Cal/OSHA Consultation Service, Research and Education Unit,
Division of Occupational Safety and Health, California Department of Industrial Relations.
Ergonomic Guidelines for Manual Material Handling was prepared for publication by the Cal/OSHA Consultation Service,
Research and Education Unit, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, California Department of Industrial Relations.
It was distributed under the provisions of the Library Distribution Act and Government Code Section 11096.
Published 2007 by the California Department of Industrial Relations
This booklet is not meant to be a substitute for or a legal interpretation of the occupational safety and health standards. Please see
California Code of Regulations, Title 8, or the Labor Code for detailed and exact information, specications, and exceptions.
The mention of any company name or display or use of particular products in this booklet is for illustrative purposes only and
does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Industrial Relations.
CNA Insurance Companies
Use of the term “partnership” and/or “partner” should not be construed to represent a legally binding partnership. The
information, examples and suggestions presented in this material have been developed from sources believed to be reliable,
but they should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. CNA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or
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service mark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Ofce. Copyright © 2006 CNA. All rights reserved.
Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA)
These ergonomic guidelines are advisory only, having been promulgated with the sole intent of offering information for
interested parties. They should be regarded only as a guide that the user may or may not choose to adopt, to modify, or to
reject. They do not constitute a comprehensive or complete analysis and should not be relied upon as such.
There are no warranties whatsoever that attach to these guidelines or to any procedures that they may recommend. MHIA
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These guidelines may contain information provided by third-party parties, and MHIA is not responsible or liable for the truth,
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National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mention of any company name or product does not constitute endorsement by NIOSH/CDC.
This document is in the public domain and may be freely copied or reprinted.
For information about occupational safety and health topics, contact NIOSH at:
1-800-35-NIOSH (1-800-356-4674)
Fax: 513-533-8573
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Publications Dissemination
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2007-131
Manual material handling (MMH) work contributes to a large percentage of the over
half a million cases of musculoskeletal disorders reported annually in the United States.
Musculoskeletal disorders often involve strains and sprains to the lower back, shoulders,
and upper limbs. They can result in protracted pain, disability, medical treatment,
and nancial stress for those aficted with them, and employers often nd themselves
paying the bill, either directly or through workers’ compensation insurance, at the same
time they must cope with the loss of the full capacity of their workers.
Scientic evidence shows that effective ergonomic interventions can lower the
physical demands of MMH work tasks, thereby lowering the incidence and severity
of the musculoskeletal injuries they can cause. Their potential for reducing injury-
related costs alone make ergonomic interventions a useful tool for improving a
company’s productivity, product quality, and overall business competitiveness. But
very often productivity gets an additional and solid shot in the arm when managers
and workers take a fresh look at how best to use energy, equipment, and exertion to
get the job done in the most efcient, effective, and effortless way possible. Planning
that applies these principles can result in big wins for all concerned.
This booklet will help you to recognize high-risk MMH work tasks and choose
effective options for reducing their physical demands.
Illustrated inside you will nd approaches like:
Eliminating lifting from the oor and using simple transport devices like carts or dollies
Using lift-assist devices like scissors lift tables or load levelers
Using more sophisticated equipment like powered stackers, hoists, cranes, or
vacuum assist devices
Guiding your choice of equipment by analyzing and redesigning work stations
and workow
NIOSH and Cal/OSHA are dedicated to nding the bottom line in state-of the-art-
research and turning the results into practical guidance for improving the safety and
health of all workers. We hope you nd the MMH booklet a useful and effective
example of our efforts.
John Howard, M.D.
Len Welsh, M.S., J.D.
Director, NIOSH
Acting Chief, Cal/OSHA
The following organizations are responsible for the development and co-publishing of
this booklet. To obtain copies of this booklet, contact any of the partners listed below.
Cal/OSHA Consultation Service
Research and Education Unit
2211 Park Towne Circle, #4
Sacramento, CA 95825
Tel: (916) 574-2528
CNA Insurance Companies
333 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60604
Tel: (866) 262-0504
Ergonomic Assist Systems and Equipment (EASE)
a Product Council of Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA)
8720 Red Oak Blvd., Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28217-3992
Tel: (704) 676-1190
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998
Tel: 1-800-35-NIOSH (1-800-356-4674)
About This Booklet 6
Improving Manual Material Handling in Your Workplace 7
What Manual Material Handling Is 8
Why Improve Your Workplace 8
What to Look for 9
Types of Ergonomic Improvements 9
Training 10
A Proactive Action Plan 11
Improvement Options 15
1. Easier Ways to Manually Lift, Lower, Fill, or Empty Containers 17
2. Easier Ways to Manually Carry Containers 29
3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers 35
Resources 49
Appendix A. Administrative Improvements 50
Appendix B. Assessment “Tools” 52
Appendix C. Analysis Methods 58
Appendix D. Improvement Evaluation “Tools” 60
Appendix E. Organizations 61
Acknowledgments 65
About This Booklet
This booklet is written for managers and supervisors in industries that involve the
manual handling of containers. It offers suggestions to improve the handling of
rectangular, square, and cylindrical containers, sacks, and bags.
Improving Manual Material Handling in Your Workplace” lists the benets
of improving your work tasks. It also contains information on risk factors, types of
ergonomic improvements, and effective training and sets out a four-step proactive action
plan. The plan helps you identify problems, set priorities, make changes, and follow up.
Sections 1 and 2 of “Improvement Options” provide ways to improve lifting,
lowering, lling, emptying, or carrying tasks by changing work practices and/or the
use of equipment. Guidelines for safer work practices are also included.
Section 3 of “Improvement Options” provides ideas for using equipment instead
of manually handling individual containers. Guidelines for safer equipment use are
also included.
For more help the “Resources” section contains additional information on
administrative improvements, work assessment tools and comprehensive analysis
methods. This section also includes an improvement evaluation tool and a list of
professional and trade organizations related to material handling.
Improving Manual
Material Handling in Your
Improving Manual Material Handling in Your Workplace
What Manual Material Handling Is
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, handling is de ned as:
Seizing, holding, grasping, turning, or otherwise
working with the hand or hands. Fingers are involved
only to the extent that they are an extension of the hand,
such as to turn a switch or to shift automobile gears.
In this publication, handling means that the
workers hands move individual containers
manually by lifting, lowering, lling, emptying, or
carrying them.
Why Improve Your Workplace
Manual handling of containers may expose workers to physical conditions
(e.g., force, awkward postures, and repetitive motions) that can lead to injuries,
wasted energy, and wasted time. To avoid these problems, your organization can
directly bene t from improving the t between the demands of work tasks and the
capabilities of your workers. Remember that workers’ abilities to perform work tasks
may vary because of differences in age, physical condition, strength, gender, stature,
and other factors. In short, changing your workplace by improving the t can benet
your workplace by:
Reducing or preventing injuries
Reducing workers’ efforts by decreasing forces in lifting, handling, pushing, and
pulling materials
Reducing risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., awkward postures from
reaching into containers)
Increasing productivity, product and service quality, and worker morale
Lowering costs by reducing or eliminating production bottlenecks, error rates
or rejects, use of medical services because of musculoskeletal disorders, workers’
compensation claims, excessive worker turnover, absenteeism, and retraining
What to Look for
What to Look for
Manual material handling tasks may expose workers to physical risk factors.
If these tasks are performed repeatedly or over long periods of time, they can lead
to fatigue and injury. The main risk factors, or conditions, associated with the
development of injuries in manual material handling tasks include:
Awkward postures (e.g., bending, twisting)
Repetitive motions (e.g., frequent reaching, lifting, carrying)
Forceful exertions (e.g., carrying or lifting heavy loads)
Pressure points (e.g., grasping [or contact from] loads, leaning against parts or
surfaces that are hard or have sharp edges)
Static postures (e.g., maintaining xed positions for a long time)
Repeated or continual exposure to one or more of these factors initially may lead
to fatigue and discomfort. Over time, injury to the back, shoulders, hands, wrists,
or other parts of the body may occur. Injuries may include damage to muscles,
tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. Injuries of this type are known as
musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs.
In addition, poor environmental conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, noise, and
poor lighting, may increase workers’ chances of developing other types of problems.
Types of Ergonomic Improvements
In general, ergonomic improvements are changes made to improve the t between the
demands of work tasks and the capabilities of your workers. There are usually many
options for improving a particular manual handling task. It is up to you to make informed
choices about which improvements will work best for particular tasks.
There are two types of ergonomic improvements:
1. Engineering improvements
Administrative improvements
1. Engineering Improvements
These include rearranging, modifying, redesigning, providing or replacing tools,
equipment, workstations, packaging, parts, processes, products, or materials
(see “Improvement Options”).
Improving Manual Material Handling in Your Workplace
2. Administrative Improvements
Observe how different workers perform the same tasks to get ideas for improving
work practices or organizing the work. Then consider the following improvements:
power zone
Alternate heavy tasks with light tasks.
Provide variety in jobs to eliminate or reduce
repetition (i.e., overuse of the same muscle groups).
Adjust work schedules, work pace, or work practices.
Provide recovery time (e.g., short rest breaks).
Modify work practices so that workers perform work
within their power zone (i.e., above the knees, below
the shoulders, and close to the body).
Rotate workers through jobs that use different
muscles, body parts, or postures.
Administrative improvements, such as job rotation, can help reduce workers’
exposures to risk factors by limiting the amount of time workers spend on “problem
jobs.” However, these measures may still expose workers to risk factors that can lead
to injuries. For these reasons, the most effective way to eliminate “problem jobs” is
to change them. This can be done by putting into place the appropriate engineering
improvements and modifying work practices accordingly.
Training alone is not an ergonomic improvement. Instead, it should be used together with
any workplace changes made. Workers need training and hands-on practice with new
tools, equipment, or work practices to make sure they have the skills necessary to work
safely. Training is most effective when it is interactive and fully involves workers. Below
are some suggestions for training based on adult learning principles:
Provide hands-on practice when new tools, equipment, or procedures are
introduced to the workforce.
Use several types of visual aids (e.g., pictures, charts, videos) of actual tasks in
your workplace.
Hold small-group discussions and problem-solving sessions.
Give workers ample opportunity for questions.
A Proactive Action Plan
A Proactive Action Plan
Manual material handling jobs require movement and physical
activity. But how do you nd out:
Why workplace problems are occurring?
Which work tasks may be causing injuries or production
bottlenecks or decreasing product and service quality?
What to do about problems once you nd them?
How to reduce your workers’ compensation costs?
One way to answer these questions is to be proactive in your problem
solving. Being proactive simply means nding the problems rst
by looking thoroughly around the workplace rather than waiting for
problems to occur. Then improve the t between the work and the
worker by putting the appropriate changes into place.
The process includes involving workers, observing jobs, making
decisions on effective options, and then taking action. It is important
to involve workers, managers, and supervisors throughout the process.
There are four steps to a proactive action plan:
1. Look for clues.
Prioritize jobs for improvements.
Make improvements.
Follow up.
Step 1: Look for Clues
a. Review written records (e.g., OSHA Log 300, past worker reports
or complaints, and workers’ compensation reports). Your workers’
compensation insurance carrier may offer risk-management services
that can provide workplace assessment surveys.
Improving Manual Material Handling in Your Workplace
b. Observe work activities. Talk to workers, supervisors, and managers about where
problems exist. Look for warning signs, such as:
Risk factors in work tasks (e.g., awkward postures, repetitive motions, forceful
exertions, pressure points, staying in the same position for a long time)
Worker fatigue, discomfort, or reports of related problems
Workers exhibiting “pain behaviors” (e.g., not moving body parts, self-restricting
their movements, or massaging hands, arms, legs, necks, or backs)
Workers modifying tools, equipment, or workstations on their own
Increase in absenteeism, worker turnover rates, or customer complaints
Decrease in product or service quality or employee morale
Increase in error rates, rejects, or wasted materials
Production bottlenecks
Malfunctioning equipment
Missed deadlines
Unnecessary handling and duplication of material and product movement
Make sure to talk to your workers about their ideas for altering work processes,
operations, tools, or equipment. Ask them how they would make their jobs less
physically demanding and more efcient.
c. Use assessment tools - To determine where problems may arise in work tasks, you
may want to use some of the following simple “tools” (see Appendix B):
NIOSH Manual Material Handling Checklist
NIOSH Hazard Evaluation Checklist for Lifting, Pushing, or Pulling
The Awareness Worksheet: Looking for Clues
Ergonomics Checklist - Material Handling
If the problems are complex, more sophisticated methods may be needed for
addressing your workplace MSDs. More detailed assessment tools for specic
problems include the following (see Appendix C):
NIOSH Lifting Equation
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold
Limit Values (TLVs) for Manual Lifting
University of Michigan 3D Static Strength Prediction Program
Ohio State University Lumbar Motion Monitor
Snook’s Psychophysical Tables
A Proactive Action Plan
Step 2: Prioritize Jobs for Improvements
After detecting the problems, decide which tasks to improve and then set priorities.
The frequency and severity of the risk factors you have identied that may
lead to injuries
The frequency and severity of complaints, symptoms, and/or injuries
Technical and nancial resources at your disposal
Ideas of workers for making improvements
Difculty in implementing various improvements
Timeframe for making improvements
Step 3: Make Improvements
The goal of making changes is to improve the t between the demands of
work tasks and the capabilities of your workers. Combine operations and
processes whenever possible to reduce or eliminate unnecessary manual
handling of materials and products. Depending on the characteristics of
the work and the workers, there may be some changes that will improve a
particular task.
For suggestions on how to improve your work tasks, see “Improvement Options.”
Appendix D contains a tool to help evaluate the improvements
you are considering.
If you need additional help with improvements, consider the following:
Talk to various employees. Brainstorming with engineers, maintenance
personnel, managers, and production workers is a great way to generate ideas.
Contact others in your industry. They may have solutions that could also apply
to your problem, saving you time, money, and effort.
Look through equipment catalogs. Focus on equipment dealing with the types
of problems you are trying to solve.
Talk to equipment vendors. They may be able to share ideas from operations
similar to yours.
Consult with an expert in ergonomics. An expert can provide insights into
available improvements, the cost, and the potential value.
Call Cal/OSHA Consultation Service (only for businesses located in California).
It provides free on-site consultation and advice on occupational safety and health.
Search the Internet (e.g., Material Handling Industry of America,
www.mhia.org, Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association,
www.mheda.org). See Appendix E for a list of resources on handling materials.
Improving Manual Material Handling in Your Workplace
Step 4: Follow Up
It is important to follow up in order to evaluate if your improvements have worked.
After a reasonable adjustment period, set a date to follow up on the changes made.
Make sure to evaluate each improvement separately for effectiveness. The following
questions may be helpful:
Has each improvement:
Reduced or eliminated fatigue, discomfort, symptoms, and/or injuries?
Been accepted by workers?
Reduced or eliminated most or all of the risk factors?
Caused any new risk factors, hazards, or other problems?
Caused a decrease in productivity and efciency?
Caused a decrease in product and service quality?
Been supported with the training needed to make it effective?
If you determine that your improvements have not worked, modify them or try
something different until the risk factors have been reduced or eliminated.
Improvement Options
Section 1
Easier Ways to Manually Lift,
Lower, Fill, or Empty Containers
Consider the following options that will:
Reduce reaching and bending.
Reduce the stress on your back
and shoulders.
Reduce the effort and force needed to
perform work tasks.
Pages 17–28
Section 2
Easier Ways to Manually
Carry Containers
Pages 29–34
Consider the following options that will:
Improve your grip.
Reduce stress on your back
and shoulders.
Reduce contact pressure on your
shoulders and hands.
Reduce the effort and force needed to
perform work tasks.
Change the container.
Use a tool.
Use non-powered equipment.
Use powered equipment.
Section 3
Alternatives to Manual Handling
of Individual Containers
Pages 35–48
Section 1
Easier Ways to Manually Lift, Lower,
Fill, or Empty Containers
Consider the following options that will:
Reduce reaching and bending.
Reduce the stress on your back and shoulders.
Reduce the effort and force needed to perform
work tasks.
NIOSH Lifting Equation
The Revised National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Lifting Equation
(1994) provides guidelines for evaluating two-handed manual lifting tasks. It de nes a
Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) as the weight of the load that nearly all healthy workers
can lift over a substantial period of time (e.g., eight hours) without an increased risk of
developing lower back pain. The maximum weight to be lifted with two hands, under ideal
conditions, is 51 pounds. The RWL is based on six variables that reduce the maximum weight
to be lifted to less than 51 pounds.
Consult the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation (1994) for information to help assess complex
lifting tasks (see Appendix C).
Note: The lifting guidelines suggested by the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation
are not Cal/OSHA regulatory requirements and are not part of Title 8 of the California
Code of Regulations.
Management Guidelines for Safer Lifting
Plan the work ow to eliminate unnecessary lifts.
Organize the work so that the physical demands and work pace increase gradually.
Minimize the distances loads are lifted and lowered.
Position pallet loads of materials at a height that allows workers to lift and lower within their power zone.
Avoid manually lifting or lowering loads to or from the oor.
- Store materials and/or products off the oor.
Arrange materials to arrive on pallets, and keep materials on pallets during storage.
Use a forklift to lift or lower the entire pallet of material, rather than lifting or lowering the
material individually.
Arrange to have material off-loaded directly onto storage shelves. Store only lightweight or
infrequently lifted items on the oor.
Use mechanical devices (e.g., lifts, hoists ) whenever possible.
Avoid designing jobs that require workers to lift or lower materials to or from oor level.
For loads that are unstable and/or heavy:
- Tag the load to alert workers.
Test the load for stability and weight before carrying the load.
Use mechanical devices or equipment to lift the load.
Reduce the weight of the load by:
> Putting fewer items in the container.
> Using a smaller and/or lighter-weight container.
- Repack containers so contents will not shift and the weight is balanced.
Use team lifting as a temporary measure for heavy or bulky objects.
Reduce the frequency of lifting and the amount of time employees perform lifting tasks by:
- Rotating workers in lifting tasks with other workers in non-lifting tasks.
Having workers alternate lifting tasks with non-lifting tasks.
Clear spaces to improve access to materials or products being handled. Easy access allows
workers to get closer and reduces reaching, bending, and twisting.
Employee Guidelines for Safer Lifting
The use of stretching is appropriate as part of a comprehensive ergonomic program.
Stretching must not be used in place of engineering and/or administrative improvements.
Check for tags on loads.
Before lifting, always test the load for stability and weight.
For loads that are unstable and/or heavy, follow management guidelines for:
Equipment use
Reducing the weight of the load
Repacking containers to increase stability
Plan the lift:
Wear appropriate shoes to avoid slips, trips, or falls.
If you wear gloves, choose the size that ts properly. Depending on the material the gloves
are made of and the number of pairs worn at once, more force may be needed to grasp and
hold objects. For example, wearing a single pair of heat-resistant gloves can reduce your grip
strength up to 40 percent. Wearing two or more pairs of gloves at once can reduce your grip
strength up to 60 percent.
Lift only as much as you can safely handle by yourself.
Keep the lifts in your power zone (i.e., above the knees, below the shoulders, and close to the
body), if possible.
Use extra caution when lifting loads that may be unstable.
When lifting:
Get a secure grip.
Use both hands whenever possible.
Avoid jerking by using smooth, even motions.
Keep the load as close to the body as possible.
To the extent feasible use your legs to push up and lift the load, not the upper body or back.
Do not twist your body. Step to one side or the other to turn.
Alternate heavy lifting or forceful exertion tasks with less physically demanding tasks.
Take rest breaks.
Improvement Options
Avoid lifting from the oor whenever possible. If you must lift from the
oor, do not bend at the waist. The techniques shown below help the
worker to keep the spine in a safer position while lifting from the oor.
This technique
may be
effective only if
loads are small,
light weight,
and can easily
t between
the knees.
Keep the load close to your body and lift by pushing up with your legs.
Lean the sack onto
your kneeling leg.
Slide the sack
up onto your
kneeling leg.
Slide the sack onto
the other leg while
keeping the sack
close to your body.
As you stand up, keep the sack
close to your body.
Section 1. Easier Ways to Manually Lift, Lower, Fill, or Empty Containers
Use team lifting as a temporary measure until a more permanent
improvement can be found. If possible, try to nd a co-worker of similar
height to help with the lift.
Team lifting
can increase
the risk of a
slip, trip, or
fall accident.
Team lifting can reduce the load in half.
Discuss your lifting plan so you
don’t make surprise movements.
Use a scissors lift, load lifter, or pneumatic lifter to raise or
lower the load so that it is level with the
Pneumatic lifter
(accordion skirting)
work surface.Then
slide the load instead of lifting.
Scissors lifts
Adjust the load
lifter to shelf
level and remove
containers by
sliding them out.
Improvement Options
Use a turntable. Rotate the turntable to bring the container closer.
Always work from the side closest to the load.
Turntable on a load leveler
A xed-height turntable for
pallets with short low stacks.
Caution: To promote
stability when loading
and unloading,
rotate the turntable
occasionally to avoid
the buildup of the
load on one side.
Table with a turntable inset
Turntable on a cart
Use a tool.
This pot lifter reduces bending and
reaching when handling pots or other
cylindrical containers
(see Appendix E, page 64, University
of California Agricultural Ergonomics
Research Center, UC Davis).
Section 1. Easier Ways to Manually Lift, Lower, Fill, or Empty Containers
Raise the worker so that the container is grasped 30’’– 40’’
from the surface the worker is standing on.
Use a step stool. Use portable steps.
Use catwalks or platforms.
Use a portable work platform and adjust it to the height of the worker.
Caution: When using portable steps, stools, catwalks,
or other work platforms, follow all manufacturers’
recommendations for proper use. Use only
equipment appropriate to the weight, size, and shape
of the load being handled.
Improvement Options
Work within your power zone. Raise or lower the work surface.
Stack pallets to create a
Use electric or
Use powered stackers.
higher work surface.
pneumatic scissors lift
(accordion skirting).
Provide variable-height
Use mobile scissors lifts.
Use stationary
work surfaces.
scissors lift.
Store heavier or bulkier containers so that they can be handled
within your power zone where you have the greatest strength and
most comfort.
Section 1. Easier Ways to Manually Lift, Lower, Fill, or Empty Containers
Work within your power zone.Tilt the
container to improve handling of materials.
Use xed or adjustable tilt stands for smaller containers.
Powered tilters
provide better
access to large
Use angled shelving to improve access to containers.
Improvement Options
For easier access, remove or lower the sides of the receptacle.
Add extra handles for better grip and control.
Hold the container close to the body when lifting and lowering.
Section 1. Easier Ways to Manually Lift, Lower, Fill, or Empty Containers
Support the container on or against a xed object, rack, or
stand while pouring the contents.
Use a removable plate or a work surface to support the container
while pouring the contents into the receptacle.
Use a screen over the opening to support the sack. Pour the
contents through the screen.
Improvement Options
Use a cutout work surface so that you can get
closer to the container.
Use a pail tipper.
Manual pail tippers are available
for 1-, 2-, and 5-gallon containers.
Consider the follo
Section 2
wing options that will:
Improve your grip.
Reduce stress on your back and shoulders.
Reduce contact pressure on your shoulders and hands.
Reduce the effort and force needed to perform
work tasks.
Easier Ways to Manually Carry Containers
Management Guidelines for Safer Carrying
Plan the work ow to eliminate unnecessary carrying.
Slide, push, or roll instead of carrying, when appropriate.
Organize the work so that the physical demands and work pace increase gradually.
Reduce the distances that loads are moved to a minimum. If long trips are required, use equipment.
For loads that are unstable and/or heavy:
Tag the load to alert workers.
Test the load for stability and weight before carrying the load.
Use mechanical devices or equipment to carry or move the load.
Reduce the weight of the load by:
Putting fewer things in the container.
Using smaller and/or lighter weight containers.
Dividing the load between two containers and carrying one in each hand.
Repack the containers so contents will not shift and the weight is balanced.
Use team carrying as a temporary measure for heavy or bulky objects.
Reduce the frequency and amount of time workers carry materials by:
Rotating workers in carrying tasks with other workers in non-carrying tasks.
Having workers alternate carrying tasks with non-carrying tasks.
Employee Guidelines for Safer Carrying
The use of stretching is appropriate as part of a comprehensive ergonomic program.
Stretching must not be used in place of engineering and/or administrative improvements.
Check for tags on loads.
Before carrying, always test the load for stability and weight.
For long trips or loads that are unstable and/or heavy, follow management guidelines for:
- Equipment use.
Reducing the weight of the load.
Repacking containers to increase stability.
Plan before carrying:
- Wear appropriate shoes to avoid slips, trips or falls.
If you wear gloves choose the size that ts properly. Depending on the material the gloves
are made of and the number of pairs worn at once, more force may be needed to grasp and
hold objects. For example, wearing a single pair of heat resistant gloves can reduce your
grip strength up to 40 percent. Wearing two or more pairs of gloves at once can reduce
your grip strength up to 60 percent.
Avoid carrying large or bulky loads that limit or obstruct your vision.
Slide, push, or roll instead of carrying when appropriate.
When there is a choice, push instead of pull.
Carry only as much as you can safely handle by yourself.
Try to avoid slopes, stairs, or other obstacles that make carrying materials more difcult.
Beware of and try to avoid slippery oors (e.g., liquids, ice, oil, and ne powders).
Use extra caution when moving loads that may be unstable.
When carrying:
- Keep loads close to your body.
Make sure you have a clear view of the path.
When carrying containers with one hand, alternate hands.
Whenever appropriate, use two hands to carry containers.
Alternate heavy or forceful exertion tasks with less physically demanding tasks.
Take rest breaks.
Improvement Options
Redesign the container so it has handles, grips, or handholds.
Hold the container close to the body.
Don’t carry more than you can handle.To reduce the weight of the
load, use a smaller container.
Section 2. Easier Ways to Manually Carry Containers
Wear proper size gloves that t. Gloves with rubber dots on the
surface can increase grip stability on slippery surfaces.
Increase the size of the bucket or pail handle
with padding or a clamp-on handle.
Get co-worker assistance when necessary. Discuss your plan so you
don’t have surprise movements.
Be aware
that gloves
can reduce
your grip
strength up
to 60 percent
depending on
the material
they are
made of and
how many
pairs you
wear at once.
Improvement Options
Pad the shoulder. Support the container on one shoulder and
alternate between shoulders.
Use a tool.
Use equipment
to carry materials
whenever possible.
If you must manually
carry materials on
your shoulder, reduce
the weight of the
load and use a pad to
provide a cushion.
This pot lifter makes carrying pots and other cylindrical
containers easier. It replaces a pinch grip with a
power grip and a straight wrist. It also allows for an
upright posture (see Appendix E, page 64, University of
California Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center,
UC Davis).
Pinch grips involve
grasping items with
the thumb and the
tips of the other
ngers. Power grips
involve grasping
items by wrapping all
the ngers around
an object. When
grasping objects
(e.g., handles) with a
diameter of 1.25 – 2
inches and a straight
wrist, power grips
can provide up to
75% more strength
compared with
pinch grips.
Section 3
Change the container
Use a tool.
Use non-powered equipment.
Use powered equipment.
Alternatives to Manual Handling of
Individual Containers
Guidelines for Equipment Use
Know your load and buy equipment of appropriate capacity. Remember, lighter-weight
equipment is easier to move.
Choose equipment appropriate for the material(s) being handled, the layout and design of your
workplace, and the work tasks being performed (see Appendix B).
Consider using powered equipment —rather than non-powered— when pushing and pulling
forces are excessive (see Appendix C, Snook’s Psychophysical Tables).
If available, select equipment with vertical handles so workers’ hands can be in their
power zone.
Choose wheeled equipment which minimizes start forces (inertia) and reduces rolling
resistance. The amount of force required to move loads with wheeled equipment depends on a
number of factors including the:
Weight and shape of the load
Type and condition of the oor surface (e.g., smoothness, density, and other factors)
Route taken (e.g., slopes, obstacles, and other factors)
Type of wheels (i.e., the materials they are made of)
Size of wheels (larger wheels a minimum of 6 inches in diameter move more easily over
holes, bumps, and oor irregularities)
Maintenance of wheels; it is important to clean, lubricate, and/or replace wheels on a
regular basis.
Ground all electrically operated equipment
Make sure equipment alarms and warning devices are audible and working properly.
Inspect and maintain equipment according to manufacturers’ recommendations.
Follow all manufacturers’ recommendations for proper equipment use.
Work Environment
Clear the aisles and doorways for safe passage and maneuvering of equipment.
Set barriers that prevent employees from coming close to or beneath supported or
moving loads.
In tight spaces, use equipment with four swivel casters or wheels. Loads are easier to
turn and control.
Work Practices
Train employees on proper equipment use and appropriate work practices.
Push and pull equipment with the entire body instead of with just the arms and shoulders.
When pushing or pulling use both hands when feasible.
To move heavy loads over long distances, either reduce the load or use powered equipment.
Inspect pallets before loading or moving them.
Section 3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers
Change the container
Instead of lifting and pouring from the drum, insert a siphon or
a pump.
Caution: To prevent cross-contamination, chemical
incompatibility, and ammability hazards, do not interchange
pumps or siphons among different containers.
Increase the size of the container or the weight of the load so that it
is too large to handle manually.
Improvement Options
Use a tool
Use a hook for light-weight containers to reduce your reach.
Use non-powered equipment
Use a drum dolly.
The drum must be set down
This drum dolly lifts
into this dolly.
and transports drums.
Section 3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers
Use a cart or platform truck.
A hand cart can have multiple
shelves for moving a variety of
containers at one time.
This six-wheel platform truck
is easy to maneuver and will turn
in its own length.
This three-wheel cart transports
but does not lift drums.
Two-wheel carts work well for
loads up to about 300 pounds.
Use a portable scissors lift.
This scissors lift has a
foot pump to raise or
lower the platform so
the containers can be
slid on or off.
Use non-powered equipment
Improvement Options
Use a hand truck.
This specialty hand truck with brakes
will allow more control when heavy
loads are on inclines.
Another type of hand truck
converts to four wheels for
moving unstable loads.
Use non-powered equipment
Hand trucks can be
tted with trays to
carry bottles.
Two-wheel hand trucks work
well for transporting bottles or
cylinders over short distances.
Some hand trucks are
specially designed for
transporting cylinders.
This hand truck has
an additional handle
to provide better
directional control.
This hand truck tted with retractable rear wheels converts into a atbed cart.
Section 3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers
Use a conveyor, slide, or chute.
Design a conveyor system that
delivers the container directly
into position for loading.
Use slides or chutes to do the work
if containers are always moving in
one direction.
Use spiral conveyors
or chutes where space
is limited.
Small containers and
lightweight loads can
be handled by gravity
Gravity-activated conveyors
work well for short,
downhill runs.
A curved skate-wheel
conveyor moves containers
around corners. It is
activated by gravity.
Skate-wheel conveyors can
be easily set up wherever
needed and work well for
light loads.
Floor-mounted roller
conveyors can handle heavier
pallet loads.
An expandable skate-wheel
conveyor is portable and
excellent where work needs to
have a exible layout.
Use non-powered equipment
Improvement Options
Use a hand pallet truck.
Non-powered hand
pallet trucks are useful
for moving loads
over short distances
when low forces are
required. For moving
heavy loads requiring
high forces over
long distances it is
advantageous to use
powered pallet trucks.
Use non-powered equipment
When using hand pallet trucks, be sure
the oor is smooth and free of debris.
A portable hoist or “cherry
picker” is manually operated.
It is convenient for occasional
spot-lifting of heavy loads.
For unstable pallet loads, wrap
straps around the load.
Use a portable hoist or crane.
Portable gantry cranes are
adjustable in height. They can be
tted with manual, electric, or
pneumatic hoists for moving heavy
loads over short distances.
Section 3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers
Use powered equipment
Use a stacker.
This stacker is well suited for
moving loads up to 3,000 pounds
for short distances.
This stacker is tted with a special
drum-handling attachment.
Stackers can be tted
with specially shaped
forks to handle round or
cylindrical containers.
Use a powered hand truck.
This is a powered two-wheel hand truck
designed for climbing stairs.
Use powered equipment
Improvement Options
Use an airball table.
An airball table makes it easier to slide
containers, thereby reducing workers’ efforts.
Use a forklift.
Use powered equipment
A forklift moves
Special attachments are available
pallets long distances.
for removing cartons layer by layer.
Section 3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers
Use a crane.
A portable gantry
A workstation crane
A jib crane tted with
crane tted with an
tted with a balancer
an electric hoist and a
electric hoist
and a vacuum lifter
lifting tong
for handling large or
heavy containers
Use powered equipment
Use a pallet truck.
Improvement Options
Use a lifter.
A manually propelled load
A drum lifter/rotator can
lifter carries containers.
lay the drum on its side.
The power lift raises and
Add a spigot to the drum to
lowers containers to the
empty its contents.
appropriate work height.
Some vacuum lifters
have two handles
and work best for lifts
performed below
mid-chest height within
the power zone.
Vacuum lifters can handle
Vacuum lifters make
sacks and bags that are
the handling of large or
hard to grip by hand.
heavy containers easier.
Section 3. Alternatives to Manual Handling of Individual Containers
Use a carousel.
Vertical carousels rotate and present items on shelves or
roll out drawers within the workers power zone.
Horizontal carousels rotate and
bring items to the worker, eliminating
walking and carrying loads.
Use powered equipment
Improvement Options
Use a tilter.
Industrial tilters can
improve access to large
containers and make
handling of materials
easier. They can tilt up to
, but angles to 45
most common.
Some industrial tilters
can also elevate so that
containers or materials
being handled are within
the workers power zone.
Appendix A Administrative Improvements
Administrative improvements include changing work practices or the way work
is organized. Administrative improvements require continual monitoring by
management and employee feedback to make sure the improvements are effective.
Provide variety in jobs
There are a couple of ways to increase variety in jobs. Job rotation means rotating
employees through different jobs. Job enlargement means increasing the variety by
combining two or more jobs or adding tasks to a particular job. To be effective, both
improvements rely on changing jobs and tasks so that they differ in the:
Muscles or body parts used
Working postures
Amount of repetition
Pace of work
Amount of physical exertion required
Visual and mental demands
Environmental conditions
Adjust work schedules and work pace
New workers who are not used to the physical demands of the job or those returning
from long absences should be gradually introduced to a normal work pace and
workload like an athlete in spring training.
Provide recovery time
Recovery periods (i.e., muscle relaxation periods) can help prevent fatigue and injury
to muscles. Several short breaks can reduce the frequency and duration of physically
demanding activities. Ask employees for their ideas for the best rotation or break
schedules to reduce the physical demands of their jobs. Their suggestions can help
you integrate the physical demands of jobs with the environmental and organizational
demands of the workplace.
Appendix A. Administrative Improvements
Modify work practices
Pay close attention to how the work is being performed. Employees should be
encouraged to be comfortable, change positions, and stretch during work periods.
The human body is stronger, more efcient, and less prone to injury when work is
performed in midrange postures and within the power zone.
Midrange postures mean postures in which the joints of the neck, back, legs, arms,
and wrists are not bent in extreme positions. The power zone is above the knees,
below the shoulders, and close to the body. The principle of the power zone is that
in this area workers have the greatest power to perform heavier work tasks with less
bending, stooping, or reaching.
Appendix B Assessment Tools
NIOSH Manual Material Handling (MMH) Checklist
This checklist is not designed to be a comprehensive risk assessment technique but
rather as a tool to quickly identify potential problem jobs. Additional risk factors may
exist that are not accounted for in this checklist. It is common practice to follow up
checklist observations with more precise techniques to conrm problem risk factors.
“No” responses indicate potential problem areas that should be investigated further.
1. Are the weights of loads to be lifted judged acceptable by the workforce? yes no
2. Are materials moved over minimum distances? yes no
3. Is the distance between the object load and the body minimized? yes no
4. Are walking surfaces level? yes no
wide enough? yes no
clean and dry? yes no
5. Are objects easy to grasp? yes no
stable? yes no
able to be held without slipping? yes no
6. Are there handholds on these objects? yes no
7. When required, do gloves t properly? yes no
8. Is the proper footwear worn? yes no
9. Is there enough room to maneuver? yes no
10. Are mechanical aids used whenever possible? yes no
11. Are working surfaces adjustable to the best handling heights? yes no
12. Does material handling avoid:
movements below knuckle height and above shoulder height?
static muscle loading? yes no
sudden movements during handling? yes no
twisting at the waist? yes no
extended reaching? yes no
13. Is help available for heavy or awkward lifts? yes no
14. Are high rates of repetition avoided by job rotation? yes no
self-pacing? yes no
sufcient pauses? yes no
15. Are pushing or pulling forces reduced or eliminated? yes no
16. Does the employee have an unobstructed view of handling the task? yes no
17. Is there a preventive maintenance program for equipment? yes no
18. Are workers trained in correct handling and lifting procedures? yes no
Appendix B. Assessment Tools
Hazard Evaluation Checklist for Lifting, Carrying, Pushing, or Pulling
This checklist is not designed to be a comprehensive risk assessment technique but
rather as a tool to quickly identify potential problem jobs. Additional risk factors may
exist that are not accounted for in this checklist. It is common practice to follow up
checklist observations with more precise techniques to conrm problem risk factors.
“Yes” responses are indicative of conditions that pose a risk of developing low back pain.
The larger the percentage of “Yes” responses that are noted, the greater the possible risk.
Risk Factors
1. General
1.1 Does the load handled exceed 50 lb.?
1.2 Is the object difcult to bring close to the body because of its size, bulk, or shape?
1.3 Is the load hard to handle because it lacks handles or cutouts for handles, or does
it have slippery surfaces or sharp edges?
1.4 Is the footing unsafe? For example, are the oors slippery, inclined, or uneven?
1.5 Does the task require fast movement, such as throwing, swinging, or rapid walking?
1.6 Does the task require stressful body postures, such as stooping to the oor,
twisting, reaching overhead, or excessive lateral bending?
1.7 Is most of the load handled by only one hand, arm, or shoulder?
1.8 Does the task require working in extreme temperatures, with noise, vibration,
poor lighting, or airborne contaminants?
1.9 Does the task require working in a con ned area?
2. Specic
2.1 Does lifting frequency exceed 5 lifts per minute?
2.2 Does the vertical lifting distance exceed 3 feet?
2.3 Do carries last longer than 1 minute?
2.4 Do tasks that require large sustained pushing or pulling forces
exceed 30 seconds duration?
2.5 Do extended reach static holding tasks exceed 1 minute?
Source: T. R. Waters, “Manual Materials Handling”, in: Physical and Biological Hazards of the
Workplace (Second edition). Edited by P. Wald and G. Stave. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
Ergonomics Awareness Worksheet
The purpose of the worksheet is to increase basic awareness of potential problems
associated with jobs and tasks. This awareness can help provide clues on how to make
effective improvements.
Job Title: Job Location:
Name of Employee:
Name of Observer: Date:
Risk Factors Other Clues
Reasons for Problems
Task 1:
Task 2:
Appendix B. Assessment Tools
Risk Factors Other Clues
Reasons for Problems
Task 3:
Task 4:
Task 5:
Adapted from Easy Ergonomics: A Practical Approach for Improving the Workplace. Sacramento:
California Department of Industrial Relations, Cal/OSHA Consultation Service, Research and
Education Unit, 1999.
Ergonomics Checklist — Material Handling
The checklist presented below is from the book Kodak’s Ergonomic Design for People at
Work (adapted from material developed by the Chemical Manufacturers Association). It
helps users to identify any job risk factors that may be present in the job. This checklist is
applicable to jobs requiring the routine handling of objects of 10 pounds or more.
Job/Task: Dept: Date: Analyst:
Before After (Controls Implemented)
Directions: Review each condition for the job/task of interest and for each condition that frequently occurs,
place an X in the “Concern” column as appropriate.Add comments as appropriate.
X if a
High-speed process line or work
presentation rates
Similar motions every few seconds
Observed signs of fatigue
Work surface too high or low
Location of materials promotes reaching
Angle/orientation of containers promotes
non-neutral positions
Spacing between adjacent transfer surfaces
promotes twisting
Obstructions prevent direct access to
load/unload points
Obstacles on oor prevent a clear
path of travel
Floor surfaces are uneven, slippery, or sloping
Hoists or other power lifting devices are
needed but not available
Appendix B. Assessment Tools
X if a
Heavy objects need to be handled
Handling bulky or dif cult-to-grasp objects
Handling above the shoulders or below the knees
Lifting to the side or unbalanced lifting
Placing objects accurately/precisely
Sudden, jerky movements during handling
One-handed lifting
Long-duration exertions (static work)
Forceful pushing/pulling of carts or
equipment required
Brakes for stopping hand carts/handling aids
are needed but not available
Carts or equipment design promotes non-
neutral postures
Long-distance carrying (carts not available)
Lack adequate handles or gripping surfaces
Are unbalanced, unstable, or contents shift
Obstructs leg movement when being carried
Inappropriate work techniques used
Buildup of process material /product
increases worker effort
Personal protective equipment needed but
not available/used
TOTAL SCORE (Optional)
To score, add up the total
number of Xs identied.
Appendix C Analysis Methods
The following methods are comprehensive tools designed to provide a detailed
analysis of various types of manual material handling tasks. They can be used to
evaluate lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, and other activities.
NIOSH Lifting Equation
The NIOSH Lifting Equation is a tool used to evaluate manual lifting tasks. This
equation allows the user to insert the exact conditions of the lift (e.g., height, distance
lifted, weight, position of weight relative to body, etc.). This equation accounts for
asymmetrical lifts and objects that are difcult to grasp.
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for Lifting
The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
recommends guidelines for safe lifting. The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for lifting
recommend upper and lower limits based upon frequency, duration, and other risk
factors associated with lifting.
The following ACGIH Publications may be helpful:
TLVs and BEIs (#0106)
Lifting: TLV Physical Agents (7th Edition) Documentation (#7DOC-734)
To purchase publications, go to www.acgih.org/store or call (513) 742-2020.
University of Michigan 3D Static Strength Prediction Program
3D Static Strength Prediction Program software predicts static strength requirements
for tasks such as lifts, presses, pushes, and pulls. The program provides an
approximate job simulation that includes posture data, force parameters, and male/
female anthropometry. The results include the percentage of men and women who
have the strength to perform the described job, spinal compression forces, and data
comparisons to NIOSH guidelines. The user can analyze torso twists and bends
and make complex hand force entries. Analysis is aided by an automatic posture
generation feature and three-dimensional human graphic illustrations.
Appendix C. Analysis Methods
Ohio State Lumbar Motion Monitor
Traditionally, most workplace ergonomic assessments have focused on joint loading
in static postures. However, epidemiologic studies have shown that three-dimensional
dynamic motion is associated with an increased risk of occupational injury and
illness. The Biodynamics Lab has developed a unique research program that focuses
on the study of occupational joint loading under realistic dynamic motion conditions.
The program’s goal is to obtain a better understanding of how much exposure to
realistic risk factors is too much.
Snook’s Psychophysical Tables
These tables are based on psychophysical data and provide the maximum acceptable
weights and forces for various common tasks including lifting and lowering weights,
pulling and pushing forces, and carrying objects. Values are given for different lift
heights, number of lifts per minute, and percentiles of male and female populations
capable of the task.
S. H. Snook, and V. M. Ciriello. “The Design of Manual Handling Tasks: Revised Tables
of Maximum Acceptable Weights and Forces.” Ergonomics 34(9): 1197–1213 (1991).
NIOSH Publications on Ergonomics and
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
NIOSH offers many types of publications including:
General ergonomics manuals
Industry or operation-speci c manuals
Ergonomics texts
Appendix D Improvement Evaluation “Tool”
As you evaluate possible improvement options, keep in mind the requirements that
are most important in your particular workplace. Then, ask the following general
questions for each improvement option under consideration:
Will this improvement:
Reduce or eliminate most or all of the identied risk factors?
Add any new risk factors that have not been previously identied?
Be affordable for our organization (e.g., is there a simpler, less expensive
alternative that could be equally effective)?
Affect productivity or efciency?
Affect product or service quality?
Provide a temporary or permanent “x”?
Be accepted by employees?
Affect employee morale?
Be able to be fully implemented (including training) in a reasonable amount of time?
Affect the rate of pay or any collective bargaining agreements?
If you are thinking about new equipment for handling material, additional questions
need to be answered. An evaluation will help to ensure that you choose the most
appropriate piece of equipment to improve the “t” between the task and the worker.
For each improvement option under consideration, ask yourself if this particular piece
of equipment will:
Reach far enough to cover the work area?
Handle the weight and shape of the product?
Re-orient the load as needed for production (e.g., to empty or pour contents)?
Be easy to load or unload?
Require much force or energy to push it, steer it around corners, or stop it
at the destination?
Be heavy or large?
Handle the load in a safe and controlled manner? Is the load held securely and is
it well balanced? Will cables or chains allow too much movement compared with
rigid links?
Allow an adequate eld of view for the operator?
Slow workers down too much to meet production requirements?
Interface with existing equipment and structures? Will weight-bearing columns,
shelving, or other structures block the movement of the equipment?
Need an additional power supply beyond what is currently in place?
Appendix E. Organizations
Appendix E Organizations
The following organizations may provide additional information on material handling
equipment and work practices.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI coordinates the U.S. voluntary consensus standards system, approves American
National Standards, and is the sole U.S. representative and dues-paying member of
the International Organization for Standardization and the IEC.
American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS)
APICS — The Educational Society for Resource Management is a not-for-prot
international educational organization that offers education and professional
certi cation programs.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ASME membership includes opportunities to share new concepts, spearhead solutions,
and advance the science and practice of mechanical engineering through the programs
of its 36 technical divisions and four institutes. ASME International is a nonprot
educational and technical organization serving a worldwide membership of 125,000.
Association of Professional Material Handling Consultants (APMHC)
APMHC is a professional society composed of individual consultants in the
material-handling eld.
The Automated Material Handling Systems Association
For over 27 years, the Automated Materials Handling Systems Association (formerly
Automated Storage Retrieval Systems/Automatic Guided Vehicle Systems Users’
Association) has promoted the sharing of knowledge and experience among
its members, both users and vendors, to provide proven solutions to common
warehousing/automation problems.
College-Industry Council on Materials Handling Education (CICMHE)
The council provides information, teaching materials, and various events in support
of education and research on material handling.
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA)
CEMAs purpose is to promote voluntary standardization of conveyor design,
manufacture, and application.
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals seeks to enhance the development
of the logistics profession by providing information and educational opportunities.
Darcor and Ergoweb ® Ergonomic White Paper
The Ergonomics of Manual Material Handling - Pushing and Pulling Tasks
Fédération Européenne de la Manutention (FEM)
FEM is the European manufacturers association of materials handling and lifting and
storage equipment. It represents the technical, economic, and political interests of
the industry. FEM serves technical progress and improves safety at work through the
establishment of guidelines and business codes.
Industrial Truck Association (ITA)
ITAs site includes directory of members’ products by truck class, information on vendor-
sponsored operator training programs, data on standards for trucks and parts, events of the
lift-truck industry, annual statistics on U.S. shipments of industrial trucks, and more.
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
The IIE is a professional society dedicated to advancing the technical and managerial
excellence of those concerned with improving the productivity of integrated systems
of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. The IIE serves the
professional needs of industrial engineers and all individuals involved with improving
quality and productivity.
International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA)
The IWLA is the unied voice of the global logistics outsourcing industry,
representing third-party warehousing, transportation, and logistics service providers.
Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA)
The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) is the only
trade association dedicated solely to improving the prociency of the independent
material-handling equipment distributor.
Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA)
The MHIA is the nonprot umbrella organization overseeing its two membership
divisions: The Material Handling Institute (MHI) and the Material Handling Industry
of America (MHIA). This vendor association’s site includes a directory of MHIA
members and its products as well as information on available literature.
Appendix E. Organizations
The Material Handling Institute is the educational wing of the MHIA.
The following are product sections or councils within the MHIA:
Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems (AS/RS)
Automatic Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS)
Conveyor Product Section (CPS)
Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. (CMAA)
Ergonomic Assist Systems and Equpment (EASE)
Hoist Manufacturers Institute (HMI)
Institute of Caster Manufacturers (ICWM)
Integrated Systems & Controls Council (ICS)
Lift Manufacturers Product Section (LMPS)
Loading Dock Equipment Manufacturers (LODEM)
Monorail Manufacturers Association, Inc. (MMA)
Order Fulllment Council (OFC)
Reusable Plastic Container and Pallet Association (RPCPA)
Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SMA)
Materials Handling & Management Society (MHMS)
The MHMS is an individual membership organization for the materials-handling
practitioner and the materials-handling community.
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
The NAM is the nation’s largest industrial trade association, representing small and
large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states.
National Wooden Pallet & Container Association (NWPCA)
The NWPCA is dedicated to the success of its members by helping them create cost-
effective, environmentally responsible solutions to meet their customers’ changing
unit load handling needs.
Packaging Machinery Manufacturing Institute (PMMI)
The PMMI is a resource for packaging. PMMI’s mission states that it is committed to
improving, leading, and unifying all segments of the packaging industry worldwide.
Robotics Industries Association (RIA)
The RIA is North America’s only trade association focused exclusively on robotics.
More than 250 member companies represent leading robot manufacturers, system
integrators, end users, and researchers.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is a nonprot, professional society dedicated to
the advancement of scientic knowledge in the eld of manufacturing engineering. SME
is a professional society serving the manufacturing industries. SME has some 60,000
members in 70 countries and supports a network of hundreds of chapters worldwide.
Supply-Chain Council (SCC)
The Supply-Chain Council’s membership is primarily practitioners representing a broad
cross-section of industries, including manufacturers, services, distributors, and retailers.
University of California Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center, UC Davis
This centers mission is to understand and apply ergonomic approaches to the
development and evaluation of equipment designs and work practices that prevent
musculoskeletal disorders in agricultural work.
The “pot lifter” was developed to lift and carry pots and other cylindrical containers.
For detailed information on this device, go to http://ag-ergo.ucdavis.edu
Click on:
Help for Industry
Other resources for industry
Tip Sheet 001:Nursery Lifting Tool (English and Spanish)
Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC)
The Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) is the professional
association for those in warehousing and distribution. WERC is a not-for-prot
organization with more than 4,000 individual members.
Writers and Editors
Zin Cheung, MS, CIE - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
Mario Feletto, MS, MPH - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
Jim Galante - EASE Council - Charlotte, NC
Tom Waters, PhD, CPE - NIOSH - Cincinnati, OH
Page Layout and Design
Jitan Patel - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
Photographers and Image Editors
Zin Cheung, MS, CIE - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
Rick Hight - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
Ken Jackson - Link One LLC - Sacramento, CA
Jitan Patel - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
Fran Wagner, MS, CIE - Link One LLC - Sacramento, CA
Faye Ong - CDE Press, California Department of Education - Sacramento, CA
Ergonomics Consultants
Suzanne H. Rodgers, PhD - Consultant in Ergonomics - Rochester, NY
Fran Wagner, MS, CIE - Link One LLC - Sacramento, CA
Editorial and Technical Reviewers
Dave C. Bare, CIH - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Sacramento, CA
David Brodie, MS, CPE - Atlas Ergonomics - Grand Haven, MI
Paul R. Burnett - Santa Clara Valley Water District - San Jose, CA
Fadi Fathallah, PhD - University of California - Davis, CA
Sean Gallagher, PhD, CPE - NIOSH - Pittsburgh, PA
Daniel J. Habes, MSE, CPE - NIOSH - Cincinnati, OH
John Howard, MD, MPH, JD, LL.M - NIOSH - Washington, DC
Ira Janowitz, PT, CPE - University of California - Berkeley, CA
Brian Roberts, C.S.P., CIE - CNA Insurance - Chicago, IL
Kristy Schultz, MS, CIE - State Compensation Insurance Fund - Sacramento, CA
Steve Smith, CIH - Division of Occupational Safety & Health - Sacramento, CA
Len Welsh, MS, JD - Division of Occupational Safety & Health - Sacramento, CA
We thank the following people and organizations for their support and assistance in
the development of this publication:
Denny Albrecht - BMH Equipment, Inc. - Sacramento, CA
Jim Borman - Signode Western Operations - Pittsburg, CA
Delia Deas - Tropicana - City of Industry, CA
Linda Donavon - Eagle Group - Clayton, DE
Ken Fletcher - Blue Diamond Growers - Sacramento, CA
Herman Jett - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service - Santa Fe Springs, CA
Mike Kelly - Calgene - Davis, CA
Ken King - SPC Industrial - Holly, MI
Rory Manley - General Pool and Spa - Rancho Cordova, CA
Etta Mason - Southern California Edison - Westminster, CA
Brad McCroskey - Triple A Containers - Cerritos, CA
Edward D. Page - Ofce of State Publishing - Sacramento, CA
Iraj Pourmehraban - Cal/OSHA Consultation Service, VPP - Oakland, CA
Fred Sibley - Natural Stone - Sacramento, CA
We thank the following companies for contributing to the development of this publication:
Acco Material Handling Solutions - York, PA
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. - Tefford, PA
Advance Lifts Inc. - St. Charles, IL
American Lifts - Greensburg, IN
Autoquip Corporation - Guthrie, OK
Best Diversied Products, Inc. - Jonesboro, AR
Bishamon Industries Corporation - Ontario, CA
Bushman Equipment, Inc. - Butler, WI
Cofng Hoists - Charlotte, NC
Columbus McKinnon Corporation - Amherst, NY
Dalfuku America - Salt Lake City, UT
Dalmec, Inc. - Bloomingdale, IL
DC Velocity Magazine -Barrington, IL
Demag Cranes & Components Corporation - Solon, OH
Dematic Corp. - Grand Rapids, MI
Diamond Phoenix Corporation - Lewiston, ME
ECOA Industrial Products, Inc. - Hialeah, FL
Excel Storage Products - East Stroudsburg, PA
FKI Logistex Inc. - Saint Louis, MO
Gorbel Inc. - Fishers, NY
HK Systems - Milwaukee, WI
Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc. - Jonesboro, AR
Ingersoll-Rand Company - Annandale, NJ
Intellegrated, Inc. - Mason, OH
Interlake Material Handling, Inc. - Naperville, IL
Interroll Corporation - Wilmington, NC
J&L Wire Products, Inc. - St. Paul, MN
Kingway Material Handling - Acworth, GA
Konecranes America, Inc. - Houston, TX
Lockheed Martin - Owego, NY
Lodi Metal Tech, Inc. - Lodi, CA
Material Handling Management Magazine - Cleveland, OH
Mecalux USA, Inc. - Melrose Park, IL
MegaStar Systems - Marietta, OH
Modern Materials Handling Magazine - Waltham, MA
Nashville Wire Products Manufacturing Co, Inc. - Nashville, TN
Pentalift Equipment Corporation - Buffalo, NY
Pow Industries - Milwaukee, WI
Positech Corporation - Laurens, IA
Prest Rack, Inc. - Brookings, SD
Remstar International, Inc. - Westbrook, ME
Ridg-U-Rak, Inc. - North East, PA
Rite-Hite Corporation - Milwaukee, WI
S.I.T. Indeva, Inc. - Charlotte, NC
Serco - Carrollton, TX
Southworth International Group, Inc. - Portland, ME
SpaceRak, Division of Tarpon - Marysville, MI
Spanco, Inc. - Morgantown, PA
Speedrack Products Group, Ltd. - Sparta, MI
Steel King Industries, Inc. - Stevens Point, WI
Torbeck Industries - Harrison, OH
Unarco Material Handling - Spring eld, TN
Unex Manufacturing, Inc. - Jackson, NJ
Vertical Systems International, LLC - Walton, KY
West Bend Division of Bushman Equipment, Inc. - Butler, WI
Wildeck, Inc. - Waukesha, WI
Yale Lift-Tech - Muskegon, MI
Cal/OSHA Consultation Programs
Toll-free number: 1-800-963-9424 Internet: www.dir.ca.gov
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Northern California
2424 Arden Way, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 263-0704
Central Valley
1901 North Gateway Blvd., Suite 102
San Francisco Bay Area
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1515 Clay St., Suite 1103
(559) 454-1295
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-2891
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464 West 4th St., Suite 339
San Bernardino, CA 92401
(909) 383-4567
San Fernando Valley
6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 307
Van Nuys, CA 91401
(818) 901-5754
Los Angeles
10350 Heritage Park Dr., Suite 201
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 944-9366
San Diego
7575 Metropolitan Dr., Suite 204
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 767-2060
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Voluntary Protection Program Research and Education Unit
Oakland, CA 94612 Sacramento, CA 95825
(510) 622-1081 (916) 574-2528
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2007-131
REU April 2007