DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
DATE: February 14, 2023
SUBJECT: Medicaid/NCHC Procedures Due to COVID-19
Public Health Emergency Allowable Program
Changes and Terminations Amended 2
DISTRIBUTION: County Departments of Social Services
Medicaid Supervisors
Medicaid Eligibility Staff
On March 13, 2020, the President issued a proclamation declaring a national emergency
concerning the Coronavirus Disease outbreak (COVID-19).
The purpose of this letter is to provide instructions and clarification for circumstances
where certain program changes and/or case terminations are allowed during the COVID-
19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).
As a reminder, counties should continue to follow recertification/change in circumstance
procedures found in DHB Administrative Letter 09-20, Amended, Recertification
Procedures for COVID-19.
DHB Administrative Letter 02-21, NC Health Choice (NCHC) Beneficiary at the Age of
19 Procedures and Reports, is now obsolete. Information from DHB
Administrative Letter 02-21 that continues to be relevant has been included in this letter,
see section IV, below. In addition, guidance is provided for all NCHC beneficiaries who
are determined ineligible during the PHE.
This Administrative Letter is being amended for a second time due to new guidance from
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Previous instructions in section
III.D. have been removed as they are now obsolete.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
Guidance provided in section III, below, is in addition to guidance found in DHB
Administrative Letter 07-21, Recertification Procedures for COVID-19.
During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), caseworkers must not terminate
or reduce Medicaid eligibility. As a reminder, the following exceptions regarding
terminations are still applicable, as well as the other allowable reasons for changes and
terminations stated in this letter:
The beneficiary moves out of state
The beneficiary voluntarily requests termination of Medicaid/NC Health
Choice benefits
Death of the beneficiary
Beneficiary no longer meets the citizenship/immigration status requirements (see
DHB Administrative Letter 07-21, section III.D for more information)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued guidance regarding
programs which are considered to meet the criteria for Minimum Essential Coverage
Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)
When a beneficiary who is eligible for a Medicaid program that meets the MEC
requirements has a change that results in eligibility for a different Medicaid program,
the change can be made if the new Medicaid program also meets the requirements for
MEC. In addition, a beneficiary is also considered to meet MEC when they are
receiving Medicare and a MQB product, see Section E., for additional guidance.
There are some exceptions which are outlined below. If the new program of eligibility
has less coverage, the change cannot be made.
1. MAF cannot be moved to MPW
2. Medicaid cannot be moved to NC Health Choice
Non-MEC Programs
There are currently only two Medicaid programs that do not meet MEC requirements:
1. Medicaid for Family Planning (MAF-D) and
2. Medicaid for COVID-19 testing (MCV).
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
Changes allowed for these two programs are limited. The beneficiary can be moved
to a program with greater coverage but cannot be moved to one with a lesser coverage
MAF-D can move to a MEC program but cannot be moved to MCV.
MCV can move to MAF-D or a program that meets MEC.
o An application for Medicaid is required when MCV beneficiaries
report a change that would potentially make them eligible for a
greater program, including MAF-D. Counties should make the
beneficiary aware of the application process when the change is
Once the beneficiary is eligible for a program meeting MEC requirement, eligibility
must continue through the end of the month in which the PHE ends unless one of the
exceptions or allowable terminations included in this letter applies.
Allowable program changes
1. Certain changes are allowable if the new program allows the beneficiary to
continue eligibility with the same level of coverage. When the beneficiary is
currently eligible for a program that is considered MEC and reports a change
that results in eligibility in another program that meets MEC criteria, the
change can be made.
Example 1:
Mary and her 7-year-old son, Billy, are eligible for MAF-C. Mary reports at
recertification that she now has a part time job which increased her
household income above the MAF-C limit. Based on the new income, Billy is
now eligible for MIC-N. Because MIC-N meets the criteria for MEC, this is
an allowable change for Billy. Mary will move to Transitional Medicaid
This is an allowable change at recertification because MIC meets MEC
requirements for the child and the parent will continue to receive full
Medicaid through TMA, which is MEC.
During the PHE, if Mary has a change of circumstance or her recertification
must be completed that ends her TMA eligibility, the caseworker should
follow the procedures found in DHB Administrative Letter 09-20, Amended,
Recertification Procedures for COVID-19.
2. Changes cannot be made if the beneficiary will be moved to a lower level of
coverage or to a program within the same level but with less coverage.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
Example 2:
Johnny is receiving MAF-D only. At recertification, it is discovered that he is
no longer eligible for MAF-D or any other full Medicaid program but would
be eligible for MCV coverage only. Both MAF-D and MCV are considered to
be the same level of coverage, however, MAF-D provides a greater coverage
benefit for the beneficiary, therefore, Johnny must continue MAF-D during
the PHE. Follow procedures in DHB Administrative Letter 09-20, Amended,
Recertification Procedures for COVID-19.
3. As noted in example 2 above, MAF-D and MCV are in the same coverage
level. MCV eligible beneficiaries may be moved to MAF-D because it
provides greater coverage benefit. An application is required, see section
III.B. above.
Example 3:
Sally is eligible for and receiving MCV. She reports a change in circumstance
and is now potentially eligible for MAF-D. An application for Medicaid is
required. If Sally is determined eligible for MAF-D, authorize the MAF-D
case, and close the MCV case.
Allowable changes for dual eligible beneficiaries
Refer to DHB Administrative Letter 02-23, Medicaid Procedures Due to
COVID-19 Public Health EmergencyChange to Dually Eligible Procedures.
Evaluating and terminating cases authorized in error
Previous guidance advised counties that Medicaid could not be terminated, or benefits
decreased during the PHE, even if the case was authorized in error.
New guidance from CMS states that the requirement for continuous enrollment
applies only to those beneficiaries who are validly enrolled in Medicaid on or after
March 18, 2020. This applies to initial applications or recertifications that occurred
before March 18, 2020 as well as to applications or recertifications occurring during
the PHE.
When it is discovered at recertification or a reported change in circumstance that a
beneficiary has been authorized for Medicaid in error, the caseworker must evaluate
to determine if the beneficiary would be eligible based on the beneficiary’s current
A beneficiary is not considered validly enrolled when one of the following applies:
1. The determination of eligibility was incorrect at the time it was made due to
agency error.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
2. Eligibility was erroneously given due to beneficiary fraud or abuse. Fraud or
abuse is established when the beneficiary is convicted of fraud/abuse in a
court of law. Beneficiaries convicted of fraud/abuse by a court of law are
considered to be invalidly enrolled.
This does not apply when the applicant/beneficiary (a/b) makes a mistake or
inadvertent household error, or if fraud/abuse is suspected but not convicted.
If the a/b gave incorrect information by mistake and the information was
verified per applicable Medicaid or NC Health Choice policy, the a/b should
be considered to be validly enrolled.
a. Recertification:
Evaluate the beneficiary for all Medicaid/NC Health Choice
programs, including MCV.
If the beneficiary is now eligible under the same or greater
program, recertify the case. See MA-2320, Redetermination of
Eligibility, MA-3420, Re-Enrollment, and MA-3421 MAGI
If the beneficiary is now eligible for a lesser benefit, recertify after
timely notice requirements are met. See MA-2420/3430, Notice
and Hearings Process.
If the beneficiary is determined to be ineligible for all
Medicaid/NC Health Choice programs, terminate the case with
timely notice. See MA-2420/3430, Notice and Hearings Process.
b. Change of Circumstance:
Evaluate the beneficiary for all Medicaid/NC Health Choice
programs, including MCV.
If the beneficiary is now eligible under the same program, continue
eligibility for the remainder of the original certification period.
If the beneficiary is now eligible for a greater program, certify the
correct program for a new 6/12-month certification period.
If the beneficiary is now eligible for a lesser benefit, recertify after
timely notice requirements are met. See MA-2420/3430, Notice
and Hearings Process, then certify the correct program for the
remainder of the original certification period.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
If the beneficiary is determined to be ineligible for all
Medicaid/NC Health Choice programs, terminate the case with
timely notice. See MA-2420/3430, Notice and Hearings Process.
Excluding cases from automatic extension in NC FAST
In order to allow the termination of cases addressed in this letter, counties should
continue to notify their assigned OST representative of all cases that should not be
extended via the monthly batches for COVID Extensions, Hawkins Extensions, and
the End of the Month Data Fix. (See Amended DHB Administrative Letter 09-20 for
more information about these extensions.) Counties should send a list of all cases that
should be excluded from the extensions to their OST no later than the third to the
last workday of each month. Failure to provide this information to your OST will
result in cases being extended in error.
CMS has provided guidance that any NCHC beneficiaries who are determined to be
ineligible for NCHC either at critical age review when the beneficiary turns age 19,
change of circumstance, or at recertification, are not protected in continuous coverage
during the PHE. These beneficiaries must be evaluated for all other Medicaid programs,
including MCV.
Counties should continue to work the Critical Age Report in NC FAST for beneficiaries
who turn age 19 and mark the report complete so the individual falls off the critical age
June 2021 will be the last month that NCHC cases will be extended via the COVID
extension and monthly data-fix. When the county discovers that a NCHC beneficiary no
longer meets the eligibility requirements for NCHC, either at critical age review, change
of circumstance, or at recertification, the caseworker should follow applicable policy
found in MA-3255, NC Health Choice, and MA-3430, Notice and Hearings Process.
Counties should work the pending recertification report and prioritize NCHC cases
previously extended in NC FAST due to COVID-19.
Caseworkers should complete an ex-parte review following policy in MA-3421, MAGI
As a reminder:
Requesting Information
1. Recertificationeligibility determination completed at the end of certification
period requires NCF-20020 if continuing eligibility cannot be established with
electronic matches or information in other cases.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
2. Redetermination eligibility determination completed during the current
certification period when there is a change in circumstance, the DHB-5097 is
used to request any needed information. The NCF-20020 is not sent.
1. If the beneficiary is determined to be eligible for a greater benefit, authorize
the appropriate Medicaid program. Follow adequate notice policy found in
MA-3430, Notice and Hearings Process.
2. If the beneficiary is determined to be eligible for the lesser benefit of
Medicaid for Family Planning (MAF-D) or Medicaid for Coronavirus (MCV),
authorize the MAF-D or MCV case and follow timely notice policy found in
MA-3430, Notice and Hearings Process.
3. If the beneficiary is determined to be ineligible for all Medicaid programs,
terminate the NCHC case and follow timely notice policy found in MA-3430,
Notice and Hearings Process.
Jane, who is 10 years old, is receiving NCHC. At recertification, it is
determined that the household income is now above the allowable limits for
NCHC. The caseworker evaluates for all other Medicaid programs and Jane is
now only eligible for MAF-D. Timely notice is sent and Jane’s NCHC is
terminated, and she is placed in MAF-D.
Terminating NCHC in NC FAST
1. Caseworkers must ensure that a timely DSS-8110, Notice of Modification,
Termination, or Continuation of Public Assistance, is generated in NC FAST.
2. Select the correct reason, outcome, and change date. Follow NC FAST job
aid, MA/MAGI DSS-8110 Notice of Modification, Termination or
Continuation of Public Assistance.
3. Beginning in July 2021, NCHC Product Delivery Cases (PDC) will not be
extended via the monthly batches for COVID Extensions and the End of the
Month Data Fix.
4. NCHC PDC’s that the county is unable to complete the recertification or
change of circumstance timely will continue to be extended one month at a
time with the Hawkins extension batch.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D145942-6BEB-41BE-8CB8-3F00CFE6975D
Hawkins v. Cohen procedures
Policy concerning Hawkins v. Cohen continues to apply. Before taking any action to
terminate or reduce benefits for these NCHC beneficiaries, the caseworker must
follow procedures found in DHB Administrative Letter 03-19, Hawkins v. Cohen
1. If it is determined that the beneficiary submitted or requested an application
for Medicaid for the Disabled (MAD) within the required timeframe found in
DHB Administrative Letter 03-19, the beneficiary’s NCHC benefits are
protected. The caseworker should follow guidance in Administrative Letter
03-19 to continue NCHC benefits until a disability decision is made.
2. Failure to complete the ex-parte review process in the required timeframe will
result in the NCHC eligibility being extended by NC FAST monthly via the
“Hawkins Extension” until the recertification is completed. These cases will
be listed on the Hawkins Extension Report
These policies and procedures are effective immediately for applications and
recertifications. This also includes applications or recertifications currently in process.
Counties will be notified of any changes to the above guidance.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact your Medicaid Operational
Support Team representative.
Dave Richard
Deputy Secretary, NC Medicaid