published: 28 July 2022
doi: 10.3389/fpain.2022.910995
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 1 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
Edited by:
Bassey Ebenso,
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Reviewed by:
Hitesh Chopra,
Chitkara University, India
Rajeev K. Singla,
Sichuan University, China
Virginia T. LeBaron
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Pharmacological Treatment of Pain,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Pain Research
Received: 01 April 2022
Accepted: 21 June 2022
Published: 28 July 2022
LeBaron VT, Horton BJ, Adhikari A,
Chapagain S, Dhakal M, Gongal R,
Kattel R, Koirala G, Kutcher A,
Hass B, Maurer M, Munday D,
Neupane B, Sharma K, Shilpakar R,
Shrestha A, Shrestha S, Thapa U,
Dillingham R and Paudel BD (2022) A
Global Collaboration to Develop and
Pilot Test a Mobile Application to
Improve Cancer Pain Management in
Nepal. Front. Pain Res. 3:910995.
doi: 10.3389/fpain.2022.910995
A Global Collaboration to Develop
and Pilot Test a Mobile Application to
Improve Cancer Pain Management in
Virginia T. LeBaron
, Bethany J. Horton
, Abish Adhikari
, Sandhya Chapagain
Manita Dhakal
, Rajesh Gongal
, Regina Kattel
, Ganesh Koirala
, Anna Kutcher
Ben Hass
, Martha Maurer
, Daniel Munday
, Bijay Neupane
, Krishna Sharma
Ramila Shilpakar
, Amuna Shrestha
, Sudip Shrestha
, Usha Thapa
Rebecca Dillingham
and Bishnu D. Paudel
University of Virginia School of Nursing, Charlottesville, VA, United States,
University of Virginia School of Medicine,
Charlottesville, VA, United States,
Kathmandu Cancer Center, Tathali, Nepal,
National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir
Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal,
B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur, Nepal,
Hospice Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal,
Nepal Cancer Hospital & Research Center, Lalitpur, Nepal,
Hass Software Consulting, Brooklyn, NY, United States,
Sonderegger Research Center, University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Madison, WI, United States,
Usher Institute,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
University of Virginia Center for Global Health Equity, Charlottesville,
VA, United States
Introduction: Quality palliative care, which prioritizes comfort and symptom control,
can reduce global suffering from non-communicable diseases, such as cancer. To
address this need, the Nepalese Association of Palliative Care (NAPCare) created
pain management guidelines (PMG) to support healthcare providers in assessing and
treating serious pain. The NAPCare PMG are grounded in World Health Organiza tion
best practices but adapted for the cultural and resource context of Nepal. Wider
adoption of the NAPCare PMG has been limited due to distribution of the guidelines
as paper booklets.
Methods: Building on a long-standing partnership between clinicians a nd researchers
in the US and Nepal, the NAPCare PMG mobile applica tion (“app”) was collaboratively
designed. Healthcare providers in Nepal were recruited to pilot test the app using patient
case studies. Then, participants completed a Qualtrics survey to evaluate the app which
included the System Usability Scale (SUS) and selected items from the Mobile App Rating
Scale (MARS). Descriptive and summary statistics were calculated and compared across
institutions and roles. Regression analyses to explore relationships (α = 0.05) between
selected demographic variables and SUS and MARS scores were also conducted.
Results: Ninety eight healthcare providers (n = 98) pilot tested the NAPCare PMG
app. Overall, across institutions and roles, the app received an SUS score of 76.0 (a
score > 68 is considered a bove a ve rage) and a MARS score of 4.10 (on a scale of
1 = poor, 5 = excellent). 89.8% (n = 88) “agreed” or “strongly agreed” that the app
will help them better manage cancer pain. Age, years of experience, and training in
palliative care were significant in predicting SUS scores (p-val ues, 0.0124, 0.0371, and
0.0189, respectively); institution wa s significant in predicting MARS scores (p = 0.0030).
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
Conclusion: The NAPCare PMG mobile app was well- received, and participants rated
it highly on both the SUS and MARS. Regression analyses suggest end-user variables
important to consider in designing and evaluating mobile apps in lower resourced
settings. Our app design and pilot testing process illustrate the benefits of cross
global collaborations to build research capacity and generate knowledge within the
local context.
Keywords: palliative care, cancer, mobile health, mobile applications, pain, pain management guidelines, Nepal,
capacity building
An estimated 60 million people in the world have unmet palliative
care needs, the majority of whom live in low and middle-
income countries (LMICs) (
1). Delivering quality palliative
care, which prioritizes comfort and symptom control—especially
optimal pain management—can reduce global suffering from
non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cancer (25). For
the purposes of this paper palliative care is broadly defined as
holistic care provided to patients (and their family caregivers)
with serious illness that has comfort and symptom control as the
primary goal. Palliative care is particularly important in LMICs,
where the cancer burden is rapidly growing, and where the
majority of patients are first diagnosed with late stage cancer,
which has a poor prognosis and is commonly accompanied
by serious pain (
68). Effectively managing physical pain is a
foundational principle of palliat ive care (9), yet pain remains one
of the most common, and most feared, symptoms of cancer (10
13). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates t hat over
5.5 million people worldwide receive no, or minimal, treatment
for their cancer pain (5, 14). In 2014 the World Health Assembly
passed the landmark Palliative Care Resolution, which officially
urged Member States to integrate palliative care in t o national
healthcare systems (15). Basic palliative care and pain relief has
also been declared a universal human right (1619). Despite these
imperatives, a 2015 survey of 21 healthcare institutions in Nepal
revealed that 83% of Nepal’s population does not receive adequate
palliative ca re (
Multiple professional organizations have created pain
management guidelines (PMG) to address knowledge gaps and
help healthcare providers (HCPs) effectively manage cancer
pain (2125). Unfortunately, despite evidence suggesting
clear benefits, adherence to PMG remains low (2629), and
understanding contextual barriers to low adherence of PMG is
limited, especially in LMICs (11, 27). One challenge is that cancer
care guidelines are often “imported from higher-resource,
Western-oriented settings and may not translate well to LMIC
settings. To address these challenges, it is critical that guidelines
are designed and created that are relevant for the LMIC
context. Once culturally and contextually relevant guidelines
are created, leveraging Mobile Health (“mHealth”)—t he use
of mobile/wireless technology to improve healthcare—may
enhance PMG implementation and adherence (
30, 31). One
viable approach to improve adherence to PMG and cancer pain
care is via Mobile Healt h (“mHealth”) (
32). mHealth (a subfield
of electronic or “e-health”) involves leveraging mobile/wireless
technology to improve healthcare (33). mHealth interventions
range from 1-way text message alerts to mobile applications
or “apps”—software programs downloaded to a mobile device
(e.g., smart phone). A benefit of apps is that they are dynamic
and portable, and can be accessed wherever, and whenever, the
user desires (
34). mHealth is increasingly viewed as a viable
strategy in LMICs due to exploding telecommunication network
capacity and decreasing cost of mobile devices (33, 3541). For
example, 73% of the 5.3 billion global mobile phone users are
located in LMICs, with incre asing penetration in remote rural
areas (37). There is growing evidence that mHealth in LMICs
can increase access to care (30, 3 3), support frontline healthcare
workers (37, 39, 42, 43), enhance data collection (31, 44), and
improve patient outcomes (
4547), but finding ways to evaluate
effectiveness can be challenging (48, 49).
Nepal is a LMIC with a growing cancer burden and is well-
poised to engage in collaborative palliative c are and mHealth
research. NCDs, including cancer, account for almost 60% of
deaths in Nepal and are considered a major public health
issue (5055). In 2012, an estimated 58,000 adults needed
palliative care in Nepal; approximately 20% were adults with
cancer. These are likely underestimates, however, as Nepal
only recently developed a population-based national cancer
registry program (5658), and does not yet have a national
cancer control plan (56). Nepal does, however, have a national
multisectoral NCD plan that recognizes the need for improved
cancer ser v ices, including palliative care (
59). The Nepal NCD
plan also specifically calls to increase research c apacity by
strengthening infrastructure and training investigators (56, 59).
A challenge in palliative care, particularly in LMICs, is generating
and implementing evidence based research (6063). Tremendous
progress has been made over the past 5–10 years in Nepal
to increase societal and healthcare provider (HCP) awareness
regarding palliative care, to increase opioid availability for pain
relief, and to understand the scope of palliative care needs (20,
56, 64, 65). However, gaps remain related to the infrastructure
needed to conduct rigorous research. Research has been proposed
as the fifth pillar of the WHO Public Health Strategy for Palliative
Care (
66), yet little palliative care research is conducted in LMICs
(60, 62, 63, 66, 67).
This research represents a history of collaborative partnerships
and successful initiatives undertaken in Nepal to improve
palliative care and pain relief. Importantly, it also leverages
foundational in-country work of The Nepalese Association of
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 2 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
Palliative Care (NAPCare). NAPCare, a non-political, non-
government organization, was founded in 2009 by community
advocates and clinicians to improve access to palliative care (68).
NAPCare has worked tirelessly t o advance palliative care services
and improve availability of essential pain medicines for patients
with cancer (
20, 64, 69), including the creation of Palliative
Care Pain Management Guidelines (PMG) (70). First drafted
in 2011, and updated in 2017, the NAPCare PMG are based
on the WHO analgesic ladder (71) and adapted to t h e Nepal
context. The NAPCare PMG have been distributed as paper
booklets and designed to guide clinicians in appropriate cancer
pain management. To date, implementation of the PMG has
been limited.
With funding support from the National Institutes of Health,
Fogarty International Center, US researchers partnered with
investigators in Nepal to co-create and pilot test the “NAPCare
PMG mobile health app, which transformed the original paper-
based PMG into a mobile app for use by healthcare providers
(HCPs) (
72). Our interdisciplinary team representing nursing,
medicine, and social work consisted of clinicians and researchers
from Nepal, United Kingdom, and the United States with
expertise in oncology/palliative care, pain management, global
health, and development and testing of mobile applications to
improve health outcomes. Importantly, this research leveraged
the enthusiasm, commitment, existing palliative care clinical
services, and outstanding human capital within Nepal to conduct
quality research that can inform and advance the evidence
base regarding mHealth. The broad, overarching goal of this
work is to support healthcare providers in delivering quality
cancer pain care in LMICs, build research capacity within Nepal,
and, ultimately, decrease patient suffering related to under or
untreated cancer pain. A key objective of this paper is to present
our collaborative process of mobile app development in sufficient
detail so that it may be helpful to other researchers engaging in
similar glob a l work.
Overall Design
This was a feasibility and acceptability study grounded in a
Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) philosophy to
develop and pilot test a mHealth decision support application
“app” to promote PMG implementation within Nepal. CBPR
is a collaborative research approach that involves engaging
community stakeholders as members of the research tea m
to implement relevant, sustainable change (
7376) and is a
constructive approach in LMICs and can bridge knowledge and
action, give voice to marginalized communities, and reduce
health inequities (7376). Core CBPR principles relevant to
this research include engaging local stakeholders in establishing
research priorities and the design of the project, recognizing and
capitalizing on local expertise, sharing collective knowledge to
work toward positive change, and promoting leadership growth
and autonomy within the community (
77). CBPR is a well-
established research method and advocated as a critical approach
to successful mHealth initiatives (
33, 7880).
Design of the NAPCare PMG Mobile
The design and pilot testing of the NAPCare PMG mobile app
was a highly iterative, collaborative process between the Nepal
and UVA research team f acilitated by in-country fieldwork and
remote virtual meetings and focus groups that occurred between
November 2019—February 2021. Our initial fieldwork prompted
important questions related to the scope, intent, and distribution
of the mobile a pp, which were critical to discuss at the onset to
clarify expectations. For example, there was significant interest
by Nepal team members for the app to facilitate communication
across healt hcare providers within an instit ution, track patients
over time, and link app results with existing clinical information
documented in the medical record. H owever, the institutions
selected for pilot testing generally lacked an existing electronic
health record and building out such an infrastructure was well
beyond the scope of this feasibility study. Key considerations,
questions and challenges related to the NAPCare mobile app
design and development are summarized in Table 1.
The app design process was grounded in an Information
Systems Research (ISR) framework, which advocates an iterative
and collaborative process, focused on user needs (
82). Our first
step was to share the paper version of the NAPCare PMG with
the engineering team to familiarize them with the document and
discuss the goals and intent of the app. Then, a first draft of
wireframes and high-fidelity app screen mock-ups were created
and shared with study team members over Zoom and via Google
docs to gather feedback and make iterative changes. In January
2020, an interactive, in-person workshop was held in Nepal to
discuss app development. The focus of these discussions was to
get the “foundation of the house right (i.e., ensure the underlying
architecture of the app is accurate) versus worrying too much
about “what color we are painting the walls” (i.e., aesthetic
details that are relatively easy to change). We discussed and
clarified important topics, such as how to balance a thorough
pain assessment with an easy, quick mobile app user interface
recognizing that “we could build a great’ app but if no one
uses it, its useless.” We also clarified the intended audience for
the app (nurses and physicians) and patient population (adult
patients with cancer pain). Team members also wrote down
on sticky notes “need, “nice and “next” preferences for the
app. An example of the “need, nice, next” exercise was given
to start: I need a new motorcycle. A “need is that it runs
and can get me from point A to point B. A “nice is that is
has good gas mileage or that the color is red. A “next” is that
it has Bluetooth capability so I can listen to my music while I
ride.” Team members th en put their sticky notes up on the
wall in the “need “nice and “next columns. The lists were
read and discussed to reach group consensus regarding which
preferences belonged in which columns and to inform app design
(Table 2).
A next step was to convert the NAPCare PMG into pre-
defined processes that could inform the design and programming
of the mobile app (Figure 1). Working collaboratively, the
Nepal and UVA team iterated various flowcharts of pre-
defined processes related to the NAPCare PMG. During t he
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 3 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
TABLE 1 | Key considerations related to the NAPCare mobile app design and development.
How our prior needs assessment survey (81) could best inform app design.
Confirming target audience and patient population for app.
How to balance a thorough pain assessment with an easy, quick user interface.
Deciding what demographic data to collect from healthcare providers and patients.
Questions regarding data sharing, security, and intellectual property questions (e.g., who will “own” and maintain the app and the data collected after it is designed?)
Staying “true” to the NAPCare PMG while recognizing that there is often more than one “right” answer or approach to managing cancer pain.
How to best gather feedback about the app from a diverse, global team.
Importance of ensuring clinical accuracy and safety of app recommendations.
Tailoring features to the needs of different types of healthcare providers.
TABLE 2 | Desired features and functionality of the NAPCare mobile app as identified by the Nepal team.
Completed with this current study (“Need”) Planned for next project (“Nice,” short
Future (“Next,” long term)
Fast; provider can go through app quickly, especially
for patients in severe pain.
Enhanced information regarding opioids and
adjuvants for each type of pain.
Pediatric dosing and pain management
Able to support patients with mixed types of pain.
Off-line use; does not require Internet connectivity to
use app or enter data.
Includes basic information regarding opioids and
adjuvants for each type of pain.
Includes information on types of pain and pain scale
assessment information.
Easy to navigate; user friendly; intuitive.
Free and accessible.
Visually appealing; not cluttered or confusing.
App works properly; when you click on something it
takes you to the right place/link.
Useful for physicians and nurses, especially
new learners.
Opioid dose calculation conversion tool.
Links to tools and additional palliative care
and pain management related resources.
Easily accessible to many people (i.e.,
scale-up app distribution to large number of
generalist cancer care HCPs
Ensure medical accuracy/safety of app
recommendations through enhanced testing
and regular clinical reference review.
More warning toasts/alerts and key
reminders related to medication selection,
side effects, contraindications, severe pain,
and timing for patient reassessment.
Trigger for consult to palliative care/pain
Pain selector; more specific body pain
Educational components that HCP user can
share with patients and/or family members.
Add additional skip logic methodology based
on data entered by the HCP to create an
even more dynamic app decision
support interface.
How to track same patient visits in the
same center (e.g., syncing patient info across
Can share information/data among fellow
Management of opioid overdose/monitoring
and management.
Follow-up checklists/reminders (e.g., physical
exam and labs).
Collects and tracks patient reported
symptoms and distress levels.
Automatically updates with new medications
and guidelines.
How to find strong opioids/supply indicator;
helps HCPs know where to refer patients s o
they can get opioid prescriptions filled.
Supports complex medication decisions (e.g.,
in case of renal failure and altered liver
Is “smart” enough to learn what patient
needs and guides HCP.
*HCP, healthcare provider.
in-person field visit to Nepal, members of the UVA team
printed out large, 3
× 6
colored, vinyl posters of the
most updated pre-defined process flowcharts. The posters were
displayed, and team members circulated around the posters
and used different colored sticky notes to make suggestions
and comments directly on the decision flowchart posters.
We validated and finalized these processes by testing various
simulated patient case scenarios to ensure the pre-defined
process algorithms produced the correct results. Specifically,
Nepal team members brainstormed 5 common pain scenarios
they see in clinical practice and worked through these cases
on the decision flowchart posters. Each clinical decision point
in the pain assessment and treatment process was marked
with a sticky note. This was a very helpful exercise and
allowed the team to identify problems with flow in the app, or
decisions that needed to come earlier, later or were unnecessary
(Figure 2).
After the in-person workshop in Nepal, additional rounds of
iterative feedback were conducted remotely using GoogleDocs
to finalize the app decision flowcharts and create high-fidelity
mock-ups of the various app screens. The mock-ups were
reviewed, discussed, and iteratively revised during regular,
collaborative meetings between the Nepal and UVA teams held
over Zoom. After reaching consensus, the wireframes were then
used to program the actual mobile app on the Android OS
platform using the Kotlin programming language. This step
included determining the core underlying algorithm to classify
the type of pain and recommend treatment options, based on
the NAPCare PMG. Developing the algorithm was complex
and done in consultation with pain experts within our team.
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 4 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
FIGURE 1 | An example of a pre-defined process flowchart used to inform the NAPCare PMG app design.
FIGURE 2 | Discussing pre-defined process flowcharts to inform app design with the Nepal team during a fieldsite visit.
Finally, we conducted multiple rounds of internal testing within
our study team, as well as external pre-testing of the app with
a small number of nurses/physicians in Nepal (n = 8) not
directly involved with app design and development. A selection
of screenshots of the current beta NAPCare PMG app 1.0 (with
sample data) are displayed below (Figure 3) to provide a sense
for the design and user interface of the app. The NAPCare PMG
app is currently available on the Google Play Store as a privately
available (not public) app to download for beta testing within
our team. The key steps and timeline of our design process are
summarized in Supplementary Table 1.
Importantly, design of the beta version of the app was
informed by a comprehensive survey of oncology healthcare
providers from four diverse cancer care institutions within Nepal
(the same four sites where we later pilot tested the app). The goal
of this survey was to better understand barriers and facilitators
to cancer pain management and to gather end-user feedback
about design of the mobile app (
81). For example, a finding
from our survey was that a key barrier to pain management
was a high volume of patients. Therefore, we prioritized an app
design that optimized drop-down menu choices that are quick
and fast to use. Primary results from this survey that informed
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 5 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
FIGURE 3 | Selected screenshots of the beta version of the NAPCare PMG mobile health app 1.0.
TABLE 3 | Selected survey results that informed design of the mobile app .
Key results from our survey of oncology healthcare
providers at 4 cancer care centers in Nepal
How survey data informed design of the NAPCare PMG app
Knowledge, beliefs, and perceived barriers to cancer pain
95% agree it is their job/role to manage cancer pain;
95% agree that cancer pain can be difficult, but usually can be
Shortages of morphine, codeine and tramadol were rarely
reported within the past 6 months at any institution;
Key barriers to pain management included lack of palliative
care/pain management training for healthcare providers and
having to care for too many patients;
Most common non-pharmacological treatments included:
heat/cold packs and massage.
Providers validate cancer pain management is an important
patient care issue and opioids are usually available at their
App user interface designed to be quick, simple and easy to use
in busy clinical setting with multiple patient interactions happening
Enhanced app design will include more embedded tools
related to opioid dosing, pain assessment strategies, side effect
management, and links to palliative care training materials
App includes both pharmacological and non-pharmacological
pain management strategies.
Awareness and use of NAPCare PMG
96% had heard of the NAPCare PMG; 84% of nurses and 56%
of physicians reported they have used the NAPCare PMG.
The NAPCare PMG are a known and respected resource.
Digitizing the NAPCare PMG has significant potential to increase
uptake among larger numbers of generalist oncology HCPs.
Smart phone usage and barriers
98% have access to a smart phone; 82% use an Android smart
Apps are used ‘often’ or ‘very often’ by nurses and physicians
for clinical care
Smart phones are ubiquitous and commonly used by both nurses
and physicians in Nepal and are a viable way to implement the
We built our app for Android OS, as it is most commonly used.
Desired features of a pain mobile app
Nurses: educate patients and family members; share
information/learn from other healthcare providers; understand
cancer pain physiology;
Physicians: help prescribe opioid medications; help prescribe
non-opioid medications; share information with/learn from other
healthcare providers.
Enhanced app functionality will prioritize: (1) tools and resources
to educate patients and family members; (2) support in safe
opioid and non-opioid prescribing and administration; (3)
understanding cancer pain physiology; and (4) sharing
information with/learning from other healthcare providers.
Outcome metrics/how we will know app is helping
PMG will be followed more consistently; healthcare providers
will feel more confident prescribing/administering pain
management therapies; healthcare providers will use app often;
families will be less stressed; patients will be in less pain.
Outcome effectiveness measures for the app will include data
tracking regarding frequency of app use; PMG adherence; HCP
confidence in prescribing/administering pain therapies; patient
reports of pain and perceived patient/family distress levels.
the design of the NAPCare PMG mobile app are presented in
Table 3.
Pilot Testing of the Mobile Application
Setting and Sample
After design of the mobile app, we conducted feasibility and
acceptability testing of the NAPCare PMG mobile app with
selected oncology healthcare providers using simulated patient
case scenarios developed by the Nepal team. The final beta
version of the app was deployed on Android study phones and
a purposive quota sample of healthcare providers were recruited
from four diverse study sites within Nepal (a public cancer
hospital; a private cancer hospital; a public general hospital; and
a hospice) to pi lot test the app. These were the same 4 sites
that also provided survey data that helped inform design of
the app (
81). The 4 study sites were carefully selected as each
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 6 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
TABLE 4 | Demographics of participants who tested the NAPCare PMG mobile application.
Institution All
Public hospital,
Public hospital,
Hospice Private hospital,
N % N % N % N % N %
18–30 years old 17 56.7 4 13.3 5 62.5 2 70.0 4 48.
31–40 years old
9 30.0 10 33.3 1 12.5 9 30.0 29 29.6
41–50 years old
3 10.0 15 50.0 2 25.0 0 0.0 20 20.4
51–60 years old
1 3.3 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 2.0
Clinical role
Nurse 21 70.0 20 66.7 7 87.5 22 73.3 70 71.4
3 10.0 10 33.3 1 12.5 8 26.7 22 22.4
Medical student
6 20.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 6.1
Public hospital, general 30 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30.6
Public hospital, cancer
0 0 30 100.0 0 0 0 0 30 30.6
0 0 0 0 8 100.0 0 0 8 8.2
Private hospital, cancer
0 0 0 0 0 0 30 100.0 30 30.6
Male 6 20.0 10 33.3 0 0.0 3 10.0 19 19.4
24 80.0 20 66.7 8 100.0 27 90.0 79 80.6
Highest completed level of education
PCL (Proficiency Certificate Level) 8 26.7 2 6.7 4 50.0 10 33.3 24 24.5
17 56.7 14 46.7 2 25.0 17 56.7 50 51.0
5 16.7 14 46.7 2 25.0 3 10.0 24 24.5
Primary current practice area
Medical oncology 26 86.7 3 10.0 1 12.5 20 66.7 50 51.0
Surgical oncology
0 0.0 10 33.3 0 0.0 1 3.3 11 11.2
Radiation oncology
3 10.0 3 10.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 6.1
Palliative care
0 0.0 12 40.0 7 87.5 9 30.0 28 28.6
General ward (in-patient)
1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Other (anesthesia)
0 0.0 2 6.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 2.0
Years total as a nurse or physician
Less than 1 year 1 3.3 0 0.0 2 25.0 0 0.0 3 3.1
1–5 years
13 43.3 1 3.3 4 50.0 22 73.3 40 40.8
6–10 years
8 26.7 5 16.7 0 0.0 6 20.0 19 19.4
More than 10 years
7 23.3 24 80.0 2 25.0 2 6.7 35 35.7
Does not apply; I am a trainee/student
1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Have you completed formal training in palliative care and/or cancer pain management?
Yes 14 46.7 17 56.7 8 100.0 9 30.0 48 49.0
16 53.3 13 43.3 0 0.0 21 70.0 50 51.0
Which types of training have you completed? (select all that apply) Asked of those who answered “yes” to completing formal training
Workshops/classes (1–3 days) 5 16.7 6 20.0 1 12.5 2 6.7 14 14.3
Training courses (weeks to months)
9 30.0 10 33.3 5 62.5 6 20.0 30 30.6
Certificate programs (months to years)
0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 1 3.3 2 2.0
Fellowships (months to years)
0 0.0 0 0.0 2 25.0 0 0.0 2 2.0
institution cares for adult patients with cancer and employed a
key stakeholder of our study team affiliated with NAPCare, and
also represented a diverse patient population and context. For
example, private se c tor hospitals within Nepal generally care for
a higher-income patient population and have enhanced resource
availability, whereas public sector hospitals often care for patients
of lower socioeconomic status with more constrained resources.
Additionally, 3 of the sites were located within an urban setting,
whereas the public cancer hospita l was more rural.
Study participants were recruited primarily through word-of-
mouth and screened for eligibility by a trained site study leader
following a standardized protocol to conduct pilot testing in the
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LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
field. We pre-loaded the app on Android study smartphones to
ensure limited and controlled app distribution for beta testing.
Study site leaders recruited healthcare providers aged 18 or
over working in cancer or palliative care units who provide
direct care to patients with cancer. The target number of
participants for each study site was determined by the size of
the institution (for example, th e hospice facility operates with
a small staff of approximately 10 healthcare providers and thus
had a target of 7 providers), the scope of this pilot study,
and what the Nepal research team members felt were realistic
recruitment goals. The study was approved by respective ethical
committees (UVA Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional
Review Board and the Nepal Health Research Council), prior to
any data collection.
After providing informed consent, basic demographic
data were collected a nd participants were provided a study
smartphone preloaded with the NAPCare PMG app. Participants
were then asked to use the app to work through two (out of
four) randomly selected representative cancer pain patient
case studies, written by members of the Nepal research team
(Supplementary Table 2). These case studies represented
various types of common pain scenarios seen by clinicians in
Nepal. Data had the ability to be entered off-line (i.e., without
internet connectivity), stored, and then later pushed to a secure
automation tool (Integromat) when the user reconnected to the
internet. Integromat then created a row in a Google spreadsheet
to store app response data.
After participants finished using the app, they completed a
brief Qualtrics survey about their experience on a study tablet.
This survey included the industry-standard 10-item System
Usability Scale (
83, 84) (SUS) and selected items (n = 12)
from the Mobile App Rating Scale (8587) (MARS) to assess
functionality, aesthetics, information, subjective quality, and
perceived impact. An open text field for additional comments
or suggestions was also included. The survey was designed in
consultation with the UVA Center for Survey Research and
reviewed by a native Nepali speaker not directly involved in the
study; some survey items were modified slightly for clarity. Study
tablets and phones had data plans added to reduce the risk of
problems wit h potentially unstable institution WiFi.
Data Analysis
Qualtrics survey data were cleaned and exported for analysis.
Descriptive and summary statistics were completed and
compared across institutions and roles, and open-text responses
compiled and summarized. The SUS was calculated as
recommended, with a range of scores from 0 to 100, with a
score of 68 considered above average (
88). The MARS overall
score was calculated as a simple average of the 12 items from
the survey, and we also c alculated subgroup MARS category
scores (function; aesthetics; information; subjective quality,
perceived impact). Additionally, we conducted regression
analyses to explore relationships between selected demographic
variables and SUS and MARS scores. Specifically, overall SUS
and MARS scores were modeled using the Generali zed Linear
Model (GLM) procedure and variables considered included
age, clinical role, institution, primary practice area, total years
as a nurse or physician, formal training in palliative care, and
pre-existing familiarity with the NAPCare PMG. These variables
were selected as we hypothesized they may be most influential
in predicting how a respondent experienced the NAPCare
PMG app. To identify covariates with potential significance in
modeling overall SUS and MARS, univariate models of SUS and
MARS were initially considered. Only variables with a p-value
<0.10 were considered for the final model of SUS and MARS. In
order to establish the final model for these outcomes, all variables
significant in univariate models were combined. Covariates
were then sequentially removed by highest p-value if no longer
significant in the presence of other covariates at α = 0.05
level. All analyses were performed using SPSS 27.0 (IBM SPSS,
Chicago, IL) and SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Due to small
group sizes, several variables were regrouped, combining similar
subgroups for use in the models. These variables included:
clinical role, combining “MD” and “MD student”; combining
providers aged 41 and older; condensing primary practice are a
groups to “Medical oncology, “Palliative care and “Other”; and
combining total years as a nurse or physician to responses of 5
years or less in a single group.
Participant Demographics
A total of 98 healthcare providers (n = 98) across four cancer
care centers within Nepal pilot t ested the NAPCare PMG app
(Table 4). The majority of participants were nurses (n = 70;
71.4%) with 22 physicians (n = 22; 22.4%) and 6 medical students
(n = 6; 6.1%). Most participants were female (n = 79; 80.6%),
had completed a Bachelor’s degree (n = 50; 51%) and almost
half of respondents were between ages 18–30 (n = 47; 48%).
An equal number of respondents were from th e public cancer
hospital, private cancer hospital and public general hospital (n
= 30; 30.6%) and a smaller number from the hospice, which
generally only has a total staff of about 10 people (n = 8; 8.2%).
An almost equal number of participants reported completing
formal training in palliative care/cancer pain management (n =
48; 49.0%) versus not (n = 50; 51.0%). Almost half of participants
(n = 47; 48%) reported being “very familiar” with the NAPCare
PMG (score of 8 or higher on a 0, no familiarity to 1 0, very
familiar, scale); 28.6% (n = 28) participants reported they “never”
use mobile apps to provide clinical care to patients, whereas
21.4% (n = 21) reported using mobile apps for clinical care “very
often” (score of 8 or higher on 0, never to 10, very often). Many
more participants (n = 64; 65.3%) reported using mobile apps for
personal reasons “very often” (score of 8 or higher on 0, never t o
10, very often); only 5 participants (n = 5; 5.1%) said they “never”
use mobile apps for personal reasons.
Descriptive Survey Results
Overall, across institutions and roles, the app received an SUS
score of 76.0 (a score above 68 is considered above average).
Table 5 displays individual SUS survey items and responses
across institutions, with preferred responses in italics. The overall
MARS average, across institutions and roles, was 4.10 (on a
scale of 1 = poor, 5 = excellent). Over 75% of t he app testers
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LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
TABLE 5 | SUS survey responses, by institution.
SUS survey Item* Institution All
Public hospital, general Public hospital, cancer Hospice Private hospital, cancer
N % N % N % N % N %
I would like to use this app frequently (SUS 1)
Strongly agree 11 36.7 12 40.0 0 0.0 9 30.0 32 32.7
Agree 19 63.3 17 56.7 8 100.0 21 70.0 65 66.3
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
This app is too complicated. (SUS 2)
Strongly agree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Agree 0 0.0 4 13.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 4.1
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Disagree 28 93.3 20 66.7 8 100.0 27 90.0 83 84.7
Strongly disagree 2 6.7 4 13.3 0 0.0 3 10.0 9 9.2
This app is easy to use (SUS 3)
Strongly agree 5 16.7 10 33.3 1 12.5 13 43.3 29 29.6
Agree 23 76.7 17 56.7 7 87.5 17 56.7 64 65.3
Neither agree nor disagree 2 6.7 2 6.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 4.1
Disagree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
I need help from a technical person to use this app (SUS 4)
Agree 4 13.3 6 20.0 2 25.0 2 6.7 14 14.3
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0.0 2 6.7 3 37.5 2 6.7 7 7.1
Disagree 18 60.0 18 60.0 3 37.5 19 63.3 58 59.2
Strongly disagree 8 26.7 4 13.3 0 0.0 7 23.3 19 19.4
The functions of this app are logical/make sense to me (SUS 5)
Strongly agree 4 13.3 9 30.0 1 12.5 10 33.3 24 24.5
Agree 24 80.0 21 70.0 7 87.5 19 63.3 71 72.4
Neither agree nor disagree 2 6.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.3 3 3.1
This app is inconsistent (SUS 6)
Agree 0 0.0 4 13.3 0 0.0 1 3.3 5 5.1
Neither agree nor disagree 1 3.3 2 6.7 0 0.0 2 6.7 5 5.1
Disagree 24 80.0 21 70.0 7 87.5 23 76.7 75 76.5
Strongly disagree 5 16.7 3 10.0 1 12.5 4 13.3 13 13.3
Most people could learn to use this app quickly (SUS 7)
Strongly agree 2 6.7 6 20.0 1 12.5 11 36.7 20 20.4
Agree 28 93.3 22 73.3 7 87.5 19 63.3 76 77.6
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Disagree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
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LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
TABLE 5 | Continued
SUS survey Item* Institution All
Public hospital, general Public hospital, cancer Hospice Private hospital, cancer
N % N % N % N % N %
This app is very awkward to use (SUS 8)
Agree 1 3.3 6 20.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 7 7.1
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 1 3.3 2 2.0
Disagree 23 76.7 23 76.7 6 75.0 22 73.3 74 75.5
Strongly disagree 6 20.0 0 0.0 2 25.0 7 23.3 15 15.3
I felt very confident using this app (SUS 9)
Strongly agree 4 13.3 5 16.7 1 12.5 11 36.7 21 21.4
Agree 24 80.0 25 83.3 7 87.5 18 60.0 74 75.5
Neither agree nor disagree 2 6.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.3 3 3.1
I needed to learn a lot of things before I could use this app (SUS 10)
Strongly agree 0 0.0 1 3.3 1 12.5 0 0.0 2 2.0
Agree 7 23.3 7 23.3 4 50.0 2 6.7 20 20.4
Neither agree nor disagree 5 16.7 3 10.0 1 12.5 1 3.3 10 10.2
Disagree 15 50.0 18 60.0 2 25.0 23 76.7 58 59.2
Strongly disagree 3 10.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 4 13.3 8 8.2
*If response option is not displayed, no participant selected this option. Preferred survey responses are noted in italics.
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TABLE 6 | MARS survey responses, by institution.
MARS survey Item* Institution All
Public hospital, general Public hospital, cancer Hospice Private hospital, cancer
N % N % N % N % N %
How well does the app work?
Some functions work, but there are
major technical problems.
0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
App works overall. Some minor
technical problems. Slow at times.
5 16.7 1 3.3 1 12.5 2 6.7 9 9.2
Mostly functions well without
21 70.0 22 73.3 4 50.0 16 53.3 63 64.3
Perfect, prompt response. No
technical problems.
4 13.3 6 20.0 3 37.5 12 40.0 25 25.5
How easy is it to learn how to use the app?
A little difficult 6 20.0 3 10.0 0 0.0 2 6.7 11 11.2
Easy 21 70.0 24 80.0 7 87.5 19 63.3 71 72.4
Very easy 3 10.0 3 10.0 1 12.5 9 30.0 16 16.3
Does moving between the screens make sense?
No. It is confusing. 0 0.0 2 6.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 2.0
Understandable after much
2 6.7 1 3.3 1 12.5 0 0.0 4 4.1
Understandable after some
3 10.0 3 10.0 0 0.0 3 10.0 9 9.2
Easy to understand with practice. 25 83.3 23 76.7 7 87.5 19 63.3 74 75.5
Very logical and intuitive screen flow. 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 8 26.7 9 9.2
How clear is arrangement of buttons, menus, and content on the screen?
Satisfactory. 15 50.0 12 40.0 3 37.5 9 30.0 39 39.8
Mostly clear. Able to select, locate,
see, read items.
13 43.3 11 36.7 4 50.0 7 23.3 35 35.7
Very clear and simple. 2 6.7 7 23.3 1 12.5 14 46.7 24 24.5
How does the app look, in general?
OK. Average looking. 16 53.3 10 33.3 1 12.5 5 16.7 32 32.7
Pretty good. Nice to look at. 10 33.3 14 46.7 4 50.0 10 33.3 38 38.8
Beautiful. Very professional. 4 13.3 6 20.0 3 37.5 15 50.0 28 28.6
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TABLE 6 | Continued
MARS survey Item* Institution All
Public hospital, general Public hospital, cancer Hospice Private hospital, cancer
N % N % N % N % N %
How accurate/correct is the information in the app?
A little accurate/correct. There are
some errors.
2 6.7 1 3.3 0 0.0 1 3.3 4 4.1
I am not sure if there are any errors. 10 33.3 10 33.3 0 0.0 2 6.7 22 22.4
Mostly accurate/correct. There are a
few errors.
10 33.3 8 26.7 5 62.5 9 30.0 32 32.7
Very accurate/correct. There are no
8 26.7 11 36.7 3 37.5 18 60.0 40 40.8
Subjective quality
Would you recommend this app to other nurses and/or physicians?
No. I would not recommend this app
to other nurses or physicians.
1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
There are very few nurses/physicians I
would recommend this app to.
0 0.0 2 6.7 0 0.0 1 3.3 3 3.1
Maybe; there are several
nurses/physicians I would
recommend this app to.
0 0.0 5 16.7 0 0.0 2 6.7 7 7.1
There are many nurses/physicians I
would recommend this app to.
13 43.3 8 26.7 2 25.0 3 10.0 26 26.5
Yes, definitely. I would recommend
this app to all nurses/physicians.
16 53.3 15 50.0 6 75.0 24 80.0 61 62.2
How many times would you use this app in the next year?
1–2 times 2 6.7 3 10.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 5.1
3–10 times 3 10.0 6 20.0 0 0.0 1 3.3 10 10.2
11–50 times 5 16.7 10 33.3 1 12.5 14 46.7 30 30.6
>50 times 20 66.7 11 36.7 7 87.5 15 50.0 53 54.1
What is your overall (star) rating of this app?
3 stars; average 18 60.0 5 16.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 23 23.5
4 stars 8 26.7 20 66.7 6 75.0 22 73.3 56 57.1
5 stars; one of the best apps I’ve
4 13.3 5 16.7 2 25.0 8 26.7 19 19.4
Perceived impact
This app increased my awareness of the importance of managing cancer pain.
Strongly disagree 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.3 1 1.0
Disagree 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.3 2 2.0
Neither agree nor disagree 9 30.0 2 6.7 0 0.0 1 3.3 12 12.2
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LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
TABLE 6 | Continued
MARS survey Item* Institution All
Public hospital, general Public hospital, cancer Hospice Private hospital, cancer
N % N % N % N % N %
Agree 12 40.0 21 70.0 3 37.5 17 56.7 53 54.1
Strongly agree 8 26.7 7 23.3 5 62.5 10 33.3 30 30.6
This app increased my knowledge of managing cancer pain.
Neither agree nor disagree 9 30.0 2 6.7 0 0.0 3 10.0 14 14.3
Agree 14 46.7 19 63.3 5 62.5 19 63.3 57 58.2
Strongly agree 7 23.3 9 30.0 3 37.5 8 26.7 27 27.6
This app will help me better manage cancer pain.
Neither agree nor disagree 5 16.7 2 6.7 0 0.0 3 10.0 10 10.2
Agree 16 53.3 19 63.3 6 75.0 16 53.3 57 58.2
Strongly agree 9 30.0 9 30.0 2 25.0 11 36.7 31 31.6
*If response option is not displayed, no participant selected that particular option.
TABLE 7 | Summary of MARS scores, by subcategories.
Institution All
Public hospital, general Public hospital, cancer Hospice Private hospital, cancer
N Mean St Dev N Mean St Dev N Mean St Dev N Mean St Dev N Mean St Dev
Overall MARS 30 3.91 0.41 30 4.02 0.46 8 4.30 0.38 30 4.31 0.44 98 4.10 0.46
MARS: function 30 3.88 0.43 30 3.92 0.50 8 4.04 0.49 30 4.24 0.45 98 4.02 0.48
MARS: aesthetics 30 3.58 0.54 30 3.85 0.68 8 4.00 0.65 30 4.25 0.70 98 3.90 0.69
MARS: information 30 3.80 0.92 30 3.97 0.93 8 4.38 0.52 30 4.47 0.78 98 4.10 0.89
MARS: subjective quality 30 4.13 0.48 30 4.06 0.67 8 4.63 0.28 30 4.47 0.46 98 4.25 0.56
MARS: perceived impact 30 3.99 0.68 30 4.21 0.52 8 4.42 0.43 30 4.19 0.66 98 4.15 0.62
The bold values indicate the highest scores.
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LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
(n = 75; 76.1%) rated the app as 4 or 5 stars (out of 5); 85%
(n = 83) “agreed or “strongly agreed” that the app increased
their awareness of the importance of managing cancer pain; 86%
(n = 84) “agreed or “strongly agreed” that the app increased
their knowledge of managing cancer pain; and 89.8% (n =
88) “agreed or “strongly agreed that the app will help them
better manage cancer pain. Over 60% (n = 61; 62.2%) reported
they would recommend the NAPCare PMG to all nurses and
physicians. Table 6 displays MARS survey items and responses
across institutions; Table 7 displays MARS responses, grouped
by subcategories, across institutions. Summary SUS and MARS
results are displayed in Figures 4, 5 and Table 8. A total of
44 free-text responses were recorded (32 from nurses; 12 from
physicians/medical students); the majority provided feedback
regarding spe c ific medications and dosing recommendations.
Modeling Results
Nine variables were considered in modeling overall SUS scores
(Supplementary Table 3). Seven factors were significant in
univariate models: age, clinical role, institution, total years as
a nurse or physician, formal training in palliative care, use
of mobile apps for clinical care, and use of mobile apps for
personal use. Once combined in a multivariate model, only
age, years of experience, and training in palliative care were
significant in modeling SUS (p-values, 0.0124, 0.0371, and 0.01 89,
respectively). Supplementary Table 4 indicates that participants
under 41 ye ars old have higher SUS than those who are 41
and older, having 6 to 10 years of experience is associated with
the highest estimates of SUS, and having no formal training in
palliative care is associated with higher SUS. Boxplots (Figure 6)
display the relationships between SUS and variables significant in
the SUS model.
Among 9 demographic variables considered in the initial
MARS modeling, 2 were significant in univariate models
(Supplementary Table 5): clinical role and institution (p-
values 0.0834 and 0.0030, respectively). Once combined in a
multivariate model (Supplementary Table 6), only institution
remained significant in modeling MARS (p-value = 0.0030).
Hospice and the private cancer hospital were associated with t h e
highest MARS scores; the general public hospital was associated
with the lowest MARS scores. Boxplots of overall MARS by
institution display the differences in MARS across institution
(Figure 5).
Overall Results and the App Design
Overall, users reported very positive feedback and receptivity
regarding the NAPCare PMG mobile app. Our results
demonstrate strong feasibility and acceptability of oncology
care providers in Nepal using the NAPCare PMG mobile app
to h elp guide cancer pain c a re. Across diverse care contexts,
and care provider roles, the overall SUS (72/100) and MARS
scores (4.1/5) indicate users find the app useful, easy to navigate,
and helpful. Potential uptake of the app is further supported
by our findings that smartphone use is ubiquitious and that
healthcare providers commonly use mobile apps both for clinical
and personal reasons. It is also encouraging that the majority of
open-text feedback and suggestions related to the app focused
on very specific—and highly fixable—medication and dosing
changes, vs. larger structural or conceptual concerns. Our
research adds to the existing and rapidly expanding body of
literature related to the use of mobile apps in LMICs to support
healthcare providers and patient care (
41, 89), the benefits of
global partnerships to strengthen research capacity (9092), and
the value of using a community based participatory approach
in designing mobile apps (73, 79). Importantly, our findings
contribute knowledge related to the importance of developing
health-related mobile apps that are congruent with the local
cultural and resource context. We see a key strength of this work
as leveraging the pre-existing NAPCare PMG which were created
by community and clinica l leaders within Nepal and already had
a high degree of buy-in from healthcare providers prior to app
development. We also find it noteworthy that we were able to
accomplish the aims of this grant despite the severe disruption of
the COVID-19 global pandemic, which disportionately impacted
our Nepal team members. That we were able to successfully
complete development and pilot testing of the app despite the
myriad and unpredict able challenges wrought by COVID-19 is
a testament to the dedication, commitment and tenacity of our
partners in Nepal.
In terms of our app development design process, our in-
person workshop in January 2020 was extremely productive; this
proved very fortitious as future planned in-person workshops
were impossible due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. The
remaining app design work subsequently occurred over Zoom,
which had its challenges, but was made significantly easier by
the foundational work we had successfully completed during
the prior in-person workshop. The January workshop was
particularly effective due to the hands-on and interactive aspect
of the work, which was assisted by printing out the large
posters which visually represented the app flow. Working
through potential case studies using the poster, and identifying
problems, was one of the most effective activities during our
workshop and proved invaluable in determining the finalized
app algorithm. Our project a lso benefitted from the engagement
of a highly collaborative software engineer who deftly navigated
cross-cultural communic at ions and interactions. It is important
to note that while mobile app development and pilot testing
was a key deliverable of this project, the overarching and
larger goal was building research capacity and solidifying
our collaboration.
MARS and SUS Results
We used a combination of descriptive and inferential statist ical
analysis to more fully understand the user experience related
to pilot testing the NAPCare PMG and to help inform future
work. Importantly, our regression analyses suggests end-user
variables important to consider (age, years of experience, training
in palliative care, and institutional setting) in designing and
evaluating mobile apps to improve cancer pain management in
lower resourced settings.
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LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
FIGURE 4 | Overall SUS scores by clinical role (left) and institution (right).
FIGURE 5 | Overall MARS scores by clinical role (L) and institution (R).
By institution, both the overall average SUS and MARS
scores were highest for the private cancer hospital (80.1; 4.31,
respectively). By role, the SUS scores were highest for medical
students (80.4) and MARS scores were highest for nurses (4.15).
One possible explanation for the higher SUS and MARS scores in
the private cancer hospital is that this group of providers, given
their work in a generally higher-resourced context, may have
had more exposure to in-servi ces and pa lliati ve care training,
and perhaps more interest and experience in using apps to
guide patient care. Interpreting SUS and MARS results by role is
perhaps less straightforward and should be done cautiously as we
had a small group of medical students (n = 6) and, wit h MARS,
smaller differences between provider roles.
An additional challenge is knowing how to best interpret
divergent results between overall SUS with MARS scores. For
example, hospice had the lowest overall SUS scores (71.3), but
the second highest MARS score (4.30, just behind the private
cancer hospital at 4.31). Whether this is more reflective of the
SUS and MARS capturing different facets of the user experience,
or truly represents a difference between institutional mobile
app needs, requires further exploration—as was done with our
modeling analysis (see below). One noteworthy finding from
our prior survey (
81) related to differences in permissibility of
the use of mobile phones in the clinical work setting between
physicians and nurses (nurses reported being less likely to be
allowed to use mobile phones in the work setting). As our
hospice participants were predominantly nurses (n = 7, 88%),
perhaps this impacted their experience testing the app and
SUS scores.
MARS average scores by subcate gories (function, aesthetics,
information, subjective quality, and perceived impact) a llows
for a more granular exploration of why results may differ
across institutions. Subjective quality and perceived impact were
rated most highly by hospice (4.63, 4.42, respectively), whereas
function, aesthetics and information were rated most highly by
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 15 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
TABLE 8 | Overall SUS and MARS scores, by institution and role.
Overall SUS Overall MARS
N Mean St Dev N Mean St Dev
Public hospital, general 30 76.17 7.45 30 3.91 0.41
Public hospital, cancer 30 73.08 10.12 30 4.02 0.46
Hospice 8 71.25 6.27 8 4.30 0.38
Private hospital, cancer 30 80.08 8.21 30 4.31 0.44
Clinical role
RN 70 75.07 8.74 70 4.15 0.46
MD 22 77.84 9.71 22 3.95 0.49
MD student/trainee 6 80.42 6.97 6 4.04 0.34
All 98 76.02 8.94 98 4.10 0.46
The bold values indicate the highest scores.
FIGURE 6 | Boxplots of statistically significant variables in final multivariate SUS models.
the private cancer hospital (4.24, 4.25, 4.47, respe ct ively). Higher
scores in these areas by hospice may be because nurses in this
practice environment frequently need to verify information using
Google or reference books in the hospice library. The NAPCare
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 16 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
PMG app may be seen as particularly impactful in this type of
care setting as it reduces the need for additional verification and
provides reassurance related to the accuracy and quality of the
information. Additionally, hospice had the highest percentage
of participants younger than 30 years of age—individuals who
are potentially more comfortable and receptive to mobile apps—
which may have contributed to higher MARS scores. Higher
scores by the private cancer hospital may be related to the
generally higher resource context of private sector h ospitals, and
also that the private cancer hospital included in our study has
a separate palliative care ward and specific dedicat ed palliative
care nurses. Conversely, the lower MARS scores reported by the
public general hospital may be due to the lack of participants who
worked specifically in palliative care.
Our final multivariate models revealed that age (<41 years),
years in practice (6–10 years), and previous training in palliative
care/cancer pain management (no) were all significant in
predicting higher SUS scores. While younger age and more
years in practice seem logical in predicting higher SUS scores
(e.g., younger participants may have more familiarity/ease
in using mobile apps and healthcare providers with a fair
amount of clinical experience recognize the value of the
app to help manage cancer pain), the finding related to
previous training is interesting. One possible explanation is
that healthcare providers with previous formal training in
palliative care or cancer pain management, and a greater
fund of knowledge in these areas, expected more from the
app, and were more attuned to areas for improvement,
or corrections needed with specific pharmacological
recommendations. Therefore, providers without palliative
care or cancer pain management training may have been less
critical of the app, resulting in higher SUS scores for this
participant group.
The only significant variable in predicting MARS scores
was institution, with hospice and the private cancer hospital
associated with higher MARS scores, and the public cancer
hospital associated with lower MARS scores (In our
descriptive analysis, the private cancer hospital also had
the highest overall average SUS and MARS scores.). This
finding supports our initial hypothesis that mobile app needs
and preferences will vary across different clinical contexts.
Possible reasons for these differences across institutions may
relate to the volume of cancer patients seen, presence of
dedicated palliative care beds/wards and specialized palliative
care personnel, and staffing turnover, which may affect
knowledge and attitudes regarding pain management and
palliative ca re.
With our modeling analysis, differing variables of significance
between the SUS and MARS are most likely attributed to
the fact that these tools are evaluating different facets of the
user experience, and thus different aspects are important in
predicting scores. For example, the SUS focuses more on the
user experience with technology systems in general, while the
MARS is more specifically designed to assess the user experience
with mobile apps. This finding also highlights the challenges
of measurement (in general, but in this case, specifically
in evaluating technology) across cultures and of ensuring
a shared understanding of what different tools are actually
measuring, especially in diverse populations and healthcare
contexts. Interestingly, “clinical role as a demographic variable
was not found to be significant with either the SUS or MARS,
although this warrants further exploration in future work as
our descriptive findings and prior work suggests there may be
important disciplinary considerations in the use of mobile apps
to support patient care.
The primary limitation of this study is the relatively small
sample size of palliative care-sensitized healthcare providers.
However, our sampling strate gy and size is consistent with
the scale and scope of a pilot feasibility and acceptability
study (
9395), and must be considered in the context of
a global project conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, most of our participants were nurses, as at all
sites more nurses are employed than physicians. We beta tested
the app using simulated case studies vs. clinical encounters
with real patients; again, this approach is consistent with a
pilot study designed to assess user experience of the app vs.
clinical effectiveness. One particular challenge of this work
related to finding the best tool(s) to evaluate the mobile app.
After extensive searching in the literature, we ultimately decided
on the SUS and selected items from the MARS. However,
both tools required some adapation in terms of simplifying
and clarifying language with input from our Nepal team
members and an external native Nepali speaker/interpreter
consultant. An important area of future work should be
the development of concise, simple tools to meaningfully
evaluate mobile apps in lower-resourced setti ngs with diverse
user groups.
Overall, and across institutions and roles, the NAPCare PMG
mobile app was extremely well-received, and participants rated it
highly on both the SUS and MARS. Regression analyses suggest
end-user variables important to consider (e.g., age, years of
experience, training in palliative care, and institutional setting)
in designing and evaluating mobile apps in lower resourced
settings. Healthcare providers within LMICs can utilize mobile
apps to improve cancer pain care and support adherence to
clinical practice guidelines, but it is critical these tools are
culturally and contextually congruent. Our app design and pilot
testing process illustrate the benefits of cross global collaborations
to build resea rch capacity and generate knowledge within the
local context. Using locally developed PMG—vs. those imported
from the West—is a key strength of this work and offers a
scalable approach that can be reproduced in other LMICs.
Future work will include enhancing features and functionality
of the NAPCare PMG app and testing its efficacy in real-world
clinical encounters on relevant healt hcare provider, patient, and
organizational outcomes with a larger and more diverse sample
of participants.
Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 17 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995
LeBaron et al. Global Collaboration to Design Mobile App
De-identified data, in compliance with institutional data sharing
requirements, will be made available by the aut hors upon
reasonable request.
This study was reviewed and approved by University
of Virginia Social and Behavioral IRB and the Nepal
Health Research Council. The participants provided their
informed consent to participate in this study as per
IRB guidelines. Written informed consent was obtained
from the relevant individuals, for t h e publication of
any potentially identifiable images or data included in
this article.
RD, and BP conceptualized the study. BHa wrote the software
code for the mobile app. VL, AA, SC, MD, RG, BHa, RK,
GK, MM, DM, BN, KS, RS, AS, SS, UT, and BP conducted
and/or supported data collection. VL, BHa, and AK led data
analysis. VL, BHa, SC, GK, AK, MM, RS, UT, RD, and BP
assisted with interpretat ion of findings. VL wrote first draft of
manuscript and incorporated feedback from co-authors into
the final paper. All co-authors reviewed and approved the
final manuscript.
This research was supported by the Fogarty
International Center, National Institutes of
Health, R21TW011244.
The authors would like to thank Dael Cepeda, Kara Fitzgibbon,
Lahar Shrestha, and Amber Steen for their support.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpain.
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Conflict of Interest: BHa is the founder of and employed by Hass Software
Consulting. RD provides consultative services f or Warm Health Technologies,
The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of
any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential
conflict of interest.
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Copyright © 2022 LeBaron, Horton, Adhikari, Chapagain, Dhakal, Gongal, Kattel,
Koirala, Kutcher, Hass, Maurer, Munday, Neupane, Sharma, Shilpakar, Shrestha,
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Frontiers in Pain Research | www.frontiersin.org 20 July 2022 | Volume 3 | Article 910995