Adopted by:
Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors
November 9, 2015
Prepared by:
Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors
Lancaster Township Planning Commission
Ben Bamford, Chair
Melissa A. Kelly, Chairperson
Tom Schaller, Vice Chair
Glenn Ebersole, Vice Chairperson
Kathy Wasong, Treasurer
Angela A. Sowers, Secretary
Richard Hendricks
Gordon B. Reed
Gary L. Jones
Tom Waters
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 2
ARTICLE I. ENACTMENT, AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION ................................................ 4
Section 101 Enactment – Authority ........................................................................................................ 4
Section 102 Jurisdiction and Conflicts ................................................................................................... 4
Section 103 Title ..................................................................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE II. INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................... 7
Section 201 General Interpretations ....................................................................................................... 7
Section 202 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 7
Section 203 Abbreviations. ................................................................................................................... 18
ARTICLE III. PLAN PROCESSING PROCEDURES ........................................................................ 20
Section 301 General.............................................................................................................................. 20
Section 302 Pre-Application Review (Sketch Plan) ............................................................................. 20
Section 303 Formal Application ........................................................................................................... 21
Section 304 Acceptance for Filing ....................................................................................................... 21
Section 305 Preliminary Plan Application ............................................................................................ 21
Section 306 Final Plan Application ...................................................................................................... 24
Section 307 Improvement Construction Plan Application ................................................................... 30
Section 308 Procedure for Requesting Consideration of Modification of Provisions of This
Ordinance .......................................................................................................................... 33
Section 309 Plans Exempted from Preliminary Plan Procedures ......................................................... 35
SUBDIVISION OR LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ................................................. 37
Section 401 Sketch Plans ...................................................................................................................... 37
Section 402 Preliminary Plans .............................................................................................................. 39
Section 403 Final Plans ........................................................................................................................ 45
Section 404 Lot Add-On Plans ............................................................................................................. 50
Section 405 Feasibility Report on Sewer and Water Facilities ............................................................. 51
Section 406 Traffic Impact Study ......................................................................................................... 54
Section 407 Wetlands Study ................................................................................................................. 59
ARTICLE V. IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ASSURANCES .............................................. 61
Section 501 Completion of Improvements or Guarantee Thereof Prerequisite to Final Plan
Approval ........................................................................................................................... 61
Section 502 Release from Financial Security ....................................................................................... 63
Section 503 Remedies to Effect Completion of Improvements ............................................................ 64
Section 504 Inspection During Construction ........................................................................................ 64
Section 505 Offers of Dedication ......................................................................................................... 66
Section 506 Maintenance of Streets...................................................................................................... 66
Section 507 Effect of Plan Recording on Dedication and Reservations ............................................... 66
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Section 508 As-Built Plan .................................................................................................................... 67
ARTICLE VI. DESIGN STANDARDS .................................................................................................. 68
Section 601 General.............................................................................................................................. 68
Section 602 Streets, Private Streets, Alleys, Lot Access, Driveways, and Access Drives.................... 68
Section 603 Vehicular Parking Facilities, Sidewalks, and Curbs ......................................................... 82
Section 604 Blocks, Lots, Building Setback Lines, and Building Separation ...................................... 85
Section 605 Easements ......................................................................................................................... 87
Section 606 Survey Monuments and Lot Line Markers ....................................................................... 88
Section 607 Landscaping, Screening, Wooded Areas, and Street Trees............................................... 89
Section 608 Sanitary Sewage Disposal and Water Supply ................................................................... 92
Section 609 Dedication of Park and Recreation Land .......................................................................... 95
Section 610 Emergency Access Requirements ..................................................................................... 97
Section 611 Refuse Collection Stations ................................................................................................ 98
Section 701 General.............................................................................................................................. 99
Section 702 Mobile/Manufactured Home Parks Standards .................................................................. 99
Section 703 Campground Standards ..................................................................................................... 99
ARTICLE VIII. ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................... 100
Section 801 General............................................................................................................................ 100
Section 802 Amendment .................................................................................................................... 100
Section 803 Modifications .................................................................................................................. 100
Section 804 Challenges and Appeals .................................................................................................. 100
Section 805 Violations ........................................................................................................................ 101
Section 806 Records ........................................................................................................................... 102
Section 807 Validity ........................................................................................................................... 102
Section 808 Effective Date ................................................................................................................. 103
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 4
Ordinance No. 2015-07
of Lancaster Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, as follows:
Section 101 Enactment – Authority
The Board of Supervisors of Lancaster Township, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning
Code, Act 247 of 1968, as reenacted and amended (MPC), hereby enacts and ordains the following
Ordinance governing subdivisions and land developments within the limits of Lancaster Township.
Section 102 Jurisdiction and Conflicts
102.01 The standards and requirements contained in this Ordinance shall apply as
minimum standards for subdivisions and land developments located within
Lancaster Township. However, when the Township in its most recent version of
the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, Lancaster Township
Building Code, as amended, or other ordinance, code, resolution, or regulation
other than this Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, imposes more
restrictive standards and requirements than contained herein, such other standards
and requirements shall prevail. These other Township standards and requirements
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 5
shall be subject to enforcement by the agency assigned such jurisdiction by said
ordinance, code, resolution, or regulation. Approval of a plan by the Township
shall not be construed as an indication that the plan complies with the other
Township standards or requirements.
102.02 In order that the actions of the Board of Supervisors under this Ordinance may be
correlated with all relevant data and procedures, the Board of Supervisors hereby
designates the Lancaster Township Planning Commission as the agency of the
Board of Supervisors:
A. To which all applications relating to either preliminary or final approval
of subdivision and land development plans shall be initially submitted;
B. With which applicants shall hold all preliminary consultations relating to
the plans;
C. Which shall make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors
concerning approval, disapproval, modification and conditions of
approval of such plans; and,
D. Which shall make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors
concerning the interpretation of and the granting of modifications to
provisions and standards of this Ordinance.
102.03 With the exception of Sections 102.04 and 102.05 of this Ordinance, the provisions
of this Ordinance shall apply to and control all subdivisions and land developments
whose plans have not been recorded with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds,
prior to the effective date of these regulations.
102.04 The provisions of this Ordinance shall not adversely affect an application for
approval of a Preliminary or Final plan which is duly and properly filed with the
Township and the Lancaster County Planning Commission (LCPC) and is pending
action at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance, and in which case the
applicant shall be entitled to a decision in accordance with the provisions of the
governing ordinances or plans as they stood at the time the application had been
duly filed. When a Preliminary Plan has been duly approved, the applicant shall
be entitled to Final Plan approval in accordance with the terms of the approved
Preliminary Plan; however, if an application is properly and finally denied, any
subsequent application shall be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance.
102.05 If an applicant has received approval of a Preliminary Plan or Final Plan prior to
the effective date of this Ordinance, no provision of this Ordinance shall be applied
to adversely affect the right of the applicant to commence and complete any aspect
of the approved development in accordance with the terms of such approval within
five (5) years from the date of such approval. If there is any doubt as to the terms
of approval, the terms shall be construed in light of the provisions of the governing
ordinances or plans as they stood at the time when the application for such approval
was duly filed.
102.06 In accordance with the provisions of the MPC, regulations governing
mobile/manufactured home parks (and campgrounds) are set forth in Article VII
of this Ordinance.
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102.07 Municipal Liability
The making of any administrative decision by the Township or any of its officials
or employees shall not constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any
kind of the Township of the practicability or safety of any proposed or existing
subdivision or land development, and shall create no liability upon or give rise to
any cause of action against the Township and its officials and employees. The
Board of Supervisors, by enacting and amending this Ordinance, does not waive
or limit any immunity granted to the Township and its officials and employees by
the Governmental Immunity Act, 42 Pa. C.S. §8541 et seq., and does not assume
any liabilities or obligations.
Section 103 Title
103.01 This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the “Lancaster Township
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 2014”.
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Section 201 General Interpretations
201.01 The standards and provisions of this Article include the definitions and terms used
in this Ordinance and shall apply to all lands in Lancaster Township unless
application to specific instances is expressly stated. In this Ordinance the following
rules of interpretation shall be used:
A. The word "lot" includes the word "plot" or "parcel".
B. Words in the present tense may imply the future tense.
C. Words used as singular imply the plural.
D. The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter genders.
E. The word "person" includes a partnership, corporation, association, trust,
estate, or any other legally recognized entity as well as an individual.
F. The word "shall" is to be interpreted as mandatory; the word "may" as
G. References to any document, official, or entity (i.e. codes, ordinances,
resolutions, plans, maps, governmental bodies, commissions, agencies, or
officials) are references to Lancaster Township documents, officials, or
entities in effect at the time, unless the text indicates that another reference
is intended.
Section 202 Definitions
202.01 Unless otherwise stated, the following words shall, for the purpose of this
Ordinance, have the meaning herein indicated. All terms not otherwise defined in
this Article or elsewhere in this Ordinance; the most recent version of the
Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), as amended; and/or most
recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article
II); shall have their common and ordinary meaning:
Access Drive. A private drive providing pedestrian and or vehicular access
between a public or private street and a parking compound within a land
development (see also Street).
Accessory Building. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Applicant. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as
amended (Article I).
Application for Development. See most recent version of the Municipalities
Planning Code, as amended (Article I).
As-Built Plan. See Plan, As-Built Plan.
Authority (Sewer). The entities responsible for providing public sewage disposal
facilities within Lancaster Township.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 8
Authority (Water). The entities responsible for providing public water facilities
within Lancaster Township.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT). Computed by application of a day of the week by
month factor to an average twenty-four (24) hour traffic count. Such information
is available in the most recent version of the Pennsylvania Department of
Transportation (PennDOT) Traffic Data Collection and Factor Development
Best Management Practice (BMP). See most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Storm Water Management Ordinance (Article II).
Bicycle Parking Facilities. A common, paved (improved and stabilized) area (other
than a public or private street, access drive, or driveway) used exclusively for
parking of bicycles.
Block. A unit of land bounded by streets or a combination of streets, public land,
public parks, cemeteries, railroad (rights-of-way), major watercourses (Conestoga
River and the Little Conestoga Creek only), or any other barrier to the continuity
of development.
Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors of Lancaster Township.
Building. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance,
as amended (Article II).
Building Setback Line. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Campgrounds. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Cartway. The surface of a street, alley, or access drive, available for vehicular
Chairman. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Lancaster Township.
Clear Sight Triangle. An area of unobstructed vision at a street intersection defined
by a line of sight between points at a given distance from the intersection of the
street centerlines.
Common Open Space. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning
Code, as amended (Article I).
Comprehensive Plan. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code,
as amended (Article I). The most recent version of the Lancaster Township
comprehensive plan, as amended.
Condominium. See most recent version of the Pennsylvania Uniform
Condominium Act, 68 Pa. C.S. §3101 et seq (Chapter 31).
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 9
Contiguous. Lots are contiguous when at least one (1) boundary line of one (1) lot
touches a boundary line of another lot.
Cul-de-sac. See Street, Cul-de-sac.
Dedication. The deliberate appropriation of land by its owner for general public
Deed. A written instrument whereby an estate in real property is conveyed.
Deed Restriction. A restriction upon the use of a property placed in a deed.
Density. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as
amended (Article II).
Detention Basin. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Developer. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as
amended (Article I).
Development. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Development Plan. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code,
as amended (Article I). (See also “Plan”.)
Drainage Easement. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm
Water Management Ordinance (Article II).
Driveway. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance
(Article II). (See also Street.)
Easement. A right granted by a landowner to a grantee, allowing for limited use of
private land for a public or quasi-public or private purpose, and within which the
landowner of the property shall not have the right to make use of the land in a
manner that violates the right of the grantee.
Engineer. A professional engineer registered by the Commonwealth of
Environmental Covenant. A servitude arising under an environmental response
project which imposes activity and use limitation.
Environmentally Sensitive Areas. See most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Storm Water Management Ordinance, as amended (Article II)
Erosion. The removal of soil particles by the action of water, wind, ice, or other
geological agents.
Existing Wooded Area. A biological community dominated by trees and other
woody plants covering a land area of one quarter (Âĵ) acre or more. Existing
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 10
Wooded Areas includes areas that have at least twenty-five (25) trees per one
quarter (Âĵ) acre, with at least fifty (50%) percent of those trees having a trunk
caliper of least two (2”) inches measured at a height of four and one-half (4½) feet
above finished grade.
Final Plan. See Plan, Final Plan.
Floor Elevation. The elevation of the lowest level of a particular building,
including the basement.
Geologist. A professional geologist registered by the Commonwealth of
Half Street. A street of less than the required right-of-way and/or cartway width.
(See also Street.)
Historic Feature. Any district, site, structure, or object that meets one or more of
the following criteria:
A. Is listed or may be determined to be eligible to be listed on the National
Register of Historic Places either individually or as a contributing resource.
B. Is listed on the Lancaster County Historic Sites Survey or on any officially
adopted Municipal inventory of historic resources and is determined by a
qualified historic preservation professional to retain the historic
characteristics that qualified it for said list.
C. Is determined by a qualified historic preservation professional to be
historically or architecturally significant.
Improvement Construction Assurance. The procedures specified in Article V by
which a developer assures the construction of improvements required by this
Improvement Construction Guarantee. Financial security filed by the developer
with the Township to assure the construction of all required improvements at a
specified time in the future.
Improvement Construction Plan. See Plan, Improvement Construction Plan.
Improvements. Those physical additions and changes to the land that may be
necessary to produce usable and desirable developments.
Infiltration Structures. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm
Water Management Ordinance (Article II).
Invasive Species. Plants which grow quickly and aggressively, spreading, and
displacing other plants. Invasive plants typically are introduced into a region far
from their native habitat. A list of invasive plants is available from the
Pennsylvania Department of Cultural and Natural Resources (DCNR) at
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 11
Land Development. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code,
as amended (Article I). Land Development shall not include the following:
D. The conversion of an existing single-family detached dwelling or single-
family semi-detached dwelling into not more than three (3) residential units,
unless such units are intended to be a condominium;
E. The addition of an accessory building, including farm buildings, on a lot or
lots subordinate to an existing principal building;
F. The addition or conversion of buildings or rides within the confines of an
enterprise which would be considered an amusement park.
1. For purposes of this subclause, an amusement park is defined as a
tract or area used principally as a location for permanent amusement
structures or rides.
2. This exclusion shall not apply to newly acquired acreage by an
amusement park until initial plans for the expanded area have been
approved by proper authorities; or,
G. A building addition to an existing non-residential principal structure,
provided that:
1. The addition does not create a need for any additional parking or
loading area, per the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XIII); and,
2. The addition does not, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage
Facilities Act, Act 537 of 1966, as amended, create the need for a
sewer facility's plan revision (plan revision module for land
development), or supplement; and,
3. The addition is not for the creation of additional units of occupancy;
4. The addition does not require approval from the Zoning Hearing
Board; and,
5. The addition complies with all provisions of applicable Township
6. For the purpose of this subclause, the building addition exemption
shall be limited cumulatively from May 8, 2000.
Landowner. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as
amended (Article I).
Landscape Architect. A landscape architect registered by the Commonwealth of
Local Street. See Street, Local Street.
Lot. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as amended
(Article I).
A. Lot, Corner. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
B. Lot, Double-Frontage. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 12
C. Lot, Flag. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
D. Lot, Interior. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
E. Lot, Reverse Frontage. A lot which is not a corner lot and abuts two (2) or
more streets, where vehicular access is permitted solely from one (1)
Lot Add-On Plan. See Plan, Lot Add-On Plan.
Lot Area. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance,
as amended (Article II).
Lot Frontage. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Lot Line. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance,
as amended (Article II).
Lot Line Marker. A metal pin used to identify lot line intersections.
Lot Width. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance,
as amended (Article II).
Maintenance Guarantee. Financial security filed by the developer with the
Township to secure structural integrity of all required improvements as well as the
functioning of said improvements for an initial period of time.
Major Street. See Street, Major Street.
Marginal Access Street. See Street, Marginal Access Street.
Mobile/Manufactured Home. See most recent version of the Municipalities
Planning Code, as amended (“mobile home”, Article I).
Mobile/Manufactured Home Lot. See most recent version of the Municipalities
Planning Code, as amended (“mobile home lot”, Article I).
Mobile/Manufactured Home Park. See most recent version of the Municipalities
Planning Code, as amended (“mobile home park”, Article I).
Mobile/Manufactured Home Park Owner and/or Operator. The holder of the legal
title, or the holder of the equitable title, or any person in charge of or responsible
for the operation of the mobile/manufactured home park.
Mobile/Manufactured Home Stand. That part of a mobile/manufactured home lot
which is being reserved for the placement of the mobile/manufactured home.
Modification. A process for alleviating specific requirements imposed by this
Monument. A concrete marker used to identify street right-of-way lines.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 13
Native Plant. A plant which grew in a defined region prior to European settlement.
Indigenous Species and naturalized non-Native Plants may be included as a Native
Plant if it has been brought into the region and has become established into the
wild and is not considered invasive or displaces Native Plants. Naturally occurring
hybrids and cultivars (cultivated varieties) of native genetic parent species which
may or may not have been present prior to European settlement are considered
Native Plants.
Non-Native / Introduced Plant. Any plant species that has been introduced by
humans and now grows independently of cultivation. A subset of Non-Native /
Introduced species are the Invasive Species.
Open Channel. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Ordinance. The most recent version of the Lancaster Township Subdivision, and
Land Development, as amended.
Parcel. See Lot.
Parking Compound. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Plan. The provisions for development, including a planned residential
development, a plat of subdivision, all covenants relating to use, location and bulk
of buildings and other structures, intensity of use or density of development,
streets, ways and parking facilities, common open space and public facilities. A
plan shall be categorized as one (1) of the following classifications:
A. As-Built Plan. A complete and exact set of engineering documents drawn
to scale, showing dimensions, locations, and materials of all streets and
other public improvements as actually constructed.
B. Final Plan. A complete and exact subdivision or land development plan
including all supplementary data prepared for official recording as
required by this Ordinance.
C. Improvement Construction Plan. A complete and exact subdivision and/or
land development plan, the sole purpose of which is to permit the
construction of only those improvements required by this Ordinance, as an
alternative to guaranteeing the completion of those improvements by filing
of financial security.
D. Lot Add-On Plan. A complete and exact subdivision plan including all
supplementary data for the sole purpose of increasing the lot size of an
adjacent contiguous lot.
E. Preliminary Plan. A tentative subdivision or land development plan
including all required supplementary data, in lesser detail than the Final
Plan, indicating the approximate proposed layout of a subdivision or land
development as a basis for consideration prior to preparation of a Final
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 14
F. Record Plan. A Final Plan which contains the original endorsement of the
Board of Supervisors, the Lancaster Township Planning Commission and
the LCPC, and which has been recorded with the Lancaster County
Recorder of Deeds.
G. Sketch Plan. An informal plan, not necessarily to exact scale, indicating
salient existing features of a tract and its surroundings, with the general
layout of a proposal.
Planning Commission. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning
Code, as amended (Article I). The Planning Commission of Lancaster Township.
Plat. A map or plan of a subdivision or land development, whether preliminary or
Preliminary Plan. See Plan, Preliminary Plan.
Principal Building. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Record Plan. See Plan, Record Plan.
Redevelopment. Public and/or private investment made to re-create the character
of an area by renovating previously developed land. Replacing, remodeling, or
reusing existing buildings and structures to accommodate new development.
Refuse Collection Station. A container, generally two (2) or more cubic yards in
capacity, used for the disposing and collection of trash, garbage, and refuse.
Retention Basin. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Right-of-Way. A strip of publicly or privately owned land created by reservation
or dedication and intended to be occupied by a road, walkway, public or private
utility, railroad, or other similar uses.
Run-off. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Supervisors of Lancaster Township.
Sediment. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Sight Distance. The length of road visible to the driver of a passenger vehicle at
any given point in the road when viewing is unobstructed by traffic.
Significant Tree. Non Invasive trees with eighteen (18) inch minimum caliper
measured five (5’) feet above grade located outside an existing wooded area.
Sketch Plan. See Plan, Sketch Plan.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 15
Special Purpose Street. See Street, Special Purpose Street.
Storm Sewer. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Storm Water Management. A program of controls and measures designed to
regulate the quantity and quality of storm water runoff from a development while
promoting the protection and conservation of ground waters and groundwater
Storm Water Management Facility. See most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Storm Water Management Ordinance (Article II).
Stream. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Street. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as amended
(Article I). A strip of land, including the entire right-of-way, publicly or privately
owned, serving primarily as a means of vehicular and pedestrian travel, and
furnishing access to abutting properties, which may also be used to provide space
for sewers, public utilities, shade trees, and sidewalks. Streets shall conform to one
(1) of the following categories:
A. Alley. A strip of land over which there is a publicly or privately owned
right-of-way, and on which no parcel fronts, which provides the secondary
means of access for two (2) or more properties.
B. Cul-de-sac. A local street intersecting another street at one (1) end and
terminating at the other in a vehicular turnaround.
C. Local Street (Road). A road whose function is to provide for local traffic
movement and direct access to abutting properties.
D. Major Street. A street which provides for inter-community travel,
connecting population centers and carrying large volumes of traffic at
speeds higher than desirable on local or special purpose streets. Major
streets shall conform to one (1) of the following categories:
1. Principal Arterial. A street whose function is to provide for high
volumes of traffic between communities.
2. Minor Arterial. A street whose function is to provide for moderate
volumes of traffic between communities.
3. Collector. A street whose function is to provide for the movement
of traffic to community facilities and carry larger volumes of
traffic to the arterial street system.
E. Special Purpose Street.
1. Marginal Access Street. A minor street, one (1) side of which is
parallel and in close proximity to a major street and the other side of
which provides access to abutting properties.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 16
Street Centerline. The center of the surveyed street right-of-way, or where not
surveyed, the center of the traveled cartway.
Street Right-Of-Way Line. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Street, Private. A street not offered for dedication or whose dedication was not
accepted by the Township.
Structure. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance,
as amended (Article II).
Subdivision. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as
amended (Article I).
Surveyor. A professional land surveyor registered by the Commonwealth of
Township. Lancaster Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Township Engineer. An engineer employed by the Township or engaged as a
consultant to the Township.
Township Zoning Ordinance. The most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended.
Tract. See Lot.
Transportation Engineer. A professional engineer or professional transportation
operations engineer registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with
specific training in traffic and transportation engineering and at least two (2) years
of experience related to preparing traffic impact studies for existing or proposed
Transportation Planner. A professional transportation planner or certified
transportation planner certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners
(AICP), with specific training in traffic and transportation planning and at least
two (2) years of experience related to preparing traffic impact studies for existing
or proposed developments.
Tree Protection Zone. An area that is radial to the trunk of a tree in which no
construction activity shall occur. The Tree Protection Zone shall be the distance
from the trunk to the Dripline (a line marking the outer edges of the branches of
the tree).
Uniformity Ratio. Uniformity ratio is a measure of the dispersion of light on an
area. The ratio is measured as maximum light level to minimum light level.
Example: 4:1 for the given area, the maximum level of illumination should be no
less than 4 times the minimum level of illumination (0.2 x 4 = 0.8 maximum light
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 17
Unit of Occupancy. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Variance. See most recent version of the Municipalities Planning Code, as
amended (Article I).
Watercourse. A permanent or intermittent stream, river, brook, run, creek, channel,
swale, pond, lake, or other body of surface water, carrying or holding surface
water, whether natural or man-made.
Wetland. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Storm Water
Management Ordinance (Article II).
Wetland Scientist. A professional wetland scientist certified by the Society of
Wetland Scientists; individual possessing a bachelor's degree in biology, botany,
zoology, ecology, or environmental sciences; or an engineer, landscape architect,
surveyor, planner, or geologist with specific ecological training and experience
beyond their discipline and at least two (2) years of experience related to preparing
wetlands delineations.
Yard. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as
amended (Article II).
A. Front Yard. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
B. Rear Yard. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
C. Side Yard. See most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article II).
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 18
Section 203 Abbreviations.
AASHTO. American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials,
or any successor agency.
ADT. Average Daily Traffic.
AICP. American Institute of Certified Planners.
BMP. Best Management Practice.
FWHA. The Federal Highway Administration, or any successor agency.
HOP. Highway Occupancy Permit.
ITE. Institute of Transportation Engineers.
LCPC. The Lancaster County Planning Commission, or any successor agency.
LIMC. The Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee, or any successor agency.
LOS. Level of service.
MPC. The most recent version of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code
Act of 1968, P.L.805, No. 247 as reenacted and amended.
MUTCD. The most recent version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices, FHWA.
NPDES. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
NWI. The most recent version of the National Wetlands Inventory.
PA DEP. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, or any
successor agency.
PennDOT. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, or any successor
SEO. Sewage Enforcement Officer certified by the Commonwealth of
SSSD. Safe Stopping Sight Distance.
UGA. Urban Growth Area as set forth in the most recent version of the Lancaster
Township comprehensive plan.
USACE. The United States Army Corps of Engineers, or any successor agency.
USDA. The United States Department of Agriculture, or any successor agency.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 19
USDOJ. The United States Department of Justice, or any successor agency.
USGS. The United States Geological Survey, or any successor agency.
VGA. Village Growth Area as set forth in the most recent version of the Lancaster
Township comprehensive plan.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 20
Section 301 General
301.01 This Article of this Ordinance sets forth the application requirements for obtaining
approval of subdivisions and land developments. The forms of the various plans
referred to in this Article of this Ordinance and information required to be
forwarded with such plans shall be as specified in Article IV of this Ordinance.
301.02 Zoning Ordinance Compliance Required
Whenever the most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as
amended, provides that the use proposed by the applicant for subdivision or land
development approval shall constitute a use by special exception or conditional use,
or when a variance from the terms of the most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, is required to develop in accordance with
the plan, the applicant shall obtain such special exception, variance, or conditional
use approval from the Township Zoning Hearing Board or Board of Supervisors, as
applicable, prior to the submission of the Preliminary Plan. The plan shall be
designed and developed in accordance with any conditions which have been imposed
upon the grant of such special exception, variance, or conditional use by the Township
Zoning Hearing Board or Board of Supervisors, as applicable.
Section 302 Pre-Application Review (Sketch Plan)
302.01 Applicants are strongly urged to discuss possible development sites and plan with the
Township Staff, Township Engineer, and Lancaster Township Planning Commission
prior to submission of any plan. The purpose of the pre-application meeting or Sketch
Plan review is to afford the applicant an opportunity to receive the advice and
assistance of the Township Staff and Lancaster Township Planning Commission.
Submission of a Sketch Plan is optional and will not constitute formal filing of a plan
with the Township.
302.02 Pre-Application Plans and Data Procedure
Prior to the preparation and filing of a Preliminary Plan, the applicant may submit
plans and data, which shall be forwarded to the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission for consideration. The plans shall include those elements that should be
considered in the design of the subdivision or land development.
302.03 Submission of Pre-Application (Sketch) Plans
Prospective applicants submitting a pre-application plan for review by the Lancaster
Township Planning Commission shall include those items listed in Section 401 of this
Ordinance. Plans shall be considered for informal review and discussion and shall
not constitute formal filing of the plan with the Township. Plans shall be submitted
at least thirty (30) days prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the
Lancaster Township Planning Commission in order to be considered at the next
regular meeting of the Lancaster Township Planning Commission. All plan
submittals shall be accompanied by a completed application (See Appendix No. 9),
and the corresponding fees. The applicant may proceed to the Preliminary Plan
process following the meeting with the Lancaster Township Planning Commission.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 21
Section 303 Formal Application
303.01 All applications for approval of a subdivision plan, land development plan, or an
Improvement Construction Plan shall be made by the developer filing a completed
application (See Appendix No. 9 or 12), together with the appropriate plans, studies,
reports, supporting data, and required filing fee, with the Township.
Section 304 Acceptance for Filing
304.01 Initial Application
The Township shall have seven (7) days from the date of submission of an application
to check the plans and documents to determine if, on their face, they are in proper
form and contain all information required by this Ordinance. If defective, the
application will be returned, within fifteen (15) days of the filing, to the applicant with
a statement of rejection; otherwise, it shall be deemed accepted for filing as of the
date of submission. Acceptance for filing shall not, however, constitute a waiver of
any deficiencies or irregularities. The applicant may appeal a decision by the
Township under this Section to the Board of Supervisors.
304.02 Amendments or Corrections to an Application
A. The Township shall have seven (7) days from the date of resubmission to
check an amended or corrected application’s plans and documents refiled by
the applicant to determine if, on its face, the amended or corrected
application is in proper form and contain all information required by this
Ordinance, whether such amended or corrected application results in a
substantial amendment, or whether such amended or corrected application
constitutes a new plan.
B. If the Township determines that the amended or corrected application
constitutes a substantial amendment, they shall so inform the applicant and
shall inform the applicant that the Township shall consider the ninety (90)
day review procedure as outlined in Section 305.03.C. of this Ordinance to
have been restarted with the refiling of the substantial amendment.
C. If the Township determines that the amended or corrected application
constitutes a new plan, the Township shall so inform the applicant and shall
inform the applicant that a new application and new filing fees are required.
The applicant may appeal a decision by the Township under this Section to
the Board of Supervisors.
Section 305 Preliminary Plan Application
305.01 Preliminary Plan Application
A Preliminary Plan is required for applications that propose new streets, all land
development plans, and subdivision plans of ten (10) or more lots. All other plans
may be submitted as Final Plans in accordance with Section 306 of this Ordinance.
A. Preliminary Plans may be filed with the Township on any business day;
however, the Lancaster Township Planning Commission may review a plan
at a particular meeting only if the plan was filed at least thirty (30) days
prior to that meeting.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 22
B. In addition to submitting the required material in accordance with Section
305.02 of this Ordinance, the applicant shall file with the Township the
required number of copies of plans, supporting information and all filing
fees as required by the Township plus documentation that plans have been
properly filed with the LCPC.
305.02 Application Requirements
All Preliminary Plan applications shall include the following:
A. Five (5) copies of the Preliminary Plan. All plans shall be either black on
white or blue on white paper prints.
B. Two (2) copies of all reports, notifications and certifications which are not
provided on the Preliminary Plan.
C. Three (3) copies of the application form (See Appendix No. 9).
D. A filing fee in an amount as specified on the fee schedule adopted by
resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Office.
E. Two (2) CDs, DVDs, or other digital recording media (format as specified
by the Township); each of which includes one (1) computer-readable digital
file copy of the complete Preliminary Plan set (all sheets) and each report,
notification, and certification (format as specified by the Township).
305.03 Township Action
A. Review by the Township Staff
1. The Township Zoning Officer and any Township personnel as
directed by the Board of Supervisors shall review the application
documents to determine if they are in compliance with this
Ordinance, the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended, the most recent version of the
Lancaster Township comprehensive plan, other Township
ordinances, the Township's planning objectives and accepted
planning standards. These personnel shall provide comments and
recommendations, including written findings, when directed by the
Board of Supervisors.
2. When requested by the Township, the Township Engineer shall
review the application documents to determine compliance with this
Ordinance, and any other applicable Township Ordinances,
Township standards and good engineering practices. He shall
prepare a written report of his findings and recommendations.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 23
B. Lancaster Township Planning Commission Review Process
1. At the first (1st) meeting of the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission after the Township has determined that the plans and
documents contain all information required by this Ordinance, no
action will be taken on the plan. The plan will be considered a
briefing item for the Lancaster Township Planning Commission
which will receive a briefing of the project limited to:
a. A brief introduction to the Lancaster Township Planning
b. Consideration of any modifications which are deemed
ready for action; and,
c. Any special requests.
2. The Lancaster Township Planning Commission may discuss the
Preliminary Plan application with the developer or his agent at the
next regular meeting and will review the application to determine if
it meets the standards set forth in this Ordinance. The Preliminary
Plan shall then be submitted by the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission, together with its analysis and recommendations,
including those of the Township Staff and Township Engineer, to
the Board of Supervisors. Generally, the plan will not be forwarded
to the Board of Supervisors until it has been recommended for
unconditional approval.
C. Board of Supervisors Review Process
All applications for approval of a plan shall be acted upon by the Board of
Supervisors. Unless a different schedule is required by the MPC, the Board
of Supervisors shall render its decision and communicate it to the applicant
not later than ninety (90) days following the date of the regular meeting of
the Lancaster Township Planning Commission next following the date of
application provided. However, if the said next regular meeting of the
Lancaster Township Planning Commission should occur more than thirty
(30) days following the filing of the application, then the said ninety (90) day
period shall be measured from the thirtieth (30
) day following the day the
application has been filed.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 24
D. Notification of Board of Supervisors Action
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing and shall be
communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known
address not later than fifteen (15) days following the decision, or such later
date as may be required by the MPC.
1. When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision
shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the
requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite
the provisions of the statute or Ordinance that are not complied with
or are unsatisfied.
2. Failure of the Board of Supervisors to render a decision and
communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner
required herein, unless a greater period of time has been authorized
by the MPC, shall be deemed an approval of the application in terms
as presented, unless the applicant has agreed in writing to an
extension of time or change in the prescribed manner or presentation
of communication of the decision; in which case, failure to meet the
extended time or change in manner of presentation of
communication shall have like effect.
305.04 Compliance with the Board of Supervisors Action
If the Board of Supervisors conditions its Preliminary Plan approval upon receipt of
additional information, changes and/or notifications, such data shall be submitted
and/or alterations noted on two (2) copies of the plan to be submitted to the Township
for approval. Such data shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors within ninety
(90) days of their conditional approval, unless the Board of Supervisors grants a
modification by extending the effective time period. Failure of the applicant to submit
the data in the time prescribed shall render any and all approvals null and void.
305.05 Board of Supervisors Approval and Certification
The Board of Supervisors will acknowledge the satisfactory compliance with all
conditions, if any, of the Preliminary Plan approval at a regularly scheduled public
meeting. Approval of a Preliminary Plan application shall constitute approval of the
proposed subdivision and/or land development as to the character and intensity of
development and the general arrangement of streets, lots, structures, and other
planned facilities, but shall not constitute Final Plan approval. The Preliminary Plan
may not be recorded with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds.
Section 306 Final Plan Application
306.01 Prerequisites to Filing Final Plan Application
An application for Final Plan approval can be submitted only after the following,
when required as noted, have been completed:
A. The receipt of an unconditional Preliminary Plan approval in accordance
with Section 305 of this Ordinance, when a Preliminary Plan approval is
B. The completion of the improvements required by this Ordinance in
accordance with the Improvement Construction Plan procedure stated in
Section 307 of the Ordinance, when the improvements are not assured by
the posting of financial security as provided in Article V of this Ordinance.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 25
306.02 Final Plan Applications
A. Final Plans may be filed with the Township on any business day; however,
the Lancaster Township Planning Commission will review a plan at a
particular meeting only if the plan was filed at least thirty (30) days prior to
that meeting.
B. In addition to submitting the required material in accordance with Section
306.03 of this Ordinance, the applicant shall file with the Township the
required number of copies of plans, supporting information and all filing
fees required by the Township plus documentation that plans have been
properly filed with the LCPC.
C. The Final Plan may be submitted in sections/phases, each section/phase
covering a portion of the entire proposed subdivision/land development
shown on the approved Preliminary Plan; provided that each section/phase,
except for the last section/phase, shall contain a minimum of twenty-five
(25%) percent of the total number of units of occupancy as depicted on the
approved Preliminary Plan.
D. The Township may accept a Final Plan modified to reflect a change to the
site or its surroundings that occurs after the Preliminary Plan review. The
Board of Supervisors shall determine whether a modified Final Plan will be
accepted or whether a new Preliminary Plan shall be submitted.
306.03 Application Requirements
All Final Plan applications shall include the following:
A. Five (5) copies of the Final Plan. All plans shall be either black on white or
blue on white paper prints.
B. Two (2) copies of all reports, notifications, and certificates which are not
provided on the Final Plan.
C. Three (3) copies of the application form (See Appendix No. 9).
D. A filing fee in an amount as specified on the fee schedule adopted by
resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Office.
E. In the case of a plan which requires access to a highway under the
jurisdiction of PennDOT, two (2) copies of the plans and studies submitted
to support the application for an HOP.
F. Two (2) CDs, DVDs, or other digital recording media (format as specified
by the Township); each of which includes one (1) computer-readable digital
file copy of the complete Final Plan set (all sheets) and each report,
notification, and certification (format as specified by the Township).
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 26
306.04 Township Action
A. Review by the Township Staff
1. The Township Zoning Officer and any Township personnel as
directed by the Board of Supervisors shall review the application
documents to determine if they are in compliance with this
Ordinance, the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended, the most recent version of the
Lancaster Township comprehensive plan, other Township
ordinances, the Township's planning objectives and accepted
planning standards. These personnel shall provide comments and
recommendations, including written findings, when directed by the
Board of Supervisors.
2. When requested by the Township, the Township Engineer shall
review the application documents to determine compliance with this
Ordinance, and any other applicable Township Ordinances,
Township standards and good engineering practices. He shall
prepare a written report of his findings and recommendations.
B. Lancaster Township Planning Commission Review Process
1. At the first (1st) meeting of the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission after the Township has determined that the plans and
documents contain all information required by this Ordinance, no
action will be taken on the plan. The plan will be considered a
briefing item for the Lancaster Township Planning Commission
which will receive a briefing of the project limited to:
a. A brief introduction to the Lancaster Township Planning
b. Consideration of any modifications which are deemed
ready for action; and,
c. For any special requests.
2. The Lancaster Township Planning Commission may discuss the
Final Plan application with the developer or his agent at the next
regular meeting and will review the application to determine if it
meets the standards set forth in this Ordinance. The Final Plan shall
then be submitted by the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission, together with its analysis and recommendations,
including those of the Township Staff and Township Engineer, to
the Board of Supervisors. Generally, the plan will not be forwarded
to the Board of Supervisors until it has been recommended for
unconditional approval.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 27
C. Board of Supervisors Review Process
1. All applications for approval of a plan shall be acted upon by the
Board of Supervisors. Unless a different schedule is required by the
MPC, the Board of Supervisors shall render its decision and
communicate it to the applicant not later than ninety (90) days
following the date of the regular meeting of the Lancaster Township
Planning Commission next following the date of application
provided. However, if the said next regular meeting of the Lancaster
Township Planning Commission should occur more than thirty (30)
days following the filing of the application, then the said ninety (90)
day period shall be measured from the thirtieth (30th) day following
the day the application has been filed.
2. Final Plan approval will be effective for ninety (90) days from the
date of the Board of Supervisors’ action on the Final Plan, unless the
Board of Supervisors grants a modification by extending the
effective time period of the approval. Within this time period, the
applicant must meet all conditions of approval, if any; certify plans
as specified in this Ordinance; and record plans as specified in this
D. Notification of Board of Supervisors Action
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing and shall be
communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known
address not later than fifteen (15) days following the decision, or such later
date as may be allowed by the MPC.
1. When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision
shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the
requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite
the provisions of the statute or Ordinance that are not complied with
or are unsatisfied.
2. Failure of the Board of Supervisors to render a decision and
communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner
required herein shall be deemed an approval of the application in
terms as presented, unless the applicant has agreed in writing to an
extension of time or change in the prescribed manner of presentation
of communication of the decision; in which case, failure to meet the
extended time or change in manner of presentation of
communication shall have like effect.
306.05 Compliance with Board of Supervisors Action
If the Board of Supervisors conditions its Final Plan approval upon receipt of
additional information, changes and/or notifications, such data shall be submitted
and/or alterations noted on two (2) copies of the plan to be submitted to the Township
for approval. Such data shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors within ninety
(90) days of their conditional approval, unless the Board of Supervisors grants a
modification by extending the effective time period. Failure of the applicant to submit
the data in the time prescribed shall render any and all approvals null and void.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 28
306.06 Final Plan Certification
A. After the Board of Supervisors' approval of the Final Plan and the required
changes, if any, are made, the applicant shall proceed to prepare two (2)
sets of Final Plans which shall be transparent reproductions of the original
plan with black line on a stable plastic base film (mylar or equal) and one
(1) set of Final Plans which shall be a paper copy for the Township's files.
The two (2) transparent copies of the Final Plan shall be certified in the
following manner: Both Final Plans shall be presented to the Board of
Supervisors for the signature of the Chairman and Secretary or their
designees (See Appendix No. 3). Final Plans will not be signed by the
Board of Supervisors:
1. If submitted more than ninety (90) days from the Board of
Supervisors' Final Plan approval action unless the Board of
Supervisors grants a modification by extending the effective time
period of the approval; and,
2. Until payment of all outstanding plan review fees and inspection
B. At the time the applicant presents the Final Plan for certification, the
applicant shall submit:
1. Two (2) CDs, DVDs, or other digital recording media (format as
specified by the Township); each of which includes one (1)
computer-readable digital file copy of the complete storm water
management plan and all other information contained on the
approved Final Plan, in both the most recent versions of AutoCAD
and portable document format (*.pdf) and unless otherwise specified
by the Township. The file shall also be submitted in a format and
coordinate system in accordance with the law and the requirements
of the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds.
2. A copy of all deeds to be recorded for the development shall be
submitted prior to recording of the Final Plan.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 29
306.07 Final Plan Recordation
Upon approval and certification of a Final Plan, the applicant shall record the Final
Plan with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds. Should the applicant fail to
record the Final Plan within ninety (90) days of the Board of Supervisors' Final Plan
approval action, the Board of Supervisors' action on the plan shall be null and void
unless the Board of Supervisors grants a modification by extending the effective time
period of the approval.
A. All sheets of the Final Plan shall be recorded unless the Township Engineer
recommends and the Board of Supervisors approves recording only
specified sheets of the Final Plan. All Final Plan sheets which are to be
recorded shall be noted on the cover sheet as well as on each plan sheet as
B. The Final Plan shall be filed with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds
before proceeding with the sale of lots and proof of such recording provided
to the Township.
C. The Final Plan shall be filed with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds
before proceeding with the construction of any improvement except as
provided for in Section 307 of this Ordinance.
D. No subdivision or land development plan may be recorded unless it bears
the endorsement of the Board of Supervisors.
306.08 Effect of Recording of Final Plan
A. Recording the Final Plan, after approval of the Board of Supervisors, shall
have the effect of an irrevocable offer to dedicate all streets and other areas
designated for public use, unless reserved by the landowner as provided in
Section 306.08.B of this Ordinance. However, the approval of the Board of
Supervisors shall not impose any duty upon the Commonwealth, County or
Township concerning acceptance, maintenance or improvement of any such
dedicated areas or portion of same until the proper authorities of the
Commonwealth, County or Township actually accept same by ordinance or
resolution, or by entry, use or improvement.
B. Subject to approval by the Township, the landowner may place a notation
on the Final Plan to the effect that there is no offer of dedication to the public
of certain designated areas, in which event the title to such area shall remain
with the owner, and neither the Commonwealth, County, Township, nor any
applicable authorities shall assume any right to accept ownership of such
land or right-of-way.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 30
Section 307 Improvement Construction Plan Application
307.01 The procedures set forth in this Section shall apply as an alternative to the
guaranteeing of improvements through a financial security. An applicant whose
Improvement Construction Plan is approved under this Section is permitted to install
all or part of the improvements required by this Ordinance prior to Final Plan
307.02 Prerequisites to Filing Improvement Construction Plan Application
An application for Improvement Construction Plan approval can be submitted only
after the applicant has received official notification that the Preliminary Plan has been
unconditionally approved.
307.03 Improvement Construction Plan Application
A. Improvement Construction Plans may be filed with the Township on any
business day; however, the Board of Supervisors will review a plan at a
particular meeting only if the plan was filed at least thirty (30) days prior to
that meeting.
B. In addition to submitting the required material in accordance with Section
307.04 of this Ordinance, the applicant shall file with the Township the
required number of copies of plans, supporting information and all filing
fees required by the Township.
C. The Improvement Construction Plan may be submitted in sections/phases,
each section/phase covering a portion of the entire proposed
subdivision/land development shown on the approved Preliminary Plan;
provided that each section/phase, except for the last section/phase, shall
contain a minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the total number of units
of occupancy as depicted on the approved Preliminary Plan.
D. The Township may accept an Improvement Construction Plan modified to
reflect a change to the site or its surroundings that occurs after the
Preliminary Plan review. The Board of Supervisors shall determine whether
the modification of the Improvement Construction Plan will be accepted or
where a revised Preliminary Plan shall be submitted.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 31
307.04 Application Requirements
All Improvement Construction Plan applications shall include the following:
A. Five (5) copies of the Improvement Construction Plan. All plans shall be
either black on white or blue on white paper prints.
B. Two (2) copies of all reports, notifications and certificates which are not
provided on the Improvement Construction Plan.
C. Three (3) copies of the application form (See Appendix No. 10).
D. A filing fee in an amount as specified on the fee schedule adopted by
resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Office.
E. Two (2) CDs, DVDs, or other digital recording media (format as specified
by the Township); each of which includes one (1) computer-readable digital
file copy of the complete Improvement Construction Plan set (all sheets) and
each report, notification, and certification (format as specified by the
307.05 Plan Requirements
All Improvement Construction Plans shall be prepared in conformance with the
provisions of Section 403 of this Ordinance, with the exception of Sections
403.06.A.6, 403.06.B.4, 403.06.B.5, and 403.06.B.8 of this Ordinance.
307.06 Township Action
A. Board of Supervisors Review Process
1. In general, the Board of Supervisors will receive the Improvement
Construction Plan application for a brief review at its first (1
regular meeting which is at least fifteen (15) days following the
filing of the application by the applicant. The Board of Supervisors
will discuss the Improvement Construction Plan application with the
developer or his agent at its regular meeting and will review the
application to determine if it meets the standards set forth in this
2. All applications for approval of a plan shall be acted upon by the
Board of Supervisors. Unless a different schedule is required by the
MPC, the Board of Supervisors shall render its decision and
communicate it to the applicant not later than ninety (90) days
following the date of the regular meeting of the Lancaster Township
Planning Commission next following the date of application
provided, however, should the said next regular meeting occur more
than thirty (30) days following the filing of the application, the said
ninety (90) day period shall be measured from the thirtieth (30
) day
following the day the application has been filed.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 32
B. Notification of the Board of Supervisors Action
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing and shall be
communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known
address not later than fifteen (15) days following the decision, or such later
date as may be authorized by the MPC.
1. When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision
shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the
requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite
the provision of the statute or Ordinance(s) that are not complied
with or are unsatisfied.
2. Failure of the Board of Supervisors to render a decision and
communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner
required herein shall be deemed an approval of the application in
terms as presented, unless the applicant has agreed in writing to an
extension of time or change in the prescribed manner of presentation
of communication of the decision; in which case, failure to meet the
extended time or change in manner of presentation of
communication shall have like effect.
307.07 Compliance with the Board of Supervisors Action
If the Board of Supervisors conditions its Improvement Construction Plan approval
upon receipt of additional information, changes and/or notification, such data shall be
submitted and/or alterations noted on two (2) copies of the plan to be submitted to the
Township for approval. Such data shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors
within ninety (90) days of their conditional approval, unless the Board of Supervisors
grants a modification by extending the effective time period. Failure of the applicant
to submit the data in the time prescribed shall render any and all approvals null and
307.08 Improvement Construction Plan Certificate and Authorization
After the Board of Supervisors' approval of the Improvement Construction Plan and
the required changes, if any, are made, the applicant shall proceed to prepare two (2)
plans which shall be either (a) black ink on tracing cloth or (b) transparent
reproductions of the original plan with black line on cloth or stable plastic base film
(mylar or equal). These plans shall be certified in the following manner:
A. Improvement Construction Plans shall be presented to the Board of
Supervisors for the signature of the Chairman and Secretary or their
designees (see Appendix No. 5). Improvement Construction Plans will not
be signed by the Township if submitted more than ninety (90) days from the
Board of Supervisors' approval action unless the Board of Supervisors grants
a modification by extending the effective time period of the approval.
B. Approval and certification of an Improvement Construction Plan shall not
constitute Final Plan approval of the proposal, nor shall this plan be recorded
with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds, but shall, when combined
with the necessary municipal and/or Commonwealth approvals and permits,
grant the authority to install the improvements required as part of this
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 33
C. Following the Board of Supervisors' certification of the Improvement
Construction Plan, one (1) copy of the plan will be retained by the Board of
Supervisors and the remaining copy will be available to the firm which
prepared the plan.
D. Improvement Construction Plan approval will be effective for a five (5) year
period from the date of the Board of Supervisors' approval action.
Construction must be completed and a Final Plan application must be
submitted within five (5) years of the Improvement Construction Plan
approval, or else the plan approval will become null and void unless the
Board of Supervisors grants a modification by extending the effective time
period of the approval.
307.09 Completion of Improvements
Upon completion of the improvements required by this Ordinance, the applicant may
proceed to submit a Final Plan and application that shall include notice of approval of
the improvements by the agency or authority which is to accept the improvements.
Section 308 Procedure for Requesting Consideration of Modification of
Provisions of This Ordinance
308.01 Application Requirements
A request for a modification may be submitted to the Township at any time. All
requests shall be in writing and accompanied by a plan prepared at least to the
minimum standards of a Sketch Plan in accordance with Section 401 of this
Ordinance. The written request shall identify:
A. The specific section of this Ordinance which is requested to be modified.
B. Provisions proposed as an alternate to the requirements.
C. Justification for the Modification.
The request shall state in full the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or
hardship on which the request is based.
308.02 Township Action
A. In general, the Board of Supervisors will not act on a request for a
modification until the Lancaster Township Planning Commission has had
the opportunity to present its comments to the Board of Supervisors.
B. The Lancaster Township Planning Commission will schedule a request for
a modification for action at a regular meeting which is at least thirty (30)
days following the filing of the application by the applicant. The Lancaster
Township Planning Commission will review the request to determine:
1. If compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance creates an undue
hardship or appears to be unreasonable as it applies to the particular
property; or
2. If the applicant demonstrates that an alternative proposal will allow
for equal or better results, and take such action as it shall deem
necessary or advisable in the public interest.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 34
C. The request for a modification and accompanying documentation shall be
submitted by the Lancaster Township Planning Commission, together
with its analysis and recommendations, to the Board of Supervisors for
consideration. All applications for approval of a modification shall be
acted upon by the Board of Supervisors who shall render its decision and
communicate it to the applicant, in accordance with the requirements of
the MPC.
D. Notification of Board of Supervisors Action
After the meeting at which the modification was reviewed, the Board of
Supervisors shall send a written notice of the Board of Supervisors' action to
the applicant at his last known address not later than fifteen (15) days
following the decision, or such later date as may be authorized by the MPC.
If the Board of Supervisors denies the request, the Board of Supervisors will
notify the above individual, in writing. If the Board of Supervisors grants the
requests, the Final Plan shall include a note that identifies the specific
modification as granted, including any conditions of approval.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 35
Section 309 Plans Exempted from Preliminary Plan Procedures
309.01 Revised Subdivision and/or Land Development Plans
Any replatting or re-subdivision of recorded or unrecorded plans, excluding lot
grading plans in subdivisions, shall be considered as a new application and shall
comply with all requirements of this Ordinance, except that plans may be changed,
provided that in making such changes:
A. No lot or tract of land shall be created that does not meet the minimum design
standards required by this Ordinance and existing Township regulations.
B. No structure shall be relocated which does not meet the minimum design
standards required by this Ordinance and existing Township regulations.
C. The storm water management facilities are not altered in a manner that
affects the discharge of storm water to an adjacent property or significantly
relocates a major storm water management facility within the project.
D. Street locations and block sizes shall not be changed.
E. The character and land use of the original application shall be maintained.
F. In every case where a plan alteration conforms to the above, the applicant
1. Submit to the Board of Supervisors two (2) black on white or blue
on white paper copies of the revised Final Plan and one (1)
application form (See Appendix No. 9). Upon review of the
revision, the Board of Supervisors will, in writing, advise the
applicant whether or not the revision complies with the above.
2. If the revision complies, the applicant shall prepare two (2) copies
of the plans, which shall be a transparent reproduction of the original
plan with black line on a stable plastic base film (mylar or equal),
and which shall specifically identify the alteration(s) to the
previously recorded plan.
3. The applicant shall then submit the plan to the Board of Supervisors
for signature as specified in Section 306.07 of this Ordinance.
4. The plans shall then be recorded as specified in Section 306.08. of
this Ordinance.
G. Application Requirements
The applicant shall file with the Township the required number of copies of
plans, supporting information and all filing fees as required by the Township
for Final Plans in Section 306, plus documentation that plans have been
properly submitted to the LCPC.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 36
309.02 Preliminary/Final Plans
In case of a subdivision plan of not more than ten (10) lots, including the remaining
lands, none of which can be further subdivided and which does not require provisions
for a new street, the applicant may, at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors,
concurrently submit a Preliminary Plan and Final Plan for processing by the
Township in accordance with Section 306 of this Ordinance. If the plan qualifies, all
procedures for Preliminary/Final Plans by the Township and applicant shall occur in
accordance with Section 306 of this Ordinance. All other plans shall be submitted in
accordance with Section 305 of this Ordinance. For the purpose of interpreting this
Section, a subdivision of not more than ten (10) lots shall not include the remaining
tract if the remaining tract can be further subdivided.
309.03 Lot Add-On Plans
The lease, conveyance, sale, or transfer of land for the sole purpose of increasing the
lot size of a contiguous lot shall comply with the following lot add-on procedure,
provided that the proposal does not create additional lots or result in a nonconformity
with the area and design standards found in the most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, and Article VI of this Ordinance. In every
case where a proposal conforms to the above, the application shall comply with the
following procedures:
A. Plan Requirements
All Lot Add-On Plans shall be prepared in conformance with the provisions
of Section 404 of this Ordinance.
B. In addition to submitting the required material in accordance with Section
306.03 of this Ordinance, with the exception of Sections 306.03.B. and
306.03.E of this Ordinance, the applicant shall provide documentation that
plans have been properly submitted to the LCPC.
C. The Township shall process and act on the Lot Add-On Plan and
communicate their decision to the applicant in the same manner as required
for a Final Plan application, as specified in Section 306 of this Ordinance.
D. If the plan qualifies, the applicant shall seek plan certification and
recordation as specified in Section 306 of this Ordinance. Lot Add-On Plans
shall be filed with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds prior to the
execution of a deed for the land.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 37
Section 401 Sketch Plans
401.01 Sketch plans shall include any features of the Township's future land use plan,
thoroughfares plan, community facilities plan, or of any plans of the Township,
including but not limited to, proposed streets, recreation areas, drainage reservation,
future schools sites and public areas. A specific site analysis shall be provided which
highlights man-made and natural features. The analysis should include information
pertaining to soil types and stability, wetlands, scenic vistas, water courses, drainage
patterns, slope, and transportation patterns and systems including deficiencies of
existing roadways, public utilities, recreational facilities, and any other features of the
site and nearby areas which may be interlaced or impacted by the proposed
development and land use.
401.02 The scale and sheet size of Sketch Plans shall be as required for Preliminary Plans in
Section 402 of this Ordinance. Where appropriate, Sketch Plans may be drawn at a
scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1” = 100’). The Sketch Plan shall show or
be accompanied by the following data, legible in every detail and drawn to scale, but
not necessarily containing precise dimensions:
A. Name of the municipalities in which the project is to be located, including
the location of any municipal boundary line(s) if located within the vicinity
of the tract.
B. Name and address of the developer (if applicable), landowner and Parcel
ID number.
C. Name of the individual and/or the firm that prepared the plan.
D. Location map with sufficient information to enable the Township to locate
the property.
E. North arrow, a graphic scale, and a written scale.
F. Existing tract boundaries (approximate) and accurately labeled with the
name(s) of adjacent landowner(s) and adjacent plan(s) of record.
G. Significant topographical and manmade features (e.g. bodies of water,
quarries, floodplains, tree masses, structures).
H. Proposed street, parking, building, lot layout and setbacks.
I. Proposed land use; if several land uses are proposed, the location of each
land use shall be indicated.
J. Statement explaining the methods of water supply and sewage disposal to
be used.
K. In the case of a Plan for which the Subject Tract has an Environmental
Covenant, the plan shall include a plan note indicating the recording
information of the Environmental Covenant executed pursuant to the
Pennsylvania Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, Act no. 68 of 2007,
27 Pa. C.S. §§ 6501-6517 (UECA).
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 38
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 39
Section 402 Preliminary Plans
402.01 Preliminary subdivision and land development plans shall be prepared by an engineer,
surveyor, or landscape architect qualified to perform such duties. If the Preliminary
Plan does not include the total land area held by the developer, a Sketch Plan shall be
submitted for all areas that could be available for future subdivision or land
development. The Preliminary Plan shall show, be accompanied by, or be prepared
in accordance with the following:
402.02 Drafting Standards
A. The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at one (1) of the scales (inches
equals feet) in Table 4-1:
1” =
1” =
1” =
1” =
1” =
1” =
B. Dimensions and bearings for the perimeter property line of the entire tract
on Preliminary Plans and for the proposed property lines and street right-
of-way lines on Final Plans shall be in feet and decimals and in degrees,
minutes and seconds, respectively. Lot line descriptions shall read in a
clockwise direction.
C. The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one (1’) foot in
ten thousand (10,000’) feet.
D. The sheet size shall be no smaller than eighteen by twenty-two (18 x 22”)
inches and no larger than twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36”) inches. If
the plan is prepared in two (2) or more sections, the key map showing the
location of the sections shall be placed on each sheet. If more than one (1)
sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be the same size and numbered to show
the relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g. Sheet 1 of
E. Plans shall be legible in every detail.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 40
F. All street profiles as well as the design of sanitary sewer facilities, water
supply facilities and storm water management facilities shall be drawn at
the horizontal scale and one (1) of the vertical scales in accordance with
Table 4-2:
Horizontal Scale
Vertical Scale
1” = 50’
1” = 10’
1” = 5’
402.03 Location and Identification
A. The proposed project name or identifying title.
B. Name of the municipalities in which the project is to be located, including
the location of any municipal boundary line(s) if located within the vicinity
of the tract.
C. Name and address of the developer of the tract (or his authorized agent).
D. Name and address of the individual and/or firm that prepared the plan.
E. The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the plan, the
plan date, and the date(s) of all plan revisions.
F. A location map, drawn to scale, relating the subdivision to at least two (2)
intersections of road centerlines, including the approximate distance to the
intersection of the center lines of the nearest improved street intersections.
G. A north arrow, a graphic scale, and a written scale.
H. The entire existing tract boundary with bearings and distances. If a
landowner is going to retain a single lot with a lot area in excess of ten
(10) acres, the boundary of that lot may be identified as a deed plotting
and may be drawn at any legible scale; if the retained lot has a lot area of
ten (10) or less acres, it must be described to the accuracy requirements of
this Ordinance.
I. The total acreage of the entire existing tract.
J. The zoning requirements of the development including the names of all
zoning districts, required lot size, required building setbacks and yards,
maximum lot coverage, required maximum and/or minimum development
density, maximum building height for each district and land use.
K. The location of existing lot line markers along the perimeter of the entire
existing tract.
L. Source of title, deed, book, page, plan book (if applicable), and tax account
identification number.
M. In the case of a Plan for which the Subject Tract has an Environmental
Covenant, the plan shall include a plan note indicating the recording
information of the Environmental Covenant executed pursuant to the
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 41
Pennsylvania Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, Act no. 68 of 2007,
27 Pa. C.S. §§ 6501-6517 (UECA).
402.04 Existing Features
A. Existing contours shall be shown at a minimum vertical interval of one
(1’) foot for land with average natural slope of three (3%) percent or less,
two (2’) feet for land with average natural slope between three (3%)
percent and twenty (20%) percent, and at a minimum vertical interval of
five (5’) feet for more steeply sloping land. Contour interval may be
adjusted based upon horizontal scale with concurrence of the Township
Engineer. Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the
benchmark and a notation of the datum used. The applicable datum used
by the applicable authority shall be used in all plans indicating connection
to the public sewer system or public water system. Contours plotted by
interpolation of the USGS 7.5’ quadrangle mapping will not be accepted.
B. Soils types as indicated by the USDA survey of Lancaster County.
C. The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan
book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
D. The following items when located within the subject tract or within two
hundred (200’) feet of the subject tract:
1. The location, name and dimensions of existing rights-of-way and
cartways for streets, access drives, driveways and service streets;
2. The location and size of sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains,
fire hydrants, buildings, storm water management facilities,
watercourses, floodplains and any related rights-of-way;
3. The location of existing rights-of-way for railroads and for electric,
gas, and oil transmission lines; and,
4. The location of on-lot septic systems and on-lot water supplies.
5. Significant environmental or topographic features such as floodplains,
wetlands, quarry sites, solid water disposal areas, historic features,
cemetery or burial sites, archaeological sites, highly erosive soils, or
wooded areas.
E. The following items when located within the subject tract:
1. The location, name, and dimensions of existing rights-of-way and
cartways for streets, alleys, access drives, and driveways.
2. The location and size of the following features and related rights-of-
way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants,
buildings, and storm water management facilities.
3. The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, gas, and oil
transmission lines, railroads, et cetera.
4. The location and identification of all existing buildings and other
5. The size, capacity, and condition of the existing storm water
management system and any other facility that may be used to convey
storm flows.
6. The location and size of existing on-lot sewage systems and wells.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 42
7. Significant environmental or topographic features such as floodplains,
quarry sites, solid waste disposal areas, historic features, cemetery or
burial sites, archaeological sites, highly erosive soils, or wooded areas.
8. The location of wetlands and subsequent data or information required
by Section 407 of this Ordinance.
402.05 Plan Information
A. The layout of streets, alleys and sidewalks, including cartway and right-
of-way widths.
B. The layout of lots, with approximate dimensions.
C. Lot numbers in consecutive order.
D. The location and dimensions of any proposed parks, playgrounds,
recreational facilities, open space, common elements, or other facilities or
spaces, intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved for public,
semi-public, community or private use.
E. In the case of land developments, the location and configuration of
proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways,
and all other significant planned facilities.
F. Total number of existing and proposed lots, units of occupancy, density,
and proposed land use; (if a multiple land use is proposed an indication of
the location of each land use).
G. Easements and rights-of-way.
H. Building setback lines, with distances from the street right-of-way line and
lot lines.
I. Identification of buildings to be demolished.
J. Typical street cross-section for each proposed street and typical cross-
section for any existing street that will be improved as part of the
application. Each cross-section shall include the entire right-of-way width.
K. Street centerline profile for each proposed public or private street
including corresponding centerline stationing.
L. Design of any proposed sanitary sewer facilities, water supply facilities,
and storm water management facilities. In addition, design calculations
shall be submitted to support the design of the various facilities.
M. A statement on the plan indicating any special exception, conditional use,
or variance granted by the Township, along with the specific section
reference of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, the
date of approval, and specific conditions as part of an approval, if
N. A statement on the plan indicating any existing or proposed modifications
to this Ordinance granted by the Township, along with the specific section
reference of this Ordinance, date of approval, and any specific conditions
as part of an approval, if applicable.
O. Proposed street names.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 43
P. A table indicating the existing zoning district, total tract area, required lot
size, required setbacks and yards, maximum lot coverage, required
maximum and/or minimum development density, maximum building
height and number of lots in the proposed subdivision along with the
proposals for each of these parameters.
Q. A storm water management plan as required by the Lancaster Township
Storm Water Management Ordinance.
R. Where the proposed subdivision or land development is located partially
or wholly within an area prone to frequent flooding (either by
impoundment or conveyance) as indicated by the flood insurance rate map
profiles and supporting data, the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance,
as amended (Article X), or soil type or local historical record; the
developer shall supply the location and elevation of all proposed roads,
fills, utilities, buildings, storm water management, and erosion control
S. Location of all percolation test holes, deep probe holes, and proposed well
T. Easements for the on-lot sewage replacement locations.
U. Clear sight triangles and stopping sight distances for all intersections as
described in Article VI of this Ordinance.
V. Lighting plans, where street or parking lot lighting is proposed, including
photometrics and all details including locations, footers and mounting
W. The location of all trees and Existing Wooded Areas on the site and
location of trees to be removed and trees to remain.
X. Where the Preliminary Plan covers only a portion of an intended larger
development, a Sketch Plan in accordance with Section 401 of this
Ordinance shall be furnished depicting the future subdivision or
development. The Sketch Plan shall be suitable to the Township and in
compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance. The Sketch Plan shall
include the logical extension of the transportation, sewer, and water
facilities for future subdivision or development, and those facilities and
utilities shown on the Preliminary Plan will be considered in light of
adjustments and connections with future transportation facilities and
utilities as part of future subdivision or development.
Y. In case of a Preliminary Plan calling for the installation of improvements
beyond a five (5) year period, a schedule delineating all proposed
sections/phases as well as deadlines within which applications for Final
Plan approval of each section/phase are intended to be filed shall be
provided. Each section/phase in any subdivision or land development,
except for the last section/phase, shall contain a minimum of twenty-five
(25%) percent of the total number of units of occupancy as depicted on the
Preliminary Plan.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 44
402.06 Certificates, Notifications, and Reports
A. Certificates
1. Certificate, signature, and seal of a professional registered in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and qualified to perform such
duties, to the effect that the plan is correct, in accordance with the
requirements of PA Chapter 15 (State Board of Landscape
Architects) or Chapter 37 (State Registration Board for Professional
Engineers, Land Surveyor and Geologists) Title 49 of the
Pennsylvania Code, as applicable (see Appendix No. 1).
2. Certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor to the effect that the
survey is correct, in accordance with the requirements of PA Chapter
37 (State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land
Surveyor and Geologists) Title 49 of the Pennsylvania Code (see
Appendix No. 2).
3. Certificate for approval by the Board of Supervisors with space for
the signature of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees (see
Appendix No. 3).
B. Notifications
1. Where the tract described in the application includes any public
utility, electric transmission line, gas pipeline, or petroleum product
transmission line located within the tract, the applicant or lessee of
such right-of-way shall notify the owner of the right-of-way of his
intentions. A note stating any conditions regarding the use of the
land, minimum building setback or right-of-way, lines shall be
included on the plan. This requirement may also be satisfied by
submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
2. Where the land included in the subject application has an
agricultural, woodland or other natural resource easement located
within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from
the party holding the easement stating any conditions on the use of
the land. This requirement may also be satisfied by submitting a
copy of the recorded easement.
C. Reports
1. A storm water management report as required by the Lancaster
Township Storm Water Management Ordinance.
2. A water and sewer feasibility report as required in this Ordinance.
3. A traffic impact study as required in this Ordinance.
4. A wetland report as required in this Ordinance.
402.07 Filing Fee
The Preliminary Plan shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to
the order of the Township in the amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by
resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Office.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 45
Section 403 Final Plans
403.01 Final subdivision plans and boundary surveys shall be prepared by a surveyor, and
final land development plans shall be prepared by an engineer, surveyor, or
landscape architect qualified to perform such duties. The Final Plan shall show, be
accompanied by, or be prepared in accordance with the following:
403.02 Drafting Standards
The same drafting standards shall be required for a Final Plan as required for a
Preliminary Plan in Section 402 this Ordinance.
403.03 Location and Identification
The same location and identification standards shall be required for a Final Plan as
required for a Preliminary Plan in Section 402 of this Ordinance.
403.04 Existing Features
The same existing features standards shall be required for a Final Plan as required
for a Preliminary Plan in Section 402 of this Ordinance.
403.05 Plan Information
A. Complete description of the centerline and the right-of-way line for all new
streets and alleys, whether public or private. This description shall include
distances and bearings with curve segments comprised of radius, tangent,
arc, and chord.
B. Lot lines, with accurate bearings and distances, and lot areas for all lots.
Curve segments shall be comprised of arc, chord, bearings, and distances.
Lot line distances and lot area shall exclude areas within any street right-
C. Lot numbers in consecutive order.
D. The location, dimensions, and amenity details of any proposed parks,
playgrounds, recreational facilities or space intended to be dedicated for
public use and reserved for public, semi-public, community, or private use.
E. In the case of land development plans, the location and configuration of
proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways,
and all other significant planned facilities.
F. Total number of existing and proposed lots, units of occupancy, density,
and proposed land use; if a multiple land use is proposed, an indication of
the location of each land use.
G. Easements and rights-of-way.
H. Building setback lines, with distances from the street right-of-way line.
I. Identification of buildings to be demolished.
J. Typical street cross-section for each proposed street and a typical cross-
section for any existing street which will be improved as part of the
application. Each cross-section shall include the entire right-of-way
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 46
K. Final vertical and horizontal alignment for each proposed street, sanitary
sewer, and water distribution system. All street profiles shall show at least
the existing profile along the centerline, proposed grade at the centerline,
and the length of all proposed vertical curves for streets. All water
distribution and sanitary sewer systems shall provide manhole locations
and size and type of material. This information may be provided on
separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the Final Plans.
L. Final street names with notice of approval from Lancaster Countywide
M. Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot line markers,
including a note that all monuments and lot line markers are set or
indicating when they will be set.
N. A detailed grading plan. The grading plan shall include finished grades
and ground floor elevations. This information may be provided on
separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the Final Plans.
O. A storm water management plan as required by the Lancaster Township
Storm Water Management Ordinance.
P. Identification of any lands to be dedicated or reserved for public, semi-
public, community, or private use.
Q. A table indicating the existing zoning district, total tract area, required lot
size, required setbacks and yards, maximum lot coverage, required
maximum and/or minimum development density, maximum building
height and number of lots in the proposed subdivision along with the
proposals for each of these parameters.
R. Where the proposed subdivision or land development is located partially
or wholly within an area prone to frequent flooding (either by
impoundment or conveyance) as indicated by the flood insurance rate map
(profiles), soil type or local historical record; the applicant shall supply the
location and elevation of all proposed roads, fills, utilities, buildings, storm
water management, and erosion control facilities.
S. In the case of a plan which requires access to a highway under the
jurisdiction of PennDOT, the inclusion of the following plan note:
“A Highway Occupancy Permit is required pursuant to Section 420 of
the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), known as the ‘State
Highway Law’, before access to a state highway is permitted. Access
to the state highway shall be as authorized by a Highway Occupancy
Permit, and the Board of Supervisors’ approval of this plan in no way
implies that such a permit can be acquired.”
T. A statement on the plan indicating any special exception, conditional use,
or variance granted by the Township, along with the specific section
reference of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, the
date of approval, and specific conditions as part of an approval, if
U. A statement on the plan indicating any modifications to this Ordinance
granted by the Township, along with the specific section reference of this
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 47
Ordinance, date of approval, and any specific conditions as part of an
approval, if applicable.
V. A note shall be included on the plan indicating specific areas, including
storm water management facilities, which shall be owned privately and
those which shall be owned by the Township. All areas and facilities that
shall be offered for dedication to the Township shall be clearly identified
and marked on the plan.
W. Location of all percolation test holes, deep probe holes, and proposed well
X. A complete landscape plan, prepared by a landscape architect qualified to
perform such duties, showing the location, size and type of all plant
material required by the provisions of this Ordinance or any other
applicable Township regulations, including but not limited to, screening,
plantings, parking landscaping, replacement trees, and street trees. The
landscape plan shall include all interior landscaping calculations, as well
as a note indicating the specific Township regulation or requirement, and
the specific number and type of proposed planting demonstrating
compliance with the applicable Township regulation or requirement. The
landscape plan should be provided on separate sheets and must include the
signature and seal of the landscape architect qualified to perform such
duties and responsible for the preparation of the plan to the effect that the
plan is correct, in accordance with the requirements of PA Chapter 15 (State
Board of Landscape Architects) Title 49 of the Pennsylvania Code, as
Y. Easements for the on-lot sewage replacement locations.
Z. Clear sight triangles and stopping sight distances for all intersections as
described in Article VI of this Ordinance shall be shown on the plan.
AA. Lighting plans, where street or parking lot lighting is proposed, including
photometrics and all details including locations, footers and mounting
BB. The location of all trees and Existing Wooded Areas on the site and
location of trees to be removed and trees to remain.
CC. A detailed schedule of inspections, as generally outlined by Article V of
this Ordinance, which is tailored for the site under consideration.
DD. If a Sketch Plan or a Preliminary Plan of the total land area held by the
developer has not been submitted, then a Sketch Plan in accordance with
Section 401 of this Ordinance shall be furnished depicting the future
subdivision or development.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 48
403.06 Certificates, Notifications, and Reports
A. Certificates
1. Certificate, signature, and seal of a professional registered in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and qualified to perform such
duties, to the effect that the plan is correct, in accordance with the
requirements of PA Chapter 15 (State Board of Landscape
Architects) or Chapter 37 (State Registration Board for Professional
Engineers, Land Surveyor and Geologists) Title 49 of the
Pennsylvania Code, as applicable. (See Appendix No.1.)
2. Certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor to the effect that the
survey is correct, in accordance with the requirements of PA
Chapter 37 (State Registration Board for Professional Engineers,
Land Surveyor and Geologists) Title 49 of the Pennsylvania Code.
(See Appendix No. 2.)
3. Certificate of review by the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission. (See Appendix No.7.)
4. Certificate for approval by the Board of Supervisors with space
for the signature of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees.
(See Appendix No.8.)
5. A statement duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to
take acknowledgement of deeds and signed by the landowners,
certifying that the subdivision or land development shown on the
plan is the act and the deed of the landowners; that all those
signing are all the landowners of the property shown on the survey
and plan; that they desire the same to be recorded as such, and that
all streets and other property identified as proposed public
property are dedicated for public use. This must be dated
following the last change or revision to said plan. (See Appendix
No. 3.)
6. Certification of review by the LCPC. (See Appendix No. 8.)
B. Notifications
1. Notification from PA DEP that either approval of the sewage
facility plan revision (plan revision module for land
development), supplement, or exemption has been granted or
notice from PA DEP that such approval is not required.
2. Where the tract described in the subject application includes any
public utility, electric transmission line, gas pipeline, or petroleum
product transmission line located within the tract, the applicant or
lessee of such right-of-way shall notify the owner of the right-of-
way of his intentions. A note stating any condition regarding the
use of the land, minimum building setback line or right-of-way
line shall be included on the plan. This requirement may also be
satisfied by submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
3. Where the land included in the subject application has an
agricultural, woodland, or other natural resource easement located
within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter
from the party holding the easement stating any conditions on the
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 49
use of the land. This requirement may also be satisfied by
submitting a copy of the recorded easement.
4. Where the tract described in the subject application includes any
residential development, the applicant shall prepare a written
notice to the superintendent of the School District of Lancaster.
Such notice shall include, but not be limited to, the location of the
development, the number and types of units to be included in the
development, and the expected construction schedule of the
development. The Township shall be responsible for forwarding
the written notice to the superintendent of the School District of
5. Notice from Lancaster County-Wide Communications and the
emergency service providers in the Township stating that the
proposed private and/or public street names are acceptable.
6. A note placed on the plan indicating any area that is not to be
offered for dedication, if applicable.
7. Written notice from the Township Engineer and the applicable
authority Engineer that all proposed improvements have been
designed to the standards of the Township and/or the applicable
authority and that financial guarantees in a form suitable to the
Board of Supervisors and the applicable authority have been
received in accordance with Article V of this Ordinance.
8. When the applicant posts financial guarantee in lieu of completion
of the improvements, the Final Plan shall be accompanied by a
completed improvement guarantee agreement in a form that is
acceptable to the Township.
9. Such written notices of approval as required by this Ordinance,
including written notices approving the water supply systems,
sanitary sewage systems and storm water runoff to adjacent
10. The submission of a controlling agreement in accordance with
Section 602.01.V of this Ordinance when an application proposes
to establish a street which is not offered for dedication to public
11. Notification from the appropriate state and federal agencies that
permits have been issued, or are not required, for any proposed
activities within streams, wetlands, or any other state or federally
regulated body of water. These permits include, but are not
limited to, Floodplain Encroachment Permits, Dam Permits, Earth
Disturbance permits, Stream Encroachment Permits, and General
12. When the Plan proposes the demolition, removal, alteration or
relocation of a historic feature, evidence of compliance with the
Township’s Demolition Review Ordinance.
13. When the Final Plan is submitted in sections/phases, the above
notifications for all applicable activities on the entire site, shown
on the approved Preliminary Plan shall be provided upon
submittal of the first (1
) final section/phase of the project.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 50
C. Reports
1. A storm water management report as required by the Lancaster
Township Storm Water Management Ordinance.
2. A water and sewer feasibility report as required by this Ordinance.
3. A traffic impact study as required by this Ordinance.
4. A wetland report as required by this Ordinance.
403.07 Filing Fee
The Final Plan shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to the order
of the Township in the amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by resolution
of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Office.
Section 404 Lot Add-On Plans
404.01 Preparation
Lot Add-On Plans shall be prepared by a surveyor and shall include the following
404.02 Drafting Standards
The same drafting standards shall be required for a Lot Add-On Plan as required
for a Preliminary Plan in Section 402 this Ordinance.
404.03 Location and Identification
The same location and identification standards shall be required for a Lot Add-On
Plan as required for a Preliminary Plan in Section 402 of this Ordinance.
404.04 Existing Features
A. The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan
book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
B. The following items when located within the subject tract:
1. The location, name, and dimensions of existing rights-of-way and
cartways for streets, alleys, access drives, and driveways.
2. The location and size of the following features and related rights-
of-way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants,
buildings, and storm water management facilities.
3. The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, gas, and oil
transmission lines, and railroads.
4. The location and identification of all existing buildings and other
5. The location and size of existing on-lot sewage systems and wells.
6. Significant environmental or topographic features such as
floodplains, quarry sites, solid waste disposal areas, historic
features, cemetery or burial sites, archaeological sites, highly
erosive soils, or wooded areas.
7. The location of wetlands and subsequent data or information
required by Section 407 this Ordinance.
404.05 Plan Information
The same plan information standards shall be required for a Lot Add-On Plan as
required for a Final Plan in Section 403 of this Ordinance.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 51
404.06 Certificates
A. Certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor to the effect that the plan is
correct, in accordance with the requirements of PA Chapter 37 (State
Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyor and
Geologists) Title 49 of the Pennsylvania Code (see Appendix No. 2).
B. Certificate for approval of the plan by the Board of Supervisors with space
for the signature of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees (see
Appendix No.8).
C. A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take
acknowledgement of deeds and signed by the landowners, to the effect that
the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the act and the
deed of the landowners; that all those signing are all the landowners of the
property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be
recorded as such. This must be dated following the last change or revision
to said plan (see Appendix No. 3).
D. Certificate of review of the plan by the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission (see Appendix No. 6).
E. Certificate of review of the plan by the LCPC (see Appendix No. 8).
404.07 Filing Fee
The Lot Add-On Plan shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to
the order of the Township in the amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by
resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Office.
Section 405 Feasibility Report on Sewer and Water Facilities
The following reports shall be included with all land development plans:
405.01 Water Service Feasibility Report
A. The applicant shall submit a feasibility report concerning the availability of
a public water system in or near the proposed land development. Said report
shall be prepared by an engineer qualified to perform such duties and be
submitted in conjunction with the plan for review by the Township, the
applicable authority, and for recommendations by the local office of PA
1. Within any UGA or VGA, or within any area that the Act 537 Plan
identifies to be served by public utilities, any lot created, and any
land development plan that proposes to increase flows equal to or
greater than four hundred (400) gallons per day, shall be served by
public water.
2. For those areas not located within an UGA or VGA or within any
area that the Act 537 Plan identifies to be served by public utilities,
the feasibility report is not required for residential subdivisions of
four (4) lots or less, including remaining lands; and commercial or
industrial land development plans with a flow rate demand of less
than four hundred (400) gallons per day.
B. If connection to an existing public water system is proposed, the developer
shall submit an agreement, which verifies the commitment of the public
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 52
water provider to provide water as will be utilized by the subdivision or
land development for such period of time and under such terms and
conditions determined acceptable to the provider.
C. If the water supply system proposed involves the utilization of water obtained
from the tract being subdivided or developed (irrespective of whether or not
that water is being distributed as a part of a community water supply system),
that water supply source may be utilized only when:
1. The feasibility study establishes and the engineer qualified to
perform such duties, performing the study certifies that the ground
water recharge on the tract in question after development will exceed
the anticipated water usage figures under the following PA DEP
a. A population of three and one half (3 ½) persons per
dwelling unit shall be assumed for residential units.
b. An average daily usage of one hundred (100) gallons per
person per day is to be used where residential use is
c. Groundwater supply will exceed projected water usage
quantities where industrial, agricultural or commercial use
is contemplated.
2. The Township Engineer recommends the study for approval.
D. When industrial, agricultural or commercial use is intended, the applicant
shall, in the feasibility study, set forth the proposed nature of the use, the
proposed number of employees and whether or not water will be used for
cleanup and/or processing or otherwise in connection with the use. The
applicant shall in addition set forth the proposed allocation of available water
supply between or among the proposed uses and shall set forth a plan or
proposal pursuant to which such allocation can reasonably be monitored and
enforced by the Township or applicable authority.
E. In all cases the applicant shall demonstrate that the water to be supplied shall
be of an adequate quality and quantity for the intended use. Potable water
shall meet all applicable standards of PA DEP or the USEPA.
F. If community water systems are proposed, these systems shall be in
compliance with the above requirements as well as the regulations of PA
DEP and the applicable authority.
405.02 Sewer Service Feasibility Report
A. The applicant shall submit a feasibility report concerning the availability of
a public sewer system in or near the proposed land development. Said report
shall be prepared by an engineer qualified to perform such duties and be
submitted in conjunction with the plan for review by the Township, the
applicable authority, and for recommendations by the local office of PA
1. Within any UGA or VGA, or within any area that the Act 537 Plan
identifies to be served by public utilities, any lot created, and any
land development plan that proposes to increase flows equal to or
greater than four hundred (400) gallons per day, shall be served by
public sewer.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 53
2. For those areas not located within an UGA or VGA or within any
area that the Act 537 Plan identifies to be served by public utilities,
the feasibility report is not required for residential subdivisions of
four (4) lots or less, including remaining lands; and commercial or
industrial land development plans which propose effluent flows of
less than four hundred (400) gallons per day.
B. If connection to an existing public sewer system is proposed, the developer
shall submit an agreement, which verifies the commitment of the public
sewer service provider to provide such sewage disposal as will be utilized
by the subdivision or land development for such period of time and under
such terms and conditions as determined acceptable to the provider.
C. As a part of the feasibility study, the applicant shall state the type of sewage
disposal desired for each of the proposed lots. If other than connection to a
public sewer system or the installation of a conventional on-site sewage
disposal system is intended on any of the lots, that fact shall be indicated on
the plan itself. The following conditions shall apply:
1. The Board of Supervisors will approve on-lot sewage disposal
systems only when the Township SEO shall certify that both an
initial location and a replacement location for the on-lot sewage
disposal system are present on each lot.
a. The replacement location shall be of a size and capacity to
allow complete abandonment of the initial system in the
event of failure.
b. The replacement location shall be protected from traffic and
no filling or excavation shall be allowed within its
c. The standards for installation of the replacement system
shall be as required by PA DEP at the time of its
2. Subdivisions proposing a lot or lots utilizing alternate on-site sewage
disposal systems will not be approved by the Board of Supervisors
a. The Township SEO and/or a sanitarian of PA DEP certifies
that a conventional sewage disposal site cannot reasonably
be located on the site; and,
b. The lot itself cannot reasonably be redesigned or relocated
consistent with the most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, and other
Township regulations so as to enable utilization of a
conventional on-site sewage disposal system.
3. The feasibility study shall include the results of the probe hole
analyses and soil absorption tests on each of the lots as proposed in
the subdivision. These probe hole analyses and soil absorption tests
shall be certified as accurate by the Township SEO.
D. If community sewer systems are proposed, these systems shall be in
compliance with the above requirements as well as the regulations of PA
DEP and the applicable authority.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 54
Section 406 Traffic Impact Study
There are two (2) types of required traffic impact studies.
A. Studies Required
1. Abbreviated Traffic Impact Study
Whenever a proposed development project will generate fifty (50)
to ninety nine (99) new vehicle trips in the peak direction (inbound
or outbound) during the site peak traffic hour, the applicant shall
perform an abbreviated traffic impact study. The study must
utilize trip generation rates from the most recent version of the
ITE Trip Generation manual, or from a local study of
corresponding land uses and quantities. Based on this study,
certain improvements may be identified as necessary to provide
safe and efficient access to the development. The abbreviated
traffic impact study shall include:
a. A capacity analysis report prepared under the supervision
of a transportation engineer or transportation planner,
qualified to perform such duties.
b. The study area for the capacity analysis report shall only
include all proposed site access intersections.
2. Comprehensive Traffic Impact Study
Whenever a proposed development project will generate one
hundred (100) or more new vehicle trips in the peak direction
(inbound or outbound) during the site peak traffic hour or generate
an ADT of greater than three thousand (3,000), the applicant shall
perform a comprehensive traffic impact study. Based on this
study, certain improvements may be identified as necessary to
provide safe and efficient access to the development.
In addition, a comprehensive traffic impact study shall be
prepared at the discretion of the Township whenever either of the
following conditions exist within the impact study area:
a. Current traffic problems exist in the local area or
neighborhood, including but not limited to a high crash
location, confusing intersection, or a congested
intersection that directly affects access to the
b. The ability of the existing roadway system to handle
increased traffic or the feasibility of improving the
roadway system to handle increased traffic is limited.
c. If access is proposed to a state roadway, the Traffic
Impact Study shall be prepared in accordance with and
shall conform to the most recent version of PennDOT
Publications and Procedures for Transportation Impact
Studies, Publication 46, Traffic Engineering Manual.
B. Traffic Impact Study Requirements
1. The Traffic Impact Study shall be prepared in accordance with
PennDOT Publications and Procedures for Transportation Impact
Studies, Publication 46 Traffic Engineering Manual, and Institute
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 55
of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Recommended Practice
“Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development”.
2. Area and Scope of Traffic Impact Study - The Traffic Impact
Study area and scope shall be based on the characteristics of the
surrounding area and the impact of the plan on the area. The
intersections to be included in the Study shall be adjacent to the
site or have direct impact upon the access to the site. Prior to
initiation of the study, the area and scope shall be mutually agreed
upon between the Township Engineer and the traffic engineer
preparing the Study.
3. Preparation by Transportation Engineer Required - The Traffic
Impact Study shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer
registered in Pennsylvania with specific training in traffic and
transportation engineering, at least four (4) years of experience
related to preparing traffic studies for existing or proposed
developments, and sufficient prior traffic study experience to
qualify the engineer to render any opinions and recommendations
in the study.
4. Horizon Year - The traffic forecasts shall be prepared for the
anticipated opening year of the development, assuming full build-
out and occupancy. The horizon year in the remainder of this
Ordinance, and shall be a minimum of five (5) years after the
opening year.
5. Traffic Data, Projections and Analysis Periods
a. Traffic data used in the Study shall not be more than one
(1) year old.
b. Estimates of non-site traffic shall be made, and will
consist of traffic generated by all other developments
within the study area for which Preliminary and/or Final
Plans have been approved and traffic from background
traffic growth in and around the study area. Traffic
generated by other development for which an application
has been submitted but not yet approved shall be included
at the discretion of the Township. Non-site traffic may be
estimated using the “build-up” technique, or, by way of
area transportation plan data or modeled volumes.
Background growth compounded annually shall be
established using the growth rates from PennDOT.
c. Analyses shall be conducted for the AM and PM peak
hour periods. If the study area includes an intersection on
an arterial roadway, or if the proposed development
includes retail related uses, then the Saturday peak hour
period shall also be analyzed. Where the peak hour of the
generator does not coincide with the peak hour of the
adjacent street, then the peak hour(s) of the generator shall
also be analyzed.
6. Trip Generation Rates Required
a. The Traffic Impact Study shall include a table showing
the land uses and codes as defined by ITE and quantities
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 56
of each land use, with the corresponding trip generation
rates or equations (with justification for selection of one
or the other), and resulting number of trips, including
entering, exiting and total trips. The trip generation rates
used must be either from the latest edition of Trip
Generation by ITE, or from a local study of corresponding
land uses and quantities. All sources must be referenced
in the Study. The anticipated types and volumes of truck
traffic using the site shall be identified.
b. All trip generation calculations shall be based on the
methodologies as published in ITE’s “Trip Generation
Handbook” or as mutually agreed between the Township
Engineer and the traffic engineer preparing the Study.
c. Consideration of Pass-By or Shared Trips - If pass-by
trips or shared trips are a major consideration for the land
use in question, calculations of pass-by and/or shared trips
shall be based on published rates as identified in ITE’s
“Trip Generation Handbook”.
d. Rate Sums - Any significant difference between the sums
of single-use rates and proposed mixed-use estimates
must be justified in the Study.
e. Explanations Required - The reasoning and data used in
developing a trip generation rate for special/unusual
generators must be justified and explained in the Study.
7. Definition of Influence Area
a. Prior to trip distribution of site-generated trips, an
influence area must be defined, which contains eighty
percent (80%) or more of the trip ends that will be
attracted to the development. A market study may be used
to establish the limits of an influence area, if available. If
no market study is available, an influence area shall be
determined based on a reasonably defined market area.
The influence area may also be based on a reasonable
maximum convenient travel time to the site, or
delineating area boundaries based on locations of
competing developments.
b. Other methods, such as using trip data from an existing
development with similar characteristics, or using an
existing origin-destination survey of trips within the area,
may be used in place of the influence area to delineate the
boundaries of the impact.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 57
8. Estimates of Trip Distribution Required
a. Trip distribution shall be estimated using analogy, trip
distribution model, or surrogate data.
b. Whichever method is used, trip distribution must be
estimated and analyzed for the horizon year and must be
justified in the study. A multi-use development may
require more than one distribution and coinciding
assignment for each phase (e.g., residential and retail
phases on the same site). Consideration must also be
given to whether inbound and outbound trips will have
similar distributions.
c. The methodology for determining trip distribution shall
be mutually agreed upon between the Township Engineer
and the traffic engineer preparing the Study.
9. Trip Assignments
a. Assignments must be made considering logical routings,
available roadway capacities, left turns at critical
intersections, and projected (and perceived) minimum
travel times. In addition, multiple paths shall often be
assigned between origins and destinations to achieve
realistic estimates, rather than assigning all of the trips to
the route with the shortest travel time. The assignments
must be carried through the external site access points
and, in projects producing five-hundred (500) or more
additional peak direction trips to or from the site during
the development’s peak hour, through the internal
roadways. When the site has more than one access
driveway, logical routing and possibly multiple paths
shall be used to obtain realistic driveway volumes. The
assignment shall reflect conditions at the time of the
analysis. Assignments may be accomplished either
manually or with applicable computer models.
b. If a thorough analysis is required to account for pass-by
trips, such analysis shall determine the percentage of
pass-by trips in the total trips generated using
methodology; estimate a trip distribution for the pass-by
trips; perform two separate trip assignments, based on the
new and pass-by trip distributions; and combine the pass-
by and new trip assignment.
c. Upon completion of the initial site traffic assignment, the
results shall be reviewed to determine if the volumes
appear logical, given characteristics of the road system
and trip distribution. Adjustments shall be made if the
initial results do not appear to be logical or reasonable.
d. The methodology for determining trip assignments shall
be mutually agreed upon between the Township Engineer
and the traffic engineer preparing the Study.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 58
e. Total Traffic Impacts - Traffic estimates for any site with
current traffic activity shall reflect not only new traffic
associated with the site’s redevelopment, but also the trips
subtracted from the traffic stream because of the removal
of a land use. The number of trips to be subtracted for the
existing use shall be based on actual counts. The Traffic
Impact Study shall clearly depict the total traffic estimate
and its components.
10. Analysis
a. Traffic analyses shall be completed for the existing
conditions and opening day/build-out year and horizon
year, both without and with development. Analyses may
consider proposed roadway improvements only if said
improvements have committed funding.
b. Capacity analysis shall be performed at each of the major
street and project site access intersection locations
(signalized and unsignalized) within the study area. In
addition, analyses shall be completed for roadway
segments, deemed sensitive to site traffic within the study
area. These may include such segments as weaving
sections, ramps, internal site roadways, parking facility
access points, and reservoirs for vehicles queuing off-site
and on-site. Other locations may be deemed appropriate
depending on the situation.
c. The recommended level of service analysis procedures
detailed in the most recent edition of the Highway
Capacity Manual shall be followed. The operational
analyses in the Highway Capacity Manual should be used
for analyzing existing conditions, traffic impacts, access
requirements, or other future conditions for which traffic,
geometric and control parameters can be established.
d. Where a Level of Service (LOS) “F” results, the
associated delay shall be noted in the study. Existing peak
hour factors and site specific truck and roadway grade
percentages shall be utilized.
e. Traffic Signal Warrant analyses evaluating all warrant
criteria shall be completed for each unsignalized
intersection which is shown to have an approach
operating at an LOS “E” or “F.”
f. Where traffic signals exist or are proposed, analyses of the
need for signalized left-turn phases shall be completed in
accordance with PennDOT Publication 149.
g. Queue length analyses shall be completed for each lane
group. The need for acceleration and deceleration lanes
shall be presented in the study. The need for right- and
left-turn lanes shall also be evaluated. For both signalized
and unsignalized intersections, PennDOT Publication 46
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 59
shall be used as the basis for determining the need and
required lengths for said lanes.
h. Accident data for the most recent three-year period shall
be presented and analyzed for trends, type of accidents
and causation factors.
i. Required Levels of Service - The Study shall identify the
improvements necessary to meet the goals thereof and the
applicant shall be responsible to make all improvements
required by law.
Section 407 Wetlands Study
407.01 The applicant shall submit a wetland study in duplicate with the submittal of all
subdivision and land development plans, if wetlands are present on the site. The
purpose of the study shall be to determine the extent of wetlands on the site.
407.02 The study shall be performed by a wetland scientist.
407.03 Requirements for Wetland Studies
A. Delineations shall follow the procedures outlined in the version of the
USACE’s Wetlands Delineation Manual, as amended and approved by the
USACE for use, including any supplements also so approved by the USACE
for use.
B. Delineations shall be Supported by Reports. The report shall contain the
following sections:
1. Introduction. Description of the physical features of the site, its
location and the proposed plans for the site.
2. Methods. Description of the methods used for the study. Relevant
information includes the date of the field investigation, the number
of transects and sampling points used, the size of vegetation
quadrants employed, the size of soil pits used, and taxonomic
3. Results and Discussion. Description of the findings of the study.
Soils, vegetation and hydrology for wetland and upland areas of the
site shall be discussed. Any problem areas shall be thoroughly
studied and discussed.
4. Conclusions. The extent of wetlands on the site shall be discussed.
The impact of the proposed project on these wetlands shall also be
C. Included in the report as appendices or tables shall be:
1. Site location map (USGS 7.5' quadrangle will suffice).
2. NWI map.
3. Soil survey map with soil descriptions.
4. Data sheets for each sampling point.
5. Wetland Boundary Map. Wetland boundaries shall be surveyed and
shown on a map (or drawing) of appropriate scale. The limits of the
wetland study area shall be clearly shown. The map shall also show
the location of all sampling points used in the study, the date of the
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 60
delineation, and the name of the consulting firm which performed
the delineation.
6. Color photos of wetland areas on the site, with locations and
directions of view keyed to the wetland boundary map.
7. Resumes of the wetland scientist(s) who performed the delineation.
D. For sites on which no wetlands occur, an abbreviated report may be
submitted. The abbreviated report shall contain the introductory material,
the methods section and a discussion of the result of the study. Site location,
NWI and soil maps shall also be provided.
E. All plans shall contain notes for future lot owners. The wetland boundary on
each lot shall be clearly marked. Each lot which contains wetlands, or to
which access may be restricted by wetlands, shall have a note which states:
"State and Federal laws require permits for all activities which result in a
deposition of fill into delineated wetlands. Refusal of such a permit may
restrict some uses of all or portions of the lot."
F. Compensatory mitigation projects required as part of state or federal permits
shall be shown on the subdivision plans. Future lot owners whose property
encompasses all or part of a mitigation area shall be notified that the portion
of their property which includes the mitigation area may not be altered, and
is considered a regulated wetland by the state and federal governments.
Since lot owners may be responsible for maintenance of mitigation areas, and
in order to help ensure the long-term viability of wetland mitigation efforts,
the Township discourages multiple ownership of mitigation areas.
Ownership by one (1) individual or a homeowners association is encouraged.
Owners of the wetland mitigation areas must be clearly identified to the
Township. Mitigation areas need to be contained within an easement meeting
the requirements of Section 605 of this ordinance as it relates to drainage
facilities with the extent of the easements subject to the approval of the
G. The Township reserves the right to reject any submitted wetland delineations.
Should the Township feel the actual wetland area differs from that shown on
the subdivision plan, the Township has the right to secure, at the developer's
expense, qualified personnel to check the delineation and redraw the
boundary as necessary. Should the developer subsequently disagree with the
Township's delineation, a jurisdictional delineation by USACE will be
requested. Any charges for the jurisdictional delineation shall be the
responsibility of the developer.
H. Where the study shows the existence of wetland areas, the delineated
boundary shall be properly fenced off to prevent encroachment. Snow fence
or other acceptable material shall be used (the use of silt fence is not
acceptable). The fence shall be properly installed, at a minimum distance of
five (5’) feet outside the delineated boundary, prior to any construction or
issuance of building permits. The fence must be properly maintained until
all occupancy permits have been issued and/or for the extent of all
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 61
Section 501 Completion of Improvements or Guarantee Thereof
Prerequisite to Final Plan Approval
501.01 No plan shall be finally approved unless the streets shown on such plan have been
improved as may be required by this Ordinance, and any walkways, sidewalks, curbs,
gutters, street lights, fire hydrants, shade trees, landscaping, water mains, sanitary
sewers, storm water management facilities, recreational facilities, survey monument
and lot line markers, or other improvements as may be required by this Ordinance
have been installed in accordance with this Ordinance, except that the surface course
of streets shall not be completed until such time as ninety (90%) percent of the lots in
the subdivision or land development have been improved by the construction of a
dwelling if approved for residential development or by the construction of the
proposed commercial or industrial structures if the lots are approved for such uses.
501.02 In lieu of completion of the surface course of streets as well as in lieu of completion
of other improvements required as a condition for Final Plan approval of a plan, and
at the discretion of the developer, such developer may deposit with the Township
and/or the applicable authority, as applicable, a letter of credit, or other financial
security authorized by the MPC and acceptable to the Board of Supervisors and/or
the applicable authority in an amount equal to one hundred ten (110%) percent of the
estimated cost of the required improvements at a time ninety (90) days following the
date scheduled for completion of the respective improvements by the developer. The
estimated cost of the surface course shall be computed separately from the estimated
cost of completing the other improvements and shall be based upon the developer's
projected timetable for completion of the development.
501.03 The amount of financial security required by the Township shall be based upon an
estimate of the cost of the improvements, submitted by a developer and prepared by
an engineer qualified to perform such duties and certified by such engineer to be a
fair and reasonable estimate of such cost. The Township, upon the recommendation
of the Township Engineer, may refuse to accept such estimate for good cause shown.
If the developer and the Township are unable to agree upon an estimate, then the
estimate shall be recalculated and recertified by another engineer qualified to perform
such duties and chosen mutually by the Township and the developer. The estimate
certified by the third engineer shall be presumed fair and reasonable and shall be the
final estimate. In the event that a third (3
) engineer is so chosen, fees for the services
of said engineer shall be paid equally by the Township and the developer.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 62
501.04 Annually the Township and/or the applicable authority may adjust the amount of
required financial security by redetermining the estimated cost for completion of the
uncompleted improvements as of the expiration of the ninetieth (90
) day after either
the date scheduled for completion or a rescheduled date of completion. Subsequent
to said adjustment, the Township may require the developer to post additional security
in order to insure that the financial security equals one hundred ten (110%) percent of
the estimated cost of the Township and/or the applicable authority completing the
improvements at a time ninety (90) days following the date scheduled for completion
or alternatively reduce the required security so that it equals such amount. Any
additional security shall be posted by the developer within thirty (30) days after being
notified of the same. The amount of financial security required by the applicable
authority shall be computed in accordance with the applicable authority's rules and
501.05 As the work of installing the required improvements proceeds, the party posting the
financial security may request the Township to release or authorize the release from
time to time, such portions of the financial security necessary for the payment to the
contractor or contractors performing the work. Any such request shall be in writing
addressed to the Board of Supervisors, and the Board of Supervisors shall have
forty-five (45) days from the receipt of such request to allow the Township Engineer
to certify, in writing, to the Board of Supervisors that such portion of the work has
been completed in accordance with the approved plan. Upon such certification, the
Board of Supervisors shall authorize release from the required financial security of
an amount as estimated by the Township Engineer as representing the value of the
work completed.
501.06 The value of the work completed shall be determined by subtracting one hundred ten
(110%) percent of the estimated cost of the completion of the remaining uncompleted
work from the total amount of security deposited.
501.07 At such time as ninety (90%) percent of the lots in the subdivision have been
improved as set forth above, or if at the expiration of three (3) years from the date all
of the improvements excepting the surface course has been completed, less than
ninety (90%) percent of the lots have been so improved, the Township may notify the
developer to complete the surface course within sixty (60) days from the date of such
notice. In computing the sixty (60) day requirement, the period from November 1 to
April 1 shall not be counted.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 63
501.08 If at the time the wearing course is completed, ninety (90%) percent of the lots are
not improved as set forth above, the developer must:
A. Post with the Township financial security in an amount equal to fifteen (15%)
percent of the reasonable cost of the surface course as security to guarantee
that damages to the road or street would not occur during the completion of
the improvements on the unimproved lots in such developer's subdivision or
land development. The Township shall hold such financial security and
utilize it to pay for the repair of any damage occurring to the road during the
period between the commencement of improvements on any particular
unimproved lot and the completion of such improvements irrespective of
whether or not it can be established that the damage to the road was caused
by contractors or other persons working in and about the construction of such
improvements. The financial security shall be in a form acceptable to the
B. Present to the Township agreements signed by the owners of all of such
unimproved lots pursuant to which they will agree to pay to the Township
the cost of repairing any damage occurring to roads in such subdivision
during the period between the commencement of work on the improvements
to their lot and the completion of such improvements irrespective of whether
or not it can be established that such damage was caused by contractors or
other persons involved in the improvement of their respective lot.
Section 502 Release from Financial Security
502.01 When the developer has completed all of the improvements as shown on the Final
Plans, the developer shall notify the Board of Supervisors, in writing, by certified or
registered mail, of the completion of the aforesaid improvements, enclosing therewith
certification by the engineer qualified to perform such duties and responsible for the
design of the improvements that they have been installed as designed, and shall send
copies of the notice and certification to the Township Engineer. The Board of
Supervisors shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, direct and
authorize the Township Engineer to inspect all of the aforesaid improvements. The
Township Engineer shall thereupon file a report, in writing, with the Board of
Supervisors and shall promptly mail a copy of the same to the developer by certified
or registered mail. The report shall be made and mailed within thirty (30) days after
receipt by the Township Engineer of the aforesaid authorization from the Board of
Supervisors, said report shall be detailed and shall indicate approval or rejection of
said improvements, either in whole or in part, and if said improvements or any portion
thereof shall not be approved or shall be rejected by the Township Engineer, said
report shall contain a statement of the reasons for such non-approval or rejection.
Improvements shall not be considered completed unless the developer can
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance and all other
applicable ordinances, statutes and regulations. Improvements shall also not be
considered complete until as-built plans of all storm water management facilities, any
improvements to be dedicated to the Township and/or the applicable authority, and
of all streets, whether or not such streets shall be dedicated, have been submitted to
the Township and/or the applicable authority, as applicable.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 64
502.02 The Board of Supervisors shall notify the developer within fifteen (15) days of receipt
of the Township Engineer's report, in writing by certified or registered mail, of its
action with relation thereto. If the Board of Supervisors or Township Engineer fails
to comply with the time limitation provisions contained herein, or such time
limitations as contained in the MPC, whichever requirements shall contained a longer
time period for action by the Township, all improvements will be deemed to have
been approved and the developer's posted financial security shall be released.
502.03 If any portion of the said improvements shall not be approved or shall be rejected by
the Board of Supervisors, the developer shall proceed to complete the same and, upon
completion, the same procedure of notification, as outlined herein, shall be followed.
502.04 Nothing herein, however, shall be construed in limitation of the developer's right to
contest or question by legal proceedings or otherwise any determination of the Board
of Supervisors or Township Engineer.
Section 503 Remedies to Effect Completion of Improvements
503.01 In the event that any improvements that may be required have not been installed as
provided in this Ordinance or in accordance with the approved Final Plan, the Board
of Supervisors may enforce any letter of credit or other financial security by
appropriate legal and equitable remedies. If proceeds of such financial security are
insufficient to pay the cost of installing or making repairs or corrections to all the
improvements covered by said security, the Board of Supervisors may, at its option,
install such improvements in all or part of the subdivision or land development and
may institute appropriate legal or equitable action to recover the monies necessary to
complete the remainder of the improvements. All the proceeds, after deducting the
costs of collection, whether resulting from the financial security or from any legal or
equitable action brought against the developer or both, shall be used solely for the
installation of the improvements covered by such security, and not for any other
Township purpose.
Section 504 Inspection During Construction
504.01 The Township and/or the applicable authority shall inspect the improvements during
construction. The developer shall pay the cost of any such inspection in accordance
with the provisions of Article V of the MPC. The developer shall provide at least
twenty-four (24) hours’ notice prior to the start of construction of any improvements
that are subject to inspection. All inspections of completed items shall be requested,
in writing, at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the inspection time and date.
504.02 General Site Construction
It is generally required that the following phases of site construction have mandatory
inspection. This general list of phases may be amended by mutual agreement of the
Township and developer when the site requires special construction procedures. The
inspection schedule must be recorded with the Final Plan or shown on the approved
Improvement Construction Plan.
A. Upon completion of preliminary site preparation including stripping of
vegetation, stockpiling of topsoil and construction of temporary erosion and
sedimentation control devices.
B. Upon completion of rough grading, but prior to placing topsoil, permanent
drainage, or other site development improvements and ground covers.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 65
C. During the construction of permanent storm water management and BMP
D. Upon the final completion of permanent storm water management and BMP
facilities, including the establishment of ground covers and plantings.
E. After review of the as-built drawings, required by Section 508 of this
Ordinance, but prior to final release of the financial guarantee for completion
of final grading, vegetative controls required by the BMP standards, or other
site restoration work.
504.03 Street Construction
A. Preparation of Road Subgrade. At the time of this observation, the subgrade
should be proof rolled and the proposed crown and grade should be checked.
It is recommended that a developer's/contractor's representative accompanies
the observer when the crown and grade are checked. Proof rolling should be
performed with a fully loaded, tandem-axle dump truck. This observation
must occur prior to any stone subbase being placed.
B. Placement and Compaction of Road Subbase. At the time of this observation,
the depth of subbase should be checked after compaction, the subbase should
be proof rolled in the same manner as the subgrade and the crown and grade
should be checked again. This observation must occur prior to any binder or
base course being placed.
C. Placement and Compaction of the Binder/Base Course. At the time of this
observation, the depth of the binder/base course should be checked, ambient
temperature should be monitored (this is important in early spring and late
fall when the temperature can fall below acceptable limits), the temperature
of the bituminous material should be checked (if possible), and it is
recommended that copies of the weight slips for each truckload be obtained.
The crown and grade should also be checked again. This observation must
occur prior to the wearing course being placed.
D. Placement and Compaction of the Wearing Course. At the time of this
observation, the guidelines for the placement and compaction of the
binder/base course should be followed.
504.04 In addition to the above outlined observations, additional observations will be made
at the request of the developer for reduction of financial securities. Random
observations should be made at the frequency desired by the Township. At the time
of any of the above listed observations, all ongoing construction (i.e. storm drainage,
sanitary sewer, water, erosion control, etc.) should also be checked for compliance
with the approved plans and the findings reported. Since the above inspections are
mandatory, it is recommended that requests for reduction of financial guarantee to be
submitted to coincide with the above inspections.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 66
Section 505 Offers of Dedication
505.01 Any offer to dedicate any street or portion thereof shall be made on forms provided
by the Township, along with all required supporting documentation and required fees.
Offers for dedication may be submitted to the Township at any time during the
calendar year, however, the Township will not formally act upon any offer of
dedication prior to April 15 nor later than September 1 of any calendar year.
505.02 The offer to dedicate streets, parks or other areas or portions of them does not impose
any duty upon the Township and/or the applicable authority concerning maintenance
or improvement until the proper authorities of the Township and/or the applicable
authority have made actual acceptance of the dedication by ordinance or resolution
or by entry or improvement.
505.03 Where the Township accepts dedication of all or some of the required improvements
following completion, the Township may require the posting of financial security to
secure the structural integrity of said improvements as well as the functioning of said
improvements in accordance with the design and specifications as depicted on the
Final Plan for a term of eighteen (18) months from the date of acceptance of
dedication. Said financial security shall be of the same type as otherwise required in
Section 501 of this Ordinance with regard to installation of such improvements and
the amount of such financial security shall not exceed fifteen (15%) percent of the
actual cost of the installation of the said improvements.
505.04 Where the applicable authority accepts dedication of some or all of the required
improvements, the applicable authority may require the posting of financial security
in accordance with its rules and regulations and applicable law.
Section 506 Maintenance of Streets
506.01 The developer shall maintain all streets in the subdivision or development in
travelable condition, including the prompt removal of snow therefrom, until such time
as the streets are accepted by the Township as part of the Township highway system;
or, if such streets are not to be dedicated, until a homeowners' association or other
entity responsible for the maintenance of the streets has been formed.
Section 507 Effect of Plan Recording on Dedication and Reservations
507.01 Recording of the Final Plan after approval by the Board of Supervisors has the effect
of an irrevocable offer to:
A. Dedicate all streets and other public ways to public use, unless such streets
are indicated on said plan as private streets.
B. Dedicate all neighborhood parks and all areas shown on the plan as being
local recreation sites to public use.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 67
Section 508 As-Built Plan
508.01 Prior to the release of the final escrow estimate, the developer shall prepare as-built
plans of all storm water management facilities, any improvements to be dedicated to
the Township and/or the applicable authority, and of all streets, whether or not such
streets shall be dedicated. The developer shall provide the Township and/or the
applicable authority, as applicable, with one (1) mylar and two (2) prints of the as-
built plan showing the following:
A. Survey Monuments and Markers
1. Actual location of all concrete monuments which were set at points
of curvature and tangents along streets on the rights-of-way and at
all angle breaks around the perimeter of the total tract. When the
outside perimeter of a tract falls within or along an existing road
right-of-way, then the right-of-way of that roadway shall be
monumented at the above referenced points.
2. Actual location of all iron pins or drill holes in curbs for all
individual lot lines.
B. Street Alignment
1. Actual location of cartway centerline versus right-of-way centerline.
2. Actual cul-de-sac radius.
C. Utilities
1. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities including,
but not limited to:
a. Piping, valves, and manholes for publicly dedicated water
and sewer utilities.
b. Gas, telecommunications, cable, fiber optic, and electric
lines within the public right-of-way.
2. Horizontal location of above ground utilities including, but not
limited to:
a. Utility poles carrying overhead telecommunications, cable,
fiber optic, and electric lines within the public right-of-way.
b. Fire hydrants, natural gas piping, electric power substations.
c. Street lights and traffic signal equipment.
D. Other Improvements
1. Sidewalks, pedestrian easements, and ADA ramps.
2. Playgrounds and recreational facilities.
3. Buildings, parking compounds, access drives, driveways, and all
other significant planned facilities.
4. Installed lighting fixtures and mounting heights.
5. Required landscaping, including actual caliber and/or height.
508.02 The applicant shall submit two (2) CDs, DVDs, or other digital recording media
(format as specified by the Township); each of which includes one (1) computer-
readable digital file copy of the As-Built Plan, in both the most recent versions of
AutoCAD and portable document format (*.pdf) unless otherwise specified by the
Township, which includes all of the information contained on the paper copy of the
As-Built Plan.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 68
Section 601 General
601.01 Minimum Standards
The standards and requirements contained in this Article shall apply as the minimum
design standards for subdivision and/or land developments in the Township. If
studies, calculations, or reports, which are acceptable to the Township, determine that
greater or stricter standards are required, then the Township shall require that the
greater or stricter standard be made a part of the subdivision and/or land development.
Section 602 Streets, Private Streets, Alleys, Lot Access, Driveways, and
Access Drives
602.01 General
A. Proposed streets shall conform to such county and state street and highway
plans as have been prepared, adopted and/or filed as prescribed by law.
B. Where a development abuts an existing or proposed arterial or collector
street, the Board of Supervisors may require access management techniques
such as the use of marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots, or other such
treatment that will provide protection for abutting properties, reduce the
number of intersections with the arterial or collector street, and separate the
local and through traffic.
C. Streets shall be designed with consideration to both existing and planned
streets. All streets shall be arranged to conform as closely as possible to the
original topography. New streets shall be connected with streets of similar
function, to form continuations thereof. Local streets shall be laid out to
discourage use by through traffic. Streets shall be laid out to provide
convenient and safe access to the property. The rigid rectangular street
pattern need not be adhered to; the use of curvilinear streets may be provided
when their use will result in a more desirable layout. Where a development
abuts an existing or proposed major street, the Board of Supervisors may
require the use of marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots or such other
treatment that will provide protection for abutting properties, reduce the
number of intersections with the major street and separate the local and
through traffic.
D. Streets shall be logically related to the topography so as to produce
reasonable grades, satisfactory drainage and suitable building sites.
E. Where appropriate, areas shall be reserved for future street usage in
conjunction with the development of adjacent tracts. Areas to be reserved for
future street usage shall be required to be improved to the boundary of the
tract being developed.
F. Wherever there exists a dedicated or platted area reserved for future street
usage along the boundary of a tract being developed, the street on the
adjacent tract shall be extended into the proposed project.
G. Plans with street locations along the perimeter of a property shall be required
to show building setback lines and clear sight triangles within the adjacent
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 69
properties. Written permission from the affected adjacent landowner shall be
provided prior to Preliminary Plan Approval.
H. When existing stub streets or temporary cul-de-sac streets adjoin the tract to
be developed, they shall be extended into the site and made part of the
proposed street layout. Where a temporary cul-de-sac is being extended, the
bulb shall be reconstructed to Township street specifications, any existing
sidewalk extended through the area and the remaining areas shall be regraded
and seeded.
I. Improvement of Existing Streets and Intersections. Where a subdivision or
land development abuts an existing Township and/or State street or shall
have a traffic impact on an existing Township and/or State street as indicated
by a traffic impact study required to be performed in accordance with this
Ordinance, the developer shall be required to make the following
1. In cases where a subdivision or land development abuts an existing
Township and/or State street, the street shall be reconstructed to the
widths specified in this Ordinance.
2. In cases where the development is situated only on one (1) side of
an existing street, the Township may require that only that side of
the street be reconstructed.
3. Where the developer of the subdivision or land development is
required to provide a traffic impact study and the traffic impact
study indicates that improvements are required, the developer shall
install the improvements, including but not limited to traffic signals,
traffic control devices additional traffic lanes, traffic dividers and
highway markings.
4. When the Township determines that the required improvements are
not feasible at the time of development of the use, the developer
shall deposit funds with the Township in the amount of one hundred
and ten (110%) percent of the cost of the improvements computed
in accordance with Article V of this Ordinance. The amount of the
deposit shall be submitted for approval by the Township Engineer.
J. The extension of existing streets which are presently constructed with a
cartway different from current Township standards shall be provided with a
transition area, the design of which is subject to Township approval.
K. Street Improvements. All construction shall be in conformance with the
provisions and specifications of the Township. (See Appendix No. 13.)
1. Paving Cross-Sections. All street paving shall conform to the
following specifications:
a. Before paving the street surface, the applicant must install
the required utilities and provide, where necessary,
adequate storm water drainage for the street, acceptable to
the Board of Supervisors. The pavement base, wearing
surface and shoulders must be constructed according to the
following specifications excepting however that for the
construction of arterial streets or highways, the developer
shall consult with the Township Engineer and be governed
by PennDOT for the method of construction to be used and
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 70
the design shall conform to the most recent version of
PennDOT Publication 242, Pavement Policy Manual, as
b. All new streets shall be designed to the following cross-
sectional specifications (all courses are compacted
c. The use of recycled materials is strongly encouraged.
d. Pavement. The pavement base and wearing surface must be
designed and constructed in accordance with the most
recent version of PennDOT Publication 408, Highway
Construction Specifications, as amended. Table 6-1 outlines
the alternatives available to the developer:
Table 6-1
Flexible Street Paving Options
Street Type
Local Street, Alley, or
Special Purpose Street
1 ½”
1 ½”
4 ½”
1 ½”
1 ½”
(1) Wearing: Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Wearing Course, PG
64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 million ESAL’s, 9.5 mm mix, SRL L.
(2) Binder: Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Binder Course, PG 64-
22, 0.0 to 0.3 million ESAL’s, 19.0 mm mix.
(3) Base: Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Base Course, PG 64-22,
0.0 to 0.3 million ESAL’s, 25.0 mm mix.
(4) CABC - Crushed Aggregate Base Course
2. For the construction of arterial streets or highways, the applicant
shall consult the Township Engineer and be governed by the most
recent version of PennDOT Publication 408, Highway
Construction Specifications, as amended, for the method of
construction to be used, and to submit pavement design
calculations in accordance with the most recent version of
PennDOT Publication 242 Pavement Policy Manual, as amended.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 71
3. The Board of Supervisors, after consulting with the Township
Engineer, shall decide if a collector or arterial street is required as
a direct result of the construction of this development in which
case the applicant is responsible for paving the additional width
required and submitting pavement design calculations in
accordance with the most recent version of PennDOT Publication
242, Pavement Policy Manual, as amended.
4. Concrete curbing in accordance with Township specifications is
required for all new streets. Where a modification of this section is
granted by the Board of Supervisors, shoulders shall be provided in
accordance with the following:
a. All shoulders shall be constructed in accordance with the
most recent version of PennDOT Publication 408,
Highway Construction Specifications, as amended.
b. For minor streets, Type 3 Shoulder shall be provided as
shown on RC-25 of the most recent version of PennDOT
Publication 72M, Roadway Construction Standards, as
c. For collector streets, Type 1 Shoulder, Type l-I Shoulder,
or a Type I-S Shoulder shall be provided as shown on RC-
25 of the most recent version of PennDOT Publication
72M, Roadway Construction Standards, as amended.
d. Arterial streets shoulder type shall be determined by the
Board of Supervisors after consulting with the Township
Engineer and PennDOT.
L. Dedication of Additional Right-of-Way. If a subdivision or land
development abuts an existing Township street and/or State street which has
a right-of-way width of less than the widths as set forth in this Ordinance,
the developer shall dedicate to the Township or Commonwealth, as
applicable, that amount of land necessary so that the distance from the
centerline of the street to the edge of the right-of-way abutting the proposed
development is one-half the ultimate right-of-way width set forth in this
M. When the proposed development requires construction within an existing
street right-of-way, such as sewer, water or storm water lines, the Township
may require construction of a new wearing course along the entire frontage
and/or disturbed area.
N. If lots subdivided from the tract proposed for development are large enough
to permit re-subdivision or if a portion of the tract is not subdivided or
developed, adequate rights-of-way for streets and other required
improvements shall be provided as necessary to permit further subdivision
or development.
O. Future access strips are rights-of-way reserved for future street
improvements. They shall be designed in conformance with the design
requirements of a street, and the contiguous parcels must contain proper
setbacks and sight distances.
P. As a minimum, all new streets shall be graded to the right-of-way line. All
cut and fill banks shall not exceed the steepness of a three-to-one (3:1) slope.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 72
Q. Streets shall be designed to preclude or minimize the need for guide rail. The
Township may, however, require guide rail to be placed for protection on
embankments when a barrier is indicated as warranted in the most recent
version of the PennDOT Design Manual, Part 2, Highway Design, as
R. The design and selection of guide rail shall generally be in accordance with
the standards in Design Manual, Part 2, Highway Design, as amended,
however, the Township shall approve all guide rail systems.
S. Streets that are extensions of or obviously in alignment with existing streets
shall bear the names of the existing streets. Street names shall not be repeated
within the Township and all street names shall be subject to the approval of
Lancaster County-Wide Communications.
T. Street name signs shall be installed at all intersections, shall identify both
intersecting streets, and their design shall be approved by the Township.
Regulatory signs shall be installed at all locations identified by a traffic
engineering study prepared by the developer and in accordance with the most
recent version of PennDOT Publication 201, Engineering Traffic Studies, as
amended. Traffic signs shall be approved by the Township and shall be
supplied and installed by the developer in accordance with Township
regulations; PennDOT Publication 68, Official Traffic Devices, as amended;
and the MUTCD.
U. Traffic Signals. Where a traffic impact study indicates the necessity for a
traffic signal, the developer shall prepare a Traffic Signal Condition Diagram
Plan. The plan shall be designed, and the signal shall be located and installed
by the developer in accordance with the rules and regulations of PennDOT.
The Traffic Signal Condition Diagram Plans shall be reviewed by the
Township Engineer prior to submission to PennDOT.
V. All proposed streets except alleys and marginal access streets shall be offered
for dedication. Where a modification of this Section is granted by the
Township, all private streets shall conform to the design standards for public
streets as required by this Ordinance. Applications that propose a private
street shall include an agreement in a form acceptable to the Township that
shall be recorded with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds as part of the
Final Plan. This agreement shall establish the conditions under which the
street will be constructed and maintained, as well as conditions controlling
an offer of dedication, and shall stipulate:
1. That the street shall be constructed and maintained to conform to
the provisions of this Ordinance and any other applicable
ordinance or regulation of the Township.
2. The method of assessing maintenance and repair costs.
3. That an offer for dedication of the street shall be made only for the
street as a whole.
4. That the owners of the abutting lots will include with any offer of
dedication sufficient funds, as estimated by the Township, to
restore the street to the prevailing standards.
5. That an agreement by the owners of fifty-one (51%) percent or
greater of the total lot frontage adjoining the street shall be binding
on the owners of the remaining lots.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 73
W. The design arterial streets, shall be in accordance with PennDOT
specifications and based upon the projected average daily traffic and
proposed speed limit. All designs shall be approved by the Township.
X. The design of collector, local, and special purpose streets and alleys shall be
designed in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
602.02 Horizontal Alignment
A. Horizontal street alignments shall be measured along the centerline.
B. Horizontal curves shall be used at all direction changes.
C. The centerline of the street cartway shall correspond with the centerline of
the street right-of-way.
D. Plans with street locations along the perimeter of a property shall be required
to show building setback lines and clear sight triangles within the adjacent
properties. Written permission from the affected adjacent land owner shall
be provided prior to Preliminary Plan approval.
E. There shall be a tangent section of at least one hundred (100’) feet between
reverse curves for all local and collector streets.
F. Horizontal curve centerline radii shall be designed in coordination with
vertical geometry, subject to the approval of the Township. The minimum
acceptable centerline radii shall be three hundred (300’) feet for arterial and
collector streets and one hundred fifty (150’) feet for local and special
purpose residential streets.
602.03 Vertical Alignment
A. Vertical curves shall be used in all changes of grade.
B. The minimum vertical grade for all streets shall be one (1%) percent, the
maximum vertical grade shall be ten (10%) percent.
C. At street intersections, the through street shall be approached by side streets
in accordance with the following standards; where the grade of the side street
exceeds four (4%) percent, there shall be a level area on the side street within
which no grade shall exceed four (4%) percent for a minimum distance of
one hundred (100’) feet (measured from the intersection of the centerlines of
the streets).
D. No side street shall intersect a through street where the through street exceeds
seven (7%) percent in grade.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 74
E. The length of vertical curve shall be based on the formula L = KA; where
"L" is the minimum length of curve in feet, "K" is the length of vertical curve
per percent change in "A", and "A" is the algebraic difference in grade (in
percent). Table 6-2 lists the minimum rate of vertical curvature for "K":
Table 6-2
Vertical Alignment Values
F. Notwithstanding the length of vertical curve calculated using the above
formula, the minimum length of vertical curve shall be seventy-five (75’)
602.04 Cul-de-sac and Dead-End Streets
A. A cul-de-sac will not be approved when a through street could be constructed
or would be more advantageous.
B. Except as otherwise provided within this Section, all cul-de-sacs shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with the standards for local streets in
this Ordinance.
C. The centerline length of permanent cul-de-sac streets shall be greater than
two hundred fifty (250’) feet and shall not exceed six hundred (600’) feet.
The length of the cul-de-sac street shall be measured from the centerline
intersection of the intersecting street to the center of the cul-de-sac turn-
around. Permanent cul-de-sac streets must be provided with a paved turn-
around with a minimum diameter in accordance with Table 6-3 of this
D. Unless future extension is clearly impractical or undesirable, the turn-around
right-of-way shall be placed adjacent to the tract boundary with sufficient
additional width provided along the boundary line to permit extension of the
street at full width.
E. Temporary cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed eight hundred (800’) feet in
length measured from the centerline intersection of the intersecting street to
the center of the cul-de-sac turn-around.
F. Dead-end streets are prohibited unless designed as cul-de-sac streets, except
in the case of streets which are planned for future extension into adjoining
Design Speed
(in miles per hour)
"K" Crest
Vertical Curves
"K" Sag
Vertical Curves
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 75
tracts and which will be no longer than the depth of one (1) lot and which
will not be the primary means of access to any lot or dwelling unit, the
Township may waive the requirements of providing a turn-around.
G. Any street temporarily dead-ended in order to provide for future continuation
of the street into adjoining property or for authorized section/phase
development shall be fully constructed and all utilities installed. A barricade
to prevent vehicular access to adjoining property shall be constructed at the
termination point of the street. The barricade shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with acceptable PennDOT specifications and
approved by the Township.
H. Where any adjacent stub street is not proposed for extension as a through
street, a cul-de-sac shall be constructed in compliance with Township
I. Drainage of cul-de-sac streets shall preferably be toward the open end. If
drainage is toward the closed end, water shall be conveyed away in an
underground storm sewer or by other means approved by the Township. The
minimum grade on cul-de-sacs shall be designed to ensure a minimum of one
(1%) percent, maximum of five (5%) percent along the curb line to the
designed low points.
J. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be constructed to the same cartway width as
required for permanent cul-de-sacs. Temporary easements shall be provided
for the affected adjoining properties until such time that the street is extended.
The use of a temporary cul-de-sac turnaround shall be guaranteed to the
public until such time as the street is extended. Sidewalks along temporary
cul-de-sacs shall be continued at the same time that the street is continued.
Restoration to the temporary cul-de-sac paved areas and sidewalk system
within the right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the developer.
602.05 Street Intersections
A. Intersections involving the junction of more than two (2) streets are
B. The distance between the centerline of streets opening onto the opposite sides
of existing or proposed local and special purpose streets and alleys shall be
no less than two hundred (200’) feet between centerlines, measured along the
centerline of the street being intersected.
C. Intersections involving two (2) arterial and/or collector streets shall be
located not closer than one thousand (1,000’) feet from an intersection with
another arterial and/or collector street, measured centerline to centerline,
along the centerline of the arterial and/or collector street being intersected.
D. Right angle intersections shall be used.
E. The cartway edge at street intersections shall be rounded by a tangential arc
with a minimum radius of thirty-five (35’) feet for local and special purpose
streets or alleys and fifty (50’) feet for intersections involving arterial and
collector streets. The right-of-way radii at intersections shall be substantially
concentric with the edge of the cartway. The Township may require larger
radii based on the largest design vehicle using the intersection.
F. All streets intersecting a State street shall be subject to the approval of the
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 76
G. Clear Sight Triangle. When stop control devices are not provided on the
lesser street classification or access drive, there shall be provided and
maintained at all intersections a clear sight triangle in accordance with the
most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as
amended (Article XVI). All clear sight triangles shall be indicated on all
1. All intersections shall be provided with appropriate stop control devices
on the lesser classification street or access drive.
2. Clear sight triangles shall include the area on each street corner that is
bounded by the line which connects the sight or "connecting" points
located on each of the right-of-way lines of the intersecting street. The
planting of trees, other plantings, signs, and structures exceeding thirty
(30”) inches in height that would obstruct vision across the clear sight
triangle shall be prohibited.
a. Arterial streets shall have a clear sight triangle side of 150 feet.
b. Collector streets shall have a clear sight triangle side of 100 feet.
c. Local roads, cul-de-sacs, and alleys shall have a clear sight triangle
side of 75 feet.
H. Safe Stopping Sight Distance (SSSD).
1. In addition to the other requirements of this Article, there shall be
unobstructed required minimum SSSD at all intersections, as
specified below:
a. Required SSSDs shall be at least as large as the minimum
1). SSSD = 1.47 Vt + V
/ 30 (f + G)
SSSD = Minimum safe stopping sight distance
V = Speed of vehicle in miles per hour.
t = 2.5 seconds (Perception/response time of
f = 0.3 (Wet pavement friction).
G = roadway grade in percent divided by 100
(positive for upgrade, negative for downgrade).
b. If the eighty-fifth (85
) percentile speed varies by more than
ten (10) miles per hour from the posted speed limit, the
Township may require the eighty-fifth (85
) percentile
speed to be used to determine stopping distance.
c. A Minimum Safe Stopping Sight Distance table that
specifies minimum safe stopping sight distance for selected
speeds is provided in Appendix No. 12. The sight distances
in the table apply for roadway grades in whole numbers
from +10% to -10% along with speeds from five (5) to
sixty-five (65) miles per hour in increments of five (5) miles
per hour. The designer may use this table in lieu of the
above formula.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 77
2. Required sight distances shall be measured between a driver
approaching along the through street from either allowed direction
a. A driver awaiting egress onto the through street, and whose
eyes are ten (10’) feet back from the nearest cartway edge
of the through street.
b. A driver stopped at a reasonable location on the through
street waiting to make a left turn into the cross street.
c. A driver having just completed a left or right turn from the
stop street onto the through street.
d. For purposes of measuring SSSD, the height of the driver’s
eye and the observed vehicle (or object) shall be assumed to
be three and one-half (3 ½) feet above their respective road
3. Inadequate SSSD Remedies. If it is impossible to achieve required
minimum SSSD in both directions the Township may exercise one
(1) or more of the following options:
a. Prohibit left turns by entering or exiting vehicles;
b. Restrict turning movements to right turns in and out of the
access point;
c. Require installation of a right turn acceleration lane or
deceleration lane;
d. Require alteration of the horizontal or vertical geometry of
the street or access; all such work shall be at the expense of
the applicant;
e. Require removal of physical obstruction from the line of
sight, at the expense of the applicant;
f. Require installation of a separate left turn standby lane; or
g. Deny access to the street.
I. Street Lights Street lights shall be installed to provide safe traffic and/or
pedestrian circulation at intersections, sharp curves and isolated areas. When
installed, street lighting shall comply with the following:
1. Lighting shall be provided at a minimum average of one-half (½)
foot candles at an elevation of three (3’) feet above the surface. The
uniformity ratio shall not exceed 6:1 (maximum to minimum). The
intensity of illumination projected onto an existing residential use
from an existing property boundary shall not exceed one-tenth (0.1)
of a foot candle at an elevation of three (3’) feet above the surface.
2. All lighting shall be so arranged as to reflect the light downward and
away from adjoining premises.
3. Poles for mounting lights shall not exceed twenty-five (25’) feet in
4. Light fixture and pole styles shall be approved by the Township, and
as applicable, the appropriate utility company.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 78
602.06 Special Purpose Streets and Alleys
A. Special Purpose Streets and Alleys shall have the following characteristics:
1. A property that utilizes a special purpose street or alley shall
maintain frontage along a public or private street.
2. All special purpose streets or alleys shall be privately maintained.
The plan shall contain a note that shall state that the special purpose
street or alley shall not be offered for dedication, shall be privately
maintained, and that the Township will not assume any
responsibility for maintenance. An application that proposes a
special purpose street or alley shall be accompanied by a private
street agreement prepared in accordance with this Ordinance, that
shall be recorded with the Final Plan and which shall establish the
conditions under which the special purpose street or alley will be
3. All special purpose streets or alleys and associated parking
compounds shall not encroach upon the minimum required rear yard
and side yard setbacks.
4. The cartway of all special purpose streets or alleys shall be
constructed in accordance with local street specifications in this
a. No part of any structure shall be located within ten (10’) feet
from the cartway edge of a special purpose street or alley.
b. The same horizontal and vertical alignment standards shall
be required for special purpose streets or alleys that are
required for local streets in this Ordinance.
c. The same intersection standards shall be required for
special purpose streets or alleys that are required for local
streets in this Ordinance.
d. Special purpose streets or alleys that form a cul-de-sac shall
not exceed four hundred (400’) feet in length, measured
from the centerline intersection of a street or private street
that is not a cul-de-sac. A special purpose street or alley cul-
de-sac that does not terminate in a parking compound shall
be provided at the terminus with a fully paved turn-around
as set forth below:
1). The turn-around for residential purposes shall be
designed in accordance with one (1) of the
following methods:
a). An eighty (80) foot paved diameter.
b). T-shaped turn-around with a twelve (12)
foot width and the flared portions rounded
by minimum radii of twenty (20’) feet (See
Appendix No. 14).
2). The turn-around for commercial and industrial uses
shall be a cul-de-sac designed to accommodate
WB-50 truck turning movements.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 79
602.07 Right-of-Way and Cartway Widths
A. The minimum street rights-of-way and cartway widths for new streets shall
be as follows in Table 6-3:
Table 6-3
Cartway and Right-of-Way Standards
Cartway Width
Minimum Right-of-
Way Width
Principal Arterial
As determined after consultation with the
Township, LCPC, and PennDOT.
Minor Arterial
As determined after consultation with the
Township, LCPC, and PennDOT.
Collector Street
36 ft. w/Curb
60 ft.
Local Street with
on-street parking
36 ft. w/Curb
50 ft.
Local Street without
on-street parking
28 ft. w/Curb
50 ft.
80 ft. in Diameter
100 ft.
Alley or Special
Purpose Street
12 ft.
20 ft.
B. If the traffic access or other studies indicate that requirements are necessary
which differ from, or exceed the above minimum requirements, then those
different improvements will be required.
602.08 Lot Access
A. Arterial or Collector Street Frontage. Where a subdivision or land
development abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial or collector
street, one (1) or more of the following methods of layout and site design
shall be required:
1. The use of a service or frontage street, or limiting access only onto
local or interior streets, to collect traffic from numerous access
drives and/or driveways and direct it to a select few number of
entrances to the arterial or collector street; or
2. The minimization of the number and length of access drives or
driveways, curb cuts, or street intersections onto an arterial or
collector street, which may include requiring the use of joint use or
shared access drives or driveways between adjacent uses or lots; or
3. The restriction of ingress and egress involving left-hand turns onto
or off of the arterial or collector street; or
4. The prohibition of driveways from individual dwellings entering
directly onto an arterial or collector street. If there is no alternative
to this, each driveway entering onto an arterial or collector street
shall have adequate turn-around space for vehicles provided within
the lot so that vehicles do not back onto the street.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 80
B. The Board of Supervisors may require an applicant to provide reverse
frontage lots on the arterial or collector street and reduce the number of
access points through access management for the development.
C. The Board of Supervisors may require the applicant to provide ingress and
egress to a particular lot or tract through the remainder of a property or other
properties over which the applicant has control by the following;
1. A temporary cul-de-sac designed for access to any adjoining
property or for phased development.
2. Provision of access to existing nonconforming lots which have no
frontage on a street.
602.9 Driveways and Access Drives
A. Driveways and access drives shall be provided in accordance with the
requirements of the most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article XVI).
B. Driveways and access drives shall be located as to provide minimum SSSDs
at intersections with streets and shall not be located within any required clear
sight triangle. Driveways and access drives shall not interfere with the
normal traffic movement or be inconsistent with the design, maintenance and
drainage of the street. Driveway and access drive locations shall be
delineated on all land development plans and subdivision plans.
C. Driveways
1. Setbacks
a. Only one (1) driveway connection per one hundred (100’)
feet of lot frontage is permitted, with the exception of
circular or loop driveways for residential dwellings.
Circular driveways on one (1) lot shall have a minimum
separation distance of fifty (50’) feet as measured from the
outside edge of the paved portion of each driveway.
b. Driveways shall not connect with a street within forty (40’)
feet of the right-of-way lines of any intersecting street, nor
within five (5’) feet of a fire hydrant or drainage inlet, as
measured from the outside edge of the paved portion of the
c. Driveways shall be set back at least five (5’) feet from any
adjacent side or rear lot line as measured from the outside
edge of the paved portion of the driveway, with the
exceptions listed in Sections 602.9.C.1.c.i and 602.9.C.1.c.ii
of this Ordinance:
i. Driveways may be located less than five (5’) feet
from a property line if a written agreement exists
between the affected property owners allowing a
lesser distance. Such agreement shall be recorded
with the Lancaster County of Recorder of Deeds,
and shall be binding on all future property owners,
heirs and assigns of both properties. The Township
is not responsible to settle conflict issues with joint
or shared driveways.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 81
ii. See Section 602.9.C.6 of this Ordinance.
2. Driveways shall maintain a minimum width of ten (10’) feet and
maximum width of twenty-four (24’) feet at the right-of-way line.
3. Intersection Angles
a. Driveways used for two (2) way operation shall intersect
streets at ninety (90) degrees as site conditions permit;
however, in no case shall driveways intersect streets at less
than seventy (70) degrees.
b. Driveways used for one-(1) way operation, right turn only,
shall not intersect public streets at any angle less than
forty-five (45) degrees. Said angle shall be measured from
the centerline of the street to the centerline of the
4. Vertical alignment of driveways serving residential lots shall not
exceed a maximum of eight (8%) percent for the first (1st) ten (10’)
feet measured from the right-of-way line.
5. Driveways constructed in areas where sidewalks are provided shall
have a concrete apron between the curb and the edge of the sidewalk
toward the structure. The apron shall be constructed in accordance
with applicable Township specifications and shall include six (6”)
inches of concrete with a six (6”) inch welded wire re-enforcing
mesh, placed on a six (6”) inch stone base.
6. Driveways serving two (2) or more adjacent lots are prohibited, with
the exception of shared or joint driveways, which may be permitted
subject to the following standards:
a. Shared or joint driveways shall be used only for four (4) or
fewer dwelling units.
b. To decrease the potential for vehicular conflicts, driveways
may be located centered on, or entirely on one (1)
c. An easement agreement shall be provided and recorded
that indicates the rights of ownership, access, and
maintenance. Such agreement shall be recorded with the
Lancaster County of Recorder of Deeds, and shall be
binding on all future property owners, heirs and assigns of
both properties. The Township is not responsible to settle
conflict issues with joint or shared driveways.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 82
602.09 Access Drives
A. Access drives shall comply with local street design standards relating to
paving cross-sections, horizontal and vertical alignments, and intersections
set forth in the Ordinance.
B. Access drives do not require a specific right-of-way; however, Table 6-4 lists
the minimum cartway widths for access drives:
Table 6-4
Access Drive Standards
Number of Lanes
Minimum Cartway
3 Lanes
36 ft.
2 Lanes
24 ft.
1 Lane
12 ft.
(1) Parallel parking may be permitted along one (1) side of access drives
provided the required width is increased by eight (8’) feet.
C. Setbacks
1. Access drives shall be set back at least ten (10’) feet from any
adjacent side or rear lot line as measured from the face of the curb
or edge of cartway.
2. Access drives shall maintain a minimum centerline separation
distance of one hundred twenty-five (125’) feet from all other access
drives and streets.
D. Access drives which terminate in a dead-end shall not exceed one thousand
six hundred (1,600’) feet in length, measured from the centerline intersection
of a street or access drive which is not a cul-de-sac to the center of the
turnaround area.
Section 603 Vehicular Parking Facilities, Sidewalks, and Curbs
603.01 Parking Facilities
A. Off-street vehicular parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with
the requirements of the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XIII).
B. Parking compound dimensions shall be no less than those as shown in
Appendix No. 15.
C. Landscape screening and interior landscaping shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements of the most recent version of the Lancaster
Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XIII and Article XIV).
Landscape screening and interior landscaping shall not restrict sight
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 83
D. Not less than five (5) foot radius of curvature shall be permitted for curblines
in parking compounds.
E. All dead-end parking compounds shall be designed to provide
sufficient back-up area for all end stalls.
F. Painted lines, arrows and dividers shall be provided and maintained to control
parking when necessary to direct vehicular circulation.
G. Parking compounds, main entrances and exits which are open to the public
shall be lighted When installed, parking compound, main entrances and exits
which are open to the public, lighting shall comply with the following:
1. Lighting shall be provided at a minimum average of two (2) foot
candles at an elevation of three (3’) feet above the surface. The
uniformity ratio shall not exceed 4:1 (maximum to minimum). The
intensity of illumination projected onto an existing residential use
from an existing property boundary shall not exceed one-tenth (0.1)
of a foot candle at an elevation of three (3’) feet above the surface.
2. All lighting shall be so arranged as to reflect the light downward and
away from adjoining premises and public rights-of-way.
H. All parking compounds shall be constructed to meet the following minimum
1. Crushed aggregate base course with a minimum thickness of six (6”)
inches, as specified in PennDOT Specifications, Publication 408, as
2. The bituminous surface shall consist of a minimum of two (2”)
inches of ID-2 binder course and one and one-half (1½) inch ID-2
wearing course. Material shall be equal or superior to PennDOT
Specifications Publication 408, as amended, and shall be applied in
accordance with those same specifications.
I. Bicycle parking facilities for non-residential land uses shall be provided in
accordance with the following regulations:
1. Each bicycle space shall be equipped with a device to which a
bicycle frame and one (1) wheel can be attached using a chain or
cable. There shall be adequate separation between adjacent devices
to allow bicycles to be attached or removed without moving other
bicycles. The devices shall also be suitable for use by bicycles not
equipped with kickstands, and the appearance shall be acceptable to
the Township.
2. Bicycle parking spaces shall be convenient to the structure for which
they are provided. They shall be visible from at least one (1) entrance
to the structure.
3. For every fifty (50) vehicular spaces required, three (3) bicycle
parking spaces shall be provided, not to exceed a total of 9 required
bicycle parking spaces
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 84
603.02 Sidewalks
A. The Township shall require installation of curbs and sidewalks in any
subdivision and land development as provided herein. Sidewalks are
required to provide access to and/or within a commercial, industrial or
community facility. Sidewalks which are provided as part of such non-
residential facilities shall be designed and constructed to service the projected
pedestrian needs. All public areas shall be designed barrier free in
accordance with applicable federal and state standards, including but not
limited to, the most recent version of the ADA Standards for Accessible
Design of the USDOJ or the Lancaster Township Building Code, as
amended. Appropriate details shall be provided on the plans.
B. Sidewalks shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the
specifications in the Appendix of this Ordinance or any other Ordinance
enacted by the Board of Supervisors setting requirements for the construction
of roads, curbs, and sidewalks or, in lieu of such standards, in accordance
with the standards of PennDOT Publication 408, as amended. A grass
planting strip, with a minimum width of two (2’) feet and a maximum width
of seven (7’) feet, shall be provided between the back of curb and sidewalk.
C. Sidewalks shall be provided along all existing Township streets and/or State
streets that adjoin any portion of any subdivision and or land development.
D. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of all proposed streets in
subdivisions and land developments as herein specified.
E. Sidewalks shall be located, if possible, within the street right-of-way line,
and shall be a minimum of five (5’) feet in width.
F. Pedestrian easements may be required by the Township to facilitate
pedestrian circulation or to give access to community facilities. Pedestrian
easements shall be a minimum of six (6’) feet wide and suitably improved,
in the sole opinion of the Township, to serve their intended purpose.
603.03 Curbs
A. Curbs shall be required along all proposed streets in subdivisions; along all
proposed streets, access drives, alleys, and parking compounds in land
developments. The developer shall submit the location and grade of all
proposed curbs to the Township for review.
B. Curbs shall be provided along all existing Township streets and/or State
streets that adjoin any portion of any subdivision and or land development.
C. Curbs shall be installed to the dimensions and construction standards of the
Township or, in lieu of such standards, in accordance with the most recent
version of PennDOT Publication 408, Highway Construction Specifications,
as amended (See No. Appendix 15-F).
D. Standard straight or vertical curb shall be required along all state streets and
along all Township streets which the Township has classified as an arterial
or collector street or where standing curbs exist. Standard vertical or slant
curb shall be required along all other streets.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 85
Section 604 Blocks, Lots, Building Setback Lines, and Building
604.01 General Configuration
A. The configuration of blocks and lots shall be based upon the lot, yard, and
other dimensional requirements set forth in the most recent version of the
Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, the salient natural
features, the existing man-made features, and the proposed type of use.
B. Lot configurations should provide for flexibility in building locations while
providing safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
C. Lots with areas that are two (2) or more times the minimum requirements
shall, wherever feasible, be designed with configurations which allow for
additional subdivision.
604.02 Residential Blocks
A. All blocks in a residential subdivision shall have a maximum length of one
thousand five hundred (1,500’) feet.
B. Block lengths in excess of one thousand (1,000’) feet shall include at least
one (1) pedestrian easement to connect the bounding streets.
604.03 Non-Residential Blocks
Blocks in non-residential areas may vary from the above requirements when required
by the nature of the use. Adequate provisions shall be made for off-street parking,
loading areas and traffic circulation.
604.04 Lot and Parcel Configuration
A. Lot and parcel configuration shall conform to the most recent version of the
Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended.
B. Whenever practical, side lot lines shall be radial to street right-of-way lines.
C. In order to avoid jurisdictional problems, lot lines shall, wherever feasible,
follow municipal boundaries rather than cross them. Where a lot is divided
by a municipal boundary, the minimum standards of both municipalities shall
D. All lots shall have lot frontage on an approved public or private street.
E. All remnants of land (areas remaining after subdivision) shall conform to the
lot area and configuration requirements.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 86
F. Specific Lot and Parcels
1. Double-Frontage Lots Prohibited
Double-frontage lots are prohibited except where provided as
reverse frontage lots.
2. Reverse Frontage Lots
a. Reverse frontage lots are only permitted when a reduction
of driveway intersections along a street with a high volume
of vehicular movements is desired. All reverse frontage lots
shall include an identification of the applicable lot frontage
for vehicular access to the lot.
b. All reverse frontage lots shall have a rear yard in accordance
with the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended, measured at the shortest
distance from the proposed building to the street
right-of-way of the street of greater classification or the
street conveying the greater amount of existing daily traffic,
and shall have a ten (10) foot wide planting strip easement
within each rear yard and immediately adjacent to the street
right-of-way. Except, that there shall be no driveway or
vehicular access permitted in the planting strip, the required
planting strip shall otherwise conform to the requirements
of the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XIV), regardless of
the type of proposed development.
3. Flag Lots
Flag lots shall conform to the requirements of the most recent
version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended
(Article XVI). (See No. Appendix XVIII).
604.05 Building Setback Lines, Yards, and Building Separation.
A. Building setback lines and yards on public and private streets shall be the
provided per the most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended.
B. Minimum Building Setback Lines and Yards on Access Drives. Access
drives shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen (15’) feet building setback
line along the entire length of the access drive. The depth of the building
setback shall be measured from the face of curb or edge of cartway. The
building setback may be utilized for storm water management facilities,
utilities, lighting, landscaping, pedestrian pathways, and other compatible
uses. Additionally, parking compounds in accordance with the most recent
version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, may be
permitted in the building setback, however in no case shall any building or
any other structure be permitted within the required yard area (Article XIII).
C. On any lot abutting a railroad, no dwelling shall be placed within
seventy-five (75’) feet of any portion of the railroad right-of-way or property
line of the railroad.
D. On any lot abutting or traversed by a high voltage transmission line, no
dwelling shall be placed within fifty (50’) feet of any portion of the right-of-
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 87
E. All building separations and height requirements shall conform to the most
recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended.
F. Where an application for a land development plan is made for the purpose of
erecting more than one (1) principal structure on a single lot, the appropriate
setback and yard requirements shall be provided for each structure as though
it were on an individual lot. In each case, the Township shall require suitable
provisions for utilities and access in the event of potential subdivision of the
Section 605 Easements
605.01 Easements for sanitary sewer facilities, storm water drainage facilities, public utilities,
pedestrian access, recreational, greenway, and riparian forest buffer easements shall
meet the following standards:
A. To the fullest extent possible, easements shall be adjacent to property lines.
B. Nothing shall be placed, planted, set, or put within the area of an easement
that would adversely affect the function of the easement or conflict with the
easement agreement. This requirement shall be noted on the Final Plan and
shall be included in all deeds for lots that contain an easement.
C. Pedestrian easements shall have a minimum width of six (6’) feet.
D. Utility easements for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and gas shall have a
minimum width of twenty (20’) feet for a single utility and thirty (30’) feet
for two (2) or more utilities. All utility companies are encouraged to use
common easements.
E. The applicant shall reserve easements where storm water or surface water
drainage facilities are existing or proposed, whether located within or beyond
the boundaries of the property. Easements shall have a minimum width of
twenty (20’) feet and shall be adequately designed to provide area for the:
1. Collection and discharge of water;
2. Maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the drainage facilities; and
3. Passage of machinery for such work.
The easements shall clearly identify who has the right-of-access and
responsibility of maintenance. This requirement shall be noted on the Final
Plan and shall be included in all deeds for lots that contain an easement. No
easement for any purpose whatsoever shall be recited or described in any
deed unless the same has been shown on the approved plan. Any error found
in a deed shall be immediately corrected and re-recorded with the Recorder
of Deeds, at the sole expense of the applicant.
F. Where any petroleum or petroleum product transmission line traverses a
subdivision or land development, the applicant shall confer with the
applicable transmission or distribution company to determine the minimum
distance which shall be required between each structure and the centerline of
such petroleum or petroleum product transmission line. Additionally, the
Township will require, with the Final Plan application, a letter from the
owner of the transmission line stating any conditions on the use of the tract
which shall contain the above.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 88
G. Where a subdivision or land development is adjacent to or traversed by a
water course, drainageway, open channel, or stream, there shall be provided
a drainage easement conforming substantially with the line of such water
course, drainageway, open channel, or stream of such width as will be
adequate to preserve the unimpeded flow from a one hundred (100) year
design rainfall.
H. When a subdivision proposes multi-family attached dwellings, such as
townhouses, the plans shall include an access easement for the purposes of
property maintenance along the front and rear property lines of all units, and
side property lines of the end units, to allow all lots owners within the unit
access to front and rear yards. The access easement shall have a minimum
width of six (6’) feet. This requirement shall be noted on the Final Plan and
shall be included in all deeds for lots which contain the easement. This
easement is intended only for pedestrian access or for small and non-licensed
motorized maintenance equipment.
I. Greenways and riparian forest buffers shall be established as easements in
accordance with this Ordinance and the requirements of the floodplain
regulations of the most recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning
Ordinance, as amended (Article XVI and Article X).
Section 606 Survey Monuments and Lot Line Markers
606.01 Permanent concrete monuments shall be accurately placed along at least one (1) side
of each street located on the right-of-way lines at corners, at the beginning and end of
all curves and at all angles, and as otherwise required by the Township Engineer for
all new and existing streets.
606.02 Lot line markers shall be set at the points where lot lines intersect curves and/or other
property lines.
606.03 Monument and Lot Line Marker Composition.
A. Monuments shall be of concrete, with a flat top having a minimum width or
diameter of four (4”) inches and a minimum length of thirty (30”) inches.
Cast-in-place or pre-cast concrete monuments shall be marked with center
punch mark in a three- quarter (3/4) inch copper or brass dowel.
B. Metallic lot line markers shall consist of steel bars at least thirty (30”) inches
along and not less than three-quarters (3/4) inch in diameter.
C. Alternative monumentation methods will be at the discretion of the
Township Engineer.
D. All monuments shall be inscribed with a proper inscription indicating the
name of the surveyor qualified to perform such duties and responsible for
the survey.
606.04 All monuments and lot line markers shall be placed by an engineer or surveyor
qualified to perform such duties, so that the scored or marked point shall coincide
exactly with the point of intersection of the lines being monumented or marked.
A. All monuments and lot line markers shall be placed by the applicant after a
new street and/or lot grading has been completed.
B. When final lot grading has been completed and before the issuance of
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 89
occupancy permits, permanent monuments and lot line markers shall be set
by the applicant at all lot corners and angle points, and at all street
intersections and intermediate points as may be required.
606.05 All existing and proposed monuments and lot line markers shall be delineated on the
Final Plan.
Section 607 Landscaping, Screening, Wooded Areas, and Street Trees
607.01 Landscaping and Screening
Landscaping and screening shall conform to the requirements of the most recent
version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XIV).
607.02 Existing Wooded Areas and Significant Trees
Existing Wooded Areas shall be protected to prevent unnecessary destruction.
A. At least fifteen (15%) percent of the number of trees having at trunk caliper
of least two (2”) inches measured at a height of four and one half (4 ½’) feet
above finished grade that exist at the time of plan submission shall be
maintained or replaced immediately following construction.
B. No more than twenty (20%) percent of existing woodlands located in
Environmentally Sensitive Areas shall be destroyed or altered. If the
applicant can prove that Invasive Species are within either of these areas,
then the percent of woodlands to be removed may be increased to eradicate
Invasive Species.
C. Replacement trees shall have a trunk caliper of at least two (2”) inches
measured at a height at least six (6”) inches above finished grade and located
within unbuildable sections of the site (i.e. steep slope and setback areas).
D. If a significant tree is designated to be preserved but is removed or
substantially damaged during the clearing, grading, or construction, the
applicant or developer shall be required by the Township to replace the
removed or damaged tree, by providing at least three trees each with an
equivalent cross-sectional area at maturity, in a manner acceptable to the
E. Prior to construction, the Tree Protection Zone shall be delineated at the
dripline of the tree canopy. All trees scheduled to remain shall be marked;
however, where groups of trees exist, only the trees on the edge need to be
marked. A forty–eight (48”) inch high snow fence or forty-eight (48”) inch
high construction fence mounted on steel posts located eight (8’) feet on
center shall be placed along the boundary of the Tree Protection Zone. No
construction, storage of material, temporary parking, pollution of soil, or
regrading shall occur within the Tree Protection Zone. When there is a group
of trees, the Tree Protection Zone shall be based on the location of the outer
607.03 All Plantings and Street Trees
All planting shall be performed in conformance with good nursery and landscape
practice. Plant materials shall conform to the standards recommended by the most
recent version of American Nursery & Landscape Association’s American Standard
for Nursery Stock, ANSI Z60.1-2004
A. A landscape plan note shall be provided indicating that the top of the main
order root (first [1
] large set of roots that divide from the trunk) shall be
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 90
planted no lower than one (1”) or two (2”) inches into the soil.
B. Planting designs are encouraged to share planting space for optimal root
growth whenever possible. Continuous planting areas vs. isolated planting
boxes are encouraged.
C. No staking and wiring of trees shall be allowed without a maintenance note
for the staking and wiring to be removed within one (1) year of planting.
D. All required landscape plants shall be maintained and guaranteed for a length
of eighteen (18) months from the date of planting. No more than one-third
(1/3) of the tree or shrub shall be damaged or dead without replacement.
Replacement plants shall conform to all requirements of this Section and
shall be maintained after replanting for an additional eighteen (18) months.
E. The plant’s growth shall not interfere with the street cartway, sidewalk, sign,
easement, clear sight triangles, or utility line. Within the clear sight triangle,
typical branching shall not be within ten (10’) feet of ground level after ten
(10) years of growth.
F. Street trees shall be required by the Township with the following standards:
1. The trees shall be nursery grown in a climate similar to that of the
locality of the project. Varieties of trees shall be subject to the
approval of the Township.
2. All trees shall have a normal habit of growth and shall be sound,
healthy and vigorous; they shall be free from disease, insects, insect
eggs, and larvae.
3. Street trees shall have a trunk caliper of at least two (2”) inches
measured at a height at least six (6”) inches above finished grade.
4. Tree planting depth shall bear the same relationship to the finished
grade as the top of the root ball or original grade of origin.
5. Trees shall be planted between the street right-of-way line and the
building setback line except where the Township has authorized
placement of trees within the street right-of-way. The tree growth
shall not interfere with the street cartway, sidewalk or utility line.
6. Street trees shall be spaced not less than forty (40’) feet nor more
than sixty (60’) feet apart along the entire length of each existing or
proposed street.
7. The minimum number of street trees shall be provided in accordance
with the following:
a. One (1) street tree shall be provided on each lot containing
a residential building containing two (2) or less dwelling
b. One (1) street tree shall be provided on each lot of a land
development plan and spaced in accordance with Section
607.03.F.6 of this Ordinance.
8. All planting material shall be subject to the approval of the
Township. Although a variety of species is suggested, no one (1)
species shall comprise more than thirty-three (33%) percent of the
entire number of street trees in a particular development. Table 6-5
lists recommended species for street trees, but selection is not limited
to the following:
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 91
Table 6-5
Street Trees: Recommended Species
Common Name
Botanical Name
Red Maple
Acer rubrum cultivars
Red Horsechestnut
Aesculus x cornea
American Yellowwood
Cladrastus lutea
Ginkgo biloba (males only)
Thornless Honey Locust
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis cultivars
Sweet Gum
Liquidambar styraciflua
Black Tupelo
Nyssa sylvatica
Sawtooth Oak
Quercus acutissima
Willow Oak
Quercus phellos
Red Oak
Quercus rubra
Japanese Pagoda Tree
Sophora japonica
Littleleaf Linden
Tilia cordata
Crimean Linden
Tilia x euchlora
Silver Linden
Tilia tomentosa
Japanese Zelkova
Zelkova serrata cultivar
G. Native and Invasive Planting.
1. Native Plant materials shall be incorporated in all designs. Native
Plant materials shall be incorporated in all designs. The use of Native
Plant material can help improve water quality, provide additional
and improved wildlife habitat, and typically adapt to local conditions
which then require less maintenance. Native Plants must be used
near greenways, suburban forested areas, wetlands, and riparian
2. Except as noted above, Non-Native Plants may be included in place
of a Native Plant if it is not considered invasive and the plant does
not introduce pests or diseases. A Non- Native Plant may be
incorporated into designs when they prove to be better suited for the
Urban soil, environment, or spatial constraints, Urban stress
mitigation, and integration into the surrounding ecosystem.
H. Any existing vegetation that is in appropriate locations, of an acceptable
species and quality may be used to fulfill landscaping or buffering
I. Street tree and landscaping maintenance requirements, as listed in Appendix
11, shall be noted on the plan, unless an acceptable maintenance agreement
is provided.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 92
Section 608 Sanitary Sewage Disposal and Water Supply
608.01 Sanitary Sewage Disposal
A. Within any UGA or VGA, or within any area that the Act 537 Plan identifies
to be served by public utilities, any lot created, and any land development
plan that proposes to increase flows equal to or greater than four hundred
(400) gallons per day, shall be served by public sewer.
B. When the Township, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities
Act, Act 537 of 1966, as amended, determines the necessity for a sewer
facilities plan revision (plan revision module for land development), or
supplement, the Board of Supervisors shall require that notice of approval
from PA DEP be submitted as a condition of Final Plan approval.
C. If the applicant proposes connection to the public sewer system, the Final
Plan application shall include a statement from the sewer authority indicating
the approval of the plans for design, installation and possible financial
D. If the applicant proposes connection to the public sewer system, the sewerage
installation shall be in accordance with the specifications of the sewer
authority. The sewer authority shall establish requirements for the ownership
and maintenance of such system.
E. If the applicant proposes to provide a community sewer system, its
construction and installation shall be in accordance with applicable sewer
authority specifications and all regulations of PA DEP. The applicant shall
obtain all permits and approvals required by the sewer authority or PA DEP
prior to Final Plan approval.
608.02 On-Lot Sewage Disposal
If the applicant proposes installation of on-lot sewage disposal and has presented
documentation satisfactory to the sewer authority and the Board of Supervisors
proving the unfeasibility of connection to public or community sewer systems, the
following documentation shall be provided:
A. Sewage Testing Required for all Proposed Lots. Each lot or lot to be created
shall contain a suitable location for the installation of an initial individual
on-lot sewage system except when such lots or lots to be created are to be
served by a community sewage system. The SewageEnforcement Officer
shall perform or observe all tests required by PA DEP and this Ordinance for
the location of an individual on-lot sewage system to confirm the suitability
of the location.
B. Replacement Location for On-Lot Sewage Systems Required. A
replacement location shall be provided which shall comply with all
regulations issued by PA DEP concerning individual on-lot sewage systems,
including isolation distances, and with the terms of this Ordinance and any
other applicable Township Ordinances.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 93
C. Identification of Replacement Location
1. Each applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Township
SEO and/or a sanitarian certified by PA DEP that an area exists on
the lot or on each lot to be created for an initial individual on-lot
sewage system and for the replacement location. The Township
SEO or sanitarian shall perform all tests required by PA DEP
regulations for the location of an individual on-lot sewage system to
confirm the suitability of the replacement location. Allowance of
open land for the replacement location without such testing shall not
constitute compliance with the requirements of this Section.
2. The location of each initial individual on-lot sewage system and
each replacement location shall be noted on the plans. An
appropriate easement shall be provided around the replacement
location and shown on the Final Plan. The purchaser of each lot
shall be provided with a copy of the plans. A note shall be added to
the plans stating that no improvements shall be constructed upon the
replacement location easement, and the deed to each lot created as a
part of the subdivision or land development shall contain language
reflecting this limitation.
3. Any revisions to a permit or plan affecting a replacement location
which previously has been approved pursuant to the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be subject to review and approval by the
Township or its authorized representative.
D. Construction of Improvements Upon or Disturbance of Replacement
Location Prohibited
The replacement location shall not be excavated, graded, filled, or otherwise
disturbed in any manner which would prevent its use as a future location for
an on-lot sewage disposal system during development of the lot. Unless
approved by the Township, no permanent or temporary improvements of any
character which would disturb the suitability of the site for sewage disposal
shall be constructed upon the replacement location unless the person who
desires to construct such improvements shall demonstrate to the satisfaction
of the Township SEO that an alternate replacement location which complies
with all applicable Township Ordinances exists upon the lot. If such an
alternate replacement location shall be identified, the alternate replacement
location may be considered to be the replacement location required by this
Ordinance, shall be designated as the replacement location, and the plans
shall be accordingly revised and submitted to the Lancaster Township
Planning Commission. The newly designated replacement location shall
thereafter be considered the replacement location for the purposes of this
E. The limits of both the initial individual on-lot sewage system and the
replacement system location easement for each lot must be staked and roped
off, or other acceptable measures, prior to issuance of building permits for
each lot and properly maintained during construction until the issuance of an
occupancy permit.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 94
608.03 Water Supply
A. Within any UGA or VGA, or within any area that the Act 537 Plan identifies
to be served by public utilities, any lot created, and any land development
plan that proposes to increase flows equal to or greater than four hundred
(400) gallons per day, shall be served by public water.
B. If the applicant proposes connection to the public water system, the
installation and construction shall be in accordance with the specifications of
the water authority or the public utility. The water authority or the public
utility shall establish requirements for the ownership and maintenance of
such system.
C. If the applicant proposes connection to the public water system, the Final
Plan application shall include a statement from the water authority or the
public utility indicating the approval of the plans for design, installation and
possible financial guarantees.
D. If the applicant proposes connection to the public water system, the locations
and kind of fire hydrants shall be in accordance with the specifications of the
water authority or public utility which operates such water system in concert
with the local fire department thread requirements. A copy of the approval
of such system by the water authority or the public utility shall be submitted.
E. If water is to be provided by means other than private wells owned and
maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or land
development, the applicant shall present evidence that the subdivision or
land development is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide
cooperative association of lot owners or by the water authority. The supplier
and proposed system shall be in compliance with current PA DEP
requirements. A copy of a certificate of public convenience or an application
for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment to serve the
area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable evidence.
F. If the applicant proposes to provide a community water supply system, it's
installation shall be in accordance with the water authority specifications and
all regulations of PA DEP. The applicant shall obtain all permits and
approvals required by the water authority, the public utility or PA DEP prior
to Final Plan approval.
G. In all cases the applicant shall demonstrate that the water to be supplied shall
be of an adequate quality and quantity for the intended use. Potable water
shall meet all applicable standards of PA DEP or the USEPA.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 95
Section 609 Dedication of Park and Recreation Land
609.01 All residential subdivisions and land developments shall be provided with park and
recreation land which shall, if acceptable to the Township, be dedicated to the
Township. The Township may require that the park and recreation land remain in
private ownership and maintenance responsibilities established to the satisfaction of
the Township. The developer may request that the Township not require the
dedication of land, and any such request shall be accompanied by an offer to pay a
fee in lieu of dedication or reservation of the land, computed in accordance with the
regulations provided herein.
609.02 Open Space Development
Areas which are designed in accordance with the Open Space Development criteria
and designated as restricted open space as provided for by the most recent version of
the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XV), and comply
with the minimum area requirements of this Section may, subject to approval by the
Township, satisfy the park and recreational land dedication requirements of this
609.03 Designated Greenways
A. Areas which are designed in accordance with the preservation of greenways
criteria as provided for by the most recent version of the Lancaster Township
Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XVI), and comply with the
minimum area requirements of this Section may, subject to approval by the
Township, satisfy the park and recreational land dedication requirements of
this Section.
B. Any lot proposed for any type of development that contains any portion of a
greenway, shall, by dedication or reservation, provide public access to and
upon the greenway corridors as identified in the most recent version of the
LIMC comprehensive plan, as amended, and the most recent version of the
Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to enable the
preservation of the greenway corridors (Article XVI).
609.04 The land reserved for park and recreation usage shall be a single lot which shall
comply with the requirements of this Ordinance relating to length to depth ratios and
which shall be accessible to the public. No more than fifteen (15%) percent of the lot
shall consist of floodplain, wetlands, slopes in excess of twenty-five (25%) percent,
or other features which shall render the lot undevelopable.
A. The following areas shall not be included as part of the minimum required
area of any land reserved for park, recreation and open space usage:
1. Areas within twenty-five (25’) feet of any structure except structures
devoted to park, recreation and open space usage;
2. Any area less than one hundred (100’) feet wide in the narrowest
dimension at any point;
3. Storm water management facilities - At the discretion of the Board
of Supervisors, areas devoted to storm water management facilities
may be included within the minimum required park, recreation and
open space area when the applicant can demonstrate, to the
satisfaction of the Board of Supervisors, that such facilities are
designed to:
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 96
a. Promote recharge of the groundwater system
b. Be available and appropriate for active or passive
recreational use or scenic enjoyment; and,
c. Otherwise conform to the purposes, standards, and criteria
for open space and greenways as set forth in the most recent
version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as
B. In the event that the tract contains natural features which are worthy of
preservation, the developer may request that the Board of Supervisors permit
the configuration of recreational land in such a manner as to best preserve
natural features.
C. The park, recreation and open space land shall be accessible to utilities such
as sewer, water and power that are provided with the subdivision, and if so
requested by the Township that will accept dedication of the land, the
developer shall extend such utilities to the park, recreation and open space
D. If the contiguous property has previously been developed and recreational
land has been provided at the boundary of that previously developed
property, the Board of Supervisors shall require that the recreational land
required of the development shall be located adjoining the previously
provided recreational land.
609.05 A minimum of two one-hundredths (0.02) acres of land shall be reserved as park or
recreational land for each residential lot created in a subdivision or each dwelling unit
created in a land development. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all cases the
minimum area of land reserved as park and recreation land shall be equal to the
minimum lot size in the district in which the subdivision or land development is
609.06 The developer may request that the Board of Supervisors permit the provision of park
and recreation land other than through public dedication of land as set forth above.
The developer shall set forth, in writing, the means by which he will fulfill this
requirement which may include the payment of a fee in lieu of dedication of all or a
portion of the amount of land required to be dedicated, construction of recreational
facilities, the private reservation of land, or any combination of dedication, fees,
construction of recreational facilities, or private reservation.
A. If a fee in lieu of dedication is proposed by the developer, the amount of the
fee shall be substantially equal to the value of the land that would be set
aside if the standards specified in Section 609.04 of this Ordinance were
to be applied. A flat per-dwelling-unit fee in-lieu of dedication is set by
resolution of the Township, if the developer chooses not to provide
evidence of the value of the land.
B. The fee shall be paid to the Township prior to the approval of the plan
C. All fees shall be held and used by the Township in accordance with the
requirements of Article V of the MPC.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 97
D. If the developer proposes to construct recreational facilities, the developer
shall present a Sketch Plan of such facilities and an estimate of the cost of
E. If the developer proposes the private reservation of land, the developer shall
provide for the maintenance of such land through either the inclusion of such
land as common elements of a condominium or the creation of a home
owners' association which shall meet the requirements for a unit owners'
association contained in the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act, 68
Pa. C.S. §3101 et seq. Such documentation shall be recorded, shall provide
that the land cannot be further developed and shall give the Township the
right, but not the obligation, to maintain the land, at the owner's expense, as
set forth in Article VII of the MPC dealing with the maintenance of common
open space in planned residential developments. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the developer may request that the Board of Supervisors approve
transfer of the land to an organization dedicated to the conservation of natural
resources with deed restrictions preventing further development acceptable
to the Township.
F. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the Township setting forth
the fees to be paid, the facilities to be constructed, or the land to be privately
reserved and the method of its maintenance. All such agreements shall be in
a form satisfactory to the Township.
Section 610 Emergency Access Requirements
610.01 All subdivisions or land developments containing twenty-five (25) or more dwelling
units, or non-residential buildings or buildings containing fifteen thousand (15,000)
or greater square feet of gross floor area shall be provided with at least two (2)
separate and distinct means of access to the subdivision or land development.
610.02 Access may be provided through the location of two (2) or more public or private
streets each of which intersects with an existing public street. Such public or private
streets shall meet all the requirements of this Ordinance concerning design and
610.03 Access for a land development may be provided through two (2) or more access
drives into the land development. Such access drives shall be separated by a distance
of at least one hundred fifty (150’) feet and shall comply with all requirements of this
610.04 If the applicant is unable to provide access to the subdivision or land development
through two (2) or more public or private streets each of which intersect with an
existing public street or two (2) or more access drives which intersect with one (1) or
more existing public streets an emergency access shall be provided.
A. The emergency access shall be improved so that emergency vehicles may
safely transverse it and shall be indicated on the plans.
B. The emergency access shall be acceptable to the providers of emergency
services within the Township and approved by the Township. Applicants
proposing to provide emergency access shall submit evidence of such
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 98
C. The emergency access may be located so that access to the subdivision or
land development is gained from a public street at a location unsuitable for
regular access with an existing public street.
D. The emergency access may be located so that access is gained from an
adjacent tract. For example, a subdivision or land development adjoining a
parking compound of another use may provide emergency access through a
point with a break chain. Applicants with plans indicating emergency access
through a contiguous private tract shall provide evidence that the adjoining
property owner has consented to such emergency access location.
Section 611 Refuse Collection Stations
611.01 Outdoor refuse collection stations shall be provided for garbage and trash removal
when individual collection is not made and indoor storage is not provided.
611.02 Refuse collection stations shall be located outside of the front yard and separated
adequately from habitable buildings to avoid being offensive, but at the same time be
convenient for both collectors and residents and shall be effectively screened so as
not to be visible from off-site adjacent parking areas, roadways, or adjacent residential
properties. Such areas shall be screened with a combination of architectural masonry
(or fencing) and/or landscaping with a height of at least six (6’) feet, in accordance
with the landscaping and screening regulations of the most recent version of the
Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended (Article XIV).
611.03 Refuse collection stations shall be so constructed as to prevent the escape of refuse
by wind, water or other natural elements and prevent animals, rodents, etc. from
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 99
Section 701 General
701.01 Mobile/manufactured home park plans and campground plans shall be processed
in accordance with Article III of this Ordinance.
701.02 Mobile/manufactured home parks and campgrounds shall comply with the most
recent version of the Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, and the
design standards set forth in this Article and Article VI of this Ordinance, with the
exception that any specific design standard will be superseded by any other
Township ordinance, resolution, or regulation adopted prior to the Preliminary
Plan submission date and containing a different specific standard (Article XVI).
Where another Township standard applies, the plan shall note that item will be
designed to such specific Township standard.
Section 702 Mobile/Manufactured Home Parks Standards
702.01 Internal Circulation
An internal system of access drives shall be provided in mobile/manufactured home
parks, which shall be lighted for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at
night, in accordance with the lighting standards for parking compounds in Section
603 of this Ordinance.
702.02 Sidewalks and Curbs
A. Sidewalks
Mobile/manufactured home parks shall have sidewalks along parking
compounds, and between the individual mobile/manufactured homes and
the service buildings.
B. Curbs
Curbs shall not be required along mobile/manufactured home park access
drives or parking compounds.
Section 703 Campground Standards
703.01 Campgrounds shall be subject to the following design standards only:
A. Internal Circulation
1. An internal system of access drives shall be provided in
campgrounds. Such access drives shall have a minimum cartway
width of ten (10’) feet per driving lane and shall be improved with
any hard surface material acceptable to the applicant.
2. The Township may require additional cartway improvements for
campgrounds with a potential occupancy of more than forty-five
(45) “camping” lots or spaces when, in the Township’s judgment,
such improvements are necessary for safety or health reasons.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 100
Section 801 General
801.01 This Article outlines the procedures for enforcement and amendment of this
Ordinance, as well as procedures for challenges and appeals of decisions rendered
under this Ordinance.
Section 802 Amendment
802.01 Any revisions, modifications, or amendments to this Ordinance shall be made in
accordance with the procedures established by the MPC.
Section 803 Modifications
803.01 All requests for modifications shall be processed in accordance with Section 308
of this Ordinance.
803.02 The provisions of these regulations are intended as a minimum standard for the
protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. If the literal compliance with
any mandatory provision of these regulations is shown by the applicant, to the
satisfaction of the majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors present at
a scheduled meeting (1) creates an undue hardship or appears to be unreasonable
as it applies to a particular property, or (2) that an alternative proposal will allow for
equal or better results, the Board of Supervisors may grant a modification from such
mandatory provision, so that substantial justice deemed necessary and advisable
may be done and the public interest secured while permitting the reasonable
utilization of the property. The granting of a modification shall not have the effect
of making null and void the intent and purpose of this Ordinance.
803.03 In granting modifications, the Board of Supervisors may impose such conditions
as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards and
requirements of this ordinance.
Section 804 Challenges and Appeals
804.01 Any person aggrieved by a finding, decision, or recommendation of the Board of
Supervisors with respect to the approval or disapproval of a plan or modification
request may appeal in either of two (2) ways specified below:
A. The decision may be appealed, as provided for in the MPC.
B. The decision may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors, in writing
within ten (10) days after the date of action of the Board of Supervisors.
Upon receipt of such appeal and after proper notification of any parties in
interest, the Board of Supervisors may affirm, modify, or reverse the
previous action by a recorded vote. The findings and reasons for the
disposition of the appeal shall be stated on the records of the Township,
and a copy shall be given to the party who has made the appeal. This
decision may be further appealed as provided for in the MPC. The appeal
period shall start immediately after the final decision of the Board of
Supervisors on the appeal.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 101
Section 805 Violations
805.01 Any person, partnership, or corporation, or the members of such partnership or the
officers of such corporation, who or which, being the owner or agent of the owner
of any lot, tract or parcel of land shall: lay out, construct, open, or dedicate any
street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, or other improvements for public
use, travel or other purposes or for the common use of occupants of buildings
abutting thereon; or, sells, transfers or agrees or enters into an agreement to sell
any land in a subdivision or land development whether by reference to or by other
use of a plat of such subdivision or land development or otherwise; or, erect any
building or buildings which constitute a land development thereon; or, commence
site grading or construction of improvements prior to recording of a Final Plan unless
such grading or construction is for the sole purpose of installing improvements as
prescribed in Article III of this Ordinance herein unless and until a Final Plan has
been prepared in full compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and has been
recorded as provided herein; or, fail to comply with any condition imposed upon
approval of a Preliminary Plan or a Final Plan or any condition imposed upon the
granting of a modification; or, fail to comply with any agreement with the Township
relating to development in accordance with a Preliminary Plan or a Final Plan; or, fail
to comply with any note included on an approved Preliminary Plan or Final Plan;
commits a violation of this Ordinance.
805.02 Penalties for Violations
A. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall,
upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement proceeding
commenced by the Township, pay a judgment of not more than five hundred
dollars ($500.00) plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney's fees
incurred by the Township as a result thereof. No judgment shall commence
or be imposed, levied or payable until the date of the determination of a
violation by a district justice /magisterial district judge. If the defendant
neither pays nor timely appeals the judgment, the Township may enforce the
judgment pursuant to the applicable Rules of Civil Procedure. Each day that
a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation unless the district
justice/magisterial district judge, determining that there has been a violation,
further determines that there was a good faith basis for the person, partnership
or corporation violating this Ordinance to have believed that there was no
such violation. If the district justice/magisterial district judge makes a
determination of good faith, there shall be deemed to have been only one (1)
such violation until the fifth (5
) day following the date of determination of
a violation by the district justice/magisterial district judge, and thereafter
each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
B. The Township may institute and maintain actions at law or in equity to
restrain, correct or abate violations of this Ordinance, to prevent unlawful
construction, to recover damages and/or prevent illegal occupancy of a
building, structure or premises.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 102
C. The Township may refuse to issue any permit or grant any approval
necessary to further improve or develop any real property which has been
developed or which has resulted from a subdivision or land development of
real property in violation of this Ordinance. The authority to deny such
permit or approval shall apply to any of the following applicants:
1. The owner of record at the time of such violation.
2. The vendee or lessee of the owner of record at the time of such
violation without regard to whether such vendee or lessee had actual
or constructive knowledge of the violation.
3. The current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent
to the time of the violation without regard as to whether such current
owner had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.
4. The vendee or lessee of the current owner of record who acquired
the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to
whether such vendee or lessee had actual constructive knowledge of
the violation.
D. As an additional condition for the issuance of a permit or the granting of an
approval to any such owner, current owner, vendee or lessee for the
development of any such real property, the Township may require
compliance with the conditions that would have been applicable to the
property at the time the applicant acquired an interest in such real estate.
805.03 The description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other
document used in the process of selling or transferring shall not exempt the seller
or transferor from such penalties or from the remedies herein provided.
805.04 No applicant shall proceed with any site grading or construction of improvements
prior to recordation of a Final Plan as specified in this Ordinance, unless such
grading or construction is undertaken in accordance with this Ordinance. No deeds
shall be executed or recorded for lots, nor shall the construction of any structure
be initiated, before the Township has approved the Final Plan and such Plan is filed
with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds.
Section 806 Records
806.01 The Township shall keep an accurate, public record of its findings, decisions, and
recommendations relevant to all applications filed with it for review or approval.
Section 807 Validity
807.01 Should any Article, Section, subsection or provision of this Ordinance be declared
by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decisions shall not affect
the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or of any other part thereof.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 103
Section 808 Effective Date
808.01 This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days after its adoption by the Board
of Township Supervisors of Lancaster Township, County of Lancaster,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Enacted and Ordained this ninth (9
) day of November 2015
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 104
I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Board of Supervisors of Lancaster Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an
Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the Township which was duly enacted by affirmative
vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors of the Township at a meeting duly
held on the ninth (9
) day of November, 2015; that said Ordinance has been duly recorded in the
Ordinance Book of the Township; that said Ordinance was duly published as required by law; and
that said Ordinance remains in effect, unaltered and unamended, as of the date of this Certificate.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Page 105
Certification of Plan Accuracy
Certification of Survey Accuracy
Certificate of Ownership, Acknowledgement of Plan, and Offer of Dedication
Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors’ Preliminary Plan Approval Certificate
Improvement Construction Plan Approval Certificate
Lancaster Township Planning Commission’s Review Certificate
Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors’ Final Plan Approval Certificate
Lancaster County Planning Commission’s Review Certificate
Application for Consideration of a Subdivision And/or Land Development Plan
Application for Consideration of an Improvement Construction Plan
Street Tree and Landscaping Maintenance Notes
Minimum Safe Sight Stopping Distance Table
13 – A
Typical Local Street Cross Section
13 – B
Street Section for Local Street
13 – C
Street Section for Collector Street
13 – D
Street Section for Boulevard Street
13 – E
Street Section for Alley (Special Purpose Street)
13 – F
Typical Driveway Detail
13 – G
Vertical Curb Details
13 – H
End Transition for Standard Curbing
13 – I
Modified Slant Curb Detail
13 – J
Trench Restoration Details – Streets
13 – K
Trench Restoration Details – Lawn Areas
13 – L
Road Widening Detail
Concrete Sidewalk Detail
“T”-Shaped Turn-Around (For Special Purpose Streets and Alleys)
Parking Spaces
Typical Flag Lot Detail
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 1
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the plan shown and described hereon is
true and correct to the accuracy required by the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance.
____________________, 20____ *__________________________________________
* Signature of the registered professional responsible for the preparation of the plan.
** Seal of the individual.
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the survey shown and described hereon is
true and correct to the accuracy required by the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance.
____________________, 20____ *__________________________________________
* Signature of the registered professional responsible for the preparation of the plan.
** Seal of the individual.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 2
(Landowner is an Individual)
On this, the ________ day of _______________, 20_____, before me the undersigned
officer personally appeared _______________________________________________________
who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the
*______________________ of the property shown on this plan, that the plan thereof was made at
his direction, that he acknowledges the same to be his act and plan, that he desires the same to be
recorded, and that all streets and other property identified as proposed public property (excepting
those areas labeled “NOT FOR DEDICATION”) are hereby dedicated to the public use.
** ___________________________________________
My Commission Expires __________________, 20_____
* Identify Ownership or Equitable Ownership
** Signature of the Individual
*** Signature and seal of Notary Public or other officer authorized to acknowledge deeds
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 3
(Landowner is a Copartnership)
On this, the ________ day of _______________, 20_____, before me the undersigned
officer personally appeared ______________________________________________________,
being one of the firm of _________________________________________________________,
who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that the copartnership is the
*__________________ of the property shown on this plan, that the plan thereof was made at its
direction, that it acknowledges the same to be its act and plan and desires the same to be recorded,
and that all streets and other property identified as proposed public property (excepting those areas
labeled “NOT FOR DEDICATION”) are hereby dedicated to the public use.
** ___________________________________________
My Commission Expires __________________, 20_____
* Identify Ownership or Equitable Ownership
** Signature of the Individual
*** Signature and seal of Notary Public or other officer authorized to acknowledge deeds
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 4
(Landowner is a Corporation)
On this, the ________ day of _______________, 20_____, before me the undersigned
officer personally appeared ______________________________________________________,
being*__________________________________ of **___________________________________,
who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that the corporation is the
***_________ ________________________________ of the property shown on this plan, that he
is authorized to execute said plan on behalf of the corporation, that the plan is the act and deed of
the corporation, that the corporation desires the same to be recorded and on behalf of the
corporation further acknowledges, that all streets and other property identified as proposed public
property are hereby dedicated to the public use - (excepting those areas labeled “NOT FOR
**** __________________________________________
My Commission expires ____________________, 20_____
* Individual’s Title
** Name of Corporation
*** Identify Ownership or Equitable Ownership
**** Signature of Individual
***** Corporate Seal
****** Signature and Seal of Notary Public or other officer authorized to acknowledge deeds.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 5
At a meeting held on ____________________, 20_____, the Board of Supervisors of
Lancaster Township granted PRELIMINARY PLAN approval of this project, including the
complete set of plans and information which are filed with the Township in File No. _____, based
upon its conformity with the standards of the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance.
*Signatures of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees
At a meeting on ____________________, 20_____, the Board of Supervisors of Lancaster
Township granted IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL of this plan, bearing
Lancaster Township File No. __________. When combined with the necessary Commonwealth
approvals and permits, this approval grants the authority to install the improvements required by
the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. This plan may not be
recorded with the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds.
*Signatures of the Chairman and Secretary, or their designees
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 6
At a meeting held on ____________________, 20_____, the Lancaster Township Planning
Commission reviewed this plan.
*Signatures of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees
At a meeting held on ____________________, 20_____, the Board of Supervisors of
Lancaster Township approved this project, including the complete set of plans and information
which are filed with the Township in File No. _____, based upon its conformity with the standards
of the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
*Signatures of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 7
The Lancaster County Planning Commission, as required by the Pennsylvania
Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 of 1968, as amended, reviewed this plan on
____________________, 20_____, and a copy of the review is on file at the office of the Planning
Commission in LCPC File No. __________. This certificate does not indicate approval or
disapproval of the plan by the Lancaster County Planning Commission, and the Commission does
not represent nor guarantee that this plan complies with the various ordinances, rules, regulations,
or laws of the local municipality, the Commonwealth, or the Federal government.
*Signatures of the Chairman and Secretary or their designees
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 8
______ Sketch Plan ______ Preliminary Plan ______ Final Plan
Lancaster Township File No. _______________(For Township Use Only)
Date of Receipt/Filing____________________
The undersigned hereby applies for approval under the Lancaster Township Subdivision and
Land Development Ordinance for the (Subdivision) (Land Development) Plan submitted herewith
and described below:
1. Plan Name______________________Plan No.____________Plan Date_______________
2. Project Location ___________________________________________________________
Municipality (if portion of project is in a municipality other than Lancaster Township):
3. Name of Landowner_______________________Address___________________________
_______________________________________________Phone No.__________________
4. Land Use and Number of Lots and/or Units (Indicate answer by number):
__________Single-family detached ____________Commercial
__________Semi-Detached ____________Industrial
__________Townhouse ____________Institutional
__________Apartment House ____________Other (Specify)
__________Mobile/manufactured home Park ____________
5. Total Acreage___________________
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 9
6. Application Classification: (Check one)
__________ Preliminary Plan __________ Final Plan
__________ Lot Add-On Plan __________ Revised Subdivision and/or
for processing in Land Development Plan
accordance with Section for processing in
302.04 of the Ordinance. Accordance with Section
302.01 of the Ordinance.
7. Name of Applicant (if other than landowner_____________________________________
Phone No.__________________
8. Firm That Prepared Plan ____________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
Phone No.________________Person Responsible for Plan ___________________________
9. Zoning District Is a Zoning Change Necessary?___Yes___No.
If Yes, Please Specify: ________________________________________________________
10. Type of Water Supply Proposed: ___Public ___Community ___Individual
11. Type of Sanitary Sewage Disposal Proposed: ___Public ___Live ___Capped
___Community ___Individual
12. Lineal Feet of New Street_________________ Identify All Street(s) Not Proposed for
13. Acreage Proposed for Park or Other Public Use:________________________
14. Have Plans Been Submitted to the Lancaster County Planning Commission? ___Yes ___ No
The undersigned hereby represents that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, all information
listed above is true, correct, and complete.
Date__________________ ___________________________________________
Signature of Landowner or Applicant
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 10
Lancaster Township File No. ________________ (For Township Use Only)
Date Receipt/Filing _____________________
The undersigned hereby applies for approval under the Lancaster Township Subdivision and
Land Development Ordinance for the Improvement Construction Plan submitted herewith and
described below:
1. Plan Name_____________________________Plan No.__________________
Plan Date______________
2. Project Location ____________________________________________________________
Municipality (if portion of project is in a municipality other than Lancaster Township):
3. Name of Landowner _________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
Phone No.__________________
4. Land Use and Number of Lots and/or Units (Indicate answer by number):
__________Single-family detached _______________Commercial
__________Semi-Detached _______________Industrial
__________Apartment House _______________Institutional
__________Mobile/manufactured home Park _______________Other (Specify)
__________Townhouse _______________
5. Total Acreage _____________________________
6. Name of Applicant (if other than landowner) ______________________________________
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 11
Address ______________________________________ Phone No.__________________
7. Firm Preparing Plan _________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
Phone No. __________________
Person Responsible for Plan ____________________________________________
The undersigned hereby represents that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, all information
listed above is true, correct, and complete.
Date:_______________ _____________________________________________
Signature of Landowner or Applicant
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 12
Plan Name:_________________________________________________________________________
Plan Location:_______________________________________________________________________
The undersigned developer hereby agrees to provide throughout his development, as shown on the
plan of _____________________________________________________________________dated
_______________________________ the following municipal improvements:
Unit Est. Const.
Improvements Units Cost Cost
Street Grading _____ ____________ ______________
Street Base _____ ____________ ______________
Street Paving _____ ____________ ______________
Street Signs _____ ____________ ______________
Curbs _____ ____________ ______________
Sidewalks _____ ____________ ______________
Storm Water Mgt. Facilities _____ ____________ ______________
Monuments and Lot Line Markers _____ ____________ ______________
Landscaping and Street Trees _____ ____________ ______________
Parking Compound Facilities _____ ____________ ______________
Total Estimated Cost: ______________
It is acknowledged that no final plan shall be recorded in the Office of the Lancaster County
Recorder of Deeds unless (1) all required improvements have been installed in accordance with the
Improvement Construction Plan as specified in Section 307 of the Lancaster Township Subdivision and
Land Development Ordinance or (2) an Improvement Construction Guarantee in accordance with Section
501 of said Ordinance is accepted by the Township or the Authority accepting the improvements.
Signature of Developer
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 13
Street Trees:
Landowner, for itself and all successor owners of all lots created by this Plan acknowledges that street
trees are required by the provisions of the Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land Development
Ordinance and/or Zoning Ordinance. Landowner and all successor owners of lots created by this Plan shall
maintain all street trees shown on this plan. The owner of a lot containing a street tree or abutting the street
right-of-way in which the street tree is located shall replace any street tree which becomes diseased or dies
within six months after notification from the Township. Any replacement street tree will meet all
applicable requirements of then-current Township ordinances. If any such lot owner fails to replace a
street tree shown on this plan within six months after notice from the Township to do so, the Township
may replace the street tree and recover all costs from the lot owner and may secure such costs through the
filing of a municipal lien against the lot. No lot owner may remove any street tree without the express
approval of the Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall, in its sole
discretion, have the authority to determine whether any street tree may be removed.
Reverse Frontage Lot Buffer Planting:
Landowner, for itself and all successor owners of Lots Nos. ___________ acknowledges that the
Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and/or Zoning Ordinance requires that
buffer planting shall be provided along the rear of reverse frontage lots. Landowner, for itself and all
future owners of Lots Nos. __________, agrees that the buffer planting shown on this plan shall be
permanently maintained. Any diseased or dead plants shall be replaced within six months after notice from
the Township to do so. If the lot owner fails to replace the reverse frontage lot buffer planting on such lot,
the Township shall have the right to enter on the lot, replace the buffer planting, and recover all costs from
the owner of such lot. The Township shall have the right to secure recovery of such costs through filing a
municipal lien against the lot. The Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors, in its sole discretion, may
waive the requirements to maintain buffer planting on a reverse frontage lot.
Commercial and Industrial Landscaping:
Landowner, for itself and all successor owners of Lots Nos. ___________, acknowledges that the
Lancaster Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and/or Zoning Ordinance requires that
a completely planted visual screen shall be provided along the rear of lot containing a commercial or
industrial use and any contiguous tracts zoned residential or rural. Landowner, for itself and all future
owners of Lots Nos. ___________, agrees that the buffer planting shown on such lots by this plan shall be
permanently maintained. Any diseased or dead plants shall be replaced within six months after notice from
the Township to do so. If the lot owner fails to replace the buffer planting, the Township shall have the
right to enter on the lot, replace the buffer planting, and recover all costs from the owner of such lot. The
Township shall have the right to secure recovery of such costs by filing a municipal lien against such lot.
The Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors, in its sole discretion, may waive the requirements to
maintain such buffer planting.
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 14
Minimum Safe Sight Stopping Distance Chart
Roadway Grade (Percent)
Based on the following formula --->
SSSD = 1.47 V t + V^2
30 x (f + G)
Where: SSSD = Minimum safe stopping sight distance (feet).
V = Speed of vehicle in miles per hour.
t = 2.5 seconds (Perception/response time of driver).
f = 0.3 (Wet pavement friction).
G = Roadway grade in percent divided by 100 (positive
for upgrade, negative for downgrade).
Lancaster Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance A - 15
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