Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
22 - 24 November 2017
Rotorua, New Zealand
Anya Seward
, Brian Carey
, Zeb Etheridge
, Melissa Climo
and Helen Rutter
GNS Science, Private Bag 2000, Taupo 2000
Environment Canterbury, PO Box 345, Christchurch 8140
3 University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140
Aqualinc Research Limited, PO Box 20462, Christchurch 8543
Keywords: Geothermal heat pumps, Christchurch, aquifer
The post-earthquake re-build of Christchurch’s inner city has
allowed large commercial-scale building owners to design
and utilise more efficient building energy systems using
aquifer based geothermal heat pump (GHP) technology. The
city is located on a series of confined aquifers, ranging in
depths from 5 m to greater than 200 m. These aquifers
contain water that is consistently between 12-13
C providing
a stable consistent source of heat energy. The systems extract
heat from this source and also use it as a sink for cooling.
The overall annual energy requirements from a large
commercial building will usually require a greater cooling
load than heating load. Six years after the earthquakes, there
are over fifteen large GHP projects under-development or
completed across the city and this paper summarises these
GHP developments with a view to showcasing the present
use of this technology in New Zealand.
Geothermal heat-pumps (also known as ground-source heat
pumps or geoexchange systems) harness low-temperature
renewable energy stored in shallow near-surface soils, rocks
and ground water at a relatively constant temperature for heat
supply and also as a heat sink when cooling is required. The
heat transferred from the subsurface is upgraded into useable
energy using mechanical compression plant that changes the
temperature of the energy supplied. In the Christchurch
circumstance the aquifer waters are at a temperature such
that free cooling is able to be used which enables energy to
be transferred to the aquifer water without requiring the use
of mechanical compression equipment. These systems are
highly effective in using a renewable energy source for
heating and cooling larger commercial facilities.
Geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems are used extensively
in Europe where they are a common technology (Weber et
al, 2014; Lind, 2011). The uptake of this technology in New
Zealand is more recent, with approximately 150 known
installations throughout of the country (Carey et al, 2015).
Most of these installations are located in the South Island,
with only a handful located in the North (GNS Geothermal
Use database - 2017). Facilities with greater heating and
cooling demand, such as airports, libraries, swimming pools,
hospitals, convention centers and larger accommodation
facilities (e.g. hotels, lodges, residential care) are adopting
aquifer-based GHP technology when the circumstances are
right. Christchurch is particularly suitable as is discussed in
this paper.
New Zealands climate is generally temperate, experiencing
neither excessive heat nor extreme cold. In the residential
home sector this has led to a history of minimal investment
in home energy systems with the population generally having
lower expectations of indoor comfort than is found in many
other nations (Climo et al, 2012). This is a barrier to the
uptake and utilisation of GHP technology in this sector
(Coyle, 2014) where these types of systems are really only
being installed in top end residential circumstances.
Christchurch city, Canterbury, has had the greatest recent
growth of GHP technology in New Zealand. The key driver
for this has been the rebuilding of a greener more energy
efficient city in the wake of the destructive 2010 / 2011
earthquakes where more than 1000 commercial buildings in
Christchurch’s central business district were destroyed,
demolished and many are now being rebuilt.
Following the demolition phase, the city’s priority was to
rebuild infrastructure and power systems, including
underground services. Christchurch City Council opened the
recovery planning process to local businesses, property
owners, public sector organisations, residents and
community groups for ideas and comments on what they
wanted in the new city. The guiding principles that emerged
(CCC, 2011) were:
To foster business investment,
To respect the past,
To have a long-term view to the future,
To be easy to get around, and
To create a vibrant central city.
The opportunity for major infrastructure re-building
provided a unique opportunity for installing shared energy
systems and improved power, water and sewerage
infrastructure. Longer term benefits including more energy
efficient resilient infrastructure using renewable lower
carbon sources of energy should feature in the rebuild
(Sustainable Cities, 2011). Unfortunately, the processes
around city energy networks were not set-up quickly enough
to enable the implementation of larger coordinated
initiatives, and businesses started to rebuild independently,
applying for energy consents individually or sometimes in
conjunction with near neighbours.
Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
22 - 24 November 2017
Rotorua, New Zealand
Figure 1: Conceptual diagram showing the groundwater flow from the foothills of the Southern Alps to the confined aquifers
under Christchurch. Image redrawn from Weeber (2008).
2.1 Geological and Hydrological setting
Christchurch is located above a series of aquifers, ranging
in depths from <13 m (Springston Formation) to depths
greater than 150 m (Figure 1). There are six separate
aquifer systems over this depth range in gravel alluvium
and glacial outwash deposits, confined by marine sediments
composed of silt, clay, peat and shelly sands, which act as
aquitards (Taylor et al, 1989).
(1) < 13 m Springston Formation (~10 m thick)
(2) 20-40 m Riccarton Gravels (~15 m thick)
(3) 50-85 m Linwood Gravels (variable thickness)
(4) 95-105 m Burwood Gravels (~5 m thick)
(5) 15- >125 m Wainonui Gravels (~5 m thick)
(6) >150 m Aquifer No 5
An artesian system occurs in the coastal area due to the
hydraulic gradient and the confining nature of the system
with the artesian pressure increasing with depth. The aquifer
transmissivities vary between <40 and up to 20,000 m
with the individual aquifer averages” being between 1200
and 4300 m
/d (Rutter, 2015) The water temperatures are
generally between 11°C and 13°C, with water originating in
the Port Hills (south of the city) generally being warmer.
The first artesian wells were drilled in the 1860s in response
to a need for uncontaminated water supply (CCL, 2016). The
number of wells reached several thousand by the late 1980s,
accessing water from up to 200 m deep for agricultural,
industrial and domestic water supply.
Prior to the Christchurch earthquakes in 2010 and 2011, GHP
schemes were required to obtain consent to extract and
discharge to groundwater or surface water. Although the
regional plan operative at the time did not allow for new
consumptive groundwater takes, GHP schemes that injected
100% of the extracted water back to the aquifer system could
be consented. Thermal impacts were managed on an effects
basis, with applicants required to assess the potential for
effects on any temperature-sensitive wells within influencing
The opportunity to support and encourage development of
high efficiency building energy solutions as part of the post-
earthquake rebuild was recognised by a number of agencies.
The city and central government agencies offered funding
grants to support feasibility studies and a contribution
towards capital costs of GHP systems (CAfE, 2013; EECA,
2015; 2016). Several issues were identified by developers as
potential deterrents to aquifer based energy system. They
(1) the additional time required for the consenting
(2) the associated uncertainty, and
(3) the additional costs involved in gaining consent.
In 2013 the opportunity was taken by the Geothermal Heat
Pump Association of New Zealand and Central Heating New
Zealand, to seek revisions to the planning rules in the
proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan.
Submissions made (Carey, 2013) sought changes to:
(1) Allow flexibility in the depth and location of the water
and heat abstraction and discharge within groundwater
allocation zones;
(2) Clearly state that non-consumptive groundwater takes,
where the take and discharge are within the same
groundwater allocation zone, would not be subject to
any groundwater allocation zone limits regardless of
the depth and location of the take and discharge;
(3) Ensure that non-consumptive takes and discharges
would be managed in the context of the groundwater
allocation zone, not the single aquifer context; and
(4) Ensure that further non-consumptive groundwater
abstraction within the Christchurch - West Melton
groundwater allocation zone was not prohibited.
Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
22 - 24 November 2017
Rotorua, New Zealand
In 2015 there were rules introduced into the Canterbury Land
and Water Plan permitting certain water takes for aquifer
thermal energy systems that applied specifically to the
central city area. The provisions are included in rule 9.5.15
of the plan (ECan, 2015). Water could be used for energy
purposes provided it was taken and then discharged to
identified aquifers and that the takes and discharges
complied with other prescribed requirements. The water is
to be extracted from aquifers between 30 m to 100 m deep,
and discharged to the shallower Riccarton aquifer below 20
m deep. Discretionary applications can be made for permits
(rule 9.5.16) where the use doesn’t meet the requirements of
the permitted activity rule.
Almost all of the commercial aquifer energy installations in
the central Christchurch city area that have been installed in
the last few years or are being planned are based on specific
consents for their facilities even though the permitted activity
rule has been in place since 2015.
4.1 Pre-Earthquake installations
The Townhall utilised the city water for heating and cooling
purposes in the 1970’s (Marshall, 2013), however the first
purpose-drilled wells for energy purposes were drilled in
1997 on the University of Canterbury’s campus. The
campus, currently has a series of seven bores ranging in
depths from 9 m to 60 m, which extract aquifer water at a
maximum rate of 5 L/s in the shallower wells, and a
maximum of 30 L/s in the deeper wells (Consent
CRC971519; ECan, 2016). The water is discharged to the
Avon River or the Okeover Stream at temperatures < 21°C.
In 2011, heat pumps and chillers were installed at
Christchurch Airport, located 12 km from the city centre.
The heat pump and chiller systems take advantage of the
12°C water in the subsurface aquifers to provide heating and
cooling to the airport buildings. Groundwater from six wells
at depths between 16 m and 40 m (Consent CRC074115.1;
ECan, 2016) pass through the heat plant being discharged
through a soak pit back into the ground. The system makes
use of a design with the water from the wells used to precool
or directly cool some components of the airport facilities.
The direct cooling bypasses the chiller systems further
enhancing the system energy effectiveness.
The airport system gained both national and international
industry recognition. It was awarded the Gold Award of
Excellence at the 2014 ACENZ Innovate NZ Awards and the
Building and Construction category at the 2014 IPENZ NZ
Engineering Excellence Awards. It won the International
Project of the Year at the 2015 CIBSE Building Performance
Awards in London.
4.2 Post 2011 Installations
The Christchurch rebuild has seen a surge in the installation
of GHP systems, unmatched elsewhere in New Zealand.
Table 1 has data for commercial facilities including the date
of completion. The influence of post 2010/11 earthquake
rebuilding on the uptake of the technology is apparent. The
table is colour coded with the known fully operational
facilities shown in green, the partially operational facilities
shown in blue and those under construction in white.
Area m2
University of Canterbury
1997 +
Christchurch International
TAIT Technology Centre
Bus Exchange
ECan office
Art Centre
St Georges Hospital
Justice Precinct
The Terrace
King Edward Barracks
Town Hall
Central Library
School of Biological
(University of Canterbury)
Convention Centre
Metro Sports Facility
New Education Building
(University of Canterbury)
Table 1: Commercial facilities using or proposing to use aquifer
water energy.
Domestically, at least 30 GHP systems have been installed
since 2010 in the Canterbury region (GNS Science, 2017).
This is about the same number that had been installed in
Canterbury prior to the earthquake. However, it is the larger
scale, commercial sector which has experienced significant
growth since 2010/11. Seven of the new installations that
have been completed or are near-completion in Christchurch
are shown in Figure 2.
The paper goes on to discuss a number of these installations.
Data has been acquired for one of the smaller installations
(ECan offices) and this is discussed in more detail.
4.2.1 Bus Exchange
The Bus Exchange is a purpose built public transport facility
located in the core of Christchurch CBD. The design process
was relatively rapid as the retail spaces were already under
construction when the site became available for the
Exchange. The Bus Exchange occupies approximately
catering for 8.6 million bus passengers per year and
approximately 1,850 buses per day (MFE, 2005). It became
operational in May 2015.
The building is heated and cooled by an aquifer GHP system,
which extracts water from a depth of 85 m (Linwood
Gravels) at a rate of up to 189,000 m
per year (Consent
CRC167902; ECan, 2016) and re-injects a similar quantity
of water at a depth of 36 m (Riccarton Gravels) (consent
CRC167904; ECan, 2016). The range of temperature change
permitted is ±6 °C.
Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
22 - 24 November 2017
Rotorua, New Zealand
Figure 2. Map showing location of new GHPs in Christchurch’s CBD. From Seward et al., 2017
4.2.2 The Arts Centre (The Performing Arts Precinct)
The Art Centre was originally established as a college
campus. Construction began with the Clock Tower block in
1877. A Girls’ High School opened the following year,
followed by the Boys’ High School three years later, and
other buildings were added as the campus expanded to also
include the University. The secondary schools moved away
from the site in 1881 and 1926, and by 1978, the University
had fully relocated to Ilam. The site’s buildings were then
transferred to the Arts Centre of Christchurch Trust Board for
a Performing Arts Precinct for creative performance, music,
drama, and dance.
Due to damage sustained from the earthquakes, an extensive
seven-year, $290 million restoration programme is currently
underway (CCC, 2015). During this period the site is to be
progressively re-opened in stages.
Prior to the earthquakes, the Art Centre Trust had considered
a GHP system to heat and cool the buildings. The heating and
cooling system for the facilities was reviewed in 2013 and
decisions to install an aquifer based GHP system made. Bores
were installed in 2014. The Art Centre is consented to take
water at rates of not more than 80 L/s (Consent CRC154729;
ECan, 2016), and inject the water with a temperature
difference range of +/- 6°C (Consent CRC154730; ECan,
2016). Four wells are used, two producing water and two
injecting water discharged from the heat plant. There are two
plant rooms as part of the site with seven heat pumps installed
between them.
4.2.3 ECan Offices
The Environmental Canterbury (ECan) offices opened in
early 2016, housing 450 staff over 5 floors, with a total floor
area of ~8000 m
(Stuff, 2016). It has a 4 Green Star rating
and is built to 120% of the current building code for building
strength. The building is heated by 0.65 MW heat plant using
artesian water. The water is extracted from well BX24/0527
(85 m depth) at a rate no greater than 33 L/s, up to a maximum
of 2500 m
per day and up to 350,000 m
per annum (average
11 L/s) (Consent CRC146483; ECan, 2016). The water is then
injected at 35 m, within a temperature range of +/- 8
C of the
extraction temperature (Consent CRC146484; ECan, 2016;).
Figure 3 is a photo of the submersible extraction pump (black
unit suspended from the crane) removed from the well.
Figure 3. ECan submersible extraction pump suspended
from crane.
Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
22 - 24 November 2017
Rotorua, New Zealand
Examples of monitored data from the ECan GHP heat plant
are shown in Figure 4 and 5 for February 2017. At a pump
rate of 30 L/s, the incoming water temperature is shown in
blue (left hand axis) and temperature difference is shown in
red (Right hand axis). The pump only operates for part of the
day and this is seen in the figure with the pump not operating
when the incoming water temperature is plotted below 5°C.
During the month of February the heat plant was operating in
cooling mode and Figure 5 is a plot of the calculated daily
energy (MJ per day) delivered to the aquifer from the heat
Figure 4. Incoming water temperature from bore BX24/0527 (Blue). Temperature difference of water injected into bore
BX24/0528 (Red right hand vertical axis). Temperature change is positive with heat plant operating in cooling mode
Figure 5. Daily energy delivered to the aquifer (Green dots in MJ per day right hand vertical axis) into bore BX24/0528
(Red data is temperature change left hand vertical axis).
Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
22 - 24 November 2017
Rotorua, New Zealand
4.2.4 Justice Precinct
The Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct is
a $300 million development project that is purpose-built to
bring together the justice and emergency services. An
estimated 2,000 people will work in or utilise the Precinct
(MOJ, 2016).
The construction of the Precinct began in mid-2014, and it is
due for occupation in July / August 2017. It will be
constructed with advanced seismic design including base
isolation. The building has a floor area of approximately
40,000 m
over five floors and will utilise aquifer based GHP
heat plant. The system installed at the Justice Precinct will
extract groundwater through three bores drilled to around 150
m. The water discharged is injected back into the groundwater
at less than 90 m depth (Consent CRC165438; ECan, 2016).
The heat plant is rated for 3 MW of cooling and 2 MW of
heating and the annual energy delivered from the plant is
estimated to be 4.2 GWh for cooling and 2.2 GWh for heating.
4.2.5 The Terrace
The Terrace is a $120 million redevelopment of the
Christchurch hospitality precinct that will house 16
restaurants and bars, a large 4,000 m
office building and a
car park building.
Heating and cooling for part of the complex will be through a
500 kW heat pump extracting water from the Linwood
Formation (85 m deep) and returning water to the Riccarton
Gravel Formation (30 m). The temperature difference
between extraction and injection can be up to +/- 8°C. The
facility has been approved by the Canterbury Regional
Council to abstract groundwater at a rate of up to 47 L/s, to a
maximum volume of 830,000 m
per annum (averaged take
26.3 L/s) from two bores (Consent CRC156321; ECan, 2016),
and to discharge the water to the Riccarton gravel aquifer
(Consent CRC156322; ECan, 2016).
4.2.6 King Edward Barracks Site
The King Edward Barracks were built in 1905. It was used for
drilling and housing soldiers and later for civic functions and
social occasions until 1993. The area is now planned for a
combination of commercial, residential and parking buildings
(Ngai Tahu, 2015). The piazza and open urban spaces on the
site are to be utilised as public space. A 30,000 m
building is
planned for the area which will house offices and an
apartment complex. Up to 1,500 workers will occupy the site.
The King Edward Barracks site has been consented to extract
at a maximum rate of 80 L/s from a depth of 128 m, up to a
maximum of 1,264,896 m
per year (averaged take 40 L/s)
(Consent CRC168911; ECan, 2016). Heat is to be extracted
from the aquifer water using 1.5-2.5 MW heat plant. The
water will then be injected to a depth of 38.5 m (Consent
CRC168912; ECan, 2016) at a water temperature in the range
+/- 8°C from the extraction temperature.
4.2.7 Christchurch Town Hall
The Christchurch Town Hall suffered significant damage
during the 2011 earthquake, mostly due to liquefaction. The
main auditorium was able to be saved, but the rest of the
building was demolished. The rebuild began in November
2015 to install concrete piles into the ground to support the
auditorium and to provide stability in the event of future
liquefaction. The rebuild of the Town Hall aims to keep the
original charm and characteristics, while making it a state of
the art performance venue (CCC, 2015).
The original Town Hall that opened in 1972, was equipped
with a heat pump system that was well maintained utilising
the council’s mains cold water system to provide most of the
heating and cooling requirements of the building (Marshall,
2013). Unfortunately, this system suffered damage from the
flooding of the Avon River so will be replaced with a more
efficient aquifer based GHP heat plant that will extract
groundwater from 80 m depth and discharge the water to the
Avon River (Marshall, 2013).
Geothermal heating and cooling technology in Christchurch
utilises the abundant renewable energy aquifer resource that
underlies the city. There has been significant growth in GHP
installations in Christchurch following the 2010/11
earthquakes. Fourteen large-scale commercial GHP
developments have been completed or are underway in the
city as part of the rebuild. These range in size up to 3 MW in
capacity serving buildings with floor areas of up to 40,000 m
This opportunity for GHP growth has been supported by
government incentives, a permissive rule frame framework, a
small network of experienced designers and installers
underpinned by a push for renewable and sustainable building
energy choices as part of the city rebuild.
The rate of domestic GHP installations in Canterbury has
continued to remain steady, at around ten per year.
Christchurch is leading the way in the New Zealand GHP
market, and surely stands as an exemplar of the uptake of this
technology for the rest of the nation.
This research was supported by New Zealand Government-
funded geothermal research funding at GNS Science. Thanks
to designers, installers and companies who provided technical
information on the Christchurch GHP installations and the
history for this paper.
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