ETL 1110-2-583
30 April 2014
US Army Corps
of Engineers
ETL 1110-2-583
30 Apr 14
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-CE Washington, DC 20314-1000
Technical Letter
No. ETL 1110-2-583 30 April 2014
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose. This ETL provides guidelines to assure that landscape planting and vegetation
management provide aesthetic and environmental benefits without compromising the reliability
of levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures. It is important to note that
all minimum guidelines presented herein are just that—minimums. The dimensions of the
vegetation-free and root-free zones defined in this document provide the minimum acceptable
buffer between vegetation and flood damage reduction structures. For each individual project,
the design team must consider whether these minimums are adequate to the specific needs and
conditions of the project.
2. Applicability. This ETL applies to all USACE Commands having Civil Works
responsibilities. This ETL is not applicable to determinations for eligibility in the Rehabilitation
Program (previously called the Rehabilitation and Inspection Program) under ER 500-1-1 and
the provisions of Public Law 84-99.
3. Distribution Statement. Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.
4. References.
a. USACE Publications.
(1) EM 1110-2-38, Environmental Quality in Design of Civil Works Projects, 3 May 1971.
(2) EM 1110-2-1205, Environmental Engineering and Local Flood Control Channels, 15
November 1989 (Sections 4-8.d (4) and 5-1).
(3) EM 1110-2-1601, Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels, 1 July 1991, with
Change 1, 30 June 1994 (Sections 3-3 and 3-5).
(4) EM 1110-2-1913, Design and Construction of Levees, 30 April 2000 (Sections 4-4 and
(5) EM 1110-2-2300, General Design and Construction Considerations for Earth and Rock
Fill Dams, 30 July 2004.
This ETL supersedes: ETL 1110-2-571, Guidelines for Landscape Planting and Vegetation
Management at Levees, Floodwalls, Embankment Dams, and Appurtenant Structures, dated 30
April 2009.
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30 Apr 14
(6) EM 1110-2-2502, Retaining Walls and Floodwalls, 29 September 1989 (Section 7-16).
(7) EP 500-1-1, Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources. Civil Emergency
Management Program – Procedures, 30 September 2001 (Section 5.8.k and Appendix E).
(8) ER 200-1-5, Policy for Integrated Application of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) Environmental Operating Principles (EOP) and Doctrine, 30 October 2003.
(9) ER 1110-1-12, Quality Management, Change 1, 30 September 2006.
(10) ER 1110-2-1150, Engineering and Design for Civil Works Projects, 31 August 1999.
(11) ER 1130-2-530, Project Operations - Flood Control Operations and Maintenance
Policies, 30 October 1996.
b. FEMA Publications.
(1) FEMA 473, FEMA (2005a), Technical Manual for Dam Owners, Impacts of Animals on
Earthen Dams, FEMA 473, September 2005,
(2) FEMA 534, FEMA (2005b), Technical Manual for Dam Owners, Impacts of Plants on
Earthen Dams, FEMA 534, September 2005,
(3) 44 CFR Chapter 65.10, “Mapping of Areas Protected by Levee Systems,” 24 October
c. Other Publications.
(1) Association of State Dam Safety Officials (2002), Association of State Dam Safety
Officials (ASDSO) (2002), A Technical Manual on the Effects of Tree and Woody Vegetation
Root Penetrations on the Safety of Earthen Dams, December 2002.
5. General. Levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and their appurtenant structures serve a
common purpose in that they are designed to contain water and prevent flooding for varying
lengths of time. They must also be readily accessible by equipment and personnel essential to
reliable operation and maintenance. The possibility for long-term saturation of levee materials or
levee and floodwall foundations, together with their specific operation and maintenance
requirements, makes it necessary to exercise caution in the design of landscape planting and
vegetation management at these structures. This ETL describes important characteristics of
levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and their appurtenant structures.
1 l l0-2-583
6. Future Guidance. Planned research will complement this guidance. Future editions will
include field studies
vegetation impacts to flood damage reduction structures and helpful
the root system characteristics
various plant species.
2 Appendices
Appendix A-Illustrations
Chief, Engineering and Construction Division
Appendix B-Acronyms, Abbreviations,
Civil Works
and Glossary
ETL 1110-2-583
30 Apr 14
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-CE Washington, DC 20314-1000
No. ETL 1110-2-583 30 April 2014
EXPIRES 30 April 2019
Engineering and Design
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1. Introduction
Purpose. ............................................................................................. 1-1 1-1
Applications. ..................................................................................... 1-2 1-1
Environmental Quality and Aesthetics. ............................................. 1-3 1-2
Chapter 2. Landscape Planting: Objectives and Engineering
Background. ...................................................................................... 2-1 2-1
Vegetation-Free Zone. ...................................................................... 2-2 2-1
Vegetation-Management Zone. ......................................................... 2-3 2-2
Root Impacts. .................................................................................... 2-4 2-3
Root-Free Zone. ................................................................................ 2-5 2-3
Water-Current and Wave-Action Barrier. ......................................... 2-6 2-3
Chapter 3. Treatment of Levees, Floodwalls, Embankment Dams, and
Appurtenant Structures
General .............................................................................................. 3-1 3-1
Levees. .............................................................................................. 3-2 3-1
Floodwalls. ........................................................................................ 3-3 3-2
Embankment Dams and Appurtenant Structures. ............................. 3-4 3-3
Chapter 4. Design Considerations
Feasibility Analysis. .......................................................................... 4-1 4-1
Planting Berms. ................................................................................. 4-2 4-1
Planters. ............................................................................................. 4-3 4-2
Irrigation Systems. ............................................................................ 4-4 4-2
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Paragraph Page
Flood-Fighting and Structure Maintenance. ..................................... 4-5 4-2
Maintenance of Plantings.................................................................. 4-6 4-3
Selection of Plant Material................................................................ 4-7 4-3
Appropriate Ground Cover in the Vegetation-Free Zone. ................ 4-8 4-3
Borrow Sites and Spoil Sites............................................................. 4-9 4-3
Chapter 5. Vegetation-Related Maintenance and Repair
Maintenance of Ground Cover.......................................................... 5-1 5-1
Operations and Maintenance Manual................................................ 5-2 5-1
Removal of Non-Compliant Vegetation. .......................................... 5-3 5-1
Repair of Animal Burrows................................................................ 5-4 5-2
Appendix A Illustrations................................................................................................ A-1
Appendix B Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Glossary of Terms................................... B-1
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1-1. Purpose.
This ETL provides guidelines to assure that landscape planting and vegetation management
provide aesthetic and environmental benefits without compromising the reliability of levees,
floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures. It is intended as a guide for safe
design and not as a restriction to the initiative of designers. These guidelines should be used with
reasonable judgment and practicality, and should be tailored to the specific requirements and
conditions of each individual project. A design that integrates landscape plantings and vegetation
management into a system for flood damage reduction requires a coordinated, interdisciplinary
effort that involves the local sponsor and the following disciplines: civil engineer, landscape
architect, levee and/or dam safety engineer, environmental engineer, geologist, biologist, and
additional related disciplines, as appropriate.
1-2. Applications.
a. Where the safety of the structure is not compromised, and effective surveillance,
monitoring, inspection, maintenance, and flood-fighting of the facility are not adversely
impacted, appropriate landscape planting (trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, and grasses) may be
incorporated into the design of all flood damage reduction projects, subject to the limitations set
forth in this document. Because landscape plantings enhance the environment, with respect to
both natural systems and human use, they are to be considered in all flood damage reduction
project planning and design studies and will be fully presented in design documentation reports.
For projects in which the maintenance of the completed facility will be the responsibility of the
local sponsor, the landscape planting will be fully coordinated with the local sponsor during
planning and design to determine the sponsor’s desires and to obtain assurances that the sponsor
is capable of, and committed to, the proper maintenance of the vegetation.
b. In certain instances, to further enhance environmental values or to meet state or Federal
laws and/or regulations, the local sponsor may request a variance from the standard vegetation
guidelines set forth in this ETL. Vegetation variances for either Federal or non-Federal flood
damage reduction systems may be permitted. The vegetation variance must meet the following
two criteria:
(1) The variance must be shown to be necessary, and the only feasible means, to: (1) preserve,
protect, and enhance natural resources, and/or (2) protect the rights of Native Americans, pursuant to
treaty and statute.
(2) With regard to flood damage reduction systems, the variance must retain: (1) safety,
structural integrity, and functionality, and (2) accessibility for maintenance, inspection, monitoring,
and flood-fighting. Note that, as used here, the term “retain” assumes a pre-variance condition that is
fully consistent with the requirements set forth in this ETL, and any other applicable criteria.
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(3) Some types of vegetation, both woody (trees, shrubs, and vines) and non-woody (grasses
and forbs), will be periodically cleared, as needed, to maintain the conditions described in the second
criterion. The variance will not be a substitute for poor maintenance practices. See the following
references regarding variances to levee vegetation standards: ER 500-1-1, for policy; EP 500-1-1, for
the request and approval process; and, any other applicable guidance issued subsequent to this
c. Any addition of landscape plantings to existing flood damage reduction systems must
comply with the project’s O&M manual. New plantings may not be approved without an
appropriately detailed and documented engineering evaluation to ensure that design intent and
safety criteria are maintained as originally authorized.
1-3. Environmental Quality and Aesthetics. Environmental quality and aesthetics are of special
concern. The design and maintenance of flood damage reduction systems must fully consider the
environmental implications of the proposed actions and must ensure that they are consistent with
the doctrine outlined in the Corps’ Environmental Operating Principles. Project design should
respond appropriately to the visual character of the project context with respect to the
characteristics of both the natural and built landscapes. Landscape planting design should
consider both human use and the environmental processes and characteristics of the entire area
influenced by the project. While it is seldom feasible to preserve the natural setting intact, design
techniques and careful construction methods can protect and perhaps enhance local
environmental and aesthetic values.
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Landscape Planting: Objectives and Engineering Requirements
2-1. Background.
a. In flood damage reduction projects, the goal of landscape planting is to minimize and/or
mitigate negative impacts to aesthetic, environmental, and ecological conditions, such that post-
project conditions are equal to, or better than, pre-project conditions. Landscape planting
objectives should, minimally:
(1) Provide cover to prevent dust and erosion.
(2) Provide ecological benefits, such as improved water quality and wildlife habitat.
(3) Integrate the flood damage reduction system with the surrounding natural and human
(4) Separate activities.
(5) Define zones of use.
(6) Provide privacy.
(7) Screen undesirable features or views.
(8) Accentuate positive features or views.
(9) Create a pleasant environment for human use and recreation.
b. These and any other project-specific landscape planting objectives must be consistent
with both the policy set forth in Paragraph 1-3 and the engineering requirements detailed in this
2-2. Vegetation-Free Zone.
a. The vegetation-free zone is a three-dimensional corridor surrounding all levees,
floodwalls, embankment dams, and critical appurtenant structures in all flood damage reduction
systems. The vegetation-free zone applies to all vegetation except grass. Grass species are
permitted, as described in Paragraph 4-8, for the purpose of erosion control.
b. The primary purpose of the vegetation-free zone is to provide a reliable corridor of
access to, and along, levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures. This
corridor must be free of obstructions to assure adequate access by personnel and equipment for
surveillance, inspection, maintenance, monitoring, and flood-fighting. In the case of flood-
fighting, this access corridor must also provide the unobstructed space needed for the
construction of temporary flood-control structures. Access is typically by four-wheel-drive
vehicle, but for some purposes, such as maintenance and flood-fighting, access is required for
larger equipment, such as tractors, bulldozers, dump trucks, and helicopters. Accessibility is
essential to the reliability of flood damage reduction systems.
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c. The vegetation-free zone must be both wide and tall enough to accommodate all likely
access requirements. The minimum allowable dimensions for a vegetation-free zone, for a
variety of flood damage reduction system configurations, are based on lessons learned from
flood-fighting experience and are illustrated in Chapter 6. The general rule is:
(1) The minimum height of the corridor shall be 8 ft, measured vertically from any point on
the ground.
(2) The minimum width of the corridor shall be the width of the levee, floodwall, or
embankment dam, including all critical appurtenant structures, plus 15 ft on each side, measured
from the outer edge of the outermost critical structure. In the case of a planting berm (Figures A-13,
A-14, and A-15), the 15 ft is measured from the point at which the top surface of the planting berm
meets the levee section.
(3) No vegetation, other than approved grasses, may penetrate the vegetation-free zone, with
two exceptions, as shown in Figure A-2:
(a) Tree trunks are measured to their centerline, so one half of the tree trunk may be within
the vegetation-free zone.
(b) Newly planted trees, the crowns of which can be expected to grow or to be pruned
clear of the vegetation-free zone within 10 years.
d. The minimum vegetation-free zone dimensions may not be diminished without a formal
variance (see Paragraph 1-3b). Due to specific site conditions and project requirements, many
levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures will be determined, by the
project design team, to require a vegetation-free zone larger than the minimum described here.
e. This paragraph has established the minimum acceptable width of the vegetation-free
zone at 15 ft. Other than by variance, as described above, the single exception to this 15-ft
minimum requirement arises in the case of an existing project where the width of the existing
real estate interest for the project is less than 15 ft. In such a case, the vegetation-free zone width
shall be the maximum attainable within the existing real estate interest.
2-3. Vegetation-Management Zone
A recommended alternative to enlarging the vegetation-free zone is adding an adjacent
vegetation-management zone (see Figure A-22). A vegetation-management zone provides
greater opportunity to include vegetation by reserving the option to manage it selectively, as
needed. Two of many possible scenarios are:
a. Several trees, just outside the vegetation-free zone, are inhibiting grass growth, through
light deprivation and/or the production of their own natural herbicides that limit competition for
moisture and nutrients. These trees should be either removed or modified, as appropriate, to
assure that grasses thrive and continue to provide effective erosion control.
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b. A large tree, outside the vegetation-free zone, becomes a hazard tree when its root
system is severely damaged by construction activity, thereby increasing its susceptibility to
windthrow and the associated risk of damage to a floodwall. This tree should be removed.
2-4. Root Impacts.
As stated in Paragraph 2-2, the primary purpose of the vegetation-free zone is access. However,
it also serves a secondary purpose: it provides distance between root systems and levees,
floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures, thereby moderating reliability risks
associated with the following two situations: potential piping and seepage due to root
penetration; and structural damage (a hole in the ground, surrounded by an area of disturbed
earth) resulting from a wind-driven tree overturning. Though not adequate for all situations, this
15-ft zone does provide a measure of risk reduction, as follows:
a. Root size and numbers diminish with distance from the tree trunk.
b. The hole and its surrounding area of disturbed earth, created by a tree overturning,
typically has a radius ranging from 6 to 12 ft. This secondary effect of the vegetation-free zone is
important to the reliability of flood damage reduction systems; it is not a root-free zone, but it is
a zone of reduced root impact.
2-5. Root-Free Zone. Planting design must consider the possible implications to foundation
strength and performance. The integrity of the foundation could be compromised if potential
seepage paths were created by root penetration and/or root decay. The root-free zone provides a
margin of safety between the greatest expected extent of plant roots and the beginning face of
any structure that is critical to the performance and reliability of the flood damage reduction
system. The list of such structures includes levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, seepage
berms, seepage drains, toe drains, pressure relief wells, and cut-off trenches. These critical
structures must be root-free, as shown in Figures A-13, A-14, A-15, A-17, and A-19. The rooting
habit of each plant selected for use near a root-free zone must be predictably understood with
respect to its potential to invade the root-free zone and compromise the reliability of the flood
damage reduction system. Landscape planting plans will reflect full recognition of the
importance of selecting appropriate plant species and varieties. Root barriers may be used to
provide an added measure of assurance, but they should not be a substitute for adequate distance
between plantings and root-free zones. Root barriers shall not retard groundwater or seepage
flow. Some root barriers include herbicides to enhance effectiveness; in every case, these shall be
evaluated before use to prevent negative environmental impacts.
2-6. Water-Current and Wave-Action Barrier. The use of suitable vegetation, such as shrub
forms of Salix (willow), riverward of the vegetation-free zone, is encouraged as an
environmentally beneficial means to moderate the erosive potential of water currents and wave
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Treatment of Levees, Floodwalls, Embankment Dams, and Appurtenant Structures
3-1. General.
a. The integrity of levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures is
paramount to the public health, safety, and welfare. The presence of undesirable vegetation can
undermine that integrity and lead to failure if not corrected.
b. Trees and other woody vegetation, such as shrubs and vines, can create both structural
and seepage instabilities, prevent adequate inspection, and create obstacles to maintenance and
flood-fighting/flood-control activities. Vegetation must be controlled for the following reasons:
(1) To allow proper inspection, surveillance, and monitoring of all structures and adjacent
areas for seepage, cracking, sinkholes, settlement, displacement, and other signs of distress.
(2) To allow access for normal and emergency Operations and Maintenance (O&M) activities.
(3) To prevent root-related damage to structures, such as shortened seepage paths through
embankments and/or foundations; voids in embankments and/or foundations due to decayed roots or
fallen trees; clogged seepage collector systems; and expansion of cracks or joints in concrete walls,
spillway floors, and canal linings.
(4) To limit those habitat characteristics that encourage the creation of animal burrows.
(5) To allow full design-discharge capability of waterways, spillway inlet and outlet channels,
outlet-works discharge channels, and other open conveyance channels.
(6) To avoid any incidental growth and subsequent presence of endangered species that might
prohibit activities necessary for O&M, or access.
c. This document establishes minimum dimensions for both vegetation-free zones and
root-free zones; however, for any specific project, those minimum dimensions may be increased
by levee and/or dam-safety engineering personnel due to site-specific considerations such as
topography, phreatic surfaces within the structure and abutments, geological features, historical
embankment and/or foundation seepage or issues, stability issues, and foundation characteristics.
3-2. Levees
a. Levees are usually constructed of compacted earth fill. In some cases, internal drainage
or under-seepage treatment is incorporated into the levee. When a planting berm is used to allow
vegetation nearer to the levee centerline, the internal blanket drain and/or toe drain must be
extended, as shown in Figures A-14 and A-15. Any such extension must be assessed by the
design team for impact to the seepage control system.
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b. All levees must have effective and reliable erosion protection. Paragraph 4-8 describes
appropriate use of grasses. Where opportunities exist, environmental improvements should be
considered. Project design shall address the following criteria:
(1) Urban Levees. Because levee projects have the potential to dominate these high-visibility
landscapes, planting is often desirable, particularly in high-visibility locations, such as at and along
major thoroughfares, parks, and waterfront developments.
(2) Rural or Agricultural Levees. Although these are typically not high-visibility areas, both
human use and environmental needs should be considered during design. Plantings are particularly
appropriate for the following areas, provided they are consistent with site-specific engineering
requirements: high-visibility pumping installations, public road crossings, locations near residences,
and at other project locations where landscape plantings could protect or restore valued
environmental characteristics.
c. Minimum vegetation-free and minimum root-free zones are established for levees, as
illustrated in Chapter 6.
3-3. Floodwalls.
a. Floodwalls are most often used in urban areas, where land or access is constrained.
These walls are subject to hydraulic forces on one side, which may be resisted by little or no
earth-loading forces on the other side. Landscape planting should be addressed in floodwall
design, particularly where walls encroach on, or change, existing scenic values, e.g., where the
wall becomes a visual barrier along a street or near dwellings, parks, and existing or anticipated
commercial developments.
b. The minimum vegetation-free zone provides for access. However, two additional areas
of concern with respect to floodwalls are:
(1) Large trees can be a threat to project reliability. Planting design and maintenance must take
into account the potential for overturning trees to damage floodwalls. The following factors can be
used, alone or in combination, to limit potential for such damage:
(a) Ensuring distance between a tree and the wall.
(b) Selecting tree species that have a low potential for breaking and overturning.
(c) Monitoring and performing maintenance to address hazard trees.
(d) Placing intervening obstacles, such as other trees, that would reliably restrain a falling
tree. Where other factors are unreliable, the distance between a tree and the wall must be
adequate: e.g., a minimum distance of one-half of the mature tree height.
(2) Planting design and maintenance must also take into account the three potential means by
which tree roots may damage floodwalls:
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(a) Large tree roots can damage concrete structures by jacking (lifting) them, which can
cause cracking and separation at joints. Further, if a floodwall is lifted, a seepage path could
form along the structure/foundation contact. Smaller (lighter) floodwalls are more susceptible
than larger (heavier) structures.
(b) Roots may also grow into and through wall joints, loosening and eroding wall-joint
seals, thus damaging the water-proof characteristics.
(c) A floodwall may have a toe drainage system to:
(1) Check and control piping and boils,
(2) Control seepage that may result from roofing, where piles are used, and
(3) Control uplift pressures. These drainage systems must be protected from invasion by roots,
which could clog them.
c. Although there are several types of floodwalls, the two most common are the inverted-T
type reinforced concrete wall and the cantilever-I type sheet piling wall. The vegetation impact
concerns are similar for both types. For all the reasons cited above, minimum vegetation-free and
minimum root-free zones are established for floodwalls, as shown in Figures A-16 through A-19.
3-4. Embankment Dams and Appurtenant Structures.
a. Purpose. “Tree and woody-vegetation penetrations of earthen dams and their
appurtenances have been demonstrated to cause serious structural deterioration and distress that
can result in failure of earthen dams” (Association of State Dam Safety Officials 2002). Proper
establishment and control of vegetation is critical to dam safety. This Paragraph establishes
minimum requirements for landscape planting and vegetation management at embankment dams
(earth fill, rock fill, or earth and rock fill), including multipurpose projects with both concrete
and embankment dam structures (wing dams) and perimeter saddle dams (dikes); abutments; and
appurtenances, such as spillways, outlet works, and inlet and/or outlet channels.
b. Policy. The following five areas are vegetation-free zones:
(1) The dam or the dam-toe area.
(2) Areas in or around seepage monitoring systems, or critical downstream areas where
seepage observation must be vigilant and continuous.
(3) Groin abutments and areas immediately adjacent to groin abutments.
(4) Spillways and spillway channels, including spillway slopes and approaches to spillways
where vegetation could, in any way, impede the efficient operation of the spillway.
(5) The outlet-works discharge channel.
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c. Vegetation-Free Zones. Vegetation-free zones shall, when dry, be mowed to a height of
3–6 in. at any time the grass reaches a height of 12 in.. Mowing shall be triggered by grass
heights of less than 12 in. if important to the health maintenance of the particular grass species.
The maximum height of grasses shall be 12 in. The minimum vegetation-free zone requirements
for specific structures are:
(1) Embankment Dams. At a minimum, for “dry” reservoirs, the entire dam embankment
surface, including upstream impervious blankets and the upstream and downstream areas within 50 ft
of the embankment toe, shall be a vegetation-free zone (see Figure A-20). For “normal pool”
conditions, the entire embankment surface from the upstream toe of the dam or from the upstream
limit of the impervious blanket, as applicable, to a minimum distance of 50 ft from the downstream
toe shall be a vegetation-free zone (see Figure A-21).
(2) Dam Abutments. The dam abutment is defined as the part of a natural valley side-wall
against which a dam is constructed. At a minimum, the vegetation-free zone shall extend for a
horizontal distance of 15 ft beyond the embankment/abutment contact line (i.e., groin).
(3) Spillways. The safety of embankment dams requires the unobstructed operation of
spillways. The minimum vegetation-free zone shall include the spillways and spillway channels,
including spillway slopes and approaches.
(4) Outlet-Works Discharge Channels. The minimum vegetation-free zone shall include the
entire outlet channel, outlet structure headwalls and wingwalls, and surrounding areas to a distance of
50 ft from the top of the bank of the outlet channel.
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Design Considerations
4-1. Feasibility Analysis.
During design, an analysis shall be made of the flood damage reduction system to determine if
and where landscape planting can be permitted. Not all projects will have a satisfactory
combination of conditions to permit planting of trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, and grasses. In some
cases, only shrub planting may be feasible. In other cases, planting may be limited to grasses.
Site conditions, engineering design criteria, and O&M requirements should determine the
appropriate planting scheme. However, environmental objectives shall be considered in all
projects and the engineering design should seek to accommodate appropriate plantings. The
following paragraphs describe some important site considerations.
a. Types of Construction Material. The type of construction material is an important factor
in determining suitability for landscape planting. Rock, sand, and many types of compacted clay
embankments are examples of poor plant-growing media. The roots of some plant species, under
some conditions, may penetrate a great distance into a sand levee, potentially providing a path
for piping through the structure. Plants must be selected very carefully with regard to the type of
construction materials used to ensure survival of the plant and prevent damage to the structure.
b. Project Alignment. Project alignment can be a complex exercise involving multiple,
often conflicting criteria and requiring a coordinated effort by the project delivery team. The role
of the landscape architect is to identify opportunities and constraints to human use relative to
project alignment. For example, in an urban area, a relatively minor adjustment to a proposed
alignment might allow for plant screening between residences and the structure, or it might
provide space for a park or other community green space. Often, those segments of the alignment
that are otherwise arbitrary may be turned to advantage with respect to human use.
c. Environmental Factors. The types of vegetation suited to a site are a function of a
number of environmental factors. Local climate (precipitation, temperature, dates of earliest and
last frost, etc.) can limit the types of vegetation that survive in a particular region. Soil type, pH,
nutrient character, exposure to sunlight, flood and drought duration, and depth to groundwater
are additional conditions that can influence the potential for a site to support vegetation. Because
one important functional characteristic of vegetative groundcovers is their ability to provide
erosion control, it is necessary to confirm that the proposed cover can withstand the energy
environment under flood conditions. This may require an assessment of local velocities and shear
stresses and comparison of predicted values under flood conditions against thresholds for various
types of vegetation.
4-2. Planting Berms
a. Beyond the minimum section needed to satisfy stability requirements, it is sometimes
desirable to add additional earth fill to a levee or embankment dam to create a planting berm to
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better accommodate differing types of public use and related landscape planting approaches (see
Figures A-13, A-14, and A-15). The appropriate dimensions of the planting berm should be
determined by the landscape architect in consultation with the design team. Additional rights-of-
way may be necessary to accommodate the additional fill material and flatter slopes. Except in
approved planters, vegetation is not permitted on any overbuild that has a system-reliability
function. Planting berms may be considered for use on the land side only.
b. Planting layout and plant material characteristics shall be coordinated with the design
team to assure adequate access between the levee crown and the toe for two purposes: (1) visual
access is required for inspection of the toe area, and (2) physical access is required for flood-
fighting activities involving personnel and heavy equipment. In all cases, the planting berm must
be of sufficient depth to accommodate any proposed vegetation while precluding root penetration
into any root-free zone. Design must include adequate consideration of any internal drainage or
seepage control system (see Figures A-14 and A-15).
c. Additional design requirements for planting berms include the following. For new
projects, engineering and design shall be in accordance with ER 1110-2-1150, Engineering and
Design for Civil Works Projects, and all related guidance. For existing projects, engineering and
design shall be in accordance with CECW-PB memorandum dated 23 October 2006, Policy and
Procedural Guidance for the Approval of Modification and Alteration of Corps of Engineers
4-3. Planters
a. In overbuild areas, permanent plant containers, such as concrete planters, may be
considered. Planters must not impact the designed dam or levee section, or appurtenant structures
such as berms, drains, ditches and wells. Planter design and layout must allow for adequate
access up and down the embankment as required for inspection and flood-fighting activities and
must be approved by the Dam or Levee Safety Officer.
b. Planters and containerized plants should be used selectively and should be considered
only when normal planting is not practical. The initial cost and the ability of the sponsor to
maintain this type of planting should be considered during design. Plants selected for use in
planters should have mature heights of not more than approximately 20 ft.
4-4. Irrigation Systems. Irrigation systems within the vegetation-free zone pose two potential
threats to system reliability: (1) pressurized waterlines may fail, resulting in damage to the
engineered embankment section, and (2) irrigation water may impair visual inspection by
obscuring wet areas that are actually due to seepage. Any irrigation system that targets the
vegetation-free zone shall be engineered so as to address these issues and meet the approval of
the District dam or levee safety officer. Designs may include features such as double-walled
piping and leakage detection systems.
4-5. Flood-Fighting and Structure Maintenance. Flood-fighting and maintenance operations for
levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures can be complex. These
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operations must not be impacted by the layout and physical characteristics of landscape
plantings. Landscape plantings will be designed to permit inspection of structures from moving
vehicles. Access requirements for emergency repair and replacement associated with flood-
fighting efforts shall also be considered.
4-6. Maintenance of Plantings. Planting designs must be consistent with the capacity of the
project sponsor to maintain them. Maintenance shall include the control and/or removal of
invasive species. Low-maintenance plant materials are often the most appropriate choice.
4-7. Selection of Plant Material. Plants will be selected from approved plant lists prepared
jointly by Division and District landscape architects in conjunction with the local sponsor or
resource agencies. The list will include trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, sedges, and grasses that are
native to the region and well adapted to the climactic, soil, and hydrologic conditions of the site.
Plant lists should be appropriate to the specific structural conditions and requirements of each
project. As the project site experiences fluctuations in various environmental conditions over
time, such as water level, precipitation, and herbivory, some plants or species will not survive
but others may thrive. A diverse array of plant species is essential to a riparian system’s
resiliency and its ability to provide and sustain a number of functions. A botanist familiar with
local flora should be consulted to select those species from the approved list most likely to meet
project objectives.
4-8. Appropriate Ground Cover in the Vegetation-Free Zone.
a. The only acceptable vegetative ground cover in the vegetation-free zone shall be
perennial grasses. Their primary function shall be to reliably protect against erosion. They shall
be maintained as necessary to ensure the health and vigor of the primary species providing
erosion protection. The species selected for each project shall be appropriate to the local climate,
conditions, and surrounding or adjacent land uses. Preference should be given to the use of
native species. Invasive or weed species shall not be acceptable. The species selected must be
able to tolerate mowing to heights as low as 3 in. as follows: at least once each year for
inspection, and in anticipation of flood conditions and associated monitoring and flood-fighting
b. If the local climate, hydraulic and hydrologic environment, soils, or other conditions
will not support such grass species, then non-vegetative means of erosion control shall be
employed, e.g., riprap, pavement, articulating concrete mats, or other engineered surface.
c. A maximum grass height is specified for embankment dams and their appurtenant
structures (see Paragraph 3-4c, “Vegetation-Free Zones”).
4-9. Borrow Sites and Spoil Sites. Borrow sites and spoil sites shall be restored through proper
regrading and revegetation.
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Vegetation-Related Maintenance and Repair
5-1. Maintenance of Ground Cover. As ground cover in a system designed to reduce flood
damage, the primary purpose of grasses is to effectively prevent erosion. Therefore, maintenance
must assure a healthy, vigorous stand of grass that is substantially free of weeds and bare spots.
It will generally be necessary to periodically mow, graze, or burn grasses to permit proper
inspection, manage pests, inhibit weed growth, or otherwise maintain the health and vigor of the
plant stand. The appropriate time of year in which to conduct these maintenance activities will be
a function of the species used and of the motivating factor for the maintenance activity itself. For
example, mowing to prohibit weed establishment may best be timed to occur before the weed
seeds become viable each year. The annual inspection may be scheduled to coincide with this
5-2. Operations and Maintenance Manual. For each project, it is important that the O&M
manual include an annual maintenance program to control animal burrows and vegetative
growth. It is also important that vegetation be managed in such a manner as to avoid the need for
mechanized removal and associated embankment repair, and avoid any incidental growth and
subsequent presence of endangered species that might prohibit access and activities necessary for
5-3. Removal of Non-Compliant Vegetation.
a. All vegetation not in compliance with this ETL shall be removed. A detailed removal
plan shall be submitted to the local USACE District Levee Safety Officer for review and
comment before removal of vegetation. The removal plan shall expand on the following basic
(1) By excavation, remove the trunk (or stem), stump, rootball, and all roots with diameters
greater than ½ in. All such roots in, or within 15 ft of, the flood damage reduction structure shall be
completely removed.
(2) Assure that the resulting void is free of organic debris.
(3) Fill and compact the void according to the original soil and compaction specifications: or,
if no specifications exist, match adjacent soil and compaction.
b. Removal of non-compliant vegetation can create significant issues for the
owner/operator, as maintenance may require environmental permits. The local sponsor must
coordinate with the Corps and other appropriate agencies and obtain all the required
environmental permits (including Corps of Engineers 404 permits) before conducting work
within the levees. Mechanized land clearing below the plane of the “Ordinary High Water Mark”
will normally require Clean Water Act permits before work can commence. (Note that “Ordinary
High Water Mark” is defined in 33 CFR Part 328.3(e). In this document, see Figure A-23 in
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Chapter 6 and the glossary in Chapter 7). In regions with endangered or threatened species,
and/or their critical habitat, vegetation removal of any kind may require clearance through the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service under the Endangered
Species Act.
5-4. Repair of Animal Burrows. For proper procedures for the repair of animal burrows, refer to
the latest edition of FEMA Publication 473, Technical Manual for Dam Owners, Impacts of
Animals on Earthen Dams.
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A-1. General.
a. The figures presented here are cross-sections and are organized as follows:
(1) Figure A-1 shows the minimum vegetation-free zone required for a basic levee section
and serves as an introductory example for use in Figure A-2.
(2) Figure A-2 shows the proper application of the vegetation-free zone with regard to
various vegetation types and stages of development.
(3) Figures A-3 through A-23 give additional examples that show the minimum vegetation-
free zone required for each of various flood damage reduction system configurations.
(4) Figures A-13, A-14, A-15, A-17, and A-19 show root-free zones.
(5) Figures A-20 and A-21 show vegetation-free zone requirements for embankment dams
and their appurtenant structures (presented in greater detail in Paragraph 3-4).
(6) Figure A-22 shows the vegetation-management zone.
(7) Figure A-23 illustrates a levee section with the ordinary high water mark above the
riverside toe.
b. For clarity, Figures A-1 through A-23 are not drawn to scale. However, Figures A-24 and
A-25 are drawn to scale, using trees in the medium to large size range. The purpose of these two
proportionally correct figures is to clearly illustrate realistic spatial relationships between trees (and
their root systems) and levees.
c. Note that the minimum vegetation-free zone is not influenced by the type of erosion
protection used, so figures are not specific in that regard, e.g., riprap is not shown.
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A-2. Figures A-1 through A-25.
Figure A-1. Levee Section – Basic.
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Figure A-2. Proper Application of the Vegetation-Free Zone.
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Figure A-3. Levee Section – Basic, with Floodwall on Crown.
Figure A-4. Levee Section with Blanket Drain.
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Figure A-5. Levee Section with Seepage or Stability Berm.
Figure A-6. Levee Section with Pervious Toe Trench.
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Figure A-7. Levee Section with Relief Well or Piezometer.
Figure A-8. Levee Section with Relief Well or Piezometer and Seepage Collector Ditch.
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Figure A-9. Levee Section with Sub-Levee.
Figure A-10. Levee Section with Stability Berm.
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Figure A-11. Levee Section with Cut-Off Wall and Impervious Berm.
Figure A-12. Levee Section with Constructed Impervious Blanket.
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Figure A-13. Levee Section with Planting Berm.
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Figure A-14. Levee Section with Planting Berm and Collector Drain.
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Figure A-15. Levee Section with Planting Berm and Blanket Drain.
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Figure A-16. Inverted-T Type Floodwall.
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Figure A-17. Inverted-T Type Floodwall with Drain.
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Figure A-18. Cantilever-I Type Sheet-Piling Floodwall.
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Figure A-19. Cantilever-I Type Sheet-Piling Floodwall with Drain.
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Figure A-20. Embankment Dam (Earth Fill, Rock Fill, or Earth and Rock Fill).
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Figure A-21. Embankment Dam (Earth Fill, Rock Fill, or Earth and Rock Fill).
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Figure A-22. Vegetation-Management Zone.
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Figure A-23. Levee Section with Ordinary High Water Mark above the Riverside Toe.
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Figure A-24. Levee (20 ft tall, 3:1 side slopes) with Trees, as Noted Above.
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Figure A-25. Levee (10 ft tall, 3:1 side slopes) with Trees, as Noted Above.
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Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Glossary of Terms
B-1. Acronyms and Abbreviations.
Term Definition
ASDSO Association of State Dam Safety Officials
CECW U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Directorate of Civil Works
CFR Code of the Federal Regulations
EC Engineer Circular
EM Engineer Manual
EOP Environmental Operating Principles
EP Engineer Pamphlet
ER Engineer Regulation
ETL Engineer Technical Letter
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program
O&M Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
SES Senior Executive Service
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
B-2. Glossary of Terms.
Critical Structure. A critical structure is any component of a flood damage reduction system
that contributes to system reliability.
Flood Damage Reduction (FDR) System. A flood damage reduction system is made up of one
or more flood damage reduction segments that collectively provide flood damage reduction to a
defined area. Failure of one segment within a system constitutes failure of the entire system.
Failure of one system does not affect another system.
Forb. A forb is an herbaceous (non-woody) annual, biennial, or perennial plant, other than
grass, sedges, and rushes (e.g., alfalfa, clover, vetch).
Herbivory. Herbivory is the consumption of vegetation by animals.
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Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). The Regulatory definition of the OHWM is provided
at 33 CFR Part 328.3(e), which states that:
The term ‘ordinary high water mark’ means that line on the shore established by the
fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line
impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destruction of terrestrial
vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the
characteristics of the surrounding areas.
The OHWM determines the lateral extent of the jurisdiction of the Corps within Waters of the
United States (see Figure A-23, [p A-19]).
Overbuild. Beyond the normal engineered cross-section of a levee, dam or appurtenant soil
structure, overbuild is additional soil mass, fulfilling flood-damage-reduction design criteria and
therefore subject to vegetation-free and root-free requirements.
Variance. A variance is a Corps-approved exemption from compliance with specific standards.