© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020
High Level Architecture (HLA)
Release 5.0
AIOTI WG Standardisation
December 2020
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020
Table of Contents
Release history ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
1. Highlights and recommendation ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Objectives of this document ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010
..................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. AIOTI Domain Model ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
5. AIOTI Functional model ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 AIOTI layered approach ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3 AIOTI High level functional model ........................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 HLA Security and Management considerations ....................................................................................................................... 14
6. Identifiers for IoT ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
7. Deployment considerations for HLA ....................................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
7.2 Cloud and Edge computing ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Cloud principles ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Edge cloud initiatives .................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.3 Big Data ................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
IoT data roles ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
IoT data operations ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
AI enabled by Big Data ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Big Data related initiatives ........................................................................................................................................... 25
7.4 Security aspects ....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
7.5 Privacy aspects ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.6 Virtualization............................................................................................................................................................................ 31
7.6.1 Combining IoT and Cloud Computing ........................................................................................................................... 31
7.6.2 Approaches to IoT Virtualization .................................................................................................................................. 33
7.6.3 Comparing the IoT virtualization approaches .............................................................................................................. 40
7.6.4 The mapping of the IoT virtualization approaches on the AIOTI HLA .......................................................................... 42
7.7 IoT platforms............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
7.7.1 Generalities on IoT platforms ................................................................................................................................................ 46
8 Mapping of SDOs’ work to the AIOTI HLA functional model .................................................................................................... 51
8.1 ITU-T ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
8.3 IIC ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
8.4 RAMI 4.0 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
8.5 Big Data Value Association ...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Mapping of the BDV Reference Model to the AIOTI HLA
.......................................................................................... 61
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8.6 3D IoT Layered Architecture .................................................................................................................................................... 63
9. Relationship to other functional models or systems ................................................................................................................ 66
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 66
9.2 Framework of IoT-Big Data integrated architecture ................................................................................................................ 67
9.2.1 Approach for IoT-Big Data integration .......................................................................................................................... 67
9.2.2 Relationship to NIST Big Data framework ..................................................................................................................... 67
9.3 IoT-enabled Data Marketplaces ............................................................................................................................................... 68
9.3.1 High-level architecture of an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace ........................................................................................ 68
9.3.2 Fundamental concepts for successful deployment of an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace ............................................. 70
9.3.3 The example of a Mobility Data Marketplace [47] ........................................................................................................ 71 Actors of a Mobility Data Marketplace .................................................................................................................................... 72
9.3.4 Market inhibitors and technology gaps of a Mobility Data Marketplace ....................................................................... 73
9.4 Relationship to other service platforms ................................................................................................................................... 74
10. Artificial Intelligence for IoT................................................................................................................................................... 76
Annex I Additional mappings ............................................................................................................................................. 77
Annex II IoT standards gaps and relationship to HLA ............................................................................................................ 80
Annex III Advantages and disadvantages of end device, edge and cloud computing .............................................................. 82
Annex IV References ............................................................................................................................................................ 85
Annex V Editors and Contributors to this Deliverable ....................................................................................................................... 89
About AIOTI .................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
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Figure 3-1: Architectural Models based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010…………………………………………………………… 9
Figure 4-1: Domain Model……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Figure 5-1: AIOTI three-layer functional model………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Figure 5-2: AIOTI HLA functional model 12
Figure 5-3: Relationship between a thing, a thing representation and the domain model 14
Figure 6-1: Identifiers examples in the IoT Domain Model 17
Figure 7-1: Mobile Edge Computing Framework [ETSI GS MEC 003] 22
Figure 7-2: OpenFog cloud hierarchy 23
Figure 7-3: IoT data roles [8] 24
Figure 7-4: IoT data operations [8] 26
Figure 7-5: The potential of Cloud Computing Service Models 33
Figure 7-6: Microservices conceptual framework for IoT Virtualization 35
Figure 7-7: A microservices-based functional architecture for IoT Virtualization…………………………………………. 35
Figure 7-8: High Level NFV Framework 37
Figure 7-9: NGMN Network Slicing conceptual outline [10] 38
Figure 7-10: A high level architecture of (Composite) Virtual Objects……………………………………………………… 40
Figure 7-11: IoT device architecture and interfaces between the different layers………………………………………… 41
Figure 7-12: How Device Virtualization and Composite Virtual Objects can be leveraged by other approaches…….. 43
Figure 7-13: Mapping of microservice-based functional architecture on AIOTI HLA……………………………………… 44
Figure 7-14: Mapping of microservices-based functional architecture on oneM2M Common Service Entities………… 45
Figure 7-15: AUTOPILOT Federated IoT Architecture……………………………………………………………………….. 49
Figure 7-16: oneM2M IoT Platform Interoperability with AIOTI HLA-compliant IoT platform…………………………….. 51
Figure 8-1: ITU-T Y.4000 IoT Reference Model .53
Figure 8-2: ITU-T IoT Reference Model mapping to AIOTI HLA functional model .53
Figure 8-3: Mapping oneM2M to AIOTI HLA .54
Figure 8-4: IIC three tier IIS architecture .55
Figure 8-5: Mapping HLA to IIC three tier IIS architecture .55
Figure 8-6: RAMI 4.0 reference architecture .56
Figure 8-7: Mapping RAMI 4.0 to AIOTI HLA functional model .57
Figure 8-8: Mapping RAMI 4.0 to AIOTI HLA domain model .58
Figure 8-9; Big Data Value Association BDV Reference Model .59
Figure 8-10: BDV Reference Model mapping to the AIOTI HLA .62
Figure 8-11: AIOTI HLA mapping to the BDV Reference Model .64
Figure 8-12: The three main views in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]…………… 65
Figure 8-13: The Layers view in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]…………………. 66
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Figure 8-14: The Cross-cutting Functions in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]…… 66
Figure 8-15: The Properties view in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]…………….. 67
Figure 9-1: Relationship to other systems 68
Figure 9-2: NIST Big Data reference architecture 69
Figure 9-3: Mapping of AIOTI functional model entities to NIST big data reference architecture 70
Figure 9-4: A possible high-level architecture for an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace……………………………………. 71
Figure 9-5: Market inhibitors of a Mobility Data Marketplace………………………………………………………………. 74
Figure 9-6: E-2 interface illustration 76
Figure 9-7: Example of message flow illustrating the E-2 interface 76
Figure I-1: ETSI SmartBAN deployment example concepts 78
Figure I-2: ETSI SmartBAN reference architecture 79
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Release history
Date of publication
Major enhancements
June 2017
June 2018
New clause 6 (Identifiers for IoT), updated clause 7.3.5 (Big Data
related initiatives), new clause 7.4 (Privacy aspects), updated
clause 7.5 (Virtualization), new clause 8.5 (Big Data Value
December 2020
New (renumbered) clause 7.4 (Security aspects), updated
(renumbered) clause 7.6 (Virtualization), new (draft) clause 7.7
(IoT platforms), new clause 8.6 (3D Layered Architecture), new
clause 9.3 (IoT-enabled Data Marketplaces)
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1. Highlights and recommendation
In the context of the AIOTI WG Standardisation (AIOTI WG03) and by following the evolution on IoT
Architectural aspects and available specifications, AIOTI WG Standardisation has developed a High Level
Architecture (HLA) for IoT that should be applicable to AIOTI Large Scale Pilots. The HLA takes into account
existing SDOs and alliances architecture specifications. This document is an integral part of a set of deliverables
from AIOTI WG03 that also cover other aspects such as IoT landscape and Semantic Interoperability.
AIOTI WG03 recommends that the HLA be the basis for further discussion with the Large Scale Pilot (LSP) and
AIOTI WGs in order to promote architectural convergence with SDOs, alliances, consortia and other relevant
NOTE In line with the AIOTI WG03 engagement model, other relevant parties include - but are not
limited to open source projects, policy makers, regulators, pilots and test beds, research organizations,
Further development of the HLA should be an incremental exercise taking into account the LSP WGs’
feedback, however it should remain high level and not compete with established SDOs, alliances and open
source projects.
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2. Objectives of this document
This document provides a proposal for a high-level IoT architecture to serve as a basis for discussion
within AIOTI, referred to as the AIOTI HLA (High-level architecture). The proposal results from discussions
within the AIOTI WG03 and takes into account the work of SDOs, Consortia, and Alliances in the IoT
space. Throughout the proposal, AIOTI WG03 has kept in mind the need to support instantiation for all
Large Scale Pilot deployments.
This document:
Introduces the use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 by AIOTI WG03
Presents a Domain Model and discusses the “thing” in IoT
Presents a Functional Model
Introduces the Identifiers for IoT
Provides deployments considerations related to relevant IoT architectural matters such as cloud and
edge computing, Big Data, virtualization, security, privacy and (platform) interoperability
Links this work with the AIOTI WG03 Semantic Interoperability work and the SDO Landscape work
Provides mapping examples to some existing SDO/Alliances’ architectural work related to functional
models: ITU-T, oneM2M, IIC, BDVA.
Establishes the link to other architectures and frameworks such as Big Data and IoT-enabled Data
The annexes provide different types of information, including possible relationships of the HLA functional
model with other models.
NOTE 1 - The main enhancements of Release 4.0 of this document from its previous Release (R3.0, June
2017) concern Identifiers for IoT, Privacy, Virtualization and Big Data related aspects.
NOTE 2 - The main enhancements of Release 5.0 of this document from its previous Release (R4.0, June
2018) concern S
ecurity, Virtualization, IoT platforms, 3D Layered Architecture and IoT-enabled Data
Marketplaces related aspects.
Based on past discussions within AIOTI WG03, the following Release(s) of this document will potentially
provide enhancements on the following new or partially developed topics, still with respect to IoT
architectural concerns: Artificial Intelligence for IoT, Autonomous Systems and IoT, IoT platforms, 3D Layered
Architecture. In this perspective, the present document contains some placeholder (empty) clauses for
some potential new or partially developed topics.
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3. Use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010
A key recommendation from AIOTI WG03 is that architectures should be described using the ISO/IEC/IEEE
42010 standard. This standard motivates the terms and concepts used in describing an architecture and
provides guidance on how architecture descriptions are captured and organized.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 expresses architectures in terms of multiple views in which each view adheres to a
viewpoint and comprises one or more architecture models. The ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 standard specifies minimal
requirements for architecture descriptions, architecture frameworks, architecture description languages
and architecture viewpoints.
AIOTI WG03 recommends using ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 to capture relevant views and supporting models.
The AIOTI HLA described in this document puts the “thing(in the IoT) at the centre of value creation.
While the body of the proposal is consistent with ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, AIOTI WG03 does not provide a
complete architecture description for IoT which conforms to the standard. Figure 3-1 provides an overview
of architectural models as described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010.
Figure 3-1: Architectural Models based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010
With respect to Figure 3-1, AIOTI WG03 focuses its recommendations on the Domain and Functional
models (while other models can be considered for future releases of this document):
The Domain Model describes entities in the IoT domain and the relationships between them.
The Functional Model describes functions and interfaces (interactions) within the IoT domain.
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4. AIOTI Domain Model
The AIOTI Domain Model is derived from the IoT-A Domain Model. A more detailed description of the IoT-A
domain model is available under this reference [1].
Figure 4-1: Domain Model
The domain model captures the main concepts and relationships in the domain at the highest level. The
naming and identification of these concepts and relationships provide a common lexicon for the domain
and are foundational for all other models and taxonomies.
In this model, a User (human or otherwise) interacts with a physical entity, a Thing. The interaction is
mediated by an IoT Service which is associated with a Virtual Entity, a digital representation of the
physical entity. The IoT Service then interacts with the Thing via an IoT Device which exposes the
capabilities of the actual physical entity.
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5. AIOTI Functional model
The AIOTI Functional Model describes functions and interfaces (interactions) within the domain.
Interactions outside of the domain are not excluded, e.g. for the purpose of using a big data functional
5.1 AIOTI layered approach
The functional model of AIOTI is composed of three layers as depicted in Figure 5-1:
The Application layer: contains the communications and interface methods used in process- to-process
The IoT layer: groups IoT specific functions, such as data storage and sharing, and exposes those to the
application layer via interfaces commonly referred to as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
The IoT layer makes use of the Network layer’s services.
The Network layer: the services of the Network layer can be grouped into data plane services,
providing short and long range connectivity and data forwarding between entities, and control
plane services such as location, device triggering, QoS or determinism.
Figure 5-1: AIOTI three-layer functional model.
NOTE - The term layer is used here in the software architecture sense. Each layer simply represents a
grouping of modules that offer a cohesive set of services; no mappings to other layered models or
interpretation of the term should be inferred.
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5.3 AIOTI High level functional model
The AIOTI functional model describes functions and interfaces between functions of the IoT system. Functions
do not mandate any specific implementation or deployment; therefore, it should not be assumed that a
function must correspond to a physical entity in an operational deployment. Grouping of multiple functions in
a physical equipment remains possible in the instantiations of the functional model. Figure 5-2 provides a high
level AIOTI functional model, referred to as the “AIOTI
HLA functional model”.
Figure 5-2: AIOTI HLA functional model
Functions depicted in Figure 5-2 are:
App Entity: is an entity in the application layer that implements IoT application logic. An App Entity
can reside in devices, gateways or servers. A centralized approach shall not be assumed.
Examples of App Entities include a fleet tracking application entity, a remote blood sugar
monitoring application entity, etc.
IoT Entity: is an entity in the IoT layer that exposes IoT functions to App Entities via the interface
2 or to other IoT entities via interface 5. Typical examples of IoT functions include: data storage,
data sharing, subscription and notification, firmware upgrade of a device, access right
management, location, analytics, semantic discovery etc. An IoT Entity makes use of the
underlying Networks’ data plane interfaces to send or receive data via interface
3. Additionally,
interface 4 could be used to access control plane network services such as location or device
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Networks: may be realized via different network technologies (PAN, LAN, WAN, etc.) and consist
of different interconnected administrative network domains. The Internet Protocol typically
provides interconnections between heterogeneous networks. Depending on the App Entities
needs, the network may offer best effort data forwarding or a premium service with QoS
guarantees including deterministic guarantees.
According to this functional model a Device can contain an App Entity and a Network interface, in this case it
could use an IoT Entity in the gateway for example. This is a typical example for a constrained device. Other
devices can implement an App Entity, an IoT Entity and a Network interface.
Interfaces depicted in Figure 5-2 are:
1: defines the structure of the data exchanged between App Entities (the connectivity for
exchanged data on this interface is provided by the underlying Networks). Typical examples of the
data exchanged across this interface are: authentication and authorization, commands,
measurements, etc.
2: this interface enables access to services exposed by an IoT Entity to e.g. register/subscribe for
notifications, expose/consume data, etc.
3: enables the sending/receiving of data across the Networks to other entities.
4: enables the requesting of network control plane services such as: device triggering (similar to “wake
on lan” in IEEE 802), location (including subscriptions) of a device, QoS bearers, deterministic
delivery for a flow, etc.
5: enables the exposing/requesting services to/from other IoT Entities. Examples of the usage of
this interface are to allow a gateway to upload data to a cloud server, retrieve software image
of a gateway or a device, etc.
The AIOTI HLA enables the digital representation of physical things in the IoT Entities. Such
representations typically support discovery of things by App Entities and enable related services such as
actuation or measurements. To achieve semantic interoperability, the representation of things typically
contains data, such as measurements, as well as metadata. The metadata provide semantic descriptions of the
things in line with the domain model and may be enhanced/extended with knowledge from specific
vertical domains. The representation of the things in the IoT Entities is typically provided by App Entities or
IoT Entities residing in devices, gateways or servers.
A one to one mapping between a physical thing and its representation shall not be assumed as there could be
multiple representations depending on the user needs.
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Figure 5-3 provides the relationships between the physical things, their representations and the link to
semantic metadata which are an instantiation of the domain model described earlier in this document.
Further information about AIOTI Semantic Interoperability is available from [6].
Figure 5-3: Relationship between a thing, a thing representation and the domain model
5.3 HLA Security and Management considerations
Security and Management are fully recognized as important features in the AIOTI HLA. AIOTI HLA argues
that security and management should be intrinsic to interface specifications.
All the depicted interfaces shall support authentication (including mutual authentication), authorization
and encryption at hop by hop level. End to end application level security could also be achieved via
securing interface 1. It is fully recognized that there could be additional and diverse security needs for the
different LSPs.
As far as security and management are concerned, there are several aspects of interest, including without
limitation the aspects set forth below:
Device and gateway management are broadly defined as software/firmware upgrade as well as
configuration/fault and performance management. Device management can be performed using
interface 5 via known protocols e.g. BBF TR-069 and OMA LWM2M. Additionally Device and gateway
management could also be exposed as features to cloud applications using interface 2.
Infrastructure management in terms of configuration, fault and performance is not handled in this
version of the HLA but is fully recognized as important aspect for future study.
Data life cycle management, which is relevant in each of the three main layers set forth in paragraph
5.1 if, where and to the extent any data enters, travels through, is derived or is otherwise processed
in such layer or between several layers. Data management takes the data-centric approach in order
to focus on the specific data and its data classification(s), the phase(s) of the data life cycle will be in
when processed in such layer(s), and the respective
processing purposes. The data life cycle can be
split in seven main phases as set forth below, where each phase will need to be taken into account,
on the basis of if, where and to what extent applicability:
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Digital rights management, includes identity, access, rights of use and other control and rights
management of the application, IoT and network layers, as well as the data therein, including
without limitation derived data (metadata) control and use thereof.
Compliance management, when such data life cycle and digital rights management are landscaped, the
respective actors identified and the authentication, authorization and encryption at hop by hop level
in the application, IoT and network layers and the data therein are architected as well, these security
and management domains combined would need to be addressed and (re)considered from a
compliance point of view, including without limitation safety, security, data minimisation and data
retention obligations, security breach notification and disclosure obligations, (personal) data
protection compliance, official mandatory policies compliance and the like, also here: if, where and
to the extent applicable.
NOTE - AIOTI WG03 is in close cooperation with AIOTI WG that is addressing the policy issues for security and
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6. Identifiers for IoT
In any system of interacting components, identification of these components is needed in order to ensure the
correct composition and operation of the system. This applies to all lifecycle phases of a system from
development to assembly, commissioning, operations, maintenance and even end of life. Especially in case of
flexible and dynamic interactions between system components identification plays an important role.
Identifiers are used to provide identification. In general, an identifier is a pattern to uniquely identify a
single entity (instance identifier) or a class of entities (i.e. type identifier) within a specific context.
IoT is about interaction between things and users by electronic means. Both things and user have to be
identified in order to establish such interaction. Various other entities are involved in the interaction like
sensor and actuation devices, virtual representations of the thing (virtual entities), service entities and
communication relationships are part of an IoT system and identification is also relevant for them. Figure
6-1 shows the different entities with the related identifiers in the IoT Domain Model.
Figure 6-1: Identifiers examples in the IoT Domain Model
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In general, the following categories of identifiers have to be considered for IoT systems:
Thing Identifier
Thing identifiers identify the entity of interest of the IoT application. This can be for example
any physical object (e.g. machines, properties, humans, animals, plants) or digital data (e.g. files,
data sets, metadata); basically, anything that one can interact with. Identification can be based on
inherent patterns of the thing itself like face recognition, fingerprints or iris scans. In most cases
a specific pattern will be added to the thing for identification by technical means like printed or
engraved serial numbers, bar codes, RFIDs or numbers stored in the memory of devices.
Application & Service Identifier
Application and Service identifiers identify software applications and services. This also includes
identifiers for methods on how to interact with the application or service (i.e. Application
Programming Interfaces, Remote Procedure Calls)
Communication Identifier
Communication identifiers identify communication (end) points (e.g. source, destination) and
sessions. Communication identifiers are usually bound to the specific communication
technology and defined as part of the standardization of the technology.
User Identifier
User identifiers identify users of IoT applications and services. Users can be humans, parties
(e.g. legal entities) or software applications that access and interact with the IoT application or
Data Identifier
This class covers both identification of specific data instances and data types (e.g. meta data,
properties, classes).
Location Identifier
This class is about Identification of locations within a geographic area (e.g. geospatial
coordinates, postal addresses, room numbers).
Protocol Identifier
Protocol identifiers inform for example communication protocols about the upper layer
protocol they are transporting or applications about the protocol they have to use in order to
establish a specific communication exchange.
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As listed, identifiers are used to identify various types of entities for many purposes and within different
context. This leads to a wide variety of, sometimes even contradicting, requirements. Special operating
constraints for many IoT applications (e.g. constrained devices and networks, entities without processing
capabilities) further contribute to that. In general, no single identification scheme fits all needs.
Furthermore, various identifiers schemes are already in use and standardized for years. They are often
application or domain specific, but also generic identifier schemes that cover a wide application area exist.
These existing schemes will be used in IoT, and new schemes might be added. IoT applications have to deal
with the variety of identification schemes and as long as they are used in their defined context this should not
be a problem. Mapping and resolution between different schemes is already a standard feature of today’s
solutions. Still, system architects should have in mind that IoT systems might be used in a wider context and
have to interact with other IoT systems in the future. For identifiers that will be impacted by that, an
identification scheme that can already handle such situations or can be easily extended should be
Security and privacy are important for identifiers. The specific requirements strongly depend on the use case
and identified entity. As part of a security and privacy threat and risk analysis, also the specific requirements
related to the identifiers have to be identified and relevant legal and regulatory frameworks have to be
taken into account in order to ensure state of the art security and privacy.
A detailed analysis of Identifiers in IoT [20] has been done by the IoT Identifier task force of AIOTI WG3.
- evaluates IoT identification needs;
classifies the different identification schemes;
evaluates and categorizes related requirements;
provides examples of identifier standards and elaborates their applicability for IoT;
discusses allocation, registration resolution of identifiers;
- considers security and privacy issues;
and discusses interoperability of identifiers.
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7. Deployment considerations for HLA
7.1 Introduction
This clause highlights deployment considerations for AIOTI HLA. The deployment of AIOTI HLA may relay on
the following technologies and concepts:
Cloud and Edge Computing: AIOTI HLA is typically deployed using cloud infrastructures. Cloud native
principles can be applied to ensure scaling and resilience for IoT. In certain use cases, deploying
edge cloud infrastructures
, will be beneficial to allow data processing locally. AIOTI HLA has
been designed to allow for distributed intelligence, it is therefore compatible with Cloud and
Edge computing.
Big data: collecting, storing and sharing data is an integral part of IoT, therefore also for
Big data can be seen as the set of disciplines, such as storing, analysing, querying and visualization of
large data sets. Those disciplines are equally applicable to IoT data sets.
Virtualization: ensuring flexibility and scale is one of the major challenges for deploying IoT.
Virtualization would help scaling IoT for a large number of use-cases.
7.2 Cloud and Edge computing
AIOTI HLA is designed to be a largely distributed system because it fully recognizes that every entity
(including devices and gateways in the field domain) can run applications, without being specific about the
application logic. Cloud computing is an important enabler for deploying IoT with distributed intelligence. It
provides the computing infrastructure needed for large and distributed deployments of IoT. In this clause
we focus on an overview of cloud native principles as well as recent edge computing initiatives, namely ETSI
ISG MEC [12] and OpenFog. More
emphasis has been put on edge computing, see [14], aspects because it has
been identified as important for several emerging use cases such as in the industrial IoT space. Annex III
introduces a comparison table for device, edge and cloud computing forms.
Edge cloud is a cloud infrastructure that is located closely to the devices.
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Cloud principles
There are several agreed principles for cloud native offerings, these include:
Horizontal scalability: adding cloud resources at run time without any disruption to ongoing
operations in terms of communication, processing, storage, and monitoring.
No single point of failure: providing fault tolerance through node replication techniques or disaster
recovery site.
High data throughputs: needed for massive amounts of connections or massive data sets
generated by video streams or data logs).
Fine-grained micro-services architectures, lightweight containers deployment and service
DevOps with holistic service monitoring and decentralized continuous delivery.
Edge cloud initiatives
ETSI Mobile Edge Computing
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) [12] is a technology which is currently being standardized in an ETSI Industry
Specification Group (ISG) of the same name (recently renamed Multi-access Edge Computing). MEC provides
an IT service environment and cloud-computing capabilities at the edge of the network (e.g. within the
Radio Access Network (RAN) and in close proximity to subscribers). The aim is to reduce latency, ensure
highly efficient network operation and service delivery, and offer an improved user experience.
MEC represents an architectural concept and APIs to enable the evolution to 5G, since it helps advance the
transformation of the mobile broadband network into a programmable world and contributes to satisfying
the demanding requirements of 5G (but not only) in terms of expected throughout, latency, scalability and
The market drivers of MEC include business transformation, technology integration and industry
collaboration. All of these can be enabled by MEC and a wide variety of use cases can be supported for
new and innovative markets, such as e-Health, connected vehicles, industry automation, augmented
reality, gaming and IoT services.
Figure 7-1 shows the framework for Mobile Edge Computing consisting of the following entities:
Mobile Edge Host, including the following:
mobile edge platform;
mobile edge applications;
virtualization infrastructure;
Mobile Edge System Level management;
Mobile Edge Host level management;
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External related entities, i.e. network level entities.
Figure 7-1: Mobile Edge Computing Framework [ETSI GS MEC 003]
MEC can be used as computing infrastructure for AIOTI HLA in particular where IoT Entities and App Entities of
HLA reside at the edge of the network, i.e. close to IoT devices. For instance, Mobile edge app in Figure 7-1
could be mapped to App Entity in HLA.
The OpenFog Architecture is a system-level architecture that extends elements of computing, networking and
storage across the cloud through to the edge of the network. OpenFog consortium sees this approach as a
mean to accelerate the decision-making velocity. The architecture is argued to serve use cases that cannot be
served with centralised “cloud only” approach. The OpenFog Consortium, formed in November 2015, is based
on the premise that an open architecture is essential for the success of a ubiquitous fog computing ecosystem
for IoT platforms and applications. More information about OpenFog can be found using this reference [15].
The goal of the OpenFog architecture is to facilitate deployments which highlight interoperability,
performance, security, scalability, programmability, reliability, availability, serviceability, and agility. The
following figure provides a possible scenario for deploying OpenFog. One can notice this approach allows
for both edge to cloud and edge to edge communications, referred to in the OpenFog model as
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Figure 7-2: OpenFog cloud hierarchy
OpenFog cloud infrastructure elements can host both App Entities and IoT Entities in the context of AIOTI HLA
7.3 Big Data
The following big data definitions are important to understand what big data is about and what the
relationships to IoT are.
Big Data (ITU-T Y.3600 [7]): A paradigm for enabling the collection, storage, management, analysis and
visualization, potentially under real-time constraints, of extensive datasets with heterogeneous
characteristics. Examples of datasets characteristics include high-volume, high-velocity, high-variety,
IoT Big Data characteristics (ITU-T Y.4114 [8]): IoT data set characteristics of high-volume, high-velocity
and/or high-variety related to the challenges of IoT data set operations, in some cases without
human intervention. Additional dimensions of data, such as veracity, variability etc., may also be
associated with the IoT Big Data characteristics. Operations on IoT data sets include collection, pre-
processing, transfer, storage, query, analysis and visualization.
NOTE - It is also recognized that IoT data sets can be characterised as small data in certain scenarios.
In the context of Big Data, we can distinguish 3 data types:
Structured data are often stored in databases which may be organized in different models, such as
relational models, document models, key-value models, graph models, etc.
Semi-structured data do not conform to the formal structure of data models, but they
contain tags or markers to identify data.
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Unstructured data do not have a pre-defined data model and are not organized in any defined manner.
Within all data types, data can exist in formats such as text, spreadsheet, video, audio, image, map, etc.
According to ITU-T Y.3600 [7], we can distinguish the following data dimensions:
Volume: refers to the amount of data collected, stored, analysed and visualized, which Big Data
technologies need to resolve.
Variety: refers to different data types and data formats that are processed by Big
Data technologies.
Velocity: refers to both how fast the data is being collected and how fast the data is processed by Big
Data technologies to deliver expected results.
Veracity: refers to the certainty level of the data.
Value: refers to the business results from the gains in new information using Big Data technologies.
IoT data roles
Based on the consideration of IoT system and IoT Big Data characteristics, five key IoT data roles,
i.e. the key roles
which are relevant in an IoT deployment from a data operation perspective, are identified for the IoT
ecosystem as shown in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3: IoT data roles [8]
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IoT Data provider: collects data from things, injects data processed within the IoT system as well as data
from external sources, and provides them via the IoT Data carrier to the IoT Data consumer
(optionally, the applications provided by the IoT Data application provider may execute relevant
data operations with the support of the IoT Data framework provider).
IoT Data application provider: provides applications related to the execution of IoT data operations
(e.g. applications for data analysis, data pre-processing, data visualization and data
The applications provided by the IoT Data application provider can interact with the infrastructure
provided by the IoT Data framework provider (e.g. storage cloud) through the IoT Data carrier or
run on the infrastructure itself provided by the IoT Data framework provider (e.g. scalable
distributed computing platform).
IoT Data framework provider: provides general IoT data processing capabilities and related
infrastructure (e.g. storage and computing resources, data processing run time environment) as
required by IoT Data provider, IoT Data carrier, IoT Data application provider and IoT Data consumer
for the support of the execution of data operations.
IoT Data consumer: consumes IoT data. Usage of the consumed data depends on the
IoT Data carrier: carries data among IoT Data provider, IoT Data framework provider, IoT Data
application provider and IoT Data consumer.
An actor of a concrete IoT deployment can play multiple roles. As an example, an actor executing data analysis
plays the role of IoT Data application provider, but also plays the role of IoT Data provider when it sends the
results of this data analysis to other actors.
The following table provides a mapping between ITU Y.4114 [8] and AIOTI HLA:
IoT data roles according to ITU Y.4114
HLA Entity(ies)
IoT Data Provider
App Entity, IoT entity
IoT Data application provider
App Entity
Note: typically, the IoT Data application provider manages
the lifecycle of IoT applications, i.e. App Entity in HLA
IoT Data framework provider
IoT Entity
IoT Data consumer
App Entity
IoT Data carrier
Table 7-1: Mapping of ITU Y.4114 to AIOTI HLA
IoT data operations
Considering that the diverse set of concrete IoT deployments does not imply a unique logical sequencing of
the various IoT data operations, Figure 7-4 provides an abstract representation of the various IoT data
operations and related data flows [8].
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Figure 7-4: IoT data operations [8]
The sequencing of IoT data operations highly depends on the service and deployment scenarios. Cloud
computing and edge computing are two technologies that may be implemented in the IoT for support of
different IoT data operation sequences: e.g. cloud computing can be used to perform data analysis in
differed time, i.e. after data are transferred to or acquired by the remote IoT platform, while edge computing
can be used to perform near real time data analysis and actuators control locally such as at gateway level.
AI enabled by Big Data
NOTE- Topic for study in following Release(s) of this document.
Big Data related initiatives
GSMA proposes an architectural framework for the delivery of Big Data services based on the Internet of
Things [27]. This framework identifies the key functions and interfaces that enable IoT Big Data services to
be delivered, and it makes selections and recommendations particularly in the area of interfaces that support
the creation of an IoT Big Data ecosystem.
According to GSMA, the key challenges for Big Data in the context of IoT are:
Devices: scalability (number of IoT devices), variety of IoT devices, intelligence of IoT devices, risk
of IoT device malfunction.
Data management: update frequency, historical data.
Context data: much IoT data will make more sense when put in context with other data.
Privacy issues.
TMForum proposes a set of data analytics tools to be used for Big Data [28]. Data Analytics concerns the
identification, design and deployment of strategies, processes, skills, systems and data that can provide
actionable intelligence resulting in business value. It is about the harnessing of the different varieties,
volume, and velocity of data. To execute on this, and to deliver improvements in areas such as customer
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experience or reduction in customer churn, there are a number of operational issues including data
BDVA [30], the private counterpart to the EU Commission to implement the Big Data Value Public-Private-
Partnership (BDV PPP), aims to “to develop the Innovation Ecosystem that will enable the data-driven digital
transformation in Europe, delivering economic and societal benefits, and, achieving and sustaining Europe’s
leadership on Data-Driven Value Creation and Artificial Intelligence”.
BDVA has defined 4 strategic priorities to guide the Association activities and outcomes: to provide Data
Innovation Recommendations; to develop the Innovation Ecosystem to enable the data-driven digital
transformation in Europe; to guide standards and to provide input for the respective “Standards
development organisations”; and, to improve the adoption of technologies through Know-How and
Skills” and best practices exchange Data.
BDVA maintains and fulfils a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Big Data Value domain,
contributes to the Horizon 2020 Work Programmes and calls for proposals and it monitors the progress of the
BDV PPP. BDVA manages over 25 working groups organised in Task Forces and subgroups, tackling with all the
technical and non-technical challenges of the Big Data Value.
ISO JTC1 WG09 has been the home for the Big Data Standardisation activities in ISO, with a foundational input
from the NIST Big Data Framework [2]. The WG09’s Big Data activities have been transferred in May 2018
into the new ISO JTC1 SC42 “Artificial Intelligence” [32], whose scope is the standardization in the area of
Artificial Intelligence, serving as the focus and proponent for JTC 1's standardization program on Artificial
Intelligence and providing guidance to JTC 1, IEC, and ISO committees developing Artificial Intelligence
Two Technical reports have been developed related to Big data reference architecture:
ISO/IEC TR 20547-2:2018 Information technology -- Big data reference architecture -- Part 2: Use
cases and derived requirements
ISO/IEC TR 20547-5:2018 Information technology -- Big data reference architecture -- Part 5:
Standards roadmap
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Other work in progress includes specifications related to Big data reference architecture:
ISO/IEC AWI TR 20547-1 [Under development] Information technology -- Big data reference
architecture -- Part 1: Framework and application process
ISO/IEC DIS 20547-3 [Under development] Information technology -- Big data reference
architecture -- Part 3: Reference architecture and Artificial Intelligence
ISO/IEC AWI 22989 [Under development] Artificial Intelligence Concepts and Terminology
ISO/IEC AWI 23053 [Under development] Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems Using
Machine Learning (ML)
Relevant working groups include:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/SG 1 - Computational approaches and characteristics of artificial intelligence
systems Working group
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/SG 2 - Trustworthiness Working group
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/SG 3 - Use cases and applications Working group
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/WG 1 - Foundational standards
In the context of the ITU-T standardization activities related to IoT, Study Group 20 (“Internet of things (IoT)
and smart cities and communities (SC&C)”), central ITU-T expert group for IoT, has supervised the
research and pre-standardization activities of the ITU-T FG-DPM, Focus Group on Data Processing and
Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities [29], which completed its work in July 2019.
The ITU-T FG-DPM’s Terms of Reference included, among others, the study and survey of technologies,
platforms and standards for data processing and management, the promotion of data management
frameworks, including related security and trust aspects, the investigation of emerging technologies and
trends to support data management including blockchain, and the identification of standards challenges.
The deliverables produced by the FG-DPM have concerned different areas of relevance: Use Cases,
Requirements and Applications; Framework, Architectures and Core Components; Data sharing,
Interoperability and Blockchain; Security, Privacy and Trust including Governance; Data Economy,
commercialization and monetization [29]. The ITU-T Study Group 20 took in charge the FG-DPM
deliverables at the FG closure, and is progressing related specifications (as Recommendations or
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7.4 Security aspects
NOTE - Enhancements specific to HLA matters may be developed in a following Release of this document.
As an essential enabling property for Trust, security is a key feature of all IoT systems and needs to be dealt
with in a global manner. One key challenge is that it is involving a variety of users in a variety of use cases. One
of the many characteristics of IoT is that the number of communicating entities is very large and the number of
possible relationships per device is larger than, say, with cellular telecommunication. The purpose of security
technologies is multi-fold:
Confidentiality: Information shared by Party A with Party B is only visible to these two parties. If Party C
can access the information, it cannot ascertain the meaning of the content. Confidentiality is
primarily achieved using cryptographic.
Integrity: Information shared by Party A with Party B can be proven by Party A not to have been
manipulated by a 3
party (e.g., Party C). Party B can verify this is the case. Proof and verification of
document integrity is primarily achieved using cryptographic hash functions which have specific
Availability: This addresses the aim of ensuring that an authorized party (e.g., Party A) is able to access
services or information when needed. In other words, that Party A has access only to those assets it
is allowed to access and that they are available to Party A when legitimately demanded, and that an
adversary, Party C, does not have access. The technologies that address this include Identity
Management, Authentication and Access Control, in addition considerations in the availability
domain include reliability and resilience which, whilst not strictly addressed by security technology,
impact on availability.
Whilst the population of cellular telecommunications devices is very large the nature of the connection is pre-
defined by the SIM containing the subscriber mobile identity and its association to a single trusted provider
(holder of the symmetric key used in the network/device authentication process). An IoT device, unless a
specific example of a cellular enabled IoT device containing a SIM, does not have a predefined security
association to a trusted entity.
As a trivial example IoT communications security may be considered as equivalent to sending presents to
somebody. To ensure the recipient does not know the content before unwrapping, the sender masks the
content by wrapping the gift this makes the content confidential. The intended recipient is clearly indicated
on the label as is the sender this identifies the parties to the transaction and depending on how names are
written may confer some proof of identity. Finally, in order to ensure the package is not damaged, the sender
adds packaging that protects it this is some means of ensuring the integrity of the package is maintained in
transit. Translating this to IoT, data from A to B can be encrypted to confer confidentiality. The parties A and B
have to be able to prove their identity to confer authenticity to the exchange, and the parties can add data to
the package that will be used to assure and verify the integrity of the package.
The general purpose of security technology is to give confidence to the stakeholders that the risk of cyber-
attacks, or any other attack on the assets of a system, are mitigated. Hence one of the purposes of security
design is to minimize the probability of any loss of confidentiality, integrity and/or availability ("unwanted
incident"). Achieving security in IoT systems is a challenge of high complexity since there are many unknowns
that have to be resolved prior to overall security being achieved. As an example, the form and function of an
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IoT device, its identity, its set of security credentials, the algorithms it deploys to assure each of confidentiality,
identity and integrity, the means by which it interacts with peers and other systems, all of these have to be
In the period to approximately mid-2016, the EU regulatory landscape related to cyber security was relatively
fragmented with legal obligations and principles scattered across numerous legal acts. Due to recent
technological advancements and increased connectivity, the risk of becoming a victim of a cybercrime has also
increased. Thus, EU law-makers been taking steps to increase cyber resilience across Member States by making
the respective regulatory landscape more concise, among others. In this respect, they have adopted Directive
(EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 concerning measures for high
common level of security of network and information systems across the Union (commonly referred to as the
"NIS Directive"), being the first EU horizontal legislation addressing cybersecurity challenges.
Overall, it is strongly recommended that any application of security technology adopts the risk analysis
approach and the cataloguing of the system identified in relevant standards (e.g., ETSI TS 102 165-1 [43], ETSI
TR 103 305-x [44]) since security mechanisms, processes, procedures, are all reliant for their success, on
understanding of risk. Taking care of security at the early stage of designing/adapting/deploying an IoT system
is very essential and an important topic for further work on HLA within AIOTI.
7.5 Privacy aspects
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [34] that became applicable as of the 25 May 2018
introduces - among other - two new elements concerning privacy that are of high relevance for the scope and
the objectives aspired by the present document: the principle of accountability and the obligation of privacy
by design.
More specifically, the GDPR introduces the principle of accountability as a form of ‘’umbrella principle’’.
Under the new law, public and private organizations of all sizes processing personal information must not
only do what they have been expected so far to do concerning processing of personal information (e.g.
retain personal information as short as possible, as long as necessary), but also be able to demonstrate
that they did so. Organizations are, therefore, expected to maintain evidence throughout the processing of
personal information, irrespective of whether they will be actually requested to provide them to
enforcement authorities or other auditing bodies. GDPR requires organizations to be able to show
evidence that they ‘’did the right thing’’, but to this end it leaves them free to decide upon the technical
means they employ.
Moreover, the GDPR also introduces the principle of data protection by design, meaning that privacy
protection should be taken into account in the design of business operations, processes and services.
Basically, the GDPR does formally introduce Privacy by Design, as the basic principle on which the rest of
the principles already identified by AIOTI can be built upon, namely:
No personal data by default principle, that implies refraining from any collection or creation
of personal data by default, except for cases where such collection or creation is legally required and to
the exact extent required.
As-If’ X-by-Design, that refers to the requirement that ecosystems are designed and
engineered as-if these will process personal data at an immediate and/or later stage.
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De-Identification by Default, that refers to the de-identification, sanitization or deletion of personal
data as soon as the legal basis for keeping such data ceases.
Data Minimization by Default, that stipulates that personal data shall only be processed
where, when and to the extent required; otherwise, this data shall be deleted or de-identified.
Encryption by Default, that refers to the requirement to encrypt personal data by default, while
capturing both digital rights and digital rights management.
Note that these principles are extensively addressed in ongoing AIOTI studies.
Overall, both the principle of accountability and privacy by design are highly relevant for IoT architectures,
as they should affect basic choices at an early stage. Those two principles on HLA, briefly discussed above, pave
the ground for future work focused on privacy within AIOTI, potentially, to be concretely applied to HLA.
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7.6 Virtualization
7.6.1 Combining IoT and Cloud Computing
The new IoT systems that emerge at industrial scale will typically require very high numbers of connected
devices (and therefore strong requirements for scalability or deployment automation) as well as stringent non-
functional requirements (such as low latency). Those IoT systems will also require a high degree of availability,
adaptability and flexibility: in particular, the resources they use may have to be available in a very dynamic
manner, both in terms of configuration and run- time flexibility. The models provided by Cloud Computing
have been designed to serve such requirements in mind, and they seem very attractive in the context of the
design, development and deployment of IoT systems.
Cloud computing is allowing the provision of very sophisticated capabilities for computing, storage,
analytics, etc. to very dynamic and potentially massive number of users. It provides functional and non-
functional support (e.g., low latency fault-tolerance, horizontal scalability, cost-optimization, or geo-
optimization together with Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and security.
Virtualizing IoT builds on two key pillars which are strongly related. First, cloud native principles (as described
7.2.1) need to be applied to the distributed IoT platforms. Those principles include: micro services, no single
point of failure, high throughput, horizontal and vertical scalability, DevOps, etc. All those principles must
apply independently from underlying private or public cloud technology. Second, the network must evolve
to provide the level of flexibility, QoS and isolation needed for massive consumer, enterprise or industrial IoT
deployments. This means the capability of offering and flexibly managing, eventually through APIs, network
slices and chaining functions end-to-end. The role of an all IP network, preferably based on IPv6, will be
crucial in ensuring security and QoS.
The benefits of virtualization are largely documented, see e.g., [23]. In the context of IoT the key benefits of
virtualization are:
Rapid service innovation through software-based deployment and operationalization of IoT services.
Improved operational efficiencies resulting from common automation and operating procedures.
Reduced power usage by migrating workloads and powering down unused hardware.
Greater flexibility on assigning IoT virtualized functions and objects to hardware.
Improved capital efficiencies compared to dedicated hardware implementations.
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The following aspects are crucial for the widespread use of IoT in daily life using virtualization [33]:
Reuse of IoT devices for different verticals,
Composition of multitude of IoT devices to offer new services through abstraction,
Representation of physical world objects using IoT, and
Bringing cognitive functionality in IoT for better service orchestration.
An important aspect is the deployment model where several possibilities are offered by the Cloud Service
Providers: Platform-as-a-Service, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Software-as-a- Service, etc. The Figure 7-5
presents the possible usages of such offerings in delegating more and more important parts of the underlying
layers to a third-party in charge of hiding complexity, resource usage, etc.
Figure 7-5: The potential of Cloud Computing Service Models
The main challenge of IoT Virtualization is to design and develop systems that can benefit from the flexibility
of the "XaaS" offerings (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), of the vast amount of available (Open Source) software
components together with the possibility to rely on the support of standards (such as oneM2M).
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7.6.2 Approaches to IoT Virtualization
Three approaches are outlined below.
The first one (see clause is regarding the application of Cloud
Computing techniques and solutions to IoT systems: it comes with a practice of the Cloud Computing
community where the role of (in particular Open Source communities) prevails on an approach based on
standards. The second one (i.e. NFV) (see clause is using a "standards-based" approach and seeks the
adaptation of the virtualization technologies coming from Cloud Computing.
A third approach (see clause concerns device virtualization: using Virtual Objects (VO’s) and Virtual Composite Objects (VCO’s), it
aims to make it easier to use and reuse IoT devices in a multitude of applications. This can be regarded as a
layer between devices and the virtualization layer. Microservices-based Architectures for Virtualization
The Cloud Computing community has developed new approaches for the engineering of Cloud- based systems
that can be used for IoT Virtualization. Two important aspects are the following:
Microservices. Microservices are an architectural approach to developing applications as a set of
small services, where each service is running as a separate process, communicating through
simple mechanisms. IoT system architectures based on microservices must be able to support
the split of monolithic services into a number of microservices that are able to evolve relatively
independently from each other and to communicate in a safe, secure and efficient manner.
Architectures. The possibility to split an IoT system into microservices that can be implemented by
various (possibly Open Source Software) components goes with the risk of a lack of structure of
the resulting implementation: the definition of architectural layers in a functional architecture
supporting the most effective selection and combination of such components is a key element.
A microservices-based architecture relies on the use of: 1/ microservices as a (software engineering) means to
structure the systems and 2/ inter-process communications models synchronous (e.g., RESTful) or asynchronous
(e.g. message broker). Each service subscribes to the events that it is interested in consuming, and then receives
these events reliably when the events are placed on the queue by other services. Figure 7-6 provides an
example of such system.
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Figure 7-6: Microservices conceptual framework for IoT Virtualization
The possibility to define architectural layers and group them in a functional architecture for IoT
virtualization may allow for the most effective selection and combination of microservices-based
Figure 7-7 introduces an example of a structuration of the functional architecture into layers (and sublayers)
with an indication of the main functions that are expected to be provided in each of the layers and sublayers.
In addition, two vertical functions are added related to cross- layer functionality: security
and management.
Figure 7-7: A microservices-based functional architecture for IoT Virtualization
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It must be noted that this architecture is one example (amongst other possible ones) which is in particular
dealing with a structuration of the generic microservices that could be found in an IoT Layer.
More on this
approach can be found in the ETSI Technical Reports 103 527 [21] and 103 528 [22]. Virtualization in the NFV Architecture
The NFV ISG has initially worked on the identification of use cases for virtualization and their implication
on the virtualization of traditional network functions. Based on this, the ISG has defined the NFV
Architectural Framework, its main components and reference points [24].
More specifically, the ISG has defined the "NFV Infrastructure" (NFVI): "The NFVI is the totality of the
hardware and software components which build up the environment in which VNFs are deployed. The
NFVI is deployed as a distributed set of NFVI-nodes in various locations to support the locality and latency
requirements of the different use cases and the NFVI provide the physical platform on which the diverse
set of VNFs are executed; enabling the flexible deployment of network functions envisaged by the NFV
Architectural Framework" [25].
The high level NFV framework (see [24]) can be seen in Figure 7-8 and consists of three main domains:
Virtualized Network Function (VNF): the software implementation of a network function which is
capable of running over the NFVI.
NFV Infrastructure (NFVI): includes the diversity of physical resources and how they can be virtualized.
The NFVI supports the execution of the VNFs.
NFV management and orchestration (MANO): covers the orchestration and lifecycle management of
physical and/or software resources that support the infrastructure virtualization and the
lifecycle management of VNFs. NFV Management and
Orchestration focuses on all virtualization-
specific management tasks necessary in the
NFV framework.
Figure 7-8: High Level NFV Framework
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Regarding IoT Virtualization, the question is whether or not NFV can be used as an IoT Virtualization
Framework. The answer is that, as long as the IoT functions that are targeted for virtualization are matching
the ones defined in the NFV Architectural Framework, the latter can be used as an IoT virtualization
framework where a VNF is replaced by an "IoT Virtualized Function". The main advantage of this approach is
that the Reference Points defined by the NFV Architectural Framework can be used by the virtualized IoT
system. Network Slicing and Virtualization
Several initiatives, such as 3GPP, BBF, ETSI ISG NFV, IETF and ITU-T, are working on network
slicing. The concept of
network slicing has been introduced initially by the NGMN 5G whitepaper referenced in [10]. Slicing enables
multiple logical self-contained networks to use a common physical infrastructure platform. Those logical
networks enable a flexible stakeholder ecosystem for technical and business innovation that is integrating
network and cloud resources into a programmable, software-oriented network environment as shown in
Figure 7-9.
The logical self-contained networks can be realized by using: (1) virtualization, which is often defined as the
act of moving physical systems to a digital environment and (2) Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [11],
which is the principle of separating network functions from the hardware they run on by using virtual
hardware abstraction.
Figure 7-9: NGMN Network Slicing conceptual outline [10]
From the perspective of 3GPP [9], network slicing enables operators to create networks customized to
provide optimized solutions for different market scenarios which demands diverse requirements, e.g. in the
areas of functionality, performance and isolation. This is a key requirement from HLA and related IoT use
cases and stakeholders such automotive, energy, cities, etc.
One of the key benefits of the network slicing concept, from IoT perspective, is that it enables value
creation for vertical segments that lack physical network infrastructure, by offering network and cloud
resources that can be used in an isolated, disjunctive or shared manner allowing a customized network
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operation. Furthermore, network slicing can be used to support very diverse requirements imposed by IoT
services and as well as flexible and scalable to support massive connections of different nature.
In particular, services such as smart households, smart grid, smart agriculture, and intelligent meter
reading, will usually require supporting an extremely large number of connections and frequently
transmitted small data packets. Other services such as smart vehicles and industrial control will require
millisecond-level latency and nearly 100% reliability.
AIOTI is focusing on several key challenges to enable the fast deployment of IoT in Europe and globally, such
Cope with IoT Rapid technological development
Enlarge Users' take up and acceptability of IoT
Enable fast move into deployment of IoT
Avoid Risk of fragmentation in IoT
Support cooperation on International level on IoT
As IoT is one of the most important enabling technologies for the vertical industries in Europe, AIOTI can
serve as platform for these vertical industries and ensure that their needs are met by aligning their
requirements. Network slicing can be used as the key enabler for the support and promotion of IoT in 5G
NOTE - AIOTI WG03 in cooperation with the vertical AIOTI WGs can contribute on this topic in at least:
collect requirements coming from AIOTI vertical industries members on how network slicing can
be used to enable IoT in 5G scenarios,
describe the relation between these collected requirements, the network slice types and the
possible cross-industry domain customized services used to enhance the competence of vertical
describe how the AIOTI High Level Architecture (HLA) is used to specify IoT network slice
architectures in 5G scenarios.
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020 Device Virtualization
This clause describes one way of virtualizing the IoT devices, where devices may be highly resource constrained
or not. This can function as an abstraction between physical devices and a virtualization layer by grouping
devices into more complex virtual objects. Where the microservices-based Architectures and the NFV
architectural framework focus on enabling actions, the device virtualization focusses on how individual devices
are represented to the network. By grouping together devices that are supposed to intricately collaborate and
represent them as one device to the network, a lot of clutter and complexity can be left out of the other
virtualization layers.
The idea is to enable each IoT node with multiple functionalities based on its capability. Majorly, three
important layers are identified, apart from the necessary connectivity layers such as PHY, MAC and Network
layers: (i) Virtual Object (VO) layer, (ii) Composite Virtual Object (CVO) layer and (iii) Service layer. NOTE 1 - This
virtualization architecture is based on the work of the EU Project iCore [33] and the European Commission’s
(EC) IoT-A project which looked into IoT architectural reference model Error! Reference source not
found..Error! Reference source not found.
Using VO abstraction of each device makes it easy to reuse the IoT devices. For example, the ambient light
control in a smart building could indeed use the projector VO to realize that there is a movie/slide project in a
particular room therefore lights can be turned-off.
The idea is to reuse IoT devices in multitudes of applications. Further, the CVO layer can help interface the IoT
devices to interact with other devices and mashup multiple VOs to offer smart applications. For example, a
smart home has requirements such as energy reduction, light control, climate control, security, etc. By
combining multiple VOs these requirements could be served.
At the Service layer, multiple application requirements could be addressed. As given in the previous example,
we can see that an ambient light control application can use information from the projector by querying IoTs in
the vicinity to learn and make intelligent decisions. Of course, this requires semantic interoperability and
languages such as OWL [35], etc. This is similar to a service-oriented architecture, multiple services from
individual nodes or group of nodes can be merged with minimal human intervention.
An important aspect of this abstraction and segregation is that it supports distributed operation Error!
Reference source not found.. As shown in Figure 7-10, the “IoT Daemon” encompasses the above abstractions.
This way, multitudes of IoT devices can be integrated and interfaced.
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Figure 7-10: A high level architecture of (Composite) Virtual Objects
NOTE 2 - The cognitive capability can vary depending on the capability of the devices: some devices may have
just enough capability to sense and send, then those devices may not have CVO and service levels. In some
cases, sensors may not have even this capability and have their virtual presence in another device, for example
a server or a powerful device, or an aggregator node like a raspberry pi.
Fig. 7-11 provides an abstract view of the interfaces between VO, CVO and Service layer functionalities.
Figure 7-11: IoT device architecture and interfaces between the different layers
With respect to the two virtualization approaches described in clauses and, VOs and CVOs focus
less on the network, and more on the interaction with the individual devices.
This device virtualization can be actually part of any bigger platform, and, in particular, integrated in both the
virtualization layer architectures described in clauses and Specifically, in the microservices
architecture the “virtualized HW” can contain VOs and CVOs as defined above. Similarly, in the NFV framework,
the virtualization layer can also contain VOs and CVOs. The Service layer can be used as interface in both the
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020
microservices architecture and NFV framework or can be made transparent. The key value with VOs and CVOs
is that these objects can indeed make use of the available resources optimally, collaborate with other IoT
devices, offer redundancy and more, at the device level rather than at the whole architecture/framework level.
7.6.3 Comparing the IoT virtualization approaches
This clause is comparing the approaches described in clause 7.6.2.
NOTE - Network slicing is not subject to comparison, the main reason being that network slicing is, to a large
extent, one illustration of the use of the NFV architecture, which would lead to very similar findings.
The microservices-based architectures and the NFV architectural framework
have been developed in different contexts. In particular, NFV in addressing primarily the "traditional" networks
(e.g., those operated by Telecom Service Providers) and focuses on their major Network Functions. In contrast,
the microservices-based functional architecture is spanning across high-layers of the "IoT Stack" and potentially
addresses a larger set of "IoT functions".
The NFV architectural framework has been defined with the expectation that its approach to virtualization
should be supported by a very precise set of standards (developed by NFV or not) supporting Reference
Points. The challenge posed to virtualization is to make sure that the support of standards will not be
An important difference between the NFV approach and the microservices-based approach is that NFV is more
focused on the functions related to the network and does not systematically take into account higher-layer
The technologies available for the implementation of microservices-based applications have reached a level of
maturity and effectiveness that has made their usage become mainstream in software engineering. The
development of the Virtualized Network Functions of NFV is largely based on this approach. This is a strong
enabler to the adoption of microservices-based architectures.
Despite the differences outlined above, the two approaches are not mutually exclusive and microservices (and
microservices-based architectures) can be used in the NFV context, for example for the implementation of
Virtualized Network Functions.
As opposed to the other two approaches, and anticipated above, the device virtualization approach focusses
on the interaction between the individual devices. Virtual Objects and Virtual Composite Objects are a method
to introduce an abstraction layer through which the devices and groups of devices present themselves to the
network. Instead of a collection of very small and specific functionalities, the devices are grouped together to
form complete virtual devices.
This group reports as a single entity to the network virtualization layer. The virtual devices can host
subroutines, relieving the network virtualization layer of that effort.
Moreover, the network virtualization is unaware of the differences between virtual devices and real devices.
Therefore, the development of network virtualization can proceed orthogonally to the device virtualization
layer. The result is that a significant amount of clutter can be removed from the logic in the networked
virtualization layer, and that the operations are more intuitive for a human designer.
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Figure 7-12 illustrates how a Device Virtualization Layer with Composite Virtual Objects can be part of other
approaches. In the NFV approach, the Device Virtualization resides between the hardware resources and the
virtualization layer and is unaware of the difference.
In the microservices-based approach, the solution resides just below the virtualized hardware. A similar
reasoning applies where the microservices-based approach acts as if the devices are real, while subroutines
and clustering happen out of the scope of the network virtualization layer, and therefore simplifying the
Figure 7-12: How Device Virtualization and Composite Virtual Objects can be leveraged by other approaches
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7.6.4 The mapping of the IoT virtualization approaches on the AIOTI HLA
This clause is showing how a microservices-based functional architecture can be mapped on the AIOTI HLA.
In addition, another example of
microservices-based functional architecture
is presented, the
mapping on the oneM2M architecture.
NOTE - The relationship between the NFV architecture and the AIOTI HLA is not addressed here and may be
developed in next Releases of this document. The microservices-based approach and the AIOTI HLA
The mapping of a microservices-based functional architecture on the AIOTI HLA is straightforward since, as it
has been outlined above, this example of microservices functional architecture has been defined with the goal
to generically support IoT functions (e.g. location, discovery, identification). As a consequence, the example can
be mapped on the IoT layer of the AIOTI HLA, as shown in Figure 7-13.
Figure 7-13: Mapping of microservice-based functional architecture on AIOTI HLA
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020 The mapping of a microservices-based functional architecture on the oneM2M architecture
Like for NFV, the oneM2M architectural framework has been defined with the expectation that its approach
to virtualization should be supported by a very precise set of standards (developed by NFV or not) supporting
Reference Points. Here again, the challenge posed to virtualization is to make sure that the support of
standards will not be compromised.
oneM2M defines a list of Common Service Functions (CSFs) as an “informative architectural construct
which conceptually groups together a number of sub-functions”. The CSF descriptions are provided for the
purpose of understanding of the oneM2M Architecture functionalities and are informative. The CSFs
contained inside the Common Services Entity (CSE) can interact with each other but oneM2M TS-0001 [26]
does not specify how these interactions take place.
The respective positioning of oneM2M Common Service Entities (CSE) and the microservices in the
microservices-based functional architecture described in clause is shown in Figure 7-14:
There is a difference between the CSFs (that are specified via a standard) and the microservices that
are one possible implementation of (a subset of) a CSF;
All (or part of) the microservices described in Figure 7-7 can be included in a given CSE. The choice of
microservices and their implementations can (and probably will) be different from one CSF to
another. Consequently, there is no standardised mapping of one CSF to microservices.
Figure 7-14: Mapping of microservices-based functional architecture on oneM2M Common Service Entities
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The CSFs have not been defined with a microservices-based architecture in mind. Indeed, the choice of dividing
a CSE into microservices should always be left up to specific implementations, which means that the
optimizations made for two different deployment scenarios may result in two different choices of grouping into
7.7 IoT platforms
Editor’s note This clause is in draft stage. Its completion is expected in following Releases of this document.
Consideration could be also given to interoperability between IoT platforms and other non IoT platforms.
The focus of the industry has gradually shifted to the design and development of IoT systems with the purpose
to offer full-fledge systems dealing with a vast number of devices (with various computing and interaction
capabilities) and potentially integrating these devices into larger systems implementing often complex business
processes. This has been enabled by the emergence of IoT devices with higher computing capacity and the
possibility of producing massive amounts of data that will be collected, transformed, stored and managed by
larger (non IoT specific) information systems which transform this data into qualitative information to trigger
useful actions.
The "standardised IoT platforms" will have to address the challenges and probably not all of the existing ones
will be able to make it.
Three main challenges have to be addressed by IoT standardisation (organisations) and by the "standardised"
platforms (an example is oneM2M), that some of these organisations are developing:
The "advanced technology" challenge posed by e.g., the incorporation of Big Data or Virtualization;
The "business sector" challenge with the question of which level of genericity can be provided in
support of the development of large IoT systems for Smart Cities, Intelligent Transport or Industrial
The "standards" challenge posed by the role of emerging approaches such as Open Source.
IoT systems are often seen as an extension to existing systems needed because of the (potentially massive)
addition of networked devices. However, this approach does not take stock of a set of essential characteristics
of IoT systems that push for an alternative approach where the IoT system is at the centre of attention of those
who want to make them happen. This advocates for an “IoT-centric” view.
Most of the above-mentioned essential characteristics may be found in other ICT-based systems. However, the
main difference with IoT systems is that they all have to be dealt with simultaneously.
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The most essential ones are:
Stakeholders. There is a large variety of potential stakeholders with a wide range of roles that shape
the way each of them can be considered in the IoT system. Moreover, none of them can be ignored.
Privacy. In the case of IoT systems that deal with critical data in critical applications (e.g., e-Health,
Intelligent Transport, Food, Industrial systems), privacy becomes a make or break property.
Interoperability. There are very strong interoperability requirements because of the need to provide
seamless interoperability across many different systems, sub-systems, devices, etc.
Security. As an essential enabling property for Trust, security is a key feature of all IoT systems and
needs to be dealt with in a global manner. One key challenge is that it is involving a variety of users
in a variety of Use Cases.
Technologies. By nature, all IoT systems have to integrate potentially very diverse technologies, very
often for the same purpose (with a risk of overlap). The balance between proprietary and
standardised solutions has to be carefully managed, with a lot of potential implications on the
choice of the supporting platforms.
Deployment. A key aspect of IoT systems is that they emerge at the very same time where Cloud
Computing and Edge Computing have become mainstream technologies. All IoT systems have to
deal with the need to support both Cloud-based and Edge-based deployments with the associated
challenges of management of data, etc.
Legacy. Many IoT systems have to deal with legacy (e.g., existing connectivity, back-end ERP systems).
The challenge is to deal with these requirements without compromising the “IoT centric” approach.
A drawback of many current approaches to system development is a focus on the technical solutions, which
may lead to suboptimal or even ineffective systems. In the case of IoT systems, a very large variety of potential
stakeholders are involved, each coming with specific and potentially conflicting requirements and
expectations. Their elicitation requires that the precise definition of roles that can be related to in the analysis
of the requirements, of the Use Cases, etc. Examples of such roles to be characterised and analysed are:
System Designer, System Developer, System Deployer, End-user, Device Manufacturer.
In order to better achieve interoperability, many elements (e.g., vocabularies, definitions, models) have to be
defined, agreed and shared by the IoT stakeholders. This can ensure a common understanding across them of
the concepts used for the IoT system definition. They also are a preamble to standardisation. Moreover, given
the need to be able to deal with a great variety of IoT systems architectures, it is also necessary to adopt
Reference Architectures, in particular Functional Architectures such as the AIOTI High-Level Architecture.
A very large number of IoT platforms have been developed with the initial purpose of ensuring that a device
could interact with other devices or equipment, providing connectivity from point-to-point to more universal.
Standard Development Organisations (SDOs) and Standard Setting Organisations (SSOs) have developed a
number of approaches that focused on interoperability, initially at the network level and now well beyond.
Many standards have been defined with the possibility to serve as a basis for the development of platforms
that in the best case - deal with interoperability in a generic manner, across a variety of business sectors, with
a variety of possible implementations. Such "standardised platforms" are relying on reference architectures,
interoperability stacks addressing different layers, generic protocol adaptors, etc.
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7.7.1 Generalities on IoT platforms IoT platform concepts and taxonomies
Editor’s note: content could be brought here based on results of efforts such as IoT-EPI, relevant H2020
projects, ETSI STFs, other. To consider also if some relevant examples of different platform types could be
appropriate for insertion here (or in specific subclause). Identified gaps related to IoT platforms
Editor’s note: content could be brought here based on results of specific efforts such as ETSI STFs.
7.7.2 Positioning of IoT platforms in HLA
Editor’s note: content could address the positioning of main platform components in HLA layers (with possible
needed extensions/details of HLA), with consideration of interoperability aspects.
7.7.3 IoT platform to platform interoperability Generalities
Editor’s note: content could cover the need of platform interoperability (cross-domain etc.), the specific issues
for platform interoperability and the dimensions to be addressed (data management (incl. (real time) data
discovery, data storage, data exchange and commercialization, data security and privacy, open data, …),
context awareness, stakeholders’ roles, …). Content could be brought here based on results of efforts such as
relevant H2020 projects, ETSI STF 575, other.
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020 Approaches for IoT platform to platform interoperability
Editor’s note: content could cover the different approaches for platform interoperability, each approach being
described according to how it addresses identified platform interop issues and deal with the dimensions
identified in (pros and cons of each approach). Approach “1”: ETSI STF 547 TR 103536
Editor’s note: to be developed. Approach “2”: Data lake approach
Editor’s note: to be developed. Approach “3”: usage of intermediate standardized platform
Editor’s note: It is for consideration further generalization in terms of general intermediate standardized
platform (including consideration about abstraction from Autopilot-specific text).
Interoperability between proprietary IoT platforms can be accomplished using a common platform that acts as
an intermediate platform interconnecting the proprietary IoT platforms (and possibly devices and services) and
allows them to exchange information. One important characteristic of such common platform is its
standardisation: it should provide open interfaces as well it should enable standardised ways of mapping some
of the interfaces used by the proprietary platforms to its open interfaces. The oneM2M platform as intermediate standardized platform
An intermediate standardized platform which fulfils the common platform characteristic highlighted above, is
The following describes an application example of the oneM2M platform as intermediate standardized
platform, based on the outcome of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 AUTOPILOT (Automated Driving
Progressed by Internet of Things) project.
The Horizon 2020 AUTOPILOT project focuses on creating a connected IoT ecosystem for automated vehicles
and uses oneM2M as an interoperability platform. [37] and [38] discuss the IoT platform interoperability
challenges and their solutions as proposed in the AUTOPILOT project.
The AUTOPILOT Federated IoT architecture [38] is shown in Error! Reference source not found..
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Figure 7-15: AUTOPILOT Federated IoT Architecture
The AUTOPILOT Federated IoT architecture includes devices and gateways; in-vehicle and road-side IoT
platforms exchange information with several distributed IoT platforms, which may be deployed at different
The following two types of IoT platforms are distinguished:
proprietary IoT platforms: used by some applications, organisations and services to exchange specific
data with specific devices or vehicles. NOTE 1 - The platforms of this type used in the AUTOPILOT
project are: Watson IoT Platform™, FIWARE and Huawei Ocean Connect.
oneM2M interoperability platform: the central IoT platform that acts as a hub interconnecting the
proprietary IoT platforms (and possibly devices and services) and allowing them to exchange
information. This interoperability platform is based on the oneM2M machine to machine standards,
which are adopted by the project as the standards for interoperability. NOTE 2 - In the AUTOPILOT
project, the Sensinov oneM2M-based platform is used.
The proprietary IoT platforms are connected to the oneM2M interoperability platform through oneM2M
Interworking Proxy Entities (IPEs). Each proprietary IoT platform may configure the IPE to share selected data
types, relevant to Automated Driving vehicles and applications, with the oneM2M interoperability platform.
The goal of this process is that such data may then become accessible and be shared by all the connected
proprietary IoT platforms through the oneM2M interoperability platform.
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020 Details about IoT platform interoperability in the AUTOPILOT project
The AUTOPILOT IoT platform aims to enable a large-scale and open IoT ecosystem, where new “things”
(sensors, vehicles), services, applications, and IoT platforms may be plugged in easily, and may start exchanging
information with the rest of the ecosystem components. In particular, as no single “standard IoT platform”
exists, the AUTOPILOT architecture has to rather cope with a multitude of proprietary IoT solutions distributed
over various physical infrastructures and dedicated to different geographic areas, services, or providers. The
key challenge exists to connect these proprietary IoT platforms and make them communicate with each other
to exchange information.
Interoperability in AUTOPILOT is achieved based on the following three concepts:
oneM2M IoT Standards: Proprietary IoT platforms are interconnected through a standard oneM2M
interoperability platform and oneM2M interworking gateways. By adopting the oneM2M standards,
AUTOPILOT aims to facilitate interoperability between the various IoT platforms, sensors, and
services of the architecture by using:
o oneM2M interoperability platform to act as a central hub connecting the various
proprietary IoT platforms, allowing them to exchange data and information through
standard oneM2M protocols and APIs.
o Interworking Proxy Entity (IPE), that is a specialized oneM2M AE (Application Entity) that
allows the oneM2M system to interact with any non-oneM2M system, in a seamless way,
through the Mca interface [39]. It has the capability to remap a specific data model to
oneM2M resources and maintain bidirectional communication with the non-oneM2M
IoT Data Models: by using IoT data required to be exchanged across the IoT platforms, based,
whenever possible, on existing data models and specifications (such as DATEX II |45] for exchanging
car park availability and traffic data, and SENSORIS |46] for sharing vehicle location and object
detection data). The AUTOPILOT IoT data models cover the following packages:
o Vehicle location and detection messages, based on SENSORIS,
o Event and object detection messages to be consumed by AD vehicles, based on SENSORIS
o Traffic situations, based on DATEX II,
o Parking availability information, based on the DATEX II parking extension,
o Messages specific to automated valet parking, car sharing, rebalancing, and platooning.
Standardised Ontologies: Semantic interoperability is supported by semantically standardising IoT data
field values (e.g. hazard types, vulnerable road user types, detected object types, etc.) using
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020 oneM2M IoT platform interoperability with AIOTI HLA-compliant IoT platform
The support for IoT platform interoperability based on the solution provided by the EC H2020 AUTOPILOT
project can be encompassed in the AIOTI HLA as shown in Figure 7-16.
The left part of Figure 7-16 shows the oneM2M IoT platform compliant to AIOTI HLA (identical to the one shown
in Figure 8.3) and the right part shows (an IoT platform compliant to) the AIOTI HLA as shown in Figure 5.2. As
additional entity, Figure 7-16 shows the Interworking Proxy Entity, a specialized oneM2M AE (Application Entity)
that allows the oneM2M system to interact with any non-oneM2M (Proprietary) system.
Figure 7-16: oneM2M IoT Platform Interoperability with AIOTI HLA-compliant IoT platform Approach “4” (e.g. direct integration between platforms)
Editor’s note: to be developed
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8 Mapping of SDOs’ work to the AIOTI HLA functional model
The purpose of this clause is to provide examples of mapping of existing SDO/alliances/projects
architectures to the AIOTI HLA functional model. The intent of this mapping exercise is three- fold:
Demonstrate that AIOTI HLA is closely related to existing architectures and architectural
Provide positioning of existing standards vis-à-vis the HLA
Derive any possible important gaps in the HLA (even if the HLA aims to remain high-level)
This clause does not intend to be exhaustive, other mappings can be added in future releases of this
8.1 ITU-T
In ITU-T Recommendation Y.4000 “Overview of the Internet of Things” [3], ITU-T has developed an IoT
Reference Model which provides a high level capability view of an IoT infrastructure. As shown in Figure 8-1,
the model is composed of the following layers, providing corresponding sets of capabilities [Note -
likewise for the AIOTI HLA, a layer represents here a grouping of modules offering a cohesive set of
Application Layer (Application capabilities)
Service Support and Application Support Layer (SSAS capabilities - distinguished into Generic
support capabilities and Specific support capabilities)
Network Layer (Network capabilities - distinguished into Networking capabilities (Control plane
level) and Transport capabilities (Data plane level))
Device Layer (Device/Gateway capabilities)
The Security capabilities and Management capabilities - both distinguished into Generic Security
(Management) capabilities and Specific Security (Management) capabilities are cross-layer, i.e. they can be
provided in support of different capability groupings
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Figure 8-1: ITU-T Y.4000 IoT Reference Model
Figure 8-2 provides an initial high level mapping of the ITU-T Y.4000 IoT Reference model to AIOTI HLA
functional model.
Figure 8-2: ITU-T IoT Reference Model mapping to AIOTI HLA functional model
Various detailed studies related to IoT functional framework and architectural aspects have been developed or
are currently in progress within ITU-T; relevant ones include ITU-T Rec. Y.4401 (“Functional framework and
capabilities of the Internet of things”), ITU-T Recommendation F.748.5 (“Requirements and reference
architecture of M2M service layer”) and ITU-T Recommendation Y.4416 (“Architecture of the Internet of
Things based on NGN evolution”).
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8.2 oneM2M
Figure 8-3 provides the mapping between oneM2M and the AIOTI HLA functional model. oneM2M specifies a
Common Services Entities (CSE) which provide IoT functions to oneM2M AEs (Applications Entities) via APIs
[4]. The CSEs also allows leveraging underlying network services (beyond data transport) which
are explicitly
specified in oneM2M and referred to as Network Services Entity (NSE).
Figure 8-3: Mapping oneM2M to AIOTI HLA
oneM2M has specified all interfaces depicted in Figure 8-3 to a level that allows for interoperability. Three
protocols binding have been specified for Mcc and Mca reference points: CoAP, MQTT, Websockets, and
HTTP. As regards the Mcn reference point, normative references have been made to interfaces specified by
3GPP and 3GPP2 in particular.
However, oneM2M does not specify vertical specific data formats for exchange between App Entities
according to AIOTI HLA interface 1. This can however be achieved by interworking with other technologies
such as ZigBee, AllSeen, etc.
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8.3 IIC
The Industrial Internet reference Architecture (IIRA) is a standard-based open architecture [5]. “The
description and representation of the architecture are generic and at a high level of abstraction to support the
requisite broad industry applicability
(source IIC).
Figure 8-4 provides a three-tier architecture as specified
in [5].
Figure 8-4: IIC three tier IIS architecture
Figure 8-5: Mapping HLA to IIC three tier IIS architecture
The mapping of IIC to the AIOTI HLA is depicted in the following Figure.
In Figure 8-5, devices in the IIC
proximity domain would typically run App Entities according to the AIOTI HLA. The Edge gateways would in
turn be mapped to IoT Entities, implementing as an example device management for proximity network
Interactions with the network for the purpose of data exchange or other network services are depicted
through the interface 3 and 4 from the AIOTI HLA. Finally, the Application Domain in IIC would be
equivalent to AIOTI App Entities running in the enterprise data centres.
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8.4 RAMI 4.0
Industrie 4.0 covers a highly diverse landscape of industries, stakeholders, processes, technologies and
standards. To achieve a common understanding of what standards, use cases, etc. are necessary for Industrie
4.0, a uniform architecture model (the Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)) was developed
by VDI/VDE GMA & ZVEI in Germany [16], serving as a basis for the discussion of interrelationships and details.
RAMI 4.0 has been further defined by DIN as DIN SPEC 91345 [17] and IEC as IEC PAS 63088 [18].
Besides the reference architecture model, RAMI 4.0 defines the I4.0 component which links the assets in the
Industrie 4.0 environment like products, production machines or production lines and systems with their
virtual presentation in cyber space the so called administration shell.
Figure 8-6: RAMI 4.0 reference architecture
The reference architecture model as shown in Figure 8-6 structures the Industrie 4.0 space into its
fundamental aspects. It expands the hierarchy levels of IEC 62264 [19] by adding the “Field Device” and
“Product” or work piece level at the bottom, and the Connected World” going beyond the boundaries of
the individual factory at the top. The left horizontal axis represents the life cycle of systems or products
and the value stream of production. It also establishes the distinction between “Type” and Instance”.
Finally, the six vertical layers on the left define various architectural viewpoints on Industrie 4.0 that are
relevant from a system design and standardization point of view. The specific characteristics of the
reference architecture model are therefore its combination of life cycle and value stream with a
hierarchically structured approach of various architectural views.
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The mapping of RAMI 4.0 to the AIOTI HLA functional model - is depicted in the following
Figure 8-7: Mapping RAMI 4.0 to AIOTI HLA functional model
The following explanations can be made as regards Figure 8-7:
As the AIOTI HLA and RAMI 4.0 have different purposes and approaches only a rough mapping can be
performed and a 1 to 1 relation between the components in the two models is not always possible.
The HLA Network layer represents the IoT communication capabilities and maps to the RAMI
4.0 Communication Layer
The HLA IoT and App Layer represent functional and information components that map to the RAMI
4.0 Functional and Information layers
Things, People, HW components map to the RAMI 4.0 Asset and Integration layer
Note that functions at the network, IoT and App Layer like routers, data storage and processing
would appear at the RAMI 4.0 functional layer from a functional point of view and in the physical
representation at the asset layer
The mapping of RAMI 4.0 to the AIOTI HLA domain model - is depicted in the following Figure.
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Figure 8-8: Mapping RAMI 4.0 to AIOTI HLA domain model
The following explanations can be made as regards Figure 8-8:
The Things in HLA are equivalent to the Asset layer of RAMI 4.0. They are the physical part of the
I4.0 component and can appear at all hierarchy levels from products to field devices like sensor
to whole production lines and even factories.
In HLA, Things are represented by virtual entities in the digital world. This corresponds to the
virtual part of the Industrie 4.0 component of RAMI 4.0
The HLA IoT Device performs the interaction between the physical things and the digital world. In
RAMI 4.0 this is a task of the Integration layer.
With the HLA IoT Service the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach of RAMI 4.0 is
8.5 Big Data Value Association
The BDVA Big Data Value Reference Model (from the BDVA SRIA 4.0 document [31]) is shown in the figure
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Figure 8-9 - Big Data Value Association BDV Reference Model
The BDV Reference Model has been developed by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), taking into account
input from technical experts and stakeholders along the whole Big Data Value chain as well as interactions with
other related PPPs. An explicit aim of the BDV Reference Model in the SRIA 4.0 document is to also include
logical relationships to other areas of a digital platform such as Cloud, High Performance Computing (HPC), IoT,
Networks/5G, CyberSecurity etc.
The BDV Reference Model may serve as common reference framework to locate Big Data technologies on
the overall IT stack. It addresses the main concerns and aspects to be considered for Big Data Value
The BDV Reference Model is structured into horizontal and vertical concerns.
The horizontal concerns cover specific aspects along the data processing chain, starting
with data
collection and ingestion, reaching up to data visualization. It should be noted, that the horizontal
concerns do not imply a layered architecture. As an example, data visualization may be applied
directly to collected data (data management aspect) without
the need for data processing and
analytics. Further data analytics may take place in the IoT area i.e. Edge Analytics. Logical areas are
shown, but they might execute in different physical layers.
The vertical concerns
address cross-cutting issues, which may affect all the horizontal concerns. In
addition, verticals may also involve non-technical aspects (e.g., standardization as technical
concerns, but also non-technical ones).
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Given the purpose of the BDV Reference Model to act as a reference framework to locate Big Data
technologies, it is purposefully chosen to be as simple and easy to understand as possible. It thus does not have
the ambition to serve as a full technical reference architecture. However, the BDV Reference Model is
compatible with such reference architectures, most notably the emerging ISO JTC1 WG9 Big Data Reference
Architecture now being further developed in ISO JTC1 SC42 Artificial Intelligence [32].
The remainder of this clause elaborates the technical areas as expressed in the BDV Reference Model.
Horizontal concerns:
Big Data Applications: Solutions supporting big data within various domains will often consider the
creation of domain specific usages and possible extensions to the various horizontal and
vertical areas. This is often related to the usage of various combinations of the identified big
data types described in the vertical concerns.
Data Visualization and User Interaction: Advanced visualization approaches for improved user
Data Analytics: Data analytics to improve data understanding, deep learning, and meaningfulness
of data.
Data Processing Architectures: Optimized and scalable architectures for analytics of both data-at-
rest and data-in- motion with low latency delivering real-time analytics.
Data Protection: Privacy and anonymization mechanisms to facilitate data protection. It also has
links to trust mechanisms like Blockchain technologies, smart contracts and various forms for
encryption. This area is also associated with the area of CyberSecurity, Risk and Trust.
Data Management: Principles and techniques for data management including both data life cycle
management and usage of data lakes and data spaces, as well as underlying data storage
Cloud and High Performance Computing (HPC): Effective big data processing and data
management might imply effective usage of cloud and high performance computing
infrastructures. This area is separately elaborated further in collaboration with the Cloud and
High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) communities.
IoT, CPS, Edge and Fog Computing: A main source of big data is sensor data from an IoT context
and actuator interaction in Cyber Physical Systems. In order to meet real- time needs, it will
often be necessary to handle big data aspects at the edge of the system
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Vertical concerns:
Big Data Types and semantics: The following six big data types have been identified - based on the
fact that they often lead to the use of different techniques and mechanisms in the horizontal
concerns, which should be considered, for instance for data analytics and data storage: 1)
Structured data; 2) Times series data; 3) GeoSpatial data, 4) Media, Image, Video and Audio
data; 5) Text data, including Natural Language Processing data and Genomics representations;
6) Graph data, Network/Web data and Meta data. In addition, it is important to support both
the syntactical and semantic aspects of data for all big data types.
Standards: Standardisation of big data technology areas to facilitate data integration, sharing and
Communication and Connectivity: Effective communication and connectivity mechanisms are
necessary for providing support for big data. This area is separately elaborated further with
various communication communities, such as the 5G community.
Cybersecurity: Big Data often need support to maintain security and trust beyond privacy and
anonymization. The aspect of trust frequently has links to trust mechanisms such as blockchain
technologies, smart contracts and various forms of encryption. The CyberSecurity area is
separately elaborated further with the CyberSecurity PPP community.
Engineering and DevOps: for building Big Data Value systems. This area is also elaborated further
with the NESSI (Networked European Software and Service Initiative) Software and Service
Data Platforms: Marketplaces, IDP/PDP, Ecosystems for Data Sharing and Innovation support.
Data Platforms for Data Sharing include in particular Industrial Data Platforms (IDPs) and
Personal Data Platforms (PDPs), but also include other data sharing platforms like Research
Data Platforms (RDPs) and Urban/City Data Platforms (UDPs). These platforms include efficient
usage of a number of the horizontal and vertical big data areas, most notably the areas for data
management, data processing, data protection and cybersecurity.
AI platforms: In the context of the relationship between AI and Big Data there is an evolving
refinement of the BDV Reference Model showing how AI platforms typically include support
for Machine Learning, Analytics, visualization, processing etc. in the upper technology areas
supported by data platforms for all of the various big data types.
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8.5.1 Mapping of the BDV Reference Model to the AIOTI HLA
NOTE 1 - The mapping of the BDV Reference Model to the AIOTI HLA described in this clause reflects the
initial understanding of the team of AIOTI WG03 people who have contributed to the study and is subject
to further enhancements in next Release(s) of this document.
A mapping of the BDV Reference Model to the AIOTI HLA is shown in Figure 8-10.
Figure 8-10 - BDV Reference Model mapping to the AIOTI HLA
NOTE 2 - The BDV Reference Model shows technical areas and capabilities, but without a particular
layering perspective. The different capabilities may reside in different clients and servers in different
NOTE 3 - The Time Series/IoT and Media/Image/Audio Data types of the BDV Reference Model, because of
their particular interest in an IoT context, are marked in red across the various technical areas of the BDV
Reference Model.
NOTE 4 - The Semantic Interoperability focus through data types of the BDV Reference Model is shown via
(red) dotted line in order to highlight its relevance in both the BDV Reference Model and the AIOTI HLA
The followings are key considerations concerning the BDV Reference Model mapping to the AIOTI HLA.
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The App Entities of the AIOTI HLA provide application logic which may include data visualization and user
interaction services, data analytics capabilities, various kinds of data processing capabilities, data
protection support and data management logic, as well as support for cloud/HPC execution. In addition, the
App Entities may include support for Cybersecurity and Trust.
The IoT Entities of the AIOTI HLA may include access and management capabilities for sensors and actuators, but
also support for data analytics (edge analytics), data processing, data protection and data management. In
addition, the IoT Entities may include support for Cybersecurity and Trust.
The Networks of the AIOTI HLA are linked to the Communication and Connectivity area of the BDV Reference
Model. In particular, they support short-range and long-range connectivity and data forwarding between
entities, and both synchronous and asynchronous communication mechanisms, with appropriate QoS
support. The Networks also include support for IoT devices’ communication and connectivity. In addition,
they may include support for Cybersecurity and Trust.
NOTE 5 - The BDV Reference Model areas of, respectively, “Data Sharing platforms, Industrial/Personal”,
“Development, Engineering and DevOpsand Standards” are not mapped to the AIOTI HLA in the above
figure. The first area might be relevant for IoT data management, the second area might be relevant for the
total life cycle of IoT data, the third area is relevant for all areas (layers).
A corresponding mapping of the AIOTI HLA (entities) to the BDV Reference Model (technical areas and
capabilities) is shown in Figure 8-11.
Figure 8-11 - AIOTI HLA mapping to the BDV Reference Model
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8.6 3D IoT Layered Architecture
NOTE The mapping of the 3D IoT Layered Architecture to the AIOTI HLA functional model
is not specifically discussed in this Release of the document. Nevertheless, an obvious consideration is that only
the “Layers” view of the 3D IoT Layered Architecture applies for the mapping to the AIOTI HLA functional
The 3D IoT Layered Architecture (aka the 3D model), specified in [40] and [41], is an approach to define,
identify and co-relate multiple IoT system features, architectural characteristics and properties in Large
Scale pilot (LSP) IoT systems, see Figure 8-12.
The principle of this Reference Architecture is to use a number of 2D views that are a projection of the 3D
view on a specific plane. In particular, a preliminary analysis of how the stakeholders are involved in the
definition of an IoT system can be aligned by using each of the three main views analyzed and shortly
described in this clause.
Figure 8-12: The three main views in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]
The “Layers” view in the 3D model, see Figure 8-13, refers to the overall characteristics of IoT Systems from a
functional and operational perspective. It includes aspects from physical devices, networking, cloud
infrastructures, data, services and applications but also collaboration. The main usage of this view is to
facilitate the identification of necessary functional blocks for interoperability at the different “layers” in IoT
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Figure 8-13: The Layers view in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]
The “Cross-cutting Functions” view, see Figure 8-14, refers to properties of the IoT system which are not
resulting from just functional components but more from the interactions amongst these components. It
includes security, safety & resilience, trust and privacy, connectivity, interoperability, dynamic composition and
automated interoperability. The main usage of this view is to support the protected and reliable exchange of
Figure 8-14: The Cross-cutting Functions in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]
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The “Properties” view, see Figure 8-15, refers to features and characteristics of the IoT systems that are not
associated with the data but with the administrative and managing aspects of the IoT infrastructure and the
system itself. It includes Intelligence, Availability, dependability, manageability, integrity, scalability
composability and Interoperability. The main usage of this view is for identification of the properties
characterizing IoT systems or applications.
Figure 8-15: The Properties view in the 3D Model (Layers, Cross-cutting functions, and Properties) [41]
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9. Relationship to other functional models or systems
9.1 Introduction
This clause provides relationship between the AIOTI functional model and other functional models. While
the AIOTI HLA functional model depicts interfaces within the IoT system, other external interfaces are
extremely important to study for the purpose of operational deployments at large scale. Figure 9-1 shows in
particular interactions with Big Data frameworks and other service platforms (banking, maps, open data,
Figure 9-1: Relationship to other systems
Figure 9-1 show in particular two interfaces:
E-1: used to integrate with big data architectures, e.g. as documented by NIST in [2].
E-2: used to exchange context information with other service platforms: location, maps, banking,
etc. In the context of Fiware, interface E-2 is implemented using APIs based on the OMA NGSI
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9.2 Framework of IoT-Big Data integrated architecture
NOTE- This topic is for further development in following Release(s) of this document.
9.2.1 Approach for IoT-Big Data integration
NOTE- Topic for study in following Release(s) of this document.
9.2.2 Relationship to NIST Big Data framework
The NIST Big Data interoperability framework has been described to a great extent in the following document
[2]. Of particular interest to the scope of this deliverable
is the NIST Big Data Reference architecture which
is depicted in Figure 9-2.
Figure 9-2: NIST Big Data reference architecture
When considering the relationship between AIOTI HLA functional model and the NIST Big Data reference
architecture, it is possible to consider a Data Provider as a HLA App Entity running in a Device or Gateway. The
Big Data Application Provider could be an HLA IoT Entity or an App Entity running in a cloud server
infrastructure, e.g. performing data aggregation. Finally, a Data Consumer could be an App Entity running in
a Utility back-end server. Figure 9-3 depicts this mapping example.
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Figure 9-3: Mapping of AIOTI functional model entities to NIST big data reference architecture
In Figure 9-3 the interface depicted with (“?”) to a Big Data Framework Provider could be important in
Large Scale Deployments of AIOTI. Further study is needed to figure-out current standardization
developments related to this interface. A standardized interface may provide market benefits and remove
dependency on a particular provider for the Big Data framework.
9.3 IoT-enabled Data Marketplaces
9.3.1 High-level architecture of an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace
Figure 9-4 provides a possible high-level architecture for an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace [42].
Figure 9-4: A possible high-level architecture for an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace
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This reference architecture includes functions that could be mapped to different stakeholders, and multiple
functions can be implemented by the same administrative stakeholder in a given operational deployment.
Data Sellers are entities that deploy an IoT infrastructure, for example smart energy meters. These
entities are interested in selling the collected data or subsets of that data. This sale must be in
accordance with privacy regulations and data owners’ consent. A Data Seller would typically publish
both commercial data (1) and open data (2) using a Data Aggregator. Alternatively, the open data
may be contributed directly to a Managed Data Lake (3).
Data Aggregators are programmed to aggregate mostly ‘dumb’ data streams from different sources,
merging these data streams to create more valuable sources of information. A Data Aggregator
would typically contribute both open data (5) and metadata pertaining to commercial data sets (4)
to a Managed Data Lake. Metadata would provide a semantic description of the data as well as the
terms of contractual agreements governing data transactions. The Data Aggregator would be
responsible for transacting data on behalf of data producers in exchange for a portion of associated
revenue streams.
Managed Data Lakes
would typically store a massive amount of data and metadata to enable data
discovery, as shown in arrows (7) and (9). This reference architecture assumes that a Managed Data
Lake does not store commercial data. Following a Data Buyer’s discovery of data of interest to them,
that Data Buyer would subscribe to an automated smart contract (10) for the agreement and
immediate pay-out of the Data Seller’s expected price (11). In other scenarios it would remain
possible for the Data Seller to receive a revenue stream in a periodic manner, for example once a
month. The provider responsible for the Managed Data Lake would automatically receive a
commission on every transaction facilitated, a key requirement for the financial sustainability of the
data lake.
1. After the settlement of the payment, the actual data would be exchanged peer-to-peer
(12) between a Data Buyer and Data Aggregator.
2. A Managed Data Lake could also contain mirrors of metadata from other lakes. The
mirroring process is shown in (6).
Data Enrichers are entities buying commercial data or consuming open data (7) with the intention of
applying algorithms to enrich data and resell new data sets as a value-added service, typically to
provide analytics yielding new insights and predictions. A Data Enricher would contribute its
metadata back to a Managed Data Lake (8).
Data Buyers consuming data streams or downloading data sets (12) are interested in the additional
value that external data can bring to their internal data.
Data lakes have been covered in this blog: https://news.itu.int/what-will-keep-smart-cities-busy-2019/
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9.3.2 Fundamental concepts for successful deployment of an IoT-enabled Data Marketplace
Certain concepts are fundamental to the successful deployment of IoT-enabled Data Marketplaces adopting
the high-level architecture shown in Figure 9-4.
Metadata provide descriptions of the data assets up for sale by different stakeholders as well as the
methods to transact in these assets. It is important that data sellers and buyers share a common
understanding of what the data is about. Reaching this common understanding would only be
possible with a standard or agreed ontology. NOTE - ITU-T SG20 and Open Geospatial Consortium
could be the two initiatives to consider this standards gap.
Mirroring metadata is the concept of exposing metadata in a third-party data lake. This mechanism
allows for cross-domain data discoverability.
Cross-domain data discoverability facilitates the distributed, collaborative development of data-driven
solutions in line, for example, with the principles put forward by the EU Digital Single Market.
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies provide means to build trust into every transaction
without the need for central authorities. They are capable of enabling micropayments without
transaction fees. They are also valuable in providing proof-of-origin for data sets as well as proof-of-
integrity for data lakes.
Decentralized, yet federated: the shown reference architecture describes a data economy without
need for a central entity or centralized powers, which could offer a foundation for a fair distribution
of revenue streams. The federation is achieved through the mirroring process.
Governance presents some of the most complex problems in this space. It is difficult to define
sustainable governance models for new technology solutions when new models appear
continuously and the oldest model is only a few years’ old. The governance challenge is two-fold:
Keeping up with evolving models and technologies, such as blockchain and distributed
ledger technologies, including “their potential to transform and even reinvigorate the
governance of cities
Ensuring a fair distribution of revenue streams and avoiding the creation of new
. Sarah Barnes, Smart cities and urban data platforms: Designing interfaces for smart governance. City, Culture and Society
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9.3.3 The example of a Mobility Data Marketplace [47]
Smart mobility is reaching an inflection point driven by two market developments:
A. electric mobility which is finally entering the mainstream and
B. car (and infrastructure) connectivity being leveraged beyond its originally intended uses such as
infotainment and optimized navigation.
Connectivity, combined with advances in sensor technology, are driving a paradigm shift towards a
crowdsourcing data driven smart mobility through the deployment of new services for energy efficiency,
usage-based insurance, parking, retail, maintenance, etc. Electric mobility enlarges the plethora of possible
applications through opening-up the set of possible use cases to a wealth of cross domain ones with deep
impact on the energy sector which is facing the challenges of ensuring resiliency and maximizing the use of
The discussion is not anymore about the need for mobility data marketplaces or not. The discussion is more
how will it happen?
what are the remaining technology and governance gaps to be addressed before reaching wide scale
what synergies will it have with smart cities, smart energy marketplaces, etc.
Concerning the applications and cross-cutting use cases driving the need for data marketplaces, similar to the
Internet development, it’s not feasible to predict the future applications or use cases that innovators will come-
up with, as long as the infrastructure is built in a user-centric, components reuse and fair sharing of revenue
streams in mind.
Today, some pilot use cases are explored to accelerate deployment of EV charging points related to housing
companies, smart mobility stations, private parking space providers (like railway stations, retail, commercial
parking space operators, etc.) smart districts, smart lighting, etc.
Use cases include examples where a car can become an energy resource to allow a train station for instance to
become resilient against sudden disruption in the electricity grid. Other use cases relate to maximising the use
of renewables and trading flexibility with the energy providers who need to shape demand during peak hours.
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020 Actors of a Mobility Data Marketplace
When it comes to smart and electric mobility, the actors could be described as follows:
Data Sellers: they include automotive OEMs, mobility and fleet management service providers, charge
point operators, power suppliers, energy grid operators, etc.
Data Buyers: they include potentially all of the above players in addition to (entrepreneur) application
developers, home and building energy management service providers, etc. The data buyers will
typically use processed and context enriched data to provide value to end users and generate new
revenue streams. Examples of new revenue streams include trading flexibility to energy providers,
prediction of the formation of potholes and the whole area of user enriched mapping.
Data Marketplace: similar to digital marketplaces, data marketplaces connect together data producers
and data consumers with different options for financial settlements and the range of value-added
services provided. Data marketplace providers will typically incentivize the data producers to
continue producing quality data of interest to data buyers. Possible business models for a Mobility Data Marketplace
The followings are possible business models for a Mobility Data Marketplace:
Neutral host: assumes that a neutral entity, that is not specifically owned by any of the data producers
or consumers is responsible for collecting the data, sharing the data and managing the data lifecycle
according to user consent and applicable regulations. The ownership of the neutral host service
provider could be a joint venture between stakeholders including, OEMs, cities, transportation, etc.
This model may speak in favor of coopetition (cooperating and competing at the same time) which is
a key for the success of a data driven mobility.
Federated data marketplace: assumes multiple data marketplaces share and mirror metadata
(information about data) allowing any user to discover data-sets stored in third parties
marketplaces and eventually acquiring them without being directly affiliated with that market place.
Hybrid data marketplace: assumes both of the previous models where for example a neutral host could
be implemented for mobility while a federation approach would allow to onboard data sets from
energy and smart cities data marketplaces.
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9.3.4 Market inhibitors and technology gaps of a Mobility Data Marketplace
Figure 9-5 illustrates market inhibitors of a Mobility Data Marketplace.
Figure 9-5: Market inhibitors of a Mobility Data Marketplace
Compliance and trust: as we build cross domain applications, privacy protection for both personal and
non-personal data becomes very challenging at the technical level. Several solutions have been
explored at length by academia, but their wide scale implementation did not enter the mainstream
yet. Users have also lost some trust in service providers but the situation is changing since GDPR
entered into force.
Cross sector collaboration: energy, ICT, IoT and smart cities have traditionally focused on their own
needs without paying much attention to cross sector collaboration. Building successful marketplaces
supporting the EU digital single market will need increased collaboration because eventually a big
proportion of use cases will be cross sectors.
Diversity of data formats: different data formats have proven to prevent cost efficient integration at
scale. All vendors claim to have RESTful API, but their own. The market needs to solve data
interoperability issues through a limited number of APIs and data models. Eventually when more
experience is built, regulation can help in order to reduce the number of possible options.
Siloed business models: Working in isolation, the mobility sector may not be capable of transforming
mobility and bringing new services to consumers, the same applies to the energy, smart cities, etc.
This transformation will call for all the sectors to cooperate and compete at the same time
(coopetition). Interacting and learning from experiences of successful cross-sector marketplaces,
creating interfaces with other marketplaces and collaborate extensively with technology providers
and connectivity providers will be essential to move beyond a siloed approach.
Availability of metadata standards: data proliferation argues for the need of metadata, an approach to
describe what the data is about and what it could be used for. The buyer must A. have the means to
discover accurately data and B. understand its value and intended use. This is the role of metadata
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Fair revenue sharing: building data marketplaces would need creating the conditions for fair revenue
sharing models and avoiding new monopolies. As we build operational experience with data
marketplaces, this aspect needs particular attention from a governance and policy making
9.4 Relationship to other service platforms
Editor’s note: the implementation of the platform interoperability approaches described in could be
considered in this clause (reference points/interfaces, stakeholders, ). Also, use cases developed by LSPs
could be useful for specific implementation guidelines on platform-to-platform interoperability related to
different IoT sectors.
Figure 9-6 shows the interface E-2 to other service platforms. Interface E-2 is a multipoint interface that
allows to connect the IoT Entity to other service platforms such as a maps server. The rationale for E-2 is the
need to provide integration of IoT data with other non IoT data. Typically, E-2 consists of a
publish/subscribe based protocol such as MQTT or OMA NGSI. The FIWARE project suggests the use of APIs
specified on top of the OMA NGSI protocol for the E-2 interface.
Figure 9-6: E-2 interface illustration
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Figure 9-7 provides an example of message flow using the E-2 interface. In this example two kinds of
interactions on the E-2 interface are depicted. The first interaction is query based where the IoT Entity query
the information from the Broker functionality. In the second interaction, the IoT Entity subscribes for a
specific event and gets notifications when the event occurs.
Figure 9-7: Example of message flow illustrating the E-2 interface
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10. Artificial Intelligence for IoT
NOTE- Topic for study in following Release(s) of this document.
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Annex I Additional mappings
Annex I-1 Mapping to ETSI SmartBAN
ETSI SmartBAN technical committee addresses all aspects related to BANs (Body Area Networks).
These include:
aspects and operations related to BANs from lower layers up to service and application layer
aspects related to heterogeneity/interoperability management, including syntactic and
semantic interoperability
ETSI SmartBAN currently addresses verticals that are related to eHealth, wellbeing/wellness and
personal safety. Figure I.1 shows the scope of ETSI SmartBAN.
Figure I-1: ETSI SmartBAN deployment example concepts
ETSI DTR/SmartBAN-004 reference architecture provides a layered reference architecture for
SmartBAN. The reference architecture is depicted in the following figure I.2 which shows a
layered approach with an Application Layer, a Service Layer, a Semantic Layer and a Data
provision layer.
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Figure I-2: ETSI SmartBAN reference architecture
Key observations about this reference architecture include:
A distributed multi-agent based IoT architecture for both:
allowing generic and secure interaction/access to any BAN data/entities,
providing a unified IoT platform for BAN distributed monitoring and control
The architecture is semantic enabled. It relies on ETSI SmartBAN data/service model and
corresponding ontologies (ETSI DTS/SmartBAN-009 and DTS/SmartBAN-009r1 standards).
The following figure I-3 provides a binding between the ETSI SmartBAN architecture and the
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Figure I-3: ETSI SmartBAN reference architecture mapping to AIOTI HLA
In this figure we can see:
Direct mapping between ETSI SmartBAN and AIOTI application layers is provided
Each entity of ETSI SmartBAN Service and Semantic Data layers can fully be considered as an
IoT entity and thus is considered to be a part of the AIOTI HLA IoT Layer,
SmartBAN Data Provision Layer and IoT Network Layer have exactly the same role (direct
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Annex II IoT standards gaps and relationship to HLA
Editor’s note: this Annex should be enhanced in order to align with the HLA related progress of the
AIOTI WG3 “Gaps” Task Force.
The work of standardisation never stops whichever domain is concerned, IoT being no different.
At any moment, new issues arise that cannot be dealt with given the current status of (in
particular technical) standardisation. The emergence of these gaps, and the initiatives taken for
their resolution, define the evolution of the roadmap of standards development
In October 2016, ETSI has published a report [13] aiming at the identification of gaps related to
IoT. Those gaps were in three categories: technical, business and societal (the latter category
including security or privacy). Amongst those gaps, a certain number can be mapped on the
AIOTI HLA, thus showing where the problems arise and where in the IoT standardisation
landscape - their resolution can be anticipated.
Those gaps are listed in Table II-1 below that lists a certain number of gaps and a tentative
identification of the areas of the AIOTI HLA Functional model where their impact is most visible.
Competing communications and networking technologies
Network layer
Easy standard translation mechanisms for data interoperability
IoT and application layers
Standards to interpret the sensor data in an identical manner across
heterogeneous platforms
IoT layer
APIs to support application portability among devices/terminals
IoT layer
Fragmentation due to competitive platforms
Not specific to HLA
Tools to enable ease of installation, configuration, maintenance,
operation of devices, technologies, and platforms
Mostly IoT layer, also Appl.
and Network
Easy accessibility and usage to a large non-technical public
Not specific to HLA
Standardized methods to distribute software components to devices
across a network
IoT and network layers
Unified model/tools for deployment and management of large scale
distributed networks of devices
All layers; critical in IoT layer
Global reference for unique and secured naming mechanisms
All layers
Multiplicity of IoT HLAs, platforms and discovery mechanisms
Addressed by HLA
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Certification mechanisms defining “classes of devices”
Network layer
Data rights management (ownership, storage, sharing, selling, etc.)
All layers
Risk Management Framework and Methodology
All layers; interface
Table II-1: IoT Gaps mapped on the AIOTI HLA
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Annex III Advantages and disadvantages of end device, edge and cloud computing
Table III-2 below lists some advantages/disadvantages of end device, edge and cloud computing
End device computing
Edge computing
Cloud computing
Real time/low latency
processing (e.g. time
constrained control
loops, synchronous
Minimizes communication
delays for local sensors and
actors. However limited
computing resources could
delay complex algorithms
and all involved sensors
and actors may not be part
of the same end device
Low communication delay.
Could be placed in best
distance to all involved
High communication
delay. Shared computing
platform is often not real
time capable
Network bandwidth and
No network needed.
Local data pre-
processing reduces
upstream bandwidth
Local data pre-
processing reduces
upstream bandwidth
Always requires network
connectivity. Bandwidth
demands could be high
depending on application
Computing & storage
Low resource footprint of
some devices puts
limitations on processing
Resources could be scaled
more flexibly to processing
needs, but still has
Abundant resources that
can be scaled to all
processing needs
Offline capabilities (e.g.
emergency operation)
Works without network as
long interaction with
remote components is not
Requires only local
network connectivity
Requires always network
Energy consumption/
carbon footprint
Local processing increase
energy usage which is
critical for battery
powered end devices and
devices that do energy
harvesting. No sharing of
infrastructure is possible.
Can reduce overall power
consumption by using
otherwise lightly loaded
CPU resources in existing
edge devices (e.g. routes,
base stations) and sharing
that infrastructure
between several
applications. However
sharing capabilities might
Use of latest energy
efficient technologies and
optimized use of shared
infrastructure optimizes
use of energy resources.
Bringing all data to the
cloud without local
processing however
increase network
utilization and power
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be limited.
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Dedicated investment in
end devices needed.
However Sensors and
actors are needed anyway.
No investment in
additional resources
needed if existing
infrastructure can be
reused and shared
(gateways, base stations).
No need to invest in
dedicated computing
infrastructure (capex and
Deployment flexibility
Deployment of new
functionality may require
HW update
Provides some flexibility for
deployment of new
applications, but with
Provides highest flexibility
in application deployment
Usually no redundancy
Only limited redundancy
Managed service
platforms provide high
Remote Management
needed. Might be limited
due to device and network
Remote management
Central management of
resources. Infrastructure
managed by service
Big Data
Processing usually limited
data of the device itself
Can process data from
sources in the surrounding,
but that may provide only a
limited view on the overall
Can process and store
large amounts of data
from various sources.
Backup & Recovery
No or limited local
backup. Remote backup
might be limited due to
device and network
Local and remote backup
Backup & recovery is
integral part of cloud
Table III-2: Advantages and disadvantages of end device, edge and cloud computing
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Annex IV References
IoT-A project: http://www.meet-iot.eu/iot-a-deliverables.html
NIST big data interoperability framework: http://bigdatawg.nist.gov/V1_output_docs.php
Recommendation ITU-T Y.4000 (ex-Y.2060) “Overview of the Internet of Things”:
https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Y.4000/en, 2012
oneM2M Functional Architecture Release 1,
000 0p.pdf
Industrial Internet Reference Architecture, http://www.iiconsortium.org/IIRA.htm
AIOTI WG03 deliverable on Semantic Interoperability
Recommendation ITU-T 3600 (2015), Big data Cloud computing based requirements and
capabilities: http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Y.3600-201511-I
Recommendation ITU-T Y.4114 (2017), Specific requirements and capabilities of the
Internet of Things for Big Data: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Y.4114-201707-I
[9] 3GPP TR 23.799, "3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group
Services and System Aspects; Study on Architecture for Next Generation System”, 3GPP
TR 23.799, V14.0.0, Release 14, December 2016
NGMN Alliance, ”Description of Network Slicing Concept”, Version 1.0, January 2016,
ETSI ISG NFV, "Network Functions Virtualisation White paper on NFV Priorities for 5G",
ETSI ISG NFV, Issue 1, February 2017,
ETSI GS MEC 003 Mobile Edge Computing (MEC); Framework and Reference
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© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020
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© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020
Annex V Editors and Contributors to this Deliverable
Marco Carugi, Huawei, Germany (NEC Europe, UK, till June 2018)
Omar Elloumi, Nokia, France
Main Contributors:
Omar Elloumi, Nokia, France
Jean-Pierre Desbenoit, Schneider Electric, France Patrick Wetterwald, Cisco, France
Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei, Germany Juergen Heiles, Siemens, Germany
Paul Murdock, Landis+Gyr, Switzerland Marco Carugi, Huawei, Germany
Ovidiu Vermesan, Sintef, Norway
Martin Serrano, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Telefonica, Spain
Arthur van der Wees, Arthur’s Legal, Netherlands Franck Le Gall, EGM, France
Marc Girod Genet, Telecom SudParis, France Thomas Klein, IBM, Germany
Jason Mansell, Tecnalia, Spain Sergio Campos, Tecnalia, Spain
Emmanuel Darmois, Commledge, France
Aitor Corchero, EURECAT, Spain François Ennesser,
Gemalto, France Arne Berre, Sintef, Norway
Said Gharout, Orange, France
Mahdi Ben Alaya, Sensinov, France
Joachim Koss, Germany
Kees Kroep, UDelft,The Netherlands
R. Venkatesha Prasad, EWI, UDelft, The Netherlands
Patrick Guillemin, WG03 Chair, ETSI, France
Georgios Karagiannis, WG03 Vice-Chair, Huawei, Germany
© All rights reserved, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) 2020
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