Preparedness Checklist
Although disasters affect everyone, people who care for others have a unique
role to prepare both themselves and the ones they care for. The climate crisis
is causing more frequent and extreme weather events which is why it’s more
important than ever to be prepared. Prepare now to protect yourself and the
people you care for.
Be Red Cross Ready
Build a Team
Identify individuals and organizations
who can support you and the person
you care for.
Disasters are challenging, and you can’t be
expected to do everything on your own. Plan
now by creating a team who can help you in a
disaster. Consider including family members,
neighbors, friends, colleagues, neighborhood
groups, faith-based groups, health care
providers, service providers, and social
service organizations.
Write down your loved ones needs,
routines, and current conditions and
share with team members as appropriate.
This will ensure that the team can help each
other provide the care your loved one needs
when a disaster happens.
Document Your Loved One’s
Everyday Needs
Routines Conditions Healthcare
Mobility limitations
Physical /cognitive
Safety concerns
Transportation needs
Social interaction,
Make sure pet or
service animal is
up to date on
vaccinations and have
your veterinarian’s
contact information.
Sleeping schedule
Wake-up / Bedtime
Meals and snack routine
Bathroom routine
Bathing and Grooming
Entertainment preferences
(conversation, reading,
music, tv)
Health conditions
and diseases
(self-administer or
need help?)
Assistive devices
(cane, wheelchair,
hearing aids,
glasses, dentures)
•Identification (date
of birth, Social
Security number and
a current photo)
Contact info:
doctors, dentists,
therapists, and home
health care providers
Insurance information
Caregivers Preparedness Checklist
After you have documented your loved
one’s needs, plan how to meet them in
different disaster scenarios as a team.
Plan how you will communicate with one another
before, during, and after a disaster.
Involve the people you care for as much as possible.
Discuss how your loved one’s or your own medical,
physical, and cognitive needs may affect your ability
to respond.
Encourage everyone to share ways they can help.
different disaster situations. Depending on the
disaster, you may need to shelter where you are
or evacuate to stay safe. Make sure to discuss:
How will we find out about an emergency?
Can we stay safely at home without power?
Will we need electricity to operate medical
equipment, keep medicines cold, or maintain a
safe temperature?
If we need to evacuate, where will we go? How
will we get there? Where will we stay? What
will we bring? What help do we need to travel?
Will we have proper food and medication?
Can we maintain vital medical care while away?
How will we care for pets during an evacuation?
Can we move quickly to an outside meeting place
in the event of a home fire? Can we move quickly
to a tornado safety spot (basement or interior
room on the lowest floor)?
Plan to Stay Connected
Some hazards, like tornadoes and flash floods,
require you to act immediately to stay safe. Stay
informed about any changing conditions and be
ready to act fast. Here are some things you can do:
Sign up for local government emergency alerts.
Local governments issue evacuation notices.
Your community may maintain a list for people
with access and functional needs. If available,
consider registering.
Plan to follow weather watches and warnings
issued by the National Weather Service.
Download the Emergency app onto your phone
by searching “American Red Cross” in your
app store and set up alerts.
Consider getting an emergency battery-
powered radio, so you can stay informed about
changing weather.
Gather Emergency Supplies
Disasters can lead to power, gas, water,
and communications outages. Roads may
be blocked. Emergency services may be
delayed. Stores and pharmacies may be
closed. Gather supplies such as food, water,
and medicine for your household before an
emergency happens. Organize supplies
into a Go-Kit and a Stay-at-Home Kit.
Go-Kit: at least three days of essential
supplies if you need to leave immediately.
Stay-at-Home Kit: at least two weeks
of supplies.
Talk with your doctors and your loved
one’s doctors about how to ensure
access to at least a one-month supply
of essential medications.
Make sure to include backup batteries and
chargers for devices (cellphone, CPAP,
wheelchair, etc.)
Include supplies for pets such as food,
medications, disposal bags, a crate, and
a leash.
Keep personal, financial, and medical records
safe and easy to access (hard copies or
securely backed up).
Plan to Take Care of Each Other
Understand the dangers you may face after
a disaster from extended power outages and
during cleanup.
After a disaster, scammers, identity thieves,
and other criminals may take advantage of
some people. Work with vetted, trusted
sources, and safeguard your personal and
financial information.
It’s normal to have bad feelings, stress, or anxiety
after a disaster or other emergency. Remember
the team is there to help you. Be sure to check
on each other.
Eat healthy food and get enough sleep to help
you deal with stress.
Know that you can contact the Disaster Distress
Helpline for free if you need to talk to someone.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990.
For more information, visit Download the Emergency App
Copyright © 2022 by the American National Red Cross. Version 1. Published September 1, 2023.
Hazard and Protective Actions Icons are used courtesy of FEMA and are available at