Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Ma xim ize You r Pot e n t ia l:
Create a Great Resume
Maximize Your Potential
Develop a Career Plan
We appreciate your patience while we
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On lin e - everyone will be (should be) MUTED
Those with cameras be aware of background turn
off cam era if n ece ssary
Use the chat box or Q&A box if need to comment or
ask questions
Po lls m a y b e u se d - please participate when
Attendance will be recorded
Thank You For Joining Us -
What to Expect
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Workshop Start-Up
Please turn off (silence) and put away cell phones or other
electronic devices
Welcome to ask questions
If needed, feel free to stand; remain at least 6ft from others;
please let me know of other accommodation requests
Workshop Objective
Discuss current best practices effective résumés; including
tips for cover letters and references.
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
30-Se con d Act ivit y
Ple a se te ll u s :
Your name
Yo u r to p 4 skills
But, you only have 30
What is the significance of 30 seconds?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Wh y
have a
Who has control:
Em p lo ye r co n tro ls wh a t in fo rm a tio n is
gathered (and required) on an application.
You control the message and information
relayed on a résumé!
o co n ve y tra n s fe rra b le skills
o ro o m to re la y e xa m p le s o r s kills
o connect the dots for employers
o focus more on skills/experience rather
than employment situation
Résumés are often required with online applications
Résumés and cover letters can be seen as your first
work s a m p le
Résumés needs to be consistent with application data
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
10-12 point font
Times New Roman, Arial, Cambria
Use bold or
ita lics
for section
headings only
1 page preferred (2 pages maximum)
Do not fold or staple your pages together
Print on résumé paper
Do not use abbreviations wh y?
No colors, borders or pictures
Be consistent with format
Use Spell Check
Get it reviewed
Th e
Ba sics
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Resume Styles
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Header Block (Contact
Billb o a rd Se ctio n (Skills Su m m a ry)
Experience/Work History
Other may include Experience
Se ctio n
Milita ry
Community/Volunteer Work
Aw a r d s
Esse n t ia l
Re su m e
Se ct io n s
No More Objectives!
No References or References
Available Upon Request!
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Header Block (Contact Information)
Professional voicemail set up and checked often
Professional email address checked often
Good Example:
John Doe
Best Town, Iowa 12345
Not So Good Example:
John Doe
Best Town, IA 12345
555.555.5555 (c)
class1995partyanimal@e-m a m
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Em a il Ad d re sse s,, - Must verify with a phone
Ya n d e m , Ma m - Can be set up without a phone number
Phone Number
Professional and personalized outgoing message
Gm a il h a s a fe a tu re ca lle d Go o gle Vo ice
Em p lo ye rs ca n ca ll a n d le a ve a vo ice m a il, wh ich is a ls o co n ve rte d
into a written message for you to read
Ability to text back and forth with friends and family
Setting Up Email Addresses and
Phone Numbers
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
What Do You Think of When You See This?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
High ligh ts s kills m o st
relevant to the job for which
you are applying
Show the employer you are
the best fit for the position
Tell the employer what an
a ss e t yo u will b e to th e ir
Update this section each
time you apply for a job
Skills Su m m a ry (Billboa rd Se ct ion )
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Get ready to chat
Su b m it 5 wo rk s kills th a t
you have
Identify skills that you had
in common with others
Wh a t s kills we re unique to
Act ivit y
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Examples of Fluff Words:
Team player
Fluff words can be
defined differently for
different people
Fluff Words vs. Keywords
Examples of Keywords:
Repair grain bins and grain
Build scaffolding, shoring and
Maintain patient care log
Usually found in the job
Specific to the position
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
30-Second Review
Optimization Software
Connect enough dots,
and you will end up in the
To Be Interviewed Pile”.
Why are Keywords Important?
Wh a t is it?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Performs pre-pour inspection of all forms, reinforcement,
steel and inserts, in a timely manner to maintain
optimized workflow and assists in finding ways to
decrease delays and cause for rework.
Maintains daily and project production records.
Ch e cks a n d ve rifie s a ll d im e n s io n s o f ca st-in embeds.
Completes daily quality control documentation.
Inspects all finished product. Documents and follows-up
on any precast product that requires patching or rework.
Ensures that all precast products are correctly marked.
Assists other Quality Control personnel in testing of
materials and finished products as required.
Assumes responsibility for maintaining plant and yard
safety in accordance with company Safety Manual and
under the direction of the Safety Coordinator.
Qu a lit y
In sp e ct o r
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Prepares patients for examinations by performing routine patient screenings prior
to p ro vid e r se e in g th e p a tie n t wh ile fa cilita tin g clin ic wo rkflo w.
Informs the patient/family whenever there is a delay.
Performs basic lab tests per protocol and/or order, based on departmental need.
Clean exam rooms after each patient in preparation for next patient.
Ma in ta in s s u p p lie s in e xa m ro o m s s p e cific to clin ic sp e cia lty.
Employs professional telephone and interpersonal communication techniques.
Pe rfo rm s a ccu ra te , le ga l, a n d e th ica l d o cu m e n ta tio n a t a ll tim e s.
Ab stra cts la b re su lts fro m o u ts id e fa cilitie s a s d e le ga te d b y RN.
Provides instructions on basic equipment based on departmental need.
Orders and maintains appropriate levels of supplies and equipment based on
departmental need.
De m on s tra te s co m m u n ica tio n skills u sin g a p p ro p ria te m e d ica l te rm in o lo gy.
Schedules/coordinates and monitors patient appointments.
Regular attendance at work is an essential function of the job.
Me dica l Assist a n t
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Identify keywords and skills
Check your resume to identify if
these are already listed
If they are not listed, include your
knowledge/experience with these
a re a s in yo u r Billb o a rd Se ctio n
Billboa rd
Se ct io n
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Last 10 years of work history
5-6 bullet points per job
Don t u se I, m e, o r m y
Past tense for previous jobs
Present tense for current jobs
Work History
Ca s h ie r Nov. 2012 - Jan. 2014
Qu icky Ma rt, De s Mo in e s, IA
Completed monthly work schedules for 15 employees
Reconciled cash drawer after each shift
Opened and closed store
Cleaned and stocked areas
Greeted customers in a friendly manner as they entered
Maintained positive team environment
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
A p r o ve -it sto ry is a jo b -related
story that validates your skills.
Tell the employer not just what
you did - but
how well you did
You say that you know how to
use tools? Now, Prove-It .
What tools do you know how to use?
How do you use these tools?
How often do you use these tools?
Wh a t
is a
St o r y?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Should be
Sh ort
Related to the job you are seeking
Begin with an action word and followed
by a description
Specific (use #s, $s, %s, frequency,
volume per week/month/year, etc.)
Emphasize results (increased profit,
decreased waste, saved man hours, etc.)
St o r ie s
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Do n o t ta lk in 1
person (No Is)
Do not type out numbers (fifteen
should be 15)
Do not use abbreviations (CNA
should be Certified Nursing
Do not list anything negative
Do not use fluff words
St o r y
Tip s
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Responsible for opening and
closing the store when owner was
Rotated jobs to learn variety of
machines and tools relevant to
each department.
Responsible for handling 75
customer transactions ranging
from $1 - $5,000 and receipts
always balanced against daily sales.
Cooked meals for 50 - 100 people
d a ily wh ile fo llo win g sp e cific d ie ts
for each person.
Ex a m p le s
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
I prepared twenty pizzas for
every shift that I worked to
fill cu s to m e rs o rd e rs.
Wh a t
Would You
Prepared 20 pizzas per
sh ift to fill customers’
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
I am a hard worker because
I show up on time every
day and cover shifts when
others are not available.
Wh a t
Would You
Dedicated to show up on
time daily and covers
shifts when others are not
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Assisted residents with daily
a ctivitie s.
Wh a t
Would You
Assisted 35 residents with
d a ily activities such as
bathing, brushing teeth,
dressing, and eating.
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Use STAR for Improving Prove-It Stories
ST = Situation and/or Task detailed list of duties or tasks
A = Action
segments starting with one or more action verbs
R = Results
outcomes; benefits;
scope; how big, much and many
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Te ll m e n ot on ly w h a t you did, bu t h ow we ll.
R = Supervised and trained a team of 40 employees on two shifts that
surpassed production goals five consecutive years
R = Supervised and trained a team that exceeded production goals
A = Supervised and trained employees
ST = I supervised production workers. My duties also included training
and monitoring. quality of work
Example Production Supervisor:
Who would you interview?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Te ll m e n ot on ly w h a t you did, bu t h ow we ll.
R = Entered data into multiple computer systems with 98.7% accuracy
R = Entered data in inventory system with high accuracy
A = Entered data in inventory system
ST = Data entry
Example Office Assistant
Who would you interview?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
How would
t h is?
CSR 2005 Present
XYZ Company; Anywhere, Iowa
Took inbound phone call for customers,
entered data in computer, forwarded
difficult callers to supervisor, attended
staff meetings and trainings, etc.
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Job Seeker Changed it to…
Customer Service Representative 2005 Present
XYZ Company; Anywhere, Iowa
Receive calls from customers in 35 states and assist them with their
service needs
Troubleshoot questions for up to 15 different product or lines while
navigating three computer systems
Quickly learned and implemented new computer system; asked to
train and mentor other employees
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
How would
t h is?
05/2016 Aug. 2017
Widget Company; Best Town, Iowa
Assembly line work, made and packgd
products, inspection kept work area clean,
good attendance
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Job Seeker Changed it to
Produ ct ion Asse m ble r May 2016 August 2017
Widget Company; Best Town, IA
Looked up orders on computer, pulled items from inventory and laid
out parts according to specifications
Efficiently assembled and packaged products to meet shipment
Recognized twice by management for dedication and flexibility with
work hours
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Create a Great Resume
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Include the institution, city and state
List chronologically beginning with the most recent
Include the year attained if within 1-2 years
If currently in school, list Anticipated Graduation Date
Associa t e s Degre e in Crim in a l Ju st ice An t icipa t e d Ma y 2017
Local Iowa Community College, Anywhere, Iowa
10-Hour OSHA Certificate
XYZ Corporation; Here, Iowa
High Sch ool Diplom a
My Town High School; My Town, Iowa
Education and Certifications
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Edu ca t ion Tips
Things to Consider
Where do I put this section? Top or bottom?
Do I list the year completed?
Do I list High Sch o o l Dip lo m a o r High Sch o o l
Equivalency Degree if I have an advanced degree?
Do I list a d e gre e /ce rtifica tio n if it is n o t co m p le te d
or expired?
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Benefit h e lps
t o e xpla in ga ps
in work
Community/Volunteer Work
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Provided on a separate sheet of
Format should mimic your resume
3 5 professional references
No family members
Previous/current coworkers or
supervisors only
No more “References available on
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
to Obtain
Relationship to You (ex - Previous
Title (ex - Lead Machinist)
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
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Create a Great Resume
Your Contact Information
Date of the Cover Letter
Employers Contact Information
3 paragraphs
Your Signature
Co ve r
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Your Contact Information
Should match the same information as the Header on your
Employers Contact Information
Address to the Hiring Manager (if known)
If you are unsure who the Hiring Manager is, you can putHiring
Manager orHuman Resources or even "Search Committee"
Contact Information
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
The position you are applying for
The company you are applying with
How you heard about the position
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
What makes you qualified for the job?
Lis t a ll s kills a n d a b ilitie s th a t a re
relevant to the position.
Try to h igh ligh t s kills th a t a re n o t liste d
on your résumé if possible.
Match words and responsibilities from
jo b d e s crip tio n if p o ss ib le
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
State that you would like to move
forward with the hiring process
Thank them for their time
Remember to sign the bottom of the
le tte r if p o ss ib le
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
Io w a WO RKS
You can begin working on your resume by
logging on to your account.
Automatically formats
System walks you
through creating a
Maximize Your Potential
Create a Great Resume
We are here to help
Career Planners are available in your local IowaW ORKS American Job
Centers to help you 1 on 1 with your job search! They can help identify open
job opportunities, craft your perfect resume, conduct a mock interview and
Schedule a time to meet with one of our skilled career planners either in
person or online! Contact your local center or schedule a virtual meeting by
logging into and going to Meetings on your Dashboard!
Find contact information for your
local center at
Maximize Your Potential
Let Us Know! Topics to Consider
We Are Here For YOU!
Wow Employers in 30 Seconds!
Mock Interviews
Secret Interviewing Tips and
Conflict in the Workplace
Bring Your A Game to Work
Make a Great Resume
Make a Great Resume
Top Job Search Strategies
How to Keep a Positive
Attitude While Job Searching
Budgeting and Money
Thank you for
attending today’s