July 2016
Quarterly Fund Performance
Summary ...................................... 2
Investment Plan Fund
Name Change ............................... 2
Free Employee Workshop
Webcasts ...................................... 5
Lifetime Annuity Quotes —
$100,000 Premium ....................... 5
What’s the Right Way to Use a
Retirement Date Fund? ................. 6
About Your Annual Fee Disclosure
Statement .................................... 6
2016 Legislative Update
In the April 2016 issue of this newsletter, we indicated
that several bills had passed that will affect the
Florida Retirement System (FRS). All bills discussed
in the April newsletter have now been signed into law.
Additional information can be found on the “2016
Legislation” page in the “Alerts & Hot Topics” box
on the
home page.
How to Access Trusted Financial
Advisors (for Free)
When it comes to seeking professional nancial advice, how do you
know you can trust the guidance you get? Is the nancial advisor
acting in your best interest, or is he or she just looking to score a big
commission by steering you to an expensive investment? The answer
lies in whether or not the advisor has a duciary responsibility to you,
and many American adults (41%) don’t know whether their nancial
advisor is a duciary or not. Almost half (46%) mistakenly believed that
all nancial advisors were required to put their clients’ interests rst
when it comes to retirement.
A duciary is someone you can trust, someone who acts in your best
interest at all times. In nancial matters, a duciary’s responsibilities
are both ethical and legal. When an advisor enters into a duciary
relationship with you, he or she is expected to manage your assets for
your benet rather than for his or her own prot.
Recently, the Department of Labor nalized a new rule requiring
nancial advisors who provide advice on retirement assets to serve as
duciaries. But, as a member of the Florida Retirement System (FRS),
you’ve had access to professional, unbiased nancial planners — at no
cost — all along.
The MyFRS Financial Guidance Program provides you free access to
EY nancial planners. These planners do not sell any investment or
insurance products, and they do not receive a commission for the work
they do with you. They will always put your interests rst.
Similarly, Financial Engines, who provides guidance and online tools
for, is a duciary to the FRS. Financial Engines discharges
its duties solely in the interest of FRS members and does not directly or
indirectly receive any benet from recommendations it makes to you
through the online ADVISOR
To take advantage of the unbiased nancial planners and tools available
to FRS members, call the MyFRS Financial Guidance Line toll-free at
1-866-446-9377, Option 2.
In Whose Best Interest?,
Financial Engines, March 2016
Check Up on Your
Financial Advisor
To view the employment history, certifications,
licenses, and possible violations or complaints against
your broker or investment or financial advisor, use
BrokerCheck, a free online tool provided by the
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. To check an
advisor, go to
Quarterly Fund Performance Summary
The Performance Summary is organized by asset classes: Retirement Date Funds, money market
funds, real assets funds, bond funds, U.S. stock funds, and foreign and global funds. Retirement
Date Funds are a special asset class that provides a diversified mixture of various asset classes.
A Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA) is also available.
Asset classes are groups of similar investments whose values react to changes in the economy
the same basic way. Organizing funds according to asset classes is a way to simplify how you
invest and improve the odds of meeting your retirement goals. Investing in a mix of asset
classes (also called “diversifying”) helps you control your risk, because the different asset classes
typically react to market volatility in different ways.
Before you select any investment funds or make an election, you should also review the Fund
Profiles, the Investment Fund Summary, and the Annual Fee Disclosure Statement posted in the
“Investment Funds” section on The asset class descriptions below are general in
nature and should not be relied on as your sole source of information regarding a specific fund(s).
Note that there can be risk in holding a large portion of your account balance in a single fund (unless that fund is a reasonably diversified
fund, such as a Retirement Date Fund). For further information about diversifying your account, please call the MyFRS Financial Guidance
Line at 1-866-446-9377, Option 2, or call the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS 711), or visit Additional information
about investing and diversification can be found on the U.S. Department of Labor’s website at
This Performance Summary is
intended for use in connection
with the FRS Investment Plan,
pursuant to Florida law, and is
not intended for use by other
investors. Sections 121.4501(8)
(b)4 and 121.4501(15)(b),
Florida Statutes, incorporate
the federal law concept of
participant control, established
by regulations of the U.S.
Department of Labor under
Section 404(c) of the Employee
Act of 1974. If you exercise
control over the assets in your
Investment Plan account,
including the Self-Directed
Brokerage Account, pursuant to
Section 404(c) regulations and
the operation of the Investment
Plan, no program fiduciary shall
be liable for any loss to your
account which results from your
exercise of control.
Retirement Date Funds
These funds are particularly good for “one-stop shopping.”
Each Retirement Date Fund is a diversified portfolio of other
FRS Investment Plan funds and uses an asset allocation
concept called “target date funds.” The mix of funds in each
Retirement Date Fund is based on the amount of time you
have before retirement, and the mix gradually changes as you
approach retirement. This gradual change follows a careful
investment strategy called a “glide path.” Each Retirement
Date Fund’s glide path was developed for the FRS by a
global investment consulting firm and a fiduciary to the FRS.
Money Market Funds
These funds invest in short-term securities (financial
instruments or obligations) that are high-quality and can be
sold quickly with little loss of value. The funds have limited
risk of declining in value; however, over the long term, returns
have been modest and may not keep pace with inflation.
Money market funds are not FDIC-insured or guaranteed.
Real Assets Funds
These funds invest in a diversified array of assets that may
help offset inflationary pressures. The funds seek long-term
real (net of inflation) returns to preserve the future purchasing
power of accumulated assets. You could lose money over
short or long periods by investing in this fund. The fund’s
price and return will vary over a wide range.
Bond Funds
These funds invest primarily in bonds, which are like IOUs;
a company or government agency borrows money and pays
it back with interest to the bondholder (the entity making the
loan). The quality of a bond is reflected in the credit rating of
the company or agency that issues the bond. The short-term
risk of bond funds is relatively low. However, over time, the
value of a bond is affected by interest rates, inflation, and
other factors. When inflation or interest rates go up, the value
of bonds goes down because they pay a fixed rate of interest
(the market sees other investments as being more attractive).
Therefore, bonds and bond funds don’t always protect the
value of your retirement savings against inflation.
U.S. Stock Funds
These funds invest primarily in equity shares or stocks
issued by U.S. companies. The short-term risk of investing
in stocks has been much higher than bonds. However, over
long periods of time, stocks have generally done better than
bonds, which is one of the main reasons that stocks are
typically recommended for retirement investing. Some risk is
necessary to achieve long-term investment growth.
Foreign and Global Stock Funds
These funds invest primarily in stocks issued by foreign
companies. Foreign stocks are affected by additional risk
factors, such as foreign laws and regulations, differences
in accounting practices, political risk (foreign governments
are sometimes unstable), and currency risk (differences in
the relative value of domestic and foreign money). Over the
long term, foreign stocks have not done quite as well as U.S.
stocks, but they have provided diversification benefits.
The Self-Directed Brokerage Account
The Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA) allows you
to invest in thousands of different investments in addition to
the Investment Plan’s primary investment funds. An SDBA
is not suitable for all members, and you assume the full risk
and responsibility for the investments you select. Additional
information on the SDBA is available in the “Investment
Funds” section on
Investment Plan Fund Name Change
The FRS Retirement Income Fund (2000) has changed its name to
“FRS Retirement Fund (2000).” The fund’s benchmark has also
changed its name from “Retirement Income Custom Index” to
“Retirement Custom Index.” Although the names have changed,
there has been no change to the management company, fund
objectives, investment strategy, or portfolio management team.
If you have questions, please call the MyFRS Financial Guidance
Line toll-free at 1-866-446-9377, Option 2 (TRS 711).
What’s in the Summary?
Below you’ll nd a brief description of the information in the Performance Summary.
Long-Term Fees are the value in today’s dollars of the total fees that
would be charged over 30 years, assuming a $1,000 initial investment.
“PB” stands for “performance benchmark.” It allows you to see how well
the fund is doing relative to the performance of the market sector it is trying to
beat. Note that index funds are designed to approximate the returns of their
benchmarks. Benchmarks do not have costs.
Total Index is a combination of all the market benchmarks in each market
sector and is based on the asset amounts of each fund in each market sector.
Management Type is the type of investment strategy used by a fund.
Passively Managed (or index) funds follow a strategy to produce the
same level and pattern of investment returns generated in a market index
(such as the S&P 500
index) by buying and holding the same securities
as the index itself. Index funds carry a very low fee.
Actively Managed funds try to predict securities price movements in
order to beat a market index. The higher fees associated with actively
managed funds are used to support the research needed to predict
market changes.
Performance Summary as of June 30, 2016
Fees per Annual Average Investment Returns
$1,000 After Deducting Fees
Annual Long-Term Previous Previous Previous Previous
Fees Quarter
Year 5 Years 10 Years
TOTAL FRS INVESTMENT PLAN – – – – 1.69% -0.88% 5.51% 4.87%
PB: Investment Plan Total Index
– – – – 1.81% -0.36% 5.37% 4.50%
RETIREMENT DATE FUNDS – – – – 1.81% -0.76% – – – –
PB: Total Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.68% -0.68% – – – –
FRS 2055 Retirement Date Fund
(2055) $0.70 $21 1.44% -2.04% – – – –
PB: 2055 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.40% -2.36% – – – –
FRS 2050 Retirement Date Fund
(2050) $0.70 $21 1.43% -2.06% 6.59% – –
PB: 2050 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.40% -2.36% 6.35% – –
FRS 2045 Retirement Date Fund
(2045) $0.70 $21 1.45% -2.03% 6.60% – –
PB: 2045 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.40% -2.36% 6.35% – –
(2040) $0.70 $21 1.48% -2.02% 6.60% – –
PB: 2040 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.41% -2.22% 6.38% – –
FRS 2035 Retirement Date Fund
(2035) $0.80 $24 1.62% -1.66% 6.60% – –
PB: 2035 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.51% -1.84% 6.40% – –
FRS 2030 Retirement Date Fund
(2030) $1.00 $30 1.70% -0.85% 6.04% – –
PB: 2030 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.63% -0.95% 5.85% – –
FRS 2025 Retirement Date Fund
(2025) $1.20 $37 1.87% -0.41% 5.37% – –
PB: 2025 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.74% -0.34% 5.18% – –
FRS 2020 Retirement Date Fund
(2020) $1.30 $40 2.05% -0.08% 4.69% – –
PB: 2020 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 1.87% 0.30% 4.52% – –
FRS 2015 Retirement Date Fund
(2015) $1.50 $46 2.23% 0.38% 4.04%
PB: 2015 Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 2.01% 1.00% 3.84% – –
FRS Retirement Fund
(2000) $1.50 $46 2.30% 0.70% 3.84%
PB: Retirement Custom Index
– – – – 2.03% 1.30% 3.52% – –
FRS Money Market Fund (60) $0.60 $18 0.14% 0.38% 0.25% 1.23%
PB: iMoneyNet Money Fund Average
– – – – 0.06% 0.15% 0.06% 1.22%
FRS Real Assets Fund
(300) $4.50 $145 3.73% -2.92% 0.44% – –
PB: FRS Custom Real Assets Index
– – – – 3.03% -0.23% -0.11% – –
Refer to page 2 for a definition of these
asset classes.
= Passively Managed Type
= Actively Managed Type
To Be Updated
Fees per Annual Average Investment Returns
$1,000 After Deducting Fees
Annual Long-Term Previous Previous Previous Previous
Fees Quarter
Year 5 Years 10 Years
BOND FUNDS – – – – 2.53% 5.31% 3.81% 5.46%
PB: Investment Plan Total Bond Index
– – – – 2.38% 4.94% 3.64% 5.06%
FRS U.S. Bond Enhanced Index Fund
(80) $0.50 $15 2.27% 6.25% 3.91% 5.36%
PB: Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index
– – – – 2.21% 6.00% 3.76% 5.13%
FIAM Intermediate Duration Pool Fund
(90) $1.21 $37 2.03% 4.69% 3.30% 4.65%
PB: Barclays Capital Intermediate
– – – – 1.44% 4.36% 2.96% 4.66%
Aggregate Bond Index
FRS Core Plus Fixed Income Fund
(310) $2.40 $75 2.77% 5.51% 4.69%
PB: FRS Custom Core Plus Fixed Income Index
– – – – 2.61% 5.21% 4.70% – –
U.S. STOCK FUNDS – – – – 2.40% 0.57% 11.15% 7.74%
PB: Investment Plan Total U.S. Equities Index
– – – – 2.93% 1.19% 11.02% 7.26%
FRS U.S. Stock Market Index Fund
(120) $0.20 $6 2.65% 2.30% 11.68% 7.49%
PB: Russell 3000 Index
– – – – 2.63% 2.14% 11.60% 7.40%
FRS U.S. Large Cap Equity Fund
(320) $3.30 $104 1.25% -2.26% 11.20% – –
PB: Russell 1000 Index
– – – – 2.54% 2.93% 11.88% – –
FRS U.S. Small/Mid Cap Equity Fund
(330) $6.60 $220 3.02% -0.22% 10.71% – –
PB: Russell 2500 Index
– – – – 4.01% -2.10% 7.84% – –
FOREIGN AND GLOBAL STOCK FUNDS – – – – -0.28% -8.44% 2.74% 3.27%
PB: Investment Plan Total Foreign/Global
– – – – -0.43% -8.81% 1.91% 2.00%
Equities Index
FRS Foreign Stock Index Fund
(200) $0.30 $9 -0.48% -9.60% 1.67% 2.01%
– – – – -0.68% -9.61% 1.35% 1.69%
American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund
(220) $4.90 $159 -0.32% -9.57% 2.50% 3.97%
– – – – -0.40% -9.80% 0.56% 1.45%
American Funds New Perspective Fund
(210) $4.90 $159 0.84% -1.60% 8.00% 6.95%
PB: MSCI All Country World Index
– – – – 0.99% -3.73% 5.69% 3.97%
The performance information presented reflects past performance, which is not necessarily an indication of future performance. The most recent quarter,
1-, 5-, and 10-year performance returns are shown. The following applies to “FRS” labeled funds with an inception date of 7-1-2014: 1) the 5-year history,
if available, is considered the return since inception; and 2) 1-year and 5-year historical performance is based on the target weight of the underlying
managers/funds that would have been in place if the funds had been in place during these time periods.
Fees and expenses are only one of several factors that you should consider when making investment decisions.
Not annualized.
This fund is subject to an Excessive Fund Trading Policy, which may limit your ability to make investment changes involving this fund. The policy is
available on the “Investment Funds” page of
Effective July 1, 2016, the benchmark changed from a custom benchmark, the FRS Custom Small/Mid Cap Index, to the Russell 2500 Index.
= Passively Managed Type
= Actively Managed Type
Performance Summary as of June 30, 2016 — continued
Beneficiary Designation
Your enclosed quarterly FRS Investment Plan
Account Statement lists your current Investment
Plan account beneficiary(ies). Please review
these beneficiary(ies) to ensure they are correct.
You can change your beneficiaries by logging in
m and clicking Manage Investment
> Personal Information > Beneficiaries.
Or you can complete an FRS Investment Plan
Beneficiary Designation Form (IPBEN-1), which
is also available online. You can also update your
beneficiaries by calling the FRS Investment Plan
Administrator at 1-866-446-9377, Option 4
(TRS 711).
Lifetime Annuity Quotes —
$100,000 Premium (As of 6/30/2016)
Annuity Type Monthly Benefit
Single Life $498
Joint and Survivor $431
Assumptions: The monthly benefits listed in the examples above assume you used $100,000 of your Investment
Plan balance to purchase a lifetime fixed annuity from the Investment Plan’s annuity provider.
The Single Life Annuity example assumes a female, aged 62. By choosing a single life annuity, she will receive
fixed payments in the amount of $498 for the rest of her life, no matter how long she lives. All income payments will
cease upon her death and no further benefit payments will be due.
The Joint and Survivor Annuity example assumes a female, aged 62, has chosen her spouse, aged 62, as her
survivor. By choosing a joint and survivor annuity, she will receive $431 for the rest of her life. When she dies, if her
spouse is still alive, then the spouse will continue to receive the $431 for the rest of the spouse’s life, no matter how
long the spouse lives. You may name anyone as your survivor when you purchase a joint and survivor annuity.
Your actual annuity quotes may vary based on your individual data and other circumstances. Please note other
annuity payment options and features are also available.
To find out if an annuity is right for you, or to purchase an annuity, please call the MyFRS Financial
Guidance Line at 1-866-446-9377, Option 2 (TRS 711).
Free Employee Workshop Webcasts
The FRS offers free nancial planning workshop webcasts for
FRS-covered employees. You may attend as many workshops as
you wish.
Register Today!
By Phone: 1-866-446-9377, Option 2 (TRS 711)
Online: (After login, select “Attend a
Workshop,” then “WEBINAR” under the County drop-down box,
and then select the workshop you would like to attend.)
2016 Dates 10:00 a.m. to Noon ET 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET
July 19 Using the FRS to Plan Estate Planning: Caring for
for Retirement Your Loved Ones
July 20 Nearing Retirement in Insurance Planning: Protecting
the FRS Your Loved Ones
October 5 Using the FRS to Plan FRS Investment Plan:
for Retirement Understanding Your Benefits
October 6 Nearing Retirement in Investment Planning for
the FRS Everyone - The Details
Change Your
Login Password Regularly
Security experts suggest you change your online
passwords on a regular basis. You may want to
consider changing your
each quarter. You can let your quarterly
statement serve as your reminder. To change
login Password, complete the
following steps:
• Loginto
User ID and Password.
• Onceloggedin,moveyourmousecursor
over your name in the top-right corner
and select “My Profile.”
• Whenthe“MyProfile”informationpage
appears, enter your current Password and
your new Password, confirm your new
Password, and select “SAVE.”
Your Password will be changed.
Your Password is case-sensitive and must
be between 8 and 32 characters in length.
Special characters are allowed
(except for “_” underscore).
FL2Q16 ©2016 MyFRS Florida Retirement System — all rights reserved.
Did You Know?
Happiness is being able to learn
something new. Learning something
new gives you knowledge, and with
knowledge comes power. You have the
power to control your retirement, and
now is the perfect time to start. Learn
something new today, set goals, and
take control to ensure happiness in
your retirement years. Many helpful
tools are available on
help you calculate your retirement
needs to ensure you have the financial
means to retire when the time comes.
Speak with an EY planner for help to
get started saving. Call today – it’s
never too soon!
Whats the Right Way to Use a Retirement
Date Fund?
The Investment Plan’s Retirement Date Funds are designed to make investing for
your retirement simple. All you have to do is choose the one Retirement Date Fund
that most closely matches the year you expect to retire from the FRS Investment
Plan. Choosing just one Retirement Date Fund is the best way to get the most from it.
What makes this “one and done” approach possible is that each Retirement Date
Fund is a diversied portfolio of other FRS Investment Plan funds. The mix of funds
is based on the amount of time you have before retirement. As your retirement
gets nearer, this mix gradually shifts — from growth to preservation — to match
your changing investment needs.
A recent survey from Financial Engines, who provides guidance and online tools
for, found that many investors are not using Retirement Date Funds
Instead of investing in just one Retirement Date Fund, as recommended,
many investors are investing in a Retirement Date Fund plus additional investment
funds. Participants who mixed Retirement Date Funds with other funds saw median
annual returns 2.11% lower than investors who held almost all of their funds in just
one Retirement Date Fund.
If you are invested in more than one Retirement Date Fund or in a Retirement Date
Fund plus additional investment funds, call the MyFRS Financial Guidance Line at
1-866-446-9377, Option 2, to discuss your investment goals and approach.
Pick One and Done!
Each Retirement Date Fund is a diversied portfolio of other FRS Investment Plan
funds. To match your changing investment needs, the mix of funds gradually
changes as retirement gets nearer.
FRS Retirement Fund (2000)
FRS 2015 Retirement Date Fund (2015)
FRS 2020 Retirement Date Fund (2020)
FRS 2025 Retirement Date Fund (2025)
FRS 2030 Retirement Date Fund (2030)
FRS 2035 Retirement Date Fund (2035)
FRS 2040 Retirement Date Fund (2040)
FRS 2045 Retirement Date Fund (2045)
FRS 2050 Retirement Date Fund (2050)
FRS 2055 Retirement Date Fund (2055)
For more information about Retirement Date Funds, visit the “Investment Funds”
section on
Not so simple: Why target-date funds are widely misused by retirement investors
, Financial Engines, March 1, 2016,
About Your Annual Fee Disclosure Statement
The Annual Fee Disclosure Statement for the FRS Investment Plan provides
information concerning the Investment Plan’s structure, administrative and
individual expenses, and investment funds, including performance, benchmarks,
fees, and expenses. This Statement is designed to set forth relevant information
in simple terms to help you make better investment decisions. The Statement
is available online in the “Investment Funds” section on, or you can
request a printed copy be mailed at no cost to you by calling the MyFRS Financial
Guidance Line toll-free at 1-866-446-9377, Option 4 (TRS 711).