Letters of intent/Offer
complement letters
plus a little about
appointment letters
Chairs 201, December
What is wrong with this LOI?
from a 2016 LOI letter
Dear Dr X, “we are pleased to offer you a full time
ladder rank faculty tenured position at the
University of California, Riverside …….
What should it have said?
Dear Dr X, on behalf of the Department of Y, I am
writing to advise you that your proposed
appointment as associate professor (with tenure) in
the Department of Y within the college of Z,
effective ----, is under review by the Provost and
Executive Vice Chancellor. This communication is
designed to outline our intent for your
appointment and the start-up resources that will be
made available to you after your appointment is
approved. An appointment letter will be sent to
you from the Provosts office upon completion of
the necessary review process.
Should we add something like?
The Provosts review process includes input from
both the Senate Committee on Academic
Personnel, a group of 10 faculty members, who
review all proposed appointments above beginning
Assistant professors, and the Vice Provost for
Academic Personnel. This process is an important
part of shared governance at the University of
California, but it does mean you should allow a few
weeks before expecting to receive an appointment
letter from the Provost.
What about step?
Pros you can calculate O/S and see how you feel
about that in regard to equity (although you can do
that for several potential scenarios)
Cons if CAP recommends a lower step (even with
same salary) this is off-putting to candidate. Only
faculty coming from other UCs usually care about
step anyway.
What needs to be there
Need to address teaching expectations. Say what is
normal and indicate any period of reduced teaching
Why are some tenured professors coming in with
multiple years without/ with reduced teaching?
Do we need to address service expectations? These
come as a big shock for faculty outside UC.
What shouldn’t be there
Open-ended arrangements or any implication that
anything is permanent such as an endowed chair or
specific space.
Your teaching load will be reduced by 1 class per
year for your service as GGG
Needs to say for the duration of your appointment
as GGG
You will receive 2 months summer salary
Needs to say for the duration of your appointment
as GGG, or for first 2 years, or whatever. Etc.