Department of Defense (DoD)
Zero Trust Reference Architecture
Version 2.0
July 2022
Prepared by the Defense Information Systems Agency
(DISA) and National Security Agency (NSA) Zero Trust
Engineering Team
For Open Publication
Department of Defense
Sep 12, 2022
July 2022
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is
Document Prepared By
Name: Robert Freter
June 2022
DISA Zero Trust Program Lead (ID2)
July 2022
Table of Contents
1 PURPOSE AND STRATEGIC GOALS ....................................................................... 9
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Purpose .............................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Scope ............................................................................................................... 10
1.3.1 Stakeholders ................................................................................................. 10
1.3.2 Organization of the Reference Architecture .................................................. 10
1.3.3 Timeframe ..................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Vision and Goals (CV-1) .................................................................................. 13
1.4.1 Vision and High-Level Goals (CV-1) ............................................................. 14
1.4.2 Zero Trust Strategy ....................................................................................... 15
1.5 Cybersecurity (Transition) Problem Statement (OV-1) ................................ 16
1.6 Overall Target Environment (OV-1) ............................................................... 18
1.7 Assumptions ................................................................................................... 19
1.8 Constraints ...................................................................................................... 20
2 PILLARS AND PRINCIPLES .................................................................................... 20
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Concept and Tenets of Zero Trust ................................................................. 20
2.3 Pillars ............................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Reference Architecture Principles (OV-6a) ................................................... 23
3 CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Capabilities Taxonomy (CV-2) ........................................................................ 25
3.2 FFP: Pillars, Resources & Capability Mapping ............................................. 31
4 USE CASES ............................................................................................................. 35
4.1 Data Centric Security Protections (OV-1) ...................................................... 35
4.2 Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2) ..................................................... 37
4.3 Data Encryption Protections (OV-2) .............................................................. 39
4.4 Coordinating Policy for Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2) ............. 41
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4.5 Data Analytics & AI (OV-1) .............................................................................. 42
4.6 Data Analytics & AI (SV-1) .............................................................................. 44
4.7 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-1) ............................. 45
4.8 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-2) ............................. 46
4.9 Dynamic, Adaptive Policy Feedback Loop (OV-1) ........................................ 47
4.10 VPN-Less Implementation (OV-1) .................................................................. 48
4.11 East-West Segmentation (OV-1) .................................................................... 49
4.12 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-1) ......................................................... 50
4.13 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-2) ......................................................... 52
4.14 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-1) ................................................ 54
4.15 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-2) ................................................ 56
4.16 Conditional Authorization (OV-1) ................................................................... 60
4.17 Conditional Authorization (OV-2) ................................................................... 62
5 TECHNICAL POSITIONS ......................................................................................... 63
5.1 Emerging Technologies .................................................................................. 63
5.2 Standards, Associated Architectures and Guides ....................................... 64
5.3 Linkages to Other Architectures .................................................................... 65
5.3.1 DoD Cybersecurity Reference Architecture (CS RA) Integration .................. 65
5.3.2 DoD ICAM Reference Design (RD) ............................................................... 66
5.3.3 NIST Special Publication 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture ........................... 67
6 SECURITY ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................... 68
6.1 Governance ..................................................................................................... 68
6.2 Data Governance (OV-2) ................................................................................. 68
6.3 Securing Supply Chain (OV-2) ....................................................................... 70
7 ARCHITECTURE PATTERNS .................................................................................. 71
7.1 Architecture Patterns (CV-4) .......................................................................... 71
7.1.1 Domain Policy Enforcement for Resource Access (SV-1) ............................. 72
7.1.2 Software Defined Perimeter (OV-2) .............................................................. 73
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7.1.3 ZT Broker Integration (SV-1) ......................................................................... 74
7.1.4 Micro Segmentation (SV-1) ........................................................................... 74
7.1.5 Macro Segmentation (SV-1) .......................................................................... 78
7.2 External Services ............................................................................................ 78
7.2.1 SvcV-1: External Services(SvcV-1) ............................................................... 79
7.2.2 SvcV-2: Enterprise Federated Identity Service (SvcV-2) .............................. 80
8 TRANSITION ARCHITECTURE PLANNING (FFP) .................................................. 81
8.1 Maturity Model (FFP) ....................................................................................... 81
8.2 Baseline (OV-1) ................................................................................................ 82
8.3 Transition (OV-1) ............................................................................................. 83
9 APPENDIX (AV-2) .................................................................................................... 84
9.1 Systems ........................................................................................................... 85
9.2 Services ........................................................................................................... 90
9.3 General Terms ................................................................................................. 92
9.4 DIV-1 ................................................................................................................. 93
9.5 StdV-1-2 References ....................................................................................... 96
9.6 Capability Table ............................................................................................... 97
10 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 104
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Table 1 Reference Architecture Principles (OV-6A) .................................................................... 24
Table 2 Design Pattern Table (CV-4) ........................................................................................... 71
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Figure 1 Legend for Performers .................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2 Zero Trust Vision (CV-1) ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 3 Cybersecurity Problem Statement (OV-1) ..................................................................... 16
Figure 4 Target Environment (OV-1) ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 5 Zero Trust Pillars ............................................................................................................ 22
Figure 6 Capability to Pillars Mapping (FFP) .............................................................................. 26
Figure 7 Zero Trust Authentication and Authorization Capability Taxonomy (CV-2) ................ 27
Figure 8 Zero Trust Infrastructure, Workload and Data Capability Taxonomy (CV-2) .............. 28
Figure 9 Zero Trust Analytics and Orchestration Capabilities Taxonomy (CV-2) ...................... 29
Figure 10 Zero Trust Enabling Capabilities Taxonomy (CV-2) ................................................... 30
Figure 11 FFP: Pillars, Resources & Capability Mapping (CV-7) ............................................... 31
Figure 12 Data Centric Security Protections (OV-1) .................................................................... 35
Figure 13 Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2) ................................................................... 37
Figure 14 Data Encryption Protections (OV-2) ............................................................................ 39
Figure 15 Coordinating Policy for Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2) ............................ 41
Figure 16 Big Data Analytics & AI (OV-1) ................................................................................. 42
Figure 17 Data Analytics & AI (SV-1) ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 18 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-1) ........................................... 45
Figure 19 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-2) ........................................... 46
Figure 20 Dynamic, Adaptive Policy Feedback Loop (OV-1) ..................................................... 47
Figure 21 VPN-Less Implementation (OV-1) .............................................................................. 48
Figure 22 East-West Segmentation (OV-1) .................................................................................. 49
Figure 23 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-1) ..................................................................... 50
Figure 24 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-2) ..................................................................... 52
Figure 25 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-1) ............................................................. 54
Figure 26 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-2) ............................................................. 56
Figure 27 Performers Requiring Authentication........................................................................... 58
Figure 28 Conditional Authorization (OV-1) ............................................................................... 60
Figure 29 Conditional Authorization (OV-2) ............................................................................... 62
Figure 31 Standards Profile for DoD Zero Trust Architectures ................................................... 64
Figure 32 Securing the Supply Chain (OV-2) .............................................................................. 70
July 2022
Figure 33 Domain Policy Enforcement for Resource Access (SV-1) .......................................... 72
Figure 34 Design Pattern: Software Defined Perimeter (OV-2) ................................................... 73
Figure 35 SoS Design Pattern: Zero Trust Broker Integration (SV-1) ......................................... 74
Figure 36 SoS Micro Segmentation (SV-1) .................................................................................. 75
Figure 37 SoS Micro Segmentation (SV-1) .................................................................................. 76
Figure 38 SoS Micro Segmentation (SV-1) .................................................................................. 77
Figure 39 Design Patterns: SoS Macro Segmentation (SV-1) ...................................................... 78
Figure 40 External Services (SvcV-1) .......................................................................................... 79
Figure 41 Enterprise Federated Identity Service (SvcV-2) ........................................................... 80
Figure 42 ICAM Service ( SvcV-2) .............................................................................................. 80
Figure 43 Maturity Model (FFP) .................................................................................................. 81
Figure 44 Transition Architecture Baseline (OV-1) ..................................................................... 82
Figure 45 Transition Architecture Transition (OV-1) .................................................................. 83
July 2022
1.1 Introduction
“Zero Trust is the term for an evolving set of cybersecurity paradigms that move defenses from
static, network-based perimeters to focus on users, assets, and resources. Zero Trust assumes
there is no implicit trust granted to assets or user accounts based solely on their physical or
network location (i.e., local area networks versus the Internet) or based on asset ownership
(enterprise or personally owned).”
Zero Trust (ZT) requires designing a consolidated and more
secure architecture without impeding operations or compromising security. The classic
perimeter/defense-in-depth cybersecurity strategy repeatedly shows to have limited value
against well-resourced adversaries and is an ineffective approach to address insider threats.
The DoD Cybersecurity Reference Architecture (CS RA) documents the Department’s approach
to cybersecurity and is being updated to become data centric and infuse ZT principles.
ZT supports the 2018 DoD Cyber Strategy, the 2019 DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, the
2021 Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, and the DoD Chief Information
Officer’s (CIO) vision for creating a more secure, coordinated, seamless, transparent, and cost-
effective architecture that transforms data into actionable information and ensures dependable
mission execution in the face of a persistent cyber threat.”
ZT should be used to re-prioritize
and integrate existing DoD capabilities and resources, while maintaining availability and
minimizing temporal delays in authentication mechanisms, to address the DoD CIO’s vision.
1.2 Purpose
An architecture is built for a defined purpose and should answer a specific set of questions to
enabling data-driven, informed decisions. The Reference Architecture (RA) establishes a
framework that provides guidance via architectural Pillars and Principles. It identifies which of
the overall strategic needs (goals and objectives) are the focus of the RA. The RA is a
conceptual, capability-centric description of the architecture and primarily supports capability
planning, portfolio management, and Information Technology (IT) investment decisions. It
establishes high-level service and operation concepts, architectural questions of importance,
and technology opportunities and constraints that shape the domain of an approach. The RA
also includes a synopsis of current industry and DoD approaches and identifies key determining
standards that together describe constraints and opportunities.
1 NIST SP 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture, August 2020
DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, June 2019.
July 2022
1.3 Scope
The DoD Zero Trust Engineering Team developed this Zero Trust Reference Architecture (ZT
RA) to align with the DoD definition: “Reference Architecture is an authoritative source of
information about a specific subject area that guides and constrains the instantiations of multiple
architectures and solutions.”
This Reference Architecture describes Enterprise standards and capabilities. Single
products/suites can be adopted to address multiple capabilities. Integrated vendor suites of
products rather than individual components will assist in reducing cost and risk to the
government. This document will evolve as requirements, technology, and best practices change
and mature. ZT promotes an individual journey to a collaborative goal of continuous
enhancements, while also incorporating best practices, tools, and methodologies of industry.
1.3.1 Stakeholders
The DoD ZT RA will be used by DoD Mission Owners (MOs) to guide and constrain the
evolution of existing DoD IT and Enterprise Environments. MOs are individuals/organizations
responsible for the overall mission environment, ensuring that the functional and cybersecurity
requirements of the system are being met.
The ZT RA provides an end-state vision, strategy, and framework for MOs across the DoD to
utilize in order to strengthen cybersecurity and guide the evolution of existing capabilities to
focus on a data centric strategy.
ZT embeds security principles throughout the architecture for the purpose of protecting data
and service operations, preventing, detecting, responding, and recovering from malicious
cyber activities. The perspective of the ZT RA is to guide the developer, operator, manager,
and user of ZT in the development of solutions to implement a ZT framework within
an existing environment.
This ZT RA’s intent is to:
ide stakeholders with operational context needed to better understand principles and
rules when applying a ZTA.
Define capabilities required to enable a ZTA.
Provide baseline description of ZT for use in managing change and risk associated with
evolving operational needs.
Define the importance of ZT by showcasing how the model constantly limits access when
required, continuously monitors, and identifies anomalies or malicious acts.
1.3.2 Organization of the Reference Architecture
3 DoD Reference Architecture Description June 2010
July 2022
This RA contains the following sections:
and Vision (with broad Operational Views)
Pillars and Principles
Conceptual Capability Architecture (capabilities organized into a functional taxonomy,
here associated with the Pillars)
Use Cases and associated requirements
Technical environment describing emerging technology, common industry approaches
and key standards
Security Assessment
Architecture patterns (The scope of alternate ways to realize a conformant design and
the refining of Performers into Systems and Services)
Example, Transition Architecture direction meeting the above constraints and being
pursued at the time of the RA (Maturity Model, baseline, transition, target, phases)
Following DoD standards, the artifacts in this RA are from the Department of Defense
Architectural Framework (DoDAF). Because of the broad audience that needs to understand
and adapt ZT, an informal style is used for the artifacts. Informal drawings are easier to
understand by a wide audience, not all of whom are familiar with Unified Profile for
DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM) model representations. These drawings should allow a common
representative of the target stakeholder to grasp the meaning of the artifact. With the RA, it is
the content that is important. However, this is still a digital architectural model and includes
artifacts with descriptions, lists of definitions, and tables of interaction. Entities (the nouns of
DoDAF) are defined and used in the artifact drawings which tell a story of function and entity
relationships. The All View Integrated Dictionary (AV-2) is organized by type of entity and most
of these tables are in the appendix. From this RA, Reference Designs (RD) can be created that
capture a ZT logical architecture for specific environments and functional needs.
The conceptual capability architecture predominately is captured in several Operational Views
[OV-1: High-Level Operational Concept Graphic, OV-2: Operational Resource Flow Description]
and Capability Views [CV-1: Vision, CV-2: Capability Taxonomy]. Strategies are captured in a
CV-1. Here, OV-1s describe the problem and the opportunities for a specific functional
environment. Then capabilities are explained in relation to the OV-1 opportunities. The (entity
type) capabilities appear in the drawings with a thin line. These are captured in a capability
taxonomy (CV-2) organized by their associations with Pillars and resources. The other main
view type is the OV-2: Operational Resource Flow Description. This captures specific resources
and how they interact in a specific use case or architectural pattern (with some conceptual SV-
1: Systems Interface Description & SvcV-1: Services Context Description).
July 2022
Figure 1 Legend for Performers
1.3.3 Timeframe
These are the general timelines associated with the development of the ZT RA.
30 September 2020: Initial ZT RA v0.9 submitted for review by DISA, NSA, DoD CIO,
and United States Cyber Command
04 November 2020: ZT RA v0.9 submitted to Enterprise Architecture Engineering Panel
(EAEP) for feedback
04 December 2020: Zero Trust Joint Engineering Team received feedback and began
24 December 2020: Submission of ZT RA v0.95 submitted to EAEP
04 January 2021: EAEP members voted on ZT RA release
11 Febuary 2021: Digital Modernization Infrastructure Infrastructure Executive Commitee
approval of ZT RA v1.0
13 May 2021: ZT RA v1.0 published on DoD CIO Library
30 September 2021: ZT RA v2.0 draft development complete
21 November 2021: DCIO CS Chief Architect directed ZT RA 2.0 to be staffed through
CS RA Steering Group on its way to EAEP and/or DMI EXCOM
7 February 2022: CS RA Steering Group - Joint O-6/GS-15 CATMS review of draft ZT
RA v2.0 completed
24 May 2022: EAEP completed assessment
1 June 2022: Briefed the EAEP results of assessment with complete concurrence of the
panel members
July 2022
1.4 Vision and Goals (CV-1)
Figure 2 Zero Trust Vision (CV-1)
By reconfiguring, reprioritizing, and augmenting existing DoD capabilities, the DoD will be able
to evolve towards a next-generation security architecture, ZT. With these augmented
capabilities, the agency will be able to secure and defend DoD information, systems, and critical
infrastructure against malicious cyber activity, including DoD information on the non-DoD-owned
environments. The ability to detect, deter, deny, defend, and recover from malicious cyber
activities and develop a scalable, resilient, auditable, and defendable framework will require
several different ways to strategically protect DoD environments. The concept of trusted
networks, devices and endpoints geared towards perimeter based defenses will shift toward a
never trust, always verify approach. Moving security away from the perimeter and towards an
integrated security architecture focusing on protecting data, applications, and servers will be
critical to achieving the ZT vision. As cyber threats evolve and become more and more
sophisticated, ZT implementors will need to stay current on existing and emerging cyber
technologies to systematically improve enterprise environment defenses that are in line with ZT
concepts. These new strategic goals enable the implementation of security in a more consistent
and efficient manner.
4 2018 DoD Cyber Strategy
July 2022
1.4.1 Vision and High-Level Goals (CV-1)
Vulnerabilities exposed by data breaches inside and outside DoD demonstrate the need for a
new and more robust cybersecurity model that facilitates mission enabling decisions that are
risk aware. ZT is a cybersecurity strategy and framework that embeds security principles
throughout the Information Enterprise (IE) to prevent, detect, respond, and recover from
malicious cyber activities. This security model eliminates the idea of trusted or untrusted
networks, devices, personas, or processes, and shifts to multi-attribute-based confidence levels
that enable authentication and authorization policies based on the concept of least privileged
access. Implementing ZT requires designing a consolidated and more efficient architecture
without impeding operations to minimize uncertainty in enforcing accurate, least privilege per-
request access decisions in information systems and services viewed as compromised.
ZT focuses on protecting critical data and resources, not just the traditional network or
perimeter security. ZT implements continuous multi-factor authentication, micro-segmentation,
encryption, endpoint security, automation, analytics, and robust auditing to Data, Applications,
Assets, Services (DAAS). As the Department evolves to become a more agile, more mobile,
cloud-instantiated workforce, collaborating with multiple federal and non-governmental
organizations (NGO) entities for a variety of missions, a hardened perimeter defense can no
longer suffice as an effective means of enterprise security. In a world of increasingly
sophisticated threats, a ZT framework reduces the attack surface, reduces risk, and ensures
that if a device, network, or user/credential is compromised, the damage is quickly contained
and remediated.
State-funded hackers are well trained, well-resourced, and persistent. The use of new tactics,
techniques, and procedures combined with more invasive malware can enable motivated
malicious personas to move with previously unseen speed and accuracy. Any new security
capability must be resilient to evolving threats and effectively reduce threat vectors, internal and
ZT end-user capabilities improve visibility, control, and risk analysis of infrastructure, application
and data usage. This provides a secure environment for mission execution. Enabling ZT
capabilities address the following issues and high-level goals:
nize Information Enterprise to Address Gaps and Seams.
Over time, DoD
environments have been decentralized. Usability and security challenges stem from
years of building infrastructure along organizational, operational and doctrinal
boundaries, with multiple security and support tiers, enclaves and networks. Capabilities
developed in silos have inevitably resulted in disconnects and gaps in the command
structure and processes that preclude establishing a comprehensive, dynamic, and
near-real time common operating picture. Adversaries have exploited these logical,
technological, and organizational gaps and seams.
Simplify Security Architecture. A fragmented approach to information technology and
cybersecurity has led to excessive technical complexity, creating vulnerabilities in
enterprise hygiene, inadequately addressing threats and results in high levels of latency.
Complex security techniques render the user experience unresponsive and ineffective.
July 2022
This is a factor that drives the use of unapproved or unsecure technologies as users look
to complete their mission.
roduce Consistent Policy. This is a critical lesson-learned from industry
automated cybersecurity policies must be consistently applied across environments for
maximum effectiveness. System owners have a responsibility to define governanc
practices. This enforces reliability and consistency aligning with policy and requirements.
ptimize Data Management Operations. The success of DoD missions, ranging from
payroll to missile defense, are increasingly dependent on structured tagged data within
and ex
ternal to originating systems. Advanced analytics also depend on thes
dependencies. While data standards and policy exist, they are disparate and
nconsistently implemented. This results in:
o Interoperability challenges between applications, organizations, and with external
o System inefficiencies and vulnerabilities
o Poor user experience
o Inability to fully leverage cloud computing, data analytics, machine learni
ng, and
tificial intelligence
Provide Dynamic Credentialing and Authorization. Persona based identities
credentials, and attributes are not dynamic or context aware and come from disparate
ources. Two factor authentication, in the form of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Common Access Card (CAC), while secure, has not kept pace with more user-friendly
multi-factor authentication advances in industry. In industry, Non-person entities (NPE)
are not widely addressed beyond basic service accounts, nor are entities for bots or the
net of Things (IoT). The DoD Identify Credential and Access Management (ICAM)
Reference Design provides further guidance on identity, credentialing, and access
management implementations
1.4.2 Zero Trust Strategy
ZT principles, Pillars and culture will guide mission owners in their efforts to reconfigure, re-
prioritize and augment existing DoD capabilities to evolve portfolios and resources towards a
revised, data centric DoD Cybersecurity Reference Architecture (CS RA). It instantiates tenets of
the 2019 DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, the 2018 DoD Cyber Strategy Lines of Effort, and
the 2019 Cybersecurity Risk Reduction Strategy.
It supports the DoD vision of “a more secure,
coordinated, seamless, transparent, and cost-effective IT architecture… that ensures dependable
mission execution in the face of a persistent cyber threat.”
ZT supports an incremental migration approach to cybersecurity with an end state of an
interoperable, fully functioned, optimized cybersecurity architecture that secures our critical
July 2022
assets and data from malicisous threats and unintentional incidents.
The desired outcome is
the roll out of an employable set of enterprise ZT capabilities each consisting of standards,
devices, and processes that are measurable, repeatable, supportable, and extensible, to any
organization on the DoDIN, and federated across the DoDIN. The DoD CIO Zero Trust Strategy
outlines the vision, approach, principles, goals and objectives, and roadmap for the DoD’s
migration to ZT.
1.5 Cybersecurity (Transition) Problem Statement (OV-1)
Figure 3 Cybersecurity Problem Statement (OV-1)
Traditional approaches to cybersecurity architectures, such as defense in depth, have resulted
in complicated and redundant capabilities across the DoDIN. The prevalence of teleworking and
adoption of cloud computing have caused a crossing of DoD data into new platforms; often
hosted in industry and user environments. This change in the digital experience introduces new
security challenges but also opportunities for leveraging important technology evolutions and ZT
principals to revolutionize cyber defense.
The growing issues in security protections align with the evolution of endpoints to multiple
platforms, inclusive both traditional and non-traditional devices such as IoT (Internet of Things),
Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion (SCADA) and OT(Operational Technology),
challenges in managing numerous security stacks, threats from privileged users and controlling
access to cloud environments. Authentication and authorization of endpoints to the environment
5 DoD Zero Trust Strategy, July 2022
July 2022
is inconsistently implemented and does not always consider device hygiene. Security stacks
such as Joint Regional Security Stack (JRSS,) while providing numerous security capabilities,
are challenging to manage and lack integration with data center and identity capabilities
capable of providing a holistic security solution. Insider threats continue to compromise data
and systems through unintegrated security policy and lateral movement. The adoption of the
cloud computing has shifted data off-premises and has generated the need for a more robust
security model beyond a perimeter defense. ZT concepts and principles impact each of these
scenarios and provide centralized, standardized and integrated controls to mitigate these
security challenges.
Beyond the issues identified above, there are existing capabilities within the enterprise which
are key enablers for operationalizing ZT. Software defined enterprise (SDE) capabilities, such
as automation, orchestration, and network function virtualization (NFV), combined with analytics
for our defensive cyber operators enables the scale and confidence scoring necessary to
achieve ZT security policies. Many of these capabilities have already been implemented
throughout DoD and provide a great baseline for ZT when tuned with the proper configuration.
NFV capabilities can also be rapidly deployed to protect legacy applications and enable
resource authorization decisions for an enhanced security posture.
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1.6 Overall Target Environment (OV-1)
Figure 4 Target Environment (OV-1)
ZT cybersecurity architecture introduces new security concepts such as data centricity and
conditional access to achieve the core concept of never trusting a request for data, applications,
or resources. Beyond the notion of never trusting and verifying explicitly, assuming a breach in
the environment brings new levels of granularity to the security policies implemented within
these capabilities.
A data-centric security architecture starts with identifying sensitive data and critical applications
for introducing ZT. This discovery process will include identification of the users and flows for
development of the security policy. The control plane consisting of the ZT policy controller and
automation and orchestration capabilities will be an insertion point for new conditional access
policies. The integration between these technologies will be achieved via APIs. Evolution of
artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) will modernize and enrich the
policy deployed from the control plane.
The ZT security policy is executed on numerous policy enforcement points throughout the
architecture. The first steps in a flow from user to data are authenticating and authorizing a user
which requires integration with an enterprise ICAM solution, global device management and
continuous vetting of identity and attributes. The attributes required for authorization will be
specific to the user's level of access, hygiene of the device, and activities performed in the
environment. The combination of these elements develops into a confidence score which
dynamically changes based on conditions and telemetry.
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Virtual access points and gateways are the next phase in authorization. A Policy Decision
Point provides a confidence score of the user or endpoint. A Policy Enforcement Point then
enforces segmentation policy and connects the user or endpoint to the requested resource.
Depending on the implementation, certain cloud access points should align to the DoD Cloud
Native Access Point Reference Design (CNAP RD). Within these access points are numerous
security capabilities to include firewall and inspection technologies. Software defined perimeter
capabilities also align to the requirements for implementing virtual access points.
The deployment environment requires the adoption of software defined data center
technologies such as software defined networking (SDN) to truly enable ZT controls. SDN
technologies integrate at the host level to provide micro segmentation which is a key control to
lateral movement. Beyond the traditional implementation of segmentation which focuses on port
and protocol, processes should be evaluated along with identity to ensure east-west network
flows within application components are not threats.
The data itself is protected through a combination of data loss prevention (DLP) and data rights
management (DRM) to control data exfiltration. DRM will tie encryption to relevant security
policies and attributes to protect access to the file. This will enable data-in-use protections to
provide additional controls around how data can be manipulated and extracted from files.
Throughout each of these transactions data is logged, filtered, and analyzed. Unified analytics
enrich confidence levels used in authorization decisions to provide relevant data beyond user
attributes and device hygiene. User and entity behavior analysis (UEBA) will baseline normal
activity and provide indicators of threats and additional risks to limit authorization transactions.
1.7 Assumptions
The following core assumptions drive planning, risks assessment, and implementation
considerations for deploping a ZT architecture:
The C
S RA remains the authoritative cybersecurity reference architecture for the DoD
The ZT RA does not replace the CS RA but augments the CS RA. The CS RA and ZT
RA will continue to converge over time whereby principles and Pillars of the ZT RA will
be infused into ongoing agile updates to the CS RA.
Technologies will exist, will be mature, and available/implementable to achieve a DoD
ZT migration across the information enterprise.
ZT assumes continued and mandated use of communication encryption to the greates
extent possible.
Multiple decentralized Service pilots and proof-of-concepts will require integration and
synchronization for a common ZT end-state.
No single device or capability produces a ZT framework. ZT is a holistic approac
h to
ecurity that leverages several different technologies to enable a ZT end-state.
Security policies will be universally and consistently automated and orchestrated at the
acro level for the DoD enterprise. Granular security policies and access controls will
ated and orchestrated at the micro level by mission owners.
Interoperability standards must emerge to enhance data security protections.
July 2022
1.8 Constraints
The following core constraints drive planning, risks assessment, and
implementation considerations for ZT.
mited testing due to current environmental constraints has been compl
eted on the
capabilities that support the ZT RA version 2.0. Additional development and refinement
tages should be completed to support design documentation.
Coarse/fine grain policy is a design decision driven by constraints of DoD structure an
icy management.
2.1 Overview
ZT Security “is an emerging initiative that DoD CIO is exploring in concert with DISA, United
States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), and the National Security Agency (NSA). ZT is a
cybersecurity strategy developing an architecture that requires authentication or verification
before granting access to sensitive data or protected resources at a financial cost by reducing
data loss and preventing data breaches. This security model helps transition and upgrade over
time from trusted networks, devices, personas, or processes, and shifts to multiple attributes
and multi-checkpoint-based confidence levels that enable authentication and authorization
policies under the concept of least privileged access. Implementing ZT requires rethinking how
we utilize existing infrastructure to implement security by design in a simpler and more efficient
way while enabling unimpeded operations.”
While straightforward in principle, the actual implementation and operationalization of ZT
incorporates several areas which need to be smartly integrated and that include software
defined networking, data tagging, behavioral analytics, access control, policy orchestration,
encryption, automation, as well as end-to-end ICAM. Enterprise level considerations include
identifying which data, applications, assets, and services to protect, and mapping transaction
flows, policy decisions, and locations of policy enforcement. Apart from the advantages to
securing our architecture in general, there are additional cross-functional benefits of ZT
regarding cloud deployments, Security Orchestration and Automation (SOAR), cryptographic
modernization and cybersecurity analytics.
2.2 Concept and Tenets of Zero Trust
The ZT security model re-thinks how to implement security access to resources and is
determined by dynamic policy, including the observable state of user and endpoint identity,
application/service, and the requesting asset and may include other behavioral and
environmental attribute. Confidence levels are built from multiple attributes of the subject being
6 DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, June 2019
July 2022
authenticated (identity, location, time, device security posture) and allow a much more
thorough evaluation of access requests beyond credential verification.
ZT has five major tenets. These tenets represent the foundational elements and influence all
aspects within ZT.
ssume a Hostile Environment. There are malicious personas both inside and outsi
the env
ironment. All users, devices, applications, environments, and all other NPEs ar
eated as untrus
resume Breach. There are hundreds of thousands of attempted cybersecurity attacks
against DoD environments every day. Consciously operate and defend resources wi
the as
sumption that an adversary has presence within your environment. Enhance
crutiny of access and authorization decisions to improve response outcomes.
Never Trust, Always Verify. Deny access by default. Every device, user
ication/workload, and data flow are authenticated and explicitly authorized using
least privilege, multiple attributes, and dynamic cybersecurity policies.
Scrutinize Explicitly. All resources are consistently accessed in a secure manner usi
ultiple attributes (dynamic and static) to derive confidence levels for contextual access
to resources. Access to resources is conditional and access can dynamically change
based on action and confidence levels resulting from those actions.
Apply Unified Analytics. Apply unified analytics for Data, Applications, Assets
ervices (DAAS) to include behavioristics, and log each transaction
The use of mutual authentication of users with PKI-based client-authentication or mutual
authentication certificates to web applications has long been the effective standard. The DoD is
making strides to improve access to data by approving multiple authenticators and
authorization schemes to better improve usability and access while maintaining security and
2.3 Pillars
Zero Trust Pillars are identified in the ZT Strategy and are in alignment with the common
industry identification of ZT Pillars. A Pillar is a key focus area for implementation of Zero Trust
controls. ZT is depicted as interlocking puzzle pieces (Figure
5) that symbolize a data Pillar
surrounded by Pillars of protection. All protection Pillars work together to effectively secure the
Data Pillar.
July 2022
Figure 5 Zero Trust Pillars
The seven Pillars in the DoD ZT Architecture include:
Securing, limiting, and enforcing person and non-person entities’ access to DAAS
encompasses the use of identity capabilities such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and
Privileged Access Management (PAM) for privileged functions. Organizations need the ability to
continuously authenticate, authorize, and monitor activity patterns to govern users’ access and
privileges while protecting and securing all interactions.
Device: Continuous real-time authentication, inspection, assessment, and patching of devices
in an enterprise are critical functions. Solutions such as Mobile Device Managers, Comply to
Connect programs, or Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) provide data that can be useful for
device confidence assessments, authorization determination, and limiting access. Other
assessments should be conducted for every access request (e.g. examinations of compromise
state, software versions, protection status, encryption enablement, and proper configuration,
etc.). Having the ability to identify, authenticate, inventory, authorize, isolate, secure, remediate,
and control all devices is essential in a ZT approach.
Network/Environment: Segment (both logically and physically), isolate, and control the
network/environment (on-premises and off-premises) with granular access and policy
restrictions. As the perimeter becomes more granular through macro-segmentation, micro-
segmentation provides greater protections and controls over DAAS. It is critical to, control
privileged access, manage internal and external data flows, and prevent lateral movement.
July 2022
Applications and Workload: Applications and workloads include tasks on systems or services
on-premises, as well as applications or services running in a cloud environment. ZT workloads
span the complete application stack from application layer to hypervisor. Securing and properly
managing the application layer as well as compute containers and virtual machines is central to
ZT adoption. Application delivery methods such as proxy technologies, enable additional
protections to include ZT decision and enforcement points. Developed Source Code and
common libraries are vetted through DevSecOps development practices to secure applications
from inception.
Data: A clear understanding of an organization’s DAAS is critical for a successful
implementation of a ZT architecture. Organizations need to categorize their DAAS in terms of
mission criticality and use this information to develop a comprehensive data management
strategy as part of their overall ZT approach. This can be achieved through the ingestion of
consistent valid data, categorization of data, developing schemas, and encrypting data at rest
and in transit. Solutions such as DRM, DLP, Software Defined Environments, and granular
data-tagging support the protecting of critical DAAS.
Visibility and Analytics: Contextual details provide greater understanding of performance,
behavior and activity baseline across other ZT Pillars. This visibility improves detection of
anomalous behavior and provides the ability to make dynamic changes to security policy and
real-time access decisions. Additionally, other monitoring systems, such as sensor data in
addition to telemetry will be used, will help fill out the picture of what is happening with the
environment and will aid in the triggering of alerts use for response. A ZT enterprise will capture
and inspect traffic, looking beyond network telemetry and into the packets themselves to
accurately discover traffic on the network and observe threats that are present and orient
defenses more intelligently.
Automation and Orchestration: Automate manual security processes to take policy-based
actions across the enterprise with speed and at scale. SOAR improves security and decreases
response times. Security orchestration integrates Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM) and other automated security tools and assists in managing disparate security systems.
Automated security response requires defined processes and consistent security policy
enforcement across all environments in a ZT enterprise to provide proactive command and
2.4 Reference Architecture Principles (OV-6a)
The ZT framework is an approach to security that utilizes a series of guiding principles in the
creation of the RA and other future documents.
rinciple #1: Assume no implicit or explicit trusted zone in networks.
Principle #2: Identity-based authentication and authorization are strictly enforced for all
connections and access to infrastructure, data, and services.
July 2022
Principle #3: Machine to machine (M2M) authentication and authorization are strictly
enforced for communication between servers and the applications.
rinciple #4: Risk profiles, generated in near-real-time from monitoring and assessm
of both us
er and devices behaviors, are used in authorizing users and devices
Principle #5: All sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
Principle #6: All events are to be continuously monitored, collected, stored, and analyz
to assess compliance with security policies.
Principle #7: Policy management and distribution is centralized.
Table 1 Reference Architecture Principles (OV-6A)
July 2022
3.1 Capabilities Taxonomy (CV-2)
The Seven Zero Trust Pillars assist with the categorization of capabilities and technologies that
can perform Zero Trust functions in an environment. Capabilities are the ability to achieve a
desired effect under specified (performance) standards and conditions through combinations of
ways and means (activities and resources) to perform a set of activities. Pillars align with
capabilities such as identity authentication and Software Defined Enterprise. Sub-Capabilities
such as enterprise identity provider or Just-In-Time analytics support capabilities. Capabilities
and sub-capabilities as defined reflect the current technologies that are applicable in ZT and
are subject to change in future iterations of the ZT RA. This layered approach allows for
flexibility in implementing ZT controls. Overarching governance will be required to achieve
proper integration across Pillars and capabilities. The Pillar and capabilities enable maximum
visibility and protection of data, which are the key focuses of any implementation of ZT.
With Figure 6 Capability to Pillars Mapping (FFP), the white arrows show which ZT aggregated
capability acts on what ZT Pillars. A branch of capabilities may point to more than one Pillar
and some point to the entire ZT framework. This section provides an overarching description of
the ZT capabilities and is intended to provide capabilities that meet a ZT architecture end state
rather than provide exact implementations. Certain capabilities do require enterprise scale
enablers to include an enterprise federated identity service, enterprise analytics and enterprise
orchestration. Proper attributes and labeling of data during the discovery process must also be
implemented for a ZT architecture. Common to all Pillars is the implementation of continuous
authentication and validating the identity of entities during all access transactions. This
validation is based upon current identifying standards enhanced with behavioral metrics and
additional identifying factors. Further mapping of the parent capabilities and mappings to
service relationships are provided below.
July 2022
Figure 6 Capability to Pillars Mapping (FFP)
ZT capability taxonomy is shown across multiple figures in this section. A table with
definitions is located in Appendix (AV-2). The aggregated capabilities [main taxonomy branches]
consist of continuous authentication, conditional authorization across, enabling infrastructure,
securing application & workload, securing data, automation, analytics and orchestration. ZT has
an interdependence with Data Governance, Risk Management, and the Software-define
Enterprise. The full taxonomy CV 2 is provided below in several figures.
July 2022
Figure 7 Zero Trust Authentication and Authorization Capability Taxonomy (CV-2)
When applied to the user’s Pillar, Conditional Authorization capabilities would focus on any object
that would be considered a person-entity or non-person entity. The authorization to systems and
resources would be conditional not only to standard roles but also attribute status, analytics of
that entity, the requirement at a specific time and justification to access resources and data. When
applied to the devices Pillar, Conditional Authorization capabilities center around systems and the
enforcement of acceptable baselines and device state. Systems will be continually assessed for
the current status of their inventories and telemetry data. Further information will be available
through status scans and logging. Systems will be able to be updated on the fly or at the request
of orchestration or other remediation methods. The degree of scrutiny and requirements for the
systems accessing data will be relevant to the security level of the data that is trying to be
July 2022
Figure 8 Zero Trust Infrastructure, Workload and Data Capability Taxonomy (CV-2)
The ZT-enabling Infrastructure aggregate capability includes all the capabilities that impact the
Network and Environments resources Pillar. This will affect endpoints in the environment and
nodes of travel among the enterprise. This can include not only on premises infrastructure but
also cloud resources. Controls built around this Pillar relate to any ZT enabling infrastructure
capabilities. A macro and micro segmentation policy can be designed around segmenting and
isolating specific workloads as long as the workloads are strictly defined and validated. This allows
for not only interconnection between required nodes and only those nodes but also the
requirements of connection for Software Defined Perimeters.
The Securing Application and Workload aggregate capability includes all the capabilities that
surround the Workloads Pillar. These capabilities will protect the application and devices serving
data to end users. These capabilities aim to prevent lateral movement, validate good software
practices, and segment the application into discrete highly contained secured areas. Connections
into this zone are highly scrutinized and brokering between internal and external requests. The
convergence to a standardization of application calls will aid in the proper implementation policy
changes and updates.
The Securing Data aggregate capability include all the capabilities that surround the Data Pillar.
These capabilities are the closest to the data that is to be protected. Its function is all about
securing data whether it be tagged data, identified sensitive data, exfiltration protections or
encrypting of sensitive data. Securing Data will constitute proper protections around sensitive
information regardless of the effectiveness of the supporting Pillars and their capabilities.
July 2022
Figure 9 Zero Trust Analytics and Orchestration Capabilities Taxonomy (CV-2)
The Analytics aggregate capability includes all the capabilities that surround the Visibility &
Analytics Pillar. The capabilities under this Pillar are an amalgamation of continuous entity
monitoring, sensors, logging, event driven analytical tools, and machine learning. ZT will utilize
Machine Learning to baseline environmental data and analytics. Machine Learning
algorithms provide baseline data sets to enable ZT policy enforcement through Artificial
Intelligence within ZT Orchestration.
The ZT Orchestration a
ggregate capability includes all the capabilities that surround the
Automation & Orchestration Pillar.Its focus will be to provide automation for the deployment of
policy changes in which to secure the enterprise and controlled around sensitive data. The
automation and orchestration Pillar also be able to account for the ingestion of desired target
state data from the Software-Defined Enterprise. While early capabilities will be centered around
policy deployment, future iterations will augment the capabilities with artificial intelligence and
robotic process automation into its core capabilities as the technologies evolve.
July 2022
Figure 10 Zero Trust Enabling Capabilities Taxonomy (CV-2)
Data governance is a key element in the successful application of ZT security policy and
provides the processes, tools, and framework for managing data from creation to disposition.
ZT and Risk Management are interdependent capabilities. ZT provides new discovery content to
feed the Risk Management Framework (RMF). As a result of ZTA, the processes within the Risk
Management Framework (RMF) will inform new discovery content for as well ZT, while adapting
to modern application development practices such as DevSecOps. The major impacts will occur
to the prepare, assess, and monitor steps. Prepare will require significant discovery, especially
of the data flows to document and develop segmentation policies. Assessment will change as
snapshots of systems become stale with DevSecOps capabilities rapidly modifying applications.
ZT will require significant monitoring activities which improve feedback to the RMF process and
incident response reactions.
Software Defined Enterprise is a key enabler to the breadth and depth of a ZT architecture
implementation. As compute, network and storage infrastructure is virtualized and software
defined this enables the ability to isolate data and applications at scale. Domain orchestration
and control provide an enterprise control plan to push configuration and policy aligned with ZT
July 2022
3.2 FFP: Pillars, Resources & Capability Mapping
Figure 11 FFP: Pillars, Resources & Capability Mapping (CV-7)
The ZT Pillars, Resources & Capability Mapping concept provides an operational view on how
security measures would be implemented within the architecture. NPE identity and person
identity are tracked independently allowing for separate paths of validating confidence levels
across enforcement points. Authentication and authorization activities will occur at numerous
but focused points throughout the enterprise to include users and endpoints, proxies,
applications and data. At each enforcement point, logs are sent to the SIEM and analytics are
performed to develop a confidence level. Confidence levels of the device and user are
independently developed and then aggregated where appropriate for policy enforcement. If the
non-person entity or person entity has a confidence score above a measured threshold, then
they are authorized to view the requested data. Data is protected along the way by Data Loss
Prevention (DLP) which also feeds the SIEM to ensure the data is being used properly.
The fol
lowing bullets provide additional detail on the decision points, components, and
capabilities that are depicted within Figure 11. The capabilities identified below are
representative of an end-state ZT implementation. Controlling access to resources based on the
July 2022
risk of the user and devices is the baseline requirement for ZT and is possible
without implementation of all identified capabilities.
nterprise Identity Service: which includes Federated Enterprise Identity Servic
EIS), Automatic Account Provisioning (AAP) and a Master User Record (MUR)
dentifies and manages the roles, access privileges, and the circumstances in whic
ers are granted or denied privileges
o FE
IS: The Federated Enterprise Identity Service aggregate’s identity credentials
and authorizations and shares among a federated group of organizations s
ers/NPE can access services in other domains
o A
AP: Provides identity governance services such as user entitlem
anagement, business role auditing and enforcement and account provisions
and deprovisioning based on identity data produced during DoD people-centric
activities such as on and off-boarding, continuous vetting, talent managem
and readiness training.
o M
UR: Enables DoD-wide knowledge, audit, and data rollup reporting of who has
access to what system or applications. MUR will also provide support in
dentifying insider and external threats
lient and Identity Assurance:
o Authentication Decision Point: This evaluates the credential issuance, identity
the user, NPE, and or device as access is attempted to applications and data.
evices may also be evaluated as to whether they are managed or unm
Additional use cases for non-user NPE and user assisted NPE are available in
the IC
AM Reference Design.
o Authorization Decision Point: A system entity that makes authorization decisions
for entities that request such access decisions. It examines requests to access
resources and compares them to the policy that applies to all requests for
accessing that resource to determine whether specific access should be gr
to the requester who issued the request under consideration. The user and
ice authorizations are the first stage in conditional access to resources
applications, and ultimately the data.
o ICAM Service: The ability to create trusted digital identity representations
ndividuals and NPEs, bind those identities to credentials that may serve as
oxy for the individual or NPE in access transactions, and
leverage the
credentials to provide authorized access to an agency ‘s resources.
Capabilities provided by ICAM:
Continuous Authentication: An authentication concept that utilizes
multiple compatible authentication strategies to verify users
PEs identities in an ongoing, near real-time basis, as they
attempt to access resources and dat
onditional Authorization: The ability to grant authorization t
o a
esource contingent upon the continued trustworthiness of th
July 2022
supplicant. This trustworthiness can be affected by the device
hygiene, user and entity behavior, and other factors.
o Comply-to-Connect (C2C) Service: framework of tools and technologies
operating throughout the network infrastructure to discover, identify, characteriz
and r
eport all devices connecting to the network. The C2C capability will
orchestrate multiple tools to prevent non-compliant and unauthorized devices
and personnel from connecting to the network, thus maintaining the secur
onfiguration to the network and protecting the information in accordance wi
tablished standards and configurations
Capabilities provided by C2C:
Device Hygiene: The ability to inspect the state of devices
hecking for malware or vulnerabilities, and compliance status
with security controls, of managed and unmanaged assets i
der to determine risk level of allowing the device access to
resources and data.
Data-Centric Enterprise:
o Resource Authorization Decision Point: This is an intermediary decision poi
hich will evaluate the combined NPE and user to authorize the request for
access. Like previous decision points, this will leverage the confidence level
ned policies to determine if access is warranted.
o Application Authorization Decision Point: This decision point which will eval
the c
ombined user and NPE to authorize the request for access. Like previous
decision points, this will leverage the confidence level and defined policies
mine if access is warr
Securing Application Workload: The ability to secure and m
the appl
ication layer as well as compute containers and virtual
machines. The ability to identify and control the technology stack
to facilitate more granular and accurate access decisions.
Securing Supply Chain: The ability to prevent or act on softwar
upply chain attacks, which occur when a cyber threat actor
infiltrates a software vendor’s network and employs malicious
code to compromise the software before the vendor sends it t
r customers.
o Data Authorization Decision Point: Data owners use ZT measures to apply
tagging of data via orchestration or DLP/DRP servers. Data tagging will be us
to ens
ure proper access controls are met for all data.
Securing Data: Processes and technical controls to identify
lassify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data.
July 2022
Data Discovery and Classification: The ability to discover, classify
abel, and report all data including sensitive and at-risk data withi
our databases.
Dynamic Data Masking: The ability to provide a column-level
security feature that uses masking policies to selectively mask
tables and columns at query time.
Automation and Orchestration:
o Policy Engine & Automation (SOAR): These terms are used to defi
hnologies that handle threat management, incident response, policy
enforcement and security policy automation. A ZT Architecture will requir
namic policy enforcement and automation. SOAR will work in concert wi
ytics and policy engines to develop confidence levels and autom
ate the
ivery of policy to enforcement points.
Software-Defined Enterprise: The ability to create a virtualize
ayer over physical infrastructure, and centrally manage it i
n an
ated manner, utilizing a policy-based access control to
dynamically create, configure, provision, and decommissi
irtualized network functions, system functions, security functions
and w
Cybersecurity Orchestration: The ability to coordi
nate and
ate disparate ZT activities and interface and coordinat
with core systems.
Monitoring and Analysis Services:
o Analytics & Confidence Scoring: This system analyzes event and incident logs
via systematic analysis of data via statistics or other defined functional filters or
computations to obtain confidence scores. These scores indic
ate the
obability/percent value, within a specific range of error, with whic
h the
timation of a statistical parameter for a given set of analytic data is determi
to be tr
ue. Specifically, in ZT, this represents the probability that a user or NPE is
who they assert themselves
to be.
Analytics: The ability to systematically apply statistical and /or
logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and rec
and ev
aluate data.
o Logging utilizing Security Information and Event Management: Activity data is
aggregated and stored within the SIEM which provides both a security
information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM)
July 2022
Auditing/Sensors and TelemetryThe ability to directly verify,
such as by inspection, examination or computation, an activity or
device, in order to ensure compliance to security requirements.
Entities include users and NPEs, sensor reliability, compliance
programs, and shared services.
ZT requires gradual implementation of capabilities, technology solutions, process changes and
policy development. ZT is not intended to be a single blanket architecture, rather it is
customized to suit each organization’s needs. Each environment has differing requirements,
structures, and security policies in place or in the pipeline. The following use cases have been
developed with this diversity in mind.
The Tenets of ZT in Section 2.2 and the high-level architecture principles discussed in Section
2.4 are the core concepts from which the use cases below have been developed. While all
Pillars may interact together, each use case focuses on specific technologies and their
interactions throughout the architecture.
4.1 Data Centric Security Protections (OV-1)
Figure 12 Data Centric Security Protections (OV-1)
July 2022
Today’s approach to data security is based off legacy, isolated network-centric policies and
methods. Data is vulnerable in a network-centric security model as data is protected by basic
security practices such as username/password, user/device-based access and encryption only
at-rest with standard Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) that is rarely updated or validated.
Threat actors can circumvent these basic protections. Tomorrow’s approach to data security will
be under a unified ZT Framework with the focus on data-centric policies and protections that
are coordinated through continuous assessment. Data-centric technologies such as encryption
will help secure and protect the data at rest with additional layers of encryption within the fields
and records. Data in-transit must also be encrypted. Data Tagging will feed DRM and DLP
solutions which will allow creation of additional dynamic policies utilizing Attribute-Based Access
Control (ABAC).
July 2022
4.2 Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2)
Figure 13 Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2)
-Centric protections within the ZT Architecture aim to enhance protection of data regardless
of where the data resides or who is it is shared with. It is critical for the organization to know
what data they have, the characteristics of the data, and what privacy and security requirements
are needed to meet the standards for proper data protection.
Most of these protections are based around the data on the Data Store. Data Tagging on
creation or import of documentation will allow the organization to categorize data with a variety
of attributes. These attributes can be used in the classification of data for things like PII and
sensitive data. After Data Tagging has been applied, DRM (Data Rights Management) and DLP
(Data Loss Prevention) work with the SIEM and Data Store to collect and analyze access and
changes to any data being accessed. DRM will allow and block access, editing or copying of
data while DLP can block access and transmission of data. If a User/Endpoint is deemed
trustworthy and access to the data has been granted, DDM (Dynamic Data Masking) will mask
and alter the data while the data is being accessed and transmitted.
These four protections,
July 2022
along with cryptographic techniques such as encryption mentioned in the section above,
provide strong protections for data for a Data-Centric ZT Architecture.
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4.3 Data Encryption Protections (OV-2)
Figure 14 Data Encryption Protections (OV-2)
July 2022
Encryption is a key part of the ZT Architecture. Without encryption files are left in plain text
which can expose sensitive information. With modern encryption, data is inaccessible without
proper authorization. The processes and policies of Data-Centric protections are all part of
Data Governance.
As a user or NPE requests access to data from an encrypted source, the request is sent
through PEPs to the transactional database. If policy allows for the decryption of data to be
made available for the user/device, the access to unencrypted data is granted. If policy is not
met, access is blocked, and data remains encrypted.
Simultaneously to the process above, the request is recorded and analyzed by the SIEM in as
near real time as possible. If the SIEM analyzes the request and deems it suspicious, it will
trigger on events to be resolved by the SOAR. The SOAR, following incident response
procedures can deploy mitigation policy to terminate existing sessions, reencrypt data and
update policy on the PEPs to deny future requests.
July 2022
4.4 Coordinating Policy for Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2)
Figure 15 Coordinating Policy for Data-Centric Security Protections (OV-2)
The primary advantage of this architecture is its focus on the security of the data, not just the perimeter around the data. Data
requests are routed through a policy decision point (PDP). PDP policies are kept up to date in real time through device hygiene,
privileged access management (PAM), and various analytics. Users and devices cannot access the environment if policies are not
met. For existing connections to DAAS, PEPs can terminate any existing connections based on PDP policy changes.
July 2022
Data access is continuously protected through numerous Policy EnforcementPpoints (PEPs). Data remains encrypted at rest and
through transit while layers of security such as data tagging, dynamic data masking (DDM), and data loss prevention (DLP) are used.
Coordination of policy between the various components of ZT Architecture implement a defense in depth solution to maintain data
integrity, availability, and confidentiality in modern architecture.
4.5 Data Analytics & AI (OV-1)
Figure 16 Big Data Analytics & AI (OV-1)
July 2022
Siloed domains are normal in today’s conventional architectures and cause security risks with
inconsistent policies, data, logs, and analytics. The discrepancies this creates between the
siloed domains make it nearly impossible to collect uniform and complete data that can be
analyzed and applied into meaningful, dynamic data structures. Each siloed domain contains a
subset of the data , such as the security of a device or the login location of a user at a single
time. This data is fragmented across siloed domains and causes slower analysis of the data
that must be optimized manually into larger relevant data.
ZT intendsto make siloed domains obsolete and use data analytics and AI to create a
systematic data collection architecture that can identify data types, find correlations between
datasets, and observe knowledge or actionable insights using language processing. With Big
Data comes the ability to accelerate the automation of data preparation tasks of gathering data,
discovering, and assessing the data, cleaning, and structuring the data, transforming, and
enriching the data, and then finally publishing and storing the data. What this means for ZT is
the ability to have consistent policies, data, logs, and analytics to allow uniform and cohesive
collection of data which in turn greatly enhances threat detection and mitigation across the
July 2022
4.6 Data Analytics & AI (SV-1)
Figure 17 Data Analytics & AI (SV-1)
Big Data Analytics and AI within ZT dramatically increases visibility, insight, and automation into
the environment. Data is centrally collected from all aspects of the environment and analyzed.
The amount of data being collected in a ZT model is far larger than traditional architecture due
to data required to power automation, and thus requires more advanced tools.
ors collect data from all components of the environment and send it to a SIEM where it is
initially processed and analyzed for threats and abnormalities. Threat and anomaly data
processed from the SIEM will be forwarded to the SOAR and further analyzed with the
assistance of AI. Confirmed threats will be mitigated by the ZT controller through automation.
This information is recorded and stored for future ML and AI purposes that include User/NPE
confidence scoring, advanced threat detection, creating and modifying baselines, and working
with external intel programs and other AI to assist with automation and orchestration. As a
subset of ZT architecture, big data analytics and AI greatly enhance the security of modern
environments from robust data collection, advanced analysis, and automated threat mitigation.
July 2022
4.7 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-1)
Figure 18 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-1)
Traditional architecture has been previously based around administrators applying configuration
and policy changes within their specific domains of influence with little regard to other control
areas. This has brought around the issue of non-cohesive policies and configurations in the
enterprise. ZT is in the process of shifting the paradigm around to a centralized orchestration of
Comply-to-Connect methodologies with not only policy creation but also the policy deployment
and continued validation of those policies looks to change that. In the new ZT access to and
through resources will be coordinated from a centralized control structure. Policy will be able to
change and adapt quickly to new threats in the environment as well as to allow automation to
deploy those changes more efficiently and quickly to enforcement points in the field.
As the controlling agent for security in the enterprise, the Cybersecurity Domain Orchestrator
will interrogate a SDE Global Orchestrator for the desired state of the environment to determine
the delta in security policies. Depending on configuration, one or more orchestrators may be
used. In its evaluation, the Cybersecurity Orchestrator will also need to be aware of enterprise
logging data about users and NPEs throughout the enterprise. As big data becomes available
for analysis and use, the Cybersecurity Orchestrator will be able to utilize that data in the
creation and deployment of Policy. Updated information will be posted to the Enterprise Identity
Service that Cybersecurity will also use in its policy creation. Security Policy is then pushed
down the stack to The ZT Policy Controller and down to the actual Policy Enforcement Points.
This will allow a coordinated plan and action around the resources available for the enterprise’s
security posture and authorization.
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4.8 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-2)
Figure 19 Centralized Orchestration & Policy Management (OV-2)
July 2022
As Policy changes are created, ZT will utilize one or more Central Orchestrators to distribute
and verify changes down through the enterprise. The Cybersecurity Domain Orchestrator (CDO)
is dependent on reviewing what is to be the desired/target state of the environment from
originating organizational provision tools such as a Service Global Orchestrator. The CDO will
be responsible for matching up desired/target state with security policy changes, resolve
conflicts, and communicate changes down to a controller interfacing layer. The policy that is
brought into this policy engine layer will be disseminated out to policy enforcement points
specific to the area of influence that policy would be effective at. Ultimately, the controlling
policy would allow for specific and a unified control structure to be applied which would allow for
an exact control of entities, traffic, applications and data permissions. The CDO will also have to
interface with an Identity Services platform to update records and permissions available for
Users and Non-Person Entities. As a user or NPE tries to access data, the authorization of that
user will now have to be vetted by a unified and cohesive security posture.
4.9 Dynamic, Adaptive Policy Feedback Loop (OV-1)
Figure 20 Dynamic, Adaptive Policy Feedback Loop (OV-1)
Environments currently house inefficiencies in their procedures and important security data is
often missed, misdiagnosed, not understood or not in the sphere of influence. This requires
constant manual interventions by the operations and security teams leading to slow and
sometimes incorrect changes to the environment. The ZT approach is to have a unified Adaptive
Policy feedback loop. The desired state will be for the policy enforcement points to be continually
refined and monitored to more accurately protect users, devices, infrastructure, applications and
ultimately data. A created policy will be deployed, monitored, analyzed to identify required
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changes. Evaluation of analytics, and as technology progress the incorporation of first out-of-
band Artificial Intelligence (AI) and later in-band AI, will generate policy for review or for
immediate stopgap implementation. These changes will be approved in a coordinated fashion
to then be reapplied back to the PEPs to begin the process all over again. Information gathered
from multiple parts will allow for more data points of the environment and enable a wholistic
understanding of effectiveness of the applied policy and the changes. More data sources
will improve AI via Machine Learning (ML). Having a single point of coordination will allow for
a unified view of what is applied and how changes might affect other areas that a siloed system
would not be so quickly aware.
4.10 VPN-Less Implementation (OV-1)
Figure 21 VPN-Less Implementation (OV-1)
A ZT environment dispenses with the distinction between “internal” and “external” users. An
internal user should have no implicit trust associated with it than an external user. All users are
untrusted. One outcome that can follow is the removal of VPN. In a ZT environment, all users
are effectively “external” or untrusted and therefore must undergo the same rigorous
authentication and authorization processes.
In the conventional approach, off-site users connect to the internal network via a VPN, which
effectively places them on the “internal” network with on-site users. If the external user accesses
external or Internet resources, traffic first passes through the enterprise perimeter before
heading back out. This increased traffic flow requires continuous bandwidth and can create
significant latency issues. Additionally, VPNs pose a threat to enterprise security. They create a
path in the network perimeter and provide access to network resources after authentication. The
conventional approach cannot provide a method to intelligently confirm the identities of users
and entities attempting to access the network or provide adaptive policy enforcement based on
In ZT, all users and NPEs pass through the same Policy Enforcement Point and gateways
before they can access resources with Comply-to-Connect, many of which will reside in
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datacenter resources and cloud services accessible via the Internet. All requests for access
will be highly scrutinized using continuous multi-factor authentication and the concept of least-
privilege. In this model, formerly external users do not incur additional latency by hair-pinning
through a VPN.
4.11 East-West Segmentation (OV-1)
Figure 22 East-West Segmentation (OV-1)
Security states of previous deployments of application and server stacks have had issues
involving implicit trust in communication between systems. This trust has allowed malicious users
and devices the ability to traverse through the environment with relative ease. Once through the
perimeter controls malicious users and software can move laterally across to infect or attack
systems and data within the area of influence. ZT aims to enhance the security posture of static
DMZ network configuration by only allowing the specific communication that is required for the
applications to work and implement ever evolving controls. Micro-segmentation will require
communication between devices to be limited with just enough access to complete the intended
task of communication between servers, devices and applications. Communication will be
controlled not only at the network level between hosts, but also from process to process and in
the application stack through API Micro-segmentation. Additional Authentication and
Authorization will be part of each step of the process towards the data layer.
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4.12 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-1)
Figure 23 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-1)
While not the only vector for attack, individual unpatched non-compliant systems allow for an
attacker to gain a beachhead into any environment. Previous iterations of security have focused
on areas or silos of control and do not give a unified view of the security of a device. A system
may be completely patched, but a single change to another part of the system may cause that
system to become more susceptible to compromise. ZT aims to change this by giving a unified
centralized evaluation of systems and a coordinated response to not only system status but event
analysis and action over the environment and on individual devices.
Conventual device hygiene has been focused around hitting checklists, being at certain version
numbers and general event monitoring of a system. If a system hits a certain number of Security
Technical Implementation Guide (STIG checks,) is up-to-date and is not currently flagged as
being infected, it has been considered safe to be on the network.
ZT aims to take what was done in the past and add to it by incorporating a more unified strategy
and inclusion of event data to inform decisions. A system will be under the same patching that
was required before, but hygiene will now be a part of the authorization to specific information. It
will also be continuously checked not only by the patching systems, but also from other hygiene
tools in the environment. Metrics will be collected about systems so that baselining can be
configured for devices. ZT will aim to not only create baseline what a normal device would look
like in the environment, but also what the patterns are of individual machines. Discrepancies
between current actions and previous patterns can have different policies applied to the device.
This pattern recognition will allow for event-driven triggers and scanning to take place.
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Triggering on the detection of a system will initiate a unified and coordinated policy to be
provisioned and later applied to policy enforcement points through the environment. Dependent
upon the severity, policy can roll out a gradual change or an instant termination affect as
required to protect data. Additionally, Policy Controllers can pull confidence level scoring, that
will be available from big data and analysis, to assist in the creation and enforcement of policy
in the environment. ZT also looks to add confidence scoring not only to users but also devices.
Erratic systems could have their score affected by network behavior, process behavior, or other
defining characteristics.
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4.13 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-2)
Figure 24 Global Uniform Device Hygiene (OV-2)
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Global Uniform Device Hygiene is different than today's methodology as it doesn't only include
software patches or STIG checklists. Instead, it relies on ZT policies that guide decisions to
achieve logical outcomes. The policy’s intent is a to be a statement that is implemented as a
protocol or procedure that can assist with automated decision making. These guides to
decision making are based off the Event Condition Action structure:
The Ev
ent specifies the signal or criteria that invokes the rule for condition.
The Condition is the logical test that causes an action to be executed based on if the
condition is met or true.
The Action consists of updating policy in accordance with the condition on network and
data access level.
ZTA validates in real time to ensure any vulnerabilities or rulesets that apply to the device to be
validated and corrected to ensure it’s in compliance with the applied policy at the time it tries to
access any resource. It is constantly checked against any possible exploits and if any exist, it
attempts to remediate and if that's not possible it will remove it from the environment to mitigate
any exploitation.
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4.14 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-1)
Figure 25 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-1)
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ZT is not eliminating the all conventional means of authentication. ZT security model shifts to a
more focused use of multi-attribute-based confidence levels to enable authentication and
authorization policies based on the concept of least privileged access. The conventional use of
persona-based identities, credentials, and attributes are not dynamic or context aware. Current
methods tie to a user’s physical location. After authentication, every person entity and non-
person entity is treated the same. Two factor authentications, authentication tokens, and
username and password login have not kept pace with the industry’s multi-factor authentication
advances. Conventional authentication methods do not address non-persona entities such as
bots, hardware devices, or software applications.
ZT draws on technologies such as multifactor authentication (MFA), enterprise identity service,
and user/entity behavior analysis (UEBA) to enable continuous and dynamic authentication.
These tools evaluate the identity of the user or NPE (non-person entity) in real time as access
to applications and data are requested. User and entity transactions are continuously monitored
for anomalous behavior, which is then flagged, and the user/entity is then restricted access. To
fully enable ZT, enterprise identity service and multifactor authentication are both critical. Use of
a single unified platform with integrated identity and access management to provide MFA is
ideal to avoid any gaps in security or any hurdles to implementing ZT, enabling thorough and
continuous monitoring.
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4.15 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-2)
Figure 26 Dynamic, Continuous Authentication (OV-2)
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The process of dynamic, continuous authentication begins with a user’s/NPE’s request for access. Attribute data such as a CAC and
certificate or biometric will be provided to the identity agent for validation. Throughout the authentication process, behavior data such
as time of day, resource or operation requested is collected at policy decision points and are logged to the SIEM which then feeds
analytics to the UEBA engine for analysis. The UEBA engine uses analytics to develop confidence score. Confidence levels are
developed for each access request and then are distributed to policy points for enforcement. The attribute is then checked for
validity at the policy decision point (PDP) and the decision is to either approve the identity or sent to the SOAR to deny, challenge,
re-authenticate or downgrade access.
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Figure 27 Performers Requiring Authentication
All User and Endpoint entities must be authenticated before an established connection to any resources can be authorized. Users
will provide credentials that proves the identity of that user and, if validated, is authorized to access the resource. A Non-Person
Entity is everything else which also maintains an identity that seeks to establish a connection with resources and needs to be
authorized and authenticated. Authentication can also be assisted by utilizing a proxy for both the user and NPEs.
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Examples of NPE Devices that require authentication:
User Device (with loadable services): Device used by a user to initiate and use a session for access to resources
Resource Device (with loadable services): Infrastructure that hosts either an application resource(s): or provides networking.
IoT/sensor (ID and interface only): A sensor or IoT device that has a unique ID and that can only run embedded services that
respond to a manager.
Examples of additional services that can associate unique IDs to authentication services.
User Proxy: Application that can stand in for the user to an Authentication Service.
Device Management Proxy: The representation of a unique device ID to the authentication service by a device manager.
Application Service is software running on an OS that maintains unique information profile and can stand in for a specific
unique instance ID.
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4.16 Conditional Authorization (OV-1)
Figure 28 Conditional Authorization (OV-1)
In a conventional approach, authorization is accessed on network location, user or entity role, and authentication methods such as
login/password, PKI/CAC, and even two-factor authentication. ZT architecture applies a more comprehensive authentication process
that also considers dynamic policy, context, and multifactor attributes such as device health, location, time, and behavior. Activities
are logged at the SIEM and User and NPE Behavior Analytics are used to develop a confidence score. Confidence scores are
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accessed for each individual and NPE and aggregated for policy enforcement. The policy engine develops policy based upon the
confidence score of a user or NPE. Authentication and authorization activities occur at focused policy enforcement points
throughout the enterprise. Policy enforcement points (PEP) are responsible for enabling, monitoring, and terminating connections
within the enterprise. All activity throughout the enterprise is continuously monitored for anomalies in accounts, devices, network
activity and data access.
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4.17 Conditional Authorization (OV-2)
Figure 29 Conditional Authorization (OV-2)
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During Conditional Authorization, at step 0 the device itself will continuously send inventory and
system information, scans and dynamic instrumentation, and the status of the device (needed
updates) to the Policy Decision Point. Continually at same time (also step 0) the ZT Policy
controller is constantly sending policy to the PDP so specificrule-sets” are to initialize the
request for authorization. The user will then send off a request for authorization from their
device and if the device has passed the step 0 check the user/device will hit the PEP. The user
will then send their sign-on access to try and gain authorization. In this step we are looking at
the User and using NPE Behavior Analytics to prove that the user/device is who they say they
are. During this step we are checking a multitude of information such as Role Based Access
Control (RBAC), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), Comply to Connect (C2C), Network
Access Control, Authorization based on Hygiene Diagnostics, Application Sensitivity, and Data
Tags. Each of these controllers send back a “score” of sorts based on these checks to the PDP
to come up with a final score for the user. Once the score comes back at the level deemed fit
by the organization then the device/user will be granted authorization.
5.1 Emerging Technologies
ZT requires incremental technology changes to achieve an ZT end-state. Emerging
technologies can be used as technical opportunities. Examples are provided in the OV-2s and
SV-1s above. Emerging technologies are solution capabilities that, as they evolve, likely will
meet one of more conceptual capabilities associated with the ZT Pillars. It will be up to the
Reference Design (RD) and the Reference Implementation (RI) architecture to specify how
these technical capabilities are used. ZT is not reached at some arbitrary future point but
instead, it is a evolution of technology and operational approaches which over time evolve with
the threat environment it is seeking to ameliorate.
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5.2 Standards, Associated Architectures and Guides
Figure 30 Standards Profile for DoD Zero Trust Architectures
There is no single set of cybersecurity standards that will define a ZT architecture. Instead, all
cybersecurity technical standards developed by the Standard Development Organization (SDO)
at both national and international levels play a role in developing and implementing a ZT
architecture. The set of ZT tenets drive the development of the ZT architecture principles
leading to right cybersecurity architecture and policy development and deployment complying
with the DoD ZT requirements. DoD calls for adoption of industry open cybersecurity standards
driving cybersecurity technology maturity and providing foundation for cybersecurity systems
Some of the industry leading SDOs developing the cybersecurity standards include ISO-IEC
JTC1/SC27 WGs, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Cloud Security
Alliance (CSA), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and other open standards development
organizations. Other than the technical cybersecurity standards that provide technical capability
and ensure end-to-end interoperability, the laws, regulations and policies (LRP) issued by US
federal government and Department of Defense set the cybersecurity policies for DoD to
develop and deploy ZT architecture across the department. Both existing and mature
cybersecurity standards and emerging standards are essential in ZT architecture development
and guaranteeing interoperability across the DoD enterprise.
DoD is aware of Federal Associated standards and designs including the GSA and HLS ZT
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The Federal ICAM Architecture framework provides an external guide for the development of
5.3 Linkages to Other Architectures
5.3.1 DoD Cybersecurity Reference Architecture (CS RA) Integration Architecture Description
The CS RA describes the capabilities, services, activities, principles, functions, and technical
infrastructure necessary to successfully operate and defend the Department of Defense
Information Network (DoDIN). This RA is not static but provides a baseline (or standard) list of
cybersecurity capabilities. Technology and architecture will be configured to support any interim,
transitional, or objective cyberspace command and control (C2) model selected for
implementation by the DoD. The CS RA will serve as a primary source of guidance for RAs,
solution architectures, and programs necessary to achieve the vision of the Joint Information
Environment (JIE) and will be used to assess compliance of security architecture to established
standards. Architecture Usage
The CS RA will be used by DoD Components as the basis for development of Component-
specific solution architectures, engineering documentation, and implementation plans. This
document will serve as a source of input for funding justification, acquisition planning
documents, testing and evaluation plans, and information technology portfolio management
decisions. The CS RA should also be considered for relevance to existing and new programs. Linkage
The CS RA provides an architectural frame of reference for implementations but does not
currently incorporate ZT (as of version 4.1). As a result, DoD ZT Reference Architecture will be
authoritatively referenced in the ZT addendum of the DoD CS RA which will include other non-
infrastructure considerations. Updated versions of the CS RA will infuse ZT Principles and
Pillars migrating from a Perimeter Centric Architecture to a ZT Architecture. This RA will
account for critical security considerations around identity, automation and data security while
the CS RA will account for higher level security and engineering concepts. This coverage of ZT
within the CR SA will allow ZT RA and CS RA to align. This document will account for critical
security considerations around identity, automation and data security while the CS RA will
account for higher level security and engineering concepts.
July 2022 Artifact Availability
The CS RA is accessible on SIPRNet via the Warfighting Mission Area Architecture Federation
and Integration Portal.
5.3.2 DoD ICAM Reference Design (RD) Reference Design Description
The purpose of this Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design
(RD) is to provide a high-level description of ICAM from a capability perspective, including
transformational goals for ICAM in accordance with the Department of Defense (DoD) Digital
Modernization Strategy. As described in Goal 3, Objective 2 of the DoD Digital Modernization
Strategy, ICAMcreates a secure and trusted environment where any user can access all
authorized resources (including services, information systems, and data) to have a successful
mission, while also letting the Department of Defense (DoD) know who is in the environment at
any given time.”
This objective focuses on managing access to DoD resources while
balancing the responsibility to share with the need to protect. ICAM is not a single process or
technology but is a complex set of systems and services that operate under varying policies
and organizations. Reference Design Usage
This document is not intended to mandate specific technologies, processes, or procedures.
Instead, it is intended to:
Aid mi
ssion owners in understanding ICAM requirements and describing current and
planned DoD enterprise ICAM services to enable them to make decisions ICAM
implementation so that it meets the needs of the mission, including enabling authorized
access by mission partners.
Support the owners and operators of DoD enterprise ICAM services so that these
services can effectively interface with each other to support ICAM capabilities.
Support DoD Components in understanding how to consume DoD enterprise ICAM
services and how to operate DoD Component, COI, or local level ICAM services when
DoD enterprise services do not meet mission needs.
Each mission owner is responsible for ensuring ICAM is implemented in a secure manner
consistent with mission requirements. Conducting operational, threat representative
cybersecurity testing as part of ICAM implementation efforts is a mechanism that needs to be
used to check secure implementation.
Cybersecurity Reference Architecture, Version 4.0, July 2016
DoD ICAM Reference Design, June 2020
July 2022 Linkage
The DoD ZT RA leverages concepts and lexicon from the ICAM RD to provide a unified and
consistent approach to implementing ZT Architecture. This document will not include exhaustive
references to ICAM use cases but will acknowledge critical concepts as enablers to ZT.
References to the ICAM RD are included throughout the DoD ZT RA, however more in depth
ICAM specific use cases are only available in the ICAM RD. Artifact Availability
The ICAM Reference Design is accessible on via the DoD CIO Library at:
5.3.3 NIST Special Publication 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture Architecture Description
Zero Trust (ZT) is the term for an evolving set of cybersecurity paradigms that move defenses
from static, network-based perimeters to focus on users, assets, and resources. A Zero Trust
architecture (ZTA) uses ZT principles to plan industrial and enterprise infrastructure and
workflows. Zero Trust assumes there is no implicit trust granted to assets or user accounts
based solely on their physical or network location (i.e., local area networks versus the internet)
or based on asset ownership (enterprise or personally owned). Authentication and authorization
(both subject and device) are discrete functions performed before a session to an enterprise
resource is established. ZT is a response to enterprise environment trends that include remote
users, bring your own device (BYOD), and cloud-based assets that are not located within an
enterprise-owned network boundary. ZT focus on protecting resources (assets, services,
workflows, network accounts, etc.), not network segments, as the network location is no longer
seen as the prime component to the security posture of the resource. This document contains
an abstract definition of ZTA and gives general deployment models and use cases where ZT
could improve an enterprise’s overall information technology security posture.
9 Linkage
The DoD ZT RA leverages concepts and lexicon from the NIST guidance to provide a unified
and consistent approach to implementing ZT Architecture. References to the NIST 800-207 are
included throughout the DoD ZT RA. Artifact Availability
The NIST Special Publication 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture is available from the NIST
Computer Security Resource Center:
NIST SP 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture,
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6.1 Governance
Similar to isolation among security capabilities, today’s governance policies are also
individually aligned to data policies and cybersecurity policies. The adoption of ZT principles
encourages the convergence of these areas for a unified data and security governance
The analytics focuses on behavior and data residency to determine the impact of the ZT
security policies. This drives changes to the policies to improve the security posture along with
defensive cyber operations and incident response. As data continues to be more dispersed
throughout the enterprise environment, the overarching governance policies need to modernize
to align.
6.2 Data Governance (OV-2)
Figure 32 Data Governance: Applying Data Policies (OV-2)
ZT strategy should explain the goals and objectives of data governance in ZT implementations.
These will apply to the creation of ZT compliant applications, the application of ZT to existing IT
networks and systems, and to operations in a ZT environment. These will be organization and
implementation specific. However, some of the architectural concerns follow.
Within ZT, Data Governance is concerned with maintaining proper security and authorized
access to data while other data governance policies are applied. In the federal government
system, specific access and rights of openness apply to much of the data. This potentially can
conflict with the technologies and approaches to data access and security embedded in the core
of ZT. These must be reconciled in the ZT architecture so that the data governance technical
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policies, data access roles, and proper retention policy are implemented within the methods of
the ZT access and security.
The first step in applying governance under ZT is understanding the critical data within the
environment along with the impact if the data is compromised. ZT implies the understanding
that the more sensitive the data, the more potential damage caused by data compromise, the
stronger the access controls and other data protections that must be applied. The earlier that
risk assessment and data classification can be applied in the software supply chain, the more
mature the ZT application.
In operational use, data discovery, risk assessment, and data classification provide a baseline
for the application of data and security governance policies. Yet these must occur within an
access framework of ZT. Since access controls, implemented at a session level, show what
data even can be seen; the functions of data discovery, and the principle of data openness,
must be reconciled with the protections of ZT. This likely will be done via an organization’s Data
Catalog. The data catalog, itself accessed via ZT controls, will contain descriptions and meta
data about the data without itself holding that data. Therefore, data cataloging is a companion
function to ZT. However, the address/location of data in the organization must be tightly
controlled if captured by the Data Catalog.
Once the initial data assessment policy is complete, ZT security rules will be implemented to
protect the data and enact segregation of duties. Much of this will be implemented via data
tagging. Specific ZT policies will govern how data is tagged and ensure the data is tagged.
These tags will be used by multifactor authorization, under ZT policy. Data tags will likely have a
much wider organizational function, applying to other data governance needs such as openness
and retention. Data tagging is used by ZT, and is a function of mature ZT, but will have business
use beyond ZT.
ZT data protection should apply to the full scope of data including sensor data, status
information, inventory, and static data properties. It applies to data at rest and data in transit. It
also applies to ZT policy statements when policy is data external to the program code. ZT
should be applied throughout the full lifecycle of data, from data generation, through normal
use, and into retention periods, ending only when/if data is destroyed. ZT data protections will
apply to all logs of data use.
The monitoring of data and security governance is incorporated into ZT analytics. Analytics
should evaluate the compliance and effectiveness of the governance. As with other ZT policies,
the SIEM, SOAR, Controller feedback look is used to apply automation and refine data policy
via actual use experiences. With ZT, this is most important in adapting policy to evolving data
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6.3 Securing Supply Chain (OV-2)
Figure 31 Securing the Supply Chain (OV-2)
The ZT tenet of never trust, always verify, applies beyond the conditional access of data to
include the development of applications. The combination of improperly secured applications
introducing lateral movement risks and critical data being generated and stored within
application necessitates a focus on supply chain.
As applications are built, the source code and binaries need to be vetted throughout the
elopment process. A DevSecOps continuous integration, continuous deployment process
includes numerous steps to ensure proper application security. Binaries are evaluated for CVEs
and whether they are being incorporated from a trusted DoD source repository. Static code
analysis is used in the source code evaluation process to perform dynamic vetting as the
application is built. These two security processes ensure the ingredients used in the application
development are secure which limits the ability to misuse for lateral movement or other
nefarious activities.
The devel
opment of binaries and source code should incorporate security hardening such as
STIG guidance for the application. Additionally, continuous monitoring of both source elements
and the application once promoted to production will provide behavior indicators. A baseline
analytic will be developed for application behavior and the security hardening activities can be
adjusted in the build process to maintain a robust security posture.
When in the procurement and validation step, the hardware and software need to be given a
confidence level. This score is vital and gives a better idea on if the device or data is safe to
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utilize. If a received device or piece of data has been tampered with, then this lowers the
confidence level putting the overall operation at risk. With putting the applications on tampered
hardware there is significant potential that the information will be compromised giving the
adversaries access to secure information. Depending on where the compromised hardware
sits, it potentially could infect other hardware within the building leading to more devices and
data being compromised.
7.1 Architecture Patterns (CV-4)
Table 2 Design Pattern Table (CV-4)
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7.1.1 Domain Policy Enforcement for Resource Access
Figure 32 Domain Policy Enforcement for Resource Access (SV-1)
The ZT architecture policy is enforced through parallel domain orchestration. Each security
domain provides custom policy orchestration and automated response via its dedicated
controller. Network/Transport Domain Orchestrator controls network traffic and grants or denies
access to network resource though predefined polices. Similarly, through predefined polices the
Data Center Domain Orchestrator is responsible for granting or denying access to application
and databases. The collected network and application data is also fed to the Cybersecurity
Domain Orchestrator where it is further envaulted for anomalies. Any detected threats will be
mitigated by the Cybersecurity Domain Orchestrator via automated policy changes.
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7.1.2 Software Defined Perimeter (OV-2)
Figure 33 Design Pattern: Software Defined Perimeter (OV-2)
Software Defined Perimeter will move away from the strong network perimeter concept and
move towards conditional authorization with micro-segmentation and encryption. While creating
an end-to-end encrypted communication path, all data and applications will have direct visibility
removed from the public internet. Devices wanting to access resources would be required to
pass a ZT enabled SDP. During requests, all communication will be assumed untrusted and
require conditional access based on device identity, device hygiene, and user identity with
confidence level scoring. These abilities are enabled by agents installed on both the request
and receiving end and a ZTA broker with policy enforcement points. An optional but highly
recommended piece to include would be a gateway to broker these communications. This
gateway would enable the ability to break and inspect traffic to view traffic for malicious actions
and data loss. The ability to monitor user behavior, session duration and bandwidth
consumption would be vital in providing accurate user and device confidence scores.
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7.1.3 ZT Broker Integration (SV-1)
Figure 34 SoS Design Pattern: Zero Trust Broker Integration (SV-1)
In a ZT environment, all applications are hidden from the end user network and require the user
or device contact and connect to a trust broker to facilitate connections. This broker can provide
continuous authentication and conditional authorization by ingesting device hygiene, identity
services, and other factors provide by the ZT big data environment. As traffic flows through or
terminates at the broker, access to resources can be denied without the need for sessions to
expire. The positioning of the broker can be positioned at the edge or closer to the application
as required by the program.
7.1.4 Micro Segmentation (SV-1)
Micro segmentation increases security by breaking down networks into smaller components and
enhancing the control of network and process traffic through unified policy enforcement driven
by the ZT policy controller. It is important to note that micro segmentation can continue to break
down to smaller and smaller components, defining process to process micro segmentation and
and evolving to API micro segmentation. These micro segmentation patterns below will only
touch on network based microsegmentation.
In a scenario where a user makes a request to a three-tier web application, traffic would flow to
the PEP of the web server, and if the traffic meets the policy enforced by the ZT policy
controller, it would be passed to the application tier. Again, the PEP of the application tier would
evaluate the traffic, and if access is granted it would be passed on to the database tier and be
evaluated once more before sending the request back to the user.
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Figure 35 SoS Micro Segmentation (SV-1)
In this design pattern micro segmentation is achieved at the network level through advanced
boundary protection capabilities such as a NGFW acting as a PEP. This NGFW provides
additional capabilities over a traditional firewall to include intrusion prevention, application
firewall functionality, in-line deep packet inspection, malware detection, and policy enforcement.
In this architecture all traffic must flow through the NGFW before reaching its destination
microsegment. Policy is centrally applied to the NGFW from the policy controller.
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Figure 36 SoS Micro Segmentation (SV-1)
In this architecture micro segmentation is achieved at the hypervisor level through micro
firewalls. Each virtual machine has a dedicated micro firewall which filters all traffic before
reaching its destination workload. This model provides enhanced threat mitigation of east-west
traffic flow and unifies policy enforcement via the ZT policy controller across all micro firewalls.
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Figure 37 SoS Micro Segmentation (SV-1)
Micro segmentation is established in this architecture through host-based agent endpoints.
Each host has its own agent that extends monitoring to the application layer, providing
enhanced threat mitigation down to the individual process level. All traffic will be inspected by
the endpoint agent before reaching the workload on the destination host. This architecture
includes robust protection against lateral movement, granular access control, and unified policy
enforcement from the ZT policy controller. In addition, this model is independent of the
underlying infrastructure making it flexible to deploy in the cloud or on-premises.
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7.1.5 Macro Segmentation (SV-1)
Figure 38 Design Patterns: SoS Macro Segmentation (SV-1)
Macro Segmentation as of today exists with usual VLAN or some sort of broad scope of
segmentation done by managed switches in a manual method and usually only provides a
perimeter protection model. ZTA expands on that with providing security against devices located
within the environment by validating the device, user or NPE on each attempt of accessing a
remote resource before it can connect thus providing protection within the perimeter.
For a user, device or NPE to access any resource domain, the entity would need to authenticate
and be authorized by a type of access control that houses Cybersecurity policies, such as EIS.
If allowed, it will transverse through other ZT capabilities such as SD-WAN/VNF/VSF which also
have cybersecurity and separate network policies to ensure the traffic is allowed at that current
time and if so, will reach the resource domain.
7.2 External Services
July 2022
7.2.1 SvcV-1: External Services(SvcV-1)
Figure 39 External Services (SvcV-1)
Enterprise Federated Identity Service (EFIS) is a fundamental component of a ZT environment.
EFIS is fundamental for the transformation to a data-centric identity-based access management
architecture that is required in a future-state ZT Architecture. The Automated Account
Provisioning (AAP) will provide identity governance services such as user entitlement
management, business role auditing and enforcement, and account provisioning and de-
provisioning based on identity data produced during DoD person-centric activities such as on
and off-boarding, continuous vetting, talent management, and readiness training.
The identity provider is the system that creates, maintains and manages identity information and
provides authentication services based on an individual's identity information. The Identity
provider will use the Master User Record (MUR) to enable knowledge, audit, and data rollup to
report who has access to what system or applications. The MUR will collect and correlate
attribute and entitlement information for person entities that have access to enterprise
resources. Enterprise ICAM is the DoDs version of an Enterprise Federated Identity Service.
July 2022
7.2.2 SvcV-2: Enterprise Federated Identity Service
Figure 40 Enterprise Federated Identity Service (SvcV-2)
The Enterprise Federated Identity Service has been developed to distribute persona and
personnel attributes for access control using a standards-based access control such as Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Using this connection approval process provides an
individual's identity and attributes for the purpose of enabling Attribute Based Access Control
(ABAC) to individuals who have justification and the need-to-know.
Figure 41 ICAM Service ( SvcV-2)
Both Federated ID Service and ICAM have their own external architecture, so noted here as
service interfaces used by ZT.
Required external services used by most ZT authentication and authorization components.
July 2022
8.1 Maturity Model (FFP)
Zero Trust Maturity is the logical progression of an as-is security model to an advanced Zero
Trust architecture. Although one’s Zero Trust journey will continue to mature beyond this FPP,
this Maturity Model serves as a reference to help information system owners conceptualize their
migration from their as-is to their to-be architecture. The approach to full Zero Trust
implementation begins with preparatory discovery and assessment tasks. The initial discovery
process will identify critical DAAS as well as access and authorization activity existing within the
architecture. The tasks within the “Prepare for Zero Trust” section are critical, as the focus of
Zero Trust is to protect DAAS. To do this, the relationships between workloads, networks,
devices, and users must be discovered.
An advanced Zero Trust Architecture requires the implementation of security policies tied back
to specific authorization attributes and the confidence level of the user and entity. Prerequisite
assessment of the environment will determine the compliance state, privilege account levels
and validate implementation of existing security controls. Advanced, as depicted in the FFP
does not mean an end to maturing Zero Trust. Zero Trust will continue to be refined as AI and
ML continue to refine security controls within the architecture as depicted in Figure 20.
Figure 8-3 Maturity Model (FFP)Figure 42 Maturity Model (FFP)
July 2022
8.2 Baseline (OV-1)
Figure 43 Transition Architecture Baseline (OV-1)
The baseline architecture implemented today within DoD commonly consists of untrusted and
trusted zones with security elements siloed in endpoint capabilities, perimeter capabilities and
mid-tier capabilities. The design of the architecture assumes threats only exist in the untrusted
segment while communication flows are more widely allowed in the trusted segment.
The endpoint elements support numerous device types, however conditional access to data,
applications, assets and services is not consistently implemented. Devices are protected with
host-based security systems and connected to the DoDIN via VPNs as trusted and authorized
The perimeter consists of internet access points (IAPs), cloud access points (CAPs) and
federated gateways (FGs). These perimeter capabilities are implemented to keep adversaries
out of the environment while also managing access to public or external resources.
Mid-tier security capabilities are based on the Joint Regional Security Stack (JRSS) which
consists of firewall, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention and virtual routing. The complicated
mid-tier design, while featuring significant security capabilities, is subject to performance
challenges and is not well integrated with endpoint and perimeter capabilities.
Data has shifted from being solely located in the datacenter to cloud infrastructure and
endpoints, which are not always managed, to complicate the protect surface. The iterative
implementation of ZT architecture solves numerous challenges within today’s cybersecurity
July 2022
8.3 Transition (OV-1)
Figure 44 Transition Architecture Transition (OV-1)
The transition from the as-is baseline architecture to the target ZT end-state is best defined as a
journey filled with capability advancement, integration activities, virtualization, automation, least
privilege policy development and analytics development. Legacy implementations within the
DoD will vary greatly based on organizations, purpose and age. They will each require a
transition architecture specific to the changes required to reach that objective since no one size
fits all approach can exist.
Transition focuses on modernizing endpoint security with integration of identity and attribute-
based authentication and authorization. Users must be validated prior to network access along
with compliance of the host which is being used to connect. The combination of identity, user
attributes and device attributes enable a risk based conditional access decision which was not
previously possible. The second element of the transition is integrating and virtualizing
perimeter and mid-tier capabilities. Consolidation of these capabilities leads to streamlined
capabilities and least privileged access policies. Less complication eases management burden,
improves performance, enables integration with endpoint and application capabilities. The third
element in transition is the adoption of application security capabilities to improve cybersecurity
posture and limit lateral movement. Micro-segmentation implemented on the application host
limits the machine-to-machine communication to only necessary ports, protocols, and
The target architecture continues to evolve these operational capabilities with the adoption of
new technology such as SDP, integration with enterprise ICAM services, data protections, and
robust risk-based analytics. The integration of enterprise ICAM services ensures the same
identity and attributes are leveraged throughout authorization decisions to provide better
federation of ZT solutions. Adoption of SDP provides an additional abstraction layer to the
DoDIN as inspection and segmentation are performed prior to user/device connecting the
July 2022
resource. SDP combined with data tagging and protections such as data loss prevention and
data rights management provide strong protection again data exfiltration. Each of these modern
security capabilities provides the visibility necessary to perform analytics required to develop the
risk scores used in authorization decisions.
The transformation from the as-is architecture to the transition architecture and eventually to the
final state architecture is an iterative journey to establish new capabilities, security policies and
analytics. The maturity model further provides a view of capabilities and policies to implement
throughout the transition process.
Appendix provides context dependent ontology of semantic classification and meaning of
the acronyms, terms and definitions of architecture elements used within the subject
area. It enables a common understanding of terms and consistency of definitions used
across the subject area. It includes acronyms, a taxonomy of terms, and definitions that are
used in the Reference Architecture and relevant to solution architectures.
July 2022
9.1 Systems
Analytics & Confidence Scoring
This system analyzes event and incident logs via sistematic analysis of
data via statistics or other defined functional filters or computations
to obtain confidence scores. These scores indicates the
probability/percent value, within a specific range of error, with which
the estimation of a statistical parameter for a given set of analytic
data is determined to be true. Specifically in ZT, this represents the
probability that a user/NPE is who they assert themselves to be.
Comply to Connect
Comply-to-Connect (C2C) is the identification, protection, and
detection of DoDIN connected devices to ensure a continuous secure
configuration. C2C enables the conduct of Defensive Cyber
Operations in response to detected and prevailing threats by
providing critical enabling information for the development of a
Common Operating Picture. C2C standards are based on a framework
of managing access to the network and its information resources by
restricting or limiting access to those devices that do not comply with
the standards.
Cybersecurity Domain
Controller (w/ZT)
The Cybersecurity Domain Controller administers (directs & controls)
policy for all cybersecurity functions. It ensures coordination of policy
implementation and consistency of policy application. For Zero Trust,
the Cybersecurity Domain Controller acts either as a Policy Decision
Point for Zero Trust functions or delegates that PDP function to a
specific subdomain controller.
Cybersecurity Domain
Orchestrator (w/ZT)
The CDO administers provisioning and workflow for all subordinate
cybersecurity controllers. The CDO ensures coordination and
integration of all provisioning and policy. For Zero Trust, the CDO has
functional provisioning for all Zero Trust functions. The CDO will
accept intent policy requests, identify impacted component
controllers and partition the customized policy to each controller.
Intent policy requests include customer requests, automatic scale-
up/scale-down of resources, responses to security incidents, response
to new TI or vulnerability information, changes to
user/group/application access parameters, new policies and changes
to existing policies, etc.
July 2022
Data Lake
A data lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your
structured and unstructured data at any scale. You can store your
data as-is, without having to first structure the data, and run different
types of analyticsfrom dashboards and visualizations to big data
processing, real-time analytics, and machine learning to guide better
A data lake is a centralized repository designed to store, process, and
secure large amounts of structured, semistructured, and unstructured
data. It can store data in its native format and process any variety of
it, ignoring size limits.
Domain Controller
Domain Controller directs/programs the behavior of the domain
resources using well defined interfaces. This system accepts
commands from the Domain Orchestrator and coordinates policy and
provisioning. The domain controller subsumes and extends the
traditional functions of element managers.
Domain Orchestrator
The automated coordination and management of IT systems within a
specific functional or resource domain. Orchestrators arrange,
sequence and automate implementation of tasks, rules and policies
to coordinate logical and physical resources in order to meet a
customer or on-demand request to create, modify or remove
infrastructure resources.
Endpoint is a role given to any devices capable of initiating or
terminating a session on a network. They are often described as end-
user devices, such as mobile devices, laptops, and desktop PCs;
although hardware such as servers in a data centers are also
considered endpoints. Devices such as zero clients, virtualized
systems, and infrastructure equipment (i.e. routers and switches) are
considered endpoints.
Endpoint Agent
Client software installed on a network endpoint that communicates
or is controlled by a centralized system.
Federated, Identity, Credential,
and Access Management
FICAM is the Federal Government’s enterprise approach to design,
plan, and execute common ICAM processes.
The FICAM Architecture is a framework for an agency to use in ICAM
program and solution roadmap planning. The FICAM Architecture
focuses on enterprise identity processes, practices, policies, and
information security disciplines.
Global Orchestrator
The Global Orchestrator manages the SDN control information for all
the many different systems comprising the DoDIN. The GO is the
software-based coordinator that plays the central role of creating the
requested services by coordinating and orchestrating services among
Domain Orchestrators (DOs) and Domain Controllers. The GO controls
and manages the domain orchestrators and controllers through sets
of Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs).
July 2022
Information Sharing System
The Information Sharing System component resides outside the
protective boundary of the core DISN OSS components and provides
human and machine information sharing services to the DISN Service
/ Product managers that do not sit within the DISN OSS enclave, the
DISN customers, the DoD NetOps community, DISA business systems,
and commercial service providers.
Micro Firewall
Micro Firewall are virtualized NGFWs within a microsegment used to
isolate workloads.
Next Generation Firewall
NGFW goes beyond ports, protocols, and IP addresses, providing
standard policy-based protection, while including more advanced
tools such as intrusion prevention
systems, application filtering, uniform resource locator (URL) filtering,
and geo-location blocking.
Non-Person Entity
An entity with a digital identity that acts in cyberspace but is not a
human actor. This can include an autonomous service or application,
hardware devices (e.g. IOTs), proxies, and software applications (e.g.
Operations Support System
The DISN OSS is All the systems that provide operations,
administration, maintenance, and provisioning (OAM&P)
management functions: Service Fulfillment Functions: Inventory and
Configuration Management, Order Management, Network Activation
and Service Provisioning, Service Assurance Functions: Alarm and
Fault Management, Performance Management, Incident
Management, and Release Management.
Person Entity
The role a human actor (i.e. User) performs when accessing IT assets
with a specific identify.
Policy Administrator
This component is responsible for establishing and/or shutting down
the communication path between a subject and a resource (via
to relevant PEPs). It would generate any session-specific
authentication and authentication token or credential used by a client
to access an enterprise resource. It is closely tied to the PE and relies
on its decision to ultimately allow or deny a session. If the session is
authorized and the request authenticated, the PA configures the PEP
to allow the session to start. If the session is denied (or a previous
approval is countermanded), the PA signals to the PEP to shut down
the connection. Some implementations may treat the PE and PA as a
single service; here, it is divided into itstwo logical components. The
PA communicates with the PEP when creating the communication
path. This communication is done via the control plane.
July 2022
Policy Decision Point
Mechanism that examines requests to access resources, and
compares them to the policy that applies to all requests for accessing
that resource to determine whether specific access should be granted
to the particular requester who issued the request under
Policy Enforcemnt Point
This system is responsible for enabling, monitoring, and eventually
terminating connections between a subject and an enterprise
resource. The PEP communicates with the PA to forward requests
and/or receive policy updates from the PA. This is a single logical
component in ZTA but may be broken into two different components:
the client (e.g., agent on a laptop) and resource side (e.g., gateway
component in front of resource that controls access) or a single portal
component that acts as a gatekeeper for communication paths.
Policy Engine
This component is responsible for the ultimate decision to grant
access to a resource for a given subject. The PE uses enterprise policy
as well as input
from external sources (e.g., CDM systems, threat intelligence services
described below)
as input to a trust algorithm (see Section 3.3 for more details) to
grant, deny, or revoke
access to the resource. The PE is paired with the policy administrator
component. The
policy engine makes and logs the decision (as approved, or denied),
and the policy
administrator executes the decision.
SDP Agent
A software agent that interacts with the SDP Controller and other
agents to activate within the SDP, connect and authenticate to the
SDP Controller, initiate connections to other agents, or accept
connections from other agents.
SDP Broker/Controller
An appliance or process that secures access to isolated services by
ensuring that users are authenticated and authorized, devices are
validated, secure communications are established, and user and
management traffic on a network remain separate.
SDP Gateway
An SDP gateway provides authorized users and devices
with access to protected processes and services. The gateway can
also enact monitoring, logging, and reporting on these
July 2022
Security Domain Orchestrator
The Security DO is the software-based coordinator that creates the
requested security services by coordinating and orchestrating services
among Security Domain Contorller and legacy managment. The
Security Domain Orchestrator controls and manages the security
domain controller and legacy management through sets of
Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs) and legacy management interfaces.
Security Incident and Event
The SIEM aggregates security and event data from across the
An intrusion detection and prevention system component that
monitors and analyzes network activity and may also perform
prevention actions. []
A sensor collects information on devices throughout the network in
order to determine the current security state, identify gaps in
coverage, validate the impact of new controls, and correlate data
across all applications and services in the environment.
Virtual Hosting Environment
A virtual hosting environment lets you run multiple guest operating
systems on a single host computer at the same time. Host software
virtualizes the following resources:
Local devices
Virtual Private Network
A restricted-use, logical (i.e., artificial or simulated) computer
network that is constructed from the system resources of a relatively
public, physical (i.e., real) network (such as the Internet), often by
using encryption (located at hosts or gateways), and often by
tunneling links of the virtual network across the real network.
VPN Gateway
VPN gateways provide secure connectivity between multiple sites,
such as on-premises data centers, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
networks, and VMware Engine private clouds. Traffic is encrypted
because the VPN connections traverse the internet. Each VPN
gateway can support multiple connections. When you create multiple
connections to the same VPN gateway, all VPN tunnels share the
available gateway bandwidth.
July 2022
ZT Domain Controller
The Domain Controller covering the Zero Trust. This system accepts
commands from the ZT Orchestrator and coordinates policy and
provisioning. It acts as the element manager for Zero Trust devices
both physical and virtual.
ZT Domain Orchestrator
The Orchestrator dynamically adjust policy based on administrator
input and events within the network as identified by the Analytics
9.2 Services
Short Name
Automated Account Provisioning
User Account Provisioning service
provides an automated identity
management process that grants and
manages access to applications,
systems and data within an
organization. Provisioning
automation in ZT occurs through
using policy to allocate privileges and
permissions to users, protecting the
security in the enterprise via least
best fit user/NPE access.
Credential Vault
A credential vault is a repository that
holds the assigned credentials
(certificates, user IDs, tokens, and
passwords) for accounts and
resources (Users & NPE). As a service,
the Credential Vault allows state
determination and storage of a
credential via API. Management
access to the credential vault requires
a privileged administrator.
Enterprise Identity Provider
A service which provides state/status
determination and access to Identity
and Crendential information. It may
also provide baseline user/NPE access
Enterprise Identity Service
The Enterprise Identity Service
provides data controlling for IdAM
and ICAM to a client system
requesting confirmation of identity
credential and permissions to access
functional services.
July 2022
Federated Enterprise Identity Service
The Federated Enterprise Identity
Service aggregates identity
credentials and authorizations and
shares among a federated group of
organizations so users/NPE can
access services in other domains.
Federated Identity, Credential, and Access
Federated ICAM provides for sharing
of information on Identity,
credentialization, and Access among
agency/regional/organizational based
systems. As a service FCIAM provides
APIs for exchange of identity
determination and access to services.
FICAM has components that realize
policies, standards, and APIs.
Identity Governance and Administration
Identity governance and
administration system supports
automated service provisioning of
access certifications, access requests,
password & token management
following pre-established governance
Identity, Credential, and Access Management
The set of security disciplines that
allows an organization to enable the
right entity to access the right
resource at the right time for the
right reason. It is the tools, policies,
and systems that allow an
organization to manage, monitor, and
secure access to protected resources.
These resources may be electronic
files, computer systems, or physical
resources such as server rooms and
Master User Record
The user master record contains the
assignment of roles to the user where
each role may be associated with
corresponding authorizations for
services and activities. Associated
with the MUR are Master Device
Record (MDR) which provides the
same function for a non person entity
(NPE) endpoint and Master System
Record (MSR) covering a set of
hardware and software.
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9.3 General Terms
Access Management is how an agency authenticates enterprise identities and authorizes
appropriate access to protected services.
The ability to achieve a desired effect under specified standards and conditions through
combinations of means and ways to perform a set of tasks.
Occuring periodicly without interruption during the ordinary performance of services.
Credential Management is how an agency issues, manages, and revokes credentials bound to
enterprise identities.
Occuring in near-real-time under conditions then present.
Enterprise assets
Enterprise assets include end-user devices, network devices; non-computing/Internet of
Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually,
remotely, and those within cloud environments.
Federation is the technology, policies, standards, and processes that allow an agency to accept
digital identities, attributes, and credentials managed by other agencies.
Identity Management is how an agency collects, verifies, and manages attributes to establish
and maintain enterprise identities for employees and contractors.
Just in Time
Using the current values of all indicators and analytics as input to a policy decision or
Authorization to perform some action on a system.
Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed.
Guide (STIG)
Based on Department of Defense (DoD) policy and security controls. Implementation guide
geared to a specific product and version. Contains all requirements that have been flagged as
applicable for the product which have been selected on a DoD baseline.
Signature (virus)
A recognizable, distinguishing pattern associated with an attack, such as a binary string in a
virus or a particular set of keystrokes used to gain unauthorized access to a system.
Telemetry is the automated collection of measurements or other data at remote points and
their automatic transmission to receiving equipment for monitoring.
July 2022
Unified Profile for
The Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM) is a visual modeling standard that supports the
development of architectures that comply with the USA Department of Defense Architecture
Framework (DoDAF) and the UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF).
The virtualized environment that includes network, compute, storage, data, application
services, and security services that provide a bility to perform a specific set of tasks.
9.4 DIV-1
Resource Exchanged
Data that indicates some trigger or threshold passing event has occurred and
which is transmitted from the managed device/service to the managing
A notification that a specific attack has been detected or directed at an
organization’s information systems.
Information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics. This
analysis includes discovering, interpreting, and communicating significant
patterns in data.
Application Sensitivity
A relative measure of how sensitive a service with access to specific data is
to the well being and security of the organization.
Aggregate data from logs and reports that provides packet, flow, file and
other types of information, as well as certain kinds of threat data to figure
out whether certain kinds of activity and behavior are likely to constitute a
A biometric is a measurable physical characteristic or personal behavioral
trait used to recognize the identity, or verify the claimed identity, of an
applicant. Facial images, fingerprints, and iris scan samples are all examples
of biometrics. (FIPS 201)
A certificate provides authentication of the identity claimed. Within the
National Security System (NSS) public key infrastructure (PKI), identity
certificates are used for both authentication and digital signatures.
A s
et of data that uniquely identifies an entity, contains the entity’s public
key and possibly other information, and is digitally signed by a trusted party,
thereby binding the public key to the entity identified in the certificate.
Additional information in the certificate could specify how the key is used
and the validity period of the certificate.
Additional or secondary question response from a user to confirm identity or
further authenticate.
July 2022
Confidence Scores
A confidence level indicates the probability/percent value, within a specific
range of error, with which the estimation of a statistical parameter for a
given set of analytic data is determined to be true. Specifically in ZT, this
represents the probability that a user/NPE is who they assert themselves to
The conditions, parameters, policy, and specifications with which an
information system or system component is described in order to provide
the services and behavior desired by a management application.
Data by which a managing service provides a managed device/service a set
of policy and threshold data changes.
An object or data structure that authoritatively binds an identity - via an
identifier or identifiers - and (optionally) additional attributes, to at least one
authenticator possessed and controlled by a subscriber.
Data (at rest)
Digital Information contained in a system medium as encoded bites.
Data (in transit)
Information being transmitted from one service proint to another service
point as a series of encoded spectrium communications.
Data Tag Controls
Policy on how to associate data tags, a form of association by label, with
specific data information. Tags include security domain characteristics and
classifications by use and by type. Tags will be utilized by workloads in
determining access to information.
Data Tagging
The ability to associate a data object with characterizing metadata for a
defined purpose.
Device Hygiene
Information on the state of compliance to policies, configurations and state
of use of a device.
Dynamic Instrumentation or Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) is debug
code or other injected program statements that enable techniques to
execute code within a process to examine its internals.
Data which results in changes to policy and/or configuration of a device or
service that brings the end state of the device/service closer to governance
The data that ientifies the geographical location of a person or NPE by
means of digital information dynamically captured via network access, GPS,
reckoning, or other analytical means.
The set of attribute values (i.e., characteristics) by which an entity is
recognizable and that, within the scope of an identity manager’s
responsibility, is sufficient to distinguish that entity from any other entity.
Digital information that provided a history of events and states of a specific
system or device.
July 2022
Returned or stored data that captures enterprise assets within a selected
domain and comprising the physical, virtual, remote, and cloud
infrastructure that needs to be monitored and protected within the
A parameter used in conjunction with a cryptographic algorithm that
determines the specific operation of that algorithm.
Privileged Access
Management (PAM)
A class of solutions that help secure, control, manage and monitor
privileged access to critical assets.
Patches and Updates
A patch, upgrade, or other modification to code that corrects security and/or
Additional information used as 'what you know' in two factor authentication.
The architecture, organization, techniques, practices, and procedures that
collectively support the implementation and operation of a certificate-based
public key cryptographic system. Framework established to issue, maintain,
and revoke public key certificates.
Statements, rules or assertions that specify the correct or expected behavior
of an entity. For example, an authorization policy might specify the correct
access control rules for a software component.
Provisioning data
Information that describes what changes are needed in network and services
to support a specific task, stakeholder, or access update.
Rule set
The capture of policy in a collection of Event/Condition/Action, or other
forms of assertive statements, that can be interpreted by an algorithm.
Sensor Data
Information that describes the state and/or history of activity in a specific
part of the infrastrucute or in a service. Usually includes logs, alerts,
transactions, MIB contents and other captures of ongoing infrastructure and
service activity.
Status information
The capture of data, usually as metrics, that characteristics the state of
infrastructure or service at a specific instance or range of time.
Target State
Information that describes the intent of a change that is captured in
characteristics of service and infrastructure provisioning.
Threat Intelligence
Threat information that has been aggregated, transformed, analyzed,
interpreted, or enriched to provide the necessary context for decision-
making processes.
Something that the Claimant possesses and controls (typically a key or
password) that is used to authenticate the Claimant’s identity. A portable,
user-controlled, physical device (e.g., smart card or memory stick) used to
July 2022
store cryptographic information and possibly also perform cryptographic
The second factor transimitted for meeting authentication that requires two
or more factors to achieve authentication. Factors include: (i) something you
know (e.g., password/personal identification number [PIN]); (ii) something
you have (e.g., cryptographic identification device, token); or (iii) something
you are (e.g., biometric).
9.5 StdV-1-2 References
Document Name
Reference URL
Zero Trust Architecture, Special Publication
(NIST SP) - 800-207
Contains an abstract definition of Zero Trust architecture
(ZTA) and gives general deployment models and use cases.
Guide to Attribute Based Access Control
(ABAC) Definition and Considerations
Provides Federal agencies with a definition of attribute
based access control (ABAC).
Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
Explains the Zero Trust security model and its benefits, as
well as challenges for implementation.
Cloud Native Access Point (CNAP) Reference
Describes and defines the set of capabilities, fundamental
components, and data flows within a CNAP. It presents
logical design patterns and derived reference
implementations for deploying, connecting to, and
operating a CNAP.
DoD Enterprise Identity, Credential, and
Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design
Provides a high-level description of ICAM from a capability
perspective, including transformational goals for ICAM in
accordance with the Department of Defense (DoD) Digital
Modernization Strategy
DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design
Describes the DevSecOps lifecycle, supporting Pillars, and
DevSecOps ecosystem; lists the tools and activities for
DevSecOps software factory and ecosystem.
SDP Specification v1.0
Specifies the base architecture for Software Defined
Perimeter (SDP)-compliant systems.
Cloud Security Technical Reference
Illustrates recommended approaches to cloud migration
and data protection, as outlined in Section 3(c)(ii) of
Executive Order 14028.
Federal ICAM Architecture
Describes the basics of ICAM, the FICAM Architecture, and
how to use this information to facilitate enterprise ICAM
Zero Trust Maturity Model
This document is designed to be a stopgap solution to
support Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agencies
in designing their Zero Trust architecture (ZTA)
implementation plans in accordance with Section 3,b,ii of
Executive Order 14028, “Improving the Nation’s
Cybersecurity” .
July 2022
Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s
Zero Trust Cybersecurity Current Trends
Assess the maturity of ZT technologies, their readiness and
suitability for use in government, and the issues agencies
would face if they chose to pursue ZT.
9.6 Capability Table
Operational Definition/Discription
The ability validate network users are the ones who
they claim to be throughout an entire session at
every step.
Continuous Multifactor
The ability to conduct authentication using two or
more different factors to achieve authentication.
Factors include: something you know (e.g.,
password/PIN); something you have (e.g.,
cryptographic identification device, token); or
something you are (e.g., biometric), something you
do. Continuous means just-in-time authentication
(just -in time usually refers to authorization).
Behavioral Biometrics
Observing activities of users, information systems,
and processes and measuring the activities against
organizational policies and rule, baselines of normal
activity, thresholds, and trends.
Authorization (Users,
NPEs, M2M)
The ability to grant authorization to a resource
contingent upon the continued trustworthiness of the
supplicant. This trustworthiness can affect by the
device hygiene, user and entity behavior, and other
Attribute-Based Access
Control (ABAC)
An access control method where subject requests to
perform operations on objects are granted or denied
based on assigned attributes of the subject,
assigned attributes of the object, environment
conditions, and a set of policies that are specified in
terms of those attributes and conditions.
Device Hygiene
The ability to determine the compliance status of
managed and unmanaged assets.
Continuous, automated,
Inventory & Telemetry
The ability to locate and identify devices connected
to an environment, detect their removal/addition, to
accurately know the totality of assets that need to be
monitored and protected within the enterprise, and to
obtain information about them. [CIS] Also support
identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to
remove or remediate.
July 2022
Status Scans & Dynamic
The ability to poll devices for status, state, and
configuration via remote management function or
installation of agents/code on the device by
Dynamic Device Service
The ability to remotely install new configurations and
services on a device in order to bring the device into
conformity or compliance with existing policy.
Just in Time Authorization
Just in Time Authorization allows a timed expiration
of group membership. In practice, this allows
administrative rights to be given at the time of need
for as long as an action or duty needs them. As a
result, access to administrative privileges becomes
limited and abuse must be timed for when those
privileges are given.
Privileged Access
Privileged Access Management (PAM) refers to a
class of solutions that help secure, control, manage
and monitor privileged access to critical assets.
ZT enabling
Infrastructure capabilities that enable ZT
Similar in concept to physical network segmentation,
macro-segmentation can be achieved through the
application of additional hardware or VLANs.
Micro-segmentation is the practice of dividing
(isolating) the network into small logical segments by
enabling granular access control, whereby users,
applications, workloads and devices are segmented
based on logical, not physical, attributes. This also
provides an advantage over traditional perimeter
security, as the smaller segments present a reduced
attack surface (for malicious actors). In a ZT
Architecture, security settings can be applied to
different types of traffic, creating policies that limit
network and application flows between workloads to
those that are explicitly permitted.
Workload Definition
The ability to define the objectives, compute
requirements, and communication pathways required
for a specific application workload.
Workload Isolation
The ability to segment out an application workload so
as to only allow the required connections be made
between processes, network traffic, and api calls. As
a subset of micro-segmentation the capability is
limiting east west traffic preventing lateral movement.
July 2022
perimeter (SDP)
The ability to control access to resources based on
identity and a need-to-know model in which device
state and identity are verified before access to
application infrastructure is granted.
Securing Application &
The ability to secure and manage the application
layer as well as compute containers and virtual
machines. The ability to identify and control the
technology stack to facilitate more granular and
accurate access decisions.
API and Process Micro
The ability to allow or block communication of API
calls and process to process communication on both
remote and local systems.
Securing Software Supply
The ability to prevent or arrest software supply chain
attacks, which occur "when a cyber threat actor
infiltrates a software vendor’s network and employs
malicious code to compromise the software before
the vendor sends it to their customers."
A process capability that improves the lead time and
frequency of delivery outcomes through enhanced
engineering practices; promoting a more cohesive
collaboration between Development, Security, and
Operations teams as they work towards continuous
integration and delivery.
API Standardization
The ability to reach agreement and publish, locally,
the applicatoin programming interface for a
commonly used service. Enforecement of
compliance in the use of commonly agreed API's.
Application Proxies
An application proxy or application proxy server
receives requests intended for another server and
acts as the proxy of the client to obtain the requested
Risk-adaptive Application
In Risk-adaptive Application Access, access
privileges are granted based on a combination of a
user’s identity, mission need, and the level of
security risk that exists between the system being
accessed and a user. RAdAC will use security
metrics, such as the strength of the authentication
method, the level of assurance of the session
connection between the system and a user, and the
physical location of a user, to make its risk
Securing Data
Processes and technical controls to identify, classify,
securely handle, retain, and dispose of data.
A procedure used in cryptography to convert
plaintext into ciphertext to prevent anyone but the
intended recipient from reading that data.
July 2022
Encryption In Transit
The ability to protect data if communications are
intercepted while data moves between sites or
services. This protection is achieved by encrypting
the data before transmission; authenticating the
endpoints; and decrypting and verifying the data on
Encryption At Rest
The ability to protect data from a system compromise
or data exfiltration by encrypting data while stored.
Dynamic Policy
The ability to adapt policy and configurations, and
enforce that change, in near real time based on
environmental circumstances and indications of user
and network behavior.
Data Rights Management
DRM is a set of access control technologies and
policies that proactively detect and protect access to
data and proprietary hardware and prevent
unauthorized modification or redistribution of
protected data.
Data Loss Prevention
The ability to detect and prevent the unauthorized
use and transmission of information.
Dynamic Data Masking
The ability to provide a column-level security feature
that uses masking policies to selectively mask tables
and columns at query time.
Data Discovery &
The ability to discover, classify, label, and report
upon the sensitive data in your databases.
Data Tagging
The ability to associate a data object with
characterizing metadata for a defined purpose.
The ability to systematically apply statistical and /or
logical techniques to describe and illustrate,
condense, and recap, and evaluate data.
July 2022
Data Visualization
The ability to represent information graphically,
highlighting patterns and trends in data and helping
the reader to achieve quick insights.
Security Information and
Event Management
The ability to centrally collect event and incident
alerts across disparate sources, analyze them, and
provide reports, situational awareness, and
notifications. It is frequently used in support of
incidence response, compliance, and reporting.
Big Data
The ability to enable enhanced insight, decision
making, and process automation by consuming high-
volume, high-velocity and/or high-variety information
Sensors & Telemetry
The ability to collect status, state, and configuration
of a service or device via the use of active or passive
probes or other analytic activities on the device.
Continuous Monitoring
The ability to determine if the complete set of
planned, required, and deployed security controls
within an information system or inherited by the
system continue to be effective over time in light of
the inevitable changes that occur.
July 2022
Machine Learning
The ability to apply machine learning algorithms
composed of many technologies (such as deep
learning, neural networks and natural language
processing), in unsupervised and supervised
learning, that operate guided by lessons from
existing information.
Entity and Activity
The ability to conduct "Monitoring for anomalous or
suspicious behavior ...with signatures, statistical
analysis, analytics or machine learning on user
activity events. The analysis seeks to find patterns
amongst data generated by user activity.
ZT Governance
A set of processes that ensures that ZT assets are
formally managed throughout the enterprise. A ZT
governance model establishes authority and
management and decision making parameters
related to ZT policies produced or managed by the
ZT Orchestration
The ability to coordinate and automate disparate
Zero Trust services, systems, and activities as part of
of Cybersecurity Domain Orchestrator.
The ability to create and apply application technology
to monitor and control the production and delivery of
otherwise manual services.
Artificial Intelligence
The capability of computer processes to perform
functions that are normally associated with human
intelligence such as reasoning, learning, and self-
Robotic Process
The ability to use software tools that partially or fully
automate human activities that are manual, rule-
based, and repetitive.
Policy Administrator
A component with the ability to establish and/or shut
down the communication path between a subject
and a resource (via commands to relevant Policy
Enforcement Points).
The ability to direct Policy Enforcement Points to
grant or deny access to resources based on policies
created by the policy engine.
ZT Policy Engine
The ability for a component responsible for the
ultimate decision to grant access to a resource for a
given subject.
July 2022
ZT Policy Administration
The ability to coordinate and enforce policy created
by the ZT policy engine by translating it to settings
and configurations at designated policy enforcement
points (PEPs).
Software-Defined Enterprise
The ability to create a virtualized layer over physical
infrastructure, and centrally manage it in an automated
manner, utilizing a policy-based access control to
dynamically create, configure, provision, and
decommission virtualized network functions, system
functions, security functions, and workflows.
Domain Orchestration
The ability to coordinate services and operations, for a
specific domain, across multiple types of devices and
Domain Control
The ability direct or command elements and associated
systems to perform specific actions within a specified
Software Defined
The ability to separate the control and data planes and
centrally manage and control the elements in the data
Software-defined Wide-area
The ability to virtualizethe enterprise connection of local
networks into a wide-area network through the use of
central routing, management, control & configuration of
virtualized, distributed network and security services.
Network Function
Virtualization / Virtual
Security Function
The ability to decouple network functions (VNF) and
security functions (VSF) from hardware appliances and
deliver those functions as software in virtual machines.
Data Governance
A set of processes that ensures that data assets are
formally managed throughout the enterprise. A data
governance model establishes authority and
management and decision making parameters
related to the data produced or managed by the
Risk Management
Provides a comprehensive, flexible, repeatable, and
measurable process that any organization can use to
manage information security and privacy risk for
organizations and systems and links to a suite of
NIST standards and guidelines to support
implementation of risk management programs to
meet the requirements of the Federal Information
Security Modernization Act (FISMA).
July 2022
1. Cybersecurity Reference Architecture (CS RA) Version 4.0, July 2016 This version of the
CS RA is located on SIPRNet; link will be provided once classification of this document
is completed.
2. Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design Version 1.0,
June 2020,
3. DoD D
igital Modernization Strategy, DoD Information Resource Management Strategic
Plan FY19-23, July 2019,
4. 2018 DoD C
yber Strategy
5. DoD
IT Standards Registry (DISR) 20-2, October 2020,
6. NIST SP 800-207, Zero Trust Architecture, August 2020,
7. NIST SP 800-63-3, Digital Identity Guidelines, June 2017,
8. DoD Architecture Framework, DoD Deputy Chief Information Officer, version 2.02,
August 2010,
9. DoD Zero Trust Strategy, DoD CIO, July 2022,
10. Departm
ent of Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy, DoD CIO, 2018,
11. Forres
ter, developing a Framework to Improve Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, April
2013, NIST RFI# 130208119-3119-01,
12. Amer
ican Council for Technology Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC), Zero Trust
Cybersecurity Current Trends, April 2019,
13. Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity: NIST’s Responsibilities under the Executive
Order 14028,