This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. This Residential Lease (“Lease”) is dened as this document and the following attachment(s):
(check as applicable)
Brokerage Disclosure to Landlord/Tenant Move in/Move out Inspection
Tenancy Guidelines Landlord/Tenant “You Need to Know”
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure and Brochure Key/Re-key Addendum
Pet Addendum Flood Notice
Homeowners Association Rules and Regulations
OWNER is represented by , a licensed real estate Broker who is authorized to manage the Premises.
Owner’s Broker Address:
City: State: Zip:
Legal Description:
In consideration of their mutual agreement to the following terms, conditions, and covenants, the Owner leases to Tenant and
Tenant leases from Owner the above-described Premises.
A. TERM. This lease is for a term of months (the “Lease Term”), beginning on
(“Commencement Date”) and expiring on (“Expiration Date”). Any extension of the Expiration
Date must be mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the Expiration Date. In the event that any month’s rent is not received
by the Owner within (5 days if left blank) days after written notice of the Owners demand for payment then the
Owner may terminate the Lease, as provided by the Oklahoma Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (ORLTA). Any funds held by
the Owner shall be disbursed in accordance with Paragraph 3. Tenant agrees to give Owner written notice of intent to vacate
the Premises, Hold Over, or request to extend the Lease Term, at least thirty (30) days prior to the Expiration Date. NOTE: The
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) requires that a military service member be able to terminate certain lease agreements
(See Paragraph 34 of this Contract for additional information).
B. HOLD OVER TENANCY. If Tenant holds over after the Expiration Date with the consent of Owner, the tenancy shall be
from month to month only and not a renewal (unless there is an execution of a new written lease). Tenant agrees to pay rent
and all other charges as herein provided, and to comply with all the terms and covenants of this Lease from the time that Tenant
holds over.
2. RENT. Tenant agrees to pay rent to: ,
Address: in the total
amount of $ at the rate of $ per month. Tenant shall also be responsible for paying the following utility
costs . Each monthly rent payment is payable in
advance and is due on the 1st day of each month of the Lease Term. The initial rent payment in the amount of $ ,
must be made on . Last month’s rent is payable by money order, cashiers check, or electronic payment. Prorated rent
for days at $ per day equals $ , and is payable on or before .
A. Late Payment of Rent Fee. Any rent payment that is not received by Owner by 11:59 p.m. on the ________ day of the month
it is due will be assessed a late fee of . The parties agree that this late fee shall serve as liquidated damages, and
not penalty for the late payment. The parties also agree that this amount is a reasonable sum to serve as the liquidated damages,
and further agree that the actual damages suered by Owner because of the late payment would be dicult, if not impossible, to
ascertain. Total amount of late rent and late fee is payable by money order, cashiers check, or other certied funds. Deductions
made from rent without written permission from Owner are considered as unpaid rent and will be subject to a late fee.
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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PROPERTY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
B. Dishonored Checks. In the event that the Tenant’s bank returns a check for any reason (insucient funds, stopped payments,
etc.), Tenant agrees:
1) To replace the returned check with certied funds within twenty-four hours. Checks will not be re-deposited.
2) To include payment of $ dishonored check charge with the replacement certied funds along with applicable
late charges.
3) If Tenant has a second dishonored check during the Lease Term, Tenant shall pay all further rents with cashiers check or
money order.
C. Five Day Notice. In the case of non-payment of rent or failing to timely replace a dishonored check as required above, the
Tenant will receive a ve-day (5) notice as provided above.
3. DAMAGE/SECURITY DEPOSIT. Tenant shall deposit with Owner or Owners Broker a Damage/Security Deposit in the amount
of $ which shall be paid on or before the date of Tenant’s occupancy of the Premises. This Damage or Security Deposit
shall secure the performance of Tenant’s obligations to pay rent and leave the Premises in good, clean, and operating condition,
ordinary wear and tear excepted. Owner may, but shall not be obligated, to apply the Damage/Security Deposit or any portion thereof
to Tenant’s obligations. Any balance remaining upon termination shall be returned to Tenant within forty-ve (45) days of both the
Tenant giving written request for the return of the Damage/Security Deposit and the Tenant giving possession of the Premises to the
Owner. Tenant shall NOT have the right to apply the Damage/Security Deposit for payment of rent. If there is any money withheld
from the deposit, the Owner shall provide Tenant with a written itemized list of expenses, delivered by mail with return receipt
requested, or in person to the Tenant if they can reasonably be found. Owner or Owners Broker shall deposit the Damage/Security
Deposit in an FDIC insured escrow account. The account may bear interest, which shall be payable to Owner or Owners Broker in
consideration of the cost and burden of maintaining the escrow account.
4. ANIMALS. Tenant shall not keep animals of any kind on the Premises (except for service/assistance animals) without prior permission
from the Owner. If given permission, Tenant agrees to the terms of the attached Pet Addendum, which will require Tenant to pay
additional fees. If the Tenant acquires an animal after occupancy without written permission of Owner, it could result in the issuance
of an eviction notice.
5. SERVICE/ASSISTANCE ANIMALS. A Tenant with a disability may submit a request to the Owner for a reasonable accommodation
to have a service/assistance animal on the Premises, pursuant to the Fair Housing Act (FHA), the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) or any other applicable federal, state or local law. Unless the Tenant has a disability or disability-related need for an assistance
animal that is readily apparent, the Owner may request reliable supporting documentation that (1) is necessary to verify that the
Tenant meets the denition of disability pursuant to the Fair Housing Act, (2) describes the needed accommodation, and (3) shows
the relationship between the Tenant’s disability and the need for the requested accommodation. Notwithstanding the absence of an
additional deposit for a service/assistance animal, the Tenant shall be responsible for any damages caused by the animal.
6. POSSESSION OF PREMISES. Tenant acknowledges that the statements and material representations made on Tenant’s signed
application, which is hereby incorporated by reference, have been relied upon by Owner, the falsity of which, in whole or in part,
shall constitute a breach of this Lease entitling Owner at Owners option, to terminate the Lease and repossess the Premises. This
Lease is further conditioned upon Owner securing possession of the Premises from the existing Tenant, if any, by the commencement
date hereof. In the event Owner is unable to deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant for any reason, including, but not limited to,
failure to previous Tenant to vacate Premises or partial or complete destruction of the Premises, Tenant shall have the right to terminate
this Agreement. In this event. Owners liability shall be limited to the return of all sums previously paid by Tenant to Owner except
application processing fee, if any.
7. CLEANLINESS/EXISTING DAMAGE. Prior to occupying the Premises, Tenant is responsible to inspect the Premises for
cleanliness and any existing damage. If the Premises is in need of cleaning or repair of damages, Tenant must notify Owner prior to
occupying the Premises, and within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving keys. It is the intent of the Owner to deliver the Premises to
Tenant in clean condition and without damage.
8. KEYS AND RE-KEYING. See attached Key/Re-key Addendum.
9. LEGAL USE. Tenant shall use the Premises only for residential purposes and for no other purpose. Operating a business, including
daycare, from the Premises is prohibited. Tenant shall not use, nor permit the use of anything in the Premises (i) which would violate
any of the terms or conditions of this Lease, (ii) for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful manner, or (iii) that would substantially
increase cost of the Owner’s insurance. Tenant’s use shall comply with City Code and Ordinances, City, State and Federal Regulations
and Laws. Tenant shall pay any cost incurred by Owner due to Tenant’s violation of the Code, Regulations, Ordinances, and Laws.
Failure of the Tenant to pay costs shall constitute a breach of this Lease. If Owner should violate City Code and Ordinances, or City,
State or Federal Regulations and Laws, Owner shall cure or pay any cost incurred by Tenant due to the violations. .
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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PROPERTY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
A. PEST CONTROL. Owner shall be responsible for eradicating any pest infestation reported by Tenant within the rst thirty
(30) days of possession. Tenant’s failure to identify any pest infestation within thirty (30) days shall constitute Tenant’s
agreement that the Premises has no infestation of any kind. Tenant is responsible for reporting any suspected or known
termite infestation but is not responsible for termite control. Any future infestation of any kind, except termites, shall be the
responsibility of Tenant. In the event Tenant fails to take reasonable and prompt action to eradicate pest infestation, Owner may
take such action and demand reimbursement for costs incurred from the Tenant.
B. SMOKE DETECTORS. Tenant acknowledges that Premises is equipped with smoke detector(s) in good working order and
repair. Tenant agrees to be solely responsible to check smoke detectors every thirty (30) days and notify Owner immediately if
smoke detectors are not functioning properly. Tenant shall replace batteries in smoke detectors as needed to insure they operate
C. LANDSCAPING. Tenant agrees to keep and maintain the Premises in good condition and repair, including keeping the yard
mowed, watered, and the shrubbery trimmed.
1) Tenant shall be responsible for all routine maintenance including, but not limited to, stoppage or sewer because of misuse,
broken water pipes/xtures due to neglect or carelessness of Tenant, and replacement of any burned out light bulbs. Tenant
understands that they, at their expense, shall keep sinks, lavatories, and commodes open unless stoppage is due to defective
sewer systems. Tenant shall report any water leaks to Owner immediately.
2) Tenant is responsible for changing HVAC lters regularly (at least every three months), and shall be responsible for HVAC
servicing fees if excessively dirty lters are present at any time. Tenant shall also be liable for damage to HVAC systems
caused by dirty or missing lters and damages resulting from unreported problems.
3) Tenant agrees to notify Owner promptly in the event of needed repairs.
11. NON-SMOKING/NON-VAPING. Tenant agrees that smoking, including tobacco and marijuana, and vaping or the any use of
e-cigarettes on the interior or exterior of the Premises is not permitted, and should such occur by Tenant or Tenant’s guests in the
Premises, Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of having Premises painted, walls washed, interior deodorized, air ducts and lters
cleaned, and carpets and draperies professionally cleaned, and any other cost to repair any other damage. If smoking or vaping
occurs it could be cause for the issuance of an eviction notice.
12. MARIJUANA. Tenant shall not grow or cultivate marijuana on the interior or exterior of the Premises. Tenant shall not sell or
distribute marijuana, or products containing marijuana, on the Premises. If Tenant or Tenant’s guests engage in such activities, Tenant
will be subject to eviction and liable for any damages, including any costs listed in Section 11 above.
13. UTILITIES. Tenant will be responsible for paying all utility costs, including any deposits, penalties and interest, beginning on the
Commencement Date, except for _________________________________________________, during Tenant’s occupancy of the
14. OCCUPANTS. Only the persons listed below shall occupy the Premises. Maximum occupancy of the Premises shall be .
Occupancy of the Premises shall not exceed two (2) persons per bedroom unless the Owner gives prior consent in writing. Occupancy
by anyone other than those listed for more than fourteen (14) consecutive nights shall constitute a breach of this Lease unless the
Owner gives prior consent in writing:
15. NOTIFICATION. Pursuant to Title 41 O.S. §130.1A, in the event of an Emergency or Death, notication is to be made to the
following (must not be another occupant):
For Tenant notify:
Name/Relationship: Phone:
For Co-Tenant notify:
Name/Relationship: Phone:
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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PROPERTY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
In the event of death (unless there is a surviving joint-Tenant) Owner or Owners Broker is authorized to: (i) grant to the person
designated above access to the Premises at a reasonable time and in the presence of the Owner or the Owners Broker, (ii) allow the
person designated above to remove any of the Tenant’s property found at the Premises, and (iii) refund the Tenant’s security deposit,
less lawful deductions, to the person designated above.
16. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS. Except in the event of an emergency, or as specically authorized by the ORLTA, no repairs,
decorating, or alterations shall be done by Tenant without Owners prior written consent. Tenant shall notify Owner in writing of any
repairs or alterations contemplated. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Owner and Owners Broker harmless from any costs, fees, or
expenses relating to any mechanic’s lien recordation or proceeding caused by Tenant. Tenant agrees that all improvements installed
in an on the Premises, including landscaping (bushes, shrubs, ground cover, trees, and owers) shall, at the option of Owner, remain
with the Premises upon termination of the Lease at no cost to Owner.
17. APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS. Money paid by Tenant is applied in the following order:
A. Maintenance charges due in accordance with the Lease
B. Late charges, dishonored check charges, or trip charges
C. Past due utilities
D. Unpaid security deposits
E. Fees owed for unapproved pets
F. Attorney fees, Processor fees, and Court Costs awarded by the Courts
G. Past due rent, oldest to newest
H. Current rent
18. HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION. The Tenant agrees to read and abide by the Homeowners Association Rules and Regulations.
Tenant agrees to pay, upon demand, any nes levied upon Owner for Tenant’s violation of the association rules and regulations.
19. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. No portion of the Premises shall be sublet nor this Lease assigned. Any subletting or assigned
by Tenant without the permission of the Owner shall be a breach of this Lease.
A. All personal property located on or stored in the Premises is at the risk of the Tenant, and Tenant shall indemnify and hold
harmless Owner and Owners Broker from and against any loss or damage to said personal property. Further, Tenant is
responsible required by Owner, for obtaining and paying for their own Insurance to cover Tenant’s personal
property and liability. Owner shall not carry Insurance for Tenant’s personal property or liability.
B. Tenant agrees and understands that Owner and the Owner’s Broker is not responsible for loss for perishable goods should there
by a mechanical failure of any appliance or equipment provided by the Owner. Tenant is responsible for any loss incurred by
the Owner due to Tenant neglect, misuse, abuse or accident caused by Tenant.
C. FLOOD INSURANCE. In the event the Premises is located in a ood hazard area, it shall be the responsibility of the Tenant
to purchase ood insurance to cover their personal property in the event of ooding from rising water. The Owner’s insurance
does not cover the Tenant’s personal property.
A. Owner has notied Owners Broker that the Premises is is not located within a 100-year ood hazard area.
B. Owner does does not have knowledge of the Premises ooding in the last ve (5) years.
NOTE: Premises do not have to be in a 100-year ood hazard area to be susceptible to ooding. Flood insurance is available on
a property in any location. “Flooded and ooding” shall mean general and temporary conditions of partial or complete inundation
of normally dry land areas and structures upon said areas from the overow of lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, creeks and any other
inland waters.
A. The items checked below are included in the Premises and are in good working order.
Refrigerator Range Oven Disposal Dishwasher
Washer Dryer Microwave Ceiling Fan Window Covering
Window Air Conditioning Unit
Other items included (if any):
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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PROPERTY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
Ceiling Fans # Fireplaces # Overhead Door # Window Unit #
Any remote control unit(s) issued to Tenant are to be returned in good working condition on or before the Expiration Date.
A. A Tenant shall not unreasonably withhold consent to the Owner or the Owners Broker, including their representatives or
employees, to enter the Premises to inspect the Premises to insure Tenant’s compliance with the terms of this Lease, to make
necessary or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations or improvements, supply necessary or agreed services, or to show the
Premises to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagee, Tenants, workmen or contractors.
B. An Owner or the Owners Broker, including their representatives or employees may enter Premises without consent of the
Tenant in case of emergency.
C. An Owner and the Owners Broker shall not abuse the right of access or use it to harass the Tenant. Except in case of emergency
or unless it is impracticable to do so, the Owner or the Owner’s Broker shall give the Tenant at least one (1) day verbal notice
of the intent to enter and may enter only at reasonable times.
D. Unless the Tenant has abandoned or surrendered the Premises, an Owner or the Owners Broker has no other right to enter the
Premises during the Lease Term except as provided in this Lease or pursuant to a court order.
E. If the Tenant refuses to allow lawful access, the Owner or the Owners Broker may obtain a court order to compel access, or
may terminate the Lease.
F. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 24 below, for the purpose of entry and inspection, notice may be posted on the
24. ATTORNEY’S FEES. In the event legal action or proceeding is brought by either Party to enforce any part of this Lease, the
prevailing Party may recover, in addition to all other relief, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs to be set upon application to the court.
25. NOTICE. Notice to Owner is to be addressed to Owners Broker at the address listed above. Owners Broker is authorized to accept
legal service on behalf of Owner.
Any notice, except as otherwise provided below, required by this Lease to be given by one Party to the other, may be mailed by
certied United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Owners Broker or Tenant at Owners Brokers or Tenant’s address as set
forth in this Lease, or delivered personally to Owner’s Broker or Tenant, and shall be deemed conclusively to have been given on the
date of the mailing or personal delivery.
A written notice to terminate this Lease shall be personally served on the Tenant or Owners Broker. If the Tenant cannot be located,
service shall be made by delivering the notice to any family member of such Tenant over the age of twelve (12) years residing with the
Tenant. If service cannot be made on the Tenant personally or on such family member, notice shall be posted at a conspicuous place
on the Premises. If the notice is posted, a copy of such notice shall be mailed to the Tenant by certied mail. If service cannot be made
on the Owners Broker personally, the notice shall be mailed to the Owners Broker by certied mail.
A. CONDITION. Tenant agrees that upon vacating and surrendering the Premises, all xtures and equipment in the Premises shall
be in good, clean, and operating condition, except for ordinary wear and tear. Tenant shall at the time of vacating the Premises,
thoroughly clean the Premises, including, but not limited to, all appliances and removal of all trash from the Premises. Tenant shall
pay for the cost of Owner having the carpet professionally cleaned in an amount not to exceed $ , or provide proof of
professional carpet cleaning by a carpet cleaning service approved by Owner. If the Tenant does not complete the cleaning and
removal of trash, action deemed necessary by Owner to accomplish same may be taken by Owner at Tenant’s expense.
B. SECURING. Upon vacating the Premises, Tenant shall lock the Premises and immediately deliver all keys and all remotes, if
any, to Owners Broker. If Tenant fails to lock the Premises and return all keys and all remotes (listed above in 22.B), Tenant
agrees to pay any cost incurred by the Owner to lock the Premises, including any repairs for damage to the Premises as the
result of the Tenant’s failure to secure the Property, and costs to replace keys, locks and any remotes.
C. PERSONAL PROPERTY. If the Tenant abandons or surrenders possession of the Premises, or has been lawfully removed
from the Premises through eviction proceedings, and leaves household goods, furnishings, xtures, or any other personal
property in the Premises, the Owner may take possession of the property, and if, in the judgment of the Owner, the property
has no ascertainable or apparent value, the Owner may dispose of the property without any duty of accounting or any liability
to any party. Any property left with the Owner for a period of thirty (30) days or longer shall be conclusively determined to be
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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PROPERTY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
abandoned and as such the Owner may dispose of said property in any manner deemed reasonable and proper without liability
to the Tenant or any other interested party. If in the judgment of the Owner the property has an ascertainable or apparent
value, the Owner shall provide written notice to the Tenant by certied mail to the last-known address that if the property is
not removed within the time specied in the notice, the property will be deemed abandoned. The Owner shall be entitled to
recover any costs of storage, and removal.
27. DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE OF PREMISES. If the Premises is damaged or destroyed by re or casualty to the extent that
normal use and occupancy of the Premises is substantially impaired, Tenant may immediately vacate the Premises and notify the
Owner in writing within seven (7) days thereafter of Tenant’s intention to terminate the Lease, in which case the Lease terminates as
of the date of vacating. If continued occupancy is lawful, Tenant may vacate any part of the Premises rendered unusable by the re
or casualty, in which case Tenant’s liability for rent is reduced in proportion to the diminution in the fair-market rental value of the
Premises, as determined by Owner.
Unless the re or casualty was due to Tenant’s negligence or otherwise caused by Tenant, if the Lease is terminated, the Owner shall
return security deposit to Tenant with the proper accounting as required by law. Accounting for rent in the event of termination or
apportionment must be made as of the date of the re or casualty. The Owner shall withhold Tenant’s security deposit if the re or
casualty was due to Tenant’s negligence or otherwise caused by Tenant, with proper accounting as required by law.
28. FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING OR SHERIFF’S SALE. If the Premises become subject to a foreclosure process or tax sale,
notice of said sale does not release Tenant from Tenant’s obligations in this Lease nor does it authorize Tenant to withhold rent.
A. In the event of default by any Tenant, every remaining signatory shall be liable for timely payment of rent and shall be bound
by all the terms, conditions and covenants of this Lease whether or not they are in actual possession of the Premises.
B. Should Tenant neglect or fail to perform and observe any of the terms of this Lease, Owner may deliver to Tenant written
notice of the breach, specifying the acts and omissions constituting the breach of the Lease and that the Lease will terminate
upon a date not less than fteen (15) days after receipt of the notice unless remedied within ten (10) days (except in the event
the breach is for failure to pay rent in which case the ve (5) day statutory notice shall apply). If Tenant fails to comply with
the notice, the Owner may declare Tenant in breach of the Lease and institute action to evict Tenant from the Premises without
limiting the liability of Tenant for all obligations under this Lease, including the payment of rent for the Lease Term, and the
payment of fees incurred by the Owner for the releasing of the Premises.
C. In the event Tenant is engaged in, or otherwise allows illegal activities at the Premises; if the Tenant is disturbing his/her or
their neighbors with an unreasonable noise level; if the police are called to the Premises due to any type of violent behavior; or
if the Tenant has excessive trac going in and out of the Premises, the Tenant may be given a notice to vacate, and all deposits
will be forfeited.
D. Illegal/Criminal Activity. Any criminal activity committed by the Tenant, or by any member of Tenant’s household, or any
guest or other person under Tenant’s control is cause for immediate termination of this Lease. Additionally, any danger to the
Premises that threatens the health, safety, or right of peaceful enjoyment of the location, as well as any drug-related activity
on or near the Premises conducted by the Tenant or by any member of Tenant’s household, or any guest or other person under
Tenant’s control is cause for immediate termination of this Lease.
30. WAIVER BY OWNER. The waiver by Owner of any breach shall not be construed to be a continuing waiver of any subsequent
breach. The receipt by the Owner of the rent with the knowledge of any violation of a covenant or condition hereto shall not be
considered a waiver of breach. No waiver by Owner of the provisions herein shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in
writing and signed by Owner or the Owners Broker.
A. Fair Housing. Owner and the Owners Broker and Tenant acknowledge and agree that Owner shall lease the Premises to the
Tenant without regard to sex, race, religion, color, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
B. Lead Based Paint. Lead Based Paint Addendum and Disclosure will be provided to Tenant if Premises was built prior to 1978.
C. Parties acknowledge and conrm that broker(s) providing brokerage services to the Parties has described and disclosed their
duties and responsibilities to the Parties prior to signing this Lease.
The services performed and rendered by Owners Broker while leasing and managing the Premises for the Owner do not create
a broker relationship with the Tenant. Services performed and rendered by Broker are on behalf of and for the benet of Owner.
Tenant’s Initials Tenant’s Initials
D. Licensee Disclosure. Owner is is not a real estate licensee (License number and state of issuance, if applicable
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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PROPERTY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
32. AIR QUALITY. Owner and the Owners Broker have no knowledge and take no responsibility for any type of air quality problems
that Tenant, Tenant’s family members or guests might encounter in the Premises. In the event that Tenant or Tenant’s family members
experience any type of respiratory problems, it is strongly recommended that Tenant have the Premises tested before occupancy. The
Tenant will pay cost of such testing.
33. MOLD AND MILDEW. Mold and/or mildew can grow in any portion of the Premises exposed to elevated levels of moisture, and
some forms of mold and mildew can be harmful. Tenant agrees to report to Owner any water intrusion problems (other than in sinks,
showers, toilets, and other areas designed to hold water or to be wet areas). Tenant shall not block or cover any heating, ventilation, or
air condition ducts located in the Premises.
Owner and the Owners Broker shall not be responsible or liable to Tenant or Tenant’s family members or guests for any problem,
including any illness or sickness that might arise from mold, mildew, and/or air quality within the Premises. By signing this Lease,
Tenant agrees to hold Owner and the Owners Broker harmless from any mold or air quality problems, including any illness or
34. SECURITY CAMERAS. The Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, to install security cameras on the exterior of the
Property and exterior common areas, including entryways, driveways, and parking areas.
is for those military personnel that receive Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Estimated Time of Separation (ETS) orders during
the term of their lease. Orders or any notication, certication, or authorization from the Soldier’s commanding ocer, are subject to
verication for validity.
A. Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act: Owner agrees to comply with the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C.S. App.
§501 et seq. (West 2006) (the “SCRA”). Owner shall notify the court in any proceeding against Tenant that Tenant is a
Servicemember entitled to rights and protections under the SCRA.
B. Military Termination: Tenant may terminate this Lease upon receipt of military orders for a change of permanent station, or
upon receipt of military temporary change of station orders to deploy with a military unit or as an individual in support of a
military operation for a period of not less than ninety (90) days. Tenant may also terminate this Lease if, after entering into this
Lease, Tenant enters military service. In any event, Tenant must deliver to Owner written notice of the termination and a copy
of Tenant’s military orders or any notication, certication, or verication from the Tenant’s commanding ocer with respect
to Tenant’s current or future military duty status. Termination becomes eective thirty (30) days after the rst date on which
the next rental payment is due after Tenant delivers notice. Tenant’s right to the return of their security deposit pursuant to
Paragraph 3 will apply. Owner may not withhold the security deposit as a fee or penalty for early termination, nor may Owner
charge any additional amount for Tenant’s termination under this action.
I/We have read and understand the terms of this Military Clause/Termination Statement.
Tenant’s Initials Tenant’s Initials
37. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties, and no promises or representations, other
than those contained herein, have been made by Owner or Owners Broker. Any modications to this Lease must be in writing and
signed by Owner and Tenant.
THE UNDERSIGNED Tenant(s) and Owner(s) or Owners Broker acknowledge that they have read and understand the Lease and all
attachments and addendums. They also acknowledge that they have received a copy of the Lease, attachments and addendums, and the
Tenant accepts the Premises in its present condition.
Tenant Signature Date Owner or Owners Broker Signature Date
Tenant Signature Date Owner or Owners Broker Signature Date