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King County Superior Court Family Law Rule 17 Last Updated 04/26/24
FLIC 10.1
How to
Ask for a Contempt Order
If the other party does not obey a court order
You should only use these instructions if the order you want the other party to follow is about:
Visitation or residential time with the children (Parenting Plan, Residential Schedule,
Custody Order, etc.);
Child Support;
Maintenance (i.e. alimony or spousal support)
When you ask for a Contempt Order, the other party may have the right to a Public defender. That
means the hearing could be postponed for several weeks.
Talk to a lawyer if you can
These instructions have been developed by the King County Superior Court Family Law Information
Center. They provide legal information only and are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice.
Facilitators cannot provide legal advice or complete your forms for you. It’s a good idea to talk to a
lawyer before you file any forms.
You can get information about their services and a list of low-cost and free legal resources at
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Step 1: Fill out these forms:
All forms can be downloaded at
Name of Form
Form No.
Motion for Contempt Hearing
Attach a copy of the Order that the
other party disobeyed. If the Order is
from another county, talk to a lawyer
FL All Family 135
Order to Go to Court for
Contempt Hearing (Order to
Show Cause
See Step 2 for information on how to
choose a hearing date.
Notice of Court Date Family Law
See Step 2.
Proof of Personal Service
This is for the server to fill out after
copies of the court papers are served to
the other party
Contempt Hearing Order
Fill out the way you want the
Commissioner to decide. Write
PROPOSED” at the top of each copy,
but not the original.
If the motion involves financial issues, you will also fill out these forms
Financial Declaration of (Name) ____.
FL All Family 131
Sealed Financial Source Documents
Cover Sheet
FL All Family 011
Attach the documents
listed below to this cover
For the court to decide on financial issues, you must provide copies of financial documents,
Your W-2s and complete personal tax returns for the past 2 years
Your most recent pay stubs (at least 6 months)
Complete partnership/corporate tax returns for the past 2 years if
you have a 5% interest or more
Statements from all of your banks and financial institutions for the
past 6 months
Step 2: How to Choose a Court Date
1. Picking a Hearing Date and Time:
The motions calendar is limited to a certain number of hearings per day. You must
go to to view
availability and schedule your motion with the family law department.
Please note that you must schedule each motion individually. You cannot make one
reservation for multiple motions (Example- Contempt/Temporary Orders or
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temporary orders/Motion to Enforce). Only the motions properly scheduled will be
2. Pick the Correct Calendar:
You will pick “Attorney Represented Motions” if there is an attorney on the other
side or “Self-Represented Motions” if there are no attorneys involved. Make sure to
pick the correct calendar on the calendar tool.
You will need your case number, contact information and information for the other
party to complete the reservation.
3. Filing your documents:
Once you have reserved your spot on the calendar, the reservation system will give
you the Notice of Court Date to file, or you can download the form at
filing/forms. You must file a Notice of Court Date and your motion within 3 calendar
days of your reservation.
If you make a reservation, but fail to file the Motion and Notice of Court date within 3
days, your reservation may be stricken.
IMPORTANT! If the court determines that you are reserving space on the calendar
in bad faith, you may be subject to sanctions. You should only reserve a hearing
date when you intend to move forward with the motion.
4. Cancelling or Rescheduling a Hearing:
If you need to cancel or reschedule your hearing you must immediately contact: or 206-477-1523 for motions noted in
Kent, or or 206-477-2750 for motions noted
in Seattle
Please do not reserve more than one slot per motion. Important! If you are
rescheduling court staff will move your reserved time to the new date. If you fail to
timely strike your hearing, or re-note the motion without alerting family law staff, you
may be subject to sanctions.
Step 3: Make Copies.
Original set to file with the Clerk’s Office.
Copy 1 is to serve the other party
Copy 2 you will keep for your records.
Step 4: Submit your documents Ex Parte via the Clerk.
Ex Parte via the Clerk is a service provided by the Clerk’s Office. Submit all documents listed in
step 1(except the Contempt Hearing Order and Proof of Service) and a Clerk will give your
Order to Go to Court for Contempt Hearing (Order to Show Cause) to a Commissioner to sign
and return a signed copy to you.
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You can submit your documents to the Clerk’s Office (room 2C in Kent and E-609 in Seattle),
You may also provide your papers electronically to Ex Parte via the Clerk. Please see:
There is a fee; if you cannot afford to pay the fee, apply to waive the fee. Forms and
instructions are at: :
Step 5: Submit Proposed Orders to Family Law Department
Your Proposed Order is the Contempt Hearing Order (FL All Family 167).
You can submit your proposed order online through the Clerk's Office eFiling
System via the
"Proposed Orders (Family Law)" link.
If you are not represented by an attorney, you can submit paper copies of
proposed orders to the Judge’s Mailroom in an envelope marked “Attn: Family Law
Commissioner” with their full name, case number and hearing date. Orders for
cases with a “KNT” designation should be dropped off in room 2D in Kent. Orders
for cases with an “SEA” designation should be dropped off in room C-203 in Seattle.
If you are the person asking for the motion, submit your proposed order at
least 14 calendar days prior to the hearing. If you are the person responding
to the motion, the proposed order is due 5 court days prior to the hearing.
Step 6: Submission List/Confirm Hearing
Find this form here:
Form Name
Working Paper Submission List
All documents that will be considered must be filed in the clerk’s office (either e-filed or
physically delivered) and served on the other party. Once you have filed the documents you
must file a Working Papers Submission List. The Submission List form can be found at:
The Working Papers Submission List accomplishes two purposes:
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1. It confirms that you want your hearing to move forward-The Working Papers
Submission List is due by the reply deadline for the moving party (noon 3 court days
prior) and the response deadline for the responding party (noon 5 court days prior). If
you fail to file your submission list by the deadlines listed above, your hearing will not
take place. It is suggested that the submission list be filed electronically to avoid
processing delays.
2. It lets the Commissioner know what to read to prepare for the hearing. The
submission list shall list all documents that the parties want the court to consider. It
must list your motion. If the submission list does not list required documents, such as
the motions, your hearing may not go forward.
If you have filed multiple motions for one case, and have reserved a spot for each motion,
you may file one submission list for all properly reserved motions.
Important! If you do not turn in a Submission List your hearing will be stricken.
Do not leave the submission number column blank on the Submission List.
The submission number is the number each document is assigned when it is
filed. The submission numbers are located at https://dja-prd- by entering your case number, clicking on the
document list, and referring to the Sub Number Column.   
Step 7: Have the other party served.
The other party must be served a copy of all of your court papers (except the Return of
Service) at least 14 days before the hearing.
How to Serve:
Someone over 18 not you must serve (give) the other party copies of your court
After serving, the server fills out the Proof of Personal Service form (FL All Family
101) and gives it to you. (If the other party is personally served outside Washington
State, fill out and file form FL All Family 102 also.)
File the original Proof of Personal Service with the Clerk. Keep a copy. You will
need it at your hearing.
Step 8: Virtual hearing
All family law motions are being heard virtually via Zoom. Two days before your hearing:
Go to
Click on the green button that says “Virtual Hearing Links- 1:00 p.m.
Find the name of your case. The zoom link you will use to appear for your
hearing will be to the right of your case number.
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If you cannot access Zoom for your hearing, you may also use the phone number
provided to appear by phone. If you cannot go online to get the hearing information,
at least two days before your hearing, call and leave a message at:
206-477-1523 for motions noted in Kent, or
206-477-2750 for motions noted in Seattle
Court staff will contact you back to let you know how to appear.
For more guidance on Video Hearings, please visit:
Important tips for your Zoom hearing:
1. If you are on time for your hearing and you are not let into the meeting within 15
minutes after your scheduled hearing time, please email
a. for Seattle cases or,
b. for Kent cases.
Do not leave the waiting room. If you cannot email the court, call 206-263-0635 for
2. Once in the meeting please:
a. Mute yourself and turn off your camera until you are called on.
b. Rename yourself with your last name, first name (example: "Doe, Jane").
c. If you get disconnected on accident you can click the link again or call the
associated phone number and you will be let back into the meeting.
3. The coordinator will perform a check-in. Please remain muted and do not speak
until your name or case number is called.
4. After check-in, wait and remain muted with your camera off until the court is
ready for your hearing. Your hearing may start at any time between 1:00 and
4:00 pm. When called, identify yourself each time you speak and conduct
yourself as you would if you were in a physical courtroom, meaning there are
other people present for their hearings too.
5. After your hearing is over you are welcome to leave the meeting.