Guide to Benefits for
Worldwide Automatic Travel
Accident, Baggage Delay, & Trip
Cancellation/Interruption Insurance
As a MasterCard Cardholder, you, your spouse or domestic partner and
unmarried dependent children
will be automatically insured against accidental loss of life, limb, sight, speech or hearing
while riding as
a passenger in, entering or exiting any licensed common carrier, provided the entire cost of the passenger
fare(s), less redeemable certificates, vouchers or coupons, has been charged to your MasterCard Card
account. If
the entire cost of the passenger fare has been charged to your MasterCard account prior
to departure for the
airport, terminal or station, coverage is also provided for common carrier travel
(including taxi, bus, train or airport
limousine); immediately, a) preceding your departure, directly to the
airport, terminal or station b) while at the airport,
terminal or station, and c) immediately following your
arrival at the airport, terminal or station of your destination. If the entire
cost of the passenger fare has
not been charged prior to your arrival at the airport, terminal or station, coverage begins at
the time the
entire cost of the travel passenger fare is charged to your MasterCard account. This coverage does
include Commutation. Commutation is defined as travel between the Insured Person’s residence and
regular place of
employment. Common Carrier means any land, water or air conveyance operated by
those whose occupation or
business is the transportation of persons without discrimination and for hire.
Accident or Accidental means a sudden, unforeseen and unexpected event happening by
Dependent Child(ren) means those children, including adopted children and children placed for
adoption, who are
primarily dependent upon the Insured Person for maintenance and support and who
are: 1) under the age of twenty-five (25) and reside with the Insured Person: or 2) beyond the age of
twenty-five (25), permanently mentally or physically
challenged, and incapable of self support; or 3)
under the age of twenty-five (25) and classified as a full-time student at an
institution of higher learning.
Domestic Partner means a person designated in writing by the primary insured person, who is
at least
eighteen (18) years of age, and who during the past twelve (12) months: 1) has been in a committed
with the primary insured person; and 2) has been the primary insured person’s sole spousal
equivalent; and 3) has resided
in the same household as the primary insured person; and 4) been jointly
responsible with the primary insured person for
each other’s financial obligation, and who intends to
continue the relationship above indefinitely.
The full Benefit Amount of $100 is payable for accidental loss of life, two or more
members, sight of
both eyes, speech and hearing or any combination thereof. One half of the Benefit Amount is payable for
accidental loss of: one member, sight of one eye, speech or hearing. “Member” means hand or foot.
One quarter of the
Benefit Amount is payable for the accidental loss of the thumb and index finger of the
same hand. “Loss” means, with
respect to a hand, complete severance through or above the knuckle
joints of at least 4 fingers on the same hand; with
respect to a foot, complete severance through or
above the ankle joint. The Company will consider it a loss of hand or foot
even if they are later reattached.
Benefit Amount means the Loss amount applicable at the time the entire cost of the
passenger fare
is charged to the eligible MasterCard account. The loss must occur within one year of
the accident. The
Company will pay the single largest applicable Benefit Amount. In no event will duplicate request forms
multiple charge cards obligate the Company in excess of the stated Benefit Amounts for any one
loss sustained by any one
individual insured as the result of any one accident. In the event of multiple
accidental deaths per account arising from any
one accident, the Company’s liability for all such losses
will be subject to a maximum limit of insurance equal to three (3)
times the Benefit Amount for loss of life.
Benefits will be proportionately divided among the Insured Persons up to the
maximum limit of insurance.
We will reimburse the Insured Person up to the Daily Benefit Amount of $100 per
day for three (3) days in
the event of a Baggage Delay. Our payment is limited to expenses incurred for the emergency
of essential items needed by the Insured Person while on a covered trip and at a destination other
than the
Insured Person’s primary residence. Essential items not covered by Baggage Delay include,
but are not limited to: 1)
contact lenses, eyeglasses or hearing aids; 2)artificial teeth, dental bridges
or prosthetic devices; 3) tickets, documents,
money, securities, checks, travelers checks and valuable
papers; or 4) business samples; The Baggage Delay Benefit
Amount is excess over any other insurance
(including homeowners) or indemnity (including any reimbursements by the
airline, cruise line, railroad,
station authority, occupancy provider) available to the Insured Person. Baggage Delay means a
delay or
misdirection of the Insured Person’s Baggage by a Common Carrier for more than four (4) hours from the
time the
Insured Person arrives at the destination on the Insured Person’s ticket.
In the event of the Insured Person’s Trip Cancellation
or Trip Interruption, we will pay up to the Trip
Cancellation/Trip Interruption Benefit Amount of $100. Our
payment will not exceed either: 1) the actual
Non−Refundable amount paid by the Insured Person for a Common Carrier
passenger fare(s); or 2)
$100. The Insured Person will relinquish to us any unused vouchers, tickets,
coupons or travel privileges
for which we have reimbursed the Insured Person. The Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption of
the Insured
Person must be caused by or result from: 1) death, Accidental injury, disease or physical illness of the
Person or an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person; or 2) default of the Common
Carrier resulting from Financial
Insolvency. The death, Accidental injury, disease or physical illness must
be verified by a Physician and must prevent the
Insured Person from traveling on a Covered Trip. With
respect to Financial Services Common Carrier Trip Cancellation/Trip
Interruption only, this insurance does
not apply to loss caused by or resulting from: 1) a Pre−Existing Condition; or 2)
Accidental Bodily Injuries
arising from participation in interscholastic or professional sports events, racing or speed contests,
uncertified scuba diving; or 3) cosmetic surgery, unless such cosmetic surgery is rendered necessary
as a result of a loss
covered under this policy; or 4) the Insured or an Immediate Family Member being
under the influence of drugs (except
those prescribed and used as directed by a Physician) or alcohol;
or 5) the Insured or an Immediate Family Member: a)
traveling against the advice of a Physician; or
b) traveling while on a waiting list for specified medical treatment; or c)
traveling for the purpose of
obtaining medical treatment; or d) traveling in the third trimester (seventh month or after) of
Covered Trip means travel on a Common Carrier when the entire cost of the passenger fare for such
transportation, less redeemable certificates, vouchers or coupons, has been charged to an Insured
Person’s Account issued
by the Policyholder. Covered Trip also means travel on a Common Carrier when
free flights have been awarded from
frequent flier or points programs provided that all of the miles or
points were accumulated from charges on that card.
Financial Insolvency means the inability of the entity to provide travel services because it has ceased
operations either
following the filing of a petition for bankruptcy, whether voluntary or involuntary,
or because it has ceased operations as a
result of a denial of credit or the inability to meet financial
obligations. Non – refundable means amount of money paid by
or on behalf of the Insured Person for
a Covered Trip which will be forfeited under the terms of the agreement made with the
Common Carrier
for unused travel arrangements and for which a travel agent or travel supplier will not provide any other
form of compensation. Immediate Family Member means the Insured Person’s: 1) Spouse or Domestic
Partner; 2)
children, including adopted children or stepchildren; 3) legal guardians or wards; 4) siblings or
siblings−in−law; 5) parents
or parents−in−law; 6) grandparents or grandchildren; 7) aunts or uncles; 8)
nieces and nephews. Immediate Family Member
also means a Spouse’s or Domestic Partner’s children,
including adopted children or stepchildren; legal guardians or wards;
siblings or siblings−in−law; parents
or parents−in−law; grandparents or grandchildren; aunts or uncles; nieces or nephews.
Condition means Accidental injury, disease or illness of the Insured Person or Immediate Family Member
the Insured Person which occurs or manifests itself during the sixty (60) day period immediately prior
to the purchase date
of a Common Carrier passenger fare(s). Disease or illness has manifested itself
Guide to Benefits for
Worldwide Automatic Travel
Accident, Baggage Delay, & Trip
Cancellation/Interruption Insurance
when: 1) medical care or treatment has
been given; or 2) there exists symptoms which would cause a
reasonably prudent person to seek medical diagnosis, care or
treatment. The taking of prescription drugs
or medication for a controlled condition throughout this sixty (60) day period will
not be considered to
be a manifestation of illness or disease. Trip Cancellation means the cancellation of Common Carrier
travel arrangements when the Insured Person is prevented from traveling on a Covered Trip on or before
the Covered Trip
departure. Trip Interruption means the Insured Person’s Covered Trip is interrupted
either on the way to the point of
departure or after the Covered Trip departure. With respect to Financial
Services Common Carrier Trip Cancellation/Trip
Interruption only, the Disease or Illness Exclusion # 1
below does not apply.
This travel insurance plan is provided to MasterCard cardholders
automatically when the entire cost
of the passenger fare(s) are charged to a MasterCard account while the
insurance is effective. It is not
necessary for you to notify your financial institution, the administrator or the Company when
tickets are
This travel insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to eligible MasterCard cardholders. Your
financial institution pays the premium for this insurance.
The Loss of Life benefit will be paid to the beneficiary designated by the insured. If no such designation
has been made, that benefit will be paid to the first surviving beneficiary in the following order: a) the
Insured’s spouse, b)
the Insured’s children, c) the Insured’s parents, d) the Insured’s brothers and sisters,
e) the Insured’s estate. All other
indemnities will be paid to the Insured.
This insurance does not cover loss resulting from: 1) an Insured’s emotional trauma, mental or physical
illness, disease, pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection (except bacterial infection
caused by an
accident or from accidental consumption of a substance contaminated by bacteria), or
bodily malfunctions; 2) suicide,
attempted suicide or intentionally self inflicted injuries; 3) declared or
undeclared war, but war does not include acts of
terrorism; This insurance also does not apply to an
accident occurring while an Insured is acting or training as a pilot or
crew member, but this exclusion
does not apply to passengers who temporarily perform pilot or crew functions in a life
Written claim notice must be given to the Company within 20 days after the occurrence of any loss
covered by this policy or as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to give notice within 20 days will not
invalidate or reduce
any otherwise valid claim if notice is given as soon as reasonably possible. CLAIM
FORMS: When the Company receives
notice of a claim, the Company will send you forms for giving proof
of loss to us within 15 days. If you do not receive the
forms, you should send the Company a written
description of the loss. CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete proof of loss
must be given to us within 90
days after the date of loss, or as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to give complete proof
of loss within
these time frames will not invalidate any otherwise valid claim if notice is given as soon as reasonably
and in no event later than 1 year after the deadline to submit complete proof of loss. CLAIM
PAYMENT: For all benefits,
the Company will pay you or your beneficiary the applicable benefit amount
within 60 days after complete proof of loss is
received and if you, the Policyholder and/or the beneficiary
have complied with all the terms of this policy
To file a claim please call 1-800-MasterCard. Claims are processed by the Claim Administrator,
and Company. Complete all items on the required claim form, attach all appropriate documents, and
mail or fax
to: Crawford and Company, P.O. Box 4090, Atlanta, GA 30302, Fax Number 855-830-3728.
Once a claim number is
assigned, supporting documentation for the claim can also be submitted through
This insurance is effective on the date that you become an eligible cardholder; and will cease on the
the Master Policy 6477-44-67 is terminated or on the date your account ceases to be eligible, whichever
occurs first.
As a handy reference guide, please read this and keep it in a safe place with your other insurance
documents. This
description of coverage is not a contract of insurance but is simply an informative
statement of the principal provisions of the
insurance while in effect. Complete provisions pertaining to
this plan of Insurance are contained in the master policy on file
with the Policyholder: Financial Customer
Insurance Trust. If this plan does not conform to your state statutes, it will be
amended to comply with
such laws. If a statement in this description of coverage and any provision in the policy differ, the
will govern.
Answers to specific questions can be obtained by writing the Plan Administrator: Direct Marketing Group
13265 Bedford
Avenue, Omaha, NE 68164
Plan Underwritten By Federal Insurance Company a member insurer of the Chubb Group of
Insurance Companies
9931 South 136th Street, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68138
Form No. FS634L