creating industry.
1 4 Cyfle Cyf Datblygu Cynhyrchwyr £37,170 53971 23/10/2002 £84,022
'Datblygu Cynhyrchwyr' is a new Cyfle initiative, developed in partnership with independent production companies and S4C. It will provide a
specialist, vocational training programme which will strategically identify, recruit and develop 4 trainee television producers, supplying the sector
with its future creative leaders.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Hyfforddeiln Cyfle 2001 £112,049 53184 26/03/2002 £199,651
The Cyfle full time, vocational training scheme for new entrants into the Welsh film, television and new media industry. A specialised training
scheme, it is delivered through work place experience with SMEs and will normally lead to the appropriate Skillset NVQ.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Cyfle New Entrant Scheme 2000 £101,847 53160 26/03/2002 £203,696
The project ils the full time Cyfle training scheme for newentraints into the Welsh film, television and new media industry. Training is delivered
through work place experience with television companies; and will normally lead to gaining the appropriate Skillset NVQ.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Dimensiwn 10 £102,917 53521 26/03/2002 £174,438
'Dimensiwn 10' is a new full time, six month, employer led, vocational training course in multimedia for three in-takes of ten trainees each.
Located at a dedicated training unit and targeted primarily at unemployed 18-24 year olds, it will lead to employment opportunities with new
media SMEs.
2 4 Cyfle Cyf Uwchraddio Sgiliau y Cyfrngau £29,329 53522 26/03/2002 £61,104
This project supports key areas of the work of Cyfle in developing thehigher level skills of those working in the Welsh film, television and new
media industry and will allow these professionals to upgrade their skills and increase their knowledge at a time of rapid technological changes.
1 4 Cyfle Cyf Datblygu Cynhyrchwyr (2004-06) £26,006 55873 02/06/2004 £58,784
'Datblygu Cynhyrchwyr (2004-06)' addresses a structural weakness and identified skills gap within the Welsh television industry, by providing a
specialist, vocational, development programme which will identify, recruit and train three new television producers and future creative leaders. It
is implemented in partnership with three indendent television
4 1 Cyfle Cyf DIMENSION 10 (2003-05) #1 £394,887 54835 16/07/2003 £669,306
Dimension 10 is a full time, six month, vocational training programme in interactive media which will take place at Carnarfon, Llandeilo and
Cardiff, for 80 unemployed beneficiaries. It is a sectoral collaboration between Cyfle and employers, designed to allow employers to positively
shape the skills they need in potential employees.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Cyfle New Entrants 2003-05 #1 £221,921 55072 27/01/2004 £376,138
The project is the only specialised, full time, vocational training scheme for new entrantsinto the Welsh film and television industry. It provides
its 16 beneficiaries with job specific professional vocational skills, industry contacts, and Skillset NVQ level 2/3, to enable progression into
sustainable employment in a growth industry.
2 4 Cyfle Cyf Digital Animation Training Studio £85,358 57469 18/12/2006 £176,214
'Digital Animation Training Syudio' is a full time, 12 month, vocational training scheme, developed in partnership with industry, to provide six
animation graduates with both specialist digital animation skills and essential management and entrepreneurial skills, which will assist their
transition of from an academic to a commercial environment.
2 4 Cyfle Cyf Multi-Platform Media Training £55,990 57470 18/12/2006 £115,588
Multi-Platform Media Training is a fulle time, 12 month, vocational training scheme for 5 beneficaries combining traditional craft grade training in
Camera, Editing and Production with a new dimension which responds ti multi-platform technological developments; and assists their
progression to sustainable employment in the welsh audio visual industry.
1 4 Cyfle Cyf Cronfa Sgiliau Cymru 2005-06 £79,404 56829 06/07/2005 £179,486
This project allows Cyfle to support, strategically and tactically, the professional development of those employed in the Welsh film, television and
interactive media industry. Supporting 100 beneficiaries, the training methods will be various, but specific to each individual need; and include
short courses, attachments and financial assistance.
4 2 Cymdeithas Caer Las Cyf Routes Swansea £76,321 53676 26/03/2002 £129,359
The project aims to increase the capacity of excluded/marginalised/vulnerable people for autonomous living, socio-economic activity and
community participation
4 2 Cymdeithas Caer Las Cyf NPT Community Reachout Project £56,310 53144 26/03/2002 £95,442
The Project increases the capacity of the organisation and increases the capacity of excluded/marginalised or vulnerable people for autonomous
living, socio-economic activity and community participation.
4 2 Cymdeithas Caer Las Cyf Community Reachout Project - S £42,427 53120 26/03/2002 £71,911
Increases the capacity of excluded/marginised/vulnerable people for autonoumous living, socio-economic activity and community participation.
3 1 Cymdeithas Tai Eryri Datblygu Ty Cymunedol Peblig £71,846 57471 14/11/2006 £111,465
Bydd y Prosiect yn cyflogi person lleol i weithio gyda trigolion ac yn enwedig pobl ifanc i sefydlu ty cymunedol fydd yn darparu gwasanaethau
fydd yn cael ei cynllunio, rhedega'i werthuso gan trigolion. Bydd y darpariaeth yn cynnwys caffi ieuenctid, man hyfforddiant, a phrosiect
4 3 Cymdeithas Tai Hafan NEW DAWN LIFELONG LEARNING £101,085 56774 14/11/2006 £216,642
Project Delivers accomodation-related informal learning to 654 women marginalised by abuse and unable to access standard provision in
Anglesey, denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea, Neath Port Talbot, Bridgend Rhondda Cynon Taf and
Torfaen. Flexibility and mentoring support reduce barriers, significantly increasing confidence, demand and access to further learning
opportunities, enhancing employability.
4 5 Cymdeithas Tai Hafan Building Better Opportunities £166,398 53105 02/04/2002 £263,652
The project aims to work with disadvantaged women, including young women, in 10 local authourity areas, to enhance their employability, by
working with them to develop a training programme from the support package currently used by Tai Hafen to assist in addressing their needs.
1 4 Cyngor Gwynedd Council Faenol Skills Centre £155,742 53195 26/03/2002 £365,346
The project involves the development of a National Centre of Excellence in Conservation Education within the historic Faenol (Vaynol) Estate near
Bangor. It will result in training craftspeople in a range of traditional building skills and result in the development of a strong cluster of
construction SMEs in the area.
4 2
Cynon Valley Crime
Prevention Association
PUPIL £114,490 53798 27/03/2002 £195,410
PUPIL is an innovative and unique project which supported young people who are at risk of disaffection, with good citizenship and community
safety skills. The project will enable them to become caring, confident and effective members of the community, particularly important for those
who feel excluded in todays society.
4 2
Cynon Valley Crime
Prevention Association
PUPIL £299,777 57117 28/04/2006 £553,572
PUPIL is an innovative and unique project which supports young people who are at risk of social exclusion, with good citizenship and community
safety skills. It equips young people with skills and confidence to combat social exclusion and increases their employability through personal
4 2 Cyrenians Cymru Cyf. St. Matthews Resource Centre £385,600 57125 21/02/2006 £654,003
This multi-agency project will develop Wales first walk-in centre providing accessible health support during the day for disengaged people in one
of the most deprived parts of Swansea. It will provide both direct advice/counselling through specialist staff and act as a referral agency for
3 1 Cyrenians Cymru Cyf. Dragon Arts and Learning £511,270 56542 17/01/2005 £798,411
The aim of the project is to provide homeless and socially excluded people from some of Wales' most disadvantaged wards with easily accessible
open learning workshops and classes in both creative arts and practical skills with a specific cross-cutting theme of acquiring ICT skills.
3 1 Cyrenians Cymru Cyf. Cyrenians REVS Programme £517,363 57468 14/11/2006 £802,788
This project will offer vunerable adults the opportunity to develop employable skills. It will offer training and experience in retail activity, food
and hygiene and cookery, sailing and marina qualifications, sports development, gardening and horticulture. The aim will be to give to people
confidence and skills to access worthwhile and rewarding employment.
3 1 Cyrenians Cymru Cyf. Dragon Arts Project £164,073 54034 02/01/2003 £277,074
A community arts and training scheme for homeless and socially excluded people in Swansea which offers access to the arts, social inclusion and
skills training.
4 2 Cyswllt Ceredigion Contact Recovery & Work £400,251 56043 18/10/2004 £734,699
A specialist project providing a gateway to employment for chronic substance missusers in Ceredigion. Consists of three-months intensive day
Treatment followed by one-year of re-integration & employment focussed Aftercare.
4 5 Daniels Smalley Partnership Purple Hat - Making Rainbows £215,831 55829 05/05/2005 £335,828
The follow on project aims to promote gender equality by improving the career prospects and access to higher level opportunities for women and
men who have a career break and want to purse employment, self-employment, IT training or further/higher education.
4 5 Daniels Smalley Partnership Purple Hat £88,043 54688 03/03/2003 £137,406
The project aims to promote gender equality by improving the career prospects and access to higher level opportunities for women and men who
have taken a career break and want to pursue employment, IT Training or Further/Higher Training.
4 2 Dash Training Ltd Keys to Success £72,674 53432 26/03/2002 £253,635
The project aims to improve the social inclusion and employability of targeted groups in Rhondda Cynon Taff by helping recipients build
confidence, motivation and skills necessary to set and achieve realistiic personal, educational and employment goals and includes accredited
personal development and jobsearch training devivered by skilled, experienced qualified staff.
4 3 Deeside College Developing Manufacturing £204,750 55507 27/08/2004 £456,025
The project is designed to provide lifelong learning to employees in manufacturing mainly in Denbighshire. It will help them develop skills to
both improve themselves and sustain the manufacturing base of North Wales by ensuring we have a sound skills base.
4 3 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Learning Centre £256,856 55299 24/05/2006 £546,134
The overall project will develop seven community learning centres to provide greater opportunities for 16+ learners in all major towns in
Denbighshire. This ESF project will focus on providing programmes to identify, guide, and educate learners in Welsh and English in a range of
subjects to support the Denbighshire regeneration.
1 4 Denbighshire County Council CyberSkills for SMEs £193,200 53176 26/03/2002 £469,338
The highly innovative project, will work with other Agencies and Objective 1 projects to raise SME profuctitivity and competitiveness by
upgrading knowledgem skills and competence in ICT related areas. The project will offer awareness raising, training, technical support and
drop-in access t state-of-the-art technologies.
3 1 Denbighshire County Council Community Regeneration Team 1 £104,580 53985 28/06/2002 £410,240
This project will develop confidence, skills and positive attitudes of people living in all of the spatially targeted areas of Denbighshire. This will
be achieved through the provision of informal education and support for (potential) community activists including, but not exclusively, through
the creation of five Lifelong Learning Centres.
1 4 Denbighshire County Council Beyond Cyberskills - ICT for SMEs £134,220 54136 07/01/2003 £305,046
This highly innovative project, will work with other Agencies and Objective 1 projects to raise SME productivity and competitiveness by
upgrading knowledge, skills and competence in ICT related areas.
1 4 Denbighshire County Council Beyond CyberSkills ICT for SMEs £274,196 56356 10/02/2005 £619,856
SMEs will be assisted by increasing ICT knowledge, skills and competence through business-focused ICT help and training. This will help them in
realising the potential that ICT can provide in producing greater levels of productivity and competitiveness. The project will ensure cohesive and
comprehensive business ICT support for Denbighshire SMEs.
4 2 Denbighshire County Council Denbighshire Work Connections £194,477 57130 28/04/2006 £334,677
The project will support individuals with a physical disability and Care Leavers to locate and maintain appropriate learning or emp;lyment
opportunities, by linking individuals with the agencies equipped to support disadvantaged jobseekers. The project will raise awareness of the
schemes that are available and of the financial implications for individuals.
4 2 Denbighshire County Council Community Learning £386,007 57107 18/11/2005 £653,398
To continue and expand an innovative and progressive project that develops confidence, skills and positive attitudes to help people living in
Denbighshire overcome social exclusion. The project will deliver accredited/non-accredited comunity learning within the five existing Lifelong
Learning Centres based in informal community venues and within a mobile ICT unit.
1 4
Diwydiannau Coedwigoedd
Joint Development Initiative £762,999 54249 11/07/2002 £1,709,074
JDI will create the development infrastructure for an adaptable regional forest and wood products industry. It focuses on measurable
improvement in four key sector weaknesses : unreliable and immature supply chains: uncertain quality of materials and products; low
value-added and knowledge transfer; inadequate collaboration and communication with market drivers.
4 2 DRIVE Drive Future Skills Project £329,316 53537 27/03/2002 £723,740
A project for people with disabilites, providing Employment Training opportunities in Horticulture, Woodwork, Ceramics, Pottery, Food
Production, Customer Care and Retail. Delivered at three key locations in Rhonnda Cynon Taff Counly Borough Council area and consisting of a
Garden Centre, Coffee Shop, Horticulture sites, Woodwork workshop and Pottery.
4 2 DRIVE Drive Future Skills Project Phase II £749,658 55522 08/12/2004 £1,351,739
A project delivered by Drive in partnership with Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council providing employment / training opportunities for
people with learning difficulties. Also seeking to develop sustainable businesses based at a Garden Centre, Coffee Shop, Horticultural Site, Wood
Workshop and Pottery at three locations in the County.
4 2 ECCO Trust Self Help Therapies & Job Skill £77,720 55363 17/02/2004 £145,994
The ECCO training Project assists socially excluded people gain confidence and motivation to enhance pathways to employment, through
self-help therapies and job skills practice. It is an outreach, user led development course, with specifically designed Open College Units for the
special needs of the beneficiaries.
4 2 ECCO Trust Comp. health crafts and job skills £50,120 53252 26/03/2002 £112,614
The Complementary Health Care, Crafts and Job Skills Project has developed with the assistance of ESFmonies since 1994. We have continued to
train various OUTREACH COURSES for people with long term health problems ans disabilities who are socially excluded in self help basic and
NVQ skills as pathways towards employment.
4 2 Elite SEA Ltd Transition to Employment £205,772 53130 26/03/2002 £459,015
The project will enable disabled individuals, living within the county borough of Rhondda Cynon Taff, aged 14 to 64 to access, obtain and
maintain paid employment by utilising an individualised pathway approach of one to one training and support. The project also encourages
development within employment via structured training and tailored negotiations.
4 2 Elite SEA Ltd Transition to Employment (A) £91,106 53131 26/03/2002 £204,362
The project will enable disabled individuals, living within the county borough of Bridgend, aged 14 to 64, to access, obtain and maintain paid
employment by utilising an individualised pathway approach of one to one training and support. The project also encourages development within
employment via training and tailored negotions.
4 2 Elite SEA Ltd Trasition to Employment (C) £41,500 53728 26/03/2002 £92,302
The project will enable individuals, living within the County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil. aged 14 to 64 to access, obtain and maintain paid
employment by utilising an individualised pathway approach of one to one training and support. The project also encourages development within
employment via structured training and tailored negotiations.
4 2 Elite SEA Ltd ELITE SEA Ltd (Priority 4.2) £392,322 56037 29/10/2004 £1,059,298
The project will enable disabled individuals, living within the county boroughs of Bridgend, RCT and Merthyr Tedfil, aged 14 to 64 to access,
obtain and maintain paid employment by untilising an individualised pathway approach of one to one training / support. The project also
encourages development within employment via structured training / tailored negotiations.
4 2 Elite SEA Ltd ELITE SEA Ltd. £451,894 54668 16/07/2003 £1,004,234
The project will enable disabled individuals, living within the county boroughs of Bridgend, RCT and Merthyr Tydfil, aged 14 to 64 to access,
obtain and maintain paid employment by utilising an individual pathway approach of one to one training/support. The project also encourages
development within employment via structured training/tailored negotiations.
1 4 EMTA Work Based Maintenance Training £98,670 53978 27/03/2002 £223,035
Companies and employers will develop skills and knowledge required in engineering product and system maintenance. The project will develop
learning programmes that can be accessed and delivered using ICT. The learning programmes will be used to raise skills of people in the
maintenance area of the knowledge economy.
4 6 EMTA All Wales Skills Needs Database £126,181 53244 02/04/2002 £280,405
This project establishes an All Wales database on the demand for and supply of current and anticipated skills programmes in the engineering and
manufacturing sectors. In addition, the infrastructure for maintaining the database will be sustained through collaboration between partnerships
created by theis project.
1 4 EMTA Tailored Training for Eng. Co's £418,930 53201 02/04/2002 £1,020,394
Large companies, supplier SMEs and SMEs in general in Engineering and Manufacture will be given help to identify skills needs and to implement
programmes to meet these needs. Skills prgrammes will be linked to competitiveness, business improvement initiatives including improved
quality, reduces costs and shortened delivery times.
2 4
Engineering Education
Scheme in Wales
Engineering Ed. Scheme - Wales £70,002 53172 27/03/2002 £165,806
Developing professional engineering interest amongst Science, Maths and Technology Sixth Form (or equivelent) students for career paths,
particularly with SMEs, for their mutual benefit by problem solving for the partner companies.
2 4
Engineering Education
Scheme in Wales
EES Wales £90,181 56357 28/04/2006 £328,103
To encourage SMEs to utilise the skills of the most talented of our Science, Maths and Technology sixth forms. Small teams of students work to
solve a real problem for a SME giving the students real industrial experience and giving the company indicators of the skills available in young
1 4 Faenol Cyf Y Faenol Conservation Centre £899,449 54950 13/08/2003 £2,033,113
This bid is a follow up of the pilot initiative undertaken at the Vaynol Estate. The project will develop a centre for the training of operatives in the
repair, care and maintenance af the historic built and natural environment.
4 2 Fairbridge De Cymru Fairbridge Swansea/ Abertawe £447,042 56031 06/07/2005 £760,482
This project will establish a Fairbridge Centre in Swansea running intensive personal and social skills training for disaffected 13 to 25 year olds
from South-West Wales excluded from learning, the labour market of their community that allow them to develop the confidence and motivation
to take advantage of opportunities.
4 2 Fairbridge De Cymru Unlocking the Potential Phase II £158,653 55423 29/10/2004 £349,252
This project will provide socially excluded young people aged 13 to 25 in RCT with ways of developing the skills, motivation and confidence to
take advantage of the education, training and employment opportunities in their area, throughout their working lives.
4 2 Fairbridge De Cymru Unlocking the Potential £105,168 53968 28/06/2002 £179,765
This project will provide young people aged 14-25 exposed to social exclusion with the skills, motivation and confidence to take advantage of
learning and employment opportunities throughout their working lives.
1 4 FFINTO Furniture Skills Fund Obj 1 £26,530 53958 25/07/2002 £60,000
To develop a fund to support companies in the Furniture, Furnishings and Interiors industries access hard to source high skill training
4 6 FFINTO Furniture Welsh LMI Research £32,128 53099 26/03/2002 £64,623
To research the labour market and skill needs in the Furniture, Furnishings and Interiors sector within the Wales Objective 1 area and propose
solutions to meet these needs.
4 2 Fforwm Anabledd Taran Cyf Taran Training Programme £47,530 54692 03/07/2003 £80,433
Taran Genesis programme is exceptional, in that it will be run by disabled people for disabled people, providing easily accessible courses in an
empowering environment. It will dovetail in to existing training provision on the island, enabling the movement of learners to more formal
training and employment opportunities.
4 3
Fforwm Creft Cymru (The
Craft Forum)
E=MC2 £153,341 54017 27/03/2002 £309,657
E=MC2 will perform skills analysis among 60 designer/makers in Objective 1; identify generic skills core, discipline dependent skills; match with
OCN units, identify gaps. Design units where gaps are identified. Design Professional Makers Kitemark and CPD system; test the model, review,
revise, implement and disseminate
3 1
Foothold Community
Create Training Project £163,640 56879 07/03/2007 £253,824
To increase the skills of people, groups and organisations participating in establishing social enterprises: strengthening training provision within
the social economy by providing generic and specialist training, where new approaches to community based learning will help the economically
inactive back into work and ensure the success of the sector.
4 6 Funding Finders Ltd Sustainable Skills Analysis £315,867 57529 30/03/2007 £644,350
To build the capacity of companies to assess their existing and future skills needs, the source relevant training, through a process of intensive
support and development leadning to sustainable self sufficiency and long term relationships with Welsh SMEs
3 1 GAVO CATS £213,159 56954 28/04/2006 £497,440
Community Apprentices Training and Skills (CATS) will employ 12 local people as community development trainees. This is an innovative pilot
project to address the shortfall in experienced and well trained community development workers.
4 3 Gorseinon College Essential Skills for Employment £543,066 56745 05/05/2005 £1,096,366
This project will raise the profile of keyskills, which are considered to be the essential skills for employment. It will enable the college to embed
keyskills into the vocational courses and provide enhanced teaching resources to enable beneficiaries to undertake the full programe of six
4 3 Gorseinon College Lliw Partnership £388,438 54045 12/08/2002 £783,952
The aim of this project is to develop a coordinated approach to lifelong learning in the West of Swansea, thus matching that already working in
the East of Swansea and ultimately leading to a City and County wide lifelong Learning Partnership.
3 1 Gorseinon College Development Workers £36,550 53983 28/06/2002 £56,694
This project is being submitted on behalf of the Lliw Partnership and will fund two development workers to work in the regeneration wards of
Dulais East, Gorseinion East and Craigfelen. These are wards where there is currently limited take up of training opportunities.
1 4 Gorseinon College Innovation Skills £147,815 53976 28/06/2002 £334,120
This project aims to improve the competitveness and entrepreneurial proficiency within SMEs in the Swansea area. It will provide work-based
training in customer care for front line staff and employers across all sectors using an innovative mix of delivery methods. It will produce a Good
Practice Guide for SMEs.
4 1 Gorseinon College Engineering Employment Training £301,648 53722 26/03/2002 £540,547
This project will train young people and adults for employment in the Engineering sector, particularly the Automotive Industry. The project will be
delivered in the main through our new Engineering Training Centre which incorporates a working garage. It will include guidance, counselling,
basic and key skills and additional learning support.
4 3 Gorseinon College Develop ICT & Business Skills £316,099 53723 26/03/2002 £691,129
This project will deliver training in ICT and Business and Management Skills, from Level 1 to Level 4, which are crucial to all sectors of industry
and commerce. Training will be delivered both at the college and in the workplace.
4 1 Gorseinon College Tourism and Cultural Industries £247,033 53268 26/03/2002 £418,704
This project will deliver training to the major growth sectors of tourism, cultural industries and media. Training will be targeted at young people
and unemployed adults wishing to join tourism, crafts or media companies or to start their own. Additional modules in Business Start-up and
Businness Management will be available.
4 3 Gorseinon College Training to Care £280,375 53269 26/03/2002 £647,795
This project will delever both initial vocational training for young people and adults wishing to enter the care industries and upskilling for people
currently employed in the private care sectors who wish to improve their skills and qualifications. It will lffer a range of additional individual
support measures.
2 4 Gorseinon College High Level ICT Skills £55,624 54694 07/04/2003 £114,999
To facilitate the acquisition of high-level vendor specific professional ICT certification. It will deliver High Level Microsoft and other technical
training to secure a professional development route for ICT technicians and support staff in SMEs, redundant/unemployed people and people
making a career change into ICT.
4 3 Gorseinon College Lliw 2 £1,999,854 55937 15/09/2004 £4,036,042
This project will continue to deliver the highly successful and co-ordinated approach to Lifelong Learning in the West of Swansea, matching that
already working in the East of Swansea through the ALL2 project and ultimately leading to a City & County of Swansea-wide Lifelong Learning
4 1 Groundwork Bridgend Bridgend Valleys ILM initiative £212,609 54203 28/06/2002 £359,263
An Intermediate Labour Market Initiative aimed at enhancing the employability of long term unemployed and economically inactive people in the
County Borough of Bridgend
3 1 Groundwork Caerphilly Groundwrok Caerphilly ILM £254,903 57473 01/08/2006 £397,105
A pilot to build a solid foundation for a long-term intermediate labour market that contributes to social, environmental and economic
regeneration in Caerphilliy County Borough. The ILM will help people who are economically inactive, socially excluded and disadvataged to enter
work by providing a transition from welfare to employment.
4 3
Gwent Careers Service
Partnership Ltd
Guidance on Lifelong Learning £235,671 56676 15/08/2005 £579,895
This project will provide an enhanced careers information, advice and guidance service for low skilled people in Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly and
Torfaen, in conjunction with the Learning Network. Individual Progression at key transition stages in employment/learning will be supported by
outreach delivery and the Careers Wales on Line website.
4 1 GWINTO Gas NVQ Training in Wales £207,018 53183 26/03/2002 £502,457
To train unemployed adults in gas installation and servicing, resulting in employment in the industry.
2 4 HEFCW Hi lev skills Sci, Tech, Eng, ICT £1,670,775 53170 27/03/2002 £3,481,147
The project will provide high level skills training in science, technology, engineering and ICTwhich will provide the current and potential
workforce of SMEs with the skills required to diversify and develop and to increase their competitiveness and will improve individuals
employability in the high value added sector.
1 4 HEFCW Graduate Employability Skills £2,875,000 54276 16/07/2003 £8,015,346
This project aims to ensure that SMEs within the economy of West Wales and the Valleys are able to recruit, retain and continue to develop
graduate skills. In particular, it will allow those graduates to buils their careers in Wales and SMEs to become increasingly adaptable.
1 4 HEFCW Graduate Opportunities (GO) Wales £3,649,667 56846 06/07/2005 £8,457,519
Graduate Opportunities Wales will enable employers to more effectively access, utilise, develop, and retain graduate level skills that are essential
in promoting the adaptability, innovation and enterprise that will in turn promote business growth and competitiveness.
4 2 Hirwaun YMCA Hirwaun Community Project £286,341 54277 31/03/2003 £485,948
To provide a raft of opportunites into positive employment status that will engage those groups in the community who are under achieving
through low family expectations, low personal esteem, a poor academic record and lack of employable skills, including soft skills.
4 1 HM Prison Service Reconnect £123,495 54924 24/03/2004 £209,114
To train 75 prisoners with key skills, prevocational skills and vocational skills to secure employment ina sector with a serious shortage of
qualified operatives. Swansea Prison will deliver NVQ level 3 Plumbing virtually guaranteeing jobs in new build construction sites on release
4 1 HM Prison Service START (Swansea & Parc) £234,402 54621 14/07/2003 £396,024
The project will deliver a seamless multiagency co-ordinated service for priosoners coming to the end of the custodial sentance. It will
employment support work to targeted prisoners, basic skills, job search training and support, job brokerage and accomodation advice and
4 3 HM Prison Service JACKPOT £999,220 56735 06/07/2005 £2,016,426
JACKPOT is a sector based approach to meeting employers skills needs by strengthening current networks and building new employers networks
to faciliate joint solutions to address skills gaps and skills shortages by delivering vocational courses Construction Skills with basic and key skills
embedded in the curriculum.
4 3 HMP and YOI Parc Learning Pods £695,405 55750 03/08/2004 £1,403,167
Learning Pods is an innovative pilot scheme based in HMP and YOI Parc, Bridgend, engaging 400 disengaged learners with basic and key skills
needs into likelong learning through Learn Direct. Learning will continue post release through local Learn Direct providers and mainstream
4 2 Include Post 16 Employability Project £174,442 54615 23/10/2002 £412,879
The project aims to provide a tailored made programme of support targeted at young people, identified by the Youth Offending Teams, who have
offended or who are likely to offend and who face multiple disadvantages in the labour market to secure and retain employment.
4 1 Instant Muscle Instant Muscle - Work Connect £403,800 53179 26/03/2002 £801,064
An 'Intermidiate Labour Market' project for long term unemployed and economically inactive peoole supported by Soft Skills, Business Focussed
Skills and ICT Training with integrated jobsearch training and resurces.
4 1 Instant Muscle Caerphilly Pickles £303,355 53108 26/03/2002 £574,594
Provide help to long term unemployed people, economically inactive people,disabled people and people with learning disabilities secure
sustainable employment through a process of help, advice, training and sheltered supported employment.
4 1 Instant Muscle Craft Card Print and Manufacture £165,062 53198 26/03/2002 £291,938
An 'Intermediate Labour Market' project for long term unemployed and economically inactive people supported by Soft Skills Business Focussed
Skills and ICT Training with integrated jobsearch training and resources.
4 1 Instant Muscle RCT Print and Crafrs ILM £337,170 53666 27/03/2002 £702,847
An 'Intermediate Labour Market' project for long term unemplyed or economically inactive people supported by Soft Skills Business Focussed
Skills and ICT Training with integrated jobsearch training and resources.
4 5 Interactive Rhyl Ltd Digital Village Hall for Women £151,459 53575 27/03/2002 £248,551
Q1.5 The women's digital community centre will open up new opportunities for women, to enter into training and employment in higher paid and
higher skilled sectors and self-employment. The provision of an informal, inclusive atmosphere aims to attract women who may see formal
trainiing institutions as impersonal and threatening
4 5 Interactive Rhyl Ltd Digital Village Hall for Women £272,450 54693 16/07/2003 £430,423
The women's village is a project which strives to open up new opportunities for women, to enter into training and employment in higher paid
and higher skilled sectors and self-employment. The provision of the informal, inclusive atmosphere attracts women who may see formal training
institutions as impersonal and threatening.
3 1 Interactive Rhyl Ltd Rhyl Women's Centre £342,093 56847 09/08/2006 £531,200
The West Rhyl located Women's Centre project will provide a safe informal place for women to access a wide variety of services and activities.
Those services will include the provision of information, support, advocacy and training along with referral to services on issues relating to work,
health and wellbeing.
4 1
Iron and Steel Trade
Confederation (ISTC)
Ex Steel Learning Phase 2 (Obj.1) £310,033 55872 03/08/2004 £711,186
This project will continue to provide advice, guidance, counselling and appropriate training packages to 1,140 individuals who will be or have
been made redundant from the steel industry in the region, to help them gain jobs in the region's growth industries
4 1
Iron and Steel Trade
Confederation (ISTC)
Ex Steel Learning W1 £446,848 53359 26/03/2002 £1,027,497
The project will provide advice, guidance, counselling and appropriate training packages to 1007 individuals who will be made redundant by
CORUS in the region. It aims to help beneficiaries to gain new skills and qualifications to enable them to access employment opportunities in
growth sectors of the regions economy.
4 1 Job Centre Plus Interactive Programme Centre £1,033,366 53158 26/03/2002 £3,159,042
The Interactive Programme Centre is enhanced provision of a regional government funded programme which aims to help the revently and about
to become unemployed to attain employment or to move on to another avenue to achieve employability, providing training on jobsearch
techniques, internet access to widen the ability to jobsearch.
4 1 Job Centre Plus Programme Centre Plus Cymru £3,396,912 55142 29/06/2004 £7,667,415
Aims to build on the success of the Interactive Programme Centre by enhancing the existing Government funded provision and engaging
economically inactive people currently ineligible for mainstream support. Participants will access a range of help through a network of local
centres which will enhance their skills and subsequently their employability.
4 1 Job Centre Plus Want to Work £4,548,189 56500 22/09/2005 £7,580,441
This strategic project is designed to tackle the high levels of inactivity in Wales. Centred around teams of community based advisors to engage
with those most detached from the labour market. It will offer to overcome obstacles and barriers, thus providing greater opportunities for
beneficiaries to become economically active.
3 1 John Grooms NPT Lifestyle Worker £227,632 57096 22/09/2005 £353,132
The project aims to offer marginalised disabled people living in Priority 3 wards the opportunity to overcome their isolation, learn new skills and
get involved in their local community.
1 4 Kelter Training M.O.C.S £180,535 54347 17/04/2003 £414,000
The project will assist in the development of individuals over the age of 25 to raise standards of care awareness and education within the care
sector. It will build a foundation of basic literacy, numeracy and IT skills, assissting individuals and employers to become more effective in work
and life generally.
1 4 LANTRA Sector Skills Council Learning for the Ldbsd Sctr £199,231 54088 03/03/2003 £450,519
The project aims to develop and promote new of improved guidance, education, training systems and forms of learning specifically for the
landbased sector. This will be achieved by overcoming barriers by supporting learning initiatives in the workplace and developing new systems,
materials and modes of delivery.
4 2 Llandrillo College SCHOOL/COLLEGE LINKS £260,391 54032 25/07/2002 £464,809
The project will target 240 young people from local secondary schools providing them with two days per week at college. Beneficiaries will
develop job-search skills, confidence, self esteem and motivation through a chosen vocational pathway. All beneficiaries will work towards a
recognised qualification which will improve future employability
1 4 Llandrillo College Management for Business £241,019 53171 26/03/2002 £641,391
The project aims to fevelop the management skills of employees working within SMEs in the Conwy and Denbighshire Objective One area.
Through partnership with SMEs the project will develop innovative measures to meet identified management training needs. In particular the
project will focus on delivery of higher level generic skills.
4 5 Llandrillo College New Horizons £102,782 53106 27/03/2002 £160,597
The aim of the project is to provide 245 economically inactive women with vocational training in areas of local skill shortages and to facilitate
the achievement of qualifications up to NVQ level 2.
4 5 Llandrillo College Rhyl Womens Workshop £315,844 53107 27/03/2002 £640,322
The project, previously supported by ESF, will continue and enhance the provisionof non-traditional vocational and enterprise training for
women. It will target returners to the labour market, many of whom will be single parents living in identified areas of high socio/economic
4 2 Llandrillo College Community Autos Training £33,835 53132 27/03/2002 £84,588
The project aims to deliver programmes of learning and personal support to disaffected young people in Rhyl. Programmes will be delivered in
collaboration with Community Autos Rhyl (CARS) and will build on the target groups interest in cars to provide progression from accredited
courses to NVQ.
4 2 Llandrillo College Conwy and Denbs.Capacity Building £62,612 53133 27/03/2002 £139,552
Through local partnerships and community networks the necessary skills, knowledge and experience will be built for grass roots community
groups and the individuals who currently or in future will servoce and support them.
4 2 Llandrillo College Action for Youth £198,382 53251 27/03/2002 £525,204
The aim of the project is to combat disaffection and to facillitate the social integration of 66 young people by helping them identify and achieve
learning and career goals. The project will develop basic and key skills, develop self esteem and promote good citizenship.
4 3 Llandrillo College Families Learning Together C £45,654 53204 27/03/2002 £93,173
The aim of the project is to widen participation and engage new learners through provision of family learning outreach programmes within the
local community.
4 3 Llandrillo College Families Learning Together D £21,467 53205 02/04/2002 £43,811
The aim of the project is to widen participation and engage new learners through family outreach programmes within the local community.
4 3 Llandrillo College Community IT Bus £73,845 53206 26/03/2002 £195,330
The project is a continuation of a successfur project under Objective 5b. A customised bus will take IT training into the communities of Conwy
and Denbighshire thus allowing those who for whatever reason cannot access College provision to receive individual flexible training in an
informal atmosphere.
4 5 Llandrillo College Womens Enterprise 2 £382,514 54691 16/07/2003 £597,681
The project will build upon the current project by delivering cross curriculum courses to women combining the skills of enterprise and self
employment with vocational skills such as plumbing and decorating. This second phase will introduce work placements for beneficiaries and
mentor training for employers.
4 2 Llandrillo College Community Enterprise Skills £229,192 55046 16/07/2003 £388,462
The project aims to develop and enhance basic, key and business enterprise skills by providing training and start up opportunities in the context
of community enterprise.
4 1 Llandrillo College ASPIRE £411,762 54762 16/07/2003 £695,734
The project aims to provide progression routes up to level 3 mainly for previous beneficiaries of such ESF widening participation projects such as
POP, IT Bus and Family Learning. The project will be delivered at all main Learning Network sites and key satellite centres.
1 4 Llandrillo College SME Training Solutions £501,717 55339 08/03/2004 £1,177,550
Training needs and training capacity differ across the spectrum of SMEs. Some train strategically in line with their business plans, others is
response to organisational or technological change and others not at all. This project will provide a "total training solution" matching business
needs with a comprehensive and flexible training programme.
4 5 Llandrillo College New Opportunities £143,758 55298 22/01/2004 £225,798
The project aims to improve the participation of 192 women in the labour market through the provision of generic management and IT skills
leadning to qualifications at Level 3. In addition the project will deliver soft outcomes such as confidence building, communication and team
4 3 Llandrillo College Skills for Life £430,189 56707 21/04/2005 £869,122
The project forms part of Llandrillo's integrated basic skills provision and will provide both capacity building activities for basic skills staff within
training and voluntary organisations together with increased basic skills activity in the workplace and within the community.
4 1
Llynfi Valley 16-25 Project
Llynfi Youth Support Project £70,906 55149 18/11/2003 £120,098
Providing young people with skills that allow access to vocational training and employment. Targetting young people experiencing the following:
poverty, social isolation, lacking support, not accessing mainstream services, percluded by cost from accessing centralised services, not
achieving, de-motivated, low-expectations, involved in or on the fringes of criminal activity.
4 2
Llynfi Valley 16-25 Project
Llynfi Youth Support Project £117,296 56022 03/02/2005 £260,662
Providing young people with skills that allow access to vocational training and employment. Targeting young people experiencing the following;
poverty, social isolation, lacking support, not accessing mainstream services, precluded by cost from accessing centralised services, not
achieving, de-motivated, low expectations, invloved in or on the fringes of criminal activity.
1 4 Media Skills Wales Skills Wales Fund £18,474 53196 27/03/2002 £41,759
The establishment of the Skills Wales Fund, a new training fund which will provide professionals working in the film. television ond new mewia
industry in Wales with a flexible solution to their career development and training needs.
4 1 Media Skills Wales Media Skills Wales New Ent. 2001 £50,530 53185 27/03/2002 £85,645
The Media Skills Wales full time, vocational training scheme for new entrants into the Welsh film, television and new media industry. A
specialised trining scheme, it is delivered through work place experience with SMEs and will normally lead to the appropriate Skillset NVQ.
4 2 Menter Fachwen Prosiect Anableddau Gwynedd £692,815 53164 27/03/2002 £1,262,993
Capacity Building was used to deliver staff and community training. Also led to developing partnerships between organisations without which this
application would not have been possible.
4 2 Menter Fachwen Prosiect Pobty Prysur £25,273 54283 18/12/2002 £84,031
A project to assist people with a learning disability move towards work and social inclusion. The project will train people with disabilities using
OCN units.
4 2 Menter Fachwen Prosiect Anableddau Gwynedd £1,135,090 53961 26/03/2002 £2,078,860
A unique partnership between three voluntary sector organisations to deliver training and work experience to people with a disability. Projects
are bilingual, and community based providing real work experience and supported employment measures.
4 3 Menter Fachwen Y Pentre Dysg £170,036 55309 23/01/2004 £343,320
Centering learning in the heart of the local community, through acredited learning in IT, electronics and practical skills for people both with and
without a disability.
3 1 Menter Fachwen Pentre Dysg Padarn £115,796 57098 09/08/2006 £178,396
Community based training and work experience for people on the first steps to training, education and work. The project targets people with
greater needs than most, in particular people with a disability.
3 1 Menter Fachwen Prosiect Dyffryn Peris £244,118 57446 21/02/2007 £378,842
The Dyffryn Peris Project provides opportunities for learning, community activity and employment for people living in the priority wards of
Deiniolen, Llanberis and Penisarwaen
4 2 Mentro Lluest Ceredigion Horticultral Project £242,108 56032 13/09/2004 £410,355
To provide vocational training and supported work experience in land-based studies, offering opportunities for people with learning disablilities
to gain skills and find employment, thereby decreasing economic inactivity.
4 2 Mentro Lluest Mentro Lluest £115,178 53598 27/03/2002 £257,040
The Project trains ans gives guidance to people who are at most disadvantage. It works with disaffected youth from the local schools, those who
have a learning disability and/or mental health problem and people who are returning to the job market or looking for a change in jobs.
4 1 Merthyr Tydfil College Enhanced Employability Training £1,609,433 53942 27/03/2002 £2,734,353
To provide employability skills with basic levels of vocational training to people at most risk of failing into unemployment. The project
particularly tackles barriers to training such as cost, accessibility and childcare, aims to raise awareness, and to reverse ingrained and persistent
negative attitudes to training and work.
4 1 Merthyr Tydfil College Enhanced Employability Training 2 £1,690,865 56501 02/09/2005 £2,857,157
The project will target disadvantaged people in low pay, low skills occupations and unemployed people lacking appropriate skills and
qualifications. it will provide additional employability skills with basic levels of vocational training to raise awareness and reverse ingrained,
persistent barriers and negative attitudes to training and employment in Merthyr Tydfil.
4 3
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Neighbourhood Learning £1,582,229 56711 22/09/2005 £3,192,277
The aim of the project is to increase economic activity and eradicate social exclusion by enabling residents to become enthusiastic, pro-active
and self reliant lifelong learners. The project will continue to develop the infrastructure to promote and engage residents throughout the county
in a broad range of personal development, learning/training
3 1
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Growing to succeed £138,256 56821 09/06/2005 £214,451
The project will engage economically inactive people in experiencial learning (through the medium of horticulture) that builds confidence, the
desire to learn and increases participants employability.
3 1
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Merthyr CBC Community Programmes £268,977 57088 02/09/2005 £513,555
The project will work in Merthyr Tydfil County Borough to identify training needs of beneficiaries, co-ordinate existing training opportunities and
deliver community based training programmes through the Family Programmes element of the New Pathway project. The project will utilise the
Integrated Childrens Centre as an accessible central base for service delivery.
4 5
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Pathways to Employment £397,113 53169 26/03/2002 £1,001,044
Setting the scene for economic regeneration by providing pathways for parents/carers into training and employment. A partnership approach to
developing and sustaining affordable, quality childcare will be complemented by family literacy projects to enhance employability and break the
cycles of deprivation and sicial exclusion throughout the County Borough.
4 5
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
New Pathways £799,548 55169 23/01/2004 £1,900,177
Pathways delivers opportunities for employment, education and training, affordable childcare and family programmes raising basic skills through
a core and cluster module utilising an Integrated Children's Centre as a central base that can deliver services locally, thereby facilitating local
economic regeneration, enhancing human resources, strengthening equality and promoting social inclusion.
4 3
Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
Neighbourhood Learning £1,131,450 54715 25/03/2003 £2,331,999
To engage and support hitherto economically inactive/socially excluded residents in lifelong learning through developing the infrastructure to
promote and engage people in lifelong learning within the socially excluded communities served by Pen-Y-Dre High School - as a stepping stone
to employability through ES programmes.
1 4
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
Leadership in Auto Comp. Supply £55,698 53199 26/03/2002 £125,650
The project is designed to give job security and a long term future by embedding a culture of Lifelong Learning in Manufacturing SMEs in the
Objective 1 area engaged in the Automotive Component Supply chain. Ultimately it aims to support SMEcompetitiveness in the market place.
4 1 Mid Glamorgan EBP Key Skill for Emplyment £39,829 53186 26/03/2002 £67,507
A series of workshop sessions using teams of employers to enhance young peoples' key skills in Application of Number, Communication and IT.
Emphasis will be on mentoring and the acquisition of skiils required by thge future workforce. The target group is sixth form pupils in all
Bridgend comprehensive schools.
4 2 Mid Glamorgan EBP World of Work £47,893 53134 27/03/2002 £115,393
World of Work will develop emplyability skills and provide a greater understanding of industry for all eleven to sixteen year olds. The pupils will
be involved in a separate business activity in each year of compulsory education.
4 2 Mid Glamorgan EBP World of Work £231,081 54894 10/10/2003 £430,978
World of work aims to help those pupils exposed to social exclusion and disadvantage by engaging them in a work related activity in each year of
compulsory education. The programme will develop employability skills and a positive attitude towards the world of work.
4 5
Minority Ethnic Womens
MultiCulture Women Training 2 £229,593 55192 22/01/2004 £356,795
The project will provide assisstance to Black and Ethnic Minority women by providing skill building and confidence building activities - enabling
them to access further vocational and non vocational training opportunities, and thus have a progression route to employment opportunities.
(conforms with sex discrimniation act 1975 and race relations act 1976)
4 5
Minority Ethnic Womens
Multi-Culture Women Training £152,944 53239 27/03/2002 £245,099
The project will enable Black or Ethnic Minority women to access main stream vocational and non-vocational training and employment. Giving
them the opportunity to gain confidence and skills which will lead to becoming economically active. Conforming with the Sex Discrimination
1975 and Race Relation Act 1976.
4 3 Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin MYM Community Learning £116,258 54263 01/07/2004 £234,816
Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin is the national Welsh-medium early years care and education association with over 600 groups in Wales. There are 420
groups in the Objective 1 area and this project will improve the generic skills of the personnel who are responsible for the organisation of each
local individual group.
4 2 NACRO DAWN £1,560,857 54300 26/11/2002 £2,783,413
DAWN will address the social, substaince misuse, educational, training and employment needs of 1600 offenders and disadvantaged people by
providing multi-disciplinary professional support, mentoring and training programmes from an integrated site in Colwyn Bay and satelitte
provision in Bangor, Rhyl, Yns Mon and other rural and isolated communities across North West Wales.
4 2 NACRO DAWN £2,650,760 56009 17/01/2005 £5,248,045
DAWN addresses the social, substance misuse, educational needs of offenders and disadvantaged people by providing multidisciplinary
professional support, mentoring and training programmes from an intergrated site in Colwyn Bay and satelite provision in Bangor, Rhyl, Llangefni
and other rural and isolated communities across North West Wales.
4 2
National Museums and
Galleries of Wales
On Common Ground (OCG) £268,209 56038 04/02/2005 £487,653
On Common Ground (OCG) aims to provide basic skills training and accreditation for young people aged 16-24 in disadvantaged communities
across Wales. Through a variety of community projects over a 2 year period, OCG will use museums and heritage to encourage participation,
combat barriers to opportunity and improve social cohesion.
4 5
NCH (Cymru) (National
Childrens Homes)
Taith Newydd £187,477 55245 10/05/2004 £291,191
Taith Newydd targets people from non traditional backgrounds, providing training, new skills and qualifications to work with children and young
people. The particular focus is recruiting people who could become self employed as foster carers, as research has indicated a gap in both
numbers and skills of carers.
4 5
NCH (Cymru) (National
Childrens Homes)
Span Plus £200,192 53838 26/03/2002 £317,033
Span plus will build on th ecapacity that exists in communities where socially, geographically and economically excluded women live. This
project will develop innovative methodologies to create new child care provision which will release the 'locked-up' potential for the development
of individuals through self sustaining chils care co-operatives and businesses.
4 1 Neath Port Talbot College Apprentice Support for SMEs £119,363 53949 27/05/2002 £355,605
The project will provide a pcakage of support toSMEs, to includea selection and placement serviceand the payment of a financial wage subsidy to
employers. The selection and placement service will includerecruitment, interviews and pre-selection of individuals as suitable for Modern
Apprenticeship placements withspecific SMEs.
4 5 Neath Port Talbot College Management Training for Women £54,224 53951 26/03/2002 £126,577
The project will provide a personalised training scheme in management and supervisory skills to ensure that women have equal access to work,
career progression opportunities, education and training and to promote gender equality in the labour market. The training meets gaps identified
in local skills analyses and labour market evidence.
4 1 Neath Port Talbot College The Business Practice Company £75,778 53952 26/03/2002 £148,737
The project will set up a trading company, run by full time students aged 16-19, s part of the AVCE in Business, giving relevance to their training
and encouraging enterprise & entrepreneurdhip. Beneficiaries will work with a mentor company, whilst competing with similar practice companies
in the UK and Europe.
2 4 Neath Port Talbot College Advanced Technology Skills for SMEs £30,207 53288 26/03/2002 £169,000
The project will deliver training at HNC level and above to small groups in the high technology areas of eletronics, communication and building
services management. That is in line with the ongoing change in the South Wales region with work moving from heavy industry and mining to
htgh technology industries.
4 1 Neath Port Talbot College Business Admin for Returners £70,409 53188 27/05/2002 £119,338
The project will deliver training in key generic skills to adult returners and long-term unemployed people and will place these skiils in the context
of clerical and secretarial skills, concentrating on ICT and Internet Technologies, in order to reaise the skills levels, confidence and employability
of unemployed people.
4 2 Neath Port Talbot College Catering Training for SLDD £22,786 53221 26/03/2002 £50,640
The project will provide vocational training in the field of Catering and key skills training in that contexr to young people who have special
training needs due to literany and numeracy difficulties, learning difficulties and disabilities, in order to improve their ecployability.
4 5 Neath Port Talbot College Hairdressing and Barbering Skills £110,869 53222 26/03/2002 £173,673
The project will provide training in Hairdressing and Barbering skills, including Business Studies, Retail and Custormer Service. This will raise
skills levels, increase employability, reduce barriers to participation and raise awareness of employment opportunities and will adderss the issue
of traditonal under-represention of men in Hairdressing and Women in Barbering.
4 1 Neath Port Talbot College Finance and Business Admin Skills £66,001 53467 26/03/2002 £164,570
The project will deliver Finance and Business Administration skills delovered within local business premises or an environment that emulates a
commercial environment. Practical training will be delivered in the Colleges' Training Office, combining commercial enterprise with training
activities underpinned by periods of work experience with local companies
4 1 Neath Port Talbot College Business Admin for Returners II £69,120 54323 07/03/2003 £117,188
The project will deliver training in key generic skills to adult returners and long-term unemployed people, and will place these skills in the
context of clerical and secretarial skills, concentrating on ICT and internet Technologies, in Order to raise the skills levels, confidence and
employability of unemployed people.
4 1 Neath Port Talbot College Action for Retention & Success £71,750 54324 19/11/2002 £121,750
The project will improve retention, achievement and success rates of students, and address the issue of students whose attendance is poor, or
who leave their course prematurely. The individual cases of early drop-out will be identified and tackled, reducing the numbers who leave
without any alternative work, training or education.
4 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
New Learning Network; Phase 2 £4,159,262 54852 10/09/2003 £8,416,662
NPT NLN Phase 2 builds on Phase 1 experience to extend Partnership activities. It will develop progression routes for recently engaged learners
while reaching new learners through voluntary and community organisations. It will also focus on professional development for practitioners,
adult student networks, disability hard / software and development of flexible learning.
4 1
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
Neath Port Talbot TEI £3,929,796 55328 26/07/2004 £6,660,672
The project will provide long-term unemployed and "economically inactive" people in disadvantaged communities with a well-rounded
programme offering a personal job allowance, work experience, training and personal development support, increasing their employability skills.
The beneficiaries will have a temporary contract and mentor support/in-work benefits advice.
4 5
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
NVQs/Playcare2/Early Years £25,041 53240 26/03/2002 £39,405
The project focuses on improving access to learning and removing barriers to employment/self employment for women living in the socially
deproved. valley communities of Neath Port Talbot. It offers vocational training in Playwork, Early Years Care and Education and Owner
Management/Business Planning to NVQ Level 3 standards.
4 3
Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council
New Learning Network for NPT £2,014,896 53168 26/03/2002 £4,079,125
A linked network of Local Action Centres will be established across the County Borough, to deliver advice. information and learning to 6000
people. The project will strengthen existing links and create new ones; it will inprove the skills and therefore the employanility of residents and
ultimatily the local economy.
4 2
Neath Port Talbot Social
Inclusive Learning Project £1,265,700 57121 04/10/2005 £2,583,330
The project will provide socially excluded young people aged 14-21 with the skills, motivation and confidence to take advantage of the
education, training volunteering and employment opportunities in their area to remain in employment and training through targeted mentoring
support and outreach youth and community work.
4 3 Niace Dysgu Cymru Adult Learners Week Sign Up Now £919,161 56708 20/06/2005 £1,860,662
Three multimedia promotional campaigns are complemented by a range of local first step to learning activites delivered through a bilingual
approach. The project is designed to build provider capacity to target groups who have had limited access to learning opportunities, particularly
the low skilled, unemployed or low paid.
4 3 Niace Dysgu Cymru Adult Learners Week Sign Up Now £274,469 53665 27/03/2002 £555,077
To co-ordinate Adult Learniers' Week and Sign Up Now for West Wales and the Valleys, to raise awareness and promote adult learning, to
increase motivation and to work in partnership to provide new learners with access to information and to appropriate provision
4 3 Niace Dysgu Cymru Adult Learners Week Sign Up Now £318,295 54611 07/01/2003 £707,402
Three muntimedia promotional campaigns, in May, September and January, are complemented by a range of local first step o learning activities
delivered through a bilingual approach. The project is designed to consistently target groups who have had limited access to learning
opportunities, particuarly the low skilled, unemplyed or low paid.
4 2
Outlook Expeditions/Camre
MANTAIS £476,213 57106 21/02/2007 £738,661
MANTAIS aims to develop the skills and confidence of young people within deprived communitites in North West Wales to ensure their
participation in the future economic and social regeneration of communities.
4 2
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Consortium Youth Project 2 £358,048 54431 07/01/2003 £609,937
The project aims to reduce the impact of disadvantage faced by disaffected young people between 14 and 25 by expanding an existing
consortium of youth projects aiming ultimately to support integration into the labour market.
4 3
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Learning in the Vol Sector £208,017 55221 19/02/2004 £423,404
The project will maximise the potential role and contribution of the voluntary sector to the lifelong learning agenda through the development of a
sustainable learning infastructure, a shared understanding of current and future skills, needs, and responsive and innovative learning initiatives.
4 2
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Consortium Youth Projects £168,243 53137 26/03/2002 £284,145
Providing youth projects in areas of deprivation in Pembrokeshire with resources to co-ordinate and deliver learning opportuities,
advice/information to young people aged 11-25. Promoting citizenship, learning, employability by: A freephone advice/guidance service run by
volunteers; peer education porject; health and welfare, liife skills, youth enterprise training.
4 2
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Pembs Tenant and Resident Proj. £43,467 53257 27/03/2002 £73,412
The project is a capacity building project with tenants and reidents in designated communities with high deprivation. It will support and train
thirty volunteers, providing training in community development, assisting them in building the capacity of existing community associations,
developing new associations and establishing a range of community-led initiatives.
4 3
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Vol. Sector Training Project £67,267 53203 26/03/2002 £145,784
The project will develop a co-ordinated approach to informaland accredited training across the voluntary sector, by identifying training needs.
promoting good practice , increasing access to information and co-ordinating the provision of training for all those involved in voluntary activity.
4 2
Pembrokeshire Association of
Voluntary Services
Disability Coalition Initiative £46,456 54027 12/08/2002 £78,460
The aim of this capacity building project is to change attitudes and perceptions towards people with disabilities within the community. A
pro-active approach will be taken to address social exclusion in pembrokeshire and to reduce the barriers to effective participation in the labour
4 2 Pembrokeshire College NVQ2 & 3 in Community Work £54,335 53967 28/06/2002 £91,937
The project will equip unemployed voluntary workers with an NVQ2 or 3 in Community Work - a qualification relevant to their work which will
improve their employment prospects and increase their levels of confidence and self esteem.
4 3 Pembrokeshire College Pembrokeshire Community Learning £193,733 53908 23/10/2002 £392,178
This project will bring learning into communities that have a low level of participation and access to learning opportunities by delivering taster,
short and progression courses within the community appropriate to the community's needs and providing a support and guidance package to
help beneficiaries enter / return to the workplace and further learning.
1 4 Pembrokeshire College Developing work based learning £152,189 53193 27/03/2002 £350,919
This project will provide the opportunity for local SMEs to undertake work baed learning leading to an NVQ 1-3. This will be facilitated throught
the provision of peripatetic assessors.
4 3 Pembrokeshire College Lets Get Learning £62,940 53235 02/04/2002 £128,229
The project will bring learning into disaffected communities that currently have an extremely low level of participation in traditional learning
opportunities by delivering courses within the community appropriate to the community's needs and provideing support and guidance to enable
participants to enter/return to the workplace and further training.
4 3 Pembrokeshire College Community Learning Development £27,893 53236 27/03/2002 £56,327
The project aims to improve the uptake of learning within the deprived communities of Pembrokeshire by developing relationships within those
communities and by developing learning opportunities targeted towards people who are currently excluded from or dissaffected with traditional
learning activities.
4 3 Pembrokeshire College Improving key skill £251,219 53115 26/03/2002 £536,380
The aim of this project is to improve key skills attainment, improve NVQ attainment and reduce withdrawl rates through the provision of key
skills training and one to one key skills mentoring
2 4 Pembrokeshire College Training in Advanced composites £23,668 53135 27/03/2002 £59,965
The aim of this project is to develop innovative techniques and technological skills in the use of advanced composites maaterials, through
training to BSc level, research and a 'live' racing yacht construction project.
2 4 Pembrokeshire College Training in marine technology £237,957 53652 27/03/2002 £561,987
The aim of this project is to develop innivative techniques and technological skills in the design and construction of marine craft through training
from FE through to HE, research into state of the art marine materias and a 'live' racing yacht construction project
1 4 Pembrokeshire College Higher Level skills for SMEs £233,574 53653 27/03/2002 £629,278
With the aim of encouraging the many micro-enterprises in Pembrokeshire to take up learning opportunities, thus raising their skills levels ability
to compete, this project will offer free of charge training and education in a range of higher level courses (equivalent to NVQ4)
4 3 Pembrokeshire College Improving Basic Skills in Pembrokeshire £312,981 53654 26/03/2002 £736,753
This project will improve employability and the attainment of qualifications (vocational, basic and key skills) in Pembrokeshire through the
provision of basic skills (literacy and numeracy) training.
1 4 Pembrokeshire College Prosper £330,026 55145 27/01/2004 £745,992
Prosper aims to increase the competiveness of SMEs in Pembrokeshire and encourage entrepreneurship. This will be achieved through provision
of innovation and enterprise activities in the College's Technology Inovation Centre, mentoring support to new businesses and provision of highly
subsidised work based learning focusing on NVQ levels 2-4
1 4 Pembrokeshire College 5 Star Pembrokeshire £351,175 55954 06/07/2004 £814,838
This project will help to raise standards in the hospitality and catering industry to support Pembrokeshire's largest industry - toruism. The project
will provide training to NVQ levels 2 - 4 or equivalent, a range of short courses, a chefs' Club, a programme of specialist seminars and "Meet the
Producer" events.
4 1 Pembrokeshire College Hospitality Excellence £260,113 55849 26/07/2004 £439,530
This project aims to attract more people - school leavers and the unemployed - into the hospitality and catering industry; raise skills level and
enhance the qualification base.
4 3 Pembrokeshire College Improving Basic Skills (2) £355,804 55858 06/07/2004 £717,927
This project will improve employability and the attainment of qualification (vocational, basic and key skills) in Pembrokeshire through the
provision of basic skills (literacy and numeracy ) tuition and support.
4 2 Pembrokeshire College TOP for Disability £1,516,927 54386 31/03/2003 £2,804,726
This project will help individuals with disabilities in Pembrokeshire to overcome barriers and obtain relevant vocational qualifications, thus
allowing them to participate effectively in the labour market. The project will offer a range of training opportunuities from tasters through to
NVQ3 or equivalent.
2 4 Pembrokeshire College RETEC £537,723 54940 03/11/2003 £1,153,942
This project will enhance skills and boost human potential in the oil refinery related SME industry sector in Pembrokeshire. The project will
provide a variety of flexible training schemes to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the sector whilst increasing productivity and
reducing environmental impact through the use of nerw technology.
4 3 Pembrokeshire College P.E.T £277,675 56768 25/05/2005 £565,901
The project will provide taste and short / progression courses at local community venues appropriate to the community's needs. Individual
support and guidance will be provided to help beneficiaries enter/return to workplace and further learning.
4 1
Pembrokeshire County
Return to Earn Initiative £301,200 56519 20/06/2005 £505,879
The aim of the project is to offer people who are most removed from the labour market a bridge between long-term unemployment and benefit
dependency to work in the mainstream labour market and social economy. This will be done using an Intermediate Labour Market Model.
3 1
Pembrokeshire County
Springboard £133,672 56836 06/04/2006 £207,350
The aim of the Springboard is to contribute to the regeneration of the Priority 3 wards of Monkton, Pembroke Dock Llanion and Central by
providing a range of local opportunities for individuals to re-engage in learning and community-led action and to support their return to
employment through a range of activities
4 3
Pembrokeshire County
Integrated e-Learning £429,240 55310 16/12/2003 £867,323
The project integrates the post 16 ICT and e-Learning training delivered by Pembrokeshire County Council Adult Community Education Service
now rebranded as "Learning Pembrokeshire". The project provides ICT training and e-Learning throughout Pembrokeshire in a Community setting
or by outreach using portable equipment in local community venues.
1 4
Pembrokeshire County
ICT Business Support £206,941 55386 02/04/2004 £470,386
The project aims to improve the competitiveness of local businesses through the provision of co-ordinated and focused business support, advice
and training in ICT and access to management supervisory and other skills by on-line and e-learning through Ufl/Learndirect. This will safeguard
jobs and improve Pembrokeshire SMEs competitive position.
1 4
Pembrokeshire County
The E Generation £97,624 53656 26/03/2002 £227,789
This project is aimed at upgrading the skills of the Pembrokeshire work force in Information Technology and Telematics to ensure that businesses
in rural Pembrokeshire remain competitive thus safeguarding and creating jobs.
4 3
Pembrokeshire County
Lifelong Learning ICT Training £226,300 53657 02/04/2002 £623,367
This project provides learning opportunities in rural Pembrokeshire fo improve the basic and advanced ICT skills level of individuals. thus
improving their chances of employment. The use of rural technology centres will widen participation, particularly by under-represented groups
(such as women) who are disadvantages by living in a rural area.
4 3
Pembrokeshire County
Outreach ICT Skills Training £70,382 53658 27/03/2002 £166,101
This project targets lsolated rural ateas where there is a need for ICT training but where people are unable to take advantage of the town based
provision. It will ensure that rural communities obtain the necessary skills to participate in the econimic and social regeneration of their
4 1 People and Work Unit The Ladder Project £41,301 53284 27/03/2002 £83,598
Ladder is an initiative involving disadvantaged young adults as active partners in the revival of their communties. The project will; provide
community leadership; create employment opportunities and access to employment, develop involvement in accredited training and education;
and support youn people to become informed decision-makers for themselves and their communities.
4 2 People and Work Unit Build It £375,751 54118 05/09/2002 £635,726
Through the Medium of the construction industry, Build It will target disadvantaged 16-25 year olds to improve their employability, learning and
effectiveness. It will support them to become effective members of their community through personal development and guidance with particular
emphasis on the promotion of positive role models.
4 2 People and Work Unit Life Support £211,161 54862 16/07/2003 £367,951
The project will pilot and embed a programme for personal development and training support that will enable young adults to progress from
unemployment or unskilled work to skilled jobs in health and social care.
4 2 People and Work Unit The Ladder Project £19,422 54586 03/03/2003 £42,575
Ladder is an initiative involving disadvantaged young adults as active partners in the revival of their communities. The project will promote
community leadership; create employment opportunities and access to employment; develop involvement in accreditated training and education;
and support young people to become informed decision-makers for themselves and their communities.
3 1 People and Work Unit Life Support £377,282 56882 06/07/2005 £585,205
The project is piloting and embedding a programme for personal development and training support that is enabling young adults to progress
from unemployment or unskillecd work to skilled jobs in health and social care.
4 2
Pontypridd Citizens Advice
Community Advice Service £66,156 53117 26/03/2002 £148,356
The project will continue to recruit and support and train individuals to deliver an advice service in his/her own community. The training will be
accredited by the Open College Network and be characterised by personal training plans, work experience and team support.
1 4 Pontypridd College Prom. Entrepren. Culture in RCT £385,747 53177 26/03/2002 £902,698
The project aims to develop and promote an Entrepreneurship Culture among Learners and Educators, ultimately leading to an increase in the
number of beneficiaries appreciating the benefits of enterprise and progressing into self-employment, employment with SMEs or progressing
onto FE-HE.
1 4 Pontypridd College Upgrading SME employee skills £475,042 53178 26/03/2002 £1,138,502
This collaboration project aims to increase participation in workforce development of SMEs in order to promote adaptability and employability of
their workforce. Activities include the provision of customised training in areas identified, as result of Training needs analysis. Key dev. areas
include business, management, supervisory skills, advanced engeering, technology and ICT.
4 1 Pontypridd College Keyskill for successful emp. £648,288 53182 26/03/2002 £1,275,860
The project aims to improve pathways into employment by developing the trainees' confidence self-esteem, motivational and soft-transferable
skills. These activities are integrated with vocational trainig relevent to LMI indicators, trainees needs and career aspirations. These will be in key
occupational sectors and employer needs.
3 1 Pontypridd College WP through community involvement £429,892 53266 27/03/2002 £672,676
This project aims to reduce regional, social and economic disparities that exist in deprived wards of Objective 1 Valleys Areas of RCT by raising
the participation in education and learning of marginalised communities. This will be achieved through community les actions and involvement.
2 4 Pontypridd College High lev. tech train. Bus Sup. £276,758 53224 27/03/2002 £733,806
This project aims to increase the innovative and ICT capacity of SMEs in RCT, an Objective 1 area. It achieves this by increasing the provision of
higher level training opportunities for men and women in areas identified as strategic objectives, including ICT. Multimedia and Design
4 3 Pontypridd College Learning for Prosperity £2,377,058 53217 26/03/2002 £5,049,264
This Project is sunmitted on behalf of the RCT Objective 1 Employability and Lifelong partnership. It aims to enable trainees who have difficulty
in accessing training in their workplace to access quality training and to equip other RCT valley residents with skills to support local needs.
4 1 Pontypridd College Basic Skills-Excluded Adults £587,976 53190 26/03/2002 £1,000,946
This project aims to support the integration of long term unemployed and economically incative adults. This will be achieved threough key
objectives of the project which include the expansion of the current Basic Skills Programmes, including training in IT, Literacy and Numeracy-
Communications-Internet -Jobsearch and CV writing.
4 1 Pontypridd College Paths into employ. - w.exp. £436,816 53187 26/03/2002 £767,479
This project will facilitate pathways into employment for young persons at risk of becoming socially excluded. Activities include vocational
training linked to an extended work-experience/work trials programme. Trainees will obtain additional NVQ qualifications. assessed mainly in the
work place and accreditaion of Key-transfeable Skills.
4 1 Pontypridd College Remvg. Barriers - Outreach Trng £435,617 53987 05/09/2002 £868,621
This collaborative project aims to improve employability / increase labour market participation levels within RCT by assissting beneficiaries into
new employment opportunities though increasing their skill levels and qualification. The main objective is to increase participation in education &
learning of targeted adults in marginalised communities.
4 2 Pontypridd College Train. For Work Dis. Yng Pers £552,463 54220 20/11/2002 £1,092,692
The project is a partnership project between Aberdare and Pontypridd Colleges and aims to bring disabled, disaffected and socially excluded
young people (mainly 14-19) into training, increasing their skills and confidence so as to facilitate their progression into eventual employment.
4 3 Pontypridd College Learning for Prosperity 2 £3,210,732 54221 28/04/2003 £6,806,322
This project is submitted on behalf of RCT Objective 1 Strategic Renewal Partnership and will be delivered by a partnership of 11 organisations.
It aims to widen access & participation in lifelong Learning in RCT, including individuals who have difficulty in accessing training in their
4 1 Pontypridd College YPiE Yng Pers into Emp £1,799,882 54227 20/11/2002 £3,509,387
The Partnership project aims to improve pathways into employment by developing the young person's confidence, selfesteem and motivation. In
addition, activities to promote the development of soft & transferable skills are integrated with vocational training relevant to LMI indicators,
trainee needs & career aspirations.
4 1 Pontypridd College Basic Skills Train Poten LTU Ad £624,984 54225 19/11/2002 £1,284,151
This project supports the integration into the labour market of long-term unemployed, economically inactive adults through key objectives of this
project, which include the continued expansion of the current Basic Skills Programmes. Training will also be available to adults in work who lack
basic skills.
4 2 Porthcawl Town Council Youth Support and Activity Centre £123,013 53361 26/03/2002 £214,923
The project will provide a package of services to young people at risk of disaffection, which will enable them to access resources, advice and
information in a social setting in order to gain social and communication skills, improve their employability, address personal and health issues
and make informed choices.
3 1 Powerful People FACE £294,686 56822 02/09/2005 £462,884
To work with disaffected young people of 15/16 in order to increase their chances of breaking the cycle of disadvantage by increasing their
employability, levels of participation in community activity and the development of a culture of livelong learning through the development of
enterprise skills and attributes.
3 1 Powerful People Action for Community Employment £334,786 56669 02/09/2005 £522,086
To offer 50 individuals from disadvantaged communities a waged opportunity for personal training and development and so gain experience and
practical skills in community development within a fully supported framework, with the onward benefit for disadvantaged communities.
3 1 Powerful People DISC £222,523 56429 02/09/2005 £347,522
To allow residents, activists, practioners and community organisations living and working in P3 wards to develop their skills, knowledge and
confidence through targeted training to assist them in tackling problems and reverse poor conditions of sustainable community regeneration
1 4 Prestige Training Ltd Welsh Eng. Const..skills Init. (WECSI) £988,708 57411 07/03/2007 £2,146,939
The project seeks to maximise local employment opportunities created by the massive investment connected with the expanding energy sector
within Pembrokeshire (LNG). The Project would provide quality engineering construction skills training instilling an 'Ambition Engineering' culture
promoting increased adaptability and flexibility of the existing and future workforce of the County.
4 1 Princes Trust Cymru Training for Outdoor Providers £139,130 53191 26/03/2002 £266,687
This project will provide a modular and innovative training programme targeting mainly unemployed young people in Pembrokeshire. It will
provide opportunities for qualifications and work experience within the outdoor leisure industry and help local people to gain jobs within the
4 1 Princes Trust Cymru Gaining Basic Skills £233,692 53226 27/05/2002 £664,479
The extension and development of The Princes Trust Volunteers programme throughout The Objective One area. This is a self development
course for the under 25s whom are at risk of underemployment or long term unemployment. The programme will operate throughout West Wales
and the Valleys to the benefit of 324 beneficiaries.
4 2 Princes Trust Cymru Helping to Focus on Success £61,757 53246 27/03/2002 £138,224
This project targets the most disadvantaged young people in Pembrokeshire society. It will support outreach staff to work closely with other
agencies to help them to attain basic skills, first stage IT skills, some Key Skills and will provide mentoring support to develop and sustain
individual action plans with beneficiaries.
4 1 Princes Trust Cymru Training Outdoor Providers £55,139 54215 19/11/2002 £113,862
This project supplies a wide range of outdoor activity training to unemployed people in Pembrokeshire which will enable them to gain suitable
qualifications and work experience to gain employment in the outdoor leisure industry in the area.
3 1 Princes Trust Cymru Community Empowerment £161,640 54289 16/07/2002 £367,365
This project will provide targeted support for social incluion for communities across the Objective 1 area. This will be through delivering grant
aid, development and capacity building activities to community groups and individuals. Through empowering these communities to take positive
action this project takes a proactive approach tp social inclusion.
4 1 Princes Trust Cymru PTV Llanelli £15,171 54068 12/08/2002 £36,926
The project will assist 48 18 - 25 year olds who are at risk of slipping into long term unemployment and are not eligible for funding from any
other source. The two year programme will provide access to key skills, communication and leadership skills, work experience, personal action
plan, councelling and mentoring services.
4 1 Princes Trust Cymru West Wales & Valleys Volunteers £256,262 54956 02/09/2004 £569,768
This project directly targets young people aged 16-25 who are at risk of long term unemployment. Through providing basic skills, qualifications
and work experience, this project looks to integrate these people back into employment.
3 1 Princes Trust Cymru Phase 2 Community Empowerment £357,511 55532 20/12/2004 £693,303
This project enables young people, in their own communities, to plan and implement strategies to regenerate their own areas as well as
supporting personal development and skill programmes which raises skills and qualifications levels in the most disadvantaged Objective 1 areas
4 2 Princes Trust Cymru xl Network in West Wales £52,892 55988 26/01/2005 £122,764
By supporting young people aged 14-16 at risk of underachievement within compulsory education, this project will cover a number of core
competencies, which instil soft skills such as problem solving, communication, self-confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The project will also
deliver ASDAN qualifications to participants.
4 2 ProMo Cymru Ltd ACT - Acess Cultural Training £171,685 55780 21/04/2005 £290,177
To enable disadvantaged young people living in South Wales the opportunity to develop cultural / economic pathways by providing a tailored
entrepreneurial and cultural sector training programme blended with specialist business support and social enterprise development, with
opportunities to participate in active learning experiences through the dynamics of the cultural industries.
4 1
Quadrant Enterprise and
PYNCI WWTV £332,424 55261 06/01/2004 £563,432
PYNCI will continue its highly successful innovative work and will provide support and structures for 396 young musicians, for transition from
training into employment and self-employment in the cultural industries, across West Wales andthe Valleys.
4 1
Quadrant Enterprise and
PYNCI WWTV £1,140,021 53274 27/03/2002 £1,940,354
To provide support and structures for 780 young musicians, for transition from training into employment and self-employment in the cultura
industries, across West Wales and the Valleys.
4 3 Rassau Resource Centre The BIG Learning Community £1,058,114 56112 25/05/2005 £2,138,587
The BIG Learning Community will develop the culture of lifelong learning in Blaenau Gwent; increase and widen participation in learning; raise
skills levels and improve beneficiaries' opportunities for skilled employment. The project will ensure co-ordination and progression between
childcare and early years provision; the youth service; and adult lifelong learning.
1 4 Remploy Limited Adaptive Learning for Disabled £282,251 55707 15/08/2005 £638,000
The project is direct response to the introduction of outsourcing business that manufactoring companies have placed with remploy at Aberdare,
Porth and Treforest which requires the skills, knowledge and adaptability of disabled workers to be increased.
4 2
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
RCT Youth Service Acced.Curric. £362,843 53064 27/03/2002 £726,923
To enhance and expand the range and scope of opportunities offered for disadvantaged young people in RCT between the ages of 13 and 25
enabling them to gain accreditation for educational opportunities taken up outside mainstream education eg school, college or university.
4 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Intermediate Labour Market £762,783 53538 26/03/2002 £1,480,592
The project aims to productively employ long-term unemployed individuals in activities of direct benefit to the Community which together with
appropriate training and jobsearch support will equip them to re-enter the local labour market.
4 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Credit Union Training Programme £132,309 53501 25/07/2002 £267,182
To facililtate the promotion and extension on Credit Union learning opportunities to volunteers in isolated communities, the encoutagement of the
life long learning process and the opportunity to acquire transferable knowledge and skills which will enhance employment opportunities. The
learners will contribute to the extension of accessible, affordable financial services.
4 5
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Genesis £2,947,858 54253 16/07/2002 £5,815,030
The project will provide subsidised childcare for women locally wishing to access: training, learning and work opportunities, thus improving the
economic activity of women and regeneration of the area. The project will also provide a pro-active, outreach advisory service, to encourage
more women to take up training and work opportunities.
4 2
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
RCT Detached Youth Work £343,370 54246 28/06/2002 £581,000
This project aims to re-motivate and engage young people between the ages of 14&25 who are disenfranchised from mainstream education,
training and employment.
4 3
Rhondda Cynon Taff County
Borough Council
Learning for Growth £1,735,337 56763 04/10/2005 £3,527,657
Learning for Growth will engage economically inactive and unemployed people in informal and formal learning and training programmes. These
will be individually based with the objective of empowering people, raising their self esteem, confidence and quality of life so they can be
reintegrated into the workplace and achieve their personal potential.
3 1
Rhondda Cynon Taff People
Changing Lifestyles £406,023 57457 01/08/2006 £659,053
The Changing Lifestyles project will support, advise and help people with learning disabilities within the priority 3 wards of Rhondda Cynon Taff
to lead a healthier lifestyle to increase their confidence by providing tailor made packages to increase their employability.
4 2
Rhondda Cynon Taff People
Stretch - RCT People First £236,219 55030 01/04/2004 £558,837
Stretch your ability with RCT People First will aim to deliver accredited training to people with learning disabilites to increase confidence and help
people with learning disabilities to become assertive, more employable and participate within community activities. To empower people to
challenge prejudice and discrimination to break down attitudinal barriers.
3 1
Rhondda Housing
CRAFTED Part 2 £55,001 54917 07/04/2004 £115,206
To employ Community Apprenticeships to work intensively with young disadvantaged adults who have failed to achieve and are unemployed /
underemployed in order to improve their economic prospects. To enable local young people to take advantage of employment opportunities. To
produce local, well qualified professionals in community regeneration.
4 2 Rhondda Rebels Basketball Shooting for Success £137,904 57113 06/04/2006 £233,084
The Shooting for Success project will in partnership with local community networks, deliver community-based informal learning and combat
social inclusion. The project will deliver personal development courses which will enhance access to further education and addressing skills
deficits within ICT, leisure and recreation enhancing essential skills which will increase employability.
4 2 Rhondda Special School Voiceover £218,928 54895 15/10/2003 £372,509
To develop a new communication programme to accelerate the educational, social and developmental progress for children and young people (14
plus) who experience difficulty in speech and language.
4 2 Rhondda Special School Realising Options £185,269 54896 15/10/2003 £335,085
To support children and young people (age 14 plus) with special needs to consider and make an informed choice about their options for
vocational training, further education or employment on leaving school.
4 5
Rhydwaith All-Ysgol
Widening Access for Learners £10,128 53928 26/03/2002 £17,584
This project is designed to establish a childcare and dependents fee-waiver to enable carers on benefits to access Community Learning classes. It
is part of a wider project involving 3 schools, a leisure centre, 2 childcare providers and a range of adult education providers. All courses will be
4 1 RNIB Cymru Employment/Career Care £89,956 53189 27/03/2002 £199,902
Providing an outreach service for career advice and guidance for blind people with disabilities, particularly those living in remote areas of the
4 6 RNIB Cymru Mapping disability need £51,548 53098 27/03/2002 £114,552
There is an absence of local research focused on the employment and other special needs of the unemployed visually impaired and others with
disability in Wales. The project will seek, through locally based research to provide an accurate assessment of the employment/training of the
target group.
4 2 RNIB Cymru Work experience placements £19,440 53249 27/03/2002 £43,252
This project will provide work placements, with support and mentoring, for blind and partially sighted graduates and undergraduates at risk of
4 2 RNIB Cymru Options to Employment £162,309 54366 18/09/2003 £274,735
The project will empower disabled individuals to evaluate specific options on training and employment, focus on appropriate courses of action
and review progress. Through clients' own efforts, increased skills, knowledge and confidence will be achieved.
4 2 RNIB Cymru ICT for Employment £142,507 54494 14/08/2003 £240,722
The ICT for Employment Project will promote the use of adaptive technology and provide visual awreness training to employees of SME's. It will
also demonstrate the latest adaptive technology available to disabled people and those with severe sight loss.
1 4 RNID Cymru Cymru Communication Phase 3 £1,246,816 55973 08/12/2004 £2,818,166
A West Wales and Valleys project assisting SME's in the specialist communication service industry to up-skill and increase their competitiveness.
Business development and professional training will be provided to NVQ standard for Sign Language Interpreters, Sign Language Tutors,
Electronic Notetakers and communication Support Workers.
4 2 RNID Cymru Joining Sensory Forces £415,975 56033 08/12/2004 £703,137
A project offering an integrated package of job-ready initiatives, including advice, guidance and training to 350 sensory impaired people. The
project will also work with employers turning the perception of 'disability' into one of 'ability'; developing an 'employment placing' service as
well as promoting opportunities for 'disabled entrepreneurs'.
1 4 RNID Cymru Advance Communication Industry £79,631 54080 12/08/2002 £180,048
A west Wales and the Valleys project assisting SMEs/sole traders in the specialist communication service industry to up-skill and increase their
competitiveness. Business development and professional training will be provided to NVQ standard for: sign lamguage interpreters, sign
Language tutors, electronic notetakers and communication support workers/ junior interpreters.
4 2 RNID London Employment Opps for Deaf People £121,609 54069 28/06/2002 £270,870
The project aims to enable deaf and hard of hearing people currently facing social & economic exclusion to become more economically active.
This will be achieved by raising employability, support with obtaining & retaining work, reducing barriers to entering the labour market by
providing deaf / disability awarness training to SMEs.
4 2 RNID London Deaf Community Development £75,162 53999 05/09/2002 £187,097
The project aims to build the capacity of deaf community groups and individuals in West Wales and the Valleys to engage and participate in
community development projects. Informal training will be delivered in the community to raise confidence and motivation, improve basic and key
skills and develop management skills.
4 2 RNID London Deaf Community Development £81,186 53247 26/03/2002 £180,634
Capacity building for community organiations of profoundly deaf people excluded from learning, training and employment, includes the
development of group and individual skills, as well as measures to assist with extending and developing theur community vouce and increasing
involvement in local economic development.
1 4 RNID London Cymru Communication £74,925 53129 27/03/2002 £168,637
A West Wales and the Calleys project assisting predominantly female run SMEs/sole traders in the specialist communication service industry to
upskill their competitiveness. Business development and professional training will be provided 12 Sign Language Interpreters (NVQ 3-4), 12 sign
tutors (NVQ 3), 13 Electronic notetakers (NVQ 2) 8 lipspeakers (NVQ 2).
4 2 RNID London W Wales and the Valleys ELSP £90,895 53121 26/03/2002 £227,084
A West Wales and the Valleys integrated employment project assisting deaf and hard of hearing people to compete effectively in the labour
market. Provides 1:1 needs analysis, guidance, action planning, work experience and omployer focused work and also jobsearch, IT and/or
basice skills training to assist clients secure and retain work.
4 2 Sanctuary Sanctuary and Training £98,874 54616 19/11/2002 £235,368
To provide first steps to re-engagement in learning and employment for people suffering isolation and multiple disadvantage. The sanctuary
provides counselling and guidance in safe houses. The project will provide a direct pathway from counselling and training through the
accreitation of newly aquired personal skills, and underpinning key skills provision.
3 1 Scope Cymru Voices & Choices - Skills Exchange £135,075 54897 16/03/2004 £232,414
The project will use the skilled people created through the Advocate project to create a new, self sustaining, skills exchange network for people
facing exclusion and for organisations working in the field.
4 2 Scope Cymru CARAL £293,174 54853 10/10/2003 £495,482
This project will deliver ICT training to disadvantaged and marginalised groups, both within an existing centre of IT excellence and through the
development of outreach facilities. This will enable progression routes to be determined for the beneficiary group and aid and support staff
4 3 Scope Cymru BREEZE £152,848 53281 26/03/2002 £312,255
The aim of this project is to support disabled students who are school leavers in transition to employment. The project will develop a training
and support infrastructure to prepare and enable disabled yout to choose an appropriate career path and assist them in realising their potential.
3 1 Scope Cymru ADVOCATE £272,785 53262 27/03/2002 £423,630
Advocate will train volunteers and employees in the voluntary sector throughout West Wales and the Valleys to build capacity and empower
communities. ADVOCATE will promote the inclusion of disabled people in community groups to ensure a positive image of the contribution which
disabled people can make to the wider community.
4 3 Scope Cymru Developing into Skills.Com £115,942 53003 26/03/2002 £236,617
This project will provide a learning resource centre that will deliver a host of learning experiences for disabled people and those at risk of
exclusion. The cente will be dynamic in service provision, delivering essential skills through ICT whilst creating an ambience for indicative
projects and ideas to emerge
4 1
Scout Enterprises (Western
Performance & Workshop £124,157 54954 18/09/2003 £214,500
The project will invest in the knowledge and skills of musicians in Wales. To strengthen human resources by building a range of transferable
skills which are specific to the labour market and music industry,provide focussed, intensive training and support to unemployed people seeking
work in the music & performing arts industry.
1 4 SCT (UK) Ltd South East Wales Adult Training £463,397 53101 26/03/2002 £1,071,650
The project will provide training t employed beneficiaries over the age of 25 in the skills relevant to the needs of local companies and anticipated
labour market demand to increase the adaptability and the productivity of the manufacturing workforce and help prevent an increase in inactivity
within South East Wales.
1 4 SCT (UK) Ltd WASP 2 £763,706 54245 20/11/2002 £1,726,683
WASP will establish a Data Centre and adopt an integrated approach to support the development of SMEs by providing ICT, design and
management tools, along with user training, management training and support, financial advice and set-up assistance aimed at developing
enduring susatinable enterprises with long-term quality employment.
4 3 SEMTA Lifelong Learning & Productivity £112,500 55335 10/12/2004 £250,000
Large companies, SMEs and suppliers will be helped to produce learnig activities to underpin company productivity. Learnig activities will be
submitted for inclusion on the Welsh Credit Framework. The employability of individuals will meet progression and transferability activities.
4 2 Shaw Trust One Way to Opportunities £871,949 55338 27/01/2004 £1,496,760
Using a partnership approach to support 400 people with disabilities to develop the skills, experience and confidence to enter and succeed in the
labour market and contribute to the economic regeneration of the local area.
4 1 Shaw Trust PACE Programme £604,290 55904 08/12/2004 £1,042,697
To expand and enhance the delivery of a condition management vocational programme and support people across the Objective One area with
disabilities or health problems through the establishment of new job placements and routes to work.
4 2 Shaw Trust Promoting Independence £180,392 54400 18/08/2003 £322,313
To meet the support needs of disabled people accessing direct payments and provide high quality training to individuals currently excluded from
the labour market, enabling them to gain the skills necessary to fill the current shortage of personal assistants.
4 2 Shaw Trust Shield Plus £379,609 54042 11/07/2002 £658,479
To develop and deliver a new community based pain management service and support people across the whole Objective One area with
disabilities or helath problems through job retention support and the establishment of new job placements.
4 2 Shaw Trust Shield £135,010 53145 26/03/2002 £228,838
To develop, publicise and deliver a new job retention serve to people with disabilities or health problems, whose jobs are at risk. To support
people living across the whole Objective One area and prevent them moving onto disability benefits and to set up new job placements for
unemployment disabiled people.
4 2 Shaw Trust Access to Independence £315,880 57101 21/02/2006 £536,191
To enable delivery of high quality support to disabled adults, young people and carers in: Neath Port Talbot, Swansea and Bridgend. Providing
induction and NVQ training in health and social care and providing to local community groups. Improving the employability of individuals with
low skills and/or economically inactive.
3 1 Shaw Trust Equipped for Employment £165,751 57445 31/10/2006 £291,775
The project will provide informatrion, introduction and training, on specialist and adaptive equipment for disabled people to overcome barriers to
employment. Beneficiaries and employers will benefit from a 'loan' system which will bridge the time gap when accessing equipment through
Access to work, supporting 'fast track' entry to employment.
3 1 Small World Theatre Ltd Corlan £52,323 57448 21/09/2006 £81,158
This Project uses community arts as a means to engage 'hard to reach' groups in activities that develop social and personal skills. Creative
thinking, problem solving, self esteem, confidence and communication skills gained through participation in the project will support the first
steps into increased employability for beneficiaries
4 3
South East Wales Open
College Network
Enterprising Communities £205,511 53214 26/03/2002 £476,098
Develop Open College Network accreditation as a mechanism for recognising customisedskills training which has been developed in response to
the needs of individuals in communities and businesses. Develop the credit framework and support mechanisms for this learning provision.
1 4 SPARC Environmental Tourism For All £5,832 53726 27/03/2002 £13,183
The main aim of thr project is to assist in 'greening' a network of tourism businesses in Pembrikeshire, through training and grant awards for the
implementation of Action Plans, improve their market potential, economic and environmental sustainability in addition to contributing to the
overall improvement of the environment.
4 2 Springboard Wales SITEC £91,269 54117 28/04/2003 £154,351
To help unemployed inactive people increase their skill and knowledge levels. Increase employability. Engender equality of opportunity within the
community. Increase access and participation to locally managed training and education courses. To increase self-confidence and self esteem in
beneficiaries. To provide accredited training courses progressing to further training and education/employment.
4 6 Swansea Bay Racial Group Empowering Ethnic Minorities £41,676 53009 27/03/2002 £83,366
Empowerin the socially excluded ethnic minoriy groups residing in the Swansea area. The aim will be to encourage active learning and support
will be given to build confidence in the pursuit of culturally sensitive employment.
4 1 Swansea College Helping the socially excluded £96,375 53180 26/03/2002 £201,719
Primarily the project will target beneficiaries who have been unemployed and actively seeking and available for work. The project will offer a
structured package of the following elements; motivating and orientation, vocational adivice and guidance, mentoring, pre-vocational training
and job search assistance.
4 1 Swansea College Encouraging a Learning Society £915,694 53181 26/03/2002 £1,616,450
The project will provide positive action and a planned package of support tailored to the needs of its' beneficiaries. These actions will assist in
facilitating the integration of beneficiaries into the workforce or vocational training and allow them to maximise their potential and compete more
effectively in the labour market.
4 3 Swansea College Upskilling for work £361,176 53638 27/03/2002 £914,314
The aim is to bring education to the community, to enable individuals acquire vocational and transferable skills and support for work or further
training, enabling them to be more productive members of their communities. To encourage non-trditional learners back into education and
provide sufficient learning support to ensure attainment and progression.
4 3 Swansea College Access to Life Long Learning £790,641 53572 26/03/2002 £2,092,667
The aim is to bring life long learning to the community, to enable individuals to acquire the skills and support for work or further education,
enable them to be more productive members of their communities. To encourage non-traditional learners back into education and provide
sufficient learning support to ensure attainment and progression.
4 2 Swansea College Learning Support for Knowledge £468,621 54314 13/01/2003 £828,127
The project will provide individuals who have a specific learning difficulties with the appropriate knowledge, skills and support to achieve their
required educational goals or obtain valuable work skills. The project will raise awareness in local communities, increasing participation rates in
training and education, and develop a mechanism helping to meet demographic trends.
4 2 Swansea College Learning Support for Knowledge 2 £1,356,107 55270 24/03/2004 £2,298,488
The project will provide individuals who have specific learning difficulties with the appropriate knowledge, skills and support to achieve their
required educational goals or obtain valuable work skills. The project will raise awareness in local communities, increasing participation rates in
training and education, and develop a mechanism helping to meet demographic trends.
4 3 Swansea College Access To LifeLong Learning 2 £1,350,001 55219 24/03/2004 £2,726,175
The project will seek to assist those less likely to access learning and support the development of a culture of life long learning within Swansea
offering a range of vocational, non vocational programmes, workshops, road shows and taster programmes, providing individual action planning
and developing pathways to formal or informal learning
3 1 Swansea CVS Communities that Work Phase 2 £103,580 55985 15/11/2004 £161,980
This project will build on the success of CtW Phase 1 to enable beneficiaries from Obj1P3/Communities First areas of Swansea to undertake
Community Work based employment whilst participating in relevant training as a direct contribution to the promotion of leadership and
employability of citizens in the most disadvantaged areas of the city.
3 1 Swansea CVS Communities that Work £136,290 53953 28/06/2002 £233,696
This project will enable participants from the Obj1P3/Communities First areas of Swansea to undertake Community Work based employment
whilst completing a relevant NVQ as a direct contribution to the promotion of leadership and employability of citizens in the most disadvantaged
areas of the City.
3 1 Swansea CVS Communities That Work 3 £121,192 57465 25/08/2006 £193,592
Communities That Work 3 will enable additional beneficaries form Objective 1 P3 and Communities First areas of Swansea to gain work based
skills, experience and Nationally recognised qualifications in the field of community development work, thus contributing to building
employability and sustainable communities
2 4
Swansea Institute of Higher
High Level Skills En Tech & ICT £814,545 54302 10/09/2003 £1,683,640
This project will provide high level skills training in engineering, technology and ICT which will provide the current and potential workforce of
SMEs with the skills required to diversify and develop and to increase their competitiveness, and will improve individuals employabilitiy in high
value added sectors.
2 4
Swansea Institute of Higher
High Lev Skills En Tech & ICT £952,605 53478 26/03/2002 £2,054,455
This project will provide high level skills training in engineering, technology and ICT which will provide the current and potential workforce of
SMEs with the skills required to diversify and develop and to increase their competitiveness and will improve individuals employability in high
value added sectors.
4 2 Swansea Rugby Club Sport Skills 4 Social Inclusion £319,676 54697 01/12/2003 £558,810
Through the partnership of private sector, public sector, local colleges, schools and voluntary organisations, the target client group will be
provided with opportunities that will motivate, engage and help achieve both soft outcomes such as increased confidence and self-esteem and
concrete outcomes such as qualifications.
4 3 Swansea University Progressing the CUV Partnership £437,990 54695 16/07/2003 £888,509
The project will progress The Community University of the Valleys Partnership and provide a strategic overview to drive forward partner's
operational developments at the local level. It will work strategically to transform the supply of learning and to raise demand for learning from
those unlikely to access mainstream opportunities.
4 2 Swansea University Pathways for Ethnic Minorities £161,297 54585 27/01/2003 £273,432
This project will build on its development work with ethnic minority communities and concentrate on course delivery. It will continue to address
barriers to educational particpation identified in the project's previous ESF funded research (November 2000), and improve employability within
local ethnic minority communities.
2 4 Swansea University Print NVQ 4 & 5 Multi-Media MLE £294,211 55020 03/11/2003 £673,213
The project develops and pilots NVQ level 4 & 5 courses to be delivered by web-based multi-meldia in a Managed Learning Environment targeted
at the specific needs of the Printing Industry. Individual courses offer continuing professional development for the employed, and combined can
lead to a degree or postgraduate qualification.
4 3 Swansea University ICT trng. for employment £636,585 55043 03/11/2003 £1,284,736
The project provides intensive ICT training inaccessible locations in socially deprived urban areas of Swansea and Neath and geographically
isolated communities in surrounding valleys. Beneficiaries will develop confident skills in ICT and new technologies, enhancing their
employability and providing familiarity with computer-based learning enabling them to pursue life-long learning
4 3 Swansea University Cymraeg Gwaith Phase II £248,191 55127 30/09/2003 £531,952
A co-ordinated training programme to develop and deliver Welsh language skills to increaseemployability and foster the use of Welsh in the
business environment. Training covers oral and writing skills, including use of ICT, at all levels and is tailored for work in specific sectors.
2 4 Swansea University ICT Support - IT Network Wales £499,735 55174 22/12/2004 £1,064,133
IT Network Wales will help raise the ICT Skills base in Wales by promoting the use of ICT amongst business and the community and
demonstrating how ICT as a tool can enable organisations to operate more effectively and profitably and become more competitive in the Welsh
and global economy.
4 5 Swansea University MA Transl. with Lang Techn.Pt £71,212 53431 26/03/2002 £110,580
The project provides a high level. professional qualificaton in translating and language technology. This part-time training programme is targeted
at women and those with domestic responsibilities and provides beneficiaries with skills and qualification to enable them to seek employment,
become self-employment and improve employment prospects for those currently employed part-time
1 4 Swansea University Cymru Prosper Wales £1,290,339 53154 26/03/2002 £3,026,626
The programme promotes adaptability and entrepreneurship in SMEs by using students and graduates as agents of chenge, transferring high level
skills and knowledge through placedments and other forms of mutually beneficial experience, leading to permanent employment in the region
and sector and self sustaining links.
4 2 Swansea University Pathways for Ethnic Minorities £69,212 53143 26/03/2002 £153,806
Two Development Workers and an Educational Guidance Worker will be employed on a part-time basis to develop community involvement and
participation of ethnic minorities in community based educational programmes in Swansea. The target groups face a number of barriers
preventing them from participating in educational, social and economic activities.
2 4 Swansea University M.Res. in Recycling Technology £24,969 53276 26/03/2002 £51,601
This projecet provides high-level training in Recycling Technology and will produce specialists with appropriate techinical knowledge and skills as
will as an understanding of relevant business, economic, legal and environmental issues.
4 3 Swansea University Cymraeg Gwaith £158,297 53282 26/03/2002 £526,159
Co-ordinated programme of training in Welsh language skills for work. Training covers oral and writing skills, including use of ICT, from
beginners to advanced and native Welsh speakers and is tailored for work in specific sectors with emphasis on training for direct oral and/or
written contact with the public.
2 4 Swansea University Web-based training for printing and coating industry £212,162 53283 26/03/2002 £452,637
Recent training needs analysis has highlighted an impending crisis for the Printing and Coating Industry due to the rapid deployment of digital
technology. This project will develop advanced courses which combine web based distance learning with hands on workshops appropriate for the
beeds of this major Welsh SME based industry
2 4 Swansea University IT Network Wales £611,430 53272 26/03/2002 £1,263,549
IT Network Wales will raise higher level computijng and IT skills. The practical programme links HE Computing Departments with local industry
through IT undergraduate placements, encourages industrially led final year and MSc dissertation, raises awareness of professional development
and establishes an IT Club and on-line magazine for business.
4 3 Swansea University Foundation and Cert. in IT (FACIT) £591,714 53207 26/03/2002 £1,722,557
The project will develop and deliver in the communities targeted training programmes in ICT and other jey transferable and core skills to
unemployed disadvantaged beneficiaries who face difficulties in entering the labour market in order to improve their employability.
2 4 Swansea University Molecular Biology Initiative £352,480 57449 21/09/2006 £734,339
This Programme will deliver high-quality training in Molecular Biology to support the expanding life science business sector in west Wales and
the Valleys. In this demand-led training initiative, the trainees will also corcurrently learn transferable skills in business, innovation and
entrepreneurship, making them great assest to the private sector.
4 6 Swansea University WELMERC £670,789 54062 27/05/2002 £1,455,134
The Centre will undertake applied labour market analysis, analyse trends and model labour market behaviour within the Objective One area. The
centre will provide evidence based policy advice and help ensure that the programme is delivering long-term sustainable benefits to all the
qualifying areas.
1 4 Swansea University Economics, Fin. & ICT f. Bus. £192,915 54081 23/10/2002 £436,069
This programme is designed to promote upskilling and reskilling of the West Wales Valleys workforce in areas where research has shown that
skills are deficient - business, economics, financial and management skill. The programme will help in promoting entrepreneurship, improving
ICT and financial skills of the workforce.
4 3 Swansea University CUV Partnership Facilltator £262,946 53724 26/03/2002 £572,077
This non-training HRD support project will develop and implement innovative learning provision within disadvantaged communities in the West
Wales and Valleys area. It will co-ordinate a partnership of community enterprises and Universities, focussing on widening learning participation,
encouraging progression towards higher learning and improving skill and employability levels.
2 4 Swansea University Sustainable Aquaculture £120,214 57452 21/09/2006 £256,558
This project will provide much needed graduate training in sustainable aquaculture to facilitate the development of this key industry in Wales
2 4 Swansea University TRIO £347,028 57459 25/08/2006 £717,147
The Project will develop and deliver higher skills training and a NVQ4 qualification for under-employed people working in SMEs and volunteers in
social enterprises in research techniques, technology and innovation. Teaching and learning strategies will make use of new technology, which
will increase innovation in SMEs and in social enterprises.
2 4 Swansea University Promoting high level ICT Skills £790,800 57460 25/08/2006 £1,657,490
The project will deliver MSc courses in Computer Science at Swansea and Bangor University (30 for 2006 intake and 20 for 2007 intake) and
support to ICT businesses in West Wales and the Valleys.
7 4 Swansea University WELMERC Phase II £808,244 57251 29/09/2005 £1,616,487
To undertake research in order to contribute to the efficient and transparent management of the Onjective 1 Programme.
4 3 Swansea University Community Progression £1,733,295 56704 06/07/2005 £3,484,906
The project delivers high quality skills training for individuals in economically disadvantaged areas, developing skills, employability and
economic sustainability. training includes HE progression courses in ICT, Mathematics and Science, Law and Humanities, New Media and Working
in Modern Wales, and professional training in Community Development, Counselling, Welsh translation and Lifelong Learning.
1 4 Talk Training World Class Adult Training £296,836 54367 13/06/2003 £671,105
The aim of this project is to provide lean manufacturing training to adults in the skills relevant to the needs of local companies and anticipated
labour market demand to increase the adaptability, increase the productivity and reduce inactivity within the designated areas predominantly
through the new Business Improvement Techniques NVQ.
4 2 Tanyard Youth Project POPPI £376,811 57092 04/10/2005 £637,080
This project will provide a second chance in learning for the most disengaged young people in Pembroke and Pembroke Dock, so they will
progress into making a contribution socially, economically, as positive citizens of the community.
2 4 The CADCENTRE (UK) LTD High Level Tech Skills - SMEs £489,420 54005 26/03/2002 £1,200,000
This project will provide high level skills, level 4, for service Engineers and Technicians who are working mostly in SMEs with high- tech digital
and networking products including software and the internet which underpin the functioning of every modern business. These Engineers and
Technicoians use, configure, install and maintain these products.
1 4 The National Library of Wales ALARM £57,199 56444 03/02/2005 £132,889
Administrative Legislative & Accountable Records Management (ALARM) addresses a skills gap aamong SMEs in Ceredigion by improving their
skills to comply with evolving legislation and improve productivity through better document and records management practice. ALARM addresses
paper and digital business information, focusing on practical business issues, their managment and resolution.
4 2 The Oasis Project The Oasis Project £208,823 54035 25/07/2002 £355,316
This project will re-engage excluded groups of young people and support their integration into the labour market. It is primarily educative,
participative and inclusive. It will provide mew ways of engaging young people with activities promoting their transition to adulthood and active
citezenship through informal and formal learning.
4 2 TOGS Family Centre TOGS Support and Care into Work £448,517 54252 18/09/2003 £760,272
The project supports people who are "carers", particularly but not exclusively, those who are economically inactive or unemployed back into
traning or employment. Support will be for disadvantaged families with adults or children with disabilities, many will have numeracy and literacy
problems and/or low or no qualifications.
4 2 TOGS Family Centre Returning to Work (TOGS) £116,467 53663 27/03/2002 £222,064
The project focuses upon skills development and training opportunities for people wishing to return to work/study. It will contribute to provision
of 15 children places for childcare places for children/siblings with desabilities requiring specialist support. It will provide Saturday care for
children with disabilities and siblings and will indentify and support afterschool care where required
4 3
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Adult Basic Skills £179,959 53540 02/04/2002 £500,121
Implementation of a co-ordinated, strategic approach to raising the basic skills levels of the 17000 adults in Torfaen with basic skills needs,
through a strategic partnership involvIng all the providers, targeting both those in and out of work and following innovative best practice from
elsewhere in the UK.
4 1
Torfaen County Borough
Vocational Pathways £47,439 53228 27/03/2002 £80,541
To establish a co-ordinated scheme to give students aged 14 to 19 students of all abilities the opportunity to sample vocatoinal areas through
attendance at Coleg Gwent and equivalent vocational centres, leading to accredited qualifications, such as those available through construction
vocational pathways via the Construction Curriculum Centre Initiative.
4 2
Torfaen County Borough
Youth Pathways £336,645 53259 27/03/2002 £920,276
Implementation of a co-ordinated, strategic approach to reducing the number of young people who become economiacallyt inactive at 16,
providing a range of innovative options pre- and post 16, designed to engage target individuals in employment, or education and training leading
to employment.
4 2
Torfaen County Borough
Support in the Workplace £95,169 53255 27/03/2002 £211,500
This is a joint venture between MENCAP Torfaen, Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent to provide supported work placements for people with learning
difficulties. Objectives: provide people who have learning difficulties with 'core skills'.
4 5
Torfaen County Borough
Parents Plus £234,039 53104 27/03/2002 £375,436
A community based outreach approach targeted at women who may not consider that formal training is within their grasp, focusing on 'first
steps' condidence building and skill acquission, leading to further training supported by affordable, accessible and good child care.
4 3
Torfaen County Borough
REACH FOR IT £277,225 54288 20/11/2002 £559,522
To increase access to ICT learning for adults who have not traditionally taken up learning, using community based IT facilities, a mobile learning
centre with innovative wireless technology, and the development of new locations which are accessible and acceptable to these target
beneficiaries: also a community grid for learning.
4 2
Torfaen County Borough
Pathway Mental Health Torfaen £99,096 54980 18/11/2003 £190,463
The project will enable those recovering from mental illness to retain employment or return to the workplace through structured work activity,
relevant training, the rediscovery of existing skills and counselling regarding appropriate work. The project has expertise in vocational guidance
and contacts with local employers offering work and work experience.
4 2
Torfaen County Borough
Torfaen Youth Activities £1,886,842 54993 10/02/2004 £3,194,216
Development and expansion of a co-ordinated, multi-agency, strategic approach to reducing the number of young people who become
economically inactive at 16, providing a comprehensive range of innovative options pre- and post 16, designed to engage target individuals in
employment, or education and training leading to employment.
4 3
Torfaen County Borough
Adult Basic Skills thru ICT £633,970 54942 19/09/2003 £1,279,980
Implementation of a co-ordinated, strategic approach to raising basic skills in Torfaen through developing a strategic partnership involving
allproviders and delivering free, local, accessible and innovative contextualised basic skills learning programmes including ICT, comunication
skills, family learning etc.
4 1
Torfaen County Borough
Parents Plus II £442,716 54943 19/09/2003 £748,785
A community based outreach project engaging economically inactive working age adults in innovative, supported learning programmes which
build self-esteem, confidence and lead to education, skills training and employment.
4 3
Torfaen County Borough
RISE Torfaen Learning Network £1,569,714 56784 06/07/2005 £3,173,088
The RISE Torfaen Learning Network harnesses the experience of the statutory, public, voluntary and community sectors to strengthen the delivery
of lifelong learning. The project links learning providers, those who deliver learning and students, through a consensu partnership built upon the
principles of subsidiarity, mutual trust and empowerment.
4 1
Torfaen County Borough
After Care Employment (ACE) £395,804 56524 24/10/2005 £1,169,184
Creation of supported employment opportunities, together with advice and guidance, for young people in Local Authority Care or Care Leavers.
School leavers assesed to be at risk of long term social exclusion and unemployment will access employment and job training.
4 2
Torfaen County Borough
Building Communities First £470,977 57133 24/05/2006 £768,153
targeted support and training to assist the Communites First Areas in Torfaen to implement community-led economic and social renewal.
3 1
Torfaen County Borough
Building Garnsychan Community £413,049 57467 24/07/2006 £663,823
Targeted support and training to assist the Communities area of Garnsychan to implement communuity-led economic and social renewal.
4 1 Torfaen Peoples Centre Ltd TPC Welfare Rights and Training £148,429 56523 06/12/2005 £251,573
A two phased project that will primarily provide a signposting, training and welfare advice service to the long-term unemployed, those deemed
ecomomically inactive and those with disabilities; firstly via the employment of a dedicated training and Welfare Officer and secondly through
providing training to other workers operating within the voluntary sector.
4 5 Torfaen Women's Aid Torfaen Women's Aid £162,969 55744 17/02/2005 £280,847
This project will seek to enable women in Torfaen who have suffered from domestic abuse to develop their confidence and self esteem so to
improve their ability to take advantage of opportunities to learn new skills, access employment and to participate actively in society as a whole.
1 4
Tourism Training Forum
Integrating Learning in Tourism £99,783 55216 01/07/2004 £228,912
The aim is to facilitate the delivery of people development programme in Ceredigion & Meirionnydd, by implementing learning and developing
skills that relate to initiatives in tourism quality, specifically for tourism businesses, therby imroving the quality and competitiveness of the
tourism product and visitor experience and sharing best practice.
1 4
Tourism Training Forum
Best Practice in Tourism £205,995 54925 24/05/2004 £530,905
The project will improve the competitiveness of small tourism businesses in the region by identifying, disseminating and sharing best practice,
focusing particularly on human resource management and develpment, and the development of a learning culture in organisations through
increasing the take up of investors in People combined with Hospitality Assured.
1 4
Tourism Training Forum
Sensations £219,362 55045 28/06/2004 £596,489
Sensations aims to facilitate the delivery of a people development training programme for the tourism industry in South West Wales, to improve
the quality and competitiveness of the tourism product and to share best practice. Sensations will respond to individual development needs and
deliver a fun, flexible and informal training environment.
1 4 Trac Anticipation II £38,645 53202 26/03/2002 £86,771
A project to promote the tourism industry in Ceredigion, including Customer Care training, awareness of the history of the area, the use of I T
including Web Page development and maintenance.
4 2 Tredegar Development Trust TEMS £128,454 53523 26/03/2002 £217,351
An environmental community project specifically aimed at offering participation and learning for excluded social groups and those with learning
difficulties to become active and contribute to community life through environmental tasks which assist and engance their employment prospects.
4 1 Tredegar Development Trust Resource Centre £181,209 54892 17/12/2003 £354,525
Centre based approach work designed to engage young people and adults who are currently unemployed, or making the transition from
education into employment and provide the necessary learning and development opportunities, information and guidance, to support successful
entry into active community lofe, further education, training and / or employment.
4 2 Tredegar Development Trust Learning Communities £390,188 57102 06/12/2005 £661,380
The Learning Communities project aims to reduce the impact of disadvantage in Bleanau Gwent by providing the most socially excluded and
disengaged individuals with opportunities to increase their employability.
2 4 Trinity College Tourism Management £70,670 57442 24/07/2006 £147,230
To provide NVQ level 5 training in tourism management with potential qualifications at Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MBA
level. The project is targeted at current and potential employees of SME's in the tourism sector in South West Wales. It aims to enhance higher
level skills within the sector
4 3 Trinity College BAIT £135,948 53497 26/03/2002 £304,042
The Project will delover bilingual, accredited IT Training to 350 SME employees and 350 members of the community. Trainiees will be able to
study at home or in the workplace, making use of multi-media CD-Roms backed by tutor support.
2 4 Trinity College Heritage Tourism Training £56,130 53173 02/04/2002 £115,999
The project provides a postgraduate training scheme in heritage tourism aimed at enabling individuals to enhance their employment
opportunities and respond to the changing requirements of the labour market in south west Wales. The course trains students to adopt
sustainable approaches to the management and interpretation of heritage sites
2 4 Trinity College Education for Sustainability £60,942 53097 26/03/2002 £129,559
The project provides postgraduate emvironmental education and training targeted at unemployed groups and employees in education, small
companies, NGOs and community groups. It develops relevant skills for enhancing the capacity of individuals, groups and companies to
implement the principles of sustainable development at local and regional levels.
2 4 Trinity College Heritage Tourism Training £66,132 54275 11/07/2002 £136,667
The project provides a postgraduate training scheme in Heritage Tourism aimed at enabling individuals to enhance their employment
opportunities and respond to the changing requirements of the labour market in south west Wales.The course trains students to adopt
sustainable approaches to the management and interpretation of heritage tourism sites.
2 4 Trinity College Education for Sustainability £91,168 53984 07/08/2003 £188,433
The project provdes NVQ Level 5 environmental and sustainability education and training targeted at unemployed groups and employees in
education, small companies, NGO's and community groups. It develops skills for enhancing the capacity of individuals, groups and companies to
implement the principles of sustainable development at local and regional levels.
4 2 Trinity Fields School Promoting Independence £683,830 54696 07/10/2003 £1,173,760
The pilot partnership project will prepare young people with disabilities and learning difficulties for transition into college or other appropriate
placements through a programme of school and community activities. These include: initial assessments; inter-agency life planning;
pre-vocational training; independent livingskills development; supported community inclusion; research & dissemination.
4 1 Trinity Fields School Promoting Independence Phase II £719,591 56502 03/02/2005 £1,280,295
This project will offer the beneficiaries an range of vocational opportunities leading to work placements and tasters supported by mentors or job
coaches. The ultimate goal is to secure employment, either open or supported, for the beneficiaries.
4 3 Ufi Ltd Cymru TELL Target Lifelong Learning W1 £304,455 53218 26/03/2002 £676,580
This project will drive the demand for learning and e-learning. It will co-ordinate local and regional marketing to open up training opportunities
for everyone through a partnership led streategic promotional campaign.
4 3 University of Glamorgan Credit Union Management £13,709 53211 26/03/2002 £27,685
The project will develop a HNC/HND level in Credit Union Management equipping individuals with the key skills to provide professional and
sound legal and financial advice to existing/potential members of Credit Unions.
2 4 University of Glamorgan Fresh Start £206,917 53413 26/03/2002 £454,763
The Fresh Start programme is an innovative fast-track foundatio course which wiil provide an access route into Higher Educatio study in the
fields of Engineering and Technology for individuals who would not normally go onto HE.
3 1 University of Glamorgan Community Capacity Training £64,310 53264 26/03/2002 £101,183
The project will develop a nationally accredited training programme in Community Development targeted at the many community members within
the Priority 3 area who are currently or who intend to be engaged with community development projects.
1 4 University of Glamorgan Language for Business £84,584 53147 27/03/2002 £260,420
Unilang centre will provide a focus for resources and expertise in language learning and teaching, with collaboration with partners in industry,
the education sector and local community. There will be the delivery of business courses assitional support through summer school and out of
school activily and through community centres.
1 4 University of Glamorgan E-College £2,576,915 53122 27/03/2002 £5,752,928
E-College will developthe foundation enterprise modules to deliver training, skill development, business assistance with resources to increase
company start-ups, enhance managerment skills and raise the GDP of Wales. An innovative partnership between the University of Glamorgan its
Associate Colleges and Young Enterprise Wales.
1 4 University of Glamorgan PgDip. Entrepreneurial Practice £141,508 53139 27/03/2002 £344,237
The project wims to raise the profile of entrepreneurship in Welsh society and to increase the number of potential entrepreneurs by improving
the support available for entrepreneurial businesses and by unlocking the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial skills of graduates studying for the
Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurial Practice.
2 4 University of Glamorgan Network 75 £203,228 53140 26/03/2002 £435,681
Network 75 will change the mindsets and attitudes of young people and manufacturing SMEs within West Wales and the Valleys by encouraging
young people to embark upon careers in engineering, working at SMEs whilst studying part-time for a degree in Engineering.
4 5 University of Glamorgan Dip for Women Entrepreneurs £212,754 53141 26/03/2002 £370,991
To provide an interactive post-graduate programme specifically aimed at women who have entrepreneurial aspirations. This will be a unique
programme in providing academic underpinning, business mentoring and networking from time of entry and access to mentoring and nerworking
for life.
4 2 University of Glamorgan Write-On: Learning through Life £72,170 53142 26/03/2002 £204,135
The project seeks to being together the younger and older generation of RCT delivering traditional and experiential learning across the ages. The
focus will be upon confidence building and informal training, improving communication, citizenship and employability skills and learning from
the educational experiences of both groups.
2 4 University of Glamorgan ICT Business Advisers - ATEB £720,047 53594 27/03/2002 £1,589,567
High quality programme for upskilling ICT Business Advisers to full accreditation against Institute of Management's Technology Means Business
Standards (TMB). Developing business advisers and ICT specialists into effective hybrid ICT Business advisers, who'll provide comprehensive
advice to SMEs in adopting new technologies, improve the take up of ICT and e-commerce activity.
4 3 University of Glamorgan Llynfi Valley Training £221,078 54031 07/04/2003 £457,615
This project will deliver a range of ICT and other primarily non-accredited courses to communities in the lynfi valleyand promote lifelong learning
through development workers.
1 4 University of Glamorgan Development programmes for SMEs £113,287 54025 05/09/2002 £250,994
The project will provide twenty free places for SME staff on each of the following courses: MSc Marketing, MSc Procurement, and the Masters in
Business Administration, delivered on a weekly basis and tailored to the needs of SMEs.
2 4 University of Glamorgan HE Skills in Conservation £158,591 54113 05/09/2002 £327,774
The project will deliver two MSc programmes in Coastal Conservation and Management and Environment Conservation Management. These will
be aimed at current and potential SME employees, at no cost to the individual via full-time or part-time delivery.
4 3 University of Glamorgan Credit Union Managment 2 £212,898 54110 18/11/2002 £429,922
This project will deliver an accredited HNC/Foundation Course in Credit Union Studies to current and potential employees/volunteers of credit
unions throughout the Objective 1 area. The training will involve flexible delivery methods and will be delivered at no cost to th individual.
2 4 University of Glamorgan MA Graphic Design for Ecommerce £157,552 54111 02/01/2003 £325,591
The project will deliver a new postgraduate programme in graphic design, which will be made available on a full-time or part-time basis,
targeting current and potential SME employees in the region and at no charge to the individual.
4 3 University of Glamorgan RoCCoTO £185,372 54272 28/11/2003 £404,956
The project will utilise the Robotic Cyberspace Community Telescope and Observatory (RoCCoTO) at the University of Glamorgan to develop and
deliver a series of accredited and non-accredited training courses for adult learners (post-16) in the RCT area, based around the science of
2 4 University of Glamorgan Network75 phase 2 £658,542 54229 17/03/2003 £1,477,184
Network 75 will change the mindsets and attitudes of young people and manufacturing SMEs within West Wales and the Valleys by encouraging
young people to embark upon careers in engineering, working at SMEs whilst studying part-time for a degree in Engineering and Technology.
1 4 University of Glamorgan Dip Entrepreneurial Practice 2 £210,026 54595 15/10/2003 £492,332
The project aims to extend the current objective 1 funded project initially for a further two years, providing free places on the Postgraduate
Diploma in Entrepreneurial Practice (DEP) for 50 students with the added incentive of a weekly bursary.
1 4 University of Glamorgan E - College Wales 2 £2,837,611 54325 19/11/2002 £6,414,132
ECW 2 will deliver fouindation, degree and MA professional Development (MAPD) courses in Entrepreneurship to 870 students. The educational
content will be delivered on-line. The focus of the courses is the delivery of key skill development, and business assistance with resources to
increase company start-ups, enhance management skills and raise GDP.
2 4 University of Glamorgan Fresh Start 2 £166,813 55927 15/09/2004 £345,701
The project is an extension of the "Fresh Start" and will recruit an additional 72 current and potential SME employees to study a foundation level
course in engineering and technology, with the added incentive of a bursary to cover fees and living expenses.
4 6 University of Glamorgan GEM Wales Obj 1 £579,211 56144 21/04/2005 £1,204,783
The project aims to extend the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor to a Local Authority based level in order to understand the local dynamics of
entrepreneurship and how this links to the skills requirement of entrepreneurs and the learning needs of growth firms.
4 3 University of Glamorgan Llynfi Valley Phase 2 £514,443 56718 20/06/2005 £1,038,568
The project will deliver a range of both accredited and non-accredited community based education courses to residents of the llynfi valley and
will encourage particiaption in and promote Lifelong Learning through Development Workers.
4 3 University of Glamorgan RoCCoTO 2 £397,189 56720 03/06/2005 £824,137
The project will deliver a series of accredited training courses for adult lifelong learners (post 16) in RCT and its surrounding areas, based
around the sciences of Astronomy and Robotics to develop skills in ICT, science and numeracy.
4 2 University of Glamorgan Credit Union 3 £362,822 57123 18/11/2005 £665,119
The project will extend the existing project for a further 2.5 years to target an additional 100 beneficiaries across the region. The beneficiaries
will be able to study free of charge and by flexible methods of delivery, a HNC (or modules towards)in Credit Union management, equivalent to
NVQ level 4.
4 2 University of Glamorgan Merthyr Media £263,904 57119 21/02/2006 £445,935
The project will use the innovative and exciting medium of TV and film production and other media skills to engage the most disadvantaged
young people throughout the Merthyr Tydfil area to enhance learning and personal development.
1 4 University of Glamorgan MSc Female Entrepreneurs £246,221 57240 12/12/2005 £556,557
The project will enable women, as an under-represented group, to engage with sustainable entrepreneuial activities. The focus is upon providing
a higher qualification, with greater support and an extensive network for female entrepreneurs. Beneficiaries will be more confident, with
appropriate qualifications and access to ongoing mentoring and support developing their business.
1 4 University of Glamorgan SME Management Skills £160,782 57261 19/01/2006 £410,561
The project will deliver 4 postgraduate management programmes to 100 SME employees/managers on a fast-track weekend basis. The University
will collaborate with 4 partner FE colleges to ensure accessibility for the target beneficiaries.
2 4 University of Glamorgan HE Skills Renewable Energy £165,668 56919 06/12/2005 £368,151
The project will provide 35 free places (full-time and part-time) on anew MSc programme in Renewable Energy and Resource Management for
current and future employees of SMEs in the region over a 3-year period
2 4 University of Glamorgan Honey Bee £253,674 57458 14/11/2006 £542,211
The project will, through close liaison with beneficiaries and SMEs, create bespoke placemnets for individuals to enhance their employability
skills and to meet the needs of SMes, specifically in enginering and technology sector. It will also provide tailored advise to young adults (16+)
on opportunities available in engineering, technology and HE
4 3
University of Wales College
CD ROM O1 £1,596,226 56788 02/09/2005 £3,221,446
CD ROM (Community Development through RISE Operational Management) provides capacity to support partnership working in the learner
centred RISE Network of community and workplace centres in SE Wales. It develops new learner and tutor support structures , curriculum and
ICT learning initiatives to drive community regeneration.
4 3
University of Wales College
Progression Through Partnership 2 £4,096,457 55022 30/09/2003 £8,272,328
Innovative delivery of multi-level learning progressing learners from FE to HE, delivered by UWCN in partnership with the WEA South Wales and
the University of Glamorgan to non - traditional learners from educationally disadvantaged groups in community venues across the Head of the
Valleys area, addressing barriers to participation.
4 3
University of Wales College
Progression Through Partnership £1,704,048 54003 26/03/2002 £3,477,652
Innovative delivery of multi-level learning progressing learners from FE to HE, delivered by UWCN in partnership with the WEA South Wales, to
over 1000 non - traditional learners from educationally disadvantaged communities in community-based venues across the Heads of the Valleys
area, addressing barriers to participation.
1 4 University of Wales Lampeter Heritage Management £155,205 54131 12/08/2002 £350,830
A high level training programme for indigenous people that will equip them with advanced skills in heritage management so that they are able to
make a positive contribution to the region's economy and sustaining its communities, culture and environment.
2 4 University of Wales Lampeter E-COMMERCE - HIGH LEVEL SKILLS £169,425 53453 26/03/2002 £377,806
An advanced programme in e-commerce skills for the support of SMEs. Project will deliver relevnt advanced e-commerce skills and SME case
solutions, 90% of the 32 beneficiairies will enter employment in e-commerce with the remainder self-employment or further training, with 905
receiving a high-level qualification, with 32 SMEs gaining e-commerce development.
4 3 University of Wales Lampeter e-Learning for Learning Society £209,089 53389 26/03/2002 £561,534
It will develop better integration between advanced level Welsh-medium e-learning and classic delivery at particular difficult points of transition,
specifically in areas at level NVQ levels 3, 4 and 5, in Welsh communications for business and technoligy transfer for lifelong learning of
employees and potential employees, with limited access to vocational learning.
1 4 University of Wales Lampeter Dysgu Trwy'r Gwaith £128,509 55718 05/10/2006 £290,745
The aim of the project is to launch and develop Learning through Work in Wales as a higher level skill initiative that will enable employees of
SMEs, particularly managers and technical specialist, to improve their higher skills and accrediation.
4 3 University of Wales Lampeter e-learning for Learning Society £236,177 55701 04/10/2005 £524,839
The project will provide Welsh medium and bilingual training in communications, management, ICT and promotion skills, with a high e learning
element. It will enable beneficiaries to plan their own learning at levels NVQ 3 to 5. The main target groups are SME employees and those
seeking such employment.
1 4 University of Wales Lampeter Heritage Management HLS £174,604 55787 28/01/2005 £394,677
The aim of this project is to deliver a high level training programme for indigenous people to equip them with advanced skills in heritage,
cultural, environmental and / or landscape management, to make a positive contribution to the region's economy and sustaining its communities,
culture and environment.
4 3 University of Wales Lampeter Knowledge Nuggets: Mobile HLL £197,868 55535 13/09/2004 £439,709
The aim of the project is to develop moblie wireless learning and integrate with e-mailing delivery of Welsh-Medium lifelong learning, so as to
address system barriers for people to engage in higher learning.
1 4 UWIC SPICE III (Regional Bid RBBGTC) £165,317 55075 05/05/2004 £371,768
SPICE III is a continuation project, expanding on successful projects already operating in Bridgend and Rhondda Cynon Taff for the support of
human resource development for individuals employed in the tourism industry in Bridgend, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Merthyr, Caerphilly, Blaenau
Gwent and Torfaen, co-ordinated in partnership between UWIC adn Capital Region Tourism.
4 2 Vale of Clwyd Mind Working Towards Employment £525,291 53980 28/06/2002 £995,674
The project has been designed as a work scheme to give work opportunities to people suffering from mental health problems, the objective of
which is to ease beneficiaries in to mainstream work and/or training. It is a partnership project.
4 3 Victim Support South Wales Elevate £232,768 55518 16/07/2004 £628,000
To provide voactional training, accreditation of learning and active support to those people who are unemployed and economically inactive and
who require active support to enable them to progress through a volunteering role into sustainable employment, within the Blaenau Gwent,
Caerphilly and Torfaen communities.
4 3 Victim Support South Wales Promoting Advancement £236,775 55422 23/06/2004 £779,044
This project will create the training infrastructure and support network to enhance the prospects for further training and or employment a)
Producing NVQ training modules b)Generating accreditation measures
3 1 Voluntary Arts Wales VAW Community Action Team £578,203 53263 26/03/2002 £917,782
The Voluntary Arts Community ActionTeam will provide free, hands on mentoring and training to assist community baced arts projects in
becoming inclusive, skilled community businesses which can play an active role in the social and economic regeneration of the places in which
they live
4 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SME Equality WWTV £880,136 53418 26/03/2002 £2,440,194
This unique project will promote attitudinal change in 220 SMEs in West Wale and the Valleys and counteract disadvantage by encoutaging
companies to address Equality issues and recruit women and others from those sections of the workforce which have previously been excluded
by covert inequality of treatment.
4 5 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SME Equality Project £1,616,438 54937 07/08/2003 £2,683,205
This unique project will work with businesses across Wales to develop examples of good practice in equal opportunities. It will break down
barriers to employment that people from excluded groups can face, by developing and implementing equality policies with companies to combat
discrimination at all levels.
2 4 WAG - DEIN (WDA) KEF - Strategy for Innovation £4,020,698 54635 12/08/2003 £9,077,310
To support all Further and Higher Education institutions in the Objective 1 area to commercialise and transfer their knoeledge and technological
expertise to SME's
1 4 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Strategy for Entrepreneurship £2,866,040 54633 12/08/2003 £6,665,210
This project will develop and deliver entrepreneurship education to students in further and higher education institutions. It will implement a 3
year Entrepreneurship Strategy; increase the number of students receiving entrepreneurship education; award Entrepreneurship Scholarship to
student entrepreneurs and disseminate best practice in entrepreneurship education throughout the Objective 1 area.
4 6 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Tourism Training Forum £86,258 53243 26/03/2002 £172,517
The establishment of the Tourism Training Forum for Wales as the principal independent organization that will lead and guide business and
human resources development for and in the tourism industry of Wales.
4 6 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Implementation £68,992 53277 26/03/2002 £157,561
This project is to implement the actions described as High Priority inthe Tourism Training Forum Wales Strategy ans Action Plan 200-2006.
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Knowledge Exploitation Fund £3,689,963 53155 26/03/2002 £8,518,681
The Knowledge Exploitation Fund will facillitate the culture and support the development of entrepreneurship in Higher and Further Education, by
establishing entrepreneurship champions in each institution and facillitate business access to and ahared use of knowledge and reourcea through
training consortia centres of expertise/resources and trainer development programmes.
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Business and Management Skills £1,424,468 53153 26/03/2002 £3,219,887
The project provides high-level training in management and entrepreneurial skills for those in business or currently unemployed. The projects'
aim is to equip individuals with the strategic and financial management skills, professional, personal and ICT skills necessary to achieve success
4 2 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Initial Guidance and Training £87,689 53165 26/03/2002 £194,973
Provision of intergrated package of vocational guidance, pre-vocational and basic skills to long term unemployed prople. The target group have
multiple difficulties in accessing employment or training designed to overcome some of the access problims. Success rate for 600 beneficiaries
will be over 80% accessing emoployment or training.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) N Wales Employment Intermediary £5,973,803 53159 27/03/2002 £10,491,849
Helping unemployed/economically inactive people into work by: a) optimising use of existing support provisions/opportunities; b) initiating new
provisions/opportunities where needed; c) providing client-centred funding, where needed, to facilitate individual beneficiaries entry into
employment and d) stimulating, creating, identifying and securing job/work placement opportunities through active engagememt with local
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skills For Business £2,589,201 53175 02/04/2002 £5,857,692
To promote training and learning opportunities for employed people over the age of 25.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skills for Employment £1,415,550 53213 26/03/2002 £3,238,552
To provide training and learning opportunities for individuals aged 25 plus in full time employment.
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Gwynedd Skills Circle - Phase 2 £31,611 53197 26/03/2002 £102,154
The project will provide supervisory/management training and employment opportunities for young people in the Gwynedd area. They will be
employed by a host company and will undertake placements with the other Skills Circle companies. The diversity of the participating companies
allows the trainees to experience a wide range of opportunities and challenges.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Rapid Response to Redundancy £3,108,153 53443 26/03/2002 £8,169,046
The project will address the problems caused to the Objective 1 area by job losses through redundancy amongst Objective 1 companies.
7 2 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) HRD European Partnership Unit £91,415 54010 02/08/2002 £182,831
HRD Objective 1 ESF Technical Assistance
7 2 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) HRD Partnership 2002-2004 £237,726 54011 22/04/2003 £475,453
Objective 1 ESF Technical Assistance 2002-2004
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) managing farms with IT O1 £1,455,607 54061 15/01/2003 £3,290,250
Across the Objective 1 area,the ICT and business management skills of 3,438 farmers will be developed to anable improved business
competitiveness and productivity through access to critical management information. Identified skills gaps will be addressed and small locally
owned businesses will be assisted in a key regional industrial sector.
4 6 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Future Skills Wales 2003 £333,667 54321 17/03/2003 £830,341
This project aims to inform individuals and organisations, via a series of integrated strategic research studies and highly focused dissemination
activities, of the current and future generic transferable skills required by employers in Wales at a national, regional and local level. This will
enable effective planning and resource allocation.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Work Based Learning for Adults £4,289,408 54939 10/02/2005 £7,798,924
The aim of Work Based Learning for Adults (WBLA) is to assist unemployed people aged over 25 to secure and sustain employment through a
programme of guidance, work experience and training towards approved qualifications. The programme will help 8457 beneficiaries throughout
the whole Objective 1 area in Wales
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skillbuild Phase II £18,574,594 55061 22/12/2004 £33,772,050
Skillbuild provides socially excluded young people aged 16-24 lacking basic skills with the motivation, confidence and ability to progress into
further education, training and employment. It aims to do this through a programme of guidance, work experience and training towards approved
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skills for Business Extension £327,107 54878 19/09/2003 £755,596
THe objective of this project is to enable beneficiaries recruited in the Skills for Business (2000 to 2003 project hereafter referred to as SFB
Phase 1) to complete their bespoke training plans where an extended period of learning, leading to a qualification, is being undertaken.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skills for Employment Extension £284,935 54876 19/09/2003 £589,040
The objective of this project is to enable beneficiaries recruited in the Skills for Employment (2000 to 2003 project hereater referred to as SFE
Phase 1) to complete their training plans where an extended period of learning, leading to a qualification, is being undertaken.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Capacity-Credit Framework 01 £347,492 54826 03/11/2003 £701,722
To build capacity for the Credit & Qualifications Framework with the main Awarding Bodies in the Obj 1 programme area in order to ascribe and
award credit values to learning programmes resulting in the support of learning progression as explicitly set out in the SPD P4M3 (Developing
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) ReAct (obj1) £10,257,126 55548 01/10/2004 £17,384,960
This project will extend and enhance the previous Rapid Response to Redundancy project, supporting individuals affected by redunancy to access
guidance and devlop new skills and qualifications. It will also provide incentives to employers to recruit, employ and train such individuals.
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) MA+ £13,022,870 55337 22/12/2004 £29,436,867
MA Plus aims to provide individuals with skills and knowledge at level 3. The project is required to expand the volumes possible in the exsisting
Modern Apprenticeship programme including extending access for people over the age of 25 years, thus providing a greater range of learning
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Modern Skills Diploma (MSD) £1,824,058 55333 22/12/2004 £4,124,030
MSD is designed to meet the needs of employers and learners of Wales. This project will expand the exsisting MSD scheme to enable an
increased number of employed persons over the age of 25, to improve their skills and knowledge primarily at Level 4.
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) FMA+ £13,674,220 55334 04/03/2005 £30,909,179
FMA provides individuals with skills at Level 2 required to progress within their current employment or gain higher level employment. To
complement NC-ELWas Basic Skills Strategy, FMA will remove the age restriction of 16-24 allowing access to those over 25 requiring essential
skills learning as a pre-requisite to an FMA.
1 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skills in the Workplace £3,586,028 56383 20/06/2005 £8,106,503
To provide training and learning opportunities for employed people over the age of 25 and to enable companies to develop these people in line
with company training plans.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) MA/FMA Lifelong Learning Obj 1 £8,825,372 57334 21/02/2006 £17,825,436
This project supports learners undertaking the ELWa sponsored Modern Apprenticeship and Foundation Modern Apprenticeship programmes.
Aimed at the employed workforce, and offering needs assessment, key skills and basic skills support as required/appropriate, as well as units
towards a full MA/FMA apprenticeship framework
4 1
Wales Association of County
Voluntary Councils
LMI Project North Wales £6,692,561 54758 29/05/2003 £11,031,632
The project will enable those excluded from work in North West Wales to enter or re-enter the job market via transitional "waged" employment
and personal development. Local ILM providers will create and support work opportunities for economically inactive people, encouraging
progression into sustained employment and increwasing levels of economic activity.
4 2
Wales Association of County
Voluntary Councils
Capacity Building Vol. Sector £1,179,809 54067 25/07/2002 £2,621,799
This project will enable CVCs to continue to build on the work previously undertaken, supporting the expectations of local community and
voluntary groups helping those facing social exclusion, increasing local networks and retaining effective representation on local regeneration
4 2
Wales Association of County
Voluntary Councils
Vol. Sector Capacity Building £646,683 53118 26/03/2002 £1,437,074
This project will develop the capacity of County Voluntary Councils in their unique umbrella role dealing with local voluntary organisations and
community groups. These groups are often best placed to address the needs of those excluded fron the labour market and a strong support
network is crucial to their success.
1 4 Wales Co-operative Centre Co-op Enterprise Training £51,961 53102 26/03/2002 £115,469
Targeted Co-operative Business Training aimed at improving business performance within the social economy through entrepreneurship and
encouraging potential new entrepreneurs to become active in economic activity through co-operative businesses.
4 3 Wales Co-operative Centre Learning through Credit Unions £130,828 53208 26/03/2002 £266,998
To develop and deliver a range of training programmes soecifically designed to meet the business growth needs of credit unions. The project
will. through credit unions, bring lifelong learning opportunities to individuals who are difficult to reach within the community.
4 3 Wales Co-operative Centre Lifelong Learning in Soc Econ £273,424 54880 30/09/2003 £551,698
The project provides access to learning for the Co-opeartive Sector within the Welsh Social Economy. Opportunities for learning will be offered to
directors, employees and volunteers. The project will also target members of co-operative businesses and their communities, provising essential
skills and learning through accessible and appropriate training.
4 3
Wales Council for Voluntary
SRS Training £2,016,902 55684 19/05/2004 £3,227,054
SRS is a key fund. 50% maximum grants will be allocated to ambuitious, partnership reuse or recycling projects that will be trying to exceed the
waste reduction targets set in "wise about waste", in order that the communities concerned can be regenerated by the wealth created.
7 4
Wales Council for Voluntary
Voluntary Sector Support Unit Phase 2a £173,736 55970 29/07/2004 £231,649
To build on the previous project, allow additional development of VSSU. Continue to make European Funding Process as accessible as poss. to
Voluntary Sector. Confidence and capability building activities. Dissemination of current info. via VS network magazine, handouts, CD Rom etc.
Addressing needs of geographical spread and staffing networks. Additional publicity of European Programmes. Continued representation of VS.
Extensive promotion of Equal Opportunities.
7 4
Wales Council for Voluntary
Voluntary Sector Support Unit Phase 2b £169,935 55971 25/04/2005 £317,012
To build on previous project to allow additional development of Voluntary Sector Support Unit. Continue to make th European Funding Process as
accessible to the VS as poss.
7 4
Wales Council for Voluntary
Voluntary Sector Support Unit Phase 2c £127,590 55972 26/08/2004 £231,981
To build on the previous project, allow additional development of VSSU. Continue to make European Funding Process as accessible as poss. to
Voluntary Sector. Confidence and capability building activities. Dissemination of current info. via VS network magazine, handouts, CD Rom etc.
Addressing needs of geographical spread and staffing networks. Additional publicity of European Programmes. Continued representation of VS.
Extensive promotion of Equal Opportunities.
4 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Vol. Sector Capacity Building £1,621,759 55980 03/02/2005 £3,603,909
This project will continue to enable County Voluntary Councils to build successfully on their work, supporting the expectations of the local
community and voluntary groups helping those facing social exclusion, increasing local networks and retaining effective representation on local
regeneration partnerships.
4 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Social Risk Capital £3,597,763 53100 28/06/2002 £5,990,471
This scheme is about supporting Social Risk-type actions which allow local troups simple and rapid access to ESFsupport. Therefor creating a
dynamic Third Sector marketplace bringing together co-operative and value-based models of organisation and by developing a recognisable
sector, allowing for new entrants, innovation and success as well as risk.
4 3
Wales Council for Voluntary
Advice Training Workshop £2,196,564 56693 06/07/2005 £4,474,195
A consortium of advice providers will recruit train and mentor individuals from the P4M3 target groups. Benefits will be twofold - access to, and
participation in flexible lifelong learning for marginalised groups, will be widened; training beneficiaries will increase the capacity of partners to
deliver enhanced services to local communities.
7 4
Wales Council for Voluntary
VSSU AFTERCARE £156,837 57569 07/11/2007 £285,160
The aim of this project is to build upon expertise and experience gained under the previous Voluntary Sector Support Unit (VSSU) projects, to
continue to provide project aftercare support, information and advice to voluntary and community organisations in the Objective One area. Phase
D of the project amalgamates the VSSU with the former Commmunity Economic Regenaration plan (CERP) project (Ref 53816), which was
previously funded under Technical Assistance Priority 7 Measure 1. These iniatives will combine to deliver a comprehensive service for volunatry
sector Objective One projects nationally and regionally, working in partnership with the County Voluntary Councils and Local Partnerships at a
local level, and will provide a smooth transition into the Convergence Programme.
1 4 Wales Quality Centre Innovation Management Project £134,278 54348 18/11/2002 £318,477
IMP will support 160 owner/managers of SME's in West Wales and the Valleys to implement Innovation Management strategies to improve their
competitiveness and encourage growth through fostering innovation effectively.
4 3 Wales TUC Cymru Wales Union Learning Services £193,571 53232 27/03/2002 £395,677
This is a collaborative project led by the Wales TUC and supported by the Council of Wales TECs. It seeks to promote cultural change to increase
access and uptake of lifelong learning by developing and expanding the Learning Services programme.
1 4 WASP IT WASP 2 (Phase 2) £2,312,544 55639 04/01/2005 £5,227,272
This project will deliver advanced ICT and Business Management Systems training to 1200 beneficiaries employed in 80 SMEs. Correct utilization
of these transferable skills will allow for maximization of the hardware and software (via ERDF) to ultimately increase the profitability,
adaptibility and overall competitiveness of all organisations involved.
4 3 WEA South Wales Building the Learning Community £582,762 55743 27/08/2004 £1,176,212
The project will increase demand and widen participation through innovative learning opportunities for people in disadvantaged communities,
providing progression to work, further study or community activity, and building self-esteem and self-motivated learners who draw strength from
local learner network.
4 2 WEA South Wales Bridges to Community Learning £384,534 53539 26/03/2002 £796,924
A community based project targeting disadvantaged communities and individuals that are at risk of social exclusion. The project will worl in
partnership with communities to establish learning networks that will delover training programmes that are tailor-made to their specific needs.
4 3 WEA South Wales Project 2000 £69,067 53930 27/03/2002 £139,739
Project 2000 has been designed to address the education and training needs of unskilled (manual and operative) employees employed by one of
the largest, oldest employers located within the Torfaen area - Burtons Gold Medal Biscuits Ltd, so as to contribute towards the development of a
lifelong learning culture in Wales.
4 2 Welsh Assembly Government Skill-Build £5,453,150 53253 26/03/2002 £12,118,113
The project extends ans enhances the Skill-Build programme in the Objective 1 area, providing socially excluded young people lacking basic
skills with the motivation, confidence ans ability to progress tp further education, training or a job. The project comprises individual assessment,
work sampling, preparatory training, occupational training and outreach/mentorship.
4 1 Welsh Assembly Government Work Based Learning for Adults £8,402,512 53254 26/03/2002 £14,241,548
The project extends and enhances the Work Based Learning for Adults (WBLA) programme in West Wales and the Valleys. The aim is to help
unemployed people aged 25 and over to secure and sustain employment through an individually tailored combination of guidance, structures
work experience, training and approved qualifications.
4 2 Welsh Assembly Government Extending Entitlement WWTV £3,617,719 56012 22/12/2004 £6,114,111
The project will progress the Extending Entitlement Agenda across West Wales and the Valleys by targetting 40,000 young people, particularly
those catagorised as "hard to reach" and supporting them in gaining the skills for self-empowerement and re-inclusion, to access the universal
basic entitlement which is their right.
4 5 Welsh Assembly Government Genesis Wales Objective 1 £10,079,420 56152 25/07/2005 £21,786,770
The project will provide a comprehensive package of advice, guidance, support and childcare for individuals (predominantly women) wishing to
access work, training, and/or learning opportunities, thus overcoming barriers to improve the economic activity of people in Wales.
4 3 Welsh Assembly Government Building Learning Pathways £1,147,386 56792 21/04/2005 £2,315,127
This capacity building project supports the implementation of the National Assembly's Learning Pathways 14-19 strategy. The project will enable
fifteen local 14-19 Networks to ensure that every 16-19 year old in in West Wales and the Valleys has access to a learning pathway and support
that meets their needs.
7 4
Welsh European Funding
WEFO Grants Project Obj 1 £2,018,855 57344 19/01/2006 £4,037,714
to enhance the management, administration and delivery of structural funds in Wales
7 2
Welsh European Funding
ESF IT - Migration & Support £174,639 57318 12/12/2005 £349,280
To provide WEFO with their own suite of ESF systems and current data to enable them to undertake their responsibilities for ESF programmes in
7 4
Welsh European Funding
Leavers Survey (Obj 1) £49,181 56849 08/04/2005 £98,362
The leavers survey data will meet the requirements fro monitoring the core ESF indicators. It will be possible to produce estimates fro the
proportion of beneficiaries going into jobs and the proportion gaining positive outcomes fro each ESF programme and for each policy field within
each programme.
7 4
Welsh European Funding
Post 2006 Workstream (ESF) £6,250 57392 02/05/2006 £20,000
The project will aim to: 1. Identify key lessons to be learned from current Structural Funds programmes 2000 - 2006 2. Examine activity
including processes and systems across the main funds i.e. ESF and ERDF 3. provide strategic advice and ideas to WEFO for any future
programme plans
2 4 West Wales ECO Centre SIBE £79,250 53225 27/03/2002 £163,831
By combining a demand-led suite of clourses and enabling the wider community and business to take advantage of sustainable technologies.
This project will create both the demand and the resource for a skilled and practiced workforce to implment sustainable construction technologies
within community projects and developments throughout Pembrokeshire.
4 2 Weston Spirit Weston Spirit North Wales £206,211 55541 29/10/2004 £401,049
A dynamic personal and social development membership programme. To young people aged 13-25 whose lifestyles reflect a lack of opportunity
and poverty aspiration. We will address social, moral, economic, educational and citizenship issues, by exploring the deicision-making processes.
This social inclusion project will empower, motivate and educate disaffected young people.
3 1 Weston Spirit Weston Spirit Merthyr £142,961 57055 08/11/2005 £276,011
Dynamic personal and social development membership programme. To young people aged 14-19 whose lifestyles reflect a lack of opportunity
and poverty aspiration. We will address social, moral, economic, educational and citizenship issues by exploring the decision-making processes.
This social inclusion project will empower, motivate and educate disaffected young people.
1 4 William Battle Associates SkillMatch £204,748 57262 24/05/2006 £492,200
To match the skills and experience of 3rd age people who are currently not working to the needs of Welsh SMEs and the voluntary sector. To
deliver action based placements to facilitate business growth and performance improvement and demonstrate practical benefit to secure
sustainable employment.
1 4 William Battle Associates TRANSFER Programme £280,352 55156 22/12/2004 £701,504
The project will develop a Business Succession Training programme for Companies based in Swansea. This model will then be available for
application throughout the Objective 1 areas of Wales. The programme will link succession planningto business growth strategies and the
development of people to deliver high growth.
4 2 WISE Supported Employment £51,891 54196 27/05/2002 £127,688
The Project will promote employability, targetting people with a learning disability. It will achieve this through individually tailored packages of
assistance including vocational guidance, training andsupport in integrated work placements. The project will enable the target group to
overcome barriers to employment and assist them in entering paid employment.
4 3 XL Wales Family Technology Centre £175,772 53994 27/03/2002 £515,558
The aim of the project is to use Family Learning to increase and widen participation in learning in South West Wales; to help to develop the
Enterprise and Innovation skills of beneficiaries; and to help to create a culture of lifelong learning in the region.
4 3 XL Wales XL Wales Phase 1 (Revenue) £201,974 53114 27/03/2002 £493,793
To plan the launch XL Wales centres in South West Wales, West Wales and South East Wales and to pilot the XL Wales Invention and Discovery
Roadshow, XL Wales Family Inventors' Club, XL Wales Young Inventors Club, XL Wales Lifelong Learning Club and XL Wales Enterprise Club.
4 2 YBT Creating Ops for Inclsn - COFI £310,009 56026 29/10/2004 £844,192
An innovative inclusion project that aims to create 50 construction jobs for marginalised residents within RCT via a felxible package of life and
employability skills support; on-site work-based experience and NVQ training. In partnership with teh voluntary sector, housing assocaitions,
Chmaber Training, Job Centre Plus, Manpower Services and private employers.
4 2 YBT Building Employment in Torfaen £293,633 57104 06/09/2005 £661,608
An innovative inclusion project that will create employment opportunities within Construction for 50 marginalised Torfaen residents; via a flexible
package of life and employability skills support; on-site work-based experience & vocational Training. In partnership with the Local Authority,
Tenants/Residents & Housing Associations, Coleg Gwent, Job centre Plus and Private Employers.
4 1 Ynys Mon County Council Mon Shared Apprenticeship £6,982 53162 26/03/2002 £25,124
This is a new scheme aimed at providing young people with a wide range of Engineering skills to fill the local skills gap. It complements the
Modern Apprenticeship Programme with enhancements and provides a job with training leading through NVQ Level 2 and 3, HND and Degree.
4 1 Ystrad Mynach College Lifelong Learning in Caerphilly £1,058,841 53227 27/03/2002 £2,434,609
This project is intended to support initiatives to raise GD, aid social inclusion and remove barriers to training and learning. The project will
create a culture of individual responsibility for lifelong learning through the provision of impartiial information, provision of basic skills and
approprate education and training.
4 5 Ystrad Mynach College The Virtual Reality Business £211,888 53502 26/03/2002 £329,020
The project will create a virtual reality business environment which will enable women to develop and train in skills and activities to re-enter rhe
market place. It will also further their career progression opportunities and promote gender equality.
4 3 Ystrad Mynach College Improving lifetime performance £88,483 53503 27/03/2002 £178,321
This project seeks to support the development of a culture of lifelong learning in the Welsh valleys that will widen and increase participationj in
learning and led to social and economic regeneration. This will be done by providing staff with the skills to interact with the identified
disadvantaged groups.
4 1 Ystrad Mynach College The 3 Colleges Outreach Centres £625,197 53649 27/03/2002 £1,061,130
This is a collaborative project between Aberdare, Merthyr and Ystrad Mynach Colleges which aims to assist with the transition and integration of
beneficiaries into the labour market by providing flexible, accessible and individualised training at local outreach centres.
4 1 Ystrad Mynach College Community Accessibility £238,763 54016 27/03/2002 £403,751
This project aims to assist with the transition and integration of beneficiaries into the labour market by providing flexible, accessible and
individualised training at local outreach centres in Caerphilly and Bargoed incorporating a wide range of ICT.
4 1 Ystrad Mynach College Essential Skills for All £619,134 54230 27/01/2003 £1,046,184
This project aims to ensure that the generic skills of literacy and IT are integral to all parts of the curriculum rather than being treated as
standalone. it will give beneficiaries the ability to improve their own learning and performance in education, training, work and life in general.
4 1 Ystrad Mynach College Call Centre Initiatives £154,601 53842 26/03/2002 £262,527
To establish two call cemtre training units to enable beneficiaries to develop the skills, both hard and soft, to join this growth sector of the
4 2 Ystrad Mynach College Realising Potential £84,992 53845 26/03/2002 £144,954
This project will create a culture of individual responsibility for lifelong learning through the provision of Saturday Clubs, Summer School and
revision classes. It will motivate participants to gain vocational skills and help with their choice of future career in the construction and
engineering industries.
4 2 Ystrad Mynach College Transition and Innovation £880,866 56044 31/03/2005 £1,487,949
This project targets young people up to the age of 25 who are disaffected, disengaged or in danger of either. It is about engagement not
attainment and the first step on the road to education and learning via a multi-agency approach.
4 3 Ystrad Mynach College Working in the Community £1,077,347 55383 27/01/2004 £2,213,979
This project will deliver literacy and numeracy through ICT in conjunction with an innovative curriculum. All delivery will take place in the
community using tutors recruited from the locality and working with learners to determine their needs.
4 1 Ystrad Mynach College Wideining Essential Learning £372,932 56522 25/07/2005 £630,197
This project is about providing new and innovative opportunities to allow beneficiaries to gain essential skills from pre-entry to Level 3. It will do
this by making basic, key and enterprise skills from pre-entry to level 3 integral to the curriculum rather than standalone.
4 1 YWCA Llanelli Overcoming Barriers £52,780 56525 06/07/2005 £101,404
To provide a mix of access to assisted information, one-to-one support and informal accredited learning opportunities to address needs of
disadvanatged young women aged 16-25 years in Llanelli. To help remove some of the barriers preventing them form entering the labour market.
4 2 ZETA TRAINING PINK PEARLS £234,220 57100 14/11/2006 £393,856
This project will deliver a range of modules to develop the skills required to help the economically inactive enter/re-enter the labour market
through employment, self-employment, further education. These modules will focus on life-skills, literacy, numeracy, ICT, self confidence, self
esteem and other competencies to progress their return to work.
Fund: FIFG Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 44
Totalling: £15,564,194
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
5 9 Bluewater Flatfish Farms Ltd Sustainable Water and Waste Management Pilot Project £52,374 56547 22/10/2004 £69,832
The project aims to tackle the problem of suspended organic solids in recirculation marine aquaculture systems. It will do this by investigating
the optimum balance between physical removal of larger particles using drum filters in conjunction with the removal of fine particles using foam
fractionators in a commercial farming environment. This is a novel application where two established waste management technologies are to be
used in combination. Using three separate treatment systems in parallel under the same commercial load, detailed investigations will be carried
out to determine the optimum contribution from each system. The principal output of the project will be a scientific report that details the
findings and conclusions, including the economic implications, from the novel application of these technologies.
5 9
Bolsach Boat Fishing
Safety Equipment £184,200 57258 11/10/2005 £245,600
To supply, fit and train fishermen with upgraded equipment to substain the fisheries with a safer working environment. The equipment would be
professionally fitted over a period of 3 to 4 months as availability of boats and supplies can be organised to allow the fishermen to continue
working their boats to maintain a reasonable income.
5 9
Bolsach Boat Fishing
Holyhead Fishermen's Compound £197,908 55920 27/07/2007 £263,878
The scheme will provide new and improved facilities for small fishing boats at Bol Sach. This will include new and improved infrastructure for
fishing boat storage, maintenance, and repairs, including facilities for the safe storage of fishing equipment and pots, and water/ electricity. It
will greatly enhance the environment and management of a currently general untidy area. The scheme has been developed by the area's
fishermen to meet needs identified by them over many years. The association has secured funding via Communities First to undertake a
development study to plan and cost the scheme.
5 9
Bolsach Boat Fishing
Anglesey Fishermen's Initiative £300,243 55874 23/12/2004 £505,325
The project involves the employment of two full - time fishing association development officers and an administrator based in Holyhead for a
period of three years, together with an associated operational budget. The employment of suitably able and dedicated persons is seen as
essential if the fishery needs and opportunities of of Anglesey and other parts of North Wales are to be successfully realised. It is anticipated that
the officers would be similar to those now operating in Llyn and Ceredigion, and would work alongside those officers and any others on relevant
projects and issues.
5 9
Cardigan Bay Fishermans
Fishing Vessel Refits for Safety, Comfort and Catch Quality £76,991 55672 08/06/2004 £102,656
This project has been designed to address the poor quality in working conditions onboard small coastal fishing vessels. By making small
adjustments to the vessels, the quality of the working environment and comfort of the crew working onboard that vessel can be increased. The
project meets the aim of the priorities and measures by promoting best environmental practice, having wider socio- economic benefits, showing
innovation, improving the sustainability of the Welsh Fishing Industry, Fitting into the MCA safety code and promoting an increase in quality.
5 9
Cardigan Bay Fishermans
Safety Equipment Upgrade £66,057 55551 24/05/2004 £88,076
The intention of this project is to provide and install the latest in safety equipment to all fishing vessels belonging to members of CBFA Ltd. The
project will provide automatic self righting life jackets, life rafts, emergency position indicating radio beacons, search and rescue transponders,
marine band radios with digital selective calling, global positioning equipment and personal locator beacons. The project will improve the safety
of the association members while fishing. By protecting the people who work at the heart of the industry, the project will contribute to the
sustainability of the Welsh fishing industry as a whole.
5 9
Cardigan Bay Fishermans
Cardigan Bay Fishermen's Association £72,654 54150 23/04/2003 £96,872
The project is to increase the capacity of the Cardigan Bay Fishermen's Association to create a sustainable managed fishery in the inshore waters
of Cardigan Bay through the employment of a development officer.
5 9
Cardigan Bay Fishermans
Development Officer and Admin support for the Cardigan
Bay Fisherman's Association Ltd
£99,000 57428 07/08/2006 £232,000
The project will seek to build on the work already done by pan Wales network of Development officers. The Cardigan Bay Fisherman's
Association Ltd Development officer will seek to market, promote, enhance value, increase safety, offer assistance during funding applications
and augment the various aspects of the industry in Wales. The Officer will also address the ongoing sustainability issues of the Welsh inshore
fisheries while providing support to the fishermen in the face of continual change in legislation. The project is in harmony with the Welsh
Assembly's initiatives aimed at supporting and indeed promoting the Welsh Fishing Industry.
5 9 Ceredigion County Council Ceredigion Fishing Port Facilities Enhancement £87,750 57311 19/05/2006 £117,000
1) To invest in facilities in Ceredigion fishing ports of Cardigan, Newquay, Aberaeron and Aberystwyth for the collective interest of fishermen and
improve services offered to them. 2) To bring about lasting improvements to the conditions in which catch is landed and sold and hence help
safeguard gross sales of operators using these ports, all of whose boats are UK registered. 3) To improve safety conditions under which
fishermen operate on the quaysides.
5 9 Coastal Scientific Ltd Machine for Testing Crab Quality £200,110 56540 14/04/2005 £291,394
This pilot project is to investigate the use of a device to ascertain meat quantity and quality in edible crab before they are landed, without the
need to damage the crab in anyway. The equipment is to be tested on board a fishing vessel to determine if use of the technology will give an
improved financial return. The device is intended to enable fishermen to sort their live catch and return poor quality crab to the sea where the
animals can continue to mature, improve in quality and reproduce instead of being landed and wasted. The findings of the Pilot Project will be
produced in a scientific report.
5 9
Conwy County Borough
Port Improvements, Conwy £1,205,397 57211 28/10/2005 £1,607,196
The priority purpose of this project is to provide investment to ensure the continuing survival and development of the fishing industry at Conwy.
The industry has declined in recent years and suffers restrictions through poor infrastructure, access and facilities. The project forms part of an
overall harbour development scheme that will ensure that Conwy Quay can accommodate the interests of both the tourist and commercial fishing
industries and that both industries profit from the mutual benefits that will result.
5 9 Deepdock Ltd Deepdock Mussel Dredger £748,910 53989 30/04/2002 £2,139,743
To improve the effectiveness of the company's operation as mussel farmers on its mussel lays in the Menai Strait. To improve the efficiency of the
farming techniques utilised particularly in respect of optimising the mussel seed relaying and making better use of mussel seed resources.
5 9 Dragon Feeds Limited Ragworm Aquaculture Project £1,030,056 54419 05/09/2006 £5,175,282
The proposal includes the development of 261 tanks to be built at Pendine that will provide a harvest of 600 tonnes of ragworm per annum and
the creation of 70 all year round jobs within the area.The development will cater for the latter stages of ragworm development to maturity with
the aim of producing bait for the sports fishing industry.
5 9
Dragon Polychaete Research
Pilot production of innovative aquafeeds £2,409,246 56904 05/05/2005 £3,465,274
The purpose of this project is to move from laboratory produced results into commercial production. Funding is needed to part-finance the pilot
plant, which will apply the results of previous development work under new, commercial conditions. The ultimate aim would be to upscale
production into a full-scale factory, built entirely with private sector resources.
5 9 J W Aquaculture Ltd Crab Farming Pilot Plant £767,020 54298 25/11/2002 £1,061,371
Pilot project which seeks to develop the technology, process, plant and equipment necessary to enable the commercial farming of European
shore crabs on shore in holding tanks for the purpose of rearing the crabs for bait to be sold to the angling public.
5 9 Llyn Aqua Research Ltd Sustainable Recirculating Intensive Marine Prawn Production £466,850 57326 08/03/2006 £622,633
To set up a pilot project to test, under near-commerical conditions, the technical and economic feasibility of producing tropical shrimp in super-
intensive conditions in Wales.
5 9 Llyn Fishermans Association Development Officer for the Llyn Fishermen's Association £73,878 54813 17/04/2003 £103,500
The Development Officer will develop projects in the Llyn fisheries area that will have a positive impact on the local economy, adding value to
primary sea produce and branding/marketing local sea produce. Initiatives will include marketing, develop new markets for Llyn sea produce,
develop internet site for the Llyn Fishermen's Association, assist members to access funding sources, develop and co-ordinate ideas that may
lead to exploitation of new species and new markets, develop capital and revenue projects and to develop the fishery in a sustainable way.
5 9 Llyn Fishermans Association
Safety Equipment Upgrade for the Llyn Fishermen's
£38,420 54952 10/07/2003 £51,227
The project proposes to upgrade the safety equipment of its members (79 life jackets and 44 radios) to a specification above the statutory
requirements of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). Part of the project will be to provide a training course for members who have no
radio qualifications.
5 9 Llyn Fishermans Association
Development Officer and Admin support Llyn Fishermen's
Association Phase 2
£125,350 57427 04/08/2006 £267,150
The project is in harmony with the Welsh Assembly's initiatives aimed at supporting and indeed promoting the Welsh Fishing Industry. It also
accords with the accompanying rationales, contained within the project plan enclosed and within Gwynedd Council's Economic Strategy L.A.P. It
will seek to build on the work already done, which comprised of a network of Development Officers pan-Wales who individually and collectively
seek to market, promote, enhance value, increase safety and augment the various aspects of the industry in Wales. The activity also provides the
support that the Fishermen require in the face of continual change in legislation on the UK and European fronts- that directly impact on the
5 9 Myti Mussels Dock Improvements At Porth Penrhyn £50,610 54872 02/06/2003 £144,600
The aim of the project is to improve the quayside area of Porth Penrhyn. It will deliver a durable, properly drained surface suitable for heavy
traffic, lighting for winter working, power and water supplies for boats and appropriate dockside safety equipment including the installation of
CCTV. The project will improve the conditions under which fishery products are landed, handled and stored in the port and will therefore lead to
increased operating efficiency and secure employment opportunities within 3 SME'S and will also contribute towards the continued sustainability
of the companies.
5 9 National Trust Wales Stackpole Quay £209,008 55231 05/01/2004 £291,045
Stackpole Quay, in the south west of Pembrokeshire, provides one of the safest havens along this part of the Pembrokeshire Coast, which is
notorious for big tides and unpredictable sea conditions. The Quay has been used by Fishermen for over 200 years and forms a safe haven for a
small local fishing fleet (approximately 4 vessels) and recreation vessels. The wall of the Quay also maintains the beach at Stackpole, which is
an important local tourist attraction, attracting a significant number of visitors to the area throughout the year.
5 9 National Trust Wales Porth Meudwy Harbour Facilities and Improvements £355,333 55296 23/06/2006 £473,778
To improve the physical conditions in Porth Meudwy to increase safety and improve economic viability, to provide a breakwater for safer mooring
during unfavourable weather condition; to restore the fishermen's store for secure storage of equipment; to provide facilities in nearby Cwrt farm
to increase the economic viability of the catch; to widen the trackway between the cove and Cwrt farm to avoid further subsidence, create a
passing point and increase safety of fishermen to the cove, who have to walk down the track from the car park.
5 9
North Western & North Wales
Sea Fisheries Committe
North and West Wales Lobster 'V' Notching Programme £162,015 54833 03/07/2003 £216,020
The project will provide funding to allow the return to the sea of fertile female lobsters caught by fishermen. NW&NWSFC Fishery Officers will
mark these lobsters with a 'V' notch in the tail before they are released, and keep a record of returned lobsters so that fishermen can be
compensated for value of the lobster returned to the sea.
5 9
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire Fish Week Phase 2 £57,750 55377 30/01/2004 £105,000
This project aims to: 1) Increase awareness of the quality and varieties of fish both wild and farmed in Pembrokeshire and increase the choice of
fish on menus offered by food businesses in the county. 2) Increase the profile of fish retailers within the county, for both local inhabitants and
for visitors. 3) Increase the number of visitors with high disposable income to Pembrokeshire's fishing communities, including some very small
coastal communities. 4) Raise awareness of fish and the fishing industry in Pembrokeshire, and in particular the need for the adoption of
sustainable fishing practices.
5 9
Pembrokeshire County
Pembrokeshire Fish Week £15,090 53124 27/03/2002 £36,000
To promote Pembrokeshire Fish and Shellfish initiatives through raising awareness through the encouragement of the increased use of both fresh
and salt water fish and shellfish in the hospitality, retail and leisure sector.
5 9 Rawlings Trawling Ltd Value Added Shellfish Processing Facility £68,393 54291 05/03/2003 £195,408
To develop a shellfish processing and marketing facility, based on Milford Docks, in order to add value to Welsh shellfish.
5 9 Sea Fish Industry Authority Fishermen's Safety Training £261,997 54861 03/06/2003 £349,330
The aim of the project is to raise safety awareness and promote a positive safety culture in the fishing industry.
5 9 Sea Fish Industry Authority Enhanced Fishermen's Safety Training £166,425 57436 02/08/2006 £221,900
The aim of the project is to further raise and maintain safety awareness and promote the positive safety culture in the fishing industry. This
programme aims to further enhance the culture and improve the safety record of the industry.
5 9 Sea Fish Industry Authority Fishing Vessel Accreditation in the UK £25,312 56458 27/02/2006 £33,750
The proposal is for the development, trial, promotion and engagement of industry in an accreditation scheme for fishing vessels. The scheme
would be badged and delivered by Seafish and compliance with the scheme standards would be verified using an independent audit body. The
project would develop, in conjuction with industry, a modular based scheme which will centre on management regimes and operational practices
of vessels.
5 9 Selonda (UK) Ltd Halibut Fish Farm and Hatchery £3,601,454 53427 17/07/2002 £11,978,803
The project will create the first major integrated land-based marine fish farm in Wales and Europe designed to maximise controlled fish
production to a level, which will allow the development of the first fully sustainable fish processing plant in Wales. This project will minimise the
release of organic material to the environment through the combined use of advanced recirculation technology and a recycling of nutrient wastes
by creation of a managed wetland.
5 9
Selwyns Penclawdd Seafoods
Llanmorlais Canning Project £313,504 54671 04/12/2002 £898,451
The project will establish a processing /canning plant at Llanmorlais to process products collected by cockle gatherers.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Sustainable Inshore Fishery Development - South Wales £132,006 55407 07/04/2004 £181,005
Through the project, 3 full time officers will be employed and 2 offices will be established to provide the capacity necessary to enable the
Association to undertake a range of activities, amongst which are:- a) Develop locally focussed sustainable managed fisheries b) Develop and
manage individual externally funded projects in support of that aim c) Establish co-operative processing and marketing initiatives d) Represent
the interests of the Association at all levels and to co-ordinate the flow of information into and out from the industry e) Initiate research in
partnership with others into new and exciting fisheries f) Promote adoption of both best practise and new technologies to improve sustainability -
in all 3 areas of economic, environmental and social g) Promote training and safe working practises within the industry h) Promote and educate
the general public about the work of the Association
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Personal Emergency Safety Equipment for Fishermen - South
£130,009 55966 29/09/2004 £173,346
The principal aim of the project is to ensure that all members of the S&WWFC Ltd are equipped with a full range of appropriate and fully
maintained personal emergency safety equipment that will enable them to survive, summon assistance and be found in the event of a serious
incident at sea. This will, inter alia, improve working conditions and assist in the retainment of existing crews and the recruitment of new
entrants to the industry.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Electrical Emergency Safety Equipment for Fishermen -
South Wales
£331,957 55967 28/09/2004 £442,610
The principal aim of the project is to ensure all members of the S&WWFC Ltd are equipped with a full range of appropriate and fully maintained
electrical emergency safety equipment that will enable them to identify and prevent potential hazards and to provide a means of being found in
the event of a serious incident at sea. This will, inter alia, improve working conditions and assist in the retainment of existing crews and the
recruitment of new entrants to the industry.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Fishermen's Outer Pontoon - Milford Haven £215,563 57323 07/09/2007 £287,418
To provide a pontoon suitable for inshore fishing vessels, presently mooring inside the docks area, to moor outside and thereby ease the present
landing difficulties.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Design and trials of electrofishing system for Razorclams £204,165 57437 09/08/2007 £272,220
The purpose of the project is to design, trial and thereby perfect the design for a standardised electrofishing array for the sustainable and
environmentally acceptable harvesting of Razor clam species in a number of key areas in south and west Wales's inshore waters as a more
acceptable alternative to dredge fishing and also assessing the potential sustainable yield that might be achieved by this fishing method. The
project is also one of the few initiatives that can safely create employment opportunities within the Welsh fishing industry without increasing
effort in traditional fisheries as well as providing training to fishermen in operation, sustainability, catch handling and marketing.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Bivalve Recruitment and Growth Trials for Local Niche
Market Supply
£60,266 57438 08/08/2007 £80,355
This simple and straightforward project aims to supply members of the four Associations in Wales with a combined bivalve (mussel) spat
collectors/ ongrowing media in order to identify suitable areas for mariculture diversification to trial the growing of bivalves (mainly mussels) on
rope based systems to supply local niche markets. Whilst there is no doubt at all that mussels and other bivalves will grow in the Welsh inshore
zone, the project will seek to clarify which areas are most productive, recruitment levels, health classification, potential predator problems, best
practice in handling, processing and marketing and how this element of diversification might best fit in with existing fishing practices. A
marketing assessment will be undertaken to clearly identify the scale of demand for the product.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Pelagic Jigger and Processing Trials £21,872 57439 29/08/2007 £29,163
The project therefore sets out to test in commercial conditions a small range of mechanical jiggers in order to provide guidance to Welsh
fishermen on the optimal model without them having to risk investment in potentially the wrong system. Additionally the project would provide,
through an agreement with the participating members, the provision of raw materials at no cost so that interested parties can experiment with
added value options without financial risk and to give a lead to fishermen and encourage them to diversify effort away from traditional species,
some of which are fully exploited, into a sustainable fishery that would provide added value employment at the lowest level and supply products
in various forms to both local outlets as well as export customers.
5 9
South and West Wales
Fishing Communities Ltd
Sustainable Inshore Fishery Development - South Wales,
Phase 2
£259,057 57444 04/08/2006 £445,410
To build on the success of the previous project to develop and maintain a range of sustainable inshore fisheries and locally processed fish
products. To protect and enhance the socio-economic value of the industry locally, and through the Welsh Federation of Fishermen's Associations
to all of Wales. The project is concordant with Welsh Assembly Governments initiatives to support and promote the Welsh fishing industry. The
introduction of an Administration Officer will assist the Development Officers to concentrate on the aims and objectives outlined within the
Project Plan.
5 9
South Wales Sea Fisheries
South and West Wales Lobster V Notching Programme £252,612 55875 22/04/2005 £336,816
The purpose of the project is to return to the sea quantities of female lobster broodstock which would otherwise been harvested. In doing so
thousands of eggs are saved from which more lobsters will hatch, themselves becoming future breeding lobsters and so on. The policy aims to
"kick - start" the processes under which fishermen take further voluntary action, and managers put in place statutory protection in order to
maintain future lobster productivity - a situation which would not have itself occurred without financial assistance.
5 9 Welsh Assembly Government
Fisheries & Aquaculture Small Grant Scheme Renewal and
Modernisation of the Fishing Fleet
£8,750 55480 06/02/2004 £25,000
The aim of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Small Grant Scheme is to enable fishing businesses and aquaculture enterprises to access grant funding
for small projects up to a project value of £25,000. This particular project will target the needs of the fisheries sector.
5 9 Welsh Assembly Government
Fisheries & Aquaculture Small Grant Scheme Processing and
Marketing of Fishery and Aquaculture Products
£8,750 55482 06/02/2004 £25,000
The aim of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Small Grant Scheme is to enable fishing businesses and aquaculture enterprises to access grant funding
for small projects up to a project value of £25,000. This particular project will provide funding for processing and marketing.
5 9 Welsh Assembly Government Compensation Scheme for Burry Inlet Cockle Gatherers £169,037 54530 16/04/2003 £225,383
The aim of this project is to provide a compensation scheme that would compensate the cockle gatherers for loss of earnings, following the
closure of the Burry Inlet cockle fishery, in July 2001, due to an outbreak of Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP).
5 9 Ynys Mon County Council Holyhead Fishermen's Slipway £280,845 57272 27/07/2007 £374,460
The scheme will provide new and improved facilities for landing and launching small fishing boats at Bol Sach. This will involve the widening and
straightening of the existing boat slipway, together with the provision of excavated areas to accommodate boats by the side of the slipway. The
scheme has been developed by the area's fishermen to meet needs identified by them over many years. The local fishermen's association has
secured funding via Communities First to undertake a development study to plan and cost the scheme.
Programme: Objective 2
Number of matching projects:185
Totalling: £61,605,234
Fund: ERDF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 185
Totalling: £61,605,234
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
1 1 Arena Network Sustainable environmental support for SME's in Newport £75,600 54898 15/07/2003 £205,893
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage businesses to improve their environmental performance through a range of supported
programmes which will provide opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. As a
result, businesses will benefit from access to professional support and linkages to research institutions to develop products and redesign
processes which can lead to potential businesses benefits to higher profitability, increased competitiveness and stronger growth. The work will be
delivered through a Business Environment Co-ordinator who will provide the focal point and key contact between the businesses and providers of
the support from all sources. This programme of work will extend the existing successful programmes of work within the Objective 1, Objective 2
and a number of unassisted areas supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, Welsh Development Agency and the Local Authorities where
existing Co-ordinators were in Partnerships with the supporting Local Authorities.
1 1 Arena Network Green Dragon Environmental Management in Powys £143,681 55889 19/07/2004 £320,790
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage businesses to improve their environmental performance through a range of supported
programmes, which will provide opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. As a
result, businesses will benefit from access to professional support and linkages to research institutions, to develop products and redesign
processes which can lead to potential business benefits e.g. increased profitability, increased competitiveness and stronger growth. The work will
be delivered through a Business Environment Co-ordinator who will provide the focal point and key contact between the businesses and the
providers of the support from all sources. This programme of work will extend the existing successful Environmental Management System
programmes of work within the Objective 1, Objective 2 and a number of unassisted areas supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, Welsh
Development Agency and the Local Authorities where existing Co-ordinators work in partnerships with the supporting Local Authorities. One
major objective will be to optimise the co-ordination of support for business from the key service providers maximising the benefits of assistance
to businesses without any unnecessary duplication. This will, in addition, focus upon the Welsh Assembly Government objective of encouraging
uptake of environmental management systems and the project will deliver the Green Dragon ® environmental management standard and
ISO14001 /EMAS. A comprehensive range of consultancy support will be available both directly from the project and from other partner
organisations to reduce the business impact on the environment. An existing Business Environmental Co-ordinator will be appointed to cover
Powys. The benefits and objectives and targets in this bid cover only SMEs in the Objective 2 Powys area. The Business Environment
Co-ordinator will raise awareness within business of environmental issues, provide advice and guidance through environmental assessments for
reduction in impacts, access consultancy support, and encourage the adoption of an appropriate environmental management system. An outline
job profile is attached.
1 1 Arena Network
Environmental Innovation for a Sustainable Economy in
£93,144 53645 07/01/2003 £256,290
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage business to improve their environmental performance through a range of supported
programmes providing opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. This will result in
improved products and processes leading to potential business benefits of higher profitability and increased competitiveness. The programme
will extend an existing Objective 1 project supported by the NAfW, WDA and the Local Authorities to this area of Wales. One major objective of
the project will be to extend the services to Powys and to optimise the co-ordination of support for business from the key service providers
maximising the benefits of assistance to businesses. The project will provide grant support for the acquisition of equipment to reduce
environmental impact by addressing the issues of sustainable development.
1 1
Better Business Wales
(holdings) Limited
Opportunity Wales 11 £891,541 55265 19/01/2005 £2,129,000
Opportunity Wales is a partnership project to help make businesses benefit economically through the application of e-Commerce. The programme
has been running in the Objective 1 area of Wales since April 2001 and has proved to be of valuable support to SME's. Research undertaken in
April 2000 by NOP, signified a low take-up of e-Commerce in Wales, which remains as pertinent today. Poor take-up of e-Commerce and Internet
application undermines the competitiveness of many SME's and retards the economic growth in the Objective 2 area. Opportunity Wales 11 builds
on the work being undertaken in the Objective 1 area to expand the service into the Objective 2 area. The programme provides hands-on
assistance through quality e-Commerce business advice and easily accessible implementation support facilitating the realisation of tangible
e-Commerce benefits by SME's. The package of support will assist SME's to: i) Understand the benefits of e-Commerce. ii) Give advice on how to
exploit the latest developments in technology, including broadband, for the benefit of their business. iii) Pro actively and confidently plan the
introduction of appropriate e-Commerce within their business. iv) Implement solutions v) Access client aid. Opportunity Wales 11 will offer small
and medium sized businesses a trained and independent e-Commerce Advisor to carry out two days of free support to deliver an e-Commerce
review. Further subsidised implementation support is available to ensure the full benefits are realised by the businesses, as is client aid to
purchase products and services, to enable the recommended e-Commerce strategy to come to life. An e-Commerce centre of excellence will be
available to ensure up to the minute quality e-Commerce knowledge is transferred to both the Advisers and the businesses themselves. An
e-Commerce Web Site ( will provide a 24 hour on-line facility to aid learning and understanding of all aspects of
e-Commerce. Dedicated content for the Objective 2 area will be available on the site. Provision of one to one support from a trained e-Commerce
adviser will be a key delivery to SMEs in the project. To complement this, additional support mechanisms will be provided. These include
awareness raising and marketing activities to engage businesses in the imperative to adopt e-Commerce. The Contact Centre will act as a
professional client interface to assess needs and suggest next steps whilst the community portal provides information on appropriate support
services, the range of assistance available and give further information on best practice and sources of advice. In pursuit of the aims and
objectives of the programme, five principal elements to the Opportunity Wales 11 project will be delivered: a) Centre of Excellence b) SME
Community Web site c) Trusted e-Commerce business advisers d) Contact Centre e) Client Aid The impact of the service and the consequent use
of e-Commerce by the SMEs will be monitored via a 6 monthly benchmarking exercise.
2 1 British Waterways Montgomery Canal : Sustainable Tourism £85,914 53679 17/01/2003 £314,083
PHASE 1 The project is to prepare a Management Plan for the sustainable restoration and management of the Montgomery Canal. The plan will
bring together work encompassing both the built and natural heritage with economic & social benefits. The Plan will inform the development of
robust and realistic proposal's to conserve the canal's significance. PHASE 2 Liaison officer (12 month contract), to work alongside Montgomery
Wildlife Trust and implement actions relating to community engagement and rural diversification as outlined in the Plan. To take the project
forward, the regeneration of the canalside in Welshpool is to be used as a flagship for sustainable tourism. The works will improve and enhance
the canalside in the town, along 0.22km of towpath as part of a circular 'Dragonfly Trail'. The trail will link local amenities, business and
attractions including the Severn Way and Powys Canal Museum; the Liaison Officer will work with the community to produce artwork.
2 1 British Waterways
Powys Canal Tourism Project. Environmental Enhancement
£260,836 57417 10/01/2007 £582,355
To support sustainable tourism and leisure opportunities within the Montgomery Canal corridor in Powys, with the aims to: a) Increase visitor
spend within the canal corridor by supporting the development of initiatives by all stakeholders linked to a quality, all year round tourism product
linked to the Montgomery Canal corridor in Powys. b) Enhance the visitor enjoyment of the canal corridor by providing access for all
opportunities and by developing products which will increase peoples knowledge of conservation, environment, heritage and local issues relating
to the canal corridor. c) Work alongside businesses and the local community and assist in developing initiatives which will make a difference to
their lives by providing opportunities for increased education, leisure, employment and economic prosperity. d) Work in partnership with all
stakeholders to provide an integrated well managed sustainable balanced leisure resource. The development and promotion of circular walks and
cycle trails within the canal corridor including the provision of suitable way markers, stiles and benches. Access to the countryside will be
encouraged for all, through the upgrading of pathways and the creation of new or alternative access points within the corridor will be identified
and carried out. In addition towpaths will be upgraded.
2 2
Builth and Llanwrtyd Credit
Union Ltd
Powys Credit Union Project £181,911 53626 17/01/2003 £365,727
This project is the result of 18 months discussion and agreement between the credit unions in Powys with view to implementing a strategic
approach to rapid membership growth. It will directly contribute to the development of revenue-generating community owned assets as identified
in the Powys Local Action Plan. It will enable 4 credit unions in Powys to employ up to 8 field workers who will: build the capacity of the credit
unions through improving volunteer participation within rural communities throughout the county; boost existing services to current and
potential members; promote the concept of credit union and significantly increase membership; co-ordinate the management and development of
the credit unions; target specific sectors that are currently excluded or that have limited access to mainstream financial services; build strategic
partnerships with other statutory and voluntary sectors.
1 1 Business in Focus Ltd Total Business Resource Programme (Cardiff) Obj 2 £185,067 54360 02/04/2003 £419,190
The Total Business Resource Programme (TBR) has been designed to continue the holistic business support approach provided under the WDA's
New Business Starts Programme (NBSP). The TBR programme will provide a comprehensive programme of tailored consultancy, advisory
services, mentoring and training support to companies that have a good potential for growth. From an initial business benchmark analysis and a
diagnostic review a series of action points will be identified which will be used to assist the companies to access a wide range of support
services provided by the partners and other companies and organisations in Wales. The principal objectives are: · To deliver over 3 years an
initial business analysis, to assess the performance of up to 60 SMEs which have a potential for growth. These companies should ideally employ
at least 5 people, be in the third or fourth year of trading, and be based within the ten transitional wards of the City which are eligible for
Objective 2 funding under Priority 1 · As a result of the assessment, to provide skilled practitioner support to deliver both short and long term
tailored projects, which could consist of consultancy, training and mentoring, to aid business development and expansion · To allocate an Advisor
as a long term Personal Business Advisor (PBA) and facilitator to involve partner organisations
3 1
Regeneration Forum
Butetown / Grangetown Regeneration Forum Development
£112,225 54037 12/08/2003 £235,050
This project aims to develop the Forum's capacity to act as the "Community Partnership" of the Regeneration Strategy, to initiate proposals from
its sub-Groups and supported community organisations, and to provide appropriate and effective means for consultation. This project will
provide the means by which the community may, through the Forum, work closely with Cardiff Local Health Group (sponsor of the proposed
matched Butetown / Grangetown Healthy Living Programme) and to influence the use of the National Assembly funds in Butetown and
Grangetown: the proposed People in the Communities Partnership Board, and Cardiff's identified Communities First communities - 'Butetown' and
the 'Black Minority Ethnic' community of interest. The project will: · Employ a Forum Development Officer; · Support the Forum in Partnership; ·
Support participation by residents and community groups in the Forums activities; · Provide advice, support, and access to training and voluntary
experience for residents and community organisations; · Offer specific measures to support the involvement of excluded and marginalised
individuals and groups; · Promote best community development practice, and involvement in wider community development networks; · Promote
potential involvement in Communities First and People in the Communities programmes.
4 1 Cardiff City Council Technical assistance £280,758 54002 02/08/2002 £561,516
To provide secrertariat support for the Cardiff Objective 2 Local Partnership Management Board
3 1 Cardiff City Council St Mellons Community Capacity Building £21,177 53455 08/01/2003 £42,354
This project will build upon work being undertaken by the Community Development Officer for the Healthy Living Centre project in St Mellons,
Cardiff. The project will support capacity building initiatives and activities to develop the local community skills, allow them to act as an equal
partner in the regeneration of St Mellons and improve their mental health and well being. A number of initiatives will be undertaken as part of
the project:- - undertake a skills needs audit of the local community - provide resources for delivering training as identified as needed by the
community - contribute to the organisation of a community festival - hold a number of 'review days' to allow the wider community to access
information and raise awareness
3 1 Cardiff City Council Community Environmental Improvements for Trowbridge £228,250 53456 17/01/2003 £456,500
This project will undertake environmental improvements to the Hendre Lake Area in the disadvantaged ward of Trowbridge. The project has been
developed through community consultation, to meet their needs and ensure the sustainability of the parks regeneration. The works will upgrade
22 hectares of land including, a biodiverse priority habitat, a 3.6 hectare lake, a youth facility and amenity grassland. Improvements will include,
protection of habitats, aquatic habitat creation, grassland improvements, planting, improvements to footpath networks, creation of cycle
networks, improvement of access into the area, securing boundaries, environmental interpretation, upgrading of community facilities such as car
park, picnic areas, rest and view points and fishing platforms. A Development and Management Plan has been produced to provide a framework
to guide the future development and management of the Hendre Lake Area.
3 1 Cardiff City Council
£202,975 53462 17/01/2003 £405,950
The project forms part of an all-embracing series of environmental and facility improvements in the local area to upgrade the local environment
for all sectors of the community within the disadvantaged ward of Butetown. The scope of the project has been determined via a comprehensive
consultation process during Autumn 2000, involving representation from all sectors of the community. This application is for improvements to
environmental infrastructure, which will substantially improve the physical attractiveness of the area, providing a safe and sustainable
environment where formal and informal recreational activities can take place. The environmental improvements comprise footpath and cycleway
improvements, upgrading of park entrances, upgrading of grass areas, boundary improvements, provision of new pedestrian links, tree and shrub
planting, provision of new site furniture and provision of locally significant artwork.
3 1 Cardiff City Council Dumballs Road Skills Training Centre £1,000,000 53482 27/06/2003 £2,280,000
A purpose built multi-functional community facility with a focus on skills training aimed at providing demand established training for current and
future employment opportunities. This will take individuals and groups through from pre-employment to specific Craft, Administration and ICT
skills in direct response to market demand and in order to satisfy identified employment needs. It will be a central point of contact for
community use and the delivery of high quality targeted advice and support to disadvantaged ethnic minority individuals and groups, including
business advice to SME's, through specialist services offered by LT&E, by Employment Services, and Leisure and Life Long Learning.
1 1 Cardiff City Council SMALL BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICE £41,019 53484 17/01/2003 £91,582
The Business Start-up project provides free one to one Business Counselling customised to meet individual needs of unemployed participants in
a user-friendly environment. Understanding clients' hopes, aspirations and feelings are essential elements of the project. Advice on Marketing,
Bookkeeping, VAT, Payroll, Taxation, on going specialist hand holding support are salient features. Clients are referred from community partner
organisations such as Welsh Refugee Council, Race Equality First, South Riverside Community Development Centre, All Wales Ethnic Minority
Association (AWEMA)- Economic Development Committee, Somali Advice Centre, Pakistan Welfare Association, Bangladesh Welfare Association,
Employment Service and by word of mouth.
3 1 Cardiff City Council Ruperra Square Environmental Improvements £86,000 53451 08/01/2003 £172,000
Environmental improvement works to be carried out in Ruperra Square to create an enhanced 'gateway' into Splott. The area of the project is
approximately 0.21 hectares. The project will involve consultation with the local community, local ward members and local businesses. Surveys
and exhibitions will be carried out to determine local people's views and ideas on the proposals. Specific works will include:- - redesign of a
traffic calming initiative at entrance to the square using materials to enhance the local environment - landscaping proposals in the square,
including planting of trees, and pedestrian access - new pavements to ease access around the square - re-alignment of road junction.
1 2 Cardiff City Council SME Financial Assistance Scheme £133,000 54714 17/06/2003 £940,419
The project aims to stimulate, strengthen and diversify the economy of Cardiff by encouraging the creation and safeguarding of jobs through the
relocation and creation of new businesses and supporting the expansion of indigenous businesses. The project proposes the provision of a
financial assistance package to small and medium sized enterprises. The project has four components: · Entrepreneurship Grant - provision of up
to £5,000 to encourage new business growth · Technology Fund - to support high growth SME's · Environmental Improvement Grant - for
industrial premises · Employment of a Business Development Officer and an Administrative Assistant to undertake administrative and technical
assessments for the scheme. The project relates to the expected outcomes as detailed in the Cardiff Local Action Plan by providing a simple,
unbureaucratic, small grants scheme for businesses. The project also targets high growth sector through the provision of a Technology Fund,
which is another target of the Local Action Plan.
1 3 Cardiff City Council Willowbrook Business Technology Units £330,000 54711 22/07/2003 £1,320,000
The project involves the development of 4 units in 2 blocks constructed to a standard suitable for high technology businesses on a 1.5 acre (0.49
hectare) unused vacant site adjacent to the existing Willowbrook Technology Units in Llandago Road, St. Mellons. The total floorspace proposed
is 1030 square meters gross. There is a growing demand for quality modern units in Cardiff to accommodate the needs of high technology
businesses with a particular need to provide units in a size range of 200-300 square meters enabling businesses to expand and progress from
incubator space. The unit will become part of the managed workshops portfolio of the Council benefiting from both business support assistance,
mentoring and links via the Cardiff Business Technology Centre to increase economic spin off from higher education / university in Cardiff. The
outcome of the project will be the operation of 1030 square meters of floorspace to accommodate up to 4 SME's employing up to 15 people.
3 1 Cardiff City Council Jasmine Enterprise Centre Community Regeneration Project £973,220 55194 23/07/2004 £1,946,441
The project involves the construction of a 1,138sqm community regeneration centre in the ward of Caerau which will house a unique and
extensive range of agencies and services designed to address socio-economic deprivation and exclusion, increase the capacity of local people to
create, co-ordinate and organise progressively, and to provide opportunities for individual and community improvement and growth for residents
of Ely and Caerau. In addition to the building, the County Council owned site will provide in excess of 1,000sqm of car parking space 900m2 of
landscaped gardens and established trees and shrubbery.
3 1 Cardiff City Council Grand Avenue Public Realm Environmental Improvements £184,166 55542 16/06/2004 £368,333
Grand Avenue is a principal thoroughfare through the heart of the Ely housing estate, and the Grand Avenue shopping parade is situated at a key
'gateway' location along this road. The project is aimed at improving the physical environment of the local shopping parade at Grand Avenue,
through a selection of public realm environmental improvements. The overall condition of the parade is generally very poor which makes this
'gateway' location visually unattractive and of limited commercial or community appeal. Cardiff Council have already committed £290,000 capital
funding (2003-2004) for the improvement of the commercial shop frontages, located within the parade. This application is for a second phase of
environmental improvements focussing on the public realm. The principles of the project are derived from the outcome of consultation exercises
undertaken in November 2002 with the local community, local ward members and local businesses. However, further public consultation will be
carried out to determine local people's views on the details of the project. 1.New paving to the existing pedestrianised footway to the front of the
shopping parade, incorporating ramped access to each doorway, public art paving and new drainage channels. 2.Reconstruct footways to the rear
and side of shops serving pedestrian access from adjoining housing areas. 3.Traffic management improvements, including the realignment of the
roundabout and its associated road network serving the shopping parade, including pedestrian crossing points. 4.New pedestrian crossing points
with tactile paving. 5.New and replacement street lighting in line with improved pedestrian footways and road alignment. 6.Improvements to
existing parking bay serving the shopping parade, including realignment to make more efficient use of space and new loading bays.
7.Introducing soft landscaping to footway. 8.Enhanced litter bin provision. 9.Introduction of additional street furniture including, cycle stands
and public art. 10.Address community safety concerns relating to pedestrian safety in the area. Although, as outlined above, this project includes
improvements to the highway, street lighting and pavements within the shopping parade, all works are over and above statutory provision and
are for environmental improvement purposes only. The works would not be carried out as part of the Council's statutory requirements.
1 3 Cardiff City Council Splott Industrial Estate £224,135 55783 26/08/2004 £748,110
The aim of this project is to develop an existing industrial site in the disadvantaged ward of Splott, Cardiff, so that environmental improvements
are made that will promote energy efficiency and recycling in addition to making the site more attractive to new start and expanding SME's,
particularly in the manufacturing sector. The site was developed approximately twenty years ago and now requires refurbishment to update the
units and the site, to incorporate the latest developments in energy saving, recycling and environmental considerations. The site currently has no
solid boundaries, and suffers from considerable fly-tipping and general vandalism, which is making the units unattractive to start-up and
expanding business. As at October 2003, both double units and two single units are vacant (six out of sixteen) and many of the occupied units
are used for storage for companies working off-site. Furthermore, two tenants have intimated that they are looking for other premises as the
level of fly-tipping and petty crime has increased to an unacceptable level. Our aim is to provide attractive small workshops to encourage
manufacturing into the city centre. The proposed project will enclose the site and control access with electronic gates, thereby improving overall
security. Once secure, the units would be re-roofed, with translucent panels to allow some natural daylight, new roller shutter and personal doors
would be installed, again allowing more natural daylight and increasing the flexibility of use, and graffiti-proof cladding applied to the external
walls. The units will be rewired and plumbed, to take advantage of energy saving and environmental materials and installations. The estate itself
will be sympathetically landscaped, as we are conscious that it lies within a residential area. In addition, the Council is hoping to benefit from a
WDA funded project, whereby the Development and European Affairs Service will accommodate an Environmental Officer from the Arena
Network, which will enable us to provide further advice on energy-saving issues and grant assistance, where appropriate to the tenants.
1 3 Cardiff City Council CBTC 2, Phase 3 £463,175 57201 04/04/2007 £1,852,700
The project involves the construction of small industrial units on the Capital Business Park, Cardiff. The council have already built two blocks of
units (with funding from previous programming rounds), and this would be phase three of the development, managed as part of Cardiff Business
Technology Centre 2. A need has been identified for small, incubator units for the high technology and scientific sectors and the proposal is for
964m2, to be built in a two-storey development. Eight units will be constructed of 87m2, with the provision of Lintol and door knockout panels
for future doorways if there is a demand for larger units. Full management, Reception and meeting room facilities already exist in building one,
CBTC 2, which would be available to tenants in the new building. Infrastructure and services are already provided to the site. The project
involves the council acquiring land from local property development company J R Smart. J R Smart is developing commercial units at Capital
Business Park, adjacent to the Council's existing units, CBTC2, Buildings 1 and 2
3 1 Cardiff City Council Harris Avenue Environmental Improvements £44,673 56459 29/09/2004 £92,505
The principal aim of the project was to improve the physical environment of Harris Avenue; to minimise opportunities for anti-social behaviour
and to improve the safety and appearance of the area. In doing this, the shopping parade as a community asset has been enhanced so that it is a
stable and sustainable local facility providing essential services within the deprived community of Rumney. The improvements have improved the
quality of life of the local residents, shopkeepers and the surrounding community. The overall objectives for this improvement scheme was to
implement an innovative scheme to: Improve the public realm associated with the shopping parade by visually enhancing the area through the
introduction of hard and soft landscaping features and public art, and to provide an overall visual improvement for the area. Disperse large
groups of young people who congregate on the public area, which will help reduce the problem of anti-social behaviour and redress the
perception of reduced personal safety. Improve safety through measures such as the prevention of cars parking on the pavements around the
area and enhanced lighting as well as through the displacement of large groups of people.
3 1 Cardiff City Council Better Buildings for Communities in core Objective 2 wards £300,335 56442 16/06/2005 £600,670
Voluntary Action Cardiff will develop, design, administer and monitor the Better Buildings for Communities capital grant scheme - matchfunded
with the Cardiff County Council Local Regeneration Fund (LRF) - to enable local not for profit organisations operating community buildings to
improve and upgrade existing community buildings for the benefit of disadvantaged communities in Cardiff's Objective 2 priority wards. The fund
will also provide grants that contribute to new buildings, for feasibility studies, and the purchase of fixed equipment. The Better Buildings Grant
Scheme will be targeted at community buildings in the Objective 2 wards of Adamsdown, Butetown, Careau, Ely, Grangetown, Riverside,
Rumney, Splott and Trowbridge. One off grants of £30,000 will be awarded for the upgrading and refurbishment of, and improvement of disabled
access to, community buildings operating in, and for the benefit of communities in the Objective 2 wards.
1 1 Cardiff University
SEnvICS (1) Sustainable Environmental Improvements in
the Commercial Sector of Newport Core
£108,080 57512 17/08/2006 £241,304
The project aims to encourage landlords and tenants in the commercial sector of Newport to proactively work together in cluster groups to
improve the overall energy and environmental performance of the tenanted buildings and of the occupant firms themselves. This would be
achieved through encouraging incorporation of environmental best practice into commercial lease contracts and the adoption of environmental
management systems in the commercial tenant companies.
1 1 Cardiff University The Growth Firms Network (Cardiff Obj 2) £43,896 55958 13/01/2005 £98,004
This project will meet an identified need. Local Economic development organisations have indicated an acute lack of detailed information on
SME's, particularly SME's with growth potential. They have confirmed that this information is necessary to ensure their services are demand led
meeting the precise needs of local SME's. Building on the success of earlier research into successful companies the project will provide detailed
information (through analysis of a questionnaire to 1000 SME's) that can be utilised by the local Business Support Agencies to expand SME's
with growth potential across the Cardiff area. A rolling workshop programme will follow in partnership with the local business support agencies -
based specifically upon the needs and concerns identified by the questionnaire. The workshops will be delivered by the project partners with the
specific expertise. The aim will be to provide support in the form of new information on indigenous companies to help implement the Local
Economic Development Plan for Cardiff. The Economic Development Plan for Cardiff, in line with other action plans across Wales, emphasises the
need for diverse and dynamic indigenous companies to create the high quality jobs that can help close the prosperity gap with the rest of the UK.
1 1 Cardiff University Green Networking for SME's in Cardiff £166,053 54364 02/12/2003 £370,748
The proposal aims to provide practical hands-on assistance to SME's in Objective 2 eligible wards of the Cardiff Unitary Authority, with a view to
making businesses in the Unitary Authority more environmentally sustainable. Experienced staff will provide useful and consistent business
advice to all industries present within the eligible areas. The project will also create a 'Green Networking Platform' for businesses (in particular,
SME's) in Cardiff, thus ensuring its sustainability. The work has two distinct objectives: · Working with individual businesses across all industrial
sectors in order to assist them to achieve environmental improvements in a sustainable fashion. · Establishing a "Green Business Network
Platform", in conjunction with operational partners (Cardiff County Council, Cardiff chamber of commerce, Keep Wales Tidy, Business in the
Community, In land Revenue, Cardiff Waste Forum and Construction Industry Training board).
2 1 Cardiff University Willow for Renewable Energy and Crafts (WREAC) £88,900 53667 03/02/2003 £290,057
This project aims to encourage a move away from agricultural production towards the production of biomass and craft materials. We will do this
through the provision of demonstration sites, we already have 2 and we will increase this to 3 by the end of year 1 and 4-5 by the end of year 2.
We will employ two full time staff - a project manager who is an expert in biomass production and utilisation; a craft manager to develop this
aspect, plus business opportunities and a part time administrator (0.8) to co-ordinate the project, field enquiries and help produce literature. We
would also utilise part time help for planting, weed control monitoring and harvesting. We will grow new varieties of biomass and craft willow,
as well as newer biomass possibilities such as Miscanthus. Craft willow is a field with high intrinsic value, good SME possibilities and export
potential, biomass is larger scale but it is economic if utilised correctly i.e. with our advice.
1 1 Cardiff University Advanced Mechanical Engineering Centre £190,849 54041 17/04/2003 £426,100
It is proposed to create an Advanced Mechanical Engineering Centre (AMEC), within the school of Engineering at Cardiff University. The centre
will provide a 'one stop shop' for companies in the Cardiff Local Objective 2 wards. The centre will have the core resource of 18 academics plus
world class research, development and consultancy facilities. These facilities with more than £4 million investment, include specialist equipment
(laser diagnostics, testing machines, UKAS accredited solar test rings, computing and IT labs, combustion furnaces, biomass stoves, water
treatment plan, engine test beds, gas turbine test rigs, environmental test rig, gear test rig). Under this project these facilities and skills will be
made available to SME's and Community Groups within the programme area. The main objectives of the project are: · To establish an Advanced
Mechanical Engineering Centre (AMEC), with up to date ICT facilities for effective promotion and communication with companies. · Raise
awareness in the Cardiff Objective 2 wards of the technologies under development and the facilities available at Cardiff University. · The centre
aims to target 25 SME's who will directly benefit from working with the centre. · To develop and demonstrate advanced technologies to SME's
with the aim of technology transfer and commercialisation. · Quantify the needs of the target SME's to enable tailor made support initiatives to be
developed, such as seminars on specialist or appropriate subjects. · The centre plans to organise 2 such seminars per year. · Promote technology
transfer through links with businesses and introduce SME's to networking with a range of UK and European SME's and larger companies to
enhance export opportunities. · Raise awareness of clean technologies such as low carbon fuels and renewable forms of energy such as, solar,
wind and biomass. · Promote environmental best practise through environmental audits and energy / waste management seminars or discussion
1 1 Cardiff University Micro Tooling Centre (MTC) £789,277 53882 17/01/2003 £1,762,173
It is proposed to establish a Micro-Tooling Centre (MTC), the first one-stop shop in Wales, dedicated to advanced R&D into micro-tooling and the
development and manufacture of micro-tools for injection moulding of micro-components and the transfer of the related technologies to SMEs in
the East Wales Objective 2 area. The progressive miniaturisation of products and the demand for sub-millimetre products, have stimulated the
emergence of a completely new branch of technology - micro-engineering. The main applications of this technology are in electronics and micro-
electronics, optical telecommunications, medical/biomedical engineering, industrial automation, aerospace, automotive industry and
environmental monitoring. The MTC project will support the development of sustainable and competitive SMEs in the East Wales Objective 2 area
by helping existing and new start-ups companies to compete effectively on a global scale through the use of modern manufacturing technology
and ICTs. The MTC will implement state-of-the-art micro-tooling facilities, including micro-EDM, ultra-high-speed micro-machining and micro-
injection moulding systems. Staff employed on the MTC project will be involved in: q Raising awareness among companies in the East Wales
Objective 2 area of state-of-the-art micro-tooling technologies for research, development and production through training courses and
demonstrations and assisting them with the piloting, correction implementation and application of those technologies for them to produce high
value-added and internationally tradable new products. q Helping start up companies to exploit the markets opened up by this new technology. q
Encouraging SMEs to adopt Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for effective communication between the MTC and tooling
companies working in a supply chain with their customers and thus strengthening business-to-business co-operation within the local economy. q
Conducting research into micro-tooling techniques and creating the knowledge base needed to underpin the industrial technology transfer
activities. q Disseminating the results obtained to businesses throughout the region through quarterly newsletters, the World-Wide Web, training
courses, seminars and workshops. The project directly targets the indicative actions identified in Priority 1 Measure 1 of the Single Programming
Document (SPD), the East Wales Objective 2 Regional Action Plan and the Cardiff, Newport and Powys Local Action Plans by: q Providing easy
access to a tailored and effective support service for SMEs in the region to enhance their development and competitiveness through producing
high value-added and internationally tradable new products, processes and services. q Creating a brand new high-tech high-wage advanced
manufacturing sector in the East Wales Objective 2 area, through the use of modern technology. q Encouraging the adoption of ICTs (CAD/CAM)
through applying advanced computer-controlled manufacturing plants. q Supporting business-to-business networking amongst SMEs in the
region through the use of ICTs. q Helping SMEs in the region to adopt best environmental practice (more efficient use of resources and less
pollution and waste) and to capitalise on the demand for environmental goods through applying modern and cleaner technology and product
miniaturisation. q Supporting the modernisation of SMEs in the region through technology transfer and help with development of new products
and processes via linkage with a strong academic base.
1 1 Cardiff University
A Land Regeneration, Industrial Waste Management and
Sustainable Development Network
£156,164 53883 17/01/2003 £348,659
This project will extend and develop the highly successful "Land Regeneration Network", currently operating in Wales, to include new
membership and new activities. uIn terms of new membership the work proposed will focus on expanding the network to accommodate the
Industrial Waste Management sector. The industrial waste types of this project include controlled bulk wastes such as slags, sludges and slurries,
and priority waste streams such as construction and demolition wastes, including the processes of land regeneration, remediation, recovery, and
brownfield development. It is emphasised that the proposed incorporation of the Industrial Waste Management sectors, which does not include
the Domestic and Commercial Waste Management sector, is seen as a natural extension of the needs of the land regeneration industry in dealing
with priority waste streams. uIn terms of new activities, the provision of a high quality reliable information service is proposed. This includes
building and strengthening links with related organisation through Wales, the UK and Europe. Through this information service, this project will
strive to assist stakeholders adopt a co-ordinated approach to waste minimisation, as well as raising the levels of awareness and understanding
of waste issues. uThe project will look to disseminate this information through a number of channels, from new media and Internet systems,
meetings, seminars and evening lectures through to dedicated mailshots of newsletters and journals. uThe project will develop inventories of
industrial waste streams to initiate the basic structure and elements of an industrial waste exchange (i.e.reduce, reuse, recover and recycle) and
complete a detailed technology Audit of the Industrial Waste Management Sector throughout the objective 2 region. uThis project will provide
ongoing mentoring and assistance for the creation and development of new SMEs in Wales to recover value from waste materials through
processing and value-added treatment to develop raw material for use by other industries. Essentially this will involve the Geoenvironmental
Research centre (GRC) providing the R&D input that will be required to enable this process to take place. uSocial, environmental and economic
sustainable development will form the core interest and focus of this project and the network. uThis proposal focuses on Objective 2. A
complimentary Objective 1 proposal is currently being prepared.
1 1 Cardiff University EMC Testing for SMEs (Objective 2) £107,527 53890 07/07/2003 £240,069
An EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) unit will be set up primarily to support and assist manufacturing sector SMEs based in Cardiff. The new
unit will provide the following EMC pre-compliance test facilities for conducted and radiated emissions and immunity testing of new electrical and
electronic products and devices. The development of the Wolfson Centre's EMC activities is a logical expansion of its current activities within the
field of magnetic and electromagnetic technology. The Centre has recently been awarded the status of 'Centre of Excellence for Technology and
Industrial Collaboration' (CETIC) in a new programme managed by the WDA. The expansion of EMC services to SMEs is an aim outlined in the
Centre's business plan. The award of CETIC status builds on the establishment of a successful, ERDF supported Industrial Magnetics Group
(project duration 1998-2001) in which facilities and expertise in the field of magnetic/electromagnetic technology have been developed. The
group has performed well in meeting its targets during the project and the project management skills required to run a small unit which can
respond effectively to the needs of SMEs have been demonstrated. The proposed unit will comprise a Project Manager, Project officer, and partial
technical and secretarial support, together with the following facilities and services: 1. Fully anechoic-screened test chamber plus two smaller
screened chambers. 2. Test equipment suitable for conducted and radiated emissions immunity testing. 3. A technical information service to
provide information in the area of EMC and to publicise the facilities by means of newsletters and seminars. The Wolfson Centre has recently
augmented its range of magnetic measurement facilities including the installation of screened chambers described in point (1) above and the
acquisition of some items of equipment suitable for use in point (2). These new facilities are available for use in setting up the proposed EMC
unit. In order to set up and operate the unit, recruitment of a suitably qualified Project Officer and purchase of some additional items of
instrumentation will be required. This application is made in response to the call in the Cardiff Local Action Plan for Objective 2, Key Action Plan
Priority 1, Measure 1 "Support for Enterprise, Innovation and SME Development". This project is primarily targeted towards SMEs in the
Electrical, Electronic, Instrument, Medical, Health, Telecoms, Automotive, Aerospace and other related manufacturing and service industries.
Demonstration projects performed for one SME in the eligible wards will be but used as a case study for a technology demonstration to other
SMEs. Where projects are pertinent only to a single SME, financial support will be sought for these projects (from programmes such as
Help-Wales, WDA Technology Exploitation Programme, etc.) where appropriate. The total project costs will be £229,695 over a three-year period.
3 1
CBAT The Arts &
Regeneration Agency
Cardiff Community Arts & Regeneration Programme £98,030 56485 27/10/2004 £196,061
CBAT is committed to engaging residents, workers and communities in understanding and improving their local environment. Cardiff's
Community Arts & Regeneration Programme consists of the following projects: Angelina Street To develop a public art project related to the
re-development of Angelina Street is in response to social problems and multiple deprivations. Bute Street Works Responsible for the upgrading
of Bute Street, Butetown, CBAT commissioned a team of artists to engage the local community in a programme of workshops that would lead to
the integration of artworks along the improved Bute Street. Quaystones - Setting Out An artist was engaged by CBAT to redesign a disused and
redundant piece of land in Cardiff Bay in collaboration with Butetown History and Arts Centre and the local community. The scheme includes six
green oak posts, carved with poems relating to the seafaring history of Cardiff Bay. The scheme also includes 22 huge dock coping stones that
once formed the walls of the Bute West Dock, tree planting and landscaping. Community participants on all projects were encouraged through
multi-artform workshops to consider the history of their community. Two of the projects ran concurrent with the wider regeneration schemes to
redevelop Bute Avenue and Angelina Street.
2 1
Centre for Alternative
Technology Charity Ltd
Wales Institute for Sustainable Education (WISE) £1,210,000 56541 23/12/2005 £5,889,306
WISE will create at the Centre for Alternative Technology a state-of-the-art complex for research and development, information transfer and
business support.
1 1 Chapter (Cardiff) Limited Creative Pioneers £172,396 56545 09/11/2004 £384,900
The aim of the project was to expand the SME base in the region by developing entrepreneurship within the creative industries. The project
provided specialist business support with a view to increasing entrepreneurial activity: this included advice on grants, marketing, export
opportunities, production techniques, professional development. The project also developed the use of ICT; people had access to broadband,
web streaming, wireless Internet, e-mail and video editing, among other technologies. The project developed networking opportunities, including
those linked to exports; individuals participated in weekend events and monthly meetings, bringing together a variety of participants along with
representatives of the HE sector and established creative industries SMEs. The project encouraged a culture of innovation; individuals were
enabled to take risks in trying new production techniques and also had the opportunity to see the diverse work of other entrepreneurs.
1 3 Chapter (Cardiff) Limited Chapter Workspaces III £19,168 53445 06/02/2003 £64,000
Chapter provides managed workspaces for the cultural industries in Cardiff. This project provides for:- 1) A fire escape and other necessary
improvements to re-open the first-floor west wing of Chapter, enabling the conversion of 156 sq m of currently redundant spaces into five
secure, managed work spaces for SMEs, located within a complex offering business advice and support. 2) The creation of 24 sq m of accessible
toilet facilities on the same floor, to enable workers with disabilities to access these and other first-floor work spaces and improved accessibility
for parents with young children.
3 1 Charter Housing Association Stow Hill Access, Resource & Enterprise (SHARE) Centre £329,265 55916 20/09/2005 £681,101
The project will renovate a building for use by the Stow Hill community. It will provide an important resource in both facilities and information
that is currently unavailable in the area. This lack of facilities hold back community groups in developing innovative projects that address gaps in
service provision. The building comprises of the ground and lower ground floor of 88 Stow Hill. The building has a previous history of a 'Family
Centre' and resource centre for lone parents and families in need of support but this ceased 5 years ago. The building provides 3 rooms, a large
hall, an open informal area, kitchen, toilets, storage and an open outside space which links with a park to the rear. It is proposed that the
building be renovated to provide the following accommodation and uses: · Two multi purpose meeting rooms to be used for small training
sessions, group meetings, creche or playgroups and surgeries and information sessions. · Cyber & Positive Images Café with informal open
space. · Kitchen to service the café · Main Hall to provide an important asset for local groups wishing to carry out a variety of activities. · IT
suite. This room will enable IT training to be carried out at the centre along with acting as an important facility to local groups and organisations
who do not have access to such equipment. · Office space to provide a base for staff operating in the centre. · Toilets · Storage - four large
storage cupboard will be provided to enable equipment for specific users to be stored to ensure that rooms are used to their full potential. A
Centre Manager will be employed to oversee the running of the centre and staff but also to promote the project with local agencies who provide
services in the area and to individuals in the community. A part time volunteer co-ordinator / business advisor will be employed and an
administrative assistant will also be employed to support the centre manager. A caretaker and cleaners will be employed to enable the centre to
be available throughout the day and at weekends to maximise use of the centre.
3 1 Computers in the Community Community Regeneration IT Programme 1 £70,875 53480 10/01/2003 £161,214
This project is aimed at those disadvantaged groups in Objective 2 wards, as above, and indirectly at individuals in these wards to improve
access to IT and as a result capability to capacity build, helping themselves and indirectly their community. The project involves the collection,
recycling, refurbishing of obsolete computers and the redistribution and support to those most disadvantaged in the local communities. The
project works with Business in the Community (BITC), community groups, charities, residents association's, voluntary organisations to ensure
strengthening and capacity building. The project will involve the partnership of private and public sector companies who will donate their
obsolete equipment. The programme will be further enhanced by the support of an online and mobile Engineer and volunteer trainers.
2 1 Dyfi Mountain Biking Ltd Dyfi Epic Cycle Routes (Phase 1) £41,543 55901 03/06/2004 £138,383
The Dyfi Epic Cycle Routes will be spectacular way-marked off-road bike rides in the Dyfi Forest North East of Machynlleth, incorporating a series
of looped routes to suit all abilities above beginner level and taking riders up to the most challenging levels available. The routes will combine
half specially built 'single track' and half based on existing forest trails.
1 1 Earthfall The Culture and Business Project £29,100 53904 08/01/2003 £65,600
The Culture and Business Project is a 12 month business development project within a key growth sector of the Cardiff, Welsh and European
economies. This project will: carry out research into new opportunities and potential for the cultural industries in Cardiff; advise a network of
local companies on the results of that research; support the development of innovative production solutions and working practises; assist in local
companies to maximise their potential. The culture sector is characterised by a large number of small companies, which engage in inter-trading
to deliver projects. Sectoral success is dependent on the development of clusters, strong networks, collaborative working practises and the
constant transfer of skills and knowledge along the supply chain. This creates business to business interdependency. This project has been
designed specifically to support development and growth within the framework of this sectoral dynamic. The Culture and Business Project will
build on existing provision to enable a network of companies within the cultural sector in Cardiff to expand and diversify and achieve sustainable
success. The project has been development as the result of an extensive process of consultation and discussion among a range of Cardiff
producers and distributors and is designed to deliver an integrated package of support and advice to address collective development needs and
fill collectively defined gaps in current provision. This project will deliver: · Marketing analysis and customer profiling · Identification of market
opportunities · Identification of local enterprise and opportunities for the collectivisation of enterprise · Identification of production development
opportunities and the creation of new and enhanced local supply chains · Identification of enhanced export opportunities and the potential for
transnational partnerships · Identification of new forms of cross-sectoral collaboration and multi-media product development The project will
advise beneficiaries on how to take advantage of the new opportunities identified, and how to maximise the impact of entrepreneurial solutions
of achieving sustainable growth. The Culture and Business Project will support: · The development of business to business networking and the
institutionalisation of network practises · Development of a cluster of high growth potential companies · Knowledge transfer and the effective
sharing of expertise · Access to international markets and increase exports This will enable network members to: · Develop a strong local supply
chain · Achieve most cost effective solutions · Expand and diversify product · Develop innovative practice · Achieve sustainable growth
2 1
Environment Agency
Severn Natural Assets Project (SNAP) £107,839 55460 05/12/2003 £409,770
The Severn Natural Assets Project covered three elements contributing to the health and wealth of the river and its local inhabitants: 1.Reversing
acidification of feeder streams to the River Severn 2. Salmon rearing and restocking 3. Sustainable management and habitat enhancement in the
Severn Valley Corridor.
2 1
Environment Agency
Severn Natural Assets Project Phase 2 SNAPP2 £331,645 56439 09/09/2004 £740,445
This project focuses on the upper reaches of the River Severn and River Vyrnwy, their tributaries and associated wetland habitats. The project
aims to enhance these natural assets; improving water quality and hence fish stocks and fisheries; integrating wetland habitat enhancements
with supporting rural tourism especially countryside activities such as angling, bird watching and walking, thereby boosting the local economy.
2 1 Festival of the Countryside WILD WATCH IN POWYS £395,107 53895 07/01/2003 £1,156,382
Wild Watch in Powys is a sustainable tourism project. It will provide visitors to Powys with new opportunities to see, enjoy and learn about a
range of wildlife by visiting a number of specified and monitored wildlife watching centres. The project will support this activity through
investment in: Improve access for all at all sites where logistically possible including facilities for disabled visitors, creation of new trails
complementing existing facilities, creation of new trails on farms and in local communities; adding value to the customer experience where
appropriate through new activities - open days for children, for example. Provision of new and improved interpretation (boards, guided walks,
open days, for example) at all sites. Training of site staff in planning and organising events and activities, customer care; interpretation skills;
safety; sustainable operating practices to raise the standards and skills for interpretation, site management and customer enjoyment and
satisfaction. Extensive marketing of the sites and events, an events programme, development and marketing of a website, entertaining visiting
journalists, production of booklets, videos and other merchandise, development of the Tourism to Conservation Scheme. Monitoring of the
project as a whole, customer satisfaction surveys; assessments of sites; independent wildlife impact assessments. To co-ordinate this project a
Project Officer will be appointed; a Partnership Group (all partners representing sites, funders, other public, tourism and conservation bodies)
will oversee the strategic development, co-ordination and management of the project.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Objective 2 Finance Wales Investment Funds £8,243,550 54626 20/11/2003 £23,553,000
The Objective 2 Finance Wales Investment project ("The Project") will provide affordable risk capital not otherwise available, targeted at various
groups of SMEs, to complement existing sources of finance. Clients of the funds will also be assisted by appropriate management support
programmes. Loans will be provided to viable SMEs located in the Objective 2 Programme Area that have not been able to find appropriate
finance elsewhere and loans will be provided via Local Investment Funds (£10,000) and investments on a regional basis (over £10,000). Finance
Wales will secure, through a public procurement exercise, the private sector finance and professional fund management for the project. The
Funds will be accessible by SMEs located in the Objective 2 Area. Equity will be provided to viable SMEs located in the Objective 2 programme
areas that have not been able to find appropriate finance elsewhere. The Loan, Mezzanine and Equity Project includes the following indicative
elements for the Objective 2 area: Small Loan Fund Phase II £2.760m Micro Fund £5.120m Start up Fund £1.404m Renewable Energy £1.944m
Spinout £2.225m Technology Application and Business Succession Fund £3.600m Seedcorn, Growth & Premium Fund £6.500m
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Xenos Phase 1 Interim (Obj 2) £25,152 56493 08/11/2004 £75,465
The Xenos Business Angel Network is a business introduction service that matches private investors with companies that require growth funding
in return for an equity share in their businesses. The aim of the project is to provide specialist support targeted at increasing private sector
equity investment and facilitating more opportunities for SMEs to access high-calibre individuals who can provide management guidance and
advice. The project is unique in that it addresses a market failure in the business support market that can't be served through other mediums of
support. Because of these multiple benefits, Xenos also aspires to actively change the attitudes of Welsh SMEs so that this type of equity
investment is seen as more attractive and is increasingly utilised. This finance is vitally important for Wales and the Objective 2 region, to
succeed in producing robust-growth businesses.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Small Loan Fund Phase 1 (Interim) Obj 2 £136,995 56494 15/10/2004 £411,025
The project provides affordable loan finance to SMEs, not otherwise available, targeted at various groups of SMEs to complement existing
sources of funding. Loans are provided to viable SMEs located in the Objective 2 Programme area, that have not been able to find appropriate
finance elsewhere. By so doing, the Project is giving individuals and firms opportunities that would not otherwise have been available to them,
providing confidence to aspiring entrepreneurs and playing a part in changing business culture and expectations. This, in turn, leads to more
jobs and higher incomes. Clients of the funds are also required to make use of appropriate management support programmes.
3 1 Finance Wales PLC Community Loan Fund Phase I £33,000 56662 08/11/2004 £66,000
In line with the main thrust of Priority 3 of the SPD, the project provides loans to support a wide variety of not-for-profit enterprises in the social
economy across Wales, that have not been able to secure funding from elsewhere and helps bridge the gap in financial support for a growing
social economy. The aim of the project is to raise economic activity within disadvantaged communities and contribute to wealth creations. The
loans encourage community enterprises to become less grant dependent and more self-sufficient, by allowing them to plan for the future. Many
community/social enterprises have difficulty in obtaining funding from traditional sources, due to lack of financial track records, or the ability to
provide security for a loan, especially if they are based within a disadvantaged community. The project allows community/social enterprises to
build up track records that will allow them to access a wider range of funding from the private sector in the longer term. The project has assisted
local communities to establish and develop social enterprises to specifically address the local needs of the community.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC
Xenos Business Angels - The Untapped Potential (Objective
£36,167 56925 20/02/2006 £108,510
The Xenos Business Angel Network is a business introduction service that matches private investors with companies that require growth funding
in return for an equity share in their businesses. The aim of the Network is to provide specialist support targeted at increasing private sector
equity investment and facilitating more opportunities for SME's to access high-calibre individuals who can provide management guidance and
advice. The Network is unique in that it addresses a market failure in the business support market that can not be served through other mediums
of support. This project aims to raise productivity and the value of their output and encourage development of new firms through introducing
business angels to the SME's and also raising awareness of the value and benefits of equity investments by Angels and to complement work to be
undertaken by the proposed pre-investment support programme to encourage investor ready SME's. Specifically the Xenos Network aims and
objective are to: Assist existing SME's through a culture change that will lead to improving business standards Improve SME understanding of
the equity market an how to access it Increase the level of co-operation and joint ventures Improve the flow of finance to SME's Upgrade the
skills and knowledge base in SME's.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Investment Ready SMEs (Pre-Investment Support) £21,964 56929 16/12/2005 £65,902
The project aims to address the market failures in financial support mechanisms (particularly where a conversion to equity is hindered by
barriers in knowledge of investment instruments) to create new enterprises and develop existing ones. It aims to improve the competitiveness of
businesses, support and accelerate the development of a strong risk capital culture and help to facilitate and increase the number of
entrepreneurs who can see the benefits of equity investment. Often SMEs may require equity finance but management within the company
struggle to come to terms with understanding and can become uncomfortable with equity investment and what it entails and how to ensure
negotiate properly. It aims to move SMEs from a totally grant dependent culture to consider more sustainable forms of assistance. In line with
the Objectives of Priority 1, the Programme helps to support SMEs through the provision of co-ordinated, focused corporate finance input, to
increase access to funding for viable existing SMEs. This approach will add value to existing and proposed business support to ensure SMEs can
access existing funds in the region as well as being prepared for additional external private sector finance. In this way the Programme enables
applicant SMEs to play a pivotal role in the economic and social regeneration of the local and natural economy. Finance Wales recognises that
pre-growths form a pivotal role in determining the success of the future Welsh economy by providing hands on advice to companies at the
pre-investment stage, will spur the growth of such firms, thus promoting economic development.
2 1 Forestry Commission Wood Energy Business Scheme £432,066 54926 23/01/2004 £2,226,586
This is a "path-finding" project. The project will support the creation of exemplar projects that will help to raise public awareness of the
opportunities for and significance of renewable clean energy production. It will be developed in such a way as to create entrepreneurial
opportunities, which will enable diversification for those currently involved in the primary industries of agriculture and forestry as well as new
start up businesses. It will also encourage collaborative working practice amongst growers. This project will provide the necessary financial
impetus and security of wood fuel supply and provide the confidence to entrepreneurs to develop this new renewable energy market in Wales. It
will be based upon existing mainland European technology, but in the main new to Wales. It is hoped that as a result of this project, businesses
will have the confidence to set up the manufacture of the wood heat boilers within Wales.
2 1 Forestry Commission Wales Woodland Tourism £279,759 54984 04/09/2003 £624,605
A suite of projects which will be free of charge to the user and designed to attract more visitors to these venues, in order to boost visitor spend
and increase duration of stay in Powys. To improve the attraction of these areas as a tourist destination in order to generate economic, and
tourist benefits to Powys. These improvements will generate a sense of welcome to rural areas and attractions. This sense of welcome will
generate a greater degree of visitor relaxation, enjoyment and a sense of well being thus they will likely be more disposed to purchasing local
products, goods and services. Professional expertise of Forest Enterprise and the project partners will be deployed to design and implement
these facilities to improve bio-diversity, have positive environmental impact and use wherever possible, locally produced environmentally
sustainable goods and services. e.g. Llanidloes and hinterland farms, bed and breakfast, hotels and restaurants. Also opportunities will be
generated for activity holidays, ornithological, botanical and wildlife safaris.
2 2 Glasu Energy for Sustainable Communities (ESC) £149,999 57568 15/11/2007 £301,568
Glasu is seeking to deliver a project which will encourage, enable and support community based, developed and owned renewable energy (RE)
systems and energy efficiency (EE) measures in community buildings. This will:- - contribute towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions (and
other pollution); - strengthening of the Wales-based sustainable energy sector; - Support and empower communities, through group project
development and knowledge and technology transfer. The project will provide information to community groups seeking to implement RE and EE
measures with a fast-track advice service, including advice on funding and a grant fund for the development and installation of RE and EE
2 1 L.L.A.N.I. Ltd Llanidloes Task Force - Enhancing the Tourism Product Offer £94,500 57298 09/03/2006 £215,000
The project will ensure that tourism SMEs in the Llanidloes area can compete effectively with other areas of Wales by providing a focused and
seamless marketing and sales resource in response to the changing needs of the market place as a result of the changing customer demands. The
project will integrate local marketing activity, from the provision of specific tourist information and aftercare print relating to walking, cycling,
sailing, fishing and other outdoor activities, heritage and culture, accommodation and food and drink. The project will also support marketing
campaigns and new media activity.
1 1 Mid Wales Energy Agency Greener Homes & Buildings - Group marketing project £233,832 56671 13/04/2005 £522,064
The Greener Homes and Building Marketing project aims to promote the Powys sustainable building sector. In total there are 30 companies
involved in the supply of materials and services. The project will include the following activities: · Establish eco cluster for the sustainable
building sector in Powys to encourage co-operation and sharing of market intelligence · Establish the Greener Homes and Building flagship event
annually at the Royal Welsh Show ground will give practical information to consumers and the trade on sustainable approaches to the design,
construction, refurbishment and DIY of homes and buildings. · Organise group exhibitions at key UK consumer events · Publicise the Powys
sustainable building sector to the UK and European markets (architects, builders, contractors, surveyors, renewable energy equipment and
services suppliers)
2 2 Mid Wales Energy Agency Energy for Sustainable Communities £233,753 55775 03/06/2004 £583,882
Mid Wales Energy Agency Ltd, working with like-minded bodies and community groups in Powys, will implement community initiated renewable
energy systems through provision of advice, support and capital grants. Utilising personnel and resources, Mid Wales Energy Agency Ltd will:-
Meet existing demand, and seek out opportunities that are led by and benefit the communities involved, for appropriately sized renewable energy
schemes. Nurture community renewable energy projects during their development. Provide advice and information on sources of technical
financial and in-kind assistance, etc. Work with existing support (e.g. Renewable Energy Advice Link, Wales) to advise on renewable energy and
energy efficient measures. Assist with statutory procedures, e.g. planning permission; and Give other support to enable completion of
community based RE schemes. Renewable energy technologies supported will be solar-electric, hydro and wind based and solar-thermal systems,
innovative wood-fuel systems and those embracing CHP and anaerobic digestion with renewables (e.g. wood-chip or slurry). Energy efficiency
measures will be included, where they are part of a community renewable energy scheme being supported by this project. This can include
insulation (including comparable innovative technologies, e.g. sheep-wool and hemp), energy efficient lighting, etc.
2 2 Mid Wales Energy Agency Community Renewable Energy Developments - Extra £136,675 55545 02/09/2004 £371,598
Mid Wales Energy Agency currently runs an Objective 2 fund in Powys to support appropriately - scaled renewable energy projects. Recent
interest and applications to the fund have shown that over the term of the project the current fund will not be sufficient. This application is to
draw down more funds, with the particular aim to support a solar-electric system at Bronllys Hospital (Powys Health Care Trust). The funding will
support an installation of around 60kWh. This will contribute towards the hospital's base electricity requirements, Powys' commitment to
sustainable development and move significantly forwards to achieve its Renewable Energy Partnership targets, reducing fossil fuel use and
carbon dioxide emissions.
2 2 Mid Wales Energy Agency Community Renewable Energy Developments £219,200 53616 10/01/2003 £781,116
The proposal is to establish a delegated grant fund for small-scale, community owned and operated renewable energy schemes. Officers would
be appointed with responsibility for seeking out opportunities, nurturing schemes during their development stages, finding other sources of
financial and in-kind assistance, advising on the best utilisation of the energy produced (including where appropriate best prices in the market-
place) and assisting with any statutory consents procedures. It would rollout the successes and the important lessons learnt from the "Encore"
project of the Dyfi Eco Valley Partnership (project applicants, Powys CC). The grants would be offered to projects in the field of solar electric,
non-domestic solar water heating, innovative wood fuel, solar space heating or other biomass heating or small-scale CHP, anaerobic digestion,
heat pumps, small-scale wind, and hydro. It is anticipated that this would be the first phase of a project that would continue to 2006.
1 1
Mid Wales Manufacturing
MANUFACTURING NETWORKS Acquiring and sharing
knowledge and best practice.
£71,783 54818 17/07/2003 £160,723
The aim of the project is to develop the profitability of manufacturing SME's to encourage their growth. Opportunity exists for significant
improvement in business practice by the sharing of information between SME's and the development of local suppliers and services to combat
the negative aspects of Powys's rural location. The project will employ one networking officer who will facilitate regular and structured meetings
between employers / employees within SME's who share similar responsibilities coupled with 'experts' presentations on best practice, relevant
legislation and 'market information'. Networking Groups will be established across the following disciplines: IT, purchasing, finance, production,
distribution and marketing. The anticipated areas for these groups are: Newtown / Welshpool, Llandrindod Wells, and Machynlleth. MWMG will
act as facilitator providing information on best practice, legislation, relevant business issue and generally prompting an exchange of information
and experience between participating SME's. As the network groups develop the time, venue, direction and style of each group will be
determined by the participating SME's. MWMG will then source requested information, advice and 'expert' input for following meetings or to
individual SME's outside the meeting forum where appropriate. MWMG will act as a conduit of information to partners and government agencies
on the needs and opportunities identified in the networking groups.
2 1
Ministry of Defence (Defence
Epynt Way Infrastructure £27,483 57310 04/09/2006 £70,289
The Epynt Way is being established as a Permissive Bridle Path on land owned by the Ministry of Defence. The basic route has been planned by a
dedicated officer in close consultation with representatives of user groups. A total of approximately 90km of basic waymarked path should be
available to the public by Autumn 2005. This project has aroused great interest amongst ramblers, horse riders and mountain bikers. It is seen as
a major addition to the attractions of this part of mid Wales. However the basic track lacks amenities that would make it attractive to any but the
most adventurous users. It is located in a wilderness area with poor access, little shelter, and no signposts or local information. Horse riders
have particular access requirements that are best met by provision of 5 special receptor areas such as provided for the nearby Crychan Forest
Trails. These consist of unloading areas for horseboxes/lorries together with corrals and shelters. Links with adjacent bridleways and footpaths
will enable the creation of circular routes and links with other recreational trails. Interpretation boards will help to reveal the ecological and
archaeological riches of the area. All this will require management by a part time warden. These new amenities will be publicised via our web
site, mailing lists, through events to be organised using the path and by means of merchandise bearing the Epynt Way registered logo.
1 1 Newport & Gwent Enterprise Total Business Resource Programme (Newport) Obj 2 £78,861 54355 26/08/2003 £177,577
The Total Business Resource Programme (TBR) has been designed to continue the holistic business support approach provided under the WDA's
New Business Starts Programme (NBSP). The TBR programme will provide a comprehensive programme of tailored consultancy, advisory
services, mentoring and training support to companies that have a good potential for growth. From an initial business benchmark analysis and a
diagnostic review a series of action points will be identified which will be used to assist the companies to access a wide range of support
services provided by the partners and other companies and organisations in Wales. The principal objectives are: · To deliver over 3 years an
initial business analysis, to assess the performance of up to 60 SMEs which have a potential for growth. These companies should ideally employ
at least 5 people, be in the third or fourth year of trading, and be based within the ten transitional wards of the City which are eligible for
Objective 2 funding under Priority 1 · As a result of the assessment, to provide skilled practitioner support to deliver both short and long term
tailored projects, which could consist of consultancy, training and mentoring, to aid business development and expansion · To allocate an Advisor
as a long term Personal Business Advisor (PBA) and facilitator to involve partner organisations
3 1 Newport City Council European Communities First Officer - Obj 2 £12,425 54345 17/01/2003 £25,250
The purpose of the project is to work with Communities First Wards and targeted Communities under the Objective 2 Programme to develop the
capacity of those Communities to enable them to pass their community needs and to develop community action plans and to support
communities in this process. Once Community plans have been developed, Community groups and community first partnerships will need the
support and guidance to develop their partnerships. Then where appropriate, create organisations with a legal status to enable them to seek
funding for implementing their action plans and also to secure the long term sustainable development of their own communities from within. The
project aims and objectives are to: · Facilitate the sustainable development of communities within the targeted wards to ensure their continued
growth and development within the community. · Proactively engage and support communities in community development. · Support
communities undertaking community needs analysis, development of action plans and implementation of those action plans. · Give Communities
the capacity to be able to manage these processes, to identify funding for initiatives, and to manage and successfully implement projects
facilitated through community action plans.
1 2 Newport City Council IT Network Investment Grant Scheme - Objective 2 £66,994 54708 09/06/2003 £386,981
The purpose of this project is to enable local SME's to invest in up-to-date networking and related equipment. It will offer assistance in the form
of a grant towards the cost of a small business investing in ICT. Companies are increasingly needing to invest ICT to ensure they can compete in
the modern business world. The majority of the funds of this project are therefore directed at small companies to enable them to take full
advantage of the opportunities available. Grants will be made to companies investing in ICT, with the level of grant being a maximum of 30% of
eligible costs up to a limit of £3000 per business. They will be available to all business sectors and companies with up to 50 employees. In order
to implement the grant scheme, the project will also appoint a Business Advisor. The Advisor will complement a current team of three Advisors
that constitute the Business Services Unit of Newport City Council's Planning and Economic Development Department.
1 3 Newport City Council The Creative Hub £227,679 54704 08/03/2004 £797,601
This project will renovate and convert the Market Building in Newport City Centre into a Creative Hub housing incubators, training facilities,
business advice centre, offices and communal facilities. The projects aims and objectives are to create a unique environment, which provides
new and existing SME's with access to premises and support mechanisms to encourage business start-ups and development. The Hub will
provide a cluster focus in the Creative arts industries and provide opportunities to encourage private sector investment.
1 3 Newport City Council The Wagonworks £20,038 54687 19/11/2003 £114,559
The aim of this project is to provide a number of high quality light industrial / office units that will meet the evident demand for such units,
through the conversion of the ground floor of an ex-railway workshop (The Wagonworks Building). The objectives are twofold: to provide units
that will meet known demand, and to manage them in such a way as to support the formation and development of SME's. The outcomes are
expected to be as follows: 390 sq. meters of employment premises made available and 80% occupation rate within 3 years of completion.
3 1 Newport City Council Community Grants Scheme Objective 2 £161,963 54740 17/06/2003 £323,926
This project aims to form a community grants scheme which can offer voluntary and community groups up to 100% grant towards a project they
may wish to undertake to support community regeneration. The project will work with targeted communities under the Objective 2 and
Transitional Programme to help them develop small-scale schemes within their areas. The grant scheme will be distributed to local communities
through the Steering group comprising of representatives from the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Public Sector. This group will make
decisions on potential schemes, which come forward requesting funding from the community grants scheme. The Capital led grants will be for
economic, environmental and social projects. Projects that could potentially be supported under the grants scheme include: · Crime Prevention ·
Environmental Improvements · Minor Refurbishment's · Community Based Waste Products and Energy Efficiency · Improving Disabled Access It
may also be possible to consider revenue projects that are directly linked to capital schemes such as feasibility studies; community needs
analysis and development of business plans. Mechanisms will need to be explored for agencies to lead projects where community groups do not
own the land or buildings where the project will take place
3 1 Newport City Council Community Regeneration Project (Obj 2) £114,293 55138 19/11/2003 £228,586
The project will build capacity in local communities as well as improve the environment. It will build on existing local action plans and priorities
providing a technology demonstration project and a sustainable approach to development and the environment. It aims to deliver:-
Environmental improvements Environmental Art & Design projects Locally based sculpture/mosaic Locally designed open space areas Plaques
and signage e.g. to improve accesibility Street furniture e.g. bins, lighting, seating Improved security and :- Fund a community-based urban
designer Work with local communities to capacity build/empower Involve communities in physical improvement and design Link existing
communities to new schemes Improve consultation on new projects Produce trails, brochures, maps Link to environmental education/schools
3 1 Newport City Council Fourteen Locks £53,000 55766 27/07/2004 £168,000
The project is located adjacent to the Fourteen Locks Visitor Centre and has two elements to it: · Engineering and clearance work - to enable
operation of Cefn Wharf Lock and the navigation of a 640 metre length of the Crumlin Arm of the Canal. This will include relocation "above
water" obstructions, dredging of the canal and the creation of a slipway into the canal. · Improvements to the visual interpretation along the lock
flight - the exact nature and design of this will be worked up in close conjunction with local community groups, schools and the Museums and
Heritage Officer. It is likely to include: fixed visual display boards containing information covering the history and operation of the canal, a
monitor at the Visitor Centre and new signage to the canal. The project will enable the operation of a boat trip owned by the Canals Trust and
will expand the capacity of the centre, enabling it to cater for larger educational groups on a regular basis. It will also better reflect the
importance of the Visitor Centre as one of the only 2 directly related to canals in South Wales. The project will improve the physical environment
and associated facilities for local communities and tourists. The project will improve the accessibility of the canal for use as a means of
sustainable transport. The local communities will be fully involved in the decision making and design and will help in capacity building through
involving communities in the ownership, design and maintenance of their local areas.
3 1 Newport City Council
Environmental Improvements: Commercial Street, Llanarth
Street, Friars Street
£678,290 55471 08/12/2003 £1,356,581
The aim of the project is to upgrade the environment in the primary shopping area of Newport. The area had been pedestrianised in the 1980s
and scattered improvements - which met the Councils statutory obligations - had taken place that time, but the area as a whole needed
upgrading. The objectives of the scheme were therefore as follows: · To upgrade the quality of environment to a high standard, using the best
materials · To maintain safety for all users · To provide first class access for all disabled users · To cater for the differing needs of pedestrians
and service vehicles · To implement the scheme with minimum disruption to retailers and pedestrians · To contribute significantly to a reduction
in street crime and associated antisocial behaviour
3 1 Newport City Council Lower Dock Street Regeneration Project £735,659 55431 05/12/2003 £1,471,318
In the form of a grant scheme administered through Newport City Council, the project will act as a catalyst for the regeneration of a once thriving
area that formed the social and economic centre of the city. The lower Dock Street regeneration project will provide an economic, social and
environmental focal point for the local community through the restoration of empty and underused buildings within a designated conservation
area. The project will also build upon existing local action plans and priorities by providing a sustainable approach towards urban development
and the environment. The project will take place in the Lower Dock Street area of Newport-located in the wards of Pillgwenlly and Stow Hill- and
will be designed to both build capacity in local communities and to improve the area's physical environment.
3 1 Newport City Council Environmental Improvements Riverside £1,133,756 55424 04/12/2003 £2,267,513
To construct a section of riverside walkway, which would form part of the Celtic Trail Cycle path, and to improve links from the walkway to the
City Centre. The work includes the replacement of some existing lengths of steel sheet piling which retained the riverbank and the walkway, and
the removal of a footbridge which did not meet the current standard. The overall objectives of the project were to redevelop an are of the city
that had fallen into disrepair, while providing an attractive communal facility that would serve the people of Stow Hill, together with those of the
City of Newport as a whole.
4 1 Newport City Council Technical Assistance £232,431 53991 19/09/2002 £464,862
To provide secretariat functions for the Newport Objective 2 Patrnership Management Board.
1 3 Newport City Council Development of Infrastructure for the George Street Site £169,324 57256 21/03/2006 £583,878
The subject of the application by Newport City Council (NCC) is the provision of infrastructure to serve the development of the brownfield George
Street site in the Centre of Newport in order to engage the interest - and investment - of the private sector to develop the site for the benefit of
small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The infrastructure works will include the provision of an access to adoption standards, the diversion
of an existing main sewer, the provision of storm water drainage and landscape works within the site. The site will be developed for high quality
office use and will include offices built speculatively (some 36,000 sq ft) for the use of SMEs only.
1 3 Newport City Council
Development of Infrastructure for the George Street Site:
Phase 1
£85,363 57337 30/11/2005 £294,361
The subject of this application by Newport City Council (NCC) is the provision of infrastructure serving the development of the brownfield George
Street site in the centre of Newport in order to engage the interest - and investment - of the private sector to develop the site for the benefit of
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The infrastructure works included the provision of access to adoption standards, the diversion of an
existing main sewer, the provision of storm water drainage and landscape works within the site. The site will eventually be developed for high
quality office use and will include offices built speculatively (some 36,000 sq ft) for the use of SMEs only. For the purposes of this application,
eligible costs have therefore been fixed at 78% of the total costs: i.e. 36,000 sq ft of future SME office accommodation as a proportion of 46,000
sq ft total office accommodation on the George Street site. This application relates to the first phase of infrastructure works to be undertaken at
this site which started in early 2005. The second phase of the infrastructure - the finishing of the roads, kerbs and paving, provision of storm
water drainage and the landscape works associated with the development is the subject of a current application for ERDF support.
3 1 Newport City Council Environmental Improvements: Pillgwenlly and Stow Hill £409,000 57195 21/03/2006 £1,000,000
Environmental Improvements linking the disadvantaged ward of Pillgwelly to the city centre. The aim of the project is to improve the physical
environment of the Lower Dock Street "gateway" to the city centre. The works will benefit pedestrians, local residents, and businesses in the
wards of Pillgwenlly and Stow Hill. The project aims to deliver environmental improvements (paving, railings, trees) street furniture (bins,
lighting, bollards, seating), improved security, plaques, signage (improved accessibility), environmental art / sculptures.
3 1 Newport City Council Community Grants Scheme: Phase II (Core) £305,923 57197 19/07/2005 £616,978
The intention is to build upon the success of Newport City Council's original Community Grant Scheme which commenced in mid 2003 and is due
to finish in mid 2005. This scheme offered voluntary and community groups up to 100% grant towards projects they wished to undertake in
support of community regeneration. The new scheme will retain the successful elements of its predecessor (such as the application assessment
process, steering group structure etc) while fully taking into account lessons learned, with processes and procedures being adapted accordingly.
3 1 Newport City Council Duffryn Community Foot & Cyclepath Network-Obj2 £157,882 56467 21/10/2004 £315,764
This project provided a network of safe paths for pedestrians and cyclists serving the Targeted Objective 2 communities of Pillgwenlly and
Duffryn (an area of Tredegar Park ward), and the targeted Transitional area of Maesglas (in the ward of Gaer), giving residents "off road" access
to school and community facilities. The finished route now forms part of the National Cycle Network. In physical geographical terms, the local
community was effectively split by the River Ebbw, and by the existing southern distributor road. At the time of planning the project, this road
was a single carriageway, but has since been brought up to dual carriageway standard. Issues that the project was designed to address included
the fact that a secondary school serving the community was on one side of the river; many of the shops and other community facilities serving
the larger community, were on the other. The intention, therefore, was for the project to link the two parts of the community with dedicated
pathways for pedestrians and cyclist.
3 1 Newport City Council Lower Dock Street Regeneration Project Phase 2 £127,500 56436 08/09/2004 £255,000
This project forms the second part of the Lower Dock Street regeneration project, which aims to regenerate disadvantaged wards by the physical
improvements of dilapidated buildings that form part of the Lower Dock Street area of Newport. In the form of a grant scheme administered
through Newport City Council, the project acted as a catalyst for the regeneration of a once thriving area that formed the social and economic
centre of the city. The Lower Dock Street regeneration project provided an economic, social and environmental focal point for the local
community through the restoration of empty and underused buildings within a designated conservation area. The project also built upon existing
local action plans and priorities by providing a sustainable approach towards urban development and the environment. The project took place in
the Lower Dock Street area of Newport, located in the wards of Pillgwelly and Stow Hill - and was designed to both build capacity in local
communities and to improve the area's physical environment. The works consisted of the total development of 2,254 metres of land and involved
the renovation of and alterations to buildings, including chimneys, roof coverings, wall finishes, doors and windows. The economic growth
arising from this scheme will provide the financial resources to sustain the upkeep of buildings.
1 2 Newport City Council Commercial and Industrial Improvement Area Grants £323,549 56434 22/10/2004 £2,156,996
Retrospective Project The Commercial and Industrial Improvement Grants Scheme was a grant based programme to assist Newport SME's through
physical regeneration of business premises and associated land. The six defined areas, generally located in central Newport are: Cardiff Road,
Corporation Road, Newport and Market Arcades, Lower Commercial Street/Charles Street. Old Town Dock/South Pillgwelly and Commercial Road
(retained areas). The scheme, delivered by Newport City Council's Business Services (Economic Development Section), was implemented
between April 2001 and March 2004. The target group of business premises owners and tenants, and prospective owners and tenants were
contacted either through direct mailshot, community advertising or signposting through the business support network of Business Eye (formerly
Business Connect). Grants of up to a maximum of 40% of eligible costs were offered towards the physical improvement / upgrading of business
premises and curtilage of business premises. This could include: Improvements of building facades Extension of building Renewal and repair of
roofs Replacement and repair of windows including shopfronts Installation of security measures Internal improvement / upgrading of buildings
including floors, ceilings, doors, electrical work, toilet facilities and fire escapes Construction of fencing and boundary walls Construction of
parking spaces and yard areas Planting of trees and shrubs Maximum allowable grants were £20,000 in the Old Town Dock/South Pillgwenlly
Area and £10,000 in all other areas.
3 2
Newport North West Credit
Newport Credit Union £112,253 53564 08/01/2003 £230,218
The Newport North West Credit Union is to expand its common bond to the whole of Newport. This project covers phase one of that development
to open Credit Union collection points/branches where they are most needed and where interest and commitment to the development of the
credit union has been established. This project will concentrate on opening branches in Tredegar Park, Pillgweny and Liswerry with the
establishment of a central office in the Stow Hill ward. The project will involve local employers and schools to promote savings and budget
management in all age groups and provide a savings and loan facility that crosses social and economic barriers. It will provide access to low cost
finance within deprived communities, which will offer opportunities for self-employment, and the start up of small businesses.
3 1
Newport Wastesavers
Charitable Trust
Cleanstream Resource Centre £696,583 55171 29/01/2004 £1,598,582
The establishment of a base for community recycling / reuse and environmental awareness in Newport. The Cleanstream Resource Centre as will
be known, will house the working operations of Newport Wastesavers Charitable Trust and Wastesavers Recycling. It will be a beacon project that
will enable the voluntary sector to play a lead role in delivery of services that are strategically important to the future of Newport and it's
Environment. The development of a 1.4-acre site into a clean recycling centre will include a building that will house: · Bulking and bayling
facilities for pre-sorted materials collected from domestic and commercial premises in Newport and South East Wales · An infrared automatic
polymer sort machine for the processing of multi-polymer materials · An awareness facility that will be used to demonstrate the need for and
benefit of waste reduction, reuse and recycling · A number of reuse workshops that will refurbish furniture, electrical appliances and IT
equipment · Office space for employers of Newport Wastesavers, volunteers and other partner organisations
4 2
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
National Facilitators £52,504 54779 04/03/2003 £105,008
To provide a contact point, in order to encourage the Private Sector (in particular SME's) to participate in the Objective 2 Programme
4 2
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Additional resource for Project Providers £69,205 57355 10/02/2006 £138,410
The project will provide additional resource to project providers to Help them deliver results Help increase project spending Help avoid
de-commitment and potential N+2 problems
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Enterprising Community Building Scheme £375,095 56914 06/03/2006 £754,116
The aim of the project is to develop, through exemplar projects and associated support to community halls in Powys, an increased critical mass
of good social economic projects. These will act as role models for other community buildings considering developing social economic activities.
Exemplar projects may include social care businesses, ICT initiatives, conference facilities, and training bases, to name but a few examples. The
objectives are: To develop a series of exemplar social economic projects based in community buildings. To use the exemplars as a way of raising
awareness and encouraging a more entrepreneurial approach to the sustainability of finance for community buildings within the voluntary sector.
To develop new services for rural communities. To create employment within small rural communities both directly through the social economy
projects created and indirectly through the income such projects bring to their local communities.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
South Powys Wheels to Work £36,345 57534 28/03/2007 £79,790
The aim is to pilot a "Wheels to Work" scheme in South Powys Objective 2 area. Lack of transport is a major barrier to work and training for
people living in rural areas. For young people in particular this can be a serious issue. The project will provide innovative solutions for people
who have no practical means of transport to access employment, education and training. It helps to overcome social exclusion. While a scheme is
not offered only to young people, experience from elsewhere in the UK has demonstrated that it is this group that often benefits from a Wheels
to Work Scheme. The project will provide short term loans of mopeds or bikes. ERDF money is being sought for mopeds, running costs,
(including basic repairs) protective clothing, health & safety awareness and a part time co-ordinator (17.5hours). The project indirectly helps
local businesses by working with local dealerships and people to service vehicles. The scheme will be managed by PAVO within the partnership
context of the Powys Community Transport Forum. Partnership arrangements with organisations such as the police are important in ensuring the
success of such schemes. The transport for Young People Project was established in 2004. It has undertaken a needs assessment as well as
several consultations with young people. Young people identify a need to access transport for employment, education and training as well as
social and health related issues. This project aims to meet these needs. A multi-agency advisory group has been set up to support Wheels to
Work schemes in Powys. It will meet for the first time in May 2006. PAVO will seek a local lead agency to administer the project on PAVO's
behalf. This will help service delivery by keeping contacts local and also help to bolster the capacity of a local voluntary organisation by
introducing a new service. During the pilot phase, the feasibility of establishing a social enterprise will be explored as part of the evaluation.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Community Link (Objective 2) £493,716 54847 20/10/2003 £1,113,377
Efficient and effective community economic development depends on communities having networks in place to engage effectively with
regeneration programmes. This they can do through networks of local community groups. However, in many communities, these networks do not
exist due to problems in local dynamics, history or particular circumstance, linked to isolation and exclusion. The aims of the Community Link
project are: 1. To promote the full involvement of Powys people of all ages in the regeneration of their local areas. 2. To work with communities
in their efforts to overcome dysfunctional dynamics within local areas, through the building of alliances, promoting joint working and organising
activity. 3. To increase engagement of community groups with Countywide regeneration activities and increase opportunities through these
activities for communities. 4. To develop partnerships both at local and County level, including creating linkages between groups. The project
will employ four full time equivalent posts in the Objective 2 area. The Community Link officer will be charged with engaging the community
groups within the area, developing local networks and helping to link into regeneration strategies. Linking "hard to reach" communities into the
process of community planning will be central to the work undertaken. They will enable communities to create holistic views of their position and
visions for their futures. In particular, the engagement of communities in the overarching framework of the preparation of a Powys Community
Plan will be a priority
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Spirit / Ysbryd 2 (Objective 2) £712,106 55587 24/05/2004 £1,431,661
The aim of the project is to establish a "seed corn" grant fund for Powys based voluntary organisations and community groups. This is phase 2 of
the project. The grant fund will continue to be administered by PAVO in partnership with organisations such as PRP, Powys County Council, WDA,
Voluntary Arts Wales and Menter Iaith, who are involved through the grants assessment panel. The proposal is to continue with a grant rate of
90%, to a maximum grant of £10,000. The fund will continue to prioritise sustainable community regeneration projects and continue the
targeting of smaller, rurally isolated groups. Larger town based groups will continue to qualify but the emphasis will be on encouraging outreach
and work in outlying areas. The end result of the project will be the support of small scale regeneration projects such as community tourism,
recycling and Welsh language initiatives, as well as the development of revenue generating community owned assets and support for social
economy initiatives.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Community Transport Forum Project (Obj 2) £90,792 55835 14/09/2004 £182,532
The extreme rurality of Powys brings into sharp focus the limitations of the public transport infrastructure. The Powys Community Transport (C.T.)
Forum has a track record of developing initiatives and good practice in support of locally based solutions to this lack of provision. The Forum has
been in existence since 1992 and is a partnership of both grassroots and strategic organisations, bringing together Powys C.T. Schemes, other
voluntary groups with a transport interest and County and Regional organisations e.g. Powys County Council (C.C.), Powys Local Health Board
(L.H.B.) and the Transport Policy Division of the Welsh Assembly Government (W.A.G.). There are 51 member organisations in the Forum and the
mix of members ensures that information is exchanged, advice and support given and that initiatives pay regard to both local and strategic
issues. Since its inception it has received 50% of its annual funding from Powys C.C. and further funding has come from amongst others the
Community Fund and W.A.G. Examples of developments and policies that the Forum has initiated and co-ordinated include; support for
innovative C.T. groups, the development of good practice guides and service level agreements (S.L.A.) and the setting up of a Community
Transport Training Agency. The Forum has through these projects, demonstrated the benefits of networking of groups and agencies and has
helped to develop as strategic approach to transport provision within Powys. The Forum is supported and advised by the C.T. Development
Officer, and the present project will enable them to continue this work and develop additionality as described below. The project has four strands
of additionality. Firstly to promote sustainability. The sustainability of Community Transport activities will be a major part of the Forum
Development Officer's work in the future. The Forum and development officer will work with Powys County Council and the Local Health Board,
to confirm on the importance C.T. in the Powys transport network and relate funding of core activities schemes to S.L.A's. This will give the
sector greater financial sustainability. Secondly, to promote environmental sustainability by encouraging and advising schemes to consider
cleaner vehicle operations and more generally to reduce the number of vehicles on the road e.g. through the development of car sharing
initiatives; by increasing use of shared vehicles e.g. minibuses. Thirdly, to promote Community Transport schemes as part of the Social Economy
and thus help in the regeneration of local communities. In particular, providing co-ordination and increasing provision of transport to work and
training e.g. the proposals in the Community Transport and Young People project. (This is a project being developed through the forum to involve
young people in assessing their transport needs for training and employment and in developing appropriate schemes), and the extension of
eligibility in schemes to cover work journeys. In addition, Community Transport creates employment and training opportunities. Community
Transport schemes employ a substantial number of people, (At the present time 16 full-time and 17 part-time jobs in Powys), and high quality
training is provided through the Training Agency. There is increasing emphasis on income generation through contracts and S.L.A.'s. Fourthly, the
project will develop a partnership approach. It will support the partnership of organisations on the Community Forum, but beyond this it will
develop partnership working. It will support the Transport, Health and Wellbeing Strategy in its attempts to co-ordinate approaches to community
transport provision. The project will also develop partnership around specific initiatives, such as developing core-funding streams for community
transport schemes, and car sharing initiatives for local communities. The project will fund development officer time, (27 hours Objective 2)
administrative support, publicity/promotion and associated office accommodation and consumable costs.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Regeneration Seed Corn Fund £189,600 53624 09/01/2003 £432,228
To provide a regeneration 'seed corn' grant fund to Powys based voluntary organisations and community groups, to empower them to partake
and contribute to social and economic community regeneration. Priority will be given to small groups, with grants of up to 90% and to a
maximum of £3000. Funding will be given to projects, which give evidence of sustainability and also address the needs of the socially excluded
and communities of interest. This project complements the WDA grant scheme, e.g. the Community Regeneration Tool Kit (which offers a
programme of support for the sustainable economic development of towns in rural Powys). Examples of projects that could be included under
this scheme include: environmental activities, support for social economy initiatives, development of revenue generating community owned
assets and links to strategic development such as ICT and Community Transport.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Community Transport Project £27,139 53678 09/01/2003 £67,845
This is a partnership application led by PAVO, with the Community Transport (CT) Steering Groups in Llanidoes and Llanwrtyd Wells, to fund two
part-time co-ordinators, who will work with these newly formed Steering Groups to develop and manage appropriate CT Schemes, to meet the
identified transport needs of the two communities.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
REACH (Objective 2) Promoting Participation and Supporting
£405,105 54309 09/01/2003 £853,391
The aim of the project is to develop the social economy in Powys. Opportunities exist for social economic activity in rural communities. REACH
will exploit these opportunities. This it will do by building on networks of community organisations. PAVO has established such 14 networks.
Most of these networks are informal in nature; meetings in order to discuss issues or share information. Networks include the Recycling Forum,
Village Halls Forum, Powys Social Economy Forum and the ICT Forum. Each of these has an important part to play in the support of local
enterprise. The project aims to employ four development officers in the Objective 2 area, whose role it will be: u To support and advise social
economy activity. u To provide regular briefings on issues of interest to the social economy. u To develop partnerships with Business Connect and
other advisory services. u To publicise the work of networks and encourage greater involvement. u To cultivate links between businesses in the
social economy and other sectors. u To encourage the sharing of good practice. Development Officers will be supported by administration and
finance time. The project will include a "Kick-Start" Fund of a maximum of £500 per project supported. The project will contribute to the
development of a range of social economic activity involving recycling groups, social enterprises and voluntary service provision. It will assist
effective and co-ordinated working between businesses in the social economy and contribute to stemming the decline in rural services. It has the
potential to reach deep into the rural economy and make a real difference to the well being of the rural community.
2 1 Powys County Council CELF CELTICA ARTS £43,500 53870 17/01/2003 £101,000
2 1 Powys County Council Integrated Promotional Activity £167,414 53685 07/01/2003 £620,500
This innovative project will enable tourism SME's in Powys to fully benefit from the development of the Wales Tourist Board's Destination
Management system and marketing campaigns for both the domestic and overseas by the provision of hardware, software and network linkages,
to allow access to the new national interactive website. Only four of the ten tourist information centres managed by Powys County Council are
currently on the Powys network. The project will ensure the inclusion of key centres such as Newtown, Llandrindod Wells, Builth and Llanidloes.
It will ensure that Powys can compete effectively with other areas of Wales by providing a focused, and seamless marketing and sales resource in
response to the changing needs of visitors. Customer demand for information and tourist services is changing as information is sought
electronically as well as in the form of traditional hard copy. The project will develop the electronic information facilities available to visitors,
backed up by general and niche market print. It will also provide a vehicle through which the private sector can advertise their tourism products
to wider markets, as well as developing new marketing activities such as direct mailshots, increased media activity etc. targeted at recovering
market share following the effects of foot and mouth disease. The project will integrate local marketing activity, by co-ordinating tourist
information and niche market print relating to walking, cycling, gardens and food and drink. The project will enable the Council to continue to
support national marketing campaigns and new media activity by contributing directly through the production of 150,00 copies of the Mid Wales
Lakes and Mountains Guide and in support of co-ordinated media advertising and promotion at tourism trade and consumer shows. The main
focus for the promotion of Powys will be through the Mid Wales Lakes and Mountains Campaign, which is one of the twelve marketing areas of
Wales identified by the Wales Tourist Board. The Mid Wales Lakes and Mountains marketing area is coterminous with the administrative area of
Powys, and is marketed through the UK Co-ordinated Marketing Group in domestic markets and through the TRAMOR group for overseas
marketing activity. Both TRAMOR and the UK Co-ordinated marketing groups are partnerships between the Wales Tourist Board, the Regional
Tourism Companies and Local Authorities. This ensures compatibility with regional and national strategies and ensures that there is no
duplication of marketing effort.
2 1 Powys County Council Powys Food Links (Objective 2 area) £106,460 53671 17/01/2003 £237,850
Powys Food Links will: 1. Provide a central resource for the acquisition and dissemination of information to food producers and consumers and
provide a sign-posting service for producers seeking advice and assistance. 2. Provide advice and administrative support for local initiatives such
as farmers' markets, local food processing etc. 3. Develop local and wider markets and supply chains through producer co-operation, promotion,
branding and marketing of Powys products. The project will create 3 FTE posts: two full-time project officers (points 1 & 2 above) and a full-time
equivalent marketing officer (point 3)
2 1 Powys County Council Coed Cymru - Powys £166,920 53668 07/01/2003 £380,621
The project will act to increase the cohesion, interaction and diversification within the native hardwood sourcing, processing and manufacturing
sectors in the Objective 2 area of Powys. It will strive to strengthen supply chains and foster working relationships between compatible SME's
and where feasible, encourage joint ventures and clustering. Concurrently, it will bolster the supply of the required raw material by the provision
of a free management and marketing service to owners of economically marginal native woodlands. This will be done under the auspices of the
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) which accredits environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable woodland
management. Delivery will be through a team of 1 Project Manager and 2.4 woodland managers/technical advisors, based in two offices, who
will co-ordinate hardwood timber flow with the contractor base and the markets.
1 3 Powys County Council
External Face Lift & Refurbishment to the Ystradgynlais
Enterprise Workshops
£69,600 55400 26/11/2003 £240,010
Background: Powys County Council are the owners of an ex-advanced built factory in Ystradgynlais. The factory floor area is 2884 sq metres and
in 1985 the property was converted into starter units by subdividing the internal area of the building into individual workspaces. These
workspaces are rented on licence on easy in easy out terms. Because of the age of the building i.e. pre 1960 the exterior brick work is in need of
major face lift. The Project a) Complete face-lift and refurbishment of the exterior to the Ystradgynlais Enterprise Workshops. The scope of the
works includes the re-roofing and cladding of this 1960's factory building thus creating a modern prestigious looking building enabling the
attraction of a broad spectrum of SME clients. b) The Workshops when this work is undertaken, will enhance the economic well being of the
Ystradgynlais Ward area by creating a more welcoming building for the SME's to undertake their business and will also offer a far more modern
attractive letting proposition thus leading to quality job creation.
4 1 Powys County Council Powys Partnership Technical Assistance Objective 2 £262,923 55182 07/11/2003 £525,847
Powys County Council will provide a Secretariat to the Partnership; support potential applicants to develop projects, in liason with WEFO;
publicise the programme in the area; liase with Regional Partnerships to discuss projects development and assessment; ensure project
assessment procedures are adhered to, that all sectors are involved in the process and that propriety is maintained at all times; keep full records
of all project assessment meetings and procedures; prvide information to WEFO and to Partnerships in the agreed format on projects considered
for support by the Local Partnership.
1 2 Powys County Council Powys Business Development Grant £405,625 54986 15/09/2003 £2,813,833
The Powys Business Development Grant is a capital grant scheme designed to provide assistance for business start-up and for the expansion of
existing businesses. The grant will be available to eligible businesses located within the county of Powys, or wishing to locate/relocate within the
county. The grant will be administered by Powys County Council and delivered through four Business Centres at Welshpool, Llandrindod Wells,
Brecon and Ystradgynlais in close liaison with the Business Connect Gateway and New Business Starts Programme. Applicants will be given
access to the full range of business advisory services. In addition the Council will allocate 50% of the time of a Business Information Support
Officer, in each of the centres, plus 1/8th of a Manager's time per centre (2½ FTE posts in total). To assist and advise applicants, and will also
contract business/financial consultants to advise applicants and carry out the follow-up monitoring of all private sector projects, supported at six
months post completion of individual grant projects. A grants monitoring officer/adviser (1FTE post) will carry out monitoring visits, to ensure
that all grants project comply with conditions of grant and assess client's future needs. There will be two levels of grant: Start-up - up to 50% of
project costs to a maximum of £2,500 Expansion up to 30% of project costs up to a maximum of £10,000.
2 1 Powys County Council Community Tourism Capital Grant Scheme £199,652 54590 27/02/2003 £505,754
The project is a delegated capital grant scheme to support small scale tourism development schemes at the community level. The grant would
offer up to 75% of the eligible cost for any one scheme to a maximum of £10,000. The grant scheme would be competitive and would be open to
the Local Authority, Town and Community Councils, Community Enterprises, Tourist Associations and the voluntary sector. The following are
examples of the type of schemes which could be eligible for support under this grant:- * Tourist Information Points both internal and external *
Interpretation Boards and branded waymarking * Small scale tourism/environmental improvement with associated interpretation * Development
of small scale heritage sites with interpretation and information * Integrated footpath development and improvement * Integrated bridleway
development and improvement * Integrated cycle route development and improvement * Provision of secure cycle storage * Pedestrian
2 1 Powys County Council Llandrindod Wells Townscape Heritage Initiative £710,517 57479 24/08/2006 £1,583,082
The major aim of this project is to act as a catalyst to the town's regeneration plan. By creating an environment that looks attractive it is hoped
that additional retail and tourism business will be attracted to the town centre, generating additional revenue and increased employment. Money
will be circulated in the local economy to local building companies to renovate old buildings. This work will increase the skill level of local
contractors giving them additional opportunities outside the immediate Llandrindod wells area.
1 3 Powys County Council Caersws Village Workshops, Demolition and New Build £207,946 56934 18/10/2006 £831,786
The Project aims to provide high quality, village type starter workshops, by replacing the existing buildings with new class 1 type accommodation
thus encouraging the SME Businesses to develop their business potential in the village and surrounding area of Caersws. It is expected that the
outcomes of the project should relate to the Powys Local and Regional Action Plan. Against these it will contribute to the first two activity targets
(namely sq. meters of premises built, and second number of sq. metres built to a specified environmental performance). It also relates to the
final result (namely: - number of Jobs accommodated). The workshops should house upwards of twenty full time equivalent jobs, with a
medium, to long-term aim of a contribution to the GDP per head level of the area. More specifically, the application seeks to contribute towards
the objectives laid out under Priority 1 Measure 3 of the Regional Action Plan - the provision of sites and premises for SME and potential start up
2 1 Powys Zero Waste Limited Powys High Diversion £832,063 56824 18/04/2006 £1,857,877
Powys Zero Waste seeks to establish a geographically specific delegated grant scheme that will enable Powys-based voluntary, community and
not-for-profits organisations to undertake time-limited projects that will: Promote sustainable waste management methodologies within effective
business practice. Further the development of Powys as an exemplar in the high diversion of waste from landfill. The project will require the
recruitment of five part-time staff, two of whom will be home-based in order that the geographic spread of Powys can be covered efficiently
without undue travelling costs. All projects to be supported by this scheme will be time-limited, and intended to provide the necessary
information to enable the preparation of specifications for future developments and/or the resourcing of management contracts to be subject of
competitive tendering. It is intended that this will provide a practical route to ensuring that projects demonstrate their intention to becoming fully
sustainable within the wider commercial community.
1 2 Princes Trust Cymru The Prince's Trust - Cymru Enterprise Tasters £60,900 53655 07/01/2003 £182,700
The project will aim to assist the development of new Small, Medium Enterprises in individuals between the ages of 18-30. The target group will
be from the Powys Area and will include the disadvantaged; unemployed/under-employed, disabled groups, ethnic minorities. The Prince's Trust
- Cymru, will act as a last resort funder. The project will assist to create and support start-up ventures and encourage the growth of SMEs and
attract new SMEs to Powys. The funding will allow the target group to be better prospects and provide access to the capital that cannot be
obtained through traditional sources, such as High Street Banks, family and traditional lenders. This project will start up 45 SMEs in Powys and
support these through the provision of aftercare in the form of mentoring support. This means that 31 of these businesses will be surviving after
three years of trading, contributing to the increase of self-employment in Powys.
1 2 Princes Trust Cymru Starting and Supporting SME's £28,394 53892 08/01/2003 £132,506
This project will seek to increase levels of grant aid available to young people between 18-30 who are looking to set up in self employment, or
have recently set up in self employment and are looking to expand their business idea within the objective 2 wards in Cardiff. Three types of start
up loans will be available in Cardiff and these comprise of- Test Marketing Grants- grants of up to £250 available for individuals who wish to
further develop or test a business idea through undertaking further market research or development of a proto-type. Applicants can apply for this
support through submitting an outline of their idea to the Cardiff business panel, a group of volunteers, who are experienced in the business
world, will assess each application. Start Up grants- through the provision of grants for business funding in order to allow the applicant to
purchase capital items in order to support their business. These are applied for through submission of a business plan to the relevant business
panel and are only payable upon receipt by the loan department of invoices for the approval capital items. Refundable grants - these grants are
available to individuals who are asking to consider repaying these loans back to The Prince's Trust over a three year period, in order for the funds
to be re-used for other young entrepreneurs. With all of the above funding the applicants have to be aged between 18-30 and to be eligible are
not to be in full time employment. In addition they have to develop a business plan and illustrate the sustainability or their proposed enterprise,
and the fact that they have been unable to access funding through any other source. Upon set up, each of the businesses is allocated a volunteer
mentor who will provide support and advice to the young person in order to improve long term survival rates within the Cardiff area. In light of
this support two thirds of the businesses set up by The Prince's Trust are still trading in their third year. Under this proposal businesses which
have been established within three years by The Prince's Trust-Cymru will be able to apply for an expansion grant (refundable) upon production
of viable expansion propositions
3 2 ProMo Cymru Ltd DepCult Social Economy Marketing Co-op £60,000 53894 04/07/2003 £160,000
DepCult is a social economy marketing co-operative development facility through Cymru-Wales Co-operative Development Association working in
conjunction and devised with a growing, presently information membership This project will formalise and consolidate DepCult which will
include constituting DepCult as a non profit sharing Company Limited by Guarantee and provide network and skills development to ensure
sustainability DepCult has been devised out of client contact and research of needs indicating a general marketing and business development
skill deficiency At least 50% of DepCult's membership and collaborators are women, disabled people and people from ethnic minorities. DepCult
will involve over 250 collaborators (NB this initiative will directly involve a large number of people) DepCult will act as a marketing and business
development hub in order to promote the services of its membership and develop collective business ventures. Its main business focus' are the
cultural and digital media industries many of these relevant to tourism development within Cardiff Bay as the 'Gateway to Wales'. The developing
presently informal membership includes a visual projection SME, a sound studio, Digital production individuals, music promoter and event
managers, dancers, and musician's administrators. This horizontal integration of skills and collective working co-ordinated by the DepCult hub
allows for larger more comprehensive business proposals to be developed and the maximisation of its members business potential. Business
ventures include prestigious events based at the Coal exchange and festivals in Cardiff Bay inner Harbour, production of multi-media CD-ROM,
DepCult services agency and DepCult training services. Business projects will involve up to 100 people.
3 1 ProMo Cymru Ltd Social Economy Foundations £49,989 56659 10/11/2004 £99,979
This application for retrospective funding was based on work in the field of the cultural sector social economy development and the ability to
offer practical, innovative and responsive solutions to the capacity building of existing and emerging social economy business located throughout
the southern arc of Cardiff. The projects aimed to promote urban community regeneration in Cardiff across the targeted wards of Butetown,
Grangetown, Riverside, Caerau and Splott, by stimulating and supporting the development of a cultural sector social economy network, which
has enabled the formation and development of cultural clusters. The project will be achieved through the provision of targeted cultural sector
support, advice and information, which will enable and encourage social enterprises to:- - Develop formal and information partnership working
arrangements - Develop sustainable solutions for social businesses - Provide networking opportunities - Exchange best practice - Use ICT as a
means to disseminate information and marketing support
2 2
Rhayader & District
Community Support
Rhayader One - Stop Community Centre £92,925 53617 09/01/2003 £187,350
To purchase a 3-storey building in the centre of Rhayader and re-furbish to create a fully wheel chair accessible one-stop shop for community
services with disabled lift to upstairs, which will support individuals, groups and businesses within the community. The proposed property is in a
central location with ample space and excellent access to house community & voluntary services. Within the building we would expand our own
services as well as other organisations, which will also re-locate. Having such a central multi-purpose community facility will be sustainable in
the long term, as it will be a revenue-generating community owned asset. Within the building we will create an information centre on all
community, voluntary, public & statutory services. We would also provide a fund raising information point with the latest reference material and
2 2 Rhayader 2000 Ltd Cambrian Images (Community Photolibrary) £63,001 54614 01/12/2003 £128,219
The creation of a web-based community photolibrary to develop and support local services, expand broadband provision and help overcome
peripherality, generate income from outside the area and in the process to promote Mid-Wales and boost sustainable tourism. The library will
store thousands of images in digital form. These will be provided by local photographers. The images will be displayed on a website in low
resolution where they can be viewed by tourists and film companies as well as potential clients. The last group - which will include publications,
local businesses, charities and public bodies - will be able to buy the pictures at a higher resolution (or in hard copy) by conventional post
although we will have the capacity to send relatively high resolution images by an ISDN line to some clients. There will be one full-time member
of staff who will be responsible for setting up the website, in-putting and archiving images, liaising with the public, training volunteers,
marketing the project to potential customers and publicising its activities to increase local awareness.
3 1 RSPB Cymru
Newport Wetlands Environmental Education and Visitor
£1,166,298 57193 21/12/2005 £3,555,785
The project will design, develop and construct an environmental education and visitor building and environs at Nash Gwent levels as part of the
Newport Wetlands nature reserve. Employ community - focused staff to seek community input, volunteer opportunities and develop community
based programmes to use the centre. Provide a community meeting facility. Employ lifelong learning staff to provide high quality, outdoors
real-world learning for young people of all ages in conjuction with the local authority. Create 7 FTE's.
1 1 SA Partners Creating Lean Enterprises £294,534 55195 01/07/2004 £659,750
Lean Thinking is an approach to business management that focuses on value and waste. By identifying value from the customer's perspective,
non-value adding activities (waste) can be highlighted and then systematically removed through the active involvement of employees at all levels
within the organisation. Consequently a Lean Thinking approach to business is primarily an enabler for growth. Whilst its development has been
in manufacturing, it is eclectic in its roots, drawing upon many other strands of thought and disciplines. Lean Thinking has both strategic and
operational elements. It is strategic in that it emphasises that each business is an element of on "extended enterprise" comprising all companies
which form part of its product value stream. It is operational in that it provides an array of tools and techniques to assist participating business
to remove waste and affect lean orientated change at all levels within the company. Whilst implementing physical changes in terms of product,
service and production techniques, Lean Thinking also focuses on changing the methods of working within the organisation, ensuring that the
ethos of Lean Thinking is inherent throughout the organisation. The support offered to companies recruited onto the project therefore, will offer
a specific improvement technique and toolset, the economic benefits of which centre on: quality, cost and delivery - becoming better, cheaper
and quicker after lean application.
3 1 Scarman Trust Adamsdown Community Project £67,127 55704 10/08/2004 £152,472
The aim of the project is to build a healthier, more cohesive community that will help lift Adamsdown out of a continued rating as one of the
most deprived wards in Cardiff and in doing so have a positive impact on the local economy. It intends to support and build the capacity of
community groups to implement (and continue development of) a community action plan within the Objective 2 ward of Adamsdown. The
preparatory work had been undertaken to enable a mix of residents, community groups and agencies working in the area to produce a series of
action plans. With the help of ERDF and existing resource the trust propose to provide support with a small team of development workers and
provision of community facilities that will provide a base for community organisations. One part time worker will concentrate on providing a base
for community groups, with facilities and help in developing individual and collective skills. Another worker will have a greater outreach function
helping implement changes, engaging people in their delivery and review and encouraging the growth of new groups and partnerships. The
partners can supply a community base, resources and part time staff to work on the project and ERDF would primarily provide for an additional
full time post.
3 1 Scarman Trust Adamsdown Key Community Skills £6,462 53899 08/01/2003 £15,288
This project is a project within a project and essential for the long term success of the Adamsdown Community Project.This is a training
programme aimed at imparting key skills to local residents that will enable them to take part fully in the local partnerships with service
providers. These are skills that will be invaluable in building the capacity of local organisations (new and existing) in which these individuals are
involved. The skills learnt can be disseminated to other key members of those groups. Although this is the pilot, it is intended to replicate with
the next generation within the community and it can easily be exported to other communities in the process of regeneration. It will consist of a
core series of 9 modules aimed at key aspects of leadership for active community members aimed at between 12 and 20 participants. To
engender the more positive motivational aspects of competitiveness and encourage mutual support and the development of team working. Skilled
participants will be organised into 4 teams of 3 to 5 members. Each team will have a facilitator who may also act as a mentor to some of the
team members. The format for each module is to have an introductory training session which may utilise a guest trainer or, on occasions, use
someone with proven well defined skills in the subject of the module to take the participants though his understanding of what the module
means in practice, and how they exercise those skills. The teams then meet with their facilitator, who will assist the team in producing their
definitive work on what they understand by the module's topic. One member of the team will lead the discussion and be responsible for
producing the final piece of work. This leadership task will rotate around the team for each topic giving everyone at least one chance in the role.
The way in which that team member leads the task will depend very much on their style and the peer support provided by the other members.
The work produced may vary in nature depending on the module topic - for instance a written report, a short presentation, a video message, a
role play, use of theatre etc. Field trips may also be a useful component.
3 2 Scarman Trust Adamsdown Feasibility Study (Business and Jobs) £1,800 54046 15/04/2003 £4,000
This project is primarily a feasibility study, and is intended to be the first step in identifying the best routes for social economic development in
the ward of Adamsdown. Adamsdown has been the subject of an extensive community planning process. One of the key domains that have arisen
for action out of that is that of jobs and businesses. The small business sector has been deteriorating and there are high levels of unemployment
and labour inactivity. The commercial sectors are particularly run down and there is little job creation. The findings and recommendations made
a result of this feasibility study will inform the Business and Jobs sub-groups of the community plan in determining its priorities for action. The
feasibility study will be carried out by the regeneration and Retail institutes of Cardiff University during the summer of 2002. They will do this in
partnership with the The Scarman Trust, Business & Jobs sub-group, local traders, small businesses, service providers and residents of the area.
The feasibility study will cover the needs of the whole ward but with a specific focus on those areas where most economic activity currently takes
place - namely Clifton Street and Broadway. We wish to both take stock on the reasons for the existing decline and to identify the best options
for regenerating the social economy of the ward over the next five years.
3 2 Splotlands Credit Union Sustainability £29,661 54701 05/06/2003 £60,485
The essential aim of this project is the sustainable development of a Community Credit Union, to a point of self-sufficiency. The project will be
offering the Local Community significantly better financial services, a greatly expanded social enterprise training capability, and a source for the
creation of new social businesses and activities in the local economy. The project will provide Splott and Tremorfa Credit Union (CU) with a
resourced development worker team at a crucial point in its 8-year history. The project will fund a development worker, a Volunteer Recruitment
and Training worker, and an Administration Worker to develop 3 areas of the organisation: the membership strength and profile, the
membership's participation, and the CU's administration. With a motivated volunteer core the paid workers will form a development team that
will promote membership growth, expand voluntary participation, substantially improve the CU's administration and provide 'on the job'
employment and enterprise skills training programmes within the co-operative's voluntary structure. Thereby the project will bring the CU to
self-sustainability and provide the volunteers with a greatly expanded capacity for practical training in social enterprise and employment skills.
3 1 Splotlands Credit Union Sustainability phase 2 £51,336 56657 11/01/2005 £129,907
Splott Credit Union is run and managed by local residents. This project will provide a sustainable funding period which will enable the Credit
Union to develop and consolidate its work and establish a sufficient revenue stream to become self-sustaining The project will fund a
Co-ordinator/Centre Worker and an Outreach/Volunteer Worker. The staff will provide a professional team able to provide affordable loans to
support existing and emerging social enterprises within the area. They will have shared duties which will include promoting the Credit Union and
its potential benefit to those who live and work in the area, whilst also providing development advice to other organisations. The project will aim
to continue to support local social enterprises and private sector SME's through personal loans, particularly to those who will find mainstream
financial services difficult or impossible to access.
3 1 St Davids Catholic College Community Building Through ICT in Saint Mary's £9,450 53898 17/01/2003 £18,900
The project involves the conversion of a vacant room in a primary school into a community facility for ICT. The School is located in the Objective
2 area of Riverside and draws catholic children in from Riverside, Canton and surrounding areas, many of which are also in Objective 2 areas.
The room is at present being used as storage space and the dimensions are: Length 7.5m Width 5.9m Height 3.7m The room is basically an
empty box at present and the project would allow its complete conversion into an ICT facility for use throughout the day and evenings. The
conversion would allow significant sections of the community access to ICT facilities and classes. The room would be equipped with 16
computer, printers benching and teaching aids. The room does not have sufficient electrical supplies at present and the cost of the conversion is
included in section 25. Due to demographic changes in the surrounding areas the room is not needed by the school for teaching purposes and
would be available permanently for community based ICT work. The intention is to provide a facility utilising its location in the school to draw in
members of the community who would not normally access opportunities for education and training. Through using the school as the contact
point with the community it would draw many of the individuals who have not been economically active for some time as they are looking after
their children. In many cases the familiarity of the surroundings and the fact that they would be dropping off their children would give them the
confidence to access training. Market research undertaken by the college supports the view that the location would attract learners, as does the
success of the existing community partnership being managed by the college using a similar model. All of which would contribute towards the
National Assembly's commitment to Wales as 'a learning Country'.
3 1 The Beacon Trust The Beacon Centre (Y Goleufan) £669,369 54043 16/01/2004 £1,403,587
The aim of this project is to build a multi-purpose community facility which will be called The Beacon Centre. It will incorporate a Community
café, Youth Drop-in, advice and counselling surgeries, nursery and crèche facilities, a Community laundrette, Community offices, Education and
Training rooms, and IT suite and Conference facilities. St Mellons has been identified as an area with substantial social and economic problems
and the centre is key to enabling young people to overcome disadvantage and isolation. Through the provision of a meeting place, education and
training, advice and other opportunities and facilities our aim is to remove the barriers to employment and improve like skills. We will be
specifically targeting · Young people through the creation of a dedicated youth area. The objective is to improve their employment chances thus
assisting long-term sustainability of the area. In addition, social provision will assist in reducing incidents of anti-social behaviour and crime,
benefiting not only young people but the area as a whole. · Lone parents through the provision of childcare facilities and training. · Disabled
people by the creation of a centre with full disabled access. · Those from ethnic minorities through the provision of education, support, advice
and access.
3 1 The Salvation Army Salvation Army Hall, Aberthaw Road, Ely £275,000 54048 17/01/2003 £601,405
The project will involve the demolition of a derelict building in Aberthaw Road Ely and the development of a new build premises for community
purposes. The main purpose of the work proposed at the hall is relative to employment and training, however The Salvation Army has a
programme of social work and this aspect is also to be addressed in the total scheme. These aspects indirectly provide employment
opportunities. The new community facility will include:- -Creche -Mother Toddler Group -Commercial facilities such as providing meeting rooms,
social facilities, local advice etc. -Drop-in centre which would provide catering facilities for those where an identified need has been established.
This work to be undertaken in liaison with the City & County of Cardiff. -General information Centre for job counselling, advising vacancies. The
main purpose of the work proposed at the hall is relative to employment, however the Salvation Army has a programme of social work and this
aspect is also to be addressed in the total scheme. These aspects indirectly provide employment opportunities.
1 1
The Wales Environment Trust
Business, Innovation and the Environment: £176,856 54014 09/01/2003 £394,856
Business, Innovation & The Environment - CWMRE (Creating Welsh Markets for Recyclates) The East Wales area lags behind the rest of Europe in
the way it manages its solid waste. Too much reliance is placed on landfill, which is expensive to businesses, and if improperly managed, can
cause environmental damage and health damage. In addition, the new EC Landfill Directive requires major changes in the way municipal waste is
managed in the region. This Directive, and other EU and UK waste policies, require more sustainable management of waste, with re-use,
recovery and recycling preferred to landfill. While clean technologies will eventually help to reduce the levels of waste produced, their benefits
will take some time to realise and will not provide the complete solution. Creation of markets for 'waste' recyclates is crucial to ensure that EU
and UK legislation on waste management can be achieved (including the UK Waste Strategy, and the Waste Strategy for Wales). One of the most
significant barriers that currently exists in improving recycling levels in Wales is the lack of local markets and reprocessing opportunities for
materials collected. The development of markets for recyclates and outlets for goods made from recycled materials will assist the growth of
existing industries and the development of new ones. This Market Development project will kill two birds with one stone; firstly it will assist to
solve the waste management problem in Wales; secondly it will contribute significantly to job creation and the future economic prosperity of
Wales. The underlying theme of the work will be to promote higher and higher value products, manufactured from recyclates. The project will
draw on existing product ranges and technologies world-wide. The Wales Environment Trust has established links with other market development
schemes in the USA, Canada and Europe, and the best practice identified by these schemes will be transferred to businesses in East Wales. This
project is strategic to the establishment of environmental infrastructure to divert Welsh waste from landfill - only with markets for recyclates can
sustainable waste management be linked with the creation of businesses, jobs and economic development. It is estimated that 10 jobs are
created for every 1000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill.
2 1 The Wye & Usk Foundation Wye PHISH 2002 £853,288 53995 07/01/2003 £1,995,325
This project aims to address the issues of low fish numbers in the Wye in Powys in two key areas: Remedial measures to correct the effects of
acidity and nursery stream habitat restoration. At the same time a sophisticated marketing strategy will get the visiting angler back to the Wye in
2 1 The Wye & Usk Foundation Usk Project (O2) UP! £280,758 54985 05/01/2004 £650,008
The river Usk has a significant reputation as a wild brown trout fishery, attracting visitors from all over the UK. Following a number of
improvements, it has become a successful salmon fishery too. However, there has recently been a marked decline in brown trout catches,
perhaps a precursor of a decline in all game fish stocks. There has been a noted downturn in visitor numbers since FMD3 While the Usk trout
fishing incomes could be enhanced with improved stocks, there is a real opportunity to increase the potential of the more lucrative, but
undersold salmon fishing, taking advantage of the recent reductions in estuary netting. At the same time, it is crucial to ensure that there are
sustainable stocks of all game fish. Sea Trout fishing on the Usk could be usefully developed. These game fishing opportunities offer the prospect
of true green tourism during the less popular visitor months, March - May, September - October. Sustainable stock enhancement techniques will
permit increased exploitation of both species. (A similar ERDF project is underway covering the geographical area of the Upper Wye catchment
(PHISH 2002), there will be considerable synergy, as well as some cost saving). 1. Habitat Improvement: WUF tried and tested stream
improvement prescription - fencing coppicing and reveting (bank reinstatement where eroded)4 removing obstructions where permitted, to
juvenile fish habitats. Staff deployment Habitat teams under WUF head of operations. WUF Director, Monitoring staff. 2. Marketing: WUF has
identified key areas for improvement: A) making what fishing that is currently available, more attractive and accessible5 - Educating proprietors
in requirements to make welcome, managing streams for ease of fishing, facilitating access (e.g. disabled use), combining small ownerships into
worthwhile reaches, providing adequate details, ease of booking etc B) National and international direct marketing of the River Usk in Powys,
brochures & voucher scheme6 , ad placement, websites ads, articles in journals c) Linking the various levels of fishing visitors to appropriate
accommodation. E) A local campaign to raise community awareness of the value of our river (no litter etc!). F) Resolving joint use conflicts. G)
Workshops/Awareness training: Instructors/River and fishery managers/Ghillies. H) Linking fishing holidays with other activities Staff
deployment Project admin team, WUF PR agent, Marketing Officer, Director.
2 1 The Wye & Usk Foundation Lugg and Arrow (Radnorshire) Project £124,089 57478 30/10/2006 £280,398
The overall aim of the Project is sustainable restoration of the fisheries of the Lugg and Arrow catchment within the Powys boundary and thereby
provide a boost to incomes and employment to the part (E Radnorshire) of the counties rural economy, via a tried and tested marketing scheme.
(Habitat Restoration, Removal of obstacles, Integrated land management plans and a marketing aim) Overall objectives are to increase direct and
indirect employment, job creation and safeguarding, expand sustainable rural economy, produce biological benefits to fish and other riverine
species, Establish traditional stream management and disseminate results, restore former or better levels of green tourism.
1 1 UK Woodchain Ltd POWAXIS - Integrated Supply in the Wood Chain in Powys £40,758 54913 05/02/2004 £91,000
This is a revenue project which responds to research which shows that there is a gap between what social housing construction agencies in
Wales require in terms of timber and wood products and what businesses are able to supply. The project is designed to establish continuous
product development and effective production processes across 25 businesses in the timber and wood products sector in Powys. Its purpose is to
raise competitiveness by demonstrating and embedding practical techniques of innovation and efficiency management and to provide credible
evidence of the benefits/value added which can be scrutinised continuously by SMEs and will act as an incentive to the wider transfer of the
techniques being applied.
1 1 University of Glamorgan HELP2Wales £233,356 53686 10/01/2003 £533,502
HELP2Wales aims to significantly increase collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Small of Medium Sized Enterprises
(SMEs) through delivering innovative consultancy projects to help new and existing SMEs develop new products, exploit new technology and
explore new markets. The new programme will help more SMEs develop an innovative culture by accessing the expertise and resources of the 13
Welsh HEIs. Examples of innovative consultancy services available will include; Rapid Prototyping, Electronics Prototyping Product and Materials
Testing, Information & Communications Technology, Technical Internet Service/e-commerce, Environmental Management & Technology, Process
and Supply Chain Innovation and Market Research.
1 1
University of Wales College
Festival of Enterprise (Obj 2) £45,419 53874 08/01/2003 £110,012
The project has been developed as a result of extensive Enterprise and Entrepreneurship research, consultation and experience through practice.
It seeks to develop a coherent Entrepreneurship strategy and action plan for Newport for 2001-2003. The strategy will be developed in a
partnership with public, private and voluntary sector organisations. It seeks to raise awareness, promote and stimulate entrepreneurial activities
across Newport and across all communities in an innovative, interactive, fun packed contemporary manner. This will be achieved by a series of
planned programmes of activities, which will run throughout schools, colleges, community and voluntary organisations and the business sector
and culminate in a celebration of enterprise at a Newport Festival to be held in July/August 2002 in the Town Centre. These activities will be
developed within the following strands: 1.Business Challenge for Schools 2.Media Showcase 3.Cultural Enterprise 4.Education and Training
5.Community Enterprise 6.Science and Technology Challenge. Activities being developed include: Seminars with local and national speakers and
facilitators Workshops for new and existing businesses covering topics such as marketing, finance, business start-up, developing creative ideas,
developing self confidence and motivational skills, business survival and growth and family business. Displays provided by local business (micro,
SMEs and community), banks, FE/HE, Business Support Agencies, Young Enterprise Programme, Prince's Trust. Interactive displays and
exhibitions eg. DJ, Hair and nail technology, Aromatherapy, alternative therapy, local food and wine, website development, art, craft, dance,
fashion. Competitions: Art, Make it from Junk, Business Plan, Retail Marketing, Design Council, Patent Office. Flea Market Media, Art and cultural
industries focus. Eg. Fashion Show, Local Bands Concert, Radio Wales/REAL Radio, TV, IT and multimedia, Film/Video. Education: Young
Enterprise and Prince's Trust activities and showcase, Enterprise Summer School prior to Festival in UWCN and Coleg Gwent, Problem Solving,
and Third Age entrepreneurship.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Promoting An Entrepreneurial Culture Taste of Enterprise
Pre-Start Up Support Programme
£601,312 53880 17/01/2003 £1,414,000
This project takes a holistic approach to implementing three key areas of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan. 1. Key Action 1 - PROMOTING AN
ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE. The project will contribute to creating a climate in Wales that encourages individuals to be more entrepreneurial in
what they do, be it in education, work (private or public sector) or be it in the community. It seeks to raise awareness of entrepreneurship,
change attitudes towards business and enterprise and to remove motivational barriers that prevent more people behaving in an entrepreneurial
way. 2. Key Action 3 - A TASTE OF ENTERPRISE This element of the project will offer opportunities for young and unemployed people in
particular with positive attitude, to business start-up to experience enterprise at first hand in a safe environment and without having to commit to
running their own business. It will support entrepreneurship amongst groups that are presently excluded from accessing enterprise opportunities.
3. Key Action 5 - SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR UNDER-REPRESENTED ENTREPRENEURS This element is an integrated programme of pre-business
start-up support for six target groups that are under-represented amongst new business starts, or under-represented in seeking business advice
from the mainstream business support agencies. The groups face additional barriers, both internal and external, which the project seeks to
eliminate at the pre-business start-up phase by putting in place Positive Action measures tailored to the needs of the client groups - The six
target groups are disabled people, ethnic minorities, Welsh speakers, 18-30 year old, the over 50s and lone parents. Lead bodies for each group
are partners in the project: Disability Wales, Ethnic Business Support Programme Ltd, Menter a Busnes, the Princes Trust Cymru, Prime Cymru
and Chwarae Teg. To ensure that the positive action measures are transferred to and become embedded into existing business service provision,
the mainstreaming element is core to the project, and mainstream providers: Business Connect and Enterprise Wales, will form part of the
project from the outset.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Technology Exploitation Programme - East Wales Objective 2 £433,900 53881 09/01/2003 £1,455,800
The programme is expressly designed to benefit SMEs in the Objective 2 area, by providing two key elements namely Technology Collaboration
and Technology Investment. The Technology Collaboration element will provide specific technology services and expertise and will encourage
greater collaboration between industry and academia. The Technology Investment element will help fund the implementation of new technology,
new processes and product development.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) @ Wales Digital Media Initiative £265,437 53893 08/01/2003 £652,092
@ Wales supplies intense, very high quality incubation service to Digital Media SME's operating within South Cardiff. Very high quality incubation
to North American standards is rare in the UK. This project will physically house Micro-enterprises within the Cymric building where specialist
staff work closely providing business advice, access to services, expertise, networking opportunities and access to capital. Micro-enterprises
graduate as SME's after some 3 to 18 months within the Incubator, and are supported in their own offices for a further period after graduation.
As well as access to advice the Micro-enterprises have full physical support with the provision of computing and offices equipment, specialised
hardware, high-bandwidth Internet access. Financially the incubators enjoy privileged access to Venture Capital funds, loan fund, and Angel
investors from both the UK and abroad. @Wales will draw on established international links (particularly with North America, Germany and
Australia) to help support international best practice. The Staff are recruited from their recognised high degrees of experience within Industrial
IT, New media Marketing Finance and management. The project will recruit around 14 Digital media Microenterprises / SME's with the potential
for significant, sustainable employment growth for high skill, high wage employment within the new media economy of South Cardiff. Those
Micro-enterprises can expect significant growth both in terms of employment and also in terms of increased turnover and investment.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cardiff Digital Media Centre (Capital) £745,721 53888 17/01/2003 £2,494,054
Bringing a redundant building back into use by the refurbishment and restoration of Beynon House, Mount Stuart Square, Butetown, Cardiff for
use as intense incubation units for SMEs in the digital media sector. This is a Grade II listed building constructed circa 1905, which is vacant and
has fallen into severe disrepair over recent years. The refurbished building will provide approximately 1,520 sq m of net internal employment
floorspace. The project will entail substantial restoration of the original materials, such as external and internal stonework, brickwork and timber
floors and plaster features. The premises will be refurbished to include new access for the disabled. The design and specification has been
independently assessed, and has achieved a BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Assessment Method) Excellent rating, the highest
published environmental standard achievable.
2 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Toolkit £276,000 53680 17/01/2003 £614,000
The Community Regeneration Toolkit is a programme to support the sustainable development of communities in the rural economy of Powys. A
range of Tools will be made available to community groups within the social economy at appropriate stages in their development. Tool 1
(Seedcorn funding) will be administered by PAVO through their complimentary Obj 2 bid, whilst Tool 2 (Partnership) and 3 (Training &
Mentoring) have been successful in attracting Obj 3 funding. This application is for Tool 4 (Revenue Funding), Tool 5 (Development Officer
Support), Tool 6 (Consultancy / Professional Support) and Tool 7 (Sector Based Intervention). A community group wishing to access support
from the Toolkit will need to work up a proposed future plan for their area and meet the criteria set for each tool. Through working with PAVO to
support initial seedcorn stages, groups will be encouraged to reach their full potential.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Heart of Wales Busines Park Llandrindod Wells £169,252 54909 03/07/2003 £573,734
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises at the Heart of Wales Business Park, Llanrindod Wells. This will involve the
construction of two 300sq.m speculative mixed-use premises on land owned by the WDA. The units aim to provide flexible, high quality business
premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design elements of the units will reflect the potential
tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRESCU best practice. The units will have an extensive waste area, adequate
parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate. When complete, the units will be let to
SME's, either indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify the local
economy, and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business through advance premises the units will contribute to higher economic
activity levels and lower economic leakage from Llandrindod Wells. The project will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division
Construction Team. The WDA will market the units during the construction phases to potential occupiers, and negotiate tenancies/leases with
eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the suitability of the tenant.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Advance Office Units Dyfi Eco Parc Machynlleth £147,500 54929 03/07/2003 £500,000
ADVANCE OFFICE UNITS DYFI ECO PARC, MACHYNLLETH The project is to construct a high quality, two storey prestigious advance single or
multi-occupancy office unit of c.400sq.m. This will complement the development at the Dyfi Eco-Parc, and add an additional characteristic to the
Estate, as the previous 5 units are manufacturing orientated. In total the scheme should occupy c.1/4 hectare. The unit will be designed to
achieve a "high" BRESCU standard and be highly landscaped. When complete, the unit will be let to one or a variety of SME's requiring
office/R&D facilities, so helping to diversify the local economy and improve local GDP levels.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Dyfi Eco Park - Phase 2 Office Unit Machynlleth £150,611 54930 03/07/2003 £510,546
DYFI ECO PARK - PHASE 2 OFFICE UNIT, MACHYNLLETH The aim of the project is to provide high quality office business premises at the Dyfi Eco
Park, Machynlleth. This will involve the construction of one x 400 sq.m speculative office premises on land owned by the WDA. The units aim to
provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design
elements of the units will reflect the potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRESCU best practice. The units
will have an extensive waste area, adequate parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the
estate. When complete, the units will be let to SME's, either indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern office based accommodation, so
helping to diversify the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business through advance office premises the unit will
contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The project will be managed and delivered by the WDA
Mid Division Construction Team. The WDA will market the unit during the construction phases to potential occupiers and negotiate tenancies/
leases with eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the suitability of the tenants.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Broadaxe Enterprise Park, Presteigne £309,781 54931 03/07/2003 £1,050,106
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises at the Broadaxe Enterprise Park, Presteigne. This will involve the construction
of two sq. speculative mixed-use premises on land owned by the WDA. The units aim to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both
indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design elements of the units will reflect the potential tenant's business
goals and professional image and incorporate BRESCU best practice. The units will have an extensive waste area, adequate parking spaces and
the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Treowain Enterprise Park - Machynlleth £147,578 54932 03/07/2003 £500,265
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises at the Treowain Enterprise Park, Machynlleth. This will involve the
construction of two 300 sq. speculative mixed-use premises on land owned by the WDA. The units aim to provide flexible, high quality business
premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design elements of the units will reflect the potential
tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRESCU best practice. The units will have an extensive waste area, adequate
parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate. When complete, the units will be let to
SME's, either indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify the local
economy and improve local GDP levels.. By accommodating business through advance premises the units will contribute to higher economic
activity levels and lower economic leakage from Machynlleth, which suffers from high unemployment levels and out-migration of educated young
people. The project will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Construction Team. The WDA will market the units during the
construction phases to potential occupiers and negotiate/leases with eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the suitability of
the tenant.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Buttington Cross Enterprise Park, Welshpool £446,823 54933 03/07/2003 £1,514,655
The aim of the project is to provide a high quality business premises at the Buttington Cross Enterprise Park, Welshpool. This will involve the
construction of one 3,000 sq. m speculative mixed use premises on land owned by the WDA. The unit's aim is to provide flexible, high quality
business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design elements of the unit will reflect the
potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRECSU best practice. The unit will have an extensive waste area,
adequate parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to high standard evidenced on the estate. When complete, the unit will be
let to SME's, either indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify the local
economy and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business through advance premises the unit will contribute to higher economic
activity levels and lower economic leakage from the Welshpool area, which suffers form high unemployment levels and out-migration of educated
young people. The project will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Construction Team. The WDA will market the unit during the
construction phases to potential occupiers and negotiate tenancies/ leases with eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the
suitability of the tenants.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Cardiff Digital Media Centre (Revenue) £804,539 55129 28/08/2003 £2,057,364
The Cardiff Digital Media Centre will supply intense, very high quality incubation services to Digital Media SMEs operating within South Cardiff
and will provide access to a dedicated Digital Media resource centre which will allow digital media entrepreneurs access to information and
support in developing their projects Very high quality incubation to North American standards is rare in the UK. This project will physically house
Micro-enterprises within the Cardiff Digital Media Centre, where specialist staff will work closely providing business advice, access to services,
expertise, networking opportunities and access to capital. Microentreprises graduate as SMEs after some 3 to 18 months within the Incubator,
and are supported in their own offices for a further period after graduation. As well as access to advice, the Micro-enterprises have full physical
support with the provision of computing and office equipment, specialised hardware and software, high-bandwidth Internet access. Financially,
the incubatees enjoy privileged access to Venture Capital funds, loan funds, and Angel investors from both the UK and abroad. The Cardiff Digital
Media Centre will draw on established international links (particularly with North America, Germany and Australia) to help support international
best practice. The staff are recruited for their recognised high degrees of experience within Industrial IT, New media Marketing, Finance and
Management. Key staff perform each of these roles with appropriate support. The project will recruit Digital Media Micro-enterprises / SME's with
the potential for significant, sustainable employment growth for high skill, high wage employment within the new media economy of South
Cardiff. Those Micro-enterprises can expect significant growth both in terms of employment and also in terms of increased turnover and
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Welsh New Business Start-up Programme for High Growth
£315,242 54674 30/04/2004 £703,821
The project will provide customised, specialist professional advice, e.g. legal, marketing, IPR, financial, to individual entrepreneurs or teams of
entrepreneurs seeking to establish new high growth SMEs with a turnover of £1 million plus within two years, in the East Wales Objective 2 area.
This project is one of a number of strategically linked applications submitted as part of the implementation of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan,
and has been developed to provide a focused development programme for high growth business start-ups co-ordinated by the WDA. This project
will actively seek entrepreneurs and teams of entrepreneurs who believe they have a business idea capable of meeting the eligibility criteria of
the scheme who would then prepare their case for support. These proposals would be received by a panel of individuals experienced in bringing
such companies to the market. This panel would include financiers, legal advisors, accountants and sector specialists (as appropriate to
individual proposals). Those proposals gaining approval would receive dedicated assistance to bring the company to market. It is envisaged that
the assistance to each entrepreneur and teams of entrepreneurs would be different from that received by any other entrepreneur on the project.
Those entrepreneurs who do not receive approval from the panel, would receive support through the mainstream Business Starts Programme,
which is capable of providing support to companies with up to £1M turnover in year 2. A small team of staff will be recruited by the WDA to
ensure that the project achieves the objectives set. Sit on the panel as an observer and to act as a catalyst, so as to ensure that the project
dovetails with the work already being undertaken in other areas, such as the New Business Starts Programme, Potentia and KEF, so as to ensure
that we optimise the combined impact of these programmes.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Newport Unlimited Property Development Fund £1,050,000 55649 18/06/2004 £5,670,000
Newport Unlimited Property Development Fund (NUPDF) is a property development fund set up to provide gap funding to developers of new and
refurbished office floor space in Newport City Centre, as part of the wider regeneration of Newport. The fund will be promoted by Newport
Unlimited on behalf of the applicant the Welsh Development Agency. Newport Unlimited is an Urban Regeneration Company set up by the WDA,
Newport City Council and the Welsh Assembly Government. The funding will help to overcome abnormal development costs and market failure on
individual schemes, which hitherto have deterred investment in office development. The Fund will bring about additional office floor space for
SMEs, additional jobs, and will stimulate a stronger office market for the future. It is proposed that £3m be made available (£2.25m from ERDF
and £0.75m from NU) to the Fund in order to bring forward 8.360m2 (90,000 ft2 ) of new floor space, up to 226 net additional jobs, and £10m
of private sector investment. The project will pilot a 'one stop shop' gap funding mechanism for private sector developers. Marketed as a
straightforward property development 'fund', with the attractive connotations this type of branding holds, it will offer developers a streamlined
route through which to access gap funding. NU will promote the overall scheme, assessing eligible bids from developers and, if approved, WDA
will award grant to cover the gap demonstrated on the basis of a state aid limit of up to 25% based upon total costs and an ERDF intervention
threshold of 25% of eligible costs. Projects requiring a level of gap funding that would breach State Aid limits, will not be considered by NU.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) General Business Advisory Service £250,628 55246 25/08/2004 £561,193
The aim of the project is to provide a unified, consistent and quality approach to the delivery of general business advisory support. Offering a
flexible response to client need, based on local understanding, the service will improve clarity for businesses by presenting a single, flexible
approach which replaces the current multiple products and will assist businesses to access and utilise other business support from the private,
public and voluntary sector. Whilst promoted as a single 'product', the support will be tiered with a focus on appropriate support linked to the
resulting impact on the business. The project builds upon the success of regional initiatives such as the GAS (general advisory service) service in
mid and North Wales and the PBA (personal business adviser) service in West Wales. These different services have demonstrated that there is a
significant need for the provision of quality general business advisory personnel to assist businesses achieve growth and development, as well as
ensuring sustainability. However, there is currently a lack of consistency across the various services on offer and this project aims to put in place
a more coherent approach to delivery that adopts the best features of all its precursors. The project, to be delivered through local delivery
contractors, will be both flexible and responsive. It will provide a wide variety of general business advice and help: ranging from guidance in
applying for available grants or other support to help with constructing a business plan and longer-term strategic planning. The general support
will include help with accessing specialist support where needed. The depth and level of support offered will be dependent upon the size, type
and nature of the business with the level of resources offered being linked to the likely resulting impact on the business as indicated in the
diagram below. Three levels of support will be applied, based on: Level 1 - SMEs with no to low growth potential Level 2 - SMEs with low to
modest growth potential Level 3 - SMEs with modest to real growth potential Gateway and GBAS Advisers will be making professional value
judgements in relation to the particular level that a company is offered, with appropriate controls being in place on the level of service to be
delivered. The majority of businesses accessing the proposed service are expected to do so via the Business Support Gateway. As a logical "next
step" for many users of the Gateway Service, the project will also assist businesses to access and utilise more effectively other business support
in the private, voluntary and public sectors. There will be a strong local focus in the delivery of the project, ensuring that local needs are met.
This will be combined with central co-ordination and management within the WDA regional offices. ELWa have committed their support to the
project and will contribute funding to cover Advisers undertaking a Training Needs Analysis, as part of the diagnostic / review of business
requirements. This is being considered as providing a 'joint field force' approach, reducing the number of advisers approaching businesses and
ensuring appropriate support at the right time for the SMEs supported. The provision of support within a quality structure is essential to the
successful delivery of the project. Higher quality standards will be attained through a combination of robust management, monitoring and
evaluation of the service coupled with on-going professional development of Business Advisers. Ensuring consistency of approach, a single client
management system (Link Track) will be used for tracking and monitoring activity and the resulting impacts upon the business. In addition to
GBAS Managers located in the regional WDA offices, an all Wales management group involving WDA and ELWa will take responsibility for
strategic direction of the service. Flexibility to move between the 'Levels'. GBAS Quality will be ensured by Monitoring Management Personnel
employed by the WDA
2 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Toolkit 2 £322,875 55247 15/04/2004 £717,500
The Community Regeneration Toolkit is a programme designed to support the sustainable economic and social regeneration of communities in
the rural economy of Powys. This combines activities such as community capacity building, preparation of Action Plans and project
implementation as pioneered and refined in both the successful Market Towns Initiative and the initial phase of the Community Regeneration
Toolkit; both of which were supported by ERDF funding. The Toolkit consists of 8 core 'tools' (different levels of funding and support) as a
mechanism for the delivery of key elements of the Mid Wales Community Regeneration Strategy managed by the WDA in partnership with the
region's statutory organisations. This project principally relates to the tools to provide: * Direct Revenue Funding: for operating costs and
projects of the community groups. * Development Officer funding: for each community group. * Specialist Consultancy and Professional Support
(consultants from outside organisations). * Sector based intervention: activities undertaken collectively by groups on a specific theme, i.e.
tourism or ICT. A community group wishing to access support from the Toolkit will need to work up an Action Plan for their area and meet the
criteria set for each tool.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Local Supplier Development £150,792 55394 05/07/2004 £516,944
A study carried out by University of Wales College Newport and Newport and Gwent Enterprise in 2001 entitled "SME Engagement in Public
Sector Procurement", highlighted the fact that the public sector in Wales spent £3 billion pounds per annum, and recommended a number of
actions to enhance the SME engagement in public sector procurement. Three of the actions identified were: 1. All Wales Public Sector Contracting
Web Site-which is currently being developed and due to be launched in November 2003. 2. Pre-Qualification Health Checks for SMEs - this forms
part of the project and the "How to Tender" workshops will assist the SMEs in obtaining the necessary public sector accreditation. 3. SME
Supplier Development Programme - which is this basis for this project. The Local Supplier Development Project will dovetail with (1) above by
providing the necessary support for SMEs within Wales to improve their skills and increase their confidence to tender for both public and private
sector contracts. It is intended to employ Supplier Champions throughout Wales, and in East Wales it is proposed to employ two Supplier
Champions in the Objective Core area, and one in the Transitional area. A job description for the Supplier Champion is appended at the end of
the application, and the key activities of the project are listed below. Additionally, two administration staff will be employed in East Wales, one
covering the non assisted area, whilst the other person's duties will be split 50:50 between the Objective 2 and Objective 2 Transitional areas. A
job description is included at the end of the report. The aim of the project is to develop and deliver cohesive support to facilitate inter-trading
activity and provide practical assistance to SMEs in securing both public and private sector contracts. The service will be delivered throughout the
programme area, with a focus on local delivery mechanisms. The project builds upon the success of regional initiatives such as Contract Shop
and the Public Sector Local Supply Chain Initiative which originated in North Wales. It is intended to utilise the best practice from both within the
Programme area. The key activities will include: 1. Proactively encouraging and facilitating businesses to purchase goods and services from local
suppliers with a single point of contact on a local basis to support such activity. 2. Developing tools to assist inter-trading activity, such as the
development of comprehensive website, CD-Rom, regular newsletters, as well as organising events such as "meet the buyer". 3. Establishing
links with strategic buyers in both the public and private sectors and encouraging them to maximise the use of local suppliers in their
procurement processes. 4. Working with local businesses to develop their capacity to meet the requirements of major buyers including for
example, workshops on how to prepare a tender. 5. Facilitating the opportunities for businesses to work on a collaborative basis with the
potential to access larger contracts, which they would be unable to achieve on their own. 6. Providing information to local businesses on
potential contract / business opportunities-Opportunity spotting. 7. Provide central management, co-ordination and quality control, to ensure
consistency of approach throughout the Programme area. The above will be implemented by utilising existing business support network
mechanisms within the programme area, together with private sector partners where applicable. It is envisaged that a "Supplier Champion" will
be employed on an area basis. This has been determined by the number of VAT registered businesses within the counties. It is proposed that the
"Supplier Champions" will be assisted with the provision of administration support on a regional basis. The Supplier Champion will be expected
to: a) Provide a single point of contact to businesses. b) Make proactive visits to businesses on regular basis. c) Establish links and develop
networks within the operating area for buyers and suppliers. d) Identify opportunities for businesses. e) Collate articles for the quarterly
newsletter. f) Arrange "How to Tender" courses, either delivering themselves or call upon third parties to deliver the workshops. This will depend
upon who is successful in obtaining the contract to deliver the project. g) Where necessary call upon the services of "experts" in the field of
public sector procurement to provide in depth One to One consultations to the businesses. h) Liaise closely with other "Supplier Champions" in
other areas and share best practice, and organise joint events. i) Work closely with strategic buyers and suppliers within the region. j) Develop
links with the Welsh Assembly Government Procurement Initiative team. k) Refer businesses to other specialist programme and organisations,
such as Source Wales, Timber 11, Environmental Goods and Services and Welsh Tourist Board. l) Work closely with other general business
support provision within the counties. Additionally, the following will be employed to provide central support for the project: Administration
Support: a) Central support for the Supplier Champion. b) Collation of information for sponsor and European Community. c) Arrange meetings,
courses and assist with meet the buyer events.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Speculative Factory Premises Ystradgynlais £164,559 55346 26/11/2003 £549,265
The aim of this project is to provide high quality business premises within the Objective 2 area. The project will construct two speculative
mixed-use business premises of 500 sq. metres each on land owned by the WDA at the Woodlands Enterprise Park, Ystradgynlais. The units aim
to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Advance Unit Parc Hafren - Llanidloes £119,095 55347 26/11/2003 £397,517
The project is to construct a high quality, prestigious advance industrial unit of 500 sq. metres with a shared central service and reception area.
The unit will be designed to achieve a "high" BREEAM standard and be well landscaped. When complete the unit will be let to one or a variety of
SME's requiring light industrial or manufacturing premises, so helping to diversify the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. The unit
aims to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The
design elements of the unit will reflect the potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRECSU best practice. The
unit will have an extensive waste area, adequate parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on
the estate.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Dyfi Eco Park - Advance Units Machynlleth £223,092 55348 26/11/2003 £744,638
The aim of this project is to provide high quality business premises within the Objective 2 area at the Dyfi Eco park in Machynlleth. The project
will involve the construction 2 x 300 square metre speculative mixed-use premises on land owned by the WDA. The units aim to provide flexible,
high quality office premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Offa's Dyke Business Park £212,116 55349 26/11/2003 £708,000
The aim of the project is to provide a high quality business premises at the Offa's Dyke Business Park, Welshpool. This will involve the
construction of one 1,000 sq. metre speculative mixed use premises on land owned by the WDA. The unit's aim is to provide flexible high quality
premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design elements of the unit will reflect the potential
tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRECSU best practice. The unit will have an extensive waste area, adequate
parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Site Infrastructure to Llanidloes Business Park £180,353 55517 24/03/2005 £780,786
The aim of the project is to provide site infrastructure for a new key employment site at the former KTH factory site at Llanidloes as part of he
Llanidloes Regeneration Plan. The Regeneration Plan has been prepared by the Llanidloes Task Force which was established 2 years ago to
address the problems facing the town following the announcement of the closure of the KTH foundry and the loss of some 250 manufacturing
jobs. The Task Force is a partnership involving the local community (Town Council, LLANI Ltd etc) Powys CC, ELWa, WTB, Job Centre Plus and
the WDA. The redevelopment of the KTH site is dependent on the provision of a new access road off the A470 Llanidloes by-pass, which is being
funded by the Welsh Assembly Government. It will provide direct access to the eastern part o f he town including the KTH site. This new road
will enable the WDA to redevelop the site into a high added value Business Park for indigenous businesses and inward investors. The site
infrastructure involves the physical development of the KTH site including: site clearance, filling of the site, road infrastructure, utilities,
drainage, site remediation and the associated environmental improvements, landscaping, provision of pavements and footpaths and street
lighting. A further second phase, implemented by the WDA, will develop the site to include 14 advance business units ranging in size from 80
sq.m to 730 sq.m totalling around 3,500 sq.m of floorspace and will provide 120 job opportunities. This application is therefore paramount in
that it will provide the physical infrastructure necessary to further develop the site and create employment opportunities in an area that has
recently suffered significant job losses.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) General Support for Business (GSB) - Obj 2 £1,258,324 57412 29/03/2006 £2,809,387
The aim of the programme is to provide high quality advice and support to potential, new and existing SMEs in Wales through a consistent,
flexible, comprehensive offering available throughout the lifecycle of the business. The service has been developed from best practice gained
through delivery of the GBAS and NBS programmes and is an amalgamation of the key characteristics and best practice of both. It aims to
provide relevant support to address individual needs whether pre-start, for sustainability or for businesses seeking to generate significant
growth. An essential element of the new single service is the close working relationship that has developed with ELWa. This will ensure that all
clients aswell as accessing appropriate specialist support are also able to access the full suite of ELWa products and services, for holistic
development of the company. The major advantage of the new single service is that it will allow a greater level of consistency for clients through
this integrated mechanism. It will also offer the client flexibility of maintaining relationships with their advisor through pre-start to post-start, or
as they develop and grow, to change the type and nature of support they receive (subject to tendering arrangements). The service is unique in
that businesses throughout their life cycle can now access all the general support they require through a single consistent framework.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Intelligent Cities Initiative £99,994 56551 25/11/2004 £321,540
The project aims to deal with 25 existing SME's receiving advice information and/or assistance over the project period to significantly increase
both turnover and employment. The SME's have been identified from published lists of the sector in the relevant geographical base and also have
had the opportunity to self-nominate. The 25 SME's represent those in particular structural difficulty and presenting issues that are relevant to
the wider community. The Intelligent Cities Initiative is designed to allow SME's to gain access to high bandwidth networks in order to: Compete
effectively in new markets; collaborate with each other to improve the local economy; improve their supply chain to major clients and improve
the exploitation of export markets by Cardiff SME's. Butetown and Canton have been chosen for the project because of the particular structural
difficulties of the SME's in those wards. Both contain significant numbers of target SME's who have considered moving out of the area to access
services necessary to continue their business.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Demand Led Standard Business Unit - Wyeside Enterprise
£283,065 56464 15/09/2004 £944,815
The aim of this project is to provide flexible, high quality business premises at Wyeside Enterprise Park - Llanelwedd, and involves the
construction of a 1440m2 business unit on land owned by the WDA
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Assistance to Environmental Goods & Services Sector £46,466 56462 21/10/2004 £309,776
The project provides a flexible grant scheme to facilitate the objectives set out below, enhancing the trading opportunities and potential of the
recipient business. The scheme was designed to be a gap filler', so that companies normally drew upon other sources of funding if more
appropriate. Two types of grants are available:- Specialist advice grant - to obtain expertise not currently available in-house. Implementation
grant - to support the cost of purchase to implement projects that facilitate business development, including the development of innovative green
technologies and products. Recipients of the grants are SME businesses, including those in the 'third sector', operating in (or diversifying into)
one or more of the following EGS sub-sectors:- Air pollution control; Contaminated land remediation; Energy management; Environmental
instrumentation, Monitoring and analysis; Environmental consultancy; Landscape industries; Marine pollution control; Noise and vibration
control; Waste management, recycling; and Water supply/treatment and waste water treatment.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Business Birth Rate Strategy - Obj 2 £924,711 56486 22/10/2004 £2,064,552
The project will provide a more dynamic, diverse and appropriate portfolio of start up support, which is flexible, timely and tailored to the
specific, diagnosed needs of the particular individual. Further the project recognises that a whole range of different types of support may be
required by the different businesses and individuals. Implementation of the programme will be by means of the Business Support providers,
which have been procured through an open tender process via OJEC. A small team of staff will be recruited by the appropriate WDA regions to
ensure that the project achieves the objectives set and act as a catalyst to ensure that the project dovetails with the work already being
undertaken in other areas such as Potentia, KEF and the Objective 1 New Business Start Programme. Each potential business that seeks public
sector support will be seen by a business advisor who will make a decision whether to proceed or not. If it is agreed to proceed, an action plan
will be developed, which should lead to the development of the business plan etc. By the end of March 2005 we are confident that the
programme will be on target of providing advice to some 1463 individuals and creating a total of 1000 new businesses.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Reactive Development £97,534 56476 22/10/2004 £217,763
The programme provides support to individual SME's in the South East of Wales, to achieve specific business improvements which will improve
their efficiencies thereby helping them to increase competitiveness, reduce costs, retain existing business and secure new business. Each
individual company project is specific to the needs of that business. All potential projects will be assessed against the likely benefit to the client,
measured as the potential value of business that could be retained or the potential new business that could be won. Each project ensures
documentation of this "opportunity value" from the client in writing and is retained on file. Actual achievements are recorded individually against
each project and certified by the participating client. The programme is managed by a staff member of the WDA, based in the Treforest office. All
SME's except from excluded sectors, based in Objective 2 areas of the WDA SE Region, are eligible for support. The key outputs will be the
number of clients supported and the value of new business and business retained. Where clearly identifiable, the number of jobs safeguarded
will also be recorded. Other opportunities are expected to result from the support activity and these will actively be progressed or forwarded to
the relevant support/partner bodies, including requirements for ICT support and export assistance.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Powys Property Development Grant 2000/2004 (Obj 2) £153,441 56484 17/11/2004 £1,109,965
The aim of the project is to provide a Property Development Grant fund for SME's to build new business premises or extensions to their existing
premises, and for adapting their premises to their individual or changing needs, throughout the Powys Objective 2 Core area. There is a
significant gap between cost of construction and resultant value in the Objective 2 Transitional Area, which discourages private sector investment
in industrial premises either by end-users or property developers. The Powys PDG fund is designed to fill this gap and generate optimum private
sector investment. The scheme will operate entirely within State Aid limits. When complete, the units and extensions will be occupied by SME's
either indigenous or inward investors, so helping to diversify the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business
expansions and new businesses, the fund will contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The fund
will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Property Management Team.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Powys Property Development Grant 2000/2004 £113,407 56480 18/11/2004 £549,933
The aim of the project is to provide a Property Development Grant fund for speculative development by private sector landlords of new units, or
the refurbishment of existing units, for SME's throughout the Powys Objective 2 Core area. There is a significant gap between cost of
construction and resultant value in the Objective 2 Area, which discourages private sector investment in industrial premises. The Powys PDG fund
is designed to fill this gap and generate optimum private sector investment. The scheme will operate entirely within State Aid limits. When
complete, the units and extensions will be occupied by SME's either indigenous or inward investors, so helping to diversify the local economy,
and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business expansions and new businesses, the fund will contribute to higher economic activity
levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The fund will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Property Management Team.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Wales SME-Business 2 £198,761 56366 15/02/2005 £502,596
The aim of the project is to build upon the first Wales SME-Business Programme, which was approved under the previous Objective 2 ISW and
Objective 5b Programmes and the new programme mirrors the one recently approved in Objective 1. The project will provide one to one
mentoring to SMEs on complex ICT issues and the necessary awareness raising activities to support this. Experience on the existing programme
has shown that it is mainly the SME's employing more than 20 employees who have made the change to full ICT integration. The widely accepted
e-adoption ladder has five stages, namely 1. e-mail, 2. Websites. 3. e-commerce, 4.e-business and 5. Full ICT Integration. It is intended that the
project will target larger companies with larger scale projects at stages 4 and 5 of the e-adoption ladder that is, e business and full ICT
integration, and will complement the existing Opportunity Wales programme. We see this project along with the IT Centres, Opportunity Wales
and Wales SME Business programmes, providing an integrated service to SMEs. The Managers of these and other programme meet on a regular
basis to ensure they work together and offer business the appropriate assistance.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Liswerry Business Centre - Ex-Pirelli Site, Newport £1,311,200 57245 29/12/2006 £4,500,000
The aim of the project is to develop industrial / business units to regenerate the ex-Pirelli site, situated within the Liswerry Ward, by building a
range of high quality industrial units to support business start-up and the development of SME's. The site which is approximately 26 acres was
purchased by the WDA in early 2003. This application covers circa 10.83 hectares (4 - 4.5 acres) of land on which a total of 40-45 units
(depending on exact specification) will be constructed and will be a joint venture between the WDA and Newport and Gwent Chamber of
Commerce Enterprise and Industry (NGCCEI). The aim of the project is to develop the concept of a Business Centre with fully integrated business
support both for new start-ups and existing businesses. The NGCCEI will provide access for business to business support and training facilities.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Powys Property Development Grant for Developers £225,000 56946 14/06/2005 £1,500,000
The aim of the project is to provide a Property Development Grant fund for speculative property developers to build new business premises or
extensions to client existing premises, and for adapting their premises to individual or changing needs, throughout the Powys Objective 2 Core
Area. There is a significant gap between cost of construction and resultant value in the Objective 2 area, which discourages private sector
investment in industrial premises. The Powys PDG fund is designed to fill the gap & generate optimum private sector investment. The scheme will
operate entirely within State Aid limits. When complete, the units and extensions will be occupied by SME's, either indigenous or inward
investors, so helping to diversify the local economy and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business expansions and new businesses,
the fund will contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The fund will be managed and delivered by
the WDA Mid Division Property Management Team.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Powys Property Development Grant £260,000 56850 22/02/2005 £1,820,000
The main aim of the project is to provide a property development grant fund for SMEs to build new business premises or extensions to their
existing premises, and for adapting their premises to individual or changing needs, throughout the Powys objective two core area.
2 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Adfywio £750,000 57300 31/03/2006 £2,650,000
The project will provide financial support for projects, which help integrate tourism business more closely with open-air recreation, outdoor
leisure and the natural environment. The Adfywio scheme is especially designed to support activities, which meet the needs of the tourist and
leisure visitors who have a significant interest in outdoor recreation and enjoyment. The Adfywio scheme can provide for capital projects that will
promote access and improve visitor enjoyment by the enhancement of outdoor activities and environmental interpretation in Wales. There is a
particular focus on the following growth areas/niche markets such as walking, cycling, angling, adventure, wildlife, horseriding and watersports.
2 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Adfywio £61,802 55497 11/12/2003 £191,840
Adfywio is a successful environmental tourism co-funding scheme introduced by WAG as part of its response to the Rural Recovery initiative,
following foot and mouth. It is jointly administered by WTB and CCW. The aim of this project is to provide financial support for projects, which
help integrate tourism business more closely with open-air recreation, outdoor leisure and the natural environment.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Integrated Tourism SME Support £1,069,655 55411 28/11/2003 £6,033,398
The project will provide integrated financial assistance plus specialist tourism advice to tourism SMEs in East Wales. This will provide a more
holistic solution to assist tourism SMEs in responding to structural changes in their markets - notably the shift from long holidays to short
breaks, niche markets (special interest, activities etc). The financial assistance will be made available via the WTB's scheme administered under
Section 4 of the Development of Tourism Act 1969. This is a notified scheme with discretionary grant support available on a " minimum
necessary grant basis" The financial assistance will be linked to the provision of specialist tourism advice eg in relation to tourism quality
standards; tourism marketing/market research. It is also linked to cross cutting themes via the linkages and direction of tourism SMEs to other
initiatives/organisations such as Arena Network (Green Dragon): Opportunity Wales: "Sense of Place", the WDA/Chwarae Teg SME Equality
Project and the VisitWales e-commerce initiative. A key gateway to the project is via WTB quality advisors who undertake annual quality
inspections of c.2000 tourism SMEs in East Wales. Their role in addition to advice on "star" grading has been expanded to give initial business
advice and to signpost tourism SMEs to more specialist tourism advice or financial assistance where appropriate is a key component of the
project. (There will be consultations with local/regional partners on the detailed delivery of this support so that it may be tailored to the needs of
different areas etc). All recipients of financial assistance will be provided with guidance on the cross cutting themes. Specialist group workshops
will be designed (covering tourism business subjects plus the cross-cutting themes). Owner/managers plus key personnel will be required to
attend these workshops as a condition of any financial assistance. The project will also stimulate awareness and demand of the potential offered
by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and to support tourism SMEs, in particular, in exploiting the benefits of e-trading and
e-marketing. This demand will be stimulated through encouraging the use of the Wales Destination Management System as an effective
distribution system to enable tourism SMEs to get their product to market and to facilitate booking of Welsh holidays via the internet.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Integrated Tourism SME Support (Phase 1) £2,275,000 54961 30/07/2003 £13,341,000
This will provide a more holistic solution to assist tourism SMEs in responding to structural changes in their markets - notably the shift from long
holidays to short breaks, niche markets (special interest, activities etc) The financial assistance will be made available via the WTB's scheme
administered under Section 4 of the Development of Tourism Act 1969. This is a notified scheme with discretionary grant support available on a
"minimum necessary grant basis". The financial assistance will be linked to the provision of specialist tourism advice e.g. in relation to tourism
quality standards; tourism/market research. It is also linked to cross cutting themes via the linkages and direction of tourism SMEs to other
initiatives/organisations such as Arena Network (Green Dragon); Opportunity Wales; "Sense of Place", the WDA/Chwarae Teg SME Equality
Project and the VisitWales e-commerce initiative. A key gateway to the project is via WTB quality advisors who undertake annual quality
inspections of c.2000 tourism SMEs in East Wales. Their role in addition to advice on "star" grading has been expanded to give initial business
advice and to signpost tourism SMEs to more specialist tourism advice or financial assistance where appropriate is a key component of the
project. (There will be consultations with local/regional partners on the detailed delivery of this support so that it may be tailored to the needs of
different areas etc.) All recipients of financial assistance will be provided with guidance on the cross cutting themes. Specialist group workshops
will be designed (covering specialist tourism business subjects plus the cross-cutting themes), Owner/managers plus key personnel will be
required to attend these workshops as a condition of any financial assistance. The project will also stimulate awareness and demand of the
potential offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and to support tourism SMEs, in particular, in exploiting the benefits of
e-trading and e-marketing. This demand will be stimulated through encouraging the use of the Wales Destination Management System, as an
effective distribution system to enable tourism SMEs to get their produce to market and to facilitate booking of Welsh holiday products via the
3 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Co-operative Business Support in Newport £122,760 55508 14/07/2004 £245,699
The project will deliver a range of co-operative support services to individuals and businesses involved in a range of different co-operative
structures. The aim being to deliver services in an environment which brings together different co-operative structures sharing common needs
and bespoke services where required. It is anticipated that the former will enable individuals and businesses to share experience based on
different demands and activities, provide mutual support and ultimately lead to inter trading activity among Co-operatives. These programmes
have been developed on the basis of the Centre's considerable experience and expertise to specifically meet the needs of the sector. It will
encompass a holistic approach to co-operative and credit union development, introduce new programmes of support and provide a focussed
support service that will closely deliver in partnership with other support agencies.
2 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Co-operative Business Support in Powys £122,211 55248 14/07/2004 £245,699
The project will deliver a range of co-operative support services to individuals and businesses involved in a range of different co-operative
structures. The aim being to deliver services in an environment which brings together different co-operative structures sharing common needs
and bespoke services where required. It is anticipated that the former will enable individuals and businesses to share experience based on
different demands and activities, provide mutual support and ultimately lead to inter trading activity among Co-operatives. These programmes
have been developed on the basis of the Centre's considerable co-operative experience and expertise to specifically meet the needs of the sector.
It will encompass a holistic approach to co-operative and credit union development, introduce new programmes of support and provide a
focussed support service that will closely deliver in partnership with other support agencies.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Succession Fund Facilitator £32,992 53886 11/04/2003 £98,991
This project forms an important part of the support mechanisms required to ensure successful deal flow within Finance Wales. Specifically this
project addresses the deal flow requirements of the Succession Loan Fund (SLF). Finance Wales have asked the Wales Co-operative Centre to
sponsor this project because of their expertise in the support and development of employee based ownership, which is the foundation for the
SLF. This project will form an integral part of an all Wales approach mirroring applications in the Transitional and Objective 1 areas. The initiative
will support businesses facing business succession challenges by identifying succession routes that they are unlikely to be aware of and in turn
assisting them in accessing the Succession Loan Fund ("SLF") being established by Finance Wales. It is intended to appoint a facilitator to cover
the Objective 2 and transitional areas supported by specialised marketing expertise. The facilitator will establish links with businesses through
seminars, direct contact and business adviser referral. Through these links the facilitator will promote the SLF and generate a flow of applications
to the fund and assist businesses in the full process of succession.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Creating Wealth Through Credit Unions £106,793 53610 15/04/2003 £320,416
The project will implement the All Wales Credit Union Strategy throughout the Objective 2 areas of Wales through a partnership involving the
Wales Co-operative Centre, the Association of British Credit Unions Ltd (ABCUL) and the credit unions in Wales. It directly mirrors an existing
Objective 1 project. A Credit Union Development Fund has been set up aimed at building the capacity of credit unions in Wales, to ensure they
become self sustaining and this project will, where appropriate, maximise the resources available to credit unions. It will also provide direct
support to credit unions accessing the grant support through the development and implementation of a marketing strategy to increase
membership and active volunteers; promote the concept of credit unions; provide an effective means of credit union participation, consultation
and networking; facilitate the creation of an effective representation structure in Wales.
1 1 Wales Co-operative Centre Cardiff Credit Union £185,445 53487 06/02/2003 £414,037
The project will provide development support and mentoring to credit unions within the Objective 2 wards in Cardiff, to enable them to become
part of an all Cardiff credit union. Resources have been secured to ensure that the non-obj.2 areas of Cardiff also receive the appropriate
support. This will ensure sustainable growth through economies of scale, maximise the range of benefits credit unions can offer to those in the
more deprived areas of Cardiff, by linking them with the services provided in less deprived areas. The project will employ an officer who will be
responsible for implementing a strategy aimed at increasing membership and active volunteers, particularly amongst excluded groups. Credit
union services will be promoted to new and existing SME's building on the activities of the First Welsh business CU. An officer will be employed
to implement a volunteer development strategy and develop services aimed at tackling financial and social exclusion.
4 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Voluntary Sector Support Unit £31,786 54959 02/06/2003 £70,645
To build on WCVA's experience and expertise and develop an all Wales Voluntary Sector Support Unit.
1 2 Welsh Assembly Government Regional Selective Assistance Grants (Obj 2) £991,373 55428 08/12/2003 £7,147,496
The aim of the project is to provide additional resources for the Welsh Assembly Government to expand its support to economic development in
Wales with a view to raising GDP. The new funds would primarily be used to help fund further new investment and job creation by SMEs in the
Transitional areas of the Objective 2 & Transitional 2000-2006 Programme area. The additional funding will be paid through the Regional
Selective Assistance (RSA) and Assembly Investment Grant (AIG) schemes. The RSA element is the subject of this application, but the ERDF
funding will release funding for the AIG scheme. The RSA grant is a discretionary grant scheme notified under the EC Regional Aid Guidelines. It
is administered in Great Britain under common guidelines. RSA has 3 broadly complementary objectives:- 1. To help create and safeguard jobs in
the Assisted areas; 2. To help attract and retain internationally mobile investment; 3. To contribute to the regeneration and competitiveness of
Wales. The objectives of the project are to facilitate new investment by SMEs to generate new job opportunities and stimulate wealth creation.
The funds would be used to address market failure in finance for SMEs to start up, expand and to become competitive and productive. AIG, in
particular, is aimed specifically at addressing this need. The RSA grant is available to businesses normally as a contribution towards the eligible
capital costs (purchase of land, buildings, adaptations, plant and machinery, and technology transfer) of projects that create or safeguard jobs in
the Assisted areas of Wales.
1 2 Welsh Assembly Government Phase 3 Regional Selective Assistance Grants (Obj 2) £445,092 57335 07/12/2005 £2,984,582
The aim of this application is to provide additional resources for the Welsh Assembly Government ot expand its support to Economic
Development in Wales with a view to raising GDP. the new funds would primarily be used to help fund further new investment and job creation
by SMEs in the Objective 2 Area of Wales. The additional funding will be paid through the Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) and Assembly
Investment Grant (AIG) schemes.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Communities@One - Urban £444,182 57172 23/08/2005 £888,364
The project seeks to achieve 'digital inclusion', which is social inclusion through the use of technology, in the most deprived areas of Wales. It
aims to break down social, economic and educational barriers to the exploitation of ICT across targeted communities, in a bottom-up and flexible
programme of local activities. This project will create a team of community brokers, working with existing community practitioners in
Communities First areas within wards eligible for Objective 2 funding support in Cardiff and Newport. These community brokers will: · Work with
local stakeholders to enhance and encourage the use of ICT by community groups and individuals · Work with local organisations to identify
projects, which will be submitted for funding by a central grant fund In addition, this project will use local ICT specialists who will be funded
through the project to provide support to community based ICT projects and, in so doing, the project will foster the development of social
enterprises and SMEs within the targeted areas.
2 2 Welsh Assembly Government Communities@One - Rural £48,498 57165 23/08/2005 £97,503
The project seeks to achieve 'digital inclusion', which is social inclusion through the use of technology, in the most deprived areas of Wales. It
aims to break down social, economic and educational barriers to the exploitation of ICT across targeted communities, in a bottom-up and flexible
programme of local activities. This project will create a team of community brokers, working with existing community practitioners in
Communities First areas within wards eligible for Objective 2 funding support in Powys. These community brokers will: · Work with local
stakeholders to enhance and encourage the use of ICT by community groups and individuals · Work with local organisations to identify projects,
which will be submitted for funding by a central grant fund In addition, this project will use local ICT specialists who will be funded through the
project to provide support to community based ICT projects and, in so doing, the project will foster the development of social enterprises and
SMEs within the targeted areas.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Communities First - Urban Core £331,492 56472 29/09/2004 £662,985
This project brings together the aims of the Communities First programme and Priority 3 of the Objective 2 programme, to combat social
exclusion, by targeting local community-based activity. It is a retrospective application and covers only those targeted communities identified as
the most deprived parts of the Programme area. This project is a capacity building programme, which has run from April 2001 - March 2004. This
is the first phase of the programme and the second phase is now proceeding. Communities First is the Welsh Assembly Government's flagship
programme to address issues of social exclusion. It aims to improve conditions in our most deprived communities and involve those living in
these communities in the process.
2 2 Welsh Assembly Government Communities First - Powys £157,070 56470 29/09/2004 £315,784
This project brings together the aims of the Communities First programme and Priority 3 of the Objective 2 programme to combat social
exclusion, by targeting local community based activity. It aims to create strong links within and between different communities, encouraging the
delivery of services and support which will facilitate economic and social regeneration. It is a retrospective project and covers only those
targeted communities identified as the most deprived parts of the Programme area. The project focuses on building the capacity of people from
all backgrounds within communities to encourage participation through partnerships in local regeneration initiatives. Communities First
Co-ordinators and other community development staff are employed by grant recipients such as local authorities and voluntary sector
organisations to develop Communities First partnerships and support the partnerships in developing capacity building and action plans.
1 2 Welsh Assembly Government Phase 2 - Regional Selective Assistance Grants Obj 2 £643,262 56823 09/12/2004 £4,358,413
The aim of the project is to provide additional resources for the Welsh Assembly Government to expand it's support to economic development in
Wales with a view to raising GDP. The new funds would primarily be used to help fund further new investment and job creation by SMEs in the
Objective 2 Areas of Wales. The additional funding will be paid through the Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) and Assembly Investment Grant
(AIG) schemes. The RSA element is the subject of this application, but ERDF funding will release funding for the AIG scheme.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government Parc Derwyn Fawr Business Park, Llanidloes Phase 2 £683,989 57517 17/11/2006 £2,318,607
The project is designed to complement phase 1 (WEFO bid 55517), which provided the infrastructure & site preparation works for this
application. Phase 2 is concerned with the construction of a variety of mixed-use production & office units for SME's. The project is to contruct a
high quality, prestigious, speculative, multi-occupancy office block and production units on brownfield land now named Parc Busnes Derwen
Fawr or Great Oak Business Park, Llanidloes, which will be accessed & prepared by phase 1 of the project (55517). In total the scheme should
occupy c. 2.0 hectares. The units will be as follows: 1 x c.400 sq.m. multi-occupancy office unit 1 x 300 sq.m. production unit 2 x 150 sq.m.
production units 4 x 75 sq.m. production units The units will be designed to achieve a "very Good" BREEAM standard and be well landscaped.
When complete, the unit will be let to one or a variety of SME's requiring office/R & D facilities, and or production space, so helping to diversify
the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. The units will provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward
investors within the value added based industries. The design elements of the unit will reflect the potential tenant's business goals and
professional image and incorporate BREEAM best practice. The units will have an extensive waste area, adequate parking spaces and the
surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government Heart of Wales Business Park, Llandrindod Wells £162,674 57526 31/10/2006 £650,697
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises at the Heart of Wales Business Park, Llandrindod Wells. This will involve the
construction of 1 x 600sq.m speculative mixed use premises on land owned by the Assembly. The unit aims to provide flexible, high quality
premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added business industries. The design elements of the units will reflect the
potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BREEAM best practice. The unit will have an extensive waste area,
adequate parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate. When complete, the units
will be let to SME's, either indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify
the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. By accomodating business through advance premises the units will contribute to higher
economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from Llandrindod Wells. The project will be managed and delivered by the Assembly Mid
Division Construction Team. It will market the units during the construction phases to potential occupiers, and negotiate tenancies/leases with
eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the suitability of the tenant.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government
Speculative Factory Premises - Offa's Dyke Business Park,
£245,251 57527 31/10/2006 £981,006
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises at the Offa's Dyke Business Park, Welshpool. This will involve the
construction of 1 x 1100sq.m speculative mixed use premises on a greenfield site owned by the assembly. The unit aims to provide flexible, high
quality premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added business industries. The design elements of the units will reflect
the potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BREEAM best practice. The unit will have an extensive waste area,
adequate parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the estate. When complete, the units
will be let to SME's, either indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify
the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. By accomodating business through advance premises the units will contribute to higher
economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from the Welshpool area, which suffers from lower than average economic activity levels
and out-migration of educated young people. The project will be managed and delivered by the Assembly Division Construction Team, who will
market the unit during the construction phases to potential occupiers, and negotiate tenancies/leases with eligible companies following a detailed
assessment as to the suitability of the tenant.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government River Usk Footbridge: Stow Hill, Newport £1,250,000 57535 15/11/2006 £3,022,750
To provide a "landmark" cycle/footbridge structure crossing the river Usk, forming a vital link between the city centre and the communities of
east Newport. The bridge features two A-frames, which support the bridge from the west bank. The masts are positioned on a shared foundation
and anchored at ground level by two 120mm diameter cables that are connected to the tips of the masts. The forward mast is 80 metres long
(262 feet) and the back mast is 69 metres long (226 feet). Because of the angle at which the masts are positioned, the bridge stands ar 70m
(229ft) above ground. The deck is five metres wide (16ft) and 4.1 metres (13.5ft) above water at the high tide. The bridge has a clear span of
145m (476ft). The bridge foundations are supported by 30 900mm diameter CFA (continuous flight auger) piles varying in length. The bridge
structure is suspended on five ground anchors which are drilled 30m (98ft) into the ground. Approximately 600 cubic meters of concrete were
used in the bridge foundations. The masts are made from sheet steel which is rolled into 'cans'. These are welded together to produce the tubes
for the masts. The front mast is 2.5m (8.2ft) in diameter and weighs approximately 280 tonnes. The back mast is 1.75m (5.7ft) diameter and
weighs approximately 180 tonnes. The bridge deck will be made up of five sections. The deck units are installed in sequence and then welded
together Decks one and five - 24m long - 5m wide - weight 19t Decks two and four - 26m long - 9.5m wide (at the outriggers) - weight 25t
Deck three - 36m long - 15m wide (at the outriggers) - weight 55t 800m of cable is used to support the bridge, varying in diameter from 50mm
to 120mm.
2 1 Welsh Assembly Government Environmental Improvement Programme £784,809 57538 21/11/2006 £1,693,224
Between June 2000 and March 2006, the former WDA in partnership with Powys County Council and the Forestry Commission, implemented a
number of agreed regeneration strategies throughout the County of Powys. The principle aim of these regeneration strategies was to help
diversify the rural economy and enable it to become more sustainable, particularly among lower added value businesses such as tourism.
Environmental improvement projects formed a key component of these strategies with the main objectives being: * To develop Powys' market
towns to become local centres for successful economic diversification; * To encourage market towns to realise their tourism growth potential; *
To support community led tourism through the WDA's Community Regeneration Tool-Kit; * To enhance walking, cycling and riding to promote
tourism; and * To undertake environmental improvements that facilitate enterprise and business development; The majority of the regeneration
strategies were centred on 3 of Powys' principle market towns, namely - Newtown, Welshpool and Llandrindod Wells. Each of these towns are
highly dependent on tourism and all were severely hit by the foot and mouth epidemic in the first half of 2001. The WDA and Powys County
Council therefore focused on building confidence with the businesses within these communities that are reliant on tourism for their survival, and
implementing projects that developed these local centres to maximise tourism growth potential. In addition to the regeneration strategies for
these 4 market towns, the WDA supported a number of projects across the county to enhance walking, cycling and riding to enable the
communities to promote their tourism product and become more sustainable. These projects were located in the Elan Valley, the Dyfnant Forest
and Ystradgynlais.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government Speculative Factory Premises - Ystradgynlais £183,322 57530 31/10/2006 £733,288
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises within the Objective 2 Area. The project will construct a speculative
mixed-use business premises of 500sq. Metres on land owned by the Welsh Assembly Government at Woodlands Enterprise Park, Ystradgynlais.
The unit aims to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries.
The design elements of the units will reflect the potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BREEAM best practice.
The unit will have an extensive waste areas and adequate parking spaces, and the whole will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on
the estate. In total the scheme should occupy approximately 0.4 hectares. When complete, the unit will be let to SMEs, either indigenous or
inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify the local economy, and improve local GDP
levels. By accommodating business through advance premises the unit will contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic
leakage from the area. The project will be managed and delivered by the Assembly Construction Team, The Assembly will be market the units
during the construction phases to potential occupiers, and negotiate tenancies/leases with eligible companies following a detailed assessment as
to the suitability of the tenant.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
Objective 2 Mid Term Evaluation Update £12,069 57407 08/02/2008 £24,138
To provide an update to the Mid Term Evaluation for the Objective 2 Programme as required by the European Commission.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
WEFO Grants Project Obj 2 £399,034 57342 17/07/2006 £798,068
to provide better access to structural funds for the disenfranchised, disadvantaged and ethnic minority groups.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
Maximise the Publicity and Promotion of the European
Structural Funds
£10,969 55642 23/03/2004 £21,939
To fully maximise the opportunities to publicise and promote the European Structural Funds throughout the Objective 2 Area
4 2
Welsh European Funding
Mid Term Evaluation for Objective 2 £12,438 54972 24/09/2003 £24,876
To enable WEFO to undertake a mid term evaluation of the Objective 2 element of the Objective 2 & Transitional 2000-2006 Programme.
Programme: Objective 2 (T)
Number of matching projects:135
Totalling: £29,512,140
Fund: ERDF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 135
Totalling: £29,512,140
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
2 1 Abergavenny Food Festival Development of Abergavenny Food Festival £55,836 53644 08/01/2003 £124,355
The aim of the project is to develop the Festival into a national event like the Hay Festival of Books. The attainment of a national profile event in
Abergavenny will bring economic benefits to food, tourism and town businesses, both directly through spend at the Festival by festival visitors,
and indirectly through the "place marketing" of the town and the region via publicity generated by the Festival. As an example, Abergavenny
Food Festival was recently listed in The Independent as one of the "50 best summer festivals in Britain". It was one of six food festivals featured
and the only one in Wales. It was one of only three festivals of all kinds in Wales, along with the National Eisteddfod and Brecon Jazz Festival.
2 1 Abergavenny Food Festival Abergavenny Food Festival Phase 2 £95,356 57573 23/11/2007 £212,043
The overall aim of this project is to make the Abergavenny Food Festival sustainable in the long term. Objectives: - to increase non-statutory
income - to keep upgrading and improving the Festival and its administration (includes extension to new venues and expansion through the town
as well as improving existing facilities and the use of resources) - to keep developing and evolving as a festival to keep it at the forefront of food
1 1 Arena Network
Environmental Innovation for a Sustainable Economy in
£64,867 53640 08/01/2003 £164,736
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage business to improve their environmental performance, through a range of supported
programmes, providing opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. This will result in
improved products and processes leading to potential business benefits of higher profitability and increased competitiveness. The programme
will extend an existing Objective 1 project supported by the NAfW, WDA and the Local Authorities to this area of Wales. One major objective of
the project will be to extend the services to Monmouthshire and to optimise the co-ordination of support for business from the key service
providers maximising the benefits of assistance to businesses. The project will provide grant support for the acquisition of equipment to reduce
environmental impact by addressing the issues of sustainable development.
1 1 Arena Network
Environmental Innovation for a Sustainable Economy in the
Vale of Glamorgan
£41,250 54307 01/07/2003 £135,750
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage businesses to improve their environmental performance through a range of supported
programmes which will provide opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. As a
result, businesses will benefit from access to professional support and linkages to research institutions to develop products and redesign
processes which can lead to potential business benefits of higher profitability, increased competitiveness and stronger growth.
1 1 Arena Network
Sustainable environmental support for SME's in Newport
£57,375 54899 15/07/2003 £149,750
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage businesses to improve their environmental performance through a range of supported
programmes which will provide opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. As a
result, businesses will benefit from access to professional support and linkages to research institutions to develop products and redesign
processes which can lead to potential businesses benefits to higher profitability, increased competitiveness and stronger growth. The work will be
delivered through a Business Environment Co-ordinator who will provide the focal point and key contact between the businesses and providers of
the support from all sources. This programme of work will extend the existing successful programmes of work within the Objective 1, Objective 2
and a number of unassisted areas supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, Welsh Development Agency and the Local Authorities where
existing Co-ordinators were in Partnerships with the supporting Local Authorities.
1 1 Arena Network
Environmental Innovation for a Sustainable Economy in
South East Powys
£40,065 54591 24/02/2003 £173,464
This programme will provide the driving force to encourage businesses to improve their environmental performance through a range of supported
programmes providing opportunities to reduce their impacts on the environment by the application of innovative technologies. This will result in
improved products and processes leading to potential business benefits of higher profitability and increased competitiveness.The programme will
extend an existing Objective 1 project supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, Welsh Development Agency and the Local Authorities, and
existing Objective 2 projects in Powys and Monmouthshire supported by the WDA and the Local Authorities to this area of Powys. The major
objective of the project will be to extend the existing services to South East Powys and to optimise the co-ordination of support for business
from the key service providers maximising the benefits of assistance to businesses. The project will also provide grant support for the acquisition
of equipment to reduce environmental impact by addressing the issues of sustainable development.
1 1 Arena Network
Green Dragon Environmental Management In
£81,181 56190 19/08/2004 £182,797
A comprehensive range of consultancy support will be available both directly from the project, and from other partner organisations, to reduce
the business impact on the environment. A Business Environmental Co-ordinator will be appointed to cover Monmouthshire. The Business
Environment Co-ordinator will raise awareness within business of environmental issues, provide advice and guidance through environmental
assessments for reduction in impacts, access consultancy support and encourage the adoption of an appropriate environmental management
3 1 Barry YMCA The "Hub" Community multipurpose centre £1,115,890 55918 16/11/2004 £2,748,013
The project will create a Community Multipurpose Centre by extending and refurbishing the existing YMCA building and provide associated car
parking at Court Road in the Cadoxton area of Barry, making use of a large plot of derelict land adjoining the current site. The new centre will be
called "The Hub" to reflect its position as a centre of an integrated programme of educational, social, health, recreation and personal support
services within its local community. The project will work with the targeted communities within the Objective 2, Priority 3 areas of the Vale of
Glamorgan, Court, Cadoc, Buttrills and Castleland. The project will aid the economic, social and environmental regeneration of Court Ward as
well as facilitating the three other wards by providing a diverse programme of community education, training and community activities which can
help overcome barriers, develop new skills and confidence and make a real difference to the residents of these deprived communities. The overall
aim is to launch and operate a successful, not for profit, community multipurpose centre for the benefit of local people which is capable of
sustaining itself financially through its own operational revenues.
1 1
Better Business Wales
(holdings) Limited
Opportunity Wales II Transitional £290,119 55266 19/01/2005 £1,520,000
Opportunity Wales is a partnership project to help make businesses benefit economically through the application of e-Commerce. The programme
has been running in the Objective 1 area of Wales since April 2001 and has proved to be of valuable support to SME's. Research undertaken in
April 2000 by NOP, signified a low take-up of e-Commerce in Wales, which remains as pertinent today. Poor take-up of e-Commerce and Internet
application undermines the competitiveness of many SME's and retards the economic growth in the Objective 2 area. Opportunity Wales II builds
on the work being undertaken in the Objective 1 area to expand the service into the Objective 2 area. The programme provides hands-on
assistance through quality e-Commerce business advice and easily accessible implementation support facilitating the realisation of tangible
e-Commerce benefits by SME's. The package of support will assist SME's to: i) Understand the benefits of e-Commerce. ii) Give advice on how to
exploit the latest developments in technology, including broadband, for the benefit of their business. iii) Pro actively and confidently plan the
introduction of appropriate e-Commerce within their business. iv) Implement solutions v) Access client aid. Opportunity Wales II will offer small
and medium sized businesses a trained and independent e-Commerce Advisor to carry out two days of free support to deliver an e-Commerce
review. Further subsidised implementation support is available to ensure the full benefits are realised by the businesses, as is client aid to
purchase products and services, to enable the recommended e-Commerce strategy to come to life. An e-Commerce centre of excellence will be
available to ensure up to the minute quality e-Commerce knowledge is transferred to both the Advisers and the businesses themselves. An
e-Commerce Web Site ( will provide a 24 hour on-line facility to aid learning and understanding of all aspects of
e-Commerce. Dedicated content for the Objective 2 area will be available on the site. Provision of one to one support from a trained e-Commerce
adviser will be a key delivery to SMEs in the project. To complement this, additional support mechanisms will be provided. These include
awareness raising and marketing activities to engage businesses in the imperative to adopt e-Commerce. The Contact Centre will act as a
professional client interface to assess needs and suggest next steps whilst the community portal provides information on appropriate support
services, the range of assistance available and give further information on best practice and sources of advice. In pursuit of the aims and
objectives of the programme, five principal elements to the Opportunity Wales 11 project will be delivered: a) Centre of Excellence b) SME
Community Web site c) Trusted e-Commerce business advisers d) Contact Centre e) Client Aid The impact of the service and the consequent use
of e-Commerce by the SMEs will be monitored via a 6 monthly benchmarking exercise.
2 1 British Waterways Pontcysyllte Aqueduct - The Canal in the Sky £713,680 55189 13/01/2004 £1,763,777
The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, both the highest and the longest aqueduct in Britain, has more than 10,000 boats and many tens of thousands of
pedestrians who cross it each year. The Aqueduct is the dominant feature of the Trevor Basin Conservation Area, attracting visitors from outside
the area, to experience the grandeur and scale of the structure. The structure has the country's first ever-constructed cast iron trough that carries
the canal 42 metres above the River Dee valley floor. The towpath is cantilevered over the trough and the Aqueduct is carried on 17 tapering
stone piers. CADW Welsh Historic Monuments has designated the structure as a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The Aqueduct was the most
influential feat of engineering, setting the model for many aqueducts and iron bridges that followed. British Waterways, in January 2000,
undertook a trial contract on the structure. The investigation identified a number of areas of work including the replacement of the existing
towpath across the Aqueduct. It was recognised that the work to restore the structure was essential to safeguard its future for tourism and
leisure. The project will look to meet this main objective. Description of works: Re-sealing and painting of the iron water trough Structural
metalwork repairs Restoring and replacement of nuts and bolts Replacement of the towpath Parapet and masonry repairs Information Point
Recent community consultation identified that an information point interpreting the structure and telling the story of the waterway, was required
to promote both the Aqueduct and the area of Trevor to visitors. An original canal side brick-built stable will be converted to meet this end, with
members of the community inputting into the final content and future management of the building. Description of works: Site clearance New roof
/ slates / fascias and rainwater goods New windows Internal plastering / brick / walls Decoration New floor Insulation and heating Electrical and
water supply Interpretation
2 1 British Waterways Trevor Basin - Waterside Regeneration £62,057 54486 10/03/2003 £173,141
The project aims to promote and enhance Trevor Basin and associated canal corridor with a variety of environmental schemes, community-led
artwork and improvements to physical access creating an attractive, green waterside. The project will encourage more cycling and walking along
the canal and promote links with the local vicinity, surrounding residential areas and business - particularly the tourism sector. Awareness of the
waterside and the surrounding businesses and facilities will be raised through events and activities, interpretation and promotion of the project.
2 1 British Waterways
Tourism & Access Improvements, the Monmouthshire &
Brecon Canal Corridor Llangynidr - Talybont-on-Usk
£62,958 53628 17/01/2003 £142,913
This phase of the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal development will enhance the towpath link between Llangynidr and Talybont, improving and
increasing access to this important environmental and heritage attraction, and contributing to a sustainable transport corridor, linking the canal
with other local attractions, including the popular trail along the Brynoer tramline and the Brynich aqueduct and reservoirs. The improved canal
will be used as a link to the World Heritage Site, a major tourist attraction at the Big Pit. The existing 2.3km towpath will be excavated and a
geotextile membrane will be laid. Integrated bank protection programmes, using coir roll matting will improve the canal infrastructure balancing
access improvements with the enhancement of an important wildlife habitat.
2 1 British Waterways Llangollen Canal: Aqueduct Links Project £175,196 56825 18/02/2005 £389,500
British Waterways along with its partners have implemented the waterside regeneration of Trevor Basin and the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct on the
Llangollen Canal for both leisure and tourism. In cooperation with Wrexham County Borough Council, this scheme builds on this initial
investment to create a safe tourism and leisure routeway linking the two visitor destination sites of Pontcysyllte and Chirk Aqueducts. The
enhancement of the canal corridor under this Programme will extend the opportunities for visitors to both explore and experience this unique
setting and the wider countryside. This project is also an integral link of the Urban Village Initiative Package which aims to promote sustainable
transport around Wrexham. The Safe Lonks Initiative along the waterway will encourage more cycling and walking along hte canal and promote
links with the local vicinity, surrounding residential areas and business and inparticular the tourism sector. As part of this section of the Urban
Village Package the areas of Ruabon, Plas Madoc, Cefn Mawr, Trevor, Chirk and Froncysyllte will be connected enabling greater opportunites for
sustainable tourism throughout the district. Work to improve access and service facilities will meet the needs of those with disabilities to
encourage a still wider use of the routeway and hence waterside.
1 1 Business in Focus Ltd
Total Business Resource Programme (Vale of Glamorgan
£77,975 54311 02/04/2003 £177,577
The Total Business Resource Programme (TBR) has been designed to continue the holistic business support approach provide under the WDA's
New Business Starts Programme (NBSP). The TBR programme will provide a comprehensive programme of tailored consultancy, advisory
services, mentoring and training support to companies that have a potential for growth. From an initial business benchmark analysis and a
diagnostic review a series of action points will be identified which will be used to assist the companies to access a wide range of support
services provided by the Partners and other companies and organisations in Wales.
1 1 Business in Focus Ltd Total Business Resource Programme (Cardiff Transitional) £77,975 54361 02/04/2003 £177,577
The Total Business Resource Programme (TBR) has been designed to continue the holistic business support approach provided under the WDA's
New Business Starts Programme (NBSP). The TBR programme will provide a comprehensive programme of tailored consultancy, advisory
services, mentoring and training support to companies that have a good potential for growth. From an initial business benchmark analysis and a
diagnostic review a series of action points will be identified which will be used to assist the companies to access a wide range of support
services provided by the partners and other companies and organisations in Wales. The principal objectives are: · To deliver over 3 years an
initial business analysis, to assess the performance of up to 60 SMEs which have a potential for growth. These companies should ideally employ
at least 5 people, be in the third or fourth year of trading, and be based within the ten transitional wards of the City which are eligible for
Objective 2 funding under Priority 1 · As a result of the assessment, to provide skilled practitioner support to deliver both short and long term
tailored projects, which could consist of consultancy, training and mentoring, to aid business development and expansion · To allocate an Advisor
as a long term Personal Business Advisor (PBA) and facilitator to involve partner organisations
3 1 Cardiff City Council
Llanrumney Environmental Improvement Scheme for
Burnham and Countisbury Avenues
£67,395 55543 30/07/2004 £134,791
Burnham Avenue and Countisbury Avenue shopping parades provide a valued community resource for Lower Llanrumney, as they provide
services to an area currently limited in such provision. The parades have been experiencing problems arising from vandalism and anti-social
behaviour. The Burnham Avenue improvements comprise of new paving, disabled access to the shops, mature trees, tree grilles for protection,
the replacement of bollards defining the public realm, replacement of litterbins and the installation of cycle stands. A youth graffiti art project
will also be delivered as part of the scheme. The Countisbury Avenue element of the project aims to contribute to the renewal of the existing
public realm, through the introduction of mature trees, new and enhanced street furniture and improved pedestrian access to the parade. The
overall aim of the project is to visually enhance the area, provide a positive impact on the community and contribute to a sustainable future of
the local shopping parades.
4 1 Cardiff City Council Cardiff Partnership Technical Assistance £66,250 55755 06/04/2004 £132,500
To provide a Secretariat to the Partnership; Support potential applicants to develop appropriate projects, including liaising with specialist Private
and Voluntary Sector Support Teams to help develop projects from applicants in those sectors; Publicise the programme in the area; Liaise with
WEFO on all aspects of project development and assessment; liaise with Regional Partnership to dicuss project development and assessment;
ensure project assessment procedures are adhered to, that all sectors are involved in thr process and that propriety is maintained at all times;
keep full records of all project assessment meetings and procedures; Provide information to WEFO and Partnerships on projects considered for
3 1 Cardiff City Council Llanrumney Learning and Information Centre £634,143 56838 01/03/2006 £1,860,716
The key aim of the project is to create a 21st century learning and information centre that meets the needs of the community. This project
involves the much-needed replacement of the current learning and information facilities in the Llanrumney area. There are currently two facilities
standing adjacent to each other that are under utilised due to the poor condition, namely the Llanrumney Library and the Llanrumney Community
Education Centre at Countisbury Avenue. Whilst there is a good range of leisure, youth and play service in the area, there is only limited adult
and family education provision. This is mainly due to the poor condition of the facilities and therefore the limited availability of use. The new
development will include: A learning centre designed to meet local, social and economic needs including ICT provision. Quiet learning / study
area for homework / research Community Resource Room for meetings, outreach community groups etc to meet the local needs Information
regarding services relevant to the community eg. Community safety, Neighbourhood Watch, Housing Help, Citizens Advice etc Facilities for
children including a creche and play area BuZZ Café Although not included in the funding application, the project will include a Library facility
offering a range of reference materials and loan materials including books, music, video, games etc.
1 1 Cardiff University
A Land Regeneration Industrial Waste Management and
Sustainable Development Network in the Transitional Area.
£66,412 53885 17/01/2003 £149,544
This project will extend and develop the highly successful "Land Regeneration Network", currently operating in Wales, to include new
membership and new activities. In terms of new membership the work proposed will focus on expanding the network to accommodate the
Industrial Waste Management sector. The industrial waste types of this project include controlled bulk wastes such as slags, sludges and slurries,
and priority waste streams such as construction and demolition wastes, including the processes of land regeneration, remediation, recovery, and
brownfield development. It is emphasised that the proposed incorporation of the Industrial Waste Management sectors, which does not include
the Domestic and Commercial Waste Management sector, is seen as a natural extension of the needs of the land regeneration industry in dealing
with priority waste streams. In terms of new activities, the provision of a high quality reliable information service is proposed. This includes
building and strengthening links with related organisation through Wales, the UK and Europe. Through this information service, this project will
strive to assist stakeholders adopt a co-ordinated approach to waste minimisation, as well as raising the levels of awareness and understanding
of waste issues. The project will look to disseminate this information through a number of channels, from new media and Internet systems,
meetings, seminars and evening lectures through to dedicated mailshots of newsletters and journals. The project will develop inventories of
industrial waste streams to initiate the basic structure and elements of an industrial waste exchange (i.e.reduce, reuse, recover and recycle) and
complete a detailed technology Audit of the Industrial Waste Management Sector throughout the objective 2 region. This project will provide
ongoing mentoring and assistance for the creation and development of new SMEs in Wales to recover value from waste materials through
processing and value-added treatment to develop raw material for use by other industries. Essentially this will involve the Geoenvironmental
Research centre (GRC) providing the R&D input that will be required to enable this process to take place. Social, environmental and economic
sustainable development will form the core interest and focus of this project and the network. This proposal focuses on Objective 2. A
complimentary Objective 1 proposal is currently being prepared.
1 1 Cardiff University EMC Testing for SMEs (Transitional) £35,542 53891 07/07/2003 £80,035
An EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) unit will be set up primarily to support and assist manufacturing sector SMEs based in Cardiff. The new
unit will provide the following EMC pre-compliance test facilities for conducted and radiated emissions and immunity testing of new electrical and
electronic products and devices. The development of the Wolfson Centre's EMC activities is a logical expansion of its current activities within the
field of magnetic and electromagnetic technology. The Centre has recently has awarded the status of 'Centre of Excellence for Technology and
Industrial Collaboration' (CETIC) in a new programme managed by the WDA. The expansion of EMC services to SMEs is an aim outlined in the
Centre's business plan. The award of CETIC status builds on the establishment of a successful, ERDF supported Industrial Magnetics Group
(project duration 1998-2001) in which facilities and expertise in the field of magnetic/electromagnetic technology have been developed. The
group has performed well in meeting its targets during the project and the project management skills required to run a small unit, which can
respond effectively to the needs of SMEs, have been demonstrated. The proposed unit will comprise a Project Manager, Project Officer*, and
partial technical and secretarial support, together with the following facilities and services: 1 Fully anechoic screened test chamber plus two
smaller screened chambers 2 Test equipment suitable for conducted and radiated emissions immunity testing. 3 A technical information service to
provide information in the area of EMC and to publicise the facilities by means of newsletters and seminars. 4 The Wolfson Centre has recently
augmented its range of magnetic measurement facilities, including the installation of screened chambers described in point (1) above and the
acquisition of some items of equipment suitable for use in point (2). These new facilities are available for use in setting up the proposed EMC
unit. In order to set up and operate the unit, recruitment of a suitably qualified Project Officer and purchase of some additional items of
instrumentation will be required. 5 This application is made in response to the call in the Cardiff Local Action Plan for Objective 2, Key Action
Plan Priority 1 Measure 1 "Support for Enterprise, Innovation and SME Development". This project is primarily targeted towards SME's in the
Electrical, Electronic, Instrument, Medical, Health, Telecoms, Automotive, Aerospace and other related manufacturing and service industries. 6
Demonstration projects performed for one SME in the eligible wards will be used as a cast study for a technology demonstration to other SMEs.
Where projects are pertinent, only to single SME, financial support will be sought for these projects (from programmes such as Help-Wales, WDA
Technology Exploitation Programme, etc), where appropriate. The total project costs will be £76,564 over a three-year period.
1 1 Cardiff University
Innovative use of Environmental Management Systems to
bring about cost effective improvements within SME's
£90,996 53900 16/04/2003 £204,901
This project will build upon knowledge gained from previously found work to further adapt ISO 14001 to suit the needs of an SME within the
Vale of Glamorgan Objective 2 transitional region. The previous pilot project (in Industrial South Wales) involved creation of a guide to assist
SMEs to implement such system, designed by working with a range of businesses within a range of sectors. This project has been extremely
successful and has both met and exceeded target outputs. Fourteen companies have implemented an informal EMS, and four have gone on to full
ISO14001 accreditation. The project identifies the need to train trainers within companies and for on site bespoke training backed up by off site
workshops and seminars. The project has received positive reports from all participating companies and received requests to join the project are
still incoming. This project will utilise the knowledge and the Guidebook created from the original Pilot project to further stimulate uptake and
informal or 'DIY' Environmental Management Systems (EMS) within SMEs. The project will specifically target SMEs in the Vale of Glamorgan (Obj
2 transitional areas) to promote continual environmental improvement and enable companies to receive the associated benefits of such a system.
The project designed specifically for SME's in the Vale of Glamorgan will provide Consultancy assistance by the project team to design and
implement a EMS system tailored to the companies needs. Assistance would also be given in creation of associated documentation and training
for all levels of staff on all topics necessary. The use of graduate placements will be recommended wherever necessary, and appropriate training
1 1 Cardiff University The Growth Firms Network (Cardiff Transitional) £25,070 56040 13/01/2005 £56,452
This project will meet an identified need. Local Economic development organisations have indicated an acute lack of detailed information on
SME's, particularly SME's with growth potential. They have confirmed that this information is necessary to ensure their services are demand led
meeting the precise needs of local SME's. Building on the success of earlier research into successful companies the project will provide detailed
information (through analysis of a questionnaire to 1000 SME's) that can be utilised by the local Business Support Agencies to expand SME's
with growth potential across the Cardiff area. A rolling workshop programme will follow in partnership with the local business support agencies -
based specifically upon the needs and concerns identified by the questionnaire. The workshops will be delivered by the project partners with the
specific expertise. The aim will be to provide support in the form of new information on indigenous companies to help implement the Local
Economic Development Plan for Cardiff. The Economic Development Plan for Cardiff, in line with other action plans across Wales emphasises the
need for diverse and dynamic indigenous companies to create the high quality jobs that can help close the prosperity gap with the rest of the UK.
2 1 Ceiriog Memorial Institute Ceiriog Memorial Institute Museum Project £11,856 54725 04/03/2003 £60,973
This project is a discrete part of a larger project to refurbish and modernise the Institute, i.e. Phase 1. It will also enable the collections owned
by the Institute to be better displayed and enjoyed by the community and visitors alike. Attracting visitors will generate revenue which will
ensure the Institute has a viable and sustainable future. The project will enable space to be made ready for the museum and community use.
2 2 Coleg Gwent ICT It - The Rural Learning Network £76,950 53878 07/01/2003 £158,235
The primary role of this project is to improve the ILT learning facilities available for the delivery of the curriculum in its widest sense (i.e.
including community education, business training services and informal training opportunities) and support for students. Its role is not to
improve the internal administration systems of the College. The improved facilities will be of benefit to all students and users of the College,
Including adult learners, businesses and their employees, those with special needs etc. It will also provide opportunities for strengthening
existing and developing new joint services with other agencies. The project will provide the ICT infrastructure required for developing the use of
information and Communication Technologies in the delivery of the curriculum and in additional student support. The College has an Information
Society (IS) Strategy for developing the delivery of the Curriculum through Information and Learning Technologies (ILT) (the aims and objectives
of this are provided on page 3), which this scheme will contribute towards. A WAN (wide area network) will be installed carrying voice and date
traffic between sites and a minimum bandwidth of 34Mbit/s. The LANs (local area networks) at each Campus (Usk & Abergavenny) will deliver a
high bandwidth backbone network and 520 100Mbit/s switched Ethernet ports. All PCs will have high-speed connection to network and Internet
access. The IT Department and installation company will provide ongoing support. Wireless based communication technology will enable the
College to achieve a bandwidth not possible using traditional landline provider. Radio masts will provide a standard comparable with that
available in a metropolitan area. The project is for the provision of the infrastructure only, and not equipping the College with PCs or similar ICT
hardware. The use of the services which will be provided as a result of this project, will be supported through other funding resources, including
College budgets, ESF etc. By providing this ICT infrastructure, the ILT learning facilities and the learning environment for all students using the
College and its outreach provision, and those other organisations using College facilities for their delivery, will be greatly improved.
3 1 Computers in the Community Llanrumney Regeneration IT Support £29,439 53897 10/01/2003 £80,112
This project is aimed at the disadvantaged community groups in the Objective 2 ward of Llanrumney, and indirectly at individuals in the ward.
The project aims to improve their access and knowledge of ICT, improve the levels of reliable technical and consultancy support. As a result
enable capacity building across the ward, aimed at further stimulating a variety of self-help options, which will indirectly benefit the whole
community and the local and regional economy. The project will complement the charity aims, which involves the collection, recycling,
refurbishing of obsolete computers and their redistribution and support of those most disadvantaged in the community of Llanrumney. Will
provide support and assistance to the aims of the Llanrumney Regeneration Forum. This project will additionally offer a support and maintenance
service across the ward. The charity has for some years worked with business in the community (BITC), community groups across Cardiff,
charities, residents associations, and voluntary organisations to ensure strengthening and capacity building. The project will continue to build on
experiences and knowledge gained. Will involve the partnership of private and public sector companies who will donate their obsolete
equipment. The online and mobile Engineer who will offer IT services, training and maintenance support. The charity Manager will offer
additional consultancy and mentor options; backed by volunteers offering technical, trainer and administration support. The team fulfils the aims
of the project and that of Priority 3. Over the next year, during delivery of the project, some level of relocation will take place to Llanrumney Hall
on Ball Road. This will ensure full support of the Llanrumney Regeneration Forum by CITC and this new IT project.
3 1 Computers in the Community Community Regeneration IT Programme 2 £7,875 53481 08/01/2003 £17,914
This project is aimed at the disadvantaged community groups in the Objective 2 ward of Llanrumney, and indirectly at individuals in the ward, to
improve their access to IT and as a result enable capacity building, helping themselves indirectly their community and the local and regional
economy. The project involves the collection, recycling, refurbishing of obsolete computers and their redistribution and support to those most
disadvantaged in the community of Llanrumney. The project works with Business in the Community (BITC), community groups, charities,
residents association, and voluntary organisations to ensure strengthening and capacity building. The project will involve the partnership of
private and public sector companies who will donate their obsolete equipment. The programme will be further enhanced by the support of an
online and mobile Engineer and volunteer trainers.
2 2
Crickhowell Resource and
Information Centre
Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre £467,937 55397 27/01/2005 £990,196
Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre will comprise of two floors with a gross area of 440m2 (4736ft2) and when complete will combine
: * A Tele-centre * A Tourist Information Centre * An Art Gallery * Conference & Meeting Rooms * Hot Desk services * A Local Community
Information Point * The Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau * The Crickhowell Archive Centre * Public toilets
3 1 Environment Agency Wales Cadoxton Ponds Regeneration £63,127 55470 05/12/2003 £126,254
The aim of the project is to promote economic and social regeneration by developing an environmental facility in the Cadoc ward. The project
will create 2 urban lakes with associated infrastructure including full disabled access that will encourage sustainable community development.
This will be achieved through the construction of a new urban angling facility and environment centre on a currently derelict 20 acre brownfield
2 1 Environment Agency Wales Brecon Weir Fish Pass £29,933 53997 03/01/2003 £90,271
Construction of a fish pass on Brecon Weir which will assist fish, in particular salmon, Iamprey and trout, that are migrating up the River Usk, in
ascending the weir in order to reach their historic spawning grounds upstream. A 'Larinier' fish pass will be constructed to approved
specifications. Interpretation material will be provided nearby. A monitoring programme to assess the pass's operating efficiency will be
undertaken. The final design will be agreed with contractors (once appointed), however, it is envisaged that the fish pass will be approximately
2m wide and 8m long. It will be constructed of a reinforced concrete channel with galvanised steel baffles within it. At present Brecon weir is a
partial barrier to the migration of salmon, sea trout and brown trout, but a substantial, if not, total barrier to the migration of sea and river
lamprey (this would take place during May). There is currently an historic fish pass, which was wrongly located in the middle of the weir and has
uncontrollable flows. This is not at all effective in allowing fish to ascend the weir. There is a slight notch in the weir beside the abstraction
point, which does assist a few of the salmon and trout that have become stranded in that particular corner of the weir, but again this is very
much dependant on flows. At medium to high flows, the weir is passable to salmon and trout, but not lamprey, however, observations are that
when the salmon and trout need to migrate in September and October, slows of sufficient volume are often not present.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Transitional Objective 2 Finance Wales Investment Fund £4,306,750 54627 20/11/2003 £12,305,000
The Transitional Objective 2 Finance Wales Investment project ("The Project") will provide affordable risk capital not otherwise available,
targeted at various groups of SMEs, to complement existing sources of finance. Clients of the funds will also be assisted by appropriate
management support programmes. Loans will be provided to viable SMEs located in the Transitional Objective 2 Programme Area that have not
been able to find appropriate finance elsewhere and loans will be provided via Local Investment Funds (up to £10,000) and investments on a
regional basis (over £10,000). Finance Wales will secure, through a public procurement exercise, the private sector finance and professional
management for the project. The Funds will be accessible by SMEs located in the Transitional Objective 2 Area. Equity will be provided to viable
SMEs in the Transitional Objective 2 programme areas that have not been able to find appropriate finance elsewhere. The Loan, Mezzanine and
Equity Project includes the following indicative elements for the Objective 2 area: Small Loan Fund Phase II £1.440m Micro Fund (Local
Investment Funds) £2.680m Start up Fund £0.738m Renewable Energy £0.972m Spinout £1.175m Technology Application and Business
Succession Fund £1.800m Seedcorn, Growth & Premium Fund £3.500m
1 2 Finance Wales PLC
Xenos Business Angels - The Untapped Potential
£19,793 56926 20/02/2006 £60,178
The Xenos Business Angel Network is a business introduction service that matches private investors with companies that require growth funding
in return for an equity share in the business. The aim of the Network is to provide specialist support targeted at increasing private sector equity
investment and facilitating more opportunities for SME's to access high-calibre individuals who can provide management guidance and advice.
The Network is unique in that it addresses a market failure in the business support market that can not be served through other mediums of
support. The project aims to support indigenous SME's to raise productivity and the value of their output and encourage development of new
firms through introducing business angels to the SME's and also raising awareness of the value and benefits of equity investments by Angels and
to complement work to be undertaken by the proposed pre-investment support programme to encourage investor ready SME's. Specifically the
Xenos Network aims and objectives are to: Assist existing SME's through a culture change that will lead to improving business standards.
Improve SME understanding of the equity market and how to access it Increase the level of co-operation and joint ventures Improve the flow of
finance to SME's Upgrade the skills and knowledge base in SME's.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Investment Ready SME's (Pre-Investment Support) (Trans) £18,957 56928 16/12/2005 £57,641
The Project aims to address the market failures in financial support mechanisms (particularly where a conversion to equity is hindered by barriers
in knowledge of investment instruments) to create new enterprises and develop existing ones. It aims to improve the competitiveness of
businesses, support and accelerate the development of strong risk capital culture and help to facilitate and increase the number of entrepreneurs
who can see the benefit of equity investment. Often SME's may require equity finance but managemnet within the company struggle to come to
terms with understanding and can become uncomfortable with equity investment and what it entails and how to ensure to negotiate properly. It
aims to move SME's from a totally grant dependant culture to consider more sustainable forms of assistance. In line with the objectives of
Priority 1, the programme helps to support SME's through the provision of co-ordinated , focused corporate finance input, to increase access to
funding for viable existing SME's. This approach will add value to existing and proposed business support to ensure SME'S can access existing
funds in the region as well as being prepared for additional external private sector finance. In this way the Programme enables applicant SME's to
play a pivotal role in the economic and social regeneration of the loca;l and national economy. Finance Wlaes recognises that pre-growths form a
pivotal role in determining the success of the future welsh economy and by providing hands on advice to companies at hte pre-investment stage,
will spur the growth of such firms , thus promoting economic development . The project will also add value and complement available business
support schemes, through the input of of corporate finance and support.
1 2 Finance Wales PLC Small Loan Fund Phase 1 (interim) Transitional £80,741 56495 14/10/2004 £245,488
The project provides affordable loan finance to SMEs, not otherwise available, targeted at various groups of SMEs to complement existing
sources of funding. Loans are provided to viable SMEs located in the Transitional Programme Area, that have not been able to find appropriate
finance elsewhere. By so doing, the Project is giving individuals and firms opportunities that would not otherwise have been available to them,
providing confidence to aspiring entrepreneurs and playing a part in changing business culture and expectations. This, in turn, leads to more
jobs and higher incomes. Clients of the funds are also required to make use of appropriate management support programmes.
2 1
Groundwork Wrexham &
Ceiriog Valley Bridleway Improvements £7,219 55187 16/03/2004 £20,582
The Chirk and Ceiriog Valley Partnership (C.C.V.P) in partnership with Groundwork will develop 2 equestrian routes in the Ceiriog Valley. One
bridle path section needs opening up with relevant fencing and surfacing work. The remaining bridle paths need new easy to open gates to
enable easy access for all, especially horse riders who would no longer have to dismount for each gate. The surfacing, fencing and gates will be
improved to the standard recommended by the British Horse Society.
2 1
Groundwork Wrexham &
Ceiriog Valley Cycle Network £6,242 54066 08/01/2003 £17,105
The project aims to: 1. Identify a number of cycle routes centred on the village of Glyn Ceiriog. These routes will be identified by Groundwork's
Countryside and Access Officer, in partnership and consultation with: a) The Chirk and Ceiriog Valley Partnership (CCVP) and their Public Rights
of Way sub-group (PEOWs-g). b) Local Groups, landowners and Wrexham County Borough Council's Highways Department. c) Cycling
Organisations, both regional and national. d) The Black Environment Network. e) The People with Disabilities Access Forum for Wrexham County.
2. To obtain all relevant permissions to way-mark the chosen cycle network. 3. To employ local contractors to undertake way-marking activities.
4. To produce a Cycle Network Leaflet that links the cycle routes to areas of economic activity, centred around the village of Glyn Ceiriog, and to
wider transport networks through Chirk Station. 5. To launch the leaflet and cycle route network at a suitable and accessible location in the
community and involving all those local people and sponsors who participated in its successful development.
3 1
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
GAVO Voluntary Action Centre £563,634 55781 01/11/2004 £1,151,206
Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO) seeks funding for the refurbishment of the property known as 'Fairoak School,' Maindee,
Newport in order to strengthen it's capacity to enhance and expand it's current services to voluntary organisations, community groups and
individuals in the Newport area with specific focus on the wards of Victoria, St Julians and Shaftesbury. GAVO will continue to provide a
sub-office in Pilgwenny which will include a dedicated Action Team for Jobs unit plus ethnic development/voluntary advice. Community
Development will continue throughout the Newport area. The establishment of the Voluntary Action Centre will significantly add to GAVO's
current voluntary action agenda/remit as an umbrella group for the Newport voluntary sector, with the provision of a central point 'One Stop
Shop' for voluntary organisations, community groups and individuals. Also the Fairoak project will provide six meeting rooms plus conference
facilities. These will be put to optimum use.
3 1
Llanrumney Community
Llanrumney Community Forum, Community Development
£78,907 56832 18/08/2005 £169,564
The Llanrumney Forum Community Development Co-ordination Project will consolidate and take forward the community regeneration and
empowerment work of the Llanrumney Community Forum by employing a full time Community Development Co-ordinator and a part time
Administrative Officer over three years. The project aims to: Conduct community consultations, identify gaps in service provision and ensure new
projects reflect the needs of the community. Establish and manage a mediation centre for neighbourhood disputes. Work with employment and
skills agencies to identify and arrange training opportunities to meet the skill deficits identified by local residents. To develop the skills of local
volunteers and increase the opportunities available for accrediting voluntary work. To work with the Healthy Living Centre on health-related
issues that impact on well-being and employability. To co-ordinate liaison between the police and local residents to identify and improve
community safety and crime reduction issues. To work alongside partner agencies in re-engaging disaffected young people who have a perceived
negative effect on community well-being.
2 2 Mid Wales Energy Agency
Powys SECRET - Powys South East Community Renewable
Energy Technologies.
£32,588 54812 15/07/2003 £99,385
The proposal is to establish a delegated grant fund for small-scale, community owned and operated renewable energy schemes. The grants
would be offered to projects in the field of solar electric, non-domestic solar water heating, innovative wood fuel, solar space heating or other
biomass heating or small-scale CHP, anaerobic digestion, heat pumps, small-scale wind, and hydro. It is anticipated that this would be the first
phase of a project that would continue to 2006.
1 1
Mid Wales Manufacturing
Knowledge and Best Practice.
£52,340 54820 17/07/2003 £122,588
The aim of the project is to develop the profitability of manufacturing SME's and to encourage their growth. Opportunity exists for significant
improvement in business practice by the sharing of information between SME's and the development of local suppliers and services to combat
the negative aspects of Powys's rural location. The project will employ one networking officer who will facilitate regular and structured meetings
between employers / employees within SME's who share similar responsibilities coupled with 'expert' presentations on best practice, relevant
legislation and 'market information.' Networking Groups will be established across the following disciplines: IT, purchasing, finance, production,
distribution and marketing. The anticipated areas for these groups are: Brecon and Ystradgynlais. MWMG will act as facilitator providing
information on best practice, legislation, relevant business issue and generally prompting an exchange of information and experience between
participating SME's. As the network groups develop the time, venue, direction and style of each group will be determined by the participating
SME's. MWMG will then source requested information, advice and 'expert' input for following meetings or to individual SME's outside the meeting
forum where appropriate. MWMG will act as a conduit of information to partners and government agencies on the needs and opportunities
identified in the net working groups.
1 2
Monmouthshire County
Capital Grant Scheme for New Businesses Monmouthshire £31,275 54927 28/01/2004 £208,500
The provision of a grant scheme administered by Monmouthshire County Council to assist start-up businesses, including community businesses
that have the potential for growth and sustainability within the eligible Objective 2/Transitional areas of Monmouthshire. The grant will be aimed
at sole traders, partnerships, limited companies and community enterprises to help them to purchase capital equipment and carry out minor
building adaptations. Could include installation of a test laboratory, mezzanine floor to give additional space, or installation of extraction units to
provide a clean air environment. The assessment and evaluation of applications for these grants is to be provided by Monmouthshire County
Council's Business Support Team as part of their responsibilities in handling business enquiries. Grants will be encouraged from applicants who:
1. Have successfully completed the business start programme, administered by Newport & Gwent Enterprise Agency and Venture Wales and are in
a position to start operations. The agencies will refer potential grant applicants to Monmouthshire County Council where a funding gap for capital
equipment has been identified in their start up costs and these cannot be met from other sources. 2. Are seeking to establish businesses in the
new technology sectors e.g. ICT, web design etc. 3. Are currently under-represented within the economy, e.g. women, disabled people, people
from ethnic minority's etc. 4. Are setting up their business in the more rurally isolated areas of Monmouthshire. The introduction of these grants
will create more local employment and encourage entrepreneurial activities for people wishing to start their own businesses within
Monmouthshire. The grants offered, would be in the form of 50% capital expenditure with the maximum grant available being £5,000. The target
is to distribute 25 grants per year over two years, giving a total of 50 grant allocations.
1 2
Monmouthshire County
Capital Grant Scheme for Growth Businesses in
£46,275 54928 28/01/2004 £308,500
The provision of a grant scheme administered by Monmouthshire County Council to assist existing businesses, including community businesses,
which have the potential for growth and sustainability, within the eligible Objective 2/Transitional areas of Monmouthshire. The grant will be
aimed at SMEs with a minimum of 2 employees, that have been in operation for a minimum of 2 years, and who are solvent. Grants will be made
available towards the purchase of plant, capital equipment and towards the cost of minor building adaptations. Expenditure on capital equipment
would include items that are directly associated with the business, enabling it to operate eg. a lathe for an engineering activity. Minor building
adaptations could include installation of a test laboratory, mezzanine floor to give additional production space or installation of extraction units
to provide a clean air environment. The assessment and evaluation of applications for these grants is to be provided by Monmouthshire County
Council's Business Support Team as part of their responsibilities in handling business enquiries. Grants will be encouraged from applicants who:
1. Are seeking to increase their product range or diversify. 2. Are seeking to purchase additional equipment to improve their competitiveness. 3.
Will be increasing their staff numbers as a result of the capital investment in equipment. The introduction of these grants will create more local
employment opportunities and encourage the growth of small businesses within Monmouthshire. The grant scheme will form part of a package of
information and advice that can be identified for a growth business. The grants offered, will be up to 50% of the eligible capital expenditure with
the maximum grant being £5,000. Grants will only be offered to businesses either already based within the County or who are seeking to locate
in the County. The target is to distribute 20 grants per year over the two years, giving a total allocation of 40 grants.
4 1
Monmouthshire County
Monmouthshire CC Technical Assistance - Objective 2 £100,724 54685 18/03/2003 £201,448
To provide a secretariat to the Monmouthshire Partnership
1 3
Monmouthshire County
Rural Conversion Grants £74,426 54327 17/01/2003 £728,500
The provision of a grant scheme, administered by Monmouthshire County Council for conversion of redundant buildings in the rural area. The
grants will be aimed at private individuals or property developers wishing to convert their under utilised or deteriorating barns/rural buildings, to
units suitable for occupation and use by SMEs. The intended use for the converted buildings is office or workshop space. The assessment and
evaluation of applications for barn conversions is to be provided by Monmouthshire County Council's Business Support team, as part of their
responsibility handling business enquiries. Grants will be encouraged from applicants who: i) Use local, environmentally friendly building
materials from sustainable sources. To be linked closely to the timber initiative of Monmouthshire's Adventa programme. ii) Sufficiently equip the
units with the ICT requirements of Monmouthshire's cutting edge firms. iii) Provide no barriers to entry for under represented sections of the
local economy. The creation of the new converted barns/units will create more local employment and encourage entrepreneurial activities for
people close to where they live. The grants offered will be in the form of 50% of the total conversion cost; with the maximum grant available
being $20,000. The target is to distribute 6 rural conversion grants per year over two years, giving a total of 12 grant allocations.
2 2
Monmouthshire County
Rural Community Action Programme £255,008 55168 07/01/2004 £810,151
Match funding for Monmouthshire's participation in the Rural Community Action Programme (RCA). RCA aims to help people in rural communities
to take advantage of the programmes available to them to support rural regeneration and development. This will be achieved through building
capacity in rural areas, through informing, upskilling and empowering communities to take control of their own destiny. For Monmouthshire, RCA
offers far more than a source of funding for rural areas. It will provide the county with a catalyst for a whole new approach to community
development, focused on collaboration between agencies, local area working, accountability and community empowerment. The RCA Programme
will be managed by a new partnership, which combines the sectoral expertise of the Adventa. (Leader+) programme with enhanced local area
representation and a strengthened voluntary sector role. The Partnership will engage three new Rural Community Development workers to
complement existing GAVO (voluntary sector) provision. This will create a collaborative Community Development Team, with area responsibilities
and reporting to four Area Forums across the county, but managed by the new Partnership. Benefits will include: Benefits to communities in
terms of joined-up provision & access to support, delivered through area workers and answerable to the Area Forums. Benefits to partners in
terms of added value and closer community links to existing programmes and activities. e.g. GAVO / MCC / Adventa. It will also link the activities
of Adventa, MCC area working, GAVO, the Area Forums and input into the emerging Community Strategy for Monmouthshire. Benefits to WAG in
terms of funding / provision synergies / leverage / rationalisation. This joined up approach will allow residents of Monmouthshire to work
together to build a more vibrant, forward-looking rural community to take on the challenges of the 21st Century. The programme will focus on
developing projects and initiatives under the following broad themes: Community hubs Rural isolation and access to services Rural enterprise
and skills Culture and heritage.
2 1
Monmouthshire County
CHEPSTOW HIGH STREET REGENERATION SCHEME £856,815 55352 15/03/2004 £2,325,037
This project aims to enhance the environmental quality of Chepstow town centre, specifically the primary shopping area of Chepstow High Street.
The historic market town, at a major gateway into Wales, is experiencing economic decline, due to competition from stronger competing retail
centres and due to its poor environmental quality and traffic management related issues. This project involves improvements to traffic
management, so that the existing two way High Street is changed to one-way downhill. The creation of new public squares, wider pavements and
a better setting for key landmark buildings within the town centre, will enhance the town's tourism and retail offer, and the competitiveness of
local business. The creation of high quality public spaces will be achieved through the use of natural stone materials, such as quality flooring
materials and with the introduction of be-spoke street furniture, street lighting, and planting. To ensure that the scheme is cohesive and connects
with the main tourist attraction at the Castle and Riverside area, comprehensive signage and interpretation will be used at key nodal and meeting
places. The integration of art across the scheme has been identified, which will be introduced through street furniture, within the floor-space and
the key public squares. The artwork will reflect the historical and cultural development of Chepstow, as an ancient port and walled town. The
introduction of a heritage town trail within the scheme has also been identified, which will identify and link together places and buildings that
have historical significance. The re-investment in the redundant Lloyds Bank building for ground floor retail and first/second storey residential is
a key consideration of the wider project, so that its immediate frontage, access and setting is improved for the wider economic benefit of the
town centre. No financial assistance is being sought for the building, but the immediate public space is a part of this application. The completed
scheme will provide an enhanced space for local businesses and will be more inviting to the local community and visitors as a place to enjoy. It
will provide opportunities for activities and events that promotes local culture, arts and crafts, food, heritage and other local products.
2 1
Monmouthshire County
TIC ICT £60,710 53879 02/07/2003 £147,000
Management of local Tourist Information Centres (TICs) transfers to Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) in October 2001, and the Council
wishes to use this opportunity to review and develop the way information, marketing and new technology is used to assist tourism throughout
the area. The County is rural in nature and characterised by many small-scale tourism businesses, often situated in isolated locations. It is
therefore vital that these operators take advantage of new ICT to market their businesses, both via the TICs and independently. It is proposed to
employ a Tourism Information Systems Development Co-ordinator to review current information delivery and marketing from the TICs, and to
develop initiatives to assist the private sector to introduce ICT in their businesses to improve marketing, recording and monitoring.
2 1
Monmouthshire County
Chepstow High Street Regeneration Scheme Phase 1 £62,791 56537 08/11/2004 £141,103
The project aims to enhance the environmental quality of Chepstow town centre, specifically the primary shopping area of Chepstow High Street.
The historic market town, at a major gateway into Wales, is experiencing economic decline due to competition from stronger competing retail
centres and due to its poor environmental quality and traffic management related issues. The overall scheme involves improvements to traffic
management, the creation of two new public squares, wider pavements and a better setting for key landmark buildings within the town centre
which will enhance the town's tourism and retail offer, and the competitiveness of local business. The creation of high quality public spaces, will
be achieved through the use of natural stone materials, such as quality flooring materials and with the introduction of be-spoke street furniture,
street lighting and planting. The completed scheme will provide an enhanced space for local businesses and will be more inviting to the local
community and visitors as a place to enjoy. It will provide opportunities for activities and events that promotes local culture, arts and crafts,
food, heritage and other local products.
2 2
Monmouthshire County
Abergavenny Learning Action Centre £180,731 56851 25/10/2005 £414,475
The Project is to undertake physical works to expand and existing building to form the Abergavenny Learning Action Centre (LAC). Abergavenny
LAC forms part of five counties network learning scheme, which aims to support economic growth and regeneration through a sustainable
learning infrastructure. Monmouthshire County Council holds a contract with ELWa , funded through corus regeneration monies, to deliver within
the County, a Learning Network (TLN) recently launched by Jane Davidson under the logo RISE. The Learning Network proposals across Gwent
are overseen by the management team of RISE. Under this contract, the authority will provide a number of Learning Action Centre and Satellite
Learning Centres (SLCs) throughout the County to deliver learning in order to combat the adverse effects of the closure of corus steelworks. The
Learning Network will achieve this through providing accessible education and training to better use longlife learning as a driver for economic
regeneration, addressing skill gaps, learner needs and assessed demand of local/regional priorities.
1 1 Newport & Gwent Enterprise Total Business Resource Programme (Gwent) £78,861 54338 30/07/2003 £177,577
The Total Business Resource Programme (TBR) has been designed to continue the holistic business support approach provided under the WDA's
New Business Starts Programme (NBSP). Currently the scheme provides support for start-up businesses from pre-start through initial start-up
through to the end of the second year of trading. The support, a mixture of one-to-one advice, training, consultancy and mentoring, can be
accessed via Newport & Gwent Enterprise, or via the wider business support partnership. However, this co-ordinated holistic support structure
ceases to be available from the beginning of the third year of trading. The TBR Programme will continue the holistic business support approach
from the beginning of the third year of trading to the end of the fifth year of trading, to ensure that SMEs do not find themselves left in a support
vacuum. The TBR Programme will provide a comprehensive programme of tailored consultancy, advisory services, mentoring and training support
to companies that have a potential for growth. From an initial business benchmark analysis and a diagnostic review, a series of action points will
be identified which will be used to assist the companies to access a wide range of support services provided by the partners and other companies
and organisations in Wales. The TBR Programme will aim to initially give a clear identification of where a small business is with the development
of its business, what it is doing well and where there are issues, opportunities or problems. Where there are problems, the causes of those
problems will be identified and the consequences to the business highlighted if those problems are not addressed. It will also identify a range of
solutions that will lead to enhanced performance. Where there are opportunities identified, then the company will be helped to maximise those
opportunities. Access to the programme will primarily be offered to those companies who have the potential for growth and have participated on
the WDA's NBSP. However, the opportunity to join the programme will also be offered to other existing SMEs that have been trading for over 3
1 1 Newport & Gwent Enterprise Total Business Resource Programme (Newport Transitional) £78,861 54356 26/08/2003 £177,577
The Total Business Resource Programme (TBR) has been designed to continue the holistic business support approach provided under the WDA's
New Business Starts Programme (NBSP). The TBR programme will provide a comprehensive programme of tailored consultancy, advisory
services, mentoring and training support to companies that have a good potential for growth. From an initial business benchmark analysis and a
diagnostic review a series of action points will be identified which will be used to assist the companies to access a wide range of support
services provided by the partners and other companies and organisations in Wales. The principal objectives are: · To deliver over 3 years an
initial business analysis, to assess the performance of up to 60 SMEs which have a potential for growth. These companies should ideally employ
at least 5 people, be in the third or fourth year of trading, and be based within the ten transitional wards of the City which are eligible for
Objective 2 funding under Priority 1 · As a result of the assessment, to provide skilled practitioner support to deliver both short and long term
tailored projects, which could consist of consultancy, training and mentoring, to aid business development and expansion · To allocate an Advisor
as a long term Personal Business Advisor (PBA) and facilitator to involve partner organisations
3 1 Newport City Council European Communities First Officer - Transitional £12,425 54346 17/01/2003 £25,250
The purpose of the project is to work with Communities First Wards and targeted Communities under the Objective 2 Transitional Programme to
develop the capacity of those Communities to enable them to pass their community needs and to develop community action plans and to support
communities in this process. Once Community plans have been developed, Community groups and community first partnerships will need the
support and guidance to develop their partnerships. Then where appropriate, create organisations with a legal status to enable them to seek
funding for implementing their action plans and also to secure the long term sustainable development of their own communities from within. The
project aims and objectives are to: · Facilitate the sustainable development of communities within the targeted wards to ensure their continued
growth and development within the community. · Proactively engage and support communities in community development. · Support
communities undertaking community needs analysis, development of action plans and implementation of those action plans. · Give Communities
the capacity to be able to manage these processes, to identify funding for initiatives, and to manage and successfully implement projects
facilitated through community action plans.
1 2 Newport City Council IT Network Investment Grant Scheme (Transitional) £60,200 54709 09/06/2003 £330,400
The purpose of this project is to enable local SME's to invest in up-to-date networking and related equipment. It will offer assistance in the form
of a grant towards the cost of a small business investing in ICT. Companies are increasingly needing to invest ICT to ensure they can compete in
the modern business world. The majority of the funds of this project are therefore directed at small companies to enable them to take full
advantage of the opportunities available. Grants will be made to companies investing in ICT, with the level of grant being a maximum of 30% of
eligible costs up to a limit of £3000 per business. They will be available to all business sectors and companies with up to 50 employees. In order
to implement the grant scheme, the project will also appoint a Business Advisor. The Advisor will complement a current team of three Advisors
that constitute the Business Services Unit of Newport City Council's Planning and Economic Development Department.
3 1 Newport City Council Community Regeneration Project £27,590 55139 19/11/2003 £80,607
The project will build capacity in local communities as well as improve the environment. It will build on existing local action plans and priorities
providing a technology demonstration project and a sustainable approach to development and the environment. It aims to deliver:-
Environmental improvements Environmental Art & Design projects Locally based sculpture/mosaic Locally designed open space areas Plaques
and signage e.g. to improve accessibility Street furniture e.g. bins, lighting, seating Improved security and :- Fund a community-based urban
designer Work with local communities to capacity build/empower Involve communities in physical improvement and design Link existing
communities to new schemes Improve consultation on new projects Produce trails, brochures, maps Link to environmental education/schools
3 1 Newport City Council Community Grants Scheme Transitional £146,249 54741 17/06/2003 £292,500
This project aims to form a community grants scheme which can offer voluntary and community groups up to 100% grant towards a project they
may wish to undertake to support community regeneration. The project will work with targeted communities under the Objective 2 and
Transitional Programme to help them develop small-scale schemes within their areas. The grant scheme will be distributed to local communities
through the Steering group comprising of representatives from the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Public Sector. This group will make
decisions on potential schemes, which come forward requesting funding from the community grants scheme. The Capital led grants will be for
economic, environmental and social projects. Projects that could potentially be supported under the grants scheme include: · Crime Prevention ·
Environmental Improvements · Minor Refurbishment's · Community Based Waste Products and Energy Efficiency · Improving Disabled Access It
may also be possible to consider revenue projects that are directly linked to capital schemes such as feasibility studies; community needs
analysis and development of business plans. Mechanisms will need to be explored for agencies to lead projects where community groups do not
own the land or buildings where the project will take place.
4 1 Newport City Council Newport CC - Technical Assistance (Trans) £67,250 55756 17/11/2004 £134,500
To provide a Secretariat to the Partnership; Support potential applicants to develop appropriate projects, including liaising with specialist Private
and Voluntary Sector Support Teams to help develop projects from applicants in those sectors; Publicise the programme in the area; liase with
the WEFO on all aspects of project development and assessment; liase with Regional Partnership to discuss projects development and
assessment; ensure project assessment procedures are adhered to, that all sectors are involved in teh process and that propriety is maintained at
all times; keep full records of all project assessment meetings and procedures; provide information to WEFO and Partnerships on supported
3 1 Newport City Council Reconstruction of the Bettws Lane Bridge £405,966 55762 12/08/2004 £820,666
The project consists of the modification of Bettws Lane Road Bridge to enable its use by canal boats. The Bridge is of dimensions that are less
than that required to make the canal navigable. It is proposed to replace the structure with one providing greater water and air draft and would
be sensitively designed to be sympathetic with the character of the canal. The proposed work will not harm the integrity or historic character of
the adjacent Bettws Lane Lock in anyway. When complete the modified bridge will remove the one remaining obstacle to navigation on the main
line of the canal within the borough of Newport, and will improve the physical environment and associated facilities for local communities and
tourists. The project will improve the accessibility of the canal for use as a means of sustainable transport. The local communities will be fully
involved in the decision making and design and will help in capacity building through involving communities in the ownership, design and
maintenance of their local areas.
3 1 Newport City Council Ringland Centre Regeneration £145,657 53567 08/01/2003 £312,581
The project will regenerate Ringland Centre and improve the quality of life for the Ringland residents. The project as a whole has attracted the
support of NCBC totalling £150,000 to carry out a minimum regeneration of the Centre. Match funding will provide a far more enhanced scheme.
The Centre represents the heart of the community and provides important services for local residents. The project will significantly improve the
overall aesthetic appearance of the area, additional seating areas, enhanced shrubberies, improving the environment and attracting indigenous
species and wildlife to the area. Improved lighting and security measures will compliment existing CCTV provision. Improved paving and a
disabled ramp will also facilitate improved access to the area.
3 1 Newport City Council Malpas Court Sustainability Cente Newport £1,532,130 56841 25/01/2006 £3,383,575
The Malpas Court Sustainability Centre will be an exemplar of environmental sustainability and a model of environmental good practice. It will
focus on re-use recycling and waste minimisation through social enterprise activities. It will be located in Malpas ward, and will also serve
Shaftesbury (and the neighbouring core Objective 2 ward of Bettws). The new facility will be centred in the currently derelict Malpas Court
building, which will be refurbished by Newport City Council in partnership with Cylch - Wales Community Recycling Network (WCRN). Building
on existing local action plans and priorities the court will act as an economic, social and environmental focal point for community groups and/or
individuals serving disadvantaged members of the community. It will provide community access to a training centre, a recycling educational
resource, a healthy eating café and other socially inclusive activities. The management of the project and the future use of the building will be
concerned both with minimising environmental impact and promoting environmental sustainability.
3 1 Newport City Council Beechwood House Entrepreneurship Centre £696,502 56842 14/06/2006 £1,401,221
This project proposes a new community enterprise centre located in the ward of Beechwood that will serve communities in the wards of Always
and Ringland. The new facility will be centred in Beechwood House, Newport and will be developed principally by Newport City Council. Building
on existing local action plans and priorities the house will act as an economic social and environmental focal point for disadvantaged members of
the community. It will provide access to facilities that can be used by voluntary groups for meeting, exhibitions, lifetime learning, training (e.g.
return to work schemes) and other socially inclusive activities. A community enterprise co-ordinator will reach out to the surrounding
communities, promote the centre through these links and draw up a programme of training activities. The co-ordinator will also work towards the
development of community enterprise at the centre. Beechwood House will also become a focal point for enterprise and entrepreneurship - the
subject of a separate ERDF application
3 1 Newport City Council Community Grants Scheme: Phase II (Trans) £209,423 56931 19/07/2005 £418,846
The intention is to build upon the success of Newport City Council's original Community Grant Scheme which commenced in mid 2003 and is due
to finish in mid 2005. This scheme offered voluntary and community groups up to 100% grant towards projects they wished to undertake in
support of community regeneration. The new scheme will retain the successful elements of its predecessor (such as the application assessment
process, steering group structure etc) while fully taking into account lessons learned, with processes and procedures being adapted accordingly.
3 1 Newport City Council Creation of Walkways & Cyclepaths £586,309 57270 06/06/2006 £1,172,619
This project involves the construction of a section of walkway, which will link the new footbridge across the River Usk with Corporation Road,
and the construction of an associated length of riverside walkway. The walkway will create a link between the east and west banks of the river,
linking the deprived community of Victoria (Maindee) with the city centre. It will also form part of a longer distance network of cycle paths,
linking the communities in eastern Newport (including Ringland, Alway and Somerton) with the city centre. The walkway will be built through the
forecourt of an existing primary school, and through a site currently occupied by a builder's yard, which is being acquired for redevelopment.
The walkway will be surfaced in high quality materials, and will be landscaped to provide a sustainable and pleasant pedestrian and cycle link.
The walkway will be at the core of a network of pathways, and will link the community with the River Usk. The person employed through this
approval will seek to generate cultural links, enabling the local community to see the river as part of their environment, and the development
sites as part of their community.
1 3 Newport City Council Beechwood House Entrepreneurship Centre (Capital) £719,663 57163 21/06/2006 £2,878,652
The aim of the project is to bring back into productive use a currently derelict landmark building known and recognised throughout the area,
while satisfying the demand for modern business facilities /units suitable for SME's. The objectives of the project will therefore be: · The creation
of quality units for SME's · To provide employment opportunities · To develop a ' one stop shop' approach through providing appropriate facilities
and services within Beechwood House itself for SME's located there. The house will provide serviced office accommodation throughout the
provision of central receptionist services. Meetings and conference rooms will also be available, along with accessible and convenient car parking
spaces adjacent to the building. These facilities will be fully available for SME's to use. · To stimulate a climate of entrepreneurship · To restore a
Grade II listed building using best practice conservation principles
3 1 Newport City Council Duffryn Community Foot & Cyclepath Network (Trans) £96,767 56469 21/10/2004 £193,534
This project provided a network of safe paths for pedestrians and cyclists serving the communities of Maesglas, a targeted area of the
Transitional ward of Gaer, Pillgwenlly and Duffryn (an area of Tredegar Park ward, which fall into the targeted Objective 2 area of Newport. It
provided residents with "off road" access to school and community facilities. The finished route now forms part of the National Cycle network. In
physical geographical terms, the local community was effectively split by the River Ebbw, and by the existing southern distributor road. At the
time of planning the project, this road was a single carriageway, but has since been brought up to dual carriageway standard. Issues that the
project was designed to address, included the fact that a secondary school serving the community was on one side of the river, while many of the
shops and other community facilities serving the larger community were on the other, Maesglas/Pillgwenlly side. The intention, therefore, was for
the project to link the two parts of the community with dedicated pathways for pedestrians and cyclists, improvements to subways under the
road and the construction of a new footbridge across the River Ebbw
1 2 Newport City Council Commercial and Industrial Improvement Area Grants £73,292 56435 22/10/2004 £636,699
Retrospective Project The Commercial and Industrial Improvement Grants Scheme was a grant based programme to assist Newport SME's through
physical regeneration of business premises and associated land. The six defined areas, generally located in central Newport are: Cardiff Road,
Corporation Road, Newport and Market Arcades, Lower Commercial Street/Charles Street. Old Town Dock/South Pillgwelly and Commercial Road
(retained areas). The scheme, delivered by Newport City Council's Business Services (Economic Development Section), was implemented
between April 2001 and March 2004. The target group of business premises owners and tenants, and prospective owners and tenants were
contacted either through direct mailshot, community advertising or signposting through the business support network of Business Eye (formerly
Business Connect). Grants of up to a maximum of 40% of eligible costs were offered towards the physical improvement / upgrading of business
premises and curtilage of business premises. This could include: Improvements of building facades Extension of building Renewal and repair of
roofs Replacement and repair of windows including shopfronts Installation of security measures Internal improvement / upgrading of buildings
including floors, ceilings, doors, electrical work, toilet facilities and fire escapes Construction of fencing and boundary walls Construction of
parking spaces and yard areas Planting of trees and shrubs Maximum allowable grants were £10,000 in all transitional areas.
3 1 Newport City Council The Phoenix Project - Ringland Community Centre £231,000 57548 04/10/2007 £462,458
The Phoenix Project will refurbish and remodel an existing community facility - Ringland Community Centre (RCC) - in the Communities First
area of Ringland (East Newport), with the intention of significantly increasing local community capacity building. The large Ringland housing
estate, which the centre currently serves, was built in the early 1960's and has suffered particular socio-economic deprivation due to the
rundown of the nearby Llanwern steelworks, once a major source of employment for local people - hence Ringland's designation as a
Communities First area. Through a form of partnership working which, it is hoped, will become a template for future community capacity
building projects across the city, Newport City Council (NCC) will refurbish a well known facility badly in need of upgrading in order to deliver a
fuller, more comprehensive range of services to local people. The key purpose of NCC's Community Centres Service is to contribute to the
Council's vision, aims and objectives in improving the quality of life of the citizens it serves. The Service has a positive contribution to make to
the social, economic and environmental objectives of the city. Community centres are focal points for community involvement, development and
identity; their multipurpose facilities allow all sectors of society to benefit in any number of ways. The majority of centres are user led and so
benefit from ongoing and evolving consultation to provide venues for activities championed by the communities in which they are located. RCC is
one of three in Newport that is directly managed by NCC, with Council employees working closely with the community to provide a safe, clean
and friendly environment for user groups utilising the facility. Situated next to the library and health centre, and in very close proximity to the
major bus route serving Ringland, it is recognised as a familiar community hub. Currently, the centre provides an administrative base and kitchen
facility for 'meals on wheels' and accommodates a unit for adults with special needs, Monday to Friday during office hours. There are also some
limited additional activities currently provided to the community, these include dance classes for all ages, mothers & toddlers, educational
classes, youth provision, cookery classes and senior citizens social groups. Unfortunately the building has suffered over the years from spates of
vandalism and antisocial behaviour that have proved to be disruptive to provision. However, the Phoenix Project, through engendering a strong
sense of community ownership with the proposed method of partnership working will enable RCC to be remodelled in such a way as to provide a
renewed economic, social and environmental focal point for the area and in particular its disadvantaged groups. The Phoenix Project will provide
access to additional facilities that can be used by voluntary groups (for meetings, training, exhibitions etc) and by various groups and
organisations that provide services to the community such as legal advice, job seeking information and housing and debt problems. Youth
provision will be expanded, and a Learning Action Centre will be set up that will link into the citywide RISE network. It is also envisaged that the
centre will provide space and facilities that will support the development of community lead social enterprise schemes. A cafe area will serve
both the office and training areas as well as the adjoining multi-use hall. The project will be planned, designed and delivered by NCC, in
partnership with key community groups - primarily the Ringland community Association (RCA), acting as the overarching organisation for many
voluntary and community groups based within or operating in the Ringland area - through the medium of a management advisory group, the
long term intention being to build the capacity of this management group sufficiently in order for it to fully take over the running facility. A
dedicated manager will be employed for the life of the Phoenix Project, whose function will be essentially twofold: to oversee the project's
physical development and seek to maximise future opportunities in terms of the continued development of the centre. Specifically, the renovation
will provide: * Multi-use hall; (266 sq m) * Changing Facilities and toilets: Internal (62.6 sq m) and External (102.1 sq m) * Kitchen; (38 sq m)
* Foyer area; (112 sq m) * Storage area; (42.5 sq m) * Room 1; (50.4 sq m) * Room 2; (32.4 sq m) * Room 3; (104 sq m) This project will
form a hub for regeneration of the disadvantaged community of Ringland. It is expected that growth of the community use arising from the
scheme will generate the on-going upkeep of the building. The centre will be sustainable, as the demand for such facilities has been identified in
the Ringland Community Profile. (Indeed the demand is currently being demonstrated through the existing providers' requests for space and
facilities in the area).
3 1
Newydd Housing Association
Thompson Street Improvement Works (Phase B) £40,661 55267 19/05/2005 £294,314
This project is co-ordinated by Newydd Housing Association (1974) LTD. It aims to bring significant environmental improvements in the targeted
urban community within the Objective 2 Transitional, Priority 3 ward of Castleland. Newydd aims to use the project to bring about changes on
the Thompson street estate. The project initially commenced with a consultation exercise with the local community, which led to piecing together
of a Plan for Action. The Plan for Action contains a list of areas where action can be taken, including physical plans, which aim to bring about the
long-term goal of improving the quality of life across the Community. The project has developed through the process of consultation with the
community, including the local residents association and tenants. Newydd Housing Association and the local community are actively working in
Partnership with the local Communities First initiative, a local community business called Avian and other agencies including supporting bodies to
combat social deprivation and improve the quality of life in the area. The project forms part of the long-term goal to improve the quality of life
for residents in the Thompson street estate area and effectively help tackle wider social deprivation issues.
4 2
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
National Facilitators £52,504 54780 04/03/2003 £105,008
To create a contact point in order to encourage the Private Sector (in particular SMEs) to participate in the Objective 2 Transitional Programme
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Community Link (Transitional) £27,151 54846 20/10/2003 £67,302
Efficient and effective community economic development depends on communities having networks in place to engage effectively with
regeneration programmes. This they can do through networks of local community groups. However, in many communities, these networks do not
exist due to problems in local dynamics, history or particular circumstance, linked to isolation and exclusion. The aims of the Community Link
project are: 1. To promote the full involvement of Powys people of all ages in with the regeneration of their local areas. 2. To work with
communities in their efforts to overcome dysfunctional dynamics within local areas, through the building of alliances, promoting joint working
and organising activity. 3. To increase engagement of community groups with Countywide regeneration activities and increase opportunities
through these activities for communities. 4. To develop partnerships both at local and County level, including creating linkages between groups.
The project will employ one part time (.75 hours) full time equivalent posts in the Transitional area. The Community Link officer will be charged
with engaging the community groups within the area, developing local networks and helping to link into regeneration strategies. Linking "hard to
reach" communities into the process of community planning will be central to the work undertaken. They will enable communities to create
holistic views of their position and visions for their futures. In particular, the engagement of communities in the overarching framework of the
preparation of a Powys Community Plan will be a priority.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
REACH (Transitional) Promoting Participation & Supporting
£47,907 54306 08/01/2003 £106,461
The aim of the project is to develop the social economy in the Transitional area of Powys. Opportunities exist for social economic activity in rural
communities. REACH will exploit these opportunities. This it will do by building on networks of community organisations. PAVO has established
such 14 networks). Most of these networks are informal in nature; meeting in order to discuss issues or share information. Networks include the
Recycling Forum, Village Halls Forum, Powys Social Economy Forum and the ICT Forum. Each of these has an important part to play in the
support of local enterprise. The project will employ one Development Officer in the Transitional area whose role it will be to develop social
economic activity, using networks as hubs of community based regeneration. The role of the Development Officer will be: u To support and
advise social economy activity. u To provide regular briefings on issues of interest to the social economy. u To develop partnerships with
Business Connect and other advisory services. u To publicise the work of networks and encourage greater involvement. u To cultivate links
between businesses in the social economy and other sectors. u To encourage the sharing of good practice. The project will be supported by
administration and finance time. The project will include a "Kick-Start" Fund of a maximum of £500 per project supported. REACH will contribute
to the development of a range of social economic activity involving recycling groups, social enterprises and voluntary service provision. It will
assist effective and co-ordinated working between groups and contribute to stemming the decline in rural services. It has the potential to reach
deep into the rural economy and make a real difference to the well being of the rural community.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Spirit / Ysbryd 2 (Transitional Area) £60,991 55776 06/12/2004 £131,275
The aim of the project is to establish a "seed corn" grant fund for Powys based voluntary organisations and community groups. This is phase 2 of
the project. It gives community groups the opportunity to take the first steps towards participation in community regeneration projects. Some
changes to the operation of the scheme are proposed. The proposal is to continue with a grant rate of 90%, to a maximum grant of £10,000. The
fund will continue to prioritise sustainable community regeneration projects and continue the targeting of smaller, rurally isolated groups. The
aim is to reach out to the most socially isolated individuals through these groups and we believe that this focus is most appropriate within the
context of the WDA Toolkit, WCVA's Social Risk Fund and the Community Fund's Awards for All schemes. Larger town based groups will continue
to qualify but the emphasis will be on encouraging outreach and work in outlying areas.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Community Transport Forum Project (T) £18,672 55836 14/09/2004 £38,396
The extreme rurality of Powys brings into sharp focus the limitations of the public transport infrastructure. The Powys Community Transport (C.T.)
Forum has a track record of developing initiatives and good practice in support of locally based solutions to this lack of provision. The Forum has
been in existence since 1992 and is a partnership of both grassroots and strategic organisations, bringing together Powys C.T. Schemes, other
voluntary groups with a transport interest and County and Regional organisations e.g. Powys County Council (C.C.), Powys Local Health Board
(L.H.B.) and the Transport P9licy Division of the Welsh Assembly Government (W.A.G.). There are 51 member organisations in the Forum and the
mix of members ensures that information is exchanged, advice and support given and that initiatives pay regard to both local and strategic
issues. Since its inception it has received 50% of its annual funding from Powys C.C. and further funding has come from amongst others the
Community Fund and W.A.G. Examples of developments and policies that the Forum has initiated and co-ordinated include; support for
innovative C.T. groups, the development of good practice guides and service level agreements (S.L.A.) and the setting up of a Community
Transport Training Agency. The Forum has through these projects, demonstrated the benefits of networking of groups and agencies and has
helped to develop as strategic approach to transport provision within Powys. The Forum is supported and advised by the C.T. Development
Officer, and the present project will enable them to continue this work and develop additionality as described below. The project has four strands
of additionality. Firstly to promote sustainability. The sustainability of Community Transport activities will be a major part of the Forum
Development Officer's work in the future. The Forum and development officer will work with Powys County Council and the Local Health Board,
to confirm on the importance C.T. in the Powys transport network and relate funding of core activities schemes to S.L.A's. This will give the
sector greater financial sustainability. Secondly, to promote environmental sustainability by encouraging and advising schemes to consider
cleaner vehicle operations and more generally to reduce the number of vehicles on the road e.g. through the development of car sharing
initiatives; by increasing use of shared vehicles e.g. minibuses. Thirdly, to promote Community Transport schemes as part of the Social Economy
and thus help in the regeneration of local communities. In particular, providing co-ordination and increasing provision of transport to work and
training e.g. the proposals in the Community Transport and Young People project. (This is a project being developed through the forum to involve
young people in assessing their transport needs for training and employment and in developing appropriate schemes), and the extension of
eligibility in schemes to cover work journeys. In addition, Community Transport creates employment and training opportunities. Community
Transport schemes employ a substantial number of people, (At the present time 16 full-time and 17 part-time jobs in Powys), and high quality
training is provided through the Training Agency. There is increasing emphasis on income generation through contracts and S.L.A.'s. Fourthly, the
project will develop a partnership approach. It will support the partnership of organisations on the Community Forum, but beyond this it will
develop partnership working. It will support the Transport, Health and Wellbeing Strategy in its attempts to co-ordinate approaches to community
transport provision. The project will also develop partnership around specific initiatives, such as developing core-funding streams for community
transport schemes, and car sharing initiatives for local communities. The project will fund development officer time, (8 hours Transitional)
administrative support, publicity/promotion and associated office accommodation and consumable costs.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
(P1) Regeneration Seed Corn Fund £47,400 53625 08/01/2003 £105,600
To provide a regeneration 'seed corn' grant fund to Powys based voluntary organisations and community groups to empower them to partake and
contribute to social and economic community regeneration. Priority will be given to smaller groups, with grants of up to 90% and to a maximum
of £3000. Funding will be given to project, which give evidence of sustainability and also address the needs of the socially excluded and
communities of interest. This project complements the WDA grant scheme, e.g. the Community Regeneration Tool Kit (which offers a programme
of support for the sustainable economic development of towns in rural Powys). Examples of projects that could be included under this scheme
include: environmental activities, support for social economy initiatives, development of revenue generating community owned assets and links
to strategic development such as ICT and Community Transport.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Enterprising Community Building Scheme (Transitional) £51,022 56915 06/03/2006 £104,921
The aim of the project is to develop, through exemplar projects and associated support to community halls in Powys, an increased critical mass
of good social economic projects. These will act as role models for other community buildings considering developing social economic projects.
Exemplar projects may include social care businesses, ICT initiatives, conference facilities, and training bases, to name but a few examples. The
objectives are: To develop a series of exemplar social economic projects based in community buildings. To use the exemplars as a way of raising
awareness and encouraging a more entrepreneurial approach to the sustainability of finance for community buildings within the voluntary sector.
To develop new services for rural communities. To create employment within small rural communities both directly through the social economy
projects created and indirectly through the income such projects bring to their local communities.
2 1 Powys County Council Integrated Promotional Activity £11,688 53670 06/01/2003 £76,950
This innovative project will enable tourism SME's in Powys to fully benefit from the development of the Wales Tourist Board's Destination
Management system and marketing campaigns for both the domestic and overseas by the provision of hardware, software and network linkages,
to allow access to the new national interactive website. Only four of the ten tourist information centres managed by Powys County Council are
currently on the Powys network. The project will ensure the inclusion of key centres such as Newtown, Llandrindod Wells, Builth and Llanidloes.
It will ensure that Powys can compete effectively with other areas of Wales by providing a focused and seamless marketing and sales resource in
response to the changing needs of visitors. Customer demand for information and tourist services is changing as information is sought
electronically as well as in the form of traditional hard copy. The project will develop the electronic information facilities available to visitors
backed up by general and niche market print. It will also provide a vehicle through which the private sector can advertise their tourism products
to wider markets as well as developing new marketing activities such as direct mailshots, increased media activity etc. targeted at recovering
market share following the effects of foot and mouth disease. The project will integrate local marketing activity, by co-ordinating tourist
information and niche market print relating to walking, cycling, gardens and food and drink. The project will enable the Council to continue to
support national marketing campaigns and new media activity by contributing directly through the production of 150,00 copies of the Mid Wales
Lakes and Mountains Guide and in support of co-ordinated media advertising and promotion at tourism trade and consumer shows. The main
focus for the promotion of Powys will be through the Mid Wales Lakes and Mountains Campaign, which is one of the twelve marketing areas of
Wales identified by the Wales Tourist Board. The Mid Wales Lakes and Mountains marketing area is coterminous with the administrative area of
Powys, and is marketed through the UK Co-ordinated Marketing Group in domestic markets and through the TRAMOR group for overseas
marketing activity. Both TRAMOR and the UK Co-ordinated marketing groups are partnerships between the Wales Tourist Board, the Regional
Tourism Companies and Local Authorities. This ensures compatibility with regional and national strategies and ensures that there is no
duplication of marketing effort.
2 1 Powys County Council Powys Food Links (Transitional Area). £11,900 53675 17/01/2003 £26,500
Powys Food Links will: 1. Provide a central resource for the acquisition and dissemination of information to food producers and consumers and
provide a sign-posting service for producers seeking advice and assistance. 2. Provide support for local initiatives such as farmers' markets etc,
through officer support/administration. 3. Develop local and wider markets and supply chains through producer co-operation, promotion,
branding and marketing of Powys products. The project will create 3 FTE posts; two full-time project officers (points 1 & 2 above) and a full-time
equivalent marketing officer (point 3).
1 2 Powys County Council Powys Business Development Grant £78,640 55795 30/04/2004 £742,920
The Powys Business Development Grant is a capital grant scheme designed to provide assistance for business start-up and for the expansion of
existing businesses. The grant will be available to eligible businesses located within the Transitional Wards of the County of Powys or wishing to
locate/relocate within these wards. The grant will be administered by Powys County Council and delivered through the Powys Business Centre at
Brecon in close liaison with the Business Eye Gateway and New Business Starts Programme. Applicants will be given access to the full range of
business advisory services. In addition the Council will allocate 30% of the time of a Business Information Support Officer from the centre plus
10% of a Manager's time to assist and advise applicants and will also contract business/financial consultants to advise applicants and carry out
independent financial appraisals of project proposals. The Council will also carry out the follow-up monitoring of all private sector projects
supported at six months post completion of individual grant projects. Grants monitoring will be carried out by PCC officers and/or contracted
consultants through monitoring visits to ensure that all grants projects comply with conditions of grant and assess client's future needs. There
will be two maximum levels of grant: Start-up - up to 50% of project costs to a maximum of £2,500. Expansion - up to 30% of project costs up
to a maximum of £10,000.
4 1 Powys County Council
Powys Partnership Technical Assitance Objective 2
£39,394 55183 07/11/2003 £78,788
Powys County Council will provide a Secretariat to the Partnership; support potential applicants to develop appropriate projects, including liaison
with WEFO; publicise the programme in the area; liase with WEFO on all aspects of project development and assessment; Liase with Regional
Partnerships to discuss projects development and assessment; ensure project assessment procedures are adhered to, that all sectors are involved
in the process and that propriety is maintained at all times; keep full records of all project assessment meetings and procedures; provide
information to WEFO and to Partnerships in the agreed format on projects considered for support by the Local Partnership
2 1 Powys County Council Community Tourism Capital Grant Scheme £9,175 54589 27/02/2003 £25,404
The project is a delegated capital grant scheme to support small scale tourism development schemes at the community level. The grant would
offer up to 75% of the eligible cost for any one scheme to a maximum of £10,000. The grant scheme would be competitive and would be open to
the Local Authority, Town and Community Councils, Community Enterprises, Tourist Associations and the voluntary sector. The following are
examples of the type of schemes which could be eligible for support under this grant:- * Tourist Information Points both internal and external *
Interpretation Boards and branded waymarking * Small scale tourism/environmental improvement with associated interpretation * Development
of small scale heritage sites with interpretation and information * Integrated footpath development and improvement * Integrated bridleway
development and improvement * Integrated cycle route development and improvement * Provision of secure cycle storage * Pedestrian
2 1 Powys County Council Brecon Visitor Centre and Resource Bureau £146,716 54587 15/07/2003 £352,113
The project is to provide an exciting new information facility in the town of Brecon, in the heart of the Brecon Beacons National Park. It will be
accessible all year round and will provide information and educational resources to visitors, users of the park, schools, other educational
providers and the local tourist trade. The project will totally refurbish the building to provide not only enhanced information services, but also a
new research and information resource centre (the resource bureau) on the first floor. The project will eliminate the current confusing division of
the ground floor by providing a singly manned contact point to meet the requirements of visitors to the National Park and of tourists seeking
more general information. In addition to the manned presence, the ground floor will house an imaginative interactive display which will use state
of the art ICT technology to provide information and interpretation of the National Park. This will allow the National Park to increase the
availability of information for visitors from the current operation, which is only open during the main summer season, to an all year round
facility. The first floor will be converted to create a number of offices and a resource bureau. The bureau will be a multi purpose room, primarily
used as a resource centre providing information and research facilities relating to tourism. It secondary purpose will be as a meeting suite for
use by visitors, local tourism SMEs and community groups.
2 2
Radio PYF Hospital Radio
AM Transmission for Nevill Hall Sound, enabling community
of Abergavenny to receive service
£12,544 53877 10/01/2003 £26,000
Provision of AM transmission equipment to enable hospital radio station to broadcast to the whole of the hospital site and to the town of
Abergavenny. In doing so, it will provide significant opportunities to satisfy a wide range of needs for the community of Abergavenny and also to
develop the station as a considerable benefit to the local area, providing numerous services and directly working towards and assisting
community enterprises to develop and succeed. It will act as a means to assist in diversification and vastly improving communication, via a
recognised media, accessible to virtually the whole of the community. The project will enable the station to secure better revenue income from
sponsorship thereby securing its ongoing future. Reaching a greater audience will provide benefits for the community. Examples are
demonstrated as part of this application, indeed the interest already created has provided practical benefits and is generating linkages with a
range of organisations - the potential once this project has been carried out, is almost limitless.
2 2
St Michael's Centre
(Abergavenny) Trust Ltd
St Michael's Centre, Abergavenny £252,215 55955 04/02/2005 £552,716
The new St Michael's Century project will provide a community building which will primarily be used for training purposes, on the site of the old
church hall, in the heart of the transitional wards of Cantref, Priory, Mardy and Lansdown. The building will provide a strategically based venue to
sustain a vibrant community, allowing for the provision of: · additional training activities and networking at a community and small business
level in order to increase skill levels and assist economic development and community regeneration · additional support services to
disadvantaged groups in transitional areas of local deprivation · additional cultural events and exhibitions to promote local festivals and
contribute to the development of tourism. The old single story wooden church hall has provided a thriving secular community centre and cultural
venue for the past 25 years but is now substandard and unfit for the intended purpose. It has limited access for disabled users and limited space
and resources to accommodate the development of innovative ideas and expansion of activities. The new build layout will provide: 1. Ground
Floor · Reception/lobby area with dedicated computer terminal linking with websites for information plus display space to promote both Centre
activities and other agency promotional material and information · Fully equipped kitchen with space to accommodate demonstration
training/work experience for economically inactive individuals and to provide catering facilities for community based activities e.g. community/
computer café, seminars, training and other Centre events etc. · Open floor area, in total 120sq ms, providing areas of 25sq ms and 95sq ms
(which can be divided into 39sq ms and 56sq ms to be used simultaneously) to accommodate open meetings, seminars, events, exhibitions,
workshops or occasional performances. The space will be equipped with sliding, sound proofed partition to accommodate two concurrently
running training sessions/workshops or other Centre activities as appropriate · Fully equipped toilets and disabled access · Lift to first floor for
disabled access · Storage space for training/exhibition equipment - display boards, flip charts, screens, overhead projector and other required
training resources, plus stacking tables and chairs for use of building to develop community/ computer café and restaurant facility. 2. First Floor ·
Meeting/training/workshop room (3.7 x 6.6sq ms) to accommodate groups of approximately 12, can be used for separate activities or as an
extension to lower floor activities · Office space (2.5 x 2.4ms) for Centre manager, with computer, photocopier and fax facility for Centre use. 3.
The building will have networked laptop computers and printers utilised for training activities. The building will be broadband enabled. 4. Use of
materials Building materials will include stonework and a Welsh slate roof, locally resourced, to complement the nearby church, a Grade 2 listed
building. 5. A Patio area and hard landscaping Hard landscaping (flagstones/cobble) will link the centre with the nearby listed church building;
the main hall of the Centre will open out onto a pleasant outdoor secure patio area.
2 1
St. Marys Priory
Development Trust
TITHE BARN PROJECT ST. MARY'S PRIORY £172,445 54015 13/03/2003 £400,445
The Tithe Barn was part of St Mary's Priory, founded by Benedictine monks in 1087, originally constructed to receive one tenth of the annual
produce of the tenants of the Priory and Lords of Abergavenny. The recent archaeological survey shows the foundations to be 12th Century,
extended building in the early 14th Century, alterations in the 16th Century (post dissolution of the Priory), and conversion to a stable/coach
house in the 17th Century. More recently the Barn was used as a 'discount carpet warehouse' and had lapsed into a poor state of repair. The
Church Trustees managed to raise the funds internally to purchase the Barn in November 1999 for £75,000 plus legal fees. The first phase of the
project is intended to save and restore this historically important building, (we have already had to carry out some urgent repair work, and these
costs are not included in the amount of ERDF requested). Coupled with this phase is landscaping which will provide a Courtyard alongside and at
the front of the Barn. The second phase is to convert the Barn into an Art/Heritage/Visitor Centre for the community of Abergavenny, and the
much wider Monmouthshire area. There will be facilities for local artists to work, have workshops for youngsters and space for exhibitions. A
dual purpose lecture area/music rehearsal area also on the upper floor. In the central area will also be an exhibition area displaying the
'Abergavenny Tapestry', paintings and will also feature inter-active data bases, detailing information about the history of St. Mary's and
Abergavenny more generally. There will also be a fifty-seater restaurant, a shop selling local goods and produce and a Visitor Centre. The
location of the Barn is ideal for stimulating greater numbers of visitors, with ample car parking nearby. We are seen by the Welsh Tourist Board
as important to the tourist industry and there is considerable opportunity to work with other providers of tourist facilities (hotels etc) and the
local TIC. At present we support both the Arts and Food Festivals, both of which have the capacity for growth. There is sufficient space to
accommodate all the activities proposed for the internal dimensions of the Barn give 211 square metres usable space on the ground floor and
191 square metres on the upper floor. When the whole project is completed, it will meet aims and objectives of the MCC Action Plan by 1)
improving the environment. 2) Providing support for the development and marketing of local products and services. 3) Supporting tourism. 4)
Generating growth in the local economy. 5) Creating 6 new jobs.
2 1
St. Marys Priory
Development Trust
Tithe Barn Project St Mary's Priory Church £217,000 57257 22/05/2006 £1,346,104
Phase 3: This will be the major piece of work to complete the repairs and refurbishment of the whole of the interior of the Tithe Barn, including
all services. It will give 4,628 sq ft of space on 2 floors. On the ground floor will be a Visitor Reception area to provide guidance and information
on all the facilities in both the Tithe Barn, the Priory, Abergavenny and the surrounding area. Also on the ground floor will be the public toilets.
On the first floor will be an Interpretation Centre using ICT, video systems and traditional displays to outline the history of the Priory, the Castle,
Abergavenny and this part of the Welsh Marches. Also on the first floor will be the multi-functional Learning Space to help with all levels of
education working in conjunction with Monmouthshire County Council. The first floor will be a focal point for the Food Festival and other "food
events" and there will be an Exhibition Area displaying the 24ft long Abergavenny Tapestry. The Whole of the Tithe Barn has had a rigorous
Access Audit so that all the service areas and toilets meets the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. With this phase, also, it is
intended to include modest landscaping to the Courtyard and provision of lighting for the area.
1 1
The Wales Environment Trust
Creating Welsh Markets for Recyclates (Trans) £93,759 56463 28/10/2004 £259,607
The aim of the project is to provide a specialist business support service which will proactively engage SMEs and enable them, by creating and
demonstrating markets for their products and services, to capitalise on the commercial opportunities of using recyclate as feedstock in new
technologies and manufacturing processes. The support will be long-term and comprehensive: from increasing awareness and attitudinal change,
through identifying the technologies and technology transfer to specialist business support, including assistance with future new product
2 1 The Wye & Usk Foundation Usk Project (T) UP! £190,789 54983 05/01/2004 £438,510
The river Usk has a significant reputation as a wild brown trout fishery, attracting visitors from all over the UK. Following a number of
improvements, it has become a successful salmon fishery too. However, there has recently been a marked decline in brown trout catches,
perhaps a precursor of a decline in all game fish stocks. There has been a noted downturn in visitor numbers since FMD3 While the Usk trout
fishing incomes could be enhanced with improved stocks, there is a real opportunity to increase the potential of the more lucrative, but
undersold salmon fishing, taking advantage of the recent reductions in estuary netting. At the same time, it is crucial to ensure that there are
sustainable stocks of all game fish. Sea Trout fishing on the Usk could be usefully developed. These game fishing opportunities offer the prospect
of true green tourism during the less popular visitor months, March - May, September - October. Sustainable stock enhancement techniques will
permit increased exploitation of both species. (A similar ERDF project is underway covering the geographical area of the Upper Wye catchment
(PHISH 2002), there will be considerable synergy, as well as some cost saving). 1. Habitat Improvement: WUF tried and tested stream
improvement prescription - fencing coppicing and reveting (bank reinstatement where eroded)4 removing obstructions where permitted, to
juvenile fish habitats. Staff deployment Habitat teams under WUF head of operations. WUF Director, Monitoring staff. 2. Marketing: WUF has
identified key areas for improvement: a) making what fishing that is currently available, more attractive and accessible 5 - Educating proprietors
in requirements to make welcome, managing streams for ease of fishing, facilitating access (e.g. disabled use), combining small ownerships into
worthwhile reaches, providing adequate details, ease of booking etc B) National and international direct marketing of the River Usk in Powys,
brochures & voucher scheme6 , ad placement, websites ads, articles in journals c) Linking the various levels of fishing visitors to appropriate
accommodation. E) A local campaign to raise community awareness of the value of our river (no litter etc!). F) Resolving joint use conflicts. G)
Workshops/Awareness training: Instructors/River and fishery managers/Ghillies. H) Linking fishing holidays with other activities Staff
deployment Project admin team, WUF PR agent, Marketing Officer, Director.
1 3
Trevor (Brynkinalt) Estate
Company Limited
Brynkinalt Business Centre £413,730 57250 11/07/2007 £2,758,199
The applicant proposes the development and conversion of an historic redundant brownfield site within the Brynkinalt Estate situated
approximately one mile to the south of Chirk for the purpose of creating approximately 1,580m² of high quality rural office accommodation and
the provision of a multispace for the potential use of occupiers and the local community. The development will be principally focused on
conversion and an element of complementary new build. The site to the rear of Brynkinalt Hall is made up of a range of brick and stone buildings
clustered around individual courtyards backing on to the Halls formal gardens. The buildings are ideally suited to office use being easily
subdivided and accessed without the need to compromise their built integrity. The scale of the proposed scheme is sufficient to generate a small
scale business community with the size to generate economies of scale sufficient to attract the required services, affinity products and support
need by today's modern businesses.
1 3
Trustees of Coldbrook &
Llanover Estate
Llanover Estate Yard Redevelopment £220,032 56450 25/04/2005 £1,474,838
The project consists of the demolition of existing buildings (including a former saw mill) and clear up of a brownfield site in a conservation area.
These buildings are redundant, unsightly and beyond their economic life, thus incapable of useful repair. Consequently, the project will deliver
the construction of high quality business premises and renovation and conversion of existing buildings for B1 office occupation by SME's. The
accommodation will be made available for letting in up to 20 separate units. The Net internal area of the newly constructed Waddington House
Unit is 411m². The building will be constructed from brick to match the existing setting of the estate yard, timber cladding and slate roof. The
net internal area of the refurbished existing offices in Treowen Houses is 141m². The net internal area of converted outbuildings and workshops
(Treowen House and Hall House) is 237.5m². The net inernal area of newbuild extensions to Hall House is 237.5m². The external areas will be
landscaped to a high quality. The site dimension is 0.416 ha, and is currently owned by the applicant.
1 1 University of Glamorgan HELP2Wales £102,169 53615 08/01/2003 £230,183
HELP2Wales aims to significantly increase collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Small or Medium Sized Enterprises
(SMEs) through delivering innovative consultancy projects to help new and existing SMEs develop new products, exploit new technology and
explore new markets. The new programme will help more SMEs develop an innovative culture by accessing the expertise and resources of the 13
Welsh HEIs. Examples of innovative consultancy services available will include: Rapid Prototyping, Electronics Prototyping, Product & Materials
Testing, Information & Communications Technology, Technical Internet Services/e-commerce, Environmental Management & Technology, Process
and Supply Chain Innovation and Market Research.
1 1
University of Wales College
Festival of Enterprise (Transitional) £15,140 53875 08/01/2003 £36,672
The project has been developed as a result of extensive enterprise and entrepreneurship, research, consultation and experience through practice.
It seeks to develop a coherent Entrepreneurship strategy and Action Plan for Newport for 2001 - 2003. The strategy will be developed in a
partnership with public, private and voluntary sector organisations. It seeks to raise awareness, promote and stimulate entrepreneurial activities
across Newport, and across all communities, in an innovative, interactive, fun packed contemporary manner. This will be achieved by a series of
planned programmes of activities, which will run throughout schools, colleges, community and voluntary organisations and the business sector,
and culminate in a celebration of enterprise at a Newport Festival to be held in July/August 2002 in the Town Centre. These activities will be
developed within the following strands: 1. Business Challenge for Schools. 2. Media Showcase 3. Cultural Enterprise 4. Education and Training 5.
Community Enterprise 6. Science and Technology Challenge Activities being developed include: - Seminars with local and national speakers and
facilitators - Workshops for new and existing businesses covering topics such as marketing, finance, business start-up, developing creative ideas,
developing self confidence and motivational skills, business survival and growth, and family business. - Displays provided by local businesses
(micro, SMEs and community), banks, FE/HE, Business Support Agencies, Young Enterprise Programme, Prince's Trust. - Interactive displays and
exhibitions e.g. DJ, Hair and Nail Technology, Aromatherapy, Alternative Therapy, Local Food and Wine, Website development, Art, Craft, Dance,
and Fashion. - Competitions: Art, Make it from Junk, Business Plan, Retail Marketing, Design Council, Patent Office. - Flea market - Media, Art,
and Cultural industries focus, e.g. Fashion Show, Local Bands Concert, Radio Wales/REAL Radio, TV, IT and Multimedia, Film/Video. - Education:
Young Enterprise and Prince's Trust activities and showcase, Enterprise Summer School prior to Festival in UWCN and Coleg Gwent, Problem
Solving, Third Age Entrepreneurship.
1 1
University of Wales College
Bridges to Innovation £103,524 54669 08/09/2003 £235,283
The aim of the project is to provide support for graduate placements in local SMEs, to carry out technology transfer work over a 6-12 month
period. While similar to university-level, Teaching Company Scheme projects, the aim of this project is to enable projects of shorter duration in
line with comments from local companies. The project also aims to fill a gap left by the current College-Business Partnership scheme which is
aimed at FE-level. This new project therefore, aims to provide a fixed number of graduate level placements in local SMEs to facilitate technology
transfer. The project will be revenue based, and will include costs for supporting graduates in their placements, and staff costs for management
and delivery of the project.
2 1
University of Wales College
Encouraging Event Management Strategies to Develop
Tourism Opportunities.
£24,716 54335 05/01/2004 £55,793
Much of a region's identity and prosperity is developed from the work of community groups and associations of businesses who join together to
organise specific festivals and events. Monmouthshire has a wealth of local events and festivals that stimulate the economy and create interest in
regional products and services. Approximately 12,000 people visited the Abergavenny Food Festival last year, a huge opportunity to develop local
businesses and promote the region. Such activities are very important diversification tools, which strengthen the economic base of the county
and widen employment opportunities. Communities must realise that they can gain increased economic and social prosperity by giving
themselves an identity, working together to raise the profile of their local talent by attracting visitors, customers and increased business links.
However, the full potential of such activities has not been realised. There is a significant gap in the provision of support for such groups, because
there is no mechanism or system to help people, some of whom may have never had any previous experience in this field, to organise
co-operative events and maximise the events' economic potential. To address this gap the project will provide a comprehensive support system,
including the development of a manual for small groups and businesses, who are involved with organising, or wish to organise events. This
system will also provide access to an event management network, which will be able to offer advice, contacts and marketing expertise. This will
assist in developing greater levels of organisational capability within the voluntary organising committees and ensure that the event gains the
maximum community benefits from a social enterprise perspective.
4 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Vale of Glamorgan Partnership Technical Assistance £112,780 54882 20/03/2003 £225,560
To provide a Secretariat to the Partnership
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Central Buttrills Environmental Improvements £687,264 55661 30/03/2004 £1,510,727
The grant application relates to proposals for environmental improvements in the Buttrills Ward centred around the Barry Town Hall. The
application relates to proposals to create a new public square in front of the town hall and improvements to the public open space alongside the
building.The contract currently on site involves restoring the town hall building and includes removing the fountains from King Square. This
grant application would seek to redevelop this space as a new formal public square. The new square would incorporate access provision for all to
the front of the renovated building and designs incorporate quality paving, seating, lighting, and CCTV. The square is currently utilised for a
weekly market and the proposal will allow this to continue and expand. The intention is to create a civic square as a focal point for events and a
quality meeting area at the centre of this deprived ward.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Area 41 Youth Facility £53,325 55449 09/12/2003 £111,305
Area 41 is a new community facility based in Castleland which specifically addresses the needs of young people in the area, in particular those
which reside in the wards of Buttrills, Castleland, Cadoc and Court. The facility is located in the town centre and is targeted at young people up
to the age of 21 years who are socially disadvantaged and are subject to the risks associated with deprivation such as drug abuse, antisocial
behaviour, youth offending, risk-taking behaviour, substance abuse etc. The facility offers diversionary activities to young people as preventative
measures to the identified risks. Many of the young people will face multiple disadvantages with dysfunctional home lives and are marginalised
from society. The programme of activities excite inform and sustain the interests of young people and includes an internet cafe, a media lounge,
videoconference lounge, digital musical studio and e learning through sky digital. It is based in a renovated, former commercial property in the
centre of Barry town and occupies all three floors of the building. Grant is sought against the eligible capital costs of the renovation and a small
amount of revenue costs for the overheads.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Alley Gating Crime Prevention Project £50,000 55525 06/02/2004 £100,000
Alley gating is the installation of security gates across footpaths and alleyways as a positive form of situational crime prevention that attempts to
reduce the opportunity to commit crimes such as domestic burglary.This project aims to install a number of security gates across back lanes and
alley ways in the targeted ward of Castleland in Barry. This crime prevention project is designed primarily to tackle burglary and a wide range of
anti-social behaviour, including graffiti, vandalism, underage drinking, drug abuse, prostitution, youth disturbance, flytipping, and fires. The
project will fit a total of 47 self-closing lockable steel gates at identified locations within the alleys of terraced housing in the Castleland ward.
The locations of these gates have been determined through a process of analysing crime statistics for the area and will be targeted on identified
streets/alleys that are experiencing the highest incidences of crime and anti-social behaviour. As part of the consultation with local residents for
the project their support for the gates is a prerequisite for the installation, without their consent and support the schemes would not go ahead.
The gates give unrestricted access to the rear of the houses to legitimate keyholders; this excludes criminals and troublemakers who do not have
the unique keys for the gates. This restricts access to the rear of properties making it more difficult to commit burglary. The gates also work by
increasing the level of natural surveillance - e.g. surveys have reported that residents feel much safer walking around the streets once the gates
were installed are were, therefore, more likely to be out and about in the area. Alley gates have been successfully installed in a large number of
sites in various cities/towns such as Merseyside, Liverpool.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Barry Town Hall Restoration Phase 1 £155,905 55398 27/11/2003 £1,199,274
Phase I involves the refurbishment of the building to bring it up to a standard where the main phase works can be undertaken. One element of
the building is intended to be re-utilised as an exhibition centre - a community asset catering for community exhibitions. This application relates
to the building improvement works carried out and seeks pro-rata support for the eligible elements only. The works will restore a Grade II listed
building to bring a derelict building back into full use, the Hall will be utilised for a new library, offices for community police, town centre
management and civic functions. The eligible element - the community exhibition centre - will cater for local art, photographic and other
exhibitions from groups such as the local historic society. As a flexible space the exhibition centre will be expected to cater for local community
group meetings such as Neighbourhood Watch, Central Park Friends group, local events and coffee mornings.
1 3
Vale of Glamorgan County
Barry Entrepreneurship Centre £627,382 53901 17/10/2003 £2,736,673
The project comprises some 1500 sq m of workspace. It forms a semi-discrete part of the 'Learning, Development and Enterprise Quarter' of
Barry Waterfront, proposed by the Council in partnership with the University of Wales College Cardiff (UWIC), Barry College and the Welsh
Development Agency (WDA). The Entrepreneurship Centre will largely provide accommodation for new businesses, but will also be a centre of
excellence for entrepreneurship and innovation, providing access to business support through the existing network of support providers. The
Centre will work closely with UWIC and Barry College to provide a cohesive offer to businesses, sharing some of the business support facility
such as training rooms.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Alley Gating Crime Prevention Project Phase II £100,000 56538 21/10/2004 £200,000
This project aims to install a number of security gates across back lanes and alley ways, as a positive form of crime prevention, in the targeted
wards of Castleland, Court, and Cadoxton in Barry. Alley gating involves the installation of security gates across footpaths and alleyways, as a
form of situational crime prevention that attempts to reduce the opportunity to commit crimes such as domestic burglary. This alley gating prime
prevention project is designed primarily to tackle burglary and a wide range of anti-social behaviour including graffiti, vandalism, underage
drinking, drug abuse, prostitution, youth disturbance, flytipping and fires. The project will fit self-closing lockable steel gates, at identified
locations within the alleys of terraced housing in the Castleland, Court and Cadoxton wards of Barry.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Holton Road Public Realm Improvements. £450,878 57572 05/12/2007 £1,075,968
The project will provide high quality community environmental enhancements in the Castleland and Buttrills areas of East Barry to raise
standards of urban design and significantly improve the quality of the town centre/civic centre environment. This project is critical to the delivery
of the wider goal of revitalising the town centre economy and alleviating multiple deprivation in the surrounding residential areas of Castleland
and Buttrills.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Alley Gating Crime Prevention Project Phase III £126,000 57503 14/07/2006 £265,346
This project aims to install a number of security gates across back lanes and alley ways as a positive form of crime prevention, in the targeted
wards of Butrills, Court and Cadoc in Barry. Alley gating, is the installation of security gates across footpaths and the alleyways, as a form of
situational crime prevention that attempts to reduce the opportunity to commit crimes such as domestic burglary. Phases I and II of the Alley
gating crime prevention project installed 174 gates, protecting over 2,000 properties. This application relates to the installation of an additional
95 gates, at identified locations within the alleys of terraced houses in Butrills, Court and Cadoc. This will bring the total number of gates to 269.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Barry Steam Railway Project £100,000 57406 30/03/2006 £200,000
The Council seeks funding approval in support of a small capital element of the larger Barry Steam Railway Project. The proposal would further
extend the steam rail line and provide a physical link between the existing track, which currently terminates at the Woodham Halt platform
alongside the Council's / Barry College's Information Technology Centre, and proposed platform alongside the Morrisons Store. The new track
and platform would sit alongside the Morrisons Car Park and would allow a huge increase in footfall and usage of this community scheme. The
details of the access from Morrisons to the new platform is currently under discussion with the store who have responded positively to the
principle of the scheme. The scheme would specifically lay an additional circular 600 metres of track along a corridor of land alongside the main
railway line that the Council has previously purchased for this purpose. The platform would be fitted with steps and access ramp and would, in
design terms, match the platform constructed at the Woodham Halt site that the First Minister, Rhodri Morgan and Jane Hutt AM opened in April
3 1 VIBE EXPERIENCE Vibe Young People Inclusion Project £103,433 56396 01/01/2006 £207,998
The Vibe Young People Inclusion project is a positive form of crime prevention focusing on reducing the levels of crime and the fear of crime
experienced by the communities of the four targeted wards in Barry. The project aims to deliver diversionary activities for young people to have a
positive effect on reducing the amount of youth annoyance and youth offending, targeted specifically on the young people aged 10-17 from the
wards of Castleland, Cadoc, Court and Buttrills in Barry. The VIBE Young Peoples project has been designed to deliver diversional activities that
have evolved from substantial local youth research and feedback from the young people that this project is aiming to help. VIBE (VIBE
Experience is a voluntary organisation) has been recognised as a service that consults young people about their needs and interests, it invites
and positively encourages user participation to empower young people to take a greater responsibility in devising services and activities. The
project activities focus around innovative new technology and media-based activities, including the website design and management, mixing,
recording and singing. These activities are attractive to young people and develop a wide range of practical and social skills. The website will
provide young people with the mechanism to display their work and communicate with a wider audience, encouraging them to participate in
further positive activities within the community.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Business Birth Rate Strategy - Transitional £820,912 56487 22/10/2004 £1,848,488
The project will provide a more dynamic, diverse and appropriate portfolio of start up support, which is flexible, timely and tailored to the
specific, diagnosed needs of the particular individual. Further the project recognises that a whole range of different types of support may be
required by the different businesses and individuals. Implementation of the programme will be by means of the Business Support providers,
which have been procured through an open tender process via OJEC. A small team of staff will be recruited by the appropriate WDA regions to
ensure that the project achieves the objectives set and act as a catalyst to ensure that the project dovetails with the work already being
undertaken in other areas such as Potentia, KEF and the Objective 1 New Business Start Programme. Each potential business that seeks public
sector support will be seen by a business advisor who will make a decision whether to proceed or not. If it is agreed to proceed, an action plan
will be developed, which should lead to the development of the business plan etc. By the end of March 2005 we are confident that the
programme will be on target of providing advice to some 1463 individuals and creating a total of 1000 new businesses.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Reactive Development £63,338 56475 18/10/2004 £142,625
The programme provides support to individual SME's in the South East of Wales, to achieve specific business improvements which will improve
their efficiencies, thereby helping them to increase competitiveness, reduce costs, retain existing business and secure new business. Each
individual company project is specific to the needs of that business. All potential projects will be assessed against the likely benefit to the client,
measured as the potential value of business that could be retained or the potential new business that could be won. Each project ensures
documentation of this "opportunity value" from the client in writing and is retained on file. Actual achievements are recorded individually against
each project and certified by the participating client. The programme is managed by a staff member of the WDA, based in the Treforest office. All
SME's except from excluded sectors, based in Objective 2 areas of the WDA SE Region, are eligible for support. The key outputs will be the
number of clients supported and the value of new business and business retained. Where clearly identifiable, the number of jobs safeguarded
will also be recorded. Other opportunities are expected to result from the support activity and these will actively be progressed or forwarded to
the relevant support/partner bodies, including requirements for ICT support and export assistance.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Powys Property Development Grant 2000/2004 (Trans) £58,049 56482 18/11/2004 £375,061
The aim of the project is to provide a Property Development Grant fund for speculative development by private sector landlords of new units, or
the refurbishment of existing units, for SME's throughout the Powys Objective 2 Transirtional areas. There is a significant gap between cost of
construction and resultant value in the Objective 2 Area, which discourages private sector investment in industrial premises. The Powys PDG fund
is designed to fill this gap and generate optimum private sector investment. The scheme will operate entirely within State Aid limits. When
complete, the units and extensions will be occupied by SME's either indigenous or inward investors, so helping to diversify the local economy,
and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business expansions and new businesses, the fund will contribute to higher economic activity
levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The fund will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Property Management Team.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Powys Property Development Grant 2000/2004 (T) £199,342 56483 18/11/2004 £1,433,147
The aim of the project is to provide a Property Development Grant fund for SME's to build new business premises or extensions to their existing
premises, and for adapting their premises to their individual or changing needs, throughout the Powys Objective 2 Transitional area. There is a
significant gap between cost of construction and resultant value in the Objective 2 Transitional Area, which discourages private sector investment
in industrial premises either by end-users or property developers. The Powys PDG fund is designed to fill this gap and generate optimum private
sector investment. The scheme will operate entirely within State Aid limits. When complete, the units and extensions will be occupied by SME's
either indigenous or inward investors, so helping to diversify the local economy, and improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business
expansions and new businesses, the fund will contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic leakage from the area. The fund
will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Property Management Team.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) General Support for Business (GSB) - Transitional £999,635 57413 12/04/2006 £2,250,923
The aim of the programme is to provide high quality advice and support to potential, new and existing SMEs in Wales through a consistent,
flexible, comprehensive offering available throughout the lifecycle of the business. The service has been developed from best practice gained
through delivery of the GBAS and NBS programmes and is an amalgamation of the key characteristics and best practice of both. It aims to
provide relevant support to address individual needs whether pre-start, for sustainability or for businesses seeking to generate significant
growth. An essential element of the new single service is the close working relationship that has developed with ELWa. This will ensure that all
clients aswell as accessing appropriate specialist support are also able to access the full suite of ELWa products and services, for holistic
development of the company. The major advantage of the new single service is that it will allow a greater level of consistency for clients through
this integrated mechanism. It will also offer the client flexibility of maintaining relationships with their advisor through pre-start to post-start, or
as they develop and grow, to change the type and nature of support they receive (subject to tendering arrangements). The service is unique in
that businesses throughout their life cycle can now access all the general support they require through a single consistent framework.
2 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Toolkit £45,000 53681 17/01/2003 £100,000
The Community Regeneration Toolkit is a programme to support the sustainable development of communities in the rural economy of Powys. A
range of Tools will be made available to community groups within the social economy at appropriate stages in their development. Tool 1
(Seedcorn funding) will be administered by PAVO through their complimentary Obj 2 bid, whilst Tool 2 (Partnership) and 3 (Training and
Mentoring), have been successful in attracting Obj 3 funding. This application is for Tool 4 (Revenue Funding), Tool 5 (Development Officer
Support), Tool 6 (Consultancy / Professional Support) and Tool 7 (Sector Based Intervention). A community group wishing to access support
from the Toolkit, will need to work up a proposed future plan for their area and meet the criteria set for each tool. Through working with PAVO to
support initial seedcorn stages, groups will be encouraged to reach their full potential.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Speculative Factory Premises Talgarth £93,515 53996 07/01/2003 £317,000
The project is to construct a speculative mixed-use business premises of 500 sq. metres on land owned by the WDS at the Talgarth Enterprise
Park, Talgarth. The project will have an external waste area and adequate parking spaces, and the whole will be landscaped to the high standard
evidenced on th4e estate. In total the scheme should occupy c. 1/4 hectare. The development is also intended to be an environmental exemplar
project, fitting into the local surroundings as unobtrusively as possible and using indigenous species as landscaping.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) General Business Advisory Service (GBAS) £152,427 55899 25/08/2004 £343,227
The aim of the project is to provide a unified, consistent and quality approach to the delivery of general business advisory support. Offering a
flexible response to client need, based on local understanding. The service will improve clarity for businesses by presenting a single, flexible
approach which replaces the current multiple products and will assist businesses to access and utilise other business support from the private,
public and voluntary sector. Whilst promoted as a single ''product'' the support will be tiered with a focus on appropriate support linked to the
resulting impact on the business. The project builds upon the success of regional initiatives such as the GAS (general advisory service) in Mid
and North Wales and the PBA (personal business adviser) service in West Wales. These different services have demonstrated that there is a
significant need for the provision of quality general business advisory personnel, to assist businesses achieve growth and development, as well
as ensuring sustainability. However, there is currently a lack of consistency across the various services on offer, and this project aims to put in
place a more coherent approach to delivery that adopts the best features of all its precursors. The project, to be delivered through local delivery
contractors, will be both flexible and responsive. It will provide a wide variety of general business advice and help: ranging from guidance in
applying for available grants or other support to help with constructing a business plan and longer-term strategic planning. The general support
will include help with accessing specialist support where needed. The depth and level of support offered will be dependent upon the size, type
and nature of the business with the level of resources offered, being linked to the likely resulting impact on the business , as indicated in the
diagram below. Three levels of support will be applied, based on: Level 1 - SMEs with no to low growth potential. Level 2 - SMEs with low to
modest growth potential. Level 3 - SMEs with modest to real growth potential. Gateway and GBAS Advisers will be making professional value
judgements in relation to the particular level that a company is offered, with appropriate controls being in place on the level of service to be
delivered. The majority of businesses accessing the proposed service are expected to do so via the Business Support Gateway. As a logical "next
step", for many users of the Gateway Service, the project will also assist businesses to access and utilise more effectively other business support
in the private, voluntary and public sectors. There will be a strong local focus in the delivery of the project, ensuring that the local needs are
met. This will be combined with central co-ordination and management within the WDA regional offices. ELWa have committed their support to
the project and will contribute funding to cover Advisers undertaking a Training Needs Analysis as part of the diagnostic / review of business
requirements. This is being considered as providing a 'joint field force' approach, reducing the number of advisers approaching businesses and
ensuring appropriate support at the right time for the SMEs supported. The provision of support within a quality structure is essential to the
successful delivery of the project. Higher standards will be attained through a combination of robust management, monitoring and evaluation of
the service coupled with on-going professional development of Business Advisers. Ensuring consistency of approach, a single client management
system (Link Track) will be used for tracking and monitoring activity and the resulting impacts upon the business. In addition to GBAS Managers
located in the regional WDA offices, an all Wales management group involving WDA and ELWa will take responsibility for strategic direction of
the service.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Local Supplier Development £95,025 55938 05/07/2004 £221,948
A study carried out by University of Wales College Newport and Newport and Gwent Enterprise in 2001, entitled "SME Engagement in Public
Sector Procurement." This highlighted the fact that the public sector in Wales spent £3 million pounds per annum, and recommended a number
of actions to enhance the SME engagement in public sector procurement. Three of the actions identified were: 1. All Wales Public Sector
Contracting Web Site-which is currently being developed and due to be launched in November 2003. 2. Pre-Qualification Health Checks for SMEs
- this forms part of the project and the "How to Tender" workshops will assist the SMEs in obtaining the necessary public sector accreditation. 3.
SME Supplier Development Programme - which is the basis for this project. The Local Supplier Development Project will dovetail with (1) above
by providing the necessary support for SMEs within Wales to improve their skills and increase their confidence to tender for both public and
private sector contracts. It is intended to employ Supplier Champions throughout Wales, and in East Wales it is proposed to employ two Supplier
Champions within the Objective 2 core area, and one in the Transitional area. A job description for the Supplier Champion is appended at the end
of the application and the key activities of the project are listed below. Additionally, two administration staff will be employed in East Wales, one
covering the non assisted area, whilst the other person's duties will be split 50:50 between the Objective 2 and Objective 2 Transitional areas. A
job description is included at the end of the report. The aim of the project is to develop and deliver cohesive support to facilitate inter-trading
activity and provide practical assistance to SMEs in securing both public and private sector contracts. The service will be delivered throughout the
programme area, with a focus on local delivery mechanisms. This project builds upon the success of regional initiatives such as Contract Shop
and the Public Sector Local Supply Chain Initiative, which originated in North Wales. It is intended to utilise the best practice from both within
the Programme area. The key activities will include: 1. Proactively encouraging and facilitating businesses to purchase goods and services from
local suppliers with a single point of contact, on a local basis to support such activity. 2. Developing tools to assist inter-trading activity, such as
the development of comprehensive website, CD-Rom, regular newsletters, as well as organising events such as "meet the buyer". 3. Establishing
links with strategic buyers in both the public and private sectors and encouraging them to maximise the use of local suppliers in their
procurement processes. 4. Working with local businesses to develop their capacity to meet the requirements of major buyers including for
example, workshops on how to prepare a tender. 5. Facilitating the opportunities for businesses to work on a collaborative basis with the
potential to access larger contracts which they would be unable to achieve on their own. 6. Providing information to local businesses on potential
contract / business opportunities - Opportunity spotting. 7. Provide central management, co-ordination and quality control to ensure consistency
of approach throughout the Programme area. The above will be implemented by utilising existing business support network mechanisms within
the programme area, together with private sector partners where applicable. It is envisaged that a "Supplier Champion" will be employed on an
area basis. This has been determined by the number of VAT registered businesses within the counties. It is proposed that the "Supplier
Champions" will be assisted with the provision of administration support on a regional basis. The Supplier Champion will be expected to: Provide
a single point of contact to businesses. Make proactive visits to businesses on regular basis. Establish links and develop networks within the
operating area for buyers and suppliers. Identify opportunities for businesses. Collate articles for the quarterly newsletter. Arrange "How to
Tender" courses, either by delivering themselves or call upon third parties to deliver the workshops. This will depend upon who is successful in
obtaining the contract to deliver the project. Where necessary, call upon the services of "experts" in the field of public sector procurement to
provide in depth One to One consultations to the businesses. Liaise closely with other "Supplier Champions" in other areas and share best
practice, and organise joint events. Work closely with strategic buyers and suppliers within the region. Develop links with the Welsh Assembly
Government Procurement Initiative team. Refer businesses to other specialist programme and organisations such as Source Wales, Timber 11,
Environmental Goods and Services and Welsh Tourist Board. Work closely with other general business support provision within the counties.
Additionally the following will be employed to provide central support for the project: Administration Support: Central support for the Supplier
Champion Collation of information for sponsor and European Community. Arrange meetings, courses and assist with meet the buyer events.
1 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Speculative Factory Premises Brecon £240,241 54891 03/07/2003 £814,377
The aim of this project is to provide high quality business premises within the Objective 2 Transitional area. The Project will construct two
speculative mixed-use business premises of 500 sq.metre each on land owned by the WDA at the Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon. The units aim
to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based industries. The design
elements of the units will reflect the potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BRECSU best practice. The units
will have an extensive waste area and adequate parking spaces and the whole area will be landscaped to the high standard evidenced on the
estate. In total the scheme should occupy approximately 0.5 hectares. When complete, the units will be let to SME's, either indigenous or inward
investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify the local economy and improve local GDP levels.
By accommodating business through advance premises the units will contribute to higher economic activity levels and lower economic leakage
from the area. The project will be managed and delivered by the WDA Mid Division Construction Team. The WDA will market the units during the
construction phases to potential occupiers and negotiate tenancies/ leases with eligible companies following a detailed assessment as to the
suitability of the tenant. The application is designed as part of a rolling programme of advance build projects throughout the Powys Transitional
and Objective 2 Area.
1 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA)
Welsh New Business Start-up Programme for High Growth
£257,492 54672 30/04/2004 £579,806
The project will provide customised, specialist professional advice, e.g. legal, marketing, IPR, financial, to individual entrepreneurs or teams of
entrepreneurs seeking to establish new high growth SMEs with a turnover of £1 million plus within two years, in the East Wales Objective 2
Transitional area. This project is one of a number of strategically linked applications submitted as part of the implementation of the
Entrepreneurship Action Plan, and has been developed to provide a focused development programme for high growth business start-ups
co-ordinated by the WDA. This project will actively seek entrepreneurs and teams of entrepreneurs who believe they have a business idea
capable of meeting the eligibility criteria of the scheme who would then prepare their case for support. These proposals would be received by a
panel of individuals experienced in bringing such companies to the market. This panel would include financiers, legal advisors, accountants and
sector specialists (as appropriate to individual proposals). Those proposals gaining approval would receive dedicated assistance to bring the
company to market. It is envisaged that the assistance to each entrepreneur and teams of entrepreneurs would be different from that received by
any other entrepreneur on the project. Those entrepreneurs who do not receive approval from the panel, would receive support through the
mainstream Business Starts Programme, which is capable of providing support to companies with up to £1M turnover in year 2. A small team of
staff will be recruited by the WDA to ensure that the project achieves the objectives set. Sit on the panel as an observer and to act as a catalyst,
so as to ensure that the project dovetails with the work already being undertaken in other areas, such as the New Business Starts Programme,
Potentia and KEF, so as to ensure that we optimise the combined impact of these programmes.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Integrated Tourism SME Support (Phase 1) £1,199,000 54963 30/07/2003 £6,889,334
The project will provide integrated financial assistance plus specialist tourism advice to tourism SMEs in East Wales This will provide a more
holistic solution to assist tourism SMEs in responding to structural changes in their markets - notably the shift from long holidays to short
breaks, niche markets (special interest, activities etc) The financial assistance will be made available via the WTB's scheme administered under
Section 4 of the Development of Tourism Act 1969. This is a notified scheme with discretionary grant support available on a "minimum necessary
grant basis". The financial assistance will be linked to the provision of specialist tourism advice e.g. in relation to tourism quality standards;
tourism/market research. It is also linked to cross cutting themes via the linkages and direction of tourism SMEs to other initiatives/organisations
such as Arena Network (Green Dragon); Opportunity Wales; "Sense of Place", the WDA/Chwarae Teg SME Equality Project and the VisitWales
e-commerce initiative. A key gateway to the project is via WTB quality advisors who undertake annual quality inspections of c.2000 tourism SMEs
in East Wales. Their role in addition to advice on "star" grading has been expanded to give initial business advice and to signpost tourism SMEs
to more specialist tourism advice or financial assistance where appropriate is a key component of the project. (There will be consultations with
local/regional partners on the detailed delivery of this support so that it may be tailored to the needs of different areas etc.) All recipients of
financial assistance will be provided with guidance on the cross cutting themes. Specialist group workshops will be designed (covering specialist
tourism business subjects plus the cross-cutting themes), Owner/managers plus key personnel will be required to attend these workshops as a
condition of any financial assistance. The project will also stimulate awareness and demand of the potential offered by Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) and to support tourism SMEs, in particular, in exploiting the benefits of e-trading and e-marketing. This
demand will be stimulated through encouraging the use of the Wales Destination Management System, as an effective distribution system to
enable tourism SMEs to get their produce to market and to facilitate booking of Welsh holiday products via the internet.
1 2 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Integrated Tourism SME Support - Transitional £892,061 55412 27/11/2003 £5,084,041
The project will provide integrated financial assistance plus specialist tourism advice to tourism SMEs in East Wales. This will provide a more
holistic solution to assist tourism SMEs in responding to structural changes in their markets - notably the shift from long holidays to short
breaks, niche markets (special interest, activities etc). The financial assistance will be made available via the WTB's scheme administered under
Section 4 of the Development of Tourism Act 1969. This is a notified scheme with discretionary grant support available on a " minimum
necessary grant basis" The financial assistance will be linked to the provision of specialist tourism advice eg in relation to tourism quality
standards; tourism marketing/market research. It is also linked to cross cutting themes via the linkages and direction of tourism SMEs to other
initiatives/organisations such as Arena Network (Green Dragon): Opportunity Wales: "Sense of Place", the WDA/Chwarae Teg SME Equality
Project and the VisitWales e-commerce initiative. A key gateway to the project is via WTB quality advisors who undertake annual quality
inspections of c.2000 tourism SMEs in East Wales. Their role in addition to advice on "star" grading has been expanded to give initial business
advice and to signpost tourism SMEs to more specialist tourism advice or financial assistance where appropriate is a key component of the
project. (There will be consultations with local/regional partners on the detailed delivery of this support so that it may be tailored to the needs of
different areas etc). All recipients of financial assistance will be provided with guidance on the cross cutting themes. Specialist group workshops
will be designed (covering tourism business subjects plus the cross-cutting themes). Owner/managers plus key personnel will be required to
attend these workshops as a condition of any financial assistance. The project will also stimulate awareness and demand of the potential offered
by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and to support tourism SMEs, in particular, in exploiting the benefits of e-trading and
e-marketing. This demand will be stimulated through encouraging the use of the Wales Destination Management System as an effective
distribution system to enable tourism SMEs to get their product to market and to facilitate booking of Welsh holidays via the internet.
2 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Adfywio - Transitional £271,153 55498 11/12/2003 £914,050
Adfywio is a successful environmental tourism co-funding scheme introduced by WAG as part of its response to the Rural Recovery initiative,
following foot and mouth. It is jointly administered by WTB and CCW. The aim of this project is to provide financial support for projects, which
help integrate tourism business more closely with open-air recreation, outdoor leisure and the natural environment.
3 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Co-operative Business Support in Newport (Transitional) £40,950 55509 14/07/2004 £81,900
The project will deliver a range of co-operative support services to individuals and businesses involved in a range of different co-operative
structures. The aim being to deliver services in an environment which brings together different co-operative structures sharing common needs
and bespoke services where required. It is anticipated that the former will enable individuals and businesses to share experience based on
different demands and activities, provide mutual support and ultimately lead to inter trading activity among Co-operatives. These programmes
have been developed on the basis of the Centre's considerable experience and expertise to specifically meet the needs of the sector. It will
encompass a holistic approach to co-operative and credit union development, introduce new programmes of support and provide a focussed
support service that will closely deliver in partnership with other support agencies.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Succession Fund Facilitator £21,704 53887 15/04/2003 £65,995
This project forms an important part of the support mechanisms required to ensure successful deal flow within Finance Wales. Specifically this
project addresses the deal flow requirements of the Succession Loan Fund (SLF). Finance Wales have asked the Wales Co-operative Centre to
sponsor this project because of their expertise in the support and development of employee based ownership, which is the foundation for the
SLF. This project will form an integral part of an all Wales approach mirroring applications in the Transitional and Objective 1 areas. The initiative
will support businesses facing business succession challenges by identifying succession routes that they are unlikely to be aware of and in turn
assisting them in accessing the Succession Loan Fund ("SLF") being established by Finance Wales. It is intended to appoint a facilitator to cover
the Objective 2 and transitional areas supported by specialised marketing expertise. The facilitator will establish links with businesses through
seminars, direct contact and business adviser referral. Through these links the facilitator will promote the SLF and generate a flow of applications
to the fund and assist businesses in the full process of succession.
1 2 Wales Co-operative Centre Creating Wealth Through Credit Unions £33,414 53613 15/04/2003 £101,598
The project will implement the All Wales Credit Union Strategy throughout the transitional areas of Wales through a partnership involving the
Wales Co-operative Centre, the Association of British Credit Unions Ltd (ABCUL) and the credit unions in Wales. It directly mirrors an existing
Objective 1 project. A Credit Union Development Fund has been set up aimed at building the capacity of credit unions in Wales, to ensure they
become self sustaining, and this project will, where appropriate, maximise the resources available to credit unions. It will also provide direct
support to credit unions accessing the grant support through the development and implementation of a marketing strategy to increase
membership and active volunteers; promote the concept of credit unions; provide an effective means of credit union participation, consultation
and networking; facilitate the creation of an effective representation structure in Wales.
1 1 Wales Co-operative Centre Cardiff Credit Union Support £61,289 53494 06/02/2003 £138,012
The project will provide development support and mentoring to credit unions within the Objective 2 wards in Cardiff, to enable them to become
part of an all Cardiff credit union. Resources have been secured to ensure that the non-obj. 2 areas of Cardiff also receive the appropriate
support. This will ensure sustainable growth through economies of scale, maximise the range of benefits credit unions can offer to those in the
more deprived areas of Cardiff, by linking them with the services provided in less deprived areas. The project will employ an officer who will be
responsible for implementing a strategy aimed at increasing membership and active volunteers, particularly amongst excluded groups. Credit
union services will be promoted to new and existing SME's building on the activities of the First Welsh business CU. An officer will be employed
to implement a volunteer development strategy and develop services aimed at tackling financial and social exclusion.
4 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Wales Council For Voluntary Action - Voluntary Sector
Support Unit
£31,785 54867 29/04/2003 £70,645
To develop an all Wales Voluntary Sector Support Unit in order to make the European funding process as accessible to the voluntary sector as
possible and ensure that te sector continues to play the fulest part in the implementation of the Structural Funds programme.
1 2 Welsh Assembly Government Regional Selective Assistance Grants (Transitional) £1,100,000 55426 08/12/2003 £7,497,110
The aim of the project is to provide additional resources for the Welsh Assembly Government to expand its support to economic development in
Wales with a view to raising GDP. The new funds would primarily be used to help fund further new investment and job creation by SMEs in the
Transitional areas of the Objective 2 & Transitional 2000-2006 Programme area. The additional funding will be paid through the Regional
Selective Assistance (RSA) and Assembly Investment Grant (AIG) schemes. The RSA element is the subject of this application, but the ERDF
funding will release funding for the AIG scheme. The RSA grant is a discretionary grant scheme notified under the EC Regional Aid Guidelines. It
is administered in Great Britain under common guidelines. RSA has 3 broadly complementary objectives:- 1. To help create and safeguard jobs in
the Assisted areas; 2. To help attract and retain internationally mobile investment; 3. To contribute to the regeneration and competitiveness of
Wales. The objectives of the project are to facilitate new investment by SMEs to generate new job opportunities and stimulate wealth creation.
The funds would be used to address market failure in finance for SMEs to start up, expand and to become competitive and productive. AIG, in
particular, is aimed specifically at addressing this need. The RSA grant is available to businesses normally as a contribution towards the eligible
capital costs (purchase of land, buildings, adaptations, plant and machinery, and technology transfer) of projects that create or safeguard jobs in
the Assisted areas of Wales.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government Speculative Office Unit- Talgarth £157,091 57565 31/10/2007 £637,665
The project entails the construction of a prestigious, high quality single or multi-occupancy office premises with a total floor space of 33 sq m
with a shared central service and reception area, as an alternative employment generator on a greenfield site on the Talgarth Enterprise Park,
Talgarth. In total the project will occupy 0.2 hectares of the Enterprise Park. The design elements of the unit will reflect the potential tenant's
business goals and incorporate BREEAM best practice. The Welsh Assembly government will aim to achieve an "excellent BREEAM" rating and be
well landscaped. When complete, the unit will be let to one or a variety of SME's requiring office / R & D facilities, thus helping to diversify the
local economy and improve local GDP levels. The project's aim is to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and
inward investors within value-added based industries. The design elements of the unit will reflect the potential tenants' business needs and
professional image. The unit will have an extensive waste area, adequate parking spaces and the surrounding area will be landscaped to the high
standard already evidenced on the estate.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government Speculative Factory Premises - Brecon £205,301 57533 31/10/2006 £821,203
The aim of the project is to provide high quality business premises within the Objective 2 Transitional Area. The project will construct a
speculative mixed-use business premises of 1000sq. Metres on land owned by the Welsh Assembly Government at the Brecon Enterprise Park,
Brecon. The unit aims to provide flexible, high quality business premises for both indigenous and inward investors within value added based
industries. The design elements of the units will reflect the potential tenant's business goals and professional image and incorporate BREEAM
best practice. The unit will have an extensive waste areas and adequate parking spaces, and the whole will be landscaped to the high standard
evidenced on the estate. In total the scheme should occupy approximately 0.5 hectares. When complete, the unit will be let to SMEs, either
indigenous or inward investors, requiring modern manufacturing or light assembly facilities, so helping to diversify the local economy, and
improve local GDP levels. By accommodating business through advance premises the unit will contribute to higher economic activity levels and
lower economic leakage from the area. The project will be managed and delivered by the Assembly Construction Team, The Assembly will be
market the units during the construction phases to potential occupiers, and negotiate tenancies/leases with eligible companies following a
detailed assessment as to the suitability of the tenant. The application is designed as part of a rolling programme of advance build projects
throughout the Powys Transitional Area and Objective 2 Area.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government River Usk Footbridge: Victoria, Newport £62,693 57536 15/11/2006 £2,815,000
To provide a "landmark" cycle/footbridge structure crossing the river Usk, forming a vital link between the city centre and the communities of
east Newport. The bridge features two A-frames, which support the bridge from the west bank. The masts are positioned on a shared foundation
and anchored at ground level by two 120mm diameter cables that are connected to the tips of the masts. The forward mast is 80 metres long
(262 feet) and the back mast is 69 metres long (226 feet). Because of the angle at which the masts are positioned, the bridge stands ar 70m
(229ft) above ground. The deck is five metres wide (16ft) and 4.1 metres (13.5ft) above water at the high tide. The bridge has a clear span of
145m (476ft). The bridge foundations are supported by 30 900mm diameter CFA (continuous flight auger) piles varying in length. The bridge
structure is suspended on five ground anchors which are drilled 30m (98ft) into the ground. Approximately 600 cubic meters of concrete were
used in the bridge foundations. The masts are made from sheet steel which is rolled into 'cans'. These are welded together to produce the tubes
for the masts. The front mast is 2.5m (8.2ft) in diameter and weighs approximately 280 tonnes. The back mast is 1.75m (5.7ft) diameter and
weighs approximately 180 tonnes. The bridge deck will be made up of five sections. The deck units are installed in sequence and then welded
together Decks one and five - 24m long - 5m wide - weight 19t Decks two and four - 26m long - 9.5m wide (at the outriggers) - weight 25t
Deck three - 36m long - 15m wide (at the outriggers) - weight 55t 800m of cable is used to support the bridge, varying in diameter from 50mm
to 120mm.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Communities First - Urban Transitional £251,930 56468 29/09/2004 £503,861
This project brings together the aims of the Communities First programme and Priority 3 of the Objective 2 programme to combat social
exclusion, by targeting local community based activity. It is a retrospective project and covers only those targeted communities identified as the
most deprived parts of the Programme area. The project focuses on building the capacity of people from all backgrounds within communities to
encourage participation through partnerships in local regeneration initiatives. Communities First Co-ordinators and other community development
staff are employed by grant recipients such as local authorities and voluntary sector organisations to develop Communities First partnerships and
support the partnerships in developing capacity building and action plans.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Communities@One - Transitional £48,498 57164 23/08/2005 £97,502
The project seeks to achieve 'digital inclusion', which is social inclusion through the use of technology, in the most deprived areas of Wales. It
aims to break down social, economic and educational barriers to the exploitation of ICT across targeted communities, in a bottom-up and flexible
programme of local activities. This project will create a team of community brokers, working with existing community practitioners in
Communities First areas within wards eligible for Objective 2 funding support in Newport. These community brokers will: · Work with local
stakeholders to enhance and encourage the use of ICT by community groups and individuals · Work with local organisations to identify projects,
which will be submitted for funding by a central grant fund In addition, this project will use local ICT specialists who will be funded through the
project to provide support to community based ICT projects and, in so doing, the project will foster the development of social enterprises and
SMEs within the targeted areas.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
WEFO Grants Project Obj 2(T) £175,231 57343 13/07/2006 £505,085
To consolidate disparate working practices across funds, reducing confusion among applicant beneficiaries
4 2
Welsh European Funding
Objective 2 (T) Mid Term Evaluation Update £12,069 57408 19/02/2008 £24,138
To provide an update to the Mid Term Evaluation for the Objective 2 Programme as required by the European Commission.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
Maximising the publicity and Promotion of the European
Structural Funds
£10,969 55641 23/03/2004 £21,938
To fully maximise the opportunities to publicise and promot the European Structural Funds throughout the Objective 2 area.
4 2
Welsh European Funding
Mid Term Evaluations for Objective 2 Transitional £12,437 54970 24/09/2003 £24,874
To enable WEFO to undertake a mid term evaluation of the Transitional element of the Objective 2 & Transitional 2000-2006 Programme.
1 3
Wrexham County Borough
Building Conversions for Rural Business £16,500 54636 01/07/2003 £110,000
The provision of a grant scheme, administered by Wrexham County Borough Council for conversion of redundant buildings in the rural area. The
grants will be aimed at private individuals or property developers wishing to convert their under-utilised or deteriorating barns/rural buildings to
units suitable for occupation and use by SMEs. The intended use for the converted buildings is office or workshop space. The assessment and
evaluation of applications for redundant building conversions is to be provided by Wrexham County Borough Council's Business Support team, as
part of their responsibility handling business enquiries. Grants will be encouraged from applicants who: i) Use local, environmentally friendly
building materials from sustainable sources. To be linked closely to the timber initiatives of Coed Cymru; ii) Sufficiently equip the units with the
ICT requirements of Wrexham's cutting edge firms; and iii) Provide no barriers to entry for under-represented sections of the local economy. The
creation of the new converted units as business space will create more local employment and encourage entrepreneurial activities for people
close to where they live. The grants offered will be the minimum necessary to ensure that the scheme can go ahead. The maximum grant rate
will be 65%. In order to be able to respond flexibly to the demand, there is no maximum or minimum grant, although all grants will be subject
to the availability of the funding and to the achievement of outputs proportionate with the cost of the scheme. The target is to distribute two or
three rural conversion grants per year over the two year plus period, giving a total of 4-6 grant allocations approximately between £10k and
4 1
Wrexham County Borough
Wrexham Technical Assistance Objective 2 Transitional £125,751 55758 12/03/2004 £251,502
To provide a Secretariat to the Wrexham Obj 2 (T) partnerhsip; to support potential applicants to develop appropriate projects, including liaising
with specialist Private and Voluntary Sector Support Teams to help develop projects from applicants in those sections; publicise the programme
in the area; liase with WEFO on all aspects of project development and assessment.
1 1
Wrexham County Borough
Business Awareness Programme £16,554 54305 10/03/2003 £41,333
This project will provide business awareness and tailored business support services. This project fits with the Action Plan's first overriding
objective, "to provide innovative business support to SME's and social/community enterprises, which will be tailored to address local business
needs and secure sustainable business support and expansion". It also fits with the measure level objective "support for enterprise, innovation
and SME development". The objectives are to provide appropriate business support, to assist new and existing businesses and potential
entrepreneurs. In addition, the project will also enhance the awareness of ICT opportunities; promote increased entrepreneurial activity; provide
assistance to SME's wishing to export or market themselves to wider markets; and to promote businesses that take a positive contribution to
environmental sustainability. The project will support the part-time employment of a business councillor, who will be based within the designated
area on a three-day per week basis. The support worker will offer one-to-one advice and provide a signposting service to other support agencies,
based on individual client needs as required.
1 1
Wrexham County Borough
Business Development Programme £23,157 57090 12/10/2005 £57,750
The proposed Business Development Project aims to build on the highly successful Business Awareness Project that has operated in the
Transitional area since 2002 and is due to complete in March 2005. The Business Development Project will allow the business support to be
developed further, leading to a self sustaining business community by the end of the project in December 2007. The objectives are to provide
appropriate business support, to assist new and existing business and potential entrepreneurs. In addition the project will also: Promote
awareness of ICT opportunities in particular the development of e commerce, Promote increased entrepreneurial activity, Provide assistance to
SMEs wishing to export or market themselves to wider markets, Awareness raising and promotion of the development of social and community
enterprises And, to promote opportunities to businesses that takes a positive contribution to environmental sustainability. The outcomes of this
project will include: assistance in the creation of new businesses, support to existing businesses, Lever in new private sector investment, and
help create or safeguard jobs.
Programme: Objective 3
Number of matching projects:558
Totalling: £96,669,940
Fund: ESF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 558
Totalling: £96,669,940
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
3 2 Acen Ltd BISKUIT £101,921 54264 26/11/2002 £231,923
BISKUIT will provide English language and ICT skills training to women of the Somali Community in the Butetown, Grangetown and Adamsdown
areas of Cardiff. It will also provide guidance and couselling services for the beneficiaries' continuing development. Delivery will be fully in
accordance with the cultural needs of this Community.
1 2 Active Voice Active Voice £106,037 54204 18/12/2002 £306,702
Active Voice is a one-stop professional call centre and training facility. The project has been developed to offer supported employment and
training to people going through New Deal.
2 1
Afro-Celtic Education, Culture
and Arts Associatio
Including Communites £12,375 53363 28/05/2002 £28,232
The project "including Communities" is aimed at communities in South Cardiff - exclude people, with particular emphasis towards refugees,
ethnic minority communities, lone parents etc. ACECAA will provide individualised support through advice, counselling and training so as to
improve their chances of employment and increase self-esteem.
2 2 Arts Council of Wales Inclusion through the arts £385,096 56717 22/09/2005 £855,776
This is a capacity building project that targets 18 community arts organisations for support across the whole of Objective 3. This will allow them
to provide opportunities for a further 9000 participants/year in marginalized communities to take part in activities that help develop basic skills
and employment prospects.
3 1 Barry College Vale Lifelong Learning Project £59,748 57365 19/01/2006 £132,774
The project seeks to provide education and training at community venues to targeted groups who experience barriers to learning. These include
teenage parents, people with mental health problems, peopole from ethnic minorities, people with low income andthose with childcare
4 4 Barry College SEED £32,540 53532 10/06/2002 £74,373
The SEED Project will provide learning and training opportunities for existing and future SMEs from every social background and under
represented groups. Entrepreneurial Skills accessed for the successful start-up, sustainability and growth of the business community, which in
turn will contribute to the economic regeneration of the region.
3 2 Barry College Vale Lifelong Learning Project £76,089 53814 20/05/2002 £169,090
This project will establish a network of local learning centres in the Vale of Glamorgan providing a range of individual negotiated
education/training courses to meet the needs of individuals and community groups and voluntary organisations. The centres will provide access
to local, flexible and on-line learning programmes
4 1 Barry College Developing Managers £65,824 55983 28/01/2005 £146,276
Developing Managers will draw upon the techniques and experiences of other local projects to widen and improve local SME business
management needs assessment and to respond by delivering flexible appropriate management training. The synergy created by better links
between projects and between SME clusters will contribute to SME training sustainability.
4 5 Basic Skills Agency Spotlight on Wales 2 £65,656 54130 26/11/2002 £146,159
The project will provide the Objective 3 areas of Wales with a bilingual Basic Skills Observatory for Teachers, Trainers, Project Managers and
Policymakers, providing data, information, research and accounts of good basic skills practice in Wales, with detailed regional/ local information
about basic skills, general skills needs and good practice.
2 1 Basic Skills Agency Sector Led Basic Skills £116,505 56817 13/12/2006 £299,824
To increase the capacity of the employment sector to address the shortfall in basic skills amongst employed people within the workplace.
2 1 BEATS FM Radio Cardiff (Formely Beats FM) £210,576 57543 15/06/2007 £541,773
Beats FM is a community Radio Station for the BME Communities in Cardiff. The music policy will reflect the culture of the targetted communties
and speech based content will be programmed to raise awareness and assist with capacity building training within these under represented
2 2
Brecknock Carers Centre
Brecknock Carers Consortium £4,772 53378 28/05/2002 £10,607
The Brecknock Carers Consortium exists to provide encouragement, support and tailor made packages to those carers/ex-carers who are socially
excluded through their caring role/s, in order to reintroduce them to social activities, groups, training and employment. The project aims to build
the confidence and employability skills of each user.
2 1
Brecon Beacons National Park
Beacons and About Opportunitites £27,433 53536 27/05/2002 £61,120
A partnership between Brecon Beacons National Park and Brecknock Wildlife Trust, providing support to volunteers in Brecknockshire, with
opportunities for experience building, training and enhancing employability in environment, amenity and community involvement fields
including: habitat management, access, interpretation, events environmental education and landscape crafts including hedging and dry stone
4 2 British Wool Marketing Board Sheep shearing in Wales £85,569 53357 28/05/2002 £191,374
The partnership, including public, private and statutory organisations, provides a comprehensive range of modules covering advice/guidance,
support, training needs analysis, core/key/vocational skills relating to sheep shearing and related aspects. Innovative aspects include the piloting
of new modules of learning delivery and a development of cluster based training learning and networking
4 2 British Wool Marketing Board Sheep Shearing Skills in Wales £184,580 54395 07/01/2003 £410,204
The partnership includes Public, Statutory, Private organisations and employers, covering all sheep rearing and welfare activities. The project
provides a comprehensive and wide-ranging upskilling modules: - advice/guidance, Training Needs Analysis, key/specific vocational skills in
sheep shearing, rearing welfare, plus introducing new modes of delivery developed in previous ESF projects.
4 1 British Wool Marketing Board More sheep production jobs ESF3 £222,714 57397 27/01/2006 £494,926
The project targets 220 beneficaries/SMEs, who are domiciled in ESF 3 Wales, work in sheep production and related businesses and who need
skill updating. Workplace based training, that removes course fees barriers, includes advice/guidance; training, vocational skills (NVQ) relating
to sheep shearing; plus introductory core skill modules
2 2 BTCV Green Gym Network Cymru £159,453 56690 16/08/2005 £359,438
The Green Gym combines health and environment initatives, building the skills and capacity of community groups and individuals to initiate their
own community led health and environment improvements. The network contributes both to community regeneration and the lifelong learning
1 2 BTCV Breakthrough EST £151,312 55069 15/10/2003 £337,296
The project will improve the employability of 72 economically inactive young people/adults in Wrexham, Flintshire, Cardiff and the Vale. It will
target individuals with few/no qualifications via an integrated programme of mentoring, training and work experience with tuition and
accreditation in practical countryside skills and employability skills.
2 2 BTCV Staff Development Project £23,281 53344 27/05/2002 £51,736
BTCV Cymru's Staff Development Project will improve our internal capacity by increasing the knowledge and skills of its staff in Wrexham,
Flintshire and Cardiff. This will improve BTCV Cymru's ability to engage, support, develop and train socially excluded groups.
1 2 BTCV Sustainability skills for Wales £61,536 53395 28/05/2002 £136,895
Skills for Sustainability will improve the employability of 36 unemployed young people and adults, with few appropriate skills or qualifications,
in Wrexhan, Flintshire, Cardiff and the Vale, by providing generic and vocational skiils. through an integrated programme of guidance, training
and work experience, which sumultaneously enhances the local environment.
1 2 BTCV Sustainability Skills for Wales £107,963 53801 20/05/2002 £239,921
The project will improve the employability of 66 economically inactive young people/adults in Wrexham, Flintshire, Cardiff and the Vale. It will
target individuals with few/no qualifications via an integrated programme of mentoring, training and work experience with tuition and
accreditation in practical countryside skills and employability skills.
1 2 BTCV Support into employment £208,588 53779 14/05/2002 £608,942
The project will aid the re-integration of the unemployed by providing increased support and training in the first 13 weeks of employment and by
introducing modular, progressive, certificated training in employability skills.
4 4 Business in Focus Ltd Women into Business £40,141 53621 11/06/2002 £89,208
Women into business is a project to promote, drive and assist women in the County borough to Cardiff to develop business skills, enter or
re-enter the workplace and start up new businesses by providing training, support, consultancy and mentoring from start up to growth during the
first three years of trading.
5 1 Business in Focus Ltd Enterprising Women £20,050 53632 11/06/2002 £44,604
Women into Business is a project to promote, drive and assist women in the Vale of Glamorgan to develop business skills, enter or re-enter the
workplace and start up new businesses by providing training, support, consultancy and mentoring from start up to growth during the first three
years of trading.
4 4 Buzz Training Buzz Training £117,204 56794 15/06/2007 £261,120
Buzz Training plans to offer arts, multi media and transferable skills to targeted groups through a specific skills and training programme . These
skills will contribute to sustainable employment, and improve the growth of the cultural sector in Wales both supporting self-employment and
3 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd Achieve £28,526 57376 19/01/2006 £63,392
Achieve aims to promote access to lifelong learning, with particular emphasison experimental work based learning. This will complement
continued engagement in education and training at Caia Park Lifelong Learning Centre.
5 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 5.1 £6,789 53338 27/05/2002 £15,087
Caiaways 5.1 is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment,social and environmental development in the severly
disadvanteaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
1 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 1.1 £15,093 53351 28/05/2002 £33,541
Caiaways 1.1 is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
1 2 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 1.2 £26,421 53334 28/05/2002 £58,715
Caiaways 1.2 is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the severly
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It well provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by reponding to individual needs.
2 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 2.1 £12,978 53335 27/05/2002 £28,841
Caiaways 2.1 is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
2 3 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 2.3 £3,492 53336 29/04/2002 £7,760
Caiaways is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding areas. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
2 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 2.1 £17,568 53795 14/05/2002 £39,042
CAIAWAYS 2.1 is part of an integrated progeamme addressing the need for unemployment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged comminity of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
2 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd Caiawaysw 2.1 (2) £18,000 53933 27/05/2002 £55,140
Caiaways 2.1 (2) is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
1 2 Caia Park Partnership Ltd Caiaways 1.2 (HilT) £7,289 53934 27/05/2002 £29,014
Caiaways 1.2 (HilT) is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the
severely disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support modules and
will be delivered by responding to individual needs.
5 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd Caiaways 5.1 £7,290 53935 26/11/2002 £17,346
Caiaways 5.1 is part of an integrated programme addressing the need for employment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surrounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
1 2 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIAWAYS 1.2 £31,772 53735 20/05/2002 £70,605
CAIAWAYS 1.2 is part on an integrated programme addressing the needs for employment, social and environmental development in the severely
disadvantaged community of Caia Park and surounding area. It will provide a flexible mix of Training, Core and Support Modules and will be
delivered by responding to individual needs.
2 1 Caia Park Partnership Ltd Enable £41,400 54849 15/12/2003 £92,000
The project will seek to break down barriers to education, promote progression to independence and give the most disadvantage communities of
Caia Park the confidence and ability to see and meet their vocational aspirations.
3 2 Caia Park Partnership Ltd Caiaways 3.2 £22,931 54384 22/10/2002 £50,959
Supported Learning for Employment (caiaways 3.2) is responding to residents expressed desire for more in-depth learning and providing
enhanced opportunities for basic / key skills in eg. English, Maths and ITC
2 2 Caia Park Partnership Ltd CAIACOMM £102,050 56075 18/10/2004 £228,602
CAIACOMM will enhance the capacity of community groups in Caia Park to become more effective organisations, enabling them to more efficently
address the needs of severly disadvantaged individuals in this area.
4 1 Cardiff Business School Sustaining Profitalbe Growth £241,218 54352 14/07/2003 £580,000
An 18 month leadership development journey for 36 SME owner / managers needing to develop from operational to strategic leaders who have
identified that growth and sustainability depend on communicating their vision to their organisation. They will develop skills to transfer
knowledge into the organisation making changes to culture, attitudes and profitability.
4 2
Cardiff Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
The Learning Chamber Network £135,570 54881 28/05/2003 £316,903
Using the policy recommendations contained in the Learning Chamber Report "Towards a Learning Strategy" as core objectives, the project will
seek to develop around the existing Chamber network of members into a learning network and within this a series of sectoral learning networks.
1 2 Cardiff City Council IT Works 4 U £81,773 54836 14/07/2003 £206,787
The project will focus on providing access to ICT skills for individual groups 'at risk' from the digital divide. An innovative of introductory and
ongoing ICT skills training will be offered at Local Training & Enterprise Centres throughout the city
6 1 Cardiff City Council Cardiff - Objective 3 Technical Assistance 2003 - 2006 £50,043 55057 15/01/2004 £111,209
To provide financial assistance for Cardiff County Council to help them with their role as Secretariat to the Partnerships.
5 1 Cardiff City Council Creche For Learners Project £27,272 54401 26/11/2002 £63,422
This project will provide 280 new learners throughout Cardiff with 30 hours of crèche provision to enable them to participate in learning
activities that they would otherwise be excluded from because of childcare responsibilities.
3 2 Cardiff City Council ICT & Media Project £2,458 54402 26/11/2002 £5,588
This project will empower individuals who normally would be excluded from the learning process to access new and exciting learning activities
through the medium of ICT and Media. It is designed to offer a combination of ICT Media training for 105 people using new technologies.
2 1 Cardiff City Council Food Bytes £75,567 56087 08/12/2004 £172,511
The Food Bytes project will address skills shortages in the Catering Industry by providing innovative pathways to employment and promote equal
opportunities through social inclusion. The project will promote awareness of the environmental impact of consumer choices and food poverty
issues throughout Cardiff.
2 1 Cardiff City Council Endangered Skills £158,368 55865 20/09/2004 £351,929
The project will focus on providing access to short generic industry standard training for priority groups identified as becoming disengaged from
society. Initiatives will be aimed at: overcoming barriers to accessing employment; addressing skills shortages' and responding to labour market
3 1 Cardiff City Council CCET Policy Partnership Officer £85,277 55276 27/04/2004 £191,338
The project, targeted at learning providers in the post-16 education and training environment, will develop partnership capacity and in doing so
promote best practice, shared resources and targeted activites avoiding duplication and achieving best use of resource as well as potimum value
for effort and money.
1 3 Cardiff City Council GlanEly GlynDerw Rumney AltCurr £116,483 53920 13/06/2002 £291,208
The project would identify at age 14 pupils at risk of disaffection, underachievement and therefore at risk of future unemployment and social
exclusion. The programme would aim to provide extended accreditation opportunities and enriched training opportunities delivered through
vocational routes. Mentor schemes would be set up in partnerships with local employers
1 3 Cardiff City Council Ext Opps Achieve S. Arc Schls £67,435 53921 13/06/2002 £168,588
The project aims to extend the range of opportunities to young people at KeyStage4 in Southern Arc Schools, by:- extending support offered by
training providers through additional activities, resourcing and staffing; and, a collaborative approach to vocational qualifications accross
5 1 Cardiff City Council Creche for Learners Project £20,014 53818 13/05/2002 £45,657
This project will provide 280 adult learners throughout Cardiff with 15 hours of Creche provision to enable them to participate in learning and
training activities that they would otherwise be excluded from.
6 1 Cardiff City Council Cardiff County Council £37,133 54006 02/08/2002 £82,520
Objective 3 ESF Technical Assistance
1 2 Cardiff City Council Job Preparation Project £134,045 54238 11/06/2002 £338,969
This outreach initiative will target 1638 unemployed residents of disadvantaged communities in Cardiff. Individual Action Plans will provide
customised access to ICT activities, generic upskilling, cv development and job search activities, aimed at recognising the needs of a flexible
labour market, improving confidence and self esteem.
3 2 Cardiff City Council Family Literacy/Numeracy £78,670 53340 28/05/2002 £175,670
This family Literacy/Numeracy Programme, aimed at 170 long-termm unemployed, is delivered in an outreach basis in primary schllo locations in
disadvantaged communities of Cardiff and will motivate parents into Lifelong Learning through Family Learning. Activities include individual
needs assessments, action plans, basic skills/IT training, job
1 1 Cardiff City Council Job Preparation Project £127,715 53298 10/06/2002 £322,960
The outreach initiative will target 2035 unemployed residents of disadvantaged communities in Cardiff, improving their confidence, self esteem
and application skills. Activities include vocational advice and guidance, job search and CV development, individual action plans and the delivery
of vocational training.
3 2 Cardiff City Council Family Literacy and Numeracy £175,340 53618 13/05/2002 £389,646
The family literacy/numeracy project will work with 340 beneficiaries on an outreach basis in primary schools in disadvantaged areas. The
project will motivate beneficiaries and provide the following learning activities: need assessment, action plans, basic skills/ict training,
classroom experience and job preparation.
2 3 Cardiff City Council Childcare Services 0-16yrs £302,857 53528 20/05/2002 £673,018
To support parents to participate in the workforce and enable parents to return to work, training or education. To establish out of school childcare
services, support the training and skills development of parent management committees and volunteers. To create new childcare employment
opportunities and increase the numbers of qualified staff.
1 3 Cardiff City Council Willows/Llanrumney Alt curriculum. £126,376 53466 30/04/2002 £280,839
The project identifies at age 14 pupils at risk of disaffection, underachievement and future unemployment and social exclusion. These young
people would be the target group for an Alternative Curriculum programme within the school framework, to include enriched training
opportunities, a large range of accreditation including key skills and employer mentoring.
2 2 Cardiff City Council Llanrumney Regeneration Forum £10,668 53548 15/05/2002 £25,503
The project will involve a range of capacity building initiatives and activities to help the Llanrumney Regeneration Forum and other local
groups/individuals in the community develop a range of skills, confidence building and awareness raising to sustain and progress the
regeneration of their area.
1 2
Cardiff Community Housing
Ruperra Young Builders £37,117 53416 20/05/2002 £82,484
An integrated flexible programme for local unemployed young people who are homeless or in housing need providing life and employability
skills, extensive on-site work-based experience with NVQ Construction levels 1 & 2. Partners are CCHA, Neway Training,
1 2
Cardiff Community Housing
Cardiff Building Plus £140,886 53714 14/05/2002 £406,618
An integrated flexible pre vocational & vocational programme for local employed young people who are homeless or in housing need providing
life and employability skills, work-based experience with NVQ Construction levels 1 / 2. Partners are CCHA, Neway Training, YMCA, young
Builders Trust. Beneficiaries will be supported via the dispersed Foyer Programme.
2 2 Cardiff ITEC Community Skills Phase II £85,445 53938 25/06/2002 £190,819
Delivery of basic skills, Literacy, Numeracy, IT Skills, ESOL support to ethnic minority residents. Enhance community capacity building and
self-sustainability through identified training needs by designed programmes. Also an identification process enabling community "champion's" to
receive Train the Trainer programmes enabling development of community tutors for future sustainability.
4 2 Cardiff ITEC SME Training £61,122 53939 22/10/2002 £136,240
This project provides for SME organisations who have not embraced the learning culture which is encouraged by the National Assembly to
improve competitiveness. This project takes learning opportunity into businesses to remove traditional barriers of entry to learning.
2 2 Cardiff ITEC Community Skills Development £50,702 53993 13/05/2002 £115,026
The project will deliver basic skills, literacy, numeracy, information technology and ESOL support to ethnic minority community residents. It will
develop community capacity buildingn and self sustainability through training community leaders - via facilitator training, Pacific Institute and
Ivestors in Excellence, which create the ability for communities to deliver in the future.
3 1 Cardiff ITEC Cardiff Training Network £521,296 55294 06/04/2004 £1,158,442
A project to widen learning opportunities to include those who are ineligible for mainstream funding. A training providers network will be
developed to develop and deliver demand-led rather that funding-conditional programmes. Numbers of lifelong learners and economic activity
rates in Cardiff will increase as a result.
2 2 Cardiff ITEC E for English in the Community £34,041 55777 22/12/2004 £81,219
This project will enhance the language and learning skills of the BMEs community in Cardiff through the delivery of English language skills.
Delivery of these skills will be via the media of E-learning and will enhance the community capacity and self-sustainability of communities
through supporting their identified training needs.
2 2 Cardiff ITEC Learning Difficulties Academy £81,726 54842 28/05/2003 £181,615
A holistic training and employment project for people working with or who have learning difficulties in the Cardiff area. Participants will have
their needs comprehensively assessed and have access to support agencies, training courses and work placements. Trainers and community
champions will be trained in working with the learning disabled.
2 3 Cardiff Mind Mind Diggers £30,662 55782 23/06/2004 £74,130
Mind Diggers is a gardening project that initially will provide training and work opportunities in gardening/ environment for people with mental
health difficulties. The project aims to set up a social firm for employment opportunities, progression routes to outside training and employment.
2 1 Cardiff Mind Mind Works Employment Support £38,602 55784 26/08/2004 £103,698
Mind Works helps and supports people with mental health difficulties to access employment and training opportunities in the Cardiff area. The
Support Project seeks to expand the range and flexibility o fsupport available to beneficiaries so as to increase the number of people able to
access the service.
2 1 Cardiff Mind Mind Works £5,824 53420 11/06/2002 £15,855
Mindworks will support people with long term mental health problems to obtain placements in education, training and work using support
2 2 Cardiff Mind Community Opportunities £61,416 56696 21/09/2006 £209,113
The Community Opportunities project is a partnership between the voluntary and statutory sectors for mental health services that aims to enable
people with mental health difficultiesto integrate with community groups and organisations by providing on-going support and links between the
4 1 Cardiff University Sustaining Profitable Growth £229,137 56756 11/10/2005 £540,353
An 18-month strategic development programme for SME owner/managers needing to develop strategic leadership skills and who have identified
that grwoth and sustainability depend on communicationg their vision to their employees. They will develop skills to transfer knowledge into the
organisation making necessary changes to culture, attitudes and profitability.
4 1 Cardiff University Industrial micro-business £80,664 53633 29/04/2002 £179,261
This project aims to develop networks of micro-businesses within manufacturing and vehicle repair sectors in Cardiff. The project will help
provide environmental training to increase sustainability of these sectors, tailored to needs of the individual, and increase ICT based learning. In
doing so, this will assist the improvement management skills.
4 2 Cardiff University Sustainability in Construction £117,610 53634 30/04/2002 £261,465
The aim of this project is to provide training towards sustainability for small and medium (SMEs) construction companies in Cardiff. The training
project includes, provision of electronic media for business improvement, improvement of environmental performance of construction activity
and improvement of policies towards equal opportunities within construction companies.
4 2 Cardiff University Spice II £45,831 53409 20/05/2002 £107,137
A strategic project delivering training / upskilling to strategic clusters of hospitality / tourism SMEs. SPICE II will deliver skills outlined in the
Future Skills Issues Affecting Industry Sectors in Wales Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Sector through a partnership approach involving key
local and regional agencies.
2 2 Cardiff YMCA YMCA Capacity Building Project £17,665 53375 28/05/2002 £39,256
Cardiff YMCA is a voluntary organisation with a training department which offers information, support and training to unemployed people who
are disadvantaged. The project supports staff and volunteers in the YMCA and related agencies to develop their capacity to offer more services
and widen the access route to education.
3 1 Care Works Consulting Reach Out £65,609 53358 10/06/2002 £197,971
Through an holistic approach the Reach Out Project will support the Lifelong Learning strategy through intervention within SME and/or existing
and potential community based workforces which will include qualifications from NVQ level 1-4. Using indivisualised programmes it will offer
employability opportunities to the disenfranchised individual.
3 2 Careers Plus Adult advice guidance WCB £24,229 53323 10/06/2002 £53,853
The project enhances the provision of impartial careers advice, guidance and information available to adults undertaking further education or
training within Yale College Wrexham. It will assist a greater number and range of clients in considering their options as a means of furthering
their empolyment/career prospects through Lifelong Learning.
3 2 Careers Plus Adult Advice Guidance/Flints £20,952 53324 10/06/2002 £46,570
This project enhances the provision of impartial careers advice, guidance and information available to adults undertaking further educatuon of
training within colleges in Flintshire. It will assist a greater number and range of clients in considering their options as a means of furthering
their employment/career prospects through Lifelong Learning.
2 1 Careers Plus GET READY TO WORK (SEN) £58,499 53596 10/06/2002 £138,445
The project will support young people (16-19) who face particular barriers when trying to access opportunities by providing enhanced guidance,
mentoring, independent living support and supported employment.
3 1
Careers Service Association
of Wales
Into LLL at Parc Prison 03 £19,576 54209 10/06/2002 £43,504
Delivered by the Careers Wales Company operating in the area for Parc Prison, but serving Objective 3 eligible clients who prior to custody lived
in Objective 3 East Wales programme area, this is a project seeking to enhance the careers guidance services within the Prison to those seeking.
3 1 Careers Wales Guidance on Lifelong Learning £108,270 56060 29/10/2004 £359,452
Guidance on Lifelong Learning will provide an enhanced careers information, advice and guidance service for low skilled people in Newport and
Monmouthshire, in conjunction with the Learning Network. Individual progression at key transition stages in employment / learning will be
supported by outreach delivery and the Careers Wales on Line website.
1 3 Careers Wales Association Youth Gateway Pre 16 £674,732 56052 28/01/2005 £1,500,484
This project is designed to tackle youth disaffection, ensure a reduction in drop out from learning, training and prevent long-term unemployment
for beneficiaries aged 11 to 16 still at school. It provides assessment, guidance and mentoring support to young people at risk.
3 1 Careers Wales Association Careers Wales Accred Trg Ph2 £276,871 55303 21/05/2004 £708,607
This project will continue to enhance and build on the delivery of training in advice, guidance and client support activities. Voluntary
organisations who are involved in providing information, advice, guidance and support will be offered free training at local level according to
their needs.
1 1 Careers Wales Association Enhanced Y Gateway PH3 O3 £1,176,951 54918 28/11/2003 £3,584,643
Careers Wales has successfully delivered the project as part of the Welsh Assembly Governments strategy in combating social exclusion in young
people. It is innovative in its client centred approach to helping young people who need additional support to engage in the world of work
education and training.
2 1 Careers Wales Association Special Needs support for 16+ £124,776 53965 11/06/2002 £281,258
This seeks to enhance Careers Wales special needs services for (normally young) people preparing them to enter and hold down work. Many
disadvantaged groups in the OP will benefit from this provision. This bid supports those who have left school and are seeking
3 1 Careers Wales Association Careers Wales Marketing Obj 3 £23,306 54106 26/11/2002 £51,793
Careers Wales has undertaken responsibility for an all Wales all Age guidance service, incorporating Learndirect, EBL/work placements for young
people, adult Guidance and Youth Gateway as well as schools based guidance this project seeks to help ensure that the new service is
understood and used by Obj 3 clients.
3 1 Careers Wales Association Careers Wales Accredited training O3 £219,389 53707 11/06/2002 £757,305
Driven by the four Objective 3 Careers Companies under Careers Wales branding, this is a strategic project seeking to enhance the framework for
training Careers Wales staff and potential staff and also offering quality, accredited and low cost guidance training to other bodies inc. voluntary
3 2 Careers Wales Association Y Gateway school leavers Ph II £715,093 53565 11/06/2002 £2,448,950
This is a continuation of a flagship fast track project, delivering additional provision on the Youth gateway programme in East Wales. Delivered
by Careers Wales, Youth Gateway seeks to prevent our young people drifting away from meaningful opportunities for employment and learning
after they leave school.
3 2 Careers Wales Association YGateway guidance/assessment £465,030 53322 10/06/2002 £1,302,525
Delivered by the four career companies operating in East Wales, this project seeks to provide enhanced assessment, mentoring and ongoing
confidence building and next steps support to those young people who have entered the labour market, at a key cross roads in their entry into
further learning/labour market.
1 3 Careers Wales Association YGateway pre school leaving (3) £76,900 53307 10/06/2002 £170,890
Part of a strategic development by Careers Service to provent youth dissaffection by working with children still in state education (mostly aged
13-16 but some 17 or 18) at risk of dissaffection before leaving. It supports the EU Employment Strategy of preventing youth unemployment,
found to be most successful.
3 1 Careers Wales Association Careers Wales On-Line Obj 3 £215,949 56808 22/09/2005 £564,586
Careerrs Wales On Line in a unique interactive web site providing virtual careers guidance, advice and information. Beneficiaries across Wales are
enable to access Careers Wales services at any time in any location. It is the only on line service in the UK offering 'virtual' careers guidance,
advice, information and support.
5 1 Carers Centre Young Carers Project £19,588 53630 14/05/2002 £47,948
The project aims to address the needs of Young Carers who, due to caring responsibilities, forfeit education, training and social development. It
provides support, intervention, information and guidance to promote access to education and foster long-term employability.
4 3
Centre for Alternative
Technology Charity Ltd
CAT Environment Services R&D £12,397 53328 27/05/2002 £27,551
To research the potential client market, which will include owners and managers of SMEs in Powys, for whom CAT could provide technological
environmental services. To develop courses and consultancy services on the use of renewable energy, waste reduction, sustainable building
technologies and combating the negative effects of climate change.
2 1
Church Army - Danescourt
Breaking the Barriers £69,060 53370 27/05/2002 £162,881
Breaking the Barriers offers a holistic approach, enabling young people to beat the barriers they face using four programme elements - 24 hour
residential care, preparation training for independent living, further training and employment, health promotion training and services and a
specialised peer training project for exit support
2 1
Church Army - Danescourt
Breaking the Barriers £58,326 53923 13/05/2002 £129,625
Breaking the Barriers offers a holistic approach, enabling young people to beat the barriers they face in accessing further training and
employment incorporating five programme elements - 24 hour residential care, independent living skills, further training and employment access
and skills support, health promotion training and services and resettlement support.
4 1 CITB Competence in Construction £111,932 54342 26/11/2002 £283,662
The project will act as a pilot to encourage SMEs in the construction industry to develop their skills in order to meet industry benchmarks, in
particular, the government backed Quality Mark Scheme.
4 1 CITB Safety and Competence in Work £268,882 57510 05/12/2006 £754,532
The aim is to increase the number of construction workers achieveing NVQs and raise awareness of health and safety through testing needed to
achieve Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) cards. This will be carried out through On-site Assessment and trininf (OSAT) identifying
beneficiary's skills gaps and how they can be filled.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Life and biological science trg £83,834 57358 12/01/2006 £186,300
The project will provide vocational training in life and biological science subjects and transferable generic skills that will enable the beneficiaries
to progress into higher education employment. The support of ESF will provide one-to one support for all and enable those with care
resposibilities to participate in training
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Leisure & Recreation Skills Trg £10,556 54412 26/11/2002 £23,459
The objective of the project is to minimise the risk of long-term unemployment and economic inactivity through the use of active labour market
measures targeted at those recently unemployed, and to support the integration of young people into a growth area of the Welsh labour market.
3 2 Coleg Glan Hafren Open Door to Education £34,715 53917 20/05/2002 £77,146
The Project aims to widen participation of Lifelong Learning by providing a learning opportunity for those who have moved out of the educational
environment. The project will provide them with a formal qualification and information of the options available to them, thereby increasing their
chances of employment.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Electronic & Computer Sys Trng £60,231 53918 20/05/2002 £133,848
The project aims to minimise the risk of long-term unemployment and economic inactivity through the use of active labour market measures
targeted at those recently unemployed, and to support the integration of people into the Electronic and Computer systems sector, which is a
growth area in the Welsh labour market.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Travel & Tourism Skills £22,546 53919 13/05/2002 £50,105
The objective of the project is to minimise the risk of long-term unemployment and economic inactivity through the use of active labour market
measures targeted at those recently unemployed, and to support the integration of young people into a growth area of the Welsh labour market.
2 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Basic Computer Skills £16,241 53311 28/05/2002 £36,120
The central location of the College ensures that beneficiaries from the Cardiff, East Wales vicinity, have access to the training they require.
Approximately 12 unemployed people who face exclusion due to disabilities or basics skills needs will receive training, which will assist them in
contributing to community and economic life.
1 2 Coleg Glan Hafren Preparatory Skills Training £16,941 53305 27/05/2002 £37,748
The central location of the College ensures that beneficiaries from the Cardiff, East Wales vicinity, have access to the training they require.
Approximately 112 unemployed people with no relevant up-to-date qualifications will receive vocational training, which will allow them to
integrate into the labour market.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren IT Skills for Young Unemployed £31,489 53296 27/05/2002 £70,266
The central locations of the College ensures that beneficiaries from the Cardiff, East Wales vicinity, have access to the training they require.
Approximately 48 young unemployed people with no relevent qualifications will receive Information Technology training, which will allow them
to integrate into the labour market.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Higher IT Skills Training £50,406 53297 27/05/2002 £112,689
The central location of the College ensures that beneficiaries from Cardiff, East Wales vicinity, have access to the training they require.
Approximately 90 young unemployed people with no relevent up-to-date qualifications will receive Infromation Technology training, which will
allow them to integrate into the labour market.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Engineering Skills Training £175,371 53294 27/05/2002 £390,000
The central location of the College ensures that beneficiaries from the Cardiff, East Wales vicinity, have access to the training they require.
Approximately 131 young unemployed people with no relevant up-to-date qualifications will receive engineering training, which will allow them
to integrate into the labour market.
1 1 Coleg Glan Hafren Travel and Tourism Skills £43,865 53518 20/05/2002 £98,352
The objective of the project is to minimise the risk of long-term unemployment and economic inactivity through the use of active labour market
measures targeted at those recently unemployed and to support the integrration of young people into a growth area of the Welsh labour market.
1 3 Coleg Gwent Alternative Curriculum £6,180 53774 08/05/2002 £13,734
The project will provide alternative curriculum options for 14-16 year olds in King Henry VII School, Abergavenny. The Curriculum offered will
have a vocational bias, providing a broader base for those need whose need is not met through the mainstream GCSE route.
3 1 Coleg Gwent Monmouth LearnIT Project £98,002 53775 08/05/2002 £267,839
A new drop-centre in Monmouth will provide programmes, which are aimed at targeting those who have not considered training as an option or
who are unable to access mainstream provision. The Programmes will aim to widen participation and encourage new learners.
4 2 Coleg Gwent Monmouthshrie Tourism Menu £43,175 54107 13/05/2002 £97,354
Provision of a 'menu' of short courses tailored specifically for the needs of tourism SMEs and employees in Monmouthshire
1 3 Coleg Gwent Alternative Curriculum in Powys £12,341 54102 13/05/2002 £27,427
The project will provide alternative curriculum options for 14-16 year olds in Crickhowell High School. The Curriculum offered will have a
vocational bias, providing a broader base for those whose need is not met through the mainstream GCSE route.
5 2 Coleg Gwent Raising Female Aspirations £6,185 54235 22/10/2002 £13,747
The project aims to raise the aspirations of woman to enable them to play a more equal role in the workforce. The project will target both
woman returners and those already in employment who can consider improving their position.
1 3 Coleg Gwent SE Newport Pre-16 Partnership £16,585 54334 26/11/2002 £36,859
The project will provide alternative curriculum options for 14 - 16 year olds at Hartridge and Lliswerry High Schools in South East Newport,
delivered by Coleg Gwent.
2 1 Coleg Gwent Garden in Mind £73,301 54845 28/05/2003 £194,063
Using the walled garden and grounds at Coleg Gwent's Abergavenny Campus, tailored flexible training courses for people suffering from mental
health problems and learning disabilities will be provided. It will increase confidence and self-esteem through skills in horticulture and IT.
1 3 Coleg Gwent Powys VOP Project £12,620 55302 22/01/2004 £34,739
To provide young people at Crickhowell High School with the experience of success in education and ensure that their maximum potential is
reached, which will encourage their further engagement in learning to ensure their effective participation in economic life, through the provision
of a vocational alternative curriculum.
1 3 Coleg Gwent Monmouthshire VOP Project £39,361 55185 20/10/2003 £87,901
To provide young people at King Henry VIII School, Abergavenny, with the experience of success in education, to encourage their engagement in
learning to ensure effective participation in economic life, through a vocational alternative curriculum. It will provide a practical structured
environment, providing opportunities for those at risk of disaffection.
3 1 Coleg Gwent Monmouthshire Forest School £15,734 55354 06/01/2004 £35,310
The project will run Forest School Wales within Monmouthshire woodland. Delivering short courses, using newly developed learning materials, to
stimulate individuals who have low self esteem and confidence, in the process of self-development
4 1 Coleg Gwent START £99,439 57386 27/01/2006 £273,329
The Sustainable Tourism and Related Training Project (START) will provide a specialised set of training programmes to support those working in
the tourism and hospitality industries in Monmouthshire.
4 1 Coleg LLysfasi Updating Childcare Workers £57,900 57399 27/01/2006 £138,840
To provide a cost and time effective mechanism to enable childcare workers to achieve, upgrade or refresh their Level 3 qualifications, and by
doing so will upgrade and knowledge development of SMEs, thus making them more competitive.
3 1 Coleg LLysfasi Offa Community Learning project £15,075 57366 19/01/2006 £35,399
The aim of the project is to offer supportive non-judgemental opportunities which will widen participation and engage new learners through
outreach programmes withinthe local community of offa. To allow people to have a goand allowing others to enter into courses that offer some
form of accreditation.
3 2 Coleg LLysfasi Hightown Lifelong Learning £13,858 53826 13/05/2002 £30,797
The aim of this project is to inform, involve and encourage the local the local community to participate in opportunities for Lifelong Learning
through a progressive programme facilitated by ICT. This programme will maximise the synergy of the partners' skills and experience for the
benefit of the local community.
3 2 Coleg Powys Basic Skills £69,457 53773 23/01/2003 £154,351
The project will provide direct support to people who lack the basic skills of numeracy, literacy and IT by removing barriers such as accessibility
and finance, promoting formal recognition of all learning and a credit based system of accreditation.
4 1 Coleg Powys Management Development £34,512 53687 10/06/2002 £96,023
To enable managers and potential managers, to obtain the skills required for future business development. The project will deliver training up to
and including graduate level (Level 4)
3 2 Coleg Powys IT Throughout The Community £63,903 54108 18/12/2002 £201,588
The project provides new, high quality opportunities in community locations throughout Powys to develop skills in the use of ICT.
1 1 Coleg Powys Hotel and Catering Training £43,666 53421 10/06/2002 £132,129
A programme to give young people the basic, generic and specialised skills associated with Catering and Hospitality to enable them to find work
within the Tourist Industry of Mid and East Wales. 70 beneficiaries under 25 years of age will partake in appropriate NVQ training from Levels 1-
1 1 Coleg Powys Complementary Therapy £74,775 53422 10/06/2002 £219,433
To give young people the basic and specialised skills acciciated with Complementary Therapy and Health Tourism to enable them to find work
within the Tourist and Health and Fitness Industries of Mid and East Wales. 60 beneficiaries under 25 years of age will partake in appropriate
NVQ training from Levels 1 - 3.
1 1 Coleg Powys High Tech Training £70,315 53423 10/06/2002 £156,257
The project will give young people th eadvanced technical skills associated with the particular branch of manufacturing/engineering they have
opted to train in. Thus they will choose from:electrical engineering; systems analysis and control systems; electronic and microelectronic
engineering; mechanical engineering; computer and peripheral servicing.
3 2 Coleg Powys Basic and Key Skills Training £39,231 53585 10/06/2002 £87,182
The project will equip people with the basic skills (numeracy, literacy, IT) and confidence to enable them to take the first steps towards adopting
a culture of lifelong learning.
3 2 Coleg Powys IT Community Training Strategy £63,693 53586 10/06/2002 £141,541
This project provides a strategy and mechanism to increase substantially the key skills base in the use of Information Technology throughout the
communities of Powys.
2 1 Coleg Powys Vocational Access £197,479 53352 10/06/2002 £503,876
The project will provide individualised support for disabled and disadvantaged people. By removing some of the barriers to training the project
will give disabled people experiencing social exclusion and inequality the opportunity to develop their full potential.
1 1 Coleg Powys IT Training £135,642 53350 10/06/2002 £362,979
A programme to give young people the basic, generic and specialised skills associated with InformationTechnology to enable them to find work
within variour industries of Mid and East Wales. 100 beneficiaries under 25 years of age will partake in appropriate NVQ/GNVQ training from
Foundation to Level 3.
4 2 Coleg Powys High Tech. Training for SMEs £51,592 53341 10/06/2002 £114,651
To give workers in SMEs the advanced technical skills associated with the particular branch of manufacturing/engeering they are working in:
electrical engineering: systems analysis and control systems:eletronic and microelectronic engineering: mechanical engineering: computer and
peripheral servicing.
2 2 Community Music Wales Complete Control Music £41,240 53346 27/05/2002 £92,378
Complete Control Music will development Community Music Wales capacity to deliver music industry training to disadvantaged groups through a
community record label, touring circuit and associated training. It will provide opportunities for people facing social expulsion.
1 1 Community Music Wales Complete Control Music £66,008 54584 04/04/2003 £158,628
800 disadvantaged people from East Wales have the opportunity to gain professional experience with Complete Control Music an innovative pan
Wales community Based training initiative, which improves employability. It provides practical training in releasing music, live performance and
associated skills. It provides support at entry level to music and cultural industries.
4 2 Computeraid Ltd ICT training; SME priniciples £266,074 53407 14/05/2002 £611,551
A business-related ICT 25-day training course will be run for SME principals from Cardiff over 1-2 days a week. Modules on entrepreneurship will
be given, plus information on other related ESF programmes. Business help agencies eg TECs, Business Connects & WDA will also address the
4 2 Computeraid Ltd ICT training SME principals £273,211 53924 08/05/2002 £620,663
A business-related ICT 25-day training course-1-day-a-week (offering ECDL qualification) is run for Cardiff SME principals. Business Help
agencies from ELWa, Business Connect & WDA, academia etc. address the course and entrepreneurship and personal development modules are
also given.
4 2 Computeraid Ltd ICT Training SME Principals 4 £324,865 56680 11/07/2007 £724,338
A business-related 25 day ICT training programme will be run for Cardiff SME principals on a one-a-day week basis. Courses will be led by
professional Computeraid tutors and also addresses by business support agencies, academia and other bodies on further SME-assistance
4 1 Computeraid Ltd ICt training: SME Principals NCB £203,753 57395 27/01/2006 £453,794
A business-related ICT 25-day training programme will be run for Newport SME principals on a one-day-per-week basis. Courses will be led by
professional computeraid tutors and also addressed by business support agencies, FE, HE and other bodies on further SME assistance
4 1 Computeraid Ltd ICT Training: SME Principles £291,278 57388 27/01/2006 £649,450
A business-related 25 day ICT training programme will be run for Cardiff SME principals on a one-day-a-week basis. Courses will be deld by
professional Computeraid tutors and also addressed by business support agencies, academia and other bodies on further SME-assistance
4 1 Computeraid Ltd Raising Business Skills-Cardiff £111,044 57379 27/01/2006 £251,232
Each training course lasts for ten days (1 day per week) and is aimed at SME principals and will raise beneficiary competence levels in business-
related skills. Specialists from ELWa, FE, HE, busines Eye, ICT Centre as well as Computeraid tutors - will address the course
1 1 Computers in the Community 15 - IT - Engineers £74,085 57359 12/01/2006 £165,000
The provision of a ten month IT Engineer Training Programme that provides fifteen long-term unemployed individuals with the knowledge, skills,
experience, support and contacts to gian employment, or become self-employed as IT Engineers in a professional industry. The Project has been
inspired by the Jamie Oliver Fifteen Chef's Project.
2 2 Computers in the Community Bridging the ICT Divide £92,217 55306 15/01/2004 £205,028
The provision of tailor made ICT training, mentoring, equipment health checks / advice / education, engineering support and maintenance to 60
voluntary and community based organisations. Additionally, the creation of ICT development Outreach Centres, ICT Community Managers Forum
and Education in IT disposal and recycling.
2 1 CRED Ltd EXPAND (South and East) £54,904 53386 28/05/2002 £122,011
EXPAND will offer tailored training and counselling opportunities for lone parents in areas of extreme social deprivation and isolation. The project
will concentrate on the development of personal skills to enhance employment prospects, through building confidence; developing ICT networks
and will encourage beneficiary groups to take part in a virtual mentoring scheme.
2 1 CRED Ltd EXPAND £66,730 53383 27/05/2002 £148,290
EXPAND will offer tailored training and counselling opportunitites for lone parents in areas of extreme social deprivation and isolation. The
project will concentrate on the development of personal skills to enhance employment prospects, through building confidence, developing ICT
networks and will encourage beneficiary groups to take part in a virtual mentoring scheme.
5 1 Cyfle Cyf Cyfle New Entrant Scheme 2000 £12,302 53345 27/05/2002 £27,341
The Cyfle full time, vocational training scheme for new entrants into the Welsh film, television and new media industry, concentrating specifically
on the needs of women entering the industry. Training is delivered through work place experience and will normally lead to the appropriate
Skillset NVQ.
4 2 Cyfle Cyf Datblygu Sgiliau yn y Cyfryngau £41,484 53495 14/05/2002 £92,189
This project supports key areas of the work of vocational training provider, Cyfle, in developing the skills of professionals working in the Welsh
film, television and new media industry: Cyfle short course programme, assisting individuals attend specialist courses and training NVQ
Assessors; and incorporates Cronfa Sion Pyrs.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Producer Development Scheme £53,247 53925 13/05/2002 £118,333
The Producer Development Scheme is a new Cyfle initiative, developed in partnership with independent production companies and S4C. It will
provide a specialist, vocational training programme which will strategically identify, recruit and develop 8 trainee television producers, supplying
the sector with its future creative leaders.
4 2 Cyfle Cyf Skills Wales Fund 2002-04(3) £70,648 54256 11/07/2002 £163,340
The Skills Wales Fund provides individuals working in the Welsh Film, television and interactive media industry with financial assistance to
support their career development and training needs. The project will allow 90 beneficiaries to access quality-training opportunities, specific to
their individual needs, at a time which suits their working schedules.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Developing Producers (2004-06) £25,487 55785 30/07/2004 £56,638
'Developing Producers (2004-06)' addresses a structural weakness and identified skills gap within the Welsh television industry, by providing a
specialist vocational, development programme which will identify, recruit and train three new television producers and future creative leaders. It
is implemented in partnership with three independent television
1 1 Cyfle Cyf Dimension 10 (2003-2005) #3 £36,288 54765 11/09/2003 £81,978
Dimension 10 is a full time, six month, vocational training programme in interactive media for 10 unemployed beneficiaries. It is a sectoral
collaboration between Cyfle and employers, designed to allow employers to positively shape the skills they need. Cardiff is one of three linked
training centres (with Carenarfon and Llandeilo).
1 1 Cyfle Cyf Cyfle New Entrants 2003-2005 #3 £58,791 55073 15/01/2004 £130,657
This project is the only specialised, full time, vocational training scheme for new entrants into the Welsh film and television industry. It provides
its 5 beneficiaries with job specific professional vocational skills, industry contacts, and Skillset NVQ Level 2/3, to enable progression into
sustainable employment in a growth industry.
4 1 Cyfle Cyf Skills Wales Fund 2005-06 £179,775 57396 27/01/2006 £399,501
Skills Wales Fund allows Cyfle to support, strategically and tactically, the professional development of those employed in the Welsh film,
television and interactive media industry. Supporting 240 beneficiaries, the training methods will be various, but specific to each individual need;
and include short courses, attachments, and financial assistance.
5 1 Cymdeithas Tai Hafan New Dawn Lifelong Learning £318,746 55304 16/12/2005 £735,164
Project delivers accommodation - related informal learning to 207 women, marginalised by abuse and unable to access standard provision in
Flintshire, Wrexham, Powys, Vale of Glamorgan. Flexibility combined with one to one mentoring support reduces barriers to learning, increases
confidence and significantly improves access to further learning opportunities, enhancing employability.
2 3
Cymru Wales Co-operative
Development Ass Ltd
ProMo - Youth Social Enterprise £59,882 53562 13/06/2002 £133,073
Realise the potential of predominantly unemployed disenfranchised youths by delivering a client-led tailored package of social enterprise
business support, training and development advice centred around the entertainment's; media; multi media; and leisure industries aimed at
increasing the adaptability; innovation; and entrepreneurship of young people involved in new/established social economy businesses.
4 2 Deeside College Manufacturing a Change £332,707 53561 08/05/2002 £742,299
A project designed to upskill employees in the Manufacturing Sector. The training will consist of technical and generic skills. It is anticipated that
these skills will be transferable and make the workforce more flexible. We will use this project to enhance the development of a training culture
within this sector.
3 2 Deeside College Community Redundancy Scheme £85,490 53584 29/04/2002 £189,990
A project to help people in companies not supported under priority 4 to retrain in redundancy situations. It will offer training to full the identified
skills gap within Flintshire. This will enable upskilling for a wider audience to improve the Skills base of the county of Flintshire.
2 2 Deeside College Improving Community Skills £92,700 53513 20/05/2002 £214,697
This project seeks to enhance the skills of the voluntary sector by identifying needs and delivering flexible learning packages. By use of a
Training and Development officer we will raise awareness of the benefits and opportunities of training and promote lifelong learning within the
3 2 Deeside College Shotton Cybercafe £81,000 53459 29/04/2002 £183,754
A project designed to enhance the existing Cybercafe in Shotton with extra staff and training facilities. Based in a deprived ward, this will give
the facility to develop in line with community needs, to offer such things as longer opening hours, training opportunities and better technical and
operational support.
2 1 Deeside College Learn to Progress £77,400 53314 28/05/2002 £177,502
A Vocational Project to equip young people (post 16) with learning difficulties and other special needs with the lide and employment skills to
enjoy a good start in life. Its aim is to enssure equality for this target group in education and the procurement of employment.
4 2 Deeside College Manufacturing a Change £221,400 53325 27/05/2002 £499,273
A project designed to upskill employees in the Manufacturing sector. The training will consist of technical and Generic skills. It is anticipated that
these skills will be transferable and make the workforce more flexible. We will use this project to enhance the development of training culture
within this sector.
4 1 Deeside College Supporting Effective Management £150,948 53333 28/05/2002 £346,277
A project to equip new and potential managers in the Engineering and Manufacturing sector with the key and management skills necessary to
ensure both personal effectiveness and improved business competitiveness. It will enable managers to become more effective and receptive to
new technology within an environment of cost minimisation.
4 3 Deeside College Flintshire Technology Network £156,194 53392 10/06/2002 £347,842
A project for promoting and training in the use of ICT to improve the competitive nature of Flintshire firms in the Global market place. It will
ensure firms and their employees have the skills to maximise the use of new technology and meet the challenge of the digital age.
4 2 Deeside College Flintshire Technology Network £231,458 53770 30/04/2002 £516,894
A project for promoting and training in the use of ICT to improve the competitiveness nature of Flintshire firms in the global market place. It will
ensure firms and their employees have the skills to maximise the use new technology and meet the challenge of the digital age.
4 2 Deeside College Improving the Basics £184,342 53740 20/05/2002 £409,671
A project designed to raise the basic skills level of employees in North East Wales through the use of ICT. The partnership of Deeside and Yale
Colleges with participation from TUC and local firms will ensure maximum participation. The use of ICT will also help to raise usage levels within
the area.
1 3 Deeside College Deeside Football Academy £60,781 53750 08/05/2002 £139,712
A project in partnership with the Connah's Quay Nomads FC, the opportunity in Education and Football Career scheme and Flintshire County
Council (LEA) to offer an innovative approach to vocational for young adults to support the transition form school to work and to encourage more
young adults into further education.
4 4 Deeside College Engineering Entrepreneurship £49,479 55214 27/04/2004 £110,462
A project designed to support individuals in Flintshire to become self employed in a particular trade.This will consist of both specific trade
training and additional modules to provide the necessary skills to equip the learners with the ability to run their own business.
4 2 Deeside College Flintshire Technology Network 2 £148,725 55215 06/01/2004 £331,616
A project to develop IT training activities and address ICT skills shortages for employees in local companies. Building upon the success of a
current project, this new project will continue to provide training both in the workplace and in various centres around the county.
3 2 Deeside College Shotton Netcafe £83,250 55027 11/09/2003 £188,323
A programme of enhancement to a community ICT facility. The project will support accredited learning for the local individuals and businesses in
a community environment. It will also support the increased use of the internet with a drop in facility and continue the running of a Saturday
computer club.
1 3 Deeside College Deeside Football Academy 2 £62,207 55028 20/10/2003 £138,351
A project to sustain an innovative approach to vocational training for young adults in order to support the transition from school to work.
Building upon a current project it will encourage recruitment of young adults into further education by offering a Soccer Academy to run in
parallel with full-time courses.
2 2 Deeside College Improving Community Skills 2 £58,956 54848 28/04/2003 £131,024
A project to raise awareness and deliver training to community and voluntary groups within Flintshire. The project will part fund a learning and
development advisor and provide a cohesive training plan to the sector. The project will run the NWOC running your voluntary oranisation
4 2 Deeside College Manufacturing A Change £342,754 54914 11/09/2003 £761,721
A project to develop lifelong learning in the manufacturing sector of North East Wales. This project builds upon the success of a project that has
trained 1100 individuals and assisted 65 companies, helping the economy of North East Wales by increasing the competitiveness of local SME's
and developing their workforce.
4 1 Deeside College Marketing a Management Solution £129,919 54422 07/01/2003 £310,695
This project aims to deliver management training to both established and potential managers and supervisors in the SME sector of East Wales.
Management development training will provide employees with improved transferable management skills.
2 1 Deeside College Skills for a Confident Future £77,625 54423 28/04/2003 £173,298
A Vocational Project to equip young people (post 16) with learning difficulties and other special needs with the life and employment skills to
enjoy a good start in life. It's aim is to ensure equality for this target group in education and the procurement of employment.
4 1 Deeside College Catering for Change £101,474 57389 27/01/2006 £225,500
A project addressing skills shortages in the Flintshire hospitality sector. Building upon the success of a previous regional project that has trained
400 individuals in 68 companies, we will continue to develop a culture of lifelong learning by offering training to employees of SMEs in the 3rd
largest sectoe in North Wales.
4 1 Deeside College Catering for Change Wrexham £127,225 57387 27/01/2006 £283,997
A project addressing skills shortages in the Wrexham hospitality sector. Building upon the success of a previous regional project that has trained
400 individuals in 68 companies, we will continue to develop a culture of lifelong learning by offering training to employees of SMEs in the 3rd
largest sector in North Wales
4 1 Deeside College Enhancing Manufacturinmg £194,278 57383 27/01/2006 £431,730
A project to enhance a current manufacturing project that is well oversubscribed. The programme offers training and development to employees
of manufacturing companies across Flintshire and Wrexham to address shortages in the area
3 1 Deeside College Flintshire Community Netbus £90,470 57363 19/01/2006 £202,111
This project will enhance the basic service offered by the flintshire netbus to increase access to ICT learning Opportunities for rural and deprived
communities. It will allow for extra sessions and a continuation to the current service when the current funding finishes.
2 2 Deeside College Improving Community Skills 3 £102,462 56748 31/10/2006 £227,700
The project is designed to help voluntary and community groups within Flintshire to access advice, guidance and training. This will help them to
manage and develop their organisations for the benefit of their service users and the local community.
4 3 Deeside Furniture Ltd Wireless Technology Datacapture £8,640 53717 29/04/2002 £19,200
To introduce a wireless technology data capture system. It will facilitate high-speed capture and analysis, of continuous improvement data. It will
enable staff to benefit from training in new systems and provide an advantage, in the face of Far Eastern competition and ensure the continuation
of a local SME supplier chain.
3 1 Early Years NTO Childcare Matters Wales £51,365 53373 10/06/2002 £114,503
Innovative, customised action learning programme providing accredited support to move unemployed people towards childcare, employment and
providing skills progression for those within it. 200 people across the region working towards NVQ levels I, II, III or equivalent. Targeting those
lacking skills and qualifications, labour market returners, men, those over 50 and ethnic minorities.
4 2 EMTA Tailored Training for SMEs £119,527 53291 29/04/2002 £265,619
SMEs in the engineering manufacturing sector in East Wales will be helped to upskill employees to meet businesses needs. The selection of
timely training and development for employees will be determined by the competitiveness factors of improved quality, reduced costs and
shortened delivery times.
3 1 EMTA Continuous Improvement £127,239 53792 30/04/2002 £282,755
Companies and employers will be helped to focus on improvement programmes and choose the next developmental steps. For the companies,
this will focus on re-evaluating business improvement factors. For the individual, this will focus on progression and transferable skills.
3 1 EMTA Lifelong Learning & Productivity £112,500 55330 01/10/2004 £250,000
Large companies, SME's and suppliers will be helped to produce learning activities underpinning productivity. Learning Activities will be
submitted for inclusion on the Welsh Credit Framework. The employability of individuals will meet progression and transferability opportunities.
Identified training will receive support from the project
1 3 Fairbridge De Cymru Skills For Our Future £80,331 55770 21/05/2004 £178,773
A social and personal development programme desidned for 13 to 16 year olds in Cardiff at risk of or experiencing disaffection with education.
This project will provide basic abd core skills training to 80 people and ennhance confidence, self-esteem and employability through an action
planning approach tailored to individual needs.
2 1 Fairbridge De Cymru Fairbridge Skills for Life £60,875 54844 10/06/2003 £135,279
A programme of individually tailored training developing Basic and Core skills with socially excluded young people aged 16- 25 in Cardiff.
Through targeting barriers that currently prevent them accessing training or employment, we will increase their skills, employability and
confidence to allow them to progress along the pathway to employment.
2 1 Fairbridge De Cymru Basic Skills for Inclusion £38,383 53365 28/05/2002 £85,676
Integrated actions using an action planning approach to meet incdividual needs, to motivate and provide basic and core skills training to 45
people aged 16-24 in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who are facing barriers to employment including basic skills needs, homelessness as
ex-offenders or people with a disability.
1 3 Fairbridge De Cymru Skills for our Future £26,749 53368 10/06/2002 £64,266
Early interventions to reduce truancy and exclusion from schools through an action planning approach to meet individual needs. This project will
motivate and provide basic and core skills training to 33 people aged 14-16 in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, at risk of disaffection, to
improve their employability.
2 1 Fairbridge De Cymru Skills for Life £57,421 53396 14/05/2002 £128,876
An individually tailored action planning approach to provide basic and core skills training to 60 socially excluded young people aged 16-24 in
Cardiff, increasing their skills, employability, confidence and motivation, with an aim to assisting them on their progression along the pathway to
further training or employment.
1 3 Fairbridge De Cymru Skills for Our Future £55,625 53399 14/05/2002 £133,090
An early intervention programme designed for people aged 14-16 in Cardiff at risk of or experiencing disaffection with education. This project
will provide basic and core skills training to 60 people and enhance their confidence, self esteem and employability, through an action planning
approach tailored to the needs of the individual.
1 3 Fairbridge De Cymru Essential Skills Employability £47,333 56727 15/08/2005 £109,915
A personal development programme for 13-16 year olds in Cardiff, Newport and the Vale of Glamorgan at risk of, or experiencing disaffection
with education. Delivering basic and core skills to 70 young people, the project will enhance confidence, self-esteem and employability through
an action-planning approach tailored to individual needs.
4 5 FFINTO Furniture Sector Skills Needs £29,139 53356 08/05/2002 £64,941
To research the labour market and skill needs in the Furniture, Furnishings and Interiors sector within the Wales Objective 3 area and propose
solutions to meet these needs.
4 2 FFINTO Furniture Skills Fund Obj 3 £27,000 54096 08/05/2002 £60,000
To develop a fund to support companies in the furniture, furnishings and interiors industries, in the Objective 3 area, (Access difficult to source
high cost training), piloting its delivery with at least 30 people.
3 1
Fforwm Creft Cymru (The
Craft Forum)
E=MC2 East Wales £68,544 53730 27/05/2002 £158,673
E=MC2 will perform skills analysis among 30 designer-makers in East Wales; identify generic skills core, discipline dependent skills; Match with
OCN units; identify gaps; Design units where gaps identified; Design Professional-Makers Kitemark and CPD System; Test model; Review;
revise; implement and disseminate.
4 1
Fforwm Creft Cymru (The
Craft Forum)
ECCO EW £82,620 57384 27/01/2006 £183,600
E-commerce for craft Oeganisations in Eat Wales (ECCO EW) will train and support 200 SMEs in the creation and maintainance of web sites
enabling them to engage in e-commerce thus broadening their markets, achieving premium pricing and counteracting seasonality thus creating a
more robust and vibrant sector.
2 1 Flintshire County Council New Horizons £161,559 56905 10/02/2005 £359,679
The project aims to provide support to people labelled as having a severe learning disability and people with multiple and profoud disabilities ,
who currently recieve services in segregated settings , into college,community facitilties and work experience which will enable beneficiaries to
progress to employment or appropriate day time activity .
1 3 Flintshire County Council Early Intervention Project £54,789 53718 11/06/2002 £129,115
The project aims to identify, locate and engage with young people, aged 13 to 16, who are disengaging from formal education and by working in
a multi-agency environment, provide opportunities for re-engagement with learning / training through vocational experiences, coaching, basic
and key skills and outdoor education.
6 1 Flintshire County Council Flintshire County Council £60,000 54013 02/08/2002 £135,000
Objective 3 ESF Technical Assistance
5 2 Flintshire County Council Gender Based Youth Work £45,313 53460 20/05/2002 £102,439
A gender based youth work project for young women and their families in Flintshire. To readdress the economic/social impacts of gender
stereotyping through raising awareness of equality issues, personal and social education, new experiences, support and promoting attitudinal
1 3 Flintshire County Council Early Intervention Project YA £72,229 53592 10/06/2002 £197,962
The project targets young people aged 13 to 15 showing signs of disaffection with education. The aim of the project is early identification of the
target group and to work in a multi-agency environment to provide opportunities for re-engagement with learning.
1 2 Flintshire County Council Enhanced Job Search Provision £75,810 54868 14/07/2003 £173,925
To employ a development worker to engage with the economically inactive population from socially deprived neighbourhoods within Flintshire;
offering one to one mentoring to enable individuals to overcome barriers to employment. In addition this project will provide extended Job
Search facilities beyond the existing 13 week provision.
2 1 Flintshire County Council Transition £120,714 56089 18/10/2004 £268,257
The project aim is to provide vulnerable young people 16 - 19, with physical disability, sensory impairment, mental illness, learning disabilities
and/or at risk of social exclusion with coordinated support to participate in a range of experiences such as vocational training and/or work
experience directed toward future employment.
2 1 Flintshire County Council Next Steps £191,138 55355 06/04/2004 £425,138
The project is aimed at helping clients with mental health problems to obtain qualifications and participate in job placements, voluntary work and
college courses with the objective to gain employment
6 1 Flintshire County Council Flintshire County Council Technical Assistance £60,000 55503 19/03/2004 £133,800
Provide a secretariat to the Partnership this includes preparation of documents, collation of information related to Objective 3, disseminating best
practice information and support potential applicants to develop appropriate projects
4 5 Flintshire County Council Flintshire Employment Strategy £25,794 55544 20/09/2004 £57,729
The aim of this project is to develop a 3-5 year Employment Strategy that will provide a co-ordinated framework for delivering a range of
services within the county that will respond to the needs of both residents and employers in order to reduce social exclusion and worklessness.
2 2
Flintshire Local Voluntary
CRISP £111,333 55928 28/01/2005 £255,213
The Community Resource and Information Services Partnership (CRISP) provides a range of practical services to voluntary/community groups, in
Flintshire, to help them promote and deliver their services mroe effectively, and provides accessible information and support to disadvantaged
people, to help them deal with their problems.
2 1
Flintshire Youth and
Community Service
Developing Skills for Employment £91,700 55012 04/11/2003 £203,779
Supporting and mentoring young people in personal development, social skills, independent living skills, ICT skills, accredited opportunities and
environmental projects. Many of the target group of young people will be in danger of under achievement/social exclusion, having not attended
school, or having been Looked After Children / living in hostels.
1 3
Flintshire Youth and
Community Service
Progressing to work project £113,040 56686 07/03/2007 £251,200
An early intervention project to work with young people aged 14+ helping them develop skills they need to succeed in the transition to
emloyment. The project will also work with those young people who are unable to attend school for whatever reason to assist them to achieve
progression in life.
4 2
Forestry Contracting
Powys Forestry Training Network £55,772 53474 30/04/2002 £124,185
The project will establish a training and business network for Powys forestry contractors aiming to make them more sustainable and competitive
businesses. Training will upgrade technical skills, including optimum use of IT and ICT. Business development will include best environment
practice, woodland management, quality assurance and business planning.
4 2
Forestry Contracting
Powys Forestry Training Network £81,063 54198 23/09/2002 £181,305
The project will continue to train forestry contractors (300 total) through the Powys Forestry Training Network to help them become more
sustainable and competitive businesses. To include certificated advanced technical training, best environmental and quality practice, woodland
management and IT/ICT.
1 3 Gate Training Ltd Gate Personal Development Project £27,494 53940 08/05/2002 £67,460
The Gate Personal Development Project (GPDP) delivers personal development training in local schools to those at risk of disaffection and
truancy. By building confidence, self-esteem and motivation the course aims to encourage beneficiaries to seek further training, to achieve their
full potential in life and to improve their employability.
1 3 Gate Training Ltd Springboard Wales £21,553 53583 27/05/2002 £56,570
Springboard Wales is a dynamic project, bringing togerther a Charitable Trust and 2 successful Corporate Training companies, The aim is to use
the very best Management Training practices and to develop a series of inspirational workshops for young people who are under-achieving or in
danger of social exclusion.
2 1 Genesis Association (Wales) Genesis Show Stewardship £6,794 53932 11/07/2002 £15,944
The Project will provide people in the 40+ age bracket skilled in the art of Show Stewardship. The Genesis Show Stewardship Course would be
the pathfinder in Show Stewardship Training to support local and County Agricultural and Horse Shows to obtain competent and knowledgeable
2 1 Gofal Cymru Working Futures £39,651 56121 16/11/2004 £88,835
Working Futures provides case management support for people wanting to engage in valued occupation, who experience mental distress. The
service provides a holistic assessment that aims to create bridges for people who lack confidence and self-esteem to engage in activities,
voluntary work, start their own business, or become employed.
2 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Capacity Building Monmouthshire £50,110 54832 10/06/2003 £161,894
Capacity Building for Community Organisations through 3 posts - Principal Development Officer, Community Development Officer and
Administrator. Build on and continue success of previously funded project, working with new groups in new areas, improving skills, confidence,
effectiveness. Develop partnerships between community organisations and statutory bodies, promoting joint action to increase opportunities.
2 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Ringland Capacity Building £47,417 53701 11/06/2002 £118,314
Ringland Community Capacity Building project is intended to facilitate the active involvement of the wider community in the regeneration of the
Ringland Estate, Newport. The project will deliver targeted support to the most disadvantaged sections of the community to enable them to
meaningfully participate in the process of socio-economic regeneration.
2 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Capacity Building Monmouthshire £32,227 53589 28/05/2002 £71,730
Monmouthshire Capacity Building Project will suppoer community development, promote volunteering and build the capacity of voluntary
organisations to fully participate in partnerships for sustainable development in Monmouthshire.
2 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
ETHNIC MINORITY PROJECT £45,405 53551 11/06/2002 £101,811
Ethnic Minority Project will encourage people from Ethnic Minority Communities to participate in capacity building through involvement in
community development and volunteering and to participate in partnerships for sustainable development.
2 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Capacity Building Monmouthshire £42,701 53520 30/04/2002 £95,823
Monmouthshire Capacity Building Project will support community development, promote volunteering and build the capacity of voluntary
organisations to fully participate on partnerships for sustainable development in Monmouthshire.
2 2
Gwent Association of
Voluntary Organisations
Sustainable Communities £41,908 56430 10/03/2005 £98,367
The project will combine community development and effective partnership working with statutory organisations in addressing needs through
training, advice, network development, planning and funding initiatives. It will contribute to the development of joint action with statutory
4 2 HEFCW Graduate Employability £549,672 54322 31/03/2003 £2,818,489
This project will transfer graduate level skills into SMEs through project-based placements, building on the best practice arising out of the
previous Cymru Prosper Wales programmes.
4 3 HEFCW Graduate CPD for Innovation £170,000 54351 28/04/2003 £681,907
The project will help retain recent graduates in Wales by providing high level technological and innovation skills to help ensure comparability of
induction provision in SMEs with that available in traditional recruiters of graduates.
2 1 HM Prison Service Mons Prison Resettlement £170,150 54613 07/01/2003 £380,141
An intensive support strategy for 100 prisoners coming to the end of a custodial sentence. Provision will include motivational interviewing
bespoke personal development training and job brokerage with intensive mentoring pre and post release.
2 1 HM Prison Service CONNECT £183,300 54607 07/01/2003 £424,414
START will deliver a seamless co-ordinated service of employment work support, job and accommodation advice and brokerage and mentoring
support. It will help each beneficiary identify personal barriers to employment, personal action planning and the implementation of appropriate
interventions to address their needs with pre and post release mentoring
2 1 HM Prison Service In 2 Work £457,789 56126 20/09/2004 £1,017,365
In 2 Work is a pathway for 200 men coming to the end of a custodial sentence. In 2 Work will individually tailor pathways, meeting individual
needs in basic, key and vocational skill. Each pathway will help find employment, provide transport and a wage subsidy together with advice and
mentoring about drugs, debt and housing.
3 1 HM Prison Service CONNECT@CARDIFF £558,000 57369 19/01/2006 £1,240,000
CONNECT@CARDIFF will target 500 beneficiaries at HMP Cardiff with basic skills deficts, with basic and key skills embedded in a new visual arts
programme. Targeting men lacking confidence, self esteem and motivation to address their skills needs
2 1 IMMTECH Training Beats Ph2 £269,496 55778 08/09/2004 £598,880
Beats is an innovative Music/MultiMedia themed project. We set the standard for this type of provision making us one of Cardiff's premier
community resources. There is free access and tuition in ICT, Music Technology, Vocal/Instrument, Performing Arts, Video/Radio Production, as
well as generic basic skills/main stream qualifications.
2 1 IMMTECH Training BEATS £204,389 53931 22/10/2002 £464,655
The INTRO programme provides ICT, Multi Media and music technology training and education to disadvantaged and unemployed individuals at
risk of disaffection and exclusion. Based at our centre in Butetown but also providing customised workshops, tutorials and demonstrations at day
centres, youth clubs, school and colleges throughout the Cardiff area.
1 2 Include Post 16 Employment Integration £207,065 54274 23/09/2002 £463,650
To provide a tailor made programme of support targeted at young people, identified by the youth Offending Teams, who have offended or who
are likely to offend and who face multiple disadvantage in the labour market to access and progress in learning and as a result employment.
3 2 Include Post-16 ISSP £31,243 54408 18/12/2002 £77,371
The project provides a programme of support targeted at young people subject to an ISSP who are persistent offenders facing multiple
disadvantages in accessing education, training and employment opportunities. We aim to ensure supported participation into education and
training opportunities to improve access to the labour market and sustained employment.
2 3
Innovate Trust
Innovate Social Enterprises £167,729 54843 04/11/2003 £473,518
Innovate Social Enterprise will be a Cafe and Market Garden business, pursuing its social mission by providing people with disabilities with
training in business and work skills, and also paid employment. All beneficiaries will have a disability, and will have equal work opportunities,
employment rights and payment.
1 2
Innovate Trust
Quest Employment Agency £164,585 55070 04/11/2003 £365,748
Quest works with people with learning difficulties and other disabilities, who have found it difficult to find and retain their jobs and are now long
term unemployed, to find and retain paid employment in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan areas.
2 3
Innovate Trust
Innovative Social Firms £755,537 56072 20/09/2004 £1,895,605
Innovative Social Firms aims to provide 150 people with disabilities with sustainable jobs and training in our own and other businesses in the
Cardiff area. The primary target group will be people with learning disabilities who are excluded from the laboour market.
2 1
Innovate Trust
Field Days Training 2001-2003 £153,259 53512 14/05/2002 £384,604
Field Days is a project based in Cardiff, training forty people with learning disabilities and mental health problems in preparation for work.
Training is based on individual needs following a clear pathway from assessment to post employment. Opportunities are available in horticulture,
catering, computers, animal husbandry, conservation, conservation and retail skills.
2 1
Innovate Trust
Quest Supported Employment £86,066 53552 13/05/2002 £226,509
Quest is a Supported Employment Agency, working with people with learning difficulties. providing vocational advice and guidance to produce a
Vocational Action Plan. Using this Plan.Open paid employment is found wIth local businesses, with training provided at the worksite until the
person can do the job.
2 1
Innovate Trust
Quest Supported Employment £54,929 53366 27/05/2002 £171,162
Quest is a Supported Employment Agency, working with people with learning difficulties, providing vocational advice and guidance to produce a
Vocational Action Plan. Using this Plan, open paid employment is forund with local business and training provided at the worksite until the
person can do the job.
2 1
Innovate Trust
Field Days Training 2000 & 2001 £42,073 53367 27/05/2002 £93,497
Field Days is a project based in Cardiff training forty people with learning disabilities adn mental health probliems in preparation for work.
Training is based on individual needs following a clear pathway from the assessment to post employment. Opportunities are available in
horticulture, catering, computers, animal husbandry, conservation and retail skills.
3 2
Iron and Steel Trade
Confederation (ISTC)
Ex Steel Learning W 3 £794,924 53553 11/06/2002 £1,827,847
The project will provide advice, guidance, counselling and appropriate training packages for 2090 individuals who will be made redundant by
CORUS in East Wales. It aims to help beneficiaries to gain new skills and qualifications to enable them to access employment opportunities in
growth sectors of the East Wales economy.
1 1
Iron and Steel Trade
Confederation (ISTC)
Ex Steel Learning ASW £326,274 54435 26/11/2002 £758,777
The project will provide intensive advice guidance, counselling, training and support to the 1025 workers from ASW who have been or will be
made redundant, to their spouses and to managers and employees of any first tier suppliers who have been significantly affected by the closure.
3 1
Iron and Steel Trade
Confederation (ISTC)
Ex Steel Learning W3 Phase 2 £573,942 57367 19/01/2006 £1,288,870
The project will provide advice, guidance and counselling and appropriate training packages for 2,790 individuals who have been or will be made
redundant from steel plants in South and East Wales. It aims to help beneficiaries to gain new skills and qualifications to help them access new
employment opportunities.
1 1 Job Centre Plus Want to Work £2,345,936 56536 27/07/2005 £5,213,193
This strategic project is designed to tackle the high levels of inactivity in Wales. Centred around teams of community based advisers to engage
with those most detached from the labour market. It will offer support to overcome obstacles and barriers thus providing greater opportunities
for beneficiaries to become economically active.
4 2 Kelter Training M.O.C.S £186,534 54399 14/02/2003 £416,000
Aiming to overcome obstacles to learning by offering guidance to education and learning via on site NVQ training for care assistant's over the age
of 25. This will improve knowledge understanding within the care sector also giving opportunities to improve basic ICT, literacy / numeracy skills
and offer other short courses.
5 2
L M Personnel Solutions
Women the Way Forward £113,606 54840 28/04/2003 £252,459
To raise aspirations & self-confidence of women, evaluate career development and current working environments. Establish how EO policies can
be implemented within organisation, having a bottom up effect in changing the attitudes of managers to the advantages of an empowered,
motivated and trained staff. The project is open to all genders.
3 1 LANTRA Sector Skills Council Landbased Sector Learning £73,891 54655 26/11/2002 £164,361
The project aims to develop and promote new or improved guidance,education, training systems and forms of learning specifically for the
landbased sector. This will be achieved by overcoming barriers by supporting learning initiatives in the workplace and devloping newsystems,
materials and modes of delivery.
2 1 Llamau Limited Learning for Life £45,494 53937 26/11/2002 £101,294
Learning for Life is a unique prevocational programme which meets the requirements of disaffected young people, particularly young care
leavers, young offenders, and those at risk of offending. To improve levels of basic skills and ICT, motivation, confidence and self esteem.
Helping them towards achieving employment, further education and training.
2 1
Llansilin Play Scheme and
Community Group
Community Development Project £55,773 54806 28/05/2003 £123,940
To train beneficiaries- 60+ in a range of employment skills, 3+ NVQ 2/3 in childcare, 1+ NVQ4 Assessors and Basic Skills- in Montgomeryshire
(inclusive, flexible, work based, special needs/childcare/travel). To employ development worker and additional special needs assistance to
effect/sustain our projects for future trainees- increasing jobs/childcare locally.
3 1
Maesglas Family Learning
PC Loan Scheme £96,809 57372 19/01/2006 £215,194
PC Loan Scheme provides home computers on loan to those unable to attend learning venues due to various personal barriers to enable them to
learn@home. There is a high level of support available and this will improve their confidence and employability and put them on the road to
lifelong learning.
4 2 Media Skills Wales Skills Wales Fund £21,878 53342 27/05/2002 £48,620
The project is the establishment of the Skills Wales Fund, a new training fund which will provide those working in the film, television and new
media industry in Wales with a flexible solution to their career development and training needs; and to support 50 workers in the first year.
4 2 Media Skills Wales Skills Wales Fund 2001 £22,557 53292 29/04/2002 £50,128
The Skills Wales Fund is an all-Wales training fund which provides individuals working in the film, television and new media industry in Wales
with a bespoke funding arrangement to aid their career development and meet their training needs. The project will support 30 beneficiaries.
2 1 Mencap Cymru Llanfyllin Work Training £41,625 53419 28/05/2002 £111,894
Llanfyllin Work Training is a partnership between Mencap, Llanfyllin Community Group, Powys County Council and Montgomeryshire Wildlife
Trust. People with severe learning disabilities learn basic work skills in the context of developing countryside skills and carrying out
environmental work. Their practical work is supported by study for Open College Units.
2 1 Mencap Cymru Llanfyllin Work Training £116,411 53731 14/05/2002 £265,881
Llanfyllin Work Training is a partnership between Mencap, Llanfyllin Community Group, Powys County Council and Montgomeryshire Wildlife
Trust. People with severe learning disabilities gain confidence and learn basic work skills in the context of developing countryside skills and
carrying out environmental work. Practical work links with gaining Open College Units.
2 1 Mencap Cymru Llanfyllin Countryside Training £117,697 55260 05/12/2003 £285,406
Llanfyllin Countryside Training (LCT) in partnership with Powys Social Services and Montgomery Wildlife Trust, will provide accredited training in
countryside skills, ICT skills and environmental work for people with learning disabilities. Countryside work skills will be developed through
practical voluntary work in the countryside and woodwork in the workshop.
3 2 MENFA - Mentoring For All MENFA Scheme £69,842 54870 30/06/2004 £156,240
MENFA recruits, trains and supports adults in 3 programmes leading to Open Network qualifications: Mentoring for Success, Positive Parenting
and Play Activities for Children
5 1 MEWN Cymru MEWN (R & D Project) £93,375 57404 30/01/2006 £207,500
This project will, in the initial stage, research the educational, training, employment and health needs of BME women, in the areas of Pill and
maindee, before generating programmes that will promote increased numbers of BME women to engage in opportunities that will increase
intergration and develop their potential for employment
4 2
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
SALTF Secure a long term future £45,263 54091 23/09/2002 £102,725
The project aim is to upskill the currently employed by developing breadth of ICT knowledge giving support to the economic growth of East
Wales. SME led, M&NWTG will develop training in ICT "Hardware and Software Application" leading to NVQ3 level qualifications, workplace
Mentoring competence and D32/D33 trainer qualifications.
4 2
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
World Class Team Leader £30,332 53588 28/05/2002 £73,690
The project aims to help employees in SMEs to trainsist from Skill based work to Managerial/Team Leading work. This is traditionally a very weak
area of training activity due to the high cost of training and a tradition of training on the job in an ad hoc manner.
4 5
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
ABLE £27,162 53330 28/05/2002 £61,378
The project aims to identify ICT training needs in SMEs in East Wales and to test the validity of some of the training needs as a prelude to
introducing a full SME ICT training programme in the Year 2000/2001
4 2
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
Production and Quality Training £7,700 53393 28/05/2002 £24,350
The project is designed to provide high level NVQ4 training to specialists with Quality Management responsibility in SMEs to high level NVQ4
qualifications. This need results from information in the Automotive Industry supply chain need. Training is innovative by using IT for
underpinning knowledge.
4 2
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
Skills Update Training £49,579 53394 28/06/2002 £134,697
This project concerns training 250 people over a 1 year period to raise their skill levels and thus improve their adaptability, versatility and
employability. They will have a beneficial effect on the economic well being of their companies thus promoting economic well being.
4 2
Mid & North Wales Training
Group Ltd
Leadership in Auto Comp. Supply £26,733 53388 27/05/2002 £64,970
The project is designed to raise the Skill Levels (NVQs) of employees of SMEs in the Automotive Supply Chain thus enabling them to remain
competitive in this extremely competitive market sector and in so doing enhance the possibility of long term employment.
4 1
Mid Wales Manufacturing
Practical Mentoring £44,871 53780 29/04/2002 £99,871
MWMG will establish a mentoring programme between members 'expert' in a range of disciplines and best practice. Companies would then host
and mentor individuals from other member companies in these disciplines and practices. MWMG would provide the scheme, benchmark
applicants and carry out all administration in bringing companies together.
4 2
Mid Wales Rural Training
TRAIN FOR THE FUTURE £19,813 53721 11/06/2002 £44,054
The aim of the project is to train 22 trainers and assessors operating within Mid Wales to deliver an increased portfolio of bilingual courses and
introduce new subject areas, to meet the changing needs of the of the agricultural and forestry industries.
4 2
Mid Wales Rural Training
Training for Trainers £20,676 54398 10/06/2003 £52,461
The project will be to train, and expand the current trainer/assessor network used by the Partnership to meet the changing needs of the rural
sectors. To compliment this the Assessment Centre will need to expand its portfolio of qualifications to include the complete suite of NPTC
4 2 Mid Wales Tourism Powys Anticipation £93,960 53457 30/04/2002 £216,388
A project to promote the tourism industry in Powys, including Customer Care training, awareness of history of the area, the use of ICT including
web page development and maintenance. The project aims to facilitate the development of strong local networks of tourism related businesses.
2 1
Mid-Wales Housing
Association Limited
Brecon Foyer £49,878 55941 03/02/2005 £112,858
Brecon Foyer will provide pre-vocational training and access to employment and volunteering opportunities for young people (16-25) living at
the foyer or from the locality. The scheme will work with agencies like Careers Wales and Jobcentre Plus. The foyer will have seven flats with
staff support and space to deliver training.
2 1
Mind in the Vale of
Vale of Glamorgan Mindworks £63,581 53541 13/05/2002 £142,069
The project is designed to improve pathways to employment and valued occupations for people with mental health problems, living in the Vale of
Glamorgan, through access to supported voluntary work placements and work experience. The project will also develop a programme of
occupation-related training, activities, group work and support.
1 1
Monmouthshire County
Links £55,407 53471 27/05/2002 £172,508
The project willprovide young people from the Chepstow area, primarily aged 16-19, with a 'one stop shop' where they can access a wide range
of support services designed to assist them in overcoming the barriers preventing them from participating in eduaction, training and ultimately,
employment opportunities.
3 2
Monmouthshire County
Reach Out Boverton Powerhouse £72,791 53529 11/06/2002 £188,465
The Reach Out Project will deliver through one to one outreach, lifelong learning opportunities to socially excluded people with physical
disabilities; people experiencing mental health problems and lone parents in rural areas. The project will overcome barriers for those with low or
no qualifications.
6 1
Monmouthshire County
Monmouthshire County Council £19,960 54009 02/08/2002 £44,461
Objective 3 ESF Technical Assistance
3 2
Monmouthshire County
STEP-UP £146,379 55184 03/11/2003 £325,287
STEP UP will widen access to learning and employment for 300 multi disadvantaged people in Chepstow, Bulwark and Caldicot areas, providing
soft skills like motivation, socialisation and confidence building and key skills including IT and career planning, plus outreach work to support
beneficiaries in overcoming barriers and increase access to mainstream provision.
6 1
Monmouthshire County
Monmouthshire Objective 3 Technical Assistance 2003-2006 £47,622 55056 18/11/2003 £105,868
As the lead body for the Monmouthshure Local Partnership, Monmouthshire County Council will use technical assistance to help deliver European
Structural Funds in their area.
3 1
Monmouthshire County
Build-IT £69,326 57371 19/01/2006 £209,179
Build-IT will widen access to learning to people primarily in Abergavenny, Llanelly Hill, Monmouth and the north of Monmouthshire rural areas by
providing basic, key skills including IT, personal development and confidence building, whilst reducing barriers to participation and creating
progression routes to FE and work through outreach and partnership working
2 3 Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin MYM Management Skills Training £36,428 53372 27/05/2002 £81,592
Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin is a national association of Welsh-medium only early years care and education with over 1000 groups throughout
Wales. There are 200 groups in the Objective 3 area and the project will improve the management skills of the personnel who are responsiblee
for the organisation of each individual group.
2 1 NACRO Ymateb/React £31,532 53312 28/05/2002 £74,617
Ymateb/React operates in North East Wales and provides an holistic approach to removing barriers faced by offenders in order to promote social
inclusion and integration into the labour market. The project offers initial assessment, advice and guidance, personal development programmes
and pro-vocational training to 135 beneficiaries.
2 1 NACRO DAWN £122,668 53496 13/05/2002 £275,408
DAWN will address the social, substance misuse, educational, training and employment needs of 750 offenders and disadvantages of people
(over 2 years) by providing multi-disciplinary professional support, mentoring and training programmes from integrated sites in Flintshire and
Wrexham and satellite provision in rural and isolated communities across East Wales, North East Wales.
1 1
National Probation Service
ILM Activity development £66,211 53475 11/06/2002 £190,949
Probation and PAVO working in partnership to develop intermediate Labour Market measures in Powys Appointment of 2 project development
workers to identify a) a model that will best suit Powys. b) existing and potential community businesses for development. c) training needs for
ILM development.
2 1
National Probation Service
Access to Training and Work £78,330 53476 11/06/2002 £174,071
The Project will increase the access to training and employment for offenders supervised by Powys Probation Service. This will be achieved by
reducing the barriers to employment and training and increase the employability of offenders in the county.
2 1
National Probation Service
South Wales
Skills and Jobs for Offenders £36,827 53369 27/05/2002 £86,536
The project aims to integrate 600 ex-offenders/annum into the local economy of Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan, by enabling participants to
gain self-esteem, vocational skills, employment and self-employment. This will in turn develop and include the individual, reduce the level of
crime and enrich the local economy.
2 1
National Probation Service
South Wales
Skills & Jobs for Offenders £81,294 54304 31/03/2003 £180,653
The project aims to integrate 600 ex-offenders/annum into the local economy of Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan, by enabling participants to
gain self-esteem, vocational skills, employment and self employment. This will, in turn develop and include the individual, reduce the level of
crime and enrich the local economy.
3 1
National Probation Service
South Wales
Lifelong Learning for Offenders £521,999 57370 19/01/2006 £1,160,000
More than 25% of the people sentenced to a Community Order lack basic skills, most have few if any qualifications. This project will enable
Probation to "bolt-on" a tailored package of learning support and intesive mentoring.
5 1
NCH (Cymru) (National
Childrens Homes)
Grassroots £110,526 53438 20/05/2002 £286,198
Grassroots is a neighbourhood training project in response to the government and Assembly initiative to train 7000 foster carers. The
beneficiaries will be recruited from non-traditional communities, where 'looked after' children come. The training delivers accredited transferable
skills which will ensure active participation in the labour market.
5 1
NCH (Cymru) (National
Childrens Homes)
SURESTEPS £350,255 55924 06/08/2004 £779,013
SURESTEPS is a three stage programme for 300 beneficiaries, to widen and increase access to learning and improve employability. SURESTEPS
will create employment opportunities for beneficiaries and increase the number of child care places available in Powys
1 1 Newport & Gwent Enterprise Road Haulage Development £271,594 54922 09/06/2005 £603,543
A comprehensive workforce development programme for those entering the road haulage and distribution sector. The programme specifically
focuses upon bridging the training gap identified by the industry. The programme will supply a well-rounded training package for the industry as
a whole, addressing the current national driver shortages.
4 4 Newport & Gwent Enterprise City of Enterprise 2 £98,221 56812 30/03/2007 £218,850
Building on the success of the Newport City of Enterprise project the aim is to take enterprise from the awareness stage to ACTION. The project
will facilitate, through partnerships, activities which will provide practical opportunities for individuals to experience enterprise particularly
targeting under represented groups and specific skills needs.
2 1
Newport Action for the Single
Homeless (NASH)
The Pilot Project £129,969 55132 05/11/2003 £361,319
The project has been established to enable the most excluded members of the community an opportunity to gain the confidence, knowledge and
skills that would enable them to move into further education, training and employment,
2 1 Newport City Council The Opportunity for Work £136,695 54717 26/01/2004 £303,771
To provide employment, training, education and support in the workplace to people with Mental Health problems, enabling individuals to access
and sustain employment/education opportunities. Job Coaches will work with beneficiaries and enable them to build on skills and experience
developed in existing services, in order to enter employment and/or further education.
2 1 Newport City Council Care Leavers Mentoring Scheme £40,697 54388 26/11/2002 £97,123
The project supports the post of a Co-ordinator working with young people leaving care. Through individual mentoring, beneficiaries undertake a
customised programme of basic skills and employment training. The provision of support, advice, basic skills, and IT training, aims to improve
the employability of this target group.
2 1 Newport City Council Newport Construction Initiative £53,248 56063 03/02/2005 £120,141
A pilot project to support unemployed individuals gain employment in the construction industry, and working with local partnerships to maximise
local construction job opportunities arising from regeneration projects in the City of Newport.
3 1 Newport City Council Newport City of Learning £325,449 56193 19/01/2006 £723,222
To develop and co-ordinate the infrastructure of 11 Learning Action Centres and 50 satellites throughout Newport. This will provide flexible
learning opportunities in relaxed, local community settings and encourage increased take up of learning opportunities across a wide group of the
community by removing traditional barriers to learning.
6 1 Newport City Council Newport County Borough Council £60,000 54007 02/08/2002 £134,500
Objective 3 ESF Technical Assistance
2 2 Newport City Council Refugee Integration £86,675 56816 15/08/2005 £193,869
To help groups of refugees and asylum seekers to build the capacity of their own community organisations and to forge links to existing and
future community resources.
2 1 Newport City Council Streets Ahead £114,289 56333 17/02/2005 £368,035
To make contact and re-engineer the life chances of disadvantaged and socially excluded young people aged 16-25 years, including Asian young
women, who are not accessing employment, education or training. Accredited capacity building learning programmes, action planning,
mentoring, support and advocacy lead to positive outcome and exit routes.
6 1 Newport City Council Newport City Council Technical Assistance £64,737 57238 26/09/2005 £164,145
* To provide administrative support to the Newport Partnership * To offer advice, support and guidance at a local level to potential appicants * To
publicise the Programme in the local area * To liaise with other stakeholders in the European programme
1 3 Newport LEA Mainstream Mentor 4 Success £106,928 56184 20/06/2005 £239,803
This project targets children at risk of dissaffection within the comprehensive schools. It will exist to help beneficiaries recognise the value of
learning and assist them to improve educational attainments and retention levels. In doing so it will help beneficiaries achieve academic and
career goals within a mentoring accreditation framework.
1 3 Newport LEA Passport to Opportunity £179,769 55502 29/06/2004 £399,488
The project will develop a sustainable infrustructure for the delivery of alternative curriculum with a diverse assortment of vocational
programmes. In collaboration with 49 providers and the provision of additional school resources the project is designed to combat social
exclusion and dissaffection.
1 3 Newport LEA Mentor For Success £136,092 55038 11/09/2003 £305,210
This project targets children at risk of disaffection within the comprehensive schools. It will exist to help beneficiaries recognise the vale of
learning and assist them to improve educational attainments and retention levels. In doing so it will help the beneficiaries achieve academic and
career goals within a mentoring accreditation framework.
2 1
Newport Rugby Football Club
The 'EXTRA TIME' Project £140,000 54706 14/07/2003 £320,000
Through the vehicle of sport, the project will work with key organisations that are currently in contact with socially excluded individuals. The
project aims to develop a range of Personal Development programmes as a motivational starting point for young people and adults to enter or
re-enter education, training or employment.
3 1 Niace Dysgu Cymru Adult Learners Week/Sign Up Now £524,802 55076 10/02/2004 £1,480,474
Three multimedia promotional campaigns, in May, September and January, are complemented by a range of local first step to learning activities
delivered through a bilingual approach. The project is designed to consistently target groups who have had limited access to learning
opportunities, particularly the low skilled, unemployed or low paid.
3 2 Niace Dysgu Cymru Adult Learners Week Sign Up Now £129,557 53560 27/05/2002 £322,073
To co-ordinate Adult Learners’ Week and Sign Up Now for East Wales, to raise awareness and promote adult learning, to increase motivation, and
to work in partnerships to provide new learners with access to information and to appropriate provision.
3 2 Niace Dysgu Cymru Adult Learners Week Sign Up Now £59,108 53382 27/05/2002 £151,945
To co-orfinate Adult Learners Week and Sign Up Now for East Wales, to raise awareness and promote adult learning, to increase motivation and
to work in partnership to provide new learners with access to information and to appropriate provision.
4 3
North East Wales Institute of
Higher Education
Graduate and Student Placements £14,175 53424 27/05/2002 £81,994
The project aims to increase employment in SMEs in Wrexham and Flintshire, through project based placements which encourage such
companies to make greater use of the talents of students and graduates, enhancing their capacity to exploit innovations in business processes
and technologies and contributing to sustainable business.
1 3
North East Wales Institute of
Higher Education
Childrens University (1) £1,714 53736 14/05/2002 £4,044
The Children's University addresses the needs of pupils aged 13-16 in danger of becoming long term unemployed or economically inactive and
aims to increase confidence, skills and motivation to help them succeed in the labour market and/or learning. This 4 month development phase
is to develop models and content.
4 1
North East Wales Institute of
Higher Education
Extended Graduate Placements £28,287 57381 27/01/2006 £69,487
The project enables SMEs in Wrexham and Flintshire to utilise and knowledge of graduates more effectively by providing 6-month project based
graduate placements supported by mentoring by academic staff. Beneficiaries will gain increased employability through the aquisition of key,
generic and vocational skills
6 1
North Wales Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Private Sector Facilitators - Technical Assistance - Objective
£61,884 54529 05/03/2003 £137,525
To provide a direct link to the Private Sector with accurate and concise information on how to access the programme based on their individual
1 1
NRJ Computer Training
Vocational Access £115,222 57357 12/01/2006 £258,912
The project will provide assistance to benefit the long-term unemployed and the economically inactive, that desire to return to the labour market,
by using a range of pre-vocational, vocational and basic/keyskill activities and qualifications. Beneficiaries will be aged 25+.
2 3 Pentra Services Limited Second Circle Furniture £58,320 55196 22/09/2005 £129,602
Development/support of a new community enterprise, providing quality resued/recycled furniture to the local community of Llay and West
Wrexham/Wrexham. Involving the training/development of local individuals/community groups encouraging entrepreneurial skills/culture,
providing personal development opportunities through training/employment and providing a mechanism for community development/capacity
2 2 Play Radnor Training Opps Rural Communities £19,509 53428 10/06/2002 £43,356
ESF funding will enable Play Racnor to forus on training for groups and individuals in Mid Powys targetting disadvantaged people in isolated rural
communities. We will work with employment agencies and others to improve employment opportunities by providing accessible training,
removing barriers which stand in the way.
2 2 Play Wales / Chwarae Cymru Playwork Knowledge Project £38,449 53377 28/05/2002 £86,429
The Playwork Knowledge Project will develop materials that will facilitate access to the most effective playwork practice and self-evaluation by
those working with children in all settings where playwork may take place. The materials will be appropriate for the widest range of provision,
providing source texts for playwork trainers.
4 5
Powys Agency for Mental
Base-line data (MH) £31,141 53381 27/05/2002 £71,081
A base-line study to identify numbers, location and needs of people with mental health problems across Powys who aspire to but are currently
marginalised from education training and work related acivities. The Study will outline barriers face, opportunities for the future and a strategy
for inclusive action.
1 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Mad about Powys £50,414 53601 10/06/2002 £116,247
Mad about Powys is an environmental improvement project for 18-24 yr olds and 25+ unemployed people to overcome barriers to work and
re-integrate into the labour market whilst making a valuable contribution to the sustainable social and economical development of local
communities and the environment.
2 3
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys Social Economy Forum £30,772 53463 30/04/2002 £68,388
The project will raise awareness of the benefits of social economic activity using rural models by networking activities, including building a
database, events held throughout Powys, teleconferencing, showcasing existing models of good practice. As well as general support the project
will offer intensive support and mentoring to individuals and groups.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Community Capacity Building £117,630 53498 29/04/2002 £277,520
This project will enhance PAVO's ability to support local voluntary organisations and community groups. These local groups and organisations
are best placed to address the needs of those excluded from the labour market and a good support network is crucial to their success.
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Community Capacity Building II £26,998 54971 14/07/2003 £61,456
The project will provide capacity building and enable PAVO to support those individuals most excluded within rural society and thus most
marginalised from the labour market. It will do this through support and advice to those community groups that meet the needs of these
excluded groups.
2 3
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Social Economy Phase II £81,116 54973 11/09/2003 £180,259
The project will deliver events, training and mentoring to social enterprise within Powys. It will continue to raise awareness of the potential of
the social economy to communities and groups within those communities. It will employ two officers to develop opportunities within community
groups for social economy activity.
2 1
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
PTTA- NVQ £17,256 54974 11/09/2003 £38,412
PTTA- NVQ involves the introduction and delivery of transferred NVQ's (Transporting Passengers by Road), presently unavailable, for 40
volunteers and staff in the Community Transport Sector in Powys. The project will subsidise individuals who would find payment difficult, by
direct assurance and by local delivery of induction, training and assessment.
3 1
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Skills for change £180,443 57373 19/01/2006 £401,555
Skills for Change is to widen participation in lifelong learning through the use of a training needs analyses tool amongst voluntary and
community groups. The project will arrange locally delivered, bespoke courses for groups and, through partnership working, progression to other
training provision
2 2
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Community Capacity Building £312,084 56692 15/08/2005 £693,521
The project will provide capacity building and enable PAVO to support those individuals most excluded within rural society and thus most
marginalised from the labour market. It will do this through support and advice to those community groups that meet the needs of these
excluded groups.
2 3
Powys Association for
Voluntary Organisations
Powys social Economy Project £137,885 56702 14/11/2006 £306,412
THe project will deliver events, training and mentorig ton social enterprise projects within Powys. It will work with networks of groups to raise
awareness of the potential of the social economy and provide opportunities for groups to be mentors to others interested in social economic
2 2 Powys Carers Service Stepping Stone Project £26,077 55227 26/04/2006 £57,950
The project aims to build capacity within organisations in contact with carers in Powys. It aims to overcome some of the barriers carers face
when accessing education, training ot employment, by raising awareness, mentoring and providing support and information to outreach staff and
volunteers in contact with carers.
2 1 Powys Challenge Support Plus £116,500 55249 05/12/2003 £258,895
Support Plus supports offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of committing crime because of homelessness, isolation and poor educational
achievement. Support includes literacy and basic skills training; ICT training; mentoring; post-employment support; supported housing and
assistance with transport. We will engage with employers to enhance job opportunities for beneficiaries.
6 1 Powys County Council Powys Lead Body Phase 2 £57,612 55968 15/09/2004 £129,161
Provide administrative support to the Powys Regeneration Partnership. Provide advice and guidance at local level to potential Objective 3
applicants. Publicity for the Programme in the local area On going liason with Regional Partnerships and other East Wales paetnerships to ensure
successful programme outcomes Work closely with WEFO
6 1 Powys County Council Technical Assistance £62,391 55055 13/11/2003 £144,815
Powys County Council will undertake the role of Lead Body for the Powys Regeneration Partnership and in so doing will undertake teh following
unctions on behalf of the Welsh European Funding Office provide administrative support to the Powys Regeneration Partnership and subsidiary
groups forming part of the Partnership; offer advice and guidance at a local level to potential applicants in regard of the Local Action Plan,
publicise the programme in the local area; liaison with the Regional and other Local Partnerships to discuss Action Plan/project development and
assessment; in partnership with WEFO, ensure jointly agreed assessment procedures are adhered to and liaison with WEFO on Local Action Plan
1 3 Powys County Council Flexible Routes - Rhwydd Hynt £125,941 53600 13/05/2002 £281,611
The aim of the project is through targeted interventions to support the transition of young people from education to the labour market. The
purpose of the project is to co-ordinate a coherent approach to hooking young people into training, education and employment through various
routes within the local community.
3 2 Powys County Council Iaith Gwaith/Working Welsh £25,718 53637 13/05/2002 £62,735
A full time tutor/co-ordinator will be appointed in order to organise and deliver specialised basic, intensive and tailored Welsh language training
in the workplace across Powys. This will address a shortfall in Welsh language learning opportunities and meet the needs of employers in a
responsive and cost-effective way.
5 1 Powys County Council Powys Childminder Project £24,992 53293 14/05/2002 £60,092
The project will aid participation in employment and learning by developing local Childminder networks and provide training and support for men
and women who are or wish to become childminders. Particular emphasis will be placed on participants in rural areas. Welsh speakers and men,
who are currently under-represented in childcare.
3 1 Powys County Council Community Careers Information £36,340 53754 27/05/2002 £80,837
600 people in the most rural communities in Powys will access information about education, training, careers or employment from trained local
staff where no service currently exists. It will be provided in a non-threatening environment with which local people are familiar and feel
comfortable opening doors to further professional services.
6 1 Powys County Council Powys County Council (Phase 3) Technical Assistance £20,000 57514 05/09/2006 £44,444
Pwys County Council will undertake the role of Lead Body for the Powys Regeneration Partership and undertake functions on behalf of WEFO.
2 2 Powys Zero Waste Limited Powys High Diversion - Learn £300,000 56351 26/04/2006 £666,667
PHDLearn promotes social inclusion by funding, through a delegated grant scheme operated by Powys Zero Waste, the development of the
capacity of its community based member projects to deliver support to people facing social exclusion. Support, development and training is
provided whilst carrying our recycling activities.
5 1 Praxis Train & Consult Ltd Vale Enterpreneuse Mentoring £16,237 53412 14/05/2002 £36,574
The project would involve researching, developing, piloting and evaluating a mentoring network for women entrepreneuses in the Vale of
Glamorgan. The project team would be developing and seeking OCN accreditation for networking and mentoring training programmes which
would subsequently be offered to network members.
5 2 Praxis Train & Consult Ltd Vale Gender Equality Audit £19,979 53535 14/05/2002 £44,853
research project involving SMEs, women employees and women job seekers in the Vale of Glamorgan. The aim would be to establish a picture of
the equal pooprtunitites issues which affect womem's participation in employment in the Vale. There is agreement for a link with the
WDA/Chwarae Teg SME Equalitities Project.
5 1 Praxis Train & Consult Ltd Vale Women Business Owners MDI £38,918 54815 20/05/2003 £95,537
Provides management development skills, via networking, mentoring and training, for existing and aspiring women business owners in the Vale
of Glamorgan. Aims to encourage and facilitate their mutual personal, business and professional support to help overcome the barriers they
experience. Builds upon previous Vale Entrepreneuses Mentoring Network Project.
2 1 Princes Trust Cymru Leaving Care Mentoring Project £34,970 54804 28/05/2003 £82,712
Providing 1-1 mentoring for young people leaving care. Mentors help them in accessing information on courses, jobs, completing application
forms and with on-going support. The project would be to establish the scheme in Powys and to employ a volunteer co-ordinator to recruit and
support volunteer mentors.
1 1 Princes Trust Cymru PTV East £178,732 54915 20/10/2003 £397,183
A personal development course for young people aged 16-25, at risk of long term unemployment, equipping them with soft skills and hard
qualifications to allow progression into employment. This is supported with personal action plans and work experience. This course will run
throughout the Welsh Objective 3 area excluding Powys.
1 3 Princes Trust Cymru xl plus £93,492 53514 30/04/2002 £367,512
This project will operate to the benefit of 180 beneficiaries within three schools in Cardiff. The project will take pro-active measures to support
those pupils identified as being at risk of exclusion and under-achievement and as such failure within the education system.
4 4 Princes Trust Cymru Starting into Self Employment £67,495 53493 11/06/2002 £182,804
This project will support unemployed young people into self employment through advice and guidance on accessing start up finance, pre-start up
support in developing business plans and post start up support in the means of 1-2-1 mentoring, marketing support, training and access to
specialist funding.
1 1 Princes Trust Cymru East Wales PTV £44,589 53605 11/06/2002 £104,947
A 12 week self-development course for 360, 16-25 year olds across within Cardiff, Powys, Wrexham and Flintshire who have been identified as
being at risk of long term unemployment. The course will deliver qualifications as well as key soft skills.
1 3 Princes Trust Cymru xl in Education £18,180 53593 10/06/2002 £48,371
An in-school programme for young people aged between 14-16, targeting those at risk of underachievement or exclusion in Wrexham, Powys and
Flintshire for 510 young people whom undertake activities that lead to gaining of key skills, qualifications and overall higher than expected
achievement at school.
1 1 Princes Trust Cymru PTV EAST WALES £24,238 53703 10/06/2002 £70,649
The provision of 12 week long Volunteer Programmes which develop basic key skills, including NVQ s into the participants whom are aged under
25 and have been identified as at risk from under-employment or long term unemployment. 170 beneficiaries in Cardiff, Wrexham and Flintshire.
1 3 Princes Trust Cymru xl Powys £6,629 54210 10/06/2002 £14,734
xl is a school based support programme for those at risk of exclusion and underachievement. Students are encouraged to return to the learning
process by forming an xl club where they organise fundraising activities, become involved in their community and develop transferable skills
ready for working life.
1 1
Quadrant Enterprise and
PYNCI £290,316 53557 14/05/2002 £657,109
Across Objective 3 East Wales, PYNCI will expand on New Deal for 312 musicians to provide unique support for transition into employment and
self-employment through provision of business support, advice and mentoring, studio time, links to influencers and decision makers in the sector
and promotion through broadcasts across the UK.
2 1 Rainbow Charity Workshops Rainbow Charity Workshops £10,101 54873 03/11/2003 £22,877
The focal point of this project is the provision of a workshop in Butetown for the training of ex-offenders from HMP Cardiff on their release from
Prison. The workshop will act as a half way house for employment providing training to enable ex offenders to re-enter society and the labour
2 1 Raleigh International Motive8 Cardiff £44,460 55772 25/08/2004 £99,831
Motive8 provides an innovative, imaginitive and integrated package of services aimed at challenging, inspiring and motivating Cardiff's hardest to
help young people. Juxtaposing outdoor and sporting activities with more traditional, academic learning and worthwhile work experience enables
young people to move towards or into the labour market.
5 1 RNID Cymru Advancing Communication Service £66,806 54612 07/01/2003 £148,566
The project will develop further the earlier Communication Training Projects delivered in Wales to sole traders/SMEs in the specialist
Communication Service industry. It will allow the communication training infrastructure to develop to the higher NVQ 3 and 4 Levels, and
promote employment opportunities where beneficiaries can balance work and home commitments.
2 1 RNID Cymru Pathways to Social Inclustion £43,539 54606 07/01/2003 £97,704
The project aims to build the capacity of deaf community groups and individuals within the East of Wales to engage and participate in community
development projects. Informal training will be delivered in the community to raise confidence and motivation, improve basic & key skills and
develop management skills
4 1 RNID Cymru Cymru Communication Phase 3 £206,894 57380 27/01/2006 £460,416
An East Wales project assissting SME's in the specialist communication service industry to up-skills and increase their competitiveness. Business
development and professional training will be provided to NVQ standard for Sign Language Interpreters, Sign Language Tutors, Electronic Note
Takers and Communication Support Workers.
3 1 RNID Cymru Sensory Alliance £166,154 57419 10/02/2006 £369,301
The project will deliver advice, guidance and a range of job-ready initiatives to 180 sensory impaired people. These activities will be
complemented by employer-focussed work promoting the target group as a valuable human resource as well as developing an 'employment
placing' service and promoting opportunities for 'disabled entrepreneurs'.
3 2 RNID London E Wales Opportunities for All £54,595 54752 03/11/2003 £122,996
The project will offer an integrated package of support that will include advice, guidance and training to 108 deaf and head of hearing (hoh)
people living across East Wales. It will assist them to develop their skills, access learning and employment opportunities, and compete effectively
in the labour market.
4 2 RNID London Advancing Commuication Services £73,571 53400 10/06/2002 £164,052
A pan East Wales project assisting predominantly female run SMEs/sole traders in the specialist communication service industry to upskill, and
increase their competitiveness. Business development and professional training will be provided: 20 Sign Language interpreters (NVQ 3-4), 20
sign tutors (NVQ 3), 15 Electronic notetakers (NVQ 2), 16 lipspeakers (NVQ 2).
2 2 RNID London Pathways to Social Inclusion £54,008 53411 14/05/2002 £126,550
Capacity building for community groups of deafened or profoundly deaf people excluded from learning, training and employment; includes the
development of group and individual skills, as well as measures to assist with extending and developing their community voice and increasing
involvement in local economic development.
2 1 RNID London E Wales ELSP £87,122 53403 10/06/2002 £193,609
A Pan East Wales integrated employment project assisting deaf and hard of hearing people to compete effectively in the labour market. Provides
1:1 needs analysis, guidance, action planning, work experience and employer focused work, as well as jobsearch, IT and/or basic skills training
to assist clients to secure and retain work.
2 1 RNID London E.Wales ELSP £52,557 53310 10/06/2002 £116,794
A pan East Wales Integrated employment project assisting deaf and hard of hearing people to compete effectively in the labour market. Provides
1:1 needs analysis, guidance, action planning, work experience and employer focused work, as well as jobsearch, IT and/or basic skills training
to assist clients to secure and retain work.
2 2 RNID London Deaf Community Development £32,162 53315 10/06/2002 £88,433
Capacity building for small local organisations of profoundly and severely deaf people who are excluded from learning, training and employment:
confidence building and skills development help with integration in economic and civic life.
4 2 RNID London RNID Cymru Communication 2 £47,253 53337 10/06/2002 £105,007
A pan East Wales project assisting predominately female SMEs/sole traders in the specialist communication service industry to upskill and
increase their competitiveness. Business development and professional training will be provided: 12 Sign Language interpreters (NVQ3-4), 6 sign
tutors (NVQ3), 13 Electronic notetakers (NVQ2), 8 lipspeakers (NVQ2).
1 3 Safer Cardiff Ltd ReStart Mentoring Project (RMP) £35,851 55765 28/01/2005 £79,669
RMP works with school non-attenders (yrs 7-8) in Ely, Cardiff. This project targets 48 yr 9's in addition. RMP links these young people back into
education via basic skills tutoring, matching with mentors and access to appropriate provision. It also improves self-esteem and confidence.
3 1 Scarman Trust CALL - Cardiff £23,892 53781 11/06/2002 £53,216
It will provide a trained pool of volunteers that will support a network of 15 local community access points to lifelong learning, both on-line and
on site, serving and owned by 15 communities, who are marginalised and face many barriers to learning.
3 1 Scarman Trust Switch £41,500 57368 19/01/2006 £94,519
A community project, involving a partnership of 15 groups, aiming to overcome barriers to learning amongs some of Cardiff's most marginilised
communities by providing a coordinated learning programme with its own tutors at up to 15 community venues. Each venue equipped with latest
IT facilities and internet access.
3 2 Scope Cymru WORLD £75,100 53410 14/05/2002 £167,562
The project aims to contribute to increasing the knowledge base of individuals and a wider audience on environmental awareness through the
provision of recycling.
2 1 Scope Cymru T O R C £117,218 55792 23/06/2004 £260,485
This project offers disabled and disadvantaged people access to basic skills training and work based learning. The project offers a range of
opportunities and learning activities to improve basic literacy, numeracy and I.T. skills allied to an actual social enterprise in recycling community
waste products supported by the local community.
2 1 Scope Cymru Aspirations £44,659 54841 28/05/2003 £99,314
The project will develop structured mechanisms through which empowerment and self-development will be pivotal. Working with existing local
provision, the project will deliver outreach facilities for disabled and disadvantage groups. It will operate from community information points at
specific community localities.
4 2 SCT (UK) Ltd SE Wales Adult Training £122,208 54654 26/11/2002 £315,135
The project will provide training to employed beneficiaries over the age of 25 in the skills relevant to the needs of local companies and
anticipated labour market demand to increase capacity and the productivity of the manufacturing workforce and help prevent an increase in
inactivity within South East Wales.
1 2 Siren Welsh Woodlands & Woodworking £106,985 53737 11/06/2002 £241,080
An intermediate labour market project on partnership with Coed Cymru, we aim to provide paid employment and training to the long-term
unemployed in Powys while they gain valuable work experience in a true working environment. The ILM will manufacture a range of furniture
made from sustainable woodlands.
3 1 Siren Wood Work Shop - phase 3 £116,622 57374 21/02/2006 £259,160
This third stage of our project is all about capacity building our beneficiaries, raising their qualifications and skill levels in such a way as to
secure the longterm future of th project whist allowing the ILM part of the business to continue assisting those furthest from mainstream
employment and training.
1 1 Siren Wood Work Shop Phase 2 £53,854 57354 12/01/2006 £135,535
SIREN's 'Wood Work Shop' is an intermediate labour market operation in Brecon. Whilst we offer our beneficiaries/employees the chance to
work, train and develop their skills we also manafacture a range of hardwood products which we aim to sell in order to secure the long-term
future of the initiative.
5 1
SNAP Cymru Special Needs
Advisory Project Wales
SNAP Cardiff £36,740 53719 13/05/2002 £81,825
The SNAP Cardiff project aims to recruit, train and support volunteers to provide an Independent Parental support service to families/careers for
children with Special education Needs. The target group for recruitment will be families, women in particular, who find it hard to access learning
because of their caring role.
5 1
SNAP Cymru Special Needs
Advisory Project Wales
Independent Parental Supporter £38,746 53913 25/06/2002 £87,179
The Project will recruit, train and support volunteers to provide an Independent Parental Supporter service to families/carers of children who
have, or may have, special educational needs. Target group for recruitment will be families, women in particular, who find it difficult to access
learning because of their caring role.
2 1
SNAP Cymru Special Needs
Advisory Project Wales
Snap Cymru - Powys £15,698 54098 23/09/2002 £34,962
To train a team of individuals to deliver a local service of support and information to families of children with special educational needs. The
project will empower the individuals by greatly enhancing their skills and development. Many of the participants will be marginalised and
disadvantaged from learning and employment opportunities.
5 1
SNAP Cymru Special Needs
Advisory Project Wales
IPS Newport £49,289 54994 30/07/2004 £112,481
The project will recruit, train and support volunteers to provide an Independent Parental Supporter service to families/carers of children who
have, or may have, special educational needs. Target group for recruitment will be families, women in particular, who find it difficult to access
learning because of their caring role.
5 1
SNAP Cymru Special Needs
Advisory Project Wales
IPS The Vale £48,839 55890 18/10/2004 £108,819
The project will recruit, train and support volunteers to provide an Independant Parental Supporter service to families/carers of children who
have, special educational needs. Target group for recruitment will be families, women in particular, who find it difficult to access learning
because of their caring role.
2 2 SOVA Cymru/Wales SOVA WALES CAPACITY BUILDING £50,463 53374 27/05/2002 £112,165
The project will build the capacity of voluntary and community organisations to provide high quality Mentoring support services to unemployed
people, those with substance misuse problems, offenders and others who are at risk of social exclusion in East Wales.
2 1 St Christophers School TEST Project £63,634 55376 20/09/2004 £142,235
The TEST Project - TRansition to Employment, Socialization and Training provides clearly defined, accredited and supported transitional pathways
for young people 16+ with a 'Statement of Special Educational Need', to make informed decisions about their future inclusions into either further
education, open or sheltered employment.
3 2 St Davids Catholic College Transferable Skills £152,829 53530 13/05/2002 £341,113
This project will increase the amount of time that Lifelong Learning Tutors can devote to individual student needs during the processes of
environment, induction, guidance and skills auditing tto promote retention and completion of courses. Lifelong Learning skills will be acquired
through the acquisition of a careers qualificaton.
3 2 St Davids Catholic College Family/Adult Education £10,071 53469 13/05/2002 £22,382
The Family Education project is to be located in outreach centres during the primary school day for parents and other unemployed adults who are
to be offered the opportunity to obtain an IT Key Skill qualification and access to Career Paths for guidamce on further training and employment.
3 1 TAPS (Cymru) Writer Development for Wales £235,864 56732 07/03/2007 £524,158
TAPS, a UK Company limited by guarantee, finds, trains and nurtures new writers for film and television. TAPS Cymru targets individuals who
might not consider writing training for employment. TAPS Cymru will run drama workshops in 3 regions of East Wales (Objective 3 area).
Showcases are recorded at BBC Cymru.
4 4 The Beacon Trust Business Supporting Brecon Beacons £95,009 53390 11/06/2002 £259,351
Development of the Beacons Trust as a business support leader in the Brecon Beacons and the implementation of anew grass-roots led business
support programme.
4 2 The CADCENTRE (UK) LTD e-skills Tech for East Wales £267,900 53404 11/06/2002 £597,527
This project is to help SME's that specialise in Servicing Electronic Systems to become more competitive by increasing the skills, knowledge and
adaptability of its workforce. In particular to help older workers with out of date skills progress to the new digital and networking technology.
4 1 The CADCENTRE (UK) LTD Technical ICT Skills East Wales £270,000 57421 10/02/2006 £600,000
This project will provide technical ICT based skills and nationally recognised qualifications at level 2 and 3 for employed beneficiaries in East
Wales. Training and skills cover the using, configuring, installing and maintaining of computer based systems.
2 1 The Dyslexia Institute Second Chance £39,462 53963 29/04/2002 £96,216
Providing specific multi-sensory, structured and cumulative tutoring for adults with specific learning difficulties - dyslexia or severely low literacy
skills. Specific training and educational input with tutoring plan tailored to each attendee's ability. Developing learning, reading, spelling and
study skills and use of computers.
2 3 The Senses Trust Monmouthshire Homeworkers Network £123,689 54738 18/09/2003 £291,974
The Charity wishes to create a Home-workers Group providing well paid jobs and extra income together with vocational and non-vocational skills
based training and access to support agencies to the socially excluded in their homes or at convenient local public places
4 4 Total Music Wales Co-Op Ltd Total Music Wales £206,490 54105 13/05/2002 £477,040
A co-operative of SMEs for the promotion, distribution and marketing of music/recordings. An organisation to assist and co-ordinated & train
SMEs in Wales who wish to expand or set up a business enterprise in the music industry and associated creative business field
4 1
Tourism Training Forum
Best Practice in Tourism £141,258 57393 27/01/2006 £354,922
To improve competitiveness of small tourism businesses through an innovative co-ordinated approach that will identify, disseminate and share
best practice in human resource development.
4 1
Tourism Training Forum
Integrating Learning in Tourism £94,780 57398 27/01/2006 £237,776
The aim is to facilitate and deliver a high quality people development programme by identifying and implementing learning and developing skills
that relate to initiatives in tourism quality, specifically for tourism and related SME's. Building on the foundations of the Powys Anticipation
project we will address human resource development issues.
2 1 Track 2000 Track Vision £86,529 56119 01/10/2004 £194,490
To provide an Out Reach provision for individuals that have barriers to employment. To provide a drop in and outreach service, offering basic
skills, mentoring, support with employment development. Also, training and qualifications to meet their needs, these will include both
occupational and vocational training at all levels.
3 1 Ufi Ltd Cymru TELL Target Lifelong Learning EW £178,092 53347 27/05/2002 £395,767
The project will drive the demand for learning. It will deliver local targeted promotional activity within a strategic partnership supported by a
mass media campaign. It will also give information to new people entering learning and especially e-learning.
4 1 UKHCA Ltd Building Skills in Homecare £193,058 57385 27/01/2006 £429,971
The project will engage SME employers in the independent sector of homecare in East Wales and develop workforce plans and brokerage to meet
the skills needs of the organisation and their staff.
3 2 University of Glamorgan Credit Union Management 2 £130,883 54308 22/10/2002 £290,852
This project will deliver an accredited HNC/Foundation course in Credit Union Studies to approximately 150 current and potentially employees /
volunteers of credit unions throughout the Objective 3 area.
4 5 University of Glamorgan GEM Wales Obj 3 £236,224 56006 20/06/2005 £541,488
The Project aims to expand the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor to a Local Authority based level in order to understand the local dynamics of
entrepreneurship and how this links to the skills requirements of entrepreneurs and the learning needs of growth firms.
3 1
University of Wales College
Gateways to Learning £414,188 56102 28/10/2005 £920,418
The project improves the library system, offering integrated on-line access to the resources of the public and academic libraries across the Five
Counties of SE Wales. Beneficiaries with a 'Learning Passport' access, advice on learning and employment, accreditation in 'Information Literacy';
a new virtual learning environment in a distinctive setting.
5 1
University of Wales College
Reaching Up £256,253 56103 01/10/2004 £569,452
Reaching Upwill target specific Newport communities - Tredegar Park, Bettws, Somerton and Alway, Liswerry, Ringland and the Old Barn estate-
to encourage women and lone parents to participate in community research. Results will be personal development, increased confidence, raised
aspirations and continued study in further or higher education.
2 1
University of Wales College
Chess2 £181,871 56195 01/10/2004 £404,159
Chess2 will offer transparent progression routes into education, vocational training or employment via health, exercise, and outdoor pursuits
courses for excluded groups in Newport. Focussing on those facing mulitple disadvantage, it will first build confidence and raise aspirations then
raise skills levels and increase employability.
4 4
University of Wales College
County of Enterprise £69,758 54975 14/07/2003 £174,394
In partnership with local organisations, this project will facilitate a series of innovative rurally based enterprise activities relevant to the needs of
Monmouthshire and attractive to under-represented groups. It will encourage entrepreneurial behaviour and to increase awareness of and active
participation in business creation, promoting Monmouthshire as an Enterprise county.
4 4
University of Wales College
City of Enterprise £87,192 54957 05/11/2003 £195,541
Building on the success of the 2002 Newport Festival of Enterprise, this project, through a partnership approach, will embrace different sections
of the community and traditionally under represented groups to run a series of innovative, interactive, fun packed activities which aim to increase
public awareness and active participation in entrepreneurship
5 1
University of Wales College
CHILL £141,359 54480 26/11/2002 £315,507
Partnership delivery of community based education, addressing barriers to inclusion identified in the Index of Multiple Deprivation (core
underemployment and underachievement, high dependency on benefits, low incomes, social deprivation and isolation) aimed at increasing
confidence, aspirations and motivation amongst disadvantaged women in the Alway and Ringland area of Newport.
4 4
University of Wales College
Business & Ent. Development £108,271 54101 11/07/2002 £240,603
A postgraduate 'Diploma in Enterprise' qualification to be offered across all subject areas targeted at 30 graduates from the Newport and
Monmouthshire areas, aimed at providing an understanding of entrepreneurial activities, enhancing and developing their knowledge, skills and
attitudinal base, and provide bursary support for graduates undertaking the modules.
3 2
University of Wales College
CHESS £126,573 53916 13/05/2002 £291,781
Innovative delivery of multi-level learning offering progression routes to HE in Sport, Health and Exercise Science which will address barriers to
participation in lifelong learning for 155 non-traditional learners from educationally disadvantaged communities within Newport, and widen
access to re-entry to education or the job market.
4 2
University of Wales College
QUEST CIEH Courses for SMEs £3,139 53744 14/05/2002 £6,984
Delivery of short courses to 200 SME employees in Newport to provide deucation in sustainable development. The project will assist SMEs in th
eachievement EMAs and/or ISO 14001 environmental standards, thereby improving their competitiveness in supply chains to larger companies
and enable SMEs to participate in Environmental management systems and schemes.
3 1
University of Wales College
CD ROM O3 £398,254 56798 02/09/2005 £885,009
CD ROM (Community Development through RISE Operational Management) provides capacity to support partnership working in the learner-
centred RISE Network of community and workplace centres in SE Wales. It develops new learner and tutor support structures, curriculum and ICT
learning initiatives to drive community regeneration.
3 1
University of Wales College
Newport Learning Communities £400,544 57361 19/01/2006 £890,099
The project provides progression opportunities into Higher Education to disadvantaged communities in Newport, offering FE and HE learning
opportunities in community settings and a personal development programme to help groups of learners raise and pursue their aspirations. Access
to education and qualifications is provided in ways which meet learners' needs.
4 2
University of Wales Institute
Spice III Regional Bid (CVNM) £100,570 55064 06/01/2004 £241,369
SPICE III (Continuation project) delivers bespoke flexible training locally, at times to suit beneficiaries, thus promoting participation. SPICE III
encourages learning at a range of levels, leading to formal appropriate accreditation. SPICE III creates dynamic networking and promotes
destination development through local tourism sector clusters and developing key market propositions between clusters.
4 2
University of Wales Institute
UPSKILL £104,561 54923 03/11/2003 £242,725
This regional project is aimed at SME's and voluntary organisations in the local boroughs if Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan, and Newport. UPSKILL
will provide- ICT Training and personal development training at no cost to the organisation.
4 5
University of Wales Institute
BESTBET £81,529 55318 18/10/2004 £181,376
BESTBET provides sector research building capacity in Southeast Wales supporting Business Event Tourism (BET)ET by benchmarking industry
standards and analysing best practice and public sector support initiatives relating to business/skills development for BET. BESTBET establishes
benchmarks for BET activity and Disseminate best practice through four regional events.
3 2 UWIC SPICE II (Vale of Glamorgan) £52,504 53914 27/05/2002 £116,930
SPICEII (Vale of Glamorgan) follows on from one of three measures (NEAT, WAVE and SPICE) previously approved in 1999, for the support of
human resource development for individuals employed in the tourism industry in the Vale of Glamorgan, which are co-ordinated in partnership
between UWIC and ELWa.
3 1 UWIC The 'LEAD' project £30,225 53321 10/06/2002 £67,208
The 'LEAD' (Learning Education Accreditation Development) project will build a learning consortium between Higher Education, Further
Education, the Open College Network and Community Education. The consortium will create learning networks between voluntary organisations
and business-training providers in order to develop a single credit based qualification framework for business education/voluntary sector.
2 3 UWIC UWIC LEARNING DEVELOPMENT UNIT £60,812 53408 13/05/2002 £138,364
The UWIC Learning Development Unit (LDU) will raise the economic profile of the social economy for the Vale of Glamorgan. Developing the
social economy, co-operative production and mutuality into the economic mainstream.
3 1 UWIC BALL Unit £84,547 53500 08/05/2002 £191,175
The development of a Business Action and Lifelong Learning BALL would play an important part in extending the social and economic growth of
the Vale of Glamorgan area, especially via the development of widening participation programmes and education and training initiatives,
focussed predominantly on the needs of adult returners.
3 1 UWIC LEAD Cardiff-Continuation Bid £42,415 53635 20/05/2002 £101,163
The project aims to establish a learning, Education, Accreditation, Development (LEAD) unit in Cardiff, that will widen participation in lifelong
learning and support the development of new or improved guidance and learning systems.
1 1 UWIC Env Risk Mgt for the Unemployed £22,666 53544 10/06/2002 £90,305
The project has been developed to ensure local SMEs are able to recruit employees with the skills, knowledge and technical expertise to identify
and manage current and future environmental and occupational health and safety challenges from within the local labour market.
3 1 UWIC LEAD Project - Continuation Bid £49,684 53554 11/06/2002 £116,118
The project aims to establish a Learning, Education, Accreditation, Development (LEAD) unit in the Vale, that will widen participation in lifelong
learning and support the development of new or improved guidance and learning systems. The project will also help underpin the Vale of
Glamorgan CCET.
4 1 UWIC UPSKILL Continuation £195,449 57422 10/02/2006 £436,131
The project will aim to remove barriers to learning for employees of SMEs and Voluntary Organisations in Objective 3 areas Newport, Cardiff,
Vale of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire. The project will improve skill levels and increase employability through filly-funded short courses in
transfereable skills sucj as Communication Skills, ICT and Management skills.
2 2
Vale Council for Voluntary
Services (VCVS)
VCVS Capacity Building Project £58,230 53470 30/04/2002 £164,069
The project will develop the capacity of voluntary and community organisations and groups in the Vale of Glamorgan through training,
information and links with other voluntary , private and public organisations.
2 2
Vale Council for Voluntary
Services (VCVS)
VCVS Capacity Building Project £82,215 54371 26/11/2002 £209,499
The project will develop the capacity of voluntary and community organisations and groups in the Vale of Glamorgan through funding advice,
information and links with other voluntary, private and public organisations.
2 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Women on the Move £57,517 54885 11/09/2003 £130,365
The project offers women returners access to free, high quality, flexible community based learning opportunities. A rolling programme of tasters,
accrediting modules and individual support and guidance will help them to develop skills, experiences and confidence to break down the many
barriers they face to more formal learning and employment.
2 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Extending Entitlement £94,809 54819 30/07/2004 £210,702
This project aims to reduce the numbers of people in the Vale who are at a disadvantage in the labour market and who are often excluded from
learning and employment. Training will be sought and provided for people with learning difficulties, disabilities, youth offenders, pregnant
teenagers and young parents.
1 3
Vale of Glamorgan County
Passport to Life £267,424 56141 27/10/2004 £631,716
An alternative curriculum programme, within Passport to Life (OCN accredited) framework, delivered in Penarth, Barry, Llantwit for disengaged
young people, aged 14-16, with multi-option vocational programme at Barry College. Aiming to reengage them in education to support their
transfer to the labour market.
1 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Job Shop Extra £51,835 53290 30/04/2002 £116,256
Job Shop Extra is a local drop-in job search support project offering local newly unemployed people the opportunity to improve employability
skills leading to a rapid return to the labour market and encouraging acquisition of key skills with progression to other training providers as
appropriate and continuing lifelong learning.
1 3
Vale of Glamorgan County
VOG Alternative Curriculum £107,734 53927 26/11/2002 £239,411
To Broaden the alternative curriculum through creating additional opportunities for pupils beneficiaries to pursue additional vocational
programmes outside school, and to provide monitoring and mentoring support to enable the pupils to succeed.
6 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Vale of Glamorgan Technical Assistance £18,338 54248 25/10/2002 £40,752
The Vale of Glamorgan will undertake the role of the lead body for the Vale of Glamorgan Partnership and in doing so will undertake functions on
behalf of WEFO
4 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Basic Skills for the Workplace £93,841 57390 27/01/2006 £208,537
This project will engage employees of 30 local SMEs in workplace learning activities which will be designed to assess their basic skills needs,
devise an action plan for each client group, improve their functional literace, numeracy and ICT skills, with on-going support, mentoring and
progression as appropriate for each learner.
3 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Widening Participation £101,832 57364 19/01/2006 £226,298
The project will engage the widest partnership of learning providers and referral agencies, and new and existing centres with community learning
potential to implement a high quality, integrated, local learning network across the Vale where learning and guidance opportunities are easily
1 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Basic Skills for the Unemployed £93,866 57356 12/01/2006 £208,592
The collaborative project between jobcentre plus and local training providers will engage the long-term unemployed who have basic skills needs
by assessing those needs, action planning, making quality learning provision available in literacy, numeracy and ICT, and mentoring them to
ensure worthwhile outcomes, including approved qualifications.
6 1
Vale of Glamorgan County
Vale of Glamorgan Partnership £40,721 57254 14/10/2005 £90,495
V of G Council will undertake the role of lead body for the V of G European Partnership and in doing so will undertake the following functions on
behalf of WEFO: · Provide administrative support to for the V of G European Partnership and any subsidiary groups forming part of the
Partnership · Offer advice and guidance at a local level to potential applicants in regard to the local action plan · Publicise the Programme in the
local area · Liaison with the Regional and other Local Partnerships to discuss Action Plan / project development and assessment · In partnership
with WEFO, ensure jointly agreed assessment procedures are adhered to, that all sectors are involved · Liaison with WEFO on Local Action Plan
progress including project appraisal processes and project development through to final approval
1 3
Vale of Glamorgan Training
Association Ltd
Vale Pathway to Employment £5,872 53461 13/05/2002 £13,050
This project will help young people aged 16 and 17 years of age who have been, or are in danger of finding themselve excluded from training
and employment.
5 2 Venture ESF Womens Inclusion Project £20,693 53447 13/05/2002 £47,375
The ESF Women's Inclusion project will work with young women 11= years and single parents/unemployed women 16= years on a project which
incorporates education. training and retraining with issue based work such as personal decelopments, project work, highlighting inequality and
discrimination, challenging socially constructed barriers and traditional expectations of women.
1 3 Venture Alternative Curriculum Project £41,457 53379 27/05/2002 £92,936
The Venture's "ESF Alternative Curriculum Project" will provide alternative educational provision, intense personal one-to-one support, guidance
and training to young people aged 13+ who are, or have experienced disaffection with mainstream education provision and who reside in the
Caia Park estate of Wrexham.
5 2 Venture ESF Womens Project £17,569 53825 27/05/2002 £39,651
The ESF Womens inclusion project will work with young women, single woman, single parents, unemployed women aged 16+ on a project that
incorporates education. training and retraining with issue based work such as personal development, project work, highlighting inequality and
discrimination, challenging socially constructed barriers and traditional expectations of women.
5 2 Venture Women's Inclusion Project 03 £22,300 54632 25/11/2003 £50,776
The project aims to work with 20 women from the Caia Park Area of Wrexham, offering a variety of new skills, educationally based sessions to
employment opportunities, which will challenge gender specific stereotypes, reinforced by society. One of the core elements of the project is to
increase beneficiaries self esteem.
1 3 Venture ESF Alternative Curriculum Project £55,670 56751 11/07/2007 £123,989
The ESF Youth Development project will offer support, advice and guidance to young people struggling within education, those struggling with
the transition into the labour market and long term unemployed young people. It will provide access to education, training and employment
opportunities for these young people.
2 2 Victim Support South Wales Catalyst £122,794 55279 30/06/2004 £405,000
To create a training infrastructure to support and develop the skills and enhance the delivery of training to beneficiaries who work with victims of
crime by: a) Producing training modules, targeted to NVQ. b) Generating accreditation measures and qualifications. c) Facilitating progression. d)
Developing capacity with beneficiaries developing transferable skills.
5 1 Victim Support South Wales Alturism £117,011 55396 30/07/2004 £331,474
This project will create the training infrastructure and support network to enhance the prospects for further training and or employment for
beneficiaries by: (a) Producing NVQ training modules. (b) Generating accreditation measures.
1 1 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) Social Enterpreneurship Skills £131,315 55292 23/02/2004 £292,054
This project will support skills training to sustain a new, dynamic local social firms. It will provide structured approaches to personal and skills
development for disabled and disadvantaged people and will support those who are at risk of long-term unemployment.
2 1 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) Vision 21 Cyfle Cymru 03-04 £236,090 54608 07/01/2003 £940,816
Vision 21 provides employment training for 120 people that have a disability in South East Wales. Training is delivered in 'real' work settings.
Our projects include cafes, garden centres, retail outlet, industrial pottery, carpentry workshops. The projects offer a range of opportunities
including job tasters and supported employment.
2 1 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) £97,810 53364 28/05/2002 £307,294
VISION 21 provides employment training for people that have a disability. Training is delivered in'real' work settings. Our projects include a cafe,
garden centre, retain outlet. industrial pottery, carpentry workshop. The projects offer a reange of opportunities including job tasters, work
experience and supported employment.
2 1 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) 01-02 £215,418 53450 14/05/2002 £685,710
VISION 21 provides employment training for people that have a disability. Training is delivered in 'real' work settings. Our projects include a
cafe, garden centre, retail outlet, industrial pottery, carpentry workshop. The projects offer a range of opportunities including job tasters, work
experience and supported employment.
1 3 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) £73,358 53591 28/05/2002 £230,451
VISION21 produces employment training for people that have a disability. Training is delivered in 'real' work settings. Our projects incluse a cafe,
garden centre, retail outlet, industrial pottery, carpentry workshop. The projects offer a range of opportunities including job tasters, work
experience and supported employment.
3 1 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) 06-08 £295,455 56759 23/08/2006 £997,119
Vision 21 provides employment traiing for 120 people that have a disbility in South East Wales. Training is delivered in real work settings. Our
project include cafes, garden centres, retail outlet, industrial pottery, carpentry workshops. The project offer a range of lifelong learning
opportunities including job tasters and supported employment.
2 3 VISION 21 (CYFLE CYMRU) Blue Hills - Enterprise For All £96,076 56725 06/12/2005 £242,752
A project manager will build and maintain training & work opportunities through partnership working with Newport City Council, Vision 21 &
Community Resources. Thereby moving away from traditional day services to a model involving Social Enterprises, Education & LifeLong
Learning. Initially the project will be in Catering & Horticulture.
2 1 VOG Provider Services Sorted £81,683 56081 28/01/2005 £206,997
This project will establish training and guidance for people with a learning disability in the world of work. We will be assisting 24 people who
had formerly used a traditional day service into a training opportunity that is integrated into the local community.
2 2 Voluntary Action Cardiff volutary action cardiff £85,436 53465 14/05/2002 £215,026
Voluntary Cardiff Action Cardiff (VAC) supports local groups to engage in regeneration strategies for their areas. VAC will provide them with the
capacity to engage with statutory partners more effectively and potentially skill them up to access the ESF funds to improve the social economic
and environmental conditions within their own communities
5 1 VT Training Chance in Hospitality £285,898 56796 30/03/2007 £636,710
Targeting 335 females 25+ across the Objective 3 area who started employment late due to care commitments, providing a new chance to gain
relevant skills that assist progression and promoting an even footing with those who entered the sector at an earlier age in relation to pay,
promotion and opportunity.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Toolkit £93,748 56684 27/07/2005 £208,498
The project will provide training and mentoring to community groups in the social economy throughout Powys to develop the capacity and skills
base of the individuals involved. This will in turn promote greater by all sectors of the community in determining priorities at a local level.
5 1 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SME Equality £999,999 57405 30/01/2006 £2,222,222
This unique Project will work with businesses across Wales to develop examples of good practice in equal opportunities. It will break down
barriers to employment that people from excluded groups can face, by developing and implementing equality and employment policies with the
company to combat discrimination at all levels
5 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SME Equality £273,060 53444 10/06/2002 £915,578
This unique project will promote attitudinal change in 110 SMEs in East Wales and counteract disadvantage, by encouraging companies to
address Equality issues and recruit women and others from those sections of the workforce which have previously been excluded by covert
inequality of treatment.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Toolkit £53,544 53511 29/04/2002 £118,989
The project will provide training and mentoring to community groups in the social economy throughout Powys to develop the capacity and skills
base of the individuals involved. This will promote greater involvement by all sectors of the community in determining priorities at a local level.
5 2 WAG - DEIN (WDA) SME Equality £237,792 54609 18/12/2002 £622,155
This unique project will work with businesses across Wales to develop examples of good practice in equal opportunities. It will break down
barriers to employment that people from excluded groups can face by developing and implementing equality policies with the company to
combat discrimination at all levels.
4 4 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Strategy for Entrepreneurship £549,795 54610 14/07/2003 £1,834,597
The project will support Further Education Institutions and Higher Education Institutions in the Objective 3 area of Wales to: Implement an
Entrepreneurship Strategy; Develop and share training and education resources for students; Provide advice and guidance to graduate
entrepreneurs; support continuing professional development for educators of entrepreneurship.
4 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) KEF - A Strategy for Innovation £782,968 54605 22/09/2003 £2,906,584
To support all Further and Higher Education Institutions in the Objective 3 area to commercialise and transfer their knowledge and technological
expertise to SMEs.
2 3 WAG - DEIN (WDA) Community Regeneration Toolkit £84,424 54397 26/11/2002 £187,614
The project will provide training and mentoring to existing an newly emerging community groups in the social economy throughout Powys to
develop the capacity and skills base of the individuals involved. This will in turn promote greater involvement by all sectors of the Community in
determining priorities at the local level.
4 1 WAG - DEIN (WTB) Tourism Training for Wales (TTFW) £52,429 53371 10/06/2002 £116,509
The Project is to set up an independent Tourism Training Forum for Wales. To facilitate the Forum undertaking the following activities; research
into HRD issues and management development needs; development of; dissemination of Good Practice, IIP, communicating the
importance of HRD to small/micro tourism businesses.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) KEF Training and Consultancy £538,353 53327 11/06/2002 £1,196,341
Delivered by the four career companies operating in East Wales, this project seeks to provide enhanced assessment, mentoring and ongoing
confidence building and next steps support to those young people who have entered the labour market, at a key cross roads in their entry into
further learning/labour market.
4 5 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Future Skills Wales 2000 £37,957 53331 27/05/2002 £90,228
Strategic research studies and highly focussed dissemination activities which continue to inform individuals and organisations throughout the
objective three area of the current and future skills required by the economy of Wales at a national, regionall and local level and to evaluate
previous resrarch work under the Future Skills Wales banners.
4 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) KEF Entrepreneurship £391,291 53332 10/06/2002 £869,537
The Knowledge Exploitation Fund (KEF) will support the development of an entrepreneurial culture in Higher and Further Education by: (1)
employing entrepreneurship champions who will carry out entrepreneurship audits and develop an entrepreneurial strategy for each institution,
(2) providing enterprise scholarships and (3) develop/deliver training programmes to implement the entrepreneurship strategy.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Innovating Success £4,495 53425 27/05/2002 £12,158
To run innovation Workshops for SMEs in Mid Wales, enabling them to consistantly innovate in order to gain competiteve advantage.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Managing Farms with IT £194,750 53559 29/04/2002 £599,417
Across the objective 3 area, the IT and analytical skills of 1562 farmers will be developed to enable improved business competitiveness and
productivity through access to critical management information. Identified skills gaps will be addressed and small locally owned businesses will
be assisted in a key regional industrial sector.
4 4 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) KEF Entrepreneurship £301,946 53570 30/04/2002 £780,192
The Knowledge Exploition Fund (KEF) will support the development of an entrepreneurial culture in Higher and Further Education by: 1.
employing Entrepreneurship Champions who will carry out entrepreneurship audits and develop an entrepreneurship strategy for each institution
2. providing enterprise scholarship and 3. develop/deliver training programmes to implement the entrepreneurship strategy
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) KEF Training and Consultancy £422,819 53577 29/04/2002 £956,519
The project will enable further and higher education institutions to build up a varied and extensive portfolio of commercial training and to
increase their customer base for workplace training. KEF will realise the potential of institutional staff to respond to the needs of industry
particularly SME and supply chain companies.
4 5 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Future Skills Wales 2003 £151,717 54320 26/11/2002 £593,274
This project aims to inform individuals and organisations, via a series of integrated strategic studies and highly focussed dissemination activities,
of the current and future generic transferable skills required by employers in Wales at a national, regional and local level. This will enable
effective planning and resource allocation.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Winning Managers £5,265 54132 28/05/2002 £11,702
To increase the economic potential and service quality of the tourism sector in Mid Wales by improving the skills of managers and employees
inthe tourism industry.
1 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) E Wales Redundancy Action Fund £1,195,151 54099 13/05/2002 £2,760,167
The project will address problems caused in the Objective 3 area by job losses through redundancy in Objective 3 companies. Early notification
of workers being made redundant will start the process of skills needs assessment and provision of training support packages to facilitate the
earliest possible recruitment with identified growth companies.
HRD Partnership Objective 3 Technical Assistance -
£57,072 54689 22/04/2003 £126,828
HRD Partnership Objective 3 Technical Assistance
3 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Capacity-Credit Framework O3 £210,516 54764 11/09/2003 £467,814
To build capacity for the Credit and Qualifications Framework with the main Awarding Bodies operating in the East Wales Obj 3 programme area,
in order to ascribe and award credit values to learning programmes, resulting in the support of learning progression as explicitly set out in the
OP Policy Context Ch4
1 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Work Based Learning for Adults £1,983,810 54920 22/12/2004 £4,408,467
Work Based learning for Adults (WBLA) assists unemployed people aged over 25 to secure and sustain employment through a programme of
guidance, work experience and training towards approved qualifications
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Managing Farms with IT Obj 3 £540,000 56058 20/09/2004 £1,200,000
ICT and Management Skills for 900 farmers will be further developed and delivered across the Objective 3 area to improve business
competitiveness and productivity. Key skills gaps will be both identified and addressed to increase the business effectiveness of small to medium
locally owned farms.
4 3 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Modern Skills Diploma (MSD) £928,380 55317 22/12/2004 £2,063,067
MSDA is designed to meet the needs of employers and learners of Wales. This project will expand the existing MSDA scheme to enable an
increased number of employed persons over the age of 25, to improve their skills and knowledge primarily at level 4.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) FMA + Obj 3 £2,927,911 57394 27/01/2006 £6,506,472
FMA provides individuals with skills at level 2 required to progress within their current employment or gain higher level employment. To
complement NC- ELWa's Basic skills Strategy, FMA will remove the age restriction of 16-24 allowing access to those over 25 requiring essential
skills learning as a pre-requisite to an FMA.
4 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) MA+ Obj3 £2,900,191 57391 27/01/2006 £6,444,870
MA Pus aims to provide skills and knowledge through work place learning at level 3. The project is required to expand the volumes possible in
the existing MA Programme including extending access to over 25 years, providing a greater range of opportunities. Technical certificates are a
new feature.
3 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) MA FMA Lifelong Learning Obj 3 £1,999,999 57418 10/02/2006 £4,444,446
This project supports learners undertaking the ELWa sponsored Modern Apprenticeship and Foundation Modern Apprenticeship programmes.
Aimed at the employed workforce, and offering needs assessment, key skills and basic skills support as required/appropriate, as well as units
towards or a full MA/FMA apprenticeship framework.
2 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) Skillbuild Phase II Obj3 £7,368,685 56722 10/02/2005 £16,374,858
Skillbuild provides young people 16-24 (majority 16-17) (some at risk of social exclusion) often lacking basic skills with motivation, and ability
to progress into further education, training or employment. It aims to do this through initial assessment, work experience/tasters, and training
towards approved qualifications.
3 1 WAG - DELLS (ELWA) ReAct (Objective 3) £2,985,566 57375 19/01/2006 £6,634,593
This project will encourage redundant and new employers to participate in lifelong learning activities and will demonstrate the merit of such
activity. It will provide an assessment of need, training support and measures to removebarriers to training which are designed to create an
environment where learning thrives
2 3 Wales Co-operative Centre Learning Through Social Economy £174,024 54754 21/05/2004 £386,722
The project will provide access to learning for the co-operative sector within the Welsh Social Economy. Opportunities for learning will be offered
to directors, employees and volunteers within the sector. The project will also target members of co-operative businesses and their communities,
providing essential skills learning through accessible, appropriate training.
2 3 Wales Co-operative Centre Crediting the Social Economy £73,167 53439 11/06/2002 £163,031
This project will develop and deliver training to individuals actively involved in key social economy enterprises, credit unions. The new skills
acquired will significantly enhance the growth of credit unions in the region through the development of individual and collective entrepreneurial
2 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Local Capacity Building £295,636 53317 27/05/2002 £682,229
This project will develop the capacity of County Voluntary Councils in their unique role dealing with local volutary organisations and community
groups.. These groups often best placed to address the needs of those excluded from the labour market and a strong support network is crucial
to their success.
2 4
Wales Council for Voluntary
Social Risk Capital £803,692 53348 28/05/2002 £1,791,834
This scheme is about supporting Social Risk-type actions which allow local groups simpleand repod access to ESF support. Therefore creating a
dynamic Third Sector marketplace bringing together co-operative and value-based models of organisation and, by developing a recognisable
sector, allowing for new entrants, innovation and success as well as risk.
2 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Vol. Sector Capacity Building £204,693 53405 20/05/2002 £454,889
The project will provide a regional framework for capacity building activities for CVC’s and other voluntary organisations who will directly
benefit, through the providing of guidance, advice and training, the target groups in Priority 2 of the Operational Plan.
6 1
Wales Council for Voluntary
Technical Assistance - All Wales Voluntary Secror Suport
£63,579 54810 11/04/2003 £141,290
The development of an all Wales Voluntary Sector Support Unit in order to make the European funding process as accessible as possible to the
voluntary sector.
2 2
Wales Council for Voluntary
Capacity Building Voluntary Sector £277,827 55034 20/10/2003 £617,395
Enhancing and expanding the East Wales CVCs capacity to deliver their services to local community and voluntary groups supporting excluded
people by focusing the key areas of the development of a common capacity building tracking database, marketing and branding services, quality
and consistency of training and inter-CVC networks and learning.
1 1
Wales Council for Voluntary
LMI Project - North East Wales £656,123 57546 19/01/2007 £1,578,183
The purpose of the project is to cmmission, comence, and support social enterprises as Labour Market Intermediates that will provide subsidised
employment for economically inactive people, and progress those people into open unsubsidised employment
2 1
Wales Pre-School Playgroup
TRAINING/CHILDCARE. GIBBONSDOWN £19,693 53458 20/05/2002 £46,334
Project will provide a range of flexible, responsive, accessible support service and pathways to employment for families in Gibbonsdown
suffering socio-economic disadvantage. Free training tailored to the needs of beneficiaries will be delivered alongside childcare, which will allow
families to take up opportunities and get on the ladder towards employment.
4 1 Wales Quality Centre Innovation Management Project EW £92,399 57378 27/01/2006 £205,332
IMP EW will support 100 owner/managers of SMEs inEast Wales to implement innovation Management strategies to improve their
competitiveness and ancourage growth through fostering innovation and continuaous improvement affactively.
3 2 Wales TUC Cymru Wales Union Learning Services £88,160 53349 28/05/2002 £199,849
This is a collaborative project led by the Wales TUC and supported by the Council of Wales TECs. The project seeks to promote cultural change to
increase access and uptake of lifelong learning by non traditional learners benefitting 250 people in East Wales - the Objective 3 area.
3 1 Wales TUC Cymru Workforce Development £162,990 54265 11/07/2002 £495,536
The project develops systems and interface between organisations involved in workforce development. It comprises a partnership between union,
employer and strategic bodies developing best practice in assessment, delivery and accreditation of workplace learning addressing vocational and
essential skills. The learning representative is central in extending opportunity to the least skilled.
1 2 Wallich Clifford Community Working with Social Exclusion £8,952 53699 30/04/2002 £19,895
A project to improve the self-confidence and self-esteem of unemployed people and to enable them to gain the skills, knowledge and experience
necessary for future employment in their chosen field.
1 2 Wallich Clifford Community Working with Social Exclusion £16,648 53380 27/05/2002 £36,996
A work experience and learning programme enabling committed individual to gain the skills and knowledge appropriate for employment in the
voluntary sector.
2 1 Wallich Clifford Community Motivational Development £67,642 53362 27/05/2002 £163,043
The Wallich Clifford Community aims to motivate homeless people to develop the skill, knowledge and confidence necessary to obtain the things
in lide that lead to respect and self-respect.
2 1 WEA South Wales ICT in the Community £60,381 53558 14/05/2002 £164,725
The project will establish community learning networks, with full outreach support in partnership with disadvantaged communities and
marginalised groups. It will develop and deliver a series of integrated ICT training packages on two levels – a basic computer course and a more
advanced ICT course
3 2 WEA South Wales New Community Learning £141,416 54916 15/10/2003 £322,311
This project will create innovative learning opportunities for people in disadvantaged communities (including the ethnic minority community of
interest) to enable participation and progression in lifelong learning, to raise aspiration, and to build self esteem and self motivated learners who
draw strength from local learner networks.
3 1 WEA South Wales New Community Learning II £215,466 57528 14/11/2006 £479,846
This project develops participation and progression in lifelong learning for people in disadvantaged communities through enhanced partnership
working, building on the project 'New Community Learning' to create confident and self-motivated learner networks.
2 2 Welfare Ystradgynlais Pilot Com Arts Programme £6,542 53391 27/05/2002 £17,872
A pilot iniative to develop a community/participatory arts programme for the whole of the Upper Swansea Valley in dirent response to the needs
and interests expressed during The Welfare Ystrasgynlais's recent community arts participatory appraisal.
2 1 Welsh Assembly Government Skill-Build £3,773,299 53313 28/05/2002 £8,385,111
The project extends and enhances the provision of Skill-Build in East Wales, providing socially excluded young people lacking basic skills with
the motivation, confidence and ability to progress to further education, training or a job. The project comprises individual assessment, work
sampling, preparatory training, occupational training and outreach/mentorship actions.
1 1 Welsh Assembly Government Work Based Learning for Adults £2,045,451 53295 10/06/2002 £4,545,448
The project extends and enhances the Work Based Learning for Adults (WBLA) programme in East Wales. The aim is to help unemployed people
aged 25 and over to secure and sustain employment through an individually tailored combination of guidance, structured work experience,
training and approved qualifications.
1 3 Welsh Assembly Government Extending Entitlement EW £701,610 56025 29/10/2004 £1,559,134
The project will progress the Extending Entitlement Agenda Across East Wales by targeting 20,000 young people, particularly those categorised
as 'hard-to-reach' and supporting them in gaining the skills for self-empowerment and re-inclusion, to access the universal basic entitlement
which is their right.
5 1 Welsh Assembly Government Genesis Wales Objective 3 £2,507,680 56192 25/05/2005 £5,698,318
The project will provide a comprehensive package of advice, support and childcare for individuals wishing to access work, training and/or
learning opportunities, thus overcoming barriers to improve the economic activity of people in Wales.
3 1 Welsh Assembly Government Building Learning Pathways £472,108 56779 28/04/2005 £1,049,133
This capacity building project supports the implementation of the National Assembly's Learning Pathways 14-19 strategy. The project will enable
seven local 14-19 Networks to ensure that every 16-19 year old in East Wales has access to a learning pathway and support that meets their
5 1 Welsh College of Horticulture Stepping Out to Independence 2 £101,159 55259 09/03/2004 £228,600
SOTI2 is an early intervention project that identifies the broad target group of men and women within Flintshire with multiple disadvantage in the
labour market. The project supports a range of measures to remove barriers to include education, training, enterprise, innovation and
demonstrative actions to change attitude and raise aspirations.
3 1 Welsh College of Horticulture Flexible Learning Systems 2 £63,964 54733 28/05/2003 £146,464
To develop and deliver interactive learning materials and flexible learner support measures for 100 individuals, and companies within the county
of Flintshire.
3 1 Welsh College of Horticulture Flexible Learning Systems £137,357 53504 27/05/2002 £323,645
To indentify, develop and deliver interactive learning materials and flexible learner support measures for 200 individuals and compani8es within
the county of Flintshires.
5 1 Welsh College of Horticulture Stepping Out to Independence £71,710 53793 13/05/2002 £159,732
A community-based package including personal development, basic and generic skills, vocational training tasters, careers guidance, support for
learning to drive, plus on-going mentoring to facilitate access to education to education, training, employment services, employment or
self-employment for lone parents and women at multiple disadvantage in the labour market.
2 1
Welsh Contact Centre Forum
ESTEEM £159,008 57545 07/03/2007 £355,882
Esteem is a unique Lifelong Learning project offering enhanced and transferable basic skills principally, but not exclusively to ethnic minority and
socially excluded groups in cardiff. Delivered within the communities of the target groups, this training programme will empower the community
and provide ready-to-work candidates to the contact sector
6 2
Welsh European Funding
Objective 3 Mid Term Evaluation Update £51,751 57403 08/02/2008 £115,004
To provide an update to the Mid Term Evaluation for the Objective 3 Programme as required by the European Commission.
6 2
Welsh European Funding
WEFO Grants Project Obj 3 £599,999 57341 03/03/2006 £2,176,755
To fund a project to enhance the management, administration and delivery of structural funds in Wales
6 2
Welsh European Funding
Cross Cutting Research - Obj 3 £7,200 57230 09/06/2005 £16,000
Lasting for a 6 month period, the project will: 1. make an assessment of whether the integration of cross cutting themes has made a positive
contribution to the programme's social and economic objectives, and if so, to estimate the extent of the contribution; 2. determine the strengths
and weakensses of the processes used to integrate the Cross Cutting Themes into the current programmes (2000 - 2006), and to identify good
practice that could be taken forward to any future round of Structural Funds in Wales (2007 - 2013)
6 2
Welsh European Funding
Leavers Survey £44,262 56848 08/04/2005 £98,361
The commission requires that 6-month follow-up data is collected to monitor the CSF indicators. The best means to collect such data is a leaver's
survey. The leavers survey data will met the requirements for monitoring the core ESF indicators. It will be possible to produce estimates for the
proportion of beneficiaries going into jobs and the proportion gaining positive outcomes for each ESF programme and for each policy field within
each programme
6 1
Welsh European Funding
Travel and Subsistence for Objective 3 - Technical
£1,892 55158 19/09/2003 £4,206
To enable WEFO to support private and voluntary sector members and advisers on the Obj 3 PMC by reimbursing T & S at the same rate as staff
6 2
Welsh European Funding
Mid Term Evaluation Objective 3 £69,561 55390 04/12/2003 £154,580
To provide assistance for the Mid Term Review of Structural Funds in the Objective 3 area
6 2
Welsh European Funding
Maximise Publicity £78,979 55643 15/09/2004 £175,510
To ensure the publicity and promotion of the Objective 3 funding is fully maximised
4 2
Welsh Forest Industries
JD13 £138,720 55077 27/11/2003 £403,005
JD13 is a business and personal performance improvement initiative for 100 companies anywhere in the wood chain in Obj 3 Wales. Targeting
300 employees, it uses a range of shared training, information and collaboration exercises to produce supply chains capable of operating against
global competitors.
4 2
Welsh Independent Dance
Culture Development Programme £15,919 53700 27/05/2002 £35,462
This is a twelve month pilot project to support a network of micro businesses and self employed free-lancers working within the cultural sector in
Cardiff. The project will offer an integrated package of support, guidance and training to ensure sustainable development within a key growth
sector of the Cardiff economy.
1 3 Weston Spirit Citizenship Project £18,420 54418 18/12/2002 £40,938
To deliver dynamic, personal and social development courses to young people aged 13-18 whose lifestyles reflect a lack of opportunity and
poverty of aspiration. We will address social, moral, economic, educational, and citizenship issues, by exploring the decision-making processes.
This will help to empower and engage these young people.
1 3 Weston Spirit Cardiff Greater Membership £70,262 56056 27/10/2004 £157,002
A dynamic personal and social development membership programme. To young people aged 13-18 whose lifestyles reflect a lack of opportunity
and poverty aspiration. We will adress social, moral,economic, educational and citizenship issues, by exploring the decision making process. The
social inclusion project will empower, motivate and educate disaffected young people.
5 1 Womens Workshop The WAGE Project £137,999 54465 18/12/2002 £337,507
This project will provide individualised programmes of training in ICT, career development, basic skills support and work experience for women
who lack the skills and confidence to enter employment. It will significantly improve their self esteem and earnings potential.
3 2 Womens Workshop The ALL Project £221,872 54839 28/05/2003 £493,053
This project will target 144 black and minority ethnic women and 48 women whose first language is English, but whose level of confidence and
or basic skills is very low. All beneficiaries will come from Cardiff. It will provide training in the following skills ICT, literacy, numeracy and
personal development.
5 1 Womens Workshop Integrated Computer Programme £134,968 53473 27/05/2002 £328,611
The project provides an integrated programme of training in ICT, personal and career development , basic skills. management studies and work
experience to women who have previously been socially excluded from mainstream training and employment. It aims to raise women's self
esteem and increase their earning potential.
2 1 Womens Workshop Integrated Computer Programme £185,726 53429 28/05/2002 £412,725
The purpose of this project. unique in Wales. is to provide an integrated programme of training in ICT, Personal and Career Development,
Management Studies and Work Experience, to women who have been socially, economically and/or educationally disadvantaged in their access to
training and employment.
5 1 Womens Workshop New Start £92,865 53620 13/05/2002 £206,449
The project is a training programme of ICT, basic skills and personal development. Target groups are minority ethnic women whose level of
English and confidence is low and women whose first language is English, but whose level of confidence and basic skills is too low to gain
access to training elsewhere.
5 1 Womens Workshop Building Blocks for Women £159,113 56714 03/06/2005 £386,060
This project will target 80 women:lone mothers, long term unemployed and black and minority ethnic wonmen. It will provide training in th
efollowing - Craft skills (basic joinery, tiling, home electrics, plumbing), ICT, ESOL, numeracy and personal development. There will be two
levels of training; entry level and level one.
6 1
Wrexham County Borough
WREXHAM CBC TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2006 £11,940 57508 13/10/2006 £27,570
Wrexham CBC will underake the role of Lead Body
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
Childcare Information Service £73,080 53519 13/05/2002 £169,809
The project will: *Provide information, adivece and guidance on the availability of childcare to socially exvluded parents to enable them to access
education, training and employment opportunities. *Emcourage more people to take yp childcare as a career. *Raise awareness of employers to
the business benefits of Work Life Balance.
3 2
Wrexham County Borough
Erlas Employment Project £47,999 53741 20/05/2002 £113,254
To provide training, vocational experience and basic life skills training through the medium of horticulture for adults with learning disabilities
who are long term unemployed. Yale College of Horticulture, Mencap Wales, Social Services and Voluntary Groups have combined
experience/expertise to co-ordinate this aimed at one of the most disadvantaged groups
5 1
Wrexham County Borough
Wxm Community Childcare Support £20,609 53819 11/06/2002 £48,282
The project aims to address the main barrier to training and employment initiatives (Childcare) faced by women and men lone parents and low
income families. This will be accomplished by a holistic approach.
4 2
Wrexham County Borough
Enhancing Employees Skills £38,370 53824 13/06/2002 £87,113
Combining activities of the training programme with the support offered through the programme will promote the development of a synergetic
workforce within Wrexham County Borough.
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
The Erlas Project £53,130 54380 18/12/2002 £121,597
The project is set within a Victorian walled garden, which is in need of restoration and horticultural expertise. This project provides accredited
training / vocational experience for adults with learning disabilities. The accredited training will be provided by the Welsh College o horticulture
and Yale College with Work Opportunities and Mencap support.
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
Childcare Infrastructure £35,313 54381 26/11/2002 £130,827
The project will promote careers in childcare, improve access to childcare for socially excluded parents to increase their training and employment
opportunities, support employers in addressing the skills needs of employees with childcare responsibilities and support SME managers with
recruiting and retaining skilled workers through the provision of Work-Life Balance policies.
1 3
Wrexham County Borough
Children's University £37,895 55912 17/02/2005 £84,214
The Children's University is an innovative project that encourages young people to access learning opportunities outside normal teaching hours.
The purpose is to promote activities that develop the 'whole child' and to award credits for participation rather than traditional educational
models of rewarding achievements against pre-determined standards.
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
The Erlas Emplyment Project £54,900 55373 06/04/2004 £122,224
This horticultural project began in 2002 and involves the restoration of a Victorian walled garden by people with learning disabilities who have
been long term employed. Four partner organisations support the beneficiaries who gain accredited qualifications in horticulture and in ICT. We
want to expand the activities and facilities on offer.
1 3
Wrexham County Borough
Youth Work in Education £60,000 55365 06/04/2004 £170,892
The project is designed to help young people overcome obstacles that may prevent their full participation in mainstream education by engaging
them in a variety of activities such as alternative curriculum programmes and issue-based group work, that will lead to a successful school career
and the skills to make the transition to adulthood.
2 3
Wrexham County Borough
Social Economy in Wrexham £118,956 55366 27/04/2004 £264,376
The project aims to develop an infrastructure and the know how of existing and potential local enterprises through the appointment of a social
Enterprise Development Team who will help develop a social enterprise culture throughout the Wrexham County Borough.
6 1
Wrexham County Borough
Wrexham County Borough Council Technical Assistance
£61,229 55421 14/01/2004 £136,245
The Project will provide a secretariat to the Partnership. Provide administrative support to Wrexham CBC and support potential applicants
2 2
Yale College of Further
Capacity Building & Communities £56,831 55368 30/07/2004 £126,292
This project aims to enable community groups in the Wrexham area to gain autonomy within a collaborative framework. Through local
partnerships and community networks the necessary skills, knowledge and experience will be built for grass roots community groups and the
statutory and voluntary organisations who service and support them.
1 3
Yale College of Further
Partnership Promotes Access 3 £48,615 55907 28/01/2005 £194,459
The project builds upon the success of a current project which ends on July 31st 2004. It targets 600 youngsters aged 14 - 16 years in the
Wrexham area, who for various reasons have been disengaged from traditional education and training routes.
1 3
Yale College of Further
Partnership Promotes Access 2 £33,059 54629 18/12/2002 £132,235
This project will develop a nationally recognised credit-based programme for 400 youngsters aged 13 plus in the Wrexham area. To improve their
employability the programme will focus around early identification of those at risk, integrated advice and guidance, and the acquisition of basic
generic pre-vocational and vocational skills.
2 2
Yale College of Further
Capacity Building 2 £57,150 54630 14/02/2003 £129,870
This project aims to enable community groups in the Wrexham area to gain autonomy within a collaborative framework. Through local
partnerships and community networks the necessary skills, knowledge and experience will be built for grass roots community groups and the
statutory and voluntary organisations, who service and support them.
1 1
Yale College of Further
Training for Business in Europe £36,699 54631 14/02/2003 £81,557
The project is targeted at 70 young unemployed people form the Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to
compete for employment in the field of International Business and Finance. They will undertake a programme of vocational training integrated
with a European / International dimension.
3 2
Yale College of Further
e-Business Learning £15,365 54854 14/07/2003 £34,147
This project supports the development of a lifelong learning culture in Wrexham for a wide range of beneficiaries, by providing a specialist work
related programme of study that covers the key knowledge and practical skills required in the rapidly expanding e-business sector in Wrexham.
1 1
Yale College of Further
ICT Training 03/04 £44,894 55001 11/09/2003 £99,768
This project is targeted at 50 young unemployed people from the Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to
compete for employment in the rapidly expanding field of ICT. They will undertake a programme of vocational training with a European
5 1
Yale College of Further
ICT Skills For Adults £38,414 55002 11/09/2003 £87,304
The project is intended to address 40 adults who, perhaps, are classified as the hidden unemployed, i.e. those men and women who have
domestic responsibilities and are seeking to return to work and men and women at a multiple disadvantage in the labour market.
4 2
Yale College of Further
Hospitality Training £176,643 53758 29/04/2002 £392,548
The project is designed to address the skills shortage and barriers to training experienced in the hospitality sector by offering free training to
employees of SMEs in the sector. It targets the key occupational sectors of the industry - chefs, cooks, waiting staff, bar staff, kitchen porters,
catering assistants etc.
3 1
Yale College of Further
Interactive e-Learning £20,519 53912 22/10/2002 £59,533
This e-Learning project has two key objectives: Firstly to develop a new education and training system and form of learning and secondly to use
this as a tool which will encourage individuals to change attitudes to learning and take a greater responsibility for their own learning.
4 1
Yale College of Further
Millenium Manager Programme £10,380 53727 29/04/2002 £24,762
The project will address both the Operational Plan and the Wrexham Local Action by aiming to equip managers and potential managers in the
Wrexham area with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure future competitiveness. This project will be piloting a tailored training
programme, which will develop the individual's key management skills.
2 2
Yale College of Further
Capacity Building for Community £49,260 53715 14/05/2002 £109,476
This project aims to enable community groups in the Wrexham area to gain autonomy within a collaborative framework. Through local
parnerships and community networks the necessary skills, knowledge and experience will be build for grass roots community groups and the
statutory and voluntary organisations who service and support them.
4 4
Yale College of Further
The Owner Manager Project £11,366 53711 14/05/2002 £25,547
The project aims to equip 25 potential entrepreneurs and / or owner manager in the Wrexham area with the necessary skills and underpinning
knowledge to encourage entrepreneuial characteristics. The qualification on completion of the project will be NVQ Level 3 / 4 Owner Manager.
1 1
Yale College of Further
Training for Business £22,322 53712 20/05/2002 £50,247
The project is targeted at 70 young unemployed people from the Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to
compete for employment in the field of International Business and Finance. They will undertake a programme of vocational training integrated
with a European / International Dimension.
1 1
Yale College of Further
ICT Training £32,404 53713 13/05/2002 £83,880
This project is targeted at 40 young unemployed people from the Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to
compete for employment in the rapidly expanding field of ICT. They will undertake a programme of vocational training with a European
6 1
Yale College of Further
Wrexham Partnership Technical assistance £31,855 54270 25/10/2002 £70,792
ESF Objective 3 Technical Assistance
1 1
Yale College of Further
ICT Training 3 £34,604 54200 23/09/2002 £92,080
This Project is targeted at 40 young unemployed people from Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to compete
for employment in the rapidly expanding field of ICT. They will undertake a programme of vocational training with a European dimension.
5 1
Yale College of Further
Bus. Skills for Adult Returners 2 £12,740 54201 23/09/2002 £28,313
This project is designed to target adults who are classed as the hidden unemployed i.e. those men and women who have domestic
responsibilities and are seeking to return to work. It aims to provide them with the necessary skills to complete for employment in the office
business sector in Wrexham
3 2
Yale College of Further
Foundation to Training 2 £28,800 54202 23/09/2002 £64,460
This project is targeted at 35 young people from the Wrexham area, who for various reasons have under achieved and have few employment
prospects. They will undertake a programme of individually customised vocational tasters skills such as Health and Social Care, Catering,
Retailing etc. together with integrated advice and guidance measures.
4 2
Yale College of Further
MOUS Training £38,151 53440 30/04/2002 £88,081
The project aims to up-skill 750 employees of SMEs in the Wrexham area through a specialist programme of ICT Training in Microsoft
applications. The project is delivered in conjunction with Micro Computer World (MCW). ESF support will allow the training to be subsidised thus
removing these financial barriers to access the training.
1 1
Yale College of Further
Training for Business £35,000 53299 29/04/2002 £84,849
The project os targetted at 35 young unemploed people from the Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to
compete for employment in the field of international Business and Finance. They will undertake a prgramme of vocational training integrated wih
a European/International dimension.
2 2
Yale College of Further
Capacity Building - Community £36,433 53316 28/05/2002 £81,464
This project aims to enable community groups in the Wrexham area to gain autonomy within a collaborative framework. Through local
partnerships and community networks the necessary skills, knowledge and experience will be built for grass roots community groups and the
statuory and voluntary organisations who service and support them.
1 1
Yale College of Further
ICT Training £43,302 53300 29/04/2002 £108,552
This project is targetted at 40 young unemployed people from the Wrexham area. It is designed to equip them with the necessary skills to
compete for employment in the rapidly expanding field of ICT. They will undertake a programme of vocational training with a European
4 2
Yale College of Further
Team Leading Programme £10,231 53326 28/05/2002 £25,470
This project has been designed to address the day to day operational skills and knowledge needed for 'frontline' staff such as supervisorsa and
team leaders in the Wrexham workforce.. This programme is tailored to meet client's needs and traching ensures a flexible delivery to meet
'industries' needs..
5 1
Yale College of Further
Bus. Skills for Adult Returners £18,339 53406 13/05/2002 £40,756
This project is designed to target adults who are classed as the hidden unemployed I.e. those men and women who have domestic
responsibilities and are seeking to return to work. It aims to provide them with the necessary skills to complete for employment in the office
business sector in Wrexham.
1 3
Yale College of Further
Partnership Promotes Access £32,303 53398 29/04/2002 £129,161
This project develop a nationally recognised credit-based programme for 250 youngsters aged 13 plus in the Wrexham area. To improve their
employability the programme will focus around early identification of those at risk, integrated advice and guidance and the acquisition of basic
generic pre-vocational skills.
3 2
Yale College of Further
Foundation for Training £43,918 53402 10/06/2002 £98,848
The project is targeted at 60 young people from the Wrexham area who for various reasons have under archieved and have few employment
prospects. They will undertake a programme of individually customised vocational tasters skills such as Health and Social Care, Catering,
Retailing etc. together with integrated advice and guidance measures.
4 1
Yale College of Further
IT Technical Academy £34,511 57400 27/01/2006 £76,693
The project is targeted at 30 young employed people from the Wrexham area. It is designed to develop their skills in the computing and
networking field, helping local companies to capitalise on their IT resources. They will undertake a programme of vocational training integrated
with their working environment.
3 1 YBT Maintaining Employment 4 Communities £354,625 57420 10/02/2006 £795,738
Innovative partnership project involving Communities First, Chamber Training, Job Centre Plus and Care & Repair, that will re-engage 30
disengaged individuals from deprived wards in Cardiff; via a comprehensive programme of key skills support, vocational training, guidance &
counselling, confidence building and life & living skills leading to sustainable employment.
5 1 YBT CAPE £475,127 56739 15/08/2005 £1,062,305
Bespoke engagement project for 65 economically, in-active lone parents wishing to return to work but prevented due to lack of skills, experience,
funding and childcare. Project will create 15 trained childminders, who will then provide childcare for the other 50 trainees pursuing NVQs in
other areas leading to employment.
2 1 YBT Construction Employment in the Vale £319,240 56019 20/09/2004 £721,452
An integrated flexible programme for local unemployment people in life and employability skills training with on-site work-based experience,
college NVQ Construction Training towards levels 1 & 2. In partnership with the Voluntary Sector, VGTA, Chamber Training, ELWA, Job Centre
Plus, Newydd Housing Association and private Employers leading to employment.
1 1 YBT Cardiff Community Building Futures £279,954 55293 26/01/2005 £694,512
This innovative partnership delivers structured supported training and work experience, with Cardiff employers. Targeting 18 - 55 year olds, who
are at risk of entering the long term unemployment trap. Training covers 4 trades to NVQ 2 or 3 dependants on ability. Work experience delivers
industry skills needs, therefore guaranteeing employment.
Number of matching projects:2
Totalling: £805,643
Fund: FIFG Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 2
Totalling: £805,643
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
5 9
Bolsach Boat Fishing
Safety Equipment Upgrade for the Bolsach Boat Fishing
£67,160 57345 31/01/2006 £134,321
The project seeks to assist the Bolsach Boat Fishing Association Ltd. to raise standards of safety in the inshore fishing fleet of North Wales
through the purchase of a range of emergency personal safety equipment previously identified as requirements and their subsequent allocation to
members as required.
5 9 Environment Agency Wales Migratory Fish Habitat Enhancement Project (MiFHEP) £738,483 57507 21/07/2006 £1,476,967
The overall aim of this project is to help secure the sustainable future of those fisheries in Wales that depend upon freshwater migrations routes.
To address several such barriers to migration, through either barrier removal or the construction of fish passes, which will allow access to
freshwater habitat for both eels and migratory salmonids and in doing so support those fisheries that depend upon them. Maximise the spawning
potential of this habitat, by conducting a strategic plan of habitat restoration and enhancement in rivers newly opened to Diadromous fish.
Programme: Urban II
Number of matching projects:30
Totalling: £7,669,863
Fund: ERDF Approved Projects
Number of matching projects: 30
Totalling: £7,669,863
P M Sponsor Name Project Title Grant ProjectID Approved ProjectCost
2 2 AVOW West Wrexham Key Fund £200,000 55472 26/04/2004 £400,000
The West Wrexham Key Fund will provide a simplified process by which new and existing voluntary/community organisations operating within
the West Wrexham Urban 11 area can access Urban 11 funding. In simplifying the process, the smaller organisations previously deterred by the
complexity of accessing European Funding will be able to obtain funds for their projects designed to deliver services required by the West
Wrexham residents. The establishment of a key fund will increase Community participation in the development of the economic, social and
environmental regeneration of their communities.
2 1
Brymbo and Tanyfron
Regeneration Trust
Brymbo CELIRC Priority 2 £787,947 57269 12/10/2005 £1,729,895
This project represents 49% of the Community Enterprise Learning Information Resource Centre (CELIRC), which will be at the heart of the
Tanyfron and Brymbo Communities. The Priority 2 application includes a Health and Well-being Facility, a Multi-Functional area (including a large
community hall) and meeting rooms. The Priority 1 application contains the balancing 52% of the activities and costs. Based on the coke oven
site of the disused steel works in Brymbo, this project is symbolic of the major on-going regeneration activities in West Wrexham.
1 1
Brymbo and Tanyfron
Regeneration Trust
Brymbo Community Enterprise, Learning, Information and
Resource Centre
£853,609 57232 10/10/2005 £1,874,053
This project aims to develop a Community Enterprise Information and Resource Centre at the heart of the Brymbo and Tanyfron. The project will
create a Community Resource Centre that has been designed to accommodate a wide range of community uses including; Childcare facilities -
day care Cyber Cafe / Catering and Training facilities Health Improvement & Wellbeing Suite Multifunctional area Small meeting rooms Business
units for use by local commercial and community business / Office / and Managed Workspace areas.
2 1
Groundwork Wrexham &
Intermediate Training and Labour Opportunity £109,583 57268 17/10/2005 £219,723
To establish training opportunities in horticulture and countryside skills for adults and youths. The project will provide a combination of work
experience, training and classroom sessions. The project will have a budget for locally requested environmental improvements which will be
carried out by students in the West Wrexham area.
1 2 Pentra Services Limited Second Circle Furniture £49,288 55505 12/04/2005 £98,578
The main objective of the project through the reuse and recycling of furniture is to tackle social exclusion and break down barriers to
employment for those currently workless. The project aims to develop a sustainable community led social enterprise, that will encourage and
embed entrepreneurship within the local community.It will seek to be highly educational within the local community, educating people about the
benefits of reuse and recycling of furniture whilst at the same time assisting in the reduction of bulky waste disposal to local landfill sites,
sharing information and best practise. It will employ two full time staff, hav work placements for 8 adults with learning disabilities and their
Supervisor and four Intermediate Labour Market opportunities offering supported employment and a chance to re-enter the labour market. The
project is located in Llay but actually targets the whole of the West Wrexham [ Urban 11 ] area in terms of recruiting for the project and in terms
of people able to access the service. The whole of West Wrexham will benefit from the economical and cultural benefits from a successful
community business.
2 1
Tanyfron School House LIRC
Proj. Man. Committee
Tanyfron School House £149,163 54713 30/07/2003 £308,827
The project seeks to set up a Community Learning, Information, and Resource Centre (LIRC), which will provide services to the community that
are not currently readily available within the community itself, at this time. It is intended that the project will become a focus for village
regeneration and capacity building by providing the following; a wraparound childcare service, creating both paid and voluntary jobs, practical
support and advice in the search for jobs and careers, access to ICT equipment including internet and training, citizen advice and information,
advocacy support and encouragement for all sectors of the community, health screening programmes, family literacy and numeracy, a meeting
point for current `Community Interest Groups' and a vehicle for the creation of many more, an environment to assist outside agencies wishing to
work within the community such as `Gingerbread' and `Victim Support'.
3 1
Welsh European Funding
URBAN II Mid Term Evaluation £17,875 54997 24/09/2003 £35,750
To assist in the mid term evaluation of the URBAN II Programme
2 2
Wrexham Association of
Summer Playschemes
Wrexham Association of Summer Playschemes, Development
£34,862 54597 10/06/2003 £116,258
The project would provide additional support to voluntary playscheme volunteers within West Wrexham in terms of training, fundraising and
legal requirements. It will also look at extending playscheme sessions across the area during summer and into all other school holiday periods.
The aim would be to recriut and fully train volunteer workers to be involved in areas of need across West Wrexham, and to create a development
role to increase and enable sustainable community activity to continue after Urban II funding has ceased.
2 2
Wrexham County Borough
Broughton Strategy Team £96,787 54573 05/12/2002 £193,575
The Broughton Strategy Team would be employed by Wrexham County Borough Council to support the work of the Broughton Partnership Board
to implement the Strategic Action Plan for Broughton. The Strategy Team would therefore be responsible for developing and implementing
actions to address key issues identified by local people under the following headings - Business and Jobs, Education & Training, Environment,
Health & Well Being, Community Activities, and Community Safety. It is proposed that the team would consist of 1 Broughton Strategy
Co-ordinator, 1 Community Development Officer, 2 Project Support Workers, and 1 Strategy Support Officer.
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
Brynteg Lifelong Learning Centre and Llay Park Resource
£1,036,853 54588 10/04/2003 £2,073,708
This project forms part of Phase one of the lifleong learning vision for west Wrexham, which is based around developing five community based
facilities offering a range of services including childcare, ICT access, higher and further education including vocational and non vocational
training. Phase one concentrates on devoloping facilities in two of the five west wrexham communities, Broughton and LLay and involes the
construction of mulitpurpose community builidings in the villages of Brynteg and Llay. The proposal within the broughton community is to
develop a Lifelong Learning Centre at the site of the existing Memorial Hall and Library in Brynteg. The proposal includes the construction of a
physical link between two existing builidngs and a complete refurbishment of the two buildings forming the overall development. The Lifelong
Learning Centre will accomodate: An ICT suite, Meeting roomd, Childcare and creche facility, Access to a variety of learning materials and
resources,Environmental improvements to the site, Office space, community hall. The speciality of the Brynteg Lifelong Learning centre will be
education and trianing with a prticular emphasis on access to ICT. The proposal at LLay is devlop the provision of integrated local services at on
site providing ease of access, multi purpose rooms and shared resources. The Centre will include an ICT suite, a study area with a wide arnge of
learining materials and resources, youth provision, a creche facility, training rooms, business start up units. The centres will specialise in
targeting and engaging with young people.
1 2
Wrexham County Borough
West Wrexham Business Support Grants £221,000 54592 08/01/2003 £466,237
The project will provide innovative business support to local SME's which will be tailored to address business needs and secure sustainable
business support and expansion. The objectives will be to provide advice and guidance in order to assist in the growth and development of
existing businesses. The project will also provide financial packages of assistance for existing businesses in respect of marketing, design and
printing, exporting, direct advertising, and website design and implementation. Also the project will provide financial assistance for existing
companies, employing over 26, to re-furbish their premises, and purchase capital equipment to aid growth and development. The project will
also provide a tailored business support service, and to enhance the awareness of ICT opportunities.
1 1
Wrexham County Borough
West Wrexham Business Support Grants £161,000 54593 08/01/2003 £346,237
This project will provide innovative business support to new businesses, tailored to address local business needs and to encourage enterprise
and self-employment. It will encourage the creation of businesses through idigenous and inward investment, in order to support business
creation and provide employment opportunities. There will also be a business awareness and support service, plus financial packages to assist
new businesses up to 18 months old, for marketing, design, printing, exporting, direct advertising and web-site design and implementation.
There will also be a knowledge based element to increase IT usage.
1 1
Wrexham County Borough
Brynteg Lifelong Learning Centre and LLay Park Resource
£173,807 54594 10/04/2003 £347,615
This project forms part of Phase One of the Lifelong Learning vision which is based around developing five community based facilites in West
Wrexham. Phase One concentrates on developing facilities int he tow of the West Wrexham communities, namely Broughton and Llay. The phase
will involve the development of multipurpose builidings in those two communities. Both centres will incorporate the core activites of: ICT suite,
meeting /conference/interview room facilites, Childcare and creche facilities, Business start up units, a range of training courses for the local
community and local new and exisitng businesses to access, Office space incubation start up business units in LLay, youth provision and youth
inclusion advitivies, training rooms, cafe facilities The Broughton centre in the village of Brynteg will specialise in information provision,
education and training, creche and ICT and the LLay centre will specialise in business start ups, youth inclusion work and training. This project is
the developmnet of four new community business opportunities. There will be three incubation units for new businesses. The centre in the
village of Brynteg will offer a business opportunity in childcare. There is also the opportunity at LLay to develop a community cafe and creche as
business enterprises.
3 1
Wrexham County Borough
Technical Assistance - Facilitating Urban II in West Wrexham £111,110 54548 15/10/2002 £250,283
The West Wrexham Urban II Team is providing adminstrative and secretariat support (in conjunction with WEFO) to the Programme Monitoring
Committee. They support the work of the PMC, Assessment Panels and associated working groups and forums. They also provide support to
potential applicants to develop appropriate projects.
3 2
Wrexham County Borough
Technical Assistance - Widening Involvement in Urban II
through awareness raising, publicity, meetings, studies, and
£58,340 54550 15/10/2002 £116,973
The West Wrexham Urban II Secretariat established computerised systems for management, monitoring and evaluation. Providing audits, studies
and evaluations to target Urban II funding to key beneficiaries. Promoting and raising awareness of the West Wrexham Urban II Programme,
particularily through support to the local Urban II communities. Providing clear guidance and information about the workings of the programme,
networking and dissemination of good practice to enhance understandings of new mechanisms for implementation, including seminars,
conferences, and meetings.
3 1
Wrexham County Borough
Technical Assistance - Facilitating URBAN II in West
£164,746 55018 09/09/2003 £330,114
Assisting WEFO to provide Secretariat support to the PMC. Supporting the work of the PMC, Assessment Panels and associated Working Groups
and Forums. Support to 5 Community Committees, including the Inter-Community Forum and the West Wrexham Local Business Forum. They are
also looking to develop Thematic Working Groups to help secure local agency involvement.
3 2
Wrexham County Borough
Technical Assistance - Widening involvement in URABN II
through awareness raising, publicity, meetings, studies and
£81,773 55019 09/09/2003 £163,548
Computerised systems for management, monitoring and evaluation. Audits, studies and evaluations to targets URBAN II funding to key
beneficiaries. To promote and raise awareness of the West Wrexham URBAN II Programme, particularly through support to the local URBAN II
Committees. To provide clear guidance and information about the workings of the programme. Networking and dissemination of good practice to
enhance understanding of new mechanisms for implementation, including seminars, conferences and meetings.
2 2
Wrexham County Borough
Broughton Strategy Team £160,894 55419 23/02/2004 £321,789
The Broughton Strategy Team which consists of 5 community development staff would continue to be employed by Wrexham County Borough
Council to support and develop the work of the Broughton Partnership Board to tackle social, economic and environmental regeneration within
the Broughton community. The staff team will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the new 3 year Strategic Action Plan for
Broughton [2004 - 2007], which is currently being developed based on the results of the West Wrexham URBAN II Needs Audit for Broughton. In
addition, the purpose of the proposed activity is to build on the good work of the staff team pilot project, previously funded by the ERDF /
URBAN II Programme [ 1 January 2003 - 31 March 2004 ] and to continue to support the Broughton Partnership Board to implement projects and
activities within the Broughton Community.
2 2
Wrexham County Borough
Alyn Waters Environmental Education Centre Project £291,670 55162 27/10/2003 £799,285
The project is an extension of Alyn Waters Visitor Centre, to create an environmental education centre, based on sustainable building principles.
It will act as an environmental education centre for the local community, schools, colleges and youth groups. There will be a large room for
training, meetings, and art & craft developmenmt. Plus an area for ICT, fot Internet access and development of ICT skills, and a wildlife area
outside. The project aims to increase the community participation of the Park, develop environmental awareness for local people, as well as
improving their life skills and confidence, improve employabilty, and inspire local people to improve their own communities.
2 2
Wrexham County Borough
Gwersyllt Community Resource Centre £969,349 57289 23/01/2006 £1,961,729
This project aims to develop a Community Resource Facility for the benefit of the Gwersyllt community. The project will provide a newly built
Community Resource Centre on the site of the existing Gwersyllt Community Centre, and the building has been designed to accommodate a wide
range of community uses including: ICT Training Suite Education/Information Resource Centre Crèche/playgroup facilities Meeting space Youth
Facilities BusinessUnits/Office Space
3 1
Wrexham County Borough
Technical Assistance £131,266 57242 04/10/2005 £262,532
1)Assist WEFO in providing a Secretariat to the PMC 2)Support the work of the PMC, Assessment Panels and associated Working Groups and
Forums 3)Support potential applicants to develop appropriate projects 4)IT Support 5)Computerised systems for management, monitoring and
evaluation 6)Audits, studies and evaluations to target URBAN II funding to key beneficiaries 7)To promote and raise awareness of the West
Wrexham URBAN II Programme, particularly through support to the local URBAN II Committees 8)Networking and dissemination of good practice
to enhance understanding of new mechanisms for implementation, including seminars, conferences and meetings
1 1
Wrexham County Borough
West Wrexham Urban II Business Support Grants £172,821 56534 17/01/2005 £345,642
The project will encourage the creation of innovative new businesses through indigenous and inward investment in order to support business
start-ups and to provide employment opportunities for the population of West Wrexham. The project will also provide business awareness and
signpost individuals or groups to a tailored business support service.
1 2
Wrexham County Borough
West Wrexham Urban II Business Grants £558,345 56535 01/01/2005 £1,116,690
To develop competitive businesses, both those recently created and those who have matured that are sustainable. In particular to provide
innovative business support to SME's located within the strategy area. The project has been tailored to address local business needs to secure
re-investment in existing businesses, promote and encourage private sector investment, to deliver suppport to safeguard jobs and aid in
expansion. The project will also signpost applicants to appropriate advice and guidance to further assist in the growth and development of all
existing businesses within the strategy area. The programme will cover the designated areas within the West Wrexham strategy area. However,
applications from companies within close proximity to the area programme boundary that employ local people (minimum 50% of the workforce)
and will also have the opportunity to submit an application.
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
Southsea and Brynteg Community House £85,263 56465 03/09/2004 £170,527
This project was developed as a result of a Needs Audit carried out within the local community. Community House which involved the renovation
of an existing property now provides a central meeting point for socialising, a healthy lifestyle support, informal learning/training, and a food
3 2
Wrexham County Borough
URBAN II Technical Assistance 2006 £28,492 57506 31/07/2006 £56,984
This project will fund staff and other costs to support the URBAN II programme in West Wrexham after March 2006. In April 2006 the Technical
Assistance team was reduced to the Programme Manager and the Finance and Administration Officer to continue to support the financial,
technical, management and monitoring aspects of the Programme. The roles to the Technical Assistance team now include the following: 1)
Assist WEFO in providing a Secretariat to the Programme Monitoring Committee. 2) Support the work of associated Working Groups and Forums
3) Support potential applicants in financial/monitornig issues 4) Programme Management 5) Raising awareness, Networking and dissemination
3 2
Wrexham County Borough
Technical Assistance £13,409 57547 26/02/2007 £51,898
To provide administrtive and secretariat support [ in conjunction with WEFO] to the PMC.
1 2
Wrexham County Borough
Coedpoeth Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Centre £110,826 57522 13/12/2006 £384,068
The strategic context for the proposed Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Centre in Coedpoeth lies in both Priorities 1 and 2 of the West Wrexham
Urban II programme, but mostly within priority 2. This part of the application represents the Priority 1 element of the Centre, which will lie at the
heart of the Coedpoeth community. It will provide resources, activities, facilities and support. This will enable local people to access work
opportunities, including self employment, participate in programmes of training and to take part in the economic and social regeneration of the
communities in which they live.
2 1
Wrexham County Borough
Coedpoeth Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Centre £730,123 57523 13/12/2006 £2,270,403
The strategic context for the proposed Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Centre in Copepoeth lies in both Priorities 1 and 2 of the West Wrexham
Urban II programme, but mostly priority 2. The Centre has been designed to accommodate and provide a wide range of community focussed
facilities including: ICT Training Suite, Education/Information Resource Centre, Childcare/Playgroup facilities, Meeting space and a Refreshment
2 1 Wrexham Homework Clubs Wrexham Homework Clubs [WHC] - 'Opportunity' Project £100,412 56594 15/03/2005 £200,824
The 'Opportunity' project will run alongside the WHC ' Extra' Clubs at venues suggested by the community committees from the Urban II
programme. The project aims to research the best way to provide and then deliver: 1/ learning opportunities for adults/young people to
re-engage and encourage their learning educationally and socially in order to provide them with greater opportunity and aspiration when
approaching the employment market. 2/ encourage participation of the wider community within WHC 's session format to raise capacity and skill
levels for the beneficiaries themselves and the on-going benefit of the future work force across West Wrexham.
2 2 Wrexham Play Association Coedpoeth Youth Project £9,250 55675 07/04/2004 £18,500
This project will focus on providing a package of training and wide-ranging activities for young people within Coedpoeth. The project is designed
to engage young people locally and encourage them to become involved in a range of activities, supported further by a period of youth outreach
work. The package of support and activities will take place within a number of meeting points throughout Coedpoeth. The training and activities
package will cover a number of themes, including fun and practical, social and quality arts short courses, some of which will be formally
assessed and accredited. The overall aims of the project are to engage, support and develop key skills in youngsters who do not currently engage
with any local services. The project will provide a means of including the youngsters in village life and will focus on building up transferable
skills and increasing confidence and employability.