wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/tbj Breast J. 2021;27:80–81.© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC
Received: 14 September 2020 
  Revised: 21 September 2020 
  Accepted: 21 September 2020
DOI: 10.1111/tbj.14078
Mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction during
phase 1” COVID-19 emergency: An Italian experience
Gianluca Franceschini PhD
| Alejandro Martin Sanchez MD
Lorenzo Scardina MD
| Daniela Terribile PhD
| Antonio Franco MD
Sabatino D'Archi MD
| Alba Di Leone MD
| Francesca Moschella MD
Stefano Magno MD
| Flavia De Lauretis MD
| Giuseppe Visconti MD
Marzia Salgarello PhD
| Riccardo Masetti PhD
Multidisciplinary Breast Center, Dipartimento Scienze della Salute della donna e del Bambino e di Sanità Pubblica, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A.
Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy
Istituto di Semeiotica Chirurgica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
Correspondence: Alejandro Martin Sánchez, MD, Multidisciplinary Breast Center, Dipartimento Scienze della Salute della donna e del Bambino e di Sanità
Pubblica, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS. Roma, Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, Italy.
Emails: martin.san[email protected]; martin.san[email protected]
breast cancer, breast reconstruction, COVID-19 pandemic, mastectomy, prosthetic breast reconstruction
Since the beginning of the COVID 19 outbreak, a number of guide-
lines and recommendations have been released on how to best re-
adapt clinical activities, including breast cancer care.
The American College of Surgeons' COVID 19 Pandemic Breast
Cancer Consortium (which comprises the National Accreditation
Program for Breast Centers, the Commission on Cancer, the American
Society of Breast Surgeons, and the National Comprehensive Cancer
Network) recommended to reprioritize breast cancer treatment
basing on three phases of acuity of the local COVID-19 situation
and of hospital capacities (“semi-urgent,” “urgent,” and “critical”
With regard to patients scheduled for mastectomy, the is-
sued recommendation was to defer breast reconstruction even in
semi-urgent settings.
A similar recommendation to delay breast reconstruction was
issued in Europe by the European Society of Medical Oncology
(ESMO) and other groups.
But immediate breast reconstruction is considered part of the
“gold standard” treatment for patients requiring mastectomy as it al-
lows significant benefits compared to delayed reconstruction: It pre-
serves self-esteem and normal perceptions of body image, improves
feelings of femininity, charm, sexuality, and sense of self, ultimately
enhancing the quality of life. Furthermore, immediate reconstruc-
tion improves body posture.
Denying immediate breast reconstruction to all patients under-
going mastectomy without taking into account the acuity of COVID-
19 settings would generate three unfavorable consequences:
A significant backlog of patients requiring delayed reconstructive
procedures, with additional challenges and costs for the health
system months to follow.
An unacceptable substandard of care, not supported by definitive
clinical evidence.
An additional psychosocial distress, in patients undergoing sur-
gical treatment during the COVID era. These patients, as docu-
mented in a recent survey, have strained copying capacities due to
the fact that the fear for their breast cancer is strongly enhanced
by the fear of the virus.
These consistent concerns led our multidisciplinary team to
evaluate whether or not to adopt the indication to defer immediate
reconstruction in all cases. As our hospital remained in a “semi-ur-
gent” to “urgent” setting” during the entire pandemic trajectory,
the shared thinking was that by using a previously described strict
COVID-19 protection protocol,
we could maintain our regular vol-
umes of surgical interventions for breast cancer and continue to
offer immediate implant reconstruction to patients that asked for it
even during the pandemic outbreak.
During the 3-month period (February 1–April 30, 2020), of
the Italian “phase 1 COVID-19 pandemic, 326 patients with
Gianluca Franceschini and Alejandro Martin Sanchez contributed equally to this work.
histologically proven invasive breast cancer received surgical treat-
ment in our breast unit. Among them, 50 patients (15.3%) were
scheduled for mastectomy (Group A). Every woman in this group
was informed of risks and benefits of immediate reconstruction, and
as a result of a shared decision-making process, all patients opted
to receive it, confirming the extraordinary importance that patients
attribute to this procedure.
During the same trimester of the previous year (February 1–April
30, 2019), surgical treatment was performed in 341 patients with his-
tologically proven invasive breast cancer. Among them, 43 (12.6%)
received mastectomy and immediate reconstruction (Group B).
The performance of immediate breast reconstruction in pa-
tients undergoing mastectomy during the COVID pandemic did not
increase postoperative complications rates (8.0% vs 13.9%) in group
A and in group B, respectively, or postoperative hospitalization time
(2.9 days vs 4.5 days). These results were acquired without any sig-
nificant increase in exposure to COVID-19 infection (Table 1).
Two asymptomatic patients resulted positive at the SARS-COV2
quick test at the time of hospital check-in. They were immediately
confined in a specific unit and repeated two nasopharyngeal swabs
at 48-hour interval. Both swabs resulted negative for SARS-COV2,
confirming a false positivity of quick testing, so the patients received
scheduled surgical treatment while remaining in the confinement unit.
We did not observe any case of symptomatic COVID-19 infec-
tions during hospitalization or after discharge, with a mean follow-up
of 110 days.
These preliminary results seem to indicate that with the use of
a proper COVID-19 protection protocol, immediate breast recon-
struction can safely be offered at least in semi-urgent settings.
We clearly understand the limits of our study: It is a retrospec-
tive review of a single-center experience with a small number of pa-
tients and a short follow-up.
Despite these mentioned limitations, we hope that our results
can encourage breast units to adjust their treatment policies in
patients scheduled for mastectomy taking into account a focused
analysis of local COVID-19 diffusion and single institution capacities
rather than adopt of “one-size-fits-all” recommendations.
Gianluca Franceschini https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2950-3395
Alejandro Martin Sanchez https://orcid.
Lorenzo Scardina https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5828-2851
Stefano Magno https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3721-9693
1. COVID 19 Pandemic Breast Cancer Consortium. COVID-19 guide-
lines for triage of breast cancer patients. American College of
Surgeons. https://www.facs.org/covid -19/clini cal-guida nce/elect ive-
case/breas t-cancer. Accessed March 24, 2020
2. ESMO Management and treatment adapted recommendations in the
COVID-19 era: breast cancer. https://www.esmo.org/guide lines/
breas t-cance r/breas t-cance r-in-the-covid -19-era. Accessed May 01,
3. Curigliano G, Cardoso MJ, Poortmans P, et al. Recommendations for
triage, prioritization and treatment of breast cancer patients during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Breast. 2020;52:8-16.
4. Hart AM, Pinell-White X, Losken A. The psychosexual im-
pact of postmastectomy breast reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg.
5. Al-Ghazal SK, Sully L, Fallowfield L, et al. The psychological impact
of immediate rather than delayed breast reconstruction. Eur J Surg
Oncol. 2000;26:17.
6. Fung KW, Lau Y, Fielding R, et al. The impact of mastectomy,
breast-conserving treatment and immediate breast reconstruction
on the quality of life of Chinese women. ANZ J Surg. 2001;71:202.
7. Al-Ghazal SK, Fallowfield L, Blamey RW. Comparison of psycho-
logical aspects and patient satisfaction following breast conserving
surgery, simple mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Eur J Cancer.
8. Magno S, Linardos M, Carnevale S, et al. The impact of the Covid-
19 pandemic on breast cancer patients awaiting surgery: ob-
servational survey in an Italian University hospital. Breast J.
9. Sanchez AM, Scardina L, Franceschini G, et al. Treatment protocol to
allow reconstructive breast surgery during covid-19 pandemic. Br J
Surg. https://doi.org/10.1002/bjs.11969. [Epub ahead of print].
TABLE 1 Surgical aspects
2020 2019
Group A (50) Group B (43)
Type of mastectomy
Nipple-sparing mastectomy 39 (78%) 38 (88.4%)
Skin-sparing mastectomy 11 (22%) 5 (11.6%)
Side of mastectomy
Unilateral 36 (72%) 25 (58.1%)
Bilateral 14 (28%) 18 (41.9%)
Type of reconstruction
Tissue expander 11 (22%) 9 (20.9%)
Definitive prosthetic
39 (78%) 34 (79.1%)
Contralateral symmetrization 0 15 (34.9%)
Implant reconstruction
Prepectoral 28 (56%) 25 (58.2%)
Subpectoral prosthetic 11 (22%) 9 (20.9%)
Subpectoral tissue expander 11 (22%) 9 (20.9%)
Surgical timing (minutes) 258 (260;
310 (312;
Postoperative hospitalization
2.9 (3; 2-4) 4.5 (4; 3-7)
Number of outpatient visits 2.09 (2; 2-3) 6.2 (6; 6-10)
Postoperative complications
Seroma 3 (6%) 5 (11.6%)
Wound dehiscence 1 (2%) 0
CAC necrosis 0 1 (2.3%)