Protecting lone
How to manage the risks
of working alone
Protecting lone
How to manage the risks
ofworking alone
03/20 INDG73(rev4)
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TSO London
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
This guidance explains how to keep lone workers healthy and safe. It is
for anyone whoemploys lone workers, or engages them as contractors
etc, including self-employed people or those who work alone.
Lone workers face the same hazards at work as anyone else, but
there is a greater risk of these hazards causing harm as they may
not have anyone to help or support them if thingsgo wrong.
As an employer, you should provide training, supervision, monitoring
and support for lone workers.
Who are lone workers and what jobs do they do?
A lone worker is ‘someone who works by themselves without close or
direct supervision’. They exist in all sectors and include those who:
work alone at a fixed base, for example in shops, petrol
stations, factories, warehouses or leisure centres;
work separately from other people on the same premises or
outside normal working hours, for example security staff,
cleaners, maintenance and repair staff;
work at home;
work away from a fixed base, such as:
health, medical and social care workers visiting people’s
homes etc;
workers involved in construction, maintenance and repair
including engineers, plant installation and cleaning workers;
engineers, assessors and delivery drivers of equipment and
supplies who attend construction projects;
service workers, including postal staff, taxi drivers,
engineers, estate agents, and sales or service
representatives visiting domestic and commercial premises;
delivery drivers including HGV drivers, van driver/couriers
and car/bike-based couriers;
agricultural and forestry workers;
are volunteers carrying out work on their own, for charities or
voluntary organisations (fundraising, litter-picking etc). More
information is available at:
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
Changing ways ofworking
Ways of working are changing with automation and greater use of
technology. Types of workers are also changing, for example people
are working until they are older. This means employers need to think
differently when considering how to keep them healthy and safe.
The gig economy is also increasing and features short-term, informal
working relationships where work is generally:
obtained through an online platform;
delivered on a task-by-task basis.
These workers are usually independent contractors, freelancers or
self-employed. Many are lone workers, working to deadlines and
exposed to specific road risks for work-related journeys.
Equally, lone HGV drivers are likely to experience long, unsociable
hours, high physical and mental demands, and often long periods of
sedentary work. Employers should monitor drivers’ health regularly
and adapt their work to accommodate any individual health needs.
All of these factors can have adverse health consequences for workers,
such as musculoskeletal disorders, stress, tiredness and fatigue, as
well as issues associated with poor or irregular eating habits.
Health and safety law
The guidance in this leaflet will help you, as an employer,
understand what you should do to comply with your legal duties
towards all lone workers under:
the Health and Safety at Work etc Act;
the Management of Health and Safety atWork Regulations.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
Is it legal to work alone and is itsafe?
You are responsible for the health, safety and welfare at work of all
your workers, and this applies to any contractors, volunteers or self-
employed people. These responsibilities cannot be transferred to
any other person, including to those people who work alone.
It will often be safe to work alone. However, the law requires you to
think about and deal with any health and safety risks before people
are allowed to do so.
Establishing a healthy and safe working environment for lone
workers can be differentfrom organising the health and safetyof
other workers. Some things to consider in ensuring lone workers
are notput at risk include:
assessing areas of risk including violence, manual handling,
the medical suitability of the individual to work alone and
whether the workplace itself presents a risk to them;
requirements for training, levels of experience and how best to
monitor and supervise them;
having systems in place to keep in touch with them and
respond to any incident.
Employees and some self-employed workers also have
responsibilities to take reasonable care of themselves and other
people affected by their work activities and to co-operate with their
employers in meeting their legal obligations. See the ‘Responsibilities
of workers’ section towards the end of this leaflet.
Managing the risks
The law says that employers must assess and control the risks in
their workplace.
You must think about what might cause harm to people and decide
whether you are doing enough to prevent that harm. If you employ
five or more workers, you must write down what you’ve found.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
That record should include:
the hazards (things that may cause harm);
how they may harm people;
what you are already doing to control therisks.
You must review and update this record, for example if anything
There is no legal requirement to conduct a specific, separate risk
assessment for lone workers. However, you have a duty to include
risks to lone workers in your general risk assessment and take
steps to avoid or control risks where necessary. This must include:
involving workers when considering potential risks and
measures to control them;
taking steps to ensure risks are removed where possible, or
putting in place control measures, for example by carefully
selecting work equipment to ensure the worker can perform
what is required safely;
instruction, training and supervision;
reviewing risk assessments periodically and updating them
after any significant changes, such as new staff, processes
when the lone worker is working at another employer’s
workplace, consulting with that employer to identify any risks
and required control measures.
Risk assessment should help you decide on the right level of
supervision for lone workers. There are some high-risk activities
where at least one other person may need to be present. Examples
include working:
in a confined space, where a supervisor may need to be
present, along with someone dedicated to the rescue role;
near exposed live electricity conductors;
in diving operations, vehicles carrying explosives or fumigation.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
You should take account of normal work and foreseeable
emergencies such as fire, equipment failure, illness and accidents.
Consider how to control the risks by thinking about who will be
involved, where the work will happen and what triggers might be
more of an impact for lone workers.
More advice on managing risks is available at:
You should consider the lone worker, the people they may come into
contact with, the work they are carrying out, and how this may
impact on the risk:
How experienced is the worker in their role and in working alone?
Has the worker received relevant training?
Are there any reasons why the worker might be more
vulnerable, for example are they young, pregnant, disabled or
a trainee?
Environment and equipment
Consider the environment the worker is in and the equipment they
are using:
Does the workplace present a specific risk to the worker, such
as operating equipment alone or lifting objects too large for
one person?
Is the work in a rural or isolated area?
Is the worker going into someone else’s home or premises?
Is there a safe way in or out for one person working outside
normal hours?
Does the worker have adequate and reliable means of
communication and a way to call for help?
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
How could the work trigger an incident?
Consider the activity being carried out by a lone worker and how it
might trigger an incident:
Is the work a security role, for example having authority over
customers and enforcing rules?
Does the work involve handling cash, asking for payment or
removing goods or property?
Stress, mental health and wellbeing
Lone working can negatively impact on employees’ work-related
stress levels and their mental health.
For example, the Stress Management Standards include factors
such as relationships with, and support from, other workers and
managers. If these are not managed properly, they can lead to
work-related stress. Being away from managers and colleagues
could mean good support is more difficult to achieve.
Putting procedures in place that allow direct contact between the
lone worker and their manager can help. Managing work-related
stress relies on understanding what is ‘normal behaviour’ for an
employee and recognising abnormal behaviour or symptoms at an
early point (
If contact is poor, employees may feel disconnected, isolated or
abandoned, which can affect their performance and potentially their
stress levels or mental health.
Keeping contact with lone workers
You should:
agree how to keep in touch with lone workers through regular
meetings, or provide other opportunities to share concerns;
include lone workers in social events and work or team updates;
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
ensure lone workers are included in any consultation on
changes – they may have unique implications for them;
make sure lone workers are included in any training that
You can find advice on consulting workers at:
Providing support on mental health
Work can also aggravate pre-existing conditions, and problems at
work can bring on symptoms or make their effects worse. Whether
work is causing the health issue or aggravating it, you have a legal
responsibility to help your employees.
Work-related mental health issues must be assessed to measure
the levels of risk to staff. Where a risk is identified, you must take
steps to remove it or reduce it as far as reasonably practicable.
If a lone worker has a pre-existing mental health condition, you may
need to make reasonable adjustments to their work or workplace
and this may require additional interventions, including those
required by the Equality Act 2010:
You can find work-related mental health advice on HSE’s website at
Work-related violence
Any form of violence against workers is unacceptable and may
affect their psychological as well as their physical health.
Lone working does not automatically imply a higher risk of violence,
but it does make workers more vulnerable. The lack of nearby
support from a colleague means that lone workers may be less able
to prevent an incident from occurring.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
Some of the key violence risks in the workplace can include:
working in locations where there is a known high risk of violence;
late evening or early morning work when there are fewer
workers around;
when workers, such as security staff, hold positions of
authority over customers or clients;
alcohol and drug use by clients or members of the public lone
workers have contact with;
carrying money and/or valuable equipment.
Training in personal safety, which may include conflict resolution,
can help a worker recognise situations where they may be at risk
and to take appropriate steps to avoid or manage the risk.
Other measures to consider include modification or design of the
work environment, if appropriate, to avoid workers being isolated
and providing work equipment such as devices designed to raise
the alarm in an emergency which can be operated manually or
automatically, eg phones or radios.
Employers should have measures in place to support any worker who
has been subject to an abusive or violent incident – workers should
also play an important part in identifying and reporting incidents.
The consequences of violence to lone workers can impact on
businesses in several ways including staff turnover, low productivity
and damage to business reputation.
The impact of violence on a lone worker can lead to work-related
stress, which may have serious and long-term effects on their
psychological, physical and mental health.
HSE’s work-related violence website includes advice and case
studies on preventing violence towards lone workers:
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
What if a lone workers first language is not English?
If a lone worker’s first language is not English, you should
ensurethat suitable arrangements are in place to provide clear
communications, especially in an emergency.
Workers from outside the UK may encounter unfamiliar risks in the jobs
that they do and in a working environment with a workplace culture
that may be very different from that of their country of origin.
You must ensure workers have received and understood the
information, instruction and training they need to work safely.
There is more information at:
Can someone work alone if they have a
medical condition?
You should seek medical advice if necessary. Consider both routine
work and foreseeable emergencies that may put additional physical
and mental burdens on an individual.
What if a person becomes ill, has an accident, or
there is an emergency?
Your assessment of the risks should identify foreseeable events.
Emergency procedures should be established, put in place and
employees should be trained in them.
Regular and realistic practice should take place to allow quick and
effective action to ease the situation and reduce the consequences.
Your risk assessment may indicate that some lone workers
should carry first aid equipment and/or may need first aid training
(including how to administer first aid to themselves). They should
also have access to adequate first aid facilities.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
Emergency procedures should also include appropriate guidance on
how and when lone workers can contact their employer.
More information on first aid is available at:
What if a lone worker is working from home?
You have the same responsibility for the safety and health of
employees who work from home as for any other employees.
This means providing supervision, education and training, as well as
implementing enough control measures to protect the homeworker.
You should accept liability for accident or injury of a homeworker as
for any other employee.
Training is important where there is limited supervision to control,
guide and help in uncertain situations. It may also be crucial in
enabling people to cope in unexpected circumstances and with
potential exposure to violence and aggression.
Lone workers are usually unable to ask more experienced colleagues
for help, so extra training may be appropriate. They need to be
sufficiently experienced and fully understand the risks and
precautions involved in their work and the location that they work
in. Training should be relevant to the work activity.
You should set the limits to what can and cannot be done while
working alone. Ensure workers are:
competent to deal with the requirements of the job;
suitably trained in the use of any technical solutions provided;
able to recognise when to seek advice from elsewhere.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
The extent of supervision required depends on the risks involved
and the ability of the lone worker to identify and handle health and
safety issues.
The level of supervision needed is a management decision, which
should be based on the findings of a risk assessment – the higher
the risk, the greater the level of supervision required.
Lone workers may need to be accompanied at first where they are:
new to a job;
undergoing training;
doing a job that presents specific risks;
dealing with new situations.
Monitoring and keeping in touch
Technology advances mean there is a wide range of systems and
devices available to employers to monitor lone workers.
Any monitoring system needs to be embedded into an organisation
so it is well understood by workers. You must put clear procedures
in place because effective means of communication are essential.
These may include:
supervisors periodically visiting and observing people
pre-agreed intervals of regular contact between the lone
worker and employer, using phones, radios, email etc, bearing
in mind the worker’s understanding of English;
other devices designed to raise the alarm in an emergency
which can be operated manually or automatically;
implementing a robust system to ensure a lone worker has
returned to their base or home once their work is completed.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
You should regularly test technical solutions and all emergency
procedures to ensure lone workers can be reached or contacted if a
problem or emergency is identified.
Responsibilities of workers
Workers have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and
that of others who may be affected by their actions at work. They
must co-operate with employers and co-workers to help everyone
meet their legal requirements.
If workers have specific queries or concerns relating to health
and safety in their workplace, they should talk to their employer,
manager/supervisor or a health and safety representative.
Some employers use dynamic risk assessments for lone working
situations. This is where workers themselves make operational
decisions based on risks which cannot necessarily be foreseen. This
is not a substitute for a comprehensive risk assessment.
When a risk assessment identifies circumstances where a lone
worker may have to undertake a dynamic risk assessment, they must:
receive training on how to make that assessment;
consider the range of possible control measures and what
action to take;
get support for their decisions.
If they’re self-employed
Health and safety law may not apply to them but they will need to
check at
As their employer (for example, if you have contracted them to
work on your premises) you will still be responsible for their health
and safety.
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
Find out more
Homeworkers: Guidance for employers on health and safety Leaflet
INDG226(rev1) HSE 2011
Manual handling. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as
amended). Guidance on Regulations L23 (Third edition) HSE 2004
Violence at work: A guide for employers Leaflet INDG69(rev) HSE
Driving at work: Managing work-related road safety Leaflet
Managing work-related violence in licensed and retail premises
Leaflet INDG423 HSE 2008
Stress at work – Mental health conditions:
Working in confined spaces:
Working with substances hazardous to health: A brief guide to
COSHH Leaflet INDG136(rev5) HSE 2012 indg136.htm
Working at height: and Working
at height: A brief guide Leaflet INDG401(rev2) pubns/indg401.htm
Advice for self-employed workers:
Other sources of advice
You may find more information from trade associations or
employers’ organisations, or from trade unions and some charities,
eg the Suzy Lamplugh Trust at
Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone
Age, Health and Professional Drivers’ Network – a network
promoting best practice in the transport industry:
Further information
For information about health and safety visit
or You can view HSE guidance online and
order priced publications from the website. HSE priced publications
are also available from bookshops.
To report inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance email:
This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive.
Following the guidance is not compulsory, unless specifically stated,
and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the
guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law.
Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the
law and may refer to this guidance.
This leaflet is available in packs from HSE Books
ISBN 978 0 7176 6729 1.
A web version can be found at
© Crown copyright 2020
Any enquires regarding this publication should be sent to: First published 03/20.
Further information
For information about health and safetyvisit or
You can view HSE guidance online and order priced publications from the
website. HSE priced publications are also available from bookshops.
To report inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance email
This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the
guidance is not compulsory, unless specifically stated, and you are free to
take other action. But if you do follow the guidance you will normally be
doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to
secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance.
This leaflet is available in packs from HSEBooks ISBN 978 0 7176 6729 1.
A web version can be found at
© Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this information, any queries
regarding thispublication should be sent to
First published 03/20
03/20 INDG73(rev4)
Published with the permission of the Health
and Safety Executive on behalf of the Controller
of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
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