AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry:
Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
Updated May 2022
To ensure consistency in the data entered, definitions of several of the data elements in the AACVPR
Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry have been standardized. All data entered must conform to
these particular definitions. When entering data, please also note the following:
1. It is not necessary to enter data in every field. Enter as much information as your resources
allow and protocols define. For the functional and psychosocial assessments, choose at least
one outcome to measure and report.
2. If you do not have data for a value, leave the field blank.
3. A zero means zero. Do not enter a zero into a field unless the value is truly zero.
4. For some clinical and functional assessments, be sure to select the appropriate units, e.g.,
feet/meters or pounds/kilograms, for the value you are reporting.
Regarding the functional, dietary and psychosocial tools, it is not necessary to use all the tools displayed.
Choose one or more tools that are appropriate for your patient population and that provide enough
information about the patient in order to generate a comprehensive rehabilitation treatment plan. A
basic assessment “toolkit should include a depression screening tool, a dietary assessment tool, and a
health-related quality of life instrument. It also is not necessary to use any of the supported tools;
however, scores from non-supported tools will not be able to be reported in the registry.
For additional resources and for links to assessments and tools, please visit the Registry User Resource
Page here: https://aacvpr.org/registry-resources
The data elements are listed in the order they may be encountered while moving through the
patient record.
Patient Demographics
Hospital Medical
Record ID
Your institution’s medical record number for the patient. This is used to help you
correctly identify the patient’s registry record.
Last Name
Enter the patient’s last name. This is used to help you correctly identify the patient’s
registry record.
Enter the patient’s date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Select the patient’s sex.
Enter the patient’s primary identified race.
Select whether the patient is of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity
Zip Code
Enter the zip code of the patient’s primary residence (Either 5 digits or Zip+4)
Highest Level of
Select the option that best describes the patient’s highest educational level attained
Health Insurance Plan
Enter all health care insurer(s) for the patient. Select one as a primary insurance and
if patient has secondary insurance, also add into the field
Session Copay
Enter a per session copay amount, if any, the patient pays for participation in CR. If
there is no copay ($0 copay), please enter 0 into the field. If the copay is unknown,
please leave the field blank.
Medical History
Enter the diagnoses or procedures that prompted the referral to CR. Enter all that
apply and select a diagnosis/procedure as the primary diagnosis.
For example, if the patient was admitted for a non-ST elevation MI and
subsequently had angioplasty and coronary stenting, enter NSTEMI” and “PCI”
as the diagnosis/procedure. NSTEMI would be the primary event, followed by
Also enter the date of the hospital admission. For patients who are referred to CR with
stable exertional angina or heart failure and who were NOT hospitalized, enter the date
of the physician consult that prompted the referral.
Risk factors
Select the appropriate option to note the presence or absence of hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus/impaired glucose metabolism as risk
factors. Select the risk factor as present even if the risk factor is controlled with
Significant past
cardiovascular history
Select any factors that are in the patient’s past medical history but are not the
primary reason(s) for CR entry.
Select any comorbid conditions for which the patient is currently being treated.
past history of cancer that is in remission or has been surgically removed
would not
be included.
Heart Failure Status
Select the type of diagnosed heart failure from the list. If heart failure is not
diagnosed, select “Not applicable”.
Program Fields
Referral date
Enter the date the referral document was signed by a physician. For patients
from an inpatient care team, this may be the date of the discharge
orders. If the
patient does not eventually enroll in the program, select “No” for
the Enrolled field
and enter the primary reason for non-enrollment.
Enrollment date
Enter the date of the patient’s first billable exercise session. A billable session
use either the 93797 or 93798 code. An orientation session without
exercise would not
meet this criterion.
Select the patient’s risk category based on AACVPR Guidelines for Risk
Enter the number of prescribed sessions for the patient.
Justification for
number of
Select the option that best describes how the number of prescribed exercise
was determined for the patient.
For example, if the patient’s health insurance limits the number of outpatient
sessions to 12, select “Insurance.” If your program’s risk stratification
determines the patient should have 24 sessions, select the “Risk
stratification option.
If it is your program’s protocol to prescribe 36 sessions
for all patients, select the
“Protocol” option.
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Intensive Cardiac Rehab
Usage - NEW
If the patient is currently participating in one of the three currently approved
cardiac rehab programs, please indicate the program in this field. The options are:
Vaccination Status -
Has the patient had a current influenza vaccination in the past year? Select the
appropriate option.
Vaccination Status
Has the patient had a pneumococcal vaccination in their lifetime? Select the
appropriate option.
Completion status
The patient is defined as having completed CR when he/she has undergone a final,
formal discharge assessment session and updated treatment plan. If neither of
criteria is met, the patient has not completed CR and the primary reason for
completion should be entered.
Program discharge date
Enter the date of the last billed Phase 2 exercise session or discharge
# of sessions completed
Enter the number of billed outpatient CR exercise sessions the patient
# ECG sessions
Enter the number of completed sessions that were ECG-monitored
Non-Center Sessions
Fields - NEW
Enter the number of cardiac rehab sessions that were not performed in the CR center
but were still under the aegis of the CR program, eg, in tele-rehab models, where the
patient is being monitored/surveilled while exercising. There will be one field for
billable sessions and one field for non-billable sessions.
Number of billable non-center sessions:
Number of non-billable non-center sessions:
The number of sessions that were billed should be entered into theNumber of Non-
Center Billable Sessions” field.
The number of sessions that were not billed or were unable to be billed should be
entered into theNumber of Non-Center Non-Billable Sessions” field.
Primary Source of
Communication for
Non-Center Sessions -
Please select the primary (i.e. most commonly used) source of communication for all
non-center sessions.
Follow-up Date
Enter the date the patient received a follow-up session or contact.
Follow-up method
Select the type of follow-up assessment performed.
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pre/post lab values
and dates (lipids,
fasting blood glucose,
hemoglobin A1C)
Use the values from the most recent test date you can find in the medical record
is no earlier than one (1) year prior to the assessment date. Do not use values
are more than one year old at the time of the assessment.
For example, if the patient’s enrollment date is in November and he/she had lipid
results from three months earlier (in August), use these values. If there are no entry
values within the one-year time limit, leave the fields blank. If the patient’s
was subsequently in January but he/she did not have any repeat lipid
tests done, DO
NOT repeat the previous values. Instead, leave the discharge fields
If the patient is scheduled to have labs done as part of his/her admission and/or
discharge evaluation, you can use those results in the corresponding sections. If the
lipids, glucose, or A1C value was obtained by point-of-care methods such as a
glucometer or Cholestech machine, check the POC (point-of-care) option.
Blood Glucose &
Hemoglobin Fields
Enter the date of the most recent fasting blood glucose, along with the fasting
blood glucose value, hemoglobin A1C date, hemoglobin A1C value if the patient has
a diagnosis of diabetes. Estimated Average Glucose will be calculated based on the
A1C values entered.
Blood Pressure/Dietary Fields
Blood pressure
Use a resting blood pressure, either one prior to starting exercise or one after
exercise. If the blood pressure is elevated, it is appropriate to check it again to
confirm that the elevated blood pressure is not just a transient event and then use
the average of 2 BP’s over a 5 minute period as the resting BP for the measure. Use
AHA guidelines for proper BP measurement and determination of cuff size.
Blood Pressure: Test
Not Completed
Please check this box for the following conditions where a standard blood pressure
measurement is not feasible or unsafe: Blood pressure measurement in patients
a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) does not produce a systolic and diastolic
pressure, only a mean pressure. Therefore patients who have an LVAD should
not be
included in the measure denominator or numerator results. Medical or
contraindications to blood pressure measurement could include bilateral
lymphedema, bilateral mastectomy, upper extremity amputation, bilateral upper
extremity thromboembolism, or other contraindications as determined by the
patient’s healthcare provider. Checking this box will exclude patients from the
Program Certification Performance Measures calculations. For more information on
the Performance Measures, visit the Program Certification Resource Page here.
Diet Habit Survey
Enter the score for the Diet Habit Survey instrument.
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Rate Your Plate
Enter the score for the Rate Your Plate Heart assessment instrument.
Enter the score for the MEDFICT dietary assessment instrument.
Block Fat Screener
Enter the score for the Block Fat Screener dietary assessment instrument.
Picture Your Plate
Enter the score for the Picture Your Plate (PYP) dietary assessment instrument.
Nutrition Counseling -
Please indicate if the patient has interacted with a registered dietitian over the course of
their participation in rehabilitation.
VioScreen Clinical
(Nutrascreen) - NEW
Please enter in the scores for the VioScreen Clinical (Nutrascreen) Assessment. Scores
collected: HEI, fruit cups, vegetable cups, sat fat (% of total energy), total fiber (grams).
Medication/Tobacco Fields
Tobacco Cessation
Intervention Options
Tobacco Cessation Counseling: Brief tobacco cessation counseling at program
entry. If the patient is not willing to make a quit attempt, intervention should be
aimed at helping the patient improve their readiness for an eventual quit attempt.
Tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy: Medication may be provided to patients
are not yet ready to quit, but who are ready to reduce to quit.
Referral to specialist: Referral to a tobacco treatment program or specialist
of the CR program
Tobacco Intervention Not Indicated: Documentation of a medical reason for not
receiving tobacco cessation intervention or tobacco relapse prevention
(e.g. limited life expectancy).
Tobacco Type: - NEW
Please select the primary type of tobacco used by the patient from the list below:
Electronic cigarette
Chewing Tobacco
Packs per day will be tracked for cigarette use. All other tobacco types will be
tracked by the number of days per month the patient uses the tobacco product.
Quit Year (Intake) -
Please enter the year (YYYY) that the patient quit the primary form of tobacco.
Quit Date (Discharge
& Follow-Up) - NEW
Please enter the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the patient quit using tobacco.
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Tobacco use status
The options for Tobacco Use Status within the registry at intake:
Never Smoker
Current (< one month)
Recent (16 Months)
Former (>6 Months)
Status Unknown
Tobacco use tracking should include cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, chew tobacco, and
Tobacco Status
Discharge and Follow-
Up - NEW
Please select the patient’s tobacco use status at discharge or follow-up. If the patient
has used tobacco products in the past but has not used tobacco products within the
past seven (7) days, enter “Abstaining.” If the patient has used tobacco products within
the past seven (7) days, enter “Not Abstaining. If they have never smoked, select
“never smoker”. If you are unsure of the status, select “unknown.
Has the medication (Aspirin, beta-antagonist, ACE inhibitor or receptor blocker,
statin, PCSK9 inhibitors) been prescribed to the patient? If so, check the “Yes” option;
if not, check the “No” option. If the medication was not prescribed because of a
contraindication the patient had negative side effects or there was another
medical reason for not prescribing the medication select the “No - Exception”
option. You will be prompted to enter a reason for the exception. If the reason for
the patient not being prescribed the medication is unknown or if it is not clear that
the patient has been prescribed the medication, select the “Unknown option.
NOTE: For Statin/Prescribed, if the patient is prescribed a statin, select the
“intensityfrom the option list. Refer to the “Resource for Statin Therapy” document
for details.
Is the patient adhering correctly to the medication prescription? Select the “Yes”
option if the patient is taking the medication according to the prescription;
select the “No” option. If the patient is not taking the prescribed
medication because
of intolerance or side effects, select the “No - Exception”
option. You will be prompted
to enter a reason for the non- adherence. If it is not
known why the patient is not
taking the prescribed medication, select the
“Unknown” option.
Anthropomorphic Fields
Waist circumference
Measure the waist circumference using the NIH criteria, i.e., a horizontal measurement
at the highest point on the iliac crest, preferably using reliable instruments such as a
Gulick II or MyoTape tape measure. Measure to the nearest quarter inch.
Weigh the patient prior to exercise without shoes and while wearing his/her typical or
usual exercise clothes. Record weight to the nearest tenth of a pound or kilogram if
using a digital scale, to the nearest quarter pound if using a balance beam scale. The
scale should be placed on a solid, level surface. Select the units used for measurement
(pounds or kilograms).
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Measure the patient’s height in stocking feet to the nearest quarter inch or whole
centimeter. Have the patient stand erect with the heels, buttocks, back of shoulders,
and back of head against the vertical scale. With the patient holding their breath, bring
the horizontal bar into contact with the highest point on the head. Select the units used
for measurement (inches or centimeters).
The BMI will be calculated automatically based on weight and height information
entered for the patient. BMI is calculated as mass divided by height squared.
Metabolic Syndrome
This field is calculated. Metabolic Syndrome is present if the patient has 3 or more of
the following clinical characteristic:
1) Triglycerides >= 150mg/dl;
2) HDL < 40 mg/dl (male), <50 mg/dl (female)
3) Central adiposity (waist circumference >35 (female), >40 (male)
4) BP>=130/>=85
5) Fasting Glucose >=110 mg/dl
For more information, visit the NIH website here: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-
Functional Assessments
Functional Assessment:
Test Not Completed by
the Patient.
Check this box if the patient meets one of the conditions outlined below. Patients unable to
participate in a 6MWT, a graded exercise test, or unable to use an exercise device that can be
calibrated to estimate METs, due to physical,
cognitive, neurological, psychological, or safety
reasons or patients who have not
completed 4 weeks of CR. Checking this box will exclude
patient from Program
Certification Performance Measure calculations. For more
information on the Performance Measures, visit the Program Certification Resource
Page here.
Maximal METs
Use the estimated maximum MET value (to the nearest 0.1 METs) attained during a
graded, symptom- limited, maximal exercise test (GXT). Select what type of test was
performed (treadmill, bike, arm ergometer, other, or unknown).
Peak Exercise METs
For the intake value, use the estimated peak MET level attained during the third CR
exercise session. (Use the first two exercise sessions to tweak the exercise intensity.)
For the discharge value, use the estimated peak MET level attained during the
discharge exercise session or last exercise session. The estimated peak MET value
should be calculated using validated American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
6-minute walk distance
Report the distance attained during the 6-minute walk test in feet or meters. (Please
refer to ATS Statement: Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test [Am J Respir Crit
Care Med. 2002; 166: 111-117. doi: 10.1164/rccm.166/1/111] or the Guidelines for
Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs, Fourth Edition, 2004.)
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
6-minute cycle distance
Report distance pedaled in feet or meters for the 6-minute cycle test using an
appropriately calibrated Schwinn Airdyne Cycle Ergometer. (Miles attained on the
Airdyne x 5280 feet = feet pedaled.) (Please refer to Validity and Reliability of the
North Carolina 6-Minute Cycle Test [Verrill et al., J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006; 26: 224-
230.] for protocol.)
Exercise minutes/day
Enter the average number of minutes per day the patient engages in moderate
intensity exercise on days the patient exercises or is physically active. For the admission
value, the patient’s usual exercise behavior in the few weeks prior to the time of their
event should be used. For the discharge value, use the patient’s usual behavior one to
two weeks prior to discharge. Include minutes of exercise spent during CR. “Moderate”
intensity is defined as approximately 35 METs.
Exercise days/week
Enter the average number of days per week the patient engages in moderate intensity
exercise and/or physical activity. For the admission value, the patient’s usual exercise
behaviors in the few weeks prior to the time of their event should be used. For the
discharge value, use the patient’s usual behavior 1-2 weeks prior to discharge. Include
days exercised in CR.
Steps per day
For the intake value, enter the average number of steps per day the patient attains
during the first week of CR participation as measured by a pedometer calibrated
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For the discharge value, enter the average
number of steps per day in the final week of CR participation.
Duke Activity Status
Index Score
Enter the Duke Activity Status Index Score.
This value is derived from the DASI score. It is an estimate of the patient's peak MET
MET minutes per week
Please enter in the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) MET minutes
per week.
Psychosocial Assessments
Psychosocial Section:
Test Cannot Be
Completed by the
Check this box if the patient is unable to complete the depression instruments for
the reasons described below. Checking this box will exclude the patient from the
Program Certification Performance Measure calculations. For more information
on the Performance Measures, visit the Program Certification Resource Page
Inability to complete the depression instruments with reasonable
accommodations. Examples of Reasonable Accommodations:
Staff member reads instrument instructions and
to the patient
Staff member enters patient’s responses to test items
to the
Presence of comprehension limitation that precludes completion of the
Lack of availability of the tool used by the CR program in a language
understood by the patient
Patient declines to complete the assessment.
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
CES-D Score
Enter in the total score for the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression screening
PHQ-9 Score
Enter the total score for the Patients Health Questionnaire-9 depression screening
Enter the total score for the Beck Depression Inventory-2 tool.
Enter the total score for the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score tool.
Dartmouth COOP
Enter in the combined score of the 9 original subscales of the Dartmouth COOP tool.
2015 Copyright
Enter in the scores for the MacNew tool. Scores collected: Emotional Scale Score,
Physical Scale Score, Social Scale Score, Global Scale Score
Enter in the scores for the Short Form-12 Physical Component Summary Score (PCS
Score) and the Mental Component Summary Score (MCS Score)
Enter in the scores for the Short Form-36 Physical Component Summary Score (PCS
Score) and the Mental Component Summary Score (MCS Score)
Ferrans & Powers QLI
Enter in the scores for the Ferrans & Powers Quality of Life Index Cardiac Health tool.
Scores collected: Health/Functioning Score, Social/Economic Score,
Psychosocial/Spiritual Score, Family Score, Global Score
Enter in the scores for the Psychosocial Risk Factor Survey. Scores collected: PRFS
Depression, PRFS Anxiety, PRFS Hostility, PRFS Social Isolation, PRFS Total Distress.
Enter in the raw score for the EQ-5D as a 5-digit value, eg 11213. All 5 digits must be
VAS Scale
Enter the score from the EQ-5D Visual Analog Scale.
Heart Failure Assessments
Enter the patient’s most recent resting LVEF as measured by resting echocardiogram,
nuclear study, or left heart catheterization procedure.
NYHA Class
Enter the patient’s New York Heart Association heart failure class.
Enter in the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire scores. Scores collected:
Physical Limitations Score, Symptoms Score, Stability Score, Self-Efficacy Score, Social
Score, Quality of Life Score, Functional Status Score, Clinical Summary Score.
Hospital Utilization
Hospital readmissions
and reasons for
Enter all UNPLANNED hospital readmissions. DO NOT include planned cardiac
procedures such as angioplasties. Select the most pertinent reason for the patient’s
readmission to the hospital. Include readmissions that occur during the patient’s
participation in Phase 2 CR and those that occur during the period between the
patient’s discharge from Phase 2 and follow-up assessment.
AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry: Definitions and Comments for Selected Data Elements
© 2022 by American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Adverse events
Adverse events are medical events that require immediate cessation of exercise,
assessment, and intervention by CR staff and immediate transport to an
department. It is assumed that a physician will be contacted regarding
the patient’s
disposition and that the patient will be admitted to the hospital as a
result of the
Unexpected events
Unexpected events are medically related events that require cessation of exercise
staff intervention and assessment. A physician may be contacted as part of the
disposition. The patient may or may not be referred to the emergency department,
depending on the situation/event.
Select from “MD called,” “ED visit,” or “Hospital admission.” These are not mutually
exclusive, but graded in response. Depending on the severity of the event, you may
elect to only contact the patient’s physician. If more severe, the patient may be
to the Emergency Department (ED). If the patient is admitted after being seen
in the
ED, select “Hospital admission. In the latter two cases, it is assumed that the
physician will be notified.
ED visits
Enter the date(s) and reason(s) for visits to an Emergency Department. These visits are
usually less than 1 day in duration.